in this
Whose Crisis?
p 8-10
In the news………………...….... 4-6 Fighting for Socialism ..….........…. 7 in Europe
Whose Crisis? …...................... 8-10 Ben Stevenson gets to the root causes of the capitalist economic crisis and explains what should be done
Our future is Socialism…............. 11 ALBA—A real alternative…... 12-13 Frances McKay looks at the development of the Bolivarian Alternative for Latin America
The other Mexico ‘68….......... 14-15 Maya Llamazares reflects on the Tlatelolco massacre
An independent Scotland?..... 16-17 Scottish independence
Marc Livingstone looks at the arguments put forward in favour of Scottish independence.
Cannabis debate...........…....……. 18 Bethany Gallacher responds to the government‘s reclassification of cannabis as a class B drug
Unemployment—what is...….…. 19 really going on? With unemployment reaching record levels John Clarke looks at what is happening
Alienation—Part 1….………. 20-21 Nik Charlton explores the Marxist concept of alienation
US presidential election
Women & Class….......………….. 22
Change has come?……..……. 23-24
Joanne Stevenson reviews the new pamphlet by Mary Davis Andrew Murray looks at the implications for the Antiwar movement of Barack Obama’s election
Cartoon Corner…......…..…….....25 Painting Venezuela red.......... 26-27 Paul Dobson reports from Venezuela on the elections
Paris Commune P28-29
In the name of the people..... 28-29 James Rodie explores the lessons to be learnt from the Paris Commune
Back 2 Basics: Part 12.............…. 30 South Africa’s Road..................…. 31 to Socialism Brendan Lee & Bernadette Wang look at political developments in South Africa
Editor: Steven Martin Layout & Design: Ben Stevenson Cover: Andy Vine Print: Communist Party Published by: YCL, Ruskin House, 23 Coombe Rd, Croydon, London CR0 1BD Thanks to all our contributors to this issue, with special thanks to Jo Levy, Ben Chacko, Joanne Stevenson, Gawain Little and all those who fight for a better tomorrow.
Book @ Bedtime…..….......…. 32-33 Dialectics of Nature and Will the Bolsheviks Maintain Power?
What we stand for.………............34 3