AmCham Vietnam in HCMC - Membership Directory 2012

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AmCham Directory - 2012



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American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

AmCham Directory - 2012



American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

AmCham Directory - 2012


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American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

AmCham Directory - 2012




American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

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AmCham Directory - 2012


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American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

AmCham Directory - 2012



American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

AmCham Directory - 2012



American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the Ambassador....................................................................... 17 AmCham Goals and Objectives....................................................................... 19 Calendar of AmCham Events for 2012............................................................ 21 AmCham Ho Chi Minh City Chapter..................................................... 23 Photos of Events in 2011.......................................................................... 24, 25 Message from the Chair.................................................................................. 27 Board of Governors, Staff and Contacts.......................................................... 29 Benefits and Services...................................................................................... 30 Committee Profiles......................................................................................... 33 Useful Information for HCMC......................................................................... 35 List of Consulates............................................................................... 36 Serviced Apartments, Moving and Relocations....................................37 Banks, Finance, Insurance, and Healthcare.................................... 38, 39 Schools............................................................................................... 40 Vietnamese Government Offices......................................................... 41 Membership List............................................................................................. 43 AmCham Hanoi Chapter........................................................................ 277 AmCham Images.................................................................................. 282, 283 Message from the Chair........................................................................ 285, 286 Board of Governors, Staff and Contacts........................................................ 287 Benefits and Services..................................................................................... 289 Committee Profiles............................................................................... 290, 291 Useful Information for Hanoi......................................................................... 293 Airlines & Travel Service Providers......................................................294 Banks, Finance, and Insurance.................................................. 294, 295 List of Embassies ...................................................................... 296, 297 Healthcare ....................................................................................... 298 Hotels & Food Service Providers................................................298, 299 Legal & Consulting Services.............................................. 300, 301, 302 Moving, Property, Shipping & Logistics Services.........................302, 303 Schools............................................................................................. 303 Vietnamese Government Offices....................................................... 304 Membership List........................................................................................... 307 U.S. Government Representatives................................................................. 419 AmChams in Asia-Pacific Region................................................................... 422 Index by Company........................................................................................ 426 Index by Name.............................................................................................. 433 Index to Advertisers...................................................................................... 445

AmCham Directory - 2012



American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam


Dear AmCham Members: It is my great pleasure to work with American businesses in my new capacity as U.S. Ambassador to Vietnam. My top priority is to expand the U.S.-Vietnam economic relationship. The American business community, represented by the American Chambers of Commerce, is an essential partner in this effort. Last December, we marked the 10th anniversary of the U.S.-Vietnam Bilateral Trade Agreement, which opened the door to an astonishing growth in trade over the past decade. Your support for this agreement was instrumental in its passage and implementation. The BTA not only expanded markets and jobs for American firms, but it has driven economic growth and rising incomes in Vietnam. Growing commercial ties have also laid the groundwork for an expanded bilateral partnership that covers security, science and technology, health, education and other fields. One of our top priorities this year is to work with Vietnam and other partner countries to negotiate the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement. As the cornerstone of United States economic engagement in this dynamic region, TPP will set the standards for future expansion of trade and investment in the Asia Pacific. At the 2011 APEC Summit, the leaders from the nine TPP countries expressed their commitment to conclude this ambitious trade agreement as quickly as possible. Just as American businesses played a critical role in promoting the BTA ten years ago, you will be important partners in supporting TPP. Through APEC, TPP, and other initiatives, the United States is committed to playing a leading role in ensuring economic prosperity in the region. The United States and Vietnam traded over $20 billion in goods and services in 2011. The United States also continued to be an important source of foreign investment, bringing not only capital but needed technology and management expertise to Vietnam. We are committed to expanding bilateral trade and investment even more robustly this year, with particular focus on growing U.S. exports. President Obama has designated Vietnam a priority market in his National Export Initiative (NEI), which seeks to double U.S. exports by 2014. Exceeding our NEI target, and sustaining growth in bilateral trade and investment, requires continued efforts to ensure Vietnam’s regulatory environment is transparent and fair. This year, we will maintain our technical assistance to support Vietnam’s regulatory and administrative reform efforts. We will also sustain our regular dialogues with the Government of Vietnam to encourage market-oriented policies that are transparent, rules based, and fair to American businesses. I appreciate your continued engagement on administrative reform and advocacy. Instability in Vietnam’s macroeconomic environment continued last year, prompting the Government to outline a reform plan to shore up stability and investor confidence. We welcome the Government’s focus on restructuring public investment, state-owned enterprises, and the financial sector. As you in the business community well know, the challenge will be in implementation. During my first Consultative Group meeting last December, I urged Vietnam to reduce administrative trade measures, improve transparency, and maintain its commitment to market-based mechanisms when pursuing these economic reforms. In support of the Government’s efforts, we will continue to provide policy research, training, and technical assistance. Vietnam’s economic growth and investment potential are constrained by factors including lack of robust infrastructure and human resource capacity. The U.S. business community is well-placed to assist Vietnam overcome these constraints by sharing your managerial and technical expertise. We are committed to supporting your efforts. Public private partnerships (PPPs) offer a unique opportunity to engage U.S. businesses in addressing Vietnam’s chief growth constraints. USAID, Intel, Danaher Corporation, Cadence Software and several American universities are partnering to improve the quality of engineering faculty, administration, and curricula at eight Vietnamese colleges

AmCham Directory - 2012


and universities. This effort is improving the quality and relevance of Vietnamese higher education and helping produce the human capital Vietnam needs for next-stage economic growth. In 2012 we will expand our higher education development work and continue to seek private sector ideas and inputs. Also with USAID support this year, we will continue supporting the Government’s efforts to engage PPPs for infrastructure development. In collaboration with other donors, we are providing technical assistance to the Government of Vietnam to further develop PPPs in infrastructure. I encourage American companies to actively participate in these efforts. As always, my staff and I are eager to hear your perspectives, your concerns and your ideas to improve U.S.-Vietnam relations. Our engagement with the Government is informed by concrete examples of how changing policies impact your day-to-day businesses. I encourage you to continue close collaboration with my team on these issues. The U.S. Embassy looks forward to working with all of you to make 2012 another successful year in U.S.-Vietnam relations! Sincerely,

David B. Shear


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

AMCHAM: ORGANIZATION, OBJECTIVES, AND GOALS The American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (AmCham) is a not-for-profit, non-governmental, non-political organization of companies working together to promote trade and investment between the United States and Vietnam. Established under authority of a license issued by the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City on September 19, 1998, AmCham has chapters in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. Each chapter is governed by a Board of Governors, the AmCham Charter, and its own chapter by-laws, while the National AmCham Board of Governors consists of the Officers of the two chapters. The objectives of AmCham, as stated in the Charter, are: 1. To promote the development of trade, commerce and investment between the United States and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. 2. To provide a forum in which American businesspeople in Vietnam can identify and discuss common interests regarding their commercial interests in Vietnam. 3. To work with organizations in Vietnam on matters of mutual interest. 4. To maintain relations with chambers of commerce in the United States and other chambers of commerce or commercial organizations. For the year 2012, our main goal continues to be robust and timely implementation of the Vietnam-United States Agreement on Trade Relations (Bilateral Trade Agreement—BTA), which entered into effect on December 10, 2001, as well as the commitments on goods and services in Vietnam’s WTO Accession Agreement, some of which were effective as of January 11, 2007, the date Vietnam became a WTO member, and some of which will be phased in over time. Implementation of these commitments will stimulate economic and social development in Vietnam and will offer many new opportunities for AmCham companies. In addition, we seek to improve the business environment by promoting investment, including private sector investment, in physical infrastructure needed to support increased trade and investment; protection of intellectual property rights (IPR); implementation of Vietnam’s anti-corruption action plan, especially strengthening preventive measures; improving the legal environment; promoting education and work-force development, including cooperative labor-business-government relations; and to cooperate with central and local authorities in trade and investment promotion activities. We support the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2015, which aims to create an ASEAN single market and production base comprised of five core elements: (i) free flow of goods; (ii) free flow of services; (iii) free flow of investment; (iv) freer flow of capital; and (v) free flow of skilled labor. Moreover, we support the negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. We continue to cooperate closely with the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) and other business associations in Vietnam to implement the Prime Minister’s Action Plan for Harmonious Labour Relations, Stable Investment Environment, and Social Order (Prime Minister’s Decision 1129/QD-TTg, 18 Aug 08: Action Plan for the Implementation of Central Committee Directive No. 22-CT/CW, 05 Jun 08), starting with the Revised Labour Code. AmCham seeks to achieve its long-term objectives and current goals by presenting a united voice, in cooperation with the Vietnam Business Forum, to the main decision makers in the Government of the United States and of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, at the local, regional, and national level.

AmCham Directory - 2012



AmCham HCMC February


24 - 26


Dalat Winter Weekend


Independence Day Celebration and Family BBQ






Thanksgiving “Turkey Shoot� Golf Outing & Dinner

17th Annual Governors Ball 19th Annual General Meeting & Members Night 12th Annual Scholarship Award Ceremony

8 12 15



Save the date 20

American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

AmCham Events Can Help You… …network with your peers …hone your skills, train your staff …stay informed about Vietnam’s business climate …promote your company …make valuable new business contacts

Key AmCham Events - 2012

Events in Ho Chi Minh City (visit for updated event info) Members’ Night and Meet the Consulate General 236th Independence Day Celebration and BBQ Thanksgiving “Turkey Shoot” Golf Outing & Dinner 17th Annual Governors Ball 19th Annual General Meeting & Members Night 12th Annual Scholarship Award Ceremony

March, May, September June 30 November 22 December 8 December 12 December 15

Events in Hanoi (visit for updated event info) New Orleans Mardi Gras Ball 9th Annual Cinco de Mayo Networking Party 18th Annual U.S. Independence Day Celebration Fall Networking BBQ U.S. Election Results Watch Party Turkey Shoot Golf Tournament Annual Meeting & Ambassador Dinner Scholarship Award Ceremony

April 14 May 4 July 7 October 10 November 7 November 23 December 5 December 15

Events Elsewhere Dalat Winter Weekend APCAC Annual Meeting in Tokyo Business Mission to Can Tho (Agribusiness) APCAC Washington Doorknock Business Mission to Phu Quoc (Tourism) Fall Networking Weekend in Hoi An Business Mission to Central Vietnam

February 24-26 March 1-3 2nd Quarter, 2012 June 17–20 3rd Quarter, 2012 September 14-16 3rd Quarter, 2012

AmCham Directory - 2012



American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam


AmCham Directory - 2012



American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

AmCham Directory - 2012



American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam


Dear AmCham Members, Welcome to the 2012 AmCham Membership Directory where you’ll find the wide variety of businesses that make up AmCham Vietnam. Through this directory and a regularly updated on-line version at http://www., you can contact AmCham companies that offer many of the services you’ll need as you build your business in Vietnam and throughout the ASEAN region. As Vietnam continues to attract new investment interest even in today’s challenging economic environment our membership continues to grow. With your support, we now have over 450 companies in the Ho Chi Minh City Chapter and another 200+ companies in the Hanoi Chapter. The total number of AmCham Vietnam company representatives now exceeds 1,400. AmCham Vietnam offers networking and information-sharing activities with key business and government leaders, investment and trade seminars and business promotion missions as well as the opportunity to participate in our many committees and action groups that promote U.S. business interests in specific industries and professional sectors such as Direct Selling, Human Resources, Manufacturing, and Corporate Social Responsibility. As a member, you benefit from information-sharing and advertising opportunities through this directory, the Weekly Update emails and the AmCham website. We offer opportunities for meaningful community service through our AmCham Scholarship Program, grants to small Vietnamese NGOs and Community Development Events that highlight social needs such as the World Blood Donor Day and International Coastal Cleanup Day. AmCham members also enjoy excellent social and networking events throughout the year including special Members Nights, our very popular Fourth of July Celebration and Family BBQ, Thanksgiving Dinner, and the Annual Governor’s Ball charity event. In addition, we hold regular AmCham “Palooza” parties which are informal networking events held at clubs and restaurants throughout Ho Chi Minh City. All these activities are to support our principal objective, which is to, “promote trade and investment between Vietnam and the United States.” The chart shows the results of AmCham and member companies’ efforts. Total bilateral trade increased from US$15.4 billion in 2009 to US$18.6 billion in 2010 and more than US$22 billion in 2011. At this rate, trade may exceed US$44 billion by 2020, making Vietnam one of the most important ASEAN trade partners for the U.S. Apparel exports to the U.S., which is the most important sector for US-Vietnam trade, increased from US$6.3 billion in 2010 to US$7.2 billion in 2011 and accounted for close to 42% of U.S. imports from Vietnam and over 50% of Vietnam’s apparel exports. Footwear and furniture are two other major trade sectors. FDI in Vietnam, 2010-2011 ($billion)

FDI Type New Expansion Total

2010 $17.5 $1.9 $19.9

2011 Change 66% $11.6 164% $3.1 76% $14.7

In 2012, we will continue to see challenges and opportunities. While the trade growth is strongly positive, the outlook for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is mixed. The total newly registered and additionally increased capital in 2011 reached US$14.7 billion according to the

AmCham Directory - 2012


Foreign Investment Agency, accounting for only 76% of 2010’s total figure. The increase of existing FDI reached US$3.1 billion, over one and a half times the level of increased FDI in 2010 (US$1.89 billion) which indicates that foreign investors evaluate the investment environment in Vietnam positively; although new FDI is down to only 66% of 2010’s level. In February, 2012 the Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index, released by the global management consulting firm, A.T. Kearney based an annual survey of global companies with more than US$2 trillion in annual revenues showed that Vietnam was the only Asian nation to fall in the rankings, dropping from 12th place in 2010 to 14th place in 2011. In the meantime, Indonesia moved up from 20th place in 2010 to 9th place in 2011, while FDI there hit a record US$19.3 billion, double the previous year! Malaysia moved up from 21st to 10th place, so clearly Vietnam has some strong competition for FDI throughout the ASEAN region. Throughout the year AmCham stays in close contact with the central and local government authorities to keep them abreast of areas of concern to the business community. Importantly, we provide key decision-makers with specific recommendations to improve the business climate for U.S. trade and investment and to improve Vietnam’s business competitiveness. Through the strength of our membership, AmCham speaks with substantial collective authority on issues affecting our members and U.S. business interests. I’m confident you’ll find this Membership Directory an effective and user-friendly guide and a handy tool to help you understand the many different roles that AmCham member firms play in Vietnam’s exciting and dynamic economy. You’ll want to keep it close by for convenient reference throughout the year. And don’t forget to visit http://www. for the latest updates. On behalf of the AmCham Board of Governors and staff, I wish each of you the best of success in 2012. Please feel free to contact me if there is anything I can do help you make the most of your membership this year. Best regards,

Christopher C. Twomey Chairman, Board of Governors AmCham Vietnam – HCMC Chapter


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

BOARD OF GOVERNORS Christopher Twomey, Chair Lee Baker, Vice Chair Mark Gillin, Vice Chair Chad Ovel, Secretary Jeffrey Carleton, Treasurer Fred Burke, Governor Mason Cobb, Governor Chris Harvey, Governor Rick Howarth, Governor Ly Le, Governor Binh Nguyen, Governor Emre Olcer, Governor Jeff Puchalski, Governor Marc Townsend, Governor Jocelyn Tran, Governor Sesto Vecchi, Governor

OFFICE STAFF Herb Cochran, Executive Director Ho Lu Xuan Mai, Administrative Manager Tran Thi Nguyen Huong (Cindy), Program Manager Nguyen Thi Mai Huong (Amy), Program Manager Nguyen Thuy Van Quynh, Event Manager Pham Bich Hang (Mimi), Membership Services Executive

HO CHI MINH CITY OFFICE New World Hotel Saigon, 3rd Floor, Room 323 76 Le Lai Street, District 1 Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Tel

: +84 8 3824 3562


: +84 8 3824 3572

Email : Website:

AmCham Directory - 2012



Networking via AmCham Publications and Web Site AmCham Vietnam Membership Directory (Print Version) Free Listing One-half page (vertical) free listing, with company logo, address and contact points, representatives’ names, titles, and contact points, with description of member company and highlights of member company’s activities in Vietnam. The AmCham Membership Directory is published annually soon after TET (2,000 copies) and delivered to all members and associates in HCM City and Hanoi, as well as to senior Vietnamese and American government officials, visiting business delegations, etc. Announcements Members and associates may provide additional information about their companies, products, and services via announcements in the Membership Directory. AmCham HCMC Online Membership Directory

Free Listing Members receive a free listing for two office locations in Vietnam, and one office listing outside of Vietnam (USA, etc.). Additional listings are available at a modest fee. Company listing(s) include company logo, website (link), address and contact points, representatives’ names, titles, and contact points (optional “Contact Us” link via email available), description of member company’s global business, and highlights of company’s activities in Vietnam. Members may also provide (at no cost) biographic information about the company representatives. Announcements In 2011, over 3.2 million visitors, over 4.4 million page-views were recorded on our web site at It’s a great place for business networking, the online hub of over 1,000 representatives of nearly 500 AmCham companies (including both expatriate and local managers, and key staff, in HCM City), as well as 3,000 subscribers. Our web site is a key resource for business people in the USA, China, Japan, and Singapore, who are looking for information about products and services in Vietnam. Our companies receive many business inquiries via the web site. Weekly email updates are sent to all members at the beginning of each week to highlight upcoming events and key strategic news items concerning trade and investment, as well as special offers by members for members. Members may include an announcement in these emails for a modest fee.

Networking at AmCham Lunches, Members Nights, and Events AmCham Morning Briefings, Lunches, Networking Nights, and “Palooza Parties” AmCham companies and staff participate in regular and ad hoc AmCham Morning Briefings, Member Lunches and Networking Nights, as well as “Palooza Parties,” which are informal networking events at various clubs and restaurants in HCM City.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

AmCham Committees – Networking, Information Sharing, Problem Solving AmCham companies and staff organize committee meetings and events, which provide networking opportunities with other AmCham members, government officials, media, and other opinion leaders. Committees propose and participate, the Board of Governors approves, the AmCham office supports, and Sponsors provide financial support to supplement participant fees to cover costs. AmCham committees also prepare and submit recommendations on improving business conditions in the form of position papers and letters to senior Vietnamese and U.S. leaders. After consideration and agreement by the appropriate committee and the Board of Governors, or the National Board of Governors, the position paper or letter will be sent. AmCham Weekends & Golf Outings Members, family, and guests participate in weekends outings to relax and network in an informal atmosphere in Dalat (Jan/Feb) and Hoi An (Sep).

AmCham Membership Special Discounts Restaurants, shops, hotels, ‌ many establishments offer AmCham Members special offers and discounts. A passport-sized AmCham Members Discount Directory is published regularly. Often the savings from the AmCham Membership Discount Card can cover the annual cost of the AmCham membership.

Benefit from Referrals We often receive email inquiries via our web site from U.S.-based companies about sourcing, investing in, or exporting to Vietnam. Make sure that your company listing information in the hard-copy print and online Membership Directory is up-to-date so that interested companies can contact you.

Business Facilitation for Visiting Non-Resident Members We cooperate with the U.S. Commercial Service, industry associations, and government officials to facilitate business appointment schedules for visitors and non-resident members interested in trade and investment with Vietnam, including exporting, importing, and investing. We introduce AmCham member firms that can help visitors understand the legal and regulatory environment for setting up in Vietnam.

AmCham Directory - 2012


networking online 1 result found

Doesyour your company company have product, or new that Does havea new a new product, orservice new service youyou wantwant to offer to AmCham members? that to offer to AmCham members? Doesyour yourcompany company want want toto know Does know other otherbusiness businessandand people in AmCham and you want them to know about your people in AmCham and you want them to know about business? your business? Let’s network with Let’s network with For full information on our services, please visit Networking For full information on ouronline services, please visit

Networking online

Announcement in AmCham’s “Weekly Update” emails

Announcement in AmCham’s “Weekly Update” emails

275,000+ visitors

400,000+ page-views/month

1,000 representatives of 450+ AmCham companies

4,000+ regular readers in

Vietnam, Asia-Pacific countries, and the USA


foreign business association web site in Vietnam* * ranked by


Committees and Working Groups perform much of the creative activity of AmCham Vietnam. The success of AmCham depends on the active participation of member volunteers. Most of the committees are organized to focus on particular business or professional interests. Committee activities include monthly meetings, morning seminars/briefings, luncheon speaker programs, business networking nights, and special projects such as trade exhibitions / missions, business development activities, and community awareness-raising to focus on social issues. In addition, committees identify and analyze issues and prepare position papers with recommendations to local and central government authorities on how to improve the business environment. The committee chair is appointed for a one year term by the Chairman of the Board of Governors on the basis of support for AmCham objectives; leadership and motivational skills; experience and knowledge in the committee’s field; and a time commitment to committee activities. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Help more AmCham companies, and their staff, get involved to support building strong communities in Vietnam. The Committee focus is on education and work force development, health and safety, and disaster relief. The CSR Committee provides a forum for networking, information-sharing, and problem-solving. Action teams include (1) the AmCham Scholarship Management Team (in cooperation with HR Committee); (2) Allocation Team for Grants to Small Vietnamese NGOs; (3) Assessment Team; (4) Community Development (Events) Team, which will organize World Blood Donor Day (June) and International Coastal Cleanup Day (September) to help raise awareness of these important community needs. Direct Selling “To protect, serve and promote the effectiveness of member companies and the independent business people they represent. To ensure that the marketing by member companies of products and/or the direct sales opportunity is conducted with the highest level of business ethics and service to consumers.” The Direct Selling Committee cooperates closely with the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations ( and the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Vietnam Competition Administration Department ( to improve the business environment for direct selling in Vietnam. Human Resources Monitors and reports on personnel, employment, and human resource development issues in Vietnam in general and in AmCham companies in particular. Activities include: create informational networking opportunities for AmCham companies’ HR managers; maintain liaison with the Vietnamese Government and other local HR organizations. Action teams within the Human Resources Working Group include: Industrial Relations (with a focus on the revised Labour Code, the annual Minimum Wage adjustment, etc.), Education & Training (Work Force Development), Compensation & Benefits, Networking, and AmCham Scholarship Management Team (in cooperation with CSR Committee).

AmCham Directory - 2012


Legal & Vietnam Business Forum (VBF) Liaison Monitors and strives to influence legislation and administrative regulations relating to trade and investment in Vietnam. The committee conducts seminar and speaker programs designed to increase awareness of major legal issues and also serves as a focus for the American law firms in Vietnam. In addition, the committee actively participates in the work of the “Vietnam Business Forum,” along with other Vietnamese and international business associations, Vietnamese authorities, and international financial institutions such as the World Bank, International Finance Corporation, and Asian Development Bank, to help improve the environment for foreign direct investment and international trade in Vietnam. Manufacturing The Manufacturing Committee provides opportunities for networking and internal information activities for members and staff in the “modern-manufacturing” sector. It seeks to identify key issues for change to improve the business environment, including the quality of life, in Ho Chi Minh City and the Southern Key Economic Region, in particular, and Vietnam, in general. To that end, it provides opportunities for communication with and recommendations to the local and national government authorities in areas such as: under-skilled labor (especially in mid and upper management); labor relations; direct supply chain/supply eco-system (ie raw materials, identifying appropriate suppliers). OSAC Country Council (Health, Safety, and Environment) Promotes awareness of security, safety, and fire prevention for the benefit of AmCham members and in support of the social and economic development of Vietnam. General areas of focus include health, safety, and environmental aspects of the workplace and overseas living and travel. The Committee’s membership includes a broad mixture of industry professionals, security and consular staff from the US Consulate General in HCM City, as well as representatives of companies that want to keep abreast of local security issues, trends and services that can be provided through the Committee.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam


AmCham Directory - 2012


CONSULATES American Consulate 4 Le Duan Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3520 4200 Tel Fax : +84 8 3520 4244 Website : Australian Consulate 20th Floor, Vincom Center 47 Ly Tu Trong Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3521 8100 Tel Fax : +84 8 3521 8101 Website : Belgian Consulate 17th Floor, SunWah Tower 115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3821 9354 Tel Fax : +84 8 3821 9304 Email : Website :

French Consulate 27 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3520 6800 Tel Fax : +84 8 3520 6829 Email : Website :

New Zealand Consulate #909, The Metropolitan 235 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3822 6907 Tel Fax : +84 8 3822 6905 Website :

German Consulate 126 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3829 1967 Tel : +84 8 3823 1919 Fax Email : Website :

Norwegian Consulate 5th Floor, Somerset Court 21-23 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 1696 : +84 8 3827 2696 Fax Email : Website :

Indian Consulate 55 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3823 7050 Tel Fax : +84 8 3823 7047 Email : Website :

British Consulate 25 Le Duan Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3829 8433 Tel Fax : +84 8 3822 1971 Email : Website :

Indonesian Consulate 18 Phung Khac Khoan Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3825 1888 Tel Fax : +84 8 3829 9493 Email : Website :

Cambodian Consulate 41 Phung Khac Khoan Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3829 2751 Tel Fax : +84 8 3827 7696 Email :

Italian Consulate 2nd Floor, 203 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3824 1998 Tel Fax : +84 8 3823 1534 Email :

Canadian Consulate 10th Floor, The Metropolitan 235 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3827 9899 Tel Fax : +84 8 3827 9935 Email : Website :

Japanese Consulate 13 – 17 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3822 5314 Tel Fax : +84 8 3822 5316 Email : Website :

Chinese Consulate 39 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3829 2457 Tel Fax : +84 8 3829 5009 Email : Cuban Consulate 45 Phung Khac Khoan Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3829 7350 Tel Fax : +84 8 3829 5293 Email : Czech Consulate 28 Mac Dinh Chi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3829 0585 Tel Fax : +84 8 3822 6043 Email : Website :


Laotian Consulate 93 Pasteur Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3829 7667 Tel Fax : +84 8 3829 9272 Malaysian Consulate #1208, Me Linh Point Tower 2 Ngo Duc Ke Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3829 9023 Tel Fax : +84 8 3829 9027 Email : Website : hochiminh Netherlands Consulate Saigon Tower, 29 Le Duan Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3823 5932 Tel Fax : +84 8 3823 5934 Email : Website :

American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Philippines Consulate 31Fl., 37 Ton Duc Thang Street, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3829 4738 Tel Fax : +84 8 3829 4776 Email : Singaporean Consulate 8th Floor, Saigon Centre 65 Le Loi Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3822 5174 Tel Fax : +84 8 3914 2938 Email : Website : South Korean Consulate 107 Nguyen Du Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3822 5757 Tel : +84 8 3822 5750 Fax Email : Website : Swedish Consulate 8A/11 D1 Thai Van Lung Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3823 6800 Tel Fax : +84 8 3823 6817 Email : Website : Swiss Consulate 42 Giang Minh Street District 2, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3744 6996 Tel Fax : +84 8 3744 6990 Website : reps/asia/vvnm/embhan.html Thai Consulate 77 Tran Quoc Thao Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3932 7637 / 8 Tel : +84 8 3932 6002 Fax Email : Website :

SERVICED APARTMENTS CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. Unit 1201, Me Linh Point Tower 2 Ngo Duc Ke Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 6125 Fax : +84 8 3823 8418 Website :

The Landmark 5B Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 2098 : +84 8 3822 5161 Fax Website :

Riverside Luxury Apartments 53 Vo Truong Toan Street, Thao Dien Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3744 4111 : +84 8 3744 4000 Fax Website :

Colliers International (Vietnam) 7th Floor, Bitexco Office Building 19-25 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 5665 : +84 8 3827 5667 Fax Website:

Norfolk Development Group 17-19-21 Ly Tu Trong Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3825 7286 : +84 8 3825 7288 Fax Website :

Saigon Domaine Luxury Residences 1057 Binh Quoi Street, Ward 28 Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3556 6163 / 3556 1145 Fax : +84 8 3556 6225 Website :

Indochine Park Tower 1 Le Quy Don Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3930 0200 : +84 8 3930 0190 Fax Website :

Phu My Hung Corporation 10th Floor, Lawrence S. Ting Building 801 Nguyen Van Linh Parkway, Tan Phu Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5411 9999 : +84 8 5411 5999 Fax Website :

Saigon Sky Garden Co., Ltd. 20 Le Thanh Ton Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 0002 Fax : +84 8 3822 0573 Website :

InterContinental Asiana Saigon Residences Corner of Hai Ba Trung Street & Nguyen Du Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3520 9999 : +84 8 3520 9955 Fax Website :

Sherwood Residence Pasteur 127 Pasteur Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 2288 : +84 8 3823 2299 Fax Website :

MOVING AND RELOCATIONS Asian Tigers Transpo International (Vietnam) Ltd. 9th Floor, Unit 9.3, REE Tower 9 Doan Van Bo Street, Ward 12 District 4, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3826 7799 Tel Fax : +84 8 3826 4041 Website :

Resident Vietnam Limited PNTechcons Building, Unit A601 48 Hoa Su Street Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 2226 8855 Tel Fax : +84 8 2226 8726 Website :

Santa Fe JSC 8th Floor, Thien Son Building 5 Nguyen Gia Thieu Street, Ward 6 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3933 0065 Fax : +84 8 3930 5889 Website :

Crown Worldwide Ltd. 48A Huynh Man Dat Street, Ward 19 Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3840 4237 Tel Fax : +84 8 3840 4157 Website :

Saigon Express Agency Limited (SEAL) 7th Floor, Viconship Saigon Building 6-8 Doan Van Bo Street District 4, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3826 8850 (6 lines) Fax : +84 8 3826 8851 Website :

UniGroup Worldwide UTS (Vietnam) 440/26A Tran Hung Dao Street District 5, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3836 3002 Tel Fax : +84 8 3923 9452 Website : UTS-Saigon Van International Relocations No. 2 Street, Dong An Industrial Zone Thuan An, Binh Duong Province : +84 650 376 6861 Tel Fax : +84 650 376 6863 Website : AmCham Directory - 2012


BANKING, FINANCE AND INSURANCE ACE Insurance Company, Limited Saigon Finance Center, 8th Floor 9 Dinh Tien Hoang Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 7227 Fax : +84 8 3910 7228 Website :

BNP Paribas Vietnam Suite 504, Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3823 1265 Tel Fax : +84 8 3823 1250 Website :

ras Savoye Willis Vietnam G Suite 708, Saigon Trade Center 37 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3910 0976 Tel Fax : +84 8 3910 0974 Website :

ACE Life Insurance Co., Ltd. 21st Floor, Sun Wah Tower 115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 8989 Fax : +84 8 3821 9000 Website :

Chartis Vietnam Insurance Company Limited 9th Floor, Saigon Centre 65 Le Loi Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3914 0065 : +84 8 3914 0067 Fax Website :

HSBC Bank (Vietnam) Ltd. The Metropolitan 235 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3829 2288 Fax : +84 8 3823 0530 Website :

AEGIS Vietnam Unit 1503, Saigon Riverside Office Center 2A-4A Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3827 5835 Tel Fax : +84 8 3822 1763 Website :

Citi Vietnam 15th Floor, Sun Wah Tower 115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3824 2118 Tel Fax : +84 8 3824 2267 Website :

IDG Ventures Vietnam Bitexco Financial Tower, 57th Floor 2 Hai Trieu Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3827 8888 Tel Fax : +84 8 3827 8899 Website :

ANZ Bank (Vietnam) Ltd. GF, 10th & 11th Floors Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3827 2926 Tel : +84 8 3822 3449 Fax Website :

Commonthwealth Bank of Australia Ground Floor, Han Nam Office 65 Nguyen Du Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3824 1525 Tel : +84 8 3824 2703 Fax Website :

Indochina Capital 10th Floor, Capital Place 6 Thai Van Lung Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3910 4855 Tel Fax : +84 8 3910 4860 Website :

Aon Vietnam Limited Unit 702, 7th Floor, Sailing Tower 111A Pasteur Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3822 4884 Tel Fax : +84 8 3822 2700 Website :

Crawford Vietnam 9th Floor, Sun Wah Tower 115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3821 9199 Tel Fax : +84 8 3821 9299 Website :

J.P.Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. 15th Floor, Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3823 6270 Tel Fax : +84 8 3823 6271 Website :

Asia Commercial Bank (ACB) 442 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3929 0999 Tel Fax : +84 8 3834 3269 Website :

Deutsche Bank AG Vietnam 13th & 14th Floors, Saigon Centre 65 Le Loi Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3829 9000 Tel Fax : +84 8 3825 8137 Website :

Jardine Matheson Group 5th Floor, Gemadept Tower 6 Le Thanh Ton Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3822 2340 Tel Fax : +84 8 3823 0030 Website :

Blackhorse Asset Management Pte. Ltd. 95A3 Tran Quoc Toan Street, Ward 7 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3932 2288 Tel Fax : +84 8 3932 6669 Website :

Far East National Bank 1st & 17th Floors Saigon Riverside Office Center 2A-4A Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3822 0566 Tel Fax : +84 8 3822 0560 Website :

Liberty Insurance Limited 15th Floor, Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3812 5125 Tel Fax : +84 8 3812 5018 Website :


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

BANKING, FINANCE AND INSURANCE Marsh Vietnam Ltd. Level 6, 8 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 7456 Fax : +84 8 3822 7343 Website :

VinaCapital 17th Floor, Sun Wah Tower 115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3821 9930 Tel Fax : +84 8 3821 9931 Website :

aigon Asset Management S Corporation TMS Building, 12th Floor 172 Hai Ba Trung Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5404 3488 : +84 8 5404 3487 Fax Website :

Visa International 15th Floor, Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3520 7400 Tel Fax : +84 8 3520 7401 Website :

Vietnam Partners LLC. Mezzanine Floor, VFC Building 29 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3910 0023 / 24 Tel Fax : +84 8 3910 0025 Website :

Wells Fargo Bank N.A. 9th Floor, Kumho Asiana Plaza #901, 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3824 8202 Tel Fax : +84 8 3824 8204 Website :

The Western Union Company Unit 3 & 4, 11th Floor, Saigon Centre 65 Le Loi Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3821 0388 Tel Fax : +84 8 3821 0387 Website :

HEALTHCARE American Chiropractic Clinic 8 Truong Dinh Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3930 6667 (5 lines) : +84 8 3930 6667 Fax Website :

International SOS 167A Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3829 8520 / 3829 8424 : +84 8 3829 8551 Fax Website :

FV Hospital • 6 Nguyen Luong Bang Street Saigon South (Phu My Hung) District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5411 3333 / 5411 3500 Fax : +84 8 5411 3334 • FVH Sales & Information Office & Clinic Ground Floor, Citilight Tower 45 Vo Thi Sau Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6291 1167 / 6290 6167 Fax : +84 8 6291 1168 / 6290 6168 Website :

Victoria Healthcare International Clinics • 79 Dien Bien Phu Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 4545 Fax : +84 8 3910 3334 • 135A Nguyen Van Troi Street Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3997 4545 Fax : +84 8 3997 9979 Website :

AmCham Directory - 2012


SCHOOLS ACG International School Vietnam East – West Highway (Road #25b) Hamlet 2, An Phu Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3747 1234 Fax : +84 8 3747 1235 Website : APU Educational Development 286 Lanh Binh Thang Street, Ward 11 District 11, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3962 4897 / 3962 4898 Fax : +84 8 3962 4899 Website : Australian International School Saigon • Xi Early Childhood Centre 190 Nguyen Van Huong Street Thao Dien Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3744 6960 Fax : +84 8 3744 6961 • Early Childhood & Primary School Early Childhood - Lotus 1 Primary - Cherry Blossom 1 APSC Compound, 36 Thao Dien Road District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3744 6960 : +84 8 3744 6961 Fax • Middle & Senior School (Head Office) East-West Highway, An Phu Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3742 4040 Tel : +84 8 3740 7361 Fax Website : British International School • Tu Xuong Primary Campus 43-45 Tu Xuong Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3932 0210 Tel Fax : +84 8 3932 0770 • An Phu Primary Campus 225 Nguyen Van Huong Street District 2, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3744 4551 Tel Fax : +84 8 3744 4182 • An Phu Secondary Campus 246 Nguyen Van Huong Street District 2, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3744 2335 Tel Fax : +84 8 3744 2334 Website :


Hoa Sen University 93 Cao Thang Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3925 5063 Fax : +84 8 3830 1878 Website : Institute of American Education Flemington Tower 182 Le Dai Hanh Street, Ward 15 District 11, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3962 5888 Fax : +84 8 3962 1888 Website : International School, HCMC • International Campus 28 Vo Truong Toan Street An Phu Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3898 9100 Fax : +84 8 3898 9382 • City College Campus 16 Vo Truong Toan Street, An Phu Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3519 4516 / 3898 9100 Fax : +84 8 3519 4110 Website : Renaissance International School Saigon 74 Nguyen Thi Thap Street Binh Thuan Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3773 3171 Tel Fax : +84 8 3773 3176 Website : RMIT International University Vietnam 702 Nguyen Van Linh Boulevard Tan Phong Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3776 1369 Fax : +84 8 3776 1399 Website : Saigon South International School Nguyen Van Linh Parkway Tan Phong Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 5413 0901 Tel Fax : +84 8 5413 0902 Website :

American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Saigon Star International School Residential Area #5 Thanh My Loi Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3742 3222 Fax : +84 8 3742 5436 Website :

VIETNAMESE GOVERNMENT OFFICES HO CHI MINH CITY Customs Dept 21 Ton Duc Thang Street, Ben Nghe Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3829 1422 Fax : +84 8 3829 0912 Email : Website : Department of Industry and Trade • 163 Hai Ba Trung Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3829 6322 : +84 8 3822 1778 Fax • 59-61 Ly Tu Trong Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3829 2991/ 3823 9572 : +84 8 3822 4536 Fax Email : Website : Investment & Trade Promotion Centre (ITPC) 51 Dinh Tien Hoang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 6738 Fax : +84 8 3824 2391 Email : Webiste :

Ministry of Planning & Investment Southern Rep. Office 178 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3930 6671 / 3930 4274 Fax : +84 8 3930 5413 Email : Website :

Tax Department 140 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3930 5373 Fax : +84 8 3930 4641 Email : Website :

Ministry of Trade – HCMC Rep. Office 35-37 Ben Chuong Duong Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3823 0806 Tel Fax : +84 8 3829 1011 Email : Website :

Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI) 171 Vo Thi Sau Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City : +84 8 3932 7301 Tel Fax : +84 8 3932 5472 Email : Website :

Planning & Investment Department 32 Le Thanh Ton Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3829 7834 : +84 8 3829 5008 Fax Email : Website:

DONG NAI PROVINCE Customs Department 9A Dong Khoi Street Bien Hoa, Dong Nai Province : +84 61 389 5710 Tel : +84 61 389 5711 Fax Email : Website :

Planning & Investment Department No. 2, Nguyen Van Tri Street, Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai Province : +84 61 382 2505 Tel : +84 61 394 1718 Fax Email : Website :

Department of Industry and Trade No. 2, Nguyen Van Tri Street Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai Province Tel : +84 61 382 3317 / 381 9804 Fax : +84 61 382 3319 Email :

Tax Department 87 Cach Mang Thang Tam Street Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai Province Tel : +84 61 384 7179 Fax: +84 61 384 6718

Trade & Tourism Department No. 2 Nguyen Van Tri Street, 6 Floor Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai Province Tel : +84 61 382 2038 Fax: +84 61 382 4482

BINH DUONG PROVINCE Customs Department 30/4 Road, Phu Tho Ward Thu Dau 1 Town, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 382 2767 Fax : +84 650 381 1172 Email : Website :

Planning & Investment Department 188 Binh Duong Road, Phu Hoa Ward Thu Dau 1 Town, Binh Duong Province : +84 650 382 2926 Tel Fax : +84 650 382 5194 Email : Website :

Department of Industry and Trade 185-187 Binh Duong Road, Phu Tho Ward Thu Dau 1 Town, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 382 2044 Fax : +84 650 389 8286 Email :

Tax Department 328 Binh Duong Road, Phu Hoa Ward Thu Dau 1 Town, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 384 0486 Fax : +84 650 384 0453 Email :

Trade & Tourism Department 321 Phu Loi St., Phu Loi Ward Thu Dau 1 Town, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 382 2403 Fax : +84 650 383 2801 Email : Website :

AmCham Directory - 2012


If COMPANY wishes to have a breakfast briefing, luncheon, or briefing followed by a networking cocktail reception, to announce a product, service or information that other members would find useful, AMCHAM will help organize it and manage all logistics arrangements.

Details COMPANY will provide topic and speaker for event 6 weeks before Event COMPANY logo will be presented on Event Description on Website and Event backdrop as Event Sponsor COMPANY will have 3 complimentary tickets to the Event, including speaker COMPANY will be received a full list of participants and photo CD after Event Expected attendees: 30 persons or more Service fee: US$ 350/member company US$ 700/non-member company



II-VI Vietnam Company Ltd.

3M Vietnam Ltd.

No. 36 Street 4, Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park Thuan An, Binh Duong, Province Tel : +84 650 3767 125 Fax : +84 650 3767 127 Email : Website:

6th Floor, Unit 601, Dai Minh Convention Tower 77 Hoang Van Thai Street, Tan Phu Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5416 0429 Fax : +84 8 5416 0430 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Kevin MacGibbon, President Ngo Kim Tuyen, General Director

Parameswaran Nair, Managing Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Design, manufacture of thermoelectric modules and assemblies for cooling, heating and power generation applications, in telecommunications, medical, automotive, gesture recognition, consumer and industrial markets.

3M Vietnam Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of 3M company, was established in November 1994 in Ho Chi Minh City as our 61st international company. 3M Vietnam markets nearly all of the company's major products. 3M serves customers through six business segments, which increase speed and efficiency by sharing technological, manufacturing, marketing and other resources. These six businesses are:

Manufacture of diverse range of customized optics and optical components for consumer and commercial applications such as fiber optic communications, projection and display products, lasers and biomedical instrumentation.

• Consumer and Office Business • Display and Graphics Business • Electro and Communications Business • Health Care Business • Industrial and Transportation Business • Safety, Security and Protection Services Business 3M is a diversified technology company serving customers and communities with innovative products and services. Each of our six businesses has earned leading global market positions.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

AA Corporation

Abbott Laboratories S.A.

15 Nguyen Duy Hieu Street, Thao Dien Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3744 2728 Fax : +84 8 3744 2729 Email : Website:

9th Floor, Me Linh Point Tower 2 Ngo Duc Ke Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3825 6551 / 3827 2601 Fax : +84 8 3825 6553 / 3827 2602 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Chad Ovel, Chief Executive Officer Aaron Leri, Sales Director

Jullian Caillet, General Manager Le Hoang Cu, Country Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

AA Corporation is the leading furniture and interior decoration contracting company in Vietnam, with revenues exceeding US$ 50 million in 2011 and more than 2000 dedicated employees. AA Corporation is also the market leader for interior design contracting of large international standard hotels and building projects within Vietnam. AA Corporation focuses on fit out services and custom furniture production of 5 star properties in both the domestic and international markets. AA Corporation continues to grow its interior business domestically, while dramatically increasing market share of international hospitality project overseas. AA Corporation is also a leading furniture retailer within Vietnam and is the owner of five retail brands including Nha Xinh, AA Deco, BoConcept, Calligaris and Bellavita.

Abbott is currently involved in the marketing of Healthcare Products under the Medical Products Group for Nutritional and Diagnostic Products, and under Pharmaceutical Products Group.

AmCham Directory - 2012


ACB, Inc (American Certification Body, Inc) 6731 Whittier Ave, Suite C110 McLean, Virginia, 22101 USA Tel : +1 703 847 4700 Fax : +1 703 847 6888 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Accenture Vietnam 13th Floor, Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6288 8700 Fax : +84 8 6288 8701 Website:

Chamber Representative

Michael Violette, Director Desmond Fraser, Director

Nicholas Fraser, Country Managing Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

ACB is the premier Certification Organization for leading edge technologies. With operations in US, China, Taiwan and the United Kingdom, we provide worldwide approvals and market access.

Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with more than 244,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments.

ACB, Inc provides product certification services for exporters of technology and consumer products. Product safety, wireless certification, engineering and laboratory accreditation services are provided to Vietnamese manufacturers, test laboratories and engineering companies seeking worldwide approvals for global distribution.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Accor Asia Pacific

ACE Insurance Company, Limited

Citilight Tower, Unit 1101-1106, 11th Floor

Saigon Finance Center, 8th Floor 9 Dinh Tien Hoang Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 7227 Fax : +84 8 3910 7228 Email : Website:

45 Vo Thi Sau Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3820 2199 Fax : +84 8 3820 2181 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Christopher Twomey, Country President & General Director Nguyen An Nguyen, CFO Marielle Genet, Director of Business Development Zina Seceragic, Director of Human Resources Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Accor is one of the world’s leaders in the hotel industry, currently operating in 90 countries with over 4,200 hotels. Accor's portfolio of hotel brands - Sofitel, Pullman, MGallery, Novotel, Mercure, ibis, all seasons and Formule 1 - offer travellers the most comprehensive selection of hotel styles and locations. Accor has operated in Vietnam for 20 years and is the largest international hotel management company in the country, operating 12 hotels with over 2,300 rooms under four brands - Sofitel, MGallery, Novotel, and Mercure. Accor has established a strong presence in Vietnam with an extensive range of city-based hotels and prime resorts as follows: • Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi • Sofitel Plaza Hanoi • Sofitel Saigon Plaza • La Veranda Phu Quoc Resort, Member of MGallery Collection • Hotel de l’Opera Hanoi, Member of MGallery Collection • La Residence Hue Hotel & Spa, Member of MGallery Collection • Novotel Ha Long Bay • Novotel Nha Trang • Novotel Phan Thiet Ocean Dunes & Golf Resort • Mercure Hanoi la Gare • Mercure Danang • Hanoi Horison Hotel, Managed by Accor Business category: Hospitality Employees in Vietnam: 3,000

With companies and business units around the globe, the ACE Group of Companies is one of the world’s leading providers of insurance, reinsurance and financial services, serving a diversified group of clients, from large multinational corporations to smaller commercial clients and individuals in local markets. Tracing our roots back over 200 years and guided by a strong underwriting culture, we believe in “Insuring Progress” and embracing the challenge of helping our customers manage risk so they can pursue progress of their own. ACE Insurance received a license to operate a 100% foreign-owned Non-Life insurance company from the Ministry of Finance on November 16th, 2006 during the APEC Conference held in Hanoi in the presence of Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung after having a Rep. Office established in Hanoi since 1996. ACE Insurance in Vietnam offers a broad range of insurance products including Property; Third-Party Liability & Export Product Liability; Marine Cargo; Energy & Utilities and Financial Lines as well as Accident & Health; Personal Accident; Critical Illness; Hospital Income; Overseas Student Assistance and comprehensive Travel coverages. Hanoi Branch office: Central Building, Suite 205-206 31 Hai Ba Trung Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3825 3307 Fax: +84 4 3825 3699 AmCham Directory - 2012


ACE Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

ACG International School Vietnam

21st Floor, Sun Wah Tower 115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 8989 Fax : +84 8 3821 9000 Email : Website :

East - West Highway (Road #25b) Hamlet 2, An Phu Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3747 1234 Fax : +84 8 3747 1235 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Lam Hai Tuan, CEO Nguyen Hong Son, CFO Paul Nguyen, Chief Actuary & Head of Special Distributions

John Burns, Head of School Shawn Hutchinson, Head of Secondary School Myco Doan-Tran, Head of Marketing

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

ACE Life is a pioneer in the introduction of Universal Life (UL) to the Vietnam market since March 2006. Presently, ACE Life Vietnam is the market leader in UL distribution and the only insurance company offering a full range of UL products that allows individuals and groups between the ages of 0 and 80 who have different financial capabilities and social economic status to apply. These include the Single Premium UL, Family UL, Key Person (Group) UL, Senior Citizen UL and Critical Illness UL. ACE Life is also the first life insurer to introduce a personal accident product as a main plan.

ACG International School Vietnam is a world class international school with trained foreign teachers and internationally recognized curricula: IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) and the University of Cambridge International Examinations at IGCSE and AS / A level. The International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBDP) will be available at ACGVN from August 2012.

After more than six years of operations, ACE Life has earned the reputation as a leading life insurer in Vietnam known for its excellent customer service, efficient operations, high quality staff and a professional and dedicated team of over 8,000 account representatives. As a responsible corporate citizen, ACE Life is committed to supporting educational development in Vietnam through its “Crossing Waves” Fund. All donations collected through the Fund have been channeled to award scholarships to needy students and to build new schools in impoverished rural areas prone to typhoons and floods. To date, ACE Life’s staff and account representatives have contributed over VND 6 billion to the “Crossing Waves” Fund.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

ACG International School Vietnam (ACGVN) is owned and managed by Academic College Group (ACG), which owns schools in Vietnam, Indonesia and New Zealand. ACGVN offers: • Kindergarten and Primary School (3 – 10 years old) • Middle School (11 – 14 years old) • Senior School (15 – 18 years old) The programme promotes intellectual, personal, emotional, and social growth, through Languages, Humanities, Sciences, Mathematics, Sports, Information Communication Technology and the Arts. Our purpose-built, 1.9 hectare campus, in An Phu, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City, provides a spacious and inspiring environment for learning. Facilities include: fully equipped Science laboratories; Specialist Art, Design, Music and Technology rooms; Contemporary auditorium with high quality sound system and stage lighting; A covered tennis court, gymnasium, 25m outdoor pool and football field. A strong WiFi network is available throughout the school.

AchieveGlobal Vietnam Co., Ltd.


Unit 102, 90-92 Le Thi Rieng Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3925 7022 Fax : +84 8 3925 7022 Email : Website :

Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Michael Joseph Griffin, Regional CEO Huynh Duy Tan, Sales Manager of AchieveGlobal Vietnam

Hugh Adams, Partner

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Across industries and around the world, our learning-based solutions focus on skills training and consulting in leadership training, sales training, and customer service training. Our programs adapt to both the unique needs of your organization, and to the world’s contrasting cultures. With more than 1,800 employees in over 40 nations, we stand ready to create customized programs in more than 30 languages and dialects. The road to creating a successful strategy, culture, and strong results is different for every organization. Our solutions adapt to your needs - both in delivery and content. We provide: • Products For a straightforward need, our pre-packaged products provide flexible skill-building solutions quickly. • Applications/Solutions For a more complex need, we can help you define and then deliver just the right program. • Business Improvement Use our extensive research, experience, and focus to uncover opportunities you might overlook. We can analyze your business and strategic improvement goals to build and maintain valuable customer relationships. • Strategy Transformation Through a true partnership, we can collaborate on a strategic focus, tie training strategy to business strategy, and provide customized solutions to deliver results at any or all levels of your organization.

acw is an aggressive, dynamic international financial and consulting firm. Skilled, experienced principals and associates at acw have been reinforced by strategic associations with select international firms and individuals in representative offices in key economic centers. Investment Banking: acw group provides tailored domestic and international investment as well as consulting on privatization, project financing and M&A. We structure and arrange debt and equity. acw invests on its own account or provides services for clients. Debt and equity brokerage takes place on a private placement basis. Advisory activities: acw group and its associates provide comprehensive and sophisticated consultancy services. Our clients include large private and shareholder companies, international agencies, state-owned enterprises, government authorities and other public and private entities. We develop rigorous business plans and undertake structuring or restructuring of companies or groups. Description: acw investment group is positioned to be your ideal emerging-market investment banking and international consulting partner. With offices in Washington D.C. and Hanoi, acw has on-site experts evaluating opportunities in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and throughout Southeast Asia. acw is experienced in many world sectors, including Africa, and the former Soviet Union States. Our expertise covers privatization, restructuring and global business strategies tailored to developing markets. As economies grow and ventures throughout the region take off, acw is at the forefront of developing investment opportunities as well as alliances and joint ventures in key regional economies. AmCham Directory - 2012


adidas Sourcing Limited, HCMC Representative Office

Advanced Applications International Ltd.

22nd Floor, Bitexco Financial Tower 2 Hai Trieu Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3915 7000 / 3915 7030 Fax : +84 8 3822 0975 Website:

1901-02, 19th Floor, Hong Kong Trade Centre 161-167 Des Voeux Rd., Central Hong Kong Tel : +84 8 3840 5923 / 3840 5927 Mobile: +84 90 819 2695 Fax : +852 3015 2814 Email :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Hoa Ly, Chief Representative cum Country Manager Vietnam & Cambodia, Footwear

John G. Hawkins Jr., Managing Director Ngo Trieu Phuong Lien (Ashlee Wu), Office and Sales Coordinator

Activities in Vietnam For over 80 years the adidas Group has been part of the world of sports on every level, delivering state-of-the-art sports footwear, apparel and accessories. Today, the adidas Group is a global leader in the sporting goods industry and offers a broad portfolio of products. adidas Group products are available in virtually every country of the world. Our strategy is simple: continuously strengthen our brands and products to improve our competitive position and financial performance. Global Sourcing is a function of Global Operations in adidas Group. Global Sourcing has divisions which include Apparel/Footwear as well as Accessories & Gear and its primary responsibility is to ensure adidas Group’s products are manufactured according to sales and market needs. We work with our suppliers to ensure adidas Group’s products are manufactured in a timely and cost-efficient manner. In order to ensure the high quality consumers expect from our products, we enforce strict control and inspection procedures at our suppliers. In addition, we promote adherence to social and environmental standards throughout our supply base. We also support Global Operations and the Group on strategic initiatives aimed at building speed, agility and connectivity in our supply chain. Sourcing operates through a network of over 20 offices located on four continents. In 2008, we sourced over 548 million units of shoes, garments and accessories from factories worldwide. LOCATIONS AND BRANDS Activities of the adidas Group and its more than 170 subsidiaries are directed from the Group's headquarters in Herzogenaurach, Germany. It is also home to the adidas brand. Reebok Headquarters are located in Canton, Massachusetts. TaylorMade-adidas Golf is based in California. The adidas Group also operates creation centres and development departments at other locations around the world, corresponding to the related business activity. adidas Sourcing Limited is a subsidiary of adidas AG and it has a representative office in Ho Chi Minh City, responsible for sourcing adidas Group’s products in Vietnam. In 2010, GOPS sourced 568 million products globally (219 million pairs of shoes, 301million apparel pieces, and 48 million accessories) At the end of 2010, the adidas Group employed 42,541 employees worldwide. Effective September 30, 2011, the number has increased to 48,547.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Designing and supply of a complete range of Abrasive blasting and Painting facilities for industries of all kinds. Supply and installation of a complete range of Shot Blasting and Automatic Paint Spraying Equipment. Designing, Supply and Installation of all types of Pollution Control Equipment. Providing Service for all installations.

AEGIS Vietnam

AF Investments Limited (AFIL)

Unit 1503, Saigon Riverside Office Center 2A-4A Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 5835 Fax : +84 8 3822 1763 Email : Website :

92 Calmette Street, Nguyen Thai Binh Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 2476 / 3821 2477 Fax : +84 8 3821 2494 Email:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Au Quang Hien, General Manager Tran Van Luat, Operation Manager

Thomas Thang, Executive Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Risk Mitigation Consulting and Insurance Advisory / Management Services.

Investments including Indochine Park Tower, one of the most prestigious residential addresses for diplomatic officials and top executives of multinational conglomerates in Ho Chi Minh City. The 17-storey building boasts 55 exclusive and spacious three-bedroom apartments with state-of-the-art facilities, commanding a panoramic view of the garden of the famous Reunification Palace and the city beyond. The company is also involved in the operations of Manta Vietnam JV specializing in leasing of tower cranes and other property development projects in Ho Chi Minh City.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Agility Ltd.

Air Energy Vietnam Ltd.

Room 8.2 - 8.3, 8th Floor, 1 Building

7A Thai Van Lung Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 9188 Fax : +84 8 3821 9847 Email : Website:

364 Cong Hoa Street, Ward 13 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3813 2840 Fax : +84 8 3813 2812 / 13 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Michel Khaou, Chief Executive Officer Indochina Vu Trong Anh Quan (Louis), Chief Operating Officer Indochina

John Goodyear, Director Steven Studebaker, Chief Representative

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Agility is a global provider of Integrated Supply Chain solutions with more than 22,000 employees across 100 countries with over $6 billion in annual revenue.

Air Energy Vietnam is affiliated with Air Resources Limited, a supplier with manpower services worldwide. In Vietnam we currently serve clients in many locations and sectors such as Oil & Gas, Banking, Sales & Marketing, Engineering and Hospitality and others sectors seeking highly skilled staff. Air has 20 years experience of dealing successfully with clients, candidates and contract workers. Moreover, we have a world wide network of offices offering 24 hour support enabling us to work effectively together to meet clients’ needs.

A publicly traded company, we offer to our customers personalized service and flexible solutions tailored to meet their individual business needs, supported by a comprehensive network of warehousing facilities, transportation and freight management services. Agility Vietnam has its offices and facilities in Hanoi, Danang, Vung Tau (dedicated for Oil & Gas) and Ho Chi Minh (head office for Vietnam and Indo China supporting its own operations in Cambodia and in Laos)

Air Energy Vietnam offers a range of specialized services as below:

Our customers span a range of industries from technology and retail to customer products.

• Local, Regional & Expatriate Recruitment

In addition, Agility has specialized business units: Fair & Events Logistics, Project Logistics (Key turn projects) and Cross Border Trucking services (between Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and South China) each with dedicated teams to meet the complex requirements in these markets.

• In-Country Project Support/Turnkey Staffing Solutions

• Contract & Permanent Placements • Human Resources Consulting/Payroll • Visas/Work Permits/Dependants Visas • Accommodation and Car Hire/Mobilization/Demobilization • Taxation/Comprehensive Health Insurance/Schooling/Geo Introduction


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Akzo Nobel Coatings Vietnam Limited Site:

Lot 107 Amata Industrial Zone Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai Province Tel : +84 61 3936 389 Fax : +84 61 3936 386 Email :

Akzo Nobel Paints Vietnam Limited Level 5, Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 1612 Fax : +84 8 3824 1894 Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Adam Freedle, Sales Director, Vietnam Ryan Oates, Site General Manager

Manuelito Jose De Dios, General Director Somendra Pradhan, Finance Director

Activities in Vietnam Activities in Vietnam Supplying and servicing industrial Wood Coatings and Adhesives for the furniture industry and Coil Coatings for the steel building products industry. Representative Office 12/19 Ly Thuong Kiet Street Di An Town, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3734 289 Fax: +84 650 3734 029

AkzoNobel is the largest global paint and coatings company and a major producer of specialty chemicals. We supply industries and consumers worldwide with innovative products and are passionate about developing sustainable answers for our customers. Our portfolio includes well known brands such as Dulux, Sikkens, International and Eka. Headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, we are a Global Fortune 500 company and are consistently ranked as one of the leaders in the area of sustainability. With operations in more than 80 countries, our 55,000 people around the world are committed to excellence and delivering Tomorrow’s Answers Today™. Description: “Adding colour to people’s lives” is the mission of AkzoNobel Decorative Paints and the Dulux brand in Vietnam, as well as in South East Asia & Pacific. This mission expresses an inspiring way how we bring value to consumers, society, the environment, our people, our business partners, our industry and our shareholders. Our products and services help people to make their lives more colourful and to create living, working and leisure spaces that reflect who they and are, who they want to be, and how they want to be seen. Our mission also incorporates bringing colours of hope to those who are not so fortunate in society through our community programs, repainting rural schools, community centers. This is how we seek every day to add colour to people’s lives. Factory: Lot E-1-CN, My Phuoc Industrial Zone Ben Cat, Binh Duong Province AmCham Directory - 2012


All Nippon Airways Co., Ltd.

Allens Arthur Robinson

16th Floor, Sun Wah Tower 115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 9612 Fax : +84 8 3821 9619 Website :

Suite 605, Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 1717 Fax : +84 8 3822 1818 Email : Website:

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Ryoichi Fujisaki, General Director

Thomas Miller, Partner Robert Fish, Partner Andrew Hilton, Senior Associate Linh Bui, Senior Associate

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

All Nippon Airways (ANA) is Japan’s largest airline company, one of the members of the most world known Airline network, Star Alliance.

Allens Arthur Robinson is an international law firm with more than 800 partners and lawyers based in 14 offices across Asia-Pacific. We have been providing legal services to clients in the region for over 190 years and, in Vietnam, we opened our Hanoi office in 1993 and our Ho Chi Minh City office in 1997. In Ho Chi Minh City, our resident partners are Thomas Miller and Robert Fish. Thomas specialises in all aspects of commercial law (including project finance and banking). He has spent 13 years practising law in the Indochina region and has been based in HCMC since 2008. Robert Fish recently relocated to HCMC after working extensively since 2007 on cross-border financing and M&A deals into Vietnam from our Singapore office. Partners Bill Magennis (who has been practising law in Vietnam since 1993) and Hop Dang manage our practice in Hanoi. Allens Arthur Robinson advises clients on all legal aspects of investing and doing business in Vietnam, including: mergers & acquisitions; infrastructure & major projects; oil & gas; banking & finance; mining; property development; dispute resolution; and employment. With our team of foreign and Vietnamese lawyers in Vietnam, and the lawyers based across our regional network, we have the experience, skills and resources to provide our clients with the most effective and efficient legal solutions.

ANA has daily flights from Ho Chi Minh City to Tokyo/Narita, and also has from Tokyo/Narita to 8 Gateways of The United States, Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, Seattle and Honolulu. ANA is also the Worlds’ 1st airline to use new aircraft, Boeing 787, which has started regular commercial flights. On our website, ANA SKY WEB, ANA Special Web Fares to USA are Now on Sale. Ex) Fares to Los Angels from 600USD, Fares to Washington, D.C. from 650USD. Enjoy your great saving on your trip to USA with the great quality of our In-flight service. Check our website,




American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam



Aloe Trading Co. Ltd. Forever Living Products Vietnam

Amata (Vietnam) Joint Stock Company

199 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3932 5076 / 6298 / 6509 Fax : +84 8 3932 5928 Email : Website :

Long Binh Ward Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai Province Tel : +84 61 3991 007 Fax : +84 61 3891 251 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Truong Thi Nhi, Chairwoman, CEO Nguyen Thi Thuy Duong, Public Affairs Manager

Huynh Ngoc Phien, President Pham Thu Thuy, Assistant to the President

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Forever Living Products is the largest grower, manufacturer and distribution of Aloe Vera in the world. We own numerous patents for the stabilization of Aloe Vera, which assure you the highest quality Aloe Vera based health & beauty products. Our products are popular and consumable, so customers use and purchase them over and over again. We have health, beauty and nutritional products that are unique and exclusive, customers can only get them from our sole agent in Vietnam - Aloe Trading Company Ltd.

- Investing in real estate projects including industrial parks and commercial complexes,

Transaction Office: 19C Cong Hoa Street, Ward 12 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3948 5119 Fax: +84 8 3948 5139

- Building industrial parks completed with infrastructure, public facilities and utilities, ready built factories, warehouses, yards, projects for environment protection and fire prevention‌

- Investing in Amata Commercial Complex Project includes Shopping Centers, Hotels, Apartments, Office Buildings, Clubs‌ for lease and for sales, - Promoting investment into the Industrial Parks and Commercial Projects, - Leasing land plots and ready built factories with completed infrastructure,

AmCham Directory - 2012


Ambrosia Vietnam Co., Ltd.

America Indochina Management Ltd.

10th Floor 85 Nguyen Huu Cau Street, Tan Dinh Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3820 8111 Fax : +84 8 3820 5771 Email : Website:

Vietnam Representative Office: 123 Le Loi Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 2514 Fax : +84 8 3821 2515 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Darrell Lee, Executive Director Andrew Ong, General Manager

Mark Gerald Gillin, Representative

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Ambrosia Vietnam is a Singapore-based full-service brand communications agency that provides the following creative services: • Conceptualization and creative design • Advertising & Marketing • Design for Packaging • Events and brand activation • Branding • Copywriting and translation • New media and video production

America Indochina Management Ltd. (AIM) is a diversified Holding Company operating in Vietnam since 1993 and Cambodia since 1997. It provides specialized products and services to some of the fastest growing sectors of the Indochina economies and currently holds market leadership in a number of product sectors. Business to Business Products and Services The Company's industrial and commercial products help Indochina-based businesses operate at international standards of efficiency and quality. Product and Service Categories include: • Specialized building products covering Civil, M&E and Architectural applications. • Office Furniture including high quality seating, systems furniture, carpet, etc. • Industrial and commercial hygiene for hospitality, beverage and food processing industries. • Online recruiting • Sourcing and Supply Chain Management. Consumer Goods AIM's consumer products and service target the favorable demographics and growing affluence of consumers in Indochina. Investments AIM, in association with AIM Capital Management Ltd., actively invests in companies with leading market positions in sectors levered to the region's growth.

In our 13 years, we have worked with global brands from a diverse range of industries and have become known as “the small house with a big backyard.” For us, it means friendlier, more open, more respectful, and more meaningful relationships with our clients where we are no longer just a service provider but an integral part of their business strategy and success. Our “fence-free” philosophy demands that we constantly adapt and evolve in anticipation of our clients’ future needs; this approach has led to our growth over the years and expansion into Vietnam and other South East Asia markets.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

American Airlines General Sales Agent HG Travel

American Chiropractic Clinic 8 Truong Dinh Street, Ward 6 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3930 6667 (5 lines) Fax : +84 8 3930 6667 Email : Website:

194 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, Ward 6 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 39 330 330 Fax : +84 8 39 330 633 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Dr. Wade Brackenbury D.C., Director/Chiropractor LG Brackenbury, Director

Ngo Minh Duc, Director HCMC Office Mark H. Khan, Advisor International Golf Tourism

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

HG Travel is a member of HG Holding, an investment and management group with its main focus in the tourism and hospitality industry. The company offers a comprehensive range of travel products and services throughout Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar and Yunnan (China).

The American Chiropractic Clinic (ACC) is the 1st chiropractic clinic in Vietnam, licensed by the Ministry of Health in 2006. We specialize in the treatment of back pain, knee pain, neck pain, headaches, foot pain, and sports injuries, pre and post natal care. Among the service provided are: Chiropractic, Physiotherapy / Rehabilitation, Podiatry (foot care), and early diagnosis & treatment of childhood spinal problems like Scoliosis. We specialize in corrective treatment of "Flat Feet", and other foot problems in Children and Adults. Chiropractic Medicine has been shown to be the most effective treatment for back pain.

Participating in the aviation services, HG Travel has been known as one of leading General Sales Agent operators in air passenger and cargo services. The company was selected as the sole representative for American Airlines since 2003 with ticketing offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. With more than 30 years of catering to the hospitality tourism industry, HG Travel has been named by Vietnam Association of Tourism as one of “The Top Vietnam Tour Operations� in 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008 2009.

and the Ten and

ACC also owns and operates the only medical grade foot orthotics lab in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. Our Ho Chi Minh City Clinic is a fully equipped state-of-the art chiropractic, sports injury, foot care and wellness center. We have a long term commitment and dedication to bringing the highest standard of chiropractic and natural health care to the people of Vietnam. We have both American and French Doctors of Chiropractic, and Doctor of Physiotherapy, and our practitioners can speak a variety of languages including, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

AmCham Directory - 2012


American Standard Vietnam Co., Ltd.

Amway Vietnam Company Limited

An Phu Ward, Thuan An Town Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3740 100 Fax : +84 650 3740 101 Email : Website : Customer Care: 1900 54 54 60

391 Dien Bien Phu Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3925 8200 Fax : +84 8 3832 6888 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Uduwana Prasanna Mahinda, Country General Manager

Kam Chiong How, General Director Dang Ngoc Thu Ha, Public Affairs Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Manufacturing and Sales of Bathroom fixtures, faucets, accessories for high rise apartments, residential houses, hotels and commercial buildings.

Amway Vietnam is an affiliate of Amway Corporation, the world’s leader in direct selling. Founded in 1959, with headquarters in Michigan, U.S.A, Amway now operates in more than 80 countries with 14,000 employees and 3 millions distributors worldwide.

Showroom Location: Ho Chi Minh City: 266 Chu Van An Street, Ward 26 Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3514 0142 Fax: +84 8 3514 0143 Hanoi City: No. 14, Lot 2, Block C, Trung Yen, Trung Hoa Cau Giay District, Hanoi Tel: +84 4 3783 0801 - 05 Da Nang City: No. 87 Dien Bien Phu Street Da Nang City Tel: +84 511 2249 049

Amway Vietnam obtained the Foreign Investment License in 2006 with an initial investment of USD14.8million. In 2007, Amway Vietnam launched its manufacturing facility in Amata Industrial Park, Dong Nai province. The facility has a production capacity of up to USD30million worth of products per year. Amway’s manufacturing facility in Vietnam follows stringent manufacturing practices that are the hallmark of Amway products sold by distributors the world over. Besides, the company also established it regional distribution centers in HCMC, Hanoi, Hai Phong, Can Tho, Da Nang, Vinh, and two shops in HCMC and Hanoi. Amway Vietnam markets a wide range of premium products in nutrition and wellness (Nutrilite food supplements), skin care (Artistry), personal care and home care. Amway products are sold through the distributors’ network in Vietnam. Amway Vietnam has a solid foundation in the direct selling business and inherits a strong legacy in market experience and reputation from its parent company, Amway Corporation, that has been in the business for more than 50 years. In 2010, Amway’s global sales reached more than USD9.2billion. In August 2009, Amway Vietnam received the ISO 9001:2008 Certificate for Quality Management System, signifying the company’s pursuit for customer satisfaction and business excellence. In July 2011, Amway Vietnam received Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certification for the manufacturing and distribution of cosmetic and personal care products based on ASEAN Guidelines for Cosmetics GMP, further demonstrating Amway’s persistent effort in building sustainable business and providing high-quality products and services in order to become the leading direct selling enterprise in Vietnam.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

ANZ Bank (Vietnam) Limited

Aon Vietnam Limited

Ground Floor, 10th Floor, Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 2926 Fax : +84 8 3822 3449 Email : Website :

Unit 702, 7th Floor, Sailing Tower 111A Pasteur Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 4884 Fax : +84 8 3822 2700 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Le Thi Ngoc Huong, Branch Director Nguyen Phuc Hieu Thao, Deputy Branch Director

Tareq Muhmood, Chief Executive Officer Vinayak Herur, Head of Institutional Banking Lachlan Halstead, Chief Operating Officer Duong Duc Hung, Head of Retail Banking and Wealth Management Calvin Nguyen, Head of Commercial Banking Activities in Vietnam Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) was established more than 175 years ago and today is one of the 25 largest banks globally by market capitalisation1. ANZ was among the first international banks to operate in Vietnam after establishing its first office in 1993 with branches in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and a representative office in Can Tho. In 2008, ANZ Vietnam was granted a 100% foreign-owned banking licence by the State Bank of Vietnam. It marked a milestone for ANZ's expansion strategy in Vietnam and led to the opening of more branches and representative points in Hanoi and HCMC in 2009. Today, ANZ has ten branches in Vietnam and offers a full range of international banking services across institutional and corporate banking, financial markets, trade finance, commercial banking and retail and wealth banking. ANZ also offers customers the convenience of ATMs and mobile bankers. ANZ Signature Priority Banking, a personalised banking service for affluent customers, is also available. Our awards “Excellence in Best Mortgage Business” in Asia by The Asian Banker 2010 “2010 Best Deal in Vietnam” by The Asset Triple A Country Award “Top Trade Services Award” in 2009 and 2010 by Ministry of Commerce “2009 VND Bond House of the Year” by Euroweek Asia ”Saigon Times FDI Top 40 - Green Values 2009” for environment protection activities “Best Retail Bank in Vietnam“ awarded by The Asian Banker in 2008 & 2009 “Best Customer Oriented Bank” by Vietnam Economic Times for 9 consecutive years from 2002 to 2010 “Best Service Bank 2007“ voted by readers of Saigon Tiep Thi Magazine

Activities in Vietnam Aon Vietnam is a subsidiary of Aon Corporation: * The leading global provider of risk management services, insurance and reinsurance brokerage, and human capital consulting. Through its more than 59,000 colleagues worldwide, Aon delivers distinctive client value via innovative and effective risk management and workforce productivity solutions. Aon's industry-leading global and technical expertise are delivered locally through more than 500 offices in more than 120 countries. * Starting from the 2010/2011 season, Aon became the official brand sponsor for Manchester United, the #1 brand in the world’s #1 sport. An Aon’s logo now adorns the Manchester United players' red shirts in four years. * Established in Vietnam in 1994, Aon Vietnam is the pioneer in the field of insurance and reinsurance brokerage in Vietnam. The company has recorded significant achievements and been recognized as the largest and most professional insurance and reinsurance broker in the country. Aon Vietnam is the only foreign–owned insurance broker has been awarded the Golden Dragon Awards with titles “Best Business Style” & “The Best Service” for the most outstanding foreign investor in Vietnam and “The Best Service” and The 2010 Top Trade Service Prizes with title “The Most Excellent Service Provider”. * Aon Vietnam provides full range of insurance products, meeting any individuals’ and corporate’ insurance needs. Aon’s professionals deliver creative solutions to help our clients manage their risk efficiently through comprehensive insurance and risk management programs, assuring them the best scope of coverage at the most effective manners, providing them dedicated claims handling services. More importantly, clients can have all the above-mentioned benefits at NO DIRECT COST to be paid. Visit for more information on Aon and to learn about Aon's global partnership and shirt sponsorship with Manchester United.

[1] GICS and FTSE sector scheme data as at June 2011.

AmCham Directory - 2012


APC by Schneider Electric

APL - NOL ( Vietnam) Limited

Unit 2.10, 1 Building 364 Cong Hoa Street Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : + 84 8 3810 3103 Fax : + 84 8 3812 0477 Email : Website :

17 Ba Huyen Thanh Quan Street District. 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 1199 Fax : +84 8 3822 7875 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Tiang Hin Ang, Business Vice President, IT Business (APC by Schneider Electric)

Abraham Yahya Elias, Managing Director Anthony Tay, Director, APL Logistics Le Huu Trung, Deputy General Director Dau Thanh Chau, Deputy General Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

About APC by Schneider Electric

APL and APL Logistics serve the international transportation and logistics needs of a diverse customer base, ranging from multinationals with highly complex supply chains to small and medium-sized importers and exporters. Building on over a century and a half experience, APL operates a comprehensive global container transportation network, providing premium services to more than 25,000 locations with offices in more than 80 countries. APL’s sophisticated e-business tools help customers stay in control of their shipments – wherever they are. APL Logistics provides a full suite of international integrated logistics solutions and has a network of state-of-the-art distribution and logistic facilities in all major markets. APL Logistics’ solutions are supported by industry-leading information management and data connectivity tools that enable customers to better manage inventory and provide maximum visibility across complex supply chains.

APC by Schneider Electric, a global leader in critical power and cooling services, provides industry leading hardware, software, and services designed to ensure availability and higher energy efficiency across the residential, business network, data center, and manufacturing environments. Backed by the strength, experience, and wide network of Schneider Electric’s Critical Power & Cooling Services, APC delivers well planned, flawlessly installed and maintained solutions throughout their lifecycle. Through its unparalleled commitment to innovation, APC delivers energy efficient solutions for critical technology and industrial applications. About Schneider Electric As a global specialist in energy management with operations in more than 100 countries, Schneider Electric offers integrated solutions across multiple market segments, including leadership positions in energy and infrastructure, industrial processes, building automation, and data centers/networks, as well as a broad presence in residential applications. Focused on making energy safe, reliable, and efficient, the company's 110,000 plus employees achieved sales of more than $26 billion in 2010, through an active commitment to help individuals and organizations “Make the most of their energy.” 60

American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

APM Group 3rd Floor, 63 Mai Thi Luu Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 2245 6940 Fax : +84 8 3820 9077 Website :

Chamber Representative

Applied Micro Circuits Corporation Vietnam 3rd Floor, Incubation Center Building A, Lot D01 Tan Thuan Road, Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3770 0640 Fax : +84 8 3770 0641 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

Vu (VT) Nguyen, General Director Phong Vo, Deputy General Director

John DiDominic, Executive Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Established in 1992, The APMGroup is one of the largest organizational & people consultancy firms in Asia, having built successful client-partnerships with over 300 of Asia’s leading national and multi-national organizations. APM specializes in helping companies develop world class leadership, implement effective management systems, and build high performance organizations that can compete on a global standard.

Research, design, and develop energy efficient Integrated Circuits (ASIC), Hardware and Software for the Telecom, Data & Enterprise and Consumer industries.

With a strong focus on improved productivity, change implementation, and strategic execution, APM blends the best methods of the East and the West into practical business solutions to align people, process, systems, & structure. HR and OD Consulting - Training & Development Assessment - Human Capital Management Systems

AmCham Directory - 2012


APS Company Ltd. (Mechanical & Electrical)

APU Educational Development Co., Ltd.

18 Luy Ban Bich Street, Tan Thoi Hoa Ward Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3961 3275 (6 lines) Fax : +84 8 3961 3276 Email : Website:

286 Lanh Binh Thang Street, Ward 11 District 11, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3962 4897 / 3962 4898 Fax : +84 8 3962 4899 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Trinh Huu Tuong, Director

Dr. Binh Thy Nguyen Tran, CEO and Superintendent Dr. Roy J. Nirschel, President and Director Tri Tran, Business Development Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

APS Co., Ltd was founded at the beginning of 2002 by experienced and well-trained engineers and technicians in the Diesel Engine/ Electric Generator and Compressed Air industry. We are the Authorized Distributor of Kohler Diesel Generators (USA) up to 3250 kVA and Ingersoll-Rand Air Compressors (USA) up to 500HP.

APU EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT GROUP is a 100% US invested organization providing pathways to US education for nearly a decade.

We specialize in: • Equiment sales. • Part sales, maintenance, repair and overhaul. • Consultancy: Room layout construction, Exhaust system, Sound-proof system, Vibration treatment, Piping, Air Audit... • Generators and Air Compressors for rent. Besides the Head Office in Ho Chi Minh City, there are: • APS Ha Noi Co., Ltd • APS Services and Workshop in Binh Duong • APS Sevices Office in Da Nang City • APS Representative in Can Tho City We have cooperated with Kohler and Ingersoll-Rand to supply reliable and complete power solutions and air solutions for you to assure your power and air systems work effectively and efficiently.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

APU Educational Development Group oversees the APU International School which offers K-12 education based on the California standards and has a record of preparing hundreds of Vietnamese students for further study in the US at prestigious universities, often with merit-based scholarships. APU International School is recognized by the College Board as a testing center for SAT and ACT exams and offers AP courses as well as English Language Development curriculum. APU Educational Development Group provides university prep programs for college-bound students, study abroad for both Vietnamese students and US students in Vietnam and is working to establish the first American University in Vietnam, with a campus in Da Nang and academic centers in Ho Chi Minh City and Cu Chi. The APU Educational Development Group is a member of the prestigious Institute of International Education and enjoys partnerships with campuses of California State University, the University of Missouri Kansas City and other US universities and organizations.

Archetype Vietnam Ltd.

Argentum Wealth Management

Ho Chi Minh City Office 20th Floor, 9 Doan Van Bo Street, Ward 12 District 4, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3943 1256 Fax : +84 8 3943 1257 Email : Website :

601 Hinoki Azabudai Building 3-1-5 Azabudai, Minato-Ku Tokyo 106-0041, Japan Tel : +81 3 5549 9099 Fax : +81 3 5549 9098 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Herve Boone, Managing Director - Vietnam Andre Bilokur, Associate Architectural Design Director - Hanoi

Lloyd Danon, Managing Director - CEO

Activities in Vietnam Archetype Vietnam Ltd., is a 100% foreign-owned company and a member of Archetype Group, a multi-disciplinary construction consultancy with a core services portfolio including Architecture; Urban and Master Planning; Civil, Structural, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering; Project and Construction Management, and Cost Management. After growing as the key foreign construction consultancy in Vietnam, with offices located in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Archetype is now operating in Cambodia, India, Thailand, Laos, Mongolia, Qatar, France, Bangladesh and Indonesia, with more than 400 multinational employees. Archetype Group is currently ranked 55th in the top 100 World Architectural firms and 7th in the Australasia Region (Source: Building Design magazine). Archetype Group has participated in numerous prestigious projects in Vietnam: Hotels and resorts, such as La Residence Hotel & Spa in Hue, Sofitel Metropole (renovation & extension) in Hanoi, Grand Hotel (renovation & extension) and Majestic Hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, the Marriott Hoi An and the first Aman Resort in Vinh Hy; Luxury residential and mixed-use high-rise buildings, such as Sunrise City, Saigon Pearl, Saigon M&C Tower, The EverRich 2 & 3 and Thao Dien Pearl in Ho Chi Minh City and TIG Tower, Pacific Place and the CT2 Apartment Building in Hanoi; Infrastructure and industrial projects including Hanoi International Airport Air Traffic Control Tower, Danang International Airport, Lafarge Cement Factory in Dong Nai and various large retail projects, such as Big C supermarkets. Archetype Group's latest development includes the establishment of Archetype Environment Joint Venture with leading French Consulting firms Altereo and Cabinet Merlin. Archetype Environment JV specializes in Water Treatment, Water Management, and Solid Waste Management solutions (

Activities in Vietnam Argentum provides personal investment solutions exclusively to individuals living and working outside their home countries throughout the Asian region. We offer a wide range of private banking services covering area’s such as retirement, children’s education, regular savings, lump sum investment, life insurance, estate planning, asset protection, corporate solutions and more. Whether you are just starting out as an investor and looking to build up your wealth or have already accumulated wealth and are looking for advice and support we are here for you. Working together with the world’s largest investment institutions and banks, we offer access to a wider range of internationally based investments than many competitors. Argentum’s professional and experienced international team will give you all the information you need to make the right decisions. We provide a high level of personalized service to clients with benefits such as online portfolio viewing, regular financial reviews, market updates and more. Please contact us for more information.

Hanoi Office: 9th Floor, CDC Building 25 Le Dai Hanh Street Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3972 6472 Fax : +84 4 3972 6473 Email: AmCham Directory - 2012


Aricent Vietnam Company Limited

Ascendas Services Vietnam Co., Ltd.

Level 3&4, Building B, Lot D.01 Tan Thuan Street Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone, Tan Thuan Dong Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3770 2000 Fax : +84 8 3770 2001 Email : Website :

Room 1801, 18th Floor, Me Linh Point Tower 2 Ngo Duc Ke Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 9933 Fax : +84 8 3825 6080 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Han Nhat Quang, General Director Nguyen Viet Hung, Finance Manager

Han Ann Foong, General Director Theodore Chuang, Director of Project and Marketing

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

The Aricent Group is a global innovation and technology services company that helps clients to imagine, commercialize, and evolve products and services for the communication industry.

Ascendas is Asia's leading provider of business space solutions with key markets in Singapore, China, India, South Korea and the Philippines. Based in Singapore, Ascendas has built a strong regional presence and serves a global clientele of over 1,800 customers. Ascendas specializes in developing, managing and marketing IT parks, industrial parks, business parks, science parks, hi-tech facilities, office and retail space and manufacturing, logistics and distribution centres. Its flagships include the Singapore Science Park, International Tech Park Bangalore in India, Dalian-Ascendas IT Park in China and Carmelray Industrial Park II in the Philippines. In November 2002, Ascendas launched Singapore’s first business space trust, the Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust (A-REIT). In August 2007, the Ascendas India Trust (a-iTrust) was launched as Singapore’s first listed Indian property trust. In Vietnam, Ascendas has teamed up with state-owned company, Protrade Corporation, to develop a 500-hectare industrial park named the Ascendas-Protrade Singapore Tech Park in Binh Duong Province. Located within the An Tay Industry and Service Complex, a 1350-hectare integrated township, the world class industrial park provides an excellent infrastructure and extensive range of amenities for companies seeking quality business space in a safe and conducive environment. Its first choice destination offers industrial spaces ranging from prepared land parcels, ready built facilities to customized solutions.

Bringing together the communications technology expertise of Aricent with the creative vision and user experience prowess of frog, the Aricent Group provides a unique portfolio of capabilities that combines consumer insights, strategy, design, software engineering, and systems integration.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Ascott International Management, Vietnam 8A Nguyen Binh Khiem Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 8899 Fax : +84 8 3823 4473 Email : Website :

Ashland Specialty Ingredients Unit 1F, Level 1, Somerset Chancellor Court 21-23 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 7620 Fax : +84 8 3910 7621 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Graham Black, Country General Manager Manabu Komatsu, Director of Sales & Marketing, South Vietnam

Le Thanh Hieu, Country Manager La Thi Kim Anh, Customer Service Coordinator

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

The Ascott Limited (Ascott) is a the largest international serviced residence owner-operator in Vietnam. The company is also one of the pioneers in the serviced residence industry in Vietnam. Ascott opened its first property in the country, Somerset West Lake Hanoi, in 1994. Today, the company has established a strong foothold in Vietnam with over 1,600 apartment units in 10 properties across four major cities - Danang, Hai Phong, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Ascott’s premier serviced residences combine the space and privacy of an apartment with services of a top-rated hotel. Besides winning awards for brand, service and management excellence, Ascott has been recognised for charity and environmental protection activities in the country.

Ashland Inc. is a Fortune 500 company which operates in more than 100 countries throughout the world. Presently based in Covington, Kentucky, in the United States, the company traces its roots back to Ashland, Kentucky.

• Somerset Chancellor Court Ho Chi Minh City 21-23 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, District 1, HCMC • Somerset Ho Chi Minh City 8A Nguyen Binh Khiem Street, District 1, HCMC • Somerset Grand Hanoi 49 Hai Ba Trung, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi • Somerset West Lake Hanoi 254D Thuy Khue Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi • Somerset Hoa Binh Hanoi 106 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay District, Hanoi • Hoa Binh Green Hanoi No.2, 376 Duong Buoi, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi • Somerset Central TD Hai Phong (Opening 2013) • Somerset Danang Bay (Opening 2014) • Somerset Saigon Ho Chi Minh City (Opening 2014) • Diamond Island Luxury Residences (Opening 2014)

Activities: Produce and market specialty chemicals to manufacturers in Vietnam. Descriptions: Ashland Specialty Ingredients offers industry-leading products, technologies and resources for solving formulation and product performance challenges in key markets including personal care, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, coatings and energy. Using natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic polymers derived from plant and seed extract, cellulose ethers and vinyl pyrrolidones, Ashland Specialty Ingredients offers comprehensive and innovative solutions for today ‘s demanding consumer and industrial applications. Business category: Chemicals Employees in Vietnam: 02

Business category: Serviced Residences, Office and Retail Space for Lease AmCham Directory - 2012


Asia Commercial Bank (ACB) 442 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3929 0999 Fax : +84 8 3834 3269 Email : Website :

Asia International Consulting Law Firm (ATIM Consulting) 3rd Floor, CMARD2 Building 45 Dinh Tien Hoang Street, Ben Nghe Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 0141 Fax : +84 8 3910 0161 Email : Website:

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Ly Xuan Hai, CEO

Trinh Hong Quang, Managing Partner Do Thi Thanh Binh, Associate

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

For the past 18 years, Asia Commercial Bank (ACB) has consolidated its position as the leading joint-stock commercial bank in Vietnam. As of December 2011, its total assets reached VND 281 trillion, which makes it the largest join-stock bank and the fifth largest by total assets below big four state-owned banks in Vietnam.

- Legal Consulting: • Corporate & Governance • Contract & Negotiation • Dispute settlement • Investment & Financing • International Trade • M&A • Pension and Employment • Regulatory & Compliance • Taxation and transfer pricing.

This year the bank has implemented the policy of “efficient management, reasonable profitability and sustainable growth.” ACB will strive to maintain its leading position by serving the fundamental financial services needs of the dynamically growing national economy. The performance of the bank in 2010 has been recognized as The Best Bank 2011 by the financial magazines such as Asiamoney, Global Finance, Euromoney and WorldFinance. This is very remarkable that 2011 is the third consecutive year ACB received such awards.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

- Management Consulting: • Organizational Strategic Management • HRM System Development • People Development and Retention • Staffing and Payroll service

Asia Society 725 Park Avenue, New York NY 10021, USA Tel : +1 212 327 9388 Fax : +1 212 517 8315 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Asian Tigers Transpo International (Vietnam) Ltd. 9th Floor, Unit 9.3, REE Tower 9 Doan Van Bo Street, Ward 12 District 4, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3826 7799 Fax : +84 8 3826 4041 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Judy Chen, Assistant Director, Global Business Development and Programs, External Affairs Maria Gibson, Program Officer, Global Business Development and Programs, External Affairs Matt King, General Director Eddy Azoulay, Sales & Marketing Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Asia Society held the 19th Asian Corporate Conference on April 22-24, 2009 in Ho Chi Minh City with the full support of the Vietnamese Government. Co-organized with the Ministry of Planning and Investment and The Wall Street Journal Asia, the conference sought to better understand the opportunities and challenges in Vietnam’s economic development and its global integration. The conference brought together top business figures and government leaders from around the world while fostering closer relationships among business leaders in Vietnam and the Asia Pacific region. This conference was last held in Vietnam in Hanoi in 2003 and included an Opening Keynote Address from Prime Minister Phan Van Khai.

Company Profile: Asian Tigers Transpo International (Vietnam) Ltd. handles international household goods moving services and has been operating in Vietnam since 1993. The Asian Tigers Group of Companies is the largest Moving Group in Asia. We are an active member of OMNI, FIDI, AMSA, and HHGFAA. Range of Activities: International standard packing, handling, customs clearance, shipping, and delivery to and from anywhere in the world. Sea, Air, Local, Intercity, Office Relocation & Records and Household Goods Storage. Relocation services: Â Home search, school search, work/resident permit & visa, tenancy management, handyman service, orientation & setting-in programs. Unique Strengths: Private new warehouse with 24 hour security, new packing materials, 100% Foreign Owned Company with permanent professional crews, Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi operational offices.

AmCham Directory - 2012


ATES-VTIS American Tax and Expatriate Services-Vietnamese Tax and Insurance Services 8/1 - 8/3 Nguyen Huy Tuong Street, Ward 6 Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3510 3226 / 6294 0861 Fax : +84 8 3510 3225 Email: 12100 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90025 USA Tel : +1 310 478 4545 Fax : +1 310 442 2162 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Mai Massias, Managing Director Vu Thi Bich Sen, Executive Assistant Manager

Bradley O’Leary, President Hoang Tuan Kiet, Vietnam Representative Officer

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

American Tax and Expatriate Services is your source for expert assistance with tax compliance issues. We can help with all US tax questions including responding to IRS Notices and represent you in case of an audit. We also offer assistance in applying for US green card. Our expatriate services include Vietnamese individual income tax compliance, securing a temporary resident card, work permit, or marriage, birth certificates and any other administrative issue relating to expatriates living in Vietnam.

A free internet service that links you to over 700 news sources worldwide. As a function of their travel news, Associated Television News offers visitors real time links to more than 146 news sources from the U.S., Canada and Mexico; 23 news sources from Central and South America; 158 news sources from Asia and 128 from Europe; 46 news sources from Africa (particularly Egypt and South Africa); 26 new sources from the South Pacific and 17 from the Middle East. Links to U.S. magazines, sports, world news wires, network news and foreign magazines are also provided.

ATES has partnered with Liberty Insurance Vietnam, a wholly owned subsidiary of Liberty Mutual based in Boston, Massachusetts. Our expatriate services provide Liberty’s insurance products and services including: Healthcare, Homecare, Autocare and Travelcare. Our Greenphil building provides office space for lease, virtual office and apartments for rent for short-term visitors. ATES has been operating in HCMC since 2005.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Audi Vietnam (Automotive Asia Limited)

Austin and Austin Associates Consulting & Sourcing

1st Floor, 6B Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 5759 Fax : +84 8 3911 8009 Email : Website :

20 Thao Dien Street District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 90 803 1556 +84 90 927 3850 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Laurent Genet, Importer - General Director Tran Tan Trung, Dealer - General Director

Randolph L. Austin Sr., Consultant to the Home Furnishings Industry Robin King Austin, Social Initiatives & Public Relations Consultant

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Automotive Asia Ltd is Audi official importer distributor in Vietnam appointed by Audi AG.

• Furniture Industry Consulting: Sourcing in Vietnam for furniture and furniture-related products Assistance in marketing Vietnamese-made furniture in the US market Resolving quality and / or production issues in furniture manufacturing New product development for the US market Quality assurance for furniture production in Vietnam

A subsidiary in JV between CFAO and Openasia on 51/49 basis, Automotive Asia Ltd was registered in Vietnam in 2007. The Audi range in Vietnam includes A8L 4.2 & 3.0T, Q7 3.0T, A7 3.0T, A6 3.0T & 2.0T, Q5 2.0T and A4 1.8T which come with unlimited mileage warranty during two years. Audi official Dealer - Lien-A International JSC - operates Audi Ho Chi Minh City 6B Ton Duc Thang Street, District1 and Audi Hanoi 17 Pham Hung, My Dinh. Both workshops offer latest technology with online access to Audi AG and genuine Audi spare parts. Audi AG is a German manufacturer of prestige vehicles. Audi sold 1.092,400 cars in 2010. Audi produces vehicles in Germany, Hungary, China, Belgium and India. Audi is in 100 countries and employs 60,000 people worldwide. French-listed CFAO is the leading automotive importer distributor in Africa. CFAO sold 66,728 new vehicles in 2009. With 9,278 staff with direct presence in 34 countries, CFAO generated 2.676 billion EUR turnover in 2010, 57.5% from automotive.

• Corporate Social Responsibility Consulting: Social Initiatives program planning, implementation and oversight Recognition and publicity plans for major social initiative donations Recommendations on giving policies, prospective NGO partners • Public Relations Services: PR Strategy Development Newsletters, direct mail, e-news, Press releases, creative and clever invitations

AmCham Directory - 2012


Australian International School


East-West Highway, An Phu Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3742 4040 Fax : +84 8 3740 7361 Email : Website :

Empire Tower, Suite 401 26-28 Ham Nghi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 3044 Fax : +84 8 3823 3045 Email :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

(formerly Pacific Law LLC)

Cal H. Nguyen, Managing Director

Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, General Director Peter O’Sullivan, Principal

Activities in Vietnam Mission AIS is committed to providing a high quality international education. We encourage and support our students to become inquiring and knowledgeable learners with the confidence to achieve their potential. Background The Australian International School in Saigon provides international education from Early Childhood (2 years of age) to Senior School (16 years+). The School offers the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) and Middle Years Programme (MYP). At Senior School, students study the University of Cambridge AS and A Level programmes. The University of New South Wales Foundation Studies Year 12 Curriculum is also offered in Year 12, providing graduating students direct entry into universities in Australia and around the world. Well-resourced campuses are located in beautiful, secure and serene settings with excellent libraries, ICT suites and science labs, visual art and music studios, outdoor swimming pools, basketball courts and age appropriate playgrounds and sport fields. There is a broad range of co-curricular activities in the sports, creative and performing arts, community service, experiential learning and academic, language and life skills. With students representing more than 30 nationalities they are taught by experienced, dedicated and qualified expatriate teachers, predominantly from Australia. Our second Early Childhood Centre has been purpose-built for enhanced learning and fun, and will open adjacent to Xi Riverview Palace, Thao Dien in August 2012. “Leading to a Bright Future” Xi Early Childhood Centre 190 Nguyen Van Huong Street, Thao Dien Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: +84 8 3744 6960 • Fax: +84 8 3744 6961 Early Childhood & Primary School Early Childhood - Lotus 1 Primary - Cherry Blossom 1 APSC Compound, 36 Thao Dien Road District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: +84 8 3744 6960 • Fax: +84 8 3744 6961 Middle & Senior School (Head Office) East-West Highway, An Phu Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: +84 8 3742 4040 • Fax: +84 8 3740 7361 Email : Website:


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Staffed by Vietnam and U.S. trained legal professionals, AV Law is fully licensed to provide legal advice and representation to individual and corporate clients. Our practice primarily focuses on commercial and civil litigation, as well as investment, real estate and immigration matters. We are especially concerned with and well-versed in legal issues faced by VietKieus and foreigners doing business and living in Vietnam. Associated Firm: Chia Wong LLP, Singapore

Avenue Information Technology Solutions Joint Stock Company S44-1 Hung Vuong 2, Phu My Hung District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5410 1820 / 1821 Fax : +84 8 5410 1822 Email : Website :

Avery Dennison 38 Doc Lap Street Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park Thuan An District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 378 4022 Fax : +84 650 378 4024 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Eyco Rogge, Managing Director Joey Hoang-Bui, Operations Director

Nguyen Cuu Thanh Chau, Commercial Director Chew Kam Yew, ASEAN Operations Director Le Hong Phuc, Human Resources & Administration Manager

Activities in Vietnam Avenue is an international management consulting and technology services company, providing a wide collection of comprehensive technologies and software across all industries and business functions. Avenue aims to promote and deploy advanced information technologies to its clients while taking custody of the associated complexities. Avenue teams up with its clients to get to the heart of the individual business objectives and develop the most appropriate solutions to fit the requirements. Having successfully delivered several high profile projects in Vietnam and the region we safely bring you a range of software solutions to improve your business in the following areas: • Enterprise Asset Management • Document, content and contract management • Supply chain and procurement management • Human resource management • Ship management • Business processes analysis and documentation • Operating performance effectiveness • Reliability centered and risk management for concurrent projects • Financial and budget management • Health, safety and environment management • IT service provisioning, optimization and auditing

Activities in Vietnam Avery Dennison (NYSE:AVY) helps make brands more inspiring and the world more intelligent. Being a global leader in pressure-sensitive technology and materials, retail branding and information solutions, and organization and identification products for offices and consumers. A FORTUNE 500 company with sales of $6.5 billion in 2010, Avery Dennison is based in Pasadena, California and has employees in over 60 countries. For more information, visit Avery Dennison Retail Branding and Information Solutions (RBIS) provides intelligent, creative, and sustainable solutions that elevate brands and accelerate performance through the global retail supply chain. For more information, visit

Over the years Avenue selected and built partnerships with several prominent system vendors to represent and deploy their systems. These proven systems have vast world-wide reputations each with an impressive list of references. Years of combined experience of our polyglot and dexterous staff will ensure pragmatic and cost-effective results to your capital projects and operations at competitive rates. AmCham Directory - 2012


Avon Cosmetics Vietnam Limited


HCMC Branch: 186A Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, Ward 6 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3930 4018 Fax : +84 8 3930 2718 Website :

3rd Floor, 63 Mai Thi Luu Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3820 9076 Fax : +84 8 3820 9077 Email :

Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Belinda Koh, General Manager Ly Le, Senior Legal Manager - Vietnam & Thailand

Chris Albright, Managing Director Thai Vu Huong, Vice Managing Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Avon Product Inc. (Avon) is the world’s largest direct seller of beauty and beauty-related products to market to women in more than 100 countries through over 6 million Avon Independent Sales Representatives. Today Avon is known as the company for women by bringing to them all aspects of personal care, including beauty, wellness, health and fitness, as well as economic empowerment and financial independence. Avon is proud of a company on solid values and principles with a longstanding commitment to the highest standards of ethics and integrity. Avon Vietnam was established since 2004, offering quality product at affordable prices and multi-level earning opportunity to Vietnamese. Avon provides Home Delivery Service to Independent Sales Representatives in HCMC and Collection & Delivery Centers in major cities in Vietnam. To know more about Avon Vietnam, visit

Axcela delivers English training through a next generation platform which reduces the time to achieve true mastery of oral English by an average of 50% compared to conventional methods.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Learners practice listening and speaking on a sophisticated courseware in activities with special pattern recognition and sequencing design. This systematically increases their capacity to speak English confidently and in real time. The activities are 100% monitored, and reinforced with corresponding classroom activities led by native speaking teachers. Axcela uses technology to provide learners, teachers, and program administrators with information simply not available in conventional English methodologies. We continuously assess learner practice technique, and correct mistakes instantaneously. This dramatically increases the speed with which learners acquire fluency. We also use metrics to monitor learner effort level and progress, as well as teacher quality, thereby holding both the student and teacher accountable.

Azure City Co., Ltd.

BASF Vietnam Co., Ltd.

10 Alexandre de Rhodes Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3932 0809 Fax : +84 8 3932 1256 Email : Website :

12 Tu Do Boulevard, Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park Thuan An District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3743 100 Fax : +84 650 3743 200 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

John Hoang, President Mark A Keithley, Vice President

Pham Van Duc, Head of Chemicals Tran Cong Thien, Head of Performance Materials Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Azure City Ltd is an infrastructure and property development company based in Ho Chi Minh City. Azure City’s mission is to provide and deliver premium quality infrastructure projects and investments in three key growth areas for Vietnam of Real Estate, Information Technology and Telecommunications. Azure City is a premier local company with principal business in developing and delivering high-end serviced apartments, commercial office space and investment property. Azure City is committed to providing high quality investment and living opportunities to our investors, buyers and shareholders. Azure City can provide high quality teams of project managers, research analysts, technology experts, market specialists and infrastructure expertise for your development and infrastructure needs.

BASF is the world’s leading chemical company: The Chemical Company. Its portfolio ranges from chemicals, plastics, performance products and agricultural products to oil and gas. As a reliable partner BASF creates chemistry to help its customers in virtually all industries to be more successful. With its high-value products and intelligent solutions, BASF plays an important role in finding answers to global challenges such as climate protection, energy efficiency, nutrition and mobility. BASF posted sales of about EUR 63.9 billion in 2010 and had approximately 109,000 employees as of the end of the year. BASF shares are traded on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) and Zurich (AN). Further information on BASF is available on the Internet at or in its Social Media Newsroom at BASF has been active in Vietnam since 1994 as the representative office of BASF Singapore. Its local entity and business have been established since April 2009. Apart from its Head office cum Production site for construction chemicals located at Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park, Binh Duong province, BASF Vietnam has three branch offices in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and Danang. It provides a wide range of products, including plastics, petrochemicals, construction chemicals, fine chemicals, performance chemicals, paper chemicals, crop protection, etc. The company total sales volume in 2010 was approximately €170 million and currently employs about 140 employees. Ho Chi Minh Branch: Room 1701, Floor 17, Saigon Trade Center 37 Ton Duc Thang Street, District 1, HCMC Tel : +84 8 3824 3833 Fax: +84 8 3824 3832 Hanoi Branch: Room 11, Floor 10, Charm Vit Tower, 117 Tran Duy Hung Street, Trung Hoa Ward Cau Giay District, Ha Noi Tel : +84 4 3974 3769 Fax: +84 4 3974 3766 Da Nang Branch: 10 Hai Phong Street, Hai Chau District, Da Nang Tel : +84 511 3652 069/70 Fax: +84 511 3652 138 AmCham Directory - 2012


Baker & McKenzie (Vietnam) Ltd. 12th Floor, Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3829 5585 Fax : +84 8 3829 5618 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Activities in Vietnam Baker & McKenzie defined the global law firm in the 20th century, and we are redefining it to meet the challenges of global economy in the 21st. We bring to matters the instinctively global perspective and deep local market knowledge and insights of 3,900 locally admitted lawyers in 73 offices worldwide. We have a distinctive global way of thinking, working and behaving - “fluency” - across borders, issues and practices.

Frederick Burke, Managing Partner Tran Manh Hung, Principal Yee Chung Seck, Partner Oanh K.H. Nguyen, Partner Thanh Ha Tran, Partner Thanh Vinh Nguyen, Partner Lan Phuong Nguyen, Special Counsel Jacob Neilsen, Associate Andrew Fitanides, Associate Quan Dinh Nguyen, Associate Binh Duy Tran, Associate An Thu Vuong, Paralegal Anh Thu Nguyen, Paralegal Brittany Miller, Business Development


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

We understand the challenges of the global economy because we have been at the forefront of its evolution. Since 1949, we have advised leading corporations on the issues of today’s integrated world market. We have cultivated the culture, commercial pragmatism and technical and interpersonal skills required to deliver world-class service tailored to the preferences of world-class clients worldwide. We have the deep roots and knowledge of the language and culture of business required to address the nuances of local markets worldwide. Our culture of friendship and broad scope of practice enables us to navigate complexity across issues, practices and borders with ease. Baker & McKenzie’s Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City offices were established in 1993. The two offices are staffed by over 65 lawyers and professional staff, providing dedicated legal services across the broad spectrum of corporate law in support of businesses engaged in international trade and investment. Most of our lawyers are fluent in both Vietnamese and English. Baker & McKenzie’s Vietnam practice is consistently ranked in the top tier within industry surveys. In the PLC Which Lawyer? 2010 Yearbook, the Firm is ranked as the No. 1 Law Firm in Vietnam and described as a leading firm in more practice areas than any other firm in Vietnam.

Bates Asia Vietnam 7th Floor, Vietnam Business Centre

Vietnam Representative Office of Baxter Healthcare (Asia) Pte Ltd

57-59 Ho Tung Mau Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 8632 Fax : +84 8 3821 8634 Email : Website :

8th Floor, Unit 801, Royal Centre, Block A 235 Nguyen Van Cu Street, Nguyen Cu Trinh Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3925 1425 Fax : +84 8 3925 1424 Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Nguyen Tran Tue, Managing Director Tran Viet Hung, Finance Manager

Le Quoc Su, Country Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Integrated Advertising Agency At Bates Asia, we believe in spotting, understanding, interpreting and creating change for our clients.

• The office to liaise, do the market researches, promotion activities and to build up investment corporation.

1. We are in the ‘Change’ business In Asia change is happening faster than any other region in the world. We’ve built our whole agency offer around change: determined to change consumers, channels, tastes, competition and values because our ideas will only be valued if they change people. 2. We change mindsets and behaviors One without the other is an incomplete solution with short lived outcomes. We’re not only playing at the top end of the ‘funnel’ where an idea might last a day, but extending our role in lead generation through to the shopper experience, where ideas pull people over the preference line. 3. We stand for 'The Asias' ‘The Asias’ are our home, and our clients’ consumers’ homes. Our management resides in Asia, and we develop ideas from the market-up. Simply put, we believe that change happens when you look at things differently. BEST BY COUNTRY - 2011 PROMOTION MARKETING AWARDS OF ASIA GOLD DRAGON - 2011 PROMOTION MARKETING AWARDS OF ASIA SILVER DRAGON - 2011 PROMOTION MARKETING AWARDS OF ASIA BEST BY COUNTRY - 2010 PROMOTION MARKETING AWARDS OF ASIA GOLD DRAGON - 2010 PROMOTION MARKETING AWARDS OF ASIA BRONZE AWARD WINNER - 2011 MARKETING AGENCIES ASSOCIATION WORLDWIDE SILVER AWARD WINNER - 2010 MARKETING AGENCIES ASSOCIATION WORLDWIDE

• To impulse the implementation of contracts, agreements on business (pharmaceutical and healthcare products).

AmCham Directory - 2012


BBDO Vietnam

Becamex IDC Corp.

74/3 Hai Ba Trung Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 6662 Fax : +84 8 3822 6995 Email : Website:

230 Binh Duong Boulevard Thu Dau Mot Town, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3811 777 Fax : +84 650 3811 666 Mobile : +84 903 903 804 / 1222 666 777 (Mr. Dien) +84 918 000 493 / 1222 666 999 (Ms. Xuyen) Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

David Smail, Chairman and Executive Creative Director

Vo Son Dien, Advisory & Marketing Director Le Thi Kim Xuyen, Deputy Marketing Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

BBDO Vietnam, part of BBDO Worldwide and a member of Omnicom Group Inc., is a global advertising, marketing and corporate communications company. BBDO’s mantra is “The Work. The Work. The Work.” Every day, people in 287 offices in 79 countries work job by job and client by client, to create and deliver the world’s most compelling commercial content. Today, BBDO is recognized as both the world’s most creative and effective agency network. For the past five years, BBDO has been Network of the Year at Cannes as well as the world's most awarded agency network in The Gunn Report. In addition, BBDO is the number one ranked network across all marketing communication platforms in The Big Won report. And Effie Worldwide named BBDO the world’s most Effective Agency Network in its inaugural Effie Effectiveness Index released this year.

Becamex IDC Corp. is a state-owned company under a structure of a HOLDING INC. including 30 affiliates and subsidiaries with multi-disciplined portfolios in process / manufacturing; investment and development of industrial, commercial and residential projects (Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park - VSIP 2,000 ha, My Phuoc Industrial City 4,000 ha, Bau Bang Industrial Complex 4,000 ha, Binh Duong New Township 4,200 ha); construction, securities; financial and banking services; training and education projects; healthcare/ medical projects and others. We are currently involved & developing projects namely: The Eastern International University (EIU), The Eastern International General Hospital, Eco@lake Residential Project, My Phuoc - Tan Van Expressway, VSIP Industrial & Township in Bac Ninh province & Hai Phong City, being the Sponsor of Becamex - Binh Duong Soccer Team and especially Binh Duong New City (1,000 ha) - The New Capital of Binh Duong City.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Bel Vietnam Company Ltd. Unit 904, 9th Floor, 35 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 2220 5357 Fax : +84 8 2220 5352 Email : Website :

BHP Billiton Petroleum (Vietnam) Corporation Suites 1358-1360, Level 13, Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6288 8790 Fax : +84 8 6288 8701 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Sharon Rozario, General Manager Francois Pons, Factory Manager Le Ngoc Lien Hoa, Finance & HR Manager Ho Viet Dong, National Sales Manager

Minh Nguyen, Country Manager Thuy Nguyen, Business Development Manager Robert Wilcox, Supply Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

The Bel Group is a world leader in the cheese industry. It manufactures and commercializes brands such as The Laughing Cow, Kiri, Mini Babybel, Leerdammer, and Boursin Bel Group 2010 net sales reached â‚Ź 2.4 billion. It operates in 120 countries and hires nearly 12,000 employees worldwide.

BHP Billiton Petroleum is an agile, culturally diverse oil and gas exploration and production organization with the financial resources of a super major. This unique combination allows us to tackle projects with leading-edge technology anywhere in the world. Our principal activities are oil and natural gas production, exploration and development. We also market crude oil, condensate, liquefied petroleum gases, natural gas and liquefied natural gas to customers worldwide. Our commitment to Zero Harm has helped us deliver industry-leading safety performance. Our safety culture begins at the top and is embedded throughout the organization. As part of BHP Billiton, the world’s largest diversified resources company, our financial strength allows us to maintain investment levels consistent with a long-term view. We have record production and boast low unit operating costs that places us among the best in the industry.

The Laughing Cow (Con Bo Cuoi) is the no.1 cheese brand in Vietnam. Bel Group has launched a factory in Binh Duong with 100% foreign owned capital in 2010. Its commercial office is located in Ho Chi Minh City Employees in Vietnam: 145 Factory Lot D-7J-CN, D-7L2-CN My Phuoc 3 Industrial Zone Ben Cat District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3555 994 Fax: +84 650 3555 998

BHP Billiton Petroleum has exploration, development, production and marketing activities in more than a dozen countries around the globe. We have a significant deepwater position in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as operations in Australia, the United Kingdom, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. We also have a range of promising prospects in the East Sea, Trinidad and Tobago, Algeria, Pakistan, and Malaysia. AmCham Directory - 2012


Black & Veatch International HCMC Representative Office

Blackhorse Asset Management Pte. Ltd.

7th Floor, Starview Building 63A Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3914 1809 Fax : +84 8 3914 1804 Email : Website :

95A3 Tran Quoc Toan Street, Ward 7 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3932 2288 Fax : +84 8 3932 6669 Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Luu Ngoc Nhan, Chief Representative Office, Country Manager Tang Thu Hang, Executive Administrator

John Engle, Managing Director Le Quang Sang, Chief Representative

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Our focus is primarily to providing Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Consulting and Management Services in the Power and Water industries.

The objective of Blackhorse Vietnam is to identify, research, and assess potential investment opportunities for the Blackhorse Emerging Enterprise Fund (BEEF), the Blackhorse Early-Stage Technology Fund (BEST), and the Blackhorse Enhance Vietnam Inc. (BEVI).

Action as the liaison office and the marketing research. Organize the consulting contract between Black & Veatch International Company, USA with Vietnam organizations.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Launched at the end of February, 2007, the Blackhorse Enhance Vietnam Inc. is an open-end fund, which has ability to invest in Vietnam listed companies, OTC companies, and private companies. The Fund also has the ability to invest a limited percentage in Vietnam related offshore listed companies. BEVI’s target portfolio is 60% pre-listed equities, 40% listed equities. The Fund also has the ability to leverage up to 150% of the listed portion of the portfolio through its prime broker Citigroup.

Blue Sky Travel Co., Ltd.

Bluescope Steel Viet Nam

Head Office: Level 1, The Manor Place 91 Nguyen Huu Canh Street Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 7007 Fax : +84 8 3514 0045 Email : Website :

9th Floor, Vincom Center 72 Le Thanh Ton Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 0066 Fax : +84 8 3821 0119 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Nguyen Hao Thanh Phi, Director

Vo Minh Nhut, Country President Bui Nguyen Hoang, Vice President Commercial

Activities in Vietnam Established in July 2002, Blue Sky Travel (BST) was specialized in providing air ticket services. As one of the outstanding agents, BST was elected among the TOP 05 AGENTS awarded by major airlines in Ho Chi Minh City in many years, thus built up our customer’s trust and strong support. We are Representative for American Express (AMEX) in Vietnam for business travel services. Providing a premium qualified services in business travel to AMEX BST’S customer in Vietnam. Range of Services: • Flight Planning & Ticketing • Hotel bookings • Car Rental • Travel insurance

• Rail Europe • Package Tours / ROH • MICE / VIP Services • Visa Support

Activities in Vietnam BlueScope Steel, Melbourne, Australia, is a leading global steel solutions provider and has been in Vietnam since 1993, and was the largest Australian investor in 2006. BlueScope Buildings is the world leader in Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings and provides Butler PEB’s, Roofing and walling systems, and steel construction solutions for industrial, commercial, and residential markets in Vietnam.

General Sales Agent for: • Rail Europe System (providing Rail ticket) • Titlis Rotair (Snow mountain in Swiss) • ROH (Royal Orchid Holidays – Thai Airways) Exploring services for Amex Blue Sky Travel, you will feel you are taken care personally and attentively as we are always with you. “SEE THE WORLD WITH US”, it is our slogan. Tour Office: 16 Dinh Tien Hoang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6291 2211 Fax : +84 8 6291 2210 Email : AmCham Directory - 2012


BNP Paribas Vietnam Suite 504, Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 1265 Fax : +84 8 3823 1250 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Bowker (Vietnam) Garment Factory Co., Ltd. K1-2-3, Road 6, Dong An IP Thuan An District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3768 233 (304) Fax : +84 650 3768 236 Website :

Chamber Representatives

Wilson Mok, General Manager Hector Aguilar, BU Manager Lucy Nguyen, Senior Merchandiser

Activities in Vietnam

Cardyn Luc, Country Head Gigant Thierry, Deputy Country Head

Activities in Vietnam BNP Paribas is a leading International bank present in more than 80 countries with over 200,000 employees*. It ranks highly in its three core activities: Retail Banking, Investment Solutions and Corporate & Investment Banking. BNP Paribas is rolling out its integrated retail banking model across the Europe-Mediterranean zone. In its Corporate & Investment Banking and Investment Solutions activities, BNP Paribas enjoys top positions in Europe, a strong presence in the Americas and solid and fast-growing businesses in Asia. In the United States, the group boasts a large network in the Western part of the country via its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Bank of the West and First Hawaiian Bank, which serve more than 2 million households and businesses through 727 branches in 20 Western and Midwestern states, Guam and Saipan. In Hanoi and Ho Chi MInh City since 1989, BNP Paribas offers full corporate banking solutions to state-owned enterprises and international companies. Orient Commercial bank, in which BNP Paribas hold a 20% stake, offers retail services to individuals and SMEs. In addition, BNP Paribas' s clients have access to 430 cash collection points in 56 provinces thanks to partnerships with OCB and Sacombank. 80

American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Win Hankery has been engaged in the Sportswear Manufacturing Business for over 21 years, manufacturing sportswear principally on an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturing) basis for international sport brands for export to Europe US and Asian. The group have strong and close working relationships, some of which span over 12 years, with its sportswear manufacturing customers, including the Adidas Group, the Reebok Group, the Umbro Group, NEXT Group, NIKE Group and PUMA Group. In particular, Win Hanverky is one of the apparel largest sportswear suppliers of the Adidas Group globally founded on an over 20 years’ working relationship. Win Hanverky provides a vertically integrated manufacturing solution covering various critical stages of the sportswear supply chain, including fabric knitting and dyeing, sportswear and accessories manufacturing, embroidery and printing services. It has built up a reputation of high quality and standards, efficient operation and reliable product delivery thanks to the “lean production module” adopted by its sportswear production facilities. Its production facilities are strategically located in the PRC and Vietnam. These diverse manufacturing bases allow Win Hanverky to plan production amounts and adjust facilities to alleviate the negative impact from the trade restrictions and the safeguards measures imposed by importing countries. Bowker Vietnam Garment Factory Co., Ltd under Win Hanverky Group belongs to Sportswear Manufacturing Business. In 2005, Bowker Vietnam has been started fully operational and continuously grown manufacturing for the world best know and highly respected sportswear brands such as ADIDAS, NIKE, PUMA and NEXT. During this short period we got fully support of Vietnam Government, Client trust and cooperation, hard working of workers and good team work so that BVN exert its productivity and capability gradually.

Brink's Vietnam, Inc. Room 407A, 4th Floor, SCSC Office Building

British American Tobacco Marketing (Singapore) Private Ltd.

30 Phan Thuc Duyen Street, Ward 4 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3844 4681 Fax : +84 8 3844 4696 Email : Website:

20th Floor, Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 9888 Fax : +84 8 3821 9337 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Gary Freedman, Chief Representative

Peter Henriques, General Manager Shahid Afzal, Head of Finance Murat Guven, Head of Corporate & Regulatory Affairs

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Secure transportation and logistics handling of valuable goods. Brink’s, Incorporated, a subsidiary of The Brink’s Company, is a global leader in business and security services serving banks, retailers, governments, mints, diamantaires and jewelers through more than 800 facilities and 8,900 vehicles in 50 countries on six continents – an unrivaled global footprint that delivers incomparable security, efficiency and visibility across the logistics lifecycle. Founded in 1859, Brink’s has evolved from a leading armored transportation service carrier to a premier provider of secure transportation and logistics solutions around the world. Brink’s global leadership is founded on a heritage of trust and has earned a reputation as the most reliable name in secure logistics. Today, thousands of companies across the globe entrust Brink’s with the secure armored transportation and management of their most precious assets. At Brink’s, everything we do is guided by our core values. More than 49,000 dedicated employees uphold the Brink’s standards of trust, integrity, respect, quality, innovation and safety. These core values govern our actions every day, and reflect what is truly important to us as an organization. The Brink’s mission is clear: To be the world wide leader in secure logistics solutions. Our global asset base, expertise, technology, and proven trust differentiate us from our competitors and provide the blueprint for continued growth and success.

BAT started its operation in Vietnam since October 1994. BAT's brands in Vietnam include State Express 555, Dunhill, Kent, Craven A, White Horse, 7 Diamonds, Everest and Virginia Gold. With a total of 8 brands for Vietnamese consumers, BAT holds a robust market position in the Vietnam market. Today, BAT is one of the most successful international businesses in Vietnam. In 2001, BAT established a joint-venture with Vinataba to process cut rag in a state-of-the-art facility in Dongnai. Together with its business partners, BAT has created employment for several thousand people directly and indirectly. Classed as one of the top employers in Vietnam in a recent survey by AC Nielsen, BAT is recognised as providing its employees high quality training and developmental opportunities, competitive rewards, fast track careers, on-going employee engagement and entrepreneurial culture. BAT is also recognised for its corporate social responsibility programs and has been awarded several Certificates of Merit by the Central and local government for its afforestation, poverty alleviation and sustainable agricultural technique transfer projects.

AmCham Directory - 2012


British International School

Buffalo Tours Agency (BTA)

246 Nguyen Van Huong Street, Thao Dien Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3744 2335 Fax : +84 8 3744 2334 Email : Website :

81 Mac Thi Buoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 9170 Fax : +84 8 3827 9168 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Shaun Williams, CEO and Principal Fiona Nichols, Marketing and PR Manager

Pascale Herry, BTA General Manager Bev Taylor, Marketing Director

Activities in Vietnam The British International School is a selective, independent, co-educational day school providing a British style curriculum for an international student body. It is the largest international school in Vietnam, operating from three purpose-built, modern campus sites in Ho Chi Minh City. One primary campus is located in District 3 of the city whilst a second primary campus and a dedicated secondary campus are located in the quiet suburban, residential area of An Phu. Both primary campuses cater for students from pre-school (Fundino) through to Year 6 and the secondary campus caters for students from Years 7 to Year 13. All of the school campuses have excellent facilities – large libraries, music suites, computer suites, indoor 25m swimming pools, large sports halls and grass playing fields. The secondary campus in particular has excellent specialist facilities including an auditorium, a mini theatre, science laboratories, drama studio, dance studio, music technology suite, art suite and design technology facilities. The two Fundino pre-school units have their own mini swimming pools, sand pits, dedicated playgrounds and climbing apparatus. The school provides a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum to meet the wide ranging needs of the students. The campuses are well resourced and staffed by qualified and experienced teachers the large majority of whom are from the UK. Pre-school and primary classes have English speaking Vietnamese teaching assistants, some of whom are qualified teachers in their own right. The British International School operates within the framework of the National Curriculum for England and students are prepared for both IGCSE the IB Diploma programme. It is a full member of FOBISSEA (Federation of British International Schools in South East and East Asia) and is fully accredited by the Council of International Schools.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Buffalo Tours is an internationally-renowned and award-winning Tour Operator with offices in Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Australia and the United Kingdom, with 17 years of experience in leisure and corporate travel for clients from around the world. Taking advantage of our experience and resources, we have created Buffalo Tours Agency (BTA), a boutique travel agency at the service of all Vietnamese and expatriate residents in Vietnam. We offer hassle-free travel around Vietnam and anywhere else in the world - from Asia to Europe, America to Africa, with the highest standards of customer care. To our corporate clients we deliver time-saving and cost-effective travel solutions through our large range of products and our excellent customer service. From agent-assisted bookings to company trips, negotiations with vendors, day-to-day operations for your corporate travel program and MICE, we cover all aspect of corporate travel. This also includes assistance to your visitors and organization of private trips. For our Frequent Travelers we have also developed a VIP service, with visa assistance (outbound and inbound), priority service and special offers.

Build-Up Vietnam (Sourcing Solutions International Ltd - SSI) Lot 81 & 82 Linh Trung II Export Processing Zone Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3729 2353 / 55 / 56 Fax : +84 8 3729 2352 / 54 Mobile : +84 906 876 879 +84 908 554 031 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Bunge Vietnam Phu My 1 Industrial Zone Tan Thanh District, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Tel : +84 64 3924 040 Fax : +84 64 3924 044 Website :

Chamber Representatives

Abhijyoti Majumdar, Finance Controller Shuichi Sato, General Director

Tran Luu Trong Kim, General Manager Chi Sau Phuc, Assistant Sales Manager Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

BUILD-UP VIETNAM CO., LTD is a wholly foreign owned company, under BUILD UP GROUP which has factories and offices in USA, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia, Taiwan, Korea, India, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, Honduras, Indonesia, Philippines, Bangladesh and Singapore, with Trade Mark as SOURCING SOLUTIONS INTERNATIONAL (SSI).

Bunge Vietnam, located in Phu My Industrial Zone, operates the first and biggest Soya Bean processing facility in Vietnam. The Crushing Plant was built on the 11-hectare land next to Phu my Port and employs the state-of-the-art technology to bring the Soya Bean Meal and Soya Bean Oil, previously imported from overseas, closer to the Vietnam market. Bunge Vietnam advantages include, • Highly skilled and experienced management team • Strategic location next to various high-growth areas like Binh Duong, Dong Nai… • Efficient Phu My Deep Water Port which gives Bunge logistical advantage and flexibility. • Impressive warehousing system with storage capacity of over 120,000 metric tons • Strong origination support globally, namely Brazil, Argentina, The United States… among others.

SSI is a full service packaging supplier, garment hangers, featuring woven labels and all types of printed identification… for the apparel & textile industry. Our commitment is to provide the best solution to accommodate the needs of all retailers & manufacturers. Through a large scale investment in production and design technology, we supply both high quality and cost effective products from our own factories to ensure short delivery time. Branch of Build-Up Vietnam Co., Ltd at Binh Duong Hamlet 3, Tan Dinh Commune Ben Cat District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3514 944 / 45 Fax: +84 650 3514 946

AmCham Directory - 2012


Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services Vietnam Ltd. Lot C7-C9 Conurbation 2 Cat Lai Industrial Zone, Thanh My Loi Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3742 1604 Fax : +84 8 3742 1603 Email : Website :

Business Software Alliance, Inc. 200 - Phu My, My Dinh Tu Liem, Hanoi Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representative

Robert Lee, Assistant General Manager

Dao Anh Tuan, BSA Contracted Representative

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services Vietnam (BVCPS VN) is the world’s leading solution provider in Product Testing, Inspections and Compliance Audits. With over 30 years experience in the consumer products industry, location in 140 countries with more than 700 offices including over 130 laboratories and over 47,500 employees, BVCPS VN helps you enhance and protect the value of your greatest assets: Brand, People and Customers.

The Business Software Alliance is the foremost organization dedicated to promoting a safe and legal digital world. BSA is the voice of the world's commercial software industry and its hardware partners before governments and in the international marketplace. Its members represent one of the fastest growing industries in the world. BSA programs foster technology innovation through education and policy initiatives that promote copyright protection, cyber security, trade and e-commerce.

We are committed to providing you with the highest level of quality standards with accurate results and to help you meet the regulatory requirements of various markets. We offer a wide range of quality & safety compliance testing services for consumer products: • CPSIA Certification (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act) • Hardlines Testing - Furniture, Decorative Items, Candle & Candle Holder • Toys & Juvenile Products Testing • Softlines Testing - Textiles, Garment & Accessories • Restricted Substances List (RSL) Testing • Analytical (Chemical) Testing • Packaging Testing - ISTA, FedEx, UPS, NMFTA • WRAP Certification • Inspection, Factory Audit & Assessment Services. 84

American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Cai Mep International Terminal Co., Ltd. Tan Loc Hamlet, Phuoc Hoa Commune Tan Thanh District, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province Tel : +84 64 393 8222 Fax : +84 64 393 8200 Email : Website :

Caravelle Hotel 19 Lam Son Square District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 4999 Fax : +84 8 3824 3999 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Steen Davidsen, General Director Nguyen Xuan Ky, Deputy General Director

John Gardner, General Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Cai Mep International Terminal Co., Ltd. (CMIT) opened for business on 29th March 2011 servicing its first container vessel, the 11,500 TEU CMA CGM Columba.

CARAVELLE HOTEL - Green Hotel - Best Location

Formally established in January, 2007 CMIT is a joint venture between Vinalines, Saigon Port and APM Terminals. The terminal is located on the Cai Mep River in Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province and offers its customers state-of-the-art IT and container handling equipment, safe, secure and efficient handling of vessels and cargo, and offering importers and exporters cost effective connectivity with global markets. With direct access to the newly dredged - 14m Cai Mep Terminal Channel, and equipped with Super post-Panamax STS cranes with 22 row outreach, CMIT is the first container terminal in Vietnam catering to vessels up to 15,000 TEU in capacity.

- 335 superbly appointed rooms and suites with free Wi-Fi Internet throughout the hotel.

It is CMIT’s policy to conduct its activities in a manner that protects the health and safety of its employees and others.

- 5-star international hotel located in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.

- 11 meeting rooms accommodating up to 700 pax are best choice for MICE and private functions. - 6 restaurants and bars, renowned for gourmet food delicacies. Famous roof-top Saigon Saigon Bar has changed little since 1959 where it used to be the favourite hang-out for war correspondents. - ASEAN Green Hotel Award 2010 - 2011; Business Hotel of The Year 2009, 2010; Top 3 Vietnam Hotels among World’s 20 Best Hotel Values - 2011; ISO 14001:2004; EarthCheck Silver Certified 2011

AmCham Directory - 2012


Cargill Vietnam Ltd.

Catalyst Foundation

Unit 1211, 12th Floor, Diamond Plaza Building 34 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 7737 Fax : +84 8 3822 7738 Website :

Vinh Quang Primary School, Le Anh Xuan Street Vo Truong Toan Hamlet, Vinh Quang Ward Rach Gia City, Kien Giang Province Tel : +84 121 586 9597 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Chanh Truong, Country Representative Arthur Guanlao, Trading Manager

Joseph Kerr, Development Director Caroline Ticarro-Parker, Co-Founder & Executive Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Cargill Vietnam Ltd is the leading American agriculture company in Vietnam. Its Animal Nutrition Division has investments in animal feed production with factories at Hung Yen, Ha Nam, Bien Hoa, Binh Dinh, Long An, Dong Thap, Can Tho. It makes complete feeds and concentrates for swine, poultry and fresh water fish and shrimp. Cargill also trade and distribute ferrous products including iron ore, pig iron, hot rolled wire rods and bars.

Catalyst Foundation helps build communities in Vietnam to fight human trafficking.

Our traders facilitate the imports of feed grains, soya bean meal, wheat, malt flour. Our cocoa division helps the farmers with best farming practices and cocoa fermentation to develop a quality fermented bean for the international market. Our Cargill Cares program built over 50 schools nationwide to help children in remote, poor area access to education.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

We are passionate about developing communities to address poverty. Working together with the community, we empower, educate, and increase economic opportunities. We are currently working in a rural part of Vietnam’s Mekong Delta in Kien Giang Province.

CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Co. Ltd.

CDM International Inc.

Unit 1201, Me Linh Point Tower 2 Ngo Duc Ke Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 6125 Fax : +84 8 3823 8418 Email : Website :

Unit 901, 9th Floor, Beautiful Saigon Tower 1 Lot CR3-3 Nguyen Khac Vien Street Phu My Hung Area, Tan Phu Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5417 9779 Fax : +84 8 5417 9669 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Marc Townsend, Managing Director Patti Ndzana Etoga, Operation Director Adam Bury, Senior Manager

Huey D. Pham, Chief Representative Fernando L. Requena, Associate

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Established in 2003, CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Ltd. is the key property service provider in Vietnam offering strategic advice and execution for the sale and lease of office, retail, residential, industrial and logistics property; global corporate services; property, facilities and project management; valuation and appraisal; hotel services; development services; investment management; and research and consulting services.

CDM Smith Inc. is the new trade name of Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. after the merging of the firm and Wilbur Smith Association Inc. in 2011. Founded in Massachusetts, USA, since 1947, today CDM Smith provides lasting and integrated solutions in water, environment, transportation, energy and facilities to public and private clients worldwide. As a full-service consulting, engineering, construction and operations firm, CDM Smith delivers exceptional client service, quality results and enduring value across the entire project life-cycle.

Our 200 property professionals can assist you in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Hai Phong, Danang, and beyond. The CB Richard Ellis office in Vietnam also provides real estate services for clients in Cambodia and Laos. The CBRE Group, Inc. (NYSE: CBG), a Fortune 500 and S&P 500 company headquartered in Los Angeles, is the world’s largest commercial real estate services firm (in terms of 2010 revenue). The Company has approximately 31,000 employees (excluding affiliates), and serves real estate owners, investors and occupiers through more than 300 offices worldwide.

CDM International Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of CDM Smith Inc., provides professional engineering, consulting, scientific, construction supervision, program management, and operation services to public and private clients in Vietnam.�

AmCham Directory - 2012


Chartis Vietnam Insurance Company Limited 9th Floor, Saigon Centre 65 Le Loi Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3914 0065 Hotline : +84 8 3910 4488 Fax : +84 8 3914 0067 Email : Website :

Chevron Vietnam (Upstream) 11th Floor, The Metropolitan 235 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3828 2000 Fax : +84 8 3828 2100 Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Antony Lee, General Director Vu Le Mong Ha, Head of Distribution

Jay Morris, Project Manager Joseph Kalal, Operations Manager Bong Nguyen, Deputy Project Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Chartis is a world leader in insurance, with 90 years of proven experience and customer service. Our fundamental strength lies in our 34,000 employees, who combine global reach with the ability to serve clients in more than 160 countries and jurisdictions. We focus on commercial and personal insurance, with over 500 innovative products and services that are backed by our superior financial strength. As a result, more than 40 million clients around the world rely on us to meet their unique insurance needs.

Chevron Vietnam, Ltd. is working with the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam), Vietnam Electricity (EVN), the Government of Vietnam and other stakeholders on the development of an offshore gas project and transportation pipeline. We are also working together to enable the development of new gas-fired power plants that will generate electricity for industries, commercial enterprises and homes in southwest Vietnam.

Chartis in Vietnam offers a wide range of consumer and commercial insurance ranging from personal travel, auto, property, casualty and multi risk business insurance. To ensure that all customers receive maximum protection, we take an integrated approach to risk management and constantly review and update products and services. Our main products include Accident & Health, Personal Lines, Financial Lines, Marine, Trade Credit, Property, Casualty, SME and Energy. Chartis is the marketing name for the worldwide property - casualty and general insurance operations of Chartis Inc. For additional information, please visit our website at


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Chevron Vietnam is the Operator of the upstream Block B Gas Project, offshore southwest Vietnam. The company's co-venturers include subsidiaries of MOECO of Japan, PTTEP of Thailand, and PVEP Corporation, a subsidiary of PetroVietnam.

The Children’s Place (Hong Kong) Ltd.

Chutex International Co., Ltd.

30/F, No. 1 Hung To Road Kwun Tong Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel : +852 3471 2000 Fax : +852 2950 0866 Email : Website :

No. 18 Thong Nhat Road Song Than II Industrial Zone Di An, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3790 780 Fax : +84 650 3790 770 Email :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Grace Yuen, Vice President - Asian Operations Annie Kwong, Director of Merchandising

William Chu, Managing Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

The Children’s Place is the largest pure-play children’s specialty apparel retailer in North America. The Company designs, contracts to manufacture and sells fashionable, high-quality merchandise at value prices, primarily under the proprietary “The Children’s Place” brand name. As of October 29, 2011, the Company operated 1,076 stores and an online store at

Garment manufacture.

AmCham Directory - 2012



Citi Vietnam

9 Nguyen Huu Canh Street Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 7727 Fax : +84 8 3822 7728 Email : Website :

HCMC Branch Sun Wah Tower 115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 2118 Fax : +84 8 3824 2267 Email : (for Corporate) (for Consumer) Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Richard Burrage, Managing Partner Joe Wheller, Managing Director

Activities in Vietnam Cimigo is an independent team of marketing and brand research specialists. Cimigo is the voice of the Vietnamese consumer. Our success is built upon the effective synthesis of the needs and wants of consumers into the business decision-making process; we put the consumer into the boardroom. Cimigo advises four of the top five advertisers in Vietnam. Cimigo employs over 200 research specialists contributing to great brands and their effective communications. Founded in Ho Chi Minh City in 2003, Cimigo then expanded across major cities in Vietnam and beyond. Today Cimigo operates across the Asia Pacific region from India to Japan. Our specialist activities include: • New brand development • New product development & sensory testing • Motivational segmentation • Advertising effectiveness measurement • Brand health tracking • Pricing and portfolio strategies


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Brett Krause, Managing Director, Citi Country Officer Lai Minh Thuy, Country Legal Counsel, Chief Administrative Officer Jeffrey Carleton, Country Treasurer & Head of Global Markets Rajakumar Ramalingam, Senior Country Operations Officer Raul Paredes, Consumer Business Manager Activities in Vietnam Citi is the leading foreign bank in Vietnam with branches in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City and a nationwide partnership network that covers all of Vietnam’s 64 provinces. Citi offers a wide range of banking services in Vietnam including Consumer Banking, Corporate Banking, Investment Banking and Global Transaction Services (Trade and Treasury Services), and Securities and Fund Services. With the presence of retail in both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Citi provides individual consumers a full set of personal financial products including deposits, international credit cards, credit line, bancassurance products and various service options. Citi combines its global presence and resources along with a large local footprint to offer innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of our clients both in Vietnam and those looking to invest in Vietnam. Citi has made a long-term commitment to Vietnam and has played a key role in assisting in the development of Vietnam's financial markets. Citi was the first US financial institution to receive a branch license and the first US bank to open a full branch in Hanoi in 1994. Hanoi Branch International Center 17 Ngo Quyen Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3825 1950 Fax : +84 4 3824 3960 Email : (for Corporate) (for Consumer) Website :

Clover Vietnam Co., Ltd.

Coach Vietnam Company Limited

Bau Cap Hamlet, Nhuan Duc Commune Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3792 8214 Fax : +84 8 3792 8231 Website :

6th & 7th Floor, Capital Tower 6 Nguyen Khac Vien Street, Tan Phu Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5413 4600 Fax : +84 8 5413 4606 Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Robert William Ross, Deputy General Director

Laura Bozoian, VP, Country Manager Thuy Nguyen, Director of Costing & Production

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Clover Technologies Group, a Illinois/USA based American company and world’s leading supplier of printer cartridges built the most advanced remanufacturing plant here in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Coach, with headquarters in New York, is a leading American marketer of fine accessories and gifts for women and men, including handbags, men’s bags, women’s and men’s small leather goods, weekend and travel accessories, footwear, watches, outerwear, scarves, sun wear, fragrance, jewelry and related accessories.

Clover also owns Thoroughbred Technologies, a leading US based manufacturer of inkjet cartridges; Core Recycling Concepts, a leading US based cores recycling collection companies; and Recycle Standards Pte Ltd, the leading re-manufacturer of laser toner and inkjet cartridges in Singapore.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Coca-Cola Beverages Vietnam Ltd., Co. 485 Hanoi Street, Linh Trung Ward Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3896 1000 Fax: +84 8 3897 2831

Coca-Cola Southeast Asia, Inc. The Metropolitan, Level 10 235 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3520 6700 Fax: +84 8 3520 6770

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Vamsi Mohan, Country Manager Chung Ngo Huy, Country Finance Manager

Basil Sidky, Chief Representative Indochina General Manager Nguyen Khoa My, Indochina Public Affairs & Communications Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Coca-Cola Beverages Vietnam Ltd. started its operation in 1994. It has plants in Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City.

• To act as a liaison office, to conduct market surveys; to carry out activities to stimulate and establish co-operation projects of COCA-COLA SOUTHEAST ASIA, INC. in Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh City is the company’s head office. Coca-Cola Beverages Vietnam Ltd. is a 100% foreign invested company. It is a subsidiary of the Bottling Investments Group (BIG), which is 100% owned and operation within The Coca-Cola Company. BIG was established in 2004 with the purpose of building sustainable bottling businesses around the world. Today, BIG operates on four continents with one of the largest and most geographically diverse footprints, operating bottlers in countries around the world including Germany, China, Brazil and India. Besides the world’s most famous brand, Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Beverages Vietnam also produces Fanta, Sprite, Minute Maid Splash (juice), Samurai (energy drink), Dasani (purified water), Nutriboost (fruit milk) and Schweppes (soda water, tonic). Employee in Vietnam: 1,854


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

• To stimulate the implementation of contracts and agreements in the areas of commerce and investment signed between COCA-COLA SOUTHEAST ASIA, INC. and Vietnamese Co-operations in compliance with Vietnam Law.

Colgate Palmolive (Vietnam) Limited

Colliers International (Vietnam)

Unit 1312, 13th Floor, Saigon Trade Center

7th Floor, Bitexco Office Building 19-25 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 5665 Fax : +84 8 3827 5667 Email : Website:

37 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 2088 Fax: +84 8 3827 2066

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Paul Norton, General Director Victoria Liu, Finance Director

Dale Watkins, Commercial Leasing Manager Peter Small, Managing Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Manufacturing toothpaste, toothbrushes, bar soap, shampoo, shower cream and softener.

Colliers International Vietnam is a member firm of Colliers International, now the world’s third largest commercial real estate organization with 512 offices in 61 countries. Our extensive network of offices enables us to best take advantage of a global network supported by local knowledge. Our Vietnam firm is represented by both Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi offices and has been a market leader since the firm’s establishment in 2006. Our offices offer a complete portfolio of real estate services to match any clients’ needs: • Office Services - Landlord and Tenant Representation • Retail Services - Landlord and Tenant Representation • Residential Sales & Leasing • Investment Services • Property Management Services • Research & Feasibility Services • Valuation & Advisory Services • Corporate Solutions Our in-depth market awareness, expertise, and global network make us an invaluable partner for developers, investors, and corporate clients.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Columbia Sportswear Company Vietnam Representative Office 9th Floor, Flemington Tower 182 Le Dai Hanh Street District 11, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3962 1370 Fax : +84 8 3962 1371 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Commonwealth Bank of Australia Ho Chi Minh City Branch Ground Floor, Han Nam Office 65 Nguyen Du Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 1525 Fax : +84 8 3824 2703 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Chris Dolle, Liaison Office Director/ Chief Representative Doan Huu Phuc, Finance Manager

Ross Munn, General Director Rowan Luke, Head of Treasury

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Apparel, equipment, accessories, outdoor development and material sourcing.

The Commonwealth Bank is Australia’s largest and most reputable financial institution. We have more than 100 years of experience in financial services and are a strong and trusted foreign bank with an international AA (Standard & Poor’s) credit rating. We opened our first full branch of Commonwealth Bank in Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City in August 2008. The bank provides a wide range of products and services including personal and business accounts, foreign currency exchange, 24 hours x 7 days a week ATMs, remittances, lending, international trade, and wholesale foreign exchange and money market services, to both personal and business customers. With our experienced and friendly team, Commonwealth Bank offers the great service you would expect from a leading foreign bank including bi-lingual customer service specialists. International Presence: Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States of America, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Indonesia, Japan, Vietnam. Our Representative Office in Hanoi Suite 202-203A, Central Building 31 Hai Ba Trung Street, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3824 3213 Fax: +84 4 3824 3961


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Construction Corporation No.1

Corporate Intelligence Network, LLC

111A Pasteur Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 2059 Fax : +84 8 3829 0500 Website:

Harbour View Tower, Business Center 35 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 3321 Mobile : +84 90 390 3797 Fax : +84 8 3821 3366 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Anh B. Le, Manager of RDI Department Chien Nguyen, General Director Hung H. Nguyen, Head of International Partnership Development Activities in Vietnam We approach each project with a cooperative mindset, working with clients, architects, and subcontractors toward the common goal “Prestige - Quality - Effect”. Our diverse construction portfolio and specialized divisions and subsidiaries ensure that each project is matched with appropriate resources and expertise. Through technical skill, preconstruction know-how, and self-performance capability, we anticipate project challenges, develop solutions that meet clients’ objectives, and deliver award-winning projects. By that way, we are proud of receiving “The gold cup of the high quality works” awarded by Ministry of Construction. The more things change… Our current VND 9,000 billion in annual revenue, is a far thing that enterprises in domestic wish. Our over thirty-year-old establishment to the length of our country’s history is not much, but thanks to effort continuously of all staff in our company through many generations. On the surface, the differences between the company of the early 1980s and the CC1 of today are vast. However, there are key deep-seated elements that remain at our core - values and principles, talent and hard work that account for the reason CC1 has the skilled personnel, clientele, and reputation it does today. In fact, CC1’s reputation has become one of our most important assets. That reputation was - and continues to be - founded on the integrity of our employees. Because conducting business with a strong sense of ethics and fairness is paramount to our continued success, every employee of CC1 and its subsidiaries pledges their compliance with CC1’s Code of Business Ethics and Standards. In addition to conducting business in strict compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, we hold our work up to the highest moral, ethical and professional standards, because doing what is fair and just never gets old. Description: Construction Corporation No.1- Company Limited (CC1 Co., LTD) belonging to Ministry of Construction has steadily grown from a small excavating company begun in 1979. Over 30 years old, CC1 has been one of the first prestigious units about supplying services of Southern area in particular and all country in general.

Ed Henry, Chief Vietnam Representative

Activities in Vietnam Corporate Intelligence Network, LLC is a registered, USA Representative Office operating in Vietnam delivering seamless connections thru their specialized knowledge, skills and abilities, combined with delicate expertise. Owned and operated by Ed Henry who has been active and permanent in Vietnam’s business community since 1993. A selected Certified Member, nominated and elected as a Director of the Executive Board to the Council of International Investigators. Dedicated in assuring clients receive the highest professional efforts in pursuit of their diverse needs and interests. Corporate Intelligence Network, LLC provides the following scope of professional services; Each being an investment and not an expense. • Representation • Procurement • Negotiation • Due Diligence • Market Research • Mediation “Your Best Offense Is Our Defense”

AmCham Directory - 2012


Corporate Training Solutions Vietnam Level 1, 18A Nam Quoc Cang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3925 4240 Fax : +84 8 3925 4350 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Crawford Vietnam Co., Ltd. 9th Floor, Sun Wah Tower (Head Office) 115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 9199 Fax : +84 8 3821 9299 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

David Danielson, Managing Director Christopher James, Sales Director

Paul Joseph Rabbitte, General Director Tran Thi Phuong Binh, Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Corporate Training Solutions is a wholly foreign owned education and training company. It is managed by educational experts with a proven track record in designing and delivering training programmes to organizations in Vietnam.

Crawford & Company was the first International Loss Adjusters to have offices in HCMC and Hanoi. Since obtaining our FDI License in 2001, we have expanded our offices in HCMC and Hanoi. Our services consist of the following: • Property and casualty claims management • Construction, power and energy claims management • Integrated claims and medical management for workers’ compensation • Legal settlement administration, including class action and warranty inspections • Risk management information services • Marine damage claim • Marine condition and warranty survey • Onshore and offshore, oil and gas claims and survey

We offer a wide range of training solutions to meet the specific needs of organizations in Vietnam. CTS is an approved ILM (UK) training provider. The Institute of Leadership and Management is the UK’s market leader in leadership and management qualifications. ILM trains over 90,000 leaders annually in management and leadership qualifications around the world. CTS works with companies on a one-to-one basis to develop learning experiences tailored to the needs of each organization. The objective of every customized programme is to create a learning experience that has high impact, is actionable, and meets the unique needs of the client company. Whichever business or industry you are in, CTS has a customized training solution for you. Corporate Training Solution Programme Portfolio: • Business and Management Skills • English Language Training • ILM (UK) Leadership Programmes • Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats • Outdoor Teambuilding Events • Consultancy Services 96

American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Crawford & Company is the world’s largest independent provider of claims management solutions to insurance companies and self-insured entities, with a global network of more than 700 offices in 63 countries. The Corporation’s shares are publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbols CRDA and CRDB.

Cresent Fine Furniture

Crown Worldwide Ltd.

Orchid 18, APSC, 36 Thao Dien Street District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Email : Website:

48A Huynh Man Dat Street, Ward 19 Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3840 4237 Fax : +84 8 3840 4157 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Joseph Condra, Chief Representative Andrew Hamlin, Country Manager

Jamie Rossall, Country Manager Maria Niehaus, Global Mobility Services Manager Truong Quoc Dung, Records Management Country Account Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Cresent Fine Furniture produces wooden bedroom, dining room, and occasional furniture for markets in the United States and Canada. Founded in 1947, Cresent is in its third generation of family ownership, and maintains offices in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Tennessee in the United States.

Crown Worldwide is the world’s largest privately owned International Household Moving company with a global network of over 250 offices in 55 countries across 6 continents. Crown Relocations provides strategic mobility program management and a wide range of relocation services for over 3,000 diverse organizations and over 100,000 transferees and their families each year. Crown has over 45 years of international relocation experience combined with professionally trained and dedicated staff to facilitate all your relocation requirements. Our Global Mobility Services team specializes in Home Search, School Search, Preview Trip, Personalized Area Orientations, immigration services as well and Cross Cultural Training Programs. Crown is also the market leader in Records Management Services, managing over 20 million cuft of vital information archiving Critical Document and Data Storage on a range of mediums. We have recently opened our new facility in Ho Chi Minh City within a state of the art industrial park. This new facility is equipped with biometric restricted access, 24 hour CCTV, 24 hour air- conditioned fire proof vault as well as fire prevention technologies. Our IT systems provide online tracking and monitoring of records delivered through Crown's barcode technology which is considered standard to Crown’s global systems, but unique to Vietnam. This guarantees International Compliance when outsourcing your business to Crown’s care. Being American owned, Crown enjoys a long history of assisting and supporting American expatriates and American companies operating in the South East Asia region. With our very own offices throughout the USA and the region, we have a thorough understanding of customs procedures and import regulations and are happy to provide assistance and guidance upon request. Crown Relocations, “Well connected, World Wide” Crown Records Management Services “The information you are looking for”

Cresent Fine Furniture specializes in solid wood bedroom furniture and uses woods such as Soft Maple and Black Cherry from the US as well as plantation-grown Mahogany at its facilities in Vietnam, Indonesia, and China. Cresent is a Founding Member of the Sustainable Furniture Council, a non-profit industry association created to promote sustainable practices among manufacturers, retailers, and consumers in the North American marketplace.

AmCham Directory - 2012


CSC Vietnam 366 Nguyen Trai Street District 5, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3923 8520 Fax : +84 8 3923 8521 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Dac Nhan Tam Entrepreneurs School JSC – Dale Carnegie Viet Nam 34 - 36 Dinh Tien Hoang Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 5055 Fax : +84 8 3910 5048 Email : Website: Chamber Representative

Thao Le, Senior Advisory Board

Activities in Vietnam

Ngo Hung Phuong, Managing Director Crispin Bui, Vice President - Business Development

Activities in Vietnam CSC Vietnam is a wholly owned subsidiary of CSC, a leading global information technology services company with more than 50-year track record of delivering business results to clients worldwide. Our service offerings include cloud computing; business process, software and platform as-a service solutions; system design and integration; IT and business process outsourcing; applications software development; cybersecurity; Web and application hosting; mission support and technical services; and management consulting. We are a Tier 1 IT company in Vietnam servicing global customers and the domestic market with a large range of solutions and services. Our strong local presence enables the company to offer high-value technology solutions and a rich portfolio of services to customers across industry segments, including Applications Development, System Integration, ERP Consulting & Implementation, and Financial Solutions and Services. CSC Vietnam is the first company in Vietnam to achieve CMMi Level 5 latest version 1.2, and ISO 27001 certificates.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Improving Performances through Behavior-Based Solutions - “Dale Carnegie supports the growth of successful organizations by creating successful individuals through training and development solutions.” The Dale Carnegie® organization was founded in 1912 in New York City. Mr. Carnegie’s original intent was to teach business people how to speak in public. Between 1912 and 1936, Mr. Carnegie evolved the training from its modest beginning into the program that has been presented around the world. In 1936, his landmark book, How to Win Friends and Influence People, was published and his fame spread worldwide. As the demand for the Dale Carnegie Course® increased with the book’s popularity, so did the Dale Carnegie organization. For almost 100 years, Dale Carnegie® is well recognized for its: • Proven success with best practices from 100 years of operation and across 86 countries producing more than 9,000,000 successful graduates from leading companies in the Fortune 500. • Global Reach, Local Touch knowledge and expertise with the most sophisticated trainer development and certified process with ISO 9001:2000 standard. • Unique “Coaching in the moment” methodology with individual focus bring out the leader in all participants. Dale Carnegie® provides the right training solutions to a wide range of local, regional, national and global organizations. Corporations - and people - just like yours. • In essence, we’ve become partners in change by helping companies optimize performance through solid, time-tested, behavior-based training techniques. Techniques that open minds, enhance attitudes and markedly improve performance. Changes come from within each participant, emerging as newly-formed habits that translate into long-term corporate benefits. • All Dale Carnegie Training® local sponsoring organizations in the U.S. and Canada have been accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing Education and Training (ACCET).

Dalat Palace Luxury Hotel & Golf Club and Dalat Hotel Du Parc 12 Tran Phu Street Dalat City, Lam Dong Province Tel : +84 63 3825 444 Fax : +84 63 3825 666 Email : Website:

Danao International Holdings, Ltd. 53 Vo Truong Toan Street, Thao Dien Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3520 2045 Fax : +84 8 3744 4925 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Huynh Minh Tiet, General Director Le Thi Minh Nguyet, General Manager Do Thi Xuan Thanh, Director of Sales

John Kenneth Blanco, Chief Representative

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Dalat Palace Luxury Hotel & Golf Club, former the Langbian Palace Hotel, was first inaugurated in 1922 and Dalat Hotel Du Parc was built and opened in 1932, belonging to the French Administration of Indochina. Over the years, the hotels changed hands several times until 2010, the ownership and management of the hotels passed to Vina Properties Development Group.

Danao International Holdings, Ltd. is a leading property development & Management Company. Danao owns a portfolio of hotels, resorts, golf courses & serviced apartment which includes:

Each of Dalat Palace and Dalat Hotel Du Parc’s fully appointed 43 rooms and 140 rooms are beautifully decorated and offer luxurious atmosphere as well as first class amenities. All rooms are equipped with IDD telephone, satellite television, minibar, safety box and ADSL connections. The hotels’ facilities include restaurants, bars, tennis courts, banquet and conference rooms, spa and massage…

Riverside Luxury Apartments in HCMC - 155 apartments - 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5-bedroom, offering residents all the facilities of a luxury resort with the comforts of home. ( Established over a decade ago, Danao’s mission is to invest and manage real estate with the highest levels of service and quality. The Company is committed to enhancing the hospitality industry through active participation in national, regional, and local associations and is striving continuously to improve our operations through innovation, staff training, development and new technologies.

Dalat Palace Golf Club, a masterpiece of design and with a par 72, is an enjoyable challenge for players of all levels. It is the only Bent grass golf course in SE Asia. With the Heritage concept second to none in Vietnam, our ambition and pleasure is to strive for perfection and excellence at every moment in all services rendered to our guests.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Dekalb Vietnam Ltd. Co.

Deloitte Vietnam Company Limited

Unit 1303, Level 13, Centec Tower 72-74 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 3470 Fax : +84 8 3823 3473 Email : Website:

11th Floor, Unit 1101, Saigon Trade Center 37 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 0751 Fax : +84 8 3910 0750 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Thi Nguyen, General Director Nguyen Thanh Ky, Corporate Affairs Director

David Anderson, Managing Director Pham Van Thinh, Financial Advisory Services Partner Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Dekalb is originated in United States of America in 1912, and has been at the forefront of corn seed technologies for nearly 100 years. Dekalb Vietnam is a subsidiary of Monsanto which focuses solely on seeds and biotechnology. We use unparalleled innovation in plant biotechnology, genomics and breeding to improve productivities and reduce cost of farming. Dekalb products have been introduced to Vietnamese farmers for more than 5 years and Dekalb Viet Nam vision is to be recognized as the leading corn brand by making positive impacts on farmers and farming communities through continuous improvement in corn yield and agronomic expertise.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Deloitte Vietnam the first audit and advisory firm in Vietnam, is part of the global Deloitte network, one of the largest professional services organizations in the world. Our clients are served by over 600 staff located in our Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City offices but also enjoy access to the full strength of our Deloitte Southeast Asia member firm with practices in Brunei, Guam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Through our extensive network, Deloitte Vietnam delivers value-added services in Enterprise Risk Services, Consulting, Financial Advisory, Tax and Audit to the private and public sectors across a wide range of industries. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries, Deloitte brings world-class capabilities and high-quality service to clients, delivering the insights they need to address their most complex business challenges. Deloitte’s approximately 182,000 professionals are committed to our vision: becoming the standard of excellence. Our vision is unchanging: We aspire to be the Standard of Excellence, the first choice of the most sought-after clients and talent. Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd - a member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited comprising Deloitte practices operating in Brunei, Guam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam - was established to deliver measurable value to the particular demands of increasingly intra-regional and fast growing companies and enterprises. Comprising over 230 partners and 5,300 professionals in 22 office locations, the subsidiaries and affiliates of Deloitte Southeast Asia Ltd combine their technical expertise and deep industry knowledge to deliver consistent high quality services to companies in the region. All services are provided through the individual country practices, their subsidiaries and affiliates which are separate and independent legal entities. Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see for a detailed description of the legal structure of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited and its member firms. In Vietnam, services are provided by Deloitte Vietnam Company Limited and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Delta Air Lines

Deutsche Bank AG Vietnam

Room 201, Riverside Office Building 2A-4A Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 7306 6888 Fax : +84 8 7307 7888 Email : Website:

Ho Chi Minh City Branch 13th & 14th Floors, Saigon Centre 65 Le Loi Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6299 9000 Fax : +84 8 3825 8137 Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Sarathool Monthienvichienchai, General Manager Nguyen To Nhi, Senior Sales Manager

Tri Pham, Chief Country Officer Vietnam / General Manager Hong Le, Head of Trade Finance & Cash Management Corporates / Global Transaction Banking Ngoc Trieu, Chief Representative Hanoi Office / Head of Corporate Banking Coverage Vietnam Torsten Kessler, Head of Multinational Corporates Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Delta Air Lines - a U.S. carrier - is one of the largest carriers in the world. In Vietnam, Delta is operating under the General Sales Agent of East Sea Travel and Air Service, providing services from Vietnam, including Ho Chi Minh City and Ha Noi to the U.S. From HCM or Ha Noi, passengers can take codeshare flights with Korean Air or China Airlines to the U.S., or connecting flights with other airlines to Tokyo, Shanghai, Hongkong, etc., to connect with Delta flights to 10 other gateway destinations in the U.S. From those gateways, Delta and its subsidiaries can connect you to 250 other U.S. domestic cities, or to other countries in North, South, or Central America.

Deutsche Bank, founded in 1870, is a leading global investment bank with a strong and profitable franchise. With more than 101,690 employees and 3,092 branches, Deutsche Bank operates in over 73 countries and offers unparalleled financial services in all major financial centers throughout the world where it offers the full range of sophisticated banking services and maintains its superior capital and financial strengths. In 2011, Deutsche Bank was named “Bank of the Year” by IFR, “Best Global Bank of the Year” by Euromoney and “Derivatives House of the Year” by Risk Magazine as well as “Interest Rate Derivatives House of the Year” in the magazine’s 2011 Global Derivatives Awards. Deutsche Bank has also named “Best Insurance Asset Manager” by Reactions magazine.

Customers can enroll to be Delta’s SkyMiles member on, or contact Delta reservation office at (08) 730 66888 for assistance. SkyMiles members can earn the most benefits from flying to exchanging free award tickets. Delta’s SkyMiles is the best frequent flyer program granted by Business Traveler Magazine in 2009.

Deutsche Bank established in 1992 a presence in Vietnam, one of 17 countries in Asia Pacific, and has been operating a full-service branch in Ho Chi Minh City since 1995 and a Representative Office in Hanoi since 2007. DB Vietnam delivers best in class services and clients will benefit from our industry-leading expertise in the global market. Employing approximately 100 staff, the franchise has grown from pure commercial banking into a multi-faced investment banking operation. Hanoi Representative Office Suite 503, 5th Floor 63 Ly Thai To Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3936 7255 Fax: +84 4 3936 7254 AmCham Directory - 2012



DHL - VNPT Express Ltd.

Unit 2, 19th Floor, Green Power Building

4 Phan Thuc Duyen Street, Ward 4 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3844 6203 Fax : +84 8 3847 8113 Website:

35 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 0072 Fax : +84 8 3910 0073 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Thierry Gougy, Partner / Country Managing Director Vietnam Jérôme Buzenet, Partner / Deputy Managing Director Vietnam

Christopher Ong, General Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

DFDL is the first leading international law firm specialized in emerging markets with a pan regional legal and tax expertise developed throughout the Mekong region (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam), Singapore and other developing markets such as Bangladesh and Indonesia, and with a dedicated focus on other jurisdictions in Asia and the Middle East. With a team of over 250 foreign and local lawyers, advisers and support staff working closely together within a fast growing network of 11 offices in Asia, we provide personalized and cost-effective legal, tax and consulting services and solutions with particular expertise in: • Energy, Mining & Infrastructure • Real Estate • Taxation & Customs • Corporate and Commercial • M&A • English law governed Transactions Founded in 1994, DFDL has acquired an outstanding reputation in providing seamlessly integrated and solution-oriented legal and tax services to establish, structure and protect our client’s business interests. Our experts are committed to provide international standards state of the art legal and tax solutions though the Mekong region and beyond.

DHL – The Logistics company for the world

Hanoi Branch 9th Floor, BIDV Tower, 194 Tran Quang Khai Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3936 6411 / 3936 6412 Fax : +84 4 3936 6413 Email :


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

DHL is the global market leader in the logistics industry and “The Logistics company for the world”. DHL commits its expertise in international express, air and ocean freight, road and rail transportation, contract logistics and international mail services to its customers. A global network composed of more than 220 countries and territories and about 300,000 employees worldwide offers customers superior service quality and local knowledge to satisfy their supply chain requirements. DHL accepts its social responsibility by supporting climate protection, disaster management and education. DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL. The Group generated revenue of more than 46 billion Euros in 2009. Business category: Express & Logistics Employees in Vietnam: Around 350

DHL Global Forwarding

DKSH Vietnam Co., Ltd.

11th Floor, 2 Building

23 Doc Lap Avenue, Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park Thuan An Town, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 375 6312 Fax : +84 650 375 6313 Website:

364 Cong Hoa Street, Ward 13 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3812 3888 ext 213 Fax : +84 8 3812 5685 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Amanda Rasmussen, General Manager DHL ISC AFSAP Sean McCarter, Trade Lane Manager

Jeff Moore, General Manager - Performance Materials Daniel Meyer, General Manager - Technology

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

DHL Global Forwarding is the world leader in air and sea freight. Our mission is to make our customers more successful and simplifying their lives by providing innovative supply chain solutions.

DKSH is the leading company in Market Expansion Services with a special focus on Asia. Our strength lies in the winning combination of our global base of expertise and contacts and our thorough understanding of the local market and practices. We aim to help our clients to expand their business in existing and new markets.

Our strong presence in over 150 countries allows for superior customer support and local expertise, combined with the power of a global company allows our partners to be successful wherever logistics are needed. DHL Global Forwarding’s sector organization (Automotive, Life Science, Chemicals, Fashion, Retail, Aeronautics, Technology…etc) provide specialized solutions to fit the demands of customers in an array of industries. • Ocean freight (FCL, reefer, consolidation, dangerous goods) • Air freight • Domestic and cross border (Cambodia, China, and Loas) • Multimodal (sea/air, air/sea, road/air…etc) • Customs brokerage

In Vietnam, our main business engine is DKSH Vietnam Co., Ltd, a 100% foreign direct invested company, headquartered in Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park. The company has 4 highly specialized Business Units that mirror our fields of expertise; Healthcare, Consumer Goods, Performance Materials and Technology, offering over 100 multinational clients services along the value chain ranging from market research, sourcing, importation, logistics, distribution, sales, marketing and after sales service. With a comprehensive network of unique size and depth reaching 60,000 customers nationwide, we employ state of the art information systems and dedicated professionals to provide our clients with market insights and assist them to grow their brands.

• Warehousing (cross docking, pick & pack, labeling, packaging…etc) • Industrial projects • IT solutions (PO management, inventory management, vendor management, EDI…etc)

AmCham Directory - 2012


Dow Chemical International Ltd. Representative Office 5th Floor, Unit 503, CentrePoint Building 106 Nguyen Van Troi Street Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3999 0008 Fax : +84 8 3999 0009 Website :

Dow Corning Singapore Pte Ltd. The Resident Representative Office Room 507, 5th Floor, Saigon Trade Center 37 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 3388 Fax : +84 8 3910 3377 Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Nguyen Xuan Kim Phuong, Chief Representative Vorapong Vorasuntharosoth, Government Affairs Director - South East Asia/ANZ

Jennifer Liang, Chief Representative Nguyen Huong Thao, Office Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Resident representative office act as a liaison office to promote the company’s products and to expedite the execution of contracts between Dow Chemical International Ltd & Vietnamese partners.

Resident representative office acts as a liaison office to promote the company’s silicone products and to expedite the execution of contracts Dow Corning Singapore Pte Ltd and Vietnamese partners.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Du Pont Far East Inc. Du Pont Vietnam Limited 11-12th Floor, Central Plaza Building 17 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 3192 Fax : +84 8 3824 3191 Email : Website :

Duane Morris Vietnam LLC. Suite 1503/04, Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 0240 Fax : +84 8 3824 0241 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Hsing Ho, Chairman Farra Tarina Siregar, Managing Director of Du Pont Vietnam Ltd.

Activities in Vietnam • Manufacturing & distributing crop protection products. • Importing & distributing liquid coating products for automotive and industrial use. • Marketing of products which are essential raw materials to key industries i.e. packaging, industrial polymer, refrigeration, engineering polymer, automotive and construction.

Giles Cooper, Branch Director Denny Cowger, Special Counsel

Activities in Vietnam Duane Morris is a full-service law firm with more than 700 attorneys in 24 offices in the world, including Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Duane Morris offers innovative solutions to the legal and business challenges presented by today’s evolving global markets. Throughout its more than 100-year history, Duane Morris has fostered a collegial culture, where lawyers work with each other to better serve their clients. Duane Morris' establishment of its offices in Vietnam is indicative of the firm's dedication to its clients' needs in Southeast Asia, particularly those with operations or investments in Vietnam, one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The firm's locations in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, give clients access to legal services in markets throughout the Asia Pacific region and the rest of the world. The firm's attorneys in Vietnam, under the lead of Mr Oliver Massmann - General Director and Mr Giles Cooper - Ho Chi Minh City Branch Director, provide a full range of legal services to a wide range of clients, including multinational corporations with operations in Asia, as well as businesses seeking to establish investments in Asia, operating in a large number of sectors. Duane Morris also can leverage its global platform to facilitate Asia-based companies' entry into markets in the United States, Latin America, the United Kingdom and beyond. For more information, please contact: For Hanoi Office: Mr. Oliver Massmann - General Director at For Ho Chi Minh City Office: Mr. Giles Cooper - Branch Director - at and Mr. Denny Cowger - Special Counsel - at AmCham Directory - 2012


Dun & Bradstreet (Asia Pacific) Pte. Ltd. Vietnam Representative Office Mezzanine Floor, Room 26, Sun Wah Tower 115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 9261 Fax : +84 8 3821 9181 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Duxton Hotel Saigon 63 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 2999 Fax : +84 8 3824 1888 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Emmanuel C. Atienza, Director of Asia Pacific Partnerships Nguyen Ngoc Hung, Country Director Le Thi Phuong Nhi, Business Development Manager Dam Huy Binh, Business Development Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Dang Di Nghia, Acting General Manager Renaud Hanemian, Director of Sales & Marketing

Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), a US company and a world leader in business information, has helped our customers make effective business decisions for over 170 years. With a global company database of more than 200 million company records in over 200 countries, D&B provides information to help our customers in: - Credit / Business Risk Management - Sales and Marketing Management - Vendor Verification / Management

Activities in Vietnam

We can provide business information in various formats and have solutions to meet all your needs to grow a profitable business.

Located right in the heart of vibrant Ho Chi Minh City, the Duxton Hotel Saigon is a luxury 4 star boutique hotel offering a refined and relaxing environment for business and leisure travellers alike.

• D&B business information report (BIR), providing details information about a specific company, includes the following where available: Company Registration Details, Corporate Directors, Shareholders and Related Companies, Litigation, Operations of the Business, Financial Statements, Payment Trends, trading term…and especially D&B Risk Assessment Rating • The D&B D-U-N-S® RegisteredTM seal is an electronic display on your website. This smart seal provides your potential customers, creditors, suppliers and others with confidence in the credibility of your business by D&B verification which included D-U-N-S Number • Global Reference Solution (GRS) offers 24/7 online access to D&B’s full, global business company database with more than 200 million company records (including corporate family-tree linkages) of over 200 countries worldwide. GRS provides basic company record on contact, industry, management, revenue, employee size…to build S&M marketing targeted list, verify new customers and identify new suppliers • Hoover’s, a web based tool, delivers comprehensive insight and analysis about the companies (including corporate family-tree linkages), industries and people that drive the economy, along with the powerful tools to find and connect to the right people to get business done - Hoovers has over 85M company records, more than 90M business man contacts and analysis on 600 industries


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

As well as a range of deluxe rooms, executive rooms and suites, the hotel also has a restaurant, bar, gymnasium, swimming pool, spa and business centre, along with several meeting rooms. The Duxton Saigon is situated on Nguyen Hue Boulevard, within easy walking distance of many of the city's most famous attractions including Ben Thanh Market, the Opera House, the Hotel de Ville, and Saigon River. The hotel is also ideally located for those who want to experience the city's bustling nightlife, from cheap & cheerful street food vendors to chic cosmopolitan nightclubs and lounge bars. For business travellers, the hotel is just 7km from Tan Son Nhat International Airport, 5km from HCMC International Exhibition Centre, and right in the heart of the central business district.

Duy Tan Plastics Manufacturing Corporation 298 Ho Hoc Lam Street, An Lac Ward Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3876 2222 Fax : +84 8 3876 2225 Email : Website :

DWP Vietnam Co., Ltd. 3A-3B Ton Duc Thang Street, Ben Nghe Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 0690 Fax : +84 8 3910 0691 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Nguyen Quoc Tuan, Vice President

Desmond Spencer Harty, Managing Director Simon Vancliff, Business Development Director

Activities in Vietnam Duytan Plastic Manufacturing Corporation, early founded as a small group of manufacturing plastic products named DUYTAN, was established in October, 1987. Being one of the leading plastic companies in Vietnam and in a few of among the companies, we can provide our customers perfect solution through closed processes from the mold design, making mold, testing samples, manufacturing plastic products with injection and blowing processes, printing, labeling and delivery. With more than 20 years of experiences in the plastic industry, our designers and staff are always trained in Vietnam and in other countries to update the high-tech knowledge and equipment from the most outstanding brand names around the world as: Krauss Maffei, JSW, Chuan Lih Fa, Chumpower, SMC, KaiMei,…. DuyTan’s products are diverse and on top in every category in the market as: • Perfect Quality Containers for Cosmetics: We are able to make different shapes of bottles from 50 cc to 5 liters for shampoo, detergent, aromatic compound, body wash, and packaging for skin care products made of HDPE, PET, PS,... • Containers for Pharmaceuticals: Bottles for medicine in different sizes from 20ml to 5L, all are made of HDPE, PET,.... • Containers for Food and PET Preforms: For food industry and beverage with many nice different shapes and jars. PET preforms are produced for blowing products at the site and exporting to America, Japan, Korea, Israel. • Caps and closures: Molds have many cavities (48 cavities), cool runner or hot runner, complicated design, with guarantee or not, optimal coolant system and extremely short circle. We make molds by automatic machinery system and cavities in mold are absolutely similar. Mold base and parts are imported from Swiss, Canada, Germany, Japan. • Household wares: Durable cabinets, shelves, chairs, riceboxes, ice-coolers, pitchers, waste bins, basins, buckets, … with different shapes made of PP, PEHD ,..... • Electronics Parts: Highly precise electronics parts are made by our dedicated engineers to meet our customers’ requirements. • Precise Molds For Plastic Industry: Our molds are made with CAD/CAM/CAE technologies in high precision and optimal production.

Activities in Vietnam Design Worldwide Partnership – dwp is an integrated design company providing service in: Feasibility Studies, Master Planning, Architecture, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Sustainability Studies, , Turnkey Design and Build. DWP is a global company operating in 10 countries with 14 offices and draws on the combined experience of over 400 professional staff. DWP has three regional head quarters in Dubai, Shanghai and Thailand. Our mission is to utilize our combined strengths to deliver an exceptional and unique level of service to our customers and to distinguish both our clients and ourselves through exemplary performance. Wherever we operate, we want to be seen as an outstanding multi cultural design company who works in collaboration to deliver aesthetics and functionality for clients to exceed design challenges and respond to their budgets and time frame.

AmCham Directory - 2012


East Asia Global Alliance JSC

East West Industries Vietnam LLC.

55/11 Le Thi Hong Gam Street, Nguyen Thai Binh Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6291 4728 Fax : +84 8 6291 4729 Mobile : +84 9 0736 6855 (Douglas) +1 650 450 3006 (Douglas-USA) +84 9 0901 1043 (Robert) Email : Website :

Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park 2 No. 27, Street No. 2, Hoa Phu Ward Thu Dau Mot Town, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3635 106 Fax : +84 650 3635 107 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Matthew Greenfield, Director

Douglas Edward Railton, Chairman, CEO Robert Roy O’Neill, Vice President

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

EA|GA is engaged in strategic business development and investment services for our clients throughout the Asia Pacific region. EA|GA services can be provided based on our client’s goals and objectives in reducing project development costs, increasing productivity and compressing time frames through facilitating effective execution of business goals with targeted results. Our philosophy blends solid financial discipline, entrepreneurial creativity and cultural sensitivity to each project we pursue resulting in a high quality of service and value for our client’s business development. Services from EA|GA include Investment and business consulting, corporate services, project management, master planning and architectural services. • Investment Consulting Entrance and exit strategies Investor relations Merging with Foreign Investments Foreign Direct Investments • Business/Project Management, Implementation Assessing and setting project goals Business and management plans, feasibility studies, proposals Execution and management Risk management Legal/Licensing Master planning and architectural services • Corporate Services Administration and logistics Marketing and branding Intellectual services Compliance

East West Industries Vietnam is the latest edition to the East West Manufacturing USA global contract manufacturing supply-chain. EWI provides full development and production support with a variety of in-house capabilities including plastic injection molding, electromechanical assembly, and packaging. Furthermore, EWI has full turn-key capability to develop and produce UL, CE, and ETL listed products. This is supplemented with a proven ability to source and develop competitively priced, high-quality components from around Asia for use in our products. In addition, through our USA parent company, EWI provides customers warehousing and vendor managed inventory solutions, and web-access to real-time logistics information. East West is your competitive edge. Please contact EWI about quoting your new product or offering you competitive pricing on your existing products.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Eden Resort Phu Quoc

EFG Bank

Cua Lap Hamlet, Duong To Village Phu Quoc Island, Kien Giang Province Tel : +84 773 98 55 98 Fax : +84 773 98 55 99 Email : Website :

#07-00 EFG Bank Building 25 North Bridge Road Singapore 426415 Tel : +65 6595 4768 Mobile : +65 9173 7086 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Alban Mangione, General Manager Nguyen Nguyen, Sales & Marketing Manager

Gregory Tirrell, Vice President

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

64 rooms at Phu Quoc Eden Resort are tastefully furnished with a flat-screen satellite TV, Wifi access, tea/coffee making facilities, private balconies face to garden and beach. Guests can relax at the outdoor Jacuzzi pool and enjoy a range of water sports activities by the beach.

EFG Bank is a Swiss private bank operating in over 50 locations in 30 countries, with an international network spanning Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. EFG focuses solely on private banking and delivers the highest standard of global wealth advisory and asset management to high net worth individuals and families. Recognising the true essence of private banking is relationships, we earn trust through sound guidance and practical results, acting in our clients’ best interests and delivering carefully crafted solutions. Our client-centric structure eradicates conflicts of interest, and we are compelled only to solve, not to sell.

To meet guests’ needs for food and rest in the best way at Eden Restaurant, a great restaurants with excellent cooks and experts, and hospitable waiters/waitresses serving guests professionally. Beach Bar offers a wide selection of cocktails and light snacks in a fun, tropical setting. Enjoy a light snack by the pool with sweeping views over the Ocean or unwind with a drink at the swim-up bar. For dining at The Beach Restaurant is the highlight of our resort. You can enjoy special international dishes at the romantic restaurant on the beach. We only use the freshest seafood - which is all cooked to perfection, an open space filled with sea air and wind will waken your every sense. Also, providing a space for just two of you, you and your partner will never forget these meaningful moments.

We offer a full range of global private banking and wealth management services, including discretionary & advisory management, absolute & relative return, customized structured products, trading in FX and securities, hedge fund selection, asset-based lending & margining, property lending, trust & other wealth structuring vehicles from multiple jurisdictions, portfolio protection, insurance, wealth preservation structuring, and succession planning. The Asia Money Private Banking Poll, named EFG Bank the “Best Pure Private Bank in Asia” for 2011.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Eli Lilly Asia, Inc.

Elite Management School

CMARD 2 building, Suite 702, 7th Floor 45 Dinh Tien Hoang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 7167 Fax : +84 8 3821 7146 Email:

21/4 Nguyen Thi Huynh Street Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6678 1020 Fax : +31 8 4739 3630 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Bart van Ahee, Director

Tianchai Termvanich, Chief Representative Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nga, Office Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Marketing of animal health care product in Vietnam.

Representative for higher education degree programs of Universities of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands. Provider of training (courses, workshops and seminars) in the field of Logistics and Supply Chain Management.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Emmerton Land Limited

Ensan Limited Vietnam

123 Pall Mall, St James’s London SW1Y 5EA Tel : +44 0 20 3286 9979 Email : Website :

Suite 907B, Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 4000 Fax : +84 8 3822 2008 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Peter Emmerton, MSc MRICS RICS Registered Valuer Director Maria Emmerton, Accountant

Reubin E. Harle, Jr. Reubin E. Harle, Sr., Chief Representative

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Emmerton Land Limited is a Regulated by RICS Firm of Chartered Surveyors, and a Registered Valuer, incorporated in England and Wales.

Real Estate Development Advisory and Management Services, Project Management Services, Construction Management Services, Architecture and Engineering, CAD Drafting Services.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Environmental Choices, Inc. 20 Tien Giang Street, Ward 2 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3848 5048 Mobile : +84 90 2461 970 Fax : +84 8 3848 7350 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

Environmental Resources Management 7th Floor, 9 Dinh Tien Hoang Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3914 7800 Fax : +84 8 3914 7801 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Pham Anh Hai, Chief Representative Melanie Mann, Senior Consultant

Phan Y Lan, Regional Director for Asia Bradley Bunch, Company President

Activities in Vietnam Environmental Choices, Inc. is in the primary business of introducing and marketing environmentally friendly products, environmental technologies, and related services for landfill management, aquaculture, solid waste collection and processing, renewable energy systems, and recycling. Environmental Choices, Inc. is also in the business of coordinating and managing resources for the development and construction of environmental infrastructure projects such as water treatment plants, wastewater treatment, hazardous waste management, roads.

Activities in Vietnam ERM is the world’s largest independent provider of environmental, health, safety and social management and technical consulting services. Established in 1971, The Group employs over 4,000 environmental, health, safety and risk professionals in the network of 140 offices in 40 countries throughout Asia, Europe, Australia, Africa, North and South America. With a presence in Vietnam since 1998, ERM’s expatriate and Vietnamese technical specialists have been successful in providing our clients with strategic solutions to a wide range of environmental, health and safety, social management issues. ERM’s key services include: • Environmental and Social Impact Assessment • EHS Compliance Audits • EHS Management Systems and Procedures • HSE Permitting and Regulatory Review • HSE Due Diligence (for mergers & acquisitions and management systems) • Risk Assessment • Contaminated Land Investigation and Remediation • Waste Management Strategies • HSE Training • Noise Assessment In Vietnam, ERM provides services for the following sectors: • Oil & Gas • Mining • Power • Cement • Steel • Project Financing • International Development Agencies • Footwear and Textiles • High Tech • Food & Beverage • Government • Port Development • Donor • Manufacturing • Chemicals • Pharmaceutical


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Epic Designers (Vietnam) Ltd.

Epikurean Vietnam

Dong Khoi Street, Tan Hiep Ward Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai Province Tel : +84 61 3897 707 / 08 / 09 Fax : +84 61 3897 712 E-mail : Website :

2nd Floor, 101 Tran Hung Dao Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3920 6949 Fax : +84 8 3920 6964 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Martina Hermanns, Senior Sales Manager Matthieu Castaigne, Project Director

Bharat Bhushan Bhugra, Chief Executive Officer Satyanarayana Baru, Chief Financial Officer

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Apparel Manufacturer & Exporter

Epikurean is a hotel & resort management and development company who strives towards delivering attractive financial returns with the latest in hospitality concepts where our owners, clients and staff embraces EPICUREANIM: The philosophy of enjoying life through the pleasure of eyes, taste and the soul, indulging and enhancing the art of good living.

Head office: 7th Floor, EGL Tower, 83 Hung To Road Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel : +852 3512 0800 Fax: +852 2345 8558

We are a private company bound by ethical values where all co-founders are from the hospitality industry. Our approach to any project is unique and individual; attention to tremendous detail in design and conceptualization ensuring the project is special and competitive in the industry. We respect the “classics” “modern” and “avant-garde” but give it in the contemporary or local “accent”. The company is now managing 4 upscale properties in Vietnam listed here: •

Ana Mandara Hue (Oct 2010)

An Lam Ninh Van Bay by Epikurean (May 2011)

An Lam Saigon River Private Residence by Epikurean (December 2011)

An Lam Dalat by Epikurean (Coming soon)

AmCham Directory - 2012



Ernst & Young Vietnam Limited

5th Floor, Phuong Tower 31C Ly Tu Trong Street, Ben Nghe Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 2648 Fax : +84 8 3823 2657 Email : Website:

Saigon Riverside Office Center, 8th Floor 2A - 4A Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 5252 Fax : +84 8 3824 5250 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Nguyen Trung Nam, Managing Director

Tony Duong, Partner of Assurance Services Jun Torres, Partner of Assurance Services

Activities in Vietnam EPLegal is a dynamic firm that provides comprehensive legal services in support of local Vietnamese and international commercial transactions, incorporations, mergers & acquisitions, and other legal interests. EPLegal distinguishes itself by focusing on its corporate clients with a philosophy grounded on personal service to its valued clients, and a disciplined approach to advancing clients’ interests in a balanced way in order to produce the quickest and most advantageous commercial solutions. Based on this philosophy the firm is able to offer effective services while ensuring clients’ control of their timing and legal expenses budget. EPLegal is the foremost legal practice to support clients’ needs for the energy sector in Vietnam. Our energy lawyers have considerable experience in handling various agreements and legal issues attendant to many different types of industry transactions. We also have a strong finance & banking team who address all the legal needs of bankers and borrowers. Our core services include: • Energy - Oil & gas • Finance & Banking • Mergers & Acquisitions • Corporate services • Real estate & Construction • International trade law • Shipping law • Marine insurance 114

American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Ernst & Young is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. Worldwide, our 152,000 people are united by our shared values and an unwavering commitment to quality. We make a difference by helping our people, our clients and our wider communities achieve their potential. Ernst & Young Vietnam Limited was the first 100% foreign owned audit, business advisory and consulting services company established in Vietnam in 1992. Ernst & Young Vietnam Ltd. is dedicated to providing the highest quality professional services to all its clients through assisting them to achieve their objectives, whilst realizing the growth aspirations of the firm and our people and making a positive difference to the community it serves. For more information, please visit Hanoi Office: Daeha Business Center, 14th floor 360 Kim Ma Street Ba Dinh District, Ha Noi Tel : +84 4 3831 5100 Fax: +84 4 3831 5090

Esquel Garment Manufacturing (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. 9 VSIP Street 5 Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park Thuan An District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3757 629 Mobile : +84 90 803 2363 Fax : +84 650 3757 429 Email : Website :

Expolanka Freight (Vietnam) Ltd. 12th Floor 107-109-111 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ward 6 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3930 6233 (Auto Lines) Fax : +84 8 3930 6235 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Kent Teh Thian San, Director of Garment Manufacturing Nguyen Hoang Pho, Senior Manager Shipping/Purchasing and Corporate Affairs

Kevin Perera, General Director Joel Joseph, General Manager Sales

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Esquel Group is one of the world's leading producers of premium cotton shirts. The Group is also among the most dynamic and progressive global scale textile and apparel manufacturers, with production facilities in China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Mauritius, and Sri Lanka, and a network of branches servicing key markets worldwide. Esquel manufactures for the world's best known and highly respected brands, including Tommy Hilfiger, Hugo Boss, Brooks Brothers, Abercrombie & Fitch, Nike, Lands' End and Muji, and major retailers such as Marks & Spencer, Nordstrom and Jusco. Esquel's vertically integrated operations ensure the highest quality in every step of the apparel manufacturing process. Production begins in Xinjiang province in northwestern China, where the Group grows its own Extra Long Staple (ELS) Cotton and Organic Cotton, continues through spinning, weaving, dyeing, manufacturing, packaging and retailing. Esquel's textile and apparel production is complemented by strong product development capabilities. The Group's design and merchandising team work closely with its research and development center to create unique finishings such as wrinkle-free and nanotechnology performance qualities that consistently give Esquel the cutting edge in the apparel industry. Esquel's uncompromising emphasis on ethical business practices, creativity and continual improvement has earned it a reputation as "A Company of Fun People Serving Happy Customers." Applying state-of-the-art technology and manufacturing processes, Esquel continues to be the standard bearer of reform for the textile and apparel industry.

Expolanka is a one-stop-shop for all our clients’ logistics and SCM needs. We offer a complete service package that covers the entire gamut of freight services. As a total logistics solutions company, we offer: • Air Freight and Ocean Freight Imports and Exports. • Multimodal Transportation. • Local customs brokerage / warehousing and distribution. • GOH (Garments on Hanger) services. • Door to Door pick up and delivery services. • Barcode scanning facilities. • Project cargo handling. • Transshipment services. • Air charters. • Combine transport - Sea and Air. • Quality Inspection Platform.

AmCham Directory - 2012


ExxonMobil Exploration & Production Vietnam Limited

Far East National Bank Ho Chi Minh City Branch

Unit 709, 7th Floor, Diamond Plaza Building 34 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3520 7300 Fax : +84 8 3520 7301 Website :

Saigon Riverside Office Center, 1st Floor & 17th Floor 2A-4A Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 0566 Fax : +84 8 3822 0560 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Russ A. Berkoben, President & General Manager Christopher Topf, Business Services Manager

Jeffrey Liu, General Director Tran Quang Hung, Business Development Assistant Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Oil & Gas Exploration & Production

Far East National Bank (FENB) was founded in 1974 as the first federally chartered Asian American bank in the United States. FENB has over 350 employees and total assets exceeding US$1.7 billion.

ExxonMobil is the industry leader in each of its core businesses and has an unmatched array of proprietary technologies aimed at increasing the productivity of its assets and employees. The company conducts business in almost 200 countries and territories around the globe and has established a new definition for world-class scale and efficiency.

FENB became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Taiwan's Bank SinoPac (a member of SinoPac Holdings) in 1997. SinoPac Holdings merged with International Bank of Taipei in August 2005. The combined company has assets of US$ 33 billion and more than 2.5 million customers in Asia and North America. Supported by this extensive network, FENB now provides its customers with a unique financial service platform to help integrate their business interests in the United States, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, and Vietnam. FENB’s Ho Chi Minh City branch officially commenced operations on October 22, 2004. The branch provides a full array of diverse products and professional banking services to meet banking needs: deposits, loans and other credit facilities, treasury products, international trade finance, remittance, and cash management.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Fashion Garments 2 Company Limited Bien Hoa Industrial Zone 2 Dong Nai Province Tel : +84 61 383 6101 Fax : +84 61 383 6125 Email : Website :

FedEx Express Representative Office Seagull Building, Suite 3, 3A Floor 39B Truong Son Street Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3547 1568 Fax : +84 8 3547 1569 Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Indrajith Kumarasiri Amaraweera, CEO - General Director Luu Thi Loan, Deputy General Director

Binh Nguyen, Senior Manager, Indochina & Myanmar Chief Vietnam Representative Pham Quang Thang, Country Sales Liaison Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Fashion Garments 2 Co., Ltd is a Joint Venture between Hirdaramani Group of Companies (Sri Lanka) and LT Apparel (USA) where we bring in our 50 years of garment manufacturing knowledge and 18 years of valuable experience in operating in Vietnam in order to serve you. The first garment manufacturer in Vietnam to export garments to USA. Further to Vietnam, Hirdaramani Industries has manufacturing facilities in Bangladesh and has sourcing facilities in China, Hong Kong in order to support sourcing manufacturing facilities. As our vision goes we are committed in exceeding customer’s expectation in product quality and service by developing talent in a very conducive working environment.

FedEx Express provides fast and reliable delivery to every U.S. address and to more than 220 countries and territories around the world. It uses a global air-and-ground network to speed the delivery of time-sensitive shipments, usually in one to two business days, backed by a money-back guarantee. In Vietnam, FedEx operates its own aircraft, connecting businesses here with their customers overseas. The FedEx AsiaOne network offers overnight delivery to 22 major cities throughout Asia. FedEx also offers the best transit times to North America and Europe for documents, packages and freight.

At Fashion Garments we are committed towards developing and rewarding our people where in return we built lasting teams who are committed towards achieving our vision. All of our senior and middle managers are well experienced individuals who have been trained in overseas manufacturing facilities in their relevant area of experienced expatriate team in technical and product develop position in order to share expertise and to strengthen the communication between customers and manufacturing execution.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Fluid Power and Controls Co., Ltd. 29 Street No. 2, VSIP 1 Thuan An Town, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3767 857 Fax : +84 650 3767 856 Email : Website :

FOCUS ASIA Joint Stock Company (a member of Omnicom Group)

232/27 Cao Thang Street (extended) District 10, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6265 0678 Fax : +84 8 6265 0654 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Hal Kufahl, General Director Garth Van Deslunt, Director of Manufacturing

Pham Ho Quynh, Managing Director Luong Thi Thu Ban, Account Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Fluid Power and Controls (FPC) is a manufacturer of solenoids and solenoid controlled valves, used in the emergency door locking systems, beverage dispensing industries, hospital and medical industrial and many types of hydraulic and pneumatic systems. We began operation in 2006.

FOCUS ASIA is a leading provider of direct marketing, call center & Below-the-line marketing services in Vietnam since 2001. Our services include: Database marketing, Event management, brand activation, Customer Relationship Management, promoter & sales force management, Call Center, direct mail & email, product sampling, channel marketing, etc.

We are an export company that does contract work for our 2 USA divisions, Deltrol Fluid Products and Deltrol Controls. These 2 divisions specialize in engineering customer ideas into unique devices for unique applications.

From 2009, FOCUS ASIA becomes a member of Omnicom Group, a world largest marketing holding group based in America. Omnicom Group operate in the disciplines of advertising, marketing services, specialty communications, interactive/ digital media and media buying services. Our company philosophy is simple - that business is about people and that everyone is different. We need to listen to you and understand your problems. It is the only way we can work towards providing tailor-made, innovative solutions. At FOCUS ASIA, we're dedicated to delivering breakthrough solutions for your business to grow.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

FORE Golf Asia

Frasers Law Company

Indochina Park Tower, Block A, Suite #1108 4 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3911 0185 Mobile : +84 90 390 8544 Fax : +84 8 3911 0184 Email : Website :

Unit 1501, 15th Floor, The Metropolitan 235 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 2733 Fax : +84 8 3824 2736 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Jeff Puchalski, PGA A-9, Owner / CEO Trinh Xuan Tram, Office Manager

Mark Fraser, CEO, Managing Lawyer Justin Gisz, Senior Associate Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Based in Ho Chi Minh City, FORE Golf Asia is a full-service golf consulting firm whose 15 years of hands-on experience in - club management, tournament operations, course development and golf merchandizing/OEM sourcing - have played a major role in golf’s growth across the region. FORE Golf Asia provides course owners, development groups and club boards with sound, professional, monetized advice and on matters relating to the design, construction and operation of golf facilities – from the earliest planning stages to post-opening operational functions such as staffing, media relations and marketing. FORE Golf Asia, which serves as lead advisor to the Vietnam Golf Association, also ranks among SouthEast Asia’s most accomplished tournament administrators. Its portfolio of client events includes everything from pro tour stops and national championships to corporate events.

Frasers Law Company (Frasers) was the first foreign law firm licensed by the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam with a foreign law company licence. Frasers provide innovative legal advice and opinion on all areas of business and commerce in Vietnam, in relation to both international and Vietnamese laws. Through Frasers’ association with Freehills, we are able to provide our clients with the highest international standards of practice, in the culturally adapted context of Vietnam, with the resources and expertise of more than 1000 lawyers, across Australia and South-East Asia. Frasers is a premier commercial law firm in the Vietnamese legal market, and has been recognised as being in the top tier of law firms practising in Vietnam by leading independent and authoritative guides to law firms such as The Asia Pacific Legal 500. Frasers also previously received the ANZ Business Excellence Award, awarded at the Australian Chamber of Commerce Annual Business Awards, for the company in any business sector that has demonstrated the most outstanding performance in the previous year. Our main areas of practice include corporate and commercial, investment, restructuring and insolvency, banking and finance, insurance, infrastructure and major projects, property development and construction, energy and resources, dispute resolution, employment, intellectual property, and regulatory compliance. Hanoi Office Unit 1205, Pacific Place 83B Ly Thuong Kiet Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3946 1203 Fax: +84 4 3946 1214 AmCham Directory - 2012


Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP #1108, Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 6680 Fax : +84 8 3822 6690 Email : Website :

Fulbright Economics Teaching Program 232/6 Vo Thi Sau Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3932 5103 Fax : +84 8 3932 5104 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Milton Lawson, Managing Lawyer David Harrison, Associate

Benjamin Wilkinson, Associate Director Jonathan Pincus, Dean

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Established in 1743, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP is one of the world’s largest and oldest international law firms with over 2,500 lawyers. The firm has been assisting clients doing business in Vietnam since 1987 and acts for a large number of foreign investors and foreign financiers on various types of projects in Vietnam. Our offices are located in both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City and permanently staffed with a US-qualified partner, senior foreign lawyers and experienced Vietnamese lawyers, three of whom are US-qualified. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP has consistently been ranked by the authoritative guides for law firms in Asia as the “market leader” and in the first tier of leading law firms in many practice areas in Vietnam. In 2003, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP was awarded a medal by the Minister of Justice for services to the development of Vietnam’s legal system. In 2005 it represented the Government on its successful inaugural sovereign bond issuance.

The Fulbright Economics Teaching Program (FETP) is one of Vietnam’s leading centers of public policy research and training. Established in 1994, FETP is an initiative of the University of Economics-Ho Chi Minh City and the Vietnam Program at the Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the Harvard Kennedy School. FETP's flagship activity is the two-year Master in Public Policy (MPP), a program of exceptional academic rigor consisting of advanced coursework in a range of disciplines and policy areas including applied economics, finance, rural development, and management and leadership. The MPP program aims to equip students with the analytical tools and frameworks needed to solve public problems and lead organizations in periods of rapid change. FETP works with donors and government agencies to develop custom executive education programs. All FETP teaching incorporates cutting-edge research on economic policy issues facing Vietnam and the region. FETP receives core funding from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State.

Other offices: Abu Dhabi Amsterdam Bahrain Barcelona Beijing Berlin Brussels Cologne Dubai Düsseldorf Frankfurt am Main Hamburg Hong Kong London Madrid Milan Moscow Munich New York Paris Rome Shanghai Tokyo Vienna Washington


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

FV Hospital (Far East Medical Vietnam Limited) 6 Nguyen Luong Bang Street Saigon South (Phu My Hung) District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5411 3333 +84 8 5411 3500 (Emergency) Fax : +84 8 5411 3334 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

GES VN, Global Equipment Services & Manufacturing Vietnam Joint Stock Company Lot I 3-1, D1 Street, Saigon High Tech Park District 9, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3730 6032 Fax : +84 8 3730 6242 Email : Website : Chamber Representative

Chau Tran, Vice President, Field Service & Operation

Dr. Jean-Marcel Guillon, Chief Executive Officer Pham Thi Thanh Mai, Chief Operations Officer Nguyen Thi Le Thu, Marketing & BD Director Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

FV Hospital (FVH) offers a comprehensive range of medical and surgical services. These include inpatient and outpatient treatments, 24-hour emergency ambulance services, complete laboratory and imaging diagnostics, annual membership, pregnancy follow-up packages and delivery preparation classes, heath check-up programs and health check-ups for work permit applications, and other special services, such as First Aid training and psychological counseling for local companies. FV was the first hospital in Vietnam to be accredited by an international organization, the French Haute AutoritĂŠ de santĂŠ (HAS), in 2007, and is one of the leading international-standard healthcare facilities in Southeast Asia. FV is making constant efforts to expand its facilities and making exceptional investments in modern equipment to provide better services for its patients. As part of this ongoing effort, FV Hospital has constructed a new five-star standard Consultation Centre with a contemporary look and feel. Following our recent expansion, FV Hospital can now accommodate a total of 1,500 outpatients per day, as well as 220 inpatients. We are proud to offer our patients even greater comfort and convenience when visiting FV for premium healthcare services.

Global Equipment Services (GES) is among the global leaders in semiconductor equipment services. With a team of broad experience in semiconductor field, GES provides Field Services, Engineering Services, Equipment Training, Manufacturing and RMA solutions to the electronics industry to reduce costs and improve efficiencies to its customers operations. GES has its headquarters in Silicon Valley, San Jose, California, USA and many satellite operations throughout Asia to support customers worldwide.

FVH Sales & Information Office and Clinic Ground Floor, Citilight Tower 45 Vo Thi Sau Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6291 1167 (Information) +84 8 6290 6167 (FV Saigon Clinic) Fax: +84 8 6291 1168 +84 8 6290 6168 AmCham Directory - 2012


GHD Vietnam One Member Liability Limited Company Level 16, Gemadept Tower 2bis 4-6 Le Thanh Ton Street, Ben Nghe Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3520 3444 Fax : +84 8 6255 6801 Email : Website :

Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I. 4th Floor 18 Hai Ba Trung Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 8599 Fax : +84 8 3823 8598 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Toby John Garafillis, General Director Pham Thi My Hoa, Finance Manager

Samantha Campbell, Resident Partner Can P. Nguyen, Senior Associate

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

GHD is an international network of engineers, architects and environmental scientists serving clients in the global markets of water, energy and resources, environment, property and buildings, and transportation.

Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I. (GLN) advises private and public investors on all aspects of Vietnamese business law and foreign trade transactions in areas such as banking, corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, “joint ventures” and 100% foreign-owned companies, corporate reorganizations, real estate transactions and construction, project finance, taxation, dispute resolution, custom law, intellectual property as well as contract and employment law.

Established in 1928, GHD employs more than 6000 people across five continents and serves clients in the global markets of water, energy and resources, environment, property and buildings, and transportation. Today, GHD is ranked as one of the world’s leading engineering, architecture and consultancy firms. GHD is able work as a partner with clients to deliver quality outcomes and can offer a differentiated service for the following reasons: • Our history and ongoing presence in Vietnam, • Our team of experienced staff to supply a multidisciplinary team of in-house personnel and international specialists to fulfill the requirements of any project; • Significant credentials in Sustainable Buildings, Education Facilities, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Food & Beverage, Minerals & Resources and Land Development & Infrastructure; • Our large pool of high quality resources and our ability to access these resources from across our operations, as required, delivering an ‘international’ outcomes. Hanoi Office: Vinaplast Building, 5th Floor 39A Ngo Quyen Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel: +84 4 2220 2254


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Glass Egg Digital Media Ltd. Ree Tower, 17th Floor 9 Doan Van Bo Street District 4, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3810 9018 Fax : +84 8 3810 9013 Email : Website :

Global Community Service Foundation 89/10 Nguyen Hong Dao Street Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 126 866 4608 Fax : +84 4 3821 5695 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Phil Tran, CEO Steve Reid, CFO

Marcia Ann Selva, Founder & President Nguyen Thi Tam, HCMC Representative

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Glass Egg is a 100% foreign owned game developer and 3D art production facility. For more than 10 years the company has developed a unique set of skills in an environment that enables us to create games and provide related services with a significantly improved level of efficiency. We are considered to be one of the worldwide leaders in the emerging and fast growing game outsourcing industry.

Global Community Service Foundation is a nonprofit organization under Section 501(c) (3) registered in the USA and Vietnam, working to eradicate poverty in Southeast Asia by implementing sustainable, community-based programs focused on health care, education, and income-generation activities. The Foundation focuses on addressing the needs of Southeast Asia’s most vulnerable communities. Through its projects, Global Community Service Foundation creates an environment of self-sustainability in communities in Viet Nam and Burma. GCSF concentrates its efforts on Central Viet Nam, a historically impoverished region of Viet Nam attracting limited International NGO attention. GCSF has been providing humanitarian assistance to the people of Viet Nam for more than a decade with over 100 projects. We are currently embarking on a project to address the needs of blind and visually impaired in Central Viet Nam. Through a partnership with the Blind Association GCSF is assisting Quang Tri Province to establish a Center for Blind Persons in a region that has been neglected in terms of humanitarian assistance. Through this central project others are underway supporting diagnostics, outreach, and treatment for eye-related issues.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Global CyberSoft, Inc.

Global Data Service JS Company

Helios Building, Quang Trung Software City Tan Chanh Hiep Ward District 12, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5437 1199 Fax : +84 8 5437 1188 Email : Website :

Suite 204A, Thanglong Building 105 Lang Ha Street Dong Da District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3562 6996 Fax : +84 4 3562 6998 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Ngo Duc Chi, CEO Ngo Van Toan, Vice President

Nguyen Trong Nghia, Deputy General Director Takenori Sakata, Sales Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Global CyberSoft (Vietnam) JSC was established in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in 2000. We are currently one of the leading IT solution provider and system integrator in Vietnam with headquarter in USA and various subsidiaries and representative sales offices in Japan, France and Singapore.

Global Data Service Joint Stock Company (GDS) is a joint venture between NTT Communications (Japan) and VNPT Group, the largest telecom carrier in Vietnam. Our strength is VNPT's stable and wide telecom infrastructure combined with the long experience and know-how of NTT Communications in more than 80 datacenters all over the world. GDS operations, which make the most of our reliable datacenter facilities and robust security systems, allow us to contribute to the significant improvement and development of customers’ IT environment in Vietnam.

With extensive experience, in-depth domain knowledge and technical expertise, we offer to clients around the world our premiere IT services, such as: • Information & Communication Technologies/ e-Business Solutions • Factory Automation/ Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) • Testing/ Validation • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP & BI _ Business Intelligence) • Embedded Systems/ Mobile & Handheld Development • System Integration/ Fully Integrated end-to-end ERP & MES Solutions Awards and Achievement: • SAP Strategic Partner, Gold Partner from 2007~2010 • SAP PCoE (SAP Partner Center of Expertise) from 2011 • Top 5 ICT Outsourcing Company in Vietnam in 2010 & 2011 • Gold Medal Outsourcing Company in Vietnam in 2010 & 2011 Certifications: • CMMi level 4 • ISO 9001:2008 • ISO 27001 (ISMS)


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Thang Long Datacenter is the first datacenter GDS established in Hanoi with high international standard quality (Tier 3 - TIA942). GDS provides one-stop-shop service and builds up the most optimal solutions from demand and request of customers. Supporting your business platform with the most state-of-the-art datacenter and helping you to display your IT systems potential to the full are our goals.

Global Food Technologies 5 - 7 Hoang Viet Street Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3846 4260 Fax : +84 8 3846 4280 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

GNC Vietnam KLN Nutrition Food JSC 10, Road 20, Hiep Binh Chanh Ward Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3726 7320 Fax : +84 8 3726 7594 Website: Chamber Representatives

Nguyen Kim Anh, President David Bellman, Vice President

Stan Bien, Director, SEAsia Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Global Food Technologies is a US based Biotech Research and Development Company dedicated to using its patented scientific food processing technologies to substantially increase the quality and value of commercially packaged seafood and poultry and to make those products safer for human consumption through elimination of disease causing pathogens. Product shelf-life is extended without altering the texture, taste or appearance of the products. Processors, distributors and retailers can grow their sales and profits with Global Food Technologies professional sales and marketing support designed to educate and motivate buyers in the seafood distribution chain, all the way to the retail consumer. Sales and Marketing support include both existing and target markets. Consumers around the world are demanding safer food and Global Food Technologies Seafood Processing Systems represent the best choice for seafood safety and shelf-life technologies.

General Nutrition Center (GNC), the world’s leading manufacturer and retailer of vitamins and nutrition products, has now arrived in Vietnam! GNC has more than 7,400 stores in over 55 countries worldwide. GNC Vietnam was established in 2008 based on a franchise agreement with GNC. To support strong growth and a long-term strategy, GNC Vietnam’s shops now carry more than 300 items. All products have been registered in accordance with Vietnamese health regulations. Under GNC Vietnam’s shop development plan, 7 shops have opened in the first year with 4 shops in HCMC, 2 shops in Hanoi and 1 shop in Haiphong. 10 additional shops are planned 2012. Customers in Vietnam can find a wide range of GNC products including: men’s & women’s nutrition; nutritional supplements, vitamins and minerals (including fish oil Omega-3 with DHA) for children; weight control & energy formulas; and an A-Z of herbal supplements. GNC shops in Vietnam • 19 Han Thuyen St, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: +84 8 3823 3369 • 29 Thao Dien St, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: +84 8 3519 4495 • 94 Nguyen Van Troi St, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: +84 8 3997 2385 • 113 Nguyen Duc Canh St, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: +84 8 5412 3875 • 77G Tho Nhuom St, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel: +84 4 39413193 • 06 Nguyen Chi Thanh St, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi Tel: +84 4 3724 6642 • 120 Tran Phu St, Ngo Quyen District, Hai Phong Tel: +84 31 384 6638 AmCham Directory - 2012


Golden Farm Co., Ltd. 57-59 Road No. 3, Zone 8, Truong Tho Ward Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3728 1818 Fax : +84 8 3728 3600 Email : Website:

Golden Light Investment Trading Company Ltd. 61 Nguyen Trai Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3925 9993 Fax : +84 8 3925 9994 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Khanh Le, Managing Director Susan Hong, Sales Director

Barry Weisblatt, CEO

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Golden Farm Co. was established in Vietnam in 2000. It specializes in producing and distributing food products under its Golden Farm brand for the consumers, bakeries and the foods service industry in Vietnam. The company distributes its products to more than 150 supermarkets, most of the hotels, restaurants, and bakeries throughout the country. Its retailing customers include: Metro, Coop Mart, Big C, Maximark, Citimart, Fivimark, Wellcome, Giant, and Vissan shops. For its attractive packaging, superior quality and great value, the Golden Farm brand is currently the market-share leader in Vietnam in four product groups: Fruit Jams, Peanut Butter, Spaghetti Sauces, and Flavored Syrups. Other products it also produces and/or distributes include Pastas, Salad Dressings, Mayonnaise, Salsa Sauces, Corn Chips, Glazes, Chocolate filling, and Sprinkles.

Golden Light operates retail outlets in HCMC for Lolita ladies fashion from South America. The brand is recognized by its defining features: quality, value and design. We offer office and casual wear made of high quality materials with cuts that are comfortable and easy to wear in a full range of sizes from XS to XL. Stores are located at 61 Nguyen Trai, Vincom Center and Parkson Le Thanh Ton, Flemington and Hung Vuong Plaza.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Golder Associates Singapore Pte Ltd.

Grant Thornton (Vietnam) Ltd.

171 Chin Swee Road, #02-02 San Centre Singapore 169877 Tel : +65 6294 9390 Fax : +65 6438 5440 Email : Website:

28th Floor, Saigon Trade Centre 37 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 9100 Fax : +84 8 3914 3748 Email : Website:

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Rob Kirk, Principal Consultant

Alan Dy, Audit Partner Doan Van Ngoan, Senior Tax Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Golder Associates is providing responsive, technically sound and cost effective consulting and engineering services to global, regional and local clients in Vietnam.

Business Category Providing Audit - Assurance Services, Tax Services, Advisory Services and Business Risk Services. Profile Grant Thornton (Vietnam) Ltd, an independent member of Grant Thornton International, was established in 1993, with offices in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Cambodia. Our mission is to be the leading service provider in the Greater Mekong region providing distinctive client service and bold leadership through empowered people. Whether we are acting as independent auditors, advising on funding a business, looking into tax issues or restructuring a business; meeting our Clients' growth and profit objectives and expectations through practical solutions based on our practice values of integrity, reliability and personal attention, is our aim. We are one of the leading service providers to privately held business and international companies. In Vietnam we are one of the leading service providers to AIM listed companies. With the addition of Business Risk Services, a new service line, we are preparing to meet a wider range of market needs and expand on the continued growth we have experienced in recent years. Employees in Vietnam: 110

Golder Associates provides a wide array of professional services in the environmental, natural resource, geotechnical and civil engineering fields. These include: - Phase I and Phase II Environmental Assessments • Environmental, Health & Safety Auditing • ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems; BSI OHSAS 18001 Health & Safety Management Systems • Industrial Hygiene Services • Chemical & Noise Exposure Monitoring • Asbestos Inspection & Management • Health & Safety Compliance Auditing • Training Programs • Geotechnical Services • Mining services for exploration, development, operation and closure

Hanoi Office: 8th Floor, Vinaplast - Domus Building 39A Ngo Quyen Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 2220 2600 Fax : +84 4 2222 6449 Email : Website : AmCham Directory - 2012


Gras Savoye Willis Vietnam Suite 708, Saigon Trade Center 37 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 0976 / +84 4 3824 5325 Fax : +84 8 3910 0974 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Grohe Vietnam One Member Co., Ltd. Units CR02-09 & CR02-10, Crescent 2 Building Ton Dat Tien Street, Tan Phu Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5413 6840 Website : Chamber Representatives

Uong Dai Hiep, General Manager Ly Thai Bao, Marketing Manager

Do Thi Thuy Trang, Executive Director - Hanoi Harunobu Yoshida, Head of Japan Practice Team Nathan Rayner, Head of Risk Solutions Team

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

• Gras Savoye Willis is the 3rd largest Insurance Broker worldwide, Gras Savoye headquartered in France and the Willis Group is listed on the NYSE • We help Clients manage risk through insurance, and support their business with integrated claims and administration services • Gras Savoye Willis provide Corporate Insurance including Construction, Operations, Liabilities, Marine, Vehicles and Healthcare • 94 employees with international management expertise and 6 foreign specialists • Our clients range from medium size companies to multinational organization and projects • With over 19-years presence in Vietnam and the region we possess an extensive knowledge and experience

Grohe from Germany is the world’s number 1 manufacturer of premium sanitary fittings. In 2011, Grohe has established the great momentum by receiving the most international design awards, especially the most unique “red dot: design team of the year 2011” accolade and “Best of the Best” awards 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 consecutively. In Vietnam, Grohe has recently launched Grohe Live! Centre at units CR02-09 & CR02-10, Crescent 2 Building, Ton Dat Tien Street, Tan Phu Ward, District 7, HCMC, the first of its kinds inspired by Grohe Spa and Grohe Live! Concepts. The integration of Spa graphics, Spa products and accessories, live showers testing and the product configurations provide the luxury spa ambient. Grohe Live! Centre is an ideal place where consumers have opportunity to engage with the brand and the products, the hub for investors, developers, contractors and specifiers to interact with the most advanced Grohe technologies products and where the smart choices are offered.

Corporate Values: • Acting on client’s behalf, for the client’s benefits • Free consulting service and a unique servicing point • Competitive edge/Creative solutions • Integrated claim department • Global resource, local delivery GSW Vietnam provides services in Vietnamese, English, French, Japanese and Korean Languages. Business category: Insurance Broker, Insurance Consultancy and Reinsurance Brokerage Employees in Vietnam: 100 Hanoi Branch: Suite 305, Melia Office Building 44B Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3824 5325 Fax: +84 4 3824 5600


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Grohe Live! Centre Units CR02-09 & CR02-10, Crescent 2 Building Ton Dat Tien Street, Tan Phu Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5413 6840 Website :

Habitat for Humanity Vietnam

Hansae Viet Nam Co., Ltd.

4th Floor, 62A Yen Phu Street Tay Ho District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3715 2615 Fax : +84 4 3715 2614 Email : Website :

Lot D2, Tay Bac Cu Chi Industrial Zone Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3892 4801 / 3892 4802 Fax : +84 8 3892 4800 Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Robin Shell, Country Director Dana McNairn, Resource Development and Communications Manager

Activities in Vietnam Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) is a nongovernmental shelter organization currently working in over 90 countries. It seeks to eliminate inadequate housing and homelessness by making safe shelter a matter of conscience and action. To accomplish this vision, HFHI invites people of all backgrounds, races and religions to build houses together in partnership with households in need. Since 1976, Habitat has served more than 500,000 families without regard to religion, race, gender or nationality by constructing, rehabilitating or repairing homes; by advocating for fair and just housing policies; and by providing training and access to financing to help families improve their shelter conditions. Habitat for Humanity Vietnam (HFHV) is a part of HFHI and began operations in 2001 providing low cost housing, water and sanitation solutions to marginalized households. HFHV believes in building and strengthening community resilience and capacity through the elimination of inadequate housing and seeks to address the serious issue of poor water, sanitation and hygiene in the country through innovative programs and partnerships. HFHV achieves this through the mobilization of resources such as construction materials, labor and microfinance mechanisms. HFHV’s core trainings for home partners include home maintenance and construction skills; financial literacy; community-based disaster risk management (including climate change adaptation); and basic water and sanitation hygiene. To date, HFHV has served over 8,100 families via a mixture of new houses and water and sanitation facilities; repairs/upgrades; assistance with obtaining secure tenure; and technical support. HFHV currently has projects in Hai Duong, Thai Binh and Ha Tinh provinces in the north; Quang Nam province in the central region; and Dong Nai, Long An, Tien Giang and Kien Giang provinces in the south. Habitat’s vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live.

Kim Dong Nyung, Chairman Kim Sehan, Executive Manager

Activities in Vietnam Aiming to be the ultimate leader in manufacturing & trading business around the world for knitted and woven garments. Since the establishment in 2001, Hansae Viet Nam Co., Ltd. has created a big contribution to the development of economy and distribution best benefits among the people in Vietnam. Especially, achieving the proactive leading of changes needed for the best customer service including quality and satisfaction absolutely by speedy expanding in business operation size and highly advanced technology.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Hansoll Vina Co., Ltd.

HappyLand DC JSC

No. 6, Song Than 1 Industrial Zone Di An, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3732 930 Fax : +84 650 3732 931 / 2 Email : Website:

16 Pasteur Street, Nguyen Thai Binh Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 1496 Fax : +84 8 3822 2224 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Sin Jae Lee, Chairman & CEO Tae Ha Yoon, General Director

Luong Thi Thu Huong, Chief Executive Officer Nguyen Dai Hai, Business Development Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Manufacturing knitwear garments in Binh Duong, with 6,000 employees, 82 lines.

Happyland Design & Construction JSC is a fully licensed architectural and construction company in Vietnam. We bring together an experienced team of architects, landscape architects, interior designers and construction specialists.


: All big buyers in USA

Product : Polo-shirts, T-shirts, Cardigan, Camisole, Skirts, Pants, Dress, Robe, Pyjamas… Remark : Hansoll Vina is investing now for knitting factory.

We provide full turn-key services for both interior and architecture projects. In each of our projects our approach is to create unique solutions with high attention to details. With our in-house furniture factory we are able to create custom-made interior solutions for all project scales. By commitment to the environment we also provide green sustainable design, and consult our customers to obtain LEED certification by the USGBC for their projects. We are committed to the highest quality in every aspect, starting from our partners’ and colleagues’ perception and continuing through our collaborators and business partners. As a result, our customers return to us with satisfying experiences. Business category: Architecture, Interior Design & Construction, Landscape Design, Green Sustainable Consultancy, Project Management Employees in Vietnam: 210


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Harvey Nash Vietnam

Hay Group

10th Floor, 2 Building 364 Cong Hoa Street Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3810 6200 Fax : +84 8 3810 6201 Email : Website:

Unit 717B, 7th Floor, Me Linh Point Tower 2 Ngo Duc Ke Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3520 2834 Fax : +84 8 3823 7840 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Andrew How, Managing Director, Hay Group Singapore Alvin Goh, Senior Consultant Adrian Lim, Head of Productized Services, Vietnam

Nguyen Hung Cuong, Software Development Director Truong Hong Tam, Director, BPO & Recruitment Services

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Harvey Nash is a global professional recruitment consultancy and outsourcing service provider, committed to delivering the very best talent, IT solutions and BPO services to a broad base of international clients. We are a trusted advisor to many of the world’s leading businesses, governments and institutions, and operate from 39 offices with over 5000 staff worldwide. Our talented professionals pursue the highest levels of integrity and quality in providing a unique portfolio of services: - Executive Search & Selection: By combining global experience and local market knowledge; innovative use of technology and passion for delivery, we have built outstanding reputation for recruiting senior managers for a diverse range of clients worldwide. - Software Development & IT Services - Business Process Outsourcing (BPO Services) • Data Entry, Data Processing, Data Conversion • Scanning, Digitalization and OCR • Website Testing & Audit • Image Processing • Content Management • Payroll Management - Call Center Services: • Outbound Services: Telesales, Telemarketing, Market survey, Product Launch, CRM • Inbound Services: Technical Support & Helpdesk, Hotline services, Booking & Order Taking, Inquiry & Complaint Handling.

Hay Group is a global management consulting firm that works with leaders to turn strategy into reality. We help our clients to improve the performance of their business through the way they organise, lead, develop and reward their people. Drawing on pioneering research and world-leading databases, we help our clients ensure that their people are working in line with their strategy, in jobs that are appropriate to their skills. This will deliver results that both our clients and their people can see and appreciate. Our services are tailored according to our clients’ needs: • Leadership and talent - Capability assessment - Leadership transformation - Talent management • Reward services - Reward strategies - Executive rewards - Job evaluation - Reward information services - Benefits • Building effective organisations - Turning strategy into reality • Employee and customer surveys - Employee engagement - Customer research

AmCham Directory - 2012


Herbalife Vietnam SMLLC

Hewlett-Packard Vietnam Ltd. (HPVL)

224 Pasteur Street, Ward 6 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 9191 Fax : +84 8 3827 9393 Website :

10th Floor, Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 4151 Fax : +84 8 3823 6216 Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Dr. Nguyen Quyet Thang, General Director Nguyen Hong Truong Cuu, External Affairs Supervisor

Tran Thi Minh Thuan, Managing Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Herbalife is a global nutrition company that has helped people pursue a healthy active life since 1980. We offer nutrition, weight management and personal care products through more than our 2.3 million independent distributors in 80 countries. Our mission is “Change People’s Lives.” Herbalife Viet Nam was established in November 2009. In July 2011, Herbalife Vietnam opened the 2nd office in Hanoi. After 2 years of operation, Herbalife Vietnam has contributed more than 130 VND billions to national income and created business opportunities for more than 30,000 distributors. Herbalife opened the 1st Casa Program of Herbalife Family Foundation in Viet Nam at Hoa Binh Humanitarian Center (Vietnam Red Cross) to support nutrition for the children in need. Up till now, Herbalife has 71 Casa programs in 43 countries. In November 2011, Herbalife became an official nutrition sponsor for Vietnam Vovinam Team.

Hewlett-Packard Vietnam Ltd. (HPVL) was established in 1995 as 100% foreign-owned company, we have offices located in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. In 1999, HP Vietnam became the first IT Company in Vietnam to receive the ISO 9002 certification for its customer support services. The company’s offerings span IT infrastructure, global services, business and home computing, and imaging and printing through our distribution channels: 09 Authorized distributors and more than 400 resellers and retailers. Major corporate awards & Product awards: • Major Corporate Awards - Golden Dragon Award for seven consecutive years (2001-2007) by Ministry of Planning & Investment along with Vietnam Economic Times • Major Technology Awards - PC World Readers’ Choice Awards for eight consecutive years (1997-2006) • Major Technology Awards - PC World Readers’ Choice Awards for two consecutive years (2010-2011) • Certificate of Merit (November 18, 2005) - Ho Chi Minh People’s Committee awarded HP Vietnam the certificate to mark 10th anniversary, citing milestones achieved (including the first IT company in Vietnam to achieve ISO 9002 certification) • Certificate of Merit (April 12, 2007) - Da Nang People’s Committee awarded HP Vietnam the certificate to recognize HP’s great contribution to Da Nang’s IT development • Certificate of Merit (March, 2007) - Phu Tho People’s Committee awarded HP Vietnam the certificate to recognize HP’s great contribution to Phu Tho’s IT development • Ministry of Education & Training (May 21, 2007) presented a certificate to recognize HP’s great contribution to Vietnam’s education development


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park Joint Stock Company (HIPC) Division B, Road No.1, Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park Hiep Phuoc Commune Nha Be District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3780 0345 / 3780 0350 Fax : +84 8 3780 0341 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

Hill International Vietnam Co., Ltd. 7th Floor, Khang Thong Building 67 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3925 2298 Fax : +84 8 3925 3729 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Robert Louis Houser, Vice President Aurelio Doetsch, Director - Business Development

Doan Hong Tam, General Director Phan Dinh Cuong, Foreign Customer Team Leader

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Invest and develop projects on constructing and business doing in infrastructures of Export Processing Zones, Industrial Parks and Residential Areas, New Urban Areas in Ho Chi Minh City and other provincial areas. Supply the supporting services such as raw materials and constructing materials and other services on sanitary, green tree parks; garbage, waste products, wasted materials collecting; industrial meals providing to Export Zones and Industrial Parks. Trading in building materials. Leasing in office equipments as well as computers and its spareparts. Trading in housing (except in receiving the land used right for investing the infrastructures approved by authorized Agencies then transfer that land used right). Constructing the office and warehouse in Industrial Parks for leasing. Investing, constructing and trading the docks, wharfs; leasing the boats, canoes. Providing the consulting services (except finance consulting), informatic services, vessel navigating, vessel brokerage and forwarding, Vessel Agencies. Trading in domestic and internal travel. Trading in sea transportation, loading and unloading the cargoes and forwarding the cargoes nationalwide and internationwide. Investing the capital fund. Trading in fresh water supply services.

Hill International offers extensive project management and construction claims consulting services worldwide. Having participated in over 5,000 project assignments with a total construction value of over $250 billion, Hill has managed all phases of the construction process. From concept through completion, Hill has experience in all facets of project management. Engineering News-Record magazine recently ranked Hill as the 8th largest construction management firm in the United States. The Project Management Group is complemented by a world renowned Construction Claims Group, which has participated in over 25,000 disputes valued in excess of $100 billion. Our mission is to be the very best professional services firm in the world helping our clients minimize the risks inherent in the construction process. We accomplish this objective through a broad range of project management and construction claims services that support our clients during every phase of a project, from planning and design, to procurement and construction, to start-up and operation. With 3,100 professionals in 100 offices worldwide, Hill has the experience and the expertise to help clients deliver their projects on time, within budget and with the highest quality possible. Danang Office Unit 404, 4th Floor, No. 15 Quang Trung Street Hai Chau District, Da Nang City

AmCham Directory - 2012


Hill Risk Consulting (Thailand) Ltd., in HCMC Unit 218, 2nd Floor, Harbour View Tower 35 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3915 3353 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Ho Tram Project Company Ltd. Kumho Asiana Plaza, 2nd Floor 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3825 1690 Fax : +84 8 3825 1689 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Brian Dougherty, Chief Representative Minh Le, Office Manager

Lloyd Charles Nathan, Chairman Colin Michael Pine, General Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Headquartered in Hong Kong with offices in 14 countries around the world, Hill & Associates (H&A) is one of the world’s leading independent security and risk management consultancy firms. Since November, 2009 we are wholly owned by G4S PLC from the United Kingdom. By combining our local knowledge and professional expertise with leading edge technology partnerships, we have enabled companies to operate safely, efficiently and without disruption in the world’s most difficult markets. Our solutions address a wide range of business risks including regulatory and compliance issues, while improving transparency and executive decision making in the process. At Hill & Associates, we have developed numerous risk management strategies for a wide range of clients. Our broad base of expertise and experience has allowed us to create innovative solutions that create real value for the companies we serve. Fundamental to our successful strategy has been the integration of our services into two core practice areas: Asset Protection & Enterprise Security specialises in mitigating risks to physical assets and infrastructure and improving the resilience of business operations. Business Intelligence & Integrity Risk provides a range of intelligence, investigative, forensic and consulting services for the protection of proprietary information and reputation and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Ho Tram Project Company Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Asian Coast Development (Canada) Ltd. (ACDL). Ho Tram Project Company Limited is developing the Ho Tram Strip - the largest integrated resort property in the history of Viet Nam. Set on the peaceful and pristine beaches of Ho Tram in Ba Ria - Vung Tau and comprised of five separate resorts, the Ho Tram Strip will be among the premier oceanfront destination resorts in Asia.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Offering a full spectrum of world class amenities, from luxurious gaming rooms, to premium shopping and exceptional recreational facilities-including an international standard 18 hole golf course-there will be something special for every guest. The first resort on the Ho Tram Strip, the luxurious MGM Grand Ho Tram, is scheduled to open in 2013.

Hoa Sen University

Hoffmann - La Roche Ltd.

93 Cao Thang Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3925 5063 Fax : +84 8 3830 1878 Email : Website :

19th, 20th Floor, Harbour View Tower 35 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 6141 Fax : +84 8 3821 6276 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Bui Tran Phuong, President Tran Vi Cuong, Director, Department of Student Services

Inge Kusuma, Country Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Founded in 1991, Hoa Sen was the pioneering private institution in Vietnam to recognize and focus on the unique educational needs of building a reputation for excellence in vocational and technical education. In November 2006, Hoa Sen has officially become a University extending its educational offering to undergraduate and graduate degree programs.

Representative Office of Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. Marketing of company products namely pharmaceuticals.

Hoa Sen is centered on accessible quality learning, and internationally recognized qualifications backed by programs in partnership with universities from Belgium, France, United Kingdom and India. Students can major in subjects from Actuary, International Business, Business Administration, Information Technology, Hospitality and Tourism, Fashion Design from the four faculties of Sciences & Technologies - Economics & Commerce - Languages & Cultural Studies - Polytechnics. While meeting the challenges of a growing population of 10.000 students, and fulfilling an ever evolving labor market via our Corporate Training Center, Hoa Sen University is driven by an industry relevant curriculum with courses lectured in Vietnamese and English and with two internships requirement upon graduation. More than 90% of Hoa Sen graduates have found job placement for the past eight consecutive years.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Hogan Lovells

Horizon Capital Group

10th Floor, OSC-VTP Building

Vincom Center 70-72 Le Thanh Ton Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 7991 Fax : +84 8 3829 7994 Email : Website :

8 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3829 5100 Fax : +84 8 3829 5101 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Gregory F. Buhyoff, Of Counsel Nasir PKM Abdul, Of Counsel

Kham Doan, Managing Partner Dana R.H. Doan, Community Engagement Advisor

Activities in Vietnam Hogan Lovells is one of the world’s leading business law firms, with 44 offices in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas. The firm advises many of the world’s largest corporations, financial institutions and government organisations. Hogan Lovells has particular expertise in handling complex multi-jurisdictional issues, commercial transactions and business disputes. Our intellectual property practice is renowned for its expertise having been recognized as top tier in legal directories such as Asia Pacific Legal 500, Chambers and Global Counsel. Our Vietnam practice has made significant strides forward to place us in a leading position with respect to corporate and project finance work. Particularly noteworthy is our Vietnam infrastructure practice which has garnered plaudits in leading independent industry directories such as Chambers Asia and Asia Pacific Legal 500. Hogan Lovells was the first international law firm to be granted a branch office license in Ho Chi Minh City in 1996. Hogan Lovells’ Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi offices are staffed by a team of foreign and Vietnamese lawyers. Our offices in Vietnam are integrated with Hogan Lovells global network of offices, thereby ensuring our ability to provide seamless cross-border advice and the timely management and transfer of information, documentation and know-how throughout the world. In Vietnam, our experienced and knowledgeable team of local and foreign corporate lawyers advises on a wide range of corporate and commercial matters including foreign direct investment, mergers and acquisitions, infrastructure, real estate, project finance, oil and gas, mining, competition law, intellectual property and technology transfer, construction, banking and regulatory matters. The firm’s international network also enables us to assist the increasing number of Vietnamese companies engaging in trade and investment in other countries.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Horizon Capital Group, through its subsidiaries, provides investment banking, corporate finance advisory, securities brokerage, and asset management services. The firm’s subsidiaries include Horizon Securities Corporation and Horizon Capital Advisers. One of its subsidiaries, Horizon Capital Advisers, is a major benefactor of the LIN Center for Community Development (, a local not-for-profit organization committed to strengthening local not-for-profit organizations and to supporting the philanthropic community both in and around Ho Chi Minh City.

Hotel Equatorial Ho Chi Minh City

Hotel Nikko Saigon

242 Tran Binh Trong Street, Ward 4 District 5, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3839 7777 Fax : +84 8 3839 0011 Email : Website:

235 Nguyen Van Cu Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3925 7777 Fax : +84 8 3925 7766 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Chiyuki Fujimoto, General Manager Yumi Shimizu, Director of Sales & Marketing

Siegfried Steindl, General Manager Collin Chan, Director of Sales and Marketing

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Hotel Equatorial Ho Chi Minh City is an international five-star hotel with world-class facilities and services making it an deal choice for both business and leisure travelers when visiting Vietnam’s most vibrant and exciting city.

Hotel Nikko Saigon is a 5 star luxury hotel with 334 rooms and suites, and 53 service apartments in a high rise 23-storey building. Offering excellent services and facilities, we cater for the needs of both business and leisure travelers.

The hotel enjoys a prime location, 8 minutes from the Central Business District, 25 minutes to Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center and under 40 minutes from Tan Son Nhat International Airport. 333 beautifully designed guest rooms and suites, including 72 renovated rooms on the exclusive Equator Club Floor. Equinox Fitness & Leisure Center provides a full gym, spa with private massage rooms together with sauna; steam room and hot Jacuzzi pool are provided. A large outdoor swimming pool provides a nice area to relax. Orientica Restaurant is a fine-dining and an award winning restaurant focusing on showcasing fresh seafood prepared in a variety of Asian cooking methods. Chit Chat at The Café is a modern culinary oasis with a large selection of local and international buffet with live-cooking action stations. Flo Lobby Lounge, a brand new addition launched in December 2011 is a stylist lounge to relax, enjoy light tapas and delicious cocktails with nightly live entertainment. The Saigon Grand Ballroom and the foyer offers up a combination of 1,670 sqm offering meeting and conference service for up to 1,250 guests.

Ideally located near the central Ho Chi Minh City, our hotel offers easy access to the Tan Son Nhat International airport, many landmarks, museums and cultural centers, central business district, shopping and entertainment areas. Facilities includes the grand ballroom with the capacity of 600 for theater-style, 7 meeting rooms, spa with 5 treatment rooms, outdoor swimming pool, modern gymnasium, Japanese restaurant, Chinese restaurant, Lobby lounge, all day dining restaurant serving breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet, 24-hours room service. Business center offers comprehensive facilities and 14 instant offices which are ideal as a start-up base in Ho Chi Minh City. Nikko Club Lounge is on the 23rd floor, the highest level executive lounge where you can enjoy the spectacular view of the city. Hotel also provides other services such as city shuttle service, airport transfers, city tour, currency exchange, limousine service, ticketing, mail and stamps…

AmCham Directory - 2012


HR Vietnam

HSBC Bank (Vietnam) Ltd.

Ground Floor, Pasteur Tower 139 Pasteur Street, Ward 6 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 6060 Fax : +84 8 3824 1866 Email : Website :

The Metropolitan 235 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3829 2288 Fax : +84 8 3823 0530 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Yen Johnston, General Manager Tracy Chau Ngoc Linh, Senior Manager Executive Search and Selection

Sumit Dutta, Chief Executive Officer Scott Soldberg, Head of Global Banking Huynh Buu Quang, Head of Commercial Banking Pham Hong Hai, Head of Global Markets Activities in Vietnam The HSBC Group

Activities in Vietnam • Executive Search and Selection • Outsourcing- Payroll and Temporary Staffing • Online Recruiting Description: • Executive Search and Selection ( Our ESS service will fulfill your talent requirements from senior executives and middle managers to technical or other professional level staff. • Outsourcing (Payroll and temporary staffing): Our outsourcing service offers a variety of options to manage an employer’s administrative activities plus our Compensation & Benefits (C&B) division can assume the duties handled by you C&B officers. • Online Recruiting ( Our job portal already contains over several hundred thousand CVs of either Vietnamese or foreign professionals. • Career Site Hosting: Our HR Central solution is designed to streamline and manage all of an employer’s hiring needs. Together, we are able to serve Vietnam’s ever expanding employment related needs. Email to for more information on our services.

The HSBC Group is one of the largest banking and financial service organisations in the world, with well-established businesses in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa. Headquartered in London, the HSBC Group has over 7,500 offices in 80 countries and territories. The Group's total assets are US$2,716 billion as of 30 September 2011. HSBC in Vietnam In Vietnam, HSBC first opened an office in Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) in 1870. In March 1995, HSBC opened a full-service branch in Ho Chi Minh City. In 2005, HSBC opened its second branch in Hanoi and established a representative office in Can Tho. On 1 January 2009, HSBC became the first foreign bank to incorporate in Vietnam, after gaining approval from the State Bank of Vietnam to set up a wholly foreign-owned bank in Vietnam in September 2008. The new locally incorporated entity, HSBC Bank (Vietnam) Ltd., is headquartered at the Metropolitan Building, 235 Dong Khoi Street, in Ho Chi Minh City’s District 1, with a registered capital of VND 3,000 billion. HSBC’s Vietnam network includes 16 branches and transaction offices of which our Head Office, one branch and five transaction offices are located in HCMC; one branch, three transaction offices and one deposit office are located in Hanoi; and four independent branches are located in Binh Duong, Can Tho, Danang and Dong Nai, respectively. HSBC is now the largest foreign bank in Vietnam in terms of investment capital, network, product range, staff and customer base. HSBC’s history in Vietnam and knowledge of local culture both reflects and facilitates the bank’s commitment to delivering excellence in customer service. Awards: • Best Foreign Bank in Vietnam 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 by FinanceAsia Best The Best Overall Private Bank in Vietnam 2011 awarded by Euromoney • Bank in Vietnam 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010 by the Asset Triple A • Best Sub-custodian Bank in Vietnam 2008, 2009, 2010 by Global Finance • Best Consumer Internet Bank in Vietnam 2009, 2010 by Global Finance • Best Domestic Cash Management Bank in Vietnam 2010, 2011 by Euromoney Poll • The Best Foreign Cash Management Bank, Best Foreign Transaction Bank in Vietnam 2010 by the Asset Triple A • Best Trade Finance Bank in Vietnam 2008, 2009 by the Asset Triple A • Best Sub-custodian Bank in Vietnam 2006, 2009 by the Asset Triple A • Best for Overall Forex Services in Vietnam 2006, 2007, 2009 by Asiamoney FX Poll • Best for Innovative FX Products and Structured Ideas 2009 by Asiamoney FX Poll • Certificate of Merit for 15 years of Excellence in Banking by State Bank of Vietnam


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

HR2B / Talent Recruitment JSC 1st Floor, Thien Son Building 5 Nguyen Gia Thieu Street, Ward 6 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3930 8800 Fax : +84 8 3930 8565 E-mail : Website : Chamber Representatives

Thomas Mark Vovers, General Director Nguyen Thu Thuy, Business Development Director

Activities in Vietnam HR2B provides professional services in human resources management to business in Viet Nam. Our combination of quality process international standard customer service and local knowledge has made us one of the top 3 consulting companies in the country. With offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Ha Noi, we add value to our clients’ business through providing quality professional services: • Executive Search & Selection Uniting Talent with Opportunity HR2B Search services enable our clients to find the right managers and professionals for their business in Vietnam. • Staff Outsourcing Easy Skilled Staffing Solutions When it comes to hiring your workforce HR2B has a service for you. Our full package includes recruitment, on-boarding, payroll and replacement. Staff outsourcing offers you an alternative to the direct hire of your own staff. • Payroll Outsourcing Ensuring timely accurate compliance Paying your people on time and accurately is critical to business success. Our experienced team handle all the administration, calculation, payment and reporting.

AmCham Directory - 2012


HUDACO Co., Ltd. Scetpa Tower, 2nd Floor 19A Cong Hoa Street, Ward 12 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6296 6570 Fax : +84 8 6296 6572 Email:

Chamber Representatives

Hudson Shipping Lines, Representative Office in Vietnam 179 Nguyen Cu Trinh Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3920 7687 Fax : +84 8 3920 7690 Email : Website : Chamber Representative

Daniel Eilon, Chief Representative

Chonghyon Han Kim, President Ha Thuc Han, Managing Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Hudaco’s portfolio consists of various residential, commercial, industrial and civil works. Hudaco engaged in the business of construction since 1997, and US individuals with specialized experience in international shipping and international business transactions with focus in Asia.

Hudson Shipping Lines, Inc. is part of the SeaTrade Transport International, Inc. (STI) group of companies. STI is a multinational enterprise engaged in waterborne commerce. The group owns and operates dry-bulk oceangoing vessels, and is a leading distributor of various commodities throughout the world. Hudson Shipping Lines (HSL) primarily serves ports in Australia, Asia, North and South America and Europe. HSL trades on a world wide basis, but also has well established routes specializing in grain and minerals from Australia to UK-Cont/Med and the Far East; the Mediterranean to South America, as well as trades from/to the North American Continent. With offices in Australia, the Bahamas, Canada, Greece, Holland, Mexico, USA and Vietnam we have an extensive network of information and support. Coupled with our large fleet of modern vessels, HSL is able to provide the best and most flexible service at competitive rates.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

IBC Corporation

IBM Vietnam Co., Ltd.

Suite 1210, 12th Floor, Diamond Plaza Building 34 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City TTel : +84 3825 7750 Fax : +84 3825 7780 Email : Website:

Ho Chi Minh City Branch Level 3B, Saigon Trade Center 37 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3520 2099 Fax : +84 8 3822 5432 Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Kwon Hyuk Yoon, General Director Richard Alden Reid, MBA, Property Manager

Thieu Phuong Nam, Deputy General Manager Truong Thi Tinh Khue, Country Marketing Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

IBC Corporation is a joint-venture between South Korea’s Posco E&C (60%) and Vietnamese Steel (40%). Diamond Plaza is fully owned and managed by IBC.

IBM has been working with governments and industries worldwide for the past 100 years. Since IBM’s inception in Vietnam in 1996, we have been extending our experience to the country, establishing ourselves as a trusted and committed partner to local government departments and enterprises to help them in their business transformation goals.

Diamond Plaza Ho Chi Minh City is the largest integrated development. It harmoniously combines high quality retail, office and residential. In modern design and impeccable style it reflects the grace and charm of both old and new Saigon. It’s an inspiration of culture, tradition and progress. This state of the art landmark is the most recognized and well-known building. Diamond Plaza graces the corner of Le Duan and Pham Ngoc Thach Streets, a prime inter-section of the central business, retail and entertainment district. It blends prime location, is one of the most visible and accessible from all directions and provides ample parking and convenience with panoramic views from the terrace. This green building stands as a testament to engineering and technology grace and charm it sets the standard for all to follow. Diamond Plaza overlooks many of the city’s famous landmarks, including the Reunification Palace, The Notre Dame Cathedral and April 30th Park.

IBM’s business strategy of building a smarter planet in Vietnam is in line with the country’s long-term economic development plans and the government’s drive to improve living and service standards. Over the past 15 years, IBM has invested resources to help bridge local innovation needs with global requirements. We have also been actively supporting the fast - growing economy of Vietnam through the establishment of competency centers to fuel the growth and innovation of the country’s business ecosystem. With two main offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, IBM has created significant employment for the local community, and fostered a globally - focused and competitive local IT talent pool.

AmCham Directory - 2012


IDG Ventures Vietnam

IFB Holdings, Ltd.

Bitexco Financial Tower, 57th Floor 2 Hai Trieu Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 8888 Fax : +84 8 3827 8899 Website:

International Business Center, 4th Floor 1A Me Linh Square District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 4527 Fax : +84 8 3824 4531 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Henry Nguyen, Managing General Partner Rachan Reddy, General Partner James Vuong, VP - Investment & Technology Thu Huong Duong, PR & Operations Director

Greg McFall, Director of Business Development Mark McGrath, General Manager, Subway Vietnam Andrew Nguyen, President, IFB Holdings, Ltd

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

IDG Ventures Vietnam (IDGVV) is the first American technology venture capital fund in Vietnam. With $100 million under management, IDGVV helps great entrepreneurs build world-class companies. IDGVV is an independent partnership making investments on behalf of its limited partner, International Data Group, or IDG, the largest IT media company in the world. IDGVV focuses on the technology, media and telecommunications (TMT) and consumer sectors of Vietnam, and is strategically positioned to capture investment opportunities arising from Vietnam’s growth. IDGVV has invested in a diverse portfolio of industry-leading firms including VNG, Vatgia, YAN, NhomMua, VC Corp, WebTreTho and many more. The IDGVV team is also active in the startup community in Vietnam, hosting networking events and forming Launch, an online/offline forum for entrepreneurs.

IFB Holdings, Ltd is a privately held holding company doing business in Vietnam since 2006, primarily focused on providing the very best quality of international food and beverage service across the country.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Having introduced the internationally acclaimed brands of Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Subway and Pizza Hut to Vietnam IFB Holdings now continues to successfully operate Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and Subway and stays true to its promise of delivering global flavors with local flair. IFB Holdings manages a portfolio of integrated market leading companies which deliver the best from throughout the world. We continuously work to acquire, build and nurture companies to become the market leaders in the food and beverage, distribution, and service industries throughout Vietnam. IFB Holdings takes pride in being an invested part of the thriving business community in an emerging Vietnam and is a strong supporter of local charitable, educational and arts initiatives. Through their various enterprises IFB Holdings Ltd. employs over 500 people in Vietnam.

The IMPERIAL Group Ho Chi Minh City Office: 12th Floor, Petro Vietnam Tower 5 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5404 6868 Fax : +84 8 5404 6969 Email : Website :

Indo Trans Logistics Corp. (ITL Corp.) 12th Floor, Green Power Building 35 Ton Duc Thang Street, Ben Nghe Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 2222 1122 Fax : +84 8 2221 7655 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Nam Huynh, Chairman Thomas Meyer, General Manager - IMPERIAL Hotel

Tran Tuan Anh, Managing Director - ITL Corp. Tran Giang San, Sales Manager - Hertz GSA Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam The IMPERIAL Group becomes a well-known developer with quality portfolio not only in real estate field but in other diversified industries. Lac Viet Corporation established in 2003 is proud of being one of the Group's subsidiaries to develop the brand names in property area like The IMPERIAL Hotel & Residences, a Palace of rest, relaxation and tender loving home for people to enjoy the royal life, to share passionate soul into body as great harmony, to embellish the rare beauty and turn dreams into realities, to look into sustainable and prosperous future and share to the world. This subsidiary also makes an entertainment and shopping Center as IMPERIAL Plaza become an art where people can be satisfied with their shopping desires and business engagements. Lac Viet Corp. subsidiary makes IMPERIAL become a sound business foundation where applied intellect, professionalism and warm hospitality is generated endlessly for any business entity at our IMPERIAL Business Center - a luxury serviced office center for lease. The IMPERIAL Group's core business values are enhanced right at the beginning with clear strategic plans and directions when deal structuring and commercial origination have been executed via Ho Guom Company Ltd. in 1999. And then they developed a close-circled products as value-added business in establishing Kim Viet Corporation in 2005 to exploit the two marble quarries and is planning to expand a huge marble factory in province; Toyota Vung Tau was established in 2008 to trade motor cars as close circle of business of The IMPERIAL Group and we are proud of owning a great chain of restaurants of Shifu Corporation in recent September 2011. Despite The IMPERIAL Group still has a long way to go but we "Honour the glory of true value of life so life would honour us" Vung Tau Office: The IMPERIAL Hotel & Residences 159-163 Thuy Van, Thang Tam Ward, Vung Tau City Tel : +84 64 526 666 Fax: +84 64 541 989

Activities in Vietnam Hertz is the largest worldwide airport general use car rental brand operating from more than 8,500 locations in 150 countries worldwide. Hertz is the number one airport car rental brand in the U.S. and at 81 major airports in Europe, operating both corporate and licensee locations in cities and airports in North America, Europe, Latin America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. The Company also operates the Advantage car rental brand at 26 airports in the U.S. and the global car sharing club, Connect by Hertz, in New York City, Berlin, London, Madrid, Melbourne, and Paris. And, Hertz operates one of the world's largest equipment rental businesses, Hertz Equipment Rental Corporation, offering a diverse line of rental equipment, including tools and supplies, and new and used equipment for sale from approximately 325 branches in the United States, Canada,China, France, Spain and Italy. With a comprehensive Asia regional network of 11 countries with 191 locations, Hertz offers a wide range of car rental and leasing services. Hanoi Office: 1308A Floor, Bac A Building 9 Dao Duy Anh Street Dong Da District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3574 7242 Fax: +84 4 3574 7025 AmCham Directory - 2012


Indochina Capital

Indochine Counsel

10th Floor, Capital Place 6 Thai Van Lung Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 4855 Fax : +84 8 3910 4860 Email : Website:

Unit 4A2, 4th Floor, Han Nam Office Building 65 Nguyen Du Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 9640 Fax : +84 8 3823 9641 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Peter Ryder, Chief Executive Officer Brian Pham, Chief Financial Officer / Chief Operating Officer Hawkins Pham, Head of Advisory Nikhil Singh, Principal

Dang The Duc, Managing Partner Bui Ngoc Hong, Partner

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Founded in 1999, Indochina Capital Corporation is one of Vietnam’s leading financial services firms with diversified fund management and financial advisory businesses. We are one of the most established investment firms in Vietnam with over US$500 million in funds under management, focused on separate strategies in real estate, equities and renewable resources.

Established since October 2006, Indochine Counsel is one of the leading commercial law firms in Vietnam. The firm provides professional legal services for corporate clients in relation to their investment and business in Vietnam. The legal practitioners at Indochine Counsel are well qualified and possess substantial experience from both international law firms and major local commercial law firms. The firm is now staffed with more than 30 legal professionals and staff, including 6 partners, 15 associates, and 1 foreign consultant, with a main office in Ho Chi Minh City, and an affiliated office in Hanoi (in strategic alliance with Leadco Legal Counsel). Indochine Counsel’s objective is to provide quality legal services and add value to clients through effective customised legal solutions that work specifically for the clients. The firm represents local, regional and international clients in a broad range of matters including transactional work and cross-border transactions. Clients are diverse, ranging from multinational corporations, foreign investors, banks and financial institutions, securities firms, funds and asset management companies, international organisations, law firms to private companies, SMEs and start-up firms in Vietnam. Indochine Counsel is the only law firm in Vietnam named in the ALB Fast 30 (Asia’s fastest growing firms 2009) by Asian Legal Business. It has been awarded the ACQ Global Award 2010 for M&A Law Firm in Asia, from Acquisition Finance Magazine. Indochine Counsel is also a ranked firm in in IFLR1000 2010 edition, the Legal 500 Asia Pacific, 2010/2011 edition, Asialaw Profiles 2010 & 2011, PLC Which lawyer? 2009 & 2010, and Chambers Asia 2010 & 2011.

Indochina Capital and its affiliates have a countrywide footprint with offices in Hanoi, Danang and Ho Chi Minh City. Our core base of global institutional investors recognize Vietnam’s appeal as an emerging market and invest with us to capture this opportunity. We employ over 300 professionals to carry out our investment activities and, in 2010, formed a strategic partnership with ORIX Corporation, one of Japan’s leading financial services firms. Business Categories: - Real Estate Fund Management and Development - Equities Fund Management - Renewable Resources Fund Management - Advisory and Finance Services


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Indochine Engineering Vietnam Ltd.

Institute of American Education

Unit 5, 8th Floor, A&B Tower 76 Le Lai Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6290 9400 Fax : +84 8 3823 1545 Email : Website:

Flemington Tower 182 Le Dai Hanh Street, Ward 15 District 11, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3962 5888 Fax : +84 8 3962 1888 Email : Website:

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Kim A. Odhner, CEO Hoang Thi Thuy Dung, Career and Transfer Service Coordinator

Carl Gay, Principal Engineer

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Indochine Engineering Vietnam is an independent, Australian-managed leading engineering consultancy in Vietnam, offering engineering and construction consultancy services for commercial & industrial construction projects in Vietnam.

IAE is founded on the principles of innovation, excellence, and dedication to define, afresh the way higher education is delivered in Vietnam. Our programs are a significant departure from the norm; designed in every detail to achieve on goal: Truly American Education in Vietnam.

The keys to our success have been to offer high quality, uncompromising engineering services to our clients, through high quality and motivated people.

IAE has successfully entered into collaboration with Broward College, an accredited 4-year college located in Florida, U.S.A. since 2007, to deliver courses that meet accreditation standards in the United States. Excitedly, IAE officially became the International Center of Broward in Vietnam in 2011. Thereafter, students can achieve an American Education and degrees right here in Vietnam.

Our typical role would be to focus on and understand our client's needs, provide design documents tailored for local conditions. Tender to the local market, and support the construction management process to completion. We serve our clients professionally and independently of other commercial interests, providing them with the benefits of our experience and knowledge.

After successful completion of the first two year of Broward Undergraduate programs, students earn the A.A. or A.S. degrees. Then they may enter the international workforce with advanced English, job skill and Associate degrees of Broward College, or transfer to an American university to complete the 3rd and 4th years of your bachelor’s degrees. There are several universities in the U.S. which use the same Broward College programs which gives students a large pool of universities to apply to.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Intel Products Vietnam Ltd. Company Lot I2, Street D1, Saigon Hi-Tech Park District 9, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3736 3000 Fax : +84 8 3736 3001 Email : Website:

Intel Vietnam Company Ltd. Suite 504, Level 5, The Metropolitan 235 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 3372 Fax : +84 8 3823 3373 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Rick Howarth, General Manager Uyen Ho, Director, Vietnam Corporate Affairs Group

Sean Mai, General Manager Pham An Duong, Marketing Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Intel Products Vietnam is the single largest assembly and test factory within Intel assembly and test manufacturing (ATM) network. The $1B investment is also the biggest US high tech investment in Vietnam to date. The investment was announced in November 2006 to build a 500,000 square foot (~ 47,000 square meter) clean room facility in Saigon Hi-Tech Park in district 9. Construction started in March 2007 and high volume manufacturing began in June 2010 following by the Grand Opening in Oct 2010. The Vietnam factory is producing the latest technology chipsets and when full, it will create thousands of trained jobs for Vietnamese talents.

Intel is the world's largest chip maker and a leading manufacturer of computer, networking and communications products. Currently, Intel-based solutions serve the Vietnamese market through many leading MNCs and local OEMs and the Intel GID (Genuine Intel Dealer) Network, a nation-wide network of over 1,000 local hardware system integrators, service providers, software developers, and resellers. If you are interested in viewing additional information on Intel, please visit


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Inter Pacific 80-82 Pham Ngoc Thach Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3820 0687 Fax : +84 8 3820 0688 Email :

Interchina Management/ ABPromotions Street No. 2, Binh Duong Industrial Park Di An Townlet, Di An District Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3791 334 / 335 / 336 / 337 / 338 Fax : +84 650 3791 730 Email : Website:

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Alex Tran, Chief Representative

Bradford K. Anger, Chairman Nguyen Chau, Deputy Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Trading in agricultural, food and steel products.

Interchina is a 100% foreign owned business license owned and operated by ABPromotions. Manufacturer of headwear, shirts, jackets and bags.

AmCham Directory - 2012


InterContinental Asiana Saigon Corner of Hai Ba Trung Street & Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3520 9999 Fax : +84 8 3520 9955 Email : Website :

The International Consumer Products Corporation (ICP) 8th Floor, Hai Au Building 39B Truong Son Street, Ward 4 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3842 2825 Fax : +84 8 3842 2826 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Fergus Stewarts, Regional General Manager Vietnam & Cambodia Pascal Caubo, Hotel Manager

Phan Quoc Cong, CEO Le Quang Hanh, VP - Finance and Control

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

InterContinental Asiana Saigon, named Vietnam’s Leading Hotel for two consecutive years in 2010 & 2011 by the prestigious World Travel Awards, is an exciting landmark in the heart of Vietnam’s largest city, Ho Chi Minh City. Rising 21 stories above the cosmopolitan Hai Ba Trung Street, the hotel is an exceptional business and leisure destination, offering unparalleled 360-degree views of the downtown area.

ICP currently operates in four categories including home care, personal care, cosmetics, and food. Since its establishment in 2001, ICP has been consistently embracing its mission of developing products that enriches the quality of life for consumers. Presently, it is one of leading local FMCG companies.

The hotel offers luxury accommodation with 305 beautiful rooms and suites, a stylish Club Lounge with panoramic views, and the finest meeting and banquet facilities in town; all designed with the savvy business and leisure traveler in mind. A variety of signature dining options, an innovative cocktail bar, exclusive spa and health club experiences, and incredibly informative “In The Know” recommendations that will connect guests to the pulse of contemporary Saigon by providing them access to authentic and enriching experiences.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Some of ICP’s popular brands include Vegy, Ocleen, X-men,, L’OVITÉ. Recently, ICP entered into the food market with acquisition of Thuan Phat JSC which specialized in traditional sauces and seasonings. ICP’s annual growth rate is approximately 30%.

International Human Resource, Training & Consultancy Corp.(IHTC) Liaison office of US University Associates International - USUAI

29/1 Nguyen Binh Khiem Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 9501 / 3824 9502 / 3824 9504 Mobile : +84 919 435 767 Fax : +84 8 3824 9503 Email : Website:

International School HCMC 28 Vo Truong Toan Street, An Phu Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3898 9100 Fax : +84 8 3898 9382 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Prof. Patrick T. Doan, Ph.D, Articulation Program, Vietnam - President, IHTC

Alun Cooper, Headmaster Christine Byrne, Admissions Coordinator Valerie Twomey, Marketing & Communications Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

USUAI is a consortium of accredited Colleges and Universities in the USA that provide articulation programs for residents in Vietnam. These programs allow students to study in Vietnam up to 75% of the program and then transfer all credits earned to the US partner schools to complete their study and graduate. This arrangement requires a much lower tuition fee (reduced up to 80%), while remaining in Vietnam for a time before studying in the USA. Students may also choose a program to study the entire time in the USA. Partial list of schools from the USA participating in this program: • Baldwin-Wallace College, Ohio • Calsouthern University • California Miramar University • Northcentral University (Arizona) • Northern State University (South Dakota) • Northeastern State University (Oklahoma) • Clark-Lewis State University (IDaho) • Lewis State University (Colorado) Partial list of Vietnamese schools participating in this program: • Hanoi University of Technology and Science (Since 2002): over 200 MBA graduates from Northcentral University • HCM University of Industry (Since 2005) (With 200 BBA graduates from NCU and 200 from Miramar University) and • National University, Hanoi - University of Economics and Business since 2006, has recruited over 100 MBA and DBA students for NCU) • IHTC has sent many students to Northeastern State University for 2+2 BBA programs. After completion of 2 years studying in Vietnam, students will continue to study another 2 years at NSU and graduate there.

Philosophy We provide a positive academic and caring social environment that emphasizes the development of the whole child, fostering individual ability within an intercultural community. Mission Fostering individual ability. Background Founded in 1993 the International School Ho Chi Minh City (ISHCMC) is a non-denominational, co-educational and multicultural international school with over 40 nationalities. Teaching in the English medium, ISHCMC provides all 3 International Baccalaureate Programs (Primary Years Program, Middle Years Program and the IB Diploma) for 1,000 students, ages 2yrs to18yrs. Students also take part in activities and enrichment programmes including Student Repre-sentative Council (SRC), Model United Nations (MUN), Global Issues Network (GIN), community service, sports, music and drama. Academic Accreditation Recognized as an IB World School (IB) ISHCMC is authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) to teach all 3 of their programmes. The school is accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS) and New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). ISHCMC also has affiliations with the East Asia Regional Council of Overseas Schools (EARCOS) and the Mekong River International Schools Association (MRISA). The School provides • A child-centered approaching to develop independent learning • A safe and caring environment in a close-knit multi-cultural school community • Activity programmes to improve social and personal development • Highly qualified teaching faculty recruited internationally • Advanced technology resources The School’s facilities include Multi-Media Centre, Information Technology Labs, Science Labs, Drama Studio, Music Rooms, Art Rooms, Canteen, Clinic, Adventure Playground, Basketball/Volleyball Courts, Playing Field, Multi Purpose Auditorium and Swimming Pool. Business category Education AmCham Directory - 2012


International SOS

Intertek Vietnam Ltd.

167A Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3829 8520 (24-hour clinic line) Fax : +84 8 3829 8551 Email : Website:

2nd Floor, Etown.EW building 364 Cong Hoa Street, Ward 13 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6297 1099 +84 8 6297 1108 (Sales & Marketing) Fax : +84 8 6297 1098 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Nguyen Nam Thanh, Assistant General Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Aymeric Bas, Deputy General Director Nicolas Wauters, Country Sales and Marketing Manager

Activities in Vietnam International SOS is the world’s leading medical and security services company operating from over 700 sites in 70 countries with 10,000 employees, 1,100 physicians and 200 security specialists. Our global services include medical and risk planning, preventative programs, in-country expertise and emergency response for travelers, expatriates and their dependents of over 70 percent of the Fortune 500 companies. Clinics In Vietnam we have three international standard clinics with a team of expatriate and national doctors and nurses offering general practice, specialist consultations and dental services for the whole family. International SOS is the only accredited healthcare provider in Vietnam to issue the Oil & Gas UK fitness to work certificates. Medical consulting and staffing We provide medical consulting services including site-specific audits, surveys and assessment capabilities across various industries to help companies develop and implement best-in-class health programs locally. We can also accommodate requests for medical staff ranging from emergency medics and GPs to occupational health specialists and clinic administrators. We work with you to deliver complete solutions - both at individual project sites and across your operations.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Intertek is the leading international service provider of quality & safety to a wide range of global & local industries. Intertek has the experience, expertise, resources & global reach to support customers through its network of 1,000 laboratories & offices and over 30,000 people in over 100 countries around the world. Our main services Textile & Footwear Testing: Fiber label, Care label recommendation; Quality and performance testing; Flammability testing; Chemical analysis; RSL testing Hard-lines Testing: Furniture; Ceramic; Candles; Toys Construction testing; Strength & Stability testing; Impact and Durability testing; Packaging testing Regulatory Testing: CPSIA, RoHS, REACH SVHC, CARB Inspection Soft-lines: Textile & Garment; Footwear Hard-lines: Furniture; Ceramic; Toys; Stationary…


Compliance Audit Workplace Condition Assessment (WCA); Think Green Initiative (TGI); Mill Qualification Program (MQP); Supplier Qualification Program (SQP); Factory evaluation; compliance audit for SA800; BSCI; WRAP; ISC; SEDEX… Training In-house lab technician; Factory QA, QC team; training course on request based on customer requirement Food Certification Services Food Hygiene and Sanitation Certification program for Food and Beverage manufactures, suppliers; hotels; catering services

Ipsos S.A.

Investment & Construction Development Corporation INVESTCO

13th Floor, Nam A Building 201-203 Cach Mang Thang Tam Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3832 9820 Fax : +84 8 3832 9830 Website:

201 Vo Thi Sau Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3932 0678 Fax : +84 8 3932 0679 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Nguyen Minh Tan, Managing Director Tran Kim Dien, Senior Consultant Ipsos Business Consulting

Vien Ngoc Bao, Chairman & CEO Joel Vien, Business Development Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Our Mission is to utilize our combined strength to provide an exceptional and unique level of service to our clients. Ensure the benefits for our clients, shareholders and members of INVESTCO.

Ipsos S.A. is a global market research company headquartered in Paris, France. The Company was founded in 1975 and has been publicly traded on the Paris Stock Exchange since 1 July 1999. Ipsos is the world’s third ranked research agency.

Our typical role would be to focus on and understand our client’s needs, provide design documents tailored for local conditions, tender to the local market, and support the construction management process to completion. Open new trends in building facilities, business centers, industrial projects and modern urban areas to upgrade the living standards better. Description: INVESTCO provides comprehensive services to a diverse client base, with an emphasis on safety and quality in all aspects of our work. INVESTCO services include: - Construction, installation, repairing civil and industrial projects, infrastructures, traffic and water irrigation. - Investment Consultation and project management of civil and industrial projects, infrastructures, traffic and water irrigation. - Design of general layout. Design of civil and projects. Interior and exterior design. Design of and civil heat, ventilation, air-conditioning Design of industrial and civil mechanical and projects.

Ipsos is an innovative, entrepreneurial, client-focused organization, providing research services to clients on a global basis. We set ourselves high standards and aim to work collaboratively in partnership with our teams in order to service our clients most effectively. Ipsos is proud to be the only global market research company that is still controlled and operated by market researchers. We aim to remain the natural home for intellectually curious and passionate researchers. Our goal is simple: to be our clients' preferred research partners in our areas of specialization, based on BQC (Better, Quicker, Cheaper) methodologies and processes. We want our clients to be proud and pleased to work with us - and we want each one of us to be proud and pleased to offer our clients high quality standards, efficiency and intelligence.

industrial industrial systems. electrical

- Real estate investment and real estate transaction center (InvestcoLand). AmCham Directory - 2012


ITG - Phong Phu Ltd., Co.

J.P.Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.

Street No. 2, Hoa Khanh Industrial Zone Lien Chieu District, Danang City Tel : +84 511 3842 897 Fax : +84 511 384 2898 Website:

15th Floor, Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 6270 Fax : +84 8 3823 6271 Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Glenn Stanley Hollis Jr., General Director Jackie Lyndon Boatman, Managing Director Garment Operations

Dominic Price, Chief Executive Officer Indochina Van Phan, Executive Director, Head of Global Corporate Bank, Indochina

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

ITG PHONG PHU SUPPLY CHAIN CITY is complete solutions platform for the men’s and women’s bottom weight cotton casual market. This innovation model combines then traditionally separated activities of the Cotton apparel sourcing industry into one facility, under one roof.

J.P.Morgan Chase bank N.A. has maintained a direct presence in Vietnam since 1995 operating from branch in Ho Chi Minh City and a representative office in Hanoi. The firm is a global leader in investment and commercial banking, wealth management, private equity and retail financial services. Our clients include corporations, institutional investors, hedge funds, government & affluent individuals in more than 100 countries. In Vietnam, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A is the market leader in USD clearing and liquidity management for banks in Vietnam; innovative trade finance solutions for capital goods imports by corporations into the country. With long-standing commitments, we are among a few international investment banks that offers unmatched Vietnam research coverage and has started to support our regional investment banking teams to provide advisory services to prominent Vietnamese corporation. Our mission is to serve major Vietnamese enterprises and multinational clients, as well as domestic financial institutions, with a broad array of services ranging from advisory to capital market products to transaction services.

Situated on a 15.4 hectares site in Da Nang, this 60,000sq.meter facility was created to provide the US, European and Asian Pacific markets with complete sourcing solutions within Vietnam. Our clients can now source their entire collections from fabric to finished washed garments, all within ITG PHONG PHU SUPPLY CHAIN CITY, insuring the highest standards in quality, design integrity, and on time delivery.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Jabil Vietnam

Jardine Matheson Group

F02, Lot I 4 Le Van Viet Street Saigon High Tech Park District 9, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3733 2030 Fax : +84 8 3736 0545 Website:

5th Floor, Gemadept Tower 6 Le Thanh Ton Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 2340 Fax : +84 8 3823 0030 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Hanjinder Singh (Bobby Singh), Vice President for South Asia Purushothuman K. Swaminathan (S. Kesavan), Operations Director Le Huu Binh, Finance Controller Alain Cany, Country Chairman of Jardine Matheson Group Ivor Cosimo Jencks, Chief Representative of Hongkong Land Rob Russell, General Director of Jardine Lloyd Thompson Ltd. Glyn Hughes, CEO of Giant South Asia (Vietnam) Ltd. Archie Keswick, CEO of Pizza Hut Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Design, Manufacturing and Supply Chain services for the EMS and Consumer industries; Aftermarket Services (warranty & repair). Jabil customers span all industries, including consumer products; aerospace and defense; automotive; business automation; computing and storage; industrial, instrumentation and medical; networking; and telecommunications.

Jardine Matheson has 5 Representative Offices, 5 Joint ventures, 4 100% foreign owned companies and 2 direct investments in Vietnam. Our main operating businesses are as follows: Direct Investment in Asia Commercial Bank - 7.3% stake owned by Connaught Investors, a 100% Jardine owned company. Direct Investment in Truong Hai Auto Corporation - 32% stake acquired by Jardine Cycle & Carriage in July 2008. Hongkong Land Central Building Ltd. (73.9% owned by HK Land) is a US$10 million joint-venture between Hongkong Land and Hanoi Federation of Labour to develop a 7-storey office building at 31 Hai Ba Trung street. Hongkong Land Doan Ket International Ltd. (71% owned by HK Land) is a US$22 million joint-venture between Hongkong Land and Vietnam Fatherland Front to develop a 8-storey office building at 63 Ly Thai To street. Dairy Farm Giant South Asia (Vietnam) Ltd., 100% foreign owned by Dairy Farm with investment capital of USD 5 million was granted retail business licence on 30 June 2006. Asia Investment Supermarket Trading Co. Ltd. (AISTC) - is a joint venture company where Dairy Farm (DF) owns 49% developing Hypermarkets under Giant brand name (owned by Dairy Farm). The first store opened In Crescent Mall in District 7 in December 2011. Pan Asia Trading and Investment One Member Co. Ltd (PATI) - PATI is the operator of Health & Beauty stores under Guardian brand name (owned by Dairy Farm). Six guardian stores opened in 2011. Schindler Vietnam Ltd. is 100% foreign owned by Jardine Schindler. Schindler is involved in importing, installing and maintaining Schindler lifts and escalators. In September 1998 Schindler opened its lift component factory which is producing components for both internal use and for export. Jardine Shipping Services (VN) Ltd is a joint venture company where JM BV owns 49% and VINAFREIGHT own 51%. Our licence is a marine time licence which allows us to handle sea, air and land logistics plus vessel handling at all Vietnam ports. Jardine Lloyd Thompson (JLT) Ltd. is a risk management advisor and insurance broker licensed by the Insurance Department of Vietnam’s Ministry of Finance. JLT offer a full range of risk management services, claims management and insurance products for both the public and the private sector. Pizza Vietnam Holding Ltd. is a licensed company owned 100% by Jardine Pacific to develop Pizza Hut restaurants in Vietnam. Thirteen restaurants were opened in Ho Chi Minh City, two in Hanoi and one in Dong Nai. KFC - is a franchise of Kentucky Fried Chicken in Vietnam, 25% owned by Jardine Pacific. There are 100 restaurants in Vietnam. Gammon - is a Construction Company of Hong Kong owned 50% by Jardine Pacific and 50% by Balfour Beatty.

AmCham Directory - 2012


JBA Consulting Engineers Vietnam Company Limited Centec Tower, 4th Floor, Unit 017B 72-74 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, Ward 6 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6299 9425 Fax : +84 8 6299 8299 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

John Robert Powers Vietnam Personality Development and Talent School Worldwide 55 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, Ben Nghe Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3521 0497 / 3521 0498 Fax : +84 8 3521 0465 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

Derek Sands, General Director Rita Morais, Building System Design Manager

Vo Thi Xuan Trang, Director Truong Minh Xuan Thao, IMTA Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

From modest beginnings in Las Vegas, Nevada as a regionally-focused engineering firm in 1966, JBA Consulting Engineers has grown to become one of the leading consulting engineering firms in the world. With offices throughout the United States and international operations in locales such as Macau, China, Vietnam and the UAE, we provide superior engineering services to a wide range of clients on numerous complex projects.

John Robert Powers Vietnam was founded in early 2006. It provides training for individuals that results in lifetime benefits from personal confidence development created through the synergy of enhancing personal Growth, Image and Communication skills.

Our continued success is directly attributed to our deep sense of commitment to excellence, to long-lasting client relationships, to the communities we serve, and above all, to our holistic building design philosophy. The key value proposition we deliver is successful risk reduction. The primary focus is on reducing our client’s financial and operational risk. We specialize in complex projects with an approach to building systems within a multidiscipline environment. Paired with a collaborative mindset of collective reasoning, our methodology saves our clients time and money, avoids setbacks, and balance priorities in the context of full project development.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

John Robert Powers believes that without knowing oneself: strengths, potentials and weaknesses one can not fulfill one’s dream successfully. The journey of knowing oneself is very first significant step to take in order to be able to fill in some hollow aspects of our self to keep us whole.

Johnson & Johnson (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

JWT Vietnam (WPP Marketing Communications Vietnam Co., Ltd)

3rd Floor, Harbour View Tower 35 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 4817 Fax : +84 8 3821 4819 Email : Website:

Suite 1601, The Metropolitan 235 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 9580 Fax : +84 8 3829 8165 Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Dao Phuoc Philip, General Director Pham Thi Lan, Finance Director

Sabyasachi Mishra, CEO - JWT Vietnam and Indochina Dang Anh Thu, Finance Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Conduct trading of Personal care / Consumer products and Medical/ Diagnostic devices.

JWT is the world’s best-known marketing communications brand. Headquartered in New York, JWT is a true global network with more than 200 offices in over 90 countries employing nearly 10,000 marketing professionals. In Vietnam, JWT was the first international agency to set-up operation and today is the dominant international agency brand in this emerging consumer market. Through its offices in HCMC and Hanoi, JWT Vietnam offers a range of branding, advertising, strategy, design, digital and BTL solutions to blue-chip clients in the country such as HSBC, Bayer, Unilever, PepsiCo, Friesland Campina, Ford, Nokia, Johnson & Johnson, Mobifone, Petrolimex, FPT, Vietnam Post etc. Consequently JWT is the name behind some of the most successful and iconic branding campaigns of Vietnam such as Pepsi “Da Qua Pepsi Oi”, Sunsilk “My Tam”, Mobiphone “Bat Song Cam Xuc”, Knorr TET “Wish in Every Dish” and Aquafina “Thoi Trang Thuan Khiet.” Over the years JWT Vietnam has built lasting client partnerships, created unique consumer connections and continues its dominant presence in the industry through unrivalled breadth of category experience, award-winning creativity, cultural fluency and ‘Worldmade’ philosophy.

AmCham Directory - 2012


KCS Vietnam Company Limited

Kimberly-Clark Vietnam

6th Floor, Saigon Centre

10th Floor, CentrePoint Building 106 Nguyen Van Troi Street Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3997 9639 Fax : +84 8 3997 9600 Email : Website :

65 Le Loi Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3915 3533 Fax : +84 8 3915 3513 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Winnie Lam, Country Director Hoang Thi Minh Hang, HR Manager

Kate Goodman, Managing Director Velda Marini, Business Manager - Modern Trade

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

KCS is one of Asia’s leading independent and integrated providers of corporate accounting & secretarial services. We can help manage your business every step of the way from the planning and set-up stages to ongoing administration. The Vietnam office specializes in Accounting & Financial Reporting; Payroll Management Solutions; HR Compliance & Advisory and Company Secretarial Service. KCS is committed to the highest standards of service quality as it strives to create long-term value for its clients and provides the reliability that clients need in respect of their regulatory and compliance obligations necessary to develop sustainable businesses in the Asian Region. KCS has a diverse client portfolio comprising more than 2,500 companies which include leading multinational corporations as well as foreign-invested SMEs in the region. Formerly the corporate services divisions of KPMG China & HK, Grant Thornton HK, KCS has 12 offices across the region, including HK, Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chengdu, HCMC, Hanoi, Jakarta, Sydney and BVI. Together with our professional team and localized expertise, we are well-placed to guide your business in these rapidly growing competitive markets. Hanoi Office: Unit 1005, 10th Floor, Hanoi Tung Shing Square 2 Ngo Quyen Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel: +84 4 3974 9393

Kimberly-Clark is a global leader in “Essentials for a better life.” In Vietnam, Kimberly-Clark proudly markets and manufactures leading brands such as Kotex® and Huggies® in the sanitary napkins and baby diaper categories.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Factory: 32 Huu Nghi Boulevard VSIP, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3743 911 Fax: +84 650 3743 914

KIRBY South East Asia Co., Ltd.

Konia Company Limited

7th Floor, SPT Building 199 Dien Bien Phu Street, Ward 15 Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5422 1155 Fax : +84 8 5422 1156 Email : Website :

Konia Building 107E Truong Dinh Street, Ward 6 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3930 2224 / 3930 2225 Fax : +84 8 3930 4054 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Manoj Mithal, Chief Operations Officer Truong Kim Ly, General Sales Manager

Khoi Phung, Managing Director Trinh Vo, Deputy Director

Activities in Vietnam Established since 1976, KIRBY BUILDING SYSTEMS maintains a strong reputation for providing cost effective solutions for steel buildings manufactured to the highest quality standards and committed to provide top class service to its customers. KIRBY has a well-established marketing & sales network across Middle East, Europe, Indian sub-continent, Africa and South-East Asia, strengthens its Global reach and Leadership position. Today KIRBY operates through its 75 sales offices and more than 250 KIRBY’s Certified Builders globally, provides erection of steel buildings along with other trades up to turnkey projects.

Activities in Vietnam Distributing of Snap-on Tools & Equipment (USA), Draka Cable (Neitherland), Colson Caster (USA), Emerson Network Power (USA), Dunham-Bush Air Conditioning (Malaysia), Temperzone Air Conditioning (New Zealand).

With an annual manufacturing capacity of 400,000 MT located strategically across the globe, Kirby produces hundreds of custom made steel buildings each year. Kirby Southeast Asia’s capacity of 50,000 MT at Dong Nai, Vietnam will not only cater to domestic market but also to export markets like Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Australia and Africa. KIRBY has grown beyond geographical frontiers to emerge as a leading global market player in the pre-engineered steel building (PEB) sector. Kirby - Committed to Excellence! Business category: Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings Employees in Vietnam: 500 Our Plant: Nhon Trach III Industrial Zone, Phase II Nhon Trach District, Dong Nai Province AmCham Directory - 2012


KPMG Limited

Activities in Vietnam

10th Floor, Sun Wah Tower

Global presence KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. We operate in 150 countries and have more than 138,000 professionals working in member firms around the world. Our purpose is to turn knowledge into value for the benefit of our clients, our people, and the capital markets. Our member firms aim to provide clients with a globally consistent set of multidisciplinary financial and accounting services, based on deep industry knowledge. KPMG in Vietnam KPMG is the largest professional services firm in Vietnam. Partners in the Firm have been active in Vietnam since the country opened its doors to foreign investors in the 1990s and the Vietnam member firm was incorporated in 1994. KPMG has active offices in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Phnom Penh with more than 1,000 professional employees. We work with our colleagues across Asia and around the world to provide a comprehensive range of services. KPMG’s tax practice has been selected by International Tax Review Magazine as “Vietnam Tax Firm of the year 2010”. Our services Our approach to relationships and service delivery helps clients across the globe exploit new opportunities, improve performance, manage risk and enhance value for both shareholders and stakeholders alike. Audit • Financial Statement Audit an Review Services • Reporting Accounting Services • IFRS Reporting Services • Other Forms of Assurance and Attestation Reporting Tax • Corporate Income Tax and International Corporate Tax • Indirect Taxes • Personal Income Tax/International Executive Services • Global Tax Outsourcing • Transfer Pricing and supply chain management • Merger & Acquisitions Tax • Trade & Customs • Market Entry Services • Tax Dispute & Resolution Advisory • Transaction & Restructuring (T&R) • Risk Consulting • Management Consulting Hanoi 16th Floor, Pacific Place 83B Ly Thuong Kiet Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3946 1600 Fax : +84 4 3946 1601 Email:

115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 9266 Fax : +84 8 3821 9267 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

John Ditty, Chairman Warrick Cleine, CEO Auvarin Phor, Partner Jonathan A Levitt, Director Hoang Anh Tuan, Director Tran Dong Binh, Director Nguyen Anh Xuan Trang, Director Angela Nguyen, Marketing & Communications Manager Tran Minh Ngoc Thu, Audit Manager


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Kuehne + Nagel Ltd.

Ky Luc Co., Ltd.

9th Floor, Sacombank Tower 266-268 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3526 7288 Fax : +84 8 3526 7289 Email :

4A Vu Ngoc Phan Street, Ward 13 Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3553 2301 / 3553 2302 Fax : +84 8 3553 2316 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Philip Bui, President Cuong Vien, Vice President

Bernd Baunack, Managing Director Nguyen Hoang Hai, National Sales Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

With more than 61,500 employees at 900 locations in over 100 countries, the Kuehne + Nagel Group is one of the world’s leading logistics companies. Its strong market position lies in the seafreight, airfreight, contract logistics and overland businesses, with a clear focus on providing IT-based lead logistics solutions. For further information, please visit

KY LUC CO., LTD. is specialized in distribution of forklift & material handling equipment, generator, industrial & power transmission products, spare parts and services.

Business category : Freight Forwarding Employees in Vietnam : 130 Hanoi Office: 6th Floor, International Centre 17 Ngo Quyen Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3936 2116 Fax : +84 4 3936 2115 Email:

Our offices are located in HCM, Da Nang, Ha Noi and a Showroom/Service Center on 36 Bis National Highway 13, Thuan An District, Binh Duong (on the way to VSIP). Presently, we are the Exclusive and Authorized Distributor for: YALE ASIA PACIFIC - Full range of forklift & material handling equipment. DIESEL GENERATOR - 8 to 2500 kva powered by Volvo, Perkins, Mitsubishi, Cummins or MTU coupled with Marathon, Stamford, Leroy or equivalent alternator. TSUBAKI-EMERSON, IGUS, WATT - Roller & conveyor chain, plastic chain, energy chain, cable & cableveyor, cam clutch, gear motors, power lock, power cylinder… SPARE PARTS - Genuine and high quality replacement spare parts for forklift & generator. SERVICES - Equipment check-up/inspection, installation, maintenance & repair, ect…

AmCham Directory - 2012


L'Oreal Vietnam Ltd.

LAC VIET Computing Corp.

Zen Plaza Building 6th Floor, Suite 603 & 12th Floor, Suite 1202 54-56 Nguyen Trai Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3925 5834 Fax : +84 8 3925 3538 Email : Website :

23 Nguyen Thi Huynh Street (76/23 Nguyen Van Troi Street) Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3842 3333 Fax : +84 8 3842 2370 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Didier Villanueva, Country Managing Director Eric Sichere, Finance Director

Ha Binh Than, Chief Executive Officer Nguyen Hoai Nam, Partner Strategy & Marketing Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

L’Oreal is the world leading beauty company operating in 130 countries worldwide for over a century.

Lac Viet Computing Corporation is a System Integration and software services company providing pioneer, innovative, professional softwares and other IT services to Vietnamese government, enterprises, educational organizations and end-users.

The Group opened its representative office in Vietnam in 2004 and in 2007, it became a full subsidiary of L’Oreal Group. L’Oreal Vietnam is the pure beauty player in the beauty industry with approximately 125 staff working at our offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. We offer the best cosmetics in skin care, make-up, sun protection, perfumes, hair care and coloring to all consumers -women and men at all major distribution channels from department stores, hypermarkets, supermarkets, drugstores, traditional stores, pharmacy, boutique to hair salons. L’Oreal Vietnam operates in 4 key divisions providing renowned international brands from Consumer products (L’Oreal Paris, Maybelline New York) to Luxury products (Lancôme, Biotherm, Shu-uemura, Giorgio Armani, Ralph Lauren, ...), Active cosmetic (Vichy) and Professional products (L’Oreal Professionnel). Business category : Cosmetic Employees in Vietnam: 130

Throughout 18 years of establishment and development, Lac Viet is proud of the achievements of creative, pioneer and helpful products such as dictionary, AccNet - Finance software, isme solution, Bio-Portal, Vebrary as well as biggest IT networks in Vietnam. Its products and solutions are come up and created by the professional, knowledgeable and experienced developers working in the dynamic teams. Lac Viet is certifying SEI CMMI Level 3, ISO/IEC 27001 of ISMS-Information Security Management System, ISO 9001:2000 Solutions & Services: • Network System Integration • Enterprise Resource Planning Customization, Implementation



• Portal (SPS)/Library Management/E-learning • Dictionaries, Machine Translation, Vietnamese e-books


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Lam Hong Trading Co.,Ltd.

The Landmark

127 Nguyen Cu Trinh Street, Nguyen Cu Trinh Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3837 3731 Fax : +84 8 3837 6436 Email : Website :

5B Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 2098 Fax : +84 8 3822 5161 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Nguyen Canh Linh, Managing Director Nguyen Khanh Ly, Sales Director

Bee Lian NG, General Manager Frederiek Ilona Bollen, PR & Health Club Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Established since 1994, Lam Hong Co. Ltd takes pride in its long-standing partnership with many renowned airlines: American Airlines, United Airlines, Vietnam Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Qatar Airways, Singapore Airlines, Thai Airways... and many others. As an official agency of various airlines, Lam Hong has been selected by many partners as their trustworthy air tickets provider. Besides air tickets, Lam Hong also has good expertise in related areas such as tours and hotels. Lam Hong’s customer base varies vastly from domestic entities to international corporations of which most of them are long-time partners. Lam Hong’s network is present throughout Vietnam with some overseas associates. Over years, Lam Hong has proudly received numerous awards for its contribution in the airline industry. One of the most prestigious honors has been the top ten agency award from Vietnam Airlines for more than 10 years.

As Ho Chi Minh City’s first international serviced apartment and office complex, The Landmark has been setting the standards of service and management over the years. Managed by Peninsula Properties, The Landmark offers a unique combination of luxurious living and spectacular river and city views. Situated in the heart of the thriving business quarter, it is seconds away from popular shopping and dining places; at the same time it’s an oasis of top services. The Landmark’s offers 65 elegantly furnished and fully equipped serviced apartments and more than 10,000 square meters of high class office space occupied by loyal tenants. In spite of its current offerings, The Landmark is not standing still. It is spending to upgrade its facilities to serve the needs and wants of their guests. With this being said, the latest upgrade to the building is the newly renovated health club which was finalized in September 2011. Over the years the Health Club has come to know as an exclusive club, for members who like to work out in the gym, enjoy the swimming pool and play a game of squash.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Las Vegas International Inc.

LCT Lawyers

300 S. Martin L King Boulevard Las Vegas, NV 89106 USA Tel : +1 702 474 4493 Fax : +1 702 474 4495 Email :

16th Floor, Saigon Trade Center 37 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 2357 Fax : +84 8 3821 2382 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Dien Pham, CEO/President

Quang Chau, Partner Quyen Hoang, Partner

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Manufacture and export to the US premium bedroom and dining room furniture.

LCT Lawyers is a leading Vietnamese law firm representing a wide range of multinational and domestic clients on a variety of business and investment matters, recommended by Chambers Asia, Legal500 and Asialaw. With five practice groups spanning major aspects of corporate law in Vietnam, LCT Lawyers has gained a reputation for providing comprehensive, high quality legal services to its international and local client base. The firm’s professional staff, which doubled in 2010 to meet client demand, have been educated at leading international and domestic law schools, and have come to LCT Lawyers from major international law firms and multinational business conglomerates. The firm’s five partners, educated in the United States, United Kingdom and China, with one being an arbitrator at the Vietnam International Arbitration Centre, are widely known in the legal community and maintain prominent academic positions at Vietnamese educational institutions. LCT Lawyers not only provides the highest standard of responsibility and efficiency, but strives to deliver innovative solutions to handle a wide variety of corporate needs in Vietnam. Hanoi Branch: Unit M01, Atlanta Place 49 Hang Chuoi Street Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 6278 2768 Fax: +84 4 6278 2766


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Le & Associates Corporation (L&A)

Legend Hotel Saigon

19M Nguyen Huu Canh Street Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5445 6626 / 5445 6628 Fax : +84 8 5445 6629 Email : Website :

2A-4A Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 3333 Fax : +84 8 3823 2333 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Pham Thi My Le, Chairwoman Ngo Dinh Duc, General Director

Toshio Hosoya, General Director Winnie Fang, Deputy General Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Le & Associates Corp. (L&A) is unique in being a one-stop provider for Human Capital solutions aligning with your business strategy. Our services include:

In the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, along Ton Duc Thang Street and fronting the scenic Saigon River stands Legend Hotel Saigon. Within walking distance to major business addresses and points of interest, it is ideally located for travelers to explore the charm of this historic and progressive city.

- Human Capital Consultancy - Executive Search and Selection - Staffing and Outsourcing - Corporate Training - Business Strategy Consultancy Our dynamic team, with rich experience and updated knowledge in international and domestic business practices, is committed to delivering the professional services expected of them.

The 283 luxuriously appointed rooms include an excellent choice of state-of-the art suites and executive rooms. All rooms are tastefully designed to provide space and comfort with top-of-the line guest amenities. When it comes to dining, guests are spoilt for choice; from regional and international cuisine in Atrium CafĂŠ and exquisite Japanese specialities in Yoshino to the best Cantonese cuisine in Crystal Jade Palace and American and Australian Beef in OGGI Steak & Bar. The banquet space with a total area of 700 square meters allows maximum flexibility for a multitude of functions, which can accommodate up to 500 guests. A tropical pool, fitness center, wellness center, business center, and boutique shops at the lobby level make this hotel the ideal address not only for business but for pleasure as well.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Leggett & Platt Global Services 8th Floor, Dakao Center

LevelOne Services Vietnam Ltd. (LevelOne SAIGON)

35 Mac Dinh Chi Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6291 4140 / 6291 4148 Fax : +84 8 6291 4146 Email : Website :

13th Floor, Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6288 8700 Fax : +84 8 6288 8701 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Tran Nguyen, Sourcing Specialist Lee Baker, Legal and Commercial Consultant

Michael Reiner, Chairman Brent Smith, Investor Representative

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

LPGS’s Vietnam representative office is engaged in sourcing activities, and the development and evaluation of Vietnam and southeast Asian suppliers, with a view to enhancing the international supply chain of Leggett & Platt, a U.S. company having 140 manufacturing facilities, with 20,000 employees in 18 countries. The Vietnam office’s sourcing activities cover a wide range of commodities, including wooden and metal furniture, textiles, fabrics, fibers, scrap PU foam, plastic components, furniture components (wood and metal), castings, forgings, steel fabricated products, wire harnesses, and numerous other products.

LevelOne Services Vietnam is a provider of consulting and business services to multinational companies and foreign investors doing business in Vietnam. Our organization also provides a platform for new ventures and entrepreneurs to establish and expand businesses in the Vietnam market through our LevelOne SAIGON facility. LevelOne is the newest international grade business center for serviced-office suites and meeting facilities in Ho Chi Minh City with the following features: • Prime Location and Facilities • Flexible and Scalable Office Suites • State-of-the-art Technology and Meeting Facilities • Value-Added Support Services • Virtual and Shared Services Available We are located in the exclusive Kumho Asiana Plaza in the center of District 1. The professional design of our offices, meeting rooms and executive lounge space provides for a productive and convenient working environment. Our spacious serviced-offices are available with flexible lease terms that range from one month to one year. LevelOne SAIGON office suites allow flexibility and scalability for your business, ranging in size from two to twelve workstations. We also feature “office within an office” suite design to allow for dedicated meeting facilities and/or privacy for executive personnel. A full team of administrative, technology, secretarial, security and other support staff are on-site to support your needs.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Liberty Insurance Limited

Life Resorts Management Company

15th Floor, Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 38 125 125 Fax : +84 8 38 125 018 Hotline : +1800 599 998 (Toll free in Vietnam) Email : Website:

64/28 Pho Quang Street, Ward 2 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3844 3605 Fax : +84 8 3844 3561 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Carlos Vanegas, President & CEO Nguyen My Thien, Chief Finance Officer Phan Ho Thien Vu, Legal Counsel

Chris Duffy, General Director Masayuki Kobayashi, Director of Sales & Marketing

Activities in Vietnam Liberty Insurance Limited is a 100% U.S. - owned general insurer and a member of Liberty Mutual Group. Liberty Mutual Group, founded in 1912, is a leading global insurer and one of the largest property and casualty insurers in the United States. Liberty Mutual Group ranks among the 100 largest corporations in the United States. Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, the Group employs over 45,000 people in more than 900 offices worldwide. Liberty has had a presence in Vietnam since 2003 when Liberty Mutual Group opened its first representative office in Hanoi, and was awarded the investment license by the Vietnam Government during the November 2006 APEC meeting. Liberty specializes in providing insurance solutions for individuals and small and medium enterprises (SME) at a fair price. Liberty’s most popular products are car insurance, truck insurance, health insurance, home insurance, travel insurance, personal accident insurance, and insurance packages for SME. Building on superior products and services, professional business processes and advanced technological infrastructure, Liberty has won the largest market share among foreign general insurers in Vietnam. Need insurance? Call now: 24/7 Multi-Functional Call Center 1800 599 998 (toll free in Vietnam). Hanoi Branch Office 16th Floor, Hoa Binh Towers 106 Hoang Quoc Viet Street Cau Giay District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3755 7111 Fax: +84 4 3755 7066

Activities in Vietnam Life Resorts was created to provide a different kind of hospitality. We breathe Life into our Resorts by stimulating the senses of our guests in every aspect of their stay. We have designed each of our Resorts with respect for the environments and sensitivity of local culture, a combination designed to give our guests a genuine, rewarding experience. We strive to exceed the expectations of our guests in every facet of our service. This means bigger rooms, better design, superb fresh food, genuine local hospitality and unmatched value for money.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Limcharoen Hughes & Glanville

Lone Star College System - Tomball

132 Ham Nghi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6291 7000 Fax : +84 8 6291 6999 Website :

30555 Tomball Parkway, Tomball Texas, TX 77375 Tel : +1 281 351 3359 Fax : +1 281 351 3384 Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representative

Duy Nguyen, Division Operations Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Christian Glanville, Managing Partner

Activities in Vietnam Limcharoen Hughes & Glanville is a full service international law firm headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand. We provide the highest quality legal advice and representation to clients from around the world. Our firm defines itself by the success of our client relationships and the notable business and litigation accomplishments we help effect. Our practice is organized into three major groups - Real Estate, Litigation and Corporate - as well as a number of specialist groups. We have three offices in Thailand - Bangkok, Phuket and Samui, one office in Bali - Indonesia and affiliate offices and links to advisers throughout South East Asia and will shortly opening an office in Hong Kong.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Lone Star College - a premier American community college based in Houston, Texas USA - proudly partners with Ho Chi Minh City Vocational College to provide Associate of Applied Science degrees in Vietnam. Click these links for information on our programs in Vietnam: Lone Star College System in Vietnam (E) Lone Star College System in Vietnam (V) The programs offered by Lone Star College HCMCVC meet the highest American and international standards and are fully accredited by the United States Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The courses will be taught in English, the language of international business, and the credits are fully transferable to other academic institutions. The program is limited to an enrollment of only 100 students and is expected to be highly competitive. All students interested in the Lone Star College AAS degree programs are encouraged to contact LSC-HCMCVC to get more information and apply early for best consideration. LSCS offers associate degrees and certification in about many areas of study.Through its progressive partnerships with four-year universities, LSCS can also offer seamless opportunities to obtain bachelor’s and master’s degrees at one of its two University Centers. Description: With more than 69,000 students in credit classes for fall 2010 and a total U.S. enrollment of more than 85,000, Lone Star College System is the largest institution of higher education in the Houston area, the fastest-growing community college system in Texas and a top producer of associate degrees in the USA. Dr. Richard Carpenter is the chancellor of LSCS, which consists of five comprehensive college campuses, six centers, two 4-year University Centers, Lone Star Corporate College, and LSC-Online. Lone Star College has a large Vietnamese student population, reflecting the multicultural Houston community it serves. During recent student recruitment trips, Ho Chi Minh City Vocational College invited Lone Star College to assist its efforts to create high-quality local programs based on the needs of the multinational corporate employers in Vietnam. Ultimately, the Vietnam Ministry of Labor suggested a joint partnership for Lone Star College to establish a satellite campus at HCMCVC and provide LSC curriculum, faculty and standards for a select group of 100 HCMCVC students.

Long Hai Security Services Joint Stock Company Long Hai Centre 108-110 Nguyen Van Troi Street, Ward 8 Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3997 6009 Fax : +84 8 3997 6018 Email : Website :

Long Hau Corporation Long Hau Commune Can Giuoc District, Long An Province Tel : +84 8 3781 8929 Fax : +84 8 3781 8940 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Graham F. Potter, Director of Business Development

Doan Hong Dung, CEO Phan Nhien Hao, Marketing and Sale Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

A Securitas company - Since 1995 Long Hai has provided a complete umbrella of insured professional security services throughout Vietnam for all business segments. Trained, uniformed guards; Executive Protection; Security Transportation (Cash in Transit-we are the Brink’s representative in Vietnam); Central Alarm Monitoring; and (starting in 2012) Mobile Patrol. ISO 9001:2008 Certificated (SGS).

Established in May 23rd, 2006 Long Hau Corporation (LHC) is a reputation brand in the field of investment in infrastructure development of Industrial Park (IP) with valuable awards and certificates such as Awards Quality Asia Pacific for the Perfect Business Model, Quality Gold Award in Vietnam, Labor Medal Class 3, Gold Medal “For the cause of enviromental protection in Vietnam” and TUV Rheinland certified ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004. LHC listed on Ho Chi Minh Security Exchange with stock code LHC.

We are now a Joint Venture Joint Stock company with investment from Securitas AB, a worldwide knowledge leader in security services with 300,000 employees in 50 countries.

LHC has 3 IPs for lease in Long An province: Long Hau 1 IP (142 ha), Long Hau 2 IP (108 ha) and Long Hau 4 IP (120ha). Long Hau IP provided customs office to help import and export procedures for tenants; dormitories for workers and other utilities like day care center, mini supermarket, health center, and entertainment areas to retain workers. After its licensing in 2006, Long Hau has attracted 50 Vietnamese companies, 27 Japanese companies, 4 Korean companies, and other companies from Germany, Australia, Spain, Malaysia, and China and was successful with a 70 percent occupancy rate.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Long Jiang Industrial Park Development Company Limited Tan Lap 1 Commune Tan Phuoc District, Tien Giang Province Tel : +84 73 364 2728 Mobile : +84 908 250 555 Fax : +84 73 364 2722 Email : Website :

Lowe Vietnam 13th Floor, Harbour View Tower 35 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3914 1765 Fax : +84 8 3914 1775 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Yu Suo, President Tran Thi Lan Phuong, Marketing Manager

Michel Borelli, Managing Director Phan Hoang Quynh Giao, General Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Long Jiang Industrial Park is situated in Tan Phuoc District, Tien Giang Province, Vietnam with outstanding features: - Total area: 540 hectare industrial park and 60 hectare residential service area. - Transport convenience: The IP is located alongside the HCM City - Trung Luong Highway, about 50 km to HCM city center, Hiep Phuoc seaport, 15km to My Tho port and 35km to Bourbon port. - Attractive tax policy: 15 year preferential period for corporate income tax of 10% since having revenue, including 4 years of tax exemption from the 1st profit making year, 9 subsequent years with tax rate discount by 50%. 5 year tax exemption of import tax since operation for the cases of importing raw materials, materials and semi finished products. EPZ enterprises in Long Jiang IP shall enjoy the preferential tax policies in accordance with the regulation of EPZ. - Abundant local labour sources and from other nearby Mekong delta provinces. - Complete modern infrastructure system; attractive rental; good supporting services to investors in the IP. - We invite all types of non-poluting manufacturing industries.

A foreign-owned company operating in Vietnam since 1996, Lowe Vietnam is the No.1 Marketing Communications agency in the country.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Offering Integrated Communications capabilities to some of the largest marketers in the country - such as Cathay Pacific, Chivas, Kinh Do, Nestle, Total Lubricants, Unilever, Vietnamobile and Vinamilk, to name a few - Lowe Vietnam is widely recognized in the industry for building leader brands and is the most awarded agency in Asia for Marketing Effectiveness. Lowe Vietnam is a fully-owned subsidiary of Lowe + Partners Worldwide, a unique global agency that believes in the power of Populist Creativity.

Mach X Sourcing

Maersk Vietnam Limited

91 Nguyen Huu Canh Street, Unit AW 1505 Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 903 750 523 (Kemp Chalmers) +84 908 005 510 (Mi Truong) Email : Website :

28 Phung Khac Khoan Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 3252 Fax : +84 8 3823 1395 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Kemp Chalmers, Managing Director Mi Truong, Business Development Director

Peter Smidt-Nielsen, General Director - Maersk Line Johan Kringel, Managing Director - DAMCO Albert Rensburg, Country Manager - MCC

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Mach X Sourcing specializes in innovative sourcing solutions for small to medium sized apparel brands and retailers. Based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, the company’s founder and Managing Director, Kemp Chalmers brings over 20 years of apparel manufacturing experience and global sourcing expertise after holding senior sourcing positions at Nike, Inc and adidas-Group. Mach X’s has developed an extensive supplier network throughout China and South East Asia which includes raw material and trim suppliers, garment manufactures, and logistics service providers. The company is committed to providing impeccable service and delivering product that exceeds customer expectations on quality, speed to market, and price.

Maersk Vietnam Ltd., a part of the A.P.Moller Maersk group, is the first 100% foreign owned company in logistic industry, presenting in Vietnam via Maersk Line, Damco, MCC transport and Safmarine (Maersk Line OR). Maersk Vietnam has headquarter in Ho Chi Minh City and 4 branch offices in Hanoi, Hai Phong, Da Nang, and Qui Nhon with over 500 employees nationwide. Maersk Line is the world’s no.1 container line and since long the largest ocean carrier in Vietnam, offering an extensive coverage of feeder/mother vessels network from Vietnamese main ports facilitating Vietnamese exports and imports to and from any corner of the world. Damco is one of the world’s leading providers of freight forwarding and supply chain management services; also a fast-growing 3PL (third party logistics) provider in domestic warehousing and distribution with 8 warehouses and distribution centers of over 50,000 sqm. MCC has operated in Vietnam since 1993 with feeder vessels in trades to and from Vietnam and Cambodia. MCC has now had a dedicated team of more than 60 staff serving Intra-Asian shipping from Hanoi, Hai Phong, Da Nang, Qui Nhon, Ho Chi Minh City and Ph’nom Penh.

AmCham Directory - 2012


ManpowerGroup Vietnam 8th Floor, Resco Building 94-96 Nguyen Du Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3911 0950 Fax : +84 8 3911 0955 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Mapletree Vietnam Management Consultancy Co., Ltd. 18 L2-1 Tao Luc Road No. 5 (VSIP II) Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park II Binh Duong Industry-Service-Urban Complex Hoa Phu Ward, Thu Dau Mot Town Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3543 688 Fax : +84 650 3767 678 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

Alexander Ee, Country Manager (Vietnam) Khian Heng Ong, Acting General Manager (Logistics, Vietnam) Linh Nguyen, General Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Mapletree is a leading Asia-focused real estate development, investment and capital management company headquartered in Singapore and wholly-owned by Temasek Holdings. Our expanding footprint extends to some of the world’s most rapidly growing markets, including those of China, India, Singapore and Vietnam. Mapletree considers Vietnam an important emerging market in Asia given its competitive cost structure, stable political environment and large and growing population. Currently, Mapletree has committed USD800 million in the country.

ManpowerGroup ManpowerGroup™ (NYSE: MAN), the world leader in innovative workforce solutions, creates and delivers high-impact solutions that enable our clients to achieve their business goals and enhance their competitiveness. With over 60 years of experience, our $19 billion company creates unique time to value through a comprehensive suite of innovative solutions that help clients win in the Human Age. These solutions cover an entire range of talent-driven needs from recruitment and assessment, training and development, and career management, to outsourcing and workforce consulting. ManpowerGroup maintains organizations forward, accelerates personal success and builds more sustainable communities. We help power the world of work. The ManpowerGroup suite of solutions is offered through ManpowerGroup™ Solutions, Manpower®, Experis™ and Right Management®. ManpowerGroup Vietnam Established in 2008 in both HCMC and Hanoi, ManpowerGroup Vietnam is the first 100% foreign invested company providing employment solutions (recruitment and outsourcing) to clients in various industries, e.g. Insurance, Banking and Finance, Pharmaceutical, FMCG, Manufacturing / Supply chain, IT & Telecom, Real Estate, Hospitality….. Manpower Vietnam offers different solutions to clients ranging from Human Resource Consulting, Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Outsourcing and Permanent recruitment. Each solution is customized according to clients' needs and expectations. The focus of Manpower's work is on raising productivity through improved quality, efficiency and cost-reduction across the total workforce, enabling clients to concentrate on your core business activities and step ahead of the market. Head Office Room 802, 8th Floor, Capital Tower Building 109 Tran Hung Dao Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3974 4574 Fax : +84 4 3974 4575 Email:


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

* Binh Duong Province: Mapletree Binh Duong Logistics Centre is a 3.2ha site comprising 5 units of multi-tenanted single storey warehouses with mezzanine office. Completed in 2007, this facility is 100% leased. Mapletree Binh Duong Logistics Park is a 68ha logistics park consisting of ready-built and build-to-suit bonded and non-bonded warehouses. A total of 130,000 sqm of warehouse space is available for lease. Mapletree Business City @ Binh Duong (MBC@BD), a 75ha multi-tenanted business park situated within the Binh Duong New City, is well-positioned for build-to-suit industrial requirements. MBC@BD also leases ready-built factories (2,000sqm onwards) and premium office spaces (200sqm onwards) suitable for a wide range of industrial activities. * Ho Chi Minh City: A 4.2ha mixed-use Commercial Project in District 7 - a joint venture with Saigon Co-op, will comprise 100,000 sqm of offices, 72,000 sqm of retail and 60,000 sqm of serviced apartment space. * Bac Ninh Province: Mapletree is developing about 55 ha of land within the VSIP Bac Ninh Industrial Park located about 20km from Hanoi City. Currently, one block of 18,250 sq m for multi-tenanted use is operational and fully leased. The remaining two blocks are expected to be operational by March 2012. When fully developed, the logistics park will house build-to-suit logistics facilities customized to clients’ specific requirements as well as modular modern warehouses for ready lease. * Hanoi: Pacific Place, an 18 stories (with 5 basements) mixed-use development, offers prestigious Grade-A offices, luxuriously furnished serviced apartments, cosmopolitan shopping and varied dining options.

Marc Ellis, Attorney Doan Tu Co 49C Tran Hung Dao Street, Ward 6 District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 90 835 8009 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Marketeers Vietnam FPT Tower, 2nd Floor 153 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3933 3493 Fax : +84 8 3930 1453 Email : Website : Chamber Representative

Brown Smiley, General Director

Marc Ellis, Attorney Le Cong Nam, Owner of Doan Tu Co.

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Attorney licensed to practice in Vietnam & the US, helping with immigration, family & business matters.

Marketeers Vietnam has been the trusted marketing services partner for leading multinational, regional, and local clients since 2002. We have helped new entrants take their first steps into the market, and we have managed record-breaking campaigns for market-leading blockbuster brands. Our core services, managed by our HCMC head office and 3 regional offices in Hanoi, Can Tho, and Danang, are brand activation, promotion, integrated marketing campaigns, and retail marketing.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Marsh Vietnam Ltd.

MAST Industries Far East (Ltd.)

Level 6, 8 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 7456 Fax : +84 8 3822 7343 Email : Website :

5th Floor, Capital Place 6 Thai Van Lung Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 4577 Fax : +84 8 3827 4578 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Gary Leong, General Director / CEO Duong Thi Ngoc Phuong, Deputy General Director

Jocelyn Tran, A.Vice President - MAST Industries Far East / Managing Director - MAST Vietnam Lily Le, Finance and Administration Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Marsh Inc. is the world leader in delivering risk and insurance services and solutions to client. It has more than 46,000 employees, over 400 offices and servers clients in over 100 countries in the world.

Mast Industries is an independent division, fully owned by Limited Brands with annual revenue of over USD $10.0 billion, which owns and operates over 3,500 stores in the US and internationally through these name brands: Victoria’s Secret; La Senza; Bath & Body Works; C.O. Bigelow; The White Barn Candle Co. and Henri Bendel. Mast Industries is one of the world's largest contract manufacturers, importers, and distributors of men's, women's and children's apparel with revenues of over $30 billion. For more than 30 years, we've been developing alliances in diverse countries. This ongoing effort translates into an ever-expanding global network that involves hundreds of factory relationships in more than 30 countries - producing a highly diversified array of men's women's, apparel. Mast Industries is a global network of relationships, resources, and support personnel with offices in 13 countries. Mast Industries - Vietnam Office is responsible for order procurement and quality assurance of Vietnamese products for our retail stores.

Marsh provides global risk management, risk consulting, insurance & reinsurance broking services, financial solutions and insurance program management services to business, public entities, associations, professional service organizations and private clients.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Maximus DTWM Viet Nam Co., Ltd.

Mayer Brown JSM (Vietnam)

Discover the World Marketing Vietnam Avenis Building, 7th Floor 145 Dien Bien Phu Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3911 8383 Fax : +84 8 3910 1687 Email : Website :

17th Floor, Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 8860 Fax : +84 8 3822 8864 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Nguyen Minh Hieu, Manager HCMC Bernie A. Keller, Regional Director

Dao Nguyen, Managing Partner David Lim, Partner Kevin Hawkins, Partner

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Established in 2011, Maximus DTWM Viet Nam is a member of the Discover the World Marketing group (In Thailand, Cambodia, Laos & Myanmar since 1989).

Mayer Brown JSM is a leading global law firm with more than 1,500 lawyers in 21 locations advising clients across Asia, Europe and the Americas. Our presence in the world's leading markets enables us to offer clients access to local market knowledge combined with global reach. We are noted for our commitment to client service and our ability to assist clients with their most complex and demanding legal and business challenges worldwide.

We are the marketing representatives (GSA’s) of: • Alitalia • AeroMexico • British

Midland International (bmi) • Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Corporation • IATA-IBCS • Caesars Entertainment (Harrah*s Entertainment of Las Vegas) • HotelREZ/Rainbow Hotels • Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines/Celebrity Cruises/Azamara Club Cruises (PSR) • Worldwide Car Rental (self-drive and chauffeur driven) We cooperate hand in hand with the local Travel Agents (IATA-BSP), Land/Cruise-Tour Outbound Travel Agents and Tour Operators in Vietnam.

Established in 1994, Mayer Brown JSM is one of the largest law firms in Vietnam with offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. We provide a full range of local and international legal services for all investment and business matters in Vietnam with a first class team of foreign (US, UK, Australia, Malaysia) and Vietnamese lawyers. Our deep knowledge of the local market and good relations with the government of Vietnam give us a competitive advantage in serving our clients. Mayer Brown JSM is consistently ranked by industry guides as a top tier law firm in Vietnam in major practice areas such as Corporate, M&A, Real Estate, Banking & Finance, Capital Markets, Projects and Energy. Three of our partners are recognised as "leading lawyers" in these categories. Our dedicated team of lawyers is described by the Asia Pacific Legal 500 as a "talented team providing great value and excellent commercial and legal advice". Hanoi Office: 12th Floor, Pacific Place 83B Ly Thuong Kiet Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3825 9775 Fax: +84 4 3825 9776 AmCham Directory - 2012


Mead Johnson Nutrition

MegaStar Media Company

HCMC Office Suite 401, 4th Floor, The Metropolitan 235 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 5058 Fax : +84 8 3824 5059 Website:

Suite 904, Level 9, CT Plaza 60A Truong Son Street Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3547 1000 Fax : +84 8 3547 2383 Website : Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Enda Ryan, General Director Kimberley Andrews, Finance Director

Activities in Vietnam Mead Johnson Nutrition is a world leader in infant and children’s nutrition, dedicated to nourish the world’s children for the best start in life. Mead Johnson was founded more than 105 years ago and has been committed from the very beginning to earning the trust of parents and health care professionals by offering scientifically developed products with proven health benefits. Mead Johnson’s range in Vietnam includes the Enfa A+ Family such as Enfamama A+, Enfalac A+, Enfapro A+, Enfagrow A+, Enfakid A+. It also offers a comprehensive range of specialty products for infants with special nutritional requirement such as Enfalac Premature, Enfalac Lactofree, Enfalac Pregestimil, Enfalac Prosobee and many other specialty products. Hanoi Office: Suite 901, 9th Floor, Viglacera Building 1 Lang Hoa Lac, Me Tri Tu Liem, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3934 1003 Fax: +84 4 3934 1004


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

EngHee Lim, General Manager Simon Mclean Fraser, Director of Business Development Activities in Vietnam MegaStar Media Company (MSM), a partnership between Phuong Nam Corporation (PNC) and Envoy Media Partners (Envoy), was licensed in February 2005. MSM is located in HCMC, and coordinates the conceptualization and design development, construction and operation of MegaStar Cineplex (MSC) across Vietnam. MSM imports and distributes film, runs the concession and explores opportunities for on-screen advertising and marketing activations for Vietnam's leading brands. MSM delivers incredible value to its various stakeholders - customers, community, government, partners, and its employees. MegaStar Cineplex (MSC): MegaStar is Vietnam's leader in entertainment showcasing Hollywood and International blockbusters in a rich and comfortable retail environment. MegaStar is Vietnam's only nationwide cinema operator with 69 screens in 9 locations throughout Vietnam. MegaStar was the first to launch Digital 3D in 2009 and continues to be the market leader with 15 Dolby Digital 3D screens across the country. Our Vision: Deliver the best entertainment value to our customers with superior product, unique social experiences in a warm and friendly world-class environment. Our Projects: • Hanoi: - VinCom City Towers 10-screen multiplex that opened in April 2006. In 2009, we introduced the first 3-D screen in Vietnam. - Pico Mall (Coming soon) • Ho Chi Minh City: - Hung Vuong Plaza 8-screen multiplex that opened in August 2007. In 2009, we introduced the first 3-D screen in Vietnam. - CT Plaza 7-screen multiplex that opened in December 2008. - Saigon Paragon 8-screen multiplex that opened in April 2009 with the M Cinema (VIP seating and services). - Crescent Mall 8-screen multiplex that opened in December 2011. • Hai Phong: - TD Plaza 8-screen multiplex that opened in June 2007. • Bien Hoa: - Saigon Co-Op Mart 6-screen multiplex that opened in August 2007. • Danang: - Vinh Trung Plaza 6-screen multiplex that opened in July 2008. New Projects: Several new projects in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in the pipeline planned to open from 2012 onwards.

Melcosa Vietnam Ltd.

Mem HiTech JSC

7th Floor, Dinh Le Building

4th Road, Dong An Industrial Park Thuan An, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 376 9819 Fax : +84 650 376 9823 Email : Website :

1 Dinh Le Street District 4, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3825 3517 Fax : +84 8 3825 3528 Email : Website : Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Nguyen Hoang Luong, President & CEO Dr. Tran Khanh Van, Executive Vice-President

Sven Bittner, Chief Representative

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

International buying agent. Established in Vietnam since 1991 in sourcing apparel, footwear and hard goods (furniture, handicrafts and ceramics).

MEM HiTech JSC provides turnkey Contract Manufacturing & Engineering Services for the MEMS Industry. Our Services offer a complete solution for MEMS customers: Comprehensive MEMS Wafer dicing and Inspection (Silicon, Glass, Metal and various types of backside metallization) - Full back-end MEMS Packaging Assembly & Test (SMT, COB, Wire bonding, Sensor assembly, Cable assembly), Testing for Ceramic, Plastic and Metal packages with pressure range from 0-5000 PSI and Temperature range from -40 degree C to +150 degree C - Mechanical & Electrical Design (Mechanical, Fixtures, Tooling, Electrical and Test System) - Process Development for MEMS Pressure Sensors with a High Quality, a Cost competitive, a Fast and Reliable Delivery to Customers. Applications for MEMS products cover a variety of industries: Automotive, Medical Equipment, Home Appliances, Industrial and Telecom. MEM HiTech is ISO 9001:2008 certified.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Merck Sharp & Dohme (Asia) Ltd.

Mercon Coffee Corporation

16th Floor, Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3915 5800 Fax : +84 8 3827 8101 Website :

14A Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 0549 Fax : +84 8 3823 5586 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Stephen Walter, Managing Director Nandu Pasupuleti, Marketing Director

Robert Toye, Chief Representative Tran Thi Thinh, Office Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Merck and Schering-Plough are now one company. We recently merged to create a stronger, more diverse and more truly global company. This not only benefits our company and our shareholders, but it also benefits the millions of people around the world who rely on our products and expect us to continue to deliver exceptional value.

Coffee Trader/Merchant. Company also owner/manager of a 100% foreign owned coffee exporter “Mercafe Vietnam Co. Ltd”. Coffee processing facility equipped with modern milling machinery and supporting warehouse facilities.

Historically, Merck and Schering-Plough have a lot in common. Both are strong, science-based companies. Both have a common mission – and passion – to improve health and well-being around the world. And both share a long-standing commitment to putting our customers first and being there for people in times of need. Our goal is to lead the way to a healthier future. But we also care about how we get there together. Our business is preserving and improving human life. We are committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity. We are dedicated to the highest level of scientific excellence and commit our research to improving human and animal health and the quality of life. We expect profits, but only from work that satisfies customer needs and benefits humanity. Our ability to excel depends on the integrity, knowledge, imagination, skill, diversity and teamwork of our employees. We support public policies that advance the interests of patients, improve public health and promote access to medicines and innovation.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Meridian Compass Ltd. 86/20 Thich Quang Duc Street, Ward 5 Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3995 6988 Fax : +84 8 3990 3203 Email :

Chamber Representatives

Messer Vietnam Industrial Gases Co., Ltd. No. 21, Road No. 3 Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Park Thuan An District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3756 700 Fax : +84 650 3756 600 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Frank Hopfenbach, General Director Messer Haiphong / Country Manager Victor Lim, General Director Messer Vietnam and Messer Binh Phuoc

Patrick Looram, Director Chris McNabb, Chief Representative

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Since 1997, Meridian Compass Limited (MCL) has been providing brand protection; due diligence and risk management solutions to Fortune 500 companies in Vietnam.

The Messer Group is the largest private managed industrial gas producer in the world and is based above all in Europe and Asia. Messer Group manufactures and supplies Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon, Cacbon Dioxide, Hydrogen, Helium, inert welding gases, special gases, gases for medicinal use and a wide variety of gas mixtures. As broad as the spectrum of gases available is the variety of industries that utilizes them and benefits from the application-specific know-how of Messer’s personnel. These include steel and metals industries, chemicals, food and pharmaceuticals, the automobile and electronics industries, medicine, research and environmental technology. Messer has been active in Vietnam for over ten years and today has five operating locations. Branch of Messer Vietnam Gases Co., Ltd. Dong Xuyen Industrial Park, Rach Dua Ward Vung Tau City, Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province Tel: +84 64 3616 717 / Fax: +84 64 3616 716 Hanoi Representative Office Room 704, 7th Floor, 4 Da Tuong Street, Hanoi Tel: +84 4 3942 8440 / Fax: +84 4 3942 8441 Messer Hai Phong Industrial Gases Co., Ltd. An Duong Townlet, An Hai District, Hai Phong Province Tel: +84 31 3 871 551 / Fax: +84 31 3 871 798 Messer Hai Duong Industrial Gases Co., Ltd. Hiep Son Commune, Kinh Mon District Hai Duong Province Tel: +84 320 3535272 / Fax: +84 320 3535274 Messer Binh Phuoc Industrial Gases Co., Ltd. Hamlet 10, Minh Hung Commune, Bu Dang District Binh Phuoc Province Tel: +84 650 3756 700 / Fax: +84 650 3756 600

These solutions & services include, amongst others, the following: • Counterfeit mitigation programs; • Non-counterfeit infringement mitigation programs; • Trade intermediaries & business partner due diligence; • Insurance fraud inquiries. MCL also offers the following: • International commercial debt collection solutions; • Business development solutions; • Competitor profiling & evaluation; • Channel profiling & evaluation; • Market entry facilitation services & solutions.

AmCham Directory - 2012


MGM Grand Ho Tram

Michelin Asia Singapore

Kumho Asiana Plaza, 2nd Floor 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3825 1690 Email : Website :

VFC Tower, 6th Floor 29 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3911 8115 ext 216 Fax : +84 8 3910 5416 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Mosnay de Boisheraud Marc, Asean Director Earthmover Product

John Shigley, President and Chief Operating Officer William Mays, Vice President-Operations

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

The MGM Grand Ho Tram will be a fully-integrated luxury resort and entertainment destination, offering guests a premium hospitality experience in a spectacular natural setting. Asian Coast Development Limited owns the project. MGM Resorts International is providing development assistance and brand equity, and will operate the five-star integrated resort property upon completion.

Marketing, technical and sale operations in South East Asia for Michelin Earthmover Product Line.

The MGM Grand Ho Tram, slated to be among Vietnam’s most luxurious resorts, will be supported by a variety of recreational activities, premium food and beverage establishments, a luxurious spa and state-of-the-art Las Vegas style entertainment facilities. The five-star MGM Grand Ho Tram will open its doors in 2013, offering 541 luxury guest rooms, a full spectrum of world-class amenities, a conference center and a spectacular entertainment area consisting of 90 live games, 500 electronic games and exquisite VIP facilities.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Providing Michelin high quality radial tyres products with services solutions to Mining, Quarries, Ports and Industrial Cities.

Michelin Vietnam Company Limited

Microsoft Vietnam LLC

VFC Tower, 8th Floor

19th Floor, Petro Vietnam Tower 1-5 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 7932 Fax : +84 8 3911 1199 Website :

29 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3911 8115 Fax : +84 8 3910 5417 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Lionel Laurent Gerald Paul Cadeau, Managing Director Mosnay Goguet de Boisheraud Marc, Chief Representative of Michelin Asia Singapore Co. Pte Ltd.

Jamie Harper, General Director Khoa Pham, Director of Legal & Corporate Affairs Rosalind Quek, SMS&P Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Michelin Group founds the Michelin Vietnam Co., Ltd. to capture the fast-growing trend of radial tire demand shown through its stable strong growth over the past years as well as the country’s progress in transportation infrastructure. Michelin Vietnam offers tires for passenger cars, light trucks, trucks, buses, earthmover equipment and motorcycles. It stands firm in its global mission to protect the environment through its low rolling resistance tires that save fuel and lower carbon dioxide emission of many vehicles, from compacts to industrial vehicles.

As the world’s largest software company, Microsoft has a significant economic impact in the places we do business. Setting foot in Vietnam since 1996 as a representative office and officially turned into Microsoft Vietnam LLC in 2006 with its top-of-mind mission is to help accelerate the development of Vietnam’s information communications technology (ICT) capabilities - a key contributor to the national economic growth through significant investments in innovation and education. Microsoft Vietnam subsidiary is located at 16th floor, Capital Tower, 109 Tran Hung Dao street, Hanoi and under the management of Mr. Jamie Harper, General Director. Microsoft will support Vietnam’s aim to enable economic growth through developing a healthy and competitive information communications technology environment by strongly focusing on supporting the Government’s priorities, including Capacity building and human capital development for Vietnam’s IT workforce, Enhancing the competitiveness of the local ICT industry in Vietnam and Connected Government promoting the delivery of e-government services. Besides business perspective, Microsoft Vietnam commits to serving the public good through innovative technologies and partnerships that contribute to economic and social opportunity, through leadership on public policy issues related to technology and society. Hanoi Office: 16th Floor, Capital Tower 109 Tran Hung Dao Street Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3926 3000 Fax: +84 4 3826 1222 AmCham Directory - 2012


MK Group Joint Stock Company Ho Chi Minh City Office: 7 Dang Tat Street, Tan Dinh Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3526 5123 Fax : +84 8 3526 5065 Email : Website : / Chamber Representatives

Motion Picture Association International 1 Magazine Road, #04-07 Central Mall Singapore 059567 Singapore Tel : +65 6253 1033 Fax : +65 6255 1838 Website : Chamber Representative

Frank Rittman, Vice President, Deputy Managing Director & Regional Policy Officer, Asia-Pacific

Nguyen Trong Khang, Chairman of MK Group Nguyen Hai Ha, Director of MK Smart a MK Group’s company Phan Thi Quynh Hoa, Director of MK Tech a MK Group’s company Do Hai Dang, HCMC MK Group Chief Representative Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

MK Group is always the pioneer in providing the latest card application and solutions and approved by Card International Organization such as Visa, MasterCard, G.S.M.A, ICMA, and ISO. MK Group is the leading company in 4S – Security, Smartcard, Service and Solutions, including: • Card/Smart Card issuance & managing solutions includes the distributed/instant issuance solutions, card central issuance solutions, packaging, printing and PIN mailing and EMV card issuance solutions. • One-Time-Password & Biometrics Authentication solutions for Banking and Enterprises; • Transit solutions: Contact/Contactless e-ticket; • Card, PIN and E-passport Testing, Sorting and Handling solutions includes Card testing and sorting system, Card Attachment Secure Systems, and Card, e-passport and document handling system. • Smart Pay solutions with electronic payment service using mobile and internet; • Professional Services includes Guarantee - Maintenance; Integrating; Software development, and Technical support. MK Group is the trust partner of Bank-Financial Systems, Trading Organizations, and especially Government in National ID card, e-passport and e-driving licenses issuance programs. For details, please refer our website:

The Motion Picture Association is the international counterpart of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) which serves as the voice and advocate of the American motion picture, home video and television industries. Today, these associations represent not only the world of theatrical film, but serve as leaders and advocates for major producers and distributors of entertainment programming for television, cable, home video and future delivery systems not yet imagined.

Headquarters Suite 1101, TTC Tower Duy Tan Street, Cau Giay District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 6266 2703 Fax: +84 4 6266 2705


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Founded in 1922 as the trade association of the American film industry, the MPAA has broadened its mandate over the years to reflect the diversity of an ever changing and expanding industry. The initial task assigned to the association was to stem criticism of American movies, which were then silent, and to restore a more favorable public image for the motion picture business. Today the association continues to advocate for strong protection of the creative works produced and distributed by the industry, fights copyright theft around the world, and provides leadership in meeting new and emerging industry challenges.

Motives Group

Mövenpick Hotel Saigon

3rd Floor Broadway E Building 02 Bertrand Russell, Tan Phu Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5413 5137 Fax : +84 8 5413 5141 Email : Website :

253 Nguyen Van Troi Street Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3844 9222 Fax : +84 8 3844 9198 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Le Thuc Dung, Chief Representative Office Le Thi Luong, Finance / H.R. Manager

Knuth Kiefer, General Manager - Vietnam Nicolas Martin, Executive Assistant Manager in charge of Food & Beverage

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Motive Group LTD. is a global manufacturing company with strategic joint venture partners in Vietnam and China. The company was formed in 1998 to produce Men’s/Boy’s and Ladies Tailored Clothing, Denims and Casual Sportwear. Motives has enjoyed exceptional growth and is currently one of the larger trading companies in both Vietnam and China.

A focal point of the bustling Phu Nhuan District, the five-star Mövenpick Hotel Saigon combines international service standards with Vietnamese hospitality and the convenience of a location between the city centre and Tan Son Nhat International Airport. Each of the 278 well appointed rooms and suites features the latest technology and is designed to provide comfortable accommodation in a modern environment. With Café Saigon all-day-dining buffet restaurant, IKI - Japanese restaurant featuring an affordable Japanese menu, Lotus Court - Chinese restaurant in a unique and elegant setting, Cay Da Café offering a selection of the finest pastries and breads as well as home-made ice cream and cakes, Slate-The Bar the perfect place for an after dinner drink or entertainment with over 30 martinis and a delicious BBQ menu, the hotel reflects a unique combination of vitality and refinement as well as immense diversity. Conference spaces capable of accommodating up to 460 attendees, a relaxing swimming pool, Kinetic gym and wellness studio, business centre and a chic shopping mall as well as a popular e-gaming centre make it the favourite of both business and leisure travellers.

AmCham Directory - 2012


MP Co., Ltd.

The Nam Hai

73-75 Street 6th, Hung Phuoc IV District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5410 8888 Fax : +84 8 5410 0167 Email : Website :

Hamlet 1, Dien Duong Village Dien Ban District, Quang Nam Province Tel : +84 510 3940 000 Fax : +84 510 3940 999 Website:

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Viet Nguyen, Chairman

Albert Lafuente, Director of Sales & Marketing Phan Phuong Anh, Director of Sales

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

We are the authorized distributor of Cooper Industries/USA Company in Vietnam to supply all products under divisions of Cooper Power Systems, Cooper Bussmann, Cooper Lighting, Cooper Safety, Cooper Crouse-Hinds/MTL. Our products are Fire Alarm System, Public Addressable Voice Announcement System, Lighting fixtures & Lighting control System, Hazardous Equipments, Fuses, and electrical equipments from medium to low voltage such as Surge Arrester, Recloser, padmounted transformer, switchgear, capacitor bank. We are also authorized distributor of Honeywell/USA for Products: Building Management Systems, Gas Detection Systems, CCTV systems. Our vision is to bring high quality products, dedicated service and prompt delivery to our customers.

The Nam Hai is situated on 86 acres of land on Ha My Beach, a stunningly picturesque section of the World famous Hoian Beach with unspoilt stretch of white sand. The Nam Hai, Hoi An features 60 beautiful villas and 40 pool villas and each occupies its own section of landscaped gardens and boasts views of the South China Sea and nearby Cham Islands. Resort facilities include an award winning spa, 2 authentic restaurants, kid villa and all other necessities to spoil your stay.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Navigos Search

Netblue Vietnam Co., Ltd.

130 Suong Nguyet Anh Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3925 5000 Fax : +84 8 3925 5111 Email : Website :

106 Nguyen Van Troi Street Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3997 7201 Fax : +84 8 3997 7194 Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Francis Tuan Anh Nguyen, Director Thuy Pham, Human Resource Administrative

Van Anh Nguyen, Managing Director Johnny Park, Regional Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Established in 2003, Navigos Search is the leading and largest Solutions Provider in Executive Recruitment Market in Vietnam. Our mission is to help people and companies achieve their dreams and to achieve that, we match the right talent with the right jobs, ensuring our clients have the right people they need to succeed, and our candidates land their dream jobs.

Producing software and delivering software service.

We are strict and thorough throughout the recruitment process, focusing on quality consultation and professional approaches in order to provide high quality service experience to our clients. With an extensive nationwide database of high-profile executives, our experienced and skillful consultants will interview & assess candidates and recommend only those individuals whose skills and aptitudes match your organization’s criteria and needs. We focus on long term relationships with our clients trusted advisor, providing our and advice in the areas management in Vietnam.

rather than transactional and candidates. We act as clients with valuable insight of hiring and successful

Our offices are located in both Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi and permanently staffed with professional and experienced consultants who are specialist in various fields of industry.

AmCham Directory - 2012


NetViet Inc. Human Resources Services

New Viet Dairy (DaiTanViet Joint Stock Company)

3rd Floor, 63 Pham Ngoc Thach Street, Ward 6 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3820 6818 Fax : +84 8 6261 7320 Email : Website :

606 Tran Hung Dao Street District 5, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3924 6010 Fax : +84 8 3924 6011 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Duong Xuan Giao, Managing Director Pham Thi Hong, Manager - Human Resource Consulting

Didier Lachize, General Manager Le Thanh Van, Managing Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Established since 2000, Net Viet is a reputable Management and HR Consulting firm with 65+ dedicated employees in Vietnam that have advanced expertise and knowledge for the successful completion of our projects.

New Viet Dairy (Dai Tan Viet Joint Stock Company) Inc. 1997, import and distribution of food consumer goods and food ingredients. Belongs to Vietnam top 1000 companies. Nationwide sales operations and 11,000sqm logistic. Handle dry, chilled and frozen items.

The company is now providing its clients the following services:

New Viet Dairy operates 3 specialized business units:

Management and HR consulting: Strategic advice on various aspects of general management and human resource management.

- Food and Dairy ingredients for industries;

Executive Search and Selection: Searching and referring executive at middle and top levels to customers

- Fast moving consumer goods unit offering imported brand range for retailers

Staffing Solutions Services: Payroll services, Staff contracting service, Staff legalization service. Our clients are multinational companies, foreign- invested firms, representative office, local corporations etc‌ Net Viet is operating in big cities such as: Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi, Dong Nai, Binh Duong, Da Nang, Can Tho etc..


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

- Food Service business with a catalogue over 300 items for hospitality industries;

New World Saigon Hotel 76 Le Lai Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 8888 Fax : +84 8 3823 0710 Email : Website :

Nexia Acpa Auditing & Consulting Co., Ltd. Head Office: Level 14, Citilight Tower 45 Vo Thi Sau Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6291 1268 Fax : +84 8 6291 1269 Email : Website: /

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Henrik Iversen, General Manager Pham Van Liem, Director of Sales

Nguy Quoc Tuan, Partner and Deputy General Director, Assurance & Business Advisory Nguyen Hung Du, Partner and Deputy General Director, Tax and Corporate Services

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Ideally located within the vibrant business hub of District 1, with easy access to the famous Ben Thanh market, New World Saigon Hotel provides 533 spacious guestrooms and suites offering the perfect ambience for both concentrated work and undisturbed relaxation. Just seven kilometers from Tan Son Nhat International Airport, the hotel is situated directly in the city center opposite the lush 23 September Park.

Nexia International Network is a network of independent auditors, business advisers and consultants. The key to Nexia's success is simple: its global representation with member firms ranking in the top ten in the world's major financial and economic centres. This positioning means that Nexia is able to provide a top quality service to its clients with international needs.

Among the hotel's most distinctive restaurants is Dynasty, which serves exquisitely prepared Chinese cuisine that is regarded as one of the finest in Ho Chi Minh City. Parkview and Saigon Bakery offer a relaxing view over the 23 September Park serving delicious lunch and dinner buffets including fresh seafood, international and Asian favorites.

Our firm recognizes the importance of having satisfied clients.

If guests would like to escape the hustle and bustle of the city, they can visit The Spa on the second floor offering an extensive spa menu for both men and women. Since its opening, the hotel has been one of the premier meeting and event venues offering three pillar-free ballrooms accommodating up to 486 people.

NEXIA ACPA Co Ltd is the Vietnam member firm of Nexia International. We are devoted to excellence in providing a comprehensive range of professional services to our clients in Vietnam. We provide professional services in the fields of: 1. Auditing & Assurances 2. Taxation 3. Corporate Management Advisory At our firm, what stands out is our technical and professional competence, and our ability to understand the client’s business and add value beyond traditional auditing and business advisory services. Why choose NEXIA ACPA in Vietnam? • Local understanding • Qualified professional auditors and business consultants • A proactive team leading the development of accounting, auditing and tax in Vietnam • A commitment to helping clients succeed Ha Noi: Level 18, Hoa Binh International Tower 106 Hoang Quoc Viet Street Cau Giay District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3755 6080 Fax: +84 4 3755 6081 AmCham Directory - 2012


NhanViet Management Group

Nielsen (Vietnam)

Head Office: Unit 2-4, Level 5, Annex Building, Park Royal Saigon 309B - 311 Nguyen Van Troi Street Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3847 9364 Fax : +84 8 3847 9365 Email : Website:

CentrePoint Building, 4th Floor 106 Nguyen Van Troi Street, Ward 8 Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3997 8088 Fax : +84 8 3845 5348 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Huynh Minh Quan, General Director Pham Thi Phuoc Thinh, Payroll Services Manager cum Chief Representative in Hanoi Phan Thanh Binh, Strategy Director

Darin Williams, Managing Director Tam Nguyen, Marketing Manager

Activities in Vietnam NhanViet Management Group (NVM Group) is a leading HR service provider in Vietnam and Indochina, delivering HR excellence to optimize HR capital and investments of companies, both local and international since 2003. We operate on the philosophy “Integral HR Business Partner” that is we combine the local insights with international standard to integrate into and align with clients' businesses. Our services and solutions are delivered by expertise of consultants and advanced technology platforms, including: • Payroll Management Services and Corporate Services • HR Outsourcing & Interim Management • Executive Search & Selection • HR Advisory • HR Insights & Research • Young Talent Development Advisory Our Representative Office in Hanoi: Suite 1034, 10th Floor, Pacific Palace Building 83B Ly Thuong Kiet Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3946 1049 Fax : +84 4 3946 1025 Hotline : +84 907 772 822


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Nielsen Holdings N.V. (NYSE: NLSN) is a global information and measurement company with leading market positions in marketing and consumer information, television and other media measurement, online intelligence, mobile measurement, trade shows and related properties. Nielsen has a presence in approximately 100 countries, with headquarters in New York, USA. For more information, please visit Established in Vietnam since 1993 and global leaders in market research, Nielsen has become the country’s leading provider, offering full service capability and local knowledge across qualitative, quantitative, media and retail measurement lead by specialised units in HCMC and Hanoi covering FMCG, Consumer Products, Automotive, Finance, Pharmaceuticals, Telecommunications, Industry and Manufacturing, Real Estate and Tourism. Nielsen Vietnam conducts a quarter of a million interviews annually and has a continuous monthly Retail Audit service covering over 90% of the urban population as well as regular rural measurement since 2004. Our client service teams are a mixture of local and international research talent with backgrounds in marketing and advertising consumer products and services. Our knowledge of local markets is unrivalled. We are ’hands on’ professionals able to provide insights and interpretation beyond the numbers. Hanoi 85 Nguyen Du Street Phan Chu Trinh District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3933 1161 Fax : +84 4 3933 1163 Email :

Nike Vietnam LLC 12 - 13th Floor The Metropolitan 235 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3829 8172 Fax : +84 8 3822 2600 Email :

Chamber Representatives

Norfolk Development Group (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. 17-19-21 Ly Tu Trong Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3825 7286 Fax : +84 8 3825 7288 Email : Website : Chamber Representative

Phong Lai, Chief Executive Officer

Suzanne Anderson, General Director Shaun Houston, Supply Planning Manager Thuy Vu, Government & Public Affairs Manager Larry Levi, Manufacturing Operation Director Van Le, Apparel Operations Director Chris Helzer, Director Government Affairs, Asia Tim Anderson, Products Operation Director Activities in Vietnam Sportswear manufacturing and focus on core competencies the design, development, marketing and sales of high quality athletic footwear, apparel and equipment.

Activities in Vietnam Norfolk Development Group Co. Ltd., an internationally owned consultancy company specializes in real estate investment, development and management in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam since 1991. Our mission is to develop and manage our own properties and high-end projects, bringing services and facilities up to industry-standard benchmarks. In Vietnam, our company operates under the trading name of Norfolk Group. Norfolk Group has invested, developed and managed Norfolk Hotel, Norfolk Mansion, Project Design and Development Building (better known as PDD Building) and Tan Da Court, a commercial and residential complex for sale & lease. Our current project is the Saigon Golf and Country Club & Residences, which is uniquely located less than 10 minutes drive from the bustling downtown of Ho Chi Minh City and combines the design and amenities of a luxury golf resort with the benefits and proximity of a downtown location. The project is an exclusive community featuring an 18 hole Greg Norman Signature Golf Course, Driving Range and Golf Academy, Six Senses Spa, international standard Country Club, luxury Serviced Apartment, residential, town house and condominium development. This will be also the first branded residential project in Asia for Greg Norman. Sustainable development is a key consideration in the design and operation of our projects, where we strike a balance between environmental, social and economic factors. With the wealth of local market knowledge combined with global expertise, Norfolk Group with our team of dedicated and professional local and expatriate consultants are set to expand with the needs of comprehensive solutions for real estate investment, development and management in Vietnam. AmCham Directory - 2012


Novotel Saigon Centre

NQH Architects Co., Ltd.

167 Hai Ba Trung Street, Ward 6 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 4479 Fax : +84 8 3822 1698 Email : Website :

4th Floor, Broadway Office Park 102 Nguyen Luong Bang Boulevard, Tan Phu Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5411 5001 Fax : +84 8 5411 5011 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Thierry Le Ponner, General Manager Le Toan Vinh, Assistant Director of Sales

Hien Quan Ngo, Principal, NQH Architects Co., and Salt + Pepper Italian Restaurant Tristan Ngo, Owner, Skewer Restaurant and Elbo Room Restaurant

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Only minutes from Tan Son Nhat International Airport, Novotel Saigon Centre is perfectly located in downtown Ho Chi Minh City in a prime business area and close to major consulates, shopping and entertainment facilities. The hotel is conveniently within walking distance to the city’s main attractions such as Ben Thanh Market, Notre Dame Cathedral, Opera House, Le Loi and Dong Khoi Street. Novotel Saigon Centre features 247 contemporary rooms, an international buffet restaurant – The Square, a lobby lounge, a rooftop bar, and a wellness center including swimming pool, fitness, sauna and spa. With 5 meeting rooms and over 400m2 of space that can accommodate up to 350 persons, Novotel Saigon Centre provides expert support teams and facilities that will ensure successful business meetings and events. Whether business or leisure, Novotel Saigon Centre is the perfect hotel for you.

Based in Ho Chi Minh City, NQH is one of the oldest and most established architecture firms in Vietnam, where it has completed over 400 projects. We employ a team of forty professionals from around the world, specializing in the following services: • Architectural Design • Urban Planning + Design • Sustainable Design • Interior Design With global perspective and local expertise, we create spaces that are uniquely tailored to the Asian market and lifestyle, while meeting international standards of design, construction, and sustainability. We believe that a widely collaborative process - with the client, with each other in our design studio, and with the community - is the key to innovation. Our architects are intellectually and visually agile, constantly refining their designs with discussion and research. Our commitment to sustainability is foundational to our work. All our projects, from design to construction, aim for sensitive integration with the surrounding environment, and our international partners include the U.S. Green Building Council. Recognition: BCI Asia Top Ten Architects in Vietnam 2011 BCI Asia Top Ten Architects in Vietnam 2009 BCI Asia Top Ten Architects in Vietnam 2008 BCI Asia Top Ten Architects in Vietnam 2007 BCI Asia Top Ten Architects in Vietnam 2006


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

NTTrade Law LLC 5th Floor, Somerset Chancellor Court 21-23 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 4622 Fax : +84 8 3822 4239 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Ogilvy & Mather Vietnam Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide 12th Floor, Centec Tower 72-74 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 9529 Fax : +84 8 3821 9549 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

Alex Clegg, Group Managing Director Nguyen Thanh Son, General Director

Ngo Quang Thuy, Managing Partner Nguyen Khac Si, Licensed Attorney at Law

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

NTTrade Law is a Vietnamese law firm built upon the commitment to provide exceptional services that secure and enhance the prosperity of our clients. NTTrade Law provides legal services for a wide spectrum of national, multinational, corporate and commercial clients and we offer a wide variety of legal services including trade and investment legal services and consulting for both domestic and foreign traders and investors.

Ogilvy & Mather Vietnam is the country’s largest international communications consultancy company. It has an outstanding track record in building international and local brands in Vietnam; and providing best-in-class specialist services across all aspects of marketing communications, including advertising, public relations, digital marketing, relationship marketing and activation.

NTTrade Law is recognized for its Quality and Responsiveness in providing full legal services involving international trade and corporate matters. Our dedicated team has extensive experience in foreign investment licensing issues. We have the expertise in interacting with all licensing authorities in Vietnam. Our core practice areas: Corporate and Commercial, Foreign Investments, Mergers and Acquisitions, International Trade Law, Labour, and Arbitration and Litigation.

The agency has been awarded for marketing effectiveness, and is the only agency in Asia to have won two of the London-based IPA awards (Silver for Effectiveness and Best International Single Market) for Asia Injury Prevention Foundation’s Helmets campaign. Ogilvy & Mather Vietnam is part of Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide, one of the largest marketing communication networks in the world, with 497 offices in 125 countries. In Asia-Pacific, Ogilvy has been voted ‘Creative Network of the Year’ for 8 consecutive years by Campaign Brief.

AmCham Directory - 2012


OIA Global Logistics

Oil States Industries, Inc.

61 Phung Khac Khoan Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 6000 Fax : +84 8 3825 8214 Email : Website :

Ho Chi Minh City Representative Office 102Bis/M Le Lai Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 90 856 7288 Fax : +84 8 3825 8806 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Jerry Woods, Chief Representative, Ho Chi Minh City Representative Office Ricky Simic, Vice President, Oil States Industries, Inc.

TH Taeho Lee, V.P. of OIA Global Logistics (USA)

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

OIA Global Logistics is a respected name in logistics both in Vietnam, Asia and around the world. We understand that control of business processes is paramount in this increasingly integrated international environment. Businesses also need solutions that fit their unique requirements. Most of all, a trusted partner is needed to execute solutions seamlessly and quickly. OIA Global Logistics is that partner with the experience to overcome supply chain challenges which will do it right the first time, every time.

Oil States Industries, Inc. is a vertically and horizontally diversified company providing a broad range of products and technologies to the Offshore Oil & Gas markets on a global basis.

OIA Global Logistics empowers companies that range from multinational blue chip enterprises to family-sized entrepreneurial outfits to expand their global supply chain reach. Our portfolio of services and solutions encompasses everything from one-time shipments to fully integrated and managed supply chain networks. With OIA Global Logistics handling the logistics and supply chain management, our customers are able to focus on their core capabilities without wasting time, energy and expenses making sure their goods get where they are supposed to be.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Oil States Industries operates in four market segments: Offshore Oil and Gas, Onshore Oil and Gas, Defense and General Industry. The Offshore and Onshore markets are serviced by Oil States’ Offshore Construction Group, Elastomer Group and Marine Pipelines Group. Oil States is headquartered in Arlington, Texas, USA, with locations in 10 countries and more than 2,000 employees worldwide. Oil States Industries’ parent company, Oil States International, Inc., operates a diverse group of companies within the oil and gas sector whose activities range from onshore well workover operations through site accommodation services, OCTG supply and Offshore and Onshore products and services provided by Oil States Industries, Inc. Oil States Industries, Inc. 7701 South Cooper Street Arlington, TX 76001 USA Tel : +1 817 548 4200 Fax : +1 817 548 4250 Email : Website :

Olam Vietnam Limited Unit 01, 10th Floor, A&B Tower

OPV Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company

76 Le Lai Street, Ben Thanh Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3521 0740 Fax : +84 8 3521 0770 Email : Website :

No. 27, Street 3A, Bien Hoa 2 Industrial Zone Dong Nai Province Tel : +84 61 3992 999 Fax : +84 61 3892 344 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Prakash Chand Jhanwer, Regional Controller Indonesia, Laos and Vietnam Rajiv Jayantilal Shah, Chief Financial Officer

Ha Truong Bich Tuy, General Director Phong Nguyen, Deputy General Director Ha Trung, Advisor for Policy and Business Development

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Olam is one of the leading global supply chain players in agricultural products such as coffee, rice, cocoa, cotton, etc. The company is integrated in the supply chain right from farm-gate to the factory gate of customers. Its operations include primary procurement, primary/high end processing, management of inland & marine logistics and sales and distribution to the food industry. Olam is headquartered in Singapore and is also listed in Singapore Stock Exchange. It has physical presence in about 56 countries. For more information, please visit

OPV is active in the field of pharmaceuticals, nutritional and personal care products, distributing both its own brands and licensed products of multinationals in Vietnam, OPV also does licensed and contract manufacturing for international companies and Vietnamese distribution firms and has started to export products to other countries. . OPV was established in the 1950s to provide world class pharmaceuticals and nutritional products for Vietnamese people. Over decades, OPV worked closely with leading pharmaceutical and nutritional companies, such as Bayer, Ciba Geigy, Merck, Roche, Sandoz, Upjohn, Warner Lambert and Nestle. By the 1970’s OPV became a leading pharmaceutical company in Vietnam and built the largest pharmaceutical plant in the country, now part of Pharmaceutical factory No 24, and the powder milk plant Dielac in a joint venture with Nestle, now one factory of Vinamilk company. Since 1993, OPV has resumed its operations in the pharmaceutical field in Vietnam with the marketing of high quality pharmaceutical and nutritional products, medical equipment and healthcare products, which are manufactured in the USA and Europe. In 2003, OPV completed a high quality pharmaceutical factory in Bien Hoa Industrial Zone 2 under a 100% foreign-invested project of US$ 20 million. This factory is producing a wide range of pharmaceuticals, IV solutions, nutritional products and consumer healthcare brands with world-class quality in all major dosage forms (tablets, capsules, sachets, injectables, oral liquids, creams and ointments). The production facilities are capable of meeting contract and licensed manufacturing needs of multinationals in Vietnam. Since 2005, the factory’s WHO-GMP standard has been certified by the Ministry of Health. In 2003, OPV Pharmaceutical Company formed a joint venture with Otsuka Pharmaceutical Company from Japan for the production and marketing of IV solutions and amino acids. In 2005, after over a year of quality audits, the OPV factory was approved by GlaxoSmithKline, a leading pharmaceutical company of the world, to produce a number of GSK products, and the two companies have signed a manufacturing cooperation agreement. OPV has also signed manufacturing agreements with UCB and Chemo Iberica, two European pharmaceutical companies. In July 2007, OPV Pharmaceutical Company was converted into a joint stock company, and it increased its capital with an equity investment from an international investment fund, Tree Line Asia Master Fund.

Olam Vietnam was established in 1990 with head office located in Daklak and its corporate office in Ho Chi Minh City. In the last 10 years Olam has emerged as one of the leading exporters of robusta coffee, cashew nuts & pepper from Vietnam. Olam Vietnam has its factories located in Daklak, Lam Dong, Binh Phuoc, Dong Nai provinces. It has also invested about US$ 50 million in building a state of the art instant coffee facility in Long An province. The instant coffee factory produces high quality freeze dried coffee in addition to the spray dried coffee. Olam is also a leading supplier of wood products, cotton, wheat and dairy products to the Vietnam industry. It has currently employs around 900 permanent local staffs for its operations.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Oriflame Vietnam Limited 100 - 102 Nguyen Van Troi Street, Ward 8 Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3845 0452 Fax : +84 8 3845 8024 Email : Website :

Otis Elevator Vietnam Company Limited 14th Floor, 194 Golden Building 473 Dien Bien Phu Street, Ward 25 Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3512 1071 ~ 77 Fax : +84 8 3512 1079 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Hamid Parsa, Managing Director Ha Thi Quynh Tram, Finance Manager

Laurence Antignac, Managing Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Oriflame is a cosmetics company that sells high-quality natural skincare and cosmetic products through an independent sales force, outside the traditional retail environment. Direct sales allow customers to get advice and inspiration from people they know and trust. Buying direct is reliable and convenient.

Otis Elevator Company is the world's largest manufacturer and maintainer of people-moving products including elevators, escalators and moving walkways. With headquarters in Farmington, Connecticut, Otis employs 61,000 people. Otis offers products and services in more than 200 countries and territories.

Being an Oriflame Sales Consultant means unlimited income and career opportunities, personal, development and a sense of belonging to a friendly global community.

Otis maintains 1.7 million elevators and escalators worldwide.

Oriflame is a company characterized by a can-do spirit, a decentralized management and a young and entrepreneurial atmosphere. Oriflame Cosmetics is today one of the world’s fastest-growth cosmetics company. Oriflame is present in 60 countries in five regions and Production facilities in Poland, India, Sweden, China and Russia. A sales force of 3.2 million independent Sales Consultants market a complete range of high quality skincare, fragrances and cosmetics. Although the company has grown rapidly it never lost sight of its original business concept - Natural Swedish Cosmetics from friend to friend. Oriflame has: 7,000 employees - more than 78 million catalogues in 35 languages - 250 new products introduced each year - New catalogue every 3-4 week - product range of approximately 800 cosmetics products. 192

American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Otis’ current presence in Vietnam goes back to 1993 with offices in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Danang, with expansion plans for other cities. Otis is a division of United Technologies Corp., (UTC) based in Hartford, Connecticut, USA. UTC is a diversified company providing high technology products and services to the building and aerospace industries.

Pacific Architects and Engineers Inc.

Pacific Links Foundation

OSC-VTP Building, 15th Floor

163/A9 Huynh Thuc Khang Street, Binh Khanh Ward Long Xuyen City, An Giang Province Tel : +84 76 3853 888 Fax : +84 76 3955 440 Email : Website:

8 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 2977 Fax : +84 8 3822 3152 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Landis W. Hicks, Chief Representative Nguyen V. Linh, Marketing Manager

Diep Vuong, President Lillian Forsyth, Communications Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

PAE provides planning, design, construction management, and facilities management services for buildings, industrial facilities and infrastructure.

Pacific Links Foundation is a US-registered non-profit organization whose mission is to support the development of Vietnamese communities and the enrichment of their cultural heritage. Founded in 2001, PALS programs focus on exchange of skills and expertise to Vietnamese communities to foster sustainable development and empowering women as powerful agents for social change in their communities. Since 2005, PALS flagship ADAPT program has led the counter-human trafficking efforts at the borders of Vietnam by increasing access to education, providing shelter and reintegration services, and enabling new economic opportunities. Since 2001, our Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) program has brought the latest knowledge in brain development, health for mother and child, safety improvement and child development to early childhood education practitioners. Lastly, PALS Mekong Women for Community Development (MWCD) program empowers women in the Mekong Delta through leadership development and grassroots community projects. MWCD equips women with advocacy skills, resources, and other tools to tackle pressing community concerns.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Pandanus Resort

Park Hyatt Saigon

Quarter 5, Mui Ne Phan Thiet, Binh Thuan Province Tel : +84 62 3849 849 Fax : +84 62 3849 850 Email : Website :

2 Lam Son Square District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 1234 Fax : +84 8 3823 7569 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Steve Raymond, General Manager Do Thanh Hoa, Vice General Director

Michael Golden, General Manager Courtenay Dundy, Director of Sales and Marketing

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

The Pandanus Resort is the largest and most beautiful resort in Phan Thiet, consisting of 25 acres of lush tropical gardens and a pristine white sand beach. The resort, located just below the orange sand dunes of Mui Ne, boasts the largest free-form pool in the province.

Park Hyatt Saigon is situated within the heart of the city, overlooking the elegant Opera House and within reach of the international airport, convention centre and business district. The 244 French colonial inspired rooms and suites provide a cozy residential ambience that redefines urban sophistication. Xuan Spa offers seven luxurious treatment rooms, a fitness centre and a 20-metre outdoor swimming pool surrounded by a tranquil tropical garden. Also featured at the hotel are two award-winning restaurants Square One, serving Vietnamese seafood and Western grill, and Opera, an all-day Italian dining venue. The Park Lounge is a perfect venue for social and business gatherings, while the 2 Lam Son bar is a stylish introduction to the city’s nightlife. The ballroom and meeting facilities are elegant in design and equipped with the latest technology, and can accommodate up to 450 persons.

The resort has two permanent in-house bands; a traditional Cham band that performs in the lobby during the day and in the main restaurant in the evening and a more contemporary Philipino band that performs either at poolside for the evening seafood barbecue buffet or in the lounge when there is no buffet. Facilities in the resort consist of a full-service spa, wellness and beauty treatment center, two restaurants, a billiards lounge, a discotheque, a tennis court, a badminton court, a football field, a beach volleyball area, steam rooms, saunas, a large swimming pool and adjacent jacuzzi, a fitness center, karaoke rooms, a games room and children’s play area, a business center, and a gift shop. The hotel provides complimentary bicycles for all guests and offers a complimentary shuttle throughout the day to Mui Ne Market, Rang and Ham Tien beaches.

• Ranked first in Vietnam's Hotels and Resorts by Condé Nast Traveler Gold List 2011 • Best Business Hotel in Ho Chi Minh City by DestinAsian’s 2011 Reader’s Choice Award • Ranked No.10 among Top City Hotels in Asia, voted by Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards Survey 2011 • Best Business Hotel in Ho Chi Minh City by the Readers of Business Travellers Asia Pacific 2011 • Ranked No. 31 for Top 100 hotels in Asia by the Condé Nast Travelers 2010, Readers' Choice Awards


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

PEB Steel Buildings Co., Ltd.

Penflex Viet Nam Co., Ltd.

Unit 701, 7th Floor, CT Plaza Tan Son Nhat

Lot 101/2-6, Road 3B, Amata Industrial Park Bien Hoa, Dong Nai Province Tel : +84 61 8877 006 Fax : +84 61 8877 009 Email : website :

60A Truong Son Street Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3997 5975 / 3847 5475 Fax : +84 8 3847 6476 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Sami Kteily, General Director Pham Hoang Thi, Area Sales Manager / Chief Representative of PEB Cambodia Office

Nathaniel Sands Barker, Chairman Michèle Lài Auerbach, General Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

• PEB Steel Buildings Co., Ltd specializes in Design, Fabrication and Erection of Pre-Engineered Steel Buildings (PEBs) for Industrial building, factories, warehouses, workshop, showrooms, commercial/ trade centers, aircraft hangars, etc… • The PEB Group of companies started its operations in Asia in 1994 and was one of the first to bring the Pre-Engineered Buildings (PEBs) technology to the region. With over 3,200 buildings supplied to Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao, The Philippines, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Middle East, Ghana, Australia, Mauritius and New Caledonia. PEB Steel was instrumental in setting very high standards in pre-engineered buildings and prides itself in that all its buildings are designed & fabricated as per the Latest International Building and Design codes (IBC2009, AISC2005) • PEB Steel has 4 state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in Ba Ria - Vung Tau province Vietnam and 1 in India. 3 offices in Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Danang ) & 7 oversea offices (Thailand, Myanmar, Pakistan, Cambodia, Indonesia & Philippines) • PEB Steel boasts an impressive list of satisfied local and International customers that includes, among others, such as Obayashi, Unilever, Fujita, Taekwang Vina, Vinata-Taisei, GE, Doosan, Nakano, Kumagai, ACSC, Toda, Shimizu, Posco, Samsung, Suzuki, Liwayway, Reliance Industries, Changshin, Kajima, Crown and Procter & Gamble… Business category: Design, Fabrication & Erection Steel Buildings, Steel Construction & Construction Material

Founded in 1902, Penflex is a leading manufacturer of corrugated metal hose and braid products. While flexible metal hose was first produced in Europe in the late 1880’s, it was not until years later that it was manufactured in the United States - and Penflex was the very first manufacturer of flexible metal hose in America. Penflex Corporation has been a pioneer from the very beginning and continues today to be a leader in the design, and manufacture of flexible metal hose. Within the area of corrugated flexible metal hose Penflex remains committed to the traditional manufacturer-distributor relationship - a unique approach that allows Penflex to form lasting relationships with distributors, relationships that go beyond just the product. Penflex focuses on a continuous process of improving the manufacturing processes and is dedicated to providing fabricating distributors with unparalleled value by offering high quality flexible metal hose and braid products, competitive pricing, on-time delivery, superior customer service and cutting-edge industry expertise. Known for their durability and superior resistance to corrosion, Penflex hoses are used in more than 15 vertical markets, by hundreds of companies worldwide. Penflex Viet Nam Co., LTD, located just outside of Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam in Bien Hoa, began manufacturing high quality product in 2010. Company headquarters are located in Gilbertsville, Pennsylvania USA. Penflex maintains stocking warehouses in Chicago, Illinois, Atlanta, Georgia, Houston, Texas, Santa Fe Springs, California, and Rotterdam, Netherlands. These satellite warehouses permit prompt deliveries to Penflex customers. AmCham Directory - 2012


People Links JSC

PepsiCo International - Viet Nam Company

2nd Floor, Sky View Building 41A Nguyen Phi Khanh Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 2755 Fax : +84 8 3910 2754 Email : Website :

5th Floor, Sheraton Saigon Hotel & Towers 88 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 9437 Fax : +84 8 3821 9436 Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Chandrashekhar Arvind Mundlay, President and General Director PepsiCo Vietnam Richard Kaiser, COO - Vietnam Snacks PepsiCo Vietnam Hariharan Kannan, Vice President - HR PepsiCo Vietnam Rizwan Qamar, Vice President & CFO Alsion Arnold, Vice President Marketing PepsiCo Vietnam

Nguyen Thu Son, Managing Director Pham Thu Huong, Chief Representative in Hanoi

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

1. Payroll service.

Manufacturer and distributor of Carbonated Soft Drink (Pepsi, 7Up, Mirinda, Evervess), Non - Carbonated Beverage (Aquafina, Sting, Twister, Gatorade, Lipton - ready to drink) and Snack Food (Poca, Poca Partyz, Poca Selectz, Poca Cheetos, Poca Nutz)...

2. Staffing service: Officer and frontline staff, including Recruiting, Training, HR management, Motivation and replacement. 3. HR Consultancy 4. Training: Soft skills, Teambuilding. 5. Expatriates service: Visa, transportation, maid‌




American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam


PetroVietnam Drilling & Well Services Corporation

Pfizer (Thailand) Limited Representative Office

4th Floor, Sailing Tower 111A Pastuer Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3914 2012 Fax : +84 8 3914 2021 Website :

Unit 604, 6th Floor, Saigon Trade Center 37 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 5119 / 20 / 21 Fax : +84 8 3910 5118 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Bradley Allen Silcox, Chief Representative

Dung T. Pham, President & CEO Nguyen Tien Hung, Human Resources Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Parent Company: PetroVietnam Group 18 Lang Ha Street Ba Dinh District, Hanoi

We specialize in pharmaceutical products with broad ranges of various categories such as Cardiovascular, Central Nervous System, Oncology, Antibiotics and so on with 40 brands. Pfizer - leading multi national pharmaceutical company in the world - is dedicated to better health and greater access to healthcare for people. Our purpose is helping people live longer, healthier and happier lives. Our route to that purpose is through discovering and developing breakthrough medicines; providing information on prevention, awareness and treatment of disease and providing consistent high - quality medicines. We work in partnership with governments, individuals and other payers for healthcare to treat and prevent illnesses adding both years to life and life to years. In Vietnam, Pfizer has carried out some main CSR Projects such as Trachoma initiative to eliminate Trachoma in Vietnam, Diflucan Partnership Program for HIV Patents and Scholarship Program for disadvantaged medical students.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Pho Xinh Furniture 08 Ba Thang Hai Street, Ward 12 District 10, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3863 3634 / 3862 0039 Fax : +84 8 3863 3635 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Phong Phu Fabric Joint Stock Company 48 Tang Nhon Phu Street, Quarter 3 Tang Nhon Phu B Ward District 9, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3728 1890 Fax : +84 8 3728 1893 Website: Chamber Representatives

Dang Vu Hung, President Ta Cam Hung, General Director

Duong Quoc Nam, General Director Tran Thi Ai Linh, Sales Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Pho Xinh, the trademark owned by Hoang Nam Co., Ltd., has been the leading interior design in Vietnam since 1999. With two manufacturing factories in Ho Chi Minh City and twelve large nationwide furniture centers, we are very proud of creating the new lifestyle for home, hotel, office and villa, penthouse ‌

Phong Phu Fabric Joint Stock Company (PPF) is a member of Phong Phu Corporation as well as one of the leading manufacturers of textile and garment industry, especially denim fabrics in Vietnam with capacity of 2 million meters/month. With over 15 years experience of dyeing, weaving and finishing, there is no doubt that PPF will be a reliable partner for every customer.

Pho Xinh Furniture has exported to the U.S., E.U. and some Asian countries. Besides manufacturing and trading Pho Xinh - made products, we also provide the upscale products imported from Italy, France, Germany, Malaysia ‌ with the cool and fashionable styles. Variety in designs, diversity in materials and perfect in each product as long as customer service are our commitments to the clients for the past 13 years. Express your personalities with Pho Xinh Furniture! Da Nang Hotline: 093 7999997 Hanoi 01 Pham Hung Street, Dich Vong Hau Ward Cau Giay District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3768 9311 / 3768 9312 Fax: +84 4 3768 9318


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Phu My Hung Corporation 10th Floor, Lawrence S. Ting Building 801 Nguyen Van Linh Parkway, Tan Phu Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5411 9999 Fax : +84 8 5411 5999 Email : Website :

Phuoc & Partners Law Firm (P&P Law Firm) Suite 1602, 16th Floor, Centec Tower 72-74 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 5895 Fax : +84 8 3823 5896 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Stephen Lee, International Marketing Manager Helen Tsai, International Marketing Specialist

Nguyen Huu Phuoc, Founding Partner Nguyen Gia Huy Chuong, Managing Partner

Activities in Vietnam CT & D Group and Ho Chi Minh City Government formed a joint venture company called Phu My Hung Corporation whose aim is to develop the Saigon South Urban Development Project and Nguyen Van Linh Parkway. The 120 meter-wide, 17.8 km-long Nguyen Van Linh Parkway goes through Saigon South Urban Development Project and connects Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone on the east and National Road 1 on the west. Besides, Phu My Hung Co. has endeavored to shape the 433ha new urban area in District 7, which is the well-known Phu My Hung New City Center. To develop an international standard city, it has done firstly the best and versatile schooling for the high demand of quality education, then ample infrastructure, high quality and desirable residential projects, advanced medical services and various sport amenities. When the population of this area achieved certain level, commercial development has also taken into shape. It has been devoting into the Crescent project, which comprises of stylish serviced apartments, international standard office space, a grand shopping mall and well-planned scenic public spaces. This project can bring about a brand new lifestyle and create the most desired destinations for people to enjoy shopping, eating, working, living and playing. The Crescent will be a business and social hub for all HCMC citizens. Phu My Hung New City Center is encompassed in the 3,300ha Saigon South Urban Development Project. The Master Plan of Saigon South was created by a convergence of prestigious architects and designers led by Skidmore Owings & Merrill (San Francisco), Kotter Kim & Associates (Boston) and Kenzo Tange Associates (Tokyo). One of the accolades this master plan won was the Honor Award for Urban Design from American Institute of Architects (AIA) in 1997.

Activities in Vietnam Phuoc & Partners is an independent law and consulting firm with integrated legal and tax practices. Focusing on our commitment to provide a one-stop-service to our international and local clients, we enable our clients to reduce their administrative overhead and focus on their core business activities. P&P’s professional partners and staff consists of approximately 40 Vietnamese and foreign lawyers and specialists (including six foreign and local masters of law LLM) working across three offices in Ho Chi Minh City, Ha Noi and Da Nang to take care of all legal matters of our clients nationwide. Due to the firm's capacity for effectively structuring domestic as well as foreign legal and consulting matters, P&P is the perfect choice for large and medium-sized businesses, international corporations, banks, and other financial institutions.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Phuong Nguyen Consulting Business

Pinkerton Singapore Pte Ltd.

OSC - VTP Office Building, 7th Floor 8 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3829 2391 Email : Websites :

45B Boat Quay Singapore 049834 Tel : +65 6533 3114 Mobile : +65 9851 6540 Fax : +65 6533 3775 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Michael McDonald, Partner Nguyen Thuy Phuong, Executive Director

Marcus Tan, Managing Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Our Activities Looking to start a new venture or expand an existing one? Are you thinking global? Let the world be your oyster! Put our combined experience and expertise to work to help you solve those difficult problems you are facing, formulate and follow a strategic plan to maximize your firm’s value, and reduce and manage those risks associated with new and expanded markets. Phuong Nguyen Consulting Business in Vietnam provide services including: • Business consulting • Event management • Overseas education counseling to America, Australia, Canada, France, Switzerland, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom McDonald & Company, PC, our U.S. partner, is a consulting and advisory firm founded in 1979 by senior advisor Michael McDonald, CPA ( He has over 35 years of experience working with firms of all sizes and in virtually all industries. The firm offers professional services to non-US firms and individuals who wish to do business in the United States, in the areas of: - Accounting and auditing - Tax compliance and planning - CFO and controllership - Strategic and business planning - Business financial management consulting.

At Pinkerton, we will help you to mitigate your business risks.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Our worldwide services includes: Risk Management, Brand Protection, Inquires, Due Diligence, Compliance Services, Supply Chain Security, Market Research, Market Survey, Computer Forensics, Confidential Enquiries, Escort Services, Pre-employment Screening, Business Continuity Planning and Security Consulting.

Preferred Freezer Services Vietnam 163 Nguyen Van Quy Street Quarter 1, Phu Thuan Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3773 3303 Fax : +84 8 3773 3304 Email : Website :

Preformed Line Products 660 Beta Drive Mayfield Village Ohio, OH 44143 Tel : +1 440 461 5200 Fax : +1 440 461 2918 Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Paul Montero, Director of Sales Winston Barrie, Vice Chairman

Bass Khoury, International Operations Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Preferred Freezer Services is the first 100% foreign owned cold storage company licensed in Vietnam. The Ho Chi Minh facility is conveniently located next to the Phu My Bridge in District 7, only 5 kilometers from Cat Lai and VICT ports and only 15 minutes from city-center, ideal for city distribution. Preferred Freezer has 26 cold storage facilities in the United States and several facilities under construction and development in China. Preferred Freezer Services offers the most modern, state-of-the-art facilities in the industry, and our Ho Chi Minh facility includes: • Fully automated / robotic system. • Warehouse management systems and software. • Preferred Online for access to inventories via the internet. • 100% back-up generators and satellite systems. • Full service operations including re-packing, labeling, export services and much more. - Repacking - Weighing - Labels - Other value-added services upon request

Preformed Line Products (PLP) is a worldwide designer, manufacturer and supplier of high quality cable anchoring and control hardware and systems, fiber optic and copper splice closures, and high-speed cross-connect devices.

For all inquiries, please contact Paul Montero, Director of Sales.

AmCham Directory - 2012


PricewaterhouseCoopers (Vietnam) Limited

Procter and Gamble Vietnam Co., Ltd.

4th Floor, Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 0796 Fax : +84 8 3825 1947 Website:

11th Floor, Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 5678 Fax : +84 8 3822 5660 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Richard Marshall, Partner - Tax & Legal Services Veera Maenpaa, Senior Associate - Legal Services Brittany Chong, Director - Tax & Legal Services

Emre Olcer, General Director and CEO Michelle Le, Deputy General Director Nguyen Thi Kim Loan, Corporate Affairs Director Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Industry: Assurance, Tax & Legal, Advisory Services PwC Vietnam helps organizations and individuals create the value they’re looking for. We’re a member of the PwC network of firms with 169,000 people in more than 158 countries. We’re committed to delivering for both territory and global quality in assurance, tax, advisory and legal services. PwC Vietnam established offices in Hanoi and HCMC in 1994. Our team of approximately 600 local and expatriate staff have a thorough understanding of the transitional local economy of Vietnam and a wide knowledge of policies and procedures covering investment, tax, legal, accounting and consulting matters throughout Vietnam. PwC Vietnam has built strong relationships with key ministries, financial institutions, state owned enterprises, private companies, commercial organizations and the ODA community. We also have a foreign law company in Vietnam, licensed by the Ministry of Justice with a head office in Ho Chi Minh City and a branch office in Hanoi. Hanoi Office: Unit #701, 7th Floor, Pacific Place 83B Ly Thuong Kiet Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3946 2246 Fax: +84 4 3946 0705 202

American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Procter and Gamble Vietnam is a subsidiary of Procter & Gamble (P&G), an American multinational corporation headquartered in Cincinnati, USA. In 2011, P&G recorded $82.6 billion dollars in sales globally. Fortune magazine ranked P&G at 5th place of the "World's Most Admired Companies" list and consistently ranked P&G as world’s #1 FMCG Company. P&G invests about USD 2 billion a year in R&D which resulted in a portfolio of 50 global leadership brands, 24 of which are billion dollar brands (each generates more than USD 1 billion in annual sales). Bloomberg Business Week ranked P&G #25 among the “World’s Most Innovative Companies”. P&G started operation in Vietnam in 1995 with the commitment to “Touching and improving more lives, more parts of the world, more completely.” The company has invested $150 million to build 2 global standard manufacturing facilities in Binh Duong province producing a wide range of health and beauty and household care products, including some billion dollar brands such as Ariel, Downy, Head and Shoulders, Pantene, Rejoice, Tide, Pampers. Over 30% of the production is exported to developed and Asian markets such as Australia, Japan, Korea, Europe, India... P&G Vietnam has consistently achieved double digit growth and earned high profile external recognitions including the President’s Labor Medal, the Prime Minister’s Certificate of Merits, and various Ministerial and public recognitions for excellent business performance and community development contributions.

Promana International Investment Consultant Corporation Unit 1110, 11th Floor, Sun Wah Tower 115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 8608 Fax : +84 8 3827 8607 Email :

PT Tirtamas Comexindo 14th Floor, Bitexco Building 19-25 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 8386 / 387 Fax : +84 8 3821 8388 Email :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Dang Trinh Thanh Phuong, General Director Chau Anh Tuan, Deputy General Director

Jyoshna Mishra, Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Promana is a corporation registered in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The Firm is pleased to provide our professional consultancy services to our Clients as Owner’s Representative, Technical Advisor and/or Project Management Services for high-end, state-of-the practice developments in Vietnam.

Commodities, Mining and Distribution. Specialize in Counter Trade Arrangements. Power: steel, Indonesia Steam Coal for Power Sector Distribution of European Timber, Engineered flooring & veneer.

AmCham Directory - 2012


QSIC Vietnam Company Limited Lot I3-6, Street N2, Saigon Hi-Tech Park District 9, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3736 1035 Fax : +84 8 3736 1040 Email : Website:

Quality Assurance and Testing Center 3 (QUATEST 3) 49 Pasteur Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3829 4274 Fax : +84 8 3829 3012 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Kiem Le, CEO & Founder Cecile Le, CFO

Tran Van Dung, Director Dinh Van Tru, Deputy Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

QSIC VN is a subsidiary company of Quality Systems Integrated Corporation (QSIC in USA). QSIC VN manufactures, distributes, and services products for nearly every market, including computer, peripheral, datacom, telecom, medical, industrial, government, aerospace, consumer, and multimedia industries. Such as:

Quality Assurance and Testing Center 3 (QUATEST 3) is a Science-technological Organization of the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality (STAMEQ) – Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). QUATEST 3 was established in May, 1975 from a restructuring of the former National Standardization Institute.

• Designing, manufacturing and assembling parts for wireless related card modems; High Definition Television (HDTV); Global Position System (GPS) products; printer product; automated office equipment products; biomedical equipments; Broadband and wireless networking products; comsumer electronics products and other specialized electronic products; LED energy saving products.

QUATEST 3 has a team of experienced and professional staff and testing laboratories equipped with hi-tech instruments and tools which are all in compliance with internationally recognized standards. QUATEST 3 has implemented a Quality Management System according to ISO 9001 and our systems are accredited as conforming to the criteria defined in ISO/IEC 17025 for Testing laboratories, ISO/IEC 17020 for Inspection services, in ISO/IEC Guide 65 for Product Certification services and are certified as compliant with ISO 9001 for Training and Consultancy services.

• Provide services for Company products

With more than 35 year experience in our own activities, QUATEST 3 has come to be recognized as a reliable partner to the business community and one of the most reliable organizations in Vietnam who are providing technical services in the fields of Standardization, Metrology, Quality and Conformity assessment.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

R.C Real Estate Development and Finance Corporation (REFICO) Suite 1501, Centre Point 106 Nguyen Van Troi Street Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3997 9210 Fax : +84 8 3997 9211 Email : Website :

Regus Centre (Vietnam) Ltd. 16th Floor, Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3520 7600 Fax : +84 8 3520 7604 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

David Clarkin, Managing Director Jorge Flores, Director of Property Management

Nancy Luong, Sales Director - Vietnam Sim Tran, General Manager - Regus Saigon Tower

Activities in Vietnam REFICO is a dynamic Vietnamese real estate development company incorporated in 2003. The management team comprises of multi-national directors and senior expatriates with international experience and expertise. The organization has a diversified portfolio of development projects in excess of US$ 600 million, including prime residential, commercial and mixed-use developments. PORTFOLIO OF CURRENT DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS 1. Centre Point – Phu Nhuan, Ho Chi Minh City ( Centre Point is Vietnam’s first environmentally friendly office building in June 2009 and it has since been positioned as Ho Chi Minh City’s most sophisticated and high profile office buildings. Since opening the 30,000 sqm project has attracted many international companies including Toyota, Bayer, Merck and Kimberly Clark, - (project sold in 2011). 2. City Garden – Binh Thanh, Ho Chi Minh City ( City Garden is a high-end residential project comprising of 926 apartments within a gated community. As the name suggests City Garden uniquely boasts more than 17,000m2 of green space 5 minutes from the Central Business District. City Garden’s unique architectural curve buildings will become a landmark address in HCM. The construction finalized Tower One, and by Q2 of 2012 Towers 2 and 3 will be ready for pre-opening. 3. Sanctuary – Ho Tram beach ( Just 2.5 hours from Ho Chi Minh City, Sanctuary is a beach front resort community comprising of 67 luxury residential villas for sale and a boutique resort complete with full spa and an array of recreational facilities. Phase one – Sanctuary Residencies are now completed and includes a restaurant and tennis court to offer that perfect weekend away from the hustle and bustle of the City. 4. President Place – District 1, Ho Chi Minh City ( Located in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City’s CBD next to the historic Reunification Palace, President Place is a boutique Grade A office project, the only bldg with a USA Gold LEED certification construction process in Vietnam. The project is comprised of 12 stories featuring approximately 10,770 sqm of Grade A office and 850 sqm of retail. Construction is moving forward and expected pre-opening will be by Q2 2012. For more information on the current and upcoming projects, please visit REFICO’s website at

Activities in Vietnam Regus Me Linh Point 6th & 7th Floor, Me Linh Point Tower 2 Ngo Duc Ke Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 7850 Fax : +84 8 3823 7840 Email : Internationally integrated operator of full service business centers and business platforms in both Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Renaissance International School Saigon 74 Nguyen Thi Thap Street, Binh Thuan Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3773 3171 Fax : +84 8 3773 3176 Email : Website :

Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon 8-15 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 0033 Fax : +84 8 3823 5666 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Tuyen Nguyen, Vice President Mark Lockwood, Admission & Marketing Director

Doris Marchardt, General Manager Piali Bhanot, Director of Marketing

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Renaissance International School Saigon or affectionately known as RISS, provides a quality British based teaching curriculum covering Pre-School, Primary & Secondary.

RENAISSANCE HOTELS is an upscale brand of Marriott International Inc with more than 140 properties in 28 countries that speaks to passionate travelers in search of authentic local discoveries when traveling for either business or leisure. Renaissance Riverside Hotel Saigon is strategically located in the heart of Saigon's business and entertainment district; the hotel offers incredible panoramic views of the Saigon River. Famous landmarks such as the Reunification Palace and the beautiful Opera House are all within strolling distance as are numerous sellers of Vietnamese arts and crafts: a fascinating mix of commercial, retail, entertainment and cultural highlights at your door. Accommodation: 336 Rooms including club level floors with a dedicated lounge and meeting rooms, 12 Deluxe Suites, 02 Executive Suites and a Presidential Suite.

Situated in District 7 with modern facilities rivaling any other, RISS offers both the prestigious IGCSE and IB Diploma examinations for its secondary school students. RISS has been an IB World School since 2009 and the IB Diploma graduates through independent research have proven to be more likely to graduate from university than others. RISS’s Mission is "To provide quality teaching and learning experiences for students and staff focusing on excellence and internationalism, where all may individually and collectively achieve their full potential". If you are thinking of education for your child... there is only one name.... RISS.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Lobby Lounge, Atrium Lounge, Pool Bar perfect place to unwind after work; Riverside CafĂŠ known for the best seafood spread and Kabin Chinese specialty restaurant featuring the best of Cantonese cuisine.

Renesas Design Vietnam Co., Ltd.

Resident Vietnam Limited

Lot w.29-30-31a Tan Thuan Road, Tan Thuan EPZ District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3770 0255 Fax : +84 8 3770 0249 Email : Website:

PNTechcons Building, Unit A601 48 Hoa Su Street Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 2226 8855 Fax : +84 8 2226 8726 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Tomoru Sato, President

Donn Mark Garton, General Manager Laurent André Quistrebert, Hanoi Chief Representative Sales & Marketing Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Research and develop integrated chip (IC), embedded software for system solution in mobile, automotive, and digital consumer field.

Resident Vietnam is the first relocation and immigration management company established in Vietnam. We have over ten years of experience helping expatriate families successfully immigrate, work and live in Vietnam. Our International and Vietnamese team is dedicated to ensuring our client’s success and happiness in the most efficient and cost effective manner possible. Combining local expertise, a deep understanding of international standards and expectations, our services have been tailored to ensure each individual and family’s experience in Vietnam is successful and rewarding to both assignees and their company. For Relocation services we offer Looksee Trip, SchoolSearch, HomeSearch, Settling-In Programs, Tenancy & Expense Management, Departure Programs and Cross Cultural Training for individuals and groups. For Immigration services we offer business visa, work permit and temporary residence card assistance as well as driving license conversion, outbound immigration assistance and police clearance certificate assistance. Hanoi Office: 3A Alley 49, Huynh Thuc Khang Street Dong Da District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3773 7191 Fax: +84 4 3773 7192 AmCham Directory - 2012


Riverside Apartments

Riverside Palace

53 Vo Truong Toan Street, Thao Dien Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3744 4111 Fax : +84 8 3744 4000 Email : Website :

360D Ben Van Don Street District 4, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6256 8888 Fax : +84 8 6256 9999 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Ta Thi Thanh Thuy, General Director Virginie Estievenart, Resident Director Tran T. Nhat Hang, Director of Sales & Marketing

Nguyen Quang Hien, Managing Director Vu Le Giang, General Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Riverside Serviced Apartments is a unique resort lifestyle complex spread on four hectares of land and located in the heart of An Phu, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City.

In order to accommodate high demand for international standard conference center, it is our pleasure to introduce Riverside Palace located at 360D Ben Van Don, Dist. 4, in central commercial district. Riverside Palace, only 10 minutes from Ben Thanh market, is considered the newest luxury wedding & convention center in Ho Chi Minh City.

Our professional teams will assist you by pointing you in the right direction for every services and support you need, making your experience of life in Ho Chi Minh City unforgettable. Our multi-award winning residential lifestyle complex offers fully serviced 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 bed-room apartments and a penthouse for long, short term stays, or even for holidays stopover. Our international team is proficient in English to ensure you a smooth, easy and effective communication. Riverside is proud to offer you a large range of facilities, unique in Ho Chi Minh City and including a health club, fitness centre, tennis courts, large swimming pool with jacuzzi, football, basketball, volleyball, badminton, children’s playground indoor & outdoor, luxuriant landscape & gardens, dog run area, full back-up generator, on-call 24/7 Maintenance & Resident services for a continuous assistance to our guests, 24/7 security, in-house convenience store, international restaurant by the river, and complimentary boat/bus transfers to and from District 1, the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. 208

American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

This pristine venue has been developed and designed to cater for various types of function. Riverside Palace can accommodate up to 2,500 guests and has taken every facet of hosting an event into consideration. Riverside Palace has total space of 5,000 sqm, consisting of 4 grand banquet halls with capacity from 300 to 1,200 guests, VIP lounge, a-la-carte Restaurant, modern IT facilities, lighting and sound systems, abundant pre-function areas, and spacious parking for cars and bikes.

RMIT International University Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City 702 Nguyen Van Linh Boulevard, Tan Phong Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3776 1300 Fax : +84 8 3776 1399 Email : Website : Hanoi Handi Resco Building 521 Kim Ma Street Ba Dinh District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3726 1460 Fax : +84 4 3726 1469 Email: Chamber Representatives

Activities in Vietnam RMIT International University Vietnam was Vietnam’s first fully foreign-owned university, and remains the only foreign university to operate completely in its own right. Established in 2001, it delivers internationally recognised degrees from campuses in both Hanoi and HCM City. RMIT Vietnam is the Asian hub of RMIT University.

Merilyn Liddell, President RMIT Vietnam Chris Giaras, Director, Business Development and Events Management Andrew Scown, Head, Centre of Communication and Design Christopher Munro, Academic Services Manager Economics, Finance and Marketing James Murphy, Course Coordinator Linh Nguyen, Manager, Career Development and Employment – Student Services Julian Teicher, Head of Centre of Commerce and Management Bernadine Van Gramberg, Director, Learning and Teaching Serge Demidenko, Head of Centre of Technology John Crook, Head of Hanoi Campus

Starting with around 30 students, RMIT Vietnam now boasts a dynamic student body of approximately 6,000. RMIT Vietnam offers a range of undergraduate programs including Commerce, Accountancy, Marketing, Economics & Finance, Business Information Systems, Professional Communication, Design (Multimedia Systems) and Information Technology. Postgraduate programs include a part-time Executive MBA, a full-time Graduate MBA and a Master of Engineering (Electronic & Computer Engineering). The University also delivers corporate training programs and tailored English training programs to meet the needs of international and local companies, industry and government. RMIT Vietnam has won a Business Excellence Award from the Australian Chamber of Commerce three consecutive years from 2006 to 2008. RMIT Vietnam has also won the prestigious Golden Dragon Award eight times since 2003 and Top Trade Services Award organised by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and Trade News from 2007 to 2010 for excellence in education.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Robert Walters Vietnam Company Limited Suite 1403, 14th Floor, Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3520 7900 Fax : +84 8 3520 7901 Email : Website:

Roche Diagnostics Vietnam Co., Ltd. Unit 3.3, 2 Building 364 Cong Hoa Street, Ward 13 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3810 1888 Fax : +84 8 3810 1999 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Rupali Edekar, Country Manager Quy Vo, Recruitment Consultant

Rod Ward, General Manager Leo Atienza, Finance Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Robert Walters is one of the world's leading specialist professional recruitment consultancies with 47 offices spanning 23 countries. The Vietnam Office specializes in placing candidates on a permanent basis in the following specialities: Accounting and Finance; Banking and Financial Services; Human Resources; Sales and Marketing.

Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, Roche is a leading research-focused healthcare company with combined strengths in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. Roche Diagnostics is a world leader in in-vitro diagnostics offering innovative products and services for the screening and early detection, diagnosis, risk assessment and treatment monitoring of diseases. The company is active in all market segments ranging from scientific research and clinical laboratory systems to patient self-monitoring. Roche Diagnostics Vietnam Co., Ltd has established a nationwide network, delivering differentiated medical value to healthcare professionals that significantly improves and truly makes a difference to patients’ health and quality of life. Business category: Healthcare (life science research, clinical laboratory systems, patient self-monitoring) Employees in Vietnam: 170


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Rouse Legal

Royal Haskoning Vietnam

6th Floor, Abacus Tower 58 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 6770 Fax : +84 8 3823 6771 Email : Website:

236/26C Dien Bien Phu Street, Ward 17 Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3899 2505 Fax : +84 8 3899 4469 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Hien Dao, Associate Lam Nguyen, Associate

Activities in Vietnam Rouse is a world-class IP services firm primarily focused on the emerging markets, with a leading niche United Kingdom IP practice. With over 500 professionals working in 17 offices globally, we provide the full range of IP services. Based in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, our 30 IP professionals advise a range of prestigious international and domestic clients covering the pharmaceutical, FMCG, clothing and apparel, software and luxury products industries. Our IP expertise includes (i) Protection – advising on and filing trade marks, designs, patents, domain names and copyright, geographical indications and plant varieties, implementing customs/border measures and managing IP strategy/management programs (ii) Enforcement – handling enforcement cases through administrative and criminal actions as well as litigation through the Courts. We design, implement and manage enforcement programs in Vietnam, across Indochina and Asia Pacific (iii) Commercial Work – advising clients on entering the market and providing IP advice, advising on franchising and licensing, distribution & retail services, product label auditing, consumer and food safety laws. Aiming to be the genuine leader in our field, we work in partnership with clients, providing specialist IP advice combined with practical commercial solutions.

Bernard Schiphorst, Managing Director Martijn Lips, Business Manager Maritime & Waterways Activities in Vietnam Royal Haskoning Vietnam provides a full suite of services which includes project management; architectural design and engineering; structural, mechanical, electrical and process engineering and most various technical and financial consultancy services; HSE management; construction management and site supervision in the fields of Buildings, Industry & Energy, Maritime & Waterways and Water. Royal Haskoning, founded in 1881 in the Netherlands, is an independent international consultancy with technical roots. Working with our clients, we develop solutions for issues related to the sustainable interaction between people and their environment. We contribute to our client’s success with innovative and sustainable solutions that enhance society. With a worldwide network of professionals and strong industry relationships established over 130 years ago, our expertise and experience is far reaching. Royal Haskoning has been operating in South East Asia for 40 years where we aim to be a truly regional partner for our clients with offices around the globe and started operating in Vietnam in 1985. We operate around the world as ‘One Company’ in the way we work with our clients, and together, we connect with society. At present, RHV has 170 staff working in offices in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and construction sites nationwide, delivering our services across the country. With 27 years of experience in the Vietnamese market, we have confidently built up our local knowledge of the industry and its practices and requirements.We deliver top level services and expertise in all phases of the project development chain, always meeting our clients’ needs and adapting to our changing world. Today RHV is recognized as one of the most prominent leading independent consultants in Vietnam with a unique track record of successful large-scale projects. RHV’s philosophy is to combine high-end consultancy services with “hands-on” methodologies. Our clients’ world is our world. We treat projects as if they are our own resulting in a strong drive for real project optimization and cost savings. The firm is dynamically organized such that our expertise from various different fields are brought together and offered a “one-stop shop” approach and added value to our clients. We care for our clients and offer solutions which help our clients to address the challenges facing them. Doing so we enhance your business as well as our society. AmCham Directory - 2012


Russin & Vecchi

S.C. Johnson & Son

15th Floor, OSC-VTP Building

Song Than Industrial Zone 1 Di An, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3742 230 Fax : +84 650 3742 234 Email : Website:

8 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 3026 Fax : +84 8 3824 3113 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Sesto E. Vecchi, Managing Partner Nguyen Huu Minh Nhut, Partner Orsolya Szotyory-Grove, Attorney at Law Tran Ngoc Han, Associate

Silparat Watthanakasetr, Country Manager Nguyen Van Thanh, Product Supply Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Russin & Vecchi is an international law firm that has been in existence for nearly 50 years and in Vietnam for over 25 years. It has broad experience operating in developing countries. Its offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi provide legal services to companies investing and doing business in Vietnam.

For efficient, dependable Insect Control, Raid (multi insect killers and fly insect killers in aerosol, liquid electric and coil mosquito repellents) and OFF (mosquito repellent skin lotion). For a fresh smelling home, Glade air fresheners in aerosol, Glade Scented Gels and Glade Isis long-lasting fragrance and versatility in locations. For a clean and beautiful home, Mr. Muscle Floor cleaner and Mr. Muscle Glass cleaner combine with Glade fragrance, Duck (bathroom and toilet cleaners), Duck Kitchen cleaner (remove completely all dust and oily stains in kitchen) and PLEDGE (multi-purpose and furniture cleaners). For a extending life of your favorite pair of shoe, KIWI product completes your shoe kit, making you and your shoes look good. From traditional shoe care outside the shoe to laces and then inside the shoe with insoles and shoe fresheners. SC Johnson provides these brands from its manufacturing facilities in Vietnam and around the region. Description: Meet the SC Johnson family of brands available in Vietnam. From deep cleaning to disinfecting, removing dust to cleaning with a streak-free shine, SC Johnson is dedicated to creating products that keep your home fresh, clean and beautiful as well as make the toughest cleaning job easier all over your home.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Saigon Asset Management Corporation

Saigon Express Agency Limited (SEAL)

Level 12, TMS Building 172 Hai Ba Trung Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5404 3488 Fax : +84 8 5404 3487 Email : Website:

Viconship Saigon Building, 7th Floor 6-8 Doan Van Bo Street District 4, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3826 8850 (6 lines) Fax : +84 8 3826 8851 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Louis Nguyen, Chairman & CEO Kevin Flaherty, Managing Director, Energy and Natural Resources Investments

David Muller, Marketing Manager Vo Ngoc Hoang Hoa, Relocation Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Saigon Asset Management (SAM) is an investment fund management and merchant banking company. SAM invests and/or provides financing in promising companies and projects, with focus in consumer staples, real estate, energy, agriculture, and impact related investments.

Saigon Express Agency Limited (SEAL) is an innovative, independent, specialized Relocations and world-wide logistics company having been established in Vietnam for over fifteen years.

Description: Founded in August 2007, Saigon Asset Management (SAM) manages three investment funds: Vietnam Equity Holding (VEH) and Vietnam Property Holding (VPH), and Indochina Energy Holding (IEH). In 2008, LCF Rothschild ranked VEH as the top performing equity fund in Vietnam, and in 2009, VPH was ranked as the top performing real estate fund in Vietnam. SAM employs over 25 professionals, is headquartered in the Cayman Islands and has representative offices in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Vientiane, Lao PDR. For more information, please visit our website at

SEAL services include: • Providing comprehensive logistics services by air, sea and land worldwide and in Vietnam. • Specializing in packing and shipping household removals worldwide to/ from and in Vietnam. • Long standing member of International Association of Movers. • Experts in pet relocations and member of IPATA specialist pet relocation group. • Specializing in worldwide project shipping services to Vietnam and up to project site in Vietnam. • Offering transportation solutions at very competitive rates. • European management and overseas trained staff. Substantial cost savings on relocations: For all relocation services of removals & personal effects, we offer efficient handling by sea-, air- and land transport from door-to-door and anywhere world-wide and in Vietnam. Moreover our packing services are providing you with the safest possible packing of your personal effects as no effort is spared to use the best and most packing materials to ensure safe transportation all the way to your new residence. When it comes to cost savings, we can quote and handle your relocation very competitively and at much lower cost than other professional movers. Please find out for yourself by letting us quote you without obligation and cost for your next relocation and you will be pleasantly surprised how much money you can save by using our relocation services. AmCham Directory - 2012


Saigon Metropolitan Tower Limited

Saigon Newport Corporation

235 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 6936 Fax : +84 8 3823 6935 Email :

722 Dien Bien Phu Street, Ward 22 Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3512 7872 Fax : +84 8 3512 0591 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Bryan Cockrell, Chairman Christopher Kan, Director

Chamber Representatives

Le Hoang Bao Chau, Marketing Vice Director Marketing Department Pham Thi My Le, Head of Forwarder Relations Division Marketing Department Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Saigon Metropolitan Tower Limited is a joint venture between Saigon Metropolitan Limited and Binh Minh Construction Limited Company that developed and managed the prestigious Metropolitan Tower building.

Saigon Newport Corporation (SNP) is a defense-business unit, which was established on March 1989. SNP transformed into “Holding Company” in 2006 and “Corporation” on February 09,2010. In the past time, the delivery, receipt and vessel dispatch activities at Cat Lai port under SNP has played an important role in the import export trade in the South of Vietnam in particular and of the country in general. During 21 years of the establishment and development, Saigon Newport Corporation has proved our leading position in term of the terminal development and operation with the strategic and dynamic view to face the severe challenges in the integration process. “Saigon Newport” has become a prestigious and powerful brand in the terminal operation in Vietnam, SNP handled 2.4 millions teus in 2009, and increased to handle 2.85 millions teus in 2010, and 3 millions teus in 2011, accounts for nearly 80% of Ho Chi Minh City and approximately 50% of whole country. SNP is standing in TOP 40 CONTAINERS TERMINAL WORLDWIDE. Being 01 of 43 Vietnamese enterprises were received the Vietnamese Value Award 2010 from Prime Minister. Business category: • Terminal / Yard / Warehouse services. • Free Port / Transshipment Port services. • Construction & repairing for marine, industrial & civil projects. • Inland haulage & waterway transportation; tugboat services. • ICD services/ container handling and tally services. • Salvage, dredging & rescue services. • Logistics services; customs clearance • Multimodal transportation. • Cargo stevedoring / Packaging / Storing / Forwarding; ICD services. • Marine services; marine brokerage; vessel agent; shipping agent. • Vessel sanitation & repairing; ship chandler. • Real estate & office building. • Exhibition, conference & trade center. • Material producing. • Oil / Petrol agent & transportation. • Mechanical Services. Employees in Vietnam: 3,600

The Metropolitan Tower is a commercial and retail building located in the prime central business district of Dong Khoi Street. The building provides the finest facilities, superbly finished with a commitment to the highest standards of quality. State-of-the-art building management, communications and access control systems provide a setting in which people and businesses can flourish. The 1920’s era General Post Office building, the twin spired towering Notre Dame Cathedral, tree lined avenues and a large open square establish The Metropolitan Tower within one of the most visually prominent yet appealing locations in Ho Chi Minh City.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Saigon Phong Ten Management Consultancy Limited Suite 1331, 13th Floor, Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6288 8990 /1 Fax : +84 8 6291 7900 Email : Website:

Saigon Sky Garden Co., Ltd. 20 Le Thanh Ton Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 0002 Fax : +84 8 3822 0573 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Tran Long Nhat, CEO

Yoshiro Akisue, General Director Hoang Su, First Deputy General Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Saigon Phong Ten is Vietnam’s foremost corporate governance consultant for Commercial Due Diligence, Competitive Strategies and Contract Negotiation - across the major industries. We have established business presence and networkings all over Vietnam and Internationally. Our specialized functional practices: • Merger & Acquisition • Project Development • Marketing & Sales Our industrial expertise: • Consumer Products & Retail • Construction • Franchising • High Tech • Logistics • Media & Entertainment • Metals & Mining • Telecommunications • Transportation Services Saigon Phong Ten offer clients our highly competitive policy of captured maximum fee limits for all clients in all cases/tasks. Our clients receive services where world-class expertise is combined with local insights, delivered at the highest standard of professional practice. Saigon Phong Ten is proud to be served by a team of outstanding professionals, lead by our founding CEO, Tran Long Nhat, who is Barrister-at-law of England & Wales, having attended Harvard Kennedy School (Executive certificate) at Harvard University.

Saigon Sky Garden is an international class Serviced Apartments with peaceful atmosphere located in the center of Ho Chi Minh City. It is so designed as to give a luxurious and comfortable living space to every tenant dwelling in a unit of either one, two or three bedrooms, all fully furnished. We provide exceptional facilities, including gym, tennis court, swimming pool, sauna and services with efficiency, security and above all “Value for Money.”

AmCham Directory - 2012


Saigon South International School

Saigon Star International School

78 Nguyen Duc Canh Street, Tan Phong Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5413 0901 Fax : +84 8 5413 0902 Email : Website:

Residential Area #5, Thanh My Loi Ward District 2, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3742 7827 Fax : +84 8 3742 5436 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Charles Barton, Head of School Katie Rigney-Zimmermann, Director of Admissions & Marketing

Ellen Thompson, Head Teacher Phan Thi My Ngoc, Office Manager

Activities in Vietnam SSIS is a college preparatory school committed to the intellectual and personal development of each student in preparation for a purposeful life as a global citizen. Saigon South International School is a non-profit school founded in 1997 by the Phu My Hung Corporation. Here 800 students from 33 countries learn, inquire and grow together. SSIS is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) and the College Board (AP). We offer programs for students ranging from Early Childhood Program to our High School Program which offers an American high school diploma, IB & AP diploma and coursework. Our rigorous standards-based American curriculum is taught in English. Core Values: Saigon South International School’s core values play a vital role in each student’s daily life. Unlike a uniform which can be taken off at the end of the day, the core values are attributes which will remain with our students for the rest of their lives. They are the cornerstone of their educational experience here at SSIS. At SSIS we believe in and promote: Academic Excellence Sense of Self Dedicated Service Balance In Life Respect for All Assets: • Highly qualified & experienced teachers • 1:1 laptop program in both HS & MS • Large 6 hectare campus with purpose built facilities • Modern science labs, IT labs and classrooms • 2 air-conditioned gymnasiums, 25m swimming pool, 3 libraries, 3 soccer fields and fitness center • Music rooms, dance rooms, auditorium, and art studios • Health center with a four bed clinic • Counselors who provide academic, social and emotional support


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Saigon Star International School caters to the diverse needs of the international community in HCMC, and offers a safe family environment. Children are given the opportunity to explore their interests and encouraged to reach their full potential. It offers a British primary curriculum supported by the Cambridge International Primary Program and an integrated Montessori program for early years. The teachers are qualified and experienced overseas professionals. The small class sizes are to ensure maximum attention to individual needs and abilities. The school focuses on providing a stimulating learning environment that enhances the students’ creativity and independence. Our brand new 8,000 m2 purpose built campus is located half way between the Phu My and Saigon Bridges in a new, growing residential area. School buses are available for D4 & D7, D1 & D3, and Binh Thanh & An Phu. Saigon Star has a quality library, fully equipped computer lab, and 10 spacious classrooms. Our outdoor features include a traditional playground, expansive lawn areas, swimming pool, and a nature area featuring a running stream, with fish and rabbits.

Saigon Tan Tec Leather Ltd. Viet Huong 2 Industrial Park, Au Tay Village Ben Cat District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3579 101 Fax : +84 650 3579 103 Email : Website:

Sandhill Scientific Vietnam Company Limited 16 VSIP Street 4 Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park Thuan An District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3765 042 Email : Website:

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Dirk Leyendecker, General Director

Jonathan L. Moreno, General Director Vietnam Operation Nhan Nguyen, HR Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

The German/Chinese high-quality leather manufacturer ISA Tan Tec has an ecologically friendly tannery in Vietnam - Saigon Tan Tec Leather Ltd. We are producing and supplying our high-quality leather for major brands of the footwear industry. Thanks to our in-house developed LITE concept (Low Impact to The Environment), our LITE leather is setting a new standard for the tannery industry. We are continuously monitoring and reducing our chemical, water and energy consumption in using renewable natural sources such as wind and solar energy for our production processes. Our machines are equipped with heat recovery systems to heat up the water for our production process. Our innovative plant-based water treatment system will reduce the energy used for waste water treatment and will set an example to many industries especially in Vietnam. Based on our LITE concept we are able to provide our customers with CO2 guides which clearly display the environmental attributes of our products, showing KgCO2 emission per square meter leather and water consumption levels for each individual product in our collection. With more than 20 years experience as leather manufacturer in Asia we are continuously improving our processes and do the utmost efforts to save our environment. Business category : Manufacturer Employees in Vietnam : 390 employees

Manufacturing of gastroenterological procedural devices.

AmCham Directory - 2012



Santa Fe Relocation Services

10 Ham Nghi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3829 8526 Fax : +84 8 3914 4820 Website:

8th Floor, Thien Son Building 5 Nguyen Gia Thieu Street, Ward 6 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3933 0065 Fax : +84 8 3930 5889 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Christophe Hirtz, General Manager Pierre Vergriete, Finance & Administration Director

Binh Vo, GMS, General Director Anh Vo, GMS, General Manager Household Goods & Relocation Services Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Sanofi is the leading pharmaceutical company on the market, and has a history of 50 years in Vietnam. Sanofi enjoys a unique position, with a portfolio of more than 90 pharmaceutical products and vaccines covering the main therapeutic areas. It is one of the only pharmaceutical MNCs having 2 factories in Vietnam producing 80% of its units sold in the country. Besides, 25% of the medicines produced by Sanofi Vietnam are exported to other Asian countries. Its main activities consist in coordinating importation, production, promotion and distribution of pharmaceutical products, in an area covering Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Sanofi also commits to participate in the progress of general health in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos through several medical education programs and charity actions. In the meantime, the company is involved in the modernization of the healthcare system by collaborating with the authorities through PharmaGroup and various actions. Sanofi works with the highest standards to provide the best quality, the most effective and the safest products to the greatest number of people, because health matters.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Santa Fe provides clients with a single source global solution to all relocation and moving needs. We provide a comprehensive range of the highest quality services for individual and corporate clients including: • International & Local Moving • Immigration/Visa, Work Permit and Residence Card • Familiarization • Home/School Search • Language/Cultural Training • Tenancy Management • Departure Programs Mission: We make it easy Vision: Deliver sustainable value through innovation Values: Quality, efficiency and people Over 30 years, Santa Fe has grown from a single office into an industry leader with more than 3,500 team members and 120 offices worldwide. Service quality is at the heart of everything we do and we set the standards for our industry with internationally accredited qualifications including ISO 9001 (quality), 14001 (environmental), 27001 (data protection and information security) and FAIMISO. Santa Fe strives to contribute positively to society and in the communities where we live and work. We are a member of the UN Global Compact and our corporate responsibility policy is based on its 10 principles as well as complying with national legislation. We support the Johns Hopkins Cancer Research Fund, which focuses on the research and treatment of cancer. To date, we have contributed in excess of US$ 1 million for the research fund and we will continue to support the cause. Our worldwide partners are members of internationally recognized organizations, the most common being Worldwide ERC, OMNI, FIDI, and EURA. Each of these organizations requires their members to adhere to a unique set of strict criteria. Hanoi Office Suite 821, 8th Floor, Vietnam Trade Union Hotel 14 Tran Binh Trong Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3941 0805 Fax : +84 4 3941 0807 Email : Website :

SANYO Semiconductor (VN) Co., Ltd. ScanCom International A/S Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3770 1403 Fax : +84 8 3770 1830 Email : Website :

# 10, Road No. 8, Song Than Industrial Park 1 Di An District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3791 056 Fax : +84 650 3732 910 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Rene De Kok, Group Commercial Director Jasper Boer, Senior Regional Sales Manager

Bin Sung Lee, General Manager Kim Van Le, HR Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

ON Semiconductor Vietnam is manufacturing of hybrid integrated circuits and other semiconductor components for Discrete Power, Small Signal, Analog, Logic and Mixed Signal technologies, as well as the implementation of importation and exportation rights.

Manufacture and export garden furniture. ScanCom International A/S is a young company. Since commencing operations in April 1995 we have grown to become one of the world’s largest suppliers of outdoor furniture. This has been achieved through a commitment to attractive designs, high standards of quality control, delivery planning, competitive pricing, exceptional service and support, ongoing environmental and social awareness, as well as being fully responsive to the needs of customers. ScanCom’s corporate head office is situated in Korsor, Denmark, and our production operations are located in Vietnam, Indonesia and Brazil. Our main product lines are garden furniture made from hardwood, teakwood, painted wood, aluminium, steel, wrought iron, cushions and maintenance products. With a solid network of customers across Europe and North America, ScanCom’s vision is to become the primary supplier of quality outdoor furniture worldwide.

ON Semiconductor (ONNN) acquired Sanyo Semiconductor Japan in Jan 2011. There are 3 Assembly and Test Factories in Vietnam located in Ho Chi Minh City, Binh Duong and Dong Nai Province. Total workforce is around 2000 as of Jan 2012.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Schouten Vietnam 57 - 59 Ho Tung Mau Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3914 1234 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Scottsdale International Aerospace SIA, LLC 15955 N. Dial Boulevard, Suite 5 Scottsdale, AZ 85260 USA Tel : +1 480 905 6085 Fax : +1 480 998 3346 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

John McGrady, President Alexander Slingeland, Director of Business Development, Asia

Jos Langens, CEO / Trainer Huong Nghiem, Chief Program Officer / Trainer

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Schouten Vietnam is a subsidiary of Schouten Training from the Netherlands. Schouten Training started in 1980 and currently has offices in 14 countries worldwide. Schouten Vietnam supports people in organizations in developing their behavioral skills in order to facilitate them in the development of their career. We offer a variety of soft-skills trainings from CEO level to junior staff level. For the best results we prefer to work in small groups, giving each individual the opportunity to gain the necessary insights in her/his own behavior and the effects this has on others. Following this insight, much attention is paid in our trainings to practise new and alternative behaviors, followed by a plan to implement these new behaviors in the working place. The content of our trainings is customized towards the specific features of Vietnam, many trainings are especially developed for Vietnam. Especially for foreigners working, managing in Vietnam we offer a training to become acquainted with the differences in behavior, perceptions, attitudes, opinions, values, etc. The training: “Working together, is knowing each other� aims to improve working efficiency by creating a better understanding of each other. By getting to know each other better, you reduce misunderstandings and increase working efficiency.

Scottsdale International Aerospace (SIA) along with its subsidiary Scottsdale Engineering provides production parts solutions and manufacturing management for the Aerospace Industry. SIA has developed an innovative new approach to serve the manufacturing needs of small and large aerospace companies. SIA offers a one stop portal to an extensive network of manufacturing capabilities and capacity, while ensuring the safety and quality of every part produced in its network. SIA evaluates, audits and approves suppliers and manufacturers at no additional cost to the customer.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

SIA is looking to expand its manufacturing network into Vietnam and is interested in partnering with Vietnamese manufacturers to serve the Aerospace Industry.

Seamoc Inc. RRO (Registered Representative Office) Room 606, Block B, Indochina Park Tower 4 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 2220 0934 Mobile : +84 90 387 0387 Fax : +84 8 2220 0935 Email : Website:

SEL Company Limited 46/9E Huynh Tan Phat Street District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3872 9805 Fax : +84 8 3872 7569 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Dao Duy Truong, Chief Representative Tran Thi Thanh Thuy, Administrative Assistant

Le Thi Tuyet Mai, General Director Tran Le Sang, Sales Representative

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Seamoc Inc. RRO is a consultancy with a focus on starting manufacturing in Vietnam and sourcing in Vietnam and China. Description: 1. Feasibility Study and Start-Up Planning Services: This service completes a start-up plan with the cash needed to become profitable. 2. Start-Up Services: Seamoc manages the entire start-up process from planning to starting production. 3. Construction Services: Seamoc gets three reliable builders to quote on new construction and checks the progress of the building at each stage to assure successful completion. 4. Sourcing Services: Seamoc has offices in Shenzhen, China and Ho Chi Minh City, to help clients who need Asian sources for their Asian Factory's material needs.

Importer & Distributor of USA branded Sun Protection, Tanning, and After Sun skincare products: • Ocean Potion ® Skincare • Aloe Up ® Sun and Skincare Products • SunX ® Sunscreens, BurnX ® First Aid Burn Gel, Grip-It ® Dry Hands Supplier & Installer of 3M Window Films: • 3M TM Sun Control Window Film • 3M TM Safety & Security Window Film • 3M TM Fasara TM Decorative Window Film

AmCham Directory - 2012


Sembcorp Parks Management Pte Ltd.

(co-developer of Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park) 30 Hill Street # 03-01 Singapore 179360 Tel : +65 6723 3900 Fax : +65 6723 3906 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

SGS Vietnam Ltd. SGS Building 119 - 121 Vo Van Tan Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3935 1920 Fax : +84 8 3935 1921 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

C. K. Chu, General Director Tran Thanh Phong, First Deputy General Director

Yip Lawrence, Chief Marketing Officer, Vietnam Chew Aloysius, Senior Marketing Manager Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Sembcorp Industries is a leading utilities, marine and integrated townships and industrial parks provider operating in 16 countries across six continents worldwide. With more than 20 years of experience in creating landmark, integrated townships and industrial parks in Vietnam, China and Indonesia, Sembcorp Industrial Park’s projects incorporate industrial, residential and commercial elements for a complete ‘work, live, play’ environment. In Vietnam, Sembcorp owns, manages and markets 4,845 hectares of the Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park (VSIP) Integrated Townships and Industrial Parks, located in the northern and southern economic zones of Vietnam, providing an integrated industrial, residential and commercial solution to more than 400 global customers. VSIP was awarded the best industrial developer in Vietnam by the EuroMoney in 2008.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. SGS is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 67,000 employees, SGS operates a network of over 1,250 offices and laboratories around the world including 7 in Vietnam. The core services offered by SGS Vietnam can be divided into three categories: • Inspection Services. SGS inspects and verifies the quantity, weight and quality of traded goods. Inspection typically takes place at the manufacturer’s/supplier’s premises or at time of loading or at destination during discharge/off-loading. • Testing Services. SGS tests product quality and performance against various health, safety and regulatory standards. SGS operates state of the art laboratories on or close to customers' premises including lab facility in Tan Binh Industrial Zone HCM City and Quang Ninh. • Certification Services. SGS certifies that products, systems or services meet the requirements of standards set by governments (e.g. GOST R), standardisation bodies (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000, ISO 13485, ISO/TS 16949, SA 8000, OHSAS 18001, IFS, GMP, FM, FSC CoC and other certification services) or by SGS customers. SGS also develops and certifies its own standards. For more information please visit us at

Sharp Electronics (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Shell Vietnam Ltd.

9 Dinh Tien Hoang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 7499 Fax : +84 8 3910 7500 Email : Website :

7th Floor, Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 0300 Fax : +84 8 3822 3129 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Masashi Kubo, General Director Kajikawa Ryuichiro, General Manager

Thanh Le, Country Chairman & General Manager Bui Tan Thai, Bitumen Business Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Sharp is known worldwide for its unique one-of-a-kind electronic products and solutions. Our challenge is to create a balance between work time and personal time, with products that can benefit people's lives at work, at home, and everywhere in between. Sharp consumer electronics can enhance your enjoyment, add to your comfort and open new perspectives. Sharp business products can boost your productivity and reduce costs. Sharp products are designed to help individuals, families, and corporate teams connect effortlessly, communicate clearly, and unleash creativity like never before. Sharp is dedicated to improving people's lives through the use of advanced technology and a commitment to innovation, quality, value, and design.

Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemical companies. Our aim is to meet the energy needs of society, in ways that are economically, socially and environmentally viable, now and in the future. We provide transport fuel to around 10 million customers each day through our 44,000 service stations worldwide. We are working to deliver cleaner burning and more efficient fuels. Our products and services are also designed to meet the needs of businesses - from the construction industry to aviation, chemicals to shipping.

We are proud of our accomplishments and eagerly await the future. We invite you to find out more about us by browsing through our Company Profile where you will learn about our Business Creed & Business Philosophy, our business operations in Vietnam and how to contact them, the value we place upon Corporate Social Responsibility, and the numerous awards won by our innovative products.

Shell was in Vietnam starting in 1894 and returned to Vietnam in 1989 with upstream activities and downstream operation followed. Currently, has downstream businesses in Vietnam and is looking for opportunities to expand its presence.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Sheraton Saigon Hotel & Towers 88 Dong Khoi Street, Ben Nghe Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 2828 Fax : +84 8 3827 2929 Email : Website :

eSilicon Vietnam Joint Stock Company 9th Floor, 2 Building 364 Cong Hoa Street Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3813 4373 Fax : +84 8 3813 4374 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Scott Hodgetts, General Manager Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hanh, Director of Sales - Corporate

Nguyen Dinh Hieu, General Manager Nguyen Phuong Mai, Director, Human Resources & Administration

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Sheraton Saigon Hotel & Towers is a multi-award winning hotel in the heart of the vibrant business and entertainment district and on the famous Dong Khoi Street. The hotel comprises of 470 rooms including 112 luxurious suites in the Grand Tower with state of-the-art technology and complimentary internet at the Link@Sheraton. Rooms start at a spacious 37sqm and feature Sheraton Sweet Sleeper Bed™, floor-to-ceiling marble bathrooms with separate bath and massage-style Visy showers. The hotel features eight restaurants, bars and lounges from authentically prepared local Vietnamese dishes to international cuisine prepared by our team of expert chefs. • Nominated “World’s Leading Meeting & Conference Hotel” by World Travel Awards 2009 - 2010 • Awarded “The Restaurant of The Year” by Tourism Alliance Awards 2010 • Awarded “Asia’s Leading Conference Hotel” by World Travel Awards 2009 • Awarded “Vietnam’s Leading Hotel” by World Travel Awards 2009

eSilicon, the largest independent semiconductor value chain producer (VCP), provides a comprehensive suite of ASIC and SoC design, productization and manufacturing services, enabling a flexible, low-cost, lower-risk path to volume production of integrated circuits (ICs). We deliver custom ASICs to system OEMs and fabless semiconductor companies (FSCs) who serve a wide variety of markets including consumer, computer, communications and industrial. eSilicon creates a unique, optimized semiconductor value chain for each design: design services and tools, intellectual property (IP) and materials suppliers, and test and packaging providers. By integrating this value chain with our expertise and proven eSilicon® Enterprise™ infrastructure, we produce leading-edge chips for a diverse customer base. Leveraging our 14+ years of experience, eSilicon Vietnam works closely with our customers to deliver leading edge semiconductor IP to our clients. We can customize our solutions to meet your specific market requirements and for your specific process. eSilicon Vietnam was first to establish full service electronic circuit design capabilities in Vietnam. The Design Center in HCMC was opened in 1998 and to keep up with continued growth. eSilicon Vietnam opened the Design Center in Danang in 2005. Today eSilicon Vietnam provides its customers worldwide with high quality, advanced semiconductor technology Intellectual Property for the Consumer, Networking, and Computing markets.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Sipi Metals Corporation Representative Office in HCMC Suite 1706-01, 17th Floor, Gemadept Tower 6 Le Thanh Ton Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6255 6908 Mobile : +84 1213 646 756 (Kevin) +84 1222 739 906 / 983 536 696 (Hanh) Fax : +84 8 6255 6801 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

SOAProjects Vietnam (S.O.A.P Co., Ltd) 6 Ho Tung Mau Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Mobile : +84 903 067 853 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Kevin Quinn, Vice President Asia Operations Managing Director Sipi Metals Corp. Vietnam Tran Thi My Hanh, Office Manager

Huy Hoang, Director Manav Singh, Partner Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Sipi Metals provides recycling services throughout Vietnam. Our primary focus is the refining of materials containing precious metals. Materials are processed utilizing state of the art processes, incorporating the highest environmental standards while ensuring the protection of intellectual property.

SOAProjects Vietnam is subsidiary of SOAProjects Inc. provides a wide range of services including accounting advisory services, auditing/pre-audit services, M&A consulting services, tax advisory services, IT solution services, risk management and other general consulting services.

Description Sipi Metals is a 100 year old Precious Metals Refiner. Sipi recycles precious metal containing scrap materials generated in the Electronics, Aerospace, Defense, Mining and Jewelry industries. Please visit our Website at SIPI METALS CORPORATION 1720 Elston Ave., Chicago Illinois 60622-5066, USA Tel : +1 773 276 0070 Fax: +1 773 276 5168

AmCham Directory - 2012


Sodexo Pass Vietnam One Member Company Limited 5th Floor, Unit 5.8, 2 Building 364 Cong Hoa Street, Ward 13 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3810 8989 Fax : +84 8 3812 6569 Email : Website:

Sofitel Saigon Plaza 17 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 1555 Fax : +84 8 3824 1666 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Dao The Hai, General Director Dao Minh Huy, Sales Director

Bertrand Courtois, General Manager Tatiana Klimentyeva, Director of Sales and Marketing

Activities in Vietnam Sodexo was founded by Pierre Bellon in 1966 and is today the world leader in quality of life services. We believe that the quality of daily life increases the satisfaction and motivation of individuals, and thus plays an important role in the organizational performance of our strategic partners. We develop, manage and deliver a unique array of On-site Service Solutions, Motivation Solutions and Personal and Home Services for all our clients to improve the Quality of Daily Life. Among the recent awards received by Sodexo: • For the third consecutive year, Sodexo was ranked number 3 among the world's leading outsourcing services companies by the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals® (IAOP®). • March 2011: Ranked 2nd on the 2011 DiversityInc magazine list of the Top 50 Companies for Diversity. Sodexo key figures (August 31, 2011) • 16 billion euro in revenues • 391,000 employees, 22nd worldwide employer • 33,400 sites • 50 million consumers daily • 80 countries SODEXO MOTIVATION SOLUTIONS - VIETNAM As an expert in motivation strategy, Sodexo offers its clients a whole range of solutions to encourage and reward performance. Our motivation expertise is comprehensive: • We design motivation strategies suited to the needs of our clients, taking full advantage of local tax incentives and benefits. • We manage motivation programs from A to Z, such as setting up on-line platforms to manage employee benefits in a flexible way. • We implement a wide range of Pass solutions - gifts, restaurants, vacations, culture, wellness, etc. - giving access to more than a million retail stores and service providers across the world.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Sofitel Saigon Plaza is ideally located on the serene and historical tree-lined Boulevard of Le Duan, few steps from major international corporate companies and walking distance from deluxe shopping malls, Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Reunification Palace and other touristic attractions. Environmental friendly surrounding, grandiose lobby, sober yet elegant design for the bedrooms and a dedicated and passionate team, this address intends to be the city’s key business and leisure address. Sofitel Club rooms and Suites were recently given a new feel subtly blending French and Vietnamese cultures by famous French interior designer Pierre Maciag. Overlooking the city and Saigon River, the Club Lounge and rooftop swimming-pool provide relaxing place to enjoy a drink with the best “Saigon by night” view. Enjoy a delicate cuisine with Cafe Rivoli, an all-day dinning restaurant featuring French and International dishes. For a business lunch or intimate dinner, choose a table at Olivier, our French restaurant featuring traditional Mediterranean delicacies. Relax at the lobby bar or at the pool bar and savor a healthy meal in a friendly atmosphere. For your meeting needs, we propose you a tailor made offer. With 8 multi-purpose meeting rooms, welcoming from 10 to 400 guests, and our brand new "InspiredMeetings™" concept, we look forward to exceed your expectations. Our InspiredMeetings™ Planners team is available to discuss about all your queries.

Sojitz Vietnam Company Limited

Sonion Vietnam Co., Ltd.

183 Ly Chinh Thang Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3931 8100 - Ext 305 Fax : +84 8 3931 8110 Email : Website :

Lot I3 - 9 Saigon Hi-Tech Park District 9, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3736 2222 Fax : +84 8 3736 0525 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Kimio Yamaguchi, General Director Hiroshi Taniguchi, Deputy General Director Munetake Kawakita, Deputy General Manager

Jacob Wrisberg Larsen, General Director Tran The Phong, Head Of Finance Tong Thach Chuong, Supply Chain Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Sojitz Corporation is one of major Japanese trading companies which was the first foreign company to get a Representative License in 1986 in Vietnam. We are handling Marine products, processed foods (import/export), wheat flour, feed and grain products; General commodities; Afforestation; Ferroalloy & iron ore; Cement, steel plant & marine; Plastics; Lumber; Crude oil & petroleum products; Fertilizer; Chemical tank operation; Chemical and mineral development (aluminum hydroxide project); chemical/plastic products, Automobile parts, Industrial park & total plant constructions services for foreign companies; Flexible printed circuit board (for electronic device & automobile); Infrastructure projects; IPP Projects (Independent power producer).

Sonion is headquartered in Denmark and has facilities in Poland, the Netherlands, the USA and Vietnam.

Besides that, Sojitz Corporation has more than 15 joint venture projects conducted in many different fields in Vietnam such as Fertilizer; Wood chip; Afforestation; Industrial Park; BOT power project; Grain & feed stock, Foodstuff wholesales; LPG and Chemical tank operation. Sojitz Vietnam Co., Ltd - Hanoi Branch Branch Head: Noriaki Shutoh Unit 403, 4th Floor, 23 Phan Chu Trinh, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3826 6606 Fax: +84 4 3826 8906

We are a global leader in the design of advanced miniature components and solutions for hearing instruments and advanced acoustics. Recently, we have successfully diversified our product offerings to include components and solutions for selected medical devices. Our product range includes balanced armature receivers, high-end microphones and electromechanical components for the hearing instruments, high-end audio headsets and the medical device market. Building on our generic product portfolio, we work intimately with our customers to supply customized solutions that help our customers meet their challenges. Our customers include a broad selection of hearing instrument manufacturers, in-ear earphone manufacturers and some of the world’s largest medtech companies. Sonion is certified according to the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 13485 standards. Since June 2009, Sonion has been owned by Altor Fund III - managed by Altor Equity Partners.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Sophie Martin Vietnam SMLLC (Sophie Paris Vietnam) 84B Tran Quoc Toan Street, Ward 8 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3820 4777 Fax : +84 8 3820 0025 Email : Website:

Spartronics Vietnam Co., Ltd. No.3, Street 6 VSIP Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park Thuan An District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3784 890 Fax : +84 650 3784 891 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Nick Jonsson, General Director Chau Nguyen, Sales and Marketing Manager Thuy Nguyen, External Affair Officer

Drew Graham Richmond, General Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

- Launched in Vietnam in November 2010. - Fashion items sold direct. 100% of products designed by French designers, manufactured in Indonesia, France and China. - Consumers can buy imported French designed products with local price. - Sophie Paris’ fashion products include handbags, clothing, watches, accessories, shoes and cosmetics. - Sophie Paris’ beauty products include skincare and hair care for men and women. - The Vietnamese catalogue features around 400 products and launch every 45 days. - Sophie Paris has global sales of over 100 Million USD. - More than 120,000 active members worldwide. - Sophie Paris is the largest fashion company selling direct in South East Asia. - Aside from its headquarter in Jakarta, Indonesia; Sophie Paris operates in four other countries: The Philippines, Morocco, Vietnam and Malaysia.

Spartronics is a full-service electronics manufacturing service provider.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Prototyping, printed circuit board assembly, design services, design for various tests, component obsolescence management, material procurement, box build, repair deport are among Spartronics offerings.

Spire Research and Consulting

Spitfire Controls (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

6th Floor, Phuong Tower 31C Ly Tu Trong Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3521 8734 Fax : +84 8 3521 8736 Email : Website:

No. 13, Plot 103/4 Street 5 Amata Industrial Park Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai Province Tel : +84 61 3936 801 / 3936 802 / 3936 803 Fax : +84 61 3936 800 Email :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Phong Quach, Manager, Research and Consulting Jeffrey Bahar, Group Deputy CEO

Peter W. Sognefest, Chairman Do Ngoc Phuong, General Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Spire Research and Consulting is Asia's leading strategic market intelligence consultancy focusing on market entry and growth studies. Spire's clients include over twenty Global Fortune 500 companies and Government agencies in 10 countries. Our services help clients with market entry and market growth studies, including: • Country research • Market sizing and segmentation • Channel research and value chain analysis • Competitor analysis • B2B customer decision dynamics • Price analysis • Business partner selection Spire has excellent track record conducting research in many industries, including: • IT • Telecommunications • Chemicals and Materials • Healthcare/ Life Sciences • Industrial and Engineering • Automotive • Financial and Banking • Logistics and Transportation • FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) • Government and Country Strategy, among others

Spitfire manufactures high volume electronic appliance controls for the global major appliance industry. Products include controls for dishwashers, blenders, ranges, ovens and other similar electronic appliance control products. Spitfire Controls (Vietnam) Co. Ltd. received its investment license in July 2005 and began manufacturing in 2006. Spitfire became ISO 9000:2000 registered and UL approval in May of 2006. Manufacturing technologies include surface mount and through-hole automated placement equipment, automated conformal coating and advanced in circuit and functional testing equipment.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Sports Engineering and Recreation Asia Ltd., - SEARA 227 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia Street, Ward 7 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3848 0938 Fax : +84 8 3848 0940 Email : Website:

Chamber Representative

SSIT (SP-SSA International Terminal) Phuoc Hoa Commune Tan Thanh District Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province Tel : +84 64 393 8888 Website :

Chamber Representative

John Cushing, General Director

Timothy M. Bennett, Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Sports Engineering and Recreation Asia Ltd., - SEARA specializes in the design, development, and installation of international standard sports, recreation, spa and fitness facilities in Vietnam. The company provides its products and services to many market sectors including health and fitness facilities, private clubs, educational institutions, hotels & resorts, property developments, commercial and retail client, and governmental projects.

SSIT (SP-SSA INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL) is a Joint Venture of Seattle-based SSA, Saigon Ports, and Vinalines. Together, SSIT brings the collective expertise of port and terminal design, development, and operations. These qualifications are complemented with established technology, support services and an experienced professional management team and staff.

Our list of clients in Vietnam include: InterContinental Hotels, Hyatt, Hilton, Sheraton, Sofitel, New World, Renaissance, Ana Mandara, Six Senses, JW Marriott, Phu My Hung Corporation, Bitexco Land, Vinpearl Land, Saigon Pearl, Phat Dat Land and many others. Seara is the exclusive agents in Vietnam for the following internationally recognized brands of fitness equipment, tennis courts and other specialty sports surfaces; Lifefitness, Cybex, Sportsart, Vectra, Plexipave, Mondo.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Opening in 2012, SSIT at Cai Mep in the South of Vietnam is poised to address the region's growing shipping needs. SSIT will provide 600 meters of vessel berth, 600 meters of barge berth, and four Super PostPanamax cranes to handle the larger ships that require deeper draft - SSIT has 14 meters of draft. The terminal will operate with 16 eRTGs (electronic Rubber Tired Gantry) cranes. SSIT will have an annual throughput capacity of just over 1.2 million TEUS. Spurred by increased industrial production, Vietnam's economy continues to grow. Increases in imports, exports, and domestic demands require additional capacity and terminal efficiencies - which will be met with SSIT's state-of the art terminal.

STAR Vietnam Translation & Software Co., Ltd. 228 Pho Co Dieu Street, Ward 6 District 11, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3855 3753 Fax : +84 8 3955 7774 Email : Website:

Steelman Partners Building C, 3rd Floor 27B Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 7925 Fax : +84 8 3827 7952 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Win Methakhunatham, Director General Jamie N. Kieu, General Manager

Activities in Vietnam Business category: Translation, software localization, information management, comprehensive documentation creation and multimedia services. Main fields of Expertise: • Information technology/ software localization • Telecommunications technology • Automotive and mechanical engineering • Measurement, control and automation technology • Medical engineering, pharmaceuticals and chemistry • Finance (banking and insurance) • Accounting, tax, company registration and legal documentation • Sales and marketing materials

Paul Steelman, Chief Executive Officer Adam Lawton, Managing Architect Activities in Vietnam An international architectural firm specializing in the multi-disciplinary facets of entertainment architecture, interior design, graphic design, planning, theater design, 3D design and lighting – Steelman Partners embraces all aspects of a project from project viability, revenue projections, site location, thematic considerations, conceptual design, programming and supporting the clients marketing efforts. Established in 1987, the company and its affiliates have positioned themselves as leaders in entertainment architecture with offices in Ho Chi Minh City, Las Vegas, Zhuhai, Macau, Manila, and Amsterdam. Steelman Partners Vietnam registered in 2009 and has established its presence through its current projects: Ho Tram Strip Integrated Resort in Ba Ria, Vung Tau, Happy Land Master Plan, Theme Park and Hotel in Long An, Park City Master Plan in District 7 HCMC, and many more projects in the Conceptual Design stages. Entertainment Architecture and Master Planning - Through our network of offices around the globe, we provide our clients exemplary services beyond just a typical design architect. DSAA - Our interiors speak of timeless elegance, creating profitable designs all over the world that take inspiration from the local region and appeal to an international clientele. shop12 - A multi-faceted design firm dedicated to the creation of the highest quality lighting, attraction and theatrical spaces for entertainment venues around the world. Inviro Studios - Providing advanced animation, 3D graphics, script writing and character development for episodic television, web-based and film productions. Ours are considered by worldwide standards to be the most advanced studios outside of Disney and Pixar. Hyperion Dynamic - Dedicated to designing, building and developing net-zero facilities, cutting-edge products and even entire master-planned green cities. Steelman Branding - Defining the voice of the project, integrating the written story of the design with the signature brand, and establishing a true lifestyle to the finished product. AmCham Directory - 2012


Stickley International Ltd. 30 VSIP 6th Street Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park Thuan An District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3784 935 Fax : +84 650 3784 945 Website :

Chamber Representatives

Sung Hyun Vina Joint Stock Company Binh Duong Industrial Zone, An Binh Di An, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 379 0230 Fax : +84 650 379 0185 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

Yeo Jum Sig, Vice General Director Kim Young Chul, Executive VP

Tam Duong, Director of Business Administration James P. Christman, Director of Operations

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Stickley International Ltd., a 100% foreign owned company, produces high quality wood furniture for export. It is a subsidiary of L. & J.G.Stickley Inc. of Manlius, NY, USA. Please find us on the internet at

Sung Hyun Vina is foreign-invested company established in accordance with the license No. 462033000361 issued on Sep 24th, 1999 by Management of Binh Duong Industrial Zones, specializes in manufacturing, processing export footwear and business in real estate. Finished products are mainly exported to European countries. Parent company: SH&M Co., Ltd. Main subcontractors: Tan Thanh Phu My; SHU1 and SHU2; SGX Sung Hyun Vina includes four factories; production lines include Outsole Pressing; Cup Insole; Cutting, Stitching, Assembling; Printing; Sample development.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Sunny Transportation Co. Ltd.

Syngenta Vietnam Ltd.

146 Khanh Hoi Street, Ward 6 District 4, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3940 2741 (multiple line) Fax : +84 8 3940 2740 Email : Website :

No. 16, Road 3A, Bien Hoa Industrial Zone 2 Bien Hoa City, Dong Nai Province Tel : +84 61 882 6026 Fax : +84 61 882 6016 Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Bui Quang Hung, Managing Director Vo Quoc Vu, Vice Director

Shane Emms, Commercial Unit Head Pham Thi Nguyet Hong, Business Partner Finance Head

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Sunny Transportation Co., Ltd. (Sunnytrans), established in 1995, is one of the first private shipping companies in Vietnam, headquartered in Ho Chi Minh City and with branches, offices and warehouses in Ha Noi, Hai Phong, Da Nang, Quy Nhon, Quang Binh, and Ba Ria-Vung Tau.

Syngenta is one of the world’s leading companies with more than 24,000 employees in over 90 countries dedicated to our purpose: Bringing plant potential to life. Through world-class science, global reach and commitment to our customers we help to increase crop productivity, protect the environment and improve health and quality of life. In Vietnam, Syngenta is the leading company in agribusiness area by providing innovative Crop Protection products and high value Seeds to help Vietnamese farmers improve their life

From our initial core business as shipping agency, we have developed to a group of 5 companies, including 3 joint ventures, specialized in several areas of operation including: • Shipping agency, shipbroker, chartering, ship management,

crew manning etc. • International sea and air freight forwarding, customs clearance, NVOCC services, supply chain management, logistics etc. • Liner agent for Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics, Stolt Tank Containers, Carpenters Shipping and EuKor Car Carriers. • Relocation services, packing and warehousing, technical and engineering services.

HCM Branch Office 11th Floor, Dai Minh Convention Tower 77 Hoang Van Thai Street District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5431 8900 Fax: +84 8 5431 8898

• Sole distributor of Unitor, Unicool and Nalfleet marine chemicals and equipments. • Exxon Mobil strategic partner Global Marine Lubricants. • Strategic Distribution for Total Lubricants in Central Vietnam. • Representative office for Georgia Ports Authority, US.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Tahitian Noni International (Vietnam) 149C Truong Dinh Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3930 6699 / 3930 7629 Fax : +84 8 3930 5100 Website:

TalentNet Corporation 4th Floor, Star Building 33 Mac Dinh Chi Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6291 4188 Fax : +84 8 6291 4088 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Shane H. Harrison, Organizational Development Director, Southeast Asia Le Minh Khoi, Vietnam Country Manager

Tieu Yen Trinh, General Director Colin Blackwell, Director Nguyen Thanh Thuy, Representative of Hanoi Office

Activities in Vietnam

Since it was formed in late 2007 from the Human Resource Services team of PricewaterhouseCoopers, Talentnet has grown significantly to become a well-respected and professional strategic human resources consulting firm. With nearly 90 staff in offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, and plans to grow further in 2012, the corporation is now a market leader in Vietnam.

Activities in Vietnam

- PEOPLE, PRODUCTS, PROSPERITY Tahitian Noni International (TNI) is a global research-driven bioactive products company that was first to introduce a commercial Noni (Morinda Citrifolia, a bioactive-rich, adaptogenic plant, containing iridoid compounds) product to the world in 1994. Tahitian Noni International is the leader in the discovery, development, manufacturing, and marketing of Noni-based bioactive products including nutritional supplements, beauty, and weight loss lines. Headquartered in Provo, Utah, USA, TNI has a presence in over 70 markets worldwide. By utilizing a direct selling distribution model, TNI is able to provide unmatched products, rewards, training, and travel to millions of independent product consultants around the world. Since launching operations in Vietnam in 2004, TNI has enabled many thousands in Vietnam to not only enjoy our products and earn an extra full-time or part-time income, but also participate in the TNI Lifestyle by participating in dynamic local, regional, and international incentive travel and training events.

We work with a wide range of businesses, including multi - national, joint venture companies and joint-stock companies, large Vietnamese corporations..... Our current services include: Executive Search - Executive search services for local and international organizations, provided by our experienced consultants with specialist knowledge of either your industry or your profession. Human Resource Advisory Service – Consultancy to enhance the effectiveness of your HR policies and practices and assist you with change management. We can help you with Organization Restructuring, Salary Structure Reviews, Performance Management, Competency Frameworks, Assessment Centres, Succession Planning, as well as a number of other human capital challenges and initiatives. Payroll and Human Resource – Being partner of ADP Streamline with over 60 years' experience and AAA rated, we manage the payroll operation effectively (including Personal Income Tax, Compulsory Insurance and other statutory requirements), sort out issues of headcount limitation and provide contractors for Projects and Events or replacements for staff on maternity leave. Mercer Remuneration Surveys and HR Consulting – As a representative of Mercer in Vietnam, we provide compensation & benefit surveys and HR consulting services such as position evaluation, salary structure design, salary benchmarking, benefits benchmarking. Human Resource Training and Development – Representing Mercer College in Vietnam, we offer training and development workshops focused on Human Resource management issues, tailor-made for HR and non-HR professionals and facilitated by Mercer College’s experienced consultants. If you would like to talk to us to discuss how we could help you, please contact one of the following members of our team. Further information is also available on our website: Hanoi Office: Unit 6, 6th Floor, International Centre Building 17 Ngo Quyen Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3936 7618 Fax : +84 4 3936 7619 Email :


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Tan Hiep Phat Trading & Services 219 Binh Duong Boulevard Thuan An District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3755 161 Fax : +84 650 3755 056 Website:

Chamber Representatives

Tan Hung Investment Joint Stock Company - Tan Hung JSC. 11 Bis Dang Thi Nhu Street, Nguyen Thai Binh Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3915 1209 Fax : +84 8 3915 1206 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

Bich Tran, Corporate Services Director Phuong Tran, Media Director

Dale E. Washington, President Le Thi Giau, Chairwoman

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Established in 1994, Tan Hiep Phat, its precursor being Ben Thanh beer and beverage workshop, has become the strong beverage group now with a series of healthful products. Tan Hiep Phat is the pioneer company in changing the Vietnamese drink habit: familiar with healthful bottled drink. The products such as Khong Do (Zero degree) green tea, Dr Thanh herbal tea, or newly I-kun carbonate green tea… are the leading brand name in the Viet Nam market, have showed the stature of the leading company in approaching and understanding the changeable demands of consumers.

Tan Hung is a real estate owner/developer of condominiums with supporting retail, office, hotel & entertainment. Other projects include a container and bulk handling port in Hiep Phuoc a logistics/warehousing development in District 7, and industrial parcels in Long Thanh. In addition to real estate operations, Tan Hung manufactures instant noodles, coffee, pepper, and rice.

Tan Hiep Phat’s product have continuously got the title “Vietnamese High-quality Products” chosen by consumers, got the glory of “Vietnam Values in 2010.”, and many valuable awards, matching the ISO integrated standards: Quality Management system according to the standard ISO 9001:2000 (1999), Environment Management system according to the standard ISO 14001:2004 (2006) and Food Safety and Hygiene Management system according to the standard HACCP (2006).

Le Thi Giau is a Vietnamese chartered accountant who founded and built up Tan Hung. Dale Washington is a US lawyer specialized in insurance, business, and real property litigation. They have 5 children between them, some in the US and some in HCMC.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Tan Thanh Container Corporation

Tan Thanh Group

04 Village, Truong Son Street, Linh Trung Ward Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3724 2129 / 3724 5800 Fax : +84 8 3722 2535 Email : Website:

Khanh Loc Quarter, Tan Phuoc Khanh Town Tan Uyen District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3625 551 Fax : +84 650 3625 550 Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Quang Pham, Business Development Director

Kieu Cong Thanh, Chairman Frederic Gines, Sales Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Founded in 1995 Tan Thanh Container Corporation has an 15 year record of manufacturing and distributing any kinds of containers for construction, engineering, architecture projects but also containers for food & beverage and aqua & agronomy industry.

Manufacturing & export indoor wooden furniture.

We also are one of the Vietnam’s leading and largest chassis manufacturers for containers transportation 20, 40 and 45 feet, tipping and side-wall chassis for construction, agricultural sectors and terminal chassis, spreader and low chassis for port operations. We are distributing as well international freight liner trucks. We are the main container & chassis repair service sub-contractor at VICT and SPCT ports and at Tadamexco, ICD Phuoc Long and Transimex depots. We supply hanging equipment system for garments export. Tan Thanh Container Corporation is a fully service container, chassis and truck provider.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Tan Thien Nien Ky Software Ltd.

Target Sourcing Services

323/A5 Dao Duy Anh Street, Ward 9 Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3844 9034 Fax : +84 8 3844 9034 Email : Website:

Suite 1001, 10th Floor, Gemadept Tower 6 Le Thanh Ton Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 5060 Fax: +84 8 3824 5070

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Tram Nguyen, Senior Director Marc Nguyen, Manager

Jaap Geurts, Managing Director Luong Duc Cuong, Production Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

We are a software development center providing solutions in the area of business process consulting and solutions for medium sized corporations. With our main office in Southern California established in 1998 and our Vietnam office in 1999 we have been in business for over 10 years. Our main areas of expertise are Microsoft Web Based solutions that help businesses manage their activities and workflows. Our customer products include a learning environment product for FlexTronics, Aviation Sales management software for Rockwell Collins, an online language learning platform for Myngle, Cloud-to-Print web solution interface with Salesforce for Advanced Image Direct, Publishing management for SGI-USA. We have in-depth knowledge of ASP.NET, C#, Microsoft SQL Server, PHP, MySQL, Cognos Business Intelligence.

Sourcing apparel and consumer products out of Vietnam for Target stores in USA.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Taylor Nelson Sofres (TNS) Vietnam

Tebodin Vietnam Co., Ltd.

58 Vo Van Tan Street, Ward 6 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3930 6631 Fax : +84 8 3930 6632 Email : Website:

119 Dien Bien Phu Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 7655 Fax : +84 8 3914 7743 Email : Website:

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Ralf Matthaes, Regional Managing Director

Ronald de Vries, Managing Director Vietnam Kha Que Phuong, Business Development Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

TNS Global, a part of WPP and Kantar Group of companies, is the largest custom research group globally. Established in 1996, TNS is Vietnam’s market leader with over 400 full-time professionals and over 1,500 part-time staff across our 16 offices nation-wide. We provide our clients with a full range of market research and consultancy services.

Established in the Netherlands over 65 years ago, Tebodin Consultants & Engineers is an independent, international firm with 3,300 employees in 20 countries. Our extensive network allows us to offer the best of integrated engineering and consultancy expertise combined with local knowledge. This is how we ensure a smooth execution of projects large and small, single or multidisciplinary. The skilled and highly qualified staff keeps the company firmly in touch with the ever-increasing developments in the engineering world, where innovations in technology emerge at a rapid pace. Our clients include major international companies, governments and multilateral financing institutes worldwide. They all have at least one goal in common: to realize projects efficiently and successfully. Tebodin offers them the following services from project inception through to completion: Consultant Design and engineering Project Management Procurement Construction Management Tebodin undertakes projects over a wide range of sectors like Industrial, fine chemical, pharmaceuticals & bio technology, food & beverage, public sector, utilities & waste and oil & gas. The scope of our services includes the following Architecture • Building installations (HVAC) • Building physics • Civil and structural • Electrical Energy • Environmental technology • Geodesy • Infrastructure • Mechanical

Our Services: Kantar Media Services • TV ratings (70 + channels), TV & Print advertising expenditure, media habits surveys & digital audience measurement (2010) Kantar Worldpanel • Tracks all in-home purchases and behavior including, value, volume, loyalty, promotions, price, etc in real time for all of urban and rural Vietnam covering over 130 FMCG categories and well over 5,000 brands. TNS Consult - Research based Consultancy • Provide research based feasibility, restructuring, demand/supply, competitor analysis, legislative impact, brand development, portfolio management, etc., for Government, industrial and commercial interests. TNS Custom Research • Provides quantitative & qualitative services, specifically for; pricing, segmentation & positioning, usage & attitude / tracking, product / taste / fragrance tests, advertising development & evaluation, customer satisfaction, trade channel research, mystery shopping, shopper research, demand & market size estimation, on-line research. Our Sector Expertise: TNS Vietnam has dedicated professionals, who are thought leaders within each of the following sectors; • Automotive I Banking & Finance I Consumer I Healthcare I Media I Technology I Public & Social Our differentiation: • TNS is the only ISO 9000 accredited research organization in Indochina. • TNS Vietnam also conducts work in Cambodia and Laos. • TNS Global has offices in over 80 countries and is a of part of the Kantar – WPP Group of Companies • Associations: WARPAR, ESOMAR, British Research Society

In Vietnam, Tebodin has 70 employees so far. 238

American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Terraverde Travel

Thang & Associates

91/10 Tran Quoc Hoan Street, Ward 4 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3948 4754 / 56 Fax : +84 8 3948 4154 Email : Website:

Unit 705A, 7th Floor, Sailing Tower 111A Pasteur Street, Ben Nghe Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3825 8777 Fax : +84 8 3825 8333 Email :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Vu Minh Anh, Managing Director Truong Dieu Linh, Director of Sales

Tran Nhat Vinh, Managing Partner Tran Quyet Thang, Partner

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Terraverde is a Saigon - based travel company specialized in high-quality tailor-made journeys, delegations and incentive trips throughout Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.

Thang & Associates (T&A) is a leading Vietnamese Law Firm. The Firm specializes in all area of foreign investment, corporate and commercial law, bankruptcy, secured transactions, banking, finance, merger, consolidation acquisition, sales of business, corporate restructuring, securities, taxation, real estate, construction, insurance, labour, intellectual property, admiralty, and commercial litigation and arbitration. Thang & Associates has established an experienced team of attorneys who have been trained in top law schools in UK, USA, Germany and Vietnam and have gained multi-jurisdictional experience practicing with leading international law firms, insurance firms and accounting firms. They work closely together to achieve our common goal of providing the best possible collective service to our clients.

Scope of Business: Tailor-made individual and groups travel in Indochina, incentive tours & special events, corporate events, team building , VIP escort and business delegation trips.

Since 1999, Thang & Associates has always been listed in annual publishments of the World’s Leading Lawyers of the Chambers and Partners Publishing and of the Asia Pacific Legal 500 published by the Legalese. Thang & Associates is identified as “one of the best firms in Vietnam”, which is distinguished from other Vietnamese firms as “a ‘switched on’ firm with ‘a western attitude’ and capable to “getting work done to a high quality”. In the year 2005, once again, Thang & Associates has been regarded in the Chambers Global book as “one of the few full-service firms in Vietnam”. AmCham Directory - 2012


Thanh Da Riviera LLC Saigon Domaine Luxury Residences 1057 Binh Quoi Street, Ward 28 Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3556 6163 / 3556 1145 Hotline : +84 903 999 414 Fax : +84 8 3556 6225 Email : Website:

Theodore Alexander HCM Ltd. Linh Trung EPZ 2, Block 50 - 57, Street 1 Binh Chieu Ward Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3729 2112 Fax : +84 8 3729 2114 E-mail : Website:

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Olivier Mourgue d’Algue, Chairman / General Director

Harvey Dondero, Chief Executive Officer Edward Carey, President - Vietnam Operations Anthony Cox, Executive Vice President Product Development Jess Rueloekke, Chief Financial Officer / General Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Saigon Domaine Luxury Residences offers spacious serviced apartments and elegant hotel suites. Its location on Thanh Da green island in Ho Chi Minh city provides a unique environment with boat and bus shuttles connected to the city center. All hotel suites & apartments are designed with the highest quality and elegance.

Theodore Alexander is one of the leading manufacturers of fine reproductions of 18th and 19th century furniture and accessories with a vast range of 5000 products that encompasses all styles and designs.

Saigon Domaine Luxury Residences has become a member of The Prestige Hotels of the World, a selection of the world's finest and most prestigious hotels.

Founded in 1995 by the entrepreneurial Paul Maitland-Smith, an industry legend who has pioneered high-end furniture production throughout Asia for the past 25 years, it is now one of the largest high-end furniture manufacturers in Southeast Asia. Theodore Alexander products are available worldwide with the brand being recognized as a sign of unique quality and design.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Thien Hoa Co., Ltd. 77 Doan Nhu Hai Street, Ward 12 District 4, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3826 9757 (8 lines) Fax : +84 8 3826 9758 / 759 Email : Website:

Tilleke & Gibbins Consultants Limited Ho Chi Minh City Office: Suite 1206, 12th Floor, Citilight Tower 45 Vo Thi Sau Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3936 2068 Fax : +84 8 3936 2066 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Tran Truong Son, General Director Le Thi Kim Thu, Director, Support Division

Thomas Joseph Treutler, Partner and Managing Director Michael K. Lee, Department Head Corporate / Commercial Vinh Quoc Nguyen, Senior Attorney-at-Law

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Thien Hoa Company Limited was founded in 1994. From the beginning to now, our company has been developing rapidly and now to be one of the biggest supplier in the field of mechanical components and equipments as well as one of the leaders who applies great scientific breakthrough in Vietnam.

Tilleke & Gibbins is a leading regional law firm with over 100 lawyers practicing in four offices located in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Bangkok, and Phuket. Established in Thailand in 1890, the firm has been active in Vietnam for nearly 20 years, providing clients with high-quality legal services tailored to their business needs.

We are very pleased to introduce our products as follow:

The firm’s corporate clients include world leaders in the fields of pharmaceuticals and healthcare, energy, consumer goods and retailing, manufacturing, financial services, information technology, and telecommunications. Tilleke & Gibbins proudly helps global companies excel in Asia and domestic companies shine abroad.

* Components for producing and maintaining conveyor systems such as: conveyor belt, conveyor chain, rollers, gear motors. * Designing and manufacturing conveyor systems that meet international standard under technical cooperation with P. Ellegaard A/S (Denmark), and Pro.Di.Mas.r.l (Italia). * Specializing in supplying conveyor systems and conveyor components, Thien Hoa Co., Ltd. has won customer’s special confidence thanks to its own high quality and competitive price. Business category: conveyor system, component of conveyor system (belt, roller, geared motor, bearing…)

• Corporate and Commercial Law • Intellectual Property and IP Enforcement Hanoi Office: HAREC Building, 4th Floor 4A Lang Ha Street Ba Dinh District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3772 6688 Fax : +84 4 3772 5568 Email : Website :

AmCham Directory - 2012


TimeWarner Inc.

TNK Capital Partners

30/F Oxford House, Taikoo Place 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay Hong Kong Tel : +852 3128 3333 Fax : +852 3128 1920 Email : Website:

2nd Floor, Lant Building 56-58-60 Hai Ba Trung Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6291 8133 Fax : +84 8 6291 8132 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Belinda Lui, Managing Director, Public Policy, Asia Pacific, TimeWarner Rajiv P. Dalal, Executive Director, Public Policy, Asia Pacific, TimeWarner

Dr. Nguyen Quoc Toan, Chairman Dr. Tran Vinh Du, CEO

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

TimeWarner Inc. is a leading global media and entertainment company with businesses in filmed entertainment, interactive services, television networks, cable systems and publishing.

TNK provides a wide range of M&A advisory services – from mergers and acquisitions to divestitures, exclusive sales, management–led buyouts, joint ventures and recapitalizations.

Whether measured by quality, popularity or financial results, our divisions are at the top of their categories. America Online, Time Inc., Home Box Office, New Line Cinema, Turner Broadcasting System and Warner Bros. Entertainment maintain unrivaled reputations for creativity and excellence as they keep people informed, entertained and connected.


We are innovators in technology, products and services. On the forefront of technology, TimeWarner has pioneered industry-shifting products such as the DVD and digital cable. And TimeWarner’s businesses continue to develop new and uniquely effective ways for our partners and advertisers to reach the markets, audiences and customers they seek.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

TNK Capital Partners is one of Vietnam’s most dynamic firms in M&A advisory, corporate turnaround & investment banking services.

Towers Watson Vietnam

Tractus Asia Ltd.

Suite 808, 8th Floor, Sun Wah Tower

164 Nguyen Van Thu Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6291 2205 Fax : +84 8 6291 2206 Email : Website:

115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 9488 Fax : +84 8 3821 9489 Email : Website: Chamber l


Chamber Representatives

Stephen Cotham, Managing Director Jessica Lu, Senior Consultant Le Kinh Luan, Senior Consultant

Thuy Le, Chief Representative Antonio Sequeros, Consulting Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Towers Watson is a leading global professional services company that helps organizations improve performance through effective people, financial and risk management. With 14,000 associates around the world, we offer solutions in the areas of employee benefit programs, talent and reward programs, and risk and capital management.

Tractus Asia provides corporate strategy and implementation advisory services to companies considering the establishment of commercial operations in Asia. Our services encompass the full spectrum of research, analysis and advice necessary to allow our clients to make the right decisions about the strategic, operational and financial aspects of their investments.

Towers Watson is the first global human capital consulting firm fully operating in Vietnam. With most experienced Vietnam-based HR consultants in the market, we have serviced more than 500 clients (80% multinationals, 15% Vietnamese enterprises and 5% non-profit organizations).

From our offices in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Bangkok, Thailand; Pondicherry, India; Shanghai and Hong Kong, China; and Minneapolis, U.S. we work hands-on with our clients' on market research, investment strategy development, feasibility analysis, site selection, industrial real estate and investment incentive negotiations. Objective analytical methods and experience are Tractus' strengths. The directors and managers of Tractus have extensive experience doing business in Asia and a proven track record of starting up and operating successful businesses including manufacturing, professional services and sales organizations.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Trane Vietnam Services Co., Ltd. No.3, Ba Thang Hai Street District 10, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3834 4119 Fax : +84 8 3834 4120 Website:

Trends & Technologies Inc. Vietnam Co., Ltd (TTIV) Ho Chi Minh City Office: Cienco Buliding, 6th Floor, Unit 601 127 Dinh Tien Hoang Street, Ward 3 Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3551 2378 Fax : +84 8 3551 2380 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Wittaya Polvivat, General Director Pham Viet Hung, HCMC Sales Manager

Ng Chang Lung, Managing Director Pham Duy Minh Thao, Customer Service Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Trends & Technologies Inc. Vietnam Co., LTD (TTIV) is 100% foreign-owned firm that operates with Branches in Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City since 2007. And TTIV is a subsidiary of Trends & Techonologies Holdings Incorporated (TTHI) in Philippines. We are planning to open up branch offices in Da Nang and other major cities/provinces to cover and serve the entire land area of Vietnam.

Activities in Vietnam

Trane - a multi billion yearly turnover international company, supplying solutions to create and sustain safe, comfortable and efficient environments with a broad portfolio of energy efficient heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems, building and contracting services, parts support and advanced controls for homes and commercial buildings. Trane Centrifugal Chiller is famous world-wide by its highest efficiency, lowest emission, lowest sound level operation. To better serve our growing customers, we established a 100% Trane Owned Services Company in Vietnam with the strong team of well-trained, dedicated engineers and technicians in 2001. Hanoi office: Vinachem building No. 3B, Dang Thai Than Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3972 1161 Fax: +84 4 3933 6038


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

With highly motivated and well-experienced Vietnamese engineers and back up of over 200 engineers from the TTHI, TTIV offers the great service customers would expect and promotes technologies that will help Customers success operation and effective business focused on Data communication and Telecommunication Structure. TTIV provides End to End Solutions and System Intergrator in the field of Information and Communications Technologies (ITC). TTIV's Core Competencies: 1. STRUCTURED CABLING SYSTEMS (Copper & Fiber Optics, Indoor & Outdoor), DATA CENTER 2. DATA: LAN, WAN, Wireless, Networking & Security 3. VOICE: PABX & VoIP/Video Voice Conferencing 4. HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS/ Integrated ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEMS, Surveillance CAMERA SYSTEMS, AUDIO VIDEO 5. IT - Services & Outsourcing: PCs & File Server, Microsoft 6. Multi Function Printer (Rental, Sale & Services) Hanoi Office: 8th Floor, Detech Tower 8 Ton That Thuyet Street, My Dinh Ward Tu Liem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3772 5138 Fax: +84 4 3772 5129

TRG International Technology Resources Vietnam Limited 5th Floor, Central Plaza Building 17 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 6900 Fax : +84 8 3823 6899 Email : Website :

Triumph International (Vietnam) Ltd. No.02, Street No.03, Song Than Industrial Zone Di An Town, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3742 137 Fax : +84 650 3742 130 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Rick Yvanovich, CEO Pham Hong Thai, Deputy General Director

Cheong Hean Yeoh, General Manager Manufacturing Le Lai Luyen, General Manager Sales & Marketing

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

TRG International is an independent Provider of IT business solutions and supports thousands of users in 70 countries. Clients range from small domestic companies to very large global multinationals in both the public and private sectors.

Triumph International was founded in 1886 by the Spiesshofer and Braun families in Heubach, Germany, and is an owner-operated company which presence in over 120 countries. With headquarters in Bad Zurzach, Switzerland, the company develops, produces and markets underwear, nightwear and swimwear both wholesale and through its own stores. Joining the ranks of global leaders, Triumph International today employs over 35,000 employees worldwide.

Our activities focus on enabling people and business perform better and grouped into two main categories: • Business Applications solutions for Accounting, Strategy, Planning, Budgeting, Retail, Business Intelligence, Hospitality, Golf, ERP and virtualisation • Assessment solutions to select the right people and development them to their full potential

Triumph International (Vietnam) Ltd. was established in January 1992 and started its manufacturing operation in the same year. In 1994, Triumph International (Vietnam) Ltd. started its local Sales and Marketing operation through marketing arms coordinated by branches in Ho Chi Minh City, Ha Noi City, Da Nang City as well as Can Tho City.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Truong Phat Joint Venture Company

Turner & Townsend Co., Ltd.

Lot III, No. 11B, Road 12 Tan Binh Industrial Park Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3815 5238 Fax : +84 8 3815 5235 Email : Website:

Unit 12, Level 4, Centec Tower 72-74 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6299 8288 Fax : +84 8 6299 8299 Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Wendy Liu, General Director Nguyen Thi Lai, Vice Director

David Lockwood, General Director Long Nguyen, Project Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

1. Exclusive Agent for HYSTER LIFT TRUCKS (1.5-ton to 45-ton capacity), Trelleborg tires, Chloride Battery in Vietnam.

Turner & Townsend is a global, professional services organization advising business that invest in, own and operate assets. With 2,400 staff in 59 offices worldwide, we are proud to be contributing to the development of Vietnam. We are providing a wide range of value added services to a growing number of Vietnamese and Asian Clients in the real estate, manufacturing, transportation, mining and energy sector

2. Sales of materials handling equipment; forklift trucks, hand pallet trucks, tires, battery, etc. 3. Provides after-sales service for materials handling equipment.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Turner Vietnam Co., Ltd.

Unicons Corporation

1901/19F, Bitexco Financial Tower 2 Hai Trieu Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 5920 Fax : +84 8 3821 5912 Email : Website:

Coteccons Office Building, 6th Floor 236/6 Dien Bien Phu Street, Ward 17 Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3514 3366 Fax : +84 8 3514 3388 Email : Website:

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

D.K. (Jimmy) Antzoulis, Vice President & East Asia Regional Manager

Nguyen Sy Cong, General Director Stephan Schouten, Operation Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Turner International provides project and construction management services for complex building and development projects throughout Vietnam. We are expert in general building, education, healthcare, hotel, convention center, high-rise commercial and residential, airport, data center and sport projects. Turner also offers several value-added services including Turner Logistics (Equipment and Material Procurement), Facility Management Solution (FMS), Building Information Modeling (BIM), Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) and Green Buildings. Our construction expertise, combined with our development and planning capabilities, help us achieve our client’s short and long term goals. Our approach involves a delivery method that treats the traditional development, investment, design and construction phases as integrated tasks rather than separate sequential functions.

Unicons is a General Contractor in Vietnam, providing Design & Build, or only Build services for: Industrial, Hospitality, Residential, Commercial, Educational projects. In 2011 our turnover is expected to reach 85 million USD, of which 65% from Industrial, 30% Hospitality market. In 2010 we were ranked 33rd on the FAST500 list of fastest growing Vietnamese Private Enterprises. Our scope of construction (and design): - Foundations - Infrastructure (Road & Drainages) - Civil & Structural - Architectural & Finishes - Interior & DĂŠcor - MEP - Landscaping Our company particulars: - MEP works is performed in - OHSA18001:2007 accredited Safety System - ISO9001:2008 accredited Management System - Design & Build capability - English command - Transparent and Professional - Financially strong Project references: - Pepsico, Bac Ninh - General Electric, Hai Phong - TBC-Ball, Binh Duong - Intercontinental, Da Nang - Eden Centre, HCMC - Novotel, Da Nang - Sabeco - Lifestyle Resort, Da Nang - Fusion Maia Resort, Da Nang - Green View Building, HCMC - BMW showroom, HCMC - Unis School, Ha Noi - British Vietnam International School, HCMC AmCham Directory - 2012


Unigen Vietnam Co., Ltd.

UniGroup Worldwide UTS (Vietnam)

No. 26 VSIP, Street 3 Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park Thuan An District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3767 164 / 5 / 6 Fax : +84 650 3767 167 Email : Website:

440/26A Tran Hung Dao Street District 5, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3836 3002 Fax : +84 8 3923 9452 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Paul Wenson Heng, President & CEO Nguyen Thanh Vu, Deputy Director

Minh Nguyen, Country Manager - Vietnam Andy Flynn, General Manager - Thailand

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Unigen Vietnam is a subsidiary of Unigen Corporation, founded in 1991, is a leader in the design and manufacturing solutions of enterprise-grade flash storage, DRAM memory, and wireless communication modules. Unigen is a privately-held company, with corporate headquarter located in Fremont, California, where it operates its state-of-the-art, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 Design, Manufacturing, and Test facilities in Silicon Valley and in Asia.

UniGroup Worldwide UTS is an international arm of UniGroup Inc. the parent company of United Van Lines and MayFlower Transit, a global company with world headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. UniGroup is uniquely positioned to respond to the pressures of doing business in an evolving one-world economy, UniGroup offers single-source control and embraces common quality standards throughout the world. More than 400 of the distinguished Fortune 500 list of America’s largest publicly and privately held organizations retain the services of UniGroup Worldwide UTS. UniGroup offers international Door-to-Door Relocation, which include packing, customs clearance, shipping, delivery, storage and logistics services. UniGroup also offers international pet transport, relocation service including house search and orientation for expatriates and document storage. With 1,500 global service centers in six continents, we’re everywhere you are!

Unigen's core competency is in the custom design and precise manufacturing of complex solutions, providing products and services to leading Tier 1 OEM clients in the PC, Enterprise, Networking, Telecommunications, Imaging, Medical, and Defense. Our services include Original Design Manufacturing, New Product Introduction, Contract Manufacturing, Surface Mount Assembly, Worldwide Distribution, Supply Chain Management, Validation, Product Assurance, Pre- and Post-Sales Support. Unigen continues to develop new ways to exceed customers' expectations and provide customers the "competitive edge". So, whether you are looking to design, manufacture or test new products, or require our existing OEM products, make Unigen your choice. The Value we deliver is more than just added - it's integrated. Unigen - Solutions for a Real-Time World!


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Unilever Vietnam

United Airlines

156 Nguyen Luong Bang Boulevard Tan Phu Ward District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5413 5686 Fax : +84 8 5413 5636 Email : Website:

Unit 708, Sun Wah Tower 115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 4755 Fax : +84 8 3823 1833 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Nguyen Phuong Loan, Vice President - Human Resources Nguyen Lan Huong, General Counsel

Joe Mannix, General Manager - Thailand & Vietnam Nguyen Thi Khanh Ha, Manager - International Finance & Accounting - Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Starting operation in Vietnam in 1995, Unilever has committed to invest more than USD 280 millions in its wholly owned entity Unilever Vietnam International Company Limited, specializing in Home Care, Personal Care, Foods and Tea-based Beverages.

United is the only U.S. airline operating passenger and cargo service between Vietnam and the United States. United operates a daily B-737 flight from Ho Chi Minh City to Hong Kong. From Hong Kong, customers can connect to United’s non-stop wide-body aircraft service to the gateway cities of Chicago, New York (EWR) and San Francisco. From Chicago, New York (EWR), and San Francisco, United provides service to more cities in North and South America than any other airline serving Vietnam.

Unilever Vietnam is committed to “adding Vitality to life” of the Vietnamese people through provision of a wide range of international quality and affordable priced products in health, hygiene and nutrition. Many of Unilever Vietnam’s brands have become #1 household brands in Vietnam, including Omo, Sunlight, Dove, Sunsilk, Clear, Lux, Close-up, Lipton, Viso, P/S, Knorr and Wall’s. Unilever Vietnam is currently operating a factory in Cu Chi while maintaining contract manufacturing relationship with various local SMEs. It has developed an extensive local network of distributors and retailers. Unilever Vietnam employs more than 1,500 people directly and over 6,000 people indirectly. Unilever Vietnam is also well respected for its active contributions to social and community programs across Vietnam, which has helped to improve life for millions of people in Vietnam. In 2005, Unilever Vietnam was honored by the President of the State the Second Rank Labour Medal, and in 2010 the First Rank Labour Medal, for its excellent business performance and contribution to the socio-economic development of Vietnam. Head Office: Lot A2-3, Tay Bac Cu Chi Industrial Zone Tan An Hoi Ward, Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City Hanoi Office: 233 Nguyen Trai Street Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3858 3383 Fax: +84 4 3858 3378

In addition, United has entered into a joint venture with STAR Alliance partner ANA that affords customers the opportunity to choose convenient schedules on either United or ANA for flights from Vietnam to the United States at comparable prices. With the recent merger between United and Continental the combined airline, as the largest in the world, operates an average of nearly 5,750 flights a day to 376 airports (includes Express partners) on six continents from hubs in Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Guam, Houston, Los Angeles, New York (EWR) San Francisco, Tokyo, and Washington, D.C. Administration Office: Unit 701, Sun Wah Tower 115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 2882 Fax: +84 8 3824 2811 AmCham Directory - 2012


United International Pharma Co., Ltd. United Sweethearts Garment Room 8.5 - 8.7, 8th Floor, 2 Building (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

364 Cong Hoa Street Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3810 0800 Fax : +84 8 3810 3330 Email : Chamber Representatives

Road 10, Nhon Trach 1 Industrial Zone Dong Nai Province Tel : +84 61 3560 707 - 708 Fax : +84 61 3560 709 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

Benedicto N. Caleda, Country Manager Renan S. Danganan, Finance and Admin Director Activities in Vietnam United International Pharma or UIP, is a 100% foreign-owned company in Vietnam engaged in the manufacturing and promotions of pharmaceutical products. It is a subsidiary of the Unilab Group of companies, which is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Southeast Asia and in the Indo-China region. Licensed in 1995, the company operates a WHO - GMP/GLP/GSP, ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14000 and OSHAS certified factory in Binh Chanh District, producing well known products such as Decolgen, Alaxan, Enervon, Obimin and Atussin, which is among a list of 68 SKU’s in its current portfolio. Adhering to its corporate mission, of providing quality and affordable health and wellness products for people at all social classes, UIP manufactures and markets a wide range of products from general medication, food supplements, personal, primary and chronic care, supported by a manpower force of close to 500 employees, with offices in HCMC and Hanoi. While it is well entrenched as a leading over-the-counter pharmaceutical company, UIP has introduced into the market its Pharmacoeconomic product lines for cardiovascular and endometabolic therapy to help doctors increase patient compliance with products for “the right treatment at the right price.” It is also the first to launch innovative products in Ceelin Poprock and Maxedo effervescent granules and Hydrite, an oral rehydration product that conforms to the WHO oresol molality formula. Aside from the current factory, UIP has invested in building a new Factory in VSIP2, Binh Duong, to augment production for the rapidly increasing local and export markets. Scheduled for operation in 2012, this will comply with a PICS (Pharmaceutical Inspection Corporation Scheme) standard of quality, the first Pharma factory in Vietnam to do so, when completed with the validation and commissioning of its facilities. PICS is a world-class quality standard for medicine manufacturing currently applied in many developed countries in U.S.A and Europe. PICS compliance aligns well with the objective of the government and the medical community to continuously improve healthcare products and services in Vietnam and achieve a level of standard comparable to those of developed countries. UIP promotes health in partnership with the government, medical community, market access providers and the public. Its commitment is not just limited to providing medicines but more importantly, taking an active part in improving the quality of life together with all the “health partners” concerned. This is in line with UIP’s corporate philosophy that is summed up in the company vision, “We are your world class healthcare partner for life. For a Healthier and Wealthier Vietnam.” Factory 1 #16 VSIP2, #7 Street VSIP2, Binh Duong, VN Tel : +84 8 3760 5317 Fax: +84 8 3760 5315 Factory 2 Binh Chanh Commune 2 Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, VN Tel : +84 8 3760 5317 Fax: +84 8 3760 5315


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Tang Chong Chin, General Director Goh Suat Bee, Director Agnes Chua Bee Leng, Vice General Director

Activities in Vietnam United Sweethearts Garment (Vietnam) Co., Ltd. (USV) is the sister company to United Sweethearts Garment Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia). An integrated companies of MWE Holding Berhad, a public listed company with the KLSE, Malaysia. USV is the leading manufacturer of fashionable branded sportswear, outwear, casual wear, infant and kids wear, which caters exclusively for the international market such as USA, Europe, Canada and Asia.

University of Hawaii Executive MBA Program in Vietnam 3rd Floor, PVC-SG Building 11-bis Nguyen Gia Thieu Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3933 3033 Email : Website:

UTi Worldwide Vietnam Ltd. 5th Floor, SCSC Office Building 30 Phan Thuc Duyen Street, Ward 4 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3948 7277 Fax : +84 8 3948 7278 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Tung Bui, Faculty Director Thanh Phan, Director of Marketing & Recruitment

Sven Mueller, Managing Director Tran Kien, Chief Representative HAN

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

The Shidler College of Business, University of Hawaii has been offering its first rate AACSB-Accredited Executive MBA program in Hanoi since 2001 and in 2007 it started offering this world class program in Ho Chi Minh City.

Out of our purpose to "deliver competitive advantage to each of our clients' supply chains," UTi has become a broad-based, information-focused company offering a wide range of global integrated logistics to a customer base that stretches worldwide.

For many consecutive years, the UH Shidler College of Business has been ranked among the top 25 graduate schools in the US for international business. All classes of its Executive MBA programs in Vietnam are attended by high caliber students and are taught by top faculty of the University of Hawaii and selected professors from the mainland USA ensuring the high quality of the program. With this internationally recognized MBA degree, graduates are able to demonstrate that they have the confidence and skills to compete for top executive positions, not only in Vietnam but anywhere in the world.

Hanoi: Room 1205, Building A, Foreign Trade University 91 Chua Lang Street, Dong Da District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 8587 5992 Email : Website:

Today, major regional and international companies receive enhanced warehousing; transportation services that include air, ocean and ground; manufacturing support; freight forwarding; customs brokerage; contract logistics and a host of other services. In addition, customers can utilize enhanced transportation and supply chain planning and optimization tools via our eMpower software. The benefit for logistics managers is twofold: one, we can develop a program for you using one or more of our standardized services such as freight forwarding or contract logistics; or two, we can put together a totally integrated solution customized to your specific requirements. Whichever you select, UTi will maximize value along your supply chain with high quality, cost effective, time-definite delivery from end to end. Hanoi Office: 5th Floor, The Times Building 84 Trieu Viet Vuong Street Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3944 6119 Fax : +84 4 3944 5956 Email : AmCham Directory - 2012


UPS Vietnam Joint Stock Company 18A Cong Hoa Street, Ward 12 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3811 2888 Fax : +84 8 3811 5888 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

Jeff Mclean, General Manager Jonas Phat Tran, Business Development Manager Hoa Nguyen, Marketing Manager Activities in Vietnam UPS is a global leader in logistics, offering a broad range of solutions including the transportation of packages and freight, the facilitation of international trade, and the deployment of advanced technology to more efficiently manage the world of business. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, UPS serves more than 220 countries and territories, employs 408,000 people worldwide and operates a fleet of over 96,000 vehicles. With 212 aircraft in service, UPS operates one of the world's largest, safest and most on-time airlines. In Asia Pacific, UPS serves more than 40 countries and territories. Complementing its air hubs in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Hong Kong are its more than 2,000 delivery fleet, 302 operating facilities and more than 2,700 points of access. In Vietnam, UPS has recently established a joint stock company to expand UPS’s footprint and better serve customers in the country. Through the joint stock company, UPS will invest in new facilities in key commercial and industrial centers across Vietnam. It will also extend its express pickup and delivery service to 63 provinces in Vietnam and offer later pick-up and cut-off times. UPS has operations in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. UPS offers ground and air transportation, ocean and freight services, international trade management, customs brokerage, consulting and supply chain design, technology solutions, contract logistics, and financial services through UPS Capital. Hanoi Office: 26 Pham Van Dong Street Tu Liem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3514 2888 Fax: +84 4 3514 2727 Hai Phong Office: 18 Tran Hung Dao Street Hong Bang District, Hai Phong Tel : +84 31 3822 211 Fax: +84 31 3822 733


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

UTS-Saigon Van International Relocations No. 2 Street, Dong An Industrial Zone Thuan An District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 376 6861 Fax : +84 650 376 6863 Email : Website:

V-TRAC 10th Floor, Hanoi Tourist Building 18 Ly Thuong Kiet Street Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3939 3782 Fax : +84 4 3939 3783 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Kim Ngoc, Director Vincent Tat, Operation Manager

Anthony David Salzman, Chairman Thanh Nguyen, Business Development Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Unigroup Worldwide UTS SAIGON VAN belongs to a USD 7 Billion Global ‘Owner Managed’ Network which specializes in Worldwide Move Management and Relocation Services. Our scope of services includes International and Domestic Moving, Office Moves, Record Storage and Warehousing. Our ‘State of the Art’, 5000 sq.m. warehouse with specialized Record Management Facilities is unique in Vietnam. We further offer Relocation Services to assist our clients with Home Search, Handyman Service, Visa Procedures, School Enrollment and City Orientation.

After establishing and distributing the Caterpillar brand in Vietnam since 1994, V-TRAC has now dedicated its distribution network to SANY construction equipment and Daimler's MTU engines. With Sales growth 50% p.a. for the past 8 years and more than 80% market share in China, SANY aims to be the Asian market leader. With 99.6% documented reliability, MTU engines are the undisputed world leader in marine propulsion systems.

UTS SAIGON VAN is proudly the first FAIM ISO Quality Certified company in Vietnam, an accreditation that defines our gold quality standard. Our current network consists of over 1,500 offices in 123 countries with over 50,000 highly motivated professionals ready to serve you. Code of conduct: Gold Standard Customer Service Motto: Your Satisfaction – Our Commitment

In addition to its main business lines, V-TRAC distributes Honda automobiles, which are top rated by owner-drivers. V-TRAC is also currently active in the digital entertainment field. Mailing Address: Lot 7, Quang Minh Industrial Zone Me Linh, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3586 0088 Fax: +84 4 3586 0366

AmCham Directory - 2012


Van Thinh Phat Company Limited 193-203 Tran Hung Dao Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3836 7748 Fax : +84 8 3836 7889 Email : Website:

Van Thinh Phat Investment Corporation 193-203 Tran Hung Dao Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3836 7749 Fax : +84 8 3836 9890 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Mylynn Cheung, CEO Truong My Lan, Chairwoman

Ngo Thanh Nha, Chairwoman & CEO Van Xuan Thao, Deputy CEO

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Van Thinh Phat Company Limited is well known in Vietnam as a leader in business and investments with paid up capital of 2,600 billion VND.

With the leadership of Mrs. Ngo Thanh Nha - an enthusiastic, creative, and talented leader, Van Thinh Phat Investment Corporation has become one of the leading enterprises in Vietnam in the hospitality, real estate investment and development industries with the paid up capital of 12,600 billion VND Currently, the mission of the company is to provide to customers high quality services and products while contributing to the success and growth of our employees and community.

The company was founded by Mrs. Truong My Lan in 1992 with the philosophy of, “consolidation for development, stability for growth.” Its first focus was as a trading and hospitality company and has now expanded into the real estate field. In 2007, VTP Company Limited formed Van Thinh Phat Investment Corporation and An Dong Investment Corporation and at the same time cooperated with Times Square (Vietnam) Investment Joint Stock Company and Great Truong Son Corporation to incorporate the affiliated real estate companies. Mrs. Truong My Lan has also received several awards from the Vietnamese government such as The Honorable Third-Class Labor Decoration directly from the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, The Certificate of Merit from the Chairman of The People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, The Certificate of Merit from the Chairman of The People’s Committee of Ben Tre Province.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Van Thinh Phat Investment Corporation possesses restaurants, hotels, office buildings, and serviced apartments reaching luxury standards, fulfilling customers’ satisfaction, and achieving successful economic results. Prominent operations include the first privately-owned five-star Windsor Plaza Hotel, the Sherwood Residence-the first luxurious tourist serviced apartments rated by MCST, Amigo Grill Restaurant, Gartenstadt Restaurant and the Café Central Restaurants. Currently the company is developing many real estate projects focusing on residential areas and hospitality resorts in Ho Chi Minh City and its neighboring provinces.

VB Law

VCI Legal

11A-11C Phan Ke Binh Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 9928 Fax : +84 8 3821 9929 Email : Website:

Suite 501, 5th Floor, Sailing Tower 111A Pasteur Street, Ben Nghe Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 2029 Fax : +84 8 3823 4436 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Duy Minh Ngo, Deputy Director Danny Nguyen, Business Development Manager

Tuan A. Phung, Managing Partner Michael M. McDaniel, Senior Counsel Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam VB LAW (formerly known as DC LAW) is a leading full service law firm. Its approach is client-oriented. The firm delivers comprehensive professional advice and innovative legal business to clients. The firm provides pragmatic responses and outstanding services by actively listening to clients and understanding their needs and matters. Key areas of practice: investment, private equity, M&A, real estate, franchise, international trade, litigation and arbitration.

Quick facts: A full-service business law firm with a seasoned team of professionals and many years of international practice experience coupled with in-depth understandings of the legal system, business environment, and cultural background in Vietnam, the regional and global markets. Voted as “2011 VIETNAM CORPORATE LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR” by Acquisition International Magazine Introduction VCI Legal is a full-service business law firm that has been consistently ranked as one of the leading law firms in Vietnam by professional publications as Legal 500, KPMG Tax Director Handbook, Law Asia, Acquisition International, Asia In-house Counsel, etc. The firm is particularly strong and has been recommended by such publications as leading firm recommended for its M&A - Corporate, Banking & Capital Markets, Tax and Finance, Real Estate, Investments and Intellectual Property Management practices. VCI Legal also well-known for handling successfully commercial dispute settlement and litigations which involved hundred millions of US dollars. In 2011, VCI Legal won the prestigious award of ACQUISITION INTERNATIONAL Vietnam Corporate Law Firm of the Year and continues its ranking among the top firms in Vietnam. VCI Legal advises Fortune 500 companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises on a wide range of legal issues. Our lawyers all have strong international educational backgrounds and extensive experience working with multi-national as well as domestic clients. VCI LEGAL’S STRATEGIC STRENGTHS • M&A and Corporate • Banking and Capital Markets • Investments Structuring • Tax, Transfer Pricing and Tax Controversies • Real Estate and Infrastructure • Petroleum, Energy & Mining • Intellectual Property Management • Commercial Dispute Settlement & Litigation On the basis of our track record of professionalism, efficiency and responsiveness, our clients can always be assured that we not only provide sound legal advice, but we will also work with them to provide the most practical and workable business solutions for business We are the leader when it comes to providing innovative and specialized services for businesses, such as In-house Counsel Service®, In addition to offices in Vietnam, we also work with and support our clients’ needs through our affiliations with high quality firms in in Beijing - Shanghai - Singapore - New Delhi - Dubai - Doha - Zurich - Paris - Rome Brescia - Washington DC - Los Angeles Based on all the foregoing, it is clear why clients recognize VCI Legal as the professional firm where “LOCAL INSIGHT MEET INTERNATIONAL EXPERTISE©” VIETNAM CORPORATE LAW FIRM OF THE YEAR Business category: Legal service Employees in Vietnam: 15-25 Hanoi Office: Suite #501, 9A Dao Duy Anh Street, Dao Duy Anh Tower Hanoi AmCham Directory - 2012


Victoria Healthcare International Clinics 135A Nguyen Van Troi Street Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 4545 Fax : +84 8 3997 9979 Email : Website:

Victoria Hotels & Resorts Level 03, 147-149 Vo Van Tan Street, Ward 6 District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6290 9720 Fax : +84 8 6290 9710 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Mason Cobb, MD, Chairman Nguyen Vinh Tuong, MD, CEO

Alexandra Hepworth, Director of Sales and Marketing Trang Nguyen, Sales Executive

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Victoria Healthcare offers the highest standard of care through best practices from evidence-based medicine. The care is compassionate and efficient with the greatest respect for our patients. The prices are surprisingly reasonable for this high care standard, so you are not overly stressed at a time of illness. We are especially family-friendly and promote the health of everyone in your family. Victoria HC accepts most forms of health insurance, as well.

Victoria Hotels and Resorts (Thien Minh Group) is proud to be the pioneer in the most unique destinations of Vietnam & Cambodia. We strive to offer the best international 4 star hospitality experience in each region with personalised touches and quality service. Our team is professional, warm and willing to share insights into local heritage and culture. We continuously develop our best practices to help communities protect the environment and preserve traditions.

Most of our physicians have overseas training, several in USA, where they are members of professional medical organizations. Victoria HC is especially committed to pediatrics, digestive diseases, women’s care, internal medicine, ENT, cardiology, andrology, and health maintenance. We have a complete lab, digital radiology, and top quality ultrasound. Our Electronic Medical Record provides you with a state - of - the - art means for following your own medical progress. Though Webview, you can access your record securely online as well as communicate with your physicians through email. Victoria HC’s executive and corporate plans are flexible enough to meet the needs of most companies, while being competitively priced. We offer complete corporate and individual packages, including plant safety advice, first aid training, etc. Victoria HC’s management system is patient-focused work design, resulting in compassion, quality, efficiency, and privacy: “Patients First”. Victoria Healthcare International Clinic has 2 sites: Dien Bien Phu site is easily accessible from downtown and District 2. The Nguyen Van Troi clinic is on the way to Tan Son Nhat International Airport and easily accessible from many locations, including downtown. We want to be your trusted partner for health. Our 2nd Clinic 79 Dien Bien Phu Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 4545 Fax: +84 8 3910 3334


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Our collection of French colonial style properties will take you for a journey to unspoiled and beautiful areas. Enjoy a cool getaway to the Alps of Tonkin, go for a trip through the Mekong Delta waterways, explore the ancient temples of Angkor or laze around on white sand beaches along the Vietnamese coast in a warm and peaceful environment. • Victoria

Sapa Resort & Spa

• Victoria

Hoi An Beach Resort & Spa

• Victoria

Phan Thiet Beach Resort & Spa

• Victoria

Can Tho Resort

• Victoria

Chau Doc Hotel

• Victoria

Angkor Resort & Spa

Viet Fashion Corporation

Viet Thai International JSC (VTI)

84A Ba Huyen Thanh Quan Street District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3526 2188 Fax : +84 8 3526 2189 Email : Website:

135/37/50 Nguyen Huu Canh Street Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3512 7355 Fax : +84 8 3512 7356 Website:

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Nguyen Huu Phung, President

David Thai, Founder & CEO Dan Thai, Commercial Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Established in 1998, Viet Fashion Corporation specializes in designing, manufacturing and trading Apparel fashion under the brand NinoMaxx (Casual Active), N&M (Smart casual & Hi-end Casual clean) and Maxxstyle (Casual Clean). With the network of 120 retail stores nationwide, Viet Fashion Corp is the leading retail fashion company in Vietnam.

Viet Thai International JSC (VTI), was established in 1999 and today has grown to be one of the largest consumer marketing and multi-unit retail operators in Vietnam.

Our philosophy - trendy design together with fast manufacturing has resulted in rapid response to market demands, which allows local consumer to enjoy the unique shopping experience in our stores.

The Company’s vision is to play a significant part in improving the quality of life for Vietnam’s rising middle class. Over the past decade, VTI has developed a portfolio of Company owned and licenced brands including Highlands Coffee, Hard Rock Café, 1911 Restaurant at the Hanoi Opera House, Pho 24, Swarovski, Emporio Armani, Debenhams (Britain’s favorite department store), Aldo Shoes & Accessories, Grey Global Group (Advertising), Russian Standard Vodka and Coors Light beer.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Vietnam Airlines – Southern Regional Office

Vietnam B2B Direct

49 Truong Son Street, Ward 2 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3844 6667 Fax : +84 8 3848 5312 Email : Website :

Level 6, Room 612, Me Linh Point Tower 2 Ngo Duc Ke Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3520 2808 Fax : +84 8 3520 2800 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representative

Nguyen Thi Minh Yen, Director of Southern Regional Office

Bill Gadd, Chief Executive Officer

Activities in Vietnam The Southern Regional Office, established in 1993, is Vietnam Airlines’ sole sale representative office in the south of Vietnam for both Passenger and Cargo transportation. Being an official SkyTeam member, Vietnam Airlines has been expanding its cooperation with the world’s and regional leading airlines, offering seamless services to an extensive global network covering more than 900 destinations in 169 countries. Joining Vietnam Airlines’ Golden Lotus Plus program, customers will enjoy many benefits and greater recognition by earning and redeeming frequent flyer miles when traveling on flights of Vietnam Airlines and all other SkyTeam member airlines. For the long haul flights, good in-flight service and advantageous free baggage allowance are offered in order to bring passengers comfort and convenience. As the national carrier, Vietnam Airlines has the experience to support the business travel needs of your company. Our Corporate Account Program is designed as a comprehensive solution to your company’s busy travel schedule by offering Privileged Service. Along with a well-distributed sale network, Vietnam Airlines has been trying to accomplish our primary mission is to serve customers with the best quality and remarkable convenience. Other Regional Offices in Vietnam Northern Regional Office: 25 Trang Thi Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 6270 0200 Fax: +84 4 6270 0222 Middle Regional Office Da Nang International Airport Tel : +84 511 3823 357 Fax: +84 511 3893 322


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Sourcing, Manufacturing, Importing, Exporting “Providing Supply Chain Management Solutions” our Global Team has been assisting worldwide clients for over 7 years in Vietnam specializing in the areas of Sourcing Reports, Market Intelligence, Sourcing Trade Missions, Factory Visitations, Manufacturing Agreements, Quality Control Inspections, Importing and Exporting Services, and Client Representation as Managing or Buyer’s Agents. Vietnam B2B Direct Offers: 1. Complete Supply Chain Management Services 2. Representative and/or Buyer’s Agent Services 3. Import and Export Services 4. Skilled Local Management Group 5. Downtown D1 and HCMC Airport Office Locations 6. Representation in North and South Vietnam 7. Canada and USA Branch Offices Vietnam B2B Direct also operates BioGreen Vietnam a worldwide supplier of oxo-biodegradable bags that are environmentally and eco-friendly solutions to packaging and consumer products.

Vietnam Brewery Limited 15th Floor, Me Linh Point Tower 2 Ngo Duc Ke Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 2755 Fax: +84 8 3822 2754

Chamber Representatives

Vietnam Children's Fund “Building Primary Schools” Chung Cu Vuon Dao, Suite 304 Tay Ho District, Hanoi Tel : +84 902 208 965 Fax : +84 4 2223 9260 Email : Website : Chamber Representatives

David Teng, Managing Director Alan Koo, Finance Director Nguyen Van Buu, CSR Director

Samuel Russell, Country Director Vien Thi Phuong Lan, Architect, Project Coordinator

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Production and marketing of Tiger, Tiger Crystal, Heineken, Bivina, Foster’s, BGI, Larue, Larue Export, Beers in Vietnam.

The Vietnam Children's Fund (VCF) builds primary schools throughout Vietnam, often in the most remote and destitute locations. With generous corporate and individual funding VCF has built nearly 50 schools in as many provinces. Mr. Terry Anderson and Ms. Kieu Chinh are co-chairs of VCF, which is a designated U.S. non-profit corporation. VCF is a small, lean organization with 85% of all funds raised going to program. Our construction meets the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training's (MoET) National School Standard and our projects are approved by the Ministry of Construction. A VCF signature school is a modern 2-story facility offering 8 classrooms, 2 function rooms, electricity, toilets, fans, and access for the disabled. Our construction is built to last and VCF schools often serve as disaster relief centers. Over 23,000 children attend clean, modern VCF facilities.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Vietnam Education Foundation (VEF)

Vietnam National Textile & Garment Group (VINATEX)

Vietnam Field Office, Suite 502, Hanoi Towers 49 Hai Ba Trung Street Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3936 3670 Fax : +84 4 3936 3672 Email : Website :

41A Ly Thai To Street Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3825 7700 Cell : +84 91 360 7982 Fax : +84 4 3826 2269 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representative

Dr. Lynne McNamara, Executive Director Dr. Phuong Nguyen, Country Director

Pham Minh Huong, Director of International Business Development - Vietnam National Textile & Garment Group

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

The VEF educational exchange programs focus on the sciences (natural, physical, and environmental), engineering, mathematics, medicine (including public health and health sciences), and technology (including information technology). VEF has three core programs: (1) Fellowship Program, which sends Vietnamese nationals to the United States for graduate degree programs, funded through cost-sharing agreements between VEF and U.S. universities; (2) Visiting Scholar Program, which funds Vietnamese nationals, who already hold a doctorate, to further develop their professional skills via studies, research, and/or observational activities at leading U.S. academic institutions; and (3) U.S. Faculty Scholar Program, which provides grants to American professors to teach courses at Vietnamese institutions for one or two semesters by teaching on-site in Vietnam or via interactive, real-time videoconferencing from the United States. VEF capacity-building efforts focus on activities in the same fields that build the relationship between U.S. and Vietnamese institutions and government entities and that strengthen the foundations in Vietnam for the return of VEF Fellows and Visiting Scholars to their home country. The U.S. headquarters office is located at 2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22201, USA (Phone: 1-703-351-5053).

Vietnam National Textile & Garment Group (Vinatex) is one of the largest and the most competitive Textile & Garment corporations in Asia, which actively manages nearly 120 subsidiary companies that are operating not only in Textile & Garment, but also in other extended businesses.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Particularly, Vinatex has managed a fully integrated Textile & Garment manufacturing system from raw material, spinning, weaving and dyeing to finishing along with proactive commercial services. Vinatex has built up commercial relationship with more than 400 corporations from 65 countries that generated its export value over 20% of the total Textile & Garment export turnover. Besides supporting Textile & Garment Industry by investing on Researching, Educating and Training to enhance human resources, craftsmanship skill and manufacturing management, Vinatex has developed one of the largest retailing & distribution systems with 62 supermarkets in 26 cities and residential area throughout Vietnam. With the vision to be ranked among Top 10 Global Textile & Garment Groups by 2020, Vinatex will complete its capitalization in 2012 and call for joint-venture business co-operations & capital investment in both domestic and abroad market from strategic investors to enhance long-term mutual benefits.

Vietnam Partners LLC Mezzanine Floor, VFC Building 29 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 0023 / 24 Fax : +84 8 3910 0025 Website:

Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park J.V., Co., Ltd. (VSIP) No. 8 Dai lo Huu Nghi, VSIP Thuan An Town, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3743 898 Fax : +84 650 3743 430 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Bradley LaLonde, Founder / Partner / CEO Pham Dinh Phuc, Director, Real Estate

Vu Quang Vinh, Senior Marketing Manager Nguyen Chi Toan, Marketing Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Vietnam Partners LLC is an investment bank providing financial advice, raising capital and investment capital for Vietnamese government and businesses. The company is a team of seasoned professionals with decades of experience in managing businesses in Vietnam, in the United States and globally. Our investment banking services include finance advice, finance arrangement, mobilization of capital, real estate and property development, trade facilitation and infrastructure development.

The Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park (VSIP) is a world-class industrial park initiated by Prime Minister Vo Van Kiet of Viet Nam and Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong of Singapore. Since its official launch on 31 January 1996, VSIP has proven to be a very attractive investment location for many multinational companies to base their manufacturing and technical service operations, for the domestic as well as export markets. Over more than 15 years, VSIP has rapidly grown its expansion projects in all three regions of Vietnam, offering investors various options for investment, including VSIP I and VSIP II Binh Duong in the South, VSIP Bac Ninh and VSIP Hai Phong in the North and VSIP Quang Ngai in the Centre. VSIP Bac Ninh No.1, Dai lo Huu Nghi, Phu Chan Commune Tu Son District, Bac Ninh. Tel : +84 241 3765 668 Fax: +84 241 3765 666 VSIP Hai Phong 175 Road 359, Pho Moi, Tan Duong Commune Thuy Nguyen District, Hai Phong. Tel : +84 31 3959 868 Fax: +84 31 3959 886 VSIP Quang Ngai Petrosetco Tower, No.1 An Duong Vuong Quang Ngai City

Vietnam Representative Office Sofitel Plaza HN Unit # 03-07 3rd Floor, 1 Thanh Nien Road Ba Dinh District, Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3936 6767 Fax: +84 4 3936 6768 New York Office 1385 Broadway, Suite 912 New York, NY 10018, USA Tel : +1 212 418 4781 Fax: +1 212 317 8666

AmCham Directory - 2012


Vietnam Trade Alliance

Vietnam Waste Solutions, Inc. (VWS)

Trade Alliance Center 21 Phung Khac Khoan Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6660 9897 Mobile: +84 903 933 147 Email :

Da Phuoc Commune Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3820 5958 / 3820 5953 Fax : +84 8 3820 3240 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Walter Blocker, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

David Trung Duong, CEO /General Director Kevin Moore, Managing Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Vietnam Trade Alliance is a predominately American owned market access Joint Stock Company offering importation, warehousing, marketing, and logistics services for a host of multinational fast moving consumer product and chemical companies. Alliance operates from 6 separate regional logistics facilities allowing for 24 hour delivery nationally to its network of wholesalers and retailers. Orders are facilitated from its main customer service center in Ho Chi Minh City. The company is managed by a team of 400 professionals led by a Chief Executive with more than 15 years experience owning operations in Vietnam.

- To be specialized in advising, designing, investing, constructing and operating Waste Management Facilities


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

- The Investor of Da Phuoc Solid Waste Management Facility in Da Phuoc Commune, Binh Chanh District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam with a capacity of 10,000 tons of domestic wastes per day. - The Investor of Long An Green Waste Management Complex in Thu Thua District, Long An Province with an estimated capacity of 35,000 tons of all kinds of waste coming from Mekong delta, Long An Province and Ho Chi Minh City.

VietnamWorks 130 Suong Nguyet Anh Street, Ben Thanh Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 5404 1373 Fax : +84 8 3925 5111 Email : Website:

Chamber Representative

Chris Harvey, CEO

VietUnion Online Services Corporation Head Office: 9 Dinh Tien Hoang Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3911 7147 Fax : +84 8 3911 7144 Email : Website: Chamber Representative

Nguyen Hoang Ly, Founder and Board member Activities in Vietnam VietUnion is a member of Saigon Invest Group (SGI), one of the largest non-state owned groups in Vietnam specializing in such many industries as: Industry Zones and High-Tech Parks; Financing – Banking; Information Technology and Energy.

Activities in Vietnam VietnamWorks is the #1 online recruitment provider in Vietnam. Our mission is to help people find their dream jobs successfully and companies find talent fast. We have the biggest and highest quality skilled professionals in Vietnam with more than one million people visiting our website very month. We understand the market better than anyone else so that we can help companies solve their recruitment challenges effectively. Biggest companies in Vietnam have found talent from VietnamWorks such as: Unilever, Canon, Samsung, HSBC…

Focusing on Information Technologies and e-Commerce, Vietunion provides resolutions to electronics transactions and payment means for Banking in e-commerce. Vietunion builds and operates a multi-channel and multi-service Electronic Payment System (PAYOO), which provides secure and convenient payment service between clients, businesses and banks. Vietunion is also a provider of the first-e-wallet service in Vietnam to support e-commerce websites and e-communities in online payment transaction. VietUnion has completely built a secure and convenient transaction foundation for the development of e-commerce in Vietnam; step-by-step expands communities and groups to association in order to accelerate the development. Vietunion is licensed to perform the pilot provision of payment means of Payoo E-Wallet through Payment Service Organization by The State Bank (Decision No 288/QD-NHNN on February 18th, 2009). According to statistics from State Bank at the end of quarter II of 2010, Payoo e-wallet was the leader in the market of Intermediary Electronic Payment in Vietnam. Payoo E-Wallet has won Sao Khue 2009 Award and the title of 4-star Preeminent Software chosen and announced on April 24th, 2009 by VINASA. VietUnion officially received the certificate of ISO 27001 – 2005 Information Security Management System (ISMS) in November, 2010. The first financial services company achieves the certificate of ISO 27001:2005 in Vietnam. Operating the system according to the standard of ISO 27001:2005 as well as cooperating strategically with such local and foreign partners as: Verisign (US), NTT Data (Japan), Fronde (New Zealand), Viettel, EVN, VNPT, FPT, SCTV, Saigon Railway, IT Institute, Banknetvn,…, July 2010,Vietnam National Financial Switching Joint Stock Co (Banknetvn) and VietUnion Online Services Joint Stock Co (VietUnion) recently signed a cooperation agreement No 48/2010 to launch online payment support services. Accordingly, users having accounts at membership banks being linked to the Banknetvn Switching system will be able to recharge money online via VietUnion's e-wallet service Payoo to pay for shopping online, recharging for pre-paid mobile phone service and bill payment service periodically. Apart from payment method via Internet, the two signatories also focus on developing end-channel transactions on mobile phone platform (Mobile) to catch the trend of the future. In September 2010, VietUnion signed bilateral cooperation with NTTData - NTT Group members (Japan) for the purpose of formulating and implementing bill payment support services at supermarkets, convenience stores, ... This is an area that NTT Data has successfully deployed by providing equipment and solutions for over 60% of chain convenience stores in Japan. With such Payoo e-wallet (, customers can trade goods online at over 60 websites which have connected to Payoo; easily deposit money into the account of pre-paid mobile phone on the website Notably, Payoo e-wallet owners can pay online monthly bills of different issuers through the gateway Hanoi Office: Floor 7, No.20, T579C, Hao Nam Street, W.O Cho Dua Dong Da District, Hanoi

AmCham Directory - 2012


VILAF - Hong Duc


Suite 404 - 406, Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 7300 Fax : +84 8 3827 7303 Email : Website:

17th Floor, Sun Wah Tower 115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 9930 Fax : +84 8 3821 9931 Email : Website :

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Tran Anh Duc, Managing Partner Vo Ha Duyen, Executive Partner

Tony Hsun, Managing Director Phuc Than, Managing Director David Dropsey, Communications Manager Hunt McNguyen, CEO Eric Gershoni, Asset Associate Director

Activities in Vietnam Leading Law Firm in Vietnam VILAF was one of the first business law firms formed after Vietnam opened its doors to foreign investment in the early 1990s. With more than 50 lawyers and legal experts in both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, VILAF owns the largest and strongest team of local lawyers in Vietnam. VILAF has received various international awards over the last few years, including: • ALB - Vietnam Deal Firm of The Year 2011 • Global Law Experts - Vietnamese Banking & Finance Law Firm of Year 2010 Award • Pacific Business Press - Asian Counsel Firm of the Year 2010 • ALB - M&A Leading Law Firm for Vietnam for 2010 • IFLR - Debt and Equity-Linked Deal of the Year 2010 • Vietnamese Law Newspaper - Firm of the Year 2009 • ALB - Vietnam Deal Firm of the Year 2009 • ALB - Leading M&A Law Firm for Asia - 2009 • B.I.D - International Arch of Europe Award for Quality and Excellence 2009 • OtherWays Association - Golden Europe Award for Quality & Commercial Prestige 2009 • ALB - Employer of Choice 2009 • IFLR - Vietnam National Law Firm of the Year 2008 • ALB - Vietnam Deal Firm of the Year 2007 • IFLR - Vietnam National Law Firm of the Year 2007 • IFLR - Vietnam National Law Firm of the Year 2006 • IFLR - Project Finance Deal of the Year 2002 VILAF, Hanoi Branch Suite 603, HCO Building (Melia) 44B Ly Thuong Kiet Street Hanoi Tel : +84 4 3934 8530 Fax: +84 4 3934 8531


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam VinaCapital is the leading investment management and real estate development firm focused on Vietnam, with a diversified portfolio of almost USD2 billion in assets under management. VinaCapital was founded in 2003 and boasts a team of managing directors who bring extensive international finance and investment experience to the firm. VinaCapital believes the energy, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of the people of Vietnam make it the world’s top emerging market investment opportunity. Our mission is to produce superior returns for investors by using our experience and knowledge to identify the key trends and opportunities that emerge as Vietnam continues to develop its economy. To achieve this, VinaCapital has industry‐leading asset class teams covering capital markets, private equity, fixed income, venture capital, real estate and infrastructure. VinaCapital’s core business is VinaCapital Investment Management Ltd, which manages three closed‐end funds trading on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange. These funds, at a combined net asset value (NAV) of USD1.7 billion as of December 2010, make VinaCapital the largest asset manager focused on Vietnam and its neighbouring countries. The funds are: • VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund Limited (VOF), a diversified fund that invests in all asset classes, including listed and private equities, real estate, and bonds. • VinaLand Limited (VNL), a real estate fund that makes direct investments in residential, retail, hospitality and office sectors. • Vietnam Infrastructure Limited (VNI), a fund that invests in infrastructure sectors including transport and logistics, power, telecommunications, and the environment. VinaCapital Investment Management Ltd also co‐manages the USD32 million DFJ VinaCapital L.P. technology venture capital fund with Draper Fisher Jurvetson. VinaCapital also holds stakes in VinaProjects, a specialist real estate services company encompassing project management, construction management and urban planning; and in VinaSecurities JSC, a full‐service securities company offering a range of brokerage and investment banking products and corporate financial services. VinaCapital has offices in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Danang, Nha Trang, Phnom Penh (Cambodia) and Singapore. More information about VinaCapital is available at

VinaCapital Foundation

VINAconnect Limited

17th Floor, Sun Wah Tower

6B Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3910 5029 Fax : +84 8 3910 5028 Website:

115 Nguyen Hue Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 9930 Fax : +84 8 3821 9931 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

David Peter Jensen, Director - Gic Vietnam Program Claude Spiese, Chief Operating Executive

Mimi Vu, Director of Development Rad Kivette, Director of Corporate Development and Government Relations

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

The VinaCapital Foundation (VCF) is a Vietnam and US-registered 501(c)(3) non-governmental organization founded in 2006 to empower the children and youth of Vietnam by providing opportunities for growth through health and education projects. Projects include Heartbeat Vietnam, which funds cardiac operations for poor children and provides them with pre- and post-operative care; the International Symposium for Cardiac Care, a Clinton Global Initiative that continues the medical education of physicians in Southeast Asia via teleconference; Critical Response, another Clinton Global Initiative that trains emergency room medical personnel in pediatric advanced life support; A Brighter Path, a scholarship program for disadvantaged but exemplary female ethnic minority students; and the International Management Initiative of Vietnam, an international-standard training center for Vietnam’s business leaders. The VinaCapital Group matches 100 percent of all donations to Heartbeat Vietnam and covers VCF’s expenses so that 100 percent of all donations go directly to program work.

Corporate Strategy and Research Services: VINAconnect provides research and analyses on market entry, investments, partnerships, and new lines of business. We conduct internal assessments and design practical business performance, improvements. Technology Management Services: VINAconnect provides technology management and project quality assurance services to assist clients to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their current technology, and the benefits and risks of new technologies, and design practical measures to improve their use of technology. Corporate Finance Services: We provide valuation, sale, merger & acquisition, and pre-IPO services to maximize financial value and minimize financial risk. Business Support Services: VINAconnect provides licensing, representation, land and property acquisition, partner search, selection, and negotiation, project bidding and other highly customized services to assist clients’ smooth implementation of market entry and business strategies. Technology Solutions: VINAconnect provides custom and package technology solutions to assist clients to grow their business, increase profitability, expand into new lines of business, and create value.

AmCham Directory - 2012


Vinataba - Philip Morris Limited Ho Chi Minh City Branch 6th Floor, Kumho Asiana Plaza 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 1333 Fax : +84 8 3823 1328 Email : Website: Chamber Representatives

VINE Quality Hospitality Group Ho Chi Minh Branch Office 32A Cao Ba Nha Street, Nguyen Cu Trinh Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3836 4171 Fax : +84 8 3836 4182 Email : Website :

Chamber Representative

Jeffrey Hoh, Branch Director Luan Nguyen, Planning and Corporate Affairs Manager

Benoit Labrunhie, Sales & Marketing Manager Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Marlboro, the world’s number one international selling cigarette brand, has been in Vietnam since 1994. Since January 2011, with the commitments from both Vinataba and PMI to further develop the brand in Vietnam, Marlboro cigarettes are manufactured and distributed by a joint venture between Vinataba and PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk, a PMI affiliate. The combination of two leading tobacco companies has provided an undisputable advantage to the growth of Marlboro in Vietnam. Today, Marlboro is the leading brand in Premium segment in Vietnam. With over 200 employees coming from different backgrounds, we are proud of our cultural diversity and of working for a company that invests in people. Currently, Vinataba - Philip Morris Limited has its head office in the city of Cantho and a Branch in Ho Chi Minh City.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

VINE Quality Hospitality Group is developing in service, food, wine and beverage in Vietnam. Established in 2003, the group’s main business activities include: 1. Restaurant, catering and events management 2. Wine, Spirits, tea, coffee and food importation and distribution: retail and wholesale. 3. Hospitality accessory importation and distribution 4. Exclusive distributor in Vietnam for Habanos Cuban cigars. VINE Wine Boutique Bar and Café is renown locally and internationally for the food, wine, service and cigars, along with its’ catering and delivery business - 1A Xuan Dieu Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi - Tel: +84 4 3719 8000. VINE Cellar Door is one of the finest retail wine selections in the country. The store has a selection of hundreds of award-winning international wines, brand name and small-batch spirits, TWG tea, illy coffee as well as gourmet food. 7 Xuan Dieu Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi Tel: +84 4 3719 2922. VINE Restaurant & Cellar Door HCM: 73 Pasteur Street, District 1 with restaurant, VINE Cellar Door and Cigar Lounge Tel: +84 8 3822 2060, Fax: +84 8 3822 2070 Wholesales: 31A Xuan Dieu, Tay Ho, Ha Noi Tel: +84 4 3719 8321 644 Hai Ba Trung, Cam Pho, Hoi An Tel: +84 51 3917 922 32A Cao Ba Nha, Nguyen Cu Trinh Ward, Dist. 1, HCMC Tel: +84 8 3836 4171 Email:

Visa International (Vietnam Representative Office) Unit 1501 -1502, 15th Floor, Saigon Tower 29 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3520 7400 Fax : +84 8 3520 7401 Website:

Vision & Associates Unit 1801, 18th Floor, Saigon Trade Center 37 Ton Duc Thang Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3823 6495 / 3823 6501 Fax : +84 8 3823 6496 Email : Website:

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representative

Lorijon Bacchi, Country Manager

Luu Tien Ngoc, Partner

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Visa opened its representative office in Vietnam in 2005 and is the most well-known electronic payment card in the country.[1]

Vision & Associates is a full service legal and consulting firm, offering professional services to clients in three main areas of practice: Legal, Intellectual Property, and Investment & Management Consulting. The firm has 80 professionals, practising in two offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. The practice groups, work closely with one another to take advantage of their combined knowledge. Vision’s large domestic resources are supplemented by its close association with the Norton Rose Group, which has 30 offices and close to 2,000 lawyers internationally. The Norton Rose Group is one of the best resourced legal practices in Asia Pacific with over 700 lawyers in 13 offices.

Visa continues to work with the country to develop a modern, fast and secure electronic payment system and offers a range of credit and debit products for consumers and businesses in Vietnam, working with more than 30 local and multinational banks. (as of 18 October 2010) Widely accepted across Vietnam, Visa has a network of 10,000 ATMs [2] around the country, offering cardholders hassle-free access to local cash anywhere. [1]. AC Nielsen Personal Finance Data [2]. Data as of 30 September 2010, Visa Aspire

AmCham Directory - 2012


VM GROUP Incorporated

Wanek Furniture Co., Ltd.

Room 1105-1106, Centre Point Building 106 Nguyen Van Troi Street Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 6298 8899 Fax : +84 8 6298 8999 Email : Website:

Tan Long Hamlet, Tan Hiep Ward Tan Uyen District, Binh Duong Province Tel : +84 650 3655 200 Fax : +84 650 3655 191 / 192 Email:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Thomas Kong, General Director Travis Wagner, Operations Director

Nguyen Hoang Long, Chairman / President Vu Han Viet, General Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

VM GROUP is one of the largest groups in the automotive industry in Vietnam. With expertise in automotive production, sales and after sales, its mission is to motorize Vietnam.

Manufacture of leather and fabric upholstery kits.

In passenger-car business, VM GROUP is proud to be the strategic partner of Volkswagen AG, one of the largest car-makers in the world bringing high-technological and reliable cars into Vietnam market. In commercial vehicle business, VM GROUP works with Hyundai Motors in production, trading and servicing of trucks, buses and coaches. Its strong nation-wide dealership network and well educated workforce are providing customers high-quality products with professional sales and after sales services. VM Group is exploring opportunities to popularize green energy in Vietnam. VM GROUP warmly welcomes investors and partners interested in doing business in Vietnam and the South East Asia.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Wanek Furniture Co., Ltd. (VSIP II Branch) No. 11, Street No.6, VSIP II Binh Duong Industry - Service - Urban Complex Hoa Phu Ward, Thu Dau Mot Town Binh Duong Province

Wells Fargo Bank N.A.

Western Flavors and Fragrances Joint Stock Co. (WFF JSC)

9th Floor, Kumho Asiana Plaza #901, 39 Le Duan Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3824 8202 Fax : +84 8 3824 8204 Email : Website:

2nd Floor, 10 Phan Dinh Giot Street, Ward 2 Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3842 0188 +925 872 9100 (USA) Fax : +84 8 3842 0188 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Nguyen The Phong, Senior Vice President and Country Manager - Vietnam Dao Mai Le, Vice President and Representative - HCMC

Richard J. Grame, Founder Nguyen Thuy Phuong, General Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Wells Fargo & Company is one of the largest and most prestigious bank holding companies. In the US, we are No.1 in community banking presence with over 9,000 stores with one in three households in America doing business with Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo ranked #4 in assets ($1.3 trillion) and #1 in value of stock among its U.S. peers as of Sept. 30, 2011.

WFF Vietnam was founded in 2003. Opened our Hanoi Rep office in 2004. In Oct 2008, WFF Vietnam became a joint-stock company and completes its local Flavor manufacturing facility for the manufacture of liquids systems, powder systems, bakery and beverage emulsion systems.

Ho Chi Minh City Representative Office

Outside the US, Wells Fargo is a major player in correspondent banking with #1 market share in Asia and Latin America and #2 in Western Europe and is the #1 bank in overall institutional satisfaction (FImetrix 2011). The Bank offers an array of payment, trade, deposit and credit services to its customers all over the world. In Vietnam, Wells Fargo Bank is No.1 in number of customers with 48 banks maintaining USD, EUR, JPY, etc. accounts with our overseas offices. Wells Fargo Bank operates two representative offices in HCMC and Hanoi whose function is to market correspondent banking products to banks in Vietnam, and to provide efficient local customer service to its correspondent bank customers.

Today WFF Vietnam is one of the leading suppliers of innovative flavors and is known for its quick and effective technical support in flavors to a nationwide network of manufacturers in the beverage, confection, dairy, baking, pharmaceutical. Since May 2009 WFF Vietnam started the cooperation with Luzi Ltd, a professional Swiss Fragrance Manufacturer, in supplying to cosmetic and household industries. WFF Vietnam combines its global technical resources along with the local marketing & sales service excellence to meet the needs of our clients. WFF Vietnam is committed to bringing the best possible service to our clients throughout Vietnam. Our team strives to focus on building professional business partnerships that will support the success of our clients and WFF Vietnam.

AmCham Directory - 2012


The Western Union Company Unit 3 & 4, 11th Floor, Saigon Centre 65 Le Loi Boulevard District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3821 0388 Fax : +84 8 3821 0387 Email : Website:

Windsor Real Estate Management Corporation 193-203 Tran Hung Dao Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3920 7976 Fax : +84 8 3823 9880 Email : Website:

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representatives

Ly Nguyen, Regional Director, Indochina

Vincent Truong, Deputy General Director Anh Reid, Director of Leasing and Tenant Relations David Hill, General Manager

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

The Western Union Company (NYSE: WU) is a leader in global money transfer services. Together with its affiliates, Orlandi Valuta and Vigo, Western Union provides consumers with fast, reliable and convenient ways to send and receive money around the world, as well as send payments and purchase money orders. It operates through a network of more than 485,000 agent locations in over 200 countries and territories as of September, 2009. Famous for its pioneering telegraph services, the original Western Union dates back to 1851.

The Windsor Real Estate Management Corporation (WMC) is one of the largest hospitality and property service companies in Vietnam, managing a portfolio of restaurants, hotels, serviced apartments and commercial shopping centers. WMC started with its first 5-star hotel and shopping center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and quickly expanded to include a portfolio of mixed use properties and brands, embarking on a dynamic path of expansion and growth to establish itself as one of Asia’s prominent hospitality and property management groups. WMC’s future plans are to continue improving our already substantial operations in Ho Chi Minh City, leveraging our own brands and resources, strategizing new projects with new ideas and best practices and thus creating a new balance of revenue growth and asset utilization that will provide our owners with equitable solutions and attractive growth prospects over the mid and long term.

Western Union has been operating in Vietnam for over 17 years, partnering with over 40 top local banks, VN Post and hundreds of non-bank enterprises to build an impressive network of nearly 8,000* Agent locations throughout all the provinces and autonomous regions in Vietnam. For more information, visit


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

World Class Solutions Group

X-Calibur Construction Systems, Inc.

155 N Harbor Dr, Ste 1306, Chicago Illinois, USA 60601 Tel : +312 371 9766 Email : Website:

5000 SW 52nd Street Davie, FL 33314 USA Tel : +1 954 885 9912 Mobile : +971 50 6258761 Fax : +1 954 885 9913 Email : Website:

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representative

Les Ross, President / Owner

Brian Davies, President

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Full range of environmental safety and health and business continuity/disaster preparedness/recovery planning consulting

Supply of construction chemicals including specialist waterproofing and flooring products. We have supplied products to several projects in Vietnam from our factory in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. The company intends to start manufacture of its products in Vietnam during 2011.

Seeking investment opportunities and business partners for food distribution and retail restuarant/cafe operations and build-out

AmCham Directory - 2012


Xstrata Recycling Inc. (Malaysia) Sdn.Bhd Suite 18-21-B Level 21, Menara Gurney 10250 Penang, West Malaysia Malaysia Tel : +640 2295 589 Fax : +640 2268 595 Website : Chamber Representative

YKVN Lawyers Suite 1502, The Metropolitan 235 Dong Khoi Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3822 3155 Fax : +84 8 3823 6908 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Michelle Ng Su Yin, Office/Customer Service Manager

Truong Nhat Quang, Managing Partner Vu Dzung, Partner

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

Xstrata is a major global diversified mining group, listed on the London and Swiss stock exchanges.

YKVN is a full service Vietnamese law firm with a diversified national and international practice. With two closely-integrated offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, YKVN recently opened a new office in Singapore where it continues the expansion of its cross-border practice. YKVN is internationally recognized as a leading law firm in Vietnam and has received a number of international awards including: “National Law Firm of the Year” for 2004, 2005, 2009, 2010 and 2011; “Debt and Equity-linked Deal of the Year” for 2010; “National Deal Firm of the Year” for 2005; “Asset & Corporate Finance Deal of the Year” for 2005; “Deals of the Year” for 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010; and “Employer of Choice” for 2007, 2008, 2009.

Description: Headquartered in Zug, Switzerland. Xstrata’s businesses maintain a meaningful position in seven major international commodity markets: copper, coking coal, thermal coal, ferrochrome, nickel, vanadium and zinc, with a growing platinum group metals business, additional exposures to gold, cobalt, lead and silver, recycling facilities and a suite of global technology products, many of which are industry leaders. The Group’s operations and projects span 19 countries.


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam

Z.C. International Ltd. Road 19, Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone District 7, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3770 1688 Fax : +84 8 3770 1690 Email : Website:

Zamil Steel Buildings Vietnam Co., Ltd. 12th Floor, Gemadept Tower 6 Le Thanh Ton Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3827 5755 Fax : +84 8 3827 5754 Email : Website:

Chamber Representatives

Chamber Representatives

Brian Keith Smith, General Director Brad Harrison, Maintenance Engineering Director

Nguyen Minh Phuong, Regional Manager Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos Steven R. D’Cunha, Operations Manager Dong Nai Factory Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam Z.C. International is a 100% owned subsidiary of USA-based Zenith Cutter, a member of the Fisher Barton Group. For over 85 years, Zenith Cutter has been the premium provider of high-quality industrial knives and blades to leading companies all over the world. Our competitively-priced industrial knives and blades are crafted from the finest grade steel and machined to exact tolerances, delivering the precision and durability. Zenith Cutter directly responds to the diverse needs of the corrugated, plastics, recycling, tree care, roofing, textile, agricultural and wood products industries. At Zenith Cutter, we are dedicated to meeting the needs of our customers by providing “Knives With Endurance”® The Fisher-Barton Group: seven independent companies working together to offer our customers a broad mix of metallurgical expertise that results in superior, cost-effective components. Business category: Manufacturing Employees in Vietnam: 300

Zamil Steel Buildings Vietnam Co., Ltd. (Zamil Steel Vietnam) was established in 1997 in Hanoi, Vietnam, as a 100% foreign owned company, to design, engineer, manufacture and supply top quality pre-engineered steel buildings. This establishment is a joint venture between Zamil Steel Industries ( and Japanese Trading giant Mitsui & Co., Ltd. Today, Zamil Steel Vietnam is widely recognized as the largest and most reliable manufacturer and supplier of pre-engineered steel buildings in Vietnam and the region. With more than 10 years of experience, Zamil Steel Vietnam has achieved many milestones and grown through sustained successes to become the leader in the steel buildings industry. With two state-of-the art factories in Noi Bai Industrial Zone and Amata Industrial Park, Zamil Steel Vietnam has designed, manufactured and supplied thousands of pre-engineered steel buildings across Asia. ZSV has obtained ISO9001:2008 certification audited by BVQI and S1 (Class One) fabricator status accredited by the Singapore Structural Steel Society since 2003. ZSV is proud to be the sole company in Vietnam that is certified by Japan’s Ministry of Land Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT) for the quality of its manufacturing facilities and capabilities in the fabrication of steel buildings in May, 2007. Fields of business activities: Design, Manufacture and Supply of Steel Buildings for applications such as Factories, Workshops, Warehouses, Showrooms, Supermarkets, Distribution Center, Sport Halls, Office Buildings, Aircraft Hangars... AmCham Directory - 2012


Zen Plaza Co., Ltd. 54-56 Nguyen Trai Street District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3925 0337 Fax : +84 8 3925 0338 Email : Website:

Zobrist International Co., Ltd. (Zobrist Consulting Group, Inc.) 18Bis/16 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street, Da Kao Ward District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Tel : +84 8 3825 8782 Email : Website:

Chamber Representative

Chamber Representative

Shiro Fukukawa, General Director

Christopher Quang Zobrist, Managing Director

Activities in Vietnam

Activities in Vietnam

ZEN PLAZA is a trading center for fashion and leasing space for office. • 100% owned by Japanese company (YAZUYA Co., Ltd.) • Fashion Shopping Center opened in 1999 as the first one in Vietnam. • 2 Flagship shops [DIESEL] and [Nike New Concept Shop] at Ground floor. • Unique Vietnamese Designer Boutique at 1st floor and many other Fashion Brands. • Citi Mart B&B at B1, Sushi-Bar, Hoang Yen restaurant and Japanese photo studio at 5th floor.

Established in 2001, Zobrist Consulting Group is a leading provider of web applications development and integration services in the United States. Zobrist International is the offshore development division for Zobrist Consulting, providing high quality development capabilities through a “dual shores” model. We recruit and train specialized development teams for custom web applications development, administration, and integration of packaged software solutions based on a variety of web technologies.

Business Scope: • Leasing space for retail, office and event • Retailing • Trading • Organizing Fashion Show and related events


American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam


American Chiropractic Clinic................................. 13 Baker & McKenzie (Vietnam) Ltd........................... 16 Binh Duong New City - BECAMEX IDC Corp. ..... 448 Bureau Veritas ...................................................... 12 Calidas Landmark72/ Chestnut-vina ................... 306 CB Richard Ellis (Vietnam) Ltd.............................. 276 Chartis Insurance Vietnam Company Ltd....Inside Back Cover Citi Vietnam........................................................... 1 Crowne Plaza Danang ........................................ 335 Crowne Plaza West Hanoi .................................. 276 Dalat Hotel Du Parc ............................................ 280 Dalat Palace Luxury Hotel & Golf Club ................ 280 Deloitte Vietnam Company Limited......................... 4 Expolanka Freight (Vietnam) Ltd.............................. 8 Ford Vietnam Limited.................... Inside Front Cover FV Hospital (Far East Medical Vietnam Limited)........ 3 Gerbera Hotel Hue............................................. 280 Hoian Beach Resort ............................................ 278 Hoian Historic Hotel ........................................... 278 HR2B / Talent Recruitment................................... 139 Imperial Hotel Hue ............................................. 288 InterContinental Hanoi Westlake ........................ 288 International School Ho Chi Minh City ................... 2 JWT Vietnam (WPP Marketing Communications Vietnam Co., Ltd.)........................................... 446 Kimdo Royal City Hotel ...................................... 280 L’Hôpital Français De Hanoi ................................ 369 Law Offices of John G. Humphrey......................... 10 LevelOne Services Vietnam Ltd. (LevalOne SAIGON)............................................. 6 Long Hai Security Services Joint Stock Company...... 6

Mayer Brown JSM (Vietnam)................................. 11 Mercure Hanoi La Gare ...................................... 276 My Phuoc Industrial City - BECAMEX IDC Corp. ..... 5 Nam Hai............................................................... 13 Novotel Saigon Centre.......................................... 16 NTTrade Law........................................................... 8 Pacific Architects & Engineers Inc............................ 8 Pilgrimage Village - Boutique Resort & Spa.......... 292 The Press Club Hanoi ......................................... 280 Quality Insurance and Testing Center 3 (QUATEST 3)..................................................... 10 Rex Hotel Saigon....................................... Bookmark Romana Resort & Spa ........................................ 284 Russin & Vecchi..................................................... 26 SAFI Moving & Storage ...................................... 280 Saigon Tourist Travel Service ............................... 286 Sedona Suites Hanoi .......................................... 284 Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi ......................... 279 Sunrise Nha Trang Beach Hotel & Spa................. 281 Traveland Joint Stock Company............................. 11 TRG International...................................... Bookmark Truong Phat Joint Venture Company....................... 9 United Airlines.........................................Back Cover University of Hawaii ............................................... 6 UPS Vietnam Joint Stock Company..................... 252 Vedana Lagoon Resort & Spa.............................. 292 Victoria Healthcare International Clinics................ 26 Vietnam Airlines.................................................... 14 Vietnam Partners LLC.............................................. 9 Windsor Real Estate Management Corporation (WMC)................................................................ 7

HONG DUC PUBLISHING HOUSE House A2, 261 Thuy Khue Street, Hanoi Responsible for publishing: Bui Viet Bac Designer: Nguyen Khac Nam - VV Co., Ltd. Printing 1600 books, size 19x26cm at Tran Phu Printing Company Registered publising license No 107-2012/CXB/26/01-02/HD signed on 13/03/2012. Printed and deposited in 2nd quater of 2012 AmCham Directory - 2012


AmCham welcomes any companies involved in the development of trade, commerce, and investment between Vietnam and the United States

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evelopmen t i ss d n V i ine e t us

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Attend our luncheons and briefing events, and read our publications. Socialize. Network. Meet new friends. Discover new business opportunities. Find employees or employment. Stay “in-the-loop�. Enjoy valuable discounts at dozens of hotels, restaurants and shops in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and elsewhere. Access resources and information through AmCham committee meetings, web sites, and membership directory. Let prospective business partners find you in our print and on-line Membership Directory. Help develop positions on important business and development issues.


• Property Insurance, Business Interruption and Terrorism Insurance • Public & Product, Environmental Impairment, Contaiminated Products Insurance, Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liabilty • Financial Lines: Professional Indemnity, Directors & Officers Liability, Crime • SME Insurance Packages: Office, Retails, Service, Food & Beverage • Cargo Transportation, Logistics and Marine Liability, Export and Domestic Trade Credit, Factor Credit Insurance • Energy related risks includes Operational, Construction and Erection Risks Insurance • Travel Insurance, Group Personal Accident, Expatriate Medical Cover


• Home Owners Insurance and Auto Insurance • Travel Insurance • Expatriate Medical Cover • Golf Insurance • Credit Card Protector • Extended Warranty • E-Guards

Chartis is one of the world's leading property - casualty and general insurance organizations, serving more than 40 million clients in over 160 countries and juridistions. An extensive range of products and services, deep claims expertise and financial strength, allow us to meet the insurance needs of businesses and individuals across the country. Chartis is the first 100% owned American non - life insurer in Vietnam. Hanoi Office: Suite 5-01, Hanoi Towers 49 Hai Ba Trung St., Hoan Kiem Dist. Tel : (04) 3936 1455 Fax : (04) 3936 1456

Ho Chi Minh Office: 9th floor, SaiGon Center 65 Le Loi Boulevard, District 1 Tel : (08) 3914 0065 Fax : (08) 3914 0067

Customer Service Center : Rosana Building, Ground Floor 60 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, District 1, HCMC Tel : (08) 3910 4488 Fax : (08) 3824 6758

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