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Media Studies

Media Studies

Photography is a medium that has witnessed vast growth as a means of communication and expression.

A level Photography is an opportunity to explore the practice, theory and art of this discipline, and will introduce you to a wide range of photographic influences, approaches and technologies.


You will cover both digital and analogue technologies to develop and master your own creative and technical skills.

The course has an emphasis on creative work, which you will use to illustrate an understanding of photographic techniques whilst referencing the work of industry practitioners and icons.

You will also gain a practical and theoretical understanding of the medium and its creative processes. As a result, you will become familiar with various styles and techniques - from basic equipment you can make at home to the latest digital technology.

“I chose Leeds Sixth Form College as it has a wider range of interesting subjects than school and inspires me to learn something new every day.”

Progression routes

A level Photography offers a path toward careers or further study in photography, creative arts, media,

fashion, journalism and much more. It provides transferable skills for any subject or career path requiring innovation and the ability to problem solve.

Entry requirements

Grade 9-4 at GCSE in a creative subject or an interest in photography.

“The teaching here was the biggest difference. Tutors were always willing to help and go the extra mile to meet our needs.”

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