Legadex services for private equity firms and portfolio companies

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Legadex services for private equity firms and portfolio companies As a private equity firm, you look for profitable investment and divestment opportunities. As a PE portfolio company, you focus on building your business. In both cases, you need transparency, fast access to information, efficiently organised legal processes and assured compliance. We can help. Our legal services portfolio ensures you are primed for efficient growth and speedy divestment.

Legadex is your cutting-edge Legal Service Provider that combines

that your portfolio company is optimally prepared and organised

legal expertise with the latest legal-tech solutions. Our services in-

for exit. And as our legal experts are also project managers, they

clude optimising and managing the legal processes of PE portfolio

help your advisors gather the right information and classify, in-

companies. We help organisations to be M&A-ready and to allocate

dex, redact and sort this as needed. Our lawyers and back office

their legal budget in a clever manner. Our services include opti-

team are used to working under pressure and understand that

mising and managing the legal processes of PE portfolio companies

confidentiality is crucial.

and helping both them and their PE investor firms with transaction preparation. Whether working on the sell or buy side, we can sup-

3. Optimise your PE firm’s own legal processes

port you with legal consultancy, flexible legal and paralegal support

Just like their portfolio companies, private equity firms need

and full outsourcing solutions that are efficient, transparent and at

to perform legal entity management, contract management,

predictable cost. Here are some ways we can help you:

contract review, KYC projects and so on. We advise on innovative legal-tech platforms, the contracting process, risk & compliance,

1. Get organised: optimise the key legal processes of

KYC and other in-house needs. This eases the administrative

your portfolio companies

burden on your in-house legal counsel so they can focus on their

Optimise your contract management, legal entity management,

advisory role instead. With our strategic focus on optimising pro-

risk & compliance and KYC so that you are a), always compliant

cesses, we understand the trends, challenges and players.

and b), have the necessary information immediately available

Our goal is delivering key intelligence to guide your decisions. →

when it is time to sell. This ensures compliance at all times and saves time and money later.

2. Time to sell? Improve and accelerate the divestment process Working with your accountants, banks and law firm, we organise and accelerate your virtual data room (VDR) process. We ensure


Services for PE and participations

→ Virtual data room services Online virtual data rooms (VDRs) provide a fast, efficient,

Our legal services for private equity are ideal for PE firms and

secure and transparent way for PE sellers to share informa-

portfolio companies that either:

tion with potential buyers. We’re familiar with the VDR issues because we deal with them every day. We use the latest le-

• need to move fast to prepare and secure a sale

gal-tech software for classification and analysis, and we align

• do not have an in-house lawyer or legal team

staff experience and project management to the requirements

• want to refocus their legal counsel on advisory work.

at each step in the process.

Our cost-effective fees are transparent and easy to understand,

→ AI-powered due diligence

and we work on a consultancy, flexible staffing or managed ser-

Due diligence is time-consuming but crucial. But now, with

vices basis depending on need. Here are some of our key services:

the application of legal AI, we can turn time-consumed into time gained. Legadex is a front-runner in adopting artificial

→ Legal entity management

intelligence technology and we now offer Luminance, the

Legadex can take care of your recurring international corporate

leading artificial intelligence platform for the legal profession.

housekeeping, documentation and public filing needs. This ser-

Luminance accelerates due diligence document review with

vice keeps your legal entities in good legal standing. It includes

time savings of up to 75%. It combines supervised and unsu-

full corporate database management, templates for corporate

pervised machine learning to understand legal data and reveal

legal documentation, regular updates of corporate files, drafting

key information such as datapoints, clauses and anomalies.

of corporate decisions and minutes and document upload, filing and reporting.

→ Contract review

More information?

Reviewing NDAs, DPAs and commercial contracts is an essential but time-consuming task for legal. Our contract review service

For more information or to get the ball rolling, contact

lifts the burden with checks against standard and custom crite-

Morad Kada or Luc van Daele:

ria, while for large review needs, our automated contract review platform accelerates and improves the review and negotiation

Morad Kada


T: +31(0)20-8208396 E: mkada@legadex.com

→ Contract management The Legadex contract management service ensures that portfo-

Luc van Daele

lio companies and PE firms can always count on having a clear

T: +31(0)20-8208396

and full overview of key contracts and relevant provisions. They

E: lvandaele@legadex.com

also get alerts when action is needed. This service covers the full contract lifecycle, including drafting and negotiation, insertion of contracts and contractual terms into your systems, and reporting and audit.

→ Risk and compliance management We can help your legal team stay on top of fast-changing regulations for compliance and risk management. Think of KYC, UBO, third-party DD and GDPR monitoring, including guidance and implementation of compliance tooling and ongoing flexible support to manage the related day-to-day work streams.

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