What do we stand for? EDUCATION Abolition of tuition fees (including Top up fees) Reintroduction of the maintenance grant for full time undergraduates An end to standardised national testing in primary & secondary schools The reintegration of specialist schools fully into the state sector & a return to the principle of comprehensive education. Nationalisation of private & public schools & their assets British withdrawal from GATS negotiations
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★ Work towards a more fighting active union with strong links with the labour movement ★ Campaign for a flat rate minimum wage for all workers ★ Raise the National Minimum Wage to half male median earnings, rising to two thirds in time. ★ Fight against the inequalities in the benefits system calling for a flat rate for all. ★ Repeal of anti Trade Union laws ★ Wages should accurately reflect modern needs. EU
★ Campaign against the introduction of the constitution in any form ★ Stop the increasing militarisation of the EU ★ Oppose the attacks on workers rights ★ Oppose the increasing privatisation of public services ★ Argue for eventual British withdrawal from the EU WOMEN Continue support for Abortion rights against the increasing attacks on a women’s right to choose Call for an end to the gender pay gap Support and push the charter for women into the NUS
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★ Oppose continuing occupation in Iraq and presence of British troops across the world ★ Actively oppose the replacement of trident nuclear weapons
Who are We? COMMUNIST STUDENTS was launched in April 2005 during the NUS Conference as a joint platform between the Communist Party, the Young Communist League & fraternal communist youth organisations (the Communist Youths of Greece, Cyprus, Spain, India).
How do I get involved? To find out more about Communist Students or to get involved with our campaigns, contact us at: Communist Students, Ruskin house 23 Coombe Road, London CR0 1BD email: coordinators@student-unity.org.uk telephone: 020 8686 1659 mobile: 07967392229 web: www.student-unity.org.uk