Calligraphy and Ornamets Stage 3 Stage 1 At the start of this course we had to know how to create a grid & sketch an ornaments from a paper full of plants given by our teachers, original paper and its sketches are shown here.
We started sketching our chosen element, for me i took the abstract shapes of my flower from different views, sides and top views as if you can notice how all the shapes have edgy corners. three sketches have been done and I chose one at the end
Stage 4 I was desperate which one shall I choose but after my thinking and my teachers’ suggestions i’ve chosen this one; as if its different others maybe the style is already existed before so i just wanted it to do something special.
Abstract shape of the leaves Other abstract shape of the leaves
Stage 2 Purple levels same as the flower
After that we had to choose Jordanian plant, insect or both to create an ornament inspired by them, I chose Acanthus Syriacus, it is a flower and its known as Kaff al-Deb, Shawk al-Jamal, it usually grow In Al-Salt, I just liked it, it is an ornament itself, it’s colours are so attractive, all levels of purple as u see here in the picture Flower center
Edgy ending that the flower contain
Lean Abu-Rokaiah 20132602036