Wellbeing Workbook High School

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Your life can be roughly divided into four areas to think about where you are right now. Work/Education includes workplace, career, education, new skills

SENIOR – What What Matters To Matters? You?

Relationships includes parents, friends, relatives, coworkers and other social acquaintances.

Personal health can include religion, faith, spirituality, creativity, life skills, nutrition, exercise, health risk factors such as overeating. smoking or drinking. è What sort of person do you want to be? è Have you really thought about what matters to you? Leisure can be how you play, relax, enjoy yourself for rest, recreation, fun and creativity. è What personal strengths or qualities do you want to develop? è What are your values? Where are you on è theHow bull’sdo eye? you want others to see you? è What do you want to do with your life? Put an x for each area of where you are now.

Your life can be roughly divided into four areas to think about where you are right now.

I am behaving like the person I want to be.

My behaviour is far removed from the way I’d like to be.





Work/Education includes workplace, career, education, new skills Relationships includes parents, friends, relatives, co-workers and other social acquaintances. Personal health can include religion, faith, spirituality, creativity, life skills, nutrition, exercise, health risk factors such as overeating, lack of exercise. Leisure can be how you play, relax, enjoy yourself for rest, recreation, fun and creativity. Where are you on the bull’s eye?

1. Which areas do you feel happy with how you are behaving and progressing?

2. Which areas do you feel you need to work on and try and improve?

Write two actions you can take to improve an area of your life and make what matters to you?

Share what matters to you with a friend. Do they agree? What do they feel are your strong areas or areas which you could improve? WELLBEING WORKBOOK – HIGH SCHOOL | 5

Senior – Is Media Social Media Making Happy? Is Social Making UsUsHappy? WELLBEING BUILDER

Social Networking Wellbeing Bank: to add to my Relationships and Optimism through using social networking ethically and sensibly. Social networking is a wonderful medium of communication when not used excessively and balanced with face-to-face interactions with others. Unfortunately, this is often not the case with people of your age and the negative impacts on your physical and mental wellbeing can be quite serious. Well over 60% of young people are now reporting feeling unhappy and exhausted by being permanently switched on and are keen to connect with themselves, to watch their own thoughts coming and going, instead of everyone else’s. As mentioned earlier, the overuse of social media is spiraling out of control and responsible for widespread youth sleep deprivation through 24/7 connection; invisible and cowardly bullying; restricted personal and academic growth and obsession with a fear of missing out. Which of these affect you? There are both acceptable and unacceptable ways to use social networking. Describe what you believe both of these could include.

è Are you always checking your phone? Are you always updating with your friends what you are doing? Social media has changed how we live our lives.

What are the benefits of social media?

è What are the pressures and negative aspects of social media?

Acceptable: ............................................................................ ............................................................................................... Unacceptable: ........................................................................ ............................................................................................... Describe what you think are the benefits and drawbacks of being connected 24/7. Benefits: ................................................................................. ............................................................................................... Drawbacks: ............................................................................ ...............................................................................................


What are two things I will start doing to use social networking more sensibly so I can have more time to connect with myself?




MATTER VIDEOS Sharing Happiness – daily make a one or two minute video of something that matters to me and show them to my family and friends.

è So, is social media really making you happy? There is constant ‘social pressure’ to belong, to be involved and to be part of it 24/7. Research has shown that 60% of people feel exhausted with this permanently ‘switched on’ lifestyle, with some people even taking breaks from social networks and refusing to use them for a period of time. People are reporting that they feel exhausted from their digital interactions and saying it is making them unhappy.

Why do you think people are starting to say it is making them unhappy?

How does social media make you feel?

How does social media make you feel? Social media is unlikely to go away anytime soon as there are more and more smartphones being used and increasingly connecting people. So next time you think about sharing photos, videos and status updates with your ‘friends’, just think… Is your showing off leading them to switch off?? Reference: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/owen-lee/social-media-addiction-and-unhappiness_b_4113192.html

Would you think of reducing your social media usage? A few facts about social media • the average social network user has 303 friends on their account but is likely to have meaningful friendships with only 10% of these. This means therefore that the majority of the status updates, Social media is unlikely to go away anytime soon as there are more and more smartphones usedweand increasingly pictures, videosbeing and comments are exposed to on socialconnecting media is irrelevantpeople. or of little interest. 18-29 year oldsjust have think… an 89% usage So next time you think about sharing photos, videos and status updates with your• ‘friends’, Is your showing off leading them to • Time spent on Facebook top three countries – USA, Australia, Britain switch off?? • 71% of users access social media from a mobile device Reference: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/owen-lee/social-media-addiction-and-unhappiness_b_4113192.html • There are now over 550 million registered users on Twitter • Twitter was the fastest growing network with a 44% growth from 2012-2013 Would you think of reducing your social media usage? • Users send out 58 million tweets per day, with 9,100 happening every second. However, there are 222 million Twitters who just watch other people’s tweets A few facts about social media • 91% of mobile Internet access is for social activities with 73% of smartphone owners accessing networks through appsfriendships at least once perwith day. only 10% of these. This • the average social network user has 303 friends on their account but is likely tosocial have meaningful Ref: http://www.jeffbullas.com/2014/01/17/20-social-media-facts-and-statistics-you-should-know-in-2014/,

• • • • • • •

means therefore that the majority of the status updates, pictures, videos and http://www.searchenginejournal.com/25-insane-social-media-facts/79645/ comments we are exposed to on social media is irrelevant or of little interest. 18-29 year olds have an 89% usage Time spent on Facebook top three countries – USA, Australia, Britain 71% of users access social media from a mobile device There are now over 550 million registered users on Twitter Twitter was the fastest growing network with a 44% growth from 2012-2013 Users send out 58 million tweets per day, with 9,100 happening every second. However, there are 222 million Twitters who just watch other people’s tweets 91% of mobile Internet access is for social activities with 73% of smartphone owners accessing social networks through apps at least once per day.

Ref: http://www.jeffbullas.com/2014/01/17/20-social-media-facts-and-statistics-you-shouldknow-in-2014/, http://www.searchenginejournal.com/25-insane-social-media-facts/79645/


Senior – Procrastination Procrastination è What is procrastination?


è If you really are honest with yourself, you probably know when you are procrastinating. We all do it, some just more than others.

9:51 10:15 8:20 7:23 3:38 5:30 4.42

Avoiding Procrastination

Wellbeing Bank: to raise my Positive Engagement through learning how to avoid procrastination. Procrastination is the enemy of personal and academic growth and happens when you don’t follow through on the first of the 3Fs process to achieve mastery. That is Focus, which is paying attention to what you want to accomplish.

è Here are some sure signs of procrastination:


Filling in your day with things that aren’t that important.

Reading things several times without starting work or deciding what to do

Sitting down to start some Time work then getting up again to Career and Management get some food or a drink

Leaving something on your list of to do’s for a long time and

Saying ‘yes’ to unimportant tasks that you don’t really need

keep avoiding it PROCRASTINATION

→ What is procrastination?to do but fills in your time instead of getting on with what is

important. → If you really are honest with yourself, you probably know when you are When this occurs, you focus on other • Waiting for the right mood or the right time to do something. procrastinating. We all do it, some just more than others. things including lacking confidence to complete the task; being afraid of Have you done any of these? Do you regularly procrastinate? →obsessed Here are some sure signs of procrastinationunpleasant outcomes; being a perfectionist and When you try to manage your time, what is your biggest issue? (too with details and lacking prioritising skills. • Filling in your busy, day with thatprocrastination, aren’t that important. forgetthings deadlines, etc.) Describe three things you procrastinate doing. • Reading things several times without starting work or deciding what to do

• Sitting down to start some work then getting up again to get some food or a drink • Leaving something on your list of to do’s for a long time and keep avoiding it .............................................................................................. • Saying ‘yes’ to unimportant tasks that you don’t really need to do but fills in your time instead of getting on with what is important. .............................................................................................. • Waiting for the right mood or the right time to do something. ..............................................................................................


Have you done any of these? Do you regularly procrastinate?

.............................................................................................. When you try to manage your time, what is your biggest issue? (too busy, forget What is one way you could try and address this issue you identified? deadlines, To avoid procrastination, concentrate on the 3Fs (Focus, procrastination, etc.) Feedback and Fix) to maintain your Focus, by identifying tasks that you regularly delay doing and putting up a list of ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ them in your study area. Also, a list of expectations you have of yourself and time targets to accomplish each of them will ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ assist. Over breakfast, create a Things To Do list of your priorities for the day and use the power of positive self-talk to maintain What is one way you could try and address this issue you identified? your Focus to complete them. Beware of the bouncing effect of skipping from task to task without completing any of them.




What are two things I will start doing to use the 3Fs to avoid procrastination?




a diagram, or words showing how Draw aDraw diagram, imagesimages or words showing how you areyou are

Draw diagram, images images or or words showing showing how you are are Some ideas how beat aa diagram, Some ideas how beattoDraw you SomeSome ideas how to Draw aapply diagram, images orhow words showing Some ideas how totobeat beat going tothese thesewords ideas. Useimages these images to help you how you are going to apply these ideas. Use these goingtoto apply these ideas. Use these images tohelp helpyou you ideas how to beat going apply ideas. Use these to going tovisualise apply these ideas. Use these images to help you procrastination. images to help you visualise yourself doing them. yourself doing them. visualise yourself doing them. visualise yourself doing them. visualise yourself doing them.

Get rid of distractions (turn off mobile, computer, computer, computer, socialcomputer, media, computer, social media, socialmedia, media, social social and media, television television television television television do some work) anddo doand do and and do some some some some work) work) work) work)

Use headphones Use headphones Useheadphones headphones Use Use headphones

(get rid of distracting noises orby talking noisesornoises ortalking talking by by noises noisesby orlistening talking to by some or talking listening to some listening to some music) listening to to some some music) music) music) listening music)

Set time limits (give to yourself set time to to awork/study to work/study and setand and aaa set a to work/study work/study andaset settime work/study and set for a timed break)

Know your energy cycle (workyou when (workwhen when you feelyou feel (work feel (work when you feel awake, not when younot (workawake, when you feel awake, awake,not notwhen when you you awake, not when you areexhausted) exhausted) areexhausted) exhausted) whenare you are are exhausted) Know your energycycle cycle energy KnowKnow youryour energy Know your energycycle cycle

Draw a diagram, images or words showing how you are going to apply these ideas. Use these images to help you visualise yourself doingorthem. Draw a diagram, images words showing how you are Somehow ideas how toDraw beat a diagram, images or words showing how you are Some ideas to beat applyideas. theseUse ideas. Useimages these to images to help you going togoing applytothese these help you Be accountable doing them. visualisevisualise yourselfyourself doing them. (ask family members or to remind you Befriends accountable Be accountable Be accountable ofmembers your task if you get (ask family members or (ask family (ask family members oror distracted. Orfriends write friends to you remind you the friends to remind to remind you of your task if down of task your taskget ifsoyou get of your task if you everyone you get distracted. OrOrthe write the distracted. write the distracted. Or write knows task downwhat so task down so everyone task down so you should everyone knows whateveryone you be doing) knows what knows what should be doing) you should you should Reward be doing) yourself be doing) (think of a treat you can give yourself when Reward yourself Reward yourself Reward yourself areyou a done treat and you have (think of(think ayou treatof (think of a treat youyourself can give stayed on task) give when can givecan yourself when yourself when you are done done you are you doneare and haveand have and have task) stayed on task) stayedstayed on task)on Some ideas how to beat

Can you add any other ideas? Try and draw yourself orany a diagram Can you other Can you add anyadd other Can you add any other ideas? Try and draw ideas? anddraw draw ideas? TryTry and yourself or a diagram yourselfyourself or a diagram

or a diagram representing you not procrastinating!


to think why certain techniques worked well for you a notyou andneed develop yourabout own approach. not and develop your own approach. What are three things you are going to try next time you need to study b What are three things you are going to try next time you need to stud

Senior – Preparing For An Exam Preparing For An Exam 1.



è Most people feel nervous about sitting exams, it is normal. You may think you won’t know the answer, get caught out with 2. something you didn’t study, or you might fail.

2.How do you feel when you have an exam?

These can all be useful techniques either on their own or in combination. However, now Structured Research Process

you need to think about why certain techniques3.worked well for you and why others did Wellbeing Bank: build my Skills andown Achievement through 3. 1. I am often frustrated at exam times. not to and develop your approach. using a structured research process. What are three things you are going to try next time you need to study before an exam? Using a structured and more intelligent research process will provide patterns for your brain and promote academic growth.

1. Describe the process you currently use to research.


2. I seem to spend a lot of time revising and not getting good results.

Remember before 3. I am not sure the if myexam: techniques are the most Remember before exam: These can all be useful techniques either on their own or inthe combination. However, nowyou will not do well. efficient. • If you are too tired when you go into the exam, .............................................................................................. you need to think about why certain techniques worked well for you and why others did you will not do wel • If you are too tired when you go into the exam, • If you are still learning information right up to the last few hours befo not and develop your own approach. Iyou mainly late. .............................................................................................. • 4.IfNOT areleave still revision learning information right up to the last few hours be 2. will remember all ofuntil it.it is almost too What are three things you are going to try next timeremember you need toallstudy will NOT of it. before an exam? • Relaxation is important. .............................................................................................. If you ticked one of these, it is time to start thinking about how • have Relaxation is important. •to improve During revision preparing make for an sure exam.that you have some rest periods. Short bre 1. .............................................................................................. •prepared During revision to make for yourself aimsure for. that you have some rest periods. Short b 3. Betreats treats for yourself to aim for. Following is a structured research process: •Most Physical activity, joggingand or dancing, canthey stimulate students use thesuch sameas strategies wonder why don’t your brain i • Physical activity, as jogging orthe dancing, can improve oryou aren’t efficient with their time. Preparation is not juststimulate your bra Defining: describe the topic and aims when are tryingsuch to remember all information. about when settingyou a timetable and to arranging your files and information. books on your in your own words and divide the are trying remember all the 2. •work Relaxation suchabout as yoga, arehave goodrevised for clearing space. Youexercises, need to think how you before; the mind rea investigation into smaller pieces. On • Relaxation exercises, asgood yoga,results?) are good clearing the mind r study period. analyse what worked well (did such you get andfor what your phone and year planner set time Remember before the exam: study period. didn’t work well (did you get bad results?). targets for data collection, analysis, drafting and•completion finaltired report.when you go into the exam, you will not do well. If you areoftoo 3. Locating: establish resources from the information right up to the last few hours before the exam, you • If you are still learning internet, books and library and check if will NOT remember all of it. they are up to date. • Relaxation important. Selecting: identify the most is suitable method of gathering information •andDuring check the accuracy of web revision make suredata. that you have some rest periods. Short breaks are best – set Organising: analyse and interpret gathered treats for yourself tobefore aiminformation, for. Remember the exam: looking for bias, inference or hidden messages. Synthesise • Physical suchtoo as tired jogging or dancing, canthe stimulate yourwill brain more activity If you are when you go into exam, you notinto do well. into a coherent unit. •activity, when you are trying to remember all the information. • Ifreport you are right up to the last few hours before the exam, you Presenting: prepare a draft and still seeklearning feedbackinformation on it from teachers and family.will UseNOT relevant feedback in your • Relaxation exercises, such as yoga, remember all ofare it. good for clearing the mind ready for the next report. You willstudy be assessed on your conclusions, analysis, period. • Relaxation is important. arguments and interpretations.

• During make sure that you have some rest periods. Short breaks are best – set Evaluating: assess the process andrevision findings to identify stages that require improvement well was the for. treatsand for how yourself to aim topic addressed.

• Physical activity, such as jogging or dancing, can stimulate your brain into more activity when you are trying to remember all the information. • Relaxation exercises, such as yoga, are good for clearing the mind ready for the next What are two things I will startstudy doingperiod. to improve the


process I use to research?




and why others did

before an exam? dy before an exam?

Which of these revision techniques worked well for you and which didn’t?


Writing out my notes again and again helped me to remember facts and information Reducing information into shorter notes helped me to remember facts and information Memorising essay answers Writing out sample essay answers under timed conditions Using mindmaps or diagrams helped me to remember facts and information Recording important information and playing this over and over again Revising with friends Using colour (coloured highlighters, for example) to help me to summarise and understand key points and to remember facts and information Reading my notes (without any other activity)

Writing out essay plans from past questions ll. ore the exam, you efore the exam, you long periods revising a week before Spending Using memory triggers to help me remember

eaks are best – set Using key words as the basis for understanding breaks are best – set

Any other method you have used... into more activity ain into more activity

Discuss with a group of four the different approaches you have to study. Write a combined list of the different approaches. Cross off the ones

you don’t think would work for you. Highlight the ones you use. Circle the ideas you would like to try. ady for the next ready for the next

_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ These can all be useful techniques either on their own or in combination. However, now you need to think about why certain techniques worked well for you and why others did not and develop your own approach. What are three things you are going to try next time you need to study before an exam? 1. 2. 3. Remember before the exam: •

If you are too tired when you go into the exam, you will not do well.

If you are still learning information right up to the last few hours before the exam, you will NOT remember all of it.

Relaxation is important.

During revision make sure that you have some rest periods. Short breaks are best – set treats for yourself to aim for.

Physical activity, such as jogging or dancing, can stimulate your brain into more activity when you are trying to remember all the information.

Relaxation exercises, such as yoga, are good for clearing the mind ready for the next study period. 169 WELLBEING WORKBOOK – HIGH SCHOOL | 69



Responding Enthusiastically


Wellbeing Bank: to build my Relationships and Optimism through listening and responding to others’ good news stories enthusiastically.

When feeling negative about a situation, try using a positive emotion or action to override any negative self-thoughts or self-talk. When you have a negative thought say ‘Stop’ to yourself. Write the negative thought/outcome in the left hand column, then take a breath and deliberately write a positive thought/outcome opposite and say it out loud to yourself.

When you are sharing a story with others, it is obvious whether they are interested or not, by observing their body language. Describe how do you respond when listening to others? .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. Enthusiastically listening to others’ stories and using welcoming body language is called Active Constructive Responding (ACR); ACR shows you value what they are saying. Listening quietly to their story, without energy or enthusiasm is called Passive Constructive Responding; tolerating, but not valuing them. Quietly changing the focus onto things that you have done and are interested in, is called Passive Destructive Responding; showing little interest in them or their story. Dismissing their story arrogantly as unimportant and changing the subject is called Active Destructive Responding; not valuing them or their story. ACR is the only responding style which builds healthy relationships and involves making eye contact, using welcoming body language and asking them to tell you more. They feel that you think they matter and have the opportunity to relive and savour their experience and positive emotions again. Acknowledgement: Shelly Gable

ACTIONS What are two things I will start doing to use ACR when I’m listening to others to build healthy relationships?




Negative Thoughts

Positive Thoughts



FIVE things I would like to change.

Failing well, accepting that mistakes are part of life, forgiving yourself for making them and then learning new approaches to correct them are valuable skills to develop. Describe a time you used these and succeeded.

RESILIENCE Negative thinkers look for what is wrong in what they are doing and with a fixed mindset keep doing the same things and eventually give up. They use negative self-talk. Describe a time you have been in this position and how did it feel? What are two things you could have done to turn the situation around?

WELLBEING FITNESS CHALLENGE TELL ME MORE Interested Listening – when listening to others, before I speak I will ask them to tell me more about what they are talking about at least three times.



Seniorof Kindness Acts WELLBEING BUILDER


Selfless Acts Of Kindness

Acts Of Kindness

Wellbeing Bank: to build my Meaning and Purpose through mindfully looking for opportunities to do acts of kindness for others.

Think of and write below, at least three acts of kindness you will do for someone else for each day of the week. Could be smiling, saying hello, helping in some way, opening the door for them ...

An admirable way you live your life is to do good to feel good. Famous eye surgeon, the late Fred Hollows, lived by a Ralph Waldo Emerson poem, which finished with ... “to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived, this is to have succeeded.” It is interesting that most people gain far greater joy and satisfaction from doing acts of kindness for others than from receiving them. Acts of kindness are not about doing big things, but rather doing little things often, which add up to make a big difference to your and others’ state of wellbeing. Describe acts of kindness you have done or received. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. When you do acts of kindness to make others’ lives better, the flow on effect is that you experience positive emotions, which make you feel happy and fulfilled. Always be on the lookout for opportunities to give of yourself to grow personally. Thank others who do acts of kindness for you. Beware of becoming self-centred and only focusing on yourself.

ACTIONS What are two things I will start doing to do more acts of kindness for others?







FIVE positive things my family says to me.

Make a list of the hidden people who selflessly give of themselves to support you to have a good life. Then go and thank each of them individually and tell them you really appreciate their efforts.

RESILIENCE There will be times when different members of your peer and friendships groups are struggling to cope and encouraging them to use positive self-talk is a proactive way to help them overcome their troubles. With a friend describe five times this has happened and the positive self-talk you did or could have suggested.

WELLBEING FITNESS CHALLENGE OTHERS MATTER Acts of Kindness – looking for at least two opportunities to give of myself to make others’ lives better and recognising when others do kind things for me by thanking them.



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