DATO brochure spring 2019

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spring 2019



Just Good Your buying guide for a better world


Who is HE, for example Wouter Stips


An evening with the women’s association Babette Wagenvoort en Lokien de Bie


Borgers, music in the family


St. Anna The history of the independent St. Anna Ziekenhuis Geldrop 1931-2017


Paul BriĂŤt 100 years of timeless architecture


Dust, mud and stone Jessica Bartels

Look, there SHE goes Wouter Stips

20 Floris (2nd edition) The whole story behind the successful television series 21 50 strong women who changed the world (2nd edition) 22 BACKLIST

Ber tus, Lody, Peer en Nova Borgers Photo: Koos Breukel From Borgers, music in the family (page 12)


Just Good


Your buying guide for a better world

gewoon goed


jouw koopgids voor een mooiere wereld KAREN KAMMERAAT

text Karen Kammeraat

How great would it be if we lived in a world in which people, environment and economy were in balance and the Earth’s resources were not being unnecessarily exhausted. Such a sustainable existence is translated in this book as a ‘better world’. A book for everyone who wants to contribute to such a world by shopping more consciously. But where can you find the products that contribute to a better world, and how can you recognise them? This buying guide has the answers. The Just Good buying guide offers you an easily accessible way of learning about all kinds of different products and shows you what the alternatives are. Because for every product, there is a sustainable alternative! Karen Kammeraat has been searching for sustainable products for 25 years. These products have to be fun, delicious and affordable and buying them has to be achievable in our busy daily lives. She is by no means perfect when it comes to shopping and doing groceries, and she does not even believe this is possible. If each of us makes a small contribution, together we can make a big difference. Are you in? format 14 x 21,5 cm size 160 pages paperback

design Marjolein Rams and Michiel van Heeswijk release March

€ 17,95 NUR 450 ISBN 978-94-6226-319-2

Karen Kammeraat (1971) studied Industrial Design and International Relations. She has worked in development cooperation for 25 years, with a special focus on economic development and entrepreneurship; the first 15 years in employment, by Oxfam Novib among others, and later as an independent entrepreneur. She has lived in Tanzania and has completed projects in other developing countries, training entrepreneurs within her programme Briljante Onderneemster. In the Netherlands she creates awareness of development cooperation and fair trade and production through Stichting EerlijkWinkelen, which she founded in 2009.




Look, there SHE goes


Wouter Stips

To mark Wouter Stips’ 75th birthday, there is a large retrospective exhibition in Slot Zeist from 4 April to mid-June 2019 illustrations and text Wouter Stips

Terrace, beer, Watching the people go by… What moves them? Who are they? We choose two at random and follow them. HE and SHE. We see who they are, who they could be, why they are there… Wouter Stips asks questions. He follows what he draws and thus lands in situations. Situations that encourage him towards philosophical thoughts. Is there not a philosopher hiding within each of us? In HE and SHE everyone recognises something of themselves. A mirror is held up to us, and makes us laugh, but also forces us to reflect.

format 10 x 14 cm size 96 pages bound

design Wouter Stips, Lecturis release April

€ 12,50 NUR 370 ISBN 978-94-6226-313-0

Until 1995 Wouter Stips (1944) worked primarily as a programme-maker and director. Since then he has focused more and more on his original profession: visual artist. His work pulls you into his associative imaginative domain of wonderful human-animals, cupids, horses, fish, apples, birds and other bizarre scenes. His work initially seems cheerful, but upon reflection it gives food for thought.




Who is HE, for example


Wouter Stips

To mark Wouter Stips’ 75th birthday, there is a large retrospective exhibition in Slot Zeist from 4 April to mid-June 2019 tekeningen en tekst Wouter Stips

Terrace, beer, Watching the people go by… What moves them? Who are they? We choose two at random and follow them. HE and SHE. We see who they are, who they could be, why they are there… Wouter Stips asks questions. He follows what he draws and thus lands in situations. Situations that encourage him towards philosophical thoughts. Is there not a philosopher hiding within each of us? In HE and SHE everyone recognises something of themselves. A mirror is held up to us, and makes us laugh, but also forces us to reflect.

format 10 x 14 cm size 96 pages bound

design Wouter Stips, Lecturis release April

€ 12,50 NUR 370 ISBN 978-94-6226-312-3

Until 1995 Wouter Stips (1944) worked primarily as a programme-maker and director. Since then he has focused more and more on his original profession: visual artist. His work pulls you into his associative imaginative domain of wonderful human-animals, cupids, horses, fish, apples, birds and other bizarre scenes. His work initially seems cheerful, but upon reflection it gives food for thought.



An evening with the women’s association


Een avond bij de vrouwenvereniging

Een avond bij de vrouwenvereniging Babette Wagenvoort Lokien de Bie

This book fits in well with the theme of the book week.


illustrations Babette Wagenvoort text Lokien de Bie Do they still exist, the classic, often religiously-grounded ‘rural women’s associations’ that have led a flourishing existence in the Netherlands for decades? At the same time as the recent decline in the popularity of churches, these women’s societies are also being threatened with closure. But hundreds of women all over the country still come together every month on their association evening. So, what are they doing there? Illustrator Babette Wagenvoort and writer Lokien de Bie visited ten society evenings in the Westland, a region that can also be considered as representative of women’s societies elsewhere in the country.

Babette Wagenvoort (M.A., Royal College of Art), visual artist and illustrator, has published work in the VPRO Gids, Hollands Maandblad, Vrij Nederland and Opzij, among others. Lokien de Bie worked as editor and writer for the VPRO Gids from 1987, freelance since 2009.

Their educational, often amusing report - in illustrations, text and interviews – is an ode to a disappearing Dutch cultural phenomenon.

format 21 x 28 cm size 80 pages bound

design Suzanne Bakkum release March 22

€ 19,95 NUR 695 ISBN 978-94-6226-316-1

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Borgers, music in the family


How is it possible that I can still walk on stage seventy years after being born with ten family members to play a really good show for a sold-out vanue? Bertus Borgers text Bertus Borgers photography Koos Breukel, Sander Troelstra Brabant musician Bertus Borgers (Vessem, 1947) describes his experiences with the phenomenon of music in his family, from the liberation of his birthplace The Kempen in September 1944 up to his experiences with his grandchildren. As the oldest in a family of nine children, he uses his own experiences to describe the road ‘the music’ has taken over the generations. From the acoustic era, via electric guitars to the contemporary digital distribution of music. The uprooting of a Catholic family in the sixties, the rise of electricity in the music world, the role of women, the freedom to make your own choices, professional versus amateur, all this has always played a role in the experience but never got in the way of the passion and pleasure. Playing together and the element of escape turned out to be timeless forces. And still are. The famous Amsterdam photographer Koos Breukel photographed members of the Borgers family on-stage and off-stage and compiled a selection together with photos taken by his colleague Sander Troelstra, and with photos from the Borgers family archive.

format 23 x 28 cm size 200 pagina’s paperback with flaps

design Katrien van de Camp release May

€ 30,00 NUR 662 ISBN 978-94-6226-309-3

Bertus Borgers (Vessem,1947) emerged as saxophonist, singer and songwriter from the underground Eindhoven music scene in the late sixties. He became famous as the band leader of Mr. Albert Show and SweetdʼBuster and was guest soloist for Herman Brood, Golden Earring and Raymond from the Groenewoud. From 1970 he produced sixteen albums of his own work and as an author he produced the books Weg van hier, ik hou van Herman and Onder onze voeten kruipt de Blues. In 2012 he said farewell to the Rock Academy in Tilburg, of which he was co-founder and member of the board. As well as in theatres, Ber tus can be seen on rock stages with The Young Retro’s, with who he has released two albums of old and new work.




St. Anna

The history of the independent St. Anna Ziekenhuis Geldrop 1931-2017


Informative book about the creation and the growth of a village hospital

text J. (Sjef) Smeets

This book tells the story of the St. Anna Ziekenhuis in Geldrop. A unique hospital located close to the cities of Eindhoven and Helmond with its very own culture. With the help of an enormous archive, compiler Sjef Smeets has gathered facts and events, together with many photos and newspaper articles, to depict the interesting history of this hospital.

format 17 x 24 cm size 256 pages paperback

design Lecturis released

â‚Ź 19,95 NUR 693 ISBN 978-94-6226-308-6

Sjef Smeets (1939) is former management member (1970-1990) of the St. Anna Ziekenhuis.




Paul Briët


100 years of timeless architecture

Transformation and conversion of old buildings is a topical subject 2019 is the Briët year Arthur Briët Exhibition from 23 March to 29 September in the Noord-Veluws Museum in Nunspeet text Inge de Neef

Architect Paul Briët worked at the Hanrath bureau in Hilversum. He continued the firm after Hanrath’s death. The firm was commissioned by Philips in Eindhoven to design and build a large number of projects from the 1920s to the 1950s. The book documents Briët’s work in Eindhoven, the relationship with the development of the city and the current transformation of several of his buildings that have involved contemporary architects who tell their stories in detail. Paul Briët’s architecture is put in the spotlight, on one hand from the renewed interest for this kind of historic renovation in a rapidly developing city, and on the other hand because many of these buildings are transformed to a new function, whereby the balance between preservation and change is a significant theme. This book presents both facets of his work; the original quality and the realised transformations. Paul Briët’s granddaughter, Antoinette Briët, took the initiative for this research. Its publication in 2019 coincides with the Briët year at the Noord-Veluwsmuseum in Nunspeet, where Paul Briët’s father was an artist. format 23,5 x 27 cm size 160 pages bound

design Lecturis release February

€ 27,50 NUR 648 ISBN 978-94-6226-305-5

Inge de Neef and Hans van Niedek together form IDEN, bureau for research and architecture. Graduates in architectural engineering from the TU/e they have both gained experience in the design and construction of various buildings and projects. Furthermore, Inge de Neef also completed a Post-HBO study in Restoration and Conversion of Monumental Buildings at the Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen in 2012. As well as their work as architects, they have also been commissioned to carry out research into the possibilities of converting existing special buildings. When making these reports, they unearth a great deal of information and images that is interesting to the wider public and that has led to it being published in the form of a book for residents, users and other interested parties.



Ik heb hoge hopen hoop zelfs over om weg te geven heb ook een hoop hoop verloren doch toch nog hoge hopen om de hoop te doen leven


Dust, mud and stone


City poet of Eindhoven poems Jessica Bartels

I write down everything but also not that much the cover is always most beautiful who would read it otherwise never been a good story but have written one in dust, mud and stone

format 13,3 x 18,8 cm size 64 pages paperback

design Andrea Kriegl release February

Jessica Bartels (1990) is the city poet of Eindhoven. At least, until December 2019. Then she will start writing books. Because she cannot imagine doing anything else. In her daily life she is a teacher of creative writing and experience expert speaker/ information officer in the field of autism and depression. She also works in special education, where she gives special writing lessons and social resilience training to children with mental disorders.

â‚Ź 12,50 NUR 306 ISBN 978-94-6226-320-8





The whole story behind the successful television series

2nd edition

Exhibition from 1 February in Museum of the Twentieth Century With a complete index Now also with current photo of Jos Bergman (Sindala)

text Jaap Kooimans preface Gerard Soeteman and Paul Verhoeven Floris is one of the most successful television series’ made on Dutch soil. That the series is still alive is shown by the rapid sales of the first edition. The series was devised in 1968 by scenario writer Gerard Soeteman and directed by Paul Verhoeven. Actors Rutger Hauer and Jos Bergman played the main characters Floris and Sindala. This book presents never before published stories and photos that tell the whole story of this legendary series.

Jaap Kooimans (1960)studied personnel & work and social history, and has worked as an HR advisor and information officer. He has founded companies and provided guidance for the recruitment & selection of specialised nursing and paramedic personnel.

Floris has often been repeated, generates high ratings time and time again and whole generations have grown up with it. Floris still appeals to the imagination. Partly due to the cooperation of many of the people involved, this book has become an ode to Floris and its makers!

format 17 x 24 cm size 384 pages paperback 20

design Lecturis released

â‚Ź 24,95 NUR 674 ISBN 978-94-6226-283-6


50 strong women who changed the world


2nd edition

Fits in well with the theme of book week A book with lots of beautiful photos that invites you to discover more about these fascinating women

text Chiara Pasqualetti Johnson

This book describes the lives of fifty women who have overcome centuriesold prejudices. They disrupted and changed society and slowly but surely secured a place in the man’s world. The example set by these iconic women with their knowledge, experience and imagination paved the way for generations to come. With Emmeline Pankhurst, Marie Curie, Alexandra David-Néel, Maria Montessori, Gertrude Stein, Mata Hari, Virginia Woolf, Coco Chanel, Agatha Christie, Martha Graham, Amelia Earhart, Golda Meir, Peggy Guggenheim, Tamara de Lempicka, Leni Riefenstahl, Diana Vreeland, Margaret Bourke-White, Estée Lauder, Joséphine Baker, Frida Kahlo, Rachel Carson, Simone de Beauvoir, Rita Levi-Montalcini, Moeder Teresa, Rosa Parks, Indira Gandhi, Evita Perón, Rosalind Franklin, Margaret Thatcher, Elizabeth II, Simone Veil, Anne Frank, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Dian Fossey, Mary Quant, Valentina Tereshkova, Wangari Maathai, Joan Baez, Roberta Gibb, Billie Jean King, Zaha Hadid, Benazir Bhutto, Christiane Amanpour, Diana Spencer, Samantha Cristoforetti, Misty Copeland, Laura Dekker en Malala Yousafzai. format 23,7 x 28 cm size 228 pages hardcover

design Maria Cucchi and Lecturis (cover and typography) released

€ 29,95 NUR 686 ISBN 978-94-6226-282-9

Chiara Pasqualetti Johnson is an Italian of English origin, living and working in Milan. She has now worked in journalism for fifteen years, makes biographies of contemporary ar tists for the monthly magazine Arte and writes book reviews for the magazine Antiquariato. Johnson also writes travel and lifestyle articles for Dove magazine and has worked on books and series’ about modern and contemporary art for the publishers Electa and Rizzoli. Original publication The Most Influential Women of our Time (White Star Publishers)



Myra de Rooy Dochters van de bergen Sterke vrouwen uit Iran, Ladakh, Oost Turkestan en Tibet ISBN 978-94-6226-093-1 € 29,95

Dirk Kok ‘t Is alles kleuren, zilver, goud Staphorst, versieren bij het leven ISBN 978-94-6226-106-8 € 17,50

Frans Bevers Dagboek Amerika 6231 kilometer fietsen van de Pacific naar de Atlantic ISBN 978-94-6226-134-1 € 14,95

404202 404065

Myra de Rooy Chamlang De eerste Nederlandse vrouwenexpedie ISBN 978-94-226-222-5 € 29,95


Hans Zirkzee Jazz in Rotterdam ISBN 978-94-6226-133-4 € 49,95 404220

Mar tin Fickweiler Multi-pitch Climbing in Europe Engelstalig ISBN 978-94-6226-184-6 € 29,95




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Frans Kurstjens (fotografie), Annemarie Staaks (tekst) Mijn groene pak Missie Afghanistan: een persoonlijk verhaal ove moralinjury ISBN 978-94-226-300-0 € 29,95


Bard Bothe Kerstverhalen ISBN 978-94-6226-248 € 14,95 404461

Rober t van Willigenburg Hier lag een wielerbaan ISBN 978-94-6226-301-7 € 27,95 404507


Peti Buchel Tekenend door Syrië ISBN 978-94-6226-132-7 € 19,50 Jeroen Kuiper Polen Geen land van fietsers en vegetariërs ISBN 978-94-6226-285-0 € 22,50 404506



Arno Huibers Dementie met een glimlach ISBN 978-94-6226-296-6 € 24,95 404508

Mariët Herlé, Carolyn Wiersum Koken in het groot / Cooking for crowds Gezonde maaltijden uit de daklozenkeuken Nederlands- en Engelstalig ISBN 978-94-226-236-2 € 25,00

Watse Sybesma (tekst), Diego Cohan (illustraties) Femke en het zwarte gat dat haar sok opvrat ISBN 978-94-6226-294-2 € 14,95

De vierde koning Een ougende opnieuw ver teld ISBN 978-94-6226-258-4 € 19,95 404466

404503 404460

Jan Wierts Industrieel werken en wonen Transformaties en hergebruik in Eindhoven ISBN 978-94-226-262-1 € 24,95

Lizette de Koning (tekst), Nina van den Bosch (illustraties) De kleine baron ISBN 978-90-70108-94-6 € 17,50 403378


Bob Cramwinckel Smaak met illustraties van Olivier Heiligers ISBN 978-94-226-241-6 € 19,95

Annelies Verbrugge Merel wil anders ISBN 978-94-6226-087-0 € 17,50 404058


Ricky Koole Toen kende ik de wereld nog niet Gedachten van een kleuter ISBN 978-94-226-295-9 € 19,95

De rode koffer 20 spannende avonturen over Afghanistan ISBN 978-94-6226-210-2 € 9,95 404423



DATO is an imprint of Lecturis Lecturis Publishers P.O. box 43 NL-5600 AA Eindhoven GalileĂŻstraat 2 NL-5621 AE Eindhoven NL-Weesperzijde 80a 1091 EJ Amsterdam +31 (0)40 281 45 45 info@lecturis.nl www.lecturis.nl Paul van Mameren, managing director-publisher paul@lecturis.nl Hans van de Willige, publisher hans@lecturis.nl Hans Timmer, sales & publisher hanstimmer@lecturis.nl JosĂŠ Knook, administration jose@lecturis.nl Sales in The Netherlands Ef & Ef Media P.O. box 404 NL-3500 AK Utrecht info@efenefmedia.nl +31 (0)6 29108294 Sales in Belgium Elkedag Boeken Jodenstraat 16 B-2000 Antwerpen info@elkedagboeken.be +32 (0)3 345 60 40 International distribution: Idea Books Nieuwe Herengracht 11 NL-1011 RK Amsterdam +31 (0)20 622 61 54 www.ideabooks.nl Prices and publication dates are subject to change. Illustration front cover: from St. Anna (page 14) 24

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