extending MY BEST POSSIBLE SELF Making the choice to extend your best possible self, will mean leaving your comfort zone to learn and try new more difficult things. You may find some of these challenging, but this is when you discover exciting new paths to explore.
STUDENT NAME...................................................................................... CLASS.............................................. To experience the great feelings that come from sharing with real people in real time, make the choice to look up from your phone and put what’s happening on social media on hold for a while. Choosing to thrive and flourish by making the choice to: do what I say I will do ake my top priority in person m relationships be kind to myself through positive self-talk xplore the unknown, make mistakes and e grow myself by fixing them.
Focusing on developing the skills of resilience in myself by: sing my strengths to control my emotions u and impulses uilding my self-belief to have optimism b and hope for the future s howing empathy for others because I believe they matter l earning how to change the way I think for different situations.
Write a short job description of the must do tasks you need to face up to as a student. What do you expect from yourself?
........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... Acknowledgement: Sonja Lyubomirsky & Tal Ben Shahar
Strengths for relationships Weeks The challenge over the week is for individuals, groups and classes is to enjoy focusing your energies on creating activities for and showing the suggested strength to grow relationships within the school community. If need be, change the weeks to suit your school calendar. Term 1: Gratitude Week – the week beginning on page 22 Term 2: Teamwork Week – the week beginning on page 52 Term 3: Kindness Week – the week beginning on page 74 Term 4: Leadership Week – the week beginning on page 94
“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” Steve Maraboli
exercise and vitality
MIND AND HEART CALMER What are times you were really creative in what you did?
BREATHING DEEPLY Wellbeing Bank: to increase my Exercise and Vitality by learning to self-calm myself by breathing deeply. Your breath regulates your inner you and gets your mind, heart and body working together as one. Key strengths which enable this are Prudence and Spirituality. Being able to focus on breathing slowly and deeply enables you, to be in charge of the intensity of your emotions and control impulses. This connects you with yourself and the present moment, to watch your thoughts coming and going.
STRENGTHS BOOSTER ACTIVITY ONE STRENGTHS Journal five activities I really enjoy doing and the two main strengths I use when doing each of them.
In Years 7 & 8 you learned how to use Square Breathing to reduce tension to calm yourself quietly.
The following is an effective deep breathing method: • stand up straight with your shoulders open wide • imagine an invisible thread from the ceiling is holding your head upright • tighten your buttocks and pull in your stomach • join your fingers in a circle around your mouth • as you breathe in deeply through your nose make your finger circle larger • as you breathe out through your mouth make your finger circle smaller • concentrate on doing this for five minutes to feel yourself relaxing. > Website: Self-Calming Strategies activity sheet, Wellbeing Builder Reflection.
What are two things I will start doing regularly to practise breathing deeply to relax?
1. 2.
RESILIENCE BUILDER In your teens, emotions can also strengthen to become more intense. With a friend describe five situations which can cause your emotions to increase in intensity, for example, happy, delighted, thrilled. Name another two sets of three emotions.
CONNECT, EXTEND, CHALLENGE After completing a topic or lesson, individually, in small groups or as a whole class, reflect using this tool: • Connect - how does what was presented relate to what you already know? • Extend - how have these new ideas stretched your thinking in new directions?
• How are they connected and related to what you already know?
• What new ideas have you thought of that have stretched your thinking?
• In what new directions has your thinking been pushed?
• What do you still have to get your mind around?
• What questions do you need to have answered?
• Challenge - what do you still have to learn more about? What questions do you have? • Then in groups of five share your thoughts and then report back to the class. • A llocate one wall of the classroom for connect, another for extend and another for challenge. Write thoughts on sticky notes and put them on the appropriate wall. • Discuss as a class.
“Who bravely dares must sometimes risk a fall.” Tobias G. Smollet
2014 Thinking Tools_Connect, Extend, Challenge.indd 1
• How are the ideas and information presented?
This week have fun and make a special difference to other peoples’ lives by creating activities to use the strength GRATITUDE to grow relationships with your family, friends and school community.
Describe how you currently use deep breathing to relax.
11/10/13 9:21 AM
GROWTH MINDSET ACTIONS To grow my brain’s abilities to become my best possible self, what ‘difficult’ things could I do? MONDAY Date:
MINDFULNESS ACTIVITY HOLIDAY 1 – You are going on a holiday to Hawaii, name ten articles of clothing you would take and what you would need to organise.
___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
TUESDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
WEDNESDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
THURSDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
FRIDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
WEEKEND Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
Think about three good things that happened, no matter how small they were, that you were grateful for this week. What did you do to make them happen and how can you make them happen again?
Select a face which shows how you felt this week.
What are three things you are really looking forward to next week?
meaning and purpose
MIND AND HEART CALMER How would you ask for help if you lost your phone and who would you ask?
SENSIBLE TIME USAGE Wellbeing Bank: to raise my Meaning and Purpose by taking ownership of my time to create a Personal Timetable. As you progress through the year levels, how you manage your time needs to become more effective because you require a balance between school, home and community activities. The strengths will assist you to do this are Judgement and Honesty. The four stage method will enable you to achieve this.
Thank You
OTHERS MATTER Acts of Kindness – looking for at least two opportunities to give of myself to make others’ lives better and recognising when others do kind things for me by thanking them.
Describe how you currently organise your time.
For the strength of JUDGEMENT, describe one thing you could do to:
................................................................................ The four stages are term, monthly, weekly and daily and you record important time targets on your forward planner or as reminders in your phone. Term gives you a general overview for due dates for assignments, assessment, exams/tests, school and out of school activities. Monthly narrows your view of your commitments. Use different colours for different subject tasks and prioritise the importance of each task, Weekly accurately prioritises your time usage using Musts and Options to identify what you have on. Enter them on your personal timetable. Daily mindfully connects you with yourself and the moment to every night prepare for the next day’s tasks by looking at your weekly stage for items to include.
Use it well:......................................................... Misuse it:........................................................... Underuse it:.......................................................
RESILIENCE BUILDER Describe four sets of three emotions which grow in intensity, for example, edgy, agitated, frantic. What self-calming strategies do you or could you use to slow your emotions becoming more intense?
> Website: Blank Personal Timetable, Wellbeing Builder Reflection.
What are two things I will start doing to use the four stage model to create a personal timetable?
Who benefits and how do they benefit?
Individually, in small groups or as a class, brainstorm a list of everyday objects or things. These could be a school, car, pencil, cup, etc. Select one to investigate. Think about the main purposes of the object and enter them in the centre circle.
What parts make up the object? Any special ones?
Think about the parts that make up the object and enter them in the second circle. Think about who benefits from the object and in what way they benefit. Enter them in the outer circle. Rotate through a number of objects and present your findings to the class. Alternatively, draw a large version of this diagram on the board in the classroom, write your thoughts on sticky notes and put them in the appropriate circles. Discuss these thoughts with the class.
What are the main purposes of the object?
1. 2.
“What we do flows from who we are.” Paul Vitale
2014 Thinking Tools_Creative Ripples.indd 1
14/08/13 12:53 PM
GROWTH MINDSET ACTIONS To grow my brain’s abilities to become my best possible self, what ‘difficult’ things could I do? MONDAY Date: ___/___/___
MINDFULNESS ACTIVITY LEAVES – Go outside and pick up as many different types of leaves as you can in five minutes. Go back inside and describe how each of them feels, how many lines they have on them, how they smell and anything else you notice about each one.
What do I still need to learn to do?
TUESDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
WEDNESDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
THURSDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
FRIDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
WEEKEND Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
Think about three good things that happened, no matter how small they were, that you were grateful for this week. What did you do to make them happen and how can you make them happen again?
Select a face which shows how you felt this week.
What are three things you are really looking forward to next week?
MIND AND HEART CALMER Who is someone who is good at building relationships and what do they do?
ACCEPTANCE AND BELIEF Wellbeing Bank: to build my Strengths and Emotions by valuing and believing in myself as a person who matters. Before you can build your Self-Belief, you need to accept all the things which make you up as a person.
There will be things you like about yourself and those that you don’t like so much.
STRENGTHS THINKING Every day for two of my strengths, I will choose the best Habits of Mind ways to think when using them.
The reality is that is who you are and no one on the planet has your special and individual mix of attributes and strengths. When you look at life through the lens of your top strengths, you tend to look for what is right in who you are, what you do and as a result, are far more likely to fully accept all of you.
Using the strengths Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence and Humility, will enable you to strive towards becoming your best possible self.
For the strength of ZEST, describe one thing you could do to:
Describe how you currently accept who you are. ................................................................................
Use it well:.........................................................
Misuse it:...........................................................
Believing in who you are and what you do will fuel your efforts to accomplish what you set out to do and create uplifting spirals of positive emotions in you to feel happier and healthier.
Underuse it:.......................................................
> Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection.
RESILIENCE BUILDER Stronger emotions are felt when you have disagreements. It is also important for you to have empathy for the needs and feelings of the others involved. Describe a time you have done this well and what you did.
What are two things I will start doing to boost my self-belief by accepting who I am as a person?
Define - What is this about? - Why did it happen?
This thinking strategy is designed to help you slow your thinking down to be more structured and analytical in your approach to a topic. •
In the Define section state what the topic is about
In the Describe section, describe the different parts that make the topic up
In the Example section, give examples of or similarities to the topic
In the Opposite section, give examples of things that are totally different; be creative
1. 2.
Describe - Describe the different aspects - What does it look, sound and feel like?
Example - What are examples of this? - Are they similar and how are they?
Opposite - What are not examples of this? - How are they different?
“Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.” Albert Camus
2014 Thinking Tools_Define, Describe, Example, Opposite.indd 1
14/08/13 12:53 PM
GROWTH MINDSET ACTIONS To grow my brain’s abilities to become my best possible self, what ‘difficult’ things could I do? MONDAY Date:
MINDFULNESS ACTIVITY GRATITUDE CHECK – It doesn’t matter what time of day it is. Think of and write down as many things that have happened today that you are thankful for and why you are.
___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
TUESDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
WEDNESDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
THURSDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
FRIDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
WEEKEND Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
Think about three good things that happened, no matter how small they were, that you were grateful for this week. What did you do to make them happen and how can you make them happen again?
Select a face which shows how you felt this week.
What are three things you are really looking forward to next week?
MIND AND HEART CALMER When are times you have shown yourself to be honest?
HOME STUDY PATTERNS Wellbeing Bank: to add to my Positive Engagement by focusing my attention fully when studying at home. In Years 7 and 8, you learned about the value of a home study area to create patterns for your brain to help you stay focused.
Ideal conditions for the area include quiet, colourful, well resourced and away from distractions such as loud music, mobiles and TV.
FEEL GOOD MENU Delicious Feelings – making a list of my ten best of best feel good activities and choosing to do one every day to thrive and flourish.
CHARACTER STRENGTH For the strength of PERSEVERANCE, describe one thing you could do to: Many of you and your friends are heavily involved in non-stop communication through social media, which narrows and reduces your attention to and engagement with what you are doing.
Use it well:.........................................................
This effectively destroys your ability to maintain deep concentration on any activity other than your phone.
Underuse it:.......................................................
Misuse it:...........................................................
Describe how well you concentrate on your study at home.
For a conflict situation you have been involved in describe the other person’s wants, needs, emotions and their intensity and the body language they showed. How were your own wants, needs, emotions and intensity similar?
................................................................................ To be fully committed to becoming your best possible self, the reality is that you need to focus when learning at home. A great strategy to achieve this, is to use the strengths Bravery and Self-regulation to put your phone on flight mode, enabling you to ‘switch off’. It is a simple choice, pay attention to what you need to pay attention to or suffer from FOMO and experience no personal or academic growth. > Website: Wellbeing Builder Reflection.
What are two things I will start doing to maintain my attention while learning at home?
In your own words, describe the event that occurred.
Give the reasons you believe led to the event occurring.
Say how people were affected by the event.
Every event or situation you look at would have had •
a number of causes which made it happen
a number of effects on people and other things because it happened
In the Event section, describe the event or situation you are looking at
In the Cause section, give the reasons why you think it happened
In the Effect section, write down what were the effects on people and other things because the event happened
Share your thoughts with a classmate and add to each other’s lists
1. 2.
“One’s destination is never a place but rather a new way of looking at things.” Henry Miller
2014 Thinking Tools_Event_Cause, Effect.indd 1
14/08/13 12:54 PM
GROWTH MINDSET ACTIONS To grow my brain’s abilities to become my best possible self, what ‘difficult’ things could I do? MONDAY Date:
MINDFULNESS ACTIVITY POSITIVE EMOTIONS – For the next week choose two Positive Emotions you will feel for each day. Think about what body language you will show for each of them.
___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
TUESDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
WEDNESDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
THURSDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
FRIDAY Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
WEEKEND Date: ___/___/___ What do I still need to learn to do?
Think about three good things that happened, no matter how small they were, that you were grateful for this week. What did you do to make them happen and how can you make them happen again?
Select a face which shows how you felt this week.
What are three things you are really looking forward to next week?