Midland Red Greater Midlands Region Communist Party & YCL - 2008 Round Up
Midlands Communists take to the streets! REVOLUTIONARY DERBY Derby Communists (both CP and YCL) distributed 500 of a locally designed leaflet to new students at Derby University and Derby College. It offered 5 good reasons why you should be a Communist as well as inviting them to a ‘Big Red Welcome” a discussion on this, on student life, as well as activity in the town. The initiative was met with great interest, and many promises were made to get involved. Derby Communists followed this up the next day with a Saturday street stall in the town centre, selling many CP and YCL pamphlets, Morning Stars, TShirts and even a Communist flag! The stall was continuously surrounded by people noticeably many in their teens and early twenties, all eager, interested to talk and very animated. Derby Communists have also advertised a “tell me more” text service, for people with questions about Communism. Two applications for membership came in on the Monday.
Leicestershire Communists held a Freshers’ Week leaflet bomb at De Montfort Uni. Some 200 copies of the bulletin, ‘Students’ Unity’, were gladly taken. Leicestershire Communists will be following through with a city centre shoppers’ street stall. Applications for membership from a local university lecturer and a student have already been received. Invites to the branch’s regular meetings are now being put around all over the place!
Wolverhampton’s Communists Storm Freshers’ Fayre Setting out to register a Communist Society at Wolverhampton University recently proved to be much easier than you’d think Only 10 signatures were needed to be officially recognised with four weeks to obtain them. Signature collection began at the freshers Fayre on 16th September at 11am. Would enough interest be shown? Woverhampton’s Andy Goodall reported of placing publicity on the smallest table I have ever seen, we sat with hope, anticipation and a dose of pessimism. Within 20 minutes our first signature was obtained, a comrade from Norway. At this point, we were able to open up the Second Front by taking over the adjoining table (the Mauritian Society never turned up). By lunchtime 11signatures, at wrapping up at 3.30pm we had collected 19 signatures and become an official Wolverhampton Communist Students Society. Success! Meetings and campaigns are being planned as we go to press. As Andy Says “All in all, an excellent, invigorating and productive day which not only gets new enquiries, but also re-charges the batteries. I recommend it. It’s stunning to find just how little anti-communism there is amongst the younger generation. Let’s all get out there and find out. Many thanks for all the help by the YCL, much needed for all us old men in Wolverhampton.”
Midland Red
2008 Round Up
Midlands Celebrates May Day 08 CHESTERFIELD A mass of red Communist Party flags were cheered by the sunny May Day Bank Holiday rally and demonstration in Chesterfield, organised by the local Trades Council. 1,000 trade unionists heard the main speakers, Andrew Murray, National Chair, Stop The War Coalition; Joginder Bains, Executive, Indian Workers Association; Bill Greenshields, President, National Union of Teachers. By sheer coincidence all these happened to be
Communists! But, of course, they all were there
in their roles as leading figures in the mass movements they represented. The Communist Party had a substantial turnout, with the Midlands Party calling for a mobilisation evident in comrades from Chesterfield, Birmingham, Derby and Nottinghamshire. Although, the Leeds and even Edinburgh branches came too. A solid delegation of IWA and CPB comrades marched with the Party’s flags, although Leicester’s own May Day event saw a much larger turnout of the IWA and the local Communist Party there. Andrew, who shortly afterward was elected a member of the Communist Party Executive, reminded the crowd of the ongoing
slaughter in Iraq and Afghanistan and restated the coalition's call for an immediate withdrawal of troops. Bill Greenshields, also an EC member and now also
the Midlands Party Chair, spoke about the recent national teachers' strike against below-inflation pay increases, stressing that this was important to every public-sector worker, and to the campaign for good local state schools. Joginder Bains made a devastating attach on New Labour and its anti working class policies, called for international solidarity and condemned the local ruling
Lib Dem council for making the Derbyshire Unemployed Workers' Centre "homeless" for the first time in its history by taking away its premises. She went on to highlight the campaigns of the IWA, in particular the importance of immigration rights and married women. There was musical entertainment and many political and market stalls. The Midlands CP/YCL stall did a roaring trade, especially with young people, perhaps only surpassed by the Birmingham Party branch second-hand book stall, which alone took almost £300 in sales over the May Day weekend. Not forgetting the impressively attractive and engaging Morning Star display which provoked lively discussion on Derbyshire Communists’ stall.
Comrades will be delighted to know of some of the work that the Communist Party is now undertaking on our own history. A national Our History’ bulletin is obtainable from our website and much archive material is being collected and saved. If you can help let us know. A new volume of history of the Party from 1952-1964. is underway. Written memories and old bulletins, leaflets and photos very welcome. Our illustration is from a 1931 Birmingham Party bulletin, from the campaign to organise women workers at Lucas’.
Midland Red
2008 Round Up
WOLVERHAMPTON Wolverhampton May Day was organised by the official and united May Day Committee, bringing together the local Trades Council, Communist Party and Indian Workers Association. The city had been heavily campaigning against the fascists in the run up to the council election day, so it was time for a bit of fun for all the family. It was packed with stalls, a bouncy castle outside; mehndi and the One Love International Sound System. Music also came from the Azaad Dhol Group. Compere was Andy Goodall, who is also the Midlands Party Promotions and Campaigns Officer.
grahamstevenson.me.uk This site also contains nearly 800 biographies of British and Irish Communists, as well as much other Party and YCL history.) After Graham came Lady Leofric’s Cross Cotswold Morris Dancers & Castle Clegg Step Clog Dancers! Dyal Bhagri, National President Indian Workers Association, (middle) gave a trenchant condemnation of New Labour and imperialism.
After a healthy intake of the free Asian and Caribbean buffet and entertainment from the Salsa Mundo dancers, Ali Rahimi, (top) an Iranian trade unionist, recalled suppressed trades unionists across the world on May Day. Retiring Labour MP, Leading Communist trades unionist Ken Purchase MP, even recalled that his party was Graham Stevenson (top left)(UNITE National Organiser and Midlands Region CPB Secretary) spoke “best when it is Labour”. He was followed by a resounding rendition of the singing of the Internationale of `Why Trade Unionists should read the Morning Star’. (His speech will be available on his revamped website by the over 100 present.
International Workers Day in Birmingham went by the theme “Many Nations ~ One People”, prompted by “the rampart racism currently in the media and mainstream politics”. The Unite Midlands Regional Secretary, TUC Race Equality officer and the War on Want TU Officer spoke. Music was provided by The Clarion Singers.
Carolus Wimmer, a Venezuelan MP, vice-president of the Latin American Parliament and International Secretary of the Communist Party of Venezuela spoke to a Communist Party public meeting of around 20 people in Birmingham in early May. He was on a tour that included London, Dublin and Cardiff but the Midlands were able to obtain his services for a fascinating discussion. Carolus, who was accompanied by a camera crew from Latin American TV, has been special adviser to the Chairman of the Venezuela parliament and himself Chair of its International Relations Committee. He founded the journal Open Debate and even runs a weekly radio programme!
Rob Griffiths, General Secretary of the Party, spoke at the packed celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Shaheed Bhagat Singh, the independence struggle martyr. He shared a platform with Avtar Sadiq and Harsev Bains. The event, organised by the Derby branch of the Indian Workers Association (GB), was a massive success, with a dinner and dance as well as a major cultural programme being offered, including the TV and radio artist Amerjit Singh.
Midland Red
2008 Round Up
Midlands Communists in Regional Congress Some 35 Communists representing 150 Midlands Party members gathered in the centre of Birmingham at the beginning of April in a historic event that marked the creation of a new district structure bringing all counties in the west, east and south Midlands together for the first time. Stretching from just short of Gloucester in the southwest, Grimsby in the north-east and south of Sheffield, the Region is the biggest territory geographically outside of Scotland. (see map-graphic opposite). The Greater Midlands shares the distinction with London and Scotland as having the biggest blocks of national Party membership. The District Congress elected a new eight strong District Committee, which subsequently went on to elect the three EC members, Bill Greenshields (Derbys) as Chair, Graham Stevenson (B’ham) as Secretary and Gawain Little (Oxon) as Treasurer. Pictured at the congress (below) are Graham (left, standing) and Gawain (right: seated).
Finally, but by no means least, is our very own Andy Goodall, branch secretary of the Wolves & District . Branch and our new and highly creative Propaganda and Communications Officer. [No, he didn't write this himself!] We’ve left Andy to the last as Midland Red is now able to add a stop press. We hear that Andy Goodall has just been appointed the Communist Party’s third full-time worker. He’s our new National Organiser, a new role to be devoted entirely to Party building in the districts, regions and nations. Congratulations, Andy!!! .
Unite against fascism Midlands —————————— BIRMINGHAM
birminghamuaf@hotmail.com 07837 244518 —————————— BLACK COUNTRY info@blackcountryunity.net —————————— COVENTRY coventryunite@yahoo.co.uk ——————————
A contingent of Midlands Communists joined over 500 protestors on took the streets of Codnor, Derbyshire to oppose the fascist "Red, White and Blue" festival. Coaches organised by Unite Against Fascism came from the surrounding East Midlands, Derby, Chesterfield, the Black Country, Nottingham and Leicester.
Union participants included: LEICESTER Also on the District Committee is Birmingham branch CWU NASUWT, NUT, PCS, UCU, Unison, Unite secretary, and now also Midlands Morning Star 07855 527 856 —————————— TUC – Coventry, Derby Organiser, Andy Chaffer, Leicester branch secretary and N STAFFS Regional Marxist Education Organiser, David Grove. Area, Nottingham & Mansfield, and Another DC member is Midlands Party Trade Union Co07778 913528 ordinator, and NorSCARF@buslem.demon.co.uk Wolverhampton, Bilston & District, Black Country —————————— trade union NORTHANTS activist, Also there were banners George northamptonuaf@btinternet.com from Derby Race Equality Hickman. Council and the Indian —————————— Workers' Association (Derby Joanne NOTTINGHAM branch), and many more. Stevenson is 07739 712432 DC member Because of police restrictions —————————— only 30 people were allowed for Youth SHREWSBURY Work, to directly oppose the BNP at anl.shrewsbury@virgin.net the entry gate. doubling up as 0777 364 4714 YCL National —————————— Young SEE BOX TO CONTACT WOLVERHAMPTON YOUR LOCAL GROUP Women’s Organiser. AND GET INVOLVED wolvestuc@blueyonder.co.uk NOW
Midland Red
Midlands Communists joined with other members of the Party, YCL and friendly domiciled Parties in the big demos of 2008. The March 15th World Against War’ demonstration in London, to mark the fifth anniversary of the start of the war on Iraq, saw a stream of hundreds of Communists form a disciplined and coherent ranks of activists, much to the positive comment of other peace protestors. Many took the step of joining the Party there and then. Our pictures show many of our Midlands Communists on the demonstration. One welcome return to the street protests were the enthusiastic chanting of most of our younger contingents!
Celebrating the end of colonial rule Wolverhampton, Black Country, Shropshire and South Staffs Communist Party branch organised a social celebrating the end of British colonial rule over India in August, to which friends and allies of the Party were invited, as well as a large number of potential members who have expressed interest in the last six months. Association of Indian Communists local comrades came along and invited the Party to speak at their community memorial meeting for Harkishan Singh Surjeet, the recently deceased CPI(M) leader. The event was great fun and prompts us to ask which other branches are going to have a go at this rewarding kind of thing?
Ask someone you know today to join with the Communists; if you don’t ask you’ll never know and you could be pleasantly surprised! Application to join Britain’s Communists Name: Address:
Age if under 29
Return to: Communist Party, Ruskin House, 23 Coombe Road, Croydon, London, CR0 1BD
Midlands Communists also turned out with comrades from the North West and North at the September Manchester Stop the War demo.
Midland Red
Midlands Morning Star Ivan Beavis from the Morning Star spoke to the packed foundation meeting of the Greater Midlands Morning Star Campaign in Birmingham just before Christmas last year. The aim was to highlight the importance of building practical support for the paper in the Midlands counties. Ivan explained the vital need for local knowledge to assist him and his team in expanding the circulation of the paper. “The Midlands is already one of the highest selling parts of the country”, he told the conference. “Seeing so many activists come together to plan a circulation development campaign in a formal way is very inspiring to the paper. There are huge numbers of potential readers in the region.” Conference resolved to: Map sales and outlets across the region Promote a model resolution supporting the paper within trade union bodies Establish new groups of Readers and Supporters Widely distribute shareholders’ application forms Promote uptake of Fighting Fund direct debits
MIDLANDS MORNING STAR Andy Chaffer, Midlands Morning Star Organiser: 07968798975 andychaffer@tiscali.co.uk 6
Develop campaign and information material Establish and distribute a GMMSCC contacts list Develop partnerships in Midlands towns and cities with others on the left (e.g. NUS, IWA/AIC, Trades Councils, CND) Circulate examples of union information provided for its members Consider offers for hosting of events in union premises Publicise the Morning Star newsdesk e-mail for the sending in of articles and news stories: newsed@peoples-press.com A Midlands Morning Star website is now up and running, see: http://www.midlandsmorningstar.org.uk/ It’s still early days on developing the format and there is a need for more material and for regular updates, to ensure that the site does not look dated. Each Party branch now has a county district to oversee with a parallel Morning Star Readers and Supporters Group to maintain. The facility for separate pages for each area exists. Do we know any journalist wannabes? It would appear to be a good project for their lefty CVs!
Keep in touch with us Contact Midland Red: 22 Brecon Rd, Handsworth, Birmingham B20 3RN
0121 554 1564
Midland Red
Cuba Solidarity Campaign in the Midlands A round-up of reports on some of the activities in the Midlands
DERBYSHIRE Leonard Weinglass spoke before 60 people in the Derby Council Chamber. on the 'Miami 5' campaign. CSC had a stall at the Oxfam One World Fair . CSC has also shown 'Cuba, the Value of Utopia' at a local cinema to 30 supporters and raised funds for a Bookmobile Project. Derbyshire Cuba Network hosted a visit from municipal assembly members from Camaguey, which followed a number of official visits there by mayors of Derby. A live evening interview with Radio Derby’s Caribbean Experience show was followed by widespread local visits. These were to: the DRI Hospital, the Primary
Care Trust, a children's home, a land reclaiming nature reserve, football and cricket grounds, housing developments and refuse disposal facilities.
specialist on Cuba and author of 'Cuba: A Revolution in Motion', gave an inspiring talk on Coventry’s annual Cuba Day, including a lunch.
It followed hard on the heels of a meeting on Venezuela, showing the famous film on the abortive right-wing rising of 2002. Then there was a fund-raising swim for Cuba.
Lincolnshire CSC continues to support the Bookmobile to Cuba project, a mobile library for the City of Bayamo. Many people have assisted with generous financial backing and book donations. See: www.bookmobile.wordpre ss.com for more details.
WOLVES For the most part, the rain kept off Wolves’ 4th Annual Garden Summer Party! Just over 30 came and thanks go to Margaret and Norman Brackenridge for the use of their delightful garden.
LEICESTER Leicester CSC has continued to organise successful meetings, including showing two documentaries
BIRMINGHAM Leading national CSC speakers were at the Midlands Arts Centre’s Latin America Day. CSC has also held a series of film shows at MAC and at the Central Library theatre.
Dr Isaac Saney, Canadian
MARXISM IN THE MIDLANDS Many of our branches are now introducing classes and discussion groups on Marxism and over the next 12 months most will move towards arranging something. Kicking off the programme are Derbyshire as well as Leicestershire & South Lincs. The former is holding a series of classes on Marxism and the latter has begun a series on Britain’s Road to Socialism, with our Indian comrades.
MIDLANDS CSC CONTACTS From `Cuba Si!’ BIRMINGHAM Allan Brookfield 0121 444 5711 apbrookfield@tiscali.co.uk
COVENTRY John Moore 024 7625 7853 bj_moore@hotmail.co.uk DERBYSHIRE Moz Greenshields 01629 585086 mozgreenshields@tiscali.co.uk
LEICESTER Ann Green 078 8927 4723 anngreen001@myguide.net
LINCOLNSHIRE John Pateman 01529 309420 johnpateman9@hotmail.com
NORTHANTS Harry Tuttle 01604 470953 hazel.tuttle@ntlworld.co.uk
NOTTINGHAM Barrie Ward 0115 960 2324 OXFORD Carol Stavris 01235 811728 cubasolidarityoxford@ya hoo.co.uk WOLVERHAMPTON Dave Cole 01902 429 591 david.cole1@sky.com
Midland Red
DIARY DATES MIDLANDS COMMUNISTS NOW IN FAST October 17-19 2008 Communist University of FORWARD MODE!!! Britain—a weekend of
A new Midlands Communist Party & YCL website has now been launched, You can now access it on: midlandscommunists.org.uk
info@leftspace.co.uk. George Barnsby, Black Country historian, has given the copyright to all of his published work to LeftSpace and we are working with other authors.
Lots of T-shirts and badges will be available on our site for sale. Get the first Midlands T-shirt, above, NOW for £12.50 from Midland Red by e-mail to: graham_stevenson@ yahoo.co.uk or by phone
An offshoot of LeftSpace is the campaign to oppose a state funeral for Margaret Thatcher (`cursed be her name’). A pilot site is underway and you will be able to buy material (see Tshirt bellow). Though not yet operational, you can have a sneak preview: dingdongdead.org.uk
on 0121 554 1564. You can contact the Party this way on any matter raised here. We also have an e-group, devoted to members and applicants for open discussion in a closed forum. Send us your e-mail address, or see: groups.google.com/group/ midlandscommunists
LEFTSPACE We have also set up LeftSpace, a web-hosting and publishing service for union branches, trades councils, community associations, political and campaigning groups. go to leftspace.co.uk/hosting We can run a site at very competitive prices. Contact:
PROMCOMM PromComm is the design and manufacturing arm of LeftSpace, run by a team of comrades in the region. Offers from budding artists and photoshop enthusiasts handy!
DVD PRODUCTION politics at CP HQ in We can now produce Croydon DVDs for sale at low cost. Extensive footage of the recent national Party congress was videoed by a Midlands team. We even have a special site for common access to raw video footage for future editing. Help from film students or enthusiasts:
November 22nd 2008
Midlands Regional Communist Trade Unionists meeting (11.00am to 2.00 pm— venue advised on request) Admission by CP/YCL card only drive.heartinternet.co.uk We aim to mix our December 6th 2008 congress footage with historical material, to Nottingham Morning Star produce a DVD celebrating Readers & SG public Communist history. meeting: -`Immigration,
PROPAGANDA Large quantities of Communist campaign materials, leaflets, posters badges, etc. are now available in branches. Members may ask Midland Red for supplies to be sent FREE direct to you. You’ll find the latest petition against gas and electricity prices and super-profits useful to pass round amongst workmates, family and friends and neighbours; it doesn’t commit anyone to supporting the Party, just the protest. But the new Party leaflet, `Let’s nail the lies’ should do that trick. How about asking us for a few petitions and 100 leaflets to give out yourself?!
Racism and Imperialism’ Avtar Sadiq and Ivan Beavis speak, venue tba.
Winter 2008 Leicester Morning Star R&SG– Bill Hayes (Gen Sec CWU) `Don’t destroy postal services’; date and venue tba
Late January 2009: Coventry Morning Star R&SG `Public Services Fight Back’ invited speakers: MS editor John Haylett & Bill Greenshields
January to March 2009: Midlnds Party Branch AGMs: CP/YCL card only
March 2009: Midlands Communist University to be held in Leicester
May 2009 Communists Midlands Region District Congress