Wellbeing Journal Years 5&6 Teacher Guide

Page 1

YEARS 5&6 journal – teacher guide The purpose of the journal is to provide both you and parents with a weekly menu of usable evidencebased activities which enable students to build their best possible selves. There are no shortcuts to achieving this. The largest influences in building students’ and your wellbeing are frequent opportunities to experience positive emotions. Each week there are ten activities to choose from to suit your class’s and school’s context. You are not expected to do them all, so don’t feel any pressure. All of them enable both students and yourself to feel positive emotions. The weekly activities are: •

Wellbeing Builder – focusing on developing one of the elements of wellbeing.

Mindful Coloring In – an opportunity to practice solitude to connect with themselves.

Mindfulness Activity – enabling them to connect with their own thoughts and the moment.

Resilience Builder – developing students’ social-emotional resilience and respectful relationships.

Character Strength – a strength is nominated to investigate and focus on using.

Reading Log – students journal the books they are reading.

Strengths Booster or Wellbeing Fitness Challenge – cultivating growth and resilient mindsets.

This Week I Will – little positive affirmations to focus their efforts.

How Did You Feel This Week? – building self-awareness and optimism and hope.

What Went Well This Week? – hunting for good things they are grateful for.




............ ....................................

.................. .................................... .................................... n. Wellbeing Builder Reflectio > Website: Thinking Traps,




what The feelings you have about around is happening to you and Describe three you are called emotions. and the recently felt have emotions you for each of body language you showed them.

ACTIONS things I will start doing to control my What are two actions? feelings, thoughts and

1. 2.


How did you enjoy reading today?

3. 4.


SelfDescribe a time you showed felt using it. Regulation and how you who shows Who is someone you know do they do what and Self-Regulation well to show it?

How did you enjoy reading today?

How did you enjoy reading today?




Wellbeing Bank: to boost s and my feelings affect my thought by understanding how actions. created by part Your natural feelings are amygdala. The of your brain called the the prefrontal part of your brain called -making cortex is the good decision controls the part of your brain which . feelings strength of your your eyes ing, When you see someth to your send a message directly tely amygdala, which immedia or negative positive either creates cortex also feelings. Your prefrontal as quickly. but doesn’t process it receives the message, s and can control your thought Which means your feelings and take or doing anything, STOP actions. Before saying cortex to enable your prefrontal some deep breaths to feelings. catch up to control your s and controlled your thought Describe a time your feelings



How did you enjoy reading today?


AND ACTIONS FEELINGS, THOUGHTS s my Strengths and Emotion


How did you enjoy reading today?



FRIENDS STRENGTHS er strengths Look at the 24 VIA charact strengths you and think about the top have and why. would like your friends to know who could you people five are Who could be good have these strengths? They friends.



FITNESRS CHALLENGE THS BOOSTE STRENG WELLBEING THS SPOTTING STRENGG HEADIN any times I see Text Journal myself or others using this week’s strength and the actions I or they take.

WEEK? HOW DID YOU FEEL THIS you felt this week. Select a face which shows


What are three things you forward to next week?

are really looking


Say hello to five people with a happy smiling face.

WEEK? WHAT WENT WELL THIS that happened,

things Think about three good were, that you were no matter how small they did you do to make grateful for this week. What you make them them happen and how can happen again?





Introducing what social-emotional learning and positive education is all about. PAGE 1 – setting the scene



» With students read through the simple things they can focus on doing every day to build their wellbeing.

Doing kind things to make others’ lives better is the best way to grow your wellbeing and build your best possible self. A smile, eye contact and saying hello with your heart is a great way to start.

STUDENT NAME ...................................................................................... CLASS ........................................... Talking and sharing in person with other people builds healthy relationships. Turn off your device to enjoy the great feelings you have by achieving what you set out to do side-by-side with others.

Accepting and understanding that I have the choice to:

» Ask them to write a description of what they think they need to do and expect of themselves as a student.

Focusing on building my best possible self by: being grateful for the good things in my life

learn and try new more difficult things to stretch and grow my abilities

not giving into myself when things don’t go my way

use positive I can and I will self-talk to lift my efforts to shine as a person

being hopeful and positive about my future doing the right thing and doing the thing right.

show that I care and value other people by being kind use my strengths in my every thought, word and action.

» Mark on your class calendar when the Strengths for Relationships occur. They are usually around week five of each term and enable the building of respectful relationships.

Write a short job description of the tasks you need to do as a student. What do you expect from yourself?

........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................... Acknowledgement: Sonja Lyubomirsky & Tal Ben Shahar

“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.” Saying


PAGE 2 – finding what you are looking for

index By doing the weekly activities in this journal and writing down your thoughts, you give yourself opportunities to feel positive and happy about yourself. Enjoy learning about how your brain changes with new experiences.

Strengths And Emotions


positive engagement

Feelings, Thoughts and Actions ................................ 14 Believing In and Accepting Yourself ......................... 26 Resilience Skills ......................................................... 40 No Attention For Bullies ........................................... 54 Confident and Firm................................................... 66 Mindfulness and Strengths ....................................... 80 Making Moments Last .............................................. 94 Positive Self-Talk ..................................................... 106



skills and achievement

Belonging, Family, Friends........................................ 18 Enthusiastically Present ............................................ 30 Teachers and Gratitude ............................................ 44 Team Learning .......................................................... 58 Sense of Belonging ................................................... 70 Empathy: Tell Me More ............................................ 84 People There For You ................................................ 98 Mobile Connection .................................................. 110


» The index is broken up into topics under sections for each of the Elements of Wellbeing.


Musts And Options: Prioritizing ............................... 20 Taking Notes In Class ............................................... 34 Brain Practice............................................................ 46 Setting Time Targets ................................................. 60 Paragraphs T.E.E.L. ................................................... 74 Project Research ........................................................ 86 Writing Quality Projects ......................................... 100 Reading Smarter ..................................................... 112



Breathing Deeply ...................................................... 22 Exercise and Leisure.................................................. 36 Fresh Whole Foods ................................................... 48 Bright and Happy ..................................................... 62 Recharging Sleep ...................................................... 76 Healthy Choices ........................................................ 88 Happy Holidays ...................................................... 102 Moments Of Mindfulness........................................ 114



Growing Your Brain .................................................. 16 Home Learning Patterns ........................................... 28 Mindsets And Growth............................................... 42 Ways Of Coping ....................................................... 56 Engagement And Flow ............................................. 68 Feedback And Learning ............................................ 82 Active Listening And Learning ................................. 96 Delaying Tasks ........................................................ 108

» To suit your school’s context, choose the topics which are most appropriate for each week.


Brain Time Patterns .................................................. 24 Talking In Person ...................................................... 38 Living a Good Life .................................................... 50 Accepting and Valuing ............................................. 64 Can Do and Want To ............................................... 78 Being Kind ................................................................ 90 Grit and Leadership ................................................ 104 Looking After Relationships .................................... 116



Front Page ...................................................................1 Index ............................................................................2 Doing To Build Your Wellbeing....................................3 What Are Character Strengths? ..................................4 Your Top Strengths Are? ..............................................5 Why Strengths Boosters? ........................................ 6-7 Why Wellbeing Fitness Challenges? ........................ 8-9 Are You Building Your Best Possible Self? ................ 10 Daily Wellbeing Boosters.......................................... 11 Books I Have Read ................................................... 11 How Were Your Efforts Last Quarter?................. 12-13 Notes ............................... 32-33, 52-53, 72-73, 92-93

» The journal is only chronological in the sense that the Elements of Wellbeing are rotated through in order. It is designed so that you can select weeks from any part of the journal at any time.


Respectful Relationships Understandings ........118-121 What Are Your Multiple Intelligences? ............122-123 Why Habits of Mind? ......................................124-126 Why Feelings and Emotions?.................................. 127 What Are Positive Personal Descriptors? ............... 128 Why Positive Self-talk? ........................................... 129 Quarter One Learning Goals and Reflections ......... 130 Quarter Two Learning Goals and Reflections ......... 131 Quarter Three Learning Goals and Reflections ...... 132 Quarter Four Learning Goals and Reflections ........ 133 Dates I Must Remember ......................................... 134

“What is necessary to change a person is to change their awareness of themselves.” Abraham Maslow


PAGE 3 – journal sections and elements of wellbeing

“doing” to build your wellbeing Your wellbeing is a combination of the six equally important elements below, which you can build in yourself by doing the activities and writing down your thoughts. There are three sections in the journal to build your elements of wellbeing. They are: Pages 1–13: learning about you and what things create and make up your wellbeing. Pages 14-117: doing the weekly wellbeing builders and activities to build your wellbeing. Pages 118-134: growing your wellbeing further by doing Positive Education activities.

» The journal is made up of three sections which are described.

Ask your teacher for the username and password for the website www.learningcurve.com.au It has plenty of great activities for you to do.

strengths and emotions

» Students and your wellbeing are combination of the six equally important elements described. They are based on PERMAH.

Being in charge of your feelings through your strengths.

positive engagement Connecting with yourself and the present moment.

relationships and optimism Believing you and others matter to have a positive future.

skills and achievement Building your capabilities to achieve what you set out to do.

For thriving and flourishing wellbeing.

exercise and vitality Having a healthy body, healthy mind and healthy attitude.

meaning and purpose Having a passion for something larger than yourself to strive for.

Acknowledgement: Martin Seligman and Chris Peterson

“Good people are like candles; they burn themselves up to give others light.” Saying


PAGE 4 – character strengths

strengths and emotions WHAT ARE CHARACTER STRENGTHS? – boosting my Strengths and Emotions by learning about my character strengths. The 24 Character Strengths are qualities which make up who you are as a person. You have your own special mix of them, which you can learn about by asking your teacher to help you to do the free Youth Survey at www.viacharacter.org The strengths are grouped into six virtues: Wisdom ... about being sensible Justice ... about being fair Temperance ... about being calm

» The twenty-four Character Strengths are described.

Courage ... about being brave Transcendence ... about being kind Humanity ... about being caring

Your top five strengths are called your Signature Strengths. Before you do the survey think about what your top five strengths could be...................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

» Students enjoy doing the free Youth Survey to identify their top strengths at the described website. You will need to register on the website your students to do it.





∙ Originality ∙ Adaptive ∙ Ingenuity


∙ Interest ∙ Novelty-seeking ∙ Exploration ∙ Openness



∙ Critical thinking ∙ Thinking things through ∙ Open-mindedness


∙ Valour ∙ Not shrinking from fear ∙ Speaking up for what is right

∙ Persistence ∙ Industry ∙ Finishing what one starts




LOVE OF LEARNING ∙ Mastering new skills and topics ∙ Systematically adding to knowledge

HONESTY ∙ Authenticity ∙ Integrity


∙ Both loving and being loved ∙ Valuing close relations with others


∙ Generosity ∙ Nurturance ∙ Care & compassion ∙ Altruism ∙ “Niceness”

∙ Aware of the motives/feelings of self/others ∙ Knowing what makes others tick


∙ Citizenship ∙ Social responsibility ∙ Loyalty




∙ Mercy ∙ Accepting others’ shortcomings ∙ Giving people a second chance

∙ Modesty ∙ Letting one’s accomplishments speak for themselves

» There is also an Adult Survey, which you and your colleagues will enjoy doing on the same website.


∙ Just ∙ Not letting feelings bias decisions about others



∙ Wisdom ∙ Providing wise counsel ∙ Taking the big picture view

ZEST ∙ Vitality ∙ Enthusiasm ∙ Vigour ∙ Energy ∙ Feeling alive





∙ Organising group activities ∙ Encouraging a group to get things done


∙ Careful ∙ Cautious ∙ Not taking undue risks

∙ Self-control ∙ Disciplined ∙ Managing impulses and emotions




∙ Thankful for the good ∙ Expressing thanks ∙ Feeling blessed

∙ Optimism ∙ Futuremindedness ∙ Future orientation

∙ Playfulness ∙ Bringing smiles to others ∙ Lighthearted

SPIRITUALITY ∙ Faith ∙ Purpose ∙ Meaning

Acknowledgement and thanks to the VIA Institute. © 2014 VIA Institute. All Rights Reserved.

“Just as we don’t realize we are breathing, we often don’t realize we are using our character strengths.” Martin Seligman


PAGE 5 – creating a visual of strengths

strengths and emotions YOUR TOP STRENGTHS ARE? – building my Strengths and Emotions by using my character strengths. Fill in your top eight strengths in the Strengths Wheel below. Next to each one, write down something you could do to show it. For example, for Kindness, you could play with students who don’t have many friends. Are there any other strengths you would like to build in yourself? ......................................................................................

» Ask students to write in their top eight strengths from the Survey around the wheel.

............................................................................................................................................................................................... Rate how you think you use each strength now using 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Set yourself a target for using each strength using 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.

YOUR CHARACTER STRENGTHS WHEEL STREN GTH N OW 0 1 tar g e t 1 2 3 4 012 5 34 67 56 8 78 9 9

» They then estimate how well they are using each one now, by circling a number and setting a usage target to aim for.



N OW 0 tar g e t 1 2 3 4 012 5 34 67 56 8 78 9 9

6 7 8 99 45 8 23 4567 01 23 W 01 N O rget ta

H2 ENGT 67 8 9 STR 45 9 23 45678 01 23 W 01 N O get tar

STREN GTH N OW 0 7 tar g e t 1 2 3 4 012 34 567 56 8 78 9 9

H8 ENGT 7 8 9 STR 456 89 23 4567 01 23 W 01 N O rget ta


» Students then journal a time/s they felt that they used their strengths well and how they felt while consciously using them.




N OW 0 tar g e t 1 2 3 4 012 5 34 67 56 8 78 9 9



7 8 9 456 89 23 4567 01 23 W 01 N O rget ta





Describe a time you used any of your strengths well and how did you feel? ............................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................... “To find yourself, think for yourself.” Socrates




Introducing what social-emotional learning and positive education is all about. strengths and emotions

WHY STRENGTHS’ boosters? – boosting my Strengths and Emotions through practising using my strengths regularly. For the weekly character strength, write down three good things you could use to build your and your friends’ wellbeing. You do the Strengths Boosters every second week.

Strengths spotting

Learning strengths

Activity one strengths

Sporting strengths

Working strengths

Breathing strengths

Journal any times I see myself or others using this week’s strength and the actions I or they take.

Journal three strengths I could use to accept mistakes and correct them to grow personally and academically.

Journal five activities I really enjoy doing and the two main strengths I use when doing each of them.

I will think of my favourite sporting individual or team and journal what I think their strengths are and how they use them.

I will describe a recent challenging situation which confronted me and the strengths I used to overcome it and what I did.

Every day for each of the strengths in my strength’s wheel I will take a deep breath concentrating on how I can use it to build my wellbeing.

Strengths thinking

Media search

Family strengths

Valued strengths

Strengths collage

Song strengths

Every day for two of my strengths, I will choose the best Habits of Mind ways to think when using them.

Every day I will select one of my strengths to look for people using those strengths on the news, in newspaper and in magazine stories.

I will ask my family to do the VIA strengths survey, put their strengths wheels on the fridge and talk about how each of us use our strengths.

I will journal what strengths I look for in others when choosing to make friends with them and why.

I will look for pictures from newspapers, magazines or the net which remind me of my strengths and paste them together to make a strengths’ collage.

I will listen to three of my favourite songs and for each of them, write down three strengths that I can see being referred to in the words.

Self-acceptance strengths

Relationship strengths

Hero strengths

Daily Strengths PracticE

Emotional strengths

Strengths stocktake

I will study a person in history I admire for what they have achieved and write down strengths I think they used and why.

I will journal something I could do to use two of my strengths every day at home and at school and do them.

I will describe a recent event that really upset me and the strengths I used or could have used to help me become positive again and what actions I could take.

I will journal both the positives and not so positive things about using each of the strengths in my strength’s wheel and why.

I will select five strengths I believe people could use to value others and build relationships and why I think so.

I will select a strength every day that I want to build to become my best possible self and why I chose it.

Struggle strengths

Friends’ strengths

Movie strengths

Classroom strengths

Dial-up strengths

Clash strengths

I will look for stories where people have had to dig deep to overcome setbacks and challenges and write down strengths they used.

With a group of friends share your strength’s wheels, identify which YOUR CHARACTER you have in common WHEEL and what STRENGTHS you do to use them.

I will watch a movie and journal what I think three of the strengths of each of the characters in the story are and how they used them.

I will journal five strengths I could use in the classroom to learn well with other students and my teachers and why.

I will journal particular strengths I have which I believe I am able to dial up further when I face difficult challenges.

I will journal strengths from my strength’s wheel that at times may clash and work against each other and how they may do.




PAGES 6 & 7 – using strengths boosters

strengths and emotions

WHY STRENGTHS' boosters? – boosting my Strengths and Emotions through practising using my strengths regularly. Now that you know your top strengths, the Strengths Boosters on the next two pages, give you chances to use them. Your strengths are like your muscles, they only get stronger when you use them. Enjoy having fun using your strengths to build your wellbeing.

» Every second week a Strengths Booster is nominated for you to share with students. » Their purpose is for students to consciously look for, use and journal about strengths. » Knowing about and talking about strengths isn’t using them.











“Life is very interesting ... in the end, some of your greatest pains, become your greatest strengths.” Drew Barrymore ST R




“Storms makes trees take deeper roots.” Dolly Parton




strengths and emotions


– adding to my Strengths and Emotions by using my strengths to tackle the weekly wellbeing fitness challenges.

Doing the Wellbeing Fitness Challenges gives you chances to enjoy seeing yourself do positive things to grow as a person. Write down in this journal the things you do for the challenges, no matter how small.

You do the Wellbeing Fitness Challenges every second week. The different experiences for each challenge will help your brain to grow its abilities.

Thinking Of Others Positive Vibes – every day sending someone a text praising or thanking them or asking how they are.

PAGES 8 & 9 – using wellbeing fitness challenges

strengths and emotions


– adding to my Strengths and Emotions by using my strengths to tackle the weekly wellbeing fitness challenges.

Tell Me More

Others Matter

Brain Stretch

Hidden People

Bright And Light

Interested Listening – when listening to others, before I speak I will ask them to tell me more about what they are talking about at least three times.

Acts of Kindness – looking for at least two opportunities to give of myself to make others’ lives better and recognising when others do kind things for me by thanking them.

Improving Thinking – improving the way I am thinking by intentionally using Habits of Mind and a variety of thinking tools in my learning to grow my brain’s abilities.

Invisible Champions – making a list of people who selflessly give of themselves to support me to have a good life and then thanking them one by one.

Being Happy – looking for at least two opportunities to lighten up, smile, laugh, have fun to experience positive emotions and feel good brain chemicals.

Thank You Feel Good Menu


Aimless Writing

Emotions Spotting

What Went Well

Discovery Learning

Delicious Feelings – making a list of my ten best of best feel good activities and choosing to do one every day to thrive and flourish.

Positive Messages – creating a list of 10 self-affirming messages on how I want to be and spend 30 seconds thinking about each one every morning.

Opening Floodgates – writing anything that comes into my head for 10 minutes every morning.

Mindful Feelings – being mindful of positive, negative and mixed emotions I feel and notice others feeling and watching for the intensity of emotions rising in myself and others.

Being Grateful – looking for three good things that happened that I am grateful for, why they happened and putting them on a gratitude board on my bedroom wall.

Being Curious – mindfully focusing my attention and energies on discovering one new thing about me, my friends, my family, my school or my community.

Gratitude Letter

Photo 7

Looking Forward

Values Living

Life's Treasure

Even Better

Being Thankful – writing a letter thanking someone from my heart who really helped me and give it to them.

Gratitude Pics – every day taking a photo on my device of something I am grateful for to create a gratitude album this week.

Positively Focused – starting each day by thinking of and journaling the three things I am looking forward to most.

Standing Tall – choosing three Positive Personal Descriptors to live by and showing them in my thinking, words and body language.

Appreciation and Love – writing down a list of the people and things that I treasure in my life and reading it every morning and every night.

Positive Stretching – when reflecting on good things that happened, I will stretch my thinking to describe how they could have been even better.

Matter Videos

Music Magic

Adventure Eat

Forgiveness Letter

Courage Journal

Step It Up

Sharing Happiness – daily make a one or two minute video of something that matters to me and show them to my family and friends.

Creating Concerts – 4 times daily, spending 5 minutes listening to my favourite music as if I were there at a concert to give me an energy boost.

Variety Tasting – leaving my comfort zone and doing my body a favour by having a junk food free week and trying new tastes, fruits and vegetables; I might be surprised.

Saying Sorry – writing a letter to someone I have upset saying sorry and asking what I can do to make it right for them and giving it to them.

Brave Acts – every day writing down two things I did that I believe were courageous and why I think so.

Moving Myself – building up to meeting the daily 10,000 step challenge and journal the number of steps I take each day.

“Feeling good must surely come from doing good, not vice versa.” MW

» Every second week a Wellbeing Fitness Challenge is nominated for you to share with students. » Their purpose is to develop students’ self-regulation, selfawareness, empathy for others and use their strengths.

“May your heart be brave, your mind fierce and your spirit free.” Saying



» Doing these together as a class with a Wellbeing Fitness Challenge board for students to write and post what they are doing, is a fun way to build social connectedness. (great for staff to do also).

PAGE 10 – building their best possible selves

MEANING AND PURPOSE are you BUILDING your best possible self? – boosting my Meaning and Purpose by "doing" good things to build my

best possible self.

When you are finding something difficult to learn, never say you can’t do it. Always finish the sentence with can’t do it YET. You may not have built your best possible self YET, but by lifting your efforts every day to do the wellbeing building activities, you can build that person. Describe how you do this now. ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ ................................................................................................

Describe your best possible self that you want to become. Read this often.

» This is a roadmap for both students and yourself to follow to build their and your own wellbeing.

.................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... TIP: from Positive Personal Descriptors select five that you want to show for your best possible self. Then look at Feelings and Emotions and pick five positive ones that you want to feel regularly.


Write yourself a short letter on what you want to achieve.

Which of your top strengths do you think you will need to use most and why? ....................................................................................







.................................................................................... .................................................................................... ....................................................................................

Use the weekly Wellbeing Fitness Challenges and Strengths Boosters to put your strengths to work to feel happy feelings. Which Wellbeing Fitness Challenges and Strengths Boosters do you enjoy doing most?

TIP: read this often to remind you of your goals.



» Fill in one of the sections about every two weeks.

TIP: each week for one of your top strengths, aim to do something which will make a difference for friends and family.



.................................................................................... Describe the qualities and strengths you like in yourself, your friends and in other people.

.................................................................................... TIP: in this journal, write down what you did to meet the weekly challenge and booster and how you felt.

.................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... TIP: always try to look for qualities you like in others, no matter how few they may be. Then work on building relationships with them through these positive qualities. Use positive self-talk to push the negative qualities out of your mind.

Describe an achievement that you are very proud of, the strengths you used and the positive emotions you felt. .................................................................................... .................................................................................... .................................................................................... TIP: read this often to relive the uplifting feelings you experienced. Acknowledgement: Sonja Lyubomirsky

“I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become.” Saying


PAGE 11 – wellbeing boosters and books read

positive engagement daily wellbeing boosters are? To feel good and build your best possible self, every day aim to do as many of these daily wellbeing boosters as you can. When you wake up thinking of the three things you are most looking forward to for the day ahead. Taking in and appreciating what you see, hear and feel; enjoying your world. Showing others matter to you; listening with your eyes, ears and heart and asking others to tell you more. Exercising for at least an hour to build your physical health and your body’s immune system. Living by giving; doing simple acts of kindness and saying warm words to build others’ and your wellbeing. Learning and trying new things to build your brain’s abilities; leaving your comfort zone by having growth mindsets. Writing down three good things that happened; why they happened and how you can make them happen again. Praising positive efforts; recognising and celebrating with others when they achieve what they set out to do.



» Encourage students to do at least one of the Wellbeing Boosters every day. » Students are to journal the books they are reading and how they are enjoying them.

BOOKS I HAVE READ – building my Skills and Achievement by enjoying my reading. HOW MUCH YOU ENJOYED THE BOOK

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt




HOW WERE YOUR EFFORTS LAST QUARTER? – building my Positive Engagement by raising my self-awareness of my

HOW WERE YOUR EFFORTS LAST quarter? – increasing my Positive Engagement by raising my self-awareness of my

Being in control of how you think, how you act and what you say gives you opportunities to build your best possible self. At the end of quarter, thinking about what you have done for each element of wellbeing, will provide you with choices to make for next quarter. Use the following to reflect on the questions below: A – always, B – usually, C – sometimes, D – not yet

From little things, big things grow. For each of the elements of wellbeing, write down simple things you could do to grow that element. For example, “I will exercise every day and eat less junk food to grow my Exercise and Vitality”.

progress in building each of the elements of wellbeing.

Last Year

progress in building each of the elements of wellbeing.

Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Target 1 2 3 4 Rating

Last Year

Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Target 1 2 3 4 Rating

STRENGTHS and EMOTIONS – being in charge of my feelings through my strengths.

skills and achievement – building my capabilities to achieve what I set out to do.

What went well that I am grateful for and how can I make them happen again for this element of wellbeing?

What went well that I am grateful for and how can I make them happen again for this element of wellbeing?

What strengths did I use and what positive emotions did I feel?

What strengths did I use and what positive emotions did I feel?

Listened to and acted on my parents’ and teacher’s advice?

Tried harder work in class and asked for help?

Showed happy and welcoming body language? Accepted the different feelings I had? Started to make my own choices about what I do? Made a list of what I treasure in my life and read it every morning?

Finished my projects and was proud of them? Found ways to use my strengths to learn in class? What is something special I want to achieve for this element of wellbeing and who can help me?

exercise and vitality – having a healthy body, healthy mind and healthy attitude.

What went well that I am grateful for and how can I make them happen again for this element of wellbeing?

What went well that I am grateful for and how can I make them happen again for this element of wellbeing?

What strengths did I use and what positive emotions did I feel?

What strengths did I use and what positive emotions did I feel?

In class ignored distractions and tried hard?

Enjoyed having fun and laughing with friends and family?

Wrote down good things that happened every day? Enjoyed doing my hobbies and things that I love? Concentrated on listening to all being said? Thought of three things I’m looking forward to most every morning?

Tried reading, cards and board games to exercise my brain? Did deep breathing and stretching 4 or 5 times every day? What is something special I want to achieve for this element of wellbeing and who can help me?

RELATIONSHIPS and OPTIMISM – believing I and others matter to have a positive future.

meaning and purpose – having a passion for something larger than yourself to strive for.

What strengths did I use and what positive emotions did I feel? Listened to other people to appreciate their ideas? Praised friends when they did well?

What went well that I am grateful for and how can I make them happen again for this element of wellbeing? What strengths did I use and what positive emotions did I feel? Enjoyed giving of myself to make a positive difference in the world? Did the right thing and did the thing right?

Looked at joining in other groups?

Contributed to groups who provide help for others less fortunate?

Showed I cared for my family and friends?

Focused on something special and bigger than myself to put my energies into?

Tried to do kind things to make other people happy?

Showed leadership by doing things to bring out the best in other people?

What is something special I want to achieve for this element of wellbeing and who can help me?

What is something special I want to achieve for this element of wellbeing and who can help me?

“If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.” Dolly Parton


» On the website, www.learningcurve.com.au there is a Student Self-Assessment Wellbeing Measuring Tool and also one for you to assess each student’s wellbeing. Use these two or three times over the school year.

Improved my health by eating more fresh and less junk food? Had fun exercising every day for an hour with family and friends?

What is something special I want to achieve for this element of wellbeing and who can help me?

What went well that I am grateful for and how can I make them happen again for this element of wellbeing?

» Ask students at the end of each term to revisit these pages to see how their wellbeing has grown.

Learned new things to fix my mistakes? Tried Habits of Mind and Thinking Tools to do smart things?

What is something special I want to achieve for this element of wellbeing and who can help me?

POSITIVE ENGAGEMENT – connecting with myself and the present moment.

PAGES 12 & 13 – stocktake of elements of wellbeing

“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.” James Matthew Barrie



body pages OF the JOURNAL

Each week the intentions of the Wellbeing Builder will be explained and questions are provided to discuss with students. Ask students to think about the question in the builder either individually, or with a partner, or as a class and then answer it. Asking students to come up with two things they will start doing in Actions to bring the Wellbeing Builder alive, will cultivate growth mindsets to develop themselves further for the element of wellbeing. STRENGTHS AND EMOTIONS FEELINGS, THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS Wellbeing Bank: to boost my Strengths and Emotions by understanding how my feelings affect my thoughts and actions. Your natural feelings are created by part of your brain called the amygdala. The part of your brain called the prefrontal cortex is the good decision-making part of your brain which controls the strength of your feelings. When you see something, your eyes send a message directly to your amygdala, which immediately creates either positive or negative feelings. Your prefrontal cortex also receives the message, but doesn’t process it as quickly.


FRIENDS STRENGTHS Look at the 24 VIA character strengths and think about the top strengths you would like your friends to have and why. Who are five people you know who could have these strengths? They could be good friends. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Which means your feelings can control your thoughts and actions. Before saying or doing anything, STOP and take some deep breaths to enable your prefrontal cortex to catch up to control your feelings. Describe a time your feelings controlled your thoughts and actions. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... > Website: Thinking Traps, Wellbeing Builder Reflection.


The feelings you have about what is happening to you and around you are called emotions. Describe three emotions you have felt recently and the body language you showed for each of them.


What are two things I will start doing to control my feelings, thoughts and actions?


1. 2.


Describe a time you showed SelfRegulation and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Self-Regulation well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 14 – FEELINGS, THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS The intention this week is to build students’ Strengths and Emotions element of wellbeing by them learning how to control the strength of their feelings through understanding how their brains create emotions and affect how strong they are. Question 1: explain how does your brain create your feelings. Question 2: what should you do before you say or do anything? Question 3: google, “how are your emotions created?”

Acknowledgement: Canon & Cherry




EFFORT Think of a word for each letter of the word EFFORT which would describe what effort is for you.

Wellbeing Bank: to build my Positive Engagement by learning about how my brain changes. After every experience you have, your brain rewires itself and this is a lifelong process called neuroplasticity. There are millions of cells called neurons in your brain, which are connected to form brain pathways. Information is sent along these pathways via electric messages, and the more you do something the more connected the neurons become. This is why practice is so important for you to build stronger and faster brain pathways. Describe how you practise what you learn now. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... Your personal, learning and thinking growth comes from creating new brain pathways by doing different and more difficult things. Being prepared to do this is called having a growth mindset. Acknowledgement: Carol Dweck.

> Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection.


Every night write down three good things that happened today and any acts of kindness you received or did for others; they don’t have to be big things, just those you felt positive emotions for.


What are two things I will start doing to create new and build stronger brain pathways?


1. 2.


Describe a time you showed Creativity and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Creativity well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 16 – GROWING YOUR BRAIN The intention this week is to add to students’ Positive Engagement element of wellbeing by them learning how their brains change with new experiences. Explain that this enables them to understand how to grow their brains’ abilities and introduce the concept of growth mindsets. Question 1: how are your brain pathways created? Question 2: how do you make your brain pathways stronger and faster? Question 3: google, “what is a growth mindset?”

Acknowledgement: Dweck, James & Konorski


relationships and optimism BELONGING, FAMILY AND FRIENDS Wellbeing Bank: to add to my Relationships and Optimism by growing my wellbeing with family and friends. Feeling a sense of belonging with your family and friends is the greatest wellbeing builder and fills you with gratitude and warmth. When you enjoy a healthy state of wellbeing you want to do good to feel good.


ACTS OF KINDNESS Think of two or three acts of kindness you will do for someone else for each day of the week. Could be smiling, saying hello, helping in some way, opening the door for them ...

Describe your sense of belonging with your family and friends. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... When with your family, look for and celebrate good things you are doing together and aim for five positives for every negative comment. Share your worries before they grow bigger and ask them to help you with your learning. When with your friends, laugh, exercise and have fun together, don’t weigh them down with your worries and be the real you, no pretend image. Acknowledgement: Ed Diener.

> Website: Builder Reflection sheet.


With two friends pick five emotions from Feelings and Emotions each and take it in turns to role play the body language for each emotion and the other two try to guess it.


What are two things I will start doing to build my sense of belonging with family and friends?


1. 2.


Describe a time you showed Love and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Love well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 18 – BELONGING, FAMILY AND FRIENDS The intention this week is to strengthen students’ Relationships and Optimism element of wellbeing by them learning how to build positive relationships with their families and friends. Explain that this involves them understanding why a sense of belonging is so important for their wellbeing. Question 1: what should you do with your family? Question 2: what should you do with your friends? Questions 3: google, “gratitude”. Acknowledgement: Diener & Fredrickson


skills and achievement MUSTS AND OPTIONS: PRIORITIZING Wellbeing Bank: to build my Skills and Achievement by learning a more effective way to organize what I need to do. To grow in your learning and thinking abilities, there are ways to organize yourself to do what you need to do. One is called prioritizing, which is also an important skill for life.


MY LIFE Reflect on how you want your life to be and the top five things that you want for yourself, that make you excited and when you want them to happen.

Describe how you organize yourself now. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... To prioritize, you use Musts and Options from the website under Thinking Tools: Musts are things you have no choice in and have to be done, such as school work and jobs at home Options are things you have a choice in, such as TV and time with friends. In order of importance, list your Musts and Options and put reminders when to do them in your device. > Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection.


Healthy relationships rely on you being in control of your emotions. With a friend discuss five emotions that you need to show others to have good relationships and five that you should avoid.


What are two things I will start doing to use Musts and Options to prioritize what I need to do?

1. 2.





Describe a time you showed Prudence and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Prudence well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 20 – MUSTS AND OPTIONS: PRIORITIZING The intention this week is to develop students’ Skills and Achievement element of wellbeing by them learning how to organize what they need to do. Introduce the concept of prioritizing through talking about musts and options and looking at this thinking tool on the website. Question 1: what things are musts for you? Question 2: what things are options for you? Question 3: google, “Musts and Options”. Acknowledgement: Schwartz & Boniwell

exercise and vitality BREATHING DEEPLY Wellbeing Bank: to develop my Exercise and Vitality by breathing deeply to relax. Being able to self-calm yourself when you feel tense is a great life skill to have. Square Breathing is a type of deep breathing and will relax you in five minutes.


This week have fun and make a special difference to other peoples’ lives by creating activities to use the strength GRATITUDE to grow relationships with your family, friends and school community.

Nobody knows you are doing it. Describe how you calm yourself now. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... Square breathing has four parts which you repeat. Sit with your hands on your lap and feet flat on the floor. For a slow count of five on each: 1. inhale and exhale through your nose only 2. inhale through your mouth and exhale through your mouth 3. inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth 4. inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose. > Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection.


Describe two things you do or will start doing for each of your signature and top supporting strengths to make others’ lives better because they matter.


What are two things I will start doing to relax myself by breathing deeply?

1. 2.



Describe a time you showed Gratitude and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Gratitude well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 22 – BREATHING DEEPLY and GRATITUDE WEEK The intention this week is to strengthen students’ Exercise and Vitality element of wellbeing by learning how to use deep breathing to relax. During class provide opportunities for students to practice square breathing to develop their self-calming strategies. Question 1: what do you feel in your body when tense? Question 2: what do you do for square breathing? Question 3: google, “deep breathing exercises”. Acknowledgement: Kabat-Zinn & Borchard


meaning and purpose BRAIN TIME PATTERNS Wellbeing Bank: to boost my Meaning and Purpose by valuing my time to create time patterns for my brain. The best way to make more time for yourself to do the things you love doing, is to create time patterns for your brain to look for.


LEAVES Go outside and pick up as many different types of leaves as you can in five minutes. Go back inside and describe how each of them feels, how many lines they have on them, how they smell and anything else you notice about each one.

You do this, by asking your family to help you put your Musts and Options on a simple timetable, which you put on the fridge at home. When you arrive home from school your brain will tune into your timetable. Describe how you organize your time now. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... As well as your Musts and Options, put down when you will exercise for an hour daily, read and do your home learning. Check your timetable every Sunday night. > Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection.


What are five positive emotions you enjoy feeling, the body language you show and describe a time/s you have felt them.


What are two things I will start doing to value my time by creating time patterns for my brain?

1. 2.



Describe a time you showed Judgement and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Judgement well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 24 – BRAIN TIME PATTERNS The intention this week is to develop students’ Meaning and Purpose element of wellbeing by them learning how to value their time through creating a simple timetable for what they do. Explain that this is not meant to regiment them, but rather create more time to do what they love. Question 1: what do you love doing? Question 2: when do you exercise daily? Question 3: google, “learning timetable”. Acknowledgement: Wade & Turla


STRENGTHS AND EMOTIONS BELIEVING IN & ACCEPTING YOURSELF Wellbeing Bank: to build my Strengths and Emotions by believing in and accepting myself for me. You are a young person who matters, with your own strengths and special individual qualities.


GRATITUDE CHECK It doesn’t matter what time of day it is. Think of and write down as many things that have happened today that you are thankful for and why you are.

For a healthy state of wellbeing, believe in your self-worth and accept your full range of feelings. Use your strengths to look for what is good about things and tackle the Wellbeing Fitness Challenges and Strengths’ Boosters. To boost your self-belief, do kind acts for others and write down three good things which happened each day. Often reflect on achievements you are proud of. Describe what you do now to grow your self-belief. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... Share with your family if you are not prepared to try new things, blame others for what you do and feel your best isn’t good enough. Acknowledgement: Albert Bandura.

> Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection.


With two friends take it in turns to role play a character strength for twenty seconds and try to guess which one he/she is acting out. Do three each.


What are two things I will start doing to accept myself as me to build my self-belief?

1. 2.



Describe a time you showed Zest and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Zest well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 26 – BELIEVING IN AND ACCEPTING YOURSELF The intention this week is to add to students’ Strengths and Emotions element of wellbeing by them learning how to accept and believe in themselves for who they are. Introduce the wellbeing building strategies what went well, acts of kindness and using their character strengths. Question 1: what are Wellbeing Fitness Challenges? Question 2: What are Strengths Boosters? Question 3: google, “mindfulness”. Acknowledgement: Bandura & Rotter


positive engagement HOME LEARNING PATTERNS Wellbeing Bank: to build my Positive Engagement by learning in the same place at home. Learning in the same place every night at home, creates patterns for your brain to look for to make getting started easier. It also puts you in charge of your feelings, which is an important resilience skill to develop.


POSITIVE EMOTIONS For the next week choose two Positive Emotions you will feel for each day. Think about what body language you will show for each of them.

Describe where you learn at home now. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... Aim to make the area neat, quiet, colourful, well lit, warm and comfortable. Be well organized with pens, rulers, paper and a computer, but not at the kitchen table and without distractions such as a TV. To learn better, wear warm loosely fitting clothes and sip on water which is good for your brain. In your bedroom put up colourful posters of your achievements and proud moments. > Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection.


Different people may show their emotions through body language in different ways to you. With a friend discuss three times you have misread other peoples’ body language for the emotions they were experiencing.


What are two things I will start doing to learn in the same area every night at home?

1. 2.



Describe a time you showed Perseverance and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Perseverance well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 28 – HOME LEARNING PATTERNS The intention this week is to build students’ Positive Engagement element of wellbeing by them learning how to do home learning in the same place to create patterns for their brains. Introduce the aspects which make the environment more effective for learning. Question 1: why is having a place to learn at home important? Question 2: what should this place have? Question 3: google, “creating habits”. Acknowledgement: Duhigg & Walsh



relationships and optimism ENTHUSIASTICALLY PRESENT Wellbeing Bank: to boost my Relationships and Optimism by enthusiastically listening and responding to others. You can feel when others are interested in what you are sharing with them through their welcoming body language and active listening. The opposite is also true, you know when they are not interested.


BIRDS Walk outside and spend five minutes counting as many birds as you can and how many different types you can identify.

Describe how you show interest when listening to others now. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... Enthusiastically communicating is called Active Constructive Responding (ACR) and is the only way of listening and talking which builds relationships. When you or others are sharing stories, positive emotions come flooding back. Other ways of responding which lack interest are: passive constructive – listening without any energy or enthusiasm passive destructive – showing little interest in them or their story active destructive – ignoring their story and changing the subject. Acknowledgement: Shelly Gable.

> Website: ACR activity sheet, Wellbeing Builder Reflection.



Positive self-talk and your top strengths increases the intensity of positive emotions and reduces the intensity of negative emotions. Describe two times you have used positive selftalk and your top strengths to overcome challenges.

What are two things I will start doing to show I’m interested when listening to others?


1. 2.


Describe a time you showed Kindness and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Kindness well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 30 – ENTHUSIASTICALLY PRESENT The intention this week is to develop students’ Relationships and Optimism element of wellbeing by them learning how to listen and respond enthusiastically to others. Getting them to role model doing this is an effective way to achieve this. Question 1: how do you know others are interested when you are talking? Question 2: How do you know when they are not interested? Question 3: google, “Active Constructive Responding”. Acknowledgement: Gable & Lambert


skills and achievement TAKING NOTES IN CLASS Wellbeing Bank: to build my Skills and Achievement by writing down my teacher’s words in better ways. Using both sides of your brain when writing down what your teacher shares with the class is a smarter way to learn better.


AREAS In your classroom or bedroom, look at each of the walls and break them down into how many square metres there are on each wall. To concentrate even more, don’t count the doors and windows.

Your left brain listens to your teachers’ words. Your right brain looks for what you already know about the topic. Describe how you write down your teacher’s words now. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... Set out your page as follows to use your whole brain. Questions: how does it connect to what you already know? Do you have any questions?

Record: write what your teachers say in your own words.

Recite: after class, not looking at your notes, answer your questions.

Reflect: after class think about how you can apply what you learnt to new situations.

Acknowledgement: Walter Pauk.


Describe two things a person would do to show for each of the following character strengths – Creativity, Love of Learning, Zest, Social Intelligence and Self-regulation.

> Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection


What are two things I will start doing to write down my teacher’s words in better ways?

1. 2.



Describe a time you showed Curiosity and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Curiosity well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 34 – TAKING NOTES IN CLASS The intention this week is to add to students’ Skills and Achievement element of wellbeing by them learning how to take notes about what their teacher teaches. Explain that using both sides of their brains by drawing and dividing up their page as shown works well. Question 1: what are the four sections on your page? Question 2: what diagrams do you draw? Question 3: google, “whole brain learning”. Acknowledgement: Pauk & Wade


exercise and vitality EXERCISE AND LEISURE Wellbeing Bank: to add to my Exercise and Vitality by exercising and enjoying leisure activities every day. There are no short cuts for you to be physically healthy, so that you can build your best possible self. You need to actively exercise for an hour every day, which will improve your fitness, flexibility, create positive feelings to reduce tense feelings and help you to sleep more deeply.


KEYBOARD KEYS You are not allowed to count! Concentrate hard on your keyboard to see patterns as to how many keys there are on the board; it’s about seeing how the keys build up.

Describe how you exercise now. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... Exercise and leisure activities can include a brisk walk or run, aerobics, walking the dog, cycling, skateboarding, surfing, bushwalking, playing sport and washing the car. Surprise yourself by trying something new to exercise and have fun with family and friends. A good idea is to put your daily exercise and leisure activities on your home learning timetable. > Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection.


What are five character strengths that you admire in your friends. What do they do to show them in their everyday lives?


What are two things I will start doing to do an hour’s exercise daily and enjoy leisure activities?

1. 2.



Describe a time you showed Hope and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Hope well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 36 – EXERCISE AND LEISURE The intention this week is to boost students’ Exercise and Vitality element of wellbeing by them learning how to regularly exercise and enjoy leisure activities. Explain the need to exercise actively for an hour every day to be physically healthy. Question 1: why should you exercise for an hour daily? Question 2: what new exercise and leisure activities would you like to try? Question 3: google, “benefits of exercise”. Acknowledgement: McQuaid & Kern


meaning and purpose TALKING IN PERSON Wellbeing Bank: to raise my Meaning and Purpose by talking in person with others. The best way to grow your state of wellbeing is through speaking with other people in person. This provides you with opportunities to develop empathy by understanding what personal messages others’ body language is sending.


GARDEN BEDS Go outside and look at a garden bed. Don’t look for what’s wrong with it, but look for at least five things that are good about it.

It is also very satisfying to work side-by-side with others to combine your strengths to overcome challenges together. Describe how you have in person talks now. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... When speaking with others in person, use eye contact, welcoming body language and listen with all of your senses. Show interest by asking, tell me more and expect to hear something special. Seek support from parents and teachers if your relationships are mainly internet-based and secretive. > Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection.


For each of your signature and top supporting strengths, select the best ways to think for each of them from Habits of Mind (see index).


What are two things I will start doing to speak more often in person with others?

1. 2.



Describe a time you showed SocialIntelligence and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Social-Intelligence well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 38 – TALKING IN PERSON The intention this week is to build students’ Meaning and Purpose element of wellbeing by them learning how to spend more time communicating in person with others. Explain that in person chats with other people are the best tonic for life’s ups and downs. Question 1: what do you do to show you care for others? Question 2: what happens when you ask “tell me more?” Question 3: google, “communicating in person”. Acknowledgement: Diener & Biswas-Diener



STRENGTHS AND EMOTIONS RESILIENCE SKILLS Wellbeing Bank: to build my Strengths and Emotions by developing the skills of resilience in myself. You learn a lot about yourself when things don’t go your way, such as, not being asked to a party. Being resilient, means you can cope with this by looking for positives elsewhere.


PICTURES How often do you walk past a picture every day and don’t really take it in. Look at a picture for five minutes and count how many different colours there are and the shapes, shadings and emotions you see in it.

Describe a time when things didn’t go your way and what you did. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... Developing the following skills enables you to become resilient: Optimism and hope for the future – builders are goal setting and growth mindsets Controlling feelings – builders are wellbeing fitness challenges Impulse control – builders are mindfulness activities Flexibility of thinking – builders are habits of mind and thinking tools Empathy – builders are acts of kindness Self-belief – builders are using strengths boosters Building social-connectedness – builders are active constructive responding. Acknowledgement: Karen Reivich and Andrew Shatte


Having a skill means that you are good at something like sport, music or drawing and you can choose to use it or not. Describe five things that you have skill or talent in.

> Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection.


What are two things I will start doing to build the skills of resilience in myself?

1. 2.



Describe a time you showed Leadership and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Leadership well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 40 – RESILIENCE SKILLS The intention this week is to boost students’ Strengths and Emotions element of wellbeing by them learning how to build the skills of resilience in themselves. Explain what they can do to nurture each of the skills of resilience together as a class. Question 1: what are you hopeful about for the future? Question 2: what are the first skills you wish to develop? Question 3: google, “what is resilience?” Acknowledgement: Rievich & Shatte


positive engagement MINDSETS AND GROWTH Wellbeing Bank: to build my Positive Engagement by focusing on positive efforts to grow myself. Achievement is what others see, while effort is private and nothing worth achieving in life comes without effort.


FAVOURITE RELATIVES Think of your favourite relatives and write down what you think their top five character strengths would be, five positive personal descriptors to describe them and the positive emotions they make you feel.

To grow your learning and personal abilities to build your best possible self, requires plenty of effort, which is often boring and challenging. Growth Mindsets are understanding and accepting that you can grow your brain’s abilities in all areas of your life, by lifting your private efforts to learn and try new approaches. Describe a time you have shown a growth mindset. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... You can develop growth mindsets by setting weekly targets for yourself to aim for and then reflecting on how well you went achieving them. Then set new ones for next week. Acknowledgement: Carol Dweck.

> Website: Growth Mindset activity sheet, Wellbeing Builder Reflection.


What are five negative emotions you don’t enjoy feeling, the body language you show and describe a time/s you have felt them?


What are two things I will start doing to develop a growth mindset to put in more private effort?

1. 2.



Describe a time you showed Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 42 – MINDSETS AND GROWTH The intention this week is to develop students’ Positive Engagement element of wellbeing by them learning how to adopt growth mindsets through your role modeling. Explain that lifting their efforts to learn and try new and more difficult things will grow their brains’ abilities. Question 1: what can you do to lift your efforts? Question 2: what new harder things can you try? Question 3: google, “brain growth”. Acknowledgement: James & Dweck


relationships and optimism TEACHERS AND GRATITUDE Wellbeing Bank: to boost my Relationships and Optimism by being grateful for my positive relationships with my teachers. Show gratitude for the positive relationships you have with your teachers, because they are the most important factors in you learning well at school and building your best possible self.


THINK NOTHING Sit still and close your eyes and focus your mind on thinking about nothing for five minutes. As thoughts come, push them out of your mind to enjoy ‘nothingness’.

Describe the relationship you have with your teachers now. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... Teachers are at their best when your class are enthusiastic to be there by showing effort to learn and try new things with them. They also value when you see mistakes as learning opportunities and then ask questions to correct them; be thankful for their help. In class listen and think with your teachers to combine your strengths to practise what you are learning, which shows you have a love of learning. > Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection.



Describe how each of the following two emotions, being sad and being happy, could build in intensity to much stronger emotions, name them and how your body language would change.

What are two things I will start doing to show I’m grateful for the positive relationships I have with my teachers?

1. 2.



Describe a time you showed Teamwork and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Teamwork well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 44 – TEACHERS AND GRATITUDE The intention this week is to strengthen students’ Relationships and Optimism element of wellbeing by them learning how to build respectful relationships with their teachers. Explain that being grateful for their teachers will help them to become their best possible selves. Question 1: what do you do to show you love learning? Question 2: what do you do to show gratitude? Question 3: google, “respectful relationships”. Acknowledgement: Radel & Iacoboni


skills and achievement BRAIN PRACTICE


BEING PLAYFUL Look around the class and think of at least ten funny things that could happen in the class without putting anyone down.

Wellbeing Bank: to develop my Skills and Achievement by regularly practising what I learn to build strong brain pathways. If your brain only sees something once you will forget it. When you learn something, you remember 90% if practised within 24 hours, 30% if practised within 3 days and 3% to 4% after a month. Regularly practising what you learn, strengthens connections between neurons in your brain pathways, which makes them more reliable and faster. Meaning, you can remember and use what you learn more easily. Your brain always looks for patterns. Describe how you practise what you learn now. .......................................................................................... .......................................................................................... Practise what you learn for five minutes every night, using idea maps, diagrams, lists, Thinking Tools from the website, making colourful posters and applying it to new situations. > Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection.


With two friends discuss which character strengths you have in common from your signature and top supporting strengths and two things you do to show for each of them and how you think.


What are two things I will start doing to build stronger brain pathways through regular practice?

1. 2.



Describe a time you showed Love of Learning and how you felt using it. Who is someone you know who shows Love of Learning well and what do they do to show it?

PAGE 46 – BRAIN PRACTICE The intention this week is to build students’ Skills and Achievement element of wellbeing by them learning how to regularly apply what they learn. Relate back to wellbeing builder, Growing Your Brain, the importance of practicing what they learn to strengthen brain pathways. Question 1: why is nightly five minutes learning practice important? Question 2: What improves your remembering? Question 3: google, “what is revising?” Acknowledgement: Ericsson & Anderson



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