LED COOLER LIGHTS Are More Energy-Efficient Than The Traditional!
Introduction Be it an industrial, commercial or a residential user, if an average user claims that nearly 5% of his income is being spent on paying energy bills, it’s really a matter of concern. Because, what appears is not always what’s true. Before the invention of solid state lighting technology, nobody knew if we could save energy by just switching from one lighting technology to another. But now most of us know and that brings us to an understanding that LED lights and hence in this discussion, LED Cooler Lights are more energy-efficient.
But you Might Ask, why are these LED Cooler Lights more Energy-efficient? With new standards in lighting set by governments around the world, several measures were passed in favor of lights that were more energy-efficient and that later became a trend. The trend now continues with the lighting experts to improve ways in which LED lights can become more and more energyefficient.
To that end, the LED Cooler Lights are more energy-efficient because of the following factors
The Working Principle of Traditional Fluorescents and LED Cooler Lights
And, The Power Draw By The Tubes - Traditional and LED Cooler Lights
Let’s discuss the first one. In order to better understand the working principle of LED Cooler Lights, let’s first understand the same of fluorescent tubes. www.ledmyplace.com
In fluorescent tubes, where the current has to pass through a gas conductor in the form of free electrons and vaporize the mercury. When electrons collide with the gaseous items of mercury, free electrons are released which first jump to higher levels and then fall back to original levels. When they fall back to their original state, photons of light is emitted. Now, this light energy is in the for of UV which is not visible to human eye so the same light which when strikes the phosphor coating on the tube, the same process of electrons being excited to higher levels and then falling back to original state is repeated, the difference just being that now, it’s phosphor instead of mercury and photon energy this time is now visible to the human eye. Now, in order to start the fluorescent tube, lot of free electrons and ions are needed to allow flow of charge through the gas, which unfortunately isn’t the case and so for this reason fluorescent tubes take too long to start. Also, when they start, they warm up too soon. Here is where, the fluorescent tubes waste lot of light into heat. By contrast, LED Cooler Lights use method where the light-emitting diode is a two-lead or p-n junction diode to which when suitable voltage is applied, emits light when activated. Here the voltage and the energy gaps are engineered to be optimal and hence very less energy gets wasted in comparison to fluorescent tubes. We now come to the discussion on - The Power Draw By The Tubes. Since, the fluorescent tubes require extra power to start the tube, the method that is most commonly used to supply that extra power is making use of a starter switch and a magnetic ballast. Now, what’s the purpose the starter switch?
The starter switch actually allows for preheating of the tube so that less amount of voltage is required in order to trigger the production of electrons from the electrodes. On the other hand, the function of ballasts is to limit the amount of current that is being supplied to the tube. In absence of both these starter switch and the ballast, a very high amount of current would flow to the tube directly, eventually allowing for more heat production in the tube and waste of significant energy into heat and not light. Â Now, coming on to the power draw by LED lights, they do not require any ballast, the prominent reason being they draw less power from the power supply. In LED Cooler Lights, we have LEDs drawing power from the driver instead of the ballasts, though we do have compatible LED lights that are compatible with the existing ballasts. But, even in these compatible LED lighting fixtures that are supposed to work through the existing ballasts sooner or later come to fail. These ballasts while they are working make the LED Cooler Lights to draw more power from the line source.
Conclusion The two methods discussed in the above sections clearly explain as to why LED Cooler Lights would be more energy-efficient than the fluorescent tubes. For you as an user, savings in energy is worth hundreds of dollars every month and so energy-efficiency of any cooler light stands out to be one of the most important criteria only other than savings that is brought in any lighting fixture through the use of dimmers, timers and sensors.
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