Double -door combo cupboard Assembly Instructions Tools required: • Sharp pencil, preferably a carpenter’s pencil • Square • Level • Cordless screwdriver/drill • 3,5 mm drill bit for pre-drilling • 4 mm drill bit for handles • 8 mm wood bit for nail-in anchors • 8 mm concrete bit for fixing to wall • Hammer Pre-cut pieces provided
Length (mm) Width (mm) Qty Long Edging Sides 2400 580 2 1 Top 868 580 1 1 Base 868 580 1 1 Top shelf 868 580 1 1 Middle division 1850 580 1 1 Shelves 426 570 4 1 Fixing rail 868 100 1 1 Doors 1870 446 2 2 422 446 2 2 Kick plate 868 100 1 Hardboard 2300 898 1
Short Edging
2 2
3 2
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Step 1 Mark out the side panels and pre-drill
Side panel 1 580
C) 16
a) Start with the first side panel (2400 x 580) and measure 100 mm up (from what will be the base) and then draw a horizontal line across the 580 mm width. Then measure 116 mm up from the base edge again and draw another horizontal line across the 580 mm width. You have now drawn a line on the outside of the side panel where the bottom shelf of your cupboard will be. Holes will later be drilled between these two lines to fasten the base with screws from the side.
100 16
402 B) 16
b) Then measure 1966 mm up from the base and draw another horizontal line across the 580 mm width. Now measure 1982 mm up from the base and draw another horizontal line across the 580 mm width. This will be for the top shelf. 2400
c) Then measure a 16 mm line from the top edge of the side panel and draw another horizontal line across the 580 mm width. This is for the top of the cupboard.
d) For the kick plate (868 x 100 mm), at the base mark out as follows: From the front bottom edge of the unit measure 50 mm and draw a vertical line which intersects the first horizontal line. Then measure 16 mm from the front bottom edge and draw another vertical line. e) For the fixing rail (868 x 100 mm), at the rear top of the cupboard mark out as follows: Measure 116 mm down from the top rear edge of the cupboard and draw a 20 mm horizontal line. Then at the top rear measure 16 mm from the back and draw a vertical line.
A) 16
Side panel 2 D) 16
a) Start with the base of the side panel (2400 x 5800) and measure 100 mm up and then draw a horizontal line across the 580 mm width. Then measure 116 mm up from the base edge and draw another horizontal line across the 580 mm width.
C) 16
b) Then measure up 473, 489, 846, 862, 1219, 1235, 1592 and 1608 from the base edge and then draw horizontal lines across the 580 mm width. This is for the shelves.
c) Then measure 1966 mm up from the base and draw another horizontal line across the 580 mm width. Then measure 1982 mm up from the base and draw another horizontal line across the 580 mm width. This will be for the top shelf.
d) Then measure a 16 mm line from the top edge of the side panel and draw another horizontal line across the 580 mm width. This is for the top of the cupboard.
e) For the kick plate (868 x 100 mm) at the base, mark out as follows: From the front bottom edge of the unit, measure 50 mm and draw a vertical line which intersects the first horizontal line. Then measure 66 mm from the front bottom edge and draw another vertical line. f ) For the fixing rail (868 x 100 mm) at the rear top of the cupboard, mark out as follows: Measure 116 mm down from the top rear edge of the cupboard and draw a 20 mm horizontal line. Then at the top rear, measure 16 mm from the back and draw a vertical line.
357 2400 357
B) 16
357 16 357 A) 16 100 E)
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Middle division 580
Middle division g) For the middle division (1850 x 580) you need to mark out as follows: From the bottom measure up: 357, 373, 730, 746, 1103, 1119, 1476 and 1492 mm. Now draw a horizontal line across the 580 mm width.
357 16 357
Top shelf and base
16 G)
h) Take the base and top shelf and mark out as follows: Measure 426 mm from the left edge of the top shelf and draw a vertical line across the 580 mm width. Then measure 442 mm from the left edge and repeat another vertical line across the 580 mm width. Repeat the above steps with the base (868 x 580).
2400 357
16 357
868 16
580 X 2
Top shelf and base Pre-drill a) Pre-drill the side using a 3,5 mm drill bit. Drill two holes 40 mm from the edge of each side and in the middle 290 mm, in the centre of all the horizontal lines which run across the 580 mm width. b) Pre-drill one hole 50 mm from the bottom edge in the centre of your 2 vertical lines for the kick plate. c) Pre-drill two holes, one 40 mm and the other 80 mm from the top rear edge for the fixing rail in the centre of the vertical lines. Now repeat with the other side panel. d) For the base and top shelf you must pre-drill 40 mm from the two edges and 280 mm from the one side in between the two vertical lines which you drew. e) To pre-drill the middle division, measure 40 mm from either side and 280 mm from the one side and then drill your holes on the marks.
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Step 2 Assemble the carcass
Top view
a) Take your side panel (2400 x 580) and stand it vertically on its long side with the edged side facing upwards. Then take your base (868 x 580) and stand it vertically on its long side with the edged side facing upwards. Now, holding the base between the two lines on the side panel, screw the 40 mm screws into place. See the top-view diagram.
B) F)
b) Repeat for the top shelf and the top of the cupboard. Now repeat the above steps for the other side panel. c) To fit the middle division, place it in the centre of the cupboard standing vertically with the edged side facing upwards. Align with the two vertical lines which you have made on the base and top shelf. Screw in with the 40 mm screws.
d) To fit the shelves, take them one at a time and, starting at the bottom, place them horizontally and line them up with the vertical lines on the one side panel and the middle division. Screw in with the 40 mm screws.
e) You are now ready to fit the kick plate (868 x 100). Hold the kick plate in the centre of the two vertical lines which you drew at the bottom of the side and screw in. Repeat for the other side.
f ) To fix the fixing rail (868 x 100), hold it vertically at the top rear of the cupboard in between the two vertical lines which you drew and screw the two screws in. Repeat for the other side. g) You are now ready to fit the hardboard backing. Flip the cupboard on to its face side and measure the cupboard from corner to corner (measure both diagonals). Make sure that these diagonal measurements match up. If not, your cupboard is out of square. To square it up, hold one corner while pushing the opposite corner either up or down. Once the measurement readings are the same, you can now fit the backing by laying it flush on the back of the cupboard and attaching it with 25 mm wire nails. Please remember to first nail the four corners of the hardboard down, so as to ensure that the unit stays square.
Step 3 Fit the doors a) Lay the doors face down and insert the hinges in the potholes. To keep the hinges square, hold a straight edge against the length of the rear edges of the hinges and then screw them on to the doors. Once you have done this, loosen the mounting plate (shoe) of each hinge and push it up as far into the hinge as possible and retighten it. b) You are now ready to fit the doors on to the carcass. Laying the cupboard on to its hardboard backing, hold the door vertically in its length on the side of the carcass and line the bottom of the door flush with the bottom (base) of the cupboard. Then screw the mounting plates of the hinges on to the side panel of the cupboard. Close this door and repeat for the other side. c) You can now stand your cupboard upright and, by releasing the mounting plates on the hinges, adjust the door so that it opens and closes smoothly. You can then adjust the height and squareness of the door by turning the setting screws in and out on the hinges.
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