LEGACY www.CourageousLady.org
E nt re pre n e u rs h ip Matte rs f rom a Mi l l e n n i a l’s Pe r s p e c t ive A n Up cl o s e Int e r v i e w w i h As h l e y C . T h om a s , P h . D.
Winter 2021 Issue
Spring 2021 | Page 2
www.CourageousLady.org Courageous Ladies from all over the world, welcome to our Winter 2021 issue of LEGACY eMagazine. I hope you enjoy this issue because it is filled with numerous nuggets designed to intentionally encourage you, empower you, and equip you on this journey we call life. Don’t turn that page yet, because I would like to set the tone for what’s to come. I need your heart and mind to go back to your school year as a kindergartener. You were probably nervous, yet filled with so much excitement because you are now in big kids’ school and you are no longer in daycare or Headstart. At that time you were probably in school with your older siblings or cousins. So, this is an exciting time for you. You are an innocent five-years-old, and you are entering a space that allows you to be imaginative in your playing and drawing, there is lots of singing of new songs, and you are able to dream about being anybody you wanted to be without any constraints. No one told you in kindergarten that you couldn’t dream or imagine, so you dreamed big and creatively shared with others about who you were going to be when you grew up. You pmay have retended to be a doctor, or lawyer with a big, big house, lots of kids, with lots of money. I want you to keep that mindset when you read each article in this issue, but more specifically when you read 7 Steps for Becoming an Average Breaker and 9 Key Questions to Discovering Your Destiny. I encourage you to stay in that frame of mind, so that you will embrace the words in this publication as easily as child would in a kindergarten classroom. You know, as we get older we are socialized by so many different people and environments, and not to mention life gets in the way. As adults we have to deal with things like discouragement, disappointments, jealousy, envy, and people telling us no. These things rob us of our childlike attitude about life. You were born with a purpose that is wrapped up in your destiny. If you are not where you want to be, this issue is for you. Let it help you persist in your quest to mature and grow with that childlike mindset, refuse to let your adult hardships stop you because God has something great on the inside of you! This issue will challenge you to take courage against any of your fears in your pursuit of mastering your destiny. It is time for your passion, purpose, prayer life, praises and the power of God to get you where God wants you to be, I stand with you in Jesus Name. Today, is a great day! A great day for Jeremiah 29:11 to come alive in your life. Enjoy this issue and connect with me on LinkedIn and visit our website at www.CourageousLady.org Love and peace Dr. Christine
Table of Contents Encourage Yourself Daily
Entrepreneurship Matters from a Millennial’s Perspective An Upclose Interview with Ashley C. Thomas, Ph.D.
7 Steps for Becoming an Average Breaker
Bringing Closure to a Past Problem by: Bishop Herbert H. Thomas, Jr., Ph.D.
SOLIDARITY with Herbert H. Thomas, Jr., Ph.D. 9 Keys Questions to Discovering Your Destiny
Contributing Author: Dr. Herbert H. Thomas, Jr. Photos of Dr. Herbert H. Thomas, Jr. and Dr. Ashley C. Thomas taken by Adrienne Quick, Owner of Dreamers Photography Credits: This issue of LEGACY eMagazine utilized photos from Pexels and Unsplash
LEGACY eMagazine is a quarterlay publication created to share the great things the Lord is doing in the lives of women around the world and current issues in the United States. Each issue is designed to feature women and at times men who are in leadership, outreach and entrepreneurship roles that have a voice that should be heard by the masses. LEGACY eMagazine is resource of Courageous Lady used to empower, encourage, edify, embrace and equip women and girls in leadership, entrepreneurship and outreach/service to others.
Spring 2021 | Page 4
Encourage Yourself Daily by Christine C. Thomas, Ph.D.
Building self-awareness and self-worth takes time if you have lived a life of a negative self-image. There are some people who spend years trying to be somebody or someone for others instead of choosing to embrace who God has made them. Transforming how you think about yourself requires time and discipline. Being your authentic self means believing in yourself and trusting what the Word of God says about you. It will help change your perspective of life and the importance of fulfilling your purpose. As you change, your relationships and circles of inluence will change as you embrace SELF with joy and happiness. I’m not who I was 30 years ago. As a matter of fact, I’m still growing each and every day. In this issue I’m sharing some of my life-changing tips I have embraced in my growth and development as Christine C. Thomas. It has led to my knowing my worth, my value and enjoying my purpose as a Courageous Lady. I now believe that “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” and “I am a part of a royal priesthood, a chosen generation” and that “God created me with purpose” (Psalm 139:14, 1 Peter 2:9, and Jeremiah 29:11). Enjoy these tips and don’t forget to share them with another lady. •
Love yourself first and then you will be able to love others. Everything about you is awesome. God made no mistake when he created you! Avoid listening to your own negative thoughts. Change your perspective by changing what you say about yourself. You can start your day by looking in the mirror and professing posiive affirmations from the fruit of your lips that you are beautiful. You are loved. You are smart. You are able to achieve your goals. You have purpose. You are loved by others. You
are anointed to do great things. You are blessed and You are a blessing to others. •
Study the scriptures to learn how to live a life that comes directly from the Word of God. The Bible will be your compass on how to obey God, hear God, live for God, and be blessed by God. Your worth and values is in the Word of God.
Meditate on scriptures to feed your soul.
Embrace being an authentic you because there is no one else on this earth who can be you. Walk in being yourself with God’s grace, without fear or shame.
Learn to appreciate yourself because everything about you is awesome. Accept the fact that God made no mistake when he created you!
Choose to be happy and receive the joy that only the Lord can give. There is a strength that comes from His joy.
Encourage yourself daily. Choose to be happy and don’t let your circumstances dictate how you are going to feel.
Engage with family, friends and others who will celebrate you and not try and make you become someone else.
Share your transformation with other women and girls who struggle with self-awareness and self-worth.
Use a journal to document your transformational journey. Write down your past struggles and breakthroughs that have led to your growth and maturity.
Spring 2021 | Page 6
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24, NIV
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Entrepreneurs have...
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Entrepreneurship Matters from a Millennial’s Perspective
A n Up cl o s e Int e r v i e w w i h
As h l e y C . T h om a s , P h . D. Ladies from around the world, I am pleased to introduce tttto you a giant in the Body of Christ, Dr. Ashley C. Thomas. A phenomenal woman of God who spreads the love of Christ through her Ministry of Laughter, her teaching, her writing and as an entrepreneur. I have watched her develop into an amazing young lady who is destined for greatness. I am always amazed at how God uses her and how she commits to God’s will in ever area of her life. As the mother of this prolific writer and scholar, I’m proud ot have had the opportunity to interview her for this issue of Legacy eMagazine. So, grab a cup of coffee, a latte or your favorite beverage, put your feet up, sit back and enjoy this inspiring, encouraging and empowering interview from a millennial. Ladies, Dr. Ashley C. Thomas. 1. Tell us a little bit about you and what you are currently doing? I’m an assistant professor of communication studies at my beloved alma mater Alabama State University. I’m trying to get my film fix the best way I can during this pandemic, so I co-directed a commercial, finished writing a feature film, and plan to write at least two more this year. Also, I’m working on a short film – music video project and would like to write, direct, and produce my own short film by the end of this summer. 2. What kind of person are you? I am an ambivert, but at my core I think I’m an introvert. If I’m around a lot of extroverts, I tend to be more reserved; however, when I’m around introverts, sometimes people think I’m an extrovert. The mind intrigues me. Sometimes I wonder if I should have studied psychology in college because I love exploring why people do the things we do. On the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator I’m an INFJ or “Advocate” (yes, I like those tests, but I’m not obsessed) and the description fits me pretty well. I’m not a fan of small
talk. I’m a good listener who values harmony and authenticity in my relationships. Music brings me great joy. You’ll know something’s wrong if I go too long without singing or listening to a good song. Humor is one of my love languages – I absolutely love to make people laugh, and I think I’m pretty good at it. 3. Describe yourself in 3 words. Empathic. Inquisitive. Sincere. Dr. Thomas, Courageous Lady would like you to expound on the following questions to include in the upcoming issue of LEGACY eMagazine. 4. How do you define success? Success to me is being in the will of God. Is God pleased with what I’m doing? If I have all the money in the world, am famous and well-liked, produce publications and blockbuster hits with rave reviews, but I’m not obeying God and He’s not approving of what I’m doing, then it’s not worth it. I think the fruit of true success is joy, humility, peace of mind, and service to others. Those are signs I’m heading in the right direction. I also believe that success is about reaching your goal the right way. If you get to your end goal, but you had to steal, cheat, and manipulate your way there, how could you truly enjoy that? 5. Do you believe there is some sort of pattern or formula to becoming a successful entrepreneur? I think everyone has their own path and journey as it relates to being an entrepreneur. However, as my dad says, great leaders do leave clues to success, so I think there are indeed principles that can help one be successful. Always have an inquisitive outlook and willingness to learn. Keep an open eye for what problems you were created to solve. Foster your child-like imagination and curiosity through journaling, traveling, free-form brainstorming, and playing. Ask the right questions from a place
Spring 2021 | Page 12 of honoring your goals rather than focusing on areas of lack. Have a genuine interest in helping others. I believe these things combined make for an entrepreneur who has staying power. 6. What is your favorite aspect of being entrepreneur? A combination of not working a “9 to 5” and the freedom to create what I want, how I want, and when I want. I do not look down on “9 to 5”-type jobs at all. I personally didn’t grow up in a house where that was truly as common, since my parents worked in higher education positions that allowed more freedom, and they also had their own businesses. This afforded me the privilege of seeing up-close the flexibility that entrepreneurship brings. I like having the opportunity to really be involved with my family, travel, and create jobs, careers, and financial freedom for others. Doing what I love doesn’t have to compete with that. 7. Who has been your greatest inspiration? Cici Gunn, also known as “The Six Figure Chick.” She was a Millennial woman from my hometown Montgomery, Alabama and passed away last year at only 34 years old. She would explain the practicality of entrepreneurship in a way I had never seen before – all from her Instagram page and website. I hadn’t even seriously considered developing a business plan until I started following her in 2019; by 2020, I finished a polished and thorough business plan that I presented to my family. I learned the power of baby steps. For example, she would talk about how $100,000 is simply making $1,000 one hundred times. Her free content alone helped so many people start their businesses and earn money. I honestly could go on and on about how she’s inspired me with her work ethic and kindness to her online community. The thing that inspires me the most about her is that even to this day, her business is still thriving, and her community is still growing. Talk about a legacy! 8. What business related book has inspired you the most? I enjoyed listening to the audiobook version of How to Become CEO: The Rules for Rising to the Top of Any Organization by Jeffery J. Cox and will likely listen to it again soon. I’m a huge fan of practical steps, and we see a lot
ENTREPRENEURSHIP MATTERS | Page 13 of shirts and inspirational quotes that say, “Be a BOSS.” But I want to know what that looks like every day beyond the image of a lady in a suit sitting in her high-rise office space with an assistant bringing her coffee. Jeffery J. Cox does a great job of helping me to visualize on a macro- and micro-level what leadership and entrepreneurship looks like for me. 9. If you were to write a book about yourself, how would you name it? She’s Made for This. – Not only was I purposed before I was formed in my mother’s womb to do the things that I do now, but I’m constantly being refined for whatever season of life I’m in and anything that lies ahead. 10. What activities would you recommend entrepreneurs to invest their time in? Read information from credible sources, listen to podcasts and interviews, learn from the mistakes of other entrepreneurs, and sow into your character so that when you get to new levels of success you have the capacity to maintain and steward that level well, as well as those levels to come. By sowing I mean investing in your knowledge, skill set, and mindset and surrounding yourself with people who know more than you and have even done things you’d like to do. Not just taking from them but rather serving them. This could mean volunteering your time to help with a project, contributing financially to their endeavors, or connecting them to someone who can help them reach their goals. 11. What piece of advice would you give to college graduates who want to become entrepreneurs? Don’t chase money – every opportunity is not a good opportunity. Focus on your purpose and passion. Learn to ask the right questions. Be a good researcher. Find people who have done what you’re trying to do and can give you truly helpful advice. Sometimes we listen to well-meaning family, friends, teachers and others who prioritize our security over everything else. And while that’s not automatically a bad thing, if it feeds our fears more than it feeds our faith, we can become complacent and begin to make excuses for not doing our best. Good mentors, however, will know how to help you take smart risks – meaning risks that are worth taking because even if you fail, you will “fail forward.” Be kind to and patient with your-
self. Be consistent and adaptable in the process. Focus on developing your character just as much, if not more- than you focus on developing your brand. Know your why. There will be times that you want to give up – and that’s with anything – so if you remember why you started, that can help you to keep going. Know what’s going on in your field. Figure out what others are already doing and find out where there’s a gap or how you can improve. There’s really nothing new under the sun, so don’t start from the standpoint that your idea is so unique that you won’t have to do research or learn from those who came before you. Lastly, being an entrepreneur does not begin once you start your LLC or have an “Open for Business” sign in front of a building; it starts with teambuilding, leading efficiently and effectively in the job or role you currently have, gathering resources, and embracing the process of entrepreneurship. 12. What ideals do you have in the works? After more than a decade of having my own copy editing and consulting business, I have begun to focus more on film and developing my online educational coaching business. This online business will provide innovative resources and specific strategies to support college students in taking control of their learning and effectively navigating higher education so they can fulfill their goals. My mom, sister, and I are also building a natural hair care community and blog. This year I’m learning to take each day and each quarter one at a time, because with so many ideas it can get overwhelming. Right now, I’m focusing on honing my craft by learning more about cinematography and storytelling and mapping out my educational workshops, masterclasses, and eBooks while testing out resources on a small scale. I’m excited about setting up websites, designing logos, registering trademarks, and all of that good stuff. 13. What motivates you? Solving problems. You have no idea how many times I’ve had an issue and thought “What if somebody did something to address this?” only for years to go by and somebody actually do something to address it and make millions. For instance, I remember getting tired of having my car wet up by a soaking umbrella and thinking what if there was a way that an umbrella could close so it didn’t do this? Then, years lat-
Spring 2021 | Page 14 er, I saw a viral commercial for the inverted umbrella. I’m by no means saying I was the first one to have this idea. On one hand it’s like wow, that could have been me. On the other end, it confirms that I know God has given me the ability to create wealth and solve problems. I have to do my part and follow it through. 14. What is or has been your greatest fear and how did you manage fears? At first, I was going to say my biggest fear was trying and failing, but my greatest fear is not trying and having regret. That alone can help me manage any other fears that may arise. If God told me to do something and I obey, He will see to it that His will happens. 15. What would you say are the top three skills needed to be an entrepreneur? • Effective communication. Entrepreneurship involves the art of persuasion. If you can’t clearly articulate your vision and why someone should listen to you, buy your product, etc. then you likely will not see your intended result. • Assessment. This includes self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and the ability to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Learning how to assess and communicate can help you get along well with others and pull out the best in your team. • Critical thinking. This involves not only being a good listener but also the ability to evaluate if what you’ve received meets your standards and aligns with your core values. 16. What services or products do you offer? In the area of film, I write, direct, and produce. We’re in the pre-launch phase of my online educational business, which will provide digital semester planners, masterclasses, workshops, eBooks, social media challenges, and more. I also plan to provide a financial literacy component for adults of all ages, regardless of their educational level. 17. What is unique about your business? For film, my focus is high-quality, micro-budget productions
that highlight talented but potentially overlooked artists and clients. My online educational business advocates for students and is a one-stop shop for college students, helping them holistically to reach their financial, educational, and professional goals through clarity of vision and the processes to meet those goals. We will coach students on how to navigate the hidden curriculum of higher education to get on an even playing field. In addition to our affordable pricing, we will offer free tools and resources. Our competitors tend to focus on grade school or only students deemed at-risk; however, we focus attention on serving minority students, students who are underprepared, and students who fit the category of “good” academically but who want to excel. 18. What made you choose this type of business? It brings me great joy to merge the things I love. That’s why I enjoy music videos because I can combine my love for film and music. With my online educational business, I’m combining my love for education and communication and will use it to help students to be more successful on all fronts - not just from a teaching perspective but from a coaching perspective also. My family really values financial literacy and wealth building, so being able to add that component to my businesses in a way that helps others is also what drew me to these types of businesses. 19. If you had one piece of advice to give to someone just starting out, what would it be? I’m going to use a few quotes to drive the same point home. Napoleon Hill once said, “Do not wait. The time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.” Zechariah 4:10 says, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Lastly, business mentor Michael Pittman wrote, “Consistency compounds.” In other words, write a clear vision of where you’re heading. Then, chart the steps that it will take to get there. If you take each day one at a time and stay focused on that, and you value the process – not just the destination - you will get there at the right time. What seems like a little training here and a little writing there adds up to be a finished prod-
ENTREPRENEURSHIP MATTERS | Page 15 uct – a script, a website, a brand. It all requires discipline and making use of the time, talent, and treasures you have available to you in the moment. 20. Why does entrepreneurship matter to millennials? We grew up hearing that we can be and do everything we wanted and that it would all work out; then, life slapped us in the face when it was time to graduate from college with student loans galore, and getting a job wasn’t as simple as filling out an application and showing up for an interview. I believe those in my generation have had to stand up for ourselves on the other side of empty promises because we realized people won’t always stand up for us. I don’t mean that in a cynical way; we’re just not waiting around for handouts. Millennials also are more critical of how society arrived to where it is today, and we are reflective and open enough to discuss how we can use our observations and resources to do better for future generations. This has led to a lot of cause-related entrepreneurship that isn’t just about making
money but is also about giving back – whether through addressing environmental issues, providing scholarships, engaging in social activism, or other means. I think one of the biggest challenges for a Millennial entrepreneur is the temptation to feel like you have to do everything on your own, to want to see a quick turnaround in results, or to feel that if you don’t have a certain number of followers or a certain image then you’re moving too slow. We’ve also been inundated with these “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” and “Eat. Grind. Repeat” catchphrases that leave out the need for rest, reflection, and relationship with others. I have to remind myself to balance not resting on my laurels but also not minimizing my growth, accomplishments, and support system. I believe that by focusing on developing our character and work ethic, understanding our purpose, and appreciating the entrepreneurship journey, we will reap our rewards at the right time.
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Whenever you are discouraged as an entrepreneur, remind yourself of why you started your business and commit to never giving up! by: Christine C. Thomas
Spring 2021 | Page 18
Ahley C. Thomas
Ashley C. Thomas, Ph.D. is a filmmaker, speaker, entrepreneur, communication scholar, and copy editor from Alabama. Ashley is an Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at Alabama State University. She earned her Ph.D. in Communication from George Mason University (2017), her M.S. in International and Multicultural Education from Florida State University (2012), and her B.A. in Communication from Alabama State University (2011). Since 2005, Ashley has provided copy editing, writing, and consulting services for universities, non-profit organizations, religious organizations, motivational speakers, leadership workshop series, and more. She values helping people to express themselves clearly and freely through writing and speaking, and her work has been featured in college textbooks and magazines with international reach. Her research interests include communication as it relates to learning and behavior in the areas of identity, motivation, and persuasion. She desires to merge her love for communication research, education, and film to empower students and faculty and make new knowledge accessible to the masses. Ashley also provides training in leadership, effective teaching, diversity and inclusion, and public speaking strategies for universities, businesses, and non-profit organizations. In 2009, Ashley made her directorial debut with her stage play He Made It Right, and since 2015 her “Ministry of Laughter” comedy sketches have garnered thousands of views on social media. She also edited a short documentary, Social Work Leader, Advocate, & Champion (2018) for the Tuskegee VA Medical Center’s Social Work Department in honor of Social Work Month. Her love of music inspired her to write, direct, and produce the music video "Difference" by wensdaynight (2018). In 2019, she was a camera operator for the award-winning documentary short film Hobson City: From Peril to Promise. Her previous ministry experience includes serving as praise and worship leader at Word of Life International Ministries in Montgomery, Alabama, as well as a director for youth and young adults for Christians Equipping Christians for Outreach (CECO) Fellowship, Inc. She is a community service advocate through her Purpose Pouch initiative, which provides hygiene items, clothing, encouragement, and support to those in need. Family is very important to Ashley. She enjoys traveling, and her international travel experience includes studying abroad in Asia, Europe, and Central America, as well as touring the Caribbean. Ashley also takes pleasure in singing, event planning, and making people laugh. Ashley is also a proud third-generation ASU Hornet and a member of ASU’s 50 Under 50. In addition to her consulting work, Ashley promotes her business The Cheat Code Academy, which provides innovative resources and specific strategies to support college students in taking control of their learning and effectively navigating higher education so they can fulfill their goals. Ashley’s upcoming film projects include directing a TV commercial and filming several short films to submit to festivals and for distribution. Social Media Handles Linkedin.com/ashleycthomas04 Instagram.com/directedbyash Facebook.com/directedbyash
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cou·ra·ge /kəˈrājəs
A Courageous Lady is fearless. She is not de ful and brilliant. When you are in the presen a woman who knows who she is, and she p with confidence. She believes God’s word an his promises. When confronted with obstac how to “stay the course.”
ous Lady
eous la·dy s/ /ˈlādē/
eterred by danger or pain. She is bold, beautince of a Courageous Lady, you will experience pursues her purpose with passion and does it nd what it says about her. She walks boldly in cles and setbacks, a Courageous Lady knows
Spring 2021 | Page 24
7 Steps for Becoming an “Average Breaker” by Christine C. Thomas, Ph.D.
Fourteen (14) years ago, my husband and I had an opportunity to meet an energetic and inspiring motivational speaker who delivered a message that touched our soul from his best-selling book “Breaking the Spirit of Average.” Joseph B. Washington, a dynamic and passionate speaker shared his seven (7) keys to help individuals focus on turning their lives away from being average to awesome. The proven principles have helped many move from a place of mediocrity in their thinking as leaders, entrepreneurs, and servants. The seven keys are (1) adopt a positive a positive attitude, (2) value your time, (3) enlist the help of a mentor, (4) read daily, (5) anticipate opposition, (6) guard your goals, and (7) empower your belief system.
mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
This practical book is an easy read that allows you to courageously take a stand against doing just enough to get by and move towards doing what is necessary to be recognized and stand out amongst the crowd. Let me share with you my story.
God has a purpose and plan for me and I must keep a positive attitude and put my trust in the Lord to lead and guide me on my journey. After reading the book, it further solidified my studies on the necessity for having a positive mindset. Being positive in our attitude and disposition is something we must do each day because things happen that can take us to that place of the past. We definitely do not want that to happen. I have learned how to forgive, keep my mind stayed on scriptures, and guard my heart and mind.
Applying the principles learned from the book has been a remarkable blessing and major milestone in several areas of my life. As a middle-aged African American woman, the principles of this book allowed me to reflect over my life and determine where I was being average as a believer, wife, mother, sister, friend, employee, entrepreneur and servant. Let’s take a look at my perspective on each of the keys of the book.
Although this book came at the right time in my life to read. I struggled because on one hand I was studying the scriptures regarding the transformation of my thinking and what I spoke out of my mouth. On the other hand, I was still struggling with past hurt and pain. I wanted to let go but my mind and heart was feeling the past and I felt like there was a need to speak crazy thoughts.
1. Adopting a positive attitude – The Word of God instructs us in Romans 12:1-2 of the following, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s
The book helped me in a practical way and allowed me to start seeing myself and my life in a different light. I no longer had to vicariously live my life through the
ENTREPRENEURSHIP MATTERS | Page 25 eyes of others but I was able to see myself and others the way that the Lord wants me to see them. I must say, this is a daily task and it requires meditation, remembering my good days over bad days and I found a scriptures to help on the things I need to turn my attention off of do what the word says. The book coupled with the scriptures have transformed me and continues. Three scriptures I continue to meditate on is Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things,” Proverbs 18:21, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit” and Romans 10:10, “For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” A price was already paid for me to be free in my thinking. It is a choice we must all make to have the right attitude about ourselves and others according to the Word of God. When we do, it will genuinely come from our hearts.
people, you might get anxious and start feeling like you are not where you are supposed to be or where you want to be in your life. I’m 53 years old and I have wasted a number of years of my life. I would say about a good 10 years which equates to 87,600 hours, 5,256,000 minutes, 315,360,000 seconds that I will never get back. For whatever reason, I procrastinated, I was fearful of moving forward, and didn’t know my purpose. So, I meandered through life trying to figure out my WHY? The biggest accomplishment for me is that I have learned how to take each day one at a time. Yes, I plan and even set goals but I don’t allow them to frustrate me when things do not happen in God’s timing. Every day is a new opportunity for me to use my time wisely. Some days are better than others but I do enjoy each day regardless of what happens, I rest when I need to rest, work when I need to work, and do ministry work when I need to do ministry work.
One final note, I had to realize no one wants to be around someone who is negative, pessimistic, or cynical. It is draining to be around someone who is always unhappy and a person who lacks joy. The interesting thing is that it is easier to smile than it is to mean mug or frown at someone. So, the first step you can take is smile more. Remember this, it takes practice to have a positive attitude. So, if you fail to keep positive, remember you have another opportunity to start all over again. When you wake up the next day, praise God for his new mercies and grace and take advantage of another day to speak positively even if things do not go your way.
3. Enlist the help of a mentor – I use to think it was best for me to do everything on my own. My mindset was stuck on, I didn’t need any help from no one, I can do it all by myself. I have learned if you want to be successful, it requires getting help from someone who is doing it right and doing it well. I enjoy my circle of mentors who have helped me along the way. They encourage me, love on me, and accept me for who I am and sow Godly wisdom and practical insight in areas that I am not an expert. Having mentors is a sure way to help you break through the mediocre attitude and stretch you as a leader, entrepreneur and a servant.
2. Value your time – Time is definitely a valuable commodity, a precious resource. You wake up one day and realize years have passed you buy. If you are like some
If you do not have a mentor, it is time to get one. They can help you develop personally and professionally, connect you to resources to develop your skills, and
Spring 2021 | Page 26 provide you with opportunities to build your network. I now have a circle of individuals I consider mentors. Some of them are people I know personally and some are individuals I have researched and studied materials that helped them to perfect in areas of my life that required growth and maturity. 4. Read daily – I love to read self-help books and books from authors who provide practical tips on strengthening and developing myself as a Christian, as a leader in higher education and an entrepreneur.
evil in the heavenly realms.” These scriptures speak to the opposition that occurs in our life. Although I have read these scriptures several times, it was revelatory when it was coupled with the book. I believe the Lord used this book in my life to bring some practical application and life-changing revelation of the opposition that occurs in our life. The opposition that comes against us is to stop us from doing the right thing, saying the right thing, and be-
If you want to know more, you must read and read daily. I read just about every day a Christian devotion, scriptures and pray each day. I also, read credible resources and books that help me to develop as a person, stay current on what is happening around the world and stay connected to what is happening in business and industry. I believe we miss out on opportunities and are fearful to take a risks because we are not knowledgeable. I do not want to miss out on the next big thing because I refuse to stay current. I also connect with others who are avid readers and they provide insight on what they have learned and vice versa, I share with others. 5. Anticipate opposition – The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10:4, “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons
lieving the right thing. This opposition may come in the form of a family member, friend, co-worker, children, spouse, etc. When we understand that the enemy comes against us to stop us from moving forward in our purpose and God’s will, when we see it we will stop, pray and focus on the Word of the Lord. We can’t stop the foes that will come our way. The key is recognizing it and choosing to deal with it with a positive attitude and focus on what is to come. Be courageous. Be bold. Be willing to stand on what you believe in your heart and not what you see with your eyes. Your promise will come in your business, on the job and in your ministry if you do not faint. Keep pressing and do not give up.
of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.” And Ephesians 6:12, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of
6. Guard your goals – I had to learn the hard way that I must guard my goals and not to share them with everyone. Everyone will not be happy for you. If your purpose and dreams scare you at times, how do you think people are going to feel when you share with them what the Lord has promised you. Keep God first, keep your goals in front of you, trust his guidance and pray for his wisdom; stay humble, celebrate your yourself and the milestones you have accomplished on your journey. 7. Empower your belief system – by keeping God first. These scriptures continue to provide me strength and guidance on my journey to fulfilling my pur-
ENTREPRENEURSHIP MATTERS | Page 27 pose. Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” and Matthew 6:33, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Get your copy of Breaking the Spirit of Average from Amazon or even Ebay.com. This book will encourage you, and open your eyes to practical ways to think and speak differently about your life.
Spring 2021 | Page 28
Entrepreneurs hav
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Bringing Closure to a Past Problem by: Bishop Herbert H. Thomas, Jr., Ph.D.
The past is something many people have a difficult time of letting go, especially when there are situations and circumstances that should be forgotten. I’m sure we all have someone in our lives who have become miserable, selfish, greedy, or just out right unhappy because of something from the past. We may also be victims of our past and give excuses, rationale or even blame others for our behaviors. As believers in Jesus Christ, we have a responsibility to love others who have done us wrong. We are also required to forgive others and let go of the past because it can have a hold on our joy as believers. Listed below are Bible verses that speaks to letting go of the past. •
2 Corinthians 5:17, God says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” This scripture says old things are gone, they are just that. God is doing a new thing but he can’t do it, if we are staying in the past. He says that old things are just that. Old. And gone.
Isaiah 43:18-19, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs
up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” It is a waste of time to dwell on the past, it keeps us from allowing God to do a new thing in our lives. We must trust God and believe that he is doing a new thing. It takes practice when you have been hurt but know that there is nothing too difficult for God. •
Exodus 23:20, “S, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.” When we move forward and let go of the past, God sends us help and empowers us with what we need (and that is the power of the Holy Spirit and his angels).
Job 17:9, “The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger.” When we let go of the past, we are able to move forward and grow stronger in the Lord. When we let go of the past, it is a demonstration of our trusting God and leaning to his understanding and not our own.
Philippians 3:13-14, “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Commit to letting go of the past. Commit to trusting the Lord with your whole heart. Study the scriptures on letting go of the past and press forward in the present.
The Lord desires for us to live a life of love, joy and peace. The subsequent scriptures are the foundation for us letting go of the past. Yes, letting go of the past sounds easy to do and can be quite difficult depending on the situation that has occurred in a person’s life. I believe it begins with us first making a choice to let it go. If you are having problems with letting go of the past, the following are seven practical ways that can guide you and help you break free from the past. Letting go of the past will allow you to embrace your present and enjoy where you are going.
Step 1: Realize the Problem
We have learned that one event can change your whole outlook on life, marriage, friendship, or opportunities. We must stop blaming others for our problems and accept responsibility, whether it was someone else or ourselves. You have to evaluate, look at the situation and write down what is really bothering you? You know it happened. We must realize by being real and without denial.
Step 2: Review It
You must review the situation without reliving it. I don’t mean review it so deeply that you start crying over it. But you review the situation so you can see what went wrong, so it won’t happen again. Take the military approach to your past problem. They have what you call debriefing meetings. In those meetings, they review and analyze what occurred. You should do the same. Review the past problem and analyze what happened.
Step 3: Repent
When we hear repent, we automatically think of salvation. But there is repentance that’s on another level than salvation repentance. It is repentance unto the kingdom. John preached in Matthew 3:2 “Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven has come near.” It is a repentance to a higher lifestyle. It is a changing of the mind. The word repent does not mean change your ways. It means to change your mind. Because if you change your mind, your ways will change. That’s why Paul tells us in Ro-
mans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Before you can do what is pleasing and acceptable to God, you got to get your mind right. The good and acceptable is your attitude and your behavior. Only then can you do the will of God. People want you to pray that their ways will someway change their behavior but we should be praying for a transformed mind. Let’s examine, James 4:8 “Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” When you come to God, He will meet you when you honestly repent. When you go to the altar and bring your past hurt, God will meet you. You come to the altar and bring that bondage, hurt, and past and God will meet you. He will, “Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.” We must come to God with a repenting heart and not with a double-minded mind. We can’t come to God with two minds. One minute you say you let go of the past and the next minute later you are back focused on past issues. The Lord does not want you to vacillate back and forth. He wants us to be stable and decisive in our thinking.
Step 4: Resist
Question: Who do you think keeps re-running your past before your eyes? Who do you think builds up fear in you when you get close to a person? Who do you think won’t let you reconcile from a broken relationship? James 4:7 says, Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. The goal of the enemy is to steal, kill and destroy your life (John 10:10). He attacks us with accusations, suspicions and worries. He throws fiery darts that attempt to keep us in darkness and in our past hurts, situations and circumstances. We must resist the devil because the fiery darts come to destroy our peace and to shake our mindset.
Step 5: Resolve
In this step, it is time to open your mouth and make a statement/declaration. It is time to put your words into action. Don’t sit up and think about it. Often times this is the problem. We think about things too much and that causes us to be double-minded in our actions. Resolve within yourself not to live by the problem or issue. Let your faith guide you and it will make you stronger than the problem.
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Step 6: Re-Locate
It’s time to relocate your position, posture, and get a new look on life. In this practical step, it is time for you to realize that you can’t do it on your own, you need God. The Bible records in James in 4:10, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” If you are trying to work everything by yourself, you must relocate to a humble spot. So, where do you humble yourself in the sight of the Lord. What will He do when you humble yourself in His sight? He will lift you up. He will raise you out of your discouragement, depression, discontent, embarrassment, insecurities, and fear. How do I humble myself before God? Be honest and say God I need help. I don’t want to do those things anymore in my own strength. Lord I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. And this leads us to the 7th and final step.
Step 7: Restoration which leads to Rejoice
In James 4:6 it records, “But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” You get restored by the grace of God. When we mess up big time, grace is still there. Restoration leads to us rejoicing in the sight of God. Do this for me quickly. Get out a sheet of paper. Write on the paper what you have been worrying about in your life. Write down the source of your inner conflict. It might be bankruptcy, a divorce, a problem child, a past of-
fense, or poor self-image. It might be jealousy, anger, abuse. Write it down. It might be an ex-husband/wife, a past decision. Put everything on that piece of paper, just be honest and just write it down. Now, when you are finished, fold up your piece of paper and write on the back, cancelled and forgiven. The enemy can’t hold this against you anymore. Hold up your paper. Repeat after me. In the name of Jesus, this problem will not hold me hostage any longer. In the name of Jesus, I accept the blood of Jesus as my ransom. I am free from this. I am free this in Jesus name. Say Amen. Now ball it up and put it in a trash can or bag. Now put on your sunglasses. Why, sunglasses? Because your future is so bright that you can’t stand to look at it. You should feel like Ray Charles. He had a song that said, take these chains from my heart and set me free. I’ve been set free. Remember, the devil lives in the past and God lives in the future. “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.” You are a new creature, now it is time to walk in your newness without the past. Amen,
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Dr. Christine C. Thomas, Minister, Author, Entrepreneur, and Higher Education Administrator
Spring 2021 | Page 36
Dr. Herbert H. Thomas, Jr.
Advocate for Social Justice & Economic Empowerment for African-Americans
Bishop Herbert H. Thomas, Jr., Ph.D.
“9 Key Questions to Discovering Your Destiny”
Discovering your destiny is a practical message of application. I want to begin by asking you a few questions. Do you know that you have been chosen by God to do something great? Do you say that I know that God wants me to do something, but I’m unsure of what it is?
Be honest, it gets challenging to hold on to the promises of God when things in the natural seems to contradict what God has shown you. Before you can pursue your destiny, you need an idea on where God wants to take you. Some of you have an idea of what God wants to do through you.
In this article I want to share with you some key questions and points that will help you uncover your destiny. If you ask yourself and search out the answer to these questions you will find yourself that much closer to your God-given destiny. Understand that God knew us before we were born, and has a plan for our lives. There must be away for us to know what the plan is. Jeremiah 29:11 states, “God is saying your future is very bright. I allowed you to be born and created with a specific plan.” What is this plan? Why did God use your mother and father to get you here? God doesn’t want us to go through life through trial and error in an attempt to find our destiny.
God has a purpose and plan for your life and a good validation is how the enemy has been attacking you. The enemy does not want you to discover your destiny, he wants to keep you in a place of darkness.
Let’s define the term destiny. It is the course of events throughout life that have been predetermined by God and once manifested will produce good fortune and fruit in our lives as well as in the lives of others. Our destiny will always include others because you are blessed to be a blessing to others. One of the most difficult things to accomplish as we walk with God is ultimately getting to the point of living confidently no matter what our circumstances are.
In Genesis 12:1, God tells Abraham to leave his family, his country and all the things he was familiar with. Understand Abraham moved out on the Word of God. He had no Bible, no pastor, no church, but he moved out on the Word of God. Some of us God has given us a word and we must move from our comfort zone. Too many people are familiar with us. If you are going where God wants you, you may have to cut some people from your life. It may be family members, friends, ex-boyfriends, ex-girlfriends, old co-workers. They have to come to an end because some of the relationships were never destined to be a part of your destiny. When you are on the move, you begin to see new friends or no friends, or be all by yourself. The following are nine questions to guide you in uncovering your destiny.
Spring 2021 | Page 38 1. What is the deepest desire of your heart? You may want to ponder on this for a few days. There is a plan for our lives (we uncover and discover). Go to Psalm 37:4, there are two trues in this verse, (1) as we delight in knowing God and serving God, He places desires within us to desire those things that are in His plan for our lives. In other words, as we come to love, serve, and come to know Him, He places desires within us to desire those things within His plans. We all have desires. The desires come from God. Watch this, the things you desire, God already has them in store for us. The things you may desire are financial security, a wonderful family, good husband/wife, obedient children, beautiful cars, home, health, and strength. The other truth is (2) as you delight in knowing God, and serving God, He gives me the things we desire. When we live in destiny, the things you desire, God will give you. Because when you are in God’s will the only things you will desire are the things in His will. And the things that are in His will are the very things that He will give us. 2. Are you willing to submit and connect to someone else’s visions and dreams? A great way to learn how to walk in your destiny and purpose is to connect with another person’s vision. 3. What Flows Naturally Out of You? Your course of destiny will feel right as you discover it. Ministry flows naturally for me. I know how to treat people the way I want to be treated. I’m not stuck on myself or arrogance. I don’t have to sit at the head table as a Bishop because I know that my destiny is not about me, it is about others. Some people are in position, but they are out of place. If you are always complaining and whatever you are doing is so difficult or hard, then you might be in the wrong place. Yes, destiny is exciting, inspiring, and challenging, but there is a sense of naturalness to it. Don’t you have that one pair of shoes, or pants that feels so good compared to the rest of your clothes. When you know you are where God placed you, then you are not going to quit on God you know your place and you’re not trying to be popular, just staying in position for your destiny. When you have passion,
you will have high tolerance. You put up with people, because you are not there for the people but God. 4. Where do you bring forth fruit or produce good results? What is it that when you touch it, things start to happen, it grows? Now, the Bible tells us be not wise in your own eyes. Some people think that they can do everything well but are you doing it effectively? Matthew 12:33 says, go up to a tree and wait until it bears fruit and you will tell what kind of tree it is. God’s plan is for trees to be fruitful and productive. Too many Christians waste their time and gifts to do things that are irrelevant and unproductive. You don’t want to be in good things, you want to do the right thing. There is a difference. Luke 13:6-9 is about a man having a fig tree and the man came for 3 years and the tree didn’t produce any figs. A man said cut it down, get rid of it. Then the Bible says that the vinedressers say wait a minute. Let me dig around it, let me work around it, maybe there is something that is hindering this tree from bearing fruit. Let me work with it after a year, if you come back and it’s still not bearing fruit, then we will cut it down, just let me work with it. Some of us are not bearing fruit because we need somebody to work on us to prune us, to correct us, to rebuke us, to love us, and to exhort us. If you are a business owner and your business is not making a profit, you must make a change. You have to fertilize that business and make the necessary adjustments to turn things around. If it is not prospering or producing fruit, there has to be some work done. Another example, if you have a business and every two weeks you have to hire new people; something needs to change. God has not planned a barely get by, mundane, mediocre life for you. Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life and have life more abundantly.” God is a God of increase. He wants you to have more than you have and more than what you need. You take more than what you need and plant it as a seed and now you get even more. God will only increase order. Any area of your life that’s not increasing it’s it may be out of order.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP MATTERS | Page 39 5. What is the witness of the Holy Spirit in your spirit? John 14: 26 talks about relationships. God has a way of letting us know what is and what is wrong and what His will is. As a believer, you don’t have to wonder what is right or wrong because the Holy Spirit who lives on the inside of you will always bring either a witness or conviction. For example, you are speaking to a family member or co-worker and you say something out of order, you feel this nudge of conviction that it was wrong, that is the Holy Ghost letting you know what you said is acceptable or not. 6. What do mature Christians see in you? Maturity is not based upon the number of years. Others must see fruit from your life. The Bible tells us in Matthew 5: 16 “Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works, and glory your Father which is in heaven.” Do maure Christians see you quickly admitting you were wrong or asking for forgiveness? Are you walking in humility and exhibit the Fruit of the Spirit? 7. What career or ministry do you feel the peace of God in your pursuit? There is peace that surpasses all understanding that comes from God. Peace and not confusion. Peace from God can make you look silly in front of people who don’t understand your destiny. They are wondering why you are trusting and believing it’s going to come to pass. When you really begin to understand this thing called destiny your perspective and perception will be whatever
happens, happens. God will open whatever door he wants me to walk thorough. 8. What thoughts, visions or dreams are impossible to put out of your mind? Most of the time when God plants something in your spirit, it becomes a thought or idea that just won’t go away. Unfortunately, the enemy does the same thing. The devil likes to try to mimic God, he tries to use the same things that God used or uses. But the devil perverts it. You have to know when the thought or idea is from God because it will be whole, pure, and untainted. 9. To what can you give 100% of yourself for your whole life? Can you see yourself for the rest of your life doing what’s really on your heart? If it is something to get you at a certain financial status and you drop it, that’s not destiny. Fulfilling your destiny is not an easy part-time job. Your destiny stretches you, challenges you, gets you out of your comfort zone. Some people don’t want help, but a hand out. You don’t want to be someone who goes to work every day and never uses whats in you. Some feel successful just by keeping a job and they say “I’m making a living.” That is not living in your destiny. I hope you enjoyed this nine (9) keys. In the next issue of LEGACY eMagazine, I will share with you Part II: Discovering Your Destiny.
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Christine C. Thomas, Ph.D. Minister, Author, Entrepreneur, and Higher Education Administrator
Connect with me on LinkedIn for your weekly dose of Christine’s Courageous Quotes at linkedin.com/in/christine-cthomas-phd-60365239
Spring Issue of LEGACY eMagazine Available May 23, 2021 Featuring: Raising Leaders and Mental Health Matters
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