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COMMUNITY CALENDAR: Ongoing and Upcoming Events, PAGE 4

The Courier


JUNE 28, 2017 | GulfCoastNewsToday.com |



Bay Minette woman gets $300,000 bond on child pornography production charges

Lions Club Scholarships awarded

By CLIFF McCOLLUM cliff@gulfcoastmedia.com

The Fairhope Lions Club recently awarded its two Luke Lancaster scholarships. For more, see page 31.

Dragon boats rocked the water at the 4th annual Dragon Boat Festival Fuse Project’s Dragon Boat Festival has become one of the largest fundraising events in South Alabama. For more, see page 34.

A 37-year-old Bay Minette woman has been given a $300,000 bond in charges stemming from the production of child pornography involving her own children. Jennifer Lynne Weekley is charged with three counts: sexual abuse of a child under 12, permitting or allowing a child to engage in production of obscene matter and production of obscene matter. During a bond hearing on June 21, Assistant District At-

Pavillion Music Series continues at Spanish Fort Town Center Spanish Fort Town Center will continue to host its new Pavilion Music Series from 6:30 until 8 p.m. each Thursday evening through August 24. For more, see page 32.


Matthew Donald Akstin Clarence Albert Burgess Genesis Israel Cooper Torrey Thadd Mund Clifford Oliver Peters Jacqueline Poling Stroud

torney Matt Simpson laid out the charges against Weekley and some of the information that led to her arrest. “What we have in this case is Ms. Weekley has communicated with an individual in Florida via text message conversations,” Simpson said. “We have those text message conversations. In those conversations, she discusses with this person in Florida as to the acts that she would perform with her children who were a girl at the age of 6 or 7 at the time and a boy the age of 3 or 4 at the time.” Simpson said multiple acts

‘The sound of freedom’? Military aircraft noise an issue for some Fairhope residents By CLIFF McCOLLUM cliff@gulfcoastmedia.com


Pre Cotillion classes held in Fairhope

Late last week, Fairhope Mayor Karin Wilson posted on her official Facebook page a letter sent to the commanding officer at NAS Whiting Field about noise at the Fairhope Airport from military aircraft. In the letter dated June 15, Wilson informs Captain Todd Bahlau of numerous complaints from residents nearby to the airport “I wanted to write and formal request a public meeting between the Navy and the Fairhope citizens that are impacted by the military aircrafts (sic) in our community,” Wilson wrote. “I have received an excessive amount of complaints from area residents. The items of concern are aircrafts (sic) flying too low, continuous touch and go training, time of aircraft activity (as late as midnight) and overall frequency of aircrafts (sic)

since last spring.” Wilson wrote the aircraft were impacting people’s decisions to to live in the city. “The military aircrafts (sic) are driving residents out of Fairhope due to the constant noise, it is seriously impacting the quality of life and will potentially impact the real estate values,” Wilson wrote. “Please let me know how we can support our military, while working to combat this problem, so Fairhope can continue to be the premier community that we love.” Wilson proposed three dates for public meetings for Bahlau to accept: Aug. 8, Sept. 12 and Sept. 26. Wilson initially posted the letter June 21, but that post was deleted. In a follow up explanation on June 22, Wilson said the post was accidentally deleted. “I apologize for accidentally deleting the post and thread addressSEE NOISE, PAGE

Daphne says goodbye to city clerk were included in the productions Weekley allegedly created. “These are acts that she would perform on the children, the children would perform on her and the children would perform amongst themselves that she would encourage,” Simpson said. “She would photograph these at the request of this individual in Florida and send these images to this individual in Florida.” Simpson said authorities have confiscated the individual from Florida’s cell phone and SEE PORNAGRAPHY, PAGE


Spanish Fort High AP reading list pulled after concerns from residents By CLIFF McCOLLUM cliff@gulfcoastmedia.com

Concerns from local residents have led to a summer reading list for a Spanish Fort High School AP Government/Economics being pulled. Spanish Fort High teacher Gene Ponder’s summer reading list for his class included a number of texts from a majority of conservative and right-leaning authors including Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, Ron Paul, Thomas Sowell, Chuck Colson and Ronald Reagan. Some of the titles of the books included “Trickle Up Poverty: Stopping Obama’s Attacks on Our Borders, Economy and Security,” “Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto,” “48 Liberal Lies About American History,” “Guilty: Liberal ‘Victims’ and Their Assault on America,” “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder,” and “The Land of Fair Play: American Civics from a Christian Perspective,” to name a few. Ponder had previously been a Republican candidate for Alabama’s lieutenant governorship back in 2010. Posts shared on social media on June 21 questioned if the Baldwin County School System had endorsed the reading list and the perceived lack of diversity of ideas, as well as whether it met the reading levels required for a 12th grade AP class.




Rebecca Hayes retiring after 17 years with city By CLIFF McCOLLUM cliff@gulfcoastmedia.com

Daphne city leaders paid tribute to outgoing City Clerk Rebecca Hayes last week, as she steps into retirement at the end of June. Councilman Joe Davis thanked Hayes for “putting up with the country boy who wasn’t sure of a lot of things.” “You’ve always been understanding and kind,” Davis said. “We don’t have anybody taking your place. We have someone following you.” Councilman Robin LeJeune echoed Davis’ sentiments. “It’s been a great pleasure working with you and enjoyable to come by and see you in your office,” LeJeune said. “You’ve always given me good advice.” Councilman Pat Rudicell said Hayes was one of the people who helped him even before he came into office. “I thank you for all of the help,” Rudicell said. “You were one of the people who convinced me about the opportunity to serve. I appreciate you doing that - sometimes.” Councilwoman Tommie Conaway said she had the pleasure of knowing Hayes for many years. “When I was principal, I could always come to city hall and see her friendly face,” Conaway said. “Thank you for 17 years of dedication and commitment to the city of Daphne.” Former Councilman John Lake rose during public comments to pay tribute to Hayes as well. “She’s been a great person to work with,” Lake said. “We may have disagreed at times, and I may have gotten mad a few times, but I still love you.” Council President Ron Scott said Hayes had sometimes had to referee some battles between the council members over the years and he was thankful for all of her hard work and kindness. Hayes spent 13 years with the city as assistant clerk before SEE CLERK, PAGE


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HEALTH, 20-21

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