Community Strategy 2012-2014

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GET T O K NO W Y O U R NE IG H B O U R We went out door-knocking with student volunteers and residents to encourage neighbours to get to know each other. To start up conversation, we gave them postcards to introduce each other and a free teabag to make a brew. F A R MER S ’ MAR K E T In support of local businesses, each week we hold a Farmers’ Market on campus to showcase local produce to staff and students. We also run Shop Local events to highlight the great businesses in the local area, including Kirkgate Market. KN O WLE D G E We work with other institutions, the police and Safer Leeds to help keep students at all the universities and colleges in Leeds safe. We also facilitate Victim Support’s recruitment of student volunteers to increase the offer of support in the area. P O LI C E & CR IM E C O MMI S S IO NE R E L E CT IO NS We worked with other Students’ Unions in the region to create videos to encourage students to engage with the elections. We also ensured candidates were aware of student concerns around safety and crime.

FOR MO R E IN FOR MATION If you’d like more information about our Community Strategy, you can find it on our community website:

We work very closely with the university to find volunteering opportunities for students. If you are an organisation looking for volunteers, you can advertise through the university’s volunteering hub. Just e-mail We also work closely with our partners at Leeds Trinity Students’ Union and Leeds Metropolitan Students’ Union.

OUR C OMMUN ITY OFFIC E R Each year our members elect a Community Officer to represent their views in the local community and help them love their time living in Leeds. To get in touch with them, contact

G OT AN Y QUE STION S? Contact our Community Engagement Coordinator Rose Black, on 0113 3801 325 or

LEEDS UNI VERSI TY UNI ON REPRESENTS A ND SUPPORTS 3 2, 000 STUDENTS WHO STUDY A T THE UNI VERSI TY OF LEEDS. WE A RE COMMI TTED TO ENSURI NG OUR MEMBERS’ UNI VERSI TY EX PERI ENCE I S THE BEST I T CA N POSSI BLY BE, A ND THA T I NCLUDES REA CHI NG OUT TO WHERE THEY LI VE. We are incredibly proud to be part of a dynamic and vibrant city, and as part of the wider Leeds community we want to play an active role in it. This strategy outlines our plans and promises to students over the next two years, and focuses on how we will continue to help them love their time in Leeds. We’re committed to working with partners across the city to make sure our work will have an impact beyond our members, enriching Leeds as a whole. We don’t see this as something separate from how we represent our members; it’s simply a natural part of what we do. Looking at the feedback from our members and local stakeholders, we’ve identified seven key themes. Take a look inside to find out more.




Theme 3. We want to increase the availability of graduate level jobs for our members. We will provide them with the skills and opportunities needed to make them an asset to any Leeds business.





Theme 5. Safety is a concern for all residents, and we will continue working with the police and other partners to ensure our communities are safe for everyone through projects such as Knowledge.


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Theme 1. We will help students, as residents of Leeds, to engage with local community groups and councillors, and encourage them to make their voices heard.

Theme 2. We want to share the amazing culture created by the students of Leeds with the rest of the city. We will also help students to explore the city they live in.

Theme 4. Our members want to live in clean, safe areas that are environmentally friendly and foster a strong feeling of connection between residents. We want the areas our members live in to be welcoming and feel like home.

housing Theme 6. The housing needs of our members are diverse. We want to work with landlords to raise standards of rented housing and represent student residents’ views when policy changes are proposed.

Theme 7. Whether students commute from Headingley or Halifax, affordability and reliability are key concerns for our members. We want to work with local transport providers and service users to improve the experience for everyone.

Thinking about the environment. We consider the environment in everything we do, and that’s reflected in our plans. Each theme has an environmental consideration, such as promoting safer cycling or running projects like Leave Leeds Tidy.

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