Collections Store Access Guidelines

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Leighton House Collection Store Access Guidelines

Book an appointment

The Collection Store at Leighton House can be visited by appointment only on Wednesdays between 10am-12pm.

Appointments must be made at least two weeks in advance. Please book your appointment by contacting us by email or by phone:


Tel 020 7361 3783

The maximum amount of time you can spend in the Collection Store is one hour.

Any collection item requests must be submitted in advance when booking your appointment. Please make these are as specific as possible and have a look at the collection online before your visit

Collections at Leighton House and Sambourne House can be researched online:


Smartify | Leighton House

The museum is committed to providing access to the collections and archives however due to issues with the condition of certain objects or inaccessibility, it reserves the right to deny requests.

Please also note that information and images about Frederic Leighton, Linley Sambourne and both Leighton House and Sambourne House is also held in other collections eg RIBA, V&A etc

Plan your Visit

• All coats and large bags must be left in the lockers and on the coat hooks provided. Museum staff will show you where to go on arrival at the museum.

• The collections must not be damaged or defaced in any way. Only pencils or laptops may be used in the collection store. Tracing is not allowed. Do not bring into the Collection Store the following items: pens, marker pens, crayons, paints, correction fluid, glue, ink,

scissors, staplers, post-it notes or any substance or equipment which might damage items from the collection

• No object can be removed from the Collection Store.

• Museum staff will supervise any visitors in the Collection Store.

• Museum staff will advise on the correct handling method for items and provide gloves where necessary. Some items may only be handled by museum staff.

• There is limited space in the Collection Store to work (a stool and small table). There is WiFi.

• It might be possible to photocopy a collection item /or send images digitally for a fee (£10)

• No eating or drinking is permitted in the Collection Store.

• Photography (with own equipment, no flash) is permitted for non-commercial research only.

• Copying from the collections must comply with current UK copyright legislation.

• If you require an image for reproduction for commercial use please fill out the form below:

• Leighton House and Sambourne House Image Reproduction Fees by Leighton House and Sambourne House - Issuu

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