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‘LEEFlet’ The Newsletter of the London Environmental Education Forum Spring 2009

“Schools in Parks” a new scheme by the Field Studies Council By Beth Jones Project Officer (Schools in the Parks Field Studies Council)

Schools in the parks began in September 2008, and is a three year Field Studies Council Project, funded by The Heritage Lottery Fund and Natural England. The aim is to increase the number of secondary schools in Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark using their local parks and green spaces to support teaching across the curriculum. In order to engage schools in using their local area, the project will be working directly with schools to help design and plan curriculum linked lessons in the field. A key aspect to the project is to provide training to park staff, volunteers and outdoor educators, to create a skilled network of support for secondary schools wanting to use their local parks with classes.

A survey was sent out to all secondary schools across the four boroughs asking for information about current out of classroom teaching. Approximately a third of schools responded, the results of which showed that health & safety and timing issues were the biggest considerations when taking pupils out of the classroom. These issues will therefore be the focus for the initial stages of the project. The project was born out of the success of the London Outdoor Science project, a previous FSC project based in North London, creating schemes of work for schools to carry out in parks. The KS4 science resources from this project are still available online. A similar resources will be available as a consequence of the schools in the parks project, with a range of resources and information to help schools make effective use of local greenspaces. Several schools have shown interest in getting involved in the project. Schools in the Parks is supporting one school in Southwark which has decided to carry out science fieldwork in the local park and create a virtual learning environment (VLE) to support the pupils work in the park. Another school in Greenwich is hoping to develop some work using GPS and GIS in their local park. History, P.E, Citizenship and maths departments have also shown enthusiasm for getting outside.

www.field­studies­ px www.field­studies­


Londoners let’s join together and GARDEN FOR A LIVING LONDON this spring. Make a FREE pledge to do one thing to create a gorgeous wildlife and climate friendly area – as tiny or as huge as you like. Everyone can do something: from creating a wildlife­friendly hanging basket with drought resistant plants to building a green roof on your nest box or on your shed. Let's create a stronger ‘Living London’ – a city more resilient to climate change and better for wildlife. Visit and make your pledge public so that the powers that be can see how seriously Londoners take their green spaces.

100 months and counting… We have 100 months to save out climate. When the clock stops ticking, we could be beyond our climate’s tipping point, beyond the point of not return.

Government DCSF are currently revamping their Sustainable Schools website and part of this will involve an improved 'Who can help' section with details of resources and services offered to schools. If you would like your organisation to feature on the website, please click on the following link: chools/news/news_detail.cfm?id=249

Useful Tools and Networks London Sustainability Exchange invites you to join the Energise London Learning Network and benefit from a free suite of services to support your work in Energising Londoners towards energy efficiency, use of renewable energy sources, and water conservation.

You will get all these free services by signing up! Join now by contacting Rachel Grewal ( I have enclosed a briefing sheet of the project Rachel Grewal Behaviour Change Programme Assistant London Sustainability Exchange 84 Long Lane London SE1 4AU Tel: 020 7234 9405 Fax: 020 7234 9419 e: Web: OPAL The Open Air Laboratories (OPAL) network is an exciting new initiative that is open to anyone with an interest in nature. We aim to create and inspire a new generation of nature­lovers by getting people to explore, study, enjoy and protect their local environment. London Soil and earthworm survey ­ join in now Please check the OPAL website: For a free London survey pack please contact: Marilia Giannakopoulou,

Events The Age of Stupid – 15th Mar 09 It’s a film about climate change that looks interesting and is certainly ground breaking – including a solar powered tent cinema and ‘green carpet’ for the London premiere! Tickets and more info at Earthwatch Lecture – Forests and Climate Change Thursday 26th March, 7.00pm­8.30pm at the Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR. For tickets and more information see the earthwatch website;


Or contact our Events Department on (01865) 318856; Earthwatch Lecture – Conserving Biodiversity in the Americas. Thursday 7th May, 7.00pm­8.30pm at the Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR. For tickets and more information see the earthwatch website; Or contact our Events Department on (01865) 318856; Free Tickets available for LEEF members to UK AWARE UA09 in April, Friday 17th and Saturday 18th April 2009 LEEF members who would like to take advantage of the free tickets need to visit hp?sub=5&act=_promo and use the code UA09LWT to claim one free e­ticket per email address.

Training LEEF Outdoor Education LEEF Residential Training Weekend 3rd – 5th April 2009 At Kench Hill Education Centre Appledore Road, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 7DG Cost: £95 for LEEF members or £110 for non­members. Meals and accommodation are included. Join us at Kench Hill the home of Hackney School Journeys for 30 years for this fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in creative and classic outdoor education To book a place or for further information please contact: Anna Portch, LEEF Coordinator: or 020 7803 4281 ‘LEEFnet’ The Great Spring Craft Fair A FREE event to meet other LEEF members London Wildlife Trust’s Camley Street Nature Park. An early evening hosted by Honorata Bor and the LWT Graduate Trainees, giving LEEF a

chance to look around Camley Street Nature Park and share fun craft events. 12 Camley Street, London, NW1 OPW Wednesday 25th March 2009 5:30 – 7:30 pm To book a place or for further information please contact: Anna Portch, LEEF Coordinator: or 020 7803 4281 Introduction to Environmental Art Sat 4th + Sun 5th April 2009 10.30 – 4.30 A 2 day practical and discussion based workshop Find out how to express an artistic response to the environment Brief Course Outline Day 1. Venue ­ London Wildlife Trust’s Centre for Wildlife Gardening London SE15. 10.30­ 4.30pm Cost: £45 – numbers limited to 20 max. Basic materials supplied For more info and to book a place call The Centre for Wildlife Gardening 0207 252 9586 Media Training: Climate Change and the Environment. Get your message across Tuesday 24th March 2009 10:00 – 16:30 St Ethelburga’s 78 Bishopgate, London, EC2N 4AG Look at website to find out more details Teachers’ and educators’ Gardening Course St Mary's Secret Garden Do you want to start a school garden or revamp an existing one? Starting on Wednesday 29th April, 4.15pm – 6.15pm Cost: £200 (early bird discount – book by 18th of March for £180) 50 Pearson Street, London E2 8EL. Tel : 020 77392965 To book a place: ring or email


Jobs/ Vacancies London Wildlife Trust ­ Youth Officer Crane Park Island, Twickenham, 3 days per week, £22,500 pro rata Do you have experience working with young people, and keen to develop green action and conserve London’s wildlife? Application packs can be downloaded from their website at 5/Default.aspx for more information contact us at or phone on 020 7261 0447. Closing date Monday 16th March 2009 London Wildlife Trust ­ Area Manager (Camden) £28,000 p.a Based at our Camley Street Natural Park; a two acre green oasis and a national exemplar for urban nature conservation, the Area Manager, supported by a small staff team, will be responsible for taking our conservation and community work in Camden forward, building on past successes to develop new activities and partnerships. Application packs can be downloaded from our website at 5/Default.aspx

For more information email or call 020 7261 0447 Closing date for applications is 9.30am Friday 20th March.

London Wildlife Trust ­ Corporate Partnerships Manager Circa £28,000 3 days per week We are looking for an experienced and talented individual to develop London Wildlife Trust’s programme of fundraising from companies. For the opportunity to join our Fundraising and Marketing team see our website at 5/Default.aspx to download an application form. For more information email or call 020 7261 0447 Closing date for applications 12 noon Wednesday 18th March 2009.

The next issue of LEEFlet will be produced and circulated in June 2009. Deadline for submissions will be Monday 15th June 2009

The London Environmental Education Forum. C/O London Wildlife trust, Skyline House, 200 Union St, London, SE1 0LX.


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