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NCFE Level 2 Diploma for entry to the Uniformed Services
Two GCSEs at Grade 3 including English & Maths DURATION: 1 Year
Full Time
Quarry Hill Campus
Ready to take your next step to working in the uniformed services? Engaging with a wide range of uniformed services including the police, fire service, prison, ambulance and armed forces will help you to explore the wide range of careers available to you. This course offers you the opportunity to upskill in English and maths, and understand how such skills will support your work in the uniformed services.
If you’re in year 11 or 12 and looking to take the next steps towards a career in the uniformed services, then this course is for you. This course prepares learners for the Step Up to the Level 3 Diploma - allowing you to progress to university, a police apprenticeship, or a Higher Level apprenticeship. All learners will also be studying GCSE English and/or maths as part of your course.

During this course, you will learn how to:
• Investigate employment in the uniformed services. • Build and use physical fitness to work effectively. • Develop team working and problem solving skills. • Prioritise health and hygiene in the uniformed services. • Follow uniform service routines and procedures. • Explore equality and diversity for the uniformed services. • Carry out map reading and navigation. • Explore the use of telecommunication in the uniformed services.
• Explore how to become an effective leader of a group of people and work as a team. • Practice and learn how to complete the Uniformed
Service fitness tests. • Immerse yourself in emergency situations, such as riots and outdoor pursuits. • Create a career pathway plan with the support of our links in the emergency and armed services.
The majority of learners from this course progress on to our Level 3 Diploma for Entry to the Uniformed Services course. A number of learners have also progressed to apprenticeships in the armed forces and the Yorkshire Ambulance Service.