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RUNNING AN ANTI-BNP CAMPAIGN A GUIDE FOR BRANCHES OF UNISON The British National/Nazi Party (BNP) is the main far-right party in Britain (although there are other fascist groups e.g. National Front, English democrats, Freedom Party etc). It holds only 49 seats out of 8000 councillors. Where the BNP have been active or won seats, communities become divided and racial attacks tend to increase dramatically. This has an effect on all black trade unionists, so we have a duty to our own members to defeat this fascist threat. Remember, fascists in power have closed down trade unions and murdered trade unionists, irrespective of their background.

WHAT CAN YOUR BRANCH DO TO HELP DEFEAT THE BNP? Team up with existing anti-fascist groups: Coventry Unite Against Fascism Dudley Unite Against Fascism PO Box 9302, West Mids, B67 6JG 07941 834 125 Sandwell Unite Against Fascism PO Box 9302, West Mids, B67 6JG 07941 834 125 Unite Against Racism c/o NREC, Victoria Centre, Palk Road, Wellingborough NN8 1HT

North Staffordshire Campaign Against Racism & Fascism PO Box 1960, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 1WF Walsall UAF PO Box 9302, West Mids, B67 6JG 07941 834 125 Wolverhampton, Bilston & District TUC PO Box 2917, Wolverhampton WV2 2YA 07932 797139

& promote their activity/leafleting sessions in your branch to generate new volunteers.

WHAT CAN YOUR BRANCH DO TO HELP DEFEAT THE BNP? Identify areas covered by your branch likely to be targeted by BNP i.e. • where they have stood before • areas they leaflet seeking support - seek information of BNP activity from your members Council Election Offices declare all candidates one month before the election date (early April for council elections). Get ward maps (Democratic Support department in Council) - they must show the street names – copy enough of these for each ward, ready for leafleters.

WHAT CAN YOUR BRANCH DO TO HELP DEFEAT THE BNP? What leaflet to use? Locally produced leaflets are best since the ward name and local info can be put on or pictures of local ‘personalities’ who support. Details of failures of local BNP councillors are easy to come by from Searchlight and local press and work well in local leaflets

If your campaign is covering several wards and time and volunteers are limited, you could use national leaflets, which are glossy, well produced, cheaper and quicker to obtain i.e. from Searchlight or UAF. Costs (approx) Searchlight national leaflet Local (A4 double side colour 3 folds) Local (A5 single side B&W)

£75 /5000 £230 / 5000 £50+/5000

To leaflet one council ward you'll need about 5000 leaflets.

WHAT CAN YOUR BRANCH DO TO HELP DEFEAT THE BNP? Seek volunteers from: • Shop Stewards • Branch members (don't wait until election - put regular request in branch newsletters) • Approach local Trades Union Council, LGBT Network as well as tenants groups, BME groups, churches etc in the affected wards • Speak to branch members working in the areas - community centres, housing offices, youth groups etc. • other local branches

WHAT CAN YOUR BRANCH DO TO HELP DEFEAT THE BNP? How to organise leafleting sessions One person can leaflet door to door, in a group at a rate of 100 /hour quite easily, though takes longer in richer areas where drives are longer. Work in groups of 4 for safety and efficiency. BNP in their bid to become `respectable' are not likely to attack anti-fascists but don't be blasĂŠ. Give everyone a contact mobile of the session organiser Get a mobile contact for each leafleting group that are out Each ward should be divided into about 8-10 sections, giving a group of 4 about enough houses for 1-1.5 hours work. Give out maps, already marked with fluorescent marker pen showing roads to be leafleted. .

There are believe it or not, better ways to fold and carry leaflets, which can save or waste time. Plastic carrier bags are awkward, small backpacks are useful. Coats with open side pockets are the best as leaflets can be pulled directly out without holding bundles.

WHAT CAN YOUR BRANCH DO TO HELP DEFEAT THE BNP? How to organise leafleting sessions continued‌ For flats and cul-de-sacs, start at top of flats / street. If any resident decides to abuse you, you don't get cut off. In recent years more people seem friendly than offensive to anti-fascists. Decide on leafleting sessions. For safety (but also for efficiency) publicise a list of dates rather than venues for leafleting. Venues can be decided from day to day during the election campaign and can be texted, or emailed out. Need 1 or 2 organisers who will be able to attend all sessions between them so that they can be co-ordinated. This is a burden on individuals so they will need support. Meet where public transport is easily accessible. Pub car parks are NOT a good idea. Give out postcode of venue in case people are not too familiar but want to look it up on the net. Times - 10.30am on weekends and 7-7.30pm on week nights (but finish before dark) are good times to start as few people are outside their houses at that time.

WHAT CAN YOUR BRANCH DO TO HELP DEFEAT THE BNP? Communication - works best by text since it is immediate and always gets read. Don't forget the Refuseniks though, as not everyone has a mobile or email!

Publicity - media releases about the launch of an anti-fascist campaign can generate free publicity which will emphasise the cause to people and is easily done. Don’t get drawn into debates on air with fascists, giving them publicity.

WHAT CAN YOUR BRANCH DO TO HELP DEFEAT THE BNP? Talk to Labour Party to request they distribute anti-fascist material. Targeting members – Unions may not be able to directly mail members in affected wards, only entire constituencies. Your branch will need to make such a request for publicity early on. Telephone canvassing - branches could identify lists of members in the affected wards and call them by phone at home to ask them to vote against the BNP. You need to plan what to say in a call - keep it quick. Best done last week before election. For those who do not wish or are unable to physically leaflet it could be an ideal way of bringing them into activity. Contact Alan Weaver Midlands TUC 0121 236 4454 or Searchlight for information on how to do this.

WHAT CAN YOUR BRANCH DO TO HELP DEFEAT THE BNP? Trade unions & the law Third Party Campaigning - What the Law Says Third parties that back or disparage candidates at constituency and local level are subject to spending limits: £50 plus 0.5p per elector at local elections - Typical Constituency 9000 therefore maximum spend £95. £500 at other elections an individual resident in the UK or trade union that wishes to spend more than these limits is required to register with the Electoral Commission as a recognised third party. source Searchlight organising handbook


Funding anti fascist work The law may require funding for Branch anti-fascist activity from the appropriate fund.

Advice and guidance to Branches is required in order for them to be aware of the campaigns and funding options.

WHAT CAN YOUR BRANCH DO TO HELP DEFEAT THE BNP? Useful Contacts: Searchlight Unite Against Fascism

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