Bbc newsletter august 2015

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AUGUST 2015 Phone 07 5445 1104 | Wet Weather 07 5445 3958 |

The President‘s Report The past two months have been rather trying for the club in general. Refurbishing of the greens has taken a lot of time and effort, unfortunately the weather has been against us and it has taken longer than expected to rectify the problems we have experienced with the greens in the past. I must give praise to Mark from Sportcrete who put in 110% to have the front green ready for Pennants. I would also like to thank the herculean effort given by Jon Herriot. He, being the mainstay has been ably assisted by Col Parker, Richard Meacle, Ray Lamb and many others (have a look on our face book) who have given generously to the cause. Thanks is also given Hans Van Roy who provided his truck to transport vital equipment from Brisbane to Buderim; this saved the Club quite a large amount of money. Please read the Green Directors report for the latest. I am disappointed that our “Christmas in July” did not go ahead. Maybe it has been the Clubs fault in not promoting this event in the fashion it should have been. We need events such as these to make a little extra money for the Club. I would like to ask all members to support such functions in the future. Keep posted for something different in the near future. We have had a number of organisations in recent weeks including “Bloomhill Cancer Help” hold social activities in the club including bare foot bowls. It is disappointing that the helpers

for these events have been provided by members of the Committee. Max Hagan has been there to do the job on most occasions, I have also been active on a number of occasions, and John Murphy and Steve Ogden have also assisted. Gordon Robertson generously put his hand up and assisted on the Bloomhill day doing an excellent job on the B-B-Q. It seems that most members of the Club think the Committee members are the ones that do all the work. Sorry, not so. If assistance is not given by members then we might as well put our heads in the sand and pretend volunteering for the odd job is not part and parcel of being a Club member. I can report that the Renovation Committee is progressing with its recommendations to the Buderim Bowls Club Committee regarding the refurbishments of the Club House. We should have a complete disclosure of plans and costs for the Committee to recommend to the Members within the next month. A Special General Meeting will be called, and at this meeting Club Members will be given the opportunity to approve or disapprove of the recommendations. Pennants have commenced and may I ask all participants to give their best for the division they are selected. The Selectors have a very difficult job in team selections and I believe they are doing the best they can. Continued page 2.

Buderim Bowls Club email: Buderim Ladies Bowls Club email:

the president’s report If any player does not agree with where they are selected then I have only one piece of advice “play your backside off and prove the Selectors wrong”. We have had a number of members in past months admitted to hospital for various reasons. To date they are all doing reasonably well and I would on behalf of all members wish them all the best as we want to see them back playing bowls as soon as possible. I met with Mark Casey from Bowls Australia on Tuesday 28 July. Mark has encouraged Buderim Bowls club to apply for a grant from Bowls Australia to purchase equipment such as coloured bowls (for bare foot bowls), Jacks and Mats. We will do this and hopefully have success. Buderim Bowls Club has been given to opportunity to join in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the BWMCA to be held 28 & 29


of November 2015. We are an affiliate member of the organisation and have accepted the offer to participate. The event will be called BUDERIM’S EXPO 2015. We will be allocated a black display board with a table and chairs. This table can be used for fund raising items, brochures, 3 dimensional displays etc. This is a great opportunity for the Club to expose itself and the game of Bowls to the people of Buderim. I have given an invite to the Ladies Club to participate in this event. A new CD player was recently purchased and installed. The Club has been struggling with a player that was damaged and unreliable. I believe that too many experts used the old CD player and in the long term left it in a damaged condition plus leads had been taken and not returned. It is now the Club policy that (ONLY) the Bar Staff plus myself and Max Hagan be the designated personnel to operate the new CD player.

senior vice president report by Lee Shimbel A great deal of time has been spent gathering and formatting all of the information for our new web site, including putting the club constitution, by-laws and the rules of our game there for easy access. It has been quite an eye opener for me to realize how much information should be on the site for it to be useful for members and outsiders who want to know about our great club. I have tried to incorporate team selection and results into the site so that we will get current information about weekly bowls and interclub events like Pennants. I am confident that the new site will be available by the time this bulletin goes to press. Although it is still in its early stages our Face Book page has been read by a lot of people and I hope some of you will start to post items and photos on it. If you need any help or would

rather have me post for you email me with your thoughts and any photos you may have. The ongoing maintenance effort continues and we have replace the timer for our front lights as they were not coming on when required and going off before the appropriate time at night which was causing some unease amongst our older members. There are still some tasks outstanding in the men’s inside toilets which I hope will be completed in the next few days. I am really looking forward to having a chance to play at night in spring under our up-graded lights on the front green. These lights will enable us to play competition and championship games in the evenings under lights. Maybe we can get a Night Pennant team together. Continued page 3.

senior vice president report continued It has been great to see you all deal with the work being done on the greens with patience and good grace. It is frustrating when things take longer than you expect but this work is critical to the upkeep of a greens which are a huge investment for the club’s future. It will be fantastic when the obvious irregularities have been eliminated. Thank you to all of the volunteers who have helped out with the work. A particular vote of thanks should go to our Greens Director, John Herriot for the time and dedication he has devoted to this job. Pennant season is once again with us and it is pleasing to see we are fielding the same number of teams as last year. Our preparation may not have been as good as we may have wished due to the work on the greens, but to my untrained eye there looks to be some really strong teams. Good luck to all of our players, managers and

selectors for the season, lets hope we can claim another pennant this year. What ever happens enjoy your bowling and embrace the competition. It was disappointing to see the lack of support for our “Christmas in July� event recently which had to be cancelled. Your social committee is tasked with organizing events that will foster club morale and utilize the facilities that we have available. These events are designed to be enjoyable for our members and are not seen as a way of raising revenue. Please support any social functions that are offered in the future. Go and check out the new web site! I would welcome feedback and will try to make any changes that will meet your needs. Good bowling to you all.

junior vice president report by Brian Perrin It is unfortunate the we had to cancel our function due to a lack of interest which is most disappointing. Thank you to the members who have given up their time to assist in the running of the barefoot bowls. These members comprised of Committee members plus Gordon Robertson. Our Face Book page is up and running and thanks to all who has liked our page, the more

people who know about our club the more visitors we will obtain. If you are wondering how to find us when you are next on Face Book check for the magnifying icon top of page and enter Buderim Bowls Club and press like you will then receive all the results and any other news. If members have any stories they would like posted please see myself or Lee Shimbel and we will post them if the item is relevant.

greens report A report on the green/carpet works. As I advised earlier, the contractor decided not to do the back green at this time as the low temperatures and wet carpet does not allow for a good stretch. He managed to get the front green done as best as was possible. The front green is now completed. We will put new chalk lines on it on Friday or Saturday morning. We will try and iron out the carpet joins to minimise bowls jumping as they cross the seams. The contractor is going to advise me the name of the solution we will need to spray on the greens to dissolve the oil that was sprayed on the underfelt.

by Jon Herriot

We will do this spray when known. The contractor will advise the date he will return in September to do the back green. He will also tweak the front green while he is here in September when temperature allow for a better stretch. For info, the ideal temperature for stretching carpet and getting the best results is 25 - 30 degrees with a dry carpet. Would you thank all the volunteers that assisted because we would not have accomplished what was done without their help. The job was more complicated than was first expected.

games director’s report by Ted Field The Final of the Club Triples Championship was completed on Sunday JULY 26. And, what a good game it was. Michael Richards team of Neil Page and Cameron Page were playing well, winning 11 of 19 ends and scoring five 3’s to lead 25 -15. The match looked all over but with a change to longer ends, saw Daz Pullar just inside Neil Page to the jack, Bernie Webster pick up his game and Taylor adding shots. The next 5 ends read 2,2,3,3,2, in Taylor’s favour, to hit the lead 27-25. Needing 3 on the last end to win Michael could only pick up 1 for 26-27 and John Taylor to win 27-26. A great game. Man of match Neil Page. I have received a number of requests to commence the 2016 Club Championships before the end of this year, in particular, the Club Fours Championship. The main reason is to “clear the deck” in January to allow for holidays and family gatherings, without the interference of bowls events. September appears to be the best month to start this event. With our new lights now completed, we have the opportunity to play under lights on a week night of your choosing.

As in the past, a date would be set by which the game must be played, teams mutually agree with their opponents to play on a day or night, by that date. TWO weeks to complete each specified round. If no mutual consent, decision by Games Director. OR To play the Championship Fours under the lights, ONLY on a MONDAY or TUESDAY night, commencing at say 6 pm over 21 ends, finishing at approximately 8:30 pm. Your comments to Col Harris, Noel Spurway or me, as soon as possible, would be appreciated. The Handicap Singles is the next Club Championship event for this year, nominations will be called middle September after pennant completion. This event will be played under lights on a Monday Tuesday, or preferably a FRIDAY night, commencing early October, over 25 ends. Time to start by mutual consent or 6 pm finishing approx. 8 pm. Any dissention or problem with this please see me.

men’s club sponsors • Bendigo Bank • Buderim Pharmacy • Clear Hearing Buderim • Eyecare Plus Buderim • Flight Centre Buderim • jpg Design & Print P/L • Kruger Law • Lahtinens Bakehouse •Mansells Landscape Supplies • RealWay Buderim

The provider of the men's Thursday and Saturday afternoon meat tray raffles is "Buderim Meat Hall, Mill Road (Cnr King Street) - phone 5445 1411. They provide top quality meat in their trays to us at a very reasonable price. The Friday afternoon Hot Chook raffles are provided by "Foodworks Buderim", 60 Burnett Street - phone 5445 1420. Drop in and see Imran and the boys for friendly service.

•O rd Minnett Buderim, Financial Planners & Stockbrokers • Suncoast Caravan Services Please remember that we rely heavily upon our sponsors for their continued support so please, show your appreciation by supporting them in return. Each newsletter will feature an article on one or two of our sponsors giving more details about their business. All sponsors will have their turn. Google their name to find their link.








6 Mens Nominated Pairs AM & PM 11 12 13 Ladies Social Mens Jackpot Mens Bowls Pairs Nominated Pairs AM & PM 18 19 20 Ladies Social Mens Bowls Nominated Pairs AM & PM 25 26 27 Ladies Social Mens Bowls Nominated Pairs AM & PM


4 5 Ladies Social Bowls


28 Mufti Mixed Social Bowls PM

21 Mufti Mixed Social Bowls PM

14 Mufti Mixed Social Bowls PM

7 Mufti Mixed Social Bowls PM




22 23 Club selected Mens 2 bowls triples*

15 16 Club selected Mens 2 bowls triples*

1 2 Club selected Mens 2 bowls triples* 8 9 Club selected Mens 2 bowls triples*



august bowls calendar









3 Mens Nominated Pairs AM & PM 8 9 10 Ladies Social Mens Jackpot Mens Pairs Nominated Bowls Pairs AM & PM 15 16 17 Mens Ladies Social Nominated Bowls Pairs AM & PM 22 23 24 Mens Ladies Social Nominated Bowls Pairs AM & PM 29 30 Ladies Social Bowls



25 Mufti Mixed Social Bowls PM

18 Mufti Mixed Social Bowls PM

11 Mufti Mixed Social Bowls PM

4 Mufti Mixed Social Bowls PM


26 27 Club selected Mens 2 bowls triples*

19 20 Club selected Mens 2 bowls triples*

12 13 Club selected Mens 2 bowls triples*

5 6 Club selected Mens 2 bowls triples*



september bowls calendar

president’s report by Sandy King madam

It has been a busy time for our Club in the last month with several major events taking place. These included the President V Secretary Day very kindly sponsored by Grant Smith’s Century 21. Grant’s mother Carmen was on hand to present that mug to Margaret as the winning captain in what ended up being a very close game with only four points the difference (137 – 134). I thought my team had it won at the tea break but Margaret’s team were obviously inspired following the afternoon tea. Once again the weather gods were kind to us and our annual Fiesta sponsored by Edenlea was a beautiful sunny day. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard on the day, not least of our Games department Valda and Jan and of course Mary and her band of helpers in the kitchen. So many of the visiting teams came to me saying how much they enjoyed the day and particularly the soup for lunch. Thanks also to those who contributed to the goose raffle as it was a huge success and a great fundraiser for the club.

Pennant practice has continued and we thank our selectors Jan Muir, Jill McNeil and Helen Hawthorne and our coaches Brian West and Warren Watson for giving up so much of their time. Our Club has not won a flag since 1999 so perhaps this is our year after coming second several years. We have been allocated Division 4 once again and have one home game on the final day of competition – 31st August. The presentation to the winning Club will be held following the game. I am fortunate to be skipping one of the teams. I wish our team well and hope they enjoy the games and if a flag should come to us well and good. Over the last month we had a lot of visitors to our Tuesday games and I am very pleased to see that our ladies are so welcoming to them. Our next big event is the Spring Medley on Wednesday 16th September so we look forward to seeing the greens full on that day.

games director’s report by Valda Barrable ladies

We have about 40 ladies bowling each Tuesday and at the end of May a special day for our Veterans had 30 playing. The winners were L. Cowan, M. Richards, M. Murray & J. Clark. The 11 non- Veterans participated in a Scroungers game – J. Jones was the winner. The Triples champions for 2015 are L. Learoyd, H. Young & J. Hagan. Consistency is still in progress and will be finished after the Pennant games are over. A successful Fiesta with 24 teams of four

ladies was held 7th July. The 4th prize stayed in Buderim with T. Norris, H. Hawthorne, J. Mc Neil and P. Jones doing the best. The other prize winners came from Mooloolaba, Pacific Paradise, Bribie Island and Pelican Waters. To celebrate a foundation member of our club, we held an afternoon of Mixed bowls on Friday 31 July. The names that will be inscribed on the ‘Dorrie Herrington Shield’ this year are George Hawthorne, Thea Conkie and Bill Mahoney.

ladies club sponsors • Eden Lea on Buderim

• Mountain Creek Meats

•A nthony Jardim Denture Clinic

• Bank of Qld Buderim

• Century 21 Buderim

• RetireInvest

• UcanGo Travel

• Perry & Oster Funerals

• Manawee Nursery

Just for a laugh ... Breakfast at Lahtinens Bakehouse (PG) (with a bow to Audrey Hepburn’s “Breakfast at Tiffanys”) Three Buderim Bowlers went to Lahtinens for breakfast. Each man gave an order and $10 to the waitress who passed everything on to the boss who then peered out through the hatch and the steam to see if he knew the three customers at table 11. He did, and said to the waitress: “Those gentleman (he used the words loosely) are Buderim Bowlers – $30 is too much - give them a five dollar discount.” Now the waitress who, like her counterparts at the Bowls Club, had all the charm of Audrey Hepburn, was embarrassed by this instruction. If she offered to refund a five dollar note to three wistful old chaps whom she knew she had dazzled then that would be tantamount to forcing them to wave it off and return it to her as a tip. Being too well-brought-up for anything like that realizing that it was not only messy but also

impossible to divide five dollars into three she elected to resolve the issue by giving one dollar to each bowler and putting two dollars into the Salvation Army tin. In summary however this means that three bowlers each paid $9 for a total of $27 plus $2 to the Salvos for an all up total of $29. What became of the other dollar? The Queensland Treasurer thinks this is the way to a surplus. Wayne Swan thinks the capitalists knocked it off. Joe Hockey is puzzled. Mr. Abbott thinks it is the second Holy Grail (himself being the first). Any member finding this coin is requested to put it in the Wrong-bias box and then follow the normal procedure - vigorously ringing the bell to draw attention to one’s enormous IQ.

Men at Work....


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BBC annu al Who is th prostate check up e mystery d doctor?? ay.

Every job needs a boss that does nothing.

friday night bistro August 7 Country Vegetable Soup Roast Lamb with Mint Sauce and Roast Veg Pineapple Upside Down Cake & Ice Cream August 14 Pea & Ham Soup Roast Beef with Yorkshire Pudding & Vegetables Pavlova with Fruit & Ice Cream August 21 Minestrone Beef & Vegetable Lasagne with a Side Salad Fruit Salad & Ice Cream June 26 Tomato & Vegetable Soup Roast Pork with Apple Sauce & Crackling Phillip's Bread & Butter Pudding ALTERNATIVE MAINS ARE NOW AVAILABLE. Alternative Mains: Chicken Breast Schnitzel or Crumbed Fish Please advise when booking or the Roast it will be.

$15 per head

Bookings to be made at bar by 12 noon Thursday prior


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