Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2020 JinzeLi (Leo) (1074214) Dylan Li, Studio23
Week One
Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.
According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)
As opposed to signifying and symbolic operations one of the greatest potentials of the diagrams are to produce organisations with multiple readings , according to Zeara-Poli’s opnion , he differenciates the diagrams from symbols or signs based on Charles S Pierece ‘s classification on different signs which suggests a sign as a stimulus pattern that contains a specific meaning . According to the difference between diagrams and signs, symbols, Zeara-Polo suggests that diagrams are different due to its ability to lack qualities of each of the types of signs . Instead, a diagram is the tool use to describe relationships and to prescribe performances in spaces and may have different results depending on how it was deployed , it is actually served as an organisational roles and at the same time can have a performative quality .
Week One
Precedent Analysis
Here are a series of images that show the first week working progress , i Started modelling the pavilion by tracing the given timber frame and array the frame according to the scale .Durign the first week process, the most used comands contains extrudecurve, array, gumball, planarsrf, split and cap
gerdastudio, Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, arch. Peter Zumthor with Viabizzuno, London UK.
Timber Frame, Perspective
Surface, Perspective
Overall Structure, Perspective
After finish the first week modelling , mistakes has been found through the studio feedback which the timber frame was too thick in compare to the real size utlised in UK, changes has been made during the following week with additional details added to the final model
Week Two
Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture.
Herzberger discusses how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)
To some extent, Zumthor’s Serpentine Gallery Pavilion have limitations in its flexibility of function, yet Zumthor has designed several threshold that are flexible for the audience to enter to or exit from the central private garden . This allow the visitors to experience the idea of ‘‘ in between ‘‘ spaces , flexible with more or less space all depending on individuals’ preference. People can have flexible choice to circulate through the corridor for several times before leave or enter the inner private garden or on the other side they also have the choice to circulate straight in or out the garden and dismiss the corridors at all. According to the interior garden , except the benches have clear function as the sitting area for peope to chat or rest , all the other spaces inside the garden are designed without limitations , they are felexible for the visitors in which the visitors can develop their own type of occupation.
Week Two Isometric
Isometric of Peter Zumthor’s Serpentine Gallery Pavilion
The bottom image on the left captured the raw model produced based on the provided resources from LMS (the plan, section and top view context). The model on its top is my final isometric inwhich i separated the whole model into three apparent parts in order to highlight different elements and at the same time make the isometric be clear and understandable for audiences from divergent fields. According to The Final Isometric at the top , i deliberately splitted the whole pavilion into three thirds, the first third on the left displays the interior appearance , highlighting the significant routes as where the circulation take place, these routes attract vistors’ interest , lead them to the central private garden but at he same time provides flexible entrances and exits (thresholds). The middle third displays two ways of showing the timber frame that coved by exterior surfaces, one with all the timber frames bared outside and the other side displayed with high transparency surface(achieved by using ghosted view) , this allowed the interesting cantilivered roof to be seen and provide a concept on how that structure has been achieved. Additionally, the top third shows the exterior structure . This section was purposely changed into shaded view with low transparency in order to clearly highlights the sloped roof faces . This architectural structure lead the sunlight into the central garden and in a sense emphasises the central garden space . For Zumthor’s pavilion in the real life, the corridor painted with black played a significant role in separating the inner private garden from the outside and heavily affected how visitors are transitoned all the way from exterior world to the interior private garden. As a result my rhino model was focused on these details which i have produced every single piece of wall and gave them a suitable thickness to communicate their importance.
Week Two
Circulation Diagram
Threshold Diagram
These circulation diagrams displays the possible paths that visitors may take , lines on the top displays
Starting from the diagram at the top, this image simply display the function of six exterior threshold as the
all the possible routes durignthe human circulation while the one on the bottom focus on a random
place to enter or exit , the arrows to both exterior and interior shows the flexibility on this architecture’s
circulation may happen within the area. The bottom image was produced through Rhino6, utlising the
threshols that can function as either entrance or exit according to demands. The middle diagram display
comand ‘‘ pipe’’ to clearly display the circulation . Additionally, the diagram in the middle was created with
the relationship between density and the ten flexible threshold, showing the people as little dots to occupy
the grasshopper plugin , showing a more random circulation map
and across the space . Lastly, for the bottom diagram it focused on the relationship between threshols and views , the exterior brown bubble represents the outside world while the green bubble means the view of
private garden , thresholds provides the connection between bubbles and transition exterior visitors to the central garden
Appendix Process
Here are a series of images showing the modelling progress all the way from scratch to complete, this image displays the process of tracing and arraying the timber frame
After tracing and arraying the timber frame into a long section , the comand ‘‘split’’ was used to create the corner angle, during the process, planarsrf was used as ‘‘ cutting object’’
After the half completion of the whole timber structure , comand ‘‘mirror’’ was used to create the opposite half part in order to save time and complete the timber structure
After the completion of timber structure, i then started the base and interior structure of the pavilion , a double wall was created to provide thickness for thresholds
Then the structure was further built to the exterior , another double wall was created with similar structure to give thickness and threshold.
The exterior surface was constructed by individual separated pieces of concrete , creating the line texture
Modelling Progress
Appendix Process
Here are three images sourced from rhino through grasshopper that showing the progress of human circulation through the grey colour ( represent vision)
Circulation Simulation
Appendix Process
This assemble process diagram clearly display the sequence of modelling progress and clearly explain the construction of the pavilion
Assemble Process
Appendix Process
Section View (Left)
Section View (Front)
Plan View Here are some images of section and plan view of the pavilion, clearly displaying the vegetation area and occupation of the space , (rhino was set to ghosted mode inorder to give transparency for vision)
Appendix Process
Here are some images showing some perspective views both for the interior , threshold and exterior. The top left image display the inner private garden , bottom left captured two threshols to show the occupants circulation as the in-between space and the image on the righ t displays an overview of the exterior pavilion whcih these three perspective views provide an overview ifrom divergent angles.
Digital Design : Module1 For further information please visit my WIX website