2 minute read
TheAlliancefortheArtsisalwaysaddingnewandexcitingclasses forallagesandskilllevels.Ourpopularseries,ZentanglefortheSeasonsisopentothoseage13andup.Thisclassseriestakesplaceover fourThursdaysfromMarch2-23.PaintingwithEuniqueisforthose youngbuddingartistsages5-10.Therearetwoclasses,March2and March23.JoinArtistinstructorTianiRosadoonMarch21forafun eveningofexploringdifferentmediumsandhowtousethem,during theRisingArtistExperienceforchildrenages5-9.TerryLynnSpry hostsaoncemonthlyManga&Pizzaclassforthose12-18.TheAllianceoffersHulalessonsforages3-9andHulaforthose10andup oversixFridaysfromMarch3-April7.OurArtPlayseriesoffersyoga forfiveThursdays,March2-30from4:30-6p.m.
10091McGregorBlvd.,FortMyers www.artinlee.org
JoinusforSpringBreakAndSummerCampatCoastEliteGymnastics forages5–12.Ourcampisactionpackedwithgymnasticsclasses, artsandcrafts,thebouncehouse,movietime,andmuchmore!Regularhoursare9a.m.-3p.m.Extendedhoursare7:30a.m.–6p.m. Calloremailinfo@coastelite.comformoredetails.Registeronline throughourparentportal!
EdisonSailingCenterwelcomeschildrenages8-13. Weoffersailingprogramsinweeklysessionstaught bycertifiedUSSailinginstructorsandexperienced educators.Studentsgainindependenceandexperiencebeingabletosailhis/herownboatbyweek’s end.Studentsages10andoldermayregisterfor powerboattrainingandlearntosafelyoperatea powerboat.Forinformationvisitwww.edisonsailingcenter.orgorcall239-454-5114.
FloridaRepertoryTheatrewillholdahandfuloftheatremasterclassesinthespring.TheyincludeAuditionWorkshopMarch11forages12–17,Voice OverActingMarch25forages13–17,Musical TheaterTapApril8forages10–18andFightChoreographyApril15forages10-18.
239-219-1552 www.floridarepeducation.org
MoreSpringCamp&ClassOptions onpages6&10

Fort Myers Theatre
The Jungle Book Kids
Banished by the ferocious tiger, Shere Khan, a human boy named Mowgli and his panther friend, Bagheera, are on the run in the deepest parts of the jungle. On their journey, the two meet a sinister snake named Kaa, a herd of elephants and a giant bear named Baloo, who teaches them the swingin’ musical rhythms of the jungle. After surviving a dangerous encounter with a band of monkeys led by King Louie, Mowgli and Bagheera are forced to run for their lives. When Shere Khan returns, our heroes must rally their fellow animals into battle and restore peace throughout the jungle. Spring Break Camp is March 20 – 24 from 9 am –4 pm. Before & After Care Available ($10 Per Day) 7:30 am –5:30 pm, ages 5 – 13. Shows: March 23 at 6 pm and March 24 at 2 & 6 pm 16120 San Carlos Blvd #5, Fort Myers www.FMTcamp.com • 239-347-9987
Full STEAM Ahead
Swing into Spring with S.T.E.A.M! Full STEAM Ahead is a truly original STEM based enrichment program offering hi-tech learning opportunities for kids age 5 - 12. Students attending our Mini Camps are in for a science and technology treat. Kids get to do what they love at Full S.T.E.A.M. Ahead while learning as much as their growing minds can take. All Aboard. Fort Myers camps run March 20 - 24, whiel Naples camps are March 13 - 17. www.fullsteamaheadFL.com
Ready to be inspired? The IMAG History & Science Center is presenting its STEAM Camps (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) from March 20 to March 24 for students in kindergarten through 5th grades. Campers get to choose two STEAM Clubs (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) to attend throughout the week sparking their imagination as scientists, designers, engineers and artists. For camp reservations, visit online theIMAG.org or call 239-243-0043.
2000 Cranford Ave, Fort Myers
Southern Starz
Flip into Southern Starz Gymnastics for spring break 2023! We will be offering Spring Break Camp March 17 - 24 for boys and girls ages 4 -14. The day will start with gymnastics, trampoline time, bars and ropes, and the rock wall, after lunch its games, arts and crafts, and open gym. We open at 7:30 a.m. and offer extended care until 6 p.m. daily and weekly rates as well as sibling discounts are available.
915 SE 14th Place, Cape Coral
239-574-0034 www.southernstarzgymnastics.org
Swimtastic Swim Schools
Spring into Swim lessons! Swimtastic Swim Schools serves all of SWFL, Cape Coral, Fort Myers and Naples. We have indoor group, semi-private, and private lessons (30 mins). Waves (pre-swim team prep 1 hour). Adult lessons are available & Adaptive Aquatics for swimmers with special needs. Our professional teachers use unique teaching methods to help infants through adults learn to swim. We offer easy registration, flexible class times, small class sizes, professional, loving teachers, and indoor pools! Experience the difference, where "Smart Fish Swim in Schools."
239-471-3035 www.swimtastic.com
Spring Break Camps at the Y mean more. At our YMCA camps kids become stronger, smarter and they learn how capable they are – all while having fun! School-age campers experience everything the Y offers, from traditional day camp games and crafts to active pursuits like volleyball, dance and swimming. Affordable, active and safe camp, the Y also offers financial aid.
239-221-7560 in Bonita Springs & Estero

239-275-9622 in Fort Myers www.ymcaswfl.org