Family, Friends & Gratitude
Gratitude Thoughts
Wellbeing Bank: to grow my Relationships and Optimism by enjoying positive and grateful relationships with my family and friends.
Think of a person who has done something special for you. What would you say to thank them, how would it make them feel and how would you feel?
Feeling gratitude and joy by enjoying a sense of belonging with family and friends, is the largest contributor to creating your wellbeing. Together you all achieve this by looking for what is good in what you are doing, celebrating happy times and sticking together in tough times, doing good to feel good, combining your strengths to grow and exercising and having fun together. Put them before yourself. Say five positive comments for every negative one. Describe your relationships with your family and friends. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. When your family asks you to lift your efforts at school, lighten up, they only want to help you. Put your Personal Timetable on the fridge and ask them to help you with your school work. When with friends, be the real you, not some pretend image and value the person you see in the mirror. Acknowledgement: E. Diener & R. Rothenthal
ACTIONS What are two things I will start doing to feel gratitude and joy with family and friends?
Junior – A Lifestyle Healthy Lifestyle A Healthy WELLBEING BUILDER
Thriving Through Exercise Wellbeing Bank: to develop my Exercise and Vitality by exercising for at least an hour every day. You have a simple choice to make as to whether you enjoy a healthy state of physical wellbeing and growth or not. Making time to exercise for an hour every day, helps you avoid illness, diabetes or obesity. Adopting a growth mindset towards making active exercise and leisure a priority will keep your mind and body in good shape. Plan how you will exercise, when you will do it, who with and write them on your personal timetable. Describe how you currently exercise. ..............................................................................................
If you maintain good food habits and daily physical activity you will be well on your way to a healthy life. “Easy to say, but sometimes not so easy to do!” Our lifestyles are often very busy, rushing to and from school and work which can make it hard to find time to be physically active. It is often easier to choose quick unhealthy snacks and take-away foods or spend free time watching TV or in front of the computer. These choices can be dangerous for our health both now and in the future. It is important we stop and think about what kind of lifestyle we want to live and how to follow a healthy lifestyle. The ‘5 ways to a Healthy Lifestyle’ diagram shows images of how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Explain what each icon is promoting:
2. ________________________________
.............................................................................................. There are many exciting and varied ways for you to have a pulse lifting physical workout, which will release feel good brains chemicals, called endorphins, into your bloodstream. Exercising with friends and family builds relationships and enables all of you to experience positive emotions, which will relieve tension and anxiety. Acknowledgement: Healthline
ACTIONS What are two things I will start doing to adopt a growth mindset to make daily exercise a priority?
3. _______________________________ _________________________________ 4. _______________________________ _________________________________ 5. _______________________________ _________________________________
ways to a healthy lifestyle
How healthy is your lifestyle? Write down how you keep healthy. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ How could you make your lifestyle healthier? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Write down 2 actions you are going to work on to stay healthy. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Write a poem or draw a picture/poster/diagram about the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
Aiming High Focus on what you can control:
positive • attitudes and your thinking
time • management
è If you keep doing the same things, you’ll keep getting the same results.
distractions. • you are aiming for won’t just happen. You need to set yourself goals and a plan of how you are going to get there. è Achieving what Focus on what you can control:
Close your eyes and really think about where you would like to be in 5 years’ time. What to be feeling?
• positive attitudes and your thinking do you want to have, where do you want to be living, how do you want • time management •Is distractions. there one goal you would like to have achieved in 5 years’ time?
Close your eyes and really think about where you would like to be in 5 years’ time. What do you want to have, where do you want to be What goal? living, howisdothat you want to be feeling? Is there one goal you would like to have achieved in 5 years’ time? What is that goal?
__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Draw yourself achieving the goal you are aiming for, don’t forget to aim high. Alternatively create a comic strip of you getting your goal.
Draw yourself achieving the goal you are aiming for, don’t forget to aim high. Alternatively create a comic strip of you getting your goal.
How are you going to get there? Think carefully about the main things you need to do to achieve your goal. Things I need to change or improve. School and learning
Home and family
Friends and myself
How will I make a change or improve? Who can help me?
Junior – Prioritising Prioritising WELLBEING BUILDER
Valuing And Organising Time Wellbeing Bank: to add to my Meaning and Purpose by having a growth mindset to value and organise my time on a timetable. Positive students value their time and see organising it as the way to achieve their set goals and to do this they create a personal timetable. They use their time to learn and try new things to grow their personal and learning abilities, they have a purpose which motivates their efforts. Describe how you currently organise your time. .............................................................................................. ..............................................................................................
How do you choose what to do when?
You can’t do everything even though you may want to. balance in your life.
Your time can be divided into two categories: • those activities you have no choice in are called ‘MUSTS’ such as study, jobs, family commitments.
• those you do have a choice in are called ‘OPTIONS’ such as TV, social media, recreational activities.
.............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. To create your personal timetable look at the sample timetable on page 125 for ideas. Write in your musts and options on a blank timetable. Fill in the suggested number of home learning sessions. Finish each session with a five minute review of what you did and also set 10 minute weekly revision time slots for each of your subjects.
There is also that time between your ‘MUSTS’ and ‘OPTIONS’, which is called ‘nothing time’. It is good to sometimes have down time but you need to be careful not to waste your time.
Put in when you will exercise for an hour. Stick a copy of it on the fridge to include your parents.
ACTIONS What are two things I will start doing to value and organise my time on a timetable?
Home Study Habits There is more to study than just taking notes or reading. Good study habits can assist you with your learning and skills for life. To try and improve your study habits let’s look at your strengths and weaknesses. This SWOT Analysis is a tool that can help you do that.
e.g. I am organised.
e.g. I get distracted easily.
e.g. I could do more revision.
e.g. Too many after school activities.
Some studying and exam preparation secrets.
Ü Set goals – studying for 2 hours means nothing, instead try a goal such as writing 300 words about the topic.
Ü Manage your time – work out your priorities.
Ü Aim to understand – looking for concepts and arguments will allow you to remember more than if you just study facts.
Ü Do the hard stuff first – this will ensure you don’t leave it until the last minute. As you study, what you study is getting easier.
Ü Don’t cram – if you stay up late it doesn’t help, it just makes you tired the next day. Studies show you don’t take in much when tired.
Ü Get rest, stay healthy – this is important for sustained energy. Ü Be organised – make a homework/study timetable.
Junior – Decision Decision Making Making WELLBEING BUILDER
How Can You Solve Problems? To solve problems effectively they need to be: clearly understood approached using logical step by step thinking and quick fix solutions avoided you begin the process immediately Describe how you currently solve problems ............................ ............................................................................................... An effective process is... Defining the problem: beginning by describing it in your own words seeking other points of view on the problem breaking it down into smaller tasks brainstorming all possible solutions; even silly ones. Evaluating solutions: judging the success of each solution using Thinking Tools will create clear brain pathways for your thinking to follow such as Connect, Extend, Challenge and Points of the Compass
è No one is born with decision making skills. It is a skill that needs to be learnt and strengthened. Some of us can do it better than others. This means the more you make decisions the better you’ll get at it. è Some people get nervous when it comes to making decisions because they’re afraid they’ll make a bad decision. Whenever you have more than one option, there’s always a chance you’ll make a ‘better’ or a ‘worse’ decision. Therefore it is always important to think about possible consequences of your decision before you make it. è Decisions such as which shoes to wear with which outfit, doesn’t need great decision making skills or planning. While decisions such as picking what subjects to study, getting a job or just focusing on school, figuring out if your friends are true friends, or whether or not to report bullying or a crime you DECISION MAKING witnessed usually require more thought.
→ No one is born with decision making skills. It is a skill that needs to be learnt and strengthened. Some of us can do it better than others. This means the more you è There is no right or wrong answer to many of the situations. make decisions the better you’ll get at it.
You’ll have to make a choice depending on what you know
→ Some people get nervous when it comes to making decisions because they’re afraid about yourself, your situation life, more your than needs wants, andalways they’ll make a bad decision. Whenever youinhave oneand option, there’s a chancewhat you’llyou makethink a ‘better’ or a ‘worse’ will work best fordecision. you. Therefore it is always important to think about possible consequences of your decision before you make it. → Decisions such as which shoes to wear with which outfit, doesn’t need great decision making skills or planning. While decisions such as picking what subjects to study, getting a job or just focusing on school, figuring out if your friends are true friends, or whether or not to report bullying or a crime you witnessed usually require more thought. → There is no right or wrong answer to many of the situations. You’ll have to make a choice depending on what you know about yourself, your situation in life, your needs and wants, and what you think will work best for you.
choosing the best solution or perhaps a combination. Implementing the solution: planning the process to follow what resources are needed to overcome hurdles? what format will you use? what do you need to learn more about? Working the plan: logically, step-by-step, implementing the solution encouraging feedback to evaluate your success in solving the problem checking your results. Actions: What are two things I will start doing to improve my approach to solving problems? .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. 182
In control of attitude and my behaviour? Involved in a variety of extra school activities?
How Well Are You Going? Extra research for assignments? Strive to do my best?
è It is important to reflect on what you do and how well you do it. •
What worked well and why?
What did I most love doing?
What didn’t work and why?
What am I inspired to achieve next?
Rate yourself on each question using A – always, B – usually, C – sometimes, D – not yet. School and learning
What do you need to work on?
Focused in class? Complete all set work on time? Complete work to the best of my ability? Ask questions to better understand in class? Seek out teacher to ask for more help? In control of attitude and my behaviour? Involved in a variety of extra school activities? Extra research for assignments?
Write down three areas in which you are proud of your achievements.
Strive to do my best?
______________________________________________________________________ Write down three areas in which you are proud of your achievements. 1.
______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
Pick two areas you are going to work on 90 | WELLBEING WORKBOOK – MIDDLE SCHOOL to try and improve.
what are some strategies for you to work on?
Junior Someone You Admire Interview WELLBEING BUILDER
Who Do You Admire? Learning from others, who role model inspiring and self-disciplined behaviours, is a powerful way for you to move forward to becoming your best possible self. Think of a person whose achievements you admire and ask if you can interview him or her. Following below are questions you could ask to maximise what you learn during the interview. Create some questions of your own should you wish.
Interviewee's name: Interviewer: I would like to interview you because I admire you and wish to learn how you became who you are today. I admire you because
Describe a time in your life when things didn’t go the way you wanted them to go and any mistakes you made.
Did you ever feel like giving up? What did you do to keep going, how did you feel and what strengths did you use?
What was the final outcome?
What did you learn from this experience?
How did these things help you to become who you are today?
End of interview: I appreciate you sharing with me how you became who you are today, thank you. What did I learn about this person I admire?
What did I learn about how to keep going when things don’t go my way?
ACTION: What are two things I will start doing in my life from now on?
Junior – MyHealth Mental Health My Mental WELLBEING BUILDER
Skills Of Resilience Wellbeing Bank: to develop my Strengths and Emotions by building the skills of resilience in myself. There will be times in everyone’s lives when they find themselves in difficult situations which require them to be resilient. Most people describe resilience as being able to bounce back from setbacks when things don’t go their way and to overcome challenges. Describe what you currently do when this happens. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. There are a set of seven skills that you need to build into yourself which will enable you to bounce back. Following below are these skills and how to develop them in yourself: • Optimism and hope for the future – develop through goal setting and growth mindsets • Regulating emotions – develop through wellbeing fitness challenges • Impulse control – develop through mindfulness activities and strengths boosters
Mental health is an issue that affects many people about 1 million adults annually and 100,000 young people. It is your ability to: • feel happy and secure in yourself • comfortably interact with other people • cope with the demands of life • feel a personal sense of wellbeing. The key to maintaining a good state of mental health is: • balance in your life • the willingness to share your problems with a trusted adult rather than friends. The warning signs for a poor state of mental health include: • spending too much time on your own • not sleeping well • not wanting to go to school or out • changing eating habits • feeling confused, angry and overwhelmed • spending less time on your appearance.
• Flexibility of thinking – develop through Habits of Mind and thinking tools • Empathy – develop through kind actions • Self-belief – develop through actioning character strengths • Building social-connectedness – develop through active constructive responding. Acknowledgement: Karen Reivich and Andrew Shatte
ACTIONS What are two things I will start doing to develop the skills of resilience in myself?
Think about each scenario below and decide if the main character is in a good state of mental health and give your reasons why. If they are not in a good state of mental health, what could the character have done differently? Remember for a state of good mental health, these are important: • sleep • trust and strong relationships • creating a schedule and planning ahead • setting goals.
SCENA RIOS Jessica has an important test on Friday. Thursday night her friends asked her to go see a movie at 6pm. Jessica has hardly studied for her test. She decided that she will go to the movies but wake up early and study before school. On Friday morning Jessica wakes up and realises her alarm did not go off. Now she is in a rush for school and does not have time to study.
Ryan enjoys working out in the school’s weight room every day after school. He usually works out for two hours. Tonight Ryan is attending a school musical at 7pm and he has a lot of homework. To make sure he has enough time to get his homework done and eat dinner before attending the school musical, he decided to only work out for 30 minutes. He then went home, ate dinner, and made it to the show on time.
Kim got a bad grade on her maths test. When she sat down in her seat Kim thought to herself, “Well this is only the second test and there are a lot more this term. I did not study as hard as I should have so from now on I will set a goal to study twice as hard. My grades will go up by the time my report is sent home.”
Taylor heard a rumour about his best friend Matt. Instead of standing up for Matt and telling everyone the truth, Taylor told the rumour to five other people. A few days later, Matt found out that Taylor helped spread the rumours. Matt told Taylor that he no longer wants to be his friend. Now Taylor has no one to socialise with this weekend.