Marion Sambourne's Complete Diaries, 1882-1914

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MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1882 Jan 1882 Sunday 1 January 1882 Sausages. Bacon. Mrs Paxton called, lent Maud book. Ada SJ, Sp & baby called. Took Maud & Baby for walk. Had rather a time with B. Met Mother & Mervyn. Dined at Bernand’s. V. jolly dinner. F.Wilson, Mr ///, Mrs Hall & Mr & Miss Hollingshead. All children down to dinner. Had carriage. Monday 2 January 2 Went out with Maud. Met Mrs O’s mother. My cold better, Lin’s beginning. Mother & Con came in evg to tea. Papa seedy. Tuesday 3 January Took Maud for walk. Mrs S with us. Mrs S took Maud long walk. Went with Mother to Mde Boquet’s & stores. Wednesday 4 January. Bacon. Took Maud to Mother’s to spend day, gave her lovely baby doll. Lin’s cold dreadful. Lin dined at Punch dinner. Sat Mother’s, no company. Nellie Humphreys married today. Lovely day, warm. Window cleaner. Thursday 5 January. Bacon. Roast leg mutton, suet pud & treacle, milk do. White soup, corned beef, apple cust. Lovely day & warm. Lin’s cold still bad, raw place painful still. Miss Breffit came. Lin, Maud & self in carriage to Mrs Bradbury’s juvenile party. Burnands, a’Becketts etc there. Maud v. sweet. Good conjuror. Home ½ p 10. Had supper. Friday 6 January. Bacon. Corned beef. Cold mutton, sole, custard apples, milk pud. 3 red mullet, croquettes of beef. R sheep’s heart, spinach, Scotch herring. Wet warm morning. Went & paid books. A Tucker? & brother called. Met Mrs Banting. Mrs Palmer called. Saturday 7 January. Bacon, corned beef, 3 boiled eggs. Roast shoulder mutton, cod head, cauliflower, herring. Lunched with Lin at Rules. Went to see Panorama in Leicester Sqre, splendid pantomime. Mervyn & Mrs S joined us after. Box for Drury Lane. Con came in after dinner. Sunday 8 January. Sausages, corned beef. Roast fowl, cold shoulder mutton, apple tart. Thick soup, red mullet, kidneys & bacon. Roast leg mutton, Cabinet pud, herring. Mr & Mrs Fildes to dinner. Lunched at Mother’s. Ada back. Wet afternoon, lovely morning. Monday 9 January. Bacon, corned beef. Cold leg mutton, milk pud, castle do. Scalloped pork, potato meats? Curried fowl, genoese pastry, cod’s roe. Lovely morg. Walked to Mrs Lord’s sent off advertisement to Daily Telegraph for Cook. Mrs S gone north for calls. Saw Cook ans to advertisement. Maud’s cold v. bad, B better. Con came in morg. Saw father & mother in carriage. X Little friend arrived before breakfast 3 days too soon. Tuesday 10 January.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bacon. 2 eggs. Corned beef. Roast leg mutton, 2 genoese pastry, 2 milk puds. Sole, hashed mutton shoulder, 2 sheep’s hearts, spinach, cod’s roe. Price’s dance, 9 o’c. Put off Ada S.J & baby & Mrs Tomlin who were coming to tea. Con came in. Played cribbage with Mrs S. Went to bed early. Maud cold still bad. Baby better & out again. Wednesday 11 January. 2 boiled eggs, bacon. Hashed mutton, sole, bread & butter pud. Fillet of beef, milk pud. Miss Breffitt in nursery?. Breakfast in bed. Saw 2 cooks. Saw 10 cooks but only 2 at all likely, handsome parlourmaid. Kate out early & in at 10 o’c. No one called. Mrs S paid books. Played cribbage all the evg. Thursday 12 January. Bacon. Roast beef, milk pud, boiled rice. Cresse soup fresh herrings brown bread & but. Fowl, Scotch herring. Reed out afteroon. Saw three cooks. Mervyn came in. Collinson’s dance, Mrs Abbot’s dance. Friday 13 January. Bacon. Minced beef, cold fowl, milk pud. White soup, rechauffee of fowl, cabinet pud. Sent cheques to Leonce? £8.19.6. Syrett? £4.4.0. & H//? Stone £13.13.0. Went with Mother to Boquet’s, took baby, so good. Ordered dress. Went to Soho Bazaar. Mother very poorly. Lin dined at Mr Black’s, Reform Club. Mother asked us to dinner, not well enough to dine out yet. Had letter from Mrs Holbertson about Tollman. Mrs Quinton? Twiss called. Saturday 14 January. Cocoa in. Bacon. Roast leg of mutton, 2 milk puds. White soup, lobster, minced beef, soft herring roe. Geraldine lunched here & went out for a little walk after with her. Ada & Bars called & had tea with us, Lin home. Miss Wells came also. Mrs Tollman called, engaged to take her from Thursday next. Lin went & played billiards with Edgar, Tiff at dinner annoyed Mrs S will interfere. Sunday 15 January. Sausages. Cold mutton, boiled do, Laura & milk puddings. Lin & self dined & spent long day at Mother’s. Very tired. Mother rather seedy. She went to church evg with Mervyn. Lin very funny. Went to Club & home to supper. Cold raw evg. No one called. Monday 16 January. Bacon. Hashed mutton & steak, 2 milk pud. Fish. Shoulder mutton, sprouts, spinach & eggs, cabinet pud, Scotch herring. Nellie K to dinner. Saw new washing woman for Lin’s shirts. Went with Mother to Hampstead to take B.B. back. Called on Mrs du Maurier, saw her. Cook ill. Kate cooked dinner. Little Reed waited. Tuesday 17 January. Bacon. Cold shoulder mutton, 2 milk pud. Tripe, minced mutton, milk pud. Raw morg. Went out for sharp walk & felt better. Bought stockings & cold cream at Barkers, 9/6. Cook better. Went after situation. Mrs Blackburn’s juvenile party & Mrs Griggs? juvenile party. Too cold & raw to take Maud. Wednesday 18 January. Bacon. Roast leg of mutton. 2 milk puds. Grilled? Mutton & milk pud. Lunch party at Mother’s. Went out & pd all the books very high. Cold & foggy. Miss Breffit,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 C.Stokes & Geraldine at Mother’s. Cook after places. Mrs S remained at home. Tab came in to tea & Con also. Thursday 19 January. Bacon. Cold mutton, beef tea, suet pud & treacle. White soup, shoulder of mutton, turnip tops onion sauce & cabinet pud. Cod’s roe. Cook leaves, Mrs Tollman comes. Cold raw day but not freezing. Letter from Mrs Bosanquet. Lin went & played billiards with Edgar at 10 o/c. Friday 20 January. Bacon & 3 poached eggs. Minced mutton, knuckle of mutton boiled for children, potatoes, cabbage, milk pud. Crimped skate, fillet of beef, spinach, macaroni cheese. Mrs Tollman’s first dinner. Went out shopping, nurse also. To damp & cold for children to go out. Saturday 21 January. 3 bloaters, jam etc. Mutton, cold do, milk pud. Irish stew, cauliflower, apple Charlotte & cheese etc. Lunched with Lin at Rules & went to Covent G pantomime, good. Ada & B.B. joined us there. Mrs S went to Mrs Linley’s till Monday. Lin & self dined alone. Long letter from Jessie by last post. Sunday 22 January. Sausages. Mutton, milk pud. Soup, filleted soles, kidneys. Beef roast, apple tart & custard. Lunched at Mother’s, B.B. there. Marion & W Todd called. G Noller called, came back to tea. Edgar dined with us. Mrs Chaytor & Capt Montgomerie unable to come. Felt very seedy. Monday 23 January. Bacon, 2 poached eggs. Cold beef, milk puds. Artichoke soup, fried mackeral, 2 roast fowl, vegetables & Mrs S pud. Soft roe of herrings. Tilda coming up. Went out shopping. Cold & raw. Met Mrs H. Dickens. Alice & Mrs S coming up to go to Lyceum Theatre. Wrote to Mrs Barker. Pd washing woman. Alice remains night. Tuesday 24 January. 2 bloaters, 3 slices bacon, jam. Hashed beef, fish rechauffee, suet pud, milk pud, remains of Mrs S pud. Lin & self dine at Mother’s. Marion coming to tea. Went for walk with Alice, took Don. Wednesday 25 January. Bacon, grilled fowl. Leg of mutton, boiled rice, milk pud. Grilled fowl, grilled mackerel, milk pudding. Cheese etc. Punch dinner. Mrs S & self to dinner. Mrs Weld Blundell & Ada to tea. Kate out. Mrs W.Blundell came looking very cold after Ada & Miss Murdoch left. Thursday 26 January. Bacon, grilled fowl. Cold mutton, fowl done up, Laura pud. Stewed eels, shoulder of mutton, onion sauce, cabbages, potatoes, partridges roast, apple custards. Bachelor dinner at Mother’s. Ada & Miss Murdoch to dinner here. Lin at Mother’s. Very cold & raw. Out with Mrs S morg. Don’t think much of Mrs T as cook. Con came in. Friday 27 January. Haddock. Cold shoulder of mutton, Laura pud & milk do, 2 apples. Stewed eels, stewed steak, roast partridge, morangues? 2 apples. Mrs T not well. Ought to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 have gone to Boquet’s about dress, can’t afford to. Books fearfully heavy. Called afternoon on MrsMc///? Geraldine, Miss Hogarth & Aunt Linda, only Marion in. Mr Todd called while there. Dined at 8.15. Lin hard at work on “Gambetta’s Fall”. Saturday 28 January. Sprats, 3 hard boiled eggs, ///? Roast beef, 2 milk puds. Fish, minced mutton, fillet of beef & beetroot. Three cornered tarts, Scotch herring. Lin gone hunting with German Reed breakfasted at 8 o/c. Lovely milk? bright day. Go to Madame Boquet’s with Mother. Pd Mrs T £1.0.0 in advance. Called on Mrs Spofforth, Mrs Tomlin (Mrs Speed & son there) Mrs F.White, Mother & Mrs Paxton. Had cheque of £12.5.0 for sale of shares ///? Reed rather seedy in evg. Sunday 29 January. Sausages, bacon. Cold beef, fowl, tarts, blancmange. Spend long day at Mother’s. Nurse to Church. Mrs S with us. No one called. Very quiet day. Monday 30 January. Bacon. Hashed beef, 2 milk pud. Steak & onions, fish, shoulder of mutton roast, pud etc. 10 o/c egg sandwiches. Ada & Edgar went with us. Box for Court, “Engaged”. Mervyn came in our box, very empty house. H.Fletcher & Con in stalls. Lunched at Blanchards with Mother after going to Boquet’s. Called after with Mother Mrs Parish & Gen Tucker, don’t like him. Mrs P out. Tuesday 31 January. Bacon. Fowl roast, cold shoulder mutton, Mrs S pud, cheesecake. White soup, soles fried, curried fowl, custard pud. Alice & Fanny Barker to lunch & tea. Mrs S goes to Barnsbury for few days. Box for Covent Garden altered. Con came in afternoon. Tea at H.Peto’s. Unable to go. Lin & self dined alone. Feb 1882 Wednesday 1 February. Bacon. Leg of mutton, boiled rice, milk pud. Dine at Mother’s. Call with Ada on Mrs Twiss (out) Mrs Geiger, Palmer & Boehm, all at home. Gore? Tomlin to tea with Maud, rather rough. Lin home late after discussion. Thursday 2 February. Bacon. Cold mutton, knuckle warmed for children, bread pud & Laura do. Scallops of fish, minced mutton, fowl, cheese. Very cold. Miss Breffit not come. Mrs T seedy. Awful fog. Tea at Langham with H.Fletcher 4 o/c. Went to Con’s Club to tea. Called with Ada on Mrs Lewis, Mrs Joshua, Mrs Messel & Mrs MacKenzie. Very bad dinner. Friday 3 February. Bacon. Grilled fowl, roast beef & Yorkshire pud, milk pud. Curried mutton, steak, baked potatoes, coffee Savoy, & baked Laura, cod’s roe. Went & made coffee Savoy in kitchen. Miss Breffit came. Foggy rather in afternoon. Did shopping. Called in afternoon on Mrs Coward, Ada S.J, Mrs Stone & Mrs Fildes. Had tea there, nearly had nose smashed in hansom cab by glass coming down. Con came in. Had quiet dinner at 8.30. Saturday 4 February. 2 bloaters. Hashed beef, milk pud, ///? Clear soup, shoulder of mutton, cauliflower, baked potatoes, Scotch herring. No box came for Pantomime. Went out shopping, v. cold & foggy. Go to Pantomime with Maud. Mrs S returns. V.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 foggy. Lin rode out to lunch, M & self alone. Made jelly, prepared fruit for compote, sent Kate to Mrs Cotton’s with note for Mrs B. Miss Hogarth, Mr Holland, & Mrs Stone called. Mrs S not coming till Monday on acc of fog. Div C.Argentine came £2.10.0. Sunday 5 February. Sausages, bacon. Cold mutton, minced do. Apple tart. Clear soup, scalloped scallops, beef olives. L of mutton, cauliflower, potatoes. Partridges, bread sauce, breadcrumbs, watercress. Fruit salad & cream, anchovies on toast. Mr & Mrs Bosanquet & Con to dinner. Asked Mr & Mrs a’Beckett. Had v pleasant dinner. Carew to see Mother, borrowed coffee cups & 2 silver dishes fr her. Children had dinner at Mother’s. Monday 6 February. Bacon. Cold mutton, warmed beef olives for children, jelly, apple tart, cheese. Rissoles, warmed bird & salad, jelly.& preserve, cod’s roe. Mrs S returned morg, did glasses, took fearful time, lunch v. late, after 2. Mrs T about beer, 29 gal went in fortnight. Con came in v. cold. Box for Her Majesties Theatre (opera) sent it Mother. X Little friend arrived afternoon. Tuesday 7 February. Bacon. Roast leg mutton, jelly. Fruit & tapioca puds. 4 herrings, minced mutton & macaroni round tinned peas, cheese cake, cod’s roe. Very seedy. H.Fletcher & Mrs Dickens called. Cold day. Wednesday 8 February. Bacon. Hashed mutton leg. Laura pud, milk do. Artichoke soup, steak, baked Laura. Arranged with Mrs T to have £25 a year & no beer. Had 9 gal in cellar morg. Very seedy. Mother came, brought 5 eggs & ginger. Cold. Books v. high - 6 ½ lbs of butter & no company in one week. Butcher’s book fearfully high. Nurse went out, put Maud to bed. Thursday 9 February. Bacon & boiled egg. 2 steak puds, milk pud. Three fresh herrings, small leg muton, artichokes & potatoes, jelly, cod’s roe. Seedy, v. cold. Cap. Montgomerie called, do not care much for him. Stayed ages, thought he was never going. Friday 10 February. Egg. 2 bloaters. Cold leg mutton, jelly, milk puds & jam tarts for kitchen. Soup, fish filleted plaice & steak. Apple //? cod’s roe. Mrs T gave notice, expences v. heavy not enough in kitchen!!! Went & bought “Happy Family”. Mrs S paid books. Met Miss Blakey?, F.Livesey. & Con. V.cold. Mrs Cotton dinner 7.30, too seedy to go. Saturday 11 February. Bacon. Poached egg. Sirloin beef, 2 milk puds, boiled rice. Fried fillets of plaice, fowl, salad & potatoes, tartlets. Cod’d roe. Fine day. Took Baby to Albert Hall & Lin to see Assault of Arms. All Royal family there. Mother & Mervyn came, wanted me to go to Drury Lane Theatre ///? but too tired to go. Sunday 12 February. Sausages, bacon, poached egg. Cold sirloin beef, rechauffee of fowl, apple tart, milk puds. Brown soup, Irish stew, preserved fruit, milk pud, cod’s roe. Wet. Went to church. Mother & Mervyn there. Nurse neuralgia, Baby x. Took cab. Maud Lin &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 self to Hyde Park Corner & walked there afternoon. Lovely sunny & warm. Met Ansdells & Burnands, did not speak. Lin on to Club, home to dinner. Good sausages from Hales. Monday 13 February. Bacon. Irish stew, hashed beef, rice pud, preserve, apple tart, milk pud. Dull morg. Children not out. Go to stay at Mrs Hartree’s at 4.30. Awful neuralgia in head. Headache. Tuesday 14 February. Bacon. Mrs Bosanquet’s dance. Wednesday 15 February. Thursday 16 February. Mrs Chester’s dinner party ¼ to 8. Reed’s 3 month’s wages due. Friday 17 February. Saturday 18 February. Mrs Ledgard’s juvenile party. Sunday 19 February. Monday 20 February Mrs Ross’s dinner party. Tuesday 21 February. Wednesday 22 February. Returned from Mrs Hartree’s. Went for drive with her alone. Had tea & came home. Dined with Mother. Con met me at Charing X. Mrs S not very well. Mother in bed. Rather noisy dinner. Thursday 23 February. Sausages. Stewed steak & roast fowl, boiled rice, milk puds. Mrs M Stone’s dinner 7.30. Miss Breffit came. Mrs Geiger’s dinner party also, accepted Mrs S’s first. Spoke to grocer about Mrs T. Called to see Baby Fildes. Took primroses to Mother. Mrs Coward called & stayed some time. Con came. Sent £100 for shares in American stock. X Friday 24 February. 2 bacon & 2 poached eggs. Roast leg of mutton, boiled rice, 2 milk puds. Soup, rechauffee of fowl & salad, apple Charlotte, anchovies & onion. Spoke to Mrs Tollman. Cold foggy morning. Called to speak about books & went to see about cok at Mrs Ellis’s.16 Argyle Rd. Called on Mrs Mackenzie & Mrs Livesey. Saturday 25 February. Bacon & poached egg. Cold mutton, mackeral, suet pud. Large sole, sirloin of beef & sponge pud, cod’s roe. Lunch party at Mother’s. Lin went in after dinner. Walked out, saw Lin riding. Gave Kate her 3 month’s wages £5.0.0. Sunday 26 February.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sausages. Cold beef, boiled neck of mutton, apple tart, chocolate sponge pud. Fresh herrings, 2 pigeons cold beef, baked potatoes, salad & fritters, cod’s roe. Lin & self lunched at Mother’s & had tea there. Walked round pond with Lin, hurt heel. Warm day. Disio?? & Howel called. Sophy F at Mother’s. Monday 27 February. 3 bacon, ½ pigeon. Cold beef, neck of mutton, pud remains, 2 milk do, macaroni cheese. Mrs Boehm’s dinner ¼ to 8. Gave Miss B rec’d letter. Letter from maid/cook, to see lady next Thursday. Long letter from Jessie. Bad heel. Warm day. Mrs S paid books. Mrs Shehy?? & daughter called. Very jolly dinner. Wore red velvet, had carriage, wet night. Mrs Tollman went out, came home seedy. Tuesday 28 February. Bacon. Hashed beef, cold do, 2 milk puds, bread & butter do & Laura do. Baked haddock, Shoulder of mutton, baked potatoes, vegetables, apple Charlotte, cod’s roe. First night of German Reeds. Mrs T in bed. Went & did lunch self. Mrs S v. seedy & depressed. Cold east wind. Mrs Tucker & Olive, F & K Hepworth, Bee & Mrs Silver called. Mar 1882 Wednesday 1 March. Bacon, boiled egg. Cold shoulder of mutton, gravy for children, 2 milk puds, suet roly poly & jam. Minced beef & apple Charlotte. Mrs Fair called. Dine alone with Mrs S dinner party at Mother’s. Go to tea Mrs Fildes. Invitation fr Mrs Silver. Lovely day. Spoke to Mrs Tollman. Called on Mrs Stone, Mrs Fildes & Mrs Hunter. Had tea at Laura & Fanny’s. L walked home with me. Con came & took me to Mother’s. ?? & ?? & ?? there. Thursday 2 March. Bacon, boiled egg. Steak, filleted plaice, mince mutton, apple turnovers, 2 milk puds. Filleted plaice, butter stewed pigeons, leg mutton, new potatoes, G artichokes, orange preserve, Aldershot pud, cod’s roe. Go about character of cook, tolerable. Mrs Silver dinner 7.30. Go to theatre, Gaiety. Cap Montgomerie, Con & Mervyn to dinner. Maud better. Lovely day, wet afternoon. Nellie Keith called. Mrs Orchardson called. 9 gal beer in. Friday 3 March. Bacon, 1 egg. Cold mutton, fish, treacle pud, 2 milk puds. Soup, steak, macaroni, milk pud, apple turnovers, scotch herring. Lovely morg. Maud’s cold better not able to go out yet. Called on Miss Wells & Nellie. Had tea there & called on Mother, very seedy. Had /// letter fr Mrs Stone about parcel. Mrs Joshua & Mrs du Maurier called. Mrs S saw Mrs J. Saturday 4 March. Bacon, 1 egg. Baked haddock, hashed mutton treacle pud 2 milk pud rice do. Soup, sirloin of beef, potatoes, turnip tops, apple turnovers & Scotch herring. Went to Academy old masters with Lin, Black & White do & Fine Art Gallery. Had tea with Mrs Huish, met Wells, Street, Mrs Moscheles, Mrs & Miss Gordon, called on C.Hartree. Con came in morg. Spoke to K about Morg room. S.Hall came to me evg, spoke about work. Mrs Thoerwitz? called, left cards. Bought toys for chicks. Recd letters fr Miss Hartree & Mrs Thornton. Sunday 5 March.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sausages. Fowl, turnip tops, cold beef, apple tart, chocolate shape. Dine at Mother’s, boys last Sunday. Marion & Mr Todd & Percy O came. Capt Welman called here. Nurse bad headache. Not satisfied with drawing room. Monday 6 March. Bacon, ///. Cold beef, cold fowl, milk pud, apple tart. Went out met Geraldine & Annabella Hutchinson. Lovely day. Vexed drawing room not properly cleaned. Went to Barkers about bill. Posted Lin’s letters. Dine at Mother’s. 16 to dine. Boys last night. Maud went out for first time for week, much better. Aunt & Uncle E, Marion, Dr King, Mr Terraro, Miss Murdoch, Mr & Mrs Barker & Sp, Mrs X’s brother. Danced after. Con little down. Tuesday 7 March. Bacon, poached egg. Cold beef, minced do, 2 milk puds, jelly. 2 fresh herrings & steak, Scotch hering. Lin went to see boys off, large number there. Little friend arrived in night Monday night. X. Conrad & Mervyn leave for Liverpool. Mrs Linley, Mrs Paxton & Marion called. Letter fr Mrs Burnand, Mr B ill. Wednesday 8 March. Bacon, poached egg. Roast leg of mutton, rice, turnip tops, 2 milk puds. Stewed eels, apple dumplings. Punch dinner. Letter about /// lost bracelet. Too seedy to go to Mother’s. Conrad & Mervyn sail for Buenos Aires. Lin goes to first night Lyceum “Romeo & Juliet”. Mrs Larnach & Mrs Ansdell, Miss Marriott & Ada came. Miss Breffit to tea. Mrs Critchett called about Mrs T’s character. Letter fr Mrs Burnand. Thursday 9 March. Sausages, poached egg. Cold mutton, sausages, Apple dumplings, rice pud & boiled mutton. Soup, shoulder of mutton, turnip tops, Laura pud. Lin dines Dr Orton’s. Mrs S goes to Ealing, Maud too. Lovely day. Miss B not come. Geraldine to tea. Jane came to see Nurse. Friday 10 March. Bacon, poached egg. Cold mutton, stewed eel, boiled knuckle mutton, Laura & bread puds. Soup, Steak, /// of mutton, jam tartlets, Scotch herring. Still v. seedy. Reed to stores, dull day. Maud’s lessons at 9.30. Mrs Tollman leaves. Sarah Hall comes. Invite from Mrs Joshua. Saturday 11 March. Bacon, poached egg. Roast leg of mutton, turnip tops, milk pud. Dined at Mother’s. Reed, Baby & self went to St Pancras to see Mrs S off. Mrs S leaves for Mosborough Hall. Mother called in afternoon. Very peculiar, afternoon turned quite dark at 4 o/c. Wet evg. Sunday 12 March. Bacon & sausages. Cold mutton, apple tart. Nurse, Maud, Baby, Lin & self dine at Mother’s. Dull yellow day. Went after lunch to Zoo. Saw Jumbo, great crowd. Uncle & Aunt Leigh came to supper, Spencer also. Spencer walked home with us. Maud & Mother went to see Ada Sp & Baby. Sp came back to tea & supper at Mother’s. Wet evg. Monday 13 March. 1 poached egg, 2 bacon. Cold mutton, minced do, baked & mashed potatoes, /// of flounders, cutlets & salad, G artichokes, apple fritters. Went out lovely morg


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 shopping. Met Huishs & Mrs Dickens. Called at Mother’s. Took cab to Mr McCarthy’s. Forbes Robertson, Mr Tree there, stayed some time Called on Mrs Silver charmed with her house. Lin & self dined alone. Long letter fr Conny & fr Mrs S. Cane boy came for first time. Tuesday 14 March. 2 bacon, 2 kippers. Boiled neck of mutton, turnip tops & vegetables & jam tartlets & milk pud. Soup, minced mutton, haricoted mutton, H beans, vegetables, apple Charlotte, ½ kipper. Lovely morg. Colder. Went out shopping morg. Marion g & Tab called. Ada went with Lin & self to see Manager?? Had carriage. Met Palmers there. Sad Lamson trial over, convicted. Wednesday 15 March. Fish cakes, bacon. Steak, boiled mutton, plaice, turnip tops, 2 milk puds, childrens do. Lovely day. Mrs Hartree’s at home 4 – 6. Mrs C ??. Went for walk with children & sat in Gds. Called in Mrs Birch? Saw Mrs Paxton there. Went on to C. hartree’s, Sp & Ada there. Lady & Sir Trevor Laurence, Goldies etc very pleasant afternoon. Dined at Mother’s only Father ??? Tab & self there. Kate out. Thursday 16 March. Bacon. Roast beef, artichokes, baked potatoes, milk pud. Cod & butter, cold beef salad, baked potatoes, fowl, seakale, bread pud & stewed rhubarb. Nellie coming to dinner. Lovely day. Went out morg. Called afternoon Mrs Hunter, Fildes, Ada S.J, Mrs Drabble, Miss Frith & Auntie. Spent 3/- on cab. Nellie here to dinner. Sp came in after dinner, he & Ada dining at Mother’s. Friday 17 March. 2 bacon. Minced beef, fowl rechauffee, bread pud & Laura do, milk pud. Dine at Mother’s. Called morg at Mother’s. Miss Breffit & Miss Murdoch there. Going to stores A.N at 3 with Mother. Ada & Bessie calling. Chicks & Nurse go to Mrs Coward’s to tea 4 o/c. Went with Mother in fly to Baker St Bazaar, Whiteleys etc. V. tired. Mme Toussauds. Lin went to Colin Hunter’s at home evg. Saturday 18 March. Potted fowl, ½ haddock. Roast leg of mutton, turnip tops, baked potatoes, rice, 2 milk puds, nursery cake. Dine at Mother’s. Lovely day. Mrs Tucker’s at home 5 0/c, music. Lin goes to Lady Rosebery’s at home 10 o/c. Called on Dr Harcourt & Prices on way to Genl Tucker’s. Lin went to Club & Lady Rosebery’s. Sunday 19 March. Sausages, bacon, potted fowl. Cold mutton, boiled knuckle of mutton, vegetables, ½ pay pud, blancmange. ? pigeons?, shoulder mutton, onion sauce, cauliflower au gratin, pud. Lunched & had tea at Mother’s. Went to church with Maud, Mother & Ada there. Mr Savory? Uncle, Auntie Ethel & Amy called & stayed tea. Sp & Ada came to dinner. Monday 20 March. 2 bacon, 1 poached egg. Sausages, mashed potatoes, hashed mutton & stewed eel. Baked ½ pay pud. Fish escallops, stewed pigeons, bruxelles sprouts, potatoes & curried mutton, rhubarb & boiled custard, Scotch herring. Mrs Goldie cming to tea. Ada leaves for Florence Sp takes her to Calais. Uncle John goes to F with her. Glorious day warm & lovely. Little Sarah not over clean, untidy. Olive comes to stay for week. Mr Murray called. Sp came after dinner, Called with Bar on Mrs McMillan 2 ???


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 21 March. ½ haddock, 2 poached eggs, watercress. Roast leg of mutton, rhubarb & custard, escalopes, rissoles, curried mutton, cold mutton, salad, chocolate Savoy. Jessie Cotton married, go to wedding. Music afternoon & ball in evg. Lovely day. Went with Sp to church. Mrs O, Ada & self to Cotton’s house. Very jolly afternoon, amateur band(?) Mrs Boughton, Humphreys, Tomlin, Mrs Molesworth asked me to call on her. Did not go to dance too tired! Sp & Ada v. X. Mrs O do. Mrs McTewraith(?) & Mrs McCarthy called. Wednesday 22 March. Poached egg, bacon, potted mutton. Rissoles, cold mutton, plaice, vegetables, rice milk, baked apples, rhubarb, chocolate Savoy. Lin, Olive & self dine at Mother’s. Called on Mrs Cornmell(?) Mrs Coward with Olive & then to Mrs Paxton’s at home 4-6. Very cold. Edgar at home. Went in to see Mother in morg. Marion there all day. Lin, O & self dined at Mother’s. Lin work after till 3 o/c in morg. Thursday 23 March. 2 kidneys, 2 bacon. Irish stew, vegetables, tartlets. Artichoke soup, crimped skate, neck of mutton roast cold. Vegetables. Mrs S pud. Paid Smith & Parker(?) bill 2/9. Rowed Barkers about bill & gas jet. Go to St James’ Theatre. Edgar at home. Drawing r windows cleaned. Enjoyed “Squire” immensely. Sad. Potted crab for supper & beef tea. Mother seedy. Friday 24 March. Potted crab, bacon. Irish stew, boiled plaice, Mrs S pud & bread do, rhubarb etc, potted crab. Artichoke soup, shoulder of mutton, parsnips, potatoes, Marlboro pud. Pictures on view Town Hall. “Patience” at Savoy, take Olive. Cleaned out cabinet with Olive in drawing room. Edgar came in while busy. Went to see Mother v. seedy. Had tea there. Geraldine & Miss Murdoch & Edgar there. Saw E off. Prince & Princess of Wales directly opposite to our box at Savoy Theatre. Mrs Stone & Mrs Morley called. Olive & self called on MrsFildes. Saturday 25 March. Potted crab, bacon, fish cakes. Cold shoulder of mutton, Laura pud. Go to D.L.Pantomime, took Maud, had carriage. Lin Olive & self dined at Mother’s. Mrs Parrish called. Miss Murdoch at Mother’s. Called on Mother in morg. Very tired after Pantomime. Sunday 26 March. Sausages, potted mutton, 2 boiled eggs. Leg mutton boiled with vegetables, plum pud, rhubarb & custard. Artichoke soup, roast sirloin beef, beetroot, potatoes, Marlboro pud, rhubarb, herring. Went to church with Olive & Miss Murdoch. Lunched at Mother’s. Mother v. poorly. Came back to dinner. Wrote to Mrs Sambourne to thank her for eggs & Ada & Mrs Bosanquet. Monday 27 March. Eggs, bacon & potted meat. Hashed mutton, potted meat, vegetables, jam tart. Clear soup, boiled cod(?) cold sirloin of beef, salad, rhubarb tart, blancmange, anchovies. Olive & self lunch at Mother’s. Take Olive home & call with Miss Murdoch. Mrs Jopling’s at home. Lunched at Mother’s. Left O at home & called on Auntie, out, saw Ethel, called on Mrs Moscheles & Mrs Archer, enjoyed it. Dinner alone with Lin. Sp came in after.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 28 March. Bacon, 2 poached eggs. Cold beef, bread & butter pud, marmalade etc. Went up to Stores with Bessie M, saw Mrs Chapman & Mrs Wheeler there, bought broom for garden & feather do, magnesia(?) powder & matches. Mrs Messel’s dinner party 7.15. Bazaar at Town Hall till Tuesday. Nellie called. Dull day. Mother little better. Very jolly dinner at Mrs M’s. Mr & Mrs Casavetti, Mr & Mrs Gilbert, Boughtons, 2 Miss Montalbergs, Mr & Mrs Ionides, etc. Lovely house. Had carriage. Wednesday 29 March. Bacon, fish cakes, potted meat. Cold beef, blancmange, rhubarb tart. Bazaar. Maud lunched at Mother’s. Dull day. Went to Bazaar with Bessie, Ethel H & Maud. Bought things there. Called on Mrs Invararitz(?) & Mrs Ledyard. Dine at Mother’s awfully tired. Thursday 30 March. 2 buttered eggs., potted meat, marmalade. Roast leg mutton, artichokes, potatoes, bread & milk puds. Went to see Mother, had little walk with Bessie. Lovely day. Mrs Joshua’s dinner party ¼ to 8 o/c. Go for drive with Mrs Messel to Richmond Park, enjoyed it immensely. Maud very sick & poorly. Mr & Mrs Perugini called. Dinner of 26 at Mrs Joshua’s, Mr Boughton took me down. Moultons, Joachims etc there. About 11 came in after dinner. Jolly evg. Friday 31 March. 2 poached eggs, potted meat etc. Cold mutton, minced beef, fried potatoes Laura pud. Artichoke soup, escallops, curried mutton, wafer pud. Sophy comes for a few days. Lin dines at Mrs Fildes. Called on Mrs Fildes morg, lovely morg, bought 6d wallflowers. Called on Mother, Besie & Geraldine there. Mother, Papa & B go to Westwood. Lost keys – found them in wardrobe. Apr 1882 Saturday 1 April. 2 bacon, 3 eggs boiled, potted meat, jam, marmalade. Roast shoulder of mutton, Marboro pud. Mulagatawny soup, curried eggs, minced mutton, salad, rhubarb custards, sardines. Walked with Sophy to Kensington Gardens. Drove with Sophy & Bar to Soho Bazaar. Mrs Boughton’s at home. Oxford won Boat Race. Lin went on Mr Penn’s steamer. Lovely day. Met Mr Archer. Sunday 2 April. Sausages, 2 buttered eggs, sardines. Cold boiled mutton, cold shoulder do, steak, sardines, 2 rhubarb tarts, chocolate pud, cake (Gregoire). Cl soup, sirloin of beef, cauliflower, potatoes, Russian salad. Mrs Boughton’s at home. Go round studios. Monday 3 April. Poached eggs, bacon, sardines, marmalade. Cold sirloin beef, cold mutton, rhubarb tart, chocolate sweet, milk puds. Clear soup dressed crab, cutlets & beans, saucer pud, sardines. Walked for shopping in morg. Went with Sophy in afternoon in carriage to Dole’s shop. Called on Mrs Chapman & C.Hartree. Went to Snelgrove’s. Had letters fr Mother, Jess & Ada. Sent them on to Mother. Tuesday 4 April.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 ½ haddock, 2 eggs, buttered potted crab. Cold beef, minced mutton, fish, milk pud. Artichoke soup, touché of plaice, cutlets & onions, fillets of beef, salad, wafer pud, macaroni cheese. Sp came in. Lin hunting with Greens. Wrote to Ada, Con. Lin missed train through me. Wednesday 5 April. 2 eggs, ½ haddock, potted crab. Roast leg of mutton, bread pud, macaroni cheese, milk pud. Clear soup, baked haddock, calves foot, curried mutton, cauliflower, chocolate Aldershot pud, potted crab on toast. Sp to dinner. Evy & Brenda to tea with Maud. Sophy & self go to meet Aunt Anna at Vic Sta. Quiet evg. Little friend arrived early in morg. Thursday 6 April. 2 buttered eggs, 2 bacon, 1 poached egg. Cold mutton, rechauffe of fish & calves foot. Clear soup, cod, curry, beef olives. Sophy leaves us at 3.10 for Arundel. Mother, her sisters, Papa & Bessie return fr Westwood. Sarah paid books & 2 bills, Fleishmann & Soane & Smith. Friday 7 April. 1 bacon, 2 poached eggs, buns. Roast leg of mutton, 2 baked haddock rhubarb tart, milk pud. Artichoke soup, cod, dormers, cauliflower, rhubarb tart. Lovely day, breakfasted in bed. Walked round to Mother afternoon. Saw Auntie & Papa, Mother seedy. Miss Murdoch still there. Lin & self dined quietly alone. Saturday 8 April. 2 fish cakes, 1 bacon. Cold mutton, dormers, poached egg for Maud, jam tart, rhubarb tart. Dine at Mother’s. Lovely day. Nurse went with Maud to Dr O’s & he gave Maud fern. Took Maud in Bath chair with me & went into Gds, took Don, lost him twice, missed Nurse & Baby. Saw little Cowards. Sunday 9 April. Sausages & bacon. Sirloin of beef, rhubarb tart. Clear soup with 2 poached eggs in. Minced mutton, cold beef & salad, baked potatoes, blancmange & fruits. Went to church with Maud. Came back in Bath chair & brought Baby. Maud went after for walk in B chair with Lin & self up by Serpentine & we lunched at Mother’s. Aunt Anna there, 2 (illeg) called. Papa brought me back for dinner here. Lin & self alone. Mother much better. Wrote to Con & Tab. Monday 10 April. 1 bacon, 2 eggs. Cold beef, blancmange, rhubarb tart. Kate holiday. Lin & self to Mother’s to dinner. Auntie, Baby & self drove to Price’s & then went to Richmond Park. Got out, saw deer & walked. Lovely afternoon. Baby rather a turk(?). Dined at Mother’s, Lin & self. Tuesday 11 April. 1 bacon, 2 buttered eggs. Cold beef, sole, milk puds. Sole au gratin, fillets of beef, watercress, seakale etc, chocolate mould. Lovely day. Went out with chicks, very tiresome. Bought cake & (illeg). Called at Mother’s. Auntie out with A’t Leigh. Had letter fr Ada. Mr Hartree & Mrs Winslow & Mrs Roe called. (illeg illeg). Wednesday 12 April. 1 bacon, 2 kidneys. Leg of roast mutton, haricot beans, potatoes, chocolate mould, milk pud. Dine at Mother’s.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 13 April. Bacon, potted beef. Roast leg of mutton, milk puds. Dined at Mother’s, Edgar & Sp there. Went out walking in morning. Showery. Mrs Walter Wren’s dance 9 o/c. Very slow. C.Burnand there. Bought buttercups. V. wet night. Friday 14 April. Bacon, potted meat. Hashed mutton, 2 mackerel & sole, lemon dumplings, milk puds. Clear soup, lobster etc, curried mutton, coffee custards. Went out walking with Auntie to Art Needlework & Seaman & (illeg). Bought buttercups. Lovely day. Called on Mrs Joachim. Mother & Auntie came to tea, rained. Edgar & Lin go to Keely Halswells. Saturday 15 April. ½ haddock, steak & 2 cutlets for chicks, bread & milk puds. Leek soup, fried sole, lobster sauce, cutlets, tartlets. Lin & self lunched at South Kensington. Went over Natural Hist M. Came home to tea. Quiet evg. Sunday 16 April. ½ haddock, bacon. Fish stew, tartlets. Artichoke soup, baked haddocks, beef olives, leg of mutton, cauliflower, new potatoes, plum pud, compote of fruit, camemberg cheese. Children & selves lunched at Mother’s. Edg & Sophy there. Mr & Mrs Paxton dined with us here 7 o/c. Monday 17 April Bacon, fish cakes. Cold leg mutton, 2 cutlets, steak, tartlets, 3 milk puds. Mother’s birthday, sent jar & flowers. Long day. Miss Breffitt came after fortnight’s holiday. Lunch with Papa. Dine at Mother’s. Mrs Spofforth, Mrs Birch & Mary, 2 Miss Friths & Mrs Ledyard & friend called. Sp came. Sp & self went to Opera in brougham, Huguenots, enjoyed it very much. Wednesday 19 April. Bacon, potted mutton. Shoulder of mutton, cauliflower, milk pud. Very tired, dull day. Mrs Banting to tea 4 o/c. Did not come. Lin goes to Fishmongers’ dinner, v. good. Went for short walk felt awfully tired. Thursday 20 April. Bacon, kidneys, potted meat. Cold shoulder, hashed mutton, marmalade tarts & milk puds. Clear soup, curried chump chop, leg of mutton, new potatoes, cauliflower, asparagus, baked plum pud, coffee savoury, grated coconut, cheese etc. Spencer & Nellie to dinner 7 o/c. Sp & C.Stokes to dinner, Nellie too seedy to come. Long day. Friday 21 April. Bacon, poached egg. Cold mutton, lemon dumplings. Leek soup, crab rechauffe, curried mutton, cold do & salad, (illeg) & coffee savoy. Lin dines with C.Stokes, Italian dinner. Lovely day. Went out with Auntie, called on Mrs Ross, Miss Montalba, Mrs Cotton, & fetched Nell home to dinner with me. Cane waited for first time. Saturday 22 April. Bacon, potted meat & crab. Cold mutton, suet pud. Dine at Mother’s, v. wet. Went out shopping feel very seedy sick. Sunday 23 April.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bacon, buttered egg. Neck mutton, rhubarb tart. Salmon trout, sharp sauce, cutlets & cauliflower au gratin, fried potatoes, duckling & green peas, salad & potatoes new, greengage tart & cream, blancmange, cheese straws & cream cheese etc. Mr Weld-Blundell, Mr & Mrs Stone & Mr Hartree to dinner 7 o/c. Lunched at Mother’s, C.Stokes there. Went to church with Maud. Monday 24 April. Bacon, lax, watercress, marmalade. Steak, neck of mutton, cutlets, rhubarb tart, cauliflower & salmon, potato salad, hashed duck, green peas, cauliflower au gratin, greengage tart & custard, cheese straws, cream cheese. Dull morg. Mother read letter from Jess, will be home this week. Went out for walk with Aunty to buy dinner breakfast & tea services. Mrs Macdonald & Mrs Holland called, had lunch, stayed only a short time. Called on Mrs Fildes. Mrs Boughton came in at dinner, had cup of coffee with us & (illeg). Tuesday 25 April. Bacon, lax, marmalade. Leg of mutton, rice, stewed rhubarb. Lax, boiled rabbit (illeg) potatoes, cold mutton & salad, blancmange, cream cheese. Go out with Auntie to Stores, pouring wet day. Mrs Boughton came & had tea with us. Dr O came to see me. Bought 1lb of fresh butter 1/6, excellent. Much colder & very wet. Wednesday 26 April. Bacon, egg. Cod mutton, stewed duck, blancmange, bread pudding & lax. Mrs Boughton’s private theatricals “Broken Hearts”. Great crush. Mr lewis took me to supper & Sp. Much colder, v. dull. Sp, Uncle, Aunty at Mother’s. Sp went with me to Boughtons. Cane fetched us. Lin v. hard at work on Academy cut. Thursday 27 April. Bacon. Neck of mutton, milk pud & rhubarb. Lax, Rabbit rechauffee, pigeon chaudfroid, cutlets & potatoes, rhubarb. Cold. Let fr Mrs Barker. Went to Mrs Lewis, just going riding. Went out walking with Auntie & Mother, met Mrs Stone & several. Went to Opera with Mother & Sp. Saw Mme Lembrick as Lucia, pity she squints so! Lin to G.Club (illeg) fetched him on way. Nurse bad headache. Friday 28 April. Sausages. Roast neck of mutton & fried sole, Laura pud, rhubarb. Dine at Mother’s. Lin dines at Mr Macdonald’s. Go to Private View at Academy. Auntie’s last night. Dull rather cold, showery. Met hundreds of friends v. tired. Saturday 29 April. Bacon. Steak, Laura pud. Soup, sirloin of beef, cabbage, suet pud, preserves. X. Little friend arrived, v. seedy. Private View at Grosvenor Gallery. Awful gale!!! Sunday 30 April. Bacon. Cold beef, lemon pud & haddock. Soup, haddock, cold beef salad & blancmange. Very seedy. Reed same. Lin lunched at Mrs (illeg) at Clapham. Mother came to see me. Jess & Ham arrived at Southampton. May 1882 Monday 1 May. Bacon. Cold beef, fish cakes, blancmange, milk pud. Steak & milk pud. Lovely day. Jessie & Hamilton arrive home about 2 o/c. Very seedy. Mrs Boehm’s dance


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 9.30. Lin dines with Mr Boughton at Greenwich. Go out in Bath chair. Jess & Hamilton arrive. Tuesday 2 May. Bacon. Neck of mutton, cold beef, milk pud. Lax, clear soup, salmon, cucumber, sharp sauce, lobster patties, chaudfroid of pigeons, forequarter of lamb, new potatoes, cauliflower, asparagus, quails & salad, baba of rhum, compote of fruit, anchovies & cream cheese. Mr & Mrs Macdonald, Mr & Mrs Fildes & Mr & Mrs Burnand to dinner 7 o/c. Went out in Bath chair. Adela & Lillie Holland, Miss Montalba & the Friths called. Mrs Fildes little boy (illeg). All left early. Papa & Hamilton came in. Wednesday 3 May. Bacon. Cold lamb, lobster cutlets, beef hashed, baba & milk pud. Cold mutton, pigeon, baba, rice milk, cream. Very tired. Walked to Holland Park with Maud. Sat down. Mrs Smale passed. Called at Mother’s. H gave Maud 2 love birds, delighted with them. Maud sat down to dinner with me alone, had pineapple. Kate not lighted Hall at 9 o/c nor locked dining room. Lin in early. Thursday 4 May. Bacon. Cold lamb, salmon, baba, bread & butter pud, milk do. I dine at Mother’s. Seedy. Mrs Lewis’ dinner party ¼ to 8 o/c. Ada & Spencer also dined at Mother’s. Long letter from Aunt Bessie. Friday 5 May. Bacon. ½ mackerel. Leg of mutton, cabbage, boiled rice. Soup, pigeons, quails, asparagus, cold mutton, salad, jam tart, anchovies. Walked out with Hamilton, fine day. Go for drive with Mrs Messel. Spoke to Sarah who complained of work! Papa not well. Letter from Mrs Sam. Mrs (illeg) called. Lin & self dined alone. Saturday 6 May. ½ mackerel, bacon etc. Cold mutton, bread pud etc. Lovely morg. Lin & self go to Mrs Hook’s till Monday. Went by 11.35 from Waterloo. Met Bryan Hook at station. Met McDonalds, Miss Burton & 2 young Hooks at station (Farnham). Drove in landau with Lin Mr & Mrs McD. Delightful evg. Charming place. Sunday 7 May. Children dined at Mother’s. Glorious day. Slept badly. Had our photos taken in large group. Great fun. Went after lunch to Frensham Pond. Rowed about got jackflags & 4 cadiss. Had photos taken again in sort of boat. Like Mr Davis very much. Monday 8 May. Glorious morg, warm. McDonalds & Miss Burton left early for London, Lin & self waited till afternoon. Mr Davis went early. Heard fearful news of Lord F.Cavendish & Mr Burchell murder in Ireland, panic. Cold in London. Drove with Mrs Hook to station Haslemere, long drive. Nurse had headache. Tuesday 9 May. Bacon. Shoulder mutton cabbage etc. Blancmange, milk puds. Lin & self dine at Mother’s. Fine morg. Hamilton Fletcher there. Marthe brought me home. Wednesday 10 May.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bacon. Cold shoulder, fish, lemon pud. Dull morg. Dine at Mother’s. Went with Midge to Marshalls, called on Mrs Agnew at Claridges Hotel, & on Mr & Mrs Macdonald at Jermyn Street. Mrs C.MacKenzie at Mother’s. Thursday 11 May. Bacon. Leg of mutton cabbages, jam tarts. Lobster, cold mutton, tomato salad. Pigeon, potato (illeg) rice & preserve. Went out for walk with Maud shopping. Paid Jones’s & Pace’s bills. Warm day. Henry Bingham died suddenly at 3 o/c in the morg. Called on Aunt Linda. Saw carriage & called on Mother. Lin & self quiet evg. Friday 12 May. Hering, potted lobster. Cold mutton. (illeg) pud, suet do. Fish (illeg) cutlets, asparagus, jam tarts, anchovy. Lovely day. Letter fr Mrs S about H.B. Took Nurse, Maud & Baby to Zoo. Enjoyed it immensely, chicks very happy. Lin & self dine alone late. Saturday 13 May. Bacon. Neck of mutton, vegetables etc, pud. Lin & self lunched at St James. Walked up row, saw 4 in hand meet. Met several friends, went on to Grosvenor gallery. (Mrs Dickens’ dinner party 7.30). Mat Marion & Mr Todd there. Went & saw Munskady’s(?) ‘Christ before Pilate’.Mrs William & Mrs G.Agnew called. Dined at Mrs Dickens, met Joachims & Peruginis there. Westwood hamper came. Sunday 14 May. Bacon, brawn. Roast neck of mutton, stewed beef, rhubarb tart, custards, blancmange, gooseberries. C.soup, salmon, sirloin beef, new potatoes, cauliflower au gratin, blancmange & preserve, gooseberries, anchovies & cheese cream. Lunched at Mother’s. Sp & Ada there & Baby. Lin & self called on Mrs Lewis. Hamilton & Jess dined here, cold, had fire. Went to church with Maud, Mother there. Monday 15 May. Bacon, brawn. Cold beef, salad, gooseberry tart, cheese. Salmon, cold beef, salad, cauliflower au gratin, rhubarb tart, blancmange, cheese. Still cold. Maud gone with Mother in carriage. Went out walking morg, called afternoon on Mrs Huntley (better) Mrs Fildes & Mrs Stone. Had tea at Mrs S’s. Called on Mother, dined at Mother’s. M. & Madame Bernard there v. pleasant people. Tuesday 16 May. Bacon, brawn. Cold beef, salmon pie, brawn, blancmange, small gooseberry tart etc. Miss Elmore’s dinner party 7.30. Mrs Reed’s at home 4 – 7, conversatzione. Fine day. Mrs Coward’s little ones to tea. Mrs Geiger, Paxton, Joachim, Mr & Mrs Caldecott called. Met Mr Poland, Mr & Mrs Watney, Mr Colnagi & Mrs Moscheles at Miss Elmore’s, v. pleasant din. Wednesday 17 May. Bacon, brawn. Leg of mutton, cabbages, boiled rice & rhubarb. Salmon pie, kidneys & stewed macaroni, cauliflower, cold mutton, tomato salad, suet pud. Sent £2 to Mrs Tomalin. Sarah pd books. Called with Jess on Mrs Winslow, Huish, Boehm, (illeg) Joshua & Mrs Hirsch. Mrs H. very ill indeed. Hamilton had tea with the children. Lin & self dine alone. Thursday 18 May.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bacon, brawn. Cold leg of mutton, lemon dumplings, cauliflower. Soup, fish soles, leg of lamb, cauliflower, tomato salad, new potatoes, asparagrass, gooseberry tart, cream, blancmange, new fresh cheese & anchovies. Mrs Hook coming to dinner 7.30. Went out put £1.0.0. in Bar’s book. Lost it & found it again at flower shop. Pd 2 shillings for flowers. Called at Mother’s. Geraldine there to lunch. Nurse went out afternoon. Lady Laurence called with little May. Mrs Hirsch’s little baby died. Friday 19 May. Bacon. Sardines, radishes, cold leg of lamb, tomato salad, blancmange (illeg) gooseberry tart etc. Mrs Hirsh no better. Stair carpets up & cleaned. Hope to go to Westwood tomorrow. Gave Reed her wages £2.10.0. Saturday 20 May. Fish. Cold lamb, fish, suet pud etc. Go to Westwood, lovely morg. Mother, Papa, Ham & Jess & selves came to Westwood. Mrs Jopling’s at home 8.30. Kensington School sports. Mrs Huish’s lawn tennis, first party. Sunday 21 May. Went for drive to Jos Gap. Sat on sands 2 hours, v. hot. Mrs Joshua’s & Mrs Joachim’s at home. 4 o/c D’Albert. Monday 22 May. Went into Margate with Papa, v. hot. Lin went up to London. Mrs Peto’s dinner 7.45. Paid Mrs Tomalin laundress £2.0.0 by cheque on account. Paid Kate her wages £5.0.0. Tuesday 23 May. Walked to Nash to pick marguerites for Maud. Mrs Archer’s dance 10 o/c. Wednesday 24 May. Went with Mother & Papa to see Mrs Cocksedge. Miss Thornton & Nash came. Wrote to Ada, Edg & Lin, ans’d invites. Hamilton went up to town before breakfast. Derby Day. Punch dinner. Bryan Hook sleeps at our house & goes to Mrs Hasletine’s dance. Letters fr Aunt Bessie, Lin, & invite from MacKenzie’s. Thursday 25 May. Had letter fr Lin & Nurse. Wet day, fine afternoon. Mother breakfasted in bed, v. seedy. Very wet afternoon. Edgar came down in time for dinner. Mrs Boehm’s at home 4.30. Principal artists of Wagner’s company. Friday 26 May. Lovely day, invites fr Lady Freake, Mrs Chapple, Bradbury’s & Miss Wells. Letter fr Lin & Mrs Carter about Eliza. Telegram fr Lin can’t come till tomorrow. Edgar had telegram to return to Lincoln tomorrow night. X after lunch. Saturday 27 May. Lovely day. No letter fr Dickie. Lin coming down at Margate 12.45. Eddie going to meet him in cart. Eddie had to leave before dinner for London ordered back. Sunday 28 May. Sat out. Papa seedy. Put mare in paddock. Lovely day, dull evg. No rain. Monday 29 May.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Long sat. Papa seedy. Sat at work under trees. Ans’d invites to Mrs Ledyard and Mrs Huish. Went about rooms, Miss Lamb 17 Cobstone (?) Rd, £1.5 - £1.17 during June & £2.2 in July & August, £1.1.0 during Sep, 15/- in Oct. Tuesday 30 May. Mother & Papa were going to London but returned. Lady Kealre’s(?) at home 4.30. Miss Wallis at home every Tuesday now until the 11 th July. Wednesday 31 May. Mother & Papa went up to London. Jess, H & self drove to Ramsgate in cart. Had letter fr Nurse. Much colder. Mrs G.Grossmith 1 st at home 4-7. Amateur music. Jun 1882 Thursday 1 June. Mrs Stevens lodgings, nice rooms bow windows 3 & 4 Prospect Place Broadstairs. Fine day, colder. H had letter fr Conny. Went with H & Midge to Broadstairs about lodgings. Modern house Mrs Strong 4 Belmont Rd tolerable good £1.5 during June, £1.12.6 during season. H.Stevens nice large rooms £1.5 & £1.10 let for 2 months fr 4th July. Mrs Lawrence 1 Nelson Terrace, drawing room & double bedroom £1.10 & ding room & double bed room £1.5 inclusive for June only. Friday 2 June. Went out with Midge & H in cart to Margate. M bought baize. Mother & Father expected but did not come. Ham seedy at dinner. Jess received telegram fr Mother to say they would probably be down Saturday. Saturday 3 June. Lovely warm morg. Lin & Ham go fishing. Jess received telegram fr Mother to say they would be down by Granville express. Mrs Jopling’s 2 nd at home 8.30. Re’d invites fr Calderons, Gordons, & first night German Reed’s, tickets for Monday 5 th. Sunday 4 June. Drove with Lin to Miss May’s Broadstairs, & other rooms. Went to Jos Gap & sat on sands an hour, awfully tired. Lovely day. Lin walked with dogs afternoon. Ham met him at Ramsgate in cart. Monday 5 June. We returned home from Westwood, Papa Mother, Jess & H also. Very tired. Mrs Richmond Cotton’s dance 10 o/c. First night at German Reeds. Tuesday 6 June. Bacon, poached egg. Cold lamb, cold salmon, gooseberry tart, custards. Very wet morg. Lin & self dine at Mansion House, Dr & Mrs Morel Mackenzie’s dinner party. Pleasant dinner at Mansion House, sat next to Capt Armstrong. Very tired. Sent Cave for gloves 7/6, 10 button, Burlington Arcade. Wednesday 7 June. Bacon. Minced lamb, salmon, jam tarts, stewed cherries. Mrs George Grossmith’s 2nd at home 4-7. Professional music. Breakfasted in bed. Wet afternoon. Went to Mrs G’s at home, awfully crowded & hot. Called on Mrs Coward & Mrs (illeg). Dined at Mother’s. Lin brought basket of strawberries for children. Nelly came. Thursday 8 June.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bacon, pressed beef. Neck of mutton, milk pud, cake do. Clear soup, cutlets & fried potatoes, spinach & egg, gooseberry tart. Pouring wet morg. Tried to fit morg rm chairs with Kate. Went out shopping with Maud. Saw Lady & Miss Monckton in at Barkers. Rested in afternoon. Had invite fr Mrs Geiger. Wrote to Nelly. Very wet evg. Saturday 10 June. Kippers. Roast leg mutton, blancmange, rice. Tomato soup, stewed brisket beef cold mutton tomato salad, tartlets. Ena came to tea with chicks. Mrs Huish at home 4 o/c. Too wet to go. Went with Mother, Ham & Jess to Albert Hall. Heard Patti, Albani, Scalchi(?) & Miertzwanly(?) new tenor splendid voice. Went out shopping in morg. Lin & self alone. Sunday 11 June. Herrings. Cold leg of mutton, ham boiled do, gooseberry tart, jam tarts. Tomato soup, touche of flounders, sirloin of beef & spinach etc, blancmange, gooseberry tart. Mrs Boughton’s at home 10 o/c to meet Madame Majesca. Lunch at Mother’s, fine day, slept well. Had fire in drawing room, v. cold. Monday 12 June. Bacon. Cold beef, custard, rhubarb tart, jam do, gooseberry tart. Sardines, curried mutton, cold beef, tomato salad, blancmange. Spilt ink in bedroom. Went with Jess to Mde Boquet pd her £19.19.3 & Marshall & S’s £ 10.12.3. Ordered black dress & evg do. Showery. Called on Mrs a’Beckett. Cold enough for fire. Tuesday 13 June. Bacon, sardines. Shoulder of mutton, rice, Mrs S pud, blancmange. Cold damp morg. Dine at Mother’s. Uncle Aunt Edwin & Tilda at Mother’s. Wednesday 14 June. Bacon. Leg of mutton, cold shoulder, coffee custard, gooseberries rice & do. Jess went with me to Boquet’s & C.S’s. Had 2 teeth stopped. Marion came to lunch. Olive came to tea. 11.30 ap. with C.Stokes about teeth. 10.30 Mde Boquet’s to be fitted. Mrs Geiger’s dinner 8 o/c. V. cold. Thursday 15 June. Bacon. Cold mutton, lemon pud. Clear soup, filleted sole, fillet steak & beans, Jenny Lind pud. Stayed in bed to breakfast, cold & dull. Lin goes to at home at Duke of Sutherland’s. Mrs Ledyard at home, theatricals 9.15. Went for walk afternoon with Nurse &chicks, sat in Gardens. Saw little Cowards & walked through Kensington with Miss Blaikie. Too tired to go to Mrs Ledyards. Friday 16 June. Haddock. Curried mutton, sole & mackerel, lemon pud. Soup, shoulder mutton, cabbage, lemon pud, new forest cheese. Went out morg, met Mrs Livesey, Cornwall(?) Cowards, Fan White & Miss Blaikie. Lovely day. Mrs Bankes Tomlin’s at home 9.30. Lin goes to Duke of Sutherland 10.o/c. Chicks go to tea at Aunt Linda’s. Saturday 17 June. Haddock. Cold shoulder mutton, cutlets, milk pud. Drove(?) home at 11 o/c evg fr Mr Gordon’s. Very delightful day. Travelled down with Canon Harford. Mrs Jopling’s 3rd at home. 8.30. Mrs Frederick Gordon’s at home 3 to 8.30. Introduced


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 to Mr & Mrs Gordall, Mr & Mrs Collinson etc. Dined at table with Mr & Mrs Burnand, Rosie, Mr Tenniel etc, Canon Harford. Sunday 18 June. Bacon. Boiled neck mutton, jelly, stewed cherries, gooseberry tart. Potato soup, sirloin of beef, cauliflower, gooseberry tart, blancmange etc. Wet morg. Very tired, had breakfast in bed. Lunched at Mother’s. Ada home, arrived early. Mr Dietz called, stayed tea. Lin & self came back to dinner. Quiet evg. Lin, Ham & Papa drove over to Mr Barker’s after lunch. Monday 19 June. Bacon. Cold beef, mutton, gooseberry tart, milk pud etc. Mrs Hensman’s dinner 7.30. Ap. at 11.30 with C.Stokes. Ada & self went to Mde Boquet’s & C.Stokes had 2 teeth stopped. Dull day. Woman beating carpets next door. Met Sir Archibald & Lady Lamb & Cap. & Mrs Armstrong at the Hensmans. Mrs A had to leave on ac. of her son. Tuesday 20 June. Bacon. Cold beef, sole, mutton broth, treacle tarts. Clear soup, fried mackerel, steak, coffee custard. Called on Mother. Breakfasted in bed. Mrs Collinson’s tennis parties begin 3 to 8. Miss Well’s dinner. Rested all afternoon. Dine alone & bed early. Wednesday 21 June. Bacon. Steak & onions fried. (illeg) chop, milk pud. Lin dines at Mr Bradbury’s. Books high, Sarah impertinent. Mrs Messel’s dance 10 o/c. Mrs Chapple’s dance. MrsBradbury’s garden party. Mr A Burnand’s at home 4-7. Harold Peto’s at home 5-6. Breakfasted in bed. Chicks had colds. Nurse round to Mother’s. Thursday 22 June. Bacon. Leg of mutton, rice, soup, curry, rice pud. I stayed in bed to breakfast. Nurse very X or seedy. Depressing day dull. 2 new dresses came home last night. Both chicks with colds. Mrs Theophilus Bernand’s dinner 8 o/c. Children go to tea at Mrs Spofforth’s. X little friend arrived at lunch time. Friday 23 June. Bacon. Cold mutton & boiled scrag of neck for children. Soup, (illeg) roast best end of neck, peas etc, pud. Breakfasted in bed. Very seedy. Little friend due. Edgar came to say good bye at lunch. Went with Ada after in carriage to Mde Boquet’s, Snelgroves & Mrs Winslows, had tea there, bought gooseberries & cherries. Ham bought mare. Saturday 24 June, Bacon. Boiled neck mutton & mackerel, bread pudding. Sardines, steak pud, cauliflower, stewed gooseberries, new fresh cheese. Breakfast in bed, seedy. Lin at home all day, rode before dinner. Curtains down in drawing room. Geraldine, Mrs Lucas & Mrs Stone called afternoon. Ham came in & had smoke after dinner. Sent Kate for fruit & flowers. Kate asked for blanket at 10 o/c at night!!! Sunday 25 June. Bacon, sardines. Fowl, steak pud, stewed cherries, gooseberry tart. Sardines, sirloin of beef , compote of fruit, cherry tart, blancmange, new fresh cheese. Lin for ride 8.30 with Ham. Maud to church & lunch with Mother. Lin to lunch with Ansdells. I lunch alone. Ada to dinner with Lin & self. Lovely day. Mother came in


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 for a second. Sp came. Went for a little walk after dinner with Lin & Ada, felt awfully weak & seedy. Saw Mrs Coward. Uncle E & Ethel came afternoon & C.Burnand came & had tea, cd not stay dinner. Monday 26 June. Bacon. Sardines. Mackerel, steak pie, cold beef, tomatoes, blancmange & strawberries, fruit compote, cheese. Very wet morg, pouring. Breakfasted in bed. Went out in Bath chair, took Maud, met Nurse & Baby, came home at 5. Mother came in for a second. Lords cricket match. Went with Maud in Bath chair. Tuesday 27 June. Bacon. Cold beef, bread & butter pud, blancmange etc. Fish, steak, Mrs S pud. Wednesday 28 June. Bacon. Potted beef, roast leg of mutton, pud. Letter fr Auntie. Mother fetched me to dinner, dined there, feel v.seedy. Rested all afternoon. Lin dines on river with Punch staff. Mrs Oakes’ dinner party 8 o/c. Mrs Critchet’s at home 9.30. Gore Tomlin’s party 3-7. Mrs Ionides dance. Thursday 29 June. Bacon. Cold mutton, bread & butter pud, (illeg) & sole for children. Soup, roast neck of mutton, cauliflower, potatoes, gooseberry pud. Mrs Philip Calderon’s dance 9.30. Mrs Macmillan’s at home 4.30, 11.30. Mrs Cornwell’s dance 10 o/c/ Dull day, thundery. Took Maud to Mrs Macmillans , heavy close day. Archers & Mrs Roller there. Lin went to Cornwell’s & Calderons. Very tired. Friday 30 June. Bacon. Neck of mutton, bread & butter pud. Clear soup, salmon, leg of lamb, peas etc. Poach fowl, tomato salad, potatoes, bacon, stewed fruit, gooseberry tart & cream etc. Went out shopping. Uncle Aunt Carrie & Maud to dinner 8 o/c. Fine day. Ada came in after dinner. Jul 1882 Saturday 1 July. Bacon. Went to Boulogne, left here at 7.30. Lovely day. Had compartment reserved, lavatory & all. Mrs Jopling’s at home 8.30 last. Mrs Huish’s garden party. Reached Boulogne at 1.30. Had lunch on pier & had bathe after, very jolly. Sunday 2 July. Went to Cathedral. Had bath, lunched on pier. Sat on sands, diner, & went on sands again. Glorious day. Monday 3 July. Had bath after breakfast & alked about. Rather dull & colder. No rain. Tuesday 4 July. Had bath after breakfast. Met Gilberts, little McStewart(?) Lady Catherine Cooke & daughter Sybil, v.pretty dark girl. Lunched & had tea with them on yacht, delightful. Had photos taken in 2 positions. Dine at table d’hote. Lin worked late, went out after. Rather tired, slept badly. Wednesday 5 July. Had bath after breakfast, good. Stiff breeze blowing. Had lunch at hotel & left by boat at 2.30. Rough passage. Sat next American, newly married couple opposite,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 lady English, man French. Pretty English girl. V.dull directly we got to Folkestone & dull evg. Dined alone. Lin went to Punch dinner & to Academy Soiree. Thursday 6 July. Bacon. Shoulder mutton, cold roast neck of mutton, black currant tart, milk pud. Dull heavy morg. Went out afternoon trying to get things for Papa. Lunch at Mother’s. Papa seedy. Friday 7 July. Bacon. Cold shoulder mutton, suet pud. Papa’s birthday. Childen dine at Mother’s. We dine at Mother’s 7 o/c. Go out in carriage with Midge to buy present for Papa. Dine at Mother’s, Aunt Linda & Marion there & Sp. Ada Sp ill miss 4 months. Jess perfectly wonderful. Saturday 8 July. Bacon. Hahed shoulder mutton, sole & mackerel, suet pud. Sole au lait, leg muton, cabbage, blancmange & fruit. Went out morg shopping, bought fruit & fowl, Silver St. Pouring rain. Sunday 9 July. Bacon. Fowl cold mutton bl curr tart & semolina pud au crysol(?). Mrs Arthur Burnand’s dinner 8 o/c. Took Maud to Mrs Ansdell’s saw little M.Larnack, had ride on donkey & had tea there. Mr Paxton called. Very delightful dinner at Mrs Burnand’s, drove home in cab with Mrs Joachim. Monday 10 July. Bacon. Cold mutton, fowl, red currant tart. Salmon, steak, cab, pota, coffee custard, herring. Nurse went home for week. Lin left early for Mr Thornycroft’s to get on board Torpedo. Won’t be home till 9 o/c. Lin got home at 8.30, pouring wet day. Mr & Miss Holland’s at home 10 o/c. I called on Mrs Fildes, Mrs Stone, both out, & Ada S.J & stayed & had tea with her. Too tired to go to the Hollands. Tuesday 11 July. Bacon. Roast beef, bread pud, semolina do. Cold salmon, curried mutton, cold beef salad, coffee custard, tartlets, herring. Fearfully wet day. Mrs Collinson’s tennis party. Mr L.Winslow’s garden party 8-1 o/c evg. Mrs Blackburn’s at home 4-7. Mrs Keith’s at home 4-7. Went to Miss Wells, Nellie’s, Miss Montalba. Dine alone with Lin & went to Winslow’s dance. Mistake about carriage. British guns fired on Alexandrian forts. Wednesday 12 July. Bacon. Cold beef, steak pie, potted salmon, bread & butter pud, macaroni do. I dine at Mrs Paxton’s. Lin dines at Reform Club to meet Sir G.Wood with Mr Black. Fine morg, chicks sent out, took Don. Aunt Linda called & we went together to Grosvenor Gal & Fine Arts Gal to see Muncasky’s(?) pic. Met Mr Burnand & Mr Tenniel. Mrs Orton & C.Hartree called. Dinner party at Mother’s. Letter fr Nana. Thursday 13 July. Bacon. Bread & milk. Hashed beef, soles, marmalade turnovers & maccaroni milk. Carrot soup, roast mutton, peas, currant tart. Wet again later. My throat awfully sore. Friday 14 July.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bacon. Neck of mutton boiled, dutch carrots, bl currant tart & milk rice. Sardines, Leg mutton, peas, stewed currants, Devonshire cream. Ada tried saddle. Showery morg. If fine take children to Zoo. Went to Zoo after lunch & had tea there, fine afternoon, chicks enjoyed it immensely, v. good. Got home at 6.45. Lin went round to Gds to play billiards. Saturday 15 July. Bacon. Cold mutton, chops, lemon pud, blancmange & currants. Soup, curried mutton, sirloin beef etc salad. Edgar came in. Mrs Jopling’s last at home 8.30. Both too tired to go to Mrs J’s. Sunday 16 July. Bacon, new laid eggs. Roast fowl, cold sirloin, fruit tart, blancmange. Spring soup, cold sirloin, salad, cold fowl, salad, coffee custard. Walked with Maud & Lin before children’s dinner 1 o/c. Gave chicks their dinners. I went round & lunched at Mother’s. Ada came back to dinner with us. Lin & Ham went to Ansdells & Princeps. Little Jack at Gardens. Monday 17 July. Bacon, egg, brawn. Cold beef, cold fowl, brawn salad, macaroni milk & 3 other puds. Potato soup, shoulder mutton, tomato salad, jam tarts, cheese straws. Lovely day, Nana comes home. Went out afternoon, called on Mrs Larnock, Elmore & Paxton. Poured with rain. Mrs Stone waited for me one hour, had little chat & Nana arrived. Tuesday 18 July. Bacon. Cold shoulder mutton, large sole, milk pud, jam tarts. Soup, sole, leg of lamb, tomato salad, gooseberry tart. Went out morg fine. Met Ada at Barkers, went to Butts, saw Mrs Grigg, spoke. Used Barker’s lamp, don’t care for it. Mrs McIlwraith & Geraldine called. Went round to see Mother after dinner. Waddy arrived. Midge wonderfully well. Wednesday 19 July Bacon. Cold leg lamb, hashed shoulder mutton, gooseberry tart, milk puds. Lovely morg. Had v. bad night & throat sore on other side. Took Maud to Mrs Ansdells saw Miss Robinson, Mrs Benchly, Mrs Higgins, Mcdonald etc. Dined at Mother’s, Sp & Ada there. Thursday 20 July. X due. Bacon, egg. Minced lamb, neck of mutton, cauliflower, bread & milk pud. Soup, crab dressed, neck of mutton, marrow, cheese straws. Another bad night, fine day. Mrs Phillips (illeg illeg) for 15/-. Lady Freake’s at home 4-7 at Bank Grove Kingston on Thames. Mr & Mrs Cornish came to tea. Went for walk alone met Geraldine at Colbourne’s, met Nurse & children. X arrived after lunch. Spoke to Reed about going to Mother’s. Friday 21 July. Bacon. Roast leg mutton, rice milk pud. Soup, stuffed marrow, cold mutton & salad, cur. & raspberry tarts, cheese straws. Breakfasted in bed, seedy. Lin dines at at Mr Bedford’s 4 o/c if he can get work done. Saturday 22 July.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bacon, eggs. Sardines, cold mutton, soup, filleted flounders, round ribs of beef, fruit tart. Tilda & self dined alone. V. seedy. Tilda comes to stay. Lin rode to Fletchers last (illeg). Mrs Fletcher’s afternoon dance 4-8pm. Sunday 23 July. Bacon, eggs, sardines. Cold beef, fruit tart, custards. Spring soup, soles simple, Pigeons stewed. Leg of lamb, vegetable marrow, salad, greengage tart, blancmange, herring, New Forest cheese. Dr Harcourt came to dinner. Maud, Tilda, Papa & self lunched at Mother’s. Marion & Todd called. Monday 24 July. Bacon, buttered eggs, jam. Cold beef, cold lamb, greengage tart, jam tarts, blancmange. Stewed eells, hashed sheeps hearts, cold lamb, salad, blk cur. tart, cream cheese, herring, (illeg) beans. Went out in Bath chair, v. wet all the time. Went out in carriage after lunch with Tilda, called on W & T Agnew’s, both busy, & on Mr Latham. Tuesday 25 July. Bacon, jam, herrings. Hashed beef, minced lamb, fresh herrings, Laura pud, currant tart. Fish, shoulder of lamb, vegetable marrow, potatoes, Mrs S. pud, herring. Dull heavy morg, came down to breakfast. Mrs Collinson’s tennis, 3-8. Spoke to Sarah. Mrs Silver & Miss Hogarth called. Went for 2 hours in Bath chair, took chicks & Nurse. Lin went & played billiards with Ham. Wednesday 26 July. Bacon, eggs. Watercress, jem. Cold lamb, curried eggs & fish., bread pud, currants. Dine at Mother’s, go out in Bath chair for hour. Fine day. Drove out in carriage with Tilda called on Lady Lawrence, Mr Burnand, Mrs Waring, Mrs Latham & to Marshall & Snelgrove. Mr & Mrs Cornish & Marion & Mr Todd at Mother’s. Hamper fr Westwood, gooseberries. Thursday 27 July. Haddock, bacon, bloater. Leg of mutton, Tilda pud, rice, cabbage. White soup, broiled mackerel, curried lamb, mutton & salad, gooseberry tart. Walked with Tilda, bought hat. Stuffy. Letter fr Mother about Westwood. Lady Freake’s at home 4 to 7 at Kingston. Sent jam to Mother. Sarah gave notice, leaves today month. Books heavy. Sir W.Gull saw Papa, only nervous affliction. Friday 28 July. Bacon, ½ haddock etc. Hashed mutton, whiting, mackerel, gooseberry tart etc. White soup, fish, steak, tomatoes, cauliflower, chocolate blancmange, cheese straws. Ham came in. Last day of Mrs Breffitt. Go with Tilda to Stores, took Baby. Jessie ill at 1 o/c in night. Saturday 29 July. Bacon, 2 new laid eggs, jam etc. Roast leg og mutton, rice, cutlets, tomatoes, cold mutton. Mrs F.Gordon’s garden party 3-8. Went with a’Becketts, v. jolly. Jessie’s Baby Girl born at 6 o/c in evg, called there on way home. Sunday 30 July. Bacon, buttered eggs etc. Steak, cold mutton & fowl, plum tarts & chocolate shapes. Soup, cold fowl, tomato salad, roast beef, vegetable marrow, greengage tart, blancmange, cheese straws.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 31 July. Bacon, boiled eggs. Cold beef, pancakes. Potato soup, rissoles. Lovely day. Went to see Baby, very pretty little thing, dark. Went to “Home” about cook. Lin goes with Burnand & Tenniel to Epping Forest. V. hot. Go shopping in carriage with Tilda, took Maud & baby. Aug 1882 Tuesday 1 August. Bacon, buttered eggs. Shoulder of mutton, plums & sponge cakes. Soup, crab, fish, roast fowl, plum tart. Fine day, packing. Dr O. came. Mrs Collinson’s tennis, 3-8. Chicks go to Broadstairs 3.15. Saw them off, bought crab & fowl, called on Mother. Jess better. Lin returned in time for dinner. Emma came. Made arrangements about her taking charge of house. Mrs Winslow called. Wednesday 2 August Bacon. Cold shoulder, minced beef, milk pud. Soup, mackerel, roast fowl, tart. Sat in Gardens with Tilda, it rained. Saw little Paxtons. Letter fr Nurse evg. Thursday 3 August. Bacon, 2 bloaters. Steak, cake pud. Soup, leg lamb, beans, potato salad, greengage tart. Went to Thomas’ Hotel saw M. Fletcher. Gunters & Barkers with Mother. Lin dined at Mother’s. Had bad night. Sent off legs of Baby’s cot which Nurse forgot. Friday 4 August. Bacon, grilled fowl, boiled eggs. Cold lamb, potato salad, bread & butter pudding. Soup, whiting, steak, salad, beans, plum tart. Fine day. Put away china with Reed & Tilda. Miss Breffitt called. Saturday 5 August. Bacon, fish cakes. Steak, minced lamb, cold plum tart etc. Go to Westwood. Saw chicks & stayed a while with them. Lots of childen playing about. (illeg) gave or sent Maud a lovely doll. Maud’s birthday. Papa gave her 10/-. Sunday 6 August. Tilda went to church. I fetched chicks, took them back before their dinner. Monday 7 August. Went to Margate, Tilda & self. Heaps of people about. Glorious day. Called at St Peter’s. Tuesday 8 August. Had letters fr Mother. Chicks came to tea (walked over) Baby still a cough. Played with black kitten at tea. Took them back in fly. Went after to Margate with Papa. Walked with Lin after dinner, took all the dogs. Wednesday 9 August. Went to Margate with Papa. Lin had to go to London for Punch dinner. Sent Nurse cheque for £2.2.0 for (illeg) & board. Go to Ramsgate with Tilda & Papa to take Lin to get lace fr Syrett’s. Thursday 10 August. Mrs Wilson’s country dance 8-12. Mother came down with Linley.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 11 August. Worked morg, V. cold wind. Drove afternoon to Ramsgate & took back little suits. Called at Granville about Ozone baths 2/6 & then drove to see children. They were having tea at Auntie’s, Chandos Place. Saturday 12 August. Lovely day. Went to Ramsgate & Tilda & self had baths. I had an Ozone bath. Letter fr Nurse at lunch to say Baby was poorly. Went over with Lin in cart. B. v. poorly & feverish, Nurse looked seedy too. Father & Mother went up to town. Sunday 13 August. Baby v. poorly fever. Sent for Mr Thornton, came at 9. Went to church with Tilda & Maud. Home to dinner & she remained the night. Was v. restless & feverish. Charley Stokes came & stayed an hour afternoon. Lin went for ride & saw Baby again. Monday 14 August. Took Maudie back at 12 o/c. John late. Went to Ramsgate for Mother’s lace etc. Dear Baby better, Maud rather seedy. Glorious day. Donkey saddle arrived. Tilda & self worked after lunch on lawn at curtains. Tuesday 15 August. Tilda left for London & then on to Rotterdam. Lovely day. Went fr Broadstairs Sta, saw Maud B there, called to see chicks after, out. Went on to see Mrs Chapple, saw her 2 daughters & little grandson. Then on to Aunty, out but saw Mrs Holmes. Drove home alone. Lay down all afternoon reading. Wednesday 16 August. Ramsgate flower show. J took 11 prizes. Wet cold morg. Lin goes to town, dines at Sir Charles Dilke’s 8 o/c. Fetched Ethel & took chicks for drive past N. Forland. Showed Ethel donkey horses etc & sat at work till 9.30 in drawing room. Had tea instead of dinner. Thursday 17 August. Wet cold morg. Lin came down fr London. Aunty fetched Ethel. E v. angry, not to ride donkey. X arrived in night. Petit ami. Friday 18 August. Awfully seedy. Lin finished Prince of Wales block. Sent it off on Punch, called on chicks. Saturday 19 August. Dear pets came for long day so happy. Fine day. Lovely cart arrived for Bar fr Mother & album for Maud fr Jess. Feel v. poorly. Lin took chicks about on donkey in new saddle. Mrs S. sent Bar handkerchiefs 2 p(illeg) for Baby’s birthday, Maud 2 petticoats. Little Gyp lost, came back at 2 in night, at Star. Reed had tooth out. Cave waited. Sunday 20 August. Lovely day sat on lawn feel awfully weak. Lin rode to chicks, had tea at Mrs Tattersall’s Stone House, called on Mrs Orchardson. Monday 21 August.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dullish day. Worked out of doors. Lin busy with 2 drawings of otters in Mother’s room. Letter & telegram fr Mother. Lin went for ride in evg. Tuesday 22 August. Paid little Reed wages 3 months up till 17th this month £12.10. Fine day, high wind. Fetched chicks in fly (2 horses!) & took them to Ramsgate & returned to tea at Westwood. Mrs Orchardson & Miss Mortlock to tea. Chicks had tea in kitchen. Dull cold & wet, blowing hard. Wednesday 23 August. Returned fr Westwood by S.E. Rly. Beautiful girl in carriage at Canterbury with maid. Mother met me with carriage. Dined alone, wrote to Mrs Orchardson. Thursday 24 August. Dined at Mother’s, saw Jess, looks pulled down, Baby much grown. Went out shopping morg, bought lace (illeg) etc. Bad night. Friday 25 August. Wet morg, fine afternoon. Packed. 2 prs of silk stockings fr Barker’s. Emma comes this morg to take charge of house during absence. Saturday 26 August. Leave by 8 o/c morg for Temple Pier for Aberdeen. Sarah goes. Lovely day. Good journey so far. Singing on deck in evg, 2 pretty girls. Mr Dean on board. Had good passage. Very comfortable cabin, badly served dinner. Sunday 27 August. Remained in berth all day, very seedy. Poor man died at 2 o/c, heart disease. Arrived at Mr Macdonald’s at 11.30 night. Slept well. Fire in bedroom looked deliciously cosy. Both Mr & Mrs M well. Monday 28 August. Breakfast in bed. Tuesday 29 August. Sol.Gen Macdonald & 3 sons arrived. Mrs Macdonald went to wedding. 2 of bridesmaids came in after, very pretty dresses, yellow broche & white lace hats, bouquets to match, charming. Wednesday 30 August. Dinner party of 16 Mr Chalmers, Mr Mrs Hadden, Mrs Nichol & daughter Miss Grant(?) etc etc. Sp & Ada drove over in break. Thursday 31 August. Go to Spencer’s, Linton. Lovely day & warm. V. tedious journey. Met Mr Field at Kintra(?) travelled to Linton with him. Dinner party of 14. Col & Mrs Blair, Major Consurley(?), Mr & Mrs Bot(?), Miss Edwards etc. Went to bed soon after dinner. Sep 1882 Friday 1 September. Pouring wet day. Breakfasted in bed. Good night. Worked morg & afternoon. Played with Jack. Gentlemen got wet through shooting. Lin bad cold. Saturday 2 September.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin’s cold worse. Miss Edwards in bed v. seedy with neuralgia. Return by 4.30 train with Percy to Aberdeen. Fearfully wet. Percy ret’d fr Thirstone to Linton. Arrived at 7 here. 10 to dinner, only gentlemen. Mr Forbes Robertson, clergyman Mr Macdonald, Mr Reid, Mr G.Rous(?) & another gentleman. Political discussion. Boys in late. Sunday 3 September. Cold. Went with Mrs M to free church baptism, good sermon. Col (?) came to lunch. Monday 4 September Very cold. Spencer came in on way to Aberdeen. Lin went into Aberdeen with Mr Macdonald. Mrs Macdonald & self went for drive. Go with Lin & Sol. Gen. to Mrs Nichol’s garden party. Lovely day but cold. Met Miss Beadon, Mr Edmonds, Mr, Mrs & Miss White etc at dinner. Tuesday 5 September. Went to (illeg) & saw machines & to Mr Macdonald’s office saw Mr Field. Made a goose of self. Overtired, rested afternoon. Mr Field, Mr & Mrs Henderson, Mrs Thompson to dinner. After Mr & Mrs Henderson, Mr Macdonald, Mr Field, Lin & self went to Hunt Ball. Enjoyed it immensely. Home at 2.30. Wednesday 6 September. Mr Macd’, Sol. Gen. & three boys left by 4 train. Lin went out to see races. Mrs Buchanan & niece, two gentleman & Ada Spencer & Miss Edwards called. Dined alone for first time. Gen. Rutherford & Captain ? called after dinner. Slept wonderfully well. Thursday 7 September. Worked in garden all morg. Lovely warm day. Drove with Mrs M to meet Mr Macdonald in Union St. Met Mr Field. Went for drive, called on Pro. Donaldson, Pro. Geddes & one other out. Went to see tennis tournament. Rested till dinner. Friday 8 September. Glorious day. Mr Mrs Scott called & 2 other gentlemen morg. Lin out fishing all day with Mr Nichol. Mrs M & self lunched alone & went out calling after on Sir C & Miss Spean, Mrs Griffith & Mrs Anderson, v. pretty place. Quiet evg. Miss Lumsden & Miss Forbes came in to dinner & walked home. Cold night. Saturday 9 September. Glorious day, cold. Lin sent cheque to Cave £1.8. Mr & Mrs Macdonald go to Mr Websters to dinner (Member for Aberdeenshire.) Worked in Mrs M’s room morg. Lin & self dined alone, went to bed 10.30, fell asleep at once. Sunday 10 September. Dull morg. Mr & Mrs Webster, Miss Sherbrook & 2 Miss Fullertons lunched here. General Rutherford called. Col. Alladice & Mr Johnson & Miss Baine called afternoon. Lin & Mr M called after on Mrs Nichol. Letters fr Nelly & Ada Sp. Mr Sam Reid came in to supper. Monday 11 September. Mr Lethbridge came to stay. Made some calls after lunch with Mrs M on Mrs Henderson, Mrs Best & Mrs Alladice. Met Mr M in Union St. Met Miss Fullerton on way home, went to quarry with her. Dined alone quiet evg. Bad night. Lin portrait


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 finished. Mr Horsely’s arrived. Called on Mrs Reid alone in morg. Saw Mr Reid at work on Lin’s picture. Tuesday 12 September. Lovely day. Mr G.Reid called to say goodbye. Mrs M & self went for drive in morg. Sat in garden reading after lunch by “Birnie”. Mr Macdonald called & others. Laid down. Got up at 5. Mr Lethbridge out all day. (illeg) Wilson, Mr Toms, Mr Edmunds, Mr Donaldson etc to dinner, v. pleasant evg. Wednesday 13 September. Go to “Linton”, Ada’s. Sp met us at (illeg). Arrived at 7.20. Dinner at 8. Petit ami arrive au soir. X. Thursday 14 September. Pouring wet day like 1st Sept. Rested all day. Mr Bott & Capt. Stern to lunch. Dined alone. Gentlemen out fishing. Lin caught trout ½ lb weight. Good news fr Egypt, battle of Tel el Kebir. Mr Nichol clergyman (Free Church) dined here. Friday 15 September. Rested in bed till lunch. Sat in garden with Ada after till 5.30. Had tea & dressed. Dined all of us at Mrs Bott’s Corsinday (?). Only Cap Stern there. V. pleasant evg. Letter fr Mrs S. Gentlemen out rabbit shooting all day. Saturday 16 September. Lin & Fred gone off to Mr Hamilton’s for some pike fishing. All of us went to Skeen to tea (Mrs Hamilton’s) lovely place. Sat in drawing room at Skeen whilst the rest went over the place. Lovely chestnut tree. Sunday 17 September. Sat in garden under arch & had 3 photos of group taken. Sp & Lin on the top & Baby on Ada’s lap. Sat in garden after lunch. Mrs Oakes went to church morg. After dinner we all went to Danecot. Difficult drive. Saw Saturn & Jupiter through telescope fr Observatory, v. interesting. Got home ¼ past 2 o/c. Monday 18 September. Lovely day. Sat in garden mended Lin’s stocking. Went after lunch to Linton woods, v. pretty. Lin sketching Birnie. Fred fished with Miss Edwards, picked ferns. Photos taken in different places. Drove there & back in dog cart. Glorious day. Played nap after dinner. Dickie cross. Kate returns after her holiday. Tuesday 19 September. Wet morg. Stayed at home all day, only walked round garden, quiet evg. Went to bed early to pack. Ada sat with me, confidential. Wednesday 20 September. Go home. Left Linton at 9.30. Ada & Alice E saw us to station, awfully cold. Lin went into Aberdeen with us. Lunched at Mrs Macdonald’s. Sp, Lin, Mrs M, self & Dr Tuke & Mr Macdonald to lunch. G.Reid came in. Sp saw us off. Met Miss Best & Mr Nichol at Aberdeen Station. Lady Airley got into our carriage, looks much older & quite grey. Thursday 21 September.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Arrived at Stafford Terrace at 9.o/c. Breakfasted at 9.30. Got carriage to ourselves at Perth, rather fuss about it. Wet day here. Lovely afternoon & evg. Dined with Papa at Gds alone. Friday September 22. Go to Westwood by 3.30 train to Broadstairs to see darling chicks. Quite warm, lovely day. Met Dr & Miss Barnes at Vic Sta. Saturday 23 September. Papa came down. Glorious day, quite warm. Sunday 24 September. Went to church with Tab, Geraldine & Mother. Young Whitehead preached. Good sermon. Chicks here to dinner. Dr & Mrs Barnes & sister to lunch, remained to tea after. Mother & self took chicks back. Darling Bar in long suit for first time, looks a duck. Lovely day & warm. Monday 25 September. Lovely day. Walked with Midge & Geraldine after lunch, went with Mother to Broadstairs about rooms for children. Saw chicks. Miss Jones & King called about Sarah’s character. Tuesday 26 September. (illeg, small photo stuck on top.) I went to Margate with Papa & to Ramsgate in the afternoon. Saw rooms with Papa. Took fruit etc to chicks. Ada out alone in Vic, expected Shirley did not come. Wednesday 27 September. Very wet morg. Thursday 28 September. Chicks came to spend day. V. good, lovely day. Nurse did not come, too seedy. Mother & self took them back in carriage. John forgot to come. Lin returned fr town in time for dinner. Brought me opal brooch set in diamonds. Letter. Friday 29 September. Stormy night, did not sleep well. Papa gave me three pounds & Mother one. Played nap Won 1/9. Saturday 30 September. Geraldine left. Saw her to station & off & went to see chicks – out – met them – Nurse’s cold v. bad. Marion & Sophy Fletcher come. Played nap, lost 6d. Oct 1882 Sunday 1 October. Marion & Ada to church. Went to see children. Nurse’s throat still v. bad. Met M & A coming home fr church. Ham & Lin rode to Westgate & had tea at Orchardson’s. Wrote to Ada & Mrs S. Monday 2 October. Lin & Ham went fishing all day. Quiet day. Tuesday 3 October.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dear chicks came over. V. good. Nurse better. Lovely day. Played tennis with Baby. Father & Mother went to town. Wednesday 4 October. Ham & Lin with Tab went to first meet of harriers. H & Lin to Hunt breakfast at Davis’. Mr Cobb there with his little boy. Lovely day. Went for walk with Midge. I drove to Ramsgate with Jess after lunch in Vic. Forgot oatmeal. Marion & Sophie went to see meet. Played Loo without Lin. I lost 3d. Lin v. tired slept after dinner. Thursday 5 October. Fine but stormy day towards evg. Walked morg & afternoon with Midge. Lay down in my room had tea there. Marion F & Tab went to Westgate to call on Mrs Dietz & about horse, man out. Played vingt et un, lost 3d. All played but Tab & Midge. Friday 6 October. Ham, Lin & Ada hunt, hard day. Saturday 7 October. Father & Mother come down fr London. Jess & self had walk, horse v. lame. Sunday 8 October. Marion & Ada to church morg walking. Lin rode to see chicks. Lovely day. Mother Ham & Jess to church evg. Monday 9 October. Letter fr Mrs Macdonald. Lovely day. Mother Jess & Ham go to London. Ada & Lin hunt. Lin goes to London for Almanack dinner. Felt seedy, to bed early. Mother slept with me. Tuesday 10 October. Dullish warm day. Lin returned by Granville express. Sophy went up to London. Jess, Waddy & self paid Mother’s bills in morg in fly. Lin, Ada & Marion go to Mrs Thornton’s for dance at Assembly Rooms (private.) X. Petit ami arrive in morg. New brougham horse came down. Wednesday 11 October. Hamilton & Conny came down in time for dinner. Feel awfully seedy. Thursday 12 October. Mother & Father went to London. Marion & Ada for walk. Con & Ham went for ride. Con on old mare, went well, took hurdle. Friday 13 October. Chicks came over to spend day. Ham, Jess & self drove to Ramsgate afternoon (illeg). Mother & Papa came down in time for dinner. Played nap, won 2/-. Had awfully bad night, stuffy. Saw Mrs Boys at Syretts. Saturday 14 October. Sunday 15 October. Jess & Ham walked to church after tea. Dear little Maud came & slept here, v. unhappy. Waddy looked after her & dressed her. Fresh morg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 16 October. Pouring wet day. Baby Dora seedy with arm. Sent for Mr Thornton. Mother & self took dear Maudie home afternoon, found Roy with 2 kittens. Marion Fletcher went home, Ada saw her off. Tuesday 17 October. Mother & Papa went to London. Jess packed. Wednesday 18 October. Jessie’s birthday. Con, Ham, Tab, Lin & self to dinner only. Played nap after for 3d points. Lin won £1.6.9 fr Ham. 17/6 fr Con. Very exciting game. Lin went up to town. Con & Ham out all day with harriers, in to tea. Chicks came & spent day. Thursday 19 October. Ham & Jess go to London, Loveridge with them. Dull day. Con, Tab, Lin & self to dinner. Lin returned in time for lunch. Tab & self went to Ramsgate in Vic. & called on Mrs Hammond, out. Friday 20 October. Glorious day, warm sunny. Con gave me silver pencil, little jug. Con & Lin out with harriers. Tab & self went to meet in Vic. Saw Mr Williams etc. Con & Lin went after dinner to Mr Collard’s & had jolly evg Capt Cotton there, were late home. Saturday 21 October. Pouring wet day & stormy. Con, Waddy & Baby D went up to London by 10.10 morg. Cave found lost cheque. Lin at work all day. Gale whole day. Sunday 22 October. Fime morg. Children coming to spend day. Only Lin, Ada & self here. Ada & self went to church had v. good sermon fr Mr Whitehead. Chicks went back in carriage. Monday 23 October. Lovely day, v. windy. Tab & self called on Mrs Orchardson, had tea with her. Met Mrs Peto coming home. Lin out all day with hounds. Tuesday 24 October. Fearful gale. Never remember one so violent, lasted all day. Lin worked & then home to lunch & walked to see chicks & to Broadstairs. Several telegrams. Carriage went to meet Con but did not come. Wednesday 25 October. Fine day. Tassel went over about cob to Birchington. Went with Lin to cottage. Lighted fire v. cold. Went with Ada to Mr Williams about his coming tomorrow to see cob, here at 11 o/c. & called to see dear chicks, well. Thursday 26 October Ada & self drove & looked over Cleve Court, hall & staircase charming, v. short of bedrooms, pretty garden & conservatory & large aviary & large orange trees. Con came down by late train. Friday 27 October.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dull day wrote to Auntie & Mother. Walked to see Lin, sat an hour with him. Con walked to Margate. Rosalie came to lunch. Chay coming down by Granville. Mr Turner came, brought fox. Fox got away taking old drake & killed little ducks. Saturday 28 October. Very rough wet day. Heard of fearful fire at Margate, broke out at 11 o/c last night. The School House Assembly Rooms, Mr Cobb’s 2 houses & 3 others burnt to the ground. Ada & self took Rosie home in brougham, saw ruins of fire, 4 walls fall in fire & still burning, fearful sight. Lin’s joke about letter at dinner, v. amusing. Fearful gale blowing. Burnands came down. Sunday 29 October. Chay, Ada & self to church. Mr Wilkie preached, “Thou God seest me” very good sermon. Chicks came. John took them back. Blowing hard at night. Baby could not understand why he was not invited to our wedding, felt hurt & nearly cried about it. Monday 30 October. Very cold. Go to meet in Vic with Con. Chay, Ada & Lin (illeg) F.Burnand, Charlie, Mrs Hammond there. Con rode there & I drove home alone. Sat with Lin all afternoon. Con v. seedy. Tuesday 31 October. Lovely warm sunny day. Ada & Con out riding morg. Ada & self pay calls afternoon. I walked with Chay. Ada & self went to Mrs a’ Beckett’s saw them had tea there. Mrs Twiss came in also. Letter fr Jessie. Nov 1882 Wednesday 1 November. Lovely day but fearfully windy, quite a gale blowing. Drove in Vic alone to see chicks, had just ret’d fr church, well. Con & Ada out riding. Expected Mrs a’Beckett & Mrs Twiss, did not come. Chay walked to Margate, out to lunch. Tassel telegraphed for , little boy ill. Letter fr Mother. Nurse had letter fr Reed. Lin v. late to dinner. Backache. Thursday 2 November. Loveridge goes to London by first train. Lovely warm day, gusty. Ada & Con (illeg) afternoon. Con & Chay walked to Broadstairs. Saw chicks, well. (illeg) Con had letter fr Jess. Tassel not coming down till Monday. Papa no better. Lin hard at work, went & sat all afternoon with him. Chay came & walked home with me. Fox killed by labourers with stone. Wrote lots of letters. Friday 3 November. Went with chicks to meet. Glorious day. Took them to Margate after to see ruins, cellars still burning. Mrs Twiss & General Higgin called. Mr Collard came in. Chicks & self lunched alone. Ada out in dog cart with little mare & “Jaarge”. Row with Cave morg, tiresome boy. (illeg) evg. Lin out riding late. Received dividends fr Blanca £8, & £12 fr Buenos Aires G. Southern. Put both to deposit account same day. 30, 40, 25, 20, £115 on deposit. Lin promised to make up the £200 for chicks. Saturday 4 November. Glorious day. Rosie cannot come to lunch, wire fr Mrs B. V. windy. Con rode Bella. Mr Chay, Ada & self walked about grounds. Sat with Lin after lunch.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 5 November. Wrote letters all morg. Quiet day & evg. Monday 6 November. Tassel returned in the evg, little boy better, brought letters fr Mother. Con & Chay to meet in dog cart with mare. Lin to meet on Punch. Bella mare ill. Con drove her to vets after lunch. Boys went to dance at Hall by the Sea. Lin stayed at home. Tuesday 7 November. Went to Ramsgate with Ada in Vic, bought my dress. Went round & sat with Lin after lunch. Con had letter fr Ham. I had letter fr Geraldine. Petite amie arrive au soir. Wednesday 8 November. Lovely day. Lin goes to London. (illeg) cheque burnt. Cave again distinguished himself by losing letter bills etc but found them again. Ada in room with bad cold not down to dinner. Lin away, only Con, Chay & self to dinner. Thursday 9 November. Very seedy (illeg) . I must have got cold somehow. Lay down all day, up late. Went to bed directly after dinner. Ada not down to dinner had cold & sore throat. Boys out nearly all day. Lin came down in time for dinner. Lin went to Lord Mayor’s show. Friday 10 November. Mr Thornton came. Fine day v. cold. Chicks came to spend day, nurse seedy, self do. Went to Broadstairs in Vic with Ada, asked Mr Raven to call & see Nurse. Ada called on Walkers, Vicarage & Mr Marriott. Con & Chay went to hunt in (illeg) Country. Con rode mare & Punch took Cave. (illeg) Punch threw a shoe & bruised hoof. Went to bed directly after dinner. Saturday 11 November. Bitterly cold day. Gt wind blowing tho’ fine. Went to Margate in Vic with Ada. Awfully cold after lunch. Called on Mrs Twiss, left this morg. Lin hard at work all day. Telegram fr Mother, Papa better. Sent Cave over to see how Nurse was. Sunday 12 November. Lovely day. V. cold east wind. Went & fetched chicks, Nurse v. seedy. Had them here alone all day, v. good. Took them back in fly myself. Lin hard at work all day. Monday 13 November. Bitterly cold wet morg. Ada in room all day with cold, came down to dinner. I walked round to Cottage, stayed hour with Lin & walked back alone. Had tea in Ada’s room, rested there & went to bed early. Nurse v. seedy. Tuesday 14 November. Cold wet miserable day. Go to see chicks after lunch. Nurse little better. Wrote to Mother evg. Walked up & down drive, awfully cold. Drove after I had seen chicks to see sea, v. rough. Wednesday 15 November.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Awfully cold morg. Ada & Brown went off to London by 12.10 to stay at Fletchers. I sat with Lin all afternoon. Cave over to see Nurse, rheumatic gout. Tiff with C about saddle. All right at dinner. Thursday 16 November. Fearfully cold wet & windy day. Walked round & sat with Lin, Chay came & we walked home together as Lin could not do with us. Lin went round to work & Chay with him after dinner late. Nurse ill in bed with rheumatic gout. Friday 17 November. Went over & fetched chicks & saw Dr Raven. Says Nurse ill with acute rheumatism & may not be moved for some time. Chicks v. good took them for walk. (illeg) went over to see Nurse in afternoon. Servants v. kind & attentive. Baby & self slept in spare room, Maud in with Mother. Lin went hunting another fox. Saturday 18 November. Lovely day, cold. Went to Ramsgate with Baby, also to see Nurse, still v. seedy. Chicks v. good. Bought Baby pr of boots. Mrs Moscheles first at home. Sunday 19 November. Lovely day. Nurse better a little. Lin rode over to Burnands’ morg. Mr Walters & another gentleman came over after dinner. Lin at work all day. Monday 20 November. Con went over about Hospital. Pouring wet afternoon. Tuesday 21 November. Martha goes to London. Mrs V. comes down. Mr Raven came at 10 o/c about Nurse. Nurse goes to Cottage Hospital. Lovely day & fine. Go over to see Nurse & settle up. Wednesday 22 November. We go to London. Mrs Nottage’s dinner 7.30. Ref’d. Thursday 23 November. Miserable dull day. Went round to see Mother, both looking pretty well. Con & Chay ret’d fr Westwood. Vy pleasant dinner at Mrs E’s, had carriage. Mrs Hartree’s dance 8 o/c till 1. Mrs Eykyn’s dinner 7.30. Friday 24 November. Dull day warm & muggy. Lin rode before breakfast. Saturday 25 November. Mrs Moscheles second “at home”. Went in to see Mother. Sunday 26 November. Mr & Mrs Reed dined here. Chicks Reed & self dined at Mother’s, Lin also. Took Maud & Baby to church. Monday 27 November. Took Baby out for walk, met Cowards & Maud with kate. Maud goes to tea at Mrs Cowards. Lin out riding with Ada. Theatre. Cave takes all meals in house.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 28 November. Herrings, jam, honey. Cold mutton, cold fowl, Laura pud, tapioca do. Stewed oranges(?). Lin had hair cut in drawing room & went out for walk with chicks & Kate. Mrs Winslow, Mrs Ledyard came. Con came. Lin dined at C. Hartree’s. Wednesday 29 November. Buttered eggs, bacon. Roast beef, rice etc. Punch dinner. Reed goes out all afternoon. Wet, & Emma out evg. Took Roy out in morg after putting spare room in order with R. Dined at Mother’s, Aunt & Uncle Edwin & G. Roller dining at Mother’s. Cold. Mrs Keith’s early dance 8 till 1 o/c. Thursday 30 November. 2 bloaters. Cold beef, fried sole, arrowroot pud, apples & steak pie. Soup, kidneys on toast, minced mutton, apples. Lovely day, cold. Lin paid Emma & Kate’s wages. Lin & self go to Lyceum. Miss Breffitt came to tea. Our cab horse fell at Knightsbridge coming home. A gentleman hit my ear going in. Katie Thornton sat near us at theatre. Dec 1882 Friday 1 December. Sausages. Hashed beef, custard & apples, treacle pie. Leek soup, cutlets, spinach, apples & custard, deviled bloater. Fearful fog. Went out. Saturday 2 December. Bacon. Neck mutton, milk pud. Clear soup, soles, crème de volaille. Sirloin of beef, cauliflowers, wild duck, coffee pud, lemon do & bloater. Miss Elmore, Miss Cole & Con to dinner. Did shopping myself in morg. Bad fog. Sunday 3 December. Sausages. Took chicks with Reed to Mother’s, stayed till 7. Maud cried so kept her. Pouring wet night. Marion & Miss Todd called. Mrs Banting came to see me. Had supper in bedroom, Lin too. Monday 4 December. Bacon. Cold beef, lemon pud. White soup, hashed wild duck, cold beef, potato salad, apples & custard, bloater. X petit ami arrivé. Went to stores. Dr (illeg) & Mrs Davis with Nellie. Long day. Lin to opening of Law Courts. Lin to theatre in evg. Met Mrs Blackburn at stores. Miss Breffitt to chicks. Tuesday 5 December. Bacon. Hashed beef, sole, custards, milk pud, jam tartlets. Clear soup, hashed wild duck, fore quarter of venison, cauiliflower, jelly etc. Apple jelly, custard, herring roes. Mrs Sambourne came at 4 o/c. Reed went to meet her. Nellie here to dinner, pleasant evg, dull day. Mrs S. brought 2 rabbits, 2 grouse, a pheasant. Fore quarter of venison arrived, I don’t know who from. Wednesday 6 December. 2 bloaters, bacon. Cold venison, boiled rabbit, sausages, cauliflower, apple custard. Dull morg, little snow. Mother sent pine apple. Thursday 7 December. 2 kippers, bacon. Leg mutton, rice, cabbage, milk pud. White soup, hashed venison, cold mutton salad, Mrs S. pud. Bitterly cold snowy morg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 8 December. Bacon. Cold mutton, puds. Whiting with rich sauce, hashed venison, boiled rabbit, spinach, coffee custard, bloater. Con came in afternoon. Spencer & Miss Fletcher with Mrs S. (illeg) laid down all day. Saturday 9 December. Bacon, kidneys. Hashed venison & mutton, fried sole, coffee custard, treacle pie, milk pud. White soup, fried (illeg) rechauffée rabbit, jam tarts, herring. Went to German Reed’s & to Con’s at home. Had 2 bad nights, back ache. Lin went to Artists’ at home, not in till 4 o/c! Conrad’s “at home” at his club. Sunday 10 December. Sausages. Sirloin beef, apple tart, milk pud. Soup, kidneys on toast, cold beef, salad, bloater (illeg). Cold foggy day, hard frost. Bad night. Called to see Mother after sharp walk with Lin. Quiet day at home. Monday 11 December. Bacon. Cold beef, apple pies & blancmange. Fish cutlets, red cabbage, cold beef, salad, tartlets, soft roe. Bitterly cold morg, hard frost. Went out with Maud & Mrs S. Roy has few spots round his waist but seems well. Ordered cheese. Tuesday 12 December. Bloater, bacon. Boiled mutton, milk pud, tarts. Dr Barnes dinner party 8 o/c. ½ hour late, jolly dinner. Went for walk with Mrs S, met Gore (?) & Capt Tomlin. Very cold. Wednesday 13 December. 2 bloaters, bacon. Mutton broth, steak, treacle pud, milk do. Steak, milk pud. Went for walk with Roy alone. He has cold. First night German Reeds. Mrs M. Stone called, had tea here. Mrs S. & self had dinner alone. Reed went out. Thursday 14 December. Bacon. Leg of mutton, rice, Mrs S. pud, minced beef. Went round to see Mother, v. seedy. Dull foggy day. Lin dines at Mr A. Burnand’s. Mrs S. & self alone. Friday 15 December. Forgot what we did this day. Saturday 16 December. Bacon, bloaters. White soup, stewed eels, rabbit entré, leg mutton, cauliflower au gratin, grouse, celery salad, stewed pears, cream, plum pud, bloater. Mr Tenniel, Sp & Ada & Marion Fletcher to dinner. Sp bought me lovely bananas. Ada sent dried salmon. Sunday 17 December. Sausages, grouse etc. Fowl, pears, cold mutton, milk pud. White soup, cold mutton & potato salad, cold grouse, pears & cream, plum pud (illeg). Lunched at Mother’s. Had short walk & lost Don, raining, came back for din. Mrs S. lunched with chicks on account of bad cold. Feel seedy again. Monday 18 December. Bacon etc. Hashed mutton, sausages, cold fowl. Salmon, cold grouse, potato salad, steak, plum pud & pears. Chicks out for walk. Tuesday 19 December.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bacon, dried salmon. Shoulder mutton, milk pud, pears etc. Tripe, milk puds. Punch dinner. Mother v. seedy. Mrs S. & self dinner in drawing room. Wednesday 20 December. Bacon, dried salmon. Pickled pork, milk pud, hashed mutton, tripe, macaroni cheese. Mr Mrs G a’Beckett called. Mrs Baker & Mrs Linley called & had tea. Went out with Baby & called on Mother. Saddlers Hall dinner for Mr Cotton. Mr Bradbury’s din. Mrs White’s (illeg illeg). Thursday 21 December. Bacon, dried salmon. Leg mutton, bread & milk puds. Cutlets & milk pud. Lovely day. Had walk. Dine alone with Papa. Mother v. poorly. Con & Ada dine at Fletcher’s. Friday 22 December. Bacon. Steak, hashed mutton, milk pud, Laura do. Soup, shoulder mutton, Mrs S. pud, salmon. Went out shopping morg. Jess & Ham came to Gds. Saturday 23 December. Bacon, herrings. C. shoulder mutton, milk pud, Mrs S. pud. Herrings, minced steak, cold mutton, potato salad, apple custard, salmon. Lin out all day riding to Ealing. Est revenue un peu pas comme il devrait etre. Waddie & Baby came to Gdns. I went round after tea to see Midge & H. Mother all right or much better. Went out shopping morg with Maud, colder. Sunday 24 December. Sausages etc. Top round beef, Yorkshire pud, milk do. Soup, kidneys, cold beef, potato salad, mince pies. Monday 25 December. Herrings etc. Roast goose, apple sauce, plum pud, mince pies. We dine at Mother’s in the evg, Mrs S. also. Maud dined early at Mother’s. Went to ½ p 9 communion service, (illeg) Mrs S, old church. Had dinner with Roy middle of day. He very happy with crackers etc. Tuesday 26 December. Bloaters etc. Cold goose, cold beef, pud, mince pies. Giblet pie, soup etc. Dull morg. Emma out for holiday. Took Bar to Auntie’s & Ada’s in cab 3/-. Kate took chicks to Mrs Oakes morg. Wednesday 27 December. Pressed beef, haddock. Minced beef, giblet pie, plum pud, milk do. Stewed eels, cutlets, cauliflower, grilled goose, salad, mince pies, cheese. Went to Whiteleys with Roy. Lin rode with Ada. Nurse came fr Margate. Reed’s mother came, Reed went out for 2 hours. Thursday 28 December. ½ haddock, grilled leg goose. Hashed goose, haricot mutton, milk pud & bread do. Stewed eels, steaks, pheasant, mince pies etc. Called on Fletchers, Lady Freake & Mrs Cotton, Maud with me. Cab 3/6. (illeg) dinner. Lin heavy work. Friday 29 December. Bacon, pressed beef. Leg mutton, rice, egg sandwiches, milk pud, oranges stewed. Fish, 4 kidneys on toast, cold mutton & salad, coffee sponge etc. Walked


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 out with Mrs S. Left chicks books, put in 15/- to each & left them to be made up. Met Ham. Reed’s holiday. Calls with Maud. Emma paid books. Saturday 30 December. Bacon. Cold mutton etc. White soup, steak, fowl etc, sweets pud etc. Jess, Marion Fletcher to dinner. Go to first night of Her Majesty’s after. Wet, very warm. Went out morg to get shade(?) changed. Sunday 31 December. Sausages, bacon. Sirloin beef, apple pie & custard. Lin & self dined at Mother’s. Ada, Jess & self all sore throats. Had good cry about Nurse looking so ill after bad night. Warm rainy day. Mrs Messel’s dance 10 o/c. Dr (illeg) called at Mother’s. Con came in morg. Had bad night, sore throat. 1883 Notes in front of diary: Mrs Bosanquet’s Chocolate Cake. Work the whole of 5 eggs with ½ lb of fine sugar till they are nearly white. Grate 6 oz of chocolate & 3 oz of finely chopped almonds, add them to the eggs saving a few of the almonds to sprinkle in a plain pipe mould. Then have 6 oz of clarified butter just warmed to an oil & a ¼ lb of fine flour & add just some butter & then flour till it is all used up to the other ingredients & bake about ¾ of an hour in not too quick an oven. The centre can be filled or not with whipped cream, or bake in a plain mould without the pipe. Jelly or Great Debility(?) 2 oz of isinglass. 2 oz gum Arabic. 3 oz white sugar. ½ bot. port wine. These ingredients to be boiled over a slow fire till the whole is dissolved. Pour it into a basin or jar. Two teaspoonfuls in a teacup dissolve, take this quickly twice a day. Lobster à la Murphy. Cut the rind of a lemon into thin strips. The juices, a pat of butter, a gill of cream. Stir over fire till well mixed. Have ready the meat of a lobster add the sauce season to taste & serve hot. Cold lemon pud. 5 yolks of eggs well beaten with ¼ lb of sifted sugar, the juice of a lemon & ½ the rind of one grated. A little vanilla. Dissolve ½ an oz of isinglass in ½ a teacup of water. Strain it & stir it quickly with the eggs & sugar add the whites beaten to a stiff froth. Put into a shape & turn out. Raspberry fool, strawberry do. Crème de volaille with curry in, served on round low mound of rice, jelly gravy in centre.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Jan 1883 Monday 1 January. Bacon, jam. Cold beef salad, sweet pud, milk do. Soup, steak, beef & salad, Tilda pud. Bad sore throat. Nurse better. Dull day. X. Little friend arrived. Kate gave notice, Saty 30th of Dec /82. Kate went out for afternoon. Tuesday 2 January. Bacon. Leg mutton, rice, milk pud, fruit. Kidneys, meat volaille, mince pies, Tilda pud etc. Lovely day ! Nurse went to see doctor. Miss B came. M not in, angry. Nellie comes to tea & lunch. Mr Woodroffe, Bertie Thornton, Lady Freake & Mrs Spiers called. Nurse & chicks went for walk. Wednesday 3 January. Bacon. Cold mutton, milk pud, treacle & jelly do. Steak & macaroni cheese. Punch dinner. Mrs S. & self had din. in drawing room. Kate went out to see doctor & Mrs Keith. Mrs B. Keith called. Mrs Boehm called. Saw parlour maid. Mrs S. took chicks for walk. Thursday 4 January. Bacon. Roast beef, Yorkshire pud, milk do. White soup, cod & oysters, cold beef salad, plum pud etc. Colder. Read Nellie’s story. Mrs S. took chicks out. Dear Lin’s birthday. Drew £2.10.2. Syrett & (illeg). Geraldine came to tea. Friday 5 January. Bacon. Cold beef, milk pud, plum do. White soup, volaille of beef, Kidneys, wafer puds. Chicks out with Nurse. Papa sent my check. Little Vic came in. Saturday 6 January. Bacon. Boiled mutton pickled (illeg), milk pud. Soup, curried beef, sirloin beef, cauliflower & mince pies. Lin rode & joined us at Sangers. Box at Sangers. Sunday 7 January. Bacon, sausages. Cold beef, apple tart, hoch poch. Walked with Lin & Edgar & all dined at Mother’s. Much colder. Feel seedy, old weakness again. Came fr Mother’s to supper here. Lin out with Edgar Ham & Con. All dine early at Mother’s. Florrie & Uncle Leigh called. Monday 8 January. Bacon, eggs. Cold beef, Laura pud, milk do. Fish, cold beef, apple tart. Lin dines at Conny’s club. Went to Miss Elmore’s with Roy. V. cold. Sent registered letter about maid, 3/10. Pd 1/- for entering name at office. Ans. 2 advertisements. Mrs S. had fall last night & hurt her back. Tuesday 9 January. Bacon. Leg mutton, cold beef, Mrs S. pud, milk do, apple tart & custard. Mrs Carter & 2 daughters to lunch. Lovely day, cold. Very pleasant dinner at Miss E’s. Met Mr Tenniel, Miss Leche now Mrs R & husband, Mr Mrs Tattersall, Mr Hedges, Mr Polhill. Bitterly cold. Miss Elmore’s dinner 7.30. Wednesday 10 January. Bacon, 2 eggs. Cold mutton, 2 poached eggs, bread pud, milk do & Mrs S. do. Cold mutton, milk pud. Cold day. Took M for walk round pond, called on Mother. Saw Con & Ham. Con bought horse. Lin at Punch dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 11 January. Bacon, 2 boiled eggs. Cold mutton, steak, bread pud, milk do. Soup, shoulder mutton, saucer puds. Cold dark day. Bad night. Had advertised yesterday & today, had 5 letters only. I saw 2 queer(?) cooks Cale(?) sisters. Sent on to Jess. Called on Ada Sp & Mrs Fildes, took Roy. Friday 12 January. Bacon, eggs. Cold mutton, cake pud, milk do. Soup white, steak etc, cold mutton salad, lemon pud. Cold day. Miss Holland’s juvenile party. Mrs Parish’s dance at Town Hall. Saturday 13 January. Bacon. Sirloin beef. Went with Lin to lunch at St James’. Went to Academy, disap’d with Rossettis. Fr there to Grosvenor Gal. & cup of chocolate at Charbonelle’s. Met Cottons, Hardings(?) etc. Jess came to tea. Sunday 14 January. Bacon, sausages. Fowl, cold beef, rhubarb tarts etc. Lin & self dined at Mother’s. Lin fetched me. Felt v. ill, so weak. Monday 15 January. Bacon. Cold beef, pud, milk do. Sardines, sheep’s heart, cold beef salad, tartlets. Had invitation to dine at Mrs Tattersalls for 8 o/c. Maud Robinson there. Went to see Dr Barnes with Mrs S. Lunched at (illeg) after. Marion & S. Fletcher called. Took Maud & had tea at Mrs Dickens, Lady (illeg) & Miss Hogarth there. Tuesday 16 January. Bacon. Leg mutton, milk pud, fresh herrings, volaille beef, cold mutton salad, tarts. Fine day. Took chicks out. Mrs Coward called & Mrs Barny(?) Mrs Chapman’s juvenile party 4.30 to 8 o/c. Wednesday 17 January. Bacon. Cold mutton, milk pud, cake do. Tripe, milk pud. Letter fr Gen. Holland about Em(?) Spears. 3 other letters. Mother called while I was out with Roy. Jess gone to Astbury. Baby & Waddie v. seedy, Nurse no better! Withdrew £112 fr my deposit account for investment in Western of Buenos Ayres debenture stock also £100 fr childrens making £112 invested 16 Jany/ 83. Thursday 18 January. Bacon, bloaters. Roast beef, milk pud. Steak, cauliflower & milk pud. Pouring wet day. Mrs S. took chicks out. Reed cleaned out cupboard. Saw hideous old cook, 8 month character. Lin dined at Alfred Reed’s. Dr Harcourt called. Friday 19 January. Mrs Cotton’s dinner 7.15. Saturday 20 January. Bacon. Cold meat etc. Roast leg pork etc. Lin, Maud self went to South Kensington Museum. Had lunch there. Nervous in cab. Sunday 21 January. Sausages, bacon. Fowl, cold pork, rhubarb custard plum tarts etc. Lin & self spent day at Mother’s. Lin had supper at Fildes. Walked to Fildes with Sp. Mother v. ill in bed. Dull cold day.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 22 January. Bacon. Cold pork, cold fowl, eels. Boiled mutton, apples & custard. Damp dull day. Mrs A a’Beckett called afternoon. Maud goes to tea at Mrs Coward’s. Mrs Mackenzie called, wanted us to dine there Wed. Saw Cook. Took £50 out of Lang’s(?) Bank Hut on to Bank. Baby had bad night. Tuesday 23 January. Bacon. Boiled neck mut, custard, jam tarts, milk pud. White soup, leg mutton, sweets, bloater. Took M. for walk fine day (wonderful). Saw poor Mother v. ill still. Sent on £50 for Maud. M. spending day at Mother’s. Baby had bad night. Wednesday 24 January. Bacon. Cold mutton, milk pud, Mrs S. do. Oysters, milk cheese. Went after cook’s character, pas bonne! Emma out all day. Reed out afternoon & evg. Reed broke corner of vegetable dish. Fine day. Took Mother grapes, v. ill. Thursday 25 January. Bacon. Stewed eels, hashed mut. Plum pud (Mother’s) milk do. Fish, steak, plum pud. Went with Nellie & Bar to Mrs Critchett’s. Nellie to lunch & tea. Fine day. Friday 26 January. Bacon, egg. Roast beef, Yorkshire pud, milk do. Very jolly evg at Mrs C.H’s. Mr Pettie sat next me & Dr Burrows took me in. A. Levi’s, Petties, Burrows, Orchardson, Mr Hall there. Mrs Colin Hunter’s din 7o/c. Tilda came in to lunch. Spencer came in whilst I was dressing, brought deeds for £600. Saturday 27 January. Bacon. Cold beef, bread pud, milk do. ½ doz oysters, crème de volaille. Lin dined at Juni Army & Navy with Spencer. Dear Mother no better. Pouring wet day. Maud & self to tea party at Geraldine’s, only took M because so disappointed. Sunday 28 January. Sausages, bacon. Roast fowl, cold beef, apple tart, rhubarb & custard. Dined at Mother’s, little better. Perfect gale. Sp called. Returned to supper here. Geraldine & Uncle & Aunt E called at Mother’s. Monday 29 January. Bacon. Steak, cold fowl, rice & milk pud. Stewed eels, roast leg mutton, coffee custard, cod’s roe. Gale blowing. Dull day. Tuesday 30 January. Bacon. Cold mutton, poached eggs, Laura pud. White soup, sheeps hearts, coffee custard, cream cheese, cod’s roe. Took Roy for walk & to see d’r Mother, little better. (illeg) Clarke went to see her last evg. Kate leaves. Wednesday 31 January. Bacon, buttered eggs. Cold mutton, sausages, cake puds, milk do. Cold morg. No little friend! Mrs S. gone to Ealing for day. X. Little friend arrived morg while out. Went & sat with Mother & dined at Gds. Mother v. ill. Tilda & Miss Holland called & Ada Sp came to tea, brought dirty dog. Feb 1883 Thursday 1 February.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 (blank) Friday 2 February. (blank) Saturday 3 February. Bacon. Roast leg mutton, milk pud. Mutton with steak, mince pies. Char woman came. Went for drive in carriage took Nurse & chicks to Regent’s Park. Lin went to see pigeon shooting. Sunday 4 February. Bacon, sausages. Fowl, cold mutton, blancmange, custard, mince pies. Went for drive in cab with Lin. Dined at Mother’s, young Frank came. Florrie & J. Leigh, Marion, Mrs Todd & Mr Palmer called at Mother’s. Mother still v. ill. Came back to supper. Monday 5 February. Bacon. Turbot, cold mutton herring, mince pies & milk pud. Mayonnaise turbot, steak, mince pies, bloater. Lovely day. Eyes full of dust. Emma (parlourmaid) comes. Tuesday 6 February. Bacon. Roast shoulder mutton etc, milk pud & pancakes. Dear Baby v. ill, croup. Walked & saw Mother, better. Dine at Mrs Stone’s 7.30. Dr Orton called. Miss Hogarth, Mrs Cotton & Mrs Silver called. Wednesday 7 February. Bacon, egg. Salt fish, bread pud, milk do. Soup, minced mutton, milk pud. Mrs S. & self to dinner. Wet dull morg. Mrs S. up with Baby all night. Thursday 8 February. Bacon, egg. Hashed mutton, steak, beef tea, bread pud, milk do & jam tartlets. Wet dull morg (illeg). Went out ordered fowl, jelly, potted meat etc. Baby better. Mrs Boehm’s dinner ¼ 8 o/c. V. pleasant dinner at Mrs B’s. Friday 9 February. Bacon, potted meat, egg. Roast beef, Yorkshire pud, milk do. Sprats, boiled rabbit, tartlets. Went out with Maud. Saw Mother, still v. poorly. Bought rabbit etc for dinner. Saturday 10 February. Bacon, bloater, potted meat. Mrs Lewis’ smoking evg 8.30. Sunday 11 February. Bacon, sausages, potted meat. Cold fowl milk pud, cold beef etc. White soup, eels, roast leg mutton, greengages, blancmange, bloater, sausage. Canon Harford came to dinner. M, Lin & self lunched at Mother’s. Mrs Mackenzie called. Palmer & Savory. Mr & Mrs Messel came over to Mother’s. Their horse fell dead. Monday 12 February. Bacon, sausages, potted meat. Cold fowl, beef tea, milk pud etc. Fresh herrings, grilled fowl, Spanish onion, cold mutton, custards & greengages etc. Go to Barnes. Emma goes! New cook comes. Lin out to lunch, I lunch at Mother’s. New cook came. Con returned fr Jessie’s.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 13 February. German sausage, potted meat. Hashed mutton, beef tea, tartlets, milk pud. Haddock, shoulder mutton, sprouts, stewed onion, rhubarb tart, custards, sausage. Je n’aime pas nouvelle cuisinière. Punch dinner. Ted & Carrie to dinner. Mrs Silver & Mrs Evans called, Nelly to tea. Maud to Mrs Coward’s to tea. Went & saw Mother, little better. Wednesday 14 February, Bacon, sausage. Cold shoulder, cutlets, poached egg, rhubarb tart. Tartlets, fresh herrings, cutlets, wafer puds. Pouring wet morning. Mrs Speed’s at home 4-7. Lin dines at the Salters Company. Thursday 15 February. Bacon, egg, sausage. Boiled mutton, rice, milk pud. Scalloped fish, volaille of mutton, beef steaks, bloater. Rained. Took M to pay books with me & called at Mother’s. Mrs Silver’s dinner. M remained to lunch at Mother’s. Wet afternoon. Dr Parr called. Called on Mrs Paxton & Dr Harcourt. Friday 16 February. Bacon, sausage. Roast beef, Yorkshire pud, milk do. Soup, croquettes, cold meat salad, Laura pud. Lovely day. Mrs S. to (illeg) Savoy Theatre with Maud. Lin dined with Burnand at Garrick Club. M took oil for 1 st time. Saturday 17 February. Bacon, egg. Cold beef, steak, milk pud. Sardines, leg mutton, vegetables, mince pies. Reed spoke about going on account of health. I went & had tea with Mother, cheered me up. Geraldine there. Went to Mrs Lewis in evg, bother about Cave & cab. Mrs L in bed bad cold, came back again. Played backgammon & went to bed. Maud cold. Sunday 18 February. Bacon, sausages. Cold mutton, roast fowl etc., blancmange, rhubarb tart, milk pud. Supper sardines, fowl, mince pies. Went to Mother’s for dinner, Sp there. Lin rode to Richmond. Lin dined at Reform Club with Dr M. Mackenzie. Canon Harford came to supper brought stared(?) sapphire ring for Linley, book for me & little mice(?) for Maud. Monday 19 February. Bacon. Cold mutton, beef tea, milk pud, cake do. Sardines, roast fowl, onion, mince pies, sausage. Went to Barnes in brougham. Mrs Ledyard’s children’s tea party 4.30. Went & saw Mother, v. poorly. Waddy came to tea with Nurse. I had tea Mrs Coward’s. Called on Mrs Silver. Ada ret’d fr Bridgenorth. Tuesday 20 February. Bacon. Roast beef, Yorkshire pud, mince pies. Cold fowl, white soup, grilled fowl, cold joint, tomato salad, mince pies, welch rabbit. Go to St James with Lin. Mrs S. to Westbourne Grove. Edith Curzon came to tea. Alice L. to lunch. Maud with cold. Wednesday 21 February. Bacon, buttered eggs. Cold beef, treacle pie, milk pud. Fresh herrings, cold fowl & salad, mince pies. Went out with Tab, called to see Mother. Go to Drury Lane


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Theatre. Ada goes to Brighton to Mrs Fletcher, returns Saturday. Took M & Mrs S. to Drury Lane, Cave went too. Spencer came in after dinner. Thursday 22 February. Bacon, poached eggs. Minced beef, sausages, bread pud & treacle do. Clear soup, shoulder mutton, vegetables, wafer puds, anchovy. Pd bills. Man came to fit Bar’s coat on. Went & sat with Mother. Con & Spencer came in after dinner. Friday 23 February. Bacon, anchovy paste, watercress. Fish, steak, apple charlotte, cheese straws. Fine day, cold. Went to Mother’s & shopped. Maud gone to Ealing with Mrs S. Saturday 24 February. Bacon, buttered eggs, joint. Go to Mrs Bosanquet’s fr Saty till Monday. Was going to Jessie’s. Go to Bournemouth with Mother. Arrived at High Cliff Hotel Bournemouth at 6 o/c with Father & Mother. Saw floods after passing Winchester, barren country for miles near Bournemouth. Long day. Sunday 25 February. Rather foggy morning. Went for walk along sea shore alone. Broken steps, girl helped me. Went out with Papa later. Lovely afternoon, had sleep in Mother’s room. Mother full of pain. Backache. Letters fr Lin, drawings fr Maud. Monday 26 February. Petite amie arrivée. Took long drive. Papa took cold. Lovely day. Tuesday 27 February. Mother & self took little walk along cliff, cold wind. Papa indigestion after lunch, pressed beef. High pheasant for dinner. Mr Chancelor(?) came in after din. Mother lay down. Wednesday 28 February. Mother seedy ankles bad. Papa awful pain after lunch. Met Tab. Self called at Dr Scott’s. Tabs & self dinner alone. Dr S came in, v. nice man. Punch & World came. Mar 1883 Thursday 1 March. Went to see rooms at Mr Bentinck’s rec’dn, don’t like them. Mother & self took drive. Lovely day. After lunch went in bath chair & donkey for walk with Ada & Brown. Ada had tea, both Mother & Papa better. Friday 2 March. Cold day. Mother went out in chair, Tafles. Tab tired, lay down. Mother & Papa lunched upstairs alone, Ada & self down. Mother & self did shopping spent 10/on toys etc, 2/- boy for chair. I walked with Mother after lunch, she went in chair. Saturday 3 March. Ada goes up to London with Brown. A. took walk with me for 1 ¼ hour, I in chair. Very fine day, piercing cold E. wind. Took A. & B to station, came back & went drive with Mother in little Vic to Branksome Woods, lovely. Mother awfully seedy, had long sleep when she came in. Papa’s cough worse. Lin comes at 9 something. Sunday 4 March.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bournemouth. Compôte of fruits. Recipe. Pears round, oranges do, chips(?) in centre & prunes on top. Syrup, orange juice & sugar & flavoured with chips(?). Lovely day. Slept badly. Went out for drive in chair with Lin & then walked till lunch. After lunch took drive with Mother for one hour in Hotel landau. Lin & self dined at table d’hôte. Sent to Dr Dobell for Papa. Cd not come till tomorrow at ¼ p 3. Lin went to Bourne Hall. Spent 10/- toys, 6/- chair, 1/- telegram, 1/- stamps, 1/6 cups & saucers, 6 (illeg) nut oil(?), 1/6 telegram & stamps. Monday 5 March. Lovely day. Went out all morning with Lin to bric a brack shops. Lunched with him early. Went to station with him. He went to London by 1.20. Got eau de vie for Mother fr Heron’s. Papa Mother & self dinner upstairs. Tuesday 6 March. Bitter east wind tho’ bright. Mother & self drove in fly fr Hotel to station for “Times”. I bought paper & fruit etc. Slow fly (Victoria). Hail stones, awfully cold, bright afternoon. Wrote letters. Went for walk alone into town about 4 o/c, bought stamps, & stockings for Mother. Wednesday 7 March. Gale at night & bitter cold east wind. Fine morg, very stiff wind blowing. Papa bad night. Mother seems little better. Letter fr Jess & business letters. Dr Farr called found Papa not so well. Mother & self went in double bath chair to station for paper, bought 2 bottles Champagne at Heron’s, collars cuffs etc, pd man 3/11. Papa eat no dinner. Poor little Jack died after 3 month’s suffering. Thursday 8 March. Lovely day, bitter east wind. Letters as usual. Had telegram about little Jack, very sad. Went out with Mother in Hotel brougham to telegraph etc. Dr Farr came at lunch time. Papa little better. I went for walk after lunch along coast, bitter cold, attempt at snow. Fine & sunny notwithstanding. Friday 9 March. Lovely sunny day, still bitter east wind. Went shopping in shaky double bath chair fly. (illeg) had cold, horse too. Bitterly cold. Mrs Arthur Burnand’s dinner ¼ to 8 o/c. Went to station for papers, bought jug, broth bowl, cups & saucers, (illeg) jug. After lunch I walked into town, bought cream. V. cold, v. tired. Papa v. bad. Mother eat no dinner. Dr Farr came. Saturday 10 March. Lovely day, still bitter cold wind. I went in double bath chair fr Hotel for hour’s shopping. Papa little better, Mother too. Sat on sands ½ hour, old lady & dau. Mrs Joshua dinner ½ to 8. Dr Orton coming at 9 o/c. Dr Farr came afternoon. Did not go out after lunch. Dr Orton came late. Sunday 1 March. Lovely day. Sat on sands hour in sun. Adventure with gentleman in grey suit. Antiquated fowl at lunch. Dr O & waiters funny remarks on same. Went & met Lin at 3.15. He & O went for walk. Lin, O & self went down to table d’hôte, v. amusing. Lin & O out after. I to bed early. Feel seedy. Monday 12 March. Lovely day. Dr Orton went up to town before breakfast. The two girls with their father & mother left. Mother & self took hours’ drive in Hotel car. Lin & self


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 lunched together in dining room. Went for stroll. Went to station with him, saw him off. Papa not so well quite. Tuesday 13 March. Lovely day, cold wind. Drove & shopping with Mother. After lunched walked with Mother along cliff. Bought things of man. Papa not so well, had no dinner. Lin dined at Lord Onslow’s, Richmond Terrace. Horrid palpitations again. Poor little Jack’s funeral. Lady Monckton’s at home after H.M’s drawing room. Effie Boehm presented. Wednesday 14 March. Size of room dining 25, 15 or 16. Cutlets & shreds of celery, bacon & beans carrots etc in center. Lovely morning, wind changed. Papa very seedy, not so well. Went out shopping alone in double bath chair. Mother tried packing. Made blancmange & beef tea. Mother lay down while Papa & self dined. Very tired. Thursday 15 March. Dullish day. Went out shopping for Mother, bought sweet little teapot 2/3 for Mrs Herne. Papa awfully upset abut Ada & H.F. Dr Fall called says we are to make a move. Wire fr Lin. Wired back. Lady Monckton’s at home after Drawing Room fr 4.30 till 6.30. Lady Freake’s at home. Boat Race (Oxford & Cambridge.) Friday 16 March. Leave for home tomorrow D.V by 1.20 to Vauxhall. Saturday 17 March. Went out with Nurse & chicks, saw Mother. Met Alice Leigh with Nurse & Jeffrey. Had tea with Mother. Called to see Mrs Paxton. Quiet dinner. Sunday 18 March. Mrs Joachim’s at home 10 o/c. Lin & self lunched at Mother’s. Mrs S. & self to church. Uncle & Aunt E, Mr Shelfield(?), Geraldine called at Mother’s, Hamilton F there. Lin fearful cold, did not go to Joachims. Monday 19 March. Cold fowl & bacon. Cold beef, broth, bread pud. White soup, dressed crab, stewed pigeons, loin of mutton, cauliflower, potatoes chiffon, merangues, saucer puds, egg anchovy. Went out shopping with Mother. Lunched at Mother’s. Ada Papa & Geraldine there. Ada, Ham F. & Nellie to din. Tuesday 20 March. Bitterly cold. Went out shopping morg. Mrs Sambourne to Westbourne Grove, ordered & pd for cake, buns, & brawn. Mrs A. Lewis & Mrs Coward called. Geraldine coming. Unable to come, had cold. Arthur Linley to dinner. Lin to Punch dinner. Wednesday 21 March. Bacon, brawn etc. Leg mutton, vegts, meringues, milk pud, lemon do. Sole, rissoles, haricot of mutton, rice pud, oefs farcie. Nellie to lunch, went out with me. Put £1 to Roy’s book, ordered cheese & bacon. Harold Paxton to tea. Mde François tried on my dress. Thursday 22 March.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bacon, 2 new laid eggs, brawn. Cold mutton, haricot soup, rice pud, milk do & rice. Fish, boiled mutton, orange mould, welch rabbit. Lovely morg, cold day E.W. Baby cold. Called on Lady Freake (large party there). Lady Monckton, Mrs Tomlin, Archer, & Cotton. Friday 23 March. Bacon, brawn, buns, watercress. Irish stew, roly poly jam pud, blancmange, oranges. Soup, cutlets, stewed rhubarb, custards, anchovy toast. Went to church, Mrs S. Bar’s cold same. Maud & Mrs S for walk, sunny but v. cold. New dress arrived, bad. Called on Ada S.J, gone to Fred’s. Lin & self self dine at Mother’s. Lin lunched at Sir E Sullivan’s. Saturday 24 March. Bacon, anchovy, jam. Sausages, mutton broth, cake puds, milk do. Dressed crab, steak, fried potatoes, turnip tops, coffee custard, anchovy egg. Went out shops with Mother, lunched at St James. Lin rode. Reed went home for month’s holiday. Emily came. Paid gloves £1.13.4. due 12th Feby. Pd Reed 1.2.0. up to this day 24th. Went to Savoy Theatre, L. Braham not there. Sunday 25 March. Eggs, bacon etc. Sirloin of beef, Yorkshire pud, milk do. Soup, sardines, ox foot (illeg), cold beef salad, rhubarb, custards, cheese straws. Went to ½ p 9 Communion Service. Hard frost, fine day, bitterly cold. Went with Lin to Battersea Park, called on Frank Miles. Met Lady Grover(?) & Wards there. Called on Mrs H. Dickens, walked home. Very tired. Monday March 26. Bacon, sardines etc. Cold beef, suet pud, milk do. Soup, sardines, roast fowl, seakale, stewed oranges, anchovy. Emma out afternoon & evg. Little friend arrived. Little Cowards to tea. Tuesday 27 March. Bacon, eggs. Leg mutton, milk pud. Stewed eels, steak, grilled fowl, Cabinet pud, anchovy. Edgar, Alice, Miss Hamilton, Mrs Cornwell, Marion E. called. Lin out with Queen’s, grand run. Wednesday March 28 Bacon, but’d eggs. Cold mutton & minced mutton, cauliflower. Stewed eels, steak pud, cabinet pud. Punch dinner. Called on Mrs Turner with Roy & Mrs S. Maud not able on ac of cold to go to Mrs Turner’s children’s party, 6 o/c. Cook out for extra time. Thursday 29 March. Bacon etc. Sirloin of beef, Yorkshire pud, milk do, baked apple. Fillet soles white sauce, curried mutton, Friars omlette. Lovely day, warmer. Mrs Griff(?) to tea. Lin dines with Mr Lethbridge. Sp called, Lin saw him. Lady Freake’s at home. Friday 30 March. Bacon, ½ had. Cold sirloin , Friars omlette. Milk pud, suet do. Soup and oeux, sardines, cold beef (illeg) or steak & salad, Bakewell pud, anchovy egg. Wet dull morg, warmer. Saturday 31 March.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bacon. Boiled mutton, milk pud, Bakewell do. Soup, cutlets, rissoles, tartlets etc. Lin & self went to Comedy Theatre saw Rip van Winkle, v. good. Little American girl there with old gentleman. Called & saw Mother morg. Pd books, heavy. Lady Monckton’s at home. Apr 1883 Sunday 1 April. Sausages, bacon. Boiled mutton, mince pies, blancmange. Clear soup, dressed crab, crème de volaille, calves feet, leg mutton, salad, stewed fruit, cream, mince pies, devilled bloater. Maud & self went to St Philip’s. M & self lunched at Mother’s, Marion F, H & Ada & Edg there. Lin fetched me home to tea. Mr Hall, Mr Paul & Mr Salamons & Mr Peto called afternoon & had tea. Mr Abbey, Mr Salamons & Mr Lockyer dined with us. V. pleasant evg. Monday 2 April. Bacon. Cold mutton, beef tea, milk pud & tartlets. Soup, shoulder mutton, blancmange, sardines. Lovely morg, Pd washing woman 12/9. Called on Mrs Coward, Mrs Tassel to see Baby, Geraldine & Mrs Roberts. Met Mrs L.Winston at Barker’s. Mrs Cheshire(?) at home 9 till 1. Mrs Jopling at home. Tuesday 3 April. Bacon, brawn etc. Cold shoulder mutton, aspic jelly, blancmange, bread pud. Soup, crème de volaille, mutton, steak, bread & butter pud, bloater. Fog morg, cleared off beautifully. Go out with Mother. Lunched at Blanchards. Mrs Spofforth called. Lin & self dined at Mother’s, Mr Chapple there & Sp. Mrs Paxton’s baby born. Sold stock over £600. Emily out afternoon & evg & Cave also. Lin lunched at Mr Lockyers. Wednesday 4 April. Bacon, buttered egg. Steak pud, sausages, bread pud, milk do, bread & butter do. Herrings, potato pie, blancmange. Books heavy again. Maud’s first day with Mrs Coward’s governess. Lin breakfasted at S. Ken with Mr Lockyer. Aunt Bessie & Maud came to tea. Maud & self went out shopping. Thursday 5 April. Bacon, 2 poached eggs. Leg of mutton, rice, vegetables, blancmange. White soup, aspic of (blank), steak, vegetables, lemon pud, welch rabbit. Mrs Morel Mackenzie’s juvenile fancy ball 7 o/c. Friday 6 April. (blank) Saturday 7 April Go to Jessie’s with Maud. Sunday 8 April. (blank). Monday 9 April. (blank). Tuesday 10 April. Went to Mrs Cresswells.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 11 April. Stamps 1/-, guard 1/-, porter 1/-, telegram 1/-, cotton 2/2. Thursday 12 April (blank). Friday 13 April. (blank). Saturday 14 April. Accident with cart. Went into B with Midge in wagonette. Sunday 15 April. Went to church Chelmouth. Ham, Midge & Maud. Monday 16 April. Colder. Go to Mr Blaithwaites to tennis. Mr & Mrs Nichol etc to lunch. Tuesday 17 April. Ham runs the Clown! Wednesday 18 April. Return home. Thursday 19 April. Went out shops morg with Geraldine. To Madame’s to be fitted. Mother’s “at home”. Friday 20 April. Made calls on Mrs Paxton, Watney, A. Burnand, Lady Lawrence, Waring, A. Harding, Nottage, Tomlin, Joachim etc. Cab left me at Mother’s. Saw Tab & H.F. Met Nichol girls in Ken. Saw Mrs F. Burnand at A.B’s & 3 girls. Mrs Cotton’s “at home”. Saturday 21 April. Midge & Ham came up. X arrived. Had bad cold & feel seedy. Fracas avec la bonne et le garçon. Reed returned. Emily left, done v. well considering. Sunday 22 April. Bacon, egg, sausages. Roast brisket of beef, blancmange, mince pies. Beef sirloin & veg. Mince pies & savory. Lin & Maud to Gds to lunch. Edgar came in to tea & again after dinner. Monday 23 April. Bacon, eggs. Cold beef, suet pud. Fish, cold beef salad & sheeps hearts, mince pies, cheese straws. Tuesday 24 April. (blank). Wednesday 25 April. (blank), Thursday 26 April.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bacon, Kidneys, neck mutton, milk pud etc. Soup, cutlets, saucer puds. Went out shop’g with Midge, chose bonnets. Lunched out. Chose presents. Friday 27 April. Bacon, 2 poached eggs, shoulder mutton, saucer puds, milk & rice do. Went out shop’g, wet day, met Maud with Miss A(illeg) Mrs Morris’s dinner ¼ to 8 o/c. Met Admiral Marshall, Cap. Mrs Gambier, Sir Bruce Seaton etc. 16 to din & splendid din & delightful evg. Saturday 28 April. Ada’s wedding!!! Dance in evg. Went after wed to (illeg) Water Colours & Grosvenor Gallery, met heaps of friends. Sunday 29 April. Bacon, sausages. Cold beef, rhubarb tart. Smelts, cold beef salad, beef olives, Genovoise pastry, jelly, anchovy egg. Maud, Roy, Lin & self lunched at Mother’s. All v. tired. Roy v. tiresome. Monday 30 April. Bacon. Cold beef, bread pud, blancmange. Salmon trout sauce piquante, sweetbreads mushroom sauce, loin mutton, asparagus, new potatoes (illeg), jelly of rum, genovoise pastry, cheese straws. Asked 2 Miss Nichols to dinner. Went out shopping. Sore throat worse. Jess & Ham returned to Astbury. May 1883 Tuesday 1 May. Bacon etc. Cold loin mutton, minced mutton, jelly, milk pud, genoese pastry. Went out shopping. Called on Mother. Miss Coe, Miss Elmore & Miss Hogarth & Mrs Larnack called. Mrs S. & self dine at Mother’s. Lin goes to Punch dinner. Wednesday 2 May. Bacon. Leg mutton, rice, milk pud. Salmon cutlets, sheep’s heart, saucer pud, welch rabbit. Bad din, my fault. Shop’g morg, pd books. Mrs S. left. Reed went to station with her. Pd calls with E after lunch to Miss Elmore, Miss Holland & Auntie. Mr Frere & Mrs Speed called. Thursday 3 May. Bacon, ½ had. Cold leg mutton, salad, rissoles, milk & cake puds. Miss Nichols came to tea. Went out morg. Lin & self dine at Mother’s. Friday 4 May. Bacon, egg etc. Shoulder mutton onion sauce etc. Soup, chop, pud. Took Maud to Private View. Cold day. Private View of Academy. Saturday 5 May. Bacon, eggs. Steak, bread pud, milk do. Soup, oyster patties, sardines, sirloin beef, artichokes, Bakewell pud, mince pies, anchovies. Went out shopping. Ada Sp called after lunch. 2 Miss Nichols to dinner & theatre after. Mrs Millais & Mary there. Sunday 6 May. Sausages, bacon, sardines. Cold beef, sardines. Soup, fried soles, fillets of beef, duck, asparagus, chocolate blancmange, mince pies, sardines. Went with Lin to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 see Mr Macdonald. To Tattersalls after. Ada SJ & Sp called & Mr Toller. Mr Tudor(?) Frere to dinner. Pleasant evg. Monday 7 May. Bacon, sardines. Cold beef, chocolate blanc etc. Rechauffée of sole, duck, milk pud. Wet morg. Lin out to dinner. Mrs Ansdell’s children’s party 5 o/c. Academy Club dinner. I went for drive with Marion Fletcher. Tuesday 8 May. Bacon, 2 boiled eggs. Leg of mutton, sweet pud etc. Soup, sardines & hashed duck, milk pud. Lin dines at Rabelais Club. Dull dark morg, yellow fog. Heavy rain all day. Mr Lockyer’s at home. Mrs Macdonald called, Mrs McIlwraith called. Wednesday 9 May. Bacon. Cold mutton, suet, Laura pud. Soup, steak, baked potatoes, rice pud. Punch dinner. Miss Breffitt coming to tea dinner. Pd books. Called on Mrs Coward. Mrs Nichol & Alice M. called. Thursday 10 May. Bacon, leg mutton, rice pud. Fresh herring, spinach & eggs, sweetbreads, cocked hats savory. Mrs C. Latham called. Friday 11 May. Bacon etc. Cold mutton, minced do, puds. Prawns, caviare, soup, trout, aspic foie gras, sweetbreads & tomatoes, leg lamb salad etc, asparagus, York ham, peas, plovers eggs, compote of fruit, iced coffee soufflé, anchovies etc. Dinner to Mr. Macdonald 7.30. Mr & Mrs Boehm, Canon Harford, Mr A. Burnand, Mr & Mrs Morris, only Mr M coming. C. Hartree called. Saturday 12 May. Bacon, buttered eggs. Cold lamb, sole, sweets etc. Prawns, sweetbreads, peas, shoulder mutton, sweets etc. Went to opening of Fisheries Exhi. Went to Mr Lane’s to sign deeds! Lunched at St James & had carriage! Lin went in the evening but found it closed. Mrs Perugini called. Sunday 13 May. Bacon, sausages. Cold shoulder mutton, rhubarb tart, blancmange. Caviar, soup, trout, crème de volaille, aspic foie gras, leg of lamb, peas, salad etc, asparagus, plovers eggs, compote of fruit, jelly, genovoise pastry, cheese straws, anchovy egg etc. Mr J Macdonald to din 7.30. Mr Macdonald, Mr & Mrs Fildes, Mrs B. Tomlin, Mr C. Russell, Canon Harford. Lin rode with Mr Reed. Not so good a dinner or as good com. as last Friday. Monday 14 May. Bacon & ham. Cold lamb, ham, jelly, blancmange, treacle pie. Salmon escallops, foie gras, creame de volaille, milk pud & fruit etc. Emma goes for holiday. Mrs Cotton’s garden party, Enfield. Mrs Nichols to tea 4 o/c. Carriage. Took Maud & Miss Allan for drive dreadful afternoon. Calld at Mr Macdonald’s left picture of Aca’dy on Justin McCarthy. Met Dr Farquarson at Mrs N’s & Mrs Wright. Tuesday 15 May. Bacon, ham. Ribs of beef, rice etc milk pud. Crème de volaille, minced mutton, harmony biscuits, egg anchovy. Hamper fr Westwood. Mr Lockyer’s at home. Mrs


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 A Reed & two little ones called. Miss MacCarthy called. Walked with Maud & Miss A. morg in Gardens. Wednesday 16 May. Bacon, ham. Lax, cold beef, hashed lamb, rhubarb & rice. Soup, lax, spinach & eggs, cold beef & salad, rhubarb tart cheese straws. To Mrs Evans to lunch with Maud. Tilda to dinner. Little Reeds to tea. Go to Fisheries with Lin. Mr & Mrs a’Beckett called. Thursday 17 May. Bacon, ham. Steak, minced beef, tart, custard etc. Mrs Tomlin & Mrs Lewen called. 2 Miss Nichols called. Mr & Mrs Dietz called. Lin dined at Garrick with Mr Burnand & left me at Mrs Mocatta’s. Mrs Elkin Mocatta’s dinner party Thursday 17th ¼ to 8 o/c. Friday 18 May. Bacon, leg of mutton, custard, rhubarb, rice etc. Reed & Groves to Fisheries. Go to Mrs Bosanquet. Maud to Mrs Leches party 7 o/c. Mrs Leches party postponed. Dined at Mess with officers, young fellow seedy. V. slow dinner. Saturday 19 May. X due. Cold lamb, rhubarb tart, caviare, soup, sirloin, spinach, tartlets, anchovy. Return fr Bosanquets. Went to Rip van Winkle for 2 nd time, v. good new girl in it. Mr & Mrs Morris called. Sunday 20 May. Bacon etc. Cold beef & fowl, cauliflower, tartlets, blancmange etc. Soup, fish, fillet of beef, cold beef & salad, tartlets, caviare. Went with Maud to church. Lin rode with Mr Reed. No one called except Mrs Heintz. Monday 21 May. Bacon, potted ham. Cold beef, cold fowl, custard, stewed rhubarb, tartlets. Caviare, fish fillets, cauliflower etc, cold beef salad, rhubarb tart, custard, lax. Lovely day. Afraid Roy is going to have whooping cough. Mrs W. Waring called. Peti ami arrivé. Called on Wells, McIlwraith, Price’s, Hogarth & Mrs Best. Tuesday 22 May. Bacon, potted ham. Leg of mutton, rice milk pud, caviare, souchet of flounders, curried beef, cold mutton salad, coffee blancmange, egg anchovy. Mrs Fox White’s dance 8.30. Mr Lockyer’s at home. Mrs C. Hunter called. Mother & Papa returned fr Westwood. Wednesday 23 May. Bacon, 2 poached eggs. Cold leg of mutton, rice pud, cold rhubarb tart. Steak, coffee custard. Geraldine called. Lady came about Emily. Mrs Wright called. Thursday 24 May. Bacon, 2 eggs. Shoulder mutton, rice etc. Soup, curried mutton, steak pud, veg, fritters of apple, lax. Mrs Paxton called. Friday 25 May. Bacon, egg. Cold mutton. Steak pud, bread do. Fish, steak pie, cauliflower, fritters, custard. Went out for drive with Maud in park. Marion E came to tea &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 din. Lin dines with Spencer at Finsbury Bar’ks. Lin home at 3 o/c un peu élevé grand bruit ! Geraldine came in the morg. Saturday 26 May. Bacon, buttered eggs. Liver, ham, egg, macaroni milk custard bread pud. Caviare, soup, salmon sharp sauce, crème de volaille, leg of lamb, peas, new potatoes, asparagus, gooseberry tart, cream pastry, anchovy. Mr & Mrs a’Beckett to din 7.30. Sunday 27 May. Bacon. Pigeon, cold lamb, rhubarb, ground rice, gooseberries. Soup, cutlets of salmon, fillet of beef, tomato salad, peas, new potatoes, asparagus, gooseberry tart, cream pastry, devilled bloater. Mrs G.H. Boughton’s at home 10 o/c. Mr Tenniel to dinner. Lunched at Mother’s. Went in bath chair with Lin & Maud for walk. Monday 28 May. Bacon etc. Hashed lamb, cold beef, (illeg illeg), rhubarb. Caviare, fish scallops, cold beef salad, plovers eggs in aspic, gooseberry tart, custards, bloater. Maud H. coming for fortnight. Tea with Miss Hogarth 5.30. Called at Furzicotts(?). Mr Burnand & Mr Finlay came after lunch. Mr Burnand gave us stalls for “Stage Dora” at Tool’s theatre. Lin did not go. Maud & self went. Thought I had lost Maud’s bracelet. Tuesday 29 May. Bacon. Leg mutton, honey cakes, custard etc. Went for walk with Maud, called at Mother’s. Met Sp, saw (illeg) at H. C(illeg). Mr Lockyer’s at home. Mrs Fletcher’s dinner 7.30. Maud dined at Mother’s. Conrad at Mrs Fletcher’s, went on to Lockyer’s. Dr King, Mrs Mocatta, Mrs Calderon, Mrs Leche & Mrs Ansdell called. Wednesday 30 May. Egg, kippers. Cold mutton, fish, cake puds milk do. Went & pd books with Maud. Went with Mrs Paxton to Military Concert at Albert Hall, Dr Harcourt with us. Slow concert very. Dined at Mother’s. Jess & Baby arrived, Jess looking wonderfully well. Thursday 31 May. Bacon. Shoulder of mutton, bread & butter pud & bread pud. Souchet of flounders, fillets of beef, cold mut. & salad, raspberry blancmange, savory. Go to the park with Mrs Paxton & Maud. Lunched at Mrs Paxton’s. Maud lunched at Mrs Coward’s & went to Fisheries Exh & had tea at Jones’. Maud H. & self went & called on Mrs Wright, Mrs Cornwell, Mrs Ionides & met Mrs Livesey. Mother & Jess called. Ham came up fr Salop. Mrs B Tomlin called. Jun 1883 Friday 1 June. Bacon etc. Cold shoulder mutton, sweets. Soup, salmon, caper sauce, pigeons, tomatoes, lamb saddle, potatoes, spinach, asparagus, gooseberry soufflé, sponge cake pud, anchovy. Chicks go with Nurse to Mrs Leche 12 Southdale Gds. Mrs Burnand & Gerty called. Mrs Eykyn & Mary called. Maud & self went out shopping. Saturday 2 June.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bacon, sausages. Cold lamb etc. Maud & self called at Aunt Linda’s, saw her & met Marion. I went in bath chair lovely drive thro’ Gds. Maud goes to A. Hall with Mother. Dine at 8 o/c with Mrs Perugini. Sunday 3 June. Bacon etc. Sirloin of beef, vegetables, asparagus, stewed gooseberries, custard & Yorkshire pud. Soup, fillets of beef, veg’, salad, gooseberry tart & savoury. Lunched with Maud here. Lin & little Maud dine at Gardens. Two M’s went to church. Lin & self went to Mrs Faire’s & sat in garden, v. pleasant. C. Burnand came & dined with us. Monday 4 June. Bacon, potted salmon. Cold beef, suet pud etc. Soup, filleted sole, steak, spinach, gooseberry tart, custard, savoury. Maud out for walk with Nana & chicks morg. Took Maud to Academy. Met Alice & F.Leigh. Saw Jess & Ham on way back. Col & Mrs Bennett called. Tuesday 5 June. Bacon, omelette. Pot. salmon, boiled beef, minced steak, suet dumplings, milk pud. Mrs H.F.Dickens’ dinner 7.30. Maud with chicks to Gds to tea. Went to Westbourne Grove with Maud called at Furzicotts(?) & Madame Leonée. Jess Ham & Geraldine called. Auntie called. Met Douglas Fitzgerald, Mr & Mrs Pollock, Mr Pigott at Dickens’. Wednesday 6 June. Bacon. Potted salmon, cold beef, honey & jam. Minced beef, steak or chops & salad, chocolate pud. Pd books with Maud in morg, high! 1 st night German Reeds 8 o/c. Lin to Punch din. To Mr Hartree’s at home after. Took Maud to Mrs Ansdell’s at home. Thursday 7 June. Bacon, buttered eggs. Leg of mutton, veg’t, rice, milk pud, gooseberries. Went out, Maud to Gds, for walk. Dull day. Clara Bergheim came to lunch (surprise). Mrs G. a’Beckett’s dinner 7.30. Mrs Nottage’s theatricals & dance 8 o/c precisely. Met Mr & Mrs Estcourt & Mr & Mrs Twiss at Mrs a’Beckett’s. Went on to Nottage’s dance. Saw Mr & Mrs Turner & the newly married daughter. Friday 8 June. Bacon, potted beef. Cold mutton, potted beef, gooseberries, custard, bread pud. Maud Lin & self dined Mother’s, Hamilton’s last night. Go to Harley Street call on Mackenzies, Barnes, a’Becketts & Critchett & Mrs Joachim. Maud went for drive with Conrad. Mr Pellegrini called. Saturday 9 June. Bacon, pot’d beef. Roast shoulder mutton, roly poly jam pud, milk pud. Soup, lobster, steak, gooseberry fool. Sat in Gds with Maud. Shopped. Pellegrini & park afternoon. Met Sterne. Lin dines at 8 with Sir E. J. Reed’s son. Sunday 10 June. Bacon & bloaters. Roast fowl, asparagus etc gooseberry tart & custard, cold mutton. Maud spends day at Mde E’s. Sat in Gds with Maud H & Roy. Rested all afternoon. Mrs F. Burnand’s din 8.15. Invite to Boehms on Thurs & fr Saty to Monday at Fred’s. Stayed at Mrs Burnand’s till 3.30am. Came home in broad daylight. Mr & Mrs C. Critchett called.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 11 June. Bacon & eggs. Steak, bread pud & milk do. Soup, salmon sharp sauce, cold fore quarter lamb, mint sauce, potatoes, tomato salad, duckling & green peas, stewed gooseberries & custard, bloater. American Mr Nast, Jess, Maud, Lin & self to Lyceum to see “Lyons Maid”. Went into Hol P/G with Maud. Mrs Paxton, Nelly & Mrs Boehm called. Dora & Waddie to tea. Tuesday 12 June. Bacon. Cold lamb (illeg) pud & gooseberries, custard. Filleted sole, stewed duck, peas, cold lamb salad, fried lamb’s fry, sponge cake & chocolate. Asked Clara to dinner. Miss Wells’ garden party. Lin dines at Arts Club with Mr Ellis. Dr King’s tea party at the Salisbury Club. Went to Grove with Maud to see swimming baths. Poor little Bird died. Wednesday 13 June. Bacon, bloaters. Pork, sole, lemon pud, gooseberries. Fish escallops, stewed duck, lambs fry, chocolate pud. Went & sat in Gds. Lost Don & found him again. Lin at Punch din. Maud H & self called on Mrs Messel, Joshua, Tucker, Parish & Aunt Linda. Walked home through Gardens. Mrs Agnew called. Thursday 14 June. Bacon & bloater. Neck mutton, pork, bread & butter pud, gooseberry jelly. Soup, shoulder mutton, salad etc, asparagus, cream cakes, cheese straws. Mrs M. Mackenzie’s at home 10.30. Box for “Silver King”, awfully exciting. Pellegrini called. Christine Milson, O. Wild, Joli etc at Mrs Mackenzie’s, lovely music. Friday 15 June. Bacon. Cold shoulder, gooseberries, milk pud, bread do. Fish, lambs fry, cold mutton & salad, gooseberry tart, cheese straws. Very tired. Got home after 2 o/c. Mrs W. Hartree’s dance 9 o/c. Mr Sterne’s at home 9 o/c. Saturday 16 June. X. Bacon, buttered eggs. Sirloin beef, suet pud. Soup, cold beef, salad, gooseberry tart, watercress. Up early. Difficulty about cab. Go down the river with Thames Yacht Club. Maud leaves us. Lin dined with Morris at Arts Club & went on to the Savage Club with him. I dined alone, triste. X. Petit ami arrivé sur le bateau. Sunday 17 June. Bacon. Cold beef, veg’t, chicken, cherry tart & custard, gooseberry do. Dine at Mrs Arthur Lewis’. Lunched at Mother’s, chicks also. Maid ill. Geraldine & brother called. Too seedy to go to Lewis’. Mrs Bergheim called. Mr Heintz called again. Monday 18 June. Bacon, egg. Cold beef, fillet do, custard & (illeg). Fowl, salad, cherry tart Lin dined at Mr T. Burnand’s. Went up to Mde Bocquet’s with Maud H in carriage. Lady Monckton’s at home 10 o/c. Went in bath chair with little Maud, met Nurse with Roy & Maud H. Mrs Ionides called. La mere de la petite femme du chambre m’a parlé. Tuesday 19 June. Bacon, potted salmon. Leg of roast mutton, cherry tart, rice. Sardines, fowl, salad, cold mutton, salad, asparagus, lemon pud, lax. Family leave for Westwood.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bath chair, called at Mother’s to say goodbye with Roy. Mrs Perugini’s at home 47. Chicks to tea at Mrs a’Becketts. Wednesday 20 June. Bacon. Cold mutton, suet pud. Stewed eels, steak, asparagus, custard & stewed gooseberries. Wet day. Went for hour & half in bath chair with Roy. Marion Edwin came to dinner with me. Mrs Joshua’s at home 10 o/c. Mrs Peto’s at home 4-7. Thursday 21 June. Bacon, 2 eggs. Leg of mutton (illeg) gooseberries & custard. Soup, lobster, steak, stewed cucumber, spinach & poached eggs, custard & gooseberries, cheese. Hour in bath chair. Called on Mrs Caldecott, out. Sat in Hol.Pk. Met chicks, went for walk with them. Clara Bergheim came unexpectedly to dinner. Friday 22 June. Bacon, 1 buttered egg. Cold mutton, cucumber, custard, bread pud. Steak rechauffée, shoulder of mutton, salad, veg’t, meringues, lax. Sat in Hol Pk morg. Mlle Shea(?) & Mrs Phillips came. Mrs J.H.Tool’s “at home” 10 o/c. Mrs Bosanquet wants us to go fr today for a fortnight. Emma took red dress & lace to Madlle Shea after tea. Saturday 23 June. Bacon, buttered eggs. Soup, salmon etc., Lambs breads, sirloin of beef, tomato salad, asparagus, quails, cherry tart & custards. Maud goes to tea at Mrs Livesey’s at 4 o/c. Asked Mr & Mrs Woodville to dine 7.30. Lovely woman. 4 tickets for Hurlingham for today fr Mr Chapman. Took Roy. V. amusing, R rather in way. Home to tea. Miss Eykyn called. Sunday 24 June. Bacon etc. Cold sirloin beef. Roast fowl, veg’t, gooseberry tart & custards. Very tired. Breakfasted in bed. Went with Maud to Mrs Lewis. Great number of people & v. pleasant. Fr there to Mrs Fair’s. Charley Burnand there also. Home late. Monday 25 June. Bacon. Cold beef, mayonnaise of salmon, rechauffée of sweetbreads, milk pud, (illeg). Mrs Boughton comes to tea. Letter fr Mother about Westwood. We dine at Mrs Boughton’s. Go to Mde Bocquet’s about dress. Letter fr Mrs Coward. Reed ill. Went to Bocquet’s & called on Mrs Dietz, saw Baby & Mrs (?). Tuesday 26 June. Bacon. Grilled fowl, pork, sole, Laura pud, milk do. Soup, salmon mayonnaise, beef fillet, salad tomato, cherry tart, bloater. Asked Mrs Fildes little (blank). Mrs Boehm’s at home 10 o/c. Wednesday 27 June. Bacon. Rabbit, pork, minced mutton or beef, cherry tart, bread pud, milk pud. I dined at Mother’s. Beautiful music at Mr Burnand’s. Marion H came to go shopping with me. To Marshall’s & dressmaker Mlle. Shea(?). Mrs B. Tomlin’s at home 9.30. Mr A.Burnand’s at home 4 o/c. Mrs Wright’s at home 4-7. Go to Mlle Shea(?) to be fitted with red dress. Mother in town. Thursday 28 June.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bacon, 2 eggs. Rabbit, fish, pork, stewed rhubarb, bread pud, custard. Went out with Mother all morg. Aunt Edwin’s dinner 7.30. Mrs Palmer’s dance 9 o/c. Mrs Winslow’s to tea 4.30, christening. Friday 29 June. Buttered eggs. Leg mutton, vegt, (illeg), stewed rhubarb, soup. Lovely day. Thunderstorm. Mrs Wright’s at home 10 o/c. Lady Lawrence’s at home 4 o/c. Mrs Lewis garden party 4-7. Saturday 30 June. Poached eggs. Cold mutton, suet pud. Very hot. Went to Enfield alone. Wrong train. Went to Mrs Watson’s garden party to meet Mrs B. Promised to go to Mrs Bosanquet’s. Lin dines out with “Our Club”. Reed goes home. Mr Toller, Scott, Chad & Hart Davis there, Mrs G. Bosanquet & three daughters. Jul 1883 Sunday 1 July. Mrs Boehm’s water party. Lin dines at Mr A. Burnand’s. Lovely day, v. hot. Monday 2 July. Mrs Bosanquet’s tennis party & little dance after. Slept bad, v. hot night. P. Cotton & another gentleman there. Tuesday 3 July. 3s cab fare. 6d guard, 3.0 telegrams, fare, guard , cab. Invitation to spend a week with Mrs Kemp at The Vinery, Shirley Warren, Southampton. Mrs Mocatta’s dance. Lin dines at Hampton Court, Academy Club dinner. Mrs Arthur Harding at home 4-7. Wednesday 4 July. Went to Cottage Hos. called on Mrs Taylor. Mrs Macmillan at home 4.30 to 11 o/c. Irving’s Banquet. Mrs (illeg) luncheon party ¼ to 2 o/c. 20 Sussex Gds, Hyde Pk. Thursday 5 July. Promised to go to lunch Anna’s, telegraphed to her. Sp & Ada asked us to go to Henley with their party. Go to London, return tomorrow with Maud. Came up alone fr Enfield. Friday 6 July. Hot sultry day. Paid books. Took Roy to Madame Bocquet’s to fit green dress. Maud spending day with Miss Allan. Lin leaves for Holyhead. Sp & Mrs Joshua (illeg) to Henley. Saturday 7 July. Go back to Mrs Bosanquet’s. Went to Mrs Hanbury’s tennis party with Mrs B. Mr Tate here to dinner. Felt v. tired. Lin goes on trial ship the “Doric” with Mr Ismay. Mr Hartree’s at home 5 o/c. Mr Stern’s at home 5 o/c. Sunday 8 July. Lovely day. Mrs F. Burnand’s “at home”. Mrs Boughton takes me as Lin absent. Monday 9 July. Mrs Boughton’s Garden Party & cold collation. Left v. late. Mr Fahey to tea 5 o/c.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 10 July. Lunched at Mrs Hewit’s(?) (Gracie Rose). Returned to London by 4.36. Mrs Fry’s garden party & C.C. Mr Ellis tea 5 o/c. Mrs Arthur Harding at home. Went with Lin after dinner to see Father & Mother. Mrs Hunt’s small “at home”. Wednesday 11 July. 2 bad eggs. Bacon. Cold mutton, chocolate pud, custard, (illeg). Fresh herring, chop, beans, stewed fruit, milk pud. Academy Soirée 9 o/c. Fancy dress ball Savage Club Albert Hall. Very hot & crowded at Academy. Went out shopping with Mother. Thursday July 12. Bacon. Minced mutton, cutlets, bread & but. pud, custard & stewed currants. Pay books. Shopping. Called on Mother, she was going to Westwood. Mrs Speed’s dinner ¼ to 8. Friday 13 July. Bacon, buttered eggs etc. Cold neck of mutton, mutton broth, black currant pud, milk do. Soup, fillets whiting, shoulder mutton, beans au français, tomato salad orientale, fruit tart, cream, anchovy. Went shops. Mrs Macmillan called. Mrs M. Stone had tea with us. Called on Mrs Coward & Ada. Sp came in. Saturday 14 July. Bacon, eggs. Cold shoulder mut. Go to Wimbledon with Lin & chicks. Petit ami arrivé au matin. Slept afternoon. Very sleepy. Sunday 15 July. Buttered eggs & bacon. Sirloin of beef, raspberry & currant tarts, custard etc. Sardines, fillet of beef, peas, cold beef, tomato salad, plum tart open, custard, anchovies etc. Sp came to lunch. Went with Maud in bath chair. Stormy rainy day. Monday 16 July. Bacon, sardines, jam. Cold beef, sardines, cornflour milk, gooseberries, cake puds, salmon, sharp sauce, cucumber, fillet rechauffée with peas, pigeon salad, lemon pud. Mrs Moscheles “at home” 4-7. Tuesday 17 July. Bacon, but’d egg. Steak hash, fish salmon, salad & soup, milk pud, lemon do. Scalloped fish, steak, peas, Laura pud. Miss Elmore’s dinner party 8 o/c. Mrs Trendell’s “at home” held at Fisheries Exhibition Royal Pavilion (music & strawberries) 5- 8 o/c. Mrs Moscheles at home 5-7. Wednesday 18 July. Bacon, 2 eggs. Leg of mutton, milk pud etc. Lin went off 9.30 for day on river. Had promised to lunch with Mr Abbey. I go to Mrs Dietz 5.25 fr Waterloo. Mr Molloy going to call at 12 o/c. Thusday 19 July. Mrs Collinson’s garden party 4-12. Friday 20 July. (blank) Saturday 21 July.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 (blank) Sunday 22 July. (blank) Monday 23 July. Returned from Mrs Dietz after v. delightful visit enjoyed it immensely. Lin came yesterday, we met him at station, & rode back today. I came alone by rail. Papa up fr Westwood. Tuesday 24 July. Lovely day. Mrs Bergheim & Mrs Peto called. Called at Gds & did shopping morg. Wednesday 25 July. Wet. Papa called morg left div’d of £3. for C.A.R shares. Put away china & silver. Thursday 26 July. Go to Westwood D.V. V. miserable. Friday 27 July. Mrs Gordall’s at home 4-7. Saturday 28 July. Called at Mrs Peto with Con in dog cart. Linley goes to Mr Blunt until Monday. Mrs Huish’s garden party 4-8. Mrs Gordon’s garden party. Mrs Collinson’s do. Sunday 29 July. Went to church, Judy, Jess, Con. Met A. Bass, came over in afternoon & had tea & went to church with girls. Monday 30 July. Lovely day. Jess & self to Margate in dog cart. Ana Boxer bother. Papa anxious. Came home by St Peter’s. Played nap evg. Tuesday 31 July. Showery day, thunderstorm morg. Chicks out in it, got shelter. Went in Vic. to Ramsgate with Jess & Geraldine. Bought linen for counterpane. Called on Rosie Burnand, not coming till Thursday. Long letter fr Dickie. Aug 1883 Wednesday 1 August. Mother & Papa went to town. Thursday 2 August. Mother & Papa came down fr London. Went to meet Mother, train late, drove by Westgate. Mother & Father came by late train. Friday 3 August. Chicks spent long day on sands at Margate. Chay came down. Con went up morg & returned evg with Chay. Saturday 4 August. Lovely day. Dickie comes down at 5.55. Went to Ramsgate with Midge & Pip morg. Bought doll for Maud.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 5 August. Darling Maud’s birthday. Dickie went up by last train. Con drove him to station. Emma’s wages due. Monday 6 August. (blank) Tuesday 7 August. Little rabbit died 2.0. Papa went up to London. Wednesday 8 August. Dull heavy day stormy & rainy all afternoon, blew hard. Wire fr Ada. Chicks went for day to Broadstairs, missed John coming home. Sent blackcurrants up. X. Petit ami arrivé. Thursday 9 August. Dull day, seedy. Friday 10 August. Papa came down. Midge Ju & self in Vic. to Ramsgate. Ju & Con in cart to lighthouse. Saturday 11 August. Dickie comes. Papa went up to London. Sunday 12 August. (blank) Monday 13 August. Mrs Peto’s dinner. Tuesday 14 August. (blank) Wednesday 15 August. (blank) Thursday 16 August. (blank) Friday 17 August. (blank) Saturday 18 August. Papa went up to London. Linley came down. Sunday 19 August. Darling Roy’s birthday. Monday 20 August. (blank) Tuesday August 21.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs Hirsch to lunch. We all went over after din. to Ramsgate for fireworks. Tea at Hirsch’s, saw Burnands & a’Becketts. Jolly evg. Wednesday 22 August. Mr & Mrs a’Beckett & children came to tea. Poor Baby very ill. Midge with headache. Thursday 23 August, Papa came down evg. G & self went into Margate shopping, went over cripples home. Mr Hirsch called. Baby better. Friday 24 August. (blank) Saturday 25 August. Ada & Ham came down & dined at Westwood, dinner party. Lin down. Sunday 26 August. Ham & Ada came over fr Granville. Lin was going up. I stung by wasp. Monday 27 August. I came up fr Westwood. Papa & Gery saw me off. Ada & Ham came to Westwood. Tuesday 28 August. Turned out rooms. Sp Lin & self dined at Fisheries & sat out in Gds till 1 o/c. Met Mr & Mrs Osborne & Mr & Mrs Palmer. Wednesday 29 August. Mrs Stone came to tea. Sp dined with me & we went to Royalty Theatre together. Thursday 30 August. Sp came in after dinner. Very busy all day. Friday 31 August. Lin out all day on river. Alone. Went to Marshall’s about jacket. Came home in omnibus. Roads v. slippery fr drizzly rain. Sep 1883 Saturday 1 September. Leave for Scotland tonight D.V. Sunday 2 September. Reached Tressady 5.30. Lovely place. Mrs. W. & D.Martin met us at Rogart Station. Large party staying in house, very jolly. Lovely bedroom & dressing room, big fire all ready. Gap until Saturday 8 September. Promised to go to Mrs Kemp, The Vinery, Southampton. Gap until Tuesday 18 September.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Big dinner party at Mrs Watney’s last evg of Claud’s. Miss Wilson, Claud & Mr Marshall leave tomorrow. Wednesday 19 September. (blank) Thursday 20 September. Left Tressady 7 o/c morg after most delightful visit. Arrived at Mrs Nichol’s 5 p 8 evg. Very tired awfully slow journey. Walked about Inverness 1 st day of Northern gathering great crowds about. Friday 21 September. Big dinner party at Mrs Nichol’s. Great fun after, danced Highland dances. Tennis party in afternoon. Saturday 22 September. Pouring wet day. Left Murtle for Macdonald’s. Lunched with all the Nichols at Craibstone, Mrs Pirie’s. Lovely house. Wet drive there. Gen’l & Miss Tisdale there also. Mrs Pirie sent me in her carriage to Macdonalds. Large dinner party. Lin lunched with Mr Thomson on yacht. Gap until Wednesday 26 September. Left Mr Macdonald’s at ¼ to 12 o/c for London. Dined at Royal Hotel Edinboro’. V. well served & excellent dinner. Met Jack Millais at Perth Station. Thursday 27 September. Arrived early 9 o/c fr Scotland. House upset. Friday 28 September. Went for walk. Met Aunt Leigh in Grove. Saturday 29 September. Goose fr Mother. Jess up fr Westwood, wet day. Went out walking morg. Sunday 30 September. Mrs Watney & Vernon called whilst Lin out for his ride. Went to Fisheries morg with Lin, wet morg, fine afternoon. Jess gone to meet Ham with Con. Oct 1883 Monday 1 October. Mrs Paxton returned. I walked with Don to Lees about ivy plants & after tea to Aunt Linda’s by Metro R. Uncle saw me to station. Cozy evg. Gap until Saturday 6 October. Servants board wages end. Sunday October 7 Went to early service. Mrs Paxton & Basil called after lunch. Aunt Leigh with black nurse & 2 chicks came. Lin rode to say goodbye to Barkers who start for Buenos Ayres tomorrow.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 8 October. Had tea at Aunt Leigh’s, took good cab 2/6. Engaged him for tomorrow for theatre. Out shopping morg, feel v. seedy with headache. Fuss about iron bedstead. Saw Mrs Phillips about it. Tuesday 9 October. Go to Haymarket Theatre. Wednesday 10 October. Went out walking feel seedy rather, bad head. F. Blair starts for China. Lin Punch dinner. Thursday 11 October. Went to Maples about beds afternoon. Sent jacket to Marshall’s, fits so badly. Invite fr Mrs Boehm for next Friday till Monday 19th inst. Turned out silver with Emma. Friday 12 October. Mr Bull called fr Goupils. Fanny came about character. Letters fr Mother, Mrs S. Saturday 13 October. See lady for Fanny. Lin & self dinner at Fisheries. V. crowded over 50,000 people, 2 bands. Went by omni to Marshall’s about jacket, v. civil shop tailor but do not think it will ever fit. Sp & Ada return fr Scotland. Sunday 14 October. Lovely morg. Sp & Ada & Fred called whilst Lin & self at Fisheries & will dine with us tonight 8 o/c. Lin went for ride to Richmond, got v. wet, home at 5.15. Monday 15 October. Went out walking. Lin did not go out all day. C. Hartree called. Tuesday 16 October. Went to Miss Wills & called to enquire about Alice Street. Men came to put down floor cloth at 5.30 this afternoon. Lovely day. Wednesday 17 October. Jess & Ham called. Lin at Punch dinner. Thursday 18 October. Go to Madame Bocquet about 11 o/c. Major Welman to lunch. Called to see Papa. Jess & Ham go to Shropshire. Friday 19 October. Dined at Mrs Oakes. Lin at Almanack dinner. Went for walk afternoon met Mrs O, Ada & Percy, they drove me home. Very wet. Sarturday 20 October. Go to Mrs Boehm’s until Monday. Lovely morg, much colder. Sunday 21 October. Went for drive with Mrs B, lovely morg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 22 October. Returned home. Went for first night German Reeds. Twiss’s sat in front. Lin went to supper at Holborn after, met Canon & foreign Princess!!! Tuesday 23 October. Went out calling on Mrs Mckenzie(?), Cornwell, Coward, Orton, Dr Harcourt & Mrs Paxton. Saw French governess there. Mother & Papa up fr Westwood. Fred Oakes to dinner here. Wednesday 24 October. Go to Madame Bocquet, waited an age, fair jewess. Wet afternoon. Fred called. I called on Mother, go there tonight. Thursday 25 October. Emma here cleaning morg. room. Went out shopping. Bitten terribly by fleas. Friday 26 October. Went out morg, saw Mother, Papa & Judy. Mrs Stone came & had tea here, v. jolly as usual. Engaged to take Emma Humphreys as housemaid fr next Thursday. Emma Reffell here finishing morg. room. Saturday 27 October. Sent biscuits to Mrs S. & to Nurse, called at Mother’s. Saw Papa, Judy, Tab & Ham. Tab looking v, pretty. Lin & self uncomfortable dinner at Holborn Restaurant. To Globe to see B.Tree after. Lovely salmon arrived fr Mrs Nichol, 9lbs 14 oz. Sent ½ to Mother. Sunday 28 October. Dr Harcourt to dinner 7.30. Written to him to ask him to come this day week. Lin to Fisheries to meet Mr Tenniel. Lin & self to lunch with Mother, Sp & Ada called whilst there. Jess & Ham there. G. Roller, Sp & Mr Watney called here this afternoon. Monday 29 October. X. Petit ami. Midge & Ham to dinner. Marion E & Mrs Paxton to tea. Tuesday 30 October. Ada & Ham to dinner. Ham L, called morg to say H & A would not come, too tired. Very seedy, in all day. Wednesday 31 October. Very seedy. Took cab to Putney for drive, uncivil man, foggy day. Nov 1883 Thursday 1 November. Little Humphreys comes. Ham called. I drove to Aunt Linda’s & called on Mrs Gaston. Lin went & played billiards with Ham, Orton there. Friday 2 November. Colder. Saturday 3 November. Went to Westwood. Papa & chicks met me.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 4 November. (blank) Monday 5 November. Waddie & Baby & Minnie came up to London for “Trial”. Went over with Papa to see chicks, stayed 1½ hour. Saw Procession & Show, Guy Fawkes. Tuesday 6 November. Chicks came over to Westwood for day. Mrs Hammond & Rosie Burnand called. Wednesday 7 November. Lovely day. Walked with Lin as far as farm. Mrs Thornton called. Papa went up to town. Thursday 8 November. Came up from Westwood with chicks. Lovely day. Mr Rye at station, went as far as Westgate with us. Friday 9 November. Took chicks with Lin to see Lord Mayor’s Show. Rained. Pd for papers £1.2.3. Papa came in evg & sat some time. Saturday 10 November. Went out shopping, met Mrs Coward. Maud goes to tea at ½ past three Mrs C’s. Sunday 11 November. Have supper at (illeg) a’Becketts. Mr Boehm called & stayed. Spencer came. Went to early service. Monday 12 November. Sausages, bacon, egg. Cold beef, cold fowl, Laura pud, milk do. Vegetable soup, oysters, steak, cauliflower, lemon pud, bloater. La bonne p. second fois vent partir à cause du tapis. Mrs Stone & Mrs Watney called. Waddie & Baby came up. Tuesday 13 November. Bloater, bacon. Leg of mutton etc. Soup white, soles filleted, sweet breads, stuffed tomatoes, fillet of beef, cauliflower, partridges, apple soufflé, Scotch woodcock. Gentlemen to dinner. Mr Furniss, Trendall, Abbey, & Mrs Fildes. Slow dinner, felt v. tired & Lin seedy with cold. Wednesday 14 November. Nelly to lunch & tea. Maud Paxton & Ena to tea 4 o/c. Went out walking morg with Maud. Nurse & Maud bad colds. Thursday 15 November. Shoulder mutton, milk pud, rice. Soup, curried beef, neck mutton, cauliflower, apple russe, toasted cheese. Went out afternoon (illeg) cold. Had tea with Alice St. Saw Babies. Called saw Waddy & Baby. Friday 16 November. Hashed shoulder minced beef, stewed mutton, cake puds, milk do. Soup, lobster, steak, apple jelly, roe of herring. Went out with Roy, warmer. Called at Gds, Papa gone, Waddy out. Saw Baby. Maud & Nurse bad colds, Lin’s better. Met Mrs Coward, embarras avec sa bonne.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 17 November. Bloater, bacon. Roast beef, Yorkshire pud, milk do. Soup, sprats, neck mutton roasted, tomatoes, coffee custard, toasted cheese. Took Roy for walk & shopping. Waddie & Baby go to Jessie today. Maud’s cold still bad. In bedroom put carpets down. Lin washed Don & cut his coat. Met Flossie B. Sunday 18 November. Sausages. Roast fowl, cold beef, B. sprouts, apple pud & custard. Soup, fried soles, roast mutton, apple tart, savory. Went to 11 o/c with Roy. Sp & Ada, Mr Hirsch & Olive Tucker. Monday 19 November. Called on Mrs Watney, A. Burnand, Boehm, Lady Blaikie. Cold. Tuesday 20 November. Leg mutton, pud etc. Soup, eels stewed, giblet pie, chocolate pud, anchovy paste. Called on Mrs Keith, stayed tea. Walked there drove back. Went to Comedy Theatre enjoyed it immensely. Vernon Watney came in our box. Drove him home. Wednesday 21 November. Bacon. Giblet pie, cold mutton, bread pud, milk do. Stewed eels, chops, chocolate pud, cheese. Mrs Sambourne coming. Mrs Palmer’s dinner. Mde Perrant 11 o/c. Miss J. 4 o/c. Thursday 22 November. Forgotten. Friday 23 November. Mrs S. & self went out walking, fine day. Saturday 24 November. X. Petit ami arrivé l’après midi. Went out morg shopping. Sunday 25 November. Seedy, stayed in all day. Chicks went to Church after dinner. Lin rode Messel’s horse to Richmond. Monday 26 November Very wet. Petit ami. Mademoiselle Woollett came for 1 st time. Tuesday 27 November. Mrs S. went to Ealing. I called on Mother, saw Carrie & Ted. Edgar came home. Lin went hunting with Queen’s, home early. Little Kemp came with her nurse to tea. Wednesday 28 November. Went & pd books, v. high again. Mrs Frere called afternoon. Con went to Jacksons. Thursday 29 November. Edgar came morg. Mud Paxton to tea. Friday 30 November.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Forgotten. Dec 1883 Saturday 1 December. Dined at Mother’s. Lin & self alone there. Papa not v. well. Talked with Mother in drawing room alone after. Sunday 2 December. Went to Church with Roy, Nurse & Maud. Called & saw Papa, Mother at Church. Humphreys waited alone for first time. Monday 3 December. Went out, called on Mother. Con returned fr Birkenhead better. Edgar at home. Went & saw Dr Harcourt, talked some time with him. Tuesday 4 December. Miss Elmore, Miss Cole, Mrs & Miss Boehm & Mrs Winslow called. Went out shops morg with Mrs S. Dined at Mother’s, Uncle & Aunt John there. Wednesday 5 December. Lost silver serviette ring. Cave went out evg on his own ac’t. Called afternoon on Friths, Drabbles, Mrs Banting, & Aunt Netta. Stayed some time with Aunty & Uncle John. Met Aunt Linda & Mrs Holmes. Lin Punch dinner. Maud lunched at Mrs Paxton’s & stayed to tea. Nurse seedy. Thursday 6 December. Went for walk called at Mother’s saw Edgar & Judy. Mother’s eyes bad. Tickets for “La Vie”, too cold to go. Not found ring yet no men in house yesterday. Pd books. Friday 7 December. Went out morg shops with Mrs S. Went out afternoon, called on Mrs Hunt & Livesey, Mother & Mrs Joachim. Papa sent Reed with me. Still no ring found, Lin went to Princess theatre after dinner. Saturday 8 December. Drawing room cleaned. Shop’d. Lin & I dined at Mother’s. Dietz’s, Judy & Tilda there. Went out morg shop’g. Sunday 9 December. Seedy rather, in all day. Chicks to Church, Mrs S. to Church. Monday 10 December. Mrs S. & self went to Grove, bought dresses, table etc. Came back v. tired, cd not sleep in consequence. Tilda sent round. Tuesday 11 December. Lin went to evg reunion(?) at H. Furniss’s. Nelly came to tea & dinner. Mrs Speed & Jessie Harding called. Gregoire cake. Tilda came round. Wednesday 12 December. Went out shop’g. Madlle brought Leo. Maud Paxton to tea. Invite to Mrs Hirsch for dinner, can’t go. Paid Groves her 2 month’s wages & Humphreys her first month’s. Groves 3.6.8


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Humphreys 18.4 £4.5.0. Nurse paid books. Thursday 13 December. Mr & Mrs Dietz to dinner 7.30. Friday 14 December. 11 o/c to be at C. Stokes. Nellie with me. £1.9.4. Saturday 15 December. Shopped morg. Went to Mother after lunch & stayed to dinner. Sunday 16 December. We dine at Morel Mackenzies. 8 o/c. Went to Went to church with Roy Mrs S to St George’s, beautiful singing. Called after on Papa. Snowed. Came home in Mother’s bath chair. Maud & Lin lunched at Mother’s. Very pleasant dinner at Mackenzies. Had carriage. Entendu homme avec E. en bas facher. Monday 17 December. Very cold indeed. J’ai parlé avec les deux a cause des hommes. 1st night German Reeds. Punch dinner 7 0/c. Tuesday 18 December. Went out morg. Mrs A. Lewis called with Janet. Wednesday 19 December. Went out shop’g morg. Called afternoon on Mrs White, Hirsch, Lady Monckton, Mrs Palmer (had tea with her) & Miss Wilson. Tilda called. Mrs S. went to Westminster. Thursday 20 December. Mixed pud & mincemeat. Went out afternoon, called on Mrs Joachim & Mother. Rec’d presents from Mother. Ju there. Tilda returned to Paris(?). Friday 21 December. Lovely morg. Lin & self dine at Mother’s. Saturday 22 December. Jess & Ham came up. I went out morg, & afternoon shopping with Roy. Very tired. Sunday 23 December. X. petit ami arrive. Mrs S. to church. Mr Peto & brother called. Uncle & Aunt John & Marion & Mr Todd called. Fine clear morg. Monday 24 December. Xmas Eve. Very seedy. Dressed Xmas tree, chicks delighted. Sp sent us 2 birds & came in & saw us. Tuesday 25 December. Xmas Day. Chicks lunched at Mother’s. Mrs S. Lin & self dinner at Mother’s, cab to & fro, first (illeg) day. Sp & Ada called. Cave out. Mrs S, Jess, Ham, two selves, Father, Mother, Ed & Con only at Mother’s. Played whist & nap after dinner. Emma out afternoon & evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 26 December. Still very seedy. Boxing Day. Humphreys out all afternoon & evg. Cave out. Thursday 27 December. Still feel v. weak & seedy. Bruit avec la bonne à cause de paletot du garçon. Mrs Paxton called. Friday 28 December. Went with Mrs S. in cab to Baker St Bazaar. Pd Hewetts 9/- for tea. Not good. Jess & Ju came , fetched at once. Mr & Mrs Fildes came, asked us to dinner Friday week & chicks to tea next Thursday. Saturday 29 December. Went with Mrs S. to Whiteleys, bought turkey etc for our Sunday Xmas day. Lin & I dined at Mrs Lewis, v. pleasant evg but I felt seedy rather. Met Hunters, Ionides, Mr Agnew etc. Emma fetched me at 11 o/c. Groves pd books. Misterious disap. 1 sovereign fr house money. Sunday 30 December. Xmas dinner at 2 o/c. Very jolly with chicks. Tweet & brother called & Spencer. Emma out evg. Monday 31 December. Very cold morg. Mrs Messel’s dance 9.30.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1884 Notes at front of diary: Two pages of figures and scribble drawings. For lace & white ties. Soak ties in cold water for a day to get out starch. 1 tablespoon full of ordinary starch & ½ a pint of cold water & a teaspoon full of borax in hot water to dissolve it. After ties have been well washed rub them well in the starch & iron immediately after having strained them in a towel. Miss Payton. Lace done the same only using a teaspoon full of Gum Arabic to ½ pint of water hot. Puff paste. 1 lb flour, 1 lb butter, squeeze of lemon or tea spoon of vinegar. Water to nead the flour to a dough. Nead for 10 or 20 minutes. Roll it out. Roll a pound of butter in a wet cloth & then fold the paste neatly over & roll twice. Put away for a quarter of an hour & roll twice again. Put by another ¼ of an hour & roll twice (6 times rolling). Roll then to this thickness // for oyster patties - cut tops separately. Bake 15 minutes. Fill with oysters done as follows: Banada of Oysters: 1 tablespoon of flour to 3 oz of butter melted in saucepan. Then add milk or cream until sufficiently liquid. Pepper, salt & little mace. Then add the oysters for an instant. Oyster soup. 2 tins of oysters, 1 tin of mock turtle soup. Take away the oysters. Mix the butter & flour with mace lemon peel & cayenne pepper add all together. After boiling add cream at the last minute. Milk would do. Frumerty. Mrs Stone’s pud. Cornflour, sugar, milk & finely chopped almonds cream whipped over flavoured with liqueur. V. good. Fanny pudding. ½ lb suet, sugar, raisins, tablespoon full treacle & water or milk to mix. Small basket full of bread. Boil them all well mixed for 9 hours. Bread pudding. Bread, milk, sugar, 2 eggs well whipped & tablespoon full of chocolate. Bake ½ hour. Jan 1884 Tuesday 1 January. Clear soup, dressed crab, crème de volaille. Fillet beef, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, pheasant & salad, jelly, mince pies, cod’s roe. Mr & Mrs Dietz, Sp & Miss Virtu & Ada dine here 7.30. Called to see Mother & Father after shopping. Anna called. Lin finished Diploma. Pleasant evg. Wednesday 2 January. Cold mutton, bird, fillets whiting, giblet pie, jelly, milk pud, mince pies. Cold game, fillet beef, plum pud. Mrs Bankes Tomlin’s juvenile party fr 6-11 o/c. Went by omnibus with Mrs S. to Marshalls. Don lost. Very tired, bought blue silk 9 yds 6/11 the yd. Groves out evg. Punch dinner. Hollands dance. Edgar went met Effie Boehm. Mr Millais called. Thursday 3 January. Chicks go to tea at Mrs Fildes 3 0/c. Mrs Boehm, Mrs Watney, Mr & Mrs Tattersall & Miss Wilson called to see Diploma. Edgar called. Lin to Grosvenor Gallery.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 4 January. Dear Lin’s birthday. Lin worked hard all day. I went & saw Mother, found her alone. Saturday 5 January. Lin & self went to Private View of Old Masters. Met heaps of friends. Very wet. Santly & fiancée! Sunday 6 January. Sp & Ada called. Maud lunched at Mother’s. Lin & self dine at Mrs Fildes 7 o/c. Thirty five people called to see Diploma. V. tired. Gordon Thompson at the Fildes. Monday 7 January. Diploma finished went off about 3 0’c. Don found, dog’s home. Appointment with C. Stokes at 2 o/c. Mrs Boehm’s subscripton dance 9.30. Marion & Aunt Linda called. Mr X. Had carriage to go to C. Stokes, took Mrs S. & Maud. Had two teeth done. Tuesday 8 January. Mrs Ionides children’s party at 4 till 9. Lin & self also going. I came away rather early. Went out morg saw Mother & Papa. Con, Ju, Father & Mother go to Westwood this afternoon. Wednesday 9 January. I go to Jessie’s, Trysull Wolverhampton. Chicks go to Her Majesty’s theatre with Mr Abbey to see “Little Red Riding Hood”, Lin with them. Thursday 10 January. Went for drive with Midge, lovely day. Mrs Lewis’ juvenile party. Mrs Twiss’ juvenile party. Friday 11 January. Letter fr Lin. Invite fr Mr Weldon to dine & meet Sir W. & Lady Wiseman. Drove with Midge. Mrs & Miss Underhill called morg. Saturday 12 January Mrs Skirrow’s at home. Lin came down. Ham went hunting. Midge & self called walking on Col Dickens. Saw Miss Smythe there. Sunday 13 January. Midge & self went to Church in afternoon, queer little church, pretty rather. Monday 14 January. Ham & Lin driven to meet at Apsley. School horses on. Good day for driving. Col Dickens called. Tuesday 15 January. Ham & Lin played tennis all morg. Midge & self walked Baby as Wad. not v. well. Played draughts in evg. Wednesday 16 January. Ham Lin & self lunch at Mrs Underhill’s. Punch in cart, Midge & self in little do. Freddy Hirsch’s party 4-8 o/c.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 17 January. Mademoiselle comes to chicks for 1st time after Xmas. Mrs Bradbury’s dance 8.30. Lin went up by 1.50 train, rode Punch. Midge & self drove into Wolverhampton, home late shopping. Ham out hunting, bad day, home early. Friday 18 January. Mrs Turner’s juvenile party. Mrs Twiss’ juvenile party. Lin dines with Mr Waterton. Midge & self drove to the Wood House. Lovely old house, had tea there. Saturday 19 January. Ham met Lin at Wolverhampton. Mr (illeg) called morg. Lin worried about paint & chicks. Sunday 20 January. X. Petit ami arrivé au soir. Gentlemen’s dinner party 7.30 postponed. Midge & self went to Church afternoon. Went on & had tea with Col. Dickens. Monday 21 January. Midge & self drove to meet at Robsley(?) Lovely day. Ham & Lin hunted. Punch lame a bit. Dance of Mrs Boehm 8.30. Tuesday 22 January. Dickie goes up by 1.50. Gale blowing. Ham gone hunting. Wednesday 23 January. Ham.Midge & self lunch at Mrs (illeg) Bridgnorth. Lecture by Morell Mackenzie at 7 Argyle Street 4 o/c. Invite to tea at Harold Peto’s. Pouring wet day cd. not go to Mrs N’s. Midge walked to Col. D’s. Thursday 24 January. Returned home after v. jolly visit to Ham & M. H drove me in. Punch came up. 2 shoes. Lin & self dined alone. Friday 25 January. Mad’lle bad cold. Think chicks thin & pale. Con & Edg. called morg, Sp afternoon. Called saw Mother. Ju & self went to Mrs A. Peto’s, Mrs A.Harding’s & Mrs Gilbert’s all out. Wet afternoon. Saturday 26 January. Lin & self dine at Mother’s. Fearful gale. Palpitations all dinner time. Sunday 27 January. Asked C. Stokes 7.30. Lin & self lunch at Mrs Watney’s 2 o/c. Flossie Boughton called. Fine morning. Called on Gilberts. Went over their lovely house. Monday 28 January. Took walk with Maud & Mad’lle, called & saw Mother. Tuesday 29 January. Spencer’s birthday. Nellie coming to stay night & go to theatre with us. Savoy, capital. Mrs Rainbow called talked about Mrs Hirsch’s engagement. Warm. Saw Liveseys & Mrs Penn & Mrs Maudsley. Wednesday 30 January.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs Twiss’ dance 9.30. Nelly v. seedy, left after breakfast. Wet miserable day. Dined at Mother’s, Ju & Con there. Edgar left. Thursday 31 January. Dull wet day. Con’s visit to Jess postponed. Take chicks & Maud Paxton to Drury Lane pantomime. Mother sent us fly. Gilberts there. Lin dined with C. Stokes & went to Fabra(?) after. Maud & Maud P had tea dinner with me alone. Nurse to pantomime. Took Vic. Feb 1884 Friday 1 February. Lovely day. Saturday 2 February. Mrs Tucker’s at home 4 30 to 7 o/c. Mrs Lewis’ at homes every Sat continued thro month. Sunday 3 February. Went to St George’s with Roy. Canon Harford coming to dinner 7.30. Alfred Reed came in after. Mrs Tom Taylor & Wyckliff called. Maud lunched at Mother’s. Lin & self called on Boughtons & Ionides. Monday 4 February. Lin & self dine at Mrs Boughton’s ¼ to 8. Maud goes to Mrs Ionides for singing lesson. Tuesday 5 February. Walked to K Row with Aunt Anna. Mr Hunts at home 9 o/c. Mrs Hunter’s dinner for 7o/c. Mrs Roberts, Mrs Spofforth & Mr A. Reed called. Wednesday 6 February. Walked round pond alone. Made calls with Maud on Mrs Barnes, Morell Mackenzie, Critchett, Speed, Ledger, Turner & Goodall. Maud dined with me. Called morg. on Mrs Paxton. Thursday 7 February. Go to Brighton to Mrs Nottage. 4.30, Vic. Fine day at Brighton, foggy here. Pleasant journey down. Friday 8 February. Dine at Mrs Black’s, Brighton 7 o/c. Drove afternoon, walked in morning Saturday 9 February. Remained until after dinner at Mrs Nottage’s. Played card game. Mr Nottage jr came down. Went to Old Ship Hotel. Sunday 10 February. Very fine morning enjoyed day immensely. Walked with Lin to Kemp town end. Lunched at Hotel. Called on Mrs N, Grossmith there. Dined at Hotel & ret’d by 9.40 train to London. Very stormy afternoon. Poor Aunt Maria died. Monday 11 February. Entendu que ma tante Sellick est mort vendredi passé. (illeg illeg). Dine at Mrs Tom Taylor’s 7 o/c.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 12 February. Mrs Paxton to tea. Met Miss H. Montalba. Went for walk with Aunty. Dined at Mother’s. Mrs S. & Lin & self went to Court Theatre. Empty house. Wednesday 13 Frbruary. Dernier jour de Mad’lle. Walked with Aunty in Row. Fine day. Maud goes to tea at Mrs Coward’s 4 o/c. Mrs S. & self dined alone. Thursday 14 February. Poor Aunt Maria buried. La soeur de Mad’lle vient. Do not care much for her, so quiet & heavy. Went for long walk with Auntie. After lunch called on Mrs Ansdell, Elmore, Larnack, Barbour & Roberts. Lin dined at bachelor dinner Mr Gibson. Lin rode up to Garrick to meet F.C.B & lunched there. Friday 15 February. Walked with Auntie, colder. Go to Mde Bocquet’s 2.30 & to Fancy Fair at Albert Hall. Called on Miss Wilson & Mrs Macdonald. Saturday 16 February. X. Petit ami arrivé au matin. Went in carriage with Aunty to Uncle John’s, took him to Aunt Leigh’s & called on Mrs Cornish, saw Baby. Sunday 17 February. C. Stokes & Nelly to dinner. Pleasant evg. No one called. Monday 18 February. Mrs Goodall’s children’s party 2.30. Ada S.J. called. Go to see Mary Anderson, Sp & Ada with us. Mrs S. & Aunty to German Reeds first night. Mr H. & Mrs A. Peto called afternoon. Mr Sterne came in our box. Tuesday 19 February. Mr Milliken to dinner. Not coming. Lin lunching with Mr Baker. Mrs Gilbert, Mrs Larnack, Miss Barlow & Mr & Miss Montalba called. Maud Larnack & Maud Paxton to tea. Wednesday 20 February. Lady Freake’s at home 3.30–6 o/c. Lovely day. Walked morg. with Mrs S. up Phillimore Gds, feel v. weak. Books heavy. Mrs S. & self dined alone. Thursday 21 February. Very wet morg. Ap. Madame Bocquet’s with Auntie. Friday 22 February. Lin worked all day. I called on Mrs Joachim, Mrs Coward, Mother, Mrs Ionides & Mrs Livesey. Saturday 23 February. Went shopping morg. Drove with Con in cart to Mrs Winslow, Mrs Lewis & Mrs Hare. Very wet. Lin dined at Savage Club, Conrad Cooke. Sunday 24 February.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Took Roy to Church. Lin & self lunched at Mother’s, Con, Uncle & Aunt John there. Mr Sterne called. Mr & Mrs a’Beckett, Mr Watney, Con, W.Taylor to dinner, 8 with Mrs S. Sp & Lin paid calls all afternoon. Monday 25 February. Cave left. Walters came. Walked after lunch to Mrs Drabble, Mrs Hunt, Mrs Tweedie, Mrs Keith & Miss Montalba. Cabbed home. Quiet evg. Waters waited table with Emma. Maud to singing lesson. Tuesday 26 February. Lovely morg. Went out walking, called on Mother. Mrs Ross called. Evelyn & Brenda Coward to tea. Mrs S. went to Ealing for day. Wednesday 27 February. Went to stores. La petite femme de chamber va partir. Mrs Stone called to tea. Con came in, burnt his eye. Lin lunched with Milliken. Thursday 28 February. Alice comes to lunch. Roy, Alice, Mrs S, Lin, self & little Cowards & Miss Allan to pantomime. Lin dines with C. Stokes, to Avenue Theatre after. Groves out. High tea. Friday 29 February. Alice returns to Ealing. Mrs S & Alice to Grove morg. Made calls on Mrs Tattersall, Mrs B.Tomlin & Mrs Rainbow. Talked some time with Mrs Rainbow. Quiet dinner, late. Mar 1884 Saturday 1 March. Maud goes to spend day with Mrs Goodall. Walked shop’g morg, called on Mother. Had carriage & called on Mrs Watney, Mrs Toole, Mr Stern, Mrs Hunphreys & Uncle John. Lin & self went to see Claudian, liked it immensely. Miss Wilson there. Sunday 2 March. Mrs Watney’s dinner 7.30. Cannot go. Very tired. Lin rode. Lin & self lunched at Mother’s. Mr Lethbridge called. Mr Birch, Mrs Parsons & Sp to dinner. Artichoke soup, dressed crab, kidneys bacon, leg of lamb, peas, new potatoes, poulet sauté & salad, blancmange & fruit stewed pears & cream, cod’s roe. Monday 3 March. Miss Blaikie & Mr V. Watney to dinner 7 o/c. Have carriage & go to Toole’s Theatre after. Wet morg. Walked out shopping. Called on Mother. Crimped skate, fowl & salad, leg mutton, cauliflower, potatoes, plover on toast, salad, coffee savoy, mince pies, cod’s roe. Tuesday 4 March. Mrs S. & self lunch at Mother’s 1.30. Too wet to go. Mrs S. went for drive with Mother. Sunshade(?). Mrs Lang & Major Weston called. Wednesday 5 March. Lady Freake’s second “at home” 3.30 to 6 o/c. Ada S.J. goes with me. After 5 to see governess. Called with Ada on Mrs Geiger, Gilbert, Boehm, A.Harding &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 A.Peto. Very pretty piece “Darby & Joan” acted at Lady F’s by Mr Alexander & Miss Roche. Mrs S. & self dined at Mother’s alone. Con gone to meet. Thursday March 5. Mervyn returns today 12 o/c. J’ai parlé à Mademoiselle. Mrs Santley’s at home 9.30, too tired to go. Lin went. Ada & Ju came to Mother’s. Friday 7 March. Saw 2 maids, one 7 years & other 5 yrs character. Saturday 8 March. (blank) Sunday 9 March. Lunched with Lin at Mother’s, dear Papa & Mother well. Had cozy tea with Mother Con & self in drawing room. Dear Papa asleep in chair. Mr Leche & C. Burnand called. They went out with boys. Lin called for me at 7 o/c. Very sorry to leave, felt depressed hereafter will ever regret I did not remain. Monday 10 March. Have written to Lee Brown. Darling father taken ill at 10 o/c morg. Went round after lunch. Nurse out. Uncle Ed & Auntie Linda & Uncle & Aunt John there, Sp. Felt so low went to see Mrs Stone. Tuesday 11 March. Went to see dear Mother. Darling father the same. Uncles John & Edwin there, A’t Netta & Ada Sp. Mrs Mackenzie called. Could see no one afternoon throat very bad. Miss Innes & Mrs Stone called. Wednesday 12 March. In bed all day. Thursday 13 March. Mrs Riviere’s dinner 7.30. Mrs Ionides dinner, Mrs Marcus Stone’s dinner. Our darling father was taken from us, he fell asleep at 7 o/clock in the morg & was taken without pain at 3.20. Friday 14 March. Miserable day, fine out. Sp called. Ada S.J. called. Saturday 15 March. Too ill to go round to see dear Mother. Drove with Mrs S. & chicks to Richmond, felt better for air. Very miserable. Dr O came & said I was to go out. Sunday 16 March. Went round to see Mother. Monday 17 March. Spent all day with Mother. Nellie came, went with me in bath chair to choose cross for dear Papa. Stayed with Mother who keeps up wonderfully thank God. Tuesday 18 March. Our darling father taken to Westwood & St Peter’s. I spent the day with dear Mother, dined there, Conrad, Mervyn, dear Lin & Ham F. Returned at 8 o/c.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 19 March. Ada came to see me. Go to Mother D.V. this afternoon. Spent afternoon with Mother & dined alone with her. Thursday 20 March. Emma leaves to be married next Sunday. Worked morg. Went to Mother all afternoon. Mervyn seedy. Laurence comes. Dear Lin hard at work. Doctor Orton came to see me. Friday 21 March. Went & saw dear Mother. Edg & Ham back fr Westwood. Saturday 22 March. I spent all afternoon with Mother. Maud gone to Mrs Goodall’s. Mrs S. goes to Ealing until Wed. Finished morg dress afternoon. Tab, Ham & Mervyn go to Lower Slaughter. Sunday 23 March. Went to early service St Mary Abbot’s. Called at dear Mother’s & returned here to lunch. Uncle J & Aunt Netta called & Wyckliff Taylor. Canon Harford dined. Very eratic, thought he w’d give me some comfort in religion, v. disappointed. Went to dear Mother afternoon came back to dinner. Felt unhappy leaving Mother as Jess & Ham gone to church. Monday 24 March. Pas satisfaite avec la nouvelle fille si lente! Valuer at Gds. Went round afternoon, Mother looking very poorly feel most anxious about her. Humphreys gone after Lady Kensington’s place. Tuesday 25 March. Cold. Maud spends day at Mrs Goodall’s. She went to see Mother first. Asked Nelly to spend day. Wednesday 26 March. Mrs Phillips to see me before 11 o/c. Dear Mother goes to Cheltenham with Jess & Edgar. Asked Mrs Stone to come & se me afternoon. Mrs Sambourne returns from Ealing. Nelly to dinner. Lin at Punch dinner. Humphreys left. Judy called morg. Thursday 27 March. Very cold east wind. Asked Con to dinner. Nurse nettle rash. Judy coming for me at 11 o/c. Went for walk. Called & saw Con. Con & Terrero to dinner 7.30. Dull evg. Felt depressed. Friday 28 March. Went out shopping. Very late dinner. Heard of Prince Leopold Duke of Albany’s death suddenly at Cannes. Saturday 29 March. Went out shopping morg. Maud went to Mrs Goodall’s. Nurse & Baby came for her. Miss Breffitt called. Kept me about dreadfully. Hare cooking. Tired. Late dinner. Laurence went for Maud. L’homme (illeg) sa liverie p. premier fois. Sunday 30 March.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Went to church 9.30. Mrs S. also went. Lin rode morg. Went for walk with Lin after lunch. Feel dreadfully depressed three weeks today & dear Papa seemed so well. Monday 31 March. Had wire from dear Mother. D.V. go to Torquay tomorrow. Can’t bear leave dear Lin yet long to see Mother. Mrs Chester’s at home 9 till 1 o/c. Went afternoon to Uncle John’s & Uncle Edwin’s. Do not think Uncle looking well, am sure he feels darling father’s loss v. much. Mrs S. very kindly doing my dress for me. Apr 1884 Tuesday 1 April. Walked with Judy to Harvey & Nicoles, drove back. Wire from Mother to stop my going to Torquay. Met Mrs Morley. Judy lunched here. Maud went out with Con. Wednesday 2 April. Lin went to Punch dinner. Met Mrs M. Stone, asked me to dinner tomorrow 7.30. Shopped. Planted honeysuckle, yellow jasmine. Mrs S. & self dined alone. Nelly came & had tea here. Thursday 3 April. Was going to Tabs. Dear Mother returns fr. Torquay. Lin dines with Abbey. I went with Maud & Judy to Madame’s, met Anna & George Dietz there. Dine at Mrs Stone’s quietly. Went to Mother’s instead. Friday 4 April. Went with Mother to Brandon’s. Midge & Con walked. Lunched at Mother’s, did shopping bought shoes, lace & gloves. Saturday 5 April. Lin dines with Miss Innes. I go to Tabs 2.15. Sunday 6 April. Picture Sunday. Gap until Monday 14 April. Dear Papa & Mother’s wedding day. Tuesday 15 April. (blank) Wednesday 16 April. Lin & self returned from Tabby’s with Tab & Mervyn. Letter fr. Edgar, curious. Found dear little Maud with Measles. Thursday 17 April. Marion Fletcher’s wedding day. Edgar gone to breakfast. Darling Maud going on well. Mervyn called. I went shopping afternoon. Friday 18 April. Bitterly cold, still east wind. Letter from Mother explaining Edgar’s uncomfortable letter. Dear Maudie better.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 19 April. Went out morg. shop’g. Met Judy with flowers for Maud. Dr O. came Not coming tomorrow. Cream cheese & watercress from Tab. Con & Mervyn came. Sunday 20 April. Went to early service with Mrs S. Called to see Con & Mervyn. Spencer called whilst we were at lunch, looks v. poorly. Roy sickening for measles seems queer & heavy. Maud better. Still bitterly cold east wind. Mr & Mrs Critchett called. Monday 21 April. Mother, Ham, Midge, Wad. Dora & Edg. return fr. Trysall. Only Mother & Edgar returned fr. Midge’s. Mother much better. I walked to Grove, called on Uncle John, out, & went to Whiteleys. Lin at work all day. Tuesday 22 April. Called on Mother, looks much better, gave me darling father’s pencil case. Sent wreath of primroses to dear father’s grave. Groves took it to Vic. Sta. Mrs Dickens & Miss Hogarth called. Mrs S. gone to Ealing. Dear Roy evidently sickening for measles. Lin dines out. Earthquake near London. Wednesday 23 April. Lunched with Mother, shopped. Judy then came back to dinner with Mrs S. Roy v. seedy with measles. Thursday 24 April. Roy full out with measles. Fine day, continuous east wind. Went out shopping. Miss Innes called, nice little thing. Friday 25 April. Went out shop’g. East wind & rain, dreary day. Met Flossie B. Saturday 26 April. Mrs Goodall called. Went with Lin to Agnew’s Gallery. Mrs Macdonald came in & we went & had coffee at Charbonel’s. Met Nicol girls & Miss Hogarth. Dined alone. Sunday 27 April. Went to early service, Volunteers. V. crowded. Roy very excited. Maud much better. Miserably dull rainy day. Monday 28 April. Fine morg. Dr. Orton came. Pense que la femme de chambre est lente. Roy not so well feel anxious about him. Mrs Burnand not well. Mrs S. & self went by Metro. to see Uncle & fire at Whiteleys, found them v. upset. Tuesday 29 April. Met Eddie. Shopped morg walked to Grove, took Aunty eggs. Saw Aunt Leigh & Alice. Mother sent Maud flowers. Mr & Mrs Toole called & Mrs Nicol & daughters. Wednesday 30 April. Shopped morg. Very tired afternoon. Punch dinner. Press day Academy. Mrs Boughton’s dance 10 o/c. Nellie Keith came & had tea. Dr O came just as chicks were going to bed. Nurse sick headache.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 May 1884 Thursday 1 May. Fine morg. Dear chicks better. Went out for walk with Midge, called & saw dear Mother thought her looking v. poorly & low. Sh’d liked to have stayed with her. Mrs S. read Dr Claudian’s stupid book. Friday 2 May. Private view of Academy. Lin dines at Macdonald’s 7.30. Shopped. Saturday 3 May. Lin & self went to Private View at Academy, met many people. Dined alone at Mrs Stone’s. Sunday 4 May. Went to early service good sermon fr. young curate about individual influence for good or bad on those about us. V. good sermon, simple & to the point. Called & saw dear Mother. Nicols & Mrs J. Macdonald called. Lin dined with Mr Barrett. Heavy hail storm. Went round to Mother’s after supper. Eddie came back & had smoke here. Monday 5 May. Asked Mr White & Mr Stokes to dinner. Not coming. Lin very busy with Academy block. Went with Mother & Midge to Stores. Lunched at Mother’s, walked with Midge to Mrs Lord’s. Mrs Agnew & Mrs Joachim called. Tuesday 6 May. Petit ami arrivé hier. Mr Macdonald called. Maud & Nurse out a little morning. Mrs Mocatta’s dance 9- 1.30. Mrs Messel & Mrs Caldecott called. Wednesday 7 May. Lin dined at opening dinner of Health Ex. C. Hartree called, told Lin of Mrs J. Penn’s elopement with Col. Maude’s son. Mrs Barnes called. Thursday 8 May. Mrs Sambourne left. Je me sens un peu contente d’être seule encore. Con came morg. Gave me awful fright. Lin dined with Mrs Nicol at “Grand” & took them to see “Claudian”. Mr Burnand called morg. Friday 9 May. Feel better rather tho’ v. weak. Mrs Blackburn, Ionides & Aunt Leigh called & Mr C. Hartree. Lin dined with Sp & Macdonald. Went with Nurse & Maud to sit back of Phillimore Gds. Mother called & left me some plovers eggs. Saturday 10 May. Lin & self dined alone together very cozy. Sunday 11 may. Asked Nicol girls to dinner. Asked C. Stokes & Edgar came. Major Welman came to lunch. Sp & Ada, Edg. C. Hunter, Mr Fildes & Mrs Marshall (Pat) called. C. Stokes v. funny at dinner with tricks. Went round & saw dear Mother after tea. Monday 12 May.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 D.V. Lin goes to Paris. D.V. I go to Aunt Anna’s. Came to Aunty’s. Delighted with country, v. beautiful & quantities of wild flowers. Mother & Midge saw me off, Aunty met me. Tuesday 13 May Walked morg & afternoon. Gathered flowers. Wednesday 14 May. Mrs Ernest Hart’s at home 9.30. Letter from Lin. Sent off box of flowers for chicks. Had drive as far as Lady Shelley’s place, v. beautiful. Cattle Market day. Thursday 15 May. Walked morg. V. windy, colder. Miss Elmore’s dinner. 8 o/c. Friday 16 May. Miss Dewdney called. Aunty & self feel tired. Walked morg & after tea. Miss D came to tea. Saturday 17 May. Aunty & self walked morg. Took lovely drive in fly after lunch. Miss Dewdney called with ferns. Lovely day. D. washed. Letter fr. Dickie, too late for me to return today. Sunday 18 May. Read service with Aunty. Mary went to church. Aunty & self remained in, strolled after dinner. Lin returned fr. Paris. Monday 19 May. Went into wood & picked flowers. Returned home. Mother & Lin met me. Lin & self dined alone. Tuesday 20 May. Lovely day. Spinks called. Punch dinner, shall probably dine at Mother’s. Nurse broke window. Dined at Mother’s, Aunt Barbara there, Con, Jess, Ham & Judy. Felt v. sad there it no longer feels the same home to me. Miss Nicol & Miss Breffitt called. Wednesday 21 May. Mrs Tomlin’s dinner party. Cannot go. Called on Mrs Huish, Mrs Nicol at Grand Hotel, Tabby at Alexandra Hotel & had tea with her, Ham & Mervyn. Left cards at C. Hartree’s & called at Mrs Toole’s. Went to see meet of 4 in Hand Club. Lovely day. Met chicks & drove them home. Expenses in cabs today 5/6. Thursday 22 May. Mrs Hunt’s little dance 9.30. Called on Mother in morg, saw Aunt B & all. Nelly came after lunch & we called together on Aunt Leigh, Uncle John, Mrs Farquarson, Miss James, Hollands & Aunt Linda. Went to Léonee about lighter dress, Whiteleys. Nelly dined with us here. Friday 23 May. Lovely day, warm. Shopped. Mrs Burnand called afternoon. Arranged to lunch with her tomorrow. Called on Mother. Saturday 24 May.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lunched with Rosie Burnand. After went to Oratory & Exhibition. Dined with Mother, Ham brought me back. Lin rode with Mr Burnand & Tenniel to Hampton Court & Lin dined with Artist Benevolent Society. Chicks out all day. Sunday 25 May. Mrs Colin Hunter’s dinner 7.30 o/c. I lunched with Mother after Church. Wet. Lin lunched here with chicks. Con called on Barnaby. Con brought me home. Monday 26 May. Lovely morg colder. Went shopping. After lunch called on Mrs Silver. Tuesday 27 May. Went shop’g morg. Mrs Boehm & someone else called forgotten who! Mr Paxton, Jess, Ham & Tilda dined here. Waiting much better. Called & saw Mother. Mrs White called. Wednesday 28 May. Uncle John called to say good bye. Cold east wind, fires again. Lin méchant! Mrs & Miss Peyton to tea. Mrs Keith’s dance. Mrs Joachim called. Walked with Midge to Madame Léonee. Drove back. Alone to dinner. Derby Day. Called & saw Mother. Mother Aunt Barbara & Con went to Westwood. Thursday 29 May. Forgotten. Friday 30 May. Mrs Toole’s at home 10.30. Called on Mrs Joachim. Jess & Mrs Orton. Saw over their house. Mother returned from Westwood. Saturday 31 May. Nurse, Lin, chicks & self to natural Hist Mus. Lin & self lunched at South Kens. Met Sir P.Owen & Mr Trendall, went though Health Ex. V. amusing, bought chocolate. Quiet evg. Mr Taylor called. Jun 1884 Sunday 1 June. Lin dines with Mr Black at Reform Club. Went to early service (com). Called to see Mother. Lunched here with chicks & Lin. Sp & Ada came in. A & Lin as usual. Lovely day. Fracas avec cusinière. X. Petite amie. Felt awfully seedy at supper. Came home early. Monday 2 June. Ham & Major Welman to dinner 7.30. Pleasant dinner. Remained in bedroom all day. Tuesday 3 June. Miss Breffitt called morg. Remained in bedroom all day. Wednesday 4 June. Tilda came & dined with me. Mother & Aunt Barbara called & had tea. Still feel v. weak. Lin bought little horse, Cobweb, for £35 gns. Miss Penn. Thursday 5 June. Quiet day. Took cab & went to Mde Léonee.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 6 June. Forgotten. Wet day. Nothing particular happened. Saturday 7 June. Olive came to stay till Monday. Mr Tenniel came & rode Cobweb with Lin. I took Maud to Grove in cab & did shopp’g. Mrs Marcus Stone came. Sunday 8 June. Asked Mr Abbey, Miss Innes, Brandon Thomas, Mr Reed, Mr Allan, Olive, Lin & self. Con & C.Stokes came in after dinner. V. jolly evg. B. Leighton, Weld Blundell & W. Taylor called. Lin lunched at Boughton’s. Monday 9 June. Olive & Lin rode morg to Richmond. Olive left after lunch. I called on Mother morg. Aunt Barbara to dinner. Lin took me to Nicols. Wet afternoon. Went to Liberty’s. Aunty here early. Lin tired & sleepy. Tuesday 10 June. Lin dines out. I dine at Mother’s. Mrs Winslow & Jessie Harding called & Dr Harcourt. C. Stokes at Mother’s. Wednesday 11 June. Mrs Farquharson’s at home 10 o/c. Mrs Morell Mackenzie’s dinner 8 o/c. Lin dines at Mrs Mackenzie’s. Went with Roy to be fitted with habit, Nicols. Dine at Mother’s. Thursday 12 June. City dinner. Mrs Caldecott’s at home. Mrs Skerrow’s lncheon party 1.30 sharp. Mrs Joachim’s at home 9.30. Weld Blundell asked us to dine with him at Orleans Club & go to theatre after with him. Lin three engagements for dinner this day. Do not know which he has accepted. Went with Lin after S’s lunch to Nicols, fitted & went to Hunt’s tennis. After to Mrs Caldecott’s “at home”. Sp came in just at dinner. Dined alone. Friday 13 June. Lovely warm day. Letter fr dear Mother fr Westwood. Went out with Nurse & chicks & sat in Phil Gds back lane. Con called. Said he wd. come to dinner tonight. He lost money at St. Ex. last evg. Saturday 14 June. Dear Mother returned fr. Westw. Mrs Tuer’s at home, Church Walk. Enjoyed it & like her v. much. Olive went with us. Lin took Nurse & chicks to Exhibition, they spent whole day there. Lin, Con & self dined at Ex. Bad & dear dinner, service wretched. Met B.Tomlins & Boehms. Spencer called. Sunday 15 June. Lovely morg. Chicks to Church with Nurse. Lin riding “Cobweb”. Spent afternoon at Mother’s, cried!!!. After Judy & Con gone to Church. Sp & Ada there left early. Lin goes to Lyric Club at York Place 10 o/c. C. Woodville’s invite. Came home to dinner. Sp Ada called here. Monday 16 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Nellie coming to spend day. Went by O. bus to Nicols about habit. Mrs Brett got into O. bus coming back. Went out with Mother after lunch, called on Mrs W. Agnew & Mrs Watney, had ices at Gunters. Went to Baker St. Baz. Lin & self went to Court Theatre to see “My Milliners Bill”. V. good first piece, “play” bad. Tuesday 17 June. Miss Wells at home 4-7. Lin dines at Mr a’Beckett’s. Miss Innes to tea & Tilda. Con gone to Jacksons. Met Mr Tenniel, Mr & Mrs Evans & Mrs Harrison & daughter at a’Beckett’s. Went for first ride after 10 years with Lin to Wimbledon. 2 ½ hours out, awfully stiff. Dear Roy’s hair cut. Wednesday 18 June. First night at German Reeds. Mrs Barnes dinner 8 o/c. Mr Abbey takes the children to Drury Lane. Go out with Mother at 12 o/c. Miss Innes “at home” 5 o/c. Lunched with Mother at St James. Mother came & dined with me!!! Judy fetched her at 9 o/c. (illeg), James & Miss Grey etc at Miss Innes. Thursday 19 June. Miss Elmore’s dinner 8 o/c. Mrs Ross’ at home 4-7 o/clock. Rode with Lin three times round Battersea Park. Called after lunch on Mrs C. Hunter (gone to Scot.) Mrs Fildes, had tea with her & Mrs Stone, went on to Spencer, had tea with him in garden. Ada & Sp dined with me alone. Called on Miss Wilson. Friday 20 June. Heavy dull morning. Had the carriage & drove with Roy to Phillips for china, nothing much there! Took Roy to Mde Tussaud’s, much amused. Left feathers at Fleischmans to be cleaned. Went in & had tea with Mother. Saturday 21 June. Mrs Gordon’s at home 3-7.30. Lovely day. Introduced to Mrs Harrison do not care for her at all. Two Barclay girls heavy & giggly, Mrs H familiar. Mrs Burnand & twins, Mr Allan! The Canon & sons, Goodalls, Vowles! Major Knox. Lin went to “at home” after our return gave up dinner at Savage Club. Sunday 22 June. Mrs Boughton’s at home 10.30. Small & early. Went to early service alone, lunched at dear Mother’s, Tilda there. Lin went to A. Lewis’ game tennis. Miss Huxley! Came back to dinner. Feel depressed about Gardens being sold. Waters utterly ignores my orders & silver feel annoyed! Lin sleepy. Monday 23 June. Mrs Hunt’s at home (illeg). Miss Innes to dinner & theatre after ¼ to 7. Mrs Jopling’s at home 10 o/c. Had long ride to Richmond Pk. Bother with saddle, could not ride Cobweb in consequence. Hot! Con came to our box at Haymarket. Miss I. brought flowers. Tuesday 24 June. Miss Wells at home 4-7. Mr Marshall to breakfast. Lin had forgotten all about it. Lin dines with “Ayala” Devonshire Place. Maud goes to tea at Mrs Spofforth’s 5 o/c. I dined at dear Mother’s, only Mervyn & Con there. Roy’s hair cut. Miss Elmore & Miss Roe called. Wednesday 25 June.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Punch dinner. Lin rode at 8 o/c. Hamilton & Midge return home. I dine at Mother’s. Mr Hartree at home 10 o/c. Academy Soirée. Mrs Goodall sent 2 tickets. Maud went to tea at Mrs Coward’s. Thursday 26 June. Mrs Barnes called. Mrs Keith’s dinner 7.30. Cannot go, engaged to dine with Ayala, Hotel Bristol. Also invitation to dine at Walter Austin’s 8 o/c. Mrs Agnew’s first at home 3-6 o/c. I dine at Mother’s, Mr & Mrs Chapple there. Jess & Ham returned . Judy & self did Mother’s orders at Stores. Olive called. Friday 27 June. Very sultry. Sat to Lin all morg. Mrs Silver’s dinner 8 o/c. Mrs Agnew’s 2 nd at home ½ past 3-6 o/c. Called on Mrs Roberts, Miss Frith, Mrs Ansdell. Mrs Larnack drove me to Agnew’s “at home” & back to Phillimore Gds. Dear Mother not so well. Torrington Chapple & wife called. Tilda came & dined with me, cut out chair cover. Saturday 28 June. Mrs Tuer’s “at home” 4 o/c Church Walk. Lunched with Lin at Health & went to Mrs Tuers. Met Alexanders & Gordons. Do not care for former. Came home v. tired. Mervyn came in. Lin & self went to Lyceum. Mrs Pott & Flossie Terry there. Maud went to Mrs Goodall’s, Nurse fetched her with Roy. Sunday 29 June. Mrs Boehm’s Water party. Cannot go. Petit ami attendu, pas arrivé. Maud, Roy , Lin & self lunched at Mother’s. Mervyn & I joined Lin at Mrs Lewis’ after. Mad dog! Mervyn dined here. Mr Sterne called. Mother & Jess came in at 9.30. Monday 30 June. Mr A. Burnand’s dinner. Mrs Jopling’s at home. The dear old house Up. Phillimore Gardens to be sold. Lin & self drove to German Reeds. I went on to Mde Bocquet, going to make me an evg dress. Went to Marshall, met Cottons, asked us to go fr Sat till Monday. Feel v. miserable. Lin photographing A. Reed. Con came & dined with me. V. depressed. Left early. Jul 1884 Tuesday 1 July. Miss Wells at home 4-7 tennis. Mrs Tristram Ellis’ at home, Singing & strawberries 4-7. Miss Innes, Mrs Muller, Mrs Spofforth & Mrs Evans called. Lin lunched with Kinsmen! Went to Mrs Fildes, Luke showed us the lovely picture he has done for us! Most beautiful girl’s head. Went to Healtheries after dinner. Dear Mother called in the morg about house. Makes me wretched to think it is sold for so little, £4,000. Long ride all over Wimbledon Pk on Cobweb. Wednesday 2 July. X. Petit ami. Rode Cob. before breakfast. Mrs Tuer’s at home 4 o/c. Mr A. Burnand’s dinner 8 o/c. Mrs Gregory’s garden party at the Foundling. Mr Hartree’s bachelor at home 10 o/c. Lin gone to Sevenoaks with Mr Fildes. Lin v. depressed, silent, about house being sold. Mr Nash bought it for £4,000. Feel very sad about it. I dined at Mother’s. Jess, Ham, Mervyn & Con went to Exhibition. Thursday 3 July.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Terrible news of Mr Sington, died suddenly today. Invite fr. Mr Marshall for Henley, can’t go unfortunately. Invite to dine at Mrs Fildes. Mrs Macmillan’s garden party & evg. party 4.30-11 o/c. Mrs Parkinson Wright’s garden party 4 to 7. Mr Holland’s evg. party 10 o/c. Lin & self dined alone. Midge, Mervyn & Ham came in after dinner. Dear Mother came & sat with me afternoon, remained in bed all day until dinner. Con came. Midge told me news of herself. Friday 4 July. Go to Madame B. to be fitted 12 o/c. Cannot go, too seedy. Mrs Goodall’s at home 4 o/c. So sorry cannot go. Aunt Leigh & Alice to tea. Ham, Midge & Con came in after dinner. Mother gone with Mervyn to Brighton. Mr Burnand came in to see Lin at 12 o/c morg. Lin did cartoon! Mr Tenniel ill. Lin v. late. Saturday 5 July. Go to Anna’s for a few days. Lin goes fr. Sat to Monday to Lady Anne Blunt’s, horrid not to have him with me. Cannot go to Anna’a on act. of petit ami until Monday. Lin went to Crabbett’s. Sat alone after dinner. Maud had tea at Mrs Coward’s. Mrs Goodall sent for Maud. She was unfortunately out. Sunday 6 July. Went to early service with Roy. Called to see Midge. Miss Langley at Gds. Lunched with chicks 1.30. Heavy rain & little thunder. Lovely after. Lin returned late fr. Lady Anne’s bringing most lovely roses. Monday 7 July. Dear father’s birthday. Sending water lily wreath by Groves fr Victoria. Arrived fresh. Came to Anna by 5.25. Miss R. Dietz also staying. Lin dined at Club & went to see “Mascotte” after. Tuesday 8 July. Miss Wells “at home” 4-7. Very hot. Sat out, all three all tummy(?) ache dreadfully can’t imagine what from. Drove to Esher with Miss D. She left for London afternoon & Baby & Nurse went to Barrow Hedges on act. of whooping cough. Wednesday 9 July. Mrs Tuer’s at home tennis 4-7. V.v. hot. Mr Dietz gone to London for day, started early. 4 letters from Lin. Went with Anna to see cricket at Mr W. Westley’s. Thursday 10 July. Mrs C. Humphreys at home 10 o/c. Raining a little morg. Rained heavily after lunch. Drove with Anna to Mrs Terry’s in brougham. Did not go in, first call. Walked after dinner. Friday 11 July. Mrs Fildes’ dinner (postponed). Mrs Joachim’s dinner to meet Richter, 8 o/c. Saturday 12 July. Mrs Tuer’s at home 4-7. Invite to stay at Mrs Cotton’s for few days. Return home. Sunday 13 July. Asked Mr Ellis to dinner. Lunch with Mr Webster 2 o/c. Lunched at Mr Webster’s. Rode 2 hours morg. to Wimbledon with Ham & Lin. Went to Mother after, remained supper. Marion & Todd called. Lin went to Lewis’ & dined there.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 14 July. Edith Santley’s wedding day. Mrs Santley’s at home 4-7. Mrs Boehm’s invitation to dinner at “Health”. Tilda coming for first night, goes on to Mother’s. Dined at Mrs B’s house. Mervyn & Con with L as I on to dance the rest party of 10. Lin played billiards with Mr Boehm. Rode to Battersea Pk before breakfast. Miss Friths called. Tuesday 15 July. La petite cuisinière va se marrier, elle parti le 21 Août. Go to Madame Bocquet 12 o/c. Rec’d cheque £25 fr Mr Chapple for quarter last evg. Mother looks v. poorly, fretting about leaving. Chicks went to Healtheries. Lin & self rode before dinner to Camp, met Ortons. Went to Madame to be fitted. Wednesday 16 July. Marion Edwin’s wedding at Christ Church Lancaster Gate. Mrs Tuer’s at home. Mrs H. Dickens supper party. Punch dinner held at Mr Bradbury’s. Had raspberries. Went to see wedding, took present before breakfast to Marion riding. Went into Row. Cobweb festive, felt nervous. Shopped, walked home. Paid Groves £3.10. Chicks to Healtheries. Tilda & self dine at Mother’s. Thursday 17 July. Mrs Speed’s dinner party ¼ to 8 o/c. Went out shop’g morg with Tilda. Carrie & Maud called during our absence. Tilda went to Grov. Place. Miss Innes came to tea. Went for long ride with Lin to Wimbledon. Cobweb very tiresome. Home after 9 o/c. Awfully tired. To bed after dinner. Friday 18 July. Went with Tilda to see Mother. Very sad to see dear old house all turned out. Feel very tired from ride. Dr. Orton’s dinner party 7.30. Dear Mother going to Westwood alone. Baby & Waddie there. Lin went to Dr. O after dinner v. late on act. of work. Saturday 19 July. Mr Thophilus Burnands’s dinner 8 o/c. Mrs Tuer’s at home 4-7. Mrs Cotton invite to go to stay with her few days. Mrs Tucker’s “at home” 4.30-7. Carriage & Tassel to Westwood, horses. Called & saw Conny. He took little Edwins to Healtheries. Went to Madame B. morg. Bought waterproof 12/11. Sunday 20 July. Rode after breakfast, late breakfast. Mr Ellis called. Major Welman & Mr Austin called. Lin & self dined at Mr Sterne’s. Levys, Cowan, Baron something & Mrs McTear there. V. late. Monday 21 July. D.V go to Ramsgate after house. Went to Ramsgate. Dear Mother met me. Don’t like Gen. Cunningham’s house. Grass v. dried up for want of rain. Carrie & Ted married. Tuesday 22 July. Mrs Tattersall’s dinner ¼ to 8. Went to see houses at Ramsgate. Wednesday 23 July.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs Tuer’s at home. Went to see houses with Waddie & Baby. Dreadful vans with furniture came. Judy came. Glad to have her with Mother. Thursday 24 July. Ret’d fr. Westwood in same carriage with family O’Conners. Felt glad they were there. Felt v. down leaving Mother. Miss Hunt & Con afternoon. Con to dinner. He rode Cobweb. Friday 25 July. Invite to stay at Lady Anne Blunt’s for today until Monday. Garden party etc Saty. Went down to Crabbets in time for dinner. Sir J. & Miss Doyle, Ld & Lady Wentworth, Cap’n & Mrs Abney & heaps of others in house enjoyed it v. much. Went morg. with Tilda shopping in town. Saturday 26 July. Beatrix du Maurier’s wed’g. St George’s Church ½ 11 Hanover Sq. Returned fr. Lady Anne’s late 12.30. V. late. Came up with Cap. & Mrs Abney. Sunday 27 July. Lin’s dinner party 8 o/c. Mr Black, Burnand, du Maurier, Mr Blunt, Mr Boughton, Sir E.J. Reed, Mr Boehm. Tilda & self dinner in morg. Grand fun. Large supper party after. Rowdy!!! Monday 28 July. Put away china. Called on Laura Stone & had tea with Spencer at Club with Tilda. Maud to tea at Mrs Coward’s. Bob came here with Roy. Tuesday 29 July. Mrs R. Cotton’s garden party 4 to 11 o/c. Went to Gds. to see furniture. Dull depressing heavy day. I for walk with Tilda. Called on Mrs Stone & had tea there. (no, yesterday.) Wednesday 30 July. Petit ami due not come, feel v. well, most thankful. Punch dinner. Dinner & supper Sunday great success evidently. Very glad. Hard at work on covers. Am afraid dear Mother is not well. Edgar gazetted Captain. Thursday 31 July. Very busy with drawing room work. Went to Stores with Tilda ordered 20 gals of kerosene oil to be sent to Dumpton. Paid £1.17.4. Mrs Vallis called. Aug 1884 Friday 1 August. Tilda went to Westwood. X. Petit ami venu deux jours en retard. Called on Mrs Fildes, seedy. Met Laura Stone, coming D.V. to tea Monday. Judy comes up. Lin & self alone to dinner. Rec’d div. C.Argentine Rail £3.0.0. Saturday 2 August. Terrible news in evg. papers of G. a’Beckett’s only son. Engaged Emma to come & take charge of house for 10/- a week. Judy called am afraid Mother is not well. Mrs Vallis called. Emma for day. Read fearful news of Francis a’Beckett feel v. sad for them all it seems too terrible. Also letter fr. B. Thomas lost his mother. Life seems full of sadness & sorrow. Dear Lin dining with Furniss & then to first night of Burnand’s new piece.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 3 August. Sp came to lunch. He went for long ride with Lin after tea & dined here. Lovely day. Chicks to church morg. & evg. Monday 4 August. Lovely day. Laura Stone coming to tea. Tuesday 5 August. Dear Maud’s 9th birthday. Miss Penn’s last day. Been here 9 weeks £6.15.0. Wednesday 6 August. D.V. We go to Dumpton for 3 months. Emma comes in charge of house. Came to Park House by South Eastern. Very comfortable journey, dearest Mother met us at Station with Tilda 9/- for fares fr Ramsgate here! awful. Found house very dirty. Darling Roy slept in my room. Thursday 7 August. Spent day arranging house & having it cleaned. Friday 8 August. Lin came down. Felt lonely went for walk, saw Mother & Tilda, went over to Westwood with them dined there, John brought me back. Felt awfully sad at Westwood feel the dreadful blank there. Chicks went with Nurse & Waddie to sands. Tilda came & spent hour with me. Intensely hot. Lin arrived late. Saturday 9 August. Lin & self had dinner at 8 o/c. Lin & self walked by Dumpton Gap to Ramsgate did shop’g there, drove back. Sunday 10 August. Lin rode to Westwood & Westgate. Went to Church with Nurse & chicks to St Luke’s evg. Lin & self suppered at 8.30. Monday 11 August. Tilda fetched me & we did shopping in Ramsgate & went to Westwood, came back with Con in buggy to dinner. Lin out all day fishing, brought home 18 fish. Tuesday 12 August. Dear Roy sick, bilious. V. hot day. Con came over morg. & stayed some time. Wednesday 13 August. Judy comes at 6.45. by L.C. & Dover Railway. Lin went to town & rode to Station. Mother called morg. with Wad & Dora. Roy feverish & tiny scarlet rash all over him. Mr Raven came, scare! Had carriage, called on Mrs Hammond & did shopping. Judy slept in my room. Thursday 14 August. Rained hard all night. Dois prendre médecine. Roy much better, still in bed. Mr Raven called, does not seem to know cause any better than ourselves. Drove to Westwood, left Maud & called on Mrs Orchardson, Mrs Moxon & Mrs Peto. Met Mrs Peto & Lady C. & Mrs Orchardson. Had tea at Mother’s & brought Maud back. Friday 15 August.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Darling Roy not so well again. Mr Raven called, mysterious. Drove to Mother’s & Ramsgate. Mother & Tilda to tea, no butter! Judy walked into Ramsgate morg. Ju, Maud & self walked to pillar box. Lin rode Cobweb & rode horses to sea before breakfast. V. anxious about dear Roy. Saturday 16 August. Mr Milliken comes. Edgar called & with Lin fetched Mr M. in brougham. Ju, Maud & self walked to sea & M paddled. Sat on sands hour & half. Mrs Hammond & Miss Hollingshead called. Sunday 17 August. Ju went to Church 11 o/c. Dear Mother & Edg. there. Walked to sands after lunch. Groves & Laurence out afternoon. Con called. Dear Roy better. Mr Raven called at tea time. Dined at 8 o/c. Monday 18 August. Mrs Sambourne comes. Mrs S. not coming till Wednesday. Maids v. late. Little bat in bath, 2 others in room. Lin & Mr M. gone fishing for day. Edg. coming to lunch. Tabs’ birthday. Rode Punch with Lin before dinner. Went to Westwood, saw dear Mother Tilda, Dora & met Edgar coming fr. St. Peters. Mr Lehman called early. Saw washer woman, satisfactory. Mr M. & Lin went fishing caught 5 fish. Tuesday 19 August. Dine at Mrs Orchardson’s 7 o/c. Darling Roy’s 6 th birthday. Tilda & Con over. Lin & self rode before breakfast. Lin had spill with Cobweb, horses v. irritable on act. of heat & flies. Sent adv. to Morg Post, wrote to Ashford paper. 3 brace of grouse fr. Tressady. Heard of cook at Mrs O’s. Jess & Ham returned fr. Ireland, v. surprised to see them. Wednesday 20 August. Flowers. Walked to sands after lunch with Maud & Ju whilst Mr Milliken & Lin worked. Retrurned at 4. Mrs Lehmann, 4 girls, Mrs Peto, Mrs Harding & 2 children came to tea!!!!!! Lin & Mr M. to tennis at Mother’s. 2 grouse fr Spencer at dinner v. good. Played bagatelle after dinner & sat up till 11.30. Heard of cook fr Mrs Lords. Thursday 21 August. Mrs Hammond called & asked us to tea. Ham came over to lunch. We dine at Mother’s 7 o/c. Dear Roy goes with Waters to sands. Laurence out afternoon & evg. Mr M. goes back to London. Ramsgate regatta. Dined at Mother’s. John drove us home find it v. expensive dining there to fly home. Friday 22 August. Lovely day. Lin at work. Mr Raven came. Con came to lunch. Go for drive at 3 o/c with Roy. Con & Edgar here to dinner, Con here to lunch. Dreadful fright about carbolic acid in cider cup. Bagatelle after dinner. Drove round to call on Mrs Lehmann & went to see dearest father’s resting place, put roses there. Mrs Lehmann & daughter called. Saturday 23 August. Lunch at Mrs Orchardson’s. Ju & self drove to O’s. Lovely day. Lin rode, had lunch there. Called on Petos, Lady Blanche there & Mrs Harding. Drove to Westwood, left Maud there. She came back on donkey. Lin rode back.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 24 August. Go to early service. To tea at Mrs Lehmann’s. Went to early service. Mother & Tilda there. Took flowers to dear father, feel v. down. V. tired fr. long walk. Kitten! Chicks delighted. Nurse took Maud to Church evg, home late. Went to sleep afternoon, too tired to go to Lehmann’s. Monday 25 August. Fine morg. Ju & self went to Ramsgate shop’g. Drove back. Mr & Mrs Orchardson & Langleys to dinner 8 o/c. Pleasant evg. Poured afternoon. Ju & self arranged flowers. Mrs S. cannot come, Mrs Worth v. ill. Tuesday 26 August. Lovely day. Numbers of letters fr. cooks. Dear Mother & Edg. called after lunch, just getting ready to ride. Went for long ride with Lin on Punch. The chicks spent day on sands. Judy walked to Ramsgate. V. sleepy after dinner. Wednesday 27 August. Groves leaves. Groves left 11 o/c. Bad meat! boiled beef. Ju & self made cake, more like bread pud’g. Tilda & Midge called with fruit & plants. Go for calls. Called on Mrs Whitehead, Mrs L.Tomlin. Dined at Mother’s, came home in fly. Thursday 28 August. Spent morg. with Ju in kitchen cooking. Letters fr. Fanny cook & another cook fr. Mrs Slater. Wet & fine alternately. Walked to sands with chicks after lunch. Met Lehmanns there. Came home to tea. Lin v. busy on big block. Waters waited at dinner. Spoke to Carr about cook. Arranged to have Mrs Carr. Have misgivings about her coming. Friday August 29 Ju & self cooked. Chicks went to sands. Tilda came over. We go for drive at 3 o/c. & then dine at Mother’s. Feel tired. Lovely day. Lin hard at work. We called at Abernethys, left cards for Mrs McClean. Went over house (horrid). Dined at dear Mother’s. Edg, Ham, Con, Jess, Tilda, Mother & selves there & Judy. Mother gave me fruit. Lin v. late in for dinner. Saturday 30 August. Mrs Orchardson tennis 4-7 o/c. Cobweb tried in cart by Hamilton. Lin lunches at Westwood. Ju, Nurse & self cooked all morg. Contre temps avec cuiller(?) Cake great success! Sunday 31 August. Petit ami arrive au nuit. Nurse & chicks to Church after lunch. Ju walked to Westwood, Con brought her back. Lin took long ride saw house we admired from outside. Con & Ham rode over, too seedy to see Ham. Lin with J. Abernethy heard about fly gun. Mrs C not inclined to come & help. Picture blew down in nursery & broke glass. Sep 1883 Monday 1 September. Very wet morg. poured with rain all day. Judy left us by 11.55, L.C. & D. I stayed in bed till 12 o/c. Feel weak & washed out. Nurse kindly cooking luncheon. Girls been v. good doing their best during the inconvenience of being without cook, Mrs C. not come. Mother sent over towel horse 2 pails & can by Jarman & cheese.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 2 September. Tilda leaves Westwood. La petite ne peut pas venir com. je l’ai attendu. Wet morg, cooler. Mother & Edg. called morg. Ham called. Jess & Con came over to tea in bath chair. Con & Lin tried Cobweb in cart went beautifully. Waters goose as usual about Cob’s hind leg. Mr & Mrs Abernethy called & Mrs McClean. Jess & Con here. Lin went to look again at Kingsgate house. Wednesday 3 September. Fine morg. Linley rode before breakfast, Punch. Chicks go to Westwood, Lin & self dine there. Mrs Carr here for 1st day. Mrs Thornton & Rosie called & had tea. Went to sleep after lunch. V. tired. Lin & self drove to Kingsgate House (Slaters) large but dismal rather. Not over impressed. Drove to Westwood, awful pain. Mother tired. Passed chicks in fly on way. Tassel drove us home. Thursday 4 September. Hopeless wet day. Mrs S. coming 3.15. Poured all day & much colder, had fire in drawing room. Went for ride, rode to Westwood. Mother better. Aunt Barbara there. Mrs S. loaded with toys for children. Played backgammon in the evg. Lin worked. Friday 5 September. Lovely bracing day. Ham rode over morg. Mrs S. told me of Mrs Hutchinson’s illness. Chicks gone to sands. Mrs S & self walked to pillar box & brought 4 eggs fr. farm. Drove out with Mrs S. & Roy to Ramsgate after lunch 3 o/c. Pd books. Met dear Mother & Abernethys. Called on Mrs Hammond & Mrs Burnand. Went & had tea at Westwood. Aunt Barbara there. Ham shot 2 partridges. Came back at 7 o/c v. late dinner. Waters out. Lin had to walk in to Ramsgate with block, pity to let W. out, busy night. Saturday 6 September. Bright cool morg. Chicks gone to sands for day if remains fine. Poured in torrents all day, fire in drawing room. Had ordered carriage but cannot go, so have only had it once this week. Lin went for ride evg. V. cozy in drawing room. Played game with chicks. Sunday 7 September. Lovely day. Nurse & Maud & Mrs S. to church morg. After lunch Nurse, 2 chicks & self to afternoon service. Walked to S.E.R Sta, after took us 25 mins to walk home v. slowly. 3 children christened, nice old clergyman. Ham & C. Stokes came in after tea. Lin went for long drive in cart with Waters driving Cobweb to Hammonds, Burnands, & Weigalls. Comfortable little dinner. Mrs C. cooks v. well. Monday 8 September. Lovely day. Chicks to Margate for day if remains fine by rail. Ham & C. Stokes over on horseback, Lin goes with them 2 o/c. Not returned to lunch. Mother, A’t Barbara, Jess called, stayed some time. Mother brought fruit & veg’ts. Letter fr Judy & galoshes. Lin & self dine at Burnands. Tuesday 9 September. Lovely day. Went with Mrs S. & chicks alone to sands. Stayed until luncheon. Nurse & Maud went to sands after. Roy & self spider hunted & played game, R v. sweet & good. Lin v. hard at work, did 2 Water Baby blocks (little elf blocks). Lady Rose Weigall called, did not come in.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 10 September. Lovely day. Lin rode before breakfast, going to London this afternoon 3 o/c. Letter fr. Mr Barker about trusteeship, hope he will act. Took Roy with Waters in cart for drive after Ham & Midge to Pegwell flats & then to tea at Westwood. I drove back, nearly took gate off! Had supper instead of dinner to let Laurence go out. Thursday 11 September. Ada’s little girl born 5 o/c. Lovely day. Card fr. Lin. Mrs Lehmann asked to come over. Mrs S. & self going for drive & take Aunt Barbara. Chicks to sands morg. Mulberries. Drive this afternoon & dine at Westwood. Called on Mrs Lehmann. Saw her & Liza. Took Aunty to Margate Regatta! Great crowd. Bought paint box & spade at Thomas(?). Mother returned whilst we were at dinner fr. Bristol with Minnie, Uncle better. Toys for chicks. Tassel brought us back. Friday 12 September. Lovely day. Long letter fr Lin. Chicks to sands. Drive this afternoon, took Maud & Roy. Roy drove. Called on Abernethys, McClean & Mrs Tomlin. Lovely drive. Roy’s first driving lesson. Aunty & Waddie called. Mrs Whitehead called. Saturday 13 September. Lin & self lunch with Mrs Hammond 2 o/c. Had fly over. Played tennis in their new garden. Went over their stables, quite charmed with the way they were kept. Gen. & Mrs Someone (friend of Sir C. Keyes) & Miss Hollingshead to lunch. Lots of people to tennis, tea on lawn. Dined at Lady Rose Weigall’s. Lord Melville, Sir J. Hammond, two Miss Fanes & Orchardsons there. Pleasant evg. Dined off silver plate again. Chicks & Mrs S. to sands for day at Margate. Midge called. Sunday 14 September. Midge taken ill last night. Maud & Nurse to Church, on sands & home late. Mr Burnand called morg. Lin & he went for ride together. Con called to say Jess was ill. After lunch C.Stokes, Mr Austin & Mr a’Beckett came after lunch. Mr Stokes brought 2 presents for children. Con called for me in buggy. Went to Westwood. Mother looked pretty well, Midge in bed, Dora looking v. sweet. Had tea at W.W, came back for dinner 7.30. Charley here to dinner. Lin & Mrs S. slept all evg, C. & self cards. Monday 15 September. Lovely day. Mr Burnand & Ham called & rode away together. Find Mrs Carr cannot remain after tomorrow, tiresome as expected Mr Tenniel down Saty & had asked people to dinner for Thursday. Aunt Barbara spent day here. Ham called. V. quiet. Chicks good at lunch. Mother called morg, & evg. to fetch Aunty with Dora. Tuesday September 16 Lovely day. V. hot & sultry. Ham came over morg. Maud’s Ham’s & C. Stokes’ photos came at lunch time. Chicks to sands for day. I rode with Ham after lunch 3.30. to see Tournament at Ramsgate, Waters with us. Mr & Mrs Hare, Mr & Mrs a’Beckett etc. etc. V. lively. Rode on to Westwood after, had tea there, sat with Midge. Came home alone, dark! Lin back dined alone. Méchant. Mrs Carr leaves. Wednesday 17 September. Letters fr Ham F. & Mervyn. Ham came over morg. Lovely day, v. hot. Promised to dine at Westwood. Lin went up to London by 3.55. Mrs Burnand, Frank, & Mrs a’Beckett came. Cooked morg, blancmange & jelly. Mrs Carr came in & made


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 batter pudding. X. Maudie bitten by kitten, v. much alarmed, fracas with Nurse & finale! Tassel fetched us at 6 o/c. Dear Mother looks seedy & overwrought. Midge still in bed. Thursday 18 September. Lovely day. Maud apparently all right. Mrs S. & self cooked all morg, enjoyed it. Don barked terribly last night, afraid someone walking about garden. Went in to Mrs S. She came to me & slept as I felt nervous. Mrs Carr just been in to say she can come till Monday 22nd Sept. Little robin redbreast flew into conservatory. 3 telegrams & p. card fr Lin. Drove with Mrs S. & chicks to pay books. Called on Mrs Hammond & Lady Rose W. Went in & took Maud having tea on lawn. Drove & had tea at Mother’s. Midge looks v. seedy. Terrible news of Percy Cotton & poor Fred Oakes. Friday 19 September. Fine morg. Chicks gone to sands, Letter fr Lin & quarter’s cheque £25.0.0. Mrs S. gave me £10.0.0. for books. Mrs Peto, Mrs Hirsch called in morg. Heard about poor Percy Cotton & Fred Oakes. Mr & Mrs a’Beckett called & stayed to tea after lunch. Mrs S. & Roy went for walk together & met Nurse & Maud & went to sands. Con fetched me. We did shop’g in Ramsgate, called on Mrs Hammond, saw them playing tennis, & I dined at Westwood. Mother v. poorly, Jess much better. Saturday 20 September. Lin coming tnight. Had long drive to Mr Peto’s. Took Mrs Hirsch to station with Reddy, called on Mrs Orchardson. Engaged to dine at Petos 8 o/c. Had to put it off, Lin not arrived. Drove to Westwood, Carr waited for us, dined there. Lin & Ham arrived just in time for dinner, bought no horses. Lovely day. Sunday 21 December. Dined at Mr Burnand’s. 12 to dinner, being Rosie’s birthday. Hares, a’Becketts, W. Austin, Hamonds etc. Drove in cart. Ham & Mr Burnand rode with Lin morg. Maud & I went to Church morg, Roy & Nurse afternoon. Laurence out evg. Lovely day. Roy busy after spiders as usual. Mrs Sambourne went to St. Peter’s to church, took roses. Monday 22 September. Very wet morning! Fanny new cook coming tonight, Mrs Carr leaves this evg. Lovely afternoon. Mr Austin, Ham, Con, Mother, Aunty B & Baby came over. Lin went to Ramsgate to play tennis. Mr A had tea & went on in cart. Mrs S & self in all day. Walked with Lin to sands just before dinner. Fanny came whilst we were at dinner. All v. sleepy after. Tuesday 23 September. Mr Austin, Con & Rosie to dinner. Went out shopping morg. with Ham in cart. Cob went beautifully much quieter round corners than with Waters. Had fearful neuralgia all day wish I had a girl find poor Mrs S. trying to talk to. Mrs S. & chicks with Nurse to sands after lunch. Lin went to Ramsgate for tennis in cart. Linley brought Mr A & Rosie over with him, Conny took them back in buggy. Like F’s appearance but do not think she will be up to the work. Linley up to bed late. Wednesday 24 September. Lovely day, colder. Still neuralgia headache & feel unaccountably irritable. Walked to King Street with Mrs S who walked into Ramsgate & did shopping. Lin started off in great flurry for London about horse took Moth. Bought horse! Hope


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 it will be a success. Children went to sands. After luncheon chicks played in garden. Roy knocked nurse’s eye. Ham called. Lin had letter fr. Mother about selling property. Wrote to Judy about spoon. Thursday 25 September. Linley came back in great heat & angry, Waters not met him at station. Children with Nurse went in cart to Broadstairs, W. could not have started early enough. Saw Carr about enormous price charged by Mrs C. Wish I had cook down fr. London. Did shop’g in Ramsgate, had carriage. Went & had tea at Westwood. Mother seedy & worried, how I wish I could help her. Ham called. Friday 26 September. Dear Mother called with Aunty looking v. ill & worried. Mrs Tree called so only had a few moments with Mother. Asked the Trees for Sunday to dinner. Mr Tenniel’s horse & Pippin, Lin’s new horse, coming down. Arrived at 5.30. Roy & I went to see them. Walked to Sir M. Montefiore’s. Taken 2 stalls opp. site at farm for Punch & Cobweb. Lin finished work earlier – looks better. Mrs S. & Lin went to sleep till bed time after dinner. Don barked all night – nightmare! Saturday 27 September. Mr Tenniel coming with horse. Drove afternoon into Ramsgate, shop’g, took Roy. Mrs S. went on to Westwood. Mother gave me hamper of fruit & veg’t. Midge better. Mother looks v. seedy. Read letters fr. Tab, doing wonderfully well. Went in fly with Mother & Dora to Ramsgate morg, left Aunty here whilst away. Mr Tenniel came about 4 & went for ride with Ham & Lin before dinner. Letter fr. Mrs Tree to say she can’t come tomorrow – sorry. Letter fr. Con at Boehms. Played bagatelle all evg. Sunday 28 September. Mr Tenniel Lin & Burnand riding morning – dull & colder. Chicks to Church. Letters fr Sp & Mrs Stone. Mr Tenniel & Lin drove to Westgate. Had asked the Trees to dinner, can’t come. Mr Austin & Rosie came to tea stayed long time. Mrs S. & self walked along fields after. Quiet evg. Monday 29 September. Petit ami. Could not get up to breakfast. Mr Tenniel & Lin rode with Ham. Mr T asked why I did not ride. Mother called to see me with Midge morg. Baloon going up, did not go on act of rain. Mr Tenniel & Lin went into Ramsgate. Letters, one fr. dear Mother. Tuesday 30 September. Dine at Mrs Orchardsons. Mother called after lunch with Waddie & Dora who remained to tea. I went home with Mother & had tea at Westwood. Felt awfully seedy & depressed, drive with Mother did me good. Mr Tenniel, Ham, Mr Burnand & Lin rode to Westgate morg. to see Mr B’s horse jump. Photographs! of Punch, Cobweb & Mr Tenniel & Maud. Mr T & Lin drove in cart to Mrs O’s. Sorry I can’t go. Mrs S. & self alone, went to bed early. Oct 1884 Wednesday 1 October. Nelly Keith coming. Mr Tenniel & his little black horse left 11 o/c. Nelly arrives 2 o/c. Mrs S. spent day at Westwood, Aunt B fetched her. Mrs S. not well had bad night. Chicks to sands, had to return, wet & dull morg. Nelly arrived in cart at 2


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 o/c. Mr & Mrs Hirsch called & had tea. Mrs S. remained at Westwood to dinner. Lin sleepy. Thursday October 2 Lovely day. Waters killjoy about Pippin, worried Lin. Drove into Ramsgate. Wet afternoon. Pd books. Left Mrs S. here & dined at Westwood, Carr waited for us. Aunt B left Westwood by first train with Mother. Mother returned same night at 10 o/c. Ham & Midge had tea with us here & took drive in buggy. Carr takes Pippin entirely. Friday 3 October. Lovely autumn morg. & day. Drove with Cobweb & Nelly to Margate in cart in 15 minutes. Walked on extension. Nelly with chicks & Nurse & self walked to sands & sat long time on shore, brought home sea water & weed. Ham & Lin went for ride together. Played bagatelle in evg. Lin did not go to sleep. Saturday 4 October. Lovely day. Chicks to sands. After lunch chicks to sands again with Nurse & Laurence. Nelly, Mrs S. & self drove to St Peters & on to Abernethys. Did shopping in Broadstairs on way back. Carr looked v. cold. Mrs S. not v. well. Dear Mother & Midge called after luncheon whilst we were out. Quiet evening. Sunday 5 October. Lovely autumn day. Mother fetched me & we went to Church together with flowers to dear father’s little garden, looking v. sweet & roses coming out. Mrs S. & Nelly drove in cart to church & walked back. Lin rode with Mr Burnand morg. Ham called afternoon. Nell & self walked to post after dinner. Nelly, Lin & self walked to sea by moonlight, lovely. Saw curious little phosphorous insect in water. Letter fr. Mrs Bosanquet. Splendid sermon by Vicar. Monday 6 October. Lovely autumn day. Lin rode before breakfast. Drove in cart with Waters & Nelly to Granville, called on Mrs Tree & Mr Reeves, latter gone. “Dear little” Cobweb knocked scab off foot. Called on Mrs Burnand found her v. seedy & low. Mr Burnand came in, chaffed me about money! Nell called on Scotts. After lunch rode with Lin & Ham fr. Ramsgate to Kingsgate by sands, went too far. Pip trod on stone went dead lame. Poured with rain & came in overtired, such a pity Lin always takes me too far. Tuesday 7 October. Wet pouring day. V. tired. First day of meet. Lin rode Pippin, Waters went on Punch. Pippin lame had to return. C’d not go to meet on ac’t of wet. Waters in late with fish. Lovely evg. No one called. Wednesday 8 October. Wet dull morg. Pippin lame, Cobweb knocked cannon & seedy. Dear Lin goes to London. Letters fr. Mary & dearest Mother who slept last night at Stafford Ter. & went to Ada’s yesterday to see the new Baby. Boiler being done, horribly choked up. Great commotion about new horse Pip, trust all will be well. Nell & self walked into Ramsgate & pd. books. Met Mr Whitehead, asked us to tea Monday. Long walk home. Fanny walked in to Ramsgate hope she won’t be done up. Jess & Ham came whilst we were out. Thursday 9 October.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wet dull morg. Mrs S, Nell & self going to dine at Westwood. Lin returned fr. London with Waters & followed us. Mrs S. did not go to Westwood. Had morg. room fire lighted, cold. Looked v. bright & nice. Brougham fetched & brought us back. Laurence went in to Ramsgate shop’g. Friday 10 October. Asked Mr & Mrs Burnand & Mr & Mrs Orchardson to dinner, Mr Lockyer & Hamilton. Miserable wet cold day. Drove in to Ramsgate in fly & back for 3/- did all shop’g ourselves. Fearful gale blowing. Lin hard at work on “Detention bone”!!!. Awfully bothered about Pippin, effectively done. Mr Burnand giddy when he came in. Saturday 11 October. Mrs Boys & 2 little girls coming to tea. Wet dull day. They did not come. Lin went up for Almanack dinner. Nell slept with me. Sore throat v. uncomfortable. Walked on sands morg. with Nell & Mrs S. Most boisterous morg, not much of a sea on. Not had carriage drive this week. Cobweb better but can’t be used yet. Lin had fly. Don’t believe in having horses, more worry than they are worth. Sunday 12 October. Wet dull morg. Had bad night sore throat. Kittens had fits. Expecting Lin back. Lin came in time for luncheon. Nell & self walked after lunch to farm, v. dirty. Ham, Midge, Mervyn & C. Stokes came to tea. C.S. v. amusing with pennies & handkerchief. Lin’s cold v. bad. Gave him hot foot bath & grog. My throat v. painful. Monday 13 October. If all’s well Nell & self take tea at Vicarage, 4 o/c. Very v. seedy with sore throat. Lin gone hunting. Most lovely morning. Waters as usual late & forgotten something. Nelly, Mrs S. & chicks to sands. Man came about pipes & water. Had carriage & went to Ramsgate. Called at Westwood, all out there, Nell & self had tea at Vicarage, delicious bread. Cold day. Mrs S. walked to sands with chicks morg. Lin had splendid day hunting. Ham came to dinner (illeg). Tuesday 14 October. Dine at Mrs Orchardson’s 7 o/c. Very jolly dinner at Mrs O’s. Mr & Mrs Beasley & Mr Lockyer there. Had carriage. Jess & Ham came over in Bath chair to tea, accident met them in Westwood village, breakdown. Taking iron dust & feel better for it. Wednesday 15 October. Nelly & Mrs Sambourne go to London. Nellie, Mrs S, chicks, Nurse & self walked to Gap. Lin came with camera & took our photos. Most lovely morg, it went off dull after. Nell left at 3 o/c. Nurse, Roy & Waters went in fly with her. Mrs S. not going as a’Becketts cannot come until Monday week. Letter fr. Spencer, Ada (illeg) daily. Fanny cooked dinner v. nicely hope she may be strong enough for London. Nice quiet respectable woman. Adams going to help Emma. Thursday 16 October. Asked Mr & Mrs a’Beckett to come for a week. A’Becketts can’t come on account of law business. Mrs Sambourne remains on a little. Lovely morg. Still no letter fr. Williams vet about “Pip”. Lin hard at work. Walked into Ramsgate with Mrs S. Pd books – heavy – sat on sands an hour & walked home, do not feel tired, think iron


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 is doing me good, feel ever so much better. Chicks to sands morg. & afternoon. Letter fr. Mother who is at Stafford Ter. Friday 17 October. Lovely day, dull morg. Drove to the meet in carriage, took Roy, bad cold. Nurse & Maud walked to Ramsgate with Lin’s block. Lin rode Punch to meet, Waters Cobweb. Saw Edgar on white pony. Chicks out for walk. Nurse & Maud home at 3 o/c!!! Met Mother who had called here with Jess, she is giving Maud a paletot hat & muff for the winter. Saturday 18 October. Asked Violet Hunt to come until Wednesday, Violet arrives here at 5.5. Dine at Mother’s 7.30. Jessie’s birthday. Letter fr. Nelly & Mrs Reed. Glorious morg. Asked Lin about wood, quite ridiculous to buy, heaps in the garden. Violet, Lin & self dined at Westwood. Jess v. seedy. Mother looked v. ill & low spirited at dinner, better after. We laughed tremendously at Ham & C. Stokes cockfighting. Had brougham to return, drove in cart to Westwood. Sunday 19 October. Charley Stokes coming to dinner. Violet Lin & self walked to sands, lovely morg. Mrs S, Nurse, Roy & Maud to Church. Lin rode with Burnand & Stokes “Pippin”. Lin had fall. Mr & Mrs Evans, Rosie & Miss Bastard called. Mother sent for me, unfortunately out. C. Stokes dined here & Mr Lockyer. Lin fetched Mr Lockyer in cart. Roy looks sad, poor little tabby kitten drowned, will not let chicks have pets again until they know how to treat them. Monday 20 October. Our wedding day. C. Stokes & Lin had sea bath before breakfast. C.S. breakfasted here. Lovely day. Mr Burnand & C. Stokes gone for ride together. Edgar called on grey gee. Edgar dines here 7.30. Violet & I walked to Westwood after lunch. C. Stokes gone. Had tea at Westwood in Mother’s room. Jess & Ham there. Edgar, Violet & I drove back in Mother’s brougham. Had good fun with Violet after dinner, awfully vain girl. Walked a little way back with Edgar. Tuesday 21 October. Went to meet in cart, Carr drove Cobweb. Lovely day. Meet at Saar. Cobweb frightened at hounds, accident. V & self awfully frightened. After I jumped out of cart & sprained left ankle. Drove home in village cart fr. opposite. Mr Raven called & told me to use v. hot water. Chicks out for day at Ramsgate, Pippin pulled (illeg). Edgar had 3 falls. Punch went a bit lame. I went to bed early, felt tired. Wednesday 22 October. Jessie’s little boy born at 4 o/c this morg. Violet goes up to London with Lin by 1 something. I breakfasted in bed. Mr Raven called, v. unnecessary. Mrs S. & self drove to Westwood, saw dear little baby, v. wee, cannot live. Found Mother busy feeding it in her room, it was in Dora’s doll’s cot. Mother quite in her element, Jess doing well. Ham carried me to carriage, can’t use foot. Mrs S. & self had tea there. Maud seedy. Roy’s cold better. Lin went to Lady Granville’s reception & Mr Abbey’s supper party. Thursday 23 October. Lovely morg. Lin returned from London. Edgar lunched here. Bruit about Waters. Laurence forgot to tell him about going to Westwood. Maud still feverish. La belle


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 mère et mois au guerre le soir. Jessie’s poor little baby boy died. Jessie not so well. Friday 24 October. Lovely day. Mother came over lunch nearly broken hearted about the poor little thing. Brought me 2 little flowers, white. Jess not so well. Mr & Mrs Boys & their 2 little girls came over to tea. Lin rode after lunch. Dora & Minnie came with Mother. Poor Mother v. upset & low. Saturday 25 October. Lunch at Mr Lockyer’s 12.30. Could not go on act. of foot. Drove & shop’d in Ramsgate & then on to Westwood. Saw Mother, Edg. & Ham. Gave me fruit for pudding. Lin rode. Dora & Minnie spent day here. Sunday 26 October. X. Ami au matin. Lovely day. Stayed in bed breakfast. Lin rode. Mr Burnand called morg for him, cd. not go. Ham called after luncheon, Jess much better. Mervyn to Westgate. Quiet day, no one but Ham called. Lin & Mrs S. slept after dinner. Lin’s cold still tiresome. Monday 27 October. Mr & Mrs a’Beckett com’g. Cannot come. Lovely day. Lin hunting on “Pippin”. Maud & Nurse to sands morg. Roy with bad cold. Mr & Mrs Evans dinner here, 7.15. Pleasant evg. Lin home early after good day’s hunting. Walked in to Ramsgate after tea. Mother, Dora & Minnie called afternoon. Jess much better. Mother asked us to dine there Wednesday instead of tomorrow. Tuesday 28 October. Mrs F. Holl’s dinner party 7.45. Lin goes to London for Mrs Holl’s dinner. Sir Moses Montefiore’s fête day, fireworks proc. etc. Gusty day Chicks, Nurse & Mrs S. gone to see procession fr. Granville. Wednesday 29 October. Lin returns, I hope, & we dine at Mother’s. Mrs Sambourne left by the 10 o/c train. Tin box left behind. Laurence & Maud drove in with Mrs Sambourne. K. stove being done by Mrs Hutchinson’s men, came first without tools. Lovely day. Letters fr. Judy & Nelly. Went over to Westwood to lunch. Saw Midge & stayed night, slept with Mother, as wire came fr Lin to say he would not be back till tomorrow. Enjoyed it v. much at Westwood. Thursday 30 October. Lovely morg at Westwood. Lin returned at 11.44. Accident again with cart, someone drove into Waters. Went in to Ramsgate with Mother shopping. Lunched here, boiled beef, treacle & milk puds. Ordered sack of coals fr. Denisons. Friday 31 October. Roy & Nurse to sands, lovely day. Maud went for day to Westwood. Lin hard at work. After lunch Roy & self went in to Ramsgate, bought flowers at Peg. Bay. Went & had tea at Westwood. Jess better. Nurse out for afternoon. Brought Maud back in carriage. Nov 1884 Saturday 1 November.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dull morg. Chicks to sands. Judy comes by Granville. Edgar dines here. Went over garden with men opposite & Lin – 3 acres. Drove to St. Peters Cottage with Roy, met Lin there. Horrid house, damp dark & dismal. Then to Ramsgate, paid grocer’s book, got cheque changed at Syretts. Sunday 2 November. Lovely day. Chicks & Nurse to Church. Lin took Carr & family’s photos, ours on lawn also. Lunched at dear Mother’s, v. pleasant day, grounds looking lovely, saw horses. Ham’s new Irish mare “Caprice”. Lin drove over in cart. Mother sent fly for us – John! Took flowers to dear father. Jess much better, looks well but pale. Monday 3 November. Lin & self dine at Mrs Hammond’s. Judy went into Ramsgate in cart & paid books, found I was short a pound. Lin gone to Faversham for day for hunting. Edg. & Ham gone too, started early. Lin riding Pippin, shall be glad to get him back safe & sound. Carr v. busy doing garden. Tuesday 4 November. Dull morg, fine afternoon. Lin went on Punch to meet, Minster Rough. Lin rode Pippin after lunch. Mother called. I drove in to Ramsgate with her. Nurse out for afternoon & evg to Westwood. Ju & self put drawing room straight. Got wood with Roy. Wednesday 5 November. Lin, Waters & horses return to London. Geraldine & I dine if all’s well at Mother’s. Paid butcher, fish, butter, flour, Grocer, bought chamber & 2 cups 1/9. Mother pretty well only. Had bad night first for 3 months. Thursday 6 November. We all return home D.V. Dull morning. Mr Vinten & man called. Had cart, carriage & John. Judy managed everything beautifully for me. Mr Fenton had beautiful first class saloon on for us, had to have 2 mini buses more luggage. Poor Judy had bad news when she arrived – her uncle. She helped me unpack & dined here. Lin went to see Wilson Barret as Hamlet – bosh! Had bad night. Friday 7 November. Geraldine came round for day, helped unpack & put in order. Pantry in fearful mess. Sp came in, just off to Brighton. Fanny afraid of work! I had bad night, horrid woman came singing at 10.30, cabs & cats awful. Edgar came to tea & dined here. Very late dinner. Very tired. Saturday 8 November. Judy came morg & went by omnibus to Shoolbreds, did orders. Chicks for walk morg & afternoon. Lin went for ride with Mr Tenniel on “Cobweb”. Wire fr Spencer about “Cob”. Mons. Bonvoisin called, he dined with Fildes at Arts. Lin went to “Arts” after dinner but they had gone. Lin & self walked round to see gees at stables. “Pip” has “grease” in feet, hope they will soon be better. Saw 2 maids. Sunday 9 November. Fine morg. Went to St Georges Church with Roy, saw Violet Hunt, Lehmanns & Flossie. Maud & Nurse to Church. Lin gone for long ride won’t be back until tea time. Sent div. to Mr Rigge £3.0.0 due 1 st Oct for last investment. Lin rode to Hampton Court. Mons. Bonvoisin called. Quiet evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 10 November. Drew £1.12.0 for Shoolbred’s house bill. Went to Lord Mayor’s (Nottage) Show. Nurse, Maud, Roy & self, Waters on box. Lin rode Punch up. Great many people at Mr Bradbury’s – splendid show, excellent lunch. Came back by Metropolitan. Lin dined at Guildhall. Saw maid 5 yrs character. Miss Penn came to tea. Mrs Stone called. Maud & I dined together. Tuesday 11 November. Miss Penn term begins, £12 the quarter. Went with Lin to Whitlocks & Offord to see carriages. Saw maid (short duration) feel v. sorry for her. Called on Mrs Sington, feel v.v. grieved for her, poor little woman. Lin & self went to see Rip van Winkle. Miss Hardman & Major Griffiths there. Wednesday 12 November. Little a’Becketts coming to tea. We dine at Mrs Watney’s 7.30. Mrs Boehm & Mrs Joachim called. Saw maid 4½ years character but very inferior girl. Wrote for character of girl with 5 years character. Judy came & we went shop’g. Judy stayed for lunch. Little a’Becketts to tea, v. good. Met Mr A. Burnand, Marshall, Sandeman & pretty Mrs Baggaley at Watney’s. Most excellent dinner. Thursday 13 November. Maud goes to Mrs Coward’s to tea 5 o/c. Fanny seedy, won’t be able to stay, sorry. Called on Mrs C. Hunter, Mrs Stone & Mrs Fildes, last on Mrs Curtis. Had pleasant little tea there. I had horrid neuralgia fr. cold. Dear old Punch tried in buggy. Character of E. Keyzer tolerable. Maud went to tea at Mrs Coward’s. Bob there. Another maid called, did not see her. Friday 14 November. Fine morg. Roy called Nurse a Devil. Notice about mad dogs. Burnand’s letter to Times about his new play “Just in Time”. Shop’d morg. Took money to Judy, all out. After lunch called on Mrs Huish. Stayed ½ hour & called on Mrs Keith stayed & had tea there. Came back in cab. Saturday 15 November. Dull day, cold east wind. Judy came helped me with marking linen. Lost keys. C. Kayzer comes tonight. Ju lunched here. Lin rode twice. C. Bergheim, Violet H, Marion Todd & Miss I called, had tea. Went out shopping v. late. Lin & self went to Stables after dinner. Cobweb returned fr Mr Tenniel. Sp. supposed to have bought him but can’t make him out. C.K came. Sunday 16 November. Roy & I went to 9.30 service St Mary Abbots. Met Mrs Joachim. Lin gone with Waters to Mr Barker’s to lunch. Dull cold day yellowish fog. Walked over after writing letters to Mother & Conrad to Uncle Edwin’s & had tea there, love to see Uncle he is so like dear Papa. Aunty had bad cold. Dear old tea like home. Uncle & Ethel took me to cab. Found Lin at home. Monday November 17. Did not go out all day very busy counting silver. I have given Laurence 12 of everything in silver, no mistake about number this time. Mrs Frere called. Burglar at No 5 Stafford Ter. Tuesday 18 November.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mr & Mrs a’Beckett dine here & go to Lyceum with us. Have fly fr. Long’s to go to above. Went shop’g morg. Marked 4 Lin’s silk handkerchiefs. Put up green curtains. Roy slight cold. Nelly came to tea. Lin awfully X about liqueurs, dinner being late owing to fish. Nurse told me about burglar. Wednesday 19 November. Conrad & Winnie Jackson to dinner 7 o/c. They go to theatre after. Lin dines at Punch dinner. Met Miss Penn out this morning. She told me about burglar, she found windows unfastened late evg, shall look round house often now. Tabby came, stayed 2 hours. I called after lunch on Mrs Roberts, Frith, Larnack, Elmore, Barlow, Woodville, Huish & Orton. Had tea with Mrs O. & paid a long call at Mrs Barlow’s. All rest out. Thursday 20 November. We dine at Mrs Boehm’s ¼ to 8 o/c. Went & pd. all books. Butt’s book not in. Heard of 3 cooks. Fanny still seedy, too feeble for London. Met Mrs Spofforth, walked up to Holland Pk & back of Phil Gds. Sent deposit orders for £98 to Mr Rigge for current ac’t. Am going to invest another £100 in West of Buenos Ayres debentures, 105½ this time, paid 107½ where I bought last. Drove dear old Punch in brougham for first time. Pleasant dinner. Edgar called to tea. Saw a cook. Friday November 21. Wet morg. Saw 2 cooks, respectable girls. Wrote to Mother. Had carriage & went to Stores. Called on McCarthy, Lady L, Mrs Joachim, sent brougham home & walked to Mrs Stirling after character of cook. Charmed with Mrs Stirling. Had tea at Mrs Joachim’s. Mrs Boughton, Flossy & Mrs Schlessinger there. Very late dinner. Slept well. Saturday 22 November. Mother sent Roy & Maud 10/- each. Box of crackers came fr. Smith’s. Did shopping morning. Called with Maud after lunch. Drove after luncheon with Maud to Mrs Gordon’s, had tea there. Mrs G. with cold. Called on Mrs Turner, Stockleigh House, out of town. Home late. Sunday 23 November. X. Petit ami au matin. Chicks to Church with Nurse. Laurence out evg. No one called. Quiet day. Lin rode morg, worked rest of day. Monday 24 September. First night at German Reeds. Sent ticket to Prices, they unable to go on account of cold. Lin hard at work till late. Seedy with little friend. Tuesday November 25. Mrs Huish’s dinner 7.30. Mr Barker coming to dinner & sleep night. Went to Haymarket to see Diplomacy after dinner, enjoyed it v. much. Mrs Boughton called. E. Allen called morg. & agreed to do all. Wednesday 26 November. Mrs Joachim’s dinner 7.30. Can’t go unfortunately, Punch dinner. Mr Barker left early. I remained in bed for breakfast, feel v. tired. Called on Mrs Hirsch, White, Harding, Peto, Gilbert, Boehm, Pollock, Nottage, Palmer. Alice Leigh called. Thursday 27 November.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Fine day. Lin rode morg. before lunch. Marble cleaned. Called after lunch on Mrs Humphreys, Messel, Joshua, Cahn, Drabble, Banting & Keith. X. Lost card case & left fur cape. Letter fr. Midge. Lin worked v. late. Friday 28 November. Letter fr Mother at Bath House. Came to lunch & we went out in fly together to Dr O’s, Madame Boquet’s, Shoolbreds etc, & had tea at Hotel. Brougham came for me at 7, felt very unhappy to leave Mother alone. Spencer to dinner & sleep night, cozy evg, Sp in good spirits. Lin v. hard at work. Quite tired out. Laurence paid books & fetched cape fr. Nellie’s. Card case at Clara’s all right. Saturday 29 November. Lin & Spencer went for ride together. Sp paid Lin for “Cobweb” £40. Hope he will like the dear little horse. Mother & Sp lunched here. Sp left at 2.45 going up to Scotland tonight. I drove Mother to Station & saw her off to Westwood, then went to meet Lin at Private View Piccadilly, found him after 20 mins, bother in finding carriage. Sp came in again (left shirts) before dinner. Lin went to Mr Parson’s after dinner. Mrs Mackenzie called. Sunday 30 November. Went to early service & then took Roy to prayers at St George’s. Lin went for long ride. “Pip” still seedy with grease & cold, can’t help thinking Waters is not careful enough in stables. Mr H. Allan & W. Taylor called after luncheon. Very wet afternoon. Lin busy putting photos straight. Dec 1884 Monday 1 December. Miserable wet day. Went with Lin at 12 o/c in carriage to different coach builders. Lunched at “Rules”, Maiden Lane, 10/- oysters! Offord’s best carriages of all. Cozy little dinner. Lin busy arranging drawers of photos. Tuesday 2 December. Miserable wet day. Paid Lin & my bill at Derry’s, £2.2.4 & £5.4.2. Shop’g with Don. Lin going to see another carriage at Offord’s. Fanny said she was sorry she had spoken so soon. Mrs Bergheim & Mrs Cahn called. Poor Pippin very lame again. W. wet blanket as usual & worried Lin dreadfully. Lin likes new carriage. Clara brought back card case. Heard of place for Fanny. Wednesday 3 December. Conrad comes up & D.V. we go to theatre taking Effie Boehm with us. Wet miserable day. Lin worried about Pip, Williams coming to see him. Edgar called just after luncheon, joined us at theatre. Sterne & Mrs McTear sat opposite to us in box. Very good play, empty house rather & unenthusiastic audience. Rec’d Bond of Western of Buenos Ayres Deb’t. £100 which I paid £106 (illeg). Thursday 4 December. Conrad goes to ball with Mrs Boehm. Lovely sunny morning. Edgar goes too. Con out to lunch. Took Effie B. to Tattersalls, not much. Con met us there. Raining. Called to enquire after Mrs Fildes’ Baby. Effie B. came to tea. Mrs Woodville called looking lovely. Went & paid books morg, heard of another place for Fanny. Friday 5 December. V. fine day. Lin rode Punch before breakfast. I went with Con in new brougham with “Punch” to see Mr Williams about “Pip”. Waters drove v. badly. Called on


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Watneys, A. Burnand, Twiss’s, Boehms, Gaston & Ross. Walked home, left Con at B’s! Edgar called & had tea here. Very late dinner, Lin V. tired. Saw 2 ladies for Fanny. Saturday 6 December. My nice cook Fanny leaves. Elizabeth Allen comes. Lin & I lunch at Mrs Woodville’s. Lin, Con & I go to see “Private Secretary” with the Boehms. Lin & self dined at Mrs Woodville’s, met Con & Mrs Butler there. Went on to Globe Theatre fr. there. Met 2 Boehm girls & Con there. Con & self went with Effie B. to see Con & Georgie B. jump at riding school. Maud to Mrs Goodall’s, Laurence fetched her. Con took Roy to Aquarium. Mr Paxton, Miss Payton & Mr Molesworth, Innes, (illeg) (illeg) called. Letter fr. Mother. Sunday 7 December. Breakfasted in bed. Con went to St. Pauls with Boehm & lunched at his club. Lin & I went to see Mr Hunter’s horse & one Lin rides tomorrow. Lin rode with Colin Hunter on “Punch”. Lin & self called on Hunters, Stones (met Angel, Scholes & Scott Russell here) & Fildes. Chicks all down, v. happy family. Con, Lin & self dined alone. V. sleepy after dinner all of us. Monday 8 December. Mrs Boehm’s small & early dance, Cornwell Gds. Dear Mother & Midge coming to Bath Hotel. First order with new cook, don’t like her. Lin did not ride new horse, too lumbering. Tuesday 9 December. Miss Payton coming to dinner 7.30. Came to lunch instead. Con & I called on Mother, Judy there. Carriage fetched me. Wet miserable morg. Mrs Tweedie, Nelly, Annabella, Mrs Larnack, Miss Roe & E. Elmore called afternoon. Miss Payton stayed till 3.30. Con, Lin, Judy & self to dinner. Laurence walked back with Judy. Lin rode Colin Hunter’s horse. Wednesday 10 December. New cook going, rude impertinent & lazy woman. Con going to ride with Boehms. I dine with Mother. Dear Lin worried with bills, wish he would be less extravagant with unnecessaries. So difficult to make him understand absolute necessity. Lin & self went to Bath Hotel together, found Mother & Jess v. poorly. Felt depressed & quiet myself, worried with cook. Pippin going to be re-shod at Williams. Con leaves us. Thursday 11 December. We dine at Mrs Stone’s 7.30. Lovely day. Maids all down late. Met Hares, Abbey & Mr Pulley at Stones. Don’t like Pulley not a man of nice feeling or wd. have said something kind & graceful about dearest father. Mrs H. looking beautiful. Went by omnibus to see Mother, Midge v. seedy. Waters fetched me. Brougham took us to Stones. I walked back with Laurence. Pippin returned. Friday 12 December. Lovely day. Lin rode “Pippin” goes well but a bit favours the bad foot. Wretchedly wet afternoon. Drove to Dudley Gallery with books. Called on Mrs W. Agnew & then to Bath Hotel, sent carriage back. Waters very uncertain driver undecided like himself. Ham, Jess, Mother & Judy at Bath, returned in omnibus with Judy. Very late dinner, ¼ to 10. Tremendous dreams.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 13 December. Went shop’g with Roy, bought blk dress for Nurse, whip for Roy for Don. Met Mrs Orton & Gaston. Great commotion about poor Gen. Boche, heaps of men there. Lin rode morg, played tennis all afternoon. Mother came in after lunch for 2 moments, brought pineapple. Mrs Mackenzie came after lunch. Roy lent me 2/for palm. Fuss about it. Mrs Stone coming to dinner. Dream of dear father this morg. Mrs Stone, Lin & self only to dinner, quiet evg. Sunday 14 December. Went to early service. Chicks to church with Nurse. Lin riding morning. Monday 15 December. Nelly comes 11.30 to help me with shopping for Xmas. Wet morning. Went with Nelly to Stores bought fish, fowl etc. Crowded. Cd. get nothing we wanted. Nelly spent day here. Mrs Hunt called. Tuesday 16 December. We dine at Mrs Pigeons, Putney Hill. Punch dinner so cannot go to Pigeons. Went with Judy & Maud morg. to Shoolbreds. V. crowded. Took Maud in carriage bought gloves, pt. dress, 2 little stands, paper cutter, card case. 2 Lehmanns & Effie remained dinner. Punch dinner. Wednesday 17 December. X. Petit ami 4 jours en avance. Go to see little Tom Worth at Yorkshire Soc. School, Westminster Bridge Rd. Spencer arrived (illeg). Went with Sp to Bath Hotel in cab, bad horse. Stayed with Mother & went with them both to Harvey & Nicolls, shopped in Sloane Street. Came in Mother’s fly to Kensington, felt cold & tired. After lunch to Price’s. One of them went with me to Victoria Station & then to Yorkshire School. Nice little boy Tom Worth. Spencer came to sleep here & dinner. Thursday 18 December. Mrs George Drabble’s dance 8.30. Mrs Tattersall’s dance. In bed to breakfast. Nurse going shopping. Feel awfully weak. Edgar, F. Toole & McCarthy to tea. Wet evg, Lin tired. Sp in later, sent us ducks for dinner. Quiet evg, did not go to dances. Conrad came in after dinner stayed an hour & went to dances. Friday 19 December. Mrs Boehm’s second dance. Conrad came in morg. Maud & self drove round park for an hour, Maud not v. well. Miss Penn came morg. Sp sent oysters. Sp & Lin rode before breakfast. Mr Watney & Mrs Huish called. Sp sent fruit. Saturday 20 December. Little Cowards to tea. Wet miserable day. Letters cheques & cards fr. dear Mother. Judy called morg & evg. Lin & Sp rode before breakfast. Lin & Spencer dined with Mr & Mrs Cohen at “Bristol” & went to see “La Grande Mogale” & supped after together. I dined alone. Spencer sent me a turkey. Sunday 21 December. Sp & Lin out riding & out to lunch. Nurse to church morg. Chicks with Nurse church after lunch. Laurence out. Mr Watney called. Sp bilious attack. Cold evg. Monday 22 December.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Two Miss Huxleys lunch here. Not coming until tea. Lin played tennis & brought Miss Huxleys back. Lin rode morg. Mr Reed came to tea, brought two tickets for concert. Drove with Roy to see Mother, out, saw Jess, much better. Waters drove badly, told him. Tuesday 23 December. Chicks went to Hospital with Miss Penn. Roy went out with me walking. Shopped, asked about cook. Spencer returned to Scotland, had dinner at 6.30. Lin worked late. Mrs Speed, Effie B, Miss Penn & Miss Frith to tea with me. Dr Orton came to see me late, feel v. weak & seedy. Wednesday 24 December. Went with Roy to Shoolbreds at ¼ to 10 o/c. Lin out to lunch & tea. Went out walking to shops after lunch. Mrs Woodville called. Bought turkey (illeg) etc at Shoolbreds. Letter fr. Con, actually proposed to Effie. Hope no harm will come of it. Thursday 25 December. Tom Worth coming to spend day. We dine at Mrs Boehm’s 7.30. Tom, Roy & self to St. Phillip’s church morg, Nurse & Maud also. Played with chicks after dinner. Tom tea in nursery. Beautiful cake came for Roy fr. T. Chapple. Played cards at Mrs Boehm’s. Feel uncomfortable about Con & Effie. Xmas tree at Mrs Boehm’s. Friday 26 December. Fine bright cold morg. Walked with chicks to Miss Penn’s & to Gds after, left Sp’s photo at Mackenzies. Lin playing tennis. Maud going to Mrs Goodalls. Roy & self take her & leave birds at (illeg) Gds. Left Maud, sent birds to Hall again by Waters. Called on Burnands. All going to Drury Lane so did not see them. Roy & self had game evg. Laurence went for Maud. Saturday 27 December. Lin rode. I drove after lunch & called on Mrs Kemp, Eykyn, Keith, Montalba, Holland. Little Anthony Woodville to tea, had crackers for the chicks. Walked morg. with Roy, pd. books. Went into Gds. Our dear friend A. Macdonald died. Sunday 28 December. Miss Penn to tea 3 o/c. Went to early service alone, good sermon. Lin rode morg. Quiet uneventful day. Monday 29 December. Dull foggy day. Ham & Midge coming to lunch. Cbicks out with Nurse. Ham & Midge came, left at 2 o/c, both well. Mother & Edgar in town, Edgar & Con fully engaged!!! Heard of Marion Fletcher’s baby’s arrival Xmas Eve at Carshalton. Wire fr. Spencer about poor Alex Macdonald. Very grieved, lost true friend in him. Tuesday 30 December. Saw a cook, not strong enough. Went out shop’g with Maud & chose fancy dresses. Cold & bleak. Bought Xmas tree. Saw wedding. Lin played tennis morg. & rode before breakfast. Mrs Rainbow, Mrs & Miss Deane & Tabs, Nelly & Aunty called. V. surprised to see Tabs. Too foggy & cold to go out. Hear of poor Mr Furniss’ loss. Mother still at Bath Hotel. Punch dinner. Maud & I alone at dinner, went to bed early. Wednesday 31 December.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs Tattersall’s second dance. Mrs Mocatta’s dance, small & early. Private View, Dudley Gallery. Take chicks to Covent Gd. Circus. Gentleman called about stable. Put Miss Penn off one day. Bitterly cold. We dined at Colin Hunter’s. V. delightful evg. Laurence fetched me. Laurence out afternoon. Capital circus.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1885 Notes in front of diary: Mondays (at home days) Mrs Agnew Mrs Pettie Mrs Silver Mrs Tweedie Mrs MacTear Mrs A. Harding Mrs H. Power Tuesdays Mrs Innes Mrs Morley Mrs Roberts Mrs Pollen Wednesdays Mrs Boehm Mrs Critchett Mrs Humphreys Mrs Macmillan Mrs Rainbow Mrs W.S.Gilbert Mrs Hickman Mrs Lehmann Mrs P. Morris Miss Tenniel Mrs Gaston Thursdays Mrs G.M. Allen Aunt Linda Mrs Morel Mackenzie Mrs P. Wright Mrs Coward Mrs H. Dickens Mrs Parish 2 first Mrs Turner Mrs Waring Fridays Mrs Baines Mrs Goodall Mrs Holl 2 last Mrs A. Levy Mrs MacKenzie Mrs Linley Saturdays Sundays


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs Lewis Mrs Innes Mrs Pidgeon People to stay at Townley Abbey Parsons Little Angell Young Allen Tenniel Keene J. Ellis Grossmith & wife Huish & wife Rose-Innes W. Austin young Chapple H. Dickens & wife Gen. Kent Mr Davis Mr & Miss McCarthy & son Miss Toole Miss Penn B. Rivieres Fildes – Olive. Brandon Thomas Fred Thornton & father Beerbohm Tree Woodvilles & little boys Mr Webster Floss Boehm Order for stores Loaf sugar Soda Flour Oil Methelated Rice Tapioca Stocks held in Nov. /85, copied fr. Schedule by Messrs Chapple Welch & Chapple to Townley Castle: £ 52.3.4. (27) £$ 11000. 2nd Mortgage Bonds Erie Railway $ 13.500. 6% Consolidated Mortgage bonds Detroit Grand Haven & Milwaukie Railway $ 5000. 7% 1st Mortgage Bonds Allegheny Valley Railway $ 4000 7% 1st mortage bonds Allegheny Valley Railway £ 6000 Ordinary Stock Central Argentine Railway 808 shares City of Buenos Ayres Tramway Co’y £500 6% debenture stock City of Buenos Ayres Tramways Co’y £ 1500 permanent 6% debenture stock City of Buenos Ayres Tramway Co’y


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 40 shares London & River Plate Bank 3 ordinary shares Northern Railway of Buenos Ayres. 17 Preference shares Northern Railway of Buenos Ayres £ 20 debenture stock Northern Railway of Buenos Ayres £ 1510 Stock St John del Rey Gold Mining Co’y £ 40 shares Van Mining Comp’y £ 40 shares Fortuna Company 10 shares Assam Company £ 5000 Ordinary Stock Buenos Ayres Gt Southern Railway £ 3000 6% debenture bonds Western Railway of Buenos Ayres 50 shares Gt Western of Brazil Railway Co’y 300 shares English & Australian Copper Company 300 shares part Philips & Colonial Gold Mining Co’y 50 shares of the London Stock Exchange Albert Hall Box (49) £150 Stock Margate Pier & Harbour Company 31st Dec /84. We dined at Mrs Hunters. Fildes, Woods & another gentleman there. Very pleasant evg. Took chicks to Circus. Capital. 30.0.0 12.1.0 12.0.0 15.0.0 £69.0.0

Cent. Arg West of Buenos Ayres Buenos Ayres T.s Barr Estate

100 69 50 £219 Jan 1885 Thursday 1 January Went out with Roy to buy things for tree. Met Conrad & Effie. We dine at Mrs Boehm’s. Mother still at Bath Hotel. Saw cook. Bitterly cold. 47.10. 0 6. 0. 0 6. 0. 0 27. 0. 0 86.10. 0 25. 0. 0 £110. 0. 0

on deposit West of Buenos Buenos Aires Maud Sep quar.

Friday 2 January Went out shop’g. Spent all afternoon with Mother at Bath Hotel & lunched with her. Conrad called. Sophy F. with Mother. Con brought me home. V. late dinner. Saturday 3 January Constance Twiss married. At home Chester St. 3- 6 after. Jess & Ham came. Mother went down to Westwood by Granville, called morg. with Mervyn. Laurence never heard bell. Mr Joachim called twice about stables. Ham dined out. Jess & self went to Mrs Twiss’ at home, lovely presents.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 4 January Dear Lin’s birthday. Ham lunched out. Jess & self walked to Uncle’s, drove back. Lin rode with C. Hunter. Quiet evg. Sp called. Mr A. Lewis called, Mr Blackburn also. Monday 5 January Mrs Thornton & Mrs Gay’s dance 9.30. Horses sold at Tattersall’s. Drove Jess & Lin up. Maud & self went to May’s about Maud’s dress, shoes etc. Called for Jess. Horses sold well considering. Con & Effie here to dinner go to dance after. Sp called, cd. not dine on account of Ada. Tuesday 6 January Lady Mayoress’ fancy dress Juvenile Ball ½ past 6. Allen cook leaves at end of her month today. Went out shops morg. Jess seedy breakfast in bed. Jess & Ham left for Westwood by Granville. Will Oakes called morg. Mr Fildes called with Val. Lin went to Ball at Drury Lane after. Wednesday 7 January Go to Drury Lane pantomime. Bob, Evelyn, Brenda & Tom go with us. King comes. Mistake about box. Sp called after our return. Burnand chaffed Lin about ball last evg. Maudie had dinner with me. Took Laurence. Thursday 8 January Mrs Ionides children’s party – grown ups till 12. Hard frost. Sp’s cart called for Lin to see horse. Lin gone to play tennis. Letter from cook. Saw 2 cooks. Called on Boehms, Con there & Mrs Geiger. V. wet. Judy here on return. Maudie gone with Laurence to Mrs Ionides. Friday 9 January Judy comes to go shop’g. Walked to School of Art Needlework. Spencer came in. Called after lunch on Mrs Oakes, saw her Ada & Baby. Went & had tea after at Mrs Tom Taylor’s. Wycliffe & Lucy there. Wet evg. Lin hard at work on two figures. Saturday 10 Janury Mrs Blackburn’s children’s & grown up party fancy dress 5 to 9. Take character of cook. Bad, cannot take her. Went in carriage, called Prices, ordered things at Barkers. Conrad & Effie coming to dinner 7.30. Went out after lunch called on Mrs Caldecott & went about cook. Mrs Hunter wrote for King. Lin went to smoking party. Con sent for by Mrs B. Sunday 11 January Went to early service. Lin rode “Pip”. Chicks cold, Nurse went to Church alone. Dull afternoon. Miss the dear old home. Quiet day. Dear little Maud down. Wonder Con did not come in. Monday 12 January Judy called. Paper about Mr Macdonald. Saw 6 cooks, 5 very old things - & Mrs Rainbow’s old cook called again. Went up to Stores with Judy called on Mrs Graves & Mrs Blackburn. Snow storm. Young cook called. Laurence gone to pay bills for me. Standish 8/- Ware 2/7 & 3 letters with cheques. Leonee 8.18.6. Brandon & Nicolls. Tuesday 13 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Juvenile fancy dress at Mrs Holland’s 7.30 - 11 o/c. Lin dines at Arts Club 7 o/c. Saw young cook again objects to late dinner Sundays! Mrs Hunter, Nelly K, Mrs Ross, 2 Speeds, Mrs Boehm, Edgar B, Effie & Conrad & Mrs Woodville & little boy called. Maud down to dinner. Roy down afternoon, cold better. Mr M. Guest’s drawing done, took Lin nearly 2 days. Clara out afternoon & evg. Wednesday 14 January Punch dinner. I dine at Mrs Stone’s. Mrs Gilbert’s children’s party 6 o/c. X. Petit ami – rested all morning. Saw nice cook but already engaged, wonder why she came. Cannot go to Mrs Stone’s, wrote to her. King paid books. Midge came to lunch, missed her train. Hard frost. Thursday 15 January Mrs Gilbert’s at home 3.30. 2nd act of “Patience”. Too seedy to go out. Saw cook short character awful difficulty. Stayed in all day. Bitterly cold. Friday 16 January Cold NE windy morning. Breakfast in bed. Sp called. Called on Mrs Fair, Santly, Rivière, Pettie & Holl. Had tea with last, lovely house. Lin worked late. Went to bed early. Block Lord C. Beresford’s promotion over senior officers. Saturday 17 January Cold & damp. King left in the evg, paid her £1.5.2. Called for Lin at Garrick at 4 o/c. Called on American Ambassador Lowndes Sq 31. Sp called. Lin went after dinner to Mr A. Lewis, heard of young McCarthy & Miss Toole’s engagement. Judy called morg. before lunch. Sunday 18 January Cold. Lin riding Pippin & going to lunch at Orleans Club with Sp & Burnand. Sorry not to go to Church. Mrs Wirgmann called. Lin went to Richmond, pro. of Club gave him sketch of Leech’s. Supper. Quiet evg. Girls managed cooking nicely. Monday 19 January Dark foggy day. King came at 7.30, very fortunate to get her. Saw young cook 24 married feel v. uncertain about her go for character Wed D.V. Called after lunch on Judy, out, Mrs Leach & Mrs Charrington - both in. Quiet evg. King goes home at night. Mrs Boehm called with Effie. Tuesday 20 January We dine at Mrs Keith’s. Heavy black fog. Saw another old hag, few month’s character. Mrs Leach’s children’s party 5 o’clock. Can’t go for character of questionable cook on act. of fog. Mr & Mrs Santly called. Mrs Coward, Judy & Miss Webster. Mrs Malin about Mission. Wednesday 21 January Mrs Lewis’s juvenile party. Jess & Ham come up for night. Walked after character of cook with Judy. Cook going to have a baby! Called on Mrs Hunter. Jess & Ham came. Mrs Blackburn & Cathleen & Judy called. Ham & Midge went to Mrs Lewis’s. Enjoyed it v. much. I to bed early. Thursday 22 January Mrs Tuer’s dinner party. Ham left for Shropshire early 9.30. Very cold. Went morg. to Pines’s & about cook at Mrs Lord’s. Dr O came to see Midge, says she must not go with Ham until April. Mrs Stone called & asked us to dine with her


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 tomorrow, of course cannot leave Lin. Splendid dinner at Mrs Tuer’s. Miss Gilbert, Alexanders & general tennis set (illeg) C. Keene. Friday 23 January Walked with Midge morg. to Aldous for tulips. Called on Marion P, left card. Saw Mary Millais. Saw 2 cooks, old & ugly. Midge left by Granville, I took her to Vic. Sta. in brougham. Young Abernethy. I called on Mrs Livesey, Mrs Ionides & Mrs Joachim & Mrs Spofforth. Lin hard at work. Saturday 24 January Lin & self went to Court Theatre “Young Mrs Winthrop”. We lunch at Mrs Evans with chicks if warmer. Cannot go on account of chicks’ colds. Went with Lin to Grosvenor Gal. & Salon Parisien, awfully grand. Met Mr Weigall. Went to Ulster House, met Mr Black. Lunched at St James’. Carriage met us at Hyde Pk Corner. Lin played tennis with Mr Tuer. I called saw Aunty, Uncle & children. Judy to tea here. Mr Tuer came. Startling news of Dynamite explosions. Sunday January 25 Went to early service. Fog & hard frost. Lin rode Pip, tiresome. Sp & Mrs B. Tree called. Quiet afternoon & evg. Chicks to children’s service. Uncle Alfred passed away this morning peacefully after great suffering the past week. Monday 26 January News of Uncle Alfred fr. dear Mother & Jess. Chicks out for walk. Lin riding Pip. Warmer. Mrs Drabble called. I called after lunch on Mrs A. Harding, Miss Wilton, Lady Freake, Mrs Burnand, Holland & Auntie. Neuralgia awful in my eyes. Lin rode Pip., knocked himself again. Sp dines at Boughtons. Tuesday 27 January. Walked to see Judy. Wet after fine morg, fine again at 1 o/c. Lin played tennis morg. Mrs Watney, Judy, Violet Hunt & Mrs Humphreys & Mrs Sam Bergheim called. Wednesday 28 January Maud & Roy have tea at Mrs Coward’s. Grand romp there. Nurse got me 6 towels fr. Derry. Mrs Charrington called. Mother, Jess & Ham came up, H fr. Shropshire. We dined together. Lin went to Punch dinner. I drove to stores & bought soles & pigeons. Waters drove abominably. Judy called. Thursday 29 January Lin rode before breakfast. Spencer’s birthday. Fresh morg, wet after noon. I saw a cook - respectable looking person. Jessie & Judy came. Jess lunched here & left with Ju for Westwood by Granville. Mother & self went to Paddington to take flowers for poor Uncle, gave them to Uncle & Aunt Edwin to take. Went after to Labin & Croker about cooks & Mother & self had tea at Dr Orton’s. Mrs Vallis came to see Mother. Lin went to see “Babes” with V. Watney after dinner. Friday 30 January Wet miserable morg. Lin rode before breakfast. I have horrid sore throat on left side. Go at 2 after character of cook, 3½ yrs character, good but independent but must take her, so expensive having King. Mother & self went to Brandons & Burlington Arcade about J’s doll. Saw Miss Elmore & Chay there. Mr Ellison called & Effie B. Lin doing J. Bull & America, later than usual.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 31 January Lin’s Kinsman’s dinner. Invite from Mr Palmer for dinner, can’t go unfortunately. Lin D.V. takes Roy to Circus morg. Mother went out all morg. brought me flowers & fur tippet & muff, Mrs S. one also. I went & fetched Roy fr. Circus. Dora & Waddie arrived at 12 o/c. W. left about 7.30. Dora woke & cried, went to Mother’s room. Sp called, told us he had been to poor Uncle’s funeral. Thunderstorm. Mr Tuer, Sp & W.O. called morg. Saw 2 cooks. Feb 1885 Sunday 1 February Very wet morg. Mother & Dora bad night. Lin not home till ½ p 2 this morg. I slept badly, uncomfortable dreams. Went to 9.30 service, foolish sermon. Fine at 12 o/c. Lin riding. Will Oakes called & had tea here. Lin & self went for walk to Row, I returned alone. Lin went on to Club, about his black coat which was or is mislaid. Monday 2 february Mrs Boehm’s dance. Lin & self went to see “In the Ranks”. Mother, Roy & self went in fly to City to Mr Chapple’s, saw Uncle there – then to office, Sp out, 2 office boys. Had lunch at Ship & Kettle, v. hot there. Hollands called, saw them. Reed came to see Mother. Lin & self went after dinner to see “In the Ranks” v. amusing. Con called to see Mother. Tuesday February 3 Lin dines with V. Watney & goes to St James’ Theatre after. Waddie returned & will sleep here tonight. Lin played tennis with Mr Tuer morg. Mother, Dora & Waddie go to Vic Sta & dentist’s in brougham. Wire fr. Sp about rise in S. American stocks. He called this morning. Lin reading silly fairy story to illustrate. Colder. Locksmith here fr. Nash’s. Waddie going to sleep here tonight. Mrs McClean Mrs Eykyn, Mrs Spofforth called. Mother v. tired, bad eye. Sp wired me about shares. Wednesday 4 February Mrs Carters dance. Lady Monckton’s first “at home”. Dear Mother, Waddie & Dora return to Westwood, wish Mother cd. remain on. Conrad called whilst we were here at breakfast. New cook comes. Sp called about my investments. Mother not going. Feel very seedy indeed, worried to see Mother look so poorly. Aunt Leigh & Mrs Mocatta, Mrs Wilson, Con & Effie called. I drove to Putney & called on Mrs Pigeon, v. stout. King left, pd. her £3.14.6. Had dinner in drawing room. Thursday 5 February Lovely morg, paid books with Maud. Mother went to see Con & came back v. worried. Lin gone to see Burnand at Van Beers gallery. Dear Mother leaves us today. Lin & self to see Mrs Langtry. I drove Mother up after tea to Vic. Sta. Con & Effie met us there. Lin & self drove to Princes Theatre, no performance. Fearful catastrophe at Khartoum!!! Lin out all day. Friday 6 February Colder. Bright morg, wire fr. Mother. Mr Tuer called. Punch not over well so paid calls on foot. Called on Mrs Baines, Mrs Collins, had tea at both places, & Mrs Stone, stayed a long time. Lin doing Clown & old gent’le block. V. late 9 o/c. Saturday 7 February Lovely day. Lin rode morg. & Roy went with me shopping. Judy called. Lin played tennis all afternoon. I called on Mrs Huish, stayed some time. Mrs Coward, Miss


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Webster, Mrs MacIlwraith, Miss Wells & Mrs Tuer. Mrs Tuer brought me home in her carriage. Mr Hartree called. Judy arrived fr. Westwood with basketful of things. Don’s leg bad, had to take a cab & come home. Saw Mrs Messel. Lin went to Lewis’. Snday 8 February Went to early service, damp morg. Lin rode morg, read “Nana”, Zola. Sp came in looking very seedy & worried about Booker disolving partnership. Hope he will be all right. Chicks to afternoon service. I showed Sp Mr Barker’s letter to me about investments. W. Taylor came to tea & then in to dinner. I feel awfully sleepy – taking hop bitters(?) Think it has touched(?) up my brain(?). Monday 9 February Lovely morg. Had boiler cleaned out, no water for baths. Pippin seedy. X. Petit ami au soir. I drove to Studwick, pd. bill. Brandons, about Mother’s bonnet, Dickens & Jones pd. bill & carriage left me at Mrs Watney’s. Called after on Marion P, Mrs B & had tea there, borrowed her umbrella. Pd. Ponting’s bill & called on Mrs Silver. Had letter fr. Aunt Leigh. Tuesday 10 February Punch dinner. Maud had dinner in drawing room with me. Pippin still seedy. Petit ami feel awfully seedy. Miss Hogarth, Mrs Joachim, Mrs Lewis & 2 girls, Mrs White & Mrs Pettie called. Wednesday 11 February Midge came up in time for lunch. Drove to Snelgroves, round Park, home. Mrs Kemp, Mrs Chapple called, cd. not see them, too seedy. Lin played tennis, left Don at tennis court. Midge & I fetched him home in brougham. Quiet evg. Smith came with man & trained creeper. Thursday 12 February. Special meeting of Central Argentine. Sp called, came in my room. Midge gone shop’g. Maud gone to spend day with Rica. Terrible news fr. Khartoum, Gen. Earle & Col. Eyre killed above Korti. Lovely morning. Midge & self called after lunch on Mrs Turner & had tea at Mrs Goodalls & brought Maud home. Mrs G’s brother ordered off to Egypt on Saty next only married in Dec!!! Lin went to Club after dinner. Hamilton wired 11 o/c. Mrs Burnand & Mrs Geiger called & Mrs Wood. Friday 13 February Sp called. Hamilton had to leave directly after breakfast for Deptford about groom. Maud out shop’g with Midge. Saturday 14 February Evening concert at Albert Hall 8 o/c. Gave tickets for A. Hall to Mr Harcourt. I drove up to Bath & took Mother to Baker St. Bazaar & drove home after alone. Jess & Judy shop’d. Mr Huish called morg. Lin would not see him. Lin photos of Harry Payne clown & lunched with him. Quiet evg. Sunday February 15 Wet day dull & heavy. Mother called & I went to St Mary Abbots with her, Mr Leche found us front pew, good sermon about divine calling. Jess looks v. poorly & low. Mother returned with me to lunch. Jess, Nurse, Roy & Maud went to Church afternoon. Mother left after for Bath. Sp & Ada called. Mr Kendal called. Quiet evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 16 February Jess & self went to de Castro’s & then to Bath Hotel , stayed ½ an hour with Mother & Judy there. Went after to see Japanese Village - do not think much of it. Wet dark dull day. Hamilton arrived from Liverpool at 5.30. Played letter game. Tuesday 17 February Rica’s afternoon party 3.30. Mrs Mocatta’s dinner party 8 o/c. Hamilton & Midge left at 2.30. Feel v. unhappy about Midge going. Put out white china in place of Hill’s china. W. Taylor, Mr Hunt & Marion Pollock called. Wednesday 18 February Evening concert at Albert Hall 8 o/c, given to Miss Penn. Morg. Sp. called. La cuisinière va partir à la fin de sa mois. Unfortunate. Parler avec femme de chambre, va aussi partir. Pippin pretty well only Lin not able to ride. Fine morning. Walked to Art Needlework with Maud. Met Mrs Stone. Went with Laura to see midgets & double headed nightingale & Van Beers pictures. Mrs A. Peto & A. Barrs called. Thursday 19 February Lovely morg. Large number of troops sailed for Egypt. Went out shop’g with Nurse & chicks, ordered book fr. Buckles. Met Mrs Orton. Called on Ada Sp & Mrs O. (had tea there) Mrs Tom Taylor, Mrs Eykyn, Nelly (had tea there too) & had tea again at Mrs Cowards. Friday 20 February Cold bitter morg. Went shop’g with Roy & ordered white china dishes. Clara’s mother came. After lunch walked to call on Mrs Ellison, Judy (sat some time with her) Mrs Kemp, Mrs McClean, had tea with her. Mrs Abernethy called - went to Furzicotts. Lin rode Punch. Sp called morg. Saw a cook, too old. Saturday 21 February Lovely but cold day. Went out shop’g with Maud. Met Mrs Joachim. La petite noire(?) va partir. Saw 2 cooks, one fr. Mrs Abernethy. Lin out to lunch. Went with Roy to call on Mr Hartree, Sterne (saw him later with Mrs McTear) Mrs Toole, Mrs Boehm, Lady Monckton. Bought Roy a book & home. Lin back to tea, played tennis. Mrs Fildes called. Proclamation about Militia(?) & Volunteers War. Lin to Mrs A. Lewis. Sunday 22 February Wet day. Went to early service, called on Dr Harcourt coming home. Beautiful sermon about 40 days of our Lord’s Temptation in the Wilderness. No one called but Spencer who had evidently had little squabble with Ada & Mrs O. Nurse took chicks to afternoon church. War news. Gen. Buller’s retreat. Roy immensely interested. Monday 23 February We dine at Mrs H. Furniss. Lovely morg. La petite cuisinière ne veut pas venir! Jess, Ham, Dora, Waddie, Mother come up to Vic. & go on to Waterloo, leave for Southampton by 3.15. Went with Maud to Vic. Sta. Waited about one hour & missed them. Called on Price’s to hear particulars. Dined at Furniss’s. Tuesday 24 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Rec’d pho fr. Tab of Baby & long letter fr. Midge. Mrs McClean’s dinner party 7.30. Miss Wells dinner party. Hamilton, Midge, Waddie & Dora sail for South America. Spencer’s bachelor dinner, Lin going. X. The Langleys sail for South America. Miss Wells called, (illeg) not dine there. Went morg. by omnibus to see Mother at Bath, Ju there. Miss Wells called. Mother & Effie going to Westwood by Granville. Mrs Leche, Mr Graves, Miss G, Mrs Tuer & Miss (illeg), Mrs Abney, Laura Stone & Judy called. Ju stayed to dinner with us. Wednesday 25 February I dine at Mrs Boehm’s alone. Lin at Punch dinner. Mrs Boehm & Georgie went after to Lady Monckton’s, sorry I was not dressed to go also. Went out morg. shop’g. Wickliff Taylor called. Letter fr. Mother. Thursday 26 February Judy came & went out with me, saw Mrs Fildes. Saw one cook, 2 housemaids. Ordered dish & pie dish. Called after lunch with Ju on Mrs Larnack, Elmore, Barlow (in) Woodville, Pollock (in) Peto, Gilbert, Harding & Dickens (in). Mr Frere & Mr Ellis called, saw them. Quiet evg. Violets & letter fr. Tilda. Saw 2 housemaids & 3 cooks. Lin took his & my pho. Prince & Princess of Wales. Friday 27 February Wet morg. Lin rode Punch morg. Go for character of housemaid. Miss Keith’s at home. Called on Mrs Lord, saw Mrs Hunter there, walked on to Frith’s. Sweetly pretty drawing room yellow blue & white. Mrs Hastings, Mrs Oppenheim & 2 other ladies there. Late night. V. sleepy. Saturday 28 February Evg concert at Albert Hall 8 o/c. Chicks to tea a Mrs Leches 3 o/c. Mr Ellis’ dinner party, Lin going. Lin played tennis after lunch. Mr Tuer, Lord Sefton & another, had to go with telegram to Court fr. Mr Burnand. I took Maud to Mrs Leche’s. Roy went for drive with me, called on Aunty Leigh, Flossie, & took Roy to Japanese Village. Poured with rain. Saw 2 maids, letter fr. cook, ansd it. Unable to drive to (illeg) after character so wrote. Dined alone. Laurence fetched Maud. Saw Scotch cook morg. Mar 1885 Sunday 1 March Went to early service, beautiful sermon about our failure here, not to be tempted to despair in consequence but to strive harder for great ends. Lovely day. Mr Ellis dined here 7.30. Lin v. sleepy after dinner. No one called. Monday 2 March Mr & Mrs Huish dine here 7.30. Cook & housemaid called. Going after character of Scotch cook this afternoon, V. charming lady, Mrs McCloud. Call on Mrs White, Hirsch, Morley, Palmer, Reed & Rainbow, Small. Lin broke 2 globes of his gas. Met Mr Small & gave him card. Tuesday 3 March 2nd Special Meeting Central Argentine. Mrs Sington, Mrs Peto & Mrs Garston called. Wet day did not go out except to Theatre, Wilson Barrett evg. Mrs Roche’s move out. Wednesday 4 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mr Ellis’ at home. Lovely morg. Saw resp. cook fr. Hall. Sent her on to Mrs Fildes. Major Welman called about bee book. Drove after lunch to Susie a’B, Mr Graves (had tea here & went over Chapple) Mrs Perugini, Judy. Mr Ellis at home, P. Spiers there, Sir F. Goldsmit took me in to tea. Like him, admires Lin’s work, said complimentary things about Lin’s drawing of Prince of W. as Pat & Princess. Mrs Wright drove me home. Called on Lady Blakie. Lady Laurence called. Sp. came in explained business. Thursday 5 March Miss Elmore’s dinner party. Went out shop’g & paid books with Judy. Met Mrs Boughton. Soldier tried to get in last night at one o/c. Lin not in till 2. Row outside with policeman for quite ½ an hour. Letter fr. Jess last evg. Charming dinner at Mrs E’s. Mr Browning took me in. Friday 6 March Investments. X. Invite to Annabella’s to lunch 1.30. I go D.V. to Westwood until Monday. Sent cheque of £211.15.0 to Spencer for shares. Sent letter to Mr Woolcott(?) with ½ sheet of Allottment paper. Cold day. Saturday 7 March At Westwood. Maud goes to Mrs Leche’s again. Guy goes to tea with Roy. Lin came down by last train. Sophy came down by Granville. Lovely day & bright warm sun.. Tilda & I drove to shops in Ramsgate. Mother Tilda & self walked in grounds, picked violets any amount. Mother had little sleep afternoon. Sunday 8 March X. Petit ami venu au matin. Lovely day. Sophy & Tilda to Church. Lin for long walk. I & Tilda walked after dinner. Poor Mother very low. Lin went up by last train. Lovely quiet day. Wrote long letter to Midge. Major Welman’s letter. Monday 9 March Fine cold day. Mother & self both breakfasted in bed. Lin dines with C. Stokes. Tuesday 10 March Mrs Skerrow’s luncheon party. Con away. Lin dines at “Our Club”. Wednesday 11 march Jane Nealy comes, Mrs Brewer goes. Sophy & self went to Pegwell Bay about flowers, v. poor & v. dear. Wrote to Judy to get basket of flowers fr. Hardwick’s. Con returns fr. the Parsons. Mrs P. very pretty. Con & So. went for drive. Thursday 12 March Mrs A. Peto’s at home 4.30 to 7. Lovely day, went into Vinery with So & Jarman. Picked violets for Mother’s grave. Letters fr. Lin , Mrs Stone, cook, Skerrow & Mrs A. Peto. Tilda painted marble(?) bases. Con went after dinner to Parsons for night. Con took Sophy for a drive with Caprice. Friday 13 March 1st anniversary of our dearest Father’s gain & our loss. I took Sophy to Station early. My basket of flowers arrived upside down. Wreath fr. Spencer lovely. Mother Tilda & self went to our little garden & took flowers. Mother kept up well considering. Con did not come home but was out hunting. I had nightmare & slept with Tilda.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 14 March Lin came down. Con returned. Most lovely day. Mother much better looks quite herself. Sunday 15 March Dear Mother went to Church & garden before breakfast. Tilda & I went to 11 o/c service, beautiful sermon fr. Vicar about going to communion & our dear Saviour’s miracle in the wilderness in feeding the multitude. Went in Bath chair to Petleys after dinner to see mare, don’t think much of her! Con rode his little mare. Lin & Con drove to Westgate. Monday 16 March Lovely day. Lin & Con hunted with G.R. fox hounds good day. Dined earlier & returned home at 11 o/c evg. Laurence been seedy, better. Roy with cold. Waters met us. Left dear Mother looking v. well. Most lovely day. Tuesday 17 March Home again. Lovely day. Went in carriage at 11 with Maud to shop at Harvey & Nichols, bought gloves & 2 birds. Like look of new housemaid, pleasant face. Called on Mrs Stone, neuralgia, could not see me. Sp called. Mrs Wright & sis, Mrs Hunter & friend, Mrs Fair & (illeg) called. Lin rode “Pip”. Roy’s cold little better. Wednesday 18 March Lovely day. Went down & messed with cooking. Queen’s Drawing Room. Lady Monckton’s at home. Effie called, eat sweets. I went to Monckton’s with 2 Frith girls, v. pleasant party. Lin never turned up. Effie ill there. Cold night. Thursday 19 March Flossie B called. Pd books. Lovely day. V. cold. Card fr. Tilda. Called after lunch on Effie B, Mrs Oakes, Burnand, A. Peto, Lady Laurence, Lady Anne Blunt. To P.O. about withdrawing money, too late. Lizzie cook called, Lin made me go after her. Went in & had tea at Mrs Hunter’s, awfully tired. Met Marcus Stone. Bad night. Friday 20 March Spoke to little Clara, feel so sorry as she keeps everything so nice, but certainly is not strong. Coals in horrid mess. Called on Mrs Baines, Mrs Winslow, Donaldson & Keith, thro’ their new house next door but one to old. Tired. Roy’s cold better. Sp called. Saturday 21 March Zoo tickets. Mr Hunter’s pictures. Went with Lin & Maud to Zoo met Mrs Furniss & 2 chicks there. Lunch at 2 o/c. Called after on Mrs Spofforth, Mrs Hunter & Mrs Stone. Had tea at two first. Saw pictures. Quiet dinner, lamps smelling. Judy called morg. Sp called morg. riding Pippin. Sunday 22 March Thick snow, bitterly cold. Feel as if I had taken cold all over me. Sp called after luncheon, looks seedy. W.Taylor called. Lin walked to club & back. Cold. Monday 23 March Mrs Boughton’s dinner 7.30. I too seedy with cold to go, remained in bed till 12 o/c. Mother & Tilda came up. Tilda called afternoon. Judy came & had tea & dinner with me. Mary Nicol called. Letter fr. Spencer with Certificate.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 24 March New cook comes. Mrs Boehm called about Effie long talk & all to no point, sorry we ever introduced them. Effe came & dined here. Mrs Parish, Donaldson, Ledford(?) Winslow, Olive Tucker, Pigeon, A.Forbes etc called. Mrs Caldecott also. Snow still on ground. Cold bad. Pleasant evg. Effie here. Wednesday 25 March Mrs Sambourne coming for day. Fine morg. Lin rode Punch. Parlage avec L. a cause du lit, tiresome we have not more room. My cold bad. Mrs Stone asked me to dine with her, can’t go on act of cold. Clara left, paid her. Invite to tea at Mrs Speed’s. Can’t go out on act of east wind. Sp called morg. Mother called. Mrs S. here for day, went home in brougham. Thursday 26 March Went with Maud to P.O. & got the £49.14.11 in gold & took to Bank to send on. Maud going to sell at Bazaar with Miss Penn. Mrs Brewer called & asked me to see lady for her tomorrow. Invite to spend day at Aunt Linda’s. Dear Mother called twice, she had letter fr. Annie twice. I called & had tea at Aunt Linda’s, like her new house but think it dear. I called & saw Aunt Leigh & Florence. Maudie sold at Bazaar, Laurence fetched her. Friday 27 March Mrs Skerrow’s dinner at ¼ to 8 o/c. Mrs Chester’s at home 9 o/c. See lady for Mrs Brewer. Went up to see Mother morg. Very pleasant dinner at Mrs S’s, we v. late. Mr Chappell took me in. Went after to Mrs Chester’s, squash & general mixture – Cromwells, Gilberts, Mrs C. Ingram pretty. Home by 1 o/c. Came in Stone’s cab. Saturday 28 March Maud goes to tea at Mrs Coward’s. Geoffrey & Florence Blair come to tea here, Alice also. I went up morg. by omnibus to Bath Hotel, remained & had lunch with Mother, found her well. Mother & I left Con’s things at Mr Boehm’s. Oxford & Cambridge boat race, Oxford won. Mother left me here. Alice, Mrs Watney & Mrs Stone to tea. Lin rode morg, played tennis afternoon. Mrs Stone dined here. Sunday 29 March Went to early service, met dear Mother there, found her place & returned. Mother came after 11.30 sermon lost her book, great state of mind about it. Mother went after it & then returned & had piece of bread & butter & went off again in cab. Fine day. Lin rode Punch. Con & Effie came to tea & we walked together to Oakes’ & had tea there. Con returned with Effie. Monday 30 March Went up by Bus to Mother at Bath & lunched there. Con came in, had regular break down with Mother. Judy came. Con Mother & self lunched together. Judy came in & stayed with Mother. Con & I drove to Mrs Boehm’s together. Mrs B tried to make out it’s Mother. Left Con at B’s & went on to Grove & shopped. Dr & Miss Harcourt coming to dinner 7 o/clock. Lin & Sp went to Theatre, home late. Tuesday 31 March Mrs Oakes dinner. Went up by carriage with Roy to Bath Hotel & to Miss Nicol to stop her coming to lunch with Mrs Wilson. Paid books. Sent Roy home, lunched with Mother at Bath & went with her to see poor Annie, very ill. Mrs Stone, Mrs Baines & Nelly called. Sp came in. V. pleasant dinner at O’s. Major Broadfoot & Mr


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Walker sat next me. Con & Effie there, they brought me home. Lin at Punch dinner. Apr 1885 Wednesday 1 April Divds fr. Western of Buenos Aires due £6.0.0. Sent Mother Epitome of dear Father’s will. Went out sho’g morg, lovely day. Con coming for night. Went to Mother at 3 o/c, found Edg. & Sophy there having lunch. Went & shopd at Stores & went back to Mother, sent carriage home. Had tea with Mother who looks v. seedy & tired. Judy came up, left her there. Con & Effie came too. Con came to us at 10 o/c. He & Effie been to see house, too big. Thursday 2 April Lovely day. Con gone to see Effie. Mrs Wright’s dinner 7.30. Con going to stay another night. Received cheque £25 fr. Mr Chapple, sent it on to Bank. Went up to see Mother. Pd books on way. After lunch found Edgar there, waited until ½ p 4. Con & Effie going to Mother’s to tea. Met Mrs Stone coming home, went to Whiteleys with her & she had tea with me here after. Con & I dine alone & Con went on to B’s at 10.30. Friday 3 April Con here. Went with Mother at 10 o/c to see Annie, better. Most lovely day. Came back to lunch, Mother cd not stay & looks seedy. After lunch Con went to see Mother & Effie. I took Maud to Church, after had tea at Mrs Orton’s. Mrs Boehm called here & remained waiting for me one hour. Effie & Con to dinner. Lin taking photos with Mr Ellis. Saturday 4 April Mr Goodall’s pictures. Asked Aunty to go & see pictures with me. Lunch with Auntie at 1 o/c. Con left us, he & Mother return by Granville to Westwood. I lunched at Aunt Linda’s, went after to see Pettie, Holl, Riviere, Goodall, Hodgson & Calderon’s pictures. We dined earlier & went to Savoy. Met Mary Nicol. Mr & Mrs Wilson there. V. full, had to sit on dress circle steps. V. good piece. Mr Wilson’s sister going to be bridesmaid to Effie. Sunday 5 April X due not come. Mr Goodall’s pictures. Went to early com. service. Early lunch. Went with Lin in brougham to Millais, Princep, Fildes, Hunter, Riviere, Holl, Pettie, Calderon, Marks, Morris & Davis etc to see pictures. Mary Nicol & Mrs Wilson called. Quiet dinner, Mr Ellis here, Jane cooked it. Mr E showed us developing photos after dinner, tedious business. Lin’s cold v. bad, made him hot grog. Monday 6 April Lunched at Mrs Wilson’s. Nice little lunch, fricassée of chicken, curried beef & anchovy toast & coffee with kummel in it. Went in brougham, came home in cab. Quiet afternoon & dinner. Lin’s cold v. bad. Made him gruel. Tuesday 7 April Fine day. Drove with Maud to Mrs Mackenzie’s, left books there. To Boehms & saw G & Floss, & Harvey & Nicols bought black stuff & skirt £1.12.0. Pd for it. Edgar called after lunch, discussed Con’s engagement. Judy came to tea, no one else called. Quiet evg, letters fr Mother & Con, sent latter on to Edgar. Nurse seedy, went to see Parr, out. Queer no little friend.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 8 April I dine with Mrs Stone 7 o/c. Work at Mrs MacDougal’s. Punch dinner given at Mr B’s Club. Had “Crumb” in all morg, v. seedy poor little thing. Nurse went to see Dr Parr, think she is v. nervous about herself. Cold east wind.. Mrs Fildes at Laura’s, went & returned in carriage. Worked for 2 ½ hours at Mrs MacDougal’s. Bitterly cold. Lin returned v. late fr. Punch dinner. Thursday 9 April Went & pd books all v. heavy. Walked, no little friend, dreadfully afraid. Go at 3 to Mrs Sambourne, Ealing. Drove to Ealing with Maud, had tea at Mrs Linley’s, Alice looks wonderfully well. Called after on Mrs Barker, felt v. grieved to see such a change. Altho’ she looks well there is a strange alteration in her. House looked charming, as usual. Great stir about Butler battle with Afgans 500 killed. Had hot bath. Friday 10 April Stock certificate ready of new Central Argentine. Mr Hartree’s children’s party. Wet day. Still no friend, bathed in hot water, had hot bath last night. New cheque book & Pass book sent. Went & pd butcher & Hall, ordered lobster. Met Mrs McKenzie. Letter fr. Con. Judy called. Took Maud to Mr Hartree’s. Mrs Chapple & Mrs W. Penn there, charming party. Called on Judy on way home. Effie called & brought me flowers. Saturday 11 April Lin , Maud & self went to British Museum. Lunched at Holborn Restaurant. Lin played tennis 3 till 6. I walked to Mrs Keith’s & back. Nelly at Bedford Park. Edgar & Sophy called. Terrible news of Lord Mayor’s death this morg. after only 2 days illness. Bought pot of tulips & 2 bunches lent lilies. Invite to Con’s wed’g! Sunday 12 April Went to early service & walked over Notting Hill. Took 2 Pado pills, result! – pas. Mr Ellis called. W.Taylor to dinner. Monday 13 April Judy coming after lunch. Parlage avec la bonne. Dull day. No lttle F – too awful. Miss Penn returns after week’s holiday. Jane’s wages given her for month, due Saty 11th. Went with Judy to Salon Parisien, Agnews & Art Gal. Met Mrs Pigeon. Bought plovers eggs 2/- for ½ doz. Had coffee at Charbonel’s. Called & saw Mother at Bath only came up today looks v. seedy. Letter fr. Spencer. Judy & I walked home. Tuesday 14 April Fine day. Dear Mother’s wedding day. Sad news of Mrs Griggs death. Drove up to Bath, found Mother & Con. Mother still seedy, took her bottle of champagne. Forgot to take cork, stupid of me. Mr & Mrs Allan Cole called. Lin walked to Club & back. Cold east wind, Maud seedy. Wednesday 15 April Lady Laurence’s first singing class. Little Tom’s wed’. Working afternoon, Mrs. Boehm’s day. Lock of my drawers seen to. Roy’s cold worse. Went & worked at Mrs. McDougal’s. Judy came home & dined with me alone, we worked at pyjamas here after. Wet night, she went home in cab. Thursday April 16


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Promised to lunch with Nelly at Bedford Park. Very wet, did not go. Met Mrs. Sambourne at Courtney’s, saw some pretty dresses & cheap. Took Mrs. S. to Mrs. Carter’s & had tea there, Punch put up. Niceish house but not comfortable. So empty & deficient dusting. Drove on way home to see Mother, looks v. seedy. Received either this day or tomorrow Central Argentine £50 stock allocated for new line. Friday 17 April Mr & Mrs. Lucy to dinner. Promised to lunch at Mrs. Hartree’s, going next Friday, wired instead. Shopped morg. Pd books. Walked afternoon & called on Mrs. Joachim (at Isle of Wight) Mrs. Cornwell, Mrs. Livesey, saw Mrs. C, Mrs. Griffin & Mrs. Church there. Long chat amusing about Mrs. Chester’s party & house! & Mrs. Huish, out. Don’t like the Lucys, he has no manners & if clever not good at conversation & very unpleasant to look at. She perpetual grin most tiring & annoying. Pippin to Tattersall’s. Saturday 18 April Dear Mother’s birthday. Went morg. to Judy’s, out, & to Miss Winter dressmaker. Must be expensive on act. of situation & good rooms. Then to Mother, found her in new rooms, much better, had good night. Con came in, sent him to Boehms in brougham. I lunched with Mother. Sp & Dr Hensman called. Con & Effie came & Edgar. Lin fetched me & we walked to Tattersalls, took cab home. “Pippin” at Tattersall’s for sale. Saw man fall off bicycle coming home!. Funeral of Lord Mayor at St Paul’s Cathedral. Sunday 19 April Went to early service. X. Petit ami à l’eglise! Dieu soit béni! Lovely day. Sp & Ada called. C. Stokes came to dinner, did tricks. Had to send for chicken, fortunate. Monday 20 April We dine at Mrs. Herkomer’s. Lin went alone & returned same night. I drove with Lin & saw little “Pip” sold for £33 gns at Tattersall’s. Con drove with me round Pk. after I had taken Lin to Garrick. I dined alone. Tuesday 21 April Drove to Aunt Leigh’s, out. To Bath, Mother out but returned fr. Westwood. Drove to Boehm’s saw Effie, not coming tonight. Mrs. Kemp, Spofforth & Huish called, Effie & Con also. Lovely day. Wednesday 22 April Spencer called morg. Drove after lunch to Garrick with Lin’s dress suit, & to Madame’s, ordered new grey dress. Called on Mrs. Mocatta & Mrs. Humphreys, saw the baby. Maud dined with me. Mary called about Mrs. Cotton’s. Lin dining at Public dinner. Thursday 23 April Promised to go to Auntie, W. Hampstead. Invite to Mrs. A. Peto’s. Drove & called on Mrs. Nordenfeld & after to Aunt Linda’s, found Mr J. Valentine there, v. amusing. Raining hard all the way. Saw Uncle. Left after cup of tea & went to tea at Mrs. A. Peto’s. Miss Peto & fiancé there. Still wet. V. pretty house. Friday 24 April Maud & I lunch at Mrs. Hartree, one o/c. First dressmaking class at Mrs. Nordenfeld’s 11 o/c morning. Went with Maud to lunch at Mrs. Hartree’s by rail.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Carriage took us to Char X & fetched us. Miss Stacey staying at Mrs. Hartree’s. Enjoyed day there v. much & Maud v. good. Called on Mother, Judy & Spinks there. Mother looks v. seedy. Reed at Hotel also. Saturday 25 April Little F due. X. Deux mois en retard. 2 Private Views. Went to Grosvenor Gal, met Lin there, saw heaps of friends. Left Lin & called on Mother at Bath, looks little better, & home. Dined alone. Lin went & saw horse at Tattersall’s. Mother went to theatre with Con & Effie. Sunday 26 April Mrs. Boughon’s at home 10 o/c. Went to early service with Mother & on to Hotel. Lunched with her. C. Stokes came & was v. amusing after at St James’ Hotel. Lin fetched me & we went to Tattersalls to see Cob. Lin likes “Suffolk”. Mr Boehm & Mr Angel called. Mr Sterne, Mrs. & F. Boehm called. Lin & I dined at Mr Sterne’s, went on to Boughtons. V. pleasant evg. Laurence had locked door, rang. Monday 27 April Asked Mr & Mrs. Fildes to dinner – not coming. Going to see horses sold. Went in cab with Lin to see horses sold. Went on to Bath. Mother just going to see Mrs. Boehm. Drove to Madame Boquet’s, to Mrs. Barnes, called at Wilson’s & home. Mrs. Macmillan, Aunt Linda & Mrs. Holl called. Conrad had tea there. I walked home. Tassel came up & is at the stables with Walters. Letter fr. Mrs. Mactear. Tuesday 28 April Lovely day. Went out morning with Roy. Walked to Studwicks to order bouquet, 7/6. Met Alice Wells (illeg) & Mrs. Boughton. Waters back & forwards about new horse with vet. Lin dines at Bath Hotel with Con at bachelor dinner. I dine at Mrs. Boehm’s. Mother there also. Drove Mother back to Bath Hotel. Mrs. Wilson & Mervyn called. Wednesday 29 April X X. Con & Effie’s wedding day. Irving banquet. Press day at Academy. Wet night & dullish morg. Splendid wedding, all went off splendidly. Mrs. Sambourne, Misses Linley, Sheehy & Carter here to tea & Mrs. B. Tomlin. Sp & Percy called. Drove up & had dinner at Mother’s Bath Hotel. Mervyn there. Very tired, cd not sleep well, overtired. Thursday 30 April Major Wellman to dinner 7.30. Wired to put him off on act of Lin’s cold. Went out with Maud. Mother & Mervyn called. Drove after lunch to take Lin’s coat to Turkish baths. Lin’s cold fearfully bad. Called on Mrs. Parrish & then carriage left me at Mrs. Coward’s, it had to meet Lin at 6.30. Brenda, Bob & Evelyn here to tea. Pity had such a nice dinner for Major W. Spoke to Lizzie morg, cooked much better. May 1885 Friday 1 May Private view of Academy. Mr Burnand called, wd. see Lin whose cold is fearful simply to see new horse. Lin rides new cob for first time morg. Mother sent Reed with ticket for Hall 16th May. Books dreadfully heavy. Manage badly & can’t make it out. Paid books self. Dressmaking day. Judy went with Lin & S to Academy Private View, gt. crowd at Piccadilly. Punch went v. queerly coming home, trust


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 nothing wrong. Wet afternoon. Lin fearful cold. Mother Judy & Mervyn to theatre evg. Tassel gone too. New horse went well. Saturday 2 May Jane out evg. & afternoon. Mrs. Pollock’s at home. Invite to Sandown with Mrs. McTear & party. Humphreys Hall & Japanese Village burnt down. Mother returned to Westwood, Tassel, horse & carriage, & Judy. Mervyn returned to Norfolk. Lin lunched with Mr Chapple & took him after to Arts Club. I left cards on Mrs. St John Adams(?) Anna & George D at Marion’s. Walked home. Lin rode new horse, did not use brougham. Dressmaking all morning. Lin went to 1 st night Irving Banquet. not home till 3 o/c. Sunday 3 May Went to early service, chatted hour at Dr Harcourt’s. Lin rode new horse morg. “Thanks offering”. Lin slept for 3 hours after lunch v. seedy with cold. Sp, Ada & Baby & Nurse, Mr & Mrs. Hensman, Mrs. & Miss McCarthy called & had tea. Laurence out. Fine afternoon. Monday 4 May Asked Judy to go shop’g 10 o/c. Mr & Mrs. Woodville, Mr Macdonald, Mr & Mrs. Hensman, Major Welman to dinner. Mr Woodville not quite well. V. pleasant evg. Lin, Maud Roy & self to Exhibition – good seats. Saw all well, sent 2 tickets to Dr & Mrs. Orton. Fine morg, wretched afternoon. Lin, Mr & Mrs. Harold Power & self lunched together in Duval(?) room, horrid. Woodvilles v. late to dinner. Sent chicks home to lunch in carriage. Auntie called here, was going to Boehms. Georgie B. came. Tuesday 5 May Mrs. Colin Hunter’s at home 9 o/c. Wretched wet cold morg. Went to Marshall’s & Madame’s with Maud, ordering black dress to be remade. Letters fr. Con, Judy etc. Went out morg. (wet) to Madame, ordered black silk. Gen. Kent, Nelly & Miss Tribe(?) called. V. pleasant evg. at Hunters, great crush. Mary Anderson, Blacks, Sterne, Uncle & Aunt Edwin, Sp & Ada there. Home late. Wednesday 6 May Rainy day. V. tired, in bed to breakfast. Making body. Called after on Dr Harcourt, gave him wedding cake & 2 Bab Ballards to read. Called on Mrs. McTear, Mr Toole (v. handsome woman there) Mrs. Ledgard, Mrs Agnew, Lady Laurence (singing class going on don’t understand it one bit) plain little woman teaching. Lin rode morg, hope his cold is better. Maud bad cold. Lin came home & dressed & then went to big at home at Mr Woodall’s, met Mr Gladstone. Thursday 7 May Chopped finger in garden. V. painful. Mrs. MacKenzie’s at home 4 to 7. Policeman not come to be photod. Lovely morg. Tidied back yard with Laurence, chopped off tip of finger, v. painful. Maud’s cold better. Nurse bad cold. Wet. Mrs. Boehm & Floss called morg. Very wet afternoon. Floss went with me at 3.30 to Mrs. Chester, Palmer, Morley, Critchett, Messel, Kahn, Skerrow & to Morel Mackenzie’s at home - slow- Mrs. McTear & B. Darley(?) there. Sent carriage home fr Boehms had 2nd tea there & girls walked home with me. Friday 8 May Mr Hartree’s at home 4 o/c. Lunch at Annabella Baines at 1.30. To be fitted at Madame’s at 12 o/c. Saw Clarke about milk. Ordered mantle at Madame’s, to be


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 fitted with it when last fitted with dress. Jolly little lunch at Annabella’s, sweetly pretty Mrs. Campbell there, sister to the beauty Mrs Somerset Butler, & Mrs. Innes there who asked me to call on her. Drove in cab to Hartree’s (saw dead horse!). Stayed with H’s until 7. V. jolly afternoon. Goldie, Mocatta, Leslie Ward & great crush there. Lin late to bed. Saturday 9 May Lin & self go to Westwood by Granville D.V. Came to Westwood in carriage with Mr & Mrs. Corbett or Carbett, v. handsome woman. Got out at Westgate. Mother met us at gate. Judy saw us at Victoria, she just up fr. Westwood. Sunday 10 May Went to 11 o/c service with Mother. God sermon by Mr Whitehead, “Be ye doers & not hearers only”. Sympathy without purpose & action worthless. Lin walked morg. & after tea walked to Burnands & dined there, returned late. Mrs. Burnand down & going to London Tuesday or Thursday. Did not write to Midge. Monday 11 May Lovely day. Lin took photos all morg. Donkey, bees etc. Gyp killed rat in field. Lin leaves for London tonight. Lin took photo of Mother & self in conservatory. Tuesday 12 May Mr Ellis at home 3 to 6pm. Mother & self drove to Westgate. Saw Mr Corbett’s house, out of the way very, & Turret Court next Lady Clementine Milford’s. This was very dirty & badly furnished & no stable. Wednesday 13 May Lin lunched out. Mother v. bad night looks seedy. After early dinner went to Abernethys (out) & looked over Northfield Lodge (dirty place) & Callis Court, too small, queer old place, nice for small family with only 2 servants. Saw nothing else worth looking at or to let. Thursday 14 May X. Mrs. Mackenzie’s 4-7. Mother & self cooked morg. Fine but v. cold. I called on Mrs. Hammond after dinner, saw B. Hollingshead there. Saw no houses. Took basket to garden of white lilacs. Mrs. Vallis returned. More worry about A. X. Petit ami au soir. Friday 15 May Miss Wills dinner 8 o/c. D.V. I return home by 12.10 today. Can’t go on act. little F. Breakfasted in bed. Tassel doing windows. Satrurday 16 May Morg. concert at Albert Hall. Dr & Miss Harcourt, Gen. Kent, 2 Keiths have ticket. F.Miles at home at 114 Bond St fr. 10 till 5 o/c. Evening fête at Exhi’n. Con & Effie return fr. wedding tour, go to Mother for fortnight. V. rough passage, cd not come. Lin coming tomorrow, playing tennis at Mr Davis’. Sunday 17 May Fortnight’s news to tell Midge. Mother went to v. early service. Con, Effie & Lin arrived at 12.20. C. Stokes to dinner. Lin & C went for walk. Lovely afternoon but v. cold. Monday 18 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin returned by Granville. Con & Effie to Ramsgate in brougham. Mother & self rested writing. Mother too seedy to come down to dinner, looks so poorly & low. Went to bed whilst we were at dinner, Mrs. V. with her. 5 new little birds in kitchen (illeg). Effie looks v. pretty tonight in little red tea gown. Tuesday 19 May Lovely day. Effie & self went to Ramsgate in brougham, called at Watkins about house. 2 letters fr. Dickie. Mother v. poorly in bed, better after luncheon. Effie & self birds nesting, found a lot, blackbirds with young ones in. Con & Effie went in new donkey cart to St Peters, jolly little cart. Mother & self wrote letters. A little warmer. E & C bought bread for birds. Wednesday 20 May Mother had better night & went by 12.10 to London. Wet day. Con saw her off. After lunch Con, Effie & self took wreath to St Peters garden in donkey cart. Con & self went & put it on, & one for the Baby. Con brought us over horrible road coming back, v. frightened. Jack went splendidly. Sang in evg. & played, rather late to bed 10.30. Letters fr. Lin. Stay over Whitsuntide. Thursday 21 May Mrs. MacKenzie’s 4 to 7. Mrs. Lehmann’s at home 10 o/c. Effie went up to London alone by Granville. Mother & Effie return together at 7.25 tonight. We all dined at 8 o/c. Mother looks well. Con & self went after lunch in donkey carriage to Pegwell flats, good fun. Bought lilies. Had tea on return & went birds nesting with Con. Found a heap of new ones. Mother & Effie came down, both looked well. Friday 22 May Wet chilly morg. Letters fr. Lin & Tab morg. Mother looks bright & well. Effie tired, breakfasted in bed. Saturday 23 May Lin came down by Granville. Mother & I went to Margate shop’g morg. Charley Stokes came down with Lin, he is staying at Nayland Rock Hotel. Sang, played in evg. Mother looked v. tired. Sunday 24 May Went to Church 11 o/c. with Effie & Con. Met Mrs. Whitehead, took lilacs, Con & self placed them. C. Stokes came to dinner. Lin took group photos of us all on lawn. Lin & C. Stokes went for walk to Ramsgate. Came back to supper. 2 of Mrs. Vallis’ little birds died. Thought my lovely thrush had forsaken, had neglected her nest but she has not. Monday 25 May Lovely morning. Eff & Con walked to Margate, saw C. Stokes there. Lin & self walked about. Wet afternoon. Thrush not forsaken nest, all safe, but she (illeg) them all 10 days after. Had letter fr. Effie. Tuesday 26 May Dullish heavy & warmer. Lin photod all morg. After lunch Effie & self drove into Ramsgate. Called on Mrs. Hammond, B. Hollingshead there again. Mrs. Whitehead, Mrs. & R. Thornton & Frisby & Parsons called. Mother v. tired. Sang & played after dinner. Letter fr. Midge & Mrs. S. Lin walked into Margate after lunch & went Zoo, poor little pig.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 27 May Stafford Terrace again. Came home by Granville with Lin. Mother coming later train. Lovely day, warmer. Going with Lin to first night “Olivia” Lyceum. Dine earlier in consequence. Feel awfully tired. Great many people at Lyceum, friends. Enjoyed it v. much. Drove Folkeston fr. Station to Madame’s, found my dress here, don’t like it. Mother came just as I was dressing for dinner. Thursday 28 May Mrs. Mackenzie’s 4 to 7. Hot day, fine. Throat feels queer again. Went with Folkestone to Alexandra, saw Tabs, & then to Bath, saw Mother. Put £1 in savings bank for chicks. Ordered fish. Came in at 1.30, Mrs. S. with me, met Mrs. Lewis & Clara. Tabby came in to church awfully short of breath! Don queer, sent to stables. Called after lunch on Aunt Linda, saw Johns & Uncle E. Long chat & tea there. Someone called, forgotten who. Friday 29 May Mrs. S. & self went afternoon in carriage to Whiteleys, bought chocolate, cake, cheese. Called on Aunt Leigh, Mrs. Tucker, had tea there, Hollands, Farquharsons & Leche. Lin & self went evg. to Strand, saw Major Willington de Boots. 2 Nicol girls joined us there. I drove them to Hotel. Saw Mrs. Nicol, had lemon squash. Lin met us, had whiskey. I came home. Aunt Leigh & Mrs. Messel called. Saturday 30 May 5 tickets for Exhibition. Went to Whiteley’s & shopped, bought fish, ducklings etc costing (blank) & my gloves and trimming, drew cheque for £1.0.0 at Whiteleys. Met Mrs. Pettie. I took chicks to Exhibition, had tea there costing 2/8. Lin played tennis at Mr Tuer’s. We drove Folkestone morg, Punch afternoon. Meet of Coaching Club. Sunday 31 May Last call of £40 payable tomorrow on Buenos Ayres Gt Southern Shares. Lady Monckton’s small evg party 10 o/c. Mrs. F. Cowen’s “at home” 9 o/c. Mrs. A. Lewis tennis. Went to early service, met Mrs. Coward & 5 children. Called & had chat at Dr H’s. Went after lunch with Lin to Lewis’. Mrs. Agnew, daus, son, Sir F. (illeg), Sington etc etc there. Mr Parsons, Tab & Ham to dinner. Went to Cowen’s after. V. tired. Jun 1885 Monday 1 June Fine morning. Lin paid last call of £40 on Buenos Ayres Extention 1890. Cook does not seem to see her plates are dirty. Meet of 4 in hand in Park. Pd books for last week. Met Mrs. Spofforth. Called after lunch on Mrs. White, Hirsch*, Harding*, Peto, Hensman, Hartree*, Mactear*, Pollen, Nordenfeldt, MacKinley, these with *’s in , rest out. Mrs. S. v. tired. Lin rode morning to see Coaching Club. Tuesday 2 June Mrs. Santley’s “at home” 4.30 to 6.30. Aunt Leigh, Florrie, Laura S & Mrs. Pollen called. Only saw Aunt L & F. Lin & self went to Mrs. Santley’s. Gerty P married to Mr Meiggs. Saw Mrs. Lyttleton, Rosie Burnand etc. Went on to Exhibition & dined there, met Orchardsons, dined at same table. Bad dinner & v. dear. Met Agnews. W. Agnew asked Lin to go with him on dray tomorrow to Derby. Wednesday 3 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tab comes to spend day. Derby Day. Lin gone with W. Agnew. Also had invite to 1st Life Guards dray. Called with Tab after lunch on Mrs. Boehm, Abney, left Tab at Hotel & called on Critchetts. V. angry with Waters, doubt his ever driving well, punishes his horse for his own stupidity. Lin dined after with Agnew & party. Won 2 sweeps Melton & Paradox(?) Thursday 4 June Mrs. Mackenzie 4-7. Mrs. Joshua’s dinner party 8 o’clock. Mrs. Critchett’s dinner 8 o’c. Tab comes for afternoon to see maids here. Mrs. Merl’s “at home” fr. 4-7 at 7 Sackville Street. Went out morg. with Roy & Don. Bad night. Met Joachim. Ordered Roy’s suits Barkers. Tab came to lunch & spent afternoon & saw maids. Dr O. called. Sofa came fr. Mother. Friday 5 June Mrs. Wright’s at home 4-7 o/c. Mrs. Peto’s at home. V. hot day, lovely. Lin rode Folkestone before breakfast. Sp came in. After lunch fetched Tab fr. Alexandra, went to Marshall’s & Mrs. Peto’s (measles) & then to Mrs. Wright’s. Mr Ellis, Dr Farquharson, Nicols, Webster etc. Lin met us there. Talk over Academy Election, Burne Jones. Lin & self went to Engineers Soirée at Exhibition, met McTear & Sterne, Fildes, Hunters, C. Grain etc. Mother came just at dinner, looked ill, felt v. upset about her. Saturday 6 June Asked Miss Innes to dinner 7.30 & Mr Angel, neither can come. Tiresome as had ordered nice dinner. Pouring wet day. Went in carriage morg. with Folkestone & Mrs. S. to Bath Hotel & stayed until 5 o/c with Mother. Edgar, So, Taby, Mother & self to lunch. Mother gave me flowers & pd for cab home. Lin went to Lady Granville’s reception after dinner. Mrs. Hickmann & W. Taylor called. Sunday 7 June Floral Sunday. Lovely day. Went to early service with Roy, met Mrs. Joachim. Mr Burnand & Gerty called asking us to dine there at 8 o/c tonight. Good sermon fr. Gleeson about our mission in this life, how little we think each day, we are here to fulfil duties the Almighty had given us to work out. Lin playing tennis at Mr Hickman’s. We dine at Mr Burnand’s 8 o/c. V. pleasant dinner, home late. Monday 8 June 3 Nicols to tea & Tilda. 2 invites for Thames Yt. Club. Mrs. Sambourne leaves for Ealing for a few days. Pouring wet all day, cd. not go out. Mrs. S. remained in & leaves tomorrow instead. Nicols came to tea. Tuesday 9 June Edgar’s wedding day. Dull day. Started in brougham at 8.30 for Bath, Judy there, left in carriage with Mother for Carshalton, enjoyed drive. Went to Edgar’s hotel, had champagne & went to Church, queer little Church. Edgar looked v. nice. After to house. Capital lunch but funny(?) drinks(?) Had coffee after & danced. A. Pollock took me in, Shep(?) other side. Tab & Mother looked charming. After bride & bridegroom left Mother & self drove home, left Mother at Hotel. Con & Effie came here to stay. Mrs. Sambourne left. Lin dined with Sp & Ada. All came in at 10. Mervyn came whilst Con, Eff & self were at dinner & stayed till 10.30. Wednesday 10 June Mrs. Joachim’s at home ¼ to 10 o/c. Lin dines at Hampton (illeg). Went at 11 o/c with Maud to Adcocks, Mr Burnands, Harvey, & Bath Hotel & Army & Navy Stores, bought fish. Mother looks seedy, she going with Judy, Tilda, Tab & Mervyn to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Albert Hall. Gave me tickets for Exhibition tonight. Lovely day. Effie & Con in Pk. morg, home to lunch at 1. Phillips came after & the 3 went to C. Stokes. C. Hartree & Mrs. Ackers called. Con, Eff & self to Joachims, too tired to enjoy it. Sankey & Piati etc. Thursday 11 June Mrs. Mackenzie 4-7. Mr Ayala’s dinner. Pd books morg. Sp called, new grey cob. Miss Phillips called. Eff & Eve to lunch at Tabs & Con & Eff dine at Boehms. Fine day. Mother returned to Westwood. Friday 12 June X. Mrs. du Mauriers dinner ¼ to 8 o/c. Mr & Mrs. Thomson to tea, had gone to dress. Petit ami au matin. Met Millais, Sir R. Temple, Boughtons, Keshfields & Buckles, felt too seedy to enjoy myself. Con & Eff on river all day. Mother sent me lovely velvet dress. Saturday 13 June Go with Tilda to Baker Street about cheveux. Promised to take Roy to Zoo, cd not. Nurse & 2 chicks went to tea at Mrs. Fildes, Val’s birthday. I drove to Keiths, saw Mrs. K, Nelly lying down. Drove round Pk home. Lin rode morg. Effie went on river with G. & Floss. Con & Effie went to Exhibition after dinner. Invite to Sandown. Letter fr. Jess. Sunday 14 June Lady Monckton’s small evg party 10 o/c. Lovely day. Eff to church & lunch with her people. Con, Mr B & Lin rode together morg. Con came in to lunch. Lin goes to Lewis for tennis. Tab, Ham & Tilda to tea. Mr Angel & little boy called. Lin & I dined alone, felt v. faint dining so late. Con & Eff came in at 10. Wrote long letter to Jess & Mother. Lin went to Lady M’s, v. good evg. there. Monday 15 June Cooking lesson 12-1 o/c. Holloway Sanitorium at Virginia Water & luncheon to meet their R.H’s the Prince & Princess of Wales. Con & Eff left us for Atherstone Warwickshire. Sp called. Mother comes to town. Lin gone to Virginia Water. I drove out 3.30, called on Mrs. Power, Piries(?) Latham, Grossmith, Leng, Cole, only found Mrs. C at home. Funny little woman v. Waters did windows, look nice. Miss Tenniel called. Tuesday 16 June Mrs. Moscheles “at home” 10 o’clock. Lin & I lunch at Mrs. Lucy’s. Mrs. Chapple’s dinner. Con & Eff go to Ada’s for a week. Mrs. Sambourne returns today fr. Ealing. Lin & self lunched at Lucy’s. Lady Waterlow, Capt Hawes, Mrs. Summers(?) Mrs. Maclaren. Went to stores, then to Chapples, v. pleasant. Mr Hirsch, Grossmith, Tabby & Judy etc called. Wednesday 17 June Tilda coming to lunch. Little Tom’s last Wednesday. Sent £5 to Auxiliary Stores. Went with Roy to Mde B’s, Bradbury & Barkers. Ordered cream evg. dress. M cross & getting dearer. Tilda here to lunch & tea. No one called. Mrs. S & self to dinner alone. Thursday 18 June Mrs. Mackenzie 4-7. Mrs. Skerrow’s “at home” 9.30. Mr Bowen May’s invite to lunch at Ascot. Sp & Ada going to Ascot, feel too tired to care myself about


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 going. Mr Davis’ tennis party gentlemen. Judy called this morg. Tabby to lunch. Pd books morg. Called after lunch on Mrs. Wright, took Lin to Mr Davis, called after on Mrs. Morris, Turner, Furness, Goodall, Ogilvie, & fetched Lin. Saw the little D’s, dear little things. Friday 19 June Went to call on Miss Tenniel. Go to Tabs, Alexandra, to lunch. Went in brougham to Tab, lunched there, drove after to Mrs. W. Agnew, Mrs. Wilson, gloves, china. Army & Navy Stores got 3 lbs gooseberries & salmon, 1lb cherries & bloaters. Ordered, 9 lbs sirloin of beef for tomorrow. Flowers fr Nicols. Left Tab at Hotel. Saturday 20 June Mrs. Joachim’a “at home” 10 o/c. Miss Webster’s children’s Garden Party 4 o/c. Little Laddie Angel coming to stay until Monday D.V. Went to stores morg, bought 6 crayfish, chicken & cherries, & ordered ice. Took chicks to Mr Webster’s performing dogs. Miss W taken v. ill. Left Nurse Roy & Laddie, went home & Maud & self went to Dr Orton, had tea there. Lin to tennis at Mr Davis, pouring wet evg. Drove Folkeston evg, Punch morg. Sunday 21 June Mrs. Dixon’s “at home” 4-7. Mrs. Boughton’s “at home” 10 o/clock. Chicks went to Church with Nurse. Mrs. S went to Church. Not down till 11 o/c, v. tired. Fine day. Mr Farquharson & W. Taylor called. Lin went to Lewis’ for tennis. Nurse & Maud to Church afternoon. Laddie & Roy with me, v. good. Delightful evg at Boughtons. Monday 22 June Stores sent 2 soles. Mrs. Boehm’s dance 10 o/c. Eff & Con come up fr. Tabs. Eff called afternoon, looked tired. Did not go out all day. Lin went with Mr Burnand to Handel festival at Crystal Palace., home to dinner. V. jolly dance at Boehm’s. Mr & Mrs. Chapple, Burnands, Sps, Tabby & Ham, home at 2 o/c. V. tired. New dress came fr Madame, cream & mauve. Wore red velvet. Little Laddie left. Tuesday 23 June Mrs. W. Wren’s dinner party 8 o/c. Mr A. Barnum’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’clock. Tennis Court. Nurse goes home for a fortnight. Laurence going to take chicks. Callers, Nelly, Mrs. V. Cole, Laura S, Mrs. Critchett, Mr & Miss Graves. Good dinner at Wrens. Rather slow for Lin, I enjoyed it, amused with Mr Russel. Poor Nurse v. upset at leaving chicks. Wednesday 24 June Stores sent 3 mackerel. Boiled beef, butter 2½. Royal Academy Soirée. Tilda coming for day. Not come, seedy. Promised to go to Tournament with Ham & Tabby, taking Maud & Roy. 10 to 3 to be there. Mrs. Gaston sent us ticket for Academy Soi, shall ask Tab. Mrs. Watney, Waring, Lucas, Edgar & Con called. Enjoyed tournament immensely. Lin went too. Chaperoned F. Toole to Academy, McCarthy! Met heaps of friends, v.jolly, home late. Thursday 25 June Mrs. Mackenzie 4-7, last at home. Cold day. Mr Hartree’s dinner 8 o/c. Dull day, v. tired. Mrs. S. worries herself so about the children. Paid books morning alone. Laurence took chicks out. I met Mrs. Roberts & heard of her dreadful loss. Hampers came. Promised to dine at Mrs. Burnand’s, too tired. Hamper fr.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Westwood. Called after lunch with Mrs. S. on Mrs. Ackers, Mrs. Burnand, Boehms, Abernethy, & had tea at Mrs. Hardings. Friday 26 June Lin hard at work all day. Mrs. A. Lewis’ garden party. Went with Maud, Rica there. Mrs. A. Levy’s at home 4 to 7. Took Judy & called on Joshua & Skerrow. Mrs. P. Morris at home 9 o/c dancing, only Lin went, I too tired. Dull cold day. Mrs. S. took chicks out for walk morg. Baronets & peers created wholesale!!!!!!! So much for change of government. Shopped morning got shoes laces, Barkers, sugar fr Barkers. Strawberries 6d, logans 3/2. Went into Mrs. Ionides gave me grapes & rose. Abbey brought me home. Saturday 27 June Tennis Court. Maud fetched by Rica & governess at 10.30. Stayed till 8.30. Laurence fetched her. Mrs. S. Roy & self went to Zoo, lunched there, lovely & hot, foot hurt me. Lizzie up till after 11 o/c, annoyed. Lin at work all day, rode in evg. Dinner at 8.15. I put Roy to bed. Edgar & Sophy, Con & Effie called. Sorry to miss them again. Sp called in morning. Sunday 28 June Mrs. Grossmith at home 10 o/c. Mr Hickman’s dinner 7.30 after tennis. Took Roy & Maud to early service. Called at Miss Websters, about the same. Found moth. Mr Guthrie called. Lin played tennis at Mr Hickman’s. I dined with Lin at Hickman’s, went on to Grossmiths after, v. pleasant party. Laurence took Maud to children’s service. Monday 29 June Lady Laurence & Miss Hartree called.. Mr Davis children’s garden party 3 o/c. Mrs. Silver’s at home 5 to 7. Lin rode Sp’s white pony. Lovely day. Parlage avec (illeg illeg). Con called & stayed some time. Tab’s maid called. Wrote. Laurence takes chicks at 3 o/c in carriage. In all morg, went to Mrs. Orton’s, feel v. queer & on to Mrs. Silver’s. Dr Parr, Miss Tenniel etc there. Great pain all evg. Dr Orton came, fearful pain in night but slept a little. Tuesday 30 June Tennis Court. Mrs. Parkinson Wright’s dinner ¼ to 8 o/c. In bed with chill till 3 o/c. Feel awfully weak & seedy. Lin to Zoo with Roy. Lunched there, Percy paying. Sp called. Dr Orton called. Mrs. Watney, Mrs. Tom Taylor, Lucy called, also Mr & Mrs. Pollen & Mr Ellis. Maud went for walk with Cook & bought strawberries 3 baskets 1/-! Lin rode evg & went to Mrs. Wright’s dinner. Jul 1885 Wednesday 1 July Mrs. Watney at home 10 o/c. Mr Trendell’s dinner Chinese Restaurant 6 o/c. 6.30. Dr O came, still feel the pressure. May not go out today. Roy took magnesia, stayed in. Mrs. S. wrote for me to Mrs. Holl, may not go tomorrow. Letter fr. Mother. Tilda came to tea & dinner, she is going to Germany on Saty. Went down to dinner, felt worse in consequence. Thursday 2 July Mrs. Holl’s dinner 7.45. Invitation to Mrs. Maclaren’s boat house at Henley. Lin went early to Mrs. M’s, Henley. Dr O called. Ada sore throat. Still feel pressure & sickness when I stand. Wrote to Mrs. Pollen, Mrs. Tomlin & Mrs. Bosanquet. Lin


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 came back only just in time to dress for Mrs. Holl’s dinner. Mrs. G. Palmer called., Chicks went for walk with Laurence. Maud had letter fr. Nurse. Friday 3 July Lovely morning. Stayed in bed to see Dr Orton, says I must give up going out at all for some time, dreadful nuisance. Society of Arts Soirée at Exhibition, so sorry can’t go. Saturday 4 July Lin goes to Lady A. Blunt’s until Monday. Lin did not go on act of my being ill. Went down for short time to drawing room, felt pain in consequence, feel it is spreading. Dr O. came. Sunday 5 July Mrs. Jopling’s at home 4 to 7. Lin played tennis at Mr Lewis’ all afternoon. Felt v. ill all day, great pain in evg. Sent for Dr Orton at night felt so ill & in great pain. Monday 6 July Do not forget to send flowers to Westwood for dearest Father. Dr Barnes & Dr O. here 5 o/c. Shall have to lie up. Tabs stayed all day so thankful to have her. Dr O. called in morg. as well, felt awfully seedy at night nearly fainted in Co. Lin carried me up. Tuesday 7 July Anniversary of the dearest Father’s birthday. Mrs. Blackburn’s at home 5 to 8. Miss Nicol’s wedding ¼ to 3 o/c. Mrs. Gregory’s garden party at Foundling. Mrs. Lockyer’s at home 9 o’c. Nurse returns. Mrs. S. goes to Broadstairs. Invite to Mrs. Tuer’s near Reading. Judy came to stay. Tabs here. Mrs. S. left. Nurse returns. Sent wreath. Letter fr. Mother & Mrs. Bosanquet. Feel v. ill. Wednesday 8 July X. Petit ami arrivé! Mr Burnand’s (A) at home 4 o/c. Mr Ellis “at home” 10 o/c. Mother arrived. Ju met her. Tab came directly after lunch left at 7. Mother & Ju went out for walk after dinner. Funny little duck story. Had bad night this day but certainly feel better for Nurse being back. Dr O. came. Thursday 9 July XX Dear little Don died. Capt. & Mrs. Tomlin’s dinner ¼ to 8. Lin rode with Miss Elmore, she rode Folkestone. Mrs. Knowle’s ball. Had v. bad night felt X & tired. Sp called. Judy & Mother took walk after dinner. Lin home at 1 this morg. I never slept till 3 & woke at 5, did not sleep after. Nurse shut me up afternoon & I had little nap. Nurse slept with me on sofa. Lin slept in drawing room & Mother stayed . Lin met Lady Anne at the Knowles. Friday 10 July Mrs. Bosanquet’s bazaar today & tomorrow, wants us to go & stay. Mrs. B. wants us to go . Lady Folkestone going to open Bazaar. Bazaar postponed until 18th. Mother returned to Westwood. Tab came & had tea with me, feel much better & slept an hour ¾. Judy went to Eton & Harrow match. She took Mother to station in carriage, missed train. Carriage fetched Judy fr Lord’s. Lin hard at work all day, dined with Judy & both sat with me after. Had splendid night. Lin did not go out. Saturday 11 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Promised to go to Mrs. Bosanquet’s. Had letter fr. dear Mother. Ada Sp called. Dr O. called. Mrs. Theker’s at home. Tab going. Promised to come after, did not. Judy did shop’g morg. with Roy. Lin took Roy to Lords, E & Harrow Match. Ami encore. Laid on sofa whilst bed was made. Lin went to Inventories & on to Club. Sunday 12 July Good night. Judy goes home at one o/c for day. Lin rode with Mr Burnand at 11 o/c. Dull & cooler. Petite amie reste. Crumb came. Lay on sofa whilst bed was made. Laurence out. Baby Spencer came with Nurse & stayed some time in my room. Roy v. funny. Tabs here & Ham to dinner. Monday 13 July Mrs. Moscheles at home 4. Dr O. came. Must not leave room for few days. Mrs. Stone called, coming to see me Wed. Tuesday 14 July Mrs. Oakes “at home” 10 o/c. Tennis Court. Lin worked hard all day on Gladstone drawing for Mr G. Hart. Callers. Dr O. did not come. Tabs came to tea & brought strawberries. Hallam had tea with Nurse. Slept 1½ after lunch. Lin went to O’s “at home”, v. good & enjoyed it. Con & Eff & Elizabeth came up. Tab met them in brougham. Took pill again! Wednesday 15 July Lovely day. Dr O. came, said might lie on sofa in spare room tomorrow. Con called. Tabs here to lunch. Elizabeth here, took chicks for walk. Mervyn & Mother coming up. Lin gone with Punch staff on river. Must give Lizzie notice & hate it. Elizabeth goes to meet Mother at Vic at 2 o/c. Tab & Judy go to make their rooms comfortable. Tabs Judy & Elizabeth got things ready for Mervyn & Mother at rooms. Laura Stone came to tea. Parler à la cuisinière au soir, elle essayerait d’être nonchalant! Ce jour mois. Thursday 16 July Mrs Agnew’s dinner 8 o/c. . Maud goes to tea at Mrs. Spofforth’s. Con came in morning. News of advance at (illeg). Wonder what Conservative Government will do now! Dear Mervyn’s operation at 4 o/c today. Judy went round & saw them at Phillimore Place. Tabs there. Eff goes for drive this afternoon, can’t be v. bad. Lin drove to Burnands, out! Sent red eiderdown, 2 nightshirts, bed john, tablecloth & jar. Spencer came in evg. for few moments. Lin enjoyed Agnew’s dinner. John Bright there. Judy went home to dinner. Friday 17 July Mrs. Kemp’s dinner party. Judy returned at 8 o/c evg. after going with school about 560 to Epping Forest. Dr O. called morg. May not go down until Tuesday next. Dr O. stood to Lin, old pauper also. Hallam came round for table & band box & cloth. Mrs. Barker called. Fine day. Moved into spare room morg. Returned to own for afternoon sleep. Lin had tea with me. So glad Ju returned in time to dine with Lin. Asked Dr O. about Mervyn, said he was going on all right. Letter fr. Effie. Nurse met her in Gds in bath chair with Gertie B. Saturday 18 July Lin & Roy gone at 10 o/c to Zoo with Percy in cart. Maud going to Mrs. Goodall’s for day. Laurence going out this evg (brother in law). Lin dines at Mrs. Theophilus Burnand’s at 8 o/c. Letter fr. Mrs. S. Con came in after a garden party, was


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 driving Shah in buggy, looked v. nice. Ju went to see Mother. Mervyn going on all right. Table cloth, 6 towels. Sunday 19 July Mother came round, told me about jardinier, sorry but can’t be helped. Trust all will go well – il part demain p. bon. Ju went to 9.30 service & then to Sunday school after luncheon. Lin came & sat with me some time. Mr Milliken coming to dinner . Lin & he go to Lewis’ for tennis. Rain, cd not go, & chicks cd not go to church. Monday 20 July Le jardinier part après quatorze ans. Dr O. came, says I must get some fresh air, to go away as soon as possible. Tiff between Con & Judy. Went in to spare room after lunch. Dr O. came & examined me. Much better but feel weak. Mrs. Stone came to tea. Ju drove to stores, called & enquired after Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Akers, & Effie. Did not sleep afternoon or at night. Tuesday 21 July Tennis Court. C. Hartree’s luncheon party. Ju went out morg. with chicks, v. good. Laurence went out. Jane took chicks for walk, L went out directly she came in. I told her to remain out later. Had to send for Dr O, had had night in great pain & very feverish. Says I have taken a chill, must remain in bed several days. Great bother. Lin went to club at 10 o/c in carriage. Foggy queer day. Table badly laid. Wednesday 22 July Elizabeth gone to Westwood. Dr O. came told him about jumping pains & great pain over back & st. Shall have to be v. careful. Pd little visit fr. Arsculap(?). Ju seedy very with little F. Jane took chicks for walk & v. X to them, shall not ask her again to take them, cannot understand why she shd be more unpleasant with the children then any I have ever had unless to spite Nurse. Mother came in evg. for little while, looked tired & worried we thought. Has engaged gardener fr Lady Holland, 12 years character, been second there. Lin dining at Garrick with friend, went in brougham. Ju’s sis came. Thursday 23 July Mrs. Flower’s “at home” 4-7. Feel better. Dr O. called morg, better, had restless night tho’. Nurse in & out all night & very seedy evg. after taking chicks for walk. They went in brougham morg. Ju to stores, v. late home. Had to get jockey suit for Lin. Con & Tabs called after tea, stayed till quarter to 7. Ju out all afternoon at Mother’s. Lin dined at home. Ju slept with me, Nurse too ill. Got excited & cd not sleep. Letter fr. Mrs. Watney. Lin hard at work. Friday 24 July Invite to go to stay fr. today until Monday at Mrs. Mocatta’s at Datchet. Sp called. Bad night again, pain all round, wasn’t until 2 o/c slept until 7 when Nurse appeared with Arsculap(?) & tea & hot bottle. Ju awfully kind getting up in night. Mother came in at 7.30, stayed little while, felt worried & tired. V. stupid about Barker’s bill, cried! Feel so weak. Worried Lin & his busy day. Dr O. came gave me tonic, quinine. Dr O’s kind little nurse called to invite chicks to tea promising to take charge of Roy & bring him back. Ju went to Madame B’s with brown for my tea gown, took chicks to Soho Bazaar. Mervyn sent me some of his beef tea. Saturday 25 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tennis Court. V. hot so they say, like it. Up on sofa in room, feel better. Had bad night 3 heavy sweats in night, slept late. On 2 nd visit Dr O. came, was pleased to see me on sofa, anxious I should feed up & keep quite quiet. Dear Lin & Roy & Percy O. to Zoo , took 30 photos, baby bears, guinea pigs & diving birds. Percy lunched here. Maudie was fetched by Rica at 10.30. Mother returned fr. Westwood, found all well & St Peters as she cd wish. Dear Lin had tea with me, slept for a whole hour outside bed. Felt better. Judy went to see Mr Price then to see Tabby & Mervyn. Lin went to Datchet, Mr Mocatta’s. Carriage fetched Maudie after, was home by 8. Ju & I had jolly little dinner, felt stronger & enjoyed dinner. Settled in at 10 (illeg). Sunday 26 July Good night & slept late, no sweats & feel much better. Ju went to 8 o/c service, called & saw Mother & Mervyn. Mervyn sent me photo & letter. Lovely day. Mother sent me lovely bunch of grapes & 5 peaches. Found Tassel had kept all in order especially dear little St Peters garden. Laurence’s Sunday out. Nurse after settling me for afternoon sleep took chicks to church, Ju to Sunday school. Had sleep. Ju in 4.30 had tea together. Mother came in the evg. & sat some time. Lay on sofa little while. Monday 27 July Dr O. called morg. Feel better, found me on sofa. Ju funny about Mervyn & Mrs. Bell all weeping. Mrs. Bell’s mother died. Had dinner on sofa. Nurse & chicks to Dr O. to tea, had jolly time there. Laura Stone came to tea. Effie called, Lin would not let me see her afraid. Ju went in carriage & paid calls fr. 3 till 4.30. Nurse came in early too. Dr O’s nurse kindly brought back children. Dear Lin had tea with us. Mr Chapple sent us our quarter’s one day this month. Tuesday 28 July Much cooler. Maudie was fetched by Rica at 10.30. I went down to drawing room, Lin Nurse & Roy! helped me down, had my dinner there. Came up for sleep after, slept 1½ hour. Amy Binn’s marriage with Major Maude in Times. Miss Hartree, Mrs. Agnew, Mrs. Ogilvie called. Ju making her sister’s red bonnet. Ju took Roy & fetched Maud fr. Mrs. Goodall’s, her last sitting to Mr G. Carriage left Ju as she dines at her father’s. Lin dined at Inventories. Ju went saw Mervyn & Mother. M on sofa & his room being cleaned. Lin doing Lion photos. Ju went home & dined there & little maid sent me some country flowers. Must not forget this, so kind & thoughtful. Wednesday 29 July Garden party on Parliament Hill, Mr Shaw, Lefevre. Dear Mother & Tabs came in early, has been crying about her dog Col. & Roberts. Mother looked better but was thoroughly tired out later on, she & Ju went off to Brandons etc & came in tired. Mervyn another pill. Dr O. came, says I may drive out Friday or Saty & must try to go to Westwood Tuesday. Had long sleep in afternoon, refreshed. Lin took photos of Miss Purves’ poodle dog in yard. Ju had tea with me & dear Dickie. Ju then went to friends for tea. Mr Barker & Alice called. Lin spoke to me about Jane, don’t know what to do there. I’ve made arrangements but must do as he wishes. Letters fr. Edgar & Miss Hartree. Roy went at 9 o/c with Lin to Natural Hist, brought me greengages. Effie came to tea. Mrs B & Alice called. Ju had her head champood by Nurse. Tabby came & slept. Thursday 30 July Cold. Taby slept here. She & Ju went out early. Ju pd books. Mr Burnand came & stayed a long time morg. “Pommes de terre”. Little glass marked by curling(?)


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 machine. Sp came early, stayed some time talking about Scotland. Ada S.J. changed her nurse! G. Roller given S.J. business, so glad. Wish he wd stick to it. Good sleep after lunch. Judy went to “at home” at Collins, wore pretty brown dress, Madame made it. Carriage fetched Ju & she went to Madame’s about my tea gown. Lin worked after dinner. I had long talk with Miss Penn, wants salary raised as usual. Our term ends 14th August & begins 11th November. Friday 31 July Too cold to go out. Tap broken in Ju’s room, men came after lunch to see to it. Con came in morg, talked about his house near Arundel, seems pleased about it. Lent me Edgar’s letter to read. Parlage avec la tête à cause du voyage, la grande ne veut pas. Ne sais que faire. Ju took Roy & Maud out in carriage. Tabby went too, brought Baby’s clothes in Sloane St. Ju took Roy out after tea to get present for dear Maudie’s birthday. Late night. Ju finished story by James. Did not sleep afternoon. Dear Mother went to Westwood. £15 fr. Cen. Argentine Railway. Aug 1885 Saturday 1 August Lin, Roy & Percy went off to Zoo early. Nurse & Maud for walk. Dr O. came & thinks we must get away Monday if possible. Kind letter fr. Mrs. Ackers. Ju & self go for drive this afternoon for one hour, first day out & down for 5 weeks. Good night. Mother returns fr. Westwood today. Sent Nurse’s brooch to be done. Electric eel Roy touched, & saw enormous spider. Went for drive & felt v. shakey. Ju took her things home whilst I lay down. Mrs. Stone to tea. Ju came back only for a moment & upset about her father, feel v. sorry. Percy O here & remains to dinner. Tea gown came home, don’t like it. Poor Ju’s father v. ill. Lin & Percy went to Arts & Garrick club after dinner. I went to sleep v. early. Sunday 2 August Lin went for ride morning with Mr Burnand. Dull day. Postman’s parade. Effie came whilst I had luncheon. Ju came to tea. Dull afternoon. Lin out all day with Burnand, Sp & Percy. Cobweb shied & knocked Folkestone over, so thankful dear Lin not hurt beyond a bruise. Ju told me all her troubles, feel so sorry for her. Felt awfully low & weepy evg. Lin came & sat with me after dinner. Jane cooked dinner v. well, warm plates! Monday 3 August X. Frightful rumpus about yesterday’s lunch & general commotion all round. Ju came in to lunch, ordered late dinner, shall be thankful to be down again, so dull for Lin. Petit ami arrivé! Dull heavy & cold day. Mother came in late & slept here, did not know or wd have had all comfortable for her. Slept badly. Tuesday 4 August In bed all day, feel weak. Ju came in & lunched. Lent her carriage for evg. Wrote to Vinten & Syretts for me about house. Mother won’t let Westwood, sorry but can’t be helped, so no good worrying. Nelly came & spent all afternoon assisted me immensely as usual. Mother came & slept here, looked tired & worried. Nurse took chicks for short walk. Wednesday 5 August Darling Maud’s birthday. Dull morg. Lin out early, went to get Maud smelling bottle. I gave Maud ring lost little pearl. Mother went away early. Ju came with Laura Wyvil, lunched. Sent off £7.10. C. Argentine £15 & deposit order £25 to Bank. Hope to receive deposit note £47.10. Dr Orton came advises me to wait till


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saty. At 2.30 chicks & Ju gone to Inventories. Had pint of mock turtle fr. Jones, v. nasty. Con & Effie go to Ada’s, Christchurch. Mother & Ju sleep here tonight. Ju took chicks to Inventories & Laura Wyvil & came home to tea. Nelly cd not come. Dear Lin riding evg. Maudie & I dined alone in bedroom. Roy had some chicken & custard sent up to him. Mother & Tab came in at 10 o/c. Thursday 6 August Mervyn, Tab & maid go to Christchurch. Tab sat with me until 11 o/c. Mother left early, dull & foggy morg, bright after. Aunt Anna came & stayed an hour, looks well. Tab, Mervyn & Hallam left by 2.15 to Waterloo, have to change at Ringwood. Mother & Ju going with them to Waterloo. Mother going on to see Mr Chapple about Edie. Parlage avec la grande jusqu’ ici (illeg) bien. Blairs & Leighs in Yorkshire. Letter about houses fr. Mr Vinten. Ju came in after tea. Friday 7 August Lovely day. Mother slept at lodgings, 7 Lower Phillimore Place, but came in to see me early & stayed some time. Lin rode before breakfast. Nurse went out morg. with chicks & paid books £3.8.3. Stores, & washing extra. Saw Lizzie about dinner, hope she will get a good place before we leave as she must stay here whilst we go to Tabs. Dear Mother came & stayed some time again about 12 o/c, brought me flowers. Aunt Anna came too & brought me basket of roses & read letters to me. Judy came in. Saturday 8 August D.V. Lin, Mother & I go to Westwood today. Had beautiful carriage van on with 2 comfortable sofas. Lin & I went to Vic in brougham. Mother & Ju there first. Comfortable journey, found all beautiful as usual here. Mother seemed better. Judy came in morg. & promised to pay books for me next Thursday if Lin home & to have the chicks Monday morg. for a drive somewhere. Hope all will go peaceably during absence. Sunday 9 August Lovely day. Went morg. in bath chair & Lin round Westwood Lane. After dinner Lin went to Ramsgate about houses, all (illeg) down. Hammonds away. Lin went to Westgate, saw Orchardsons & walked home late rather. I had long sleep afternoon. Mother & self tea together, little rabbits. Lin supped late. Mother worried par la vieille & consequently slept badly. So sorry as she was looking better. Monday 10 August Westwood. Lovely morg. Mother had bad night, palpitations. Mr Vinten sent over letter fr Tilda & deposit note fr. (illeg) Bank. Chicks go with Ju somewhere. Mother v. seedy, looks tired & worried. Lin went to Ramsgate saw house he likes, chaffed all evg about same, v. funny. Mother’s second new man came, garden. Tuesday 11 August Went morg. after having beef tea to see Lin’s Castle. Pretty house & bright, only 5 bedrooms! Felt tired. Mr & Mrs. Banks took us over. Lovely day. Lin walked home in time for dinner, almost settled about house. Went to sleep & Mother too after lunch. Looked at Views of Holland House, v. good, after dinner. Wednesday 12 August Dear Lin went up by Granville. Marion P. & Baby called & stayed some time. Ju came in time for tea. Lin came in my room early. Letters fr. Uncle John, Mrs. S,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Boehm & Judy. Mother pretty well, only cannot make out strange pain en bas. Shall try E. Thursday 13 August Ju & self went morg to Ramsgate to try & get hat. Could not get one, bought lace. Drove along marina, home for lunch, then rested in bed. Mother & self had little nap. Tea, cozy, & after drive in bath chair. Sheep in wrong paddock. E late at Mrs. Tassel’s. Mrs. V! Mother had better night, feel much better self, pain gone. Saw Mrs. Fletcher, her dog near L. Tomlin’s lost. Carriage returned for it. Friday 14 August Lovely day. Slept late morg. F. kept me awake after 2 o’clock. Walked in garden with dear Mother. Had delicious luncheon & Judy & self came up left 2.45, reserved carriage, fee 5/-. Pleasant journey, so glad to leave Mother better. Lin very busy, had greasy cutlet & went to bed early, feels close & stuffy in London. Put deposit note & dear little tea pot in drawer safely. Ju left at once, coming early in morg. Saturday 15 August We all go to Tabby’s D.V. Mrs. S’s birthday. Lizzie leaves, I month 3 weeks & 1 day. We left by 2.15 fr. Waterloo, Nurse, chicks & luggage in omnibus & Lin & self in brougham. Ju came in, fait l’argent avec Laurence & helped generally. Laurence goes for weeks’ holiday today. Lovely place here “Sandhills”. Train one hour late. Ham met us with wagonette. Dined alone with Mervyn in drawing room. Baby dear little pink cheeked thing, exactly like Ham. More like an Effie baby than Tabs. Sunday 16 August Chicks delighted to be on sands all day. Mervyn & self breakfasted in bed & dined again in drawing room. Lunched downstairs. Letter fr. Lizzie about cheque not being signed. Sat out morg. Sat on sands after lunch. Monday 17 August Ham went up to London early. Lin & Con out before breakfast. Ham returning after dinner. Mervyn & self dined in drawing room. Con, Mervyn & self rowed up river, lovely, & sailed back. M rather headache evg. Tabs & Eff paid calls afternoon. Lovely day. Tuesday 18 August Little Tabs birthday. Breakfast in bed. Dined downstairs, first time for 2 months. Mervyn down also. Roy paddles morg. Lin, Ham etc discussion about boat in boat house. Lin worked all afternoon. Ham, Con & Mervyn out fishing afternoon. Tab, Baby, Eff & self went into Christchurch. Baby cried all morg, came back for Nurse. Bazaar, got Roy’s purse. Letter fr. Mother. Played roulette evg. Lin & self neither lost nor won. Lovely day, feel much better. Wednesday 19 August Darling Roy’s birthday. Lovely morg, saw squirrels. Up to breakfast for first time for 2 months. Cake with pink sugar & beetles for Roy. Grande société p. le thé au jardin. Eff & Tab out afternoon calling. I took Roy for walk before tea looking for crabs. Thursday 20 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Con & Effie leave, go morg. Regatta. Saw yacht capsized & got up. After lunch went with Tab, Ham & Mervyn to see Regatta. Came on later to rain. After dinner Lin to sleep v. heavy. Friday 21 August V. cold tho’ fine. Wire fr. Lizzie about Mrs. Halford. Wire fr. Burnand. Wrote letters, ans Watneys, Nicols, Uncle John, Mrs. S. & forwarded letter to her. Went over to bathing house with Tab & Hallam, too cold to bathe. Ham & Mervyn painting boat. After lunch rained. Tab & self sat in drawing room, worked. Tab took Roy to fetch Miss Drummond Hay from station. Ham, Mervyn & Dickie went fishing at 5 o/c, came in late. Played roulette, I lost. Tried tricycle. Letter fr. Midge. Saturday 22 August Lovely day, cold rather. Felt uncomfortable pressure so stayed in bed to breakfast. Finished novel “Ishmael”, Mrs. Braddon. Ham & Mervyn painted boat. Tabs, Miss Hay, self & Lin rowed to Christchurch. Lovely calm evg. Ham & Mervyn drove in dog cart. Wrote to Edgar & Con. Depressing letter fr. Con to Tab. Letter fr. Mother to Mervyn. Mervyn stung by wasp at dinner. Played roulette, Lin & self won. I hate playing for money. Another letter fr. Mrs. Halford about Lizzie. Sunday 23 August Lovely day, down late, all gone to C. Church except Lin, Mervyn & self. Lin took photos. Read afternoon. Ham played evg. Lin & Ham walked after tea. Did not sleep well, dreamt of Mary Abernethy. Monday 24 August Lovely day, down late, coldish wind. Ham’s boat launched, leaked a bit. Went to island with Tab, Miss Hay & Hallam. Tab bathed. Lunched. I went with Lin, Ham & Mer to dig sand eels, great fun. Got in fearful mess. Lin carried me. Miss Hay & Tabs went calling. Roy went in boat after with Lin, Ham, Mer & Dearham. Wrote to Aunt Anna, Ju, Mrs. Boehm. Had letter fr. Effie. Letter fr. Judy. Played roulette, won 6 pence. Lin lost, was bank. Tuesday 25 August Lovely day, went over to island, Tab, Miss Hay, Roy, Hallam & self. Tab & Roy bathed. After lunch went sand eeling. Great fun, got a good many which we had for dinner. Caught pricking(?) fish. Letter fr. Mrs. Nicol about Lin’s going there. Mervyn, Miss H. & Tabs to Miss Ricardo’s garden party, v. slow they said. Ham, Lin & self tea alone. They all played tennis. After dinner roulette. I made ½ penny! Lin lost good bit. Ham bank. Wednesday 26 August Lovely day. Lin worked all day. Mer & Ham went after early lunch to Bournemouth regatta in dog cart. Yacht on sand. After lunch went crabbing, & Roy, Miss H. & Tabs went sand eeling. Roy got wet, had hot bath & had tea in bed, read to him. Played roulette evg. Lin lost again, will play so riskily, wish he wd. be steadier. I remained same, put in 6d, had it returned. Late to bed. Letters fr. Con & Mother. Thursday 27 August Fine day cold rather. Down to breakfast. Read. Walked after lunch for short time to sands, quite cold. Roy gone with Dearham sand eeling alone. Chicks had tea in summer house. Doctor to see Minnie. Tabs & Miss H. to Christchurch shop’g. Lin at work all day. Played roulette, Lin lost again, I was bank. I remained same, staked 6, had it returned. Feel stiff all over. Wrote to Mother & Emma.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 28 August Dull day, up late. Great commotion last night, Ju lost! Lin & Ham & 5 men turned out on the hunt, Tabs & Hallam in & out of room, did not get to sleep till past 2. Ju came back this morg looking v. ashamed of himself. I wrote letter for Tabs to Doctor Falls about Minnie. Letter fr. Aunt Anna. Lin & Ham drove to Christchurch morg. After lunch Tabs, Miss H, Mer. & Ham went to garden party at Mrs. Maberley’s & enjoyed it. Col. upset tea all over my black dress. Wonder he has not done so before. No roulette after dinner. Lin & Ham at photos. Finished reading “Goodbye Sweetheart”. Saturday 29 August Cap. Parish came. X. Petit ami au matin. Stayed in bed until ½ past 2 o/c. Dined in drawing room. Played roulette. Lin bank & won! Lovely day & lovely evg. Letter fr. Con & Judy. Sunday 30 August Lovely day. Chicks to Church with Nurse (Tabs). Nana had Baby, brought her to my room, dear little thing, said Baby for first time today. Lin took all our photos on veranda after lunch. Nurse & chicks to Church evg. I dined & lunched in round drawing room. Cap. P & Miss H took long walk together alone. Ham & Tabs talked to Dearham alone. Quiet evg. Lin amusing, dumb show of photographs. Monday 31 August Wet day. Lin, Ham & Mer. went up to Christchurch sailing morg. I lunched in drawing room, feel better. Fracas en bas, parlage. After tea Cap. Parish, Ham, Miss Hay & Lin went out sailing, home late for dinner. Tabs took dogs out. I dined in drawing room. Played roulette. Hamilton played high, Lin bank, won. I wish Tabs would insist on no more than 1/- being put in the pool. Uncomfortable either win’g or losing so much. Mervyn gave Hallam gold brooch. Sep 1885 Tuesday 1 September Emma promised to come to take over house. If all well we go to Westwood. Dear Lin & chicks return home. I go D.V. Thursday. Mr & Mrs. Pollock & Baby come. Cap. Parish goes. Played roulette. I won three half pence. I went down to dinner & lunch. Wednesday 2 September Wet dull day. Letters fr. dearest Lin, Dr Fall & Emma saying she wd go to Stafford Ter Friday morg. Encore ami. Went down to lunch. Ham, Mer, & Mr Pollock went sailing & got drenched morg. Marion P, Miss H, Tabs & self drove & made a call at Miss May’s(?) Poured with rain, mild day. Had 2 babies morg. in round drawing room. Forwarded letter on to Lin, wrote him also, to Laurence & for Tabs to Dr White, Bournemouth, about Minnie. Finished reading “The Shadow of Ashlydyat”, Mrs. Wood, most exciting. Thursday 3 September Lovely day. Sat all day on sands. Mr P. & Ham out sailing. Tabs & Marion bathed. After lunch went & saw “Shakers” most interesting, shd. like to understand their faith. Mrs. Girling uneducated illiterate woman. Strange appearance, everlasting wreath. Roulette evg, made 2 pence. Marion won 1/7. Letters fr. Lin & note fr. Clara K. asking for character, must write. Rumpus with Tab’s domestics, must be fools to leave such a place. Glorious day.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 4 September I go home by 11 o/c train. Lovely day, breakfasted in bed, had v. bad night, was horribly nervous, perhaps thinking over “Shakers”. All the men gone out fishing. Tab drove me to station in brougham, got in 2 nd class carriage with 3 gentlemen & one lady, think one was a (illeg) next me. Found all well here. Emma here, dear Mother & Ju called. Mother looks v. ill, feel most anxious about her. Lin v. busy as usual, feel v. tired & sleepy. Saturday 5 September Lovely day (shower). Went thro’ linen with Emma & Laurence, packed silver & linen. Mrs. Sambourne & Judy came whilst busy, Mrs. S. remained to lunch. Judy looks very seedy. Lin out to luncheon. Wire fr. Mr Fenton. Lin played tennis with Mr Tuer all afternoon. Note fr. Judy, v. seedy. Sent note & lent livres to Judy evg. by Jane. Waters started early this morning with horses for Ramsgate. Dear Mother left for Westwood this morning. Mrs. Sambourne remained until 6 o/c, looks v. well & in good spirits. Quiet dinner. Sunday 6 September Must write Mother, Nelly K, Aunt Anna. Stores, Manning about coffee. Richford to call Tuesday. Pack box & work. People to ask, Messrs Tenniel, Abbey, Parsons, Charley S. Wrote to Aunt Anna, Manning, Nelly, Mother & Richford. We leave tomorrow at 9 o/c for Ramsgate D.V. Mother takes chicks for day. Monday 7 September (most of this written on wrong day, Tuesday) To Ramsgate. We all came to Townley today. Pouring wet day. Came by 10 o/c train. Waters left with horses Saty. Pleasant journey 1 st C. Saloon. Found all well here, W. Vinten taking inventory. Charming house but poor china & glass. Mother sent carriage, Roy, Maud & self went to Westwood. Mother only pretty well, Roy v. tiresome. Lin came by later train. Dined quietly here. Tuesday 8 September We spent morg. settling rooms, dullish day. Dined at Mrs. Burnand’s, Mr B. away. Mr & Mrs. Hammond came in. Tassel came twice, brought figs & flowers. Gas tube done for Lin’s work. 2 brace partridges fr. Mother. Wednesday 9 September Lovely day. Chicks to sands, Cuthbert’s birthday. Mrs. Burnand invited our chicks, Maud only going. 2 carts fr. Bligh’s sent, don’t like the idea of cart, no nerves left. 2 brace partridges fr. Spencer, only 1/- to pay. Lin went to London at 3 o/c. Mrs. L. Tomlin called. I walked to Mrs. Burnand’s bought Cuthbert boat 2/6. Maud & Roy enjoyed themselves v. much. Maud dined with me. Went to bed early. Thursday 10 September Lovely day. Walked in to Ramsgate with Maud. Met Lin at Station. Drove in cart to Syrett’s & met Mother, came on here with Mother. Bought me gloves, peaches & tomatoes. Asked 4 Burnands to tennis. Rosie, Frank & Zita came to tea. Lin & Frank arranging tennis court. Lin rode Folkestone. Friday 11 September Edith F & Miss Birt going to stay at Mother’s. Unpacked stores with Jane, all correct. Heard Roy & Maud read. Window broken in Roy’s room. Blind in lower lavatory to be mended. Wet. Mended dresses & finished home made black. Lin


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 rode “Folkestone”. Waters rode “Punch”. Sat after dinner in drawing room, delightful room to sit in evg. Saturday 12 September Asked Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett to stay – can’t come. Mr Milliken coming. Frank & Mary Burnand came over in the morning. Very wet, no carriage fr. Westwood. Drawing room cleaned. Letter fr. Susie a’Beckett. Mary Burnand stayed to lunch. Frank arranged tennis net morg. with Lin. Wire fr. Mr Milliken, did not come, friend ill. Frank fetched Mary & had tea here. Mrs. Hicks called. Lin rode to Westwood, Mother only pretty well. Sunday 13 September Went to Church with Maud, saw Mrs. Banks & mother-in-l, Mrs. Hammond & Miss Woolmer. Cart late. Fine morg, warm. Looked for spiders with Roy & Maud after lunch. Jane cooks v. nicely, sent up v. good lunch. Went to Church. Drove to Westgate after lunch & saw Sir W. Wiseman & Mr Watson. Had tea at Mrs. Orchardson’s. Her Baby arrived 6 weeks too soon last Tuesday evg. Saw her & Baby, wonderfully well. Mr Lockyer there also. Quiet little dinner. Finished “Under which Lord” by Mrs. Lin Linton, don’t care for it. Monday 14 September Fine day. Busy morg. mending cloth. Heard children read. After lunch drove in dog cart to Westwood. Mother out. Picked up apples pears & flowers with Mrs. Vallis. Mrs. Hammond & Miss Hollinshead called & Mr & Mrs. Banks. Lin rode Folkestone. Picture fell just as Mr & Mrs. Banks came. Tuesday 15 September Mother goes to London, Edith & Miss Birt also. Little Burnands to tea, 3, rest to tennis. Mr Orchardson to dinner 7.30. Asked Mr & Mrs. Hammond & Mr & Mrs. Banks. Mother called morg. looks very poorly. Depressing letter fr. Con, brought us apples, partridge & damsons. She goes to London tomorrow & then to Tabs, sleeping one night at Stafford Terrace. Went out shop’g. Ordered 2 partridges, 2 trout etc. Met Gerty & Mary, they walked home with me. Conny, Frank, Mr Banks & Mr Orchardson to tennis. Mr & Mrs. Bks to dinner & Mr Orchardson. Late evg rather. Fright with lower lavatory. Piano came, gave men 1/-. Wednesday 16 September V. wet morg. Waters doing pavement. Maud & I dusted drawing room. Mr Banks called. Lin went up to London, pouring wet all day. Read & played with chicks. To bed early. Roy dined with me. Nothing of importance happened. Thursday 17 September Pouring wet all night, girls down v. late, after 8, overslept themselves. Taught chicks morg, were v.good. Letter fr. Mother. Maud breakfasted with me. Mother slept at Stafford Terrace last night. Lin not coming till afternoon. Wet. Walked with Roy after lunch on Pier, met Mrs. Banks & spoke about windows. Bought Roy gloves, self also, & hooks 2/2. Cart to meet Lin. Mother gone to Tabs. Friday 18 September Lovely day. Turned out boudoir for Mr M. Wire fr. Canon Harford, coming D.V. Wed. Asked Mr & Mrs. Whitehead. Called after lunch on Mrs. Banks & Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Woolmer, met Mrs. Whitehead. Walked by Granville, felt tired. Lin busy at work, sent off by 5 o/c. Wish I had someone staying, feel rather dull.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 19 September Asked Arthur Linley & a’Becketts, can’t come. Mr Milliken coming. Mervyn’s birthday, 21.. Of age! Pouring wet day. Went over morg. in dog cart to Westwood for 2 blankets & fruit & vegts. Paid all books after on foot. Mrs. Hicks called after lunch whilst I was doing flowers. Uninteresting person rather but kindly. Mr M. came by 4 train. Arrived in time for dinner. Looks v. poorly, hope the air will do him good here. Brace of partridges fr. Spencer, shot 16 th. Lin wired to Mervyn. Sunday 20 September Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett come. Lovely day. Letters fr Canon H & Nellie. Mr M & Lin gone to meet Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett in dog cart. Chicks & Nurse to Church, so sorry I cannot go to St. Peter’s. Very pleasant day sat in garden all afternoon. Quiet evg. Chicks twice to Church. Monday 21 September Lovely day. I shop’d morg, met Rosie with little ones. Susie & Mr a’Beckett went for walk, came in to lunch. Lin went up to London & only returned at 8 o/clock in time for dinner. Susie & I drove to Pegwell flats & got out. Mr Milliken out all day fishing, brought in lovely cod over 5lbs & some whiting. Tuesday 22 September Lin, Mr a’Beckett & Mr Milliken went fishing, lovely day. Susie & I called on Mrs. Burnand & Mrs. Hammond & went afterwards to Westwood got fruit & flowers. Susie & I lunched alone. Chicks spent whole day on sands. Conny, Rosy & Jack, Mr & Mrs. Hammond & Miss Hollingshead to tea & tennis. Mr & Mrs. Burnand to dinner, played roulette. I had v. jolly evg. Felt tired & rather excited having rested too long. Letters fr. Mother & Canon H. Wednesday 23 September Asked Georgie Boehm. Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett leave us. Mr Milliken leaves us also. Canon Harford comes. Rosie & Conny Burnand called morg. to ask us to dinner tonight. Can’t go on act. of Canon. Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett left by 11.30 by L.C. & Dover Rail. Letter fr. Edgar last night saying he had got the Adjutantcy at Grantham. Chicks to Burnands, little Winnie’s birthday. Lin rode Folkestone. Thursday 24 September Asked Mr Orchardson & Mr & Mrs. Whitehead to meet Canon Harford & Georgie B. Lovely morg. Lin busy morg. went & pd. books, met Rosie & Conny Burnand. Canon out all morg. Mrs. Banks asked us to tennis. Georgie B. coming at 5 o/c. 7 to dinner. Canon, Maud & self drove to Westwood, had tea there. Canon went to Mr Banks to see tennis. Muddle about Waters waiting, general confusion. Mr O. very entertaining as usual quite the life of the table. Lin so put out about Waters. Friday 25 September Drove to Westwood with Georgie. Mother looked v. worried & poorly. Always these money troubles, if only she cd understand economy. Walked round grounds gathered violets. Cannot help thinking how different all looks at Westwood. 2 gardeners taking down dead tree on lawn. Lin rode after work. Mr & Mrs. Mclean & 2 girls called. Canon read us “Dante”. Heavy hail storm, unable to go into town to shop. Saturday 26 September Asked Mr Frisby to dinner. Spencer to dinner. X. Petit ami au matin. Canon left at 2 o/c. Tennis. Burnands, Mr & Mrs. du Maurier, May, Sylvia & Gerald, Mr & Mrs.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Banks, Mr & Mrs. Millar, all to tennis & tea. Played roulette in evg, lost. Georgie did my shopping. Pd. 4/3 for cakes etc. Sunday 27 September Lovely day. Got up at 12 o/c. Georgie chicks & Nurse to Church. Letters fr. Mrs. C. Carr also Clara K & fr. Midge, & Madame’s bill. Frank & Ethel Burnand called. Lin rode afternoon. Charley S. & Spencer came to tea & stayed some time, C. complaining of rheumatism. Monday 28 September Nellie Keith comes. Georgie Boehm leaves. Georgie left at one o/c. Quiet nice girl very shy. Fracas with W. about kick fr. chestnut horse on Punch’s shin (off). Dear Mother called & brought red cabbage & jam for children. Nellie came at 6.28. Laurence, Lin & W. fetched her! Lin called on Mr Wood at St Peters. “Tyburnia House” bevy of daughters & 2 elderly females with small dogs calling also, in small room. We went to bed early. Tuesday 29 September Pouring wet day. Cleared up after 12 o/c. Stayed in bed till 12, feel seedy in my head & weak. Expecting Mr & Mrs. Hammond & Miss Hollingshead, Mr & Mrs. du Maurier to dinner. Mr Hammond & Gerty to tennis. Mrs. & Miss Woolmer called. Nelly & I drove to Westwood. Mother worried over accounts. Letter fr. Mr Chapple. Mother sent me grapes, wine, fruit, flowers etc. Letters fr Judy, Tilda etc etc. Wednesday 30 September Lin gone to town by 10 o/c train. Card from C.S. Nelly & Maud gone to pay my books, fearfully heavy – so many dinners & company last week & this. Bad night, dog barking dreadfully, but came down to breakfast. Quiet afternoon in dining room. Edgar expected at Westwood. Saw performance by Maud, Punch & Judy. Oct 1885 Thursday 1 October Lin returned fr. town. Laurence broke 3 finger bowls, sugar bowl, & the globe of Lin’s lamp yesterday. Lin sent me diamond brooch for my birthday. Nelly paid books again, remainder. Sent 2 bonds £3 each to Mr Rigge. Heard of highway robbery with violence outside Westwood, men caught. Nelly & self drove to Westwood. Mother v. seedy & ill. Brought away apples & damsons, tomatoes, parsley. Friday 2 October Invitation to dinner fr. Lady Rose Weigall at 8 o/c. C. Stokes coming till Monday, goes to Mother until tomorrow morning. Lin v. busy. Nelly & self went for little walk after lunch, called on Mrs. Banks sen’r & Mrs. Hicks, latter in, saw Mr Hicks, ordered 4 eggs & 2 plants. Dull day. Sent Waters to Westwood, going to have carriage tonight. Mr, Mrs & Miss Wood called, charming man tho’ plain. Edgar expected at Westwood. Saturday 3 October Nelly & self went in to town, met Charley & Mother. I did little shop’g with Mother then she went to Margate, & Charley here to lunch. Miss Woolmer came & played tennis with Charley & Lin. Mr Frisby called. We had dinner & & played roulette. Edgar still expected. Sunday 4 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Nell & self went to church in cart. Mother there. I went on to lunch at Westwood. Mother came back with me at 5 o’clock & stayed an hour. Lin & Charley went out fishing all day, came in about 4, smell fishy. Brought 6 score of fish home. Mother went to evg. church after leaving us & after dinner we wickedly played roulette till 11. Lin v. X with C. being (illeg). Monday 5 October Dull day. Nelly, Charley & Maud went for long walk. Had to take cab, dispute, wanted 2/6. Charley left at 4 in cart for Westwood. Nelly & self played with chicks till nearly 5. Tea & talk. Roy smashed vase, did flowers. Lin worked all day on “Thumbelina”. Tuesday 6 October Lovely morg. Lunched at Westwood. Lin went hunting for 1 st time this season. Nelly & self went & sat on sands some time. Carriage fetched us & we went to Westwood. Stayed until 4 o/c as it poured with rain. Found Lin home. Ordered hat, gave cotton dress to Mrs. T as its too dingy for Nurse. Breakfasted at 8.30. Called at Mrs. Burnand’s, heard Harry is to be married next month. Wednesday 7 October Lovely morg. Nell & self walked to Pier, sat on sands, saw M. Clark, heard band, wrote 4 letters. Mr & Mrs. Whitehead called after lunch. Chicks again to sands. Wrote 3 more letters. Mr & Mrs. Whitehead & Mrs. Thornton called. Quiet evg. & dinner. Lin hard at work all day, did not go out. Thursday 8 October Nellie leaves us. Wet day, pouring. Nelly’s hot water bottle leaks & I’m afraid she has taken cold. Saw Nelly to Station, frosty blowy day. Lin hard at work, did not go out. Edgar called on his way to Westwood. Looked well. Anxious to settle about trustees etc. Lin & self in library & dining room, did not use drawing room at all. Friday 9 October Nurse’s cold v. bad. I took chicks & paid books, sat on pier. Ordered haddock & pd for it, 8d, fr. Mrs. Bank’s shop near harbour. Lin sent off block & went hunting. Wet morg, turned out fine after. Letter fr. Uncle John fr. Stirling. Edgar & Mother called. Maud & I drove in cart & called on Mrs. Whitehead & Mrs. Banks, found Mother here on return. Nurse v. ill just as we finished dinner, sent off for Mr Hicks, says its bronchial asthma. Will be better soon. Kettle going all night. Lin slept in little room, Maud with me. Woke at 3 went to Nurse found fire all right. Saturday 10 October Pouring wet day. Lin gone to London by 10 train. Mr Hicks called to see Nurse, little better. Washed & dressed chicks, polished kettle, made blanc mange. Mother sent over apples, marrows, onions, grapes & lovely flower fern by Tassel in cart. Nurse still v. poorly in bed, had v. bad night. Chicks & self had high tea. Played roulette & went to bed. Sunday 11 October Mr & Mrs. Furniss come until Wed. Lin, Edgar, Mr & Mrs. F came together. Mr Hicks called say’g Nurse will be all right in a few days. Fearfully rough & gusty. Feel a pain in left side & sore throat. Edgar came to dinner. Charley at Westwood. Played roulette all evg. Lin & Mr Furniss went for long walk.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 12 October Cold wet day. Lin & Mr F. & Mrs. F went for walk afternoon. Mr Woods came to tea. Played roulette in evg. Tuesday 13 October Pouring all day. Mr Furniss took chicks for walk, bought 2 paint boxes & 2 shuttlecocks. Mr F & Lin played tennis all afternoon in rain. Mr Weigall & Edgar called. Mother sent little (illeg) & fruit & jam. Mr Weigall stayed to tea, had long talk with Lin. Mr Hicks came. Nurse better, had hot bath. Played roulette evg. Lin lost 15/- does not like it. Looks seedy since Almanack dinner, must have eaten & drunk too much. Played shuttlecock with Roy & Mrs. F. Wednesday 14 October Lecture at St Peters by Mr Woods. Lin went to town by first train. Photo’d martin, saw swallow. Lin put out, cold & damp. My throat v. uncomfortable cd not sleep well in consequence. Mr & Mrs. Furniss leaving today, taken chicks for walk. Mother & Edgar called. Mrs. Hammond & Mrs. Tomson called. Laurence out evg. Mr Hicks called. Thursday 15 October Went out on sands with chicks, picked up quantity of shells. Lovely day quite warm. Laurence took Maud out after lunch. Mother called with Edgar. Edgar came over to dinner, said Mother was coming, cd not come at last moment. Mr Hicks called. Friday 16 October Promised to dine at Mrs. Hammond’s at 7.30. Dined at Mrs. Hammond’s. Met Mr & Mrs. Banks, Miss Gripper & Mr Curling. Roy, Maud & self pd books morg, met Mother & went to Westwood, took Roy with me. Came home in brougham. Brougham took us & brought us back fr. Hammonds. Jane out evg. Laurence took Maud out afternoon. Nurse better, moved in to Roy’s room. Saturday 17 October My cold uncomfortable. Mr Hicks saw me, given me medicine. Mrs. Banks called morg, took me round garden. Charlie came in after lunch, stayed to tennis & dinner. Burnands & Mr Hammond came. Fine day & afternoon. Sunday 18 October Fine day. Lin & C going fishing. I going to lunch at Westwood. Received cheque fr. Mr Chapple. Jane out. Gerty, Cuthbert & Ethel Burnand came to tea. Mr Weigal to tea. C. Stokes, Edgar & Sophy came. S looking wonderfully well & happy. Lin drove to Westwood & Quex Park after lunch. C.S. never turned up for fishing. Lin photod all morg. Monday 19 October Letter fr. Mr Chapple about Mother’s extra drawing fr. estate, agree to cancel debt. Lin photod Maud for Thumbelina. Mr Hicks came, saw Nurse. Gerty Burnand & I went in cart, met Mr Weigall, saw his studio & pictures. Some pretty girls but a wretched portrait of Mrs. Kendal, shd not know it was her. Left cards on Lady Rose & went to Mother, would go in garden with us. Had tea there & Gerty dined here. Lin walked home with her at 10 o/c. My cold uncomfortable. Bitter east wind driving, that cart will be the death of me. Tuesday 20 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Sambourne coming. Lin out hunting on Punch. I took chicks, bought blackberries, ordered fish 3 times a week. Met Rosie & Connie Burnand. My cold v. painful on chest. Lovely day but bitter east wind. Mrs. S. came at 6 o/c. Lin worked evg. He has taken cold too, had hot whiskey at night. Wednesday 21 October Dull morg. Saw Mr Hicks. Mrs. S. saw him too. Lin gone to London by 12 train. Mother came at 12 o/c. East wind. Walked fr. Westwood with Mrs. V & walked back am afraid she will be v. done up. Mrs. S. & self walked in to Ramsgate & called on Mrs. Woolmer. Saw funny man. Met twins, they came to tea. Quiet evg. Went to bed early. Thursday 22 October Major Welman coming. We dine at Mrs. Whitehead’s at 7.30. Lin returned fr. London, has bad cold. Letter fr. Mother wanting us to (illeg). Had carriage. Most excellent dinner at Mrs. Whitehead’s. Maud & Mrs. S. dine together. Wired to Major W, coming Monday. Friday 23 October Mrs. Hicks invitation to dinner 7 o/c. Drawing room turned out. Helped polish furniture. Pouring wet day. ½ brace of partridges fr. Spencer. Mother sent me pheasant & 1 brace partridges. Very pleasant dinner at Mr Hicks. 12. Miss Levy, Mrs. Gorky(?) Martin Thomsons, Hammonds & 3 others. Beautiful dinner, wonder how its done! Had cab. Pouring night & day. Saturday 24 October Asked Arthur Linley till Tuesday, coming. After lunch Mrs. S. chicks & self walked to sands, met Burnands, found Arthur here on arrival. Tassel with note fr. Mother. Arthur had tea & then took walk. Quiet dinner, played roulette & Arthur lost 2/-. I won 6d! Pouring hard all morg. Sunday 25 October Lovely day. Drove with Mrs. S. to church in cart. X. Petit ami. Dear Mother’s little Lamb in church. Lin & Arthur with Crumb met us coming out. Crumb lost & came back evening. No one called. Waters never came in to wait. Laurence remained in & goes next Sunday instead. Arthur & Lin went to Burnands after dinner. Mrs. S. to sleep & I to bed. Woke several times in night, pouring rain & wind. Monday 26 October Asked Major Welman to come. Arthur Linley leaves. Wet morg. Stayed in bed. Perte plus qu’ordinaire. Saw Mr Hicks, thinks he can cure me !!! Letter fr. Mother. Sun came out at 12. Miss Levy & niece called. Dear Mother called, brought me flowers & crumpets for chicks. Looks pretty well. Wretched day. Tuesday 27 October Wet morg. Turned out fine. Mrs. S. walked out. Nurse & chicks out. Lin goes up to town tonight, returns D.V. Thursday morg. Quiet dinner with Mrs. S. & Maud. Mrs Banks & Mr Banks called. Chimney rolled over by high wind. V. glad to chat with Mrs. B. Wednesday 28 October Lin takes photos of armour in tower with Mr Furniss. Dull day. Mother fetched me at 4, took letter to post & to Westwood. All looking so lovely. Fire in my room &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 everything as beautiful as ever. Little Milly came up in evg. Mrs. Tassel’s mother ill. Thursday 29 October Westwood. Lin dines with the Mayor of Ramsgate at 6.30. Bad day but fine morg. Waters came over. Lin’s cold still bad, been unfortunate with photos. Shd almost like to return but prospect with Mrs. S. instead of dear Mother tonight decides me to remain here as Lin will be out. V. happy with dear Mother. Worked & talked, did not drive out. Letters & serviettes fr. Con & Effie. Floss B. there. Friday 30 October Westwood. Wet day, cleared after lunch. Mother had better night, v. bright & cheery, had little fish for breakfast. Has promised to try glycerine. Letters fr. Ju about poor Hallam’s death, v. grieved. Have not heard particulars. Mother brought me home at 3.30. Pd her coal bill first, found all well here, except the outside pavement which is a disgrace. Wonder Lin puts up with it. Mrs. Peto called. Passed her carriage with Lady C. Mitford in. Did flowers & finished little cloth. Charley came to Albion Hotel Ramsgate. Saturday 31 October Wet morg. Pd. books. Undid store box. Walked on pier, met Mrs. S. & Roy. Boat on Goodwin Sands, Deal men on board her. Ultimately broken up, one man drowned. Charley S. to dinner, did tricks for Mrs. S’s amusement after, v. good ones. Lin & Mrs. S. fell asleep, left as usual to tête a tête & je ne l’aime pas. Lin rode F. Nov 1885 Sunday 1 November I went to Church alone. Fâchée a cause de la voiture étant sale. Dear Mother at Church, had bad night & looked v. poorly. Had to come out during hymn. Charley S. & Lin missed each other but both turned up at Westwood after long walk. Delicious luncheon. Lin walked home, C. & self drove in cart at 4.30, had tea here. Felt awfully sorry to leave dear Mother alone. Rosie & Ethel came to tea. C & Lin walked home with them & then C. went to London. Quiet dinner early to bed. Laurence only went out at 7.30. Cart used afternoon. Monday 2 November Fine day! Mrs. S. took chicks to sands. I met them there, saw Rosie & Cuthbert. We dine at Mrs. Burnand’s tonight. 7 o/c dinner before wedding tomorrow. Went to Hill’s about present & another shop. Saw poor woman. Decided to give sugar castor. Mother came looks v. poorly, over wrought. Mrs. Tomson called, asked about her husband! Finished Effie’s serviettes. Nurse took Maud for walk after lunch. V. jolly party at Burnands with roulette great fun. Register not arrived. Tuesday 3 November Mr Hicks called to see Nurse. Harry Burnand’s wedding day. Dear Mother called & drove Maud & self to the Church. Mr B. gave us good places with wedding guests. Raining hard. Lin &Waters out with hounds, in to luncheon. Letter fr. Con coming down Saty. Awful headache. Frank B came after lunch to ask us to dinner again tonight, my head too bad. Rosie & (illeg) Mr Edwards called to ask us again to dinner, had tea here. I do not care for Mr E, too forward & familiar, uses strong language. Lin dined at Mr Burnand’s. Lin & Mr Hammond bank, won £2.17.6. Lin gave me £1 for chicks. Mrs. S. & I alone to dinner, went to bed early, v. tired. Lin up at one o/clock, woke me. Wednesday 4 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Pouring wet night. Lin off to town by first train, breakfasted at ¼ to 8. Headache. Worked all morg. Mother called for me at 4. V. disappointed not to take Maud but its too wet. Mother seemed tired & overwrought, had cocoa & tea dinner at 6.30. Played & sang in dining room & went to bed. Gruel. Dearest Mother tucked me up & I slept like a top till morg. Fire in room. Fireworks arrived 5/2. Thursday 5 November Pouring wet day. Letter fr. Lin. Mother had bad night. Little Lamb lighted my fire at ¼ to 8, brought tea. Breakfasted ¼ past 9. Mother very poorly. Made blancmanges & chocolate (illeg). Dear Mother eat little lunch & took glycerine after, seems better. We worked & wrote until 4. Carriage came & Mother brought me back. I then fetched Mrs. Vallis fr. Station. Letter fr. Aunt Bessie & B.A.G.Southern Ext. div £4.15.0. Chicks making masks. Mother had letter fr. Ed(illeg) & poetry for Con!!! Friday 6 November Hicks cure commenced. Lovely morg. Sent Waters to Westwood. Medicine. Went for walk with Maud. Pd for hat 16/9. Ordered shoes 9/6. & 2 lambswool combinations. Soap & jams, muffins, jam roll, rice cakes, Fireworks. Children to tea. Met Mrs. Banks, went in with her little while, Mr Banks called. Undecided about contending for East Kent. Put £1.5.0 to children’s P.O. book. Saturday 7 November Con arrives at Ramsgate at 6.15. He & Rosie Burnand dine here. Morg. went out shop’g. Pd books with Maud. Took Crumb, met Mrs. S. & Roy on sands. Lovely day. Sat an hour listening to band, saw Mrs. Price. After lunch called on Mrs. Hicks, had tea at Mrs. Fox Tomson’s. Met Miss Woolmer. Con arrived 6.15, dressed here. V. pleasant evg. Box of sweets fr. Charley. Jack fetched Rosie, Con & R. Mother sent carriage for Con. Lin rode Folkestone. Nurse v. seedy again. Sunday 8 November Dull cold east windy day. Mother sent brougham for me & Maud. We lunched there. Con brought us back at 6 o’clock. Maud & I pressed some flowers. Mrs. S. took Roy to Church. Jane’s Sunday out. Monday 9 November Go to meet ¼ to 11 o/c. D.V. with Mrs. Tomson. Cold day. Enjoyed meet immensely. Saw Mr & Mrs. Parsons, Hammond, etc. Lin riding. After lunch walked to Burnands. Lamb followed, saw Gerty & sat with her, Crumb so tiresome, came away sooner. Quiet evening. Lin hard at work on Almanack block. Mother & Con called, saw Mrs. Sambourne. Tuesday 10 November We dine at Mrs. Banks 7.30. Went out morg with chicks & Crumb. Met Mr Banks & wife, lovely sea coming in. Picked up shells.Very angry about bread & buns in dust bin, wicked wastefulness. Sent cheque for 5/6 to Fleischman. Ordered new winter dress fr. Madame, returned patterns. Had Roy’s hair cut 6d. Bought little collar for Crumb 6d, stamps 6d. Wednesday 11 November Roy bitten by Crumb, v. anxious. Took him to Mr Hicks & had it cauterised at once, & after to sands, shell hunted beyond pier. Con called during absence, lunched here & drove me without Waters to Westwood. Stayed till 6. Tassel drove me home. Lin hard at work, rode Folkestone. Parlage à cause du pain. Mrs S. read all afternoon & evg. to Lin.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 12 November Invite to dinner ar Mr Hirsch. Dear Mother & Con to dinner. Mrs. F. Tomson called. Mary & Ethel & Conny to tea. Mrs. S. reading. Went morg. with Roy shell hunting, Mrs. S. & Maud too. Met lady & little boy. Told us 2 horrors(?) Friday 13 November Mending. Went to meet at Cheeseman’s farm near Quex Pk. with Mrs. Tomson. Lin unable to go. Mrs. S. left me at Mother’s, lunched there. Con brought me home in evg. Mrs. Hammond called. Saturday 14 November Fineish day. Pd books morg. Very low thank goodness, able to pay few extra bills, chemist etc. Called & sat with dear little Gerty B. Saw Dr Woodman. Raining, went on to Mrs. Hammonds, lent me umbrella which Waters took back in evg. C. Stokes & Con came over to tea & left little Gyp behind them, slept in my room. Quiet evg. Nurse went for walk. Sunday 15 November Lovely day, first fine day for an age. Going to church & take little Gyp. Mother sent carriage for me. Tok Roy & little Gyp. No one in pew. Mr Whitehead away, miserable sermon. Met C.S. going to church. Lunched at Westwood, Roy & self. Mother upsets all by it(?) & well after. Bands read! Evg. took C.S. to Station & came home. Lin went after dinner to Burnands. Mr B. not well, rest at Mrs. Hammond’s. Mrs. S. took Maud to Church. Monday 16 November Lovely day. Took Roy & paid 4 small bills in Ramsgate. Met Miss Woolmer, she walked along with us to New Pier nearly & back. Met Mr Woolmer, told me about his being bitten 6 years ago by mad dog. Lin hunting on Folkestone. L. came in just as we finished luncheon. Mrs. S. read. Con leaves Mother early. Tuesday 17 November Stayed in morg. Went out calling after luncheon on Mrs. Banks senr, Mrs Martin Tomson, Mrs. Fox Tomson, stayed some time with her & saw little girl. Went onto Burnands where Waters met me & said Roy was lost. Rushed home, met Waters again said he was all right, had gone to watch football. Put to bed. I had tea with Mrs. Banks. Quiet evg. Fire in bed room but not in drawing room. Crumb v. tiresome, scratching. Sent him to be fastened up. Wednesday 18 November Had lovely day. We all went to sands gathered lovely shells, went long way beyond new pier. Met lady & little boy. Out 2 hours. Ordered tripe & fish. Dear Mother called for me but as Lin is not going to London cannot leave, so Maud has gone instead, hope she will be good & attentive to Mother. V. cold. Think Mother looks v. poorly. Quiet evg. in library. Fire in Mrs. S’s room. Thursday 19 November Cold bright day. Took Roy & had walk on sands. Sat & worked afternoon. Lin rode Folkestone, went over & saw Maud & Mother, v. happy together. Quiet evg. in library, fire in my bedroom lasted till morg. Slept very badly. Friday 18 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Hammond’s dinner 7.30. Cold dull morg. Fracas entre l’en bas & la bonne. Went & pd books alone. Met Mother & went with her & Maud to leave note at Mrs. Tomson’s. Going to have the carriage for tonight. Mrs. Banks senr. called, asked Mrs. Sambourne & self to tea tomorrow. Splendid dinner at Mrs. Hammonds. Mrs. Parsons, Mr Frisby, Mr & Lady R. W. 12 in all. Lin late had to go on first alone. Sat next to Mr Weigall, v. amusing. Stayed late, discussed after merits etc. Saturday 21 November Charley S. to dinner. Asked Mr & Mrs. Tomson also & Mother also perhaps coming. Went out morg. ordering. Saw herrings landed fr. smack 30 at 1/-. After lunch Rosie & Cuthbert called for the children to have tea there. Lin photoing all morning. Sent cart, Roy with Waters, for Maud. Mother in but cd not come. Went & had tea with Mrs. Banks senr. Miss Daniels there. Lin riding Folkestone. Mother & Charley & Maud arriving at 7 o/c. Mr Tomson (illeg). C.S. staying at Westwood. Sunday 22 November Dull day. Petit ami, stayed in bed to breakfast. Mother & Ch. came over 10.30. Mother went to Church with chicks & Nurse here. Ch. having photo taken. Had to send note to Mrs. Tomson’s can’t go to meet tomorrow, v. sorry. Laurence’s Sunday out. Monday 23 November Stayed in bed till 12.30. V. seedy. Letter fr. Miss Hartree. Mrs. S. went for long walk. Water warmer! Read Belinda. Very kind letter fr. Mrs. Banks, & asking me to tea tomorrow. Nurse went out & did shop’g morg. Mrs. Tomson asked me to go to meet but of course unable. Dull day, dark & heavy. Tuesday 24 November Pouring wet day. Stayed in bed till 12.30. Read “Belinda”, Rhoda (illeg), feel v. seedy. Mother called afternoon, looks well. Brought flowers & cake for children. Letters fr. Mother, Judy & Nelly. Asked Mrs. Banks to tea as I can’t go to her. Hot water for first time! Wednesday 25 November Dull day, raining. In bed till 12.30, feel very queer & can’t think why. Letter fr. Mother. Mother came & slept night in little room, am afraid she won’t be comfortable. Came just before dinner. Warmer. Lin & Roy went in cart to see “Fairfield”. Lin v. pleased with the house. Roy fell out of cart at Cruk(?) & Page’s, frightened him, little bruised, otherwise unhurt. Mr Hill called about buying some things for Lin at sale – we don’t want them a bit. Thursday 26 November Mrs. Tomson’s dinner 7.30. Pouring wet day. Stayed in bed until 12, feel little better but awfully weak. Dear Mother here, had bad night. Lin worked late last evg. 3 wires fr. Burnand not doing anything for Punch this week, finishing Almanack. “Water Babies” come, with flattering letter fr. Mr Macmillan, so glad it is going to be a success D.V. Tassel called to see Mother. Lin finished Almanack. Lin had pleasant dinner at Mrs. Tomson’s. Hammonds, Parsons, Frisby, Tomsons & sister. Friday 27 November Mr & Mrs. Banks dine here 7.30. Feel better. Notice of trusteeship from Mr Chapple. Mother had letters fr. Midge & Judy. Lin & Waters out hunting morg, lovely day, bright & sunny. Mother out before breakfast. Drove after lunch with


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mother in her brougham to Westwood & Margate. by down. Nurse got stays & called on Mr Hicks to see me, three bells at gate. Pleasant evg. Fred’s hand poisoned. Mr Hicks called afternoon. Saturday 28 November Ch. dining here, shall ask Rosie B also. Pouring wet day. Wretched night. Both fires smoking. Came down to breakfast, feel as weak as water. Returned “deed” to Mr Chapple. After lunch went with Mother in brougham to Mr Hicks. Drove along Marina, left note for Charley & went to Westwood, had tea there & played piano. C. came. Left at ¼ to 11. Poor little Crumb out again all night. Little Burnands here to tea. Lin took photos of them & our chicks. Sunday 29 November Ch. coming to dinner. Pouring wet day. Mother went to early service. C. came about lunch time, lunched here, photos taken in conservatory. Mr Weigall called. C. & Lin went for walk together, came in to tea. Lin walked to station with C. & after dinner went to Mr Burnands, his birthday, & performance by chicks just finished. Monday 30 November Pouring wet day. Mother left us at 11.30, took Mrs. S. with her. They lunched at Westwood & returned about tea time. Sorry Mother won’t stay, wretched evg. for her to go. Jane v. late to bed. Letter fr. Con, ans’d it. Mother out before breakfast. Awful noise at night in streets. Poor little Crumb’s foot bad. Cat in drawing room. Dec 1885 Tuesday 1 December Lovely day. Great com’tn, Lin & Mrs. Sambourne go to London, wire at last minute to say Punch dinner tomorrow, altered. Gt rabble in Ramsgate in cons’q of Election yesterday. Crumb scratched in eye by cat. Mrs. Sambourne went off well, not so depressed. Sent up my dresses, balls, rackets, 2 tablecloths, green do, habit, hat etc. Gt commotion in Ramsgate. Roy broke flower pot, thankful he was not hurt. Dear Mother fetched me, we did shops together & then drove to St Peters, called on Mrs. Hewet, v. excited about Election & talked a good deal. Delicious fowl for tea. Sang & played. Roy went & had game with 4 of Mr Banks’ boys. Wednesday 2 December Lovely day, one of few this wet autumn. Mother & self drove morg. to Ramsgate, called at Townley C, found gates closed as I ordered & all well. Chicks gone to Broadstairs, drove after to Margate, first time I have been this year. Mother seems pretty well. Sat & worked & talked afternoon. Great commotion about under gardener’s wife, had little girl born Wed night, Mrs. Tassel there. Mother v. busy with little clothes. Thursday 3 December Fine morg. at Westwood. Dear Mother had bad night but looked bright & better at breakfast. We went to St Peters with flowers but finding 3 men working there left to go again on our return fr. Broadstairs, rained & unfortunately cd not place the flowers. Lin called during our absence. After lunch Mother & self took stroll, she seems very low, came in & wrote to Edgar. Lin came again on Folkestone, stayed a few moments. Mother brought me home at 6 o’clock, found Mrs. Buckmaster had called today & letter fr. Mr Hicks, Effie, & allotment of one new Extension


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 share B.A.G.Southern, accepted it & sent £10.5.0. Lin wrote to Mr Barker, had letter fr. Mrs. S. Friday 4 December D.V. We dine at Mrs. Orchardson’s & sleep at dear Mother’s. Mr Banks & cousin, Mrs. Banks senr. & Miss B & Mrs. Tomson called. Lin to tea, v. sorry serious accident with brougham, brewers van rushed into us. Thankful neither Lin nor Tassel were hurt. Had wretched dinner at Mrs. Orchardson’s. Mr & Mrs. Trower & Col. & Mrs. Jones there. V. slow evg, no coffee! Slept at Westwood. Everything lovely there as usual, dear Mother looks tired. Saturday 5 December Charlie & Mother to dinner. Slept at Westwood. Lin went over in cart about accident morg. & returned v. late. Photo of field mouse, mole. Lin remained to lunch, left directly after. Charlie turned up at 5.30 or 5. Mother & self walked about grounds. C, Mother & self drove over here to dinner. Pouring wet night. Bligh lent Mother landau until her brougham sh’d be repaired. Sunday 6 December Went to Church, St Georges, with Maud. Nurse & Roy behind us. Mr Woolmer preached. Dear Mother here on our return. Charlie having photo taken. Mother & self drove to St Peters, v. annoyed with 2 boys. Lin C. & self lunched with Mother, had coffee after. Mother seems v. low & depressed. She brought me back at 5.30. C. & Lin walked back to develop photos. Indignation of Maud about C. Mother went home alone, cd not persuade her to stay. Charming letter fr. Lady Rose about our accident. Monday 7 December Pd books morg. Met Mr & Miss Woolmer & Mr Weigall. Ordered china & glass to replace broken. Medicine & hair wash. Lin out hunting, Folkestone. Roy over to see boys. Lin & self went over to see them. Lovely evg. Lin & self walked to end of Pier, met Mr Weigall & shell lady. Mr Weigall came to tea. Letter from Mother. Lin & self sat in drawing room after dinner. Tuesday 8 December Fine morg, heavy later. Letter fr. Thomsons about carriage, going over to see it Thursday. Letter fr. Mother & Edgar. No hot water at 8 o/c. Maudie seedy with stiff neck. Lin v. angry let her sleep in Nurse’s bed, row with Nurse in consequence. Mother came, called on Mrs. Banks with me. Saw Chapple, called on Gerty B, better. Mrs. Burnand sent books & cards for chicks. Mr Hicks came to see Maud. Coming tomorrow, only slight cold & stomach. Hurt finger in window. Wednesday 9 December Westwood. Lin went up, nearly missed his train. Lovely day, frosty. Carriage came for me at 3.20, found Mother v. seedy indeed & very low. Thursday 10 December Amateur theatricals. Mr Thomson’s man to see brougham morg. with Mr Bligh. Don’t anticipate any trouble. Tassel saw them, & I after. Tassel had horse roughed. Little Lamb, Conny Hicks & self went to theatricals. Hard frost. Great success performance & enjoyed it immensely, but feet & legs like ice all the time. Friday 11 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Hard frost, lovely morg. Mother’s cold still bad & she looks seedy. I went after lunch to Townley, Vinten & Twyman going thro’ inventory. Laurence going to see about breakages, done scuttles beautifully & all looking very nice. Roy rampageous as usual, Maud painting. Stayed an hour & returned to Westwood. Mr Bligh sent small brougham last evg in place of huge “shandredau”(?) Letter fr. Lin & paper about “Water Babies”, Pall Mall. Glorious evg. but v. cold. Saturday 12 December Westwood. We all return home & hope Mother will go with us. Altered again, go Monday instead. V.v. cold. Leave this morning. C. coming today to Mother’s. Lin & self go to Mrs. Bank’s theatricals 8.30. Pd books with Roy. Went to Station about luggage. Went in, saw Mrs. Banks. Mad wire fr. Waters for saddlery. Laurence gone off about same lot! Fire in bed room. Lin cold. (illeg) about stick, found. Man had 2/6 for nothing. I left my jewels at Mother’s. Lin & self went to see theatricals at Mr Banks, v. good indeed. Sunday 13 December Packed box morg. Mother & Charlie came over morg. I went back with Mother whilst Con & Lin walked. V. muddy. Delicious lunch, Mother v. low & seedy. Lin & self returned in carriage & Charlie outside. He drove, & as badly as Waters, jerked along, cd not make out what was the matter with horse. Quiet evg, fire in room. Monday 14 December Left Townley Castle. Mr Vinten & Twyman in morg. again, damages in gas etc heavy, nearly £10. Mother came with us. Found all beautiful here. Sp came in. Expences coming up £4.0.0. Broken little vase self. Laurence had bottle of wine broken & breakfast dish silver spring. Tuesday 15 December Lovely day & warm. Lin gone with Queen’s hounds. Judy called, stayed till after one o/c. Spencer came in morg & afternoon. Lin dining out. Miss Penn came for first time after holidays. Lin met Mr Roscoe. Miss Penn came & talked with Mother & self. Mrs. Baines called. Sp sent list of investments, £30 in Buenos Ay. & Rosario 7% stock. Wednesday 16 December Mrs. Coward asked Maud to tea. Judy called & went out with me shop’g. Saw about jacket for Mother. Mother & self sat & worked, had tea dinner. Lin at “Punch” dinner. Nellie called with Mrs. Tweedie, sent me fern. Ordered materials for mincemeat & puddings to come tomorrow fr. Stores. Jane out. Thursday 17 December Mrs. Twiss’ at home 4 to 7. Mother went out early shop’g. New carriage in stable. Went after lunch with Mother & Lin to see it. Dear gees well & glad to see them. Mother & self went to German Reed’s, capital. Saw Mrs. Reed & little girl. Furzicotts & Mrs. Phillips called morning. Lin’s cold little better. Long letter fr. Mrs. S. Mrs. Evans called. Friday 18 December Lin very busy. Went out morg. shop’g. Aunt Linda & Ethel to tea. Horrible hurry scurry all day. Lin v. late with work, after 9 with dinner. Saturday 19 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Lehmann’s at home 3 to 7. Mistake about carriage as usual, think Lin cannot have sufficiently explained. Drove for first time in new brougham to makers, pd first installment. Left Lin at Pictorial World. Lin went to “Faust”, grand first night. Judy came to tea. Mother too seedy for dinner, sat upstairs, no coffee. Maud to Mrs. Coward’s. Bob here. Sunday 20 December Mrs. Lehmann’s at home, 3 – 7 o/c. In bed till 12. Lin rode Folkestone to Wimbledon. No one called. Dear Mother v. seedy & low. Judy came to tea. Laurence out. Monday 21 December Musical party at Mocatta’s 9.30. In bed till 12. Nurse took Mother’s boxes in cab to Vic Sta. I drove in brougham with Mother. Very low, wish she wd stay. Conny & Mary Burnand called. Close warm evg. Tuesday 22 December Went in brougham at 12 to see if Judy or Nelly could go with me to Stores at 9.30 tomorrow morg. Wire fr. Tabby asking us all there for Xmas. Wire fr. Mother. Letter fr Edgar. Mrs. Frith, Mrs. Spofforth & Mrs. Stone called. Wednesday 23 December Wretched dull day. Went to Stores in brougham with C. Price. Ordered Edgar’s ivory etc. (illeg). Con called at luncheon time, looks v. well. Spencer called whilst I was out. Dressed tree evg. for chicks tomorrow. Thursday 24 December Sp & Ada. Con & Effie. Invite for chicks to Mrs. a’Beckett. Came to Elmley. Mrs. B. v. angry. Con called. Lin wrote Mr Boehm. Friday 25 December We dine with Mrs. Boehm. Tabs Ham & self to Church. Lin & Ham took long walk after lunch. Tabs & self had baby down, sat over fire & talked. My letter arrived for Tab which she ought to have had Wed, 1½ stamp on! Saturday 26 December Tabs & self drove at 3, pd one call. Lin & Ham out hunting. Lin returned almost at once finding horse too much for him. Mr Green (Master) had fall. Ham home before tea. Sunday 27 December Tabs & self to Church. After went in to Vicarage. Mrs. Rhodes seedy with cold. Lin & Ham went for long walk. Tabs & self had baby down after lunch whilst Nurse went to Church. Letter fr. Mrs. S. Monday 28 December Ham & Lin going shooting. Lovely morg. 2 pin cushions with bobbles(?) arrived for Tabs fr. Miss Clarke. Drove after luncheon, pouring with rain. Tuesday 29 December Lin & Ham out shooting. Very cold. Tabs & self went to tea at Mrs. Rhodes. Wednesday 30 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin & Ham out shooting. 3 Miss Bagnalls came at 12 to help with tree, stayed tea. Tabs & Ham dined at Mr Green’s. I had tea alone here & wrote letters. Lin went up by 1.30 train. Thursday 31 December Very cold morg. Xmas tree to village children. Mr Barry arrives at 2. 3 Miss Bagnalls, Mr & Mrs. Rhodes & son & Mr Barry to dinner. Most amusing seeing children’s delight. Great success. Memoranda. Notes for1st to 12 January 1886, later copied into 1886 diary. Lin. Reading candle. Plush for table. Mat for feet working. Chicks. Paint box Mother. Dressing jacket Mrs. Sambourne. Prayer book, night gown case. Emma. Money. Nurse. Dress or tie or velvet to trim dress. Laurence. Dress. Jane. Money or print or cap & apron. Waters. Tie.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1886 Notes at front of diary: At home days Mondays Mrs Agnew Mrs Pettie 1st & 3rd Mrs Silver Mrs Tweedie Mrs McTear Mrs A. Hardy Mrs H. Power Mrs Messel Mrs A. Peto Mrs Newman Mrs Kemp 1st & 2nd Monday Mrs Leche 1 & 2nd Mrs Roberts 1st & 3rd Mrs Alma Tadema Mrs Huxley Tuesdays Mrs Innes Mrs Morley Mrs Roberts Mrs Pollen Mrs E. Lodger 1st & 2nd Tuesdays till 5 o’c Wednesdays Mrs Boehm Critchett Humphreys Macmillan Rainbow Gilbert Hickman Lehmann Morris Tenniel Gaston Hogarth Tuer Farquharson after 4 o’c B. Holmes 1st & 3rd Pickering Toole Hirsch 1st & 3rd Rider Haggard Thursdays Mesdames S. Allen Aunt Linda


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Morel Mackenzie P. Wright (altered) Coward Dickens Parish Turner Waring Flower A. a’Beckett Ernest Hart du Maurier Fridays Mesdames Baines Goodall Holl Levy 2nd last Colin Mackenzie Livesey Sington Wright Banks Smiles Saturdays Mesdames Montalba Hunt Colin Hunter Joplin Sundays Mesdames A. Lewis Innes Pidgeon Nordenfelt M. Stone Antoinette Stirling. Nurse’s address : Mrs Collice, Rosemount, New Road, Littlehampton, Sussex. Alice Liddell The Priory, Thatcham, Berks. Entries for the first eleven days of January are in the 1885 diary. These were later copied with slight variations into the 1886 diary, so the entries below are a combination of the two. Lin & I went to Elmley Xmas Eve. Jan 1886 Friday 1 January Lin returned fr. London. Tabs gave away blankets dresses & shawls to 22 old people. V. tired stayed in bed to breakfast. Horrid book, Zola. Drove with Tabs in


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 rustic with Pat to Miss Bagnall’s, stayed short time & returned for tea. Mr Barry & Ham out shooting. Shot deer. Saturday 2 January Caught big wasp in night!!! Went for walk with Tabs, lovely morg. Boys shooting. Olive & Mr Shakespere came in time for dinner. Sunday 3 January All went to church except Lin & Ham. I had baby, went to sleep in my arms. Monday 4 January Lin’s birthday! God bless him. Lin, Con & Effie coming, so glad. Miss Bagnalls came & we all went to see concert room. Removal of piano. Mr Barry practiced. Grand concert evg, great success. Effie & Tabs came later. Tremendous applause. Tuesday 5 January Walked morning. Music evening. Quiet, no one called. Wednesday 6 January Hard frost, v. deep snow. Lin c’d not go to town, impossible. Went tobogganing instead, great fun. Girls came in drenched. Played roulette evening. Miss Millais’ wedding, sorry we cannot go. Thursday 7 January Lin, Effie & self went to see tobogganing, v. great fun. Mr Barry & Lin left by 3 train. Fearfully cold. Tabs walked & pd 2 calls after lunch. Columbine v. ill. Friday 8 January Fearful wind all night, very nervous. Lovely morg. Girls & gentlemen gone tobogganing. Eff & self walked after lunch. I wrote letters. Saturday 9 January Olive & Mr Shakespere left about 2 o’c. Quiet afternoon. Tabs Eff & self went for walk, met Mrs Bagnall who had tea at Elmley. Tabs called to see old woman. Mr & Mrs Rhodes called. Took at concert £4.9.0, v. good. Hard frost, snow still lovely. Effie slept with me. Sunday 10 January Con, Eff, Tabs & self went to Church. Fed horses after. Sat over fire rest of day, v. cold. Read & wrote. Boys for walk. Tabs went & read to old woman. Lin read ghost story after dinner. Sat in Tab’s room till late. Monday 11 January Sent off cheque to Kensington L. C. Bk. for first time. Walked morning. I returned soon being tired. Effie out of bed wrong side! Effie Tabs & self went to tea at Mrs Rhodes. Mr & Mrs Bagnall to dinner. Like him, Mrs B’s incessant talking most fatiguing. Played roulette. Tuesday 12 January Nothing happened in particular. Lin out shooting, got v. cold & wet. Wednesday 13 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin & I returned fr. Elmley. Fine day, alternate gales. Ham & Con riding to Pershore. Mrs Nordenfelt’s dance. Saw all the preparations. Lin too tired after Punch dinner to go. Thursday 14 January Lovely day. Made up books. Lin went for ride. Mrs Tattersall’s fancy ball. Miss Wren’s wedding 2 o’c. Mrs Wren at home till 6 o’c . Lin went to Mrs T’s ball, not v. brilliant. Friday 15 January Made up books & gave cheques to Emma to pay, £13.2.6. without Emma’s stores or washing books. Bad head ache. Went for short walk with Judy. Saturday 16 January Lovely morg. Spencer called, I was out. Wire fr. Mother wanting us down today, impossible to leave. Mrs S. upset about our thinking of going. Lin riding & after to tennis with Mr Tuer. Roy & self walked to see Anna D. Saw them. Glad to see Anna better then expected. Roy so good. Mrs S. & self drove to Ada S. J’s, Mrs Nordenfelt & Olive’s after lunch, took back book. Jack Millais called with 2 drawings. Sunday 17 January In bed till lunch. Harry Burnand & wife called. Lin rode to Wimbledon. Ada S. J. & Spencer dined here. Sp v. amusing stayed late. Sent £40.5 to Mr Booker for Sunshales Extra Shares, B. Ayres. Monday 18 January Up late. Drove after lunch 2 rounds park with Mrs S. Fine day. Tuesday 19 January Chicks went to Mrs Bradbury’s. Lillie & Ada Holland, Mrs Furniss & G. Dietz called. Latter brought me green. Mrs Bradbury’s children’s party 5 o’c. Mrs Keith’s dance 8-12 o’c. Mrs Cotton’s dance 9 o’c. Wednesday 20 January After luncheon went for drive, v. slippery. Mrs Phillips took away things, pd 1.15.0, 2 old dresses to alter. Mrs Abney’s at home 9 o’c. Lin to Punch dinner. Thursday 21 January Snow. Lin gone to town. He sent deeds to Mr Willis about some land which falls in in 1889. Letter fr. Effie. Poor Gerty B. not well. Mrs Ernest Hart’s at home 9 o’c . Mr & Mrs Gordota’s dance 9 till 2 o’c & sleep night. Spec. train 8.35 fr Euston. Friday 22 January Too bad weather to go out. Did wardrobe after luncheon. Mrs. S. went to Ealing & remained till Monday. Saturday 23 January Nurse & I did 2nd wardrobe together. Judy came in & stayed all day. Did wardrobe in my bedroom also. Could not go out on ac’t of weather. Carriage took Maud to Mrs. Joachim’s, v. nice party. Mrs. Joachim’s children’s party 5 to 9. Lin dined at Mr Tenniel’s & went on after to see billiard match at Arts Club. Sunday 24 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wretched day. Sp came on grey cob. Lin out riding morg, returned on account of weather. Spencer & Lin went for walk after lunch. Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett, Mr Abbey, Mr Sargent & Edgar dined here evg. Pleasant evg. but had awful neuralgia. Sophy too seedy to come. Monday 25 January Judy went to Westwood. Did washing. Mrs. Bell left. Counted glass with Laurence. Laurence broke Venetian candlestick & Lin’s pallet. Called on Judy, going to Westwood with Mervyn tonight. Mervyn brought up Mrs. Bell. Called after on Mrs. Kemp, McClean & Hickmans, 2 ladies in. Lady Monckton’s at home 10 o’c . Lin went to Lady M’s, usual set there, the Canon. Roads in dreadful state, drove Folkestone. Mrs. Sambourne returned fr. Ealing looking v. tired & worn. Tuesday 26 January Lovely morg. Maud idle, not ready with lessons. Roy ready & v. good, perhaps to make up for yesterday in cutting Jane’s dress!!! Lin gone to play tennis. Mrs. S. out for walk. Lin & self went in brougham to St James’s, lunched there, & to Old Masters. Lovely picture of Francis Linley Sheridan esq. Met Hartree, Abbey, Mr & Lady R. Weigall. Home to tea. L. Stone, Mrs. Holl, Mrs. Silver, Mrs. Speed & Mabel, Miss Webster called. Quiet evg, feel seedy below. Sophy called morg. Edgar seedy. Called with Lin to see him in Maddox St. Wednesday 27 January Early lunch & took chicks & Mrs. S. to Circus Covent Gd. Very good. Lin on to Punch dinner. I feel seedy & queer, pain again in left side. Thick fog at night. Invitation to Mrs. Bosanquet’s for fortnight concert this evg. Thursday 28 January Fine day, foggy morning. Mrs. S. gone to Mrs. Sheehy’s for day. Edgar gone to Westwood. Anna D. & Mrs. Davis called. Edgar & Sophy going to Westwood Sat till Monday. Mrs. S. & self called on Aunt Linda, stayed some time. Mr & Mrs. Gibson there. Fancy dress ball at Bosanquet’s. Mrs. E. Hart’s at home 9 o’c. Constance Orton to tea. Saw French governess & Furzicotts. Friday 29 January Lin rode before breakfast. Nurse & butter. Spencer’s birthday. Letters fr. Ju & Eff, dear Mother better. Con & Eff go to Mrs. Boehm’s tomorrow till Monday. £10 for Cen. Argentine Divds. Conservative dinner at Major Bosanquet’s. Lin v. late with work, Mr Burnand altered work. I called on Dr Harcourt, Mrs. Gaston & Mrs. Joachim. Pouring wet. Saw funny little boy at Mrs. Gaston’s. Saturday 30 January Fine morg. Very wet after. Lin & self took chicks to Crystal Palace & lunched at Mrs. Evans, had bath chair & quite enjoyed day. Capital pantomome, chicks delighted with Palace. Dear Lin helped wheel me about, did not feel a bit tired. Roy v. pleased with Mrs. E’s Persian cat. Roy behaved very badly at lunch. Mrs. E gave him ½ farthing. Sp dined with us. Lin & he went to Savage Club & home v. late. They enjoyed it immensely. Sunday 31 January Wet gusty day, hail storm. Lin rode. Sp called for him, too late. No one called, quiet day, wet & gusty. Lady Monckton at home 10 o’c .


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Feb 1886 Monday 1 February Walked out morg. Mrs. Sambourne out morg. We both paid calls after luncheon. Mrs. Spofforth, Lehmann, Ross, Boehm, Abney, Peto, Harding, McLaren, Lady Laurence & Mrs. Leche. Mrs. McLaren’s house most exquisite had tea there. Mrs. S, Lin & self went to Princess’ Theatre, saw “Hoodman Blind” capital sensational piece. Spencer called morg. Con & Eff came up fr. Tabs. Tuesday 2 February Went shop’g morg. Lady dropped keys. Napper here 2/6. Frilling 2/4½. Mrs. Sambourne left, Nurse took her to station. Lin goes to Sir W.Wiseman’s, Sheerness, away night. Wire fr. Tabs asking to come Thursday. Mrs. McTear & Ada Sp called. Lin went to Sheerness. Constance Orton came to tea. Maud slept with me. Wednesday 3 February Pouring wet morg. Go to C. Stokes at 12 o’c . Waters rheumatism. Took Maud & had tooth stop’d. Quiet afternoon & evg. Bad night fr. foi gras, did not sleep till 4 . Lin home late, changed his things at Club. Thursday 4 February Tabby comes for few days. Nellie to dinner. Lin dines at Brighton with Ward Bennett. All these arrangements altered. Mrs. Ernest Hart’s at home 9 o’c . Edgar & So. to luncheon, they leave tonight for Grantham. Tabs never came. Sophy went after cook etc at 3 in Phillimore Gds. I fetched her, drove to Anna D’s & left Sophy in Maddox St & on to fetch Tabs at Turkish baths, not there, drove to Nellie’s to put her off. Finally found telegram fr. Tabs, not coming. Napper here, don’t think dress will be success, shall never fancy myself in any but Madame’s dresses. Mrs. Frere called. Friday 5 February Had strange dream about dearest Father coming back again. Sp called morg. with Cobweb in cart. Napper still here, last day. Lin v. busy, tiresome stove. Letter fr. dear Mother. Called after lunch on Mrs Baines, Nottage, Palmer, Chester, Monckton, A. Peto, Flower, Invararity, Wilson, Vicat Cole & had tea there. Delighted with charming daughters & Mrs Livesey. (11 calls.) Counted china & glass with Laurence. Not so much to make up as I thought. Saturday 6 February Cold & sharp frost. Out morg. Went to see Dr H, had chat with him. Lin rode, missed Mr Tenniel. Mr King called, c’d not get in being Kitchen bell. Invitation to dine at Colin Hunter’s for tonight, did not go. Lin & self went after dinner to Court Theatre. Saw “Magistrate” capital but rather broad. Mr Pettie there with party. Letter fr. dear Mother. Roy tried on new suit fr. Barkers, looks very nice in it! Sunday 7 February Bitterly cold morg, bright & hard frost. Went to early service. Good sermon about our influence for good or bad on those about us. Lin gone riding. Mr & Mrs McLaren called. I like the look of him, hope it will be lasting. V. cold. Quiet evg. Monday 8 February Believe dear Mother is coming. Not coming until tomorrow. Bitterly cold hard frost. Went out shop’g, ordered brown shoes & cream dress for summer. Letter fr. Mother. Shoes 7.7. Dress, Brown velvet for self 2.19.6. Ordered 2 doz sherry 3. 0.0.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 one doz ½ bots of Beaune Burgundy 12.6. groceries fr. Barkers sale 10.3. £4. 3.9. Called after lunch on Miss Lutyens about boiling water, also on Miss Wells, Boughton, Tuer, von Riin. Saw Mrs v. R & Mrs Eykyn. Went up & saw her, looked so pretty. XX Monster meeting in Trafalgar Sq, dreadful damage to property. Tuesday 9 February Appointment 10.30 at C. Stokes. Young Watney to dinner & asked Mrs Geiger also 7.30. Dear Mother coming D.V. Out shop’g morg. Dense fog. Called Mrs Orton to ask children to pantomime tomorrow morg. Sp. came in. Did not go to Stokes on ac’t of fog & afraid of riots. More riots. Mrs Tuer, Stone, B(illeg) Harding, Hirsch, Leche, Elmore, Roe(?) called. Dear Mother arrived & Lamb with Judy, looks v. seedy. Lin rode with Mr Tenniel after lunch. Lin & Vernon Watney went to Theatre & Club after dinner. Wednesday 10 February Asked Nellie to dinner. Mrs McLaren’s evg. party 10 o’c. Take children to Pantomime. Jane going out. Hard frost. Went with Lin & Roy to Serpentine in cab, walked home. Ice unsafe, w’d not let Lin skate. Went to Pantomime. Lin lunched out, we fetched him at Club. Dr Orton & 2 chicks & Tom came also, capital pantomime. Awful fog all way home, c’d only walk. Mother out all day till 3, saw Dr Mason. Lin went to Mrs McLaren’s at home, v. few there. More riots threatened. Thursday 11 February Asked C. Stokes to dinner 7.30. Asked Mrs Stone as I cannot go to her. Lin dines at Mrs McLaren’s 8 o’c. Sp. called. Ju came, went shop’g with her. Foggy. Petit ami X. Lin dined at Mrs McLaren’s. Mother C. & self alone. Awfully tired & achey. Ju came in to tea. C. brought Maud ring with Mispah! V. kind of him. Friday 12 February Very seedy in bed till after lunch. Mother went with little Lamb to C. S about her teeth. Brought me home plant lillies. Damp day. Lin v. busy, Puppet Show. Mother seems much better, played whist with Roy, Maud & self. Dined at ¼ to 10, we get later every Friday. Crawford & Dilke case on. Spencer called morning. Saturday 13 February Lovely day. In bed till 2.30. Feel awfully weak. Mother & Maud went out in brougham morg, called at C. S’s. Judy came to lunch, went out after with Mother again. Lin riding to Richmond. Gave me £4.10 for books. Quite spring like, feel better now I am down. Long ac’t of Sir C. Dilke co. res. in Crawford case. Lin went after dinner to Club. Sunday 14 February Mrs. Boehm’s party to meet Lord Wolsey & Mr Konig(?) Dull morg. Mother & Maud to Church. Lin riding. I feel better again. Emma paid books & sent P. O. Order to Waterhouse chemist at Ramsgate £1.0.0. So glad to have that paid. Spencer came in to dinner. Had tiff with Ada & Mrs. O. Monday 15 February Up late. Went for drive after lunch with Mother, called on Judy & left book at Mr Nordenfelt’s & round Park. I did not get out. Spencer came to dinner. Lin dined


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 with Mr Tenniel. V. Watney, Percy & Sp. joined them at Drury lane after. Lin home very late. Sp. & self sang & played. Wretched day. Tuesday 16 February Sir R. Webster’s dinner ¼ to 8 , postponed until Saty the 6th March. Appointment with C. S. at 11.30. Mother going with me. Mother went with me, still feel seedy, had tooth stop’d. Mr Chapple called & Mother & self signed deeds, trustees. Mother & Mr Chapple left tomorrow. Wretched day. Wednesday 17 February Mrs Goodall’s children’s party. Mr Parsons & Abbey afternoon “at home” 4.30. Mother, C. S. & self go to Covent Gd, 10 to 8 to be there. Cold day. Lin got us box at Circus, v. good. Saw Miss Leamoth there with her mother, sister & 5 gentlemen, one v. handsome. Electric light went out. Different performance to last time. Thursday 18 February Mrs Ledgard’s children’s party 5 to 8. Cold day, dull. Mother seedy again. Lin X last night & this morg. Mother out all morg. came in v. tired at 3. Had a little gruel & we drove to Uncle Edwin’s, had tea there, were delighted to see Mother. Mrs. Fitzgerald there also, does not look a day older. Mother rested & did not come down to dinner. Am glad she went altho’ I felt selfish taking her, trust I have done right. Friday 19 February Dear Mother goes to Con’s with Charley. So disappointed I cannot go, Lin won’t let me. Mother out all morg. I drove her to Station. C met us at Vic. & went with Mother. Called after on Mrs. Twiss, away, but saw Effie, queer foreign man servant. Mrs. Boehm & girls stiff(?) Mrs. B. upset domestically evidently. On Miss Hogarth & Mrs. Innes. Got asparagus fr. Butts for Lin. Mother had letters fr. Hamilton F. & Tabby. Saturday 20 February Dinner at 7.15 at Mrs. Furniss’s. Invitation to Mr W. Clowes for Lin (hunting). Lin breakfasts with Mr Weldon 10 o’c. Forwarded letters to Mother. Maggie Charrington called, had long chat with her, going abroad on ac’t of her husband’s health. Mrs. Invararity called, just gone to dress so c’d not see her. Lin came home in great state about Socialists & Punch, seen Messrs Bradbury & Agnew. Mr Tenniel amused at Lin’s fright. Hope all is well & nothing may come of it. Had our photos taken by Magnesium wire. Sunday 21 February Cold dull morg. Went to early service. Mr Cartwright rode with Lin. I went to Dr H’s & had long chat, his niece there. Sp. & Ada came in, A. gorgeously attired in fawn coloured ensemble. Lin photod mole. Nurse heard reports about drawing, chicks repented(?) Row in Hyde Park again, more windows smashed. Mr Cartwright & Mr Baker dined here & stayed v. late. V. jolly evg. Mr Ellis called & had tea here. Monday 22 February Dull, cold morg. Letters fr. Mother, she returns fr. Con’s today. Letter fr. Lady L. about Napper & Roy’s first dancing lesson at her house, commences Thursday at 4 . Lin gave me house money & Emma’s wages 1.18.4. House 2 weeks minus stores or washing £9.0.0. Mother returned v. early, seems to have taken a chill,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 went to bed at once. After lunch I called on Mrs. McTear, gave me box for tomorrow night. Dr Harcourt sent my coffee & Mother gave me 2 snipe. Not bad for one day. Called after on Mrs. Joshua, Messel, saw Mrs. Stone & Joachim there, after on Mrs. Tweedie, Nelly there. Played whist with Roy, great fun. Dear Mother seedy. Tuesday 23 February Mrs. Drabble’s at home 4 to 7. Sent £9.0.0 cheque of Lin’s to bank. Went out & got flowers, 3 dolls & little jar. Mrs. Abney, Mrs. & Miss Sheehy, Mrs. A & Mrs. H. Peto, Mrs. Joachim called. Sp came in morg. Hentman in one of Hindeman’s houses!!! Dear Mother v. seedy, violently taken a chill. Dr O. came to see her evg. Lin & self went to Tooles, capital performance. Wednesday 24 February Promised to take tea at Maggie Charrington’s 4.30 o’c. Must call on Mrs. Burnand & Mrs. Harry B, & Mrs. G. a’Beckett if possible. Mother v. seedy in bed, taken chill at Con’s, wish I had not let her go. Called after lunch on Anna Dietz, Geiger, Tattersall, found Mrs. Rainbow at home, baronet for poker! Had tea with Maggie C, Mrs. Acol there & her sister, admire Mrs. A. v. much, is exceedingly handsome & v. nice. Found Lin gone on return. Had game of whist with Roy in Mother’s room. Roy v. excited. Mother & self had dinner cozily in her room, to bed early. Slept well, v. tired. Thursday 25 February Roy’s first dance lesson at Lady L’s, 4 o’c. Miserable day, cold & dull. Judy called to see Mother. Mother up but seedy & weak. Anna & George called. A. looks much better & v. well. Took Roy to dancing class, he was v. good & enjoyed it immensely. Went on to tea with Mrs. Dickens. Fond her seedy, looking v. nice in pretty plush tea gown - expecting another Baby!!! No 6! Lin photod all morg. Perfect nuisance this photography! Friday 26 February Lovely morg. Lin pottering as usual with photos. Mother coming down, seems little better. Irving sent us two tickets for Lyceum tonight. Telegram from Mervyn, coming here on way to Con’s. Mother unable to go out with me, so went to Judy’s, Mrs. McIlwraith, Joachim, Mrs. Lewis, Colin Hunter, Fildes & Stone. Lady at Mrs Joachim’s being painted by Sargent. Mervyn came to tea. Charley came later. Lin & self went to “Faust”, Ellen Terry not playing. Saturday 27 February Mother & self went to Stores, got salmon, fowl, fruit, v dear. Mother gave us pine etc. Lin cleaned out hut, chicks helped. Lin, Mother & self went to Court Theatre, stage box. V. good. Asked C. S. to join us but did not turn up. Lin went on to club, had slow evg. there. Mother & self talked in our room till late. Sunday 28 February Mother went to Church with Maud. Very cold day, frost & ice. Nurse & Roy to Church. Mr & Mrs. Fildes dined here. Mother came down also but went to bed directly after. Lin had miserable ride. Mr Fildes thinks Maud’s drawing very clever. Mar 1886 Monday 1 March Promised to take tea with Anna at 4.30. Heavy snow storm. Miss Penn did not come, given her box for Hall. Mother & Judy in fly fr. Long’s to Mr Chapple & saw


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 only Mr Welsh. Came in after lunch. Mother seems much better, mended Lin’s coat. Lin won’t let me go out. Tuesday 2 March First sunshine for months. Mother & self went to Madame Bocquet’s. I pd. her £10 on account. Mother much better again. Nelly, Mrs. C. Mackenzie & Mrs. Geiger called. Mother came down. Went to see Mrs. Langtry in “Envious”. Hollands came to our box. Sad piece. Wednesday 3 March Promised to go to tea at Miss Frith’s. Maggie C. goes with her husband to Italy. Mother out all morg. with Judy. Came in at 4 v. tired, had tea, & Judy walked with me to Ken. Had tea at Frith’s. Mr Guthrie, Colin Hunter etc there. Bitterly cold. Mrs. Hunter brought me back in her carriage. I called on Dr H. Mother & self had little dinner alone. Thursday 4 March Lost keys, hunted everywhere. Mother went out with Judy early, seems better. Came back to luncheon, v. tired after. Nurse took Roy to dancing class. Lin v. busy till late, all went wrong with photos. Sp. called. I went alone at 4 o’c & called on Susie, fetched Roy & left him at Mrs. Fildes where Maud & Nurse were. Chicks came home at 7 o’c in cab. Nurse sick headache & perfectly helpless. Nurse gave us two new laid eggs fr. her mother’s. Friday 5 March Very cold but bright. Mother & self to Madame’s, ½ past 10 , & Dr Mason’s. Dear Mother leaves us today, had fly to station, got there at 3 o’c, Charlie waiting. Sat in carriage with them a short time, something wrong with break. Called on Mrs. Burnand on way home, all at Ramsgate, their pipes wrong. Miss Wilson called, talked over Sir C. Dilke’s affairs. Went to Haymarket to see “Engaged” enjoyed it. V. empty house. Saturday 6 March Sir R. Webster’s dinner 8 o’c. Bitterly cold in morg. room, nearly frozen. Lin v. busy with photos, in & out, curtains taken down for it. Went out after lunch to get fowl & flowers & try & get warm. Snowed & most bitter. Called on Mrs. Silver & Mrs. Orton, stayed whilst the Doctor had his lunch & chatted. V. delightful dinner at Sir R’s. Sir Arthur Blyth took me in & sat on left of Sir R. Mr & Mrs. Stafford Northcote, Sir C. Owen & Sir F.B. Music after, v. charming evg. Lin smoked in my room after. Cramps in my leg! Letter fr. dear Mother. Sunday 7 March Went to early service, bitterly cold. Hard frost. Dull sermon, v. weak. Called on Dr Harcourt, he looks v. ill, feels the cold. Violet Hunt & sister called & stayed to tea. Mr Herne & Mr Reeve called. Spencer & Ada to dinner, utterly spoilt our evg, will not have Ada again – most trying & un(illeg)ible person, always looking out for defects. Left at 11.30. Put certificate of B. A. G. Southern 1890 allotm’ share £10.0.0. in safe. Monday 8 March Mrs. Hungerford Pollen’s at home 9 o’clock. Postponed on account of illness. Went out morg. posted letters & called & chatted with Price girls. Judy out. After luncheon called on Mrs. Eykyn, she looks delicate still. Olive looking sweet, two ladies calling there. Cowen, Santleys, Ayala, Hollands & had tea there. Poor


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Markham buried today. Wire fr. Mother. Most bitterly cold. Wrote to Jess, Mother & Edgar. Letters fr. Midge & Mother. Tuesday 9 March Spencer called, asked us to dinner 7.30. Awful bother. Went out morg & pd. Derry & Toms bill, Linley’s 6.16. also paid Ponting 1.16.2. & my Barkers bill 4.5.3. Bitterly cold tho’ bright. Lin busy photographing. Olive & Miss Johnson & Mr Woodruffe called. Petite amie arrived so c’d not go to Mrs. Oakes. Had chop & mince pie, Maud with me. Capital dinner at Mrs. Oakes. Lin saw Baby, pretty little fellow so Lin says. Wednesday 10 March D.V. go to Westwood by Granville. Don’t like leaving Linley. Lovely morg., bitterly cold. Cannot go to Westwood. Turney came for Mother’s dress & “Story of a Feather”. So sorry I cannot go to her. Letter fr. Laura S. asking me to go & see her & to dine with her tomorrow. Letter fr. Mother & Edgar. Con & Effie staying with Edgar. Thursday 11 March Mrs. Boehm’s “at home” to meet the Princess Louise. (Mr Whistler 10 o’c.) Got up at 12 . Harold Peto sent cards. Nurse took Roy to Lady L’s for dancing class. Came away too early. Miss Reed angry. Lin went to Mrs. Boehm’s, Princess & Lord Lorne there, former looking charming. Mr & Mrs. Burnand also. Lin paid Jane’s wages £5.0.0. Friday 12 March Bitterly cold. Judy went & chose flowers for Tabby & self. Judy lunched here & we go to send them off by Granville. Called after at Browns Hotel to say Mother would not go there this season. Waters making near shaves again, wish Lin would tell him first accident he has won’t drive me again. Sent wire to Mother & letter. Had letters fr. Mother & Mrs. S. Work finished early!!! Saturday 13 March Went to Westwood. D.V. Lin & self go to Westwood by Granville. Got up at 12 o’c & went by Granville to Westwood. Mrs. W. Eykyn (now Mrs. Newton) introduced to her husband & son. Mr Hammond, Buckingham, East, Ingram coming down. Carriage met us. Lin walked. Drove to St Peters alone, flowers beautiful, Mother’s, Spencer’s, Tabs & mine. Pretty little wreath fr. Con. Quiet little evening. Sunday 14 March Westwood. Lovely day. Mother & self went to St Peters & drove home thro’ Ramsgate. Lin had long walk, dined at 2 o’c. Lin wrote numbers of letters & posted them after tea. Walked into & fr. Ramsgate, home at 10 o’c. All had v. good night. Monday 15 March Lovely morg. Cold. Wrote to Mr Sterne to put him off until Sunday week. Very cold, Mother & self worked all morg. I took turn in garden, all looking v. nice. Dickie out for walk all day eternal writing. Mr & Mrs. Newman (Eykyn) called, talked tremendously, had tea. Lin had dinner, more writing, & I took him to station & posted letters. I hope he won’t get cold. Most bitterly cold & freezing hard. Tuesday 16 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. a’Beckett dinner 8 o’c. Lovely morg. Thick snow melted about 12 o’c. Worked at mantle morg. After lunch letter fr. Dickie & went to Mrs. Banks, both seemed pleased to see us, house looked awfully cozy & nice, brass & all v. clean, noticed particularly. Went to Mrs. Tomson’s, away, to Burnands, sat with Gertie, Rosie & chicks. Changed cheques for £1.0.0. Bought stuff for hair. Lobster! Gertie looking v. well & pretty. Changed cheque of £ chemist’s, bought stuff for hair. Wednesday 17 March Lovely day, cold. Hard frost at night. Went into Mother’s bed at ¼ to 6, did not sleep after. 2 letters & wire fr. Lin today. Called on Mrs. Thornton, talked some time there. After lunch walked in grounds. Mended dresses in Mother’s room whilst she busied about. V. tired. Telegram fr. Lin. Mervyn sails for Alexandra, not been down to see Mother. Thursday 18 March Lovely morg, still cold but bright. Letter fr. L. S. Mother breakfasted in bed. I slept better, long time going off. Two letters fr. Lin. Good dinner at a’Becketts, 12, wonder how they do it. Went to Ramsgate after lunch got 2 pigeons, sheeps tongues, eggs, lemons. Called saw Gerty B, took soldiers fr. Mother to Winnie. Went after to St Peters. Brought away with Lamb who met me there flowers faded. Mother v. tired but better. Played in drawing room, went to bed early. Friday 19 March Letter fr. Lin, Nurse, about dear little Roy, Mrs. S. & Nelly. Lovely morg. Cold. Practised songs. Mother made good breakfast, came down at 10. I got into Mother’s bed & stayed late, both had good night. Mother & self went to St Peters, called on Mr Hammond, bought rake & spade at Ramsgate & home. Slept badly. Saturday 20 March Lovely day. After breakfast Mother walked & drove in bath chair to St Peters & planted 40 hyacinth roots & tulips, looked sweet. Mother bought 3 plants. Mother fetched C. S. fr. station at one . After lunch sang & then C. S. went for long walk. Lin came at 7.30, we all dined at 8 o’c. Tricks (new) after. C. S. came in to tea, bought muffins. Lin told me Mrs. Geiger’s antecedents! Strange! Erste K’d. von ein! swei (illeg) ! Sunday 21 March Mr Sterne to dinner, 7.30. Put off till today week. Lovely day, late breakfast. C. & self walked round gardens with Mother. C. & Lin took long walk. Mother & self arranged table. Letters fr. Mrs. S. & Judy about Roy. Paid final call of £10.0.0. on Sunshales. Not (illeg). Lin paid for me. Dr & L. Thornton came to tea. Practised Dublin Bay with C. S. Lin busy with letters. C. & Lin went in brougham to Ramsgate, Lin home ¼ to 11. Mother v. tired. C. up by last train. Lin called at Mr Hammond’s, walked home. Young B’s there. Monday 22 March Dull morg, good night. Pas trop bien en bas. Lin wrote more letters !!!!!! & walked in to Ramsgate. Lin goes up by last train tonight. After dinner took Lin to Station, Broadstairs, met Shirley & Alfred Whitehead going to Queenboro’ & to Dresden. Mother v. tired, worrying about Mervyn. Tuesday 23 March Mrs. Drabble at home. Lovely day. Mother came to my room at ½ p. 4 & got in to my bed. She had letter fr. Traddles. Made good breakfast & wrote. Saw Tassel


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 about cottages, paddocks etc. I had letter by 2 nd post fr. Lin. Mother seems nervous & overtired, evidently worrying about things. We went to Ramsgate. Called on Mrs. Banks (out) post, fish, scent, sweets & home. Mother lay in drawing room & slept. I went to see Mrs. Tassel, looking v. nice, children v. tidy & happy. Mother still sleeping 9 o’c. I had dinner alone & wrote letters to Judy sending her key of safe, Lin enclosing Sunshales last call of £10 for him to pay as I can’t, Edgar, Auntie & Mrs. Sambourne. Wednesday 24 March Mrs. Drabble at home. Mrs. Arthur Lewis at home 4 to 6 o’c. Heavenly morg. Mother better tho’ tired. Went thro’ vineries with Turney. All looking v. nice. Wrote Traddles about coming Friday. Letter fr. Lin reassuring me about Roy. Nurse had let Dr. O. see him. Called after lunch on Mrs. Thornton. Bought lobster & carbolic & brush. Letter fr. Auntie Linda. Mother still seedy, worrying about Mervyn, still no news of him. Bad lobster, second. Thursday 25 March Lovely day. Letters fr. Aunt Anna, Lin, Mrs. Geiger (asking me to lunch there) & Mr Sterne. Tassel busy with ladybirds all day. Mrs. Vallis in bed seedy. Mother & self walked round grounds. Worked & read all afternoon. Tassel busy all day killing ladybirds with carbolic acid. Mother played all evg. Friday 26 March Returned fr. Westwood. Lovely morning. Went in to Mother’s room ¼ to 7 o’c, found her much better. Letters fr. Judy, Mrs. S, Lin & Traddles. Mrs. V. much better & down. Lin sent me cheque of £1.10.0. Letter fr. C. Hartree. Return home by 4.10 fr. Margate. Went morg. to Margate Bank, rowed Masered’s about lobster, & to St Peters. Mother took me to Station. Paid 2/6 fish silks 1 3/- Tassel poluetan 1 2/6 Lamb stamps 1 8/6 Carter flowers 1 2/6 cab buns .6 19/0 4.6 19.0 1.3.6 Saturday 27 March Mrs. Hickman’s dinner 7.30. Dull morg, had bad night. Lin woke me & I did not get to sleep till hours after. Went out with Roy & bought flowers, ordered fruit. Mother arrived early & went off at once again, w’d have nothing to eat. General bustle & disorder at usual Saty. Mr Watney called morg. Lin went at 2 o’c to see Mr W. Stone. Laurence had serious accident to my desk. Judy called at tea time. Mother & C. Price to Globe Theatre. Dullish dinner at Mrs. H’s, Flowers there. Left Lin at A. Lewis. Sunday 28 March Mr Sterne, Mr & Mrs. Hunter & Spencer to dinner 7.30. Dull day. To St Phillip’s 11 o’c with Mother & Maud. Lin riding. Spencer to lunch. Picture Sunday (outsiders). Monday 29 March Laura Stone asked me to dinner. Mother good night, went out all morg. with Judy - in to lunch. Called with me after on Dr Harcourt, Mrs. Boehm, Mrs. McLaren & Nellie. Mrs. Boehm & girls in, c’d not see Nellie, very seedy indeed, been v. ill.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Agnew, Mrs. Ogilvie, Mrs. Huish & Mrs. Stone called, saw the latter & had long chat. Quiet evg. Tuesday 30 March Mrs. Sambourne coming for day. Cakes etc 1.9. Little Ortons to tea. Lin rode before breakfast. Mother & self out at 11.30 to C. S. Saw him, went to Art Needlework & Post Office, put in £1.0.0. to chicks’ books. Mrs. Sambourne came, spent day, looks fairly well. Aunt Linda & Mrs. Boughton called, stayed long time. Lin v. busy. Chicks played “Red Riding Hood” etc. Not a great success. Wednesday 31 March Lunch at Mrs. Geiger’s 1.30 sharp. Mother had good night. Lin rode before breakfast. Mother gone off to Mr Chapple & C. S. Asked Dr & Mrs. Orton to Hall tonight, “Redemption”, Santly going to sing. Lin busy photoing Landseer’s bears. Mr Burnand at Ramsgate. Lunched with Mrs. G, german girl there. Mrs. McClay called. Mrs. G’s boys perfectly lovely. Stayed till 4 o’c, had cab home 1/-. Mother & self went to Hall, Dr Harcourt with me, Mother with Mrs. Orton. Mr Weld Blundell called, said he w’d come to Hall, did not. Good concert. Mrs. Millais baby boy a week old! Apr 1886 Thursday 1 April Countess of Rosebery’s “at home” 10 . Lovely day. Mother not so well. Walked out with Mother, met Mrs. Cornish & Dr Harcourt, had ice at Herbert’s. Saw my lovely woman with tall man & dog. Called after luncheon with Mother, Harvey & Nicols bought 3 pairs of gloves 12/-. To Mrs. Barnes, out, Mrs. Morel Mackenzie, met Mr Thorney & Mrs. H. Power there. To Mrs. Flower, introduced to Marchioness of Salisbury’s sister Mrs. Orchison or something like that. Fetched Roy from Lady Laurence’s, found him sitting up to tea there. C’d not wait as Mother was tired. Lin went alone to Lady Rosebery’s, finished bear block, Landseer. Slept half night with Mother who is not well again. Friday 2 April Mrs. Goodall at home. Mr Ellis’ pictures 3.30. Aunty going to meet us there. Mother goes to Westwood by Granville. Lovely morg, turned off wet. Judy came in morg. Mother off after breakfast just missed Judy. Took Mother to Station. Minnie came at last moment. Mrs. Sington next carriage to Mother - Abernethy & Mr Wood going same time. Went on to Goupils after leaving Nurse & Roy in Bond Street. Aunty & self walked to Agnews & then I drove Aunty to Snelgroves. Bond St. v. crowded. Lin dined with Mr Clowse. Saturday 3 April Mrs. Goodall at home. Lunch at Aunt Linda’s & go round pictures. Going to Boat Race at Mr Donaldson’s, at home after. Mr Lockyer’s “at home” 9 o’c. Sent Roy to Dr O, says he is not to go to Boat Race. Lin & self went, had splendid view of splendid race. Mr Lockyer, Spiers, Baker etc etc there great crowd. Had magnificent lunch served after at Mr Donaldson’s. Lin went for ride after, I walked to Dr O’s & had tea there, did not go to Mr Lockyers, too tired. Mr Millken came in 20 past 8 to dinner! Unexpectedly early. Looks seedy. Sunday 4 April Mrs. Goodall’s at home. Picture Sunday. Went to 11 o’c service St George’s with Roy. V. good, read & sang most attentively. Looked for spiders all the way home. After lunch Lin, Maud & self went to Fildes, Hunter, Stone, Princeps, Leighton, Sir


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 J. M (no pictures here) Boughton. Left Lin here & went on with Maud to Mr Goodall’s. Sp. & Ada, Roller, Mr Baker & Percy called, & Conrad. Con coming to dinner. Introduced to pretty Mrs. Critchett, sweet good face, promised to call. Mr Baker called & Con. Con came to dinner, looks well & in good spirits. Stayed till 11 o’c. Monday 5 April Lin left at 8 for Hitchin to Mr Clowes, going to hunt his cob. Wired to Mrs. Goodall about Maud, can’t go today. Morg. altered drawing room with Laurence. Howards fetched desk, like room better without it. After lunch called on Mrs. Holmes after leaving Nurse & Roy in Gardens. Bought flowers for Nellie. Saw her looking v. seedy, going out to tea for first time. Called after on Mrs. Leche & Hickman & home. Drove Folkestone. Another wire fr. Mrs. Goodall asking Maud for tomorrow. Sent Jane to pay Derry 2/7½. Glycerine 1/4 & Ponting 9/10. Harvey Nicols 12/gloves. Mrs. Harry Burnand & Mary to tea, stayed a long time. Lin home at 11.30. I went to bed 9.30 o’c. Tuesday 6 April Bazaar. Lovely morg. Nurse takes Maud to Mrs. Goodall’s at 12.30 for day. Letters fr. Mother & Miss Nicol. Flowers 6d, paper 10¾. bought this morg. Met Mr Baker’s sister & Mrs. Boughton. Effie & Conny called at luncheon time. Nurse going at 4 o’c with Roy in carriage to Zoo & to fetch Maud after. Mrs. Kemp, Spofforth, Gaston, Wright & Lewis called. Wednesday 7 April Bazaar. Go to tea at Mrs. Pickering’s to see Alice Nicol, Green St, Park Lane. X. Petit ami après midi. Went after lunch called on Alice N. at Mrs. Pickering’s, charming house. Coming Friday week instead of next Friday. On Mrs. Hensman, gone, Miss Wells, saw babies, Miss W, out, & Miss Webster, had tea there. Great commotion about seats in the House for tomorrow night’s debate, Gladstone on Home Rule. Maudie had dinner in drawing room with me. Thursday 8 April Bazaar. Mrs. Boehm’s dinner party ¼ to 8. Postponed on account of Liszt reception at Grosvenor Gallery. Lin went after dinner & enjoyed it. Nurse & Maud took Roy to his dancing class, left cards at Countess of Rosebery’s for me. Great day at House of Commons! Flowers fr. Tilda. Flowers fr. Mother & coins to Roy. Friday 9 April Mrs. Abney to tea 4.30. Regular April day rather cold. Ju called morg, taken £30 at their stall at Bazaar. Nurse took Roy in carriage to Barnes, he enjoyed it, brought back (illeg). Read Gladstone’s speech to Lin. C. gone to Westwood, glad Mother won’t be alone. Saturday 10 April Got up late. Went at 3 with Maud to fetch Mary Burnand. Very wet. Frank B. fetched Mary. Mrs. Stone dined here. Lin went after dinner to Mr Lewis’ billiard evening. Sunday 11 April Wrote to Jess, Mrs. S. & Mother. Showery morning. Lin out riding, rode to Mrs. Sheehy’s, saw Mrs. Sambourne looking well. Mr Burnand sent for Lin to ride with him, did on ac’t. of rain. Fine after 11. Spencer came to lunch. Sp. bought Mr Booker’s horse yesterday. W. Taylor to tea, no cake. Laurence out, did not go out


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 her last Sunday on ac’t. of company. Lin painting Exhibition programme. Sp. came in again going to hunt with Lin tomorrow. Lin posted block himself late. Horrid dream Ada called me 3 times on our staircase. Thankful to find Lin by my side. Monday 12 April Mrs. Twiss’ at home. “Silver wedding”. Dr Duka’s at home to meet Prince Teck & Lisyth(?) at 7 pm. Lovely morg. Lin & Spencer (illeg) hunting with Queen’s. Sp. called for Lin. Hope they will be alright. Mended linen with Jane. Asked Nurse to order asparagus. Sp. & Lin in to tea. Sp. insisted on our dining at Café Royal with him. Felt seedy but went & enjoyed it v. much. Saw Mr Humphreys, Willie & Bob. Delicious dinner. Pot au feu, salmon, brown sauce, top of sirloin, poulet et salade, macaroni cheese, café, Left Sp. & Lin at Twiss’s, 350 there. I came home alone. Letters fr. Mother, Ju. Tuesday 13 April Mrs. Boehm’s dinner. Lovely day. Sp. came up to my room. I breakfasted in bed. Going out at 11 o’c. Fetched Ju & went to Marshalls, bought insertion for nightdresses 4½yds at 5½, met Mrs. Nordenfelt & Madame’s, ordered best walking dress, red velvet to be done up, & blue cotton. Mrs. Abney, Evans, 2 Mrs. Holmes called & Miss Harcourt. Good dinner at Mrs. Boehm’s, young Mr Forbes there. Played card games after dinner. Wednesday 14 April Mother’s wedding day. In bed to breakfast. Sp. called & his boy, dear little fellow, like Sp. rather in expression. Cobweb in Sp’s cart. Old Aunt Mary called, talked no end poor old thing. Lovely morning. Letters fr. Mrs. Geiger & Aunt Anna. Took Roy to Wimbledon, walked over common. Went to corner shop got nothing as Master was out. Called on Mrs. Pigeon. Went in to Dr Harcourt, thought him looking v. seedy. Lin met Olive Shakespear up Piccadilly. Thursday 15 April Concert at Albert Hall. Went at 11 o’c to Susie a’Beckett’s, saw her & chicks, asked me to lunch. Changed cheque, got 2 bunches primroses. Wired to Olive Shakespear. Letter fr. C. S. Nurse met Judy, said Mother was coming up today & would sleep at their house. Alice Nicol coming today. Lin paid books. Wrote Mother. Lin riding with Messrs Tenniel & Furniss. Roy gone to dancing class. Sent him to see Dr O, says he is better, wants a change. Alice N. came at six & went to Albert Hall. Mr & Mrs. Shakespear there, Sims Reeves sang beautifully. Lin came on after. Letter fr. Mr Sterne. Friday 16 April Alice Nicol came yesterday. Spencer came in morg. Called with Alice N. first about umbrella, St James’ St, then to Miss Levy’s, Agnew, A. Critchett, Wright. Had tea there, showery. Mrs. Wright’s house v. pretty. Letter fr. Mrs. Goodall asking Maud there tomorrow, & C. S. Wire fr. Mother. Going to see “My Lord Harry” tonight. Mrs. Spofforth called about the doctor she wants me to see. Saturday 17 April Mrs. Pollen’s at home 5 o’c. Asked C. S. to dinner 7 o’c & theatre after, cannot come. Rested morg. V. tired. After lunch called on Mrs. Hunter, Hirsch, Silver, Montalba, had tea there, v. interesting studio, & Mrs. Pollen. Sent carriage home fr. here as Lin rode. V. few people at Mrs. P’s & v. uninteresting. Left cards at Mrs. Drabble’s.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 18 April Asked Mr Austin to dinner, cannot come. Wet morg. Mother came looking v. seedy. Sp. came & walked back to Mr Price’s with Mother & came to lunch here. Alice went to Church with Mrs. B(illeg) one hour’s sermon fr. a bishop. Letters fr. Aunt Anna, Florrie, Mrs. S. & Mrs. Goodall. Mr Ellis called. Mother came again & stayed some time. Sp. stayed to tea. Charlie Burnand came to dinner. Lin went to sleep, no whiskey out, had to send Laurence down late. To bed late. Monday 19 April Lovely morg. Mother & Judy came during breakfast, Mother goes to see Edgar at Grantham. Alice & I went to Mrs. Pettie’s, had tea there, lovely rooms, Mrs. Hall (out) Mrs. Phil Morris, saw Mrs. Davis sorry to hear Mrs. Morris v. ill, Mrs. Macmillan (out). Carriage left us at Little Campden House. Waters struck Punch 3 times across the head!!! Alice & I looked for Mrs. Morris’ house, found it, had tea there. Miss Cox there. Lovely girl, frightfully stuck up. Tuesday 20 April Went out morg. to School of Art Needlework & Whiteleys. Walked down & up Row, very cold & not crowded. Mrs. Boehm & Floss, Mrs. Rainbow & Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Wilson & friend called. Alice & I tried to alter morg. room, not successful. Charlie dined here & stayed late. Lin at Punch dinner. Letter fr. Mother. C. brought me little bottle of sauce. Wednesday 21 April. Tom’s day. Roy & Nurse to Westwood. Went out & bought children’s Easter eggs 1/7 with Alice. Ordered soles 3 at Halls for 1/6. Alice & self went to see Nurse & Roy off. Mr Abernethy got us a carriage for them as train was so full. Called after on Mrs. C. Critchett, Mrs. Levy, Mrs. Humphreys, all out & painting going on. Had tea at Mrs. Holmes. Auntie came in, stayed some time, called & had tea at Mrs. Tuer’s & at Miss Hogarth’s, been very seedy. Mrs. C. Dickens & girls there. Sent carriage home & walked home. Lin worked till 9 o’c. Miss Levy called, left cards. Thursday 22 April Maud breakfasted with us. Alice went with Spencer to see review in Hyde Park. Alice leaves today & Mrs. Sambourne comes. Alice, Maud & self went in omnibus to Japanese Village. Funny little child hairdressing & clever balancing of all sorts of things on an umbrella. Came home in cab 1/6 & omnibus 9d, fares 2/6. Isabel Carmichael called with Mrs. George Abernethy. Alice left at 3.30. Mrs. Sambourne arrived at 5.30, looks pretty well. Friday 23 April Mrs. S. Maud & self went to St Phillips, only in time for end of sermon. Went after to Pro Cathedral, heard good sermon there. Sp. & Mr Plashet came in also. Lin & Mr Tenniel rode to Mr Bradbury’s, still confined to his room. Mr V. Watney called, stayed some time. Quiet dinner. Lin slept after & at ¼ to 10 Mr Alma Tadema called with some white material & showed Lin how to drape it. Stayed & amused us immensely until ½ past 11. Saturday 24 April Heavy sultry day. Fearful storm at Ascot. Went out morg. shops. Met Laura Stone. Maud fetched by Miss Barker & Alice, went for day to Mrs. Goodall’s. Mrs. Sambourne & I fetched her. Called & had tea at Aunt Linda’s, Uncle took me over several houses. Rica gave Maud lovely Easter Egg. Vernon Watney came to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 dinner. Mrs. Allen called. Aunt Linda going to see Sarah Bernhart in “Fedora” tonight. Lin rode afternoon. Sunday 25 April Lovely morg. Mrs. S. gone to early service. Maud, Mrs. Sambourne & self to 11 o’c service at St Phillips. Maud faint & had to come out. Sp. called with Percy. Lin worked all day. Lin & self dined at Mr Fildes, Gordon Thornton & Mr Woods there. Waters fetched me. Lin very late. Had very bad night. Monday 26 April Lovely day. Waters had holiday. Lin rode morg. before breakfast. Maud’s cold still tiresome. Alice Linley came to lunch & we went to Concert at Albert Hall. Heard Santley, Vallena, E. Lloyd, Patey(?) etc. Miss Penn & Mr Richardson there. Alice & self walked home, cab going 1/-. Alice returned to tea, talked & left about 6 o’c. Tuesday 27 April Lovely day, quite hot. I drove to Judy’s & after to Madame Boquet’s. Went to Maples about beds, iron ones 12/9, brass 56/-. Bought 6d flowers at Studwick’s. Ordered vegetables at Butts. Bruit encore avec Mrs. S. com. elle se rende désagréable ! Mr Hartree, Mrs Pigeon & Mrs Lutyens. Curious conversation with Mrs. Pigeon, like Miss Lutyens, something about her fascinates me. Invite from Mrs. Stone for tomorrow & Sunday the 9th to dinner. Letters fr. Mother, Con, Susie a’B. Afraid Lin has a cold. Wednesday 28 April Miss Pervis at home 4 to 7 at The Boltons Studios. Maud has 6 little girls to tea. Went at 10.15 to Madame B’s, fitted. After to Whiteley’s bought Sponge cakes 6 buns & biscuits 2.0 flowers 6 cheese 6 lemon cake 2.0 total 5.6 Can’t find my purse. Lin very hard at work. Found purse. 3 Ortons & 3 Wynns & Judy to tea & supper. Lin v. hard at work, wretched cold. Went to Press View at Academy & Punch din. Came back early & worked. Had carriage to take him & bring back, Folkestone. Mrs. S. read to him. Received £25 fr. Mr Chapple, forgotten before. Thursday 29 April Wet & cold, fires everywhere again. Maud going to party at Mrs. O’s, 3-7. Letter fr. C. S. fr. Paris. Lin’s cold v. heavy. Academy block finished mid day. Went after lunch & had tea with Aunt Linda, she was going to theatre. Maud spent afternoon at Dr O’s. Jane fetched her. Spencer called, he & Lin going to Paris tomorrow night D.V. My brown silk dress came fr. Madame’s. Friday 30 April Private view of Academy. Lin went first to Press View of Gros. Gal. I met him at Brook St & we lunched at Rules, expensive!!! Then went to Academy. Met heaps of friends. Mr & Mrs. Clowes, Madame v. pretty. Mrs. J. Wood, Mrs. Langtry in green & red costume. Packed Lin’s box morg, came back at 6 fr. Academy. Sp. dined here, he & Lin went to Paris by night train. Lin’s cold fearfully bad. Bitterly cold east wind. Constance Orton here for day & slept night.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 May 1886 Saturday 1 May To Arundel. Went out morg. with Constance Orton, called on Dr Harcourt & bought frilling. Altered silk skirt. Mrs. Sambourne & Maud went in carriage to meet Mrs. Sheehy at the Private View of Gros. Gallery, returned to luncheon. I went by cab to Vic. Sta. Took salmon & port wine to Con’s & little leather box. Went 2nd return. Con met me at Station. Effie & Georgie at house, very pretty & nicely kept. Still v. cold, all fires in our bedrooms. Pretty garden. Fee & Ritten sweet. Sunday 2 May X. Lovely morg. Petit ami. Had to lie up, feel very queer. Effie & self in boudoir all morg. Con, Georgie at church. After lunch Mrs. Holmes called. Effie polished up brass kettle. Sat in dining room after dinner till bed time. Fires in our rooms again. Con & Georgie went to Roman Catholic church in the evg. Letter fr. Lin, cold no better. Monday 3 May Leave Arundel. Mrs. S. leaves us. Mother comes. Remained in bed to breakfast. Elizabeth bought my cocoa & breakfast after & hot water & packed my box. Left after lunch at 3 o’c. Georgie drove me in, train ½ hour late. Duke & Duchess went by same train, crammed. Great commotion at Vic. 2 children in my carriage, mysterious pretty woman, baby, old woman & girl, & little dark eyed boy with ladylike nurse & common mother. Mother here & Judy when I arrived 2 hours late. Ju stayed dinner, to bed early. Mrs. S. slept with Maud. Tuesday 4 May Mrs. Pollen’s dance 9 o’c. Opening of Exhibition. Judy went with Mother & self to Albert Hall grand & magnificent sight. Aunt Linda & Mrs. Walters & Ham in our box, gave 2 stalls to Oakes. Saw Archibald Forbes & Mr Burnand, Mrs. McTear husband & Sterne, Mrs. Livesey, etc. etc. Lunched Mother’s. Ju went in carriage to Westley’s about Mother’s glasses. Charlie came to dinner, bought me 2 pins & 2 little mats. Maud came down to dinner. Nurse been v. ill again at Westwood. Dr Harcourt, Mrs. Huish, Mrs. Critchett & Mrs. Wilson called. Mother gave me some salmon, lobster & asparagus. Wednesday 5 May Miss Wirgman’s at home 4 - 6.30. Maud to Rica’s for day. Nurse & Roy return fr. Westwood. Foggy morg, after fine. Dear Lin returned fr. Paris with Sp. 7 o’c break’f. Doll, coin, jacket & chocolate. Don’t think him looking well, riding this morning. Nurse & Roy return tomorrow. Mrs. Sambourne leaves. Ju called in morg. Sp. also. Maud goes to tea at Mrs. Huish’s. Lin’s cold still bad. Thursday 6 May Mrs. Stone dines here. In bed till v. late. Went to Madame Boquet’s with red velvet, promised to let me have it for Lady Rosebery’s Saty. Weld Blundell called. I took Maud with me. Nurse & Roy returned fr. Westwood. Mrs. Sambourne left. Spencer came in, bother with his groom. He sent me lovely strawberries & magnificent aspèrges. Mother went to Mr Chapple’s, seems worried about Mervyn. Ju called. Mrs. Stone dined here. Lin rode before dinner. Friday 7 May Lin & Spencer dine at Mr Tindall’s club. Still very weak & seedy feel as if my back bone had given way, in bed till 12 o’c. Mother out before & after breakfast. Judy


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 called stayed some time. So nice to have dear little Roy back again. Lin’s list amounts to £342.9.0 for Artists’ Benevolent. Mother & self after lunch went to Derry’s & Charlie’s, C going to Ramsgate tonight, & had ices at Gunters. Mervyn expected. Saturday 8 May Lady Rosebery’s reception at Foreign Office, 10 o’c. Prince & Princess of Wales. Very tired, up breakfast. Laurence let lamp boil over & burnt cloth. Mother out all morg. Mervyn came & Judy. Mother left by Granville. I drove with Lin to Mr Davis & home. Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett called, stayed some time. Lin & self dressed after dinner. Great crush at Lady R’s. Saw Mocattas, Sir E. Reed, Lucys, du Mauriers, Lady B. Hosier, Tademas, & promised to call there one Monday. Enjoyed it v. much. Home by one. Princess’s hair getting much lighter. Sunday 9 May Mrs Stone’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. Did not sleep well. Dear little Roy with ear ache. Thick summer morg. L. & J. not up to work well. Nurse better but told me she would not be able to go to Westwood again on account of health. Sh’d be very grieved to lose her. No one called. Roy & Maud down good deal. Went to Mrs. Stone’s. Mr & Mrs. Kendall (Glimston) Mr & Mrs. Lockwood & Mr & Mrs. Holl & ourselves. Like Mr & Mrs. K immensely, Mrs. Lockwood v. heavy. Monday 10 May Lovely morg. Lin went after lunch to Mr Davis to play tennis & remained to dinner. I drove with him, called on Mrs. Morris, Turner, & Goodall, had tea there. Mr G. promised me photos of all his paintings in this year’s Academy. Maud had dinner with me. Put drawers etc straight. Tuesday 11 May Mrs. George Inverarity’s at home 10 o’c. Mr & Mrs. Lucy dine here. Miserable morg. Went in brougham to Derry’s, pd. for gloves 5/11, to Bank with Lin’s cheques, to Post Office put £1 to book, Harvey & Nicols chose Effie’s robe & changed her baby binders, Harrods stores, bought paper 1.11, & to Butts. Mr & Mrs Goodall called stayed some time. Waited till ¼ to 9 for Lucy’s, never came. Went to bed directly after dinner. V. seedy indeed with chill & sore throat. Wednesday 12 May Emma & Jane going out to Exhibition. Wet & dull, cold. Waters told Lin he was married & had been 4 months. Judy came morning, brought Roy some coins. Letters fr. Mervyn & Mother. Mr Woodall’s at home 10 o’c. Lin c’d get nothing to eat & came home hungry at 2.30. Pouring with rain. Lin went in carriage. My throat still bad. Mr Burnand & du Maurier returned fr. Paris, perfect weather there!!! Thursday 13 May Mrs. Morel Mackenzie’s at home, 4 o’c. Wet miserable day. Mr Augustus Harris’ at home at Drury Lane Theatre, entertaining all the Colonial & theatrical people, Lin going. Wrote to Lady L sent cheque of £2.12.0, Spencer, Mother, Mrs. Peto, Mervyn. Wrote about standing order for gravy beef & countermanded bacon order. Letter fr. Mother. C. Hartree sent me gold bangle. Friday 14 May. Westwood. Mrs. A. Levy’s at home 11 to 6.30 . Still cold & dull. Spencer called, told him I wanted 2 shares in B. A. Pacific, he will get them for me. I go to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Westwood 3.15. Nurse & Roy saw me to station & in to 2 nd C. carriage, most comfortable, feet up all the way. Nice old lady & 3 others got in at Herne Hill. Saw Mrs. Abernethy. Mother met me looking v. seedy & tired. We went to bed early, throat v. sore. Paid & sent Madame £19.19.0. Saturday 15 May Lady Granville’s reception. Mrs. Mactear’s dinner 8 . Lin’s dinner at Artist’s Benevolent. Dull day. Got into Mother’s bed at 6 o’c. Mother had letters fr. Con, Traddles & ? Throat better. Mother & self busy altering drawing room & put up curtains. Letter fr. Lin, Mrs. Peto, invite to Mrs. Chester’s. Put up morg. room curtains, v. pretty. Walked round garden. Showery morg, still cold wind. Mrs. Goodall sends for Maud for day. Sunday 16 May Mrs. Boughton’s at home 10 o’c. Stayed in bed to breakfast, cold on chest. Dined in morg. room & felt better after dinner. Letters fr. Lin, Mde B’s receipt. Lin goes to Mr Weldon’s boat house on river. Little Lamb to Church evg. Read Martin Chuzzlewit. Wrote to Lin, Nurse to ask to go to Dr O. for me, & Trad. Monday 17 May Harding Cox’s at home. Dull wet morg, had bad night with throat & cough. Tassel called at Mr Hicks for me, coming over after lunch. Letter fr. Traddles saying he had sent me box of preserves, must have come after I left. Wrote Traddles & Mr Sterne. Mother & self breakfasted in bed. Mother had letter fr. Tra. I had long letter fr. Lin, Saturday’s dinner great success, £500 collected by Lin, a long way largest sum of all. Mr Hicks called to see me proff. Mrs. Hicks & daughter wrote to Lin. Tuesday 18 May Mrs. Skerrow’s luncheon party ¼ to 2 o’c. Better night. Breakfasted in bed in Mother’s bed. Letters fr. Judy, Sp, who enclosed receipt for 2 shares in B. A. Pacific money due on 26 inst, & Lin. Wrote to Judy & Mrs. S. & Lin. Letters fr. Nurse, Maud & Roy. News of the birth of King of Spain. Mother & self cut asparagus, lovely warm sun but cold wind. Mr & Mrs. Banks called & Cap. & Mrs. Cotton. Had tea. Heavy shower of rain later. Mother very tired, worried about Mervyn & Annie. Wednesday 19 May Lady Granville’s 2nd reception. Breakfasted in Mother’s room. Letters fr. Nurse, Mrs. S, Trad. & paper. Fine morg, wet night. Letters fr. Lin & invite fr. Mrs. Levy. Mr Hicks called, gave me tonic, double quantity wrong medicine. Letter fr. Judy. Thursday 20 May Lovely morg, down to breakfast. Letters fr. Lin, Ju, re enclosing key & sending deposit note for £47.10. which I send at once to Mr Lowndes Kensington, Mrs. Levy, Miss Barlow & Sp. Wrote to Lin, Con & Mrs. S. & Judy sending latter tickets for Exhibition for Saty. Walked round grounds with Mother. Friday 21 May Lovely morg. Down early. Mother to St Peters before breakfast. Letters fr. Lin, Nurse, Miss Payton & C. Hartree & Maud. Ans’d C. Hartree’s, Lin’s, Nurse’s, Miss Payton’s, sent Mrs. S. letter & some lozenges. Lovely day, cold wind. Mother better. Drove to Ramsgate. I had tea at Mrs. Banks, stayed long time, Mother shop’g meanwhile. To bed early. Good night.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 22 May Folkestone Exhibition. Tickets for Lin & self, special train, luncheon etc. I can’t go, not well enough. My deposit order returned for re-signature. Sent it back & posted myself at Ramsgate. Mother & self went to Ramsgate. I bought Roy’s serge 4½yds & 2½ lining 8/11. Pd for it at Hawkins(?) Met Mr Hicks & Mr Harman. Letters fr. Con, Alice N, (Lin 2 letters) Mr Sterne. Wrote none. Lovely day. Mother heard fr. Edgar. Lin coming at 7.30. Letter fr. Ada Sp. Lin came, looks well, only little bilious. To bed early. Sunday 23 May Lovely day. Mother & self went to Church, Mr Whitehead preached, “Sin not”. Capital sermon. Went to dear little garden, spoke to man about peat earth. Lin took long walk morg. We had tea on the lawn. Lin wrote letters after & walked to Ramsgate to post them. Tassel going to fetch him. Alex Dowling & his wife called just before dinner, did not see them. Lovely & warm. Shall be sorry to leave tomorrow. Lin wrote to Waters. Mother looks v. well. Monday 24 May Returned fr. Westwood. Lin & self return home. Lovely day. Lin out all morg. & lunched in Ramsgate or Broadstairs. Home to tea. Mother & self walked round grounds picked buttercups, went & saw Mrs. Turney pretty little woman, nice manners. Row with Mrs. V. Sorry to leave Mother. Returned by 7.40. Pouring wet all way up. Waters met us. Had good night. Tuesday 25 May Olive’s at home 9 o’c. Must send Sp. cheque for B. A. Pacific shares (2). Lovely morg, warmer. Went at 11.30 to Judy (going away today till Saty) ordered boots at Marshall’s. Called at Mrs. Leech, saw Mrs. Ansdell & went to Bank. Saw Manager, most polite. Spencer called, invite fr. Mrs. Geiger for Friday. Traddles “box of sweets” lovely box of flowers fr. Tabby. Sent Sp’s cheque £44.2.6. Mrs Holmes, Drabble, Stevens, Wilson & friend & Mrs Roberts called. Lin & self went to Exhibition after dinner. Enjoyed it tho’ v. tired. Sent Mother Mervyn’s money £95 odd. Saw Mr Box & P. Cozens & wife. Wednesday 26 May Mrs. Arthur Levy’s dinner ¼ to 8 . Mrs. Ernest Hart’s at home 10 o’c. Went in carriage morg. to Marshalls to change shoes, to Miss Courtneys & post. Saw coachman, too old. Lin saw one also. Sp. & Baby came had 2 photos taken. Given Laurence ticket for Exhibition for this afternoon & evening. Tabby came afternoon & stayed to tea. I drove her back at 7.30, on way to Mrs. Levy’s. Felt tired thro’ evg. singing. Mrs. Sington in white looking v. pretty. Thursday 27 May Mrs. Morel Mackenzie’s at home. Engaged groom s’il viendra. 9 years character. (Seen 6 grooms). Tab’s maid called at 9 o’c. Wrote morg, answered letters. After lunch went in carriage to Mrs. Ernest Hart’s, long interesting talk, Mrs. Agnew, Harding Cox, (illeg), Coward, had tea there, Olive’s & Mrs. du Maurier. Saw her & Mr du M, nice house. They give dance tomorrow night young people. du M looked depressed. Lin rode after tea. Quiet evening. Friday 28 May Mrs. Geiger’s dinner. Mrs. Wright’s at home, music 5 o’c. Out driving at 11 o’c with Tabs, Sp. drove me up to Alexandra. Waters came after. Went to Leaders,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Nicols had jacket fitted, Murials. Tabs bought bonnet & had hat done up & came home to lunch with me. Went off after to Grove alone. I read Mrs. E. Hart’s pamphlet on Ireland. Late for Mrs. G’s dinner, all had gone in. Very handsome one, 12 to dinner. Mr McClean & Mr Oppenheim sat by me. Mrs. Geiger lovlier than ever, sang most charmingly. V. pleasant evening. Letter fr. Lyttleton Winslow about his coachman, 12 years character. Saturday 29 May X. Lady Rosebery’s reception 10 o’c in honour of Queen’s birthday. Sp. called morg, gave Roy gold piece. I signed paper B. A. P. Bad night tired & (illeg) throat bad again. Drove Lin to Vic. Sta. & fr. there to Dr Mackenzie’s. Most kind only waited a short time. Mrs. A. Harris (illeg) person! Mrs. Sambourne here for day looks v. poorly. Nurse also v. seedy. Rica fetched Maud. Tilda came to tea. Petit ami. Lin at Mrs. a’Beckett’s new place near Crystal Palace taking photos. Lovely afternoon. Paid Mrs. Sambourne 6/- which I owed her. Bought lozenges 3/-. Wrote Mother. Letter fr. Leslie Thornton. Sunday 30 May Tabs Ham & J. H. A. Macdonald dining with us 7.30. In bed till lunch. Lin out riding, after lunch played tennis at Mr Lewis’. Mr Abbey & stranger, Mr Flower, Sp. & Ada Sp. called stayed tea. Tabs looked v. pretty in brown & pink. All left at 11 o’c. Jane out afternoon. Pleasant evg. Monday 31 May Lovely day. Lin gone to Mr Vicat Cole’s steam launch on river for day. In bed till 12.30. Lady called about Napper, Mrs. Lumsden. To bed early. Lin went to Club after. Jun 1886 Tuesday 1 June Went to Dr Mackenzie’s at one o’c. Saw new man morg. Waters went after place. Waited long time at Dr M’s. After lunch Mrs. & 2 Nicols, Miss Hogarth, Mrs. H. Dickens, Stone & Miss Levy called & Mrs. McTear. Quiet evg. Sent cheque to Marshalls & Willats for my boots £1.8.6. Wednesday 2 June Lovely day. Maud & Vivien Coward came to ask Maud to tea at 5 o’c. Dr Harcourt going for a drive with me at 3 o’c. Lin riding this afternoon, did not ride on account of storm, drove to Punch dinner. Mrs. Quilter’s at home. Lin went, capital “at home” only champagne cup. Mrs. Colin Hunter called. They leave town today week for Scotland. Sent Dr Harcourt Mrs. E. Hart’s pamphlet. Thursday 3 June Dinner at Mrs. Cohens 8 o’c. I can’t go, Lin going. Appointment at Dr Mackenzies 12.30. Went & must go again Saty. Colder much. Lord Londesboro’ at Dr M’s. Waited in hall with me. Dr Hensman called. Returned Liberty’s patterns. Letter fr. Mother seems pretty well. Another letter fr. Mother answered it evg. Wrote to Aunt Anna & Miss Breffit. Mrs. Macdonald of Aberdeen called about 5.30, looks v. nice & well. Maud dined with me, wish I could cure her of those jerky movements dear little thing. Wrote to Mrs. Sambourne. Friday 4 June Promised to go with Tilda to hear Rubenstein. Can’t go. Altered my dress morg, blk & red. After lunch called on Miss Lutyens, Tabs out, Conny Allen, sweet house


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & prettily arranged, window arrangement, Mrs. Burnand, had tea there saw all & Mr B. Princess Louise’s garden party great crush. Mr & Mrs. Kendal. Omnibus knocked our wheel. Very late Lin with work. Quiet evg, to bed at 11 o’c. Saturday 5 June Mrs. A. Tuer’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. Mrs. Gordon Pollock’s at home 4.30 to 7 o’c. Patti at the Albert Hall. Appointment about 12 Dr M. Mackenzie. Waters leaves & new man comes. Maud goes to Rica, Laurence fetched her. Fetched Tilda & went to Snelgrove’s bought sunshade, waited no time at Dr. M’s. Hurried lunch & went to Hall, took Tilda, cab 2/6. Ada there, Mr Johnson & Mrs. & Miss Green also in box. Discussion on education. Left Tabs at Marion’s, came home rested had tea & went to Mrs. Tuer’s. Mr Fuller Maitland took me down, Mr Kondegger(?) other side (lovely wife). Mrs. Tuer sang. V. pleasant dinner. Letter fr. Annie! Sunday 6 June Lovely morning. Lin riding. Flower Sunday. Read morg. & wrote letters, after lunch went with Lin to Mrs. A. Lewis. Mr Angel returned with us to dinner. High fowl apparently not noticed except by self. Mrs. Terry, Mr & Mrs. H. Power, Mr Fowler, Toller, Sir F.(illeg) Huxleys etc. Mr Reeve called. Mr Angel played till 12 o’c. Lin wrote letters & dozed, left me to do talking as usual. Awfully tired. Monday 7 June Cinderella dance at Prince’s Hall. Mr Thomas’ invitation. Mrs. Quilter’s at home 10 o’c. Mr Abbey’s dinner 8 o’c (gentlemen). New coachman comes. Waters leaves. Lovely day. Paid washing £3.6.1. After lunch went out shop’g in Kensington. Bonnet £1.7.9, 2 little ferns & bunch daisies 1¼. Ordered 2 ¼ yds of (illeg) Barkers 4/1. Called on Mrs. Silver, very funny about “at home”, & Mrs. Whitelock & Dr Harcourt, lent me book. Tuesday 8 June Lovely day. Went to Ascot with Lin. Crane drove us for first time, much better driver than Waters. Charming house Mr Bohen May’s. Splendid luncheon. Saw three good races & home too tired to return to tea at Mrs. B. M’s. They kindly asked us to dine also. Charlie dined here. V. cut up about poor Mr Mason’s death last Saty, only ill 3 days. C. left about 11 o’c. Had engagement with Dr Mackenzie, had to wire. Wire fr. Mother for Mervyn to come tomorrow. Wednesday 9 June Mrs. W. Leech’s dinner party ¼ to 8 o’c. Carriage at 11.30 to Madame B. Dr M kept 2 hours!!! Gout!!! Go again in a week. Letters fr. Effie, Con, Sterne, C. Hartree. Spencer laid up at at Shorncliffe. Fire last night at Lillie Bridge, saw the light of it fr. Lin’s bedroom. Mervyn up. Sleeps here tonight, bought horse!!! Edgar called, had tea here & cigar. V. glad to see him. Ada S. J. called when I was dressing, came up to my room. 24 to dinner at Mrs. Leech’s, splendid dinner, silver & table beautiful. Dance. Thursday 10 June Mrs. Turner’s at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Chester’s at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Burnand’s at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Harry Dickens dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. M. Mackenzie’s musical afternoon. Thick foggy morg, yellow. Mervyn left directly after breakfast, will go to Stifky today! Slept after lunch in drawing room. Pleasant dinner at Mrs. D’s, went to Mrs. Burnand’s after, met Ada S. J. there, enjoyed it immensely. Marie Rose, Shakespear, Campbells sang, Grossmiths etc there. Cabbed home with Ada, drunk cabman. Books £5.5.8.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 11 June Letters fr. Mrs. Bosanquet, Wilson, dear Mother, & invite fr. Scotland. In bed late morg, v. tired. Called after lunch on Speeds, Miss Purvis, Mrs. Wright & Mrs. Mackenzie, stayed tea here, Price girls there. Tilda called, I drove her to Town Hall. Very tired. Mistake about letters being posted, Lin only got his work at 12 o’c, finished late. Saturday 12 June Mary & Ethel Burnand come to lunch & tea. Went in carriage at 10.30 to Butts, changed cheque £2.0.0. To Mrs. Burnands, fetched Ethel & Mary. Bought things at Harrods amounting to £1.0.0. To Harveys, bought Effie’s robe & little body. Home. Walked with 2 little B’s to buy flowers & to Barkers fruit. Arranged flowers after. Met Mrs. Cornwell at Harrods. Sunday 13 June Mr & Mrs. Fildes, Mr & Mrs. Perugini, W. H. Austin & Mr Pilleau to dinner. Lin all morning taking photo of a model at Mr Fildes & lunch there. Val’s birthday. Miss Payton, Sp. & Ada came in late to luncheon. Lin played tennis at Mr Lewis’. Pleasant dinner, Mr Austin left early for Mr Burnand’s who had a dinner. Roy & self went to early service at St Pauls Church. Monday 14 June Maud goes to Mrs. Leche’s to tea. Crane hurt his finger in stall door. Lin as usual photos. Mr Burnand wired for him to ride, can’t go. After lunch called on Mrs. Alma Tadema, charming, & 2 girls, Mrs. Huxley, had tea at each place, & Mrs. Morris, saw her looking as lovely as ever. Lady Sefton called whilst I was there. (home). Jane ill in night. Quiet evg. Letter fr. Mrs. Mocatta. Mrs. M. Stone called. Tuesday 15 June Dine at Café Royal with Mrs. Nicol & to theatre after. Went at 11.30 to Mrs. Boehm’s, left Mrs. Wilson’s birthday book. To Snelgrove, got lace & Dr. M’s, waited ages. Man 2/6 .To go twice every week. Mrs. & Miss Purvis, Mr Gaston & Mrs. Keene called. Mr Dyce gave us dinner (delicious) at Café Royal. To see Mrs. Langtry in “Lady of Lyons” after, most excellent. Lin v. cruel. Received certificate for B. A. & Pacific from Mr Booker. Wednesday 16 June Remained in bed to breakfast. Dressmaking morg. Called after lunch on Mrs. Tuer, Farquharson, Hickman, Holmes, Lucas, Leche, Humphreys & Critchett. Home before Lin left. Maud had little dinner with me. Put certificate away with rest. Thursday 17 June Charlie Hartree’s at home 4-7. Mrs. Mackenzie’s at home 4-7. Morg. busy dressmaking. Afternoon called on Mrs. Barney, on to Mrs. Mackenzie’s, beautiful music. Dr & Mrs. Barnes, Burnand, Tweedie, Thorney etc. Drove Laura Stone on to C. Hartree’s. Mrs. Stone dined with us. Delightful evg. but c’d not sleep after. Books £6.10.5. Friday 18 June To Madame to be fitted. Mrs. Holland’s “at home” 10 o’c. Ap’t with Dr. Mackenzie. Go to Westwood for few days. Mrs. A. Levy’s at home 4-7. Was not kept waiting at Dr. M’s. Judy came & went with me & returned to lunch with me. Lin w’d not


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 let me go to Westwood, glad I did not as he had to work late, dined at 9.30. Judy stayed to tea. Mrs. Tuer called. Letter fr. Traddles. Left by 5.15. Saturday 19 June. To Westwood. Came to Westwood by cheap fast 11.5. Accident to carriage wheel careless driving. Took Lin part of way toWaterloo, going to Press view of (illeg) Holloway’s Sanitorium. Traddles met me with Mother at Station. Alice L. here, like her. Jolly evg, sang & danced. V. tired & bed late. Fire. V. cold. Sunday 20 June Lovely day, cold. Went to Church with Alice, took flowers to dear Father. Anniversary of Her Majesty’s accession to throne, entering on 50 th year of reign. Mr Whitehead gave address instead of sermon. After lunch walked about till tea & again after. Traddles left by 7 train. Lin did not come, had letter & wire from him. Monday 21 June Mrs. Cowen & Mrs. F. H. Cowen’s at home 9 o’c. Children’s garden party at the Foundling 3.30- 6.30. Mrs. Archer’s at home. 4-7. Two letters fr. Lin. After lunch adventure with 3 little vulgar boys, threw stones at us. Hay making. Tuesday 22 June Mrs. Vicat Cole’s “at home” 10 o’c. Letter fr. Lin. Mrs. Tassel’s little girl born. Alice & self to Ramsgate, had walk on pier. Wire fr. Lin, my dress at Broadstairs station. V. cold still. Called at Mr Vinten’s about houses. Wednesday 23 June Windy cloudy morg. Haymaking. Letter fr. Lin & Rosie Burnand & cards. Went for walk got daisies. Took Crumb, lost his collar & had a row with Gyp. Letter fr. Midge, 2 fr. Lin. Charley Parkinson read it awfully angry. My dress arrived. Mother seedy, did not come down to dinner. Thursday 24 June Mrs. Cornish’s at home 4-7. Academy Soirée 9 o’c. Mrs. Mackenzie’s at home. Mrs. Tuer’s at home 7 Church Walk, 4-7. Harold Peto’s tea 5 o’c. Lovely day. Studied palmistry. Walked talked & laughed. No letter fr. Lin. Friday 25 June X. Mrs. Boehm’s dance 10 o’c. Mrs. Gregory at home “Foundling” 4-7. Mrs. A. Levy’s last “at home”. Letter fr. Lin enclosing lots of others, one fr. Con. Had bad night & feel seedy, headache. Wrote to Boehm, Lewis, Cohen, Linley. Little F. Saturday 26 June Letters. Lovely day. Lay in hammock all morg. Sunday 27 June Mrs. Burnand’s dinner 8 o’c. Sir Coutts Lindsay’s “at home” at Grosvenor Gal. 10 o’c. C. came to lunch. Jolted about in bath chair after. Tea on lawn, palmistry etc. Birds nests. Mother took C. to station. Called on Mrs. Thornton. Mother & Lamb to Church morg. Monday 28 June Mrs. Thomas Lucas “at home” 4 o’c. Lovely day. Lay in drawing room morg. Mother & Alice to Ramsgate afternoon. I lay in hammock, feel queer.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 29 June Mrs. Cohen’s invitation until Thursday. Train 4.45 fr. Waterloo, reach Englefield Green Surrey at 5.27. Went in to Margate with Alice, met Rosalie. Took present to Leslie. Most lovely day. Bertie to dinner. Mr Hicks to tea. Invitation to stay night at Mr Parkinson’s, also for opening of Holloway College. Letter & card fr. Traddles. Bertie sang well & thought he did. Wednesday 30 June Return fr. Westwood. Bachelor dinner at Bentley Priory. Promised to stay with Mrs. Cowen in the country till Monday. Holloway College Opening 6 o’c. Mother Alice & self came up horrid slow train. Alice & Mother went off shop’g, Judy met us. Spencer came in. Found Lin & chicks well. Mother Alice & self dined alone, to bed early. Lin rode to Punch dinner. Jul 1886 Thursday 1 July Mrs. Critchett’s at home 9.30, Hungarian band. Mrs. Oakes’ at home 4-7. Mrs. Shakespear at home 4.30-7. Sp & Ada’s cousin called morg. & Judy. City dinner Lin. Enjoyed Mrs. O’s at home. Hensman, S(illeg), Kent etc there, good music. Dined & went to Savoy with Mother & Alice. Lin met us & took me on to Mr Critchett’s, great crush there, enjoyed it. Received my quarter £25.0.0. Friday 2 July Promised to go to Mrs. Bosanquet for a week. Can’t go. Alice & self in bed until 12 o’c. V. tired. Sp. & Judy came in. Lin & Spencer went to Review at Aldershot, home very late. Alice & self took short walk morg, called on Dr Harcourt. Dr Harcourt & Mr Blair came to tea. Mother out all day. Wilson Barrett sent in 2 (illeg) wired. Mother Alice & self to Lyceum, Traddles met us & we went after to his home & had champagne. Feel awfully tired & did not sleep well. Ellen Terry not in Faust again, ill. Saturday 3 July Concert at Hall. Asked Norman Sinclair to Hall & to dinner, also Mr Hensman & Miss Rose-Innes & Mr Baker. Mrs. Tuer’s at home & tennis 4-7. Mother out early. She & Judy to Westwood at 3.15 . Sp. in early morg. Delightful concert. Very jolly evening, Sp, Sinclair, Hensman, Baker & Miss Innes to dinner & stayed v. late. Sunday 4 July Lovely day, in bed to breakfast. After lunch Mr & Mrs. Rider Haggard called. Both very young & good looking. We went & joined Lin at the Lewis’. Went round grounds with Mrs. L, saw stables. Only Agnews & Terrys there & Mr Fowler. Jane out afternoon & evening. Bad night, feel so tired. Monday 5 July Alice & self walked in Kens. A. lost her purse & found it again. Ordered hat. Paid 3 weeks washing, v. heavy £3.6.11. My deposit note for £25 came. Letter fr. Mother. After lunch Crane drove v. badly & we called on Mrs. Newman (away) Mrs. Tattersall, Gilbert, McLaren, Boehm & Chester & had tea at Jessie Harding’s. Drove & sat in Park. Called on Mrs. McTear. Quiet evg, slept badly. Tuesday 6 July Mrs. Ross at home 4-7. Very hot & fine. Letter from Sp, off to Paris. Poor Mr Ward died yesterday. Wrote Mother & Traddles. Lin dined at Mrs Oakes in Sp’s place.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Alice & self went to Mrs. Ross’s, rather slow party. Grossmith, Bearls there, awful music! Drove round Park after, v. crowded. Drove Punch. Letter fr. Mrs. Donaldson about Tuesday’s excursion in Torpedo boat. Lin took our photos. Morris, Speed & Shakespear called. Out!!! Lin late. Wednesday 7 July Mrs. A. Lewis’ at home 4-7. Exhibition 5.30. Meet Traddles. Mr Weldon’s, Henley. Lin dines at Exhibition with Vernon Watney & party. Alice & self dine with Traddles at Ex, 6 . Miss Danesfield(?) fitted me with cream bodice. Went to Mrs. Lewis’ crowd, “Les deux aveugles”, v. amusing. Wish Alice had gone too, went calling instead. Rather slow evg. at Ex. Too tired to enjoy it. Too tired to sleep - 4 th bad night. Lin late as usual. Thursday 8 July Mrs. Knowles dance. Henley, Mr Weldon. Very bad night, feel awfully seedy. Letter fr. Midge last night. In bed till 12.30. Linley busy with horse blk. Slept after lunch a little in drawing room. Alice took chicks to Japanese Village & to have ice after. Left them at Mrs. Mackenzie’s where they had tea. Quiet evg, Lin to bed early. I had better night. 6 weeks books £17.8.3. Friday 9 July Henley, Mr Weldon. Mrs. Calderon’s 5 o’c. Mr Alfred Capper’s at home ½ past 8 , Steinway Hall. Lin off at 10 o’c to Henley. Letter fr. Sp. fr. Paris, poor Mr Ward buried yesterday at “Pere Lachaise”. Lin slept at Henley. Alice & self went to Mrs. Wright & had tea, after to Grosvenor & then to Marion Pollock. Home late. Dined alone. Saturday 10 July Mrs. Tattersalls 5 o’c. Invitation to Mrs. Geiger, Knights Place, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells. Miss Purvis’ studio. Lin returned morg. fr. Henley on purpose to take Roy to Lords. Alice & self went out morg. on foot. After lunch left note at Mrs. Burnand’s & to Miss Purvis’ studio. Most amusing Mrs. Finlay. Called on Mrs. Cole - just off to Marlboro’ House garden party - & to Mrs. Tattersall’s, had tea again there & sat in garden. Violet T. engaged. Walked home. Lin rode. Sunday 11 July Lady Monckton’s “at home”. Lin played tennis after lunch. Liver out of order, he took Pado pill last evg. & looks seedy today. George Roller called. Quiet evg. Lin played tennis at Lewis, number there. Monday 12 July Mrs. Silver at home 4.30 to 7. Mrs. Gabrielli’s luncheon party 1.30. Wet morg. Curious luncheon party, 13 to small round table. Rhoda Boughton, Cotsford, Dick, Colnaghi, Mrs. Cockerel, Mr Heilbut etc. Baronet (name unknown) sat next me, left 2.30 middle of lunch had appointment. Fetched Alice fr. Mr Matewells(?) & went to Mrs. Silver. Very slow party, Mrs. S. w’d talk so. Dr & Mrs. Smiles, Smaltz & Mrs. Parr there. Pouring rain. Tuesday 13 July Torpedo Boat. 1.2 past 10 o’c at Westminster Bridge Pier. Mrs. Skerrow at home 4-7. Left from Westminster Pier Bridge at 10.30. Party Mr & Mrs. Donaldson, Lady G. Hamilton, Sir F. & Lady Milner, Mrs. G. Hardy, Mr Baker etc. Jolly lunch. Lin lost his hat off the Nore. Went to Theatre (Court) after dinner. Sp. came in twice


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 during day. Alice had friends to tea. Mrs. Orton, Smiles, de la Rue called. Letter fr. Traddles. Wednesday 14 July Lovely day. Breakfasted in bed. Alice went after rooms for her sister. Concert at Hall, Patti, a’Becketts & friend of Alice going. We go to Exhibition after. Sp. came in morg. Answered Traddles letter. Lin played tennis at Hickmans, slow rather. Jolly concert at Hall. Miss Penn went. Went to Ex. after. Met chicks there, enjoyed it v. much, got home at 10 o’c, had little supper. Lady Laurence & C. Hartree called. This week’s books £6.13.¼ Thursday 15 July Mrs. Graeme Ogilvie’s at home 4-7. Alice & self went to Madame in cab, fitted. Letter about dressmaker Mrs. Watney. Letter fr. Traddles. Con & Effie came up fr. Arundel. Con came to see us afternoon. Alice & self went to Garden Party at Mrs. Ogilvie’s. V. pleasant party, lovely Walker picture. Mrs. Stone dined here (asked me to dine with her, could not.) She sent lovely melon & strawberries. Letter fr. Traddles. King brought her baby. Sir W. Webster, Mrs. Twiss, Mrs. Allen etc called. Friday 16 July Mrs. Gabrielli at home 10.30. Spencer came in morg. Alice & self took cab to Effie’s, saw her, Floss & Eve, walked home. Alice left for Westwood at 4 o’c. Spencer & Ada go to Paris tonight. Lin & self went to Exhibition, slow very, & then to Mrs. G’s, great crush & heat. No champagne. Goodalls, Lewis’ etc. there. Grossmith did 2 songs & after dinner talk, both hung fire. Slow evg, home late. Sir C. D’s case on again. Emma v. crusty. Saturday 17 July Lady Wilmot’s at home Wimbledon, every day until the 24 th. Lady Anne Blunt’s at home tennis, Crabbett. Pouring wet morg. Breakfast in bed. Took Maud to Mrs. Goodall at 11 , Roy with me. Tidied my wardrobe & drawers. Long letter fr. Edgar worried about his ap’t. E. still grumpy. Jane fetched Maud a little late. Sent cheque C. Argentine £16 fr. St John’s Wood on deposit. Sunday 18 July Went to early service with Roy. Called at Stables on way home, found all looking very clean & tidy, dear old Punch in loose box. Spoke to Crane. Lovely day. Lin wrote to Sir E. Wood about Edgar. Drove with Lin & Roy in Sp’s cart to Richmond Club, lunched there & on after to Camp, detestable crowd. Lin went after to Lewis’ for tennis, had 3 games. Mr Angel called stayed some time. Lin & self alone. Wrote to Mother & Jessie. Monday 19 July Went out morg. to Butts ordered b’k currants, tomatoes, spinach & lettuces. Impudent young woman in shop. Windows cleaned. Letters fr. Edgar & Alice Liddell. Wrote to Ted about Carrie’s baby, Alice Nicol, Mrs. S, Aunt Leigh, Effie, & Alice Liddell. After lunch took Dr Harcourt for short drive round Park, left Mrs. Smiles’ book. Punch got a stone in his foot. Lin rode at 6 o’c. I called after on Mrs. Orton, Huish & Spofforth, last in, is going to Norway for summer. Tuesday 20 July X. Promised to go to Park with Mrs. M. Stone. Lovely morg. Went to Park. Mrs Stone fetched me at 12 o’c, sat in Park, home by 20 to 2 o’c. Veal & ham at lunch. Mr Liddell called whilst I was out. Chicks go to Zoo with Nurse in carriage.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 C’s went to Zoo, home little past 7. Crane put up there. Judy came in, just arrived fr. Westwood. Mother not so well again, seems worried. No one called. Petit ami au soir. Con dined with us, came in late. Kindly offered us Brooklawn for chicks for a month. Wednesday 21 July Very hot. In bed till 12. Made up books. Went down to lunch, fell asleep after in drawing room till tea time. Roy went at 6 o’c with Lin to Bouverie St in brougham, came back alone. Maud had little dinner with me in drawing room. Read Dilke case, astounding facts. Wrote to Alice enclosing letter, received Dep’t note fr. Mr Lowndes for £40. Basket of flowers fr. Aunt Leigh, Vernon Place, Nebsfield(?) Sussex. Thursday 22 July Lovely day, little more air. Letters fr. Ted Herapath, Mother & Mrs. S. Lin had one last evg. fr. Sir E. Wood, am afraid E will have to leave Grantham. Feel depressed. Loss more than usual. Lin photographing all morg. Lin rode before breakfast. I lunched in drawing room. Mother wants us to take Westwood for a month or 6 weeks from 19th August. This week’s books £6.4.5¾. Friday 23 July Lin left early for Portsmouth for Review. Con & Judy came in. Con remained to lunch. I lunched in my room. Judy went with me after to leave cards at Mrs. Critchett’s & call on Effie, settled with her that chicks shall go next Tuesday to Brooklawn. Saw Effie’s baby things, lovely, such a number of presents. Dined alone & to bed early. Saturday 24 July Lady Wilmot at home Wimbledon, last day. Lady Anne Blunt at home, Crabbett Park. Luncheon at one . Lin returned fr. Portsmouth at lunch time. I took Roy & Maud to Zoo, met Rica, Maud went with her. 2/6 entrance & Roy’s refreshments. Letters fr. Alice, C. Hartree & Jessie with 2 photos of Dora. Lin gone for ride to Camp on Punch. Laurence fetched Maud. Letter fr. Effie & Con about chicks going to Brooklawn. Invitation fr. Mrs. Pigeon. Sunday 25 July Breakfasted in bed. Lin to Tattersall’s to see horses. Lin & self lunch at Mrs. Donaldson’s. Dull day. Con’s boy born 7 o’c this evg. Mr & Mrs. D. most kind. Poured on our way home, Crane no mackintosh. Lin went for tennis to Mr Lewis, brought Clara Bergheim & Miss Burgh back to dinner. Pleasant evg. Hattie B. most lovely hair, let it down for us to see. Jane went out instead of Emma. Monday 26 July Con came in & told us of his boy’s birth last evg. Drove after lunch to Mrs. Gabrielli & took her to Savile St, called on Mr A. Burnand, Toole, Agnew, Harding, Abney, Boehm etc. Had tea after at Mrs. Orton’s. Went after dinner Lin & self, went & saw “Jim the Penman”. Tuesday 27 July Brooklawn, Arundel. Chicks & self go to Arundel by 3.55, reach Arundel at 6. Best train back 2.25 arrives 4.20. Pleasant journey down. Talk with Miss Penn, terms to begin on 1st Aug, 1st Jany & 1st May at the rate of £40 a yr. Con met us at station. Cab 2.6 Fares 1.9.0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Porters 1.0 Fly 3.6 All very nice here, Hill most anxious to please & v. kind & nice manner with chicks. To bed early. Fire in my room. Wednesday 28 July Emma going for a week’s holiday. Lovely morg. Hill brought me cup of tea early. Out all morg. with chicks in garden, delighted with kittens & garden & fruit. Maud & self gathered fruit for luncheon, sat out reading Folle Farine(?) by Ouida. Slept badly last night. Walked along fields with Hill & Roy, latter delighted with wild flowers. Met Nurse & returned to house. Maudie’s eye hurt by Roy with stick. Maud & Hill walked to Farm after tea to order cream for me to take up tomorrow. To bed early. Chicks charmed with animals & wild flowers. Thursday 29 July Return home by 2.20. Rec’d letters fr. Mrs. S, Lin & Alice Liddell. Lovely day, cooler. Very sorry to go. Sat out all morg. After lunch walked across fields to station with nurse & chicks. Cows!!! Con met me at Victoria, drove him to Wetherby House & left hamper for Effie. Lin riding at 6.30. Con came in at 10.30. (Lin had letter fr. Lord Worsley, had heard nothing about Edgar, w’d make a note of it.) Friday 30 July Promised to take tea at 4.30 with C. Hartree. Con left after breakfast. Letter fr. Mrs. Vallis. Wrote to Nurse, Edgar & Mrs. Phillips. Lin busy photoing as usual. After lunch I called on Mrs. Oakes, Mrs. O’Callahan & Clara & had tea there. To C. Hartree’s, had tea there. Miss H, young Ansdell, 15 others there. Called on Effie but c’d not see her or Baby. Dinner v. late 9.30. Con came in at 10, sat up talking until 11.20. Slept well. Wire fr. Mother, went to Westwood yesterday. Saturday 31 July Mrs. Pigeon’s dinner 7 o’clock to meet some American people. Con, Lin & self went round to stables, saw horse Crane spoke of. Lin & Con don’t like horse. Lin sent 3 wires fr. Buckles(?) & to his everlasting phos again. Men doing blind in drawing room. Lin & self go to Westwood by Granville. Lin gave me house cheque £4.7.0.. Great crush at Station. Lin met me there. Missed 2 first portions of Granville. Saw Jack Burnand. Lady & gentleman with dog in our carriage. Train an hour late. Raining. Mother met us at Yates, looks seedy. C. S. here. Dined at 7.30, quiet evg. Sang & played. Wire fr. Edgar saying he had missed Mother in London. Aug 1886 Sunday 1 August Dull day. Bright about 2 o’c & until 5. Walked about with Mother. Lin & C. walked round coast, came in to dinner at 2 o’c. After walked about, went to stables with Mother & C. Saw Mrs. T’s baby & children. C. played games for children’s amusement. After tea Lin, C. & Tassel drove in to Ramsgate to Burnands. Monday 2 August Wretched day, pouring wet. Mother & I went after Mrs. S’s rooms in Broadstairs. Found v. nice ones, wired Mrs. S. Lin & C. S. walked to Ramsgate, home for luncheon. C. S, Mother & self strolled round grounds after lunch. Rain cleared off & fine evg. C. left by 7.0 train worrying about his (illeg). Lin went to Sta. with him. Lin awfully funny at dinner. Made Mother & self laugh immensely.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 3 August Lovely day. Mrs. Vallis went up to London early. Lin read all morg, walked after luncheon. I went with him to Sta. Rams. after high tea. Wired Crane. Found letters on my return here. V. kind one fr. Mr Burnand to Lin about taking me to Rogart. Mother still looking tired & seedy. Long talk with Tassel morg, Mrs. T. not so well. Letters fr. Nurse enclosing one fr. Mother sent to Arundel. Wrote to Lin forwarding letters, to Nurse & to C. S. sending gouty(?) pincushion. Wednesday 4 August Fine day. Received song “Our last Waltz” fr. Traddles. Did flowers. Wrote to Mrs. Hammond. After lunch went over to Broadstairs posted box to Maud 1/3, postcards 8d. Saw Mrs. Sambourne & Mrs. L. in rooms, seem comfortable. Sent p. card to Lin saying I w’d return by Granville tomorrow morg. Mother v. tired. Lot of letters at Station for me, fr. A. Nicol, Maud, Nurse, Edgar, Tilda, & David Liddell & Alice. I went to see dear little garden St Peters. To bed early. Thursday 5 August Wrote to Mother, Mrs. S. & Alice Liddell. Letter fr. Lin. Returned by Granville, capital train. Expences Westwood £1.15.0½. Went to see Effie & Baby, both look v. well. Con walked home with me. After lunch I called at Mrs. Stone’s had tea there. Laura depressed. Called on Mrs. O. & Ada (out) bought fowl 3/6 & tomatoes 9d. Called on Judy & Mrs. Fuller Maitland & Dr Harcourt, took grapes. Mrs. Grigg there, walked home with her & saw Ethel. Lin riding Folkestone. Emma returned fr. her holiday. Friday 6 August Saw Emma, looks all the better for her holiday. Letter & photos fr. Tabby. Spencer called. Con & Judy came to lunch. Ju & self shop’d, pd. Long’s & Aldous’ bills each one 10/-. Bought medicine, ices 3/8, stamps 2d. After lunch Con went to see horse for Lin. I took Mrs Grigg for drive to Maples. Saw bed & chintz. Left me at Effie’s, had tea & stayed there until 7.30. Con came in. Saw Eff’s doctor. Walked home. Spoke to Jane about going to Mother’s. Wrote to Nurse forwarding letter to Maudie. Late. Saturday 7 August Lovely day. V. hot. Wrote to Mother. Letters fr. Mother & Nurse & Mrs. S. Lin went up early to see horse with Crane. Impudent man there. Spencer came in early. Lin went to Mr Boehm’s studio, took photos of Con in Duke of Wellington’s things. Con & Lin home to lunch. Laurence’ sister called, spoke to Emma, v. worried about her husband being out of work again since Wednesday. Lin, Sp, Ada & self dined at Café Royal, excellent dinner, & to see Harbour Lights after. Ada & self came home in brougham. Lin & Sp. went to club, home at 2 o’c. Sp’s man arrived with note fr. Ada at 2 asking us to go on river with them tomorrow. Sunday 8 August Got up at 10. Fine day. Went with Lin to Tattersalls, met Con there, wretched horses. Talk with Barnham! funny. After lunch I took cab & went to Effie for 2 hours. Cabs 2/-. Quiet evg, no one called. Jane went out instead of Emma. Lin busy developing photos. Monday 9 August Lin rode before breakfast. Letter fr. Mrs. Donaldson (can’t take horses to grass) & Mother. Mother coming up today. Sent cheques to Furzicott £1.9.6, to Harvey Nicols £1.15.9, to Marshall & Snelgrove £1.5.0 & Madame £6.6.0. Entered


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 £7.10.0 on Cash Ac’t fr. Barr Estate in Bank, sent by Emma. Laurence asked for a holiday tomorrow. After lunch Mother & self drove 3.30 to leave grapes at Mr Thornton (out) to Gunters & had ice & to Effie’s, had tea there. Baby improving, Eff so so, & home. Told Crane his carriage was not as it ought to be & something squeaked every time he turned. Con came to dinner rather late. Mother v. tired & looks seedy. Mother arrived today at lunch time fr. Westwood. Tuesday 10 August Lin ask to dinner Vernon Watney. Mistake about day, V.W. arrived last Tues & Lin out. Pouring wet day. Laurence going for holiday at 12 o’c. Cleared after luncheon. Mother & self went at 3.30 to Mr Cosens, Traddles, Burnands (coming home tomorrow) to Effie. Mother returned home alone v. tired. I sat a little with Eff & Con bought me home cab 1/-. Found Sp. here, talked some time, had tea. Lin riding. Receipts fr. Madame & Furzicott. Wednesday 11 August Lovely day. Letter fr. Tra. coming to dinner tonight. Spencer came in morg. Con came & took Mother out to lunch. Judy & I went out shop’g, ordered hat, shoes, counterpane, mattress, Roy & Maud presents, bought poppies, silk for tea gown, frilling & disinfectant, amounting to 7/8 exclusive of silk for tea gown. Called on Dr Harcourt (out). Went in Victoria with Con to Veitch’s, chose plants. Traddles came to dinner. Sp & Ada called. Went after dinner to Exhibition. Lovely evg. Tra. came home with us. Lin v. late. Burnand back, not too well. Thursday 12 August Fine day. Lin photoing Crane in Court dress. Letter fr. Mr Thornton. After lunch I went to Pontings about hat. Tried on ugly dress at Barker’s & called at Miss Dampier’s. Mother better. Con came to dinner. Lin rode Folkestone before dinner. Spencer’s Baby came for some time morg. Con sang à la H. F. Friday 13 August Miss Dampier, Mrs Phillips & man fr. Veitch’s going to call before 11 o’c. All came. Mother & self went out shops, bought comb & hair pins. Got new cheque book. Gave Emma money for books. Eratic(?) letter fr. Tr. to Mother. Went off after lunch to see about it. Sp. came in & brought me 2 grouse. Asked Hall’s price, 10/brace. Mother went to Tr. directly after lunch. I met her at chemists & called on Mrs. Mason. Saw her, & to C. Hartree. Had tea there & on to Effie, took her a grouse & bunch of grapes. V. late dinner. Saturday 14 August X. Can’t go to Arundel little F. Con & Edgar came. Edgar & Sophy to lunch. Edgar slept here. Judy came stayed until lunch time. Con & Lin gone to see horse at Woking. Train late so did not get home to dinner, we waited till quarter past 8. Mother v. seedy. Wired to Nurse. Edgar slept in night nursery. Went up to his club & came home to tea. To bed early. Bother about papers, Barr estate. Letter fr. dear little Maud. Sunday 15 August Lovely day. Mother & Edgar to Church. Lin went to Tattersalls. Mother & self lunched in drawing room, Edgar & Lin down stairs. Edgar gone to club, Lin riding. Edgar leaves tonight. Wrote T. & darling Maud. Lin found all the papers he wanted!!! So glad. Mr & Mrs. Percy Reeve called, came in with Edgar, but c’d not see them. Wrote to Mrs. Reeve.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 16 August Fine day. Con came & took Mother to (illeg) left her at Blanchard’s waiting for Mervyn, saw him. Lin went early with Crane to see horse at Tattersalls. Judy came & lunched with me alone. Lin bought horse at T’s. V. annoyed because Crane went out when he knew Lin was buying a horse. Con & Lin went riding new horse. Sp. & Ada came in afternoon. Mother v. seedy & I feel awfully seedy too. Wrote to Midge. Received letter fr. Aunt Anna. Tuesday 17 August Fine. Dr O came to see Mother, very seedy. Judy came & took Mother out. Spencer called. Con came in morg. Con & Lin going to try new horse in harness. Letters fr. Alice Nicol & Midge. Horse in harness goes v.well, handsome looking animal, fine head, neck, shoulders & forelegs. Mother & self went at 3.30 to chemists & to Tra. Saw him for a few seconds, looks better. Feel v. seedy. Quiet dinner. Wrote to Aunt Anna & Jessie. Letter fr. Nurse. Wednesday 18 August Mother went out alone. Wrote to Nurse enclosing cheque for £3.0.0. Wrote to darling Roy. Lin phot’g policeman. Con came saying horse w’d be returned, not jumping, no hunter! Crane going to take him. Con with me all morg. Told me startling ac’t of Mervyn con. with Mrs. B. Mother & self went for drive at 5 o’c to Harvey’s, walked down Sloane Street & left grapes at Effie’s. Little Lamb saw Mother & brought up fruit fr. Westwood. Thursday 19 August Darling Roy’s birthday. Fearfully wet & dark. Mother out all morg. & not in till nearly 6 o’c. V. tired. Lin busy returned horse to Tattersalls on account of jumping. Con to dinner. We went to Haymarket after, saw Conway & Kate Vaughan in School for Scandal. Excellent, & delightful box. Sp. came morg. I practiced all afternoon. Friday 20 August Lovely morg. Spencer came, talked about Mr Booker & Mr Tollemach. Mother & self drove to Tr, wired for Mother. In trouble about Mrs. Mason, think he’s a goose not to take her. To Shoolbred’s got rib(?). Back to C’s to go with Mother to Westwood tomorrow. Lin busy phot’g. Horse again returned, No Go. Ordered carriage at 4 o’c. Went to see Effie. Saturday 21 August Went out shops morg. Mother went to Westwood by Granville, left early to go. Lin & self went to Brooklawn 3.45. Crane’s carriage dirty & windows smeary. Dear chicks met us. Had v. nice tea & strolled about garden. Everything looking very nice & pretty. Sunday 22 August Lovely day, sat in garden with Lin & chicks all morg. Nurse busy with dinner. Drove to Littlehampton at 3 with Lin & chicks, enjoyed it. Roy paddled, stupid dull place, no shade. Sat on sands hour & a half & home. Had tea, sat out & Lin went to London by 6 something train. So sorry he must go. Nurse went to Church. Maud slept with me & Fee. Monday 23 August Brooklawn. Mr & Mrs. Lucy, Leslie Ward, Milliken & Spencer dined here. Went with chicks after breakfast to Mrs. Tees, gave her jar. I saw cream to farm. Small


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 bedroom, nice woman, big baby, & to Mrs. Reed’s, nice rooms, an afraid they are grumpy people but clean & tidy. Drove to Station. Chicks saw me off by 5.5, carriage to self, slow tedious journey & v. tired. Sent cream & eggs to Effie & flowers. Baby had operation today, upset Effie. Con came in with Mother at 11 o’c. Gentlemen stayed till 2 o’c!!! roulette. Mother returned fr. Westwood with Charley. Tuesday 24 August Dull heavy close morg. Mother v. seedy, w’d go out before breakfast. At 11 Mother & self drove to P. Office. I put £1.15 to chicks’ ac’t. I posted 3 letters, to Mrs. S, Nurse & Mrs. Reed. Went to Effie’s took grapes & veg’ts. Baby asleep. Effie not over well in bed, pale. To Tr’s, busy, & to Madame B’s, Mother fitted with bodice. Asked me such ridiculous prices ordered nothing & don’t mean to. Home to lunch. Made butter of cream gone sour. Edgar came, staying at B. Hedges. Con came, been to see horse for Lin at Balham, good one. Lin rode Folkestone, Edgar tried new horse. Mother v. seedy. Long letter fr. Midge. Wednesday 25 August Fine day. Barker’s man called about mattress. Letter fr. Ju about Tab’s mantle. Not if I know it. Con came in morg. Out shop’g morg. After lunch counted linen with Laurence. Lin & Con went to see new horse at Balham. Mother & self dined alone & went to “Adams”. Charley met us there, v. good piece. Lin came in stayed a short time. Went to C’s rooms, he saw us home. Lin v. late. Stiff letter fr. Alice! Sorry she can’t go to Westwood with us. Edgar & Sophy going with us Saty D.V. Thursday 26 August Mother better. Lin home v. late, went to Garrick last night. Spencer arrived whilst we were at breakfast. Tilda arrived soon after fr. Rotterdam, she & I walked into Kensington, bought cotton dress. Called at Mrs. (illeg) to have it made up, Nash’s, Barker’s about bed. Lunched. Con came. Tilda & self went in brougham at 3.30 to Hospital, pd. Pontings, changed cheque of £1.0.0 at Butts, pd. Derry & walked down Kensington Road. Paid 6d for tomatoes & 2/7 for soles. Con, Effie & Eddie called. Spencer came in also. Effie looks v. seedy. Lin riding Folkestone at six. Box for “Mikado” all going. Wrote Nurse & Mrs. Reed. Edgar & Sophy came. Friday 27 August Dear Dickie & Spencer go to Scotland. Dine at Club 6.30. Sp came in early. Mother off before breakfast, came in to lunch. Tilda & self went at 11.30 in carriage to be fitted at Mrs. (illeg). Barkers, got 7 yds chintz, embroidery, silver paper, & to see Effie, found Mother there, she & T returned in brougham. Wire for £150(?) fr horse owner accepting Lin’s offer, bother him. Con called. Tilda went out afternoon. Edgar & Sophy called. Awfully dull & stuffy. Dickie left after dinner, general commotion. Saturday 28 August Westwood. Busy all morg. Tilda cutting out sofa cover nursery. Con called. Vet gone to see Balham mare. Paid books & Haylock’s bill. Two wires from Lin. Paid Jane up till Tuesday. Laurence to station with us, saw to boxes, train v. crowded. Edgar met us Vic. & came down with us. Mother out shop’g all morg. Everything looking lovely here. Mother v. tired. Sunday 29 August No letters. Got into Mother’s bed at 7 o’c in morg. Lovely day. Wrote to Jess, Nurse, Lowndes for my book, Lin & Mrs. Sambourne. Sent cheque of £1 to Emma


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 for board wages & £1.3 to Jane, wages due till Thursday. Went to Church with Mother & Edgar evg. Met Shirley & Mrs. W. Mr Whitehead preached, Church v. hot. Monday 30 August Glorious day. Letter fr. Linley. Sat out all day. Mother gave Turvey notice. Tassell fetched horses fr. Margate. Crane never wired or wrote about train. Wire fr. Tabby asking us all to Elmley & for Lin to go yachting with Ham. Edgar walked into Margate. Mr L.Tomlin called morg, v. amusing about row he had had with Barvill about his overcrowding pew. Letter fr. Mrs. S. & invite fr. Mrs. Whitehead. Tuesday 31 August Board wages begin. Paid until 14th September. No letters. Pass book & Punch arrived. Lovely day, went to Ramsgate with Edgar. Called at Burnands, away, girls out. Edgar tried “No Go” in brougham after tea, looks v. handsome but wants whip. Sent cheque £2 to Crane, Emma £4.4.3 books, wrote Tilda, Mrs. S, Lin, Nurse, Whiteheads & Con. Mother awfully seedy at night late. Sep 1886 Wednesday 1 September Lovely day v. hot. Wire fr. Nurse asking if she sh’d go to London. Edgar received wire saying his app’t w’d be up on the 8 th inst. Long letter fr. Lin. Sophy arrived & went for bathe at Dumpton Gap with Edgar. V. hot. Mother v. seedy. Edgar saw Burbridge morg. about land reduced. Sent £10 for year. Wrote to Lin. Mother wired to Alice Liddell. Feel awfully worried about chicks. Thursday 2 September Mrs. Whitehead’s tennis party 4-6. Lovely day. Edgar saw Poudy(?) So. & Edgar went for bathe. Letters fr. Nurse & Mrs. Reed, bodice sent, letter fr. Anna. Wired Nurse & Emma, shall be ruined with wires. Dreadfully worried about chicks. Ed. & So. went to Margate & then to Dumpton for bathe. Quiet evg. Mother very tired. Letters fr. Lin & Tra, latter sent me spray of medicine for my throat. Lin enclosed letter fr. Crane & one fr. Mrs. Fitzgerald about horse. Hope Lin has not bought her. Consumed with harvest flies. Friday 3 September Dullish morg. Edgar & Sophy left by Granville. Man came for 12 lbs grapes. More cheerful letter fr. Nurse, fr. Mrs. Holmes. Lovely afternoon. Mother & self lay down & rested. Sat out after. Letter fr. Lin by last post. Quiet evg. Went to bed early. Saturday 4 September Lovely day. Had wire fr. Lin en route for Tressady. No letters by morg. post. Mother & self go morg. to Ramsgate, called on Mrs. Burnand, saw her & Gerty & Baby. I went up & saw old nurse. Letters fr Con, Mr Angel & Lin mid-day. Alice coming at 7.50, very glad. Fetched Alice. Sunday 5 September Alice & self went to Church. Went to see dear little garden & took flowers. Queer sermon!!! Glorious day. V. quiet saw no one. Monday 6 September Lovely day. Alice & self went to Ramsgate. Called on Mrs. L. Tomlin, Whitehead, Wood & North, Buckmaster. Shopped. Mother v. seedy & tired. Met Mrs. Parish, Miss Levy & Dr Hicks. Eventful day!


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 7 September Lovely day. Alice in bed to breakfast. She & I drove to Margate with lamps, ordered basket & Graphic. Got sea water. Worked all afternoon. Mother had letters, v. busy preparing to go to town tomorrow. Tried sea water, Alice’s receipt! Letter fr. Lin fr. Rogart. No other letters except one from Emma, sent my pink dress. Wednesday 8 September Mother goes to London. Alice & self took Mother to meet Granville at Broadstairs station. Saw her off, met Jane Abernethy & Mary Richardson there. After went to sands & got sea water. Nice nurse with 3 little girls. Had depressing letter fr. Nurse fr. Littlehampton, must have moral courage next year D.V. & have children with me. Traddles going to dine with Mother tonight. Went & arranged little garden on way home fr. Broadstairs. Letters fr. Lin & Tra. Thursday 9 September X. Mrs. Vallis left with John, Turvey accompanying! Took stockings to old green. Jane coming at 4. Letters fr. Con & Nurse & Mother. Wrote to Mother, Lin & Tabby. Petit ami au soir. Another letter fr. Mother by last post. Letters fr. Lin, think he is getting tired of bachelor life!!! Had caught grilse at 9lbs weight. Jane came at 5 . Little Lamb already looks better. To bed early. Friday 10 September Windy tho’ fine morg. Mother coming by 5.15. Alice going to Margate to get fish, isinglass & cocoa. Saturday 11 September Lovely day. Up & down by 10.30. Rested in drawing room. Alice seedy in bed also. Mother & C. went to Ramsgate, saw Burnands. Went to lie down after lunch & Mr Wood, 2 sons & daughter came, played tennis & had tea. C. drove Mr & Miss Wood home in dog cart. Alice & I went for drive. Dinner late. Wrote Nurse & sent her cheque £3.0.0 & one for 18/- to square up books last week. Tricks evg, Alice sang. Received letters fr. Lin, Con & Nurse. Wrote Lin & Nurse & Mr Lowndes to have my cheques honoured at Littlehampton. Sunday 12 September Lovely morg. Breakfast in bed. C. going fishing. Harvest Sunday, Mother & Alice going. After lunch Mr Pilleau called stayed to tea & is coming tomorrow. Charley fishing all day, came home late for tea. After supper sat in corridor with Mother, camera! Lovely moonlight night. Alice rather seedy. Monday 13 September Lovely day. Alice & C. went for drive, bought hammock & silk handkerchief for Alice. After lunch lay in hammock. Mr Pilleau came, played tennis with Charlie. After tea had tricks & Mr P. recited. Charley left, did not say goodbye, X about something. Mr P. remained dinner. V. good company, sings well, did sermon “Old Mother Hubbard” & recited. Jolly evg, enjoyed it immensely. Tuesday 14 September Board wages again due. Lovely day. Alice & self went afternoon to Mrs. Banks & Mrs. Hammond, both away. Called on Mrs. Burnand stayed some time. Called on Miss Levy. Gerty & C. Burnand called here during our absence. Mother seems v. seedy. Wrote to Lin, Mrs. S, & Mr Angel.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 15 September Aice & self went to Margate morg. Poor little boy run over. Walked to Mrs. Thornton’s whilst Tassel took the child & a man to Docter’s. Sat with Mrs. T. Rosalie & girl friend there, v, kind, gave me port wine, felt upset. After lunch wire fr. Sp. to come Friday, jolly. I had 40 winks on Mother’s bed. Rosie & Gerty Burnand & C. Burnand came, had tea, laughed a good deal. Thursday 16 September Lovely day. Servants all went to Walmer in break. Reed here doing work. Letters fr. Lin. Alice & Mother walked to Margate & back, seems none the worse. I lay down & slept, feel seedy, can’t think why. Quiet evg & to bed. Friday 17 September Mr Angel & Tommy & Spencer came by Granville. Lovely day. Alice & self went in to Ramsgate, did shop’g. Saw Burnands at a distance. Letter fr. Lin. Tra. went to Nayland Rock, not heard fr. him. Mother & self rested afternoon. Music after dinner. Saturday 18 September Lovely day. Mr A. & Sp. gone to Nash. Go to Ramsgate at 12.30. Sat out. Sang evg. Sp. most amusing. Thorntons & Woods over for tennis, earwig’s wings. Sunday 19 September Mother, Sp. & self went to Church, took flowers. After lunch Charley came, brought us papers. Stayed late. Moth. All of us walked to Greens. Sp. tried the Bay, did not like him. Monday 20 September Lovely morg. Sp. left by first early train, Mr Angel at 12 o’c. Tom & self played hide & seek. Tra. came to lunch. We walked round paddocks after. Mr & Miss Levy, Mrs. Buckmaster & Mr Hammond called. Mother & Alice saw them. Mother & Charley went to town late. Letters fr. Lin, will be back Sunday. Nurse ill again. Letter fr. Con. Tuesday 21 September Lovely day. Letter fr. Lin. Took Tom to Broadstairs for an hour. Called on Mrs. Drew & took her grapes, funny old lady. Looks like (illeg). Sent Nurse £3. Ada’s baby girl born. Mr & Mrs. Whitehead called. Wire fr. Lin on his journey to Murtle & letter. Wednesday 22 September Lovely morg. Tom & Consequence playing together. Telegram fr. Ham about Tabs baby, so sorry another girl. Ordered carriage at 2.30. Wire fr. Mother. Went to Ramsgate. Don’t feel v. well. Alice & Tom walked on sands, I waited for them in carriage. Ramsgate getting v. empty. Thursday 23 September Lovely day. Alice c’d not leave by 12 train on account of her box. Wired Mother. Letters fr. Mother, Mrs. S. & Mr Angel. Alice, Tom & self drove to Broadstairs about letter & circulars for little Drew. Nice little boy. Saw Mrs. D. & sent circulars to Mr Skeet. Went to Margate after, did shop’g. Walked about grounds afternoon. Letter fr. Mr Angel again. Tom getting a little tiresome. He went for a ride on Donkey. Letter fr. Nurse, much better & wants to stay longer at Littlehampton.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 24 September Alice & Tom left by Granville, saw them off. Spoke to Mr Vine about horse box, changed me cheque for £2.0.0. Pd 5/3 for Tom’s ticket. Letters fr. Tra, Mother & Spinks morg. None again fr. Lin. Tassel taking Alice’s box on cart. Mother & C. coming down tonight. Lin comes tomorrow. Mother & C. v. late, only arrived at 9 o’c. Dinner & sat in drawing room short time & to bed. C. slept here, too late to go back to Margate. Letters fr. Lin, Effie, Con, Nurse & Mrs. S. Saturday 25 September C. slept here. Morning walked about, fed horses. Wire fr. Lin. C. went to Ramsgate in cart, I afraid to go. Lunch. Mrs. Tomlin called to see Mother. Sat in Study until Mother & C. walked to Ramsgate. Mr & Mrs. Hicks called. Miss Wood called. Fire in study. I went to meet Lin by Granville, Ramsgate. Mother & C. met us there, general confusion. Mother & self returned in brougham, C. & Lin in fly with luggage. C. returned at once to Margate. Quiet dinner. Lin v. well, slept with window wide open. Sunday 26 September Did not go to Church. Lin rode “The Skipper”. Charley came over to lunch. After lunch Mother & self walked to Green’s, took papers etc. C. & Lin making Folkestone & the donkey run round field. Feel tired rather!! Lin & Charley went to Ramsgate at 6.30. C. sleeps here. Returned at 11.30. C. did tricks at Burnands. Monday 27 September Walked about, awfully windy. Lin took photos of C. & self being blown about. After lunch C. & Lin walked to Ramsgate. I called on Miss Levy, saw Mrs. Gabrielli there, & on Mrs. Hammond, saw her. Met Lin & C. on pier, awfully rough. They drove home with me. Dined & C. left in heavy shower of rain. Left his walking stick behind. Drove Bay horse. Tuesday 28 September Mother & self went to Ramsgate. Lin rode & shot, brought Gerty B. home to lunch. Mrs. Bergheim, A. Peto, Mrs. Thomson & Bertie T. called, quite exciting. Gerty stayed to dinner, sent her home in brougham. Wednesday 29 September Lin went up by the Granville. Rosie B & Walter Austin called - never asked them to lunch! Letters fr. Judy, Mrs. S. Con, Sp. Nurse, chicks, Alice. Dear Mother gave me pretty lace tie & shawl & cheque. Letters fr. Tilda, Traddles & card case. Mother & self went to Dumpton Gap, found anemones. Mrs. Martin Thornton & Mrs. Abernethy called. Thursday 30 Sptember Letter fr. Lin. Tra. sent me song too high key. Horses went up. Miss them. Wire fr. Sp. About Alice’s address. Mr & Mrs. Banks called. Lamb sorti afternoon. Letter fr. Lin. Mice in drawing room evening. Slept with Mother in consequence. Oct 1886 Friday 1 October Most glorious morg. Letter fr. Dickie & a bill. Wrote Tilda, Tabby, Lin, A. Nicol, Mrs. S. & Miss Penn. Slept in Mother’s room. Mother sent box to chicks. I went at ¼ to 4 to Westgate, had tea at Mrs. Orchardson’s, awfully weak, boiling water. Went to Mrs. Moxon’s, away, & on to tea at Mrs. A. Peto’s, schoolroom tea. Clara B. there,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 wants us to go to Vienna in May. Letter fr. Mr Chapple saying we sh’d lose so much on our annuities. Bother it! Saturday 2 October Wire fr. Lin. Mare came down by afternoon train, usual muddle on our side about horse. Lin came by Granville. Tassel met mare, I like the look of her. Lin came in fly, brought turbot c’d not get salmon. Lovely day like midsummer. Sunday 3 October Fine morg. Lin riding Katrina. Worrying letter fr. Burnand! After early dinner the Levys called & stayed some time. Walked round grounds, delighted with Westwood. Lin walked to Margate evening, only away short time. Monday 4 October Lovely day. Mother & self went to Ramsgate morg. Lin rode afternoon. I lay in hammock & Mother sat near some time. Letters fr. Tr. Mother gone to Southsea, returns home tonight. V. hot, wearing cottons again. Tuesday 5 October Letters fr. Nurse, Pilleau & Mrs. Sambourne & Miss Penn. Lovely day. Mother went to St Peters before breakfast. Sent basket over to St Peters. Lin rode evg, photos all morg. Mother & self sat on lawn all afternoon. Cockatoo up tree, could not get it down, on top bough. Letters fr. Tabby & Mervyn. Wednesday 6 October Dear chicks return home fr. Littlehampton. Children remain a week longer at Littlehampton. Lin rode before breakfast. Letter fr. Con. Lin goes to London at 12.30. Bird got down fr. tree. Much colder & dull. Lin made an awful mess in sitting room & corridor, Mother vexed about it. Thursday 7 October Chicks remain week longer. Cold & raining. Letters fr. Tra. leaving tomorrow morg. for Spain for a month. He seems v. depressed. Mother wrote to him. I wrote to Lin & Judy. Going to Ramsgate 11 o’c. Met Mrs. Harry Burnand, Mrs. Buckmaster & Mrs. Hicks. Bought plates for Emma. Letters fr. Lin (2) Tilda, Alice, Mr C. with my quarter only £21.0.9 instead of £25!!!. Notices fr. Rosario & Pacific Railways, extensions going on. X. Petit ami au matin. Rained on & off all day. Lin enclosed letter fr. Traddles asking him to dine with him tonight. 2 others fr. Lin. Friday 8 October Tra. leaves for Spain. Dullest day, colder. Feel v. seedy. Lin dines with Mr Tenniel at Garrick Club. Went after to see “Run of Luck”. Letters fr. Emma, Mr Angel, fr. Linley two, morg & evg. Saturday 9 October Lovely day, quite warm. Lin came up by Granville. Likes Mr Ricketts who he met at Traddles dinner Thursday, going to stay with Langleys at San Emilio, hope to meet him before he goes. Lamb left by Granville for her holiday, looks awfully ill. Reed here. Row in Ramsgate with French & English fishermen. Lin met Col. A. Jones coming down, will perhaps call here tomorrow. Letter fr. Nurse, seems v. comfortable & happy in new quarters at Littlehampton. Sunday 10 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely morg. Mother letter fr. Tra. Lin rides Katrina 11 o’c. Mr Pilleau coming to lunch. Mother to church & to Ramsgate after. Mr Pilleau came to lunch, Lin rode before. Gerty & Conny & Jack Burnand came & stayed to dessert & tea. Mr P. sang & recited. Amusing evening. He stayed to supper, left at 10.30. Lin at those everlasting photos. Mother had letter fr. Charley. Monday 11 October Our 2 horses to be sold at Tattersalls! Folkestone alias “Cardinal” & the Bay. Bay sold for 53.11.0. Folkestone unsold, glad! Lovely day. After lunch Gerty & self called on Mrs. Abernethy (out) posted letters. Lin went up by Granville. Brougham fetched Gerty who slept here. Cozy fire in drawing room, to bed early. Perfect gale blowing. Tuesday 12 October Dull day. Went in to Mother’s bed at 1 o’c. Wire fr. Lin about horses. Bay went for 51 gns, Folkestone unsold. Mother busy with Rents. Lin came down in time for lunch. 1st meet of Harriers, Lin rode Katrina. I took Gerty back in brougham & saw Mrs. Burnand & Conny. Very rough sea, blowing hard & raining. Letter fr. Lin & Mervyn. Wednesday 13 October Lovely day. Went out morg. with Mother cutting flowers & greens. Lin rode the mare. Tassel seedy. Left Westwood at one o’c, home about 5. Chicks & Nurse arrived shortly after. House looks v. nice. Chicks wonderfully well & bonnie. Fire in drawing room & nursery. Lin off to Punch dinner. Maud dined with me. Thursday 14 October Lovely day. Slept fairly well, Lin late. All looks v. nice. Put away jam with Emma. Put out silver with Laurence. Arranged wardrobes. Spencer came in told Lin about Ada S. J expecting in Dec!!! Judy called & had tea. Miss Penn recommenced lessons. Letters fr. Mother, Aunt Anna, Mrs. S. Crane wishes to go at once to Whiteley’s! Friday 15 October Wet morg. Posted letter to Mr Lowndes containing £6.8. B. A. Bonds & £40 deposit note & 2 letters for Lin. Called & had long talk with Dr Harcourt, lent me book. Lin rode before breakfast. Rained so did not go out. Quiet dinner not late 7.30. Lin worked after dinner. Saturday 16 October Pouring wet day. Went at 12 in brougham with Maud to Pullers & Harveys. Put £1 in for Roy. Lin gave me cheque for £5 for what I pd. extra. Lin rode Katrina pouring rain. Crane spoke to Lin about staying on. Number of answers to advertisement about groom’s place. Almanack dinner. Roy dined with me, v. funny about 6d Lin gave him. I being a conservative was not so liberal as Lin when I told him a penny was enough. Wrote to Aunt Anna, Jess & Tilda. Sent Madame cheque £10.0.0. Sunday 17 October Roy & self went to St George’s. Excellent sermon fr. a stranger. Met Mrs. Leche coming out. Lin rode with Mr Furniss, came in late to lunch. Wrote to Miss Hartree, Mrs. Banks, & Mother. Lin v. late last night or rather this morg. Mr Weldon came & stayed to tea, chatted long time, saw Lin’s photos.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 18 October Sp. Came in. Letter fr. Con. Lin seeing grooms all day. None good looking up till now. After lunch called on Ada S. J, Mrs. Lindo about groom & to Mrs. Keith. Saw new fiancé, he rode with Lin this morg. Had tea there, quiet evg. Lin mechant! To bed early. Tuesday 19 October Lin rode Folkestone 8.30. Saw Mrs. Lindo’s man, nice smart looking but slow talker. Dense black fog. Saw more grooms. Mare being singed. Miss Peyton (that was) & her husband coming to tea. Wednesday 20 October (a line of figures) Sent three postal orders as above to Effie 14/- in all. Lin seeing lots of coachmen. Not one maid came. Went at 12 o’c to Brandons, ordered bk. & red bonnet. Put £4.9.0. in P. O. for Maud. Sent 14/- to Effie for firing & quilt. Lin rode mare before breakfast. Chicks out after lunch. Nurse looks v. poorly. Mrs. Sambourne arrives, Emma going to meet her. Mrs. S. not coming till tomorrow on ac’t. of storm. I have seen several house maids, written for character of one. Thursday 21 October Lin rode before breakfast. Late, anxious. After lunch I drove to Aunt Linda, met Aunt Bessie, Maud & Beetie. V. pleased to see them again. Mrs. Holmes calling on Aunty. Mrs. Sambourne came. Emma went to fetch her. Letter fr. lady about housemaid. V. bad character, can’t take her! Saw 2 coachmen, awfully difficult to decide between so many. Friday 22 October Promised to take tea at Mr Pilleau’s 3 o/c. Went out morg. shop’g. Pd. Miss Dampier & Mrs. (illeg). Drove round Park with mare in brougham at 12 o’c, whip going all the time. V. slow in harness. Mrs. Marcus Stone called. I went at 4.30 to Judy’s & took her to Mr Pilleau’s. Near shave of accident at Stanhope Gate. Crane drove most carelessly. Pleasant tea at Mr Pilleau’s. Lin worked all day. Block late, Lin left “words” at Club, sent boy for them. Saturday 23 October Very wet. Lin rode after lunch to Richmond. New man came in. Lin dined at Savage Club with Mr Birch & went on to Garrick after, home late. I saw housemaid sent by Nash who has lived with Mrs. Stafford Northcote. Sunday 24 October Roy & self went to St Georges Church. 2 funny little love affairs going on which amused me & took attention off better things! Looked for spiders coming home. Went in to Dr H’s, showed Roy microscope. Mrs. Buzzard called whilst I was there. Sp. & Ada called. Lin rode with Mr Tenniel. Sp & Lin went for drive in Sp’s new Paris Victoria. Mr Angel called. Sp. & Lin came back to tea. Quiet evg, to bed early. Monday 25 October Asked Tabs, Mervyn & Mr Pilleau to dine. Can’t come so put Mr P. off. Linley & Mr Angel dine at Spencer’s club with him. Lin rode before breakfast. New man begins duties, he came in on Saturday. Crane left. Went at 4.30 to Mrs. Leche’s, Mr Thornton, sat some time with him, & with Mr & Mrs. Eykyn & saw the Baby, pretty nurse. Worried about Roy, c’d not sleep.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 26 October Venita Hunt’s wedding 2.30 St Mary Abbots. At house 3 to 7. Went out shop’g morg. with Mrs. S. Lin rode in Battersea Pk, met him coming home. Mr Pilleau dining here & going to Avenue Theatre with us. Bad night, flea! & Lin home v. late, slept all right when he returned. Book fr. Wade’s “Mill on the Floss”. 2/6 deposit, 3d a week. Wednesday 27 October Dull day. I went out morg. walking. No man for orders. Lin did not ride. Alice came & Mrs. S. & Alice went to Exhibition & only returned at 4.30. I dined at Mrs. Stone’s, Mrs. Hare there. Bruntons considerably talked over. Money holds its own! Alice, Mrs. S. & Maud went to Patti concert at the Hall. Nurse v. fussy about Maud. Lin went on way to Punch dinner about fur coat. Sad news of poor Mrs. Humphreys. Thursday 28 October Lovely day. Alice & Mrs. S. out shop’g. Alice left before luncheon. Tabby came to lunch looking wonderfully well & pretty. At 3.30 we drove to Russel & Allen’s & I saw her fancy dress “White Witch” fitted. Met Williams there. I drove Tabs to Victoria Sta. No one called. Played whist with Roy. Lin rode before breakfast. I took a number of photos for him morg. Lin méchant. Friday 29 October Lovely morg. Lin rode before breakfast, came in quite tired out. More of those hateful photos! Sp called, Mr Tollemach dead! Sp. going to funeral on Monday. Mrs. S. & self went at 11.30 to Brandons (illeg) shop & Wells. Read afternoon. Mrs. S. lent me £9.0.0. for books. Put 8/- to Maud’s ac’t & paid 6/2 on income tax. French woman called for charity - impudence! Lin v. late with work, think he wastes so much time over those photos before he really begins to work. Saturday 30 October Lin riding morning. Jolly doing dining room windows. Roy & I drove to Wimbledon at 3.30, left book at Mrs Pidgeon’s & had tea there. Bought zinc lotion. Mrs. S. read all evg. Letter fr. Mother & Traddles. Sunday 31 October Mrs. S. went to 9.30 service. Roy & self to St Georges & then to stables, then to Pro-Cathedral. Roy much struck with candles & vestments. Lin rode with Furniss, in to lunch. Mr & Mrs. McLaren & little boy called. Nov 1886 Monday 1 November First night at German Reeds. Mrs. S. read all morg. V. wet. After lunch I walked to Kensington, ordered plate brush, leathers & stove brush for Laurence, & dusters. Called on Mrs. Orton & Miss Lutyens, last in. Met Mrs. Palmer & new baby, & Miss Hogarth. Mrs. S. went with us to German Reeds. Saw Reeds, Twiss’s, a’Becketts, Sir H. de Rethe, wife & dau. Not half so beautiful as Mrs. Geiger. New house maid Mary Roberts came. Edgar came as I was dressing, long talk about B. A. City Trams. Tuesday 2 November Lovely morg. Carriage at 11.30. Ada goes to Fancy dress ball at Pershore as White Witch. Went to Stables, Jolly late. Lin rode at 2 o’c, breakfasted at 8.30. Mrs. S. & self went to Brandons, they changed my bonnet. Met Mrs. Tattersall &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 dau. New maid been laundry maid 6 years, not housemaid. Nelly, Judy, Aunt Linda & Mr Frere called. Lin dined at Mr Critchett’s bachelor party. Wednesday 3 November X. Went with chicks Nurse & Mrs. S. to Exhibition in omnibus. Saw Princess Louise & Marquis of Lorne there. Brought my boa away. After lunch (Con lunched here) drove to Boehms, saw Effie & E. Wilson. I drove Con to Edgar’s, 16 Maddox St. Had tea there, saw Chay. Petit ami arrivé. Thursday 4 November Mrs Flower’s dinner paryty ¼ to 8 . Lin went alone (slow). In bed till lunch, seedy. Sp. came to my room & Con. Went round Park with Mrs. S. after lunch for an hour. Saw Conny Burnand in Bastard’s carriage. Florrie Blair & Jeff called, missed them. Mrs. a’Beckett & niece called. Mrs. S. returned book “Mill on the Floss” & got “All sorts & conditions of men”. Ordered carriage at 10 to 6 for Lin. Emma & her husband & new housemaid gone to Exhibition. Friday 5 November Wet day. Mrs. S. & Nurse went to Harveys about Maud’s paletot & on to see Mother at Bentinck St. Sp. called morning. Florrie & Jeff Blair came to tea, funny little fellow! Lin did 2 blocks, worked v. late till 3 in the morg. Saturday 6 November Pouring wet day. Lin went to Stables, too wet to ride or drive. After lunch Mother called. Lin working at Almanack. Mrs. S. read “Annals of our Time”. Quiet evg. Sunday 7 November Grande parlage avec la bonne, elle me demandra pardon ou elle s’en ira! Lin rode with Mr Furniss & Macbeth. Nurse to church alone as chicks are seedy. Liver & bacon yesterday at lunch disagreed with them. Mr Flower called & stayed tea. Monday 8 November Went to Harvey’s about Maud’s paletot & hat. Mrs. S. & Maud with me, & on after to see Mother at Bentincks, out. Nice rooms. Alice came to tea with me, very glad to see her. Lin rode with Mr Tenniel & Furniss. Charley returned fr. Spain. Tuesday 9 November Edgar & Sophy coming to dinner. Went out shops morg. Everything awfully dear. Plenty of roughs about. Invitation to Mr Pilleau’s. Wretched day. No row. No one called. Pleasant evg. Lin v. busy. Wednesday 10 November Pouring wet day. Went up with Katrina to Mother, saw Alice just leaving for The Priory. I lunched with Mother, don’t think her looking at all well. Mother & self came in cab to Kens. I dressed & then went in brougham to Mother again, C. there, looks v. well, evidently impressed with voyage. Sang “Last Waltz”. He brought me nearly home in 4 wheel cab! Mrs. S. worrying herself & me about Dickie so c’d not sleep. Lin in at one, looks well. Thursday 11 November Pouring wet day. Wretched night, slept v. badly. Edgar returning fr. Westwood. 3 fois au matin, abstinence for a week. E. told me Crane had left Whiteleys for being drunk. Minnie called at lunch time, said Mother was very seedy & had bad night. Went with Roy to Mother at 4 o’c, sent Roy & Tilda back in carriage & took


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 cab home. C. arrived just before I left, was dining with Mother. Funny old cabman. Mother looked v. seedy. Friday 12 Novemebr Allotment letters of new shares for B. A. Great Western Railways sent out. Arrived by last post. Pouring wet day. Went with Mrs. Ionides to Harrow, lunched at hotel there with her 3 boys. Funny little episode, how I came to go instead of Mrs. Stirling. Enjoyed drive. Called at Dr H. on way home. Mrs. Tattersall & Alice Street called. Wrote twice to Mother. Jolly exercised mare. Lin rode before breakfast Folkestone. Satutrday 13 November Fine morg. Went with Maud in omnibus to Harveys, awful bother about paletot. Met Mrs. Ward & daughter & Gerty Burnand. Saw Mr Cosens & Mrs. Rainbow. Called on Dr H. After lunch drove with Dr H at 3.30 to Mother’s & had tea with her. Tilda there. C. breakfasted with Mother & gone to Con’s. Tilda with Mother, looking better. Jolly drove v. recklessly, wonder if he drinks! Drawing room windows cleaned. Lin rode with Mr Bartlett morg. Good ride, did him good. Sunday 14 November. Went to St Peters Bayswater with Roy & then to Mr Thornton & stayed some time there talking. Lin rode with Percy O. & Mr Furniss before luncheon. Mother, Edgar, Sophy & Norman Sinclair came to tea. Laurence out. Mary managed v. well except the tea & lamp. Monday 15 November Went to Madame’s with seal skin, blue silk & red bodice in brougham. Called on Mother looking v. low & seedy. Tilda there. I stayed to lunch & until 5 with Mother & returned in cab. Pouring wet again. Lin rode after lunch. Spoke to Jolly about driving, bearing rein on Folkestone. Mrs. Fuller Maitland & Miss Lutyens called. Tuesday 16 November Fine morg. Miss Penn not coming. Mrs. S. v. seedy in bed. Went at 11 to Madame about blue broché & mantle. To Mortimer St. about Mother’s dressing table cover, & called on Mother, looks seedy rather. Found Mrs. Harrott & Judy there. Miss Keith called & told us about poor Cecil Brooks. Mrs. Harry Dickens, Alice Leigh & Mrs. Evans called. Wednesday 17 November Went to Madame, settled about dress. Going to send patterns for mantle. Drove the mare, called on Mother. Dined with Mother, Edgar & Sophy there. Wired for box at Court Theatre, Mother too seedy for us to go. Mother called with Judy, had been to see Dr O. Dr O. called on Mother as we sat down to dinner. Mons. Bonvoisin called. Cab fare 2/-. Thursday 18 November Promised to lunch at Mrs German Reeds, Twickenham. Mrs. S. & self drove to Kensington Station. I reached Mrs. Reed’s v. comfortably & lunched there & had tea. Mrs. R gave me little basket as keepsake. Walked home fr. station. Mons. Bonvoisin, Sp, Mother & Charley came to dinner. Mrs. S. did not come down. Lin v. busy. Feel awfully tired. Fare 5/- to Mrs. R’s. Friday 19 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Abstinence over. Went by omnibus morg. to see Mother at Bentinck St, stayed some time. Went to Brook St to fetch Effie, c’d not come, was going to lunch at Boehms. V. angry, having upset all my arrangements. After lunch went to Mrs. Goodalls, had tea there, saw chicks. Mrs. G. in bed ill. Mr Pettie & stayed there some time, called on Mr Morris & had tea at Mrs. Colin Mackenzie’s. Called on Mrs. Livesey, away, sent carriage home. Judy at Mrs. C. M’s. Dined at 8 o’c. Cab & omnibus fare 1/9. Saturday 20 November Lin riding with Macbeth. Parlage avec la cuisinière. Pd. 1/11½ lamp shade. Lin came in awfully tired. Worked after lunch, out 4 hours riding. I called at 3.30 on Mrs. Spofforth, Fuller Maitland, Mrs. Winslow (had tea there) Mrs. Rider Haggard, Mrs. Orton, had more tea there. Met Mrs. Stone & her brother. Lin dining with Dr Barnes. Pigeon flew down nursery chimney! Sunday 21 November Took Maud & Roy to St Georges church, raining a little. Lin rode Folkestone & Sp. rode mare to Richmond. Sp. came in about tea time for a few moments. Mr Barker & W. Taylor called afternoon. Wrote to Mother & Jess. Monday November 22 Mrs. Mason’s dance. Dreadful fog all day. E. v. worried about her husband. Lin finished late at night 3rd Almanack block. Herpin called about my needlework. Mrs. S. seedy & depressed, Letters fr. Mother & Tra, even fog at Westwood. Tuesday 23 November Miss Webster “at home” 10 o’c. Man came about piano, long job. Dense fog. Sent deposit note £65 to Mr Lowndes. Excitement about Lin’s latch key, found in his bathroom. Alice Leigh & cousin called. Lin rode Folkestone & Jolly the mare this afternoon, went well. True about Crane, v. sorry. Wednesday 24 November Mrs. Stone dines here 7 o’c & Alice Leigh. Fearful fog, 3 rd day of dense fog!!! Lin hard at work, started for Punch dinner but had to return. Mrs. Stone & Alice Leigh unable to come on account of fog. Received letters fr. both. Miss Penn came, had burnt her fingers with red hot poker. £65 pd fr. deposit in my current ac’t. Letters fr. Effie & Mother. Thursday 25 November Must send £8 to Messrs Glyn, Mills & Currie for 2 shares allotted me under name of “Five per cent Extension shares 1892”. Foggy tho’ finer. Sent £8 to Messrs G.M. & Currie. Sad news of Mr Booker’s death. Brighter day. Called after lunch with Mrs. S. on Sir R. Webster, Wells, Tuer, Parish, met friend of Tra’s there Mrs. (illeg) & Mrs. Flower. Had tea at Mrs. F’s, introduced to “Ingoldsby Legends” daughter. Left Mrs. S. home & went on to tea at Mrs. Coward’s & had long chat. Went out morg. Met Mrs Boughton, long walk with her. 2 wires fr. Mother. Lin up till 4 finishing Almanack. Friday 26 November Still foggy. Go by Granville to Westwood. Lin saw me to Vic at 3 o’c, drove mare. Heaps of Thanet people going down & came in carriage with Rosie Burnand. Mother met me looking v. thin & seedy, got brighter towards evg. Did not sleep v. well, went into Mother’s room at 6 o’c.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 27 Novemebr Lin dines with Mr J. Penn. Private View at Academy. Dull morg. Westwood. Met C. at one as Mother too seedy to go. Had walk round Nash, saw Greens new lamp. Letter fr. Dickie, coming tomorrow. Cozy little dinner, music after. C. showed me trick. Mother & C. up rather late. Bad night. Lin rode. Went into Mother’s room at 6.30. Sunday 28 November Dullish day. Met Dickie at 12 o’c at Broadstairs, took flowers to St Peters. Lin looks tired, walked with him to meet Mother who had been to Greens. C. took walk, came in at 2 o’c. Stayed in all afternoon. C. left at 6.20 with Mother for Ramsgate. Mother went to Church. Slept better. Monday 29 November Slept better. X. Petit ami. Raining. Lin went for walk, did not return until 6 o’c, had walk all round coast. Mother & self very anxious. Quiet evg, to bed early. Tuesday 30 November Miss Webster “at home” 10 o’c. Lin went up by Granville. Had better night. Lin looks better. Letters fr. Alice, Mrs. S. Receipt of £8 fr. B. A. Gt. Southern. Feel washed out. Dec 1886 Wednesday 1 December Lovely morg. Went in to Mother’s bed at 8 o’c. Had good night but feel weak up. Down at one o’c. Letters fr. dear Dickie & Mr Pilleau. Thursday 2 December Lovely morg. Went in to Mother’s bed at 5, funny noise at my window. Feel better. Wrote to Lin, Mrs. S, Madame B, Charley & Mr Pilleau. Letter fr. Lin morg. Go to Ramsgate at 2.30. Sp. sent certificate of City of B. A. Tram. which I signed & returned. Mother had letter fr. C. None for me fr. Lin evg. Friday 3 December Lovely day, freezing hard. Down by 12 o’c, feel queer. Slept with Mother. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Wrote to Lin & Emma. No news. Saturday 4 December Mrs. Holl’s dinner party ¼ to 8 o’c. Letters fr. Lin, Con, Jess & Sp. Slept badly in Mother’s room. Breakfast in room. Bitterly cold. Wrote to Lin, Mother posted it. Mother fetched C. fr. station, pouring wet day. Sat in drawing room all afternoon, felt very X & seedy. Sang & played evg. Mother & C. sat up talking until late. Sunday 5 December Lovely day. Mother & C. went for walk to Ramsgate. I met Lin & took basket to St Peters. Went to Ramsgate with Lin & walked on pier, met Mrs. Humphreys & Lina, walked with them, wanted us to lunch with them. Met Mother & C, took Mother home. C. returned home, Mother took him to Station. Lin reading Zola. Monday 6 December Lin dines at Dr F. Barnes. Returned fr. Westwood with Lin by Granville. Still feel so sick. Mother looks seedy. Carriage & Folkestone met us. After lunch Mrs. S. & self went in omnibus to Mrs. Barker’s, Browns Hotel, Dover St. Out, & on to see rooms for Mother in Jermyn St. One set of nice rooms only. Lin enjoyed Dr F. B’s dinner fairly.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 7 December Mr Weldon, Mr Tindal, Mr Barker, Mr & Mrs. Rider Haggard & Sp. to dinner. Go to Madame B. at 12 . Got L’s dress fr. Shoolbreds, hot water jug (illeg) spoon shell for Mother, fruit. Met Mrs. & Miss Furniss. Telegram fr. Mother. Madame B. busy so must go Thursday. Lin rides 2 o’c. Fine day. Mrs. McTear, Judy, Mrs. Boehm & Georgie called. Wednesday 8 December Go to tea at Mrs. Barker. Sent cheque £31.16. to Sp. fr C. B. Ayres Trams (3). Wet morg, heavy hail storm. After lunch went with Mrs. S. to Mr Holmes & to tea after with Mrs. Barker at Browns Hotel, Dover St. Called on Mrs. Gaston. Played backgammon evg. No letters, wrote none. Punch libel case with Milliken satisfactory ended. Thursday 9 December Asked Miss Reeds to tea 7 o’c. Coming, & Canon Harford & Charley. None can come. Wet morg. early, fine later. Letter fr. Mervyn. Mother comes up & goes to Judy’s today. Went out shop’g morg. Called & saw Dr Harcourt. Lin & self went to see La Grande Duchesse at Her Majesty’s. Saw Lady C. Coke & daughter there. Letter fr. C. Chicks went to see Mother at Judy’s. Friday 10 December Lovely day, cold. Went & stayed 2 hours with Mother. Go to tea C. Hartrees, went up in omnibus. Mrs. & Miss H. there, also Miss Samuda & 2 others. Called after on Mrs. Agnew & Mrs. Wright. Sent Mrs. S. on to fetch Mother in carriage. I walked home. Mother stayed a long time here, played whist with us all & chicks. Lin v. late with work. Mrs. Hammond & Judy called. Saturday 11 December Walked to Mother’s & went with her in cab to Tra, waited some time & made ap’t for Wed 11.30 morg. Went to Blanchards to lunch. Mrs. W. Penn little boy & Mrs. Penn snr. just behind us. Walked to Jermyn St, saw rooms, v. dark, don’t think Mother cares for them. Mother & self came home in cab, only stayed short time here. Lin rode Folkestone with Mr Bartlett morg. Mother & Tra. going to theatre together tonight, “Sophia”. Lin & self going to St James’ & Mrs. S. Sunday 12 December Stayed in bed to breakfast, v. tired. Mother came spent day. Lin rode mare with Burnand & H. Furniss. Left them at W. Park. Mr Weldon & Mr Pilleau called. Laurence out. Mary muddled lamps. Mother left before dinner. Monday 13 December Wire fr. P. O. about 2 horses at Tattersall’s. Tuesday 14 December Students Soirée 8 o’c. Wet morg. Went at 10.30 for Mother, left her at C’s & went on to Madame. C’d not see her, feel savage. Called for Mother who came home for lunch here. Mrs. Fuller Maitland, Mr & Mrs. Carbutt, Mrs. Spofforth, Mrs. Percy Rivers called. Mother left before dinner. Lin v. hard at work. Wednesday 15 December Lovely day. 11.30 ap’t with C. Mother going with me. Mrs. S. going to Mrs. Sheehy’s, did not go but pd Harvey’s bill. Mother went with me to Charley’s, only


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 there ¾ of hour. Stopped one tooth & commenced another. Mother v. seedy. Wrote to Midge. Lin has cough. Thursday 16 December Mrs. G. Drabble’s dance 8.30. Auntie’s dinner 7.30. Lin dines at Mr MacMillans. Lin awful cold. Drove to Auntie’s at 4 o’c. Out all morg, v. tired. 20 to dinner, bitterly cold night, roads bad had to walk along Cleve Rd. Beautiful dinner but slow evg. perhaps on ac’t of (illeg). Mr Hunter saw me home v. glad of his escort as roads were so bad. Friday 17 December 12 o’c to Madame Bocquet. 2 o’c Charley. Dense fog. Called for Mother & went to Madame, fitted with mantle. Lunched at Blanchard’s. Sent carriage home & took cab to chemist’s & then C’s. Was 1½ hours having tooth stop’d. Felt awfully tired. Saw Mother home, put her jewel case in my safe. Laurence saw her to the station, dreadful day. C. went with Mother. Spencer came in in morning. Lin’s cold v. bad. Saturday 18 December Mrs. C. Critchett’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Ionides dinner, engaged so can’t go alas! Went morg. by Metropolitan with Mrs. S. to Queen’s Rd. Ordered things at Gregoires & Whiteley’s, spent 15/8. Lin walked to club & came home to tea. Very jolly dinner at Mrs. C’s. Mr Twiss took me in, Sir W. Hardman next me other side. Met there Sir W. & Lady Hardman, Sir C. Mills, Mr, Mrs. & Miss Gully, Twiss’s etc. Bitterly cold, drove Folkestone. Lin’s cold v. bad. Sunday 19 December Bitterly cold. Breakfasted at 10 o’c. Mrs. S. went to early service. Lin’s cold little better. After lunch Lin Roy & I walked to Tattersalls, bitterly cold. Drove fr. T’s to W. Abbey. Roy delighted service going on, came home by Metropolitan. Major & Mr Pilleau called. Monday 20 December Dinner here. Asked Mr & Mrs. F. C. B. Mrs. Geiger* & Mr Lockyer*, Major & Mrs. O’Callagan, Mr Baker*, J. Penn, Mr Guthrie*, only those *’d came. V. pleasant evg. Out all morg. Mrs. Peto called. Bitterly cold & feel v. tired. Lin working all day. Letters fr. C. & Mother. Tuesday 21 December Mrs. Joachim’s dinner 7.30. Sp. came in Vic with new mare & I drove to town with him. After walked & shopped with Mrs. S. Bought purse, sachet & umbrella. Lin gone for walk & lunch at Club, looks seedy. I slept badly. Bitterly cold. Letters fr. Mother & Mervyn, invite for chicks fr. Sir R. Webster’s. Received quarter £25. V. late at Joachim’s dinner. Mr A. Burnand & H. Dickens there, enjoyed it. Marion P & Mrs. Wiinslow called. Wednesday 22 December Mother at Bath Hotel. Mrs. S. & Maud out shop’g. No Punch dinner. Wrote letters all morg. Went at 3 to Bath, drove F. Mare fetched me at 6.30. Dusted Mother’s rooms, not clean. Mother so so. C. came in had tea. Mare came home beautifully. Lin v. hard at work, cold little better. I slept well & feel better in consequence. Thursday 23 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Went up to Mother by omnibus. Mother returned here to lunch by cab. Went at 3.30 with Mother to Bath. Edgar came in. C. came in for few minutes. Saw Con & Eddie B. go past Bath Hotel. Sp. came to Bath, called at B’s to see Con, not in. Met him in High Street. Sp. sent certificate of City of B. Ayres Tram. Friday 24 December Pouring wet morg. Lin rode Folkestone. Jolly commenced windows. Sp. & Con came in, the latter to breakfast. Tickets for Private View of Hypedrome. Lin went to lunch at club. Did up presents. Wired to Mother, cannot dine there tonight. Lin dined at Olympia. Sp. took me to O. after dinner. Saw heaps of men I knew, no ladies. Wired Mother I c’d not dine with her & C. who starts for Paris tonight. Sent us wire of congra. for Xmas. X. Petit ami. Saturday 25 December Little Tom Angell coming for 2 days. I remained in bed till lunch. Tom came. Lin took chicks to St Pauls after. Nurse took Tom to church. Maud & Mother came home together in carriage, hard frost. Edgar came afternoon. Sp. called. Edg, Sophy & Mother to dinner. Nice evg. Magic lantern after. Awful night, no cabs to be had. Mother had to sleep in Nursery. Sunday 26 December Remained in bed till tea time. Lin out walking, dined at Burnands, I too seedy to go. A’Becketts there & dau. Frank B. called afternoon & Mr Flower & little brother had tea here. Tremendous deep snow storm. Monday 27 December Mr Angel coming to fetch Tom. Emma going out. Snow. Spencer called & took Lin out for walk & lunch at the club, only came home at 7 o’c. Mr Angel came & took Tom away. Howard & Mary Herapath came to tea. Nice girl. Howard much altered, should neither have known one another. Lin went to first night at Drury Lane, had wire fr. Mr Bradley. Heavy snow still about. Tuesday 28 December Fine day, still deep snow in roads. Carriage at 3. Mrs. S. & Maud going to see Mother. Chicks out for walk morg. Tabby, Mervyn, Con, Edgar & So. at Mother’s. Tabs 2 babies in London at the Pollocks. Mrs. Stone & Miss Lutyens called. Letter fr. Tr. forwarded. Wednesday 29 December Two Miss Reeds coming to lunch. Lovely morg. Servants Xmas dinner tonight. Miss Reeds came, enjoyed having them. Kate R. went with Mrs. S. & Roy to Maud Grove. Mrs. A, Reeds, Mrs. S. & Roy then went to see Mother. Mervyn & Tabs there. Effie came & stayed a little while, looks seedy rather. Mrs. S. depressing, said my health very trying for Linley. Feel extremely annoyed. Thursday 30 December Snow still lying thick in road. Very cold. Lin gone for walk. Mervyn came for half an hour. Frost. Friday 31 December Went by bus to Bath. Most bitterly cold. Mother v. seedy. Tabs 2 babies & 2 nurses at Mother’s. Babies v. sweet. Mrs. Vesey, Mervyn & Judy there. Came home in bus with Judy. (Entries 1st to 4th January in this volume, copied later into 1887.)


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 On deposit June quarter 25.0.0. 1st July Cent Argentine Div. 15.0.0. 17th Last quarter 20.0.0. Oct W. B. Ayres Bonds 5.0.0. 15th £65 withdrawn fr. deposit Nov /86. (Two following tables removed from this diary and glued into 1888 Diary, reproduced here:) Received in Div’ds & quarter £ s Jan’y Cent Argentine 10.0 April Western of B. Ayres 5.16 April Barr Estate 7.10 th 18 April quarter 25.0 30 April B. A. Gt. Southern 6.6 17 June Sunshales 1.1 1st July quarter 25.0 17th July Cent. Argentine 15.0 6 August Barr Estate 7.10 7th October quarter 21.19 15th Western B. Ayres 5.16 29th Sep fr. Mother 2.2 30th October B. A. Gt. Southern 6.3 6th Nov B. Ayres & Pacific 1.7 10th Dec B. A. & Rosario 1.7 22nd Dec quarter 25.0 £ 166.17 Money Invested: £250 stock Central Argentine £200 Western B. Ayres Bonds £ 22 B. Ayres Gt. Southern 1890 £ 10 Allotment in same 1st Dec /85 £ 50 Sunshales Extention £300 Lin has in Barr Estate £ 40 B. Ayres & Pacific May /86 £ 31.16 City of B. Ayres Tram 30th Nov /86 £ 20 Allotment in B. A. Gt. Southern Nov /86 Invested in all £ 1080 Children’s money Roy Maud Roy Maud Roy Maud fr. Mother

£6.15.0. £4. 0.0. 15.0. £3. 0.0. £4. 9.0 8.0 £2. 0.0

March May Aug Oct Oct Oct Dec


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 21. 7.0. Chicks money £21.7.0. 4th Sept telegraph boy 3d Expenses include 15. fare 2.6 cab 3. telegram 2. ditto 5. stamps 10. Hill 1.4 box 1.0 box .6 Laurence .6 boy 3.0 medicine 2. telegram 1.6 church 1. fish Sep. 16 Emma for sugar 11. Telegram & stamps 5. fr. Lin 21st Aug 30.0.0. Emma books 3.0.0. Haylock 1. 5.6. 29th August Board wages 1. 0.0. 31st August Jane 1. 3.0. Books 4. 0.0. 31st August Crane 2. 0.0. Expenses 1.10.0. Nurse 3. 0.0. 5th Sept. Con for Mrs. Reed 2.13.0. 2nd Sep Hill 10.0. Self 1.10.0. 5th Jany. Mrs. Lee has childrens party. Mrs. Tattersall’s ball. Mrs. Stone’s dinner & Punch dinner. Thawing.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1887 At home Days Mondays Mrs Agnew Pettie 1st & 3rd Silver Tweeedie McTear A. Harding H. Power Messel A. Peto Newman Kemp 1st & 2nd Leech 1st & 3rd Roberts 1st & 3rd Alma Tadema Huxley Ross 1st, 2nd & 3rd after 12 Dec. Tuesdays Mrs Morley Innes Roberts Pollen Lodger 1st & 2nd till 5 o’c Wednesdays Mrs Boehm Critchett Humphreys Macmillan Rainbow Gilbert Hickman Lehmann Morris Tenniel Gaston Hogarth Tuer Farquharson after 4 o’c Holmes 1st & 3rd Pickering Toole Hirsch 1st & 3rd Rider Haggard Jopling at 5 o’c Thursdays Mrs Allen M. Mackenzie Coward Dickens


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Parish Turner Waring Flower a’Beckett Ernest Hart du Maurier Aunt Linda Lindo 1st & 2nd Oakes Von Ronn Fridays Mrs Baines Goodall Holl Levy two last Mackenzie Lindsey Sington Wright Banks Smiles Joachim Kemp, Mr Baker Saturdays Mrs Montalba Hunt Colin Hunter Jopling Sundays Mrs A. Lewis Innes Pidgeon Nordenfeldt M. Stone Antoinette Stirling (Mrs MacKinley) Maxwell (Miss Braddon) Jopling 1st evg. of month. Val Prinsep Anecdotes Du Maurier’s dinner by Mrs Boughton. American gentleman buys red flannel shirts guaranteed not to shrink. Does shrink. Complains to shop man they have shrunk & says his wife asked him “Where did you get that coral necklace?” Miss Thompson’s joke dinner party. Several gentlemen with scarcity of hair one with wig. Butler knocks off wig in passing unobserved by owner. Consternation among servants, replaced it on wrong head. Gentleman extremely annoyed told this to to C. S forgetting his dearth of hair! Saw no joke in it of course. F. C. Burnand wrote Lin saying “Ask g’t friend Lockwood the joking Q.C. who on earth instructed him to inscribe “Jimmy Davis” as honorably connected with Literature. Such a statement!” Lin sent this to Mr Lockwood who replied “Tell Mr


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Burnand not to be ‘aughty because his Davis was a Gent, & mine is only a Jimmy”. Mr Burnand had had a libel case some time before with Mr Gent Davis. Mrs Black, 5 Hazlitt Rd, W. Kensington Park. Alice Liddell, 12 The Terrace, Farquhar Rd, Up. Norwood. Jan 1887 Saturday 1 January Bitterly cold. Sat in morg room, fog & hard frost. Lin & I walked to Hyde Park corner, took cab to St James’ Res. Had good luncheon. Mistook gentleman for Lin & shook my hand at him. Surprise!!!. Went to Private View of Academy Old Masters. Met T. Taylors, Spiers, Lady Wentworth, Lethbridge, Horsely etc etc etc. Lin took me to Bath, left me. I had tea with Mother & Judy. Lin fetched me, put Ju & self in cab & walked home. Letter fr. Midge. Sunday 2 January Bitterly cold. Lin gone skating. Snow still lying thick fr. last Sunday’s storm. Mother came to lunch & stayed till 5 o’c. Went back in 4 wheeled cab. Quiet evg. Monday 3 January Thaw. Snow melting. Roads awful. Had carriage & went to Madame’s to try on mantle at 2.30. Then to Mother, sat with her long time, read letters. One fr. Jane about Ford sleeping at Westwood, v. indiscreet. Con came in & took me to Boehms to see his boy. Lin doing A. Harris’ block for Badderly night, beautiful drawing, done in a day. Tabs’ two Babies & two nurses here to luncheon & tea. Gwenny lunched with us was good as gold. Laurence out. Tuesday 4 January Con, Eff & Baby go to Elmley castle. Bitterly cold & heavy fall of snow. Lin walked to Club for luncheon, his birthday, bless him. Too slippery to go out. Lin went in to see Mother. Rook there. Quiet evg. Awful pain in night. Wednesday 5 January Punch dinner. First night of Mr Guthrie there on the staff. Mrs Tattersall’s dance. I dined at Mrs Stone’s. Went in carriage. Laurence fetched me. Freezing hard & slippery. Mrs Leche’s children’s party 6 o’c. Chicks did not go, Nurse seedy. Tra. arrived fr. Paris, went to see Mother. Letter fr. Mr Barker & certificate of new B. A. Gt. Southern shares (2 allotted.) Thursday 6 January Mrs Messel’s children’s party 7 o’c. Lin dines at Café Royale with Mr Burnand & goes to see Terry in “Church Warden”. Badderley Night. Went by omnibus (awfully funny people in it) to Mother, saw Alice still mad on her Major, sending photos. Stayed with Mother till 6.30. Tra. came in for few moments, going to dine at Mrs. Johnson’s. Brought Mother home with me, saw Lin at Knightsbridge. Laurence took Maud to Mrs. Messel’s. I fetched her & took Mother to Bath Hotel after. (Gloves). Lin finishing Mr Cosen’s block. Friday 7 January Lovely morg. Lin home at 3.30 this morg fr. Badderley, woke me & I did not sleep again till after 6. Letter fr. Tabs, nurse 2 babies seedy. Shall go to see them at 12 o’c. Went in brougham (Folkestone) to see Babies, better, beautiful nurseries, To Bath, Judy there, sent carriage home. Mother, Ju & self lunched there. After Ju left Mr Terraro called. After Mother & self had fly & looked over rooms 16 Maddox St &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Brook St. Mother went in to C’s. I remained in carriage, called at on Mrs. Barker at Browne’s (out). Home, walked down Burlington. C. came in just before I left. Carriage came at 5.30. Mother gave me venison fr. Spinks. Lin doing awfully good block his own idea “Hounds”. Saturday January 8 App’t with C. at 12. Went with Roy & had to wait ½ an hour. X. Roy v. good. C. kept me long time tooth awfully fragile. Took cab to Bath. Lin met us. Lunched at St James’ & went to Covent G. Circus, saw Hirschs & Bradburys there. Capital performance. French clown & pig thro’ flaming hoops. Nurse went to see Tabs’ Babies, her nurse seedy. Quiet evg. Letter fr. Sp. Lin sat an hour with Mother. Mrs. Barker called on Mother. Sunday 9 January Cold & damp, snow still about. Nurse & chicks to Church. Lin riding mare with Mr Furniss. Roads v. bad. Wickliffe Taylor came to dinner, was v. amusing & stayed till 11.20. Monday 10 January Mrs. H. Dickens’ afternoon party private theatricals 3 to 6. Mr Tenniel to dinner. Box for Olympia. Mrs. S. & I went by omnibus to Bond St. Walked down to Brandons left bonnet to be done up brown. To Marshalls got blk beading, net for red dress & new boots fr. Marshall & Willatts(?) Cab home. Nurse & chicks been to see Tabs’ Babies. Nurse v. ill. Enjoyed having Mr T to dinner, as charming as ever. Came here after Olympia & stayed talking till ¼ to 12. Tuesday 11 January Wretched morning. Went by omnibus to Mother. Minnie called. Lunched with Mother. Carriage fetched me. Lin out to lunch. Mrs. Barker & Mr Hartree called. Pouring wet day. Mrs. Wright called. Quiet evg. Lin bien mechant, used cold water! Wednesday 12 January Dull morg. Lin looks peaky. Went at 3 in br, Folkestone, to enquire Ada Sp. Called & saw Mrs. Rainbow & Mrs. Boehm, ill with bronchitis. Left cards Mrs. McLaren. Called on Marion Pollock, saw Babies. Wee one looking v. seedy & Nurse worse. Left cards at Mrs. Watney’s. Letter fr. Con & Nelly. Wrote to C. fixing next Wed for last tooth if convenient, too tired to go Saty. Called & saw Dr Harcourt, lent him book “Our Grandmothers”. Thursday 13 January Miss Holland’s childrens party 4 till 8. Mrs. Orton do. fr. 6 o’c. Gwen returns to Elmley with Williams. Alice Liddell going to spend day here. Came to lunch, brought new song “In the Chimney corner” F. Cowen. Lin’s cold tiresome. Walked to Club & returned to tea just before A. left. No news of Tab’s Baby. Chicks went to 2 parties came home laden with toys. Friday 14 January Mrs. Geiger’s dinner 7.45. I went to Ken. Palace Mansions morg, saw manager & rooms, v. aimiable. Bought 2 prs of shoes, house & evg. Nurse & chicks went to see Baby. Letter fr. Marion about getting new nurse for Baby. Raw cold. Lin’s cold still bad. Letters fr. Mother, C, Mr Ellis, etc. Not v. interesting dinner at Mrs. G. Saturday 15 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sir R. Webster’s childrens party 4.30 to 8 o’c. Mrs. Rider Haggard’s dinner at 7.30. Bitterly cold & east wind, small dry snow & frost. Lin walked with me to M. Pollock’s. Met chicks, saw Baby, looks v. seedy. Nurse L. better, going Tuesday to her sister’s. Very pleasant dinner at the H’s. Met Mr & Mrs. Pollock, mother & daughter funny & unconventional, Mr Guthrie & Mr Haggard’s brother. Lin lunched at club. Sunday 16 January Nellie K. to dinner. Did not come. Mr Ellis to dinner 7.30. Mr Banks to dinner. Bitterly cold hard frost & small dry snow falling. Lin took Roy & self for walk, bitterly cold. Met Mr Baker. Hard frost, skating everywhere. Mr Fort called & stayed tea. V. charming young man. Monday 17 January Mr Walter Austin’s dinner 7.45. Walked morg. to leave card on Mrs. Kemmis at Ken Palace Mansions, out. Hard frost & v. cold. Mrs. S. went to Mrs. Carter for day. Drew cheque of £1.0.0. to pay small bills. Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett called. Saw them. Mary Nicol called, did not see her. Most delightful dinner at W. Aus, Burnands, Shakespears, Warres & Mr Fox. Good music. Mr Baker sent me some American apples. Tuesday 18 January Mrs. Donaldson & Mrs. Holl’s children’s party 6 o’c. Lin went to town. Awful fog. Went out shop’g. I called & saw Dr Harcourt who advised me to see a new doctor. Lin wrote to him. Very busy with drawing room curtains, did 3 sides. Mrs. H. Power called. Wednesday 19 January Promised to meet Alice at photographers at 11.30. Appointment with C. at 12 o’c. Lunch with Alice at St James’. Took Roy with me to C’s. X. arrived but went all the same feeling v. queer. Alice joined us there & came back to lunch with us, stayed until a quarter to 5. Warmer. Had 2 teeth stop’d with gold. Mrs. S. went for day to Mrs. Carter’s & returned v. tired. Thursday 20 January Lin dines at Harold Peto’s. Promised to call on Mrs. Kemmis Wrote instead. Awful muddle about little a’Becketts, L. made mistake & sent them back. They came again & had their photos taken in fancy dress. Dr Langston came to see me. Feel v. weak as usual. Told me to take quart of milk a day. L went to H. P.’s pretty house, good dinner. Met Abbey, Fildes, etc there, 8. La belle mère très désagréeable. Alice Nicol, Mrs Pickering & Mrs Tom Taylor called. Friday 21 January Mrs. Nordenfeldt’s dance 9.30. Mrs. A. Peto’s children’s party 4 to 8 o’c, entertainment 4.30. Colder again. Chicks came home delighted at 8 o’c. Roy’s foot bad, limped about. Saturday 22 January Lin rode Folkestone. Letter fr. Mother. Jolly rode the mare. Mrs. Kemmis came to tea. Looks much older than I thought she w’d. Lin went to 1 st night of Gilbert’s new play “ Rudygore”. Bad fowl again. Sunday 23 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 In bed to breakfast. Dear Roy’s foot better. Spencer & Mr Weldon called. Lin went for long ride with Sp. taking Jolly on mare. Feel very seedy still, weak on legs. Mr Weldon called. Monday 24 January Letters fr. Con, Mother, Mary Nicol & Ju. Drove Roy in carriage with mare to Mrs. a’B’s taking photos of boys. Out. Mrs. O’Callagan & Hettie Bergheim called. Mrs. C. v. amusing as usual. Tuesday 25 January Lovely day. Drove Folkestone with Roy to Wimbledon at 12 o’c. R’s leg better a little. Enjoyed drive & felt better for it. Miss Roe, Miss Elmore, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Pickering, Mary Nicol, Miss Hogarth & Mrs. Harry Dickens & Mrs. Sam Bergheim called. Spencer came to dinner had row with M. in C. Jolly evg, sang & played. Emma told me of her husband out of work again, seems v. unhappy about him. Began new medicine. Wednesday 26 January Dine at Mrs. Stone’s if well enough 7 o’c. Dinner postponed. Lovely morg. Poor Emma awfully upset about her husband, did not come home last night. Letter fr. Mother. Saw Mrs. Linley’s washing woman. Called at 3.30 (mare) at Mrs. C. Critchett’s, had tea there. Mrs. Levy, Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Critchett & Mrs. Toole. Mrs. Geiger & Gerald called, looking v. well. Awful headache. Mrs. S. more cheerful, feel grateful. Roy went out in Bath chair. Thursday 27 January Fog. Judy came in morg. & remained to lunch. Mrs. Sambourne not very well. Judy went with me to enquire after Mrs. Hunter & Marion Pollock, & to Mrs. de la Rue, met the Alexanders there both looking charming, & to Mrs. E. Hart’s, had tea there. Severe fog coming home. Dr Langston called to see me. Friday 28 January Dull day, v. damp. Mrs. Sambourne went to see Dr Parr with Nurse. Judy called after lunch & helped me with red dress. Horrid (illeg) came on again & makes me feel tired & languid. Called at 3.30 (Folkestone) on Mrs. Smiles, Mrs. A. Lewis, Joachim, Levy, Barker & A. Burnand. Went & sat with Dr Harcourt, awfully kind about my tiresome health. Maud did sweet drawing of “Virgin & Child” fr. memory. Letter fr. Jess. Saturday 29 January Westwood. Mrs. H. Power’s dinner 7 o’c. Mrs. Boehm’c dinner 7.30. Lin & self going D.V. to Westwood. Received £12.10. fr. Central Argentine. Found Mother so so. Mervyn here. Damp & foggy even here. Sunday 30 January Lovely day. Lin walked to Ramsgate. Mervyn going to meet him. Bertie Thornton came to lunch. Sang & played all evg. Minnie v. seedy. Monday 31 January Lovely day. Letter fr. Eff about taking Baby & nurse on Tuesday. Wired. Lin & Mervyn gone to meet. Mother had letter fr. Tra. Music evg. Lin busy with that hateful Britannia. Minnie still seedier. Feb 1887


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 1 February Lovely day but cold. Lin & Mervyn went to town by Granville. M has his interview with Mr Compton about going on stage. Wire fr. Mervyn. Punch dinner today. Minnie v. ill. Wednesday 2 February Ap’t ½ past 12 at C’s, last tooth. Dull rainy day. Jane took Minnie up to London, v. ill indeed. Her mother met her there. Wire fr. Mervyn interview satisfactory will let us know for certain tomorrow. Great excitement. Mother v. overtired. Jane returned home “escorted” fr. Ramsgate. We went to bed v. early. I feel tired still & queer pain in left side, can’t run about & help as I w’d like. Slept with Mother. Thursday 3 February Mrs. F. Maitland’s at home 9 to 12 o’c. Lovely day. Letters fr. Lin saying dear Maudie has a bad throat & Dr O had been to see her. Mother had letter fr. Mervyn has engagement with Mr Compton for stage great hopes for him. I hope he will work. Mother & self came to London. V. anxious about dear Maud. Shocked to see her. Struck with likeness to Annie. Friday 4 February Maudie no better v. feverish & in pain. Dr O. came 3 times. Lin had block altered 3 times. I took Roy for drive to Barnes. Jolly & whip again. Nurse went out for short time. Mrs. McClean called. Dr O. sat with us after dinner v. late, Lin only finished at 10 o’c. Laurence went to Bath Hotel for me to fetch hare & birds. Mother came at lunch time & took diamond bracelet fr. dressing case. Have an idea she wants to realize it for Mervyn, wish I c’d help her. Saturday 5 February Mrs. H. Power’s dinner 7 o’c. No family jewels required! Postponed till Tuesday next on our ac’t. Dr O. came early, consultation at 2.30 with Dr West. Maud v. ill. Mervyn came in brought flowers, pleased about engagement with Compton. Lin rode with Mr Bartlett & son F. Nurse went for little walk. Judy came in most kind wanted to take Roy out. Mary took Roy for walk morg. Sunday 6 February Lady Monckton’s at home 10.30. Mervyn came in to lunch. Dear Roy went to Church & for long walk with Judy came in very tired & (illeg) while at lunch & was queer all afternoon. V. sick at night. Mrs. Mackenzie called. Darling Maud v. slightly better. Dr O. came in twice. Mr Guthrie, Mr & Mrs. Allen called. Roy v. sick all night. Monday 7 February Dull & foggy, v. cold. Dr O. came in morg. Maudie slightly better. Roy better. Judy came, Mother v. seedy. Mrs. S. & self went twice round Park at 3.30. Bought Maud tulips & pd for flowers I got for Mother 3/- at Smith & Parker’s. Mrs. Orton sent Maud some orange-ade. Miss Lutyens, Mrs. Furniss, Mr Guthrie & Mrs. Tuer called to enquire for dear Maud. Lin pd me £7.10 for Barr estate. Nurse called me up at 12 o’c. Maud v. ill again, remained with her till 3 o’c. Tuesday 8 February We dine at Mrs. H. Power’s 7 o’c. Dear Maud a little better. Roy gone for walk with Mary. Spencer came in, just arrived fr. Paris. Nurse going for drive at 12. Judy called & Mother. They went to theatre with Tra. evg. Very pleasant dinner at Mrs. Powers. Did not like leaving Maud. Photo, dresses & music.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 9 February Violet Tattersall’s wedding 3.15. Dear Maudie had 3 movements morg. Dr O. came, thought he looked v. serious. Feel extremely anxious. Wish Nurse w’d not run down all the servants so much, cannot think they are as heartless as she w’d make me believe. Drove to Willett’s at 3.30, mare, & got (illeg) & lace for dear Maud. Mother came morg. Judy stayed luncheon & brought Maud flowers. Lin looks livery! Letter fr Mervyn. Great many callers. Feel v. unhappy about darling Maud. Thursday 10 February Dr O. came early. Dear little Maud no better, feel wretched about her. Spencer came in. Mrs. S. & Roy drove to Wimbledon to call on Barkers but c’d not find house. Dr West came at 3, confirmed all my dreadful fears of yesterday, altered medicine. Maud had sleep after they left but woke up more feverish, I am afraid seems less bright. Mother came. Bitter east wind. Lin sleeping after dinner. Callers to enquire, Street, Coward, Guthrie, etc. Friday 11 February Darling Maudie slightly better. Mother came but c’d not see Maud, too seedy. Lin v. late with work. Saturday 12 February Sir C. Lindsay’s “at home”. Went up to Mother by “Bus”. Stayed an hour, bitterly cold. Darling Maud little better. Moved on her side for first time. Nellie came to tea, full of information generally. Dr Langston came, know he thought I looked frightful. Mrs. S. went to Ealing. Roy went to Olympia with Mrs. Mackenzie. Lin went to Sir C. L’s home awfully late. Dr O. came morg. Sunday 13 February Mother came in car’g. Lin v. late home this morg, past 3 o’c. Dr O. came early as usual. Mother lunched here, bitter cold wind. Darling Maud slightly better, still v. feverish. Roy gone for walk at 4 o’c with Mary. Lin walked to Club & lunched there. Mr Lockyer called. Quiet dinner. Sore throat again on top of wind pipe like last year. Monday 14 February Bitter east wind. Maudie little better but hardness still continues in st. Sp. came in morg, told him to call & see Mother. Tuesday 15 February X. Mrs. Lucy’s dinner ¼ to 8. Accepted only for Lin, can’t leave dearest Maud. Little friend morg. Dearest Maud does not seem so well. Mary gave notice! Laurence took Roy for walk, treated himself handsomely. Mother came looked v. pale, brought presents for Maud fr. Charley. Mrs. Sambourne left, Emma went to Station with her. Lin home v. late. Wednesday 16 February Mrs. Mocatta’s dance. Bal Poudré 10 o’c. Dear Maud had v. bad night, 4 movements fr. 6 till 9. Nurse looks worn out. Judy came to stay. Laurence took Roy for walk before lunch. Thursday 17 February Mrs. Fuller Maitland at home 9 to 12. Mr Lockyer’s “stars” 8.30 to 10 o’c at Observatory. Feel stronger & better this time. Mr & Mrs. Carbutt, Mr Small & several others called. Maudie little better but looks still v. ill. Nurse too looks worn


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 out. Judy wrote to Mother & Mrs. S. Laurence took Roy for walk. Judy had carriage & went to theatre & dined out with friends. Friday 18 February Rained hard. Darling Maud decidedly better, even Nurse cheery. Judy returned. Letter fr. Mrs. Sambourne. Saturday 19 February Mr Lockyer’s dinner, Reform Club. Lin rode with Mr Bartlett. Dear Maudie better. Mr B. told Lin about C. & his love affairs, v. funny. Sunday 20 February Mrs. Ledger’s at home 9 o’clock. Lady Seton’s at home. Judy took Roy to Church. Lin rode with Sp. & Furniss. Sp. was thrown in Wimbledon by Cobweb who bolted for 2 miles after. Fortunately Sp. not hurt. Judy to Sunday school after. Darling Maud better. Mr Angell, Mr Austin, Mr Boehm & Mr & Mrs. a’B called, latter fr. Lady S’s, told her of M’s illness. Lin went to Ledgers, enjoyed it. Dr O. only came once today. Monday 21 Ferbruary Lovely morg. Maudie better. Took Roy & Judy to Pantomime, capital. Awfully nervous going up in carriage. Mrs. Stone called twice. Mrs. Mackenzie came & brought Maud little fern. Tuesday 22 February Mrs. du Maurier’s dinner party 8 o’c. Lovely morg. Dear Maudie better. Letter fr. Mother confirming Mr B’s information about C, engaged at last. Sly fool! Met Boughtons, Abbey, Col Collins, Comyns Carr etc. Pleasant evg. Lady Laurence, Mrs. Leche, Annabella, Nelly etc called. Wednesday 23 February Dear Maudie looks awfully bad. Had motion & seems utterly exhausted, feel most anx. Nurse & Roy had carriage morg. Judy & self drove at 3.30 with F. to Mrs. Pickering (at home there) Mrs. Carbutt & Miss Humphreys, dear little baby there. V. sleepy after dinner. Called & saw Dr H, says we must keep up Maud’s strength. Cause for alarm. Angry about mare at lunch. Sorry to have (illeg) Lin when he is so anxious about dear Maud. Thursday 24 February Mrs. Boehm’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. Accepted only for Lin. Judy took Roy out. Dear Maudie seems better a wee bit, no movement again. Roy gone for walk with Laurence. Judy to Sunday(?) school. Carriage at 3.30. Lin rode. Miss Penn sat with Maudie, it tired her rather. Judy & self called at 3.30 on Hollands, Olive, Cowens (in) Santleys & Aunt Linda. Saw Uncle, Aunty & chicks. Sat with dear Maudie when I came in. Seems better but feel anxious not had motion & fear inflammation again. Friday 25 February Mrs. McTear’s dinner ¼ to 8. Dear Maudie the same. Walked out a little after lunch. Judy dined out. Very slow dinner at Mrs. McT’s. Gaudy but scanty dinner, feeling of last night’s remains dinner. Queer glass performance after. Mr Sterne there, M. Mackenzies, Lady M. & Sir J. etc. 26 in all, nevertheless dull. Nurse took Roy for drive round Park. Had carriage to take & fetch us from Mrs. McT’s.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 26 February Lovely morg. Dear Maudie slightly better. Lin hard at work finishing small block extra. Judy & self drove to Barker’s, mare, (out). Callers. Barrel of Oysters fr. Beales & O. knife. Sunday 27 February Mrs. Boughton’s luncheon party 1.30. Maudie the same, had chat with Dr. O. Went to early service with Judy. Called at Dr Harcourts. Sent him 1½ doz oysters. Charming luncheon party at Mrs. B. Sington, Dicks(?) Robb, Allen etc there 16 in all. Met Mr & Mrs. Farquhar coming home, came & had tea here. Mrs. Boehm & Floss called. Altercation about Mervyn. Mr Abbey dined here, made unfortunate remark about little men at dinner, thought I sh’d have died with laughing Bad fowl. Monday 28 February Dearest Maudie same. Mrs. Skerrow’s luncheon party, 1.30 sharp. E. nasty about fowl. Pleasant party, went up by cab, 1/-. Judy fetched me. Called on Mrs. Messel, Joshua, Lady Hardman (girls v. funny) & Mrs. Casella. Put advetisement in papers for housemaid. Mrs. de la Rue, Alexander, Coward, Alice & Mrs. Linley, & Aunt Linda called. Letter fr. Mother. Paid washing woman. Laurence would like to live in France! Mar 1887 Tuesday 1 March Punch dinner. Maudie the same Dr O. says. Wrote to Sophy & Mrs. S, Mother, Uncle John, Alice Linley & 3 advertisements. Box for Alice in Wonderland. Enjoyed “Alice” v. good indeed. Lin walked there. Lin rode morg. Mrs Rainbow, Leche, Levy etc called before our return. Charlie came later had tea here, denies engagement. Felt v. anxious about Maud shivering, sent for Dr O. late, he came at 10.30. Wednesday 2 March Dear Maudie had better night & natural motion. Seems brighter, if not better tomorrow Dr West will come again. Saw maid, asks £24! Seen 26 maids, all sorts. Drove 3.30 to Bow St for Lin & 44 Belgrave Rd after servant’s cha. To Mrs. Hirsch v. ill indeed for 4 weeks, 2 Drs & 2 nurses. Called on Mrs. Spofforth & Miss Lutyens. Saw Mrs. G. a’B who called to enquire. Lin rode F. morg. Judy took Roy for walk morg. Nurse’s mother sent eggs. Dr O. came in evg again, long chat & smoke! Wrote for character of maid. Thursday 3 March Mrs. F. Maitland at home. Lovely morg. Maud much better. Box of eggs fr. Mrs. Bingham. Wrote to Mrs. B, Marion Todd, Alice Liddell, Tom W, Mother, H. Burnand & Mrs Furniss & 2 advertisements. Mrs. Stone called & Mrs. Smale. Laurence took Roy to see Queen’s drawing room Buck’g Palace. Judy & self drove 3.30 to Mrs. Dickens, saw Miss Hogarth. Mrs. D. v. ill in bed. Had tea at Lady Seton’s & Mrs. du Maurier’s. Mrs. Boughton there. Quiet evg. Lin at work all day, did not ride. Letter fr. nice girl about Sundays out. Friday 4 March Mr Hutton’s dinner. Dear Maud improving, sitting up enjoying an egg for her breakfast. Emma with bad toothache. Awful fog. Letters fr. Mother, invite fr. Mrs. P. Wright. Emma willing to give up her Sunday out. Both maids called, engaged A.W. Wrote for other character. Called with Ju at 3.30 at Mrs. Mackenzie’s, Joachim’s, Drabble & Stevens. Church at 5. Nice address fr. Vicar about self denial. 2 wires fr.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mother coming to Bath Hotel at 8 o’c tonight. Lin finished block at 8. Had carriage & mare. Saw maid & engaged her. Mrs. Stone called. Saturday 5 March Mr & Mrs. Farquhar to dinner, cannot come. Went with Roy by O. bus to Bath. Sp. called took Mother Roy & self to lunch at Café Royal, delicious luncheon, too much for Roy. Ordered Lin’s lamp at Miller’s, dates at Fortnum’s. Carriage fetched us fr. Bath at 4 o’c. Quiet evg. Emma v. bad tooth, face v. swollen. Lin rode to Hampton, lunch there & came home late. Judy out afternoon. Sunday 6 March Mrs. Carbutt’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Furniss’ lunch 2 o’c. Maudie better. Roy looks queer. Mother came early, brought Maud flowers. Judy to church. Mother remained to lunch. Mother & Judy took Roy for walk. Lin & self walked to Powder Magazine. Jolly lunch at F’s. A’Beckett’s & Milliken there, delighted with pictures. Carriage met us. Mr Bing & Sp. called. Sat with M. few moments, dressed & cabbed to Mrs. C’s large dinner 22. Mr Milman took me in, v. amusing. Sat next to Mr Carbutt. Amusing girl & Lin! Mr Pettie, Mr Justice Cave & Lady C. & Mr Inderwick. Delightful evg. Monday 7 March Cold & dull. Dear Maudie going on well. Roy looks seedy. Letter & paper fr Mervyn. Cheque fr. Mrs. Wright. Called after lunch 3.30 to enquire after Mrs. Hirsch, A. Peto, Harding, Abney, McTear, Alexander & Mother. Sent carriage home. Charlie came in very grumpy afternoon. Ju & self had tea at Bath. Mother looked seedy. We walked to Sloane St & took spirited cab home. Went to Olympia after dinner. Horrible lions. Lin had to pay for tickets 5/-. Tuesday 8 March Dear Maudie better. Roy’s cold bad. Bitter day. Letter fr. Mer. & Con. Ju gone off early to fetch Mother. Miss Webster, Miss Thompson, Mrs. C. Critchett etc called. Mother seedy, left & I did not see her. Carriage took Mother back. Wednesday 9 March Maudie not so well, taken Roy’s cold. Emma’s face v. painful. Went in carriage to Bath with Judy, stayed to tea & dinner with Mother. Miss Bushman to tea. Judy fetched me in carriage at 10 o’c. Mother had letter fr. Eff won’t let Con go with Mother unless she goes. Lin walked to dinner Academy Club & went on to P.D. after. Thursday 10 March Lin dines at Sp’s club. Dear Maudie not so well, more pain in right side. I went out morg. to order flowers for dear Father. Ju went up to Mother & brought her back to tea & dinner. Lin went off after photos in carriage, Judy going to take Mother back 8.30. Roy’s cold little better. Dr O. lanced E’s face. Lin met Lord James Douglas, Barker, Hutton, Mr Delmar & son, Col. someone. Friday 11 March Cold. Dear little Maud better. Roy better, Nurse weezy. Judy pd. heavy books morg. Mother came & brought Maud & Roy heaps of toys, looks much better. Dr O. forgot to see Emma. Mrs. Mocatta called, saw her. Went up at 4 to leave cards on Mrs. Leech (terrible her husbands’s death) Mrs. Hickman & Mrs. Lucas. Fetched basket of flowers & went to Victoria Station, met Mother there. Charley came late as


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 usual. Fog. Mare went little lame, came home. Had tea at Mrs. Mackenzie’s. Lin finished his spider block 8 o’c, did work after dinner. Saturday 12 March Miss Montalba’s pictures on view. Dear Maudie more pain in left side, lump moving fr. (illeg). Roy’s cold better. 8 eggs fr. Alice. Dear Maud had one for tea. Judy did shop’g morg, played (illeg) with Roy all afternoon. I went at 3 o’c to Mrs. Von Riins, Keiths, Mr Thornton’s, talked to him some time, then to tea at Mrs. Vicat Cole’s, nice homely household there, gave me some tea to try. Then to Montalba’s charming paintings, lots of people there. Quiet evg. Lin with Egis! Tickets for Dorothy, too cold to go. Sunday 13 March Anniversary of dear Father’s death. Miss Montalba’s pictures on view. Ju went to 8 o’c service. I went to prayers at 11, St Phillips. Called at Dr O, had long talk. Dear Maudie still complains of pain in left side. Lin rode F. Sp. at Brighton. Mrs. Boehm called to enquire for Maudie. Monday 14 March Dearest Maud not so well, more pain again. Petit ami. Remained in bed to breakfast. Lovely bright day, bitterly cold. Judy took Roy for walk & shop’g for me. Mary went after place in Inverness Ter. Judy went to see her father, found him out. Carriage at 5 to fetch parcel fr. Constitutional Club. Judy c’d not go, mare lame. Lin went to see about it. Aunt Leigh, Mrs. Pollock etc called. Sat a good deal with dear Maudie. Flowers fr. Mother & jacket fr. Mrs. S. Lin gone to play billiards with Mr Tuer. Dr O. coming in tonight. Maud asleep & better. Stayed & talked. Tuesday 15 March Mary leaves. The blackest fog I ever remember & bitterly cold. Heavy fall of snow, over a foot deep. Letter fr. Mother & C. Darling Maudie little better. Con called, he & Eff going to Westwood today. I lunched in Maud’s room. Feel queerish. Annie Woodward came. Awful night. Mare lame. Letter fr. Mother & note fr. Tra. about not coming Thursday. Wednesday 16 March Mrs. P. Wright’s dinner. Cannot go on acc’t of “Punch D”. Tom Worth’s visiting day. Heavy snow. Dear Maudie v. slightly better, must be kept v. quiet. New girl ne sais bien netoyer. Ju out morg. Roy v. noisy & rough. Bright day but snow on ground & houses. Mare better of lameness. Laurence out afternoon. Bitterly cold. Mrs. Stone came & had tea in my room. No fire. Mr Bradbury at Punch dinner. Burnands all going to Ramsgate on account of Gertie. Thursday 17 March Mrs. F. Maitland at home 9 to 12. Lin dines at Kinsman’s dinner. Bitterly cold, hard frost & snow, feel frozen in bed. Lin another bad cold, will potter with those hateful photos. Maudie about the same, inclined to be excitable. Roy getting quite beyond control. C. sent Maud box of toys, Nurse’s mother eggs, Laurence flowers & Mrs. S. blue shoes. Ju took Roy for walk & she went home to lunch, bitter! Alarm about Maudie. Laurence went off for Dr O. at 10, he came at 12.30. Lin’s cold bad. Lovely dressing gown for Maud fr. Mother. 12 eggs fr. Nurse’s mother. Friday 18 March Mrs. Twiss’s dinner. Can’t go on account of work. Maudie not so well again. Dr O. going to see Dr Ringer at 4 o’c today. Sp. came in morg. Bitterly cold, snowing a


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 little. Ju took Roy out for walk snowballing. Mare better. Jolly went to Dr Ringer, snowing hard. Con & Eff return fr. Westwood. Lin’s cold bad. Box of 35 eggs fr. Mrs. Glossop. Saturday 19 March Bitterly cold. Ju out morg. Sat with Maudie. Ju sat with Maud after lunch. I went out to Kens. shop’g. Lost key of my desk. Quiet evg. Lin at everlasting Egis. Maudie about the same. Mrs. McDougal sent Maudie basket of eggs. Sunday 20 March Maudie about same. Dr O. came in twice, used enema at 2 o’c as Nurse & self did not do it well enough. Maudie rather excited. Went to St Mary A’s at 11.30 for prayers, out for sermon. Sat with Maud all afternoon, no sleep. Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett dined here, brought Maudie 3 eggs. Lin rode to Wimbledon, saw Mr Barker. Looked v. seedy when he came in, bitterly cold. Roy knocked wardrobe. Lost key of my desk. Mary out after luncheon. Monday 21 March Maudie not so well, bad night. Dr O. coming in again tonight. Ju out morg. I sat with Maud. Letter fr. Mother & enclo. Mary (A.W.) wants to go at once, work too heavy & dislikes Nurse. I took Roy out after lunch. Gave E. money for books £6.10.0. Lin at B. Museum all day. Very cold & quantity of snow still about. Alice Linley came. Locksmith came & opened desk. Wrote to 2 maids. An’t of F. Boehm’s engagement broken off in M. Post. Lady Seton called. Tuesday 22 March Went with Lin in carriage to Museum & called on Boehms. 8 eggs sent fr. Eff. Ju left for 3 days. Maudie better, taken first dose of castor oil. Nurse & Roy went for walk. Mrs. McKenzie called morg, saw her. Mrs. McKenzie, Nordenfelt, Cowen, Spofforth & Hardman called. Wednesday 23 March Lovely day. Dear Maud better. I went out morg. with Roy, called at Mrs. Leech’s to enquire. Nurse & Roy went out for walk whilst I sat with M. Lin seems worried about something can’t make out what. Mary (Annie Woodward) thinks she wants to go at once. Can’t make her out. Went at 11 & did not return for boxes till 9.30, seemed tired & worried. I fetched Tilda fr. de Vere(?) at 3.30. Called at Mrs. Toole & Mrs. Holmes, both out. Round Park & home. Maudie excited at seeing Tilda. Til. stayed till 9 o’c. Mr Smale called. Dr Langston came, said I ought to go away. Thursday 24 March Glorious morning. Dear Maudie still better. Advertisement in papers again for housemaid. Saw 4 only. Pouring rain after lunch, c’d not drive. Saw mare still lame. Took Roy to Bazaar, spent 2/6. Wrote to Mother, Mrs. S, Alice Liddell, & C. to ask if going to Westwood tomorrow. Eggs fr. Mother & flowers. Friday 25 March Maudie better. Nurse weezy. Did her nursery nicely yesterday. My dining room lovely. Con & Eff. coming up to town. Wrote for character of maid. Saw young girl evg. fr. Regents Park. Took Roy for long drive Putney. Ju returned. Spencer came in morg. Lin at work all day. Back bad & pain again. Rec’d cheque £25 fr. Mr Chapple. Saturday 26 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Boat race & lunch after at Mrs Donaldson’s. Eggs fr. Effie, had to pay 1/6 for them, annoyed! Sent cheque of £25 to Bank by Ju. Maudie better. Lovely day. Took Roy to Race, capital. Smales, Simons, Baker, Bramwell etc there. V. nice. Took Roy to Mrs McKenzie’s after, stayed with Mrs. M. & brought him home. Saw nice little red faced maid. Cheque returned, not signed! Sunday 27 March Took Roy to Pro-C. Heard good sermon, went to Dr Harcourt after. Con & Eff. called, I was out when they came. (illeg)! Sp. called during lunch. Lin rode F. Mare better, splint! Mr Lockyer called. Maudie better. Monday 28 March Mrs. Boehm’s supper party 10.30, small. Went to see “Dorothy” took Judy, enjoyed it v. much. Had to leave before last act for B’s. Hugely dull incomprehensible evg. Floss came in fr. dance alone with gentleman! Maudie better. Box of flowers from Mother. New housemaid came at 6 o’c, Emily. Tuesday 29 March Miss Elmore’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin rode F. morg. Ju, Roy & self went in omnibus to Arcade, walked & saw shops. Home at 1.30. Met Mrs. Caldecott, looked v. nice. Miss Bushman, Mr Kerr, Mrs. Stone & C. S. called. All stayed a long time. Ju out afternoon & evening. Very pleasant dinner at Miss E’s. Drove mare still v. lame. Maudie disturbed in afternoon sleep & not so well in consequence. Wednesday 30 March Stars at 8. Mrs. Simonds at home 9.30. In bed to breakfast. Ju & Roy out walking morg. V. tired. Photos all over place. Maudie bad night. Miss P must not send Roy up when they are resting. Man fr. Suggs about gas. Lin rode. Laurence gone out on business. Ju & 2 cousins met us at Observatory. Saw Moon & Saturn. Mrs. Caldecott there also. Call sent for B. A. Gt. S. Extension. Drove mare, went nearly well. Thursday 31 March Mrs. F. Maitland at home 9 till 12. Mrs. Pollen at home 4 to 6. Mrs. Holl’s dinner 7.30. Letters fr. Mrs. S. & Carrie H. Sp’s receipt for Laurence’s investment. Lin rode in Park. Ju & self took Roy in Om. to Park, sat & watched horses. Roy awfully naughty, w’d sit on post & swing Judy round. W. Taylor came & Lin photod him. Pouring wet afternoon. Drove mare for 1st time long distance to H’s. Went wonderfully well. Apr 1887 Friday 1 April Snow & rain. Cleared up about 12 & sunny. Dear Maudie better. Letter fr. Mr Pilleau. Lin very late with work, dined at 10. Called after lunch driving mare on Mrs. Baines, (illeg), Hirsch, Palmer & Thompson & home. Ju luched at Mrs. Mackenzie’s. Saturday 2 April Asked Mr Pilleau, Ada & Sp. to dinner. Shop’g morg. Maudie better, came to drawing room for short time after her sleep. Roy v. naughty. Sp sent some asparagus, bananas, potatoes, mushrooms & lettuce. Pleasant dinner but they stayed so late. Sp’s carriage never came, they had cab at 12.30. Awfully ired. Lin rode to club & walked home. V. sleepy evening. Wish he would not chaff me about C, hate it. Laurence’s cheque of £148.16 & deposit note of £14 came. Sunday 3 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maudie better. Ju to early service. Both slept badly. Ju & Roy to 11 o’c service. Picture Sunday. Ju & self walked to V. Princep’s, met Lin at C.Hunter’s, Fildes, Leighton, Millais, Boughton, Wells, Pettie, Rivière, A. Tadema. Met Mr Blunt, drove with him to Goodalls, Davis & Marks. W. Taylor dined here. Prince’s carriage in road. Maudie not so well, sick & went to bed at 2. Monday 4 April Mrs. Levy’s dinner 7.45. Ju leaves. Shop’g morg. With Ju & Roy went to early service at St Mary’s & called on Mrs. Kemmis. Maudie down for an hour, seems better. Pleasant dinner at L’s, Mr Marsh sang, lovely voice Drove mare. Lin rode F. Lost his stick yesterday. Tuesday 5 April Raining. V. cold again, east wind. Sat with Maudie, seems much better. Mrs. A. Harding called. Judy came to luncheon. Ju & self went to Court Theatre & Mr Guthrie. Capital, full house. Drove mare. Lin did not ride. Wire fr. Mother. Wednesday 6 April Mrs. Simonds’ at home. Very cold east wind. Lin can’t find his stick, must have left it somewhere on Sunday. Gave Laurence her deposit note & Spencer’s receipt & letter. Drove at 2.30 to tailor’s about coat Lin wants to draw (sporting) & to Cremers. Got Roy soldiers. Wrote to Tr. Took £4 to Bank, cheque of Lin’s owed me for washing. Judy came to 7 o’c tea with me. Lin drove to P. D. Jolly brought his stick back fr. Mr Levy’s. Thursday 7 April Lin goes to Paris with Sp. Cold east wind & gale blowing, bright. Sp. came in morg. Percy going too! No getting rid of O’s. I called on Mrs. Coward & Lucy Cahill, pretty house. L. looking v. pretty, never thought her so before. (illeg) C. ring (illeg)! Lin left at ¼ to 7. Friday 8 April X. Blowing hard, very bright but bitter east wind. Dear little Maud very ill all night fr. 12 o’c. Fearfully sick & all black thrown up. Sent for Dr O, out till 10 tonight. Petit ami, felt like it for week past. Sent for Dr Parr. Dr Dent came, very kind. Ordered ice, champagne & new medicine, stop chemical food. Laurence took Roy on bus to Hyde Pk. Corner, walked home. Dr Parr & Dr O. came at 5 again. Maud had sleep but seems feverish. Read to Roy, sleeping in my room. Saturday 9 April Mrs. Perugini’s dinner 7.30. Can’t go Lin away at Paris. Judy came in morg, saw Dr O. for me as I c’d not get up. V. sorry about Maud, seems better today again. Laurence busy in drawing room, Jolly & E. helping. Fanny Barker & Alice came to tea. Ada S. J. & Baby D. called, unapproachable as ever, never shall understand her. Baby looks v. seedy. Roy slept with me. Sunday 10 April Bright day. Maudie better. Nurse took Roy to Church. Feel seedy. Mr Guthrie called & had tea. Quite glad to see him or anyone, altho’ looking a guy fr. lying on sofa. Eyes sore with reading. Very quiet day. Monday 11 April Lovely day warmer. Maudie better. Nurse took Roy out for walk. Letters fr. Alice, Linley & Edgar, thrown out of car with Sophy again. Emily cleaned spare room all


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 day! Miss Penn had tea with me. Roy v. good. Judy came in morg. Wrote to Mother & Dr. Langston. Read forbidden book, decidedly funny! Feel better only awful backache. Tuesday 12 April 2 o’c Charles House sports luncheon at Dr. Haig Bronson(?) Letters fr. Lin & Mother. Lovely day Maudie better. Dr. O. came caught me in nursery on sofa. Nurse out morg. Roy after luncheon out with L. for walk. Went for drive at 2.30. Dr. H. unable to go, very poorly. Mrs. Stone called. Letter fr. Alice her major expected Thurs for night. Long letter fr. Jess coming home 17th inst. Smith called fr. Mr Pettie, borrowed 3/-. Wednesday 13 April Paid 3 bills! Dull cold morg. No news fr. Linley. Maudie better. Nurse out shop’g. Took book “She” flowers & eggs to Dr H. Tassel came fetched hampers etc, brought eggs & flowers. Judy came in morg. Rec’d B. A. Gt. S. £6.3.11. Letter fr. Lin coming tonight. Letter fr. Tr. enclosed. Wrote ans. & to Mother & Alice. Went to Madame B’s new rooms, pd. her £33.0.0. making me blue evg. dress (own material). Pd. Branson £1.8.0. & Marshall 17/3. Florrie Blair called. Letter fr. Dr H. Played (illeg) with Roy. Lin returned tonight. Thursday 14 April Bitter east wind & snow & hail. Dr. O. came saw Lin. Lin looks well, went for ride in row. Drove at 3.30 to see Florrie (out) Mrs. Allen, out, Mrs. Lindo (out). Called on Mrs. Fuller Maitland, Cartmell & Mackenzie, had tea there! & on Mrs. Huish & Dr Harcourt. Maudie better, Ac’t of awful accident to Victoria steamer in Channel. Friday 15 April Bitter east wind. Letter fr. Mother. Lin rode F. morg. Judy called. Letter fr. Mother. Took Roy out for walk. Called at 3.30 on Florrie saw Mrs. B, F. out, on Miss Harcourt, Mrs. Winslow, had tea there, on Mrs. Donaldson, out, Mrs. Joachim out, Mrs. R. Haggard out, Mrs. Caldecott out & Mrs. Hunt, sat some time with her. Walked home. Cold wind. Saturday 16 April Go to Westwood for few days. Lin rode at 12 o’c & finished block. Lovely day but cold wind. Lin took us to Sta. & saw us off. F. Burnands in next carriage to us. Nasty man in our carriage. Carriage met us at Margate. Mother only so-so. Roy slept with me. Played Mother all his little tunes. Sunday 17 April Glorious morg. Mother Roy & self went to Church. Letter fr. Lin. Wrote to Lin & Mrs. S. Ford took Roy for walk to post letters. Took primrose wreath to dear father. Monday 18 April Lovely day. Lin came down. Nothing of importance. Tuesday 19 April Lovely day like summer. Lin, Roy & self drove to Ramsgate. I sat on sands whilst Lin & Roy shop’d. Letter fr. Dr. L, invite, & card fr. Ju. Mother very seedy, went to bed before dinner. Lin kept Roy out very late. Wednesday 20 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Lin went to London by 5 o’c train. Post card fr. Judy. Mother Roy & self went to Ramsgate after luncheon, walked on sands. Roy had donkey ride. Roy taken cold, must have been thro’ Lin keeping him out late last evg. Mother had letter fr. A, Raynes Pk, W. Wimbledon. Private view of H.F’s, R. Academy. Thursday 21 April Lovely day cool wind. Letter fr. Tr. & gloves. Railings coming down in garden. Lin dines at C. Hunter’s. Little Wood came to tea. Roy & self hunted birds nests found 5. Did not drive out. Tassel fetched my hats fr. Margate. Roy to bed early for his cold & gruel. Friday 22 April Lovely day. Went to Ramsgate. Roy fitted with dressing gown Syretts. C. came late, Mother fetched him fr. Station. Saturday 23 April Lin goes to 1st night Lyceum “Bells”. C. went to Ramsgate in cart, met Jack B, drove him to Margate & back to Ramsgate. Showery, cold wind. C. returned at 4 30. Mr Emery & sister called & we walked to Sta. with them. Had tea here, both densely slow. Mother v. seedy at dinner had to leave the dinner table. Altercation with C. about work. Sunday 24 April Mother out early to St Peters. Lin came down by 1 o’c, I went to meet him. Roy’s cold rather bad. Showery morg, lovely after. I took flowers to St Peters. Letter fr. Alice & Edgar. Quiet evg. C, Mother & self drawing room. Lin at eternal Egis! Lin v. bad toothache. Monday 25 April Lin & C. went to town by first train. Roy’s cold better, out all morg. Rained afternoon. Read to Mother. Quiet evg. Mother worries about Jane. Tuesday 26 April Lovely morg, cold wind. Packed & returned home by 12.45 train fr. Broadstairs. Mother seedy & depressed, so sorry to leave her alone. Rained hard afternoon. Mother gave me deux livres! Maudie much better, Lin at work. Cozy dinner. Lin v. sleepy after. Wednesday 27 April Lovely day. Lin rode early, met C. S. in Park! Riding! Spencer came in, wants Mother to go to Scotland with him Friday. V. cold wind. Did not go out all day. Lin dined at home, v. late with work Academy cut, stayed with him till 1.30. Maud, Roy & Nurse went for drive. Bought £100 bond of Venezuela 1881. Received Sp’s receipt for same. Pd. £40.12.6 for it. Judy & Tabby came, Tab looking v. thin. Thursday 28 April Lovely morg. V. cold wind. Lin up early for work. Lin engaged to lunch with Ld Ronald Gower to meet Mr Gladstone, opening of American Exhibition. Judy called with Laura, brought flowers. I drove with Maud to Barnes & Putney, walked little way. I called on Dr Harcourt. Lin & self went to Savoy theatre. Mrs. Mackenzie met us there & drove back with us. W. Taylor & Miss Webster called. Friday 29 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Have to send 2nd call on B. A. Railway Extension shares £6.0.0. Dull & very cold morg. Mother coming tomorrow. Letter fr. Con. Box of soldiers fr. C. to Roy, exchange. Private view of Academy. Sent £6.0.0. to Glyn Mills & Currie for 1 st call on 5p.cent B. A. Extension. Lin took me to Private View, enjoyed it. V. crowded. Con & Effie there. Lin had to do block after our return. Dined at 9.30. Saturday 30 April Private View Gros. G. Awfully crowded. Lin’s cold v. bad. Dr Langston called, says I must go away, feel better & don’t want to. Con called afternoon. Academy dinner, Lin going. Lin took me to Gro. Gal. Met shoals of people, v. amusing. Went after to Furniss’s Gal. Crowded. Mother came to us. She & I dined alone, to bed early. May 1887 Sunday 1 May Fine morg, cold. Con, Mr Boehm & Mr Birch called to ride with Linley late. Mare’s cold too bad for Con to ride her. Mother off early to Church, only returned in time for lunch. Maud, Roy & Nurse went for short walk & Nurse on to Church after. Con, Eff & Mr J. H. A. McDonald to dinner. Lin & Mr M. awfully sleepy. Ju called afternoon. Lin rode with Mr Boehm & Mr Birch. Monday 2 May. Lady Rosebery’s reception. Wet cold morning. Lin’s cold still heavy. Mrs. Tuer asked us to dinner 7.30. Lin dining at Greenwich as Mr Birch’s guest. Mother & self went at 11.30 to Tra’s, found him awfully seedy, cold like Lin’s. Called on Mrs. Macdonald (out) saw rooms, hunted for dressmaker. Came home, had lunch, took cab went shop’g. Took Lin’s umbrella! Just missed him, awfully sorry, ought to have had fur coat, so cold. Mrs. Mackenzie called – gave her 2/6 for Ormonde St Hospital. Tuesday 3 May Mrs. Hunt’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. Countess of Rosebery’s reception, mistaken date yesterday. Lin’s cold better. Dull wet day, warmer. Dense fog. Mother had fly & we went to Miss Witton, 31 Mount St. Ordered blue serge dress for £4.10.0. Effie with us, came back for lunch. Mother going to dine at C’s. Gave Effie 5/6 for old hat. Mrs. Barnes called. Wednesday 4 May Mrs. Wren’s at home 9 to 12, music. Mrs. Hep. Dixon’s at home 9.30. Ap’t with Miss Witton at 12 o’c. Mother & self went. Paid by cheque Clarke’s bill 11/- Margate. Mother left for Con’s 3.10, missed them. Effie called after waiting at Sta. some time. Wire fr. Mother, wire fr. C. S to Mother. Con came in had missed Mother. Maud out morg, caught in rain. Thursday 5 May Mrs. Purvis dinner 8 o’c. Received div’d £1.7.1 on B. A. & Pacific Railway. Lin & Mr Tenniel riding at American Exhibition 10 o’c. Jolly also riding mare. Maud out morg. walking with Nurse & Roy. I bought flowers 6d & called on Dr Harcourt. Con goes to Arundel today. Maud out in bath chair after luncheon. Mother returned from Con’s late. Delightful dinner, girl with lovely voice & v. pretty. Messrs King-Salter & Congreve near me, both v. amusing. T. S. asked to call. Mr Critchett’s at home, left Lin there. Friday 6 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Miserable wet cold day. Lin hard at work. Maudie looking v. pale & delicate. Spoke to Miss Penn about Roy’s going to Con’s with Nurse & Maud. Spoke to Emma about Emily’s condition (illeg illeg) for me if suspicions are correct. Mother & self came to Westwood by Granville. Saw Mr Lockyer. Saturday 7 May Promised to go to Con’s, forgot about little F. Lovely day. V. cold still. Wire & letter for Mother fr. C. who went to Margate last evg. Mother & self drove to Ramsgate met Mrs. Banks & promised to lunch there Tuesday. Then drove to Margate ordered Mervyn’s shoes. Quiet evg, to bed early. X. Petit ami au soir. Letter fr. Lin, dining with H’y Furniss tonight. Mother worried about letter fr. Con. Sunday 8 May Mrs. Hepworth Dixon’s at home. Lin coming down this morg. to lunch, C. also. Fine day. X. Petit ami au matin, stayed in bed to breakfast, only down by one o’c. Found Mother & C. walking about grounds. Lin arrived 2.30 after long walk, (illeg), we all on lawn, I in bath chair. Lin went to sleep. Mother & C. walked about evg. C. & Lin wrote letters. Mother & self in drawing room. Supper. I to bed early. Monday 9 May Lovely day. Lin went by first train to London. I came down about 11. Tra. went in cart to Ramsgate at 11.30, home at 5 o’c. Mother & self sat out on lawn in bath chair. Had tea at 5 & dinner at 6! Tra. left at 7.10. No important letters. Tappage avec (illeg) la maison femmes et homes. Mother v. upset. Tuesday 10 May Lovely morg. Got into Mother’s bed. Letter fr. Lin, Edgar & Mervyn. Sat in bath chair on lawn. Had lunch out, spilt everything! Read to Mother. Mrs. Banks called stayed some time. Mother & self drove to Westgate, lovely evg. Letters again fr. Lin, one fr. Effie. Chicks go to Brooklawn today. Wrote after dinner to Mrs. Pickering(?) Phillips, Lin, Emma, Witton, Liddell, Mrs. S. & Judy, & Tra. enclosing (illeg) fr. Mother. “Nence” arrived Lisbon. Mrs. Mocatta’s at home 5 to 7. Wednesday 11 May Dull & cold. Letter fr. Lin. & Maudie fr. Arundel. Mother & self drove to Ramsgate and shop’d. Feel queerish. Wrote after dinner to Lin, Spencer & Maudie. Thursday 12 May Went to Margate with Mother, fetched my serge dress fr. station. Jane out afternoon. Mother & self worked in my room. Wrote number of letters. Wire sent on fr. Ham fr. Vigo to engage rooms. Friday 13 May Mrs. Phillip’s dance 9.30. Cold & wet & stormy. Alice & Major McClintock coming till Monday. Mother & self went to Ramsgate morg. Letters fr Ju, Lin & Con. Wrote to Lin & C. Saturday 14 May Mrs. Lindo’s dinner 8 o’c. Mother bad night. I slept with Alice, awfully cold Friday night, fire in our room. (returned from Westwood) Sunday 15 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Ham & Lin went for ride, H rode mare. Spencer came in morg. Midge, Dora & self alone all morg, Waddie to church. Lunch. Spencer came in, Judy, Tilda & Mr Ellis. Dinner. Dickie sleepy. Monday 16 May Lin, Ham, Jess & self dined at Mrs. Hickman’s. Lin & Ham to horse show morg. Midge & self to Madame Bocquet’s. Con came to lunch. Mr Paxton called, stayed ages. Lin & Ham played tennis all afternoon. Sp. called morg. Tuesday 17 May Ham & Jess expected fr. Buenos Aires! Mrs. Tom Lucas’ at home 4 to 7. Mr Lucy’s dinner 8 o’c. Cold morg & fires. Ham out. Judy called. Seeing housemaids all morning. Letter & flowers fr. Nurse. Letters fr. C, Tra, Mr Pilleau & Mother. Sent £40.12.6. Sent cetifucate of 2 shares in B. A. & Pacific to Mr (illeg). Took Aunt Linda with me to Mrs. L’s at home. Lin dined at Mr Lucy’s, met Lord Rosebery, Sir G. Trevelyan & Chamberlain. Burnand there. Sp. & Percy came in after dinner & stayed v. late. Friday 20 May Mrs. Pickering’s evg. party 10 o’c, music. Showery morg. Mervyn’s photo. Letter fr. Tabs. Ham out morg. Lin riding. Ham & Lin to horse show. Aunt Linda & Lionel called to tea. Jess, Lin & Ham went to Lyceum Theatre after dinner, c’d not get place for me. Heavy hail storm. Saturday 21 May Ans. fr. lady about housemaid, not satisfactory. Sp. called morg. Cold & showery. Lin riding mare. Midge & self went to Mrs. de la Rue’s to ask about dinner. Con & Effie came. Poured with rain. Lin & Ham went out after dinner to Pavilion & Garrick Club, home late. Midge & self to bed early. Sunday 22 May Mrs. de la Rue’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. Lin & Ham went to Tattersall’s morg. Midge & self sat in nursery. Wrote to Nurse enclosing £2.2.0, & Mother. Sp. here to lunch. Mr Twiss, Flower, Terrero & Lawson called. Rather slow dinner. O. Wilde sat next me & spilt all his claret all over my dress. (illeg) little actor other side. Monday 23 May Very cold wind, cloudy. Jess & Ham leave us & go to Kens. Palace Mansions. Took Dora to Charing X with Sp. in Victoria. Awful cold coming on like Waddie’s. Alice came before lunch, asked me to stay. Her engagement broken off & v. upset. At 3.30 took Dora to call with me on Boehms & left Con’s box, Peto, Harding (left Lin at Bulls) Reed & Marion Pollock. Took Dora to Ken P. Ms, delightful rooms, all out but Waddie. Fetched Lin & went to American Exhibition. Sp. & Percy dined here. Alice sang. Letter fr. Mother. Good news fr. Mervyn. Tuesday 24 May Warmer & dull. Lin out for ride before breakfast. Alice & self went to Club & Gorringe’s, met Mrs. C. a’Beckett, Edensor, (illeg) & sister widow. Ham called in. Alice & self called on Jess, all out. Mrs. Lindo called. Lin rode before breakfast to Trooping of Colours. Olive & Charley called. Can’t make app’t on account of cold about teeth. Wednesday 25 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Derbt Day. Lin & Spencer & Ham gone together in Sp’s carriage. I lunch with Midge at Palace Mansions. Mother goes to Midge fr. Westwood. Alice & self went to Madame B’s, I was fitted & chose new morg. dress. Went after to Telegon School. Called on Mrs. Purvis & had tea there. I lunched at Jessie’s with Mother who had arrived by Granville. Called at Jess’s after tea, sent carriage home. Alice & I walked. Mr & Mrs. Terrero & Con at Midge’s. Merry Hampton won Derby. Baron 2 nd. Alice had conciliatory letter fr. Major McC. Thursday 26 May Adelina Patti at Albert Hall. Lin rode before breakfast. Alice & self went to concert, walked home. V. slow. Capt E, sister & Miss Kemmis there. Called on Dr Harcourt. Mother & Jess had our brougham after it had left us at Hall. Friday 27 May Mrs. Boughton’s at home 10 o’c. Lin v. hard at work all day, did not dine till ¼ to 11 o’c! Major McClintock called morg, made up misunderstanding with Alice. Miss H. Young called. Went to Grosvenor Gallery to meet Alice & Major, met Mr Guthrie. Ionides, S. Brunton & Tra. there. Wish Tra. would not be such a goose, don’t like meeting him at public places. Pouring wet day. Alice to bed early seedy. Dinner awfully late. Saturday 28 May Mother came in while we were at breakfast. Alice in bed to breakfast. Mother saw me off fr. Victoria for Arundel by 10.30, ½ hour to wait at station. Lady & gentleman got in first stoppage. Dull journey down. Chicks & Nurse met me at Arundel. Maud still looks delicate, Nurse looks seedy rather. Roy tiresome but looks v. well. Letter fr. Mrs. S. to Maud with handkerchiefs for Nurse & Maud. Alice leaves Stafford Ter. today. Minnie leaves. Elizabeth new housemaid comes. Fare 19/return, guard 1/-. Sunday 29 May Cold & dull morg, fine later. Slept v. badly. Walked with chicks to post, saw Crossbush house. Dinner, after went to call on Mrs. Holmes, v. nice old lady. Read later. Quiet happy day with chicks. Letters fr. Lin & Mrs. Barnes. Maudie looking much better today. Quiet happy day with the children. To bed early & slept better. Monday 30 May Elizabeth left by first train. I went with chicks to look over Crossbush house. Dinner, wire fr. Lin. Maud, Roy & self went to meet him, he arrived 4 o’c. Hill came. Lin took Roy to Crossbush, he went over it. Lin busy with “Egis” all evg, seems to have v. bad cold. Slept in Effie’s room. Letter fr. Mr Pilleau, little Drew elected! Tuesday 31 May Lovely morg, slept well. Lin, Roy & Maud fishing. Nurse very seedy lying down. Lin goes to London by 11.53. Callers at home Mrs. Palmer Harcourt & Mrs. Flower. Nurse’s books up till today: Butcher 1.1.1 Grocer 8.7 Baker 2.6 Milk & butter 9.3.½ Washing 5.8 Porter 6 Walter 5.0 Nurse (Effie) 1.0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 £2.13.7½ Jun 1887 Wednesday 1 June Mrs. Wren’s at home 9 to 12, music. Dull morg. Nurse still looking very seedy & languid. Letters fr. Lin, note fr C, ap’t. Monday, can’t go. Invites fr. Mrs. Tuer & Levy. Wrote to Lin, Tra, Alice, Pilleau. Maud & self went for (illeg). Lovely afternoon. Mrs. Holmes called. Thursday 2 June Return to London by 2.41 with Roy. Not till tomorrow. Dull morg. Took chicks for walk, birds nesting, found thrush’s nest 4 birds in young. Letters fr. Lin & Tabs. Poured with rain all afternoon. Read to children. Very cold, had to have fire. Maud slept with me. Friday 3 June Pouring rain & very cold. Letters fr. Lin, invites fr. Mrs. Hodgson & Farquharson. Wire fr. Mrs. Furniss. Mrs. F. coming at 12.15 to see house. Roy & self cannot go on account of rain. Poured all day. Mrs. F. came & lunched here, did not seem enthusiastic over house. She walked to station going back. V. wet. Quiet evg. Lin sent Midge box for “Private Secretary”. Con, Mother, Tra, Ham & Jess went. Lin went late in evg. Saturday 4 June Much warmer, heavy & dull,. Much finer later. Roy & I returned to London after early dinner. R. v. down, had good cry here, feel so sorry for him. Carriage met us. Lin for ride after, dinner late. Roy asleep at 9.30. Letter fr Aunt (illeg) My expenses to Arundel Return ticket 19.0 Guards 3.0 Telegrams & stamps 4.0 do, 2. 2.0 Fly 5.9½ Roy’s ticket 2.6 Guards 1.6 Fee 2.6 Beer stamps & (illeg) 4.0 £2.4.3½ Sunday 5 June X. Just starting for early service with Roy, c’d not go on little F. account. Laurence took Roy out after lunch. Jess & Dora called, & Ham on American horse. Con & Mr Lockyer also. Mother came in late, seems very depressed. Lin rode to Lady Freeke’s, lunched there. “Merry Hampton” had 4 th at Paris Grand Prix. Baron 2nd. A filly won! Only 3rd time it has happened. Monday 6 June Mrs. Fildes at home 4 to 6. In bed to breakfast. Roy out with Laurence morning. Lin rode before breakfast & before dinner. Mother & Con’s baby & nurse went to Westwood. Mysterious gentleman called, nearly had him up to my room thinking it was Mervyn. Spencer called. Roy had tea with Dora, Laurence took him. Tuesday 7 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 In bed to breakfast. Roy went out with Laurence morg. Lin rode before breakfast. Mrs. Holmes & Mrs. McKenzie called. Spoke to Miss Penn about Roy. Very late dinner, duck bad! Had to send out for lobster & steak. Feel very limp & washed out, irregular hours knock me up. Lin rode before dinner. Bad mutton at lunch, bad duck at dinner! Had to send for lobster & steak. V. late with dinner. Wednesday 8 June Fine morg. Laurence took Roy out morg, was v. naughty. I drove round Park morg. Ju called after lunch. Roy went to tea with Dora. Lin rode to Punch dinner. Quiet evg. Elizabeth out. To bed early. Judy called. Thursday 9 June Mrs. Hodgson’s tennis, 4 - 7. 3 o’c at Madame B’s. Elizabeth won’t do, going end of month. Went to Madame’s with Ju. Nearly run into cab Edgware Rd. Chose grey dress. Madame promised blue evg. one Monday. Went to Telegon School. Am afraid dress will be ugly, no style there! Left broach at Madame’s. Letter fr. Mervyn. Midge & Ham to Ascot. Friday 10 June Ap’t with C. at 12 o’c. Went, took Roy. C’d not get Lord Chamberlain (Ld Lathom’s) photo for Lin. I had eye tooth stop’d, it hurt awfully. C. going to Westwood today. Showed me letter fr. Mervyn. Ham gone to Ascot. Saturday 11 June Mrs Parish’s at home 4 to 7 o’clock. Postponed to the 18 th. Mr du Maurier’s drawings on view Fine Art Society, Bond St. Lin dines at Newspaper press fund. Roy & Laurence go to see Buffalo Bill with Waddie & Dora. Letters fr. Mother & Mrs. S. Jess called morg. Dora & Waddie going to W-Wood also. I called on Mrs. McKenzie & Dr Harcourt, latter looked v. seedy. I drove alone to Mrs. Barker’s (out) had tea there. Called on Mrs. Spofforth, Orton, Huish & Miss Lutyens. Quiet evg. E. wants to go at once, can’t make it out. Sunday 12 June Midge & Ham to luncheon. Roy to tea at Dora’s. Roy & self to early service, walked home with the Spofforths. Spencer came in very seedy with sore throat. Midge & self walked to Kens P. M’s & I fetched Roy home in cab. Con & Effie came, borrowed 2/-! Church 1/- in exchange 6d, stamps 1/-, in all 4/6. Lin hard at work all day. Monday 13 June Be at Madame’s ¼ past 4 to meet Midge. Go with Mrs. C. Mackenzie to see Mr Blair’s school. Mrs. M. out so called on Miss Elmore, Mrs. Tom Agnew, fetched Jess fr. Madame’s, called after on Mrs. Barnes, Critchett & Mrs. Orton, had tea at Mrs. Silver’s where Midge met mutual friends. Dora & Waddie gone to Westwood. Roy & Laurence in Park after tea. Left off taking any medicine today. Tuesday 14 June Dear Maud returns with Nurse fr. Brooklawn. Ham, Lin & Roy & gentlemen gone to Olympia to jump horses. Letters fr. Tabby, Aunt Linda, received cheque fr. Mr Chapple £25.0.0, & Alice. Mrs. Pettie & dau. Mrs. Purvis, Mrs. Stone called & Miss Lutyens. Dear Maud looks much better, finds heat trying. Sat with Jess & Judy all morg, shop’d. Mare distinguished herself. Laurence took Roy for walk. Letter fr. Dr Langston. Wednesday 15 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 To Academy afternoon with Aunt Linda. Meet Auntie at 3.30 Prince’s St Hanover Sqre. Lovely hot day. Mr Tuer called. Met Auntie, went to Fine Arts Gallery & Academy. Tra. there came in late. We left early & went to Mrs. Tuer’s tennis party, had tea there. Miss Gilbert most amusing. Mrs. Mackenzie came in late. Lin rode evg. & went after dinner to play billiards with Cap. E. & Ham. Thursday 16 June Mrs. Fancourt Barnes’ dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. Mrs. Hodgson’s tennis 4–7. Mrs. Morel Mackenzie’s at home 4 - 7. Went after breakfast to see horses jump. Hated it & expect I was a nice worry to them! Elizabeth left. Little Minnie came. Nurse & Maud seedy with heat. 6 plants 8/-. Railways 1/-. Elizabeth £1.1.1. Star decoration put up. Very pleasant dinner at Dr F. Barnes. Mr Hart took me in, very amusing, interesting talk about Teneriffe. Promised to call on Mrs. Heilbut. Friday 17 June Mrs. A. Levy’s at home 4 to 7 o’c, music. Mrs. F. Macmillan’s at home 10 o’c. Ap’t with C. at 12 o’c. Mr Hare sent us box for “Clancarty”. Went to C. alone morg, Roy won’t go. Cab 1/-. Awful pain in tooth, C. only hour doing the 2, must go again. Don’t care for “Clancarty”. Went on to Mrs. M’s at home, Trees there. Con’s boy & Nurse returned fr. Westwood, box of asparagus fr. Mother. Saturday 18 June Mrs. Hope Shakespear’s at home 4.30 to 7. Mrs. Parish’s at home 4- 7, music, instead of the 11th inst. Mrs. Hickman’s dinner 8 o’c, Lord Mayor’s dinner 7 for 7.30. Card fr. Lord Lathom for Linley for the Abbey “Jubilee” day. Went to Hollands afternoon, out, on to Olive, few people there, v. pretty baby, & to Mrs. Parish’s, very slow there, capital music but heavy company. Barkers, Davidsons, Drabbles, Mrs. Whittiker!!! etc same set. Sp. came in late. Quiet evg. & to bed early. Letter fr. Jess, she & Ham gone to Westwood. Sunday 19 June Asked Hensman to come. Mrs. Lowe’s dinner at Café Royale. Lovely day, v. hot. Lin gone for ride with Col. Mapleton, Dr F. Barnes & Mrs. Heilbut morg. Spencer called. Anna & George Dietz called. Very quiet day, read. Nurse, Minnie & chicks to Church after early dinner. Monday 20 June Mrs. Fildes at home 4 - 6. Lin dines at Seasons Club, Tilbury. Madame B’s at 3 o’c. Promised to go to Mr Blair’s school with Mrs. Mackenzie. Worked at pink cotton all morning. Jolly cleaned windows. Went after lunch in brougham & F. to Mr Blair’s school. Mrs. Mackenzie saw boys. To Madame B’s, fitted with grey dress, chose black & white cotton check, on to Mrs. Fildes, no one there, garden lovely! Tremendous crowd in Park, saw Duchess of Connaught. Chicks gone to see illuminations. Tuesday 21 June Red letter day! Mrs. Boehm’s bachelor dinner, to see illuminations after. Great Jubilee Day! Lin, Roy & self go to 90 Piccadilly, V. Watney’s chambers, to see Procession fr. there. Lord Lathom sent Lin a ticket for the Abbey. Magnificent sight, never to be forgotten. Drove at 7 in brougham by Bayswater to Half Moon St. Terrific but orderly crowd in Piccadilly. Sp’s kept stationed along to line up & down Piccadilly in front of our windows, most splendid view, not least amusing the crowd of carriages & people before P.W. I came home in Mrs. Goldie’s carriage, Lin & Roy walked. Effie came in to tea, egg & cocoa, & Con also, had nothing to give him! Lin


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 dined at B’s & took girls out, in at one. Servants all out. I took stroll with Roy to see lights, wonderfully pretty. Wednesday 22 June Mrs. Farquharson’s at home 10 o’c. Drove to Effie’s at 12 o’c & tried to get to C’s. Awful crowd everywhere blocked on all sides, gt. swarms of children going to Park so came home late, found wire fr. C. (illeg) ap’t today. Chose bonnets & hats. Wire fr. Burnands. Lin rode to Hampton Court to dinner. Chicks went morg. to see Mother. Queen in Park to see children, awful crowd. Mrs. Alexander’s childeren’s party. Mrs. Tuer’s tennis party. Mother & Jess came in after dinner. Ham fetched them. Thursday 23 June Mrs. Hodgson’s tennis 4 to 7. Mrs. Morel Mackenzie’s at home 4 to 7. Lin & self dine at Mrs. Burnands 8 o’c. Maud & Nurse go to Tabbie’s at the Hook, Fareham. Emma saw them off. Jolly busy with Lin afternoon so carriage met me at 6 o’c at Mrs. Mackenzie’s. I called walking on Miss Webster & had tea at Mrs. V. Cole’s, awfully nice there. Took cab to Mrs. M’s. Met Mrs. B. Tomlin, Twiss, Lehmans, Lewis, Dr. Davis etc. Very jolly dinner at Mr Burnand’s. Hammonds, B. Hollingshead, Dr (illeg) & Barnes, W. Austin & C. Burnand. Cab 2/-, Maud 2/6. Friday 24 June Mrs. Arthur Levy’s at home 4 to 7, music. Mrs. Agnew’s at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Parkinson Wright’s at home 4 to 7. Went with Jess to Charley, had 2 back teeth stop’d. Roy lunched out with Mother. Went at 4 o’c to A. Burnand’s, Alexander (saw little mouse!) Mrs. Levy’s, met Laura S. there, splendid music. Went on together to Mrs. Wright’s, sent carriage home. Music. We walked home. Dined at 10.30. Rushed off to dress at 10 to 11 & went to Agnews at home & enjoyed it immensely! Glad we went. Lin v. tired. Mrs. Heilbut called. Saw her later riding with Dr Barnes. Saturday 25 June Concert Prince’s Hall 8 o’c, gave tickets to Ju. 2 stalls for A. Harris opera, gave these to Mrs. Mackenzie. Mother & C. to Westwood at 10 o’c. Mrs. Stone, Jess & Ham here to dinner, v. jolly evening. Roy & Minnie to Kens. Palace. Out morg. shop’g. Drove at 4 with Mrs. Mackenzie to Colin Hunter’s, tea there & met old friend of dear Father & Grandpapa’s. Called on Mrs. Princep, saw her, awfully pretty, Lady Nottage, saw her, & left cards at Mrs. Oscar Wilde’s. My new ugly grey bonnet & bill arrived. Gray dress came home. Stood to Lin for Irish woman saluting Princes. Sunday 26 June Mr Irving’s dinner Lyceum. Roy & self to St George’s C, on to Miss Penn’s. Enquired after Mrs. Joachom & Mrs. Coward & Dr Harcourt, latter been 2 days in his room. Invites from Hickmans, Lewis’ & Val Princep’s for tennis today!!! Lin rode morg. Cold & dull. Monday 27 June Roy & I lunch at Mrs Burnands & go to Buffalo Bill together. Mr & Mrs. Hammond, Bessie, Jack, Conny, 3 little ones, Mrs. B & our 2 selves to lunch, 11 in all! Took 3 hansoms to B. Bill, pd. 8/6. Enjoyed it v. much. Went to Mrs. B’s to tea & cab’d home. Lin rode before dinner. Quiet evg together. Tuesday 28 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Walter Wren’s dance, 10 o’c. 11.30 morg ap’t with C. Went up with Roy in Vic, hansom carriage fetched us. 2/- cab. Must go again for front tooth. Wednesday 29 June Mrs. Tuer’s tennis party 4 to 6.30 if fine. Mrs. G. Ogilvie’s dance 9.30 to 12.30. Mrs. Gregory’s garden party at Foundling 4 to 6.30 (children’s party). Tassel came. 6 stalls for Drury Lane. Went in brougham morg. to Marshall & Willetts got walking shoes, fitted at Telegon school, bought sunshade at Marshalls. Rested afternoon. Roy with Miss Penn to see Queen pass Kens. Took Judy to opera “Faust”. Ham & Midge met us there. Laurence & Minnie went also & enjoyed it. Had box. F. Burnand came up. Mrs. Corrie there. Very slow party at Ogilvie’s, principally Agnews there. Home by 3. Thursday 30 June Mrs. Messel’s evg. party 9.30. Mrs. Hodgson at home 4 to 7 tennis. Academy Soirée 9 o’c. Dr F. Barnes dinner at London Tavern 7 o’c. Mrs. Drabble’s afternoon party 4 to 7.30. Chaperoned Miss Purvis to Soirée, she met Mr Fagan there. Ham & Midge with Boehm girls. V. crowded. Went on to Messels, v. jolly party, good fun at supper, home by 3 o’c. Too tired to go out in daytime. Lin rode before dinner. Lin put off Dr B’s dinner & we dined together alone. Jul 1887 Friday 1 July X au soir petit ami. Mrs. Parkinson Wright’s at home 10 o’c. 3.30 go to Madame B. Mr Hartree’s bachelor dinner 8 o’c. Very tired. Went to Madame at 3.30 with C. Price, fitted with blk & white print chose other dress, evg. Called on Mrs. Watney & Mrs. Kemp, had tea there, extolled Dr L. Slow party at Mrs. W’s. Mr Ellis took me to supper. Mr Fahey there. C. Neilson with her lovely emeralds there. Lin came in late. Miss Purvis & Mr Fagan. Saturday 2 July C. Stokes dinner Mitre Hotel 6 o’c. Mrs. Joshua’s at home 10 o’c. Go in Pk with Laura Stone, Volunteer Review before Queen. Lin took Roy to Review Volunteers Buckingham Palace, 2 Press tickets saw splendidly. Invite to tea at Mr Angell’s. Lin & Roy went, I too seedy. In all day & to bed early. Midge called morg. Sunday 3 July Minnie took Roy out after lunch. Roy rather tiresome. V. hot. Midge came in to tea. No one called. Lin at Lewis’ for tennis. Midge dined here. Quiet day. Monday 4 July Mrs. Fildes at home 4 to 6. V. hot, 87° in drawing room. Lin out morg in carriage. Lin dines with Mr Woodall 8 o’c. Roy out morg. with Laurence, v. naughty. I drove with Roy to Barnes. Mrs. Simmonds & Agnews called. Lin photoing Mr Tuer’s tennis lawn & church. Tuesday 5 July Mrs. Boehm’s at home at the Studio 10.30. Mrs. Carbutt’s at home 4 to 7. Laura Stone, Mr Kershaw, Aunt Bessie & Maud, & Mrs. Rainbow called. Jess, Ham & Dora called morg. H bought 3 polo ponies, going to play at Hurlingham. I had drive for hour round Park at 6.30. Lin went alone to Mrs. B’s. Princess Louise & Marquis there. Crush, but amusing. Con & Eff left early. Roy & Minnie to tea with Dora. Sp. & Ada there, A. covered up with diamonds & taken for Indian Princess!!!


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 6 July Mrs. Wren’s last at home 9 to 12 o’c, music. Mrs. German Reed’s at home 4 to 7. St Croix, Up. East Sheen. Much cooler. Roy & L. out morg, L. out evg. Minnie with Roy evg. walk, took (illeg) to Mrs. Harwood. Lin went with me to Mrs. G. Reed’s, left early. Grossmith, A. Blunt, Mr Morris etc there, fairly entertaining. Lin left early, I returned alone. Roy had tea with me. Thursday 7 July Dear Father’s birthday. Mrs. Gregory’s garden party 4 to 7 wet or fine at the Foundling. Mrs. McLaren’s diner party 8 o’c. Mrs. A. Lewis’ garden party. A. Reed & Corny Grain’s “at home” 10 o’c. Dinner invitation fr. Mrs. Lindo today also. Lin going to “Mask of Flowers” Grays Inn Hall. Delightful afternoon Mrs. L’s. Just time to dress for McL’s, Tilda here. Mr Justice (illeg) took me in, Mr John Bright there. Charming evg. at German Reeds Music, singing, dancing etc. Supper on stage, scene of Vevey delightful. Home at 3 o’c. Friday 8 July Mrs. Luke Ionides at home 4.30 to 8.30. Ap’t with C.S. at 12 o’c, also at Telegon School & Madame B’s 3.30. Took Roy, had front tooth done, awfully painful. Called on Mrs. Mackenzie to enquire after her boy, better. Called & saw Dr Harcourt, looks v. ill. Picturesque Spaniards playing & singing at Mrs. I’s, serious dancer. Alexanders, Casellas, Montalbas etc there. Lovely day. Saturday 9 July Military Review. Lin left early breakfasted with Ham at Mansions. Horses at Aldershot. Mare’s eye very bad. Roy & L to Lords, saw finale, Eton won. Roy & self walked to Jessie, G. Boehm there. Jess, Dora, Roy & self walked home. Jess stayed whilst I dressed & Dora played Roy. First night of Burnand’s new play “The Doctor”. Lin in late, had begun dinner, too late to go. Div fr. (Sunshales) etc. £1.10. Sunday 10 July Mr Baker’s boating party. Minnie took Roy to Jessie’s where they lunched & had tea. Lin & self went to Surbiton with Mrs. Kemp. Mr Baker, Mona & 5 other gentlemen met us there. Lovely day on river, enjoyed it immensely. Had fortune told by gypsies to please Mr O’Gilpin (Irish Australian). Told me I was fickle!!! Much beloved & general favourite!!! Sh’d have 3 children. My son w’d cause me trouble but my girl w’d bring me joy!!! Good news & more to come on 7 th of next month. All nonsense! Shower coming home, nothing nuch, tea at Mr B’s & all walked to Station with us. Took Mrs. K home. Roy not asleep 11 o’c! Monday 11 July Mr Edis’ silver wedding party, music 10 o’c. Mrs. Peto’s at home garden party 5 o’c. Went alone at 4 to Mrs. Heilbut’s, Mrs. McLarens & Peto. Just usual crowd there, Alexanders, Ionides, Messels etc. Aunt Bessie & Maud lunched here. Feel v. tired. Lin went after dinner to Mr E’s party. Scarcity of food. Went on to Beef Steak. Home by 3 o’c. Tuesday 12 July Must write Dr Langston saying how I am. Charles Hartree’s dinner. Mrs. Quintin Twiss’ at home. Mrs. Moscheles at home, Josef Hoffman to be there 4 o’c. Mervyn called. Took him with me to Vere St, bought dressing gown, frilling & print for cotton dress blue, expect black dress to be utter failure. Wire fr. Mother to come today, wired back delighted. Left £1.10.0 for Sunshales interest at L. County Bank. Mrs. F. Mason & Tilda called. Mother came at 8.30. Roy slept with her.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 13 July Mr & Mrs. Oscar Wilde’s at home 4 to 7. Mrs. Quintin Twiss at home 4 to 7. Mrs. Hunt’s at home 4.30 to 7 o’c. Mrs. Moscheles at home 4 to 7. Mother left before breakfast, returned at 4 o’c with Ju & went with Judy & Mervyn to the Gaiety Theatre in evg. Roy to tea with Dora. I went at 4 to Oscar Wilde’s weird house, dullish. Mrs. Kendal & I drove to Mrs. Twiss’, W. Taylor, Mocattas etc there. Fr. there to Mrs. Moscheles, great crowd there, A. Blunt just going. Josef Hoffman (Pole) played most exquisitely, has a pinched little face, deep set thoughtful eyes & played with sang froid looking curiously at those right & left of him. His sister played with him at another piano. Thursday 14 July Mrs. Knoakes at home dancing 9.30. Mrs. Ernest Hart’s at home 10 o’c. Ap’t Madame B. 3.30. Mother left at 10 o’c, seems restless here now. Mother & Mervyn came to say goodbye. Ham called, went out morg shop’g, met Mrs. Boughton, sat in Gardens with her & saw Roy & L. Called at 4 on Ada S.J, Mrs. Drabble, Joshua, Messel, Lindo, Parish, Harcourt, Mrs. Flower only one in. Called on Jess (out). Friday 15 July Mrs. McTear’s at home, Hungarian band, 10 o’c. Midge Roy & self sat in Gardens morg. Midge & self called on Mr Sterne to say can’t dine there tonight, to Alexandra Hotel, to Mrs. Boehm’s, Mrs. Sington, & fetched Lin’ racket fr. Mr Lewis’. Pouring rain!!! Midge came back to tea. Lin v. late with work, only sat down to dinner at 11 o’c, too late to go to Mrs. McTear’s, so wrote instead. Invite to dine at Mr Sterne’s tonight. Saturday 16 July Roy & self sat in Gardens with Jessie, no! I shop’d alone, met Dora & Waddie, asked them to go with Roy & self to Zoo. Lin rode to Wimbledon at 4 o’c. Roy & I fetched Wad. & Dora & went to Zoo. Dullish day, saw Mrs. Mason & the Kahns there. Chicks enjoyed it. Rained coming home a little. To bed early, quiet evg. Lin did a second block. Sunday 17 July Went with Roy to Gds. Colder & slight rain. Met Jess. Wad. & Dora & Midge went to Mansions. Ham walked to Kens. Church with me. Lin rode morg. Roy to Church with Minnie, pouring rain, much colder. No tennis on account of rain. Cleared up. Lin went to tennis at Mr Hickman’s, home to dinner. To bed early. Roy & Minnie to tea at Ken. Palace Mansions. Monday 18 July Mrs. Fildes at home 4 to 6. Mrs. Kirrow’s luncheon party 2 o’c. Lin & self went, called to see Ham & Jess on way home. Dora to tea with Roy. Lin & self dined at Ken. Palace Mansions. Capt. Ewen with us. Lin & Capt. E. went on to dance at Alex. Palace, they say slow affair! But Lin came home v. late, ominous! Tuesday 19 July Mr Bradbury’s supper 8 o’c precisely. Asked Mrs. Twiss to tea. Roy to tea with Dora at Judy’s. Mr & Mrs. Bradley’s afternoon party at the Criterion Piccadilly 3 to 6. Madames Engle, Valleria, Arnoldson, Carpenter etc, & Messieurs Maurice, Runcio, Foli etc. Midge & self went, missed best part, great crush, did not care for it much. Walked to Park, met Spencer, sat in Row. Sp. drove us home. Marion Todd to dine with me. Lin ridden to Mr Bradbury’s. Packed with Minnie.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 20 July Mrs. Bankes Tomlin’s at home, music 10 o’c. Lady Russell’s at home 10 o’c. Roy & self go to Tabbie’s. Laurence to station with us. Train crowded. Tabs met us. Lovely place, dearest Maud looking wonderfully well, Nurse looks v. seedy, had a fall unfortunately. Roy slept with me. Mr Green & party came over at tea time. Ham, Tabs & self dined alone, music after. To bed early. 2 fares 2nd return 26/9 Guards 1/6 Cab 3/6 Stamps 1/4 Telegram for Lin 3/Thursday 21 July Mrs. Roller at home 4 to 11 tennis & dancing. Lovely day, v. hot. Mr Green’s party to lunch. Tennis after & tea & dinner. Con & Effie & Baby arrived in time for dinner. Music in evg. Friday 22 July Went on Mr Green’s yacht along the line to see men of war, delightful, enjoyed it v. much. Roy with us all day. Left about tea time to meet Lin in great hurry to Fareham, just in time. Train just in, great crowds. Tabs new (illeg) arrived. Saturday 23 July Mrs. Bosanquet’s at home 4.30 to 8 o’c. Naval Review. Drove (Con, Tabs Eff & self) to Stokes Bay. Lovely day, took steamer to Ryde met Mary Nicol there. Mr Green met us in steam launch & to yacht, heavenly day. Mr & Mrs. Thompson there. Grand sight but disap’g a little. One man killed 4 injured by explosion on gun or torpedo boat. Steam launch took us to Ryde, steamer to Portsmouth, horrible place, wandered about. Met Mr Trower, took horrid boat across to Gosport. Con on to meet carriage 2½ miles, we in tram. Met Cap‘t Parrish, remained at his house until carriage met us. Home v. late v. tired. Lin & Ham on board Imperieuse with Cap’t Parrish. Sunday 24 July Lovely day, v. hot. Maud to Church. Nurse very seedy. Ham, Con & Lin yachting all day. Effie, Maud & Roy to Church evg. Tabs & self went to sleep afternoon in Tabs room. Tabs & self walked along coast, awfully windy. Met Mr Molesworth on his way here. Coming back he stayed the night. Music in evg. Monday 25 July Argentine Div. due. Rain morg, cleared after. Mr Molesworth left morg. Ham, Con & Lin gone yachting. Tabs & self drove to Fareham, made 2 calls. Eff, Roy & Maud & Gwen went in nursery cart to sea & paddled! Roy got wet as usual. Tuesday 26 July Wet morg, were going to Cowes. Letter fr. Mother fixing the 8 th August for us to go to Westwood. Cleared after lunch, so Ham, Lin, Con, Eff, Roy & self went to Southampton on yacht. Delicious going but turned off fearfully windy & rough coming back & v. late, blowing hard & pouring rain, were soaked to skin. Enjoyed it all the same. Not in till late. Wednesday 27 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sir R. Webster’s at home 10 o’c. Lin returned to London after luncheon. Ham & Con drove him to station. Eff, Baby, Maud & self went in nursery cart to sea. Naughty little pony. Unharnessed him. Awfully windy. Gentleman on beach lost 11/- postal order, Maud tried to find it. He helped Eff harness pony. Tappage terrible avec la Bonne & grande pleurage de ma fille malheureuse à cause d’elle. Tabs & Ham to Ball. Eff in my room till late whilst Con smoked. Thursday 28 July Lovely day. Roy, Eff, her nurse & Roy & self sat on beach good while morg. Roy slept with me. Eff, Ham & Con yachting. Con, Eff & self breakfasted alone, awful mess with coffee. Friday 29 July Rec’d div £17.10 fr. C. Argentine. Letter fr. Lin & E.C. housemaid to get her into lying in hospital. Eff furious with my nurse. Awful row at dinner about her upsetting Eff’s nurse & Tabs saying she had a bad influence on her nursery. Saturday 30 July Lin came down. X. Petit ami au matin. Con, Eff & Ham yachting. Tabs, Maud & self made calls & went to tea Mrs. Bradshaws, v. nice people, v. fond of Maud. Yachting party home very late. Tabs, Lin & self dined alone, self to bed. Lin brought my Cen. Argentine Div’d £17.10. Sunday 31 July Eff, Tabs, Maud to Church, remained in bed till 12. Chicks in drawing room after lunch. All went for walk. I read at home one of (illeg) novels. Aug 1887 Monday 1 August Lin, Tabs, Ham & Eff yachting all day, went to Cowes. Quiet peaceful day, up at 12 o’c. Home late. Baby Evelyn fell off bed. Tuesday 2 August Lin, Con, Roy & Ham went yachting morg. Con, Baby, Nurse & Eff left at 6 o’c for Arundel. Mrs. Bradshaw & party to tea. Feel awfully tired. Dinner 8.30. Sat in Tab’s room, discussed Mervyn, bosh! about stage. Ju lost, found in sheep pen. Wednesday 3 August Returned with Roy & Lin fr. The Hook, left Maud & Nurse. Lin, Tabs, Roy & Ham went morg. to look over poor Mr Percival’s yacht. Glad to be home again. Lin actually travelled 2nd with Roy & self. To bed early. Thursday 4 August Asked Mary Nicol to spend day with me in London. Jess called morning. Jess & self called at 3.30 on Aunt Linda stayed to tea there. Went & saw Mother’s rooms, v. clean & nice. Called on Mrs. V. Cole (away) met Gen. & Mrs. Innes(?). Lin dining with Mr Tenniel 8 o’c. Roy at tea with Dora. Friday 5 August Dear Maudie’s birthday. Looked over things morg. Tassel came & took Mother’s dressing case away. At 2 o’c took Roy to Telegon School, Madame B. Called for Jess at Brook Street, saw C. for a moment, went on to fetch Midge, at Trufits. To Redferns, can’t get a jacket under 4½gns like Tabbie’s. Left Roy to tea with Midge. My pink & cream dress made. Madame promised to let me have blue cotton.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 6 August Roy & Lin went to Buffalo Bill. Lovely day Sunday 7 August Lovely day, very hot. Packed morg. with Laurence. Minnie took Roy out after tea. Mr Guthrie dined with us, most amusing. Stayed very late, 12 o’c. Lin played tennis at Mr Hickman’s with Ham. Monday 8 August Go to Westwood. Came by 1.55. Laurence, Minnie, with Roy & self had carriage reserved 1st class found all here beautiful. Lin came on by Granville. Tassel met us. Paid up all books. Mother & Mervyn went to London. Jess & Mervyn called, Dora & Waddie came. Tuesday 9 August Lovely day. Slept very badly, Lin snored so, woke me at 12 just as I drop’d off to sleep. Lin, Roy & Tassel went to Ramsgate in high dog cart with mare, in late to luncheon. Lin rode evg. Laurence & (illeg) sorted silver. Wednesday 10 August Lovely day. Lin went to London. Laurence & Elizabeth went out afternoon. Minnie played cricket with Roy & C. Tassel. To bed early. Thursday 11 August Dull morg, cleared later. Letter fr. Lin, Mrs. Stone & Aunt Anna. Worked morg. Went in brougham at 3.30 with Roy to Ramsgate, did shop’g, & on to St Peters to our garden. I think I saw Minnie Robinson there. Called after on Mr Wood, saw them all, Mrs. Whitehead at home & Mrs. Tomlin out. Roy played cricket after tea with with Minnie Tassel & Charlie till nearly 8 o’c. Dear Maud goes to Stafford Ter. fr. Tabbie’s. Friday 12 August Dull morg. Entendu conversation pendant au C! Roy with Tassel in cart watering drive. Letters fr. Olive, Mr Fahey, Lin, Mrs. S & Jessie. Mother & Mervyn going to Con’s Xbush tomorrow. Darling Maud coming down by Granville. Roy & C.T. playing cricket. Maud looking v. well. Nurse v. seedy. Saturday 13 August Heavy rain in night, first since 3rd June! Went to Ramsgate in brougham 11 o’c shop’g. Called on Mrs. Sambourne who arrived yesterday at 3 Nelson Cresc. Ramsgate, & Burnands. Gerty gone to Rogart(?) with Mr & Mrs. Burnand. Lovely afternoon. Mr Tomlin called. Met Mr Abernethy in Ramsgate. Lin came down alone. Happy quiet evg. Sunday 14 August Lovely day, cooler. Maud, Roy & self went to Church, met Mrs. Roberts & Dolly. Lin went for walk after lunch. Mrs. Newham called with 3 Eykyns, queer mannered children! Maud, Roy & self walked to Mrs. Green’s, took Graphic & Beef tea. Did not go in as they were at tea. Monday 15 August (blank) Tuesday 16 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. S. birthday. Raining morg. Went with Maud to Ramsgate, sent wire to Sp. about cart, put £4.0.0 into Bank for chicks. Went to Blighs, called saw Mrs. S, took wine 3 bots. Fetched Mary Burnand to sleep night here. Tappage encore avec la bonne et les doms. a cause du lit. Mr Wood & daughter called. Paid 1/5 telegram, 4 bag(?), 6 hydrochloric acid. Lin rode mare. Wednesday 17 August Connie Burnand coming to stay. Mary going home. Lin going to London. Entrevue avec la b. bien triste pardonner cette fois-ci. Saw lady for Jane. Fetched Connie & left Mary, Maud with me. Paid 2/- for Lin’s telegram. Lovely afternoon. Elizabeth & Minnie out evg. Thursday 18 August Chicks go to Mrs. Linley’s. Nurse & chicks to Ramsgate in carriage, after went to station & fetched Lin. Conny & self went to fetch papers. Heavy rain & thunder storm. Lin rode after block had gone on Folkestone. Carriage in to fetch Nurse & chicks. Man came about subscribtion for Hayward’s widow, gave 2/-. Gave Tassel 10/- to pay for boxes etc, 8. Man 1/- for helping. Friday 19 August Dear Roy’s birthday. Connie B. & self drove to Ramsgate, fetched Cuthbert to lunch. Talked with Mrs. S. & Mrs. Linley on esplanade. Zeta, Winnie, Mary & Ethel came over in fly to tea. Cricket in field & tennis. Left at 7 o’c. Gave Roy bat, 12 arrows, & Maud writing case. Awful pain fr. eating cucumber peel. Saturday 20 August Asked Mr & Mrs. Powers, Alice & Mr & Mrs. Stow & Miss Wood to tennis. Maud & self to Ramsgate, left M. with Mrs. S. & brought Alice home with me. Mr Lockyer to lunch, stayed till 4.30. Went back in cart. Miss W. here. Lin good game tennis with R. Sent Venezuela B. to bank, £20.0.0. 1 st div. Sunday 21 August Wet morg. Fine at 10 o’c. Roy, Maud & self to Church. Saw Mary Richardson. Went to garden, beautiful flowers, Tassel took them. Lin riding morg. Stiff neck. Frank, Ethel & Philip B came over to tea. Walked across fields with them. Took Mrs. McQueen beef tea & wine. Lin took long ride & tired himself. Quiet evg. Monday 22 August Lovely warm day. Dear Maud ill in night & not up today, seems clammy & weak. Sat out morg. Went in to Ramsgate. Called on Miss Levy, away. Tuesday 23 August Lovely day. Connie v. seedy with indigestion. Went to Ramsgate in brougham, shop’d. & tried on jacket at Hawkins. Met Rosie & Zita. Called on Mrs S, out. Played tennis with Roy. Maudie lying in my room, seems better. Connie lying down with indigestion, better evg. No callers. Letters fr. Con & Mrs. H. Power who is off Torquay on S. Yacht Salamander. Quiet evg. Ordered chair bed for 3 months, arrived, will charge 7/6 for it for that time, dear but can’t be helped. Left note at Mrs. Hicks. Wednesday 24 August Asked Con & Eff this Wed or next. Lovely day. All the servants going to Deal except Nurse & Laurence. Maudie down morg, seems much better. Lin going to London. 2 brace of grouse arrived. Maudie better, down to lunch. Connie & self took Lin to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Station & on to Westgate. Missed Alice. V. pleasant afternoon at Mr Lockyers, met intelligent Americans (old) Mr & Mrs. Leurnau(?). Connie played well. Went to see tennis after at Mr Orchardson’s. All the servants went out for day. Thursday 25 August Lovely day. Sent Lin’s (registered) chain & match case by butcher 7/-. Maud down to breakfast, better. Connie & self drove to Quex, drove mare. Mrs. Ingram(?) v. kind wanted us to stop & go to tennis there on Saturday. Went to Post Office after. Letter fr. Mother & Tr. can’t make out Mother’s. Laurence went to Ramsgate. Paid books & (illeg) 3/-. Friday 26 August Lovely day. Westgate Tournament. Letter fr. Mother & Lin. Hamilton F. coming to Ramsgate in yacht. Tassel did packing cases & sent them off. Went in cart & mare to Ramsgate & took letter to Mrs. Fletcher for me (gone). Roy, Connie & self to Westgate for Tournament. Connie played with Miss Stephenson & had to give her long odds. Had tea there, rained hard coming home. 1/6 fish, entrance 1/-, tea 2/-, stamps 1/-. Fachée au diner pas si bien que la petite l’a faite. Telegram. Lin starts for Scotland. Saturday 27 August Asked Olive & Mr Shakespear, can’t come. Mother wrote saying Hamilton at Ramsgate on yacht. Wire fr. Lin at Perth. X. petite amie. Con & Effie at Boulogne. Jolly gone by late train to London. Wire at 10 to 7 saying Mother & Mervyn coming. Came at 7.31. We dined at ¼ to 9. Connie slept in dressing room, Maud & Roy together & Mother with me, & Mervyn in spare room. V. glad to see them. Sunday 28 August Wet morg. Cleared at 12. Charlie to lunch, early dinner, 2 o’c. C. Burnand with Cuthbert, Ethel & Rosie called to tea. Later Mrs. Sambourne, Linley & Alice & friend came to tea!!! Seedy. No letter fr. Lin. Took stroll just round house with Mother & C. Mervyn & Connie B about together. I in bed till 12. Monday 29 August Organ recital at St Peters. Pouring wet morg. Connie B. & Mervyn enjoying themselves!!! Fine at 12 o’c. Jolly returned by first train this morg. Down by 12 o’c. After lunch C. S. came, walked about, played tennis with Connie & can’t play a little bit. Mother & Mervyn went up to town at 6 o’c. Charlie stayed to dinner, played tricks & danced with Connie. Left at 10.30 in awful gale of wind & rain. Slept like a top, felt awfully tired. Tuesday 30 August Lovely day. Drove to Whiteness saw Mary & her two little girls. Connie B. went with me. Called at St Peters & on Mrs. L. Tomlin (out). Wire fr. Laura, coming tomorrow. Rained hard about 4 o’c. Played cards with chicks. Two letters fr. Lin & others. Wednesday 31 August Connie B returns home. Laura Stone comes. Awful gale all night & all morg, fine between. Books in. Flower show at St Peters. Took Connie back at ¼ past 2. Went & sat with Mrs. S. Met Laura at Granville, wrong time, met two trains. Letters fr. Lin etc not had my letters, most vexing. Minnie went in on cart with Jolly after luggage. Sep 1887


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 1 September Ramsgate Regatta. Chicks to go to Mrs. Linley’s 11 o’c. Laura & self walked to Gate House, saw old G’s, v. shaky. Chicks went at 11.15 to Rams. Had delightful day there, home at 7 o’c. Letter fr. Lin. V. stormy, wind dropped later. Fireworks. Laurence went to Ramsgate. Minnie managed wonderfully well & laid table v. prettily. Paid books. Mare nearly fell down, I think Jolly drives too quickly, told him so. Friday 2 September High wind, v. stormy. Sat all morning working. Went in brougham to Margate after Luncheon. Jolly in rug!!!. Fearful wind, boughs down everywhere. Folkestone bolted up drive & scared L. & self. Elizabeth v. seedy with chill & Nurse’s cough v. troublesome all night. Quiet evg. Letter fr. Lin & telegram. Saturday 3 September Lovely day. Drove to Ramsgate, shop’d. Tomatoes 10d, fish, fowl, etc. After lunch Laura & self in Ramsgate. Mr & Winnie Wood & Bertie Thornton called and talked!!! Funny. Nurse’s cough trying. Elizabeth v. seedy. Sunday 4 September Harvest Sunday. Laura, Roy, Maud & self to Church, excellent sermon, lovely day. Laurence out evg. Walked & talked, more or less! Uneventful. Poured at night. Awake poor Nurse coughing at 3 till 5. Elizabeth little better. Monday 5 September Windy & showery. Elizabeth better. Nurse looks seedy. Letters fr. Linley , fr. (illeg) & fr. Mrs. S. Con & Effie come at 7.15. Mrs. Buckingham & Mrs. (illeg) called. Laura & self called on Mrs. Tomlin & had tea at Mrs. Wood’s & saw v. interesting (illeg) etc. Sent brougham for Con & Eff, pd. 3/- for fly. Mr Tomlin brought hare. Letter fr. Lin. Shopped at Margate with Laura. Tuesday 6 September Fine morg. Laura & Con walked into Ramsgate. Nurse v. seedy. Mr & Mrs. Wood come to dinner 7 o’c. Eff & self drove to Ramsgate, shop’d. Met Laura, she returned with me home in brougham. Mrs. S. & Eff do not hit it off! Young Lockyer stayed to lunch & tea, played with Roy. Wednesday 7 September Con & Effie & Roy walking into Ramsgate. Nurse better. Maud gone to (illeg). Mrs. Linley & Mrs. S. to lunch today. Lovely day. Wire fr. Lin to say he has arrived in London. Elizabeth better. Large party at lunch & tea. Poor Mrs. S. v. upset going. Effie funny at dinner. Sang evg, to bed 10.30. Two letters fr. Lin, just arrived in London. 2 brace of Grouse fr. Dr Farquharson. Thursday 8 September Heavenly day! Letter fr. Lin. Con & Effie walking into Margate & fr. there to Grove Ferry. Eff in fright! Laura left by 3.25 fr. Broadstairs. I drove her in. Called after on Mr Buckingham & Mrs. Drew & Mrs. Whitehead. Margate Regatta. E & Minnie out evg. & afternoon. Nurse looks v. seedy. 1 brace of partridges from Mrs. Tomlin. 9 o’c Con & Eff not in. Roy & self went to Greens for paper, sat & talked some time. Telegram for Mervyn fr. Sp. Friday 9 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Heavenly day. Elizabeth gone to see Doctor. Nurse & Maud gone to Margate, Con & Effie also. Roy & self in. Letter fr. Lin. Horses shod morg. Jolly has man fr. town staying here. Forget what else happened. Saturday 10 September Lin coming by Granville. Cart arrived! Con went to meet Lin in it. Effie & self drove to Ramsgate after lunch in brougham, shop’g. Mrs. F. Thompson called. Mr Wood called & stayed a v. long time, told us about star fish & oyster & jelly fish sting! Lin came whilst he was here & we walked to see damage done to posts. Met Montague Williams in cart with a lady on our way home. Sunday 11 September Lovely day. Lin rode morg. Effie & self to Church, had to come out, Eff felt seedy. Met Con & Tassel in grounds, carriage late. Major & Mr Pilleau came to lunch. Young Lockyer came over to tea. Had our photos taken after lunch all together on lawn. Monday 12 September Lovely day. Wire fr. Mervyn. Con, Lin & self went in to Margate to meet him, ordered wine at Greens, drove F. in cart. Little Drew came to lunch also, large party. He & Roy v. happy together. Eff & self drove in brougham with mare to Ramsgate, called on Lady R. W, son v. ill! Met Mrs. Princep & Baby, asked them over to tea tomorrow & Sunday. To post office & home. Mervyn went up by six train. Lin & Con drove him in in cart. Mother sent me 2 brace of partridges. Scotch paper about Alice’s accident in cart! Drew went home about 6 o’clock. Lin bought lobster, bread & haddock in Margate. Tuesday 13 September Mrs. Whitehead’s dinner party 7.30. Can’t go! Lovely day, colder. Maud, Con, Eff, to Ramsgate in cart. Sent cheque of £25 for C. Argentine allotment. Con, Eff & Maud went to Ramsgate to enquire for Mr Burnand & Mr Weigal. Mrs. Roberts, sis & dau, Mrs. Princep, nurse & baby, Miss Levy & Mrs. Martin Tomson called. Poured with rain later. Lin rode mare. Wednesday 14 September Send £25 to London & Westminster Bank Limited, Lothbury, for allotment shares (2½) in Cen. Argentine Railways, 1st call. Lin went to London. Terrible news of Buchan Wright’s suicide, sent by Mrs. Sambourne. Con drove Lin in in cart with F. Nurse spoke to me about going. Wrote to Eff’s people about nursery governess. Cold day & stormy rains. Thursday 15 September Asked Miss Bushman for few days. Effie goes by early train. Effie left by Granville, seems better. Con took her over. Con fetched Miss B, arrived at 5. Quiet evg. I played tennis with Roy. Quiet day. Received receipts for £25 fr. Cent. Argentine Rly. Friday 16 September Con goes to London. Con left by Granville in cart. Lovely day, warmer. Cart left at Bligh’s. Miss Bushman, Maud & self went to Ramsgate in brougham at 3.30. Left M at Mrs. Roberts. We called at Mr Burnand’s, had bad night & not so well. Paid Dringobier’s & Finch’s books, stamps 6/-. Called for parcel at S. G. R, 1/1 to pay. Had tea at Mrs. Roberts, shrimps! Maud enjoyed herself v. much. Letters fr. Lin, Tra, & a lady governess. Laurence took Roy to Hall by Sea, Margate. Bonfire in field. Miss B. sang evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 17 September Dull wet morg. Ordered carriage at 11.30. Letter fr. Lin coming alone by Granville D. V. Ordered fowl, fish, tomatoes. Called to enquire Mr Burnand, better. Met Mr Weigall, son had operation, better. Lin came by Granville. Quiet evg, to bed early. Sunday 18 September Lovely day. Miss B, Maud, Roy, Nurse & self to Church. Met Mrs. Tomlin. Lovely day. Lunched & dined late. No one called. Lin rode & had dreadful toothache. Monday 19 September Mervyn’s birthday. Dull day but warm & dry. Jolly tried F. with side saddle. Lin rode Folkestone. Miss Bushman, Roy & self went in to Ramsgate in brougham & mare. Called on Mrs. Hammond. Mr Burnand better. Met Mr Orchardson with Mr Marshall. Shop’d. Bought acid for Lin, gas chimney etc. Quiet evg. Took walk with Miss B. Letter fr. Effie, B. Barrs staying at Tabbie’s. Tuesday 20 September Dolly Roberts comes for day. Dull morg. Received my quarter £25. Sent it on with 2 W. of B. Ayres bonds to L. County Bank, posted at Ramsgate 12 o’c. Miss Elmore & Miss Hoe called & Dr. Roberts fetched Dolly. Dull day. Lin rode. No particular news. Wednesday 21 September Miss Vicat Cole comes. Miss B, Maud & self in cart to St Peters. I remained to communion, rest drove to inquire after Mrs. Abernethy, met me returning. Lin left by 3.30. Miss V. C. came by Granville in same carriage with Tommy a’Beckett. Played cards evg. Elizabeth & Minnie out afternoon & evg. Bad fowl! Sang evg. Thursday 22 September X. Lovely day. Miss Bushman leaves at 3.30. Chicks & Nurse to Margate morg, usual harangue about not being out to lunch! Letter fr. Lin. Petit ami au matin, three days too soon! Friday 23 September In bed to breakfast, feel v. seedy & weak. Blanche & Roy went to Ramsgate in cart, called & enquired after Mr B, better. They saw Zeta. Two letters fr. Lin. Saturday 24 September Blanche & Roy walked to Margate. Lin came by 1.52, cart met B. etc & Lin. Quiet day. Felt seedy. Mrs. Boys came to tea. Sunday 25 September Heavenly day. Lin rode. Blanche, Maud & Roy walked to Church, carriage fetched them. Sat out morg. & afternoon in sun, lovely. No one called, v. quiet day. Mr Burnand better. Great fire at Sampson farm. Monday 26 September Stayed in bed to breakfast. Heard of fire at Sampson farm last night, all but homestead burnt. Bavadage avec la cuisinière que je regrette toujours. Blanche & self went in brougham with mare to call on Miss Elmore, Mrs. Banks & Miss Levy, had tea at both places. Lin rode Folkestone. Cards & music evg. Tuesday September 27


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dullish morg. Went at ¼ to 12 to Ramsgate. Blanche & self called to enquire after F. Weigall, better, Mr Burnand, better, Mrs. Roberts, out. Shop’d & home. Wednesday 28 September Lovely day, colder. Blanche & self to Margate, mare. Walked on jetty. Band. Met Nurse & Maud. Bought boots for M, 2 prs. Took M home with us. Lin left by 3 train. Blanche & Roy walked to Margate after lunch, cart brought them home. Mrs. Parish with Lola, & (illeg) Livesey called. Lovely day much colder. Letters fr. Mother & Tra. Thursday 29 September Pouring we day. Lin returned by train in time for lunch. Blanche & Roy walked in to Margate - were going to but were unable on account of rain. B. & self drove to Ramsgate at 4 o’c. for shop’g only & for goose, v. old one, shall not trust to Dringobiers(?) again. Lin working all day. Awfully cold at night. Mother gave me silver hot water can. Sent me cheque for £13.15.0 for black dress. Friday 30 September Lovely morg. B. & Roy off to Margate, poured after incessantly. Mr & Mrs. Campbell Clarke called, pug dog! After lunch B. & self drove to Kingsgate, called on Mrs. McClean & Mrs. Wood. Had to return early on account of Lin’s work. Sent off 1 st block at 9 & second at 6 o’c. Quiet evg. B. finished her book. Oct 1887 Saturday 1 October Lovely morg. B, Roy & self drove to Margate, shop’d, walked on Pier jetty! B. & Roy walked home. Mrs. Hicks called after lunch. Mr Guthrie coming by Granville. Lin fetched Mr. G. B. sang evg. Patterns fr. Egerton Burnett. Sunday 2 October Dull morg. B, Roy & self to Church. Poured. Mr Guthrie & Lin went for walk morg. Charlie S. came to lunch. Mr G. & Lin in cart at 3.15 to Mr Burnand’s, Mr Levy’s & Mr Banks. Charlie & Rosie Burnand came to tea. Lin & Mr G. home to tea late & Traddles went in cart to Margate. Quiet evg. B. sang. Monday 3 October Mrs Banks dinner 7.30. Lin, Mr G. & Roy to Sandwich in cart, shooting!!! Winter curtains put up! Result of shooting 4 starlings! Broken cart on way to Townley. Met Mr & Mrs. Hicks & Miss Banks. Quiet evg. Exciting waiting with plates & dishes. Final call of £6 on B. A. Gt. Southern Rail 1892. Tuesday 4 October Promised to dine at Mr Banks, altered to yesterday. Asked friends to dinner, Whiteheads, Orchardson, (illeg). B & self went to Rams. morg, shop’d. Lin & Mr Guthrie went to Rams. in cart at 5 o’c. Mr & Mrs. Whitehead, Mr & Mrs. Orchardson, Mr Marshall, C. Burnand, Mr Guthrie, Lin & self to dinner. 7.30. Soup, turbot & lobster sauce. Oyster patties, fricassée of fowl. Leg of mutton, peas etc. Partridges, salad, fried potatoes. Stewed fruit cream, jelly, Victoria sandwiches, & savory. B. sang & C, but lost his good voice. After rest gone B, Mr G, Lin & self sat up talking till 12.30. All went well, girls waited v. nicely. Letter fr. Edgar. Wednesday 5 October Mr Guthrie, Linley & Blanche go to London. Blanche left by 11 train fr. Ramsgate. Mr G. & Lin walked in & drove back in cart after seeing Mr Burnand who is better & looks v. well they both thought. Mr & Mrs. Holmes called, had to ask them in


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 smoky dining room, man doing rod(?) in drawing room which smelt atrociously after. Mended windows broken by Roy. Mrs. Hammond & Connie B. called just as Mr Guthrie & Lin were driving to Station. Dull afternoon. Eliz & Minnie out. Thursday October 6 Nellie comes. Lin returns at 12.50. Chicks & Nurse walk to Margate. Roy put out going with Nurse, will meet cart at Station. Wrote morg. to Mother, Jess, Edg, Con, Tab, Mr Pilleau & Mrs. Ionides. Letter fr. Mother etc going to London Friday. Jess seedy in bed with cold. Lin awfully busy with work. Sat & talked to him until late. Found door undone. Friday 7 October See Miss Woolnough about 4. Dely(?) St, Sandwich, if possible. Lin up early & late to work, sent it off at 8 o’c. Tassel riding mare to Meet, Lin riding Folkestone. Nurse & Maud walking in to Margate. Nellie & self in all morg. Wrote to Fraulein Backoper(?) Egerton Burnett. Letter fr. Blanche, likes Fraulein, can’t engage her till nurse goes. Wrote Miss Woolnough. Saturday 8 October Lin went to London by 3 something. Went in to Rams, Nell, Lin & self, did shop’g. Saw Gerty B. in bath chair, looks v. ill, voice so strange. Mr B. better, enquired after F. Weigall, called at Mrs. Hammonds. Home by Pegwell. Mrs. Banks called & left my bracelet. Sang & played all evg. Letters fr. Mr Pilleau & Mr Guthrie. Sunday 9 October Lovely day. Nellie, Roy & self to Church in brougham. Nurse & M. walked. Mr Guthrie sent Maud a book “Little Lord Fauntleroy”. Lin came down by 12.20 train Broadstairs. Mr Pilleau to lunch, looks seedy very, going to Spain in a fortnight, left after tea. Lin rode after lunch. We walked round garden & all had our photos taken. Monday 10 October Lovely day. (illeg) entouré natural consequence. Lin riding morning. Sent cheque to Telegon school £13. 15, Mother’s. Wrote to Mother, Mr Guthrie. Called after lunch on Lady Rose, Mrs. Burnand & Mrs. Hammond. Tuesday 11 October Dine at Mr Orchardson’s 7 o’c. Lin rode Folkestone. To meet, we walked & saw it splendidly. Heavenly day. Whole field came up to house & Lin sent out champagne, great excitement, Maud handed biscuits! Very pleasant dinner at O’s. Met Mr & Mrs. Cotton, Capt & Mrs. Hadfield & Mrs. Marshall. Mrs. H. very pretty fine girl but v. stupid looking. Mrs. Cotton lively but (illeg). Sad news of Louisa Hartree’s & pretty Mrs. Goldie’s deaths. Mrs. G. just had little girl! Wrote to Mrs. Hartree & C. H. Received letters fr. Aunt Anna, Mother, C. Hartree & Con. Wednesday 12 October Snowed morg. Lovely after. Lin went to town by Granville. Received acknowledgement of cheque fr. Telegon School £13.15.0. After lunch indigestion! Went with Nellie in brougham. Jolly with rug again! Called on Mrs. Hewet (out) Mrs. Drew, in. Post. Hawkings & Mrs. Banks out. Home by 5.30. Quiet evg. Sat & worked. No letters of importance. Thursday 13 October Hard frost, lovely bright day. Nurse & two children to Margate on foot. Nellie left by one o’c. Roy went in cart with her. Letters fr. Lin, Mrs. S, Mother enclosing Mrs.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Boehm’s letter. Wrote to Lin, Mother, Mrs. S, Army & Navy Stores. Materials & receipts fr. Egerton Burnett. Laurence took Mrs. G. little port & mutton. Letter fr. Mrs. Boys asking children there for Tuesday week. Friday 14 October Breakfast in study. V. cold & rather dull. Letters fr. Lin & Mr Hartree. Little (illeg) & thermometer fr. Mrs. Stone. Pouring wet afternoon. Tassel rode mare. Long letter fr. Lin. Reffell out of work again! Mr Burnand better & F. Weigal also. Folkestone being singed & clipped. Saturday 15 October Asked Mr & Mrs. Comyns Carr down till Monday. Away fr. home, w’d like to come today fortnight. Lovely day. Maud, Roy & self drove to Ramsgate, ordered fish, partridge, meat. Paid Demkobier’s(?) & Mitchells confectioner. 2 wires fr. Lin & letter, also fr. Mrs. Carr. Lin coming by Granville, arrived awfully late & has cold. Fire in our room. Made Lin hot whisky & to bed. Barratage à cause de la cuisinière. Sunday 16 October Lovely day, sun. Quite hot. Nurse, Maud & self to Church. I stayed for Com. Mr Whitehead’s last sermon before leaving on the 20 th for India. Lin’s fur coat all moth eaten, most annoying, brushing it all morg. Lin rode after lunch, mare. Had letter fr. Mother. Dora with bronchitis & Midge not over well, Judy staying with her. Wrote to Emma, Mother & Jess. Monday 17 October Lovely day, Lin hunting mare, Sarre. Roy in bed to breakfast on act. of boil. Wrote to Con & Miss Wanbrough. Went with Roy to Ramsgate at 3 o’c. Shop’d. Called at Mr Burnand’s, saw Rosie (Mrs.) looks thin, & Mr Burnand, much grayer. All thought Roy looked well. Lovely day. Lin in about 5.30, had splendid day. Tuesday 18 October Maud to tea at Mrs. Boys. Dickie & self rode morg. at 11.30 thro’ Margate, past Mr Friend’s met Mr & Lola Parish, left cards at Mr Abernethy’s. Little dog run over. Home thro’ St Peters. Lin angry with J. about grooming. Went in cart & F. taking Roy to Margate. J. turned out all well. Called on Mrs. Boys & had tea there, saw her 5 girls. Lin drove us home by Westgate past Capt. Hadfields. Quiet little dinner. Very happy day to be remembered. X. au soir. Had intended going up with Lin, so can’t ! Long letter fr. Jess & Mother. Mervyn ill. Wednesday 19 October In bed to breakfast, awfully stiff in every limb. Lin off by Granville. Roy in his room worrying not to go with Nurse, prefers teasing the maids. Went to Greens with Nurse, took tobacco to old G. No letters. Laurence took Roy to St Peters to register Lin’s key which he forgot to take. Wrote to Mrs. Whitehead, Mother, Blanche & Jess. Thursday 20 October Lovely morg., turned off dull. Laurence & Roy walked to Margate, Maud & Nurse too. Letter fr. Mother, Lin & Tabby, long act. of Extention of B. A. & Rosario line to Tukoma, 400 miles. Roy & self went in brougham at 3 o’c to Margate, called on Mrs. Parish, saw Mr P, had long talk with him. Home by Kingsgate, met little Wood, had called here. Wrote letters Mrs. Purvis, Banks, J. Chapple cards, Mrs. S. & Lin. Letter fr. Mrs. S, another letter fr. Tabbie. L. veut absolument partir.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 21 October Lovely day, in bed to breakfast. Letter fr. Lin doing work on paper, & City of B. Ayres Tram notice, divs out on 27th inst. L. taken Roy for walk, Nurse taken Maud. Mother says she is coming down on the 8 th Nov. Saturday 22 October Feel better, went in dog cart to meet Lin 12.50 train Margate. Bought partridge 2/-. Mrs. Tassel sent us a nice chicken as present, shall have it for dinner tomorrow. Lovely day tho’ cold. Lin drove after lunch to see Mr Abernethy, stayed there some time. Sunday 23 October Lovely day. Nurse & Roy went to Church, walking. Buried in “Page d’amour” Zola’s! Maud & self at home morg, reading. Lin took Roy to pay some calls with him after lunch in dog cart, Burnands, Hammonds & Levys. Little Tassels came up to sing & have tea for Maud’s edification, nicely mannered children & sang prettily. Monday 24 October Gusty day. Lin hunting on F. Took chicks at 12 to Mrs. Burnand’s for day, saw Gerty. Lin came in to lunch (illeg illeg). Letter fr. Blanche Cole & Mervyn. Stormy afternoon. Sat with Lin & finished Mother’s pin cushion. Nurse went & fetched chicks at 5 o’c, had v. jolly day & enjoyed themselves immensely. Sat with Lin. Telegram from Mother about my going up on Wednesday. Tuesday 25 October Lovely day. Long letter fr. Con about Furniss’ paying damages. Rode F. with Lin at ¼ to 12 all round coast, heavenly day but cold. Met Mr Banks on sands. Home at ¼ to 3, v. stiff. Mrs. Boyes & three little girls, Mrs. Banks & Winnie Wood for tea. Quiet evg. Wednesday 26 October Lovely morg. Drove Lin with Roy to Margate Sta, Granville. Letter fr. Nellie. I rode with Tassel at ¼ past 12 for nearly 3 hours. Lovely ride by Mount Pleasant, both gees went well. L. took Roy for walk morg. L. & Minnie out evg. Roy nearly set house on fire by playing with matches in night nursery. Letter fr. L. Stone & Dickie. Thursday 27 October Quiet day. Drove after lunch & called on Mrs. Martin & Fox Thompson, Mrs. Hicks & Mrs. Banks Snr. Friday 28 October Maud to lunch & tea at Mrs. Boyes. Pouring wet morg. I went up by Granville in same carriage with Mr Abernethy. Drove to Stafford Terrace & then on to lunch with Mother, jolly little lunch alone together. Wrote letters after, then to see Lin & Emma, spoke about her husband, hope to get him out to S. America. Workmen all over house. Went back to tea & dinner with Mother. Mervyn sang & played & was most amusing, took me home. Waited whilst Lin had dinner 10.15 o’c. Lovely fire in our room & all v. cosy. Felt as if I was on a visit to Lin, most comical. Saturday 29 October Lin & self returned to Westwood by 10 o’c train, Lin in smoking carriage. A lady lent me “My (illeg) Husband” another of “Bootles Baby” to read, v. amusing. Mother came in to see us before breakfast, looks v. well. Spoke to E. Dod shop’g in


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Margate. Roy met us. Lin fetched Mr Blunt by Granville. Mr & Mrs. Banks dined with us. Mr Blunt sang & played charmingly. Sunday 30 October Great gale blowing. Lin had letter fr. Con. Chicks breakfasted in study. Mr B, Mervyn & Roy walked in to Broadstairs. I met Mervyn at B. Sta. & went on for Roy. Lovely day. Mr Blunt sang evg, Lin snored aloud. Lin & Mr B. drove out afternoon calling. Monday 31 October Dinner at Mrs. Hammonds. Lovely day, had fly. Mr Blunt, Mervyn, two chicks & self to meet, saw Mr & Mrs. M. Thomson. Saw short run. Mr B. & M. called & enquired after May (illeg). Quiet afternoon, all in to 1.30 lunch. Mervyn, Lin & Roy out shooting afternoon. Lin & Mr B. walked in to Ramsgate to Mrs. H’s. Burnands & 2 girls there. Mervyn & I drove in & out. Delicious dinner. Clear soup, stewed pidgeons & green beans, curried eggs (eggs in centre & little mounds of rice enough for each person) sadelle of mutton, tomatoes, buttered vegt & potatoes, 4 partridges & potatoes, raspberry cream & cabinet pudding, cheese straws. Nov 1887 Tuesday 1 November Very windy. Mervyn & Mr Blunt went up by the 12.15. Lin hard at work, sat with him after they left & read. Drove at ¼ to 5 to Ramsgate in bro. with Roy to Mrs. Skrimshire’s & saw Tommie a’B. Mrs. S. v. nice & Tommie coming to us Thurs till Saty. Looks v. well & growing v. tall. Wednesday 2 November Lovely morg. Came on terrible shower whilst driving Lin to Station with F. in cart & Roy. Changed Minnie’s cheque £2. 10. 2 months wages to 16 Oct. & Minnie for books £9.0.0. Drove home by St Peters. Minnie goes up by 7 train tonight to help Emma. Turned out wet day. Thursday 3 November Tommie a’B. coming till Saturday. Pouring morg, heavy gale. In all morg. Letter fr. Lin. Drove at 3 with Maud to Ramsgate to fetch Tommy, called & saw Mrs. Banks. Wire for Mr B. to go to Liberal meeting tonight Sir C. Russell there. Shall not go as Mrs. B. is unwell. Roy & L. walked to Broadstairs, in late. Tea in dining room. Roy struck match so sent him to bed at once. Maud & Tommy playing at dolls. Friday 4 November Letters fr. Lin. Should have ridden with Tassel & Mr Banks, too gusty & pouring wet, heavy hail. After lunch went alone to Mrs. Burnands, saw Mr Hicks there, stayed some time, she has her domestic worries! Old Nurse there. Mrs. Evans going to 6 Royal Cres. by Gran. Called at Finches & Drinagobiers(?), & at Mrs. L(illeg) about her dau. as cook for Mrs. Burnand, going to be married tomorrow week. Tommie played about with chicks. Saturday 5 November Heavenly day. Wire fr. Lin coming by Gra. Tommie, Roy, M. & Nurse gone to Margate on foot calling at Mrs Boyes about Maud’s not going there for day. Arranged flowers. Fireworks not arrived yet, arrive about 4. Lin came down by Granville, boys met him in cart. Fireworks in evg. Lin very behindhand with Almanack. Sent letter to Mrs. Skrimshire for Tommie to remain till Tuesday. Capital fun fireworks, Lin as excited as the boys. Tassels etc came up.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 6 November Mrs Skrim & little girl called for Tommie to go to a Catholic Church at Margate. Maud & Nurse to Margate church & fetched Tommie. Roy & self to St Peters, spoke to Mrs. Buckingham & to W. Wood. Took flowers to dear father. Mr Evans here to lunch, interrupted Lin’s work & ride. Rode after lunch rather late came in at 6, worked after dinner till 11 o’c. Jane & Fred came in evg. Monday 7 November Washing to be pd up till next Saturday. 9. 11½ last 8. 6 this 18. 5½ 12. 10 ½ forgotten £ 1. 10. 4 One weeks washing left out. Paid up books. Lin working hard at 1 st Almanack block. Raining. Fireworks tonight if fine. Great many people came for fireworks, chicks enjoyed it immensely, great success. Tuesday 8 November We return home, altered. Miss Purvis’ wedding day. Drove morg. in to Ramsgate in cart with Maud & called on Mrs. Burnand & stayed some time. Saw Mr Burnand 3 times about town. Maud painted card for him. Took Tommie back in evg, saw Mrs. Skrimshire. Called & arranged about omnibus for Saty. Lin rode mare morg. & seemed better after, worked all afternoon. Wednesday 9 November V. wet morg. Drove Lin to Margate Station. Changed house cheque for two weeks. Wire fr. Mrs. Hammond, to drive there tonight at 7 & meet the Evans. Packed wine with L. Conservatory window put in. Roy pulled out putty after. Thursday 10 November Tassel came down brought me 2 pheasants & 2 haddock fr. Mother. Drove Maud & Roy in brougham to Mrs. Evans, had tea there. Ethel there. Friday 11 November Packing all day & putting rooms in order. Two letters fr. Lin. Saturday 12 November Return home by 1.15 S.E. Station fr. Ramsgate. Tassel with us. 40 minutes to wait at Sta. L. & Roy walked to pier, Nurse & Maud to buy buns(?). I went to Mrs. Banks. Comfortable journey up. Mervyn called in evg. Lin met us at Station. My room lovely, everything beautiful in it. Slept in it, Roy in spare room. New stained glass window there & 2 stained glass panes on staircase. Unpacked everything, nothing broken. Sunday 13 November Dull cold morg. Sent Bankers receipt for shares allotted me in Central Argentine Railway (2½). Sp. lunched here, brought us hare & 2 pheasants. Lin rode with Furniss morg. Lin & Sp. dined at Club. Sp. took Roy & self in his cab to Mother’s. Trad. there looking v. plain & very seedily dressed. Minnie fetched Roy who amused himself eating pomegranits & custard all the time, hope he won’t be any the worse. Tra. stayed talking nonsense till 6 when Mervyn came in & he left.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mother looking v. tired, gave Roy 10/-. Riots, 4000 military out, 200 people wounded, awful row. Mer. brought me home, fire in room. Monday 14 November X. Au lit matin. Sent Minnie to see Mother. Mother & Mer. to Westwood by Granville today. Nurse & chicks to see Mother, gave Maud 10/-. Miss Penn here at 2.15. Wrote to Jess, Aunt Anna, sent cards to Mrs. Chapple. Letter fr. Midge morg. Tuesday 15 November Poor Mr Chapple buried today. Con came in, made him have lunch. Came back to tea after funeral. Chicks good at lessons. Lots of callers, Mrs. Coward, Pollock, Blanche etc etc. Only saw Blanche. Feel v. washed out & seedy. Drove with Mrs. Mackenzie to Lady Wiseman (illeg) & left huge book, & to Mrs Nordenfeldt, stayed some time & left Mrs. Mackenzie there. Horrid driving after the country. Wednesday 16 November Dull morg. Chicks out morg. Letter fr. Mervyn & Jess & 2 Certificates of Central Argentine shares came. Lin hard at work all day, dense fog, c’d not drive out afternoon. Wrote letters to Mother, Blanche 2/6 for honey(?), Mrs. Stone, Boughton, Banks. Sent £4 for first call on 2 Tucuman(?) shares allotted to me of £10 each. Sp. sent me music. Thursday 17 November Very foggy but chicks went out after morg. lessons. I drove at 2.30 to Mrs. Stone, stayed some time with her, & twice round Park. Vy. cold, drove mare. Tried to find Mrs. Eykyn’s new address 45 Hyde Park Gate, could not. Lin finished 2 nd drawing before dinner for Almanack. Practised Dorothy. Mari de la cuisinière encore ici il y aura un bruit le dessus! Friday 18 November Very foggy morg, yellow. Down by 11 o’c. Sent letter to Mrs. Stone, can’t dine with her tomorrow night as Lin w’d be alone. Only 300 special constables enrolled yesterday. Lin hard at work on drawing for Almanack. Wrote to Mother, sent 5/4 to Elizabeth for washing, wrote to Spencer, Tabs & Jess. Mrs. Stone called beg’g me to go tomorrow. Had tea here. Lin still hard at work fr. early till v. late. Saturday 19 November Invite fr. Mrs. Stone for me & one for Lin fr. Traddles, cannot go to either on account of Lin’s work. I dine with Mrs. Stone at 7. Down to breakfast, Roy with us also. Spoke to E. (illeg illeg). V. cold. Piano in dining room tuned & drawing too. Great list of special constables called, expect great row in Trafalgar Sqr. tomorrow. Lin walked to Club to lunch & home to tea. Cleared up a little after lunch. I walked & called on Miss Webster, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Hunt (saw pictures) Mrs. Coward, Mrs. Huish, Miss Harcourt, Dr. v. ill expecting doctors, Mrs. Gaston & Miss Strong. Lin dined here alone!!! I had delightful dinner with Mrs. Stone & Perugini, they delighted with Maud’s painting. Mrs. P. anxious to paint M & teach her, quite enthusiastic. Told ghost stories!!! & home. Lin at work. Letter fr. Mother. Sunday 20 November Mr Guthrie & Spencer to dinner 7.30. Cold bright morg. Lin gone for a ride. Roy & self to St Georges 11 o’c. Funny people in pew. Called on Miss Lutyens. Lin enjoyed ride on mare. Great number of special constables out. Spencer called about tea time, looks worried & ill. Mr Baker & Mona called. Jolly little dinner, took Mr G. to see our bedroom. Lin smashed glass. Sp & self tried Dorothy music over. Asked Sp


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 to buy me £40 worth or 4 £10 shares in Tucuman railway. Seems against it but I mean to have them. Sat up till past 12. Lin finished drawing. Monday 21 November Fog! Letter fr. german girl again. Parlage satisfaire avec E, espère que tout va bien au moins p. quelque temps. Called after lunch on Mrs Watney, Mrs A. Burnand & had tea at Mrs. Holmes. V. foggy & raw. Saw Harry Holmes, might be a Herapath, so like family. Lin getting on with 3rd drawing Almanack. Punch out without a drawing of Lin’s. Mrs. Watney mysterious as usual. Letter fr Ju about bringing (illeg) bowl(?) fr. Westwood. Tuesday 22 November Very foggy. Letters fr. Midge, seems wonderfully well. I begin to feel Londony already. Went in brougham at 11.30 alone to Barkers, Millers (lamp) Herpins, pd. H. 16/- for work by cheque. Called at Judy’s saw her seedy with cold. Posted letter to Mother & T. asking him to bring bowl here instead of my calling for it. Lin rode mare at 2.15 to Richmond & enjoyed it. Practiced, no one called. Called at Bank, asked Mr Lowndes about investing money for me. Wednesday 23 November Be in at 5 to see Frau’n B. Lovely morg, quite warm. Letter fr. Mother. Drove afternoon for hour to A. Burnands. Dined with Sp. at Criterion & went to Dorothy after, very jolly, met H. Power at door. Came home in cab. Laurence out afternoon & evg. Thursday 24 November First dance at Princes Hall. Went round to stables with L, did no good in particular. Went on shop’g. Feel tired & backachey already. Met Miss Harcourt, Dr. not so well. Took Maud at 3 to Mrs. Peruginis, had tea there, she seemed delighted with M. gave her flowers & palate(?). Went on to Mrs. a’Beckett’s, awful tea there. A Mrs. & Miss Wilson called whilst there, knew McDonalds well. Lin hard at work on last Almanack cut. Minnie out afternoon & evg. Friday 25 November Lovely morg. Chicks out morg. Roy looks peaky. Wrote several letters. Lin photod policeman. After lunch called at A. Baines (lots of people there) Mrs. Smiles (too ill to see anyone) Sington (little girl v. ill) Marion Pollock (out) Mrs. Kemp (had tea there) Mrs. Eykyn (out) & round Park to Mrs. V. Coles, sent carriage home, tea there. A girl sang 3 songs exquisitely. The 3 girls walked part way home with me. Left cards at Miss Winthrop’s & enquired after Dr Harcourt, little better. Saturday 26 November Rested morg. Began taking little pills again. Roy’s throat sore & looks seedy generally. Lin had carriage morg. & went to city about Sketch. Lunched in town. Chicks & self to Olympia (excellent performance) strange coincidence about Mr Guthrie. Lin joined us there. Emma & Minnie came also. Mrs. Stone to dinner quite unexpectedly, forgotten all about it. We three went to see “Red Lamp” excellent enjoyed it v. much. Sp. met us coming out of theatre. Lin home with us, left Mrs. Stone at Melbury Road. Letter fr. Blanche Cole. Sunday 27 November Lovely day. Maud & Nurse to Church. Roy in with bad throat, stayed with him. Lin rode mare, went to see Barkers. Percy O. & Sp. called, looked at Cremer’s toys. Quiet evg. Florrie Blair left letter for me, staying at Mrs. Blair’s.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 28 November Pouring wet morg. Roy little better. Met Judy out morg. Walked with her home, called on Blanche, saw her. Gave Ju Roy’s combinations to change at stores, & parcel for Mrs. Tassel. Called after lunch on Florrie & Mrs. Blair (out) enquired after Mrs. Sington’s little girl. Derry & Toms, bought horrid pair of gloves. Called on Mrs. Welch & went to Madame B, ordered new winter dress for £7.7.0. Tuesday 29 November Lin dines with Sp. at Jr. United Service Club to meet Mackintosh of Macintosh & Gen. Hossack. Asked Florrie Blair. Wet morg. Drove morg, took boxes for Ju to take to Westwood today. Put £2 to Roy’s book, walked down Sloane St, bought feathers 3/6, pd. Bought gloves 4/11, pd. Ordered umbrella to be covered, lace & stamps. Miss Graves, Miss Winthrop & Florrie Blair called. Trimmed bonnet & read to chicks. X. Emma’s husband went to his own room near Vic. Rd, first night he slept out. Wednesday 30 November Lovely day. Books v. heavy £6.10.6, no company. Letter fr. Mother sending Hall tickets for tonight, Mrs. (illeg) & Florrie. Saw Miss P. again still (illeg). Called at three on Mrs. C. Critchett, Mrs. Boehm about E, Mrs. Abney there, & left cards at Mrs. Morley’s, out. E. & L. out. Fetched Florrie & went to Hall. Slow concert Scotch music (illeg). Miss Graves & Lucy Cahill & husband there. Also called afternoon on Mrs. Gaston, Miss Hardcourt & Mrs. Spofforth. Lin home early. Dec 1887 Thursday 1 December Dullish morg. Cleaned my lamp & brass. Went at 3 with Roy to Mrs. Flowers, Peto, Harding, McLaren, Waring & Lindo. Took Roy up Memorial to see celebrities. Friday 2 December Be at Madame B’s 12 o’c to be fitted. Sent £10 second call on Cent. Arg. Raily. to London & Westminster Bank. Fine morg! Letters fr. Tab, Jess, Ju & Mr Hartree’s brother. Madame not ready, must go Monday. Told me all her troubles about Jewesses(?). Saw Miss Cox driving frisky pony & F. Morris! Walked in to Ken. shops after lunch. Met Laura Stone, walked with her as far as Mrs. Watney’s, went in to Mrs. Eykyns, over house, girls quite wild, walked nearly home with me. Lin & self went to see “Bells of Haselmere” very amusing! Barkers there, came to our box. Saturday 3 December Sat morg. room & worked. Lin walked to Club to lunch. Took chicks to Henglers Circus, wonderfully good entertainment. Evg. went with Lin to see “Sultan of Mocha”, Strand. V. Cameron very much improved. Lovely woman next to us. Saw the President & Miss Elliott there. Letter fr. Mother. Receipt of £10 fr. Cent Arg. Rail’y. Sunday 4 December Late. Chicks to Church. Lin & Spencer lunching at Mr Barker’s. Wrote all morg. to Jess, F. Barker, Mother, Effie & L. Stone. Young Flower called & had tea, brought Maud box of chocolate fr. Bazaar. Monday 5 December Lovely day. Laurence out for day. Sent 12 M’s cards to Mother. Nurse fancies drains in night nursery. Lin rode before breakfast.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 6 December Flossie’s wedding. Dine 7 o’c at Mrs. Watney’s. Expect Tabby. Wet morg. After lunch went to wedding, great crowds. Tabs & Ham arrived 6 o’c, v. well, dined here alone, Lin & self dined at Mrs. Watney’s, Mr & Mrs. Baggaly there. Went to Albert Hall, heard Patti. Hall beautifully lighted electric light. Mervyn & Miss Walford’s brother(?) & F. Burnand. Mother at Bath Hotel. Wednesday 7 December Mrs. R. Lehmann at home 3 to 6.30. Ham left morg, goes home tonight. Tabs out early shop’g. Box for Lyceum, Mary Anderson. Tabs & self to Russell & Allen, chose evg. dresses. Olive there. Left Tabs & called on Mother, looking tired & worried. Mervyn & Miss Walford there. After lunch Tab & self to Mrs. Lehmann’s, slow! & to Mrs. Boehm’s. Mrs. Stone called. Dined alone & went to Lyceum, Mervyn, Lin & Mr Guthrie met us there. V. delightful evg. Mr Guthrie came in & stayed till one o’c talking. Burst(?) my brown dress. Thursday 8 December X. Mrs. R. Lehmann at home 3 to 6.30. Spencer’s dinner Jr. United Service Club. Wet. Went up to town with Tabbie, shop’d at Snelgrove, called & lunched with Mother. Mervyn, Miss W, Tabs & Mother at Bath. Mervyn went back in brougham to Stafford Ter. Stayed some time with Mother & came back in omnibus. Fraulein B. came, rather like Mrs. Sington. Tabs & self to Comedy Theatre to see “Arabian Nights”. Mervyn met us there. Immensely amusing! Petit ami au soir. Friday 9 December Promised to drive to Fanny B’s to tea. Tabs out all morg with Roy & Maud at Cremers & to see Mother who gave Maud a sovereign for the 12 cards she did, & Roy 4/-. Miss Walford there. After lunch I drove to F. Barker’s. Lovely afternoon, beautiful setting sun. Barker’s house charming but Jossling girls tiresome & uninteresting. Tabbie went to “Dorothy” with Mrs. Shep, saw Mother, Mervyn & Miss W. there. Feel very seedy. Saturday 10 December In bed till 12 o’c. Tabbie out shop’g all morg, leaves at ¼ to 2 for Pull Court. Judy going to station with her. Left her umbrella, 3 hats, & keys behind. Drove to fetch Lin from Club afternoon. Quiet evg. Mrs. Stone sent me 4 candle supports. Sunday 11 December Supper 8 o’c at Mrs. Kemps. Lunch at Mr Eykyn’s. Hard frost & attempt to snow. I too seedy to go to Mr E’s, Lin did not go either. Spencer came in afternoon, going to Scotland tonight. Minnie & Emma out. Lin went to Mr Baker’s. Mr & Mrs. Simmonds & 3 others there. Monday 12 December Mrs. Sambourne comes, L. goes to meet her. Poor Nurse seedy again with cold. Saw washer woman about curtains. Mrs. S. arrived, L. fetched her fr. Kings X. I drove round Park at 3, called & saw Price girls. Had awful rumpus with Nurse about Roy being naughty. Miss P. sent him to bed at tea time. Lin spoke to Nurse also. Feel sorry I was so angry, always dislike speaking in anger, always suffer keen regret after. Maud wept as usual. Nurse v. rude. Tuesday 13 December Down to breakfast. Satisfactory interview with Miss Penn, thinks Roy v. delicate. Reffell went to office R. Car. C’y but c’d get nothing. Drove with 2 chicks at 12.30,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 walked in park. Both looked better. L. took Roy after lunch for walk to Natural History Museum. Mrs. Morris & little girl, Mrs. Kemp & Mrs. Kealy(?) called. Quiet evg. Mrs. S. looks better again. Miss Reed sent tickets she omitted giving her. Wednesday 14 December Tabs sent cheque she had of Lin £2.5.6. Lovely morg. Went in brougham at 12 o’c to Madame B, ordered jacket & took body to be altered. Saw Mr & Mrs. Martin Thomson there. Quiet evg. V. tired. Thursday 15 December Started off alone after break. to Buck. Palace Rd by bus. Ordered hat, (illeg) dear & ugly! Walked thro’ Gorringe’s, on to Regent St. Omnibus there & back 7d. Met chicks walked home with Roy. After lunch went to Aunt Linda’s to tea (mare) saw Santly. Enquired about horse box at G. Western Sta. Letter fr. Jess. Judy called. Payed £1.3.6 by cheque to Jernick(?) & Knewstubs(?) for Xmas presents. Lin hard at work on “Glads. & Welsh Gold Mine” on paper, finished at 9.20. Mrs. S. to bed with bad cold before dinner. Friday 16 December Invite to dinner (both) Mrs. M. Stone. Can’t go. Wet morning. Lin going to Mr Millet’s, Broadway Evesham for a few days. £4 to Glyn Mills Currie & Co for 1 st call in 4 allotted £10 shares in 5 p.cent Ex B. Ayres Gt. Southern Rly 1892 second issue. Mare sent off at 1.45. Jack Burnand called morg. I drove Lin to Station 4.20 & went on to Mrs. Powers & had tea there, v. lively. Mr P. awfully funny. Sent Lin’s spats off directly I got back. Saturday 17 December Did some shop’g with Mrs. S. Felt v. cold. Drove to Mother at 3 o’clock with Roy & sent carriage back till 6 o’c. Miss W, her bro, Mervyn & Judy with Mother. Mervyn told me he was engaged to Miss W. -- bosh! Feel awfully annoyed. Mother v. poorly & overwrought. Had tea with Mother, Mervyn gone off to Sevenoaks with W’s & will not be back till Tuesday. Letter fr. Mrs. Lynn Linton. Sunday 18 December Lovely morg. Row expected in Trafalgar Sqre (illeg) funeral. All specials called out. Roy & self went to Mother in omnibus, had intended going to St Paul’s Knightsbridge only too late. Lunched with Mother. Roy seems seedy & heavy. Stayed with Mother till 4.30 & home in cab. Sent Minnie to Mother later with beef tea & book. Nurse & Maud to Church. Only Mrs. Mackenzie called. Monday 19 December 2 letters fr. Lin returning today. Had promised to dine with Mother. Aunt Linda came to lunch, v. wet so did not go out after, sat in morg. room. Jolly cleaned drawing room windows. Trixie Miller called & had tea. Drove Auntie to Sta. Praed St 5 o’c. I fetched Lin after, drove him home. Went on after to see Mother, looks a little better. Company, stayed short time & came home on ac’t of having brougham waiting. Quiet evg, colder. Lin looks pretty well only. Roy very poorly with ear ache & languid. Tuesday 20 December Very cold. Encore pas bien en bas! Feel languid & headachey in consequence. The windows cleaned & mare returned fr. Wors. Miss Elmore, Miss Roe(?), Mrs. Holmes & Blanche called. Did not go out all day. Roy’s cold v. bad.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 21 December Mrs. Joplin’s at home 9 o’clock. Drove at ¼ to 10 shops, bought dress & pd 12/11, toys 2/8 & 6d, grapes 1/6. Dear Roy v. poorly with bad cold. Called & saw Mother, v. seedy & low, going to Westwood today, returns Friday. Dr L. sent my new pills. Wrote to Glyn Mills & Currie about £4 sent last Friday having received no receipt of same. Thursday 22 December Shop’d morg. Went to Madame & was fitted with jacket after lunch. Dr O. came morg. Roy little better. Maud’s cold. Receipt came fr. Glyn Mills Currie for £4, 1 st call on 1892 second issue B. A. Gt. Southern Rly. Friday 23 December Fine day. Roy seems better, still croupy & in bed. Dr O. did not come. In writing letters all morg, 15. Called at 3.30 on Mrs. Kemp, Mr Ellis there. To Bath Hotel, Mother not arrived. Con called morg, went & saw Roy, stayed here some time. Lin rode at 2 o’c. Laurence took Maud for walk, thin shoes on. Lin called at Mrs. Barker’s. Saturday 24 December Mother & Mervyn expected at Bath Hotel. Jess & Ham arrive at Kens. Palace Mansions 4 o’c. Con, Eff & Baby are at Mrs. Boehm’s. Saw Mother at Bath. Fetched Lin fr. Garrick & went & saw Jess at Kens. P. M. & Ham. Took cab home & brought hamper Jess brought us. Mother looking v. poorly. Sunday 25 December Morg, Maud & self walked to St Paul’s Knightsbridge, pretty church & nice service. Met Mervyn on went to Jessie’s. Went after church to Mother, looking v. down & seedy. Con, & Eff, Baby & Mer. there. Mer. gave Maud book. Home & lunch. Lin rode 3 hours morg. After lunch Jess called. Ham, Mr Guthrie who went up to see chicks, & Hensman. Lin & self dined at the Boehms, v. pleasant evg. Ham came in before we had finished dinner. Jess & Ham dined at Bath Hotel with Mother. Home at 12 o’c. Roy better. Minnie out for day. Monday December 26 L. took Maud for walk to Mrs. Boehm’s. Roy better. Lin going to Drury Lane Pantomime. Jess came in to tea & dinner. Lin walked to Club & on to Pantomime fr. there. Ham L. gone to Essex till Friday or Saturday. Tuesday 27 December Miss Kemp coming about photography at 11 o’c. Dear Maud v. poorly in bed. Roy better but not all right internally yet. Carriage at 11.30. Emma out for holiday returns tomorrow morg. Mother, Mervyn & Jess to Westwood, went to see them. Dr. O. called said children w’d be all right in a few days. Mr Lowe, Mrs. Mackenzie & Ena, Mrs. Spofforth, Mrs. Lynn Linton & Laura S. called. Lin walked to club & back. Bitterly cold everywhere. Wednesday 28 December Slight snow & v. cold. Chicks better. Called after lunch on Mrs. Welch (out) Humphreys (out) Skirrow, Critchett, in, Boehm. Eddie B came back to tea with us. Roy & M. down in drawing room. Laurence out. Mrs. & Nellie Keith called. Thursday 29 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Stone dines here 7 o’c. Bright but v. cold morg. Mrs. S. out. Chicks better. I awake a good deal during night with cold. Mrs. Mackenzie sent 5lbs of butter 1/2½lb, 6s 2½ in all. Sent cheque for £1.3.9 to Hamca & Co Ireland for 1½ doz hands. Called after lunch on Mrs. Hunter, Fildes, Nelly K, Mrs. Parish, Beale. Mrs. Stone came to dinner. Conrad came in for few moments. Wretched cold in my head. Dear chicks better. Friday December 30 Fine bright day v. cold. In bed to breakfast with cold, feel awfully seedy. Emma very low with cold, afraid she c’d not cook dinner on Sunday!!! Saturday 31 December Bitterly cold. Worked at shades all day. Mrs. S. out. Chicks about same. Roy looks v. peaky. After lunch Lin & self went to Academy & Grosvenor Gallery, I fetched him fr. Garrick where he lunched. After dinner went to Covent Garden Pantomime. V. interesting show at Grosvenor, Blake! Ellis, Mrs. Skirrow, Millais, Con & G. B. & heaps of people there. E’s head v. bad. A very happy year gone. Sunday 1st January to Tues 3rd January 1888. (These entries were copied with slight variations into new diary for 1888) (The following pages of financial notes were cut out of this diary and glued into the 1888 diary, but are reproduced here.) Money Invested £ 250 stock Central Argentine £ 200 Western of Buenos Ayres £ 230 B. A. Gt Southern 1890 £ 50 Sunshales Extention £ 40 B. Ayres & Pacific 1st pref shrs converted into stock May 27th /87 £ 15 City Buenos Ayres Tram paid £31.16.0. for these 30 th Nov /86 £ 300 Lin has in Barr Estate £1085 invested up to Jany 1st /87 £100 Venezuela Bond (1881) £100 April 28th /87 pd. £40.12.6 for it £25 Sep 14th 1st instalment allotted 2¾ shares of Cent Argentine Rly £6 Oct 6th Last call on allotted share B. Ayres Gt Southern Railway 1892 £4 Nov 16th First call on 2 Tucaman shares allotted £10 each £ 30.0.0 Nov 23rd for 3 £10 shares in Tucuman Rly, paid premium with Sp. £10.0.0 Dec 2nd Second call on 2 Central Arg Rly shares £4.0.0 Dec 16th new allotment 4 shares in B. A. Gt. Southern Railway (further entries crossed out) Children’s money Jany 17th /87 in all £21.7.0 August 1st Chicks money /87 £21.18.10 £ 4.0.0 August at Ramsgate November £ 4.0.0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Spent in year /87 fr. 1st Jany to 31st December £ 81.1.1. by cheque Received in 1886 fr. my allowance, interest on money invested & presents, in all £ 166.17.7 Received fr. invested money during 1887: £ s d 28th Jany Central Argentine 12.10 7th Feby Sp. Herapath & Co 3.19.6 7th Feby Barr Estate 7.10.0 March allowance 25. 0.0 1st April Western B. Ayres Bonds 5.15.0 14th April B.A.Gt. Southern Railway 6. 3.11 28 April City of B. Ayres Tram 15.0 Mother 2. 0.0 5th May B. Ayres & Pacific Rly 1. 7.1 14th June Quarter 25. 0.0 10th July Sunshales 1.10.0 25th July Central Argentine 17.10.0 20th August Venezuela Bond 1.10.0 20th Sep 3rd Quarter 25. 0.0 st 1 Oct W. B.Ayres bonds 5.15.0 28th Sep Barr Estate 7.10.0 8th Oct B.Ayres Gt. Southern 1890 16. 5.6 8th Oct B.Ayres Gt. Southern 1892 5.8 29th Oct City of Buenos Ayres Tram 15.0 9th November B. A. & Pacific Rly 1. 7.2 157. 8.10 25. 0.0 £ 182. 8.10


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1888 List to ask Floss Boehm F. Walford H. Harding Hepworth Dixon? Tristram Ellis Grossmith C. Hartree Canon Harford B. Cole Nellie Judy Lockyer Guthrie Justin McCarthy H. Bergheim Brandon Thomas Blanche Cole Miss Buschman (The first three days of this year were copied from notes made at end of the1887 diary.) Jan 1888 Sunday 1 January Jess, Ham, Mr & Mrs H. Power, Hensman & Guthrie dined here, delightful dinner. Mr P. most amusing. Bitterly cold. Nurse to Church. Mrs S. & self sat with chicks & read to them morg. Mrs S. to early service. Lin walked to club after lunch & home. Percy O. called & Conrad. Room looked very pretty with new lampshades. V. jolly evg, H. P. full of anecdotes. He & Mrs P. sang after dinner. Poor E. v. bad with neuralgia all day. Monday 2 January Lovely day, warmer. Took chicks for drive & walk in Park 1 st time out for some time. Lin rode F. after lunch. Emma v. bad with neuralgia. Edgar & So. arrived fr. Ireland. Edgar left same evg. for Westwood. Mother v. poorly. Jess & Ham left for Burwood. Tuesday 3 January Emma’s neuralgia v. bad, persuaded her to go to bed. Mr Tuer called morg. Lovely day, colder. Took children at 11.30 in brougham to Brown’s Hotel to call on Sophy (there for week). Edgar left for Westwood yesterday, only arrived yesterday morg fr. Ireland. Dear Mother not well. Walked with children fr. Hyde Pk. Cor. to Brown’s. Lin rode after lunch, mare v. fresh. Mrs. Gilbert, Mackenzie, Rainbow, Baines, called. Lin dined at Kinsmans, wire fr. Irving, false report about his being ill. Wednesday 4 January X au soir. Fine morg. E. little better, in bed. Chicks out for walk morg. with Nurse. Lin riding morg, mare. Jolly out for day. Mrs. Sambourne gone for day to Mrs. Sheehy’s. Mrs. H. Peto’s children’s party. Quiet evg. Thursday 5 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Very seedy in bed, only one day too soon. E. v. bad but w’d come up for orders. Lin hard at work all day, 2 blocks for this week. I went with M. for drive at 3, called at Brown’s to see Sophy & E, both out. Friday 6 January Poor E. v. bad, w’d come up for orders. Trying new medicine, if not better will go to Infirmary tomorrow. I feel awfully queer. Took Maud for drive round Pk. with me & left card & letter at Brown’s Hotel for Edgar, both out. Saturday 7 January Very mild. Poor E. very bad, going to Infirmary at 2 o’c. Nurse must needs add to trouble by her usual grizzle, made me feel quite unhappy about E. Mrs. S. put it all right for me. Lin took Roy to S. Kens. Museum, delighted. Wanted to ask Policeman’s opinion which he considered best, Praxitiles or Phideas! Dolly Roberts to tea. Edgar came in at tea time, v. pleased to see him, looks thin & getting v. grey. I feel awfully seedy & feeble, no doubt worry about E. Lin rode morg. Sunday 8 January Invitation to Mr Baker’s 7.30 supper. I in bed till 12. Nurse & chicks to Church. Lin riding to Hampton Court. Very mild & dull. L. went to see Emma, had had v. bad night, no sleep & very uncomfortable. Mr Pilleau called, also Edgar & Sophy & stayed some time, S, looking v. well, Edgar v. seedy indeed. Mr P. brought Maud a Spanish fan, delighted with it. Lin went to Mr Baker’s, 12 to supper there. Monday 9 January Up at 11, feel still queerish, not good night. Mrs. Coward’s baby boy called, L. brought him up. Funny little pale boy, like Maud C. Emma came back fr. Infirmary on ac’t of her father’s death & goes home tomorrow to Norfolk, v. uncomfortable at Infirmary. Call again of £20 on Cent. Argent. Rly allotment, 3 rd call. Tuesday 10 January Foggy morg. Emma left at 8 o’c for Norfolk. Mrs. Glossop coming to dentist Sloane St, Mrs. S. & self going to see her at 12 o’c there. Letter fr. Jess. Wrote to Cent. Argentine Rly about shares, originally 2¼, now 2. Received quarter (due Dec 18th) £25. Went with Mrs. S. in brougham to see Mrs. Glossop, ordered Maud’s stays, fish, called at Mrs. Fildes about help for L. & M. Mrs. Winslow, Judy, & Mrs. Critchett called. Mrs. S. out to lunch. Minnie cooked dinner v. nicely. Wednesday 11 January Very foggy. Letter about Cent. Ar’t shares still foggy about it. Cleaned candle sticks, pantry. Went at 3 o’c to Mrs. Beale’s, Ionides, Mackenzie, & Boehms, saw Baby, not v. well & took back “German surprise”. Too foggy to go anywhere else. Posted my quarter to Bank £25. Laurence paid 3 weeks’ books for me. Thursday January 12 Dense black & yellow fog. Overslept myself. Lin told us du Maurier had made £4,700 over tin mines. Very glad to hear it. Letter fr. Susie wanting us to go & see Mary Anderson & go to supper with M. A. after. Wrote to say Monday. Too foggy to go out all day. Bob, Evelyn & Brenda Coward to tea. Felt v. seedy, can’t make out why. Read Vice Versa. Friday 13 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Tuer’s dinner 8 o’c. Very foggy. Letters fr. Mr King Salter (author of Whitehatch) & Tilda. Mrs. Cude (charwoman) came. Saturday 14 January Promised to go to Jessie, can’t go on account of Emma. Awfully foggy morg, cleared after. Lin walked to Club. Roy & I fetched him & went to German Reeds. Very full, enjoyed it. Quiet evg. Mrs. Hodgson called. No news of Emma. Paid Mrs. Cude 4/4 for 2 days work. Sunday 15 January Bitterly cold. Chicks to Church with Nurse. I went to Pro-Cath. alone for prayers & sermon. Went for half hour to Dr Harcourt, lent me Darwin’s book on earth worms. Mrs. Mackenzie came in for little while before luncheon. Lin rode mare. Hettie Williams, Mr Lockyer, Mr Ellis & Mr Smith called. Laurence out afternoon & evening. Mrs. Cude here & little girl. Monday 16 January Sir R. Webster’s children’s party. Miss Holland’s children’s party 4.30 to 8.30. Bitterly cold. Mrs. Cude here. No news of Emma. Letter fr. Sophy. Herpin called, curtains w’d be £13.13. Nelly came to tea. Not out all day. Lin lunched with Sp. who returned fr. Scotland this morg. Lin dined with Sp. & Mr Capron. I went alone to Lyceum, found Susie & Mr a’B. there, same box as before. Sp came in later & Lin also. We went to Mary A. after, looks awfully pretty. Lin gave us supper at Rules, evg. spoilt, funny people there. Took Susie home & Lin & self drove home together. Tuesday 17 January Mrs. Holl’s dance 9.30. Mrs. Messel’s children’s party 8 till 12 o’c. V. cold. Mrs. Cude not here, still no news of Emma. Lin riding Folkestone. Sent Banker’s receipt for £4 for 2 Tucuman shares to Mr Davidson. Did not go out all day. Lin rode F. in row & went after lunch to sale of Caperon’s things. Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Heilbut, Laura Stone, Marion P. called. Feel queer still. Tiring W’s. Invite fr. Mrs. Critchett to dine there 4th Feby. Wednesday 18 January Mrs. Beale’s children’s party 5.30 to 9 o’c. Promised to go calling with Mrs. Mackenzie & to tea with her after. V. cold. Letter fr. Emma, better, & hopes to return next Tuesday. Mrs. Cude here. Gentleman to sketch room. Letter fr. Jess. Lin rode F. Called after lunch on Dr Harcourt & returned book, Mrs. Rainbow, met Mrs. Warr there, Mrs. F. Barnes & Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Speed, E. Hart & had tea at Mrs. Holmes. Lin had gone to Club before I got home. Quiet evg. Laurence paid some bills for me & went out on her own account after. Thursday 19 January Invitation to dine at Mrs. Fildes 7.30. Very cold. Lin dines at C. Stokes as we refused Fildes expecting to be away. Mrs. Cude here. Invite to dinner fr. Mrs. Geiger for 23rd inst. Did bottles & cellar with Laurence. Friday 20 January Mrs. A. Levy at home. Mrs. Hunter’s children’s party 6 to 10. After lunch called at Mr A. Burnand’s (stayed there) enquired after Mr Toole, better, Mrs. Miller (out) Mrs. C. Carr, in, three charming children, Mrs. du Maurier, Mrs. Levy, v. slow at home. Little duffer took me down to coffee & Cap’t Nathorp, & to Mrs. Kemp’s,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 stayed there & sent carriage home, bought shade to lamp, 1/6. Lin went to Mrs. Hewitt’s after dinner. Saturday 21 January Promised to go to Jessie, can’t go, E. not back. Dusted morg. room! Lin drove to Club with Spencer who called after lunch. I fetched Lin fr. Garrick & drove to 90 Piccadilly & then to Christie’s & called on Mrs. Lin Linton. Lin made unlucky remark about Poynter to his sister. Lin called on Mrs. Knowles. Went to Royalty Theatre & saw Grande Duchesse, charming, Mary Albert as G. Duch. Sat next to Spencer & Mr & Mrs. Delmar & think Mrs. D. v. pretty. Amourous old man & girl in front of us we saw at Rules. Mr & Mrs. Carbutt there. Received £ 14.5. due fr. Cent Argent. Rly, & my Certificate for 5 Turcoman shares. Sunday 22 January Went to St Phillips with Roy morg, & to Pro. Cath. on way home. Lin rode to Wimbledon & remained to lunch there. Laurence out afternoon, as ever! Norman Sinclair called & had tea, looks older & nicer. Lin home to tea. V. quiet day. Monday 23 January Mrs. White’s children’s party. Lovely morg, bright sun. Mrs. Cude here. Stood to Lin all morg. in dress fr. Lewis & Allenby’s. Went with Lin in carriage at 12.30 to V. Watney’s, went up to take photos. Saw Vernon & Mr Foot there, on to Holbein Res. & had lunch there. Funny girl & 2 gentlemen at table near us. Left note at Sp’s, called at Garrick on way home. Mrs. Street called. Wire fr. Sp. asking us to dine there Thursday or Friday. Paid Mrs. Cude 14/- for six days. Tuesday 24 January Lovely morg. but nippy. Mrs. Sambourne went early to Ealing. I went in brougham at 12 o’c, pd Miss Witton £4.10. Ordered new black evg. dress of her. Bought fruit & flowers etc. Ordered stays at Hunt’s, bought white enamel paint. Chicks out twice. Lin at Piccadilly drawing. Expect Emma back today! Note fr. Dr Barnes. Emma came home & looks much better. Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Evans, Comyns Carr, & Mrs. Abney & Mr Foot called. Ethel came but we c’d not get seats at Gaiety. Quiet evg. at home. Wednesday 25 January Colder & dull. Ethel goes to Mrs. Holmes. Sent 2 letters on to Mrs. Sambourne. Ethel went with chicks to Natural History Museum. Maud complained of headache at lunch, went to bed early. Ethel remains here till tomorrow. E. & self at 3 o’c to Mrs. Goodall, Ledger, had tea at both places. Left cards at Mrs. Cohen’s Devonshire Place. Lin bad boil in nose, v. painful. Played roulette with Roy & E. evg. Tabbie met Nurse & Maud, staying at M. Pollock’s. Mrs. Welch & Mrs. Stone called, so sorry to miss them both. Thursday 26 January Warm morg. Maudie in bed. Letters fr. Jess, F. Barker, & Mrs. S. Spencer’s dinner at Northumberland Avenue. Ap’t with Miss Witton at 12 o’c to be fitted with blk. evg. dress. Went with Ethel, met Tabbie & Marion P. there. My dress fitted & cop’d fr. Marion’s. Went to Evans after. Ethel left with Lizzie about 5.30. Lin walked to Hotel. I drove alone. Mr & Mrs. Delmar, Tabbie & Mr & Mrs. F. Delmar there. Magnificent dinner & band. Drove Tab home, told me about herself, fortnight behind, seeing doctor, going to Barnes tomorrow, if not satisfactory going to Paris. Heard poor Mrs. Jacobson was dead.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 27 January Mrs. A. Levy at home 4-7. Mrs. Geiger’s dinner 7.45. Going out at 11 o’c. Mrs. Sambourne returns today, did not come, remains till tomorrow. Went to Marshall’s bought dress. Met Tabs & M. Pollock there. Folkestone shied & went dead lame after. V. late dinner. Saturday 28 January Folkestone v. lame. Went by train to Wimbledon. Mr B. met us at Station, after he & Lin went for long ride, out to lunch. Mr Coglan & Alice staying at Fanny’s, nice little man Mr C. We four had long drive in open carriage after lunch. Tea. Lin & C. B. in. Dinner. Eclipse of Moon!!! & Pool. Mrs. S. returned here fr. staying at Ealing. Sunday 29 January Lovely bright day, hard frost. All remained in morg. except Fanny & Mr C. who walked round garden. Alice & self talked & read. Lin & C. B. took long walk. Mr Davison came to tea. Dinner. Lin chatted all time, don’t fancy C. B. liked it much. Played piano after dinner. Lin made Spot do tricks. Quiet evg. Monday 30 January Pay call on Cent. Argent. Rly. 3rd call £20. Mrs. Boehm’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. Returned by early train fr. Mrs. Barker’s, met Mr Wood on plat’f. Came to Ken. Sta. with us. Found Mrs. S. here very well. Hard frost but clear & bright. Sent cheque of £20 to Bank for C. A. Rly. Lin at Piccadilly drawing. Chicks well. Tuesday 31 January Pouring wet, cleared off by 12. Went to Miss Witton told us she had been robbed Sunday, house being empty. Sent back grey dress by Minnie to Snelgroves, promised to send credit note. Blanche & Mrs. Sington called, no one else. Received Banker’s receipt for £20 last call on Cent. Argentine allotment. Lin still at Piccadilly not satisfied with faces. Folkestone better but still lame. Bright day later. Feb 1888 Wednesday 1 February Mr Lockyer’s dinner, Reform Club. Lovely morg. Lin still at Piccadilly block. My bedroom windows cleaned. L. out evg. late. Called & saw Dr Harcourt, v. seedy. Called after in brougham (mare) Mrs. Tuer, Miss Bushman, Hollands (Adela engaged) Miss Tenniel, nephew there, had tea. Left cards at Mr Kershaw’s, called on foot at Miss Lutyens, v. interesting talk with her. Lin finished Piccadilly drawing peniblement. Did small block of Smith as owl. X au soir. Thursday 2 February In all day. Lin dined at C. Hunter’s, did not go on to W. Clowes supper party. C. H. made £20,000 in Africa. Feel better this time not so weak. F. better, still favours leg a bit. Lin hard at work all day. Friday 3 February Mr Wood sent tickets for Olympia. Prince of W. & party going. Sorry I can’t go. Lin going late. Wrote several letters, attempt to write novel, awfully difficult. Feel v. seedy. Saturday 4 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Anderson Critchett’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. I can’t go. Lin goes alone. Ju called & Sp. after lunch. Ju going to Mother Tues next. Mother sent flowers. Lin rode & lunched at Mr Barker’s. (illeg) down at 1 o’c. Chicks out morg. Sunday 5 February In bed till 12. Feel v. queer. Chicks to Church. Lin rode. Mr Angel came to tea & stop’d some time. L. out. Monday 6 February Mrs. McTear at home 9 to 12. Went for drive at 12. Feel beastly seedy. Wrote Dr. L. for pills. Letter fr. Jess, & pro. of Margate school. F. still lame. Violet Hunt called. Tuesday 7 February The Attorney General’s at home 10 o’c. Postponed on ac’t of death. Went for drive morg. with Mrs. S. Saw heaps of people we know. Lin had disagreeable letter about Piccadilly block. Wrote out securities & to Sp. about selling £200 Cent Arg’t Stock. Alice L, Mrs. Brine, Miss Bushmann, Mrs. Welch, Mrs. Power, Floss B, called. Maud a cold. Mrs. Gaston & Mrs. E. Gaston called. Lin going to walk to Club & dine there. Wednesday 8 February Mrs. Heilbut’s dinner 7.45. Can’t go. Pantomime Drury Lane, taking Mrs. S. & Roy, & the two girls E. & M. Splendid pantomime enjoyed it immensely. Strangers in our box. Met Mrs. de la Rue there. Lin walked to Club lunched there & met us at Drury Lane. Sp. sold £200 stock Cent. Argentine for me at £196. Feel sorry I’ve sold. Thursday 9 February Princes dance 8 to 12. Dr & Mrs. Barnes’ dinner 7.45, postponed. Miss Elmore’s dinner ¼ to 8. Lovely morg. Wrote Mr Barker, Sp, & cards to Mrs. Clowes – her little girl died at Westgate. Friday 10 February Roy’s cold very bad. Drove to Marshall & Snelgrove, came on to rain. Met Mrs. Messel there. Alright about dress. Spoke to Miss Penn about Roy going to school, D.V. 11th Sep, & Maud to take certain English lessons with Miss P. after. Saturday 11 February Lin & self to go to Ham & Jess, Brewood Hall, Staffordshire, D.V. Left at 10 to 1 for Paddington. Long journey. Delightful old house. Found Midge & Ham & Dora looking wonderfully well. Con here. Con’s Baby left today. Sunday 12 February Lovely day. Colder. Ham, Jess & self drove in dog cart to lunch at Col. & Mrs. Tillotson. A Mr Scot in Artillery there. Charming house, china & old furniture. Mrs. T. v. nice looking. Lin & Con rode. Coming home Ham & Con rode. Monday 13 February Snow. No hunting. Lovely morg. Lin taking photos. Ham & Con exercising horses. Miss Ward over to lunch, Ham drove her back. Lin & Con walked to (blank). Mr, Mrs. & Miss Underhill to tea. Col. Cotton & Mr Monckton over for netting (illeg). Killed 48. Tuesday 14 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Snow. No hunting. Letters fr. Mrs. Barker, Mrs. S, Mother & enclosures for Lin. Mr Barker advises B. A. Gt. Souithern. Mr Treherne arrived. Midge & self walked to Mr F. Cotton’s & Mrs. Wrottesley’s. Con & Lin walked. V. pleasant dinner, sang & played etc. Wednesday 15 February Received note of purchase of £200 stock B. A. Gt. Southern, paid £380.7.6 for same. Con left at 8 o’c. Lin went up by 1.15 train. Could not go to Mrs. Boycotte to lunch, Ham went alone. Mr Treherne rode. Wrote to Mr Barker. Thursday 16 February Mrs. Colin Hunter’s at home 10 o’c. Refused. Mr Treherne & Ham rode after lunch, walked morg. Midge & self drove to Miss Ward’s to tea. Friday 17 February Bitterly cold. Letters fr. Lin, Mrs. S, Aunt Anna about Uncle John’s illness. Signed contract note for sale of £200 Cen. Argentine stock & posted same to Spencer. Saturday 18 February Midge & self called on Mrs. Monckton & Mrs. (actor’s wife) both out. Lin came down. Ham fetched him by (illeg) train. Mr Treherne left. Ham lunched out. Received contract note for purchase of £200 B. Ayres Gt. Southern stock at £188, com. £1.17.6. Received cheque fr. Spencer for £390. Sunday 19 February Went to Church with Midge & Ham. Interesting old church, good service & sermon, both short. Awfully slippery coming home. Mr Kettle to lunch & tea. Lin & Ham started for Wards, heavy snow, c’d not go on. Monday 20 February Lovely day, snow on ground, v. cold. Sent cheque of £390 to Mr Lowndes, London & County Bank. Bitterly cold, did not go out all day. Waddie seedy with sore throat. Tuesday 21 February Mr Wrottesley & Mr Monckton dined here. Jess & self drove to Boscobel, most interesting old house. Bitterly cold driving. Lin & Ham went rat catching at Mr Monckton’s. Wednesday 22 February Mrs. Beale’s dinner ¼ to 8. Can’t go. Bitterly cold. Lin goes with Mr Wrottesley to Station. Ham left after tea for Grantham. Mr Price here to lunch. Midge & self here alone, slept in Midge’s bed. Wretched cat killed Waddie’s bird in the night. Thursday 23 February Princes dance, 8 to 12. Bitterly cold. Sat in drawing room (illeg) being done. Letters fr. Tab, Lin, Aunt Anna. Wrote to Lin, Tabs etc. Friday 24 February Received news of poor Uncle John’s death which occurred last Tuesday at Torquay. Washing 2.3 Washing 1.7 Warner for things he paid 3.1


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Buttons etc .7 Ford 4.0 Fares 8.0 Guards 2.8 Fares to Wolverhampton 2.9 Fly 7.6 £ 1.12.5 Saturday 25 February I go to Tabbie’s, Pull Court, Tewkesbury. Lin meets me there. Heavy snow storm. Warner went with me to Woolverhampton, in fly to Fourashes. V. comic W, a fait monsieur. Perpetual changing of trains, mistaken for vielle fille! Found Tab & Ham alone, both v. well, delightful house! Gwen & Baby immensely improved, G. quite affec’ate & friendly. Sunday 26 February Lovely day, bitterly cold. Lin & Ham taking photos all morg! General block of cameras. Monday 27 February Send cheque of £380 to Mr Barker. Called with Tab & Gwen on Mrs. Coventry & had tea there. V. cold. Tuesday 28 February Bitterly cold. Lin out shooting after lunch. Tab took dogs for walk. Cozy evg. Wednesday 29 February X. Morg, stayed in bed to breakfast. Sarah packed my box. Lin, Ham, Tab & self came to London together. Saw Mr Walker at Evesham. Had our luncheon in waiting room at Evesham. Brougham met us. Tab & Ham gone to Metropole, leave for Paris Saturday. Mar 1888 Thursday 1 March Bitterly cold, in bed till 12. Nice fire in room. Nurse seedy with headache. Laurence took chicks out after luncheon for hour. Ice on pond, skating. Lin dines with Hon. Louis Wingfield. Mrs. P. Wright called. Friday 2 March Mrs. McTear’s dinner 8 o’c, can’t go. Lin v. busy & v. late with Prince of Wales’ silver wedding. Dear chicks out. Mrs. Sambourne went to Mrs. Sheehy’s. Saturday 3 March Lin lunching at Mr Bradbury’s about work with Mr Guthrie. Letter fr. Mother & card fr. E. Hart (at home). Drove alone after lunch to Marion P, saw Miss Peacock (that was) there, & on to Edgar & Sophy at Brown’s Hotel after, found them in, stayed some time. Sunday 4 March Fine day. Spencer called morg, going to lunch with Delmars. Lin took Maud & Roy to Westminster morg. Edgar & Sophy to lunch. V. Watney called, only stayed short time, looks very seedy. Monday 5 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. McTear at home 9 to 12. Mrs. Skirrow’s luncheon party 1.30 sharp. Mr Black’s dinner Reform Club 7.30. Sp. called & took allotment of 7 C. Arg. Rly, 5 belong to him, 2 to me. In bed to breakfast. Elizabeth called, says dear Mother seems very poorly, went out with children & Nurse. Lovely day. I fetched Lin fr. Mrs. S’s & we went on to Pears, a photographers, Cutler & Reed, & Mrs. Watney’s. Lin came home v. late 2 o’c, bad cold. Am afraid he took cold in brougham. Tuesday 6 March Mr Watney’s dinner 7.30 & to David Garrick after to meet Mr Wentworth-Walker. Went at 11.30 to Madame B’s, Snelgrove’s & Madame Rigale’s, saw Olive there. Lin’s cold v. bad, feel v. anxious about him. Lovely day, warmer. Withdrew £15 fr. Roy’s P. left in book & entered it at L. County Bank. Spoke to Mr Lowndes about Nurse’s money. Left the £15 at Bank in £5 notes. No one called. Most delightful evg. at Mr Watney’s, only Mr Walker there besides selves. Charming little dinner. V. & self went in hansom to play after, Lin & Mr W. followed. Enjoyed David Garrick immensely, only fault too short. Letters fr. Mrs. Skirrow & Aunt Linda. Wednesday 7 March Mrs. Lin Linton’s dinner 8 o’c. Alas, can’t go. Mrs. E. Hart at home 10 o’c. Lovely day & warmer. Lin’s cold slightly better. Books v. low, only £4.8.½. Paid Hunts 18.6 (stays) & Watson 11.9 (china) & Shoolbred 11.9.½ (Emma’s dresses) bills. Judy & self called at 3 o’c on Mrs. Latham’s, Pickering, Grimble, de la Rue, Toole, Geiger, Moulton, Eykyn, Wright & Dr Harcourt. Had tea at Mrs. Geigers & Tooles. Lin’s cold bad still, had gruel when he came home at one o’c. Bad news of German Emperor, Crown Prince little better. Lin working at Andersen drawing & went for long walk after lunch, called on Mr Abbey. Wire fr. Mother, at Bath, so sorry too tired to go, not in till 6 o’c. Thursday 8 March Mrs. Hunter’s dinner 7.30. Mrs. Pickering’s at home 4 to 6. Mrs. Sambourne leaves today for St Neots. Wet dull morg. Went by omnibus to see Mother at B. Hotel. Sp. there & Judy, found Mother looking very well & v. nice. Sp. brought me home in his cab, he going to poor Mr Grave’s funeral. Awfully slow dinner at Hunters, frightful glare in studio & dining room, smelly old gentleman on my right & W. Black on left. C. Keene(?) there (illeg) both Lin & self v. bored. Fire somewhere towards Hammersmith. False report of Emperor’s death. Friday 9 March Emperor of Germany died this morg. Lin sent to Mr Burnand to see if cut w’d be altered, w’d do nothing until certain of Emperor’s decease after last evg. false report. I went by omnibus morg. to see Mother, found Edg. & Judy there. E. left & returned with Sophy, only stayed short time as Mervyn & Miss Walford had arrived. Do not care for her at all. Mother looks well, had little chat alone with her for few moments. Returned home to lunch. At 4 o’c called on Mrs. Nicol, drawing room postponed, saw Miss Thorneycroft, Mrs. Thorneycroft, Mrs. Nicol & Mary there, had washy tea. Called after on Mrs. Welch, charming house & good taste but can’t make her out. Called after on Mrs. Mackenzie, Mrs. Nordenfeldt there. Lin v. late with work. Feel v. tired, as if I had done it all myself. Saturday 10 March Mrs. Pickering’s at home 4 to 6. Lin rode mare in Row. Long accounts of Emperor of Germany’s death in all papers. Roy & self to Drury Lane Pantomime, v. good.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin joined us there & returned with us, walked thro’ Covent Garden, saw piping bullfinch. Roy broke little white fern pot. Bought bananas. Quiet evg, to bed early. Sunday 11 March Warmer. Maud & Nurse to Church. Roy & I stop’d by heavy rain. Lin rode to Barkers, both out. Sent cheque £2.8.8 to Marshall & Snelgrove. Ans’d invites & letters. Monday 12 March Went in omnibus to Regent St, looked at bonnets, too uncomfortable to shop. 4d there & back! Lin rode after lunch at 4 o’c. Lin & self went to see “Arabian Nights” . Mr Pilleau met us there, his eye still bothering him. Tuesday 13 March Dearest Father died. Ordered basket of flowers at Smith & Larkes to go by Granville tomorrow. Went to Madame B’s, ordered dress, to be £7.7.0. Bought pippins & lamp wire Barkers 1.6 together. Mrs. Hilliard called. Paid her 6/-. Mrs. Nicol, Mary, friend, Mrs. Morton Lathom, Mrs. Tuer, Mrs. du Maurier & Sylvia called. Wednesday 14 March Mrs. Mocatta’s at home 9.30. If fine lunch at Mrs. Evans, Crystal Palace Park. Pouring wet morg! Laurence going to take basket of flowers to Vic. Sta. for me, by Granville. Wire fr. Mother. Lin, chicks & self to Palace, alternate heavy showers. Delicious lunch at Mrs. Evans, chicks & Lin on to Palace directly after. Mrs. E. & self sat & talked, joined them at 4 o’c. Just caught train. Found Judy here on return home, sat & worked, cut out skirt & flounces. Judy took it away to do by machine. Thursday 15 March Call if possible on Mrs. Abney or tomorrow 5 o’c. Paid £11.10.0 into London & County, of which £7.10 Barr Estate cheque & £4 in gold by Nurse. Fine day, warmer. Lin rode after luncheon, photoing all morg. Laurence seedy went to see Doctor evg. I had carriage at ¼ to 4 & called on Mrs. Delmar, house & entourage as I expected. Had tea at Mrs. Abney’s, sent carriage home. Called on Mrs. Corbett, Mrs. Waring, McLaren, met Mrs. A. Lewis who brought me to corner of Stafford Terrace, v. glad of lift. Friday 16 March Judy coming10 o’c to fit body. V. cold again. Judy came, sat all morg cutting out body but c’d not succeed, hopelessly wrong. Ju lunched here. I left her at 3.30 at Up. Phillimore Gds & went on alone to Miss Wells, Mrs. Joachim, (new book written by Norman c. Priest) C. Priest), to Alice Street(?) out but had to ring 5 times, Mrs. Von Rinn, had talk over old times, Hickman (angry), Mr A. Burnand, talked some time with him, Mde Schumann staying there! To Mrs. Kemp, ill in bed but sat an hour with Mrs. Baker. Walked home fr. there, took tulips to Dr Harcourt, better. Miss Penn at home with bad cold. Minnie went to see her, took eggs. Lin doing Labby & House of Lords, good cut. Funeral of German Emperor William. Bitterly cold. Blizzard in N. America. Saturday 17 March Promised to go to Mrs. Bosanquet’s till Monday. Go by 4.15 fr. Kings X arriving Enfield 4.42. Bitterly cold morning, hard frost & sleet on ground. Terrible accounts of N. America blizzards. Lin at work on second block. Went to Enfield by 4 train.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Horrid cold journey, desolation there. Mrs. B, children, Col. B. Miller(?) Streatfield, Wylde, Tindal & Stuart staying in house, large dinner party. V. (illeg illeg). Our bedroom fire nearly out & general mismanagement everywhere. Mr Heiner amusing. Sunday 18 March Were not called, did not get up till 10.30. Slept badly & feel X generally, tea cold. Mrs. B. & self sat all morg. Oak Room, chatting. Mrs. B. v. kind & very seedy too, neuralgia. Lin out long walk, not in till after lunch. Found Mr Stuart most entertaining & interesting. (illeg) smashed Lin’s hat in, v. angry. Amusing dinner, jolly evening & slept better. Sh’l be glad nevertheless to leave tomorrow. Bitterly cold. Mr J. H. A. MacDonald called. Monday 19 March Mary Nicol comes for a week, postponed visit on ac’t of drawing room on Saturday. Return fr. Enfield. Bitterly cold E. wind all guests went by early train. Lin’s letters not posted so no carriage to meet us. Came up in carriage full of foreigners, rude ones. Maud slight cold. Miss Penn came, cold better. Had carriage 3, called on Mrs. du Maurier, saw Mr & Mrs. & May. Had tea at Mrs. Powers, banjo! Mr P. sang several songs, arranged his photography beautifully for magic lantern, gas bottle for limelight. Called on Mrs. V. Cole, Websters, & enquired Dr Harcourt, not so well, in his room. Dear Maud not downstairs with cold. Roy & self played Bezique. Tuesday 20 March Mrs. Geiger’s dinner 7.45. Go to Madame B’s to be fitted. Deep snow, bitterly cold. Miss Penn here morg. In all day. V. pleasant dinner at Mrs. G’s, her two sisters there looking v. pretty, herself lovely. We were not late. Mrs. McDougal & Ju, Mr Smale, Nellie K, Laura Stone called, stayed long while. Wednesday 21 March Mrs. Abney’s at home. Olive’s musical party 9 o’c. Mrs. Quilter’s evg. party 9.30. Mr Angell’s invitation to Gallery Club, Mrs. J. Wood & Coquelin to be there. Went morg. by bus to see Mother at Bath Hotel pretty well. Miss W. came in, bother her! Eddie later. Mother upset at my going away so soon, w’d willingly have stayed if Miss W. had not been there. Mr Angell going to escort me tonight until Lin’s arrival. Went to Mrs. Nicol’s & on to be fitted at Mde Bocquet’s, dress too tight! Lin photoing Laurence in low bodice. Heavenly day. Delightful evg. Lin there early. Princess Wales, Prince Teck etc there. Met endless fr’ds. Home by 1.20. Coquelin (illeg) v. amusing but not to be compared with Mr J. W. (illeg). Thursday 22 March Cold damp morg. Carpet up in my room on ac’t of water dripping into drawing room. Slept in spare room. Lin worked late. Called at 3 on Mrs. Pigeon, Olive, Aunt Linda, out, Mrs. Farquharson, & had tea at Mrs. Orton’s, saw Dr. O. Had letter fr. Tabby saying Gwen & Baby had scarlet fever. Friday 23 March Mrs. Levy’s at home 4 to 7. Mrs. Morton Lathom’s dinner 8 o’c (can’t go). Lin finished work early before luncheon. I drove at 3 to Liberty’s bought ugly stuff 2/6, also bad pears for 10d at Barkers & ribbon for tea cozy 1/-. Quiet evg, dinner at 7.30!!! Saturday 24 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Concert Prince’s Hall, Piccadilly. Mary Nicol comes for a few days. Mrs. Ionides dinner party 8 o’c. Mrs. L.F. Winslow at home fr 10 till 1 o’c for Boat Race. Roy & Lin went in brougham to Mr Thorneycroft’s to see Boat Race. Cambridge won by 7 lengths. Roy disap’d being conspicuously Oxford. Foggy morg. & snowed slightly. Lin lunched at Mr Aird’s to see Tadema’s picture, had Turkish Bath after. Puppy round to lunch! V. pleasant dinner at Mrs. I’s. Mr Ionides eldest brother sat next to me, he knew Papa v. well, enjoyed talking to him. Did not go out all day except to Smith & Larke’s to get flowers for tomorrow. Con called, had been to Phillips to see Race, all Oxford crew lunched there, poor physique. Sunday 25 March Mrs. Holl’s dinner 8 o’c. Postponed till Friday April 6 th, accepted. Mr Angell & Mr Birch to dinner 7.30. Mary Nicol coming today for a week. Raining hard. Lin gone for a ride to Barker’s. Mr Baker & Mona called. Mr B. called twice to see Maud. Pleasant evg. Mr Birch stammering gave me indigestion. Monday 26 March Send 1st call on fresh allotted shares Cent Argt. Rly, £20, registered. X. Petit ami au matin, in bed till 12.30. Poured, c’d not go out. Mary with two chicks to Natural History Museum morg. Tuesday 27 March In bed till one. Mary N. & Maud to Mde Rigale about Maud’s dress, paletoe. Asw’d invitations. Spencer called, goes to Scotland Thursday for training. Signed & returned to Messrs Greenwood & Co paper of B. A. Gt. Southern Rly stock of purchase of £200 pd £380 for same. Aunt Linda, Mrs. Farquharson & sister & Mde Caroni called. V. amusing woman, very blue. Judy sent cake. Wednesday 28 March Mary v. seedy in bed all day. Went with Lin at 3.30 in brougham to Mde Rigale’s about M’s paletoe. Lin left me & walked & had Turkish Bath. I had note fr. Greenwood about B. A. Gt. Southern Rly. Thursday 29 March Lovely day. Wrote letters, one to Mr Welch about quarter behind again. At 3.30 Mary N. & self drove to Sutherland Avenue & then to L(illeg) bought blk bonnet & paid for it £1.5.0 same evg. Lin rode after lunch, bought flowers. Friday 30 March Up at 12. Mary to Church with chicks morg. After lunch M. & self drove to H. Power’s, in, most amusing, waited & had tea. Emin Pasha (Bey) book rec’d by H. P. Black kitten & oranges. Mr Ellis & Mr Guthrie dined here, pleasant evg, left at 12. Saturday 31 march Lin walked to club to lunch. Jolly did drawing & dining room windows. Mary & self drove to Mrs. Lin Linton’s (away) to Mde Rigale about Maud’s paletoe (out) & to enquire Mrs. Kemp, v. ill indeed, blood poisoning. Saw Mrs. Baker who looks very ill & worried too. Letter fr. Mr Power. Apr 1888 Sunday 1 April Mrs. Power’s dinner 8 o’c. Can’t go on account of Alice being here. Mary going with us to dine at Powers. Mary & self to St Phillips, chicks there with Nurse morg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Looked in at Pro, fearfully crowded, Car. Manning preaching. Called to enquire Dr H, very ill, & on Miss Lutyens, stayed there some time. Mary walked to Carmelite. After lunch Lin & self with Roy went to see “Niagara Falls”. Mr Farquhar & Hollingshead there, don’t think much of either, Falls splendid! Lin & Roy walked home fr. Hyde Pk. Corner, called on Abbey & Boughton. Saw Arthur Blunt there, outdid Roy with questions. Delightful din’r at H. P’s. Mr & Mrs. Turquin & Mr Reed there, magic lantern & music. H. P. gave me pocket atlas, vy. acceptable. Charming dinner. Soup, toasted cod & lemon, little entré served in china cups, think haddock done in some way, boiled mutton & vegts, coffee cream, cabinet pudding, (illeg) maccaroni & cheese, delicious German sausage etc, perfect dinner. Monday 2 April Mrs. McTear’s at home 9 to 12 o’c. Lin dines with Mr Abbey at Bristol. Mary left at 9.30 for Ayrshire. Chicks out twice. In all day, pottered. No letters, cards only fr. Mrs. Ackers. Lin went after Mr A’s dinner to see Toole’s piece “The Don” v. good. Emma out. Tuesday 3 April Second instalment due on 5 allotted Tucuman shares of £10 each, to pay £10 as second instalment. Mistake about this as 3 of the shares are already fully paid up, written to Delmar & Davison about same. Went at 12 o’c to Mde B’s, left note for Lin at St G’s Hall, fetched 3 pieces of silk fr. Liberty’s, bought cream & loaf 8d. Snowed morg, v. cold & bitter east wind. Mrs. W. Waring & Mr Ellis called. Roy charmed with Arabian Nights. Letter fr. Mother saying I can’t go to Westwood. E looks worried. Letter fr. Mr Davison, saying 3 shares bought by me of Sp. not paid up, v. tiresome as Sp. is in Scotland. Lin rode Folkestone, pleased with him. Wednesday 4 April Bitterly cold. Wrote to Sp. Received & forwarded £25 annuity to Bank & £6.0.0 Western of B. Ayres bonds. Lin & self counted our different securities & sent them to London & County Bank, list of ditto page 367 in this book. Took securities to Bank. Maud & self called on Mrs. Burnand stayed some time. Called on Mrs. M. Latham, away. To bed early. Thursday 5 April B. Ayres Gt. S. div’d due. Lin & self dined at Mr Burnand’s 8 o’c. Montague Williams, A. Blunt, B. Hollingshead, Mr & Mrs. Lucy, Mr Herkomer & sis-in-l & Rosie there. Charlie, Jack & Frank in after. V. jolly evg. Mr Blunt played & sang till 1.50. Mr Herkomer played his opera music, some charming movements in it. Lin played tennis with C. Carr at St John’s Wood. I fetched him in brougham. Friday 6 April Mrs. Holl’s dinner 8 o’c, accepted. Drove at 12 to Gregoire’s, Buttericks etc. Bitterly cold east wind. Mrs. Santly & Rose Innes called. Saturday 7 April Three little Burnands to lunch & tea. Lin photod Ethel in 3 positions. Roy’s cold very bad. Lin rode after lunch. I called at 3 on Dr Harcourt, v. seedy but saw him for short time. To Mr Herkomer’s, very crowded, magnificent portraits of old Mrs. Levy, Mrs. Craik, Mrs. A. Sassoon, McWilliam & many more. Mrs. Skirrow there. Receipt fr. Office of £10 for 2nd call on Tucuman shares. Called on Mrs. Orchardson, met great many friends there, to Mrs. V. Cole & Montalbas. Thoroughly enjoyed afternoon. Mrs. Burnand’s fly came for children.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 8 April Mr Abbey to dinner. Not coming. Mislaid receipt for £210 second call on Tucuman shares, awful bother. Hail & snow, v. (illeg). Roy’s cold v. bad. Snowing hard, dry cold. Lin went to Mr Stone’s, Leightons & I met him at Princep’s studio. Went to Gows, Holls, Pettie, Orchardson, Marks, Morris & Davis. Saw number of friends. Carriage left us at V. Coles, late. A. Pilleau & brother came in there, saw scientific instruments. Stayed rather late, wanted us to remain to dinner, c’d not. To bed early. Monday 9 April Dinner of 8. Mr & Mrs. du Maurier, Mr & Mrs. Twiss, Major & Mrs. O’Callaghan. Went at 9.30 to stores for fish, fruit, flowers & poultry, ordered crème de volaille at Wares, candle shades at Gilham. Very delightful evg, rec’d in morg. room. Major & Mrs. O’C. & Mr Twiss sang. Clear soup. Salmon, sharp sauce, cucumber. Crème de volaille. Forequarter lamb, beans, new potatoes, grilled fowl & salad. Blancmange, coffee soufflé, cod’s roe, biscuits, cheese etc. Bitterly cold. Letter fr. Mrs. S, C. S. Only drank 2 bottles champagne & one of claret. Roy’s cold still v. bad. Tuesday 10 April Still bitterly cold tho’ bright. Roy little better but looks very seedy poor little man. Took Maud at 12 to pay bill Wares 10/6 & to Alexandra Hotel to see Tabbie. Saw dresses etc, stayed some time. Left cards on Miss Rose Innes at Alexandra. No one called but Mrs. M. Stone! Roy’s cold little better. Wednesday 11 April Little warmer. Roy in drawing room morg. & puppy “Antony”. Lin walked to Club. I drove at 3.30 to Miss Levy, Powers, Mason, Burnands, Geiger & Elmore. Coffee & eggs for tea! Lin called & saw Tab & Ham at Alexandra. Laurence paid 3 bills for me, Derry Toms, Gilham & Smith & Larkes. Thursday 12 April Warmer. Roy Nurse thinks better, I do not. Down in drawing room morg. with puppy. Lin rode F. morg. in Row. Vernon Watney sent us 11lb salmon. Maud went for drive with me at 3.30 to see Tabbie. Olive there, lent me pattern of paletoe. To Lady Mackenzie’s, met Mrs. Heilbutt, Lena Humphreys, Miss Fortescue etc there. To Mrs. Corwin’s, enquired Mrs. Fildes, Mrs. Colin Hunter, & Derry Toms bought 2 prs. gloves & sponge. Enquired Dr Harcourt, sent him fish. Dear Roy went for short walk with Nurse. Called on Miss Winthrop & Mrs. Spofforth. Friday 13 April Lovely first spring day. Called on Tabbie & took “Dr. Phillips”, Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Critchett, Mrs. Speed, Mrs. Levy, & again to Alexandra Hotel. Saw Miss Innes & Tabs who came on home with me & walked back. Told us story of her purchase of 2 birds in Paris. V. late evg for dinner, Mr Burnand called. Mrs. Pigeon, Judy, & Miss Wells called. Maud looks seedy. Roy seems in for whooping cough. Saturday 14 April Mother’s wedding day. Wire fr. Mother. Went for short walk with Maud to Kens. Holland Park morg. Lin rode. Came to Westwood by Granville. Queer people in carriage, played whist & nap for money. Met Mr Lockyer, met Mrs. Arcol, taken small house in Surrey on account of children. Mother met me at Margate, looks pretty well only. Mervyn, Mother & self alone here. Maudie seedy with bilious


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 attack. Roy to station with me, seems feverish. Told Jolly to call at Orton’s to see him tonight. Wire fr. Lin. Sunday 15 April Mrs. Ledger’s at home 10 o’c. Mervyn & self took flowers to St Peters. Drove to Broadstairs & walked up Pier, lovely day! Walked about grounds. Violets any amount. Mother & self to Church evg & Hill. Mervyn went to Margate to see Valentine, home to supper. Monday 16 April Heavenly day. Drove to Margate to see if Roy came by 12.30, not, so shop’d in Margate with Mervyn. Letters fr. Lin & telegram, Roy not coming. Dr O. saw him. Mr Green came over after lunch & stayed some time. Sent large box of violets to Maud. Heard sad news of poor Alice Liddell. Tuesday 17 April Mrs. Keith’s dinner 7.30, can’t go. Lovely day. Three letters fr. Lin. Called with Mother at Mr Schillerman’s & went over school & saw Matron, number of boys whose parents we know. Mervyn read morg. Wednesday 18 April Mrs. Carbutt’s dinner, can’t go. Thursday 19 April Mrs. Cusins at home 9.30. Mrs. du Maurier’s dinner 8 o’c, acp’t. Lady Mackenzie’s at home 5 o/.c. Returned by 12.20 fr. Westwood, lovely day, colder. Left Mother pretty well only. Mervyn took me to Station. Green & B. Thornton there, came up in next carriage. Dear Maud met me, both chicks look peaky, Lin pretty well. Pleasant dinner at du M’s. E. Hart & Mr Critchett next to me, enjoyed it but felt very tired. Emperor Frederic very ill. Lin did not go on to Cusins. Friday 20 April Mrs. A. Levy’s at home 4-7. Chicks out morg. Wrote & ans’d invites all morg. Worse news of Emperor. Took Roy at 3.30 to get Mother’s present ivory paper cutter 12/6, Swears & Wells gloves for Roy, tie for Maud 3/9. Chose (illeg) hat at Lincoln & Bennetts. Roy very tired when he came in, neither chicks seem well. Letter fr. Aunt Anna. Tabbie & B. Bars came, Bars c’d not wait. Lin sent work away before lunch & had long ride after. Saturday 21 April X. Petit ami au matin. Lin rode mare in Park. Roy went to see Dr. O, thinks he has whooping cough. Found top part of house very dirty, spoke to Nurse & to Minnie. Drove with Maud at 3 o’c to Barnes Common. Maud got out on Com. Lovely day. Mervyn & Miss W. go down to Westwood. Maud has cold in head. Had to wire & write to Mrs. Heilbut, can’t go tomorrow. Aunt Linda called. Sunday 22 April Raining hard. Mother called. Lin at photos all morg. Mr Baker & Mona called. Tabs & Ham came to tea. East wind. Roy not down all day, puppy here. Feel Maud ought to have a companion. Mrs. Heilbut’s dinner 8 o’c. Monday 23 April Dull cold & raining. Roy’s cough v. troublesome, upstairs all day. Went for drive at 3.30, called on Ju. Lin in all day. Cheque of £10 from Mr Barker for my last


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 purchase of £200 original B. A. Gt. Southern Stock. Laurence out all day. Little better news. Tuesday 24 April Mr & Miss Holland’s at home. Thick yellow fog morg. Letters fr. Mary Nicol, Jess, Mrs. S. etc. Lin busy on “Burglar Bill” drawing. Only Olive called. Wednesday 25 April Mr Herkomer’s at home, Bushy, ½ past 2 o’c to witness Mr Burnand’s piece “The Sorceress”, performance 3 precisely. Postponed till 3 rd of May. Mrs. Cowens at home 9 o’c. Drove after lunch to Mrs. Hensman, saw her & Baby, & on to Mrs. Furniss, Mrs. B. Keith & Mrs. McMillan, all out. Judy here on return, had bought Roy 2 boxes of Japanese animals fr. Stores, one fr. herself & another fr. Tabbie. Miss Innes called. Thursday 26 April Lady Mackenzie’s at home 5 o’c. Bitterly cold east wind. Nurse & Maud out morg. Grate in morg. room being altered. Lin photoing kept late with carriage. Lin rode morg in Row with Mrs. Heilbut, Manuelli & other Jewesses! Tabbie, Ham & W. Taylor dined here, v. pleasant evg. Went with Maud at 3.30 to Alexandra Hotel, to Mrs. Twiss (out) Miss Witton about Maud’s paleto, fern & Wollands. Friday 27 April Mrs. A. Levy’s at home 4-7. Lovely day. Roy & Maud going out morg. Found upstairs dirty again & untidy, tho’ not so bad as last week. Called at 3.30 Pontings for bill. Put £2 in to P. O. Bank Mother gave me, called on Mrs. Orton, Haggard, & Mrs. Calderon & had tea there. Great crowd in Piccadilly. Wire fr. Mother saying Traddles engaged. Saturday 28 April Mr Herkomer’s Private View of Water Colours at 148 Bond St. Promised to fetch Tabs at 4 o’c. Busy altering dress all morg. Lin in all day photoing & doing Academy cut. Went in brougham with Ju & Tabbie to Herkomers. Saw him, sister in law & little girl, Messels, Lethbridge etc. Mr Huish lent me his ticket for Grosvenor Gallery Private View. Ju went home & Tabbie & self went to Private View. Saw Judge Bacon, Lady Mackenzie, Blackburns, Lady Elcho etc. Very tired, went & had cups of tea at Tabs after, brought Maud’s hat home. Letter fr. Mother about Charlie’s engagement. Sunday 29 April Promised to go to Mrs. Twiss’s to Concert & supper after. Mrs. Andros de la Rue’s dinner 7.45. Went to Pro, heard sermon. Lin rode Richmond, mare. Jolly asked if it w’d make any difference if he was married. Fine day warmer. Exquisite dinner at Mrs. de la Rue’s, pleasant company, left late. Monday 30 April Dinner of 8. Asked Mr H. W. B. Davis, Mr & Mrs. Boughton, Mr & Mrs. Rider Haggard & Sir B. Webster, Mr Lockyer, Mr Baker, Mr & Mrs. Burnand, Mr Fildes, Mr Abbey & Mr Morris. Accepted: Burnands, Haggards, Abbey & Lockyer. Mrs. Boughton’s at home 10 o’c. Went at 9.30 to stores with Maud & Ju. Fetched lovely basket flowers fr. Vic. Sta. fr. Mother. Lin lunched at Mrs. Skerrow’s, met Darbley “Bacon & Shakespear man” !!! & handsome Mrs. Garratt. Dinner not quite a success, Burnands & Haggards not sympathetic. Went on after to Mrs. B’s at home, awfully crowded & felt v. tired. Clear soup. Salmon, sharp sauce,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 cucumber. Crème de volaille. Roast lamb, beans, new potatoes, asparagus. Grilled fowl, salad. Plovers eggs, cress sandwiches. Coffee Savoy. Lax, anchovy toast, bisc, cheese, butter. May 1888 Tuesday 1 May Perfect gale. Mr Tuer came in to be photoed for his picture. Lin’s letter & wire not sent yesterday, L. forgot them. Lin naturally extremely angry. I drove at 12 o’c with Roy to Barnes & home thr’ Putney with Puppy, too windy to walk. Mrs. Cole & Maud, Lady Laurence & Rose Innes called. Quiet evg. Lin busy on Academy block. Wednesday 2 May Sent £8 to Glyn Mills Currie for 2nd call on B. A. S. S. Ex 2nd issue on 4 shares posted at night by Minnie. Dining with Laura Stone 7 o’c. Lovely fresh morg. Went at 12 o’c shops. Drove to L(illeg) Holyard & Barkers etc morg. Pouring wet afternoon. Mrs. Jarrett! called & Mr Arthur Burnand & Miss Sanderman called. Jolly little evg. at Laura’s lovely little dinner party. Smoked salmon, capers & cress, toast & bread & butter. Fried sole, lemon & butter. Delicious entré, chopp’d kidneys lamb & mushrooms in little cups done in stock & butter. Cold loin lamb, salad served round mayonnaise sauce, separate potatoes. Fried pudding, pas bon. Stewed cheese & milk on buttered toasts, looked like buttered eggs. Thursday 3 May Mr Herkomer’s at home early. Asked Mr & Mrs. Stone, Mr & Mrs. Power, C. S. & W. Austin, all accepted. Went to Stores at 9.30, spent £1.15.0. Slept little after lunch & felt v. wretched, seedy below again! Dinner: Lax, cress sandwiches, b. bread. Salmon, sharp sauce, cucumber. Sweetbreads & mushrooms. Lamb, beans, potatoes, asparagus. Roast chicken, salad. Jelly, chocolate blanc mange. Plovers eggs, anchovy toast, biscuits, cheese, butter. Very jolly evg. Mr & Mrs. Power sang, Walter Austin also. Traddles did tricks. Friday 4 May Private View of Academy fr. 10 till 7. Mr Burnand Snr dinner 8 o’c. Tea at Mrs. Jarratt’s. Lin & self to Academy 11.30. All morg. there, saw Mr Gladstone & heaps of friends. Lunched at St James’ Restaurant. At Academy again for short time, home by 3.45. Rested & dined at Mr A. Burnand’s. Mr F. C. B. took me in to dinner. Piatti & Miss Davis played. Charlie B, Canon & Mrs. Farrer also there. V. pleasant evg, beautiful dinner. Saturday 5 May Went at 12 o’c riding with Lin into Row. Lovely day. Rec’d Certificate for £200 stock B. A. Gt. Southern Rly. Rested after lunch. Callers, saw no one. Lin at photos. Quiet evg. Sunday 6 May Lunch at Mrs. Vicat Cole’s. Delightful luncheon like dear old home lunch or early dinner, coffee after. Lin rode & seems better & in high spirits. Maud to Church with Nurse after lunch. Roy with me after his walk. No callers. Quiet evg. Monday 7 May Mrs. McTear’s at home, 10 o’c. Rode with Lin at ¼ to 12, heavenly day. Met & rode with Mr Finlay, Wyndham, Lindo, Mrs. Heilbut & Manuelli. Lin dines at Greenwich. Walked with him to Mrs. Silver’s, he took cab on. Called on Mrs.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Ionides, Beale, Cornwell, saw Carrie Barthe(?), Huish, enquired after Dr. Harcourt, been in his room 2 days. Quiet evg. Met Mr Chamberlain’s sister at Mrs. Beale’s. Awful row with E’s husband came & kicked at door after 11 o’c, smashed window. Policeman took him off. Lin home late. Tuesday 8 May Lin took £200 B. A. Gt. Southern security to Bank. Private View of New Club. Went with Lin in morg. Most delightful building. Met many friends, came back alone, left Lin there, home to lunch. Mrs. Macdonald came to lunch, Queen at Albert Hall, saw her go past Hyde Pk. Corner. Mrs. Purvis & Mrs. Spofforth called. Went at 3 o’c to New Gallery, very crowded. Saw Mr Gladstone there, du Mauriers, Abbey, Mackenzie, Poland, Finlay etc etc. Folkestone went a bit lame, wonder if it’s a corn. Chicks saw Queen. Policeman called, we don’t charge Reffell. Drunk & disorderly by Policeman. Wednesday 9 May Mrs. Cowen’s second at home 9 o’c. D.V. go to Aunt Anna’s for a few days. Came to Worthing by 3.27. Lin took me to Station. Boys going back to school, glad mine was not among them. Auntie met me looking very nice, & very well. Cab 1/2, guards 1/-. Walked on parade after tea. Slept well, except for rhubarb! Thursday 10 May Mrs. H. Joachim at home 4 to 7. Went out morg, walking. Sunny but cold east wind. Letter fr. Lin. Auntie spoke to Mr Harbottle (Miss Todd’s godfather) on parade. Friday 11 May Out for walk morg. with Auntie. Bitter east wind, sunny. Bought asparagus 1/-. Letter fr. Lin. Con & Eff came in to tea, so pleased to see them. V. jolly tea, both looking well. Wrote Lin. Were to have had tea at Mrs. Heather. Saturday 12 May Mrs. Lindo’s dinner. Letters fr. Lin, Mrs. S. & C. about Mrs. T. Went out walking morg. called about rooms for Roy, decided to take them for one day next week. Saw Lizzie B. B. & strange enough on looking out of Auntie’s window saw her enter the next house in a pink cotton & no jacket. Bitter cold east wind. Sunday 13 May Mrs. Boughton’s at home 10 o’c. To Church morg. & walk after, lovely day, cold wind. Con came over to tea in dog cart & dear Punch looks v. well but thinner than with us, much. So pleased to have long chat with Con on family matters generally. Monday 14 May Walked out morg, met Mrs. & Miss Emery. Lovely day, cold wind. To tea at Mrs. Heather at 4 o’c in cab. Oh, what a dirty house & what stale bread, general muddle but Mrs. H. very kind & chatty. Letter fr. Dickie. Tuesday 15 May Mrs. Beale’s dinner 7.45. Returned fr. Worthing. Auntie full of aches & really looks v. poorly, went out morg, I remained in arranging flowers. Returned by 2.5 train. Maudie met me at Vic. Sta. in brougham looking fairly well bless her, dear Lin at home & now gone off to play tennis. Bad accounts of Mrs. S. afraid worrying Lin. Roy in later, looks pulled down, sh’l be glad to send him off for sea breeze. House


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 looks so nice after being in other houses. Expenses to Worthing £1.19.6, in house book full account of same. Wednesday 16 May At home at Miss Winthrop’s. Roy went to see Orton, looks v. poorly & languid. Wrote & arranged for Nurse & 2 chicks to go tomorrow to Worthing. W. Taylor called, annoyed Lin c’d not photo him! Rode with Lin as far as Metro St. Heavy rain, had to return, F. very stumbling. Lin walked to Punch dinner. I went over to see Mrs. Gale & Miss Winthrop. Quiet evening. Roy very feverish & ill, sent for Orton, came & gave him medicine. Nurse packed all her things & childrens’, can’t go now until later, wired off Miss Bevan & wrote. Thursday 17 May Pouring wet day. Roy little better, in bed. Had rumpus with Nurse, will argue about every blessed thing, so annoying. Makes it most difficult to work with her. Dr. O. not come morg. Letter fr. Mrs. S. about same. Friday 18 May X. Mrs. A. Levy’s at home 4-7. Mrs. Mackenzie’s lunch. Met Mrs. Gordon & dau. Petit ami arrived during lunch. Cab home. Heard about Sp. flirting with Mrs. Delmar. Roy’s cough v. bad. Saturday 19 May Sp. called morg, partner gone with wife to Brighton. Sp. jumpy & jerky, disap’d with horse of Ham’s he bought at Tattersall’s, going to have put up Monday for sale. Con called, staying at 17 Tregunter Rd. Drove Roy round Park. Lin photoing all morg. Sunday 20 May Jess & Ham dine with us 7.30. Feel v. seedy & weak. Con & Eff, Tilda & Tabbie called, stayed tea. H. Roller, Jess & Ham to dinner. Lin tired self seedy & generally slow dinner. Lin rode afternoon, photod all morg. Spoke to Jess about Laurence going out to S. America. Monday 21 May Minnie out for day. Lovely day. Con called to borrow wine & money. Eff taken ill! Wire at luncheon, Effie 2nd son born. Lin photod Maud who fainted fr. heat (illeg). Tilda coming for tea & dinner & stayed till ¼ to ten. Lin went & had game with Ham after din. billiards, silent. Con called evg. & took bed bath. Eff & infant all right. Lent Con 10/-, claret & bed bath. Tuesday 22 May Tabs coming early for day. Letters fr. Aunt Linda, Mrs. Fagan & Mrs. Mackenzie. Sp. came in morg. but not to my room. Very jumpy & queer. Mr Burnand called on cob. Tabbie, Tilda, Ju (to stay) Mrs. & Mrs. H. & B. Holmes, Mrs. Mackenzie, Con & Nellie called. Lin rode after lunch & dined with Mr Osgood. Wednesday 23 May Lovely day. Sent children & Nurse to Worthing. Ju saw them off. Called after on Mrs. Lucy, Cockerell & de la Rue. Lin riding to Punch din. at Hampton Court. Saw Miss Walford at Victoria station, expect waiting for Mervyn! Mrs. Stone called for dress she lent Lin – so sorry had not returned it. Mervyn called. Thursday 24 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 C Stokes dinner 7 o’c, Constitutional Club. Midge called morg. brought me flowers. Called after lunch with Judy on Mrs. Heilbut, Parr, Finlay, Jarrett, Latham, Macdonald, Rose Innes, Lady Mackenzie in, met Mrs. Burnand & Lady Monkton there only stayed short time, called on Tab had tea there. Called Mrs. E. Hart, out, all rest out. Letter fr. Nurse, chicks like their rooms. Lovely day. Saw Dora & Waddie in Park. Lin very busy today, like Friday on account of Derby. Receipts sent of £8 on 1st call of B. A. Gt. Southern Ex. 4 shares of £2 each, 1892 second issue. Lin worked till 10.20, c’d not go to C’s dinner. Friday 25 May Mrs. A. Levy’s at home 4-7. Lovely day. Judy shop’g morg, did fern cases. Called after lunch with Judy on B. Tomlins, Eykyn, Con’s, Fletcher & Tattersall, all out, & Madame Casella, Lady Nottage, Miss Sanderman in. Music lesson going on at Madame C’s, charming. Blind French master. Mrs. H. McClean called. Saturday 26 May Mrs. Hickman’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Fagan’ at home 5 o’c. Mrs. Sambourne coming. Judy leaves & goes with Midge to Hurlingham. Mrs. S. arrived early with Alice L. & Fanny Worth, stayed to lunch. Alice left after. Judy went with Midge to Hurlingham. Colder. Mrs. S. looks very poorly. I took Fanny to King’s X & called on Mrs. Fagan on way home. Saw Mrs. Finlay there, charming house. Lady & Sir T. Bohey at Hickmans. Mrs. H. ill. Fairly amusing dinner. Lin awfully late up to bed, c’d not sleep till 3 in consequence. Sunday 27 May Jess & Dora coming to spend day. Jess, Tabs & Ham to dinner. Ju to early service, I to 11.30, found parish C. too full so went on to Carmelite, lovely music, & home. Dora & Midge to lunch. Monday 28 May Colder. Ju out morg. Mrs. Sambourne saw Dr. Parr morg. thinks it (illeg) on nerves, not really so ill as she thinks. Took her for drive at 3.30, went for Ju’s machine, saw her sisters & Miss Collins, round Park & called on Mrs. McTear, good many people there. Lin rode morg, played in tournament on Campden Hill after lunch. Good news of chicks, letter fr. Aunt Anna also. Called on Midge, out. Tuesday 29 May Lin dines with Spencer, Jnr. United. Cold wind. Letters fr. chicks & nurse, seem happy & well. Dora drove with Ju at 12. Called on Mrs. Holmes about Thursday, round Park, saw Mrs. Palmer & friend, called & saw Jess, Con there, her rooms charming. Mrs. Palmer & friend, Mrs. Parr, Mr & Mrs. Finlay, Mrs. Warre, Jessie Harding & sister, Mrs. Street, called. Mrs. S. seems better. Man doing cistern in bath room. Wednesday 30 May Ju & self to Terry’s Theatre. Sp. called with lovely pr. of chestnut horses. Percy O. fetched Lin & went off to Derby together. Sharp shower, v. fine after. Dr Parr called to see Mrs. S, thinks her better. Ju & self drove at 11.30 to see how Tabs was (out). Midge & Ham gone to Derby. Furniss drew Orbit at Garrick stakes! Thursday 31 May Promised to go with Auntie & Mrs. B. Holmes to spend day at Mrs. Henry Holmes’ “Grey Towers”. Went, enjoyed it, but awfully tiring, Came home by Metropolitan Sta. Mrs. S. better.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Jun 1888 Friday 1 June Promised to go to Madame Casella to hear guitar lesson. Hamilton & Mervyn go to S’hampton. Went with Ju to say good bye to Ham, looks awfully down. On to see Mother, left Ju with her to return alone. Took Mrs. S. for drive, left me at Mansions, found Ju, Mother, Jess & Dora there all better than expected, stayed to tea. V. late dinner. Mrs. Cockerell called. Saturday 2 June Madame Coronio’s at home 4 to 7.30. Lin dines with Abbey, Hampton Court 7 o’c. Hamilton L & Mervyn sail for S. America. Lin rode morg. to see Trooping Colours & went on dray to Hampton Court with Abbey. Went to see Mother at Mansions, both she & Midge look well. Judy left us early for home. Bad news fr. Tilda about her sis. in law. Took Mrs. S. for drive called on Eff, & to Mde. C’s, dullish. Madame Casella called, stayed ages. To bed early. Sunday 3 June Heavenly day. Lin off early to Worthing to see chicks. I went to Church 9.30 service & on to Mother at Kens. Palace Mans. Stayed with her whilst Jess & D. at Church. All look well, Mother quieter than usual. Came back to lunch in bus, very hot. Mrs. S. better made good lunch. Minnie & Emma out. Lin returning to supper. Monday 4 June Ju called morg. Lin rode before dinner. Mrs. S. very depressed, went out for little walk, think it tired her. Did plants. Called after lunch on Mrs. Hickman, McLean, Holland, Heilbut, Messel, Lady Laurence, M. Pollock, Mrs. Kemp, sent carriage home fr. there, had tea & walked to see Mother with Walford there. Mother overwrought. Walked home. Con came in after dinner, stayed till 11.30, very great on the A. S(illeg). Tuesday 5 June Mr & Mrs. Mocatta’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Roller at home 4.30 to 7.30. Lin rode early. Mrs. S. better. I went out at 10.30 shop’g, spent £1.0.0 of self money. Met T. Eykyn, Miss Montalba, Mrs. Kemp & Mona. Dr Parr called. Mrs. Dickens, Miss Hogarth, von Rinns, Midge, Judy, Dora & a friend, Mrs. Joachim, Messel called. Very delightful dinner at Mrs. Mocatta’s. Mr Phillips took me in talked incessantly. Mr Wagge & Mrs. Campbell Praed there, promised to call. Very cold day, fires. Mother & Miss W. out together. Wednesday 6 June Meet of 4 in hands. Lin & self lunch with Tabs. Dull morg, cold. Went & saw Mother. Dined with Mrs. Stone & went with her to see “The Don”. Very good, but Toolish! Lin & self drove to meet, saw Mrs. Jarrett on dray, & on to lunch with Tabs. 10 there, Con, Jess, Floss B. Judy, Olive & brother & Miss Ham. Last there, densely slow! Thursday 7 June Dull & cold. Walked morg. to Mother, looks v. poorly & depressed. Home in bus. Mrs Rider Haggard, Mrs Nicol & Alice L. called & had tea. R. Haggard going to Iceland. Drove in Vic (which is lent whilst brougham being repaired) to Danish Ex. W’d not pass us, Masonic ceremony. Went to Irish Ex. absolutely nothing but boarding & workmen about – farce these Exhibitions! On to Park & walked a little,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 saw heaps of friends. Lin went to Princes Hall at 10 o’c in Vic, I did not go, met authoress of “Little Lord Fauntleroy”. Friday 8 June Dull morg. Mr Burnand called. I went for Lin in cab 3/- to Tabs for hat & jacket & on to Lewis & Allenby’s for dress. Stood to Lin for these (Sweaters drawing) L. also. Rained hard after lunch. Had tea & drove in Vic with Mrs S. round Park, crowded, left cards on Mrs Campbell Praed & called on Mother, Tabs there. Mrs Critchett called. Saturday 9 June Mrs. R. Lehmann 4-7. Letters fr. children & Nurse. V. wet morg. Mrs. S. going to Worthing by 3.27 train. Lin to Mr Barker’s for tennis. C’d not go on account of rain, poured, rode instead. I drove Mrs. S. up & saw her off. Left “Love’s Martyr” Tadema at Lib. & got “The rebel of family” by Mrs. Lynn Linton. Lin & self dined alone. Sunday 10 June Burnand & Birch & Furniss lunch with Lin at Hampton Court. Jess, Tabs & Ham to dinner. Went to St P’s church, on in cab to Eff’s, stayed lunch. Miss McClaughlan, E. Phillips, Con & self there. Eff looking v. well & Baby. Home by bus. Mrs. Mackenzie called. Mr Ellis & Tilda called. Dullish evg, H with toothache & Lin tired with long ride. Monday 11 June Mrs. Lin Linton’s dinner 8 o’c. Invite to lunch at Mde Casella’s. Dear Mother called in whilst we were at breakfast, looking v. sweet & fresh but tired & low spirited. V. pleasant lunch at Madame C’s, drove her for an hour & half in Park & home. Lin rode at 6. Delightful party at Mrs. L. Linton’s, charming people, promised to call on 3. Cabbed there & home. Finished 2 nd vol of Mrs. L. L’s book “Rebel of the family”. Tuesday 12 June X. au soir, en avant 4 jours. Mrs Wren’s at home 9 o’c. Mrs. Roller 4.30 to 7.30. Mrs. Sale’s at home 10 o’c. Went at 11.30 in Vic, fetched Jess, took dress back to Lewis & Allenby & note. To Nicol’s had riding skirt fitted. Called at Pullars about stockings to be dyed, 6 pairs, bought acetic acid & cold cream. Mrs. Campbell Praed, Olive S, Tab & Mr Hensman called & had tea. L. m’a parler à cause de Jess qui à oublier d’écrire a cause de sa place en S. A, elle s’est oublié. Lin rode before dinner. Wednesday 13 June Mrs. Wren’s at home afternoon 4 to 7. Promised to tea with Eff at 5.30. Promised to pick up Tilda at Eff’s. Tilda coming to dinner. Went with Miss Price to call or leave cards on Mrs. Lewis, Fildes, Warre, Chester, Moscheles, O. Wilde, Bruce Seton. Jess, Dora & Tabs lunching at Prices. Called for Tilda at Eff’s, not there, came later. Lin rode morning with Hensman. Rec’d 3 rd instalment to pay on Tucumans. Thursday 14 June Bad news, Sp. failed on Stock Exchange, nothing more then we expected. Jess came in morg, stayed some time. Eternal saving. Mrs. Lucy at home 5 o’c Cold dull & thundery, went in Vic at 3.30 fetched Jess. Poured in torrents had to come


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 back. Lin had letter fr. Burnand saying Sp. had let Harry in! Emperor of Germany v. v. ill again, not expected to live. Friday 15 June Mrs. Levy’s at home 4 to 7. Judy came in. Wire fr. Mother. 2 letters fr. Burnand, had to pay £800 for Harry. Spencer declared on Stock Exchange – disgrace. Lin awfully upset about it. Placards & men about announcing death of the Emperor of Germany. Saturday 16 June Mrs. R. Lehmann 4-7. Went to Westwood by Granville. Heart rending ac’ts of Emperor’s death. Lin heard news of Sp’s failure – disgraceful, £45,000 said to be amount besides bills (private). Very cold, bad tooth ache & all night no sleep. Found Mother looking fairly well. Con went up this morg. Quiet evg. Grounds look lovely. Paid E. £5.0.0. for books £4.17.6. & something off G. grocers. Sent box of sweets fr. F. Barker to Maud. Sunday 17 June Face all swollen up & so painful, breakfasted in bed. Lin gone for long walk. Tooth still aching awfully. Dull & cold. Lin walked morg. & drove in to Ramsgate before supper. Acc’t in Observer about Sp’s failure, weak speculations etc. Monday 18 June Mrs. Carbut’s at home 4 to 7. Dull v. cold. Large fires in all rooms (sitting rs). Elizabeth saw Jane for me last evg, n’en sais bien encore. Lin went up by Granville. Face perfect sight & most painful. Treves came, not ready to lance yet, st. out of order, given me medicine & poultices, eased it with laudanum. Patty Ward to tea. Feel awfully disjointed no doubt cold all over. Wires, 2 letters fr. Edgar, no further news poor Sp. Tuesday 19 June Mrs. Pickering’s at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Roller at home 4.30 to 7.30. Mrs. Palmer’s luncheon party 2 o’c sharp. Mr Treves called again 2 nd time, given me Eastern syrup to take in a day or two when first medicine finished, had 2 bots only of that. 2 letters fr.Lin, v. bad news of Spencer, one fr. Mr Burnand. Mr Hammond, Gertie B & Mrs. Ledger called at Stafford Ter. Wretched dull day cold & rain. By Sp’s account Delmar pledged £40,000 of Mr Bentinck’s securities & Mrs. O’s & Juliette’s money to Bank of England. If D. did cannot understand why Sp. sh’d be charged, awaiting further news. Wednesday 20 June Artist’s Benevolent Fund dinner 7 o’c. Soirée Society of Arts 8.30. Pouring wet morg. cold as ever, fires everywhere!!!. Woke at ½ past 4, went in to Mother’s bed, breakfasted in her room. Letter fr. Lin, very worried about Sp. had inerview with him, as bad as can be. Mother expecting Edgar fr. Folkestone today. My face still v. swollen but better, swelling under eye worst. Letter fr. Aunt Anna, sympathy. Wire fr. Edgar, gone to London first, coming here tomorrow. Thursday 21 June Dull cold day. Expecting Edgar by Granville, came. Things very bad but hope Sp. ignorant of any criminal transactions – find estate cannot be touched. All London in fact England & army & navy in mourning for the Emperor of Germany for one month. Face better. 2 letters fr. Lin. Mr Treves called for 3 rd time, Mother paid him for Lin by fee, said I was very weak & must ride & get as much sea air as


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 possible. Tony ate all my pills sent by Dr Langston!!! Am taking 31 drops Eastern Syrup in water after meals. Friday 22 June Mrs. Levy’s at home 4 to 7. Mrs. Lewis garden party 4 to 7.30. Mrs. Baines luncheon party 1.30. Mrs. Watney’s at home 4 o’c. 1 st lovely summer day, everthing looking most lovely. 2 letters fr. Lin & children. Roy had interview with General who gave him a flower for his button hole! which was carried off to altar in his room. Edgar explained about poor Sp, cling to hope its all Delmar’s fault. Feel better taking tonic. Edgar left by 5 o’c train for Shorncliffe. Mother saw him off. Saturday 23 June Mrs. R. Lehmann 4-7. Mrs. Marcus Stone’s dinner 7.30. Sunday 24 June Went & fetched Lin fr. Broadstairs. Lovely day. Lin’s arm very bad, poulticed it. Lin walked after lunch. Tassel fetched him fr Ramsgate. Quiet day. Monday 25 June Mrs. Gregory’s garden party at the Foundling at 3.30. Mrs. Messel’s afternoon party 4 to 7. Lin remained down. Lin & self drove in cart to Ramsgate, sat on sands. Met young F. Burnand on Pier listening to addresses fr. Conservative candidates. Lovely day, colder coming home. Elizabeth went up to town for her holiday. Tuesday 26 June Mrs. Wren’s 2nd evg at home 9 o’c. Mrs. Roller 4.30 to 7.30. Mrs. Blackburn’s at home 5 to 8 o’c. Midge came down, I fetched her in brougham & called on Alice at Mrs. Pointons, gone fr. there. Lin left for London by Granville. Very hot, lovely. Midge looking pretty well. C. wrote for me to go 12.30 Friday, can’t as I sh’l not return home till Friday. Lin dining out until that day every night. Mrs. Hammond & F. B. called. Hill thought we were out. Wednesday 27 June Mrs. Wren’s 2nd afternoon at home 4 to 7. Academy Soirée. Midge & self drove to Ramsgate at 11.20. Called on Mrs. Hammond, shop’d, met Mr Hicks. Called & saw Jane, think she will come back to us when L. goes. Lovely day. Thursday 28 June Lovely day, windy. Letters fr. Lin. Lin spending day on river with V. Cole. Midge & self drove to Margate, shop’d. Met Alice Liddell, looks pretty well, rather wild. Quiet evg. Strawberries! Midge woke me at 1 o’c, she c’d not sleep. Went to her room. Friday 29 June Mrs. P. Wright’s at home 4 to 7. Lady Nottage’s luncheon party 1.30. Jess & self returned by 3.27 fr. Westwood by Broadstairs. Heavy showers. So sorry to leave dear Mother alone but Midge c’d not sleep, so was obliged to come. Had reserved carriage. Midge had drunk cabman at Vic. Found Lin very busy. Wire fr. Mother, expecting Spencer & Edgar unexpectedly, C. S. going also. Hope Mother won’t be done up. Found invitations cards awaiting me. Received quarter £25 fr. Messrs Chapple, Welch. Mother gave Jess & self £1.10 each, w’d do it, so sorry as it must be a tax on her to have us.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 30 June Mrs. R. Lehmann’s 4-7. Mrs. Parish at home 4 to 7. Called morg. in cart saw Jess & Dr. O. Jess walked back with me. Promised to dine with her tonight 7.30. Mrs. Sambourne & children return fr. Worthing, arrived at 7 looking well. Dined with Jessie at Mansions, Minnie fetched me. Dear chicks looking v. brown & well, Mrs. S. much better. Lin went to V. Watney’s on river to stay till Monday. I left Ju’s machine at 4 C. Ter. Called on Mrs. Lewis, saw C. Bergheim. Left fan Mrs. Fildes, called Effie, out, & Mrs. Lehmann, good singing. Home in time for Lin to take carriage to Paddington. Spencer left Westwood. Jul 1888 Sunday 1 July Went to early service St Mary Abbots. Saw W. Taylor & pretty girl there. Awful draught at door. Called to enquire after Dr. Harcourt, no better. Midge came to lunch looks seedy. Eff brought Jeff to tea, dear little fellow, v. good, delighted with tortoise. Maudie & Roy to church after lunch. Maud to tea with Dora, Minnie fetched her. Jess & Effie to supper, enjoyed having them. Clara Bergheim called & stayed some time. Mother came up to town with Charlie. Monday 2 July Pouring wet day & v. cold. Alice Linley came to tea. Lin & self went to see Amber Heart & Robert Macaire, former charming. Darling Roy with awful tooth ache. Minnie & Laurence also. Tuesday 3 July Pay £10 for 3rd instalment of £2 per share of 5 Tucuman shares, 3 of these ought to have been fully paid up by Spencer in November ’87. Posted £10 before. Mother called before breakfast, looks worried, is arranging to do something for Spencer, hope with safety. Went to Mrs. Phillips at home, charming French play, met friends. Called Mrs. Watney, out, stayed with Jess morg. & afternoon, pouring wet & coolish. Lin played tennis. Fanny B, Marion P. & Mrs. Cole called. Miss Penn came 1st time. Wednesday 4 July Tilda coming to dinner. Pouring showers. Apt. 12.30 dentist. At home at “Majara” Mr Hollingshead. Sent cheque £22.1.0 to Madame Bocquet. Had letter fr. Spencer. Went at 12 to C. S. about tooth, c’d do nothing. Talked about his fiancée, inventions! etc & Sp. Had cab there & one back, 3/- in all. Very wet day. Called at ¼ to 4 on Mrs. Parish, Mocatta (moved to Gt Cumberland Place). Foundling’s at home, dear old people Mr & Mrs. Gregory, left Lin’s things at Garrick. Called on Mrs. Crawford charming & bright, & Mrs. Lyn Linton, abroad, on Marion Pollock, left Midge’s things at mansions, found Tilda here on return. Quiet evg. Thursday 5 July Mrs. Shakespear’s at home 9 o’c. Wet again. Went morg notwithstanding pouring rain shop’g, met Mrs. Boughton, talked about Sp. On to Jessie, Mother Con & Eff there. Jess still in bed vy. poorly, internal chill. Mrs. S. seems seedy. Roy had tooth ache again! Fetched Effie & Baby Jeff, took them to Mrs. Holmes, had tea there & left cards on Mrs. Carbut’s. Heavy thunder showers. Quiet evg. Friday 6 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Macmillan 4 to 7. Promised to take tea with Mrs. Coward. Went to see Jess morg. Mother & Judy there, going to Westwood at 4 o’c by cheap fast. Called at 3.15 on Mrs. Coward, out. Had tea at Mrs. P. Wright’s, met Mr Kersham there, Mrs. Kemp, had tea there, & left cards different places forgotton where. Maud to tea at Jessie’s. Mr Hartree & Mrs. Tadema called. Saturday 7 July Mrs. Parish’s at home 4 to 7. Postponed again. Lin, self & Maud to Danish Ex. not much to see. To lunch at S. Kens, good luncheon, M. enjoyed it, saw Mr Morris & American there! Cold like winter, fire in morg. room. Mrs. S. not feeling well. Went on fr. D. Ex. to Italian, excellent, so much to see. Marionettes immensely funny. Roman games rubbish. Met Mrs Garston & Mrs Gregory there. Lin & self went to Daly Company evg. to see “Taming of the Shrew” capital. Miss Kegan & Drew v. good. Saw Mr & Mrs. Orchardson there. Mrs. Crawford called, v. sorry to miss her. Sunday 8 July Dull day cold. Children to St Mathias’. Started 10 past 10, not home till after 2! Consecration. Lin rode Folkestone. I went to see Jess in & back in bus. Sat some time with her, found her on sofa with fire in drawing room, wants Maud to tea there. Miss Harcourt called. Lin to tennis at Mr Hickman’s. Mr Angell called, seems very anxious about his boys, poor little Tom scarlet fever. Quiet evg. Monday 9 July Finer, still coldish. Did Mrs. S’s bonnet. Lin dining out tonight. Lin went on river dining with Tadema, Black, C. Carr etc. Remains away night. Mrs. S. & self at 3.30 to Jessie, left Mrs. S. & called on Mrs. Mackinlay, Messel, out, Campbell Praed, had tea there, Mrs. Critchett, Mrs. Eykyn, out, fetched Mrs. S, saw Jess. Letter fr. Sp. Can’t think he realizes awful nature of failure. Fetched “Head Station” Mrs. C. Praed’s book fr. library. Chicks well. Roy in wild spirits, broke jar. Tuesday 10 July Mrs. E. Hart’s at home at Irish Exhibition 4-7. Lin returns. Go at 11 with Jess shop’g. Mrs. S. goes to Worthing with Mrs. Linley. Maud to tea at Jessie’s. Mrs. Crawford & Mrs. Cowan called, told me of classes for Maud in Kensington Square. X. Petit ami l’après midi. Quiet evening. Lin at home. Wednesday 11 July Mrs. Palmer’s at home 10 o’c. Academy Soirée 9 o’c. Asked Alice Liddell to tea. In bed to breakfast. Letter fr. Mother about houses at Ramsgate, all too dear. Linley with Punch staff on dray to Dorking. Cold. Obliged to have large fire in drawing room!!! Expecting Sp. & Alice to tea, rain, neither came. Mother called, brought strawberries & flowers, only came fr. Westwood with Judy this morg. Jess better. Lin home to dress for Punch dinner & soirée. Mary Barker called about a caretakers place. Finished reading “The Head Station” by Mrs. C. Praed. Very clever & amusing, life in Australia. Sent my ticket for soirée to Effie for Con. Cold dull day. Laurence out. Wire fr. Spencer. Thursday 12 July Mrs. Macmillan 4-7. Wet morning. Very seedy, in bed till 12 o’c. Lin dined at C. Hartree’s. So wet did not go out all day, fires in rooms so cold. Friday 13 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. L. Ionides at home 5 till 8 o’c. In bed till 12 o’c. Went with Mother at 3.30 to Brook St, saw C. who gave Mother his photo & was going to Yarmouth. Had had 2 letters fr. Miss Ryan. Showed me her photo, looks pretty in it. I sat with Jessie after till 7 o’c, went & changed jersey at Marshalls. Don’t believe in sales, things v. dear. Lin worked very hard all day, did not dine until ¼ past 11 o’c. Saturday 14 July Mrs. H. Holmes at home 4 to 7 “Grey Towers”. Mrs. Hodgson at home 4-7. Laurence spoke to me about going next Friday 20 th, astonished, cannot make her out. Lin took Roy in cart to Wimbledon to see match between Lewis & Renshaw, very delighted. Cart took me to Jessie’s. Mother there. Stayed all afternoon, home in cab. Spencer, Con, Effie & Mrs. Hensman called on Jess whilst I was there. In bed until 12.30. Children brought grapes for Church tomorrow. Sunday 15 July Pouring wet all day. Chicks very disappointed could not take grapes to Church. Nurse & Minnie going instead. Con & Eff to tea . Lin out afternoon. Quiet evening. Monday 16 July Mrs. E. Routledge at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Skirrow at home 3.30-5.30. Cold & dull. Drove in cart with Lin to Westminster at 9.30 to see him off in French torpedo boat 26 ks an hour. Ld. C. Beresford on board. Lin home at 5. Mr King Salter’s son also there. Lin out for ride 6 o’c. Mrs. & Miss Faudel Phillips called. Tuesday 17 July Two dress circle tickets for “La Tosca” Sarah Bernhardt. Went out morg. shop’g. Met Mrs. C. Mackenzie & walked with her. Also saw Miss Lutyens who is charmed with Maud who she says has all the manners of a “grande dame”! Ordered hat which Lin doesn’t like so returned it. Mrs. Colin M. & Tra. called, no one else. Lin took chicks to Italian Ex. Nurse & Minnie also went, met there. Lin & self went to “La Tosca” Bernhardt wonderful, enjoyed it immensely. Clever play & well acted all round. Spoke to Laurence, has decided to remain on indefinitely, must write (illeg). Letter fr. Tabbie. Wednesday 18 July Mrs. Barker’s garden party 4 to 7. Sir R. & Miss Webster’s at home. Went out morg. shop’g, ordered & paid for hat at Pontings 12/11, girl tried to stick on 3/extra, cheat. Thundery morg. heavy & dull tho’ warmer. Mother came in before breakfast, only stayed a few moments. Dr Harcourt weaker daily. Ju sent for her dress (blue). Heavy thunderstorm, pouring rain. Maud & self to Mrs. Barker’s, v. kind insisted on our staying to dinner, about 40 to dinner. C. B. v. kind, Maud thoroughly enjoyed herself. Home too late to go to Sir R. W’s. Thursday 19 July Mrs. A. Harding 10 o’c. Miss Elmore’s dinner ¼ to 8. Dr Langston coming to see me at 4 o’c. Promised to go with Jess shop. morg. Went, bought 4 combinations at Stores, 2 silk vests fr. Seaman’s. Dr L. came, altered diet, no more milk, cocoa made with water & raw egg whipped in it, steak or chop very underdone at luncheon & dinner, vegts, no potatoes, a pint of good claret & a Turkish bath once a week. Heavy rain & thunder again. Friday 20 July Had Turkish bath at 4 o’c. Took Maud to Stores first & bought her sand shoes & raspberries. Very drole first experience of Turkish Bath Northumberland Avenue.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Felt awfully weak & tired after, made my eyes smart & puff out. Dinner at ¼ past 11 again. I had steak at 7.30. Saturday 21 July Mrs. Phipson Beale’s at home 4 to 7. Mrs. Macmillan 4-7. Maud went to Mrs. Beale’s & stayed all afternoon. Mr Baker looked after her. Lin, Roy & self went at 2.30 in cart to Wimbledon, thro’ camp & on to see match between Renshaws & Zippo & Myers, also Miss Dod & Mrs. Hilliard. Met Lewis’, Pilleau & Mr Frere there. Lin & self dined at Mrs. Kemp’s to meet Americans, good dinner, otherwise slow. Sunday 22 July Pay £10 to Central Argentine. Lin rode morg. I walked to Jessie & sat with her & Dora in Gardens, met Mrs Cowan. Dull & raining. Con joined us, little Jeff ill, teething, Con v. worried about him. Walked home. Went with Lin & Roy to Mrs. Lewis’ after lunch. Pilleau there. Home alone to dinner Lin & self. Quiet evg. Lost purse going to Jessie’s. Monday 23 July Mrs. Crawford’s dinner 8 o’c. Lovely morg. Lin gone to Mr Barker’s office & on business else where. Sent £10 for Central Argentine call. Went out shop. with Jessie, met Casella & Mr Wright. Very pleasant din. at Mrs. C’s. Mr Ellis took me in, uninteresting Mr Winkworth on other side. Mrs. Cashell Krey(?), Mrs. Alexander, Mr & Mrs. Chapman, Major & Mrs. (illeg illeg), (most interesting woman quantities of grey hair & big dark eyes) writing or adapting play with her husband fr. Mr Crawford’s books, Mrs. C. Mathews etc. Promised to call on last named. Tuesday 24 July Went up in cart at 10 o’c to stores about combinations, heavy shower fearfully windy, left at Kens Palace Mansions. Saw Mother, Con & Jess. Con v. seedy tongue bad, going with Eff & Babies to Brooklawn today. Walked home part of way. Mrs. Spofforth & Lady Nottage called, going to Cowes. Mr Nottage has yacht there, “Foxglove” or some such name. Brought home hat Jess has (illeg) me. Found purse! Wednesday 25 July Dull & cold morg. Dr Langston coming at 4. Expecting Hattie Bergheim at 12 o’c. Thursday 26 July Caught in three heavy showers on way to & fr. Ken. Pal. Mans. to see Mother & Jess. Jess & Dora go to Ada, Christchurch, by 2.15 today. Stayed some time & saw Con, throat better. Called at ¼ to 4 on Miss Elmore & Roe, Mrs. Crawford, had tea there, Mrs. Routledge & Mrs. Orton. Spencer dined with us. Quiet evg. Sp. looks much better. Friday 27 July Mr Ellis’ tea party at Studio after 5 o’c. Out morg. shop. Maud bought self hat £1.1.11, pd for it. I go to Westwood by Granville to see over houses. Came 2 nd, carriage full, aunt & nephew going to Margate in great spirits. Old man & young woman, voice sounded 3 carriages off. 2 common looking women & single man. Mother met me Broadstairs. Forgot box, Tassel got it after. Went & saw maisonette, dirty dull dear house, w’d not have it as a gift. Quiet evg, slept well. Rained heavily. Lin finished large block early, another to do.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 28 July Went at 11 into Rams. with Mother, saw 4 houses, 2 likely ones. Sir R. Nicholson’s 5 Prospect Place & Mrs. Flinto 6 Granville Terrace. Both nice but so shabby. Rain & sunshine alternately. Wire fr. Lin coming tomorrow. Lady Anne Blunt’s garden party on occasion of sale of Arabs. Mrs. Harding Cox’s pastoral play. Sunday 29 July Lin came fetched him fr. Broadstairs went first to St Peters. Lin walked to Ramsgate. I saw Jane, had long talk, arranged to engage her fr. 10 th August to cook for us at Ramsgate etc. Lin caught in heavy shower Tassel fetched him. Mother very seedy & faint. Monday 30 July Lin went up by Gran. Mother v. seedy in bed. Went over to Ramsgate after lunch to see Mr Vinten. Met Mr & Mrs. B. & 2 chicks. Went over 16 R. Cres. & Southwood Villas, latter nice clean but dull. Staying on till tomorrow. Mother seedy. Tuesday 31 July Mr & Mrs. Crawford dine here. Returned fr. Westwood. Dull dark day. Finished Molock(?) Came up in car. with lady. Mother saw me to Station. Expences to & fr. Westwood. Fare 16.0 Fees 5.6 Guards 0.9 Stamps, telegrams 1.3 Stores, fish 4. 4.½ 2 fowl 5.0 £1.12.7 ½ Mrs. V. Cole, Blanche & ? called. Packing afternoon intermittent. Most delightful evg. Mr & Mrs. Crawford, Mr & Mrs. A a’Beckett, Mr Guthrie & Mr Blunt dined with us. All admired Maud. Mr Blunt sang & played. All stayed till one o’clock. Aug 1888 Wednesday 1 August If all’s well go to Tabbie. Leave by 2.15 fr. Waterloo. Laurence saw us off by 2.15, Lin having procured us 3rd class fares for 2 nd class compartment return. Nurse unable to go at last moment, will come on tomorrow. Sorry to leave Lin. Thursday 2 August Lovely morning bright & sunny all day but E. wind. Went down to sands with Tabs & Midge, children all so happy together, delightful to see them. Walked long way along coast with Midge. Tabbie came in & rested. After lunch Midge, Gwen & self drove to Christchurch shop’d for Tabs. Sat on fence at end of garden after. I walked along & saw hauling in of fish by 6 men, very pretty & interesting. Nurse came by same train as we did yesterday. Ham & Midge sang all evening. Friday 3 August Lovely morning. Sat out all morg. Paid calls with Tabs after lunch, funny little bird. Maud, Roy, Dora & Jess went for walk along cliff, Tabs & I joining them. Ham gone to Ryde. Accounts of awful storms near London, railway traffic interrupted. Saturday 4 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dear Lin coming D.V. Poured with rain in evg. Lin’s train 1¾ hour late. Ham bought Roy lovely spade. Put up flag morg, H. gave all the children small ones. Tabs & self paid calls afternoon whilst Midge rested, & walked with children along cliff. Sunday 5 August Cold & windy but bright, Children to church. Tabs, Midge & self read etc. After lunch Lin, Roy & Ham went for walk together. Dear Maudie’s birthday. Lin gave her bangle, Ham pretty silver pencil case. Music evg. Tabs to church with children after lunch, long uninteresting sermon. Monday 6 August Dull, coldish. Wrote Mr Vinten about house. Mother sent Maud £1. H. gave her pretty little silver pencil, Lin gold bangle! Walked with Ham, Jess, Lin & Roy & looked over apartments, £2.2.0 a week looking over mud, smelt very stuffy. Kept by Lord Berry’s old butler, nice & clean & well furnished. Tuesday 7 August X. Lin & H. busy about tennis court. Lin & H. went to Weymouth for day, did not care for it! V. sea foggy there, lovely here. Petit ami l’après midi. Wednesday 8 August In bed to breakfast. H. went by first train to London. Lin went after lunch, only just caught his train. Letter fr. Vinten house taken fr. 9 th inst till 20th Sep. by old tenants. H. back in time for dinner, met Edgar & Sophy. Sat out evg. in summer house. Fire every night!!! Thick sea fog. Thursday 9 August Lovely day. In bed, awful indigestion, took glycerine. After lunch Midge, Nana, Roy, Maud & Dora went in boat to Sandhills Bank & along river. Midge slept badly. Ham off to Cowes for Regatta at 9 o’c. Two wires & a letter fr. Lin, can’t come till tomorrow. Sat out on sands most part afternoon. Very low tide. Friday 10 August Lovely morg. Nurse told me Roy’s foot was festering fr. the cut he got yesterday. Expect Lin this evg. In bed to breakfast, feel much better in self. Two letters fr. Lin, Sp. & Mother. Sp. sent 2 boxes to Stafford Ter. of plate, worries Lin, shall send them to Bank. Midge’s dress arrived fr. Madame B, mouseline de lamé. M. charged her £4.4. material £1.1.0. Saturday 11 August Morg. sat out on sands. Midge’s equilibrium upset by “bonne”. Roy went with Ham & Lin to Bournemouth in dog cart with T. Brown pony. Roy much impressed with Bournemouth’s size & its churches. Midge & self sat on sands reading “Is marriage a failure”. Lord Pembroke & Lady & another lady passed & admired Elmhurst. Jess sang evening & Ham. Lin wrote to Vinten about their letting 5 Prospect Place until 20th Sep, v. annoying. Hope to find another. Midge had worrying letter fr. Mother about her & D’s going to Westwood. Sunday 12 August First wet day since our arrival. Maud & Dora to Church. Tabs, Midge, Roy & self in drawing room all morg. discussing Churches, population of different countries, games & colleges. Midge did not sleep well. I wrote to Aunt Anna & Mrs. Sambourne. Played with Gwen evg. Lin took long walk with dogs, had swim &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 slept directly after dinner. H. played. Midge & self to bed 10.30. I had awful nightmare. Perfect gale during night. Monday 13 August Lovely day. Roy & Lin played tennis, Roy improving. Wrote to Debenham, Jewson & Co, 80 Cheapside, London. Also to Emma & laundry. Lin did not go to sleep after dinner, kept him awake by figetting him. Ham & Tabs busy about house particulars, Halden House in Devon. Lin & Ham sailing about in Life Boat, tennis after. Tuesday14 August Heavenly day. Sat on sands with Midge & Tabs whilst all the little ones paddled all morg. Lin photoing. Ham left by early train for Exeter to see Halden House, won’t be back till late tomorrow after we have gone. I drove with Jess & Dora to Christ C. After lunch Lin & Roy walked, took photos at Museum of Birds. Went after all together in Life Boat home, perfectly lovely, sat out after tea till dinner. After dinner Lin & self walked to end of grounds with Ju, 2 men with guns(?). Lin snored & woke Jess who asked me to wake him. Wednesday 15 August Dullish. Went after breakfast with Jess to see rooms, all let. We returned by mid day train, leave with regret after delightful visit. Chicks unhappy at leaving, envy Tabbie & Ham their opportunity of giving so much pleasure to others. Con, Eff & babies & Mr Molesworth arrive at Elmhurst after our departure today. Lin wired Jolly wrong train, no carriage to meet us, fortunately met Jolly near Mrs. Watney’s, dismissed cab & got into Victoria, cold & windy, v. un Augustish! Servants not prepared either, uncomfortable. Thursday 16 August Very cold, fires in drawing & dining rooms. Walked with Roy morg. with Spencer to Queen’s Gate. Shop’d. Put £2 into P. O. Savings book for chicks. Took Pass book to Bank. After lunch to Stores with Roy & Tony. Maud & Nurse to Italian Exhibition & tea there, Roy with us. Lin & self in Victoria to Adelphi evg. “Union Jack” awfully sensational piece. Very cold. Letter about houses. Friday 17 August Tired. Very cold, bitter east wind, dull & gloomy. Letter fr. Tilda can’t go to Westwood this Friday! Tiresome. Went morg. shop. with Roy. Took children at 3 o’c to Anglo Danish Ex. Tableaux. Dr & Mrs. O. came to our box. Very pretty tableaux, after saw ascent of Eagle Balloon, most interesting. Roy amused everyone by his incessant questions. After went thro’ grotto with Dr. & 2 chicks. Roy & Maud went in “Merry go round” & then home. Dinner at 10.30, awfully tired & not so well again in certain way, can’t make it out. V. Watney sent us 3 brace of grouse. Spent at Ex. 2/6. Saturday 18 August Cold & dull, fires. Lin & Roy to “Tower” & Memorial. Maud & I meet them at 2.30 at Savoy Theatre. Sent £1.15.0 to Stores for plait – v. dear! Laurence going to see Dr. about her hand, sprained finger. Maud & self went in Vic to Savoy, had box, Roy & Lin met us. Both chicks very interested in Mikado & have talked a good time of it. Lin went on fr. Savoy at 5 to Club, dressed, & rode fr. there to Alexandra to see “Parachute Man”. Wonderful performance, home little after 9 o’c. Both very tired to bed.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 19 August Dull, coolish. Roy sick in night. Read to chicks fr. Hans Andersen’s morg. Maud drawing her ideas of little Gerda fr. “Snow Queen”. Lin riding. Lin out after lunch. Roy & Maud to Church with Nurse. Lin wnt to play tennis at Mrs. Lewis’, good number there. Lin read after dinner Hans Andersen. Laurence out. Minnie laid table badly, going off in this respect v. much fr. want of practice & observation. Monday 20 August Lin took Roy, Maud & self to Olympia. Saw balloon go off. V. good sham fight. Wire fr. Mother saying I could go tomorrow. Tuesday 21 August Went to Westwood by 11 something, cheap fast. Tilda met me at Ramsgate, went & saw 4 houses, awful!!! Saw little wee house to be let for £3.3.0, out of 9 houses only one fit to go into, so filthy all the rest. Saw stables, want cleaning otherwise passable & plenty of room. Saw 3 lodging houses all v. dear & dirty. Drove after to Westwood, had tea, found Mother looking v. well. Elizabeth back at Mother’s. Wednesday 22 August Asked H. Bergheim to dinner. Lovely morg. Westwood. Came up by 11.55 cheap fast. Tilda came to Sta. with me. Mother looking v. well. 2 heavy hail storms on way up. Chicks met me at Victoria Sta. Midge arrived fr. Elmhurst directly after my arrival looking v. well. Hattie Bergheim to tea, left after. Quiet evg. Midge described time with all the Babies at Elmhurst & Mr Molesworth. Thursday 23 August Asked Mrs. Crawford to tea. Went morg. with Jess in Vic in drizzly rain to Fisher’s about her dress & jacket. Bought (illeg) at Hooper’s 1/8½. Put £1 in Bank for Roy Mother gave him for birthday. Bought fowl, fruit & vegt. at Stores. Lin wrote & settled with Mr Vinten about houses & stables. Signed papers & sent them off. Friday 24 August Lin hard at work. Midge & self walked out, shopped. Drove after lunch to Fisher’s for Jessie’s dress. To see “Bootles Baby” in evg. Went in Vic, splendid piece. Smelly theatre & roads. Lin went behind to see Mr Farquhar. Saturday 25 August Lin busy morg. Rode with Mr Tenniel to see Baldwin’s ascent at Alexandra Palace, just too late. Midge, Roy, Maud & self went to morg. perf. of Dorothy, enjoyed it immensely. Dinner v. late, to bed 10.30. Sunday 26 August Straightened desk. Midge read to children. Midge & self took stroll to Notting Hill Sqr. before luncheon. Wrote letters etc. after lunch. Signed & posted 3 agreements to Vinten, stables & 2 houses! Monday 27 August Midge leaves us for Westwood. Went with Midge morg. by bus to Regent Circus, bought Lin tracing cloth. M. fitted at Fisher’s. Home v. late for luncheon. I went with M. to Victoria Sta. to catch Granville in Vic, saw her off, went after & paid bill at Millers, awfully annoyed bill only owing since 23 rd of last Nov & they charged 1/- extra on small account of 3/6. Never felt more angry, meanness of a supposed swell west end shop, pity they do not follow example set by Barkers &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Shoolbreds. To Stores, bought fish & vegts. Chicks gone to Exhibition to see Balloon off with Nurse. Called on Blanche & had tea with her, busy house cleaning. Tuesday 28 August Mr Schimmelmann dines here at 7.30. Pouring as I never remember except during this rainy year. Went out in Vic. after lunch to Barkers, ordered 4 prs. stockings for Roy at 2/6 each pr, pr. of trousers 4/6 serge, L’s leather 5d extra. To Bank about sig. & boxes. Stores, bought grapes 1/11, grouse 2/6. Called for book fr. Barkers. Simply soaked. Wednesday 29 August Packed all day with L. Fine morg, poured after luncheon. Nothing particular. Lin to Punch dinner, I to bed early. Thursday 30 August Go with Nurse, Laurence & dear chicks to Ramsgate, 71 Crescent Road. Lin goes to Scotland. Comfortable journey down, found Mrs. Martin here. Jess had been morg. Jane here ready to meet us. Unpacked with L. Awful accident, broke glass of butter dish!!! My first break in packing. Om. man wanted to charge 7/6 for om, finally came down to 5/-, cheat. Children seem pleased with house, think we sh’l be comfortable. Friday 31 August Went out morg. with children & Nurse. Left them at Paragon & sat for ½ an hour, saw Connie B. Called on Mrs. B, out. Home, Mother called, & I went home with her for day. Home here at 9.30. Jess looks v. seedy. Tilda had bad news of her brother in law getting 2 yrs fortress. Found letters fr. Sp & Miss Bushman on arrival here. Sep 1888 Saturday 1 September Went out morg. with chicks & Nurse, lovely day. Jess, Tilda & Dora came to tea. Took Jess to see house, seems very seedy, delighted with house. Mother not so well. Dull evening. Sunday 2 September Went to Church morg. with Roy. Heavy dull service. Miss B(illeg) sat behind us. Walked on to Burnands after. Mrs. B. wanted us to stay lunch, promised to dine there tonight. Rained after lunch. Read to chicks all afternoon, feel buzzy in consequence. Mécontentement entre les filles à cause de Dimanche pas assez à faire evidement. Went to Burnands, Father Regan there. Had v. pleasant evg. but feel bilious. Jane fetched me. L. out evg. Monday 3 September No news fr. Lin yet except 2 telegrams. Walked out morg. Feeling rather languid & tired. Met postman gave me letter fr. Lin & Miss Bushman. Lin having good time deer stalking, fishing, grouse shooting & ground game in quantities. Read “Weird” stories on Esplanade. Met Mr Burnand & Mr & Mrs. Thomson. Walked home with latter. Mrs. Burnand asked me in this evg. to hear recitations etc, but feel so tired! Drove in dog cart to Westwood, stayed to tea there. Jess & Tilda went to London by Gran. & met Ham arriving fr. S. America. Mr Corbet & son called at Mother’s, amused me by saying no fair man has to be basted. Mother seemed pretty well. Three little Burnands spent afternoon & evg with our chicks.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 4 September X. Au lit petit ami. Mother called morg. brought Dora & Waddie to spend day, would not remain herself expecting to hear fr. Jess about Ham. I drove in cart to Westwood after lunch, had tea there, found Mother alone. Elizabeth came once in afternoon & will drive back with Dora & Waddie. Met Mrs. Thomson. Chicks out all day. Laurence out evg. Letter fr. Lin. Mrs. S. sent slippers. Wednesday 5 September Dull & colder. Chicks gone to Canterbury, cart took them to Station. Dined on tray in dining room. Letters from Lin, Sp. & Tilda. Quiet & dull. Thursday 6 September Fine afternoon poured morg. Miss Bushman came. Maudie spent afternoon at Mrs. Roberts. Tilda came over morg. with parcel fr. Westwood. Hamilton arrived fr. South America on Tuesday evg. Midge & Tilda had gone to theatre, did not expect him that night. Three brace of grouse arrived fr. V. Watney. Stove seems a bother with even our small amount of cooking. Miss B. laughs same as usual à rien. Mrs. Fox & Mrs. Martin Thomson called, asked me to dine there tomorrow, can’t on account of Miss B. Friday 7 September Fine morg. Heavy thunderstorm about 12.30. Roy went over in dog cart with Miss B. to Westwood for the day. C. S. surprised me by driving up in Mother’s dog cart with Tassel at 12 o’c. Sent cart back & remained to lunch on ac’t of thunderstorm. Did no end of tricks which amused Miiss Bushman. He leaves Mother’s tonight having to meet Miss Ryan tomorrow at Liverpool. Left us after lunch & called on Burnands, brought Dora a doll. Miss B. & I drove to Westwood in dog cart, had tea there, fetched Roy. Tilda there. Mother seemed quiet & tired. Folkestone went beautifully. Had grouse for dinner. Saturday 8 September Lovely morg early. Drove & called on Mrs. L. Tomlin, Mrs. Woods, Miss Elmore & to Westwood. Edgar there, had long talk about stocks etc. Sir C. Keyes & Col. W. Bennett at Shorncliffe. Met Jessie Harding in carriage full of Babies with Mrs. Gay at St Peters church. Sunday 9 September Miss B, chicks & Nurse to Church. I sat at home. Lin arrived from Scotland 1.30. Took Roy over to see Mr Schimmelmann after lunch, seemed amused with Roy, questions. Maud in trouble, left behind. Monday 10 September Lovely day, coldish. Chicks & Lin out before breakfast. Miss B. & self walked to sands, did the Vulgar & saw Vulgarity in its most exaggerated form!!! Saw Mr Montague Williams. Lin & Roy out all morg. together. Chicks & Lin in cart to Westwood & Margate after luncheon. Hamilton & Jess arrived at Westwood fr. London. Miss B. & self for little walk after tea. Dinner below & v. comfortable for first time. Tuesday 11 September Lovely morning. Chicks & Lin out before breakfast bought fruit etc. Lin to Club at 10 o’c. Miss B. & self shop’d morg. & went after to Mrs. Hammonds. Hamilton L, Midge & Dora called & joined us at Mr H’s. Asked us to go in after lunch, went.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin took Roy. Stayed there to tea. Lin went after dinner to Margate to Assembly Rooms, home about 12 o’c. Wednesday 12 September Lovely day. Lin off to London by Gran. took chicks out early before breakfast. Took darling Roy to school in dog cart! Poor little man broke down as I left, hope he will soon be better, awful to leave him. Jess, Tilda & Dora came to tea. Maud went to Westwood with them. I picked her up on way home. Mother pretty well. Ada’s Baby Boy born! Miss B. & self went shop’g morg. met Mrs. Banks & Rosie B. Horrid day. Thursday 13 September Lovely day. Awake most of night thinking of Roy, hope to hear soon how he is. Maud off after breakfast with Dolly & Mary. Miss Buschman went for short walk, pd. oil for me (Adams). Miss B. left us at ¼ to 2. I drove Maud & Dolly to Westwood after calling on Mrs. Thomson & Mrs. Wood. Mrs. Hammond called here & Mother & Jess. Had tea at Westwood. Folkestone seemed faint & has a cold, went v. seedily, did not press him. No news of darling Roy. Mother told me C. S. will be married Saturday, oh what a surprise! Friday 14 September Walked morg with Maud & Nurse to High St. N. on about dear Roy, still no news. Dolly & Mary called for Maud, went on sands. I drove Dolly, mare, Maud & Nurse to Westwood, left them & went on & called on Mrs. McClean, pretty little house, & after to tea at Mrs. Woods. Clarke girls there. Made usual unfortunate remarks about schoolmasters to Mrs. W’s brother, not knowing he was a schoolmaster! Laurence out evg. Saturday 15 September Sea fog. Still no news of Roy. Meet Lin at Margate by Gran. this afternoon & go to see dear Roy. Maud & Nurse go this morg. to meet Dolly & Mary on sands. Maud to tea at Dolly’s this afternoon. Invite fr. Mr Lockyer for picnic at Mrs. Anderson’s at Sandwich this afternoon, of course cannot go. Charlie Stokes married today!!! & off to Spain – postponed till Monday - the marriage. Met Lin at Margate & drove to school. Saw darling Roy in playground with Mr S. & other boys. He seemed overcome at seeing us & his sad little face made me unhappy. Only saw him for 3 or 4 minutes, hope he will soon look & feel happier. To Westwood after, saw D. & Midge, Mother in town. Lin & self walked out after dinner, smelly lamp! Sunday 16 September Lovely day. Lin riding morg. Read to Maud, she had oil! Went to Church with Nurse & Maud, rude child in front. Met Mary & Dolly. Hamilton came over to dinner, Laurence out. H, Lin & self to Mr Hammond’s after dinner, large party there, curaçao! Monday 17 September Lin rode after lunch, worked all morg. Drove to Westwood, rained. H. had been to see Roy, Mr S. does not like so many visitors. Stayed tea there. Charlie Stokes married today! Walked with Lin after dinner on terrace. Tuesday 18 September Dine at 7 at Mrs. Orchardson’s. Parlage avec la bonne au matin. Maud’s lessons. Letter fr. Matron. Went after lunch to order cart for luggage 3/- Friday. Called on Mrs. Thomson, she drove me home in Tillian’s cart. Tennis at Mr Hammond’s. Paid


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 books. I drove F. in dog cart to Mrs. Orchardson’s, lovely evg, full moon, & back! Went splendidly. Mr & Mrs. Trower (don’t like either or their views on anything) V. pretty girl with them, understanding between her & Mr T. I fancy! Crooked plain man named Smith, writes under name of Cavendish! Anthony James, did 2 tricks, & another interesting couple. Wednesday 19 September Lovely day. Lin to Club before breakfast, worked after on Alderman Whitehead’s drawing. I shop’d morg. met Dolly & Mary & walked some distance with them, friend with house to be let. Jess & Tilda called. I drove mare with Maud & Lin to Margate to catch the 3 something train. After to school, Matron took us all over, saw darling Roy’s new room, only 2 beds in it. Went to Westwood to tea. Mother very poorly & low, better after. Home & found Miss Levy, Mr & Mrs. C. Clarke had called. Thursday 20 September Tea at Mrs. Fox Thomson’s 5 o’c music. Ramsgate Regatta. L & self pack! Friday 21 September Blanche arrived. Busy finishing cleaning up. Moved here, 5 Prospect Ter, at 3 o’c. Other people just out, awfully dirty house, sent for Mr Vinten to complain. Consumed with fleas. Saturday 22 September Filthy house, cleaning all day, expecting Lin. Nurse left quite suddenly!!! Feel upset in consequence but feel it is better so. Wired for Minnie. Lin down by Granville for tea. Dinner & walk out after. Lin v. pleased with his room. Little charwoman here all day. Sunday 23 September Maudie seems over wraught! So read to her morg. Blanche to Church. Lin rode. Sent Maud to Westwood in cart before it fetched Minnie from Station, she remained all night there. Sat & looked out of window all afternoon. After tea took walk, met Connie, Jack B & Mr Hederman, age not improved him. Awful confusion at dinner. Jane out. Heavenly day. Monday 24 September Lovely day, v. hot. Went with Blanche to Westwood to fetch Maud, found Mother v. poorly. Maud out with Dora & Waddie. Tilda brought Maud back at 4 o’c with Dora who remained whilst Tilda did shopping. Mary Burnand to tea with Maud. Mrs. Burnand & Gertie to tea with us. Lin riding afternoon. After dinner walked to Burnands, large party there. Mr Pugin, Hammonds, B. Hollingshead, Miss Hood etc. Minnie put Maud to bed, went to sleep quickly & seems alright so far. Tuesday 25 September Dull morning, colder & v. windy. Inventory being taken. Jess & Ham to dinner. Caught bug on curtain!!! Due! Not come. Wednesday 26 September Went out morg. Took Lin to Station & after called with B. on Levy’s & Abernethys. Waddie & Dora here for day. Heavenly day, v. hot, but wind coolish. Maud went back with Waddie & D, Laurence out. Letters fr. Nurse. Thursday 27 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Divs due, City of B. A. Trams. Walked morg. with B. to see 2 houses, with dark kitchens, otherwise nice. Met Gerty & Miss Hood. Drove after lunch Folkestone to Margate to see dear Roy, looks dark round eyes & his breath seemed bad, has had tooth out, no doubt reason for his looking little seedy. So pleased to see him! Took 3 towels to make up his number of 6. Called for Maud on way back, found Mother v. seedy & low. Maud remains at Westwood. Quiet tea evg. Jane & Minnie out paying books. Still about! Friday 28 September Took long walk. Lin cannot come till tomorrow, hard at work. Letter fr. Nurse, left Stafford Terrace on Wed, been visiting Mr Smale etc, Parr etc. No doubt improving the occasion if she w’d only stick to truth. Saturday 29 September Lin came down by luncheon time, looking tired & worn out with work. Went for ride & saw Roy after luncheon. Blanche & self went for long walk along coast, saw Lady Hood & her two children on sands, in blue & red. Drove after lunch to Granville, left cards on Miss Elmore, out, & to Mrs. Roberts & Mrs. Murton, said she was satisfied with the way house was left!!! Mistaken date, stupid of me, not due till next Tues. Mother called, brought me goose, flowers & fruit. Went over Mrs. Pugin’s house morg. & caves with Maud & Blanche, most interesting, gave us flowers. Sunday 30 September Petit ami, walked it on too soon. Blanche to Church twice morg. Maud for walk with Minnie. M. to Church after lunch with Minnie, met Dolly & Mary. Lin rode, mistake about time, has bad cold in head caught last night thro’ sleeping after dinner with window open. Laurence out. Oct 1888 Monday 1 October Letters fr. darling Roy & Matron. Little patch on R’s head, been to see Treves. Lin rode over after lunch saw Roy, looked wistful as usual, wish he w’d look happier. Loss horrid this time, no doubt fr. walking. Lin with cold. He went in to see F.C.B’s after dinner & to Hammonds all together. Milliken there, chaffing Squire about Miss Lucy. Tilda & Dora came over after lunch to tea. Waddie & son came. Maud & Blanche to shore for shells for school children, in v. late. Two more horrible murders at Whitechapel, women. Dividend on Preference & Sunshales Extention shares & interest on Tucuman shares will be posted today, according to Notice. Tuesday 2 October Tilda spent day here. Sent cake, jam etc to darling Roy. Mrs. Boys & Maud, Mrs. Hammond & Jessie Harding & Miss Chambers called. Lin rode before dinner. Blanche shop’d for me morg. Mother went to town by Gran. to see about maids. Hill’s mother ill, Elizabeth gone. Wednesday 3 October Feel seedy very. In all day. Wet all day, pouring. Letter fr. Jess at Mansions. Mother at Gros. Hotel looking for maids. Folkestone being clip’d. Sat in Lin’s room all afternoon in bath, makes v. comfortable arm chair. Thursday 4 October Divs of B. A. Gt. Southern Railway due. Sent £10 to Glyn Mills Currie for 4 th instalment of Tucuman (5 shares). Lovely day. Mr Montefiore called about


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 mysterious letter left Sunday, to ask us to dine there next Monday, accepted. Mrs. Burnand & Mr Milliken to dinner 7.15 tonight. Lin hard at work, not going up till Saty. for Almanack dinner. Friday 5 October Down to breakfast. Drove at 11.30 in cart with Maud & Blanche to Pegwell flats for shells. Lin busy on Punch work, he rode after tea. Mrs. Hicks called. Feel v. seedy with cold taken fr. Lin. Letter fr. Nurse. Saturday 6 October Maud & Minnie go to lunch at Mrs. Boys, Margate. Dear Roy came over with Miss Allen, another bald place on his head. Walked with them to Mr Hicks, out. M, Minnie & Miss A. & Roy returned to Margate together. Lin went up to London by 4 train. Met Roy at Café Royale at 3.30. No wonder he is seedy, found him eating 2 ices, chocolates & cocoa, horrid looking stuff. Wonder they allow them to buy such unhealthy rubbish. After Lin gone B. & self drove to Westwood, saw Mother & Tilda, former looking better. Dora & Waddie came over here, brought damsons. Mr Wood & Patty called. L. out for me evg, Jane to pay books. Sunday 7 October To Church with Mrs. S. at St Mary’s. Blanche & Maud to St Lawrence. Lin returned from town before lunch, brought my annuity £25 which I ack’ same day to Mr Chapple. Lin out walking after lunch with F. C. B. young Frank, Mr Milliken & Cuthbert. Emma sent my velvet dress. Sent £25 to L. & C. Bank. Monday 8 October Lin & self dine at Mrs. Sebag Montifiore’s. Lovely day. Waited in till 11.30, ordered Maud’s paletoe & hat to be fitted Wednesday. Maud & Minnie for long walk after lunch. Jane out instead of yesterday. Lin rode morg. with Mr Burnand. Very pleasant dinner at Mr Sebag Montefiore’s, most polite!!! Charming old house. Mr & Mrs. Samuel there, he sang charmingly. Mr Montefiore’s daughter very sweet looking. Found dear Roy here on our return. Miss Allen & Roy & Matthews had been to London to see Dr Lining, said it was ringworm. Matthews v. bad kind, so Roy arrived with Miss A. about 8.30. Tuesday 9 October Lovely morg. Delightful having dear Roy again, seems quieter & more prompt in answering. Lin gone for 1st meet harriers. Blanche & Maud & Mr Milliken in cart to meet, & fetch some of Roy’s things fr. the school, & to leave Maud at Westwood. I took Roy to have his hair cut close. Shop’d. Tilda & Dora called morg. Jane told me Ford was leaving Ada’s! (illeg) Wire fr. Con about Nurse!!! Sent off her address at once by wire. Letter fr. Mr Lowndes about 2 C. Argentine half shares which he has all right. Went after dinner to Mr Burnand’s, v. pleasant evg. there. No one called. Wednesday 10 October Dull morg. After breakfast Roy walked to Station with Lin, will not go up to town today. Letter fr. Midge. Blanche painting Maud. Took Maud to be fitted with paletoe, Syretts, she fainted, seemed all right after lunch. Drove to Westgate, called on Mr Banks on way home. Called at Westgate on Mrs. Ingram, Orchardson, & had tea at Mrs. H. Peto’s. Roy v. quiet & depressed. Thursday 11 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 The interim dividend on Ordinary stock of B. A. & Rosario posted on the 11 th October, today, according to “Notice”. Drove over to Margate with Maud at 11 o’c. Left M. at Westwood & went on to Mr S’s with Tilda. Miss Allen said Roy must return Monday. Dear little fellow, v. brave when I told him, seems v. much improved since he went to school & relieved in his own mind now he knows which day he must return. Lin waiting about all day for work. Mr Burnand came down by Granville with Mr Milliken. Mother & Tilda came over to tea, Mother looking sweet. Connie Burnand came in to tea. Roy out after lunch with Laurence. Friday October 12 Lovely day. Lin off by 1st train. Chicks out early morg. Miss Allen called, wants Roy to go with her & Shaw to see another doctor tomorrow, so must let him go, v. tiresome. B. & self called after tea on Mrs. Hicks. Mr Levy died today about 2 o’c. Had tea at Mrs. Thomson’s. Lady Rose & Mrs. Murton called. High tea with chicks at 6.30. Game after with them & to bed. Saturday 13 October Roy went to London with Miss Allen & Shaw to see another doctor about ring worm, consider it ridiculous, returns D. V. tonight until Monday by Granville. Minnie took him to Margate, met Waddie & Dora at Station going up to London also. Lin returned fr. London in time for lunch. B, M. & self went to have M’s paletoe fitted. B. gone to Pegwell with Burnands. Connie Burnand in to tea & stayed on to dinner. Sunday 14 October To Church St P’s with darling Roy, out before sermon, amused me with accounts of school life. Walked up & down Parade, lovely day. After lunch chicks went for walk with Minnie. Edgar called, talked business! Looks seedy tho’ v. brown. Rosie Burnand came in to tea. Lin, Blanche & self to Mr Burnand’s after dinner. V. lively evg. Dr Rouse there, the Hoods, Davis & Mr Hammond. Mr & Mrs. Burnand sang, also Mr Davis & Blanche. Monday 15 October Walked to Station with Blanche & saw her off by Gran. Met Mr & Mrs. Spielmann & Mrs. Thomson. Chicks on sands. After lunch took dear Roy back to school with Maud in dog cart. Saw Miss A. & Mr Schimmelmann, won’t let Roy go to bed earlier, great nuisance, despotic tyrants schoolmasters! Lin out hunting all morg. Maud had hot bath seemed to have taken cold. Tuesday 16 October Out morg. to Westwood. Mrs. Banks only called. Maud alright, think hot bath stop’d cold in time. Lin hard at work. Wednesday 17 October Lin not going up. Tilda came to lunch. Heavenly day. Walked with Mrs. S. & Maud to sands, felt v. tired. After lunch Tilda & self worked at Maud’s dress. Had tea & jolly chat. I drove Tilda back in dog cart. Mother pretty well only. Ford there! & new cook-housekeeper & daughter. Lin v. hard at work all day, Whitehead drawing, wish he had not to slave so. Books fearfully heavy! Thursday 18 October Lovely day. Lin fearfully hard at work before breakfast & all day until 8 o’c when we dined & I walked with him to end of Parade. Walked morg. & had M’s paletoe tried, looks nice but am afraid it will be dear! Philip brought in letter for Lin morg,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 asked him to tea. Connie B. drove with me at 3 to Westwood. Mother lying down seemed poorly & low, I hate her having new servants about her. Came back here to tea. Philip came, both stayed till 7 o’c. After dinner Lin & self walked to end of Pier, took Tony & gave him cold! Lin rode before breakfast. Friday 19 October Heavenly day. Taught M. morg, v. good & attentive. Sent her with Minnie. Walked alone, ankle painful, met Mary B. & asked her to drive with Maud & self to Mrs. Woods at 3 o’c. Went to garden St Peters. Long talk with Mr Wood. Went on to see Mother who seemed very poorly, three fainting attacks today, feel anxious about her. Stayed & had tea. Tilda had driven over here meanwhile. Home by 6 o’c. Children danced. Minnie & Jane out evg. I put Maud to bed. Received letter fr. Lin & receipt for £11 paid on C. Argentine. Wrote letters. Laurence took Mary home. Lin went up by fast train. Mrs. Pugin called. Saturday 20 October Our wedding day. We dine at Lady Rose Weigall’s 8 o’c. Dear Mother came morg. with Tilda, met her with J. at Syretts, came on here together. Lin arrived at 12 or 1 fr. town. Mother brought me a jar of flowers painted. Feel v. anxious about her. Mrs. Pugin called, went to tea there at 4 o’c. Number of people, good singing & playing. Mary Burnand here all day. No news of dear Roy all this week. Just before starting for W’s dear Roy’s first school report came, c’d not be better. Sunday 21 October Lovely day. Went to St George’s with Maud morg. Lin rode before breakfast, awfully hard at work, suffered v. much fr. his old complaint evening after our return fr. B’s. Minnie took Maud to Church after lunch & cooked dinner, Jane out. Wrote to darling Roy & Nurse. Dined at 8 & went after to Burnands, Hammonds there. V. amusing evg. as usual. Think the change did Lin good after his work. Monday 22 October Dull. Roy’s letter long & interesting, he seems quite happy & is anxious to be head of his class & pass W. Crane’s son 2 ½ years his senior. Maud out morg. with Minnie, sat on sands. Drove with Maud at 3 o’c to Mrs. Burnand’s, to Mrs. Montefiore’s, & to Westwood. Found dear Mother pretty well. Met Philip B, brought him home, & Rosie B. here also to tea. Lin getting on well now with work & seems more cheerful. Long letter fr. Aunt Anna. Pass book came. Mrs. Whitehead & Mrs. N. Buckmaster called. Tuesday 23 October Lovely day! Taught M. all morg. No one called except Burnands. Wednesday 24 October (Blank) Thursday 25 October Lovely day. Taught M. Went on with dress. Drove to St. Laurence spoke to Mrs. Turner about washing for servants. To Syrett’s about Maud’s hat, bought Fisher’s sauce, string & curling papers! Lin came by 1 train. F. stumbled fearfully, Jolly drives him too fast, can’t last much longer at the rate he goes! Worked at M’s dress after lunch. Cap’t & Mrs. S. Coren called. Lin working & looks better, washed his night suit in my bath! Only borax. After tea called on Mrs. Hammond, out, & Mrs. Burnand. Dinner at 8. Lin out after for short walk. Tilda left Mother today.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 26 October X. Dullish, fine later & very warm like summer. Taught Maud, nearly finished her dress. Went out morg. shop’g with M. X. Petit ami au soir. Mrs. Bartram called & had tea, looks younger by day, same funny way of speaking. Mary B. to tea with Maud. Lin hard at work on Almanack. Saturday 27 October In bed. Mother fetched Maud for the day. M’s new paletoe & hat fr. Syretts came. Lin rode early after lunch & saw dear Roy, still dark under eyes. Rosie B. to tea & dinner. Feel very seedy & sleepy, slept long time after lunch. Maud out with Mother all day, came back with Ford at 8 o’c. Sunday 28 October Very warm. Maudie to church with Minnie after lunch. Lin rode before breakfast, hard at work on Almanack. Jane out evg. Mrs. Sambourne put Maud to bed. Dinner at 8 o’c. Lin out after for walk. Feel v. seedy, can’t imagine why. No one called. Note invitation to dinner fr. Montefiore’s for Saty week. Monday 29 October Dull morg, rained! Parlage avec L. Mr Hammond called asking us to dinner there tonight, only Lin can go. Letters fr. Midge who is very seedy & darling Roy, seems happy at school. Sent £6 to Glyn Mills C. & Co. for 1 st install. of £2 per share on 3 newly allocated Tucuman by Jolly with 3 other letters to post. 2 pheasants sent fr. Rider Haggards. Feel v. seedy. Tuesday 30 October Pouring wet morg. Lin rode after lunch. Maudie for walk with Minnie after lunch. Up by 12.30. In all day, no one called. Feel horribly seedy, can’t imagine why! Turpentine bread! Had one of R. Haggard’s pheasants for dinner, excellent. Wednesday 31 October 3 new Tucuman shares of £10 each awarded me. First instalment of £2 per share due today, namely £6 to Messrs Glyn Mills Currie & Co, 69 Lombard St. (these 3 shares allotted as I hold £90 stock of Tucumans) & Sunshales. Maud out with Minnie morg. Carrie G. & Winnie Burnand in for moment morg. Lin photoing, left by one train for London. At 3 Maud & self called at Mrs. Bartram’s, Mrs. North Buckmaster’s, Lady Rose W’s & Mrs. Hammond’s. Walked home fr. last, met Miss Levy in carriage alone. Letter fr. dear Mother fr. Sandgate. Nov 1888 Thursday 1 November Evelyn Coward comes to stay with Maud. Pouring wet all day. Laurence fetched E. Independent little girl, wish M. were more like her in that respect. Seem v. happy together. Letter fr. Lin. Friday 2 November Dull but dry till 1, then poured rain. Evelyn & Maud out directly after breakfast with their hoops, met the little Messels. Went out with Mr & Mrs. M. to Hills & Crook & Pages. Ordered fruits, flowers & plants. Letter fr. Lin. Sent 10/- to Gorringe for Maud’s dress. Lin arrived by Granville in cart, Mr Angell immediately after in fly, missed each other. Pouring wet evg. Mr A. & Lin to Club after dinner for billiards.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 3 November Stil wet. Went out alone shop’g. Chicks in Maud’s room working, went out after lunch for walk with Minnie, heads washed evg. Mr A. & self drove to Pegwell Bay & round by Westwood, home to tea. Lin rode for 3 hrs after lunch, think he looks heavy, wish Almanack was finished & I had enough money to keep house, dreadful worry never having any money in hand, dare not touch what I must put by for the children. Sunday 4 November Lovely day. To Church with Evelyn & Maud. Felt pain, came out before sermon. Walked on parade, met Mr Angell with Messels. Lin rode morg. Met Mr Leopold, came to lunch, amused us vastly with stories, monkey jumping out middle of “Times” when his master was reading to attract attention. Also story of German gentleman arriving at Hotel wishing to wash his hands before dinner, long time taking off coat, Mr Leopold went up first, English clergyman followed, German mistook him for Leopold & followed him into his room, general confusion etc. Monday 5 November Very cold wind. Heavenly sunset. Took Mr A. for drive by Pegwell, home by Westwood. Talked incessantly. Chicks out all morg. Mr & Mrs. Burnand dined here. No shirt for Lin!!! Borrowed one fr. Mr A. Drove Mr A. to Westwood morg. for flowers, all well there. Tuesday 6 November Bitterly cold, S. E. wind blowing hard, magnificent sea on. Lin to meet. Mr Angell to meet - Mount Pleasant - in dog cart. I took chicks for walk, enjoyed it immensely, lovely sea on. Walked after lunch with Mr Angell. Mrs. Banks called. After dinner Mr A. & Lin went to Burnands, Hammonds there. On after to Club for billiards. Hurricane. Wednesday 7 November Sharp east wind blowing, fine sea on. Bitterly cold. Walked with chicks & Mr Angell to Pier, lovely out, v. cold. Lunch raw mutton! Evelyn & Mr A. went up by 4 train, Jolly took them to Station. Walked after to Mrs. Scrimshires, out, saw Tommie a’B, asked him to tea with Maud tomorrow. Called on Mrs. Pugin, had pleasant chat with her, promised me pears. Lin not out all day. Thursday 8 November Very cold & windy. Walked with Maud morg. after lessons. Drove to Westwood morg. 11.30 with Maud. Mother returning this evg. fr. Edgar’s. All looking nice at Westwood. After lunch Maud Minnie & Tommie a’B. for walk. Tommie to tea. Lin rode after luncheon. I called on Mrs. Fox Tomson & Mrs. Banks. Lin busy on Almanack. Mervyn will be home fr. S. America on the 14 th D. V. Friday 9 November After Maud’s lessons morg. pd. books. Took M. with me. Lin went to London by first train. Windows cleaned. Fine day here tho’ v. cold & windy. After lunch drove to Westwood & had tea with Mother, seems better. Minnie out evg. Maud for walk after luncheon with Laurence. Charlie & wife coming to Granville for few days. Letter fr. Lin, cold dull & rainy in London! Paid Grant’s bill £1.8.10, told them to send no more. Saturday 10 November Mrs. Sebag Montefiore’s dinner 8 o’c. Maudie to tea at Mrs. Bartram’s


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 ¼ to 3 o’c. Mother goes to London by first train. Lin comes down by first train. Mrs. Hammond called. Maudie to Mrs. B‘s. Boisterous & windy evg, did not enjoy it. Very pleasant dinner at Mrs. M’s. Mr Hammond took me in. Sunday 11 November Dull & rainy. Charlie & Mrs. Stokes to lunch & dinner, like her. Fair handsome good tempered woman, seem v. happy. Wish Mervyn w’d go & do likewise. Lin in all day busy with Almanack. Mutton underdone dinner, Lin awfully put out. Makes me dread to have anyone to dinner. Monday 12 November Dull, warmer. Drove to Granville, fetched Mrs. Stokes & drove to Westwood, damp & lonely there, depressed me. Lunched with Mrs. S. at Granville. Charlie all day at Margate, arrived about 3.30 at Hotel. Had long chat with Mrs. S. in her room, like her very much, can’t imagine what she sees in C. to care for so much! Lin fetched me, met Mrs. Burnand on way home. Mrs. Thornton & Rosie called, so sorry to miss them. Tuesday 13 November Lovely day. Out morg. after lessons with Maud. Mrs. S. bought chocolate & cake for dear Roy. Lin hunting morning. Maud & self to Margate at ¼ to 3. Saw Roy, looked rather dirty & has cold in his head. Horrible idea, only one pocket handkerchief a week! Did not think Roy looking over well, not nearly as well as Maud. Shall be glad to have him home. Called at Westwood on way home, Miss Walford there. Quiet evg, dinner at 8 o’c. Wednesday 14 November Lovely day. Read History to Maud whilst she drew. M. went for walk morg. with Minnie. Lin hard at work all day. Mrs. S. out alone. Thursday 15 November Long letter fr. Tabbie, seems in bad health, taking old & experienced nurse, hope she will look after Tabs. Seems pleased with their new house. Mrs. F. H. taken Pull Court for 3 years. Walked morg. with Maud. F. W came to fetch Maud for day, unfortunately out when she called. Drove in brougham after lunch with Maud to Mrs. Montefiore’s & saw old prints of Bartolozzi. Lin rode before breakfast, seems worried with this hateful Almanack. Friday 16 November Warm. Lovely sea, S. wind. Melancholy letter fr. Nurse. Eff seems kind to her, so glad. Lessons with Maud morg. Saturday 17 November Lovely day. Miss Walford came over to lunch & tea, played with Maud & showed me how to alter M’s dress. Walked along to Granville Pier with Maud & Miss W. V. Late dinner, v. tired. Sunday 18 November Wet morg. Cleared off about 12 & became lovely. Maud for walk & church with Laurence after lunch. Gerty Burnand to lunch, walked back with her. Met Mr Burnand & Lady R, her boy home fr. school with rheumatism in knee. Late dinner, & Lin & self walked to Burnands. H’s & Bessie H. there, laughed immensely, all in very good spirits. Jane out.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 19 November Lovely day quite warm. Lin at eternal Almanack, beautiful drawing but oh! the slavery! Gave M. lessons morg. Went in cart with her to Westwood, found Mother pretty well. Miss W. there, brought away flowers. Little Violet Bartram to tea with Maud. Mother & Miss W. called & stayed an hour. Mother delighted with window & view, watching vessel without sails or masts. Letter fr. dear Roy seems well & happy. V. late dinner gives me awful indigestion. Sp’s failure in “Times” no idea such a failure over £135,000! Lin out for stroll, must be dead tired. Tuesday 20 November Miss W. called & took Maud for a walk on Pier. Maud & self walked directly after breakfast. Bought pattern for M’s dress. Lin very hard at work. Went to Burnands after dinner & met Mr & Mrs. Marshall there. Mr Burnand in tremendous spirits & most amusing. Seemed v. pleased we went in & change did Lin good. No one called. Wednesday 21 November Much colder. Lin finished Almanack!!! Maud & self drove to Westwood, promised to lunch there tomorrow. Good laugh with Mother, seemed depressed when we got there. Mary Burnand to tea with Maud. Sat & rested all afternoon. Read Our Mutual Friend. Letter fr. Aunt Anna, her house nearly burnt down. Thursday 22 November Fine morg. Lin went up by Granville, forgot ticket! I made up books. X. Petit ami au soir. Maud & self to lunch & tea at Westwood. Pattie Wood to tea. Laughed immoderately. Friday 23 November F. W. came over for day. Walked with Maud after lunch, helped me with M’s dress & talked. Think she is a nice girl, pity such a queer way of talking & is moreover v. delicate. Connie B. & Miss Hood in to tea. Jane was going out. Ford & Mother’s cook here. Letters fr. Jess (enclosing photo of Dora) Lin & Sp. Saturday 24 November Feel beastly! F. W. called, was quite faint. Lovely day. Up at 12.30. Maud out with Minnie. Laurence going to pay books & coals Vinten’s 14/6. Also got postal order for Glossop 5/6, butter dish. Sunday 25 November In bed till 12. Quiet day. Lin came down in time for lunch. Lin rode after lunch. Monday 26 November Letter fr darling Roy. Excellent report fr. master. In bed as usual till 12 o’c. Miss W. called & did a mild faint, think it must have been looking at sea made her giddy. Feel a wreck generally. Lin went in to Burnands after dinner. Chicks had been acting at Convent. I drove with Maud to Westwood. F. went dead lame. Think I got little chill coming back. Tuesday 27 November Feel beastly, in bed till 12. Feel queer all over. Pouring wet day. Little Pattie Wood came to lunch & tea, nice little thing, with Maud. Lin hunted & had a good day, so glad. Dined earlier & Lin wrote letters at Club after.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 28 November Lovely day. Mother & F. W. called. News of Mervyn, expected Monday or Tuesday. Feel v. poorly, strange derangement inside – wonder what I shall have wrong next! Mother took me in brougham to parade, met Connie B. who walked up & down with me, beautifully warm. Met Mr Borrowdale & Mrs. Fearon & Hoods. Lin up to town after early lunch. Folkestone still lame. Lin walked to Station. Mrs. S. & self walked on Parade after lunch – enough (illeg) & does depress me awfully, so sorry for her & myself too! Little Winnie B. for afternoon with Maud, wanted to stay. Philip fetched her. Sang her little song charmingly. Thursday 29 November Found I had made mistake about C. Arg’t. cheque, sent it off this morg. £10. 2 letters fr. Lin, one fr. Tabs about W. Taylor & Guthrie for her theatricals. Too wet to go out. Blizzard on, don’t feel well enough to stir out. Connie B in to tea & stayed late. Maud to Westwood for Penny(?) readings at St Peters. Slept night there. Friday 30 November Lovely day. Jolly met Lin at Westgate at 10.55 with mare, went hunting. Folkestone better but weak on leg. Walked out morg, met Miss Walford. Long letter fr. Jess. Met Mr Hammond. Minnie & Maud out morg. Connie B. to lunch & to tea, stayed till nearly 7. Miss Hood in to tea & they practiced their duet, so glad to have them. Maud returned with Miss W. fr. Westwood. Busy with Maud’s dress. Pouring wet day. Dec 1888 Saturday 1 December Lovely day. J. met Lin with mare at 10.55 at Westgate, he hunted fr. there. Letter fr Lin & telegram, long letter fr. Midge. Went out morg. with F. W, walked on parade with her & Mrs. S. Met Squire. Maud out twice with Minnie. I still feel backy & weak. Sunday 2 December Lovely day. Maud felt sick so did not go to Church. Walked gently up & down parade. M. for walk with Minnie after lunch. Mr Burnand called after luncheon. M, Lin & self went in to Mrs. Burnand’s after dinner, delightful performance of children in honour of Mr Burnand’s birthday. Dr Rook & son, Mr & Mrs. Hammond, Miss Hollinghead, Mr & Mrs. Davis & Miss Hood at Mrs. Burnand’s. Monday 3 December Lovely day. Lin hunted all day. Miss Walford called & we drove together to Mrs. Banks. F. still lame tho’ better, much. Letter fr. Midge & Con. Maud had tea with us. Mr Burnand called, told him about Mrs. Messel & horse. Tuesday 4 December Drove to Westwood early, dull day. Met F. W. & Ford walking to Ramsgate, also Tassel in cart on way to Sta. for S’hamton to meet Mervyn. Stayed hour with Mother, prefer having her alone. Saw letter fr. Cap’t Powell about A, if he only acts up to it, trust sincerely he may. Lin rode after lunch. Mrs. Montefiore, Mr A. Sebag, Pattie Wood & Mrs. Boys called. Mary & Ethel Burnand to tea. Paid several small bills, drew cheque for £2.11.5. Letters fr. Midge & Eff. Mr & Mrs. Burnand came in after dinner, stayed till 20 to 11. Wednesday 5 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day, quite mild. Lin rode after breakfast. Had cart to Station, left by one something train. After lunch I called on Lady R. W, out, & Mrs. d’Anquier. Met Mrs. Montefiore & Mrs. A. Sebag there. Mrs. d’Anquier v. amiable, wanted Maud to go to tea Tuesday, afraid of her being out late. Mrs. Montefiore called here left another invite for Saty week to dinner. Minnie B. here to tea. Philip to tea. Quiet evg. Thursday 6 December Lovely day. Worked at M’s frock. Walked & shop’d. Changed cheque £12 for books & M’s dress etc. 2 letters fr. Lin. Drove at 3 to Westwood met Mervyn & Miss W. on their way here. Mervyn looking so well. Mother looked seedy & worried. Mervyn, Miss W, Connie B. & Miss Hood to tea. Jane out. Friday 7 December Drove to Westwood. Letter fr. Lin. Finished Maud’s blue cloth dress, will wear it Sunday. Had tea at Westwood, met Mother & Patty W. on way to village. Mervyn & F. W. at Margate making calls, came in just before I left. Saturday 8 December Asked Mervyn & Miss W. to dinner, & Connie B. Expect Edg. & So. until Monday – can’t get leave. Letters & telegram fr. Lin. Little Winnie B. to tea. Slow dinner here. Miss W. looked unhappy & common in her evg. dress which did not suit her. Mervyn sang. I walked to Burnands after luncheon & fetched Winnie. Stayed in all morg. Maud with slight cold, too damp for her to go out. Worked at her new pinafore. Sunday 9 December Dine at Mrs. Burnands. Lovely day tho’ much colder. Went to St George’s with Maud 11 o’c service. Capital sermon & collection for poor clergy. Met Mr Mrs. & little Jopling Rowe on way home, walked with them, came in to see house, w’d not remain lunch. Letter fr. Lin & wire. Maud to afternoon service with Minnie, Jane out again. Laurence walked with me to Mrs. B’s, expaciated on discomfort of having Mrs. S. here, always wish I c’d keep these little worries to myself. Mr Burnand not well. Jack & Frank there. Mr & Mrs. Hammond came in after dinner & Mr & Mrs. Jopling Rowe, wonderfully young looking Mrs. J. R. Laurence fetched me. Monday 10 December First white fog of year. Long letter fr. Lin fr. Broadway, had bad weather there. Letter fr. my blessed boy. Tuesday 11 December Lovely day. Out morg. shop’g. Lin arrived to lunch & rode after. Pattie W. called & missed her train going back. Mrs. Banks & Miss Baggaly called. Funny, Miss B. is cousin to Claud Baggaly & Mrs. Claud is Sir Richard Wyatt’s own daughter! Mr & Mrs. Burnand, Mr & Mrs. Hammond, Mervyn & Miss Seton to dinner. Pretty but dull girl. Wednesday 12 December Fine day bright sun tho’ cold south wind. Lin went up by 4 train. I went out morg. Mary Burnand to tea. Thursday 13 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Heavenly day bright sunshine. Maud out alone. Minnie & Maud for walk. Letter fr.lady about Nurse, ans’d it, engaged Nurse on 20 th inst. Mother sent brougham for me. Went over, left Lin’s washing to be returned Saty. Found Mother alone with Millie, too lonely & cooking all herself. Had lunch with Mother. Pattie Wood called, c’d not get rid of her, went at last. Mother & self chatted. Returned home at 6.30, found dear Maud v. busy with Xmas work, Minnie reading to her & Mrs. S. knitting. Mrs. Thomson called, & Rosie Burnand to tea. 2 letters fr. Lin. Friday 14 December Lovely day, bright sun & warmer. Drove at 11 to Westwood, found Mother busy with caps etc. Mervyn not returning till tomorrow. Letters fr. Lin, coming by Granville. Minnie & Maud paid books for me. Wrote Nurse. Letter fr. Schimmelman saying dear Roy was doing well in every way. Saturday 15 December Mrs. Montefiore’s dinner. Foggy, white fog. Maud out with Mary B. & there to lunch. I went out shop’g morg. alone. Met Mrs. Hood who asked me to tea tomorrow. Ordered Maud’s muff for Mrs. S. Met Rosie B. & children. Lin hunting. Posted 2 cards 2/6 for Mother & Nurse also Sanitas 8 ½ buns 3d. Mervyn came in just as Mrs. S. & self had finished lunch, had lunch & left. Had just arrived fr. town, dense fog there. V. pleasant dinner at Mrs. M’s. Strange old gentleman owning house also. Sir R. W. at Broadstairs. Lady R. & Mr W. & Mrs. Fox Thomson there. Sunday 16 December Sea fog. Maud & self to Church for prayers. Promised to take tea at Mrs. Hood’s. Maud to Church after lunch with Minnie. Lin hard at work all day, Mrs. S. reading to him. Rosie & Charlie B. to dinner. Monday 17 December Lin hunted, I rested. Lovely day – wish we were staying on here, dread going home, house so full & cramped. Tuesday 18 December Lin went up by 12 something. Laurence & self packed all day, feel bad cold coming on. Maud v. busy too packing. Mrs. Davis called to tea, quite a pleasant rest having her. Wednesday 19 December Packed as much as possible all day. Miss Hood came in after tea & quite cheered me up, felt dull after so many days alone with Mrs. S. Dear little Maud at Westwood, Mervyn fetched her in the morg. & brings her back tomorrow. X. Petit ami au soir. Paid all books. Thursday 20 December Heavenly day. Everything ready. Mrs. Hawkings in to see us out. Little friend. Breakfasted in in drawing room, feel done up rather. Dearest Roy met us at Station, looks bonnie & has taken a prize, exceptional thing being new boy. Feel very proud & delighted with him. Merry little party coming up, Laurence most useful, looked after all baggage as I am seedy. House loking v. nice. Spencer came in. Presents & letter fr. Nana to chicks, & flowers. Little Nana goes to her new place & I sincerely hope will be happy. Friday 21 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Feel awfully done up. Lin home at 12 fr. Balls Park. Chicks out twice with Minnie. Lin out for ride after lunch, not in till late. Wire fr. Abbey asking him to dinner at Arts, of course went. Often think it a pity Lin ever married, only cares for his home as a sort of warehouse for surplus furniture - our lives drifting apart. Darling Roy tried to teach me chess but felt too ill & stupid to learn. Another wretchedly dull evg. Saturday 22 December Forward banker’s receipt for Tucuman shares at once. Also send Tucuman. Pay £8 on B. A. Gt. Southern Rly. Ex. 1892. Lin home 2.30 this morg. Did not sleep after 12.30 & feel v. ill. W’d be glad to die were it not for my poor children. Lin loving but intensely selfish, w’d not give up a pleasure were I dying & doubt if he would care after the first hour. Lovely day. Lin stayed in bed late morg. with me. Sp. came in, was amusing. He too cannot feel much or this terrible bankruptcy business w’d worry him. Darling chicks out with Minnie. Lin riding morg. Quite warm & sunny. Sunday 23 December Lovely day. Chicks to Church. Feel awfully seedy, in bed till 1. Lin rode morg. to Barkers & lunched there. Sp. came in to lunch. Con & Effie to tea & dinner. Lin to Mr Barker’s. Mrs. Mackinlay there, missed her again. So nice seeing the boys. Eff looks well. Monday 24 December Very seedy in bed till 1. Expected Sp. to dinner, did not come. Lin lunched in town to see Mr C. about Ld. Mayor’s drawing, so sorry he is worried about it. Roy & self fetched Lin in brougham at 4 o’c from Garrick. To Market for fruit, ordered umbrella for Maud at Briggs. Lin rode morg. Nice little dinner & to bed early. Tuesday 25 December Invitation fr. Mrs. Boehm for Lin self & two chicks to dinner. Lovely day. Sp. came to lunch & tea. Chicks to Church with Minnie, seem v. happy. Letter fr. Tabs at Park St, diptheria broken out at Presham(?). Baby v. ill, Evelyn & Gwen slight attack. Very pleasant evg. at Mrs. B’s. Con looks v. ill, Eff well. Elizabeth there. Chicks enjoyed it immensely. Dinner & tree & crackers, 2 presents for each of them, so kind of Mrs. Boehm. Chicks & self left at 11, Lin at 1. Wednesday 26 December Forwarded Banker’s receipt of £6 on 3 newly allotted Tucuman shares (this is first call on same) to Mr Davison, 2 Coleman St. Lovely day. Chicks out morg. Evelyn called. Lin at work all day. Chicks off to church after lunch. Mrs. Sambourne awfully depressed, makes my spirits go into my shoes & I feel a brute. Lin off to Pantomime after dinner, woke me to say it was not so good as last years. Thursday 27 December Lovely day. Roy out in garden all morg. Mrs. S. very seedy in bed. Maud & self out morg. shop’g. Met Mr Ellis, Judy, Mrs. Spofforth. Called saw Con’s boy, looks v. delicate. Geoff out with Eff. Lin rode after lunch, early dinner. Very bad news of dear little Baby Fletcher. Two letters fr. Tabbie. Friday 28 December Mrs. Donaldson’s children’s party 6 o’c. Pouring wet day. Sp. & I went up to Ogles Hotel to enquire after Tab’s dear Baby – telegram better this morg. Poor Tabby v. upset & Ham, found them together. Came home alone in cab, Lin hard at work.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Paid £10 Cent. Argt. Rly. £10 Buenos Ayres £8 Buenos Ayres Gt. Southern Ex. /89 second issue. Saturday 29 December Lin & self went up to hear what news of dear Baby – died at ¼ past 11 today. X. R. I. P. Lin & self to New Gallery to see Stuart collection, most interesting. Lunched at St James’. Left Lin & went on to Tabbie’s at 30 Pk St. They had just heard the sad news. Judy there. Lin had gone to Adelphi with chicks who met him at theatre with Minnie who stayed on with them, Con & Eff & Mr Guthrie all in Lin’s box. Chicks delighted with (illeg). Ham & Tabs here to tea. V. cut up about their dreadful loss. Lin & self went to see Macbeth first night, splendid house wonderful performance. Went behind after, great crowd & all cleared & supper ready, marvelous. Met many friends, Ellen Terry too womanly & sympathetic for Lady Macbeth, liked her best in her sonmambule scene. Could not hear what Irving said. Scenery & (illeg) scene perfect. All went off as smoothly as if it had gone 100 nights. Irving addressed a few words to as enthusiastic an audience as any ambitious actor c’d possibly desire. Sunday 30 December Roy to Church with Lin, All Saints Margaret St. Maud with Minnie. I went to Pro. Ham & Con gone to Winchester to arrange about poor Baby’s funeral. Lin rode after lunch. Mrs. S. in bed to breakfast, seemed well when down. Tabbie came in to tea & dinner. Played chess with Roy. Seems to feel her Baby’s loss v. much poor little thing. V. happy quiet evg. Monday 31 December Send cheque of £10 for Central Argentine Rly – already sent. First fog since our return. Sp. called. Letter fr. Ham asking Lin to go to dear Baby’s funeral tomorrow, will be interred at Winchester. Cut up carpet in night nursery, Maud depressed in consequence. Mrs. S. v. well again. Maud received card fr. Mother. Dense fog. Box for “Alice in Wonderland”, afraid we can’t go. Lin, Maud, Roy & self to Globe Theatre by Metropolitan, charming little girl as “Alice”. Maud & self home by Metropolitan. Great crowd at Charing X. Mr Tuer got into our compartment & saw us home on account of dense fog. Horrible, & so many roughs about. List of Securities at London & Stock sent April 4th /88 Cent Argt. Raily 3 shares C’ty B. Ayres Tram. Buenos Ayres & Pacific B. Ayres Rosario & Sunshales & Tucuman Extentions B. Ayres Gt. Southern /90 Ditto /92 Western B. Ayres Venezuela Bonds B. Ayres Gt. Southern original stock 1 Cert of 3 newly allotted Tucuman shares

County Bank: £. s. d 115.0.0 15.0.0 40.0.0 50.0.0 210.0.0 20.0.0 200.0.0 100.0.0 200.0.0 30.0.0

Received during 1886 fr. allowance, interest & presents £ 166.17.7


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Received during 1887 fr. same Received during 1888 Spent in 1887 on dress etc Invested in 1887 including commissions Invested in 1888 But £18 of this lost thro’ Spencer.

£ 182. 8.10 £ 194. 2.4 £ 81.1.1 £ 127.0.0 £ 136.0.0

Money invested 1886 £50 Cent. Argentine Railway £200 Western of B. Ayres £230 B. Ayres Gt Southern /90 £50 Sunshales Extention £40 B. Ayres & Pacific £15 City of Buenos Ayres Tram £300 Lin has in Barr Estate Added to in 1887 the following: £100 Venezuelan Bonds (1881) £25 Sep 14th 1st instalment on £6 October 6th last call on £4 Nov 16th first call on 2 £10 £30 Nov 23rd for 3 £10 shares in £10 Dec 2nd 2nd call on 2¾ Cent. £4 Dec 16th new allotment of 4. Up till 1888 £20 Jany 30th 3rd call on 2 shares allotted in Cent. Argentine Rly. £300 Feby Buenos Ayres Gt. Southern £20 March 25th for 2 ½ newly allotted £4 April 3rd Second instalment on 5 Tucuman X. Sold £200 Cent. Argt. Stock Feby /88. Rec’d £ 390 for this. 1st pref shares converted into stock May 27th /87 Pd £31.16. for C. of B. Ayres Tram 30th Nov /86. April 28th /87 Pd £40.12.6 for it. Allotted 2¾ shares of Cent Argentine Rly. Allotted share in B. A. Gt. Southern (1892) Tucuman shares allotted. Tucuman Rly. Pd. 2¾ premium to Spencer £37.7.6. Argentine Railway shares allotted Shares in B. Ayres Gt. Southern Rly to be called. 5 per cent Exten. shares 1892 second issue 1888 for which I pd £ 380.7.6. £20 shares in Cent. Argt. Rly. first call shares allotted of £5 each. Investments during 1888 £20 £200 £20 £4 £8

Jany 30th. Third call on 2¾ allotted shares in Cent Argt. Rly. Feby Bue. Ayres Gt. Southern Rly. Pd. £380.7.6 for this. March 25th for 2½ newly allotted Cent. Argt. Rly. shares. April 5th . 2nd call on 2 Tucuman shares allotted. April 2nd 2nd call on 4 allotted shares B. A. Gt. S. Ext. 1892


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 £10 £10 £10 £6 £10 £10

3rd July 3rd call on 5 Tucuman shares of £10, £2 on each. (£6 of this Spencer ought to pay, loss to me.) 23rd July 3rd call on 2 Cent. Argt. shares allotted of £10 each. 4th Oct. for 4th instalment of 5 Tucuman shares. 29th Oct. First instal. on 3 newly allotted Tucuman shares of £10 each, pd. £2 per share. 29th Nov. 2 Central Argentine shares allotted, paid it several days late. th 28 Dec. call of £10 on 2 Central Argentine shares allotted.

Childrens money Jany 11th /88 Roy’s book Maud’s ditto Withdrawn fr. Roy’s

£17.1.11. £11.8. 1. £15.0.0.

April 27th added Roy’s £2.0.0. August 16th to Roy’s £1.0.0. to Maud’s £1.0.0. August 23rd to Roy’s £1.0.0. £10 28th Dec for final instalment of Buenos Ayres & Rosario. £8 28th Dec for B. Ayres Gt. Southern Extention 1892 second issue. Invested £136 during year 1888 £18 of this lost in Spencer’s failure. Makes it £118 invested. Received fr. Investments 1888 Jany 21st Central Argentine Rly. £13. 5.0. Cent. Argent. Rly. 1. 0.0. Feby Venezuela Bonds £1.10.0. March Barr Estate £7.10.0. Chicks money £4. 0.0. April 4th Quarter due March £25. 0.0. 2 W. of B. Ayres Bonds 5.16.6. 4 th B. Ayres Gt. Southern Ex. /92 6.14.0. 6th B. Ayres Rosario Rly. Sunshales 1. 7.2. 20th Mother gave me 3. 0.0. 24th B. A. Gt. Southern (original) 10. 0.0. 13th B. A. Trams 15.0. May 7th B. A. & Pacific 1. 7.2. June 29th Quarter 25. 0.0. fr. Mother 1.10.0. Aug 5th fr. Mother to Maud 1. 0.0. July 31st Mother gave me 1. 0.0. Oct. 7th Quarter due Sept 25. 0.0. June 25th C. Argt. Rly. 7. 7.0. Ditto 14.0. August 17th Venezuela 1. 9.3. Sep 28th B. Ayres Tram. 15.0. Oct. 1st B/ Ayres Rosario Rly. 1.16.7. Oct 2nd Western B. Ayres Rly. 5.17.0.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 5th Oct 25th Dec

B. A. Gt. Southern Quarter

Nov 12th B. Ayres & Pacific Dec 14th Cent. Argt. Rly. Lin owes for Barr Est.

16.18.8. 25. 0.0. £ 194. 2.4. 1. 7.4. 5.15.0. £ 201. 4.8. 7.14.0. £ 208.18.8.

I, Mary Anne Sambourne wish in case of my death that all money invested by me & in my name other than the £300 lent to my dear husband – which sum I leave him – should be divided equally between my two children Maud Frances Sambourne & Mawdley Herapath Sambourne, that the interest of this money should be re-invested until Mawdley Herapath Sambourne shall have attained the age of 21 when it shall be equally divided between my two children for theirs absolutely.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1889 Friends at home days. Mondays Mrs Messel Tuesdays Banks Tomlin, 1st & 3rd Wednesdays Mrs Oscar Wilde, May & June Mrs Wallace Carpenter, 1st & last. Thursdays Mrs W. Wren, 1st in month Carmell, 3-6 Tweedie Du Maurier Fridays Mrs L. Hammond 1st & 2nd Medley 1st in month Simonds 3 first in month A. Levy Mrs Harley Livesey Saturdays Elkin Mocatta Richmond List of linen taken to Ramsgate 29th Oct /89 8 clean sheets 9 6 soiled ditto 18 pillow cases clean 5 soiled ditto 6 chamber towels clean 5 soiled ditto 3 bath ditto, clean 3 soiled ditto 3 small table cloths clean 1 dishing up with fringe 1 rough towel 10 toilets clean 11 14 clean serviettes 12 4 soiled ditto 13 2 clean best table cloths 14 2 soiled ditto Jan 1889 Tuesday 1 January (First two days empty, filled here by notes from back of 1888 diary) Still v. foggy. Poor baby Hamilton buried at Winchester today, Lin gone to it. Dreadfully cold damp & foggy, hope he will be all right. Sp. came to lunch.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Laurence & I did cellar & bottled, or rather unbottled, into barrel 3½ doz whiskey. Mr Guthrie sent Maud charming book of W. Crane & Roy huge box of soldiers, chicks delighted, writing to thank him. Ham never gave them any lunch at Winchester. Lin took Mervyn & had some at Inn. Went to dinner Mrs a’Beckett. Lin came in middle of dinner looking perished with cold. A’B’s very kind but bad dinner. Met a’B. Tyrells. Wednesday 2 January Dull & slightly foggy. Went out morg. shop’g, bought Lin’s (illeg), for chicks carbolic, serge & candle shades. Lin’s cold v. heavy. Chicks out morg. long walk. Dismantled tree after lunch. Chicks v. happy in nursery all afternoon, roulette evg. Lin to Punch dinner, carriage fetched him, made gruel, fire in our room. Sorted all my old dresses etc. Thursday 3 January Mrs Messel’s children’s party 8 o’c. Dull, slightly foggy. Mrs S. out morg. Paid Madame B £20, Furzecott £1.12 & Marshall & Snelgrove £1.11.8 by cheque, also pd. Cullen 9/- window at Blackburn, Ramsgate, 7/6 for hire of chest of drawers for stables, Huish 3/9 cleaning stays & Tisdall 4/2 for cleaning. Chicks out morg. Lin preparing for Punch drawing on paper. Tabs & Ham to tea. H. had game chess with Roy & Roy beat him. Mrs Sheehy called, cannot make any arrangement to take Mrs S, v. sorry. Maud went alone to Mrs M’s, wore red dress & looked v. sweet. Lin fetched her. Fire in our room. Friday 4 January Lin hard at work on paper drg. Maud in bed to breakfast, seems none the worse for her party. Horrible dream about Nana. Tabbie & Ham & Con & Eff to tea. No, C & E to tea - I drove up to Ogles & saw Tab & Ham. Saturday 5 January Mrs Boughton at home 5- 7. Private view of old masters at R. Academy. Lin & self went up by brougham to Academy, foggy very. Most interesting pictures, Van Steens, Musscher, Romney, Raphaels & poor F. Holls. Lunched at St James’ & on in cab to Terry’s Theatre where Minnie & chicks joined us, also Mr Guthrie. Most delightful entertainment & how Minnie laughed! Lin & Roy walked home, Mrs S. & self drove. Sp. called & said the Estate had not sold all B. A. Gt. Southern shares, think he is mistaken. Quiet evg. Sat in morg. room, sweetly pretty but most uncomfortable. Sunday 6 January Dull, bitterly cold & slightly foggy. Lin took 2 chicks for walk, too cold for church. Lin went after in dog cart to Mr Barker’s Wimbledon. Con, Eff, Tab, Ham & Sp. to dinner 7.30. Roy & Maud & Mrs S. also down. Very jolly evg. H. sang, Sp. stayed v. late. Monday 7 January Dull & foggy. Lin walked up to Club, met chicks & self at Covent Garden Theatre, Hanglers Circus. V. v. foggy in London. Good performance & home safely, Lin walked. Dear Roy had a severe fall morg, knocked his nose violently in Hall. Jolly fetched Tabbie’s pretty flower basket from Hotel. Quiet evg. Lin v. rampant! morg & evg. Tuesday 8 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Freake’s invite to her Box at Albert Hall for the Patti concert. Actually fine morning. Shop’g morg. After lunch Mrs Gaston, Olive, Miss Buschman called, & Pattie Wood came to lunch. Very jolly evg. at Hall. Sat next to Lady Hardman & Miss Brandham. Mr & Mrs Kendal & a number of others there, Miss Young etc. Dear Roy’s nose & eye v. much swollen. Wednesday 9 January Mrs Leech’s children’s party 6 o’c. Mrs Orton’s children’s party 6 o’c. Mrs Eykyn’s dinner ¼ to 8. Mrs Jopling Rowe’s at home 9.30. Lovely day & quite warm. Sent Roy with Jolly to see Dr Orton as his eye & face look v. bad fr. fall, gave him some medicine. Took chicks for walk myself into Gardens, Tony also. Lin rode to Hampton Court. I tidied drawers etc. Had letter fr. Fred Watkins about poor Mrs Linley’s death, v. grieved. Very pleasant evg. at Mrs Eykyns, met Barkers & Parishes. Mr Tuedly(?) took me in, handsome wife asked me to call, 21 Pk. Lane. Thursday 10 January Cinderella dance at Princes Hall 8 o’c. Mrs Stokes’ dinner 7 o’c, postponed. Very wet sultry morg. Books in very heavy, 10 to dinner Sunday. To tea at Mr Parsons’ to meet Mrs Millet. Mr Burnand bothering Lin with 3 subjects. Pouring wet. Lin & self went to Mr Parsons, met Mrs Millet, distinctly pretty but something I don’t like in her. Mr Roller & Harold there, Beatrice going to be married to her cousin Adrian Hope! Alma & Mrs Tadema, Alexanders & a heap of others there. Quiet here, Lin worked. Heard of Mrs Robert Linley’s death at Treeton(?) Friday 11 January Finish day. Lin busy at work 3 drawings in one day!!! Too much. Did good many odd jobs ought to have done long ago. Chicks out twice. Heard of poor Hermina’s husband’s death, sudden. Drove to Stores, met Olive, heard Tabbie was in town again! Called on Mrs Lucy just starting for Hythe & went on to Metropole Hotel, found Mrs Stokes in her night dress - room awfully untidy, general muddle, wonder how anyone can live in such a state. Saturday 12 January Lin doing 3rd block. Barkers horse sent, muddle, Jolly had to take him back again. Took chicks to Savoy. Mr Guthrie met us there, delightful piece, chicks delighted. Sp. called & v. worried, did not see him. Turned out cupboards etc with Minnie in nursery. Sunday 13 January Mrs Alexander’s at home 10.30. Lin rode to see Barker’s horse, coachman tried him with Lin. Roy & M St Matthias with Minnie. Read to them after lunch. Mr Ellis called. Monday 14 January See governesses before one o’c. Lady Freake at home 4.30. See Mad’lle F(illeg) between 2 & 3.30 o’c. X. Petit ami au soir. No governess called, only Hattie - v. like Minnie! Went to Stores met Lin & went to Lady F’s together. A. Blunt, Mt Burgess, Hardmans, Boehms etc etc there. Good music, quiet evg. Tuesday 15 January In bed to breakfast. Lin took chicks to National Gallery & Stuart ditto. Lin rode morg. Mrs Earl, Judy & Blanche called, sofa. Wednesday 16 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Mactear at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Jopling Rowe’s at home 9.30. Very seedy. Lin rode morg. Took chicks to see Goody Two Shoes at Court Theatre after lunch. Played whist. Dull & dark. Saw governess, more like 3 rd rate housemaid. Thursday 17 January Geraldine’s wedding. Mrs. Macdougall at home 3 to 5. Mrs. H. N. Pickering at home 4.30 to 7o’c. Feel v. queer & seedy. Chicks gone to see Judy’s wedding. Dullish, no better than yesterday. Drove for hour round Park with Mrs. S. Fatiguing as I don’t feel well enough to shout. Friday 18 January Mrs. A. Levy at home 4-7. County Council Election, first time. Lin hard at work all day. Mrs. Sambourne & I had drive round Park. I wrote & asked Dr. L. for some more granules, feeling weak generally. Saturday 19 January Mrs. Joachim’s children’s party 5.30 to 10. Lovely day, warm. Chicks out morg, lunched early. Roy & self went in cab 2/- to see “Nagey” at Avenue. Lin met us there. Lin v. worried about Ld. Mayor’s behaviour with regard to drawing, he went up to see him in cart taking Roy, after to B. Museum & St Alban’s Church. Lin left us at Avenue to see Mr George Lewis about Ld. Mayor, thinks he can settle it all right. Went to Charbonel & Walkers on way home had cup chocolate. Met G. Boehm, went to Grosvenor Private View, left Roy & Lin to walk home fr. there, I home in brougham. Maudie to Joachim’s looking v. sweet, home at 10.50. Sunday 20 January Chicks cannot go to St Alban’s on account of rain, v. disappointed. Too wet for Lin to ride. Mr Furniss called, Lin rode after lunch. Sp. here to lunch & dinner, dreadfully afraid he & Ada will separate, stayed v. late. Little F. not gone. Roy went to Church with Minnie after lunch. Monday 21 January Letter fr. Mervyn, dearest Mother ill, wish I c’d go but am frightened to leave the children. Lin riding morg. Saw funny little old governess. Letter fr. Nurse. Lin rode morg. Accident in Row, gentleman riding with Mrs de la Rue. Lin went up to see Sir G. Pringle. Met Lin at Garrick, went together to Burnetts & other shops. Quiet evg. Tuesday 22 January Lady Freake’s 2nd at home in her Box, Albert Hall. Last Patti concert. Mrs. Coronio’s at home 8.30. Mrs. de la Rue’s dinner 8 o’c. C. Stokes asked us to dinner tonight also. Back ached morg. Did not go out altho’ fine. Wire dear Mother better. Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Baines & Mrs. Val Princep called. Mother sent us box for Hall. Sent chicks with Laurence & Minnie, dear Roy so anxious to hear Patti. Lin rode with Mr Furniss. Delightful dinner & evg at Mrs. de la Rue’s. C. Burnand, Mrs. Alexander. Mrs. Lance Speed & 3 others & Mr Fairfield only besides selves. Most entertaining man Mr F, enjoyed evg. immensely. Wednesday 23 January Mrs. Jopling Rowe’s at home 9.30. Two stalls for Drury Lane Pantomime. Dull morg. Better news of dear Mother. Lin & self took dear Roy to Pantomime, enjoyed it immensely, met Mr Harrison coming out. Mrs. Banks Tomlin, Mrs. Mocatta & Miss Harcourt called, unfortunately missed them.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 24 January Mrs. Medley’s dinner. Ld Mayor’s farewell dinner to American Minister (Mr Phelps). Drove with Roy at 3 to Welby’s, left locket, to Burnetts about cloth. To Baker St. Bazaar about glass, paid for it 15/3. Man cheated me of a shilling. Don’t go there again! Con came in just as I was getting in to bed, staying with F. Jackson. Slightly better news of dear Mother. Midge went down to Westwood by Granville today fr. Cheshire. Con stayed with me until 12 o’c. Grand gathering at Mansion House. Friday 25 January Mrs. A. Levy at home 4-7. Mrs. Boehm’s dinner 8 o’c. Cannot go on account of work. Accepted. Slightly better news of dear Mother. Miss Walford comes up today. Lin doing block on paper. V. swell dinner at Mrs. B’s, all titles - but dull! Spoke about Minnie, Mrs. B. will let me know Monday. Con came in to tea, had his tongue cut, seems v. well otherwise. Con goes to The Royal to stay with H. Langley tomorrow. Mrs. Sambourne & children had tiff. L. v. rude to Maud, pity she forgets herself so. Saturday 26 January Mrs. Boughton at home 5-7. C. Stokes’ dinner at Metropole 7 o’c. Shop’g morg. with Maud & Roy, lovely day. Called on Mrs. Coward, in bed with bad cold. F. Walford to lunch, better news of dear Mother. F. W. to tea. Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett called, had tea. Lin rode & went up to Club after luncheon. C. trying evg! principal conversation at dinner. Mrs. J. N. Mason, son, Major Carter, Mr Trater(?) & Mr Wildon at Mrs. Stokes, funny dinner! Mrs. S. looked sweetly pretty, can’t understand her love for C. Wonder if it will last! (illeg)! They go to Nice next Saty. C. wild(?) on a scheme to marry R. B(illeg) to Mr Cross (of C. & Blackwell). Sunday 27 January Mrs. Heilbut’s dinner 7.45. Lovely day. Chicks off with Minnie to St Alban’s Church. Lin riding. Mr Angell called. Chicks home fr. church v. late. Delightful evg. at Mrs. H’s. B. Tree took me down, Grossmith on other side. V. jolly evg. all sang & played the fool(?) generally. Home in cab. Monday 28 January Mrs. Roberts’ children’s party 4.30 till 8. Roy & self came to Westwood by Granville, took Tommy a’B. as far as Margate. Midge met us, so glad to see her. Lin saw us to Station. Tuesday 29 January Darling Roy’s holidays over. Mother v. weak, going to sleep with her tonight. Letters fr. Lin. Drove in to Ramsgate with Roy, pouring wet. Wednesday 30 January Mother seemed very weak morg, felt v. unhappy. Slept with her. Took darling Roy back to school at ¼ to 4. Midge went with us. Mr S. v. amiable but won’t let Roy off Greek, old Bear! Cat got caught in trap & had her paw injured. Miss Allen ill in bed, so sorry not to see her. Thursday 31 January Mrs. Rider Haggard’s dinner 7.45. Lovely day, dear Mother better, took more during night. Midge left by Granville, Mervyn with her to Station. Walked round grounds with her. Slept with Mother. Miss Roy dreadfully.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Feb 1889 Friday 1 February Mrs. Medley’s dinner 8 o’c. Cannot go. Dear Mother little better. Seems strange without Jess. Hill with dear Mother at night. I slept well. Dr Treeves called said Mother was much better, to keep up her strength. Mer. receives & writes volumes to F. W, very love-sick. Letters fr. dear Lin & Maud. Saturday 2 February Lovely day. Letters fr. dear Lin. Long to hear how Roy is getting on in his new class. Up 4 times in night, dear Mother restless. Let fire out, so stupid of me. Mother seemed tired but took little more nourishment. Mer. & self went to Ramsgate shop’g. Got Roy’s 2 new flan. shirts, much colder, he’ll want them. Sunday 3 February Lovely morg. Dear Mother not quite so well. Went with Mer. to St Peters, left him at church & took wreath to grounds. Coming away lady asked me which was the Giant’s tomb - never heard of it!. Walked to meet carriage at Shallows, beautiful day but v. cold. Dear Mother sat at table at dinner but seemed tired & weak & eat v. little. Mer. walked to Margate after lunch. Mother & self sat in study, dear Mother had little sleep. Had 2 letters fr. dear Linley. Wrote to my darling boy & Nana. Monday 4 February Mother decidedly better, had better night. Mr Treeves called & signed document. Snowed. Much colder. Left Westwood by 12.15. V. sorry to leave dear Mother & yet anxious to be home to dear Lin & Maud. Lin met me at Sta. Train up with Miss Borradale. Maud looking bonnie, Mrs. S. well. Minnie been after place, Observatory Gardens. Tuesday 5 February Maud & self went out in brougham about everlasting governess. After lunch Mrs. Alma Tadema, Silver, Mackenzie, Humphreys, N. Bergheim, Keith, Cowan, Pollock, called. Lin rode. More sad details about death of Crown Prince Rudolph of Austria. No news of dear Mother. Wednesday 6 February Wet morg. Minnie gone after 2 places. Engaged Madame Allain 10 Sutherland Place, Bayswater, twice a week for Maud, Wed & Saturday for 2 hours at 11 o’c. Saw Mrs. Durrant for Minnie, likes her. Minnie went to see house, thinks she can do it easily, high wages. Maud & self called on Mrs. V. Cole, had tea there. Mrs. S. slept all evg. Oh the dullness of this company, it gets more unbearable every day. I want to be kinder but absolutely dislike her, she rubs me as I evidently do her up wrong way & we both hate each other - honest truth. Thursday 7 February Mrs. Aird’s at home 9 to 12 o’c. Went morg. to Mrs. Goldstein with Maud in brougham. Spoke well of little German governess, shall see her again, if satisfactory take her. Minnie engaged by Mrs. Durant. Very pleasant evg. at Mrs. Aird’s. Bitterly cold. Friday 8 February Fine morg. Tidied Maud’s things. Saw English governess, the only one I have cared for as yet. Hope she will come & that we shall like her. Pouring wet afternoon. Went with Maud & was fitted with new dress, directoire. Paid Cruft’s


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 bill 2/5½. Minnie had letter fr. lady, wants her tomorrow. Wrote to decline little German governess. Lin hard at work on paper. Lin dining at Mrs. du Maurier’s tonight. Saturday 9 February Bitterly cold. Madame Allain’s first lesson with Maud, took her for 2 hours walk. I went out shop’g. 2 letters fr. dear Mother, wants Lin & self to go down, shall try directly I can move after little F. After lunch Lin Maud & self went to Court Theatre to see “Mama”, capital. Met Mrs. P. Wright there. Lin walked to Club & back. Lin rode morg. Maud & self called on Miss Montalba, had chocolate there. Minnie went to her new place at Mrs. Durant’s, 6 Queen’s G. Ter. Quiet evg. Notice of Lin in evg papers. Letter v. satisfactory fr. Mrs. M. about Miss Gill. Sunday 10 February Bitterly cold. Lin & Maud for a long walk with Tony. Heavy snow storm. Wrote letters to dear Mother, darling Roy, Mrs. Mackenzie, & Miss Gill asking her to come next Friday. X. Petit ami. Horrid dream about dear Mother. Snowing all afternoon. Monday 11 February Tea at Mrs. Coward’s 5 o’c. Bitterly cold. X. Petit ami, in bed till one o’clock Snowing hard. Tuesday 12 February In bed till one o’clock. Feel better this time, slept for hour after breakfast. Maud for long walk with Jane morg. Letter fr. Minnie, seems uncomfortable, but cannot really judge yet. Mrs. Joachim called had long chat with her. Gertrude had proposal fr. man 20 years older. Mrs. J. against such marriages. Lin hard at work all day on Ballad. Snow still on ground. Wednesday 13 February Snowing. Maud out with Madame Allain, 2 nd lesson. Alice to lunch & talk about Minnie. Lin working at Blarney Ballads. Coals in at last. Roads still bad. Folkestone roughed & to meet Lin fr. Punch dinner tonight. Miss Gill to tea 4.30. Thursday 14 February Mrs. W. S. Gilbert at home 10.30. In bed till 12.30. Drove after lunch with Maud round Park. Charming party at Mrs. Gilbert’s (I c’d not go). Miss Miss Julia Neilson there, sang, & charmed the hearts of men generally. Friday 15 February Mrs. A. Levy at home 4-7. Miss Gill comes. Nursery window broken. Took Maud for drive with me at 3. Laurence took Maud for walk morg. Miss G. arrived at 5. Nursery looked v. comfortable with dining room piano in it. Found Miss G. very nice. Lin & self did not dine until 11 o’c. Saturday 16 February Lin & self came to Westwood by Granville. Met large party of Hammonds & Hoods & Thomsons coming down. I got awful stiff neck thro’ having window open. Poor Maud v. unhappy at my leaving. Madame A. came morg. Maud had her French lesson in dining room as nursery window was being mended, v. cold. Found dear Mother so so. Letter fr. Minnie determined to leave, pity. Found Miss G v. pleasant at breakfast this morg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 17 February Lovely day, warmer. Lin walked over to see dear Roy, he had a cold & c’d not return here to lunch with Lin. I was dreadfully disappointed not to see his dear little face. He finds the lessons v. much more difficult than in his last class. Monday 18 February Heavenly day, warm as spring. Mother walked out with me once down garden, v. tired after. Lin working in (illeg) room most comfortable. Lovely & sunny all day. No letters by first post. Darling Maud wrote me a long letter much illustrated, few lines fr. Mrs. S. enclosed. Tuesday 19 February Lovely day. Lin v. busy finishing 2nd block or rather drawing. Edgar came over after lunch, stayed till 8 o’c. Looks v. well for any of us. Mother better. Letters fr. Maud & Mrs. S. Lin hard at work, not out all day. Wednesday 20 February Lovely day. Lin left by Granville this morning. Mr Green called & Mervyn went & lunched with him & remained till 6 o’c. Tassel went after leaving Lin at Station to see dear Roy who he found in bed with a bad cold, he is to be moved tomorrow in to another room. Miss Allen better. I drove to Ramsgate after lunch shop’g, came back & found Connie B. & Florrie H. here. Mother had heart attack fr. fatigue, better after. Mervyn & self to dinner alone. Letter fr. Midge, few lines fr. Mrs. S. Maud all right. Letter fr. Miss Gill this morg. Maud happier. Thursday February 21 Lin dines at Mr Penn’s Wyndham Club. Two letters fr. Lin. Mother much better. I walked morg. with Mervyn. Mervyn went to Margate after lunch, saw dear Roy thinks him looking v. seedy, sh’d like to have him home & nurse him, bless him! Mrs. Hammond & silly niece called. Hailed pretty heavily after lunch. X. Dear Maud came on “unwell”. Mervyn went to see dear Roy looking v. seedy fr. cold. Friday 22 February Mrs. A. Levy at home 4-7. Mrs. Bradbury’s at home 9 o’clock. Allotment letters of new shares in Cent. Argt. Raily. due. Two letters fr. Linley. Maud still seedy. Letter fr. Mrs. S. Maud having little Cowards to tea tomorrow. Mervyn dined at Mrs. Green’s. Saturday 23 February Heavy snow on ground. Mervyn & self for walk. Mother much better, seems to get stronger every day. Lin coming by Granville. Met him at Margate & went on to see dear Roy, found him better. Mr Sch. ungracious as ever, seemed amused at Lin’s coat, fur. Letters fr. Miss G. & Mrs. S. Darling Maud came on seedy on Thursday which accounts for her looking unwell lately. Lin tired, only arrived fr. Mrs. Bradbury’s dance at ½ p. 2 this morning. News of Yellow fever having broken out on the ship the Barkers have gone to S. America in. (illeg) dead & buried at sea. Letter fr. dear Roy. Sunday 24 February Lovely morg. Lin gone for long walk along coast. Mother better but little boil on her dear nose. Monday 25 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Carbutt’s at home 4-6. Came up with Lin fr. Westwood by Gran. Left dear Mother much better. I think Maud looking poorly & depressed. Went to Mrs. Carbutt’s, v. slow. Met Petties, Medley & Miss Wills there. Densely slow. Game of cards with dear Maud, Miss G. & Mrs. S. Lin had good ride, v. v. cold. Found all well at home. Quiet evening. Madame du Quaine called, so sorry to miss her. Tuesday 26 February Bitterly cold. Maud looks better & had good breakfast tho’ poor lunch after her walk. I went to see rooms at Mrs. White’s for Mother, engaged for some time. Went & saw Mrs. Macdougal who rec’d Mrs. Harrison’s rooms. Went & saw them, seem comfortable, tho’ dear for such a situation. Lin v. busy all day on Punch work. Bitterly cold & (illeg)! Lin to Mr Hunter’s after tea. Wednesday 27 February Bitterly cold. Took Mrs. S. to Station, had to wait 35 minutes for Ealing train. Walked after to Watsons, shop’d etc. Drove at 3.30 to Miss Cook’s, find her prices nearly as high as Madame’s. To Welbys left Nana’s locket & to Burnetts got stuff for Maud’s dress, ordered cloth. Called on Mrs. Mocatta. Great furor! over Burmah Ruby Mines! Miss G. came down & sang after M. was in bed v. charmingly, seems to amuse Maud nicely with games. Jane went to do shop’g for me & saw Minnie, not well, leaving at her month. Thursday 28 February Mrs. A. G. Pollock’s dinner ¼ to 8. Mrs. Flower’s at home 3-6. Bitterly cold. Went out morg. to Watsons, snowing & v. dirty. Lin played me trick of sending old letter fr. Minnie! Miss G. & Maud out. Edgar came in to tea looking v. well. Delightful dinner at the Pollocks. Col. Oldham took me in & was most amusing, in fact the dinner, wine, service & everything perfect. Lin enjoyed it & seemed better after his long day’s work. Mar 1889 Friday 1 March Bitterly cold, snow. Lin hard at work. Walked shops. Maud had Dolly to tea. Lin hard at work. Miss G’s sister came. Maud arranged magic lantern. I drove at 3 to Madame about mantle, called on Tabs, out, Mrs. Medley. Tabbie & B. Barrs called here, stayed some time. Miss Harcourt to tea. Saturday 2 March Bitterly cold. Madame Allain here. Maud & Miss A to Stuart Gallery 1/2. Went out shop’g bought lining 1/8 for M’s dress. Called on Mrs. Coward, saw chicks & Baby. Mrs. C. kindly promised to lend me Evelyn’s dress to try on Maud. Linley rode. Sp. called morg. Lin walked up to town with him & rode after lunch. Lin dined at Mr Abbey’s, home v. late, after 4! Maud v. tired evg. Sunday 3 March Dense yellow fog early & v. cold, hard frost. Lin home fr. Abbey dinner to George Roller at 4 o’c. v. excited, won £10. Wish they w’d not gamble. Awake when he came in, v. festive. Cleared up & became lovely. Lin walked to Club. Miss G. went to St Mary Abbots. Lin & self overslept ourselves. Long ac’t in Observer about Piggott suicide at Madrid & “Times” being taken in so over the Parnell case. Monday 4 March Bitterly cold. Maud better, pain gone. Busy all morg. Drove at 3.30 to Mde, fitted with mantle. Fetched Maud & went to tea at Montalbas. M enjoyed it v. cosy. Miss


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 G, Maud & self evg. meal together. Cut out M’s dress after. Lin dined at Garrick, to Savoy after. Mr Tenniel gave dinner. Tuesday 5 March Asked Tab & Ham to dine 7.30. Mother coming up to Grosvenor with Mervyn. H. Roller & Miss Huxley’s wedding 2.30, Lin & self going. Lovely day. Sad news of Mr E. J. Wood’s death fr. severe chill at Coventry. Lin & self to H. Roller’s wedding, lovely girl Beatrice. Called & had tea at Mr du Maurier’s on way home. Mrs. Tuer called. Little Cowards to tea. Wednesday 6 March To Miss Dampier’s to be fitted. Walked some distance. Mervyn called v. excited about getting 2 letters fr. Lin for A. Harris & Wyndham, hope he will find engagement. I drove with him to Gros. Hotel at 3.30 & remained on to dinner with Mother. Dear Mother looking fatter & better altogether, went down to table d’hôte dinner with Mervyn & self. M. on to Hall to meet F. W. who sleeps at Gros. tonight with Mother. Letter fr. Mrs. S. returning tomorrow fr. Ealing. Barkers all right at B. Ayres. Entered £5 Lin gave me in Roy’s P. O. Savings Book. Thursday 7 March Mrs. Montefiore’s dinner. Pouring wet & v. cold. Letter fr. Mr Wyndham to Lin about Mervyn. Sent cheque £15 London & Westminster Bk for 1 st install. of 15 new Central Argentine Rly. shares allotted of £5 each. Friday 8 March Lin dines Dr. F. Barnes. X. Petit ami. Very wet day, chilly. Letter fr. Mervyn. Drove at 3 to see Mother at 13 Maddox St, v. nice rooms. Lunched there, Mervyn & F. W. to lunch. Mervyn took her to Hampstead after. I stayed on all afternoon with Mother. Carriage fetched me at 7 o’c. Lin met at Dr. Morris at F. Barnes, wonder if it was Malcolm M. who saw Sch. boys & dear Roy. Saturday 9 March Maud’s cold rather bad. Lin took her after lunch to see Paul Jones as I c’d not go, v. amusing. Miss G. went out on her own account came back just before Maud & Lin. Letter fr. Tabs asking to dine here tomorrow. Mrs. S. returned from Ealing looking v. well. Quiet evg. Lin rode morg. Brougham fetched them fr. theatre, they called on Tabs, found her out. Sunday 10 March Maud’s cold bad. Miss G. to Church morg. Maud with me. Lin rode. Mr Guthrie, Mervyn, Tabs, Ham & B. Barrs to dinner 7.30. Mrs. S. & Miss G. did not come down. Miss G. bad headache. V. jolly evg. Ham came out of his shell more. B. Barrs v. much improved & seems intelligent. Monday 11 March Lovely day. Lin rode with Mrs. Gilbert morg. Dear M’s cold little better. Roy’s letter, seems well & looking forward to holidays, v. good report fr. Mr Sch. Miss G. & self went round of calls, made 12. R. Haggard, W. S. Gilbert, McLaren, Boehm, de la Rue, Joshua, Messel, went in saw Mrs. Sington & Mrs. Hunter. Spielman, Heilbut, big at home there, saw Boughton, B. Davis sang. Gabbinelli, Mackenzie, L. Stone who seemed v. pleased to see me so that’s all right - A. Burnand & Eykyns. Good afternoon’s work! Mrs. Millar & Mrs. du Maurier called. Maud’s cold seems better. Mrs. S. seems very bright & well.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 12 March Lin dines with Mr Aird at House of Commons. Very seedy in bed till 12. No one called. Lin had good time at House. Heard Trevelyan, Ld. C. Beresford, Sir W. Lawton etc speak. Dined with Mr Aird & went to theatre after with him. Home late. Wednesday 13 March Anniversary of dear Father’s death. Tony bitten by stray dog, had him sent to Stables, must watch him for 6 months. Lin rode before breakfast, dined at Royal Institute, sat next to Harry Quilter & Sir Vincent Barrington. Went with Maud at 2.15 with basket of flowers to Vic. Sta. sent it by Granville & sent telegram to Mervyn to fetch it fr. Broadstairs. On to see Mother, left Maud & took F. W. on with me to be fitted at Madames’s, awful fit!!! Missed Maud & Mother. F. came on with me & had tea, general confusion. Two Cowards to tea, Maud in late, acting after. Laurence out little while evg. Jane managed v. nicely. Thursday 14 March Mrs. Medley’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Elkin Mocatta’s dance 9.30. Lovely day. Lin rode before breakfast. I came down to breakfast. Miss G. seems v. delicate! Salon bien mal nettoyer ou pas nettoyer de tout. Nana came with Mrs Matheson & 3 children. Mrs. M. very pretty & sweet looking so glad Nana seems, & is, so comfortable. Thinks M. looking poorly & thin in face. Very charming dinner at Mrs. Medley’s, flowers lovely – 3 huge silver bowls filled with tulips. Mr Coster Dutch took me in & Mr Firth M.P. on other side, most amusing. Went on to Mocatta dance, not crowded enough. Mrs. Tweedie asked me to call. Miss Gill went with her sister to entertainment at Chelsea, in at 10. Friday 15 March Mrs. A. Levy at home 4-7. Lovely day. Went out morg. shop’g. Met Miss Penn, walked with her, v. pleased to hear about Roy. Maud seems languid & not well, no appetite. Called on Miss Lutyens. Miss G & Maud out morg. Sp. came in & jumped about, fidgetted Lin. Took Maud with me after lunch in carriage, left her boots to be mended. To Mrs. Kemp’s about Lin going there Sunday & to Mother, found her so poorly sent Maud home & stayed until 7. Lin sent carriage for me. Maud seems very poorly & full of cold. Saturday 16 March Lin goes to first night of Richard 111. Saw Madame Allain. Gave Maud castor oil, tongue v. bad & seems full of cold & phlegm. Lin working hard all morg. on second drawing. Tiresome because of drawing room. Drove at 3 to M. Pollock’s, Mrs. Chapman’s & Mrs. Crawford, away, went on to Mother seems very poorly, Mervyn too looked worried & seedy. F. W. there. Mrs. Chay(?) Terraro & C. Burnand came in to tea. Mervyn saw me into cab, 1/6 home. Lin rode at 5 o’c. Mrs. Sambourne & Miss Gill went out after lunch. Sunday 17 March Invite to supper at Mrs. Kemp’s 7.30. Maud’s cold still heavy. Miss G. & Mrs. S. to church together. Miss G. & self to Church at 3.30. Went on after to Mother spent evg. there, cab home 2/-. Mother alone, seems v. poorly. Met C. Carr & D. Forbes on way to Mother. Mervyn at F. W’s. Gibbing horse coming home. Mervyn came as far as Church with me. Sp.called. Monday 18 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Darling Roy & Midge’s letters. Went out at 3.30 called on Friths, L. Hammond, Cockerell, a’Beckett, du Quaire, Twiss, Harding, Waring, Boehm, Nottage, Chester, Silver, Arcol. Long chat with Miss Frith, all rest out except Mrs. Silver. Met 2 v. nice girls there. Maud came down & had game but does not seem herself. Tuesday 19 March Went out morg. shop’g. Maud better but not right. Alice Linley called & went out with Mrs. S & chose mantle. Alice Leigh called with Mrs. Evans & Mrs. (illeg) all so stiff & starch! Lin & self to Gaiety Theatre “Faust up to date” v. pretty dance by 4 girls. Saw Mr & Mrs. Kemp there. Left Lin at Grosvenor Gal. Abbey there. Sad news of Mary Anderson v. ill, also Mrs. Langtry. Evelyn Coward here to tea. Maud little better. Wednesday 20 March First night German Reed’s. Lovely day. Lin rode before breakfast. Box for morg. performance at Drury Lane. Mrs. S, Miss G, Maud & Evelyn to Pantomime. Alice Leigh dined here & went to German Reed’s with me. V. pretty little piece Grainford(?). Laurence paid Lindsey £2.16.6, Derry Toms £1.10.0 & Wellby’s £2.17.0. for me after lunch, also left Pass Book. Thursday 21 March X. Maudie’s time due. Rain & snow. Boy forgot to leave “Times” amazing on ac’t of Lin’s work. In all morg. busy. Called after lunch on Aunt Linda & stayed all afternoon. Lin dined out, met Americans, not in till after 2 o’c. Miss Gill finished Maud’s dress & stayed down & sang evg. Friday 22 March Mrs. A. Levy at home 4-7. Walked morg to R. Row with Maud & Miss G, lovely day. M. seems better & brighter. Miss G. went after lunch with Mrs. S. to see Mrs. Carter, returned at 8.30. Maud & self had very happy afternoon together, called on Mrs. Levy, O’Brian, Skirrow, Humphreys, H. Power, Montefiore & Mrs. Arthur Levy. Maud enjoyed it, at home at Mrs. Levy’s, amusing men there for a wonder. Letters fr. Midge & Miss Bourne. Lin v. busy on paper drawing of Harcourt as Elephant catching Balfour as Eel! Excellent. Saturday 23 March Go to Midge’s. Lady Hardman at home 9.30 (Edison’s phonograph.) Maud out morg. with Miss G. Met Mde. Allain. Lunched early & Maud & self went by bus to Prince’s Theatre “Paul Jones”. Miss Huntingdon (American) quite charming no wonder Maud was fascinated by her. Mr & Mrs. Skirrow there. Lin lunched with Mr Bradbury & came on to us at Theatre after, home in cab. Mis G. went to Hampstead to see her sister. Found Mrs. S. v. tired on return. Lin & self went to Lady Hardman’s at 10. Phonograph interesting but cannot see to what use it will be put, to hear once is enough - & more than enough. Sunday 24 March Cold & dull. Mrs. S. seems tired & over done. Lin off for ride. I feel tired & seedy fr. atmosphere of rooms last night which was very bad. Went to Church at 3.30 with Miss G. & Maud. Sp. here, met us coming out of Church, with Mr Plasket. Mr & Mrs. Tweedie called, stayed tea. Lin busy with photos all afternoon. Lin rode with Mr Coward to Richmond. Monday 25 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Paid washing £1.0.6½ leaves £1.18 still to pay. Mrs. Ascol & family left, let their house again. Went with Maud at 2.30 to Gardens, so lovely out, called coming home on Mrs Webster, Welch, Ionides & B. Lin & self went to see Richard 111 in evg. House smelt like tom cats, horrid. Good performance & exquisitely mounted piece but only seeing others as these characters one feels what a great artist Irving really is notwithstanding his excentricities. Tuesday 26 March Mrs. Lucy’s dance to G. O. M. Lin going. Mrs. C. Critchett’s dinner, can’t go. I going alone to Mrs. C’s. Emma in very bad temper about milk – pity she takes everything personally. Lovely day. Lin rode before breakfast. Mrs. H. Levy called. Maud went with Lin to see Miss Huntingdon. Had tea at “Niagara”. Delightful dinner at Mrs. Critchett’s. Sir John Morris took me in & Sir W. Alt(illeg), head of Foreign Office on other side, most interesting men. Wednesday 27 March X. Dear Maudie in bed little F came. To tea Mrs. Lewis’s. Letter fr. Mother. Mrs. Sambourne left us for St Neots at 3.30. Miss G. took her to station. Mr Glossop went down with her. I went at 3.30 called on Mrs. Hunter & Mrs. Fildes then on Mother at Grosvenor, found her v. poorly. Mervyn came in while there, has been engaged by Dacre at Grand Theatre Islington, was off to theatre with his everlasting F. W. Mother & self went together to Mr Corbet’s, to Edgar & So’s, found them in - had tea there - to Fortnums. I then left Mother at Grosvenor as afraid to leave Maud. Thursday 28 March Lunch at Mrs. Boehm’s 1.45. Lin dines with Orchardson. Lovely day. Mrs. B. seedy. Lunched there & walked with Sp. to Gds, called on Mrs. Waring & on Mother, F. W. there. Mervyn v. excited about engagement. Friday 29 March Lin hard at work all day. Dined at 7.30. Called with Maud on Mrs. Boehm left machine, Harrods Stores, Alexanders, Mrs. McTear, Mrs. Joachim & Susie a’Beckett. Maud v. poorly. Saturday 30 March Div. Warrents City B. A. Trams sent out today. Picture day. Moscheles, Mc Whirter, Goodall. Maud & Miss G. for walk morg, M. in bath chair. Lin worked morg. Lin rode to see Boat Race, Cambridge won. Took Maud to tea at Mrs. Goodall’s. Miss G. out afternoon. Sp. came in & stayed some time. Mervyn arrived, very jolly having him. Lin tired evg. Sat in pretty but uncomfortable morg. room. Burnand wired Lin to go to Bouverie St to alter block. Sunday 31 March Goodall pictures on view. Mrs. Carbutt’s dinner 8 o’c. Picture Sunday for outsiders. Went to Church morg. with Mervyn to Pro’. Heard interesting sermon, or rather part of it. Lin rode morg. Mervyn went to Hampstead to dinner. Bertie Keith & wife called & had tea. Maud & Jane went for walk morg. M. seems better. Apr 1889 Monday 1 April Mr Boehm, Abbey, C. Carr, Guthrie, Tenniel, du Maurier to dinner. Mary Barker & Jolly came to assist & E’s husband. Supper after, played roulette. All seemed to enjoy evg. Table looked lovely, yellow green & orange. Miss G. & self did shop’g


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 at stores etc & arranged flowers & fruit. Made coffee in morg. room. Mervyn’s first night in “Double Marriage” at Grand Theatre Islington. Tuesday 2 April Lovely day. Sp. called & brought his two chicks, both look v. delicate. In all day. Put away glass etc. Maud out twice, looking better. Mrs. Coward, F.W, Lady Nottage, Mrs. Power, Mrs. Vicat Cole called. Mervyn in. Spencer came in to dinner, sang after, left at 11. Lin hunted Queen’s & had delightful day, rode with Ld. Coventry all the time. Sp’s two chicks came morg. Wednesday 3 April Colder. Mervyn gone to see Mrs. Palmer B. at Kew – settled satisfactory. £1 salary a week & all expences to play “Rector” & “Tares”, Mrs. O. Barrington’s play. Maud v. weepy & seedy. Spoke to Mde A. about M. having French after luncheon. Walked morg. Went to Church, excellent sermon but too long - on sympathy. Called & had talk with Mrs. Orton. Took M. with me at 3 to call on Humphreys, Latham, Critchett, Pickering & Holmes. Met Ada Sp. there – aftraid I got her Nurse & Sp. into row by saying chicks came yesterday. Lin walked to Punch dinner. Thursday 4 April X. Petit ami matin. F. W. came to lunch & went at 3.30 with me in brougham. Called on Mrs. du Maurier said uncomfortable thing about Abbey’s birthday being 1st April, Mrs. du M’s same day. Mrs. C. Carr there, uncomfortable generally. Called Mrs. Mackinlay interesting talk on religion, charming woman. Called Lady Mackenzie - heard American sing & de Lara play, Mrs. Morley there - & Mrs. Medley, out. Met Mervyn in Argyle Rd. He & F. W. went off together. Lin & self quiet evg. Mervyn got on v. well at theatre. Friday 5 April Goodall pictures on view 3 o’c. Sp. came in morg. Lovely day. Card fr. Mrs. S. In bed till 12, slept great deal. Went with M. at 3.30 to Mrs. German Reed’s saw K. R. & Mrs. Taff there, left cards on Mrs. Brine, Baines, Mrs. J. Mackenzie had tea there, Mrs. Nordenfeldt there & Mrs. Wolf(?) wife of Dr. who attended me after Roy was born. Called on Mrs. Lech & had tea with Mrs. P.Wright, met lady there who has taken Mrs. Arcoll’s(?) house. Lin v. busy on drawing of members of H. Commons as birds & animals, splendid drawing. Saturday 6 April Mervyn off early for rehearsal. In bed till 12 o’c. Maud & self went up in brougham to Criterion, Lin met us. Saw “Still Waters run deep” charmingly acted all round. Wyndham & Mary Moore, Mrs. B. Bure, Blakeley etc. Letter fr. Mrs. Arkcoll & Ada Sp. Miss G. to Hampstead afternoon. Lin did second drawing morning. Spent(?) tremendously all morg. V. tired. Sunday 7 April Mrs. A. Levy at home 9 o’c to welcome Mr Cowen. Picture Sunday. Mervyn left by 11 o’c train for Westwood. Lin rode. In bed till 12, better this time much. Maud & Lin went to 17 studios. Monday 8 April Mrs. Kirzon’s luncheon can’t go on ac’t of Lin’s doing Robinson Crusoe by Burnand which must be finished in a month. Mervyn returned early fr. Westwood, brought flowers & eggs. At 3 o’c Maud went with me called on Mrs. Rainbow,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Harcourt, Banks Tomlin, Tattersall, Warre & Lady Hardman. Home at 5.30. Mon. Allain came in Madame’s place – vy. annoyed, great liberty. Mrs. Kemp called. Tuesday 9 April Mrs. Invararity’s at home 10 o’c. Box for Court Theatre. Mervyn looks v. done up. Lin doing R. Crusoe. Sp. called everlasting rows between himself & Ada – wonder where that will end. Mrs. Medley & sister, Mrs. C. Critchett & Mrs. Roberts called. Vy. cleverly acted “Weaker Sex” but unsympathetic play. Mr & Mrs. Kendall excellent. Saw Mrs. Phillips & daughter & Mr & Mrs. Mocatta there. Left Lin at Mrs. I’s, slow evg there, buttonholed by Mrs. Black! know it myself. Wednesday 10 April Mrs. H. Levy’s dinner 8 o’c. can’t go. Dense fog. Dull & dark all day, pouring wet. Went at 3 in brougham with Maud to Garrick, left Lin’s coat there. Thursday 11 April Dense black fog, darker than night. Took Mervyn at 11 o’c to ½ Moon St, called & saw rooms Maddox St & met darling Roy at Victoria. Tassel with him, came on here in cab, had lunch here. Roy looking well & plump tho’ not nearly so much grown as Maud. Mervyn leaves us today for rooms. Called at Bank, altered my signature fr. Marion to Mary Anne. Took Cert. for £40 stock in Cent Arg’t Rly. Wire fr. Lady Mayoress about Maud as character for ball on 1 st May. Friday 12 April Lin hard at work. Miss G. took chicks out twice. Saturday 13 April Lin not working for wonder. Miss G, Maud, Roy & self for walk in Park. After lunch took Om. to Gaiety, saw “Faust up to date” capital. V. cold coming out. To Covent Garden, ordered fish etc, bought flowers & fruit. Sunday 14 April Wet dull day. Miss G. & Roy to Church St Mathias by omnibus & back by same. Maud in morg. seems languid. Maud & self to afternoon service at St Mary Abbots, saw Mrs. Roberts, Mary & Dolly there. Lin to dine at Colin Hunter’s. Monday 15 April Roy with croup. Kept him in bed all day. Sat with him all morg. Went with Maud at 4.30 to Mrs. Messel’s & had tea there, met Miss Schlessinger & Mrs. Shuster there. Roy v. tired slept at 9 & well all night. Tuesday 16 April Roy’s cough better had good night kept fire in & kettle going. Dressed Roy, went at 11 to Vic to fetch his playbox & to Stores to get Mother’s present. After lunch Miss G. sat with Roy. Katie Speed, Miss Reed & Mrs. Alfred Reed called. Lin hard at work. Roy much worse, began incessant coughing at 5 o’clock. Sent for Orton at 9 o’clock, came & gave Roy diaphoretic, wish I had given him one yesterday. Jane fetched it 1/9 & paid for it. Wednesday 17 April Up all night with dear Roy coughing till 4.30 incessantly. Dull day. Dear Roy seems better this morg. Letter fr. Mrs. S. enclosing money for dear chicks. Orton came.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 18 April Dear Roy better, came in drawing room for short time but cried with dreadful pain in tooth, slept with him. Orton came morg. Friday 19 April Mrs. A. Levy at home 4-7. Sp. & Daggles came morg. Went to Park with Maud & self in brougham morg. & returned here to lunch & Mervyn also. Up all night till 6 o’c with darling Roy in agony with tooth. Mr Herbert & brother came - gave gas & took it out. Quite exhausted after, slept after lunch. I had nap also, feel awfully done up. Dr O. said Roy might get up but much too weak to do so. Lin rode & took photos. Orton came at lunch time. Saturday 20 April Lovely day. Dear Roy better tho’ quiet & languid. Lin, M. & self in cart to Park, walked half way down, met Messrs Finlay, Joshua, Bartlett etc. Dr O. called to see Roy. Sp. came with 2 chicks. Roy up & down to lunch, gave him champagne. Lin lunched at Club, played tennis after with Mr B. on Campden Hill. Went to first night of “Doris” at “Lyric”. Lin rode after lunch. Mare with cracked heel. Orton came. Sunday 21 April Fine morg. Miss G. to Church morg. Dear Roy better but looks seedy & pale. Lin & self walked to Hyde Pk Gate Corner & took cab home. Sp. Ada & Dag. called, did not remain to dinner. Played with Roy, Miss G. also. Just going to Church with Maud when Mr O’Brian called, stayed some time so c’d not go. Lin lunched at Club, home to tea. Laurence out. Jane very seedy. Monday 22 April Dear Roy better. Miss G, Roy, Maud & self walked to Round Pond. Lovely day but cold wind. On to Park, came back alone with Roy, v. tired & X, gave him beef tea when we came in. Played in garden till lunch, seems seedy generally. Miss G. out afternoon & evg. V. happy afternoon alone with chicks. Lin played tennis on Campden Hill with Bartlett. Poor Roy’s tooth ached again & cough troublesome at night. Jane v. poorly. Sp. came in to dinner, left about 11.20. Jolly married today. Tuesday 23 April Lovely day. Went in cart morg. with Lin & Maud to Park. Roy & Miss G. walked as wind was cold & returned soon, Roy still seems weak. Dr O. called. Met Sp. & Mr Lusarda riding in Row. V. windy coming back. No one called. Poured & hailed after lunch, colder. Tried guitar! Quiet evg. Gave Roy hot bath, Miss G. helped. Jane v. seedy. Wednesday 24 April Very showery. Miss G, M, R. & self out but caught in showers. Sent Miss G. & M. home, R. & self on to boat shop. After lunch called alone on Mrs. Power (out) & stayed tea at Mrs. V. Cole’s, saw Blanche there. Called & had long chat with Mrs. Coward. Chicks to bed early. Lin bought new desk in dining rom. New desk arrived. Thursday 25 April Colder. Roy down to breakfast. Out morg. & afternoon with L. after lunch to see boat race on Pond. I drove to Mrs. Dickens, 7 children there!!! Had long chat with her on house etc. Drove to Harrods, dirty place tho’ cheap. Called on Miss


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lutyens & Americans opposite. Lin busy on Chamberlaine & Ld. Randolph, drawing on paper. Saw Mrs. Phillips about things, & Furzicott. Friday 26 April Mrs. A. Levy at home 4-7. Lovely day. Roy down to breakfast. Lovely box of soldiers fr. Mr Guthrie. Sp. came in, walked out morg. with me. Met chicks in park, home together. Sp. went with me to Stores. Changed credit notes for 5/1. Met F. Barking Young, not seen him for years. Bought flowers 1/-, M’s paper pattern 1/6, lilly roots. Sp. returned here to tea, called & left cards on Mrs. Carpenter. Saturday 27 April Walked out morg. shops. Miss G. took chicks, met them in Kens. Mare still with cracked heel! Lin lunched at Club. Miss G, M, R. & self went to Adelphi by bus, Lin met us there. Came back in carriage, Miss G. in Om. “Harbour Lights” chicks delighted with it. Quiet evg. Played games with Roy. Sunday 28 April Mrs. Tweedie’s dinner 7.45. Pouring wet morg. Chicks went for walk after lunch. Sp. & Dag. to lunch. Very pleasant evg. at Mrs. T’s. B. Trees, Mr Chester, Morris & 2 Miss Sherringtons there. Dullish dinner but amusing after. Pretty house & pretty maids. Monday 29 April See lady about Basson’s character 2 to 3.30. Lovely morg. Chicks out. Paid washing 2 weeks. Sent cheque £12 to pay 3 rd call on 4 new shares 2nd issue of B. A. Gt. Southern Rly. Went in cart with Lin & Roy to Zoo. Lin went to Club after leaving us & dined there, on after to first night of “Claudian”. Roy & self had v. jolly afternoon at Zoo, v. tired after. Nearly thrown down getting out of cart. Jolly knocked up against wheel of a cart coming home. Roy v. tired. Tuesday 30 April X. Petit ami. Sp. Came in morg & stayed luncheon. Pouring wet. Miss G. going with chicks to get their shoes at stores. Maud going to tea with Lech’s 5.30 o’c. Poured after lunch. Saw gentleman about Basson, one of Queen’s equerries. Chicks & Miss G. went to Private V. of Grosvenor Gly. Met Mr Guthrie there. Carriage took M. on to Mrs. Lech’s after. Jane fetched her, sems to have enjoyed herself. Lin & self quiet evg. Lin worked after dinner. May 1889 Wednesday 1 May Lady Mayoress fancy dress ball. Can’t go. Chicks with Lin & Miss G. to see “The Two Roses” at Criterion & to Private V. of New Gallery after!!! Roy seems seedy & fretful. Mrs. Crawford called. Sat in drawing room & chatted some time, had bad winter at Oporto. Lin out at lunch, came in after. Lin met chicks at Theatre. L. turning out morg. room thoroughly. Sp. came in morning. Books still v. heavy £6.0.7 besides extras I have bought. Mrs. Evered called. Thursday 2 May Mr Critchett’s at home 9.30 to 12.30. Begin beads. Lin hard at work on month’s block. Drove to Park with Roy after lunch, saw Queen! Paid books. Chicks for walk with Miss G. morg. Friday 3 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Private V. R. Academy. Maud & Lin going 4 o’c. Miss Gill & Roy to Natural His. Museum. Wrote about loss £18 to Sp’s bankruptcy W. Ogle, enclosed Sp’s receipt for 3 Tucuman shares. Lin hard at work. Saturday 4 May Lin out morg. to lunch. Miss G took 2 chicks in cab to Princess’s to see “Claudian”. Lin & self went in hansom, drove to Park & sat there after, great crowd. Quiet evg. Sp. came in after din. & stayed late. Sunday 5 May Lin dines at Mr Lewis Wingfield’s. Lin drove Roy & self in cart to Vic Sta, met Phillips at Sta. going to Paris for exhibition Monday. Carriage met us at Broadstairs Sta. Most lovely day like summer. Effie & Con at Westwood when we arrived, Eff looking well, dear Mother fairly so, Con seedy. Roy v. happy with Fee & her pup. Eff walked home at 7 o’c, Con staying here. Roy slept in my bed. V. depressed at night, worried me about a tutor, wish he were happier at school. Monday 6 May Mrs. Cusins at home 4 o’c (Pianoforte recital). Lin dines with Mr Birch at Academy din. Letter fr. dear Maud morg & Lin at night. Roy & self birds nesting, found 7 with eggs in, lots without. Roy v. depressed & down. Made good lunch & out again, took dear boy to school at 5 o/c. Mr Sch. v. aimiable. Miss Allen better but v. far from well, had long chat with her. & saw alteration at school & dear Roy in class. Gave him 2/-, dear Mother 3/-. Forgot key! Found Effie here on return, went back after dinner in carriage. Tuesday 7 May Mr Lucy’s dinner to meet Mr Gladstone. Dear Roy’s key! Went to Margate with Mother morg, bought Roy’s cake, jam etc & left it in his play box. Saw Miss Allen, looks better. Lovely day. Little Jeff & Eff here, Jeff v. good & amusing. Found all eggs gone from nests Roy & I found together. Wednesday 8 May Mrs. Spielman’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. Lovely day. Mother & self drove morg. to Ramsgate shop’g. Met Eff at Station. Con not so well in bed nearly all day. Mrs. Treves called with her husband. Mother & self had walk thro’ grounds, saw any quantity of rabbits. Mother having bath put in. Short letter from Dickie, & fr. Maud. Wonder how my dear Roy is., long to see him. Worked at Maud’s dress. Thursday 9 May Mr Alfred de Rothschild’s dinner. Juvenile meeting at Town Hall 4.30 pm. Went with Eff to see my dear Roy. Sat some time with Miss Allen, only saw darling for a few seconds, fancy he looks thinner already. Friday 10 May H. & Jessie come for a week. I returned fr. Westwood by Gran. Con better. Mother saw me to Station. Midge arrived soon after. L. met me at Vic. Midge & self called after lunch on Mrs. C. Praed & Mrs. Spielman & to F(illeg) dressmaker. Bought fruit 3/3, spent £3 at Westwood. Saturday 11 May Enquire about receipt of £12 sent to Glyn Mills Currie & Co April 20 th Monday, posted by Jolly at Zoo. Midge, Maud & self to “Yeoman of Guard”. Lin met us there. Lin dined at some artists dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 12 May Wet. Miss G. to Church. Ham to Tattersall’s all day. Miss G. home afternoon. Self, Midge, Lin & Maud to Tattersalls after lunch. Walked home. Edg. & So. there. Monday 13 May Ham’s horses to be sold on the 13th today at Tattersall’s. Midge & self went to sale & Lin. Lin in cart to Tattersall’s morg. with Midge. Midge & self to T’s after lunch, horses fetched highest prices of any in sale, £210 Trumps & £150 Adventurer. Carriage met us at Hyde Park. Went to Witton, Midge ordered dress, saw Sophy at Tat’s left her in Park. Folkestone went dead lame, knocked himself, sent him home & went by Om. & cab 1/4. Lin dined at a German’s, New Burlington St. Tuesday 14 May Mrs. Pickering’s at home 10.30. Edg. & Sophy to dinner 7.30. Ham returns to Royals at 10.30. Midge & self to French dressmaker, dear distinctly, ordered garb to be fitted Tuesday 10.30. Lin rode morg, Park. Mrs. de la Rue, J. Monckton, Baines, Warre, O’Brian, a’Beckett, Lindo, Boehm, Blanche called. Midge & Maud out shop’g after lunch. E. & So. to dinner. Lin went alone to Mrs. Pickering, rather slow evg. there, Lin home early. Wednesday 15 May Mrs. Oscar Wilde at home 4-7. Two stalls for “2 Roses” Criterion. Lovely day. Morg. Performance at Criterion, Midge Maud & self went, saw “Two Roses” v. good. Midge & self shop’g all morg. Went to be fitted Miss Witton. Drove thro’ Park home, called on Edg. & So. Quiet evg. Tilda to supper, music. Thursday 16 May No french lesson. Mrs. G. Hart at home 5 o’c. Went to Mde. Gilli morg by bus. Maud missing French lesson. Matinée at Richard 111, went in bus M, Miss G, Midge & self. Maud & self to Mrs. Hart’s. Densely slow, & to Mrs. Tweedie’s, Mrs. Thurly & the Baby there. Saw weary dull man met there before. Calls fr. Mrs. Carpenter & Miss Jarrett. Friday 17 May Mrs. A. Levy at home 4-7. Lady Seton’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. Mrs. Quilter at home 10 o’c. Mrs. P. Wright’s at home ½ p. 4. Mother coming up to town for one night. Saturday 18 May Midge returned to The Royals. X. Maud little F. Took om. to Hyde Pk. Corner, Miss G. & Maud, & sat there, returned in om. Lin drove me in cart to see Mother, found her very low & poorly, wish I c’d have stayed. Edgar came in stayed some time. Maud & Lin drove round Park. Call for Cen. Argt. Rly of £15 to be paid by 11 th June. Sunday 19 May Miss G. to Church. Lin riding morg. Maud seedy. V. wet day. I went to Mother at Grosvenor Hotel lunched & dined there. Edgar took Mother to Church morg. Lin was to have played tennis at Mr Hickman’s’, too wet. Maud dined with Lin evg. Fritz Jackson called. Monday 20 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. G. H. Boughton 4.30 at home to see “Petticoat Perfidy” by Sir C. Young, performers Lady Monckton, Mrs. Crawley & Mrs. Labouchere. Mrs. T. Black’s at home 4-6.30. Ap’t with dress maker at 10.30. Did all these. Most amusing performance at Mrs. Boughton’s. Maud sat at tennis court whilst Lin played. Called on Miss Winthrop & Mrs. Yale & Mrs. Spofforth. Dear Mother called about 9.30! evg! Unhappy letter again fr. dear Roy. Mrs. Waring, Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Carpenter called. Tuesday 21 May Mrs. G. Coster at home 4-7 (Grossmith). Entered £12 to account at Bank fr. Roy’s P. O. O. Shop’d. Mrs. Rainbow & Mrs. Warre called. Lin played practical joke on Mr Lucy, wired 2 dogs w’d arrive Queen’s M. at 5 o/c tonight. Lin took Maud to leave cards in cart at 5 o’c on Lady Rosebery, Mr de Rothschild, Mrs. Williamson - no Wilkinson, & Mrs. Coster. Lin & self went to Opera saw “Carmen”, Marie Rose & Miss MacIntyre & D’Andrade. Splendid house. Saw C. & R. Burnand, heard of poor Gertie breaking blood vessel fr. Mrs. Warre, sent to enquire. Wednesday 22 May Mrs. Oscar Wilde at home. Special meeting about extention of City of B. Ayres Trams. Wire fr. Mother to go to Gros. H. Went & return’d by Om. Found dear Mother pretty well, lunched there. Con & Jeff there, going with Mother to Westwood by Granville. Called at 3.30 on Mdes Rider Haggard, a’B, Tyrell(?) Lady Seton, Mrs. Wilde, met her mother & Lady Lucas there, Mrs. Invararity, Flower, Ross & Evered. Tilda here to supper. V. cozy evg. Thursday 23 May Asked Alice to stay night - altered. Shall lunch with Nellie K. 1 o’c. Went to Hampstead at 11.30 by Metro. Took cab fr. Swiss Cottage to Nell’s. Forgot number! Enquired at 4 houses. V. pretty house. Nell walked to call on Mrs. Holl & Mrs. Pettie with me, met carriage, called & saw Aunt L. & Ethel. Fearful thunderstorm & hugest hail stones I ever saw, felt quite frightened coming home. Lin rode morg. V. hard at work. Friday 24 May Mrs. A. Levy at home 4-7. Mrs. F. Macmillan’s at home 10 o’c. Lady Freake’s at home Friday 3.30 –6.30. Mrs. Livesey at home 5 o’c. Out morg. shops with Maud & Miss G. Called at 3.30 on Mrs. Tuer, Joachim, met Mrs. Tadema there, (asked me to go Tuesday evg) Mrs. Lewis, Livesey, Lady Freake. Heard Alice Gomer, G. Powers sing charmingly, Brandram recited, don’t care for him at all. Met Mrs. Stone there & went on together to Mrs. Wright’s. She came home with me & Mrs. Coster called. Lin v. hard at work – bothering F. C. B. Saturday 25 May Lady Russell’s at home. Windows cleaned by Nash! Clean at last. Went to Mde Gilli. Lin, Miss G. & Maud went to meet of Coaching Club. Met Olive & brilliant bro. in om, also Miss Lehman. Miss G. out after’n. & evg. Maud & self dress making. Drove with Lin to Park with Maud at 6, crowded, called & saw Abbey’s studio, walked home. Edg. & So. c’d not dine here. Sunday 26 May Mrs. C. Praed’s dinner ¼ to 8. Very wet. M. & Miss G. to Church. I to Pro, had splendid sermon on the Virgin, wish I c’d believe & understand. Called on Miss Lutyens interesting talk. She has old engraving of Van Dyke’s picture of Charles 1, Queen & 2 children cut out of Palace (illeg) at Moscow & given to Miss L’s


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 father. V. interesting din. at Mrs. C. P’s. Mr Herman Merivale took me in to dinner, most amusing. Mrs. Roose there v. bad news of Gertie, American actor & Mr & Mrs. McCarthy. Monday 27 May Mrs. H. Levy’s dinner ¼ to 8. Pouring wet day. Another unhappy letter fr. darling Roy, making the 3rd - aftraid he must be poorly. In all day. Mr Leon took me in to dinner a vulgar jew no anything but bad manners & worse conservation. Mr Gardener, Mr & Mrs. Jopling Rowe there, all rest jews. Maud in spare room. Letter fr Mervyn doing well. Lin walked to Club & lunched with Milliken. Tuesday 28 May Lady Russell’s at home 10.30. Lin presides at Seasons Club dinner. Mrs. Tadema at home evg. Maud goes to Mr Davis to tea & spend afternoon, carriage fetched her. X. Petit ami. Mrs Mackenzie, McClean, Nordenfeldt & Ledger called. Busy with M’s dress. Posted certificate of 1 new City of B. A. Trams at (illeg) myself with other letter to London & County Bank. Wednesday 29 May Mrs. Oscar Wilde 4-7. Mrs. Livesey’s drawing room tea, her two younger girls to be presented. Miss Bourne (illeg) tea. Fête at Albert Hall. Miss G. out afternoon & evg. Took Maud to see Livesey girls & 2 round Park. Feel v. queer & seedy. Quiet evg. Mrs. Aird called. Thursday 30 May Mrs. E. Hart at home 5 o’c. Asked Miss Bournes to dinner. Postponed. Al fresco fair at Albert Hall. Asked Sophy to lunch. Came & drove her after to Mrs. Wandsey’s. Called to see rooms at 16 Half Moon St & S. Audley St. Left cards at Mr Quilter’s, called on Mrs. Pickering, had tea with her. Mrs. Latham, Mrs. McLaren & Mrs. Agnew called. Friday 31 May Al fresco fayre at Albert Hall. V. seedy in bed till 12.30. Poor Gerty Burnand died. Jun 1889 Saturday 1 June Pay £9 to B. Ayres & Rosario Rly. for 3rd instalment of Tucuman. Maud & Miss G. to see meet of Coaching Club in Park. Sp. came back to lunch. Saw Percy Howard for 1st time for 13 years!!!. After lunch Lin, Sp. & self in cart to Park, v. crowded. Sp. & self sat there whilst Lin went on & shop’d. Saw Prince & son riding & Princess driving. Lin rode morg. to meet, saw C. Hartree in Park & Ward Bennett. Sunday 2 June Mrs. Campbell Praed at home 10 o’c. Maud & Miss G. to Church. Lin, M. & self to Mrs. Hickman’s at 5 o’c. Stayed till 7. L. out. Lovely day. Heard all about Mrs. Christie’s death. Lin went after dinner to Mrs. C.P’s delightful evg there, art & literature in great force. Tilda came to tea. Monday 3 June. Asked Miss Bournes to dine & theatre after. Lovely day. Heard of poor G. Burnand’s death last Friday. Letter fr. my boy still unhappy, wish he was better. Sent cheque of £9 to Glyn Mills Currie & Co. Tuesday 4 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Alma Tadema at home evg. Maud went with Lin to Mr Davis’. Dear Roy’s report, excellent. Can’t make it out as he says he gets into such trouble. Mrs. Cockerell called only, with her little girl. Lin rode after breakfast. Wednesday 5 June Mr Herkomer’s theatrical performanvce at Bushey at 2.30. Mrs. Pickering’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin & self went in cart to Euston. Great many going down in Special to Bushey. Mis G. took Maud to Westwood & returned at night. Tilda here to tea & dinner. Sp. called, met him on way home. Long day & theatrical performance interesting, v, but dull & distinctly amateurish. Lin & Mr Tenniel home by early train, I with Val Princep, Orchardsons & Mr Davis. Tony at stables with Ella. Letters fr. darling Roy & Midge. R. still unhappy, would like to take him away. “Donovan” won Derby today. Lin won Punch stakes! Thursday 6 June. No French lesson. Mrs. G. Coster’s dinner ¼ to 8. Lin goes on river with Mr Wyllie. Miss G. gone home till Maud’s return. Too tired to go on river. Lovely day, v. v. hot. Miss Gilbert, Miss Bournes & F. Walford called & had tea. Fearful thunder storm at night. Another sad letter fr. my dear boy. Lin & self in all day. Very interesting dinner at Mrs. C’s. Mrs. Macfarlane beautiful, played & sang guitar. Met Raphaels, Joshuas & Israel generally. Charming dinner & beautiful house. Mrs. C. delightful hostess. Friday 7 June Mrs. Livesey’s at home 5 o’c. Lady Nottage’s at home 3.30 to 6.30. Mrs. Mactear at home 10 o’c. Pd £15 to London Western Bk. Lothbury for 15 new Cent. Argt. Rly shares, believe 2nd call. Midge called. Went out together shop’g. Bought flowers 4/11. Fetched Midge at 4 & called on Mrs. Latham, Medley, Agnew, C. Praed, Lady Nottage, v. amusing, & to Lady Boehm’s, saw Eff & Mrs. Patterson. Stormy & close. Saturday 8 June Mrs. Hodgson at home 4 - 7. Go to Edgar & Sophy at Sandgate, Shorncliffe station. Sunday 9 June (blank) Monday 10 June Pouring wet Bank Holiday. Lin out got soaking in new overcoat. Edg. & Lin dined at Mess. (entries for Tuesday crossed out) Tuesday 11 June No French lesson. Pay £15 Cent. Argt. Rly. Sports at grounds. Lovely day. Lin rode Griselda, enjoyed it immensely. So & I walked to furniture shop, met Lin & walked home with him. Lovely day, warmer, tho’ coldish to me! After Lin left So, Gladys & self drove to Military Tournament, enjoyed it v. much. Saw some v. handsome women. Walked home, Edgar joined us there. Quiet evg. v. tired. Cards of callers at Staf. Ter. sent, Mrs. Invararity & O. Shakespear. Little girl to lunch. Lin went to London after. So, Gladys & self in fly to Sports, v. amusing. Letter fr. dear Roy still miserable. Wednesday 12 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Matinée for Lady Monckton at St George’s Hall, Langham Place 3 o’c. Soirée at R. College of Surgeons. Edgar acting galloper to Sir Baker Russell, rode Griselda. I left for St. Lawrence at 1.30. Sophy drove me to Station & so ends a very happy little visit which we both enjoyed immensely. Fees 5/-. Stamps 1/-. 2nd fare 3/9. guard 6. 10.3 Darling Roy & Maud met me at St. Laurence Sta, both looking well especially Roy. Spent day with us & I took him back at 6 o’c. He looked v. nice in new Norfolk blue suit & walks better. 3 letters fr. Lin. Dear Mother only so so. Thursday 13 June No French lesson. Mrs. E. Hart’s at home 5 o’c. At home, dancing, at Mrs. G. Drabble’s 9 o’c. Two letters fr. Lin. Lovely day coolish. Mother better. Drove to Margate with dear Mother morg. Bought things for Maud & called on Mrs. Thornton, saw her. Con came about tea time with bull dog, stayed to dinner & took Fee away with him. Hay making. Friday 14 June X. Lovely day. Maud came on seedy. Quiet day. Mother seems better. Saturday 15 June Mrs. Hodgson at home 4 o’c. Mrs. Latham’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. Drove over morg with Maud to Broadstairs. Met Eff & 2 chicks in donkey cart & nurse walking. Posted letters to Tabs, Lin & C. S. Con, Eff & Geoff stayed to lunch. Baby & Nurse drove back. I drove back with Effie & C. Expected Edgar & So but they did not come. Sunday 16 June Lady Seaton’s at home 4-7. Went to Church, Con & Eff there. Maud seedy. Took basket of flowers to dear Papa’s grave, returned in brougham. Con & Eff here all day until 6.30, went back in carriage. I went with them, saw chicks in bed. Been most heavenly day. Letter fr. Lin morg. Had horrid dream about him being hurt riding. Lin goes over to Paris with all the Punch Staff today. Monday 17 June No French lesson. Maud & self to Ramsgate shop’g. Lovely day. No letters fr. Lin all day. Eddie came in at lunch time, stayed till 7.30. Mervyn arrived by Granville, both boys look awfully well. Mr Tomlin called. Maudie still looks seedy. Dear Roy’s letter, seems more resigned & more in his old form. Tuesday 18 June Lovely day. All the Cons coming over. Wednesday 19 June Mrs. Oscar Wilde’s at home 4-7. Mrs. Stephen Williamson’s dinner at 8 o’c. Can’t go. Mrs. Farquharson’s at home 10 o’c. Mrs. E. Hart’s at home to meet General Boulanger 10 o’c. Maud & self returned fr. Westwood. Lovely day, left dear Mother fairly well, Mervyn there. Lin arrived fr. Paris 10 minutes before us here, does not look well, complains roughness in throat. Off in cart to Punch dinner, had only just time for bath, cup of tea & off. Darling Roy’s ½ term report, is head of his class by considerably over a hundred, am so pleased. Maudie had bath,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 she all right, glad to have her home. Everything looking so nice, endless invitations to answer, 14! Thursday 20 June Mrs. Livesey’s at home 9.30. Mr Holland’s at home 10 o’c, Hungarian band. Mr Cusin’s concert 3 o’c. Out all morg. with Maud, walked to Harvey’s, home in Om. Lin with awful cold! Expected it. Took M. Pollock to Concert, charming C, so varied. Valda, Patey & Barrington Foote(?) sang, Piatti & Mde Ina, Mrs. Kendal recited. Called after at Jessie’s & Tabbie’s. Mrs. Richmond called. Maud for walk with Jane. Lin doing caricature of Furniss. Friday 21 June Mrs. A. Levy at home 4-7. Mrs. Tuer’s at home 9.30. Mrs. Tweedie’s at home 9.30. Called in brougham with Maud at Bank about bothering Calls etc on Cent. Argt. Rly. Paid £2 on one newly allotted Tucaman at Bank & left my allotment papers there for them to forward. On to stores, bought M’s shoes & walking ditto. 6.9 & 9.9 making 16.6, candles 2/2. Lin’s cold v. bad, hard at work. Miss G. returned. Sp. came in to tea. Went alone to Mrs. Tuer’s, met Wirgman who kindly saw me to carriage, Mrs. Joachim, du Maurier etc there, great crush. Charming house. Lin so hard at work. Saturday 22 June Notice fr. C. Argt. They had stock Cert. for £40, not received it! Or else mislaid it (illeg). Mrs. Joshua at home 10 o’c. Paid £25 making £30 pd. for new B. A. & Rosario new 4 per cent debenture. Also £8 for final Call of £2 per share for B. A. Gt. Southern Railway Ex. 1892 second issue. Both to Glyn Mills Currie & Co. Posted these by Miss Gill. Jess in about tea time. Lin & self to Globe “Faust up to date”. Saw Ham & M & Mde Descharges(?) there. On to Joshuas. Jane Harding there recited piece with 2 french men (illeg) Old Robin Grey. Lovely woman, most fascinating face, looks better on stage than off. Sarasati, O. Wilde, Helen Mathews, A. Alexander etc there, brilliant night, home at 3 o’c. Sunday 23 June X. Petit ami. Lovely day. Lin rode morg. Ham & Jess to lunch. H. cross! Lin to tennis at Lewis’. H. left soon after, Midge stayed on. Miss G. walked part of way home with her. Miss G. & Maud to Church. Quiet evg To bed early, not one caller. Monday 24 June Lovely morg, dull afternoon. Lin rode to Alexandra Hotel, saw H. F. Box for Military tournament, can’t go. Miss G. & Maud out morg. Dolly Robarts to tea with Maud. Maud took castor oil this morg, not been quite right for 3 days. Charming letter fr. dear Roy to his father, good spirits & much happier, a dear sensible little letter. Lady Reed called. Midge & Tabs called & had tea. Lin drove me after round Park. Tabs looking v. pretty & well. Received 2 Bankers receipts (Glyn Mills Currie) for £25 to B. A. & Rosario 4 p.cent debentures making £30 paid. £8 to B. A. Gt. Southern 5 p.cent final call. Tuesday 25 June Mrs. Carpenter’s at home 10 o’c. Lady Lucas at home 10 o’c. Mrs. A. G. Pollock at home 4-7. Mr Moulton’s dinner 8 o’c. Lovely day. Lin rode early with F. C. B, thinks Paris work extra, je l’espère! Paris Punch number excellent, Lin’s work beautiful, best. Maud out early with Miss G. H. & Tabbie, Mrs. Nicol & Mrs. Spielman called. I had drive round Park with Lin. Lady L’s at home charming beautiful music. Mrs. du Quane also called!


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 26 June Mrs. Oscar Wilde’s at home 4-7. Mrs. S. Williamson’s at home 10 o’c. Lady Mackenzie’s at home 10 o’c. Academy Soirée. Mr F. Macmillan’s at home 5-7. V. bad! Went in cart with Lin after scramble lunch at ½ p. 12 to Alexandra H. Fetched H. F. & went to Agricultural Hall for military tournament. Saw J. Penn & 2 little girls, Kate Reed Adams, Capt. & Mrs. Ross & their 2 chicks. Tournament much the same as we saw at Edgar’s, only not so pleasant as that day in open air. Left Lin near Garrick. Tilda & Midge called, stayed some time. Maud & Miss G. out for walk. Queen came to London. Thursday 27 June Mrs. E. Hart at home 5 o’c. Mrs. C. Matthews at home 10 o’c, supper at 11.30. Postponed. In bed till 12. Drove at 4.30 to Mdes Farquharson, Holland, Gilli (about dresses) O’Brian, Mother & Mervyn at Grosvenor. Dear Mother looking well, F. W. there. Called at Alexandra, all out, & Mde du Quane. Lin rode morg. Jolly smashed cart yesterday coming home! Sweet letter fr. my dear boy, sent it on to Mrs. Sambourne. Very hot. Friday 28 June Mrs. A. Levy at home 4-7. Briton Rivière’s dance 9 o’c. Lovely weather. Shopped morg. Mrs. Burnand called. Announcement of Princess Louise’ of Wales engagement to Lord Fife. Out all morg. Rested after lunch. Mrs. Evered & Mrs. Hickman called. Dined at Mrs. Lewis’. Mr Ionides took me in, met Mr & Mrs. Henderson & Mrs. Schiff. Mrs. L. ill in bed. Too tired to go on to Rivière’s dance. V. hot day. Saturday 29 June Spencer calleds morg. & afternoon in full get up for Levy.. Mrs. Hodgson at home 4-7. Pay Glyn Mills Currie & Co £25 making £30 paid for £100 stock in issue of 4 per cent debenture stock of B. Ayres & Rosario Rly. Paid this on 23 rd June. Duchess of Abercorn at home. Lady Ellis at home. Gwennie to tea with Maud. X. Maud little F, looks v. poorly with it. Lin working. Tabs & self called on Mrs. Watney, Spielman, had tea there, Mrs. H. Power. To Alexandra, had tea there. Tabs & Ham off to Richmond (illeg). Cab 15/- there & back!!! I called on Mrs. McTear. Lin to Duchess of Abercorn’s reception. Went to Harrod’s morg. Sunday 30 June Pay £8 last call on 4 B. A. Gt. S. Rly. 5 per cent extension shares 1892, second issue. Paid this on 22nd June. Mr & Mrs. Burnand, Jess, Tabs, & 2 Hams to dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Lewis’ & Mrs. Hickman’s tennis. Maud in bed till 12. Miss G. to Church. After lunch walked with Lin to Mrs. L’s. Alexanders, Collier, Kemp etc there & Minnie Terry & her mother. Lin went on to Hickmans to play. Mr Burnand in v. good spirits, Rosy v. upset about poor Gerty. Miss G. out evg. H. F. sang. All left at 11.30. Lin rode morg. F. Jackson, Sp. & Mrs. Sylvester called. Jul 1889 Monday 1 July Pay £3 City B. A. Tram, allotted one share only. £2 of this paid at London & County Bank on 21st of June. Lady Blomfield at home. Mrs. Speed’s tea 5 o’c. Sales all on. Went in brougham at 5 o’c to Mrs. Speed. Spent 1/2 on telegram to Hare. Met Mde Lofer at Mrs. S’s. Called on Dr Harley & Midge, saw Ham & Tilda there, home thro’ Park. Nana came to lunch & tea with Maud, looks seedy. Went after dinner to see “Profligate” at Garrick Theatre, the prettiest theatre I ever


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 saw, the piece by Pinero harrowing & aimless. Throat bad so did not go on to Lady B’s. Tuesday 2 July Mrs. Joachim’s at home 10 o’c. Sir James Linton’s dinner, 7 for 7.30, music 9.30. Mrs. Ionides garden party. Lady Reed’s at home 10 o’c. Out morg. with Maud & Miss G. chose dressing gown & M’s jacket. Throat v. uncomfortable & painful, got (illeg) glycerine & (illeg). Met Mrs. G. a’Beckett. Mr Parson’s at home 5 o’c. Sp. came, lunched & went with me to Mr Parsons, met Mrs. Millet, Mrs. Ashton Dilke & Marcus Stones there, after to Ionides, crush, saw Mrs. Wilset(?) insignificant & cocky, may be my imagination. Went alone at 10 o’c to Mrs. Joachim’s & Lady Reed’s, only stayed ½ hour at each. Wednesday 3 July Mrs. J. Rowe at home 10 o’c. Mr Quilter’s smoking party 10 o’c. In bed to breakfast, v. tired. Out shop’g morg. Called after lunch on Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Latham, Duchess of Abercorn & Mrs. Williamson, Cartwright. Lin riding to Punch dinner, doing caricature of himself in colour for Mr Bradbury. Lady Lucas called. Maudie not over well. Thursday 4 July No French lesson. Mr Gregory’s children’s party at Foundling. 3.30 to 6.30. Mde Coronio at home 5 o’c. Maud to Mrs. Burnands for day, wired to Mde Allain & Mrs. B. Lin rode morg. Queer pain in left side. Drove out at 5 o’c with Miss G. to Mde Gilli, Marshall & Snelgrove’s & fetched Maud. Saw Mrs. B, Connie, Mary & Cuthbert. Lin & self went to see the “Profligate” by Pinero. V, cleverly written & well acted but false sentimentality etc. Friday 5 July Mrs. Ionides dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Stephenson Ralli’s at home at Grosvenor Gallery. Shah at Hall. Out morg. with Maud & Miss G. to Gardens, rested after lunch. Lin finished work early, to Mrs. I’s. Met Mr & Mrs. Trump Welch & Mr & Mrs. L. Robinson (gentleman I mistook for H. Power!!!) V. amusing man & handsome wife. On to Hall, waited for Lin in Park, saw Shah etc. Hall magnificent. Shah party arranged in a coterie in stalls, full blaze of Electric light on them, not to be envied! Ralli party distinctly slow. Saturday 6 July Mrs. Macmillan (Knapdale) at home 4-7. Mrs. Faudel Phillips 10 o’c. Lady Ellis at home. Mrs. Shakespear at home 4-7. Drove at 12 in dog cart to C. O. B’s, Wimbledon. V. good luncheon there, flowers & fruits delightful. Mrs. A. Linley & Mr Coghlan there. On with Lin to tennis tournament. Mrs. Hillyard beat Miss Rice & is now Lady Champion. Saw Renshaw & Mr Barlow play. On to Lady E’s. V. late, electric launch towed home!!!. Charming party at F. Phillips’s. Met Frankfort(?) Moore author of “Forgotten” etc. Nana here for day. Sunday 7 July Dear Father’s birthday. To Pro. M & Miss G. to Church. Miss G. off after luncheon. Maud, Lin & self to Lewis’, met Singtons, Sir F. Haynes, Pilleau, Moiras etc there. Lin playing. Lin did charming drawing on Lewis’ fan, somnambule mouse! Monday 8 July No French lesson. Lady Blomfield at home 9.30. (illeg illeg) To Madame Gilli about white dress. After lunch went to buy it at Allison’s. Ordered stays. Mrs. Tomlin &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 sister & Mrs. Henderson called. Lin played tennis with Mr Reed. Went to see “Cap’t Swift” at Haymarket. Mr Reed met us there. Most delightful play & charmingly acted. B. Tree quite charming. Tuesday 9 July Lady Boehm’s at home 10.30. Morg. shop’g, Sp. with me. Mary Burnand to spend day. Took Maud & Mary in carriage with me at 3 to be fitted with white dress & on to Mr Parkinson’s. Maud had tooth out, v. seedy after, dreadful tooth to come out. Delightful evg. at Lady B’s, stop’d till 2.30. Mrs. Vicat Cole called. Wednesday 10 July Sir R. Webster at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Gregory at home & garden party 4-7. Laurence asked to go out. Maud gone to Cheshire, Miss G. & self took her to Euston & she went down with Ham & Jess. Sp. called with Douglas. Lin walked to Punch dinner. Miss Frith called. Tilda to tea & dinner. I took Tilda to Park Lane at 10.30 fetched Lin fr. Garrick & on to Sir R’s, dull party plenty of titles & boredom. Glee singing good but comic. Thorndyke sang. Lin walked to Punch dinner. Laurence went to meet her sister at Vic. Thursday 11 July Mrs. Anderson Critchett’s at home 10 o’c. Scrip Certificate to bearer for stock of issue of £750,000 4% debenture stock City of B. Ayres ready today. Paid on £100 stock for this £30. (B. A. & Rosario stock). Miss Gill left at 12.15 for Devonshire. Sp. to lunch. Lin lunching at Lady Boehm’s to meet Irving etc. Promised to take tea at Mrs. Gales to hear Miss Winthrop sing. F. W. here to tea. Went with me to dressmakers. Delightful evg. at Mrs. Critchett’s. May (illeg) there looks exactly the same as on stage. Friday 12 July Mrs. Macmillan Sen’r at home 4-7. Mrs. Lewis’ Garden Party 4-7.30. Pouring wet day. Eton & Harrow match at Lords. Pleasant party at Mrs. L. Crowds there notwithstanding rain. Lin hard at work. Quiet evg. Saturday 13 July Mrs. Barker’s to tennis & lunch. Dull day. Drove after lunch to F. B’s in dog cart with F. Mr Shannon, Mr Coglan & self went to see final match between Lewis Hillyard & 2 Renshaws, splendid playing. Saw Mr (illeg) & Mrs. W. L. Agnew! Large party to dinner at F. B’s. Very pleasant afternoon & evg. Like Mr Shannon & Mr Coglan more each time I see him. Lin rode morg. Sunday 14 July Asked friends to dinner. Mr King Salter & Mr Angel to dinner 8 o’c. Lovely day. Cleaned out Dickies’ cage & stayed in all day. Lin lunched at Mr Guthrie’s in his new rooms & went for tennis to Mr Hickman. Too tired to meet him there. Norman Sinclair called & had tea with me. His father thinks of taking up title but it is difficult without money, Lord Caithness having left all money away the last heir having cut off entail. Monday 15 July Lady Blomfield at home 9.30. Propose going for day to Fittleworth. Went by 10.33 fr. Vic. to Pulborough. Eff met me, cost 11/6 fare. 2/- cab to Vic, papers 2d. Lunched & tea’d at Con’s. Dear old Punch looking well & goes well. Country lovely, think we might be very comfortable there. Con took me back to Sta. in dog cart. Lin met me at Vic. in cart.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 16 July F. Walford coming to stay few days. Box for Strand Theatre. Must be at dressmakers at 12 o’c. Fanny Barker also to lunch. Saw Jane’s sister, am afraid won’t do for her, not experienced enough. Lin gone to play tennis with Mr Reed. Wednesday 17 July Lay Anne Blunt “at home” & lunch, Crabbet Park. Heavy thunderstorms during day. Sp. called morg. F. W, Sp. & self went on top of bus to Evans Oxford St, bought flowers. Sp. left us there. Carriage at 20 to 3 to meet F. W. at Christ Church Lancaster Gate at Miss Britten’s marriage with Mr White. On to call Aunt Leigh, Mrs. Hickman, Lady Lucas, Lady Reed, Alice Farquhar. Fearful showers all afternoon. Sp. & Mervyn to dinner. Mr King Salter called. Sp. brought me lovely embroidered quilt. Thursday 18 July F. W. to Academy with Mervyn. Took Certificate of new City B. A. Tram share No 718, £5 share to London & County Bank. I shop’d morg alone, bought hat 30/- & waterproof 15/9, toy 1/11½, stockings 5/6. F. W. with Mervyn to Academy. Sp, Mervyn called about luncheon time. Sp, F. W. & self called on Mrs. Donaldson about Review & on to Ranelagh Club, saw Boxing, not edifying! at least for women. Mrs. Ledger, C. Critchett, Mr & Mrs. de la Rue. Had tea there & found it v. amusing. Quiet evg. Miss Young & Mrs. Kendal Preston called – pour quoi? Friday 19 July Mrs. a’Beckett Tyrrell’s dinner 8 o’c. F. W. goes home. Sp. called. Went out shop’g morg. Called after lunch on Miss Thornton, Mrs. Cockerel, Geiger, Henderson, Hickman & Miss Harriett Young. F. left at 7 o’c. Gorgeous house Miss T’s. Saturday 20 July Mrs. Winchester Clowes’ invitation fr. Saty till Monday. X. Petit ami. Called after lunch on Lady Blomfield, Mrs Cusins, Mrs R(illeg), Coster, both away, & Mrs C. Critchett. Stayed & had tea & saw her chicks, dear little woman. Quiet evg. Lin rode after luncheon. Cannot go to Mrs. C’s as expect petit ami demain, came day sooner. Sunday 21 July Mrs. Macmillan at home 4-7. Lin went with Sir E. Watkin’s party at 8 o’c Charing X to Folkestone. Too rough to cross to Boulogne so they drove to Mr Lucy’s in 3 flys. Mr & Mrs. Lucy, Mrs. Bram Stoker, Dr & Mrs. Robson Roose etc. Stayed in bed till 12 & slept after lunch, unaccountably sleepy. Mr Heron Allen called. Monday 22 July Lady Blomfield at home 9.30. Sp. called had lunch. Drove with Sp. to call on Mrs. Carpenter, F. Phillips, Mrs. C. Matthews & Mrs. Crawford. Lin to Lady B’s, enjoyed it, sister v. pretty. Tuesday 23 July To Mde Gilli by 12 o’c. Bought fish 7/10 & fitted at Mde G’s. Pouring rain. Sp. here to lunch. Mr & Mrs. Farquhar, Sp. & C. Bergheim here to dinner 8 o’c. Mr Reed & Mrs. Pickering called. Lin rode to see Roberts about mare & Sp’s horses. Pleasant evg but felt v. tired & done up. Wednesday 24 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Call & see Mrs. Stokes. Mrs. Skirrow’s luncheon party 2 o’c. Lady Reed going to call about 4 o’c. Letters fr. Midge, Con etc. Lin taking photos as usual at Mr Abbey’s. Books fearfully heavy considering only Lin & self & the maids, over £6 every week. Thursday 25 July Lady Anne Blunt’s invitation to spend day & sleep at Crabbet, can’t go on ac’t of Lin’s work. Mrs. Val Princep’s garden party 4-7. Mrs. Moscheles at home 9.30. Sp. in. Lin & self to Mrs. Princep’s, met pretty Mrs. Coll, Lady Wentworth, Lady Lucas. Elmer Speed told me of his engagement to Miss Leyland. Sir Guy & Lady Campbell charming couple. Lin dined at Zoo. I drove with him there in cart. Invitation to dine with the Stokes today. Friday 26 July Lunched with C. & Mrs. Stokes, Metropole. Dull day. Sp. drove up with me, went over club with C. & wife & gentleman. Drove round Park. Awful weather raining hard. C. & Mrs. S. left me here, saw Princess L. of Wales wedding cake at Gunters Berkeley Sqre. Lin hard at work. Dined at 10.15, Rivière pic drawing. Saturday 27 July Lin going on trial trip of “Teutonic” armed cruiser. Dear Lin left at 6 o’c for Holyhead. Dull morg. Sp. came in with heraldic book of Mr Ward’s. Stayed to lunch & went up in brougham to Station with me. Crowd along route on ac’t of Princess Louise of Wales’ wedding. Met Mr & Mrs. Buckingham & came down in 2nd c. saloon carriage with them. Met Frank & Connie Burnand. Mervyn met me at Sta. Found dear Mother fairly well but do not feel quite comfortable about her. M. in good spirits. Lovely at Westwood, walked round grounds with Mother. M. to Margate Station after dinner. Mother & self talked. Received wire fr. Lin, c’d not answer it as I can’t make it out. Laurence told me about spoon! Hope it will be found. Fare 2nd fr. Sat till Monday 12/-. Sunday 28 July Lovely day. Mervyn walked morg. to Margate. Lin on “Teutonic” iron cruiser with Mr Ismay, returns tomorrow. Monday 29 July Mrs. Oswald Crawford’s dinner 8 o’c. Mervyn took me to Broadstairs station. Met Mr Abernethy & Jim coming up for Mrs. McClean’s silver wed!!!. Left dear Mother fairly well. V. full train. Sp. met me at Vic Sta, had had letter fr. Edg! Came back & lunched with me. Lin & Maud arrived at 7.20. Maudie looks well, v. glad to have her home again. Went to Mrs. C’s. V. pleasant evg, met Mr Darling & Mr Morley, both M. Ps & v. young, & Mr Journeyman & Mr Gosse. Tuesday 30 July Lovely warm morg. Wednesday 31 July Spencer drove with me to meet darling Roy at Vic. Great crowd, glad to have him to see after R’s boxes. Nana came to tea, looks seedy, v. pleased to see chicks. Roy went out with Lin in cart, not back till 8, had little dinner with M. & self. Jane & self busy packing. Aug 1889 Thursday 1 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Propose going to Tabbie’s. Lovely day. Letters fr. Mr Scotter, gave Lin pass for us all in 1st C. reserved carriage thro’, with 3rd C. fares. Return £2.8.0, guards 2/most attentive, cabs 7/-, telegram 1/-, stamps & spades 2/4. Telegrams fr. Mrs. Watney 6/-. Paid E. books. Very crowded train. H’s break met us at Christchurch, we were 1½ late. V. charming house & grounds, lovely view of sea fr. windows. Brought Jane with us. Sp. came in morg. Friday 2 August Lovely day. Chicks out all morg. sands. Ham gone to Bournemouth, saw Emperor Ger. & whole paraphernalia!!! Read French book & walked & fetched sugar with Tabs. Wasps! After lunch drove in break with all the chicks to Bournemouth. Wire fr. Mrs. Watney. H. returned 9.30. Letter fr. Lin. Sent cheque 9s 5d to Lanover(?) for recovering my umbrella. Can’t send bill Mrs. Donaldson, w’d cost 25/-. Saturday 3 August Mrs. F. Gordon’s at home music & tennis 3.30 to 7. Naval Review before Emperor of Germany etc postponed until Monday on ac’t of dreadful weather. Lin went on board Admiralty Yacht, Ld G. Hamilton, met Col. North there “Nitrate millionaire”. Arrived here at 11 o’c. Mr Molesworth came in time for dinner. Sunday 4 August Lovely day. Chicks out all morg. Lin, H. & self went over “Elmhurst”. All for long walk after lunch, rest not in till after 7. I got back at 6, v. glad of tea Jane brought me. Invite to lunch with Mrs. Watney on Palatine. Wrote to Mother, Aunt Hannah & Jess. Monday 5 August Lovely day. Lin off to Portsmouth by first train, Ham & Mr M. by second. Letter fr. dear Mother enclosing sovereign for Maudie’s birthday today. Tabs & self out for flowers along cliff. Letter fr. C. S. Tuesday 6 August Lin returned at 11 at night fr. Ringwood after being on Enchantress all day. Lords of Admiralty like set of schoolboys. Lady George Hamilton & little son on board. Wednesday 7 August Lin went up by 1.50 train fr. C. church. Heavy showers all day. Went with chicks eeling at 5, caught nothing. Finished Mr M’s 2 nd book, not bad. Thursday 8 August Mrs. Sebag Montefiore’s at home to meet the Arch Bishop Canterbury & Mrs. Benson 3 to 6. Letter fr. Lin. Roy bathed, swims well. Tabs & self out boating all morg. Heavenly day. Friday 9 August Dow’gr Lady Freake’s at home & stay dinner & night. Lin arrived in time for 8.30 dinner. Went after & looked at stars & moon thro’ telescope, saw Jupiter & his 4 moons distinctly. Letter fr. Eff & Miss Gill. Tabs & Mr M. went for walk evg. Sat with chicks. Lin had threatening letter fr. someone about drawing of Duke of Cambridge & (illeg). Saturday 10 August Letter fr. dear Mother suffering fr. excema. Morg. read & sat on sands. Tabs, Maud & self drove to Bournemouth, bought black hat 2/6. Roy with Lin, Mr M. & Ham in


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 boat, out all afternoon. Roy had swim with Lin, afraid he kept him in too late. Washing 3/6, Hat 2/6, Rib 1/6. Sunday 11 August Lovely day. Maud to Church with Jane. After lunch walked along sea shore with Lin, Roy, Tabs, Ham & Mr M. Monday 12 August Fine day. After lunch went to Garden party at Mrs. Knowles, v. handsome family. Dullish not knowing anyone. Letter fr. a Mr Simms insulting Lin. Lin written to G. Lewis to summons him for breach of the Peace. Tuesday 13 August Letter fr. sub-Editor about Mr Sims. Lovely day. Tabs, M, two chicks & self to Christchurch ordered reserved carriage for ourselves Thursday. Mr, Mrs. & Miss Knowles to dinner. Lin, Ham, Roy & Mr M. sand eeling, came in v. late for dinner. Wednesday 14 August Lin going up by 11.17 to see G. Lewis. Lin saw G. L. & arranged to summons Sims next Wed. Pouring wet day. Sat & finished life of Mde. de Maintenon. Long argument with Tab & Mr Molesworth about Tab’s row with Edgar. Thursday 15 August Leave Capisthorne. Woeful muddle & trouble thro’ the Fletchers not having the carriage in time. Missed Jane & luggage double expense & worry all round. Tabs to Winchester with us. Lin met us at Vauxhall & on to Vic Sta. in brougham, lunched there 12/-. Guards 1/- cakes 1/3 Laurence 1/5, cabs. Con met us at Pulboro’ & left us, on to garden party at Lady Bartlett’s. Alone evg, v. v. tired. Laurence & luggage arrived at 10 o’c. Unpacked & to bed. Friday 16 August Mrs. H. Holmes at home, garden party. Went with Con & Eff to garden party at Mrs. Haywood Johnstone’s, most lovely view. Drove there & back in cart, enjoyed it v. well. Young Tattersall there. Chicks out all day. Saturday 17 August X. en matin, stayed in bed. Eff & Con out to lunch & tea. Lin arrived about 7, Con met him. V. good dinner evg, little cook managed much better, was rather (illeg) on ac’t of Lin. Claret. Sunday 18 August Lovely day. In bed till 12. Maud & Eff to Church. Eddie B. over to lunch etc. Sat out all afternoon. Maud nurse & chicks for walk. Roy teasing kittens. Eff, Con, Lin & Eddie B. for long walk after tea. Sent cheque of £15 to London & West. Bk. for 3rd instal. on 15 new C. Argentine Rly, making £3 p’d on each share. Claret. Monday 19 August (mistaken entries for 5, 6, 7 August partially rubbed out. ) Claret. Tuesday 20 August Received receipt fr. Bankers for Cent Arg’t shares £15. Lin paid me my cheque for year £15 for £300 Barr Estate. Roy went down with Lin to play cricket & Con. Eff & self went for ride in dog cart to Petworth. Most lovely drive thro’ exquisite scenery. Claret.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 21 August Lin went up by 1st train, goes to Mansion House to summons Mr Sims for threatened assault. Pouring wet day. Roy & Con together all morg. Eff in my room & writing. (entry partially rubbed out). Sent chicks money, 2 cheques of £1 each & 2 10/- postal orders (numbers) Claret. Thursday 22 August Maud petit ami. Heavy thundery showers. Mr & Mrs. J. Constable called asking all of us to a picnic for next Tuesday fr. Arundel. Drove with Eff, Roy & servant to Mrs. Bartlett’s picnic up most precipitous roads thro’ exquisite scenery. V. jolly party, had tea in church & schoolroom. Played cricket. Drove home by different Rd. equally beautiful. Home at 8 o’c. Did not sleep well, commenced thinking. Friday 23 August Heavenly day. Down to breakfast, Maud taken my place in bed. Eff, Con & Roy playing cricket. Letters fr. Lin with ac’t in paper of his threatened assault from Mr Sims. Sims has to find surety in £100 to keep the peace & pay all cost of summons. Letter fr. Midge about dear Mother, thinks seriously of excema, feel v. anxious about her. Letter fr. Mr Lowndes ack. receipt of cheque for £18.2.0. Garden party at Mrs. Jephson’s. Paid Laurence for parcels 3/2, washing 4/11. Claret. Saturday 24 August Lin & Miss Gill coming down by 3.55 train. Lovely day but cold wind. Gardened with Con morg. After to cricket field to see Eff etc playing. On to Common, met Vicar, took me in to see his cottage & gathered heather. Told me about his wife dying etc. Met Eff & Roy & went home together. After lunch walked to Mrs. Jeffson’s with Eff & Roy. V. nice party but rained. Walking home met Con with Miss G. Eff took Miss G. home. Con, Lin & self on to Mrs. J’s again. Mr, Mrs. & young Turner in to roulette after dinner. Lost 3d. V. good fun. Maudie v. hot! Little Simpson girl to tea with Maud. Claret. Sunday 25 August Heavenly day. Miss G, Eff & self to Church. V. pretty C. & nice service. Lovely walk over common home. Sat out all day. Maud out with Nurse after lunch. Roy with Miss G. Claret. Monday 26 August. Lovely day. To Cricket field, played with Mdes. Jeffson, Rose, Turner, Simpson etc. After lunch Eff, Con, Maud, Nurse & 2 chicks & Miss G. drove to Petworth in wagonettee with (illeg). H. went dead lame coming home. Lin & self walked to Cricket field. Roy & young Turner there, stayed some time. Went over Mr Turner’s rooms at (illeg). Tuesday 27 August Lovely day. Mrs. J. Constable’s picnic. Dickie went with us. Caught train only just in time fr. Pulboro’ to Arundel. Left dear Lin’s things at Arundel as he goes to town tonight. Very jolly day. Lin, E. B, Floss & G. met us at Arundel. Went off in large party to River, 3 boats, & up River to (illeg) mill of Amberley. Picniced on brow of hill. Lovely view in D. of Norfolk’s park. Roy boozy after champagne cup. V. delicious lunch, after played cricket, made one run of which v. proud. Con, Roy, Lin & self rowed to Amberley at 4.30. Left dear Lin at Pulboro’ when he went to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 London. Miss G. came in & had dinner & sang after to Con & self, Eff staying with B’s for night. 4/- fares, 4/- fly. Wednesday 28 August Lovely day. Played cricket morg. with Roy. Eff returned fr. Arundel, Miss G. met her. Maud, Eff, Geoff & self went to tea party at Vicar’s, recitations & songs. Maud stayed on with Olive Simpson. Con busy with matches. Eddie B. to tea & dinner. Con v. depressed & seems seedy, overdid himself at matches yesterday. Letters fr. Lin & Sp. Paid Eff £4.0.0. Claret. Thursday 29 August Lovely day. Con & self on lawn all morg, both felt tired. Eff to cricket field, all there. Worked after lunch & had walk with Maud along river, lovely. Maud went morg. in donkey cart with Olive Simpson, enjoyed it immensely. Letters fr. dear Lin & Sp. Claret. Friday 30 August Heavenly day. Paid £9 final instal’t of B. A. & Rosario (Tucuman shares) for 3 allotted £10 shares. Claret. Saturday 31 August Letters fr. Lin. Lovely day. Grand lunch at Swan given by Mrs. Turner (36 in number). Floss & G. B, Miss Constable & Eve Philips to lunch here, same party to dinner & E. B. also. Immense fun over cricket, gentlemen v. bad first innings, ladies did best but beaten later by gentlemen. Mrs. Jephson & Mrs. Bartlett gave tea in field. Large audience & altogether v. successful day. E. B. stayed night at Inn. Dear Lin starts tonight for Scotland. Sep 1889 Sunday 1 September Pay £9 B. A. & Rosario Rly (Tucaman). Final call on 3 allotted shares. Lovely day. Con, Eff, Miss G, Maud & self to Church morg. E. B. here all day. Miss G. & Roy to Church evg. Letters fr. Lin. Claret. Monday 2 September Lovely day but very close & thundery. Had carriage to take chicks to Capt. Bartlett’s for day. Miss G, Eff & self went with them. Sir E. Boehm here to lunch & tea. Lady B. v. seriously unwell, going to see Sir Matthews Duncomb. Claret. Tuesday 3 September Lovely day. Roy in bed with cold. Con gone to Boehm’s, looks seedy & depressed again. Bobby Turner in. Sat with Roy & had game with him when dressed at cricket. After lunch Eff, Maud & self went to call Mrs. Johnstone, went in, wanted us to stay to tea out of doors. C’d not as went on to School treat at Mrs. Jeffson’s. Over 98 children there, every possible amusement for them. Bran dips, sweets for scamble, beautiful prizes & money for races. Maud enjoyed it immensely. Con (illeg) at dinner. Post card fr. dear Lin, had reached Rogart & had comfortable journey. Claret. Wednesday 4 September Lovely day. Flower show at Petworth. Letters fr. Tabs & Mervyn. Dear Mother going to Buxton. Heard of accident to Sunday Scotch express at Crewe, Mr Beale injured. Received cheque book for 25 cheques. Bruit avec E, ne pouvais pas


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 comprendre sa marriage(?) (illeg illeg) entendu après et tout ira bien. Out of evil comes good, esperons. Claret. Thursday 5 September Eff went to Arundel for day. Cream & blackberries at lunch. Con & self drove to Petworth in cart. Left me at Miss Dubert where Mrs. Jeffson & Miss Simpson were. All had tea & walked round the lovely garden. Con, Miss G. & self to dinner alone, Eff in later. Claret. Friday 6 September Lovely day. Going to have picnic lunch. Went in cart with Eff, Maud, Roy to Bignor Park. Had lunch in the lovely woods there, party of 28. Boiled our own potatoes then all the chicks went together in huge wagon thro’ wood. We walked & heavens! how tired I was & Eff seedy! Can’t imagine how she stood it, & then with attempts to gather blackberries, but all too tired. Had tea at the house. Letter fr. dear Lin & one fr. Tabs asking for her jacket. 3 brace of grouse fr. Mr Watney. Con at Mr Jeffson’s for billiard tournament. Claret. Saturday 7 September Lovely day. In all day. Parlage avec Miss G. & ne crois pas qu’elle assez fort ou assez jeune pour Maud, elle est toujours a se soigner elle même. Elle enseigne bien, a beauc. de patience mais n’est pas assez compagniole p. Maud. Commencement de la fin. Claret. Stamps 6d, cream & fruit 10d, Church 1/Sunday 8 September Lovely day. Went to Church with Maud alone. Eff, Miss G. & Roy followed. Eff, M. & self walked long way round home over heath. Had tea out & fell asleep on sofa on lawn, Con too. Con, Eff & Roy went for long walk evening. Claret. Letter fr. Mervyn, dear Mother better. Monday 9 September Lovely day. Long letter fr. Lin having same weather in Scotland. Elizabeth comes today. Paid Laurence for washing 14/- & 2/7 for game, stamps & registered letter, in all 16/7. Fished morg, 0. The boat rather rotten, sent fr. the Phillips Mortlake on Saturday. Baker called. Claret. 2nd dog gone. Tuesday 10 September Lovely day. Blackberry party all afternoon, Mrs. Haywood Johnston etc. Found enormous quantity of blackberries. Claret. Wednesday 11 September Very hot. Eff, Con, Jeff, Baby & self morg. up river. Married against single cricket match. Con playing, Roy off to see it. Eff, Maud, Miss G. & self went to look on, good many there. Mr & Mrs Kenilth-Balfour. (1st Royals) there. Charming vy. pretty woman. Con, Eff & self to Mrs. Jephson’s to dinner. V. pretty table, good dinner & amusing evg. Banjos. Mrs. Pretorius, Mr Turner jnr. in after dinner. Claret. Thursday 12 September Lovely day. Chicks on River with Con. Eff & self to Worthing, last train. Awfully hot. All went up River after lunch & had tea near farm house. Lovely row back, sunset nost beautiful. Roy tiresome & naughty generally, think he was tired fr. rowing. X. Maud petit ami. Claret.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 13 September Maud in bed to breakfast. Only 3 weeks since she was seedy. Going to Aunt Anna’s today, lovely day. Enjoyed day at Aunty’s v. much, gave us excellent lunch & tea. Walked to station with me, took 3 ¼ hours coming home. E. Boehm returned with us fr. Pulboro’, staying here, has boy’s room. Chicks, Con & Miss G. out in boat all afternoon. Roy swelling under right arm. Letter fr. dear Lin, not returning till next week. Expenses 3/6 fares, grapes, (illeg) 1/4. Saturday 14 September X. Petit ami self. Maud & self breakfasted in bed. Letters fr. Lin & Midge. “Her Mother” Cecil’s fr. Whitely 1/6. Mrs. Jephson to tea. Eddie & Con up River in boat, shot rapids! Boat leaked. Claret. Sunday September 15 Lovely day, colder. Eff, Miss G. & Con to Church. Sat out all afternoon. Con, Eff & E. B. for long walk evg. Claret. Monday 16 Sptember In bed to breakfast. Lovely day much colder. Eff went to Crossbush. Claret. Tuesday 17 September Lovely day. Eff to Garden party at Rutherford’s, Pulboro’. Floss went with her. Con & E. B. to Petworth in dog cart. Sir E. B. came over to tea. Sat out read & worked all day. Played 31 in evg. all together, lost 1/-. Letter fr. Lin. Claret. Wednesday 18 September Lovely day, cooler. Letters etc fr. Lin. Con gone over to Crossbush by 1st train. Number of letters fr. Lin etc & Punches. Claret. Picnic tea in Sandly wood. Olive, Chicks & self in donkey cart. Thursday 19 September Returned fr. Pulboro’. Lovely day Fees 17.0 Guards 1.10 Fares 16.8 Om 5.0 Effie 4. 3.6 last week & 2 ditto washing. £6. 3.6 Arrived in time for lunch. Went after in carriage with Roy to Stores. Bought gloves 1.5 Baills .11 Fruit 1.4 3.8 Rained fast. Fire in dining room. Friday 20 September Lovely day. Out morg. shop’g. Bought 5 pears 1/-, Roy’s shoes 4/4, Chocolate & honey 1/4. Out afternoon with Roy in brougham to Hyams about his suits. Rained hard. Edgar called evg. just returned fr. Pull Court, goes to Sandgate tomorrow. Lin v. busy. Saturday 21 September Lin & self took dear Roy to Ramsgate by cheap fast 11 o’c. Roy quiet & lethargic. Had lunch in reserved railway compartment. Tassel met us at Rams. Went & saw


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 over Prospect Ter. Nelson Cres & Charlton Villa, all looked dull & depressing. Rained hard, no nice people about. Drove to Westwood for tea & on to Mr Sch’s. Dear Roy awfully down but did not cry thank goodness. Margate loked decidedly more cheerful than Rams. Returned by 6 something train. Bad lobster!!!. Gave Roy 2/-, Lin 2/6. Maud & Miss G. went to see “Paul Jones”. Sunday 22 September Lovely morg., colder & bright. Wrote to Mother, Aunt Anna, Con, Nana, F. Walford, Mrs. S. & darling Roy. Maud & Miss G. to Church. Miss G. home after luncheon. Feel more & more her interests are away & she is too fanciful about herself to suit us & too old. Wish I had taken Lin’s advice & had a younger woman. Monday 23 September Dull. Busy morg. Drove at 3 in brougham to Hyams, ordered Roy’s suit, to be 34/-. To Peals, left 2 prs stockings to be dyed at Pullars & on to see Mademoiselle at 72 Redcliffe Sqr, out. Mrs. Spofforth called to see if I was suited with governess, rec’ds Mademoiselle! Sent Tab’s jacket off by Jane, cost 9d. Lin & self to see “A Man’s Shadow” at Haymarket, most thrilling play. B. Tree wonderful, old Hernandez to great advantage as barrister & council & Miss J. Neilson v. beautiful. Extremely well acted all round. Turquands & P. Reed there, also Mr Parr & Leslie Ward & his mother. Tuesday 24 September Wet dull morg. Letter fr. Mrs. Spofforth about a Mademoiselle. In all day. Put away dear Roy’s things. Mademoiselle called with Mrs. Smidt, holiday governess, dreadful looking little frump, w’d not do to go out with Maud. Lin & self went to see N. Farren & Leslie at Gaiety, most amusing piece, “Ruy Blas” comique. Saw the H. Lawsons, Warres, Pineros, Mr Woodruffe & Claude Watney & young Tattersall who came up to our box. L. forgot to put out any whiskey, had to go down & fetch some, Lin angry. Wednesday 25 September The mare returns fr. Roberts, been away since 1 st August. Lovely day. Walked with M. & Miss G. Lovely bright day. Lin had a Turkish bath. Jolly home with mare too late for me to have brougham. Jane out. Miss G. & self played & sang evg. Still no letter fr. dear Mother. Thursday 26 September Div’d warrants of City of B. A. Trams due today. Lovely day, cold. Wrote to Brighton House agents. Walked with M. & Miss G. morg. Met Mr Wyndham & Mrs. de la Rue riding together. Did curtain to sideboard. Letter fr. Eff. Lin & self went to see G. Alexander at Adelphi in “London day by day”, too good for the part. Lin went round to see him after. Went up in brougham, home by cab. Mrs. Spofforth called about Mademoiselle who also came morg. Altogether too common to take Maud about. Men fr. Stores doing creeper. Mrs. Pugin w’d take £80 for 3 months, too much. Friday 27 September Men fr. Stores doing creeper, came at 8 o’c. Dull morg. Ella has 3 little puppies. Forwarded allotment letter of £100 in B. A. & Rosario Rly, 4 per cent debentures, this morg. to Bankers G. M. Currie & Co for scrip certificate. Miss Walford to lunch & tea. Went out shop’g with her at 3 in brougham & called on Mrs. Finlay. V. late night.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 28 September Sent allotment letter of £100 B. A. & Rosario 4 per cent debenture to Mr Davison, sh’d have done so instead of to Bank. Maud to Nana with Jane for lunch & dinner, home by 6 o’c. Miss G. & self to Savoy, saw “Yeoman of Guard” for 4 th time. No Grossmith or Ulma(?) in it. Lin came into box. Lin had Turkish bath & lunched & dined in town & to first night of “The dead heart” at Lyceum. Irving, E. Terry & son & Bancroft. Most wonderful performance, enthusiastic reception. Called on C. S. & wife at Metropole, on continent. Sunday 29 September Pay £35 instalment upon scrip of B. Ayres & Rosario Rly Comp. (£750,000) 4 per cent debenture issue of stock allotted £100. Already paid £30 on above, will make £65 now paid up. To church St Paul’s with Miss G. & Maud. Streets sat behind us. Tony here since Friday. Both Ella’s pups bitches, will destroy one. Lin & self dined at Mr Abbey’s. Number of Americans, H. Roller & wife, Eton, Onslow Ford, Mr & Mrs. White, C. Carr & wife. V. jolly evg. Lin & Maud for long walk after lunch. Monday 30 September Interim Div’d on Pref. & Sunshalls Ext. shares & interest on Tucuman shares will be posted today. Pouring wet morg. Men still doing creeper. M. & Miss G. caught in rain. Lin putting up pictures all morg. Another letter fr. dear Roy, making 4 in one week. Pd. washer woman £2.2.7. Men finished creeper, 3 days at work. Foreman did not do much. Oct 1889 Tuesday 1 October Received Scrip Cert. for £100 stock of B. A. & Rosario Rly debentures 4 per cent, sent same on to G. M. Currie Co. with cheque for £35 registered (by Miss G.) making £65 paid on same. Letter fr. dear Mother & Midge. Mother sent 2 pounds for my old things sent some time since. In bed to breakfast, horid pain & pressure on side. Sent cheque of £25 & £2 to L. County Bank. Blanche Cole in to tea. Looked thro’ list of Brighton houses together. Wednesday 2 October To lunch at Mrs. Child’s, can’t go. Pain better. In bed to breakfast. Dull day. Received Scrip Certificate fr. Bank receipt of £35.0. At 3.30 went to see rooms for Mother, all engaged. Called & had tea with Mrs. Holmes. Quiet evg. Miss G. & Maud down. L’s evg. out. Thursday 3 October Wet morg. J. v. rude when I spoke to her about days of cleaning. Letter fr. Midge saying Mother w’d be at Grosvenor Hotel today & wants oak table sent. Went up & dined with Mother & Mervyn at Hotel. Mother looking v. weak & ill, makes me wretched to see her so. Mervyn came home with me in cab. Friday 4 October Went up morg. to see Mother with Maud in brougham. Sent M. back, stayed & had lunch with her, Mervyn & F. W. All going down Granville, stayed & saw them off. Miss de Pass came too. Mrs. Childs & her sister in law at Mother’s when I arrived.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 5 October Dull morg. Lin off early (illeg) here to see about horse in country. Miss G. & Maud drove with me to Victoria Sta, arrived 1 hour & 12 minutes too soon, waited & saw me off to Worthing where Auntie met me. Long cozy evg together. Told me that Mr Chapple died just in time to save himself exportation for life & had (illeg) many, his wife & her family the Stones. Sunday 6 October Dull unsettled day. Auntie & self went to Church. V. good sermon withstanding temptation, false pride, upholding good above all things. Wish I could hear the like every Sunday. Poured all afternoon. Long cozy chat with Auntie. Told me of Mr Chapple’s wicked behaviour, (illeg) his own people & many she knows not - ourselves - too. Monday 7 October Gale all night. Fine, took fly to Station 1/-, fare 2/-, flowers 1/-. Return fare Brighton. Met Lin & took fly for day, went over 18 houses. Sweet little bijou house in Sillwood Place, & 1st Avenue Hove. Strange in looking over Flat - Ada Pickering owner - (immensely amused) came in, belonged to her, took us all over her flat. Had not seen her for years. Went over Mr L. Wingfield’s house & Mrs. Roscoe’s, all nice. Tuesday 8 October Fearful rain & wind all day. Letters fr. Lin, Tabs & dear Roy, wants more money. Auntie & self in all day. Lin written & made offer for Brighton house & stabling. Wednesday 9 October Auntie & self out for an hour morg. Came on heavy rain again, all afternoon. Thursday 10 October Div’d warrants due today for B. A. Gt. Southern Rly. Rec’d £17.7.2. X. Petit ami. Returned by 2.5 train fr. Worthing. Auntie took me to Station. V. comfortable journey up. Maud & Miss G. met me. M. looking pale & thin, seedy too. Lin with cold. Sp. came in looks well. Brighton offer not accepted. Not sorry. Friday 11 October Wet day. Maud & self drove to enquire after Lady B. Little better, straw down. Drove round Park. I stayed in bed till 12. Saturday 12 October Interim Div’d on Ordinary Stock B. A. & Rosario Rly. due today. Nana came with her Baby to lunch. Went out with Maud, left at 3.30. Looks seedy & thin. Maud went with me to take Lin’s overcoat to Club. Left Lin at Turkish baths. Called on Mrs. Stokes, leaving tonight for Paris. Bought 2 lbs sausages & grouse, paid 3/11. Lin rode morg, walked to Club & walked home after Bath – too much. Had hot whisky evg, cold about same. Miss G. went to see Mrs. Sutterby, relief when she goes out she talks so incessantly & not to much purpose. Had birds in my room. Sunday 13 October Colder. Dullish day. Miss G. gone home for day. Sp. & Douglas here for lunch, silly little boy, not half as bright as Jeff. No one called. Lin rode to Mr Barker’s to lunch, they alone. L. out. Monday 14 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sent 4 Banker’s receipts of B. Ayres Gt. Southern 5 per cent Extension shares /92 second issue (4 shares). by registered letter fr. Young St. Kens. In bed till 12. New horse “Marquis” arrived, J. & Lin met him. Lin rode mare. I drove at 4 with Maud, sent off registered letter. Left M. at Nana’s Queensgate, on to Lady B’s, better. Saw Eff, & Floss with chill! Then to Williams (wet) about seeing house tomorrow. Foggy rather. Miss Winthrop & Mrs. Gale called. Tuesday 15 October Lovely day. Breakfasted Punch. Lin off with Jolly to see vet about new horse. Tickets for “Middle man” at Shaftesbury Theatre. Left certificate of £100 B. Ayres & Rosario 4% part paid at London & County bank, will be fully paid in Dec /89. Mrs. Cole & Edith & F. Walford to tea. Maud & Miss G. out twice walking. Lin, Maud & self to theatre, draughty box! Saw Sir T. Lucas. Mr Jones author of piece came to our box. Charmingly written & wonderfully acted, enjoyed it immensely. Lost dear Mother’s scent bottle. Wednesday 16 October Left Cert. for £40 in B. A. Gt. Southern Rly 5% /92 at London & County Bank. To Westwood alone by Granville. Found dear Mother fairly well. Mervyn met me in fly. He went to dance at Westgate. Slept badly. Thursday 17 October Mother’s name for Miss G. – Snipe! Guzzle - la femme de chambre ici. Lovely day. Wire fr. Edg. to go there, cannot go. Went to Ramsgate at 3 with Mervyn, called on Mrs. Montefiore, Hammond & Burnand, saw Suzie a’Beckett & Rosie B. Enquired about stabling. Mother v. seedy. Friday 18 October Lovely day. Mr Green to luncheon. Mervyn there to dinner. Mother & self drove to Rams. After lunch met Mrs. Hammond, not heard of stabling. Went to Allright’s stables, beastly only describes them! Called to enquire Montagu Williams, met Mrs. Tweedie! Wished to present me with bottle of chutney, not ready alas!. Two letters fr. Lin, one fr. dear Roy, & Con. Saturday 19 October Rained morg. Went into Mother’s room at a quarter to 7. Had had bad night, was making tea. Stayed with her till 8.30. Wire fr. Lin. Came by Granville. Met dear Roy. Lin walked back to Station with him. Looked over stabling at St Mildred’s Rd. Nice but only one stall. Mother v. tired did not come in to dinner. Sunday 20 October Dear Mother v. ill morg with heart just before dear Roy arrived, came over in brougham as it rained at 10 o’c. Lin & Mervyn walked to Ramsgate, saw F. C. Bs & a’Bs. I took Roy back at 9.30, had little talk with Miss Allen. Monday 21 October Lovely day. Went over with Lin to Ramsgate, looked over stables & houses. F. Cottage. L’s coachman told Lin of stabling. Lin returned to Westwood with me instead of going to town, go together tomorrow. Dear Mother little better. Tuesday 22 October Returned home by Granville with Lin. Dear Mother seemed v. low. Found all well at home. Maud & Miss G. in good spirits. Sent about Jessie’s table. Lin & self dined alone. I called at 3 on Miss Lutyens, interesting talk about the time she was


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 in Paris in /32. Lin working but so dark & miserable. New horse came round, looks well & fresh, hope he’ll go on well for Lin’s sake. I wrote Miss Levy about stabling at Ramsgate. Wednesday 23 October Finer. New horse’s cold worse! Worry for Lin. Sent Jolly to Miss Levy’s solicitor about stabling! Still all uncertain about Ramsgate. Maud, Miss G. & self did thoroughly out morg. room cabinets & covered them up. Barker’s fetched Jessie’s table & Tab’s portraits. I left Lin’s things at Turkish bath. Left cards on Mr Hartree & had tea with Floss B. Lady B. better. Put the little sovereign case dear Mother gave me with £4 in safe. Thursday 24 October Went out morg. shops with Maud in om, 25 Regent Circus, left fur at Dickens & Jones to be made up, bought gloves, biscuits. Met Lady Blomfield, promised to take tea with her next Sunday. Met Mrs. Boughton, poor Baby Robb still alive! Lin hard at work, many interruptions. Wrote making offer for house at Ramsgate. Must take Allright’s stables, none others to be had. Evelyn C. to tea with Maud. Maudie came in to dinner. Sp. called, same old complaints, wonder he does not see how wearying they are for all alike. Edgar came, he & Sophy in London for one night. Talked about business & dear Mother’s health. Friday 25 October Lovely day. Went out early with Maud, bought her boots & shoes, feathers for her hat, looks like new. Lin very busy. I sent dear Roy’s purse & order to stores. Finished M’s hat. Lin worked till 10.30. Letters fr. Edgar & Spencer. Saturday 26 October Lin paid for M’s shoes fr. Barkers £1.3.5. Lovely day. 2 stalls for Lyceum for “Dead Heart”. I took Maud to see “Doris” afternoon, excellent, with Marie Tempest in it. Sunday 27 October Wet day. Sp. called. In all day. Monday 28 October Packed all day. Dear Mother went up to London with Mervyn. Tuesday 29 October Lady Mayoress’s dance 10 o’c. Came by 12.15 to Ramsgate, 5 Prospect Terrace. Jane, Laurence, Miss G. Maud & self. Jolly late as usual. Comfortable journey. Forgot keys! Unable to unpack one box, did rest. Fleas! House much cleaner than last year. Letter fr. Mrs. Burnand. Wednesday 30 October Lovely day. Went on with unpacking, quite straight at night. Maud & self called on Rosie Burnand. Saw little ones & Squire. Heard of B. Scrimshire’s engagement & met all of them! Unpacked all stores. Can’t find little pepper stand. Thursday 31 October Lovely day quite warm. Busy cleaning all morg. Maud out at 12 with Mary B. who returned here for lunch. Miss G, M. & self took her back & went shop’g after, bought grasses 4d, dog’s rug & basket, stamps 4/1, sugar basin, butter dish, Tony’s water bowl, 3/3. Mrs. Hammond called, asked me to drive there tomorrow. Sat in drawing room evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Nov 1889 Friday 1 November Wet morg. Maud & self out shop’g caught in rain. Bought Maud gloves, baize for birds, Tony’s chain & collar, Jane’s basin, pd. 6/5. Miss G. did my hat & went with Maud for walk after lunch. Connie B. came for an hour’s chat. Dine with Mrs. Hammond. Washing man called. L. & self counted linen. Bought art muslin for piano. Saturday 2 November Taken rooms for Jolly today. Dear Lin & horses coming down. Tassel over to help. Wired Mr Schim. morg. for Roy. Met Roy at Ramsgate, his train 30 minutes late. Lovely day. Allotment letter fr. B. A. Gt. Southern Rly. £250,000 shares issued of £10 each. I having £470 in said stock they allot me 18 shares to be called “5 per cent Ex. thro’ /94”. Roy seems to have had cold. X. M’s little F. Sunday 3 November Pouring wet day. Miss G. to Church morg. Puppy round. Lin & Roy to stables. Roy’s cold seems better. Pouring all day. Lin went after dinner to Burnands, I too tired to go. Monday 4 November Dull morg. brighter later. Dine at Mr Burnand’s. Dear Roy’s neck stiff, dreadful worry getting him up & dressed, cried & general fuss, must not have him home again. Miss G. took him back by 9 o’c train S. E. line. Dreadful headache. Lin had letter fr. Sp. Very jolly evg at Mrs. F. C. B’s. Hammonds, B. Hollingshead, Mr Lillie there. Tuesday 5 November Lovely day. Out morg. with Maud & Miss G. Fresh case of claret, 2 cases to be sent back. Mrs. Burnand called evg. asking us to go in after dinner. Went, Dr. R. Roose, B. Hollingshead, Mr Lillie there. Mr Burnand chaffed B. H. & self all evg. Out walking morg. Sat with Lin & read all evening. X. Petit ami on return home. Mrs. Burnand asked me to dine there tomorrow, sorry can’t go. Lin rode new horse. Wednesday 6 November Lin finished drawing. Lovely day, in bed till 12. Sat with Lin. Lin went to town by 4 o’c train. Miss G. & Maud out morg. Mary & Ethel to tea. Mrs. Burnand called & gave me stand & lampshade, B. H. with her. To bed early. Jane out. Returned Mrs. F. C. B’s “Paul Jones”. Thursday 7 November Most lovely morg, hot sun. Drawing room v. warm, no fire. Miss G, Maud & Mary B. walked to Pegwell. Tried new horse in cart v. fidgety, would not go so sent Jolly alone. He put horse into job master’s cart, took coachman & went to see if Mrs. Roller was at Lanthorn House, left 2 days ago. Horse looked v. hot on return, afraid J. drives him too fast, wants gentle handling. Connie came in, met Mrs. Whitehead & Mrs. Hammond on Parade, had been calling here, surprised to see Maud so grown. Laurence out evg. Wrote twice to Lin. Friday 8 November Fine day. Out on Parade with Maud. Connie B. in to tea, stayed some time.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 9 November Mr & Mrs. Lucy come – cannot come. Dull morg. Out morg. on Parade, feel seedy, can’t imagine why. Lin coming by Granville. Tassel came with flowers & vegts. I met Mrs. B. & Mrs. Whitehead. Mary out with Maud. Dear Lin arrived by Granville, worried about horse not being better. Worse since Jolly took him in cart Thursday, knew he would be. Sunday 10 November Lovely day. Mr Blunt arrived about one o’clock, came in Mr Burnand’s fly. Much more cheerful & less absent this time, consequently feel more at home with him. He went for walk with Mr B. & Lin, both the Burnands, Dr Roose etc. Miss G. & self little walk on Parade & in to Mrs. Pugin’s, left paper P. M. Gazette with long notice of Lin at Mr Hammond’s. V. Pleasant dinner & went after to Mr Burnand’s large party there. R. Roose, H. & B. Hollingshead, Squire & ourselves. Mr Blunt sang charmingly. Mr & Mrs. F. C. B. also, most charming evg. Long chat on return. Monday 11 November Gleamy day. Mr Blunt left by 12 o’c train, enjoyed his visit more this time. Miss G, M, Mary & self went to see old ship launched. Winnie came to tea, Connie B. to dinner. Mrs. Veile called with her daughter. Miss G, M, & self shop’g after lunch. Paid paper bill, coffee pot & brush bill & bought new butter dish. Called on Mrs. Bankes, sister & niece there. Lin v. busy. Tuesday 12 November Lovely day. Walked morg. with M, Miss G, & Mary B. to new Pier. Met Rosie & went on shop’g with her, ordered silk at Hawking’s & M’s sash. Lin hunted morg. New horse still ill. Miss G, M. & self to tea party at Mrs. Pugin’s. Met Mrs. O’Connor, Mrs. Clarke Laurence, Mrs. Burnand, Hammond etc there. Singing & playing, v. amusing. Lin at Almanack. Letter fr. W. Oakes. Tassel came over, brought flowers. Dear Mother only fairly well. Wednesday 13 November Pay £54 to B. A. Gt. Southern Rly. for 1st instal. on 18 newly allotted shares in above of £10 each to be called “Five % Ext. Shares 1894”. Entitled to above having £470 stock already in above Rly. Sent 2 cases wine back Abbey’s Claret & Burgundy believe! Sent cheque £54 to G. M. Currie Co. for above lent by Linley. Heavenly day. Lin not going up today! Thursday 14 November Dull. Out morg shop’g. Paid books, rude woman at Kelsey’s. Met Philip. After lunch Lin rode. Called on Mrs. Vaile. Cap’t V. came in v. kindly made me have glass port wine for my throat. Called Mrs. Pugin, Mr Arden dreadfully afflicted there. Mrs. P sent me lovely flowers. Mrs. C. Lawrence called & her little girl went for walk with M. & Miss G. Mrs. Burnend & Miss Hollingshead & Mrs. Bartram called. Friday 15 November Asked Edgar & Sophy for week, can’t get leave. Lovely day. Wire fr. Mr Burnand about Lin’s Almanack. Wish he w’d get more forward with work. Received receipt for £54 fr. B. A. Gt. S. Rly. for 5% new shares /94. Walked a good deal & afraid it does not suit me. Saturday 16 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dul day. Lin hard at work, read to him. Maud spent whole day at Mrs. F. C. B’s. Miss G, M. & self in morg to Mrs. Pugin’s, went over garden & caves. Mrs. P. gave us some lovely flowers. Tassel came bht. Vegt. & flowers, had seen dear Mother Monday, was v. ill, Edgar there. Ford down Friday saying she was better, returning to Mother Maddox St tonight. Miss G. went to make a call after lunch. I fetched Maud fr. Mrs. B’s, saw dear little Baby. Quiet evg. Lin to Club, does not like having Miss G. in evg, don’t quite know what to do. Sunday 17 November Dull day. Went to St Mary’s with M. & Miss G. Letter fr. Mervyn, coming down next Saty to see about acting “Andromeda” with Miss Seaton. Mr Burnand called whilst I was reading to Lin after lunch, v. busy doing Almanack. Lin & self went in to Mrs. F. C. B’s after dinner late, Messrs Lilly, Fearon (just ret’d fr. S. America) Squire, Mrs. Hammond, 2 Seaton girls & B. Hollingshead. Very jolly evg. Maud to bed earlier. Monday 18 November Mrs. Montefiore’s dinner 8 o’c. Sent £15 to London & Westminster Bank for 4 th call on 15 new £5 sh’s in Cent Argt. Rly. Paid washing £1.9.1. Out morg with M. & Miss G. Lin v. busy on Almanack, in all day. Fairly amusing evg at Mrs. M’s. Sat next to Mr M. & young cleric, Cap’t & Mrs. Jones & Miss Ross there, also Isaacs fr. Kingsgate. Frumpish Mrs. Cap’t looked dull. Dutchman played violin & Pa & Ma Hicks accompanied each other. Tuesday 19 November Out morg. alone shop’g. Ordered fowl. Dull morg, v. cold. Brace of pheasants fr. Will O. Letter fr. Mervyn coming Saturday. Lin still hard at work on Al. Mrs. Banks, Montefiore & Hicks called. Walked with Lin after dinner along parade to keep him fr. sleeping. Wednesday 20 November Dull & cold. Lin starting on new drawing Almanack, last. V. busy. Received Banker’s receipt for £15 fr. Cent Arg. Railway. Ethel Laurence to tea with Maud & Mary B. New claret opened of 3 doz. today. Mrs. Fox & Mrs. Martin Thomson called. Lin rode after lunch for an hour. Maud & self walked for ½ an hour after luncheon. Letter fr. Tabs. Thursday 21 November Still no news of Nana. Very cold & dull. Lin still hard at work on Almanack, beautiful drawing, new design & idea entirely. Books paid by Miss G. Called after lunch & left “Roman du Marriage” at Rosie’s. Called on Mrs. O’C. Met her & walked to Mrs. Pugin’s with her, left card at Mrs. Lawrence’s. Mrs. Scrimshire called. Had long chat with her. Paid for Paul Jones music. Lin hard at work. Letter fr. dear Roy. Friday 22 November Lin went up to London. Lovely day, warmer again. Miss G. went out to tea. L. out. Maud & self evg. together, M. v. amusing. Mrs. Scrimshire called. Saturday 23 November Mrs. O’Connor at home 4.30. Lin & Mervyn came down by Granville but missed each other at station. Mervyn looking v. seedy & thin. Lovely day here, foggy in London. Maud spent day at Mrs. Burnand’s. Connie & Miss H. dined here. We all went into Mr B’s after dinner, large party there. A Mr Hall played violin, v.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 attentive to Connie. Went to Mrs. O’C’s. Met Mr Smith, friend of Mrs. Skirrow’s there, fairly amusing. Came away early. Out morg. Sunday 24 November Pay £15 for my Cent. Argt. Rly. allotted 15 £5 shares 4 th instal. Paid. Lin rode new horse. Dull day. Miss G. to Church, afraid to sit in damp things. M. & self in. M. had walk with Lin before lunch on Pier, v. blowy, S. W. gale. At 2 o’c went in brougham, Tassel, with Mervyn to Westwood. All looked nice. Carriage left Mervyn & self at Mrs. Hood’s. Called Mrs. Lilly, Mr Piggot there, on to Mrs. Hammond’s to tea, large party there, more music! Rosie B. dined here. Went in after din. to Mrs. F. C. B’s, large party again & home v. late. Monday 25 November Lovely day. Feel awfully sleepy & seedy. Mary out with M. & Miss G. Mervyn arranging about Theatre all morg. Lin riding morg. mare. Paid washing 9/3½. Carriage at 2. Drove with Mervyn to Margate. Saw darling Roy, looked well & happy, stayed with him 15 minutes. Quiet evg. here, all sleepy & bed early. Lin hunted mare, hateful Cobb brute to young horse, wish it would break his neck! Letter fr. Mrs. O’Callahan wanting us to go there. Tuesday 26 November Lovely morg. Went out morg. 10.30 with Mervyn to Mrs. F. C. B’s. Walked on Pier, met Mrs. Buckingham. Mervyn out after with Maud. Mary with Miss G. Lin rode new horse morg. Carriage at 2.55 to call on Mrs. Montefiore, Wills, & Mrs. Vaile, at home! V. amusing at Mrs. V’s, Weigalls there, pretty girl sang. Called on Mrs. Norden. Desperately slow dinner at Mr Lilly’s, (illeg) with C. B. Mervyn made us roar mimicking him on our return. Wednesday 27 November Mervyn & Lin going up to town. Mervyn went up by Gran. Tassel met him Margate. I walked to Station with him, bitterly cold, snowed coming back. Lin unable to go hunting. Maud to tea at Mrs. Lawrence’s. Miss G. seems seedy as usual. Read Farjeon’s story “Diamond cut D”. Lin is going to illustrate. Thursday 28 November Lovely day. Heard Leopoldinas had gone down 7 by the breaking up of Brazilian Empire! Books v. nice considering Lin here all week & Mervyn here Sat & Sunday. Friday 29 November Lin went up to town by 10 train. Muddle about cart. Quiet evg. Saturday 30 November Lin came back by 9.45. Maud & self met him & walked home. Little Weigall to tea. Miss G. & self out shop’g. Piano went, paid 12/6 for it. Had another fr. another shop, much dearer alas! Dec 1889 Sunday 1 December Lovely day. Lin rode morg. & drove with Maud in dog cart after lunch with young horse to Westwood. Maud & self to Church, walked with Mrs. F. S. & little girl after. Mervyn called on Mrs. Norden & walked with Connie B. We all went in to Mr Burnand’s after 7 o’c dinner, chicks did charming little play called “Taken in” by Rosie B, v. pretty. Baby & Minnie sang “Oh! oil ah!”, & Pickwick. Winnie v. clever as Mr P. V. jolly evg. Bitterly cold coming back. X. New piano.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 2 December Mrs. Hammond’s dinner 7.30. Altered till tomorrow. Mr & Mrs. Lilly & Mr Pigot dine here 7.30. Mervyn taken ill, Dr Pearce here to see him. Gave him morphia & says right lung dull! Changed his room to Miss G’s & moved hers. Lin rode with Burnand to Mrs. H. morg. X. Petit ami l’après midi. Mr Pigot charming, Lilly rude as ever, does not know how to behave! pity his wife! Took Mr P. off in middle of interesting conversation with Lin. Jane cooked dinner very nicely. Mr Roose, C, & Miss H. in afternoon. Miss Vaile, Mrs. O’Connell, Mrs. Norden, Miss Hollingshead, Connie B. & Mr Roose called. Tuesday 3 December Mrs. Hammond’s dinner 7.30. Unable to go, Mervyn also. Mrs. F. C. B, Connie & Miss H. in to see M. M. better but looks very poorly. Tassel in & out seeing after his theatricals. Lin rode. Bitterly cold, c’d not work. Lin had excellent dinner as usual at Mrs. H’s, Lilly more attentive than ever to C. Connie came in to tea. Quiet evg. Mary B. to tea. Woke up at one o’c & found Lin reading in drawing rm. (illeg) he was locked out. Read Mr Frith’s book. Wednesday 4 December V. cold. Mervyn better, out in carriage. (illeg). Paid Doctor Pearce. Lin rode morg. with Jolly. Lin went to London by 4 train. Mr Hammond came to see Mervyn & stayed long time talking. Connie B. in to tea & dinner. Mervyn looked awfully tired & worn out. Mary went for walk with Maud morg. Mrs. Burnand, Miss H. & Mr B. up to town by Granville. Finished Mr Frith’s book, most interesting. Almanack out. Very good. Lin’s drawings beautiful. Letter fr. Mother, Tabs in town, been with her. Tabs v. seedy with cold & neuralgia. Thursday 5 December Very cold, fire in my room. Mervyn going up by 4 o’c train. Letter fr. dear Mother saying Hill leaves on the 18th inst. Mother v. comfortable in her rooms at 16 Maddox St. Letter fr. Mother. Called with M. in brougham on Mrs. Wills & Mrs. Norden. Left Mervyn at Station, went up by 4 train. Quiet evg. Friday 6 December V. cold, fire in my room. Letter fr. Lin coming down by Granville. Miss G. paid books, milk & bread not in. Reading Maître de Forge. Connie B. in to tea. Saturday 7 December Dull day & cold, still too seedy to go out, breakfasted in bed. Mary fetched Maud to lunch & tea. Snowed morg. Miss G. & self alone, dullish & feel seedy. Jolly over to Westwood, no news of Mother & Mervyn. First time of having Money Market revised. Sunday 8 December Dull damp & cold. Lin coming by same train as Mr Burnand. Arrived, lunched & rode after, looks well. Connie & Mary in to tea. Miss G. to Church. Wrote to dear Roy. Read & finished “Le maître de Forge” by G. Ohnet, most charming book, v. cleverly written. No one called. V. quiet day & evg. Monday 9 December Blanche Cole comes by Granville, cart met her. Dear Mother & Mervyn in same train. Dull & foggy rather. Out morg. Lin rode.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 10 December Much warmer, dull. Walked out morg. with Blanche. Mrs. Hood & Flossie called, Mervyn also. Florence W. expected by Granville. Miss Seaton so ill, performance “Andromeda” postponed! V. disappointed. Lin had splendid run with Thanet Harriers. Blanche, Lin & self to Mrs. B’s after dinner. Mr B. working. Damp evg, got sore throat. Wednesday 11 December Lovely morg. Blanche & Maud to Pegwell, bought 1/- eggs farm house. Miss G. & self out. Changed book at Fullers. Met C. & A. B. Walked on with them. Met Mrs. Martin T. & child. Tassel came over with book fr. Mother, promised to go over tomorrow for day alone. Tassel lunched here! Mary & Connie B. to tea. Laurence out. Lin rode new horse & went to town by 4 train. Horrid sore throat. 6 port wine. Thursday 12 December Lovely day, bitterly cold, hard frost. Much talk of Influenza coming over from Russia!!! 100 horses in one stable died of it in London. Drove in dog cart with mare to W. Saw dear Mother looks v. fragile & delicate. Stayed to lunch & dinner, F. W. there. Mervyn & Mr Green came over in dog cart to Ramsgate, F. met them. Mother had bad heart attack last night & slight one whilst I was there. F. bought me 2 prs stays fr. Russia £1.16. Came back in brougham, F. with me. Friday 13 December Gale blowing. V. cold. Letter fr. Lin. Asw’d Mrs. Buckmaster’s invite. Mervyn & F. W. over morg. Miss Seaton v. ill, piece Andromeda indefinitely postponed! Edgar to Westwood, Mervyn fetched him, lunched off underdone pork! came late. Mervyn off to London by evg. train. I went back in brougham to Westwood, stayed night. Saw Edgar, seems well. Dear Mother loking awfully delicate & fragile - feel most anxious about her. To bed early. Saturday 14 December Dull damp morg. Wire fr. Lin coming by Granville, Mervyn also. Mother v. low & weak, came over with F. early in brougham to stop performance or put up notice to that effect. Jolly came over on mare early with letters fr. Ramsgate. Miss G. paid books v. heavy, over £7.0.0. J. doing windows. Blanche & M. to Pegwell for eggs. Lin said in letter H. Burnand gone smash again, hope not true. Sunday 15 December Mr & Mrs. Alexander to stay one night. Can’t come. To Church with Blanche & Maud. Drove with M. & B. in dog cart to Westwood 2.30. Home in brougham. Mary B. in to tea with Miss G. Lin rode young horse morg. Heard of Harry B’s failure, so sorry. Monday 16 December Dull foggy & smelly. Walked out en masse, met Mervyn & F. W, shop’d with them. Blanche & self called in dog cart with mare on Mrs. Wills, Norden, Bartram, North Buckmaster, Lady Rose & Mrs. Burnand, had tea there. Lin with cold. Wish he w’d not sleep so much after dinner. Tuesday 17 December Dull morg. Connie B. being painted by Blanche. Shop’d morg. F. W. went to London by 12 train. Maud & self drove to Westwood in cart with new horse, awfully nervous. Horse went wonderfully well. Found dear Mother busy &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 worried. Hill going up today, her mother v.ill. Mervyn came back with us to dinner. Lin in to Mrs. F. C. B. after dinner. Close warm evg. Mervyn left early by 9.20. Wednesday 18 December Dull wet morg. Lin off hunting. Connie B. in to be painted. Mary B. to lunch. Maud to Mrs. F. C. B’s to tea. Connie B. to tea. Mervyn came in. Lin rode. Thursday 19 December Blanche C. left by Gran. M. & Miss G. saw her to Station. Miss G. pd. small bks for me. Darling Roy came home. Lin fetched him with young horse in cart, is champion chess player of the School, beaten all the boys & 3 masters! Mr Sch. evidently proud of him. Has a cold. Went out with chicks after lunch, met C. B. who walked with us. Roy had donkey ride. Lin v. busy on American drwg. Called & saw Mother, gave Roy £1.10 & told Lin I was not to call there tomorrow, Annie going there. Friday 20 December S. W. gale blowing. Lin rode young horse hunting, Jolly on mare, unable to hunt, too gusty. Went out with Miss G. & chicks, paid books. Called with Lin & asked Mrs. Hammond to dinner tomorrow, coming. Mary here to tea. Roy at his chess, looks better today. Mary & Ethel to tea, Lin took them back. Saturday 21 December Mr & Mrs. Burnand & Mr & Mrs. Hammond to dinner 7.30. Mother sent Maud cheque £1.1.0. Roy & Ethel out. V. jolly evg. Jane & L. did v. well. L. kept her table tidier & did v. well. Sunday 22 December To St Mary’s with Maud. Roy for walk with Lin & Mr H. Mervyn dined here & we went in to Burnands after, played dominoes & danced. Hammonds there. Monday 23 December Mrs. Buckmaster’s dance. I drove over to Westwood to see dear Mother. Mervyn came over & went up to London. Found Mother v. poorly & so lonely. Lunched there & came back at ¼ p. 3 on ac’t of chicks going out in dog cart. Roy came over to fetch me, drove young horse. Roy’s suit arrived v. late. Chicks went off with Mary & Ethel Burnand, came back at 11, very tired. Tuesday 24 December Out morg. shop’g. Afternoon also. Little Jessie Norden to tea & lunch. Continual little presents arriving fr. Burnands. Shop’g morg & afternoon. Lin gave me purse. Wednesday 25 December Glorious Xmas morg. Roy off for long walk with Lin, Squire & large party of Burnands, great many of Burnands in. Maud, Miss G. & self to St Mary’s communion. Chicks received great many presents. After lunch Lin, M. & self called on Mrs. Pugin, Hood, Hammond, where B.H. & B’s were, also number at Hoods. All dined together, 4 boxes of toys fr. Cremers, crackers fr. T. Smith’s. Connie B. came with Mr Ready to ask us there after dinner. We all went, chicks so happy. Mrs. B. gave us all presents, danced & had very jolly evg. Home at 11.30. Thursday 26 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Fog, but bright. More presents & cards. Letter fr. C. S. Lin hunting. Grand entertainment at Mrs. Burnand’s tonight. Mervyn & Bessie going to act. Mervyn arrived in time for lunch. Rehearsed with B. H. after, has dreadful cold. Mary B. in to tea. Lin riding. Jolly evg. at F. C. B’s. Mervyn & B. H. charming. Frank did his song as (illeg) Reeves wonderfuly well. Dreadful fright about Madame Bird, found later by Jane in curtains. I slept with M, rather close! Roy with Lin, Mervyn in Roy’s room. Friday 27 December Much colder. Roy off with Burnands. Had fall on tricycle. After 4 all went to Mrs. Pugin’s party. Roy drank too much claret cup. Mrs. Burnand & self left early. Rosie B. had her nose knocked. Quiet evg. Chicks home at 7.30. Influenza still bad, many in London down with it, horses too. Dear old Mr Barlow died yesterday. Saturday 28 September Pay £35 & send Scrip. Cert. with it to Glyn Mills Currie & Co, 69 Lombard St. E. C. for £100 stock in B. A. & Rosario Rly 4% debenture stock. Write to London & County about these. All Burnands went up by 12 o’c train, detachments on foot. Lin went with harriers. Mrs. H. out. Dull & cold day. Mary in to say goodbye to Maud. Roy sick early, eat too much yesterday. Went out morg. shop’g & paid part of books. V. heavy week. Sunday 29 December Lovely glorious day. Miss G, M. & self to Church. Walked 3 times up & down Parade after. Lin & Roy for walk morg. Lin & Roy for long walk after lunch with Squire, Hoods etc. General emptyness without Burnands. Mr & Mrs. Davis called made unfortunate remark about Mde Montalba’s Venetian bird! After dinner went in to Mrs. Hammond’s. Walter Buckmaster asleep on sofa! Stayed till 10.30. Sharp frost. Roy’s tooth bothering him. Wrote about omnibus for our return 7 th January. Monday 30 Decemeber X. Au lit, petit ami! Foggy & snow, v. cold. Letters fr. Mrs. S. & H. Fletcher. Tuesday 31 December Apply for certificate of 18 new 5% Ex. Shares of £10 each in B. A. Gt. Southern Rly 1894 allotted in Nov this year. In bed all morg. Mary Hood to tea. F. Hood & Miss Roose called for Mary & stayed a short time. Roy better. Letters fr. Lin. (Notes on back pages of diary:) List of Securities held by London & County Bank. (all these crossed out) All square there! H. L. same opinion. (Several days in January 1890 entered here, later copied into new diary) Received during 1886 fr. allowance, interest & presents £ 166.17.7 Received during 1887 fr. same £ 182.8.10. Received during 1889 £ 299.17.8. Of this £54 lent by Lin & £24 withdrawn for children’s money.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Spent in 1887 on dress £81.1.1 by cheque. Invested in 1887 including commisions £127.0.0. Invested in 1888 £136, but £18 of this lost thro’ Spencer’s failure. Spent on dress etc by cheque only £80.19.0. Spent on dress etc 1889 by cheque only (blank) Invested £ 271.10.6. Investments during 1889 Feby 14th £6.0.0. second instalment of £2 purchase on 3 new Tucaman. March 7th £15.0.0. first instal. on 15 new Cent. Arg. Rly. shares allotted of £3 each. April 28th £12.0.0. Third call on 4 new B. A. Gt. Southern Rly. shares 3 rd issue. May 12th £5.0.0. £750,000 issue of 4 per cent debenture stock of B. A. Rosario Rly. May 15th £11.10.6 for new City of Buenos Ayres Tram, bought by London & County Bank. June 3rd £9. 0 .0. B. A. & Rosario. June 7th £15. 0.0. Call on 15 new June 21st £2. 0. 0. First call on one, June 22nd £25….. making £30 pd. June 22nd £8. final call April 18th £15. 3rd instal on 15 new City B. Ayres & Rosario Tucaman. April 30 th £9. City B. Ayres & Rosario Tucaman. October 1st £35. 2nd instal on B. Ayres & R. Nov 13th £54. B. A. Gt. South. Rly. new 5% Ex. Nov 18th £15. Cent. Argt. Rly. 4th call Dec 31st £35. B. A. Rosario 4 per cent. £ 271.10.6 Chicks money in P. O. Savings Bank 1st Jany /89 Roy £6. 3.11. Maud £12.13. 9. 6th March Roy £5. 0.0. £23.17. 8. Withdrawn £23. 0. 0. leaves 17. 8. (more notes on investments on this page) Money received fr. Investments & quarterly allowance during 1889 Jany 20th Lin for Barr Estate due last year 7.10. 0. th March 30 Quarter 5. 0. 0. Jany 31st Cent Argt. Rly 1. 0. 0. Feby 2nd ditto ¾ share 14.0. Feby 18th Venezuela /81 1. 9. 3. April 1st B. Ayres Trams 15. 0. B. Ayres Rly. (Rosario) 2. 7. 9. April 3rd West Rly of B. Ayres 5.17. 0. April 5th B. Ayres Gt. Southern 17. 2. 0. May 14th Chicks money 12. 0. 0. th May 15 City B. A. Tram (Bonus )2.13. 6. Chicks money £ 2. 0. 0.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 June 13th Quarter June 3rd Cent Argt. Rly. August 20th fr. Lin for Barr Est. August 21st Chicks money Oct 1st for old clothes Cheque August 17th Venezuela Sept 27th B. Ayres Trams. Oct 1st B. Ayres Rosario Rly 3rd W. B. Ayres Rly.

25. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 10.17. 0. 15. 0. 0. 2. 0. 0. 25.0. 0. 1. 9. 3. 1. 0. 0. 3.14. 1. 5.17. 0. £ 181.15.10.

Brought forward £ 181.15.10. th Oct 11 B. A. Gt. Southern 17. 7. 2. Oct 20th fr. dear Mother 4. 0. 0. 15th May omitted to enter B. A. & Pacific Railway 1. 7. 4. 13th Nov fr. Lin 4. 0. 0. st 1 Nov Cent Argt. Rly. 7.15. 0. 2. 5. 0. 20th Nov B. A. & Pacific Rly 1. 7. 4. 25th Dec fr. Mother 5. 0. 0. Quarter not paid till Jany 25. 0. 0. £ 299.17. 8. Less £54 lent Lin 54. 0. 0. £ 245.17.8. less £24 children’s money withdrawn fr. P. O. Savings 24. 0. 0. £ 221.17.8.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1890 Notes on preliminary pages: Securities held by Estate March 1890 £13.500 6% Consolidated Mortgage Bonds Detroit Grand. £6.000 Ord. stk. Cent. Argt. Rly. 808 shares City of B.Ayres Tram. Comp. £500 6% permanent debenture stock City Buenos Ayres Tram Comp. £1500 permanent 6% debenture stock City of Buenos Ayres Tram Comp. 10 shares Assam Company. £5000 ordinary stock Buenos Ayres Great Southern Rly. £3000 6% Debenture bonds Western Rly of Buenos Ayres. £4500 6% Debenture bonds East Florida Land & Produce Company Ltd. 50 shares Great Western of Brazil Rly. Company. £3952.8.2 advanced to Thomas Tubbs & Joseph on mortgage. £1800 ditto 50 shares in the London Stock Exchange. Albert Hall Box. £150 stock Margate Pier & Harbour Company £4000 advanced to Messrs Tubbs & Lewis. £1057 Great Western 5% Consolidated Guaranteed stock. Freehold house & grounds of about 10 acres & farm of about 153 acres at Margate. Freehold house No 4 Angel Court £18,000 Westwood reserve sh’d be £25,000 Estate valued 15th March 1890 at the new price by Money Market Review to be £59,019.15.2 Angel Court yearly rent £650, sh’d fetch £18,000. Westwood Roy’s clothes taken to school May 5 1890 (loose sheet) 6 black stockings 2 coloured ditto 4 night shirts 2 brown night vests 2 white combinations 4 thin summer combs (grey) 4 flannel day shirts 12 handkerchiefs (7 sent) 10 collars (8 sent) 3 pairs gloves 2 cricketing suits 1 dressing gown 1 bedroom shoes 2 house shoes 1 lace boots 1 walking shoes. 2 overcoats 4 suits 1 pair extra trousers 1 football suit


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 2 1 1 1 1 1

scarves (1 silk, 1 cloth) clothes brush tie hair brush sponge tooth brush 18 Stafford Terrace, Kensington

Roy’s clothes taken to School Sept 1889 6 prs black stockings & 2 coloured 4 linen nightshirts 2 brown night vests 2 thick grey combinations 2 ditto white 4 thin summer combinations 4 flannel day shirts 12 handkerchiefs 10 collars 3 prs of gloves 2 cricketing suits 1 silk handkerchief 1 dressing gown 1 bedroom shoes 2 house shoes 1 lace boots 1 walking shoes 2 overcoats 4 suits, 1 pr extra trousers 1 football suit 2 scarves (1 silk, 1 white) 1 tie silk 1 clothes brush Music to get “Yt. Palatine” Die Mühler by Jensen Czardas Album (Hungarian National Album) Selection Peters No 1889. Deuselt Album Vol II format (illeg) vol 491 Books to read fr. Palatine “La Mare au diable” by George Sand “Sans famille” by Hector Mailot Mary Somerville’s Physical Geography Mr Burns The Ocean of our air. James Whishaw Esqre, Vice Consul at St Petersburg. Toothpowder rec. by Mr Bartlett; Hydonaphol dental solution Scabney & Johnson 46 (illeg) St, E.C. Petropavloski St Peter & Paul Cathedral Gastini davor Bazaar Samovar - tea kettle arrangement for Russian tea. Vodka - Russian liqueur. Zakouska – the little savouries etc placed on a side table taken before dinner. Mujic – name used for all subordinates, porters, labourers etc. Ikon or icon – a sacred image. Symbols of different saints / evangelists: St Mathew – angel or child’s head


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 St Mark – Lion. St Luke – Ox. St John – Eagle, & sometimes serpent. Sacred & Legendary Art by Mrs Jameson. (Sketch of ship, names of sails.) Laurence’s City of Buenos Ayres Tram. £52. £1 still to be paid Miss Gill’s cake recipe 1lb flour, 6 oz sugar, ¼ lb currants, ¼ lb fresh dripping or butter, 2 eggs, 1 cup of milk, carbonate of soda enough to cover 6 pence Ditto pastry 1lb flour, ½ lb butter or dripping, little salt, ½ pt water. (Notes for 3 to 8 January 1891, later copied into new diary.) Address where Tabs got her (illeg) & astracan jacket L. Lemoine et Cie, 12 Boulevard des Capucines, Paris. Cavally, 8 Boulevard des Capucines – et pour chapeaux Mde. Alice, 1 Rue du Helder. Jan 1890 Wednesday 1 January Lovely day cold. In bed till 12, 3rd day little F. Lin came down by Gran. bringing bad ac’t of Russian Influenza, all papers full of it. Gave M. & self pretty gold bangles. Brought large box of toys fr. Cremer’s, chicks delighted. Thursday 2 January Lovely day. Maud v. poorly, kept her in bed, late with her little F. & seems bilious. Lin for ride after lunch. Miss G. & Roy out morg. & paid books for me. V. heavy this & last week. Mrs. Thornton & Rosie called – did not see them morg. Very cold. 27 poor children suffocated by fire in East End. Ac’t of fire at Leaken(?) Palace. All destroyed. Princess Clementine’s governess burnt. Influenza still raging. Ld. Salisbury down with it. Friday 3 January Maudie in bed v. poorly. Lin working hard all day. Young Buckmaster, 2 Rooses, 2 Hoods called to say both Mrs. Hood’s & Mrs. O’Connell’s dances put off, all down with colds & Russian Influenza. Young Hicks in to see Maud – says no cause for anxiety. Lovely barrel of oysters fr. Rules. Overdrawn my banking account £15.11.3! Saturday 4 January Received £25 annuity due last month. Sent it off at once to Bank. Leaves me only £9.9.3 to draw. Dear Lin’s birthday. Lin rode mare, Jolly young horse. Worse ac’ts of influenza. X. Maud little F. Still has cold & sore throat. Sunday 5 January S. W. gale blowing. Roy & Lin out for long walk. Too wet for Church. Alarm about smoke coming thro’ stairs. Monday 6 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Packed all day. Miss G. paid books. Rosie Burnand called. Lin went up after dinner at 6 o’c. Tuesday 7 January We all return by S. Eastern Rly fr. Ramsgate. Miss G. seedy. L. & self unpacked. Letter fr. Edgar about reversion, to be decided Friday. Wednesday 8 January Fine day. Wrote Edgar accepting reversion if he joins. Roy & Lin in cart with new horse to lunch at Rules - & on to see Pantomime. Roy back in cart after. Maud & self to see dear Mother, v. shocked to see how ill she looks. Sp. & Con there. Mervyn ordered to Algiers. Miss Gill left, her cold bad. C’d not manage with her here being short handed. Thursday 9 January Lovely day. Mended all morg. Letter fr. Tabs - bother with their footman. Chicks & Lin to Barnum Show. I go to dear Mother after lunch at one o’c. Found her better. Con there. I took beef tea, met Mrs. Coward. Cab there & back 4/-. Nana came after lunch, looks much better, says Minnie & L. not doing well, getting careless. Lin dined with Mr T. Eykyns, met Mr Traile there, whole estate joined Ld. Caithness’. Ld. C. left Mr T. money in the new unsigned will. Friday 10 January Lovely day. Went with Maud to see dear Mother – much better, taken all beef tea. Truth is she wants more feeding & someone to make her eat. Found C. Price there – awful voice but so kind. Got Maud’s shoes at Barker’s & my rib. Spent 6d in om, 3½ ribbon, 1½ cotton & Maud’s elastic. Lovely day. Late working evg. Saturday 11 January Lin, Maud, Roy & self to Tabs. Reach Tisbury 5.13. Unable to go. Maud v. feverish in bed - sent for Orton. Up all night with her. M. cannot go till Monday or Tuesday. Sunday 12 January Maud better, in bed till late. M. came into drawing room evg. Roy had bad head ache at luncheon time – afraid he is going for M’s cold. Lin & self drove to see Mother, found her v. poorly but looking better than when I last saw her. Mervyn came in when there - looks all right again! Quiet evg. Orton came to see Maud. Monday 13 January Pay £15 final instal. of £1 per share on 15 shares, now fully paid up in Cent. Argt. Rly. Coy. All our things packed up since Friday last forgot to send above must again draw on Bank never been so short of money before! Sent for Orton to see Roy, says he must not go till Wed. or Thursday. Roy v. poorly, in bed till tea time. Lin off by 4 o’c train to Tisbury great rush, finished shadow drawing barely in time. Terrible shock on seeing announcement in Times of Mr Sch’s death. Tuesday 14 January Roy better, taking tonic with Maud. Took M. out for hour before lunch, seems better but looks seedy. Quiet afternoon & evg. Jane not come. Heard fr. Mr Fildes Mr Sch’s death caused by gout attacking heart. Wednesday 15 January Paid £15 last call on 15 new £5 shares in Cent. Argt. Railway. Had to borrow fr. London & County Bank for this. Letter fr. Lin returning for P. din. tonight fr. Tisbury. Took M & Roy for walk up C. Hill. Met M. Lewis much grown. Dr. O. came to see Roy. V. angry with Roy just before O. came for standing undressed on


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 staircase never been so angry before with either children. Man here doing (illeg). Lin arrived at 6.13 at Waterloo sent J. to meet him. Came home after dinner feel tired out. Thursday 16 January Lin decided to go to Tisbury today. Jane returned last night. L. went with us in om. to station, saw us off. Lin had reserved carriage for us thro’ guard. Roy’s ear aching v. much. M seems better. Carriage & cart met us Tisbury. Tabs, H. & Bee B. here. Charming house & grounds exquisitely situated. Roy slept with me. Tabs’ chicks much grown. Servants ball on most (illeg) here went. Friday 17 January Ham off hunting, went in cart with Cap’t Irving. Roy better, out morg. with M. & Tabs’ little ones. Lovely view fr. house for miles. Ju. & castor oil! Walked morg with Tabs & Bee. Colder. V. pretty country, quantities of snow drops. After lunch went with Tab to call on Lady Grove (3rd wife of Sir Thomas G.) & after to tea with Mrs. Stuart Wortley. Mrs. Irving v. pretty, Mrs. S. W. v. like Mrs. Bergheim. B. met us. Roy’s ear bad again. Letter fr. Miss Allen. School continued. Mr Sch. cremated! Roy’s ear v. painful. Saturday 18 January Lovely day. Up a great deal during night with Roy’s ear. Seems better tho’ looks seedy. Morg. sat & played chess with him & read “Nadine” Mrs. Praed’s book. After lunch drove with Tabs, B. & Gwen to call on Mrs. Morrison. Lin coming by 2.40. Lin arrived seems to have cold. Papers full of Portugal & England’s dispute. Sunday 19 January Colder. Roy v. naughty dressing quite tires me out. Broke glass. Seems still poorly & seedy. Tabs throat sore. Wrote to Mr Lowndes about money. Letter fr. Edgar about reversion. Monday 20 January Mr & Mrs. Stuart Wortley & Cap’t & Mrs. Irvine dine here, their babies to tea & a lively little boy Jack Chalander with Aunt, Miss Davis! Queer woman! Out for walk morg. Tabs’ throat bad. Roy & M. better. Roy v. deaf. Tuesday 21 January Drove in open carriage to Tisbury. Mrs. Morrison’s dinner, heard after slow. Nothing of importance happened. Wednesday 22 January Bitterly cold. Letters fr. Miss Allen, Gill. Tabs, B. & self for walk. Cold but lovely & bracing. Roy out all morg. & to lunch with Lin & Ham whilst shooting. Much impressed at first! but expects too much. Played with chicks after lunch. Cap’t Irvine came in about tea time, played billiards with H. & Lin. Tabs & H. dining with Lord Arundel, Stuart Wortleys going with them. Parlage about Mervyn! Somewhat warm. B. & Lin discuss ancient title of Dukes. Thursday 23 January Showery. Bacteria of this new Russian Influenza found “Times” - or supposed to be! Tabs description of their dinner last evg. at Ld Arundel’s Wardour Castle. H. shooting today with Ld A. Dear Lin going up to town missed his train had to go by later one, dined with Bangs! an American. Went for long walk after lunch with Tabby. Bee seedy. Fearful gales. More deaths fr. Influenza or subsequent causes.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Stuart Wortley, Mrs. Irvine & Cap’t I. to tea. Irvines leave for Clifton tomorrow. Friday 24 January Lin came down by train in time for dinner. X. Petit ami au matin after breakfast. Lin looks pretty well. V. stormy night. Saturday 25 January Fearful gale & driving rain. Stayed in bed to breakfast, feel queer as usual. H. unable to shoot. Tabby called with Maud & Gwen on Lady Stourbridge (Lady Richard Grosvenor) - out. Fearfully windy but sunny. H, Roy & Lin out shooting pigeons after luncheon. Bee took dogs. Tabby had letter fr. Midge staying with Mother at Westwood until 4th Feby. Mr Stuart Wortley came to tea & billiards. Sunday 26 January Fearful gale morg. Cleared up later & all went for long walk after lunch. Lin took photos. Monday 27 January Lovely day. Came down to breakfast, feel wonderfully well considering. Tabby went to Winchester. H. shooting with Sir T. Groves. B. & self alone with chicks all day - Roy rampant at lunch. Lin taking photos. Maud still snuffly cold. Tuesday 28 January Wet morg. H. off to London by 1st train. Roy & Lin out after lunch. Photoing all morg. Mrs. S. Wortley & husband to tea. Lin to Mr S. W, played billiards. Wednesday 29 January B, Tabs & self for long walk. H, Lin & Roy out all day shooting. Finished reading 2nd vol Louis XIV. Thursday 30 January Pay £9 1st install. on newly allotted £10 shares in B. Ayres & Rosario Rly 5% /94. Sent off Tisbury. Meet. B, Tabs, Lin. Maud & self went to meet. V. pretty sight. Ld. Stourbridge, Mr & Mrs. S. Wortley etc etc there. Dear Lin went up to town 1 train. H. hunting. Friday 31 January Self & chicks return home. Roy & self return, leave Maud until Wed. week. House looked v. nice. L. met us at Vauxhall & brought our boxes home. Carriage met us too. X. Found Cert. for £100 B.A. & Rosario stock 4% awaiting me. Feb 1890 Saturday 1 February Lin & self took Roy to Sir William Dolbey. Roy will have to have op. on Tuesday next here - has an obstruction in throat causing his frequent colds earaches etc & w’d be dangerous sh’d he take scarlet fever or diptheria. Went on to Covent G. Circus after lunching at Rules. Capital circus, so varied. Called after & saw Mother & Jess at Brown’s Hotel, both look well & fatter much. Mervyn jubilant about tour engagement with “London day by day”, Gen. B’s part. Sunday 2 February Drove in dog cart with Lin & Roy to Wimbledon & lunched with C. F. & Mr Coglan there. V. glad to get comfortably home again. Cold driving. Talk with Mr Barker


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 about the Linley money. W. Bingham seems to have used it all & there is nothing left. Monday 3 February Lovely day. Roy & self walked to Albert Memorial, waited for Midge who was to meet us there & lunch here. Unable to come on ac’t of cold. Drove at 3 in brougham to call on Miss Thompson, out, & on to Brown’s Hotel to see Mother. Foud her much better & Midge seedy, stayed to tea. Roy gone for walk with Laurence. Quiet evg. Sent off Bank receipts for £75 in Cent Argt Rly. Entered £100 stock 4% debentures in B.A. Rosario Rly at London & County Bk. Tuesday 4 February Mrs. Geiger’s dinner 7.45. Lin going. Roy’s operation on throat at 4 o’c by Sir W. Dolbey. Mrs. Levy’s dinner tonight. Very foggy, in all day. Dr Brain & Sir W. Dolbey came at 4 o’c. Operation took about 5 minutes & cost £21! However thankful dear Roy seems better than I dared hope. Lin dined at Mrs. Geiger’s. I went to bed at 8 o’c! Felt v. seedy all day, headache & sick. Letter fr. Nana, all her little charges laid up with whooping cough. Nellie K. called. Midge ought to have returned to Cheshire today, cannot leave on ac’t of cold. Wednesday 5 February Dear Roy seems better & no fever - busy looking at Illustrated London News. Had good night with him only up 3 times. Carrie Price called to enquire, gone up to Mother. Jess goes home today. Rec’d Cert of £75 in Central Argentine Rly 5%. Entered it at London & County Bank this afternoon. Dull rainy day. Letter fr. Tabby. Lin had Turkish bath. Mother called whilst I was out. Called on Mrs. Kemp, Pollock, Mrs. Abney (bride) not to be compared with last one - & Lady B. Saw Floss, had had row with Con about Jeff. Blanche Cole called bought Roy jelly & sponge cakes. (Herbert’s, Jones, pd 1/9, fruit Barkers 1/6. To bed early. Thursday 6 February Snowing morg. v. cold. Fine later. Lin working hard dined late. Lin rode Marquis & seems pleased with him. Letter fr. H. Fletcher saying v. pleased to have M. there. Friday 7 February Mrs. Finch Hatton’s at home. Lin had to alter his work on ac’t of German Emperor’s declaration calling conference to consider labour question for working men. Did drawing of it. V. late dinner. Splendid drawing. Roy down, better. Pity so tiresome to manage. Saturday 8 February Pay call of £2 on 1 share in City B. Ayres Trams. 1 st call paid 21st June. £2 on this must mean second call. Paid previously & received receipt. Went with Roy in brougham to Sir W. D. Says R. better but must be in air as much as possible. Walked in Row. Saw Lin riding Marquis. V. stiff after!!! I walked to Miss Websters, Dora ill, & on to Mrs. Cole, took book back “Ideala”(?) strange & original - but do not agree in much written in it. Roy tooth ache. Went to see “La Tosca” at Garrick Theatre. Bernard Beers(?) & Forbes Robertson in it but cannot compare with S. Bernhardt’s representation of same. Sunday 9 February Fine day. Roy in bed to breakfast. Took Roy for walk & told him about “Tosca”. Met Sp. v. jumpy, going on to lunch at Jnr Carlton with Freddy Brown. Roy tiresome &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 fretful, no doubt weak but feel how easily he is spoilt, inclined to be selfish & rude. Wish I understood how to manage him wisely & gently better. At home at Mrs. Hunt’s to meet Mr Benson actor. Nelly came for night. Norman Sinclair came to tea. Lin busy, in all day. Monday 10 February Lovely day. Nelly Roy & self for walk, saw little boy run away with. Roy v. cross & tiresome. Met Connie & Ethel Burnand. Roy tired so had to (illeg illeg). Bought tape & binding 11d, flowers 6d. Called at 3 with Nelly on Mrs. Huish, Lewis & Harvey Nicols & Mrs. Cahill, found her v. seedy expecting Baby! Had tea & left. Called Mrs. Joshua, de la Rue, Mr Coglan & Miss Keith, had tea there, v. prettily arranged. Sp. came in to dinner, sang, stayed late. Tuesday 11 February Fine morg. Flowers fr. Maud, letter fr. her & Tabby wrote. In Park at 12 o’c. Walked with Roy, v. good. Lin walked up so late missed him. Roy’s tooth bad. Mrs. Levy, de la Rue, A. Critchett & Orchardson called. Punch dinner. Jane took Roy out after lunch. E. out. Lucy Cahill’s baby born. Wednesday 12 February Went for long walk round Pond with Roy. Cold & bright. Toothache again. Pd 5d Roy’s (illeg)! & 10d for dates. Mr Morris here to see Lin. Lin took photos of Roy as young Prince Duc d’Orleans who is imprisoned at Paris for wishing to enter French Army. Box fr. Nana for Roy. Toole Banquet tonight, all Staff going. Laurence took Roy out after lunch. Long letter fr. Edgar fr. Algiers. L. took Roy for walk. I called at 3 in brougham on Mrs. Rainbow. Left papers at W. London Hospital. Miss Lutyens, Miss Richmond, lives in pretty ungetatable house & is a sweet sympathetic gentle woman. Roy v. bad toothache again. Laurence out. Thursday 13 February Went for long walk Roy morg. round Pond. Called at 3 o’c on Ada Sp, looked v. nice & v. well, Mrs. Fildes, Hunter, Roberts, & met Roy at Mr Herbert’s dentist. Roy had tooth out with gas. Quiet evg. Lin v. tired after Toole banquet. Friday 14 February Went for long walk in Row morg. with Roy. Met Mr Findley, Mr Wyndham & Mrs. de la Rue riding, enquired after Roy, her boy having same op. Monday. Sp came in morg. Lin doing Duc d’Orleans drawing on imprisonment in Paris, 2 yrs sentence. Alice Farquhar went for drive with me, called to enquire Lucy Cahill, self & boy doing well. Alice F. expecting too! Went & had tea at Mrs. Mackenzie’s, looked v. handsome. Sent off cheque for £54 for 1st call on 18 5% B.A. Gt. S. Exten/94 making £108 paid altogether. Looked thro’ Roy’s things. Saturday 15 February Pay £54 2nd call of £3 per share on 18 shares allotted in B.A. Great Southern Rly Cy 5% Extention shrs 1894. Sent above to post by Emma. Pouring wet day, dark & dull. Packed Roy’s things with Jane. Hurry scurry at last as usual, Lin’s bag not done. Sp. came in morg. & afternoon to tea, coming to stay whilst Lin away. Letter fr. F.W. Oil bottle fr. Broadman & Glossops, charged 5/6 instead of 3/- as arranged. Sunday 16 February Lovely day. Went to Church with Sp. St Paul’s small C. Saw Alice & Mrs. Street there, went to Miss Lutyrens. Lunched, walked at 2.30 to Derwent Lodge, had tea


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 there, Norman Sinclair. Douglas ill with bad cough. Farquhars to tea here. Sp. depressed. Ada very hard frost with him but most amiable to me. Monday 17 February Long letter fr Lin, dear chicks well. Sp off instant after breakfast to D. Lodge! Frost again all round. Will left (illeg) here, off to town. Mr Farquhar called for shoes too large. Showed him Lin’s polish. Sp’s tie found. Went at 3 o’c in brougham to Mr A. Burnand’s, Lady Freake’s Mrs. Jarrett, C. Hartree. Fetched Sp. fr. Meistersingers Club. Went to Tudor Ex. 1/- for Catalogue. Interesting but monotonous. Pictures. Antonio M(illeg)’s pics wonderful & detailed embroidery pearling etc. (illeg) good, interiors with H. VIII & family. Sp. bought me 2 cheeses at Webbs. Quiet evg. Lady Blomfield’s at home but do not care to turn out. Tuesday 18 February Mr & Mrs. Farquhar to dinner 7.30. Asked Will & Ada to please Sp, am glad they can’t come. Lovely day. Long letter fr. Lin & chicks, Roy’s most amusing, writes & spells much better than Maud. Sp. off before 9 to Derwent Lodge! Received Banker’s receipt of £54 for B.A. Gt. Southerrn Rly. Angry no one seen to drawing room after windows cleaned, L. not dressed by luncheon time. Mrs. Coward & Mrs. Lilly only called. Dull evg. Sp. looking seedy & not in his usual spirits, felt awfully tired self. E. cooked dinner nicely, F. & L. waited well. Wednesday 19 February Dear Lin & Maud arrive at Waterloo 6.12. Death of Count Andrassy long interesting ac’t. of his life in “Times”. Another lovely day. Shop’d & walked morg, bought inkstand 4d corn stuff 6d. Called after lunch on Mrs. Spofforth, Huish, Beale, Ionides, Morris, Kemp Welch & Mrs. Gale walking. At 4.30 in carriage to Mrs. Phillips away Carpenters away Mrs. Lucy & Fritz Jackson. To Stores saw glass much cheaper than in Kensington, 3/9 a doz against 7/9. Met dearest Maud & Mr Guthrie at Waterloo. Thursday 20 February Dull cold & foggy. Miss Gill returned after holidays. X. Both Maud & self little F, M. a week too soon. Rained c’d not go out morg, after lunch Lin walked to Academy, M. & self met him there to see old masters. Beautiful pic. of “A Mother & 2 Children” by Romney. Curious story of same told by Mr Agnew at Punch dinner, bought fr. an old lady (who had insured it for £500) for £8500 after being offered £3000 & £6000 for it. On fr. there to New Gallery Tudor Ex. Lin had Turkish bath & walked home. Mr Molesworth called forgot to ask him to have tea. Friday 21 February Promised to call with Mrs. Coward on Blanche Cole about E. & B. going to studio with Maud. Called at 4.20 & fetched Mrs. Coward, went to Mrs. Cole’s to tea very dark foggy day. Arranged for Mondays & Fridays. Mde Allain came evg. arranged 2 days a week for M’s French Tuesdays & Thursdays. Lin only received work v. late. Alsop’s failure. Saturday 22 February Fine morg. Lin rode morg. with V. Watney. Maud, Evelyn, Lin & self to Drury Lane Pantomime. Mr Watney joined us there inopportune remark of mine coming out. Lin had Turkish bath & then dined with Mr Parsons at Arts Club, Mr Osgood’s birthday. Lin after to Mrs. Jeune’s at home. Sunday 23 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Fine day. Lin rode mare with Mr Hunter. Gave me £1 for children’s box fr. his winnings last night. Sp. & Fritz Jackson called & had tea. Miss G. to Church morg. M. & self in all day. Miss G. worries still with her perpetual chatter! Monday 24 February Lady Blomfield’s at home 9 o’c. X. Maud goes for her first drawing class at Blanche’s studio. Sent Roy’s music to Pyt & returned 12 ladys handk’s to Lurgan Ireland, registered. Miss G. took Maud & called with me on Mdes. Finch Hatton, Joachim, Wells, Boughton, Tuer, Price, du Mauriers where I forgot to thank Mr du M. for his charming drawing, wrote on return so stupid of me! Holmes, de Coster & Tweedie & Mrs. Arcol. Tuesday 25 February Lady Boehm’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. Letter fr. Tabs & Mr du Maurier. X. Maud’s first French lesson saw Mde. & arranged for Mondays & Fridays after this week. In brougham morg. to Hyde Pk. Cor. Walked with Maud down & back again. Met Lin riding with Mrs. Heilbut. Saw Sylvia & May du Maurier, de la Rues etc etc. Mrs Evans, Miss Price called latter brought eggs fr. dear Mother for Maud. Very pleasant din. at Ldy B’s. Mr McHardy took me in, Sir R. Harding on other side. Ldy B. looks v. poorly. Slept badly. Wednesday 26 February To meet C. Price at Albert Hall Mansions 11 o’c. Sp. came & went with me. Think flat v. dark & cheerless. Drove at 3.30 to Lady B, looks v. ill. Lady Abercrombie there. Mrs. Tomlin saw Mrs. Stephenson in her bed room, Baby 3 weeks old. Mrs. Norton Latham, out as usual, & to tea at Mr Molesworth’s. Lady Goldsworthy & Miss Dinan there. Mr M. amusing in his self absorbtion! Lin’s head bad. Had Turkish bath & no ride. Spoke to Jane about dining room, think she is getting discontented & complains of work! Mr Hartree called. Thursday 27 February Lin dines with Mr E. T. Reed to meet Sir E. R. & Mr Burnand. F. Walford to lunch. X. Mr Welch called to see us about Reversion. Declares it will be a good investment! Don’t see it myself & am afraid never shall. Lin wishes me to join in it, can only hope for his & the children’s sake it will turn out all right. Lovely day. After lunch went to stores with Maud & F. Walford, bought 1/- sweets, 6/11 M’s stays, 7/6 2 doz glasses, sherry & port, one broken, candles 2/2. Washed out cabinet in drawing room. Awfully dirty, Miss G. helped. Most careful & quick, if she did not talk so much w’d be a great help. Friday 28 February Lovely morg. Out morg. shops & walked to end of Row & back with M. & Miss G. M’s drawing lesson. Called at 3.30 with Miss G. with new horse in brougham at Miss Thomson’s, in, lovely house, to enquire Mrs. Geiger, better, Mrs. Waring, Harding, McLaren, & round Park home. Young horse goes well. V. green but with careful driving w’l do well. Lin’s head still bad. Mar 1890 Saturday 1 March Lin dines with Mr Osgood, Reform Club. Mrs. Richmond’s dinner, can’t go unfortunately. Sp. & Douglas came in morg, singularly uninteresting child. Snowing hard, very cold. After lunch Lin walked up to Avenue theatre. M. & self drove in brougham mare, met Lin at Avenue. Saw “Dr Bill” delightful piece & wonderfully well acted all thro’. Sp & Douglas came to our box. Lin & self went


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 down & had tea with Mr Alexander, Miss G. Ward with him. Saw Green room, most luxuriant. Lin had Turkish bath again. Sp. & Douglas came home in brougham with us to tea. Quiet evg. Mr Hensman called. Sunday 2 March Will Oakes, Mr Molesworth to dinner 7.30. Lovely day. Bitterly cold hard frost. M. & Miss G. to Church, snowing a little. Lin walked to Club after lunch, head bad, called on R. Roose, away. Mr McFall called stayed some time delicate plain man seems v. fond of his step mother. Will & Mr Molesworth here to dinner, both had to walk here roads so bad. Pleasant evg. Monday 3 March Lady Blomfield’s at home 9 o’c. Hard frost. Letter fr. Edgar fr. Sandgate, arrived fr. S. France yesterday. Weny by bus to Woollands met F.W. there being fitted. Enquired after Mrs. Cahill & called & had tea with Mrs. Silver. Lin’s head bad. Tuesday 4 March Asked Mr Watney, Mr Reed, Mr & Mrs. Rider Haggard, Mr & Mrs. du Maurier to dinner 8 o’c. Miss G. went with me at 11 o’c to stores, spent £2.0.0. on things there for dinner. Mr Molesworth came in after din. Rather heavy din for us. Mrs du M rather heavy & Mr Haggard not good at conversation. Edgar came & had long talk about business, promises to share reversion with him & Tabs. Must be p’d in by Saty. Put mustard leaf on Lin’s head, gave him amoniated quinine. Wednesday 5 March Fritz’s dinner. Can’t go on ac’t of Punch dinner. Lovely day. Go to Westwood by Granville. Went to see Mr Lowndes, had long business talk. He will place £400 to my ac’t charging me at Bank Rate, borrowed on £200 B.A. Gt. Southern Shs & £200 W. of B. Ayres. Maud & Miss G. saw me off by Gran. Irritable old lady in compartment going to Broadstairs. Tassel met me. Found dear Mother looking better than I’ve seen her for a long time. Lin’s head much better. Letter fr. Edgar on arrival here saying some delay about reversion money not required just yet. X. Queen’s first drawing room. Thursday 6 March Cold & dull. Wrote Mr Lowndes money not required yet, Wrote Mrs. S. & Lin. To Ramsgate at 3 o’c. Called 4 Pros. Ter. to see if Rollers there – not there! & at No 5 to see if vulcanite top of pen c’d be found – cannot! Shop’g. Went to St Peter’s coming home & to dear Father’s grave. Mother seems better tho’ tired & does not sleep well. Friday 7 March Lovely morg. Mother’s head still bad. Letter & enclosures fr. Lin. Mother went with me to Margate & did shop’g whilst I called & saw Mr Edwards & Rosalie Thornton. Mr E. pleasant sort of ultra-ordinary individual, not any of Mr Sch’s individuality, strikes me as being gifted in no particular way nor overburdened with brains. Can only hope he will prove a more able master than he gives me the idea of being. Dear Mother seems better & does not seem to suffer so much with her heart. Mended cuffs on best dress!!! Quite easy, ought to have done them before. Saturday 8 March Mrs. Watney’s dinner 6.45, to see Mrs. Langley in “As you like it” afterwards. Lin gone as I am with Mother at Westwood. Lovely day morg. rained after luncheon.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Cleaned silver morg. & mended brown dress. Tassel into Ramsgate. Mother gave me shawl for Wads. Wrote to Bee, Edgar & Miss Allen. Letter fr. Lin & Aunt Anna. Mother had letter fr. Annie, coming to St Mildred’s Hotel Westgate for few days. Wire fr. Tabs saying Roy & Evelyn have chicken pox ! Sunday 9 March Met Lin at Broadst. 1 o’c after leaving wreath at St Peter’s. Heavenly morg. Snowed hard after lunch. Lin walked to Ramsgate to B’s & H’s. Home in cart. Mother & self quiet afternoon v. cosy together. Bates same sort of maid as Laurence, goodish worker with no style & abrupt manners. Monday 10 March Lady Blomfield’s 9 o’c. Mrs. N. Lows Cohen dinner ¼ to 8. Came up by Granville in same carriage as Mrs. F.C.B. Bitterly cold raining & blowing hard. Saw Annie get in at Westgate - did not see her at Victoria. Maudie looking v. well. Miss G. making her a grey dress. M. & Miss G. off to drawing class. Dear Mother m’a donné une livre et (illeg illeg). Gave livre to Maud & kept rest for self. Wire saying dear Roy better. Letter fr. Bee on arrival. Awfully slow set at Mrs. C’s, indifferent dinner. Lovely women at Lady B’s. Tuesday 11 March Mrs. Medley’s dinner 8 o’c. Mr Peto’s at home 10 o’c. Walked morg. Mrs. Chapmen, Macmillan, Webster, Spofforth, Aunt Linda called. Delightful dinner at Mrs. M’s. Henderson took me down. White lilac, lilies & pink & white tulips on table, pale blue centre piece. V. pleasant at home at H. P’s after. Heard Nachy(?) play & Mde. Simon sang. Beautiful house. Letter fr. Tabs, Roy better. Tabs has chicken pox. Wednesday 12 March Mrs. de la Rue’s at home 10.30. Out at 10 past 10 morg. Ordered 4 prs stockings for Roy fr. Derry Toms. Walked 2 hours to middle of Row & back. Met Mrs. E. Palmer, told me of her separation fr. her husband! Slept after lunch. Fetched Lin fr. Bouverie St, had cold. V. great crush at Mrs. de la Rue’s. Heard Mackey play violin, same piece as last evg, Air Hongroise. Laurence Kelly sang Irish song. Drone took me to supper. Said “Yr lies belook you” instead of “Yr looks belie you” to Mr Burnand, my usual luck. Came home earlier than Lin being tired. Sp. & Will O. called to say good bye. Will leaves for India. Thursday 13 March Mrs. Rider Haggard ¼ to 8. Dear Father’s day. Dull & colder. Letter fr. Midge can’t come. Walked with Maud at 12 to end of Row & back! Met Mrs. Heilbut, Harrison, & Lin riding. Slept after lunch for hour. Very delightful evg. at Mrs. R. H. Count de Lalaing(?), Dutch legation, took me down, knew number of Dutch Belgians I knew years ago. Mr Froude & dau. there. Friday 14 March Lovely day. Lin phot’d me for arms! Letter fr. Bee, dear Roy better & up to tricks again. X. Bought Roy 4 prs of new stockings. Sent off one pr. to try. Fetched Maud fr. drawing class, left cards on Mrs. Pickering & Mrs. Medley, round Park saw Princess Wales. V. late dinner awfully tired. Stood to Lin morg. Miss G. out to tea. Saturday 15 March Lovely day v. warm. Walked with M & Miss G. Paid Derry & Toms bill 14/11. Walked fr. Hyde P. Corner home, took hour. Lin rode young horse. Miss G. home.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 M. & self rested. Lin M & self to St. James after din. to see Mrs. Langtry in “As you Like it”. Charmingly acted. Mrs. L. looks older but has gained in her acting. Andersons, Spofforths & Beddingtons there. G. Nicol sent me lovely salmon 7½ lbs weight. Sunday 16 March Dine at Mrs. Heilbut’s ¼ to 8. To Church morg. with Miss G. & Maud, in gardens after, rained a little. Lin rode mare morg. Mr & Mrs. Kemmis called, both v. nice good form. Delightful evg. at Mrs. H’s. Mr Stone there, like him immensely. Mrs. Yardley. W. Humphreys not improved tho’ looking no older than he did 16 years ago. Mr McClean, Joe, not seen him for years either. Home v. late. Monday 17 March Lady Blomfield’s 9 o’c. Heavenly morg. Letters fr. Tabs, Mother, Molesworth & Edgar. Walked in Row. Went after lunch to Blanche’s dressmaker, don’t fancy she will be enough for me - nous verrons! Drove round Park, “Bay” shied so rather alarmed me. To Marshall’s for patterns. Mistake about dress, L. thought parcel came for Lin. Tuesday 18 March Mrs. Henry Levy’s dinner 8 o’c. Acp’t. Invite to dinner Mrs. Heilbut’s, can’t go alas! Hugely slow dinner at Mrs. H. L’s. Drove with Maud in cart morg. (mare) to Park walked down Row met everyone! Spoke to Mr Stone. Lin played tennis with Mr Reed. Mr Hartree, Mrs. Welch & Mrs. Spielman called. News of Prince Bismarck’s resignation! Miss G. went to Southampton Place about Maud’s sleeve. Wednesday 19 March Mr Reed joins Punch Table for first time after v. short trial. X. Petit ami au lit. Cannot go to Westwood in consequence. Wired Mother morg. & wrote. Drove with Lin to Turkish bath & back. Thursday 20 March In bed till 12. Drove at 3.30 with dear Mother round Park - she called just as I was going for drive with Maud, had arrived by Granville. Brought me lovely flowers & 26 eggs. Took Miss Lutyens 2 lillies. Heard of Major Mackenzie’s death this morg. at St Moritz. Lin dined at Mr Barclay’s. Met Mr Courtney who knew (illeg) Hamilton’s father. Lin’s cold still bad. Lin annoyed put head of bed at feet! X. Maud’s little F. Wrote Edgar & sent off list of securities. Friday 21 March Coal strike settled - men gained their point. Miss Snell’s musical drill 3.45, by Mrs. Finch Hatton’s invitation. In bed till 12. Mother called so sorry did not see her being in bed. Maud seedy too. Went at 3.30 to Alexandra House to see Musical Drill, grand affair. Mrs. F. Hatton played the whole time girls sing & do exercises. Had to leave early to see dear Mother at Bailey’s Hotel. Drove once round Pk, saw Princess 3 times. Found Mother was out when we reached Bailey’s. Told Jolly about his disgracefully dirty mackintosh. Lin still has cold. My throat v. sore & 2 lumps in it. Long ac’t. of Prince Bismarck’s resignation. Gen Caprini to take his place & Count Herber & Bismarck to be Foreign minister! Saturday 22 March Lay in bed till 11. After lunch went to see Mother at Bailey’s. Maud & C. Price went on to theatre “Red Hussar” at Lyric. I stayed with Mother. Florence & her sister called & had tea, sister distinctly common! Came back in brougham.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bought flowers 1/8 & tangerine oranges. Cheese 10½, total 2/6½. Cab to Mother 1/-. Sunday 23 March Throat v. bad. Maud out in bath chair. Lin riding got wet thro’. I went in cab at 11.30 to Mother at Bailey’s lunched there feel v. seedy. F.W. came about 5 o’c looked v. nice in her new dress. Quiet dinner. Emma out. 2 cabs 2/-. Spent yesterday 3/6 ½. Monday 24 March Lady Bromfield 9 o’c. X. Lin paid cheque to Mr Pickering ac’t. for Army Navy Auxilliary Stores for doing creeper. Letter fr. H. F. He, Tabs & Roy arrive Ogles today. Miss G. going to fetch Roy as I can’t go out, cold bad. Saw Clarke about milk - seems new customers are served better than old! Long letter fr. Edgar. Mr Welch seems to think v. little about law matters or position of Trust! I have serious doubts & sincerely hope they will not be realized. Reversion not settled or anything else. Trust money strangely invested to my thinking! X. Changed milk man after 16 years fr. Clarke’s. F.W. to tea had just seen dear Mother off to Westwood. Darling Roy home looks v. well & as lively as ever. Slept in M’s room, he with Miss G. Lin doing Fargeon drawing dined at nearly 10 o’c. Feel beastly seedy. Tuesday 25 March Mrs. A. Levy’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Colin Hunter’s dinner, acpt. Mrs. L’s so can’t go. In bed till 11.30. Cough & chest awfully sore. Wired Mrs. L. can’t go on ac’t of cold & wrote to Mrs. Harley & Mrs. Costa same. Lin finished Fargeon drawing about 12 o’c. Roy Maud & Miss G. out morg. for walk. X. Dr Langston came Lin wired for him. Wednesday 26 March Mrs. Harley’s dinner 8 o’c. Can’t go on act. of Punch din. Mrs. Thornycroft’s invitation for Boat Race 3.30. Mrs. Donaldson’s also. Mrs. Watney’s at home 10 12 o’c. (menu on scap of paper glued in) Soup. Turbot. Roast mutton. Salad. Pigeons, escarol salad. Rhubarb tart, cream. Soft herring roes, parmesan. Thursday 27 March Mrs. Coster’s dinner ¼ to 8. Lady Rosebery’s at home. In bed all day. Con came looks wonderfully well, never saw him better. Dr Langston came. Told me to give Maud warm baths every night heat 100, 1 oz of borax to 1 gallon of water. He seemed v. strict with Maud. Friday 28 March Lovely day. Cough v. tiresome & throat just the same. Feel beastly weak. Miss G. & chicks out morg. Miss G. & Roy fetched Maud fr. drawing class. Lin hard at work. Finished “Robert Elsmere” one of the cleverest books I ever read, full of beauty & delightful characters. Lin met Mrs. Humphrey Ward the authoress of above at Lady Rosebery’s last evg. & talked to her about her book. Wish I had had that honour. Saturday 29 March In bed till 12. Cough & throat horrid. Miss G. M. & R. to Criterion, returned no places. Lin rode. Dr Langston came, 3rd visit. Reading Mr Guthrie’s new novel “Pariah” v. amusing.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 30 March Lovely day. Cough & throat still tiresome. Maud & self walked up & down for 35 minutes. Roy & Miss G. to Church. Miss G. home after lunch. Lou Mackenzie to lunch & tea looks fearfully delicate. Mrs. Mackenzie returns home next Tuesday. Lin lunching & playing billiards at Mrs. A. Levy’s. Mr McFall called about his drawings. Miss G. out. Jane’s day. Monday 31 March Lady Blomfield 9 o’c. Mrs. Boughton’s 3 to 7. Go to Westwood by Gran. Lovely morg. Cold on throat still v. painful. Lin & Roy to Hyams about Roy’s coat & suit. Lin saw me off. Rather confusion. Dr Langston called 4 th visit. F.W. met me at station. Mother pretty well. Apr 1890 Tuesday 1 April Lovely day. Out morg. in garden for an hour with F. Powder & medicine arrived fr. Dr Langston & gargle. Letters fr. Lin. Finished reading “Pariah” delightful little easy novel & well finished. Throat better. Punch dinner tonight. Quiet peaceful day to bed early. Mother very tired. I like the look of Mother’s (illeg illeg) cook, hope she will turn out well. Wednesday 2 April Colder & dull. Letters fr. Lin Roy & Maud. Took horrid powder in soda water made me feel sick. F.W. to London for day by Granville, took my 23 £5 Cent Argt. shares to London & County to see if Mr Lowndes c’d make anything on them for me. Mother & self quiet day alone. Nana spending day with the children, looks well they say. F. back by Granville. Thursday 3 April Mother & self to Ramsgate in brougham. Met Burnands. Florence to lunch at Mrs. Nordens. Mrs. Hammond & B. Hollingshead called. Mother & self walked round grounds. Cold east wind tho’ v. fine day. Two letters fr. Lin. Letter fr. Edgar with enclosure fr. Mr Welch, Ada declining to be 3 rd in reversion. Edgar does not mind going in alone shall be thankful to be out of it as somehow I feel its not all square. Sincerely hope Edgar may profit after all the trouble & worry he has had with it. Letter fr. Mr Lowndes, too late to sell Cent Argt. Shares 23 £5 ones newly allotted must be quite (illeg) if wish to sell. Wrote & thanked C. S. for lovely flowers sent Monday. Friday 4 April Heavenly day. Had bad night, cough so troublesome. Letter fr. Lin morg. & fr. chicks. Wire Lin coming at 1 o’c. Mother & F.W. to Church. Lin arrived Broadstairs at one o’c, train v. late. Read in Kettles about the near shave we had Monday in Granville of a severe accident which accounts for the shock I had when traffic pulled up suddenly at Teynham. 4 large dray horses crossing the line with huge tree, horses took fright broke away & left tree lying across the line. Had to stop whilst it was taken away. Lin walked to Ramsgate, home to supper. Saturday 5 April Heavenly day. Lin up by Granville. Florence went by 12 fr. Broadstairs. I went with her to Station & called at Grounds, lovely flowers going in to Church. Mother seems better without F, rested after lunch. I walked in lower paddock, found 4 thrushes nests & fed fowls with peppermint! Result rather funny. Little Tom


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thumb out. Slept well but throat sore again, put on compress. Wrote Edgar hoping he will buy Reversion entire. Sunday 6 April Picture Sunday. Lovely day tho’ colder & not so sunny. Letter fr. Lin. Wants to go to Boulogne next Saty & on to Paris, afraid I shan’t be able to go. Mother to Church morg. I fetched her & fancy I saw Mrs. H. Roller walking, too late to catch her up. Quiet peaceful day. Monday 7 April Pouring all day with usual pertinacity. Wrote to Lin, Aunt (illeg) & Eff. Only one post, letter morning only. Cleared up, lovely after lunch. Walked with Mother round grounds. Throat still sore. Mother caught C. Tassel birds nesting, corrected him! Felt guilty having done same. Tuesday 8 April Cold showery stormy day. Throat horrid. Drove to Ramsgate & shop’d. fr. brougham! Callerd on Rollers at Granville, not there nor been there. Three letters fr. Lin long one fr. Club, fr. Mrs. Mackenzie etc. Lovely after lunch walked with Mother. Heavy hail storm about tea time. Lin full of going abroad, wish I felt better. X. Letter fr. Edgar deciding he should buy reversion himself alone. Wrote Lin sh’d return home Thursday. Wednesday 9 April Dull. Throat still same. Cold wind. X. Wrote to Mr Lowndes about his paying my cheque on the 15th inst for £23 to Cent. Argt. Rly. Compy. Bankers. Also that I shall not need £400 advanced as Edgar is buying “reversion” alone. Letter fr. Lin. Mother choosing carpets & bed steads. Very cold after lunch. Bates in cart to Ramsgate. I walked round grounds. Man cleaning big gates. Very cold. Quiet evg. Thursday 10 April X. Go to Mr Lowndes about selling 23 £5 shares in Cent. Argentine Rly. Returned fr. Westwood by Granville. Dear Mother saw me off at Broadstairs. Roy met me at Victoria. X. Sent cheque of £23 being £1 per £5 share on 23 Cent Argt. Rly. shares on allotment to London Westminster Bk. Letter fr. Auntie saying too late to sell until first call is paid. Maud to drawing. Cold & raining, miserable day. Expenses to Westwood £1.15.6. X. Dr Langston called. Friday 11 April Lovely day tho’ colder. Lin photing as usual. Bought elastic, hairpins & stay lace 4. 1¾ Gloves fr. Derry & Toms 3.11 Paid for self 8. 0.¾ For house flowers 1.2 Jelly 1.1 2.3 Saturday 12 April Helen Hardman’s wedding at Chapel Royal Savoy 2.30. Shop’d morg. Throat better. Went at 2.30 to Criterion with 2 chicks, “David Garrick”. Lin walked up, went to H. H’s wedding & came on to us in box, had Turkish bath & home. X. Chicks dined with us. Letter fr. Mother gone to Edgar. Bought 1 lb sausages & sardines fr. Crafts 1/11, fruit 1/6. Total 3/5d.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 13 April Lovely day. X. Maud’s little F. Miss G. home for day. I took Roy to St Matthias morg, much impressed. Om. there & back. Lin riding mare. Throat much better. Lin sent Mr McFall’s drawings back. Lin not in to lunch. Church 1/4. Monday 14 April Mother’s wedding day. Out morg with Roy nearly talked my head off. Went to Mother’s flat met Mrs. H. Power on dray. X. After lunch with M. in carriage to Marshall’s, bought veils 3/9, shoes 5/11. Paid Smith & Larke 16/11, cream cheese 10d. My hat & bonnet. Maud’s hat fr. Emilie Regent St. Paid £3.13 on account for washing. Paid for Maud’s hat & my bonnet & hat £3.18.6. Tuesday 15 April X. Lovely day. Paid £9 to Glyn Mills Currie for B.A. Rosario 3 shares of £10, this makes £6 paid. I now owe the Bank £90!!! Went morg. to Bank with M. in carriage saw Mr Lowndes left an allotment for £10 in B.A. & Pacific to be sold if saleable. X. Find I owe Bank £47.18.6. On to Mde. to be fitted. Her dau-in-law better. Bought velvet 3/3 . Spoke to Jolly about risky driving. Geraldine, Mrs. Rainbow, Mrs. Finlay & Mrs. Lindo called. C. Cosens engaged to be married. Friday 18 April Mother’s birthday. In bed till 12. Lin hard at work on Balfour cut on Irish ld. ques. Read Budget in bed, 3,000,000 surplus. S. American sec. better. New mines try hope they will do better than last. Maud to her drawing. Roy for walk with Miss G. Cold better. Saturday 19 April In bed until 12. Lunch 12.30. Miss G, M, R, & self to Lyceum to see “Dead Heart”. Drove Marquis going, mare returning. Roy & M. delighted with Irving & E. Terry, first time seeing them. Found Alice L. & Mrs. Brinehere on return, uncomfortable uninteresting creatures both of them & found it uphill work being tired to entertain them! Bought 3 lbs sausages 3/6. Roy coughed at night. Sunday 20 April Dull tho’ warmer. Mrs. Heilbut wired for Lin to meet her, rode to Richmond & both enjoyed it immensely. Lin home to lunch. Miss G. & Roy to church morg. Maud with me. L. put dirty decanters & pepper pots on wish she would try to be neater - never will! Monday 21 April In bed till 12. Drove at 3 with Maud to Whiteleys, bought potted tongue 1/6 stamps 6d carrots 5d. Laurence pd. bills for me Miss Dampier 5/- Stokes 5/Ponting 6/s ½. Dickens & Jones 10/-. Called on Mrs. Farquharson & Miss Holland. Letter fr. Bee. Tabs & Ham in London left Monte Carlo Friday night. Maud’s cold v. bad, Roy’s little better. Lin rode morg. Mother called after lunch, v. surprised to see her. Looks pretty well. Tuesday 22 April Mrs. Lilly’s dinner ¼ to 8. Drove with Roy & Miss G. to Hyde Pk. C. left them to walk home & drove to see Tabs & H. at Ogles, arrived there Saty. Both look well. Ret’d on ac’t of gentleman in next room dying of typhoid fever, cleaning out Hotel drains! Drove round Pk home. Wire fr. Mother engaged till 3. Roy & Miss G. out afternoon. Wire fr. Mother (illeg) arrived fr. Whiteleys. V. pleasant dinner at Mrs. L’s. Mr & Mrs. Lowe of St James’Gazette, Mrs. Lynn Linton, Mr McNab of


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Athenaeum & selves. One maid waited on all most wonderfully. Miss Thomson & sister called, v. kind to Roy. Mr Coglan sent me water stone. Wednesday 23 April Lovely day. Wire fr. Mr Burnand about our going. Maud & self to Stores at 11.30 bought fowl etc & called at Grov. Hotel for Mother, out met her after & returned to Hotel with her, looks well. Packed after lunch & Tabs came for some time, going to dine with Mother. Quiet evg. L. unaccountably rude at dinner - can’t understand her. Thursday 24 April Dull foggy. Started for Charing X enroute for Boulogne 9 o’c uncertain about coming. Laurence gave notice has been v. rude lately asked her reason. Notice result. Sorry for some things but could not go on with her so rude. Pleasant passage. R. v. brave but finally ill, M. & self on deck all time felt ill! but were not. To Imperial Hotel. Letter fr. Mon. Bonvoisin awaiting us at Hotel. Friday 25 April Mrs. du Maurier dinner 8 o’c. Very wet morg. Went out but had to return on ac’t of wet & rain. Fine afternoon. Spoke to the only gentleman, & lady with 5 boys & one girl. After dinner played games all together. Saturday 26 April Mrs. Lindo’s dinner 8 o’c. Lovely day at Boulogne slept better. Breakfasted 9.15. Roy on to sands with the boys. Lin, M, & self packed. After went for walk in town saw market place v. full. Lunch. Bill heavy very. Spoke to lady for some time. Comfortable journey to Paris, old lady & silent girl. Roy much impressed with Paris & Tour Eiffel. Little dîner apart. Too late for table d’hôte. Quiet dinner & evg. Roy v. funny & excited. Fire in our top roof rooms overlooking Tuilleries. Sunday 27 April Very late down to coffee. Small rooms c’d find nothing. After breakfast walked to Madeleine stayed some time ½ franc to Restaurant Le Doyen where we had delicious lunch & met Mrs. Turner & 2 plain daus. 24 frcs lunch, ½ cabinet, cab to Jardin d’Acclimatation 5 frcs, entrée 2 fr. omnibus petit 60 cent 1 fr. Antedeluvian animals, monkeys v. funny. Pretty American. Pretty dresses. Drove round Bois met Mon. Bonvoisin & his boy & girl not well dressed! Went to Panorama 5 frcs, cab 6 frcs. Dined at table d’hôte nothing but English. Pretty American girl. Mother & father dined after. Roy seemed to attract much attention by (illeg) questions. Monday 28 April Had coffee in our room. Out at 10 o’c. Walked to see Notre Dame. Cab to Les Invalides. 3 fr. cab to Voisin for lunch cab 3 fr. umbrella 30 cent. Excellent lunch salmon done with pink shrimp sauce mushrooms & truffles, entrecôte, pommes frits also good. 25 frs. Lunch, waiter etc 3 frs. extra. After lunch Lin & Roy off alone to see Panoramas. Maud & self shop’d. Bought chocolate 5 frs. Met Mrs. Moscheles & Mrs. Cox née Leibnich, oculist, her hus. G. C. Saw some fairly good jackets, funny little bonnets, all glacé good gloves worn. Lin dines with Mon. Bonvoisin at Lion d’Or, dîner du Crayon. Tuesday 29 April Pay £9 second instal. on 3 newly allotted £10 shrs in B. Ayres & Rosario Rly. This paid on 16th April on account of going abroad Saty 19 th April.. Lovely day out early, to Louvre bought gloves. To Tour Eiffel cab there. Most marvelous view of


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Paris fr. Tour. Walked after to Ledoyen, good lunch. Lady & little girl with dog. Lin tried at Salon c’d not get in, Varnishing day. Lin & self took stroll after dinner. Roy v. funny at dinner. Wednesday 30 April Private View New Gallery. Private View of Salon!!! Late out. Wrote to Mde. Bonvoisin. After to Louvre with Lin & chicks. Cab to Luxembourg lovely pic. by Messonier, Detaille & Deneuville, Delauncy etc. Saw funeral & remained some time at St. Sulpice. Cab to Ledoyen. Tremendous crowd most curious people. Wonderful dresses. Hats all alike different colours. Good lunch but (illeg)! Lin on to Salon! Wonderful sight & crowd. Chicks & self to see Roy on Merry go Round & P(illeg). Took cab called on Mrs. C. Clarke, 116 Champs Elysées. Fetched Roy & to Louvre. Maud bought gloves. Along Rue St Honoré & bought chocolate. Roy off to Bodega, M. & self to get Maud’s brooch. Lin met Bob Humphreys at Salon. May 1890 Thursday 1 May Leave Paris today. Lovely day. 50,000 troops in Paris on ac’t of demonstrations. Left Paris by 10 o’c train, crowds of English leaving for fear of row. Maud v. sick dressing & seems to have a cold. Comfortable journey lovely passage. Edgar met us with Sophy at Folkestone both looking v. well. Home again at 7.30. London looking so small & dingey after beautiful Paris. Letters fr. Midge etc. X. Little birds laid 4 eggs! during our absence. Cost of week abroad all told £40. Friday 2 May Royal Academy Private View. Grosvenor Gallery Private View. X. (Sent to Mr Davison 2 Bankers receipts for B.A. Rosario Ex /94 issue 100,000 shrs making £16 paid on the 3 newly allotted £10 shrs in above.) Lovely day, cold. Man here white washing basement. House looks v. nice. Lunched with Lin at St James. To Academy & Grosvenor - met everyone! Lin v. angry about mistake with carriage. Maud met us & went to Academy late in afternoon with me, passed in with Lin’s book. Dined at 11 o’c. Dead tired. Laurence took Roy for walk. Miss Gill returned. Saturday 3 May Mrs. F. Parish at home 4 to 7. Postponed on ac’t of Gen. Parish’s death. Feel awfully tired. Walked morg. With Roy in om to Knightsbridge, lost him, off to see soldiers with Tony. Met M & Miss G. Bought radishes & tea cakes 6d, om 4d. After lunch Lin, Roy & self to see “Our flat” screamingly funny. Fr. there to New Gallery, saw Mrs. C. Carr’s portrait by Sargent, ghastly. Bought asparagras 2/-. Lin had Turkish bath. Dinner at 8 o’c. X. Received certificate of my 3 new B.A. & Rosario shrs /94 allotment & 1st call only paid on them. Called at Ogles with Roy, saw Tabs & H. Had tea there, saw dresses. Sunday 4 May Mrs. Heilbut’s dinner 8 o’c. Invite to Mrs. Kemp’s for dinner also. Mrs. Hickman’s tennis. Lin off to ride to Richmond 10.30. His watch an hour slow, late in consequence. Miss G, Roy & self to St Cuthbert’s, called in & saw Mrs. Mackenzie & Mr Mac & boys. Roy out for walk after lunch awfully nervous forgot about Demonstration in Hyde Park. Roy back, been to see Demonstration Hyde Pk. Mr & Mrs. Tweedie called. Went in cab to Palace Gds. Lin forgot studs & had to return here. Delightful evg. at Mrs. Heilbut’s. Mr Ponsonby, Dr ? Mr Weedon Grossmith & Mrs. G.G, Mr Yardley, Ainsworth. Good songs & fun after dinner. Monday 5 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dear Roy returns to school by Granville. Pouring wet morg, fine later. Letter fr. Mother enclosing £2.3.0 for my fare, sh’l go with Roy & remain one night at Westwood. Lin had to leave at 9.30 for Court, called for Jury. Got off thro’ Mr Binns Smith again. Dear Roy awfully down at leaving. Mr & Mrs Tiddy met him at Margate so let him go with them not to prolong agony. Lovely at Westwood. Mother pretty well. Had a good night. Tuesday 6 May Lovely day. Both Mother’s servants went up to Mansions to get ready, Tassel by 1st train & returned at night. Mrs. Wesley helping, poor little body, no go in her tho’ anxious to please. I drove to School in fly after lunch took Roy strawberries, saw him, looked v. pale & seedy, quite a contrast to Fildes boys. Hope Roy will soon pick up in lovely Margate air. Had long talk Miss A. Afraid school won’t do so well as before. Found Mother v. annoyed, girls left their rooms dirty. X. New house keeper arrived. Wednesday 7 May Mrs. Cowen’s at home 9.30. Linley’s luncheon party at Garrick 1.30. Dull morg. tho’ clear. Mother & self in all day walked about grounds. Meg Merilees seems most anxious to please. Quiet evg, to bed early. Thursday 8 May Tabs & Ham to dine here. Returned by Gran. fr. Westwood, carriage met me. V. wet dull & stuffy. Box for Dr Bill, dine at 7 o’c. Called saw Mother’s flat don’t think girls have done much - good deal of dust about, had to ring twice! Friday 9 May X. Wretched dull day. Took Cert of B.A. Rosario Ex /94 for 3 £10 shrs, £6 paid to London County Bk, & asked to have Sunshales shrs converted into stock. To Witton about evg. dress for Wed. Called & saw Tabbie looking sweet. Poured after lunch. Miss G. (illeg) un drôle (illeg) qui m’ennui beauc. Saw maid for Jess, too short character. Saturday 10 May Went at 10 o’c in brougham to Mde. Bocquet ordered black dress evg. £14.14.0. Left shirt to be lengthened, red silk frill at Madame’s safe thankful. To Wittons chose yellow & black evg. dress. Tabs with me, went with her to Fishers & Estelles. Home, called on Mother after lunch, H. & Tabs called too. Big concert of Working Men Hall, P. Wales etc there. Miss G. out. Evelyn to tea. Sunday 10 May First engagement to lunch at H. Court, party driving & riding, & dine evg. with Dr ? at Lyric Club. Second to dine quietly with Miss Thompson 8 o’c. X. Maud petit ami. Went by bus to Albert Hall, sat in Park. Storm - rushed to Mansions just caught Mother on steps for church - poured, impossible to get cab. Stayed with Mother till one. Cleared up. M. came home with M & self & lunched here stayed till 4 o’c. Lin rode morg. Delightful dinner at Miss T’s, charming company. V. late, did not sleep well. Monday 12 May Parlage avec L. s’en va. Parlage avec J. en doute. Mrs Hilliard brought my belt most comfortable. Sent Mde. B. cheque for £15.15.0 balance of last year’s account. Lunch at 2 with Tabs, Witton after. Mr Irving kindly sent dresses & p’d cab bringing them unheard of kindness. Called with Tabs & saw Mother, v. busy


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 curtaining. Lin in all day. Blanche called & brought her little cock bird & took our Monsieur in place for a while. Tuesday 13 May Mde. Allain coming. Lin going to Guild Hall to meet Mr Stanley. F.W. coming to lunch. Ap’t Miss Witton 2.30. Received receipt for cheque £15.15.0 fr. Mde. Bocquet. Wednesday 14 May Mrs. de la Rue’s fancy dress ball 10 o’c. Mrs. Mocatta’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Hickman’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin’s luncheon party at Garrick, tea after at Mr Guthrie’s rooms. Patti concert at Hall. Awfully jolly lunch at Garrick, quiet tea at Mr G’s. Charming dinner at Mrs. M’s, v. pretty night. Mr Arthur Anderson took me down, Mr Fladgate other side both amusing. Mrs. de la Rue’s dance cram’d. Prettiest ball I ever saw, costumes lovely. V. tired returned 1.30. X. Petit ami. Maud & Miss Gill to Hall, Patti. F.W. came morg. made my hood. Banker’s receipt for last call on Sunshales. Thursday 15 May Mrs. Faudel Phillips at home 10 o’c. Ap’t with Bartlett dentist 2.30 for Maud. Midge & Hamilton coming for week. Mrs. Priestley’s “Pasteur” fan on view 3 - 6. Lovely day. Saw 3 maids none v. promising too young. Expecting Midge. X. Drove at 2.20 to dentist, M. had 3 teeth prepared. Mde. B. not ready with my dress. Wrote for character of young girl Martha Nicols, afraid too young. Sp. dined here. Midge arrived just about 7.30 looks stouter, awful rash all over her. Lin went to Mrs. F. P’s. Friday 16 May Lovely day! Midge off to Orton about rash. Miss Underhill called & stayed some time in my room. Midge & H. dine at Tabs. H. arrives fr. Cheshire about 4 o’c. Midge out until lunch. At 3 Midge & self went to Tabs, saw Ham. To Harvey & Nicols about jacket, ordered a shirt at Goodmans. Midge called & saw Mother. We called at Tattersalls & saw Ham. Home had tea, M. & H. to Tabs. Lin & self dined at 10.30. Saturday 17 May Lovely day. Midge off at 12.30 to Derry’s. Lin rode morning. Received letter fr. Miss Luff about new maid. Maud & self & Lin drove to Tattersall’s, I waited in Park. Lin on to Turkish bath, M. & self to see Mother. Forgot M. sh’d have spent day with Mother, so sorry forgot. H. & Midge to Mrs. (illeg) to dinner & to see “Marjorie” after. To bed early. Miss G. to see house where M. Nicols lived, utterly impossible to take her fr. it. Sunday 18 May Mrs. Joshua’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Boughton’s luncheon party 2 o’c. Mrs. Priestley’s Pasteur fan on view 3 - 6. Lovely day. Midge & H lunch at Mother’s. Maud & Miss G. to Church. Lin for walk with M. after. Mother called morg. Delightful lunch at Mrs. B’s, about 24. Josephs, Dickie, Cheeseborough, Grossmith, Ponsonby, Chapmans etc etc there. Rested afternoon for 10 mins only, got up fr. lunch 4 o’c & had delightful evg. Joshuas. Justin McCarthy took me in, C. Hunter, Laboucheres, Boughtons etc etc, most delightful evg. home late. Intro. to Dr Fox. Monday 19 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Hamilton’s horses all sold at Tattersalls. Miss Thomson invited Tabs & self to luncheon, c’d not go, fetched her at 2.30 & drove there together. Lin met us. H’s horses sold well, fetched over £755. Sp. & Mrs. Sterne there etc etc. Midge & self drove to Bocquet & Witton to be fitted, chose materials at Snelgroves. Parlage avec femme de chamber, going to stay on, relief to my mind as Lin is accustomed to her & she is v. good in many ways & understands us & we her. Called to see Mother on way home. We had quiet dinner & went to see Mrs. Langtry at St James as Esther Sandrag(?) v. good play & well acted. Midge & self had accident coming home in cab. Lin & H. stayed to see Mrs. Langtry. Tuesday 20 May Madame Allain com’d 2nd doz lessons. Mrs. C.O.Barker’s dance 9 o’c. Asked Miss Frith to tea 4 o’c. Duchess of Sutherland’s at home to meet Mr Stanley 10 o’c. Lovely day. Midge & self to town saw Mother at flat. After lunch Mde du (illeg) Miss Frith, Mrs. Huish, Mrs. Agnew & Miss Brink & sister called. Lin dined at Savoy Hotel, Seasons Club dinner. I fetched him & we went to Stafford House. Magnificent house, hall galleries & staircase lovely. Saw Stanley, dear little face, & Dr ? who stayed all their lives in Africa. Stanley left early. Poor reception. Roger Eykyn, Riviere, Lewis, Boehms etc there but none of the aristocracy. Came home, Lin went on to Barker’s dance, grand affair. H. vexed the “Nun” returned not sound in wind. Wednesday 21 May Mrs. Cowen’s at home 9.30. Mrs. Lynn Linton’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Herbert Raphael’s at home 4 - 7. Lady Salisbury’s at home 10 o’c. X. Ap’t with dentist at 11.30 for Maud. Tickets for matinée at Avenue Theatre. Midge & self to Mother’s & on to Tabs & Miss Witton by om. Lin rode. Miss G. took M. to dentist. Lin came back at 4 o’c this morg fr. Barker’s dinner. Lovely day. Stayed in bed to breakfast. Midge lunching at Tabs. H. been up all day about horses. Tabs & Hamilton Langley calling on Lady Boehm. Tabs & H. to dinner here. Thursday 22 May Mrs. Quintin Twiss at home 10 o’c. Midge off early to Dr (illeg) with H. I went at 2.30 to Mother. Carriage met me there. To Mde. B, fitted with last dress she will make me, too dear altogether. To Miss Witton, Midge met me there, had lunch with Tabs. Called on Lady Boehm, Mr Coglan, Lady Nottage. Quiet evg. here. Friday 23 May Mrs. Quintin Twiss at home 10 o’c. Midge & self off early to Mother’s, then Russel & Allen, then stores, bought jacket £1.13.9. Cab 2/6. Back to lunch, out again bought hat 4/7 books & (illeg) 2/3. Back to tea. Hamilton Midge & self to Café Royale in brougham. Trevor Roller there. Very good dinner & on to Terry Theatre “New lamps for old”. V. amusing. Lin alone! Disappointed in T. R. quite typical young man of present day neither chivalrous nor gentlemanly. Hope Roy will improve & be courteous. Mother gone to stay with Conrad. Saturday 24 May Lin & self D.V. go to Canon Bourne’s until Wed. Invitation to go to Mrs. Earle’s, Meadowside, Tonbridge. Lovely day. Jess & H. will remain during our absense. V. sorry to leave dear little Maud do not like going away to enjoy myself without her. Great crowd at Paddington. After much difficulty secured porter & were put into comp. with 2 gentlemen who got out at Oxford & left us carriage to ourselves. Country looking more beautiful than I ever remember. Canon Bourne met us at


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Honeybourne & we drove in open carriage to Weston Subedge. A Miss Sewel staying here only other visitor. Bright lively girl nearly pretty. Excellent cuisine & to bed v. tired. Sunday 25 May Lovely day. Slept well. All went to Church in the morg. a pretty little old fashioned Church & along a pretty walk to it. Luncheon & to Church again except Lin & self who had a little sleep in our room, felt much refreshed after. Tea under beautiful sycamore tree in the garden. Lin & Canon off for long walk before dinner. Monday 26 May Lovely day. Canon & Lin ride to Broadway. We drove & lunched with Mrs. Millet, v. good lunch & charming house, saw Studio. Mrs. M. sang & v. well too. Long drive & home, country charming, delightful house to stay in, all so kind. Tuesday 27 May Lovely day. Sat out morg, ride in barrow! Drove after lunch to Mickleton & Campden, called on Mrs. Percy. Saw Church, pretty old church with tombs & monuments of Ld & Lady Gainsboro’. Lin & Canon rode. Lin & Miss Sewel played tennis good game. Mr & Mrs. Fisher (fr. Campden) Mrs. Millet, Mr Cholmondeley & Mr Foster to dinner. Mrs. F. v. pretty bright woman quite young about 24. Mrs. Millet looking sweet. Gloves! Wednesday 28 May Lovely day. Lin goes by 12.3 train. Canon kindly put up luncheon champagne etc. Canon off for day M(illeg) duties. Letters fr. Maud & Roy. Dear Roy v. happy at school & getting on. Thursday 29 May Garden party at Canon’s. Lovely day enjoyed it v. much. Friday 30 May Garden party. Saturday 31 May X. Pay £36, 2nd call on B.A. Gt. Southern Ext 1894 5%. Returned after a delightful week at Canon Bourne’s. Lin met me at Paddington. Polite gentleman (old) who got in at Oxford got into one of the Royal carriages at Paddington. Dear Maud had been to see “David Garrick” for 3rd time & stayed to tea at Mother’s, Bates brought her home. Found Nina had sent me lovely roses & flowers. Mother has let Westwood to Mr Corbett for July & August for £90. Quiet evg. to bed early. Jun 1890 Sunday 1 June X. Sent cheque for £36 second call of £2 per share on 18 new B. Ayres Gt. Southern Rly 5% Ex 1894. Lovely day slept well & late! M. & self walked to St Stephen’s Church Gloucester Rd. Never saw more pretty women together, rather high Church. Walked on to Mother after, Jess there found both looking well sitting over fire! Left Maud there. Lin rode morg. Played tennis at Mr Hickman’s after lunch. Letter fr. Mrs. Watney asking us to go middle of June with her on “Yacht Palatine” to Norway & home by West coast of Scotland. Miss Gill out for day. Mr Austin, Sp. & American, Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett called. Lin had slow game at tennis at Mr Hickman’s.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 2 June Mrs. Mocatta’s dance 10 o’c. Box for H.A.Jones play “Judah”, Shaftesbury. Out shops morg. with Midge. M’s drawing class. Had dog taken away fr. next door, stray dog. Bought hat £1.2.6. Midge trimming it for me. Saw dear Mother. Mervyn arriving tonight fr. tour in provinces. Took Maud to see “Judah” most extraordinary & original play. Mr & Mrs. Finlay & Brigham Young’s 3 wifed son! Pollocks, Lancasters, Rollers & Mrs. Millet there, felt like a reception given by ourselves. Mr F. & H. Roller came to our box. Too late for Mocatta’s dance. Tuesday 3 June X. Madame A. Mr Herkomer’s theatricals 2.30 Bushey. Mrs. Speed at home 4 to 7. Went up morg. to stores, spent £1.17.0. on flan. stockings & shirt for self, 10/6 also for Goodman’s shirt. Bought Maud 4 prs stockings, 2 coms. & flan. for petticoat. Spent for Lin £2.16.0. Lin rode with Mr Burnand says must certainly go to Norway with Mrs. Watney. Lin afternoon to see Mr Bradbury about work. Expect Mrs. Sambourne this week. Mrs. Holmes, Messel & Hunter called. Could not call to see Mother. Wednesday 4 June Maud’s ap’t with dentist. Pouring wet day. Postc. Mrs. S. not well. V. sorry I mentioned our trip to her. Poured all day. Derby Day. Maud with Miss G. to Mr Bartlett 2.30, in brougham young horse. I dined with Mother, v. seedy & low. H. & Midge ret’d fr. Derby. Sainfoin, Le Nord, Orwin won! Favourite “Surefoot” not in it. Mervyn Mother & self alone to dinner, Midge & H. went to Brown’s. H. won on Derby, Midge too. Home in cab 1/- H. saw me into it. Drunken man walked in front of us all the way. Thursday 5 June Went to stores with Mervyn at 11.30. M. left me there. Changed Maud’s coms, bought 2 bodices 5/6 & one grey alpaca slip 10/6, shirt 4/9. Sent darling Roy 3/stamps 5d altogether £1.0.3. Walked & bought velvet, ties, band, veils 7/4½. Upset ink pot at Pontings!!! Studs 1¾. Midge called & helped me with bonnet, had tea here. Lady Lucas called. Friday 6 June X. Mrs. Quilter’s at home 10 o’c, Corney Grain & music. Mrs. Anderson Critchett’s dinner 8 o’c. Miss Thomson’s tea at the Studio. Dine at Mrs. Watney’s to meet party for Yacht. X. Called at Bank. Mr Lowndes going to sell my 15 Cent. Argt. shares £5 each. Called after fetched Jess went to Witton & Marshalls, cab & om. 2/9. Lunched with Mother told her about riding top of om!!! Called at 3.30 in brougham on Mrs. Kemmis(?), Kemp, Joshua, de la Rue, Lilly & Wright(?) Took scarf to Pullers to be done by 16th. Blanche Cole called. Saturday 7 June Mr Speed’s at home 4 - 7. Box for Pair of Spectacles. Mr Bartlett at 11 o’c self. Mervyn & Mr Tenniel going to meet us at theatre. Went at 10 o’c with Lin to Park strolled down & saw Prince riding, row crowded. To Mr B. had 2 teeth stop’d. Lunched with dear Mother & Midge, Maud there also. Said good bye to Midge, felt v. depressed & miserable. H. fetched her, hope he will be very good to her. Walked home. Mervyn dined here, went 3 in hansom to Garrick Theatre saw “Pr of spectacles” excellent. Mr Tenniel came to our box. First night of new supper room Garrick Club. Sunday 8 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 To church with Maud, to Mother after & on to Church Parade. Crowded, rained. Home in cab. Lin 1st meet of Two Pins Club. Lin lunched at Richmond, Star Garter. Mr Burnand most amusing on hearing Mr Gilbert had measles, said “I knew he’d have something childish”. Mr Salaman & Mr Molesworth called. Rained all afternoon. Monday 9 June Box for Hare’s Theatre “Pr of Spectacles”. Mrs. Campbell Praed’s dinner 8 o’c. Miss Gill out for day. M. & self by bus to Miss Witton, carriage fetched us. To Stores, bought 6 yds shirting for Maud 3/7½, 4 yds serge for self 6/-. Jacket for self £5.0.0. Nana here to lunch & tea. Miss Reeds called. Bad news of Mrs. Sambourne, Lin very worried, has cold too, hope worry won’t increase it. Pleasant dinner at Mrs. Praed’s. Mr D’Arcy took me down. Australian, Mr & Mrs. Tom de la Rue & Mr & Mrs. Chapman there. X. Maud & self both little friend. Tuesday 10 June Mrs. Will’s dinner ¼ to 8. Punch dinner at Savernake. Mr Bartlett 11.30. In cab to dentist 3 teeth stop’d. Lin gone to Bristol to see Mrs. Sambourne, v. ill. Florence came to lunch & to stay night. Only Mrs. Dick Cornmell called, sang. Poured nearly all day. Wednesday 11 June Lady Salisbury’s reception 10 o’c. Mrs. (illeg) Pickering at home 4 - 7. Mrs. Barker coming morg. Four in hand meet in Park. Dear Lin returning fr. Bristol by 2.45, found Mrs. Sambourne much altered & thinner. Florence left about 3 o’c. Fetched Lin fr. Paddington 2.45, train in to moment. Lin found his mother v. v. weak & altered, Dr. thinks her heart is good deal affected. Mrs. Worth just as well as ever. F. & Maud went to meet in brougham saw Duke & Duchess of Fife etc. but heavy rain came on. Thursday 12 June Aunt Linda’s at home 9.30. Mrs. G. Grossmith’s at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Pickering at home 4 - 7. Mrs. Millet & dressmaker 2 o’c. Called at 3 o’c at L.C.Bk. for new cheque book, on to Mother’s, out. To Miss W, fitted rather undecidedly as usual, called after on Mrs. Seymour Trower & Mrs. Millet both out. Poured with rain. Mrs. Pickering heavy party! Mrs. Wills & Mrs. H. Levy. Maud looking seedy. French lesson. Gave Miss G. 2 tickets for Mr Cusins concert. Friday 13 June Mrs. Hickman 4 - 7. Went at 3 with Marquis in brougham to Marshall & Willet’s. Called on Mrs. Trower, Millet, Cusins, Mother, c’d only stay short time, & to Mrs. H. Saw man hypnotized by Dr Rutland told dates on coins which appeared v. painful, personated Irving in “Bells” & Grossmith also Gladstone, Ld Randolph Churchill & H. G. very well. Called on Lady Lucas, Mrs. Friar, stayed short time. Om. ran into us, did no damage. Saturday 14 June Mrs. Richmond 4 - 7. Mrs. Morton Latham at home 4 - 7. Asked Mrs. Millet to dinner, can’t come. Went with Maud to Mother’s at 10.30, left M. Lin fetched me & we went shop’g got or ordered mackintosh, shoes. Lunched at “Rules” bad chop , v. polite over it, & on to Military Ex. Excellent, good music, uniforms, pictures, implements etc. V. interesting. Saw balloon go up. Pretty woman in green velvet mantle. Shot at rabbits! Strawberry ices. Home in cab. Miss G. out.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 15 June Mrs. C. Matthews at home 10 o’c. M. & self lunched with Mother. Lin off with 2 Pins Club. Mr Furniss came in & waited for him & amused us with anecdotes. M. & self walked in Gds. Lunched with Mother, found Sp. & Douglas there. M. & self walked home. Lin & Maud called on Mrs. Watney (saw Mr Barker there) & Mrs. A. Lewis who asked M. to lunch there any Sunday whilst we are away. Fanny Fildes came, stayed long while, looks wonderful. Tilda to dinner. V. pleasant party at Mrs. M’s. Great crush, cab’d there & back. Mr & Mrs. Burnand, Grossmith, Sir B. & Lady Seton etc. Monday 16 June At 10 o’c to Bank saw Mr Lowndes, left M’s dressing gown at Pullars. Left blue serge skirt to be done at Harvey’s. Bought duckling & fish at stores 4/4, music 3/-, ordered 2 linen lady’s shirts, 2 flannel do. Bought 2 silk shirts cream & pink, £1.14.6. Drew cheque for £2.1.9. M. to drawing class. Mrs. Crawfurd called. Box at “Gondoliers” Savoy. Tuesday 17 June Two stalls for Opera. Out all morg. shops. Called saw Mother. Effie called afternoon, Charlie S. & wife. Mr & Mrs. Stuart Wortley & Arcols at Opera. Saw “Faust” Scaletti(?) made charming Margarite. Wednesday 18 June Go to Miss Witton. Stores, pd. for 2 bodices, 1 angora vest, 1 shawl, 2 cotton shirts, 2 flan. do. Ulster & Maud’s shoes. Recuffing 4 Lin’s shirts. Shirts £1.11.6. Ulster & M’s shoes 12/6. 2 prs of shoes Marshall & Willets £2.16.0, sent by cheque. Miss Witton not ready, to go Thursday 11 o’c. Harvey Nicols too. Mother called whilst I was out. Lady Salisbury’s reception Arlington Street. Invitation for 1st Life Guards dray Ascot. Thursday 19 June Sail for Norway D.V. Postponed till Monday. Go to stores about jersey jacket, Harveys, links at Goodmans. Invitation for Guards dray Ascot. Can’t go. Lin Mervyn & self to see Ruy Blas, slow distinctly. Midge & H. arrive Ken. P. M. & Dora & Wads & Mother. Friday 20 June Miss Rose Innes tea 4 o’c. Out morg. to Miss Witton, v. behind with dresses. C’d not have carriage, Lin v. busy with 2 drawings. Dora lunched here. Called morg, saw Midge & H, arrived last evg. at Ken Palace Man. Called with M. on Mother, took Dora to Miss R.I’s large children’s party 18 de Vere Gds. Mr & Mrs. Muller there, taken house in Hamilton Ter, stayed till 7. Took Dora back to Albert H. M. there she & Wads staying with Mother. Mervyn there, had little drive with them & om. home. Cab 1/6, om 10d. Sp. & Ada to Ascot. Saturday 21 June Mrs. Richmond 4 - 7. Sp. came morg, walked to Barkers got shoes 12/6, pd. rib 5/- stays 12/6, Woollands 11/9. Lin 6d, om 6d. Went with Sp. to Gds, met Midge, Wads, Dora & Con’s old nurse. To Bond St, impertinent man in bus to foreign gentleman. Dora to lunch. Lin gone to Sir C. Russell’s for night to meet Lord Rosebery. All Two Pins Club going. Jolly taken mare down. Sunday 22 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin returns fr. Sir C.R’s. M & self to A. H. Mansions, Mother gone to Church. Called at P. Gdns, M& H. in. Jess, D. & Wads to Church. Regret M. & self not there also. Con came in. H, Midge, Dora, Con, Lin, Miss G, M. & self to luncheon. Sp. & Douglas called & Tilda to tea. Packed all my things with Jane. (illeg) not arrived L. going for it tomorrow. Mother came in after din. for an hour. Monday 23 June. X. Yachting. Mrs. Heilbut at home 4 - 7. Left Kensington in a yellow fog at 8.30, wish dear Maud with us. V. pleasant journey to Portsmouth H. Mr Goldie joined us at Clapham. Mrs. Watney, Admiral & Miss Clarke joined us at P. Harbour Sta. Fine tho’ overcast. Palatine lovely Yacht 450 tons all newly painted lovely fittings. Sh’l never forget how beautiful she looked as we came round her. Had luncheon & unpacked, all settled comfortably in. I have a large cabin with bath let in floor, large hanging closet & endless drawers. Luxuriant hangings of pale blue & buff satin damask, lovely crushed strawberry coloured damask quilt, excellently ventilated v. light. Convenience next door. Mrs. W. cabin close, Lin cabin to himself, & Miss Clarke. Had luncheon & sat around until dinner. Had tea on upper deck, rolling a bit. Got under way for Harwich at 3.30. My (illeg) not arrived when Admiral sent for it. After dinner consulted about lights & then studied stars under Miss C’s tuition! New moon, phosphorescent light on waves v. pretty. Turned in at 10.30 but not to sleep. Tuesday 24 June Mr A. Burnand’s at home 4.30. Mrs. Val Princep’s 4 - 7. Did not sleep well. Engine sounded & thumped like the beating of one’s heart in a fright, also amount of coals used for engine startling. Asked the Admiral how many tons usd in 24 hours, 5½! Lovely day. Passed Felixtowe about 10 o’c. Bath (illeg) in cabin, thought of Lady Boehm’s experience & mistletoe (illeg). Scrambled in, delightful sea bath, & scrambled out. Steward waits on us, v. pleasant now, wonder how it will be when seedy!!! Sea as calm as mill pond. Cozy breakfast, beautiful flowers on table & strawberries. Sat wrote letters in deck house. Stayed some hours Harwich Har. After lunch went ashore in cutter, dull little town. Harwich people all look ill & bad conditioned. Sight only worth seeing huge lobster for fish shop. Man required 5/-. Saw passengers off Harwich steamer land all singularly un(illeg) & ill looking. Delightful row back to Yacht. Had tea & strawberries on deck. Sea fog. Mrs. Watney decided to remain in Harbour all night. Had good night. East wind blowing. Wednesday 25 June Mrs. Geiger’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. F. Parish at home 4 - 7. Mrs. Macmillan at home 4 - 7. Lovely warm sunny morg. Mr Barker bad egg! & mathematical problem! Mrs. Watney not well. Lin did charming little sketch of Harwich. Set sail in fair wind (west) & glorious sunshine under sail. Yacht looking beautiful. Ravenous at lunch!!! Read Miss Clark’s book on Astronomy. Like her v. much, both sympathetic & clever. Something wrong with engine shall have to put in at Hull to have her overhauled. 5 o’c. Engine going all right. Sails carried us on too fast , engine c’d not keep up with pace. Had tea on deck, lovely & calm. Had good view of Felixtowe, Lowestoft Yarmouth etc. Calm quiet night & dry. Slept well. Mr Barker’s 2nd edition of conundrums. (illeg) Thursday 26 June Home welcoming to Mr & Mrs. Kendal 4 till 7. Whitehall Rooms. Children’s garden party at Foundling 4 - 7. Lovely day. Sea like indigo. Walked 20 minutes with Lin morg. Fine all day, no land in sight till 6 o’c. Off Codsall Island, Farne islands near


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 which a little bird “Landrail” came & rested on bulwarks after flying round ship some time. As we neared the islands it left us. Bamboro’ Castle & coast v. pretty. Quiet peaceful afternoon. Read Howel’s story “Shadow of a dream” to Lin whilst he worked, well written, American author, but disappointing unsatisfactory end. Dined ¼ p. 8. & played a good game after, law court! Words chosen being cricket cup, Mr Goldie’s cigar, 2 blades of screw of yacht, rat trap & Albert Memorial. Discussed tomorrow’s arrangement & to bed at 11.30. V. tired. Friday 27 June Lovely morg. Woken 4.20 by the letting down of anchor off Edinboro’ Leith, peeped thro’ port hole saw city. Several small fish in my bath this morg, seemed amused at my describing them of no particular shape at breakfast. Went at 10 o’c in cutter to Leith & on in tram to Edinboro’ leaving Dr. & Mrs. W. on yacht. City looking beautiful, the Scott monument, Castle, Arthur’s seat, Sir G. Herriot’s college etc. all standing out grandly in the lovely sunlight. Went over castle, saw room James VI Scot. born in & let down thro’ window to be baptised at Stirling Castle by Catholic clergy. Heard much fr. guide I’ve forgotten. Lunched at Royal Hotel, v. bad. Left cards on Ld. Kingsbury, out. Rained heavily getting back to Tacht. Semiramis Yacht (illeg) Firth of Forth alongside us. Slip’d down steps going for cutter, hurt myself considerably & got v. dirty. Reached Palatine 3 o’c & steamed on to see Forth B. most beautiful, like lacework & scenery round exquisite. Went under one division & ret’nd by another, just in time heavy squall, thunder & rain, had to remain in deck house rest of afternoon. (illeg illeg) arrive in dingy. Spine v. sore & painful. Saturday 28 June Mrs. Richmond 4 - 7. Left Leith 10 o’c morg. Lovely passage off Aberdeen 7 o’c evg. Passed May Island. Sat on bridge all morg. with Mrs. W, much better. After lunch rained on & off all afternoon. Lin worked morg, finished drawing of dingy & bulwarks. Mr Goldie read us 3 of Rudyard Kipling’s plain stories of the Hills. Had tea in deck house. Ship rolling good deal as I write, dressed for dinner 8 o’c. Miss daily papers. Appear to have North Sea to ourselves, sighted v. few others. Read Mr Lilly’s notice of Paul Bourgett’s novel “ Un Disciple” also Tolstoi’s Views on Matrimony in Universal Review. Rolled v. much during dinner, Miss C. had to retire, thought I sh’d have to do same. We 3 ladies lay down in deck house, had dessert & coffee there, gentlemen aft. To bed early. Light at 10.30, needed no light to go to bed by. Sunday 29 June Lovely morg, off Wick. Good deal of movement. Walked up & down deck. Miss C. eat apple before breakfast! Rough rather until we reached Fair & Foula islands, strange rugged rocky places with a few little houses dotted about. Lovely & calm after, lovely view of Fitfull Cape & Sumborough, S. of Shetland I. Most picturesque dipping of flag of Lerwick, approach charming & most quaint, more like continental town, Lin photod it as we anchored. Saw several Shet. ponies & their little foals on the hills, few small yachts in the Harbour. Dining at 8.30. Went to lie down at 7 feeling cold & sleepy. Lin startled me at 7.30, worked on deck & w’d have been sorry to lose the light. Monday 30 June Lovely morg. but bitter east wind blowing, too hard to sail for Bergen. After lunch Miss C. Mr G. & Mr B. & self went ashore. Miss C. & self remained alone to explore. P. Office, Town Hall, built 1883, information fr. local postman. Quaint town, stone streets, no paths, narrow street. Houses all built of grey stone, no


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 relief of green anywhere, no trees or flowers in windows, people plain & independent. Saw 7 Shet. ponies going on steamer which steamed tonight at 9.30 to Aberdeen. U.P. Church & about 5 other kinds. Churches depressing & neglected looking. Bought Shetland Times for 1d. Dreadful gale & shipwrecks of sm. fishing boats off Orkney Wed. last, 37 men drowned. Mr G. off fishing in small boat, got about 7. Lovely after din. tho’ cold on deck. Received wire fr. Mrs. S, better, sent letters home. Mrs. Watney v. poorly. Mr B. bought fish for 4d off man in boat, v. good. Saw steamer start for Aberdeen. Numbers of little sailing boats about loch, came round yacht. Mostly white looking like fairy boats in the moonlight, quite light till 12 o’c. Jul 1890 Tuesday 1 July Rather cold east wind blowing pretty hard, not much sun. Slept well, bright morg 11 o’c went ashore. Lunched at Grand Hotel. Lin ravenous, ex. beef, could not fancy anything myself, people seem so dirty. Had strange conveyance after and drove to Scalloway, other side of island, about 7 miles. Horse 20 years old went well. Wild desolate country, peat everywhere, sheep on hills, numbers of blk. ones. Strange bird which we think was a curlew, being solitary & having long beak, curling. Gathered a pretty sort of flax growing in boggy parts, like three little tufts of snow- white wool on a little reed. Approach to Scalloway v. picturesque Castle, Earl Patrick Stuart (1614) beheaded. Quite a picture (but a v. smelly one) on the beach. Herring boats in & about 80 women all busy salting & packing them. A gang of 3 women, good workers, can fill 50 to 100 barrels daily, they get 8d a barrel. Gulls round small boats. Drove back & had tea on yacht, lovely evg. Mrs. Watney better, Mr Barker also. Wednesday 2 July Dull rainy morg. Woke at 4.20 by sound of engine getting up steam apparently. Gentlemen went ashore at 10 o’c for final commissions, expect to get under weigh at 11 o’c. Wind N. West. Lovely passage. Table rolling about at lunch. A good sea on which effectively turned me up, felt awfully queer at 4 o’c, came to cabin, was sick. Picnic dinner in deck house, I in bed! Slept well. Thursday 3 July Mrs. Gregory’s garden party at Foundling 4 - 7. Mrs. Hartree’s 10 o’c. Feel terribly seedy. Went on upper deck, had coffee, sat out till lunch. Pilot came aboard at 10 o’c, a weather beaten weird looking man, fair, with huge square feet with woolen socks on. Approach to Bergen thro’ fyord, exquisitely lovely unlike anything I ever saw. Three men boarded Yacht. Admiral soon sent them off. Were tradesmen anxious for custom. After lunch all party went ashore except self. Empress E. on steamer near us, saw her come fr. shore where someone presented her with bouquet. Lin took photo of her passing, dip’d colours. X. Petit ami au soir ac’ts for seediness, 4 days too soon. Letters fr. Maud, Gill etc. Victoria name of steamer Empress on. Lovely evg, light & shadow beautiful. Lin did sketch. Mr Goldie went ashore before dinner & got some ferns & dog roses for the table. Wrote letters home, every one doing same evg. To bed at 12 o’c. Friday 4 July Mrs. Lewis’ garden party. Long letter fr. Maud & Miss G. & Roy. Admiral & Mr G. ashore early for letters. Steamed off at 9.30 for Trondheim. Breakfast in bed. Sat in deck house all morg. Sogne Fiord dullish after the lovely Kross Fiord yesterday. Fine & rugged scenery with snow on tops about 5 o’c. Sat on upper deck with Mrs. Watney. Lin busy drawing in my cabin. Solved one difficulty about (illeg) one


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 remaining. Dull all day, going to remain night. Most exquisite scenery in Sogne Fiord. One side mountains covered in snow down to water nearly in some places, & on other side trees, grass, most lovely green & same pretty red tiled cottages, grandest sight ever saw. Anchored in a fairy like dell. Passed the night in the Esse Fiord off Balestrand. Name of Pilot fr. Bergen to Trondheim & back Christian Lawsen. Saturday 5 July Mrs. Richmond 4 - 7. Steamed about 8 fr. Esse Fiord up the Nord Fiord as far as Gutvangen (good pasture). Ex. scenery, feel seedy unfortunately. Saw the Victoria with Empress at Gutvangen. Steamed back again passed Esse F. & passed the night at Bo or Leyvik the lovliest fairy like dell with wooden boat house where some people were fishing. High mountain scenery all round, pretty long low farm house which seemed everything combined, Manor House, farm, post office etc etc. All went ashore. Miss C. horrified at seeing fowls killed in boat. Bought fish, large salmon for 10/- & something 4 lbs weight caught this morg. Postman has the fishing on this little inlet. Reflection of house, people old Viking boat etc in water, colouring & all, most beautiful & romantic. Sunday 6 July Steamed fr. Bo. Leyvik about 7.30. Windy & colder. Beautiful scenery tho’ so different, fiord (Skargaard) wider & mountains not so high. Quite a little sea on in some places. Lin much struck with all the people going in their little boats, some sailing, some rowing & in a stiff wind to Church. Lin took photos, little lighthouse on rock, 2940 ft above the sea. Awfully rough going to Store round coast on way to anchorage for night, wild little rocky place different to the two lovely places of anchorage last 2 nights. Egg & little bird! Supposed to be curlews or gulls. Cap’t taking charge. To bed at 11 o’c! Rough part coming round Statland. Monday 7 July Pouring wet all day. Left Store early morg. Wrote letters, practiced. Misty scenery, fine but c’d see little of it. Arrived at Molde about 3.30 o’c. Hopelessly wet cold & damp. Little bird out of shell in Capt’s cabin!!! Up to breakfast. Mr Goldie overslept himself, reported but not by same! Today dear Father’s birthday R.I.P. All went ashore except self. Rested in berth whilst others absent & feel better for it. Lin looked sleepy all thro’ dinner! Poured with rain after dinner, Lin took sketch nevertheless. Quiet chatty evg. in deck house, to bed 12 o’c. Quite light enough to read. Leave at 4 tomorrow for Trondheim. Tuesday 8 July Remained in bed expecting it v. rough. Felt v. well, dressed by 11. Lovely warm sunny day. Sat on up. deck, scenery beautiful, fiord wider. Left Molde at 4 in morg. Mr Goldie read several R.Kipling’s stories. Arrived Trondhjem at 8 o’c sooner by 2 hrs than expected. The most glorious sunset I ever saw, all gold brown & purple. All went ashore after dinner except Mrs. W. & self. Sat on bridge watching sun. “Cerglan Yacht” in harbour. V. light at 12 o’c. Wednesday 9 July Trondhjem. Lovely warm day. Coals coming in everything covered up in Holland early. Went off in dingy at 10 o’c to explore town. Charming place (illeg) convenient landing place. Nice square buildings of wood, broad streets, v. good roads & paths, trees on either side like boulevards. Post office. Photos. Lost Miss C, found her at Cathedral most interesting building much of it as beautiful as it is quaint & differing in period of architecture. Large statue about 2 life size of Our


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saviour, soap stone. Lunched at 2 o’c table d’hote, band, at Britannia Hotel. Miss C. not well, encounter in lavatory upset her. Walked saw shops, Lin bought me lovely silver belt, designs fr. old Viking boats, fr. Cathedral. Met Mrs. W. at 6 o’c with Admiral at landing point, drove to another Hotel had ex. coffee & on to jeweler shop. Poured with rain. Quite rough returning to yacht. Mr Goldie read after dinner in deck house until after 11, needing no artificial light. Lin gave me lecture on self opinion, must try to correct this. Thursday 10 July Pouring wet cold morg. Steamed at one o’c fr. Trondhjem. Mr G. ashore twice with letters. Received one fr. Maud & Miss G, all well. Mrs. Watney not so well, came in at luncheon. Wrote to Mother & Roy. Steaming for Christiansund. Again self opinionated about lady writers, wish I could keep my opinion to myself. Little bird not so well, slept all night in Capt’s hand. Cap’t described bird as being “very dicky today”. Arrived at Christiansund at 12 o’c at night. Unfortunately wet & damp all day. Christiansund like all Norwegian towns picturesque, a natural Harbour is formed by the islands it is built on, quaint old wooden houses all colours with their red or green roofs. Friday 11 July Fine day. Christiansund. Went ashore at 10 o’c. Funny old place, apparently few English come here, went up & looked over the church which is a bright clean large building with accommodation for 900 people. A gentleman with v. little knowledge of English courteously showed us over. It was all painted brown & a rather bright buff inside. Large picture over altar of Our Lord. Did not know before visiting Norway Lutherans burned candles (2) on altar & wore vestments. Back to Yacht & steamed for “Veblungsnas” in the Romsdal Fiord passing Molde. Arrived Veblungsnas at 9.30. Went ashore after dinner. Most beautiful place, huge green & dark purple mountains, snow on one summit. At Belle Vue Hotel found 3 Englishmen, fair one brimming over with spirits & fun. Arranged about carriage for a drive tomorrow if fine. Englishmen took great interest in Yacht, their own tiny steamer the only other boat in this lovely place but ourselves. Little bird died at 6 o’c this morg. Cap’t looks quite depressed. (illeg) small rowing boats for hire. Scientific fact it gets lighter further north. Saturday 12 July Mrs. Richmond 4 - 7. Fine day. Mr Goldie went ashore before breakfast & bought quantities of foxgloves & ferns, staghorn moss etc. All going ashore at 11.30 to see environs of Veblungnas. Fine, glass going down. All started at 12, Mrs. W, Mr B, Miss C & self in 2 horse Vic, Mr G. & Lin in carioles to Horgheim thro’ scenery beyond description, huge mountains & rocks, quantities of wild flowers. Mr Wills & son taking “Birds Eye View” of his valley fr. an elevated position. Mr Bromley Davenport has another place further north with better fishing than Mr W’s tho’ not so beautifully situated. Mr Balfour has rented it this season. V. fine until we reached Horgheim where we met our 3 Englishmen of last evg. “the Bubble”! Bonham Carter & 2 Marigolds had luncheon which we took in a little room off public dining room. On again thro’ more wonderful scenery to Hadmark. Exquisite waterfall, massive rocks, pine woods, moss etc. Had excellent coffee here & saw quaint old Kitchen, log fire. Uncomfortably wet tho’ warm. Went 36 miles in all today, dined at 9.30. To bed at 11. Boy rowing about like a duck in half a boat. Cost 9/6 each our trip to Hadmark. The river is the Raumer. Troldhinder 5053 ft. Romsdalshorn on left. This mountain more dangerous than the Matterhorn.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 13 July Fine but cold. Lin brought me my breakfast, expect to be reported by Mr B! Lovely day fr. morg till night. Steamed fr. Veblungnas early morg, something wrong with engine again off Staatland would never recognize sea or coast as same as last Sunday, so calm today. Anchored at Moldo this side of mountain or rather cliff called the highest in Europe. Read “War & Peace” by Tolstoi. Mr G. read another of R.Kipling’s stories. Dined at ¼ to 9. Wrote to Miss Gill. “Hornellan” name of highest rock in Europe. Monday 14 July Pouring wet night, unable to steam off on ac’t of weather. Wrote all morg. Splitting headache! Mr Goldie went out in dingy, tremendous gale blowing raining hard. Finished “War & Peace” by Tolstoi, prologue best part of it in my opinion. Steam valve been seen to. Mrs. Watney played some time on piano. Lin hard at work on Norwegian boats taking people to church. 8.15 still raining hard as it has done all day. Yacht came in to anchor can’t find out name. Also steamer “Nordfiord”. Heavy squalls of rain all evg. Feel horribly sick & neuralgic, liver & digestion again. Wrote to Mother & Tabs. Pomade divine useful. Mrs. Evans had tremendous fall on upper deck - thought machine gone wrong! 12 o’c night, blowing hard. Tuesday 15 July Steamed off fr. Moldo at ¼ to 9. Blowing & wet still. Rained hard until about 3 o’c. Read words on Wellington by Sir J. Fraser to Lin whilst he worked. Still feel bilious & headachey. Had walk up & down deck with Lin after tea, saw sea urchin Mr G. found. Anchored at a wild little place all rocks round & not a house anywhere near. Mr G. & Lin went ashore, only rocks & a single bird to be seen, a curlew. Passed Yacht “Semiramis” & another belong to Lord Dusie(?) named “Monarch” 367 tons. Saluted & enquired for name of our Yacht. Mrs. W. & Miss C. arranged book case. Miss C. thinks we must have passed thro’ tail of a cyclone. The Yacht shook again & it rained in torrents. Steam fr. here tomorrow at 8.30 for Bergen. 8 o’c anchored in a little inland lake called Knapsvaag. Wild rocky place no house in sight. Mr G. & Lin went ashore after dinner in dingy. Wednesday 16 July 8.30. Steamed away fr. Knapsvaag. Fine day, showery later, still cold. Mr Barker entering diary fr. Miss C’s which is most accurate. Reached Bergen 2 o’c. Man o’ war “Jagel(?)” one of Germen Em’s torpedo catchers in harbour. Lin taking photo of it. 3 o’c. Pouring with rain in torrents. Dingy ordered for 3.30! W’s doubtful A1. Think its cold & damp can’t stand cold, solved kidneys again wrong. 8.30. Fine, been ashore, Lin & self walked about alone did shop’g saw lovely old silver mugs one £22, snuff boxes etc & silver loving cups belonging to the Laps. Bought knife, wooden sabots, blotter & bowl cost 10 krones, things all dear. Photos. Emperor Germany left 2 days ago, just missed him. Bought papers. “Orelia” (“Aurelia”) scooner yacht belonging to Mr (illeg) no steam power in harbour encountered v. bad weather. Saw old square brass candle sticks in Bergen. Had tea on return, horrid indigestion. Salmon 60 ore a pound here. German liner has pennant flying, two red & green cones on rigging don’t understand what for, Cap’t called it “some of their tomfoolery”! Thursday 17 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Seton at home 4 - 7. Weighed anchor at 8.30, going on without pilot up Hardanger Fiord lovely warm sunny day. Passed “Orelia” tacking towards Hardanger v. slowly. “Jagel(?)” steamed off before us at 4.30. Saw small whale 3 times. Scenery wider & more extensive, snow top’d mountain & glacier beautiful. Reached H. Fiord at 1.30. Exquisite views of waterfall glacier etc in Manranger Fiord. Mr G. & Admiral went ashore to see c’d buy salmon fr. man fishing, no! Back again to (blank) where anchored for night. Had tea on up. deck, discovered nail marks on deck! mine & Miss C’s. Reached lovely little place Lervik & anchored night there. Mr G. & Admiral & Lin ashore. Wonderful blue peacock coloured fish Cap’ called “crab fish”. Lin photod it. Miss C. talked to the children, asked name of fish “Johanes Fisker” old man’s name Johanes. Friday 18 July Fine day. Weighed anchor about 9 o’c fr. Lerwik. Saw the Folgefond lovely snow mountain. Steamed all day, had tea on upper deck. Folgefond 26 miles long largest seen yet & largest for Norway. Fine sunset. Wind blowing in cabin v. hard at night. Big square sail & two others up. Saw Jupiter, south, Arcturus, north, at midnight. Saturday 19 July Mrs. Richmond 4 - 7. Rolled a good deal during night, early morg. engines stopped twice. Grunted v. much could not sleep in consequence. Got in early to breakfast after struggle to dress. Stayed in deck house till 11 then below & collapsed for rest of day utterly & entirely. Rolled immensely. Sea heaviest Cap’ has had with Palatine. 4 sailors 2 engineers & Mr G. ill. Lin worked all day. Sunday 20 July Hveen(?) island sighted on right 10.30 where Tycho Brahe made wonderful observations (1601) in astronomy. Pass Elsinore (Hamlet) about 12. Up to breakfast feel better tho’ shaky. Kronberg Castle. About 9 o’c Helsigor(?) sighted. Kronberg Castle. Copenhagen in sight about 1 o’c. Flat looking coast after beautiful Norway. Picturesque fortifications entering Harbour Copenhagen. Lunched & all went ashore. Took carriage to Hotel Angleterre, after drove about town to Post. Letters fr. Miss G, M & Roy & Tabby. Dined at 7 Hotel A. Most excellent dinner & service, after took Hotel carriage to Tivoli!!! Classical entrance to wild dissipation in the way of little theatres, music, merry-go-rounds, ships tossing & a wild switch back in which 8 persons can sit which is turned round gently at first, then violently, & goes off twirling round down incline & back again – all (illeg). Then 6 large baloons with cars for 4 into which Mr G, Admiral, Lin & Miss C. got & were carried off. Cried with laughing. Back to yacht rough & dark, glad to be on it. Copenhagen delightful mixture of dutch & french, fine wide boulevards & buildings, excellent shops, all basements utilised, principally by confectioners, fruiterers butter & (illeg). Good glove & china shop. Left Miss C. at church & took drive to Fredericksburg Park, delightful sort of Bois de Boulogne, quantities of roses. Crowds of bourgeois people, no poor, no smart people. Courteous & well mannered but distinctly not a handsome race, altho’ better than Norwegians. Officers’ uniforms attractive, had 2 tags behind, pretty blue with white facings. Happy people who seem to understand the best way to enjoy themselves. Monday 21 July Lovely warm morg. Miss C, Mr B. & Goldie went ashore at 7.30, for Miss C. church, rest shop’g. Had nice quiet morg. in bed till 9. Lin brought breakfast. Mrs. W. lunched with Admiral on Yacht. Mr G, Ad, Lin & self ashore at ¼ to 12. Went to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Kronenberg Palace most interesting collections (illeg illeg) Gobelin tapestry, exquisite old silver, empire candlesticks, exquisite Venetian glass, quantities of carved ivory, some done by Queen. Saw cabinet in which was her machine for working it. One King had 90 rings, jewels in abundance. Huge silver warmers. Silver chair ditto silver (illeg) with round tops which were filled with boiling water to warm the hands. Old costumes. 3 huge silver Lions in council chamber, old enamels wonderful, quantities of amber carved etc etc. Gentleman took us round, joke about ivory ship(?) Lin was impressed with. Lunched at Hotel Angleterre. Hurried by Admiral who arrived with Mrs. W. in middle of it. Chicken size of small sparrow. On to Post & for lovely drive in country, to Park. Coffee & strawberries at (blank). Dined together in little room overlooking Tivoli Gds. Shakespear waiter, not contented, good dinner & wine. Saw ridiculous little peacock play after! Too late to dissipate further, back to Yacht. Lin v. quiet & looking livery, & is! Tuesday 22 July Weighed anchor fr. Copenhagen at 4.30 morg. Awoke at 7 o’c to find us rolling about considerably. Rested in bed after 2 unsuccessful attempts at dressing. Got up at 11.20 & knocked myself about dressing, everything flying about cabin as if it were alive. Felt all right when up for wonder. Squally morg. Stop’d engines about 11.30 & set sails. Prefer movement to engine. Made good lunch. Mrs. W. came in to lunch, read papers, old, beginning to get accustomed to anno domino news! & am grateful. Walked after tea under difficulties. Watched high seas & sunset both fascinating. Saw (blank). Table at meals trying under chin or at one’s feet! Engines or no engines consultations between Mr G. & Mrs. W. Game of Go bang, Mrs. W, Miss C, Mr G. & Admiral. Lin very sleepy. Rough all day, to bed 11 o’c. Bornholm Island sighted about six o’c. (menu glued in:) Soup. Turbot. Roast mutton, tomato salad. Pigeons, salad. Rhubarb tart, cream. Soft herring roes. Parmesan toast. Wednesday 23 July Sailed until 8 o’clock this morg, engines grunted a good deal at first. Up to breakfast. Calm lovely morg. Sighted Oland & islands. Mr G. read us 3 plain tale stories after lunch. 2 water spouts!! Lin photod. Lovely banks of silver clouds all round. About 5 sudden change, dark cloud & strong wind & heavy rain & cold, only lasted about 15 minutes. Had tea in deck house. Had to take whole (illeg) with no results. Lovely after 6 o’c. Tout bien, 3 visites. Lovely sunset, watched it before & after dinnner till 11 when we went to bed. Mr G, Admiral & Cap’t had hair cut in stern. Mrs. W. walked up & down with me & discussed our return home. Anxious on ac’t of children. Thursday 24 July Lovely day, warm & sunny. Just entering Stockholm at 10, passing number of islands with charming houses & thickly wooded. Anchored at about 10.30. Went ashore at 12 o’c, bright city with beautiful large square block of buildings. Royal Palace standing out prominently, like Petit (sic) Palace Florence. Took carriage fr. Grand H. & drove to Palace, 2 men taking us thro’ separate suite of ap’ts distinguished only for bad taste. Carpets hangings etc atrocious. Fr. there walked to Biddarholm Kyrka where the tombs & shields of the Kings of Sweden are. Also all the colours drums etc taken during the 30 years war, Gustavus Adolphus, Charles the 13th, 14th (Bernadotte) & endless others. Candles on one of tombs, 4, & underground tunnel place where about 7 to 10 coffins were laid. Lunched at “Rydberg” Restaurant. Mrs. W. v. seedy & upset. Luncheon bad, dear, service tortoise like. Walked some distance thro’ street high & narrow for ring tram. Got


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 in & went to green square facing R. Palace. Rested & went on in trams to Dyurgard a charming restaurant garden with 2 theatres & band. Had coffee here excellent tho’ dear. Returned to Yacht tired at 7.30 after which Mr Goldie left. Mr B. & Lin going to Station with him. Found their train went some hours earlier, had to go another route. Stockholm looking charming by grey evg. light & lamps, electric light like diamonds along the water’s edge. Saw several fish here. Old hulk anchored near us, been run into by English Steamer, fore part carried away. Received several letters fr. home heard of Judy’s husband’s death, terrible. 3 letters fr. Maud & one fr. Roy. Friday 25 July 10 o’c morg, dull, colder, has rained. Lin gone ashore to sketch arbour. Salvation Army Yacht next us just anchoring 3 flags. Men with red collars & yellow braid round!!! Wrote Maud & Miss G. 2.25. Just returned fr. National Museum for lunch. Most interesting collect. of flint instuments, Iron, Bronze periods. Bronze p. ceased 1500 yrs B.C. Only able to do one floor. Old silver Scandinavian instruments. Back to lunch. Ashore 4 o’c. Smart carriage met us at Bridge, drove thro’ Park to see King Oscar’s country Palace. Royal lodge chimneys! Water butts for draining water fr. house, grounds untidy. Lovely drive further to “Ulriksdal” reminds one a little of Versailles. Custodian took us over. Lovely old leather Spanish, & well proportioned room, carved oak furniture. Wash stand in pewter & jug of leather belonging to Charles the 12 th. Room painted by Charles 15th, unable to sleep after 4 morning, so painted his wife’s boudoir. Old glass of 15 th & 16th centuries. Were presented with little bouquets by gardener! & on to tea at a quaint little coffee house. Girl like Mrs. W. Marshall. Back to time on Yacht. After dinner Lin & self went ashore to Gds, Hasselbacken, heard good band. V. few people there, polite waiter. Waiter took us in dingy. V. tired. American paper! Mr Barker v. poorly. Saturday 26 July Mrs. Richmond 4 - 7. Most lovely morg. sun & warmer. Feel v. tired. Lin ashore all morg. Miss C. to church before breakfast. Lin to shore, back at 12 o’c, when we all went to National Museum. Saw pictures, Kronberg’s David & Solomon, Boucher’s pastoral & girl scenes. Statue by Mölen Mr Lewis also has of two men wrestling & strap’d together old Scandinavian way! Beautiful copies of Milo Venus, Ap. Belvedere & Hermes etc. Lovely old furniture & curios, Egyptian etc. Returned to lunch here. Left at 4 o’c for shore. Carriage met us at bridge, drove to Brittaholm took steamer to Drottingholm, saw over lovely old Palace with grand pic. Salle of Crowned Heads of Europe. Furniture, yellow room etc & back by boat, carriage met us, drove to Elevator, saw view of Stockholm fr. height, dined on Yacht. Embruillage encore sur santé! Fâché. Lin ashore after dinner. Big fête day here. Mr Barker much better. Mrs. Watney suffering fr. rheumatism. Sunday 27 July Lovely morg. W’d have given a good deal to have rested in bed till 12 o’c. Feel seedy generally, not p’d visit since Thursday & Friday. Lin went ashore & walked to Belmond’s statue. Crowds of holiday people going with their dinners into wood. Salvation Army Yacht v. busy all morg. people singing on the deck. Read “Daisy Miller” H. James & finished it. Quaint bright little story. Mrs. Watney v. poorly, only appeared at luncheon for few seconds, had bad night, bother about cook. Passed imperial Yacht. Mr Barker fortunately better, went on a v. scrubby tug alone. Mr B, Lin, Miss C. & self to Gustavsborg. Flags all round us above, there & back about 2½ hours. V. pretty scenery rocks trees & pretty villas all gay with people taking coffee out of doors most cheerful & exhilarating. 6.30. Mrs. W.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 still v. ill in great pain. Dull after luncheon but fine evg. Mr B. looks worried. Mrs. W. at dinner. Monday 28 July Lovely morg, warmer much. Mrs. W. better. Went ashore with Mr B, Lin & Miss C. at 10.30. Mr B. left us for shop’g. Lin, Miss C. & self took tram & went to Northern Museum, like a bazaar with wax work figures & Northern scenes on one side, some old silver, brass boxes like mine, copper & brass tobacco boxes. V. original & sensible. Carved stick almanac, carved plain & coloured beating sticks for laundresses. Costumes v. pretty large white caps red dress & skirt pretty shoes. Old flint instruments, fish hooks made fr. animals’ bones, spinning wheels etc. Fr. there to Observatory. After some waiting gentleman took us over telescope 1862 date, old fashioned. Not sufficient grant for science in Norway & Sweden. Took tram to Rydsberg H. had lunch. Saw ac’t in German paper of 20 th inst. of Mr Gladstone opposing the Government with regard to Heligoland on the ground of its being unconstitutional without appealing the country. Went thro’ another wing of Palace 600 ft. long most uninteresting & to buy photos & gloves 2 prs at 7K 50 each, awful! Miss C. here joined Mrs. W’s carriage. Swede girl with her. Mr B, Lin & self took tram to Hasselbacken & had coffee delicious 95 - 05, 2 lots & 3 cakes. Heard band play charming waltz recollection fr. Huguenots & Faust. Bought cherries & home. Mrs. W. much better but to bed early. Lovely evg, threatened storm passed over. Lin & self ferried across to Island for 2 ore each. Tuesday 29 July Lovely morg, glass going down! 10 o’c Mr B. & Lin gone ashore shop’g. Had nice little fish between herring & sardine for breakfast excellent Swedish fish. Weighed anchor at Stockholm 12 o’c. Mrs. W, Miss C, Admiral & self on upper deck scenery v. charming little villas & delightful country houses. Passed strong fortification Vasholm. Mrs. W. v. seedy all day, feel worried & seedy self sure to be ill - was. V. calm till we reached Sando where pilot left us. A dream of a place, so lovely in its situation & colouring & the rocks so close that it looked impossible for Palatine to pass thro’. We had to lessen our pace considerably to do so. After passing thro’ & leaving pilot the clouds became overcast & wind rose & white breakers appeared & we rolled considerably. Miss C. sat with Mrs. W. & read about St. P. until it rained. Mrs. W. much upset, nerves. I dressed for dinner but was unable to go in so went to bed. Mrs. W. & Admiral had v. bad night. Wednesday 30 July Pay £12 last inst. on 3 newly allotted shrs of £10 each in B.A. & Rosario Rly. 12 o’c AM. Just up feel shaky heard Mr B. about at night. Steaming in Gulf of Finland fairly calm lovely day & warm. Sat on deck till luncheon. After lunch sat on deck with Miss C. after constitutional with her. Lin working at Midnight Sun! Mrs. W. in her cabin all day, did not appear once. Quiet peaceful day nothing particular happened. Sailed greater part of day & night. Thursday 31 July Dear Roy returns fr. school. 10 AM. Had grand night. Land on other side. Dull heavy morg. Land low & uninteresting so far. Expect to reach Kronstadt about 12 o’c. Passed K, wonderfully strongly fortified place, about 12 o’c. 3 guns startled us by being sent at a target just after we passed. Lin vainly tried to get photo. Russian pilot with us at (blank) o’c. Two more steamers one Scotch seemed to be running across our course, had to slacken pace, came v. close & then went off, suppose curiosity brought them so near us. 4 o’c PM. Just anchoring off St Nicolas Bridge, St Petersburg. Wonderful the number of exquisitely gilded domes &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 cupolas, St Isaacs on our right. Time here 2 hours (illeg) in advance of English time. Mrs. W. little better, not up. Mr B. terribly worried about her. Rained for 30 mins. Russian custom H. officers on board. Went ashore after tea. Post not open. Fine large leafy streets & magnificent buildings. Russians quite different to any people have yet seen. Slav or Tartars most stern looking big & v. broad. Droskis strange little Victoria without backs for 2 persons, harness strange, drivers costume strange, hat which seems to bury their heads. Coats all blue & v. long & v. full like my blue dressing gown, tied in at waist with leather belt. Got 2 (illeg illeg) at Apothecaries, only gave 8 roubles for a sovereign (illeg). Grand Dk. Alexander’s yacht “Lady (blank)” 623 tons schooner anchored on our right. Small yacht was “Iris” English (illeg) yacht now owned by a Russian on our left. Mrs. W. v. seedy still. To bed at 10 o’c. Were much struck with great beauty of St Isaac’s Cathedral, closed so c’d not go in. Aug 1890 Friday 1 August Roy goes to Christchurch tomorrow. Most divine morg. 10 o’c Admiral & Lin gone ashore to get permits, money changed & letters. X. Petit ami au matin. Rested morg. Lin & Admiral ashore. Ad. back to lunch. Lin lunched with Consul at Hotel de France. Came back at 2.45 with Mr J. Badderly friend of Ad’s. Went ashore, met by Negro guide. Took 2 droskis & drove to St Isaacs Cathedral. Grand & magnificent columns of Malachite & Lapis Lazuli 3¼ millions cost. Bronze gates. Silver sarcophagus. Exquisite jewels gilded cupolas & capital & base of columns. Mosaic heroic pictures of our Lord or saint jeweled. Nagar (our Lady of). Cathedral v. exquisite, entrance like St Peters Rome. Keep of (illeg) Fortress. Stool here valued at £15,000 jewels so beautiful. V. devout people men & women prostrate themselves many times before the pictures of our Lord & Virgin, always kissing the image before leaving. Jasper steps to altar. Fr. here to Guards Cathedral built in home of Emp. Paul assassinated. Here uniform in glass cases of Emp. Paul his (illeg) Nicholas I & Alexander II with the sword he wore when killed blood still on it. Colours here of Turks & Swedes taken by Russians. The inside most richly gilded 2 stones (holy Siberian) set in cases silver sarcophagus (shields with keys & guns). Railing round formed by 3 Turkish canons at intervals (sketch) with chains fr. each & double eagle on the centre one with spread wings. From here to St Catherine Canal to where Alex II was assassinated. Sun flowers. Church being erected on the right. Back to Yacht, met Ad. & Mr Badderley. Quiet evg & dinner. Mrs. W. little better. Saturday 2 August Dear Roy goes to Capisthorn. 10 o’c. Lin just been to say Police orders come to have the Palatine dressed with flags, Emp. Russia going to pass. Men scrambling away & clearing now. 12.15. Emperor passing. Gun going every few moments fr. Dutch Steamers & Man of War. Returned. Passed on starboard side so c’d not see. After lunch Lin & Miss C. to post, chemist & monasteries some distance off. 7 churches there richly endowed. Had 2 droskys & Blacky. Went to Hotel de France after for coffee & change money. Lin went into St Isaacs for service, most wonderful singing, boys & mens voices, no instrumental music. All standing at a certain point in service, golden gates thrown open disclosing altar. Lin & Miss C. also went before lunch to School of Art. Copies of sculpture. Lin went early to Museum of Military Equipment inside St Peter & Paul Fortress. Most interesting but he was 2 hours before he c’d get out & had great trouble 3 policemen bothered him. Had 2 droskys for 3 hours afternoon & Blacky. Mr Forbes English priest called at luncheon time. I remained on Yacht all day, impossible to get to Co. Finished reading Schultz Wilson’s book Elizabeth Stuart Queen of Bohemia


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 dau. of James 1st by sis. of Charles I & mother of Sophia Electress of Hanover. Sophia mother of George I. Ad. did shop’g morg with Blacky. (illeg) 1 rouble, mutton 14 copecks, beef 15 copecks. Sunday 3 August Russian flag (sketch). Russian I. Navy (sketch) with blue cross. Pouring wet morg. Miss C. off notwithstanding to Church 7 o’c. Head aches awfully. Good reason wish we were home.Today called “Harnday” great fête at Peterhof, Empress’ birthday. Great illuminations. Steamers going off cram’d every 5 minutes, Peterhof an hours journey fr. St Petersburg, built by Peter the Great 1720. Portraits of 50 young girls taken in different European costumes by Rotari for Catherine II. All the people starting fr. the quay in front of Gd. duke Paul’s palace. 3 o’c. Lin gone ashore in dingy alone, fine now & sunny. Admiral disappointed. Read all afternoon. Lovely tho’ strong west wind. Steamers still going cram’d dense crowds en queue all along quay. All ships decked out, royal salute at 12 o’c. Maids ashore. Lin returned at 8 o’c. Mr Gladstone still raging at Ld Salisbury’s foreign policy. Fighting in B. Aires, premium on gold 400 odd!!! V. anxious about Midge & Dora. Mrs. Watney better. Monday 4 August Coaling, out all day. Lovely day. Up to 9 o’c breakfast, off at 10 o’c with Lin & Miss C. to Vice Con. Took 2 droskies at 3 copecks each to Hermitage, the beauty of which surpasses anything I have ever seen. The Armoury too beautiful to describe. Saddle cloths in (illeg) exquisitely laced with a design entirely in brilliants, another in blue cloth with red & gold fringe & a lace pattern in huge diamonds, sabre hilt & all to match each with costly brilliants. Cloisonné sabres in precious stones & silver etc. One especially beautiful all platinum & turquoise. Pictures. Raphael’s Madonna & ch, & many more. Titian’s Danaë exquisite & many more rooms of Tenniers, Rubens, Paul Potter, Angelica Kaufmann, Sir R. Reynolds his infant Hercules & several others, Van Dyke, Rembrandt most wonderful collection. Croyd(?). Old Egyptian (illeg). (illeg illeg) perfectly marvelous gold necklaces (illeg) gold laurel wreaths, vases, endless stores of beauty. Lunch at H. de France, met Mr B. & Badderley, (illeg) excellent lunch. Took 2 droskies to Cottage of Peter Great, saw boat & heard service in chapel (Peter’s original bedroom) heard service saw Ikon covered in jewels & on to Cathedral of St Peter & Paul in fortress. White & gold beautiful altar. Wonderful sapphire & diamond star in Ikon ring of Alex II in one. Emperors’ tombs all here in white marble with rich gold corner piece & large gold cross in center, railed in (illeg). Palms & plants, lovely real & imitation wreaths, people pass’g cross themselves prostrate & kiss these. Dined at Hotel, back at Yacht 9.15 v. tired. Tuesday 5 August Maud’s birthday. Up at 11 o’c & went on board Dutch Man of War Koningen Emma von Nerdenland. 2 officers showed us over, knew Van den P(illeg). She weighed anchor at 2 o’c. (illeg) our adieux, going to coal at Kronstadt. “Semiramus”, Lysaght fr. Bristol owner, 272.19 tons anchored near us this morning. Lin ashore to lunch & Mr B, Miss C. & self alone. Most lovely day. Mrs. W. still ill in cabin, Mr B. v. worried. Mrs. W. up & on deck at tea time dined on deck & Mr Badderly late Standard Cores’pt to dinner. Good looking man not particularly distinguished manners. V. (illeg) during dinner. Mr Badderly told us about assas. of Emp Alex II, after 1st shell burst under carriage Emp. got out & facing assassin said “You villain thank God you have failed” where upon another man came forward saying “Is it thank God” threw another shell between Emp & himself both being killed instantly. Classes in Russia v. distinct.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 6 August Lovely day. Lin & Mr B. ashore to Vice Consulate. Mrs. W. on deck at one o’clock. Wrote to Maud, Miss G, enclosing £10 to Miss Bourne. Went ashore at 3 o’c together. Lin lunched ashore. Mr B, Miss C. & self alone. Mrs. W. had her lunch on deck. We 4 went in hired carriage to St Isaacs & Kazan Cathedrals. Lin went up tower of St Isaacs with 2 American girls & their father & drove to Zoo. Not good enough so returned to Hotel de France & had v. expensive Russian tea 2/6 a head, nice little biscuits! Passed Palaces of Grand ducs Constantine, Sergius, Michel & Nicolas. Had guide who spoke indif. German. Dined on deck. Mr B. declared he sh’d go home! Expect we sh’l see England first. Miss C. v. anxious to be home. Lovely cool evg, no wind. Watched huge wooden barges tugged along round stern of Palatine after dinner. Mrs. Watney seems much more herself. Thursday 7 August Lovely day, bright sunny & pleasant breeze. Lin photod. Mr Wishaw’s drosky kept Mr Barker waiting. All went ashore at 12 o’c. Lunched at Hotel de F. Mr Baddely with us. So so luncheon. V. dear everything here. Went to see Hermitage Kertch collection . In carriage with Mrs. Watney thro’ Kertch col. to St Peter & Paul & Peter Great’s little house. To “Drios”(?) see nothing worth buying. Mrs. W. bought fruit etc for tomorrow. Lin & Mr Barker dined with Mr Wishaw on Island Belle Vue Restaurant & went round islands, met Russian Prince who spoke English, “Bellacloski” offered his horse for the big review Saty. Mrs. Watney much better. Friday 8 August Fine morg. Went at 11 o’c with Lin, Cap’t. & Miss C. in launch up river. Took photos of Winter Palace, Caths of St Peter & Paul, St Isaacs, Admiralty etc & statue of Peter Great. Breakfast! Miss C. crushed her finger getting out of launch. Ships decorated again. Wind altered. Mr Wishaw, Mr Forbes, Mr & Mrs. Hubbard & Mr Badderly to lunch. Good luncheon! (Mrs. Hubbard née Miss Longman.) Had coffee on deck. Our party & Mr Badderly went after on steamer to Peterhof. V. uninteresting scenery there 1¼ hrs journey. Took big carriage with wretched pr. horses & drove thro’ grounds to Palace. Gold cupolas & white rooms v. (illeg) one filled with 843 girls heads painted by one artist French. An ivory white room, yellow, blue, green sort of old china colour. Verandas, peasant decorations up everywhere for illuminations. Beautiful fountains like ice & snow combined but generally tawdry effect (illeg). Parks look too tea-gardeny. 2 bands. Dined well! in stuffy saloon on board. Vodka. Lovely sunset & silhouette effect. Home by 10. Mr Badderly came to settle up accounts, leaves tomorrow morg. for the country. Host & hostess en bien accord p. premiere fois depuis (illeg illeg). Emperor fond of fishing with (illeg illeg) at Peterhof. Saturday 9 August Fine morg. Wind NE colder. Mr Wishaw came on board at 9 o’c, Lin not dressed. Bon dejeuner. Bought ticket fr. Prince Bellacloski for all our party for review today. Unfortunately too late, also to ask Lin to ride one of his horses. Good luncheon. Wrote to Tabs, Miss G. & Mrs. S. Mr B. wrote to Ainger about Roy. Posted all at Hotel France. Lin, Miss C. & self went by tram to Winter Palace after luncheon. Huge palacial place. Battle pictures one of Napoleon by H. Vernet. Chap. of Palace, in ikon had the hand (right) of John the Baptist & also hand of St Luke & a piece of the Saviour’s cross. Icon given by Catherine II had 18,000 roubles worth of diamonds round the head. Large picture behind Icon all of descent fr. the Cross by Raphael. Ballroom all white porcelain pillars to hold 8,000 persons. Pic of Alexander II returning (illeg) Pasha’s sword to him after P(illeg). Mr B. & Mrs. W.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 awaiting us in carriage outside drove to Kasmenna(?) Ost, Belle Vue Res. & had coffee. Lovely (illeg). Heard service at St Isaac’s most impressive. Saw a poor man with a little Baby of few weeks in his arms, took it to the Icon of Virgin & child & rested its little mouth against the glass & then made it bend low to the image & altar. Bandy leg’d child, also saw children nibbling end of candles! Sunday 10 August Lovely morg. Went ashore. 11 o’c Mr Wishaw’s carrage at V.Consulate. Drove 15 miles to Mr W’s place thro’ fairly pretty scenery, flat, passed 7 bridges. German colony all walking about without hats or bonnets. Russian village wood huts. Mr W, his cousin & 2 little girls met us on the road. Mrs. W. rather pretty delicate little woman, most kind & gentle. Charming large low long house with pretty grounds on quite a mountain for Russia with winding river below. Any amount of lovely flowers & large oak tree in centre of lawn. No carpets but well washed boards. Large spacious rooms & veranders. Mr W. four little girls, v.fair affec’ate children. Nice German governess, all Russian maids & menservants & appear excellent. Lin photod a soldier & the 2 head gardeners fr. village. Hunting cart 3 horses abreast. Walked after to Count’s house in ruins (illeg illeg) tea rooms. W’s grounds sort of colony of English relations close together. Excellent dinner & glorious golden sunset for drive home. (illeg illeg). Mrs. W. gave me 2 bouquets peas. Mrs. W. not well enough to go ashore all day. Lin terrible (illeg). Lin saw Church yard where old people choose their last resting place, buy a plot of ground, have a seat placed on or near it & take their work & contemplate the future! Excellent arrangement for watch dog able to run full length of yard without getting away. Siberian wild rose sort of large magenta 4 or 5 leafed rose, the berry large & flat. Monday 11 August Another lovely day. Hear fr. Mr B. can’t start till Wed! Consternation all round!!! Mr Wishaw called & took cartridges. Miss C, Lin & self went ashore, took tram to H. F. Read papers affairs better S. America pre. on gold 170. Culman deposed, Peregrini taken his place. On to Hermitage. Lin v. tiresome would not come away. (illeg) by ourselves & he followed, took drosky. Back at Yacht by 2.15, excellent luncheon. Mrs. Watney on deck at luncheon. I breakfasted in bed so tired. Hier soir et ce matin de trop après les fatigues de mer! Wrote Miss Gill. Lin going to play tennis with Mr Wishaw’s cousin in their place at “The Islands”. Sky dull & overcast at 2 o’c for first time almost since we came. Rained after lunch. Under awning with Mrs. W. & had tea there. Lin & Mr Mr B. ashore. Lin off for tennis & enjoyed it notwithstanding rain. Miss C. decided to go!!! Spoke to me & then to Mr Barker. Mrs. W. v. ill new abcess somewhere (illeg). 7.45 pouring with rain. Mrs. W. dined on deck. We all sat with her after dinner. Mr Wishaw of the Islands sent beautiful flowers & peas to Mrs. Watney. Lin enjoyed game immensely. Tuesday 12 August Lovely day. Horribly tormented with fleas all night! Mrs. W. better & in less pain this morg. Miss C. ashore to Vice Consulate at 7 o’c & Church also. Lin remained on deck. Miss C. & self to Museum Carriages. Carriage Em. Alex II was assassinated from. Carriage made by Peter Great. Exquisite coronation carriages gold & red, Cathherine I & II painted by Boucher, Gravelot & Watteau. One carriage inside lined with Saphires & diamonds. Harness & (illeg) Catherine I . Gobelin tapestries. To Davor, bought fruit, photos. Lady Torfrida got up steam for going & ran right into embankment wall, c’d not imagine that had happened. Huge stones torn up & railing round & crowd, figurehead of Lady Torfrida lying broken. Rowed round to see damage, fortunately above water mark. Lying at


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 anchor great commotion on deck, her tug in danger. Mr Wishaw called. Lin & Mr B. went with him ashore took his cartridges & cartridge box. Mrs. W. decided to leave St Petersburg tomorrow at 12, seems v. seedy & depressed. Letter fr. Miss Gill written 5th good accounts of dear Maud but no other news. Do not even know how Roy reached C. Church. Lady Torfrida belongs to Grand D. Alexis brother of Emp. & is Admiral of the Fleet. Cap’t apparently lost his head! Wednesday 13 August Dull wet morg. Wind W. & unfavourable again. Pity not to have taken advantage last 4 days East wind, now wind against us. 10.30. Three Mr Wishaws came on board, took more cartridges. 11 o’c just steaming out of here, sun shining gloriously on the Golden Domes of St Petersburg. Mr W. gave us number of Punch, cartoon & another drawing entirely erased. Weighed anchor 11 o’c without assistance of Tug or Pilot to Cronstadt. 2 fine men war lying off C, one saluted. Mrs. W. & all on deck, beautiful breeze & fine. Reached Cronstadt about 2 after lunch again on deck. Butterfly dragonfly & large bee & numberless flies suddenly flew on deck few moments later the heaviest shower or water spout I ever experienced. Mrs. W. fortunately below. Reading D. Jessop’s book “Mrs. Dunlow or a story half told”. Lovely evening. Found carcases of butterfly & bee walking up & down deck before dinner. Miss C. not well. Had same pilot as before at Kronstadt. Left us at Lundun light ship. Thursday 14 August Glorious day. Sat out all morg. calm as mill pond. Read Mrs. Fawcet & Mrs. A. Dilke’s reply about Woman suffrage. Commenced Hanseatic Towns. Wrote 3 letters on deck under awning & on Miss C’s case! Mrs. Watney v. poorly & in continual pain & discomfort. Came into dinner for first time for long while. Sea v. calm. Roughish night head wind only went 3 knots an hour! Left Gulf of Finland 9 pm. Saw lights. Friday 15 August Lovely day but rolling about all whilst dressing finished me off & felt wretched all day. Sat in deck house until driven to cabin by inward squalls! Had lunch there, after slept hour. Lin working, he been seedy also & afraid has slight cold. Sat on deck with Mrs. W, Miss C. & Mr B. who read acount of Dublin till dinner bell. Discussion as to whether we sh’d anchor off Gothland, decided we sh’d having head wind. So had peaceful dinner & evg. Mrs. W. much better & less pain, so very glad. Only going 9 knots in 2 hours & last night only 6 in same time. Headache all day. Mrs. W. came in to dinner. Man in boat came off to see if we wanted pilot where we were going & where we came from! 8 o’c. Ljugarn anchored here east coast of Gothland for night, delightfully peaceful. One of the little hamlets of Gothland like all Swedish places clean looking. Saturday 16 August 9.50 AM. Just under weigh fr Ljugarn, lovely morg. Strong head wind still blowing S. West. Had comfortable breakfast, really good eggs & excellent tongue. Wind on port beam, set some sail. Feel v. languid & tired. Wind rain & lightening, rough night, made but little headway. 11.30. Got up all my things rolling about, chair over with a bang. Lin disturbed internally. Mrs. W. sat on bridge with Mr B who read to her. Read outside deck house “To call her mine” by W. Besant well written but unpleasant character also “Love & Peril” by Ld Lorne feeble, & piece of Hansa towns. The Baltic was originally the great emporium of herring fishering now none ever come here. Sardines & other fish abound. Went down to dinner felt v. squeamish but did not collapse.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 17 August 11.30. Anchored at Karlskrona, charming Swedish port with wonderfully pretty islands about. Remained in bed to breakfast feeling tired & done up. 1.30 PM. Small launch with brass band playing cheerful air passed escorted by 9 or 10 small white sailing boats looking like butterflies on the greenish blue water. Heavenly day, strong wind SW. Karlskrona principal Naval port of Sweden charming looking town so clean with white houses & their pretty picturesque red tiles & little groups of sailors in white trousers looking v. smart about. Miss C. v. anxious about her Church but we cannot land until Swedish Customs house officer comes to us, this etiquette! Mr Barker puts the percentage of happy marriages at one in 90! Lin had bad fall trying to jump with stool between his feet – stunned him. Pomade divine useful. After tea went ashore, most clean picturesque little town, 3 churches. Funeral. Young sub- lieutenant. Stamps, medicine, little Park. Odd eyed man one blue other ½ blue & dark brown. Belfry built by Charles XI 1664 about. Mr B. & Lin read after dinner “Lady Baby”. Miss C. sore throat. Mrs. W. better. Starry night, fine sunset. Lin v. sleepy. Monday 18 August Tabs birthday. Kerlskroma. 10 o’clock AM. Weighed anchor. 4 Swedish brigs under full sail just off also for few days cruise, v. pretty sight. Our young sub-lieutenant on the 3rd one. As we passed on our course the leading brig saluted, we returned it. Haisey warm morning, wind drop’d. Feel better this morg. Miss C. better also. Not a puff of wind, “Wind bob” hanging limp. Gray haze. Had tea on bridge. Mrs. W. cold in head going round, Lin, Mr B. & Miss C. had it. Mr Barker read after dinner on deck house when we were alarmed by hearing fog horn. Engines slackened & Cap’t voice. Soundings taken, finally stop’d. Anchored at Somyge Point for night & to bed at 12 o’c. Tuesday 19 August Dear Roy’s birthday. Weighed anchor fr. Somyge Point (Swedish coast) 8 o’c. Heavy rain 9.30 to 45 heaviest thunderstorm I ever experienced, lightning v. vivid! Heavy peals thunder & drenching rain. A hawk & 2 small birds in soaking condition! took shelter on Yacht. Lin pinched Mr Barker by lifting side table on which he was sitting! Usual result! Miss C. v. shocked. Margery mending covers in deck house. Passed sailing ship all sails drop’d & Wilson boat. 12 o’c AM. Sighted wreck off entrance to Sound. Tug Skandenavia by side of her. Must be a v. large vessel her 2 masts so wide apart. Green flag on one. Only about 8 feet of her masts visible, sinking, run into in last night’s fog. Hawk & 2 small birds on deck. 3 o’c. Reached Copenhagen. Austrian Squadron 4 iron clads. Yacht “Carmen” belongs to Mr Wood of Portsmouth. Ashore for letters no one disap. Roy home fr. Tabs, only there for a fortnight. Mare ill! Other news good. Saluting! Victoria steamer in harbour again!!!! Lin settled to leave Yacht tomorrow! Mrs. W. v. annoyed & disagreeable about our going. Miss C. going to remain. Packed at once. V. tired. Mrs. W. dignified during dinner. Slept badly. Lin made desperate noise packing. Wednesday 20 August Packed everything. Lin photoing Gig. Mrs. W. most tiresome & interfering with Lin’s things, wish he would not take so many things with him always. Mrs. W. pitched in to me at great length about the trouble Lin gave! True, but cool to tell me! Cap’t taking care of surplus things, many. Mrs. W. ashore with us, bother her. V. hot. Great bother about L’s plates at Wilson’s agents, Mr B. says Lin absolutely reckless of expense! Wish he was more careful but he never will be. Waited in


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 carriage for him with Mrs. W & Miss C, latter so kind & sympathetic. Said goodbye at Hotel Angleterre where we had lunch & dinner, both good. Charming yachting trip spolt by fuss & worry over trifles! Bought few little things, saw flower & fruit market. Tasted absinthe. Ball given honour of 4 Austrian Men of War at Hotel. Saw Ballroom, 2 bouquets, one pink & white Danish, one red white & green Austrian, ribs to match. 8 o’c took train to Karsor. 10.30 Karsor. Hurried off on to steamer. Charming clean bright, tasty supper laid out saloon. Lay down in saloon, flea! Pretty girl (Dane) & plain young man, each eat enormous supper. Reached Kiel 4.30 Thursday morning, no bother with luggage. Thursday 21 August Kiel 4.30 AM. Took train after exam. luggage to Altona 6.15 AM. 8.11. Reached Hamburg. Difference of opinion as to which Sta. to go to Flushing fr! Swedish gent. assisted us. Had coffee, bad. 9.40 started fr. same sta. for Bremen. Swede in same carriage & American. He turned out to be a cousin of Nordenfeldts, has an estate 30 fr. Stokholm. Keeps 4 Elks for hunting, close time for Elk hunting except one month in year fr. 14 Sep to 15 Oct. Can tell Elks age by number of its horns. When 3 years old it has one horn & another each year until they have 5 or 6. Best age for eating 3 to 4 years. Members of the Lords House in Sweden are elected for 9 years, they can resign during that time. Commoners elected for 3 yrs only, they cannot resign. Slow tedious journey. Reached Flushing at 10 o’c. Great rush of people on enormous but horrid steamer. Had to sleep in a sort of Kennel with 4 berths below. Gent. with pretty wife been in Norway on “Brittania” her engines too strong for her strains her at every point. No money. Lin offered to lend him some. Friday 22 August Most uncomfortable journey fr. Flushing to Queensboro’. Reached Queensboro’ at 7 o’clock, lovely bright bracing morg. Victoria 8 o’c. No trouble with luggage at custom house. Reached home 8.35. Delighted to see dear chicks. Maud looking sweet & fatter than when we left home. Roy thin & has a nasty loose cough. Had breakfast & lay down for hour, house looking v. nice & clean. Poor Lady Boehm died at 6 o’c this morg. Con, Eff & Eddie there, Floss not arrived fr. her wedding tour in Ireland. Called at 3.30 on Eff, poor girl v. upset can scarcely believe it yet. Saw Fanny B. at Mr Coglan’s, Mr C. between life & death too, his sister taken possession of house to F’s annoyance. Went to Mother with Maud & stayed till 7 o’c, looking v. v. seedy, excema again! F.W. there & Mervyn. Mr Burnand dined here at 8.30, v. bright & lively. Laurence told me she was going to be married 20 th Sep!!! Must now really see for someone. Letters fr. Tabby. Saturday 23 August Pouring wet morg. 11 o’c Con arrived to arrange about dear lady Boehm’s funeral at Dorking for next Wednesday. 3 o’c this morg. went down to drawing room found Lin fast asleep as usual in chair, room suffocating with heat of lamps & smell of smoke. Mr Burnand left at 12 o’c. Lin & Roy out to lunch. Maud & Miss G. met them at Savoy & saw “Gondoliers”. I went to Mother at 4 o’c stayed till 6 o’c. Fanny Barker to dinner. Mr Coglan worse. Lin had Turkish bath. Embarras de richesse in fruit. F. Barker had skittish horse in cab! Sunday 24 August M, R. & self to St. Mathias, rained had to take cab. M’s pretty new dress spot’d by rain. Lin riding Marquis. Mervyn & Florence in after tea. Find Roy much spoilt & inclined to be very rude in speaking, hope he will alter as I do not like it. Poured greater part of afternoon.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 25 August Fine morg for wonder. To stores with Maud. Bought R. 4 prs stockings 10/-, 6 collars 3/-, brush & comb 5/9, gloves 5/6, wreath 5/6. Lin & Roy to stores after lunch. Called at Mother’s morg. Out. Miss G. had tea with me, Maud with Mother. F.W. brought her back at 6.30. Tuesday 26 August Fine morg. Went with Roy to see Mother. Bought hat band 1/6½, braid 1½, flowers 6d, bus 2d. Lin & children out after lunch. Roy v. naughty & rude felt quite unhappy about him. Minnie came & seems pleased to come, v. glad, much nicer than a stranger. Coming on 16th Sep’t. Wet again & dull. Two brace of grouse fr. Vernon Watney. Wednesday 27 August In bed to breakfast. X. little friend due next Saty. Nana & James Matheson to tea. V. pretty boy with a sweet voice. Canon Bourne sent us 2 brace of grouse fr. Sutherland. Lin off early to Lady Boehm’s funeral. Punch dinner after. Thursday 28 August Lovely morg. Miss G, M. & Roy to Lamb’s to have Roy fitted with his new suit. Roy going with Jolly after lunch to Oval to see Cricket match, returned at 7 o’c. Sent Mother grouse, she sent me back a duck. Little gold fish arrived fr. B. Cole’s. Cocky’s little birds hatched! Lin did drawing & we dined late. Laurence went out for me. Friday 29 August Fine day. Tassel brought 2 bunches of grapes. Had duck for lunch. Carriage at 3 o’c. Called with Maud on Miss Clerke 68 Redcliffe Sqr, dear old things all. Round Park & called on Mother. Mervyn & F.W. there, going to Buxton tomorrow. Quiet evg. Lin called on & saw Mr & Mrs. Abbey, seem v. happy. Want place in country for about £150 a year. Roy & Miss G. out for walk. Miss C. had received wire fr. Mrs. Watney, home. Saturday 30 August Fine morg. Lin goes by night mail to Tressady, Sutherland. Miss G. taken Roy to Dr. Orton’s. Went thro’ silver with Laurence, glass & china. Find all quite correct & in order. Miss Gill & M. to stores. Mother & F.W. go to Buxton. Mother sent Laurence a pretty pepper glass & silver for wedding present. Miss G. spent at stores £1.12.9 for Lin & children. Lin took Roy to rink came back v. hot. Mervyn to dinner. Lin started for Scotland at 8 o’c. Books £11.13.0. Miss Gill £11.5.0. Jane £ (blank). Sunday 31 August Fine morg. All to Church. Pretty girl with her husband & little boy in front. Left cheque at B. Cole’s £1.5.0. Con came in to tea, stayed till 7. Packed. Quiet day. Sep 1890 Monday 1 September Go to Tabs D.V. with Maud. Paid up books £11.8.9. Emma gone home for week. Laurence went up with us to Waterloo, no inconvenience. V. nice thro’ carriage 2nd class reserved. Roy knocked my eye at Brockhurst, nearly stunned me, awfully painful after. Carriage & cart met us. Found Tabs & all looking wonderfully well. Took walk along coast before dinner. Eye perfect sight!. Two letters fr. Jess.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Accounts of revolution v. bad. Letter fr. F.W. Mother already better at Buxton. Miss G. v. kind in packing Roy’s & M’s boxes & seeing after their things being mended etc. Tuesday 2 September XX. Commenced taking arcenic de fer, 3 a day. Black eye! Sat out morg. whilst Tabs, Roy, E. & Gwen bathed. After watched Ham’s little sailing boat “Water Baby” race, came in good second, coast guardsman v. enthusiastic! After lunch Maud Evelyn & self in cart to C. C. bought Evelyn spade. M’s bathing gown. Gwen rode. Met Mrs. Rhodes & girls. Long walk with Tabs. Mrs. Wetherall called. Tabs sang after dinner. Letter fr. Lin, party of 8 at Tressady. Wednesday 3 September Fine morg. Went with all to sands Maud bathed with rest. H. out all day after breakfast. Gwen rode. Read Four Georges by H. Justin McCarthy. Letter fr. Lin. Mr Watney v. kindly wished to have Roy up at Tressady. D.V. he may go with Lin another year. Jackdaw! Shawl & letter fr. Mrs. S. Thursday 4 September On sands all morg. Two letters fr. Lin. Vernon’s best dog shot by friend accidentally. Vernon v. kindly asked Lin to send for Roy. Out after lunch in “Water Baby” in a boat to C. C. Had tea there bought Roy bathing shoes. Maud bathed. Letters fr. Sophy asking us to stay there, & fr. poor Judy. Lovely & hot. Friday 5 September Lovely day. On sands all morg. whilst rest bathed. Drove to Bunnie(?) Chine beyond High Cliff Lady Waterford’s place (Louisa) with Tabs & Maud in cart. Letters fr. Miss Harcourt, 2 fr. Lin & Con. Roy out in duck punt after lunch with Ham. Very warm all day. Saturday 6 September Lovely day. Bathed morg. except self. After lunch went in to C. C. in “Water Baby” with H, Roy & Evelyn & enjoyed it. Had tea at C. C. bought net for Eve 1/8. H. & Tabs dined at the Wetheralls, Cap’t W. in Life Guards. Roy & Maud dined with me. Letter fr. Lin. Sunday 7 September Lovely day. Letters fr. Mrs Watney fr. Palatine off Ryde. Aunt (illeg). M. & self to Church with H, T. & G. Good sermon on Obedience & gratitude. Tabs & self remained to Com. After lunch Roy & self for long walk after spiders & blackberries, no end of questions. Roy off again after tea with H & dogs for walk. Wrote to Mrs. Watney, Lin, & Auntie Anna. Roy & H. for walk till dinner time. Monday 8 September 2 letters fr. Lin. Counted washing & off with H. in high dog cart to Bournemouth “Slap Bang”. Tabs & Eve came on in dog cart to be photod. Met them there had ginger beer & 2 cakes. H. had interview with Mr Stone about S. Y. Scarf 206 tons lying at Mr Allen’s yard “Poole”. Drove on with H. to Poole to see her. Had sandwiches at Antelope Hotel, put up cart & rowed across to see her & nearly all over her seems to be well built well found & good sound craft all round. Allen astonished at price Mr Stone willing to take for her. H. will overhaul her, & we had tea at Hotel. Drove to Mr Stone’s, long interview & H. decided to buy her at £319! V. late getting home dark & no lights. Enjoyed day v. much, H. vy.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 companionable. Tabs & Maud anxious about our being late. Forgot to take my letters to post. Tuesday 9 September Lovely day. Wrote letters all morg & read at Gate. Miss Elphinstone passed! Ham & Roy off to Poole for day about yacht £319, cost £1000. After lunch Tabs & self in dog cart off to Mrs. Sage garden party pretty place. Met Mr & Mrs. Bush & niece there. Mrs. B. Mrs. Kemp Willet’s sister. Mr & Miss Nugent etc. H. & Roy home by 7.30. Letters fr. Lin, Mr Burnand ill. Lin returns Thursday. Letter fr. Mother wanting me to go to her. Wednesday 10 September Lovely morg. Music & letter fr. Miss G. Out all morg bathing & reading. Ham off before our breakfast about yacht. Bought it (illeg) & being fitted for cruise! Tabs & self paid calls on Mrs. Wetherby, Mrs. Stuart & Mrs. Rider. Walked after to get flowers, v. tired. Letter fr. Lin. Thursday 11 September Lovely day. Tabs off to Winchester early. Bathed with children in her dress morg. & enjoyed it. Roy up at 5 o’c & to fish with Tutor Ward & Coates & again with H. & Coates fr. 11.30 till 3.30. About 8 fish morg. & mid day. After lunch Maud & self went to C. C. to tea in Water Baby with Hamilton. New cushions. Stuck on mud! Mr Harding arrived, v. like Mr Molesworth in manner more learned & has had his books published. Letter & wire fr. Lin. Letters fr. Sp. & Miss Harcourt. Lin wired telling me to wire, no means of doing so. Friday 12 September Tabs went to London & returned same night. Mr H. & Hamilton at Elmshurst all morg & to garden party after lunch. Gwen’s birthday, had tea in garden. Played tennis Roy & Maud. Wire fr. Lin at Tressady. Wired back. Bathed with chicks morg. Practiced. Saturday 13 September Lovely day. Bathed with Tabs & chicks. X. M. seedy. Letter fr. Emma. Laurence wants to stay a week longer. Wrote to say she could do so. Wrote Minnie also. Wire & letter fr. Lin, going to leave Tressady Monday & hopes to be here Tuesday evg. Mr H. dined at Lady Waterford’s. Sunday 14 September Wrote Lin. Letter fr. Mrs. Sambourne. All to Church morg. Met Mrs. Maberley & Cap’t & Mrs. Wetherall. Walked after lunch with Roy, Gwen & Eve for spiders & blk berries, home to tea. All went for long walk after tea. Monday 15 September Lovely morg. Letter fr. Lin written Friday. Mr H. & H. off for sail to C. C. Tabs, chicks & self bathed, v. rough. Roy knocked down by waves & self too. Jackdaw cage!!! Slap Bang & brown horse Spick tried in harness. Letter fr. Effie. Tabs, Maud & self drove to Bournemouth, had coffee there. Found telegram fr. Mother on return. Mervyn very poorly wants me to go to her. Tuesday 16 September Lovely day. 2 letters fr. Lin. Bathed morg. & talked after to Mrs. Wetherall. H. & Mr Harding out all day at Poole & Bournemouth, yacht in water. Roy, Gwen & self out fishing all afternoon caught 9. Mrs. Reeve called wants us to go to tea there


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 tomorrow. Lin arrived by 2.25 fr. Waterloo, Mr Warren architect later, ridiculously like Will Oakes. Lin looks pretty well but has slight cold. Letter fr. Minnie. Wednesday 17 September Lovely day. Lin playing tennis with Roy. Cap’t & Mrs. Wetherall coming to dinner. Letter fr. Con. Bathed morg. Mr Warren remained on for night. Called with Tabs on Mrs. Reeves who asked me to call on her at Lancaster Gate in Nov. if we are in London. Wire fr. Mother saying she & Mervyn returning home tomorrow fr. Buxton. Roy & Lin bathed before breakfast. Thursday 18 September Rained early. Lin & Mr Warren went to town by 1 st train. Mr Harding by the 11.17. Tabbie to luncheon with Cap’t & Mrs. Wetherall. H. shooting with Cap’t W. V. kindly asked me but rather too tiring so preferred lunching at Capisthorn. Bathed morg. Roy off trawling with Coates. I walked with Tabs to Bure Hommage(?) Ricardo’s place. Letter fr. Mrs. S. Maud bathed with me. Played tennis with Roy all afternoon. Friday 19 September H. left before our breakfast for 2 days shooting at Brookwood. Tabs & self Maud & chicks for long drive after lunch. Roy out playing cricket. Bathed morg. not Tabs, & walked to end of Cliff. Saturday 20 September Left Capisthorn by 1.35 train. Very high tide, went to see it at Elmhurst. Comfortable journey up. Lin met us at Waterloo fearfully crowded. House looking nice. Roy came on with boxes in cab, M. & self in carriage. Lin to Turkish Bath. Hamilton not returned fr. Brookwood when we left. Sunday 21 September Rained early fine later. M, R. & self started for Church at 20 to 11, took om to Mother’s, found her with Mervyn both looking well. Had arrived fr. Buxton last evg. Saw us at Waterloo, too far off to call. Stayed until ¼ to one o’c. Lin took Roy for long walk after lunch. Mervyn came to dinner. Jane out, poor dinner. Monday 22 September X. Petit ami. Dear Roy returns to School by Granville. Went out by himself at 10 o’c morg. & never appeared again until 4 o’c! Maud & self went to Vic calling first at Mother’s. No Roy, met Lin at V. Sta. v. angry. Lin took Roy by 5.15 great rush. Mother sent round to hear particulars sh’d feel v. anxious till we hear. Lin had wire about work for (illeg). Dinner at French Ex. given by Mons. Ayala. X, petit ami, unable to go. Laurence left at 8 o’c. Spoke v. nicely about little things done for her. Lin & self gave her a sovereign each. Worked well till the last! X. Minnie arrived just before Laurence left. Seems strangely quiet without Roy. Tuesday 23 September Dear Mother called early bringing wire fr. Tassel. Had met Roy last evg. at Margate, was all right. Sp. came in, jumpy. All O’s going to Scotland tonight till Dec. Mervyn & F.W. came. Edgar & Annie been to Mother’s & Con who had fetched his chicks fr. Mr Jackson’s. Minnie took Maud for walk. Bought 2 ferns & flowers 1/7. After lunch in carriage round Pk. & called at Mother’s, looks tired out. Mervyn & F.W. there. Thunder storm. Postcard fr. Miss Allen, Roy safe. Wrote to Mde. Ayala & Tabs.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 24 September Maud & Jane out for walk morg. Maud & I have tea & dine with Grannie. Dull heavy day. Letter fr. Miss Allen with Mr Edward’s receipt, thinks Roy looks well. Two little ladies & 1 dog puppy arrived last evg. 2 bitches drowned, keep dog pup. Letter fr. Mrs. S. Drove to Miss Witton’s for alteration of blue serge bodice. X. Pass book overdrawn, account £68 odd! Thursday 25 September Maud & Minnie out for walk morg. Carriage at 3. Mervyn & self to make calls. Mrs. Alexander out, Mrs. Thomson in. Mrs. Lynn Linton in, v. kind to Mervyn. Crawfurds & Mathews out. Bother with Marquis going under arch! Bought 3 ferns at Smith & Larkes paid 1/- for them, small ones. Maud at Mother’s, Bates brought her back. Lin took drawings after dinner at Military Ex. for this week’s drawing. Friday 26 September Up to breakfast. Maud & Jane to French Ex. after lunch. Lin to stables & took photos of horse for work. Mare still away. I drove at 3.15 to Barkers about 2 bills paid & charged again, about bankruptcy Sp’s awful bother. To Slaters about meat & stores, bought music Henselt & V.White’s songs 4/1½. 2 small books 9d, cream 10½ blotting paper 10½. Dined at Mother’s, F.W. there to tea. Mervyn brought me back in cab much better. Letter fr. Fanny B. Mr C. left her £7000 & all pictures. Maud v. tired. Saturday 27 September Out morg with M. Bought stay lace 6½, plants 1/6, flowers 6d, gum coachiline(?) bird sand 5d, Tony’s collar 1/3. Did fern case & birds & Mervyn called. Lin rode Marquis & seemed much better for ride. After lunch Lin, M. & self to French Ex. V. good. Met Mr Whiteley & Mr Applin who gave us free passes. Met Mr Reed. Lions & Wild East excellent. Saw Mr & Mrs. Drabble. Went to theatre, “Pr. of Spectacles” in evg. Mr & Mrs. Thomson in our box. Sunday 28 September Awful pains in tummy all morg, can’t make out cause. Dear Mother sent early flowers, card, vases & cheque for £2.2.0 for my birthday her usual thoughts & goodness to us all! Wrote to Roy. Lin walked to Mr Spielman’s about work. Mr Tom Taylor & dau. called. V. pleased to see them. Monday 29 September X. Wrote Midge. Mervyn came in. Don’t feel well enough to go to theatre with dear Mother & M. tonight. Letters fr. Roy, Mrs. S. & Tilda. Lin pd. washing £2. M. & self walked to Mother’s, bought flowers 4d, nuts 11d. Mervyn in to be photod after lunch, stayed tea. M. & Jane to Ex. Took 3/7 to W. Tratton junr. for affidavit Sp’s bankruptcy. Tuesday 30 September Mrs. Sambourne comes fr. Bristol, Mr Glossop with her. Nana to lunch & tea. Letters fr. Tabbie, Eff. Roy’s play box, to send 2 pots strawberry, 2 sardines & cake. Pain in night & sore throat, can’t make out why. X. Warrants for interim Div. on Pref. Sunshales Ex. Shrs. & interest on Tucuman shrs. due today. Ordinary shrs. div. due 13th next month. Nov 1890


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 1 October C. Burnand’s wedding day! with Mary Tirzah Wilson(?) dau. of Mr & Mrs. Tilford Simpson of 54 St George’s Sqre. Oratory 2.30. Mr Hartree’s luncheon party 2 o’c. Went. Dullish party but v. pretty bright house. Has bought several of Lin’s & other drawings fr. Mr Cosens sale. Too late for wedding, left cards at Mrs. Burnand’s. Mrs. Sambourne in bed all day. Thursday 2 October In bed all day with bad cold, had awful pain on chest all night. Mrs. Sambourne up after breakfast. Mervyn went to Capisthorne at 2.25. Miss G. & Maud called & saw Mother morg. Mrs. S. very depressed by cold could not speak to her when in my room on account of throat. She went to bed after lunch. Maud dined with Linley. Letter fr. Midge they have lost 3 boxes on W. Rly, sueing company for £100. Friday 3 October Lovely day, down at 11 o’c. F.W. called & brought flowers fr. Mother. Drove her back at 12 o’c, went for hour’s drive past Kens. stores. Maud & Miss Gill to A. N. Stores about selling our birds, & to buy lobster. Lin with cold today! Mine better, chest awfully sore inside & out. Drove morg. Mother sent F.W. about 7 o’c with lovely large jar of turtle soup, had some for dinner, did both of us good. Lin v. bothered with work. Lin wrote to Mrs. Langtry for Mervyn. Saturday 4 October Lovely day. Went out in carriage at 12 o’c, called at Mother’s leaving Maud & Miss G. at Albert Mansions. Mother sent grapes to Mrs. Sambourne & celery to Lin. Met M. & Miss G. in park, walked with them. After lunch Lin went for Turkish Bath. X. Almanack dinner. M. & self to Butts for fruit & flowers. Called at Miss Lutyens on way home, a Mrs. Knight there, like H. Langley. Miss G. out for Mrs. S. Had tea all together. Mrs. S. in her room all day. Seems seedy & depressed a usual. Notice fr. B.A. & Gt. S. Rly, all Ex shrs 1890 fr. now turned into ordinary shares. Find Miss G. v. wearisome to talk to, rattles on so for the sake of talking! Sunday 5 October Fine day. Mrs. S. up for break. in her room looking much better. X. Written to Midge. X. Sent cheque £25 annuity to Bank. In all day. Maud seedy taken medicine. Miss G. to Church morg. Mrs. S. seems better tho’ v. depressed. Monday 6 October Walked to Mother’s morg. Bought red plant 4d. Drove with Mother round Park at 3 o’c. Marquis shied at Bank, Jolly thrashed him makes me feel quite ill, wish Lin would not be always buying new horses, never has time to get used to one before he is either sold or given away. This is the second time Jolly has thrashed Marquis unmercifully. Saw Mr Lowndes about money, have nothing fit to sell now! & no money to draw! Left cards with Mother on C. Hartree & had tea after with Mother. Cab home 1/-. Called at Browns, Edg. not there. Mrs. S. better, in drawing room on my return. X. Maud to drawing with Blanche for 1 st time since return. Mr Lowndes going to convert Tucumans into ordinary stock. Letter fr. Roy, well. Tuesday 7 October Rain, dull. Long letter from Edgar fr. Pull Court, coming to London today or tomorrow. Went morg. at 11 to Stores with Mervyn ordered & bought 1 pair of twill sheets, 6 new towels £1.16. 5½, & 4 packets of Price’s candles, included in £1.16. 5½. Quiet evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 8 October Lovely day. Out morg, stamps 6d. Mrs. Sambourne’s bath chair did not come, fatigue of dressing for nothing. Emma’s afternoon. Mrs. S. better. Lin photoing all morning. Went at 3.30 with Maud called on Mrs. Furniss asked her to write her doctor about Nana at Bournemouth. Called on Mrs. B. Keith, out, & to Mansions, Edgar there more Edgarish than ever. Mother’s foot v. bad inflamed corn. Had dinner at Mother’s with Mervyn. Mr Webber called to see Mother. Headachy day. Getting more & more nervous driving. Miss G. stayed & amused Mrs. S. Thursday 9 October Fine day. Very cold. Fires! Lin gave me money for books, had given me £2 to make up £5.15, £3.15 & 4 cheques besides for coming weeks. Went at 3.30 to Studio fetched head of Minerva. Called after on Mdes. Watney, Carbut & Wills & Mr A. Burnand, home at 4.30. Mrs. Childs & her sister to tea. Walked to Mother’s morg. with Miss G. & M. Mother’s corn better. Webber there. Edgar came in just as I was leaving. Mervyn came in after dinner, brought grapes & huge tomato. Letter fr. C. Stokes fr. Gt. Yarmouth. X. Maud’s little friend. Friday 10 October In all morg. to see governess for Tabbie. Lovely day, cold. Saw 2 governesses, frights. First number of “The Gentlewoman” came. Walked to Mother’s after lunch called on Mrs. Spofforth & Mrs. Gale on way. Edgar & So. at Mother’s having tea. Mother’s foot better. Stayed & dined alone with Mother. Lin dined at 11.10 o’c! Read to him for hour & half, don’t feel so tired as when I wait for dinner with him. Maud seedy very. Minnie fetched me fr. Mother’s & walked home. Long unhappy letter fr. Nana afraid she is v. seedy. Mrs. S. much better had game cards with G. & M. Saturday 11 October Mrs. S. & Miss G. for walk Bath chair 12 - 1 o’c. Lovely clear bright day. People moving on our right, no more crying baby I hope! Out morg. Ordered fowl Barkers 3/- fish Carters flowers 8d fruits too dear. After lunch met Mervyn at Savoy Theatre, Maud & self. Lin joined us stage box. Met Mr Blunt going to carriage walked part of way with us. Met Mrs. Spofforth morg, asked me if I knew of good place for a cook & a governess! Took Maud to have her hair cut Belcher’s, v. dear cutting & singing 1/6, hairpins 4d. Lin lunched out. Miss G. stayed with Mrs. S. Lin had Turkish Bath & lunched out. Letter fr. Tabs. Mrs. S. better, had game of cards with us all on return fr. theatre. Sunday 12 October Miss G. home for day. Lin riding Marquis to north London. I went to Church alone, called on Blanche way home, out. Took Tony for little walk. Mrs. Watney called & stayed long time. Mr Lockyer called only stayed few moments. Maud seedy. Wrote to C. Burnand, Eff, Mrs. Möller & Tabs. Minnie’s day out. Monday 13 October Div’d due on B.A. & Rosario 6% stock on 13th, today. Lin photing all day, no ride! Walked morg. to Whiteleys about cage, v. dear. Met Mrs. Coward & children. Mrs. C. had a burglar who stole all her silver last Saty morg, got in thro’ side dining room window when lunch was being laid. Lovely day. Drove at 4 fetched Maud fr. drawing class, called on Mrs. Holmes & Mrs. Messel, long chat with latter. Blanche lent us beautiful large cage so sh’l not need to buy. Called on Mrs. Spofforth, out. Letter fr. Roy full of eating wants! Quite a new phase in him, &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 more money. Mrs. S. better, gave me lace shawl black. Box arrived fr. Norton for Mrs. S. Letter fr. Arthur L. about Linley estate. Mrs. Spofforth called about Miss Ridgeway. C. Hartree called. Tuesday 14 October Miss Clark & Mr Lockyer to dinner 7.30. Mrs. Earle to tea. Mr & Mrs. Abbey to dinner. V. foggy. M. & Gill out for walk. Birds delighted new cage. Lin says I’m always talking about governesses with Miss Gill must cure myself of such a tactless habit. Called at 3 on Miss Harcourt (away) & Mother. F.W, Mervyn & Miss Beadall there, pity! Mr Hartree called & gave Maud a pretty moonstone necklace fr. Ceylon. Blanche & Mrs. Earle also called. Very pleasant little dinner girls waited v. nicely. Wednesday 15 October See governesses fr. 10 till 12 o’c. Saw 2, not bad. Called at 3.30 on Mrs. Möller & on Aunt Linda found them all ill with colds. Stayed to tea. Uncle looking v. poorly. On to Mother’s for dinner. Conrad up staying at Mother’s till Saty. V. jolly little dinner. Sir E. B. at Baileys Hotel. Lady B. left Eff. £300 & Eddie £20,000. Con looking v. well. Believe Mervyn’s engagement is broken off. Carriage fetched me. Lin walked Punch din. Thursday 16 October Walked morg. with Miss G. & Maud to Mother’s, heavy hail storm so stayed to lunch. Mother drove me back in private hansom. Nellie came to tea. Moving back to Notting Hill in fortnight’s time. Put out winter dresses. Mervyn dined here & we went to Avenue Theatre after & saw “Struggle for life” dull play. Mrs. Boughton, Mrs. Alexander, Miss Young & Lady Monckton there. Friday 17 October Walked with G. & M. 12 o’c. Bought (illeg) shades 11d & bodkins 4½. Met Mrs. Boughton & Mrs. Street with 2 children. Called on Mr Keene 110 Hammersmith Rd. Looks fearfully thin & ill but v. cheerful & happy. Bought lobster & fowl at Ham. stores 4/-. Called on Mrs. Fildes & Hunter both out. On to Mother’s, dined there. Con & Mervyn there, lively little dinner. Con quite in his old form. All glad Mervyn has broken off his engagement. Dined at ¼ to 11 o’c , Lin v. tired, good drawing. The boys off to theatre together. Mrs. Linley & Alice called to see Mrs. Sambourne. Saturday 18 October Tabbie came up to see governesses, about 30. Waited in for her until 10 past 2, , then went with Maud to Lyric Theatre to see Mr Burnand’s piece “La Cigale” where Lin met us. House crowded, excellent piece. Ulmer & L. Brough. Lin walked home, brought large pine, sausages & german sausage. Missed seeing Tabbie v. sorry. Sunday 19 October M. & self to Church. Met Alice & Mr Street & 2 little girls one v. pretty. Lin riding to Ealing, lunched with C. & F. Barker. Misses Clerke, Elsie Mackenzie & Mr Watney called, stayed some time. Minnie out. X. Petit ami. Monday 20 October. X. Washing 15/½. Lin paid back washing £4.12. Letter fr. Roy getting up a paper called Albion News! Wants Lin to do a drawing for it! Same order for jam etc. Went fetched Maud fr. drawing class, round Park & called on Mrs. Lewis, only


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 returns 1st Nov. Mervyn came in. Thinks he has engagement with (illeg) Graham! Trial this week. Allotment of 21 £10 shares in B.A. Gt. S. 5% Pref. Shares (issue of £300,000 shs of £10 each.) I being at this time holder of £650 in B.A. Gt. S. share & capital. X. Having creeper trained by Store men. Tuesday 21 October Mrs. Möller’s dinner at Metropole. In bed till 12 o’c. Drove with Lin to Reform Club to see drawings, took Lin’s dress clothes on to Garrick & home. F.W. called at 3 o’c. Lin had v. amusing evg. at Metropole & on after to “Cap’t Therèse” Burnand’s piece. Fritz Jackson, Mr & Mrs. Maggs, Mr Robertson & wife & Miss Innes party! Quiet evg. here. No one called. Wednesday 22 October New B.A. Gt. S. 5% Pref. shrs quoted in morg. Times at 1/8 th premium. Nana here, looks ill. Lin gone for ride morg. Letter fr. Tabs & Sir B. Baker. Called at 3.30 after taking Lin as far as Hyde Pk. Cor. on Mrs. Baker & had tea with her. Miss Cooper there, old friend of Mde. Leopold’s, & on Marion Pollock. Miss P. there, starchy Leigh sort of person, v. comme il fait. On to dine with Mother. Ina Mackenzie with Maud for tea & supper. Thursday 23 October Down at 11 o’c. Fanny Barker to lunch. Miss Lutyens called, Mrs. Crawfurd, Mrs. O’Brian & Miss Harcourt. Mrs. O’B went with me to Mrs. B. Tomlin, going abroad for a month, wants to find places for her servants! Sorry to recommend them always look so dirty opening door! To Mrs. O’B’s (illeg) after & Miss Clerkes. Everyone with colds. Maud & G. called morg. at Mother’s, out. Lin rode morg. in Row. Friday 24 October Up to breakfast, fine warm day. F.W. here to lunch. Went at 2.30 in brougham together to Maples, looked at blinds & chairs v. dear. Called Mrs. Calderon & Orchardson, both away. Left hat at Pullars to be dyed black. Stayed at Mother’s for dinner. Heard little Russel play Mervyn’s accompaniments. Carriage fetched me at 9. Lin finished good drawing on London Smells, Also did one yesterday on another subject. Dinner at 10 to 10! early. Saturday 25 October Lin dined at Brabants Ex. with Punch staff. Mr Milliken here to tea. Man called fr. Maples about window blinds morg. room, dear, 10/6 each! Went at 2 o’c in brougham to Mother (pouring wet) to Theatre Savoy matinée “Gondoliers” Mervyn joined us later. Bought 2 lbs sausages 1/8 & flowers 1/8 at Butts, 3/4 together. Mervyn came in in evg. & stayed till 10 o’c. X. Whiskey arrived fr. Scotland. Wish Minnie would be more punctual & regular in pulling down blinds & lighting up, my room not ready at 6.15. Sunday 26 October Rained, did not go to Church. Lin returned fr. his ride. M. & he cleaned out drawers! Miss G. home for day. V. cold & uncertain day. No one called. Lin rode after lunch & enjoyed it. Monday 27 October Asked Miss Harcourt to tea. Out to French Ex. with Maud morg. to see furs, not good. Walked there & back. Fine bright day. Washing 13/½. Miss G. bought stamps for me 10d & called to enquire for Mrs. Fildes who returned today fr.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 country. Called after lunch on Mrs. Spofforth, talk about Madlle. Choisi, Miss Harcourt, Mrs. Watney just going out, Mother, & Mr Cole, had tea there. V. cold evg. X. Lin promised to take up shares of 5% B.A. G. Southern pref. already quoted ¼ prem. Tuesday 28 October X. 3rd install. of £23 on 23 £5 new issue of Cent Argt. Rly. took to Mr Lowndes to pay for me. Hard frost bright & clear. Letters fr. B. Barrs, Miss Harcourt & C. Hartree. Lunch with Mother & see Mervyn in “Mons Moulu”. Tickets for Court Theatre “Cabinet Minister” tonight. X. £52.10.0 paid 1 st install on 21 £10 shrs 5% B.A. Gt. Southern pref. to Glyn Mills Currie & Co, 67 Lombard St E. C. Enloyed Court T. v. much, Mervyn met us there. Wednesday 29 October X. Must sell or get Lin to take up B.A. Gt. S. 5% pref shares. 21 £10 shrs allotted me. Taken them up. Lin advanced money fr. £246 he has of mine! Madlle. Choisy coming morg, like her v. much. In practicing all morg. Maud to drawing class. Fetched her & called on Mrs. Finlay. To Mother’s early. Returned home 9 o’c on ac’t of Maud. Mrs. S. not so well. Thursday 30 October Mrs. Crawford’s dinner 8 o’c. Miss Harcourt calling morg. X. Received receipt of cheque £52. 10 fr. B.A. Gt. S. & £23 Cent. Argt. Miss H. called & kindly promised me medicine. Went out at ¼ to 10. Met Mr Livesey, thinks things will improve in S.A. but never former prices! Lin gone for ride to see place of possible murder of woman & child (Hogg) by a woman! Delightful evg at Mrs. C’s. Cap’t. Leverson (fancy military attaché somewhere) v. interesting man took me in & Mr Johnstone C. B. sat on my right. Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Lynn Linton, Chapmans, Mr Moulton & a lady poetess also there. Miss Wells called & stayed some time. Mrs. Gale & Miss Winthrop. Friday 31 October Dull dark morg. Drove to Mde. Bocquet with Maud, left bodice to alter, brought away shawl. Dined at Mother’s, v. tired. Lin & self dined at 10.20. Nov 1890 Saturday 1 November Out morg. for Maud’s shoes. Flowers 1/4. First night of “Sunlight & Shadow” by Carton at Avenue Theatre. Alexander, M. Millet, Marion Terry v. good, full house. Stern, O. Crawfords, Moultons etc there. Mr Orwell asked us to go on & sup at Lyric Club. Lin went, I too tired. Mervyn there, just missed him coming out. Windows cleaned! Received notice of £1.7.0 to be pd. in re. S. J. Herapath & Delmar, wonder if I sh’l ever get it. Sunday 2 November Wet morning, cleared up later. Miss G. to Church. Minnie out. Sir B. Baker & Mona, Miss Clerke & Mr & Mrs. Möller called. Lin rode after lunch. Quiet evg. Monday 3 November Writen to Clarke about Vieux Habits, 9.30 to 11.30. Came, pink dress (Gillie’s) 10/-. Blk & white cotton 5/-, M’s old bodice 3/-. Grey Boquet much faded 7/-. Blue cloth striped Boquet 8/-. Blk white skirt 4/-. Total £1.17.0. Went at 11.15 to Ramsgate about houses, went over 5, decided on same if they’d accept our terms! Had chop after Mrs. Hammond’s, tea at Mrs. Burnand, back by 7.10,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 beastly train raining hard & had to change Faversham, cost £1.3.8. Lin dined with Lehmann, Furniss etc & on to Gondoliers, fr. there to club, home v. late. Dreadfully tired reached home at 11 o’c. Maud went with Mother to Patti concert at Albert Hall. Miss Harcourt called & Alice Linley to lunch. Tuesday 4 November Promised to take tea at Miss Harcourt’s 4.30. Lovely morg, so tired remained in to breakfast. Lin rode morning. Had tea at Miss H’s with Maud then on to Witton with wrong dress! & called to see Mother. Wednesday 5 November Went to Mother directly after giving orders for whole day. Con & Geoff to lunch & Mervyn. F.W. & Mr & Mrs. Sinclair called & had wine. Quiet evg. Thursday 6 November Asked Mrs. Watney, Mr Stone, Sir B. Baker, Miss Rose Innes & Mr & Mrs. Crawfurd 8 o’c. To Stores at 9.30. Paid £3.11.2 there for goods for dinner. Nana & her Baby came to lunch, looked v. seedy. Very stormy evg. pouring & blowing hard. V. successful dinner, Lin & self enjoyed it. Dinner. Prawns & cod’s roe sandwiches. Clear soup. Filleted soles & white sauce. Stewed pigeons & tomatoes. Leg of mutton, cauliflower au gratin. Beans au francais. Larks stuffed on bacon with salad. Jelly au madere, Eykyn plum pudding. Soft herring roe. Biscuits cheese etc. Friday 7 November X. Maud’s petit ami. V. tired, everything went off wonderfully well, girls managed v. well indeed. Drove after lunch to Witton about red silk dress, left velvet & silk dresses with her to be sent home together. To Chapple’s for “Gondolier” music & dined at Mother’s alone. Mervyn left today for Brookwood with Shakespear. Dined at home at 11 o’clock! Lin not satisfied with his work. Heard of Ld. Canterlupe’s death off Belfast Lough in his yacht. Saturday 8 November Lin drove Marquis to Dulwich on business. I walked to Mother’s, Jeff there, walked part of way home with me. Staying at Mother’s with Con until Monday. Turned out furs etc afternoon whilst G. talked to Mrs. S. Lin home at 8.10. Sunday 9 November Lovely day. Went alone to Church. Saw Alice S. her nurse & 3 children. Called on Miss Lutyens, Mrs. Mac. there & 2 boys came in with me. Lin rode mare. Miss G. home for day great relief at meals. Maud rather seedy. Mr Stone called but did not come in. Quiet day. Monday 10 November Lord Mayor’s show. Too foggy for M. or self to go. Lin went. I waited at H. Pk. C. for him fr. 3.15 to nearly 4 o’c then left letter for Mother & on to see Georgie B. & Eff, out as usual. Called on Miss Lutyens. Tuesday 11 November Wittons morg. to see dress altered. Went to Ince’s about seal. Fine day. Continued controversy about Major Bartolini & Stanley. Busy turning out wardrobe. Dine at Mrs. de la Rue’s 8 o’c. V. jolly evg, Mr Finlay took me in. Finlays, Taits, Messels & Pollocks there. Wednesday 12 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Ina Mackenzie to lunch & tea. Shop’g morg. Bought flowers 9d. M. to drawing after lunch. Drove with Ina to call on Mrs. Rainbow, met Mrs. Ross there, Ldy. Nottage, Monckton, Frith. Mother gone to Westwood with Bates. Con & Geoff left yesterday morg. Quiet evg. (illeg) fetched Ina, pouring wet. Lin to T. Bath. Thursday 13 November Dine at Metropole with Rose Innes & theatre after, 7 o’c. Went morg. by bus with M. & G. to get patterns at Welby’s 1/9. Om 1/6, French book 1/11. Horribly dull dirty & muddy. Lin photoing Stace. Lin & M. to see furniture at 16 Up Phillimore Gds, all poor. Lin rode mare morning. Friday 14 November Drove to see Mr Keene with Mrs. S. & on to Mrs. Mackenzie, 2 pretty women there. X. Petit ami. Mr Keene much weaker than when I last saw him, felt v. sad about him. M. to drawing. Cowards there for first time since return. Saturday 15 November In bed till 12. M. & G. to see matinée Shadow & Sunshine. Lin went to see Mr C. Keene. Letter fr. Laurence. Sunday 16 November In bed till 12. G. & M. to Church morg. Miss Harcourt to tea. Jane out. Paid 9/- for diametric medicine. Miss H. going to get it for me. Monday 17 November Mrs. Clarke coming about remains of Vieux habits. Sold for £1.10.0. Drove 3 o’c met Con, left him at Mansions. Mother still at Westwood. Drove called on Mrs. Jephson & Effie at Cork St, a Mrs. Hyde Clarke there. Called on Mrs. Maggs 123 Cromwell Rd. Lin doing almanack. Tuesday 18 November Paid 10/- to Blanche for (illeg) of M’s drawing lessons. Drove with Maud at 3 o’c. Sent 2 papers, Times & Gentlewoman to Midge. Wrote Laurence. Great scare about Baring Brothers difficulty. France advanced 75,000 frcs to Bk. England. S. American securities v. low. Mother still at Westwood. Left Maud’s dress at Puller’s to be cleaned. Lin went to first night of Cleopatra, Mrs. Langtry & Coglan. Slow play & long. Mrs. L. lacks power. Coglan good as Antony. Wednesday 19 November Dull & warm. Mrs. S. not so well. Drove with Maud at 11.30 to Marshall Snelgroves to see materials. Mrs. S. gave me £5 for Maud’s winter dress. On to Ince fetched seal, to Mde B. gave her pieces. Wire fr. Mother sending box for Patti, Marie Rose, Nachey & Belle Cole concert. Given Miss G. 2 tickets & she will take Maud & Evy Coward. Alice Linley to tea. Walked after lunch & pd. Pontings bill 4/11½. Maud’s cabs. Had tea at Mrs. Orton’s. Thursday 20 November M, G. & self by om morg. to Marshall & Snelgrove, bought grey material & gloves £1.13.6. After lunch to stores with M. for hat 4/11, birds 3/6. Alice & Fanny & Mrs. Sheehy called. M. & self out. Friday 21 November To stores morg. by om. with M. & G. Bought lobster 1/3, M’s jacket £3.15.6, velvet 3 /4½, om. 9d, rib veils 8.10½, bonnet shape 6¾ & 1/6¾ for buttons & cotton. M.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 to drawing. V. bad news fr. B. Ayres! ½ yard extra pas meterie for Maud 2/6, centre piece for Mother 5/9, gloves 7/6, silk tie 1/-, altogether morning spent £4.10.7½, afternoon 16/9. Mother still at Westwood. Jane prepared morg. room. Lobster sent fr. Halls but returned it as last Friday they were unable to get one so cannot always rely on them! Only dined at 10 past 11, to bed 12. Lin slept in drawing room till 2 o’c. Mrs. S. saw him come up. Saturday 22 November Asked Mr & Mrs. Möller, Mr & Mrs. R. Haggard, Mr & Mrs. C. Praed & Mr Watney. Postponed. Mrs. Crawfurd’s at home 10.30. Mrs. Lyn Linton’s at home. Pd. 1/- for flowers. Asked Concy Orton for afternoon & evg. Walked morg. with M. & G. bought Toreador hat Derry Toms 4/11, poupons & velvet 5/10½, braid 8d, together 11s 5½. Lunched with dear Mother, looks v. weak & poorly but cheerful & light hearted as ever, so different to Mrs. S. Concy O. here to tea stayed with Mother till 3.30 walked back. Lin rode morg. Mr Guthrie will meet us at Lyceum. Lin dines in town & meets us at theatre (M. & self). Broke fan, goose Concy O. drop’t it out of carriage. Mr G. met us at theatre. B. Stokes sent ices & tea to our box. Enjoyed play very much, “Ravenswood”. Sunday 23 November Mrs. Heilbut’s dinner 7.45. V. dull morg. Miss G. gone home. Lin rode to Wimbledon. M. & self walked to Mother’s lunched there with Mervyn & Con who is staying there. Walked home at 3.30. Miss Rose Innes to tea, stayed till past 5 o’c. Minnie out. Strong gale blowing! Monday 24 November Sold Vieux habits for £1.10.0. (this for last Saty). Lin went to Brookwood at 2 o’c. Packed one large box with Jane. Poor little Minnie v. seedy. Minnie & Emma brushed curtains & Gregory’s man took down all drawing & dining room curtains to be cleaned. Maud & Miss G. to see Mother. I gave Maud 4/-. Mother gave her 10/-. Letter fr. Roy. Tuesday 25 November Sharp cold morg. brighter. Gave Jolly £3.4.1 out of cheque of £15 Lin gave me for expenses, no expense spared in stables! Awful headache. Wednesday 26 November Move to Ramsgate D.V. (5 Prospect Terrace). Bitterly cold day. Books £6.10.7½ fully paid up, washing papers & all till today. Fares 1.10.10 L. om 9.0 Guards 3.6 Cab .2 B. om, 2 men 8.0 Porters 1.6 Telegram .6 £ 2.13.6 Had 24 packages in all, 12 large & 12 small. Pass for self reserved 2 nd Class for 3rd class fares. Tony passed for nothing! & birds. V. tired. Bitterly cold journey. Thursday 27 November Heavy snow. Miss G. & M. out, snowing all time. Re arranged curtains dining room. After lunch M. & self went out, v. slippery & v. cold. Bought & paid for Tony’s 2 blankets 5.11


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Piano & carriage of same 15.6 Stout fr. Thomson & Wootons 6.9 Curling .6 Total £1.8.6 Ordered furniture for Jolly 8/- a month. Ordered haddock, 2 hearth brooms & Telegraph & Pall Mall Gazette daily. Expenses down 2.13.6 Gave Jolly 3. 4.1 Books 6.10.7½ £13.16.8½ Friday 28 November Vintin taking inventory. Letter fr. Lin. Miss G. & M. gone about stabling & sending off mule panniers for Jolly. Mrs. Hawkins here for day. Piano came men 6d. Snow cleared man 6d. Fish 6d. Bitterly cold & second snow. Beer came in, men 3d, at 9 o’c. Sent off 2 mule panniers for Jolly by L.C. & Dover. Two letters fr. Lin enclosing one fr. V.Watney, engaged to be married!!! & v. happy. Large palm arrived. Saturday 29 November Out morg. shops. Warmer, thawing. G, M. & self out shops, ordered oysters, haddock, man to fit Lin’s tube. Fly to Westwood ordered for 2.10, 4/-. Man v. useful helped brought Lin’s chair, easy chair, easel & globes, drawing board etc, photo lamp, 2 cushions, one lamp with chimney no globe, eiderdown, 2 plants, pot for same. Lin arrived at 7.55. Minnie arranged dinner v. nicely. Oysters, mutton broth, leg of mutton, cauliflower au gratin, potatoes, apple charlotte & haddock savory (by M. last 2 things!. Lin looks v. well & seems pleased with house etc. Bought & paid for bottle of Thanet sauce & selza water 1/6. Sunday 29 November Lin walked to Margate & fetched Roy, delighted & v. surprised to see him looking so well too. G. to St. Georges, M. & self to St. Mary’s. Walked after on parade, met Burnands, walked with us home. Asked us all there tonight, Mr B’s birthday. Dear Roy going to stay night. Connie & Frank in to tea. Lin, Roy & M. & self to Mrs. Burnand’s for Mr B’s birthday party. Children did 2 little plays v. prettily, one written by Rosie. V. cold but bright & lovely. Dec 1890 Monday 1 December Lovely day. Dear Roy returned to school alone after breakfast, he slept with Lin in our room & I with Maud. Maud to Mrs. Burnand’s for tea & evg. Miss G. seedy. Lin & self went to see stables. Mr Johnstone’s too far off I think, much. On about gas. Ordered loin of pork & hare for tomorrow. Labels & book. Bought self apron 2/2 & pd. for it at Hawkins. Enquired about boy for boots knives & coals. Letter fr. Roy!!! & P.C. fr. Tabbie about V.Watney’s engagement. Lin & I dine at Mrs. Burnand’s. Tuesday 2 December Busy all morg. in kitchen. Minnie v. seedy. Walked at 3 with Mrs. Pugin to Convent of Assumption beautifully clean place. X. M. seedy, out morg. with Miss G, Mary & Ethel for walk. Lin working, read Major Bartelotte’s book to him. Dined all right, had fresh herrings, roast hare, cauliflower, potatoes, stewed pears & custard, haddock savory. Wednesday 3 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin went to London first train. X. Boy for boots came, first morning. Busy washing up & cooking supper etc. Miss G. out with Mary B. Maud resting. Mary & Ethel to tea. Can’t understand about Roy’s suit. Man about gas, went all right this morg. Thursday 4 December Boy here, seems handy, new brooms! Made pastry & were able to eat it! Note fr. Mrs. Burnand about maid. Called after lunch & saw Rosie, old Nana’s grandchild Winifred Spain, sincerely hope she will do. Miss G. did my blue velvet bonnet v. nicely. Dull damp day, v. raw. Jane had letter fr. Laurence last evg, v. happy. Jane out at 5. End of trial yesterday Hampstead murder, Mrs. Piercey condemned without chance of reprieve. Jane gone to see about Ford. Minster. Friday 5 December Cooked morg. Saw Alice Spain. Ne la trouve pas belle. Engaged to come next Wednesday afternoon. Dull cold N. E. wind. Letters fr. Lin & Mrs. Spofforth. Mrs. Hicks called. Shopped with Maud, found Cony & Mary B. here on return. Stayed to tea & Maud had no lessons! Arranged about table for pantry. Vinten promised to see to bells & castors to sofa. Saturday 6 December Pantry table arrived. Mrs. Montefiore’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. Cooked 2 tarts, washed up breakfast things, busy all morg. M & G. out. V. rough night, v. windy N.E. wind. Shop’d after lunch with Mary & Maud, ordered furniture for stables. Pd. for Mrs. S. caps & teacloths Hawkins 6/11 & also for lamp wire & black lead 2/1 at Rowe’s, ordered 3 new laid eggs. Three letters fr. Lin & wire. Horses etc coming Monday. X. Jane’s table for pantry arrived found it much more convenient in pantry, 4/- to pay for the 3 month’s use of it. Arranged to pay 8/- a month for Jolly’s furniture. V. pleasant din. at Montefiores. Mr Wills sat next me. Levys, Friends, Fox Thornton etc there. Pd. fly Foster 5/- asked only 4/6. Lin arrived by S. E. Rly at 6 o’c. M. to tea at Burnands. Sunday 7 December Glorious morg. M, G. & self to St Mary’s church. Lin, M. & self walked on parade till luncheon. Met F.C.B’s & Martin S’s. X. Wrote to Mr Lowndes, sent 2 papers, one fr. B.A. Pacific Equip. Compy for fully paid up scrip to be exchanged for certificate as the Bank holds my Banker’s receipts. Also B.A. Gt. S. 5% debentures which I pd. £52.10 on 29th October last on 21 allotted shrs in same. X. These apparently to be made into 4%, hope not. Monday 8 December Lovely day. Did washing, pd 15/- washing. Drove at 2.30 to Pegwell with Mr Wills & Norwegian pony jolly little pony should never be worried with nerves with a gee pareil! No whip used or required. X. Horses down, furniture in. Lin & self walked round to Stables after dinner, gas going full blaze. Ella dead. Puppy well. Tuesday 9 December Lovely day. Cooked morg, pastry better. Lin rode Marquis morg. Walked at twelve with M. & G. on pier & marina. Ordered fowl for tonight, butter. Sent Nana postal order of 10/-. Drove with Lin at 2.20 to St Peters & Westwood. All well, looks terribly dull without Mother. Mrs. Fox & Martin Thomson called. M. looks seedy & languid. Minnie much better. Maud went to cooking bee at Burnands, G. fetched her. Wednesday 10 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 X. Lovely day. Received letter fr. Mr Lowndes promising to exchange 2 B.A. & Pacific Rly. Equip. 5% debt. scrip certificate & 2 B.A. Gt. S. Rly. 6% 1890 Ext certificate for (blank). Wrote to Mr Lowndes not to sell any securities as expect more money in shortly. X. New girl coming, W. Spain, rec. by Mrs. F.C.B. Lin riding morg. Ordered cart with Marquis for 12.15. Drove self with Maud. Lin goes to town. Puppy round all day. Paid 10/- for Maud’s salmon dress fr. Pullars. Ethel B. to tea, Jack fetched her. Thursday 11 December Minnie leaves, coming back if new girl does not suit. Lovely day. Made cake after Miss G’s receipt. Jolly taking Minnie to Sta. Letter fr. Mother & Effie. Minnie wages & fare £1.7.2. Two letters fr. Lin, v. foggy in London. Friday 12 December XX. Sir E.Boehm died suddenly at his Studio between the hours of 4 & 6 P.M. H. R. H. Princess Louise found him at 6 o’c. Mr Gilbert there also. X. Petit ami au soir. Alice out, seems a nice girl. Maudie gone to have lesson in Lancers at Mrs. Burnand’s. Miss G. took & fetched her. Pup here all day. Letter fr. Mother seems fairly well. Saturday 13 December In bed to breakfast. Mrs. S. out morg. XX. Read of terribly sudden death of Sir E. Boehm at his studio yesterday evg at 6 o’c. Too awful. Feel v. sad not having seen him since Lady Boehm’s death in August. Maudie to Mrs. Burnand’s at 2.30 till 7 o’c. Miss G. took & fetched her. Dear Lin arrived looking v. tired & worried at 6 o’clock. Fog & bitterly cold in London not seen daylight since he left here Wed. Alice managed dinner very well. Clear soup, fried lemon soles. Roast beef, mashed potatoes, greens. Custard pudding & bloater toast. Sunday 14 December Card fr. dear Mother. Con had gone in to her yesterday utterly broken down. Mervyn gone to Fittleworth to Georgie & Eff. Lovely morg. again. Lin walked with Maud after Church. Lin v. hard at work. Mr Burnand & 2 little ones came in after lunch, worried Lin about work. Monday 15 December In bed to breakfast. V. cold. Lin v. busy, finished one drawing. Pup here all day. Sad letter fr. Con fr. Studio Fulham Rd, too terrible can think of nothing else, dreamt of Sir E. & Lady Boehm all night, feel we have lost one of the few real friends one makes in a life time. Tuesday 16 December Most bitterly cold, coldest day we’ve had. Lin v. hard at work, invite fr. Mrs. Hall & letter fr. Tilda. Lin letters fr. Tabs & H. Maud to sewing bee! Stayed to tea. Sat all day with Lin, finished another drawing, sat with him till 2 o’clock Wed. morg. AM. Wednesday 17 December Not so cold, dull morg. Letters fr. Con, Molesworth, Hartree etc. Sat up till 2 o’c this morg. Lin working v. hard indeed, has nasty cold. Great fuss with dear Maud about sleeping with Miss G. Finally settled she sh’d sleep in her own room, Roy in Mrs. S’s ditto & Mrs. S. below. Mary & Ethel to tea, Zita & Connie also. Jack came & fetched chicks, danced with them, thought drawing room ceiling would come thro’. Lin looks worried & seems self absorbed, saw letter marked private hope he is not worried about money matters or business. X. 4½ gal. stout.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 18 December Darling Roy coming home for holidays. Dear Roy returned in dog cart at 11.15. Bother with rooms. Miss G. v. disobliging, top rooms most comfortable. Had bed moved to back dining room, know which I w’d have preferred. Roy in room next Lin’s. Came down at 12 o’clock last night Lin as usual sleeping heavily instead of going to bed, room bitterly cold fire low. V. angry as I c’d not get to sleep worrying about his cold. Mended dining room blind & got sink clear both of which Miss G. said w’d require a man! poor helpless thing! Friday 19 December Dull day V. cold. Lin hard at work all day. Mrs. Middleton’s family came down to 1 Royal Cres. Bitterly cold. Miss G. slept in back dining room. Letter fr. Mervyn. Saturday 20 December Dull sloppy day thawing fast. Went after breakfast with Roy to see trousers for blue navy suit. Pd. for fruit & cress 2/7. Ordered bacon, candles at grocers, fowl & butter at Drambiers. Jolly over in cart to Westwood took hamper & brought one. Lin working. Sir Edgar Boehm’s funeral at St Paul’s today (Cathedral) by Queen’s wish, semi public one. Wine arrived fr. stores. Princess Loiuise spent an hour with Georgie & Eff, all Royal family sent wreathes. Gave Maud 2/- for burnt frilling! Sunday 21 December Went to Church with Maud, Roy, Miss G. Walked after & met Burnands, Buckmasters etc. Gill to tea at Mrs. Middleton’s. Lin riding after luncheon. Church 1/-. Quiet evg & afternoon, no one called. Monday 22 December Left glorious morg. for London by S. R. Lin drove me to Sta. Boy’s special going just before my train 9.40. Bitterly cold journey 6 hrs going up, fog in town. Only reached Mother’s at ¼ to 4 o’c. Con & Mervyn out, slept in Mervyn’s room. Mother looking v. poorly, all her left side swollen out unable to fasten her dress. Mervyn’s things being packed. Unable to do any shop’g too late was dark & too tired. Tuesday 23 December Slept well. Dear Mother woke me at 8 o’c brought cup of tea. Dull day, breakfasted & went out shop’g. Roy’s trousers, M’s fan 3/11 ½. Roy’s chess 3/4. Pen holder 5/11 for Lin, ash tray 2/11. Button hook & slippers 2/6 & 1/11. Expenses to & from town 8/10, had pass. Train hour late. Mervyn saw me off by S. R. one lady in carriage. Lin & Roy met me at Ramsgate in dog cart. V. glad to get out of London, sorry to leave dear Mother. Saw Emma looked thro’ wardrobes for Roy’s suit no where! E. walked back to Mansions with me. Wednesday 24 December. Fine day but raw cold. Shop’d, pd. books v. heavy. Put chicks’ presents ready. Mary Burnand with us. Roy rode 2 hours after lunch with Lin & Jolly, got on v. nicely & thoroughly enjoyed it. Ordered fish, cod. Mrs. Hammond called, out. Lin working on Blk & White drawing. Thursday 25 December To Church morg with Maud, Roy & Miss G. Collection 3/-, Emma 12/- Jane 10/Alice 3/- approx, Jolly 2/6. boy 6d, band man 6d. Left cards after Church on Mrs. Pugin, Burnands & Hammond, met Buckmasters. Had v. jolly evg. at Burnands.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mr Burnand gave us all presents & little addresses. Charlie B. & his wife there, she seems a nice sensible girl. Friday 26 December Out morg. Went to Burnands evg. & had a good time. The children acted two little plays & danced after. Saturday 27 December Went out shop’g. Ethel, Mary, Cuthbert, (illeg) Middleton to tea. I called on Mrs. Hammond & Mrs. H. Buckmaster. Bitterly cold. Lin so hard at work wish he could get a rest. Maud got bad cold. Sunday 28 December Maud in bed with cold. X. Little friend too. Ethel to lunch & tea. Connie B. came in after tea. Roy & self to church & Miss Gill. Lin v. hard at work on Blk. & White drawing. Piano one month. Monday 29 December Out morg. Pd. remaining books fr. last week. Maud in bed. Roy to ice with with Jolly & Burnands. Lin finished Black & W. drawing for 1 st number. Lin & self dined at Mrs. F.C.B’s, Hammonds there. V. jolly evg. Mr B. told us Sp. had good outside business, surprised. Lin so tired only said about 100 times “I know there was an American.” Maud cold v. bad. I called on Mrs. Pugin & Miss Gould, & Mrs. Harry Burnand in bed with headache. Tuesday 30 December X. Sent 2 Banker’s receipts of £54 & £36 of B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 5% Ex. 1894 to Mr Lowndes. Lin & Roy out skating all morg. & afternoon. Went out shops, bitter cold never felt its equal. Mervyn sailed for S. America on S. S. Tagus. Tabs, Con, Tassel saw him off at Southampton. Maud in bed all day with bad cold. V. hard frost. Roy v. occupied with skating & thermometer. Wednesday 31 December Went to London with Lin S.E. Rly one hour late. Left dear Maud in bed. Mrs. S. v. disagreable about my going. Arrived C.X. hour late. Lin drove me to Albert H. Ms. Found dear Mother fairly well. Lin on alone to Staff. Ter. felt horrid leaving him to go alone! Con came up fr. Tabs having seen Mervyn off on Tagus yesterday, rather disagreeable about Lin’s not being at Sir E.B’s funeral, felt angry knowing how much Lin wished to be there. Tassel here also, returning Westwood tonight. To bed early. Snow in London much cleared since Monday week! Hard frost. Thursday 1st Jany After breakfast shop’d. Called on Lin. Had lunch with him, oysters! Eff & Con called after lunch & Marion Pollock. Lin here to dinner. Con & dear Lin on to Pantomime. Mother seems tired & complains of shortness of breath, wish she could nap during day. (Notes written on Memoranda pages of Diary) Received during 1886 fr. Allowance interest presents -------Received during 1887 ditto -------Received during 1888 ditto

£ 166.17. 7 £ 182. 8.10 £ 194. 2. 4


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 ------Received during 1889 ditto £ 299.17. 8 of this Lin lent me £54 & withdrawn fr. children’s money £ 24 £ 221.17. 8 ------Received during 1890 in presents annuity & add. money £ 308. 6. 7 Spent in 1887 on dress by cheque £81.1.1 Invested in 1887 including commission for same £ 127. 0.0 ------Spent in 1888 on dress etc by cheque £80.19.0 Invested in 1888 £ 136. 0.0 but £18 of this lost thro’ Spencer’s failure ------Spent in 1889 on dress by cheque £ (blank) Invested in 1889 £ 271.10.6 -------Spent on dress 1890 £ (blank) Invested in 1890 £ 283. 0.0 Sold out of this 15 Cent. Argt. £5 shares for £108 having only paid £75 for same. ------Begin year with only £9.9.3 in Bank. ------Received in 1890 fr. annuity div’ds & presents January £5. 0.0 Feby 6th £ .19.4 Feby 18th £ 1. 9.3 March 10th £ 1.15.0 April 10th £ 1.10.0 £25. 0.0 May 10th 2. 2.0 st April 1 3.12.5 April 1st 17.16.0 April 3rd 5.17.0 April 16th 17.6 April 19th 10.0 th 6 June 107. 8.6 21st June 25. 0.0 27th May £ 1. 7.4 28th May 11.10.0 29th Sep £ 2. 2 th 5 Oct 25. July 1st 1.19.0 Aug 18th 1. 9.3 Sept 26th 11.0 Oct 1st 1.11.11 Oct 3rd 5.17.0 Oct 14th 1. 8.0 273. 3.1

Margate, fr. Mother fr. B.A. & Rosario Rly Venezuela 1881 fr. Mother fr. Mother March quarter Mother gave me Buenos Ayres Rosario Rly Great Southern ditto Western B. Ayres Rly City B.A. Trams Transfer stamp (refunded) Sale of 15 £5 Cent. Argt Shares by L. County Bk Annuity B.Ayres & Rosario Rly Cent. Argt. Rly Mother Annuity B.A. & Rosario Venezuela B.A. Ayres Trams B.A. Rosario Rly Western B.A. Gt. Southern Rly B.A. Rosario Rly

brt. forward 273. 3.1


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Dec

3rd 3rd 16th 15th 17th

also Nov 29th Dec 10 Nov

1.17.0 1. 7.0 1.10.0 1. 7.4 4. 2.2 25. 0.0 £308. 6.7 8.4 1. 1.9 4. 2.2 £ 5.12.3

Vieux Habits Bank’cy (illeg) re S. J. H. Vieux Habits B.A. Pacific Rly Cent. Argy. Rly Quarter 1st Div on Pacific Depot B.A. Rosario Rly Cent Argt. Rly

Total received during year of 1890 £313.18.10 Money invested in January 1890 5th Jany


30th Jany

£ 9. 0.0

6th Feby 14th Feby

£ 2. 0.0 £54. 0.0

10th April

£23. 0.0

15th April

£ 9. 0.0

June 2nd July 28

£36. 0.0 £12. 0.0

July 28 July 31st August May 9th May 31st July 1st

£23. 0.0 £ 6. 0.0 £36. 0.0 £ 1. 0.0 £ 6. 0.0 £ 6. 0.0 208. 0.0 £ 23. 0.0

28th Oct

£ 52.10.0

Last call on 15 new £ 5 shrs in Cent. Argt. Rly. Sold these 15 Cent Argt £ 5 shrs June 6 th 1890 for £ 107 thro’ L. County Bk. for 3 newly allotted £10 shrs in B.A. Rosario Rly 1894 City B.A. Tram First call 5% Buenos Ayres Ex. 1894 being £3 per shr on 18 shrs. Being £1 on each £5 Cent. Argt. share allotted (23 shrs) B.A. & Rosario Ex. 3 shares making £6 pd. (sent 2 Bankers receipts to Company’s office B.A. Rosario 1894 Ex. 2 nd May/98) received cert took it to Bank 9 th May. Second call B.A. Gt. Southern %% Ex. 1894. 3 newly allotted B.A. Rosario Rly shrs £4 per share. Cent. Argt. Rly. call being £1 on 23 £5 shares B.A. Pacific Rly Equipment B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 3rd call B.A. Pacific Equipment B.A. Pacific Equipment B.A. Pacific Rly Equipment Co. Third instal. on 23 £5 shares in Cent. Argt. Rly. First install. of 21 new B.A. Gt. S. £10 shrs 5% pref shares (this money Lin advanced me fr. £24 he owes me.) (Wrote to Mr Lowndes about B.A. & Pacific Eqip. Compy fully paid up scrip for certificate or (illeg) also B.A. Gt. S 5% debentures) see diary 7 th Dec. Signed paper of B.A. Pacific Rly. Equip. of goods depôt Coy limited, exchanged for £20 5% debenture stock same company Monday


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 15 th Dec 1890. Sent 2 Banker’s receipts to Mr Lowndes fr. Ramsgate. B.A. Gt. Southern 5% Ex/94 30th Dec 1890, one for £ 54 & the other for £36. Carried forward £208 23 52 283 Paid on Investments 1889 Feby 14th April 28th

£ 6. 0.0 £ 12. 0.0

May 12th

£ 5. 0.0

May 15th


June 3rd

£ 9. 0.0

June 21st

£ 2. 0.0.

June 22nd

£25. 0.0

June 22nd

£ 8. 0.0

August 30th

£ 9. 0.0

Oct 1st

£35. 0.0

Nov 13th Dec 31st

£54. 0.0 £35. 0.0

2nd install. of £2 per shr on 3 Tucamans 3rd install on 4 new Buenos Ayr. Gt. S. 2nd issue. £75,000 issue of 4% debentures B. Ayres Rosario Rly 1 st install. of £50 on £100 allotted. City B.A. Tram bought by London & County Bk. B. Ayres & Rosario Rly making £7 pd. on 3 shrs allotted. 1 st call on one newly allotted City of B. Ayres Tram. making £30 pd. on £100 stock allotted in new 4% debenture of B. Ayres & Rosario Rly. Final call on 4 B. Ayres Gt. Southern Rly. 1892 2 nd issue. Final inst. on 3 allotted £10 shrs in B.A. Rosario Rly. Tucaman. 2 nd inst. on B.A. & Rosario 4% debenture making £65 paid. B.A. Gt. S. Rly. new 5% Ex. shrs 1894. B.A. Rosario 4% debentures now fully paid up.

Securities held by London & County Bank 1890. 1 Cert. 3 shares City of Buenos Ayres Tram. 2 Cert. 2 shares ditto (8th issue). 1 Cert. 4 shares Buenos A. & Rosario Rly (Sunshales). Gave order these converted into Ordinary st. shrs 9 th May /90. 1 Cert.

5 Shares B.A. & Rosario Rly (Tucaman Ex). Gave order these converted into Ordinary stk. shares Oct 6 th /90. 1 Cert. 3 ditto (Tucuman Ex). 1 Scrip. £100 B. Ayres & Rosario Rly. 4 % fully paid up 31 st Dec/89 £200 Western Rly Buenos Ayres 6% (illeg). 1 £40 First pref B. Ayres & Pacific Rly. 2 Cert £65 Cent Argt Rly (Rosasio to Cordova) 1 £40 Cent. Argt. Rly


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1 £10 1 Cert.

ditto (Rosario to Cordova) 2 shares Buenos Ayres Gt. Southern 5% Extension 1892. 2 Cert. 21 shares Buenos Ayres Gt. Southern 6% Extension 1890. 1 Cert. £200 Buenos Ayres Great Southern Rly (original). 1 Cert. 4 shares £10 each B. Ayres Great Southern Rly. 5% Ex/92. £100 Venezuela 1881. 1 Cert. 2 shares Cent Argt. Rly. (£5 paid) Securities held by London & County Bank entered at Bank 1890. Feby 3rd £100 Stock B.A. & Rosario. 4% debentures Feby 5th £75 Stock in Cent. Argt. Rly. 15 £5 shares. These sold June for £108 by London & County Bank. May 9th £30 3 shrs B.A. & Rosario Rly. £10 each.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1891 Notes on front pages of diary: 18 Stafford Terrace. July 27th 1891 ------------Blankets counted & marked. ------------No 1 room (Miss Maud’s) 2 small, 5 large blankets No 2 (Servants room) 1 small, 2 large. No 3 (Spare room) 1 large double 1 small. No 4 (Our room) 1 Large double. 1 large single List of silver left out July /91 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 2 1 2 1

wine cooler silver bread basket tea service sugar milk & tea pot (illeg) stand horn jug & mugs biscuit caddy candlesticks silver sugar bowl & spoon moist ditto entrée dishes complete butter dish silver cruet complete & spoon silver peppers cream jug silver & glass coffee maker toast rack spoon warmer salad bowl spoon & fork salve. 1 crumb scoop sauce boat butter & cheese tripod gold apostle spoons serviette rings prs nut crackers fish knife & fork knife rests pickle fork

Complete list of silver counted with Jane, July /91 1 silver entrée dish warmer 1 unused silver tea pot


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1

wine coolers gypsey kettle silver bread baskets breakfast dishes large 5 o’c tea tray complete tea & coffee service soda water stands silver & glass claret decanter horn silver jug & 2 mugs Rouen coffee stand etc silver biscuit caddy silver tea caddies silver ditto candlesticks silver sugar bowl & spoon moist ditto entrée dishes complete butter ditto silver cruet complete & spoon silver peppers 5 o’c silver tea service (in safe) cream jug silver & glass silver coffee maker toast rack spoon warmer

Table silver out 1 gravy spoon silver 12 dessert 12 tea 8 table 6 egg 2 ladles 12 large forks 12 small 2 sugar tongs, large & small 12 fish knives forks 12 dessert ditto 1 salad bowl spoon & fork 1 salve, 1 crumb scoop 1 hot water can silver 1 sauce boat 1 butter & cheese tripod 4 gold apostle spoons 4 serviette rings 1 asparagus tongs 2 prs nut crackers 1 soup ladle 1 fish knife & fork 2 knife rests 1 pickle fork


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Table silver 1 gravy spoon 8 tables 12 desserts 2 ladles 12 tea spoons 6 egg ditto 12 large forks 12 small ditto 2 sugar tongs 12 fish knives & forks 12 dessert ditto List of linen out taken with Jane, July /91 4 dining room table cloths 3 school room ditto 2 kitchen 3 side cloths 2 tray ditto 2 best tray cloths 20 serviettes (old & new) 2 5 o’c tea cloths 2 blue & white centre 6 glass cloths 6 dusters 6 tea cloths (old) 8 best dessert doyleys 6 blue & white tray mats 2 knitted bread doyleys 10 round doyleys 1 knitted sardine doyley 8 every day doyleys Glass out July /91 4 glass entrée dishes 2 finger bowls 7 champagne tumblers 8 specimen glasses 6 liqueur, 3 & 3 6 best tumblers 12 sherry glasses 4 claret ditto 3 brown sherry glasses 2 water jugs 3 custard cups 3 decanters 1 whiskey ditto 2 old ditto 1891 Best crested glass


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 12 L. sodas 4 ditto cut 2 water goblets 1 water jug & goblet 12 barrel tumblers 12 crinkley ditto 18 champagne glasses 24 claret 17 sherry Best glass on next page. Best glass July 91 12 large soda tumblers 4 cut ditto 2 glass goblets 1 water jug & goblet 12 barrel tumblers 12 crinkley tumblers 18 champagne glasses 24 claret 17 sherry 6 violet hock glasses 10 brown ditto 3 odd glasses 2 odd champagne ditto 3 odd liqueurs 13 liqueur barrels 2 Bohemian pickle pots 12 ice plates 17 W. white finger glasses 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 8

china coffee complete white cruet glass jam stands china cruet white china toast rack sardine dish tripod dishes flower glasses

Stable furniture Oct /91 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1

brass bedstead old mattress feather bed bolster striped rug wooden chairs wooden table chest of drawers wicker chair List taken with Emma 2nd of Nov. /91


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1891. 6th November Monday counted with Alice silver put away in pantry cupboard. Large silver salve Large breakfast dish Small ditto Coffee pot belonging to service Electro tea pot Unused electro ditto Large silver ink stand 1 Gypsey kettle 1 Wine cooler 1 Bread basket 2 Soda water holders 1 Rouen coffee machine Silver in safe 6 Nov /91 Silver lunch warmer 2 tea caddies 5 mugs 2 silver tea pots & one sugar basin Silver in spare room wardrobe ½ drawer near window 9th Nov /91 Butter dish & glass Complete set of odd silver used when company here Horn jug & 2 goblets Ink stand Books read in 1891 “Paul et Virginie” p. Bernadine de Saint Pierre who was allowed an annuity of 1000 frs fr. Louis XVII & 6000 fr. Emp. Nap I. “The day will come” by Miss Braddon. Clever plot & interesting. “Les contes du Lundi” p. A. Daudet. Short stories of Fran. Prussian war, some pretty & pathetic others so-so. “Maximes du Duc de la Rochfaucauld”. “Consuelo” par George Sand. “La Comtesse de Radalstaat” par George Sand – suite de “Consuelo” v. interesting about court life of Frederic the Great. “La petite fadette” by George Sand. Dullish & spun out. “L’ame de Pierre” p. Georges Ohnet. Books read during 1891 “Life of Mary Nelly” by Mrs Julian Marshall “ “ ” ” “Duchesse de Maine” by (blank) “Lettres des Mde. de Récamier” “Contesse Sarah” par Georges Ohnet


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 “Fort comme la Mort” p. Guy de Maupasson “Life of Frances Burney”, afterwards Mde d’Arblay who wrote “Cecilia” etc now classic was one of Queen Charlotte’s ladies. George III wearied her with questions & she spent many years after her marriage in France., was much admired by Dr Johnson etc. “A group of noble dames” by Thomas Hardy “Mon frère Vjes” by Pierre Loti sea story “Hotel d’Angleterre” Falkenor Bret Harte “Post Mistress of (blank) “La Contesse Sarah” by Georges Ohnet story of Irish girl, do not care for it. “Consuelo” par George Sand Venetian story well told & pleasingly written. Memoranda from 1890: 30th December 1890 X. Sent 2 Banker’s receipts to Mr Lowndes, one for £54 & £36 B. Ayres Gt. Southern Rly 5% Ex.1894. Lin & Roy out skating most bitterly cold never felt anything like it. Mervyn sailed for S. America on S. S. Tagus. Con, Eddie Boehm & Tabs saw him off at S’hamton. Tassel there also. 31st Dec 1890 Went to London with Lin by S. E. Rly one hour late. Left Maud in bed with bad cold. Lin left me at Albert Hall Mansions to stay with Mother. Con came in disagreeable about Lin not being at Sir E. B’s funeral. Hard frost. Jan 1891 Thursday 1 January London. Dark dull. After breakfast shop’d. Called Staf. Ter. Saw Lin working. Lunched on oysters with him (sent fr. Rules as present) gave rest to Mother. Eff & Con called after lunch & Marion Pollock. Con & Lin here to dinner. Lin on to Pantomime. Mother v. tired & short of breath. Friday 2 January Dense fog, black. Got into Mother’s bed at 6.30. Went at 10 o’c in fly to Lin, got out globe for his gas, on to stores bought 2 manacures 1/2, comb 7d, cold cream 8d, 1/- to fly man. Total 5/2½. Read to Mother after lunch & marked handkerchiefs. Miss Bushman to dinner, giggled over her own affairs as usual! never listens to yours! Letters fr. Maud & dear Lin. Saturday 3 January Albert Hall Mansions. Dull dark day, frost. V. cold. V. busy working all morg. with Mother. Dear Lin came in whilst we lunched going on to Academy & dines with Neucleus Club where he lost money at those detestable cards. I drove to Eff’s after lunch sat 1½ hrs with her & took a little walk round, beastly dirty, v. slippery. Strange ménage! Cab there & back 2/-. Almanack & scones 1/-. Mother better had little sleep during my absence. Sunday 4 January London. Albert Hall Mansions. Gt. Excitement waiting for Lin, sent Reffell for cab, could not get one. Dull dark frosty morning. Missed S. E. train went by L. C. Dover, Mr Burnand passed me down & left me at Pros. Ter. Left Mother fairly well. Found all well here, Maud’s cold better, looking v. pretty. Glorious day at


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Ramsgate bright sun clear frost snow crisp on ground. Lin’s birthday. Maud arranged table & little menus v. sweetly. Mrs. S. worrying dreadfully, v. excited. Monday 5 January Lovely day, bright clear frost. Roy skating. X. Sent off 2 receipts of B.A. Gt. Southern Rly. to Mr Lowndes, one for 5% pref. shrs, the other Ex. 1894, £52.10 & other £54. Also sent 1st div of 8/4 on B.A. & Pacific depot (have £20 in same). Tuesday 6 January Began 4½ gal. beer. Lovely day went to see Roy skate Sicklemore’s pond, does wonderfully well. Lin & Roy lunched there & stayed till 4.30. Maud in all day. Miss Gould called. Miss G. walked with me to pond. Snow all over country v. pretty. Three wrecks brought into harbour. V. rough night. Wednesday 7 January Lovely day. V. cold but bright. Roy off 10 o’c skating, lunched there, tongue sandwiches & cake. Lin’s stolen. V. angry, came back & had uncomfortable lunch here & off to London by 4 train. Maud & G. on ice twice, M. getting on in skating. Mary B. to tea. Miss G. entirely forgot herself before Mary, & went on in strange manner. Thursday 8 January X. Received cheque for Dec. quarter £25. Sent same on by Jolly to Mr Lowndes. Maud, Roy & G. to skate morg. Joined them at 12.30. All home to lunch, lovely day. Mrs. Buck. & Mrs. Ham. called. M, R & G. to tea Mrs. Middleton’s. Tony out for day at stables. Friday 9 January Lovely day. Ground still entirely covered with snow, hard frost. Paid books morg. £5.9.10. Roy off to ice at 10 o’c. Maud & Middletons followed, remained on ice for lunch. Roy home first, got his stockings soaked. Chicks to Mrs. Burnand to tea. I called after lunch on Mrs. Fox. T. Mrs. Hicks & Mrs. Burnand. Had tea Mrs. B’s, told me about Harry. Wire & 2 letters fr. Lin, was coming but can’t today. Alice out. I went up & saw old Nana, asked how Alice getting on. Mrs. Roberts & Mrs. Scrim. & son called. Gave Roy hot bath, was awfully naughty, made me feel quite ill. Little F. due, did not come! Saturday 10 January Lovely bright clear day, hard frost. Windows coated with ice 2 pipes frozen. M. & Roy to ice for day, lunched there. Tassel called enquired for all. Lin arrived at 2 o’c. I walked with him to ice, met Squire. Came back with Connie B. & Mr Whitehead, felt de trop. Called & stayed some time with Mrs. Harry Burnand. Cuthbert & little Middleton in to tea. Chicks all home v. late from ice. I cooked all morg. Slept v. badly so worried about Roy who gets beyond me. Seems none the worse for his wetting. X. Alice been here one month today. Sunday 11 January Lovely day here. Dense fog in London, called Black Sunday! M, Miss G. & self to Church. V. good little sermon, came out with such resolutions! Gill dispels them all with her (illeg) remarks. Met Mrs. Buck & Mrs. H. B. Harry & wife to tea. Cuthbert here all day, gave him 2/6. Church 1/-. Hard frost, ice in London 8 inches deep on Round Pond & 7½ on Serpentine. Slept better. Hope not getting into old bad habit of not sleeping.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 12 January Change in weather. Rained at 11 o’c, children to ice all the same. Made 16 mince pies my first! Wonder how they will turn out. No little F. Thaw. Snow & ice all disappearing. Tuesday 13 January X. Petit ami, due last Friday! Wednesday 14 January Rapid thaw. V. muddy. Lin to London by 4 train. Jane out. 2 Middletons, Mary B. & Eddie Buck. to tea. V. tired & felt nervous & irritable. Thursday 15 January Snow & frost during night, v. windy. In bed till 12. Finished reading Mde. de Récamier. V. interesting mention P. Mérimée, M. de Chateaubriand, Ampère etc. Maud, Roy & Miss G. to Mrs. Middleton’s to tea. Connie B. here to tea. Roy did not ride on account of frost. Jolly posted letter to Midge only put on 1d stamp, won’t Hamilton swear! Friday 16 January In bed till 12. Letter fr. Lin says he’s coming today by Gran. Mary B. came asking me to dine there if alone feel too seedy to go out, cough tiring. Roy out with little Middletons. Letter fr. C. Stokes fr. Moraces(?) & Mr Molesworth. Lin came down in time for dinner. Hard frost again, Roy jubilant! Saturday 17 January Bitterly cold. Snow, E. wind. In bed till 12, feel weak & seedy. Sent French book to Miss Howe, 15 Acacia Rd, London. Bad news fr. B. Ayres another rebellion at Entre(?) Rios. Made another lot of mincemeat, last went v. quickly. 3 o’c P. M. snowing hard. Lot of Middletons to tea, boys playing together. Wrote to Aunt Quack(?) Sunday 18 January Bitterly cold. Bright morg. M, Miss G. & Roy to Church. Snow still on ground. Ice & frost. Roy, M. & Miss G. to Church. Lin took chicks for long walk after lunch, snowing fast & biting N. E. wind. Lin in to Mrs. F. C. B. after dinner. Mr B. chaffed Lin about going to dine with Sir F. Leighton on Sat next! Wish it meant A. R. A. to follow for Lin! X. Commenced taking Vorten water! for kidneys. Monday 19 January Down to breakfast. Maud weepy about ice, went at 12 & home to lunch. Roy returned first, not good enough for him. After lunch Roy & Lin off to play billiards. Mended linen morg. in Lin’s room. Mrs. Burnand asked us to dinner. Can’t go don’t feel equal to face cold at night. Lovely bright day but bitterly cold. Miss G. sent off books for me. Posted letter to Miss Montalba, Charlie at Chenta Moraces(?), Laurence book to Miss Howe & a diary to Quack! Tuesday 20 January Thaw. Wind N. W. much warmer. Chicks off to Pond all the same with Miss G. Cooked all morg. Meat pie, white soup, macaroni cheese. Coals & coke in, 2 tons of coal ½ chaldron coke. Called after lunch on Mrs. Middleton, Miss Gould & Mrs. Burnand. Read Nap III. Wednesday 21 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Much warmer altho’ frost in night & ice in roads. Lin off to London early. Announcement of Lord Caithness’ death. Very grieved Roy so naughty don’t know how to manage him & feel v. unhappy as he does not seem to care whether he grieves me or not. Pd. books with Miss G. Pd 10/- Matthews for mending M’s broaches, & toast rack. Maud with Middletons, Roy with (illeg illeg) gave him 1/- for trycicle(?). Mrs. Harry B. to tea with Guy. Chicks all out to Mrs. F. C. B’s to tea. Jane out. Maud’s seems to have cold on chest. X. Paid for Mrs. S’s cap at Syretts 8/9. Thursday 22 January Lovely day. Awake half night Maud coughing so. Feel tired in consequence & Roy v. rude & noisy at breakfast. More snow during night. Roy gone off to ice with Jolly. 2 Burnands & 2 Middletons to tea. Walked with G. & met Burnands. Ice party here. Mrs. Buckmaster & Mrs. Middleton called. I went for long walk with Roy, would put his fingers into all the puddles & throw black snowballs. Friday 23 January Wet dull & muddy, rapid thaw. Roy slept in M’s room, still tiresome, going for ride with Jolly at 2.15. Letter fr. Lin. Lady M. Wallop charming by Mr Ryle’s account, tall & beautiful. Mr Watney to be married on the 3 rd Feby! Lin skated for 2 hrs full length of Serpentine yesterday. Wire fr. Lin coming in time for dinner tonight. Called after luncheon Mrs. H. Buckmaster & Mrs. Pugin, stayed some time with each. X. Roy had an hour’s ride alone with Jolly. Middletons all went away, 3 of their boys went yesterday. Saturday 24 January Rapid thaw. Maud too seedy to go to Miss Gould. Wet day v. muddy. Out shop’g morg. X. Forged letter of Lin’s in Morg. Post. Lin answered it, long reply in Saty Review. Sunday 25 January Lovely day. Went to Church with Roy. Maud in all day. Lin rode after lunch. Harry Burnand dined here & we went over to Mrs. F. C. B’s after. Dr & Mrs. Roose there. Mr Burnand looked tired. Went after Church with Lin & Roy to see fire at Mill at back of Mr Wills’ house, entirely burnt. Met Mr & Mrs. Wills, went over their house. Mrs. Burnand called to ask us to go in after dinner. Read long ac’t in Saty Review, E. L. Sambourne, versus L. Sambourne. Monday 26 January Glorious day bright sun shine much warmer. Went out morg. shop’g. Roy & Lin rode to meet at Birchington & hunted. Roy did well Lin v. pleased with him, rode well to the front. Both home by 2 o’c to lunch. Went to Mrs. Veil’s to tea. 2 Gould girls there, they think Maud altered. Tassel sent me some new laid eggs. Tuesday 27 January Dine at Mrs. Hammond 7.15. To tea at Mrs. Scrims 3.30. Called Mrs. Harry Burnand. Lovely day but v. windy. Scrubbed yard with Robin! & looked over dear Roy’s suit & clothes. Lord Caithness to be interred at Holyrood Abbey. V. pleasant evg. at Mrs. Hammond’s. Mr F. C. B. chaffed me about about drop’g the liason in “Revenous à nos moutons”. Mrs. H. B. & Mrs. Frank H. only other guests. Dear Roy v. good, last day! Wednesday 28 January Dullish & wet under foot. X. Dear Roy returns to school at 3 o’c with Lin in cart. Took him about new suit, he played billiards with Lin until 12 o’c. Lin going to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 London by 4 train fr. Margate after leaving Roy at school. Too wet after Maud’s drawing to go to call, stayed in. Mary B. to tea. Jane out. Letter fr. Tabbie, wire fr. Mother. Piano 2 months, one already paid. Thursday 29 January Lin returned in time for dinner! Worked here but worried with it. Mrs. Norden called. Dull & raining. Mrs. Harry B. came & stayed some time. M. had headache. Harry got employment with Mr Edwards at Comedy Theatre, think Mrs. H. looks like having another baby. Friday 30 January Read to Lin all morg. Lovely day quite warm. Called after lunch on Mrs. North Buck, Mrs. Martin Thomson, Mrs. Pugin, sat some time there. Mrs. Croaker there also Cap. C. had fallen on to (illeg) stone & cut himself! Mr Burnand came in whilst I was there, saw imitation stained glass windows very pretty. Mrs. North Buck sent me some Xmas roses. Saturday 31 January Wet morg. till 12 o’c. Lovely after & warm. Read to Lin till luncheon then drove to Pegwell flats with Maud in dog cart with mare. Lin went to London by 4 o’c train for 1st night of English opera, Sir E. Sullivan’s “Ivanhoe”. M. & self called after on Miss Gould & Mrs. Hammond, both out. Walked with Zita & Ethel who came to tea. Miss Gill to bed early with head ache. Finished Nap III, sad eventful life. Roy’s new suit came home. Zita & Ethel to tea. Feb 1891 Sunday 1 February Went to Church with Maud & Miss G. Lovely day to Church. Lin rode to see Roy. Connie B. came to tea. Monday 2 February Dined at Mrs. Burnand’s. V. pleasant evg. Mr Burnand’s smelling salts gone! Went out shop’g early. Lin hunted had capital day. Killed 2 hares & went for 1½ hrs run. Drove to St Peters with Maud driving Marquis, called after on Mrs. Whitehead, looks v. well. After lunch Miss Gould called. Tuesday 3 February Vernon Watney’s wedding day. Dull. Mrs. S’s cold bad, voice so thick. Jack & Connie to dinner. Maud drove Marquis in dog cart to Margate to see Roy & take Roy’s box with all the extra things, also jam, cake, biscuits & chocolates. Maud saw Miss Allen for me. Roy looking well. Bad headache all day. Mary to lunch. Bates came. Mother wants me to go to her. Wired saying w’d go with Lin tomorrow. Found J. & C. B. very heavy on hand with my head. Lin slept all evg. & read papers all dinner time. Wednesday 4 February Lin not going to London this week. Wired Mother saying I could not go up in consequence, afraid she will be disappointed. Ans’d Mrs. Warre’s & Lady Freake’s cards. Awful headache all day. Drove with Maud at 12 o’c nearly to Sandwich, sat in front with her. After lunch walked with G. & M. Ethel to tea, brought battle door & shuttle cocks 2/10. Mrs. Wills & Miss Vale called. Thursday 5 February M. & self to tea at Miss Gould. Mrs. S. in bed all day, much nicer in drawing room in consequence. Poor Alice had 2 teeth out morg! Drove at ¼ to 12 with Maud to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Westwood. Took Mrs. Tassel’s basket, insisted on my having 6 more eggs & w’d accept no money. Saw Bates, fires in rooms, beds airing. Asked Bowley for 2 wreaths to take tomorrow. Maud drove all way, I sat in front with her. Reading Marion Crawford’s book. Lin hard at work, riding at 2.30. Had tea Gould, hugely dull. To see Mrs. Hammond after & Bessie H. X. Starling flew into maid’s room. Jane caught it & let it out of window. Friday 6 February To tea at Mrs. Warre’s. White sea fog & scotch mist. Drove to Westwood with Maud 12 o’c. Fetched hamper & 2 wreaths. Mrs. Tassel gave me 6 eggs. Saw Tassel working in garden. Took wreaths & placed them at dear Father’s grave & brought away glass shade. Lin meet at Westwood but did not see him. Walked with G. & M. to Mrs. Warre’s. V. nice afternoon, sweet house, nice girls, Mr W. v. handsome. Capt Jones there. Walked home with Mrs. Hammond & in to see Bessie H, looks better. Too tired to go in to Mrs. F. C. B. evg. Saturday 7 February Shop’g morg. with G. & M. Still white fog thick & heavy. Called after lunch with M. on Mrs. Norden, rice & wedding left cards. Left M. at Mrs. Burnand’s where she had tea, walked with Mrs. B. to see Bessie, out, to Church, & to Mrs. Pugin, out. Met Charlie B. & wife on Pier morg. Had taken all chicks for drive afternoon. Went in to Burnands after dinner. C. & wife, Dr. Roose & son there. Felt tired. Rosie played violin & young Roose whistled in tune! Sunday 8 February To Church with M. & G. Very nice sermon fr. Mr Burrows on self denial, love of God & Charity. Spoke of Mr Bradlaugh’s death & cremation last week. Lin rode morg. round Westwood & Kingsgate with Mr Burnand & Charlie. Lin & I dine at Mrs. Burnands. Dr Roose & son there, did not feel A1. Mrs. F. C. B. evidently tired too. X. Petit ami. Monday 9 February In bed till 12. Maud & Ethel in cart to Westwood, brought Tony. Bates returns to London today. Lin rode after lunch. Maud & Gill to Catholic Col. to see performance of (illeg) by boys. P(illeg), Burnands. Hammonds there. Went after “Winkle tea” & did not return till 9.30. Letter fr. Roy. Finished reading “Fort comme la mort” by Guy de Maupassaant. Very interesting, usual heroic (illeg) in this case artist, all goes well, until début of only daughter, whose likeness to her mother inspires artist with same passion for daughter as he had for the mother 12 years before. Fiançailles of daughter to Marquis de Ferandal, despair of artist! Tableau. Artist run over by omnibus, dies in arms of mistress! Tuesday 10 February Pay £23 Cent. Argt. Rly. Terrible news of death of Rider Haggard’s only son aged 9 years. X. Sent cheque for £23 to London & Westminster B, Lothbury, for Cent. Argt. Rly. by Jolly evening. Maud with Ethel to Convent & College after. Lin hunting at Saare. Rosie Burnand came in & stayed some time. Wednesday 11 February Lin went up by 4 train. Maud drove Marquis at 2.30 with Zita. Mare’s back sore. Lin’s saddle split hunting yesterday, could not make out what made her go queer coming home. Mary, Ethel & Dolly O’Connel to tea. V. pretty little girl. Jack fetched Mary & E. Jane out afternoon & evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 12 February Wire fr. Lin coming back by Granville tonight! I drove to Westwood with Maud, got laurustinus & celery, fond Tassel & Bowley busy in garden. Brougham & dog cart airing in yard. Lin returned by Gran. X. Brought banker’s receipt of £23 sent for Cent. Argt. Rly. Tuesday. Maud to tea & supper at Mrs Burnand’s. Books v. heavy last week £6.2.8. Finished reading “Spiritual Wives” by Hepworth Dixon, wonderful to find so many willing to go off their heads on Religion & what Religion! Friday 13 February Heavenly day. Down to breakfast. X. Drank bad Fonteia water - oil after which had no effect! Wonder if it will kill me, better early than late don’t wish to grow old. Drove at 2.30 with Maud Sandwich Bay, bitterly cold returning but lovely bright & sunny. Marquis not v. well, gums bad, went slack. Mrs. Bartram called. Lin hard at work. Miss Gill paid my books. Saturday 14 February Rosie Burnand to dinner. Miss G. did shop’g for me morg. Mary & Ethel out with Maud. Lin hunting Marquis. I called after lunch on Mrs. Buckmaster, O’Connel, Warre, Mrs. Pugin & Mrs. Hammond, stayed some time, Bessie there. Enjoyed having Rosie, many subjects in common. Another awful Whitechapel murder. Mr Montague Williams & Mrs. Lawford down. Sunday 15 February M, G. & self to St Mary’s, stayed to communion. Sensible sermon on Tempation, daily worries & general forbearance. Enjoyed it but afraid good resolutions & good impressions will soon wear off with my daily cross, Mrs. S. who has no sympathy & no affinity with my nature, nor I with hers, alas! Why are such natures thrown together except to make life uncomfortable for both. Mrs. Pugin called. Plum pudding gone bad! This in addition to mincemeat is a lesson with a motto! Monday 16 February Lovely day like spring. Lin, M. & self drove Marquis to meet,“Mount Pleasant”. Pretty meet about 22 in field. Mrs. Hammond, pretty Mrs. Mayhew, Connie B. & Jack. After lunch called on Mrs Bankes. Long letter fr. Midge, expecting Mervyn, had not yet arrived when she wrote. Lin & self went in to Mrs. B’s after dinner. F. C. B. not down. Tuesday 17 February Glorious day. Drove at 12 to Westwood with mare, back better but still discharging. Saw Tassel who had been to London & seen dear Mother who looked quite well he thought. Returned 2 hampers & Mrs. T’s little egg basket, brought away hamper. Ordered 2 wreaths for dear Father’s grave of box, hope to take them tomorrow. After lunch Lin rode Marquis off feed a little. I called on Mrs. Vale, Mrs. Hankes, saw Dr H. there just arr’d fr. London where there was dense fog. Met Mrs. F. C. B. & went shop’g with her. Domestic change there trying page again. Maud to Mrs. Buckmaster for tennis & tea, came home tired. Lin working on Blk. & White. I went to sleep after dinner, waste of time must not do it again. Wednesday 18 February Thick white fog. Letter fr. Midge, things v. bad in S. America. Drove to Westwood. Very damp fog quite thick. Took 2 dolls & few old things for Mrs. Tassel & Bowley. Took 2 box wreaths to St. Peters, the two I took last week still quite fresh as if


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 only placed yesterday. Lin not going to town, working here. Went out shop’g after lunch & called on Miss Gould slow & surprised! but v. kind! Mary & Ethel here to tea. Thursday 19 February X. Sent off 2 claret packing cases to stores empties numbers 13597 & 42678 by Jolly. Still white fog. Walked morg, too cold to drive, E. wind. In all afternoon & evg. Read “Mde. Necker’s Salon” by G. Trollop. Mde. Necker mother of Mde. de Stael. Lin went to Mrs. F. C. B’s after dinner. Mr Blunt there, sang & played. Friday 20 February White fog. Lin & self dine at Mrs. F. C. B’s. Mr Blunt there. Letter fr. Mr Lowndes. Decided to borrow £25 of Bank whilst things are so bad in S. America, all securities there going steadily down. Lin & self dined at Mrs. Burnand’s. Mr Blunt there. Jane out. Saturday 21 February To tea at Miss Gould’s. Maud to tea at Mrs. Burnand’s. Miss Gill to Miss Pratt’s. Mr & Mrs. Burnand & Mr Blunt to dinner, had clear soup, bought 1/2d smelts. Kidneys on toast. Leg of mutton, stewed celery. Roast fowl, salad. Apricot tart, cream, 2 custards. Parmesan eggs, cress sandwiches etc. Jane waited v. nicely & Alice managed dinner v. nicely. V. pleased with both. X. Dear Roy came over in dog cart, has nasty cold & cough. Paid books & did orders morg. V. foggy still. Sunday 22 February Dull & foggy. Colder much. Roy’s cold seems heavy. Slept with Lin, I with Maud. Took liqueur glass of yellow chartreuse evidently does not suit me, all sorts of little things floating before my eyes. Gave man 2/- at church, been obliging giving us good seats. 1/- collection. Mr Blunt, Roy & Lin had long walk after lunch. Lin & self went to Mrs. Burnand’s after dinner. Mr M. Williams & Mrs. Lawson there & Mr Blunt who played & sang charmingly. Mr Williams most interesting, explained all about Board schools etc. Maud & self went to tea at Miss Gould’s. Mary & Ethel there. Alice out afternoon. Monday 23 February Mrs. Banks to tea. Lovely morg. cold & sharp but sunny & bright. Went over 16 Royal Cres. with Mrs. Burnand & Mr Gould, nicest house next to this here. Walked shop’g with Mrs. B, met Mr Montague Williams & dog! O’Grady Evans. Mrs. Bankes to tea. Mary B. to tea with Maud. X. Maud’s little friend, seems v. well with it. Tuesday 24 February Dull foggy morg. cold & damp. Unable to go to meet. Maud & self drove after lunch towards Sandwich. Mare v. lazy & sluggish. Lin busy on “Black & White” drawing, sat for eyes & feet morg. Lin went in to Mrs. F. C. B’s evg. Mr Blunt there. Connie & Zita to tea. Wednesday 25 February Lovely day bright sun. Drove at ¼ to 12 with Maud to Westwood, took back hampers. Sat for legs & feet again morg. Mr Blunt called arranged to fetch Lin at 20 to 4 o’c to go up by that train. Drove Marquis, home by Sandwich. Bought eggs of Mrs. T, gave her 2/6. Lin went to town. Maud to tea at Mrs. Burnand’s, sewing bee. X. Jane out afternoon evg. Called on Mrs. Bartram.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 26 February Lovely day. On sands fr. 10 till 12.30. Two wires fr. Lin one to say coming the other did not get work done on time. Poor girl threw herself over cliff this morg. at 6 o’c. Maud, G, Burnands & self sat on sands for 3 hours , glorious morg, quite warm. Cakes 6d. Maud spent day at Mrs. F. C. B’s. Miss G. & self in cart to Coastguards Sandwich. Marquis went well. Called & saw Alice’s home, beautiful plants etc. X. Alice out afternoon & evg. Molly O’Connel came to tea. Returned life of “Mde. Necker” & 2 other books to library. Friday 27 February Glorious morg. Lin coming tonight. Mr Blunt wants us to dine at Granville tonight. Paid books. Met Mr Blunt on sands, arranged to dine at Granville at 8. Drove at 2.30 to Westwood for hamper, ordered wreath. Tassel taking it if I can’t tomorrow. Took Zita with me. Maud spending day at Mrs. Burnand’s. Saturday 28 February Mr Bankes dines here 7.30 & Mr Blunt. Mock turtle. Small turbot. Roast leg mutton, salad, potatoes. Roast pigeons, salad. Rhubarb tart, cream. Soft herring roes. Parmesan. Paid books again v. heavy. Jolly to W’wood in cart & mare. Mary, Ethel Gill, Maud & self to sands all morg. Adventure with Ethel’s boat. Mr Blunt with us. Lin vexed our being late for lunch. Photoing Rosie Burnand with bay wreath as Greek or Roman lady. Lin rode. Pleasant evg. Mr B. played & sang a great deal. Maud had tea & supper at Mrs. F. C. B’s. Frank brought her back. Two month’s piano to pay. Mar 1891 Sunday 1 March To Church morg. Met all Ramsgate after on Parade. Mr Blunt, M. & Lin for walk. Mrs. Burnand’s birthday kept tonight. Mr Blunt in to tea. La G. encore s’oublié. Went in to Mr B’s after dinner, Maud with us. Mr Blunt played & sang. Bessie H. there, stayed late, v. tired. Monday 2 March Drove to St Peters with Connie Burnand & on to enquire after Mrs. Abernethy. Lovely day, warm bright & sunny like May. Connie B. came in to dinner perfect cormerant(?). I had tea at Miss Gould’s met a charming little woman Mrs Bigge a distinct improvement on most people here, also Miss Kelly & Mrs. F. Borradaile, both v. nice. Tuesday 3 March Drove with Marquis to meet beyond Sandwich. Lin, M. & self in dog cart in teeth of cold north wind, c’d scarcely hold reins. Mr Blunt & Mr Hammond went by rail, met us there. Lin rode mare hunting & rode home. Lunched at Fleur de Lis awfully dirty & v. rough. Met Squire & Mr B. after in town, wanted us to lunch with them, w’d not. Went with them over Town Hall saw old pictures, Elizabeth Welch family? Over St Peters Church with (illeg) clergyman-rector! & drove home. Met Lin, Mr B. & Mr H. on way. Stop’d at Mrs. Burnand’s, felt v. queer, awfully sick c’d keep nothing down so went to bed. Expenses 1/6, fan stand 3/-. Dear Maud to tea at Mrs. Burnand’s. Awfully sick went to bed after coming fr. Mrs. Burnands. Maud dined with Lin. X. Ton of coals in, ordered by Miss G. Wednesday 4 March Sent off “Fort comme la Mort” to Miss Howe. Read ac’t in “Times” of mistake in Sir E. Boehm’s will, mentions Georgie twice instead of Floss. Lin went up by 4


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 train. Mary, Ethel, here to tea & supper. Miss Gould & Miss Stancomb to tea. Feel better but still queer in head. Rosie B. stood to Lin morg. for photos. Reading “Grande dame Russe” by Marmier, stupid book. Jane out aft. & evg. Thursday 5 March Lin dines at Mrs. Costas 8 o’c. Lovely day. Books better not so heavy. Drive at 12 to Westwood. Mrs. Bowley gave me eggs. Ordered wreaths for 13 th March. Maud dined with Mary & Ethel at Mr Gould’s, had splendid dinner. Jane fetched her. Alice out aft. & evg. Friday 6 March Lovely morg. Jolly doing windows. Letter fr. Lin, Ada S. J. Card fr. Mrs. Palmer. Not driving today on ac’t of wind. William here all morning. Little Winnie to tea & sat to Maud for her portrait. I called after lunch on Mrs. Witcher, nice old lady & v. nicely kept house. Only one servant kept. Wanted to give me tea & make an omelet to show me how to make them, most kind. On to Mrs. Hammonds, Rosie & Bessie there, stayed some time. Saturday 7 March Dull morg. No sun. Walked morg. with G. shop’g & met Maud & Ethel & Connie B. on sands. Ethel’s boat smashed! Met Mr M. Williams alone. After lunch Maud to Burnands. Alice fetched her at 8.30. X. Miss Witcher came to tea & made omelet, excellent. 2 eggs, whites whip’d separately the 2 eyes taken out. Butter about size of walnut, pep. salt. Had no herbs or parseley. Kept forking it fr. front of frying pan & eggs must be put in when butter is boiling, About 2 tablespoons of milk. X. Lin dining with Mr Aird tonight. Rained afternoon first we have seen for ages. Sunday 8 March Pouring wet morg, the first since we came here. Letter fr. Lin will come today by 11 fr. Vic, reaching Rams. at 1.15. Have been long without him. Letter fr. Mother. Lin came by 1.15. Rode after lunch by Margate, v. wet. Quiet evg. Mr B. in town. Played Halma with Maud. 3 gun boats off Harbour. Monday 9 March Pouring snow & heavy rain blowing hard cold east wind. Gun boats steamed off at 12 o’c. X. Petit ami au matin. Blizzard of snow & sleet with east wind. Lin sent Jolly to see Roy, took him biscuits & chocolate 2/6 & papers. J. says he looks v. well. Miss Allen only just down today, hope she will not take cold. To bed early fire in room. Tuesday 10 March Fearful night blinding snow & hurricane blowing fr. the East. Ground covered with snow. Letters fr. Sp, Mrs. Bankes. Lin dining at Institute tonight so went up by 4 train. Maud to sewing Bee. Miss G. took her & fetched her. Snowing hard. Harbour v. picturesque all grey & misty, basin fillied with fishing smacks & all covered in snow. Alice out afternoon & evg. Gave M. 1/- for Thanet sauce. Awful accounts of yesterday’s storm, mail packet “Victoria” fr. Dover to Calais 12 hrs crossing, awful night. Wednesday 11 March Snowing. Awful ac’ts in papers of Monday’s storm in Channel & round coast. Trains & mail carts snowed up. Blizzard. Sent off “Une grande dame Russe” p. Marmier to Miss Howe, don’t care for it or the second story. “Le (illeg) du 28 Sep” much more interesting both Russian stories. Letter fr. Lin had bad journey up.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Letter fr. Edgar goes to Pull today. Jane out evg. Alice brought up tea. Jack B. sailed for S. America. Thursday 12 March General bad news. M. & self dreamt of coffins, heard of Mrs. Middleton’s sudden death & wire for Miss G. saying her mother out of danger been v. ill. Decided Miss G. sh’d go home tomorrow by Granville. Lin down by Granville. B. Hollingshead & Connie B. to tea. Dear Mother came to Westwood, sent me over lobster & salmon. Friday 13 March Lovely day. Miss G. left for London by Granville. Maud & self drove to Westwood, took basket of flowers fr. Chapman’s to St Peters, 8 lovely baskets & wreaths there. Mother looking well. Left Maud there. Jolly fetched Maud at 5. Lin sent off black. Mother seems well. Saturday 14 March Lovely morg. Did birds & flowers, v. tired. Mary came for Maud, out together alone! Drove alone to Mother, stayed with her whilst Jolly went to see if Roy c’d come over till Monday, won’t allow it on ac’t of measles, v. sorry. Maud to tea at Mrs. B’s. Alice paid books for me & will fetch Maud. Letter fr. Miss G. returns Monday. Sunday 15 March M & self to Church. Parade after, v. windy. Lin rode morg. Walked with Maud, met Burnands. After lunch Lin & self drove to Westwood. Found dear Mother sitting alone writing in study. Had tea there. Mother gave me 2 golden plovers shot on grounds, Bowley eggs, & smelling salts for Mr Burnand. Blowing hard & raining coming home, called for Maud at Mr Gould’s where she had tea. Lin had chat with Mr Gould. Zita & Mary there. Monday 16 March Lovely day. Sent Lin’s green globes with Maud in dog cart to Westwood. Walked morg. with Mary Burnand to Miss Bryant. Miss Gill returns by Granville, her mother better. Lin rode morg. Mrs S. out also. Lin playing tennis after lunch at Buckmasters. Phillip to tea. Met Lin & went over 16 Ryl Crescent, can’t compare with this house. Miss G. arrived safely (illeg) her people better. Tuesday 17 March Putting back furniture, polishing. Vinten coming at 2 o’c for inventory. X. Connie B. called to ask us to dinner tonight. Maud, Mary & G. out shop’g, forgot my letters! Wednesday 18 March Lin goes up. Thursday 19 March V. cold snowed slightly. Left Ramsgate by 1.15 S. E. Burnands round. Maud & B’s out. Expenses home £3.15.3 Gave Jolly 5. 0.0. Alice 1. 5.0 £9.18.3


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Books & bills paid by Miss Gill £9.12.5 Gave Lin 10/Total £20. 0 .8 Jolly returned with horses today, met us there. Found all well. Men doing yard. Lin went to Lyric Club at Dr Orwin’s invitation. Friday 20 March Had bad night, horrid dream. Lin in about 1.30 fr. Lyric Club, good night there. Feels v. cold here after Ramsgate. Emma looks well, been doing yard, lavatories fresh painted & blinds all redone, new carpet in drawing room. Lin rode before lunch, enjoyed it. M. & G. walking. Miss Lutyens sent me a lovely pink heath. Called to thank Miss Lutyens after lunch, long chat with her, poor Ulric had £11,000 stolen fr. him in Edinboro’ Bank. Had tea at Mrs. Orton’s, enormous size might be expecting twins momentarily! Met Mrs. Marcus Stone, been staying at Millets. Bought 2 prs gloves 6/6 Barkers. Lin doing Gladstone as Swan & Goschen. Bad fowl, bad lobster. Most vexing & Lin so tired. Saturday 21 March Ox. & Cam boat race. Invite to Mrs. Donaldson’s after race. Box for “Lyons Mail” at Lyceum. Snowing. M. & Lin however drove to Boat Race in open cart, occasional bright gleams of sun. X. Miss G. going home today for holidays. Feel tired & worried no money & can’t pay my own bills & yet want so many things, must go without. Asked Fritz Jackson to join us at theatre tonight, can’t come cold, in bed! X. Oxford won by ½ boat’s length. M. & self out shop’g, pd. 2/- for fruit & flowers. Lin out to dinner, to meet us at theatre. Sp. came, dined with us & went to Lyceum with us. V. cold. Mr & Mrs. Wylie in our box can’t imagine what she sees in him. Sunday 22 March Miss Thorneycroft at home 4.30 - 11, Avonmore Mansions. Bitterly cold, hard frost & ice on roads. Maud & self to Church, took Tony for walk. Sp. to lunch. Lin rode & lunched with Barkers, Wimbledon. Sp. out after lunch but came back to tea & dinner. Lin nasty cold. Bitterly cold all day. Emma could not go out her knee so painful. Monday 23 March Bitterly cold & dark. Letters fr. Roy & Tabs. Sun out at 12. M. & self shop’g paid 3/1½ at Barkers for 2 shades & support. 4d hairpins, 1/3 candleshades, 4/3 chemist Barkers for glycerine, curling tongs & powder. Alice took M. out to enquire for Mother Albert H. Mans. Mr & Mrs. C. O. Barker dining here & to St James’ theatre after. Lin’s cold better. Emma’s knee v. painful c’d not go out yesterday in consequence. Tuesday 24 March Out morg. shop’g. Last hairpins. Called & saw Mother morg, v. seedy. Price there. After lunch called on Fanny Fildes, looks well & young, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Watney & Mr Burnand, had long chat with him. Piece of ground belonging to Mr Watney ajoining sold for £30,000. Flats to be built on sight(sic). X. M’s little F. Wednesday 25 March Fine day. Drove with Lin in dog cart to Drury Lane. Fanny B. & little girl there. Maud & Alice in cab there & back 5/-. M. saved 1/- man taking 2/- each way. Good pantomime. Man lizard wonderful, acrobats good, man as wooden soldier on tight rope v. funny. Lady Dunlo as beauty pretty but no actress. Emma’s knee better.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 26 March Lovely morg. Lin worried about Mr Worthington’s guns, wish he had never returned them, honesty not always best policy. Solicitors as usual wanting to make a case, thieves that they are! Lin finished drawing by tea time & out to see Mr Horniman, Strand. Mrs. S. & self in brougham to Derry’s where she bought servants aprons & caps. After with Maud to Mother’s, v. poorly. Edgar & Sp. had been. On to Marshall’s met Mrs. McKenzie bought Maud 2 pocket hand’s for Easter 2/4. M’s shoes 3/11, present for 5/11½ Nina & Louisa, my shoes 3/11, ties rib. 3/11½, Veils 1/6½, hair pins 5½ (illeg) 5½. Linen cotton 7½. Altogether £1.7.2½. Friday 27 March Maud’s head bad. Started for Church 11.10, too late. Walked to Mother’s found her very poorly, stayed to lunch & tea. Edgar & Sophy staying there. So. asked us to stay again at Sandgate with them. Mrs. Ina Terraro & Miss Bedall called, had to manage for Mother too poorly to see anyone. Lin drove to Mr Barker’s had long ride there with C. & A. L. Lunched & returned home to dinner. Rode to see Davidsons at Surbiton. Saturday 28 March X. Came to Canon Bourne’s by 2.15 fr. Paddington, Maud, Lin & self. Found all looking well. Canon unable to walk much or ride on account of Heart (angina pectoris). Maud comes down to dinner! Sunday 29 March Lovely day, warmer. Went to Church morg. & afternoon. M’s head bad. Gave Louisa 2/- for Sunday School children as could not get money out quick enough for collection. Monday 30 March Lovely morg. Cold wind. Walked with Lin to top of Weston Hill, glorious view fr. top of plains of Pershore & Evesham. Glimpse of Elmley Castle grounds, stone, & its story. Looked thro’ Church yard, Church built in 10 th or 11th centuary. Gentleman to lunch. M, Louisa, Nina & self looked thro’ Bazaar things , M. going to dress a doll poudrée. After lunch Lin, Nina, Louisa & self & M. drove to Northwich Park. Lady N. bad cold c’d not see us, we looked thro’ picture gallery & rooms, had tea there. Fine pictures by C(illeg), Raphael, Guido Reni, Titian, Roberts, one of J. J. Rousseau. Beautiful house with staircase like Wardour Castle, Lord Arundel’s place. Snowed hard but cleared later. Jane taking holiday. Tuesday 31 March Cold, gleamy day. Lin rode Louisa’s mare & hunted with N. Cotswold, Mr Rushout master. Met Mr & Mrs. Millet. Enjoyed his day immensely but mare went lame coming home, brought Lin back directed correct road by jerking her head. Mr Sheldon, Mr Osborn, Mr B(illeg) & son to dinner. Apr 1891 Wednesday 1 April Lovely day much warmer. Walked with Nina morning. Maud & Louisa busy dressing poudrée doll for Bazaar. Canon out all day at Campden. Linley went up to London by 12 train. Worked all afternoon, expected Mrs. Millet who did not come. Thursday 2 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bitterly cold day. Started in landau closed for Moreton in Marsh, hunt races at 10.30. Reached Mr Rushout’s about 12.30. Miss Peach friend of Mrs. Kermiss, Mrs. Bruce, Mr Branker & pleasant old gentleman Ld. Lifford there, don’t care for Mrs. R. fear older than her husband master of N. Cotswold H’s. Some drove fr. here to Course in brougham, rest in wagonette & postillion, we in our own. Bitterly cold. Walked with Nina & Mr Branker to see water jump where Ld. L. said w’d be the place to see undergraduates “Little Go”. Lunched in carriage. Had tea in Lady Clementine’s tent. Mr Mitford v. handsome, children lovely. H. Langley’s old horse “Adventurer” won the Stewards Plate” race. Police knocked clean off horse got in way, another man bowled over by same jockey by horse refusing jump. One man injured only in races. Had tea on return journey at Mrs. R’s again. Snowing hard all way home. Found Canon & Mr Hornby who remains night waiting dinner. V. tired, to bed 10.30. Friday 3 April Cold & dull. Canon & Mr Hornby started at 10 o’c for Campden. Luncheon party today. Major & Mrs. Knox gent & dau, Mrs. Millet. Drove after with Mrs. Millet to Mrs. Hope’s & Mrs. Ashwin’s. Mr A. too ill to go in. Saw Mrs. Roller & went round Mrs. Hope’s garden, came back here to tea. Quiet evg. Fanny’s story about Mde Toussaud’s & Briant & May’s advertisement on omnibus. Saturday 4 April Canon away v. early to Gloucester, did not return till dinner time. Lin came down, pouring with rain, warmer. Maud finished poudrée doll great success. Sunday 5 April Pay £52.10 First Call on B.A. Gt. S. 5% Pref shrs, being £2.10 on my 21 allotted shrs. To Church morg. Gleamy day, warmer, can see hyacinths growing. Read Queens of England afternoon. Remained to communion morg. M. & Lin also at Church. Walked before Church. Mr Sharp to dinner. Mr Millet & Roller unable to come. Monday 6 April Special meeting B.A. Pacific Compy. Due. X. Petit ami. Canon left by early train, does not return till Thursday. Rained hard. Drove at 12 to Sudeley Castle, Mrs. Dent’s for lunch. Lovely old place built in reign of Stephen by Ralph Bodeley, rebuilt etc by Mr Dent. Curiosities which most interested me viz Peruvian woman head about size of small monkey boiled down inside taken out & hard as leather, long blk thick hair used by natives as idol. Catherine Parr’s rooms with lovely view over grounds & ruins. Room where she died, portraits of Henry VIII & wives, 2 children, Ld. Seymour. Banqueting Hall lovely stained glass, portrait of Charles I. Black jacks, huge leather jugs with silver rims. Amy Robsart room, bed she was smothered on. Chandos room, copy of Murillo’s pic. of St John & lamb done by lady Miss Thomson all wool painted v. soft beau. effect. Tapestry entirely covering walls. Marie Antoinette tapestry, torture implements, pictures by Holbein, sketches ditto. Hogarth’s fortune picture, 2 fine Watteaus. In Chapel tomb of Catherine Parr, buried there. Chinese room, pigtails bells, lovely carved bed, cabinets with Chinese shoes etc. Mrs. Dent v. handsome & charming. Mr Brocklehurst here. Called on Mrs. Millet on way home. H. Roller there & Mrs. Barnard. Letter fr. Roy & Gill at Broadway. Tuesday 7 April Lin up to bed late. V. tired c’d not sleep v. seedy. In bed till 12 o’c, everyone most kind. After dressing sat in nursery till luncheon. Returned home by 3.15 train,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 reached home at 7.45. V. cold journey had to change at Oxford. Find Alice not good in cleaning, no finish & not thorough. Emma’s knee better. Mrs. S. well. Jane’s work good as usual & nice & bright, wish I had a thorough good housemaid upstairs. To bed early after dinner. V. cold. Wednesday 8 April X. Lovely day but v. cold. Coals 5 tons in. Dear Roy returned for holidays by Granville, beaten Knight & has got a prize “(illeg) Verse” by Roulet(?). Lin gave him 10/-. Sp. & Hilda came to tea, tiresome child so disobedient. Jane took Maud for walk, pd. 8d for letter to Midge! Thursday 9 April Dear Roy’s school breaks up. Dull wretched day. In bed till 12 feel weak. Lin took children to rink, were too late to try it. Friday 10 April In bed till 12. Feel queer. Went at 3.30 to leave cards at Miss Sandeman’s 42 Hyde Pk Gate. Mr A. Burnand died after few hours illness last Tuesday, he looked so well when I called just before going to Canon B’s. Called to enquire for Mother, gone to Buxton with Bates. To Aux. Stores bought lobster 1/6, cream cheese & brawn 1/6 = 3/-. Lin finished drawing of hares, Harcourt against close season for hares, at 10.30. Saturday 11 April Dull dark & cold. In bed till 11 o’c. Lunched early & drove with Maud to Lyceum theatre where Lin & Roy met us, had lunched in town. Most delightful performance of “Much ado about nothing”. Irving & E. Terry better then ever both looking younger! Met Mr Toole on way out coming thro’ Covent Garden, just ret’d fr. Australia looking v. well. Lin & Roy walked home had tea at Club. Bought 2 lbs sausages at Walls 1/8. Received annuity £25. Beans & oranges at Covent Gd. Market 1/-. Sunday 12 April Dull dark & dreary. Lin off for ride. Down to breakfast. Alice took M. & R. to St Matthias morg. Sp. came to tea & Mr Reed who kindly asked Roy to tennis tomorrow & the rink Olympia Tuesday. Lin & Roy to Zoo & Mr Furniss after to tea. Dark as night at 4.30 v. heavy showers & cold. Monday 13 April Dull & dark had candles on breakfast table! Parcel for Maud fr. Nana, long letter fr. Ethel B. Mrs. Sambourne gave me £5 for house linen. Walked with Roy & Maud to Whiteleys, ordered afternoon tea cups & breakfast plates 15/4. Roy & Lin played tennis with Mr Reed. Roy & Mr R. won. Tuesday 14 April Dear Mother’s wedding day. Mrs. Chester’s at home 10.30. Barrington & Jessie Bond. Forgot it! Maud & self shop’g morg. Lin, Roy, M. & self after to see “L’Enfant Prodigue” at Prince of Wales, dumb show with music. Wonderful performance by French people most pathetic, c’d have cried heartily. Geraldine Ulna there with her husband. Ivan Carige(?) & Lord Kingsburgh. We came away feeling thoroughly satisfied of having all understood the whole thing, wonderful never felt anything so pathetic. Lin rode morg. Met Mrs Boughton flew(?) at idea of letting our house to Floss Robb £5 a week. Roy to rink at 10.30 with Mr Reed. Nellie & Mr Hartree called.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 15 April Actually sun!!! Roy to rink morg. alone. Lin rode before lunch, was worried about his watch which maker said was so electrified as to be unfit for use! Ina Mackenzie to lunch & theatre with us. Ina & self in om, Maud & Lin in cab to Haymarket. “Dancing Girl” by H. O. Jones, charming & original wonderfully well acted by B. Tree & Miss Neilson, enjoyed it immensely, lovely box. Not quite the piece to take young girls to see. Ina, R, M. & self in carriage home. Jane out. Alice going to try dinner alone. Thursday 16 April Madame Allain to tea. Out morg. at 10 shop’g. Bought flowers for Mother 1/6, 3d postage, 1/6 cakes for tea. Ordered fish, fruit, vegts. After lunch in carriage to Mrs. Coles & Nellie’s, v. pretty house. Lin rode morg. mare. Roy skated all morg. Mde. to tea had long chat with her. Friday 17 April Lin dining at Mr Lucy’s to meet Ld. R. Churchill. Went with M. to stores morg. After lunch bought fowl 3/3. Refused to change cheque so sent Alice on return to Barkers for 12 lbs loaf sugar for Laurence. Lin had v. pleasant dinner at Mr L’s, Mrs. L. dined also! Mended all morg in nursery, & Sp. called. Saturday 18 April Packed all day. V. fine but colder. Roy to rink. Sent cheque in letter Mrs. (illeg) for £25.00(?). Rested after tea, dined at ¼ to 7. Had om, took Jolly on box to Victoria & started for Dieppe by 8.40 train fr. Vic. Had great scare thought Lin had left his notes at home. Found them! in bag. Splendid boat. Had v. comfortable cabin minus the smell! Roy & Maud both slept, self also. V. cold night, bright moonlight. Splendid passage. Newly married cou! Had om. at Dieppe to Hotel Royal, luggage passed free. Got to bed at 5 o’c. Lin & Roy in one room, M. & self in another adjoining. Sunday 19 April Bright & clear, cold. Our rooms au seconde facing sea. All had good sleep fr. 5 till 9.30, café in our two rooms. Walked along shore, into 2 churches one (blank). Lunched at 12.30 at Hotel. Number of young men staying here out of school. Lin & Roy played billiards after lunch. Consul’s name here Sambourne! So far comfortable Hotel, town has many picturesque bits & seems more varied than Boulogne, but I prefer the B. Harbour with its pretty fishing smacks & prettier fishwives. Monday 20 April Lovely day. Walked to Station & got train to Rouen. Passed L’s station Longueville. V. beautiful pasture country between Dieppe & Rouen, delighted with last place. Has 16 churches, had 32 prior to revolution of 1793. Saw Cathedral & Saint Ouen most beautiful buildings nave like Canterbury & Westminster cathedrals built about same period 1000. Saw grave of Richard coeur de Lion, at least monument where his heart is interred. Henri le Jeune his brother on op. side. Gobelin tapestry. Maligny painting & relic of St Ouen. Bought M. hat 33 frcs. Had splendid lunch at Hotel d’Angleterre op. Seine. Poulet, salade, asperges, 27 frcs. Roy chocolate. V. pleased with Rouen good shops fine streets & plenty people. Home by 7.15, dined at ¼ to 8. Tuesday 21 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Breakfasted in sale à manger. Laurence came at 10 o’c & stayed all day, walked out with us morg. & afternoon, looks v. well & has more colour. V. interested hearing all about her farm. Lin & Roy for long walk morg. & afternoon. Gave Laurence 12 lbs sugar & walked part of way back with her. M. & self thro’ fish market. Funny old women in sort of wooden sentry boxes with white caps & aprons selling fish. Tired & home. X. M. seedy. Wednesday 22 April Leave tonight for London. Sat out morg. with Maud near sea, watched sheep & lambs! V. feeble after our sheep! Maud drew. After lunch Roy & Lin walked to “Puits” where Ld Salisbury & Alexandre Dumas have chateaux. Went into 2 Churches. M. & self sat out in Hotel courtyard facing sea after lunch. Boys let themselves down fr. 3 floor on to second floor verandah by cord. Men cleaning paint below. Boys called out “Où est Monsieur? apporter Monsieur et l’attache au bout de ce cord!” to be drawn up ! Amused M. & self v. much. M. drew. Dined at 6, fresh people & fresh waiter! Left at ¼ to 11 & went on steamer. Hotel people v. nice. Found our cabin v. comfortable, all slept thro’ night. Thursday 23 April Arrived in London & home at 9.20. V. good passage considering a head wind, had to wait 1½ hrs at Newhaven, not enough water to pass bar. London looking dirty & commonplace as usual after clear aspect of Dieppe. (illeg illeg) & son of Hotel Royal crossed in same ship “Rouen” taking their son to Eastbourne to school. Beastly coffee on board & butter too, c’d not eat or drink either. Disgrace to our country nothing can be had to eat or drink fit to touch for love or money travelling. Friday 24 April Lin dined with Mr (blank) met Mr Burnand & interesting man correspondant of Cologne(?) Gazette, told Lin 2 great powers of future w’d be Russia & England “& the magazine cried Oray!” Maud & self to stores, bought beans 10d, chocolate 6d, birds seeds 1/11, brawn 1/3, boy 2d, Jane’s plate brush 1/1, total 6/7. Saturday 25 April Lin walked to Indian Mu. Lunched at Garrick & joined Roy, Maud & self at Garrick theatre matinée of “Pr of Spectacles” & “Quiet rubber”. Lin on after to Turkish Bath & then to “Punch dinner” special number in July on account of centenary! Roy to Rink all morg. with two Levys. Quiet evening. Bought 2 lbs sausages 1/8, flowers 9d, asparagus 2/-. Total 4/5. Letter fr. Judy saying Mother not so well at Buxton. Sunday 26 April To St Paul’s morg. with 2 chicks, took Tony for walk after. Lin rode morg. missed Mr Burnand. Sp. to lunch w’d tease Tony & worries me. Lin & Roy for long walk met endless people, nothing open, dreary. Jane out. Alice managed dinner better than I expected but has of course much to learn. Tabs & H. arrive at Alexandra Hotel fr. Paris tonight. Monday 27 April Roy Maud & Mrs. S. out walking morg. Puppy Mick here all day. Lin rode morg. to Academy after lunch . Varnishing day. M. & self left cards on Mrs. Fildes, Mrs. Cartwright & Mrs. Watney. Latter had carriage wheels taken off by huge van. Left note for Tabs at Alexandra Hotel, out. Bought M. gloves 4/11 fr. Burlington


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Arcade. Also 4 feathers, velvet & lace at Pontings 15/-. Mrs. Fildes’ boys return tomorrow. Tuesday 28 April Holidays cease. Lovely morg. Tab & H. coming to dinner. Box for “English Rose”, Lin going to take children. Walked to Row myself with chicks. Bought 2 ferns 2/-, pink muslin for lamps 10¾, black sewing silk 1/11¾, button hole 3d. Cakes for children 7d. Tabs came to tea looking lovely, dined here & we left her at Alexander Hotel. Took chicks to see “English Rose” after dinner. Roy enjoyed it immensely, regular Adelphi piece, did us good to see him laugh. Lin took Roy to see Mr Critchet, gave Roy a lotion for his eyes. Wednesday 29 April Dear Roy returns to school by Granville. Jane took him for walk morg. Lin worried about Marquis, seedy & won’t feed. Lin rode him v. gently yesterday in Row. Maud & self out at 12. Bought chiffon for M, 5/6, Roy’s bedroom shoes 1/11, eye lotion number 33979 for R’s eyes, cakes 3d. Took Roy to station saw him off in carriage with old lady. Cheeky cab man pd 2/4, fare 5/3, papers 3d. Craftsman called v. rude to Jane pd him 4/9. Total spent £1.1.3. M. & self to New Gallery Private View after, crammed. Fine Tadema, Watts target & girl too funny. Rudyard Kipling’s portrait striking. Duchess of Portland beautiful like Mrs. Stoker. Introduced to Mr Ryde. Saw Peruginis, Hares, Trees, H. Allen, Lehmans, Mr Reed, Angel, Macdonald, Goodall, Gilbert Fagan etc etc. View of Earth fr. the moon funny. Lin met us there & saw us to carriage, on to Punch dinner. Mr & Mrs. Barker called. Thursday 30 April Dull morg. Sp. came in, Lin busy & worried, told us about Lola Parish’s wedding yesterday, we were invited c’d not go. Miss G. returned at 6. M. & self after lunch to call on Lady M. Watney, Mrs. du Maurier, Ada Sp. etc. Lin & self after dinner to Furniss’ Parliamentary entertainment Prince’s Hall. Mr Woodall, Agnews, Powers & “the World” literally! & generally there. Found it v. amusing to a certain point but hung fire towards end, sh’d finish after Mr Gladstone caricatures. Views of House Lds & Commons, lobby etc charming. Must be exhausting for H. F. very. Dreadful accounts of Influenza. May 1891 Friday 1 May Private View of Academy. Pouring wet morg. M. & self to Academy in carriage drove mare 1.15, bought asparagus 1/9 on way, ordered lobster & cod’s roe. Exceptionally good Academy met endless friends had tea at Mrs. Calderon’s. Pretty dresses. Lin fetched us. Jolly had accident fell fr. doorway on to flagstones of mews, v. much hurt. Went round to see Jolly’s wife, seems v. upset naturally. Saturday 2 May Opening of Naval Ex. Pouring wet. Lin M. & self went. Met Mon. & Mde. D’Orsay, stylish woman & their little dau. Interesting collection of pics etc. Academy Dinner. Lin went & enjoyed it. Sir E. Sullivan told him of Prince Eddie’s (cuffs & collars) remark to President. “What a relief this is (the music) after all those tedious speeches”. New lamp arrived. Jolly better but had bad night. Sunday 3 May Tabbie, & H. to dinner, also Mrs. Macdonald, Mr Reed, Mr Lockyer. Fletchers can’t come gone home. Mr Davis, Lockyer, Reed & Mrs. Mac to dinner 7.30. To Church


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 morg. with M. & Gill. Called after on Mrs. Cole. Lin riding with two pins club. Jolly better, old coachman doing his work. Mr Reed arrived v. late. Gen. Grant called & stayed all afternoon, great talker, father of Lieut. Grant who distinguished himself so in Manipur 25th March. Mr Davis came & was interested in Gen. G. & Mr Molesworth later. Discussed book! if he does not succeed it won’t be for pushing! Lin enjoyed ride with 2 pins club. 3 bottles of champagne used. Monday 4 May Sore throat. Walked morg. to H. Pk. with G. & Maud. V. tired, stayed in afternoon read Felback’s(?) “Le Baron Americain”. M. & G. out twice. Tuesday 5 May X. Maud’s 1st drawing lesson. Tuesdays & Thursdays fr. 2 till 4. X. Petit ami. Only Susie a’B. called. Jolly about same. Lin rode twice. Wednesday 6 May Dear Mother ret’d fr. Buxton. Sent me fowl, 15 new eggs & cream cheese. Mrs. de la Rue’s at home 10.30. Mrs. Jopling’s tea party at Clairville Studio. Marion Pollock’s drawing room tea 5.30. In bed till 12. Mr Smith succeeds Ld. Granville as Ld. Warden of the Cinque Ports! Lin rode before breakfast. Books heavy £7.1.0. Gill wearies me beyond words with her incessant chatter at table, & Mrs. S’s inquisitiveness annoys me, wish we had house to ourselves! Mrs. Caton Woodville called, told me about her husband leaving her 2 years ago with another woman. Silly. Mr & Miss White called. Jane out. Lin had Turkish Bath & rode. Went to Lady Russell’s & Mrs. de la Rue’s after Punch dinner. Thursday 7 May Asked Mrs. Millet to dinner 7.30. Parson & Fagans. To tea at Mrs. Lucy’s to meet Lady Russell. Mrs. Millet, Mr Carl Schneider, Mr & Mrs. Fagan, Hensman & Maud. Hartree unable to come. Maud to drawing lesson. X. Clear soup. Salmon, sharp sauce, cucumber. Stewed pigeon. Roast mutton, vegts, new potatoes. Asparagus. Roast capon, salad. Rice cream & apricots. Foie gras, cream cheese, radishes etc. V. interesting dinner. Dr S. like Langley. Told us Europe w’d be plunged into a war in 2 years. Russia will begin extending her railways along Turkish frontier where she is massing her troops already. Mrs. Millet looked charming. Mr & Mrs. F. both interesting. Hensman good company as usual. Alice helped better at table & all went well. 4 bottles of champagne. Sp. called after lunch. Friday 8 May X. Maud’s 1st French lesson after holidays Mde. Allain. M. & G. called to see dear Mother who returned Wed. night fr. Buxton, seems better tho’ weak still. In bed till 12. Read. Saturday 9 May Jolly still invalided. Lin walked to Gar. C. & lunched. Met M. & self after at Lyceum saw Charles I. V. good, cried copiously. All C. Carrs there! Did same! Cab 4/-. Sunday 10 May Miss Thomson dinner 8 o’c. Miss Garnet called & had tea. Seems v. nice & good looking. Met Mrs. Lynn Linton, C. Praed, Hurst, Macmillans etc at Miss T. M. & G. to Church morg. Lin rode with 2 pins & lunched at Hampton Court, expensive! Another drove our brougham at night, less impetuous driver than Jolly but too short a distance to judge.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 11 May M’s 2nd French lesson. Went by bus to Fishers. Ordered blk. serge skirt & jacket. Saw Miss Levy. Met Miss Hickman in bus coming home. Madame here. Lin not over well, hope it’s not influenza. Tuesday 12 May To be fitted 11 o’c. Went at 10 o’c by bus to Bond St. Walked to Fishers was fitted. Cost 4d & pd. for Mrs. S’s medicine Barkers 1/5½. Maud’s drawing lesson. Lin seems little better, afraid he was in for F.enza last night. Ordered carbolic acid & ammoniated quinine at Barkers. Mrs. Dixey called only, no one else. Wednesday 13 May Mrs. Colin Hunter at home 10 o’c. X. Langley & Mervyn sail for England fr. B. Ayres. Lin seems seedy.. Out all morg. shop’g. alone & with G. & M. Went at 3.45 to Buckingham Palace H. to see Tabs in her presentation dress, too late, found her in travelling dress Williams & Bee helping her pack. Gave me her bouquet, lovely mauve orchids with long streamers “waterfall bouquet”. Her dress white satin with net gold embroidery all round edged with white ostrich feathers. Train lined with gold embroidery 4 inches deep & edged with white ostrich edging, must have looked lovely. Found Lin v. poorly, eye all inflamed finishing drawing for “Good words”, “Summer”. To poorly to go to Punch dinner. Had to get Alice to cook, E. out. Saw Mrs. Orton, Dr. out, she looks v. bad! X. Jolly drove for 1 st time since accident. Thursday 14 May Mrs. F. Macmillan’s at home 10 o’c. Lin’s eyes v. bad. Out shops morg. Jolly drove me after lunch, Miss Lutyens, Aunt Linda, Mrs. H. & Mrs. A. Levy, Mrs. Holmes & Finlays. Fitted at Fishers 2½ inches too short skirt. Called Dr O’s. X. Dr. O. came & saw Lin, gave him lotion for eyes, took tem. ½ degree above normal. Mr a’Beckett called morg. saw Lin about work. Friday 15 May Promised to stay at Mrs. Heilbut’s for Whitsuntide, The Lodge, Holyport nr. Maidenhead. X. Can’t go Lin’s eyes too bad. Had good night. Lovely day. Lin would work all day am certain is most injurious to his eyes. Finished work early. Wired & wrote to Mrs. Heilbut. X. Dr. O. came morg. Saturday 16 May Invitation to go to Sophy till Monday. Maud to tea at Mrs. C. Praed, postponed. Lin’s eyes v. bad. X. Orton came & wishes him to see Critchett. Con came to lunch & took Maud to Savoy theatre, Academy, & to see Eff & Georgie. Lin went with me in brougham to Critchett at 2.30, bitter cold, like winter again. Critchett gave eye lotion & ointment says he has had numbers the same but Lin’s is a sharp attack influenza taking him in this form. Must take no meat only fish & birds. Sunday 17 May Dull showery day. Lin’s eyes very painful. Dr. Orton came morg. Miss G. out for day. X. Jane out. Sp. & Baby called. Mrs. Mackenzie called. X. Jolly called for 1 st time for orders since his illness. Sp. & Baby called. Alice managed dinner better & laid cloth better. Monday 18 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wretched day, cold wet & dreary. Lin had good night. Eye v. smarting tho’ less inflamed, has influenza in nose & head & seems v. poorly. X. Orton called thinks smarting caused by inflammation subsiding. X. Jolly came for orders. Tuesday 19 May X. Lin’s eyes better much less inflamed. X. Orton came. Lin went with Sp. in carriage to Critchett returned in blue goggles looking v. wise & in better spirits. Sp. lunched here. Con called. Alice L, Mrs. Brine, Mrs. C. Hunter & Blanche called. Jolly better but legs look v. crooked & weak! Maud to drawing. Walked morg. with M. as G. seedy. Letters of inquiry one fr. Lady Hickman, Ionides, Schneider etc. Wednesday 20 May Pouring wet morg. X. Lunch with C. Hartree at 2 o’c. Dr. O. called. Con came in after dinner. Lin drove with me to Hyde Pk. Corner walked little way. Cold wind. C. Grain, Mrs. Lewis & Katie & gentleman fr. Foreign office at Mr H’s, delicious lunch, quantities strawberries. C. Grain told anecdote Mrs. Bancroft & Enfant Prodigue like seeing play thro’ glass doors, aqua doré like transformation scene. Thackeray & Dickens. Mrs B. said said she w’d be able to appreciate Thackeray when she was middle aged, being well that way already! Fetched Lin fr. Naval Ex. Unwise being there so cold. Thursday 21 May X. Dr. O. did not call. Dull wet morg. out at 10 by bus to Fishers. 5,000 tailors striking so they can’t alter my dress for a month. Disgusting people in bus both ways!!! Paid 6/11 Seamans & (illeg). Pd. 2/10 Barkers for medicine. Pd. tie Barkers 6½, bus 4d. Drove at 3.30 called on Con, Eff out. V. pretty & conveniently situated rooms 2 Egerton Ter. Latham (let house) Pollock, Quilter, Meiggs, Cusins, Webster, Thomson, all out. Mrs. Geiger away. Friday 22 May Beastly dirty morg. roads several inches deep in mud. Our morg. 10.30. Bought 1½ alpaca for brown silk petticoat 10½, 3 yds red crepe for drawing room cushion. Out at 3.30 brougham Lin with me, came on to rain so took Lin to Cutler & Reeds & bought him home. Went to Eff after, saw G. & E, Con out. Drove them to Onslow Sqre, home. S. Rose Innes here on return. Mrs. Montefiore, Spielman, Corbould called. Saw Madame Allain. Spoke about Miss G. Saturday 23 May Dolly to tea with Maud. Left by the 4. train fr. Waterloo for Alresford to stay with Tabs & H. at Brookwood until Tuesday. Fine day for a wonder & quite hot. Found it v. cold at Brookwood. House v. cold. Both H. & T. well, chicks ditto. Hope change will do Lin good. Comfortable room, fire in bedroom & to bed about 12, stop’d talking till then in Tab’s room. B. Barrs & Miss Rooke to tea also with Maud. Sunday 24 May Dull rainy day & v. cold, got walk morg. between showers. V. pretty country, lovely copper beeches & ground covered with primroses & violets, bluebells & wild mauve & purple orchids. Evg. walked before dinner. Monday 25 May H. left at 9 for Poole to see yacht “Columbine” at 9 o’c returns at 8 tonight. Out walking morg. Drove after lunch to Mrs. Seymour Hayden’s had tea there charming house & charming people. Mrs. S. H. v. pretty & sweet. Admiral Hornby, Cap’t Egerton & Mrs. S. H. junr. & 2 little girls there. Saw lovely etchings painting


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 of Paris Bridge by Canaletti. Also painting of Duke of Monmouth lying dead, supposed to have been painted for Lady Isabella Wentworth his only friend. Ju’s ear seen by vet on our return. Tuesday 26 May Mrs. Midgeley’s dinner ¼ to 8. Returned fr. Brookwood by 3. train. Out gathering flowers all morg. Met Met Yollande D. & french governess at Ropley Sta. Mrs. S. & all well here on return. Lin better for change but not himself yet, wants exercise & air. Dull dinner at Mrs. M’s. Mr Leadam took me in, v. tall & beautiful but stupid & conceited. Pretty Miss Routledge & her mother there. Funny woman Mrs. M, never met her before & immediately told me all her wrongs! Mr & Mrs. Tuer. Nathans palpaple jews of 1st water. Felt bored & tired. Lovely pink roses on table in silver vases & rainbow cloth, v. pretty & effective. Wednesday 27 May Mrs. Montefiore’s dinner can’t go Punch dinner. Cold but actually sun! Lin walked to Punch dinner & carriage to meet him, hope he won’t take cold, bitterly cold. Called after lunch on Lady Hickman, Heilbut, Skirrow, Montefiore, Spielman, Lynn Linton, Crawford, Matthews, Effie & Mrs. Eykyn, had tea there. Met Mr Wardall at Queen Anne’s Mansions, wants us to dine with him at House of Commons Tuesday 16th inst or Tuesday 7th July. Mrs. Lynn Linton leaving tomorrow for Wales until Oct. Jane out. Derby day. “Common” won 1 st favourite. X. £10 sh’re in B.A. Rosario Rly allotted as I own £150 in it , shan’t take it up as ordinary stock of company is only £90! Lady M. Watney & Mr Watney called. Thursday 28 May Miss Rose Innes ¼ past 7 Metropole. Lin rode mare morg. her back still bad. I went shop’g early, paid Barkers bill 6/4, velvet 2/8½, tooth powder 6d, stamps 1/-. X. Fee to maid Tabs 2/6. Dine at Metropole Hotel with Rose Innes & to theatre after. Nasty bite on Maud’s face. Letter fr. Mr Ainger saying he will take Roy in Sept, wrote to Mrs. Carpenter, sorry he is not going to her house. Met Mrs. C. Hunter & Allen. V. pleasant din. at Metro’. Canon Duckworth, Müllers, Miss Van der Felde, Mr & Miss Bowen americans 1st rates. To see “L’Enfant Prodigue” after. Princess of Wales just opposite looking well. Lady M. Watney called again. Friday 29 May Morg. walked with G. & M. dull & dark. Met Connie B. & B. Hollingshead & 2 chicks in Row. After lunch called on Mrs. McDougal & Judy Caton Woodville who went on with me, Orchardson where met a Mr Roberts friend of C. B’s & Jacksons, Mocatta, Trower, Bloomfield, Lady M. Watney, Mrs. C. Burnand, delighted with their flat charming. Mrs. Hanbury Lennox(?) & Miss Cunningham called. Saturday 30 May Marchioness of Salisbury’s recep. Walked morg. with G. & Maud. Left Lin’s Grand Trunk 5% pref. at Bank. Thick yellow fog in gardens. Lin & self to foreign office enjoyed it. On staircase each time the Prince & Princesses went up & down. P. of W, Prince A. Ed, Princess Christina, Princess Maud & Vic. of W. etc. Princess Wales not there. Saw Duke & Duchess of Portland, Sir R. Webster sis. & dau. Nelly & Mr & Mrs. K. Sir H. Jeune etc, & Mr B. Tree only actor there, saw no other artists but ourselves. M. complains feeling tired. Bates called, Mother still at Westwood. Sunday 31 May X. Petit ami. Asked Con, Eff & Georgie to dinner 7.30. Not coming. Mrs. Boughton’s at home 10 o’c. (Mde Swiaffowsky & Miss M. Hill.) Tilda to lunch. B.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Barrs unable to come. X. Petit ami. Lin played tennis at Sir A. Hickman’s after lunch. Mr Lockyer called & Con, & Mr & Mrs. Kemmis. Miss Gill out. Alice out. Lin to Mrs. B’s at home took Mathilda Levy in to supper. Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Jarrett Bingham & Mr Schiff who told him Matthew had said all the new boys at Mr Schimmelmans were cads but Roy Sambourne. Jun 1891 Monday 1 June Con, Eff & Georgie to dinner 7.30. Mr Glossop & Arthur Linley to lunch. Lovely morg!!! New moon hope it will last fine. Lin rode after breakfast. Thunderstorm at night, heavy rain. Georgie looked v. nice. Tuesday 2 June Mrs. Pickering at home 10 o’c. Mrs. C. Praed’s dinner 8. Mrs. Faudel Phillips at home 11 o’c. (Jane May of L’Enfant Prodigue). Dull. B. Barrs to lunch & tea. Mrs. Fagan, O. Crawfurd, Marion P. & Mrs. H. Levy called. Wednesday 3 June Dull & sultry. Drove at 12.30 to meet of Coaching Club. Lin rode Marquis. Tassel called looks aged & seedy. Has moved into cottage Alva Lodge about a fortnight. Westwood not let yet, Mother still there. Thursday 4 June Mrs. Lewis evening party 10.30. Asked Mrs. Müller, Miss Rose Innes to dinner. 8 o’c. Con, Mr Angell, Mr & Mrs. Müller, Miss Innes, Connie B. to dinner 8 o’c. Soup. Salmon, cucumber sharp sauce. Pigeons & mushrooms. Roast leg of lamb, asparagus, new potatoes. Chicken & salad. Compote of rice, cream, apricots. Anchovies. In carriage afternoon. Took M. to her drawing, on to Marshalls & Snelgroves paid bill 11/11. Chocolates 3/-, lace 3/2, wings 10½, total £18.11½. Mrs. S. lent me money. Bad news of poor little Nana! At Clifton. Dull dinner, made mistake about time with Müllers. Mistake so many women & so many fr. one house. Long chat with Con after rest had gone (Lin & Mr A. to Lewis’s) about Effie & the trusteeship. Friday 5 June Dull morg. Connie B. & B. Hollingshead called to alter Lin’s drawing, can’t do it, & Mr a’B. also. Heard Mr a’B. editor of “Sunday Times” prosperity there! Went at 3 in brougham for Georgie who called with me on Mdes. Chapman, Trower, Finlay, Pickering, Medley & Antoinette Stirling where G. came in & had tea. Mrs. Bosey(?) & pretty little girl & Miss Cox. Saw Eff on return. Looks well but isn’t. Also called on Miss Levy. Con came in whilst at Eff’s looking v. blue, gave him 2/-! Thought “Grange” was let but wire to put it off, v. vexing. Con had arranged for his horses to come up, v. disap’. Letter fr Lady M. Watney asking us there for Sept. Saturday 6 June Lady Whitehead’s garden party, Highfield House, Catford Bridge 3 - 7. Mrs. Richmond at home. Box for Lyceum. Miss G, M. & self went, Lin met us there. Mr B. Stoker to our box. Sent letter to Lady Margaret Watney in ans. to invite for Scotland. Lin walked home, found Edgar here on return. Con had called & Bee Barrs. Had long chat with Edgar about estate, & money matters generally. Sunday 7 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin goes to Mr Lawson’s & stays night. M. & G. to Church. M. wrote & illustrated a sweet letter to Nana full of pretty sentiment. I sat an hour with Mrs. Orton, had had 4 gals of water taken fr. her leg! Looks better than when I last saw her. After to Miss Lutyens who has had influenza, always interested with her! Edgar & Sophy to lunch, left before tea. Tilda to tea & supper. Jane out. Dogs awfully tiresome, fortunately no one called. Miss G. to Hampstead to tea & back to supper. Monday 8 June Lin returns fr. Mr Lawson’s. & went in cart to Court to hear Sir E. Clarke’s & Sir C. Russell’s speeches for the Baccarat case. I took Mrs. S. in brougham to Mrs. Linley’s 19 Hamilton Rd Ealing. Stayed & had tea there, left Mrs. S. Bee came same day & will stay until Mrs. S’s return. Jolly let Marquis down & fell out of cart. Tuesday 9 June Went at 10 o’c to stores bought blotting paper 1/8, towels 7/7½, 3 shirts for self 15/9, gloves self 3/8, fish 1/-, fowl 3/3, coffee 1/8½, flowers 1/4. Met Con there with Mr English. Sp. came to lunch. Lin off to hear conclusion of Baccarat case. X. M. seedy petit ami. Aunt Linda, Ethel, Mrs Holmes, Mrs Speed called. B, Lin & self to see “Cigale”. Verdict against Sir Gordon Cumming! All come out badly in this case. P. of W. Wilsons & Sir G. C. of course. Omnibus strike. Wednesday 10 June Mrs. Linley’s at home 10 o/c. Maud in bed! Miss G. out bought & pd. for Maud’s serge & lining for sailor dress 11/- Derry’s. After lunch Bee & self called on Mrs. Baines, Smiles, Brine, Jopling Rowe, Corbould, Nottage, Waring, Reed, Peto, Harding, Ross, McLaren, Watney, Kemmis, Sandeman, & left parcel for Lin at 19 Picadilly. Lin to be fetched in cart fr. Punch dinner. Thursday 11 June Lovely day. Drove at 11 o’c in brougham to Boquet’s, ordered dress for £6.6.0. Called at Fishers. 1/- for stamps. Afternoon pd. calls to Mdes. Tuer, Jarret Bingham, Rawlingson, Power, Morris, Lewis, Faudel Phillips, Campbell Praed, Boughton, Livesey, Hartree, C. Critchett, Humphreys, & Alex. Hotel to see Tabs, not there. Quiet evg. Lin in all day. X. Maud’s drawing of dancing girl fetched 1 st prize in Gentlewoman 10/-. Friday 12 June Invite to dine at Mrs. Müller’s 7.30. Dull & cold. To stores at 11 o’c. Left Lin’s Bonds (Mrs. S’s money) at London County Bank. Met Con. Bought Maud’s woolen dress & lining £1.2.9. Tomatoes 1/6. Left my tea pot & coffee machine to be repaired. Mrs. Burnand & Bessie called. Mr Burnand called morning. Bret Harte took me in at Mrs. M’s dinner. Pleasant party, Americans Bowens there, sail for N. Y. tomorrow week. Saturday 13 June Miss Clerke’s at home 4.30 to 7. Mrs. Richmond’s at home 4 - 7. Jan van Beer’s pictures 157 New Bond St. Mr Tenniel, Reed & Milliken sat to Lin for ½ centenary drawing of Punch (oldest paper extant). Milliken to lunch. Bee, Maud, self to Court theatre “Late lamented” C. Blunt & Mrs. Ward good. On to Mrs. C’s at home in cab 1/6, music, Neopolitan girls squealed! Walked home. Quiet evg. Miss G. went home till tomorrow evg. Sunday 14 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Miss Mathilda Levy’s dinner 8 o’c. Lovely morg. Mr Furniss sitting for Lin. Edgar & So. to lunch & tea. Bee, M. & self to Park, cram’d, only met 3 people I knew, 1/6 cab. Walked home. V. tired. Lin rode Marquis & lunched at Barker’s. Charming dinner at Miss L’s. Madlle. Lusan(?), Gen. Du Plat, Randeggger, Gaby! Mr Joe Parkinson, Twiss etc, 18 in all. Best lighted table I ever saw, most exquisite flowers. Madlle. de Lusan(?) sang after Randegger(?) played. Charmingly pretty. Emma out. Monday 15 June Mr Cowen’s at home 4 to 7. In morg. Lin photographing all Punch staff! After lunch Bee & self called on Mrs. F. Macmillan, Rudolph Lehmann, Ayala, Müller, Santley, saw him & had long talk. Mrs. MacKinley(?) (Antoinette Stirling) cross firing most amusing. On to Mrs. Cowen’s at home. Met there Mrs. Dickens & daughter, Miss Levy & girl, Mrs. Goetz & her pretty dau, Hepworth Dixon & daughters etc. Heard Norman Salmond fr. English opera “Ivanhoe” sing & Nachey play violin. Quiet evg. to bed 9.30. Tuesday 16 June Mrs. Joshua at home 3.30 to 6.30. Mr Woodall’s dinner at H. of Commons ¼ to 8. Mrs. Grossmith at home 10 o’c. In bed to breakfast. Out morg. Mrs. O’Brian, F. Blair, Mr Molesworth called. Bee, Gill & M. to see “Ivanhoe” evg. Delightful evg at H. of C’s. Small party only Lord Cavan, Gen. Sir A. & Lady Clerke, Miss Clerke (smart girl no relation to others) Mrs. Walsh a Major’s wife. Mr W. most kind. Excel. din. foreign fruits. Lord C. & Miss C. off to dance alone! Fearful crush at G’s, enjoyed it, all world there. Mr Furniss went with us, home by 2.15. C’d not sleep till after 3. Wednesday 17 June Mrs. Quintin Twiss’s dance 9.30. Mrs. Blackburn at home 8.30. Could not go, too tired. Bee left for Brookwood. In all morg. Mr Burnand sat to Lin & stayed to tea. Lin & self to Naval Ex. had ices! Regretted having them after. Judy (Price/Mason) called. Drove Lin to Punch dinner thought he looked tired & seedy. Quiet evg. Jane out. Thursday 18 June Lovely day. Did flowers & watered plants & perspired à la Lin! Dine at Hartree’s 8 o’c. Mr Molesworth’s at home at 4 o’c. Mr Burnand called morg. Mrs. Rawlinson called. Drove at 3.30 to Mrs. Lilly, G. a’Beckett, Con’s, Tabs Buck Pal. Hotel, & Mr M’s, out when arrived, common maid’s coffee execrable. Mrs. Stanhope Jones & dau. & Mrs. Hume Webster & dau there, don’t care for appearance of either. Excellent dinner at C. H’s. French chef. Mr & Mrs. Webb, a pretty young bride & her husband & Mr & Mrs. W. Hartree. Con & Sp. called in buggy, splendid black horse. Friday 19 June Mrs. Quilter’s at home 10 PM. Mrs. Medley’s 4 - 7. Morg. rested. Lovely hot weather. Called on Marion P. Gave Miss P. 2 stalls for opera comique for tonight. Mrs. Kemp & Mrs. M. Lin & self to theatre “Joan of Ark” after din. & on to Mrs. Q’s. Crush (illeg) pictures. Sup. & home about 12.30. Alice out after dinner. Saturday 20 June Mrs. Palmer’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Richmond’s tennis. Went to Bocquet morg. Took Maud to Mrs. R’s lovely garden. Mrs. Kegan Paul ugly old lady with nice dau. v. kind to Maud. Mrs. Rawlinson & dau. & pretty woman with 2 pretty little girls who only spoke French. Cab there 1/9, tram & om. back 4d & ice for M. 4d. Total 2/5.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Pleasant evg. at Palmers. Gen. du Plat, Lord Chilworth, Lady Nottage, Grossmith, man like Mr Burnand there. Gen. du Plat told me he rec’d only £600 a year as equerry. There are 8 equerries of the Queen’s, they only remain on duty a month at a time, always 2 together. Pretty table but indifferent dinner. Maids plenty of them but waited badly. Jane out. Sunday 21 June Ask Mona & Louisa Bourne to lunch. Lovely day. Bournes to lunch. Mrs. Müller, Rose Innes & Con called, stayed tea. Lin & Maud to Mrs. Lewis, lots of people there, Duchess of Sutherland amongst others. Alice out. Monday 22 June Fine. Went at 11.30 to Mde. Allain’s dressmaker Mde. Ritzo. Left Lin’s cheques at London County Bank. X. M. had to sign two papers. Gen. Sir A. & Lady Clarke called left cards. Lin dined with Mr Winchester Clowse at Garrick Club home v. late, struck 3 when he got into bed. V. angry about blind & easel altered, v. sorry. Tuesday 23 June Bartlett 1¼ hour. Mrs. P. Wright’s at home 4 to 7. Mrs. F. Parish at home 4 - 7. Lin slept till 9.30. X. To dentist 11.30. Sent back “Canvas back duck” drawings. Went with Maud to Mr Bartlett one & ¼ hour there. Paid 1/- for parcel for Lin. Miss G. home for night. Alice fetched Maud & ordered flowers for tomorrow. V. dull day. Connie B. Mrs. Palmer & Mrs. Spofforth called. X. Wednesday 24 June Marchioness of Salisbury at home foreign office. Royal Academy Soirée. Lin’s luncheon party at Garrick Club 1.45. Lovely day. X. Petit ami au soir. Basket of flowers 5/-, 6 roses 3/-. Very successful lunch. Lady Jeune v. pleasant. Saw George Meredith in dining room, has handsome face. Luncheon party: Lady Jeune, Mrs. Watney, Rose Innes, Guthrie, Canon Bourne & Alexander. C. Orton to tea with Maud. To foreign office 10 o’c. V. early & announced! Met Sir J. Millais & Mary, Sir John Fowler, Mr Carr Glynn who introduced us to his wife Lady Mary v. amiable almost gushing, Mr & Mrs. Darling, B. Trees. Home by 1.30. Thursday 25 June Mrs. Carpenter at home 4 - 7. Nina & Louisa to dinner 8 o’c. Go to Mde. Ritzo morg. Too seedy to go out. Lady Mary Glyn left invitation. Friday 26 June Bartlett, could not go. Lady Hickman’s at home 4.30 (Jane May). Nina goes with me, 4 o’c. Ap’ment Mr Bartlet ¼ to 11. Very seedy in bed till 12.30. Lin still busy with Punch Jubilee drawing. Nina came 4 o’c. Drove to Mother’s had strawberries & cream there. On to H’s, charming little play (dumb) by Jane May, Mde. Schmidt, Herr Piclert(?) & extra man. J. May sang a song after “C’est la femme”. Sophy there, pretty Mrs. Chinnery, Liveseys, Mr Flower, etc. (illeg) taken for Mrs. Macready! Left Sophy at Mother’s. Nina home in cab. Saturday 27 June Lovely day. Maud to lunch Mrs. Burnand, goes at 4 o/c to see Pastoral play with Kitty Cargill on Campden Hill. Lin took photo of fruit fr. Butts, & Mr Agnew came & sat to him. Maud to lunch Mrs. Burnand’s. Miss G. & self fetched her, called on Mother, at Albert Hall, took M. to Mrs. Cargill for Pastoral play. Called & left cards on Lady Clarke, Mrs. Coster, Miss Levy, Mrs. Grossmith, Spielman, Pickering, Lady


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 M. Glyn & Parish. Miss Sandeman & Tilda called whilst out. Madame sent my dress home, it won’t fit. Lin riding evg. Sunday 28 June Due! Came Wednesday last! Lovely day. In bed till 12. M. & Gill to Church & to see Mother after. Went with Lin & M. to Mrs. Lewis’ garden, lovely but felt bored & seedy. Agnews en masse. Pilleau who presented M. with bracelet, Toller Huxleys etc. Found Sophy, Mr Garnet & Mr Marshall had called here during our absence, v. sorry to miss them. Jane out. Monday 29 June Drove at 2.30 to Mde. Ritzo, fitted, go again Thurs. Took bodice to Bocquet, called & saw Mother. Quiet evg. Finished reading “Marie Basherschoff”. Tuesday 30 June Mrs. McArthur Warren at home 4 - 7 o’c. Mrs. Tuer’s at home 10 P.M. Dinner at Grand Hotel with Canon Bourne 7.30. Sent off French book “Marie B”. Pd flower woman 1/- strawberries. Tilda & Lady Hickman called. V. tired all day. Shop’d morg. Good dinner at Grand. 2 magnums! Lin on to 1 st night of Savoy Soloman & Dance! Not good. Jul 1891 Wednesday 1 July Bartlett 11.30. 1½ hr. there. Mariana Lehman’s marriage with G. Heron Allen 3 o’clock. Mrs. Palmer’s at home 10 o’c. Hungarian Band & Master Stewart. Ap. 11.30 Bartlett. Maud lunched & spent afternoon with Mother. Pouring rain. Left M. at Mother’s. Sp. there. Alice out. Thursday 2 July Mrs. Palmer’s 4 - 5.30. Mr Holland’s address on poor! Mrs. Hunt’s at home 5 - 7. Go to be fitted Ritzo. Tilda dines here, wired c’d not come. Jane out at 6 o’c. Lin spent whole day in country with Academy. Drove with him in dog cart at 10.30 to Vic. Sta. To Ritzo after & called on Nelly K, v. pretty house theirs. After lunch called on Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. Moscheles, Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Joshua, Wright, Humphrey Ward, etc. Had strawberries ices etc in garden opposite. On to Aunt Linda long chat with Uncle over house. Dined alone with Mother. Cab home 1/-. Singing woman 3d. Friday 3 July Mrs. Agnew 10 o’c. M. & G. to Mother’s to take her spectacles. Bothering grey skirt . Showery with bright intervals. Called afternoon on Mdes. P. Wright, Perugini, Warren, B. Stoker, O. Wilde, Dickens, Geiger, Sington & Marshall, & Miss Lutyens. Gill home till Monday night. X. Left Lin’s last Bond at Bank. V. dull at home at Mrs. A’s, too much A. element there. Saturday 4 July Mrs. H. Power’s dinner 8 o’c. Lady Mary Glyn’s garden party 4 - 7. Maud spends day at Mrs. Burnand’s. X. Lovely day. German Emperor & Empress land at Port Victoria. Wonderful dinner at Mrs. Powers, not interesting company. Called afternoon on Mrs. Wright left books. Miss Sanderman & Lady M’s garden party. Wrights, Lucas, Watney, Sington etc there. Tilda came brought flowers. I took some to Mrs. Orton, increasing again terribly in size. Maud home at 7.30 fr. Mrs. B’s. X. Midge, H & Dora arrive fr. S. America. Sunday 5 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 X. Midge at Kens. Palace Mansions! Sent Bahia oranges, pines & S. American partridge. Lin, M. & self go to Mrs. W. Clowse at 4 o’c stay till Tuesday. Dull. Came to Hitchen Herts at 4 o’c, found Mr McQuoid & Miss Hoare also here. Emma out. Jane taking note to Kens Palace Mansions for me to Jess who arrived with party fr. B. Ayres last evg. Monday 6 July Mrs. Walter Wren’s at home 9.30. Mrs. Rawlinson’s garden party 4 - 7. Mrs. Val Princep’s garden party 4 - 7.30. Hitchen, Herts. Dull morg. Slept badly. Went with Mr Clowse, Miss Hoare, Mr McQuoid & Maud to Cambridge. Went over Trinity, Jesus & Kings Colleges. Lovely old Henry VII chapel at Kings, windows exquisite perpendicular, stained glass beautiful. Lunched at little hotel there. Violent thunderstorm delayed & prevented our going on river. Ices! & home. Dinner party. A N. Cap’t & Mrs. Fellowes & Mr & Mrs. (blank). Lin finished his Blk. & White drawing only caught train by mearest chance. Played tennis before dinner. X. Maud’s little F. Tuesday 7 July Tilda to dinner. Return fr. Mrs. Clowse at 5 o’c. V. showery w’d not let us come before. Found C. Stokes & wife, Rose Innes & Mr C. Schloesser & Tilda had called. Called on way fr. Station saw Midge & Dora both look well. Brought Dora on here, dined with us & Midge. H. out of town, lost many of the 50 horses he brought over on ac’t of bad weather. Wednesday 8 July Bartlett 12 - 1 o’c for Maud. Attorney Gen. & Miss Webster’s at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Tweedie’s dinner, I go alone. Emp. & Empress at Opera. Van Beers sup. Harold Peto’s 4.30 - 7. Jane out. Pleasant din. Tweedies. Mr Aspinall Admiralty Q.C. took me in, Dr Harley on other side. I took Sir Philip C. Owen on with me to Sir R. Webster’s, dull evg there very. Young Cantab took me in to supper. V. tired. Thundering all afternoon. V. grand night at opera. Emperor v. handsome, Empress plain & older looking. Flowers exquisite arranged in festoons all round House. Botanical fête. Thursday 9 July Albert Hall. Emp & Empress Germany there. To Ritzo morg, fitted. Bought M. gloves Burlington 4/6. Lunched at Mother’s, Tabs, Mervyn there. M. & self walked home. Miss Rose Innes called, c’d not see her, resting. Went to Hall, found Mrs. Nembhard & dau, H. & Midge Langley, Spencer, Mervyn, Sophy there. Lin joined us after. Emperor fine manly looking fellow. Empress frauish. No one clapped or cheered most doleful affair & no or scarcely any uniforms. Hall v. full, nearly empty before Emperor left. Prince of Wales scarcely spoke. Sat next to Empress G. & Princess of Anhalt. Emp. v. lively with Duchess of Edinboro’. Friday 10 July Tilda comes to tea. Did not come. Midge to tea. Saturday 11 July Go to Fanny Barker’s with Lin & Maud till Monday to see Emperor of Germany review of troops. Went in cart with Lin & Maud to Wimbledon 10.20 drove mare. Jolly rode Lin’s horse over. Alice & Arthur & Mary Carter there. Had delicious lunch & drove to stand at 1.30. Got splendid places glorious day brilliant sunshine. Lin rode. C. Barker went in carriage on course. Emperor Germany arrived at 4 o’c with magnificent escort looking v. handsome in white uniform &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 helmet. Most distinguished looking. P. Wales, Duke Cambridge & Connaught riding. 23,000 troops marched past. Grand sight had places close to Royal ensign. One man drop’d fr. fatigue just in front of us. V. grand sight meeting of officers & Emperor with escort. Arthur & Alice to dinner, sat out till 11 o’c. Did not sleep well too tired. Sunday 12 July Sir A. & Lady Clarke’s luncheon party 2 o’c. Can’t go. Sat out all morg. Lin & C. O. B. rode & lunched out, in to tea. Glorious day. Number of callers. 2 Miss Buckstones & brother, Mr Hare & sis or niece, he holding some government ap’t in Australia. Wes. Aus. Mr & Mrs. Nield etc etc. Sat out all evening, mended Almanack! Slept better. Alice out. Monday 13 July Mrs. Rawlinson’s garden party 4 - 7. Ask 8 to dinner. Asked Mr & Lady Margaret Watney to dinner 8 o’c. Mr & Mrs. Fildes, Mr & Mrs. Crawfurd. Ret’d fr. Wimbledon at 11 o’c by train 1/8. 5/- fees, porter 6d, cab 1/6, flowers 2/6. Lin rode back. Out at 2.30 shop’g. with Gill to stores. Bought ferns 2/7, fruit 7/4, grocery 3/2½, silk 3/8, stamps 6d, beads 1/1, shades 1/9, ribbon 4d. Wine £4.8.6, tobacco £1.3.4, (illeg) 1/8, flowers at door 2/6. Very successful dinner all went off well & they stayed late. Lady M. charming & full of fun. Tuesday 14 July Mrs. Fagan’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Moulton’s at home 10 o’c. Rose Innes, Miss Geiger, called. Ethel Walford, Mrs. Gale. Lovely dinner at F’s. Whistlers, Parkinsons, Reed & Mr Mansfield there an American & amusing. Went on to M’s at home, wonderful. Lights all over square giving the grounds a vast appearance. Cabman v. grateful for tea & coffee supplied there. Splendid German band. Wednesday 15 July Mr Bartlett 12 - 1. Mrs. Kendal Grimston at home. 4 - 7. Call on Mrs. O’Brian with Midge 4 o’c, 35 Albemarle St. V. tired. Pleasant party K’s. Little American cripple recited, man whistled, & singing. Called on Mrs. Routledge, Parish, Webster, Nembhard, Speed. Brought Midge home fr. O’B. Joves(?) Hotel. To bed early. Emma out. Thursday 16 July Mrs. Fildes’ dinner 8 o’c. Lady Ellis at home to meet Prince & Princess of Teck garden party river fête & firework display!!! 8 o’c. Mr & Mrs. (illeg) dinner, can’t go. Mrs. Wirtzman’s at home 4.30 to 7. M. & self to hear Santley sing at Carmelite Church. Müllers & Rose Innes there. V. tired. M. to tea & Dora at Blanche Cole’s. Called at 4 on Perugini, Agnew & Mrs. Wirtzman, heard A. Gomez & another prof. sing. V. pleasant dinner at Fildes. Met Mr & Mrs. Tait & Dr & Mrs. Buzzard, Mr & Mrs. Lewis & Mr & Mrs. Romer Williams. Parlage avec cuisinière s’en va si (illeg) la maison. Eff & Georgie called. Friday 17 July Mrs. Silver at home 4 to 6.30. Lovely day. Went with Midge at 3 o’c to Marshalls bought lace & white chiffon cost 16/9½. To Charing X to fetch “Lady”. Called on Mother, left Midge, home & went to Mrs. Silver’s dull at home. Pleasant sitting in garden. Lin rode before breakfast. Miss Levy & friend called. Saturday 18 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Invitation to Mrs. Heilbut’s. Lin going to Greenwich with Punch Staff dinner Jubilee. I dine with Mother. Lin riding morg. Ghastly smell below. Went to morg. performance Lyceum Theatre saw E. Terry in “Nance Oldfield” & Irving in “Bells”. Mervyn Midge & Dora in box with us, took Gill. V. tired & to bed early. Sunday 19 July X. Mare turned out. To Mrs. Heilbut’s by 10 o’c train, drove Marquis in dog cart to station, met Lindos & Mr Müller who went in same carriage with us. Mr H. met us & Dr. Orwin at Maidenhead, large party there. P. Cosens, wife, Dr. O, Mr Naylor, Mr Catley, H. Peto, Chapmans etc. Saw game tennis between White (marker Hampton Court) & Heilbut. Swimming bath. Charming garden paddock & cottage. Took short walk on common, sat in winter garden between (illeg) heavy thunder showers & sunshine. 10 to dinner house party. V. jolly games with cork in soda bottle, matches & pieces of wood lighted in (illeg) Slept well in little bedroom with 2 small beds. Jane out. Monday 20 July Mrs. Rawlinson’s at home 4 - 7. Miss Rose Innes’ dinner at Bristol restaurant & theatre after. Mrs. H. left before us at 10 o’c with Mr Cosens. All gentleman left early. Lin & self went in Victoria at 12.30 to Windsor, had delicious lunch with Hensman, wife, & Mr Magregor, his boy at Eton, ill! Makes me uneasy saying boys not well looked after. Drove to Mr Ainger’s, don’t care for him, wish Roy was going to Carpenters. A. w’d not tell me where Roy w’d sleep, beast! Some rooms v. pretty & comfortable. To station & home in time to dress. Mr Bret Harte, Robertsons, Müllers, Santley, Rose Innes. Good dinner & drove to Savoy, had double box close to stage. Like “Nautch Girl” much better than I thought. Home. X. Petite amie. Received annuity £25. Tuesday 21 July Mr Wright’s dinner. Mr Sterne ditto, & three other dinner invitations for today. X. Jane going to be married first week of Sep’r. All my girls marry. Only Mr Molesworth called. Feel weak & seedy. Wednesday 22 July Mrs. F. Wicks at home 10 o’c. In bed till 12.30, slept tremendously. Went in carriage 3.30 called on Aunt Linda, out. Severe storm & drove to Mother’s met Con there, bother with Sp. Con had to pay £43 for child at Paris, this in arrears during pending bankruptcy. X. Emma & Alice turning out top loft. Alice out evening. Bruit en rentrant qui venait d’elle et un jeune homme je pense! Thursday 23 July Pouring rain, feel better. Mrs. F. C. B. called morg. seedy. Drove at 3.30 to Midge’s, out. Bought cottons buttons tapes 2/5. To Fisher’s left serge skirt & bodice to be altered. Lin dined at C. Hartree’s, good but slow dinner. Lin sent off one drawing. Friday 24 July Waddie called sat some time talking. Drove at 3.30 to stores, met Molesworth & Mrs. Lindo. Took Mrs. S. with me, called & saw Eff on way home she leaves tomorrow for C. Church, Tabs. Spent at stores hair nets 1/-, pencil case 2/-, knife 4/3, dictionary 9d, aspinal 10½. Saturday 25 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Augustus Harris’ garden party, The Elms Avenue Rd, 4 - 7. Marchioness of Salisbury’s garden party Hatfield House 4 - 7. Mrs. E. Hart’s at home & garden party Fairlawn Totteridge. Glorious day. Special trains to & fr. Lady S’s. Charmed with Hatfield lovely old Elizabethan building with beautiful grounds. Saw Prince of Naples, P. Edward of Saxe Weimar, Princess Louise etc. Sir J. Millais & Tadema, Burne Jones, Bosanquets, Sir E. Sullivan, Sir J. & Lady Lucas. Large muster of M.Ps, corps diplomatique & nobility ! Mr Lowther’s party not over polite! M, Gill, Midge, H. & Dora to “Enfant Prodigue”. Sunday 26 July Sir B. Baker’s party on river. Glorious day. Drove with Lin at 10 o’c to Vauxhall, met Mona, Mrs. K. & Mr Paul there. Sir B, Mr Knowles, Mr Stevenson & Mr & Mrs. Denison met us Surbiton. To boats & rowed past Hampton & Sunbury & had picnic lunch in field against fallen tree. Usual gypsy! Mr Paul silent! Stevenson charming, altogether v. pleasant party, home 9.30. Maud to Mother’s & Gill home for day. Mervyn v. seedy with cold. Emma out. Monday 27 July To see Mrs. Robb. Invitation to Mrs. Rawlinson after tennis supper party, ac’pt, 8 o/c. Pouring wet. Candles for breakfast so dark!!! Drove at 3.30 to Mrs. Rawlinson’s accepted invite to dine there at 8. Drove to Mother’s, v. depressed & Mervyn ill with bronchitis. Delightful house at Mrs. R’s. Large party there, sat out after but cold. Andrew Lang & his wife, Mr Hood, etc etc. Guthrie etc. Walked home. Sp. came in whilst I was dressing, thinks of coming to C. Church also. V. chilly. Tuesday 28 July Bret Harte to lunch 1.30. To stores at 11 o’c. Bought 2 vests for Lin 12/8, gloves 2/6, Maud’s lace for drawers 5/6½, strawberries 1/-, gooseberries 6d. Mr Harte unable to come to lunch, came after, sat to Lin. Sent Blanche’s cheque £1.10.0 by Maud. Sent photo frame to Roy for Miss Allen. Cold but bright. Nelly K. & Mr Hartree called. Wednesday 29 July Dowager Lady Freake at home Furwell Pk. Twickenham. X. Dear Roy returns fr. school last term at Albion House. Dora to lunch. Wretched day, poured on & off, v. cold. Took chicks to Ex. Ger. Saw German soldiers. X. Counted silver with Jane, all correct. Saw governess Madame Perret. V. tired. Thursday 30 July Mrs. Clarke at 1 - 3. Gave me £1.18.6 for odd things, paid poor prices for Lin’s things. Stood to Lin. Miss Gill packing children’s things, leaves tonight. Called & saw Mother & Mervyn, both better. Packed my things with Alice. Friday 31 July X. Go with 2 chicks to Seekins Mudeford. Wrote Mother about dolls house. Sent toys to West London Hospital. Jane came to Station in omnibus with us, great crowd, train one hour late at C. Church. Tabs & Gwen met us with carriage & luggage cart. Found all very comfortable here, view fr. drawing room window charming. Had tea, unpacked & to bed. Could not sleep so tired. Expences down, Bus 5/6, fares £1.1.8, guards 1/6, = £1.8.8. Started with £4.14.0. Con & Eff staying Tabs. Mr English here. Aug 1891


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 1 August. Lovely day. Went with chicks to Tabs, found Ethel English there. To sands & all bathed except Maud, Ethel E. & Eff. X. Maud petit ami. Came back to lunch. Sat indoors reading until 4.30. Roy went & played tennis with Tabs won 6 to 1. Had tea there. Eff came & had milk here, likes our rooms. Lin arrived 6.30 had tea. Lin &self dined at Tabs. Ham, Con & Mr English arrived after dinner fr. yachting. Louise Holland & Mad’lle. Bande arrived at Tabs by next train to Lin’s. Back here at 10 o’c. Mr Aird & family & Arthur Blunt came down same train as Lin to Highcliffe Castle. Home books to Saty 25th July £4.10.11. Sunday 2 August Dull, cold & very windy. Lin & self going to lunch at Highcliffe with Mr Aird. All family in morg. on way to Church. Roy went, none of us. Chicks lunched & had tea at Tabs. Large party at Mr A’s. Arthur Blunt v. kind but so H-less!!! Walked party of 14 back, stormed. H. & Eff in Elmhurst summer house. Maud & self had high tea here at 7.30. Roy to Abbey with Eff for evg. service. Lin dined at Capisthorne. Mr English came & sat with me after his dinner below. Monday 3 August Dull cold morg. squally, sun later. Roy, Con, Mr E. & Eff on yacht for day, going to lunch & dine here today quietly. Tuesday 4 August In morg. till 12. Lin & Roy off yachting, Lin going to town fr. Southampton for Mr Spielman’s dinner, to do with Blk & White paper. Unfortunately lost train had to go by later one, yacht becalmed off Cowes. Maud had tea with Gwen. I drove with Tabs, Miss Holland & Mr English to Mrs. Thaws Bournemouth. Had tea there , garden party, heavy thunderstorm. Drove back with Tabs & H. Mr E. & Eff returned by train. Dined evg. at Tabs, Mr & Mrs. Gilson there. Mr E. brought me back. Roy home at 8.20 with Con. Wednesday 5 August X. Pay final call on Cent. Argentine shares of £23, makes £115 paid. Sent above to London & Westminster Bk, Lothbury. Dear Maud’s birthday. Madlle. & 2 chicks to tea here. I went to tea with Eff at Capisthorne. Tabs & Holland to Mrs. Maberley. Maudie had Mad’lle, Gwen, Evelyn & boys to tea for her birthday. Ham gave M. little brooch. I went & had tea Capisthorne. Thursday 6 August Lovely day. M. practiced morg. Bathed at 12 in sea. Lunched here together 1.30. After lunch 4 o’c walked with Tabs & Maud to Mrs. Aird’s, v. kind & hospitable. Roy playing tennis with Mad’lle. Had 5 o’c tea at Tabs. Supper here at 7.30. Mrs. Gillson & dau. called. Asked us to go at 11.30 tomorrow across to sand hills. X. Received Banker’s receipt for £23 for Cent. Argt. Rly. Went morg. with Mrs. Seekins over houses on either side belonging to Mr M(illeg) not so nice as this. Friday 7 August Fine but chilly. Eff off in cart to C. Church. Roy with her on bicycle. 11.30 Maud & self go with Mr Gillson in boat to Henglebury Point. Most kind saw lovely view over sandhills (originally iron quarries which had to be stop’d because of sea (illeg) instead. Saw quantities of samphire growing. Back by 2 o’c to lunch here, had roast shoulder of lamb, green peas, potatoes & currant & raspberry tart & cream, excellent, all enjoyed it. Chicks to tea at Tabs & to supper here. I dined with Tabs & Con brought me back.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 8 August Lovely day, warmer but stiff breeze blowing. Roy & self, Ham, 2 chicks, Con & Miss Holland went for cruise in Yacht to Bournemouth, & back by 1.30. Gwen ill, rest well. Felt shaky & tired after. Maud lunched here alone, Roy & self at Tabs. Washing 2/6. Books at home for last week (to Saty 1 st August) £4.8.7½. Lent Effie 1/-. Telegram fr. Spencer 6d. Books here £7.15.11 ½ Washing 2/6. Home books £4.8.7½ to Saturday 1st August. Sunday 9 August Very stormy, cold & dull. Maud to Church, Roy takes & leaves her there & fetches her. Lin dined with Fletchers, want me too but feel tired & sh’ll go to bed early. Turned out in night, either new honey or yachting upset me! 11.30 still blowy. Lin had tea & chicks tea at Tabs. Mrs. Surman & Mr. Aird, son & g. son & Mrs. Elliot called. Eff came after tea & stayed until chicks & my supper. Blowing hard all day. Monday 10 August Fine morg. Lin & Roy to bathe before breakfast. Lin & self dine at Mr Aird’s. All in to lunch. Con & Eff have their rooms here today as Jess, H. & D. arrive at Tabs. Tabs & L. Holland to garden party at Chuton Bunsy(?). Eff, Con & self at Tabs to receive H. & Midge. Dora looks seedy. Little Eve v. poorly. Lin dined with self at Highcliffe with Airds. Mr Cope & Seagar Hunt there also. Drove there & back in pony carriages. Tuesday 11 August V. cold & dull. Went morg. to Tabs. M. & self bathed. Walked after with Midge along cliff. Eve still v. poorly. After lunch chicks to Tabs with self. Con & Eff to breakfast here, both to Bournemouth for day after, & both with Lin dine with H. Fletcher. Lin, H. F. & H. Langley yachting fr. 9.30 when wagonette fetched Lin till 4 o’c. Had games tennis with Roy. Eve, Tabs, Jessie & L. Holland out in dog cart to C. Church. Evelyn v. poorly on return. Fresh people arrive here today. Wednesday 12 August Lin, self, Con & Eff to dinner at H’s. Cap’t & Mrs. Daubeney & Col. & Mrs. Surman also there. Flower show. Maud went with Tabs to show, Eff also there. Seekins took one prize. Lunched here. Thursday 13 August Miss English came to stay with Con & Eff here. Regatta at Mudeford. Lin went up to town after lunch, Tab sent him to station. Eff & Ethel off for walk together alone. I went round to Tabs. Had walk with Con to meet Midge & Tabs. All had high tea here, fish & milk pudding! All lunched here. Friday 14 August Lovely day v. warm. Drove morg. in wagonette to B’mouth with Tabs & Midge. Bought pears 9d, honey 1/-, buns 6d, Chiffon & wings 8/9, buttons 4d, rib 1/7, staybones 1/1½, hairpins 2d. Total 14.2½. Eff 1/-. Telegram 6d. After lunch had Seekins cart & drove & called with Con on Mrs. Reeves. To station & to fetch children fr. High Cliffe. They w’d not let children come so left them to return with Con. Eff & Ethel out all day to New Forest Rufus stone! All dined at Tabs. Wild evg, danced! Chicks lunched & had tea at Mrs. Aird’s, supper here. Saturday 15 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dull but fine later. Eff, Ethel E. & Con of for day’s yachting to Poole, yacht grig off Capisthorne. All went to see them off. Roy lunching at Tabs & going in dog cart to Mrs. Sags(?) for a cricket match. Vexed his cricket bat not come. Louise Holland, M. & self & Roy walked morg. together. Lin arriving at 3.30, can’t send cart unfortunately. Tabs tennis party. Maud going to tennis at Mrs. Surman’s. Maud & self to lunch alone here. Mr Molesworth arriving at Tabs today. Lin arrived by same train. Mademoiselle sleeping here. Lin angry at idea of same. Mr Watney sent us 3 brace of grouse. Mr Aird kindly brought us a brace of grouse also. Home books £2.7.11 to Saty 8th August. Sunday 16 August. X. Au lit till 11 o’c. In bed, petit ami. Eff & E. English to Church High Cliffe. Lin wrote letters all morg. Midge & H. in after church. Miss Daubeney to tea, looked v. pretty. Mr Aird, girls, son in law, Mr Troller & 3 other gentlemen called & all went for walk together, to High Cliffe after. Waddie & Dora here afternoon. Lovely day tho’ windy. All dine at Ham’s tonight except chicks & self. Mad’lle. here. Roy awfully naughty. Monday 17 August Con, Eff, Miss English left. Midge & Tabs called. Tabs & two Hams going to tennis party at Nugents(?). Molesworth & Roy playing at Capisthorne. Maud to Mrs. Knowles to tea, & tennis in Seekins trap with Mrs. Seily. Lin writing at Elmhurst. We 4 lunch & dine here tonight. Tuesday 18 August Lovely day but v. windy. In all day. Midge sat all morg. with me. Maud to tea with Miss Schulhoff & on to Tabs after. Mr Warren at Ham’s. Molesworth & Alice Holland. Tabs birthday. Lin & Roy out yachting with Hamilton Langley directly after breakfast till 3 o’clock. Played tennis after. Tabs, 2 H’s to tennis. Maud & self alone to lunch. Roy, M. & self alone to tea, grouse. Vernon sent us 3 brace & Mr Aird one brace of grouse. Lin dined at Tabs. Wednesday 19 August Lovely day but v. windy. Arrival of French fleet in Solent. Lin going at ¼ to 1 o’c in Seekins trap, to London. Walked after lunch which Maud & self had alone, to Mrs. Schulhoff’s, & on to Tabs. Mr Molesworth & Cap’t Daubeney there. Tabs, Midge & Alice Holland to High Cliffe, found Major Stuart Wortley there. Roy & Molesworth playing tennis. H. Langley & H. F. & Mr Warren to see arrival of French fleet in Yacht. Called & saw Miss Davis about my bodice. Mrs. Reeve & Mrs. Knowles called. Roy, Maud & self here to tea dinner. Thursday 20 August H. & Jess came to arrange about rooms here, difficulty. Sat all morg. at Tabs with Jess. V. cold. Poured in torrents after lunch, cold, damp & miserable. Maud to Mrs. Gillson’s to tea, enjoyed it v. much. Roy & self here alone, he had egg & cocoa with me. Mad’lle. came in & had supper with us, find her extremely familiar, common, & wanting in tact. Will certainly not do for Maud. Roy unbearably tiresome & rude evg. don’t know what to do with him. He wears me to death & is so insolent & rude in speaking. To bed at 9.15, had grouse & remains of milk pudding & stewed plums for supper. Friday 21 August Very cold & damp. Roy naughty again at breakfast, wants a man to manage him. Walked to bathing House found Tabs & chicks there. Drove after lunch with


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 chicks, Miss Holland & Maud to Bournemouth. Ordered M’s black hat instead of white one, got 2¼ rib. M. & self had tea alone at Seekins, practised after. Maud low spirited about my going to Scotland, dared not notice for fear of upsetting her more. Roy out with Mr Molesworth. Supper together with chicks, read two stories to them after. Heard Mad’lle. laughing till 11.30 with Seekins. Saturday 22 August X. Go fr. Seekins to Tabs. Lovely day. Packed all morg. Midge & Ham came round early. Tabs & Ham to Brookwood for day. Mr Molesworth & Roy to Bournemouth at 3 o’c. Too late to catch steamer to see French fleet off Cowes, back for dinner time. Maud to picnic tea with Mrs. Gillson, enjoyed it v. much. Lin came by 2.25 fr. Waterloo to Hinton Admiral. Gave E. Seekins 5/-. Had tea with Midge, Ham & Miss Holland, find latter awfully slow. Bien grand row at Punch table between A. a’Beckett & H. Furniss about drawing in imitation of Lin’s for some paper. Sunday 23 August Went to church with Maud, Ham L, A. Holland & 2 chicks & Dora. Midge looks seedy. C’d not find her after church. Went & saw little drawings by Mrs. Gillson’s niece. Trottee Maberley walked home with us. Walked after tea along cliff. Midge & H. to dinner. Could not sleep at night. Monday 24 August In all morg. Had wretched night could not sleep. Dressmaker called. Mrs. Reeve, Mrs. Gibbs called after lunch. Heard chicks science lesson v. interesting. Midge & H. in at tea time. Had long walk with Tabs, Midge & H. before dinner. H, Miss H. & Mr Molesweorth off all day yachting. Lin, Maud & Roy off all day with Mr Aird’s party to see French fleet. Mr Molesworth left. Tuesday 25 August Boisterous gusty & cold. Linda Daubeney called to ask Maud to go for a water party with them, also Mrs. Gibbs asked her for tennis, but too wretched weather for anything. Blew furiously all night. Dora & Wads in morning. Miss H, Maud & self bathed morning notwithstanding. Had to hold on to each other to prevent being knocked down. Wednesday 26 August Blowing all night. Lin to C. Church with H. Lin goes to London today, went by 1 something train. Drove at 3 with Tabs to pay calls on Lady Amphill, Mrs. Cain, Mrs. Surman & Airds. Fetched Maud who spent day there. Poured with rain all day. H. at Bournemouth all day. Bathed morg. Fetched huge Seekins bill v.heavy £17.9.6 for fortnight & 5 braces of our own grouse during that time. 7 o/c still blowing hard. Thursday 27 August I go to London by 3.50. Roy took me to Hinton Admiral Sta. Expenses washing 14/-, 5/- maid, fare 8/3½, porters 1/- cab 3/6. All well here. Poured morg. Linda Daubeney to tea with Maud. Friday 28 August Madlle. Ament(?) to call about lunch time. Don’t like her huge fringe. Shop’d & dined with Mother evg. H. & Midge, Mervyn & Mother all well. 3 went off to theatre. Miss G. v. kindly came early & trimmed my hat & bodice. Shop’d with me after tea. Saturday 29 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 X. Go by night mail to Scotland. Packed morg. & left by night mail. Slept all night on & off. Sunday 30 August Arrived at Tressady at 6, V. tired. Lady M. most kind. Found Mr & Mrs. Nesbitt, Mr Ryle, Mr Thring, Mr Richards here. To bed at 11 & slept. Mr & Mrs. Grenfell of Taplow travelled north with us fr. Inverness to Lairg. Lovely woman. Monday 31 August In morg. until Mr & Mrs. Nesbitt left. All gentlemen out shooting but Mr Ryle. who left after lunch. Took little walk round grounds with Lady M. & rested till dinner. Did work game, Lady M. & Lin guessing. Sep 1891 Tuesday 1 September Lovely day. Sat all morg. talking & working with Lady M. Mr Thring & Mr Richards shooting. Mr Watney & Lin in all day letter writing. Drove in pony carriage with “Cheesenut” alias “Ginger” after lunch with Lady M, Mr Watney & Mr Fort who just arrived to call on Minister. Left the two gentlemen & went a long drive taking only groom with (illeg) on alone, delicious air. I drove! Pony stolid. No letter fr. home or chicks. Wednesday 2 September Sat in, worked & read all morg. Drove to see crofter’s loom. Most interesting, wonderful the materials turn out so well as the cottages are not clean! Letter fr. Maud all well at Capisthorne. Poured with rain. Mr Newton arrived about luncheon time. My eye v. painful after dinner. Lin correcting proofs & writing all day. Thursday 3 September In morg. reading. Drove after lunch over moor lovely drive at walking pace. Gentlemen out all day. Mr Fort fishing, one sea trout result. Eye again painful after dinner. Wrote to Tabs & Maud. Read life of the Duchesse du Maine, daughter of Grand Condé, married illegitimate & favourite son Louis XIV by Mde. de Montespan. Friday 4 September Lovely day. In all morg. read, practiced, worked. Lin writing letters, rest out. Drove to Movich, Major Weston’s old place, after lunch. Pony crawled. Fetched letters fr. post, one fr. dear Maud v. happy & playing tableaux vivants. Played word game after dinner. Words Langley & Newton chosen, had good fun over them. Wrote letters. Read Life of Shelley. Saturday 5 September Rainy early, cleared later but everything so charged with moisture did not drive, took short walk to raspberries! Lin out shooting with rest. Mr Fort in all day looks tired. Club dinner! Speeches after but c’d not remain to hear all as Lady M. felt so poorly, came out & all to bed early. Walla better but seedy evg! getting thinner. Letter fr. dear Maud. Chicks go to Cowes today. Sunday 6 September Lovely day. Wrote morg. Miss G. about Lady Catherine Gaskell. Wrote Con about chicks also Mr Watney sent him some game. Grand Tressady Golf Match. Lin & Mr Watney led off by (blank) Mr Thring & Mr Fort by (blank) & Mr Richards & Mr


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Newton by (blank). Lady M. & self occupied stand after lunch. I went round course once, think it vastly interesting, sh’ll discard serious golf hereafter! Monday 7 September Dullish, cleared up after lunch. Drove in omnibus to see Farm Exhib. at Miss Macdonald’s (manse). Had tea there. Saw quantities of stuffs. Sweep stakes after dinner. Mr Thring drew for St Leger! Common. Lady M. Reverend, Mr Watney Mimi, self Orvieto. Tuesday 8 September Lovely day. Lin in writing. Mr Watney & Mr Fort fishing. Rest shooting. Practised, read, worked morg. Drove after lunch in pony carriage towards Lairg. Letters fr. Maud, Tabbie & Effie. Wrote Con. Walked to kennels with Lin. Letter fr. Midge staying at Lord Haldon’s Torquay, enjoying it. Wednesday 9 September Dull morg. Cleared later. Lin with rest shooting. Mr Fort to Golspie to see Mr Ryle. Lady M. & self in pony cart to Morvick, called on Miss Scott. Had letter fr. Con, & French governess. Games evg. Thursday 10 September Club day again. Tennis tournament. Mr Fort & Mr Newton. Golf after. Mr Ryle to luncheon. Bow window joke by Mr Richards! Good games evg. Words chosen Stoney Laughton & Mr Ryle’s Bow Window. Walk in garden, did not drive. Letters fr. Maud & Mrs. Thomson. Friday 11 September X. “L’Enessil”(?). In bed to breakfast. Gentleman out shooting all day, in late. Letters fr. Eff, Maud, & Roy, & Mrs. Macdonald asking us to stay there. Wrote to Con about taking Roy Tuesday next to tailors, to Miss Gill to be with me next Wednesday, to Mrs. Macdonald, & wired to Emma. Lovely day. Sorry c’d not go to Mr Ryle’s, too long drive. Saturday 12 September Au lit till 11, feel awfully queer. In all day. Dear Lady M. most kind & thoughtful. Sat or lay out all afternoon on terrace or sofa. Sunday 13 September Mr Ryle over for golf. Another Grand Club day. Feel so weak & ill, wish I was buried & out of the way. Feel obstrusively ill looking. Everyone kind & curious which makes it more trying. Play good. Walla proclaimed. Captain of Pig Tub Club goes to inspect bill of fare daily, & sometimes plays high. To bed v. early. Monday 14 September Packed after tea. Dear Lady M mending Lin’s coat whilst I packed. Gentlemen out all day. Read. Feel much stronger & better thanks to all kind attentions. V. cheerful evg. Mr Fort left. Tuesday 15 September Left Tressady ¼ to 11. Lady M. sweet, gave me bouquet of roses & white heather. Met Maude Macdonald at Station. Pleasantish journey to Perth. Had dinner at Hotel & slept there. Wednesday 16 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Slept badly, terrible noise of screaming engines. Lin saw me off by 9 o’c train fr. Perth, his own leaving almost immediately for Stonehaven. Had coupé to self. Expenses fruit 1/-, porter 6d, cab 3/6, total 5/-. Hour & half late at Euston. Found Miss Gill & Mrs. S. awaiting me. Read “Mon frère Yves” by Pierre Loti, v. interesting. Finished Group of noble dames by Thomas Hardy, & Bret Harte’s short story in Strand Magazine, & remaining stories Hotel d’Angleterre by Falkner. Thursday 17 September Answered letters all morg. Miss G. did fern cases. In all day so tired. Friday 18 September Gill & self to Stores morg. Spent £1.2.9 for Roy & Maud. Called on Mrs. Spofforth after lunch about young girl to help. Also Miss Lutyens, surrounded by her relations as usual. Pretty governess Geild(?) came, too young. Letter fr. Midge. Saturday 19 September Dull heavy day, poured with rain all day could not go out. Letters fr. Lin. Different atmosphere to V. Watney’s. Large house party, women all v. uninteresting except Hon. Mrs. Erskine (whose hus. is Earl of Buchan’s 2 nd son). Men Col. Stracey & Mr Sutherland amusing. Sunday 20 September Dull sultry depressing day, feel as if weights of lead were suspended from each thigh. Gill & self to Oratory by bus, music beautiful. Sermon common sense which is more than can be had in our churches! Bus back. (illeg) bus & Oratory 1/-. Alice’s sister coming to tea & go out with her after. Monday 21 September Miss G. & self met Roy at Victoria Station, gave him his lunch there, on to stores all afternoon & shop’d. Got home at 6 o’c. Roy with cold. Gave him gruel & turpentine plaster. Coughed a good deal in night. Tuesday 22 September I took Roy to Stores directly after breakfast, got his 2 prs. stockings, boots, tie etc. Money going like wildfire. After lunch worked away marking & mending Roy’s things. Dressed him in his Eton things to see Lin who arrived at 8.30 fr. Scotland. Roy’s cold better. Lin cold in eye. Wednesday 23 September Dear Roy goes to Eton for 1st time. V. busy all morning packing. Lin took Roy at 1.15. Dear Roy looked v. nice in his Eton get up. V. tired. X. Advertisement for Governess in papers. X. Miss Gill & self took walk & sat in Gardens after lunch. Emma out evening. Ans. governess advertisements. Most difficult to get what I want. Wire saying Roy v. happy & pleased with his room. Lin helped him unpack. Went fr. Waterloo in same carriage with Mr Ainger, & Lin took Roy to be interviewed by Head Master! Thursday 24 September Sp’d morg. Spent 1/- on linen, gave Miss Gill fare 3/11 when she left by 3 o’c & paid her 14/- which I owed her. Sp. called. Pass Book! Sp. v. funny about Douglas. Gill left. Lin & self to Garrick Theatre to see “School” dull silly piece. Young Irving & young Hare in it, latter v. good.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 25 September In all morg. After lunch called on Mrs. Noots, found her ill in room in bed, miscarriage! Stayed & had tea with her. Dined at 10 o’c. Lin’s eye v. bad fr. cold taken at Mr Lucas’ grouse driving. Saturday 26 September Polished 2 pieces furniture & watered plants, took 1 hour only. Practised one hour. Looked over pictures for Roy & cut out cloth for arm chair. After lunch Lin & self to photographers, to enquire after Sir E. Reed (better) & to Naval Exhibition. Quiet dinner. Walked nearly all way home. X. First letter fr. Roy, seems v. happy & full of requirements for his room. Lin had his photo taken at photographers, endless endless endless photography! Sunday 27 September Took photos of Lin morg. 12.30 Lin & self to Hyde Pk. Cor. In cab & walked home. Lovely day. Row fairly crowded, saw only 2 gentlemen Lin knew. Wrote letters all afternoon. Lin walked to Club after tea. Sent cheque of £3.3.0 to Con, with £2.2.0 already sent amount for chicks there £5.5.0, Roy 2 weeks & Maud 3. Monday 28 September Lovely day. Wired Maud to come next Monday fr. Conrad’s. Go to Aunt Hannah’s tomorrow for few days to see governess for Maud. Paid Madame Bocquet’s bill £28.7.0 fully up. Lin photoing all morning. Lin & self to Shaftesbury theatre after dinner. Saw “A Lancashire Sailor” by Brandon Thomas. Tuesday 29 September Lovely day. Packed & came to Aunt Anna by 1.50 fr. Vic. Arrived 3.30 Worthing. Auntie met me. Had long walk evg. Madlle. Jacquenot called. Reserve opinion, will call for me 3 o’c tomorrow to see Mrs. Christian, one of the ladies who rec. her. V. tired, did not sleep well. Lin’s eyes look no better, feel anxious about him but must settle about Maud’s governess. Sweet letter fr. Maud, Con sending photo of his boys. Wire fr. Mother morg. & Spencer. Wrote Lin, posted at 8. Alice muddled away morning, afraid she wants a head servant upstairs. Wednesday 30 September Worthing. Lovely day. Walked & walked all morg. V. tired. Two letters morg. fr. Lin. Letter evg. fr. Lin, eye little better. Mad’lle. called, stayed some time. Aunt Leigh & Florrie came, stayed long while. Aunt Leigh looking v. handsome. Mrs. Christian called & I am to go to her tomorrow morning. Oct 1891 Thursday 1 October Strong wind. Went to see Mrs. Christian, found her v. charming. Spoke highly of Mademoiselle & showed me photos of her little children. Insisted on my having some chartreuse & biscuits & her husband v. intelligent frenchman, speaking English perfectly. Md’lle. fetched me & we went together to Miss Koch, not so impressed here. Mad’lle. walked back to Fairlight with me. Letter fr. Lin slight cold feel so sorry, sh’ll return Saty. Announcement of Gen. Boulanger’s suicide on ac’t of Madame de Bonnermain’s death. What an end for a man who aspired to so much ! Poured wet all afternoon. Friday 2 October Lovely day. Walked morg. Bought paper 2d. To tea at Aunt Leigh’s, going to dine there. No letter fr. Lin at 3.30 all day! Fly there 2/6, stamps 6d, boys 2d. Nice


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 little house of Leighs. Florrie’s children v. pretty especially the girl. Letter fr. Lin saying I could remain until Monday. Saturday 3 October Lovely day. Out morg. & evg. Letter fr. Lin eyes better but not well yet. Long letter fr. dear Maud. Miss Breffit called afternoon, stayed some time, gave her Maud’s photo. Sunday 4 October Lovely day. Wire fr. Lin saying he w’d fetch Maud tomorrow having a pass. Letter fr. Roy saying he had got wet thro’ playing football. Feel v. anxious as he is so careless in changing his clothes. Auntie & self to Church morg. Walk after. Excellent dinner, duck, vegts, & delicious damsons. Eat too much a great deal, & no indigestion on account of slow eating. Emma out. Monday 5 October X. Mad. Jacquenot came. Lovely day Worthing. Returned home bringing Mademoiselle with me (Jacquenot). Am afraid she will be very lonely & dull here as she is not musical. Maud came with Lin who fetched her fr. Pulboro’ today. Wretched dull dark day in London, feel quite depressed. Mad. played chess with Mrs. Sambourne. Lin went for walk to Club & back, dinner late! Wish he could be more punctual. Maud looking v. well & plump in the face. Tuesday 6 October Pouring wet dark dull dreary day. Walked morg. pd. Smart’s bill 1/3, Derry 4/1 & Barkers 14/10. Called & saw dear Mother, looks v. poorly. Mervyn walked part of way home with me, met Mad’lle. & Maud. Mad’lle v. untidy looking, appallingly so. Madame Allain called afternoon, stayed some time with Maud, has heard of charming young Parisian lady who c’d teach music & w’d come for v. little. Attendons! Fire engine men called for Lin to do drawing. Earl of Portsmouth’s sudden death. Wednesday 7 October Go to Mother’s at 11. Man fr. Barker’s about M’s mattress. X. Little F unable to go. An. of Mr Parnell’s death. Sent cheques of £1.5.6 to Furzicot. Maud & Mams. to Mother, better. Mervyn coming to dinner tonight. Thursday 8 October V. seedy in bed till 12. Maud & Mademoiselle seem to get on well together. Mervyn came. Mother v. poorly. Friday 9 October Lin photoing Mervyn. Mother better. In all day. Sat on steps of garden & feel better for air. Dull day. Saturday 10 October Pouring wet warm day. In bed till 12 o’c. Alice & Edith doing drawing room. Wish I c’d get a good second girl, Edith no use whatever. Silver going v. bad. Mad. & Maud to Madame Allain’s, out. Too long walk. After lunch Lin & self to Criterion to see “Miss Decima” Burnands’s (illeg illeg). Mad. & Maud met us there. V. amusing piece. Lin dined at Lyric C. Mervyn came in evening. Sunday 11 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mad. to Church. Maud & self went to Mother’s, seems v. poorly. Took cab home. Leslie Ward to lunch, took sketch of Lin for “Vanity Fair”. Eternal photos. Read all afternoon. Monday 12 October Walked after lunch, fairly dry. To Mrs. Perugini’s, Marion Pollock & Mother’s. Saw Midge stayed some time cabbed home. Called on Mrs. Kemp also. Maud with Mams. to Hatchet’s for French book. Tuesday 13 October Lin working all morg. on Almanack. Went out shop’g. Poured rest of day. Wrote Mr Welch for my quarter not yet pd. Everything v. bad in Buenos Ayres but must be worse, wish I had invested in safe English securities when sh’ll we ever learn to profit by other’s experiences! Lin walked to club after tea, dined here at 8 o’c. Wednesday 14 October Lovely morg. but gleamy. Maud & Mams. for walk early. Prince Danroula coming to see Lin with his equerry Mr Morant. Box for “L’enfant Prodigue”. Mams, Maud, Madame Allain going. I have tea & dinner with Mother Jess & Ham, Maud also. Wire fr. Prince’s equerry can’t come detained at dentist! Went in om. to Lady M’s with Mams. & Maud. Saw her charming as usual asked us to lunch there Friday, Maud & self, 2 o’c. Going D.V. Madame A. & Mams. delighted with play. Lin joined us. Cab home 3/-. Cab fr. Mother’s 1/-, om. 6d. Mother Jess & self dined alone. Alice out. Thursday 15 October Pouring wet morg. Fearful thunder storm. X. Took pass book & list of securities to Mr Lowndes, advises me to hang on to S.A. securities as all are so low just now. No more S.A’s. Walked to Westbourne Grove Whiteleys & back. V. tired. Pouring & blowing with gleams of sun in between. Paid for Roy’s curtains 12/3, galoon 1/4 for same. Friday 16 October Maud & self lunch at 2 o’c at Lady Margaret Watney’s 20 Charles Street. Pouring as usual. Mended arm chair dining room polished clock balls. Midge came in looking charming. Took cab to Lady M’s, lunched alone with her & Maud. Lady Catherine gone with her husband to Eton. Had Mr Watney’s carriage to drive us home. Went to Mother’s & stayed to tea there, found Mervyn had just arrived ill with chill from Ham F’s. Edgar came. Mother & Midge upset rather. X. Poor Mr Gilbert a’Beckett died today. Lin did 2 drawings. Going tomorrow to H.F’s for 2 days shoot. Saturday 17 October Morg. 10 to 7 Lin went to Ham F. Alresford. After breakfast shop’d. Roy’s table cloth. Cleaned silver with Mrs. S. Went to Mother after lunch, gave Midge photo frame 3/6. Mervyn still in bed. Had dinner with Mams. Mrs. S. & Maud. Sunday 18 October Lin returned unexpectedly fr. ham F’s. Midge’s birthday. Mad. to church. I walked & enquired after Mrs. G. a’Beckett, met Mr & Mrs. Albert a’B. & niece. Went in to Oratory music lovely. Om home 2d. Mad. seedy! Alice asked me to go out, was out Wednesday night. Must always have late dinner when Lin is out, find I am too


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 indulgent & get imposed upon accordingly. Alice out evg. Vexed her asking as she was out Wednesday, & Emma seems to encourage the going out. Monday 19 October Lin’s new man J. Dobbs. Go to see Roy at Eton 1.40. Pouring. Vexed with Emma seems to encourage others to go out v. ungrateful after my confidence in her. Lin & self to Windsor. Waited in Roy’s room 2 hrs, had tea with him. Saw Mr Ainger. Roy v. well & happy but idle, had yellow ticket. His room v. cozy & nice. X. New job man come. Parlage avec cuisinière très ingrate disant que les filles sortent si pen! Maud does not seem well. Tuesday 20 October Walked to Mother’s morg. Feel depressed. Mervyn up. Bates sister going to S. America with Midge. Lady C. M. Gaskell & Lady Margaret called seems uncertain about Gill. Mrs. Spofforth called. Lin at work all day. Wednesday 21 October Pouring wet & then fine. Mother sent me little tea cozy & £1 for wedding day. Sweet of her. S. American things worse & worse. Gen. M(illeg) & Roca retiring. New ministry to be formed. Pelegrini (illeg). Saw little cook, won’t do. Went & spent afternoon with Mother & Mervyn & sat with Mrs. Orton. Quiet evg. at home. Lin had 2 applications for work & v. complimentary letter fr. Spielman about article on caricaturists Lin wrote. Emma out. Thursday 22 October Go at 11 with Mrs. Spofforth to Count Matee’s(?) hospital for cancer. Too wet. Mrs. Kemp to tea. Pouring in torrents. Accounts of rivers rising, floods etc. Quiet evg. Lin at work. Friday 23 October Out morg. Cleaned silver fr. 11 to 1 with Alice. Dodd cleaning dining room windows, & wiped pictures. Mr Soames Jolly’s present master coming to see Lin. Does not like Jolly’s driving, frightened Mrs. Soames & dau. v. much. Dinner at 9 o’c. Saturday 24 October Shop’d morg. Changed cheque £6 & called about advertisment for cook. Thought I had lost 10/-, v. unhappy about it. Mad. Maud & self to German Reed’s so full had to send Mad. back. Met Mrs. Geiger & son. Enjoyed piece v. much. Maud lunched with Mother & we fetched her. Expenses, om. 4d, cake 1/-, sausages 1/4½, en tout 3/4½ . Lin rode morg. Girls v. late. Sunday 25 October Maud & self to Church morg. Met Mrs. Coward, poor Bob ill & obliged to take long voyage. To Mother’s after. Saw Ham & Mervyn & laid lunch. Lin riding morg, out to lunch. Mad. & self tried our blood in microscope, found black spots in hers like craters in moon! Lin rode & lunched at Barker’s. Miss Rose Innes called. Monday 26 October Pouring wet all day. Went to stores for Lin & got 2 tongues, sardines & potted meats for Roy. River flooded at Eton. Ham & Jess to dinner 8 o’c. Had soup, filleted sole, steak, spinach. Duck salad. Fruit tart, cream, soft herring roes & cheese. Long talk over horses & card tricks. Ham thinks all S.A. securities will go below par.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 27 October Still pouring, v. dark. Dodd again to stores. Advertisement in morg. post for cook, 1st specimen won’t do. Seen 4 cooks none likely, short characters. Saw 3 after lunch. Old woman came about dinner time seemed respectable, take her character tonmorrow. No place & no character, above experienced liar! Stole Mad’lle’s umbrella. Wednesday 28 October Out morg. to Gilham about hot water kettle, brass, clock. X. Went after bogus cook’s character, not known. Mad’lle missed umbrella! Gone! Lin rode before breakfast. Spent 1/-. Maud & Mad’lle went & pd. 3 bills for me. Bushells for umbrella 8/6, Marshall’s lace 7/1½, Evans 2/10. Saw 2 cooks both unsatisfactory. Thursday 29 October Lady Freake’s at home 4 - 7. Dine at Brown’s Hotel with C. & F. Barker & theatre after. At Metropole instead 7 o’c. To see “Times” by Pinero at Terry’s after. Midge in all morg. brought me flowers. X. Paid Davis bill by postal order. Mad’lle got one fr. Newland Terrace, No 1161, for 9/6. Friday 30 October Walked all down Oxford & Regent St. (illeg). Looked at bonnets. Mrs. English & Ethel came & Miss Harcourt afternoon. Dined at 10. Saturday 31 October Miss Rose Innes’ dinner at Bristol Hotel 7 o’c & theatre after. Out morg. bought velvet 2/6 for bonnet. 7d Japanese warmer. Om 1/- for Maud & Mad’lle to Savoy. Mr & Mrs. Finlay & G. Boehm called. Delicious dinner at Bristol. Robertsons, Müllers, Allens, & a gentleman, 10 in all. Went to Gaiety after. Paid books. Lin rode. Nov 1891 Sunday 1 November Went to Carmelite with Maud, to Mother’s after. Saw Midge & Ham also. Lin working all morg, rode after lunch. Gave Edie 3/- until Friday week last. Monday 2 November Went with Emma after lunch to take list of stable furniture, found it bare. Called saw Miss Lutyens. Maud & self to Macdougals to be fitted with capes. Had tea at Mrs. English’s, saw Eff there. Lin & self dined at Mother’s, Jess & Ham there. Dear Mother very tired. Cab 2/- fr Macdougals, om 4d. Cab to Mother 1/-. Tuesday 3 November Mrs. Müller’s dinner 7.30. X. Petit ami can’t go. Sent wire & letter to Mrs. M. Maud & Mad. to Madame Allain to tea. Men doing creeper fr. stores. Eddie & Georgie Boehm start for India today. Eff goes as far as Paris with them. X. Mr Guscotte called to see Lin about resigning trusteeship & transferring same to Fritz Jackson. Mrs. Vicat Cole & Maud called. Wednesday 4 November Mademoiselle seedy. Mrs. S. out with Maud morg. Lin doing engine (fire) drawing. Dodd fetched apples fr. Mrs. English. Thursday 5 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 V. dark. Alice Linley to tea. In bed till 12. Lin rode. Met brothers Watney. Friday 6 November V. dark day. Letter fr. dear Roy wanting money. Lin sent him £1. Mad. better but looks seedy. Complained of Maud’s getting into bed v. late. Saturday 7 November Miss Gill to lunch. Mad. seems v. poorly. Stoppage! Madame Allain came. Mrs. Parish & Mrs. O. Crawfurd. Lin rode. Sunday 8 November Maud & self walked to Mother’s. Left Maud there. Mad. v. seedy, gave her castor oil, seems better. Lin rode after lunch. X. Found awful insects in servants’ room. Alice put one on table, horrible. Sent Edie home. Feel v. worried just as we are leaving for Ramsgate. Emmma out evg. Lin & self dining at Wellington Club with Mr Weld Blundell. Paid Fisher £6.16.6, pd Derry £1.11.10, pd Witton balance of her account £10.14.6. Delightful evg. with Mr Weld Blundell, has been to Persepolis Persia, going again tomorrow week for 6 months. Monday 9 November Made list of silver out & put away with Alice. Lord Mayor’s show, pouring wet day. Mad. & self made list of inventory of rooms. Cleaned out cupboard outside nursery. Lin gone to show for lunch. Edie doing Maud’s & Alice’s room with carbolic. X. Sent all cheques drawn for bills yesterday by Dodd, Fishers, Derrys, & Wittons. Maud, Lin & self went to see Jones’ play “Crusades” excellent fin de siècle piece. Blunt, Monckton, Ainsworth, Emery etc in it v. good. Tuesday 10 November Busy packing ½ one box with Alice, goes slowly as we neither know how to start & many interruptions. Dora & Waddie came to say good bye. Tilda came for an hour just arrved fr. Harwich. Marion Pollock called. Wednesday 11 November Packing all day hard. V. tired. Raining in torrents & perfect gale blowing. Great damage done in London, country & round coast. Thursday 12 November Ramsgate. Maud, Mrs. S, Mademoiselle, Alice & self go to Ramsgate by 12.10 train. Glorious day. Had 2 oms. 19 large boxes, 17 small, 2 dogs & 6 birds. Country v. flooded. Found all vy. nice here & clean. Expences £2.19.4. Letter fr. dear Lin awaiting me. X. Millie here & Mrs. Tassel, stayed short time. Friday 12 November Mrs. Rowe’s dinner party. Unpacking all morg. Undid 4 store packages, put in cupboard. Mad. out twice for me. Never slept more than 2 hours all night on account of fatigue & gale. Schoolroom cleaned. Nothing whatever broken in packing. Letter fr. Lin dining out tonight & Saty. Broke all my nails to pieces packing. Saw cooks evg. Saturday 14 November V. busy. Tassel brought Lin’s things 4/-. Lovely flowers. Gave him pr. of trousers & jacket. Dining room cleaned & put up curtains. Saw cook Ellison. Went at 3 o’c for her ch. to Mrs. F. C. B, won’t do. On to Mrs. Gwynne about hers, not overgood either. Asked to see cook Monday morg. here. Bought curtain pins 10d, hookrings


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 5 doz. Chose piano & arranged about M’s music master. Saw Hedgeman about Lin’s horse. Letters fr. Lin. Maud seedy not down to supper, pain in side. Sunday 15 November Wet. Mad. to Church. Letter fr. Lin. I slept badly, v. bitten. Connie B. came in. Poor Baby Barrowdaile died this morg. Monday 16 November Pay second call of Buenos Ayres Gt. Southern Rly 5% pref. Shares. £52.10.0 making £157.10.0 paid. Sent cheque to Glyn Mills Currie for above £52.10. Saw cook Lydia Job & engaged her for today fortnight £22 a year. Letter fr. Lin & Roy. Awful headache. X. Piano came. Tuesday 17 November Inventory taken. New man Mr Hope ill. Called & saw Mrs. Hicks does not speak well of my new engaged cook! Pouring wet day. Maud looks seedy. Wednesdsay 18 November Came to town by 9.40 S. E. Found Lin working. Cab 2/-. Went & had soup at Pars. Tea here. To Mother’s, saw Midge, Dora & Mervyn who sail tomorrow in “Thames” for S. A. Left Maud looking seedy with cold. Pouring all day. Cab 2/-, porters 1/-, cakes 2d, cab home 2/6, soup 1/-, 2 cab fares to Mother 2/-. Thursday 19 November Pouring again. Went to Mother’s to lunch. X. Langleys with Mervyn, Dora’s german governess & Bates’ sister sail for S. America in S. S. “Thames”. Found Mother v. upset. Waddie came & is staying with Mother. Cab back 1/- at 4.30. Tea here, early dinner, on to Lyric to see Cigale for 3 rd or 4th time. Friday 20 November Lovely day. Overslept. Busy all morg. emptying wardrobes & drawers. Read to Lin. Dinner 10 past 11. Very late & very tired. Mother to Westwood. Saturday 21 November X. Maud’s 1st music lesson. Lin rides over to Barkers after lunch & sleeps night there - tomorrow. To stores morg. 2 prs large single sheets £1.8.0, 4 yds M’s petticoat 5/6, 4 yds muslin for curtains 5/2, match stand 1/-. Oms there & back 6d. Total 32.0.2. Letter fr. Mother, not gone to Westwood. Waddie & Bates gone instead. To Mother’s after lunch. Cab 1/-, Jacob’s oil 2/3, om 1d. To Italian restaurant with Lin & theatre after “Dancing Girl” with Kerr in it. Lin too late with work, could not go out, dined at 9.30. V. tired. Lin had stiff shoulder & cold in throat. Wire fr. Mrs. Burnand asking Lin, M. & self to dine there tomorrow evg. Lin finished last of 6 large Almanack drawings. Sunday 22 November Lovely morg. Lin doing extra sm’ll dwg. for Almanack. I go to Mother’s for day, & Lin rides over after lunch to Barker’s, sleeps there & returns tomorrow. His shoulder still stiff & has cold in throat, hope ride & rest will do him good. Slept all alone. Emma had everything nice & straight as usual. Monday 23 November X. Received only today my french book for Nov. fr. Tilda “L’ame de Pierre”, G. Ohnet. Dear Lin ret’d fr. Barkers, cold bad & neck & shoulder still stiff. Went with


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mother at 12 to Blanchard’s in fly & had lunch. Home by 2 o’c. Omnibus & took 4 large & 5 small packages. Mother drove me to station in fly, Dobb in om. Read Mrs. Carr’s “Breakers” & went on to Margate so arrived here late. Found no dinner laid, all lamps smelling & nothing ready, v. much annoyed, not been so angry for years. Dear Maud better X with little friend. Mad. in shawl as usual shivering. Tuesday 24 November V. cold. Busy all day. Out afternoon for orders. Wednesday 25 November G. Lambert came. Letter fr. Lin still cold & shoulder bad. Had tea with Miss Gould, v. jubilant about S. American things. Paid books morg. X. Boy came for first time! Thursday 26 November Lovely day. Paid butcher & grocer. Miss Vale to tea. Letter fr. Lin his cold & shoulder still bad. Friday 27 November Mrs. Hicks dinner party. Lovely day. Mrs. S. out. Paid 2 more books, Grocers & oil £1.1.11 & 6/8. Sent 3/1 to Hatchetts for book “Contes du Lundi” Daudet for Miss Home. Letter fr. Lin cold still heavy & shoulder painful. Went calling after lunch Mrs. Banks. Bought muslin for spare room blinds 2/4¼ Hawkins. Met Mrs. O’Connor & dau. & returned here with them to tea & Mr Balton with them, artist going to India. Mussels for dinner, Mad. & self dressed them. Saturday 28 November Lin coming for 1st time. Busy shop’g. all morning thinking Mr Blunt coming tomorrow. Great effort to get work pushed on. Maud’s lesson. Lin arrived about 6.15 looks v. poorly cold heavy & feverish at night, to bed early. Sunday 29 November Pouring wet day. Lin’s cold bad face swollen & shoulder painful altho’ rubbed last night. Mrs. Burnand sent for us to dine there for Mr B’s birthday. Lin too poorly to go, came in quite exhausted fr. his walk. Maud & Mad. went & ret’d at 11.10, enjoyed it v. much. Lin to bed early, rub’d shoulder put on turpentine, sent for diaphoretic & Arsculap. Gave Lin 3 doses diaphoretic in night. Monday 30 November Lin’s cold still v. bad. Pouring again. X. Lydia Job new cook coming. Sent off “Contes du Lundi” to Miss Howe. Lin & self took walk after lunch along cliff. To Hills bought stick for which he paid there & then 5/-! Did not want it! X. Saw mare’s quarters at Hodgemen’s, to come next Friday D.V. Rough enough. Letter fr. dear Roy, short enough. Afraid Millie will never do. Can’t get thro’ her work in time & not thorough. Dec 1891 Tuesday 1 December X. Petit ami au lit. Paid Mrs Hawkes £1.9.0 last evg. Lin’s cold little better shoulder easier. Long ac’t of Earl & Countess Russell’s separation trial. Wednesdsay 2 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin went up by 1st train L.C.D. Om for boxes. Alice out. Mrs. Bartram & Miss Witshaw called. Millie managed better. Maud & mad. v. busy working all evening. In bed till 12. Dull dark day. X. Sent off “Contes du Lundi” to Miss Howe. Thursday 3 December Dull dark day, in bed till 12. Millie out. Letter fr. Lin. Books in. Finished reading “La petite Fadette” dull book so spun out by “George Sand”. X. Sent off to Miss Howe “L’Ame de Pierre” p. G. Ohnet, our November book. Friday 4 December Lin came down by Gran. dined here. Brought photos. Mrs. Hammond called. In bed to breakfast, feel weakish. Point de confidence (illeg) les filles, la grosse tête (illeg illeg) de tout. Paid books morg. by Mad. & Maud. X. The mare came down. Sent George to see she was all right at Hodgemen’s. Saturday 5 December Out with Maud morg. Lin went up by Gran. Commotion about bus. Lin dines Bristol with Rose Innes & Möllers tonight, returns tomorrow by Gran. Met Miss Hollinghead morg. & she came to tea. Winnie to tea with Maud, v. happy together. Frank fetched them. Lydia out. Miss Gould called. Sunday 6 December Lovely day. Maud to church with Mad. who arranged flowers with me first. Letter fr. Lin saying he w’d be down with Mr Blunt by Gran. Boy to Church, Lydia too. Arranged room etc. V. awkward about dinner. Connie Burnand coming too. Long letter fr. Mrs. Robb. Mr Blunt & Lin arrived by Gran. Had long walk before lunch & after together. We all went in to Mr Burnand’s after din. Mr Blunt sang. V. tired. Monday 7 December Pouring wet, heavy gale blowing. Mr Blunt went by Granville. Lin rode after lunch for 1st time here, mare fresh. I called on Mrs. Hammond, out, & Mrs. Wilshaw, in, stayed some time V. bored with her strange way of talking. Lydia cooked dinner fairly well but everything tasted of dish clothes! Late in morg. Tuesday 8 December Lovely day. Lin gone hunting. Walked morg. Met Cap’t Jones, showed me french vessel “Duc d’Aumerle” filled with acids disabled. Met Mr Gould. Walked some distance with Mrs. Burnand. Tassel came over, Mother at Westwood. Lin hunted. Walked with him to end of Pier after, & then on to tea at Miss Gould’s. Found Miss Vale & Mr & Mrs. Wills & Stancombe girls there, seemed glad to see me. Wednesday 9 December Wet morg, fine afternoon. Mr Wills kindly sent his carriage to take me to Westwood. Found all looking v. charming there. Mother fairly well. Only stayed few moments. Groom 2/-. Paid George 6/-, his 2 weeks wages. Lin rode mare , v. well & fresh. I called on Mrs. Pugin & Mrs. North Buckmaster, only former in. Tassel brought pears apples & flowers fr. Westwood. Thursday 10 December Mother came over in fly with Bates. Saw her for a few moments at Hawkins. Awful gale blowing tug & life boat busy to & fro. Called on Mrs. Pugin & stayed some time. Lin rode thro’ Calais Court & Broadstairs but does not look well. Friday 11 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin working hard all day, boy took drawing. I went to tea at Cap’t Vale’s, met nice parson’s wife fr. St Laurence. Paid books morg. Asked Rosie to dinner c’d not come, jour maigre! Maud to tea at Mrs. Burnand’s to practise dancing. X. Lin caught a butterfly which flew in at his open window whilst at work. Thermometer 67° with window open. Mr Sooby came in to see it! I put it in bird cage. Saturday 12 December Busy all morg. mending & dress making. X. Millie home afternoon & also took letter to Mother Westwood saying I c’d not go over tomorrow on ac’t of Lin. Brought back fr. Mother a pr. of white curtains for Maud. I called after lunch on Mrs. O’Connell & had tea with Mrs. Hammond. Miss Robinson & Miss Seaton there. Lin rode. Dolly O’Connell to tea here. Blowing hard. Maud cut out her first bodice & did it wonderfully. Read to Lin short story by Mrs. Oliphant “A Chace aquaintance”. V. good. Also Wessex Folk by Thomas Hardy. 12 degrees difference in temperature since yesterday. Sunday 13 December Bother about carriage. Pouring wet morg. All vy. late in getting up. Cleared up & sunny about 11 o’c. Colder. Lin & Millie go to town by 5.10 train. Lin dining at Mr Wicks, Garrick Club. Returns tomorrow. Millie going to help Emma get house ready for Robbs who go in Friday next 18th. Charming letter fr. Lady Margaret sending jam for Roy. Lydia out morg. X. Alice out evening. X. George to Church. Mistake again about carriage, had to take fr. next door Hodges man as George mistook order. Lin v. annoyed. Miss Robinson to tea. Wreck off Ramsgate, Gallofar sands. 30 lives lost! Monday 14 December X. Cart Hodgeman. Mother pd him. Out morg. to order cart to take me to Westwood 2.10. Found mice had had good time amongst my stores, cleaned out cupboard. Drove to Westwood. Did not like man so Mother paid him & sent him back. Tassel got me fly at night which Mother also paid for. Had cozy 2 hours with Mother & made her eat some tongue sandwiches. Gave me 6 finger bowls, small decanter & pr. of curtains. Tuesday 15 December Working all day. Pouring wet. Miss Gould called. Tassel brought lamp & 2 vases for Maud & letter fr. Mother. Ordered fly No. 87. Wednesday 16 December Came to town by 9.40. Train full, c’d not eat lunch. Home & shop’d all afternoon. Called at Mrs. Coles for tea as Emma so busy, insisted on my staying to dinner. Cab back & brought Maud’s easel. Thursday 17 December Mrs. Banks at home 8 o’c. Looked thro’ house with Emma & off to Whiteleys, found glass much dearer at Barkers. Ordered & pd for sherry, port & champagne tumblers to make up dozen of each. 2 new brooms, long & short. 6 kitchen breakfast cups 8 saucers, 2 pie dishes, 2 basins. Lunched at Whiteleys v. badly. To Nellie K’s stayed some time, had to walk home. Called on Miss Lutyens & Mrs. Cole, wanted me to stay dinner, but too tired. Card fr. dear Roy, wired him. Mrs. Robb called, left more cases. Had chop in room. Windows being cleaned. La saleté en bas terrible à Prospect Ter. Friday 18 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 X. Mrs Robb moves into our house for 3 months. Dear Roy returns fr. Eton. Roy Minnie & self return to Ramsgate. Called with Roy morg. at Lady M’s to enquire after Baby girl born 13th inst! Cab 1/6. Lunch 5/-. Om 4d, cab C. X. 4/-, porters 1/4. Millie’s fare 6/5. Cab here 2/5. Millie works better under Emma’s supervision. No loud laughing & giggling. Saturday 19 December Roy’s 1st ride. Out morg. with Roy bought him gloves 2/6. Roy & Lin rode after lunch. Lin & self dined at Mrs. Orchardson’s. Vy pleasant dinner. Met Mr Jones fr. Chilli (sic) told me about nitrate. Major & Mrs. (blank) interesting. Mr Treves & dau. Fly there cost 12/6. La cuisinière veut partir pas trop propre et ne fait pas ordre en bas. Lin très fâché avec la fille qui n’ait (illeg) d’attendre à la porte. Alice out evg. Sunday 20 December Bitterly cold. 3 degrees frost during night. Took Maud & Roy to Church 1/-. Cook to church morg. & boy. Millie home afternoon. Lin & Roy for walk, lost Mick who ret’d alone. Emma’s book with remainder of wages. Board wages . 10/6 for going thro’ inventory. Millie’s board wages etc & washing. £4.12.6. Monday 21 December Busy stores. Mrs. S. v. put out about papers, wish she would understand me better. Mother called went with her shop’g, pities me & no wonder. Gave Roy & Maud £1.1.0 each. Tuesday 22 December Shop’g. Tous les choses tellement sal que j’ai peur même de manger. La grande mère devient de plus en plus désagréable avec tous mes (illeg) avec les domestiques très embêtant. Roy aussi est assez méchant très contradisant. Wednesday 23 December Always shop’g. Tassel over morg. fr. Mother with hamper. Mrs. Tassel over afternoon spoke to her about Millie, not strong enough am afraid & ne fait pas ce que je lui dis(illeg). Elles peuvent faire asez de bruit en bas et laissent tous leurs ouvrages en haut. Millie went home & returned evening. Thursday 24 December Shops morg. Cuthbert to tea. Went & saw dear Mother off to London by Gran. Fearful fogs in town. Mother looking v. well. Tassel brought over some holly. Friday 25 December Wet foggy morg. Went to church alone. Maud tired working v. hard to finish her dress. Presents v. pretty especially dear Maud’s work made me lovely pink pincushion & sachet, & for Lin, Roy & Mrs. S. Roy rode with Lin. Mrs. Burnand sent after lunch to ask to dine there all 4. Went, dined 24 or 26. Delightful evg. No end of presents wonder how it is done. 5/- for Maud in new money & 3/- for Roy. Thought Mr Burnand looked tired. Squire, Mrs. H, Bessie H, Harry, wife & 2 boys, Miss Parkin Mr Parkin, our 2 selves & 2 chicks. Home at 12. Alice out & Millie. Saturday 26 December Lin & Roy rode morg. with Mr Burnand. Mary & Ethel called, Maud went for walk with them. Maud to practise at Mrs. Burnand’s for tonight. Have our Xmas dinner here today! & to Mrs. Burnand’s after. V. pretty little play written by Rosie “A little


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 breeze” for Winnie & Wilfred, “Nigger song” by Burnand boys, “Folly dance” Maud in that & Neopolitan song “Funiculi funicula” Mary & Ethel. V. pretty. Sunday 27 December Lovely day. Maud & self to Church 1/-. Called to enquire after Mrs. Hammond, saw her. Envy her her lovely clean house. Mr Donaldson came to do sketch of Lin for his book of English artists. Lunched & had tea here. Delicate looking little man., Promised me his drawing of Lin which I sh’ll value. Lin & Roy for walk together. Maud & Mad. to Mr Gould’s to tea. Went thro’ blankets morg. & found all in Mad’s room! except the one on my bed. Roy read Mythology to me, Hercules twelve labours. Monday 28 December X. Petit ami. Lin & Roy out for 2 hrs ride. Mrs. Pugin called asking us to tea there Saty. Mary & Ethel to tea. Maud & Roy to theatre to see “Rip van Winckle” not bad & enjoyed it. Tuesday 29 December Roy hunting with Lin. 2 lbs sausages arrived by parcel post. Wednesday 30 December Lin went to London by 4 train. X. Lydia out evg. Lin slept at Salisbury Sqre for 1 st time, most comfortable. Maud to Mrs. O’Connell’s. Roy w’d not go & stayed at home, gave me lesson Mythology & eat sweets. Book of Games came fr. his Godfather Chapple. Box of sweets fr. Tabs for Roy. Thursday 31 December Lin returned fr. London before lunch, most comfortable at Salisbury Sqre. Head bad so worried in houses. Mrs. S. v. depressed. German cake fr. Tilda. Dined v. late, Lydia to midnight service. (Notes for first week of January 1892, later transferred to 1892 diary) Notes on memoranda pages: Received during yr. 1886 fr. allowance & presents & interest on investments £166.17.7. -----------------------------Received during 1887 fr. same £182.8.10. Spent on dress by cheque only £81.1.1. Invested including commission for same £127.0.0. ----------------------------Rec’d during 1888 £194.2.4. On dress £80.18.0 Invested £136.0.0. £18 of this lost thro’ Spencer’s failure. ----------------------------Rec’d during 1889 £299.17.8. Of this Lin lent me £54 & withdrew fr. children’s money, P.O savings £24, less £221.17.8. Spent on dress 1889 £ (blank) Invested £271 10.6. (borrowd fr. Bank) ------------------------------


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Rec’d during 1890 £313.18.10 of which £108 came fr. sale of 15 Cent Argt. £5 sh’rs having paid £75 for them, leaves £33 profit. Invested £283.0.0. On dress £30.18.10. ---------------------------Received during 1891 £180.0.2 annuity & fr. investments etc. Invested £151.0.0. Spent on dress etc by cheque alone £73.7.1. £52 of investment money namely £151 paid by Lin fr. money I lent him on Barr Estate. Balance of private account to commence year 1892 £45.8.8 when my Dec. quarter of annuity is paid in. ---------------------------Money invested in 1890 15th Jany


Last call on 15 new shrs Cent. Argt. Rly. (sold these June 6 th thro’ London County Bk) 30th Jany £ 9.0.0 on 3 newly allotted £10 shrs in B.A. Rosario Rly /94. 6th Feby £ 2.0.0. City B.A. Tram. 14th Feby £54.0.0. First call on 5% ex /94 being £3 per shr on 18 shs. th 10 April £23.0.0. One pound on each £5 shr Cent Argt. 23 allotted 15th April £ 9.0.0. B.A. Rosario Ex. 3 shares making £6 paid. (sent 2 bankers receipts to Company’s office B.A. Rosario 1894 Ex. 2 nd May 1890. Received cetificate, took it to London & County Bk. 9 th May.) 9th May £ 1.0.0. B.A. Pacific Equip. 31st May £ 6.0.0. B.A. Pacific Equip. 2nd June £36.0.0. Second call on B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 5% Ex 1894. 1st July £ 6.0.0. B.A. Pacific Equip. 28th July £12.0.0. 3 newly allotted B.A. Rosario Rly shs £4 per sh. 28th July £23.0.0. Cent Argt. Rly call being £1 on 23 £5 shrs. 31st July £ 6.0.0. B.A. Pacific Equipment depot. August £36.0.0 B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 3 rd call. 28th October £23.0.0. Third instal. on 23 £5 shrs Cent. Argt. Rly. £52.0.0. First instal. on 21 new B.A. Gt Southern £10 shrs 5% pref shrs. (This money Lin advanced me fr. £246 he borrowed.) Wrote to Mr Lowndes about B.A. & Pacific Equip Compy fully pd up scrip for certificate. Also B.A. Gt. Southern 5% debentures, see diary 7 th Dec 1890. Signed paper of B.A. Pacific Equip. exchanged for £20 5% debenture stock same company, Monday Dec. 15th /90. Sent 2 bankers receipts to Mr Lowndes fr. Ramsgate. B.A. Gt. Southern 5% Ex. 1894 30th Dec 1890. One for £54 & the other for £36. Money invested in 1891. 10th Feby 7th April

£23. 0. 0. £52.10.0.

Call on Cent Argt. Rly. First call B.A. Gt. S. Rly. pref shares 5%


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 5th August 16th Nov

£23. 0. 0.

Last call on Cent. Argt. B.A. Gt. S. Rly. 5% pref shrs.

£52.10. 0. £ 151. 0 . 0.

Spent on Maud’s dress 1891. 27th Jany

for 1pr stays 10/6 1 pr combinations 9/9 postage 6d 7th February 2.11 C(illeg) gloves 26th March 3.11 House shoes th 26 March 2. 4 Handkerchiefs 20th April £1. 7. 6 Hat fr. Rouen 27th April 4.11 Gloves 29th April 5. 6 Pink chiffon 29th June 11. 3 Blue serge for skirt & lining for same 12th June £1. 2. 9 Woolen dress & lining 28th June 1.11½ M’s 2 belts 9. 8½ Rib. for pink & blue dresses 30th June 1. 8 Lace for neck 9th July 4. 6 Gloves 20th July 1. 6 lace for pink 24th July 19. 6 2 Court shoes 10. 6 3 prs stockings 11. 9 Shoes 26th July 6.6 Twill for 4 prs drawers 5. 6¼ Lace for same 28th July 7 pattern for same 4.11 M’s shoes August 13. 6 Hat white £9.14.11¼ November December

£1. 0. 9

1. 6. 0 Boots fr. Yapps 3. 3. 0 Mantle McDougal 16. 0 Pink dress £14.19.11¼ 7.11 M. stays Ramsgate £15. 7.10 ¼

Received during 1891 in annuity, presents, & fr. money invested. 10th April 1st Jany 6th Jany 18th Feby 3rd April 10th April 17th April 25th April 18th May 2nd June

----------------------£25. 0. 0 fr. Annuity 1.19. 0 B.A. Rosario Rly 8. 4 B.A. Pacific 1. 9. 3 Venezuela 1881 5.17.0 Western B.A. Rly 22. 1.4 B.A. Gt Southern 3. 0.6 B.A. Rosario Rly 1. 8.0 B.A. Rosario 12.0 Sp’s bankruptcy 9.9 B.A. Pacific depôt


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 20th July 1st July 8th May 21st July 18th August 19th Oct 13th October 3rd Oct 1st Oct 20th Nov Nov 10th Dec 25th

25. 0.0 Annuity 1.19.0 B.A. Rosario Rly 5.6 B.Ayres Trams 1. 1.0 Margate 1. 9.3 Venezuela /81 (Sept £91.19.11) 25. 0.0 Annuity 24.11.10 B.A. Gt Southern Rly 5.17.0 West. B.A. Rly 6% 3. 1. 5 B.A. Rosario Ex. shrs 1. 0. 0 fr. Mother. (Nov: £150. 9. 2) 1. 8. 0 old clothes 2. 2. 0 fr. Mother £155. 0. 2 25. 0. 0 Annuity due 25 Dec. Not rec’d till (blank) £180. 0. 2


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1892 Notes on front pages of diary: List of Roy’s things taken to Eton Wednesday Jany 20 th 1892 -----------------3 cotton night shirts 3 winter drawers 3 ditto vests 3 summer drawers 3 ditto vests 20 collars 12 shirts (ought to be 14) 5 prs. stockings 6 prs. stockings 14 hand’s 2 night vests 2 Eton suits complete 1 extra pr. Trowsers 1 evening best suit complete 1 long overcoat 1 dressing gown 3 prs. boots 2 prs. Shoes Cures for colds etc Soothing & healing antiseptic Dr Mackenzie’s catarrh cure List of books read during /92 -----------------“Honneur d’artiste” p. Octave Hausler(?) “Les Francs paces” p. Clemence Robert “Pitt” by Ld. Rosebery “Our Mutual Friend” Dickens “Noir et Rose” G. Ohnet. “La mare au diable” G. Sand “La debacle” Emile Zola “Esther Vonhomsigh”(?) by (blank) “The pleasures of life” Sir J. Lubbock Voltaire’s book on religion etc Chaucer’s “Prologue to Canterbury Tales” “Priests Nun’s story” “Knight’s story” “The two Householders” & “A Xmas Sermon” by (blank) “A Nile story” by George Fleming “A far away Melody” by (blank) “L’homme à l’oreille cassée” par E. About “ Madame de Drenk” par N. Gréville “Tom Jones” H. Fielding “An Englishman in Paris” by Mon. Vandam “Germaine” by E. About “Le roman d’une Princesse” par Carmen Sylva Queen of Bohemia “Life of Angelica Kaufmann” by Gerard


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 “Notable Women” by H. Black “Le landemain de la mort” par Figuier “La confession d’un enfant du siecle” A. de Musset Maids Spencer’s maid Fanny Kenward, Holmselea, Addiscombe, Croydon Housemaid or Parlour, £20. Bad. Endings to French letters: Agréez, Madame, mes salutations empressées. Recevez Madame, l’assurance de mes sentiments distingués. Calls to make -----------------Best glass in pantry cupboard looked thro’ with Alice July 28 th /92 -----------------10 Crimpley tumblers 12 Long soda tumblers 4 Cut glass ditto 2 Goblets 12 Crested barrel tumblers small water jug & glass 1 Common water jug 11 Brown hock glasses 6 Purple ditto 18 Champagne crested glasses 17 Sherry ditto 24 Claret ditto 15 Port ditto 12 Ice plates 17 Finger bowls 3 odd wine glasses 2 odd champagne tumblers 3 odd liqueur glasses 1 odd bedroom tumbler 3 odd brown sherry glasses 2 red ditto 2 common glass preserve stands 1 old whiskey decanter 1 new decanter 6 specimen glasses 2 Bohemian pickle glasses 12 specimen liquoir barrels ------------------Glass out July 1892 (Alice) 4 glass entrée dishes 4 cut glass finger bowls 12 champagne tumblers 8 specimen glasses 6 liquoirs


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 6 best tumblers 12 sherry glasses 11 port ditto 1 water jug 3 custard cups 4 decanters 1 glass salt cellar 2 red sugar basins Tea service July/92. Alice 6 plates 5 saucers 2 cups Best 6 tea cups & saucers 2 plates to match 4 odd blue ditto 1 ditto slop basin 1 cream jug Coffee set 2 white jugs 3 savory dishes 6 coffee cups & saucers 1 tripod white dish 6 green plates 4 ditto leaves Silver put away in cupboard during summer absence July/1892 1 bread basket 19th July. Silver in pantry cupboard, looked thro’ with Alice. -----------------------1 large tea tray 1 wine cooler 1 Rouen coffee mahine 1 Orton tea pot & stand 1 cake basket 2 soda water stands 1 odd tea pot 1 metal odd ditto 1 breakfast dish 1 ink stand 1 silver service coffee pot ------------------------Silver in spare room drawer Silver & glass claret jug Horn jug & 2 mugs Blondin’s hoof 3 silver mugs 19 th July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 (Notes copied from back of 1891 diary and integrated with 1892 entries.) Jan 1892 1st Jany Lovely day. Out morg. with Roy vy. tiresome makes himself sick eating always. To church with Maud & walked after met Mrs. (illeg). Maud & Roy to party at Mrs. Burnand’s. All dine together tonight. Mad. paid books for me. Burnt carbolic. Awful headache. 2nd Jany Dit a la cuisinière qu’elle ne me convient pas. Parlage avec cuisinière qu’elle n’est pas assez propre. Monday 4 January Dear Lin’s birthday. V. pleasant little dinner. Roy & Lin rode to Mount Pleasant. No hunting. Maud & Mad. to meet with Bucks at Mount Pleasant, long walk. Maud lunched at Bucks after. Tuesday 5 January Milly out afternoon. Lin to London by 4 train for 1 st night Irving Henry VIII. Called after on Mrs. F.C.B, had tea there. Chicks & self dined there evg. V. jolly evg. Mr Borradaile, Mr & Mrs. Hammond came in after dinner. Wednesday 6 January Out morg. shops. Bitterly cold strange blizzard came on suddenly at 11 o’clock, after & before fine. X. Alice out all day for holiday. Maud for walk & with Bucks to lunch after lessons & to Mrs. O’Reilly’s evening party with the Burnands. I dined alone with Mrs. Burnand, talked about Zita. Sent £29 to Bk, Lin’s cheque for month’s housekeeping, owes me £4.10 of it. Find Bk. here not entered £2.2.0 cheque Mother gave me & think I sent to Bk. Thursday 7 January Lin ret’d fr. London 1 o’c. Roy & self met him. George to fetch bag. Sent dress to Nana. Mad’lle. paid remaining books for me. Parlage avec cuisinière elle aimera beac. de rester. Lin took photo of young Hodgemen. Lin & Roy rode after lunch. Sent postal order of 3/6 to Whiteley for vases, number order 9657702 & 9 added in pencil. Stamps 6d, sent old dress to Nana 9d, 3/6 order. Boxes sent off, Nos 16286, 16618, 45437, 52617, 30756, & Saumur Champagne box with various numbers marked on it. Friday 8 January Lovely day, bitterly cold. Snow morg. on ground. Roy & self for walk to Bates to order things for tomorrow. To Blackburn’s about bill. Met Weigalls asking Maud to go to performance in Ramsgate. Coals in 3 tons. Promised to let Maud go to tea at Lady Rose’s with Mademoiselle & on fr. there. Changement dans l’ouvrage. La cuisinière faisant vestibule. La fille salle à manger. Grosse tête chambre de Lin etc. Saturday 9 January Snow. Bitterly cold. Lin & Roy rode. Out morg. shop’g. Paid Fisher’s bill 8/- owing since /86. Maud’s tea party 12. Bucks, Percells, Burnands, O’Connel. Rosie B. to dinner, Frank unable to come. Bought & pd. for lemons 6d. Lin took Rosie back. Sunday 10 January Snow. Maud & self to church. Not so cold. 2/- to pew opener, 1/- plate. Walked on Parade with Lin, Roy & Maud. Met Weigalls & Burnands. Lin & Roy for long walk after lunch. Alice out afternoon.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 11 January Snow & v. cold. Pain in chest & back fumigated with carbolic acid & turpentine flans. Called after lunch on Mrs. Ross, Admiral more like an old lady full of local gossip, & on Miss Greaves who has taken flat belonging to boarding house, a Mrs. Tennant there. Lin & Roy played billiards. V. dirty & sloppy out. Millie went home all afternoon, her mother ill with rheumatism. Tuesday 12 January 2 months Millie. Duke of Clarence & Avondale v. ill influenza. Lovely morg. Hard frost. Out shop’g morg. Ordered smelts, salad, pigeons & bacon. Put advertisement in paper for next Saty for housemaid in Millie’s place. Roy, Mad. Maud & Ethel B. on ice! Mr & Mrs Burnand to dinner. Lin cannot ride, hard frost. Sent children’s P. O. savings books to Post. Très fâchée avec Mad. qu’elle a essayer de faire peur à Roy en disant qu’un ghost lui viendrait pendant la nuit, je lui (illeg) parlé. Lydia managed dinner very nicely. Petite marmite soup. Smelts. Leg mutton haricot beans potatoes browned. Roast pigeons celery salad. Mince pies apple ginger & custard. Cheese ramekins, dessert. Wednesday 13 January Theatrical performances at Mrs. Burnand’s for a charity. Books heavy. Sent Rosie 7/6 for it, gave maid 1/-. Prince Eddie very ill complications set in. Called on Miss Greaves & left 2 books. Mrs. Tennant there. Mary B. came back & sat with me some time. Lin & Roy rode to Saare. Bitterly cold hard frost at night. Thursday 14 January X. Prince Edward of Wales (Duke of Clarence & Avondale) died of influenza this morg. 9.10 AM. Went & sent telegrams for Lin to Mr Burnand. Met Montague Williams & C. B. & wife, heard sad news thro’ them. Paid Bates bill 6/4 & Brown’s for Maud’s stays 7/9. Maud, Roy & Mad. to ice all morg. Roy looks tired. Friday 15 January Mrs. Bartram’s at home 4 to 7. Postponed on ac’t of Duke of Clarence & Avondale’s death. Called on Mrs. Banks, out (or not well) & had tea with Mrs. C. Burnand, saw Baby, v. weezy. Lin working hard. Everyone talking of Duke’s sad & sudden death, made doubly so by his approaching marriage with Princess May of Teck. Maud Mad. & Roy to ice all morg. & afternoon, Roy took Maud went on had tea at Lady Rose Weigall’s. Lady Rose called, was unfortunately out. Saturday 16 January Mrs. Bartram’s at home 4 - 7. Postponed on ac’t of Duke’s death. Paid Lydia £1.15.4 due 30th Dec. Pd Mad’lle £10.0.0 due 5th Jany, 3 months wages. Pd Alice £1.10.0 due 10th Jany. Lin & Roy to London by 9.40 going to Pantomime & King’s theatre, return tomorrow. Lovely day but v. windy & rough. Maud to lunch at Mrs. Buckmaster’s. Mary & Ethel B. to tea. Put advertisement in paper for housemaid only saw one morg. Letters fr. C. Stokes & C. Hartree. Sunday 17 January Dear Lin & Roy return. Went to Church with Maud 1/-. Prayers for Royal family in present sorrow & for the cessation of present plague of influenza. On Parade after with Will Buck. Met Lin & Roy & Bill Weigall, called & saw Miss Greaves. Mrs. Charlie & Connie came after lunch. Maud & self walked back with them & to Miss Gould’s to tea.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 18 January No frost. Lin & Roy riding to meet. Parlage avec Mad’lle qu’elle nous quittera en Juillet. Elle p(illeg) être si fâcher que je suis triste moi-même. Only one housemaid fr. advertisement, & a fright Tuesday. Called after lunch on Mrs. Vaile, all colds, Mrs. Buck, out, & Mrs. Pugin. Home & read to Lin. Finish Scott’s “Marmion” charming. Wrote to Rider Haggard thanking him for pheasants. Tuesday 19 January Mended Roy’s things all morning. Lin & Roy rode morg. Lunch extra early. I went with Cuthbert & Roy in Hodgeman’s dog cart to Westwood & St Peters to dear father’s grave, looked v. nice. Called & asked after Mrs. Tassel, v. ill with rheumatic fever. Tassel called for Millie & she went back with him. Great commotion on return about boys taking on Lin’s bag, v. angry with them. He loked so tired & worried made me quite unhappy. Lin to London for Bancroft dinner. Mad. & self packed Roy’s things. Cuthbert here to tea & supper. Lydia out. Maud to lunch & tea at Mrs. Buckmaster’s & the usual walk (illeg) hope the last this season. Wednesday 20 January Roy & self to London by S. E. Rly 9.40 A.M. Funeral of Prince Eddie Duke of Clarence & Avondale at Windsor. Roy returns to Eton. I sleep at Mother’s & return Thursday. Cab to Rams Sta. 2/-, porter 6d, cab to Mother’s 2/6. Lin met us, Roy lunched with him. All London closed & in mourning. Lunched with Mother at Albert H. Mansions. Lin & Roy came to tea. Lin & self saw Roy off fr. Waterloo to Eton in Mother’s carriage. Dear Roy rather down. Dined with Mother alone. Saw Emma, told me Jolly had taken overcoat, Dodd had broken up chairs for firewood, & none of Lin’s drawings in wardrobe. V. vexed. Says house v. muddly at Staf.Ter. altho’ they keep 6 servants. Kitchen there so dirty. Thursday 21 January Had had bad night, so annoyed with self, forgot Roy’s best hat, umbrella & key to hat box. Dense fog afraid could not return. Mother had fly & Bates went with me to C. X. Lots of school boys returning. Flyman 1/-, commissionaire 1/-, pattern & papers 8d. Bates 2/6, fly here 3/6, porters 8d. Total expenses to town 13/8. George met me at Sta. Dear Maud & Mad. also. I thought Lin looking better. Sent off drawing. Friday 22 January Clear & bright, most refreshing after the horrid fog London. Maud out early for walk & escaped Bucks. Sent off Roy’s umbrella & hat etc. Letter fr. dear Roy all right but of course not happy yet but hope to be so soon. House seems freer without Millie, wish I had not kept her so long. X. Petit ami. Wondered why I had felt so irritable & cross all week, 4 days too soon. Maud working better at her lessons. Lydia paid books for me managed nicely £5.10.8½ without stores. £6.0.0 with Roy at home & 4 servants, sh’d be less soon without Roy & Millie. Saturday 23 January Miss Stancombe to tea 4 o’c. In bed till 12. Lin rode after luncheon. Enjoyed chat with Stancombs, younger one Ida quite pretty. Letter fr. Mrs. Buck asking Maud to luncheon tomorrow, going to tea instead. Sent off dear Roy’s hat box ret’d fr. Margate, had to be re addressed, umbrella & chocolate. Sunday 24 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maud & Mad. to St George’s church, met Weigalls. Lin rode after luncheon. In bed till 12. Maud to tea Mrs. Buck’s & for walk, brought her home at 8 o’clock. Monday 25 January In bed till 12. Went for drive with Mr Wills in dog cart past Westwood. Lin hunted came back very tired. Connie B. called, asked her & Cuthbert to dine tomorrow. Mrs. O’Connell called, lent her 7 of “Gentlewoman” & Black & Whites. Another letter fr. dear Roy. Tuesday 26 January X. Paid Millie Tassel one month & two weeks wages at rate of £8 a year. 19/6 pd. £1.0.0 she left a week ago. Her boxes go today. Lin rode after lunch. Mrs. O’Reilly & Miss Wishaw called. Lydia paid books. Connie B & Cuthbert to dinner. Mr Burnand better. Wednesday 27 January Lin went to London by 4 train. Out morg. shop’g. Mrs. Tennant called. Visionary & wild. Everyone more or less ill with influenza. Alice out & to bed early. Thursday 28 January Put up clean curtains in dining room. Lin returned. Out shop’g morg, ordered broom for George. & saucepan for M’s washing! Globe for hall lamp. Letter fr. dear Roy & Lady Margaret. Met Col. Croker, wife v. ill, & several other invalids. Mr Burnand better but cannot go out for long while, in London. Lin & self dine at Mrs. Wills 7.30. Lin for ride after lunch. Girls down v. late wish they would try to be earlier, so much worry for self & them. Sent Maud to enquire about confirmation classes, Vicarage. Friday 29 January Busy all morg. After lunch walked to call on Lady Rose W. out, & called on Mrs. Hammond, stayed some time with her, bought 4 eggs on way home 8d. Lin v. busy, read “Our Mutual Friend” to him. Girls down very nice & early, feel they are trying to please. Saturday 30 January Another adv. for housemaid. Busy all morg. Lin & dear Maud rode at 2 o’c until 4.30 & M enjoyed it immensely & looked pretty & graceful in saddle & trotted well. I called on Mrs. Bartram & saw her. Maud to go for her 1 st confirmation class Wed at 3. Another letter fr. dear Roy. Maud had her music lesson at 12 o’c. Sunday 31 January Maud & self to church. Maud & Mad. to Miss Gould’s to tea. Lin & self walked after lunch to Mrs. Montefiore’s & had tea there. Feb 1892 Monday 1 February Nellie K. coming for a visit. Glorious evg. Tuesday 2 February Nelly & self went to see rooms for Barkers & enquired after influenza friends. Sat & talked afternoon. Lin & Maud rode. V. windy had to stop at Tassel’s to put up hair. Lin gave Tassel 2/6. Mr Burnand came down fr. town after severe attack influenza.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 3 February Lovely morg. Poured about 12 o’c. Sent to enquire for Mr Burnand, better. Lin went hunting, then called & saw Mr Burnand. V. shocked to see how ill he looked. Lin went to town by 4 train. Nelly & self went about housemaid & walked about an hour, met Miss Gould & Mrs. Pugin. X. Maud to her first confirmation class, like it v. much. Mad’lle told us stories evg. Alice & George out evg. Thursday 4 February Lovely morg. Lin returning fr. London. Announcement of Sir Morel Mackenzie’s death fr. influenza after only few days illness. Out all morg. with Nelly. Friday 5 February X. Maud’s little F. Lovely day. Read to Lin morg. After lunch Nelly & self called on Mrs. Wills. Mrs. S. went out. Looked at Venus & Mercury, v. beautiful near new moon. Saturday 6 February Lovely morg. Emptying harbour. Nelly & self walked shop’d. On Pier after, met Maud & Mad. Lin out riding. Mrs. Sambourne in bed to lunch. Little Bartlett to tea with her German governess. Servants up very late altho’ I rang bell. Sunday 7 February Nellie & self to Church. Maud’s cold bad. Walked on Parade with Nellie. Lin & Maud walked to Mr Weigall’s. Nellie & self walked after lunch to Mr Gould’s & Mrs. Evans. Mrs. G. called here & Mr Evans remained to tea. Monday 8 February Pouring wet all day. Lin out for ride after lunch. Maud in bed with bad cold & X. Petit ami. Got up for tea & came down to dinner. In all day read to Lin. Tuesday 9 February Cold east wind. Lin out hunting, home to lunch. Out morg. shop’g. Met Mr Montefiore. Williams v. ill. Went to enquire after Mr Burnand. Stayed in all afternoon. Miss Stancombes to tea. Lin working. Nell & self practiced. Could not read, throat bad. Maudie’s cold v. bad. Another letter fr. dear Roy. Wednesday 10 February Received December cheque annuity £25. Wet dull morg. Girls up very late. Tight feeling on chest, stuffy, & altogether feel v. seedy. Maudie’s cold still v. heavy & Mademoiselle looks ill too. Hope dear Lin will keep well, we wretched women sure to get all right again. X. Sent cheque to post. Lin not going to London this week. Alice v. seedy had to go to bed before dinner. Nelly & self laid table etc. George waited, not badly for 1st time. Thursday 11 February Dull morg, cleared off beautifully after. Washed up breakfast, did lamps & silver & did rooms, made beds & dusted drawing room. Walked for an hour before lunch. Alice down to lay luncheon, seems little better. Called to enquire after Mr Burnand, better. Lin riding after lunch. Maud, Mad. & Ethel out after lunch. Nell & self cleaned silver. Friday 12 February Walked with Nell morg. to Granville, saw rooms taken by C. Barker. Morel Mackenzies, Boughtons & Davisons at Granville. Nellie went to London by 4 o’c


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 train. Mad. M & self saw her off. Lin v. hard at work. Cleaned all silver before going out. Saturday 13 February Lovely day v. cold. Lin hunting. Mr Barker with him.Tilda came down by S. E. Granville. Brought lovely flowers. Mr & Mrs. Boughton to dinner. Mr B. went on after with Lin to Mr Burnand’s. Lin won £1, gave it me for children. Had cozy chat with Mrs. B. after dinner. Walked with Maud after lunch to shops. Mrs. Evans densely dull called, & Miss Gould. Played v. pretty piece by Lagarre called “Marguerite”. Letter fr. Nellie. Cleaned all silver. Sunday 14 February Dull. Tilda & Maud to Church. East wind. Tilda & Maud on Parade with Lin. Mrs. Barker & Davisons came to tea. Lin & C. O. B. for long walk. Lin & self to Granville to dine with Barker. Monday 15 February Blizzard. Rained violently all day. Cleaned silver, practiced, wrote to Midge. Fanny & C. O. Barker to dinner. Dullish & no conversation worth remembering. Tuesday 16 February Tilda & self after cleaning silver for an hour went for walk, freezing & v. slippery. Servants down v. late. Tilda et moi chez Mrs. Evans & Miss Witchaw faisant des demandes apres les fl(illeg). Fanny Barker to tea & spent 2 hrs here. Lin & C.O.B. for long walk came here to tea. N. East wind. Wednesday 17 February Heavy fall of snow early fr. 8.30 till 9.30. Sweep here for kitchen. Tilda & self cleaned silver for half an hour after breakfast. Clear & sunny so went out at 11. Met Mr & Mrs. Barker. Tilda, Lin & self dine at Granville with Barkers tonight 7 o’c. Tilda & self take tea at Mrs. Evans. Thursday 18 February Bitterly cold. Cleaned silver & cut out Maud’s confirmation dress all morg. Tilda & self walked on Pier after lunch & called on Mrs. Burnand. Fanny B. & Rosie Burnand to dinner 8 o’c. Charlie Barker wired could not come, detained in London. Lin hard at work, read to him hour fr. “Mutual Friend”. Servants down v. late. Friday 19 February X. Petit ami last night. In bed till 12.30. Very bad in night. Snow still thick on ground. Lin hard at work. Girls v. late again, can’t blame Alice as Lydia is so much older. Lydia paid books £6.7.6, v. heavy. Saturday 20 February Cold & dull. Snow still thick on ground. Maud & Madmoiselle to see “Box & Cox” 5/-. Lin in all day read “Mutual Friend” to him. Lin went after dinner to Mrs. Burnand’s, heard of Mr Furniss being obliged to give up his lecture tour on ac’t of health. Mr Milliken at Burnands, Mr & Mrs. Evans, Mr Ready & 2 other gentlemen. Barkers returned to London. Sunday 21 February Pouring wet day. In bed till 12 o’c. Mr & Bill Weigall called to tea & stayed long while. Fishing smack drifted close to Pier along sand, had to be tugged off. Great


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 excitement, all Rams. out. Mr & Mrs. Evans to see. Finished “Honneur d’Artiste” p. Octave Feuillet. Monday 22 February Lovely morg. In bed till 12, did washing. Bates called & told us Mother was at Albion Hotel here. Sent off “Honneur d’Artiste” to Mrs. Humphreys. Letter fr. Roy. Tuesday 23 February Glorious day. Cold wind. Mr Weigall dined here 8 o’c, enjoyed evg. Left at 11.15 o’c. Tilda did shop’g & ordering morg. I ordered fish, met Montague Williams, seems v. weak & ill after influenza. Went on & sat with Mother hour at Albion Hotel. Tilda & self cleaned silver 1½ hour morg. Wednesday 24 February Dull & wet. Sent off 4 boxes empty by L.C.D. Rly, 3 to stores, one to Apolinaris company. Girls down v. late, had to send away every bit of silver fr. table, v. dirty. Tilda & self cleaned silver for ½ hour after breakfast. Cut out remainder of Maud’s confirmation dress. First performance of Mrs. Burnand’s play at theatre, we go tomorrow. Bates called, Mother will be out all day, staying at Albion Hotel. Long account of Cannes scandal. Alice out for short time after dinner. Thursday 25 February Mrs. Burnand’s theatricals. Walked morg. Had tea 4 o’c. Girls v. late. Let Alice go to see play. George out too for school treat. Tilda Maud & self walked to theatre after dinner, places next to Mr & Mrs. Banks. “Meg’s Diversion” by Craven & “Marquis of Mince Pie” by Mr Burnand. Mrs. Burnand excellent in both. Mr Hardy v. good. Winnie charming, rest so so. Mr Warren, M’s music master Marquis, fat & comely one! Friday 26 February Dull & foggy day. Went to Margate by train with Mother, to Cobbs, & cold lunch at Faggs. V. dear indeed. Back by train. V. tired. Read to Lin. Found Mrs. Clarke had called. X. Dining room all turned out, carpet up & chimney swept. Girls early! Saturday 27 February Fogy morg. Tilda & self cleaned silver as usual. Girls v. late as usual. Tilda & self went & saw Mother just off to London fr. Albion Hotel with Bates. Lin hunted, home to lunch. Worked at M’s confirmation skirt after lunch, then read an hour to Lin, had tea, & Tilda & self went for walk. Called on Mrs. Witchaw, v. ill, poor Miss W. quite worn out. Tried to get her grapes but 6/- a lb, too awful. Maud to tea at Vicarage. Mad. paid books again v. heavy £6.0.0. Met Mr Wills & Mr Weigall. Sunday 28 February Dull & cold. To Church with Maud & Tilda, parade after. Tlda & self to Mrs. Gould’s to tea, german, met Dr & Mrs. (illeg) there. X. Maud little F. Lin working hard all day did not go out. Tilda & self called on Mrs. Burnand, heard all about theatricals & Mr Norden’s vagaries. Enquired for Mrs. Witchaw. Monday 29 February College performance. Tea Mrs. Banks. Fine but cold. Cleaned silver & worked at Maud’s dress. Tilda Lin & self dine at Mrs. Burnands 7.30 tonight. X. Maud seedy. Mad’lle strange mood lunch, jumpy & exciteable. Saw housemaid, evidently not accustomed to ladies, no M’ams, otherwise not bad looking. C’d not take her with such manners. Go to Westwood 3.30 with Mrs. Kerrie to call on Mrs. Clarke. Lin to tennis at Mrs. Buckmaster’s. Lydia out to Church & Alice after for short time.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Westwood looking lovely. Called on Mrs. Banks on way home. V. pleasant evg. at Mrs. B’s. Mar 1892 Tuesday 1 March Mrs. Fowler’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. College performance. V. cold snow & hail during night. Girls v. late. Maud going with Burnands to Convent theatricals. Mad. & Tilda to monastery. Cleaned silver & did Maud’s dress morg. Lin hunted. Alice out after tea & evg. Strong wind snow & rain when Tilda & self walked to Mrs. Warre’s after lunch to get warm. V. pretty house no end of clocks & china. V. pleasant evg. Mrs. F’s. Alexanders, Clarkes, Daniels, Hammonds (he took me in) the Thomsons etc. Large house but v. cold. Wednesday 2 March Bitterly cold. Cleaned silver & got on well with Maud’s dress. Snow or sleet on ground. Mr & Mrs. B. gone to London. After lunch Tilda & self walked to St Lawrence Vicarage, fetched umbrella left last night. Lin not going to town. Ordered 6d cream for tomorrow, 6d stamps & 3d (illeg illeg). Lin sent off drawings. Posted cheque for £25 house money in Grange Rd. Thursday 3 March Mrs. Clarke to tea here 4 o’c. Tilda & self shop’d morg. Flowers etc. Mrs. & Miss Warre came & Connie B. & Miss Parkin to tea. Mrs. C. unable to come, sent book of “Pitt” by Ld. Rosebery. Reads after guests gone to Lin & found “Pitt” most interesting. Letter fr. Emma & darling Roy. Lin doing beau. drawing of Ld. Salisbury, Balfour etc. Friday 4 March Still bitterly cold. Maud & Tilda full of chilblains. Cleaned silver, ironed 12 handkerchiefs & worked at Maud’s dress morg. & read to Lin. After lunch paid books & called on Mrs. Berry & Miss Witchaw & Mrs. Pugin. Miss W. sent me lovely hyacinth. Saturday 5 March Lovely day. V. cold out of sun. Paid Bourne’s bill for M’s nightdresses & lining. £1.4.1½, tomatoes 7d, cotton 5d, 2 dog licences 15/-, postal order for Smith & Larkes 7/6 & 6d stamps. Boots at Sandorns 4/8, tickets Fullers 18/- Drew cheque for £2.15.0. Tilda & self to tea at Edith V. Coles. Lady Rose W. called, seemed pleased we asked Mr W. to dine during her absence. Sunday 6 March V. cold slight snow. Letter fr. Mrs. Robb. In all day. Mr Weigall called. V. cold. Monday 7 March Mr & Mrs. F.C.B. & Mr Hammond to dinner 7.30. Cleaned silver & shop’d. 4/- pd. out of pocket. Mrs. Berry & Miss Gould called. Vy. pleasant evg. all in good spirits. Lin slight cold. V. happy about Mr Burnand saying Maud’s drawing of Mrs. B, sh’d go into Punch!!! Seemed charmed with her drawing. Letter fr. dear Roy. Bitterly cold. Tuesday 8 March Sent cheque of £8.5.0 to London & County Bank. Alice wages £3.0.0. Lydia £3.6.8. Bitterly cold. Stiff neck, v. painful. Did silver & M’s dress morg. Henny very ill, gave her brandy & oil. Lydia out. Lin went to town by 4 train.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 9 March Neck v. bad, hurts all down back. Silver & M’s dress morg. M. slept in my room, fire in it. Alice out by tea time & evg. George out also. Thursday 10 March Very busy morg. with silver & M’s dress. Neck v. painful & back. Lin returned by 11 train. Worked hard all afternoon & evg, M’s dress. Lydia paid my books for this & I hope remaining fr. last week’s. Friday 11 March Robbs been 12 weeks at Staf. Terrace today. Tilda left by 1.15, S.E. train. Om. late will never rely on it again. Very cold, hard frost morg. Roads all frozen. Finished with exception of sash & neck rib. Maud’s confirmation dress. Lin slight cold. My neck better but do not feel well. Mrs. S. v. upset about letter fr. Mrs. Glossop. Mrs. Hammond & Mrs. B. Thornton called. Did silver alone, took ¾ of an hour. Saturday 12 March Rec’d £7.3.0 Midge’s Dec. quarter. Edgar comes by Granville. Went shop’g after lunch. V. tired with doing silver morg. & odds etc. Maud v. seedy in bed still pain in her waist & looks hot & feverish. Slept in my room but had v. bad night. Find Mad’lle no help in illness too dirty & untidy for me. Edgar only arrived at 7.50. V. late dinner, enjoyed talk. Lin on to Club with Ed. after for game of billiards. X. Received £7.3. balance of Midge’s money. Sunday 13 March Gave Maud castor oil before breakfast, was v. feverish all night gave her 4 doses of diaphoretic. Went alone on parade met Borradailes, Hammonds & Burnands etc. Edgar walked to St Peters & back. Lin rode with Mr Burnand. Edgar left by 5.45 train. Maud in drawing room to lunch, still looks hot & feverish. Paid 3 visits fr. oil. Monday 14 March X. Put £7.3.0 into P.O. Savings Bank for Midge. Lovely morg. Cold wind. Silver & linen. Letter fr. Roy asking for more money. Took flowers over to St Peters in fly. Called at Vicarage, out, & took Mrs. S. & Mad’lle with me. Dear Maud remained with Lin drawing. Lin rode morg. with Mr Burnand. Maud better but still complains of pain. Tuesday 15 March Perfect blizzard after lunch. X. Petite amie. Dear Maud down to breakfast, did a few lessons, practised & did 2 charity drawings for Mrs Burnand. Mr & Mrs. O’Connel to dinner, fearful night. Mr O’C charming, stayed till 11 o’c. X. Letter fr Mr Ainger about Roy’s behaviour, making us v. unhappy cannot imagine where he gets his manners, which have always made me uneasy. Lin rode morg. with Mr Burnand & sent Maud’s drawing to him. Wednesday 16 March Dull morg. Wrote Roy. Sincerely hope he will do better. Took Mad. & Mrs. S. & Maud for hour’s drive, 3/6. Letter fr. Mrs. Buck’r about her son’s accident, football. Maud went to Mr Bartram’s about her confirmation. Thursday 17 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day, much warmer. Lin v. busy with extra drawing. Letter fr. Roy to Lin v. sorry & promising to do better. Took Mrs. S, Mad. & Maud for 2 hrs drive, new man. Called at St Lawrence Vicarage saw Fowlers. Mrs. Hammond there. Left Ld Rosebery’s book “Pitt” at Westwood, out, saw Millie with Mrs. Fitzgerald’s children there. 5/-. Maud & Mad. to tea at Miss Gould’s. Lill Laver here to tea, stayed long while, seems still v. weak fr. influenza. Mrs. Buckmaster sent me some lovely mauve iris. Her son Willie had bad accident at football. Lin sent off drawing. Friday 18 March Glorious morg. X. Robbs move out of Stafford Terrace today after 3 months tenancy. Take Maud & Lill Laver for drive at 3 o’c. 10/- fly man for 4 hours drive, 2 yesterday & 2 today. Called on Mrs. Warre & Lady Rose Weigall, saw pictures. Feel unaccountably tired. Saturday 19 March Tea. Asked Mrs. Fowler, Mr & Mrs. Wills, Misses Stancombe to tea. Mrs F. most amusing. Finished M’s dress for confirmation. Maud & Lin walked & saw Mr Weigall’s pictures. Lin on to play tennis at Mrs. Buck’s. Letter fr. Roy, slight cold. Letter fr. Emma & key. House been kept very badly & v. dirty. Sunday 20 March To tea at Miss Gould’s. Walked morg. with Maud on Parade, her back so painful. After lunch Maud & self called on Mrs. Burnand, saw (illeg) & Mr a’B there & had tea, then in to Miss Gould’s. Mrs. Fowler & Frank & Connie B. there. Alice out afternoon. Lin rode morg & met Mrs. Fowler. Monday 21 March Darling Maud to be confirmed at 3 o’c St George’s church Ramsgate by Bishop of Dover. Lovely day. Go for drive at 11 o’c with Mr Wills, to Convent & over it, enjoyed it immensely. Sent off “Les Francs fuges” p. Robert. X. Sent 12/4½ to Marshall & Snelgroves for Maud’s dress (row of figures) 10/-, sent rest in stamps. Very pretty sight confirmation. Took over 3 hours, so many communicants. Connie B. & Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett came for tea, stayed some time. Maud looked v. sweet in her dress but all v. tired. Mrs. S. sat with me. Lin hunted with foxhounds, had good day. Tuesday 22 March Pouring wet day. Letter fr. F. Robb. Packed 2 boxes, one for stores & the other Apolinaris company. Turned out schoolroom cupboards. Poor “Piebald” birdie v. ill but feeds, seems to suffer fr. Henny’s complaint. Put up books for “Sailors Home” & “Porters”. Wednesday 23 March La mort de “Pie”. X. Send off Apolinaris empties & store ditto. 40916 case fr. A.N. Stores, full of empties. Lin to London by Gran. with 12 packages. Dear little “Pie” died this morg, seemed to suffer as “Henny” did as he fed yesterday, did not (illeg) him anything. V. sorry to lose him, our only 1891 bird. Cleaned cage myself. Sent Roy’s overcoat to Florrie Blair, papers to Sailors’ Home & to “Railway Porters”. Lydia out. Lady Salisbury’s at home every Wednesday. Called after lunch on Mrs. O’Reilly, Lillie L, had tea there, on Miss Gould, Mrs. Hammond & Mrs. Burnand there. Lill came home with me, lent her 6 books. My fan arrived fr. Sir G. Reid. Thursday 24 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maud & self to tea at 4 o’c at Mrs. Warre’s. Busy packing all morg. 5 boxes with Alice. Mad’lle v. kind also & anxious to help. Walked with Maud to Mrs. Warre’s & had delightful afternoon, most kind. Saw all the ivory ornaments etc done by Mr Warre. Heard about Lady Rose & Mrs. Fowler’s disagreements, hope to keep clear of all quarrels. Stayed till 6 o’c & walked home. Lin v. busy, rode. He returned fr. town about 12 bringing back empties. Friday 25 March Maud to tea at Mrs. Buck’s, Bill there. Alice & self went to London by Gran. with 6 boxes, returned by Gran. Unpacked at Staff. Ter in 1½ hrs. Found all much as usual, no more dust than if house had been empty. Brass evidently never polished & velvet Cromwell chair spoilt but £80 is £80 & will cover small damages. Very tired on return. Alice good in helping me. Home comfortably in time to rest before dinner. Lin very busy. Saturday 26 March Fine & warm. Out morg with Lillie up & down parade. Did silver & flowers. Wire fr. Mr Blunt cannot come, too seedy. Lin rode & looked over Convent. Called on Mrs. Ross after lunch, met Sissie a’B. Walked on Parade with her & came here to tea & walked back to Mrs. Burnand’s with her. Met Connie & Rosie B. coming here for tea tomorrow. Maud to lunch at Mrs. Buck’s. Bill there again. Dr. Carr to tea here, stayed ages, old friend of Lin’s & Mrs. S’s, wild extravagant creature, takes gloomy view of future!!! Sunday 27 March Dull wet foggy day, fortunate Mr Blunt did not come. In all day read & tried to rest. Maud Lin & self went in to Mrs. F. C. B’s after dinner. Mr Bastard! there, played race game, Maud won 6/3, Lin about same. Squire & a’Beckett there. Monday 28 March Packed & arranged things generally. Maud Lin & self dined at Mrs. F.C.B’s. V. pleasant dinner, a’Becketts there. Played race game after dinner. Mr Grain & 2 non creditable youths & Mr Bastard came in after dinner, also Squire & Mrs. H. who called on me afternoon. Lost at race game. Lin rode after lunch. Walked up Parade with Mr Burnand & Miss Witchaw morg. V. cold N.E. wind gave a gale at night. Had fly to & from F.C.B’s. Tuesday 29 March Cold N.E. wind. Cleaned & packed silver before 12. Dressed, walked with Mr F.C.B, Mad’lle & Maud to Mrs. Warre’s & lunched there. Most kind, & well managed house. Mr Warre gave me lovely little ivory Easter Egg & showed me his work room. Whole house neat, orderly & well kept. Drove after lunch to Westwood, Mrs. V. out, & to Vicarage, saw Mrs. Whitehead, & home. Lin riding after lunch. Maud called on Miss Gould. X. Sent Tuesday 29 th March cheque of £30 for house & travelling expences to London County Bank. Wednesday 30 March Glorious day. Lin off at 9.40, great commotion as usual. Engaged man for luggage. Packed hard, so much more to do. Lill Laver came & hindered. Vinten came for inventory. Lydia out. Thursday 31 March We return to London en masse! by 1.15 train. with 36 boxes! Lovely day. Grand escapade with champagne in carriage! Mrs. S’s eye knocked by Alice’s umbrella,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 must be most painful. Man followed our buss altho’ we told him not, was most rude here & annoyed Lin v. much. Dogs having battle royal under our skirts in om. as we drove into Stafford Ter. Had to drag them away fr. each other. Unpacked same night & nearly everything in place same night. Fly om 7/C. X. Guards 2/6 Porters here 5/C. X. om 6/4 tickets 1.4.8 Porters here 5/2 dogs 6. 0 Apr 1892 Friday 1 April Unpacked till lunch getting straight v. quickly considering 36 boxes. Mrs. S’s eye better. Effie & Ethel E. called at tea time. I went after lunch hunting for rooms for Mrs. S. Saw Mrs. Stace’s, wants £2.2.0 a week & looks floppy & dusty, has 3 children. Called Miss Harcourt & asked her landlady if she could recommend rooms. Saw some beautifully clean rooms in Edwards Sqre & pleasant landlady & clean neat maid. Much taken with them, ask only £1.5.0 all told. Dined at 9.15. Saturday 2 April X. New coachman came. Lovely day. Potted ferns, bought 2 for 1/4 at door. Waddie with Gwen & Eve called morg, staying for week at Mother’s, Tilda also. Maud & self took cab to Maiden Lane, Rules, where met Lin had excellent lunch & on to pantomime “Humpty Dumpty” good but v. vulgar. Mademoiselle met us there & Effie & Ethel English & Spencer. Cabbed home 3/-, 2/- going. Mrs. Cox had tea here with Mrs. S. who seems to like her, hope rooms & all will turn out well. Aunt Linda called. X. New Coachman came, usual bother with sheets etc. Sunday 3 April Glorious morg. Went with Maud who looks languid & seems seedy to Pro Cathedral, were on our way to St Paul’s but met Santley who said he was going to Pro so followed him. Lin rode to Barkers but returned for luncheon. Sp. & Hilda came morg, latter much improved. Maud & Lin to see Kensington pictures! Mrs. S. had bad night her eye so painful. Lin & self dine at Sir B. Bakers 7.30. Alice out afternoon & evg. Monday 4 April X. 2 Postal orders taken out by Emma, Newland Ter. for Mrs. Andrews & Mrs. Turner. Lovely day. Busy morg. with linen & turning out drawers. After lunch drove with Mrs. S. to 14 Edwards Sqre saw rooms & Mr Cox, quite a gentleman. Mrs. S. seemed pleased with her room. Left her, home & went to Mother & with her to Sloane Street. V. crowded, shops lovely. Lin’s cold very bad sent for carbolic & made him inhale. Mother looks v. well. Tilda & Tabs’ 2 chicks still there. Saw Sp’s housemaid, think wages very high unless a thorough servant. X. Mrs. Andrews £1.7.1, Mrs. Turner 3/6. 2/- cabs to & fr. Mrs. S’s rooms. Tuesday 5 April Lovely day. Maud out early with Mad’lle. Lin’s cold better tho’ still v. heavy. Sent Mrs. Andrews P.O. order for £1.7.1 and Mrs. Turner 3/6, paying books up completely at Ramsgate. Bought 2 prs gloves Derry’s after lunch. Miss Clerke, Mrs. H. Levy & Alice Linley called. Lydia cleaned my room v. nicely.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 6 April Take Maud to Dr Robson Roose, to be there at ¼ to 11. £1.1.0. Paid cab 1/8. Mrs. Sambourne goes to her new rooms at Mrs. Cox, 14 Edwardes Sqre. Met Mrs. Lucy & Mr Milliken at Dr R’s who says Maud’s back is weak & she must go to a surgeon Dr Noble Smith. Walked part of way home, met Tilda who came with us. Lovely day. Took Mrs. S. in cab to her rooms 5 o’c, look charming. Maud & Mad. came after with flowers. Untold relief! Mrs. Heilbut called. Cab for Mrs. S. 1/6. Lydia out evening. Thursday 7 April Lovely day. Silver & brass in drawing room dirty. La cuisinière (illeg) une mauvais humeur en bas E. Walked to Mother’s after lunch & had tea there & bought rib. 2d. Lin rode, found mare’s nose injured fr. switch where? Called & saw his mother, seems v. happy & comfortable. Mad’lle went later. Lin’s cold better but does not look well, headache. Thinks he smoked & drank too much “Punch dinner”. Sp. called morg. when Lin was photoing self as “France”. Went off in huff as Lin was so busy. Friday 8 April Darling Roy returns home fr. Eton, arrives at 9 o’c A.M. Mrs. Clarke 10, 11.30. Saturday 9 April X. Petit ami au soir. Boat race. Lovely day. Mad. & self in cab to Mrs. Donaldson’s, had to walk fr. there to wharf, road up. Lin, Maud & Roy in cart with mare, new man Fernel (sic, Purnell) with them. Mad. returned after race. Cambridge lost by nearly 3 boats lengths, Roy delighted. Sunday 10 April Lovely day. Lin & Roy riding over to Wimbledon to lunch with Barkers. Maud & Mad. in Park for walk. Sp. & Hilda to tea. Mad. to Mrs. S. for tea, v. well & happy there. Horrid cold in head & feel generally seedy. Banbury came morg. to see Roy. Roy went & had tea with him at Queens Gate on return fr. Wimbledon, & walk. Afraid we cannot go abroad, sh’ll certainly not be fit for fatigue by Thursday. Lydia to Church morning. Monday 11 April Washing 2 weeks £1.6.0. In bed all day till 6, cold v.bad, chest hurts v. much. Got up 6, room felt so untidy & uncomfortable. Roy had 5/- of his money & went on Serpentine with Banbury. Mad. & Maud to see Mrs S. Lydia took Mrs. S’s washing to her. Tuesday 12 April In bed till 12.30. V. seedy. Sp. came. Mrs. Spofforth & Nellie called. Saw Sp’s maid, seems sorry not to come & seems willing & obliging & Sp. says is good servant. Roy to Olympia to see “Venice”. Wednesday 13 April In bed till 12. Feel v. weak & seedy. Sp. called usual grizzle of Oakes! Maud has cold. Mrs. Cox called about Mrs. S. Veut encore plus d’argent (illeg). No Punch dinner. Lin hard at work beautiful drawing in progress à propos of (illeg). Thursday 14 April Lovely day. V. cold. Rained morg. & little snow, fine later. Mother came & bought me some lovely flowers & stayed some time in my bed room. Maud bad cold, & Alice. Lin & Roy out to lunch. Emma pd. books, v. high, also £1.0.0 to Mrs. S. &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 4/6 to Miss Harcourt for medicine. X. Drove in brougham for first time with new man, Purnel, drove mare, not as good manners as Jolly but better driver I fancy. Called on Aunt Linda, Mrs. Hartree & Mrs. H. Power & brought new (illeg) shoes at Marshall & Willets. Mother also brought me 6 bottles of beautiful port. Jane came with little boy, seems v. happy. Gave her 1/-. Friday 15 April Lovely morg, little warmer but still cold wind. Came down to breakfast. Maud & Roy cold too bad for church, noisy coughs. Roy & Lin after lunch to town & tea at Club. I walked & saw Mrs. S. looking v. red & untidy. Had tea with her. Cozy room clean & pretty little maid & Mrs. Cox looking v. neat & nice as usual. Mad. & Maud had tea with me in drawing room. Alice had cold. Saturday 16 April Bitterly cold. Snowed a little morg. Bought 4 plants. Packed up silver for Broadwood & Glossop, Sheffield to be re-done. Mended china, chair etc. Lin & Roy to “Olympia” after lunch, came back to dinner ¼ to 7 after being shown over kitchens etc at “Olympia” & being treated “au Prince”. Went off together to “Adelphi” theatre to see “The trumpet calls”. Maud & self went in brougham at 3 with mare to Queens Rd, bought chocolates. Mde. Bocquet away. Bought sausages & primroses. Colds all bad still. 4 plants 2.6 2 lbs sausages 1.8 flowers 6 chocolates 1.6 odds, ties etc 14.10½ Pd £1. 0. 0 ½ Sunday 17 April Lovely day. Bitterly cold. Maud & self to St Paul’s for communion. Had to come out cough so bad. On way home met Mrs. Coward going to Communion service at St Mary Abbots, she took Maud. Very disappointed not to be with her as it is her first “Communion”. Mrs. S. spent day here. V. well but does not like to think it. Called enquired for Mrs. Orton, getting better. Lin rode 3½ hours. Sp. dined here, seemed junpy. Called morg. with Hilda could not ask him to lunch, too many, & child so uncanny(?). Emma out. Monday 18 April Lovely day. Very cold. Snow in many parts of country ½ foot deep. Arranged wardrobe in pantry with Lin, all but top shelf mine now. Maud washing handkerchiefs, 30. Roy round to Mrs. S. & stayed some time after tea. Raining hard 6.30. Lin busy tidying all day. Colds much as usual. Mother’s birthday at Con’s, Fittleworth. Tuesday 19 April Drove mare to Fisher’s about dress, v. dear. No one called. Lin rode evg. Wednesday 20 April Alice out. Fine day, warmer. Went at 2.30 to Maskelyn & Cooke’s, Lin, M, Roy & self. V. good performance, vanishing man wonderful. Walked with Maud morg. to dressmaker, wants £3.30. Called at “Work House” & “Cripples Home”. Lin rode ¼ p. 9 till ¼ p. 10 o’c. Roy v. troublesome evening, to bed at 9. Books v. heavy £6.16.5. ? no company.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 21 April Lovely day. Ans’d letter fr. Eff about Annie & hope there will be no mistake. Mother returns from Con’s. Take Maud to Noble Smith at 4.30 about her back, spine bones. £2.2.0 fee. V. kind. Long rigmarole about backs generally, can see dear M’s is a little out but thankful we have had advice soon. Go Monday to be fitted with support. New man v. dense in finding places, don’t believe he can read. Cleaned all furniture in morg. room, Alice did boards, put up curtains, took 3 hours. Went to Fishers ordered dress £8.18.6, grey & white vest. Mad. to see Mrs. S, v. cross. Friday 22 April Lovely day, v. warm. Went with Maud to Miss Manning about M’s dress, wants £4.5.6 for it. V. dear, if I had time c’d do it for £2.17.9. After lunch drove with Roy to in brougham to Bond St. Treated Roy to 3 éclats (sic) walked up & down Bd. St. Awfully pretty women & smart dresses. Left letter at Proff. Flower’s & to Natural History Museum, & home. Roy very good & sweet. Maud to be fitted at 6 o’c, & to see Mrs. S. Lin dining at Metropole with Gordon & other directors of Hotels. Letter fr. Mr Welch, abroad, not pd. my or Midge’s March quarter. Expenses today 2/6. Saturday 23 April X. M’s little F. Mr Hartree’s dinner 7.45. Try on grey dress Fishers, unable to go. Went after lunch with Roy & M. to Lyric Theatre to see “Mountebanks”. Mad’lle & Lin met us there. V. good but not equal to rest of Gilbert’s pieces with Sullivan, Cellier’s music pretty only. On to New Gallery after, Private View. No particular striking picture. Watts portrait of Walter Crane most attractive to us! Met Tademas, Danes, Blackburns, Mrs. a’ Beckett & Pat, Tommy v. ill. Just time to get home & have cup of tea & dress. Excellent dinner at Mr Hartree’s. 3 strange men, 2 officers off ship Mr H. came fr. Ceylon in. Miss Stan(?) & Miss Samuda. Mr H. gave us each a Ceylon bowl. Furnel (sic) drove unpleasantly to theatre, slack rein & jerks like Jolly. Sunday 24 April Mrs. Palmer’s dinner 7.45. Lovely day. Went with Maud morg. to Mother’s, out. Sat in Park, om 2d. Cab home 1/-. Lin & Roy to Zoo, met V. & Lady M. Watney. Harold & Hilda Paxton came to ask Roy to supper, w’d not go. V. pleasant evg. at Mrs. Palmer’s. Gen. du Plat there, silly as usual. Home late. Alice out after tea & evg. again. Monday 25 April Dr. Smith 12.30. Dress fitted. Pouring wet. Lydia & Alice late morg. Maud & self in cab to Dr. Smith, 2/-. Had instrument fitted, apallingly heavy & complicated, made Maud quite poorly. Had my dress fitted at Fisher’s & home in bus 6d. Went directly after lunch in brougham with Lin to Academy, left Lin & called on Mrs. Joshua, de la Rue, Alexander, & Mother. Had tea there. Judy staying with Mother. Called & saw Mr Paxton. Tuesday 26 April Miss Warre & Susie a’B. coming to tea. Mrs. Paxton. Shop’d morg. Cakes 1/-, flowers 1/-, mending material for Roy 1/1½, sponge cakes for Mrs. S. 6d, comb & hairpins 1/6, total 5/1½. Took Maud to be fitted with her dress at Miss Manning’s. Maud & Mad’lle in carriage at 12o’c for patterns. Con came after lunch & stayed some time, looks wonderfully well. Called morg. & sat some time with Mrs. Sambourne. Lin riding. Sp. Mr Paxton, Miss Warre & Mrs. a’Beckett & Pat called.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 27 April Annie T. between 2 & 3 o’c. Did not come. Took Roy to Christie Minstrels, v. good. Came on pouring wet whilst there. Lin at Academy with Mr Burnand doing work Furniss generally does, caricaturing pictures. Carriage worries increase, medicine for horses, harness does not fit!!! etc etc. Shall be thankful when it’s given up. Cleaned out drawing room cabinet with Maud, Mad. & Roy, latter v.v. tiresome, quite wore me out. Lydia out. Thursday 28 April Asked Miss Gill to luncheon. Ap’t with Mr Smith at 12 o’c. Dull wet morg & v. cold. French jury have let off “Navachol”(?) Spanish anarchist. Cowards, & world will suffer. Lady M. Watney called. Mrs. S. to lunch! & tea! Sent Alice to Mother with Midge’s letter. Mrs. Paxton & Maud called, latter grown v. handsome & v. tall. Lin doing Academy caricatures. Bought hat £1.10.0 Maison Nouvelle. Maud’s materials for hat 10/5¾, veil 1/3½. Friday 29 April Asked Miss Gill to tea. Private View at Academy. Mrs. Calderon at home 4 - 5.30. Rec’d Midge’s & my quarter’s money for March, £50 cheque, due 13 th March. Had good look round pictures none v. remarkable. Fine blue seascape of Moore’s sold for £1000. President’s “Garden of Hesperides” “Sea giving up dead”, Dicksie’s “Leila”. Many pretty dresses, stripes all fashion, long skirts, full sleeves & sashes to bottom of skirts. Zouaves v. fashionable. Lin hard at work all day dined at 11.15. Saturday 30 April Two Miss Davis’ to lunch. Maud ap’t with Mr Smith at 10.30. Box for “A Fool’s Paradise”. Mr Smith gave me book on spinal complaints! Walked thro’ Bond St. Met Eykyne girls. Om. going & returning 10d, cakes 1/6. Doctor £1.1.0. Lin Roy & self in cab to theatre, Maud & two Miss D’s in brougham. Bad mutton! Miss D & self in cab returning 2/- & M. & Ethel in brougham. Roy & Lin to Club. Drawing room not turned out. “Fool’s Paradise” disappointing at end, well acted by Hare, Kerr, Irving jnr, Kate Rorke & Olga Nethersole. Letter fr. Tabs, arrives Monday at Alexandra Hotel fr. South of France. May 1892 Sunday 1 May Took Roy & Maud to 9.30 service St. M. Abbots. Roy v. troublesome, so rude & noisy. Went to Mother’s, just starting for church, walked with her to St. M.A’s & went on to see Mrs. S. & home. Roy so rude about port wine made me quite ill & had good cry, unable to go down to lunch. Lin to Sir A. Hickman’s for tennis, refused to take Roy. Think Roy more unhappy at his own disappointment than sorry to make me unhappy, hope I am wrong. Strange heavy day with yellow light. Lydia out. Monday 2 May X. Black Monday. Emma going & new housemaid coming fr. Con’s, Annie Tallant. Dull morg. Maud Paxton for walk with Mad’lle & M. Roy subdued & v. quiet. Cleaned silver wine cooler. Pouring wet. Out morg. Pass book in, find I have nearly £100 to my own account. Bought 2 prs of shoes at once 16/8 on strength of it at Barkers. Roy & self called at Alexander Hotel for Tabs, not arrived yet, to tea at Mrs. Palmer’s, & left cards at Mr Hartree’s. Raining hard, came home. Lin working hard at “Illustrated London News” Jubilee drawing.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 3 May Maud’s ap’t Mr Smith 11 o’c. £1.1.0. Took Roy with us. Fisher’s to be fitted, dress as bad as ever. Called Mrs. Mackinlay, both children to tea there at 4 o’c till 5.30. Barkers, ordered lamb, haddock & dressed crab, bought cakes & mint 1/-. New maid très verte l’idée de demander autant! Ne vaut pas plus que seize livres. Kitchen clock fell down! Water & tea cold first morg. E. goes! Mr Farquharson & cousin clergyman, Aunt Linda & Ethel, Miss Sandeman, Mr Paxton, Fanny B. & Mary Carter called. Lord Kingsborough sent me a cake stand for tea. Wednesday 4 May Dear Roy returns to Eton. Busy packing & mending all morg. Mad. helping. Maud to lunch & tea at Mrs. F.C.B’s , 27 Boltons. Roy & self to Mrs. S’s at 4.30, to Mother who gave him 10/- & Mrs. Burnand who gave him 5/- when he fetched Maud. Alice out directly after lunch. Annie did dining room, is not neat in her work & is very slow. Mad’lle took Roy to Paddington & saw him off. Thursday 5 May Mrs. Palmer’s fancy dress ball. Cold & dull. Shop’g morg. Ordered 2lbs 4oz fillet beef, 1lb beans 1/4. Took M. to Mrs. P’s. Mad’lle fetched her 9.30. Lin working awfully hard at Illustrated London News drawing, Jubilee Drawing, altered face & bothered himself. Unable to dine till 10 o’c. V. tired. Friday 6 May Mrs. Medley at home 4.30. Shop’g morg. Ordered cakes 1/6, haddock 9d fr Barkers. Mary & Ethel B. to lunch & tea. Maud Paxton stood to Lin for drawing & stayed luncheon. April weather, alternate showers. Called about kitchen clock which fell down after Emma left, will do it thoroughly at Meigers for 12/-. X. Petit ami. Called after lunch on Mrs Donaldson all down measles. Mrs. Kemp, Mona had just had operation of 13 teeth extracted, 3 doctors chloroform & entire set false teeth to follow! Expense! To Mrs. Medley’s, & to dine with Mother. Home by 9 o’c, put Maud to bed, bad cold & sore throat. Saturday 7 May Ap’t Mr Smith £1.1.0. Unable to go, Maud’s cold v. bad, sore throat. Self in bed till 12.30. Lin rode. Mare’s mane v. dirty, Lin v. angry riding with Messrs Stone, Wyndham etc all who have horses at livery & much better done. Maud & self after lunch to Mrs. Lewis’s, Mrs. Vicat Cole’s & Madame B. out. Bought Maud diaphoric for her cold 1/3, jelly 1/- & meat juice 1/6, total 3/9. Emma’s little bird dead & Waddie’s v. ill. Gave it salad oil & brandy with warm milk & bread. Bird better, put it in fresh cage. Maud going to sleep in spare room. Pd. Mad’lle salary, 3 months due 5th of April & her book £13.10½. Pd. Lydia 3 months ditto to 30th April £3.6.8. Pd. Alice 2 months ditto to 10th inst £3. Sunday 8 May Lovely day. Maud’s throat still bad & she looks heavy about eyes. Lin rode morg. with “Two Pins” Club & lunched at Richmond. Played tennis after with Sir A. Hickman. Sp. & Douglas, Miss English & two Miss Davis’ called. Mad’lle beautiful in new gown & hat looking v. nice, went to see Mrs. S. Emma came. V. sorry about her bird. Waddie’s bird better. Lydia to church morg. Monday 9 May Mrs. Carbutt at home 4 o’c. App’t Mr Smith 1.30. Took M. to doctor £1.1.0. To Fisher’s, dress abominable. Saw Mr Fisher, v. angry about dress, promised it sh’d


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 be altered. To Madame B, decided to wait. To Mrs. Warre’s. Called on Miss Lutyens. Lin rode before breakfast. Tuesday 10 May Lovely day. Only Mrs. Burnand & Connie & Marion Pollock called. In all day. Lin rode early. Wednesday 11 May Mrs. Medley at home Lyric Club private entertainment 10 o’c, Corney Grain. Maud & self dine at Mrs. Burnand’s. Miss Davis’ tennis party 4 to 7. Lydia paid books £11.1.0½ fortnight. Called with Maud after lunch at Mr Davis’, left M. Alma Tadema, Symonds, Wyllie, Macmillan, Lehmann, Möller, Paxton, Spofforth & Gale. M. & self dined at Mrs. Burnand’s. Charming house. Lin rode morning. Entirely forgot Mrs. Medley’s. Annie out. Fishers sent dress, better but still has alterations to be made. Mrs. S. here all day. Thursday 12 May Mrs. Paxton’s tea 4 - 7. Alice out. Out morg. to Barkers, walked thro’ Kensington with Dr. Smiles. Ordered cod for tonight, not A1, & new potatoes. Studs 10½, linen cotton 3d, loaf 1d & radishes 3d. Lin rode before breakfast. K. clock back. Called after lunch & left blue & red velvet dresses at Miss Mannings. Called on Mrs. Kemp, Mother, Lady M. W, Alexandra Hotel. Tabs gone, only there Wed night. Entered £22.17.0 in Midge’s P.O. Order book, the full limit, wd not let me enter £25. £2.3.0 left don’t know where to put it! Stayed some time at Mrs. Flower’s most kind, charming mus at Lady de Burgh. Took Maud to Mrs. Paxton. Motley crowd. Kind but uninteresting. Lin dining at Reform Club with Mr J. Livesey. Every corner in House now fitted with corner cupboards! Friday 13 May Mrs. Medley at home 4.30. I dined at Mother’s, called first on Mrs. C. Mackenzie, Mrs. Wright, H. Peto, Ross, Rainbow, Nottage, Maclaren, Waring. Dined at ¼ to 11. Saturday 14 May Mrs. Heilbut’s dinner 7.45. Mr Smith ap’t 12 o’c. Shop’g morg. To Mr S. Maud to go again Friday. To “Pantomime rehearsal” at Court theatre, took Maud P. 2/- cab there, 2/- cab back. Windows cleaned by man Hill, wants too much but did them well. V. pleasant din. at Mrs. H’s. Mr H. took me in. Mr & Mrs. Burnand there. Lord Mountmorris(?) called to see Lin morg. about work. Sunday 15 May Mr Ryle, Mr Guthrie, Mr Stone, Ethel English to dinner 7.30. Anchovies & cress sandwiches. Soup clear. Salmon, cucumber. Roast lamb, beans, new potatoes. Asparagus. Roast chickens & salad. Sandringham pud, apricots à la crème. Haddock savory. Lin drove to Jack Straw’s Castle for meet of “2 Pins Club”. I went morg to 9.30 service St Mary Abbots, so cold had to come out during sermon. V. weak address so lost nothing. Maud’s cold v. bad & looks pale & seedy. Sp. & children called morg. Not well cooked dinner, things cold & butter horrid. Too large dish asparagus & veg’ts watery. Girls waited pretty well only coffee not well served. Monday 16 May Cold. Fire in dining & drawing rooms. Mary & Ethel B. here to tea & dinner. To Miss Manning about red velvet dress & Tisdale about pressing it. After lunch drove to Mrs. S, depressed, Mrs. Carbutt, Aird, Messel, & tea with Mother, only


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 pretty well. Maud’s cold better but still looks pale. X. Maud’s first drawing in “Punch” of Mrs. Burnand, looks charming. Mrs. Wergmann called. Tuesday 17 May Lovely day. To Miss Manning to be fitted 10 o’c. Ordered lamb & fish Barkers. Lord Mountmorris called to see Lin morg. Lin lunching at Garrick with Mr Stone & to horse show after. Maud & Mad. & 2 dogs for drive at 12 o’c in Park. X. Maud’s petit ami. Mrs. Rainbow, Mrs. Harley, Mrs. Tweedie & Mrs. C. Burnand called. Lin dined at Garrick with Mr Stone. Sent Alice in hansom with Lin’s evg. suit & overcoat 2/4. Wednesday 18 May M’s cold better. Shop’g morg. Florrie Blair called, asked her to lunch tomorrow. Wonder why I always feel on my metal with her, & all the Leighs, distinctly antagonistic to me. Maud & Mad’lle drove out in carriage morg. in Park. Philip B. called & had tea. Mrs. S. here all day. Mad’lle walked back with her. Mrs. Cox brought her morning. Thursday 19 May Mrs. Clarke 12 – 2. Lin photod Maud & M. Paxton as cricketers. Mr P. came in had long talk on American Rlys, he believes in Pensylvania! Paid books v. heavy £7.2.1½. Ordered fowl 3/9 Barkers. Met Mrs. R. Welch & Annabelle Barnes. F. Blair to lunch, on best behaviour. M. & Mad. in brougham at 3 to see Mother & Mrs. S. Heavy showers. Tilda called looking v. nice in grey black & yellow. Packed box & general tidy. Friday 20 May Mrs. Medley 4.30. Started in Om. by way of Dover & Calais at 9.45, Lin, Maud & self. Rough passage. Hooks, Peter Reed etc on board. Hotel Meurice. Excellent dinner. “Bonne femme” soup, fried fish & excellent sauce, delicious roast chickens, salad & petit pois, compôte of fruit & sponge cakes sugared. Rooms, salon, bedroom & ditto for Maud, dressing room & ante room, & co(?) à l’entresol, charming overlooking Tuilleries, 25 francs a day. Saturday 21 May D. V. Lin, Maud & self go to Paris. Paris. Got up early & out by 9.30 after café in our rooms. Maud & self to “Bon Marché” changed ceinture ordered black & pink dress 96 frcs, silk petticoat 39 frcs, Maud’s 2 silk stockings 9.50 the pair. To “Ledoyen” met Lin, had lunch, only grilled chicken salad, asparagus & hors d’oeuvres, 2 cafés & 2 yellow chartreuses 25 frs 95. Salon after. Vast. Met Hooks. Detaille’s picture v. fine. Renan p. Bonnard. “Les Conquerants” & Gerome’s painted statue in ivory & bronze of B(blank), goddess of war, & Pygmalion & Galatea most striking. Maud & self to tea at C. Stokes, 35 Bvd. Haussmann. C. S. went after with us to Restaurant on B. Italien, din 4.50. most excellent. Walked with us to Circle Nouveau, most amusing “Roi d’Agobert” water scene, & to Hotel to bed. C. & wife all packed leave Paris tomorrow for Copenhagen. Sunday 22 May Letter fr. dear Roy. Glorious day. Breakfast café simple in our sitting room & Maud in her blue & black, self in new grey tailor dress & Lin off by 11 o’clock to the Madeleine. V. full & sat next to Stanhope Forbes & wife. Walked along Bvd. des Italiens & took fiacre to Mons. Bonvoisin 53 rue Pierre Charon, Champs Elysées. Col & Madame (blank) there, charming rooms top floor. Had Lyons sausage, radishes, butter, prawns served first on one tray. Roast mutton & fried heap of


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 potatoes all served on one dish, savoury custard with delicious sauce in centre & round. Cold boiled fowl, salad. Wild strawberries, little sweet tartlets & cakes. Madame B. v. aimiable, all anxious to talk English. Took fly to “Academie des Beaux Arts” pictures of Sargents, Burans (illeg) woman. Little girl with blk stockings. Vast place. Monday 23 May Paris. Mrs. Holl 10 P.M. Lovely day. Shop’d at Louvre with Maud. Met Lin & Mons. Bonvoisin (who lunched with us) at “Ledoyen”. Mons B. told us of the wild goose chase we were foolish enough to follow to our cost evg. Feel v. angry with him. After lunch sat on Champs Elysées. To Hotel to rest but the Forbes called, so had tea served in our little salon. Dressed after hurriedly & drove to Avenue des Acacias, à la Mons. B. Gave cocher 3 frcs, rest asked much more. 2½ frcs fare gave him 50 cents à boire. Walked fr. Avenue miles miles miles in gayest scene of carriages & exquisitely dressed women. Polo match. To lands end. Bois empty & still c’d not reach Restaurant des Cascades. At 7 o’c or after got there, tables & no one dining. Found one solitary fiacre & drove back tired & angry to Ledoyens where we dined thankfully & to Ambassadeurs after. V. décolté music singing & dancing. Home & to bed but not to sleep. Tuesday 24 May Mrs. Lehmann’s daughter’s wedding 4 - 6. To be fitted Bon Marché. V. tired & could not sleep fr. heat & noise. Met Lin after fitting & various purchases at “Ledoyen”, had lunch, met “Shannons” & Stanhope Forbes lunching together there. Sat in Champs Elysées after with Forbes for long while, then to Hotel. Packed, table d’hôte dinner & left at 7.30 for Calais. Mons. Schrerot(?) came to say goodbye. Lin paid my account for mantle etc amounting to 259 frcs in his bill, so owe him £10.7.6. Wednesday 25 May. Staff. Ter. 8 o’c. The Marchioness of Salisbury’s reception at Foreign Office, Queen’s birthday. Reached home before 8. Had breakfast & to sleep after & bath. Maud v. tired. Had carriage to ourselves fr. Paris to Calais & slept. Heat intense, Maud & Lin feel it most. Small boat fr. Calais to Dover, sat on deck all night. Dull evg. at Foreign Office no doubt on ac’t of Duke of Clarence’s death. Keiths, Webster, Tadema, Lucas etc. Annie out. Thursday 26 May Mrs Cowen’s at home 9.30. Took Maud to Noble Smith £1.1.0. V. v. tired only reached home 2 o’c this morg. fr. Mrs. Quilter’s after Foreign Office recept. V. hot close & sultry. No sun but dull & damp heat, beastly after Paris. Hot & steamy. Mrs. Paxton called. Mutually agree London beastly, filled with lumbering dust carts & dirty people & dirty streets. Friday 27 May Mrs. Medley 4.30. Lovely day, v. hot. Lin rode early. Girls late. I took cab to Mrs. F.C.B’s asked Connie to go to dine at Mr Stone’s Members Mansions & to opera after. Sir T. Lucas’ box for tonight “Manon” & Van Dyke as Count des Grieux. Delighted with his voice most exquisite & plays so well too. Connie B. & self dined at Members Mansions Mr Stone’s rooms. Lin joined us when half thro’ dinner. Drove in two hansoms to opera which we all enjoyed immensely, music charming so bright & full of melody. Judge Bacon came & sat thro’ one entire act in our box. Mr Stone wanted to take us on to supper at Criterion after but afraid of Mrs. B. being anxious about Connie. Lin & Mr S. off together.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 28 May Lin goes to Mr Livesey’s with Mr Stone. V. delighted with what he saw. Home to dinner & Sp. dined here also. Maud tells me I was snappish to Sp. at dinner. V. sorry had no idea or intention of being so. Morg. walked to Butts ordered fruit salad & vegts, & on to Mrs. S. Met Dr Smiles, had usual long chat with him. Took Mrs. S. with me in carriage to Madame B’s. Settled on black & grey dress for £9.9.0. Maud & Mad. to see coaches meet in Park v. crowded (coaching club). Annie took Mrs. S. back in the evening. V. v. hot & windy, had tea in garden. Sunday 29 May Lin goes with the “Two Pins Club” to Lord Rosebery’s the “Durdans” & sleeps night at Sir C. Russell’s. To church with Maud. V. hot. Took dogs out after. Lin off by quarter to 9 o’c. Annie out afternoon & evening. Offered her but found she did not go. Ethel English, Mr Davis jnr. & 2 sisters, Bill Weigal & Tilda came to tea. Tilda remained to supper. V. pleasant afternoon & evg. Miss Koch came to see Mad’lle, so glad for her to see a friend. Monday 30 May Mrs. Mocatta’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Spielman’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin returned fr. Sir C. Russell’s at 9.10 after 18 mile ride. Girls late. Meet of “Four in Hand Club”. Maud & self in cab to Hyde Pk. Corner met Tilda & saw drags splendidly. Met Mad’lle. Maud & self home in cab en tout 2/6. Books less can afford 1/- cab! Maud Paxton came to tea with M. Mad. & Maud called to see Mrs. S, seemed well. Alice also went. Met mass of Jews at Mocattas besides Cap’n & Mrs. Wetherell, C. Praeds. Dullish dinner for me, Lin enjoyed his talk with Mrs. Sterne (Miss Jessel). V. glad as he was so tired. Tuesday 31 May Morg. alone by bus to Woollands, chose 2 blouses mauve. Ordered 4 yards of blue serge for Maud Harvey Nicol’s. Maud in carriage to Mr Davis’. Mad’lle fetched her at 6 o’c. Heavy thunderstorm. V. sultry & hot. Jun 1892 Wednesday 1 June X. Petit ami. Lovely day. Derby won by outsider at 3 o’c by Sir Hugo, Lord Bradford’s colt. La Flèche Baron Hirsch’s second. “Orme” first favourite unable to run. In bed till 12.30. Mrs. S. here to lunch, tea, & supper with Mad’ll. Mrs. S. drove with me to Mde. Bocquet’s, material not arrived. Maud & self dined at Mrs. Burnand’s. M. spent day there. Tilda called. Lin to Punch din. & Mr Gilbert’s. X. Petit ami. Thursday 2 June In bed till 12.30. At 3 o’c to Fisher’s left bodice to have buttons put on. Tilda to tea & dinner. Lin finished drawing “The Duffer”. Cut out dress blue serge. Friday 3 June Mrs. Medley’s 4.30. Lady Lucas at home 4 o’c. Drove at 3 to Mrs. Watney. Marshall’s, bought velvet, saw Mrs. MacLean & handsome dau. Furnell jerked Marquis so abominably spoke to him as the horse had a cut of whip across head which I can’t stand. Drove to Lady Hickman’s, in turning Furnell backed carelessly & then punished horse again for his own stupidity. V. angry. Made me feel ill. Unable to call Lady L’s so went to Mother’s had tea & came home. Mrs. Paxton & Maud came in & had chat. Mary & Ethel B. here. Mary ill, had to go home.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 4 June Mr Ainger’s to lunch 2 o’c. Great Eton day! Mrs. Richmond’s at home 4 - 7. Too seedy to go. Lin & Maud to Eton, had lovely day. Had lunch at Mr A’s, tea in Roy’s room, & on steam orchestra launch with Mr & Mrs. W. Clowes. Mad. & self day alone, sat in garden. Con & Mr English called & had tea. Lin & Maud home at 9.30 for late supper. Sunday 5 June Lady Hickman’s tennis & dinner to Lin & self after. Lin rode three hours morg, caught in heavy thunderstorm. Mr & Mrs. Paxton, Maud & Mons. Anoul a Belge called. Pleasant dinner at Lady H’s. Monday 6 June Mrs. Rawlinson’s tennis. Mr Paxton called & kept me ages. Mr & Mrs. Paxton dined with us in evg. Tuesday 7 June. Weston Subedge. Mrs. Gale’s at home 5 - 7. Came by 1.35 fr. Paddington with Maud to stay at Canon Bourne’s. Lovely day. Lin left early 8.30 for Chesterfield. Mad’lle saw M. & self off. Two return 2nd C. fares £2.5.0, cab 2/6, porters 1/-. Total £2.8.6. Nina met us at Honeybourne looking v. well. Canon also looking better then last year. Twelve to dinner here, Mr (illeg) & son, Mr & Mrs. & Miss Chadwick etc. Lin pd. £25 to my account for house money. Mr Cawston stayed night. V. funny man, upholds theories he evidently does not practice. My faith in churchgoing going! Wednesday 8 June Lovely day. Sat out all morning. Drove at 3 0’c to Mrs. Millet & had tea there under tree in her pretty garden, flowers lovely. Katie M. & two boys v. much grown, Mrs. M. as pretty as ever. Told us of Mr Millet’s being “boss” of Chicago Exhibition grounds. Enjoyed drive immensely so warm & snug. Louisa & Maud played tennis. Mr (blank) left after breakfast. Thursday 9 June Aunt Linda’s dance 9.30. Lovely day. Drove at 2.30 to Mr Chadwick’s most lovely view fr. his house & grounds. Mrs. Millet to dinner looked charming. Drove home at night. The Canon went to workman’s luncheon, speeches etc! Intensely hot. Friday 10 June Mrs. Medley 4.30. Mrs. B.Tomlin at home 9.30. Saturday 11 June Mrs. Critchett’s dinner 8 o’c, ref’d. Mrs. Richmond’s 4 - 7. Canon Bourne went to stay until Monday at Mr Rushout’s. Maud & Louisa out painting all morning & afternoon. Nina & self to see cottager’s little girl. Played tennis with Nina, felt v. hot & out of breath! Lin arrived at 5.15. Tea on lawn. Thought he had lost his bag, found on seat of carriage. Danced evg! Slept with Maud after 12. 30, too hot in Lin’s bed. Alice went home & slept out night. Sunday 12 June Wet morg. Went to Church with Nina. X. Maud petit ami. Lin walked to Broadway & posted letters after tea. Maud rested on my bed. Lin wrote letters & I went to sleep after lunch. Slept with Maud. Alice ret’d this evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 13 June Mrs. Rawlinson’s tennis. Came to Lin’s room 5 o’c morg. Slept well. The Canon returnes today. Maud & Louisa off sketching. Nina & self to Evesham at 2 o’c met the Canon who returned with us. Did shopping bought corn plasters & sent telegram to Mons. Bonvoisin at Grand Hotel. Lord Coventry sent ticket for Grand enclosure at Ascot to Lin for Mons. Bonvoisin. Lin worked on Punch Index. He & I walked to top!!! of Dovers Hill before dinner, lovely view. Danced after dinner! Slept with Maud. Tooth broke huge piece. Distinctly colder. Tuesday 14 June Mr Hartree at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Quilter’s at home 10 o’c. Lin worked all morg. Mr & Mrs. Rushout to luncheon. Saw thoroughbred stallion of Mr R’s after, also horse for sale. Lin took photos. Walked round entire county with Lin. V. tired & v. inclined to be angry, thought better of it. Won’t walk so far again in a hurry. Wednesday 15 June Lin went to London by 10 train. Miss Hornby to luncheon. To Mrs. Perry’s garden party. Her sister married George Burnand. Mrs. P. v. bright nice woman, nice children good manners. Canon joined us there fr. Camden. One gentleman to dinner. Maud & self packed. V. tired. Thursday 16 June Honeybourne. Wet morg. Returned by 10 train fr. Canon’s, reached home at 2.30. Expenses to & from there all included for Maud & self only £3.3.8. Wet & dull in London always so dark after country. Find Annie will have to leave tomorrow her back & hips so bad. Friday 17 June Mrs. Medley 4.30. Asked people to tea! 4.30. Out morg. shop. Ordered strawberries 10d loaf 2d biscuits 4½ Barkers, 2 steak 11d. Mrs. & Mary Nicol, Mrs. Fowler, Miss Clacey & Effie called & had tea. Gentleman’s coachman trying horse. Called at 6.30 saw Mrs. S & then had dinner at Mother’s. Woke up with sore throat certain wash stand in my room cause. Paid books fortnight £10.3.11. Paid Maud 5/4½ & Mad’lle for odds also 6/2½, money flies in small things. Annie Tallant left gave her £1.0.0, wages 15/-. Saturday 18 June Out shop. morg. Ordered at Barkers 6 bananas 1/-, 2d mint, 2 lbs gooseberries 6d, 2 lobster cutlets 6d. Lin off after lunch to Mr Lawson’s till Monday. Lady Cotton’s garden party taking Maud. Maud Paxton to dinner 7.30. Dull party at Lady C’s, wealth minus brains or form. Lin unable to go to Mr E. L’s on ac’t of heavy rain. Maud Paxton to dinner. Lin & self to see “Lady Windemere’s Fan”. Had Lord (blank)’s box. Mr & Miss Ward in our box. His engagement broken off, seems to feel it v. much. Charming piece dialogue excellent & acting as good. Heard Mrs. Alexander has (illeg) & is v. ill. Sunday 19 June Eff going to Paris with Eff Carpenter. Bad sore throat. Mad. out all day. Mr Mrs. & Maud Paxton, Ethel English & brother, Mother & Tilda called. Dull wet afternoon. Lin rode morg. to Hall Barnes & remains night. Lydia out evg. Monday 20 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Eff & Con coming to stay. Mr A. de Rothschild’s dinner 8 o’c. Can’t come. Tabs & Ham coming to London till Wed, Aleaxandra Hotel. X. House maid calling. Maud appointment with Mr Noble Smith ¼ to 12. Mr & Mrs. Paxton & Maud to dinner. Saw house maid Mrs. O’s & engaged her fr. next Monday. £1.1.0 to Mr Smith 10d to Whiteleys for sausage. Lin returned fr. Hall Barn, Mr Lawson’s. Tabbie laid up with miscarriage! Present Parliament dissolved, everyone leaving town shortly for Elections. Tuesday 21 June Mr & Mrs. Fowler to dinner. Bee Barrs coming. Not coming. Out morg. shop’g. V. bad dinner 20 mins late. Salmon underdone cucumber horrid blancmange all to pieces. Girls Bates & Alice muddled waiting. Aleda Mackenzie & Lillie Holland called. Bates 2/6. Wednesday 22 June Maud to Mother for day. Lydia out evg. Made 13 calls after lunch with Mad’lle. To Sir R. Webster, Montalba, Tuer, Parish, Mocatta, Quilter, Agnew, Lady M, Palmer, Thomson, & Warre & Critchett. Furnell worried poor Marquis again sh’l be thankful when poor animal is sold, he cannot be much worse treated than with us. Sorry Lin missed his ride in consequence of our remaining out for so long. Mrs. Critchett & Tuer seemed pleased to see me again. Saw Miss Webster & Mrs. Warre. Awful smell in our room & Maud’s fr. wash pipes. Lin going to have it cut off. Mr Paxton here for lunch. Thursday 23 June Mr E. Sebag Montefiore’s marriage with Miss Davidson, 15 Gloucester Sqre. 2.30 at Synagogue Bryanston Sqre. Go for drive at 4 o’c with Ethel English. Tea at Mr Weld Blundell’s 104 Mount Street. Pouring wet day. Ironed 24 handkerchiefs. Mad. mayonaise & banana eggs. Mayonaise delicious & fish pie for luncheon v. good. Called at 4 with Ethel English in her carriage on Lady Lucas, Aunt Linda, Mrs. Davidson for her dau’s wed. with Montefiore, & to tea at Mr Weld Blundell’s. Old embroideries & drains at Persepolis 300 B.C! Lin rode before dinner. Friday 24 June Mrs. Pickering at home 4 - 7. X. Almanack dinner 8.30, 10 Bouverie Street. Emma here for day. Shop’g morg alone bought tidy for pantry 1/1½, borax 4½, bird sand & seed Barkers ½ coke(?), 3 bots port wine, quill pens, Strawberries Byatts. 2 (illeg). Called & saw Mrs. S. brought her back to dinner here. Maud & Mad. to enquire after Mrs. Alexander, better. Awful fuss over Lin’s silk hand. Mad. lost & found it in her wardrobe amongst M’s sashes. Lin sent his mare to Newmarket. Saturday 25 June Mrs. Campbell Praed’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin with “Two Pins Club” to Newmarket as Mr Lawson’s guest until Tuesday! Morg. to Madame Bocquet’s ordered dinner jacket for blk. silk dress & left skirt to be modernized. Ordered beef Barkers gruyère cheese & 2 lettuces & 1½ currants at 5d lb. Worked all afternoon. Tilda came cut out Maud’s jacket blue serge & skirt of blue mousline (sic) de laine. Emma here cleaning drawing room for 2 days, 5/-. Sunday 26 June V. hot. Maud slept with me. Did birds & flowers & went with Maud & sat in Park as M. complained of her back. Met English’s, sat with them. Great crowd of well dressed people on “Ladies Mile” side of of Park. Home in cab 1/6. Alice out evg. & afternoon.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 27 June F. Kennard, housemaid, came. Bee Barrs came about 2 o’c. Out morg. shop’g. V. hot. New housemaid Fanny Kennard came late evg. Paid calls after lunch with Bee on Mrs. Fildes, Hunter, Eykyn, Watney, Kemp, Pollock, tea there, gave her 2 Academy Soirée tickets, English, Lilly Chapman, & Mother who wd. not see Bee. Lady M. called was out. Maud at B. Coles to tea. Sat in garden after dinner. Tuesday 28 June Mrs. Messel’s dance 10 o’c. Ap’t Madame B. Promised dinner jacket & skirt for Thurs. Mr Hartree, Mr Weigall, Ethel Walford came. Madame A, Maud & Mad, in garden for tea. Wednesday 29 June Academy Soirée, gave tickets to Bee & Marion Pollock. V. seedy. Tilda here to dinner, hen party. Emma here all day preparing dinner for tomorrow. Lin dined Mr Lockyer. X. Petit ami. Thursday 30 June Dinner. Mr Weld Blunkett, Miss Rose Innes, Mons. Bonvoisin, Mr Stone, Mr & Lady M. Watney. Dinner cooked by Emma. Paid her 7/6, & Bates for waiting 1/6. Bologna sausage Clear soup aux legumes Cold salmon mayonaise Sweetbreads Leg of lamb potatoes & salad Beans au buerre Goslings & peas Rice cream & apricots Jelly with fruit & old sherry Savory anchovy eggs Cress sandwiches Ice coffee cream Strawberries & cream Sp. to lunch. E. here all day. Marquis went to be tried for Lady (blank), Vernon Watney’s sis-in-law. Jul 1892 Friday 1 July In bed till 12.30. Put away glass with Mad. Venetian only. Called with Bee on Mr Jacomb Hood, had tea there, sister & another young man there in F. Miles old house 24 Tite St. Don’t think much of J. H’s work. May be wrong. Find new housemaid willing but slow & inefficient cannot afford to keep her at present wages. Bee & self dined at Mother’s. Lin dined at 11 o’c. Marquis won’t do, so sorry. Saturday 2 July £30.10.0 for July month & 2 wages. Go to Edgar’s. 4.10 Waterloo. Maud with Mad. to Barkers. Mad. back in time for lunch. V. hot, lovely day. Lin gave me £30.10.0 for month’s expenses & Lydia’s & Alice’s wages. Gave Mad. envelope for Mr Lowndes with £30.10.0 inside for Bank to leave there. Tiresome train 2 changes. Sophy met us at Station dog cart & cab. Sophy & Lin played tennis after tea. “The Firs” v. pretty house & beautifully kept, silver & all perfect. Alice to see Mrs. S. Fanny out.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 3 July Slept well. Edgar & Lin for ride at 7.30, back to breakfast. At 9 o’c. Sophy & E. to Church 11 o’c. Wrote letters in garden. Lin reading & dozing. Glorious day lovely breeze. Alice & Fanny both out afternoon & evening. Monday 4 July Drove at 11.30 to Aldershot to shop. Mrs. Dowling, Miss Johnson (her dau.) & Col Vernon Xth Col. to tennis & tea. Little dog Jess v. clever & found all missing tennis balls. Letter fr. dear Maud. Bee & Effie came to Staf. Ter. Alice & Fanny both out afternoon & evg. & up late! Tuesday 5 July Return home. Colder & dull. Lin out at 11 o’c. Sophy & self drove fr. 12 till 1.15. Lovely drive all round. Bee & Eff to dine with Tabs & theatre after. Pouring wet day. Wednesday 6 July Lin Maud & self lunch at Lady M’s 1.30. Dull. Met Lady Camilla & Lady Rosamund & 2 brothers at Lady M’s. Lovely house. Went to New Gallery. Tabs & Ham came to tea, former looking v. pretty. Called on Marion P, had tea there. Con arrived fr. Boulogne looks thin but well. Dined here, also Eff, Bee, Maud, Mad. & selves, 6 in all. Con sleeping at Mother’s. Parlage avec femme de chamber très touchée mais elle n’est pas assez bonne. Thursday 7 July Mr Gordon’s garden party. Lunch at Mr Hartree’s 2 o’c. Dull. Tab & Ham to dinner 8 o’c. Paid books morg. Very heavy. Pd. calls after lunch, Mrs. S. & saw Mrs. Cox, took 6 partridge eggs, Mrs. Wills, Montefiore, Harcourt, C. Praed, Humphreys, Messel. Tab & H. here & Bee to dinner. Marmite soup, fried whiting. Leg lamb, tomato salad, marrow. Apricot tart & cream. Pheasants eggs & cress sandwiches, cheese & bis. X. Mare went to Ld. Rosebery’s, Durdans, 3 days. Friday 8 July Eton & Harrow match, darling Roy home D.V. Bee left. Eff & self off shop’g. No dear Roy 12 o’c! Feel worried. Con & Eff lunched here & Roy arrived fr. Lords!!!. E. left for Littlehampton directly after. After lunch I walked to Mrs. S’s who came to tea & supper to see Roy! To lady dressmaker, to Taylors about letting house, to Mrs. Hunter about Vieux Habits & to Mrs. Schulhoff about Mudeford. Sent evg. yellow & black dress to lady d. to see. Dined 11.10! Saturday 9 July Eton & Harrow match. Wire fr. Mr Ainger saying Roy may remain. Roy off early to Lords. Lin, M. & self went later. Eton beaten. Met number of friends, Goldie, B.Tomlin, Lindo, Fritz & sister, Quilter, Davis etc. Roy & Lin to lunch out, after to German Reeds, met Ld. Onslow. Evening Lin, R, M. & self to Court Theatre “Gosbox” “Pantomime Rehearsal” v. good. Had to go down to see about supper. Alice not put enough. Found all v. untidy below, pastry board dirty etc & general chaos. Mrs. Hunter gave me £2.4.0 for old habits. Parlage avec la fille Fanny qu’elle s’en va! Sunday 10 July Dull. Roy off with 2 Eton boys with dogs for walk. Angry Mad. for leaving table out. Maids v. late again. Alice out.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 11 July Mr & Mrs. Huish to dinner 8 o’c & Fritz Jackson & Spinks. Sp. to lunch & stores with me after. Fritz & Sp. stayed v. late, quarter to one. Tuesday 12 July Mrs. Oakes dinner 8 o’c. 12 o’c ap’t Mr Smith. Written Mrs. Hillyard to call 1.30 to 3 o’c. Came, took old belt to repair & make a new one. Out morg. shops. Nina & L. Bourne to tea. V. large dinner at Mrs. O. Gen. Kent, Col Harvey, Holmes, Douglas Gordons etc. 26 to dinner, all v. nicely done, flowers v. prettily arranged. Stayed v. late. Sat next to Percy, introduced to his fiancée. Wednesday 13 July Mrs. S. here all day. In bed to breakfast dead tired. Letter fr. Midge. Thursday 14 July Mrs. Pollock’s dinner ¼ to 8. Sent for Emma about house. Paid Ponting 7/5, Derry £1.1.5, Harvey Nicols 1.12.9, Wolland 1.3.6, Snelgrove 4.5. Saw Madame B. asks £14.14 for tea gown, too much. Mrs. Lilly called. Fanny out. Mrs. Huish has engaged Fanny for Sept. Delightful dinner Mrs. Pollock’s, 12. Mr Bevan, Mr Poor (American) Mr Burnand’s nephew, sister etc. Mrs. Burnand wired for us to dine there tonight. Went to Snelgroves & Madame Bocquet, wants £14.14 for tea gown, can’t afford it. Saw Emma, promised to come any time for 10/- a week. Friday 15 July Fritz Jackson’s dinner 8 o’c. Paid books very heavy £16.13.9. Eff & Bee here last week & Tabs & H. to dinner, also Con to lunch, tea & dinner. Saturday 16 July Mrs. E. Hart’s garden party. Percy Oakes wedding at Mrs. Atkinsons, 18 the Boltons. Fine day, sultry. Lin & Maud to Brookwood, return Monday. I went to wedding. Ada Sp. looked extremely nice in green & peach shot satin trimmed with black & v. pretty hat. Smart wedding, presents lovely. Called after on Mother & Mrs. Burnand, all out but B.H. so saw her. Quiet evg. dined with Mad. & to bed early. Sunday 17 July Pouring wet day. Went to Mother to lunch, tea & supper. Edgar & So. there, left by 5.35 train to Aldershot. Sp. & Douglas to tea . Went with (illeg) Sophy to Hall, singing good organ deafening. Home in cab 1/-. Gave Bates 2/- for waiting. Fanny out all afternoon. Mad’lle. to Mde. Allain’s for day. Monday 18 July Miss Innes dinner. Judge Bacon’s dinner cannot go. Went out with Mad. after doing washing to Miss Manning going to make me tea gown. Lin & Maud return fr. Brookwood. Mr & Mrs. Joyce, Mrs. Robertson, Mr & Mrs. Mackinlay & Mr Stanley Stubbs & ourselves dined with Miss Rose Innes at Bristol also a Spanish gentleman. After on to see Bernhardt in “La dame aux camellias” enjoyed it immensely. La Sarah more wonderful than ever. Received my annuity but not Midge’s. Tuesday 19 July Lin rode morg. Looked thro’ silver glass & china in pantry cupboard & spare bedroom. Sent cheque £25 by post by Purnel to Bank too wet to go out. Fire in drawing room.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 20 July Miss Beatrice Faudel Phillips’ wedding to P. Henriquez 3 o’c. Magnificent wedding. Went to Gorringe bought black silk for band. Thursday 21 July Out all day shop’g with Maud. Morg. to Miss Manning about heliotrope tea gown. Off to Gorringe bought benzaline(?) 4/6 rib & elastic 3/- silk 7/- needles etc 1/6½ & flan 6/6. Total 16.1½, fares to & from 10d, total 16/11½. Mrs. S. here all day. Lin & self to Criterion “Fringe of Society” awfully stupid came out early, saw Norman Sinclair & Lilly’s there. Lin rode to Baroness B. Coutts saw horses etc. Baroness most gracious. Horse carriage & cart advertised. Friday 22 July X. Petit ami au soir. Dined with Mother. Out shop. morg. with Maud. Horse Marquis advertised, several after him & carriage, none successful. Dined with Lin 11 o’c. Saturday 23 July Lady Ellis’ at home 4 - 7, Buccleugh House. Out shop. morg. with Maud. Paid 14/1½ at Derrys for M’s hat, blouse & pink cotton. Paid for cottons ballaines(?) needles buttons etc 3/4¾ & 1/11½ silk also for Maud. Horse being again tried. Drove with Mother to Lyric Theatre in fly. Lin met us there after lunching in town. Mad’lle & M. up by om. Mother brought Mad. & self back, Maud & Lin in brougham. Quiet evg. Long letter fr. Midge seems v. seedy at Grand Hotel Buenos Ayres. Sunday 24 July In bed till 12.30. Maud to Mother for day. Lin to Barkers for lunch. Mrs. S. here all day most depressed as usual. Lin & self to Zoo in brougham at 4.30. Very cold there. Called & saw Mr Tenniel’s horse. Called for Maud, Mother c’d not spare her. Sent Fanny for her later. Quiet evg. Monday 25 July Mr Forbes man called to see horse Marquis. Lin rode morg. Maud busy dressmaking. Went to be fitted by Manning 5 o’c. Angry with Purnel for striking horse over head, poor wretched animal always being punished for man’s stupidity. Tuesday 26 July V. seedy in bed till 12.30. Paid £1.7.0 for Maud’s walking shoes Marshall & Willetts, gave me receipt. Gen. Kent came to tea. Shop’d with Maud all afternoon, bought lace & ordered pink silk at Marshalls. Wednesday 27 July Fanny Kennard here one month today. In bed till 12.30. Sp. & Hilda called. Maud spending day at F. C. B’s. Mad. & self went to Gorringe’s bought Maud’s silk 10½ & 1 yd. foulard 1/11½ for self. Left cards at Mrs. Phillips, called & saw Lady Cotton & Mrs. F.C.B, w’d not let Maud return, sent her back evg. Lin rode morg. Offords offer for 2 carriages £50! Mother called but c’d not wait. Mad. went there later with note fr. self. Gentlemen (nominally) to look over house at luncheon time. Thursday 28 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wycliffe Taylor’s wedding. Mrs. H. Weber’s reception after wd’g 2 o’c at 10 Grosvenor Street. Emma here already to help Maud sew. Went to be fitted with tea gown. Saw Mrs. S, Mother, & left Lin’s suit to be cleaned (grey) at Pullars. Friday 29 July Roy’s holidays begin. Eton breaks up. Dear Roy arrived 9.15. Most excellent report, Lin & self delighted. Emma here all day helping Maud. Books £11.2.4½ for fortnight counting 5/- for two days for Maud to Emma. Drove with Roy at 5 to Ada Sp’s, & Mrs. S, grumbling as usual. Alice Linley there. To Miss Manning to be fitted with seal skin, to Sir A. Hickman’s & home. Roy & Mad. to theatre evg. Lin pd. Mad. £20 for remainder of her time. Lydia’s wages £1.16. 8. Alice ditto 1.11. 8 Fanny one month & 2 days & 2/- fare 1.17. 6½ 5. 5.10 ½ Saturday 30 July Fittleworth. Both maids Lydia & Alice go for fortnight home. Emma here & to pay books. Lin, Maud, Roy & self to Con’s. Found large party staying at Grange. Mr Skinner, English, Kindermann cousin of Fritz Jackson, Mrs. & Ethel English. Had all been to garden party at Petworth. Left all at home in Emma’s charge & felt more comfortable in consequence. Sunday 31 July Eff, Con, Ethel, Mrs. English to Church. Maud, Roy & self on river in boat. Sat out all afternoon. Party of 9 to breakfast lunch & dinner, chicks had to be in study. Ethel sang & played after dinner. Aug 1892 Monday 1 August Sat out all morg. Walked to Post office with Mrs. English. We all went to tea at Mrs. Jephson’s except Mr Skinner, Kindermann & English who went on river. Good game tennis & tea. I drove back with Con in dog cart. Tuesday 2 August Mr English left by 3 train. Mr Skinner & Mr Kindermann left by early train. Sat out working all morg. After noon Lin moved his working materials into Mr E’s room & worked there. After lunch went to Mrs. Walter Bartelot tea at cricket ground to see match between Pulboro’ & Fittleworth 11’s. Mrs. Turner there as handsome & smart as ever. Mr Jephson also. Wednesday 3 August Fine morg. Con gone to London. Lin goes also by 3 train. Letter fr. Mad’lle Jacquenot fr. Dieppe. Wrote to her sending Mrs. Schwann’s card. Wrote Mad’lle, Mother & Emma. Drove in dog cart with Eff & Mrs. E. to Major Bartelots, out. On for tea picnic at Bedham. V. jolly great fun with Kettle & Roy’s fire. I drove home in donkey cart with Roy, rest walked. Thursday 4 August Letter fr. Laurence expecting in Feby! Wrote Mrs. S, Lin & Tabs. Two wee chicks v. ill, gave them oil & whiskey, died! Friday 5 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. E, Ethel, Eff & Maud to picnic, no, bazaar, at Pulboro’. I spent afternoon with Geoff on river. Con returned by last train fr. London. Eff & self to Mrs. Hawkins morg. Mr & Mrs. Constable & two boys over for bazaar. Maud drove to Pulboro’ with Mrs. C. & back with Eff. They bought canary & ferns. Saturday 6 August Lovely day. Morg. Roy playing cricket. Eff, Ethel & self drove to Petworth & called on way on Mrs. J. Aird, Mr & Mrs. Simpson, most delightful drive. Lin arrived at 6.30 & went on river with Mrs. E, Ethel, Eff & Maud. Con & self at home. Maud seedy evening, cried. Worked too hard on dress, overtired & could not get her to bed. Emma sent cake. Had tea at Mr Jephsons on way home. Sunday 7 August Stayed at home. Long walk after lunch, on river evening. Monday 8 August Lovely day. Lin & Roy bathed early. Lin went to cricket with Roy. On river evg. Tuesday 9 August Mick lost. Wednesday 10 August Lin returning to London 3 train. All the rest went went to Primrose meeting except Con & Roy who joined them at Lord Leconfield’s later at Petworth. Mrs. E. & self remained at home & had quiet afternoon & evg on river. Thursday 11 August Eff seedy in bed till after lunch. Worked all morg. Walked to post letters, 1/stamps. Sent Roy’s hat to London. Roy to cricket match with Con in dog cart at Wisney Green. Home to dinner late. Friday 12 August Glorious day. Sat out all morg. until 12 under umbrella working with Maud. Went with Roy in boat to see him bathe. V. careless with boat etc makes me nervous, drop’d his shirt in water. Letter fr. Lin saying Mick lost. Saturday 13 August Go to Tabs. Left Fittleworth by 12.20 train v. late. All saw us off fr. station. Had to change at Chichester, Havant, Cosham & Bishopstoke. Poured with rain tho’ lovely when we left. Met Lin with Tony at B. & went on with him. V. tired all of us. Found box left behind. Tabs, Ham & Miss Holland only here. House charming. Roy & H. played game of billiards much to Tony’s surprise. Expenses leaving Eff’s. Eff 14/7, fees 5/6, fares fr. Fittleworth to Fratton 8/9, porters 1/6, fares fr. Bishopstoke to C. Church 7/7½. Sunday 14 August Box arrived. Lovely day. Sat out in long chair all morg. facing sea. Walked after lunch saw curious quantity of jellyfish. Lin H. & Roy for long walk & bathe after tea. Quiet evening. Monday 15 August Lovely day. Drove in dog cart to C. Church with Miss H. Sent wire to Mrs. S. for her birthday 81 or 2 – que Dieu ne m’accorderer pas une aussi longue vie! Con’s letter fr. Fritz, read it to Tabs & returned it to Con posting letter self at C.C. Sent


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 telegram for Tabs. Ham, Miss H, Lin & Roy tennis. Tabs & self walked along cliff. Ju & Col. attacked Trotter’s dog. Tuesday 16 August Dull morg. Wet, cleared at 11.30. Lin hard at work. Ham & Miss H. off to S’hampton on Yacht “Columbine” someone to see her there tomorrow. H & Miss H. returned home to dinner. Played game billiards with Roy. Dressmaker Mrs. Davis came & took M’s pink cotton dress to finish. Letter fr. Lydia about house. Letter & extras fr. Emma. No Mick found as yet. Wednesday 17 August Lovely day. Had bathe morg. Drove to Highcliffe after lunch, out. Roy v. funny at billiards. Thursday 18 August Fairish morg. H, Lin, Maud, Roy, Miss H. & self on yacht at 11 o’c for Bournemouth Regatta. Came on to rain heavily ½ an hour after starting, thunder & lightening. Felt v. bad, ill, Maud & Miss H. also, had to go below. Lin bought Roy M. & self ashore & home by rail, thankful to be back again & also of high tea 4.30 when we reached home. Maud off to eternal dress. I lay down & then practiced. Lin & Roy off for walk & swim. Friday 19 August Lin goes to London by early train 7 o’clock. Grand garden party at Mrs. Surman’s. Mr & Miss Gillson & Mr Goschen acted in open air “Cut off with a shilling” did it wonderfully well especially Mr Goschen. Good tennis, rifle shooting, altogether v. successful party. Bathed morg. with Miss H. Letter fr. Midge sems quite well & happy again. Came out & watched search lights evg. on terrace. Saturday 20 August Petit ami au soir. Lovely day. Bathe morg. before audience of gazing men & boys. Roy playing cricket at Mrs. Sage’s. Tabs & M. gone with him 2.30. Answered Mad’lle B’s letter. Dear Lin returns fr. London. Sunday 21 August Lovely day. In bed till 12. Tab, Miss H. & Maud to M. church. Sat out on terrace all afternoon in long chair. Mr Aird & party of 19 called evg. before dinner, met Lin, Miss H, M. & Roy along cliff on way to Highcliffe. All except self went to Col Surman’s to see “Mars” thro’ telescope. Monday 22 August Lovely day. Lin & Roy bathed before breakfast. In bed till 12 o’c. Sat out all afternoon on terrace with H. Lin & Maud to Mrs. Knowles, Miss H. & Tabbie to Mrs. Holmes & Roy to Mrs. Nugent’s. Played pool evg. Letter fr. Lady M. Tuesday 23 August In bed till 11.30. Read on terrace Zola’s “La Débâcle” most interesting. Miss H. & H. on yacht to lunch, had to come ashore no wind. Were all having tea at 5 o’c in summer house when heaviest storm I ever remember came on lasting 2 hours or more. Vivid lightening & fearful thunder. Maud Eve & Gwen at Mrs. Gibbs to tea. Roy playing cricket with 2 Wards & young Nugent. All came here to tea. Mrs. Surman & Mr & Miss Gillson came after dinner to play pool. Wednesday 24 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Sat out all morg. down by 11.30. Thursday 25 August Lovely day. Tabs, Ham, Lin & Miss H. off by first train to Southampton to meet Mervyn arriving fr. Buenos Ayres by “Magdalena”. Tabs & Mervyn back by 4 o’c, Mervyn looking fairly well. Good news of Midge & S. American things looking up again slowly. Miss H. & Hamilton & Lin arrived by “Columbine” about 6 o’c. H. thinks he has sold yacht. Mother arrived by last train with Bates. Friday 26 August Glorious day. Lin off by 1st train. Had bad night c’d not sleep thinking about Maud’s back which worries me v. much. Ham & Miss H. off yachting. Maud, Tabs & self bathed met Miss Saunders & little Dorothy Gibbs. Miss S. sweetly pretty. Met Mrs. & Miss Gillson. Tabs to Church morg. Cricket match between Mudeford & Bournemouth, 11 boys. Roy made 7 runs & 4 wickets down. Mudeford won. Roy v. excited. Saturday 27 August X. Received Midge’s June quarter £25 forwarded fr. London. Long letter fr. Mr Welch for Mother v. unbusinesslike. V. showery morg, high wind. Sent off Midge’s cheque £25 to London & County Bank. Lin returns today fr. London. Sunday 28 August Screw came off Maud’s instrument. Lovely day. Lin taking photos all morg. Tabs gave her opinion on Maud! Maud, Miss H. & Tabs for too long walk to (illeg illeg) after tea. Mervyn & I walked to Highcliffe, met Cap’t Gibbs & Mr Gillson. Lin, Ham & Roy for long walk & Roy bathed. Monday 29 August Returned home by 11.15 train. Mervyn travelled with us. Unpacked. Edgar came & spent long afternoon & talked over estate, see Lee & Pemberton thinks advisable to act at once. Edgar stayed to tea. Eff & Con staying at Edgar’s. Washing 13/-, filles 10/-, fares 17/4, cab 3/-. Total £2.3.4, leaving £2.6.8 of Lin’s. Tuesday 30 August Out shop’g morg. bought stockings etc 7/5. Miss Gill to lunch & tea. Lin returned fr. C. Church 4.50. Maud & self saw Mrs. Sambourne evg, walked there before dinner. Wednesday 31 August Maud to Mrs. Burnand. Mr Smith ap’t 11.30, £1.1.0. Took Maud at 11.30 in brougham. Had to wait, home late. Mr Smith will let her have back support at Ramsgate, says she is considerably delicate & must not be fatigued. Took Maud in cab to Victoria saw her off with Mr & Mrs. Hammond & Mrs. Burnand. Gave Maud £1.2.9. Cab 2/6, porter 3d, my fare 4d, (illeg) 6d. Barkers glycerine licorice powder etc 2/2. Maud’s ticket 10/6. Alice to Stores & Barkers. Pouring rain on & off afternoon. Sep 1892 Thursday 1 September Lin & self leave for Scotland. V. busy packing morg. Emma brought my skirt & 2 bags gave her 4/8. Mrs. Sambourne & Mrs. Sheehy to tea. Tilda also to tea & dinner. Dined 6 o’c. Packed luncheon basket self with E. Left Euston by 8 o’c L. N. W. Rly. Met Mrs. Nash (Miss Weston) at Perth with her 2 chicks. Arrived Rogart 4


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 o’c. Miss Taylor, Mr Fort, Mr Marshall, Mr Moon & Mr Thring there. Did not sleep well. Reached Perth 6 o’c. Friday 2 September Perth 6 o’c. Breakfasted comfortably. Met Mrs. Nash & 2 chicks on their way to Kingussie. Rained on & off all day. Reached Rogart 4 o’c. 8 small & 4 large packages. Lady M. looking v. delicate. House party Miss Taylor & Messrs Thring, Fort, Marshall & Moon. Miss T. played viola after dinner Mr Moon accompanying. Slept well. Letter fr. darling Maud seems happy & well. Saturday 3 September Rained on & off all day, only able to visit Kitchen garden. Gentlemen out until tea time. Baby v. much grown. Mr Richards & Mr Newton arrived. Mr Fort massaged & carried to smoking room! Had long talk after dinner with Mr Moon on Jamaica, he being in Edgar’s old regiment 1st West India. Sunday 4 September Grand Golf match. Mr Thring won by one! Mr Richards only one less. Mr Ryle over for lunch. Miss Taylor played after. Rested in room at 6 o’c till 8. Played Camp. Things chosen: “Pope’s right toe”, “Mr Fort’s red band to (illeg) Prussian princesses”, “The other side of Moon”, “First spark of flame fr. drawing room fire”, “Rogart station master’s right boot”. Monday 5 September Dear little Tony killed by Ju at Elmhurst, Mudeford, Hants. Mr Moon left. Sat in all morg. reading working & talking. Lin also in at work. Read short paper in “Century” of Arch. Forbes on Empress Eugenie. After lunch read Chaucer “The Knight’s Story”. Mr Dryhurst arrived had tea. Went for walk with Lady M, Miss Taylor, Mr Dryhurst & Mr Fort. Kitchen garden after! Letter fr. Tabbie, Roy well & good. Poodle arrived at Elmhurst. Tuesday 6 September Poor Tony dead. Lovely day warm & sunny entire day. Lin in all day for work. Lady M. & Miss T. started walking with gentlemen at 10.30, returned at 1.45. I practiced, walked & read on lawn. Lin in to lunch. Had letter fr. Tabs & dear Roy telling us of dear Tony’s death yesterday. Bitten by Ju & killed instantly. Played Nebugadnezza(sic) & spelling game evg. New word Keevil! Lady Fitzharding, Duchess of Wellington, Lady Westmoreland & Mrs. Anstrobus called & had tea. Wednesday 7 September Lovely morg. Drove to Dornoch distance of 14 miles in brake (Lady M, Mr Watney, Miss Taylor, Messrs Fort, Dryhurst, Richards, Newton, Lin & self) picked up Mr Ryle at Golspie & went on to links. All played golf excepting Lady M, Mr Ryle & self. Had lunch on sea shore in shower of rain, plenty of bunkers for comfort’s sake. Walked part of way over links. Dornoch v. picturesque little town like an old Norman village nestled amongst hills. Went over Cathedral curious skimpy curtains to each long window. Monument of Duke of Sutherland at altar. Giant skeleton. Played games all way driving to Dornock & back. “Scandal” etc. Very pleasant day. Thursday 8 September Lovely day. In all morg. writing & reading. Miss T. out fishing but caught nothing. After lunch had photos taken all together by Mr Watney. Lady M, Miss T. & self drove on omnibus to Lairg & had tea at Lady Fitzharding’s. Lord F. v. cross, Duke


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & Duchess of Wellington, Lord & Lady Westmorland & Mrs. Antrobus who was more talkative. Lairg Lodge has lovely view of river “Shin” but is not really so large or as pretty as Tressady, no comparison. Game of adjectives after dinner. (illeg) for gentlemen played golf. Lin & Mr Newton won. Friday 9 September “Why is a balloon like a stocking. Because the higher it goes the more invisible it gets.” (Mr Dryhurst’s son.) Miss T. went off fishing at Craigie with some of the gentlemen. Mr Watney, Lin & another shooting, & rest shooting rabbits here. Lady M. & self drove with cheesenut(?), grand goings on at Rogart games so came back. Saturday 10 September Lovely day. Drove after lunch to tea with Mr Ryle. Mr Fort & Mr Dryhurst had lunch there. Met Lady Margaret Graham & Mr Graham at Mr Ryle’s. Gentlemen came home with us. Dumb crambo evg. Had awful indigestion. Sunday 11 September Lovely day, warm. Mr Ryle over for breakfast & lunch. Lin feeling very seedy indeed. Golf match with Col Bogie, Lin unable to play until after lunch. Miss T. & Mr Dryhurst practiced music (Wagner) all morg. Wrote to Tabs, Maud, Roy & Lydia. Monday 12 September Rained more or less all day, mostly more. Miss T. went fishing with gentlemen. Lin & Mr Dryhurst golf match, Lin won. Lin & self to first hole took 30 for it self! Lady M. & Mr Watney were driven in by rain. Read “Prologue to Canterbury Tales” by Chaucer, like it best of all we have yet read. Tuesday 13 September Rained morg. Water at fern. Read Q’s stories “Two householders” & “A Christmas lecture or sermon”. Lovely after lunch. Fishing & golf. Lady Frances Fortescue arrived, v. pretty & charming manners. Knitting much in vogue. Wednesday 14 September X. Petit ami. Dear Roy returns to Eton from Tabbie’s. Mother & Emma met him, well & happy. Missed his train. Went to Craggie in break & dog cart. Had horse for me over moors, c’d never have walked it. Lunched under picturesque crooked beech tree. Learnt cobbler string(?) Evg. played Dumb Crambo. Thursday 15 September We return home. Left Tressady 10.30. Mr Thring & Mr Richards came as far as Nairn with us. Spencer, Ada & two children met us at Dingwall. Duke & Duchess of Wellington in next coupé to us. Ld. & Lady Fitzharding & Mr Arbuthnot saw them off. Duchess asked me where we were going at Perth station & said she & the Duke were going to Glasgow. Had lunch & dinner in train. Saw Hollands & English’s at Nairn. Friday 16 September Slept well. Home at 9.30. Breakfasted & had talk & thorough change. House looks v. nice except Co. pans! Edgar came in about tea time about law business, v. austere. Lin hard at work. Dined at 9.45. Mervyn came in evg. Saturday 17 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 In bed till 11.30, feel much better for long rest & good night’s sleep. Emma came & will come to us on the 10th when Lydia goes. Paid her 1/6 for taking Roy’s hat & meeting him. Sunday 18 September Lovely day. Lin went to Calais & back. I spent day with Mother, Mervyn there. Mr Beatie to lunch, queer little man, actor. Lin fetched me evg. Lydia & Alice out part of day. Monday 19 September In bed till 11.30. Fine but hot close & stuffy. Went after lunch & sat entire afternoon with Mrs. S. Alice Linley there, saw Mrs. Cox. Lin hard at work. Wrote Maud, Traddles & Midge & Mrs. Carter. Mervyn goes to Tabs. Tuesday 20 September Ans’d advertisements for cook & housemaid & governess. Worked morg. Out after lunch bought tomatoes & 1/- hair net. Called & saw Mrs. Cole. Dined at 6.30. Went to see “Prodigal dau” at Drury Lane, saw Beaty & Black, Mr Cox & Donoly, & Claud Watney. Went to supper at Amphytrion Club after with C.W. Drove home in Claud’s hansom. Asked Lin & self to his house Suffolk, Lin going. Piece excellent, most amusing & well mounted. X. Saw Mr Lowndes about Midge’s money, they only allow 1 per cent so sh’ll not put it on deposit. Wednesday 21 September Dined with Mother. Having her carpets up. Answered advertisements. Thursday 22 September Mrs. S. spent day here is really v. well, pottered up & down. Eff came in to lunch & remained night. Went with her to fetch bag fr. 2 Egerton Ter. Lin, Eff & self to Lyric to see stupidest piece I ever saw. Friday 23 September Went to be fitted with seal skin. On to see Mother, looked seedy but all carpets up & general discomfort. Go by 3.55 fr. Vic Sta. alone to Con’s. Lin going to Claud Watney’s. Saw nice looking parlour maid. Cab 2/-, fare 11/6, Eff 10/- board, stout 1/8, maid 2/-, porters 1/-, cab home 2/-. 3 rd class return Pulborough to Fittleworth 6d. Total £1.8.10. Saturday 24 September Con v. seedy in bed until dinner. Had long walk with Eff evg. Mr Turner & son called. Mrs. Cox staying with Eff. Sunday 25 September Stayed with Con whilst Eff & Mrs. Cox at Church. Miss Turner called. Went for walk with Eff after tea. Monday 26 September Miss Peach’s came to tea & went up river with them. Quiet day & evg, cleaned brass all morning. Lady came to see me over Staff. Ter. Called on Mrs. Jephson. Tuesday 27 September Saw maid huge fringe so could not take her. Returned home by 3.10, Con better. Mr Watney sent us hare, 3 brace of partridges. Found Lin here. Quiet little dinner together.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 28 September Lovely day. Lin busy all day on Almanack. Drove in brougham at 4 o’c to Mrs. S, could make no one hear. To Mrs. Clarke’s Redcliffe Sqre. Left brown velvet dress at Pullars to be cleaned, & to Mother’s where I dined. Took her brace of partridges. Lydia went to see her future home at Lambeth. Sent off 2/- to Carnes. Thursday 29 September Lovely day. Lin rode mare before breakfast. Maud returns fr. Mrs. Paxton’s, Walmer. Met Maud who came up with Mr Paxton & Maud P. Lin & self went to see Sullivan’s new play “Haddon Hall”. Mr Burnand there, thinks it bad. I liked it, music pretty, scenery charming & dresses lovely. Friday 30 September Out morg. with Maud to Sloane Street. Bought cake 1/1, bus fares 4d. Maud Paxton came to stay. Arrived at 5 o/c with the Baroness von Aldasleben(?) charming girl engaged to Mr Chetwynd. I drove her back to Onslow Sqre & called to see Mother. Mervyn there, going to Con’s tomorrow. Oct 1892 Saturday 1 October Pouring wet morg. cleared at 12 o’c. Lin & self were going to see Roy unable to go too wet. Took the 2 Mauds to see “Boat House” Tooles afternoon in brougham, returned by cab 2/6, program 6d. Met Mrs. Kemp & Mona. Paid Lydia’s book & 2 months wages £4.8.0. Lydia left. Emma came. Lin & self took 2 Mauds to see “Private Secretary” at Comedy evg, most amusing. Sunday 2 October Pouring wet morg. Dressed for church & unable to go. Fires. Lin walked to Club for tea. 2 Mauds & self walked to Mother’s after tea & back. Quiet evg. round fire telling ghost stories. Monday 3 October M’s first drawing class. Fine morg. I took Maud to her drawing class 9.30 with M. P. Went to Mother’s after lunch saw Mervyn & Con. To stores. Tuesday 4 October Lost key of desk. Sir B. B, Mrs. Kemp & Mona to dinner, Mervyn & Mr Stone. Morning went out shops & did orders. Bates came to help & waited well with Alice. Two Mauds out all morg. alone shop’g. Mad’lle Jacqenot called afternoon. Saw V. nice Swiss lady & wrote for her testiminial. Saw little maid & her mother. Had v. good evg. Maud dined in morg. room as we were 9. Lin rode before breakfast. Wednesday 5 October Dull morg. Lin rode before breakfast. Maud to her 2 nd drawing class. Big M. & I took her & shop’d & saw Mrs. S. who we found well, v. well, & less red but as usual weepy & complaining. Two M’s & self dined at Mother’s. Mervyn to theatre, Con went later. Thursday 6 October In all morg. rained. Went to German Reed’s entertainment. Returned by Om. Dined early & went with Lin & M. P. to first night of Mr Burnand’s & Le Coq’s comic opera at Lyric “Incognita” brilliant house as regards women & gowns. Piece


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 well received. Mrs. C.B & Charlie, Frank & Connie B. there. My Maud to bed early. Lord Tennyson died aged 84. Friday 7 October Lin & self dine at Mrs. Kemp’s 7.45. Took Maud to drawing with Maud P. met Mr Rawlinson. Two Mauds dine at Mother’s. Wired to Annie Tallant to come. 16 to dinner at Mrs. K’s. Bergheims, Simmonds, Sermans(?), Cap’t Fairbrother, Lewis’s & Mabel , gent’n unknown to me, dull evg. A.Lewis took me in always found him poor dining companion. Dullest naval man I ever met Cap’t F. Saturday 8 October Lin & self go to see Roy. Two Mauds go to Covent Garden to see “The Prodigal daughter”. Lovely day. Roy met us looking fairly well, rather dark round his eyes. We lunched at the White Hart Hotel dear & nasty together, saw Mrs. Harrison & her boy there. Went over state apartments. Gobelin tapestries, Van Dyke & Sir T. Lawrence’s pictures & Jubilee presents most noticeable. View fr. terraces lovely. Went over St George’s chapel saw Sir E. Boehm’s statues of Prince Imperial & Emperor Frederic of Germany. Returned by 4.5 fr. Windsor. Miss Lutyens sent me a pink heath. Quiet evg. Played “Camps”. This week Lord Tennyson & Mons. Renan have both died. Sunday 9 October Wet morg. After lunch Lin rode to Wimbledon. Two Mauds & self walked to & from Mother’s. Found Miss Dale (large & (illeg) lady) there going to Albert H. with Mervyn. Played games after dinner. Miss Agnes Clarke called. Monday 10 October X. Madame Maack came. Mrs. Tuer’s evg. party 9.30. Maud to her drawing class. Mrs. S. to lunch & tea. Marquis lame fr. corns, should have had his shoes removed Saty as I advised Lin , but his faith in Parnel is complete. Maud Paxton returned to Walmer. Maud & self saw her off, cab & guard 3/3. Arranged with Mrs. Bixley (char) to come tomorrow by week, 8/- a week mornings. Called & saw Miss Lutyens with Maud. Madame M. came. Mde Allain & Mad’lle J. called, out. Lettre disant que jeune fille ne vient pas, trop loin. X. Petit ami. Tuesday 11 October Mrs Bixley here ½ day. In bed till 11.30. Lin rode with Mr Finlay to see Buffalo Bill gees. Mr F. bought one for £12. Lin went to see B.B. performance after lunch. Mad. Jacquenot to tea. Maud & Madame to Gaiety Theatre evg. Lin dining at Mr Stone’s & going on there after also C. Watney. I unable to go on account of little F. Saw cook won’t do. Lin home late, on to supper at Garrick & to C.W’s rooms after. Wednesday 12 October In bed till 12 o’c, v. tired. Lovely day. Lin rode with Mr Stone & Mr Wyndham. Maud to her drawing with Madame M. I dined Mother evg. after going with Lin as far as Northumberland Avenue. Mervyn wanting to go on stage again. Letter fr. Edgar about estate. Lord Tennyson’s funeral at Westminster Abbey. Thursday 13 October In bed till 12 feel v. seedy & weak. Heard of Mr Bradbury’s death this morg. by telegram. Called at 3.30 on Mrs. Lynn Linton, C. Mathews & Oswald Crawfurd, Mrs. Alexander & Aunt Linda with Mervyn, all out. Lin rode morg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 14 October Lin going to C.Watneys, Beccles. In bed till 12 feel v. seedy. Maud to drawing class. Mabel Lewis also there. Maud seems to like Madame Maark, am v. glad. Saturday 15 Ocrober Got up to breakfast after feeling v. seedy. Sat in dining room all morg. working. Drawing room v. nicely cleaned by Alice & Mrs. Bixley. Both horses being clipped. Sent on Lin’s pipe & Buffalo Bill catalogue of horses to be sold or sold. Went in bus to Mother’s. Stayed to tea & dinner. Con & Mervyn there v. wild played & sang. Boys danced & at 10 o’c went out together. Home in cab 1/-. Alice out. M’a parlé qu’elle ne desire pas aller à la campagne, ennui. Sunday 16 Ocrober Quiet morg. Feel little better. Lin returns tonight. Maud doing Monte Carlo drawing all day. C’d not get her to lie down. V. quiet day no one called. Wrote letters & read. Mrs. Bixley did not come. Monday 17 October Lin gone early to Mr Bradbury’s funeral, Norwood. Went out morg. self ordered fish 2/2. To bank about Cent. Arg. paper. Lin brought 2 brace pheasants & 2 brace partridges fr. C. W’s. A Mr Stanhope & Mr Potter there besides Lin. Con coming for night wired could not come. Lin & self went to Opera heard “Orfeo” Gluck’s, & “Cavalleria Rusticana” Mascagni, charming the last. Mr Killen came & sat in our box. Mad’lle J. to tea, pd her 9/-, shop’d with Maud. Tuesday 18 October Mrs. Lewis evg. party 9 o’c. Lovely morg. but woke with sore throat & feel v. tired & seedy. Ans. advertisements. Maud with Mde. to be fitted with tailor dress. Con coming for night. Called afternoon on Baroness von Alsonleben(?) Thomsons, Pollock, house agent, Spofforth & Miss Lutyens & Mother. Con came looks v. seedy. Saw Irish girl Mackay after dinner. Lin to Mrs. Lewis’ met usual throng. I felt too tired & heady to go. Saw housemaid C.Pretty, asks £20! Wednesday 19 October Lovely day. Con had v. bad night & looks wretched in consequence. Maud to drawing. Saw consequential parlourmaid without a manner. Lin riding morg. Wrote character for A. Tallent & after character of C. Pretty. Saw tall fair parlourmaid with loud voice. X. Called Bank & left Banker’s receipt for £23, Cent Argt. Rly. Some settlement made today with Chapple Welch & C. firm & Lee & Pemberton. Dined at Mother’s. Called on Mrs. English & took Eff to 11 Pont St. Saw Eddie’s rooms, to Harvey Nicols, saw Mrs. Knowles, & to Mother’s. Con came to Mother’s late & returned here to sleep, V. seedy indeed. Lin with bad cold. Thursday 20 October Ask Bergheims to dinner 7.45. Mr & Mrs. Finlay & Mr & Mrs. Fildes to dinner. Morg. went with Maud on bus to Greenfield’s, to Harrods, met Mrs. de la Rue. After lunch 2.30 went to stores with Maud got wine, cigars, drugs, flowers etc. Con here to tea looks v. ill, seen Gibbon, left about 6.30. Lin rode after lunch to Richmond & looks better for it. Bates here to wait. Alice forgot bread & bread sauce at table, otherwise all well. Fire in morg. room, rec’d there. Everyone says how pretty Maud is. Mr Fildes much struck with her drawing. 2 new arm chairs. It never rains but it pours with Lin! Epidemic of chairs now. Mr Clemonson called, curate.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 21 October Paid books. X. Received list of securities fr. London County Bank. X. Received character of C.Pretty, the last 2 characters not over good. Maud to drawing class. Lin’s cold still v. heavy. Dined at Mother’s, Con & Mervyn there. Pd. Bates 2/6 for assisting wait yesterday. Paid Mrs. Bixley 8/- for week’s work here morgs. Called on M. Pollack etc. Fitted with seal. Called Miss Sandeman & Mrs. Turner. Saturday 22 October Out morg. shops. V. cold. Paid 1/4 flowers, 1/- stamps. Maud & Mde. out. Lin rode morning. Lin & self drove to Camera Club met J. Bergheim there. Bought 2 lbs sausages 1/8, stamped envelopes 2/4. Quiet evg. Sunday 23 October Perfect day. Maud & Madame to Church & to enquire Mrs. Eykyn & walk. I fetched Mrs. S. & walked here with her. Lin rode to Barker’s, away. Sent Mrs. S. back in cab with Madame. Quiet day no one called. Monday 24 October X. C.Pretty comes. Lovely day. M. to drawing. Saw old cook. Gave Purnel out fur cape. Lin riding. Madame helped me mend Lin’s stockings. At 3.30 to Bank about Cent. Arg. & Buenos Ayres Gt. Southern shares to be converted into ordinary stock. Left “Far away Melody” & “A Nile Story” at Lady M.W’s. Left table cloth at Pullars 5 prs gloves & M’s dress at dyers next door to P’s. Called on Mrs. Tait, out, & Kens. Free library. Tuesday 25 October V. wet. Went with Maud to Greenfields by bus 2d. Ordered 2 nightdresses. Paid 14/6 Maud’s stays at Bournes Sloane St. Ordered cottons etc. Home in cab 1/-. Je n’aime pas de tout la nouvelle fille, elle est laide & ne save pas bien faire son ouvrage. Mrs Ledyard & daugh. to tea. Went at 3.30 in carriage to Mrs. Hunts, Duke St, Manchester Sqre. about cook & straight back. Wednesday 26 October X. Nana came. Fog. Cold. Maids late in morg. room. Went to be fitted with seal skin. To Ealing at ¼ to 12 with Mrs. Sambourne. To Ealing in brougham, fog here, fine at Ealing. Nana came & slept night. Had pleasant drive & good lunch well cooked & well served. Drove mare & went back at 4 o’c to Mother’s. Con & Merv. there to dinner. Mother’s eye bad. Nellie K. to tea here, just returned fr. Ramsgate. Three cooks called, Emma saw them. Femme de chamber très bête. Purnel wanted to drive mare fast , stop’d him. Lin took Maud’s drawing of Monte Carlo. Thursday 27 October Took Banker’s receipts of Cent Argentine Rly to London & County Bank to be changed for cert. Called at 7. Pouring wet morg. Nana here. Received mine & Midge’s annuities together £50. Parlage avec fille ne croit pas qu’elle peut faire l’ouvrage, point de memoire. Went at 3 o’c to L. & C. Bank took Bankers receipts for Cent. Argentine Rly £23, several of them, also entered £50 to ac’t. Purnel drove Marquis so abominably jagging his mouth that I spoke to him. Unable to do anything I wanted. Drove round Park, got out French Embassy. Got Maud’s hat, silk, & hooks & eyes, & returned. Pouring rain. Much warmer. Mervyn to dinner. Nana still here. Friday 28 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maud to drawing. Pouring day. Went at 5 with Maud to Tailors, no dress ready. To dine at Mother’s, Beaty there, do not care for him. Saw cook, widow, too delicate also do not like her address. Mrs. Cox came about her nephew. Dined with Lin 10 past 11 o’c. Saturday 29 October Dear Roy home. Out morg. shop’g. with Maud bought her gloves 5/10 & paid, tapes cottons etc 9d, sweets 1/-, flowers 1/-, my gloves 5/6. Lin rode morg, mare fresh. Dear Roy arrived at 1.30. Went with Lin to Court Theatre after lunch to see “Guardsman” excellent. Maud, Madame & Roy by Metropolitan. Enjoyed it immensely. Mr & Mrs. De Carne & child & Mr & Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Roberts & dau. & Sir Thomas Lucas there. Roy & Lin to “Prodigal daughter” after early dinner at 6.30. Mad’lle called & left books, had tea during our absence. Sunday 30 October Mrs. Heilbert’s dinner. 8 o’c. Dull. Lovely day. Alice out afternoon & evening. Walked with Roy morg. & discussed race horses & mythological heroes! Maud taken medicine. Nana with bad cold. Lin worked all day, rode after lunch. Roy & self went in cab to Mother’s to tea. Ethel English called. Mrs. Harry Burnand & little boy came to tea here, entirely forgot I had asked them. I dined with children here. Monday 31 October Dear Roy left for Eton. Nana returned to Bristol. Pouring wet day. Letter fr. Annie engaged to lady I wrote character to. Nana left poor little thing just as whiney as ever gave her my old blue jacket. Drove at 3 o’c to International for stores to meet Tabs. Missed her & drove to Arts & Letters club, 4 Grafton St. Mervyn there, Tabbie came after, had tea together. Tabs looking rather seedy. Mr Marsden had tea with us & spoilt our family chat. Drove Mervyn home. Quiet evg. Saw cook. All seem to want an asylum with high wages & nothing to do. Nov 1892 Tuesday 1 November Went at 11 o’c to stores with Maud cashed £2.0.0 at Slaters. Bought 3 tea cloths 6/4, skirt for self 7/6, music 12/7, paid for. Ordered Maud 3 coms 4 prs stockings 2 vests £2.14.1. Mrs. Calderon, Spofforth, English & Ethel called. Mad’lle also. Lin finished Almanack. Wednesday 2 November White fog. Waddie & Evelyn coming to sleep here night. Eve coming to see dentist. Lin paid my Nov. house cheque £25.0.0. Thursday 3 November Evelyn & Waddie left. To tea Lucy Flowers. Went morg. with Maud to Bond St, bus 4d. Saw charming jacket at Duncan’s 4½ gns. Dickens & Jones 8/1½ velvet. Ordered bodice for Midge 11/9 at Lewis & Allenbys. Home in cab 2/-. Wad. & Evelyn left 1.30. Lin rode after lunch. Saw widow cook Mrs. Bixley recommended. Lovely day. Clara awfully late doing stairs, not finished, forgot Lin’s night suit, my slops, & neither mine nor M’s dresses brushed. To Duncan’s ordered 2 jackets. Friday 4 November X. Dull. Maud to class. Go for cook’s character Wynstay Gds. Out morg. shops. Put £30 in P.O. Savings Bank. Ordered joint, M’s serge lining, flowers fr. Barkers 1/6. Men fr. Stores doing creeper. Dined at Mother’s saw Edgar, £12,000 odd


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 deficient. Dear Mrs. Sambourne passed peacefully away at 10 o’c this evening after only one day’s illness, at Mrs. Arthur Linley’s 19 Hamilton Road, Ealing. Saturday 5 November Maud & self to tea Mrs. Ledyard. 2 Elgin(?) Pk. Rd. Out morning shop’g. Met Mad’lle who went with me. Returning met Maud & Madame who told us of telegram just received fr. Ealing, dear Mrs. Sambourne passed away peacefully at 10 o’c last evg. Lin rode over to Ealing, I drove. Saw Alice & Arthur, stayed some time. Mrs. Sambourne looked most peaceful. Only at 7 o’clock the night before she became unconscious & never rallied again. Her body was brought here at 9.30 & now rests in the morning room. Dear Lin terribly cut up. Letters fr. Edgar saying deficit of Welch & Chappel £12,000 odd. Mother has received £500 a year less than she should have done. They are unable to account for over £4,000, with £2,000 odd in East Florida Land. Sunday 6 November Directors invite to Natural History Museum 3 o’c.Tea after at 26 Stanhope Gardens. Lin slept badly. X. Petit ami au matin. Pouring wet day. Dear Mrs. Sambourne closed 11 o’c. Lin rode to Wimbledon. Barkers away. Monday 7 November German Reed’s 8 o’c. In all day. Lin rode morg. & arranged further about funeral tomorrow. Mervyn came round. Kind letters fr. everyone about dear Mrs. Sambourne. Maud went with Madame to be fitted at Duncan’s. Duncan’s sent late to fit me with my jacket. Mad’lle called & Miss Winthrop. Sent off box to Midge by Purnel, care of Henniker & Hogg, Southampton. Tuesday 8 November X. Dine at Mrs. English’s 7.45. Dear Mrs Sambourne interred at Highgate Cemetery. Mother & Mervyn sent two exquisite wreaths, Mrs. Linley a very pretty one, & Lin & mine, & the dear chicks one. A lovely bunch of white chrysanthemums & ferns tied with mauve ribbon fr. Fanny Worth which dear Lin & Roy took with them. Mr Barker & Arthur Linley & Mervyn will meet Lin & Roy at the Cemetery. Dear Roy arrived fr. Eton at 10.30. Wretched foggy morning & colder. Wednesday 9 November In bed till 10.30. Maud & Madame to Duncan’s to be fitted. Alice Linley to lunch. Went with her to Mrs. Cox’s to see to poor Mrs. Sambourne’s things, sorted them with Alice. Nellie came there to see me, felt bad seeing her it all seems so terribly sad & sudden. Miss Harcourt called. Mervyn here to tea. X. Maud petit ami. Darling Roy returned to school after dinner, lost his return ticket, been so dear & good. Neither maids out. Letter fr. Edgar enclosing another solicitor’s letter about estate. Thursday 10 November Again fog. Got up at 9.30 & looked thro’ Mrs. Sambourne’s things, a sad task all alone Maud too young to help. Letter fr. Mrs. Cox, gave maid 5/-. Thick fog. Started with Maud for Marcus to be fitted had to return. Called & saw dear Mother. Lin went to 1st night “King Lear” at Lyceum. Friday 11 November Dense fog, unable to go out. Put out silver. Madame Allain called. Dear Lin started for Tabs in dog cart with mare 4 o’c still dense fog. Feel a strange feeling


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 at my heart think it must be indigestion always get it when hurried. Lin gave me cheque of £15 for expenses to Ramsgate & wages. Gave Lin £1.0.0 fr. purse. Drew cheques for Emma £2.18.5, Alice £3.3.4, Mrs. Cox £4.6.0. Saturday 12 November Dense black fog. Packed with Alice until 11.30. Carriage came went as far as Queen’s Gate had to return on ac’t of fog, dense. To Barker’s got black silk blouse, pd. for it £1.9.6. Pd. M’s shoes Kelsey’s 2/6. Paid Purnel £1.10.2. Had to pay 1/6 for box lent Mde, also 9d for cook’s box. Alice out evg. Packed all afternoon. Mrs. Cox called. Sunday 13 November Dull day. Packed all morg & afternoon till 4 o’c. Nellie came & cheered me up. Mad’lle came & took Mde. M. to concert at Hall. Mad’lle came to tea & supper, gave her dress & jacket. Letter fr. Mervyn, dear Mother not well. Monday 14 November Glorious morning. Finished packing. Letter fr. A. about clothes sent, Mrs. Carter, dear Lin, & Hartree, & a nasty one fr. F. Worth, a life of mistaken duty, cruel to me & cruel to the one I wished to be kind to but could never love. All ready by 10 o’c. Stiff neck!!! Tuesday 15 November X. Lovely morg. Clara whole morg. doing drawing room & my room, not touched remaining rooms. Put things straight. Maud & Madame out all morg. Cuisinière affreusement lente. Went out chose piano after dark. My room, Maud’s & drawing room cleaned. Lin returned fr. Tabs. Arrival of Tabbie “Pup”. Wednesday 16 November Inventory taken. Dining room carpet up, room cleaned with many interruptions. 3 letters fr. dear Lin, going to Beccles on return fr. Tabs. Wet day. Stairs being done! Out shops after dusk bought 8 dish cloths, 6 dusters, 2 round towels. Thursday 17 November Went to London by 9.40 fr. S.E. Rly Sta. To Greenfields, & Marcus. Lunched at Harrods stores. Dined at Mother’s. Dear Mother v. ill during dinner with her heart, felt most anxious about her. Lin returned at night. Friday 18 November After breakfast went to Mother’s. Had fly & drove to Greenfields fitted 2 nd time. To Madame Bocquet chose material for dress to be fitted tomorrow. Had lunch with Mother at Blanchards. Home & had tea & dinner at Mother’s. Bates walked home with me at 8 o’c. Lin worried doing drawing he does not like & had 2 worrying letters fr. Mr Burnand. Dined at 20 past 11 o’c. Saturday 19 November To Madame B’s to be fitted in carriage. Packed & returned to Ramsgate with Lin by 3.25 fr. C. X. 45 minutes late at Rams. Man 3/- for fly. Expenses to & fr. London with cabs lunch etc etc. £1.10.0. Sunday 20 November Lovely day. To St Mary’s alone. Maud & Madame to St George’s. Parade after & its usual company. Sat 20 minutes with Miss Graves, in bed v. ill. Dear Lin seems depressed. Went for long walk with Maud after lunch.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 21 November Fine morg, dull later. Lin looks seedy. Bessie Hollingshead to dinner. Awfully bad dinner. Soup, guache cutlets like giant chops & nasty mashed potatoe. 3 partridges utterly ruined, crops left in. Altogether v. ashamed. Shop’d morg. Mrs Burnand & Rosie called to tea. Tuesday 22 November Dull morg. Called & saw Mrs. Turner about washing, she as worried with new laundry maids as I am with mine. Saw Churchill about account. Miss Lomax dress maker. Mrs. Borradaile, Miss Kelly, Mrs. Hood with Horrie & Mr & Mrs. Fagan came to tea. Mary B. to tea with Maud. Wednesday 23 November Dull. Dear Lin to London. Agnew took his boxes. Awfuly worried in house, everyone seems over worked & no heart in their work. Alice & Mrs. Armstrong out. Shop’d morg. Met both Thomsons. Pd. for yellow gauze, buttons & linen lining at Hawkins 3/1½. Cabs 6d. Thursday 24 November Dull. Wire from Lin. Going to London by 1.15. Awful harange with Grizzle, can’t stand her much longer. Telegram 6d, buns 2d. To town by 1.15. Called saw Mother. Dined with Lin, Pegani’s, & on to see “Arabian Nights”. Felt so tired. Friday 25 November To stores morg. To Derry’s after lunch. Dined Mother’s, Judy there. V. tired feel completely worn out. Dear Lin dined 11.15. Seemed more cheerful than last Friday. To bed. Saturday 26 November In all morg. arranging. Came to Ramsgate by 3.25 with Lin. Pouring. Had to take squeezy but full, Lin walked. Paid 1/6. Mr & Mrs. Fagan dined here. Soup. Roast mutton, spinach, potatoes. 2 roast pheasants, salad. Rice mould, apricots. Bloater toast. Sunday 27 November To Church & to see Miss Graves. Walked with Lin to Mrs. Fagan’s. Lin & Mr F. for walk & Mrs. F. here, all came to tea. M. at Mrs. Gould’s. Maud, Lin & self to Mrs. Burnand’s after dinner, large party there. Monday 28 November Alice gave notice. S’en ira cette fois. To Mrs Fagan’s after lunch to call on Mrs Wills & Mrs Montefiore. Lin at club all morg. Saw poor cook fr. St Peters, appearance against her, lived one month with Miss Gould, good house to come from. Tuesday 29 November Out morg. Found all below more orderly. Saw awful cook with short characters fr. Canterbury. Called Miss Gould about A.W. Comme ci comme ça. Ordered fresh herrings, fowl, chestnuts, wine. Met Mrs. Burnand. Mrs. Burnand’s party for Mr Burnand’s birthday. Mrs. Fowler’s evg. party. Saw Post office Master here about A. Finlay’s letter. French book by Carmen Sylva. V. pleasant evg. at Mrs. F.C.B’s. “The Lottery” by Rosie charming little piece. Mr & Mrs. Fagan & Miss Stancombe to tea.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 30 November Dear Lin to London. Parlage avec cuisinière. Went for walk with Mde. & Maud. Clara out. X. Sent £26.5.0 to Glyn Mills & Currie 3 rd call on 21 B. Ayres Gt. S. shares. Susie a’B. to tea, stayed some time. Dec 1892 Thursday 1 December Pay £26.5.0 to B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 5% preference shares third call. Paid & sent this yesterday. X. Petit ami, Maud slept badly. Had quiet peaceful day, read E. About’s “Germaine”. Maud’s sofa came. Letter fr. Lin. Mary B. to tea. Mrs. Wills called. Friday 2 December To tea at Mrs. Bartram’s. Sent M. to say c’d not go. Lovely day. Alice pd. books for me. Mrs. Armstrong out afternoon. Saturday 3 December Received banker’s receipt for £26.5.0 for B. A. Gt. S. Rly. Alice ill had to go to bed morg. Maud out, ordered fish, fowl, flowers, fruit. Mrs. a’Beckett to dinner. Lin coming by Granville. Pouring wet day. Saw Alice’s aunt. Bessie H. to tea. Lin down by late train. Dinner 8.15, Mrs. a’B to dine. Sunday 4 December Lovely day. Mr Millikin arrived at 1.30. Lin, Mr M, & Mr Fagan for long walk. Mr & Mrs. Fagan to tea. Mr Weigall & Mr Bill also to tea. Maud to see Ethel B. at Convent & to dinner after at Mrs. Burnand’s. Lin & Mr M. went in after dinner. Monday 5 Decemebr In bed to breakfast. Mr Fagan came after lunch & went for long walk with Lin & Mr M. Mrs. & Miss Vale to tea & Mr Fagan. Maud, Lin & self dined at Mr Burnand’s, delightful evening. Snowed, ground thick coming home. Alice out afternoon & evening. Grand bruit avec laitière dans la cuisine. Tuesday 6 December Mrs O’Connell’s at home. Mrs. Warre to tea here 5 o’c. Ill c’d not come. Asked A.W. to call 12 o’c. Came, gave her 6d. Snow on ground v. cold. Out morg. to order for tonight. Soup. Fried soles. Roast mutton haricot beans, potatoes, currant jelly. Roast fowl, salad. Rice mould, pears, cream. Bloater toast, cheese biscuits. Mr & Mrs. Burnand, Mr Fagan, Lin, Maud & self to dinner. Wednesday 7 December Wet dull day. Mr Milliken & Lin to town by Gran. Out calling after lunch, Bessie H. & Mrs. Borradaile, met Lady Lanson there. Alice out afternoon & evening. Thursday 8 December Lovely day. Paid books morg. Met all Ramsgate. Two letters fr. Lin. Letter fr. Roy. Holidays commence Friday week. After lunch Maud & self called on Mrs. Warre, out, & Mrs. Buckmaster, had tea there & stayed till 5.30. Heard that poor H. Thornton gone mad & obliged to be locked up. Mrs. Armstrong out. Alice looking glum but can roar down stairs. My bodice home, does not quite fit. Mrs. Bartram & Mr & Mrs. Fagan called. Friday 9 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Out morg. Saturday 10 December Mrs. Montefiore’s dinner. Maud to tea at Mrs. Bartram’s. Maud & self lunched at Mrs. Fagan’s. Ethel & dear Lin came down by Granville. V. pleasant dinner at Mrs. M’s. Mr M. took me in. Mr Spielman on other side. Advertisement . Seulement une est veuve(?) et trop tard que je n’ai pas peur la voir. Mrs a’Beckett & Mrs Hamilton came to tea. Sunday 11 December Madame & self to St Mary’s. Sat hour with Miss Graves, looks better. Lin rode Mr Tenniel’s cob & liked him but I feel nervous of him. Ethel, Maud, with Mr & Mrs. Fagan had long walk together morg. Mr Parkin & dau. to tea, Mr & Mrs. Fagan also. Monday 12 December Dine at Mrs. a’Beckett’s. Wet day. Saw maid, wrote for character, £16 a year. Out morg. posted letters, took 3/- to Miss Gwynne. Mrs. Banks called. Very lively dinner at Mrs. a’Beckett’s. Mr & Mrs. Hamilton, Burnands, selves. Home late. Tuesday 13 December Ethel & self go to Walmer 12 o’c. Lovely day. Fares 5/9. Lunched at Mr Todd’s Walmer Lodge. Mr Paxton in carriage met us at Deal. Delicious lunch at Mr T’s, after walked a large party to Walmer Castle. To tea at Mrs. Paxton’s, Seaford. Mr Paxton went with us to Sta. in Mr T’s carriage. Effie Harrison to lunch & tea with Maud. Letter from lady about maid. Wednesday 14 December X. Mrs. Armstrong leaves. X. Pouring wet day. Mrs. Beatie comes. Dear Lin goes by 4 train. Effie came by 6 o’clock. Mrs. a’Beckett to tea. Maud went to Mrs. Hood’s. Expected Violet & Fraulein, so wet could not come. Alice out afternoon & evg. Thursday 15 December Mrs. Wills at home 4 o’c. In all morg. Ethel & Eff for walk. Eggs 6d. Walked to Mrs. Wills. Saw Mrs. Clarke, Fagans etc there. A Mr James recited, too much of him to be pleasant, found my mind wandering! Clara out afternoon & evg. Character of maid not good enough. Letter fr. Lin & Mother. Friday 16 December Dear Roy home fr. Eton, to Staff. Ter. Lovely morg, dull later. Eff & Ethel self walked on Pier morg. Eff returned to town by 3 train. Ethel & self called on Mrs. Pugin, Mrs. Hood, & Mrs. Hammond had tea there. Alice out afternoon. Beetroot! Saturday 17 December Tea at Mrs. a’ Beckett’s with Ethel. Shop’d all morg. Paid 12/1 Miss Lomas, 9d tea Ridgeways. Very amusing Variety entertainment at Mrs. a’B’s. Boys sang & played charmingly. Lin & Roy came by S. E. Rly, arrived at 6.30. Played games after dinner. Sunday 18 December Asked Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett to dinner, also Mr & Mrs. Fagan, Con & Ethel. To Church with Ethel morg. & to Miss Graves after. Roy sent football over wall. Lin rode to Westgate to see Mr Ingram.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 19 December X. Maud petit ami. Mr Paxton, Basil & Maud to lunch. Walked on Pier with Mr P. Maud & rest walked alone. Ethel ret’d to London by 1.30 train. Roy & Lin rode. Lin hard at work all rest of day. Tuesday 20 December Children to tea. 4 Burnands, 2 a’Becketts, 1 Harrison, 3 selves, 4 O’Reillys, 2 Bartrams, Mr & Mrs. Fagan!. Out shops morg. Feel v. tired. Roy to meet with Mr Hodgeman. Maud & Mde. to Mrs. Banks evg. party, home v. late. Mrs. A. Connell called. Lin v. hard at work. Wednesday 21 December Dull & foggy. Roy riding “Jumbo” Mr Tenniel’s horse. V. tiresome not ready in time. Lin hard at work. Shop’d morg. Ordered turkey & fruit for plum pudding. Met Mr & Mrs. Hood. Thursday 22 December X. Purnell & mare came down. Went to London by 9.40. Roy walked to Sta. with me. Lunched alone with dear Mother who looks v. delicate. After walked with Eff to Kensington. Saw Emma, Staff. Ter which looks wretched. Called at poor Miss Lutyens, she died last Thursday & was buried on Tuesday. Maid seemed v. upset. Had tea with dear Mother & Mervyn. French maid called, v. good looking girl tall & dark & neat looking, can’t believe she is Swiss. Friday 23 December Slept v. badly went at 5.30 into dear Mother’s room & got into her bed, she was already up & making her tea. After breakfast went in bus to Lyle St. about french maid, Mervyn with me, too dirty house to go in. After to Kensington to shops, to Miss Dalrymple’s about maid. 1/- Dal. 6/11 sweets(?). To lunch with Mother & drove with her to Charing X. Mother looks v. frail & delicate. Came down to Ramsgate by 3.20. Roy met me at Sta. Saturday 24 December Out shops morg. Lovely day. V. cold & windy, but sunny. Arranged presents & tree with Roy. Quiet evg. & to bed early. Sunday 25 December Most glorious day. To Church with Maud. 4/6 church. Met Willie B. returning, walked with us. Lin & Maud on to Parade. I went to see Mrs. a’B & Miss Graves. Met Mr a’B & & Mr Milliken on way home. Maud & Mde. out after lunch. Lin & Roy for walk. To Mrs. Burnand’s after dinner, tree here & small lottery for children. Mr & Mrs. Fagan for tea. Immense party at Mrs. Burnand’s. Monday 26 December Glorious day. Mrs. Burnand’s party. Out morg. Ret’d book to Mrs. a’B. Met Mr Milliken & went for walk with Eff Harrison. Maud Paxton came to stay, Harold came to lunch & tea. Mr & Mrs. H. Power & Mr & Mrs. Fagan to tea here. All went after din. to Mrs. F. C. B’s. V. jolly evg. Maid 3/-. Danced after performance. Lin & Roy rode. Tuesday 27 December Dull, cold, hard frost. C. smashed my tooth brush stand. Lin & Roy riding. Maud to Mrs. Burnand’s party, 5 till 8, home to dinner. Lin after dinner to Bessie’s, large


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 party there to dine & recep’t after. Mr Power v. amusing over race game. Wrote to Brokers about Midge’s money. X. Petit ami, deux jour en avance. Dull man Mr Shepherdson called. Wednesday 28 December Dull & foggy. Lin to London by 10 o’c train. Wire from Mother about maid. 2 Mauds & Mde. out for walk morg. Alice out afternoon & evg. Mr Hamilton, Mary B. & 2 O’Reillys called. All our party to rink after lunch. Thursday 29 December Lovely morg. Awfully stiff neck, most painful. All went to rink in afternoon with Burnands. Home 6 o’c. Mde. & self alone. Mrs. Beatie & Clara out afternoon & evg. Friday 30 December Lovely day. Neck still stiff v. painful, makes me feel quite ill. Lin came down by Gran, so glad to have him again. Two Mauds to Mrs. Pugin’s party, enjoyed it immensely. For walk afternoon with Mary B. etc. Roy rode with Purnell. Clara broke my comb. Saturday 31 December Clear & cold, neck still v. painful & makes me feel ill. Letter fr. Louise (illeg) coming today week. Rec’d £12.10.0 of mine & £12.10.0 of Midge’s money. X. Sent £39.9.0 for Midge to Messrs Hutchinson & Co. for her £70 stock of B. A. Western Rly 4% Debs. Lin & Roy rode 2 o’c. 2 Mauds for long walk after lunch with Bucks, seem to be having real good time. Go to dance at Mrs. O’Reilly’s tonight given at 1 Royal Cres. (Notes for first week of following year, 1893, copied into new diary.) Maud’s expenses for dress. Jany 14th corsets 7.9 March. 2 wh. dresses 17.6 Confirmation dress 21.0 .0 April 6th Hat 13.9½ July shirt & hat 11.5 Tie 1.1½ Serge 13.6 Blue Paris dress 15.0 20th July Gorringe for blue silk 6.11 23rd ditto 14 .1 27th walking shoes 1.7 .6 extra (illeg) 10½ (illeg) pattern 5½ Begin year 1893 £ 23.12.4 £ 18.0 .0 £122.13.3 Total £203.14.7

with of Jessie’s of Lin’s of my own money

(note stuck into diary) 1892


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Oct 4th have of Midge’s money at my bank £ 27.3 .0 Oct 27th £ 25.0 .0 £ 52.3 .0 less 1.11.8 for Dora’s stockings to pay for 2 blouses & 2 dresses Pd. £ 39.9.0 Jany 1893. Money received fr. Chapple Welch & Chapple for Midge. Received 1892 10th March 1892. Midge’s balance of her December quarter £7.3.0 (had this entered in her P. O. Order book 14th March). 29th April £25.0.0. March quarter (12th May paid into P. O. Order book £22.17.0 making up £30 for year) leaving a balance of £2.3.0 at my bank. 27th August £25.0.0 June quarter (forwarded this to London County Bank fr. Christchurch 27th Aug same day.) 27th Oct. £25.0 0 Annuity. Spent £1.11.8 on 4 prs silk stockings for Dora at Barkers Oct 29th/92. Paid £39.9.0 on £40 B.A.Western Rly 4% Deb. Stock. January 1st 1893 Received £12.10.0. ½ annuity due 13th Dec on 31st Dec. Since April 5th 1888 List of Securities held by London & County Bank. 1 cert 3 shares City of Buenos Ayres Trams 1 cert 4 shares B.A. Rosario Rly (Sunshales ex) 1 cert 5 shares ditto ditto Tucaman 1 cert 2 shares B.A. Gt Southern 5% Ex 1892 2 cert 21 shares ditto ditto 6% Ex 1890 1 cert £40 (1st pref) B. A. & Pacific Rly 2 cert £65 Cent. Argentine Rly (Rosario to Cordova) 2 cert scrip allot. ¼ share cash Cent. Arg. Rly. 1 cert 2 shares £5 paid ditto £200 Western Rly of B. Ayres 6% deb. £100 Venezuela 1881 1 cert for £200 B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 1 cert 3 shares B.A. Rosario Rly (Tucaman) 1 cert £40 Cent. Argt. Rly. 1 cert £10 Cent. Argt. Rly. Rosario to Cordova 1 share City of B.A.Tram 1 share ditto ditto 8th issue) 1 scip cert B.A. Rosario 4% part pd. 1 cert 4 shares B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 5% 1892 1 cert £100 Buenos Ayres Rosario Rly 4% deb 1 cert 15 shares Cent. Argt. Rly 1889 1 cert 3 shares B.A. Rosario Rly £10 each 1 cert £40 B. A. Rosario Rly (ordinary stock) 1 cert £210 Gt. Southern Rly 1 cert £20 B.A. Pacific Rly (illeg illeg) 5%. 1 cert 18 shares B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 5% Ext. 1894 Bankers receipts at Bank £52.10.0 B.A. Gt. A. Rly 5% pref £23 Cent. Argt. Rly call £1 per share


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 £2 call City B. Ayres Tram Co’y. Revised list of these taken Oct /92 in my desk drawing room. Money invested in 1891 18th Feby £23.0.0 call on Cent. Arg. Rly 7th April £52.10.0 first call B.A. Gt. S. pref shares 5% 5th August £23.0.0 last call Cent. Argt. Rly 16th Nov £52.0.0 second call B.A. Gt S. Rly 5% pref shares £151.0.0 Money invested in 1892 14th Nov £30.9.0 P.O. Savings Bank 30th Nov £26.5.0 3rd call on 21 shares B. Ayres Gt. S. Rly. Money received during 1891 1891 10th April £ 25.0. 0 fr. annuity 1st Jany 1.19.0 B.A.Rosario Rly 6th Jany 8.4 B.A. Pacific 18th Feby 1. 9.3 Venezuala 1881 3rd April 5.17.0 Western B.A. Rly 11th April 22. 1.4 B.A. Gt. Southern 17thApril 3. 0.6 B.A. Rosario 25th April 1. 8.0 B.A.Rosario 13th May 12.0 Sp’s bankruptcy 2nd June 9.9 B.A.Pacific depôt 30th July 25. 0.0 Annuity 1st July 1.19.0 B.A.Rosario Rly 8th May 5.6 B.A. Trams 21st July 1. 1.0 Margate 18th August 1. 9.3 Venezuela /81 19th Oct 25. 0.0 Annuity 13th Oct 24. 0.0 B.A. Gt. Southern 3rd Oct 5.17.0 W. of B.A. 6% 1st Oct 3. 1.5 B.A.Rosario Ex shrs 20th Oct 1. 0.0 fr. Mother 10th Nov 1. 8.0 old clothes 25 Dec 2. 2.0 fr. Mother Feby 10th/92 25. 0.0 Dec annuity pd. only on 10th Feby /92 £ 179. 8.4 Money received during 1892 1st Jany 29th April 17th Feby 4th April 4th April 9th April 9th July 1st July 19th July 27th Oct

1.19.0 B.A. Rosario Rly 25. 0.0 March quarter 1. 9.3 Venezuela 5.17.0 Western B. Ayres 3. 1.5 B.A. Rosario Rly 19. 0.4 B.A. Gt. Southern 2. 4.0 Hunter Vieux Habits 1.19.0 B.A. Rosario 25. 0.0 Annuity 25. 0.0 Annuity


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 7th August 3rd Oct 3rd Oct 22 Oct Dec 31st

1. 9.3 19.19.6 5.17.0 19.19.6 12.10.0 £ 153.17.2 12.10.0 £ 166. 7.2

Venezuela /81 B. A. Rosario Rly West of B. A. 6% B.A. Gt. Rly ½ payment of annuity due 13th inst when 2nd half Dec annuity pd.

Received during 1886 fr. annuity pres & invests £ 166.17.7 During 1887 fr. same £182 8.10 Spent on dress by cheque £81.1.1 Invested including commission for same £ 127.0.0 During 1888 £ 192.2.4 on dress £ 80.19.0 Invested £ 136.0 .0 £18 of this lost thro’ Spencer During 1889 £ 299.17.8 of this Lin rep’d me £ 54 fr. £ 300 lent him & withrdrawn fr. chicks savings bank £ 24 Invested & borrowed fr. Bank £ 271.10.6 During 1890 £ 313.18.1 Out of which £ 108 came fr. sale of 15 Cent Argt. Rly £5 shares having paid £ 75 for them leaving £ 33 profit Invested £ 283. 1.0 Spent on dress £ 30.18.10 During 1891 £ 180.0.2 Invested £151.0.0 Spent on dress by cheque alone £ 73.7.1 £52 of this investment money paid by Lin out of £300 lent him. Balance of Private account to commence 1892 £ 45.8.8 when my Dec. quarter for 1891 is paid in. In April 1892 I have £ 860 in Buenos Ayres Gt. Southern Rly £ 110 in B.A. Rosario Extensions £ 100 in B.A. Rosario 4% debentures


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1893 (Notes on front pages of diary) Books to read “Causeries du Lundi” Le Bœuf(?) “Eugénie Grandet” Balsaque (sic) “Un Voyage en l’Orient” Lamartine “L’Imperatrice Wanda” Figuier “ (illeg illeg illeg) ” Essays & advice by A. Balfour “Religion of Humanity” etc “Jean et Pascal” par Mde Adam “Pecheur d’Islande ”P. Loti dedié à Mde Adam Books read 1893 “Manon Lescaut” L’Abbé Provost “Trente et Quarante” E. About “Tragedy of Caesars” Baring Gould “Ein Kind das Strasse” “In God’s way” Björnstjerne Björnson “Charité” par Pierre de Mael “Die Familie Bücholtz” “Histoire d’un conscrit de 1813” par Erkmann Chatrian Ending of French letters Croyez, je vous prie. à mes meilleurs sentiments, M.S. Je vous prie de me croire (illeg) à nous, M.S. Veuillez agréer mes bonnes et sincères amitiés, M.S. Veuillez agréer, Monsieur ou Madame, l’expressions de mes sentiments distingués Veuillez agréer l’expression de mes meilleurs sentiments Recevez, Madame mes sincères salutations Agreez, je vous prie, Monsieur l’assurance de ma habité considération Mrs Heading’s dishes April/93 Cold meat passed thro’ mincer flavoured with little onion, pepper, salt, few breadcrumbs & 2 eggs whip’d separately. Put in buttered basin with saucer over & baked in oven, or steamed. Gravy round. Treacle pudding. Put some treacle in a basin which must be previously buttered. Have some breadcrumbs sufficient to fill basin ready & 2 eggs well whip’d, 6 lumps of sugar & ½ pint of milk, whip these all together & fill up basin with custard mixture & breadcrumbs & steam half an hour. This same pudding can be made with any kind of jam in pie dish & baked & turned out on dish. Money received during 1892 1st Jany 29th Apil 17th Feby 4th April

31.19.0 B.A. Rosario Rly 25.0 .0 March quarter 1. 9.3 Venezuela 5.17.0 W.B.A. 6%


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 ditto 3. 1.5 B.A. Rosario 9th ditto 19. 4.0 B.A. Gt. Southern 9th July 2. 4.0 Vieux Habits st 1 ditto 1.19.0 B.A.Rosario 19th ditto 25.0 .0 June quarter 27th Oct 25.0 .0 Sep quarter 17th August 1. 9.3 Venezuela 3rd Oct 3. 1.5 B.A. Rosario ditto 5.17.0 W.B.A 6% 22nd Oct 19.19.6 B.A. Gt S. 31st Dec 12.10.0 ½ Dec quarter £ 153.17.2 …………………… Money invested during 1892 4th Nov £30.0.0 30th Nov £26.5.0 Total

P.O.Savings Bk 3rd call on 21 B.A. Gt. S. Rly.

£56.5.0 ………………..

Money received during 1893 £. s. d 14th Jany 2nd half quarter Dec 12.10.0 5th March Div on B.A. Pacific .10 only 10d of this received! 21st ditto 1st div on £90 Glasgow SW Rly consolidated stock 1.15.1 14th April March annuity 25.0 .0 2nd Jany B.A. Rosario Rly 1.19.0 1st April B.A.Rosario Rly 3. 1.5 5 ditto West. B.A. Rly 5.17.0 22 April B.A. Gt. Southern 20. 1.8 5 May B.A. Trams 9.2 13th June Annuity 25.0 .0 1st July B.A. Rosario 1.18.11 th 14 Sep Quarter 25.0 .0 29th ditto 2nd div’d Glasgow S.W.Rly 1.15.6 3rd Oct B.A. Rosario Rly 14.7 4 ditto Western of Buenos Ayres 5.16.6 6 ditto B.A. Trams 7.4 21st B.A.Gt Southern 20.11.6 25 Dec Quarter 25.0 .0 Received £176.18.1 Invested 131.17.10 £45.0 .3 Money invested during 1893 13th Feby

paid £101.17.10 for £90 Glasgow South Western Rly consolidated stock


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 2nd Oct


30. 0. 0 £ 131.17.10

Jany 1894 My money invested £30 Jany. P.O. Savings Bk. Jessie Money received fr. Chapple Welch & Chapple for Midge 1892 £ s d 7. 3. 0 Balance of M’s Dec. quarter received March 10 th. Had this entered in her P.O. Savings Book March 14 th. 25.1.0 March quarter rec’d 29th April. Paid £22.17.0 of this into P.O.Book th May 12 leaving a balance £2. 3.0 25.1.0 June quarter rec’d August 27th 25.1.0 Sep. quarter rec’d Oct 27th 12.10.0 Half Dec. quarter Jany 1st. ………………………………… Received during 1892


Paid away P.O. Savings Bk 7. 3.0 May 12th P. O. Savings Bk 22.17.0 4 prs stockings Dora 1.11.8 2 blouses Midge 9/11½, 11/9, 1. 1.8½ January B.A.Western 4% divis 39. 9.0 £72. 2.4½ Leaves a balance to begin 1893 of £22.10.7½ Dec. paid for Mother (illeg) 10.9 Leaves £21.19.10½ …………………… Jessie Money received for Midge during 1893 £ s d 14th Jany 2nd half Dec. quarter 12.10.0 17th July 1st div on B.A. Western Rly 4% £40 stock 15.7 14th April March Annuity 25.0 .0 13th June Annuity 25.0 .0 15th Sept. Annuity 25.0 .0 22nd Sep. div. on B.A. Western 15.7 Dec. Annuity 25.0 .0 Carried fr. last year

£ 21.0 .10½ 136. 1.0 ½

……………………………….. Spent 1893 13th Feby

2 dress lengths

£. s .d. 4. 3.6


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 ditto 23rd April 18th April

4 prs gloves Penberthys 15.11 Into P.O. Savings 30. 0.0 Half of 16/9 for Mother’s sunshade 8.4½ 4th Oct. Harveys 10 Blk satin 12 lining 4. 6.0 ditto To Conrad 5.0 .0 11th 2 dress lengths Liberty for D 1. 9.2 21st Dinner jacket & shirt Woolands 5.15.5 26th Flowers for Midge’s hat 2.11 ditto Packing case 1. 2.3 31st Marshall Snelgrove 13. 7.0 4th Nov ditto 13.0 1893 continued Spent for Midge £ s d th 4 Nov Debenham & Freebody 1.18.9 ditto Seaman & Little 12.8½ ditto Derry & Toms 4.1 Dec. 5th Dressing gown for Mother 1. 9.6 Forward £67. 3.6 Spent Received Spent Leaves

£71. 8.7 £136. 1.0 ½ 71. 8. 7 £64.12.5½

Midge’s continued 1894 In hand Jany/94 Put in P.O. S. Bk. Jany Leaves 14th March 1894 Less 18/- for Mother’s birthday present & 2/- flowers

£64.12.5½ 30. 0. 0 £34.12.5½ 25. 0. 0. £59.12.5½ 1. 0. 0 £58.12.5½

Jan 1893 Tuesday January 3 Mrs. Banks dinner 7.30. V. late there as usual. Borradailes, Hammonds, Bartrams & Grants there, fearfully cold, had to keep shawl on all dinner time. Walked with Mde. after lunch to post letter & called to enquire Miss Graves & to see Mrs. Hamilton. V. strange lady staying with her! Roy to rink & ice with Lin & girls. Wednesday January 4 Dear Lin’s birthday. Went to London by Gran. Roy & Cuthbert to Margate skating & returned to tea here. 2 Mauds & Mad’lle to Sycamore’s pond. To rink after lunch. Burnands & Effie H. to tea here. Lovely day, v. cold. Drew cheque for £12.0.0 for house. Thursday 5 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bitterly cold. Girls to Pond with Mad’lle & Roy. I went out after lunch with Roy & called on Miss Gould & Mrs. Burnand. Girls to Mrs. Hood’s party. Friday 6 January X. Alice left, pd. her 2 months wages up till next Tuesday £3.6.8, not worth it. Clara dong much better alone, not so muddling. 2 maids & Madame & Roy to ice. After lunch went to rink all of us, 4/6. Sent 2 telegrams 1/1½ . Two wires fr. Lin for Roy & self to go to London, impossible. Saturday 7 January X. Louise Blondel came, Swiss parlour maid. Dear Lin came down by Gran. All well here & Clara working better alone. Louise & C. waited v. well together, especially for 1st night. Sunday 8 January Dull morning, thawing. Roy & Lin out riding directly after breakfast. Rained after lunch. In all day. Called v. early. Roy threw cushion at Barney & lamed him, seems to have broken his leg, cannot move without crying. Had him in my room. Monday 9 January Wretched day, dark & dreary, snow melting. Busy morg. showing Louise how to do silver. Going to be married in May. V. early in morning. Mary B. to tea. Roy v. naughty. Barney still v. lame. Lin & Roy rode. Tuesday 10 January Sunny but showery, much warmer. Out morg. shops. Theatricals Town Hall 7.30. Taken 4 tickets. Called & saw Miss Graves. Maud did little German. Out twice with Mde. Barney’s leg same. Lin & Roy rode. Lin took Roy & my photo before luncheon. Very early morning. Wednesday 11 January Lin to London by Gran. Roy & self to London by S.E. 9.40. Met Martin Thomsons. Mr Gould travelled up with us. Called & saw Mother. Went fr. Station to Rules met Lin there & lunched. Guards 6d. Fr. Rules to Drury Lane pantomime “Bo Peep” V. good. To Mother’s for dinner, saw Mervyn for moment only. Dear Mother fairly well. Cab home 1/6 because of luggage. Roy & self slept in spare room, Roy on sofa, fire & most comfortable. Maud to Mrs. Burnand’s party home v. late. Clara out afternoon & evg. to theatre. Thursday 12 January Maud to lunch Mrs. Buck’s. Slept well. E. called us 20 to 7 with tea. All v. cosy Staf. Ter. Roy & I walked to Mother’s & pd. Mrs. Dalrymple 4/-, going to find me another maid when Louise marries. Om 2d. Lunched at Mother’s, Mr FitzHerbert there. Rather a rough diamond & very uninteresting. Roy & self left early to go to Maskelyne & Cooks v. good performance on (illeg) 4d. To Charbonel & Walkers Roy’s chocolate there 1/-, cab home 2/-. Dressed & went with Lin to Savoy, dined there most recherché & most expensive dinner. Veg’t Hors d’œuvre. Anchovies, tomatoes & sardines. Petite Marmite. Merlans à la financière. Noisettes d’Agneau à l’Alsacienne. Bécasse. Salade. Haricot verts. Glaces, café, costing £1 a head. Met Fritz Jackson. Went to Lyceum saw “King Lear” dull play very. Home to comfortable fire & supper in our room. Friday 13 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day in London. So tired remained in all morg. Packed & came to Ramsgate by 3.20 with Roy fr. Charing X. Mr Gould got in at Cannon St. & came to Ramsgate with us. Spent 2/6 cab & 2/6 sausages, guards 6d. Lin came by later train. Barney better but still lame on hind leg. Maud to Mrs. Grant’s party. Clara fetched her 10 o’c. Saturday 14 January Out shops morg. Expenses to London £1.18.8, 10/- of this for tickets. Maud to tea at Lady Rose’s for rehearsal of tableaux for Monday. I called & saw Mrs. Hood, asked the 2 girls to tea here tomorrow. Mr Hicks came in to see Barney. Sunday 15 January Bright but ground covered with sleet & ice everywhere. Counted clothes with Madame. Quiet afternoon & evg. Lin Roy & Maud for walk. Monday 16 January Very cold. Out morg. Maud to Lady Rose’s for tableaux. Lin v. angry her going. Lunched v. early. Lin & Roy to skate Margate. Posted letters & French book to Mrs. Humphreys, also transfer of Jessie’s B.A. West V. 4% & Power of Attorney to Messrs Hutchinson, 15 Angel Court. Tuesday 17 January Bitterly cold. Mde. & Maud out morg. Lunch at 1 o’c. Lin & Roy to Margate to skate. Mended stockings & socks all morg. Wednesday 18 January Dear Roy returned to Eton by 3.55 train. Lin went to London by first train Gran. I went & sat with Miss Graves. Clara out. Thursday 19 January In all morg. Letter fr. Messrs Hutchinson Syms & Scott about Midge’s money, dreadful bother. Drove at 2.30 dog cart & mare to Westwood. Called after on Mrs. Burnand, had tea at Mrs. Hammond’s. Letter fr. dear Roy returning Rly ticket. Friday 20 January Lovely day. In morg. Maud drew in Lin’s room. I drove alone with Mare dog cart 2.30, called on Mrs. Wills, Mrs. Warre, Mrs. O’Connel, Mr Gould & Mrs. O’Reilly. Mary B, Effie H, Eddie B, & May Hood to tea. Mad’lle & Maud paid my books, heavy. Mrs. Batey out afternoon. Wire fr. Mr Blunt coming tomorrow. Saturday 21 January Lin & Mr Blunt came down by Gran. Out morg. shops, pd small bills, ordered things. Rosie B. to dinner & Mr Blunt played & sang evg. Sunday 22 January Wretched morg, drizzly snow v. cold. Mr Blunt out all morg & afternoon. Lin, Maud , Mr B. & self dined at Mrs. Burnand’s had fly there & back. X. Petit ami. V. delightful evg. at Mrs. F.C.B’s. Large party in after dinner, 11 to dinner. Soup. Turbot. Saddle mutton, haricot verts. Pheasant & salad. Huge asparagus. Mince pies, cheese etc. Mr B. sang & played, danced ! & we were generally wildish. Monday 23 January Dull dark dreary day. Mr B. out all day. Lin rode. Connie B. to dinner & all went on after to Mrs Burnand’s. Mr Blunt’s fire smoking. Lin hunting.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 24 January Dull day. Mr Blunt left by 12 o’c train. Miss Gould called. Lin rode young horse, snaffle bit. Wednesday 25 January Lovely morg. Lin out hunting on mare. Lin to town by 3.35 train. Intended going for drive, can’t stand Purnall’s driving with “Jumbo” so would not go. Annoying Lin will always try to make me do what I feel is unsafe, makes me feel ill, especially when seedy. Tilda arrives at 3.45. Lin left cheque for £30 to pay what I gave Alice £3.6.8 & £1.1.0 to Blanche Cole. Sea fog. Sent cheque to L. & County Bank by Purnall evg. & letter to Blanche Cole enclosing £1.1.0. Thursday 26 January Dull, colder. In bed till 12. Read German, glad to find can understand it so well & without dictionary. Tilda & self drove at 2.30 in cart with mare to St Peters, too wet to go up to dear Father’s grave but passed as near it as possible, saw plants which seem bigger. Called on Mrs. Whitehead. Letter fr. Fritz Jackson. Friday 27 January Mrs. Clarke to tea. Lovely day, fog in London. Wire & 2 letters fr. Lin, not received mine sent last evg. Edgar wrote saying he would arrive at 12.50. Sent cart & waited lunch. He did not arrive till 5 o’c. Mrs. Clarke & a Miss Beasley here. Edgar had something to eat & left by 7.15 train for London. Affairs bad but better than dared hope. Saturday 28 January Lovely day. V. cold wind. Tilda & self out morning shopping. Called & saw Miss Graves, looks very poorly indeed. Lin came down 12.50 in time for lunch, drove mare & rode “Jumbo”, brought side saddle & hat for me. Letter fr. Hutchinsons about Midge’s money. Sunday 29 January X. Wrote to Messrs Hutchinson Lymes & Scott about purchase of £90 Glasgow & South Western Rly Ord stock. In all day, dull wretched day. Maud to Miss Gould’s to tea. Monday 30 January Mrs. Clarke’s to tea. Fine. Unable to go, wrote. Rode with Lin mare to Sandwich, 14 miles, enjoyed it only mare rushed twice & frightened me, dangerous as was nearly unseated. Very seedy evg. Had to leave dinner table, v. v. sick! To bed & sleep. Mary B. to tea. Lin & Maud to Mrs. Burnand’s after dinner. Tuesday 31 January Out morg. Mrs. Burnand called to enquire. Had good night & felt better. Mr & Mrs. Banks to dinner. Oysters. Soup. Whiting baked. Leg of mutton stewed, celery, potatoes. 3 roast fowls, salad. Jelly, rhubarb tart & cream. Savory. Tilda to bed before tea with bad cold. Feb 1893 Wednesday 1 February In all morg. Tilda in bed all day with influenza cold. Called alone after lunch on Mrs. Bartram (in bed, cold) Mrs. Banks, Serv’t (Miss B in bed bad cold!) & Miss Parkin. Quiet evg. here. Maud to tea at Mrs. F.C.B’s. Lin to London by 3.35. Purnall late, commotion! Read Queen’s speech.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday February 2 Dull, raining morg. & afternoon, v. dark. Tilda in bed all day, cold better but still heavy. Clara broke green globe to reading lamp. Clara out afternoon to shops. Friday 3 February Dull, wet. Letter fr. Lin, coming by Gran. Letter fr. Hutchinson Lymes & Scott about £90 Glasgow S.West. Rly. con. stock. Books v. heavy as usual, can’t make out why. Tilda in bed till 12 o’c, cold better. Lin came down 5.15. I called on Mrs. Burnand. She is going to try George. Stayed an hour. Mary B. to tea here. Saturday 4 February Lovely day. Cold wind. Out shops morg. Mrs. Burnand & Connie called. George gone to Mrs. Burnand’s. Lin hunted. Had to come home earlier 3.30, his back hurt him, either a sprain fr.Tuesday jumping, or a cold. Bessie H. to dinner. Laying stone of (illeg). Crowd & band below! Sunday 5 February Lovely day, cold. Lin’s back still stiff. To Church alone. Delightful sermon fr. new & intelligent man St. Mary’s. Tilda & Maud to St George’s. Maud & Madame to Convent to see Ethel. Mrs. Burnand came & spent long afternoon & had tea, little Mary also. Frost last night & again tonight. Monday 6 February X. Sent registered blue envelope with Midge’s transfer for £40 W. B.Ayres Rly 4% by Tilda to main post office Ramsgate to San Emilio Bragado, B. Ayres. Lovely day, frost last night. V. angry Madame sitting about & not helping me as Lin has Maud whole morg. with him drawing. Riding Jumbo 2.15! Lin’s back better. Tuesday 7 February Lin had good day’s hunt. Wet early, lovely later. Tilda, Maud & self to tea at Mrs. Wills. Dullish, considerable singing. Mrs. Studd, Miss Neil & Miss Hicks. Mrs. Warre called. Wednesday 8 February Lovely day. Rode at 10 o’c with Lin along sands. Rode “Cob” went as far as Margate nearly, home at 12. Maud to Mrs. Tod’s, Walmer, went alone, Tilda & Mde. saw her off. Tilda & self called after Lin had gone to London by 3.55 train on Mr Gould, Mrs. Buckmaster, Mrs. Pugin & Mrs. Hammond, got 2 tickets for College for Saty. Mrs. Batey out afternoon & evening. Thursday 9 February Fine, tho’ rained later. Purnall cleaned windows. Tilda & self went over 20 Royal Crescent, v. nice house, with Mrs. Hammond. Shop’d. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Paid books after lunch, heavy on account of number. Expected two little Burnands, did not come on account of rain. Clara out evening. Translated German after tea. Trod on poor Louise’s toe! Friday 10 February Madame Maack been here 4 months, £13.6.8. Paid papers 1/6, Cane 1/6, Tilda for Maud’s expenses to Walmer 7/-, Ingram 7/6, printing(?) 4d. Lin coming down this afternoon. Letters fr. him & Maud. Tilda & self went over Mr M. Williams’ & Lady Lawson’s houses. Saturday 11 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dear Maud returned from Walmer. Went with Madame to College play. Lin hunted. Did shopping. Translated German & practiced. Went over Montague W’s & Vicar’s houses morg. with Lin & 2 houses in afternoon. V. tired. Sunday 12 February Lovely morg. Turned off colder, beautiful light afternoon. To Church morg. with Mde. excellent sermon (illeg) Chantry. Tilda & Maud to St George’s. Walked on Parade after, too windy to stay. Met Bill Weigall, called & saw poor Miss Graves v. v. ill. Lin rode after lunch. Maud, Mde & Mary Burnand to Convent. Monday 13 February X. Posted £101.17.10 to Messrs Hutchinson Symes & Scott for purchase of £90 Glasgow South Western Rly consolidated stock. Also 5/11 to Penberthy’s for 4 prs gloves for Midge & £4.3.6 for 2 dress lengths for Midge of winter material. Rode with Lin 2.15 along coast to Broadstairs, saw Bleak House. Rode by Kingsgate & St Peters home. Mrs. Jones & Miss Ross called. Tuesday 14 February Heavy gale. In all morg. Walked with Lin to see several houses on other cliff, not one suitable. Mr Vinton called morg. Maud to tea Mrs. F.C.B. & to College play after. Over 4 more frightful houses after lunch with Lin. Blowing gale – hat! Wednesday 15 February Fog morg. X. Returned transfer signed in Tilda’s presence of £90 Glasgow S.W. Rly con. stock to Messrs Hutchinson Symes & Scott, 15 Angel Court, Throgmorton St. Pay books, much better! Thursday 16 February X. Petir ami au soir. The 2 little Burnands & 2 a’Becketts to tea. I drove to Westwood with dog cart, met Tassel & Mr Clarke. Tilda & self had tea at Miss Wishaws, great many there. Friday 17 February Lin returned by 5.15 fr London. Letter fr. Lady Margaret about Maud going to draw`ing room on the 20th inst, no time to get her dress ready. In bed till 12.30. Miss Gould & 2 nieces, Mrs. Steen & Miss Stancourt & Connie B. to tea. Heard of man falling over cliff this morg. close to Miss Stancourt’s. Saturday 18 February Lin hunting. In bed till 12.30, feel v. seedy. Sunday 19 February In bed till 12.30, feel v. weak. Monday 20 February In bed till 12.30. Mr & Mrs. Burnand & Mr Borradaile to dinner. Soup. Whiting in oven. Roast mutton, cauliflower au gratin, petit pois. Roast fowls & salad. Jelly, pears & cream. Cheese eggs. Connie & Rosie in after dinner to play roulette. Lin as bank lost 5/11. Tuesday 21 February Up at 12.30. Read German all morg. in bed. Mary & Ethel to tea. Maud to dinner at Burnands. Dull & rainy. Lin rode, obliged to return, soaked.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 22 February Wet & dull. Coldish. Read “Trente et Quarante” by E. About out loud morg, most amusing. Practised Beethoven. Read “Tragedy of Caesars” to Lin. Made up books & translated German. Lin remained here working on frontispiece of (blank). Marchioness of Londonderry’s at home 11 0’c. Lin paid Madame £13.6.8, 4 months salary up to 10th of this month. Thursday 23 February Lin to London by 10 train. Letter fr. Roy. Letter fr. Edgar’s bankers acknowledging receipt of Power of Attorney. X. Snowing! & v. cold. Louise out short time afternoon. Clara out evg. Barney had medicine. Made up books, no money to pay. Friday 24 February Wet dark dull day. Madame, Tilda, & Maud to communion early. Read & worked morg, practiced. Tilda & self for drive at 2.30 in dirty cart & badly groomed mare, harness to match, ashamed to be seen in it. Mrs. Batey out afternoon & evening. Tilda & self called on Mrs. Jones, found Mrs. Souby there. Mary & Ethel to tea. Saturday 25 February Lin returned early 12.50. Rode afternoon, bad cold. Went out after lunch to Miss Gould’s & to enquire Hammonds. Mrs. Borradaile, Miss Kelly, Mrs. Pugin & Polly called. Sunday 26 February V. stormy, gale of wind blowing. Lovely afternoon, v. windy. Lin’s cold heavy. Walked with Maud after lunch. Mr Toller to tea. Mrs. Burnand’s birthday, unable to go in evg. on account of Lin’s cold. Monday 27 February Wet again, lovely early. Lin’s cold heavy, unable to go out. I called on Mrs. Burnand after lunch, brought back Mary to tea. Practiced, read, translated German. Miss O’Dell here for Maud. Tuesday 28 February X. Maud little tea party. Mrs. Warre, Berry, Clarke, Jones & Miss Ross, Mrs. & Miss Hood. Tilda & self walked morning & did shop’g. Lin’s cold too bad to go out. Mar 1893 Wednesday 1 March Wet morg. Lin rode after lunch, was caught in rain. Lin’s cold still bad. Miss Caught(?) called. Lin unable to go to London on account of cold. Thursday 2 March Lin to London by 10 train. Mr Claud Watney’s dinner in hs own house. My cold bad feel v. weak & seedy, tho’ eating tons of nourishing things. Louise out afternoon, Clara evening. Tilda pd. books for me, w’d not be heavy except for outside expenses, 3/10 for boxes etc. Maud seedy yesterday, week too soon. Lin took up Maud’s easel. Friday 3 March Mrs. de la Rue’s dinner party 8 o’c, Lin going D.V. Three letters fr. Lin, one fr. Roy, comes home tomorrow till Monday fr. Eton. Miss Graves’ niece called, & Connie, Mary & Ethel to tea. Cold still makes me feel seedy. Saturday 4 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mare & Purnall went to meet Lin at Westgate meet. Tilda & self out shop’g morg. Maud to rink & tea with Burnands. Roy came fr. Eton, looks thin & taller tho’ well. Maud met Weigalls at rink. Played games evg. Sunday 5 March Dry foggy day. Roy & Lin riding. Maud & Tilda to St. G’s. Mde. to St. M’s. Walked on Parade & met Weigalls, Burnands etc. Maud for walk after lunch. Roy returns London at ¼ to 6. Sleeps at Mother’s tonight. Monday 6 March Mrs. Clarke’s dinner. Excellent dinner. Ox tail soup. Beautiful piece of salmon, cucumber & delicious sharp sauce. Saddle mutton, jelly, potatoes & sprouts. Quails well done. Merangues. Fruit salad, peaches, red cherries & oranges. Devils on horse back, etc. Well served by one maid. Fly 6/- there. Tuesday 7 March Dul & heavy tho’ fairly warm. Lin to town by 3.20, hunted mare. Tilda left by 12 o/c train. Walk morg. with her on Parade & Pier. Madame struck by boy’s top returning. V. tired remained in after lunch. Mary & Ethel to tea. Wednesday 8 March Heavenly day. Made up books. Dressmaker here. Driving at 2.30 to Sandwich, drove self with Maud, mare. Mrs. Batey out afternoon & evg. Thursday 9 March Lovely day. Lin wired coming down in time for dinner. Miss Wishaw, 2 Hoods & Miss Grant to tea. Drove mare self with Maud to Westwood & round by Pegwell home. Lin arrive Granville. Miss O’Dell here. Louise did shopping for me. X. Spoke to Madame about giving up resident governess. Friday 10 March Lovely day. Mended boxes with Madame. Dressmaker here. Mr Paxton coming to lunch. Mother & Mervyn arrived at Broadstairs. Mr Paxton to lunch, drove him with mare to Sandwich, back alone. Lin v. busy. Saturday 11 March Heavenly day. Dear Mother & Mervyn came to lunch. Drove back with them from Broadstairs & returned by train after tea. Rosie B. came to practice music with me. Lin hunting, out 5 hours, do him good, not been looking over well. Dressmaker here, paid her 6/6. Long letter fr. Edgar about estate, unsatisfactory. Sunday 12 March Heavenly day. Expected Sp. for night. Maud & self out to meet him after Church, did not come. V. disappointed. Walked with Lin & M. on Parade. Lin rode after lunch. Maud & Madame for walk to enquire for Mrs. Borradaile, & Mrs. Warre, both down with influenza. Expect Mr Sterne & Mervyn to dinner. Mr Soubey called. Sp. came later. Monday 13 March Lin & Sp. hunted beyond Sandwich, foxhounds. No fox. I lunched with Mother. By train Broads. Walked St Peters, ordered flowers 3/6. Walked back to Mother’s rooms. Drove to St Peters & put our flowers there. Gibbs v. ill. Mother & Mervyn drove me home. Dear Mother rather low.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 14 March Lovely day. Rode with Lin, Sp. & Mr Sterne at 2.30, 3 hours, awfully tired. Went by sands to Margate. Cobby kicked out so no one could get near me except Lin. Came back by Westwood. Rosie B. to dinner here. Lin snored all evg, I dead tired. Sent C. home with Rosie. Wednesday 15 March Sp. & self drove mare over to see Mother. X. Terrible news of Mrs. Warre’s death this morg. fr. influenza. Sp. left by 1.15 train for Canterbury. Lin left by 3.50 for London. Walked to station with him, called on Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Hammond. X. Petit ami. Documents sent fr. Messrs Lee & Pemberton about estate & Mother’s legal responsibility. Mervyn to dinner. Thursday 16 March In bed till 12.30. Friday 17 March Lin unable to come down. Mary & Ethel to tea. Snow storm. Saturday 18 March Lin came down morg. Rode later, mare. In all day. Sunday 19 March Lovely day. Maud & Lin out. Mr & Mrs. Tate & Mr Sterne to tea. Lin rode after lunch, fresh Cobby. Mervyn in during dinner but had nothing. Monday 20 March Lovely morg. Cold. Letter fr. Roy, wants money! Long lucid letter fr. Tabbie. Mother & Mervyn return to London today. Lin rode after lunch. Walked after lunch with Maud, called on Mrs. Pugin. (illeg). Tuesday 21 March X. Meeting at Messrs Lee & Pemberton about estate. Received certificate of £90 Glasgow & S.W. Rly cons. stock fr. Messrs Hutchinson with £1.15.1 div. on same. Sent these off at once to Mr Lowndes, London & County Bank. Lin hunting in Herne country. Lovely day. Maud drawing. Wednesday 22 March Boat Race. Oxford beat the Record. Lovely day. Lin up by 3 train, saw him off with 4 cases. X. Heard of Mr Barker’s death in Buenos Ayres. Thursday 23 March Lovely day. Wire fr. Lin, comes down by Gran. Met him with Maud & all drove home in Mr Sterne’s fly. M. & self drove & called on Mrs. Clarke, out, & Mrs. Borradaile who looked charming. X. Sent Dora Langley’s P.O. book to be made up, fr. King St. Post Office. Morg. room scrubbed. Empty boxes returned with Lin. Paid books morg, v. heavy, & last week’s also. Friday 24 March Lovely day, v. warm. Wrote C. Bergheim about our going Vienna about 22 nd April. X. Posted off book “Trente et Quarante” to Mrs. H. Carnarvon. Drove at 2.30 to Minster with Maud. Mare cracked heel! Lin working hard all day on 3 figure drawing. Sat with him till 12.30, too tired to read. Heard fr. dear Mother of Mrs. Orton’s death.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 25 March Another heavenly day. Man taking inventory. More broken than ever this year. Lin rode. Maud to tea at Burnands. I drove Mde. in cart to Westwood & Broadstairs, left “In God’s Way” at Mrs. Clarke’s. Met Tassel & Mrs. Tassel. Home by Pegwell. Arranged to go to No 4 from Wed. until Saty week over Easter. Sunday 26 March Glorious day. Wrote letters.Maud & Mde. to Church, I on Parade with them later. Met Bucks & walked up & down with them. Called & saw Miss Graves. Monday 27 March Pack with Madame alone all morg. & afternoon. Lin at work, rode after lunch. Miss Gould called with drawing. Tuesday 28 March Lovely day. Packed again with Madame again. Piano taken away. Packed my things with Clara. Madame paid books for me, very high as usual. Wednesday 29 March Servants, Madame, birds, self & luggage to London by 1 o’c train. Maud & Lin to No 4 Prospect. Had 21 large boxes & 12 small. Unpacked at night. V. tired. Nothing broken. Clara useless nearly. House clean but overfilled with furniture. Mervyn met us with lovely flowers fr. dear Mother. Pr. Om 5.0 Men 2.6 Porters 2.6 3 tickets 18.6 Porters C.X. 2.6 Om 6.0 Men 5.0 £2.2.0

Emma 1.3.1 Guard 1.0 Boy 2.0 Cab 2.6 Sausages 1.10 Buns 1.1 Porter 1.6 3.15.0

Thursday March 30 Packed. Roy arrived 8.30 for breakfast. Mde. did M’s shop’g. Roy & self came down to Ramsgate by 3.20. V. crowded, every place taken. Maud & Lin met us with cart. Quiet dinner here. Rooms look v. nice. Dear Mother called to see me morg. Expenses to & from London £3.15.0 2 Concert tickets 8.0 Church .6 Ribbon 1.1 ½ Salad 6 Friday March 31 Lovely day. M. & self to St Mary’s. Parade after, Roy & self with Barney. M, Mary B. & Mr Bill walked together. Mr Toller, Mr Burnand & Mr Ready called. All walked with Mr Toller to Granville & called on Miss Thomson. Mr Wills & large party there. Afterwards went into Mr Toller’s rooms, Mr Routledge with him. Home quiet dinner here. Roy & Lin to club after. Apr 1893 Saturday 1 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Glorious day. Shop’d. Roy to lunch at Granville with Miss Thomson. Maud & Bucks to tea. I to Mrs. Berry’s, met Clarkes there & Horseleys. M. & self on Pier all morg after shop’g. met entire community. Mr Bill walked part of way home with us. Dined at 7 o’c & M. & self went to concert at Granville, heard Courtis Pounds (illeg) (Mattai too much) Martini. Mr Toller sat in front of us & talked! Bucks, Moultons, etc etc. Met P. Coulson(?) Sunday 2 April Exquisite day but cold wind. M. & self to 8 o’c communion at St Mary’s. M. with Roy to 11 o’c service. Lin & self & 2 chicks on Parade after. Met Mr Moulton, Mr Coupé (illeg) & Electrical friend, all Weigalls & Bucks. Barney etc. Sad accident off East Cliff, Coopers son drowned. M. to Mr Gould’s to tea, Roy to Burnands. Lin, M, Roy & self dined at Granville. Lin cold. Roy most amusing all thro’ dinner. After sat in hall with Mr Moulton’s party & had coffee & drove to Mrs. Burnand’s. Mr Toole & Mr Routledge came also. V. pleasant evg. Monday April 3 Heavenly day. Roy & Lin to see Review between Dover & Canterbury. Dine at Mrs. Clarke’s 7.30. 10 to dinner there, Horseleys, Turners, & a Mr Croker(?). Maud to Burnands for games on lawn. I fetched her after having tea at Mrs. Bucks. M. & self walked morg. on East Cliff. Tuesday April 4 Lovely day, east wind. Lin with bad cold again! He rode with Roy after lunch who had first fall. Maud & self shop’d. morg. Pd. bills etc. After lunch went with Lin to Mrs Buck’s. Maud & Roy there all afternoon. Margate dance. Wednesday 5 April Lin’s cold still heavy. Went to London by 10 train with 7 packages. X. First dull day after more than a month’s uninterrupted fine weather. Sea fog. Thursday 6 April Out shops morg. Parade & Pier. Had to walk with Mr Garnet horribly bad mannered man, walked home with us. Parade afternoon. To tea at Miss Thomson’s. Friday 7 April Dull sea fog. On Pier morg. Met B.W. walking with Ethel B. On to Marina & sat behind awning with Thomsons. Roy out for drive with Cuthbert. Maud & self drove dog cart round by Minster. Walked on Parade after. Called on Mrs. Burnand, out. Fancy ball Ramsgate. Saturday 8 April Dull, v. cold east wind. Our shops morg. Once up Pier, on to sands. Sat behind Sarah Perring staying with Miss Thomson. Maud ro rink after lunch. Lin came by 10 train, all met him. He & Roy rode. Cob tiresome. To tea at Mr Moulton’s, Mrs. O. Crawfurd there. Maud met me there, walked back & on Parade met B.W. Sunday 9 April Dull, cold. In all morg. till 12.30. Called saw Miss Graves. Walked with Mr Burgess & B.W. on Parade. Lin & Roy rode, Cob v. tiresome. Mr Souby & Mr Burnand called. All went in to Mrs. B’s after dinner. Monday 10 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 X. Petit ami. Miss Effie Hare’s wedding 2 o’c. All Saints Church Margaret St & after at 3 Park Cres. Telegraphed congratulations. Lin & Roy to London. Mr Burgess called. Lovely day. Sent cheque of £10 to Bank for house, had overdrawn my house money. Dined at Mrs. F.C.B’s. Tuesday 11 April M. & self returned fr. Ramsgate after delightful fortnight there by 1.15 train. In cart to station. Lin & Roy to theatre evg. Had steak for dinner. Wednesday 12 April In bed till 12.30. Tabs called & had tea. Roy to see billiard match Roberts & (blank). Lin to Punch dinner. Thursday 13 April Mrs. A.G.Pollock’s dinner 8 o’c. acc’d for Lin only. Received Midge’s & my annuities £25 each. Lin met Fritz J. & Sophy at Pollocks. Friday 14 April Saw Annie, gone off in appearance. Engaged her for three weeks hence. Great commotion about Mrs. Batey sending boy off. Went with Maud to order her dress at Woolands £6.6.0. Cab there 1/6, back 1/-, cakes 3d. Saw Bill Weigal bottom of Argyll Road. Roy out all day with Banbury. Saturday 15 April Lin & Maud to Canon Bourne’s. Not going, too busy. Lovely day. 2o’c I drove with Roy & Maud to Savoy theatre saw Haddon Hall. Lin had Turkish bath. Mother sent round statue of Duke of Clarence. Paid Mrs. Batey’s book 19/6. Paid 3/- cab, 1/8 sausages, 4d Roy. Sunday 16 April Lovely day. Maud with bad cold. I went to see Mother, seemed low dear thing & depressed. Lin & Roy rode. Miss Harcourt & Mr Frisby called & stayed some time. Monday 17 April Down to breakfast. Went to see “Becket” in the evening, most charming. Tuesday 18 April Mrs. Wills dinner 8 o’c. Out shops morg. Dear Mother’s birthday, took her flowers & potted meat 1/4. Arranged her flowers. Rested after lunch. Good dinner at Mrs. W’s but hugely dull after. Went on to supper at Mr Blunt’s, 12 Haymarket. Met Winchester Cloweses & their 2 cousins & Mr F. Robertson. V. delightful evg, forgot time until all the lights went out! Too many good things. Home little after 2 o’c. Met Mrs. Huish who told me Fanny had long since left her. Wednesday 19 April Lovely day, like spring. Took Maud to be fitted, don’t like her dress. Omnibus 6d. Went after luncheon & bought sunshade & 3 glasses for sideboard. Dals about maid. Paid Derry Toms £1.1.9 by cheque for sunshade. Thursday 20 April Lady Reed’s dance 112 Cromwell Rd. 9.30. Out morg. shops. Got M’s rib 4/-. M. looked v. sweet in her new white muslin, had heaps of partners & seemed much admired. Bed 2 o’c. Roy went to baths after lunch, rode with Lin morg. Lin pd. M’s dress £6.6.0. Lin pd. M’s gloves 7/11.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 21 April Vienna? Can’t go alas! Lovely day. Went in cab with M. to Bocquet’s, ordered dress for £6.6.0 & she is altering black bodice. Ordered pr. boots for M. & self at Marshall & Willets. Cabs 4/- cakes 9d. Going to see “Liberty Hall” St James. Saturday 22 April X. Maud petit ami. Café chantant 3.30 Kens. town Hall. Gave tickets to Mde. & Mademoiselle. Went & enjoyed it, M’lle here to dinner. Morg. out shop’g bought flowers 1/6, gooseberries, bananas & cucumber 2/11 Barkers. Lin, M, R, & self to Court theatre saw “The Amazons”. Mr Stone came to our box. Drove home cab 2/-. Herberts & Jones 2/11. Lin & Roy to theatre evg. Sunday 23 April Lovely hot day. Went to see Mother, out. Walked thro’ Gds home. M. & Mde. to Gardens. M. seems limp & seedy. Clara out afternoon. Lin, Maud & Roy to tennis Mrs. Lewis. Mr & Mrs. Reed called. Monday 24 April X. (illeg illeg). Lovely day. Went out shops morg. bought asparagus 2/6 & bonnet £1.6.9 Pontings & paid for it. To tea at Lady M’s by bus, cab home 1/6. Met Mr Frisby. Roy Lin & self to “A Woman of no Importance”, O. Wilde, Haymarket. C. Watney to our box. Unpleasant but cleverly written. Roy & Lin to tennis at Mr Reed’s. Tuesday 25 April Mrs. Tate’s dinner party 8 o’c, 1 Collingham Gds. Magnificent dinner table & house. 24 to dinner. Mrs. Montefiore & Mrs. Spielman called, out morg. Flowers 1/4, Maud 9d. Roy to see “Diplomacy” evg. alone, came in together, found him struggling with door. Wednesday 26 April Mrs. Heilbut’s dinner 8 o’c, can’t go. Lovely day. Dear Roy returned to Eton, gave him 5/-. Lin & Roy rode morg. Thursday 27 April Mrs. Trower’s dinner 8 o’c. Asked Alice Linley to lunch. Alice Linley to lunch & tea. Messenger, Trowers dinner put off on account of Mr T. being ill. Lin rode morg. Maud & self to Witton & Bocquet. Cab & cakes 2/10. X. Sale of all the dear old furniture at Westwood. So passes away one more link of the dear past. Friday 28 April Private View of Academy. M. & self went morg. & saw pictures well. Cabs 3/6, bread 3d. Home to lunch. Mad’lle & Mr Clementson to tea. Lin & Maud to Academy after luncheon. Saturday 29 April Lovely day, cooler. Morg. out shop’g. No money except 3d which spent on flowers. After lunch Lin, M. & self to Private View of New Gallery. Met endless friends & acquaintances. Home to tea & dinner. Lin & self to Palace Theatre after. Saw Sandau well worth seeing, etc. Lin rode morg. Kensington sore throat again. Dear Mother returned from Ramsgate after sale of furniture. Lin has bought goods amounting to over £10. Sunday 30 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Lin riding with Mr Lockwood etc. I went in bus to Mother’s, looked poorly & weak. Stayed till one o’c. Maud & Mde. to Church & Park. Sent cheque £17.8.0 Mde. Bocquet, making bill fully pd. up. May 1893 Monday 1 May Fanny Barker arrives from S. America. Lin dines with Mr Parsons. To Miss Witton morning, om 2d, cab 1/6. Saw maid – fringe! Lin paid Clara’s 4 months wages up to 24th April £16.13.4. Lin drove Cob to town. Tuesday 2 May X. Madame Maark left for Paris by 11 o’c train fr. Victoria. Mervyn called. Bates sister came fr. S. America with Transfer of £40 B.A. West. Rly signed & letter fr. Midge. Sent same on to Messrs Hutchinson 15 Angel Court City for certificate of same. Louise took Maud to see Mervyn act morg. performance Terry’s theatre “Allan’s Wife”. Out shops morg, pd. Mde. 12/-, flowers 6d, mushrooms 6d, M’s things for blouse 2/11. Lin rode Cob morg. Mr Hartree & Alice Sewell (Oram) called. Wednesday 3 May Mrs. Farquharon 10 o’c. Maud & self to lunch at Lady Margaret Watney’s 1.30. Lin dines at Mr Lockyer’s. Lovely day. V. worried over books expenses seem to increase & cannot keep them down. Cabs (illeg) money for Maud etc etc & Lin paying me only bare house money. Tea at Tabbie’s, Park St. Lin paid me £25 for house, have already overdrawn £3.19.2 from private account, leaves me only £21.1.0 in hand. Called Tabs after Lady M’s, tea there, cab to Mother’s 1/-. Dear Mother seedy. 1/- cab home, cab to Lady M’s 1/6, Maud’s flowers 1/-, cab to Mrs. Farquharson’s 1/-. Pleasant evg. there. Thursday 4 May Mrs. E. Tate’s at home 10 o’c, 1 Collingham Gds. Asked Miss Warre to come to tea 5 o’c, too soon. Lovely day, warm. Out with Maud morg. to Oxford St for patterns. Cakes 8d, om 4d, cab home fr. Hyde Pk. 1/6. Pleasant party at Mrs. Tate’s. Mr Hall called to see Lin after luncheon. No maid called. Paid books morg. too. Friday 5 May Annie Tallent comes tomorrow. M. & self in bed to breakfast. Self out by 10.30. Flowers 8d, tongue for M’s breakfast 8d, wicks 1d. Letter fr. Emma with not surprising news. Called & saw Mrs. Dalrymple about parlour maid. Boy 2d. Ordered blouse at Barkers 10/6 & shoes Kelseys 12/6. Lost latch key. X. M. & self to Mother after lunch, had heart attack which worried me v. much she looked so ill. Stayed with her till 6.30. Dined at 8.20. Saturday 6 May Annie Tallent comes. Louise leaves, worked well to last. Lovely day. Out shops morg. Feel v. seedy & tired neuralgia all up right side of face. Did not sleep well worried about key. Saw maid, experienced or supposed to be, engaged her if character suits. Sat in schoolroom & worked with Maud all afternoon. Lin out twice driving mare & cob, finished drawing this morg. Also drove in cart 10.20 to Marchioness of Breadalbane’s reception of Home rulers! Annie came. Gave Louise 5/- for little present. V. nice little servant & sorry to lose her. Sunday 7 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tabs, Ham & Bee to dinner 7.30. Found key in blotter. Lin out morg. in cart to Photographic studio. Lin to Sir A. Hickman’s for tennis. Edgar, Sophy & Sylvania Rose Innes called. M. & self went to Mother early & then sat in Park. Cab & om 1/4. Lin gave me 3/- for cabs. Monday 8 May X. Petit ami. Knitting afternoon Lady M’s. Met Mr Morrison, Mrs. Crighton & another lady there. Cab 1/6, ditto to Woollands 1/- & home 1/-. Tuesday 9 May Mrs. Williamson & Mrs. Wills drawing room teas. Lady Hickman’s ditto. Dine 8 o’c Mrs. Medley. Unable to go to drawing teas, in bed till 1 o’c. Mrs. Tweedie called. V. pleasant dinner Mrs. Medley’s, nephew took Maud in & seemed much impressed, met her at Lady R’s dance also. Only 2 young gentleman & Mr & Mrs. Chapman & daughter beside ourselves. Wednesday 10 May Mrs. de la Rue’s fancy dress ball 10 o’c. Dine at Mrs. Heilbut’s. Lunch at Mr Sterne’s to see procession, Queen driving in state to open Royal Institute. Lin to Institute. Maud sore throat morg. Unable to go to Mr Sterne’s as I am seedy. Margaret Riley called arranged to engage her fr. next Wed. Letter fr. Emma going to her Mother’s for a few weeks & va revenir chez nous après. Dear M. wept because I c’d not go, afraid she is v. seedy. She had to leave table at Mrs. Heilbut’s feeling ill. Mervyn to ball. Lin & M. arrived home 10 to 4. Never trust her again unless I go. She was v. much admired. Thursday 11 May Lovely day. Had v. disturbed night. Maud in bed v. poorly & feverish with throat. In all morg. called at ¼ to 4 on Mrs. Tate, Lady Reed, Lady Flower, M. Pollock, Mrs. Wills, Mrs. Spielman, Aunt Linda, Farquharson & dear Mother. Bought bananas & oranges 1/7½, jelly & sponge cakes 1/2. Mother v. depressed & seedy. Mervyn there. Maud in bed all day, bertter, eat nothing. Slept with Maud. Friday 12 May Lunch at Mrs. Linley’s. Private View Grafton Gallery. Tabs invite to lunch. Mr Burnand called. Maud better, slept in her room & had breakfast there together. Her throat still bad. Took Maud to Libertys. Miss Witton cannot make her dress. On to Tabs, gone to Gallery. M. & self there, crowded fashionable assembly. M. looks wretched & is nervous & languid. Home. Dined at 8.15. Saturday 13 May Lovely day. Lin finished work morg. Lin lunched out. Drove at 11 o’c to Libertys, got 3 dresses (materials) green, pink & white. Manning & Witton unable to make anything for fortnight!!! Home. Paid books after lunch. Wrote E. Annie not smart enough in laying table for parlourmaid, otherwise is nice, & looks nice. Mad’lle came & remained till 10 o’c. Lin to Savoy after dinner. Third night slept with Maud. Cut out her dress & worked away at it with Annie’s machine. Sunday 14 May Went with Maud at 12 o’c to Mother’s. Better. To Park & sat there. Cabs 2/10 altogether. Lin rode cob to Col Sir (blank) Maude’s where he & T. P. C’s lunched & had tea. M & self lunched at Mother’s. Tabs & her 2 chicks there, H. in later. Tabs, M. & self & Tags home in cab, pd. it self. H. & chicks here to tea later. Mrs. Orchardson & Hilda, Mr & Mrs. Frisby called, she grey mare! Poodles.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 15 May Dine 7, 93 Park St, Tabs, & go to Gaiety after. Lady M’s stocking class. Unable to go, dined at Tabs & went to theatre. Busy with Maud all morg. Mad’lle came to dinner with Maud. Tuesday 16 May Dine at Mrs. Trower’s 8 o’c. Out morg. shop’g with Maud & busy making her pink dress. Maud seedy with sore throat. Dull dinner Mrs. T’s, most uninteresting people. Fanny B. sent me 2 dresses etc. V. acceptable. Mademoiselle came to dinner with M. Wednesday 17 May X. Engaged Margaret Riley. Mrs. A. Critchett’s at home 10 o’c. Margaret Riley comes. V. busy shop’g with Maud hard at work on her pink dress. Lin to Critchetts, M. & self too tired. Thursday 18 May X. M. Riley today instead of yesterday. Go to Studio with Tabbie. Unable to go. Clara left. Busy all morg. working with Maud, shop’g after lunch & called on Mrs. Trower, Lady Hickman, Mrs. Heilbut. Dr O. came to see Maud, thinks I am too anxious. Maud looks v. seedy. X. M’s petit ami. Friday 19 May Maud goes to Lady Margaret for 10 days, “Middleton”, Longparish, Hants. Out shops morg. Maud pack’d. Annie helped with work for her. I took her to Waterloo. She went down alone with Lady M. Called on way home on Mrs. Lucy, Fritz, de la Rue’s & Mother. Lin & self to Pavilion. Heard Bessie Belwood, Campbell, & Chevallier. V. amusing performance. Saturday 20 May Out morg shop’g. After lunch called in brougham on Mrs. Eykyn, Rose Innes, Kemp, English, Mrs. Speed, had tea there, Mrs. Lewis, saw her & Mabel & Sir R. Webster. Rained hard. Quiet evg. at home. Letter fr. dear Maud. Strange dog came in at luncheon, v. friendly, & disappeared as strangely as he came. Sunday 21 May Dull morg. Lin rode. I turned out nurseries, found moth in full possession of cupboards & no wonder. Lin put up Barometer fr. dear Westwood. Mr Stone & Sylvania Rose Innes come to dinner, making 4. Pleasant evg. only they stayed so late. Riley waited v. well. Monday 22 May Lovely day. Annie will leave at her month finds stairs too much. Quiet day. Tuesday 23 May Dullish. Out morg. bought flowers 1/-, cabs 1/1½. Mrs. Spofforth, Mervyn, Tilda, Madame Allain, Connie & Mary Burnand called. Quiet evg. X. Emma comes back today month. Mrs. Batey v. nice about it & quite understands. Wednesday 14 May Go to Mr J. Hood’s studio to meet Tabs 3 o’c, 26 Tite Street. Went morg. to S. Audley St, fetched Tilda, went to Russell & Allen. Ordered black satin evg. dress there, £14.14.0. Bus & cabs 10d. Lin rode. Called after lunch on Mrs. Williamson,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Finlay, Nembhard, Pickering, & Mrs. Hare. Had tea & dinner at Mother’s. Mervyn & Mother depressed. Tabs there to tea, not sitting today. Carriage home. Annie & Batey out. Thursday 25 May Lovely day. Out shops morg. Tabs & H. here to dinner, theatre after. I go to Studio Jacomb Hood to sit with Tabs. Sat there 1½ hours. To Mother’s, & Tabs & H. dined here, to see “Amazons” after. Friday 26 May In morg. sent Maud’s dresses 3 & 8 prs gloves to Pullars, Perth, to be cleaned. Called on Miss Hogarth & went on to J. Hood’s studio, sat with Tabs an hour & had tea, drove to Woolands where Tabs ordered her tea gown. Boy threw stone at carriage lamp & broke it. Lin dined with Mr Stone. I dined with Mother, Mervyn out. Home early. Two letters fr. dear Maud. Saturday 27 May Asked Charlie Stokes & wife to dinner 7 o’c & Mervyn. Box for “Diplomacy”. Lin out to lunch & tea. I paid books & shop’d morg. Enjoyed “Diplomacy” immensely. Mervyn unable to go on with us, no room. C & wife looking v. well especially Mrs. S, prettier than ever. Letter fr. dear Maud evening. Sunday 28 May Asked Connie & Mary B. to luncheon. Mr Guthrie to dinner. Lovely day. Mr John Wheat (stammers!) otherwise v. nice & far more polished than his generation of town men. Mrs. Park & Mr J. Hood called. Only Mr G. & ourselves to dinner, former most entertaining, exactly hits our own case of “Grande dame” fallen princess imaginaire. Monday 29 May Mrs. Kemp at home 8 P.M. Letter fr. darling Maud returns today in time for luncheon. Lovely & hot. Lady M. brought dear Maud home & a lovely box of flowers. M. & self in brougham to Mother’s, Mrs. Nembhard & daughter there, had called here first. To Miss Manning & home. V. heavy shower. Quiet evg. Lin busy all day at hanging of his pictures at Fine Arts Gallery. Madame Maark returned evg. Tuesday 30 May Mrs. Souberbielle at home 4 - 7, 78 Cromwell Rd. Mrs. Hannau at home, 8 St Andrews Place, Regents Park 4 - 7. Go to Russell & Allen to be fitted 12 o’c. Dull, colder. Mrs. Roberts & Mrs. (blank) called. I went alone to Mde. S’s. Hungarian band, all French & Americans. Chée there. Wednesday 31 May Mrs. Harley at home 10 o’c. Lin & self dine at Fanny Fildes 8 o’c. Mrs. Hannau at home, 8 St Andrews Place, Regents Pk, 4 - 7. Out morg. about maid, saw one Lin won’t let me have, not sufficient reference. Maud v. busy with Madame on green dress. Charming dinner at Mrs. Fildes. Sernans(?), Rhodes, Blomfields, McCleans. Lin busy with pictures for his Private Exhibition at Fine Arts Gallery. Riley home afternoon & evening, her mother v. ill, will have to leave Friday. Jun 1893 Thursday 1 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mr Parsons at home 4-7 to meet Mr Millet. Lovely day. Out morg. Ordered bonnet & gloves Vickerys. Counted silver with Riley who leaves tomorrow on ac’t of her mother’s illness. Maud, Lin & self to see Lin’s drawings at Fine Art Gallery. They look beautiful, I was delighted with them. Met Mr & Lady Margaret W, Mrs. Wagge, Trower, Col Grant etc. there. Many drawings already sold. Very pleasant tea at Mr P’s. Mrs. Millet prettier than ever. Lovely water colours of Japan by A. Parsons. Friday 2 June Mrs. Atkin charwoman here for week. Mrs. Quilter’s at home 10 o’c. Dine with Mr C. Watney & Mr Stone, 11 Chesterfield St. Go to see Pinero’s new play “The Second Mrs. Tankerville”, Alexander’s. Riley leaves. Enjoyed play immensely. W.A Speed came into our box short time. Mr Watney took us after to supper at Willis’ rooms or restaurant, delightful French place, music & cuisine excellent. Saturday 3 June X. Petit ami. Mr Ainger’s luncheon party 2 o’c Eton Day. Reception Foreign Office evening. Private View of dear Lin’ s drawings at Fine Art Gallery. Sp. called. V. crowded Fine Arts, great success, drawings look charming. Lin & M. to Foreign Office. Dear Roy had black eye. Sunday 4 June Lovely morg. Got up as M. was in bed. Lin to Sir E. Lawson’s by 11.30, sleeps night there & returns tomorrow. Dear Mother called, & Mr P. Agnew who was so pleased with morning room I showed him other rooms. Mr Bill, Mr Spiers, Mr Huish & Miss Rose Innes called & stayed long while. Miss R. I. stayed to supper. Showers after lunch. Maud looking sweet in her new green dress. Monday 5 June Mrs. Rawlinson at home, 4 - 7. Mrs. Palmer’s at home, 4 o’c. Brief ac’t of Colportage(?) in England. Mrs. Batey after situation morg. Lin ret’d fr. Sir E. L’s morg. M. & self called 3.30 on Lady Wills! tea there, Lady M, more tea, Mrs. Watney there. Baby quite lovely. Mrs. Agnew. Lin dined with C. Stokes, box of sweets! Mrs. Rhodes called. Tuesday 6 June Paid Annie one month’s wages £1.10.0. Mrs. Messel’s at home 4 - 7, 8 Westbourne Ter. Mrs. Montefiore’s dinner 8 o’c. V. warm. Lin slept hours after lunch, came home v. late this morg. Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. & Miss English, Mrs. McLaren called. V. pleasant dinner at Montefiores. Wednesday 7 June Mrs. de la Rue’s party 10.30. Mrs E. Palmer’s at home 10 o’c. Nelly Keith’s luncheon party 1.30. Lin rode morg. M. & Mde. to coaching club meet. Lin to Hampton Court, rides mare there. V. pleasant party de la Rues. Ravosli(?), Ondin & Wolf. Ondin’s voice charming & v. handsome face. Lin met us there & came back with us. Thursday 8 June Mrs. H.A. Jones at home 10 o’c. Lovely day. Dull rowdy party. Friday 9 June Out 5 o’c calling. Went to Mrs. Burnand’s, Cox’s, Reed, Harcourt, Mother’s. Mervyn v. poorly. Tilda there. Quiet evg. Lin finished work after dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 10 June Mrs. Phipson Beale at home 4 - 7. Mrs. a’Beckett Terrell 4 - 7. Lin goes on Sir W. Pearce’s yacht “Lady Torfeda” until Monday 9.30. Invite to dine with Fritz Jackson. M. & self went to both at homes, v. amusing. Col. Welby & Miss Bullock called. Mrs. Batey after situation at Mrs. Laws 24 Queens Gate. Bought dust cloak for self £3.18.6 & Maud at Teuman(?) fitting. Sunday 11 June Tilda to early dinner. Maud & self have supper at Mother’s. Dull morg. Miss Hogarth & Mr & Mrs. Spielman called & had tea. Mad’lle here to dine with Mde. M. & self to Mother’s evg. Annie fetched us & walked home with us. Saw Reffell walking up & down. Monday 12 June Mrs. Rawlinson 4 - 7. Go to Mrs. Cohen’s, Round Oak Englefield Green Surrey, till Wed! Lin returns fr Sir W. Pearce. Go to Egham by 5.40 fr. loop line, Waterloo Sta. Saw Mrs. Law for Mrs. Batey. Gt. crowd at Waterloo. Mr Cohen & party met us at Egham. Drove us in two detachments to Round Oak, charming place. Tea under trees, 2 lovely old cedars. Our rooms communicating. Linley joined us before dinner. Dinner party dull. Maud much noticed by Mr Palmer. Spent 15/Cake 3.0 Fares 8.0 Porters 1.0 Maid 3.0 Tuesday 13 June Mrs. H. Dickens dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. Mrs. Kemp’s glees 8 o’c. Received £25 my annuity, & £25 Midge’s fr. Messres Lee & Pemberton’s. Lovely day. Drove in 2 parties to Ascot thro’ Windsor Pk. Cap’t Nathan, Miss Cohen, Mr & Mrs. N. Cohen, Mr & Mrs. Cohen our host & hostess. Delightful box. Saw Mr Lethbridge, Colin & Mrs. Hunter, Morley etc etc. Huish party close to us. Luncheon under trees most charming. Saw 3 races. Tea with Cap’t Nathan in Artillery tent, he ret’d to town with us. Dined at D’s, met Mr & Mrs. Whitehorn, Joachims, Boughtons & another couple. V.v. tired. Lots of callers. Mr Palmer took Maud to paddock. Wednesday 14 June Paid Annie £1.10.0 one month’s wages till yesterday. Maud & self dine at the Bristol 7 o’c with Miss Rose Innes & go to Lyric theatre to see L. Duce in “Anthony & Cleopatra”. Lovely day. In all day. M. & Mde. to Park. Lin rode. M. & self dined with Miss Innes at Bristol, 2/-, on to Lyric. Saw “The Dolls house” in Italian. Duce fine but lost the beauty as c’d not understand ¼. Arno as Helmer good. Saw Kemp Welchs & Alma Tademas. Mrs. J. Watney called. Thursday 15 June Lady Seton 4 - 7. Mrs. W. H.Wills garden party at Botanic Gds 4 - 7. Mrs. Colin Hunter’s dinner 7.45. Character of maid fr. Mrs. Milman, 17 Southwell Gds, S. Kens. Mr W. Agnew called. M. & self to Lady Wills. Met B.W. there remained all time with us. Met Rhodes, Boughtons, Hunters etc. On to Lady Seton’s, nearly over. Just time to dress. Pleasant dinner C. Hunters, walked home. 6/6 cabs today. Mrs. Atkin a fortnight here today £1.0.0. Friday 16 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Orchardson’s dance 9 o’c. Mary Nicol comes for 4 days. Not coming. Lovely day, heat intense. Out shops morg. Flowers 7d, rib 1/7½. Saturday 17 June Go to Mrs. Peto’s Knowlton Court, Dover, until Tuesday. By 1.30 fr. Victoria due 3.52,. Station Adisham. Went by 4 train. Met Mr Warre, married dau. & child, sta. Lovely place Knowlton Court. Train late & dinner party! Only time to scramble into dress. House party. Mr & Mrs. Harding, Cap’t Chapman & Col. & Mrs. Corry Walker. Sunday 18 June Lovely day. Sat out morg. & afternoon, read, wrote & talked. Do not care for Cap’t C, like Mr & Mrs. Harding & Col. C.W. immensely. Never saw such profusion of fruit at all meals. Monday 19 June Mrs. Rawlinson 4 - 7. Return fr. Mrs. Peto’s. Mrs. Kemp at home 9 o’c. Returned by 3.50 train. Heat intense. Home at 8. Dinner & bed. Tuesday 20 June Mrs. A. Henderson’s dance 10 o’c, 52 Princes Gate. Invite to go with Mr C. Watney on coach “Magnet” fr. Vic. Hotel 11 0’c to Reigate. Mary Nicol comes. Left after hurried breakfast to Vic. Hotel. Dull day but cooler & no rain. Met Mr & Mrs. Ray, Mr Spottiswood, Mrs. Whitbread, Mrs. Hewitt, Sir Guy & Lady Campbell & their pretty boy. Picked them up at their own house etc. Fritz Jackson & one other. Most delightful drive to Reigate. Lunch there & coffee on lawn, caves. Home at 7.30 in dog cart & cob fr. Vic. Maud Lin & Mary Nicol to dance. No introducing so did not enjoy it much. Wednesday 21 June Dull morg. Cooler. Mary N. & Maud out all morg in Park. To Russell & Allens & met Mrs. Thorneycroft. Mary & self at 3 o’c to Grafton Gallery. Met Mrs. Schlessinger. To Lin’s show, met C. Watney, & home. Mary on to meet her sister at St Pancras. We dined here alone, Mary Maud & self. Mary to party after dinner. Letter fr. Mary Edmonds, hope she can come Friday. 2/- Grafton. Thursday 22 June Mr Moscheles pictures on view. Mary Nicol left us at 9 o’c for Scotland. Dull. Maud & self after lunch to Fishers with bodice & vest of grey dress. To Mrs. Orchardson’s about Maud. To Mde. Bocquet, ordered dress, 10½ gns! Fawn & black. Friday 23 June X. Mrs. Batey goes to Bournemouth. Mrs. Reffell & Mary Edmonds came. Mrs. F. Macmillan’s dinner 8 o’c. Lady Anne Blunt at home 4 - 7, Wentworth House, Swan Walk, Chelsea. Mrs. Bellew 10 - 12 Vieux habits, £1.0.6. Mrs Holl’s dance, Maud going with the Orchardsons. Out morg. Paid books. Strawberries 8d, flowers 6d. Bates called. V. pleasant dinner M’s. Maud home 2.30, I let her in. Saturday 24 June Lin finished work morg, becoming very tiresome now to have drawing room cleaned. Girls can’t get in till so late it does not get properly done. Rained afternoon. Pd. Mrs. Atkin 12/- for week & one day. Went in carriage to fetch Lin fr. Club. With Lin to Fine Arts, crowd there, met Mr Fenn, Tilda, & Mr & Mrs. Kesley.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Called on Mrs. Watney & Mrs. Henderson, & stayed with Mother till 7. Sophy arrived & remaining a week, strangely abrupt. Sunday 25 June Friends to dinner 7.45. Miss Rose Innes, Mr Spottiswood. Stayed till 12.30. Monday 26 June Mrs. Rawlinson 4 - 7. Mrs. Rhodes at home 4 - 7.30. Grossmith. Out with Maud morg. Out at 4 o’c. Called on Col. Welby, gone. Very pleasant at home at Mrs. Rhodes. Tuesday 27 June 3rd time windows done at 3/- a time. Mrs. Holmes dinner ¼ to 8, not acp’d. Academy Soirée 9 o’c. Maud lunches with Miss Davis at 1 o’c, 15a Pembridge Cres. Out morg on bus to Bank. X. To Mde. Bocqet’s to be fitted with fawn & blk. dress. To Liberty’s for Maud’s blue dress & tiresome Fishers about grey. Mrs. Sington, Mrs. A. Harding & Mrs. & Miss Finlay called. Wednesday 28 June Mrs. S. Williamson at home 10 o’c. Maud lunches at Lady Hickman’s. To Mrs. Parr’s to see the Queen pass 4.30 on way to uncover the statue of herself by the Princess Louise Marchioness of Lorne in Kensington Gardens. Saw well but unfortunate thunder shower came on just as they were passing. Went morg. in carriage to Mother’s, saw Sophy. Mother & S. just going out to Fishers & Liberty’s. Ret’d material to Liberty sent yesterday. Select & dull party. Lord Spencer, Ld. & Lady Aberdeen. Mary out. Thursday 29 June Mrs. Messel’s dinner party 8 o’c. Out morg to Mrs. Levy & Mrs. Cox. Brought in raspberries & 2 brown cotton 3d. X. Sent £26.5.0 to Glyn Mills Currie, last call on 21 B.A.Gt. S. 4% pref shares. Pleasant dinner. Mary leaves today week. X. Petit ami. Friday 30 June Lady Anne Blunt 4 - 7, Wentworth House, Cheam. Mr Moulton’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Walter Crane 4 - 7 at 13 Holland St. Jul 1893 Saturday 1 July Lin dines at Mansion House & to Opera. Mrs. C. Wylie’s dance, 38 Abercorn Place 9 o’c. Patti concert at Hall. Mrs. Walter Crane at home 4 - 6. Sunday 2 July In bed till 12. V. seedy. Miss Innes & Will O. & Spinks called. Lin rode & played tennis at Sir A. Hickman’s afternoon. V. v. hot. Quiet evg, to bed 10 o’c. Monday 3 July Lady Wills at home 4.30. Mrs. Rawlinson 4 - 7. Lin & Maud to Lords for Varsity match & lunch with Lady Hickman’s party. V. hot, feel v. limp. Out at 3 with Mde. shops for tomorrow. Called on Lady W. & tried on dress Madame B’s, don’t like it & it does not fit. Tuesday 4 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Reginald Bingham at home 10 o’c. Asked to dinner 8 o’c Sir J. Tenniel, Lady M. & Mr Watney, Mr Guthrie, Mr Bret Hart, Mr Dicksee, Mr Lockyer, Mr & Mrs. Winchester Clowes, Sir B. Baker & Mrs. Kemp, Syvania Rose Innes. Very pleasant dinner, had man to wait & Mrs. Bixley to help Emma. Soup. Salmon etc. Chaud froid pigeons & tomato salad. Roast lamb & peas beans à part. Roast chicken & salad. Jelly & compôte of fruit. Anchovy egg savoury. Mde & self did all shop’ in Kensington early. Maud & Lin to Lords all day for lunch & tea with Lady Hickman. Mrs. H. Peto, Mrs. A. Harding, Lady M. & cousin, Mrs. Tate, Mrs. Ogilvie & son, Judy Mason, called. Wednesday 5 July Mrs. Tomlin call 10 to 12. Mrs. Legge called about her dau. as pro tem. Mary v. busy. At 3.30 to Mrs. Purdy, Spielman, Aunt Linda, had tea there, Mrs. Montefiore, Ladies Lucas & Hickman, & Messel. V. hot. Could not sleep. Mad’lle here to tea. Poor Annie tooth ache. Thursday 6 July Royal Wedding. Glorious day v. hot. Could not sleep. Mad’lle & Mde off to see procession. Lin, M. & self to Mr Agnew’s. X. Mr Ainger’s letter, one boy to sanatorium with scarletina. Feel most anxious about Roy. Friday 7 July Fritz’s dinner 8 o’c, M, Lin & self. Lady Ellis at home 8 o’clock. Mrs. Pickering at home 4.30 (Mrs. Arkel). Mary’s 2 weeks wages 17.6.0. V. pleasant dinner at Fritz. Met my double Mrs. Bridge & Admiral Bridge, 2 Miss Meinertzhargan, Mr Jack Robertson, Mr Herkomer & American gentleman who took Maud in. Good music after. Saturday 8 July Marion Pollack’s at home 4.30 - 7 o’c. Maud dines with Miss Rose Innes, on to see French play after. Maud, Lin & self to Mrs. Mocatta’s until Monday. House party Mr & Mrs. Wedderburn & Miss Enthoven, latter v. nice. Sunday 9 July To spend day at Mrs. Mocatta’s Leyfield, Datchet. V. windy(?). Sat out afternoon. Pool & battle evg. Monday 10 July Return fr. Datchet. For lovely drive in Vic. with Mr Wedderburn & M. tho’ Windsor Pk. & forest. Tuesday 11 July Gentlemen’s dinner, 12. Out to stores morg. Spent £2.14.6 there. Arranged table etc. Mr C. Watney, Schomberg McDonell, F. Burnand, Lucy, Brandon Thomas, Ayala, Lehmann, Parsons & Lockwood. Caviare. Clear soup. Cold salmon. Chaudfroid pigeons, tomato salad. Roast lamb, peas etc, haricots verts. Roast chicken, salad, Russian salad. Jelly & macedoine. Anchovy savory, cream cheese etc. Ices, pineapple cream raspberry water. Grapes, cherries, greengages etc. All stayed till 2 o’c. Peals of laughter. 2 men waiters Mrs. Birley & girl. Wednesday 12 July To Mrs. Ionides for day by 10.20 fr. Paddington to Reading with Maud. Maud lunches with Mrs. Burnand. M. & self dine with Miss Rose Innes & go to French


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 plays. Saw “Francillon”(?) by Dumas & “La joie fait peur” Gerardin. Saw Bartet, Reichenburg & G(illeg) first & last splendid, they can & do act. Thursday 13 July Out shops morg. Rested afternoon. Maud & self dined with Fritz at 7 o’c & went to Opera after, “La Favorite”. V. cheerful music. 3 good stalls near entrance & close to Ld. Lathom & Lady Brooke’s boxes. Lin dined alone here most strange! Friday 14 July 1st month Annie’s wages at £19.0.0. Mrs. McLaren’s dinner 8 o’c. Dear Roy home till Monday. Eton & Harrow, Lords. V. dark afternoon. 6 o’c. No Roy yet appeared. Roy home at 7, Eton winning great rejoicing. Mde. & Roy to see “Second Mrs. Tankeray”(sic). V. dull party at McLarens. Mr Dillon, Mr & Mrs. J. P. O’Connor, Mrs. Milner (lively), Mr Williamson, J. Waring, etc. Hugely dull glad to get home by 11 o’c. Saturday 15 July Lady Ellis at home 4 - 7, Buccleugh House. Eton & Harrow. Roy left for Lords directly after breakfast. Lin, Maud & self went after lunch, met B. W. who walked some time with Maud. Dear Roy v. much exalted Eton won easily with 9 wickets to go down. Had tea with Mrs. Faudell Phillips & grapes with Mrs. Williamson. V. handsome men at the latter’s. Lin dined at Mr Agnew’s, most of Punch staff there, & Mr Morley etc. Roy, Mde. M & self to Daly’s theatre, brilliant house. Saw “The Hunchback” but oh! so dreary & dull, were densely bored. Sunday 17 July Did washing with Annie. Maud & self called after lunch on Mdes Pickering, Webster, Walter Crane, Mrs. Williams, & to Mrs. Rawlinson, had tea there very dull party. Tuesday 18 July Mrs. A. Lewis Garden Party 3 - 6. Madame Souberbeille’s dance at Queen’s Gate Hall, 10.30. Katie Lewis wedding day! Most exquisite presents all the world there. Ethel English called & kept us rather late. Mrs. O. & Ada came on our return from Mrs. Lewis’. Lady Wills & Mrs. Walter Crane called. Wednesday 19 July Up morg. by 9 to breakfast, turned out papers. Home from largest private dance I ever went to at 2.20. Mde. had had 96 to dinner first at Queen’s rooms & most gorgeous supper served hot & cold at 1 o’c, perfect everything. Only knew Terreros, Mr Davis, Miss Knowles & Mrs. Morley. Rained all afternoon. Maud to dinner at Mrs. C. Burnand’s 8 o’c alone. Thursday 20 July Lin dined with Mr C. Watney. Friday 21 July Go to Mrs. Ionides for day fr. Paddington 10.20. Had to take cab at Reading. Warm & fine but not sunny. Charming house. Went round grounds most delightfully situated top of steep hill overlooking river & Reading in the distance. River at the end of Ionides garden & field. Went over house belonging to a Mr Gower, too small, & after excellent luncheon went on river, had tea. Enquired prices at Roebuck Hotel


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 v. dear! Dined at Ionides & returned by 9.40. Mr & Mrs. & child arrived at 6 o’c on visit to Mrs. G. He played well. Marie & Irene extremely pretty girls & look lovely at night. Saturday 22 July Mde. de Souberbeille at home, 78 Cromwell Rd, 4 - 7. Lady Anne Blunt’s at home, Crabbet Pk. Busy morg. shop’g & Mother visit. Maud, Lin & self to see “Love in tandem” at Daly’s. Ada Rehan & Bouchier splendid, enjoyed it immensely. To Mde. S’s after. V. dull, knew no one but Ena Terraro. Quiet evg. Mde. went to enquire for Mrs. Fildes for me. Phene Knowles called handsomer than ever. Sunday 23 July Lovely day. Hot. Mr Wirgman & Lin for ride early. Monday 24 July Maud goes to Mrs. Messel, Nymans, Crawley Sussex. Saw dear Maud off by 4.30 with Mr Messel & son. To stores after for shopping. Tuesday 25 July Lady Freake’s at home 4 to 7, collation 7.30, Fulwell Park Twickenham. Asked Fritz, Mr & Lady M. Watney, Col & Mrs. Callaghan, Mr Stone, Sir J. Tenniel, Miss Knowles. Caviare. Cold Salmon. Pigeons, mushrooms. Roast lamb, peas etc, beans. Roast chicken, salad. Genoa pastry, apricots, cream. Haddock savory, cream cheese etc. Ices, pine cream, raspberry water. Pleasant dinner. Don’t care for table as much as octagon, light too high, cloth too dark. Stayed to ¼ to 1 o’c. Sir J.T. left at 10 past 1 o’c. Wednesday 26 July Tea Mr Molesworth, 6 o’c. C’d not go, tomorrow instead. Mad’lle here, had supper with Mde. & self. Great on Siam! Out Wed afternoon, called & saw Mother. Tabs there for one night. Drove up with Lin to Turkish baths. Feel v. weak & seedy. Long letter fr. dear Maud. Thursday 27 July Tea at Mr Molesworth’s. Went at 4 o’c called for Mother already gone out to see Tabbie off to C.C. Went alone to Mr Hartree’s stayed & had tea there & long talk. To Col. Welby to enquire. Went in & stayed some time, charming man with excellent taste in furniture, china, etc etc. Took me all over his house full of beautiful things. His fall not so serious as expected, only stiff knee. To Prof. Dewar’s & to & to Moley’s, out as usual. Sat alone in his dirty little room in smart locality, 6 Arlington St, for 20 minutes. Cheap little maid brought weak tea & came home, feel cross with his unpunctuality. Lin rode morg. with Mr Stone. Quiet evg, no letter fr. Maud. Friday 28 July Mr Jones here for stairs. In bed till 11.30. Disgraceful conduct of Mr T.P. O’Connor in H. of Commons last evg. over Mr Chamberlaine’s speech. Went with Lin after dinner to Shaftesbury Theatre, saw Loie Fuller dance. Good but not elegant. Saturday 29 July Lady Cotton’s garden party & cold collation, could not go. Called after lunch left note Col. Welby, cards on Mrs. O. Crawfurd, C. Mathews, Mr Woodall, Mrs. P. Agnew & Aunt Linda, with Mde. After dinner to Aquarium with Lin. Legs ache


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 awfully. Saw boxing Kangaroo, v. good, tight rope, & the dive! Wonderful but man looks v. mad. Baby screaming all day at 21. 2 letters fr. dear Maud. Sunday 30 July Lovely day. Lin riding with Mr Wirgman, lunches at Club. I lunch with Mother, home early after. 1/2 cab & bus. Mr Bret Harte, Mr Dicksee, 2 Miss Clerkes in afternoon & darling Mother. Mr Milliken dined here, nominally on business but general conversation during dinner, & Lin fell off calmly to sleep & snoring after dinner & left me to talk! religion! Mr M. left 11.30. V. v. tired. Mr & Mrs. Walter Crane also came, like both, he rather sad dyspeptic looking. Monday 31 July Lovely day. Aug 1893 Tuesday 1 August Lin & self to see “Morocco Bound”. Went to dress maker Alice Hill about red velvet dress. Wednesday 2 August Invitation to stay at Mrs. W. Clowes, unfortunately cannot go. Drove Lin to Wellbey’s chose broach for Maud, crescent of diamonds & sapphires. Lin gave me broach & having my pearl ring made into broach, also cameo earrings. Thursday 3 August Took Madame & paid calls. Most people away. Had tea with Mr Hartree, more like a banquet all his family there, on way to Switzerland. To theatre with Lin evg, forget where! Friday 4 August Dear Roy’s holidays begin. Arrived for breakfast, went off to Oval directly after & only came home in time for dinner. We, Lin, R & self, went to see “A Womans’s Revenge” Adelphi, pretty good. Saturday 5 August Shop’g morg. Met Mrs. Kemp & Mrs. Spofforth. After lunch Roy, Sp. & self to Exhibition. Water show most amusing 2 monkeys swimming & rowing, trapeze divers excellent & slack rope walker. Roy & Lin down slope, all of us in toboggan, horrid. Spencer dined here & we all went to see “Charlie’s Aunt” v. good. Roy saw school fellow Fox Strangeways with his people. Sunday 6 August Lin & Roy riding to Hampton Court for luncheon. Quite an autumn morg. dull foggy & crisp. Annie’s wages 1.11.8 Left fr. last 11.8 Travelling 4.6 £ 2. 7.10 Monday 7 August Roy to Oval. Frightfully crowded. V. hot. Tuesday 8 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Last Tuesday windows cleaned by Nash. Fetched dear Maud fr. Vic. Sta. Met Mrs. Messel there. M. looking so well. Roy to Oval all day. I went after with Maud to stores, bought 2 fowls 3/6, salmon 1/8. Punch dinner. Left Mother’s entrée dishes. M’s train so late could not go up & see her. Wednesday 9 August Lovely but v. hot. Called at 4.30 on Mrs. Sington at 12 Welbeck St, too seedy to see me, took her some flowers. Posted letters & sent postal order of 11/4½ to Pullars for piano cover & dressing gown cleaned. Thursday 10 August V. v hot. Out morg. Roy rode alone 5.30 in Park, cob. After dinner 7 o’c Mde. Maud Lin Roy & self to Earls Court Ex. Saw water show again. Lin v. wet coming down. Met Mr Kinderman & Mr Messel. Friday 1 August V. v. hot. Out morg. Pd. fish book, & on to see Present. Imperial Institute, c’d not get in without paying. Walked home bought fruit. Dear Mother to C.Church, Bates round morning. Letter fr. Mr Bret Harte about Seekins. Roy riding alone in Row. Saturday 12 August Lin & Roy to Mr Lehmann’s for day & night, on river tomorrow. Maud, Lin, Roy & self to morning performance of “Madame Angot” met Mr Ainsworth & his bride, he came to our box. Pas jolie. He just engaged at Daly’s Company. Sunday 13 August Lin & Roy leave by early train for Cookham & remain night with Mr R. Lehmann. Sp. & two chicks to tea & Mr Bret Harte. Fearfully hot quite glad of interruption to my packing. Monday 14 August Go to Tabs. Broiling hot day. Paid up books etc etc, came to Elmhurst by 2.15 train. Found the Stuart Wortleys & Mervyn here. Mother in rooms but comes on Thursday to stay. Lin & Roy returned at 10 o’c from Mr Lehmann’s, had delightful time there. Tuesday 15 August Mr & Mrs. Stuart Wortley left for Highcliff. Tabs, Maud, Mrs. S. W. & self to Garden party at Mrs. Surman’s. Tabs & Maud drove. Mr S. W. to Highcliff after. Wednesday 16 August Lovely day, v. hot. Mrs. Bell & two little boys to tea. Mrs. Bell translates German books. Rested all day. Morg. to Bournemouth with Tabs, shops. Tabs to dentist. Spent 1/9 telegram & something for Mother. Thursday 17 August Out morg. in dinghy with Hamilton, Lin & Roy. Mrs. Stuart Wortley came to see Tabbie morg. I drove with H, Tabs & Maud to Ringwood where they took train to Weymouth to join yacht “Alba”. Mervyn & Mr McCrow already there. Wire fr. them morg. Two brace of grouse fr. Mr Watney arrived morg. Friday 18 August Lovely day. Mother Roy & self alone Elmhurst. Went in morg. to see Mrs. Surman about Mr Bret Harte’s taking “Sandhills”. Roy caught crabs & had game tennis.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Roy v. tiresome, will not play again as he gets rude & naughty. Lin left by 7.30 train for London. Saturday 19 August Lovely day. Sat out all morning. Mother & I drove to Mrs. Burnand’s for teas. Charming house & tennis, billiard room. Mr Milliken & Miss Hollingshead there. Lin came down by afternoon train, says heat fearful in London. Dear Roy 15 years old today. Sunday 20 August Dull & windy, little rain. Mother, Bates & self to Church. Poor little sermon, Trottle in front of us. Lin & Roy on tricycles to Bournemouth, so wet fr. heat & rain returned for lunch. Took chicks for walk along cliff, met Col & Mrs. Surman & Mrs. Oliphant & Mrs. Gibbs & Miss Cullen, former asked Maud to tea for next Wednesday. Monday 21 August Sat out all day with dear Mother & feel much better. Yachting party returned in time for dinner, blowing too strong to venture round coast in yacht. Mrs & Miss Gillson & Mrs Reeve called, latter as funny as ever. Tuesday 22 August X. Petit ami au matin. In bed to breakfast, read “Heavenly Twins” by Mrs Grand, 1st vol, very clever & original. Tabs, Maud & Lin to Bournemouth. M. & L. lunched at Mrs Burnand’s, dear little Mary sent me lovely bunch of flowers. Wednesday 23 August Maud to tea at Mrs Gibbs. Susie Cullen fetched her 3 o’c. Sat on Terrace all afternoon. Pouring wet morning. Yacht race. Lin & Roy v. occupied with tennis, billiards, cricket, & in to Christchurch on tricycle. Lin v. tired! Ham angry last evening at dinner at delay in waiting caused by 2 nd bottle of ginger beer opened for Roy. When I expostulated with Roy about his always taking 2 bottles of g.b. during dinner & delay caused he said “I have settled that with McCrow now & told him to have the 2nd bottle ready otherwise the first would disappear with startling rapidity”. Thursday 24 August Lovely day. Change of rooms. Mr J. Hood came. Maud moved to Mervyn’s room & Mr J. H. to Maud’s. Lovely drive with Mother & Tabs to call on Mrs Miles. Interesting old house built 1652, Cromwell. Susie Cullen here morg. with Maud. Mr Hood arrived time for tea. Music evg & guessing game. Roy won pool later with gentlemen & was v. late to bed & v. noisy. Friday 25 August Lovely morg. Dear Lin to London by 1st train. Saturday 26 August Tea at Mrs Bell’s & Mrs. Reeves. Lady Metcalf there, seemed much impressed with Tabbie & fixed her eyes on her, evidently with satisfaction. Mrs Reeve most amusing & original, persuaded Mr Hood to go in with us, & think he liked her. Saw Constable sketches after tea at Mrs Bell’s. Very large crowd of funny people there like moles of interrogation appeared surprised to find themselves there. Gwen the admiration of small Bells. Some of Mrs B’s water colour sketches very charming.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 27 August Tea at Mrs Gillson’s. Tea at Mrs Surman’s. M. & self to Mrs G. Horrid neuralgia all night & feel seedy. Dear Mother seedy with pain in back. Think we have been unwise in sitting out so long & so late without jackets or hats. Monday 28 August Lovely day. Dear Mother left by 11 train, better, with Bates. Ham, Lin & self for cruise in yacht “Alba” enjoyed it altho’ unable to land at Totland Bay. Lunch on yacht, home to tea. Dear Roy off at 10.15 with Mr Gillson & for G. (illeg) for cricket match. Tabs & Maud there with Mr Hood after lunch. Roy returned much elated, made 44 runs not out & 4 wickets down to 5 balls. Mrs Surman to Pool evening. Roy & Lin divided pool. Tuesday 29 August All returned by 1.30 fr. C. Church. Train one hour late. Wednesday 30 August Hot & close. Out directly after breakfast with Maud shop’g. Chose 3 dresses for Midge, 2 sailor hats & one to be trimmed for Midge. Called & saw dear Mother, looks much better. Miss Gill here to tea. Lin & Roy to Turkish bath. Thursday 31 August Out all day shop’g. with Maud. Sep 1893 Friday 1 September Left dear Roy at Mother’s after dinner. Lin, Maud & self to Euston, met Farquhars, lost them at station, met again at Aberdeen Saty morg. & had breakfast all together. Left Maud with them Saturday. Had bad night. Lin & M. slept peacefully. Saturday 2 September Left dear Maud after breakfast 7 o’c at Aberdeen with Farquhars. Our two trains left together in different directions. Arrived Tressady 8 o’c. Lady M. met us at hall door in her usual kind way & to my room, the same as before. House party – Mr & Mrs Fort, Miss Taylor, Mr Thring, Mr Ryle, Mr Richards, Mr Newton. Played camps after dinner. Sunday 3 September Golf match. Mr Ryle bitten in leg by Walla, some doubt & confusion as to which leg. Mr Ryle distinctly not pleased & very nervous. Lady M, Mr Ryle, Mrs Fort & self drove to tea at Lady Margaret Graham’s. Mr & Mrs Grenfell there, both seem v. lively & nice. Lady M. v. ill in bed. Evg. trial of Walla in full & complete court of justice. Get up of council v. perfect. Mr Ryle still grumpy, & put out. Monday 4 September Mr Ryle left at 2 o’c. No letters. Mrs Fort & self had little walk together, watched Lady M. & Mr Watney play golf. No games after dinner. Tuesday 5 September Mr Marshall came. Lady M. & self alone afternoon, rest all out. Arranged table for Ledger dinner & arranged sweep stakes after. Bébé drew Truglass, Lady M. Ravenbury, self Royal Harry, Miss Taylor Peppercorn, Mrs Fort Self Sacrifice. Great fun over drawing horses in one hat, names of drawers in another. Letter fr. Dear


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maudie, Roy, & Mother, all well. M. having good time, Roy’s as usual v. short with P.S. of “What more can I say”. Wednesday 6 September Lady M, Miss T, Mrs F. & self drove to Goldspie & Mr Fort. Did large amounts of shopping for school treat. Lunched in large field facing sea & skirting grounds of Dunrobin Castle. Lovely view of pretty little Goldspie. Quite ravenous at luncheon, indigestion sequel. Saw Lady Brooke & the Sutherland baby. Dunrobin Castle looked lovely, w’d like to have seen grounds, too late unfortunately. Drove home to tea. No letters fr. Chicks. Thursday 7 September All party gone off to Brora for day except Mr Thring, fishing, & Lady M. & self. Arranged presents for school fête morg. Wrote to Roy, Maud, & Mother. Friday 8 September Miss Taylor, Mrs Fort & all the gentleman to Brora for Golf. Lady M. & self at home, just having quiet talk in drawing room, Lady M’s hair all down when the Duchess of Wellington, Lady Fitzhardinge & Lady Blanche Coningham called, stayed ages. Room in great mess. Lady Blanche v. pretty not v. young(?). Saturday 9 September Great fête of 300 people, presents for all & extra prizes. Played games with children. Marvellous disappearance of food at tea. Sweets & cakes to go away with. Sunday 10 September (blank) Monday 11 September Lady M, Miss T, Mrs Foot & self drove to tea at Mr Ryle’s. Mr Dryhurst & Mr Foot there all day. Bébé & Nurse, Lady M. Graham & little girl there. Had tea in Mr Ryle’s room. Mr Dryhurst returned with us to Tressady. Tuesday 12 September Miss T, Mr & Mrs Fort to Lairg fishing. Mr F 9½ lb salmon, ladies 26 trout. Lady M. & self, Mr Watney & Lin only at home all day. Poor Bébé fell on pencil which pierced her forehead & bled horribly. Dr. came & plastered it. Seemed wonderfully bright after. Letter from Maud. Wednesday 13 September Rained heavily morg. cleared at 12. Went with Lin & saw bathing pool. Grand after rain, spate. No shooting. Book game evg. Thursday 14 September Leave for London by 11.15. Great hand waving. Mr Newton leaves by later train. Hot bearing on wheel at Kingusie, such a spashing with hose, carriage next to ours. Heavenly day & scenery too lovely to neglect for reading. Had coupé returned to Perth. Loquatious old porter or guard at Perth bothered us. Friday 15 September Arrived Euston 8.30, late one hour. Comfortable journey & slept well. Lady Blanche Coningham got in at Lairg next carriage.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 16 September X. Petit ami au matin. Mother came & saw me morg, brought fruit. Going to have Maud Monday till Friday. Lin & self leave by 2.15 for Seekins, Mudeford. Comfortable journey. Dear Roy met us, looks well, on bycycle. Pity Lin bought trycycle, like Roy so impetuous & does not look ahead. Sunday 17 September In bed till 12. Lin, Roy & self dined early here. Lin dined at Ham’s. Lin & Roy to tea Mrs Burnand’s. Tabs, Olive & Alice Holland called after lunch & stayed some time. Gwen, Evy & Dorothy Shakespeare came in after, & Mervyn. Roy & self alone to supper here. R. v. good, to bed ¼ to 10. Monday 18 September Dear Maud leaves Mrs Nicol, Banchory, for London. Emma meets her at Euston & she goes to Mother, 58 Albert Hall Mansions, until Friday when she & Lin go to Mrs Henderson’s. V. windy here. In bed till 12 o’c. Lin headache again. Heel better. Roy to Bardoe’s for tennis on bicycle. Lin to lunch H’s & out fishing with him. Roy & self alone to lunch here. Tabs & Mervyn came in about tea time. Tuesday 19 September Up by 12. Went to Tabs after lunch & had tea there, Lin & Roy also. Came home in time to dress for dinner. Lin & Roy after dinner to Tabs. Tabbie most kind asks us every day to lunch or dinner. Wednesday 20 September Sat round with Tabs & Olive on sands morg. Lin to town by 1.30. Mervyn drove him in. Two long letters from Maud, she slept Monday Staf. Ter. & goes to Mother tomorrow. I went at 3 o’c with Tabs & Olive to Lady Manners, lovely view from grounds, house v. ugly outside, like a huge barrack of red brick. Lady M. out, had tea at Tabs. Thursday 21 September Sat out morg. Much colder. Had tea alone at Seekins. Tabs, Mervyn & Olive came in after & had fresh tea. Roy at Tabs. Friday 22 September Lin & Maud go to Mr Henderson. Send Jessie’s div. 15/7 fr. B.A. Western Rly to Bank. Sat out in sun reading all morg. Wrote letters (illeg) at Seekins. Fire evg. in sitting room, v. cozy. Had tea alone. Called on Mrs Gibbs & Mrs Gillson. Saturday 23 September Roy & I lunch at Mrs Reeves 1.30 & Mervyn. Roy lunched at Tabs. Olive & I went in Seekins cart to Mrs Reeves & lunched there, dreadful morg. so cold & stormy, cleared about 1 o’c. Met Mrs Lowther & a Miss (blank) at Mrs R’s, former amusing. Olive & self called after on Mrs Roll. Tabs sent carriage for us. Lady & dau. Lady Manners calling on Tabs. Had tea at Elmhurst & walked home. Ham shooting with Mr Mills. 2 brace of grouse fr. Sir A. Borthwick. Had one for dinner, excellent. Excruciating neuralgia all night & morg. & all day. Makes me feel quite wretched. Fire all day in sitting room. Sunday 24 September Lovely day, fresh. Had better night, covered head up in flannel. Sat out morg. Roy & self lunched here. I had tea alone here & Roy & I dined at Ham’s.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 25 September To lunch tea & dinner at Tabs, both Roy & self. Miss Nugent & brother & friend, Miss White, Mr & Miss Gillson & 2 Miss Hays. Practised cotillion. Mervyn returned fr. London & is sleeping here. Miss L. Bagnall arrives at Tabs. Had long letters from Lin & Maud. Miss Bagnall arrived at Tabs 6.30. Tuesday 26 September Went at 11 o’c with Olive in dog cart to Bournemouth, shop’g. Had tea at Tabs. Mr Harding came, Mr Molesworth later. They all went to Mrs Lathom’s dance. Wire fr. Lin saying Roy to return to Eton Thursday. Wednesday 27 September Neuralgia again. Writing all morg. After lunch went to Tabs for tea with Olive. Rest all gone to Nugent’s for tournament. Miss Bagnall played in tournament. Thursday 28 September Roy & self returned by 1.37. Roy to Eton same night. Maud to Mudeford for Tabs dance. All lunching at Seekins today! Found Lin at Station, came home with us. Packed Roy’s things. Darling Maud’s letter & little presents of hand’s & scent awaiting me on my table. Friday 29 September Orton in morg, to see Lin’s foot, v. inflamed. Dear Mother sent me lovely roses. Went by om. to see Mother, looking very weak & poorly, had tea there. Om. home 2d. lint 7d, poor woman 4d. Total 1/1. Saturday 30 September Lin’s foot no better. Dear Maud returned fr. C. Church with Mervyn & Shakespeares. I went after lunch in om. to Effie’s, 54 Ashley Gds. Charming flat. B. B. there. Con laid up with muscular rheumatism. Had tea there, returned by cab 2/-, om 4d, fruit 2/6. Total 4/10. Oct 1893 Sunday 1 October Lin’s foot still v. bad. Maud & self to Mother’s, Mervyn there. Om 8d. Lunched here. Dr Orton came, kept us till quarter to 3. Mr & Mrs H. Henderson, Edgar & Mr Claud Watney called. Monday 2 October Did washing with Maud. Bixley here doing stairs. M. & self to Marshalls about Midge’s dress. Om 6d, cab home fr. Piccadilly 1/6, figs 1/6. Total 3/6. Orton came during dinner. Lanced Lin’s foot, v. bad & v. painful. Tuesday 3 October Effie’s boy born 6 o’c this morg. In till 11.30. Saw nice maid fr. Mrs Hunt. Dimanche. Dr Orton came. Lin’s foot v. painful but will take photos in garden!!!. Brutal eternal photos. Had to fetch fish for lunch. Ordered & paid for oilskin 1/2, & linseed 1/6. Total 2/8. Flowers 1/-. With Maud after lunch to Sloane St. Ordered Midge’s tea jacket & satin & silk for skirt & my stays at Bournes. Called & saw Mervyn & walked home. Om 6d. Wednesday 4 October Dr O. came. Lin’s foot still v. bad. Out with Maud to Snelgrove’s to be fitted. Kept me waiting ¾ of hour & not ready. Came away angry. Fare there 6d, fare back 8d,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 with much walking, 1/2. Mrs. Spofforth called & told me of small maid, who called with her sister in evening. Lin gave me £25 for books. Thursday 5 October Dr O. came. Lin’s heel v. little better O. w’d lance it but did not. Mr H. Furniss came & stayed some time. Mr Burnand & Mr Agnew came. M. & self out morg. shops. Bought her lining 4/-, pears 1/-, paper 2/8½, stamps 2d. Mrs. Spofforth’s little maid’s sister here for week. Wrote to Mrs. Richards for housemaid’s character. Lin with cold. Friday 6 October Went with Maud directly after breakfast to Stores. Bus there 5d. Bought fish 1/9½, fowl 2/6, M’s toilet set 9/9, sweets 1/1, music 2/6½. Fare back 7d. Ethel English called. Saw Con’s baby morg. I went after tea & sat with dear Mother, v. poorly indeed. Dr Orton came. Lin’s cold v. bad, foot slightly better. Maud with sore throat. Long broom & wire sieve 4/9½. Saturday 7 October Went with Maud directly after breakfast to pay Mrs. Bixley 2/-, & called & saw Blanche & Mrs. Cole, both look well. M. & self walked to Mother’s, saw Dr Orton there. Mother still very weak but walking about. Stop’d poulticing Lin’s heel, using carbolic oil now. Too tired to go out after lunch. Mr Milliken came & had long talk with Lin. Find drawing room here unbearably stuffy with Lin’s gas & smoking all day in it. Maud with bad cold, Lin’s little better. Sunday 8 October Lovely morg. Stace here being photod. Lin in bath chair for hour fr. 12.30 to 1.30. I took “Kerrie” & went with him. K. behaved beautifully on chain! Orton came. Mr & Lady M. Watney, Sp. & W. Oakes, Mr Rawlinson & Mrs. Parish & child & Miss Drummond Hay called. Maud to bed directly after dinner with feverish cold. Sent for diaphoric & gave it her fr. Jones & Bowles. Monday 9 October To Woollands to be fitted. Neuralgia in ear, head & neck. M. in bed with cold. Paid washing £3.5.10. Unable to go to Woollands. Tuesday 10 October To Marshall to be fitted 11 o’c. Left here at 10.10, reached there 11, bus 3d. 3d also bus home. Ethel & Marion H. called. Annie did not know & let them go. Woollands sent here & was fitted with Midge’s dinner jacket. Went with Lin in brougham with mare round Park. Wednesday 11 October Pouring wet day. X. Petit ami in bed. Spencer called, v. jumpy. Lin going to Punch dinner. X. Emily Capus came. I drove Lin in brougham to Bouverie St. His & M’s cold still heavy. V. v. bad with little F. Thursday 12 October Rosalind Watney & Dorothy Shakespeare to tea. Lovely day. Drive at 2 round park with Maud, & to Mother’s. Unable to go in, M. did. Mervyn came & sat with me in brougham. Only Lady M. & Baby to tea. Maud to dine & to Savoy at Mr Watney’s, & supper at Berkeley Sq’re after. Friday 13 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maud Paxton came to stay. In bed till 12.30. I drove in brougham to Con’s at 3. Eff sleeping, Con away. To Mother’s, found her having large cases fr. Westwood unpacked. Miss Price called when there & remained. Feel dreadfully tired & weak. Saturday 14 October V. wet morning. Two Mauds for walk. To Drury Lane evg. Mr Stone joins us, & to supper in his rooms, The Albany. Dine 6 o’c. Saw Mr Hood, M. P’s friends at theatre, long silly piece, good cast. “Life of Pleasure”. Fritz Jackson came about tea time, staying with Claud Watney. Sunday 15 October Two Mauds to Church & to see Mother. Lin out riding with heel less boot. Hot & close. Monday 16 October Mrs. Jopling Rowe at home 9 to 11.30. V. dull evg. for Lin & 2 Mauds at Mrs. J.R’s. Mr Moleworth called. Lin rode. Two Ms & self to tea at Mrs Christians, to see Auntie after. Tuesday 17 October Lunch with Lady M. V. wet. Left Maud & Maud Paxton to lunch at Lady M’s, I felt too seedy. Was fitted with Midge’s dress Marshalls, & to Mr Bartlett’s. Mr Hood called to see M. Paxton. Dr. Orton to dinner, stayed till 11.30. Wednesday 18 October Invitation to dine Colonel Welby. Cannot go alas! 2 Mauds to pay bill at Peter Robinsons. Both wrote two important letters! Great excitement over same! X. Ap’t with Mr Bartlett 2.30. Stopped 3 teeth (2 eye teeth & one beyond left side.) Left at ¼ to 4, there 1 hour & ¼. Amy & Ethel to tea. Con called. Mad’lle called. Lin to Punch dinner. Thursday 19 October Col. Welby’s dinner, 13 Queen Anne’s Gate, 8 o’c. Lovely day. Arranged bills & papers. Did fern cases. App’t 3.15 Mr Bartlett. Two Mauds out morning for walk, followed by 2 gentlemen, v. annoyed. Mad’lle to dinner with 2 Mauds, took them to “Dalys” theatre. Mrs. Watney called. Most charming dinner at Col. Welby’s, his sister or a relation. V. charming home. Mr Gilbert & Mrs. Lynn Linton. Silver, furniture, dinner all perfect. Friday 20 October Lovely. X. Maud to 1st drawing class. Two Ms went with me to Marshalls to be fitted. Saturday 21 October Two Ms to Surbiton to tea & lunch. Lin worked till 12. I turned out cupboards. Lin rode morg. Slept in my room after. Quiet evg. Clara Bergheim called. Kerrie w’d not touch food all day. Sunday 22 October Pouring wet day. Two Mauds to Church. Mr Messel & Mr Dyce to tea. Lin rode morg. Mare went well. Mr Dyce & young Messel called. Monday 23 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Walked morg. shop’g. To Mother in bus 3d. Girls for walk. Basil P. called evg to tea. Maud & self to Mr Bartlett’s to make ap’t for me shopping out again! Called on Mrs. Mocatta, Lady Hickman & Mrs. Aird. Lin at work on Almanack. Quiet evg. La nouvelle fille s’en va au mois. Tuesday 24 October X. Anne s’en va aujourdhui mois. Saw two maids both willing to undertake work. Col. Welby & Miss Muir Mackenzie to tea. Mrs. Finlay & Mrs. Paxton & two little girls called. Out morning shop’g & ordered Halma & book for Midge. Two Mauds to tea at Aunt Linda’s. Conrad to dinner here stayed v. late. Wednesday 25 October X. Ap’t 10 o’c with Mr Bartlett, cab there 1/6. Walked after maid’s character, late riser & slow, & lodging house. To Mrs. Hunt’s. Met Mrs. Holmes & Edith Cole. Mrs. Paxton & two chicks box at Court Theatre. Emma & Emily out. Wet night, last to leave theatre. Thursday 26 October Col. Welby & beautiful lady fr. to tea. Came Tuesday instead. Morg. to Mrs. Hunt’s & to order packing case for Midge. Afternoon 3.30 two Ms & self to Stores ordered mantle, called & saw Eff, looking v. well & pretty. Con & Miss Gordons there, & dear Mother after. Bought Midge’s robes 2/11 Woollands. Two Ms in Row morg. Met Mr Stone, Col. Welby, Ruth Messel. Basil P. with them all the time. Friday 27 October M. & self to tea at Miss Dyce 4.30, 4 Cheyne Court. Maud Paxton goes. Maud to drawing class & walk after. Lovely day. Drove to Vic. with Mauds, saw Mrs. P. Left M. with her & on with my M. to Mrs. Crawfurd’s. Saw her, wanted us to stay to tea but had to go to Mr Dyce’s. Charming flat at Chelsea, showed us over his rooms. Miss D. v. ordinaire. Called at Mrs. Torrens & arranged about Maud’s going to Mitcham with her Thursday next. Saw dear Mother, going tomorrow to Edgar’s. Saturday 28 October Morg. out shops. X. Maud seedy. At 2.30 to Lyric theatre. V. good American girl Yoké & Lonnen(?) v. good in “Little Christopher Columbus”. Saw maid. Lin had Turkish bath after theatre. Quiet evening. Sunday 29 October M. & self went to Park, met Mr Messel, walked part of way home with us. Lin rode trycycle, knocked over little child! Lovely morg. Dull later. Monday 30 October Washing. Fetched Maud fr. her drawing class & saw her gown fitted at Derry’s. M. & self to tea Miss Muir Mackenzie’s. Sir Horace Davy there & Col. Welby. To Russell & Allens. Mother at Edgar’s. Roy been getting into trouble throwing stones. One flew thro’ a tradesman’s window. Roy & accomplice were summonsed & had to pay fine 10/- & cost of window. Mr Ainger v. lenient about it & kind. Tuesday 31 October Out morg. early to Stores. Ordered meat, fish & fowl. Spent 10/1. Ruth & little Messel to tea with Maud. I went in brougham at 3.30 to Lady Cotton’s, Mrs. F.C.B, Mrs. Sidney Harding, Mrs. Watney & Mrs. O’Callaghan. Sent £5.0.0 on deposit to Army & Navy Stores.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Nov 1893 Wednesday 1 November V. cold. Fires in full force. Maud to lunch at Mrs. Messel, Annie taking her. M. only went for walk with L. & R. Messel. Mrs. Crawfurd, Mr Brabazon & Lill Laver called. Tilda to supper. Annie out. Mad’lle had called & left me book to read. Thursday 2 November Maud goes with Mrs. Torrens to Mitcham for dance. Take her ticket to Mitcham Junction, L.B.S.C. Rly, Victoria 5.20 train. Dull & wet. Out morg. with Maud to Barkers & Butts about accounts. Gave Maud flowers 1/6 & 1/6 for something else, hair net etc. Saw maid 22 years in one place with Mrs. Simonds brother in law. Took Maud to station, took her return ticket 2/6 & gave her 17/6. Was introduced to Mr Torrens. To see Eff after. Ethel E. & another friend there. Letter fr. dear Mother. Friday 3 November M. returns by afternoon train, did not enjoy it had supper & bed being glad to get home. I went to meet her. She came by later train with Miss S(illeg) Saturday 4 November Mrs. Rawlinson’s 4 - 7. Lin, M. & self to Comedy. Saw “Sowing the wind”. Miss Emery, C. Maude & B. Thomas excellent. Most pathetic piece. Carriage met us in Jermyn St, difficulty in finding it. Saw maid Alice Turner, parlourmaid. Mr C.Carr came to our box. Sunday 5 November I went to St Paul’s Ch. for prayers only. Lin rode thro’ London! Struck as ever with its squalor!!! No callers, M. disappointed. Monday 6 November Maud to drawing. I went after maid’s character. Lady c’d not see me as maid had not asked her permission. Miss Craigie, 40 Warrington Crescent. Saw short house parlourmaid, like her face, lived in Wilts. Fanny Stubbs. See lady for Annie. Lovely day, frost during night. Lin rode morg. Called with Maud on Mrs A. Speed, Rawlinson, Holmes, Messel, Spielmann, Lady M, Medley & Mrs. Walter Crane. Saw Mrs. Church for Annie. Tuesday 7 November Lovely morning. Maud for walk with Annie morg. Mare sore back. Purnal to stores. Called alone on Mrs. Fildes, C. Hunter, Princep, Harcourt, Parr & Spofforth & Gale on foot. Wednesday 8 November X. Petit ami. In bed till 12. Mrs & Miss Walter Crane, Miss Holland (Niddry Lodge) Aunt Linda, Amy & friend, Mr Dyce, Mrs. & Miss Schulhof(?) called, rather a squeeze in small morg. room. Lin to Punch dinner. Thursday 9 November Lunch at Punch office. Lin dines out. Lin & Punch staff dined at Mr A. de Rothschild’s. “Yoké” there sang & much admired. Feel v. weak & seedy. New kitten arrived, mice all over drawing room. Friday 10 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 In bed till 12. Drove at 3 o’c to Mrs. Simonds, had tea there, charmingly roomy house. To see dear Mother after, stayed some time with her. Altho’ she was ill at Edgar’s she looks better for the change. Saturday 11 November Mrs. Cohen’s at home to see Chrysanthemums, 3 - 6. Unable to go. Emily left. X. Roy came home for long leave, arrived in time for luncheon. Roy & Lin to Drury Lane “A life of pleasure” directly after lunch. Lin, Maud, Roy & self to Haymarket. Mr Guthrie met us there & Mr Tree came between acts to our box. Mr W.S.Gilbert & Mr Goodall in stalls. Piece much more interesting than we expected, wonderful scenery. “The Templer” by H. A. Jones, time of Chaucer. Mr Guthrie most kindly gave Roy 10/-. Sunday 12 November Lovely day. Maud to lunch with dear Mother. Lin & Roy for ride. Only Miss R. Innes called. Monday 13 November Lovely. Agnes did washing for me. Went at 3.30 to call on Auntie, Mrs. P. Agnew, Mrs. Power, & fetched Maud from Mother’s where she had spent day. Fanny B. & Alice called, both well. Lin rode, met Mr Stone & Mr Alexander who admires Maud v. much. Roy returned to Eton. Tuesday 14 November. Fog. 1st fog. Lin lunches with Mr Guthrie. M. & self with Mother, returned about 6 o’c in cab 1/-. Wednesday 15 November Dull & wet. To stores by bus. Carriage fetched me at 12 o/c. Ordered 3 leathers, new sieve, & liquid gum. 6 pudding & 6 cheese plates, 7/5. Miss Enthoven & sister, Mrs. Medley, Mrs. Boughton, Mr Molesworth & Miss Clerke called. Annie out. Thursday 16 November Lin dines with Mr Chaplin. Maud lunches with Mother. Emma out. Maud walked with Agnes in Park. Kerrie lost, & found, great commotion. Maud met Lin & Mr Stone in Row. Bates brought Maud back. Friday 17 November Maud & self to tea at Miss Clerkes & on to Burlington House to see Molesworth’s clock. Met Lady W. Lennox & a gentleman whose name c’d not hear. Do not care for her. V. confusing invention, do not understand enough astronomy to appreciate it. Lin’s cold v. bad. Maud & self walked to Row after her drawing class. Met Lin & Mr Stone. Quite warm & sunny. Saturday 18 November Very cold & damp. X. Annie goes. Alice Turner comes. Out morg. shops with Maud. Flowers 1/5, 2 plants Barkers 2/6, plant 9d. After luncheon Lin, M. & self to see “Mde. Favart”. St John & James v. good. Bitterly cold coming home snow & sleet. Lin’s cold very bad, will go out. Sunday 19 November Snow! & very cold. Maud lunched with Mother. Blanche came to dinner & Agnes went out. Lin dined with Mr Lockwood, met Bar & Stage only! Agnes out.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 20 November Maud to drawing. Lin rode. V. cold wind. Maud to lecture on Shelley & Keats with Miss Rawlinson, & to tea with her. Agnes fetched her. Dined 6.30 & went to Daly’s theatre to see Miss Rehan in “The school for Scandal”. Sir J. Tenniel & Mr Stone met us there, & we supped after at Mr Stone’s. Tuesday 21 November Mrs. Lucy’s dinner 8 o’c. M. & self walked in Row, met Lin riding with Mr Stone & Mr Maude, was introduced to last. V. good looking small man. Met Mrs. Messel & Ottie, & Dr Smiles. Emma out. Rested afternoon. Maud alone here evg. Met at Mrs. Lucy’s Mr & Lady Fanny Marjoribanks, Sir Donald Currie, who took me in, Mr & Mrs. Harry Lawson, Sir James Carmichael, Mr Jackson, Sir Douglas Straight, Sir James Robinson (Editor Daily News). Lin’s cold still v. bad & new maid’s also. Wednesday 22 November Effie Harrison to lunch. Maud to drawing. I out alone shop’g. Mrs. Harrison called. Mrs. Holmes & niece, Mrs. Rawlinson & dau. called. Agnes out. Thursday 23 November Shop’g morg. alone. Agnes took Maud for long walk in Row. Lin in all day. At 3 o’c went with Maud to Mrs. a’Beckett’s & Miss Thomson’s, both in. Justin McCarthy & Mrs. O. Crawfurd at Miss T’s. Friday 24 November Dull, cold north wind. Lin’s cold still heavy. Maud all morg. to drawing class. Lin in all day. Saturday 25 November Miss Holland’s small evg. party. Maud enjoyed it immensely. I let her in. Maud, Effie Harrison who lunched here & self to see “Morocco Bound”. Cab back 3/program 6d. Maud had carriage evg. Sunday 26 November Wet morg. Alice out after lunch till dinner. Bret Hart, Miss Rose Innes, Olive & Dorothy to tea. Lin’s cold v. bad & I feel v. shivery & seedy generally. Monday 27 November Dr.O. came morg. sent me to bed. Slight attack influenza, feel bad! V. cold wind. Tuesday 28 November Maud Lin & self dine at 7.45 at Mrs. Tweedie’s, 30 York Ter. Very seedy in bed all day with influenza pains all over me & head dreadful. Dr.O. came gave me stuff for head antipirine(?) better almost at once. Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett called. Lin & M. went for walk in Row. Lin felt v. done up after. Maud went alone to Mrs. Tweedie’s. Col Hosier & Mr Darley next her at dinner. Wednesday 29 November Got up about 12 v. limp feeling as if I had been ill weeks. Influenza heavy in my head. Dr.O. came morg. & also evg. to write prescription. Lin rode. Called on W. Agnew & dined with him evg. altho’ he ought to have been at home. Alice out. Mrs. Joachim called. Unable to see anyone. Thursday 30 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 In bed till 12.15. Cold still heavy in head but do not feel so weak as yesterday. Mervyn called, sat to Lin, looks well. Lin rode, still looks very pulled down. Maud & Agnes for walk. Maud out at 3.15 driving. Lin & self were to have dined at Mr Ayala’s tonight, unable to go. Mons. sent me 12½ bottles of champagne. Mervyn ill evg. with influenza. Dec 1893 Friday 1 December Dull wet morg. Awake early, horrid pain on chest fr. coughing. Cleared at 12. Agnes took Maud for walk. Lin in all day. Maud drove at 3 alone. Saturday 2 December Con sails alone for Havana. Very hard frost. Lin & Maud walked in Row. Lin & Mr Stone to Garrick Club for lunch. Lin had Turkish bath after & Maud fetched him in carriage. In bed till 12. Sunday 3 December Lovely & bright but very cold. Up at 12. Maud & Lin walked to Row. I wrote number of letters. Mr Bret Hart, Edgar, Rose Innes who remained dinner, & Mr Hensman called. Monday 4 December Sp. called & I went for short walk with him. Warm out. Lin rode. Maud with Miss Rose Innes shop’g. Tuesday 5 December Stiff neck, cough v. tiresome. X. Petit ami. To stores at 2 o’c. Ordered 4 prs stockings 2 petticoats for self, Mother’s dressing gown. Miss Webster & Mrs. Spielman called, out. Lin dining with Ayala. Wednesday 6 December Maud shop’g, did not go to drawing class. In bed till 12. Sylvania Rose Innes, Mrs. Leech & dau, & Mrs. Nembhard called. Mad’lle to supper, looks v. pale & thin. Lin rode. Agnes out. Thursday 7 December Invitation to dine at Miss Rose Innes at Bristol, & to see “Eutopia” after. Lady Wills’ dinner & Mr Ayala’s dinner. Lin & Maud dining with Miss Rose Innes & to see “Eutopia” after. Maud with Agnes to be fitted at Woollands for brown & green dress. Lin rode. Emma out. Miss Crane called. Friday 8 December In bed till 12. Lin busy finishing drawing to be off tomorrow to Tabbie’s. Mrs. Heilbut & Mrs. & Miss Gordon called. Took Maud at 4 to Blanche’s studio where she had tea & drove to Mother’s. Both she & Mervyn looking seedy, feel v. bad myself. Agnes fetched Maud. Saturday 9 December In bed till 11.30. Lin left early for Tabbie’s Brookwood Park till Monday. Lovely day like spring & so sunny. At 3.30 I called alone & had tea on General Nembhard who has v. nice about our cousinship & talked about Mother when a girl. Charming house & quite enjoyed my visit. Maud went to a dance with Miss Holland to her sister’s which she enjoyed immensely. Alice sat up for her as I sat with Lin till 1 o’c last night. I feel awfully seedy.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 10 December Pouring wet morg. Maud down late after dance which she enjoyed immensely. Maud received £4.14.6 from Messrs Bradbury & Agnew for her 4 drawings in Punch. I paid her £2.6.0 which I had borrowed for house. Mr Messel & Mr Hook called & stayed tea. Maud to Mother’s to lunch. Monday 11 December Mrs. Cohen’s small dance. Out morg. shop’g on foot alone. Maud & I alone. Dull day, shops nearly empty. Lin returned fr. Tabs. Tuesday 12 December Mis Gill to luncheon & tea. Frightful gale, window smashed. Mr Weigall called & had tea. Lin dined at Mr Lehmann’s. Wednesday 13 December Maud Agnes & self to Ramsgate. Can’t go. To Woollands, fitted with new blk. dress. M. & Agnes for walk. Mrs. Messel called & could not hear her, catastrophe, we were trying Maud’s opera cloaks & could not hear bell. Alice out. Thursday 14 December To Woollands to be fitted. Walked with Maud & Kerrie thro’ Park. Met Mr Stone, Mrs. Heilbut & Mr Harding who walked part of way home with us. I lunched at Mother’s, Tabs there & Mervyn. Went with Tabs to call on Lady Annaly, out. To tea Mother’s. Wired for Mr Messel, engaged. M, Lin & self to Court Theatre alone. £50 Midge’s & my annuity. Conrad sailed for S. America. Friday 15 December Lovely day. M. & self took Kerrie & walked to Woollands & thro’ Pk. Met Mr Stone & walked back. M. v. tired. I alone 3 o’c to Madame Napoleon. To Mrs. Oakes & had tea there, & to Mrs. Joachim who seems much taken with Maud. Saturday 16 December Lovely morg. Again to Woollands to be fitted by bus, & walked part of way back. Miss Innes dined here & we went to see “Diplomacy” after. She brought us back in her carriage. Sunday 17 December Went alone by bus to Mother’s, walked with her & remained to luncheon. Lin walked to club & lunched there. Maud with cold, lunched here! Mrs. Sington called. Mr W. Stone to dinner, hope he will not marry, think him too selfish a man ever to make a good husband. Monday 18 December Dull. Lin riding. Maud & Agnes to Ramsgate. Tuesday 19 December Mrs. Buckmaster’s dance. Maud enjoyed it immensely. B.W. there. Wednesday 20 December I came down to Ramsgate alone, left Lin in town. Think Maud looking tired & dark round eyes. Quiet evg. Bedroom small & inconvenient for 2 but sitting room comfortable. Maud slept with me. Alice v. good helping me pack etc. Thursday 21 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Fine day, colder. Shop’d. Maud to Mrs. Grant’s dance, took 2¾ hours to dress. B.W. not there. V. angry at her being so long at it, tires her out before she starts. Had quiet peaceful evg. alone. Friday 22 December Lin & Roy came down by S.E.Granville. Shop’d morg. Maud dined with Mr Gould. Miss Gould called. Saturday 23 December (blank) Sunday 24 December Lin & Roy rode. Maud & self to St Mary’s, sat in line with whole family of Weigall boys. Agnes walked with Maud & met B.W. & walked on Parade till M. came in. Mr Soubey, Mrs. Burnand & Mrs. Charley & Mrs. Simpson(?) called today or yesterday, forget which. Lin & self dined at Granville with Mrs. Heilbut & husband, Alexanders & W. Humphreys. V. dull evg. Monday 25 December Maud & self to St Georges to avoid B.W. Met on Parade & walked with Maud whilst I was speaking to Mrs. Hood, seems v. fond of Maud, pity as it’s quite hopeless. We all went in to Burnands after dinner, received books as usual. Mr Hammond & Frank gave away books. Mr Burnand seedy. Lin’s cold still heavy. Tuesday 26 December Lovely day. Lin & Roy rode to meet. Lin had fall on mare, fortunately unhurt himself beyond shaking but mare’s leg badly cut. Lin v. upset, ought to be very thankful it was no worse. I called on Mrs. Buck, heard Cuthbert had scarlatina so Lin Roy & self did not go in to children’s performance. Maud went & stayed till one o’c, Lin v. angry. Mrs. Hammond & the Pugins called. Wednesday 27 December Lin to London by early train. Roy & self by 12, all met at C. Cross & went to Brasted together where carriage met us & we drove to Foxwold. House party Miss Hogarth, Mr Luxmoore (Eton master) & Mr Guthrie besides ourselves. Quiet evg. Boys dined with us, little Pym 6 months younger than Roy. Thursday 28 December Charming house & grounds. Sat in all morg. talking to Miss Hogarth, whilst Lin & boys went shooting. Miss H. & self drove to Westerham, home to tea. Dinner party evg. Mr Mrs. & Miss Burnaby & another lady. Delightful home to stay in full of books & charming pictures. Friday 29 December Lovely day. Walked out morg. saw grounds & drove after luncheon to Ld Stanhope’s Chevening Pk, & another place owned by Spottiswoods & now let to a Belgian count. Dinner party evg. Mr Gordon, Mr Mrs. & Miss Johnstone. Saturday 30 December Returned with Roy fr. Brasted 12 o’c after delightful visit. Lin & Mr Guthrie to London by early train, L. joined us at Ramsgate by Granville. X. Petit ami. All went to Mrs Burnand’s evg. Connie engaged to Mr Lindley. Maud showed me B.W’s letter to her. V. nice letter & je crois qu’il l’aime mais l’amour ne va rien sans argent. Letter fr. Emma, her husband died suddenly last evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 31 December Dull. Fog from sea. Maud in drawing all morg. Lin & Roy walked. Connie B. to tea. Maud to tea Mrs. Hood’s. Too tired to go to Mrs. Burnand’s. My first visit. (Roy’s handwriting on back pages of diary) It was my first visit & we were to stay from 27th until the 30th Dec with some friends who owned a charming old Queen Anne house in Kent surrounded by a well wooded park. After a 1 hours journey we approached the little station of (blank) at six o’clock PM where luggage cart & brougham were awaiting our arrival. It was a very cold evening and freezing hard. After a slight delay, owing to the luggage, off we drove and after half an hours drive we arrived at the destination. I was 15 years old at the time and was at Eton where I had been 3 years. It is necessary to say that the son of Mr Pym was also an Eton boy. My father & mother were with me leaving my sister Maud at our house in Ramsgate. There were several other visitors in the house one of which was a Mr Luxmore an Eton master. He was an elderly gentleman, very handsome, of medium height, grey hair and had very gentlemanly manners. Our host was a tall genial man, stout, with a touch of Napoleon about him, evidently an admirer of art as the house was filled with works of art & the library was filled with valuable books of which he was not a little proud. The hostess was a little short woman with a kindly expression in her large prominent blue eyes, about 35 years of age. She was Mr P’s second wife. My Eton companion was about my age tho’ somewhat shorter. There were two pretty little fair girls besides, about 9 & 10 respectively, who were kept in strict order by a French governess. There was a large double hall where large family portraits hung & portières of old tapestry. The grand staircase leading to the principle bedrooms which were on either side of a long gallery, lighted by a stained glass window whose prismatic rays cast weird & fantastic light on the many old pictures.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1894 (Loose sheet in front of diary with list of securities, probably Mrs Herapeth’s holdings, a total of £1700. Marion has dded a note at the bottom: There is over £500 to be invested besides. 3.7.94. Marion Sambourne 18 Stafford Terrace Kensington. January /94 Addresses Mrs Leech. 7 Wetherby Gds. Books to read “Six common things” Benson “Marion Darche” M. Crawford “Where three Empires meet” Mondays Silver. 11 Princes Gds Leech. 7 Wetherby Gds Alma Tadema Tuesdays Rhodes Williamson O. Crawfurd Wednesday Mrs C. Burnand Macmillan Steincopff Jopling Rowe Thursday Cohen Burgess Tweedie Friday A. Levy Sington 1 & 2nd Calderon Spielman 1 & 2nd Holl Saturday Mosceles Montefiores Money invested during 1892 (blank)


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Money received during 1892 (blank) Money invested during 1893 (blank) Money received during 1893 14 March annuity


Money invested during 1894 Jany P.O.Savings £ 30.0.0 Withdrew £90 fr. Savings bank & £26 fr. L. C. Bk to invest in Wirral Rly £ 26.2.6 making £116 for £100 stock in above company 4% debs 11/6 brokerage 1/- stamps £ 56.2.6 Money received during 1894 In hand fr. 1893 Jany B.A. Rosario March 14th quarter Feby int. on B.A.W. Rly bonds to 31st Dec March 27th B.A.Pacific 17th Feb bonds to 31/12/94 27th B.A. Pacific 30th March Glas. South West 3rd April B.A. Rosario Rly 6th B.A.Trams 7th B.A.Pacific 21st Glas. S. Western 26th B.A. Gt. Southern 13th June 11th May Cent. Argt. Rly 2nd July B.A. Western 16th ditto B.A. Rosario Pacific ditto 20th Sep Annie 28thSep Glasgow S.W. Oct B.A. Rosario Oct City B. A. Trams Oct B.A.Rosario 20 Oct Cent Argt Rly Oct B.A. Gt. Southern

1.18.10 25. 0. 0 2.18.3 5.5 2.18.3 5.5 1. 6.3 14.7 9.2 1. 2.5 10.5 21. 4.3 25. 0.0 2.14.0 4. 7.7 1.18.9 5.5 25. 0.0 2. 8.9 14.6 11.0 1. 4.0 2. 0.6 21. 3.10 £ 145.13.0

Brought forward th

13 Dec 3rd Dec B.A.Pacific

145.13.2 25. 0.0 1.8 5.5


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 B.A.Rosario Western B. Ayres Rly Received during 1894 Invested Spent on dress etc Balance from 1893 Received during 1894 Leaves balance for 1895

1.18.8 4. 7.5 £ 177. 6.2 £ 56. 2.6 £ 84.11.9 £ 46. 2.6 £ 177. 6.2 £ 223. 8.8 £ 92.14.5

Fridays Calderon Simonds 1st three of month Sington 1st & 2nd of month Spielman 1st & 2nd of month A.Levy 3 or 4th Saturdays (blank) Wednesdays A.K.Harding 2nd & 4th Dove Keighley S.G.Harding 2nd & last Mrs W.S.Gilbert Thursdays A a’Beckett Hartley, 66 Wynstay Gds Mondays Mesdames Silver, 11 Princes Gds Leech, 7 Wetherby Gds Tuesdays Rhodes Williamson O.Crawfurd Queen Annes Mans. Jan 1894 Monday 1 January Bitterly cold. Lin’s cold heavy. Mr Soubey called & stayed a long time. Lin & self dined at Mrs Burnand’s. Squire & Mrs Hammond & Bessie there. Felt ill & had to come away. Maud went to the O’Reilly’s dance West Cliff & danced good deal with Ld. Southwell & J.Weigall. Tuesday 2 January Bitterly cold. Mare returned to London. Piercing wind. Miss Warre called & had tea. Wednesday 3 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maud out morg. with Agnes. Lin to London by 10 train. Maud lunched at Bucks. W.B. brought her back & persuaded me to let her go to Mrs Fox Tomson’s next Tuesday. Maud to Mrs Burnand’s dance. I not well enough to go, Roy too idle. Thursday 4 January V. cold, sleet & high wind, v. rough sea. Maud slept with me, came in fr. Burnand’s party 2.30. Dear Lin’s birthday. M. & self called on Mrs Hammond & Mrs Burnand. Sat & had tea with Mr & Miss Gould. Wreck off Gladwin Sands. M. seedy with sore throat. Friday 5 January Bitterly cold. Out morg. with Roy & Kerrie. Met Lady Rose & Archie & Rosie B. & Mr Banks. Maud had letter fr. Lennie M. In bed to breakfast & out for walk with Agnes. Wire fr. Lin, can’t come today. Maud & self called on Mrs Grant, Mrs Jones & Mrs Hood. M. v. disappointed not to go to Rink & Mrs Pugin’s yesterday. Saturday 6 January Not so cold. Roy & self out for walk to station for papers. Young W.B. called at 10 o’c, neither Roy or Maud down to breakfast, to ask M. for walk & to lunch there, went. After lunch M. & self went at 3.30 to tea at Miss Warre’s, saw Mr Weigall’s portrait of Mr Warre, v. good. Lin came down by Granville looking better. Sunday 7 January Fog & snow. V. cold, slightly below freezing. Wrote morg. Lin & Roy walked. Mrs Burnand called. Connie B. to London to stay with her fiancé’s people in Nottingham. Went in to Burnands after dinner. Mr J. Weigall there, much improved in manners & appearance. Monday 8 January V. cold & windy. Roy to Minster for skating. We all 4 dine at Mrs Burnand’s this evening. V. jolly evg & stayed late. Maud with Agnes twice to Sycamore’s. Lin & self walked there afternoon, met Mr F.C.B. Tuesday 9 January Mrs Fox Tomson’s juvenile party. Lin & Roy out all morg. M. in bed to breakfast. I walked after lunch with Lin & Roy to Pier. Roy shot 2 sparrows! With 13 cartridges! M. enjoyed dance, no young men there. Wednesday 10 January Great commotion Agnes & Roy went off without Lin’s bags. Rainy & raw morg. Lin’s bags on Mr Burnand’s fly. Lin walked to station. Mrs Buckmaster wrote me letter of Edie’s engagement to Mr Sismey. Maud lunched there today. Thursday 11 January Maud & Mervyn to Westminster Town Hall dance with Mrs Joachim’s party. Dear Mother v. ill spitting blood. Lin, Roy & self to see “Sowing the Wind” did not care for it as much as first time, B.Thomas so drawley. I lunched at home & unpacked. Friday 12 January Shop’g morg. I stayed to lunch with dear Mother. Saw Orton who thought no danger but Mother looks ill & weak in bed. Judy came. Returned at 4.30 & took Maud to Mrs Joachim’s who said M. looked sweet at ball & was much admired. Met Mr Woodruffe at Mrs Joachim’s. Roy rode Cob, who ran away with him in Row. Roy seems nervous of him.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 13 January X. Lovely morg. Lin & Roy to Pantomime. Maud & self join Lin & Roy at theatre evg. X. Pay £30 into Midge’s & £30 into my P.O. Savings book & send hers Dora & my books to be made up. Sunday 14 January Dark pouring wet morg. I spent morg. with Mother & lunched there. She came in to luncheon but had to lie down soon, looks v. weak & fragile. Returned home 4 o’c, Mervyn with Mother. Miss Innes came to tea & remained to dinner. Sp. came about 9 & stayed till 12 o’c. Lin & self v. tired. Monday 15 January Lin & self dine at Sir B. Baker’s 7.45. Eff H. comes at 4 o’clock & stays night. Sp. to dinner ¼ to 7 & they all go to see “Headless Man” at Criterion by Burnand. Lin riding morg. Mr Crisp rich vulgar solicitor took me in to dinner & most uninteresting. 11 to dinner. A.Lewis, Sir C.Tupper, Mr & Mrs Dewar, Mr & Mrs Crisp & old gentleman (illeg) Mrs MacKinlay (illeg) told us of Santly & confirmed Mrs Finlay’s story of him! Tuesday 16 January Asked friends to tea. Maud & Effie Harrison to tea at Blanche Cole’s. Lin, M, Roy, Effie H. & self to Lyceum to see “Pantomime”. Lovely morning. Lin riding morning. Fritz came into our box for interval. Wednesday 17 January Wet morg. Cleared at 12. Roy took Maud & Effie to Park. Roy lunched with Pollack, Curzon St. & remained to tea. Effie H. left after lunch. I spent afternoon with dear Mother, found her up on sofa & better. Judy & Mervyn there. Mrs Mocatta called. Agnes out. Thursday 18 January Lovely day. Maud for walk with Agnes. Roy with me. Rested after lunch. Roy & I to see “An old Jew” by S. Grundy at Garrick Thetare. Mr & Mrs Burnand & Frank there. Roy v. troublesome. Cabs 5/-. Grapes 3/6, nuts 5d. Sent some grapes to dear Mother, not so well tonight when Alice took them after we had gone. Friday 19 January Maud dines with Miss Holland & goes to theatre with her party. Lady Hardman’s at home 4 o’c, 55 Carlisle Place Mansions. Mrs. Clerke’s at home to meet Miss Wallace 4 o’c. Lin & Roy to Tabbie’s by 4 something. M. & self dined with Miss H. Mr Colville & Rex Cole there. Came home when they went to theatre. Cabs 2/-. M. to Miss Clerke’s at 4 o’c. Cabs 2/-. Miss Rose Innes came & stayed to tea till we dressed. Saturday 20 January Out morg. shop’g. with Maud. After lunch went to Mother’s & spent afternoon there, walked back. Agnes out to wedding. M. & self to bed early. Sunday 21 January M. & self to 9.30 service, to Mother’s after. Sp. & Mervyn there. Walked there and back, lunched here. Alice out afternoon. Mr Bret Hart & Edgar came, both stayed some time. Blanche Cole to dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 22 January Miss Innes to Mrs. Dewar’s with me. Maud to Mrs. Rawlinson’s. Mervyn to dinner, & Miss Innes to dinner, 7.30. Had v. cozy little evg. Mervyn took Sylvinia home. Pouring wet day unable to go out. Miss Innes came to tea & stayed on to dinner. Tuesday 23 January Mrs. a’Beckett’s dinner 8 o’c. Mistake. Lovely morg. M. drawing. Lin & Roy return fron Brookwood. We all dined here & went to Gaiety to see Don Juan. Roy overtired. Amusing variety piece, Roberts v. good. M. & self walked to Row morg. Home thro’ Kens. 2/10 cold cream, hair net & curlers. Wednesday 24 January Maud goes by 4.7 fr. Earls Court to Putney Bridge to stay at Mrs. Schwann’s at Wimbledon for a dance & returns tomorrow. Invitation to tea Mr Guthrie & to dine & go to theatre with Miss Innes. Alice took Maud to Putney Bridge where Mrs. S’s carriage met her. Thursday 25 January Roy returns to Eton. Pouring wet day. Maud returned fr. Mrs. Schwann’s, Agnes fetched her. Roy’s list taken to Eton. 8 prs socks 4 prs stockings 2 10 shirts 3 2 (illeg) shirts 10 collars 8 12 hands 1 pr house shoes 3 vests 2 1 drawers 1 tie 1 change suit 1 Eton suit Friday 26 January Lovely day. X. Maud & self petit ami. To Comedy Theatre with S. Rose Innes morning performance. Saturday 27 January Lin & self dine at Mr Sterne’s at 8 o’c. Met 2 Americans, Sir B.B, & Mr & Mrs. (blank) engineer. Excellent dinner & canvas back ducks. Used brougham with mare for first time for 5 weeks. Maud & Lin to “Little Christopher Columbus”, Mr Guthrie there. I too seedy to go. Mr & Miss Hook called. Maud dined with Miss Holland & went with her party to Criterion “Headless Man”. Miss Holland & Mr Carlisle brought her home. Sunday 28 January Lin rode morning. Came in with roughness in throat. Mrs. Parr called & had tea. Mr Lockyer, Mr Guthrie & Mr Ryle & Miss Innes to dinner. All stayed till past 12. Very pleasant evg. Monday 29 January Edie Buckmaster came to stay. Agnes & Maud met her at Victoria Station. Lin has another horrid cold. Lin rode morning in Row. Agnes took Maud & Edie to Olympia


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 in brougham, Lin’s cold too bad to go. Manager most kind & attentive, took them to see everything. Tuesday 30 January Lin & self dine at Mrs. a’Beckett’s 8 o’c. Lin rode morning. Lin’s cold still v. bad. Mrs. Spofforth, Nelly K, Miss Eames, Mrs. & Miss Clerke & Mrs. du Maurier called. V. pleasant evg. at a’B’s. met Met Cap’t & Mrs. Childs, Mrs. Armstrong. Col (blank) v. charming man, Mr & Mrs. Munro. Emma out. Wednesday 31 January Pouring wet day. Agnes out. Girls & self in all day. Lin’s cold v. bad. Miss H. Young & Mrs. Purdie called. Quiet evg. Feb 1894 Thursday 1 Feb Lin & self dine at Mr Bret Harte’s & theatre after. Down to breakfast. I bought 6 glass cloths 2/5 Pontings & stayed all morg. with Mother. Oms 4d. Edie out all afternoon with Mr Sismey. Agnes took Maud & Edie to Daly’s theatre where we saw them in box opposite ours with Mr Bret Harte & Miss Innes. Most excellent dinner at Verreys. Oysters, soles, entrecôte with vegetables, marmite of fowl with potatoes & excellent salad, ices, coffee. Enjoyed play. Friday 2 February Dull morg. Walked with 2 girls to Whiteleys, bought 12 claret glasses, 8 desert plates, 4 centre dishes, £1.1.1. Paid for them. Bought leather etc for self 9d & fruit 6d. After lunch called with 2 girls in brougham on Miss Holland, Webster, Enthoven, Medley, Sterne, Hall & Kemp. Lin’s cold still very bad. Day warm as spring. Saturday 3 February Lovely day. Maud & Edie to town by om to have chain put on bracelets. To shops. Lin working till 1 o’c. M, Edie & self to matinée Drury Lane. Mr Sismey met us there & walked back with Edie. M. & self came in brougham & bought 2 lbs of sausages. Fritz called. Sunday 4 February Edie, M. & self to 9.30 service. Walked to Memorial with them & then sat with Mother, much better & seems nearly herself again. No one called. Lin had long ride morning. Mr Stone dined with us evg. & was very talkative & amusing. Monday 5 February Mrs. Oswald Crawfurd’s dinner 8 o’c. Pouring wet morg. Miss Fruger(?) called. Edie & Maud to Olympia with 2 Mr Sismeys at 3 o’clock. Went. Mr Sismey returned to tea here. 20 to dinner Mrs. C’s. Lady D. Neville, Mr C. Praed, Mr Northcote, Mr & Mrs. Yates Thornton & lovely Mrs. (illeg) Mr & Mrs. Earle, Boughtons etc. Tuesday 6 February Maud dines at Mrs. Mocatta’s ¼ to 8 o’c. Edie to dinner with Mr Sismey at Mrs. Mackenzie’s. Only Miss Eames called. Pd. her 5/3 for guitar strings. Out in Park morg. with 2 girls. Met Lin, Alexander, B. Hollingshead. M. very seedy & limp complained of pain in throat. Edie out calling all afternoon with Mr Sismey. Mrs. Mackenzie ill so Edie dined here alone with Lin & self. Maud enjoyed herself immensely. They danced after & about 20 couples were there.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 7 February Mr Guthrie’s tea fight 5 o’c. Maud Campbell Praed to luncheon. Maud & Edie to theatre with Mr Sismey. Went to L. & C. Bank about sale of Venezuela & money invested in Glasgow & S.Western Rly Ord. Cab to & from theatre 5/-. Only Mrs. Rawlinson & daughter at Mr Guthrie’s. Called on Aunt Linda & Mrs. Holmes, met Auntie at the Holmes’s. Thursday 8 February Mr Sismey dines here. Walked in Park with girls, met Mr Stone, Mrs. Warre, Sterne, Heilbuts, Lewis etc. Rested afternoon. Miss C. Praed called. Maud & Edie saw her. Mr Sismey dined here & we all went to see “Eutopia”. V. amusing, had stage box. Friday 9 February Mr Ryles tea fight 4.30 at The Studios Thurloe Square. Lovely day. Large party at Mr Ryle’s. Lady M. & her sister, Miss Taylor & all the Tressady gentlemen. Excellent tea etc, & interesting talk with Lady D. Rycroft. Mrs. Reeve & friend there also. Saturday 10 February Mrs. Gordon at home 4 - 7. Hugely dull, knew no one but Schwanns & Sir W. & Lady Flower who arrived as we were leaving. Called on Edgar & Sophy at 4 Princes St, Hanover Sq. & Mrs. Eykyn. Lin lunched in town, had Turk. B. dined at Club & joined Edie, Maud & self at Comedy Theatre evg. “Dick Sheridan” by Buchanan, good & bad. X. Received Banker’s or broker’s receipt for sale of Venezuela stock, & bought Glasgow S. Western. Sunday 11 February To early service with Maud & Edie. I on alone to Mother’s. Eff there & walked back with me as far as Vic Rd. Mr Sismey to luncheon, took Edie out after & returned at 6 o’c. B.W, Edgar, Capt & Mrs. Childs called. Lin rode morning. Monday 12 February Lunch Lady M’s with Maud 1.30. Lady Blomfield’s at home. Edie leaves at 3.15 with Agnes for Pad. St. 2/- to Agnes for cab. Edie & Maud for long walk morg. M. & self by Om to Berkeley St. Had tea with Lady M, unable to go to luncheon. Met 2 ladies, & Mr F. Wallop there. Walked on to Mrs. Dewar’s found them at tea & had some real Japanese tea excellent. Light in colour & much nicer than ordinary. Quite charmed with their lovely rooms filled with (illeg) in furniture pictures & art treasures generally, looking like an old Italian palace only more comfortable. Prof D. most kind in showing us everything. Tuesday 13 February Maud lunched at Miss Enthoven’s 1.30. Out morg. shopping alone, tooth paste 1/2, flowers 1/-, M’s fare 1/6. Lovely day, v. cold wind. Plumber fr. Nash’s busy working for Lin. Maud working at her poem illustration! Sophy, Effie, Mrs. Spofforth, Alice L, Mrs. & 2 Miss Enthoven, Hogarth, Capt Heathorn, Molesworth, Miss Roe & Mrs. Hammond, Mrs. Joachim & Dolly called. Lin, M. & self to see “Caste” evg. Miss Rorke not good. Forbes Robertson & Anson both good. Wednesday 14 February Read “Bleak House” to Maud & went at 11 o’c with Mrs. Spofforth to see Mattei(?) Hospital. Seems extraordinary the cures they have had! Walked there & back.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Called at 3.30 with Maud on Mrs. Sington, Leech, O. Crawfurd, Lynn Linton, C. Matthews, Woodall, Harding, McLaren. Had tea with McLaren & Crawfurd, left papers for Mother. Lin had Turkish Bath & went after Punch dinner to Ball at A. Harris (masked) some one whispered to him “Why are you here without your wife?” thinks it was Mrs. Bankes Tomlin! Thursday 15 February Wet morg. Read to Maud & mended. Called after lunch on Mrs. a’Beckett & Mother, Edgar & Mervyn there. Lin hard at work all day. Friday 16 February Mrs. Child’s tea 4.30. Lovely morg. In all morg. reading. Lin hard at work on drawing & yesterday also. Called at 3.30 with Maud on Mrs. Mocatta, Parish, & to tea at Mrs. C’s, dull to distraction. Purnall drove vilely always jagging at mare for his own faults. Read to Lin & Maud. Spencer & Ada called. Agnes took dear Roy’s clock to post with etc for me, & to enquire after Mother. Saturday 17 February Miss Campbell Praed to luncheon. Lin lunched at club. V. wet day, finished his work at 12 o’c. & met us at Prince of Wales Theatre “Gaiety Girl”. Mervyn also joined us there. Hayden Coffin sang exquisitely & has much improved, is much stouter. Monkhouse v. amusing, rest tame & not funny or (illeg). Miss Praed’s carriage met us at theatre, found Maud & I could understand her v. fairly well & could make her understand us. Sweet expression of face & seems intelligent. Quiet evg. at home. Sunday 18 February Lovely day. M. & self to Church 9.30 service. On to see dear Mother after. Met Mr & Mrs. Tait on way home thro’ flower walk. Percy O. & wife lunched here & stayed till 4 o’c. Sp. came in after. Like Mrs. O. v. much, seems v. natural & pleasant & they seem very happy together. No one called. Monday 19 February Mrs. H. Levy’s dinner 8 o’c. Lady Bloomfield’s at home 9 - 12. Lin Maud & self walked 11.30 through Park, v. v. cold & bright, to Burlington House “Old Masters”. 5 delightful Turners, 4 of Petworth Pk, 2 Romneys, 2 Canalettos, 2 Walkers quite lovely. Jan Steen’s pleased us most. Saw Blake’s mad productions. Lunched at St J’s. To New Gallery, most uninteresting, Grafton, Lin delighted with Gallery more than pictures, met Orchardsons & thro’ Japanese collection, interesting no doubt to those who understand, we don’t! Met Mrs. Schlessinger, Trower, & saw Sir H. Thompson there. Dinner at Mrs. L’s more amusing than usual, Mr Stenning took me in, a Christian! Talkative & pleasant tho’ v. plain. Had funny little Dutch doll wife 3 hairs curled in front & 3 behind! Maud much admired. Too cold to go on to Lady B’s. Tuesday 20 February Edgar & Sophy dine here. Box for Court “Transgressor”. X. My little F. Lin & Maud walked to Hyde Pk Corner. I did little shop’g in Kens. morg. Mrs. Holl, Mrs. & Miss Warre, Miss Harcourt called. Edgar & So. ½ hour late, rather hurried dinner. Enjoyed “Transgressor” after. Wednesday 21 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Rosalind Watney to tea. X. Maud’s little F. In bed till 12.30. Lady M. came with Nurse & Baby, stayed some time. Baby much grown & talks more when alone with Maud. Mrs. Spielman called. M. & self quiet evg. Alice out. Thursday 22 February In bed till 12.30. Drove afternoon to Aunt Linda’s. Met Carrie H, long talk with her. To Mrs. du Maurier’s, tea there. Sylvia, May, Gerald, & Mons. & Mde du M. To Mother’s, looks well. Something again wrong with carriage, harness this time. Friday 23 February In all day as carriage could not be had. Maud & Lin both hard at work all day, read to both. Saturday 24 February Dear Roy home till Monday. Lovely day, warmer. Lin at work till 1 o’c. Maud & Roy to matinée of “Dick Sheridan”. We all 4 went after dinner to see “The Charlatan”. V. good & well acted all round. Sunday 25 February To Mrs. Lindo’s for luncheon 1.45. Pouring wet day. Lin & Roy rode, Lin on hired horse, did well! Mr Lindo called & insisted on our all lunching there. We all 4 went in 4 wheel cab. Only Dundas Gardiner & young Mr Lindo & friend Mr Rhodes there. Mr Ryle, Mr Cosworth(?) & Edgar called. Monday 26 February Rained all afternoon, unable to have carriage. Arranged book case with Lin on stairs. Dear Roy returned to Eton 9.30. Maud & self walked to Mrs. V. Coles evg, so warm & close. Sp. called morning. Lin rode. Tuesday 27 February Mr B. Partridge to luncheon. Did not come. Mrs. O. Crawfurd’s at home 5 to 7.30. Cannot go. M. & self all morg. at A. & N. stores. Spent 5/7, cutlets 1/10, sweets 1/3½, music 1/4, M’s dictionary 1/1½. Lin rode after lunch. Only Mrs. C. Mathews called. Lin out all afternoon. Wednesday 28 February X. Startling news. Harry Furniss has retired fr. Punch Staff & will start paper by himself! Dark morg. Turned out wardrobe spare room. Drove at 3.30 to Miss Gales, Spofforth, Holland, Levy, Cohen, Speed, Tweedie, Nembhard, had tea there, Critchett & Mother’s. Saw Mervyn. Home at 6.30. Madame Patey died suddenly after concert. Mar 1894 Thursday 1 March Mary Nicol coming. Lovely morg. Lin riding. Maud dines at Mother’s & goes to concert at Hall with Mervyn & Will Oakes & Miss Heger. Mary to tea. Lin, Mary & self to Lyceum after dinner. Out morg. walking with Maud & Lin & obliged to go in to Mother’s as it rained. Lin rode after breakfast. Saw Nellie K. at Lyceum. Friday 2 March Lovely morning. Maud & Mary up Row. Shop’d in Kens. Afternoon Mary & M. in brougham to call on Mrs. Pickering & Mrs. Hunt & round Row. I went alone called on Mrs. Huish, Coward, & had tea at Mrs. Joachim’s, met interesting lady there & had long book talk with her. Quiet evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 3 March Mervyn fetched Mary & Maud & took them to Row. Mary lunched at Mrs. Schuster’s & Maud with Mother & all met Lin & self at Lyric. “Little Christopher Columbus”. V. good. Yoké charming & Lowner(?) intensely funny. Quiet evg. Sunday 4 March Mary dines at Savoy with Mr & Mrs. Schuster. Lovely day. Lin rode morg. Will Oakes & Spencer dined here. Most uncomfortable dinner. Sp. came too early & told Will dinner here 7.30 instead of 8. Altogether general muddle, Sp. jerky & W.O. restrained. Mary came back early as they dined at Berkeley Hotel instead of Savoy. Maud, Mary & self walked in Park early at 12 o’c. Immense crowds never remember it fuller. Met B.W. who walked with Maud. Mary left us surrounded by gentlemen & lunched at Mrs. Dutton Hunt’s. Mr Fowler called to see Mary. Young Thompson, Bret Harte & Sp. called. Monday 5 March Lady Blomfield at home 9 - 12. Horribly seedy with bilious chill, to bed at dinner time. Mary went in my place to Lady B’s, Maud & Lin. Maud & Mary on bus to Leicester Sq. shopping. Mary out again afternoon. Lin rode morg. Tuesday 6 March Mrs Pickering’s drawing room tea. Effie Harrison here at 11.50. Agnes took her & Maud to Row & to lunch. Mary off to rink alone. In bed till 12.30, feel better but v. shaky. Mrs. Mackenzie & a Miss Mackenzie called. Maud & Mary to 2 Drawing room teas. Adventure with carriage, Purnell detected man in time, he drop’d the things taken. I went with rest to Criterion to see “Headless man”. Mary saw two sets of friends there! How’d G. Keppel & wife & Lady Sophy Allingham(?), & C. Scott. Wednesday 7 March Lovely day. Mary & Maud gone shop’g, home at 2. Maud quite done up & no shop’g for me done. Mary & self calling, to Mrs. Gilbert’s, met Mrs. Blunt & pretty dau. who flirted with Gilbert, & Mrs. Crutchley as lovely as ever & looking a mere child. Had long talk with her. She asked after Maud who they all thought pretty. Thursday 8 March Asked 8 to dinner 8 o’c. Col Welby, Mr & Lady Margaret Watney, Mr A. Cecil Blunt, Mr Moulton & Miss Thomson. To stores at 10 o’c with Maud, did entire shop’g. Mary back at 4 & went with Maud to Mr Thomson’s where Oscar W. devoted his attention to Maud & was most kind. Mrs. Pickering called. Anchovies. Clear soup. Salmon. Marmite of pigeons. Roast lamb, tomato salad, peas. Roast chicken salad. Orange jelly. Soufflé of coffee. Soft herring roes, cheese etc. Dinner went off all right. Mary & Maud had theirs in morg. room. Mr Moulton & Col. Welby v. entertaining at dinner. Mr Blunt sang, but the audience was not sympathetic. All left at 12 o’c. Friday 9 March Mrs. de la Rue’s dinner 8 o’c. Mary Nicol left. Went with her at 12 o’c to change lamp shades, boots. Left Mary for few moments at Mother’s. M. left at 3 o’c. Mr Walker took me in to dinner at Mrs. de la R’s. V. interested in him, & so like Mervyn. Mr & Mrs. Alma Speed there. Excellent dinner. Heard about the “Souls”. Oysters. Soup with thin shreds of salad. Salmon. Quails farcie. Cold fillets of


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 tongue. Roast lamb, vegts. Asparagus. Ham & vegts. A sweet. Strawberry soufflé. Savoury etc. Ices. Saturday 10 March Miss Clerke at home. Unable to go. Read to Lin morg. & went alone with him in brougham to St James’ Theatre. Saw “Mrs. Tanqueray”. Mrs. Mackenzie met us there. Enjoyed play immensely, even better than first time. Drove Mrs. M. back, gave me eggs for Lin! He went to Club & home for dinner. Maud busy at her pink dress the entire day. Sunday 11 March Mrs. Joachim at home 9.45. Dull morg. High wind. Lin gone to Club for lunch, rides if fine at 2. Maud & I took walk in Gardens. B.W. & Mr Richards called. Lin walked to Club & lunched there & rode after. Mr Bernard Partridge came to dinner. Maud & I went alone to Mrs. Joachim’s. Dr Joachim played magnificently with Piati, & again with Lady Hallé. Delightful evg. Tademas, Dickens, G.Lewis’s etc. V. crowded. Mr Joachim took me to supper & amused me vastly grumbling at everything. Monday 12 March Lady Blomfield at home 9 - 12 o’c. Had first cat destroyed. Maud & self to stores bought myself 3 coms 14/9 each, guitar book & music 2 of A.Cecil’s songs 4/10. Maud went with Miss Holland to Olympia & party. Carlisles there. Tuesday 13 March Showery. Went with Maud morg. shops took Kerrie. Paid Dance 18/-. Paid Derry & Toms £1.9.9. Went to Mudies after lunch. X. Poor Kerrie run over op. Derrys & had to be poisoned. Wednesday 14 March Tiresome anxious day. Lin worried with book & tiresome letter fr. Mr F.C.B. Maud & self out morg. Bought crepon & satin for Maud’s dress Derry, pd. £1.7.6. Drove at 3.30 to Marshall & Willets paid for boots £2. To Libertys & Mother’s. Agnes & Alice in. Horrid cold in head. Lin’s interview over satisfactorelly, why all the worry fr. F.C.B. V. thankful it’s settled. Thursday 15 March Mrs. Rawlinson’s dinner 8 o’c. Maud dines at Mrs. Pollack’s 8 o’c. I lunch at Mrs. C. Mathews 2 o’c. Cab to Queen Anne’s M’s 2/-. X. Took 1 st guitar lesson 11-12. 14 to lunch at Mrs. Mathews amongst others H. Younge, Mrs. Berringer, Lynn Linton, Mrs. A.Lewis, Mrs. C. Burnand, Mrs. Gab etc. Major Welman called. Much aged. Remained to tea. Friday 16 March Mrs. Goodall’s at home 3 to 7. Great crowd. Met Miss Levy, Mrs. Stone etc but to me distinctly dull party. Called on Olive, Mrs. Farquharson, Holland etc. Saturday 17 March Mrs. Fairfax Rhodes dinner 8 o’c. Mr Ryle’s pictures on view. Maud & I went to Woollands. I ordered blouse. Lin to Club for luncheon. Col. Makins took me in to dinner, do not care for him, but was interested in hearing his vy. Conservative view especially on Deceased wife’s sister’s bill. Thinks the constitution would be overturned before altering House of Lords. V. pleasant dinner, about 24.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 18 March Mr Ryle’s pictures on view. Major Welman to dinner ¼ to 8. Left early. Maud seedy. X. I went to Mother’s & returned in cab. Sp. called here with Hilda. Bret Harte, Miss Holland & Mr Carlisle called, stayed some time. Monday 19 March Mrs. Boughton at home 5 o’c. Mistake. M. & self called at Woollands. Mrs. Silver & Mrs. Broughtons. X. Petit ami au soir. Tuesday 20 March Blanche Cole studio tea 4.30. Effie Harrison here to luncheon & tea. They drove at 3 & went to Blanche Cole’s. Lady Bergne & two others called. Alice out. Punch dinner tonight instead of tomorrow. Received book fr. Bret Harte. Wednesday 21 March In bed till 12. Found “Catherine” by Jules Sardeau one of the prettiest french books I ever read, could be given to a girl of 12. Shop’g with Maud, fitted with dinner jacket Woollands & blouse. To Redfern’s where Maud ordered hat 10/6, Barkers 4 yds of rib. Wrote to thank Bret Harte for book. Mrs. Allan Cole & Mrs. Alma Speed called. Thursday 22 March Maud goes by 3.20 fr. C. X. to Ramsgate, see her off. Roy returns fr. Eton. Roy & self saw M. off, met Mrs. S. & Edie B. at C. X. Paid for green blouse at Woollands, £1.19.0. Pd. Vickery 1/6, M’s flowers & 1/1½ tie for Emma. Lin finished drawing. Friday 23 March Lovely day. Roy out all morg. on bicycle. Lin & Roy rode after lunch. Col. Welby called & stayed long while, until Lin came in. Both he & Roy looked tired. Saturday 24 March Came to Brookwood Pk. by 11.54 train. Arrived in time for tea. V. fine day. Emma out all day for her niece’s wedding. Grounds looking v. pretty & house v. cozy. Bee & Mervyn at Brookwood. Sunday 25 March Most lovely day, brilliant sunshine & very warm. Sat out all morg. with Tabs, Bee & Mervyn. After luncheon played golf with Roy who is getting keen on what he called at first “footling game”! At 3.30 went with Bee to Mrs. Seymour Hayden’s in small cart. Had tea there & saw Mr H’s sorting(?) of etchings. Roy v. funny at dinner. Amusing letter fr. Maud, v. happy & having good time. Monday 26 March Most lovely day, brilliant sun & as hot as August. Out all day. Mrs. Seymour Hayden jnr. to tea & golf. Think her quite pretty, v. like a cross between Mrs. Fagan & Miss Taylor. Lin looking better but think him pale. Roy a little lame with one ankle. Tuesday 27 March Lovely day. Sat out all morg. & afternoon. After tea Bee, Tabs & self had a long walk. H. & Mervyn off early to see yacht near the Hook, Farnham. Two letters fr. Maud.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 28 March Lovely day, out all morning. Lin & H. playing golf. Long letter fr. Maud with ac’t of M. O’Connell having to leave for a time & two others getting in trouble! Drove in shaky cart for 2 hrs with Bee. Quite lovely & enjoyed the country drive. Thursday 29 March Lin, Roy & self return to London by 1 o’c train. Lovely day. Went to Palace Theatre, saw “Performing dogs” & “Tableaux” both excellent, rest deadly dull. Marie Loftus song fairly good “What should sister Mary do?” Friday 30 March Wrote all morg. X. Lovely day. Called at 3.30 at L. County Bank about B.A. Pacific alteration, receiving no div’d for last £30 odd invested in Glasgow & S.W. Rly. Pass book & cheque ditto. Called & saw Mother. Left cards at Mrs. Steincopff, Quilter, Rhodes, & Hartley & Sington. Roy at Queens Club. Much interested made his record break at billiards. Played piquet after tea. Saturday 31 March Lovely morning. Wrote & did books all morg. Went & fetched Maud at 12.15 fr. C. X. Sta, she came up alone from Ramsgate. Went after lunch to see “Eutopia” in carriage. Lin & Roy had Turkish bath after. Mr Finlay came to our box. Mrs. Rider Haggard & Mr Bret Harte called. Quiet dinner here. Apr 1894 Sunday 1 April Maud & self to early church, to Mother’s after. Walked home. Met Janet Lewis, no Lucy. Lin & Roy rode mare & Cob, met Mrs. Coward at Richmond. Sp, Col. & Mrs. O’Callaghan & G. Nicol called. Monday 2 April Maud goes by 10.30 to Effie’s for few days, saw her off. G. Nicol dined here & went to see “The World” with us. Horrid atmosphere at Princess Theatre. Tuesday 3 April In carriage at 10.30 to Marshall Snelgroves, Buttericks, & stores. Roy twice at club. Mrs. Rider Haggard & Lucy Lewis called, v. amusing girl. No letter 6 o’c fr. Maud yet. Roy going to see “Caste”. Wednesday 4 April Out shop’g. At 3 with Lin in brougham to Queen’s club to see play. Watched rackets played. Called after with Lin on Mr Reed, looks quite ill with influenza. To Mother’s & home. Roy & self to “Little Christopher Columbus” in evg, had 2 stalls. Roy behaved fairly well. Saw Ina Mackenzie there. Emma & Alice out afternoon & evening. Thursday 5 April Lovely day. Lin v. tired with work. Gilly here for day. Made me blk. bonnet & went with me to Woollands to be fitted with dinner jacket. Quiet evg. Roy at club all day. Friday 6 April Saw dear Mother. Made calls on several people, all out. Lynn Linton, O. Crawfurd, C. Mathews, Lady Bergne, Mrs Jopling Rowe & Mrs Watney.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 7 April Pictures. Maud ret. fr. Fittleworth. I met her at Vic. Looks well, tableaux a great success. All of us to matinée of “Go Bang”. V. stupid. Shine, Letty Lind & young Grossmith only good. Sunday 8 April Pictures. Herkomer, Stanhope Forbes, Helen Thorneycroft, Marcus Stone etc. Lovely day v. hot. Lin & Roy to Moray Lodge, tennis. Lin photing rat. M. & self to pictures. X. M. seedy. Monday 9 April Miss Thorneycroft at home 4 to 7, 2a Melbury Road. Effie came. Out morg. shop’g. In all afternoon. All went to Haymarket Theatre evg. V. stupid piece. Had 3 stalls. Cabs cost 9/6! Tuesday 10 April Effie comes for 2 nights. Asked Mr & Mrs. Rider Haggard & Mr & Mrs. Phil Agnew, Mr Spottiswood. Col Welby’s invitation to luncheon at Cavalry Brigade Races Aldershot. M. & self at Stores all morg. Mrs. M. Stone & Mrs. Spofforth called. Soup. Salmon. Entrée of tongue & mushrooms. Roast lamb, beans. Asparagus. Roast chicken salad. Jelly. Iced coffee soufflé. Haddock savoury. Cheese etc. Dull dinner. Mrs. R. H. always heavy on hands. Mr S. stayed on till 12.20, rest all left at 11 o’c. Roy v. naughty. Wednesday 11 April V. hot lovely day. Eff & M. out all morning shop’g. I went at 3 to call on Mrs. Terrens, most uninteresting person! C. Hartree, Cap’t Hawton etc. Mad’lle here to tea & dinner. Eff, Roy, M. & self to Adelphi in cab 3/- & back 3/-. Lin & Mr Reed came in to box. V. good piece for the kind. “Cotton King”. Had tea at Mother’s, looked tired & weak. Effie had woman here all day working. Thursday 12 April Mrs. C. Praed’s dinner 8 o’c. Maud dines at Mrs. P. Agnew’s. Mad’lle here for lunch & tea & perhaps dinner with Roy. Effie left for Paris 10.15 A.M. Maud & Mad’lle out morg. for walk. Dear Maudie v. weepy all day, 1 st about shoes & then about being late. Lin walked to Mrs. Praed’s. I left M. at Agnews & arrived early at Norfolk Sqr. Met Mr & Mrs. Boyd fr. Pulboro’, Mr de Finblanc, David Murray, Mrs. Alexander novelist & dau. married to Frenchman, & 2 ladies. Maud met Mr Guthrie & another gentleman. Friday 13 April Maud goes to Mrs. Buckmaster at Tunbridge Wells by 3.55. I saw her off in a carriage to herself, danger signal v. conspicuous on window “Ladies only”. Called on Mrs. Lucy, Lilly, Quinton Twiss, cards of sympathy to Mrs. Waring, & had tea with Mother. Roy out entire day. Lin & self anxious about him. He arrived at 6.30, had been at Banbury’s, beaten all 3 boys at billiards & rode home S. Square on bicycle. Roy dined 7 & went off to see “Frou Frou” with young Banbury on bus, they return by cab. Saturday 14 April Answered Lady M’s invitation to Maud. Wrote Alice Linley about Mrs. Worth’s death, & to Maud. Lin finished 2nd drawing 11 o’c A.M. Lin & Roy went to 1 st night of “Faust” & behind scenes after. Roy v. excited. Were not home until nearly 3. Irving most kind to Roy. X. Petit ami.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 15 April Lin at Woking all day with Mr Wallace who was v. seedy. Lin met W. Jackson & Mr H. Spottiswood & wife. Miss Clerke & sister called, & Edgar. Roy out all morg & afternoon. Quiet evg, & piquet. Monday 16 April In bed till 12.30. Heavy showers. Lin rode afternoon. Roy fetched by Banbury fr. club! Lunched there & saw missing man “Scott” alias Sweeney! I called at 3.30 on Florence Blair & Ad. Brine(?). To Effie Harrison & took her with me to Mrs. Reeve & Mother. Home here to tea. Tuesday 17 April Heavy showers. Alice Linley & Mary Carter to luncheon. Felt v. ill all day. Mrs. Silver & Mrs. Warre, Mary B, Effie Harrison & Jerry Weigall called. Roy & Lin to Tivoli. Wednesday 18 April Feel v. seedy. In all day. Lin went soon after luncheon on business. Roy took Bobby for ride on bicycle. Alice & Emma out. Roy & I went to see “The new Boy” at Vaudeville, house crammed. Piece v. amusing enjoyed it immensely altho’ I felt so seedy. X. Maud received cheque for £8.8.0 for her 4 drawings illustrating “Thalia House” poem. Received 2 letters fr. Maud. Thursday 19 April Mrs. Purdie at home 9.30, 27 Palace Court. Miss Holland at home 8.30 Niddry Lodge. Unable to go to either. Lin with bad cold. Friday 20 April Florence Walford came for day. Entire morg. turned out school room cupboards. Effie Harrison came to tea, & stay till Monday. All 3 went at 4.30 to Mrs. Morton Latham’s at home. V. good music. Met Miss Webster. Called & enquired for Eddie Boehm & looked at 3 dreadful lodgings for Mrs. Paxton. Mrs. Rider Haggard called. Quiet evg. Lin’s cold v. bad. Saturday 21 April Turned out drawers all morg. in schoolroom. At 3 o’c went by cab to Maskelyn’s & Cooke . V. good handkerchief trick & memory. To tea at Mr Stone’s. As conceited as ever in his solitary glory, minus Tommy who had departed or been stolen. On to Tabbie’s in carriage. Lin walked home. Tabs wonderfully well. H. been out with 2 children to zoo, came home whilst we were there. Montfort Sayel(?) called. Sunday 22 April Cold but fairly fine, sun out at 12. I left Effie at Carmelite & walked on to Mother’s where she joined me later & we walked home. Mervyn & Mother alone. Lin rode morg. His cold still bad, he won’t take care of himself. Monday 23 April Maudie returns at 10.25 Charing X. Met M. & Mr Sismey. Went for stroll in Kens with M. Met Mrs. Lewis & small dog! Called after lunch. Went to see “Mrs. Lessingham” at Hare’s theatre, well acted but v. bad & foolish piece. Tuesday 24 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tabs & H. here to dinner. Out morg. shops. Effie Harrison left evg. Effie Herapath morg & Miss Burgess called. Maud had long letter fr. W. B. last evg! 8 pages. Went to Prince of Wales’ saw “Gaiety Girl”. Tabs thought she had lost her brooch. V. wet night. Wednesday 25 April Tabs, Gwen & Evy to luncheon. Never came. Called at 3.30 on Lady M. Watney, stayed some time. Asked Maud to go to Middleton on Friday till Monday. To Mrs. Steincopff most exquisite house & Mrs. S. v. nice & simple. Mrs. Lynn Linton & Miss H. Young there. M. & self alone evg. V. tired. Called on Mrs. Burnand. Thursday 26 April Poured morg. M. & self out. Called at 3.30 on Miss Holland, Mrs. E. Hart. Saw Mdes. Macmillan & Grossmith & dau. there. Lady Flowers & Lady Reed. Purnal in shocking temper out 3 hours. Must always be out 3 hours in future. To Mrs. Spofforth’s. Quiet evg. Friday 27 April Maud & self go to Bookham. Postponed. M. & self to Woollands early by bus. M’s dress not right. I drove alone to Mrs. Orchardson’s, tea there, & Mother’s. Saturday 28 April Mrs. Walter Crane 8.30 to 11.30. Lin working all day v. tired. Miss Gill came after lunch & went to Private View New Gallery with us. V. v. crowded. Burne Jones pictures very interesting. Lovely landscape by A. Parsons. V. pretty portrait of v. pretty Mrs. Crutchley by Hallé. Forbes Robertson by unknown artist (to me!) Met Santly, Fagans, Finlays, A. Blunt, Sir E. & Miss Reed, etc etc. Sunday 29 April Lin with Two Pins Club, lunched Star & Garter. Maud & self walked with Mervyn up Row & sat there all morg. We lunched after with Mother & returned here 3 o’c in cab, 1/-. Mr & Mrs. Dick, young Thomson & Miss Rose Innes called. Mr Thomson remained on to dinner, left at 10.10. Sp. at Mother’s also. Monday 30 April Miss Holl’s wedding 2.30 St Mary Abbots & at home after at Queen’s Gate. Lin to County Court about an artist’s drawings for Astor’s paper Pall Mall Magazine. Pouring wet cold day. O. Holl only up to dress for her wedding not recovered fr. influenza. Called after at Bournes about stays, to send postal order to Mrs. Hunt for Alice Turner 7/6. Lin only in to dinner, to Academy after County Court. May 1894 Tuesday 1 May Miss Rose Innes to dinner. Quite cold. Walked to Woollands with M. thro’ Park, v. crowded Row. Om home. Mrs. Eykyn, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Lynn Linton & Rosie Burnand called. Enjoyed play immensely “Faust”. Mr Spottiswood came to our box. Miss Innes’ coachman decidedly drunk coming home. Wednesday 2 May Maud goes to dance with Mrs. Carlisle & Miss Holland. Lady M. & Rosalind to tea. Mervyn & Tabbie here. Tabbie to luncheon. Maud & Basil Paxton called. Lin left early. I went at ¼ past 9 to Woolland to be fitted. Went with Maud after to see Midge’s rooms, & to Mother’s. V. tired. Thursday 3 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 To Miss Mackenzie’s if fine. Lovely afternoon. Went by 2.40 in carriage alone, Maud too tired after last night’s dance. Ticket to Bookham ret. 1/9! Miss M. met me in dog cart at Sta. Her nephew only with her. Had charming afternoon in the lovely country. She drove me to Station & I came up by 7.2, home exactly at 8.30 for dinner. Friday 4 May Private View Academy. Drawing room tea Mrs. Cohen’s. Maud goes with Mrs. Orchardson to Royal Academy Students Ball. All went in carriage together to P.V. Academy, met no end of friends. Maud dined at Mrs. O’s & went with her to dance, Mervyn also. Home at 3.30 morning, Alice sat up. Maud met her mysterious admirer Dr Harley. Saturday 5 May Tea Miss Thorneycroft. Promised to go to Mrs. E. Hart’s for the day. M. & self go to Fritz Jackson till Monday. Lin dines at Academy Banquet. Maud & I met Fritz at Waterloo with Mr Pell, young American gentleman. V. amusing & in appearance like Harry Burnand only much darker. We travelled together, brougham met us. Mr & Mrs. Ionides also at Fritz. He v. good looking son of Constantine I, only been married 3 weeks! She decidedly taking, looks older than he, a cross between Alice (maid) & Anna Dietz. Sings divinely, music all evening. V. jolly little party. Sunday 6 May Lovely day, much colder than in London. Mr Ionides & Fritz off directly after breakfast to Woking for Golf. Mr Pell, Maud & self for walk thro’ pretty Cobham village. Left them & returned alone. Went into church. Wrote 3 letters after. Quiet afternoon. Lin arrived on Cob about 5. Had lunched at Hampton C. with “Two Pins Club”. Fritz & Mr Ionides returned in time for tea. Delightful evg. Mrs. Ionides sang for two whole hours, Fritz played. Missed Wirgmans, Stanhope Forbes, Davis, Dyce & Flowers here at Staff. Ter. Monday 7 May Return fr. Fritz. Lin dines at Garrick & goes with Tenniel, Milliken & a’Beckett to Avenue Theatre to see Mr Partridge act. Supper at Mr Stones’ after! Returned with Mrs. Ionides & Mr Pell. Left Maud at Mother’s, came on here with boxes & joined Maud at Mother’s for luncheon. On with Mervyn to Midge, out, took cab to Tab’s, saw Midge & Dora there, latter much grown, not so handsome as she promised but at an awkward age. M. & self walked to Knightsbridge & om’ed home. Midge looks v. well, not grey. Tuesday 8 May Maud goes to Miss Holland’s dance with Maud Paxton. Maud P. coming for night. Two Mauds & Agnes out for walk morg. Dora here for day. I went out morg. shop’g. Paid 1/- flowers. Mrs. Flower, Mrs. Levy, Mrs. Burnand & Mary, Tabs, Mervyn, 2 Leche girls, B. W, Miss Walton called. Lin lent us drawing room. Midge & S. Rose Innes to dinner. Two M’s off to dance which they enjoyed v. much. Agnes took them & fetched them. Wednesday 9 May Maud to luncheon at Mr C. Mathews, Midge & Dora called. Paid over £58.12.6 to Midge & gave her her papers etc. Mrs. Paxton & two girls fetched Maud. Fetched Maud at 3 o’c took Rosie B. home & stayed a little while at Mrs. Burnand’s, called on Mrs. Gordon. Mr Dyce, Ethel, Auntie & Mrs. Holmes called. Thursday 10 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tea at Mrs. Lucy’s. Pouring wet day. V. cold. Out morg. shops, changed £1 cheque for self bought pk. rib. for red velvet 5/9, tapes, cottons etc 1/-. Afternoon went to Woollands & Stores. Called at Mrs. Lucy’s, found her sister & Miss Reed there. Called & saw Midge & H, stayed some time. Left little cream cheese at Mother’s & home. Mr Pell called, sorry to miss him. Friday 11 May X. Petit ami, malheur. Called & saw dear Mother & left cards on Mrs Burnand. Pouring wet & cold. Lin finished work. Saturday 12 May Lin, Maud & self go to Mrs. Winchester Clowes till Tuesday, D.V. Came by 5 o’c train. Found all well here, Mrs. Clowes looking much stronger. 10 to dinner evg. V. wet morg. Lovely evg & afternoon but v. cold. Sunday 13 May Glorious day. Sat out with Miss Bromhead all morg. whilst rest were at church. Sat out all afternoon, tea on lawn. Electric machine evening, v. good fun with it. X. Tabbie’s baby boy born ¼ to 7 o’clock. Monday 14 May Lovely day. Drove with Mrs. Winchester Clowes, Maud & Eily to farm house & woods. Had tea at lovely old farm house. Lin & Mrs. Clowes rode, & were out to luncheon. Mistake, tomorrow. (repeat of Monday, written on the Tuesday page) Lovely day. In bed to breakfast. Sat out morg. Lin & Mr Clowes had long ride & were out to lunch. Mrs. C, Maud, Eily & self drove in Victoria to a lovely old farm house & had tea there thro’ beautiful scenery & country. Maud & Eily gathered May hedges. Mrs. C. & self drove to Mr Clowes cottage & to Lord Caithness’s house. Lovely place but looks so (illeg) no one there. Banburys had it 2 years. Dinner party evg. Mr Gosling, Mr Seebohm, Mr & Mrs. Hughes, v. pretty woman, etc. Tuesday 15 May (Monday written on this page) Lovely day, sat out all morg. Returned home by 12.15 train. Lin rode after lunch. Maud arranged flowers, quantities. Miss Rose Innes, Mr Pell & Mrs. Lindo called. Maud Lin & self went to Haymarket evg. Saw “A bunch of Violets”. I liked it, Lin & M. not. Mr & Mrs. Tree excellent in it. Rather spoilt by young girl with tremendous nose which was so conspicuous one could think of nothing else when one looked at her. Wednesday 16 May Out morg. to Midge, Dora ret’d lunch & afternoon here & saw Mother & Sp. Midge & self shop’d all afternoon. Purnal most impertinent, not fit for a gentleman’s servant. Agnes took Dora back, Midge & H. at Uncle Edwin’s. Thursday 17 May Asked H. & Jess, Mr Pell. Postponed. Lin & self dine with Miss Rose Innes at Berkeley & go with her to see “Little Christopher Columbus”. Mrs. Carlisle at home Guildford House, Putney Hill. Miss Rose Innes asked us to dine at Berkeley & go with her & Mde. (blank) lovely Chilean to see “Yoké” again. Go to supper at Mr Weedon Grossmith’s after play. Lovely Chilean lady at Miss Rose Innes, Mr Stubbs, Mr & Mrs Robertson & another gentleman. Had 2 boxes on grand tier. Great crush at Weedon G’s, impossible to get anything boarding(?) over stalls so


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin & I returned home. Met there all theatrical world. Mrs. Fildes, Tweedie, Arthur Cecil. Yoké v. good. Friday 18 May Mrs. Torrens dinner 8 o’c. Maud goes to Lady Margaret’s. Out morg. shop. to be fitted with grey tailor dress Barkers. Maud doing drawing. Took Maud to Waterloo, met Sir W. & Lady Flower who promised to look after her at Basingstoke. Lovely day. Home by bus 4½d. Met Mrs. Coward who spoke of Mr C’s illness & absolute necessity of change. Saturday 19 May Box for Globe “Charley’s Aunt”. Ham, Midge & Fritz dining here & going with us. Out morg. bought flowers. Lin rode after luncheon. I practiced & worked. Enjoyed “Charley’s Aunt” v. much. Stalls v. empty & boxes but good pit & gallery. Sunday 20 May Mrs. C. Mathews at home 5 o’c. Out morg. to dear Mother’s. Lin rode. Sp. & Hilda to lunch & tea. Sp. to dinner. Mr & Mrs. & Maud Paxton, Mrs. Sington & son, & Tilda called. Sp. stays so late! Monday 21 May Dine with Miss Rose Innes at Bristol at ¼ to 7 o’c. & see the “Masqueraders” at St. James’ after. Concert at the Queen’s Hall 3.30. Dull. Lisa Lehmann best she sang “Fleur aimé” Thomàs. V. good dinner at Bristol. Met Mr Stubbs, Mr Forbes Robertson, Mr & Mrs. Galbraith. Play excellent, improbable but most interesting. Alexander sent us up tea. Cab fr. concert 2/-. Out morg. shop’g. Lady M. brought Maud back herself & sent her box by Emily. Tuesday 22 May Maud Paxton coming to stay. Lin dines at Seasons or Kinsmans dinner. V. cold, fires everywhere. Went in carriage at 12 bought 3 salmon cutlets 1/6, cakes 1/6, Whiteleys & paid china bill there 10/2½. Mr & Mrs. Paxton & 2 chicks, Mr & Miss Dyce, 2 Miss Warres, Mrs. Tweedie & sister, B.W, Mrs. Steincopff, called. Sp. came to dinner & stayed till 11.30. Called & saw Tabbie morg. & Baby. Tabs looks delicate. Pretty baby. Wednesday 23 May Sir R. & Miss Webster’s dance 10 o’c. Mrs. Wirgman’s at 4.30. To Tabbie’s, looks like a pretty (illeg) doll. To dressmaker & Mrs. Wirgman’s. Great many there, good singing & playing. V. dull cold day. Mad’lle to supper. Throat bad & feel v. seedy. Maud Paxton to dance with Maud, 300 there. They enjoyed it immensely. Lin fetched them. Thursday 24 May Two Mauds go to luncheon at Mrs. Paxton’s, & on to Temple Gardens flower show. Sunny & warm. Out morg. alone by bus to Regent Circus, bought purse 3/9, hair pomade 1/6, fare 8d. My voice ridiculous comes & goes, throat better. Called at 3.40 on Miss Thomson, met Mrs. O. Crawfurd, Col. & Mrs. Maxwell (she Col. Welby’s sister). Midge’s, had tea with her, Tilda there & Mrs. Alan Cole. Met Mauds at Temple. Lovely day. B.W. as usual in evidence. Quiet evg. Called on Mrs. Galbraith. Friday 25 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tea at Miss Thorneycroft’s 4.30. Tea at Mrs. Dyce’s. Out shop’g morg. To Row with two M’s, cab 1/6.Walked home. Lin rode before breakfast. Called at 3.30 on M(illeg), Percy Macquoid, Purdie, Ladies Richmond & Lucas, Mrs. H. Dickens, Mrs. Dyce where we had tea & music, & Miss Thorneycroft pictures & tea! Variety. Saturday 26 May Mrs. Walter Crane 8.30, 11.30. Countess of Kimberley at home at Foreign Office 10 o’c. Matinée at theatre. Out morg. about evg. dress, to Russel & Allen. To Criterion matinée. Saw “Aristocratic Alliance”, v. good. Maud Paxton left after dinner in cab alone. Lin & Maud to F.O. Mrs. P. Agnew called. Sunday 27 May Mrs. Heilbut’s dinner 8 o’c. Walked to Mother’s & stayed an hour. V. cold raining & storm morg. Sp. & Hilda to luncheon. Maud to dinner evg. with Mother. Lin rode with Two Pins Club & lunching at Mr Gilbert’s, W.S. Fine afternoon. Mr, Mrs. & Maud Paxton, Mr Hook & Miss Rose Innes called. Sp. & Hilda to lunch & tea. Lin not in till 7.15. Terrible tapage avec l’homme des équ(illeg) il s’en ira Samdi, a la bonheur. I sat between 2 Grossmiths, near Mr Burnand. 18 to dinner. V. noisy & familiar party. Mr G’s foolish jokes etc, did not enjoy it. Monday 28 May Mrs. O. Crawfurd at home 10.30. Out morg. shops with Maud. Called at 3.30 on Mrs. Rawlinson, v. beautiful & grand. Married dau. very pretty, full stops prodominant! To Mrs. Alma Tadema’s, found crowds here, house or rather detached saloon lovely. Saw 2 pictures of Mr Tadema’s. Miss Gill came to stay at 4.30. Quiet evg. Lin in all day. V. cold & wretched, more like ungenial October. Tuesday 29 May V. cold, bright. Lin rode early. Mrs. Speed etc called. Out morg. Wednesday 30 May Mrs. de la Rue’s musical at home 10.30. The Author’s Club entertainment 4 to 6.30 at 5 Whitehall Court S.W. Unable to go pouring rain. Saw several coachmen. I stayed in all afternoon. Clever Frenchman sang at Mrs. de la Rue’s, felt tired, did not enjoy party. Edward Lloyd, Ella Russel etc sang. Pouring rain. Walked after seeing moiree(?) Derry Toms to Tabbie’s, Mervyn there. Meet of Four in Hands, Park crammed. Thursday 31 May Dance at Savoy for Maud & Mervyn. To dine here, Mervyn, Miss Rose Innes. Out morg. to be fitted D.T. Called at 3.30 to enquire for man’s character at Mr Larnack’s. Called on Mrs. Tweedie, Pollock, & Debenhams, ordered hat, rib, 2 prs gloves. Mr & Mrs. Galbraith, Mrs. Tweedie (Anne) Mrs. Macquoid, Mrs. Fagan called here. Cozy little dinner here 8.30, Miss Innes, Mervyn & Maud left at 11.30. Home at 3 o’c. Down to see Maud in, enjoyed it immensely, Fritz there. Jun 1894 Friday 1 June Invitation to stay with Anna Dietz till Monday. Call for Miss Rose Innes ½ past 3, for calls. Mervyn & Stace here to be photoed. Maud & Gilly to Midge for tea. I called for Miss Rose Innes 3.30 & we called together on C. Hartree where I met Mrs. Jones who asked me to call, to Mrs. Dewar’s, had tea with her, Mrs. Lynn Linton, found Mr de Fonblanc there, v. interesting talk with him, & to Mrs. O. Crawfurd. Miss Gill & Maud to Comedy, “Frou Frou”.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 2 June Roy returned home for Exeat 1.30. Lin rode morg. Maud & Roy to see “Masqueraders”. Roy & I after dinner to see “Bunch of Violets”. V. good. I fitted on my new dress here 10 o’c. Gilly left at 1 o’c, paid her 2/6, flowers 1/6. Sunday 3 June Dull heavy warm. Mervyn called early for book for Tabbie. Dressed to go & see Mother, unable to go, poured. Wrote all morg. & afternoon. Lin & Roy to Sir A. Hickman’s for tennis. Lin dining at Garrick dinner to Lord Russell president of Two Pins Club. Not a soul called. Monday 4 June Eton. Mr Ainger’s lunch party. Mrs. Armstead at home 4 to 6, 58 Chepstow Villas. Lady Hickman’s dinner, Maud, Lin & self. Roy dines at Mother’s & returns to Eton. Roy out at Oval afternoon. I went for last fitting of gown, Derry’s, & on to see Mother. Maud, Dora (who came for day) & Agnes walked & bussed to Marshall & Willets & back. Lin rode after lunch. V. close cloudy stuffy day, heavy storm early & heavy rain. Agnes took Dora home. Tuesday 5 June Mrs. Armstead at home 4 - 6. Mrs. Montefiore’s dinner 8 o’c for Lin, Maud & self. X. Petit ami au matin. Miss Reed, Mrs Carlisle & Miss Carlisle, Mary B, Effie Harrison, Mrs Reed, Mr Weigall & Tilda called. Agnes took Maud out morning & arranged my flowers. Mr Spielman took me in to dinner, Mr Gardiner other side. 18 at table, Marcus Stones & Levys only others I knew there. Wednesday 6 June Lady M. Watney’s dinner 8 o’clock. Maud & Lin to “Derby” with Mr D’Arcy’s party. Midge & Dora called morg, former sat with me. Dinner of 20 Lady M’s. Sir Redvers & Lady Audrey Buller, Lady Mabel & Miss Howard, Mrs. Maxwell v. pretty woman. Mr Buxton took me in v. like B. W. Epping Forest! Pretty wife who knew it. Several others. Table charming, moss roses in silver bowls & along table. V. pretty. Thursday 7 June Lady Bergne’s dinner 8 o’c. Maud dines alone. In bed till 12.30. V. tired. Midge & Dora to luncheon & tea. V. charming dinner at Lady B’s, 10 only. Cap’t Agar took me in. V. good looking man in War Office, pretty wife. Lovely silver & marguerites on table. Friday 8 June Mrs. Macmillan’s dinner 8 o’c. Only Lin & self. Mary Nicol, Mrs. N. & Mrs Thorneycroft called. V. tired. Mr Wedderburn took me in, entirely forgot who he was! Mr & Mrs. O. Crawfurd there. V. pleasant evg. Table lovely, yellow & mauve flowers. Saturday 9 June Lin goes to stay at Lord Russell’s until Monday. Maud goes on river for day with Miss Holland & party 9.30. Address Lord Russell Tadworth Court Nr Banstead Surrey. Drove Lin to Victoria 4.30. Called on Mother on way home & remained evg. Mervyn there. Midge & Dora came to tea. Mervyn brought me back. Purnal leaves, drove horribly this afternoon. Otley comes. Sunday 10 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin & members of “Two Pins” all lunch at Lord Rosebery’s at the Durdans. Maud & self went to fetch Mother & sat with her in Gds. op. Memorial. She seemed v. tired after. Tilda here for day. Ethel English & Mr West & Miss Rose Innes to tea. Latter stayed with Tilda to supper. Had delightful evening & afternoon with Ethel & Miss Rose Innes’ guitars. Monday 11 June Miss Rose Innes to dine & “Tivoli” after. Ethel English to dinner. Edie Buckmaster coming. Mrs. Rawlinson’s at home 4 - 7. Out morg. shop’g with Maud. V. vexed cannot meet Edie. Met Mrs. Sington & son. Tuesday 12 June Mrs. Torrens at home 10 o’c. Corney Grain. Mrs. Lindsay Hammond’s at ¼ to 8 o’clock. Maud to both. Invite to dinner at Mrs. Tweedie’s to meet Sir G. Arnold. “Tea & Talk” 4 - 7 at Mrs. Alec Tweedie’s. Mrs. Quilter’s at home 10 o’c. V. pleasant dinner as usual at Mrs. L.H’s, & to Mrs. Q’s after. Also v. pleasant. Mrs. McLaren, K. Speed, Molesworth & Mr West etc etc called. Dull & cold. Edie B. out to dine with Mr Sismey. Wednesday 13 June Soirée at Burlington House 9 o’c. (Royal Society). Invitation to dine at Mrs. Spielman’s, cannot go. Maud to luncheon at Mary Nicol’s. Invitation to lunch at Alice Linley’s at 1.30. Mrs. Farquharson’s at home. Edie & self took Maud by bus 9d to Dover St. Left her & walked home thro’ Pk. Fetched M. in brougham at 4. Called on Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Enthoven, Levy, Montefiore, Lady Wills, & tea at Farquharsons, met Nicols there. Quiet evg. Called on Miss Webster. Thursday 14 June Mrs. Messel’s dance. Sun!!!!! at last. 1st summer day. Sat in Pk. morg. with Maud. Met H. & Midge, sat & talked. Met Dr Farquharson etc etc. Young Bucks to tea. I fetched Midge & called with her on English’s, Col Webber, left basket Mackenzies, Mrs. Williamson, Etherington, Twiss. Tho’ Pk. home. Mervyn to dinner & took Maud. Lennie back. M. enjoyed dance immensely, home 3.30. Edie back 12.45. Mrs. Alma Tadema called, looked charming. Friday 15 June Mrs. Steincopff’s dinner ¼ to 8. Tea at Mr Hartree’s 5 o’c. Lovely day , 2nd summer day. Walk in Pk. morg. Went in bus to C. Hartree’s after lunch. Only Mrs. P(illeg) etc there, distinctly dull. Cab’d home, 2/6 with omnibus. Delightful evg. at Mrs. S. Mr S. took me in reminds me of Sir E. Reed. Spoke German together & he knows the Schliepers. Saturday 16 June Mrs. E. Reed at home 4-7. Maud goes to tea with Miss Howard, 29 Burton St. Lovely day. Edie B. to lunch with Mr Sismey, Savoy & to see “Money” after. I drove M. to 29 Bruton St, Lady Audrey Bullar’s. Called on Tabs too seedy to see me, Mrs. Medley & Tilda, had tea there, saw Minnie Holland. Fetched Maud & drove to Mrs. Reed’s. Sir E. & Lady Reed there, Wirgman, Sir F. & Lady Branwell, Mrs. Burnand & Mary. V. nicely arranged at home. Quiet evg. here. Sunday 17 June Mr Sismey dines here, can’t come. Mrs. Burnand’s at home 10.30. To church 9 o’c. To Mother’s, v. seedy. Mevyn came in. Angry with Maud for staying so late at Mrs. Messel’s. Sat after in Flower Walk. Lin rode morg. Mrs Burnand at home, all


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 going. Not a soul called. Lin played tennis Sir A. Hickman’s. V. delightful evg. at Mrs. Burnand’s. Santly sang 4 songs divinely ac’d by Mrs. Wright! & one by Mrs. Ready of “Vicar of Bray” best of all. Irving, E. Terry etc there, Mr & Mrs. Lockwood, Sir E. & Lady Lawson. Not home till 2. Monday 18 June Miss Holland at home 10 o’c. Hungarian Band. Mrs. Rhodes at home 4 - 6.30. Mr Hartree’s luncheon 2 o’c. To be fitted Miss Radcliffe. Too tired to go out morg. Pouring wet. Excellent luncheon at C.H’s. Corney Grain sang after stayed till 4.30, Lin with us. Went to Mrs. Rhodes, Cissy Loftus excellent. Messels there. Too tired after to go to H’s. Maud, Lin & Edie went. V. good at home. Ondin etc etc sang. Tuesday 19 June Fanny Barker & Alice Linley to luncheon, & Miss Holl. Mrs. Alma Tadema at home 9 o’c. Maud & Edie to meet Miss Holl morning. Met her & walked in Row with J. Weigall. Cutlets & spinach. Ducklings & pears & new potatoes. Jelly. Cherry tart & cream. Cream cheese, radishes etc. Miss Holl left directly after luncheon. Only Rosie & C. B, Mr J. Weigall called. Wednesday 20 June Maud lunches with Miss Williamson. Tea at Mrs. Percy Macqoid’s. Maud gone to Ascot with Mrs. English’s party. Pouring wet day but she enjoyed it immensely, met Cap’t Hickman. Dined at the E’s & ret’d 9.30. Edie & I called & left beef tea at Mother’s. To Tabs, saw Mervyn & Ham, & to tea at Mrs. P. Macquoid’s. Most exquisite house. Thursday 21 June Cup day, Ascot. Go to Effie for night. Maud lunches at Mrs. Lockwood’s 1 o’c. Came to Eff’s by 10.20 train, boys & Miss Fryer met me. Saw cottages & Mrs. Hawkins. Con looking v. seedy. Country exquisite. Friday 22 June Lin dines at John Penn’s. Returned fr. Eff’s 3.30 train, changed twice. V. slow train. Edie & Maud met me at Vic. Had been paying calls for me. Gt. Many callers. Cost to Effie’s 15/-. Saturday 23 June Mrs. Carlisle’s garden party 4 - 7. Lady Hickman’s at home 4.30, Madame Jane May. Mrs. Agnew at home 4 - 7. Lady Ellis at home 3 - 7. Dr Robson Roose at home 10 o’c. Mrs. O. Shakespear’s at home 4 - 7. Mrs. E.Pollock at home 4 - 7. Edie went to Hadley at ¼ to 10, her cab man drunk! & she had to take another on the road. Mr Sismey met her at Sta. Maud & self to Mrs. Carlisle’s, v. crowded, Thorndyke sang. Charming garden & v. delightful party, Russells, Donaldsons, Vicat Coles etc, & fr. there to Lady H’s. Met Mervyn & Midge just going when we arrived, Jane May & Palace Dogs gone! Saw a’Beckett Terrells, Calderon, Thorneysrofts, Nicols etc. Quiet evg. here. Mr Sismey brought Edie back. Sunday 24 June Mrs. Jopling Rowe’s breakfast 12.30. Maud & Edie to Church & to lunch with Mother. Blanche Cole & Miss Holland to dinner 8 o’c. Miss Rose Innes also to dinner. Made dreadful mistake about hour of luncheon. Went alone, Lin in too late, went to Club. Charming lunch, 9, met Mr Sladen had not met for years. Home by 3.30. Mr Kinderman, Miss R.Innes, Mr & Mrs. Farquhar, Miss Dyce & Miss Nicol called.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 25 June V. hot. Maud & Edie to Row, met Mr Hartley & Mervyn. B.W. worried Maud, he wrote later reason! I shopped in Kensington. Called at 3.30 with 2 girls at Lady Bergne’s, Heilbut, Spielman, Messel, Lady Clarke in, Mrs. Fagan in, had tea there, Mrs. Orchardson out, & Tabs looking quite lovely & younger than ever. Lin rode. Tuesday 26 June Mrs. a’Beckett Terrell’s dinner 7.45. Mrs. W.L.Wyllie’s at home. G. Grossmith’s Society (illeg) How Lodge, W. Rochester. Edie leaves us. Madame Maark here for day. Mrs. Spofforth, Miss Rose Innes, etc called. V. good dinner Mrs. T’s. Wednesday 27 June Mrs. Macmillan’s at home 10.30. X. Maud seedy, in all morg. Maud to Ranelagh club with Mrs. Hartley & Col (blank) all afternoon. Expected Con who never came. I drove at 3.30 to Mother’s & Tabs, both out. Had tea at Lady M.W’s & Mrs. Steincopff’s. Large party at Mrs. M’s, felt tired could not enjoy it. Thursday 28 June Mrs. Speed at home 4 - 7. Maud & self lunch at Mrs. English’s 1.30. Mrs. Ledyard at home 4.30 to 7 o’c. Friday 29 June Mrs. Speed at home 4 - 7. Con dined here. Called on Mrs. Faudel Philips. Fitted with gown, Mother’s to tea, Woolland’s to get Maud’s muslin. Walked morg. to Miss Manning, fitted, to Park after. Walked with Miss Reed. Saturday 30 June Lin going to Sir E. Lawson’s with the “Two Pins Club”. Lovely day. Bee Barrs coming. X. Petit ami. Out morg. Madame Maark called. Arranged flowers. Called alone after leaving Lin at Pd. Sta. on Aunt Linda. Saw the 2 girls, Lady Hickman, Mrs. Jones, quite charmed with house, & stayed at Blanche Cole’s. Walked home. Miss Lockyer called & Sir & Lady Lawson. Bee came about 6. Jul 1894 Sunday 1 July In bed till 12.30. V.v. hot. Maud to early service, with Bee to Park after. Mr Farquharson, Mr Sladen, Mr & Mrs. Galbraith & Edgar & Tilda to tea. Sent cheque to Lee & Pembertons for dear Mother. Monday 2 July University Cricket Match. V. hot!!! Lin returned from Sir E.Lawson’s. Ethel English to dinner. Maud & Bee to Lords, saw Mr Messel. Tuesday 3 July Mrs. Henderson’s dance 10.30 o’c. Lin Maud & I dine at Mrs. Percy Macquoid 8 o’c. Mrs. Joachim’s at home 4 - 7. Academy Soirée 9 o’c. University Cricket Match at Lords. Bee & Maud to Soirée. Mr & Mrs. Macquoid, Mr & Mrs. Winchester Clowes & Sir A. Dent to Soirée & Mrs Henderson’s party after. Last dull so few men. Maud & Bee to Lords with Lady Lawrence’s & Mr Hartree’s party, luncheon & tea. Wednesday 4 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. G. Alexander’s at home Grafton galleries 11 o’c. Mrs. Williamson’s at home 10 o’c. Lady Mary Glyn’s garden party 4 - 7. Maud & self to Mrs. Steincopff’s, Lady Lawson & Lady M’s garden party, met Mrs. Kendal & 2 daughters, Mrs. Joachim, Silver, Sington, Prices etc. Maud & Bee to Mrs. W’s & Mrs. A’s parties, both charming & great success. Thursday 5 July Mrs. Mocatta’s dinner 8 o’c. Henley to Mrs. Wallace’s. Mrs. G. Twiss at home. Lin & M. to Henley with Mr Wallace, stayed night, had lovely day there, Maud only lady. Bee & self called (I fitted at Miss Manning’s) on Lady Nottage, Mrs. Tait, Mrs. McLaren, Lady Reed, had tea there & Mother’s, & on to Bow St for Lin’s costumes. Quiet evg. here. Lady Margaret Watney called with “Prince” so sorry to miss her. Friday 6 July Mrs. G. Twiss’ at home 10 o’c. Unable to go too tired. Called with Maud at 4 o’c on Dance about ices for tomorrow 10/6. To Midge, out, saw Dora & Mad’lle. To tea at Clara Bergheim’s, Mrs. O’Callaghan, Miss Sharp & Mrs. Banting there. Heavy thunderstorm. To Private View of Pall Mall Magazine drawings Bond St. arrived late. Lin hard at work all day. Saturday 7 July Lady Ellis’ at home, Buccleugh House 3.30 - 7. Asked Cap’t Hickman to dinner 8 o’c, & Galbraiths. Maud had invite to go with Mr Carlisle’s party to theatre. Mr & Mrs. Galbraith, Mr Stone & Cap’t Hickman to dinner. V. pleasant dinner stayed till 10 to 12. Bee & self to Stores early for shop’g. Soup. Cold salmon. Tongue & mushrooms. Roast lamb & salad. Beans alone. Ducklings & peas. Jelly. Strawberry soufflé. Anchovy eggs. Cheese, radishes etc. Sunday 8 July To Park in bus with Bee & Maud, cost going & coming 2/-. Met A. Linley, asked him to dine next Tuesday. Mr Henderson, Mr & Mrs. Fowler, Mr Rooth, Miss Lockyer called. Tilda came to luncheon & tea. Monday 9 July Lin & self dine at the Bristol 7 o’clock sharp with Miss Rose Innes, & to see Mde. Réjane after in “Madame sans Gêne”. Two stalls for German Reeds. Tea at Dr Rhodes, M. & Bee went, & to German Reeds after. Party of 10 at Miss Rose Innes at Bristol. Prof. & Mrs. Dewar, rest as usual & Mrs. (illeg). Madame Réjane charming enjoyed play immensely, dresses both of men & women perfect in every detail. Saw Sir T & Lady Lawrence, Bessie H, Mrs. Millet & Mr Parsons, Mrs. R. Bingham, Mr Lehman, Mrs. Bridges etc. V. brilliant house. Tuesday 10 July Maud dines at Dr Harley’s 8 o’c. Mrs. Sladen’s literary soirée 10 o’c. Clara Berghein dines here. Dolly Joachim to luncheon. Bee & self to Harveys & Woollands. Effie came. Arthur Linley dined here. Maud met Mr Jackson who starts tomorrow for North Pole. Wednesday 11 July Mrs. Fowler’s at home 5 - 7. Postponed. Bishops! galore. Tickets for Hurlingham. Went to Hurlingham, stayed two hours, no one we knew there, & Polo ties postponed until tomorrow or Saty on account of rain. To tea at Mrs. Burnands, saw B.W. there. V. uncomfortable for M. Good many others relieved the


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 awkwardness of a tête à tête. Quiet evg, Effie, M. & self. Eff out all day, only in to dinner. Thursday 14 July Lady Nottage at home. Mr J. le Hay 4 - 7. Promised to drive with Mrs. Fowler 4 o’c. Maud & self call on Mr George Allen at 156 Charing Cross Road about illustrating book, 3 o’c. Pouring with rain. Mr A. not impressed with M’s capabilities, too young. V. dull party Mrs. F’s. Had long talk with Mr F. about St Laurence & its people! Crowded party Lady N’s, met Mrs. Morley, Mrs. Tattersall, Mrs. Palmer etc. Rosa Leo sang charmingly little French song. Phonograph in waiting, v. tired of them! Friday 13 July Lords, Eton & Harrow. Invitations to lunch at Mrs. Chinery, Mrs. Steincopff’s & Mrs. W. Hartree at Lords. Pouring rain. Roy arrived at 11.30, said nothing going on so foolishly did not go to luncheon at Lords, inpromtu lunch at home. Lin v. hard at work, did not dine till past 11 o’c. Roy, Eff, M. & self to see “The Candidate” house full of Eton & Harrow boys. Roy & Eff in cab, M. & self in brougham. Roy looking v. fairly well. Saturday 14 July Mrs. E. Hart’s at home. Eton & Harrow match, Maud & Roy off early. Heavy shower morg. but cleared rest of day. Lin & self went to Lords about 1 o’c. Lunched at Mrs. Steincopff’s. V. large party there, not comfortable. Joined Mr Hartree after who had waited for us, v. sorry. Saw game splendidly from his break, stayed all afternoon with him & his party. Mr Mocatta, Col. & Mrs. & Miss Livesey & a charming clever girl & her brother, Miss Stacy & another lady & several gentlemen whose names I cannot remember. Excellent tea at 5 o’c. Unable to join Mrs. S’s party again. Met Tyrells, Clowes (Mrs. C. looking quite lovely) Williamsons etc etc. V. v. crowded. Game unable to be finished Eton not doing as well as expected. Roy returned after dinner to Eton. Sunday 15 July Asked Prof. Lockyer & daughter & Miss Rose Innes to dinner. Only Miss Rose Innes coming. V. wet day. Maud to early service, Lin riding. Maud & self to Mother’s, away. Lin rode. Miss Davis’s & Mr Steincopff & Mr (illeg) called. Monday 16 July Maud goes to Mrs. Rawlinson in afternoon & stays supper (at 8). Made calls with Maud. Lin dines with Mr Rooth. Tuesday 17 July Mrs. H.A.Jones at home 10 till 1 o’c. Asked Lady Margaret Watney & Rosalind to tea. Out morg. Mad’lle here to luncheon & took Maud out. Mr & Miss Lockyer to dinner & to see “Money” at Garrick with us after. Miss Rose Innes unable to come at last moment. Mrs. Kendal Grimstone, Miss Chappel, Lady M. & Rosalind, Effie, Lady Bergne & Mrs. Arthur Russell called. Wednesday 18 July Mrs. Schwann at home 8.30. V. pleasant party, garden lighted with 300 lanterns, Artillary Band. Walked & sat out all evg. Shop’d morg. to (illeg illeg) & Buzzards. Two Miss Davis’ & Mad’lle to luncheon. Miss Rose Innes came to tea & stayed late. V. tired & unable to rest before dressing. Mr Wallace had fall in the Row.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 19 July Lin dines Mr Ayala at Savoy. M. & self to call on Mother, looks better for change, & Lady Flower stayed some time. Friday 20 July Maud & self with Mr Carlisle to Imperial Institute, grand fête there. Gardens looked charming lighted up, astonished so late when we returned 1 o’c. Saturday 21 July Lin Maud & self to Lyceum, big night there, supper after on stage. Col Welby called. Mad’lle here all day. Lin rode. Col. Welby called. Sunday 22 July Maud lunches at Miss Davis’ at 1 o’c, & dines at Mother’s. Mr Schoester & Col & Mrs. Livesay called. Lin played tennis Sir Alfred Hickman’s, we both dined there. Lady Muriel Boyle, Sir Courtney Boyle, Mr Levitt, another gentleman (illeg) & Lillie H. there. Monday 23 July In working all morg. Mad’lle here all day. M. v. seedy. Maud dining at Mrs. Rawlinson’s 8 o’c. Went in brougham with Mother to Russell & Allens, ordered blue serge gown, paid Barkers bill (mine). Pouring wet heavy day. Letter fr. Lady M. kindly asking Maud to Tressady with us on 25 th. Tuesday 24 July Out morg. Ina Mackenzie called. Wednesday 25 July Maud & I lunch 1.30 at Mrs. Nembhard’s. Met Mrs. Hibbert there who interested Maud in her family’s “ghost” & old lace! Fitted at Russell & Allen’s on way home & had tea at Lady Margaret’s, met American lady there (Mrs. Moulton) quiet evg. here. Thursday 26 July Mrs. W.L. Thomas’ at home at The Weir Cottage Chertsey. Baroness von Zedlitz came about Lin’s interview. Went to Stores at 2 o’c bought M’s satin for birthday present, 2 silk coms, 4 prs gloves. Called & saw dear Mother seemed better but w’d not drive with me. Another investment gone wrong in the estate! Mad’lle here all day, leaves for Paris tomorrow. Friday 27 July Woke up with dreadful noise outside, next door neighbour home at 5 this morg. in cab, great altercation between them. Out at 3 o’c to shops, Called & saw Mother, Consely Orton & Ernest there, both curious nasal twang in speaking, v. unpleasant to listen to. Was fitted with gown Russell & Allens. Chose hat at Redferns. Called & had tea at Mrs. Kemp’s, seems v. uncertain if pleased or not by Mona’s engagement! It was fairly time. Lin worked till 9. Saturday 28 July Mr Hartree’s cricket match at Lords. M. & self went at 12.30 to Lords. Col. Mrs. & Miss Livesay, Mrs. Newman & Miss Giles there of Mr H’s party. Excellent luncheon & v. pleasant sitting out watching the game. Tea there & home by cab. Lin & self to see “Masqueraders”. Mrs. Alexander had Lady & Miss Jeune in her box. Lady Margaret Watney & Lady Rosalind Christie called. Feel vexed Alice looks so untidy to answer door Saty afternoons. Met the de la Rues at St James’ & Sir F. Haynes.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 29 July Maud to early service. Lin had short ride morg. To Sir A. Hickman’s for tennis about 4 o’c. Poured with rain directly after lunch & was as dark as Nov. in a fog. Winnie Lockyer here to luncheon & tea. Maud busy packing all afternoon. No one called. Monday 30 July Mrs. Walter Crane 8.30 - 11.30. Maud goes to Mrs. Henderson at Buscot Park for cricket week by 12 o’c train fr. Paddington. Took her myself & saw her off. Several children & lady & gentleman in her carriage. Drove at 4.15 after standing to Lin in evg dress fr. Lewis & Allenbys. Took dress back. Called & saw dear Mother, took Claud with me, was v. silent & thoughtful. Saw poor little child taken out of Serpentine drowned, made me feel v. bad indeed. Left Claud & returned home. Lin for long ride evg. in Richmond Pk. X. Petit ami au soir. Tuesday 31 July Miss Stephens coming for today & tomorrow. Do not think much of her or her work, undecided. Feel v. seedy. Drove at 6 to Mrs. Schwann’s & Mrs. Carlisle’s, latter in looking charming with her children. Aug 1894 Wednesday 1 August Called & took Mother for drive to Russell & Allens, & to Derrys. Miss Stephens did fairly well, skirt & flounces on M’s fancy dress. Thursday 2 August Drove at 4 to Mother’s, called & had tea Lady Rosalind Christie’s. Met Mr Hartree, called Col. Welby. Roy arrived in time for breakfast. V. good report won his £2 of me. Lin upset fr. Punch dinner. Mr Milliken to dinner, stayed till 12!!! V. tired. Friday 3 August Hot, fine. Packing. Letter fr. dear Maud enjoying herself vastly. Saturday 4 August Travelled by 10 o’c fr. Kings Cross, left Staf. Ter. at 9. Long journey & train crowded previous to Bank Holiday. Met Mr Galbraith at York. Travelled on with him to Ayton via Berwick where we were introduced to Mr & Mrs. Rae & their little son aged 12 who were also coming to Ayton Castle. Only other visitor Mrs. Anderson also a relative of our host & hostess. Most delightful house. V. large standing on a steep hill with exquisite views all round & built in red sand stone with the curious round towers peculiar to Scotch mansions. Most imposing building & lovely tennis lawns. Had long letter fr. dear Maud v. happy. Sunday 5 August Lovely day. Mrs. Galbraith, Mrs. Rae, little Rae, & the two wee ones & self to Church. New organ & v. pretty church, simple but inoffensive sermon on Mercy, safe subject! Far better than any I hear in London at 9 o’c! After luncheon went round stud saw 29 horses in all, v. interesting. Sat in garden with Mrs. Galbraith. The loveliest garden I have ever seen on steep incline & in terraces. Roy v. naughty at dinner & after, think he must have over eaten himself. Monday 6 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Lin & Mr Anderson rode at 7.30 until 9. Lin enjoyed it immensely. Mr Galbraith went to (blank) for horse show & took 3 prizes. Mr & Mrs. Rae, Mrs. Galbraith & self to Eyemouth in break. Most lovely view from the rock of coast & St Edd’s (sic) lighthouse. Air bracing & I feel already worlds better. Miss (blank) fr. the Manse & her nephew to luncheon & tea. Mr (blank) fr. Manse to dinner. Roy playing tennis with Mr Anderson & Lin wedded to camera all afternoon. Tuesday 7 August Lovely day. Lin rode with Mr Anderson before breakfast. We all went at 11.15 on coach for drive, past “Houndwood” a house where Mary Queen of Scots slept the night before the Battle of Dundee. Let out small yellowhammer in wood. Wednesday 8 August Maud goes to Mrs. Winchester Clowes for week. Postponed until tomorrow. Had lovely drive afternoon to farm on coach. Mrs. Cameron Corbett took photo of coach, party on it Mr & Mrs. Galbraith, Mr Anderson, Mrs. Corbett, Arthur Rae, Lin & self. Miss Wilson, Mrs. Galbraith’s sister arrived, most charming little person about 22, full of fun & the merriest laugh I ever heard, quite contagious. Two letters fr. dear Maud. Letter fr. Mrs. Clowes asking her to go Thursday instead of today. Tiresome as the child will have two nights in town alone. Mr Aikin to dinner. Thursday 9 August Maud goes to Mrs. Winchester Clowes. Lovely day here so warm. Ball at Mr Blythe’s & Mrs. Herriot’s at Berwick tonight. All going except Mr & Mrs. Rae, Mr Anderson, Lin & self & the 2 boys. Mr McCall, Mr Bown staying here. Miss Aiken also dined here. Went & tried organ at Church with Mrs. Rae, Mrs. Galbraith also. Friday 10 August Heard party return at 4 o’c this morg. fr. Ball. Miss W’s merry laugh! Mr Cameron Corbett arrived at 8 AM, delicate looking but seems to have vein of quiet humour. Mr McCall plays wonderfully well piano. Sat about all day quietly, talking, walking & reading day’s programme. Heavy showers. Letters fr. Eff & Mr Bret Harte. Reading “Tess of the d’Urbervilles” by Thomas Hardy. Saturday 11 August Delightful picnic to Preston in four in hand, whole party except Mrs. Rae. Lovely drive & picnicked by the river White Adder, pronounced “Whittider”. Took photos. Mrs. Galbraith, wee Arthur & Mr McCall fished but without result. Mrs. Corbett & I walked & talked. View fr. our picnic spot charming with the bridge close to us. Lovely drive home thro’ Chirnside. “Lion rampant with hard boiled egg” Colley! Home by 7 o’c. Sunday 12 August V. windy & indications of rain. Mr Galbraith, Mr & Mrs. Rae, Arthur, self, Mr McCall & 2 wees to church. V. good sermon on “Eternal Life” fr. Mr Aikin. Found the gooseberrys with Mr Anderson, excellent. Music evening. No billiards. Monday 13 August Mr Anderson, Mr & Mrs. & Arthur Rae left early. Mr & Mrs. Temple & Miss arrived. Mr Aiken to dinner. Mr Corbett left for a day at Glasgow. Mr & Mrs. Galbraith, Mr Aiken, Roy, Mr McCall, Lin & self went to Coldingham for picnic. Charming place on coast & lake with golf links. Spent a delightful day there, saw St Abb’s lighthouse. V. fine but v. windy day. Mr McCall plays piano well, also sleeps like


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin with facility on slightest chance. Mr & Mrs. Temple & Miss all of uncertain age & seem stolid. Prefer the maiden being the liveliest of the trio. Tuesday 14 August Lovely day about 12. Dull on & off but no rain to speak of. Letters fr. Maud & Bee. V. odd, Bee met Mr & Mrs. Corbett at Mrs. Dauncey’s. Mr Aiken here for tennis. Went round to see horses with Mr Galbraith & Mr & Mrs. Temple. Mr Corbett returned. Wednesday 15 August Very wet morg. Walked long walk with Mr Corbett, rained entire time. After luncheon went round stud, most interesting, saw foals & mares out. Lady Alice with saddle, “Lola” Lady Ulrica. Saw Danebury out also. Mrs. Temple v. nice like her v. much on better aquaintance. Thursday 16 August We return home by 10.15. Mr & Mrs. Corbett & Mr McCall left with us. Lovely day & comfortable journey home. Letter fr. Midge, Mrs. Langley died on the 2 nd of August suddenly. V. sad for Hamilton, he left for B. Ayres on the 10 th August. Mother with Midge & Dora at Bournemouth. Found all well here pets included. Darling Maud went by Granville to Ramsgate, Emma saw her off. Found flowers in all the rooms fr. her & two letters. Friday 17 August Lovely morg. Roy off to the Oval for cricket match. In all day. Lin hard at work. Letter fr. Maud. Very happy at Mrs Buckmaster’s. Saturday 18 August Fine morg., dull later & heavy rain. Roy to Oval fr. early until 6 o’c. Lin worked till 1 o’c. Out morg. in Kensington. Mr Bret Harte called at 4 & remained till 6 o’c. Looks v. well but says he does not feel well. Roy & self to dinner alone, Lin to have Turkish Bath & meets us at Adelphi Theatre later. Exciting match between Lancashire & Surrey, tie. Theatre fairly good. Sunday 19 August Very wet dull & depressing. Three brace of grouse ar’d fr. Mr Watney most kind of him to remember us. Had one for dinner excellent. Dear Roy’s 16 th birthday. In all day, no one called. Lin lunched at club, home in time for dinner. Monday 20 August Lovely day, strong breeze. Roy left at 9.30 on cycle for Con’s, Fittleworth. Sent his cricket bag & portmanteau by train by Otley, 10 something train. Sp. came morg. stayed hours yet seemed pressed for time. Has found someone to advance H.L. on his estate some thousands of pounds at 7½ per cent. Sp. getting £40 clear on transaction. Seems a strange arrangement to my mind not a creditable class of business for a son of S.H. Letter fr. Dora Keighley saying Maud’s drawing will appear in Sept. number of Pall Mall Magazine. Letter fr. Maud, had seen B.W. but not spoken. Rec’d letter fr. him, v. worrying. Called on C. Hartree, out & Eddie B. Floss Kingscole arriving tomorrow with Ralf K, leaves next day for Ireland. No news fr. Roy. Lin had long ride evg. Tuesday 21 August Lin off for entire day with Mr Donaldson on some new Torpedo trial trip. Wir fr. Eff, Roy arrived at 6 o’c last evg well, enjoyed his ride. Out morg. shops. Wrote many


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 letters. Invested in sieve for birds imitation of Mrs. Galbraith at a cost of 1/9, Emma thought 9d too much. Wednesday 22 August Lovely day bright & sunny. Quiet peaceful day. Lin at Punch dinner. Thursday 23 August Pouring wet day v. dark & gloomy. Out morg. shop’g. Maud arrived at 12.30 looking very well fr. Ramsgate. Worked all afternoon. Lin hard at work at drawing. Friday 24 August Pouring wet so dark had candles on breakfast table. Miss Stephens here for Maud. Lin Maud & self leave by night mail for Sutherland. Could not sleep. Saturday 25 August Go to Lady Margaret Watney’s for a fortnight. Arrived at 3.15, Mr Richards by later train. Sir Redvers & Lady Audrey Buller, Cap’t & Mrs. Ridley & Mr Ryle here, & a Mrs. Drummond, pretty widow. Met Mr Stokes, Mr Morley, Mr (blank) & Dr Harley at Perth, saw hooded hawk. Did not sleep well, v. comfortable journey otherwise. Sunday 26 August Heavy showers all day, some golf played, unable to finish. Seedy, breakfasted in bed. V. tiresome to happen here. Games evg. Camps. Monday 27 August Dull & occasional showers. Lin, Mr Richards & Capt. Ridley shooting. Games evg. Camps & Nebugadnezza!(sic). Tuesday 28 August V. windy & dull. Mrs. Drummond & Cap’t Ridley to Lairg fishing. Cap’t Ridley left. Mr Ryle left after luncheon. In bed till 11, down at 12. Feel better but seedy. Lin, Mr Watney & Mr Richards shooting. Miss Taylor, Mr Newton & Mr Marshall arrived. Baby fell, hurt her eye. Mr Marshall walked into Maud’s room by mistake in his bath towel, hair & moustache not quite so spruce as usual. Lin’s conundrum about Ayton. Mr Newton’s portmanteau gone astray, came down equipped in one of Mr Watney’s evg. suits. Wednesday 29 August V. windy, brighter. Lin & Mr Watney at home. Thursday 30 August School treat. Fine until the tea when it rained hard & continued. Races, 3 legged, flat, sack, obstacle, creeping under forms & nets & over string, boxes filled with stones, v. amusing. Egg & spoon race & needle threading. Friday 31 August. Warmer. Two ladies O. & Mr Marshall fishing for entire day at Lairg. Result 2 small fish. Rest shooting. Lin at home all day for rest & looks better for it. Fed dogs at luncheon fr. giant cold boiled beef, & took Maud for walk. Lady M, Maud & self drove the Cheesenut at 3 & were not home until past 6 o’c. Enjoyed it. Pas amusée au dîner. Mad’lle O. agreable com. à son goût. Letters fr. C. Hartree, Miss Harcourt & Mary Nicol.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sep 1894 Saturday 1 September Colder, some sun, & heavy shower morg. All off shooting. Mrs. Drummond, Maud & self to Mound, lovely drive. Brown coal pony went much better than Cheesenut. Cold returning, met Lady M. & Mad’lle O. Maud had card fr. Mr Arden, & letter fr. W. B. Do not approve of these letters! Music evening. Sunday 2 September Lovely morg. showery later. Golf handicap. Went round with les dames O, did not play as well as yesterday. Showery. Mr Marshall champion golfer, won by one stroke over Mr Watney. Monday 3 September Lady M. & Mr Watney went to Inverness on account of Lady Camilla’s illness. Returned same evening, better. Lin bad cold. Maud & self read morg. Miss O. & Madame played golf with Mr Newton. Walked, Maud, Madame & self along Lairg road, lovely. Met Rosalind on Buttercup. Golf again. Maud worked, I wrote. Colder evg. Fire in bedroom. Tuesday 4 September Ladies went fishing. Maud unable to go. Stayed at home with Lady M. & Lin with v. bad cold. Wednesday 5 September Letter fr. darling Roy. Drove to Golspie after lunchon, Miss Taylor, Mrs. Drummond, Lady M. & self. Saw whole of Dun(illeg) party. Met Mrs. Tom Eykyn, had tea at Hotel. Thursday 6 September Whole party went to Dornoch (10) for day lunched on Links. Tea at Mr Ryle’s. Lovely day. Had games all way there & back. Sat in Mr Ryle’s rooms after seeing his pictures & rested after luncheon whilst rest played golf. Letter fr. Effie, Roy v. good. Drive home played all sorts of games, seemed no distance. Friday 7 September Lin Maud & I leave Tressady for Banchory, Mrs. Nicol’s. Arrived 9 o’c at Roscombe in funny little omnibus leaving 4 pieces of luggage at station. Mary, Mrs. Nicol & Mr Dyce at Banchory. Find house most comfortable & cheery. Large fire in our room & drawing room, flowers quite exquisite everywhere. Met Sir B. Baker & Mona at Inverness & lost sight à la bonheur of Mrs Drummond. Great relief here after the cold atmosphere of Tressady. Saturday 8 September Good night. House most cheery & comfortable, all appointments good. Lovely garden filled with wonderful variety of flowers & the most marvelous raspberries I ever saw, size of large gooseberry. Cap’t Uniake(?) arrived for luncheon, in 42nd Highlanders. V. good looking Irishman, witty & amusing. We all drove at 3 o’c to Mr Nicol of Belogies large garden party 10 miles away. Lovely drive. Met Mrs. Farquharson, Mrs. Pickering, Miss Boteler admired of Cap. French, & Cap’t Uniac(?). Mrs. Brook, Sir A. Farquhar son & dau. in law etc. Croquet, golf, tennis, shooting etc. Games evg. Sunday 9 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mary & Mr Dyce to Church. I rested in Gd. & read. We all went to a croquet party at Mrs. Brooke’s after luncheon & tea there. Amusing Miss Boteler & Captains Trench & Uniac, rival admirers. Mrs. Gordon & Bessie, Mr Maisie(?) Mainwaring etc. Games evg. telegrams. Monday 10 September Garden party at Mrs. Nichol’s. Lovely day & v. warm. Morg. garden & raspberries. Capt Uniack left early. Lin & I leave at 4 o’c for London. Mr Hubbard Farquhar to luncheon. Mistake about our train at Aberdeen, went by 7.5 instead & had carriage reserved. Walked an hour in Aberdeen, v. crowded. Comfortable journey but for constant inspection of tickets letting cold night air in. Tuesday 11 September Glentana Ball. Lin & self arrived home one hour late. Found 2 brace of grouse awaiting from V.W. Also found medallion & chain. Lovely sunny day bright & warmer. Letters fr. most of family. Called & saw Mother after tea & Mervyn. Mother looking v. weak. Wednesday 12 September Came to Con’s Fittleworth by 10.50 train, pass. Midge, Dora & Roy met me, had Hawkins fly. Con just starting to meet Claud who returns fr. Littlehampton, been staying with the Terreros. Roy looks well & seems very happy with them all, cousins get on splendidly together. Thursday 13 September Letter fr. Lin & Maud, enjoying herself immensely, going to stay at Lady Farquhar’s for Lord Huntley’s ball. Went for lovely walk evg. with Midge & Con. Friday 14 September Lord Huntley’s Ball. Long letters fr. Lin & C. Hartree. Quiet peaceful day with Midge & Con. Lovely walk evg. Saturday 15 September Maud goes to Ayton. Not going until Monday. Letters fr. Maud, & Tabs asking us all to C.C. on the 20th till 26th. Lin coming, will arrive 5.50. Doing ferns morg. & flowers with Midge. Sunday 16 September Midge & self sat & read, walked after tea. Lin & Roy in boat. Dull heavy day, rained morg. Monday 17 September Effie returned late about 9 fr. Folkestone after dinner. Discomfort immediately commenced, so noisy & rough. Con too looked seedy at once. Had lovely walk all together evg. Called & saw Mrs. Johnstone & the cottage. V. pretty but too wee. Tuesday 18 September Sun at last. Went with Lin, Roy & Claud to rapids in boat. Walked after tea. Wednesday 19 September Lin returned home by 12.40 train. Went for picnic tea up river after luncheon. Roy rowed & was v. rude & cross. Midge, Eff, Dora & self. I waited with Roy whilst he bathed & sculled home. Glorious day one of the v. few this year. Thursday 20 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 I returned home by 5.5. Mrs. Jephson called & had tea with us. Dull dark day. Expenses to & from Fittleworth: Cab to Vic. Sta. 2.6 Porters .6 Stamps & paper 1.6 Fees 4/3/22/ 9.0 Poultry & eggs 8.2 Roy’s washing 6.3 Ditto .6 Cab home 2.6 Porters .8 £ 1.11.7 Mervyn to dinner here evg. Rather a rumpus over appolinaris. Friday 21 September V. dull dark day. Pouring rain. Arranged cupboards & drawers in my room. Saturday 22 September Went morning to see Mother. Sp. & Mervyn there. Flat looking charming so fresh & clean. Lin & self to matinée of Gaiety Girl fresh cast. Barrington not so good as Monkhouse, some of girls better. X. Petit ami au soir. Drove home in dog cart with cob. Walked to Hyde Pk. Corner. Sunday 23 September Very dull day & wet. Lin rode morg. Clara & Mr Bergheim to luncheon. Edgar to tea. X. In bed till 12 o’c. Monday 24 September Very dull & dark. In bed till 12. Roy returned from Con’s about 4 o’c. & went with Lin after dinner to Adelphi theatre. Tuesday 25 September Dull wet day so dark c’d not see to read or work. In bed till 12 o’c. Clergyman (Mr Minnet) called to see Lin about a feeble book he had written himself & kept Lin 2 hrs talking over the 50!!! illustrations he imagined Lin w’d do for it! A sort of Barlow Penley. Roy returns to Eton. Saw a maid. List of Roy’s things taken to Eton. 8 prs socks 4 prs stockings 2 wh shirts 2 vests 6 day shirts 12 collars 12 hands 2 prs grey trousers 1 change suit complete 1 Eton coat & waistcoat 1 pr patent leather boots 1 pr shoes Wednesday 26 September X. Windows commenced. V. dull day. Midge came morg, looked seedy & complained of bad nights. X. Man doing windows for first time since we left town. Lin’s nose bled suddenly after lunch for some time, made him lie down. Went


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 with Lin in dog cart to embankment, felt better for the drive. Saw another maid. Letter fr. Mrs. Hammond about West Cliff Lodge. Thursday 27 September Finer & actually sun!!! In bed morning. Sp. came with some wonderful story of becoming surety! for some doctor. No benefit to us beyond being called upon at any moment for £2000, & Sp. would get £500 a year. Very likely. He must take us for fools, especially after previous experience of Sp’s business capacity. Walked to Miss Holland’s Niddrey Lodge. Saw Mrs. V. Cole & had long chat. After to Mrs. W. Crane, what a dirty house, dust & crumbs of weeks. The wonder people turn out of such houses looking comparatively clean, & on to Mother’s, saw Midge, & home. All nice there as usual, tea with Mother. Lin & self to Drury lane to see “Derby Day” house so full had to go into box with 4 other gentlemen. Saw Duke & Duchess of Devonshire, Sir E. & Lady Reed & Mr Yeames. Friday 28 September Another bright morg, 2, dull after & fine last of afternoon. Walked to Nellie Keith’s, out of town, return tomorrow. Called & saw Mrs. Coward, seems overpowered & worried with her huge family of 8. Nevertheless enjoyed my talk with her. Mr Coward better & returns next month. Lin v. busy. Read 2 stories to him fr. Harper both densely stupid. Sent div. of £2.8.9 Glas. S.W. Rly to London & County. Saturday 29 September Sat or sprawled as model for Lin heading for a paper! Mad’lle & Mervyn called & brought me flowers & little pin cushion for Monfourde fête. Alice knocked, unable to make us hear too deep in photos. Mad’lle came after lunch. We went for walk with her & to tea with Mother Midge & Mervyn. Lin & self dined at dear Mother’s evg, everything looked as pretty & dainty as ever & Mother charming in her cap & fichu. We walked home. Long letter from Maud having most delightful time, Miss R. much going it at Ayton. Sunday 30 September Overslept ourselves woke at 20 to 10!!! Arranged flowers. Walked to gardens at 12 & sat some time near Round Pond. Met Nelly Zimmermann & Mrs. Ben Z. Walked part of way home with them. Lin working all morning, rode after luncheon. Oct 1894 Monday 1 October Went at 9.15 to Mother’s & on with Mervyn & Midge in bus to Fenchurch Street St. with all Mervyn’s luggage. Put all straight & in order in his cabin at Blackwall & saw over the “Hesperus”. Returned to Mother’s & lunched & had tea with them. Lin hard at work all day on heading drawing to “New Weekly” a Manchester paper. Tuesday 2 October Fine morg. Out shop’g met Mervyn on way here to wish Lin adieu. Mrs. Rae & Mervyn came to tea afternoon, & Mrs. Finlay. Lin rode morning. Mr & Mrs. Rae met us at Comedy Theatre evg. to see “New Woman”. I liked it v. much both Cyril Maude & Miss Emery excellent, & Miss Rose Le Clerc. Saw 3 rd maid but cannot engage her as Lin won’t take one with glasses. Dear Maud went today to Stirling with Mr & Mrs. Galbraith for the ball.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 3 October Fine morg. Mervyn sails for Australia in “Hesperus” sailing vessel “Greens”. Con comes to us. Went to Mother’s at 1 o’c lunched with her & Mervyn. Con came in at 3 fr. Fittleworth & went off with Mervyn at ¼ to 4 to join “Hesperus” at Greenwich. Midge & Dora arrived fr. Fittleworth at 6. Had kept Mother fr. weeping over Mervyn’s departure by getting Dora’s room in order & so occupied her thoughts. Dined with them. Con not returned, came home in cab with his boxes. He arrived at 11 o’c here, had gruel & went to bed, saw dear Mervyn off. Thursday 4 October X. Ten tons of coal in. Went to Mother’s. Midge gone. Dora here morg. sitting to Lin. Finding Midge out I called on Mrs. Eykyn & had long talk & tea there. She arrived night before with both her boys fr. Scotland just after the collision at York. Her train 2 hrs late in consequence. Then on to Marion P. oh! so proper & dull. Rained. Con came in in time for dinner. Turned out Maud’s room morning. Friday 5 October Dull again, dark & warmer. Found coals all tumbling out of cellar, too full! Otley helped undo bedstead in Maud’s room & take it to pantry. Shop’g morg. Florence Walford came to tea, told us her extraordinary experience as lady companion to a lady “secret drinker”. Long letter fr. dear Maud staying now at Mr Wilson’s Auchencab, Kilearm, nr Glasgow. Saturday 6 October Con & self to Fair Women after lunch bus 6d catalogue 1.0. Met Clara B. & Mr O’C & Floss & Cap’t Anderson. Had tea at Charbonels. Cab home & called at Mrs. Percy Holland’s, 2/-. Con, Lin & self to Palace Theatre. Dogs v. good in Serpentine dance. Tableaux. Percy English met us there. I lost my fan & Lin his cigar case full of cigars. Sunday 7 October Walked with Con to Mother’s, both Mother & Midge seedy. Con remained to lunch with Mother & returned after with Dora to tea here. Quiet evg, we 3 dined alone. Monday 8 October Asked to go to the Bourne’s fr. today till Saty. F. Walford came for day. Went to Mrs. Hunt’s about housemaid, cost 1/6 bus fares & cabs. Turned out cupboard in nursery. Tuesday 9 October Sir J. Tenniel, Mr & Mrs. Rae, Mr Stone & Ethel English to dinner. Usual dinner, Moody waited. Alice’s sister came also to help Emma. Saw 2 housemaids, both left without reason & long characters. Dark foggy day. Lin rode, still has the little hacking cough which worried him at night. No letter fr. Maud. Wednesday 10 October Lighter but dull. No letter fr. Maud. Long letter evg. fr. Maud v. happy & having v. good time. Wretched day. In all day v. wet. Thursday 11 October Dull as usual. Squib not seen all day. Lost. I went to Mrs. Lord’s & to Mother’s, found Midge busy. Lin rode after lunch. Edgar called about some new investment, promised to invest £100 stock in it at £114 4% debenture. Posted letters & called & had tea at Mrs. Spofforth’s. Her house looks charming so cozy & drawing room


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 v. pretty. Lin full of news this morg. at 1 o’c. Hammonds leaving Ramsgate entirely, Mr Pym & wife left £10,000 each by Mrs. Lyne Stephens & his 4 children £5,000 each, wish we had such luck! Friday 12 October Alice’s sister came by week for 1st time. First sunshine. Went to Mother’s after lunch, found her looking v. weak. Edgar there. Saw Mad’lle, owe her 5/6. Stayed some time & walked home. Saturday 13 October Fine. Waited in for Florence Walford till 11.30. Tidied drawers under dining room desk, found all in woeful muddle & dirt. Lin rode morg, worked later all day. I went to Miss Dalrymple’s about maid, hear Louise Blondel has left her husband. Hurried luncheon & F.W. & self went to Criterion & saw “Rebellious Susan” most excellent in every way & very amusing. Saw Sir T. & Lady Lucas. Om there 6d, program 6d, cab back 2/-. V. warm. Midge called so sorry to miss her. X. 2 French maids called. X. Bought £100 stock of Wirrel Rly debs at £113¾. Must pay for com. etc £116 odd for same by 28th inst. 2/- Miss Dalrymple. Sunday 14 October Gleamy morg. alternate bright sunshine & cloud. Invitation to spend week at Rider Haggards for middle November. Went to dear Mother’s found her v. ill, though up & dressed & sat at table for luncheon with Midge, Dora & self. Mr & Mrs. Samson & Tilda called & had tea. Walked home, found Lin still hard at work & read to him, so sorry to be out so long. He rode after lunch. Monday 15 October Darling Maud returns fr. Ayton, arrives Euston 10.45. Wire fr. Mr Galbraith. Dear Mother v. v. ill with her heart. Midge & self to stores & Barkers, v. tired. Saw 2 maids, like foreign one best. Saw dear Mother & helped her into her things seem terribly weak & short of breath. Dora in bed with cold. Tuesday 16 October Out morg. to Mother’s. Tilda came, dined at Mother’s & took partridge for me to Mother & papers. Mrs. Coward & Evelyn to tea. Wednesday 17 October Out morg. to see Mother still v. weak. Mad’lle to supper here. Alice out. I took venison to Mother. Thursday 18 October Out morg. with Maud to Swiss Home by bus & om, took entire morning. After lunch to Mother’s with Maud. Mother slightly better. Dora in bed with severe cold, Dr O. thinks something wrong with left lung. Friday 19 October Lin v. busy, stood to him for drawing. Mr Burnand called, stayed some time, looked tired. Called with Maud after lunch & saw Mother, looks v. weak. Dora v. ill with pleurisy of right lung, Midge most anxious. Their new maid most successful. Saturday 20 October X. Petit ami au lit. After luncheon I went with Maud to Garrick Theatre saw Willard in “Professor’s Love Story”. Willard v. good, rest ridiculous, below mediocre. Evelyn Coward met us there & we brought her back to tea. Fritz Jackson called.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maud went with Evelyn morg. to Mansions to enquire after Mother & Dora, both very bad. Our wedding day, had bottle of ’74 champagne at dinner. Sunday 21 October Maud to early service & on to Mother’s with Evelyn, stayed to lunch with Mother. Lin rode early, we lunched alone. Mr Hobard Farquhar & Ina Mackenzie called. Monday 22 October Marie Buhler came. X. In bed till 12. Midge came looks v. seedy poor girl with anxiety. X. Carriage for 1st time & mare. Drove to Mrs. Lindsay Hammond’s, saw Miss Roe, expecting the H’s that evg. fr. Milan. Round park, saw Watney baby, & to dear Mother’s. Sent carriage away, to fetch me at 6 o’c. Had tea with Midge in dear Mother’s room, seems terribly weak. Dora looks much better but still Dr O. says lung not right yet. Maud to Mrs. Cowards to tea. Tuesday 23 October In bed till 11. Showed Marie how to do my room & Maud’s. Lin rode morg. with Mr Finlay. 2nd number of “Lika Joko” out, not good. Maud out for flowers morning. Evelyn & Brenda to tea with Maud. I went out at 2.30, called & saw Miss Roe & round Park & dear Mother, resting, so did not see her. Saw Midge both better a little. Wednesday 24 October Pouring wet morg. X. Sent letter containing cheque for £116.2.6 by Otley to post. Drove with Maud at 3 o’c to Stores, bought Bacon 3/2½, Music 5/-, Brooms 4/-, Box 1/ 2, Paper 2/11. Total 16.3½. Called & saw dear Mother looking a little better, Dora also. Judy there. Went after & ordered chair for Mother. Tabbie had been to see Mother. Thursday 25 October X. Must pay Messrs Ransford & Co for purchase of £100 stock in Wirral Rly debentures 4%, £116.2.6. Buy at £114¾, rest for stamp & brokerage. Sent cheque £116.2.6 yesterday. Helped Marie with my room Maud’s & schoolroom & enjoyed it so simple if only well. Fine day. Maud out morg with Evelyn & to tea with Miss Ritchie. Out at 3.15 in carriage. Lin photoing all morg. X. Invalid chair to dear Mother. To stores with Midge, pd. for clock 2/9. Lin rode after luncheon. Mr Fowler & Major Welman called. Friday 26 October Fanny Barker to tea with Mary. Very wet. Went to see Mother morg. with Maud who stayed to luncheon. I fetched her at 2.30. Called after on Aunt Linda & Mrs. Vicat Cole. Saturday 27 October Roy home to breakfast, has cold but looks v. well. Shop’d morg. alone whilst Maud & Roy went for walk. Lunch at 12.30. Lin, Roy & self to Drury Lane, “The Derby Winner”. Lin joined us later. V. wet. Lin & Roy to tea at Club & walked home part of way, saw Mrs. Wheeler & a gentleman at theatre. In evg. went to “Gaiety Girl” at Daly’s, Lin & Maud in cab, Roy & self in brougham driving slowly. Sunday 28 October Fine. Showed Marie again how to do bedrooms until 20 past 11, then went to Mother’s by bus, found all there better. Maud to early service & lunched with


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mother after. Roy & Lin rode to Wimbledon. Maud returned by 4. Mr Stone & Col. Welby called. Monday 29 October Evelyn here to tea & F. Walford who remained to dinner. Roy returned to Eton, cold seems rather bad. Lin made him promise to wear vests. I went alone at 3.30 to Mr Reed’s about Lin’s drawing, to Whiteleys bought two chimneys for small lamp 5½, to Mother’s just rec’d fr. bad heart attack again. Both Mother & Dora better. Midge looked v. delicate & worn out. Lin still terribly busy. Cakes Whiteleys 1/-. Tuesday 30 October V. wet day. Out morg. shop’g. Maud to luncheon at Mrs. Enthoven’s 1.45. Evelyn C. here all morg. & afternoon. X. Sent off registered letter self morg. fr. Buckles containing transfer of £100 Wirral Rly deb. Major Welman, Mr Fowler, Mrs. Simpson & Evelyn Coward to tea. Latter here all morg. also. Unable to go to Mother’s, pouring all day. Wednesday 31 October Maud goes to Mrs. Mackenzie’s 9 o’c. Packed morg. with Maud & read Rienze whilst she drew. Alice out afternoon & evening. Maud & self at 3 o’c to stores, bought hare 4/6, bacon 1/7½. pd. 6/8 overdrawn at stores. Stores 6.8 Hare 4.6 Bacon 1.7½ Pd 12.9½ Barkers. Rain morning after stores, to tea at Fanny Barker’s 77 Oxford Terrace, & to Mother’s. Sent Maud home & stayed with Mother, all better except Midge who looks v. seedy. Minnie Robertson there. Mr Clementson & a lady Marie cannot remember name of called. Nov 1894 Thursday 1 November 11.30 ap’t with Mr Bartlett for Maud, ½ an hour. F. Walford spends day here. Go to Observatory with Mr Lockyer 8.45. Fine day. Maud & self to Mr B’s, Evelyn walked part of way, om 6d. X. Paid Marie fortnight wages 12/3. Walked part of way home. F.W. met us there. 6d for rib. for lamp shade. Mother sent for inhaler, another cold, poor Midge. Maud & self to Observatory, saw nothing, no stars visible. Little Winnie there, drove her home & called & saw Jessie at 10.20. Friday 2 November Miss Ritchie to tea 4.30. X. Death of the Czar of Russia, died yesterday at 2 o’c. Out morg. with Maud shop’g. At 2 alone to Stores bought 2 boxes candles 4/4, fowl 3/- & (illeg) lining 8/3. Miss Ritchie here. V. handsome girl & amusing. Saturday 3 November Out morg. shop’g. Went at 3 o’c to Mrs. Mackenzie, Gordon, Sanderman, Lady Reed where we met Mr & Mrs. Wilson. To Mrs. Geiger, Thomson who looked more dead than alive, & to Mother’s. Sent carriage home to fetch us at 6 o’c. Lin rode, caught in heavy shower & soaked thro’. Mother been v. bad all night & day with pain in heart. Ada Sp. & Hilda came & Dr O. Sunday 4 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dr Orton came to see Maud. Lovely day quite warm. Maud to early service & with Evelyn. Dr O. came at 1 o’c to see Maud. Unfortunately late & did not see him. Went to Mother’s & stayed until 10 to 1 o’c reading to Dora & sitting with Mother, both better. Midge looks seedy & tired. Nelly K, Ethel English, Harold Paxton, Mr Thomson called. Lin rode morg. Worked after lunch, the 6th Sunday he has worked. Monday 5 November Ap’t 11 o’c Mr Bartlett for Maud. F.W came & took her & lunched here after. I fetched Midge & we went to stores together. Mr Molloy called about song “Like as we Lie” & lunched here. As of old v. flattering & amiable when he wants something! When the drawing is done he will no doubt vanish again. Lin rode morg. & seems pleased with the mare. Tuesday 6 November Edie Buckmaster comes. Mary Carter to luncheon. Out morg. No flowers this Tuesday! Stuck on too much in book! Evelyn C. Mrs. & Miss Gordon, Effie Harrison & Fanny Barker to tea, stayed long while. Fanny gave Maud a pair of gloves. Dr Orton came & saw Maud, says she is suffering fr. indigestion, giving her medicine. Lin rode morg. Wednesday 7 November Ap’t with Miss Redcliffe for blue blouse. Out shops morg. Took Waddie to stores & to dress maker, left her at Derry & Toms. Edie & Maud out alone morg. & again afternoon. Winnie Lockyer to tea. I went with Lin at 4.30 to Mother’s & remained evg. She seemed v. weak, took her “Punches”. She sat in drawing room with Midge & self about an hour. Midge & self sat with Mother after until she went to bed. Thursday 8 November V. fine day. Florence W. called early & went with Maud to Mr Bartlett at 11 o’c, an hour there. F.W. lunched here. Edie B. went to Redfern’s alone morg. Maud & F.W. to Coopers Bond St. Edie with me to Miss Best about black bodice renovated, to Stores about Japanese paper, dearer than elsewhere! To Miss Redcliffe to be fitted, took ages! & for what? To Mrs. English’s saw entire female portion of family, excellent tea. Diamond buckle on Mrs. Holland I envied for Maud. Left parcel for Eff who is staying there & to darling Mother’s. Saw Effie there. Mother had another bad night & looked weak & tired, Midge also. Fetched Maud fr. there. Lin rode morg. Friday 9 November Lin Maud & self dine at Wellington Club with Mr & Mrs. Campbell Praed 8 o’c. Saturday 10 November Morg. busy. Shop’g & cleaned à l’ordinaire & feel tired in consequence. Lunched at Mother’s, she looked much better & more herself. Maud fetched me in brougham. Rained hard 3.30. Called on Mrs. Holmes, had tea there. Had great fright going home, a horse bolted with carriage right across us in Kensington & dashed into Ponting’s window. Horse broke his neck. Sunday 11 November Fine day & sunny. Maud & Edie to Church 9 o’c. I went to Mother’s to luncheon, Edgar there. Mother little better. Maud went with Mr Galbraith & Miss Ritchie in private hansom for drive & called on Mrs. Macqueen. Lin rode. Mr Galbraith &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Miss Ritchie to tea, & Mr Farquhar who remained on to dinner. Alice out. I came home fr. Mother’s in cab. Monday 12 November Go to Mr Rider Haggard’s for few days, Ditchingham House, Bungay, Norfolk. Most uncomfortable journey, end of world place. Arrived just in time to scramble into dinner dress. Nice maid unpacked. House rather nice, good hall & billiard room & good bed room & fire. House party Mr & Mrs. Longman, Mr & Mrs. Minet (brother in law to Mr Longman). All 4 distinctly dull & uninteresting no doubt found me more so, & certainly weaker, they seem made of iron in frame, feelings & go, & I don’t like them. Rider Haggard charming as ever & a most kind & attentive host. V. sleepy & tired, slept soundly. Lin’s cough worried him & he still feels pain in eyeballs. Tuesday 13 November Maud went with Florence to Mr Bartlett’s for last & 4 th visit. Had several callers, Mr Richardson, Evelyn, Blanche, Mrs. Hartley etc. Lovely day at Ditchingham. Had little walk with Mrs. Longman find her still most uninteresting, small to me in every way. Wonder if my own sympathy is waning as I come across so many uncongenial people, more than of old! Gentlemen out all day shooting. Mrs. Haggard, Mrs. Longman, Mrs. Minet & self walked & had tea at Mrs. Carr’s at Ditchingham Hall. Nice old lady & a pleasant little Mrs. Whittaker there fr. Sussex, many other ladies. Billiards. Mrs. Haggard’s cousin to dinner. Played & sang guitar well & had some fun in her, the rest all stolid except Rider Haggard. Wednesday 14 November Pouring all day hopelessly. In all day working reading & writing. All ladies out nevertheless & men too. Lin still looking seedy & v. tired, complains of headache, eyeballs aching. Pleasant at dinner, sat next to Mr Haggard & Mr Longman. Thursday 15 November Lin & self returned by 4 train fr. Ditchingham. Pouring wet day morg, finer afternoon. All out in drenching rain driving partridges. Lin too seedy to go. X. Petit ami au matin. Not sorry to leave, find Mr Haggard & Baby the most interesting of party by long odds, not utterly & hopelessly unsympathetic tin tacs of toughest manufacture! mentally & physically! More comfortable return journey than going. Friday 16 November Fine day. In bed till 12.30. Maud & Edie to Mansions, Maud remained to luncheon. Florence W. called. Edie walked to mansions, Florence with me to call on Mrs. T. Simpson & Mrs. Medley & to tea with Midge. Left F.W. at Kensington P. Hotel, & carriage returned for 2 girls & self fr. Mother’s. Edgar there, Mother better. X. Dr O. called & saw Maud, asked him about Lin. Saturday 17 November Lin goes by early train to Mitcham with Mr Wallace for day’s shooting. Lin went by early train only came to bed at 3 o’c & coughed incessantly for an hour. Gave him beef tea & lozenges. Lovely morg. Roy returned from Eton on account of floods. Maud to stores in carriage with Evelyn Coward. In all day. Sunday 18 November Maud & Edie to Grannie’s, & Roy. Lin away with Mr Wallace. Mr Molesworth & Mr North called. Lin arrived in time for dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 19 November Lin dines with Mons. de Ayala at Savoy. Edie left at 10. Roy saw her to Charing X. In bed till 12. Nearly wild with Marie cannot sweep a floor or clean brass or do anything in order. Called at 3 on Sir R. Webster & Mrs. P. Macquoid, Mrs. Agnew & Miss Warre, in, & little dog! Left Maud at Mrs. Trapmann’s & went to Mother’s, better. Had tea there. Muddly dinner here. Emperor of Russia’s funeral. All flags half mast, night bells tolling. Tuesday 20 November Shop’d morg. Bought flowers 1/3 Barkers & paid for them. Mr Farquhar, Mr Fowler, Evelyn, Mrs. Spofforth, Miss Wilson, Mrs. Tate, Mrs. Walter Crane called & had tea. Light v. ugly in morg. room. Maud in bed till luncheon with v. bad cold. Wednesday 21 November Mrs. Fletcher Snr died. Mrs. Rawinson 5 - 7. Out morg. shop’g. To Mother’s, better. Went up Row with Midge, Dora & Sp. Met Ruth riding, Mrs. Tate, Mrs. Heilbut, Mr Sterne & Mr S. Trowers. Cab’d home 1/-. At 3 in brougham to Mother’s fetched Midge & went to Wittons. Kept us ages, only able to make one call Mrs. Steincopff, had tea there. Lady (blank) Kennedy there charming old lady. Roy to dinner with Mr Stone & Col. Welby at Albany & to Circus after. Lin & he went up together. Maud in bed till tea time, Miss Trapman to tea with her. Thursday 22 November Lin & self dine at Col. Welby’s 8 o’c. Maud laid up with congestion of right lung. Dr Orton came, to be kept in bed & poulticed. Fairly pleasant dinner at Col. Welby’s. Mr Hodgson, editor of “The Realm” small interesting looking man, Mrs. Capel & Mrs. Clifford. Hands told, v. uncomfortable. Walked out afternoon bought grapes 1/3 etc. Roy to theatre with Mr Stone, Keith, Falconer & Pollack. Home at 1.30. Friday 23 November Dr O. to see Maud, about the same, coughed all night. Went to Mother’s taking Gladys Coward to Dora’s tea party. Hilda H. & Dorothy Shakespeare there. Dear Mother a little low. Dear Mother insisted on giving me a pheasant. Saturday 24 November Dr O. came at 1.15 to see Maud, still same but had a better night. Saw Lin, liver. Out morg. shop’g, did flowers & Maud’s room, v. tiring. At 2 o’c in brougham to Haymarket with Lin & Roy. Mr Stone met us there. Saw “John O’Dreams” strange modern piece minus moral. Yachting scene splendid, acting & dresses good. Mrs. Patrick Campbell’s part not worthy of her. Roy & I to tea at Mr Stone’s, Lin walked home. Miss Wilson dined here, bright little thing, & eat nothing. Midge called & brought flowers for Maud. Sunday 25 November Maud about the same. After putting her room straight & seeing Lin & Roy off for their ride went for a walk alone. Met Mrs. Cole & Maud & afterwards Blanche who walked home with me. Effie Harrison to lunch, tea & dinner for Maud. Four boys called on cycles for Roy but he was out. Cold bright day. Midge & Dora came to see Maud. Mr Marshall & Mr Reed called, latter going to Switzerland on ac’t of his wife’s health on Wednesday. Lin dines with Kinsman’s club at Savoy. Monday 26 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Out morg. Bought silk 1/3 for lamp, Maud’s medicine 2/-, tea cake 2d. Dr Orton came. Maud mending slowly. Lin out after breakfast till 4.30. Roy to billiards at Pollocks. Men put down carpet in M’s room & oil cloth. Evelyn C. called & Miss Rawlinson. Maud long letter & Album fr. Mr Blair. I called alone about 3.30 to enquire Mrs. Prinsep (woman murdered last night opposite their house) Mrs. C. Hunter, Fildes, Marcus Stone & Mrs. Alexander, & had tea at Mother’s, all better there. Mr Rooth sent us 2 tickets for theatricals for Thursday, had to return them. Marie rather hopeless, so slow in cleaning. Tuesday 27 November Asked Mary Carter for day. Out morg for flowers 6d, stores, ordered 3 nightdresses for Maud as Xmas present, & linen awfully expensive. Miss Enthoven, Mrs. Harrison, Fanny Fildes, Miss Ritchie, Mary Carter all called. Wednesday 28 November Lin working at “Like as we Lie” for Welman & Molloy. Went alone to Bank about transferring Ex. B.A. Gt. S. Rly shares into ordinary stock. To Mother’s. Waddie back. Midge seedy. Telegraph office for her. To Alexandra Hotel, Tabs not arrived, & Harrods bought grapes1/-, Levito(?) water 1/4. Left letter at Mrs. Wallace. Mrs. Beale, Miss Rawlinson & Evelyn C. to see Maud morg. Effie Harrison here all afternoon. Roy & self to Court Theatre to see “Gay Widow” X. Dr Orton came, overhauled Lin! Nothing new to impart. So sleepy could scarcely keep awake. Thursday 29 November Mr Rooth asked Maud & self to go to Theatre at Albert Hall to see him act, had to return tickets unable to go. Evelyn in morg. to sit with Maud. M. better. Lin & Roy rode, met Mr Jones who gave Roy a box for St James’ theatre for tonight. Asked Keith Falconer & Pollock to go with him. I drove at 4 to Mother’s, not so well. Just missed Midge & Tabbie, gone off shop’g. Called on Mrs. Galbraith, only saw Mrs. G. sen’r. Mrs Galbraith sent us a brace of pheasants & some lovely flowers just arrived fr. Scotland. Friday 30 November Maudie not quite so well. Dr O. came. M. seems cross & fretful afraid another slight chill. Out morg. shops. Grapes 2/3. Went in brougham to Mother’s, had tea with Midge. Mother not so well. Called at Stores ordered medicine & Livico(?) Water, & Lin’s present & Alice’s dress 13/6. To Col. Welby’s, left cards at Mrs. Lynn Linton, C. Matthews & Mrs. O. Crawfurd. Mrs. Galbraith came to see Maud morg. Dec 1894 Saturday 1 December Mrs. Gordon at home 4 - 7. Foggy morg. In all morg. X. M. petit ami. Seems fretful & no better. Tabbie called at 2.30 & saw Maud. I drove her back to Alexandra H. she leaving with maid at 4.7 for Brookwood. Called after on Mr Hartree had tea there, & bought 1/- sweets, post cards 6d. Lin in all day working at Golf drawing (song). Winnie Lockyer here to lunch & tea. Sunday 2 December Dull & foggy. Evelyn here to luncheon. Lin riding morg. Maudie seems to have another chill & not so well. Alice Farquhar & Edgar called. Monday 3 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Went to Mother’s 4.30. Midge just gone out. Mother looked better. Dr Orton came says Maud must not get up till Wed. or Thursday. Dined v. late. Lin sent off Church drawing. Tuesday 4 December Dinner of 8. Mr & Mrs. Galbraith, Mr Rooth, Mr Guthrie, Mr Lockyer & Miss Rose Innes. Out morg. shops. Flowers & fruits 7/6, shades 1/6. Otley to stores. Lin paid for fish, pigeons, candles etc. Lin rode morg. Miss Sandeman, Mrs Coward & E, Miss Warre, Miss Webster, Mr Clementson called. Awfully hurried, luncheon so late. Moody here to wait. V. pleasant dinner & all stayed till 12.30, all left together. Maudie better but complaining of feeling tired. Mrs. G, Miss R.I. & self sat ¾ of hour with Maud after dinner. Wednesday 5 December Mrs. Keith at home 9 - 12. Asked F. Walford for day. Mrs. Linley’s funeral, Lin went to it. Hope he won’t take cold nasty raw day. Evelyn & Florence here. Dr Orton came, said Maud might get up for short time, she did not feel well enough. Mr Bret Harte & Mr McFall called. Called unable to see Mother, sleeping. Midge came to Maud. Called & saw Sir B. Baker, let their house & going abroad. Thursday 6 December Went to Sandown with Mr & Mrs. Galbraith 10.45 & Miss Ritchie. Fairly fine, enjoyed Sandown immensely excellent lunceon, & coffee. Best race won by aged horse “Cloister” only one other completed with him. Mrs. Galbraith drove both Miss Ritchie & self home. Maudie up for short time. F.W. here, v. vexed with her for letting M’s room get too hot, so thoughtless. Friday 7 December Dear Mother not so well. Called at 3 & sent carriage back, stayed with her until 5.30. Seems so very weak & low. Met Edgar on way down, he & Sophy staying at 4 Prince’s St, Hanover Sqre. Maudie up & looks a little better. Alone all afternoon pouring wet so no one came. Saturday 8 December Carriage at 10.30. Called & took Midge to Stores. Found dear Mother v. v. weak & suffering greatly fr. her heart. Lovely bright day, order brooms & pd. 7/8 for them. Fish, chicken, table for Roy. Lin rode after luncheon. V. dull day after 2 o’c. I stayed with Maud, she came in to drawing room & had luncheon there. Mad’lle & Evelyn to tea. Sunday 9 December Foggy morg. Lin rode. Cleared later. Dora to luncheon & tea. Fritz Jackson, Edgar & Sophy, Jessie, Miss Rose Innes, Mr Hubart Farquhar & Mr & Mrs. Galbraith called. Alice out. Marie out morning. Maud down to luncheon for first time. Evelyn C. here all morning. Monday 10 December Mrs. de la Rue’s dinner 8 o’c. Went to Mother’s took violets but only saw Dora, all resting. Mr Godefray took me in & Mr Pollock sat on my right. Dullish evg & magnificent dinner & table. Lady Monckton, Pollocks, Mertons, Mr Sterne v. vain man etc, no one of particular interest. Maudie up & down to luncheon. Alice out afternoon & evening. Tuesday 11 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Drove to Mother’s morg. saw her looking v. fragile. Sat half an hour with her. Met Dora & Florence in Park & home. Wednesday 12 December Fime morg. Dr Orton came & said Maud might go out. She went with Evelyn for a walk. First night of Mr Burnand’s piece with Sir A. Sullivan. Thursday 13 December Lin & self dine at Mrs. Wallace’s 7.45. In all day. V. dull. Maud out for walk with Florence W. who remained to lunch & tea. Evelyn came to tea brought me 3 lovely roses. Lin v. busy & just before dressing policeman came bringing a summons for coroner’s inquest to be held tomorrow (bothered him v. much.) Arrived late at the W’s. Large party, house conventionally pretty, table charming, all roses. Sat next to a Mr Fisher amusing & interesting, with a face like an intelligent weasel, otherwise dull evg. Talked to a Mr Wyllie who gave impresion of having (illeg) common little man who showed part of leg & a woollen sock & ugly foot. Midge came morg. Mother not so well after seeing 5 members of family yesterday. Friday 14 December V. foggy. Read “Donovan” by Edna Lyle. V. good & v. touching. Lin v. busy. Evelyn here afternoon. Went at 3 to dear Mother found her v. ill & upset. Edgar came, & I drove him back to his rooms. Dora with fresh cold. Saturday 15 December Drove at 3.30 to Mrs. Keith’s & Lill Laver, & dear Mother, seemed better. Edgar came. Lin dined at Bath Club dinner, bad. Lin rode to Bouverie St. Mad’lle came & had tea with Maud. Sunday 16 December Dull morg. Lin rode with Mr Parsons. Mare went dead lame after sharp canter but righted herself later. Darling Mother v. v. bad, Dr O. alarmed. After lunch Mr Bret Harte, Mr Adams, Weigall, Rooth, Lockyer & sister & Mr Hook called & stayed some time. Miss Hepworth Dixon dined here & spoke to Lin about frontispiece of “The English Woman” which she is to edit. Monday 17 December Dull as usual. Up at 11.30. Bestly cold in head otherwise feel better but it makes me peevish(?) & horrid. Lin rode early. Maud slept badly & looks weak & limp. Drove at 2.30 to Libertys for silk, to Verity’s about lamp & to stores for fish & suet. Midge here to tea. Mother a little better, started a night nurse Saty night. Col Welby & Mrs. McQuoid called. Tuesdsay 18 December Pouring wet morg. Unable to go out until 11.30. Called for Midge & went to stores ordered Xmas groceries 16/4, 2 packets candles 4/4. Mrs. McQuoid, Mrs. & Mary Nembhard called, so sorry & grieved to hear of dear Mrs. Winchester Clowes’ illness, all hope given up. Tipoo arrived v. handsome fox terrier, tan & black head, white body v. fine legs & pointed head. Wednesday 19 December Maud & I dine with Fritz Jackson & go to dance with him. Alas unable to go. German Reed’s first night two stalls. Mrs. Silver’s at home 4.30 to 6.30. Out awith Lin, walked 11.15 with hime & “Tipoo” to end of Row. Met Evelyn & Maud. Cold


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 wind. Lin went on & dined at some lawyers’ dinner, met Mr Sterne. I returned in brougham with girls. Flowers fr. Mrs. Galbraith. Sent some by Marie & Tipoo after tea to Mother, better. Mary Carter to tea. Thursday 20 December Out with Maud at 9.30 to stores. Bought tree presents 1/11, sewing silk 1/- & ordered turkey. Books 4/9. In all afternoon. Maud sleeps in her new room, looks v. nice. Mother little better. Mad’lle called morg. Friday 21 December Lin worked hard all day. Saturday 22 December Pay Marie’s wages 1½ months, paid her ½ month’s wages already. V. busy shop’g. Went to matinée of “His Excellency” v. good at Savoy, Lin Roy, M. & self. Drawing room had a rather better clean than usual, & needed it. Sunday 23 December Quiet day no one called but Evelyn to tea. Went to Mother’s after 9 o’c service with Maud. X. Little F. Maud. Lin & Roy rode. Monday 24 Decemebr Gave Dora party here. Out morg. shops. £1 spent but it went all in small nothings. Dora, 2 Cowards, Douglas & Hilda, Roy & Maud had tree in Morg. room which looked v. pretty lighted. Midge came round for a few moments. Tuesday 25 December Maud to 9 o’c service with Cowards, met me at 11.30 at Mother’s. Had bad night but looked a little better. M. & self walked home. Evelyn came in to tea & stayed till nearly dinner time. Lighted tree again & played games after dinner. Wednesday 26 December In all day. Cleared out nursery which took entire day. Lin worked all day. Roy to his club. Lin & Roy to first night Pamtomime. Fritz called & stayed to tea, been v. seedy with chill. Thursday 27 Decemebr Fine morg. Maud & self took “Tipoo” for walk as far as Row. Called at Derry for Maud’s dress to be fitted, green with fur. She is v. disappointed with it. Tea fight at Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Ritchie’s. Met Miss White & Mr Durham. Mrs. Jones looking charmingly picturesque in her lovely old house. Left Maud first at Mrs. Ritchie’s & called alone on Mrs. Leech, Mrs. Ansdell, Mrs. Wallace & Miss Rose Innes, & sat with Mother. Midge & Dora out. Mother better decidedly. Nurse (illeg) there. Friday 28 December Called at 3.30 with Maud on Mrs. Rainbow, Lady Nottage, Mrs. Tate, Mrs. Clarke, where we had tea, & Mrs. Harrison & Mother. No, these calls made on Monday 31st. Called on Eddie B, Mrs. Corbett, C. Hartree where we had tea & saw Mr Grant & then to Mother’s, a little better. Dined at 9 o’c. Saturday 29 December Mrs. Walter Crane at home 10 o’c. Out morg. Maud, Lin, Roy & self to Court Theatre “Dr Bill” evg, played out a little. V. cold night.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 30 December Went to church, met Maud & Evelyn & went for long walk in Row with them. Bitterly cold wind. Lin & Roy walked in Row with “Tip”at 12 o’c. Memorable day by “Tip’s” first bark! Went after some ducks. Mr Bret Harte & Miss Rose Innes called. Monday 31 December V. cold. Went with Maud at 3.30 to Mrs. Tate, Rainbow, Nottage, Mrs. Clarke where we had tea, & Mrs. Harrison & Mother, stayed there some time. Morg. did linen, cleaned fire irons! In nursery marked 8 shirts & 12 collars with Roy. (Loose sheet at back of diary with list of securities.)


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1895 (notes on front pages of Diary). Addresses Mrs a’Beckett, 33 Eccleston Sqre Mrs Winslow, 1 Marine Terrace, Folkestone Mr W.F.Adams, 5 Henrietta St, Cavendish Sqre Annie, 3 Carlton Ter, Raynes Pk, Nr Wimbledon Ada Pickering, Foules Cottage, Fairoak, Nr Southampton Mrs Rae, 1 Forte di Cavalligieri, Leghorn, Italy Mrs MacClean, 37 Courtfield Rd Mrs Flower, 7 Gordon Place, Gordon Sqre. At home Wednesday. Mrs Sladen, 32 Addison Mansions, Kensington. Fanny Barker, Eversfield Hotel, St Leonards on Sea Mad’lle Jacquinot, 16 Artesian Rd, Bayswater Fanny Barker, 25 Gloucester Gds, Hyde Park. Mrs Laurence Phillips, 134 Sutherland Avenue Mrs MacKenzie, 17 Observatory Gds Anna Dietz, 101 Sandgate Rd, Folkestone, Kent Mrs Lennox Browne, 15 Mansfield St, Portland Place Madame Visetti, 14 Trebovir Rd, Earls Court. Mrs Carlisle, 17th of each month, Ashburton House, Putney Heath. Mrs Lawrence Phillips. 134 Sutherland Avenue Mary Robertson, Little Horringer Hall, Bury St Edmonds. Aunt Bessie, La Retraite, St Peter’s Port, Guernsey Aunt J.Raden Herapath (Netta) Herne Villa, Up. Harefield Rd, Brackley Uncle Sellick, B.J.Sellick Esqre, Devon Lodge, The Knoll, Bexley, Kent Annie, 8 Blenheim Villas, Lower Down Road, W. Wimbledon. Poor woman who took Roy into her cottage, Mrs Sheffield, organist at Earls Barton, Northamptonshire. (opposite page for 1st January) Tuesday 1st Jany. 1st box of 1 doz eggs arrived fr. Foules Cottarge, Fair Oak, Nr Southampton, 2s.6d. Send Midge’s Western Certificate to London & Westminster Bank, 1 Stratford Place, Oxford St, to be put with her other securities. (opposite page for 3rd January) Monday at homes Mrs G. Stratton Tweedie, 3 first, 39 Pembridge Villas Silver, 11 Princes Gds Leech, 1 Wetherby Gds Lady Blomfield, 28 Montague Sqre (opposite page for 5th January) Tuesdays Mrs Williamson, 8 Eaton Sqre (opposite page for 7th January) Wednesdays Wallace, 1st & 3rd Mrs S.G.Harding, 2 & last, The Grove, Boltons Lady Hickman


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs Farquharson, 1st Miss Humphreys Mrs Lucy (opposite page for 9th January) Thursdays Mrs Cameron Corbett Lucy, till Easter Mrs H.W.Armstead, 58 Chepstow Villas Mrs N. Cohen Schulhof, 76 Palace Gds Burgess, 60 Finchley Rd Mrs Hannen, 2nd Thursday & Friday in month, 8 St Andrews Place, Regents Park Mrs Deosey(?), 1st & 2nd Linaro Lodge, 7 Lansdowne Rd, Holland Pk Miss Hogarth, 55 Oakley St, Chelsea Lady Seton Mrs Hartley Mrs Percy Macquoid in May (opposite page for 11th January) Fridays Mrs Shannon, till Easter A.Levy, 3rd & 4th, 55 Cheniston Mansions Mrs Calderon Spielman, 1st & 3rd, 3 Westbourne Cresc Mrs George Harley, 3 - 6 (opposite page for 13th January) Saturdays Mrs W.Wallace, till June, Chelsea Mrs Purdie, 3 first Sats Moscheles, 80 Elm Pk Rd Mrs Mackenzie, 17 Observatory Gds. (opposite page for 15th January) Ayton Stories Mayoress of Sidney renowned for mal à propos stories. She was asked to take her son to a certain dance, he being unable to go she took a young girl in his place: “I am sorry my son was unable to come but I have brought a prostitute” she explained to her hostess. The same lady was to be painted by a celebrated painter & in discussing the gown etc she sh’d be taken in decided to wear her “lovely blue velvet mantle lined with vermin”. She also admired a friend’s “fricasséed” ceiling for fresco, & proposed giving two dances as her aquaintance was so large, one to the “Beau Monde, one to the Demi monde.” (opposite page for 17th January) Lin’s Scotch stories Pas de lieu Rhone que nous. Answer, Paddle your own canoe. Make sense of following sentence: “It was and I said not but”. Answer: “It was and I said not but”. (illeg illeg)


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 (opposite page for 29th January) Jokes & Bon Mots heard fr. different friends Col Welby; A large garden party given by a country parson amongst the number being many clericals. A favourite parrot which was allowed to fly about the garden during the day perched itself on the bough of a tree under which tea was being served. The parrot, seeing all the people together, called out “Oh I say, Oh I say! What a funny lot of rooks!” Another parrot which had been trained to say “How do you do” was kept in a drawing room behind a curtain. A friend called & as he was looking out of the window awaiting his host (continued on page opposite 31st January) the parrot said “How do you do”. He turned but seeing no one again looked out of window. This happened several times. Finally the host arrived but his visitor having been so often deceived still continued looking out of the window & took no notice of his friend’s continued enquiries, until he was taken him by the arm when the mysterious early “How do you do’s” were explained. (opposite page for 31st January) Baring Gould’s friend who called the day before Mr Gould’s wedding day. Arranged to travel together abroad, to send the bride home if in the way. The friend went & came home engaged. (opposite page for 2nd February) Mr Clementson’s story of social forgetfulness Clergyman known to be very forgetful, his wife the same. Asked some friends to luncheon, forgot all about it. They arrived thinking they wd only remain a short time it being luncheon time. He saw them. Finding they remained he asked them if they wd like to see the garden. They gladly accepted thinking this was a prelude to luncheon. Finding they still lingered he took them to a garden gate & told them he thought that would be their nearest way home. Another gentleman was asked to call any day but Tuesday. This day he always selected for that particular call. (opposite page for 4th February) Stories of Cap’t Liddell’s Mayoress of Sidney was celebrated for her “maloprop” sayings. She once told a gentleman that she had so many friends to ask she must give two parties, one for the “Beau Monde” & one for the Demi. (opposite page for 7th April) Mrs Jon Langley receipt for Kedgeree. Remove all bones from some cold boiled fish & flake it into small pieces. Mix with it about ½ the quantity of cold boiled rice, a couple of raw eggs. Cut up a few pieces of cold potatoes. Put the mixture in a small stew pan with a lump of butter, a little pepper & salt & a well beaten egg. Stir over the fire till hot. (opposite page for 9 April) Mrs Jon Langley’s receipts. 4 oz of yellow beeswax scraped. 1 quart turpentine put into a covered tin to melt near the fire. When using place in a shallow dish so that only the ends of the brush take up the mixture. Apply & when dry polish with a dry brush. Furniture polish. Dissolve in half a pint of water ½ an ounce of castile soap. Scrape 2 oz of white wax into ½ pint of turpentine. Leave each to stand 24 hours


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 stirring occasionally, mix & bottle in a well covered bottle. Put on with a soft cloth. Ammonia & olive oil in equal parts & kept in a blue bottle. Jan 1895 Tuesday 1 January Lovely day. Maud to Uncle Edwin’s until tomorrow. I drove at 11.30 with Evelyn C. who brought me a basket of flowers, to Redferns, pd my bill there £1.10.0, to Mother’s, & then drove Maud to Uncle’s, saw them all, v. well, Uncle looks older. Roy to Club. Miss Chapman & Ethel English called, former v. clever & amusing, quite an acquisition. Dog’s leg v. swollen. Marie out, quite hopeless! Wednesday 2 January Lovely morg. Mad’lle arrived & we went together to pay Mrs Best 3/6 Private ac’t. I sat or stood to Lin at 3.30. Left mantle lent at Barkers, called & saw Mother & Edgar, & fetched Maud fr. Uncle’s. Saw Ted & Carrie. Mad’lle remained to supper, Emma out. Tipoo’s foot v. bad poulticed it. Noticed for 1 st time Otley seemed boosey. Thursday 3 January Midge in morg. V. cold, roads v. slippery. Maud to lunch at Mrs Harrison’s, walked there with her & back alone. Sent off P.O. Savings book. Maud back in cab at 6 o’c enjoyed her day v. much. Mad’lle here morg. giving Roy lessons for nothing during holidays. Cakes 6d, cods roe 7d, om 2d, total 1/3. Friday 4 January Dear Lin’s birthday. V. cold. Out with Maud at 11 to Barkers, ordered comb for Lin. M. ret’d & I went on to Mother’s & returned with Dora. Mad’lle here giving Roy lessons free. Dora to lunch & tea, Midge fetched her. Mother not so well. Called alone at 3.15 on Mrs Maclean, Mrs Russell, Holl, Macquoid & Miss Holland. Braid 10d, comb 5/11. Saturday 5 January Pd. Fruit & flowers 2/- at Butts. Took dear Tipoo with Evelyn to Jarvis vet who says he has excema, & left the dear poggle v. reluctantly. Left letter at Miss Eykyn’s. With Maud at 2 to Private V. Academy of Old Masters. Met many friends & went to Mother’s to tea, better & seemed more cheerful & doing needlework. Lin & Roy to Lyceum & walked home. V. cold. Sunday 6 January V. v. cold & fog. Maud & self to early service, M. received communion & met me later at Mother’s, not so well. Lin & Roy out, hard frost. Mr & Mrs Charlie Burnand called. Monday 7 January X. Petit ami. Went with Maud to Lyceum Pantomime “Santa Claus”. V. pretty. Met Roy & Lin there. Alice came also. Lin not feeling v. well. He & Roy walked home, bitterly cold. Maud left Lyceum earlier with Alice & went to tea at Miss R. Innes to meet the Macqueens. I fetched her. V. disappointed Dora could not go with us to Lyceum, only heard too late. Roy went & saw “Tip”. Tuesday 8 January Asked Fritz to dinner 8 o’c. Mr Bret Harte, Sir H. & Lady Bergne, Miss Eykyn, Miss Rose Innes. Maud did flowers, dessert etc. Mrs. Holmes, Miss Rose Innes & Mrs.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maclean called. Harris waiter called, somehow it seemed to hang fire the dinner, I felt seedy. Maud to a’Beckett’s little dance, back by 11. Fritz & Miss R.I. stayed longest. Maud spent for flowers etc for dinner (blank). Wednesday 9 January Black fog. In bed till 12. Read Renan’s early recollections. Lin feeling seedy, upset by something. Maud to Mrs. H. Dickens 8 o’c, little play. Mad’lle came morg, gave her French lesson. Mad’lle to tea & supper. Midge went to S’hampton to meet Hamilton who arrives at 7 tomorrow morning. Thursday 10 January Mrs. Donaldson 8.30, Tower House, Chiswick. Post’d. In bed till 12. Eve C. here & out morg with Maud. Box for Claud Duval, Lin, Roy & Maud going. Ethel & Amy to luncheon & tea. I went at 3.30 & stayed till 6 o’c with Mother, seems v. weak & seedy. Ham arrived at 7 this morg, S’hampton. Friday 11 January Mrs. Hunter’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin invited to Ham F to shoot till Monday. Went to Mother’s at 12 o’c, flowers 10d. Stayed till 5 o’c. Edgar came to tea. Midge & Hamilton returned. Mad’lle here morg. V. pleasant dinner at Mrs. H’s. Saturday 12 January Mrs. Tweedie 5 o’c, 39 Pembridge Villas. First night Irving Lyceum of (blank, King Arthur). Lin & I went, Roy joined us during last act & went behind scenes to supper. V. brilliant house, Duke & Duchess of York & Prince Adolphus of Teck there. V. fine performance. Home 2.30. Livseys(?), Millets, Dickens, Peruginis, Lawsons, Critchetts etc etc all there. Sunday 13 January Hamilton & Midge to dinner, dear Mother not so well, afraid dropsy set in her dear legs are so swollen. Maud to early church & to Mother’s after. Edgar there. Only Miss R. Innes called. Dull heavy day thawing fast. Monday 14 January Lin & I dine with Mr Bret Harte at Bristol 7 o’c & go to Criterion Theatre after with him. Miss Rose Innes, Mrs. Herkomer, Mr & Mrs. Crawfurd & Mrs. (illeg) widow. Most delightful dinner, sat between Bret Harte & Mrs. Herkomer & next to Mr Crawfurd at theatre, enjoyed play v. much. Tuesday 15 January X. Lin dines at dinner given to Mr Tree. Lin & Roy rode morg. Much warmer, roads in fearful state of mud. Evelyn here morg. X. Maud petit ami, in bed to breakfast. To dear Mother’s & found her very weak & ill. Midge in bed with chill. Returned to luncheon. Lady Bergne, Mrs. Spofforth & Lill Laver called. Wednesday 16 January Maud received dress fr. Tabbie. Thursday 17 January In bed all day with cold on chest. Maud to Mother’s, thinks her looking v. ill, & weaker. Maud to tea at Evelyn C’s. Friday 18 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 In bed till 12, lunched in my room. Maud out morg in brougham, called mother’s, little better, sleeping. Maud dined with Miss Rose Innes & goes to Prof. Dewar’s lecture & reception after. Wire fr. Mr Fowler about Maud’s illustrating a (blank). Saturday 19 January Private View Mr Abbey’s “Quest of Holy Grail”, 9 Conduit St. Mrs. Tyrell at home 4.30. Box for “The Lady Slavey”. Midge, H. & Dora went also to our box. In bed all day. Sunday 20 January Mr Sterne sent me 3 tickets for Niagara ice, 3 - 7. Lin & Roy rode morg. To Niagara after lunch, seemed to have enjoyed it v. much. Mr Woodruff, Mr Adams, Mr & Mrs. Russell & Mr Molesworth called. I came down to lunch & dinner, cough v. troublesome. Monday 21 January V. muddy & dull. Hamilton Langley dined here & went with Lin & Roy to Pavilion after. Mother little better. Went with Maud in brougham to Fritz (out) to ask him to dine tonight. Fruit at Butts 3/6, lozenges 6d. Did not go to dear Mother’s, afraid to get out of carriage, cough so bad. Tuesday 22 January Mrs. Leech’s dance 9 PM! 1 Wetherby Gds. Mrs. Banbury’s dance. Heavy snow fall. Freezing hard at night, so Maud c’d not go to dance. Letter fr. Bret Harte to Fritz. No one called. Dear Mother not so well again. Wednesday 23 January Mrs. Boughton at home 4.30. Heavy storm of snow, hail & thunder & lightning & almost complete darkness for ½ an hour. Went with Maud at 11 to Mother’s remained there whilst Maud went shop’g with Miss Rose Innes. Dear Mother looking v. weak, Bates back & Westley. Midge & H. to Ramsgate until tomorrow to see rooms. Maud to Manning, fitted, & to tea with Eve C. Roy to town with Lin, & to Lyceum evening. Thursday 24 January Mrs. Joachim’s dinner 8 o’c. Dear Roy returned to Eton, he & I dined alone. Roy quite a saint this day & played backgammon with me. Maud to Mrs. Joachim’s in my place, cough too bad to go out all day. Friday 25 January Spent day with dear Mother, v. suffering & ill, makes my heart bleed to see her & not able to relieve her. Edgar called evening & was also quite upset, difficult to know what to do for the best, to go with his regiment or remain for a month longer. Gill here to luncheon. Maudie out shop’g. Maud went with Lin to Joachim’s dinner party, I was too seedy to go yesterday, & seems to have taken fresh cold, had to go to bed early. Saturday 26 January Maud in bed all day with v. feverish cold & sore throat, slept in her room. Dear Mother looking v. weak & ill when I called for a few moments afternoon. Only took M’s mantle to Miss Manning & Evelyn’s cape back. Bought fruit & flowers 5/6 with grapes for Maud. Miss Rose Innes to tea with Maud. Mrs. Sherman & (blank) called. Mr Fowler called about book for M. to illustrate & offers her £5.5.0 for 5 drawings, 2 small head pieces & 3 larger ones.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 27 January Asked the Wheats to luncheon 1.30, coming. Monday 28 January Asked the Wheats to tea 4.30. Mrs. Jopling Rowe at home 8.45. Tuesday January 29 The Galbraiths to come to London, 40 Queen’s Gate. Out morg. shops. & at 2 o’clock to Mother’s. Fog terrible, so did not stay. Maud up, but in her room. Evelyn Coward & Miss Rawlinson came to see her. Sp. here morg. Dora & H. & Mad’lle to German Reeds. Wednesday 30 January Evelyn C. here morg. Took “Tip” for walk, snowed & v. cold. Florence W. here for day & went with me at 2.30 to Whiteley pd 2/6. Whiteley 3/3, Lewis & Allenby 4/6. Hatchards for Balsac’s Le médecin de C(illeg) 9d. Tangerine oranges 6d. Total 11/6. Called & left M.S & note Mr Fowler, & Mother’s. Found Bee there who came on to tea here after. Dear Mother not quite so well. Thursday 31 January Tabbie slept here night. Mother little better. Had tea at Mother’s. Feb 1895 Friday 1 February Edgar sailed with his regiment for Malta at 2.30. Midge & Dora to Ramsgate. Stayed till 6.30 with Mother. Arrived late as I went to stores & bought Edie Buck’s present, ivory pepper castors £2.1.0. V. cold. Saturday 2 February X. 3 tons coal in today. Busy all morg. Read to Lin till 12. With Maud to Marshall’s & Debenhams to get her hat 27/6, & to Mother’s. Sent M. home & remained with Mother till 6 o’c. Hamilton dined here 8 o’c. Mrs. Galbraith & Lady Flower called. V. cold altho’ thawing. Sunday 3 February I went to Mother early & lunched there , ret’d at 3. Mother about same. M. went for walk, had to return, too cold. Hubard Farquhar, Eve Coward, Mrs. Galbraith, Bret Harte, Hamilton, Mr Blair & Mr & Mrs. Dietz. Ham remained to dinner. (illeg) v. much chaffed over introducing Mr Blair to Mr Bret Harte as my brother in law. Monday 4 February X. Petit ami au lit till 12.30. At 3.30 to Mother’s stayed with her till 6 o’c. Maud called at Mrs. Galbraith, Miss Enthoven & Aunt Linda’s. Maud finished drawings for Minster & left them at Mr Fowler’s. Maud for walk with with Evelyn morg. & saw them skating. Lin went skating on Long water, met O. Shakespeare. Tuesday 5 February Edie Buckmaster’s wedding day. V. cold but bright. In bed till 12.30. Mrs. & May Nembhard, Mrs. Godefroi (weirdly modern) Dolly Roberts massive & Ada Sp. & Blanche Cole. Poor Tip ill, went to stables & took garlic pill! Mr Galbraith called morg. & arranged about theatre Thursday. Midge returned fr. Ramsgate. Wednesday 6 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 V. v. cold, in bed till 12.30. Lin slipped on rug & hurt his cheek. Maud & self at 3 in brougham to Mrs. Galbraith’s & left cloth to be washed at Tisdale’s. To dear Mother’s, little better. Midge back seedy like self. Tabs came in, with Ham for few days at Alexandra. Stayed till 5 o’c at Mother’s. Thursday 7 February Lin Maud & self dine at Bristol at 7.15 & to Daly’s theatre after with Mr & Mrs. Galbraith & Mr Blair. X. Maud petit ami. V. cold. In all day. Arrived early at Bristol only Mr B. there still feel v. shy of him. V. good dinner. Had 6 stalls at Daly’s, stupid piece with excellent caste, H. Coffin, Marie Tempest, Blakeley, Letty Lind etc, good music v. tuney. Dickie X & hurried off after. Mrs. G. said something about supper but was afraid of Lin who looked grumpy. Friday 8 February Never slept & feel tired in consequence. Mr & Mrs. Galbraith, H. & Midge & Mr Blair to dinner. Golden & Mrs. Kelsey here!!! Went off v. well. Feel v. shy of Mr Blair. Evelyn C. came in Mrs. G’s place. Maud did flowers shop’g etc & table. Saturday 9 February Maud Evelyn & self to Pantomime “Drury Lane”. Lin joined us later, Mr Blair, Mr Galbraith & Hamilton also. Lin left us early for Brighton to stay as Hartree’s guest at Bedford Hotel. Mr Blair took us all to tea at Lady’s place Bond St. Met Midge there. We drove Evelyn home after & Maud & self had quiet evening alone. V. pleasant afternoon. Sunday 10 February V. cold. Maud to early church & on to Mother 12 & went to Mrs. Galbraith’s. Walked with Mr G. to see skaters & lunched at 40 Queens Gate. Mr Blair brought her back at 4 o’c. I lunched at Mother’s, returned here at 3.15. Mr Blair stayed to tea & dinner & left at 9 to fetch his portmanteau fr. club & catch the 10.30 for Edinburgh. Monday 11 February Maud out skating with Evelyn. I took “Tip” to round pond, too cold to remain. Lin home in time for luncheon. Brighton too cold & windy & dull for words. Maud & self at 3 in brougham. Left Maud at Mother’s & Lin at Serpentine & went to Marshall & Willets & Debenhams, then to Mother’s, looks better but Dr O. thinks her weaker. Tuesday 12 February Mrs. Sladen’s party to meet Mr Crockett, Scotch novelist. Went at 11 with Lin to Long water, lovely bright frosty morg, saw Maud there with Evelyn. Maud lunched with Mrs. Galbraith after & to concert with her, I to lunch with Mother. Tabbie there, leaves for Nice tomorrow. Lin off skating to Wimbledon afternoon. M. & self dressed for Sladen’s party, only discovering just before starting there was no time mentioned on invitation card, so remained at home. Mr & Mrs. Fowler, Mrs. A. Levy, E. English, Evelyn Coward called. Miss Gill came to stay a few days. “Tipoo” back & much better. Thought dear Mother looking better but Dr. O. thinks not. Thursday 14 February Bright but bitterly cold. Maud with Cowards to Long water, met Miss Taylor & her brother. Miss Gill & self shops, met or fetched Maud & walked back with the Cowards. Lin & Maud had carriage for Ranelagh to skate after lunch.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 15 February Gilly & self afternoon to Marshall’s, bought silk for mantle 19/6, paid for it. To Mother’s, returned bus. Saturday 16 February Walked all morg. with Gilly & Maud & Evelyn to Serpentine, met Lockwood & Miss Taylor. Maud & self called at 3.30 Lady Lockwod, Mrs. Spielman, Mrs. P. Agnew, Holland, Macquoid, Rawlinson, Lewis Joachim, Galbraith, Mrs. Corbett where we had tea & dear Mother who was better. Gilly met us there & returned with us. Lin dined with Mr Rooth at Union Club. Mr Hutton & one other gentleman only. Sunday 17 February V. cold & foggy. Maud & Gilly to 9.30 church. Evelyn & M. for walk after. Gilly & self walked to Serpentine & back. Wrote Roy & Mrs. Mortimer about Roy, has another cold. H. & Midge, Mr & Mrs. Galbraith called. Maud & Mrs. Galbraith to Niagara, Lin also. Monday 18 February Gill left, huge relief. Spoilt my cape & burnt new towel & away ahe went. Maud & self called on Lady Lockwood, Spielman, Agnew, Holland, Macquoid, Mother. M. returned carriage & fetched me later. Tuesday 19 February Mrs. Steincopff’s dinner 8 o’c. V. pleasant dinner Herr Konil(?) took me in. Flowers & dinner exquisite. Walked to Mother’s morg. & lunched there. Midge went to Ramsgate by 1.30 train. Wednesday 20 February Thawing. Lin & M. to ice. Ham L. called about Con’s coming to us today as Mother too ill for him to go there. Went out for an hour with Tipoo, head v. aching do not feel well enough to go to Mansions. Evelyn Coward called morg & came to tea, also Effie Harrison. Went to call to enquire for Mr & Mrs. F.C.B. with Lin, left him & called & saw dear Mother, seems v. weak. Thursday 21 February Thawing. Maud lunches at Mrs. MacQueen’s, 31 Pembridge Gds. I walked to Mother’s & lunched there. Bates v. rude to Midge, v. annoying now dear Mother so ill, seemed weaker today. Lin Maud & self to St James’ Theatre “The importance of being Ernest”, O. Wilde. Mr Guthrie going to meet us there, did not come. Most amusing play smartly written. Mr Galbraith & H. & Livesey came to our box. Saw Mr Molesworth & Mr Newton & a Miss Davis friend of Maud’s there. Friday 22 February Dull raw morg. still thawing. Lin with cold! Hateful influenza. Maud doing drawing. Walked to Mother’s & lunched there, no, returned here to lunch. Fetched Midge 3.30 & went to stores with her, tablecloth 1/4, cheese 1/-, biscuits & rice 3/8. Called & saw Con at 2 Egerton Terrace, Chay there. Lin’s cold v. bad. Saturday 23 February Mrs. Boughton at home 4.30. Mrs. Walter Crane at home 9 o’c. Out morg. with Tip for flowers & fruits 2/4, shoes 10/6. To matinée Gaiety, H. Farquhar met us there. Called to enquire for Mrs. Galbraith, sent me lovely flowers. Midge called morg. & Evelyn. Lin met us at theatre & walked part of way home. Mrs. Geiger called.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 24 February To Mother’s at 11. Saw dear Mother looks much weaker to me. Saw Con who is staying there & Ham L. Maud & self walked back together. Effie Harrison to luncheon. Mr Richardson, Mr Marshall & Mr Richards called. Mr M. gives me indigestion he is so silent. Lin Maud & self dine at Mr Fletcher Moulton. Monday 25 February X. Alice gave notice. Went at 4.30 with Maud to Miss Ratcliffe, ordered black dress. To Mother’s, looking better. Saw Con, Amy English, Chay, & Midge there. To Mrs. Galbraith only saw mère & W.G. & chicks. Mrs. C.G. ill with influenza. Quiet evg. colder. Tuesday 26 February Maud received 2 books fr. Mr Blair & letter 8 pages! Only Effie H. & 2 Miss Clerkes called. Out morg. shop’g. Maud would not go out on account of work, looks v. seedy again. Wednesday 27 February Maud v. seedy with cold, in bed to breakfast. Called alone on Mrs. Steincopff. Lin went part of way. Had tea there, left cards Lady M.W. & to Mde. Dawson’s, & Mother not so well, saw Con & Midge. Maud & self to bed early. Thursday 28 February Mr Farquhar dines here 8 o’c. Evelyn C. & Mr Hood. Walked alone with Tipoo to Grove, ordered brooms & mat for Emma, fitted at Mrs. Best’s, bought bonnet 18/9 Courtneys. Drove at 4 Barkers for flowers, fruit, plants, left cards at Mrs. W. Crane’s & Mrs. Merton, abroad. Maud very seedy again, cold or chill, looks wretched. Mar 1895 Friday 1 March Mrs. Walter Crane 4 - 6. Sat with Mother morg. Lunched at Mansions, Con & Midge there. Midge went with me at 4 to be fitted at Miss Ratcliffe’s. Lin worried, had to finish drawing late, dined at 9.30. Saturday 2 March X. Roy arrived in tails & stick up collar a v. great masher with violet buttonhole at 1.30, grown & looks well. Went with Lin to matinée of “Shop Girl”. Mr Hood dined here evg. Roy & self on first to “Palace” to see Carmenita. Lin & Mr Hood followed. H. & Midge joined us there. Walked morg. to Mrs. Best, fitted with dinner gown, not worth doing. Ham returned this morg. fr. Mr Galbraith’s, enjoyed his Ayton visit immensely. Sunday 3 March Grace Wheat comes fr. 3 - 6. Did not come. Maud to early service & on to Mother’s & Mrs. Galbraith. I walked to Mother’s & back, took “Tip”. Mother v. sleepy semed tired but hope the long sleep has done her good. Only Fritz called. Lin to Niagara, Roy to Queen’s club morg. Quiet evg. Monday 4 March X. Petit ami. Read to Maud whilst she drew “The Raiders”. C(illeg). Called at 4 Miss Ratcliffe ordered grey gown. To Mrs. Galbraith’s stayed some time & to Mrs. O. Crawfurd’s had tea there. Left cards of condolence on Mrs. Chapman.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 5 March Mrs. Corbett’s drawing room tea 4.30. First day of Hackney horse show, Mr Galbraith sent us 2 tickets for tomorrow. Gilly here to lunch, out with Maud morg. Lovely Miss Wallace & Bill Weigall called. Wednesday 6 March Mrs. Cameron Corbett’s dance 10 o’c. In bed till 12. Read “Lourdes”. Mrs. Corbett promised to chaperone Maud, Alice took her & fetched her at 1.30, not home till v. late. M. enjoyed dance immensely. Mr Galbraith, Richardson, Davies, Orlebar there. Con came morg. & stayed to lunch, stood to Lin for photo for Maud’s drawing, also M. Thursday 7 March In bed till 12. Called a 3.30 on Mother. Midge & H. gone away till Saty to Dickinsons. Con v. seedy & in great pain. Went to Susie a’B’s alone, crowd of ladies there. V. pretty light house. Left cards Mrs. Sherman. Read to Lin “Marbots Memories”. Mr Galbraith’s Lady Ulrica took first prize Hackney show. Friday 8 March In bed till 12. Read “Lourdes” fascinated with it. Maud hard at work all day, & Lin, feel so idle with such industry around me. Went at 3 taking “Tip” to Miss Ratcliffe’s fitted with grey & white evening dress & to Mother’s, found her in dining room. Sat with us after in drawing room, feels weak but looks so pretty. Gilly here to lunch. Saturday 9 March Went at 3 to Mother’s after being fitted at Miss Ratcliffe’s stayed with Mother till 6. She sat in drawing room with Con & self & seemed better tho’ v. weak. Lin, M. & self to see “His Excellency” evg, dullish. Lady Mackenzie sat ops. us. Sunday 10 March Morg. walked to Mother’s. Maud & Evelyn walked part of way with me. Lin out riding & to Club to lunch, Niagara, slept after dinner. Mr & Mrs. Cohen & Col Welby called stayed a long while most interested hearing about Col. W’s visit to Russia & Berlin. X. Mr Alfred German Reed died. Monday 11 February Otley & Marie turned out loft. Read to Maud, v. hard at work & won’t go out. Unable to have carriage & walked & called on Mrs. Hartree, Rawlinson, Tuer, V. Cole, dressmaker Mrs. Best, Prices, Mc Dougall, Judy & Miss Webster. Midge goes to Ramsgate to see about fresh rooms for Dora. Tuesday 12 March Lunched at Mother’s, home in cab. Effie & Con there. Mr Fowler called, v. v. pleased with Maud’s drawings in Minster. Gave him all the drawings for April number seemed v. pleased to have them to time! Maud Lin & self to “Chieftain”, v. dull not worth seeing twice, hugely dull. Wednesday 13 March Baby Galbraiths to tea. Lin rode mare early. Had brougham at 11, ordered wreath for Mr Reed (Aldons’). Bank, ordered purchase of £100 stock Jamaica 4% debs buy at £108. M. & self walked to end & back of Row, met Mr Galbraith who was riding Mrs. G’s horse, went some distance with us. M. left me at Mother’s where I


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 stayed till 3.30. Evelyn also came in to tea. Chicks v. good. Sent wreath by Otley. Eff called at Mother’s, Con came in after, left both sleeping. Thursday 14 March Maud out with Evelyn. Con called, walked back with him to Mansions, Mother about same. Lin to poor Mr Reed’s funeral. Went alone at 3.30, pd Aldon’s 9/6 wreath returned box. Left Ian’s(?) pinafore, called on Mdes Ware, Thomson, Lady Flower, Mrs. Corbett. Left flowers at Mother’s & Mrs. Geiger’s. Mrs. Fowler called. Friday 15 March Midge returned fr. Ramsgate. Walked to Mother’s & called on Abernethys. Stayed with Mother till Midge arrived 6 o’c. Ada Sp. & Hilda called & had tea. Maud went to dinner at Mrs. Steincopff’s & dance after enjoyed it immensely. Saturday 16 March In all morg. Lin Maud & self to matinée “Dandy Dick Whittington”, Yoké. Ham & Midge joined us there, most excellent bright piece. Lin rode in park with Galbraith. Lin had Turkish bath after. I took Tip to get fruit & flowers 3/9. Quiet evg. Sunday 17 March Lin Maud & self lunch at Mr Moulton’s 2 o’c. M. to early service. Evelyn in. Lin rode with Shakespeare, Millet, Parsons, J. Hood etc morg, came in quite done up. Delightful luncheon with Miss Thomson, Mr Moulton away again. Sir J. Robinson whip of Liberal party, Mrs. Crawfurd, Justin McCarthy, Coupé London. Sir J. sat next to me was most entertaining admired Maud v. much. The Cassels called after. Could not leave before 5. Sp. & Hilda came morg. & found several visitors here, Mrs. Dickens & Miss Hogarth, Miss Wheat etc. Mr J. Hood was here & Mr Ryle had tea with us. Ham L, Mr Campbell Praed & Mr Pepys Cockerell dined here. V. cozy little dinner. They all stayed until 12 thinking it was 11! Mr Cockerell who I saw for first time charming & so handsome. Monday 18 March Lovely day, spring!!!. How long will it last! Called & saw Mother & Midge & H. just returned fr. seeing unlikely home. H. seems to have enjoyed himself here last evg. v. much. Called & had gown altered Miss Ratcliffe. Called on Mrs. Palmer & home early. Tuesday 19 March Lin Maud & self dine with Mr & Mrs. Galbraith at Berkeley & go to see Arthur Roberts in “Gentleman Joe”. M. & self for short walk, home to work. Miss Wallace, Lill Laver, Mrs. Joachim, Mrs. & Ella Ritchie, Miss Chapman, Mrs. & Miss Livesey, Midge called. Delightful evg. with Galbraiths, excellent dinner. Wednesday 20 March Maud hard at work, read to her. Expected Mad’lle to dinner, did not come. Thursday 21 March Maud hard at work morg. She went with me at 3.30 to call on Fildes, Chetwynd & Miss Hogarth where we had tea. Friday 22 March Read to Maud & Lin. Called alone at 3.30 on Mrs. Sington, v. ill, saw Louise S. Took M’s drawings to “English Woman’s” office Bedford St. Called on Mrs.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Latham, Mrs. Simpson & Mrs. Medley, Mother’s, where I stayed till 7. She seems weaker. Maud dined with Mr & Mrs Wallace & went to see “Gentleman Joe” again with them. Saturday 23 March Mrs. Boughton at home 4.30. Mr Ryle. Went with Maud who seemed v. tired & seedy. X. M. petit ami. Met Mrs Reeve & Mrs. Drummond & Cap’t Ridley at Mr Ryle’s. Lin, Maud & self to Lyceum in cab. Mr Bram Stoker came to our box. Like the piece better than 1st night even. Sunday 24 March Mrs. Heilbut’s dinner 8 o’c. Called & stayed with Mother morg. Took her chicken broth, seems v. weak & suffering again. Con, Midge & H. there. Mr Thomson (Coupé London) & Mr Nicol called & Evelyn. Huge dinner of 20 at H’s. Exquisite dinner, room v. hot. Alexanders, Sir B. & Lady Seton, Gilgoods, M. Stones, Lacy, Mathews 3 etc, de la Rues. Winnie Lockyer to church & lunch with Maud. Lovely day. Monday 25 March Heavenly day. M. & E.C. to Mudies. Miss Ritchie called & went for walk with me. After luncheon called with Maud on Mrs. Leech had tea there, Mrs. Best about M’s dress etc, Mrs. Tweedie, Wirzman, left dress for Mad’lle. Tuesday 26 March Out morg. to Mrs. Best’s & Miss Ratcliffe & shop’d at stores. Mrs. Galbraith dined here evg. Mrs. Nembhard & May, Miss Ritchie, Mrs. Fowler & Mrs. Geiger called. Wednesday 27 March Ethel Sharpe’s concert evg. Pouring wet day. Went with Maud to Derry’s, she left me at Mother’s, v. weak & suffering again terribly with heart. Remained to luncheon, home by bus. Maud dined at Mrs. Leche’s & they had dance after, about 12 of them. Mad’lle here with me to supper. Thursday 28 March Maud goes to Brighton to stay at the Cowards. Lin rode with Mrs. Galbraith before breakfast. Took Maud at 4 o’c to Vic & saw her off to Brighton. Called after & had tea at Mrs. Lucy, called & had long talk with Edwina(?) Hamburg at 32 St George’s Sqre, & Mother’s. Con, Midge & H. there. Quiet evg. here late dinner 9 o’c. Friday 29 March Miss Wheat to lunch. Pouring wet day. Lin rode before lunch, heavy showers on & off all day. Called on Aunt Linda, Uncle still v. ill, Mrs. Harley had tea there, Mrs. Tweedie also & Mrs. Pollock had tea there & then left Miss Wheat at Notting Hill (her aunt’s). Called & enquired after Miss Webster & home. Saturday 30 March Petit ami. Mrs. W. Crane at home 9 o’c. Pictures Fine Arts Gallery, Sir J. Tenniel’s. Went to Mother not so well, Midge staying with her all afternoon. Went alone to see Tenniel’s drawings Fine Art Galy. V. charming but look strange being done in pencil & many tinted pink, do not admire them en masse as much as Lin’s. V. much stuck with paintings of lovely old gardens by G. Elgood. Called & saw Herkomer’s 10 portraits vy. solemn affair. Quiet evg. too tired to go out.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 31 March Lady Seton’s luncheon party 1 o’c. V. charming luncheon at Lady S’s. Mr & Mrs. Rawlinson (Tattersall’s partner) Sir (blank) c’d not catch his name, Mr Lennox Browne & one lady. Took Lin to Niagara & ret’d home to find Mr Lacy & young Paxton had called. Mr Richardson & his brother & Mr Sladen came to tea & stayed till 7 o’c. Gave Ada Sp. Niagara tickets. Sp. & Hilda called morg. Apr 1895 Monday 1 April Mrs. Walter Crane at home 4 to 6. Lin out for lunch & dinner. Went at 3.30 called & saw Aunt Linda, Uncle little better. Saw Carrie too weird for words. Called & saw dear Mother stayed & had tea & dined there. Effie, Con & Midge only as Ham went to see some prize fight! Horrors! Eff told me all about Lady C. Lawson’s terrible malady. Letter fr. Fritz on return announcing his engagement to Miss Grant Duff. Tuesday 2 April In bed till 12.30. Drove at 2.30 Lin to cycle place. Great crowd at Brompton C, Sir Patrick Grant’s funeral. Aldons for flowers & took Mother a piece of salmon which Mr Hobart Farquhar sent me. Mrs. & Miss Wallace, Ethel English, Ethel Herapath & Effie Herapath called. Wednesday 3 April Tea at Mrs. Nembhards. In bed till 12.30. Drove at 3.30 to Mrs. Critchett’s, looking quite sweet with her two lovely little girls. Lady Lockwood & Mrs. C. Dickens there. Long talk with Lady L. about Holland. To tea after at Gen. N’s, met Miss Neaves & brought her back. She knows a number of our friends in Scotland & is vy. pleasant, also knows all the Haggards. Mad’lle J. & violin, to dinner & music after. Wonderful the way she plays after only one month’s study. Thursday 4 April Dull dreary day. Afternoon to Bank find I have only £6 left! To Mother so ill remained & sent carriage away. Feel v. weak & tired self, awful indigestion. Left Mother at 6 o’c, called to enquire for Mrs. C. Galbraith away & Mrs. H. Reeve out. Heavy bills for Roy this term. Books arrived fr. Edinburgh for Maud, sent them on. Friday 5 April Out at 11 in brougham to Mother’s, better. All out except dear Mother. To Whiteley for household things. Met Fanny B. & Alice Linley, also Mrs. Dickens and sister. Dear Roy returned fr. Eton in time for breakfast, going to ride with Mr Stone & go to theatre with him. Nearly went to Mrs. Corbett’s tonight instead of tomorrow. Sent off books to Mr Macmillan & Mrs. Humphreys. X. Sent 8 drawings & 2 paintings of Maud’s to Blanche Cole’s. Saturday 6 April Mrs. Corbett’s dinner 8 o’c. Pictures on view Goodall, Herkomer, Brett etc. Went at 3 o’c with Mrs. Galbraith in our brougham to David Murray’s, Goodalls, Breton Riviere, Blanche Cole’s & Frank Dicksee’s. Many good pictures. Maudie’s little drawings looked charming at Blanche’s. V. dull party at Mrs. Corbett’s, not introduced to a soul. Enjoyed Mr Galbraith’s company during dinner. Felt tired after pictures. Dear Maud ret’d fr. Brighton at 7 o’c, Emma met her. Roy went to see “His Excellency”. Sunday 7 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Pictures Goodall. Maud to early service pouring with rain, sent Roy to fetch her. I walked with Roy to Mother’s v. bad again. Went at 3 o’c with Mrs. Galbraith & Maud to Fildes, Thorneycroft, Hunter, Stone, Leighton, Princep, Stan. Forbes, studios. Back here to tea. Mr & Mrs. Rider Haggard called. Mrs. G. & Maud went on after to Boughtons & F. Dicksee’s. Lin for an hour to Niagara. Quiet evg. Monday 8 April Walked with Maud morg. At 3.30 to Bank, Mother’s, saw Con & Midge. Mother still v. bad. Stores, & Miss Ratcliffe about Maud’s dress. Roy at his club. Tuesday 9 April Out morg. with Maud & Ethel Herapath, walked part of way home with her. Ap’t with Mr Anderson Critchett at 5.30 to 6 o’c about Maud’s eyes. V. glad I took her, her sight different in each eye, glasses & lotion to get. Left Maud at Aunt Linda’s on way home where she dines. Mrs. Armstrong’s sister & Fanny Barker & Alice Linley called. Wednesday 10 April (blank) Thursday 11 April Packed morg. & came to Ramsgate by 3.25 fr. Victoria Stn. Train v. late. Met B.W. at Ramsgate. Found Dora & Miss Healey at 9 Wellington Cres, had secured bedroom behind dining room for M. & self. Had little supper at 7 o’c & to bed early & slept v. well, Maud not so well. Lin & Roy dined out & went to see “Shop Girl”. Friday 12 April To church with D, Miss H. & M. at St Georges. To Church Parade after & to call on Miss Graves who looks much better than she did 2 years ago. Met B.W. who asked Maud again the eternal question, seems to upset her & worry her. Walked after luncheon to Lady Wills, away. Went with Dora to see if Lin’s & Roy’s room secured at Granville, it was. Saturday 13 April Miss Healey away all day. Dora had her music lesson & has improved v. much. Maud, Dora & self for walk, bought 1/- of buns & 1/- stamps. Walked on Pier with Mr Weigall père, met Burnands etc & B.W. who walked short way with us. At 3 o’c D, M. & self to Mrs. Buck’s, had tea there. Had to leave at 5 o’c to meet Lin & Roy at L.C. & Dover Sta. Gerry Weigall there, stayed with us till train ar’d. Walked back with Lin, they off to Granville. Came in again after dinner seems not to have been vy. comfortable at Granville. Dewars dining in their room, Lin did not see them. Sunday 14 April Miss H, D, M. & self to Church St Mary’s, met the Bucks coming out. Mr B. stayed all morg. with Maud on Parade. Met Weigalls. B.W. joined Lin & self & walked with us & met Mr Burnand looking v. well & much thinner, given up riding but takes long walks instead. B.W. again importuning M. & asking for an interview. Monday 15 April Out morg. bought cakes. Mrs. Dewar’s little nephew & niece Nora & Douglas Dixon came to tea. V. handsome & intelligent boy only 9 draws & plays violin


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 beautifully. Maud to Mrs. Bucks for tea, Willie brought her back. Quiet evg. here. Mrs. Warre called. Tuesday 16 April V. v. cold & windy. Went to Granville to meet Lin, walked with him & Roy to Station. They went to Margate met Miss Goodenough & little Pepys Cockerall. Lin & Roy lunched at Margate & walked to the Fildes at Kingsgate where they had tea. The Marcus Stones there. Maud & Dora to Burnand sports, met B.W. who was as tiresome as ever. I called & had tea at Miss Kelly’s & Mrs. Hammond’s & went in to B’s after. Lin, Roy M. D & self to Mrs. Burnand’s for race game evg. Unpleasant altercation with flyman & had to walk home. Spent 2/11 on race game. Fortunately warmer & was no wind returning. Wednesday 17 April Not quite so cold & more sun. Lin & Roy return home. Thursday 18 April Warmer altho’ wind in west cold. Walked to Woodwards ordered rug for Victoria. Went at 3 o’c to St Peters. Grave looking lovely & on to Mrs. Fildes quite fascinated with her house, saw Mr Maclean but no time to go in. Enjoyed drive immensely. Friday 19 April Ret’d by Granville fr. Ramsgate. Much warmer in London. Mr Farquhar called & had tea. Maud & self went to see Mother. Poor darling seems weaker & less herself even than when I left & takes less interest in things & seems to wander. Expenses to, at, & fr. Ramsgate £5.3.0. Saturday 20 April Lovely day, v. hot after Ramsgate & slept badly, finger v. painful. Went to Mother’s at 3.30 & stayed till 6 o’c. Mother seemed a little better, took her some jelly fr. Dance’s. Sunday 21 April M. to early service, worked hard all day till 5 o’c. I went to Mother’s, seems v. ill & weak. Mr Bret Harte called & stayed a long while, was most interesting, I never remember him in better form. Harold Paxton came. Lin to Niagara afternoon, rode morg. with Roy. Mr Galbraith came 10.15 PM stayed till nearly 12 o’c. Monday 22 April Mr Stone & Hobart Farquhar to dinner stayed until 12 o’c. To stores at 3.30 not back till 6.10, did flowers & dressed. Maud in all day hard at work. Soup, dressed crab salad, roast lamb, new potatoes & asparagus, chicken & salad, apricot tart & cream, cheese savory. Tuesday 23 April Lovely day. Maud v. busy drawing, in all day. Went with Sp. at 11.30 to Harrods, ordered tub for Alice for washing up, 4 plants. Bought 2 at 1/4 & ordered 2 Yucca at Smith & Larkes. Lin, Roy, Maud & self to Adelphi. Saw “Girl I left behind me” usual sensational piece. Mrs. & Miss Schwann, Mrs. & Miss Abbot & Mrs. & Miss Fagan called. Wednesday 24 April In morg. working, at 3.30 to Niagara. Lin met us there after lunching with Spencer. All 3 skated, M. gets on well. Met Miss Gordon. Called on Mother way


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 home v. v. weak seems to lose strength each day. Judy there, left her at Brunswick Gds, pouring rain. Evelyn Coward here on return. Quiet evg with 2 children. Thursday 25 April Mrs. Cahill at home at the Chelsea Town Hall 9 o’c. Pouring wet, wrote unable to go. Called & saw dear Mother, Tabbie there & Mrs. Cornwell sang charmingly. Mother seems v. weak. Miss Ratcliffe’s about M’s dress & Woollands. Friday 26 April Dance at Kensington Town Hall (Maud) 9 o’c. Sandown with Mrs. Galbraith. X. petit ami evg. V. wet morg. Went with Maud & Galbraiths to Sandown Pk. races. Saw Hollands, Mrs. H. Lawson, Lindos. W. Buckmaster there. Returned just in time to dress, dine & go to Criterion to see “An Ideal Husband” with Roy. Met Mr Holland & wife there, introduced to his wife. Liked play immensely. M. home at 3 o’c. Saturday 27 April Heavy thundershower. In bed till 12.30. Went with Maud to New Gallery to meet Lin & Roy & ret’d & spent afternoon with Mother. Midge & H. away seeing a house. Mother v. weak could only hold my hand. Lin, M. & Roy met Fritz J. at New Gallery, did not introduce his fiancée. Sunday 28 April Mrs. Tate’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Laurence Phillips at home 3.30 to 7 o’c. Mr Molesworth, Evelyn, a Mr Marshall (unknown!) & Mr & Mrs. C. Burnand called & two Mr Lockyers. Lin to Niagara. Too seedy to go to Mrs. Tate’s. Maud went instead, sat between Mr Alexander & Mr Sterne. Maud to early service & to dear Mother after, was bit better. Monday 29 April Mad’lle called & stayed to luncheon. Mr Galbraith called. Lin rode & had his photo taken for some paper. Varnishing day at Academy, Lin there. After dinner Roy & Lin to “Tivoli”. Drove at 2.30 with Maud about her dress, & to Mother’s. Mervyn arrived fr. Australia this evening. X. Tuesday 30 April Mrs. Harley’s dance. Carrage at 10 o’c to Woollands to be fitted. To Miss Ratcliffe’s, stores for flowers, & dear Mother. Found all out, dearest Mother v. weak & suffering, it makes ones heart ache to see her. May 1895 Wednesday 1 May Royal Academy Private View, for Lin only. Mrs. Galbraith’s juvenile party. Mrs. Mocatta’s dance 11 o’c. Went to dear Mother’s to luncheon. Saw poor Mervyn awfully overcome about Mother, no wonder. She seemed slightly better. Midge walked part of way home with me, rained had to take cab. Maud enjoyed Mocatta’s v. much. Lin fetched her. Mad’lle here all day. Thursday 2 May Mrs. Fairfax Rhodes’ dance 10 o’c. Lovely day. Mad’lle & self off shopping together, ordered boots & Fritz’s present. Mr Blair & Mr Galbraith called. Mr G. drove M. home. Maud out after lunch with Evelyn. I took Maud to dance, left her


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 in charge of Mrs. Huish who brought her home in our brougham at 1 o’c. I sat with dear Mother Friday 3 May Private View at Academy. V. fine day. Maud & Lin went, M. looking sweet in her new Holland & pink dress. I went & spent morg. & lunched at dear Mother’s. Saturday 4 May Lin, Maud & self go to Paris D.V. Left by 11 o’c. Had lovely crossing & reached Hotel Continental at 9 o’c. Dined we 3 alone at 10. Sat out till 11 & went to bed. Had 2 charming rooms facing Tuilleries on 4th floor, 17 frs & 14 frs each. M. & self just missed seeing our party they all went to “Folies Bergères” which they declared a v. dull & tame performance. “Mabel Love” the best there. Sunday 5 May V. cold wind. Saw Sir Charles Hall, Mr Millar at hotel. Lin & self walked to Grand Hotel & called on du Mauriers had long talk with them. Found rest our party out on return. Mrs. Galbraith, Mr B. Lin Maud & self lunched at Ledoyens & drove after in two carriages to the Acacia Avenue in Bois de Boulogne. Met Mr Galbraith & H. Livesey also driving. Lin & Mr Livesey walked home whilst Mr G. & Mrs G. with Maud drove home in one carriage & Mr Blair & self in another. Had delightfully lively dinner at Hotel & sat in Vestibule after. H. Livesey most amusing & original. Mrs. G. wrote letters. Monday 6 May Maud & self went to Louvre morg. but felt too tired & hot took carriage & drove to L’arc de Triomphe & then to Ledoyens & sat there with Mr Blair until luncheon time when Lin joined us & we lunched together. After Lin went to see “Les beaux Arts” whilst Maud Mr B. & self sat out on Champs Elysées & watched people. Lin met us at 6 & we walked home in time to dress for table d’hôte dinner which was excellent. Mr Livesey was leaving by night mail so we had to hurry, v. cheery dinner all the same. Mr Blair & I went after to Nouveuté theatre to see “Hotel de Libre Echange” which was most amusing & v. French. We drove there & walked out between acts, & walked home. We listened to the Opera music thro’ phonograph also. Mr & Mrs. G. & Maud & Lin to Circle d’Eté. Tuesday 7 May Mrs. Douglas Sladen’s at home 9.30 PM. Miss Clerke’s at home 4.30 to 7. We all went in steamer to St Cloud, lunched at Restaurant Blué there & had a most excellent lunch in one of the alcoves with “demons” painted all over the walls. Lin & Mr B. went after by rail to Versailles, we drove. Charming drive. Saw the petits apartements of Marie Antoinette etc & sat out in the lovely grounds & garden & met Graham Winchester Clowes & Mr Millar doing the Palace like ourselves. Returned by rail, dined at Ledoyens. V. cheery dinner & went over after to “Ambassadeurs” not v. amusing performance. Walked home, sat in Vestibule till 12 o’c. Sp. came in after a most charming day. Wednesday 8 May Went at 11 o’c to Bon Marché with Mrs. Galbraith & maid. V. late for luncheon. Met Mr Blair, Papa & Mr Galbraith at Ledoyens. Mr G. went to lunch with wife & friend & shop’d after & drove to see Mary McQueen. Lin, M, Mr B. & self to Luxembourg, delightful pictures, charming. Met Mr Pollin. Sat out in Gardens & walked home along quay & saw old books. M. bought “Ivanhoe” well bound for 60 cts. To Hotel, dressed & went to dine with Mr Galbraith at Café des


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Ambassadeurs, table in front of balcony. V. excellent dinner & v. amusing enjoyed it immensely. All our party went on after to Opera except Lin & self. A man v. tall & thin dressed as ballet girl danced, v. funny & a little indelicate. Sat in vestibule at Hotel until 12 o’c. Thursday 9 May Lin Maud & self left Paris Hotel Continental at 11 o’c. Saw Spencer, Mr Blair, Galbraiths & Palmers & Nelsons before leaving, bought mantle for £10.10.0, broaches for maids 5 frcs. Pleasant journey, cold on channel. Mother about the same losing strength sowly but surely. Friday 10 May Walked to Mother’s took her forget me nots. Seems v. v. weak. Stayed to luncheon. Mervyn there. Saw Dr O. says Mother not as well as last week. Evelyn came in at breakfast & went for walk with Maud. Lin rode, met Sir W. Dolby. Saturday 11 May Mrs Gordon’s at home 4.30 to 6.30. Fritz’s wedding. Lin Maud & self went by rail to Twickenham, met Edgar & Sophy, Con, Eff & large party of friends at Waterloo. We family all went in same carriage. V. pretty wedding but on coming out of church saw a hearse standing right across the porch which seemed sadly out of keeping at such a time. House charming. Duchess of Albany & many aristocratics there. Think Fritz’s wife pretty little thing after Maud’s style with large eyes & long lashes, otherwise not as pretty as M. Went to Mrs. Galbraith’s party on way home. Mr Blair, Con & Mervyn dined here evg. Con v. vulgar & rude felt ashamed of him, uncomfortable in consequence. Sunday 12 May Maud & Eve to church. I went to dear Mother’s, saw Sophy, Ham & Midge. Returned home to luncheon. Mr Blair & Lin rode morg. & came home late did not lunch until 2.30. Mr Stone called (after 29 miles on his bicycle) just as M & self were leaving dining room. He remained on to tea & Evelyn came also. Mare slightly lame. Mr Blair stayed till a quarter to 7. Mr Stone promised to take Roy out for day on their bicycles. Lin & self dined at a’Becketts. Awful dinner, sat next to a familiar little Frenchman M. Villas & Mr Inderwich, found the latter far more entertaining. Mr Inderwich’s coat disappeared & was not found when he left at 11 0’c. Monday 13 May Lovely day. X. Lin fell in Row riding cob & sprained his thumb, more than thankful it was no worse. Evelyn sitting to Maud. Went with Maud at 4 o’c to enquire after Mrs. Sington both herself & son v. ill. Had tea at Mr Hartree’s, called on dear Mother. Edgar there so did not remain. To Galbraiths who go to Scotland tomorrow with children. Lady Anne Blunt called. We also called on Mrs. Steincopff, Lady Margaret Watney. Midge went to Fittleworth with Dora & Miss Healy, returns tomorrow night. Mr Blair returns to Edinburgh. Tuesday 14 May V. hot. Mervyn here to stand to Maud. I sat with Mother, seems v. ill & suffering. Midge not returned fr. taking Dora to Fittleworth, arrives tonight. May Nembhard, Miss Goodenough called, & Miss Rose Innes who took Maud to dine with her at de Vere Gds & met Lin & self at Savoy Theatre after, saw Hansel & Gretchen. Thought it v. dull & stupid, noisy tuneless music.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 15 May Mrs. de la Rue’s fancy dress ball. Postponed. Sat with Maud morg, drove her to meet Mr Fowler at (illeg) writing office at 2.30. He brought her on to me after at Mrs. English’s where we saw Mrs. Holland & Mrs. Cox in their drawing room gowns. Mrs. C’s v. pretty, white with yellow roses & black satin, lace & diamonds. Called & saw dear Mother, Tabbie & Mervyn there. Edgar, Sophy, H. & Midge lunching together. Thursday 16 May Miss Neaves at home 3 to 7. Blanche Cole 4 to 7. In all morg. At 3.30 to enquire after Mrs. F.C.B, Mrs. Leech, Ritchie, where we had tea. To Mother’s all out. Blanche Cole, interesting talk on books with Coles, & Miss Neaves, last dull, met Mrs. Mackenzie there. Miss Rose Innes dined with us & we went to Lyceum to see “A tale of Waterloo” charming little poem by Conan Doyle perfectly conceived & well carried out. Friday 17 May V. cold, fires again. In all morg. Went with Maud at 4 o’c to call on Tabbie & Mr Stone (away) Mother’s & found Edgar there. Gave me pretty Maltese lace handkerchief. Mr Blair sent two boxes of toffee, & peonies fr. Tabbie!. Lin hard at work, fortunately finger does not hurt him. Saturday 18 May Asked Tabbie & H. to dine. Went at 3 to Mother’s, & Mrs. Moscheles, out. Tabbie dined here, H. away. We went after to see “Vanity Fair” at Court, drove Tabbie home. Out morg. shops, flowers & jelly for dear Mother & cakes. Lin v. late finishing work. Sunday 19 May Maud early service, I to Mother. M. joined me there & we went to Park with Hamilton. V. v. cold. Spencer came to luncheon. Lin to Sir Alfred Hickman for tennis. Tabs, American girl, Miss Rose Innes, Winnie Lockyer, Harold Paxton & Mr Carlisle & Mr & Mrs. Galbraith called. Monday 20 May Mrs. E. Reed’s at home 4.30 to 7 & May Burnand’s. Went alone Maud too busy to go. At 3.30 to Mrs. Temple, Hare, Orchardsons had tea there, Mrs. C. Burnand & darling Mother’s, little better. Edgar & Sophy to dinner, stayed till 11.25. Tuesday 21 May X. Petit ami. Mr & Mrs Biggs’ dance 8.30, Broadside, West Hill, Putney. Mr Agnew’s dinner 7.30 sharp. Postponed till 28 th inst. Mrs. Fagan’s dinner 8 o’c. I lunch at Tab’s 1.30. Emma took Maud in brougham at 6.15 to Mrs. Carlisle’s. I lunched with Tab & went on in Midge’s carriage with Tab to Regent St & home. Mary B. & Effie H, Miss Hollingshead & the Sketchleys called. V. pleasant dinner at Mrs. Fagan’s. Wednesday 22 May Mrs. Tate’s at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Wallace’s dinner for Maud 8 o’c. Maud returned from Mrs. Carlisle’s in dog cart at 12 o’c. I went in cab at 4.30 to Mother’s. Edgar, Sophy, Mervyn, Midge, Ham & Tilda there. Remained until 8 o’c. Had dinner with Midge. Emma & Marie out. Mrs Henderson & Mrs Cameron Corbett called. Maud enjoyed parties v. much, home at 2 o’c.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 23 May Mrs. Cohen’s dinner 8 o’c for Lin, M. & self. Mrs. Macquoid at home 4 to 7. Winnie Lockyer to lunch. Roy home for day & off at once to Oval to watch cricket. V. pleasant dinner at Mrs. Cohen’s. Friday 24 May Mrs. Macmillan’s dinner 8 o’c. Asked Miss Mackenzie to tea. Drove to Mother’s, went on in carriage with Midge (hers) to Alexandra, fetched Tabbie & to stores. I sat in carriage. Horse fell at Alexandra Hotel broke both shafts. Midge brought me home in cab. Long chat with Miss Mackenzie. Saturday 25 May Mrs. Steincopff’s at home 5 to 7. Prince’s band. Maud dines at Baileys with Mrs. Galbraith & goes to Vaudeville 7 o’c. I out morg. at 10 to stores alone shop’g. Spent £3.11.7. Lin gave me £3.10.0. After lunch went with M. at 4.30 to Mrs. Steincopff, dull at home except for long talk with Col. Welby & Mrs. Jones. Called to enquire for darling Mother unable to see her, too weak. Tabbie & Edgar there. Lin off to first night of “Fedora”, B. Tree & Mrs. Pat Campbell, only 1 place to be had. Sunday 26 May Asked Mr & Mrs. Galbraith, Mr & Mrs. Arthur Russell, Mr Stone & Tabbie to dinner. Man to wait. Evelyn returned fr. church with Maud early & remained on with me whilst Maud went to Park with H. Langley Mervyn & Tabbie. Mr J. Hood & Mr & Mrs. Fowler called. Not as lively a dinner as usual all left at 11 & 11.30. Monday 27 May Mrs. H. Levy’s dinner 8 o’c. Sp. here, went with Lin to see house in Vic. Rd. Met Mrs. Boulanger & Violet Cotton. Stayed after with dear Mother until 1.30, seemed more her dear self. V. pleasant dinner at Mrs. L’s of 23. A Frenchman amused us, after dinner had a long talk with him on French literature. Maud had Hon. Mr R. Gore to take her in to dinner She seemed to be amused with him. Tuesday 28 May Mr Agnew’s dinner 8 o’c. 11.30 to School of Music to be shown over by Mon. Visetti. Mrs. Lennox Browne at home 4 to 6. I went at 11.30 in brougham to School of Music, found Senor Visetti giving lessons, heard 4 girls sing, 3 quite charmingly & one gentleman who shouted “Mortals all rejoice welcoming spring”. I saw Mr Donaldson’s museum after, v. interesting old instruments. Signor Visetti v. flowery as usual. Mr & Mrs. Nelson, Sp, Ada Sp. & Hilda, Mrs. Walter Crane & Mrs. Lawrence Philips & Miss Cohen called. Maud quite delighted with Miss C’s playing. Enjoyed dinner at Mr Agnew’s v. much. 4 small tables at which 6 sat. Mr Agnew, Mrs. F.C.B, a’Beckett, du Maurier, Mrs. Lucy & self at one. Mr F.C.B, Lin, Sir J.Tenniel, Mrs. du Maurier, Mrs. Phil Agnew. Dinner charming. I had most interesting talk with du Maurier about his books. Tiresome music after dinner when we all wanted to talk. Wednesday 29 May M. & self to Park 1st time together this season, sat there till 1 o’c. Derby Day. Sir Visto, Ld. Rosebery’s horse ridden by Sam Loates won. (illeg) . Lin rode morg. Turkish Bath afternoon. Italian lady & gentleman called fr. Mrs. Rae. Mrs. Arthur Russell called. M. & self at 3.30 to Lady Wills, Aird, Threlfall, Lady Anne Blunt, Mocatta, Mrs. Rhodes, Wallace, & Chapman where we met Lady Emily Chesey


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 who told us of terrible accident her maid saw in the Row yesterday. Also saw Mrs. Cameron Corbett. Thursday 30 May Asked Miss Mackenzie to dinner 8 o’c. Went with Sp. to Row. Evelyn & Maud met us there. Walked up Row met Galbraiths & Alexanders & Mrs. Albert a’Beckett. Drove at 3.30 alone to Mrs. Mackenzie 17 Observatory Gds, Mrs. Montefiore jnr, Fanny Barker, Mrs Heilbutt, Mother, found her so excited about Mervyn’s cold, all rest out. Madame Allain called. Friday 31 May Maud & self dine with Miss Rose Innes at 7 & go to hear Earl of Rosse lecture on “The radiant heat fr. the moon during the progress of an eclipse”. Maud & Miss Ritchie to Park where I joined them after taking Mother some jelly & Maud’s dress to Miss Ratcliffe. Met them in Row Hyde Pk Corner. Met Cap’t Marks & Cap’t Heathorn, talked some time with them & then took Maud to Mr Bartlett about her tooth which he prepared for stopping. Miss Ritchie left alone by omnibus. Mrs. Galbraith Snr called. Maud came out in thick rash over face arms & neck so cannot take her tonight. V. hot. Jun 1895 Saturday 1 June Maud goes to Hurlingham with the Galbraiths & dines there. Sunday 2 June Walked with Maud to Mother’s thro’ Gardens. Lin went off at 10.30 for Calais. Found darling Mother vy. suffering. Midge went to Fittleworth yesterday to see Dora. I lunched at the Galbraiths, Evelyn & the 2 Italians there. Maud lunched at Mother’s. Brought Evelyn back with me. Tilda, Bret Harte, Mr Marks, Miss Rose Innes & Miss Holland & friend called. Monday 3 June Mary Nicol comes for a week. Went to dear Mother’s after lunch, helped with her room all morg. turning out drawers. Mother v. v. ill & weak. Midge returned fr. Fittleworth. H. & Edgar at Mother’s. Estate again deficient on ac’t of Nash farm. Mary arrived fr. Leeds at 7.45. Tuesday 4 June Eton, luncheon. Mr de la Rue’s invitation for us all to go to their steam launch for the entire day. Left Paddington at 11.30 with the de la Rues, boys met us at Windsor & we went on to launch. Lady E. Churchill’s party of 11. V. pretty woman. Miss Preston, Mr & Mrs. de la Rue, 3 boys Sybil(?) dear Roy, Maud Lin & self. Steamed up River, perfect day not too sunny or hot. Lunched sumptuously at 1 o’c every luxury fruit ices etc in quantities. Went up river before luncheon & down after past Datchett, had tea on board, on deck rather, Mr de la Rue had fall in one of the locks. Back to see procession of boats v. pretty sight 10 of them. Saw Mr Goldie & his 3 little girls, McLarens etc. Horrid accident on ops. bank. A horse took fright & rushed into crowd on bank of river, turned & fell over on to slope. Several women thrown into water & one boy run over. Hope no one seriously hurt but it looked an ugly accident. Dined on board again sumptuously & after a turn up the river, left by 8 o’c train with the de la Rues. Only had a few words with dear Roy. V. delightful day. Wednesday 5 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 5 o’c to Imperial Institute with Mrs. Coward to hear E. Strauss’s band. Dr Orton came to see Maud. Lunched at Garrick. Mr & Mrs. B. Tree, Bret Harte, Mary, Lin, Maud, Mr & Mrs. Galbraith & Col. Hensman. V. interesting talk between Bret Harte & B. Tree on (illeg) right across me. To Mother’s unable to see her so weak had just been punctured. Ethel Dale & Midge there. Went on with the two girls to I. Institute & Strauss’ Band, a dream! Met the Cowards, Arthur Cecil & Mrs. Gaetz(?) Quiet evg at home after. Thursday 6 June Lin & self dine at Mrs. Pepys Cockerell. V. respectable dull dinner, everyone behaving so nicely. Table & dinner charming, company distinctly slow. To darling Mother’s at 11. V. v. ill, was punctured yesterday & seems much weaker. Mervyn & Miss Dale called & had tea here 4 o’c. Mr Paxton to lunch & stayed on talking till 5.15, one continuous prattle. Mary & Maud went off to their room & rested. Lin retired to his end of the room & slept whilst I had to listen to Mr Paxton feeling sleepy & uninterested. Maud & Mary to “Othello” with Mrs. Pickering, heard Albani & Samagno(?) the new great tenor & fr. there to Mrs. (blank) dance. Were not home till 3.30 Friday morg. Friday 7 June App’t for Maud with Mr Bartlett at 12 o’c. Had to wire & put it off. Dine with Miss Rose Innes at 7 o’c. Bright sunny day. Dear Father’s birthday, no, July. Galbraiths called to sat goodbye morg. Mother no longer seems to know us & quite delirious at times. Saturday 8 June Lovely day. Went to dear Mother’s seems to know us a little better. Stayed & had lunch with Midge alone. Dora & Mervyn to see King Arthur. Mary & Maud fetched me at 1.30 & we went to see the “Shop Girl” where Lin joined us. On way home I went to Mother’s where I saw Edgar, Mrs. Fraser, Ham’s sister just arrived fr. S. America, Tilda & Mervyn. Mary & Maud went to Hurlingham. We dined quietly & made poems after. Sunday 9 June Maud & Mary to Church. I to dear Mother’s. Stayed until ten 30 o’c. Mother fearfully ill. Carr Glyn & Orton there twice during day. Mr McColl, Evelyn, Miss Rose Innes & young Thomson called. Monday 10 June Mother v. ill, there all day, & still partially conscious. Stayed at Mother’s all day till dinner time. Mary & Maud to lunch at Mrs. Pratts & made cakes after. We all went to see “Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith” after 6.30 dinner. Felt tired & worn out having cried my eyes into a pulp. Tuesday 11 June Soirée at the Anglo African writers club, Imperial Institute 8.30. Lady Lawson at home 4.30 to 7. Mrs. Douglas Sladen at home 9.30, to meet Mr Gilbert Parker. Mr Bret Harte dines here & we have Royal Box at Haymarket for “Fedora”, Miss Rose Innes also. All went on after to Mr Stone’s rooms to supper except Bret Harte who ret’d home, & self. Darlng Mother awfully ill. Con up, he & Dora ret’d to Fittleworth afternoon. Maud & Mary here to see callers afternoon. Feel too tired & no heart for anything, darling Mother always in my mind, went there early after breakfast.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 12 June Soirée (Mr Lockyer). Mrs. Mackesy 4.30 to 7. Mrs. Warre’s dance, Roland House. Went to dear Mother’s after breakfast with Mervyn who came to sit to Maud. Mother still seems half unconscious. Remained until 6 o’c, cab, unable to get bus. Maud off at 10 o’c to meet Lin to Soirée & after to dance. Mary Nicol left us. X. Petit ami Maud. Thursday 12 June Went with Lin in dog cart to Battersea Pk to see cyclists, felt headachy & nervous. Saw Mary Nicol breakfasting at Club House in Pk. Great crowd of smart people riding, driving, walking & cycling. No one we knew but Mr Adams. To Mother after, still partially conscious & excited. Remained till 6.45. Home in Midge’s carriage. Mrs. M(illeg) etc called. Maud dined with Miss Chapman 8 o’c. Mervyn came in after I had dined & stayed till 10. Friday 14 June Asked Ethel Dale, coming tomorrow. Maud lunched with the Nembhards & went to the Earl’s Court Exhibition with them. I stayed at Mother’s till 6 o’c when carriage fetched me. Mother still very ill, Midge & I with her all afternoon. X. Petit ami. Saturday 15 June Maud goes to Mrs MacQueen’s at home 4 to 7 & to theatre with Miss Holland & Mr Carlisle after. Ethel Dale arrived 11.30 & went off with Mervyn & returned with me for Mother’s. Mervyn dined with us. Maud had her dinner in my room & rushed off only half an hour to dress & dine. Letter fr. Mr C. Thomson asking Maud & self to Ranelagh with him & offering his carriage. Sunday 16 June Lin dines at Dr Orwin’s. In bed till 12.30. Finished “In Furthest Ind” don’t like it. Maud & Ethel, Ham L & Mervyn to Park after church. Tilda to luncheon. Lin had 2 turns round the gardens on his Bicycle. Mervyn fetched Ethel after lunch & they went off calling together. Maud dines with Mrs. Rhodes at 8 o’c. Mervyn Ethel & self here alone. Only Mr Arden called & stayed a long time. Monday 17 June Mrs. Rawlinson at home 4.30 to 7 o’c. Midge with H. to country to see house. Tabs up till tomorrow. Je n’aime pas (illeg illeg) je changerée d’(illeg) amis plus tard, je l’espire(?). Maud at work morg. Maud to tea with Miss Endhoven & sat in Pk with her, cab home 2/-. Owe Ethel 4d for our omnibus fr. Mother’s. Edgar there & Tabbie up for day only, looking blooming. Midge & H. returned fr day in country just as we were leaving. Mervyn dined here & went after with Ethel to Indian Exhibition. Tuesday 18 June Mrs. Holmes at home 4 - 7. Lin & Maud to Ascot. Maud evg. to Mrs. C. Burnand’s dance. Ethel D. out all day with Mervyn. Went to Mother’s in dog cart at 12, stayed till 5.30. Felt oh! so tired & done up in my head, dear Mother what must she feel, only seeing her suffer makes one feel so bad. Went at 5.30 to Mrs. Holmes met there Ada Sp, Fanny Barker & Mary, Ethel & Mrs. H. Holmes. Sent brougham home & drove with Ada in Pk, felt better for it. Alice took Maud to May Burnand’s in carriage, fetches her. Lin & M. seem to have enjoyed their day at Ascot, lovely day. Ladies of party Leigh-ish, men pleasant. Letter fr. Bret Harte about his glasses, will not own they were broken.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 19 June Mrs. Schwann’s dance 9.30. Mrs. G. Agnew’s at home 9.30, 5 Sussex Square Hyde Pk. Drove dear Maudie to Mrs. Carlisle’s where she stayed the night. Feel v. bad, head splitting & generally feel ill. Mervyn dined here Ethel & self. Mother worse again v. v. ill, feel most wretched about her. the darling so patient. Could not remain in room, it breaks my heart to see her drifting from us. Thursday 20 June Mrs. Moscheles 10 o’c, 80 Elm Pk Rd. Lin dines at Mr Hartree’s, weird host on this occasion. Went to dear Mother’s at 3.30 found her much worse & could not get her take any food. Judy there & Edgar. Feel awfully bad & had a general breakdown, v. selfish as Midge is so brave. Spencer, Ada Sp, Mervyn, Ethel Dale & Maud & self here to dinner. My head too bad for words. Maids managed extra well which was a comfort & relief. Fetched M. in dog cart at 11 o’c head still aching. Bought fruit & flowers for dinner. Went after luncheon to Mother’s 3.30. Friday 21 June Mattuni concert 3 o’c. Ethel Dale leaves, great relief in present trouble. To darling Mother’s after breakfast in dog cart. V. v. ill, cannot take nourishment, her breathing more laboured, could only get her to take one wine glass of Valentines (illeg) no longer seems to do the good it did. After lunch Midge & self put up summer curtains in dear Mother’s room, wiped floor all over with sanitas. Edgar came. Mother much worse. Midge & self helped her out of bed but so weak we could scarce get her back again. After tea she became worse. Edgar sat with her for long while alone. Mr Carr Glynn called & prayed with us, only Jessie & I remained in room poor Edgar too upset. The darling seemed comforted & appeared to fully understand the soothing words but sank into a sleep we could not rouse her from after & passed most peacefully away without a sigh at a quarter past six to our great grief & sorrow. The dearest & most loving Mother & truest friend & adviser, how shall we do without her? Saturday 22 June Lady Ellis 4 to 7, Buccleugh House Richmond. Went to Jessie after breakfast took roses, found Judy there with Jessie in darling Mother’s room. Feel so wretched c’d not rest, did flowers quantities. Lovely roses fr. Edgar. Lunched & dined with Midge. Feel so grieved for poor Mervyn. The intense loneliness terrible, how we miss our darling Mother even when only half realizing the awful truth. Darling Mother looks so sweet & peaceful her dear face lost all its look of pain & suffering & but for her paleness looks as if she were in a sweet sleep of life. Sunday 23 June Away at Mansions all day. Dear Edgar brought some exquisite roses & lilies. All so sad & lonely cannot realize our darling Mother has gone for ever. The reality comes in waves like a hideous nightmare. Edgar & Conrad, Ham & self & Jess at luncheon. Sophy called & Tabbie in afternoon & remained hours. The coffin or shell closed at 6. Tabbie & Conrad dined with Lin & Maud at Staf. Ter. I reached home at 10 o’c. Feel very sad cannot yet realize the wretched truth. Monday 24 June To Jessie after breakfast. Edgar had been early bringing the most exquisite basket of flowers, pink & red roses, lilies & other flowers. Darling Mother looking so sweet & peaceful.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 25 June Mrs. Lennox Browne 4 to 7. Mrs. Briton Riviere 4 - 7. Went to the Mansions at 11 & with Jessie to order our blk alpaca dresses at Goodmans. To order 2 lovely rose wreaths for Maud & Dora in South Audley Street, to pay Redfern’s bill of Maud’s £1.3.0. After luncheon did all the flowers in darling Mother’s room. Lovely 3 rd basket of roses fr. Edgar, lilies sweet peas & quantities of moss roses. Midge took sweet peas & I arum lilies, the whole room crowded with lovely flowers. Midge & self rested after. I remained on to dinner & slept in Mrs. Fraser’s room. Edgar & Conrad, Midge & self & Hamilton to dinner. After sorted out wreaths sprinkled them & put cards on our own & (illeg) boxes. To bed only at 12 o’c & must be up at 5 o’c. Wednesday 26 June X.X.X. Up at 5 o’c. My darling Mother interred this day at St Peter’s Thanet. Tabbie came at 5.30AM to arrange border wreaths. We hung 11 wreaths & 2 crosses on ourselves. Train left Vic Sta. at 8 & all the sad parting took place quietly & no onlookers as they left here 58 Albert Hall Mansions at 7 o’c. The aching lonliness dreadful after. Read service in darling Mother’s room fr. 11.15 to 12. The flowers most beautiful 34 wreaths & crosses. The flowers in darling Mother’s room so fresh if only her own dear self were with us. God bless her & “Grant her that peace which passeth all understanding” & grant we may all be united in the Great Hereafter. Dear Roy returned to Eton. He came last evg. & went to St Peters with all the family today. Thursday 27 June Mrs. Tattersall 4 – 7, Garden Party. Hungarian Bd. Maud dines with Miss Rose Innes & goes to theatre with her “Bristol” at 7 o’c. Cannot go. Maud to luncheon at Burlington Hotel Cork St with Mrs. Thorneycroft at 2 o’c. Friday 28 June To Midge at 10 o’c. Edgar going thro’ all the papers in dear Mother’s room. X. Went at 3 o’c after luncheon with Midge to see Mr Smith by ap’t. Most annoying find all my money is in trust by my marriage settlement & I have no power over it whatever, the worry of finding trustees so vexing. Went on after to see Sophy. I stayed & had tea there, found Evelyn with Maud on my return. Saturday 29 June Mrs. Walter Crane 9 - 12. Mrs. R. Norton 3.30 to 7, music, at Coombe Croft, Coombe Warren, Kingston Hill. Lady Whitehead at home, Royal Botanic Gardens 3 to 7. Drove to Goodman & on to Ratcliffe’s met Mrs. Fraser & Midge there, ordered bodice. Went to stores for strawberries etc morg. Sunday 30 June To early service with Maud, met Mrs. Coward & family. Evelyn went on with M & self to sit in Gardens. Miss Rose Innes came to tea. Mrs. Fraser, Midge & Hamilton dined here. Jul 1895 Monday 1 July Went at 10.30 in brougham to be fitted Goodmans, on after to meet Maud at Nilsons. Otley drove v. carelessly made me v. nervous. To Marshall about M’s evg. dress, so crowded had to go. Feel deadly tired. Slept after lunch but still feel dead. Mr Galbraith called. Edgar & Sophy came to dinner. Felt v. sad.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 2 July Mrs. Briton Riviere 4 - 7, tennis. Dinner party of 8 or 12, Watneys. All postponed. Dull day. Lin rode early. Ethel English & Winnie Lockyer to tea. Lady Wills & Lady Bergne called, did not see them. Wednesday 3 July Mrs. Rawlinson at home 4.30 - 7. Mrs. Temple at home 9.30. Mrs. Grierson at home 4 - 7 at 4 Holland Villas Rd. Maud goes to Mrs. Cohen’s for a few days. Postponed. Went with Maud by bus to Marshall & Snelgroves. Bother about account there. Went alone at 3.30 to Midge, sent back brougham & went with Midge & Dora to Whiteleys & sat in Park. Midge brought me back home. Miss Rose Innes to dinner, only Alice in. Miss Innes stayed till 11.20. Saw Edgar at the Mansions. Lin heard fr. Mr Stone in Row of Miss Steincopff’s engagement to Col. Welby. Lady Margaret & Rosalind called. Thursday 4 July University match at Lords, Maud & Lin going. I go to Midge. To lunch & stayed till 7 o’c looking with Edgar over darling Mother’s things, it seems sacriledge to touch them. Waddie at Midge’s. Friday 5 July Mrs. Henderson’s dance 10.30. Lady Ellis’ at home 4 - 7. Mrs. de la Rue’s at home 10.30. Went early to Mansions & went over silver etc with Edgar, lunched with Midge. Edgar & Sophy going to Lowestoft by 3 train. Mrs. Fraser lunching with Sophy. Maudie to lunch with Mr Hartree’s party at Lords & goes by 6 o’c train fr. Waterloo to Staines to stay with the Cohens till Tuesday. Saturday 6 July Went with Lin to Lowestoft. Edgar & Sophy met us at Lowestoft station & we walked to Hotel which was close & facing sea. Dined together & took stroll on Parade & Pier after. More worries about the winding up of estate on account of those scoundrels Welch & Chapple. To bed at 10.30. Lowestoft much larger & more modern than I expected. Harbour to left of Hotel filled with fishing smacks & a pretty yacht painted white, Freemantle owner. Only the parade between us & the sea & not a very wide parade, sand & shingle beach. Parade extends a mile to the Grand Hotel owned by same proprietor as the one we are staying at “The Royal”. Salvation Army in great form & all over the place no getting away fr. them. Sunday 7 July Lovely morg. Woke early after good night. Sat out in front of Hotel facing sea until Lin Edgar & Sophy returned fr. their bathe. Had breakfast together. Sophy off to her church. Lin & I wrote letters & sat out with Edgar till luncheon. Lin had bad headache & slept 2 hours before tea. I sat with Sophy on beach where Edgar joined us till tea time, when Lin joined us & we all walked & looked over Grand Hotel, delightful place much higher up & more like a lovely country house. Monday 8 July Edgar & Sophy returned by 1 o’c train fr. Lowestoft. Lin & self returned by 2.35 & arrived home in time for dinner. Tuesday 9 July Mrs. Briton Riviere 4 - 7, tennis. To Mansions at 10.30. Valuers going thro’ everything to sheets of paper & stockings. Most revolting. Think Edgar is over


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 scrupulous, personally have no sympathy for a government who could pass such laws. Home to lunch. Miss Neaves, Fanny Barker & Mary & Mrs. Harley & Mrs. Tweedie to tea. Maudie returned fr. Mrs. Cohen’s at 6 o’c. Emma met her. Seems better for change. Wednesday 10 July Went to Midge’s at 10.30. Found her v. seedy. Packed 2 boxes for her & hat box & glass. Lunched there, took Dora at 4 off to dentist to have front tooth stop’d, & back to Mansions. Edgar there looking decidedly better. Poor Mervyn seems v. down & looks thin. Maudie to tea at Miss Chapman’s & after dinner to Mr Lockyer, went with them to Earls Court Exhibition, home only at ¼ to 12 & seems to have enjoyed it. Wish Maudie were less limp. Thursday 11 July Dear Maud off to Henley with the Schwanns. Lin & self dine at Edgar & Sophy’s. Midge, Hamilton & Dora go to Earls Barton. M. enjoyed herself immensely, only party of 4, Miss Schwann Mr Schwann & Mr Furgerson. They had a punt & were home in time for 8 o’c dinner. Mervyn dined here with Maud, & lunched with Lin & self. Pleasant little evening at Edgar’s. Friday 12 July Mr Hartree’s luncheon & tea at “Lords”, Eton & Harrow match. Mrs. Critchett’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin & Maud to Mr Hartree’s. Mervyn lunched with Edgar. I went to Mansions after luncheon, could do nothing, Edgar going thro’ papers. Tilda, Mervyn, Roy & self to dinner. Eton doing well at Lords. X. Petit ami self. Saturday 13 July Mr Hartree’s as yesterday. I went up with Lin in cab to Fanny Barker’s where I lunched. V. pretty house charmingly furnished but too orderly, not a thing out of place. Came back by cab. Sp. here, had tea in my room. Lin & chicks home ¼ to 8. Drawn game between Eton & Harrow. They had delightful day & saw numbers of friends, & went on after dinner to Indian Exhibition. V. crowded & stuffy, returned soon. Mervyn lunched here alone & went after with Ethel to the country to visit some of her people. Sunday 14 July In bed till 12 o’c. Maud to church & to Park after with Roy. Evelyn to tea & Miss Rose Innes also. Spencer to dinner. Monday 15 July Roy left early. In bed till 12 o’c. Maud started fresh story. Miss Rose Innes to dinner, stayed v. late, felt v. tired & weak. Lin rode his cycle. Tuesday 16 July In bed till 12. Maud at work & after sat in Ionides old garden with the Cowards. Called after lunch on Mrs. Fritz, out!!! Lillie Holland called before our return. May Nembhard called. Wednesday 17 July X. Lin & self went at 3 to Bath club, fr. there to lawyer! Mr Smith! Signed both our wills, had long talk for which we neither seem the wiser. Discover that instead of receiving between £10,000 & £12,000 shall only get between 8 to 10 or less. Nous verrons. Shall be glad of anything extra. Maudie & self alone.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 18 July Feel v. seedy & limp still. Edgar & So to dinner. Ed. quite cheerful over the new flaw in the will. Sp’s taking an 8th of original sum, value of estate at dear Father’s death. Wonder when the complications will terminate. Must expect nothing until I receive ---? Went after character of cook for Midge, seems satisfactory, wrote to Midge & cook sending result of interview. Pouring wet evening. To Marshall’s about Midge’s cook, saw one rather nice respectful manner of speaking £36 & supposed to know everything. To Mde Bocquet’s, ordered evg dress. She seems to have had a world of trouble, husband & son against her & herself taken legal proceedings against her neighbour of Electric Light. Won her case & her husband & son gone! Friday 19 July Out morg. shops. With Maud to be fitted at Miss Ratcliffe’s with 3 dresses, having them all much alike! Lin finished work evg, dinner at 10 o’c in consequence. Called alone at 4.30 on Mrs. G. Agnew, v. fine house! In, Sylvia du M, Davies out, Aunt Linda, saw Ethel who dressed evidently before seeing one judging by time, & Mrs Coward. Saw Blanche here & walked part of way home with her. Mrs. C. looking v. pretty so healthy & well, the girls decidedly anemic. Went for cook’s character today not yesterday. Saturday 20 July Pouring wet morg. Out shops, put on old dress & met Vicar! Ordered drugget for stairs. In all afternoon weather so unsettled. Read to Maud, v. busy drawing. Sp. & Hilda called morg. caught me standing to Maud in night dress! Brought sticks to burn, result not pleasant. Lin rode gee, or bicycle, evg, can get on & off now to his satisfaction. Washed Empire candlesticks found one broken. (illeg) Sunday 21 July Pouring wet morg. Fine later. Monday 22 July Lin’s dinner here. Lord Russell, Sir C. Hall, Hon Schomberg Macdonal, Burnand, Roger Wallace, F. Jackson, Fletcher Moulton, Vernon Watney, Ayala & the Host. Julienne. Soles white sauce. Volaille of Veals tongue. Roast lamb, peas, French beans. Roast chicks, salade. Jelly with currants, sherry. Blancmange brandy apricots. Haddock savoury & coffee ice. V. quiet dinner. Spent whole morg. stores, met Mr Taylor at Stores. Mervyn arrived at 11.45 night fr. South Shields. Sp. came & helped with table. Edgar called, wants a copy of settlement, more expence! Tuesday 23 July Left Maud at Miss Ratcliffe’s & went to be fitted at Mde B’s. Bank about settlement. Took piece of material to Storey’s, kept one piece. Gill & dear Mervyn to lunch. Little dressmaker here for 3 days. Mrs. Macquoid called, so distressed about Mr Winchester Clowes. Wednesday 24 July V. hot & close. Maud & self to Alice Hughes for M’s photo. Hope they will turn out well. Maud v. tired & overwrought evg. Thursday 25 July Lin & self dined with Edgar & So. V. pleasant evg, Yoland there. V. faint poor mite after dinner. Paid little Stephens for Maud 9/- for 3 days work. To Madame’s to be


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 fitted, do not think much of dress. Pd. Marshall & Snelgroves bill, over £11. Went & ret’d by bus. Two letters fr. Fritz about investments. Friday 26 July Maudie goes to Mrs. Mocatta at Datchett by 12.40 fr. Waterloo Loop line. Dull morg. Emma saw her off. Out morg. shop’g spent £1.10.0 on nothings. Worked afternoon. Quiet evg. dined at 9. Mervyn to Edgar’s after dinner. Saturday 27 July Midge came up. Went to Mansions where she stays till Wed. Midge dined here. Mervyn quite cheery. Shop’g morg. Sunday 28 July Pouring wet day. Edgar came to luncheon late & dear Midge also, had long talk over lunch & tea. Sp. to tea. Midge here to luncheon & dinner, Bates fetched her. Monday 29 July Tabbie came up. Dear Mervyn getting rather nervous. Went with Midge to Ratcliffe’s, to Mackay about flowers for wedding, rooms, & dear Mervyn’s buttonhole. To Buzzards about cake, & Madame Bocquet, told me about her divorce. Tabbie to dinner. V. cheery evg. Sp. came in afternoon & after dinner. Dear Maud ret’d fr. the Mocattas. Tuesday 30 July Dear Mervyn’s wedding. V. fine morg. Went at 9.30 with Maud to Mr Bartlett, home by 11. Tabbie to luncheon. I took dear Mervyn in brougham to Church met the Dale party there. Felt v. low & miserable so vexed with myself but c’d not master the feeling. Mervyn looked so handsome & spoke up well & looked very happy going away. Maud, Hilda, Yoland threw flowers. Ordered 3 bunches pink flowers & basket tied with pink satin looked sweet. Church v. prettily arranged. Went into Vestry after. Mr Carr Glynn v. amused I sh’d think he had attended his father-in-law’s wedding (Duke of Argyle) which takes place at Ripon(?) today. Mervyn & Ethel drove to Lady Hemming where E. changed her dress & went on to their rooms 4 Princes St, had had them all arranged with lovely flowers, ordered cake at Buzzards. After wedding Edgar walked home with me alone, left me here. All our people came to tea here except Tabs & Ham who returned home same afternoon. After tea went with Midge to Mansions packed all Edie’s & Annie’s things & sorted the linen. Also brought away a few things Edgar said I might keep. Midge dined with us Bates fetched her. This day felt like a whole week. Wednesday 31 July Maudie goes to Mrs. Henderson’s. I saw her off at Paddington met Charlie Livesay & another girl going 3rd to Mrs. Henderson’s so changed M’s 1 st class ticket & got a 3rd for her to travel with them. Lin to Mr Smith solicitor with Mr Barr about Barr estate. Drove Lin up at 3.30 to Hyde Pk. Corner, & went on alone to Stores & Ratcliffe, home. Miss Maud & Mervyn & Mother. Aug 1895 Thursday 1 August Tabbie’s Christchurch. Going tomorrow. Morning packed with Marie. Sp. came seems v. depressed so sorry for him. Packed till 4.30 & then went to stores bought cape & dressing gown & 2 lotions for Lin’s eyes. Edgar called on return


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 for Epitome X of Father’s will. Left parcel which Alice took after dinner to his rooms 42 Brook St. Lin trying to finish work, to go by 2.15 tomorrow. Friday 2 August Lin v. busy finishing work to get off by 2.15, great rush. Sp. came in whilst we were lunching & went part of way with us in cabs. Met Sophy with Yolande who came with us. Mr & Lady Maud Hooper at Tabs for night. Mr Nugent dined here also. Lin & Roy brought their bikes. Baby great fat boy like a Henry V111 baby, seems good tempered little thing. Gwen & Eve much grown. Saturday 3 August Pouring wet day. Mr & Lady M. Hooper left at 1 o’c. Gwen drove with me to South End to see cricket, remained ½ an hour to see Roy play & ret’d in cart so wet. Ham out all day only returning in time for dinner, went to Cowes about damage done to Alma yacht. Sunday 4 August Fine & wet alternately, glass low. Monday 5 August Lin, H, & self off at 9.30 to Southampton for Cowes week. Mr Morrel with us hugely dull simple person. H. gave us luncheon!!! V. wet on yacht, at 4 o’c met Mr Pemberton. Like “Abafna” v. much, v. charmingly fitted. Feel v. seedy obliged to leave dinner table. Just in time on yacht to see arrival of German Emperor. He steamed in between his 5 men of war & took his mooring next to us. Could see all splendidly as he came in, our men of war also, it looked like a naval war so much smoke. Tuesday 6 August V. wet & windy. Con arrived, looks fairly well. Lin & H. ashore after tea & met Miss Knowles, Lethbridge etc etc, quiet evg. Put up pictures with Ham all morg. Wednesday 7 August X. Petit ami, most inconvenient on yacht. Pumping so inconvenient all the world knows! Lin left before luncheon. Con & H. ashore again after dinner. They returned early finding it v. slow. Had to move our position on account of Mr Goschen on “Enchantress”, 1st Lord of the Admiralty coming. Thursday 8 August Finer day. All lavatories up, mine carried off bodily for entire day. 3 gentlemen came to see yacht, one a Frenchman & rather entertaining. Con & H. ashore before dinner, played & sang after. 4 German men of war with Torpedo catcher left Cowes leaving only one man of war with the Emperor. Friday 9 August Windy dull morg. Packed & went ashore with Con & Ham & on to Southampton steamer, reached Hinton Admiral at 12.30. V. glad to get back. Quite gay afternoon, Mrs. Reeve with Mr Wallace & Miss Duff Gordon, Mrs. Neck of High Cliff & Mrs. Surman & sister came to tea. Lin arrived 4.30 from London. Much warmer at Mudeford than on yacht, had cheery dinner & to bed early. Feel better notwithstanding fatigue of journey. Saturday 10 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Breakfasted in bed. Mad’lle Henri left after 5 years. Tabbie, Evelyn & self took her to Station & then on to Bournemouth, poor Eve v. unhappy at Mad’lle going. Roy playing cricket at Sir G. Merrick’s, Lin off for long cycle ride. Heavy shower. Sunday 11 August Wrote morg. Fine day but incessant wind. Sat in summer house all morg. reading & in open arbor after lunch with Lin. To tea at Mrs. Surman, 3 gunners & Miss Gilson there. Miss darling Mother v. much. She was here the last time we were, two years ago. Monday 12 August Lovely day. Sat out all day in arbor with Lin & went with children to see them bathe. Drove with Tabs at 4 o’c. V. windy. H. returned fr. yacht in time for dinner. Dear Maud ret’d home ft. Buscot & missed Emma at Station. Miss Meiggs left Maud at Staf. Ter in her cab. Tuesday 13 August Dora & I hope Maud come by the 2.15. V. wet morning cleared after. Miss Messel’s wedding day. Little Yolande left by morning train. Lin off on bike to meet Dora & Maud. Wednesday 14 August Lin, Roy & I return home. Maud goes with Ham & Tabs to Dartmouth to join Mervyn & Ethel & yacht “Abafna”. Pleasant journey up. Lost my mule pannier, Otley got it evg. Lin & Roy on bicycles fr. Vauxhall & I had luggage to see to Waterloo. Roy v. rude evg. Cannot imagine why he is so rude with me. Thursday 15 August Fine day warmer. Vernon Watney sent 2 brace of grouse. Lin hard at work. Friday 16 August Went by bus to Bank about trust securities & to Redferns ordered blk serge dress to be 9½ gns, like Tabbie’s. Worked all afternoon. Saturday 17 August Fine morg. ap’t Redfern’s 11 o’c. V. tired all day. Evg to Palace Theatre with Lin & Roy. V. good programme but felt too tired to really enjoy it. Sunday 18 August. Went by L.C & D. Rly to Calais & returned in time for dinner. Glorious day, met Sir G. & Lady Armstrong. Sat on deck with her & had long interesting talk with her. They lunched at our table but had to hurry off to catch Paris train for Aix les Bains. Met Jonson(?) correspondent for “Debat” & “Figaro”, Jd. Knowles & many friends of Lin’s. Awfully tired evg. but enjoyed day. Had 2 Americans in our carriage fr. Dover to Vic, v. interesting & amusing. Lin rode his cycle with Roy before breakfast. Monday 19 August Out early shops. Dear Roy’s birthday, 17 today. After dinner we 3 went to see “The Artist’s Model” scarcely worth turning out for. Mr Reed called & went for turn on bicycle with Lin. Tuesday 20 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 V. hot & oppressive. Mr Reed dines here & goes with Lin & Roy to see Shop Girl. Went by bus to be fitted Redferns this morg. Bought cuffs & collar Lady Warwick’s 7/6. Met Mrs. & Miss Wallace. Long letter fr. dear Maud fr. Falmouth. Wednesday 21 August V. hot & close. Roy out all day. After packing go to mansions, no, Edgar there so I remained at home. Quiet evg. & to bed early. Thursday 22 August Lin, Roy & self to Ayton. Left in heavy thunder storm at 8.30. Comfortable journey. Mr G. met us Ayton. Lin & Roy off on cycles whilst he & I waited for the Edinboro’ train bringing Mrs. Temple, Miss Williams & Mr Blair. Mrs. Wilson here. Just time to have tea, unpack & dress for dinner. Friday 23 August (blank) Saturday 24 August (blank) Sunday 25 August Finer. All to church except Lin & Mr Galbraith. Sat in summer house after with Mr B. Seems down about his profession, tant mieux, cannot marry. Walked about saw gees etc. Monday 26 August V. wet morg. In all morg. Went at 3 to call & have tea with Mr Mitchell Innes on coach. Had box seat going dull party, three people besides ourselves, only amusement drive there & back which was delightful. Mr McColl, Capt & (illeg) Liddell & Charlie Livesey arrived. Minister to dinner. Slept badly. Tuesday 27 August Warmer. Worked & then (illeg illeg) mile walk with Mrs. Temple. Rest of party off for Garden Party at (blank). Only Roy Lin, Roy, Mr & Mrs. McColl, Mrs. Temple & self at home. Walked about, read, talked, & spent v. quiet afternoon. A doctor dined here making 14, played well after. Slept v. badly feel (illeg). Letters fr. dear Maud came to London yesterday with Tabs Mervyn & Ethel & the 2 latter going with M. to Staf. Ter. Tabs to Alexandra Hotel. Wednesday 28 August Lovely day. Girls to Berwick by train, Mr B. on bike. Lovely muddle coming back. (illeg) & Charlie sat & saw their train out of station & had to take cab home. Arrived an hour after Mr B. Lady Elliot & party to tea, Queen Elizabeth etc. V. merry evg, danced & had music, never felt better in my life. Story of Mr G’s at dinner “The Marquess of Sidney was to be painted by some celebrated artist & thought she would look best in her lovely blue velvet mantle lined with “vermin”!” Slept v. bad, can’t imagine why. Settle into a peacefully thoughtful condition but v. wide awake. Only slept about 3 hours. Fortunately Lin v. quiet in sleep. Thursday 29 August Garden party. Mr B. went off with them all. Mrs. Temple & self at home. V. windy. No! went for 2 hours drive in coach on Edinburgh road. Mrs. T, Mrs. Wilson, Miss Williams, two girls, Mr McCall & self. V. lively drive & met 2 trains, 6 caravans of


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 travelling circus etc, horses behaved admirably. Had to hold our hats on all the time, perfect hurricane blowing. Enjoyed it immensely. Mr McColl v. lively & amusing until half way home when he fell peacefully asleep, bumped up against us till we made him sit outside. Friday 30 August Lovely day after 12 o’c. Big garden party. Miss Herriot sang. She reminds me of some animal, can’t think which. Most successful afternoon, drawing room looked charming with its three tables for tea, coffee, & fruit. Putting, tennis, miniature golf & bat & ball. Poor Charlie L. got a great blow fr. the “Wilkes” who played more as one w’d expect a tiger to play. The first struck her forehead & then her waist band, & never apologized. V. rude man. Saturday 31 August X. Petit ami. Morg. sat out v. fine & quite warm. Mrs. Galbraith, Miss W, Charlie & (illeg) L. Mrs. Wilson & Mr Blair to garden party. Mrs. Temple & self played bat & ball & putting, beat her! generally play badly. Rest at tennis etc. Played consequences evening. Letter fr. dear Maud. Mr Hadden arrived. Sep 1895 Sunday 1 September Lovely day, quite hot. Remained in bed till 11.30 & sat out reading after. Mr McColl & Roy escorted all ladies to church. Sat out after lunch with (illeg) L, Roy & Miss Williams. Rest looking over stables & for long walk. Roy much chaffed about C.L. by Mr Blair & Mr McColl. Mr Blair & Mr Hadden leave early tomorrow. Monday 2 September Mr Blair & Mr Hadden left. Lovely day. In bed till 11.30. Read on terrace. All went for drive on coach at 3 o’c except Mr McColl Roy & self. Heavenly day, warmest we have had yet. Hypnotising evg! Tuesday 3 September General exodus! Mrs. T, Miss W, Capt & Mrs. Liddell & Charlie left, waved to them fr. window. Only ourselves & Mr McColl left. Mr & Mrs. McClean coming tonight. Mr Galbraith, McColl & Lin off shooting after luncheon. Mrs. Wilson also left. Maudie’s photos arrived, not v. pleased with them. Mr & Mrs. McClean dear old couple went to meet them at Sta. Wednesday 4 September Lin left by 10 train. Sat in conservatory with Mr McClean discussing large range of subjects! & forgot luncheon, only arrived when rest had finished. The McCleans, Mrs. G. & self to Mrs. Angus’ garden party, large number there. Lovely drive across Tweed suspension bridge. Quiet evg. after past gaieties. Thursday 5 September Lovely day v. warm. Walked about grounds morg. with Mr McClean. Mrs. G. & Mr McColl riding. Mr & Mrs. Clarke arrived, owners of 8 children all well planted in life! I find her v. dull & heavy, seems absorbed in the feats etc of her various children. Wonder if I too bother people about my family, think it more than probable & must refrain. Friday 6 September Lovely day. Went with Mrs. G, Clarkes, Mr McColl & McCleans to see horses, took fr. 11 o’c to 1.30. Just time to change dress after lunch & off on coach to garden


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 party at Major Heriots (Spitals). Roy, Mr & Mrs. G. box seat, Mdes McClean, Clarke, & Mr McClean next Mr Clarke, self & Mr McColl last. V. lively ride, tales & anecdotes the whole time. Party at the Heriots more amusing than last & much finer & warmer day. Only change returning Mr McClean next to me, Mr Clarke in front. V. merry evening & dinner. Mr G. v. kindly asked us to stay on but was too anxious to see Maudie before she left for Scotland, otherwise w’d have remained, Roy so happy here. Saturday 7 September Leave Ayton. Roy & I left Ayton after one of the happiest visits of my life. Mr Galbraith, Mr McColl (who left for Hamilton) Mr McClean & Mr Clarke all went by train with us to Berwick & waited & saw us off. Mr G. most kindly had reserved carriage for us tip’d guard & porters & gave me Stanley Weyman’s last book “A Minister of France”. Never have I experienced so much kindness or generosity. Roy & self had most comfortable journey. Found dear Maudie just a little fagged with London. Want of space & room for one’s clothes a perpetual bother, no room to turn round here. Sunday 8 September Mr Watney, Tressady. Lovely day. Helped dear Maudie pack all morg. Dined at 5.30. Lin & Maud left 6.30 for Euston. Lin sees Maud off at Perth which they reach at 4.30 tomorrow morg. for Aberdeen. Mr Blair came at 9 o’c & remained until after 11, did not seem v. surprised Lin & M. had left, had himself come fr. Boulogne today & dined at his club. Chaffed Roy about C. Livesey & perversely likes the two photos of Maud no one else likes, cannot make him out. Monday 9 September Roy & I go to Jessie, Earls Barton. Go on Wed. instead. Intensely hot bright & sunny. Woke at 4 o’c & c’d not sleep for some time thinking of Maudie traveling on fr. Perth to Aberdeen alone. Tuesday 10 September Out shop’g morg. & to Mansions for last time. Feel sad & lonely. After lunch read & answered letters. Mr Blair came at tea time & invited Roy to dine with him. Gave him our stalls for Williards piece at Garrick. Roy dined with Mr B. & went with him & had v. pleasant evg. Wednesday 11 September Letter fr. Mr Blair thanking me!!! Alternate heavy showers but quite fine when we went to Euston. Had comfortable journey. Midge & D. met us at the Castle in landau at Sta. Roy’s bike gone on somewhere fr. Northampton, hopes to get it tomorrow. V. pretty house most comfortable large rooms & v. big hall & staircase, lovely garden with heaps of fruit & flowers & pretty lawns etc, am delighted with it. Not pretty outside but will be when creepers are more grown. Thursday 12 September Lovely day but v. windy. Pottered about all morg. D. & Roy on their Bikes. Midge & self in landau with with bays to Wellingboro’ to call on Mrs. Hill. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Mr Ryan & Mr Foster staying at the Nicols. Hope Maud will be careful do not like Mr Foster at all, too much a man about town to be safe with a young girl & I do not like his style. His father is the Secretary for India & consequently high up in present government. Roy’s bike arrived. Midge & self walked to village. Friday 13 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Had long letters fr. Lin & Maud, Lin enclosing one fr. Mr Stone. Midge & self altered drawing room furniture.Roy & Dora to Wellingboro’ on their bikes. X. M writes she has her L.F. again X. Saturday 14 September Lovely day. Midge & self to Wellinboro’ after luncheon, called on Mrs. Keneston. Ham, Mr & Mrs. Ion Langley & Mrs. Fraser arrived evg. in time for 8 o’c dinner. Sunday 15 September Lovely day. Midge with Mrs. L, Mrs. Fraser & self to church. Quaint old church. Had tea on lawn. Lovely & hot. All went for long walk after except self & Mr Ion L. Monday 16 September Lovely day. Fog morg. cleared at 11. Went in break to see new horses. Bay & grey tried. Two letters fr. D, one fr. Maud. Tuesday 17 September Dear Roy had bad accident on his bike, fell heavily going down hill trying to avoid child who ran across road. Sprained his left arm above wrist badly & cut hand a little, generally bruised all over. Sent for doctor who dressed it & made improvised splint of cardboard. Midge, Mrs. Ion, Dora & self to Castle Ashby, Marquis of Northampton’s place, built 1624 Elizabethan style. Only saw gardens & church, had tea at little inn. Wednesday 18 September Lovely day v. hot. Went with Roy & Mrs. Fraser to doctor. Roy had his arm bound & after much persuasion got the doctor to let me bathe Roy’s hand in water & carbolic, feel far more nervous about his hand than about the sprain. He looks pulled down & seedy fr. the fall. After lunch drove with Midge, D. & Mrs. F. to Northampton nearly, to archery meeting. Unable to find it, so had lovely drive & returned here to tea. Mrs. F. & Midge for long walk after. Roy & I played one hand game of tennis. His neck ached & was stiff fr. the bandage. Mr & Mrs. Ion Langley in London all day to see doctor who confirmed Dublin doctor’s opinion. Hope both are wrong, he seems well. Ham away all day seeing his horses at Woolwich(?) All back to dinner. Played billiards after dinner, H. & self won fr. Midge & Mrs. Ion L. Thursday 19 September Roy should have ret’d to Eton. His arm v. painful & he looks seedy. H away entire day on business. Raining. Letter fr. Lin. Friday 20 September (blank) Saturday 21 September (blank) Sunday 22 September H, Mrs. F, Midge & self to church. Lovely day. No letters. Sat out all day. Took Roy after tea to Doctor, reset his arm. Monday 23 September Lovely day, v. hot. Midge with indigestion. Dora out on her pony accompanied by 2 men on S.A. horses both unmanageable. D. returned nervous alone. Mrs. F, Dora, Roy & self drove at 3 to Mrs. Hills, & Wellingboro’ shop’g. Lovely evg. Midge


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 too seedy to come down dinner or tea. Roy & self played H. billiards. Two letters fr. Lin, none fr. Maud. Tuesday 24 September Lovlier day than ever & warmer. Midge still v. seedy. Wednesday 25 September Lovely day v.v. hot. Midge v. seedy. Col Maclean, Mr & Mrs. Frisby & Mr Pascoe to luncheon. Mr P. knows Liddell, G(illeg) the Heriots & several of the Galbraith’s friends. Col M. most extraordinary voice, handsome man. We all went & saw the gees run up & down, & some ridden in paddock. The Frisbys remain night. Played spoof. She is quite different to what I imagined her, but still she does not take my fancy any more than at our first introduction, too strong & masculine a nature. W’d go well in harness with the Taylor style. Thursday 26 September Lovely day. X. Petit ami. Rested afternoon. Played spoof evg. Mr & Mrs. Frisby left at 3.30. Saw some of the gees out morg. Like Mr F. better than wife, too strong & energetic for feeble me. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Friday 27 September Galbraith’s ball. Long letters fr. Lin & Maud. Heavenly day. In bed to breakfast. Ham had to leave for Liverpool to see his bulls ship’d for South America. Midge, D, Mrs. F. & Roy to Wellingboro’ after tea. Rested at home, to bed early. Watched Jones(?) teaching young horses jumps. Saturday 28 September Lovely day. Breakfasted in bed. Sat out after with Midge. Changed into big room, charming look out so bright & sunny, 3 windows. Wire fr. Lin arrives tomorrow. After luncheon which was late Midge, Mrs. F. & Dora went to Northampton, home at 6.30. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Con, Ham & Miss Healy arrived at 7.30 & played spoof after dinner. Sunday 29 September Lovely day. 10 o’c AM Con & Roy gone in break with Midge’s pair to Northampton to meet Lin. Dear Midge gave me a purse which I much needed & a pretty bouquet in my room. Monday 30 September Lovely day, a sort of sea fog until 11 o’c & lawns quite wet. Rest of day lovely. Emily F, Con & self in break with grey & bay pair for lovely drive after lunch. Lin, H. & Con to Wellingboro’ in phaeton with pair of greys. Con v. seedy in bed after tea great pain in back & stomach. Oct 1895 Tuesday 1 October Lovely day. Sat out, generally pottered about. Saw grey & bay pair exercised & went for long drive in break with Emily Fraser with them. Played bowls till nearly dark. Wednesday 2 October Returned home with Lin & Roy fr. Midge’s after delightful visit. Much colder & dull, no sun. Roy v. depressed. Found wire fr. Mr Galbraith saying Maud w’d be home at 11 o’c. Sent Otley to meet her. V. tired, did not arrive till 12.30, looks well but tired. V. glad to have her home again.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 3 October Dear Maudie returns home. Returned yesterday. Maudie looking well & v. happy. V. busy all day no room to move or put anything away, would dearly love a rummage sale of old rubbish. Lin took dear Roy back to Eton, packed his things morning. Friday 4 October V, busy all morg. sorting linen bought fr. dear Mother, find 2 prs of sheets short! Most annoying as they are v. expensive. After luncheon had rest & Maud slept. At 4 o’c walked to Aunt Linda’s & had tea with Ethel & Amy & had talk over family. Drove back in cab. Quiet evg, dined 8.30. Called & saw Mrs. Coward & Eve on way to Aunt Linda’s. Saturday 5 October Out morg. shop’g, flowers 10d. Kensington v. crowded & generally disagreeable. Evelyn out with Maud. Dined at 6.30. Lin, Maud & self to Lyceum, saw F. Robertson & Mrs. Pat Campbell in “Romeo & Juliet”. Too old for the part general fault of characters all thro’ but enjoyed it v. much. Mr Stone met us there. We went on to supper after at his rooms. Mr & Mrs. Weedon Grossmith there, v. pretty woman, lovely grey green eyes, like a pretty Flossie M(illeg). Stayed till 1 o’c & had great difficulty getting a cab, pouring wet night. Though Maud looked tired notwithstanding her sleep in my room after lunch. Sunday 6 October V. wet morg. In all day. Lin went to Club to write letters. Edgar & So. dined here, poor dinner. Monday 7 October Fine. Maud v. seedy, great pain at her waist. Gave her castor oil & she remained in her room until dinner. Mr Paxton to tea & sat with Maud in her school room. V. heavy & absent, worse than ever! I went afternoon called on Mrs. Sington, says her boy is at Bournemouth with nurse v. ill, & on to tea with Mrs. Harrison & Effie. Jerry W. came in just before I left, asked about Westwood which is to be sold tomorrow. Maudie better evg. Tuesday 8 October Dull. Went alone to Whiteleys, walked thro’ Gds, ordered brushes etc for house. Maud not down to breakfast. Effie Harrison here to lunch & tea looking v. pretty & strong. Lin & self to see “Cheer boys cheer”. Effie H. & her sister going to meet us at theatre. Afraid to take Maud after being so seedy all yesterday. Fairly good play, not so good as Derby Winner. Packed (illeg) all coloured dresses in 2 wooden boxes & had them put in loft. Called & asked Evelyn to go for walk with me, just having her singing lesson. X. Dear Westwood sold today (not sold) & so the last link of the dear old home broken for ever. Wednesday 9 October Dull day. Put away linen, & packed curtains in wardrobe & muslin ones in old nursery box until wanted in loft. Maud drawing. Read “Old Mortality” till 1 o’c. Thursday 10 October Ethel & Amy to luncheon. Ethel unable to come. Went directly after breakfast with Maud to Bank & for walk. Fruit & dusters 2/9. Aunt Linda to tea, long family talk. First autumn fire in drawing room. Much colder.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 11 October (blank) Saturday 12 October Emily Fraser to luncheon at 1 o’c & to Royalty with us to see “Chili Widow” most amusing. Saw Mrs. Wheeler, Mrs. C. Mathews & Marion Pollock there. To tea at Edgar & Sophy’s after, home in bus. Bought tongue 2/8. Maud & self to Whiteleys morning, walked there & back. Sunday 13 October Maud & self to early service, lost purse, returned evg, gave verger 2/- for his trouble. Edgar, So & the Scurge(?) to luncheon. Lin out, rode bike & drove home fr. Club in dog cart with mare. Mr & Mrs. Fowler to tea, usual lengthy visit. Monday 14 October Fine day. In all morg. Lin rode mare. Mare returned last Tuesday fr. grass. After lunch Evelyn fetched Maud & went to Woollands together. I went by bus to Vic Rd. called on Anna Dietz, Marion Pollock, Mrs. Hammond, Mrs. Roberts, Miss Holland, & Miss Goodenough only one in. Had tea there out of impossible little handleless cups. A Mrs. Cotton called whilst I was there, a person evidently of great importance in her own estimation. Should have enjoyed seeing her struggle with her tea cup but she left before tea! Lin rode bike afer luncheon & dines with Mon. Ayala at 8 tonight. Letter fr. Tabs coming for day tomorrow. Tuesday 15 October Tabs to London for day. Could not meet her. Went with Maud for walk in Park. Heard fr. Effie H. of her formal engagement to G.W. Mrs. Nembhard & May called, took away her manuscript, v. glad. Maud to dine with Uncle & Aunt Edwin. Wednesday 16 October Tok Maud to Edgar’s for luncheon & on to Redfern’s about my dress. Sent for it evg. After tea took bus to Mrs. F.C.B where I met Maud who went there earlier fr. Edgar’s. Effie H. there & general excitement about her engagement. Home & quiet evg. here, & bad fish. Thursday 17 October Lunch with Aunt Linda to meet Aunt Bessie. Maudie walked with me to Auntie’s, lunched there. Aunt B. looking much older no doubt she thought me the same! Left at ¼ to 3. X. Went in cab to Mr Boswell’s. He stopped one tooth, an hour. Home in bus, called on Mrs. Spofforth, had usual confab! & learnt something! Mr Paxton to lunch here. Evelyn to tea. Friday 18 October Maud & self morning to Redfern’s to be fitted & home by Whiteleys.Om 10d, flowers 1/-, sweets 2/6, cabs 6d. Mr Hartree called duller than ever & more tactless. Wonder why I am so amiable to him. Nora Meggs to tea with Maud, v. pretty charming girl. Mrs. Fraser came to stay. Lin v. busy, three drawings this week. First dull wintery morning. Saturday 19 October Dull & foggy. Out morg. alone shop’g. Flowers 1/-. After luncheon Maud & Lin to see “The strange adventures of Miss Brown” Terry’s theatre where Ethel & Amy H. met them. Emily F. & self to Avenue “Private Secretary”. Not good only 2


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Howtrey brothers worth seeing. There & back train 1/6. Ethel & Amy here to tea & dinner. Played “Spoof” & “Lives” & planchette which revealed strange things “Beware of traitor one trusted, both man & woman, & Robs & Hid” in reference to Midge’s lost jewelry. Sunday 20 October Dull. Maud, Emily F. & self to early service. Excellent sermon by Mr Blunt on “Criticism” & our constant forgetfulness of our influence for good or bad on those about us. Lin riding bike with Mr Reynard morg. X. Maud petit ami. Monday 21 October Ap’t ¼ to 5 o/c with Mr Boswell dentist. Went in cab 2/- & home by bus X. Petit ami. Tuesday 22 October Effie Harrison here for day. In bed till 12 o’c. Mrs. Spofforth & Miss Graham & Jerry Weigall called. Latter seemed depressed about business. Evelyn C. here morg. Wednesday 23 October In bed till 12.feel limp & v. seedy. Lin’s cold bad. Maud dined at the Burnands, too seedy to go self. Dog cart took & fetched her. Thursday 24 October Ap’t with Mr Boswell at 3. Wire fr. Tabs, came at 3.30 took Maud shop’g with her. Maud & Mrs. Fraser out morg. shops till 2.30. Had ¾ of an hour with Mr Boswell, took impression of mouth for 2 teeth. Cab 2/-, had cart to go in. Lin’s cold v. heavy. Mr Burnand came just as we were having tea, stayed only 10 minutes. Friday 25 October Cold, dull. In bed till 12 o’c. Feel awfully weak. Maud out morning with Evelyn & to tea with Mrs. Coward. I went for drive at 3, to Spencer’s (away) & Sophy, out. Home by Campden Hill. Grapes 1/8. Saturday 26 October Hard frost. V. v. cold. & dull. In bed till 10. To Barkers with Maud, flowers 2/-, lozenges for Lin’s cold 10½. Box for “Shop Girl”. Enjoyed it v. much, new song “You know the sort of too too that I mean”. Sunday 27 October To early church. Evelyn returned with us. No one called. Lin for long ride on bike. Quiet evening. Monday 28 October I went with Emily to Woollands & Harveys. Met May Burnand, Mrs. Hersch & Jessie Harding. Miss Holland called & had tea, talks slower then ever. Nevertheless interesting talk about Prof. Petrie & Egypt. Tuesday 29 October V. cold. Dear Maudie walked with me to Whiteley shop’g. Pd 1/6 flowers, 1/frame. Lin unable to ride bike after lunch, not v. well. Dine at 6 o’c, to see dress rehearsal of “Trilby” at Haymarket. Rosie & Connie B, Mrs. & Miss Whean, Nelly (illeg) & Mr & Mrs McClean to tea. Dined 6.15. Lin & self to rehearsal of “Trilby. Saw Mr Woods, “Levana”, Mr a’Beckett, Wicks, du Maurier etc etc. Delighted


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 wirth piece. Most original & D. Baird sweet & charming as “Trilby”, so natural & unstagey & besides a v. sweet face has a great charm of voice. V. late home. V. cold. Wednesday 30 October Lovely bright morg. Lin off early, lunches in town, believe secret photography as usual!!! To early performance of “Charley’s Aunt”, Maud and Mrs. F. & self. Maudie dines at Lady Bergnes at 8. Emily F. & self at Sophy’s at 7.30. V. good dinner there, soup, beef olives, pheasant, meringues. Thursday 31 October Ap’t 3 o’c Dr Boswell. Private view du Maurier’s drawings of “Trilby” at Fine Arts Gallery. Met several friends. Walked with Maud morg. Je commence a m’en (illeg illeg) visite que dure si long temps. Maudie had long sad letter fr. P.J.B wants to (illeg illeg) but to what good? Lin trotted off & told Sophy all about what Edgar had told me last night à propos of Angel Court property, & a blaze up at night fr. Edgar naturally. Wish dear Lin would not repeat things so, especially to the family. It sets the whole place ablaze. Nov 1895 Friday 1 November Maudie to Midge’s. Visit postponed. Out morg. with Maud to Whiteleys, ordered beef, fowl & fish, & music. Went with Emily at 3 to Snelgroves where she bought cape & to tea at Mrs. Cowards. Mrs. O. Crawfurd called. Hamilton Langley said he w’d come to luncheon tomorrow. Saturday 2 November Out morg. with Maud to Bank. Flowers 1/4. Hamilton to lunch. Emily & self to see “Her Advocate” at Duke of York’s Theatre in brougham, matinée. Lin & M. followed. Quiet evg. Piece v. good. Sunday 3 November Dull morg. To early service with Emily Fraser & Maud. Maud’s cold one of her usual stuffy colds. Evelyn walked back with me, E. & M. remained on to Communion. Only Molesworth called. Lin biked with Mr Reynard. Maud v. bad cold. Monday 4 November V. wet dull day. Sale at Tattersall’s of Hamilton’d 12 S.American horses. Total 604 gns, average about 50 gns apiece. Emily & self went, Lin joined us later. Saw Mr Frisby, Mrs. Raikes, Col McClean, Effie, Con & Ethel E. L. & self on with Mrs. Raikes to tea. Puppy dog! H. came in later. Home in hansom. Think Mrs. Raikes pretty well bred woman of the world. H. staying there & leaves tomorrow. Maudie’s cold still very bad. Tuesday 5 November Maud’s cold v. bad. Out bought fornosa(?) 1/4, cakes 1/- Barkers, not paid for. Mrs. Raikes & Miss Jones called. Lin, E. Fraser & self to Empire, did not care for it. Wednesday 6 November Mrs. Stannard’s tea 4 - 7. (John illeg illeg) Ap’t dentist 12 o’c. Mr Galbraith to tea & Miss Fraser arrived. Emily Fraser left morning. Maud & I had a little walk, most lovely day like spring. X. Ap’t 12 o’c at Dr Boswell’s. Spencer to dinner here.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Marie stayed in with Alice. Windows cleaned for 1 st time by Nash since our return fr. country. Thursday 7 November Pouring wet day & v. warm. Went for drive with Grace Fraser, called on Mrs. Stannard saw 6 weeks old baby , wee thing, pretty baby (illeg)! To du Mauriers, met original “Laird” Mr Lamont(?) of Trilby & Sir H. Thomson, & Sylvia looking as pretty & young as ever & her boy. “More barth”(?). Quiet evg. Friday 8 November Go to tea at Constitutional Club with Mr McClean. Pouring wet day. Met Mrs. Harry Henderson at Club, sweetly pretty woman, looked about 18. Walked morg. to Whiteleys alone in rain! Ordered things. Saturday 9 November Mrs. Cohen’s at home 3.30 to 6, 3 Devonshire Place. Out morg. for flowers, v. warm no jacket. Lunch early. Dear Roy home early for long leave. Looks v. well & more grown. To see “Cheer boys cheer”. Good. Roy & Lin to see “Romeo & Juliet” evg. & to supper after at Garrick. Sp. called. Sunday 10 November Mrs. Cohen at home 3.30. To early service with Maud & Grace Fraser. Met Cowards. Evelyn, Roy, M. & Grace for walk after. Grace out to luncheon. Sp. called morg. v. noisy & jumpy makes me quite nervous. Lin & Roy off for bicycle ride after lunch. Marie out afternoon & evg. as she gave up Wednesday last on account of Alice’s cold. Lin dines at Garrick with Sir C.Hall to meet Duke of Coburg. Mr Leeson Marshall, Mr Hood, Mr Davis, Evelyn C, 2 Miss Rycrofts & Mr Thomson called. Roy & Lin for long bicycle ride. Monday 11 November Ap’t Dr Boswell 1 o’c. Ellie out for walk with Maud & Grace morg. Went in brougham at 4 o’c with Grace calling on Lady M, out, Mrs. Steincopff had tea. Called on Mrs. Leche & enquired after young Sington. Tuesday 12 November Mr Thomson & Mr Davis to dinner. Maud after to Mrs. Leche’s dance, & to Whiteleys alone morning. Mrs. Harry Henderson called. Wednesday 13 November Mrs. Chapman, de Vere Gds, tea 4 - 7. X. Ap’t Dr Boswell 12 o’c. Bus there, cab back 2/4. Maud & Grace to Comyn Carr’s theatre matinée. After seeing Dr B. went & bought blouse at Debenhams £2.5.6. Home & late for theatre. Grace lost her train & remains on till tomorrow. Mad’lle called. Thursday 14 November Packed. Sp. called with odd boots, foot bad. Lin finished 3 rd drawing for Punch. Mr Reid away ill. Went to Tabbie’s Brookwood Pk. by 5 o’c train. Found H Langley there, no Midge. Lovely night. Darling Maud to tea at Mrs. Ritchie’s & dines with Miss Holland & goes to theatre with her. X. Maudie petit ami. Found Hamilton Langley at Brookwood but no Jess. Friday 15 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Ellie with Maud all morg. Maud to Aunt Linda to dine & tea at Miss Wycroft(?). Gentlemen out all day shooting, pouring wet & galey afternoon. Tabbie & I had a walk. Tried table letters evg. Glass refused to work. Saturday 16 November X. Petit ami, in bed till 12 o’c. Sun pouring into my room. H. & H.L. & Lin out shooting all day. V. v. windy after luncheon blowing hard & one heavy shower. Played “Spoof” evg. lost 6d. V. good game. Letter fr. Emily Fraser & Maud. Maudie spent afternoon with Mary McQueen. Ellie with Maud all evening. Sunday 17 November Heavenly day. Stayed in bed till 11. Read. Sat out in alcove after luncheon for an hour! So warm & snug. Lin & H.F. for ride after lunch. H.L. leaves us at 7 o’c for London. Letters fr. Maud, Mervyn & Mrs. W. Clowes. Monday 18 November Hope darling M. goes to Midge’s. Wire fr. Maud goes to Midge by 3 fr. Euston. Tabbie to London for day to see Mervyn & Ethel off to Montreux. Ham & Lin out all day shooting. Colder. Tuesday 19 November Down to breakfast. Lin, Eve & self to meet at Mr Duttons, v. pretty sight, Gwen mounted. Lin left for London by 3 train. V. quiet afternoon, bed early. H. out shooting all day. Wednesday 20 November Tabbie goes to London with me by 3 train, remains till Sat. H. left early for Norfolk to stay at the Bells. Long letter fr. dear Maud so thankful to know she is safe with Midge who I trust will take great care of her. Thursday 21 November Lunched at General Nembhard to meet Archdeacon & Mrs. Brooks. Like both v. much. Cab there 2/-. Tabs met me & we left 3.30, called on Mrs. Reynards, Thomson, Geiger, & Lady Cotton where we went in. Tabs off on return home to dine at Pioneer Club, Olive meets her there. Dear Lin worried about Punch & younger proprietors. Long letter fr. Maudie v. happy at Midge’s, feel quite happy as I know Midge will take care of her. Friday 22 November Wet horrid day. Tabs out all morg. shops. At 3.30 Tabs & self to call on Mrs. Percy Holland, Mrs. Ritchie, Mr A. Harding (Jessie C.) Lady Cotton. Mrs. Dormer friend of Tab’s, (Lamp lady) smart & worldly & not above making money! Being already rich! To Coupé’s to order carriage for tonight. Called on Mrs. Geiger, Warres, all out but Cottons. At 7 o’c Tabs & self went to fetch Miss Wykoff & then on to Savoy to dine, amusing mistake about dining room. Lin joined us here & drove to see “Chili Widow” after. Mr Guthrie met us at theatre & seemed v. much interested in Tabs & Miss Wycoff. We three drove home in hansom, pouring with rain. Lin & Mr Guthrie went to see Mr Bouchier after play was over. Saturday 23 November Mrs. Grigg at home. Con left for Mr Rumford’s where he remains night, returns tomorrow at 3 o’c. Tabbie & self out all morg. in cab v. wet & dirty. Home to luncheon. Tabs left with Taylor at 4 o’c. Lin & self to first night of Alexander’s new


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 play, not v. good last act awfully dull. Crowded house. Mr H. Furniss gave me his seat for 1st act, c’d not get to our stalls being late. Sunday 24 November Lin off at 9 o’c to Mr Wallace for golf, remained all day. Alone, overslept myself. Bret Harte, Olive Shakespeare & Winnie Lockyer called. Monday 25 November Effie out all day. I drove to Stores 3.30 & met Con. On with him to Mr Swartze’s, met Bertie Rumford & Eff there. Con foolishly jealous, pig. Called & gave Richards £1 fr. Edgar. Tuesday 26 November Out morg. Eff & Con out all day & Con only home in time to dress to go out again to dine with Bertie Rumford. Eff & self alone to dinner. Lin dined at the Metropole, large complimentary dinner to Mr Hare. May Nembhard, Mrs. Stannard (J. Strange-Winter) & Mr & Mrs. Cohen called. Wednesday 27 November Con & Eff left at 10 o’c AM for Rome. Con looks v. ill. V. dull rainy day. I walked after to Whiteleys & paid my House bill £1.3.7½. After lunch called on Mrs. McClean, Mrs. Armstrong & Midge, only saw Dora & Ham. Mad’lle came at 6.30 & felt tired & vexed not to get my letters finished. Thursday 28 November Pouring wet day. Did liqueur case & tidied all Maud’s wardrobes. Put away all her coloured gowns. 2 letters fr. Maud, seems v. happy. Went at 3.30 to call on Mrs. Phil May, Mrs. Temple, Mrs. Jack Johnson & Midge. Saw her & Dora. Lin v. busy no end extra work to do. Friday 29 November Out morg. Midge arrived at 5 o’c. I went out calling at 3 on Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Clerke. Saturday 30 November Midge & self to Miss Ratcliffe’s & Marshall & Snelgroves. Called after luncheon on Susie a’B & Mrs. Raikes. Dec 1895 Sunday 1 December To 11 o’c ser. at St Pauls with Midge. V. good sermon fr. Mr Blunt on our influence for good or bad on those around us. Met Judy who walked home with us. Lin on bike. Sp, Mr Frisby, Mr Fair & Mr Rooth called. Lin & self dined at F.C.B’s. Midge also asked but would remain here. Monday 2 December Midge & self to Stores in brougham. Met Mrs. Raikes & Lillie Holland. Midge out again after luncheon. Rosie & Connie Burnand to dinner. Tuesday 3 December Midge & self in carriage to Woollands, left M, on to Snelgroves. Fertched M. again fr. Marcus & to Ratcliffe’s, left M. & home alone. M. lunched in town. Lady B, Mrs. Harris & dau, Olive Cotton & friend, Ellie Ritchie, Mrs. Galbraith & Mrs. L. Hammond & Miss Roe called. Midge home for tea. Quiet evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 4 December Dear Midge goes at 2 o’c. Out with her to Ratcliffe & Barkers & Woollands morg. in carriage. In all afternoon. Violent indigestion, why? Read 2 short stories to Lin. Midge gave me lovely sable muff & boa. Thursday 5 December (blank) Friday 6 December Mrs. Steincopff’s dinner ¼ to 8. Out morg. shops. Ken. To Bank, asked them to invest £100 stock for me at 87 in Cordova North sec 47 deb. Rly stocks. Bank clerk annoyed me, he behaved at first more like a shop man than a gentleman, was civil after but we do not like each other. V. pleasant dinner at Mrs. S. Interesting talk with Mrs. Crackenthorp about books, authoresses, & Mrs. Fritz. Sp. here to luncheon. Saturday 7 December Colder. Carriage morg. to Lills Laver where I wasted time she is so slow & deliberate. On to Grove, pd. bill. Met Aunt Linda who told me Chapple had retired fr. Grandpapa’s trust & Ted taken his place. Home all afternoon & evg. X. Letter fr.Tabs. Mervyn ill with typhoid at Montreux. Sunday 8 December To early service. Lin out twice on bike. Mr Richards, Jerry Weigall, Effie Harrison, Mr & Mrs. Phil May, Mr Swatze, Mr Molesworth called. Monday 9 December (blank) Tuesday 10 December Tabbie comes. Did not. Mervyn ill with typhoid Montreux. Mr & Mrs. Armstrong, Mr &Mrs. Galbraith & Mr Austin to dinner. Man to wait, v. good dinner. Man “Harris” muddled waiting at dessert on account of Lin asking for coffee! Bought wine Stores, rest of shop’g Whiteleys, attention so bad at Stores. Wednesday 11 December Maud dines Mr Wallace’s & goes to Mrs. Wheen’s dance. Grace Wheat comes to tea & dinner. Maud in bed all day bad cold, had to send to Wheens & Wallaces. Thursday 12 December Mr Hartree’s luncheon 2 o’c. Pouring wet day. Maudie not out of her room, cold better. Went alone to Mr Hartree’s, big party as usual. Williards & Wards there & Lady Lawrence. Friday 13 December Petit ami au lit. Drove to be fitted Marshalls 3 o’c. Saturday 14 December In bed till 12. Sp. & Douglas called. Called on Macqueens, Nembhards, Wheens. Sunday 15 December In bed till 12. Miss Clarke & George & Anna Dietz called. Maud for walk morg. with Evelyn after church.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 16 December V. good news of Mervyn. Letter fr. Midge asking us to spend Xmas there. V. glad to go. Called at 3 on Ethel Herapath, Steincopffs, Mrs. Wallace’s, Whiteleys & home. In bed all morg. Tuesday 17 December In bed till 11 o’c. Good ac’t M. At 12 o’c in brougham to be fitted at Marshalls. Bought tie for Edgar also flowers 1/-. Tabbie to luncheon. Went with her after to Gorringes for toys & to Charing X. Left her there with T. after, leaves at 4.30 with H. for Montreux to join Mervyn & Ethel. Ellie Ritchie, Mrs. Nembhard & May, Judy Mason & Lady & Miss Waterfield. I called on Blanche Cole this morg. Punch dinner today instead of tomorrow. Wednesday 18 December Mrs. Cornwell’s musical party 9 - 1. Maud goes to Uncle Edwin’s for night. X. Appalling proclamation of President Cleveland about Venezuela, arbitrating for us there & sending out commission to enquire about our boundary line in Venezuela. Called & had little chat with Mrs. Gale. Was fitted with gown at Marshalls, no end of blunders altho’ 4th time fitted! Fitter seems to have nothing to do but sit with her hands before her. Thursday December 19 Dear Maudie returns fr. Uncle Edwin’s. We dine at the Colin Hunters. Maud dines at the Wallaces. Felt awfully bad at the Hunters face so painful & had to try to look all right. Maudie home v. late fom the Wallaces 12.30. Had to take cab fr. C. Hunter’s in consequence. Met Mr & Mrs. Donaldson & a son & v. tall handsome dau. fr. Glasgow, sang v. well. Sir Francis Powell & Mr Graham. V. pleasant dinner if I had not felt so ill. Friday 20 December V. bad night. Dear Roy home at 12 o’c. Unable to go to dinner. Lin, Maud & Roy to see “The Rivals” & were delighted. I to bed at 7 o’c. Saturday 21 December Feel awfully bad face ached all night. Lin took me at 1 o’c to Mr Herbert’s but w’d not take out tooth too much inflammation. Sat in schoolroom all afternoon. Mr Blair called at 4.30, stayed till 6.30. V. vexed had to let M. see him alone, felt quite too bad to go down. Lin & Roy to see “Benefit of the Doubt” matinée, & New Adelphi piece evg. & on to Club. To bed at 7 o’clock feel too seedy to go down. Sunday 22 December Feel little better less pain. Look ridiculous face out on one side. Maud to early service & for walk after with Roy. Met Mr P.J.B. who walked home with them. Sp. & chicks called. Mr Blair to dinner. Feel awfully bad & Lin v. quiet & absent as he always is if I am seedy & left entire entertaining to me. Mr B. stayed till 12 o’c. I felt blind almost with the acute pain in my head. Maud v. silent. Lin asleep in arm chair & Roy meditative. Wish I had remained in my room. Monday 23 December Awful pain in my head face & neck. In bed till 12. V. seedy altogether sent for Orton, says quite impossible for me to go to Midge’s tomorrow, gave me medicine. Roy lunched with Mr Blair. Horrid day. Maud out shops for me. Mr Blair


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & Roy here for tea in schoolroom, stayed some time. V. untidy room my own head in keeping with the general disorder tied up on woolen wrap! Lin & Roy to Colin Hunter’s to play billiards. Fildes & Val Princep there. Tuesday 24 December V. dull wet day. Put things in order & went down to dinner. In bed till 11.30. Wednesday 25 December Down to breakfast. Dull dark wet day & a raw cold. Endless cards etc & box of sweets fr. Mr Blair. Maud to church, met Evelyn. Roy & Lin to club after lunch, home 5 o’c. Miss Rose Innes to tea stayed some time & had delightful little chat with her. Quiet dinner & evg. Maud taught Roy waltzing. Bad news fr. Tabs about Mervyn, temperature up again. Thursday 26 December Dull cold snowy day & v. dark. Lin working. Lin & Roy evening to Drury Lane Pantomime. C. Livesey sat just behind them with a gentleman. H. Livesey also there. Friday 27 December Dull dark day. Maud & Roy in brougham at 3. Otley drove v. badly & appeared to have had too much. I have noticed this several times but not as bad as Roy & M. say he was today. Shall never feel safe with him again. Alice out evg. to party at Agnes’. Still pain in my temple & neck & cheek swollen & painful. Lin hard at work wish he w’d get on more in the mornings early with work & finish earlier at night. Saturday 28 December Ap’t 12 with Mr Herbert. Too nervous to have tooth out. He probed it & relieved it v. much. Roy with Banbury to “Chili Widow” evg. Lin & self in schoolroom all afternoon. Maud & Roy in carriage. Sunday 29 December Dull day. M. to early service, Evelyn in after. Roy, Eve, Maud & Winnie Lockyer for walk, remained to tea & lunch. Only Miss Innes & Mr Reed called, complains much of his eyes. Lin for long ride on Bike. Monday 30 December Better. Up. Emily Fraser arrived after lunch & went with me to Edgar’s rooms to put flowers, 1/9. Morg. arranged presents & sent them off Midge’s & Galbraith’s. Roy & Maud out alone after lunch, dull day as usual but warmer. Tuesday 31 December We all went to Matinée of Lyceum theatre. V. poor. (Notes on Memorandum pages of diary) 1896 Wednesday 1st January Maud & I dined with Col. Welby. Met only Mr Fitz there & Col. Thompson of 7 th Hussars. V. charming dinner, we both enjoyed it v. much. Roy to see “The adventures of Miss Brown” with Banbury. In all day. Horrid damp wet day, roads too dirty for words. Bad news fr. Trans Vaal, our troops crossed frontier & driven Boers back, mistake.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 2nd January 1896 Mrs. a’Beckett’s at home 4 - 7. Out morg. shop’g. Received fr. Trust money invested August 1895 £ . s. d 18th Oct Cordoba & Rosario 4% debs 19. 6. 8 31st fr. Estate 70. 0. 0 th 12 Nov Int on ½ years Tubbs & (illeg) 77.17. 4 from Trust £ 167. 4. 0 Received from dividends & 2 quarters annuities during 1895: £ 115.12. 9 Total received during year:

£ 282.16. 9

Investments of “Trust” £3000 5% Tubbs & Lewis Mortgage 5% Par £950 Cordoba Rosario Rly 4% 1st mort Deb at 95 $ 5000 (£1050) 4½ % debs at 105 £600 Argentine Gt. Western Rly 4% debs at 90 £10.7.1 in funds! Balance from 1893:

£. s. d 46. 2. 6

Received during 1894 in annuity & dividends: £ 177. 6.2 Total £ 223. 8. 8 Invested in 1894 from above £223. 8. 8: Spent on dress etc

£ 56. 2. 4 £ 84.11. 9 £ 130.14. 3

during 1895 £. s. d March 29th Glasgow S.W. 1. 7. 5 13th Annuity 25. April B.A.& Pacific 14. 6 10th B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 21. 6. 6 13th City B.A. Trams 11. 29th Rosario Rly 12. May Cent Argt. Rly 2. 0. 6 29th June B.A. Rosario 4% Deb. 1.18. 8 ditto B.A. Pacific 1st Deb. stock 4% 5. 5 30th Western B.A. Rly 4% 4. 7. 5 1st July Wirral Rly 4% deb 18. 8 rd 3 Jamaica 4% 1.18. 8 June annuity 25. 0. 0 ditto City B.A. Trams 12.10 24th Sept Glasgow & S. Western Rly 2. 8. 8 14th Oct B.A. Rosario 1.10. 0 th 30 June Cent Argentine 1.14. 0 30th ditto B.A. Gt Southern 21. 6. 6


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 £ 115.12. 9 Received from dividends & 2 quarters annuity during 1895 Invested in 1895 March. £100 stock in Jamaica 4% deb Dec. £100 stock Cordoba Cent. Rly (Cent. Northern Sec)

£ 108. 1. 0 87. 5. 0 £ 195. 6. 0

Balance over from my private account year ending 1895 £ 57.14. 3 Received 1895 forward 115.12. 9 B.A. Pacific 9. 3 B.A. Western 4. 7. 4 B.A. Rosario 1.18. 8 Argentine Gt Western 11.12. 0 £ 134. 0. 0 Tabbie’s investments £1000 Cordoba Central Northern Sec Rly Co March, Sept 1st debenture St. at 84, increased since to 88, pd. 845.15 £1000 Arg’t Gt. West. Rly Co Jan, July. 4% 1st debenture 91 pd. 910. £400 Canadian Pacific Rly Sterling 5% 1 st Mort. Jan, July. Deb. Bonds at 116, pd. 467.10. £800 Jamaica Rly Co 1st Mort. June, July 4% Bonds at 106, pd. 850 $2000 Baltimore & Ohio Rly B 4¼ % 1st Mort. Jan, July. Terminal gold bond at 108½ (1934) pd. 434. 0 $2000 Cleveland Cincinnati Chicago & St Louis 100 years June, Dec. Gen Mort. 4% gold bds at 89 pd. 558.10. Midge’s Trust Money invested in following securities. Cost with stamps etc Cordoba Rosario Rly 4% 1st Deb. St. (500) 468.18. 6 Cordoba Cent Rly Central Northern Section 1st Deb stock (600) 514. 8. 6 Cent Uruguay Northern Ext. Rly 5% Deb. Stock (500) 344. 0. 0 Buenos Aires Western Rly 4% (1500) 1591. 5. 6 Canadian & Pacific Rly 5% 1st Mort. debentures (600) 701. 6. 0 (illeg) Valley Rly 4½ % 1st Mort. guar’d gold bonds (400) $2000 423. 1. 0 Cleveland Cin. Chicago & St Louis Rly (£2000) 4% general mortgage bonds (400) 360. 1. 0 st Baltimore & Ohio Rly 4 ½% 1 mortgage terminal gold Bonds $2000 (400) 434. 1. 0 £ 5037. 1. 6 £400 to Hamilton at 5% Returned letters June Annie.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1896 Notes on front pages of diary: Jones & Higgins Coates & Co, Gresham Street, E.C. Put away 13th May /96 in old basket trunk Roy’s clothes 3 prs riding trowsers 5 ordinary 2 prs long gaiters 3 prs short ditto 6 waistcoats 3 ditto flan. lined 5 coats 1 sweater 5 caps Extra things 3 travelling capes 1 pr green ladies trowsers 1 Scotch shawl various woollen wraps Violet photo cover Jan 1896 Wednesday 1 January In all day. Bad news fr. Transvaal our troops driven back the Boers & gone into their country. General disapproval & v. unfortunate just now with Venezuala trouble looming! Maud & I dined at Colonel Welby’s, only Col. Thompson & Mr Fitzhenry there besides ourselves. Most charming little dinner & talk after, generally politics, Transvaal disaster. Roy to theatre evg. with Banbury. Alice v. seedy with sore throat. Thursday 2 January Out morg. alone shop’g. After luncheon to Mrs Ritchie’s. Maud & Roy went in to Mrs Clerke’s, met interesting French woman, believed she was German by her accent! & to a’Becketts crush, met Mr & Mrs O’Goran (Mrs Rainbow) Stannard, Jopling Rowe, etc, & Marie Corelli. Miss Gill here luncheon. Friday 3 January I lunch at Mr Hartree’s 2 o’c. Dull family party but excellent lunch as usual. To Mrs Willard’s after at Walsingham House about fairy stories. So v. unbusinesslike suggested settling this with publisher. Fascinating pretty woman but such a “poseure” wearied us with long rambling accounts of her own stories. On to Miss Innes to tea where we met Mary McQueen, Mon. & Mde (blank) he secretary to the Chilian legation, & Mr Innes, v. nice intelligent little man. Saturday 4 January Went out morg. shops alone. Miss Ritchie to luncheon & to “Shop Girl” after, & to Private View at Academy & tea at Mrs Calderon’s after. Met Fildes, Stones & Twiss’ & heaps of friends. Dear Lin’s birthday & God bless him.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 5 January God news fr. Transvaal. Garrison taken prisoner 80 killed. 500 taken prisoner by Boers. Dwarfs Venezuela business. To early service with Maud. She remained to Communion with Winnie Lockyer. Edgar & Sophy to luncheon. Lin & Roy out to luncheon, lost season ticket to Calais! Arthur Linley to dinner. Sp, Mr Sladen, Mrs Sington & Rose Innes called. Monday 6 January Maud out morg. with Ellie B. Ellie dines here tonight. Drove at 3 o’c to make several calls. Had tea at Sophy’s & brought away Midge’s dressing case. Fanny Barker & Mrs du Maurier. Tuesday 7 January Drove morg. with Maud to Row, walked up cycle ride. Roy & Banbury there. To stores, shocking attendance, employees half asleep. Nellie K, Miss Phillips, Mrs Orchardson & Hilda, Mrs Mackesey, son & dau, Geiger, Macqueen & cousin called, & Mrs Armstrong. Milk v. late! Still v. bad news fr. Transvaal. Papers full of England’s troubles. Wednesday 8 January Men fr. Stores finished doing creeper. Went for walk with Maud to Bank, left M’s cheque there, £12.0.0. Called after lunch with M. on Mrs H. Henderson, Miss Chapman, Mrs Corbett, saw her & 3 weeks old baby boy!!! & Mrs P. Holland. Better ac’t of Mervyn. Thursday 9 January Mrs Robert’s dance Queens Hall 9.30. Went to complain at our milkman’s with Lin before breakfast! Met Mr Parsons on his gee! Emily Fraser called to say goodbye. Gave me her photo v. good by A. Hughes. Called alone after lunch on Mrs McDougal & Mrs du Maurier. They had mislaid my 2 proofs of Lin’s drawing! & to Gunter’s ordered pint of calves foot jelly to send to Mervyn. Friday 10 January Mr Jacomb Hood’s dance 9.30. M. & Roy enjoyed it v. much. Drove at 3 to (blank). Morning walked with Maud to Whiteleys ordered fish. Saturday 11 January Mrs a’Beckett’s party. Postponed on account of Mr a’B’s sister’s death, Lady Harrison. Petit ami. X in bed till 12. After lunch with Lin, M. & Roy to “Sign of the Cross” Wilson Barrett. Wonderfully staged & well acted but long dreary piece do not care for it. Transvaal & Venezuela business seems blowing over. Sunday 12 January In bed till 12. M. to early service, walk with Roy after. Lin on Bike with Mr Reed to Hampton Court for luncheon. Mr Ryle, Edgar & So & Yolande to tea. Quiet evg. Monday 13 January Mrs. Stannard at home 9.30. Mr Guthrie dined here 7 o’c. Lin, Mr G, M. & Roy to see “Prisoner of Zenda”. Too seedy to go out. Sore throat & little F. M. long letter fr. P.J.B evidently v. much in love. Wonder how it will end. Don’t think Lin looks well. Had 3 incandescent gas brackets put up for Lin’s work. Morg. room & staircase. Maud to tea at Mrs. Leeche’s. Called on Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Roberts. Tuesday 14 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 In bed till 12. Miss Neaves, Lady M. & Rosalind & Mrs. & Miss Macqueen & Miss Rose Innes called. Maud & Roy to Mrs. Holl’s dance. Both enjoyed it immensely. Wednesday 15 January Feel v. seedy throat so bad as if I was going to have croup. Went with Maud at 3 to Mrs. Clarke’s (scotch) & to Mr Hood’s where we had tea. Maud & Roy to first night of Mr Robertson’s play, v. risky piece. Mad’lle here to lunch, stayed till 10 when I went to bed feeling v. seedy. Thursday 16 January Drove to Sophy’s morning unable to dine there afraid of double going out on account of my cold. Edgar & Sophy joined us at Adelphi evening. Ed. seemed to enjoy it, it did me good to see him laugh. Feel v. seedy with cold. Friday 17 January Made calls at 3.30, called on Mrs. Orchardson & (blank). Saturday 18 January Walked with Maud to Whiteleys & (blank). After luncheon to see Brookfield’s piece “A Woman’s Reason”. V. good indeed. Quiet evg. Sunday 19 January M. & self to early service, met Brenda & Bob Coward. Lin & Roy to Calais, home at 8 o’c. Mrs. Watney & familiar German lady fr. Clara Bergheim called. Sp. & Ada came in after dinner & Sp. showed Roy how to improve his waltz. Monday 20 January Fog, yellow. Wrote letters, pd. washing £2.9.7. With Maud at 3 to Mrs. Macquoid, out, Mrs. Farquharson, out, Lillie Holland, in, going abroad for health. Fanny Barker, tea there, Miss Rose Innes, out, & Mrs. Cornwell, v. emphatic about Effie’s bad housekeeping & general do nothing, & so little to eat! Roy out with friends to theatre. Tuesday 21 January Roy lunch with Sp. & went to aquarium with him. Mrs. Colin Hunter’s dance. Mrs. Banbury’s dance 9 o’c. Mrs. Geiger’s dinner. V. delightful dinner of 8. Hibberts, Capt Edgecombe, Miss (blank), ourselves & Gerald & Mrs. Geiger. Exquisitely served & cooked dinner. Clear soup, Soles, Sweetbread, Ham & peas, Fillet of beef, Wild duck, delicious cake pudding, cheese etc, savory. M. & R. enjoyed their dance immensely, home at 4 o’c!!! M. met Mr Blair’s cousin at C. Hunter’s! Coupé at Mrs. Banbury’s. V. smart dance. H. Langley, Miss Thomson & Spencer called & Miss Rose Innes. Wednesday 22 January After lunch Roy, Lin, M. & self to see “The late Mr Costello” at Comedy. Most excellent, enjoyed it immensely. Miss Emery v. good. Thursday January 23 Mrs. Holland’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin, M. & self. Postponed till next Tuesday. Dear Roy returns to Eton. Invite to dine at Sophy’s, cannot leave, Roy’s last night. Maudie seedy, in bed all morg. After lunch Lin, Roy & self to Olympia. Alice L. & Mary met us there. V. good performance. Met Georgie Rooke & her husband. Packed Roy’s things on return. He left 10.30 train fr. Pad’n for Eton. Friday 24 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Out morg. with Maud in bus to Redmayne’s ordered blk. satin mantle, to Redferns about skirt. To Stores ordered new head gear & Marshalls met Georgie Rooke again. Wonder what Mr R. saw in G. he is good looking! Maud & self called at 3.30 on Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Abbott, Marion Pollock, Mrs. Holl, Miss Rose Innes & Mrs. Evans, Mr Blair’s cousin, where M. had tea. Saturday 25 January Out morg. shops. To matinée Criterion “Squire of Dames”. Mr de la Rue came up to our box. Delightful piece Wyndham excellent, Bernard Partridge awful! Asked Mr Hood, think he must be away no letter fr. him. Quiet evg no one called. Lord Leighton died suddenly today, placards everywhere with the bad news as we came out of theatre. Sunday 26 January Alice L. & Mary Carter to tea & dinner. Dull foggy day. Lin for ride on cycle & to Calais for day. M. & self to early service met Winnie who went with us & sat with Maud after. Miss Rose Innes, Mr Fair, Alice & Mary C. to tea. Two last remained on to dinner. Soup, Soles, Chicken & salad, cauliflower, new potatoes, apricot tart, cream, cheese ramekins. Monday 27 January Mrs. Cornwell to dinner. Letter fr. Con. Dull morg. Walked with Maud at 12 o’c. Called with M. at 3 with cob. (Lin rode mare morg.) on Mesd’s Banbury, in, Simpson, C. Burnand, Hare, Harley, Critchett, Lindo, Messel (in) McQueen, in. Mrs. C. stayed till 12! Tuesday 28 January Lin & self dine at Mrs. P. Holland’s. Postponed, children measles. M. & self by bus to Bond St fitted with satin mantle. Miss Schwann, Mrs. & Miss Leech, Ellie Ritchie, Mr Wheat & his cousin Mrs. Sansom (Miss Waring) called. M. volume fr. Mr Blair. Lin rode mare. Wednesday 29 January Mrs. Boughton at home 5 o’c. (Miss Fay Davis). Lovely morg. Lin rode mare. M. goes to have her voice tried, shop’d coming back. M. & self called on Lady M.W. & Mrs. Steinkopff & Mrs. Boughton. V. crowded “at home”. Mad’lle to dinner. Emma & Marie to Drury Lane Pantomime. Lady Russell of Kellowen called. Thursday 30 January Mrs. Speed at home 4.30. In morning. Called alone at 3.30 on Mrs. Hunter, Galbraith, out, & Edgar’s clock. On Ada Sp, Mrs. Grigg, & Miss Thomson, all in. 2 lovely boxes flowers fr. Mrs. Galbraith. Maud dines at Mrs. Phillips 8 o’c. Miss Stephens working for the day. Friday 31 January Miss Stephens working for Maud. Out morg. alone to be fitted with evg. mantle Redmaynes. To Liberty about Lin’s brown shawl. Walked to Hyde Pk. Corner. To Miss Innes at 4. Bret Harte & Mrs. Roberson there, on with Miss Innes after to call on Mrs. Crawfurd, had tea with her. Feb 1896 Saturday 1 February Mrs. Walter Crane at home 4.30. Out alone morg. to Barker’s about Lin’s huge bill! To Whiteley, pd for cleaning curtains 3/-. To Whiteley ordered fish etc &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 walked there & back. Lin, Maud & self to see matinée of “Mikado”, Savoy. Mr Carlisle met us there. V. full house. M. & self to Mr Crane’s after, introduced to gentleman, like a bear house had to come away, no tea. Had it at home & thankful of it. Lin had Turkish Bath. 4 sets of people called. Mr Galbraith, Mrs. Rhodes & Mrs. Morse & lady who did not leave her card! Sunday 2 February M. & self to early service. Edgar to luncheon, had long talk with him till 4 o’clock. Mr Evans & Miss Innes called & stayed to tea. Monday 3 February Miss Innes dines here. Out morg with Maud. Maud & self in all afternoon, expected Mr Galbraith but he did not come. Miss Innes to dine. Lin to Lord Leighton’s funeral. Tuesday 4 February Lin & self dine at Mrs. Spielman’s 8 o’c, 3 Westbourne Cres. Maud dines at Miss Thomson’s, mistake. M. dines at Mrs. H. Levy’s. Lady M.W. & Lady Dorothea Rycroft, Mrs. Russell, Effie Harrison, Miss Evans, Mrs. Roberts & Dolly & Miss Wallace called. Maud’s & ours dull dinners, all Hebrews. Wednesday 5 February Matinée at Drury Lane pantomime. Took E. Wallace, dear little boy. Sir J. Tenniel, Mr Rooth, Mr Guthrie, Mons. Bonvoisin & May Nembhard joined us there. Splendid pantomime. Mad’lle came to dinner. Mrs. Rider Haggard called. Thursday 6 February Mrs. Crawfurd’s at home 10.30. Mr Galbraith called, M. & I missed him. X. Petit ami. Out morg. with M. for walk. Called at 3.30 on Mrs. Phillips, Spielman, Levy, most stiff little assembly here, Lady Russell & Mrs. Ritchie. Too seedy to go to Mrs. Crawfurd’s. Friday 7 February Lady Russell of Killowen’s dance. Maud dines at Mrs. Russell’s & goes with her party. In bed till 12. Willie Buck to tea. Maud enjoyed dance immensely, came back in carriage with Evelyn. Saturday 8 December Sophy goes to Lady Hickman’s. Postponed till Mon. Out at 4.30. Sunday 9 February Lin at work all morg. Sp. called, Miss Rose Innes, Mr Blair & Bill Weigall! & Evelyn C. Sp, Mr Blair Miss Rose Innes remained on to dinner & Mons. Mars dined here & remained till 12 o’c. V. cheery dinner. Lin went to call on Fletchers at Alexandra Hotel. Monday 10 February Maud & I to lunch at Alice Linley’s. M. to Park with Mary Carter met P.J.B. Good lunch, Mrs. & Miss Kershaw there. On at 3 with Maud to Grand Hotel to see Midge, H. & Dora, had tea there. Saw Mr & Mrs. Whitehead fr. St Peters. Midge & all Ls leaving for Biarritz Wednesday. On to Tabbie at Alexandra Hotel, saw both H. & T. Stayed some time. They go to Mentone next week if H. better, looks v. well. Tuesday 11 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin & self dine at Mrs. de la Rue’s 8 o’c. Taken in by same gentleman who took me in last year there, uninteresting party. Mrs. Wallace, Mr Blair, Miss Ritchie, Mrs. C. Corbett & (blank) called. Feel awfully bad with cold on my chest. Up all night v. sick, mushrooms! Really not well enough to have dined out. Wednesday 12 February To Tabbie’s morg, walked with her in Park & to Redferns, cab home 2/-. Maud with Ellie R, met Mr B. Lin to Calais for day. Maud & self to Grafton Gallery. Mr B. met us there & dines here tonight alone with M. & self as I don’t feel up to dining in town & going to theatre after. Met Olive S. at Grafton with weird companion. Went to tea at Charbonel’s after. Mr B. to dinner here 8 o’c, stayed till after 12. Feel v. seedy indeed. Thursday 13 February Lovely day, 3 or 4th of bright sunshine. My cold v. heavy & tiring cough. X. Maud’s petit ami. Ball tonight at Inner Temple. B.W. sent M. tickets for P.J.B, if he only knew! M. & Eve out morg. shop’g. Box of moss fr. Ion Langleys. At 3.30 left letter at Ellie R’s containing ticket fr Mr B, fr. there to Queen Anne’s Mansions leaving 15/- for B.W. for ticket, & to Stores. Friday 14 February M. enjoyed ball immensely. B.W, Mr B. & Mr Cumming there. M. went with Whitworths, home at 2.30 or 3 this morg. Came into my room to breakfast & remained until 12. Ellie called morg. At 3.30 M. & self called on Lady Russell, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Whitworth. Left M. at Mrs. Coward’s, poor Evelyn unable to get ticket for ball last night, & Marshalls where M. bought gloves 4/3. M. to Olympia with Miss Evans & brother. Saturday 15 February Invitation to stay at Mrs. Pym’s until Monday, Lin, Maud & self. Cold v. bad don’t think it wise my going. Mr B. called morning saw M. alone, too seedy to go & see him myself. Left a little china (illeg) pig for me! V. quaint & looks well with my blue china. Lin, Maud & I go by 5 o’c train fr. C.X. Mr Lehmann & Mr Guthrie travelled with us to Brasted. M. & self on to Foxwold in brougham. Lin & two others in fly. V. much taken with Mr Lehmann think him so handsome & clever. Shall no doubt be disillusioned! V. pleasant evg. sat between Mr Lehmann & Mr Pym. Only Mr & Mrs. Johnson besides house party. Cold v. tiresome & feel seedy in consequence. Sunday 16 Ferbruary Dull morg. Breakfast at 9. 3 Punch members v. amusing chaffing each other. M. to church with Mrs. Pym & 2 girls, walked part of way home. Sat with Julian who looks much better than when we were last here. Wrote letters. Luncheon. Rested all afternoon read Bret Harte’s “Story of a Mine”. Lin & Mr G. for walk. V. v. merry at dinner, only house party, & to bed early. Mr Carlisle, Mr Rooth & Mr Paxton called. Monday 17 February Mrs. Armstrong’s dinner 8 o’c. Left Foxwold by 10 o’c. Rather a hurry & did not sleep well. Mr Guthrie travelled up with us, told amusing stories all the way up. Sunshine in London. Maud & Evelyn out for drive at 3.30. Lin for ride on strange Bike with new gear. Eve met Mr Blair at Mrs. Lawrence’s yesterday. X. Aunt Leigh died at 4 minutes to 11 PM after 9 months suffering.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 18 February Lin went for ride on Bike before breakfast, & at 10 o’c to Calais for day.. Called & saw Tabs at Alexandra Hotel. Cold. Had drawing room. Mrs. H. Henderson & little girl, Miss Chapman, Effie Harrison, Ethel Grigg called, & Sophy. Quiet evg. Letter fr. Mr Rooth. Fog here. Wednesday 19 February Fine day. Maud to Church. Called after lunch alone on Mrs. de la Rue, Palmer, Sansom, in, Mr Hartree where I had tea, & Tabbie. Found Olive there & H. Maudie sitting with Winnie Lockyer. Thursday 20 February Mr Booth’s invitation to Theatricals at Albert Hall. Going tomorrow instead. Maud & I called on Miss Thornton, Lady M. Maud lunched at Cohens, fetched her & called on Nembhards & Mrs. Rider Haggard. Tilda came to stay. Judge Bacon called. Friday 21 February Matinée of “Diplomacy”. Mr Rooth’s. Wet day. Maud & self enjoyed play v. much. Large contingent of theatrical people there. Mr R. v. good, came & sat with us after & saw us at door. Went on to see Tabs & H. at Alexandra after. Mrs. Hibbert & Lady Flower called. Saturday 22 February Lovely day. Dear Roy home for long leave. Maud sleeping with Tilda. Roy in Maud’s room. Walked morg. with Tilda to Whiteleys, pd. 2 bills there & frame bill leaving “Round Table” to be framed. Awful neuralgia again, feel I shall be really ill if I don’t get a change soon. To matinée of “Gentleman Joe” had box next to Purcells! Left their opera glasses. Maud dines with the Ritchies for Ellie’s birthday. Hamilton L, Miss Muir Mackenzie, Mrs. Galbraith Snr. called. Tabbie & H. leave for Nice. Sunday 23 February Edgar & Sophy to luncheon. E. v. lame fr. fall hunting yesterday. Mr Bret Harte, Mr & Mrs. Rider Haggard, Mr & Mrs. Ranliford Moore called. All seemed to shy at one another & w’d in no way fraternize. Ham L. & Mr Rooth to dinner, stayed till ¼ to 12. Dear Roy here & Tilda. Lin to Calais for day & full of going to Biarritz Saty. Monday 24 February Mrs. Threlfall’s dinner 8 o’c. Maud & self called Mrs. Evans & (blank). Mrs. Fair called, not a bit altered fr. years ago. Charming dinner at Mrs. T’s, 22 or 24. Gilberts, Stones, Lucys, Rhodes, Dickens, Scot Gattys both charming & sang delightfully after dinner. Young Pollock & several others. A youth played organ. Lin quite charmed with house & people. Tuesday 25 February Out morg. with Tilda to Marshalls, Goodmans & Redferns. Miss Jones, Sanderman, Goodenough, Mary Nembhard, Mr & Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. & Miss Wheen, Miss Ritchie, Alice & Mary Linley, Mr Hall Stevenson, Mrs. C. Burnand & Connie B. called. Quiet evg. Maud v. funny during dinner. Wednesday 26 February V. cold. Out morg shop’g with Tilda. To Derry about bodice. Maud to Miss Chapman & Burnands alone.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 27 February Mrs. Wallace’s luncheon 1.30. Friday 28 February Mrs. Heilbut’s dinner 8 o’c. V. busy packing. Mr & Mrs. Galbraith & Ham L. called at 6 o’c to say goodbye. Saturday 29 February Mrs. Boughton at home 5 o’c. (Tea & talk). Lin & self left for Biarritz by 11 o’c fr. Vic. Station. Ham L. met us there & stayed until train started. Mr & Mrs. Wedderburn, Mr & Mrs. de la Rue, Lady Monckton & Sir B. Maple all crossed with us. We had cabin, crossed in new boat “Dover”. Sat at table next to Princess Louise & Marquis of Lorne at Calais. Sir B. Maple v. talkative to Princess saw her to her carriage. Went fr. Nord Sta. to Orleans Sta, where we dined after I had journeyed up a 3 flighted spiral staircase in full view of restaurant to find only darkness above, candle an inch long. Fairly good dinner which we much needed, & off to Biarritz. The tiresome Swiss met us at Nord, perfect nuisance & absolutely no good. Had a compartment with one gentleman to Bz. Coffee at Bordeaux. Lost & found my purse, cost me 1½ francs. Mar 1896 Sunday 1 March Arrived at “Negress” Station Biarritz 12 o’c. Found Midge awaiting us in courtyard of Hotel, both looking v. well. Dull unsettled weather & no warmer than in London, trees & foliage as backward. Coast & sea beautiful here but the dearth of trees & gardens to my mind spoil it & give it a suburban look & artificial appearance. Sir W. Agnew v. (illeg) & sad. Miss Holland here v. ill. Monday 2 March Dull morg. Sunshine at intervals & v. hot later, cold towards evg. Walked with M. to see bicyclists on the sands. D. cycling about there too. Lin joined us. After lunch went by tram to Bayonne. V. interesting old town with quaint old street under colonnade where we had chocolate after seeing the Cathedral which had a few fine old stained glass windows. Fine big streets & platz where tram stops. On returning walked to see the waves dashing against the (blank) Tuesday 3 March Lovely morg. Sir W.A’s man made arrangement with carriage & pair to take Lin, M, D. & self to Hendaye where one takes a boat across to the picturesque little Spanish town of Pont Arabia. Passed thro’ charming little town of “Urrugne” with its beautiful old church on the top of the hill. The dome & altar most richly gilded with gilded figures of our Lord & the apostles & saints. 3 galleries in dark oak where the men sit give it a strange appearance. San Jean de Lux (illeg) delightful town on the (blank) Thursday 5 March (blank) Friday 6 March Still raining. Sat out after dressing until luncheon. Letter fr. Miss Innes & enclosed letter to Mrs. MacKenna. Midge & self called after luncheon in cab on Lady Mary Aldworth, Mrs. Rosse, Miss Blaikie & Mrs. English. Had chocolate after with Midge


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & D. at the principal shop. Saw the American widow & Pill together. Sir W.A. vy communicative. Saturday 7 March Mr Carlisle’s party to see “Trilby” after dining at Savoy. Midge moves into new rooms. 2nd lovely day since our arrival. Midge, Sir W.A. & Lin to meet in carriage, Lin’s. Nothing to see! except ungroomed horses & few huntsman. Sat out alone & then went for walk with Lin & Sir W.A. until luncheon. Wrote after to Mervyn & Ethel English & sat in Midge’s room till after tea. Mrs. MacKenna called, dear old lady, & Mrs. Corrie. I went & saw Mrs. Lindo’s rooms at Angleterre. Lin gone with them to golf links, great match on! Eton Roller & his divorcée wife here at Biarritz. Midge & self for long walk after tea, & was weighed, am exactly Midge’s weight 10.0. V. heavy clothes on. Sat after dinner & talked with Mrs. Field & Midge & Mr Bethel, nervous queer man. No letters from home. Pill departed. American heard to say at dinner “I have such an appetite tonight if I knew what had done it I w’d do it again!” Sunday March 8 Walked with Lin. Peeped in Catholic church, talked to Spanish gentleman on Virgin Rock watching steamer making for Bar. After lunch walked again with Lin to call on Mrs MacKenna, met Lady Catherine Loftus there & Lady something Sturt, & on to Lindo’s tea. Lin & self for walk after alone. Monday 9 March Out morg. with Lin. Ordered cycle for him for 4 hours afternoon 3 frs. He went with D. for ride to Bar. Midge & I went to Lady Mary Aldworth’s reception, met Mrs. Ross & Miss Baillie who after called on us here. Quiet evg. Talked to Mrs. Berwick, at least Lin did. Tuesday 10 March Dear Lin left for home by 2 o’c train, left hotel in pouring rain at 1.15. We went for walk together morg. & bought little bronze bull. We all lunched together. Had long letters fr. Maud & Tilda about Mr Carlisle’s dinner. Mr Cuming there also. Maud & T. enjoyed it immensely. I sat in Midge’s room after Lin left, & had tea there. Mrs. Lindo & dau. called. Dora played draughts with old German gntleman. Sir W.A. & Mr Holland talked to us after dinner & Mrs. Field, to bed by 10 o’c. Pouring hard still. Wednesday 11 March Wire fr. Lin at 7 o’c had arrived safely. Finer. Midge seedy with pain. Went out together. Wrote letters after dejeuner. Sat evg. with Sir W.A, Mr Holland & Mrs. Field. Am to move into Mr Holland’s room tomorrow near Midge & D. Thursday 12 March Moved into new room, 96. Had bottle of Graves, Vichy & St Halmier. Paid 1 frc for cake. Sauntered about & walked with Midge & D. after lunch. Moved into new room with Miss Healy’s help. Dull day. Wire & letter fr. Lin fr. Paris. Sir W.A. left for Pau. Letters fr. Tilda & Maud, well. Friday 13 March V. wet dull morg. Everyone cross & grumbling. I slept badly in new bed, strange. After lunch went with Midge & D. to Anglat Convent of Bernardine nuns or sisters garden etc. Most beautifully neat & well kept. Gave Sister who took us over 2 frcs, cab 3 frcs, stamps 1 frc = 6 frcs. Salon altered & dining tables taken away,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 much nicer. Consultation about Lillie H. Still cannot ascertain fr. what she is suffering. Saturday 14 March Fine day for a wonder & much warmer. Out morg. with Midge. Met W.H. & Miss W. Went & chose silk with them for maid’s blouse. Letters fr. Lin & Maud, seem v. gay, & fr. Tilda. After dejeuner drove with Mrs. Lindo & a Mrs. Day (young widow like F.Blair) fr. Angleterre in carriage & P. to St Jean de Lux. Dora & Ethel on their bikes. Stayed there 1½ hours saw church again & Spanish Virgin, Plage which is charming & had tea & coffee ops. house of Louis XIV in Platz. The two girls drove back with us, delightful afternoon enjoyed it immensely. Flowers 50 cents, carriage 6 frcs, boots 1 frc. Had bottle of Graves at dinner. Sunday 15 March Lovely day. Sat out morg with Midge. After lunch listened to band in Square. V. good music & amusing crowd. All women so neat & tidy, great contrast to our own people, no tawdry finery. Letter fr. Lin & Tilda. 2 frcs femme de chamber. Monday 16 March Lovely day. Left Hotel at 10 o’c in carriage with Midge, D, Ethel & Mrs. Lindo for Cambo, lovely drive. Lunched there at Angleterre, v. v. bad. After took carriage to Pas de Roland, most lovely drive thro’ Pyranées, by river & thro’ the Roland rock. Walked, only a footpath there. Ret’d home at 4.30. Bought v. nasty chocolate, place celebrated for good! Dance at Hotel evg. V. amusing watching people. Letters fr. Lin & Toula. Lin returns today fr. Brighton. Tuesday 17 March Lovely day. Slept badly, up late. Sat out with Midge near Spanish bathing place. Met Mr Holland. Long letter fr. Maud, one fr. Lin at Brighton, & Mad’lle Jaquenot. Sat after lunch with Mrs. Field in courtyard, rested ½ an hour, & Mrs. Doe called. Went with her & Mr Holland to tea at Miremonts & went on after with Mr H. to Light House, sat some time & home. Not as tired as I expected. Quiet evg. To bed. Bottle of Vichy water. 1 bot. Graves. Wednesday 18 March Out morg. with Midge on sands. After lunch poured in torrents. Lady O’Brion came & had tea in Midge’s room. V. amusing & abrupt. Long letter fr. Lin. Thursday 19 March Pouring wet morg. Long letters fr. Lin & Tilda. News of poor Mrs. Morris’ death after operation & Mr Abernethy aged 81. Fine afternoon. Midge out with me to call on Mrs. Roller, Holt, & Vicar. To small dressmaker, Dubousy too expensive. Had skirt done only 5 frcs. Friday 20 March Lovely day but cold wind. Out morg. alone. Midge in bed all day, saw Doctor, says she has a chill, pain all over & sore throat. Drove at 3 with Mrs. Brook & Bobbie & 2 Miss Macarthys to Bar. Tea after with Midge, still v. seedy. Miss H, D. & self dined alone. Put Midge on poultice going to bed, seems in great pain. Letter fr. Lin. 2.50 carriage. Saturday 21 March Midge still v. seedy in bed. Got up about 12 o’c, had lunch in her room. I went for walk with Miss Healy whilst Dora went with Miss Lindo cycling. Letters fr. Lin &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tilda. At 2.30 for drive to Bois de Boulogne with Miss Lindo, took Ethel & Dora with us. 5 frcs, breads 50 cents. Dora to tea at Mrs. Lindo’s, I with Midge & Miss H. Went to Virgin rock after with Mrs. Field. Most glorious sea, waves dashing over Virgin rock & the most glorious sunset I ever remember. Stayed until the sun had sunk below horizon leaving the sky a mass of colour edged with gold. Midge came down to dinner, looks v. seedy & pain bad after. All to bed early. Had long talk Mr Holland. He still seems v. depressed about Lillie. Percy coming Tuesday. Lovely day. Sunday 22 March Midge still v. seedy, Dr. came for 2nd time. She went down to lunch but not dinner & was seedy all afternoon. I sat out morg. with Major Farley & Miss Blaikie. After luncheon had long letter fr. Maud & sat in courtyard with Mrs. Field & Miss W. Went with Dora to Mrs. McKeller’s, met offensive Lady Wolsey & a nice Mrs. Vale fr. this Hotel, American. To “Virgin” rock & home with Mrs. Holland. Wire fr. Lin. Monday 22 March Lovely morg. Letters fr. Lin & Mary Nembhard. Bottle of Graves. Midge in bed all day. Saw Mr Lindo to say good bye. Bought jelly for Midge, 6 frcs, flowers for Lillie 1 frc. Great influx of tourists. Sat with Midge till 4 o’clock, then went alone to Lady O’Brion. Nice lady there unmarried, 5 children, Mr & Mrs. Eustace Cox, people of no importance. Met D. at Virgin Rock. D. & self dined alone, Miss H. with Midge till we had finished, think Midge v. nervous. Tuesday 24 March Letter fr. Maud & newspaper. Lovely day. Out morg. shop’g for Midge, met Mrs. C. Dudley. Midge better but had bad night. Doctor came twice. Mrs. Field & dau. left. Lady O’Brion & Miss Blaikie & Dora to tea with me at Miremonts. Walked after to sand cycle drive. Left D. with Miss Blaikie & returned part way with Lady O’B. Percy Holland arrived. Midge sleeping draught. D. & self sat out little in court yard with Miss Livingstone after dinner.V. hot. Wednesday 25 March Letters fr. Lin, Tilda, & Smith enclosing cheque for £20.3.0 share fr. rents etc, also document. Spencer lost case so we get £1800 more. Midge good night. D. & self for walk morg. Rained at 12 & all rest of day. Dr. came. Took D. to Mrs. Roller’s, dull party, no one introduced & most uncomfortable rooms, gentleman sang well. Lady O’Brion & Lady Wolsey there. Mrs. R. handsome woman with plain dau. 14½. Mrs. Cox called, vulgar little woman. Came up early after dinner, sat with Midge. Paid bill 100 frcs. No electric light. Thursday 26 March Dull dark rainy gusty day. Midge better but not to get up. Dr. came. Letter fr. Lin. Poured nearly all day. Went with D. for walk morg. early poured with rain later. Went at 3 with Mrs. Brook to Victoria Hotel to see Mr Severn’s (W) pictures. Mr Macarthy & daughters there. V. gusty & wet. Bottle of Graves. Friday 27 March Lecture at Royal Institute by Prof. Dewer 9 o’c. Dull rainy day with wind. Out morg. Miss H. D. with Vera Butler on bike. Midge better & up in next rom. Took D. at 4.30 to Mrs. Ross. Met Mrs. & Miss Labouchère there. Spoke to them. On to Lady O’Brion’s found Lady Wolsey, Mr & Mrs. Cox & Mrs. Macfarlane there. Sir Charles Wolseley came in after. Bought chocolate & broaches 7 frcs, veil 2 frcs, flowers 2.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 28 March Mrs. Boughton at home 5 o’c, pictures. To lunch at Mrs. Cox’s, Cosmopolitan H. Already 4 letters stamped at bureau. Fearful day hurricane of wind & rain, unable to go out. Dr. came, Midge better & went down to lunch & dinner. D. & self to call on Mr & Miss Servern, Vic. Hotel. Blown to bits going, left letter at Mrs. Roller’s & met Miss Blaikie who ret’d to our Hotel & sat with us in corridor some time. Then D. & self went to call on Cox’s as I was unable to lunch there, & we went to tea with them at Miremonts. Excellent little cakes called “Sucias”. Dined earlier. V. cold. Long account of Hamilton & Tabbie in Galignam’s Paper. Tabs had given with other ladies a Ball at National, Mentone, & given all the presents in cotillion whch was led off by H. & Miss Wyckoff! Oxford & Cambridge boat race. Oxford won, awful weather. Lin, Mr Stone & Roy to Donaldsons, Maud with Mr Galbraith. Sunday 29 March Lady O’Brion’s dinner at Hotel, came & saw us after dinner. Fearful night & day so cold shivering without fire. Pouring rain & gale blowing. H. not coming till Monday, or Wednesday. V. disappointed. Ac’t of Tabs in Galignam’s. Midge down to lunch & dinner. V. cold wretched day. £12,000 damages against Dr Playfair. X. Petit ami au matin. Fearful day poured fr. morg. till night. Lady Mary Aldworth called & came up to our room. V. exhausting person. Bottle of Graves. Monday 30 March Egg for breakfast. V. seedy indeed. Up at 11 o’c. Dull wretched day, too cold to drive. No letters either yesterday or today fr. home, evidently expected me. Tuesday 31 March Egg for breakfast. Dull morg. Cleared later & was again dull v. unsettled day. Mrs. Brook & little boy & (illeg) Bond left at 5 o’c. In bed till 11. Sat out after dejeuner, hot sun, v. cold wind. M. & self rested after, am awfully bad here, must be walking more than usual. Lillie H. v. ill, all the family coming. Had long letter fr. Lin seems depressed & disappointed I am not back, it w’d have been impossible & as I am so bad it is wiser to remain over time. Sh’ll be thankful to be home again & I never go so far again, hate idea of journey alone. Bottle of Macon. Apr 1896 Wednesday 1 April Letters fr. Lin & Tilda. Bright morg. Ham expected at 11. Arrived at 12 o’clock. Looks thin & not as well as usual, no doubt worried about Midge. Lunched 12.30 together at Mrs. Brooke’s table. Mrs. Tate called before I was up. After lunch rested & changed cheque for £10. Got only fr. 251.21. Took cab with D. to Palais, had tea with Mr & Mrs. Tate & Mr Sterne. They have lovely rooms on first floor exquisite sitting room. Kept cab & went on to Lady Mary Aldworth’s slow at home. Met Lady Palmer fr. our hotel & walked home with her. One of the few v. few nice women I have met traveling, has had attack like Midge & felt same weakness after. Adela arrived. Thursday 2 April V. v. cold & dull morg, some rain. Long letters fr. Lin & Maud. Midge & H. out for walk. After lunch H. & D. to Bayonne & then H. for drive with Midge after tea. I went alone met Mr McCarthy & sat ages with him, awfully cold & feel unable to walk. More seedy than I have been for ages, came in perished with cold at 6 o’c. Paid account 99 frcs. Bottle of Graves. X. Roy home for holidays, bad report v. vexed.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 3 April Wretched day. Walked with Midge & Ham to sands, met Mr & Mrs. Tate & Sterne. After lunch had walk with Midge. H. & D. out. Met Mr Sterne & Miss S, not pretty. V. cold wretched afternoon. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Saturday 4 April Dull morg. Up early went with Ham. & D. to San Sebastian by carriage fr. here to Negresse Sta. Train fr. there to Irun changed there being Spanish frontier town & got another train to San Sebastian thro’ v. interesting country, prettier than French side as trees were larger. San Sebastian fine big town, like miniature Paris. Boulevards & green squares, town in shape of horse shoe, surrounded by mountains, so that every view is beautiful, fine buildings all around the little bay & beautiful sands. At neck of gulf great rocks on either side one with the citadel & the other light house at the top. We walked up after lunch at Hotel Londres, v. good lunch. Saw church like some of the smaller ones of Rome & richly gilded. Sun actually shone for about 1½ hours. Bought knives & fan. Took carriage to “Irun”, boat across to Hendaye where we had v. bad & dear tea, & train home, carriage fr. Negresse. Letter fr. Lin. V. pleasant day, only rained for about an hour but v. cold. Warmer at San Sebastian. Sunday 5 April Pouring wet day!!! Unable to go out all day, cold & wretched. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Bottle of Graves. Wrote to Aunt Linda & Lin. Monday 6 April Lovely day. Out morg. with Midge & D. after packing. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. After luncheon rested. Mr Sterne called & talked with Midge, H. & self little way to call on Lady Mary Aldworth, then H. left us & Midge & self called on Lady O’Brion, Mrs. C. Buller, Mrs. Mackellor where we had tea, Mrs. Roller & Mrs. Tate, sat long while on terrace at Palais lovely & warm out of cold wind. They all came in & we then walked home. Dined, played cards, talk with Mr H. & to bed. Tuesday 7 April Left Biarritz 6 o’c. Drove in Mr Holland’s carriage to Station, fairly fine day, cold wind. Self, Miss H in carriage together, Midge & D. sleeping carriage, & H. with Percy H. in smoking compartment. Had most comfortable dinner all together in train. Wednesday 8 April Must be home, ticket expires. Slept well but fitfully in train, had hurried coffee at Sta. du Nord. After fearful harangue at Orleans Sta. about bus had carriage all together. P. Holland lunched at Calais with us. Lin & Roy arrived at Calais & went back with us, the Lindos also. Had lovely passage in new boat “Calais” & reserved carriage home. Maudie met me at Vic. looking blooming. All well at home, arrived Staf. Ter. 9 o’clock. Thursday 9 April Lovely morg. Out for walk with Maud, met Mrs. Coward. Drove after with Maud to Ada Sp’s, Edgar’s, out, & had tea with Jess at Grand Hotel. Fine. Lin dined as Mr Frankfurt Moore’s guest at Holbein Restaurant. Friday 10 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Sp. & Douglas called & Maud Paxton. Gilly to lunch & tea & after with me to call on Edgar & So. Saw them, E. just off to Woolwich. Sat with M. morg. reading “Vanity Fair”. Lovely day. One heavy shower of rain. Saturday 11 April Out morg. with Maud bought flowers 2/4, breads 4d. Lin & Roy out cycling after luncheon. We all went to see “For the Crown” evg. A’Becketts in next box to us. V. dull piece not a smile all through tho’ well staged & acted. Forbes Robertson, Mrs. Patrick Campbell & Miss Emery. Maud & self in all afternoon. Sunday 12 April To church with M. 9.30. Edgar & Sophy to luncheon. E. looking v. seedy. Mr & Mrs. Percy H. and Mr Galbraith called. Quiet evg. Monday 13 April Morg. to see Midge at Grand. Midge & Hamilton o dinner. Called after lunch with M. on Mrs. Zimmermann, Effie Harrison (sister v. ill.) Tuesday 14 April Out morg. at 12 with Maud to Monteith Young ordered dress. Mr Paxton, Miss Abbot, Mrs. Nembhard & Maud P. called. Wednesday 15 April Gilly coming for day, sleeps night. To do cabinets. Fine morg. Thursday 16 April Out morg. to be fitted Mrs. Young’s with M. To Redferns, & to Milsons. Miss Gill left. Friday 17 April To tea at Mrs. Nembhard’s. Out morg. with M. to Woollands, saw hats etc. Met Lady O’B’s friend Mrs. Fox White, Miss Thornton, Mrs. C. Corbett & Mrs. Joachim. Heard of Arthur Blunt’s death. V. sad, another of our oldest friends gone & only aged 52. Called on Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Threlfall, & ordered wreath for darling parents to be sent tomorrow. Saturday 18 April X. Lost my umbrella at funeral service Trinity Church (Lillie Holland). After luncheon called on Mrs. St John Ackers, Mrs. Schwann where we had tea. Lovely drive all trees out looking exquisite. On to Mrs. Corbett’s at home, saw Coupé driving a team one of leaders looked like a a Langley horse v. wicked. Lin & Roy to Empire after dinner. Very vexed & annoyed about my umbrella. X. Lin elected honored member of Athenaeum. So pleased as he is delighted. Sunday 19 April Lin, Roy & Mr Reed went off early to north London & St Albans. Mr Stone etc joined them part way. Ham L. to luncheon. H.L. & Mr Stone to dinner. Maud P. & brother, Winnie L, young Thompson & Tilda called. V. busy morg. with moth & fern cases. M. to Church alone . Lost purse yesterday. All stayed till ¼ to 12. Spencer came in after dinner. Monday 20 April Sale of Ham’s gees, 11 at Tattersalls. Umbrella returned 3/6 paid v. thankfully. Wish purse c’d turn up also. Busy again with carbolic & moth. Purse found. Luck returned I hope! V. poor sale of H’s fear he will be v. disappointed. Saw Hensman


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & Spinks there. Roy with H. & Mr Prichard to Sporting Club to see boxing. H. gave Roy £1 on a bet H. made & won race. Tuesday 21 April Poor Arthur Blunt’s funeral. Fine day. Maud with Maud Paxton to Mr Hook’s wedding. Arthur & Alfred Stokes, Mrs. Lindo & Ethel, Mrs. Macquoid called. All 4 of us to Opera evg. to see “Lohengrin” first time I or any of us had heard Wagner’s opera & were charmed with the music. Weird day of events, it does not do to think or one w’d feel so sad, truly “In the midst of life we are in death”. 8 old Chippendale chairs returned looking lovely fr. Edwards & Roberts. Lin to Athenaeum for 1st time, so glad he is elected. Thursday 23 April Maud dines Miss Enthoven 7.30. Out morg. with M. to Woolands & Yapps. Sp. went up with us. At 3.30 to take back patterns to Libertys. To Nilsons about M’s grey alpaca, to Mrs. Ritchie, saw all in their drawing room dresses, & Mrs. Galbraith & Miss Aiken there. To Mrs. Tate’s. Lady Waterford called. Friday 24 April Maud to dance at Mrs. Schwann’s. I go to be fitted Young. Unable to go. Took Maud to Mrs. S’s most lovely drive & the place looking lovely. Roy to theatre, dined at 7 o’c & to see “Trilby”. Lin & self dined at 9.30. Saturday 25 April X. Ami. Sir R. Webster afternoon party 4 - 7. Private View. To May Nembhard’s to tea. Unable to go there too late. Maud had accident returning fr. Wimbledon both herself & Otley thrown from cart. Maudie much shaken but drove home. Otley drove us afternoon to New Gallery. Met many friends & to Sir R.W’s, took Evelyn C. with us. Otley’s hand sprained, had to have it bound up & won’t be able to drive for some days. Lin left early for Calais with Mr Burnand & Frank. Staying away tomorrow night. They go with Mr Whiteley’s party to see Paris plage. Sunday 26 April In bed to breakfast. Mr Stone came & took Roy off on bicycle & to lunch. He returned to tea & dined with Mr Stone & Col. Welby. Mr Wirgman called. Edgar & Sophy to lunch. Maud P, Miss Rykopff, Mr Galbraith, Miss Aikin, Mr & Mrs. Fowler to tea. Quiet evg. Wire fr. Lin not returning until tomorrow at 6 morg. Monday 27 April Maud & I to lunch at 1.30 at Mrs. Lindo’s. Unable to go. Maud too stiff & I too seedy. To tea at Mrs. Evans. Unable to go as cannot use carriage. Only drove in cab to “Youngs” to be fitted with Maud, & a cab back 3/-. Roy to see fighting again evg. In bed to breakfast. Tuesday 28 April Glorious morning. Maud & Roy out morg. to be fitted. Walked home, too far & M. overtires herself. Mrs. (blank) called about chair covers. Mr Galbraith called to ask me to dine there & go to theatre Thurs. Mad’lle J. called about Mrs. Agnew’s engagement. Mrs. Roberts & Dolly, Evelyn C, Ethel Lindo, Mr Hartree, Mr & Mrs. a’Beckett called. Lin Roy & self to Pavilion after dinner, v. dull evg. for a music hall. Songs vulgar & not funny except Dan Leno’s. Wednesday 29 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely April day, sunshine & showers. Out after lunch alone to buy odds & ends, flowers 4d, fruit 6d. Pd. for curtains 12/-. Needles, braid, & velvet 2/9. Maud & Roy out morg. Mrs. Calderon to tea, had long chat with her. Roy & Maud to theatre evg. Letter fr. Mervyn, arrives on Monday, & another fr. Midge. Thursday 30 April Connie Burnand’s wedding, 2.30 St Mary’s Priory. I dine with Mrs. Galbraith & go to theatre with them. Felt v. bad morg. suffocating feeling in my throat & heart trying to hurry off with Maud. Unable to go. Saw lady for Hewett. Maud & Roy alone to Neilson. V. pretty wedding we all went. I dined with Mrs. Galbraith. Miss Wilson, Mr King & Miss Aikin there. We all went to see Mrs. Pondenbury. V. good indeed, enjoyed it. Dear Roy returned to Eton. May 1896 Friday 1 May Private View Academy. V. cold day. Ellie R. came & took 12 tickets. Met endless friends at Academy but missed dear Arthur Blunt & others gone. Talked with Orchardsons, Donaldsons, Abbeys, Ritchies, Burnands, Simpson, Dorothy Baird & Mrs. Cooke, Pilleau. Met Maggie Charrington & Maud met Mr Fisher. Mr Blair came up to town. Saturday 2 May Lunch at 1.30 at Mrs. Lindo’s. To stores with Maud bought poultry 3/6, fish 3/3, flowers 1/10, fruit 3/1. Cab fr. Mrs. Lindo’s to Avenue matinée, took Ethel Lindo 2/-. To Mrs. Nembhard’s after to try Ethel with frock. Met Mrs. Brooks there & 2 other ladies. Home after leaving Ethel. Found Mr & Mrs. Sherman & Mr S(blank) had called. Flowers. Ada Sp. called as I was doing them feeling v. tired. Maud Paxton came to stay. Sunday 3 May To early service with Maud P. & my Maud. 6d. Lin off for day bicycling. After church returned & went on after with Evelyn & two Mauds to Row. Saw Mr Carlisle & walked back with Mr H. & Mrs. Henderson. 2 Ms & self quiet luncheon. Mr Blair, Evelyn, Miss Blaikie & Mr Carlisle called. Mr Blair & Mr Swartze to dine stayed till ¼ to 12. Om 8d, cab 1/-, chairs 4d. Monday 4 May Maud, M.P. & Eve & Ellie R. to Park. Met Mr B. who walked to Marshall’s with them. After lunch Maud & self with Tabbie to Windsor Hotel to enquire for Mervyn & E, not arrived yet. Tuesday 5 May Out morning with Maud to Ratcliffe. Missed Tabbie at Alexandra. Mr Blair, Ellie R, Mabel Wallace, Bill W, Mrs. Thorneycroft & Miss Wheen, Mrs. Lindo & Ethel, Evelyn C, Mrs. Spofforth etc etc called & stayed late. Lin, Maud P. & self to Savoy to dine with Tabbie & on to see “Prisoner of Zenda” St James’, most delightful evg. Maud to Mrs. Henderson’s to dinner, met Liveseys, Quilters etc. Wednesday 6 May Maud, M.P. & self to see “Gay Parisienne” with Mr Blair 8 o’c. Dora arrives to stay, looks v. well. Gladys C. to dine with D. & spend evg. Saw Lenny Messel, D.M. & 5 other gentlemen sitting 2 rows in front of us at theatre, also Hickmans, Alexander & C. Burnand. V. pleasant evg. & little maid in piece v. funny. So glad to see Lenny again he looks older & v. handsome.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 7 May Café chantant! Dora, my Maud, M. Paxton went at 1.30 with Ellie looking v. pretty in white & pale blue. Mervyn & Ethel to lunch & tea. I went to Café with Evelyn at 2.30. V. amusing, v. crowded. Tabs stall exquisite with flowers. Lindos, Galbraiths, Thorneycrofts, Blair, Weigall, Stokes, Melville & many others. V. crowded. 2 Ms, Ellie & Mabel W. dined at the Nembhards & D. at the Lindos. I came home with Eve & took her to the evg. entertainment. V.v. dull & not full. Friday 8 May Lovely day. Mrs. Cox called, drove her in cab to Alexandra Hotel. Went & sat in Park with my 2 Ms, Dora & Evelyn C. & Mr Blair who walked back with us & called in the evg. at 6 o’c. Dora & I went to Academy at 3.30. To Mrs. Nembhard’s, Mrs. Orchardson’s & Mrs. Fagan, all in. Quiet evg. V. tired. Saturday 9 May Lovely day. In all morg. Maud & I lunched at the Galbraiths & went with them to Hurlingham. Lovely there & v. good fun watching Polo match between Derbyshire & Hurlingham. Had tea there. Maud P. & Dora with Lin. Sunday 10 May Lovely day. Went to church with 2 Mauds & Dora. Met Evelyn there. Went on to Park with them, sat there with Mr Blair who walked part of way home with us. Came at 2.30 & went with Lin bicycling. Mr Guthrie & Mr Blair to dine remained until a quarter to one! Mr Rooth came to tea & Sp. who also came in the evg. Monday 11 May Lovely day. Mrs. Hornby & two daughters called, stayed ages morning. Afternoon went with Maud & called on M’des Huish, Goodenough, Coward, Beale, Speed, Hunt, Hartley & Costin on foot. Dora & Maud walking alone. Ethel Mervyn to dinner. Maud, M.P. Dora & self to “Shop Girl” evg. Felt too tired to enjoy it but think the girls did. Tuesday 12 May Dora leaves with Mrs. Hornby at 3.30. Only Winnie L. & Mrs. Christian called. Out morg. with Evelyn & Maud. Wednesday 13 May Mrs. Carlisle’s at home 4.30 - 7. Tickets fr. Mr H. Carlisle for Ranelagh. Lin left early after luncheon for Mr Lehmann’s place on river where Punch staff all met. Took bike with him. In all morg. V. hot. Maud P, M. & self drove at 4 to Mrs C’s. Met Mrs. & Miss Evans there. Lovely garden & delightful sitting out. Forgot until too late about Ranelagh. Mademoiselle to dinner. Always feel tired when she comes. Maudie slept with me. Thursday 14 May Mrs. de la Rue’s fancy dress ball 10 o’c. Maud to church with Eve C. Maud P. out to luncheon & tea. Miss Neaves at home 4.30. V. bad news about Roy. What a fool the boy is & so disappointing for Linley just when he returns home fr. a pleasant outing. I called alone on Mrs. Tate to ask her to chaperone Maud, unable, on to Burnands as usual most kindly promised to do so sh’d Lin not go. He went as French workman in blue blouse. They enjoyed dance immensely home at ¼ to 3. I went to hugely dull tea at Miss Neaves. Mr Ramsay played well but looked so aesthetic it made one ill to watch him.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 15 May Lady Lockwood’s ball at Prince’s Hall Piccadilly 10 o’c. Maud P. to Academy with friend. Disposed of clothes for £1.6.0. V. good prices. Florrie Blair called. Maud & M.P. to tea at Mrs. Cowards. Maud rec’d a photo fr. P.J.B. & the usual 8 page letter also one fr. Bill W. Mrs. Henderson, Chapman, Lindo & Hickman called. Alice left the envelopes at houses for me. Life boat charity. V. charming dance at L’s, Princes Hall Piccadilly. Carlisle, Cuming(?), Coupé, etc. Glorious supper room. Saturday 16 May Mrs. C. Corbett’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin, Maud & self. Lin & self go to Eton on account of Roy’s getting in to trouble smoking again. Unable to go , only Lin went. Did not see Roy as he was so vexed with him. Out afternoon with Maud to buy flowers 2/& fruit 2/2. V.pleasant evg. at Mrs. C’s. Mr Wade took me in to dinner, sculptor, had long interesting talk after with Lord Coleridge on bicycles etc, he has just patented a bicycle mackintosh. X. Maud seedy. Sunday 17 May To the Row with Maud & Evelyn, met Ellie Ritchie & brother, sat with them. Ethel Mervyn to luncheon. Lin & Mr Guthrie for cycle ride. Only Florrie Blair to tea & why it w’d be difficult to say but they are like a sudden (illeg) storm on one’s spirits. Dear Midge & Ethel Mervyn to dinner, M. as usual v. amusing. Monday 18 May X. Petit ami. Mrs Leech’s ball 9.30. Mrs. Gordon 83 Philbeach Gds 4 - 6. Maud went, Alice waited for her at Mrs. Leech’s. Called at 3.30 on Lady Lawrence, Rhodes, Henderson, Corbett, de la Rue, Galbraith, in, Lady Lockwood in, Mrs. Fowler in, & Mrs. Gordon at home, met the Schwanns there. Wrote to Roy. He has not written & feel v. unhappy about him & anxious lest he sh’d again get into serious trouble. M. enjoyed dance immensely. As usual c’d have had 2 or 3 partners for each dance. Tuesday 19 May Mrs. Carlisle’s garden party 4.30 - 7. Maud out morg. with Eve P. I drove with Lin to Bond St. & left him at Turkish Baths. Went & saw Midge at Grand, they cannot dine here tonight. Miss Cohen’s brother, Fanny Barker & Mary, Fanny Nembhard & May, Lady Bergne, Miss Hickman & sister, 2 Miss Clarkes called, & Miss Evans & friend. Wednesday 20 May Lady Salisbury recep’t Foreign Office 10 o’c. Maud to Trooping of Colours with Mr & Miss Cohen, met Lady Audrey Buller there. Maud to luncheon with Miss Wallace. Mary Nembhard there & 3 others. Maud & Lin to Lady S’s. Lady Lucas called. Thursday 21 May Mrs. G. Alexander 11 o’c, 57 Pont Street. Pay second call on £90 ord. & £85 pref shares in Coupé & Dunlop Comp’y. Viz £81 5.0. already paid £25 on each making £50 in all. Friday 22 May Mrs. Wheen’s at home 5 o’c. Saturday 23 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Packed morg. Mr Galbraith called & asked Maud to dine there at 8 on Thursday next as we cannot go. Accepted for her. Maud & self left by 3.30 had to wait ½ hour at Station. Travelled 3rd class 1.0.2. Cab 3/6, porters 1/-. Sunday 24 May Lovely day. Country exquisite. Sat out nearly all day & had long rest & sleep after luncheon. Lin & Dora for long ride on their bicycles before dinner. Lin’s gone wrong he thinks he has punctured tyre. Monday 25 May Lovely day out all morning. Went with Midge to Mary’s, Baby arrived yesterday! What fools girls are to marry as they do & land themselves with endless cares & worries! & husbands out of work. Mr & Mrs. Kemmis arrive this evening. Tuesday 26 May Mrs. Douglas Sladen, 32 Addison Mans. 9.30. Hamilton had to go to town, saw young horses tried. Wednesday 27 May Lin returned home half way by bicycle. Lovely day but cold. Took Mary some cocoa Van Hoolins sugar & milk. Mr & Mrs. Kemmis, Maud, Midge & self to Castle Ashby to tea at Miss Scrivens pretty cottage. Wire fr. Lin arrived safely & enjoyed his ride. Thursday 28 May Mrs. J. Carlisle’s at home 4.30 to 7. Mrs. Orchardson’s dinner. Also invited to Mrs. Galbraith’s to dine. Maud & self returned home, felt so tired after packing. Dear Midge gave me some lovely flowers & a leg of lamb S.American. Mrs. Wallace & Mrs. Macdonald called & Miss Dove Wilson. Lovely day even in London. Mrs. Bram Stoker looking quite lovely at the O’s. Mr Hacker new associate took me in. Friday 29 May Mrs. Macqueen’s at home 10 - 12. Lady Hardman at home 4 o’c, 55 Carlisle Place Mansions, Vic. St. Out morg. shop’g. Called with Maud on Mrs. Tupper, Mrs. Magne, left cards at Lady Salisbury’s & to Lady Hardman’s, met the Dickens’ & Frankfurt Moores. Saturday 30 May Maud & self at 2 o’clock to Ranelagh. Lin, Maud & self dine at Ranelagh with Mr Carlisle. Dull & colder. Met Mr Carlisle at Ranelagh at 4 o’c. Met G. Agnews, Sladen, Leech’s, Coupé & heaps of other friends & a large contingent fr. Biarritz. Mr & Mrs. J. Carlisle joined us for dinner which was excellent & we sat out after & had a very delightful afternoon & evening. Lin also joined us at dinner. I thought Mr H.C. looking v. seedy. Mrs. C. Burnand called. Sunday 31 May Lovely day. Did flowers morg. whilst M. was at early service & took her after to Row. Met & sat with the Galbraiths. Miss Dove Wilson to luncheon. V. heavy in hand remained until 5.30! Mr Molesworth & Mr Gilmer called. Lin to Calais for day & home only at ¼ to 9. Mr Rooth, Mr Carlisle, Bret Harte, Miss Rose Innes & Miss Wilson to dine, an impromtu dinner but none the less pleasant. Did two stupid things, sat too long at table! & amused myself talking to Mr Rooth after, instead of introducing him to Miss Wilson.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Jun 1896 Monday 1 June Maud’s tooth stop’d. Not able to go. Made calls with Maud at 3.30 on Mrs. Leech met Mrs. Pitt there looking lovely, Lady Reed, Mrs. Meiggs, Geiger, Warre, Galbraiths, McQueen & Fanny Barker. Tuesday 2 June Chairs fitted. Out morg. with Maud shop’g. Tabbie! Mrs. Macmillan, Mrs. & Miss Rhodes, Evelyn, Miss Rose Innes & Mr Storey & Mrs. Kemp & Mona & Miss Schwann called. V. hot & close. Delightful for me as plenty of sunshine. Old gold fish v. ill. Put it under tap & then isolated it in bidet in my room as the carp bullied it. Tabbie in for another! Wednesday 3 June Mrs. Lindo’s at home 10.30. Ap’t with Mr Herbert at 12 for Maud’s tooth. I to meet Tabbie at 11 at Alexandra Hotel. I went at 10 o’c to meet Tabs at Alexandra Hotel & with her to Redfern & Young. Lunched with her at Hotel & Maud fetched me at 3.30. Called & had tea at Mrs. Galbraith’s. V. dull evg. at Grafton. V. tired. Met Mocatta, Castella, Levy, Spielmann, Mackenzie etc. Thursday 4 June V. tired not in bed till 2 o’c this morg. Lin, M. & self to Eton with Mrs. de la Rue’s party of 24 on launch Viscountess Berry. Met Mr Field at Station. Roy & de la Rue boys, 2 young Martins, a probable Earl!!! v. spotty & 2 other Eton boys. Cap’t & Mrs. French, Mr & Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Campbell, Mr & Mrs. Speed & Mrs. de la Rue Berkeley Sqre. V. delightful day, glorious weather. Lunched, had tea & dined there. Roy looking well. Friday 5 June Mrs. Geiger’s tea. Called alone at 4 o’c on Mrs. Dickens, Wallace, had tea there & saw a letter of the Prince of Wales written to Mrs. Batten. To Mrs. Geiger, out, left notes at Mrs. Galbraith, Wallace (de Veres) & Miss Rose Innes & Marion Pollock’s & Lady Cotton, tea again there. Quiet evg. Saturday 6 June Mrs. Tate’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. a’ Beckett Tyrrell’s at home 4 - 7. 3 tickets for Agricultural Hall. Out shop’g morg. Went at 2 o’c with Lin & Maud to Agricultural Hall. Very good entertainment. Saw & spoke to Cap’t Irvine seemed annoyed we did not remember his name, like 10000 others, & saw Sir F. Lockwood. Miss Warre & Mr Clementson called, unlucky Saturday! Maud dined at Mrs. Coward’s. V. pleasant dinner at Mrs. Tate’s. Mr de la Rue took me in & was v. talkative. Fildes, Dicksee, Mrs. Macmillan, Mr Kennar. Mr de la Rue told me he admired Maud & she was just the girl were he a young man he w’d like to marry. Mrs. Tate also v. enthusiastic about Maud. Had long talk with F. Dicksee. Sunday 7 June Mrs. Macquoid’s dinner for Lin, Maud & myself at 8 o’c. Most charming dinner exquisitely served on exquisite silver. Miss Mayne, Mr & Mrs. (blank), Mr Knowle’s married dau & her brother, Mr Forbes Robertson, Mr Lakin, Mr Hopkins, & Miss Humley who much fancied herself. Sp. & Will O, Mrs. Field, Mr Miss & Baby Chapman, Mrs. Peggy & Jerry W. & Miss Fraser called, & Miss Rose Innes. Monday 8 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Out morg. with Maud to Woollands lace muslin etc. Called alone at 4 on Ratcliffe ordered dinner jacket. To Susie a’Beckett, Col & Mrs. Livesey, left drawing Lady Lockwood’s. X. Maud to dentist had one tooth stop’d morg. Tuesday 9 June Mrs. Francis Johnson at home at Dunsdale, Westerham, 4 - 7. Loan Exhibition. Mrs. Speed, Lady Romer & dau. Miss Mayne, Miss McQueen & Miss Brown, Tilda, Eve, Mrs. Pitt, Mrs. Levy etc called. Out morg. X. M’s little F. Wednesday 10 June Mrs. J. Carlisle’s dance 9 - 2. Mrs. Farquharson’s at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Holland’s d.t. Eff going to attend. Royal Society Soirée. Mrs. Godefroi’s dinner, cannot go. I go alone to Mrs. Godefroi’s 8 o’c. Mrs. C. Banbury’s drawing room tea & music 4.30. Mrs. MacQueen at home drawing room tea. Lady Salisbury’s second reception 10 o’c. Pouring wet afternoon. Mr Naylor took me in to dinner, dullish but talked. Left directly after to meet Lin at Royal Society saw Sir B. Baker, F. Moulton, Lady Flower, Wallace etc & on to Foreign Office, saw Hickmans, Quilters etc. Thursday 11 June Dinner of 8. Mr Galbraith, Mrs. Geiger, Mr & Mrs. C. Burnand & Mr & Mrs. Fagan. Maud dined at Mrs. Wallace (de Vere). Lady Hickman’s at home 4 - 7. Blue Hungarian. Loan Exhibition. Out morg. shop’g. To Whiteley fish & poultry etc. Moody waited. All left early. Maud home at 11.30 fr. Wallaces. Soup au point d’asperges, fillets of sole white sauce, pigeons & tomatoes, lamb & peas, beans, quails & salad, jelly, Pears, Blancmange, strawberry cream ice, egg savory. Friday 12 June Mrs. Enthoven’s dinner 8 o’c. Ap’t morg. Ratcliffe. X. Petit ami. Unable to go to Ratcliffe. V.v. hot. Pleasant dinner at Mrs. E’s. Singer American fr. Opera House took me in. V. interesting man. Too many of the family. Italian brother in law of Mrs. E’s there. Maud to lunch at Mrs. Williamson’s. Saturday 13 June Lin, M. & self dine at Bristol 7 o’c sharp to see “The Geisha” after with Miss Rose Innes. Invite to dine Mrs. Galbraith also. Miss Thorneycroft’s at home 3.30 to 6.30, 2a Melbury Rd. Maud lunched with Mrs. Williamson’s & went to Hurlingham with them, only home in time to dress in 10 minutes for Miss Innes party. Chilean Minister & his daughter, Mr Norman Robertson, Mr W. Stone & Mrs. Kelly. V. delightful party. Bother about the box having been sold, finally gave us another & the gentlemen sat in stalls & came between acts. Piece pretty & bright but stupid. Marie Tempest v. good. Miss Innes & self home together & came in. Very angry about box but it did not really matter & we all enjoyed our evg. immensely. Sunday 14 June Lin off for day “biking” & training to Dover past Westwood with Mr Reed. Home v. late for dinner as usual ¼ to 9. Mr & Mrs. Galbraith called. No one else. V.v. hot. Felt stupidly tired & sleepy. Sp. & 2 chicks called morg. He came to my room. Monday 15 June Mrs. G. Twiss 10 o’c. Mrs. Enthoven 4.30 - 7, R.A. Band. In bed till 12. Mervyn to luncheon, looks v. well & himself again. M. & self to Mrs. Enthoven’s dull party, own fault felt tired v. hot. After to Mrs. Mocatta, de la Rue, Palmer, out, Mrs.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Banbury & Mrs. Corbett, in. Cards at Mrs. Godefroi’s. Mrs. de la Rue called here. Lin dined at C. Hartree’s. Maud & self dined in garden. Tuesday 16 Out morg. 11.30 to Miss Ratcliffe to be fitted. Mrs. Mayne, Miss Hogarth, Mrs. & Enid Dickens, Miss Rose Innes, Mrs. & Mary Nicol, May Nembhard, D. Roberts, Evelyn etc. Midge arrived at 6.30. Quiet evg. H. came later, had dined out. Wednesday 17 June Mrs. Rawlinson’s garden party 4 - 7. Wet as usual. Met Mrs. du Maurier, Trixie, Maggie Charrington, Mrs. K. Welch, Tuers, Reeds, etc etc. Hamilton to Ascot. Midge out early to Boswell, met her at Russell & Allens 12 o’c & home together after seeing pictures at Mr Agnew’s. Out at 3.30 with Midge to Woollands, Mrs. Galbraith, Mrs. Rhodes. Fetched Maudie who had been busy all day drawing & went to Mrs. Rawlinson’s. Mervyn & Ethel here on our return. Ham, Midge, Maud & self to dinner alone, Dickie not v. well, tomato (illeg) last evg! Mr Galbraith called. Thursday 18 June Ham took Maudie to Ascot. I lunch at Miss Neaves. V. excellent lunch & well served. A Mrs. Simpson & another blue stocking lady who wished me to know how well she was connected. Interesting talk. Midge & self called after on Lady Romer, Tate, Williamson, Macquoid, Lady Hickman, Aunt Linda & Steinkopft. Maudie hard at work. Gold key lost at dinner. H. & M. delightful day Ascot in Rivers Budsley’s(?) box. Friday 19 June Mrs. E. Pollock’s at home 4.30 - 7. Hamilton returned home. Great hunt after Lin’s gold key lost last evening during dinner. To Ratcliffe morg. fitted first, with Maud to dentist unable to do M’s tooth too busy. To Dr Boswell at 4 to fetch Midge. On to dull at home P’s. Left cards Mrs. Platt, picked up Midge Russell & Allens, to tea & left a drawing of Lin’s at Mr Hare’s Clarges St. Saturday 20 June Mrs. Archie (Marion) Pollock’s at home 4.30. Postponed. Lady Ellis 4 - 7. Mrs. Wyllie at home Dowdeswell Gallery 160 New Bond St 9 to 12, G. Grossmith. Midge & self to Margate. Unable to get rooms so go tomorrow for day. Lin & Maud to Lyceum to see Forbes Robertson & Mrs. P.Campbell in the “School for Scandal” & on to Mrs. Wyllie’s. Midge & self alone. Sunday 21 June Anniversary of dear Mother’s death. Midge & self to Margate by 10.30 train with our 3 wreaths Midge’s Mervyn’s & mine. Drove to Cliftonville Hotel lunched there took fly at 1.30 to St Peters found dear Edgar’s wreath already placed. All looking well tended, Glorious day. Went to Vicarage, Vicar showed us the only available window near organ. To Westwood which looked deserted & fearfully overgrown like 20 years growth. To Hotel for tea. Met A. Stokes, Mr & Mrs. Critchett & Mrs. King & returned by 6.15 train. Lin dined at Sir A. Hickman’s & Maud at Mrs. Galbraith’s. Mervyn & Ethel here all day. Tilda to lunch & tea. Will O, Mrs. Parr & Mr Gilmore called. Monday 22 June Mervyn, Ethel & May Nembhard to dinner 8 o’c. To be fitted Ratcliffe. Lady Cotton 4 - 7. Out at 4 with Maud to Whiteley bought flowers cream bacon 3 pigeons etc.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Soup, whiting, roast mutton, marrow, pigeons & salad, coffee savoy anchovy egg savory. Had tea at Mrs. Enthoven. Midge overslept herself luncheon time. May amusing evg. Mrs. Platt called. Tuesday 23 June Mrs. Wallace’s dinner 8 o’c. Ap’t Mr Boswell 11.30. Entirely new to cost 2.2.0 extra. Mrs. Geiger, Mr & Miss Williamson, Ellie & Mrs. Ritchie, Miss Clifford, Mr & Miss Wallace. V. pleasant dinner evg. Mr Henderson took me in, sat next to Lord Kelvin. Sir F. Bramwell v. amusing. Talked after to a Mrs. Graham friend of the Galbraiths & Mrs. Munroe, Mrs. Wallace’s sis. Midge & Maud here alone. Wednesday 24 June Mrs. E. Palmer at home 10 o’c. Sir Richard Webster’s dance 10 o’c. Women journalists soirée Stafford House St James’s 9.30 - 1 o’c. Mrs. Norton’s garden party 4 to 7. Ham L. arrives & remains until tomorrow. Thursday 25 June Mr Rooth? Miss Warre’s at home 4 - 7. Ap’t for Maud with dentist. Midge left by 3.30. Ham left at 7.30 this morg. Sp. came & we all went for walk & sat in Gardens together. To G. Allen with Maud, took her drawings & saw others for the book. To Royalty Theatre & to Miss Warre’s. Met Rosie B & the Roberts there. Mrs. Bergheim & Mrs. O’Callaghan & Mr Galbraith called. Friday 26 June Mrs. Quilter’s at home 10 o’c. Out afternoon, forget where. V. pleasant party at Mrs. Q’s. Met Shennans, Pitts & McQuoids, McCleans, C. Burnands etc etc. V. good singing. Saturday 27 June Mrs. Schwann’s garden party. Lady Romer’s at home 4 - 7. Mrs. Walter Crane 10 o’c. V. hot close day. Out morg. shops alone. Lin for long ride on B, home at 8 15. Maud & self at 4 o’c to Mrs. Schwann’s, only met Pitts, McLarens, Hollands there. On to Lady R’s. Lovely house. Ritchie girls in great force & all looking v. handsome. Mr Davis there seems to admire Maud Ritchie & no wonder. Bought flowers & strawberries Butts 2/8. Sunday 28 June Fearful neuralgia. Lin to Calais. Maud to Church. Evelyn & M. for walk. Mr Galbraith, Sp. & Mary Nicol & Tilda called. Maud dined at Mrs. Oakes & Sp. brought her back. Monday 29 June Mrs. Rawlinson 4 - 7. Mrs. Twiss 10 o’c. Mrs. Rhodes 4.30 (Maurice Farks). Lady Cotton 4 - 7. Ap’t Dr Boswell 12.30. Mr Galbraith dines here at 8 o’c, & Will Oakes. Morg. to Boswell, kept me ages waiting. To Falls about M’s miniature, too expensive. Flowers & fruits 5/-. V. pleasant parties at both Mrs. Rhodes & Lady C’s. M. introduced me to another of her solemn admirers, Mr Hickie. Mr G. & Will left early. Mrs. Fritz Jackson & others called, forgotten names. Tuesday 30 June Mrs. Jones 4.30 to 7. To British Museum. Carriage at 11, went with Lin & Maud to Museum. M. made a sketch for her work of Demeter. Bought flowers & strawberries 2/3. Mrs. Sutton & dau, Mrs. Fagan, Evelyn, Miss Innes (who


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 remained on to dinner) Miss Enthoven. I went alone in cab to Mrs. Jones, large garden party. Dear Mrs. Jones looking more like darling Mother than ever. Jul 1896 Wednesday 1 July Mrs. Pickering 10 o’c, 32 Portman Square. Lady Finlay’s dance. Mrs. Macmillan 4 7. Duchess of Buccleugh’s 4.30 to 7, Montague House. Sent off certificate fr. L & County Bank of £8, 2nd div. B.A.Pacific, to be converted into 4½% instead of 6. M. & self to Duchess of B’s large garden party saw Mr Lucas, Lady F Conningham & young couple met at C. Corbett’s there. Many lovely women & handsome men. Met Mr Schlessor, Alma Tadema, M. Stone etc at Mrs. M’s. Fetched Lin & had charming evg. at Mrs. P’s, met Mrs. Best perfectly lovely. Norman Sinclair, Corries etc. Maud home at 4.30 most delightful dance & great success. Thursday 2 July Mrs. Speed 4.30 to 7 at 10 Regents Pk Rd, Gloucester Gate. Mary Nicol comes for few days. Maud goes with Mrs. Corbett to Caledonian Ball. M’s ap’t with dentist at 10.30. Can’t go. Lords, University Match. With Mary to “School for Scandal” after dinner. Maud to Mrs. C. Corbett to dine & Caledonian Ball, home 3.30. Delightful day at Lords, met oceans of friends. Friday 3 July Mrs. Speed as above 2nd at home. X. Ap’t Dr Boswell 2.15, postponed. Mrs. Williamson at home 3.30 to 7. Lords at Mr Hartree’s. Had most delightful day. 3 full tables of Mr H’s guests. Sat with Mrs. Pitt a good deal. M. saw many admirers, Bill W, Lenny M, Mr Cuming, Mr Ferguson, etc etc etc. Feel more interested in people than game. Maud & self had feeble dull tea with Mr Hickie & were glad to hurry back to Mr Hartree’s party for another tea. Most delightful happy day. Saturday 4 July Lady Ellis 4 - 7. Lin dines at Mr Rooth’s. Lords again for whole day. Mary N, Maud & self went in brougham at 12, found party as usual. Glorious day & most exciting cricket. Oxford pulled round splendidly & won easily having only 6 wickets down. Mary & Maud on to Hurlingham at 3, carriage fetched & waited for them at H. Sat some time with Mary, & after with Mr Mocatta in Members places, saw splendidly. Sir J. Tenniel, Mrs. & Miss Thorney, Lady L. son & dau etc. Enjoyed it immensely & Lin joined us at 3 o’c. Met Mrs. & Miss Peto. Lin dined at Mr Rooths. Met Sir John Thursby, Mr Lucas etc. Shocking story of Lady Warwick. Maud & M met endless friends at Hurlingham, Williamsons, Corbetts, Galbraiths, etc etc. Sunday 5 July Alice out entire afternoon & evening. Lin, Maud & self dine with Will Oakes at Hyde Park Club. Heavenly day. Maud to early service. Mrs. Peto & dau. & Jessie Harding called early, dau. pretty like a little bit of Dresden china, but do not think her as pretty as Maud. Miss Harcourt, Ethel English, Miss Rose Innes, Col. Welby, Capt Macintyre, Mr Rooth, Stirling Dyce, Edgar, called. Mary Nicol left us. V. pleasant dinner at Club. Mr & Mrs. Grant there, pretty bright little woman. Saw Mr Mathews & Mr Mackay & Hamilton Aidé also at Club. Monday 6 July Mrs. G. Twiss 10 o’c. Mrs. Speed’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin dines at Mr Bancroft’s. Tuesday 7 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dear Father’s birthday. Mrs. Williamson at home 3 - 7. Maud going to help Miss W. at home. Tabbie coming for night. Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Hook, Evelyn, Mrs. Reynard & Miss Peters, Mrs. Mackenzie & Ina, Mr Molesworth, Mrs. & Miss Wheen & Mrs. Cameron Corbett called, & Alice Linley & Mary Carter. Maud had delightful afternoon with Mrs. Williamson, accident to their carriage. We went to Vaudeville after dinner & had to return, no places. Tabs with us. Wednesday 8 July Mrs. Steincopff’s at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Arthur Harding at home 5 o’c. Mr Galbraith coming to say goodbye & Miss Russel to tea. Tabbie left early. X. Petit ami au lit. Sp. Called. Maud had short note fr. P.J.B. coming up again probably this Saturday. Lin & M. to Mrs. S’s. Mad’lle to dinner. Alice out entire afternoon & evg. & Sunday as well! I went alone & called on Jessie Harding, Mrs. Wallace & Miss Chapman & Lady Hickman, all in but Mrs. Wallace. Thursday 9 July Ap’t with Dr Boswell 4.30. Paid 8 calls alone after to Mrs. Temple, Orchardson, Pickering, G. Agnew, Christian, Hickman, Pitt, Sinclair & Webster. Much struck with Mrs. Pitt’s pretty & smartly kept house. Maudie at work all day. Friday 10 July Eton & Harrow match Lords. Mrs. Temple at home, dancing 9.30. To Mr Hartree’s as usual, lunch & tea. Up at 12. Reached Lords in time for luncheon, huge party 2 tables full. Mr Howe took Maud to Members enclosure. Col Livesay, Mocattas, Fergerson etc etc. Met Mrs Williamson’s party. Maud remained there to tea, on to us after. V. crowded all the tents & 2 extra ones. Roy v. excited, Eton made 382 first innings, Pilkington 101 & Bosanquet 120 runs. M. & self to Mr G. Allen’s about her drawings. Maud & Roy to Mrs. Temple’s ball. Very dull party. Saturday 11 July Mrs. Phipson Beale 4 - 7. Eton & Harrow at Lords. Mr Hartree’s guests as usual, lunch & tea. Large party again at Mr Hartree’s about 60 to lunch & tea. Eton did extremely well but unable to finish so it was a drawn game. Maud & self sat some time with Mr Howe in members’ seats. V. v. hot, had tea with Mrs. Williamson. Maud sat with Sir John Fowler’s party some time before luncheon. Roy had to return evg. on account of having smoked during term. Too late for Mrs. Beale’s party. Drove Mrs. Pitt home. Sunday 12 July Mrs. Fagan’s dinner 8 o’c, Lin & self. Maud to Church with Evelyn. Mr Gilmer, Mrs. St John & tall son, Ada Sp. Hilda & cousin called. Hilda v. fidgety. Evelyn Coward came. Lin to play tennis at Sir A. Hickman’s. Met Medleys & Parkinsons at the Fagans, dullish, c’d not distract my attention fr. Mr P’s dyed hair & moustache. Monday 12 July Dinner of 8 here. Postponed. Mrs. Macmillan’s dinner 8 o’c. Mabel Wallace coming for night & going with Maud to Mrs. Schwann’s dance. Mrs. Pitt chaperoning them & all going in omnibus together. Maud & Eve to Marshalls morg. Self to Stores with Tilda. Tuesday 14 July Maud goes to Mrs. Cohen’s, Round Oak Englefield Green Surrey, until Monday the 20th. Lin & self dine at Mrs. E. Pollock ¼ to 8. Ap’t with Dr Boswell at 1 o’c. Went, dents arranged at last. Miss Evans, Eve, May, Midge, Winnie L. called. Alice went


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 in cab with M. to Station, abusive 4 wheeler. Most delightful dinner at Mrs. P’s, only ourselves, Ps, Threlfalls, Col. Hill & a handsome unknown man. V. interesting to talk to on books & Norway! Wednesday 15 July Mrs. Oakes 4 - 7. Music & dramatic sketches. Lovely day. To Marshalls, dressmaker etc. Lin put up cleaned pictures in drawing room. V. hot. Evelyn C. & Midge went with me to Mrs. O’s. Excellent music. B. Rumford, Swartze, Mrs. Percy O, Ortons, Eff & Con, Ethel E, Miss Gordon. V. pleasant party & v. good music & recitations. Thursday 16 July Mrs. Fowler at home at the “Kiosk” Kensington Gardens. Much colder & dull & v. windy. Went to Midge. H. & Midge dined here evening. Met Sir Richard Temple at Mr Fowler’s & found him as uninteresting as he ugly & offensive to be near, lion house at the zoo! He thinks Mr Reed a genius & did not know Phil May & confused Lin’s work with Tenniel’s, altogether he is a vain & ignorant man. Friday 17 July Lovely day. Out morg. 10.30 shop’g. Out again at 4.430. To Aunt Linda, Macquoid, Lady Lucas, Miss Rose Innes & Fanny Fildes. Saturday 18 July Maud & self to Ranelagh with Mr Carlisle to tea & dinner. Mrs. Temple’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin dines at Mrs. T’s. alone. Maud returns fr. Round Oak & looked v. seedy, complaining of pain in her side. What with my rheumatism we are a feeble family! Lin for cycle ride before dinner. M. & self to Ranelagh at 4.30. Met Mr C. & his party, Mr Watts, Editha Schwann & Prof Graham. Glorious day. V. exciting Polo. Ld. Harrington, Sir H. de Trafford etc. Met G. Agnews, Leech’s, Sladen, J. Carlisles, Hastings etc & Lady Bergne. Delightful dinner & sat out until 10.30 looking at fireworks. Sunday 19 July Awful rheumatism. Edgar & Sophy & Midge to luncheon. Mrs. Percy O, Miss Rose Innes, Mr Hickey, so mournful, called. Maud v. seedy. Quiet evg. alone. Monday 20 July Lin’s dinner. Mr Wallace, Sir F. Lockwood, Mr Bancroft, Mr Fletcher Moulton, Mr Ayala, Mr A. a’Beckett, Mr Lucy, Sir W. Agnew. Shop’g alone at 9.15 stores. Caviare, consommé, fillets soles white s. Crème de volaille in aspic, tongue & mushrooms, roast lamb, spinach, french beans. Chicken salad. Jelly of fruit macedoine, haddock savoury. Maud dined at Lindos & to Exhibition after. Lin on with Mr Wallace to Sir E. Lawson to D. Telegraph office, big recep’t. I to tired to go. Tuesday 21 July Maud’s dinner. Shop’g alone at 9.15. Mad’lle here helping with flowers. Asked Mr & Mrs. Fritz, Mr & Lady M.W, Mr & Mrs. du Maurier, Sir W. & Lady Flower. Very hot. Only Ellie R. & Evelyn called. Maud looking v. seedy. Pleasant dinner though. Caviare, soup, soles white, tongue & mushrooms, beans. Chicken salad, jelly & macedoine. Haddock savoury. Wednesday 22 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Flower’s at home, 7 Gordon Place, Gordon Sqre. Miss Rose Innes to dinner. Maud & Lin lunch at 1 o’c at Lady Margaret Watney’s & go to see Royal Wedding after. I called on Mrs. F. v. slow at home & we all wondered why we were there! To Mrs. Garnet dear old fat thing, & Mudies. Mr Fritz called. Thursday 23 July Lovely day. Out at 9.30 alone in brougham shop’g. Fitted with check dress & Alpaca jacket. Mr P.J.B. called & stayed an hour. Hope he won’t get stiff neck fr. the draught he sat in, but w’d not move. Friday 24 July Maud dines Mrs. Wallace (Mabel) 8 o’c. M. & self to tea at Mrs. Evans. M. to tea at Lady Audrey Buller’s. Miss White dressmaker here for day 2/6. Left Maud at Lady Audrey’s, went to Mde. Flavie left cards at Mrs. Bancroft, Lady M.W, Mrs. Steincopff’s, Lady Lawson, Mrs. Quilter, Mrs. C. Burnand, Mrs. Kemp, & had tea at Lady O’Brion’s. Fetched Maud & we went to Mrs. Evans’ party where we found Mr Blair. Went over Mrs. Evans’ charming little house, & heard their landlord was Mrs. Lindsey Hammond. Maud had v. pleasant evg. at Mrs. Wallace’s. Spencer came in whilst Lin & I were at dinner. Saturday 25 July Mr & Lady Anne Blunt’s luncheon at Crabtree Park, Three Bridges, 1 o’c. Unable to go. Out morg. shop’g alone in Kensington. Miss White dressmaker here 2/6. Rested & worked all day. Lin, Maud & self to Prince of Wales’ Theatre “On the March”. V. v. good. Enjoyed it immensely, v. funny & amusing. Mr Blair joined us at theatre. Mrs. Bancroft called. Sunday 26 July Lovely day. Lin gone to Calais for day. Maud to Church. Mr Blair & Miss Rose Innes to dinner. No one called. Mr B. & Miss Rose Innes stayed late. Monday 27 July Sp. & Douglas came in morg. Sp. & Hilda coming to dinner, but did not arrive till we had finished. Mr Blair called in afternoon & Lin w’d not let me ask him to dinner. He came after dinner & we all went off to Earls Court Exhibition together, sat out there. Tuesday 28 July Shop’g morg. stores, Ratcliffe & Phillips. Mrs. Davis (Sylvia du Maurier) & Mr Blair called to say goodbye, he leaves for Scotland tonight. Wednesday 29 July Mr Carlisle asked us to spend afternoon & evg. at Ranelagh. Too busy to accept. Maud busy packing. Thursday 30 July Maud goes to Buscot for a week. Saw her off at Paddington. She went with young Handerson (illeg), Nora Meiggs, Rose Trapman & Miss Snaggs. Great rush to get the train. To be fitted after at Madame Flavie’s, hate my new dress & sorry I ordered it. Roy’s bills heavier than ever, £115 odd, upset Lin, & his report not good, v. lazy.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 31 July Roy returned home fr. Eton. Out shop’g & calling after luncheon, had tea at Mrs. Fritz Jackson’s & saw Baby. V. pretty Baby, quantities of hair. Mrs. Fritz gave me two books (illeg illeg) for Maud with her drawings in “Horn book”. We went to see “A Night Out” after dinner. They all overdo their parts which makes it more vulgar & less funny than the original in French. Aug 1896 Saturday 1 August Packed morg. Came to Tabs by 2.15 fr. Waterloo Sta. Met Mr Guthrie & all came down together (Lin, Roy, Mr G. & self). Great crowd at Southampton. Met Tabbie & Miss Wallace at C. Church Sta. & left Lin Roy & Mr Guthrie to see after luggage & bicycles. They forgot 6 pieces of luggage & had to send in later for them. All looking v. well & Baby grown quite pretty & interesting. Place looking lovelier than ever. Tabbie wonderfully well & strong. Sunday 2 August Heavenly day. Sat out all morg. Called with Tabs on Mrs. Sermon, v. jumpy as usual. Mr Guthrie, Ham, Lin, Roy, Mabel & Gwen off after luncheon at 4 for long bicycle ride. I went with Eve & had tea at Mrs. Gibbs & sat out on lawn at Capisthorn for some time, home at 7.30. H. sang in the evg. Monday 3 August Lovely day, little uncertain morg. Lin, Ham, Mr Guthrie & self went on board “Xantho” which was lying off here. V. charming Yacht, 215 tons. V. good accommodation. “Grand Gymkana” afternoon fr. 3 o’c till 8. Great fun. Had Meistersinger Band which played charmingly. Roy won a silver case with amber cigar holder, Mabel 4 things. Everything went off well & was splendidly managed, ices, fruit etc in Library, tea coffee etc in dining room. 80 people here. Tuesday 4 August Lovely day. Tabbie, Ham Mr Guthrie & Lin off fr. here on “Xantho” to Cowes at 12 o’c. Mabel, Roy & self alone here at Anchorage. Mrs. Gilson called asking us to lunch there tomorrow at 1.30. They rowed us up to C.C. with the 2 chicks after tea & back. V. jolly, looked at curio shops. Letter fr. Midge fr. Buxton & Mrs. Galbraith. Wednesday 5 August Lovely day, v. windy. Letters fr. Lin at Cowes, Maud, & Mary Nicol. Darling Maud’s birthday. Roy, Mabel & I lunch at 1.30 at Mrs. Gilson’s, drive with Baby at 5 o’c. X. Petit ami. Letter fr. Con & Maud evg. V. pleasant party at Mrs. G’s to luncheon, Mr Saunders & Mr Long. Big house party 10 in all. Sat out after & forgot time!!! Went for drive with Baby whilst Roy & the two girls went for bicycle ride. Thursday 6 August Mr Saunders, Mr Gilson, Mr Long to tennis. Roy v. solemn. Quiet day read & wrote. Letters fr. Maudie. Friday 7 August Dined at Mrs. Gibbs, Mabel, Roy & self. Had such a pleasant evg. forgot time & stayed till 12 o’c!!! Only Mr Ward there besides. Sat out all afternoon. Saturday 8 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Match at Gen. Ward’s, Roy went after lunch. Mabel & self fetched him, found them all playing in soaking rain. Glad to get Roy home again & in dry things, simply pouring in torrents all afternoon. Hamilton returned alone. Letters fr. Lin, Mr Stone, dear Maud enclosing one fr. P.J.B, feel so sorry for him. H. sang evg. & we went to bed early. Much annoyed at myself after for hurrying off early to bed, & so suddenly, but I thought H. w’d be tired as he had to go off v. early next morg. Sunday 9 August Fine morg. Heavy showers later. Ham left by 8 o’c morg. to rejoin yacht at Weymouth & sail on to Dartmouth. Feel the damp rather. Mr & Miss Saunders to tea & stayed till dressing bell rang. V. sweet girl, v.delicate. Monday 10 August Sat out all morg. Drove at 2.30 in landau with Mabel, Gwen & Eve to Bournemouth. Incessant opening & shutting of carriage on account of heavy storms. Horse cast a shoe & had to wait an hour. Had tea at Bungalo, 2/8, not particularly good. Sat out after return with Mabel. Called Mrs Fair’s in Mount Rd, away in Scotland. Mr & Miss Saunders in after dinner. Played pool without a pool. Mr S. v. wild, Roy wonderfully serious! Falling stars. Long letter fr. darling Maud. Tuesday 11 August Darling Maud returns fr. Buscot. Lovely day. Long letters fr. Lin fr. Dartmouth & fr. Spencer. Mabel & self went to tea at Mrs. Gibbs. The two chicks there also. Met Mrs. Ricardo & a Mrs. Jessop with their children. Mabel & Mrs. Saunders long game at tennis. Only back just in time to dress hurriedly for dinner. Billiards after. Wednesday 12 August Darling Maud I hope joins us here. Tabs, H, Lin & Mr G. arrived on “Xantho” in time for luncheon. I drove at 2 with Gwen to Bournemouth, left her at Bungalo where Ham fetched her later & they returned on bicycles. I met Maudie looking v. well at 4.30. She travelled with Mrs. Eykyn. Danced evg, & H. sang, v. cheery. Mabel & Roy & Mr Saunders to picnic. Thursday 13 August Heavenly day. Went with Lin & Mr Guthrie in dinghy to C.C. V. strong wind & current against us. Mabel & Roy in double punt. Tabs, Mabel, Maud & self drove at 3.30 to Mrs. Snagg, out, to Mrs. Ward’s, met Miss Gilson. Mabel, Maud & self had tea at Mrs. Ricardo’s. Lovely trees & beautiful house. To Mrs. Gilson’s after. Mabel with H. & Eve for bicycle ride. Maud & self sat out. Danced evg. H. sang, & we sat out looking for shooting stars. Friday 14 August H. & 2 chicks going to France in yacht “Xantho”. Lin left at 9 for London, returns tomorrow D.V. Tabbie’s big picnic. At 3 I drove with Mabel, Miss Saunders & Miss Gilson to to Homesley Woods. Exquisite drive thro’ the lovely little village of Hinton. Tabs, Roy, Mabel, Miss Penruddicke, Mr Ward, Mr Saunders, Mr Guthrie, Mr Bellairs & Roy on Bikes. After tea they went on farther so were not home until 10 o’c. Mabel, Maud & self to Mrs. Gibb, & after Maud tried her Bike & gets on well. Saturday 15 August Received fr. Estate Income fr. unsold property £38.10.0. Also letter announcing further distribution of money sent to my trustees. £845.16.8 to be invested. Tabs


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & Mr Guthrie off at 9 o’c on Bikes to C.C. where they took train to Winchester & after going over Cathedral went on to Saint Cross & saw the church there, 2 Almshouses endowed many years ago, & came home on their bikes. Over 30 miles, arrived 9.30. Lin came fr. town by 2.15. Roy played in Village cricket & made a “Duck” to begin with! V. disgusted. Still lovely weather. Ham with chicks at Ryde, sail tonight for Trouville. Heavenly day. Tabbie none the worse! Sunday 16 August X. Lovely day. Sent receipt to Messrs Lee & Pemberton for £38.10, & for £845.16.8 sent to Fritz Jackson. Tabs rested & rest bicycled to (blank) beyond Ringwood. Lin v. seedy coming back, too tired & troubled with old complaint & earache. He & Mr Guthrie not in until 9.30. Miss Penruddicke called, she is a cousin of the Heathcotes & we found we had many mutual friends. Mr Saunders came after dinner. Mabel & Roy rode to Ringwood on bikes. Monday 17 August Lovely day. Lin still uncomfortable with old complaint. Tabbie, Mr Guthrie & Roy to Salisbury & Stone Henge by train returning on Bicycles. Lin unable to go, quite seedy fr. yesterday. Mabel left by 11.20 for London. Maud, Miss Saunders & self drove to see her off & Mr S. went on bicycle with her to Sta. Maud to Miss Gibb to luncheon. Lin & self alone & sat out all morg. & afternoon. 3 brace of grouse fr. Mr Watney. Tuesday 17 August (blank) Wednesday 19 August (blank) Thursday 20 August Lovely day. Tried bicycle, they can’t or won’t help me enough Roy & Lin, Maud too weak. We went blackberrying in morg, v. hot. After lunch called with Tabs on Mrs. Wiggins, & then drove with Tabs, Lin & Baby to Gen. Ward’s to see Roy & Mr Saunders play in cricket match. Tony Wiggins, Mrs. Whittaker, Mrs. Templer(?), Mr & Miss Saunders, Mrs. Sermon & Mrs. Johnson (American) in after dinner. Friday 21 August Return home. Morg. wet. Read to Tabbie & practised. Maud to lunch & tea at Mrs. Snaggs. Tabbie & self called on Mrs. Blair Leighton & Mrs. (illeg). Tabbie & Roy for ride on Bikes to Ringwood. I went alone to tea at Mrs Penruddock’s, lovely drive & enjoyed talk over old friends, Heathcotes, Langhams etc who are cousins of the Penruddocks. Lin went to London by 9 o’c train. M. & self for 10 minutes to Mrs. Gibb. Saturday 22 August Lovely day. Morg. struggled on Bicycle, no progress. Maud to luncheon at Mrs. Gibbs. Tabs & self sat on Terrace until 4.30 when Mr & Mrs. Blair Leighton, Mr Saunders, Mrs. Vipan, Mr Ward & Mrs. Johnson came to tea & tennis. Tabs lent M. her bike & she went for short ride with Mr Vipan. Lin arrived fr. London & went for bathe with Roy after playing tennis. Sunday 23 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely morg. Roy to Church with Tabbie, Christchurch. Maud to Mudeford church. Mr Nugent, Mrs. Gibb & Miss Saunders called. No news of Ham. Lovely day v. hot. V. lively evg. Sat out on Terrace looking for Yacht. Monday 24 August Send Bankers receipts of Coupé London receipts to Company for Certificates. No news of Ham. Remaining until tomorrow Tuesday. Tried bicycle no progress. Am v. awkward & cowardly. Wire fr. Ham arrives at 3. Tabs to meet Ham with Baby. Not v. pleased with H’s not wiring earlier. Lin to Rufus Stone on his bicycle & back well in time for dinner. Tabbie v. naughty with H. Wish she w’d meet him half way & be more conciliatory. Tuesday 25 August Sent Coupé London Bankers receipts to company for certificates. Returned fr. C.C. with Lin & Roy. Ham asked me to stay & go yachting with him. Suggested Con instead as impossible for me. Lin & Roy dine at Savoy Hotel with Mr Ayala. Heavy showers & alternate sunshine. X. Sent registered envelope with 6 Coupé Bankers receipts to Company. X. Wednesday 26 August No letter fr. Maud. Shop’d. Roy to Lords, only home in time to dress for dinner & go with me to see “On the March”. Very good. Lin joined us. Saw Willie Humphreys there with his sister. Thursday 27 August Miss White here for day doing my bodices. To be fitted at Mde Flavie’s with ugly ill chosen gown. To see “My girl” at Gaiety with Lin & Roy. Had cab accident returning, our cab ran into another turning. Piece good but not equal to “The Shop Girl”. Friday 28 August Darling Maud returned fr. Tabbie’s, a bad cold taken fr. Evelyn. Out morg. shops. X. Maud received £5.5.0 for her coupé drawing. X. Lin gave Maud lovely diamond & heart pendant for her 21st birthday. Bogus telegram, or fr. Sir R.Webster signed Wister. X. Lin sent back the remaining jewels by Otley to Welby. Lin & Roy to “Mikado”. Saturday 29 August Miss White here all day. Out entire morg. with Maud shops. M. with bad cold makes her look wretched. Walked all afternoon. To see “The Geisha” evg. Saw Edgar & Sophy there, unable to get to our box across theatre, v. crowded. X. Met Edgar & So. morg. Told E about letter received fr. Fritz about my consol divs not having been paid in. Fritz had had them sent to my bank, £37 odd. Sunday 30 August Fine morg. Maud to early service. V. unprofitable Sunday, worked hard with pen & needle. Mr Fowler & Edgar to tea. Mr F. brought Lin’s drawing of C. Keene & remainder of M’s drawings. Lin & Roy to Calais. Monday 31 August Packed hard all day. X. Otley paid for shoes at Barkers 5/11 for me & took back box which was too common for Maud. Went to Edinburgh by 11.30 night mail, startling bus fare 18/- being after 10.30. We all had coupé lits, v. comfortable.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sep 1896 Tuesday 1 September Go to Ayton for 10 days with Lin & Roy. Up at 6 o’c, train ½ hour late at Edinburgh 9.30. Sent luggage by porter & walked to Central Hotel, had breakfast. Took carriage to Charlton Hill, sun shining, past Burns monument, Observatory, Parthenon, old Edinburgh & Holyrood Palace. Went over this. X. Petit ami, annoying. To Castle, & had luncheon off ancient fowl at Central. Came on to rain. Left for Ayton at 4.20. Mr G. & Mr Hudson met us. Only Mr Hudson here. Wednesday 2 September Breakfast in bed v. tired. Mrs. G. looking v. well considering. Mr Anderson arrived at 4.30, see great likeness to Mrs. Wilson & the brother I met 2 yrs ago here, same humourous face. Poured more or less all day but warm & am thankful for that. Thursday Thursday 3 September Fine morg, up to breakfast!!! Dear Maudie left at 10 o’c for Banchory, has to change train 4 times, first takes her as far as Edinburgh. Friday 4 September Glentana Ball. Saturday 5 September X. Sent off to London & County Bank certificate for 85 shares (no. 9451 to 9535) of £1 each in Coupé & Dunlop Brougham Company 6% cumulative pref. Certificate for 90 shares of £1 each in same company ordinary shares (no. 25922 to 26011). Letter fr. Maudie. Mrs. Thorneycroft got into her carriage at Perth, & P.J.B. met them at Aberdeen but only for 5 minutes as they caught train on to Banchory. Sunday 6 Septenber Wet morg. All to Church except Lin. Round horses after. Quiet evg. Monday 7 September Letter fr. Maud, had toothache. V. cold & damp. X. Roy, Lin, Mr Mitchell Innes & Mr Galbraith away for day’s shooting. X. Roy’s first partridge shoot, 4 brace & 2 hares, not bad for beginner. We drove to Berwick & way round. Mr & Miss Mitchell Innes & Miss Aiken to dinner. Mr Aikin in after. Played game. Tuesday 8 September Lovely day & warmer. Mr & Mrs. Hudson away early for 2 days, return Thursday. Wednesday 9 September Mr & Mrs. Hudson return tonight. Drove at 2.45. Thursday 10 September Mr Galbraith went to Aucheneck for one night only & to see place at Stirling. New governess came. Fine lovely warm sunny day. Drove at 2.45. Friday 11 September Mr Aikin, Mr Hudson, Lin & Roy to Eyemouth for golf. New governess first day. X. Little Jean’s operation by Mr Hudson & Stuart. Wired dear Maudie to come tomorrow instead of Monday. Mr Galbraith returns. Finished Mrs. Gaskell’s “Wives


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & Daughters”. V. true to life but so long & wordy glad to get thro’ it. Sunshine part of day, heavy sea fog mostly. Saturday 12 September Mr G, Lin, Mr H. & Roy to Kelso by rail & home by cycle, 50 miles. All had a spill but Roy. Drove alone with Mrs. Charley at 2.45. Dull but not much rain. Wire fr. Maud not coming till Monday, feel vexed her changing 3 times. Mr Hal Stephenson also expected but did not arrive. Sunday 13 September Fine day warmer. To Church except Lin. V. Good sermon fr. Mr Aiken. Walk with Lin to Post Office, & packed. Monday 14 September Left Ayton after most delightful visit. Mr Galbraith & Mr Hudson saw us off. Met darling Maud at Edinburgh & saw her off to Ayton by 4.30, in same carriage with Mr & Mrs. Asquith. Dined & slept at Royal Hotel. V. dirty staircase & v. noisy. Tuesday 15 September Dear Roy saw us off at 9.30, his own train leaving 30 minutes later for London. Met Mr Carlisle at Perth. Arrived Tressady after v. comfortable journey at 9 o’c. Most cozy fires in all rooms & Lady M. had dinner laid for us in library & kindly helped me unpack. I felt v. tired. Never saw Mr & Lady M. Watney looking better. House party Mr & Mrs. Pember, Miss Russell & Cap’t Moon. Wednesday 16 September Fine morg. Wet stormy afternoon. Lady M, Miss Russell & Rosalind for drive, glad I did not go turned out so cold. Lin enjoyed his day immensely. Miss R. read “La Vie d’une Parisienne” morg. by O. Feuillet, v. amusing. Read again after dinner & played wild game of cards. Thursday 17 September Lovely morg. Walked with Miss Russell. All rest of party out fishing & shooting. Poured with rain after luncheon. Looked thro’ Miss R’s v. interesting book of celebrities & photos. Mrs. Pember caught 16½ lb fish, salmon. Friday 18 September Lovely morg. Walked on to moors & even found it quite warm. Letters fr. darling Maud, Midge, Spencer. Ans’d them & Eff’s afternoon instead of going for drive. Glad as it poured in torrents. French reading. Mr Pember caught 14 lb salmon. Saturday 19 September Alternately fine & wet. Mr Watney & Mr Pember to Lairg. Lady M, Mrs. Pemder & Miss Russell started to go but returned on ac’t of heavy showers. Lin working. Went for drive with (Cheesenut) Lady M. & Rosalind. Mrs. Pember & Miss Russell fishing. Fearful indigestion after luncheon, pear! Letter fr. Marie strangely illegible. Sunday 20 September Read E. Goncourt’s book Renée de Mauperin all morg. For walk after on moors. I walked home with Mrs. Pember, found her very chatty & bright. Monday 21 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Glorious day. Mr W. & Lin shooting, all the rest of us to Lairg for entire day & fished in the Shin. Mrs. Pember got 14½ lb salmon just as Lady M, Miss Russell & I arrived. Sat on banks of river all day & enjoyed it v. much. Drove home at 5.30 after tea at Inn in break, cold drive. Drew lots for dinner, each drew our own husbands. Amusing game riddles & telegrams. Tuesday 22 September The Pembers & Miss Russell left. Lady M. & self read & practiced, played Lady M’s accompaniments. Quiet evg. spillikins! V. stupid game. Lady M. in my room till v. late. Wednesday 23 September Lovely day. Went for walk alone, met Lady M. & went with her to Sutherland cottage, long talk with women. Lin & Mr Watney shooting home moors & warren. Out again with Lady M. after luncheon walking, discussed Mrs. Pember generally, do not find her interesting. Lady M. in my room until past 12, unable to pack. Thursday 24 September Left Tressady. X. Petit ami as travelling companion. Lady M. came with us as far as Lairg, saw lovely rainbow between us & the hills, most curious. Met Mr Blair at Inverness looking so thin & pale I scarcely knew him. Talked until train left. Only changed carriage at Perth & had v. comfortable journey. Mr Watney gave us 3 brace of grouse. Friday 25 September Reached Euston ½ an hour late. Cab strike on & only omnibuses to be seen. V. wet. Raining in torrents, house still upset by workmen. V. glad to be home again & able to rest. Had bath, changed everything & rested. Emma went for fur cape, flan. drawers, warm bodice, gloves etc for Maud & warm petticoat which I sent off to Ayton at once. Quiet evg. & to bed. Sent off 2 grouse to Roy. Saturday 26 September V. dull day. Alice & Marie getting morg. room clean. Lin for day to club. Mr Burnand & family to Ramsgate. Sunday 27 September Pouring rain & strong winds. Lin rode cycle to Norwood, got drenched, & home by 7 o’c. Quiet evg. Monday 28 September Two letters fr. Maud. Lovely lovely day, bright sun & warm. Lin out to luncheon & rode his cycle before breakfast. Went to see “Cymberline” at Lyceum, 2 stalls near door. Saw Percy & wife & Will O. & old gentleman at Lyceum. Dreadful draught & my neuralgia active. Rested & read all afternoon. Tuesday 29 September Stirling Ball. Maud goes with Mr Galbraith & Mrs. Wilson chaperones her, going after to Aucheneck. Lovely day, went for walk morg. & sat in Gardens. Much struck by all the misfitting garments, did not see any dress or jacket well made at the back. Turned out Maud’s cupboard, glorious mess, moth rampant. Attempted to paint inside corner cupboard. Lin for 2 bicycle rides, seems restless to be off somewhere tonight, don’t feel quite up to tramping each night. Wednesday 30 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Fine. Busy all morg. in school room. Called after lunch on Mrs. Spofforth, Coward, Vicat Cole, all out. Tooth ache & ear ache, neuralgia. No letter fr. Maud. Lin to enquire for Mr du Maurier v. v. ill. Oct 1896 Thursday 1 October Quite autumnal morg. Fog, & bright sun by 9.30. Lin cycled early. Seeing lady for Marie, did not come. Friday 2 October Poor du Maurier no better. Lin enquired when cycling before break. this morg. No letter fr. Maud either Wed, Thurs, or today so far 11 o’c. Saturday 3 October Ordered hare at Barkers which never came. Evelyn dined here, sang “Geisha” after dinner. Lin & self went to see “The Duchess of Coolgarsie” at Lyceum, matinée. V. stupid piece. Mr du Maurier still v. ill. No letter fr. Maud. Sunday 4 October To church early. No one to luncheon. Eve C, Ina Mackenzie, Mr Paxton & the Percy Oakes called. Lin out for 2 hours on cycle. V. wet afternoon. Quiet evg. Mr du Maurier no better. Monday 5 October Saw lady for Marie, Mrs. Mark, Belsize Pk. Gds. Turned out ottoman in schoolroom, great business. Drove at 3.30 to Aunt Linda saw her & Ethel looking v. pretty, Fanny Barker’s, enquired Mr du Maurier no better, Mrs. Keith, out, Whiteleys bought pears. Two long letters fr. dear Maudie enclosing two fr. P.J.B. Tuesday 6 October Very wet day. Went at 11.30 to Mudie’s changed book. To Mde Calvin saw Swiss maid, not v. preposessing, £16 till Xmas, then £17 if satisfactory. Bought flowers 1/3. Called & saw Mrs. Paxton & Maud. 2 letters fr. Maudie still v. happy. Sent her £3 & her 2 cheques, fr. Lin £12.10.0 & £10 fr. G.Allen for her 10 drawings. Mabel W. looking lovely for whole afternoon & Evelyn came, enjoyed having them. Gale blowing, bad look out for Tzar at Paris. Wednesday 7 October Mrs. Brookes her little boy & Mrs. Bethall to tea, go with Eve at 10.30 morg. V. wet afternoon, out at 2.30 until 3, cakes 9d. V. pleasant talk with Mrs. Brookes & Bethall, little Bobby as pretty as ever. Delightful read Max Nandau on “degeneration”. Mad’lle in whilst I was at supper. Thursday 8 October Pay day private bills. E.T. comes morg at 11 o’c not overpleased with her appearance. Paid Fryer 12/- Redmayne £3.11.6, Boswell £13.2.6, Marshall & Snelgrove £5.0.0, Bocquet £15.9.0, M. Philips £5.0.8, Goodman £3.11.6, Ratcliffe £4.14.6. No letter fr. Maud. Du Maurier no better. Called on Mrs du Maurier & heard he had passed away at 2.30 this morg. Grapes & pears 2/-. To enquire for poor young Sington, no better. Friday 9 October To tea at 4.30 Mrs. Wallace. In all morg. with Miss White working. Painted chair. No letter fr. Maud. Called at 3.30 on Lady Flower & Mrs. Wallace where stayed


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 some time, everyone else away. Called & left flowers at young Sington’s, much worse today. Saturday 10 October Went morg. for walk with Eve, shop’d. & round pond. Lin & self to see matinée “Monte Carlo”. V. aimless piece good cast but piece too stupid. Quiet evg. Lady Margaret Watney with Rosalind & Silvia called, was out. Ada Sp. came & had tea & generally grumbled at most people & things. Sunday 11 October Mabel Wallace & Mr Hood to dinner. To early service with Eve & walk after. Eve to lunch & tea here. Lin off to Guildford with Mr Guthrie on cycles. Mr Sterne called. Mabel & Mr Hood to dinner. V. cozy evening, Mr H. full of his visits to Alexandria & Athens. Monday 12 October Pouring wet day.X. Poor E. Sington passed away this morning & the Archbishop of Canterbury died suddenly in Church at Hawarden when staying with Mr Gladstone yesterday. How full the world seems of sorrow. Workwoman here. Tuesday 13 October Darling Maud goes fr. Mrs. Wilson’s to Mrs. MacQueen’s today. X. To tea at Mrs. Brooke’s, unable to go. Eve to stores with me. Lin to poor Mr du Maurier’s funeral (he was cremated Saty). Lin said ceremony far less imposing than usual, or than he w’d have believed. Pouring wet late in afternoon. Mrs. Spofforth, Mabel W, Mrs. Coward & Eve, Lady M. & Rosalind to tea. Workwoman here, did not do much. Wednesday 14 October Lovely day. Men doing creeper. Paid Maud’s bill at Derry & Toms £13.0.7. Mad’lle came to supper & we practiced after, violin & piano. Mad’lle has bad cold. Thursday 15 October Mad’lle here morg. finished arranging Maud’s drawers & cupboards, stayed to luncheon. Eve came, also Miss White here for last day 12/6 en tout. Lin’s cold bad, v. annoying, it makes him so seedy. Mad’lle always brings & leaves colds. X. Friday 16 October To tea at Lady Margaret’s & to Mrs. Steinkopffs. Enjoyed talk with Mr S. about poor Mr du Maurier. Mr S. had v. bad cold caught at the funeral, think Lin’s must have been caught the same way. Fetched Tabbie who came & dined here quietly. Morg. wet. Saturday 17 October Lin’s cold v. bad. I went out morg. with Eve C. shop’g, flowers 1/-. Drove at 3 to Edgar’s & stayed some time, saw Sophy. Bought Lin embrocation & lozenges 1/6. Marie Bühler left. X. Emilie Totterend came, like her appearance much better than I did at first. Sunday 18 October To early service with Evelyn. Lin & self dine at Mrs. Heilbert’s at 8 o’c. Walked with Eve to Row & she lunched with Lin & self. Sp.called. Mr Bethall called most eratic person made me quite nervous. V. crowded dinner of 20 at Mrs. H’s.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 scarcely room to move. V. handsome men & women. Sat between Weedon Grossmith & Dr Orwin. Mr & Mrs. Walker taken next door house! Monday 19 Ocrober Showed Emilie Lin’s bathroom & cupboards morg. At 4 o’c to Mudie’s changed books for others unreadable. Tuesday 20 October In bed till 12.30. Eve Coward & Mrs. Geiger called. Eve stayed till 7. Feel v. seedy indeed. Invitation to go fr. Saty till Monday to Mr Abbey’s, so sorry again cannot go on account of Lin’s almanack work. Long letter fr. Maud to Lin & self. Finished “La Dame en Gris”, G. Ohnet. Queer unsatisfactory book unlike others of his I have read. Wednesday 21 October In bed till 12.30. Sp. called. Letter fr. Midge. Called at 3 on Effie Harrison, saw her & Mrs. H, & to enquire Florrie Roose, out. To Harvey’s bought veil. No one called. Alice out. Mad’lle to dinner. Asked her to post 2 letters of Lin’s & my French book to Mrs. Humphreys. Met Ina Mackenzie asked her to lunch Friday. Thursday 22 October Darling Maud goes to Mrs. Richardson (Peggie). I lunch at Mrs. Wallace’s to meet Lady Maitland 1.30. Lady M. v. like Mabel. Called after on Thomsons, Warres, saw Mrs. Elliott here. Friday 23 October Called & saw Dora at Kens. Palace Mansions. Called on Mrs. Wallace & met Miss Chapman who went on with me to leave cards on Mrs. de la Rue, left book, Mr Hartree & Marion P. Saturday 24 October Evelyn bought flowers for me 1/6 & I got 6 more afternoon. Lin & self to matinee “Geisha” & after to caricaturists at Fine Arts Gallery. V. interesting collection fr. Hogarth, Gilray, Rowlandson, Caldicot etc etc. Lin’s looking the best of all in their beautiful line work. Called on Midge & saw H, D, M, & Conrad. Home to quiet dinner. X. Wet. Windows not cleaned, came too late. First time ordered to be done since our return home. Sunday 25 October To early service & walk after with Eve. Mabel W, Ina Mackenzie to luncheon & Edgar & Sophy surprised us during luncheon. Dora also to lunch, 7 with Lin & self!!! Mr Thompson, Willie Buck, Eve C, Mr Hood, Midge & Ham called & Eff H. Willie B. & Effie Harrison remained on to dinner. Alice out, poor little E. made a glorious muddle with lamps & tea, w’d not have believed it possible. Will O. & Sp. called. Monday 26 October Showed E. Lin’s bath room & how to clean it. Went at 3 to Salters also Midge. H, Con, Sp, Dora, Col. McClean etc there. H’s 13 horses averaged £60 & he seems pleased. Saw George Roller & Trevor. Midge went on with me to Stores, bought new kitchen kettle & cake cutters.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 27 October H, Midge & Con dine here 8 o’c. To stores morg, bought fish 2/3 fowl 3/-flowers 1/- plant 1/3. To Gorringe for lamp shade which Lin does not like. X. Had electric light first time. X. Only Evelyn came. Con v. funny mimicking Edgar. V. quiet cozy evening. H, M, & Con left at 11 o’c. Lin still has cold & slight cough. Letters fr. Mr Carlisle asking us to go to see “Under the Red Robe” on the 6 th (acpt) & letter fr. Mr Blair sending me 3 pheasants. Wednesday 28 October Miss Rawlinson’s marriage 1.30 St Mary Abbots, unable to go. Went with Eve morg. by bus to Regent Circus 1/8 sweets & bus. Bought silver frame for Miss R £1.1.6. After lunch to Gorringe about shade & to Mrs. Sington to enquire. To Mrs. Spofforth’s where we all talked as if each were stone deaf ? - ? - ? Lin complaining of headache think he takes too much liquoir, & he had a little sherry last eve. Thursday 29 October 3rd time drove Mare since her return. Go at 20 to 3 to Mabel W. to see Miss Patten’s wedding presents. In all morg. busy. V. foggy afternoon drove Mare to Mabel’s to see Miss Patten’s presents very lovely ones & several fr. Prince of Wales & several other royalties. To Corbet’s, Verity’s brought away lamp shades for electric lights, called on Mrs. Crawfurd & left Mabel at home. Called & saw Midge. Friday 30 October To stores morg. in brougham, cob. Bought Lin’s tie 9/6, paid for paper 9/6. To Gorringe pd. for M’s table cloth 6/8, exchanged lamp shade, met Mrs. Kemmis. Letters fr. Maudie & Bret Harte, & Mr Carlisle asking us to supper at The Savoy after theatre Friday next, ans’d all. At 4 o’c to paper man & Whiteleys ordered muffin dish & 2 clips & one shade for electric light. Called on Mrs. du Maurier, Heilbert & A. Russell, all out. Bates came. Saturday 31 October Out morg. with Eve C. bought flowers & 2 photo frames. Took Dora at 3.30 to call on Mrs. Lindo, Mrs. Homes, Aunt Linda. Saw Ethel, told us Uncle had had operation that morg., nerve taken out of cheek, & to tea at the Edward Pollocks found them all in, Mrs. P. with bad cold but as pleasant as usual. Walked up Row morg. Met Dora on her bicycle & Mr Lindo walked up & down Row with us. Lin v. hard at work. Nov 1896 Sunday 1 November Mabel to dinner. To early service with Eve C. & walk up Row after. She returned to luncheon, & Spencer. Lin also at home for lunch. Mr Bret Harte called, stayed an hour & interested us v. much, talked on books, ghosts, golf & photography. Mabel to dinner. Felt v. tiresomely sleepy after c’d scarcely keep awake even looking at her pretty face. Monday 2 November Saw to Maud’s rooms. Letter fr. Maud who leaves the Richardsons today for Glasgow & stays the night with Mrs. Galbraith’s aunt there. Mabel W. to lunch & went calling with me at 3.30 at Mrs. Rawlinson (left present) Joachim, Lewis (saw Marion Terry who asked me to go to see her) Lady Bergne, F. Moore, Clarke, had


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 tea there & saw Mr Clarke Sutton, Lady Reed. Left Mabel at home & left letter at Midge’s. Mad’lle called & broke a specimen glass, poor little thing! Tuesday 3 November Dear Maudie returns fr. Scotland, travels with Miss Dunn. Arrived at 7.30 looking splendid. She dined in drawing room at 8 & Lin & self dined at 10, finished last Almanack block. Mrs. Nembhard & May, Eve C, Blanche Cole called. Told me dreadful affair of Mr Holland having been shot by his late mistress who had shot at Mrs. Carlisle. Wednesday 4 November Young Treherne’s wedding. Cannot go. Put away M’s things morg. Maud & self to matinée at Prince of Wales “Lady Diana”, Bouchier’s v. dull piece. Lin met us there. Maud to dine evg. at Grand Hotel with Ethel & Mervyn & to see May Yoke after. Gave Alice 2 seats for Alexander’s piece. Mad’lle here to dinner with me alone. Thursday 5 November Sent by post Bret Harte’s gloves. Maud & self to tea at 4 o’c at Mrs. Wallace’s. M. for walk with Eve morg. Man here putting down linoleum. Mr Galbraith came to luncheon general confusion, cabinets in Hall smothered in dust etc. Called with Maud at 3.30 Uncle Edwin (better) Mrs. Bancroft. To Mrs. Wallace to tea. Met a charming Mrs. Palgrave Simpson who asked me to call, Mrs. Walker alone, find her v. pleasant. Friday 6 November Mr Carlisle’s theatre party. Supper party at Savoy. I am afraid of accepting this time of year. Lovely day. In all afternoon. Maud had 8 pages fr. P.J.B. wild love letter. Feel so sorry for him & it’s not good for Maud. Mr Watts with Mr Carlisle. Had v. good places & enjoyed “Under Red Robe” immensely. Found Mr Watts wanting in tact & courtesy. Fancy he admires Maud also. Mrs. & Ina Mackenzie, Mrs. Harrison & Mrs. Cockerton all near us at theatre. Saturday 7 November Roy home for long leave. Ankle slightly sprained! Out alone morg. shops. Bought 2 boxes suppositors 1/9 flowers 1/6 sweets 1/-. Saw B. Weigall at Kens. Stat. looking supremely happy? Too cold to stop & speak, bitterly cold & damp. Lin & Roy to matinée “Under Red Robe”. Maud & Roy for walk morg. Eve in afternoon made sweets. We all 4 went evg. to “Lyceum” to see “Cymbeline”. Sat next to Mrs. Alma Tadema & the Henshalls. Maud with slight cold again. Sunday 8 November Mr Carlisle & Ethel to dinner. Wet morg. No church, no bonnet! Eve & Maud out morg. for walk. Willie Buck, Mr Molesworth, Miss Dunn, Banbury, to tea. V. slow dinner, everything late, candles guttered & Dickie cross not without cause. Can understand M’s aversion to Mr C. so simple & foolish tho’ kind. Pity nice men have seldom money! Maud with cold. Roy home. Monday 9 November Walked with Lin & Roy to Hyde Pk corner, they on to Lord Mayor’s Show & luncheon at Punch office. Carriage met me in Row & on to change books. Lovely day. Mrs. Hudson & Miss H. Young called. Maud to bed early before dinner. I fetched Roy fr. Athenaeum & he ret’d to Eton directly after tea.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 10 November To stores morg. fowl 2/9, fish 5½ & vases 2/-. Met Mrs. Hudson. Maud in bed with cold. Lovely day. Mary McQueen, Eve C, Miss Dunn, Mrs. & Ethel Lindo, W. Livesey called & went up to see Maud. Lin & self dined alone, M. in her room. Wednesday 11November May Nembhard called at 3. Dr O. came to see Maud, only bad cold, thankful. Went alone to stores & changed gloves & tie & called & saw Midge, v. cheery. Mad’lle here as exhausting as ever & violin v. squeaky & false. Mrs. Beale & the Nembhards called & brought M’s book, M’s drawings charming. Lin off early. Thursday 12 November Mrs. Simpson at home 4.30. Mabel to luncheon. M. only down at 12 o’c. Mabel went for drive with me 3.30 to Mrs. Knowles, met Sir B. Baker, a’Beckett, Warren, & to tea Mrs. Palgrave Simpson’s 5 Durham Villas. Maud dined with us. Friday 13 November Out morg. shop’g. At 3.30 to Marshall’s about M’s patterns & to tea at Mrs. Charley B’s. Told me again about Mr Cuming & Maud. X. Dr Orton called to see Maud, lungs all right given her tonic. Maud dined alone at 8, Lin & self at ¼ p. 9. Saturday 14 November Mrs. Cohen’s Chrysanthemum show 3 to 6. Maud & self to Midge morg, nasty foggy morning. Lin & self to matinée of “Rosemary” at Criterion delighted with it. Jess & Dora met us there. Saw the Nembhards, Mrs. Brooks & Lady Monckton & dau. & Miss Young in box opposite us. Maud at home all afternoon on ac’t of cold. Feel awfully tired & giddy. Sunday 15 November Lin to Calais. M. & self to early service. M. went for walk with Eve C. After Ham, Midge, D, Mervyn & Ethel to luncheon. Solemn luncheon rather I felt so seedy. X. Petit ami. Mr Bret Harte & Mr Gilmer called, the latter talked incessantly & so rapidly could not always hear all he said, most excitable little man. Monday 16 November Felt v. seedy. Maudie out morg. alone & drove at 3 alone. Mrs. Crawfurd called, too seedy to see anyone. Tuesday 17 November Mrs. D. Sladen’s at home 9.30 to 12. V. seedy unable to go. Went with Lin at 3 o’c to Evereds about electric light, Mudies, & to see new cycles. Waited in carriage for Lin. Mrs. MacDougal, Judy, Mrs. S. Harding & Midge called. Wednesday 18 November Maud to lunch at Mrs. Lindo’s. Mad’lle called, & Eve. Fetched Maud at 3 o’c, called on Mrs. Waley, to enquire for Uncle, pd. Whiteley’s bill, & to Mrs. McQueen where we had tea. V. wet afternoon. Thursday 19 November Maud to luncheon at Mrs. Wallace’s, fetched her at 4 o’c, called after on Lady Seaton. M. much smitten with Sir Bruce! To Mrs. Dickens & much entertained here by Lady Monckton’s holding forth. Maud’s face a picture! Friday 20 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 To May Nembhard’s to tea 4.30. To tea Tabbies’s, Alexandra. Saw Mrs. Spring morg, cannot make any arrangements until Mrs. Lawrence changes her day if she will!!! Doubtful. Maud morg. to sit to Blanche. Drove with Maud & Midge to Alexandra Hotel, Tabs out, left Midge & went on to call on Mrs. Critchett, Mrs. Hudson, & to Nembhards. Archdeacon Brookes, Mrs. B, Mervyn & Ethel there. Langleys & Mervyn dining at Savoy with Tabs tonight & to theatre after. Saturday 21 November Out morg. bought flowers 1/- pears 1/-. Went with Lin & Maud to matinee “His little dodge”, Royalty. V. amusing took Ellie Ritchie who lunched here. Maud Jeffries, W. Grossmith & F. Terry excellent. Sunday 22 November Lin to Canterbury with cycle, rode fr. there to Burnands & lunched with the Fildes at Kingsgate. Home to 8.30 dinner as he had to walk with cycle fr. Charing X having broken lamp. Maud & self to early service. Walked after with Eve who lunched & spent afternoon here. Sp. also lunched here. Mr & Mrs. Walker, Mr Anderson, Mr Dyce & Mr Carlisle called. Monday 23 November Mrs. Medley at home Grafton Gal. 9.30. X. Maud’s first lesson with Mrs. Gambagni(?) singing. V. foggy. Went at 3 o’c alone in carriage to see Midge. Lin, M. & self to Mrs. M’s at home, found it hugely dull altho’ supper rooms band etc good. Lin v. tiresome at supper worrying for apolinaris which M. succeeded in getting by politeness. Saw F. Dicksie, Hunters, Sterne, Hendersons, Lewis’ etc, Mr Costin. Tuesday 24 November Maud dines at Mrs. MacQueen’s. Duchess here working for me, rebinding mantle & putting in clean chiffon to blk. & white dress. Miss Chapman, Mrs. & Miss Wheen, Mrs. Mackenzie, Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. A. Russell called. Mabel here to luncheon. To stores alone morg. ret’d tie. Alice’s tea cloths 4/4½, shades 1/3, flowers 9d, groceries 1/3. Maud had long letter fr. Mr Carlisle. X. Bought 5 £1 ord. shares in Harrod’s stores thro’ L. County Bk. Gave £30.12.6. for them. Wednesday 25 November V. cold. With Maud to Miss Ratcliffe, out. To Harrods bought things for Xmas. At 3.30 to Edgar’s, out, to Lindos, out. Maud to tea at Miss Clifford’s & I on to see Miss Harcourt in her new flat Colville Houses. Mad’lle here to supper. Miss White here for Maud. Thursday 26 November Maud & Lin for cycle ride before breakfast, on hired affair v. wobbly. Out morg. alone ordered myself hat at Heath’s, fearful price. V. cold. Called afternoon on Miss Harcourt whilst Maud had tea with Miss Clifford. Pd. several other calls forgotten where. Lin out for second ride on cycle, no subject for him. Friday 27 November Mrs. Wheen at home 4.30. Unable to go. Took Maud’s dress to laundress which occupied an hour then to Uncle E’s, saw Ted etc. Uncle better, & to Midge, stayed some time. Maud lunching at Mrs. Pitt’s & tea there, sent carriage for her. Saturday 28 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Out morg. shop’g. Flowers 1/8, mending linen needles cottons etc 1/6. Miss White here working for Maud. Lin lunched later & joined Maud & self at Princess Theatre matinée “Two little Vagabonds”. Willie Buck met us there. V. sensational piece. Quiet evg. Mrs. Knowles & Mrs. Flower called. Sunday 29 November To early service & walk after, bitterly cold S.W. Olive & Helène Dickens, Dora, Edgar & Sophy to luncheon. Sp. called but w’d not stay. Lin to to Uxbridge & Slough cycle. No one called. Ham fetched D. Miss Clifford & Mr Howe(?) dine here. Miss C. most amusing & a brilliant talker & raconteur. Monday 30 November V. cold east wind. Wire fr. Con ill cannot come expected them both today. Went with Maud at 11.30 to Ratcliffe’s fitted with green dress. To Mrs. Young & I was fitted with black gown & cape, to Marshalls & home. X. Window in drawing room being done. Maud to Mrs. Pitt, Alice took her at 5 o’c, carriage fetched her. I went at 3.30 in carriage to meet Lin (who lunched out) at Arts & Crafts & walked home. Dec 1896 Tuesday 1 December Maud. Bazaar. Mrs. Pitt. Mrs. Reed’s at home 5 - 6.30. Lin & self dine at 8 o’c with Edgar & So. V. pleasant dinner, H. Langley there. Nelly K, Lady Bergne, Eve & Mervyn called. Hate electric light, or electric dark as it does not give as much light as lamps. V. cold till evg. when it rained. M. dined at Mrs. Pitt’s. Emilie went with M. & returned with her. Wednesday 2 December Maud. Bazaar. Lin & self to matinée 1st day “As you like it” at St James’. Mrs. C. Burnand’s at home 9 o’c. In all morg, feel sick! Maud off with me to Bazaar at 1.30, pouring wet. Met Lin at St James’ most delightful performance of “As you like it” J. Neilson charming as Rosalind, Miss Davis as Celia, all parts well done. Had to leave before last act for Bazaar, found it v. empty. Spent 10/- & Maud supper at Mrs. Pitt’s. Mr Carlisle went to Bazaar, v. much in love with M. I dined alone & feeling seedy to bed at 8.30. Otley fetched M. at 11. Thursday 3 December M. had long letter fr. P.J.B. evidently hurt at her long silence, but v. madly in love. Friday 4 December Edie Buck to luncheon. Maud to tea with her & Mr Sismey at Willie Buck’s rooms. V. wet. Out morg. to be fitted. Saturday 5 December Roy home for day. He met B. Weigall morg. We all went to see “Yoke” in “The Belle of Cairo”. Saw Mrs. Parsons & her sister, parrot lady of Biarritz there. Roy left at 9 after dinner. Maud had v. penitent letter fr. P.J.B. Sunday 6 December Cold too heavy to go to Church. Maud & Eve went. Mervyn & Ethel, Midge & H. to luncheon. Lin at Club. Willie Buck & Col. Welby called. Emilie muddled tea & answering bell. Monday 7 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mad’lle called & I went for long walk with her. She promptly broke a glass at luncheon. Went with Maud at 3 o’c to Ratcliffe to try M’s green dress & Young to try my gown, don’t like it. To Midge who was rampant having been to Gilbury’s & cannot find any of her linen bought at sale. Tuesday 8 December Mr Hood’s dance. To stores at 10 o’c, bought dressing jacket, standard almanack, silver heart frame, penholder & flowers. Paid 10/- for Maud’s eiderdown. Maud to sale of work at Sir Richard Webster’s, dines at Mrs. Wallace’s 8 o’c to Mr Hood’s dance. Only Miss Enthoven, Ellie Ritchie & Mrs. Sinclair called. Called & saw Mr Hartree on way fr. stores, sails tomorrow for Natal. Electric light being arranged. Wednesday 9 December Mrs. Sutton’s dance. Lin lunches out. Asked Mr Willis to lunch with him. Grand piano cleaned (Broadwood). Mrs. C. Burnand’s at home 9 o’c. Called on Mrs. McQueen met Mrs. Galbraith there, she promised to come to tea tomorrow. Mad’lle to supper. Alice fetched M. fr. Suttons. Enjoyed dance immensely & entirely new set of people. M. at Bazaar Sir R.W’s after luncheon. Thursday 10 December Lin Maud & self dine at Mr Fletcher Moulton’s 8 o’c. Out morg. for walk alone, called on Midge just off to stores with Judy. Expected Mrs. Galbraith to tea but did not come. Most delightful evg. at Mr F.M’s & interesting talk with Mr Moulton after on phonograph. Cough v. bad. Coupé most aimiable & pleasant, solicitor took me in, enjoyed evg. altho’ seedy. Friday 11 December To stores 1.30. Maud to Miss Lockwood at 4 o’c left her there. Carriage fetched her fr. Lady Lockwood’s 6 o’c. Mr & Mrs. Galbraith called both looking well. X. Petit ami & feel v. seedy. Saturday 12 December In bed all day long. Very seedy with cold & little F. Mervyn called & Dora to lunch & went with Maud & Lin to matinée to see “The White Elephant”. Sunday 13 December In bed till 12.30. Evelyn to Church with Maud. Sat on my bed after talking. Mervyn called. Mr Howe, Mr Reed, & Midge came to tea. Found Mr H. heavy on hand no doubt feeling seedy. Lin in to luncheon. Felt so queer & faint after dinner to bed. Monday 14 December Maud to choose Tab’s toys with Mervyn. Mervyn sat in my room some time. Effie arrived about tea time, looks v. well. Miss White here for M. Tuesday 15 December At home Women Journalists 4 - 7, 23 Hill St W. Cold too bad to go. Went for hour’s drive round park with Maud. Miss Webster, Mrs. Clarke & dau, Scotch, Effie Harrison, Eve, Alice & Mary C. called. Wednesday 16 December Mrs. C. Burnand’s at home 9 o’c. Effie left at 2.30, drove her Vic Sta. V. foggy. Miss White here. Men still painting outside window. Lin another cold. Maud unfortunately goes alone to Mrs. C’s.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 17 December Midge left for Essex with Dora. Mervyn saw her off. Lin’s cold v. heavy. Friday 18 December Bazaar “Gentlewoman”. Roy returned with bad cold & bad report. How I wish he would try to do better for Lin’s sake, it worries him dreadfully & I feel sure it is sheer thoughtlessness on Roy’s part. Called on Mrs. Knowles, Crawfurd & Matthews. Took Eve with me morg. shop’g to Regent Street. Took Maud after helping Roy unpack to Bazaar saw Lavanary(?) & Mr Woods, Mrs. Blackburn & Kathleen, went & had tea at Mrs. Twiss’ & amusing talk with Effie T. & her sister in law. Maud to dinner at Mrs. Wallace’s, de Vere Gds. Saturday 19 December Lady Romer’s daughter’s wedding. Wore new dress, M. hers, feel v. fancy dressy in it. Had long talk with Mr Guthrie, Mr Pitt & Mrs. Evans. Bride looked charming, altogether delightful party. V.v. cold. Sunday 20 December To early service with M. Maud, Evelyn C. & Roy to Park, met Mr Blair & May Burnand & Cyril. Mr Guthrie, Mr Blair & Eve to dinner. Waiting much better than I expected. Sophy, Mervyn & Ethel called. Monday 21 December Lin & M. dine Col Welby’s. V. pleasant dinner of 6. To stores etc & went to bed early. Roy spent day with Mr Blair in Law Courts. Mr B. & Roy here to tea in Schoolroom. Roy dined with Willie Buck & went to Palace after with him or some Music Hall. Tuesday 22 December Ellie to luncheon. Maud & self to Fullers Harveys etc, forgot all about Ellie coming! May & Mrs. Nembhard, Mr Blair, Mrs. Phillips, Mabel W, Miss Schwann to tea, & Ada Sp. in late. Lin’s tooth hurts him. Wednesday 23 December Maud & Roy to Criterion with Mr Blair to see “Rosemary”. Lin & self to 1 st night of “Black eyed Susan” sat near Mrs. Hastings & her brother. Duke & Duchess of Fife there. Con came & sat with us some time looks better than I expected. Went to Kensington shop’g. Thursday 24 December In all morg. doing cards with Maud. Maud received lovely little diamond & pearl brooch fr. Bill W. Lovely silver clock fr. Mr Carlisle, a beautiful crocodile purse with silver mountings & initials fr. Fanny Barker & an exquisite fan fr. Mr Blair!!!! To Harrods alone at 1.30. Met Con. To Sophy’s, they had also long wire fr. Powell for £10 fr. Northfleet. To Fritz sat some time with him, looks better & stouter. Mr Blair called evg. & Roy spent day with him & dined & went to Music Hall after with him. Friday 25 December To early service with Maud & Eve C. After with them Lin & Roy to Park. Met Mr Blair who walked with us. Sp, Hylda & Douglas called. Mr Blair & Eve to dinner. V. jolly evg. games & crackers.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 26 December Pouring wet day. Spencer called, lunched here. Roy walked to Club with him after. Lin to Garrick. Lin & Roy to Pantomime, dined here at 6 o’c. Mr Blair returned to Scotland by 2 o’c train. Sunday 27 December To early service. Maud for walk with Roy & Eve, met little Lindos. Sp. called & Miss Rose Innes. Lin to Calais & enjoyed it lovely day & v. sunny. Monday 28 December M. little F. Maud to lunch Mabel W’s. Roy & self at 4 o’c to Fritz J. to leave book “La Petite Parisienne” Dumas. Only Roy went in. Fritz better, wife there. To leave cards after at Mr Hood’s & to tea at Mrs. W’s. Met Enid & Mrs. Dickens there. Miss Rose Innes to dinner here, looks v. young & well. Played games. Maud long letter fr. Bill. Tuesday 29 December Lovely morg. Maud in bed to breakfast. To stores at 11 o’c. Wednesday 30 December (blank) Thursday 31 December (blank) Notes at back of Diary: In B.A.Gt Southern 920. 0.0 Rosario 250. 0.0 Cent Argt 230. 0.0 Pacific 61.10.0 B.A.City Trams 25. 0.0 Glasgow S.Western 120. 0.0 Western of B. Ayres 226. 0.0 Coupé London pref 85 Ditto ordinary 90 Harrods stores 30 Cordova Rosario 90 Jamaica 100 Wirral 100 £ 2327.10.0 Spent during 1895 on dress etc Invested Received Balance for 1896 fr. 1st January 1895 Balance over from 1894

75.19.0 195. 6.0 282.16.9 57.14.3 46. 2.6

Invested of Private money during 1896 £ 85.0.0 in Coupé London ditto pref £ 90.0.0 Coupé London Ord. also 5. £1 shares in Harrods ordinary for which paid £30.12.6 with commission Invested during 1896


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 £ 85 £ 90 £ 30.12.6 £ 205.12.6 Received during 1896 fr. my own private money 1st Jan

Wirral Rly 1.18.8 B.A.Rosario 1.18.8 B.A.Western Rly 4. 7.4 3 Jan Jamaica Rly 1.18.8 7 Jan local loans 1.0 Glasgow S. Western 3. 0.11 April local loans 1.0 B.A.Rosario 1.10.0 City of B.A.Trams 11.8 B.A. Gt Southern 21. 6.6 May Cent Argt. 4. 1.0 30 June B.Ayres 5.5 July Wirral 1.15.8 Cash ? 1.18.8 B.Ayres Western 4. 7.4 Buenos Ayres Rosario 1.18.8 Jamaica 1.18.8 Sept Glas. S.Western 3. 0.11 Oct B.Ayres Trams 14.8 B.Ayres Rosario 1.10.0 B.Ay Gt Southern 24.11.6 Cent Argt. Rly 4. 1.0 Dec B.A.Pacific 9.3 ditto 1.18.8 ditto 5.5 Private £ 89.17.3 Received during 1896 from Trust money March 23rd January March May May 30th June July

fr. income 20. 3.11 Argt. Gt Western 11.12.0 Cordova & Rosario 19. 6.8 Ontario & ?? 5. 4.0 Illinois Rd 19.14.3 Lehigh Valley 22. 2.5 Argentine Gt Western 19. 6.8 Cent Uraguay 24. 3.4 August fr. income ? 38.10.0 July local loans 1.4 Div on last years Consuls reinvested 37.11.6 Sept Cordova Rly 19. 6.8 Oct 6th L’pool ? 24. 14.0 Local loans 1.10 Illinois Central 19.15.9 Dec Ontario & Quebec 5.3.11 Gt Western of Brazil 26. 2.0 Lehigh valley 22. 3.7


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Trust £ 344. 3.10 Total £ 434.1.1 Put by in investments during 1896 £ 205.12.6 Securities at London County Bank Private investments fr. marriage. 4 shares City of B.A.Trams 1 ditto 8th issue 1 Recpt £2 call ditto ditto £40 1st pref B.A. Pacific Rly £14 1st deb. 4% ditto £8 2nd deb. 6% ditto £65 Cent Argt. Rly (Rosario to Cordova) 2 shares £5 pd. ditto ditto £10 Cent Argt. Rly (Rosario to Cordova) £40 ditto ditto £115 Cent Argt. Railway £100 B.A.Rosario Rly 4% debs 3 shares B.A.& Rosario Extensions £40 B.A.Rosario ordinary £80 B.A.Rosario ordinary £200 B.A. Gt Southern Rly £210 ditto ordinary £60 B.A. Gt S. ord ditto £210 B.A. Gt Southern 5% pref £180 B.A.Gt Southern ord £90 Glasgow & South Western ord £36 ditto ditto £226 Western of B. Ayres 4% deb Stk £100 Wirral Rly 4% deb Stk £100 Jamaica Rly 4% Bd £100 Cordova & Rosario (Northern Sec) £85 Pref in Coupé London £90 Ordinary ditto Certs of these at London & County My Trust Investment 1895 £950 Cordova Rosario 4% 1st mor.t Debs at 95 $5000 (£1050) Lehigh Valley Rly 4 ½ % debs at 105 £600 Argentine Gt. Western Rly 4% debs at 90 £7.0.0 in funds April 1896 £1829.47 £1000 Brit. & North Atlantic Steam Navigation Co. 5% debs £ 700 Argt. Gt Western Rly 4% debs £1000 Cent Uraguay Rly (northern Ex) 5% deb stock $5000 Illinois Cent Railroad 4% Bonds of 1953 £ 900 Gt Western of Brazil Rly 6% deb permanent Any balance in either Jamaica Rly 4% Bonds or Local loans 3% stock August 1896

£845.16.8 to be invested


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 £845.16.8 Invested in Peebles paper factory Company August /96. 1st Instalment of Trust money paid & invested by our trustees £5562.10.0 First £1816.14.7 Second £ 845.16.8 Third, August /96 £8225.1.3 received up till Sep 1896 Trust money invested £1000 Cordova & Rosario 1st Debs £600 Argt. Gt Western ditto £400 ditto ditto $5000 Lehigh Valley Rly 1st mort 4% gold bonds £1000 British North Atlantic Stm Navigation Co Debs £1000 Central Uraguay Northern Ex. Rly 5% debs £900 Gt Western of Brazil perm 6% Debs £215 Ontario & Quebec Rly perm 5% debs $5000 Illinois Cent Rly 4% gold £12.16.2 Local Loans £770 A.M.Peebles Ltd 4½ % 1st mortgage debs purchased 108½ at a cost of £841.19.3 £3.7.6 Local Loans 3% purchased at 114 ½ at a cost of £3.17.8 Frenchman proposing peasant Voulez vous = he Quoi = she Moi = he Oui = she Mr Galbraith enquired of his butler if he was satisfied with the new second footman. “Well sir he’s so many tricks he ought to be in a managerie.” Emma about G. band when I asked her if did not bother her so much street music, “No mum! It don’t bother me no more than the music I hears in the drawing room.” Lady consoling her maid at the loss of a lover “Never mind Parker there are plenty of other men in the world, “Thank God m’am” replied the maid “I could love any man” Expenses Biarritz Fly to make calls Fri. 3.30 Stamps 2.0 Cake 1, cab to Anglat 3 4.0 (illeg) 2.0 No 15 Chambermaids etc 2.0 to Boots 1.0 flowers .50 cents carriage to St Jean de Lux 7.0 Cambo 10.0 Chocolates 1.0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Stamps Bill Dressmaker Cake Chocolate Cambo Cakes 2 drives Hotel bill Stamps & cakes Tea at Miremonts Flowers Spent

1.0 155.80 5.0 1.0 3.50 .50 5.0 95.80 3.0 3.25 2.0 308.95

Lin left me Had of my own and In English

£5. 0.0 2.10.0 2.6 £7.12.6

In French note & gold & silver Francs Pounds

50.0.0 frc 110.0.0 12.0.0 172 frcs 172 7.12.6 = 187 359 frcs

Drew £10 1st April fr. private money


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1897 Notes in front of diary: Breakages Emily: Jug in Maud’s room Roy’s scent bottle 2 electric globes 1 green ditto drawing room candelabrum Cigar stand dining room 2 decanters 1 long flower vase 1 cut glass butter dish liquor glass at table 3/6 Winnie Lockyer’s dress 1 cut glass finger bowl Sayings fr. John Mosley’s “Divert” “By taking trouble to speak with precision one gains the habit of thinking rightly”. Sir W. Priestley’s stories: Small boy of 6 asked if he would like to see the dear little baby sister just brought by a stork, “No! But I would like to see the stork!” Small boy of 8 kept peeping into his mother’s room shortly before arrival of No 2 baby, could never be induced after to go right into room to kiss his mother. “Why won’t you come to kiss me darling? Small boy, “I don’t want to catch your complaint Mammy!” A father anxious to have his rather excentric son shut up for a time consulted doctor: “My son comes home late, goes into pantry, gets a large apple tart he finds there, takes it to dining room & eats entire tart!” Doctor: “Well my dear Sir, this shows a greedy disposition but I could scarcely give an order for his being put under restraint for this.” “But that’s not the point” replied the father “He then goes up to the Cook’s room & passes the night with her.” Dr: “My dear Sir, most immoral I grant, but now if your son had eaten the cook & passed the night with the apple pie, then I might have been able to help you.” Mr Guthrie rec’ds as investments Gordon Hotels Automatic Sweetmeats (illeg) Read during 1897 “Soeur Philomene” E. de Goncourt. Did not like it. “Criquette” Halevy. V. charming book “Diderot” by John Morley. Interesting & delightfully told. “The well-beloved” Thomas Hardy. V. tiresome hero & no one interesting character. “The story of Two Salons” Sichel “Miscellanies” J. Morley “Voltaire” by Morley “Rameau’s nephew” Diderot “Brother & Sister” E. Renan “Western Africa” Miss Kingsley


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 “Barkers Luck” Bret Harte “Mon oncle et mon curé” by Jean de la Brete Correspondence of Mrs Barrett Browning “Rousseau” by J. Morley “Massaremes” Ouida. Tiresome. Books to order fr. Mudie’s, August “Diderot & the encyclopaedists” by John Morley “Rameau’s nephew” by Diderot, translated by Sylvia Hill “Providence & the Guitar” Stevenson “Gaston de Latour” Walter Pater “Sylvestre Bonnard” par Anatole France “Jaques Tournebroche” ditto “The Savoyard Vicar’s professsion of Faith” by J.J. Rousseau Mrs. Street 1st & 2nd of month until Easter Mrs. Roberts 10th 20th & 30th of every month At home days Mondays Mrs. Percy Holland Mrs. Whitworth Mrs. Walker Lady Monckton Hemming 2 Earls Court Sqre Wednesdays May Burnand Spofforth Thursdays

Mrs. Mellor Hartley

Friday Saturday

Mesdames Mocatta Rubens Mrs. Clifford Katie Geilgud 1 st two Satys & Suns

Sundays Things to remember Banana fritters Choc late served hot with iced cream Jan 1897 Friday 1 January Mrs. Weedon Grossmith at home 4 - 7. In all day working. Roy & Maud returned from Mrs. Cohens. They enjoyed Mrs. Raeffle’s dance v. much last evg. Slept at Mrs. Cohen’s, who drove them to the meet of Queen’s Hounds, Holyport & after to Windsor where they lunched. Miss Rose Innes came in about tea time. Lin only had subject for drawing v. late. X. Wire fr. Hamilton Fletcher. Tabbie had another little son born last evening. Saturday 2 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin & I go to Jessie’s, Gt. Bromley Lodge nr Colchester, at 3.32. Lin so busy unable to go till tomorrow. Sunday 3 January Poor Annie died 10.50 PM. V. grieved I did not go or send sh’ll bitterly regret this to my last day. Edgar & Sophy to lunch unexpectedly. V. worried about poor Annie but why did I not send or go. Regrets useless. Ought to have influenced Edgar who w’d have done anything but for me. Lin & I came to Jessie’s by 3.40 fr. Liverpool St. Sta. Met Ethel Edwin there who travelled with us to Ardleigh, Essex, Gt. Bromley Lodge. Hamilton, Midge & dora looking well, charming house. Monday 4 January Midge & self sent off last £5 to Cap’t Powell, alas too late for the one we should have helped. Midge & self drove to Ardleigh & met boy with telegram saying poor Annie passed away last evg. Dear Lin’s birthday. Lin & Hamilton out shooting with Mr Unwin all day long. H, Lin, Ethel, D, played 5s on billiard table. I played once altho’ v. sad at heart to please Lin & H, & cracked amethyst in my ring & lost stone. Tuesday 5 January Hamilton left for some sale (illeg) north. Pouring wet morg. After lunch we all walked part of way to Ardleigh. Lin left us at Ivy Cottage. Rev Mr Mrs. & Miss Graham to tea. V. funny clergyman told queer little stories! Lent him my book. X. Petit ami. Wednesday 6 January V. wet. After luncheon walked part of way with Lin to (blank). Lin, Midge, D. & Ethel drove to Colchester then Lin returned home. I stayed in bed to breakfast. In all afternoon. Thursday 7 January Ethel & Mervyn arrived at luncheon time. Sat & talked all afternoon, too cold & wet to go out. Hamilton returned late afternoon & found us all in drawing room. Ethel Edwin sang. Terrible circumstances surrounding poor Annie’s death feel most bitterly I did not go to her as I ought to have done. It is all so awful I shall regret it every day of my life. Long letters fr. dear Lin & Maud. In bed to breakfast. Friday 8 January Poor Annie buried today at St Peter’s Thanet. Edgar went & saw it all. Pouring wet day, only trust he has not taken cold. Mervyn & Ethel here. Dear letters fr. Lin & Maud. Ham to Mr Unwin’s to play billiards afternoon. Ethel & Dora to see Brass at church here. Saturday 9 January (blank) Sunday 10 January (blank) Monday 11 January Dear Lin left for Col. Lucas’. Easton Park Wickham Market Suffolk. Dull day. Had walk morg. with Dickie & Midge. Dora & Ethel to Colchester on their cycles. Long


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 letter from Edgar. Midge & self drove Lin to Ardleigh & called on a Mr & Mrs. Barton after. Tuesday 12 January Dull & raining. To tea at the Rectory, met Mrs. Unwin pretty little woman about 30. Wednesday 13 January Ham, Midge & Ethel left about 11, Ethel for home. M. & H. to stay 2 nights at the Frisby’s. Wretched day. Read to D. Could not go out. Thursday 14 January D. & self for walk. Caught in rain. Roy arrived in time for lunch. D. & self played 5’s after with Roy & then walked with him to Mr Unwin’s where he remained playing billiards until 6 o’c. Dined & played 5’s & to bed at 10 o’c. Finished reading Conan Doyle’s book “Rodney Stone”. V. exciting but most improbable which makes me feel disappointed with the whole. Friday 15 January Lovely bright sunny morning, hard frost. Roy off to shoot with Mr Unwin, a more helpless creature with a gun I never saw, & like dear Lin has absolutely no idea of time. Midge & H. return. V. worried to know what to do about evg. with Miss Innes as we are already engaged for Monday. Saturday 16 January Ham out shooting with Mr Hanbury all day. Midge D. & self drove to Colchester. V. cold. Went over castle with D, v. interesting, & the museum. Also looked over some curio shops. Sunday 17 January Ground thickly covered with snow. Roy, D. & self out morg. Letters fr. Lin & (blank). Monday 18 January Return home. Go tomorrow instead. Country all covered in snow. All went for long walk morg. Lovely crisp snow. To tea at Mrs. Unwin’s. V. pretty house & daintily arranged tea. Roy & H. & Mr Unwin played billiards. Mr Graham (rector) & dau. there. Tuesday 19 January Asked Miss Rose Innes to dine. Cannot come. Roy & I returned from Midge’s, Ardleigh Essex. Arrived at 3.15. Mrs. Sanson, Ellie Ritchie, Eve C, Miss Rose Innes, Mr & Miss Rubens, Pat a’Beckett, Blanche Cole & May Nembhard called. Quiet evg. Lin & Roy off to theatre after dinner. No signs of snow in London. Wednesday 20 January Mrs. Critchett’s dance. Maud & self walked to Whiteleys & back. Most bitterly cold & horrid, pd. Whiteleys bill 3/1. Ordered lamp shade, brush & small ham, 2 cods kip’d roe. Met Miss Webster at Barkers, bought brilliantine 1/8. Roy very rude at breakfast. Roy & Maud enjoyed Mrs. C’s dance v. much. Thursday 21 January Mrs. de la Rue’s dance 9 to 12.30. Roy returns to Eton. Dark cold day, sleet on houses. Roy to club morg. Lin took M. to de la R’s. Very pleasant little dance & all over at 12.30.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 22 January Windows? Prof Dewar’s lecture on (illeg) air at Royal Institution. Unable to go. Maud & I dine with Mr Carlisle & go to see the “Circus Girl” with him after. Out alone morning for walk to Mrs. Vicat Cole’s, nearly perished with cold. Maud in bed to breakfast. Rested after lunch. V. bad dinner at Grand. Mr Watts, Mr C. & own two selves & went in 2 hansoms to Gaiety after. M. & self together, awfully nervous so slippery. Most cheery delightful play “The Circus Girl” & very strong cast enjoyed it immensely but not la société des Messieurs. Mr W. v. good in hunting up cabs for us, had to take hansom home, not a 4 wheeler to be had. V. glad of supper here on return. Saturday 23 January Bitterly cold bright day high wind. Snow on ground. Cannot find latch key. Maud left it in drawing room last evg. on our return fr. theatre. Did liquors after breakfast with me an hour. Snow storm on & off all afternoon. Unable to get out all day. Sunday 24 January Bitterly cold. Lin to Calais for day. Home an hour late on ac’t of snow storm. Met the Spofforths going across. Maud & self to early service, met Eve C. & walked after to top of Row. Hear of young Webster’s engagement poor fool & wonder if marriage will make him saner. Spencer to luncheon & remained on till 7 o’c. Poor Annie’s two sons fr. Australia turned up. Midge’s prophecy came true. Wonder how Edgar will like this!!! Another cold & tight feeling on my chest. Found latch key in my own purse!!! Monday 25 January Mrs. Reynard’s dinner party 8 o’c. Refused. Lin, Maud & self dine with Miss Rose Innes & party at Bristol & go with her to see “The Circus Girl” after. Lovely bright morg. Maud to lunch with Miss Innes at 12.15. Mon. de Martel arrived last evening at Miss Innes’s. Delightful evening. Mr Kelly, Bret Harte, Mrs. Joyce, Mr & Mrs. Rose Innes, Mon. de Martel, Mr & Mrs. Dewar, Mr Gilmer, Mr Orlebar & our 3 selves & Miss Rose Innes & one other I forget name of Madame (blank) Chilean beauty, & had 2 large boxes thrown into one. My cold & cough v. bad & feel so feverish. Tuesday 26 January Maud to lunch with Miss Rose Innes, to pictures after, here to tea with Mon. de Martel & Miss Innes. Mrs. & Miss Whitworth, Misses Biddington, Miss Burgess, Ethel Grigg, Miss Hansen Walker, Evelyn, Jessie Harding, Olive Cotton & Marion Pollack called. Maud with Lin to Mrs. Mocatta’s dance, enjoyed it v. much. Wednesday 27 January Mrs. Colin Hunter’s dance 9.30. Maud to dine with Miss Rose Innes at Bristol & Winnie Lockyer, large party. On after to “Geisha” & from there to Savoy to supper!!! Lin went after Punch dinner to Mrs. Colin Hunter’s but only stayed 10 minutes as every one was leaving. I called at 3.30 on Mrs. du Maurier, enquired after Dr Hudson, Mrs. Critchett & May Burnand, saw Charlie Jack! & Frank. Had long talk with May who was looking v. smart & handsome. Walked morning alone round Round Pond, met Mrs. Phipson Beale & walked back with her, she showed me over her house. Thursday 28 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Miss Rose Innes dinner. Mrs. Wirgman 4-7, music. Maud & Winnie Lockyer (who slept here last evening) lunched with Miss Rose Innes & went to Pantomime after. Maud to dinner at Mrs. Enthoven’s. I walked with Maud morg. to de Vere Gds & to Round Pond, watched skaters. Spencer to luncheon & went with me at 3.30 to Edgar’s club, out, & to Clayton & Bell’s 311 Regent St. to see window to dear Parents memory, delighted with it, colour v. good. Sp. left me, met H. Power & went on to see their new flat, most charming. To Wirgmanns, saw Miss Gilbert, Parsons, Armstead, Mrs. Pitt & sister & Mr Dicksie. Lin to Zoo to see lions for next week’s drawing. Maud v. merry on return fr. pantomime & danced away until she went to dress, mimicing one & another. Mr Penn sent us 3 pheasants, arrived today. Friday 29 January Mrs. Walkes’ dinner ¼ to 8. V. bright & cold. Maud off at 10.15 to Miss Innes & to Cambridge for day to show the Vicomte the colleges. Saw very dirty char woman recommended by Blanche Cole! V. untidy person. V. pleasant dinner of 12 at Mrs. W’s!!! Only their own 2 maids & an old servant waited & did it well. Lady Monckton, Sir D. Straight, Heilbutts, Mrs. Ben Webster, Mr Hurst, Ian Forbes Robertson etc. Mrs. Ian R. & Mr Hurst asked to call. Saturday 30 January Dinner of 8. Miss Rose Innes, Vicomte de Martel, Mrs. Geiger, Mr Rooth, Mr Jacomb Hood. Out morg. shops. Mr Rooth engaged to Miss Tattersall, seemed quiet & not in his usual spirits. Mons de Martel v. intelligent man. Generally a quiet evg. Moody to wait. Caviare, soup, soles in white sauce, mushrooms on Lyons sausage. Roast mutton, vegt & spinach, new potatoes, cauliflowers apart. Pheasants stuffed with chestnuts & salad. Plum pud, meringues, soft herring savory. Sunday 31 January X. Petit ami. In bed to breakfast. Eve & M. to early service. Horrid day. Lin to Club. Mr Watts, Mr Carlisle, Mr Severn & dau. Mrs. Ian Robetson v. gushing, & Mr Gilmer. Quiet evg. alone. Feb 1897 Monday 1 February Midge & H. arrived 12.30, off directly after lunch to see houses. Horrid day. Lin in all day. Tuesday 2 February V. dark dull day. Midge & H. off early to see over (blank). Lin to Calais all day. Horrid wet day. Mr Palgrave Simpson, Miss Clifford & Miss Rose Innes called. Used drawing room. Wednesday 3 February Mrs. Boughton at home 4.30, music. Drove alone at 12 round Park. Midge & H. to see over houses. Emma remained in & we dined at 7.30. Maud to Lincoln’s Inn Ball with Mrs. Coward & party. Met Carlisle, B. Weigall, Mr Gribble, Coupé, etc. etc. Thursday 4 February Maud to dine at Mrs. McQueen’s at 7 o’c & go after to see Olivia. Box for Palace. Midge & self to see over 2 houses in Cranley Gds. Walked home. Rested after lunch. Lin, Ham, Midge & self to “Palace”. V. good performance, dogs so clever &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 2 Americans v. good, & 2 girls v. good. Also Russian singers and dancers most original. Saw Sir A. Hickman, Mrs. Lindsay Hammond & Pinero & Dr Lennox Browne here. Maud enjoyed her evg. v. much also. Letter fr. Mr Smith about the money accruing fr. poor Annie’s annuity. £940.0.0 something. Friday 5 February Windows. Tea at Mrs. Galbraith Senr. Maud dines with Miss Rose Innes & after to Prof Dewar’s lecture Royal Institution. Pouring wet day. Midge & H. to see over Craven Hill Gds again. Maud in bed with cold. Saturday 6 February Out walk morg. shops. To matinee “Terrys” with M. & Lin. “The Eiderdown Quilt”. V. amusing. Lin joined us later. Bought 2 lbs new potatoes 10d & bunch of tulips at Butts, pd for them. Sunday 7 February To early service with M. M. to communion. Up to Hyde Pk. Corner & back. Sp. called. Mr Richards, Mr Gribble, Mr. Orlebar, Mr. Hurst & Miss Rose Innes called. Met Willie Buck in Park. He and Mr. Gilmer dined with us. Lin to Calais. Do not think Willie B. improved. Monday 8 February To tea at Mrs. E. Pollack’s. Mrs. Moscheles at home, 9.30. Lin walked up morg. with Maud & self to Hyde Pk Corner. Lin lunched at his club. We walked back. Maud & self at 3 o’c to Mr J. McQueen’s about Mrs. Willard’s book to illustrate. Most amusing interview. M. v. businesslike & Mr. McQueen very nervous! To Mrs. Powers & to tea after at Mrs. Pollack’s, & I called alone on Mrs. Walker. Always feel exhausted after, she is so excitable. Invested £100 in Ordinary Stock of Great Eastern, pd with fee etc £114.17.4. (stock at £113.10.0.) Lin dining with Mr. W. Stone just returned fr. abroad. Tuesday February 9 Evelyn Maud & self for walk together. Eve to lunch & stayed afternoon. Mrs. & Miss Leech, Mrs. F. Moore, Mrs. Hartley, Winnie, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. H. Levy, Mrs. Wallace & Mr. Blair to tea & several others forgotten names. Wednesday 10 February To tea at Miss Mackenzie’s, 9 Rosetti Mansions Chelsea. Baby Con to luncheon 1.30. Tea at 5 with Fritz to talk over Edgar’s letter about money. Cap’t Powell written for ap’t here but cannot manage it today. Miss Mackenzie out. Satisfactory interview with Fritz. Wife looking sweetly pretty & Baby dear little thing. Mr. Paxton to luncheon. Quietly at home Maud & self. Thursday 11 February Lin Maud & self dine at Mrs. Geiger’s, 8 o’c. Mary Nicol arrived in time for luncheon. Most delightful evg. at Mrs. Geiger’s, table service & all perfect & perfectly cooked dinner. Soup prepared with lobster in portions of shell. 2 entrees which I did not touch. Saddle of mutton, seakale. Wild duck & lemon & salad. Delicious lemon cream covered in pistachio. Savory. Bertie Farquhar dined here with Mary & they went to “Palace” together. Met Mr. & Mrs. Morris (American) & v. pretty, Cap’t Ruthven & Cap’t Edgcumbe at Mrs. G’s. Friday 12 February Out morg. with Mary Nicol & Maud at 11.30 in brougham. Walked up Row, met Mr. Blair who called this morg. to ask Maud & Mary to go to see “Betsey” tonight


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 with him at Criterion. Also met Mr. & Mrs. Alexander, she looking years younger & quite pretty. Drove fr. Hyde Pk. Corner to Stores. Home at 2 o’c. Lunched. Mary & self off after in omnibus to Piccadilly Circus & to see Watt’s pictures, v. interesting collection. Met Mrs. Dietz & Mr. Molesworth’s double, Harding. To tea at Lyons, cheap & nasty. Home by bus & found Sylvinia Rose Innes here. Mary & Maud off at 20 to 9 to Criterion. Saturday 13 February To luncheon 1 o’c with Tabs at Coburg. Gros. Sqre. Too seedy to go. Woke at 4 o’c this morg. feeling very sick. Went with Maud & Mary nevertheless to see “The White Elephant” at Comedy. Tabs, Mr. Blair & Lin joined us there. V. amusing piece. Had talk with Tabbie about this horrid advancement of money for Annie’s illegitimate children. Hers very sensible view, wish Edgar’s were the same. Went on after Maud Mary & self to Charbonel & Walkers to tea. Saw Coupé with Mr. & Mrs. Warre & the Messels there. Home to quiet dinner & fearfully sleepy. M. had another long letter fr. B. Weigal, evidently longing for her to even half promise her hope. Sunday 14 February Maud & Mary to early service. For walk with Eve C. & Maud to Pk. Met Mr. Blair & Mary & Bertie Farquhar. Saw Medleys, A. Russells etc etc. Pk. vy crowded. Eve walked entire way home with Mr. Blair, so glad as I do not like Maud to be seen too much in his company out of doors. Lin to Calais for day & to dine out to meet American minister, Irving etc. Spencer, Mr. Blair, Miss Rose Innes & Mr. Farquhar dine here, 8 o’c. Mr. Richardson, Miss Rose Innes & the 2 Messel boys called & stayed a long while. Monday 15 February Maud lunches at Mrs. Wallace’s. Mary Nicol fetches her at 3.30. Maud & Mary to Bazaar at Kens. Town Hall. Mary leaves us today for Mrs. Lawson’s. Lin, Maud & self to see “As you like it”. V. good, saw the Taits there. Tuesday 16 February Mrs. N. Cohen’s dance & musical at home 9 o’c. Cannot go. Bazaar town Hall Kens. M. letter fr. P.J.B. Out at 11.30 in carriage to Ratcliffe & Woollands, met Mrs. Joshua & Mrs. Matthews jnr. Mrs. Geiger, Alice L. & Mary, Miss Pollack & cousin, S. Rose Innes, Lady Monckton, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Pitt, etc called. Wednesday 17 February Maud goes to stay night at Mrs. Richardson’s, Streatham Hill. Lin, self, Eve Coward, Alice Linley, Mary C, Sir J. Tenniel to Pantomime, Drury Lane. Emma & Emilie to Pantomime evg. on my account, as Emilie goes out so little. Wire fr. Richardsons, Baby girl arrived so M. does not go. Maud with us instead to Pantomome. V. good. Sir J.T. did not turn up. Alice gave notice, v. good thing. Mrs. Spielmann called. Thursday 18 February Mrs. Power’s dinner, 8 o’c. 24 Portland Place. Maud dines at Mrs. McQueen’s. Lovely day. Out alone to Stores about hair, dog, & home by bus. Ordered stays fr. P.Robinson’s. Lin out twice on cycle. X. M. little F in bed to breakfast. Evelyn came & took her for walk. Friday 19 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. de la Rue’s second dance 9 – 12.30. Went with Maud 12 o’c to Miss Ratcliffe to fit on white muslin gown. Wet. M. in bed till 11. Called alone at 5 on Mrs. Coward, v. uncomfortable so many cats, Mrs. Gale & Miss Neaves, & met Mrs. Hartley. Emilie took M. to Mrs. de la Rue’s to be chaperoned by Mrs. May Burnand. Saturday 20 February Edgar dines here. Lin to 1st night Burnand’s new play “His Majesty”. I walked alone to Whiteleys, flowers 9d, ordered poker. Called at 3.30 on Mdes Quilter, Medley, Joyce, Stebbing, Jones, Sinclair, Heilbut, Ldy Blomfield, Mocatta, Cameron Corbett, Armstrong. Only Mrs. Mocatta & Mrs. Corbett in. Tea at both & indigestion to follow. Lin dined out & went after to 1 st night of Burnand’s new play “His Majesty”. V. bad. Edgar dined here & we talked till past 12 o’c. Sunday 21 February To early service. With Maud alone, & alone to Park after. Met Mr. Stone who walked all the way with us, much to B. Weigal’s discomfort. Lin to Calais. Miss Muir Mackenzie, Mr. Gilmer & young Reubens to tea. Monday 22 February M. letter from B.W. & a very sad one fr. P.J.B. Poor Maud is pretty busy with her lovers. Maud dines at Ellie Ritchie’s birthday party, 8 o’c. M. & self for walk morg. Met young Webster & congratulated him on finding a girl willing to marry him! Called alone at 3.30 on Mrs. Macdougal, saw Judy, who had just ret’d from Midge. Lady Galway there, Mrs. Macquoid. Changed stays at Peter R’s, called & had tea at Mrs. H. Powers met Mde. Ardite there, Lady Monckton where I met Mrs. Godefroi & Miss Young who I left at Victoria Road. Lin out twice on cycle. Mrs. Twiss called. Tuesday 23 February Edgar dines here. Not coming. Maud ap’t with her publisher at 11.30 (Mr. McQueen.) Lovely day. Poor Tippoo run over yesterday & hurt his leg. Lady Margaret W. & May Nembhard to tea, & Rosalind Watney. Lin out twice on cycle. Wednesday 24 February Mrs. Wace’s ball at Queen’s Hall, Langham Place. Maud goes with Mrs. Joyce & dines there. Lady Bergne, Lady King & Mrs. Tait’s drawing room teas. Mrs. Banbury, Lady Lockwood. X. Petit ami l’après midi. Walked morg. with Maud, Gds. To Mrs. Tate’s thought her dau’s dress or train heavy, puckered net, Mrs. T’s dress v. handsome. Mrs. Banbury’s her dau. looked lovely in white silk with net over & tiny satin bows all round skirt, the rows getting less towards waist, her train arranged in bow in centre of back of white silk edged with net ruche & train falling like a long sash fr. the center of shoulders. To Lady Lockwood’s, blk brocade & grey, Miss Lockwood green & pink train. Thursday 25 February Maud dines at Mr. Sterne’s dinner 7.45 given for Miss Tait. Maud home fr. Ball this morg. at 3.45. V. unhappy poor child. Lenny Messel proposed & wishes all settled in 3 weeks. Cried over it in my room. Mr. Carlisle there & also said unmistakable things but is less unhappy in his love than Maud’s other 4! Maud for walk with me morg. Stood to Lin for arms after lunch. Otley wishes to get married & take a country place, think we shall give up stables. X. Wrote for Mr. Lemon to sell £100 of my B.A. Gt Southern Ordinary for the £150 I have to send Edgar for Annie’s children.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 26 February (blank) Saturday 27 February Mrs. Sutton’s dinner ¼ to 8. Mrs. Gordon’s at home 4.30 to 6.30. Miss Clerke’s at home 4 - 7. Mrs. Ingle Joyce at home 4 - 6.30. In bed till 12, v. seedy. Maud to Mrs. Willard’s at Hindhead (sta. Haselmere) fr. Waterloo at 3.10. Emma took her to station & saw her off. Sent off her letter to Lennie Messel. Hope the change will do her good poor mite. V. worried with her 5 love affairs. Drove at 3 round Pk. & bought flowers & fruit. Dinner of 16 at Mrs. S’s. The Speaker (Mr. Gully) Sir F. & Lady Lockwood , Mr. & Mrs. Labouchère. Sunday 28 February In bed till 12. Lin to Calais for day. Mr. Stone & Mabel Wallace to dinner 8 o’c. Col Welby, Mr. Howe & Mr. Rooth & Miss Tattersall & Spencer called. Spencer dined here with Mabel & Mr. Stone. Miss Tattersall very very pretty, they stayed till 7 o’c. Mar 1897 Wednesday 3 March Mrs. Boughton 4 - 7, music. Mabel comes at 3.30. V. wet morg. in. Letter fr. dear Maud, v. well & enjoying herself. Mabel & self to Mr. Galbraith, Mr. Holland, saw Mrs. Percy who was awaiting Miss Scrivan her future sis in law, Mrs. Farquharson, Wallace de Vere, children v. noisy there but pretty. Mrs. Boughton, saw Lady Romer, Chapman, Hogarth, etc etc. music. Mr. Hood, out, & left Mabel at home. Lady Romer & Mrs. Maclean called. Ada Sp. came & stayed some time. Thursday 4 March Lady Bergne’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Pitt’s drawing room tea. Mr. Stone’s Albany tea. Mabel came at 3.30, we called together on Mrs. Maclean, Mrs. Harry Henderson (in) Mrs. Rhodes (in) Mrs. C. Hunter, Fildes, Lady Flower, & had tea at Mr. Stone’s. Cyril Maude & his 2 pretty little girls, Lady Trelawny & Mr. Northmore, most interesting Australian finder of gold, coal, in forests in two places in W. Australia. Miss White here. Friday 5 March Dear Maud returns from Hindhead. Miss White here. Mrs. Maclean called morg. seemed v. upset about her loss. Was v. pleased to see her again. Sp. came & we took bus to Sloane St & shop’d together. Changed £2 for myself & actually spent a few shillings on myself instead of on house where it all generally goes. Lady Seaton called & stayed some time awful revelations about Violet Hunt. Called after on Mrs. Sutton & Lady Reed, both in. On to fetch Maudie seems to have had a good time. Mrs. C. Galbraith called. Long wire fr. Mr. Carlisle asking Maud & Roy to theatre with him tomorrow evg. Already engaged unfortunately. Saturday 6 March Dear Roy home for long leave. To matinée “Nelson’s Enchantress” v. pleasantly surprised Forbes Robertson excellent. Mrs. Pat Campbell’s voice so tiresome. Mr. Gilmer met us there. To see “Richard III” evg, most delightful performance, never saw Irving to greater advantage. Met E.Pollacks, Messels, & Mr Heilbutt there. Lennie looking v. devoted to M. who was almost indifferent little monkey! Sunday 7 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Ethel Lindo dines here. Asked Mr. Carlisle & Mr. Hood both unable to come. To early service with Maud. Roy to Queen’s Club. Lin to Calais as usual. Maud with Eve to enquire after Mrs. Galbraith 30 Lancaster Gate. Mr. Bret Harte, Lennie Messel & Mr. Hood called. Ethel Lindo played “Circus Girl” music. Lennie stayed nearly all afternoon & Mr. Bret Harte a long while & was most amusing. Monday 8 March Mrs. Fairfax Rhodes’ dinner 8 o’c. Miss Sutton at 11 to see pictures for a fancy dress. Miss Holland called to ask Maud to dine with her on Friday to go with Mr. Carlisle’s party to theatre. Miss White here finishing my bodice. Mrs. Bancroft called. Tuesday 9 March Windows not done this week. Went at 11.30 with Maud to Mrs. Hunt’s & Mrs. Oppenheim. Mrs. Giles, Miss Neaves, Miss Pollock sister & coz & Miss Clifford called. Wednesday 10 March Maud to lunch with Mr. McQueen, Mrs. Willard & Mrs. Lathrop at Princes Restaurant, & to talk over book illustrations. I went alone Miss Chapman, Mrs. Jessie Harding, Mrs. Lawson 31 Hill St, Mrs. Steincopff. Had long talk with Mr. Steincopff about business! Walked morg. with Sp. to Mrs. Lords about cycles & shoe bag. Lin for cycle ride. Thursday 11 March Mrs. Rawlinson’s dinner 8 o’c. Out 11.30 to Miss Ratcliffe, Storeys about tablecloth morg. room. Rested afternoon, Very pleasant dinner at Mrs. R. Host took me in & Mr. Alexander of Campden Hill on other side, enjoyed talk of old days St Georges with him. Dinner of 18. Went on to fetch Maud fr. Mrs. Macquoid’s where she dined & left Miss Mayne at Queen’s Gate. Cold wet night. Friday 12 March Maud to Miss Holland’s & Mr. Carlisle’s theatre party. M. dines at Miss H’s, 7 o’c. Sp. called & I went for walk up Row with him. Met Mrs. Gilbert & Mrs. Eykyn, om back. Saw stupid looking English parlourmaid. Went at 4 to call on Mrs. Threlfall lovely house my idea of a luxurious & beautiful house, with exquisite view of Park & facing S.W. Met Mrs. Beale & Mrs. Fuller Maitland there. To Mrs. Hunt’s, saw charming maid but objected to Sunday alas! Saw Mrs. Keyser for Alice this morg. Called on Anna Dietz, limper than ever. Saturday 13 March Mr. & Mrs. Walker, Mr. & Mrs. Fildes & Mr. Carlisle to dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. German to wait, noisy. Matinée at Criterion asked Mr. Hood, unable to come. Out morg. shops with Maud. Flowers 2/6, bananas 1/-, sweets 2/6. X. Maud petit ami. V. pleasant dinner but think Mr & Mrs Fildes & Mrs Walker do not love each other? X. Had interview with Mr. Lemon & borrowed £200 from the London & County at 4%. Edgar called, missed him. Sunday 14 March Lin to Calais. M. & self in all day. Mr. Gribble, W. Buck & Mr. Gilmer called bringing me 2 charming prints of Lord Nelso & Lady Hamilton. Lin met more interesting people amongst others the broker for Apollinaris advises him to take up shares as spec.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 15 March £200 5% Apollinaris Company borrowed fr. Bank. Maud dines at Mrs. Lindo’s, 8 o’c. Pouring wet day cold & wretched. Drove Lin to Hyde Pk. Corner & went on to Miss Ratcliffe’s & Barkers, bought gimp for cloth 2/5, paper 1/6. Sent last night letter about taking £200 of 5% pref Apollinaris Company. Borrowed money for this of London & County for 4%. Dear Roy to Oxford fr. Eton for “Smalls” exam for a week. Up for Smalls. Tuesday 16 March Windows not done this week. Ana Dietz to Luncheon 1.30. Wet morg. Mrs. Mocatta, Mary McQueen, Eve & Mrs. Reeve. Maud to Lady Romer about Tableaux. Maud dined with Miss Clifford’s party, Dieu Doré Ryder St & to Ball after with Mrs. Clifford at Portman rooms. Little monkey flirting again. Wednesday 17 March Mrs. Cameron Corbett’s dance 10 o’c. Mr. Richardson to dinner with me alone. Maud dines at Mrs. Ritchie’s & to Mrs. C’s dance with Ellie & brother. Mr. Carlisle & W. Buck & Mr. Richardson to Mrs. C’s also. To Miss Ratcliffe by bus alone morg. Home by cab. Wretched day pouring. Mr. R. left at 10 0’c for dance. Thursday 18 March Lady Rosamond Christie’s dinner 8 o’c. Maud lunches with May Nembhard at ¼ p. 1 o’c. Postponed. Went for walk morg. alone. Round Pond like a sea, such a high wind blowing & bright sun for an hour. Maud home at 3 this morg fr. dance with Ellie & her brother. M. looks a perfect wreck. Went for walk with Eve C. V. pleasant dinner. Duchess of Bedford, Lady Ripon, Sir G & Lady Russell, Mr. Wallop, Mr. Thring, Mr. & Mrs. Elliot, Mr. Humphrey Ward, Lord & Lady X, Lady Rosamund, our 2 selves. I sat between Mr. Wallop & Mr. Thring & enjoyed evg. much more than I expected. The house looks as if they were just going to pack up & go away, not a comfortable house! Friday 19 March Mrs. Medley 4 – 6.30. Went alone to Westbourne Grove, walked, shop’g. Home in bus. X. Both Lin & self received letter allotting us all we asked for in Apollinaris Cpy, Lin £3000, self £200. Called alone at 3.30 on Geiger, Clarke, Rhodes, Susman, Bergne, Tattersall stayed some time, & C. Corbett also some time. Long interesting talk on politics with Mr. C.C. Maud hard at work all day long. Card of invitation from Mr. Bainbridge for Maud to dine there giving her 2 evenings to choose from. Saturday 20 March Mary Macqueen to dinner. Maud & self to “Geisha”. Sunday 21 March To early service with Maud. For walk to end of Row & home by bus. Mr. Cumming, Lenny M. & Mr. Ryle called & Eve C. Lin to Calais & great scare about Apollinaris shares. Monday 22 March Lady Seaton dinner 7.30! Maud & self to Mrs. Lathrops to tea 5 o’c. Awful journey by train & bus. V. poky little house & felt cross at going so far & for what!!! Mrs. McQueen there. Unable to go to Lady Seaton’s only Lin & Maud went. Midge called at 7 & brought some lovely violets & hyacinths. Stayed ½ an hour. She is


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 staying at “The Cecil”. Lin to see Mr. H. Henderson about Appolinaris shares. Satisfactory interview. Tuesday 23 March X. Petit ami. Went with Lin to Bank & Vic Sta. Left Lin to go & try some guns. Mrs. Santly, Miss Rose Innes, Mrs. Lindo & Ethel & Winnie Lockyer called. X. Used drawing room. Paid £40 2nd payment on £200 in £10 shares 5% pref Appolinaris & Johannis Compy Ltd. Paid also remaining £5 due on 2 allotted £1 shares in Harrods ord. allotted at £3.11.0. I paid £5.18.4 for each of my other 3 shares in Harrods ordinary. Wednesaday 24 March Promised to go at 4.30 to Mrs. Tattersalls. Alice leaves. Maud & self dine at Metropole at 7.45 with Mr. Carlisle & Miss Holland, & to see “La Poupee”. V. delightful evg. quiet & amusing altho’ I felt seedy enjoyed it immensely. X. E. Ellis came as parlourmaid & Alice Turner leaves after 3 yrs & 4 months. Did v. well most obliging & attentive & took an interest in her work. Sorry to lose her but her appearance especially in the morning was greatly against her, more like a general servant. V. late mornings & generally unpunctual & untidy. Thursday 25 March Mrs. Godefroi, 4 - 6 music. Mrs. Stebbings dinner, ac’pt for Lin & M, 7.45. Maud to Lady Romer’s for rehearsal. Lovely day. Drove at ¼ to 4 with Maud to Lady Romer’s, left M. & drove round Park & fetched her. Ellie R. at Lady R’s rehearsal also for tableaux. Friday 26 March Mrs. Medley 4 – 6.30. Mr Bambridge & his niece to tea at 5 o’c. Lovely flowers fr. Midge. Drove with Maud at 12 to Mr. McQueens, publisher. Mr. Bambridge & niece to tea, reserve my opinion of him, rather like Uncle John Walker, in fact very like him. Saturday 27 March I go to Midge at Ardleigh for a few days. Midge met me at Ardleigh looking v. well. Place charming all spring flowers out & so warm & delicious air. Maud met B.W. when out buying flowers, only saw her for a second but feel anxious to hear if he worried her again to promise, trust she did not give any hope. Sunday 28 March In all morg. wet. To afternoon service with Midge. H. to Mrs. Unwin’s to tea. Midge & self mistook hour of tea & did not go. Monday 29 March Lin & Maud dine at Mr. Bainbridge’s. Midge & H. off to some races with Mr. & Mrs. Unwin at (blank). Went to Village for stamps & braid 1/6. Vy cold evg. Con arrived at Staf. Terrace fr. Italy. Tuesday 30 March Little Sington’s wedding 2.30, St Mary Abbots. Lovely day. Sir Thomas Thompson to luncheon. Long letters fr. Lin & Maud & Mrs. Sington. Ground covered early morg. with white frost. Letter fr. Edgar. Wednesday 31 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Romer’s tableax Vivants, 3 & 3.30 o’c. Lady Reed’s dau’s wedding 2.30 St Stephen’s Church S. Kens, & house after. To pay £5 last installment on 2 allotted shares of £1 each at Harrod’s stores, £3.10 prem. V. wet & cold. Apr 1897 Thursday 1 April Ladfy Romer’s Tableaux Vivants 8.30. Mrs. Jack Johnson at home (members of Society of Women journalists) 4 - 7. Letters fr. Lin & M, Miss Jones & Mr. Warren. Roy failed in all but Latin prose, the most difficult. Snow morg. Heavy rain after, no races. Friday 2 April (blank) Saturday 3 April Mrs. Boughton 4.30, pictures. Boat Race from Mrs. Donaldsons, Roy home for it. Con, Roy & Maud to Race. Oxford won. Sunday 4 April Lovely bright morg. V. cold. To eleven o’c service with H. & Midge. Lettrs fr. Lin & Maud. Monday 5 April I returned fr. Ardleigh. Lovely bright day but cold. Midge saw me to station. Expenses to Ardleigh without tickets for which I had a pass £1.3.6. Found Con ill in bed with chill at home on arrival, caught at Boat Race. Maudie well X. Petit ami Maud. Tuesday 6 April Went with Lin to Eton. Saw dear Roy in most shabby Eton get up!!! hat!!! Saw Mr. Ainger & Mrs. Mortimer, had tea in her room. Looked over Roy’s things in his room. Found G. Davis & 2 others had called. Con down to lunch & dinner, seems much better. Dr Orton called to see him morg, says he had better get up, in bed all day yesterday. Cobby went up to Tattersalls for next Thursday’s sale. Hamilton up with all his horses & carriages for sale, to be held same day at Tattersalls as Cobby. Wednesday 7 April Mrs. Medley 4 - 6.30. Ottie Messel’s wedding 2.30, St James’s Sussex Gds, to Ernest Kindersley Loring RN. V. wet dark morg. Maud & self at 3 to call on Mrs. Fowler, Holland, & Miss Ratcliffe about M’s cycling skirt, & went to Mrs. Willard at Pioneer Club, out, & to see Midge’s house. V. wet afternoon. Passed Messels’ house just before bride left. Thursday 8 April Lovely day. Con out early 11 o’c. He dined & went to concert with Bertie Romford. Friday 9 April Mrs. Sutton’s dinner & dance for Maud 7.30 to 1 o’c. Con leaves. Dear Roy returns fr. Eton for good, over 6 years there. Saturday 10 April Lady Lawrence’s dinner 8 o’c, ac’pt for Lin, Maud & self. Drove with Maud to Miss Ratcliffe, Marshall & Snelgrove. V. charming dinner at Lady L’s, 22. Table v. lovely


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 with orchids. Sir & Lady Barnes, Lord Hobhouse, Judge Bacon, Mr. & Mrs. Rutherford of Westminster, 2 Lawrence boys, dau, Miss Chamberlain, Mr. Sterne a little deaf. M. long letter fr. Lennie. Sunday 11 April X. Lin sent my certificate to Mr. Henderson £200 Apollinaris 5% pref shrs to sell. Lin & Roy to Calais for day. Met Mr. Lewis, Dolly & Mrs. Roberts, Mr. Aird, Mr. & Mrs. C. Stuart Wortley. Only Winnie L & Mrs. Fildes called with fat little dau. Sp. called with his 2 chicks, v. cross & jumpy. Monday 12 April Maud goes to stay with Mr. & Mrs. Macqueen at Grand Hotel Eastbourne. Midge, H. & Dora come to London to their new house, 8 Craven Hill Gds. Miss White here for Maud. Roy out all day at Queen’s club & to dinner. Lin out all day. Tuesday 13 April Midge & H. & D. dine here, & Mrs. Stone. Lin dines at Punch dinner. To stores morg. Paid for wine etc £1.16.7. Wire fr. Con, v. ill. Effie not home! Langleys v. late. Waiting awful but think E’s fault, so slow in helping Ellis. Mrs. Spring came in to help Emma, thought we sh’d be 7. Letter fr. darling Maud. Wednesday 14 April Asked Mrs. Mortimer & her son to dinner. Postponed till tomorrow. Mrs. Mortimer called to say cannot come tomorrow, great relief. Con v. ill influenza. Letter fr. G(illeg). Letter fr. Maudie. Called at 3 on Lady Romer, Lady Lawrence & Mr. Hartree where I had tea. Seems v. cheery & was v. pleasant altogether. Bought things at Harrods, or rather got them & pay later. Thursday 15 April Mrs. Mortimer to dine at ¼ to 7. Cannot come. Dear Roy to Eastbourne with Mr. Carlisle & friend on bicycle. Letter fr. dear Maudie, has had toothache & feels seedy. Letter fr. Mrs. Percy who seems as indignant with Effie as I am. No news of Con today. Lin & self to see “La Poupée” at Prince of Wales. Hamilton Langley’s last day. Friday 16 April Left Stafford Ter. just after breakfast for Grand Hotel Eastbourne. Arrived in time for luncheon there. Found v. comfortable rooms facing sea on 3 rd floor awaiting us. Maudie looking already better for her stay with Mrs. Macqueen’s party here. Roy at Mr. Carlisle’s with Mr. Flick at Cavendish Hotel. Roy left there & came to us. Looked tired fr. his ride down on cycle with Mr. Flick last evg. 64 miles, they arrived at 10 o’c leaving at 2.30. Sat with the Macqueens party after dinner. (Mr, Mrs. McQ, Mary, a boy cousin, Mr. Mackellar & Miss Cox & Maud. X. Petit ami. Walked after lunch with Lin. Nearly week too soon. Hotel v. full. Saturday 17 April Breakfast in bed. In all day. Had tea with Mrs. Macqueen. Young Rubens played beautifully afternoon & evg. Mr. Carlisle dined with us. Bad dinner. Dance at Hotel evg. rather slow affair. Wretched day cold & rain & wind. Sunday 18 April Maud to Church with Macqueen party. Lin & Roy for cycle ride. I went for drive after lunch with Maud & Mary to Beachy Head, 6/-. Pretty drive but so windy. Fine day & sun. Roy, Lin, self & Mr. Flick dined here as Mr. Carlisle’s guests. V.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 pleasant evg & good dinner. Joined the Macqueens after & heard Rubens play, v. good. Mr. Flick v. pleasant & decidedly good looking. Monday 19 April Again dull. Finished Gyps “ Bijon” morg. Went in Bath chair with Lin to Gymkhana, poor show, along parade after. Mr. Carlisle sent me some lovely roses & lilies morg. Mr. C. & Mr. F. dining here as our guests tonight. Small dance in Hotel after dinner. Could not understand M, w’d not dance with Mr. C. Spent whole afternoon with him, Mr. F. & Willie McQ at Gymkhana. Tuesday 20 April Returned fr. Eastbourne by 4.40 train, leaving Maud with Mrs. Macqueen. First fine day, sun. Wednesday 21 April Mrs. Medley 4. Dull wretched day. Lin off with Roy to Mr. Soames. Wish Roy would wake up & display more energy & interest in his studies. He seems to have but one idea, viz: to amuse himself & even this with as little possible trouble. Answered several letters. To call at 3.30 on Mrs. Wallace, Lady Seton, & Midge found Tabs there. House looking v. nice. Had tea at Mabel’s, found v. pretty dark cousin there. Letter fr. Maud returns tomorrow. Wet & dull. Roy & self alone evg, played “Geisha”. Thursday 22 April Fine. Maud returns fr. Eastbourne by 4.40. I lunch at Tabbie’s Coburg Hotel 1.30. To Redfern with her after. To Sophy where I met Marion P. & had tea, & met Maud at Victoria. Quiet evg. Friday 23 April Mrs. Clark’s dance 8.30. Midge & Dora to luncheon 1.30. Drove at 3.30 with Midge to stores. Ordered plants for window cases 13/3, pd. X. Bought £230 London Chatham & Dover Rly 4% 2nd pref stock at 86¼. Fees £1.2.11. Com. 1.0.0, contract 1.0. Total £200.11.5. Maud & Roy to Mrs. C’s dance, not v. good. Saturday 24 April Fine day. X. Roy exceedingly rude & much as I love him I will not put up with it & he will have to alter his manner to live with me. I could never tolerate impertinence fr. my own children, nor familiarity. I shop’d in Kens with Maud. X. Private view of the New Gallery. M. & self went at 3.30. Met Messrs Pilleau, Orchardson, Abbey, Fagan, L. Davies & Sylvia, Mrs. Watney Reed, Bram Stoker looking lovely, Mrs Fritz Jackson etc etc & most others. Vy sorry Lin did not go with us as he only went for short walk alone after tea & came in after 8. Makes dinner so late. Maud letter fr. Lennie. Sunday 25 April Midge & D. spend day here. Only coming to dine. Lin to Calais alone. Maud & self to early service. No one called except Mrs. Sington. Monday 26 April (blank) Tuesday 27 April Mabel Wallace to luncheon & tea. Only Evelyn called. Wedding of Miss Manley. Out morg. with Maud.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 28 April Mrs. Medley 4. At 3.30 with Maud to Monteith Young’s, Redfern, Swears & Wells. Called on Mr. Bainbridge, A. Linley, Mrs. Livesey & Mrs. Sutton(?) all out. Ellis alone evening, only Roy & M. & self here. Sent Emilie to buy giant (illeg) & silk. Thursday 29 April Sybil Peto married to Mr. Dudley Scott. Unable to go to wedding. Mr. Blair comes up to town for a week. Lin & self dine at Mrs. Lindo’s 8 o’c. Vy pleasant dinner for 14. Met Mr. Dyce’s aunt. Went morg. shop’g alone. Evelyn sat to Maud & to Lin. Ellis went with Maud at 3.30 to Miss Ratcliffe’s & to Swears & Wells. M. finds her vy nice & quiet to go about with, & far more respectable looking than Alice. Friday 30 April Private View at Academy. Mrs. Calderon’s tea 4.30 – 5.30. Roy to theatre with Mr. Farquhar. May 1897 Saturday 1 May Morning performance at Alexanders. Sunday 2 May Mr. H.B.Davis & Mr. Blair to dinner 8 o’clock. To Row with Maud & Evelyn, met Mackeseys, sat with them. Row v. crowded. Met Mr. Blair returning, walked little way with us. Lin to Calais. Roy & Mr. Blair on cycles to Richmond, both returned & dressed here. Lin in late 8.30. Dined at ¼ to 9. E. cooked dinner wonderfully well. Young Rubens, Mr. & Mrs. Enthoven & W. Buck called. R. played. Monday 3 May Mrs. Heilbut 4 to 6.30, 8 Carlos Place. Maud another snuffly cold & down v. late. Roy & Mr. Blair at Queens Club playing tennis, came in at 7 o’clock. Maud with me at 3.30 to Bamk, left certificate signed for purchase of £320 L.C. & Dover 2 nd Pref & have to hand over X £2.8.9 for this on B.A.Gt. Southern share sold last month for Annie’s children. X. Called after on Mrs. Treherne, Mrs. Northmore, Lady Margaret Watney, Mrs. Heilbut’s, & saw Tabbie at Coburg after, had just arrived. Tuesday 4 May Mrs. de la Rue’s early dance 9 to 12.30. Mrs. Heilbut 4 - 6.30, 8 Carlos Place. Mrs. Threlfall 5 - 7. Maud dines at Mr. Bainbridge’s & goes to St James’ Theatre after with his party. Roy dined at Mrs. Lindo’s & went to Empire after & to meet Maud at St James’ theatre & take her on to the de la Rue’s. Lin & self dined at Coburg Hotel with H. & Tabs 7.30, & went on after to Court theatre “Sweet Nancy”. V. pretty little piece. Fr. there to dance & enjoyed it!!! Met usual set. Maud & self morg. to Tabs & sat in Park. Mr. Blair played tennis with Roy. Sp. called morg. more investments to recommend!!! Wednesday 5 May Mrs. Moscheles evg. party. Went at 12 to Whiteleys & to see Midge. Dora called here morg. taller then ever! Maud long letter fr. Lennie. Maud lunched at Coburg with Tabbie who complemented M. on her appearance etc. Maud & Roy to Gaiety “Circus Girl” with Mr. Blair. Thursday 6 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Walter Crane’s dance 9.30. Unable to go. Called at 4.15 on Joachim, Rawlinson, Tuer, Santly, Sylvia Davies (in) pretty house & lovely things but v. dirty, Wirgman, Mrs. Rose Innes, in, also dirty house, Parish, Lindo, Macquoid, in, lovely & exquisitely kept house, Miss Davis where Maud stayed to tea. Mr. P.J.B. called! M. had long letter fr. Lennie. Roy v. merry evg. as all the Eton boys were returning. Went with Maud morg. to Menteith Young waited ages, c’d not see her. Met Mrs. C. Stuart Wortley at bodice place & Mrs. Pickering at Coburg Hotel. Cab home 1/6. Mr. Blair called. Friday 7 May Maud goes with Sir R. Webster’s party to Goldsmiths Ball & dines at the Websters. Mrs. Medley at home. Out morg. alone to Marshall & Snelgroves ordered grey alpaca dress, ruffle, & collar. Swears & Wells for patterns. Cab home 1/6. Met Mr. Blair at 4 when going alone for calls, sent Maud some lovely flowers & saw her after in school room. Am v. vexed with Maud for receiving him alone. Called on Mdes Barker, Galbraith, de la Rue, Shannon, Lady Hickman & Lady Lucas. Midge found Auntie & Tabbie there. Met Mrs. Tod at Mrs. Medleys & Fagan & Boughton. Saturday 8 May Maud & Roy & Mr. Blair dine at Coburg with Tabbie & go to see “Circus Girl” again. Midge & Dora also. I went also at last moment as Tabs unable to go. V. pleasant evg. good dinner. Only Mr. Blair, Mr. Hood, Roy, Maud & self to theatre. V. delightful evg. Tabbie looking quite lovely in Young gown. Sunday 9 May Flowers. M. wept because she c’d not go to Row. Roy out, I too tired. Midge & D. to luncheon. Mr. Blair & his brother called soon after lunch. Ellie R, Mr. Galbraith, Mr. Molesworth, Mr. Schwann, Mr. Pilleau! Hobart Farquhar! Mr. Bret Harte & Peggie Richardson called. Vy surprised to see Hobart. Mr. Blair dined here alone. Lin to Calais. Monday 10 May Mrs. Schwann 4.30 to 6.30 at 14 Queens Gate Place. Called on Reynards, Mrs. Pollock, Nembhard, Rawlinson & Schwann. Had long talk with Mr. S, most interesting. Mr. Blair dining at Mrs. Cowards. Tuesday 11 May Mrs. Wallace’s drawing room tea 5.30 to 7.30. Mrs. Percy Holland’s D. tea. Maud & Roy with Mr. Blair to see “Geisha”. To Monteith Young alone, ordered gown. Walked home. M. & Eve to park, met Mr. Galbraith & Mr. Blair. Latter walked on to Midge’s with Maud where she lunched. Mr. & Mrs. Northmore, Macwhirter, Sims, Mrs. & Miss Rubens, Mr. Blair called. Maud & Roy to see “Geisha” with P.J.B. who leaves tonight for Scotland. Wednesday 12 May Mrs. Tate’s evening party 10 o’c. Lin went. M. & self to Ratcliffe & called on Mrs. Sansom(?) out. Park. Saw B.W. & Mr. Galbraith & Ellie. Paid Harrod’s bill 14/4 & left X the 3 Pink paper documents of my 2 allotted shares x. They promises to forward me certificate of same tomorrow. Lin with vy bad cold. Also paid 10/2 to Barkers. Thursday 13 May Mrs. Boughton 4.30, music. Mr. Hartree at home 10 o’c. G. Grossmith. Mrs. Tate’s dance. Mrs. C. Hunter’s dinner 8 o’c. Went at 9.30 alone to Miss Ratcliffe’s by


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 bus. Arranged about grey dress & jacket. Walked thro’ Park home. Bought M. pink flowerers 1/6. Rested afternoon. Midge came to tea. Lin’s cold v. bad. Met Mr. & Mrs. Adams (P.J.B’s friends) Mr & Mrs. Freeman, Mr. Ogston(?) etc etc. at Mrs. Hunter’s. Do not like Mrs. Adams. Went on to Mr. Hartree’s, saw Maud & Roy there, former looking v. pretty. Lord Kinnaird (funy little monkey man) took me in to supper. Met Mrs. Macnaught, Mr. Stephenson, Ferguson & all the other gentlemen of Mr. Hartree’s party at Lords. Mr Home etc, forgotten all their names. M. & Roy on to Mrs. Tate’s dance. Lenny M, Mr Bainbridge, Carlisle, Watts etc there. Maud did not enjoy it. Sat out with L.M. X. Petit ami. Friday 14 May Lin’s cold v. bad. Voice so thick. In bed till 12.30 vy tired. M. letters fr. H.C. & Lenny. M. out morg. with Ellie, met Dolly Roberts who told M. of her engagement to Major Barton. Drove at 4 o’c with M, called on Bret Harte, Threlfall, Levy, Hartree, Tate, Moscheles, Wallace, Giles, Whitworth, Huish, Palgrave Simpson, & M. to Mrs. Coward’s alone last. Lin’s cold still bad evg, scarcely any voice. Saturday 15 May Discovered Maud engaged for Tuesday evg. Vy annoyed. Lin’s cold v. bad still. Called with Maud at 4 o’c on Mrs. Hankey to say M. cannot dine there Tuesday but will go on to dance after our dinner Tuesday. To Miss Hanson Walker & Mrs. Wheen. Asked Ellie R. & Miss Hanson Walker to dinner tomorrow, neither can come. Saw Nipper & Hilda Messel in Park. Lin’s cold vy bad. Roy & Maud to see Irving in “The Bells” both disappointed in the piece. They saw Mary Macqueen & party there. Reading Maham’s life of Nelson most interesting & vy well written. Sunday 16 May Mr. Bret Harte to dinner 8.15. Lin to Calais notwithstanding his bad cold & seemed none the worse & enjoyed his talk with Bret Harte at dinner. M. with Roy to Park, met Lenny & Ruth Messel, sat together, saw B.W. who passed Maud twice, he is always contriving to meet her. Mr. Paxton, Arthur Linley, Mr. Stebbing, Major Barton & Dolly R. & Lenny Messel called, & Mr. Shaw. Major B. just engaged to Dolly R, in Edgar’s reg’t! Lenny spoke to me about M. & declares if he may not have her he will leave England. Poor boy feel v. sorry for him but it cannot be thought of for many reasons & M. does not seem to care for any of her lovers at present. Roy out all afternoon & felt seedy evg. He smokes too much. Monday 17 May Ap’t with Miss Ratcliffe at 3. M. counted washing. M. had letter fr. B.W. apologizing for annoying her by constantly meeting her. Poor Maudie. Went at 3.15 to fetch M. fr. Mrs. Macnaught where she lunched. To Ratcliffe, left Pass Book at Bk. To Libertys for centre piece, Midge, borrow her entrée dishes & candlestick. Ordered caviare, nuts etc. Tuesday 18 May X. Asked Mr. Galbraith, Mr. Bambridge, Sir H. & Lady Bergne, Sir B. & Lady Seton & Miss Clifford. Lady Hickman at home 4 - 6.30. Maud dines at Mrs. Meinertzhagen’s & goes with her party to Mrs. Hankey’s dance Rutland Gate. Mr. Galbraith took Maud on to dance at Mrs. Meinertzhagen’s where Mrs. Hankey chaperoned her. Saw Fritz & wife & Mr. Mayne. Caviare, clear soup, Turbot sharp sauce, stewed pigeons, Roast lamb beans, asparagus, Roast chickens & salad, 2 caramel puddings, horrid coffee ice supreme, plovers eggs, haddock savory, cheese bis butter. Paid £3.10.0 for purchases for dinner. Edgar & Sophy came to luncheon unexpectedly. Great hurry scurry. Mr. Hartree, Mr. Rawlinson & Mrs.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Huish called. Moody to wait & Mrs. Spring to help. M. home fr. dance at 3.30! Naughty little thing. Wednesday 19 May Sir R. & Miss Webster at home 10 o’c. Ap’t with Monteith Young. Evelyn here morg. Maud received fr. B.W. lovely little bracelet & heart with wee diamond as an apology for meeting M. in Park, & such a dear letter which makes me feel so sorry for him. Thursday 20 May Mrs. Street at home 3.30, 24 Bryanston Sqre. Lenny Messel wrote to Lin begging for an interview & saying how much he loved Maud. Went up alone to Radcliffe, no further on with my gown. Friday 21 May Mrs. Turner Phillips 8 o’c, 28 Palace Court, dinner. Mrs. O. Crawfurd 10.30. V. charming evg. & excellent dinner. To Montgeith Young 10.30. Met Tabbie there & went on with her to see about seats at Charing X for Jubilee, pd £60 for 6 seats!!! To Hotels Savoy, Cecil, Charing X & Grand to see about rooms, not a room to be had. Lunched at Savoy, excellent, saw Lady de Grey. Ada Sp. & Spencer called just as we were starting for dinner. Met the Playfairs & a v. pleasant man Mr. Rooper(?). Lin wrote to Lenny Messel saying he would not hear of Maud’s being engaged to him. Saturday 22 May Mrs. Griggs 3.30 to 6.30. Mrs. Montagu Fowler 4.30, 78 Pall Mall. Morg. shop’d early alone. Lin had two messenger boys sent fr. Lenny about seeing Lin for Maud. Lin wrote. Went alone at 4 to call on Midge, Fanny Barker, Mrs. Agnew (Philip), Bedington, Ada Sp. Costin, Colin Hunter, & forgot all about the “at homes”. Maud had another letter fr. Bill! Lin & Roy to see Othello played by Wilson Barratt. Mrs. Hankey called. Sunday 23 May Midge & D. to luncheon. Lin & Roy in also, both going to play tennis afternoon at Sir A. Hickman’s. Mr. & Mrs. Traherne (v. pretty) Tilda, Miss Rose Innes, called. Monday 24 May Mrs. Schwann 4.30, 14 Queens Gate Place. Must call on Lady Pontifex, 5 Wetherby Gds. In all morg. Another letter fr. Lenny to Lin. Maud vy hard at work all morg. Mrs. Crawfurd & Mrs. Johnson Ferguson called, saw former. Called at 4 o’c with Maud on Mrs. Phillips, Lady Pontifex, Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Hankey, Fagan, Meinertzhagen, & Miss Jacomb Hood & Mrs. Leeche, found 2 last at home. Saw Lenny in Park, did not see us. Tuesday 25 May Mrs. A. Henderson’s dance 10.30. Mrs. de la Rue’s dance 9 to 12.30. Ap’t 10.30 Miss Ratcliffe. Lady & Mrs. Armstrong 4.30, 4 Ashburn Place S. Kens. To Marshalls morg. Met Mrs. H. Dickens & Enid, Mrs. Spofforth, & saw Mrs. Messel. Delightful evening, enjoyed both dances immensely. Sybil de la Rue engaged tonight at their dance to Mr. W. Grantham, eldest son of Sir J. Grantham. Saw Lennie at Mrs. Henderson’s, looks v. unhappy & follows Maud about like her shadow. Mr. Cuming, Mr. Snagg, Banbury, Galbraiths etc etc at Mrs. Henderson’s v. large ball. Wednesday 26 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Palgrave Simpson 4.30. Stars at Mr. Lockyer’s observatory. Lady Salisbury recep’t Foreign Office. Pouring wet morg. To Miss Ratcliffe, bought white shoes gloves & stockings Barkers. Rested after luncheon & went with M. to Mrs. P.S’s, saw Wallaces there otherwise dull little party, not enough people. M. & self met Lin at Athenaeum. Went in Court dress compulsory. Most brilliant assembly, saw Lockwood, Col. Welby, Websters, Bergnes, Harmsworths etc etc. Thoroughly enjoyed it. M. had long letter fr. Lennie & another fr. Hilda. After foreign office recep’t left Lin at Dr Noble Smith, Queen Anne St. Thursday 27 May Mrs. Street at home, 24a Bryanston Sqre 3.30. Mrs. Spielman’s dinner 6 o’c. Mrs. Jack Johnson’s at home 4 - 7 (Women Journalists). Must call at Mrs. Stuart Wortley’s & Mrs. Blair, Grand Hotel. Letters fr. Mr. Carlisle & Mrs. de la Rue announcing Sybil’s engagement to Mr. Justice Grantham’s eldest son. Friday 28 May To Phil May’s lecture at 8.30, 18 John Street Adelphi. Lady Reed’s at home 10 o’c. Signor Simonetti. Mrs. Mayne at home music 4 - 7. 10.30 to Mrs. Young. Ruth Messel called & had tea with Maud. Letter from Mrs. Messel asking Maud to dine there on the 3rd, already engaged that evening. Went with Roy to Piccadilly. Left him & went to Monteith Young’s, walked to Midge’s across park, heavy rain & strong wind. Mrs. Godefroi called, did not see her. Saturday 29 May Mrs. Montague Fowler 4.30, 78 Pall Mall. Maud & Mary Macqueen to Ranelagh with Mr. Carlisle. I join them at 6.30 for dinner there with Mr. Carlisle’s party. Lin dines at Berkeley H. with Fanny Barker’s theatre party. 10.30 to Miss Ratcliffe. Maud working all morg. I went at 9.30 to Miss Ratcliffe’s wrong day! & vy tired turning out so early. Maud & Mr. C. & Mary at 3.30 to Ranelagh. Heavy rain but lovely evening after 4. Went alone to Mrs. Fowlwer’s, v. few there evidently does not understand entertaining, or they do not know many people. Left cards at Grand Hotel on Mrs. Blair & then joined Mr. C, Mary & Maud at Ranelagh, played croquet. Mr. McHardy & Mr. Wolf came at 7. Had delightful table near window in New Room. Sat out after on Terrace & had coffee. Found both Mr. McHardy & Mr. Wolf wanting in tone so familiar in manner but pleasant to talk to. Mr. C. depressed & Maud v. quiet. Lin dined with F.B. & to Court Theatre after. Roy joined them later. Sunday 30 May Maud Paxton to dinner. Lin & Roy to Sir A. Hickman’s for tennis. Maud to Church, to Pk with Roy. Roy v. tiresome & made Maud cry at luncheon as she met Lennie. Mr. Ryle, Mr & Mrs. Galbraith, Lennie, Evelyn & Miss Rose Innes called. Lennie v. anxious to see Lin. Monday 31 May Mrs. Schwann 4.30, 14 Queens Gate Place. Mr. Jacomb Hood’s dance. 9 o’c sharp. Mrs. Mayne at home, music, 4 - 7. Midge called, went for walk with her, met Spinks, we sat in gardens for an hour together. X. Maud seedy. Went at 4 with Maud to Marshalls for rib for grey dress, Monteith Young for dress promised Saty, not come yet, & to Mrs. Mayne’s, heard excellent music. 3 Miss Eisslers, & Miss G. Egremont sing, charming American. Saw Mrs. Messel driving in Pk. Mr & Mrs. Blair & Adela Mackenzie called leaving Mr Holland’s cards. Jun 1897 Tuesday 1 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 To Ratcliffe morg. Maud to Mr. Macqueen publisher at 2.30. Emilie took her. Mad’lle here to lunch poor little thing always gives me a bad headache. Fearful storm at 4 o’c this morg. Miss Mackery & brother, Miss Meinertzhagen & friend, Mary Macqueen & Miss Cox, Mrs. Spofforth, Miss Rose Innes, Mrs. Whean & daughter etc called. Letter fr. Lennie, answered it. Wednesday 2 June Sir R. & Miss Webster’s at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Johnson Ferguson at home 4.30 to 6.30, 55 Cadogan Sqre. Lady Lucas at home 4.30. Called alone at 4 on Midge. Met Tilda who went on with me to Mrs. Messel’s, v. unpleasant interview. To Spielman, de la Rue, Lady Reed, Henderson, Lady Salisbury & Mrs. Johnson Ferguson’s at home. Dull, v. few people. Maud hard at work all day. Met Lennie at Adelphi Theatre, came into our box for one act & ½. Lin joined us & took Roy on to Mr. Natorp’s at home. Thursday 3 June 2.30. Miss Willaimson’s wedding, St Peter’s Eaton Sqre, 50 Pont St. Miss Holland’s dance. Katie Gielgud’s at home at Moray Lodge 4.30 - 7. Maud invited to dine at Mrs. Messel’s, cannot go. Mr. Carlisle & Miss Rose Innes dine here. M. & self to wedding & on to Katie’s garden party after. Huge crowd, met Tattersalls, Eykyns, Gilberts, Messels etc etc. Lennie carried Maud off. Charlie Burnand & Mr. Dicksie there. Spoke to the M party, seem most anxious to cultivate M. now. Mr. C. & Sylvinia to dinner. Lennie walked home with us & only had just time to dress before Mr. C. arrived. V. merry little dinner & Roy, M. & Mr. C. left at 10 for dance, which they all seem to have enjoyed. Home by ¼ to 2. Friday 4 June Mrs. de la Rue’s party as before on river for Eton, all 4 asked. Lovely day. Only 18, Mr & Mrs. de la Rue, 3 boys, Sybil, Mr & Miss Grantham, Mr Goff, Mr Auld, Mr & Miss Purcel, Roy Maud & self, Miss Preston & rest do not remember names of. Lin unable to go on account of work. All the party remained on with exception of Maud, self, Mr & Mrs. de la Rue & Mr & Miss Purcel. Lady Sutherland came back with us. Most delightful day. Feel awfully tired. Saturday 5 June We all go to Tabbie for Whitsuntide. Roy & self to Tabbie’s, Maud & Lin unable to come on account of work. Met Midge & D. at Waterloo & came in same carriage by 2.5, only 15 minutes late. Tabs, Gareth & Gwen met us, all looking well. Place lovelier than ever & glorious evening, so hot. Ham away yachting. New baby pretty & more like Tabbie than any of the children. Gareth v. grown & quite a dear. Sunday 6 June Pay £6 towards Tassel’s maintenance. Lovely day fearfully hot. Sat out all morg. Roy took all the girls, Dora Gwen & Eve, for a row. Monday 7 June Mrs. Schwann 4.30, Garden party. V. hot. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Tuesday 8 June Mrs. Rubens dinner for Roy & Maud, shall be away. Roy returned home by 11.35 fr. Christchurch. Mrs. Oberton to luncheon. Drove with Tabbie to Lady Beauclerk & Mrs. (illeg), out. Wet after tea.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 9 June Tabbie to London for day shop’g. Hamilton returns fr. yachting. Letter fr. Lin. Midge & self to C.C. to see Tabs off. Pouring again afternoon. Tabbie & Hamilton here for dinner. X. Petit ami. Wrote Mrs. Holland cannot go tomorrow. Midge had letter fr. Con. Bertie Romford, Liza Lehmann (Mrs. Bedford) Alice Gomez singing tomorrow at Mrs. Holland’s. Thursday 10 June Mrs. Percy Holland 10 o’c, music. Mrs. Enthoven’s evg. party 10 o’c, Hungarian band. In bed to breakfast. Slept all afternoon! Midge & Tabs to a garden party at Mrs. Hayes. Mrs. Higgins to dinner too fascinating for words. Maud dined with Mrs. Lindo. Only Roy & Lin to Mrs. Holland’s & seem to have enjoyed it v. much. Friday 11 June Midge, Dora & self returned fr. Tabbie’s. H. came as far as Southampton. Dear Maudie’s drawing for “Cherrywinks Dearkins Esq” (Mrs. Willard’s book) finished & sent off. Think both Lin & Maud looking pale & overworked. Lin dined out with a Mr. Lawrence at Princes Restaurant. Roy, M. & self alone. Maud had long letter fr. Mr. Carlisle fr. Bergen, he appears to have had awful passage. Saturdeay 12 June Maud lunching at Mrs. Messel’s, drove her there. V.v. hot. Lovely day. Lin & Roy for cycle ride after lunch. Sunday 13 June Lovely day. V. hot. Roy & Lin off by early train for Calais. Midge & D. to luncheon & tea. Grace Fraser, Lennie & Eve Coward & Mr. Howe called. Grace F. stayed on to dinner. Find her not to my liking & cannot say why. Monday 14 June Mrs. Schwann 4.30. Ap’t with Mrs. Monteith Young. 11.30. To Midge 11 o’c. Sent hateful Young dress to Young! To Marshall & Snelgroves ordered 3 prs gloves. Met Mrs. Henderson, Maggie, & Mrs. G. Agnew & Miss Mackesie. Maud lunched at Mrs. Lindo’s & dear Mrs. Heilbut drove her back. Lin & Roy to Coupé London’s at home, 11 o’c. Sp. to luncheon. Tilda called at tea time & remained on to dinner. Tuesday 15 June Mrs. F. Wheen’s dance 10 o’c for Roy & Maud. Mrs. Douglas Sladen at home to meet Mrs. F.W.Higgenson of U.S.A. 9.30. To meet Tilda at Grosvenor Sqre at 7.30 & go to Opera with her. Out all morg. shops. Mrs. Nembhard, Evans, Richmond, Calderon, Eve, Mary Carter, Mary & George Nicol etc called. Saw “Huguenots” Mdes Marie Engle, Macintyre & Bauermeister. Mons. E. de Reske, Plonçow, Cippi & Ancona. Met Mrs. Temple & Miss Williams, Mr. Hook & wife, Mr. & Mrs. C. Critchett at Opera. Left Tilda after & went on to fetch M. Roy too idle to go. Hobart & Bertie Farquhar & Major Hickman & Mr. Dyce there, heaps of other friends. Wednesday 16 June Lady Lucas at home, 4.30. Mrs. A. Gordon Pollock 4.30, music. Out all morg. alone. Ordered white serge fr. Marshalls & waterproof. At 4 to Ratcliffe for Maud, with her to Marion P’s, met Mrs. Tattersall’s married daughter, Mrs. Hankey, G. Dietz. To Lady L’s, delightful French recitation & song, Lady Blomfield & Miss Ryan (Ratcliffe) Mrs. Eiger & her 3 pretty children, Mrs. Mocatta, stayed late, Lady Lucas v. charming. Lin hard at work. Called on Sophy morg. 4 (illeg). Wore


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 new Young dress & hate it. Answer invite fr. Mrs. Mesel for M. to lunch there on Sunday, unfortunately Hobart Farquhar lunching here. Thursday 17 June Mrs. Rawlinson 4 - 7. Mrs. Steincopff’s dinner 8 o’c for Lin, Maud & self. Mrs. Messel’s dinner cannot go unfortunately. Shop’d morg. Maud to Mrs. R’s. V. delightful dinner at Mrs. S’s. Sat next to Mr. S. & Mr. Massey Mannering took me in, v. pleasant dinner companion. Interested in Sunday opening of museums etc & health, his daughter vy lovely & accomplished. Friday 18 June Mrs. Fildes dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Corbett’s dinner 8 o’c. Accepted Mrs. Corbett’s for Lin Maud & self. Mrs. Johnson Ferguson at home 4.30 to 6.30, 44 Cadogan Sqre. Mrs. Macqueen at home 4 - 7, Mr G. Grossmith. Mrs. Montague Fowler’s supper party 10.30. Out morg. early, cold & violent storms of rain. At 4.30 to Mrs. Macqueen’s with Maud. Mr. Blair, Galbraiths etc there & Grossmith at piano. Vy pleasant tho’ poor dinner at Mrs. Corbett’s. Col. Boyce took me in, v. interesting old man, told me of Guilds & their uses, & receipt for cold. Left Maud at Mrs. Schwann’s dance, Hobart Farquhar there. Unable to go to Mrs. Fowler’s. Lin’s eyes bad with cold, seems tired with work. Saturday 19 June Mrs. Mocatta’s dinner 8 o’c, Lin & self. Mrs. F. Gordon’s garden party, Bentley Priory 3.30 to 7. Mrs. Warre’s at home 4.30 to 6.30. V. tired unable to go to at home. Miss Innes called & Mr. Blair, asked Roy & Maud & Mr. Blair to go to see Bernhardt tonight in “Loren(illeg)” by A. de Musset & dine with her at Bristol Hotel. Miss Innes had double box. All enjoyed it. Sunday 20 June Hobart Farquhar & Mabel to lunch. Sp, Ada & Hilda to park with Maud & self. Lennie to church with Maud & went up with us. Lin working hard all day, discovered he had had wrong lotion for eyes, so vy vy sorry, entirely my fault. Lin working in school room. Mabel left early after lunch. Lennie, Mr. Hall (barrister) Mr. Gilmer, Mr. Blair & Miss Innes called. Met Mr. Blair in Park, he walked to Palace Hotel with us. Muddle about Sp’s lunching here, asked him & not hearing till this morg. did not think he c’d come especially as Ada & Hilda came with him to Park. Monday 21 June Imperial Fête. Maud asked to sell. Mrs. Moscheles, Ham, Tabbie, Midge to dinner, & Lennie. Out shops morg. Sophy to breakfast. Mr. Blair called & had tea, showed us Kodac. Dull dinner, H. so silent & self absorbed. Midge & Tabs seem to like Lennie better than Mr. Blair. All left by 11. Bad night. Tuesday 22 June Imperial Fête. X. Jubilee procession. Lin Maud & self to Athenaeum Club to see Procession. Roy to Punch office Fleet St. Glorious day. Started at 7 o’c fr. Stafford Ter. Great crowd but no inconvenience. Excellent places. Wonderful sight of English & Colonial troops & foreign embassies. Had coffee here & at Club & light luncheon there. Saw Rider Haggard, Flowers, Pepys Cockerell, Mrs. Tuer who sat vy near me, Mr. Weigall. Procession past from 10 o’c until 11 o’c. Most wonderful sight the Queen looked well tho’ much paler than 10 years ago. Saw well. Saw Mr. Blair with a lady. He called afternoon. Lin working in misery all afternoon Home fr. pro. by 3.30. Had tea, walked to meet carriage fr. Club to Pk. Met Orton, Rhodes etc etc.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 23 June Imperial Fête. Teutonic Naval Review. Lin & self to Liverpool by night mail. Roy to Oxford for Exam. Very pretty illuminations on way to station. Maudie to Bazaar, only made 7/6. Mr. Blair, Eve & Mr. Bainbridge & Lennie there. Scene between Mr. B. & L. Maud on with Lennie to the Messels to dinner. She got home before we started. They had all been most kind to her. Thursday 24 June Imperial Fete. Mrs. Steincopff’s at home 4 – 7. On board “Teutonic” at 11.30.Great crowd over 250. Comfortable cabin near big saloon & close to Tabbie’s. Hers a larger & much lighter one. Lucys, Sir W. Agnew, Wolff, & no end of friends. Steamed away about 11.30. Most wonderfully organized ship. Luncheon & dinner most sumptuous, any amount of strawberries, peaches, pines etc, ices always at lunch & dinner. Sat on cdeck after dinner. Mr. John Moseley v. attentive to Tabbie all thro’ trip & left when she left. Mr. B. called morg. & Lennie came at 5 stayed till 7! Both saw Maud alone. Friday 25 June Imperial Fête. Anchored 2 miles off Ryde at the end of the line of Battleships. Lovely day. About 250 more people arrived on “Magnetic” about 4 o’c. Ld & Ldy Dufferin Ld & L. C. Beresford etc etc Jeunes etc. Steamed slowly after along line of ships. Glorious sight 5 square miles of ships!!! Sat at Hamilton’s table. Mr. Macmillan, Mr. Myers, Mrs. Jackson, Tabs & self. V. pleasant table. Lin at Mr. Wolff’s. Find Mr. W. so kind but so noisy. Hamilton wonderfully amiable. Saturday 26 June Imperial Fête. Maud goes with Mabel & Mrs. R. Wallace to “Palatine” Mrs. Watney’s yacht. M. not going. M. dined at Mrs. Messel’s & went to Her Majesty’s theatre with them. Naval Review. Breakfasted at 9. Glorious day all the men of war & ships splendid in their bunting. About (blank) the Prince came round the ships. Tremendous shouting & playing of National anthem. Cheers & shouts fr. all the different ships, 5 square miles of them. Mr. Ismay & Ld Hertford went in “Turbinia”, went at the rate of 34½ knots an hour. It shot past us with flames rising yards above the funnel. At (blank) the Review began & the whole looked like a vast Naval engagement without any lives lost or damage done. Most wonderful sight. Mr. J. Mosley, Miss Campbell v. smart girl, Mr. Macmillan, Mr. J. & self at our table. Speeches fr. Ld Dufferin, Lord Seymour, Mr. Ismay, Mr. Depui(?). After many of us on tender to see Illumination most extraordinary sight like avenues & avenues of ships covered in hoar frost brilliantly illuminated & memorable as being the first great Naval Review lighted entirely by Electricity. The Russian ship “Russia” had also a huge eagle in electric light. The Turbinia” is the fasted vessel afloat & it is supposed will entirely supplant all others. Sunday 27 June Tilda & Maud to Albert Hall with the Messels & Lennie brought her back. More than half of the party left on the tender “Magnetic” about 10.30. Dull drizzly morning. Tabbie &H. left about same time. Their yacht with the F. Stuart Wortleys & Major Galway on board & Gwen & Eve came close to us & their two boats came alongside. Tabs looking sweetly pretty in fascinating blue serge costume & cap. Most lovely afternoon. Lunched at Mr. Wolff’s table, not so nice as our own, so noisy & muddly. Lin & self sat on deck for 2 hours after tea which we had with Mrs. Jackson, Mr. J, Mr Margaret Ismay! & Miss Bocquet. The Jacksons want us to to go on & stay there but Lin’s work prevents us. Lin & self dined at Lucy’s table. Dr Watson (Ian Maclaren) Marquis of Hertford, Lady Margaret Ismay, Sir Russell,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Graves & Monseignor Nugent only. V. amusing dinner. I sat between Ld. Hartford & Dr Watson. Funny stories of this at end on (illeg)!!! Monday 28 June Mrs. Rawlinson 4 - 7. Mrs. de la Rue’s dance 9.30. Left “Teutonic” after a most delightful cruise at 11.30. Special train up. Lovely hot day. Lunched in train, vy stuffy little compartment nearly suffocated with heat during luncheon. Mr. Wolff, Mr. Lucy, Miss May etc with us. Had long talk with Mr. Lowther & Mr. Langton who met us at Miss Purvis’ yrears ago. Midge & D. called just before we reached home. Roy & M. to the de la Rue’s. Roy feeling seedy came home early. Tuesday 29 June Mrs. Cuthbert Quilter’s at home 10.30. V. hot in bed till 12. Mr. Wood here about Lin & Hugh Thompson’s exhibition of drawings together at Fine Arts Gallery. Telegram fr. Mr. Jackson announcing the sudden death this morning of dear Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Messel, Hilda, Mrs. Pike, Mrs. & Nellie Zimmermann, Miss Rose Innes, May Nembhard, Mr. Stebbing, Miss Tenniel, Evelyn called. Lin & Maud to Mrs. Quilter’s. Roy & self to bed. X. Roy passed “Smalls” exam for Oxford. Wednesday 30 June Lady Lucas at home 4.30. To see Law Courts with Mr. Hall, Carey St entrance to Law Courts. In all morg. Met Mr. Hall & Mr. Whitaker at Law Courts. Went thro’ the different Courts & heard some cases most interesting & had tea after at Mr. Hall’s rooms. Do not like Mr. Whitaker’s face, he is exactly like W. Furrell. Jul 1897 Thursday 1 July Lady Richmond 4 – 7. Academy Soiree 9 o’c. Went out all morg. with Midge in coupé. Walked to her house & lunched there. Most delicious mutton & tapioca pudding, cheese biscuits & butter exquisitely served, silver perfect. To Lady Richmond, saw Mr. & Mrs. Harvey, Violet Hunt, Clifford, Muir Mackenzie, Mrs. Macmillan etc. Lin & Maud to Soirée. Met B. Weigall, Mr. Carlisle, Mr. Stebbing, young Horsely etc etc & enjoyed it. Roy & self to bed early. Friday 2 July Edgar undergoes his operation to ear, No 4 Up. Wimpole Street. Lady Nottage at home 4 - 7. Lin & self dine at Monico with Edgar & Sophy 8 o’c, postponed. Mrs. Joyce 10 o’c at home. Lady Nottage at home 4 - 7. Maud dined at Mrs. Messel’s. I went alone at 3.30 & called on Mdes Gielgud, Tate, Mocatta, Lady Lawrence, Lady Nottage, Lady Armstrong, Lady Quilter, Mrs. Wheen (in) Mrs. Steincopff (in) Mr. McHardy, & to enquire for Edgar, had just arrived at 4 Up. Wimpole St, drove him on to his club. Operation takes place at 2 tomorrow. Saturday 3 July Edgar’s operation to ear. Mrs. Rivière’s garden party 4 o’c. Mr. Carlisle’s party at Ranelagh. Mr. C & & his brother both driving their own horses in competition. Mrs. Macqueen lending us her carriage to drive down at 2.15. Mary going with us, dine at Ranelagh a party of 8. Mervyn & Ethel arrived from S. America at Midge’s. Enjoyed Ranelagh immensely. Saw jumping, horse competition & Polo. Party Sir A. & Miss Hemming, Sir Gilbert Carter, Mr. Fleck & Mary Macqueen. Mr. C. & Mr. Fleck rather attentive to Mary who disappeared for a long while after dinner with both. Sunday 4 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 New Gallery at home 4 - 7. To see Edgar at 4 Up. Wimpole St with Evelyn C. in cab. Maud to Church, met L.M. & took communion together & walked after. Mr. McHardy, Maud Paxton, Miss Rose Innes & Lennie called. Lennie & Maud P. to dinner. Roy & Lin to Calais. Mervyn & Ethel called. Edgar getting on splendidly. X. Petit ami, Evelyn C, M.P & Lennie to dinner. Monday 5 July Mrs. Stratton Tweedie, 43 Clanricarde Gds. Mrs. Hankey at home 5 - 7. Mr. Hartree’s at Lords Varsity match. Corporation of City of London Ball. X. Maud Roy & Lin to Lords. X. Petit ami, unable to go. I drove to Lords & waited for Lin M. & R. At 6 o’c for drive. Lennie with them. Tuesday 6 July Mrs. Aird at home 10 o’c, Hungarian Band. Mr. Hartree at Lords Varsity match. Maud & Roy to Lords. Lin unable to go & of course I unable! Lovely day. Mad’lle calle morg. Vy high as usual! Went at 2.30 to see Edgar took roses met Mervyn who went on with me. Sat some time with Edgar, looks well & was lying on sofa. Came straight home, feel very weak & seedy. Left dear Lin at Fine Arts Gal. on way to Edgar’s to see about pictures being hung for his Exhibition on Saturday with Hugh Thompson. Wednesday 7 July Lady Armstrong called. Mrs. Speed at home 4 - 7. Mr. Hartree at Lords. Mrs. Jack Johnson’s dinner party, unable to go. I treat the maids & Otley to “The Circus Girl”. I went with Lin Roy & Maud to Lords. Lovely day. Got there at 12.30. sat until luncheon time on Mr. Hartree’s break. Usual party, Lady Lawrence etc, not so many of the men habitués. Lennie there, joined us later at luncheon. Sat next to Lady L, Chief Justice of Ceylon & Mr. Huish. Sat in Mr. Huish’s carriage until tea time, game over at 3.30. Poor play. Cambridge won. Lennie & self drove in hansom, M. & Roy in brougham. Long talk with Lennie afraid Lin won’t give his consent yet. Mad’lle here to supper. Maud & Roy to Lady Quilter’s dance 10 o’c. Thursday 8 July Miss Blyth’s wedding with John Livesey 2.30, & after at 45 Portland Place. St Marylebone Parish Church. Mrs. Speed’s at home 4 - 7. Maud & self lunch 1.30 at Mrs. Wallace’s, 5 Ralston St. Self alone to Mrs. W’s. Maud lunching at Mrs. Platt’s. V. charming luncheon at Mrs. Wallace’s met lovely Mrs. Cunard with her pretty little daughter & another lady. Mayonnaise of salmon, cold tomatoes, farcies blanc cutlets & peas & potatoes, strawberries & cream & sponge, Savoy toasts cheese biscuits & butter. Fetched M. fr. wedding too seedy to go in myself. Called after on Mrs. Hankey, Kendal, Grimstone, Harvey (Miss Reed) & Miss Rose Innes. Met Lennie who took Maud for walk, in dreadful state about tomorrow Maud not allowed to go with them to dinner & theatre. Friday 9 July Maud dines at Mr. Fletcher Moulton’s & goes with him & Miss Thomson to a ball. Hilda M. & Eve called. Mad’lle here morg. Drove at 3.30 with Maud to call on Lady Quilter, Macnaught, Thomson, Warre, Joshua, Wood & Miss Preston. Eton & Harrow match. Roy there all day. Roy to Gaiety with Eton boys. Saturday 10 July Mrs. Breton Rivière’s 4 o’c. Mrs. G. Hart’s at home, Fairlawn Totteridge. Lin dining at Ranelagh with Mr. Carlisle. Lennie dining here 8 o’c. Maud & Roy to Lords with Lennie M, lunched there with him. Lin’s pictures on view at Fine Arts Gallery.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Went with Lin at 4 o’c, met Mr. Rooth & fiancée former looking v. seedy with 2 huge carbuncles on neck. Was introduced to Mrs. Hugh Thomson whose husband’s pictures are being exhibited with Lin’s. Lennie & Maud met us at Gallery. Lin brought in Mr. Wolff fr. Ranelagh about 11 o’c. Out morg. with Eve. Feel fearfully seedy with horrid pain in my side. M. had long letter fr. P.J.B. Sunday 11 July Lennie dining here. M. to Church with L. & to enquire for Mrs. Sington. Miss Rose Innes, Mr. Gilmer & Lennie called. Lin to Calais. Roy playing tennis. Monday 12 July Roy to Tabbie’s. Cannot go till tomorrow. Mare slip’d down. Went with Maud to Swears & Wells & left her 2 jackets to be altered. Tuesday 13 July Mr. Hartree’s dinner 8 o’c. for Maud, Lin & self. M. had invitation to dine also tonight with Lady Bergne’s party at Ranelagh. Invite for Maud & Roy fr. Miss Rose Innes to dine at Bristol & go to see Bernhardt. Mrs. Roberts & Dolly, Mrs. Pollock & 2 girls, Ellie R, Mrs. Macqueen & Mary, Mrs. Lindo, called. Lin had interview with Mr. Messel so we had drawing room. V. charming dinner at Mr. H’s. Sir T. & Lady & Miss Lawrence, Sir Wilfred chief Justice of Ceylon, Sir J. Tenniel. 18 in all. More men in after dinner & conjuror. Roy to Tabbie’s. Wednesday 14 July Mrs. Hemple’s dinner. Cannot go on account of Punch dinner. Called at 3.30 on Edgar with Tilda who lunched here. Called on Mrs. Joyce, Pitt, Jones, Tate, sat & had tea here, & Mrs. Burnand., Mrs. Lucy there. Maud lunched at Mrs. Burnand’s & Effie H. Maud & I dined at Mrs. Burnand’s. Mr. Macguire Rosie’s fiancé etc there, 10, & young O’Reilly & young Harrison came in after v. excellent dinner. Thursday 15 July Mrs. Giles at home 4 - 7. Mrs. Morris Colles 4 - 7, 10 Birchington Road West End Lane. Mrs. Harvey’s dance 10.30. Maud v. busy all day. Ruth M. called morg. to say Mr. M. was going to Henley & that Maud could go. Went alone at 4 to bric-abrac shop ordered 2 old bottles & brass warmer for self & silver scent bottle for Sybil de la Rue. To Mrs. Giles’s party. Maurice Farkoa, Miss Brandram & Mrs. Dick sang, & Hera Hollman played cello. Saw Spinks & Ada. Mrs. Burnand etc there. Called after on Mrs. Stuart Wortley, lovely house & exquisite things, & on Mrs. Holland. Paid 1/- sweets. Lennie & Ruth to dinner. Did not go to Mrs. H’s dance. Friday 16 July V. hot. Maud off at 5 to 9 to Mrs. Messel’s, goes with Mr. Messel’s party to Henley. Went out morg. shops. Midge to luncheon. I dine with Midge at 7.30. Lin dines with Mr. D’Arcy at Greenwich. X. Sent 2 Postal orders of 4/- each to Mr. Lawson Army Navy Stores for my repairs to watch. Numbers G/40 661346. G/40 661345. Saturday 17 July Mrs. Briton Rivière’s 4 o’c. Sybil de la Rue’s wedding. Mrs John Carlisle’s garden party. Maud to Nymans, Mrs. Messel’s early, remains until Tuesday. Went alone Lin too tired to wedding, frightful crush could see neither presents nor get tea or anything. Sybil looked charming going away in all white, hat & all. Saw Lady Pontifax, Dickens, Chapmans, Ldy Maitland etc etc, & on to Mrs. Riviere’s. Met there Mr. Loraine(?) v. interesting clergyman, Dr Farquharson eratic as usual, Mrs. Ross etc. V. pleasant party delightful family Rivières, w’d like to see more of


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 them. Called on Mrs. Macmillan & Miss Tenniel. Pd greengages 1/6 flowers 1/2. Lin had accident on cycle & was home vy late, luckily unhurt. Sunday 18 July Lin off early to Calais. Woke late & breakfasted at 10. Wrote to Maud & Ethel Mervyn. I read & dressed at 12 o’c & called to enquire after Mrs. Sington. Saw Poppy S, looks much stronger. Asked if Maud & Lennie were engaged & distinctly said “No” & on to Edgar & Sophy by omnibus, 16 Maddox St. V. good luncheon. Edgar better. Had long talk about settlement etc & drove home in cab. Mr. Hall called & Mr. Hood who stayed some time. Monday 19 July Sent Edith Furrell the registration of her birth. Paid 3/- for it. In all morg. Drove at 4 ordered plates Whiteley & lamp glass Emilie broke. Called & took Midge to Stehr’s, to Mr. Hartree’s & Mrs. de la Rue’s & home. Heavy thunderstorm. Box at Palace. Letter fr. dear Maud, seems v. happy. Tuesday 20 July Lady Cotton at home 4 - 7.30. Maud returns fr. Nymans. Col. Wilby asked M. & self to tea on terrace of House of Commons. Maud returns fr. “Nymans” coming tomorrow instead. Mary Macqueen, Ellie R. & Eve called. Quiet evening. Went at 11 o’c to Marshalls & to Sterh’s pd. his ac’t £3.7.0. Stores, left brooch, spoon & something else to be mended. Left gloves to be cleaned. Flowers 1/2 Barkers, not pd. for. Wednesday 21 July Ap’t with Mr. Smith. Maud returns fr. Nymans & dines evg. with Mrs. Pyke. 4 o’clock app’t to be at 44 Lincoln’s Inn Fields. X. Postponed. Mr. Rooth’s & Miss Tattersall’s marriage at 2.30. Long letter fr. dear Roy. Maud ret’d at 12 looking much better & vy happy. Lin dining with Mr. Clowes. To wedding with Maud at 4 o’c. Saw Mr. Gill & Mr. Wallop. On to call on Lady Cotton had tea there, Winnie Lockyer (out) & Miss May (in). Letter fr. Mary Macqueen her engagement to Mr. Carlisle off! Willie Buck called. Invitation for Maud to stay at the Buckmasters, & invitation for her to dine at the Heron Allens, engaged. Tbursday 22 July Invitation to tea at House of Commons with Col. Welby, & 2 tickets for ladies gallery. M. & self went, v. interesting hearing debate on “congested districts of Scotland”. Tea on Terrace. Col Welby vy quietly funny as usual. Home late. Dressed & to see “La Poupée”. Lennie dined here & went with us. Went morg. & saw Mr. Lemon about Little Chathams, fearful sell their going down so. Friday 23 July V. hot. Called at 3.30 at Mr. Smith X. Solicitor about silver division. He does not know or cannot give me figures of what the 6 others divided in silver came to & feel sure I have gone without either silver or equivalent, one of the bitter pills of life to swallow smiling!!! Called at Jones & Wilby’s about seed pearl chain & to enquire after Mr. W. Hartree, also on Miss Ratcliffe. Saturday 24 July Lady Anne Blunt’s garden party. V. hot. Out morg. shop’g too tired to finish so came home. Met Mrs. Spofforth wants me to go to their little Hotel in Scotland. 3rd letter fr. P.J.B. for Maud without (illeg illeg). Maud to lunch at Mrs. Coward’s, only Eve, Major Slater, Bob & M. there & they went on after to Exhibition, had tea


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 there. Went alone at 4 o’c called on Mrs. Joachim (Mr. J. died suddenly) to Mrs. Armstead, Midge who went on with me to leave cards on Mrs. Temple, Lady Blythe, Olive Shakespeare. Left Midge & home. Lin for cycle ride evg. Sunday 25 July Midge & Dora to luncheonm 1.30. Lovely day. Went with Lin to Calais with Mr. Burnand & Cuthbert. Met Mr. Power at Dover. V. strong S.W. wind had comfortable cabin but felt seedy & dead tired. Had good luncheon at Calais we 4 together, was presented with bouquet! & fan! Cabin returning, was ill! Vy rough & felt v. tired. Mr. Power & wife met us again at Dover, vy funny as usual but felt too seedy to care about anything. Maud & ourselves alone to dinner. Mr. & Mrs. Dietz, Evelyn, called. Monday 26 July (blank) Thursday 29 July Maud goes to Buscot. Pd. 2.10.0 Derry for Maud. She now owes me £1.7.0. To be fitted at 11 o’c. Swears & Wells, Stehr’s, Marshall & Snelgroves & Barkers. Maud left with Roy to see her off by 1.33 for Buscot. Friday 30 July Sp. dined with Lin & self. Roy dined with Mr. Stone at Albany & went after to see “La Poupée”. Shop’d & packed & settled up accounts. Midge gone to S’hampton to meet H. Dora out. Called at 8 Craven Hill Gds. Saturday 31 July Invitation fr. Lady Quilter for Maud to go to them at Barnsley Manor, Woodbridge., Suffolk. M. already engaged to the Hendersons. Lin, self & Roy came to Tabbie by 2.5. Hamilton came same day. Lovely day. V. comfortable journey. Found all well here. H. telephoned to Radley’s Hotel S’hamton to H. Langley & Midge. H.L. just arrived on Magdalena fr. S. America. Says he is sending a parrot to Tabs tomorrow & that he & Midge are going to stay two nights at Lyndhurst. Letter here fr. Maud. V. well & happy at Buscot. Aug 1897 Sunday 1 August X. Ami. Sat out all day lovely & warm. Tabs & self to tea at Mrs. Surman’s. Monday 2 August H, Tabs Lin & 2 chicks off for 3 days cruise. I breakfasted in bed. Francis Saunders called afternoon. Tuesday 3 August In bed to breakfast. Read all day. Finished reading “”Cliquette” by L. Halévy. Vy charming book & quite moral for French book. Wednesday 4 August Lin, H, Tabs & the 2 chicks returned from their 3 days cruise off Ryde. Read nearly all day John Morley ‘s book on “Diderot”. Thursday 5 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dear Maud’s birthday at Buscot Park. Vy hot. H. left for a fortnight’s cruise with Mr. Wilson. Lin left for London by early train. Tabs & Roy to a garden party. I called on Mrs. Gibb & had tea with the children in schoolroom. Friday 6 August Maud returns fr. Buscot. Wire fr. Lennie to know if he might see her. M. too busy packing & unpacking etc. Garden party there. Letters fr. Maud Spencer & Lin. Very pretty young married woman came with her husband Cap’t H. of the Artillary. The 2 Murrays & their brother, Mr. Tay(?) Mrs. & Col. Surman etc. Saturday 7 August Maud goes to “Nymans”. Lin & Mr. Guthrie arrived about 5 o’c. Miss Daubigny & Mrs. Wiggins called. Lin saw Maud off to Nymans with Lennie. Lin & Mr. Guthrie for cycle ride before dinner. Roy playing tennie at the Murrays or cricket. Miss Saunders came to dinner played cork pool after. Sunday 9 August Rainy morg. like an April day. Tabs & self to tea at Mrs. Gibbs. Walk along cliff after. Ghost stories evg. Monday 9 August Lovely day. Tabs & Mr. G. & Roy off at 11 o’c in search of new laundress. Tuesday 10 August Lin, Roy Mr. G. & Tabbie had long cycle ride & were home at 9.15 for dinner. Roy & I dined first but sat whilst they had theirs with them. Nurse with Gareth & Baby went with me to C.C. & to see Gordon Hotel. Arranged to go there on Monday for a week. Wednesday 11 August Lin to London by 11 train. X. Had my first cycle lesson. Found it extremely easy with man to guide one. Drove after lunch to see Roy at camp playing cricket. Got 9 wickets & made 6 runs. Had tea there. Tabbie & Mr. Guthrie for cycle ride to (blank). Nursemaid seedy so Tabs had to return home & I called on Mrs. Gibb & saw arrival of Mr. Saunders. Lovely evening. Thursday 12 August Most lovely day. Picnic to Burley Beacon at 3 o’c. Tabbie, Mr. Saunders, Roy & Mr. Guthrie on cycles. Miss Saunders, Gwen & self in carriage Evey & Dolly G. both with feverish colds & unable to go. Lovely drive & most lovely spot where we picniced on the slope of a high hill covered with bracken & gorse & deep purple heather & ling & clumps of woods of pine trees with lovely pale green moss growing under them. Exquisite view down valley & rising beyond. Setting sun glorious red purple & yellow & drove home part of way by moon light. Letters fr. Lin Maud & Con. Friday 13 August Rained morning. Letters fr. Lin, Clara Bergheim & Mrs. Wallace. My cycle man did not come. Sat out morg. Garden party at Mrs. Surman’s. Poured with rain at 3 o’c, doubt if we can go. Roy & Mr. Guthrie to C.C. on their cycles. Evelyn better. Saturday 14 August Drove to meet Lin at C.C. 4 o’c. He went in after & joined Mr. Guthrie & Tabs in their cycle ride. Eve & self walked along cliff, met Surmans, Gilsons & saw the


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Fags & Miss Penruddock. Had 2nd cycle lesson & went length of tennis lawn alone. Lovely day very windy. Lin looking well. Sunday 15 August Pouring wet day. Wrote to Sp, Conrad, Mrs. Galbraith, Maud. Sent dividend of 6/9 fr. Harrods to L.County Bank. Monday 16 August Lin, Mr. Guthrie & self leave The Anchorage & go to The Gordon Hotel Southbourne. Roy goes to “Nymans” Crawley Sussex to join Maud at Mrs. Messel’s straight from The Anchorage. Mr. & Miss Saunders came morg. to say goodbye & stayed until luncheon time. We all sat on terrace & watched the trial of guns on the Isle of Wight. Tabs, Lin & Mr. G. cycled to Gordon Hotel & I drove with nurse & the 2 boys at 3.30. Why such speed? Tabs overwrought. Had tea on verandah here. Bright bedroom & had vy good dinner at 7.30 at small table facing sea. Sat out on verandah for coffee & until 10.30. Table d’hote tables consisted of invalid gentleman with wife? & small boy, silent & never opened their mouths all dinner time. One gentleman at table alone, 2 gentlemen at another table. Tuesday 17 August Dine with Clara & Mr. Bergheim. Wrote to put her off. At Gordon Hotel Southbourne. Whole gale of wind blowing all night, things covered in sand in morning. Mr. G. Lin & self breakfasted together. Had letter from Edgar about silver division & fr. Mr Lemon about Ontario D. not being pd in. Blowing hard & raining slightly. Tabbie came at 3.30 & drove me to Boscombe fête, saw dogs, artillery display etc. Saw Mrs. Pym, Cap’t & Mr. Hooper, Mrs. Gilson son & dau, Miss Penruddock, Mrs. Oliphant etc. Cost 3/- tea & entrance. Tabbie dined here & had tea here. Lin & Mr. G. cycled to Wimbourne. Sat out after dinner & saw Boscombe fireworks. Wednesday 18 August Lovely day. 3rd cycle lesson & did vy badly. Dear Lin & Mr. Guthrie left at 20 to 11. I went in bus to C.C. & saw Lin off & said goodbye to Mr. G. who went to Ringwood to stay with the Whites, Mrs. Jones son & daughter. Miss Daubigny & Miss Cullen to tea had 2 teas for 3, stayed some time. Walked part of way back & met Gwen & Evy driving over with my letters. One fr. Con. showed children & Mad’lle my room. Dined alone. One gentleman doing same the other end of room. More fireworks at Boscombe. Wrote letters. Thunderstorm at 2. Teas on terrace. Thursday 19 August Sea water bath. 2 small apollinaris bottles. Man came with cycle but was too frightened of a drop of rain so he comes tomorrow at 10. Letters fr. Mr. Blair & Lin. Maudie came to London yesterday for 2 days to have her teeth stop’d. Tabbie called with Mad’lle & children to know if I cared to go to Fête. Did not. Cap’t & Mrs. Daubigny called & sat a long while chatting on Terrace. Told me of Indian troubles & Ld Salisbury refusal to agree with the Powers regarding Turkey & Greece. Read “The Well Beloved” find it clever but unnatural. Dressmaker called at 11.30. Dull dinner rather, novelty of situation worn off. Lennie dining with Lin & Maud Staf. Ter. Friday 20 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tabs goes for day to Winchester. Fiendish day blew & rained all day long but I walked alone as far as Mrs. Daubigny’s & not v. tired after. X. Two letters fr. Lin, Maud, Fritz saying how last division had been invested. Letter fr. Mrs. Galbraith saying they expected Roy fr. Mrs. Wallace & div of 19/4 on £114.10.0 invested in Gt. Eastern Rly & £2.15.7 on £200.11.0 in 2nd pref of Lon. Chat & Dover. Cannot be wildly extravagant on these sort of divs! X. Bottle of Baum at luncheon. Walked after lunch as far as Mrs. Daubigny’s house, most tiresome & uninteresting walk. Received brace of grouse fr. V. Watrney. Maudie returning to Nymans today with Lennie. Saturday 21 August Promised to take tea at Mrs. Daubigny’s. Blowing hard all day, a perfect hurricane but vy fine. 3 letters fr. Lin, vy anxious fearing I am dull. One fr. Maud. Sand perfectly blinding. Drove in bus to Mrs. Daubigny’s, met an unpleasant plain woman there not even redeemed by good manners. Mrs Daubigny walked home with me, had talk on books. Quiet evg. Worked & read. Sunday 22 August Three letters from Lin, arrives at 4. Went in fly fr. Hotel to meet him, saw his train rush past C.C. station & received wire saying we were to go on & meet him at Portsdown. So drove on there. Met Lin & drove on to Burnands. Found Frank & Mr. Lindley there. Waited to tea & saw all the Burnands. Wilfred better, Connie looking v. young & handsome. Rosie wanted us to remain to dinner, could not. Drove back & were gone fr. Hotel 1¼ hours. Good dinner & lovely warm starlight night with less wind than usual. Lin & I walked alone shore to Southbourne & returned by road before dinner & greatly enjoyed it. Tried new wine 4/- not so good. Monday 23 August Fine morg. colder. Lin left by 11 train went in bus to see him off. Afternoon went for walk to Agents to enquire price of land etc about here. Gwen & Evey rode over looked so pretty in their blue skirts & white jackets. Tabs had gone off with L. Holland Mr Congreve & 8 or 9 others to a picnic at Beaulieu in the forest. H. not back & the Yacht not been heard of yet. H. & Mr. Wilson with one day’s kit at Trouville since last Tuesday! Tuesday 24 August Invitation to spend a week at Skibo Castle, Mrs. Rhodes Lin & self. Lovely morg. X. Had 4th cycle lesson, got on better, more comfortable machine. Pouring wet day after & blowing all it knows. Letters fr. Lin, Maud, Jess, who had been v. ill in Ireland, & Effie Harrison who is going to be married on the 29 th Sept. Paid account £6.2.0. Walked to shops. Bought paper 3d, small boy 3d, ordered gum lancet. Wednesday 25 August Showery, fine alternately. Letter fr. Dickie, 3 Punches & watch. X. Petit ami. Unable to account for it so soon unless walking on Sunday. Woke with awful neuralgia down face neck & arm. Fortunately cycle man did not come although it was a perfectly fine day. Tabbie called with Mr. Congreve & Miss Holland & asked me to go to Bournemouth with them. Feel too seedy to hurry & dress. H. back last night & Yacht safe & sound Dover. Had brought Tabbie lovely enamel scent bottle & silver. They leave tomorrow or Friday for their Cruise. Wire fr. Skibo at 4 o’c, Lin & Maud had arrived safely. Bottle Beaune. Thursday 26 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Breakfat in bed ami vy. bad, down just for luncheon. No letters fr. Skibo, one fr. Mr. Smith enclosing cheque for £15.6.8 which he says he sent me on the 12 th inst. Wet, & sat in drawing room all day. Finished Morley’s Robespierre & worked. Wrote to Maudie returning her P.J.B’s letter. Friday 27 August Fine day till 12 o’c. read Morleys Carlyle. Gwen & Evy rode over & had tea on Verandah with me. Showed the account of 4 Old Etonians attempting to cross Channel yesterday in a small boat & nearly drowned in attempt. Dear letter fr. Roy vy happy at Nymans & remaining on there until we go together to the Galbraiths next week. Saturday 28 August Two letters fr. Lin, vy interesting, had met the Tressady party, Mr. & Mrs. Fort, Cap’n Moon, Miss Taylor, Mr. & Mrs. Nesbit. Also saw Mr. Blair at Inverness who gave Maud box of chocolates & advice about Mr. Bainbridge!!! Mr. Bayard, American Ambassador & his dau. staying there. Lennie went in omnibus to Euston to see Lin & Maud off. Long letter fr. Midge, better. H. going to take a shooting in Ireland next year D.V. Felt seedy all day as usual longing to sleep & c’d not. Very restless all night. Letter fr. Con, sorry they are not coming. Sunday 29 August Very rough dull blowey day. Up at 11.30. Long letters fr. Lin & Maudie having good time at Skibo & Maudie receiving two long letters daily fr. P.J.B. & L.M. Have not yet heard fr. Mr. Bainbridge. P.J.B. told them at Inverness that Mr. Bayard American Ambassador had stayed at Mr. B’s with his daughter. Large party arrived yesterday at Skibo. Roy staying on at Nymans until we go to Scotland. Am bookless finished Morley’s Miscellanies, Robespierre, Byron. Macaulay, Carlyle & Emerson. Like Robespierre, Macaulay & Emerson best. Monday 30 August Lovely day but vy windy. Sat out morg. on beach. Letters fr. Lin, Maud , Con & Bret Harte. Rosie & Connie & the Baby came over to tea. Dear little wide awake Baby, Connie good little mother looks after it entirely herself. Tuesday 31 August No letters fr. either Lin or Maud all day. Wire fr. Lin at 4.30 fr. Dornock. “Best love go to Bainbridge arrive tomorrow 8 o’c.” Bright sun but v. v. windy & clouds of blinding sand which penetrates everywhere. Packed & mended morg. Saw little dressmaker Welchman & pd her 11/6, Gave her white bodice to do. Sat out after tea & actually felt dull, have no books to read. Wrote Lin & Mr. Galbraith & station master Euston. Mr. Davis made me jump at dinner tonight by suddenly making some remark about the weather. He told me about his house & asked me to go over it & seemed vy agreeable. 2 waiters stared as usual. Sep 1897 Wednesday 1 September Returned fr. Gordon Hotel Southbourne by 11.15. Pouring wet day & vy blowey. Letter fr. Lin morning & telegram, arrives Achnachellach Forest Rosshire, Mr. Bainbridge’s, tomorrow evg. at 8 o’c. Vy comfortable journey home, lavatory carriage all to myself, good cab. Wire from Lin saying they arrive tonight at Mr. Bainbridge’s. Unpacked. Thursday 2 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Showery day. Put away curtains yellow velvet 2 prs fr. my room in wooden box in loft. Otley changed 4 books at Mudies & left my pass book at Bank. I went off at 10.30 by bus to Swears & Wells, to Redmaynes etc. No letter fr. Lin, Maud or Roy. Worked all afternoon with Emilie in my room. Two letters fr. Lin, one fr. Maud written on a Barker bill. Tilda & Rosie Burnand & Jessie. Friday 3 September Lovely morg, dear Roy returning fr. Nymans at 11 o’c. Wrote to Lin & Miss Milliken. Miss Gill here all day v. busy working & packed. Roy arrived at 12 o’c fr. the Messels looks vy well. Saturday 4 September G to Mrs. Galbraith’s with Roy. V. comfortable journey left Staf. Terr. 9 o’c. Pd E’s book up. Reached Dumfries at 5 o’c. Mr. Galbraith & Mr. Roberts met us. Found Mrs. Galbraith & a Miss Connal here. Very delightful house so cozy & warm. Sunday 5 September Wet. Rest to church. Monday 6 September Fine. Mr. & Mrs. McClean arrived, met them with Mrs. Galbraith at Dumfries Sta. Called on several people & Mrs. Dent, cousin of Mrs. Macquoid & daughter of Mrs. Craig Sellar & sister of Mrs. Arcol. Music & billiard games evg. Tuesday 7 September Drive to Lincluden Abbey, interesting old ruin of the 13 th century. Long letters fr. Maud enclosures fr. Lin, & Midge. Mrs. Sellar & Mrs. Dent to luncheon & tea, both pretty & clever. Mrs. S. dear old lady. Mr. Andrews arrived. Game in billiards room. Wednesday 8 September Lovely morg. Croquet. Coach at 3 o’c. Mr. & Mrs. McClean, Miss Connal, Roy, Mr. Anderson & self to “Crackets Ford”. Lovely country saw Queensberry Hills in the distance. Mrs. Galbraith & Mr. Roberts for drive in dog cart. Music evening. Went for walk with Mr. McClean before dinner. Letters fr. Lin & Tabbie. Thursday 9 September Lovely day. Sat out all morg. Mrs. Charlie had cycle lesson by Miss Connal & Mr. Roberts. After lunch drove to Mrs. Rennie’s “Conheath” for Jubilee Fête & Pastoral play or tableaux. Queens of England from Boadicia to Queen Victoria. Miss Murray, Miss Johnstone Douglas, Miss Fortune, Miss Stewart & Mrs. Cameron. Mons. Bardou & Melvith Lee taking part. Mr. Dalkeith arrived. Mr. Roberts leaves tomorrow at 4 o’c & returns same evening fr. medical exam at Edinburgh. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Friday 10 September Dullish but sun at intervals. V naughty letter fr. Maud about P.J.B. Shall not write for some days, afraid she cares for him most of all her admirers. Dear Lin arrives at 5. Just driving off to Lady’s cricket match with Mrs. G, Miss Connal, Mr. McClean & Mr. Dalgleish when met Lin coming along road. Got out & came back with him. Disappointing letter fr. Mr. Wolff just spoils his holiday. Also letter fr. Sir W. Agnew, Mr. Ogilvie dead. Lin not looking v. well. Mr. Roberts left at 4 this morg for medical exam & returned with party fr. cricket match. Mr. G, Mr. Anderson & Roy shooting. Had long walk with Mr. McClean & felt warm all over from it. Music


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & billiard game after dinner. Mr. & Mrs. G, Mr. & Mrs. McClean, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Dalgleish, Roy, Mr. Roberts, Miss Connal & ourselves, 12. Saturday 11 September Lovely day. Leave at 12.15 for Douce Coeur Abbey on the Solway Firth. Founded in 13th century by wife of Puppet King John Balliol, founder of Balliol College. Some on coach, 2 dog cart, & cycles. V. picturesque village 9½ miles fr. Terregles drive thro’ lovely part of country. The Abbey one of the loveliest & by far best kept ruins I have ever seen. Walked round by hill ¾ of an hours walk. Fr. hill can see the Abbey nestling beneath a hill on one side & in the distance the Solway Firth. We had luncheon at small Inn where it was not easy to get stabling sufficient for the 5 horses. Tea also at Inn & long drive home. Curling evg. & to bed at 12 o’c. Sunday 12 September To church with McCleans & Grace F. Long walk after up White Hill. Monday 13 September Lovely day. Great number of people to tea about 40. Dull deadly dull people. Maud leaves Mr. Bainbridge’s for the Nicols. Mr. Blair met Maud & took her to his mother’s house. Tuesday 14 September Drove large party at 8 o’clock 14 miles to see Otter Hunt. Lovely drive & lovely day. V. pretty sight seeing the otter hounds working along the sides of the river. Followed on foot some way but too hot & too tired. Mr. McClean, Lin, Mr. Dalgleish & self got into break & followed along the road. Met Rector of St George’s Hanover Sqre who told us our party had gone back so decided to lunch at (blank) instead of Moncaine. Met them & lunched off v. nasty things at (blank). Lovely drive home which we reached at 4 o’c. Wednesday 15 September Left Terregles by 11 train, had to pay 11/- extra on wrong company’s line. Mr. Galbraith, H. Stephenson, Mr. & Mrs. McClean saw us off. Great commotion at Carlisle nearly left luncheon basket behind, & Lin failed to recognize his portmanteau at Euston which we reached 42 minute late. Great commotion again! Found Tilda at Stafford Terrace on arrival. Thursday 16 September Tilda arranged flowers morg. Put out some of silver. Roy to Mr. Scones crammer. Maudie having v. good time at Mrs. Nicol’s, goes to Lady Granville Gordon Hallwhere she met Hobart Farquhar & Graham Clowes who is vy handsome. Danced a great deal with him & had rather a scene with poor Hobart. Lin, Tilda Roy & self to see “La Poupée”. Saw Mr. Abbey there who came into our box during interval. Odd creature, talked about some one looking like a “sick eagle”! Seemed a little sorry for himself, his wife in New York with her mother who is vy ill. Friday 17 September Had cycle lesson, 1st at the back of Up. Phillimore Gds. After luncheon with Tilda by om. to Sloane St. Fetched my gloves 1/3 & to Harrods Stores ordered fish etc, paper, etc. Saw Mrs. Fritz & Mrs. H. Burnand & son, went over 2 flats, very expensive. Quiet evg. Con called & stayed some time.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 18 September Had 2nd cycle lesson, got vy hot & made my throat feel worse. Box for Forbes Robertson’s Hamlet at Lyceum. Dine at 6.30, lunch at 1 o’c. Plant for drawing room 2/-. Out shops. Enjoyed F.R’s “Hamlet” but rather artistic poetic Hamlet than strong one, prefer Tree’s. Mrs. Pat Campbell’s Ophelia insipid. Looked vy pretty with a new tint of hair, now nut brown! Ellen Terry in box opposite with infatuated youth & 2 plain girls. Mr. Rooth his wife & her sister came to our box during interval, looked vy happy & well. His wife & sister in law v. pretty & smart looking. Saw the two Miss Maynes in the stalls with Mr. Dent. Sunday 19 September Walked fr. Hyde Park Corner home morg. Lovely & bright but cold wind. X. Petit ami, ennui due next Wednesday. Roy & Lin to Calais for day. Wrote letters Tilda & self. No one called. Quiet evg. Monday 20 September In bed to breakfast. Tilda called at cycle place to put off lesson. X. Lin & Roy to Hampton Court after luncheon on cycles. Tilda to German home. Made my lampshade & vy well done. Tuesday 21 September In bed till 12.30. Letter fr. Maudie. Reached Mrs. Macqueens Gateside Drymen N.B. safely Saturday. Mr. Macqueen met her at the Station. No one called. Tilda to see woman at St Georges Hospital, found her looking v. ill. Lin & Roy to Empire evening. Wednesday 22 September In bed till 12.30. Lin & Roy out twice cycling. Letter fr. Maudie not very happy poor little thing. Roy to breakfast with Con at Mr. Romford’s, 75 Jermyn St. Quiet evening at home. Thursday 23 September In bed to breakfast. Rather sad letter fr. Maudie. Surprised to learn fr. her Mary M. still engaged to Mr. Carlisle & very glad. After luncheon with Tilda by bus to Park. Sat there ½ an hour. Full of shoddy looking people. Saw a yellow electric carriage in Park. Dine at 6.30. Lin Roy & Tilda to Adelphi theatre. 2 from Mrs. Harrisons going to meet us there. Lin & Roy twic out on cycles. X. Bad beef at luncheon. Tilda Lin & Roy to Adelphi to see “Days of the Duke”. Friday 24 September Walked morg. to see Midge & D, both with colds. Tilda to Stores. Read Miss Kingsley’s book to Lin. V. tired & to bed. Saturday 25 September Morg. shop’d with Tilda. Consumed with anger about bad meat. All of us to matinée of “French Maid” amusing rather. Went & returned by bus, got in same bus going as Miss Victor! Bought fruit Butts. To “Circus Girl” evg. Vy good. Cabs there & back. Sunday 26 September Roy & Lin to Boulogne for day returning at 12 tonight. Cold dinner for Tilda & self. Tilda & self sat in Gardens 2 hours & read. V. warm. Mervyn & Ethel, Ham Langley & Dora to luncheon & tea. Miss Neaves called. Lin taken bad cold fr. Dr Buzzard on Boulogne steamer.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 27 September Lennie dined here at 6 o’c & went with Lin Roy & self to Drury Lane to see “White Heather”. Tilda left after dinner for Harwik & Rotterdam. Lennie seemed rather quiet & depressed, said his father was not well. Letter fr. Maudie going to Aucheneck Thursday next & to Terregles on the 5 th with Jenny. X. Bicycle man came but another man & another machine & too high to get onto, so could not have lesson. V. annoying waste of time. Man said they did not profess to teach. Sh’d have said so before. Tuesday 28 September Dull heavy day. Out morg alone to choose & order meat at Barkers & 6 silver spoons £1.0.0 at Wills for Effie Harrison. Paid. To Bank about securities. Saw pleasant & unpleasant clerks. Lin’s cold v. heavy. No letter fr. Maud. Wednesday 29 September Lin’s cold v. bad. Fine day. Effie Harrison’s wedding 2 o’c. Mervyn called morning. Midge to luncheon 1.30 looking v. well & smart. Roy & self to wedding. Very casual affair. Jerry forgot his overcoat & hat & had to take some one elses! Bill went to fetch them but c’d not find them so he went off with one of his brother’s. Effie’s box also nearly forgotten. Saw Burnands, Twiss’s, a’Becketts, large contingent of Weigalls. Lady R. looked v. nice. Bill also quite smart. Saw a good deal of him. Effie looked well but not her best. Took omnibus fr. Victoria, Roy saw me into it & went on to tea at Norfolk Hotel with Mervyn, Ethel & met Midge again there. Met Hensman in bus who walkd part of way with me. Mad’lle dined with Roy & self. Thursday 30 September Lin & Roy dine at Ayala’s. Maud goes to Aucheneck today. Emma out. Lin had letter fr. Maud. Called alone at 3.30 on C. Hartree, went by bus & returned on foot. Called also on Lady Reed, out, & Mrs. C. Mackenzie, out. Saw Lizzie. Let their stuffy dark flat for 6 months fr. next week. Quiet little dinner alone. Lennie came about 9.30 & remained till 11.30. We discoursed on Maud. Washed my head. Felt awfully tired. Oct 1897 Friday 1 October Awful headache over books accounts etc. Wish Lin would pay me regularly so much a month. The continued accumulation of accounts worries me dreadfully. Pity poor Maud to start same worries & bothers. Saturday 2 October Lin, Roy & self dine 7.30 at Mrs. Bergheim’s. Out morg. shop’g. With Roy in omnibus to Comedy to see “One summer’s day” most charming little play & well acted all round. Hawtrey, Kemble etc. Home by bus. Bought fruit. Very pleasant dinner at Clara’s. Lovely house, camelion (sic)! Met Mr. & Mrs. H. Peto, Mr. & Mrs. Duncan, elle Americaine, & Mrs. Chapman. Taken horrid cold in my head. X. Mare returned after being out 2 months on grass. Sunday 3 October Flowers. Lin & Roy off at 7.30 to Thanet by train with their cycles, a large party going. Return for 9 o’c dinner. Mr. Guthrie returning with Lin & Roy to dine here. Went at 11 o’c & sat in Kens. Gds. Lunched alone, lovely day & quite warm. Have horrid cold in my head. Evelyn C, Midge & Dora & young Rubens called. Played


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 several pieces. Col Welby called rather late. Asked Lin & self to dine with him next Thursday 8 o’c. Monday 4 October (blank) Tuesday 5 October Maudie goes to “Terregles” with Jenny Wilson & Mr. Roberts. Lady Reed, Eve C. & Mr. Maclean called. Out morg. shops. Miss White here pd her 5/- for the 2 days. Lennie & Ruth to dinner at 7.30 & to see “A Marriage of Convenience” at Haymarket. Dullish play same scene all through. My cold hurts & makes me tired & languid. Long letter fr. dear Maud on return fr. play. Wednesday 6 October Fog, sun after, colder. Drew £11 odd for small bills. Lin pd. me £10, part payment out of £18 I paid at Southbourne for him & me, & Roy’s & my expenses to Dumfries & our expenses here for few days. Thursday 7 October X. Used the mare for 1st time since her return. The Dumfries Ball. Maud going with Mrs. Galbraith’s party. Lin & self dine at Col. Welby’s 8 o’c. V. charming dinner of 6. Mrs. Craigie not only v. pretty & smart but delightfully bright & clever in conversation. Mr. & Miss Copland Griffiths, Col. Welby & ourselves, most delightful dinner & charming company. Am quite fascinated by Mrs. Craigie, asked me to call. Out morg. to Swears & Wells, called at Midge’s & walked home. Read “Partners Three” Bret Harte, lent by Lennie. Friday 8 October Lovely morg. Dear letter fr. Maudie, seems happier again. Out morg. to Kensington & at 2.30 in carriage to Mde. Bocquet’s to see about doing up of seal skin & brown velvet dress. Met Eve C. at Swears & Wells where I was fitted with my blue cape, & took her on with me to Heath’s & left cards at Mrs. Roberts. Lady Flower called. Saturday 9 October Out morg shops. At 4 o’c drove in brougham with Lin & Roy to Aquarium to see “Prize fight” between Corbett & Fitzsimmons on cinematograph extraordinary effect & all the brutality of the actual fight taken away by no sound of blows or sight of blood. Felt really interested & Roy would not allow my attention to wander one moment. Balanced my hip bath on his chin going to bed & performed other feats. Sunday 10 October Lin working morning. Lennie called has bad cold. I walked alone to Round Pond & sat about ½ an hour. No one called. Lin & Roy for cycle ride. Quiet evg. Monday 11 October Go to tea at Mrs. Maclean’s 4.30 to meet “Bobby”. In all morg. Long letter fr. Maudie seems seedy at Terregles which evidently does not suit her, or Jenny Wilson, who has to leave today. Letter fr. Lennie saying Maud does not return until next week! To Mde Bocquet’s at 3.15. Fitted with brown velvet, blue cape (old blue velvet) & seal. To Mrs. M’s met Bobby there, seems depressed & preoccupied. Said nice things about Maudie. He leaves tomorrow for India & is


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 going to the front, Khyber Pass. Roy left after dinner for Oxford, seems nervous about his exam. Tuesday 12 October Out morg. Ordered horrid cake at Barkers, to be avoided in future. Mrs. Wallace came, had long talk with her about Mabel. Wednesday October 13 Lennie wired, dines here tonight with Roy & self. Seems v. depressed. Drove to Goodmans about dress 9½ gns, Barkers ask 7 gns same thing, probably less style. Paid Ponting 9/9. Bought tea 2/7½ for Aunt Barbara & paid store bill 13/6. Sweets 1/-. Roy went on after dinner to Con’s at Albert Hall. Bertie Rumford & Santly etc singing there. Thursday 14 October Out morg, quite warm. Ordered black & white cheque dress at Barkers. Roy not passed! Most disappointing. At 2.30 to Bocquet, not ready after waiting ½ an hour. Called at Mrs. Wheen’s, Mrs. Holmes’ & Aunt Linda’s. Expected Ottie & her husband to tea, did not come. Con expected, wired could not come. Letter fr. Maudie, returns Monday. Friday 15 October To Marshalls got 4 yds grey silk & 3 ½ flannel for black & white tailor dress. To Madame B. Ill in bed!!! Not cheerful for my gowns! To Miss Phillips, going to do my 2 blouses & charge enormous prices! To Barkers bought 4 yds blue benzaline. Ordered 15 silver buttons also at Barkers. Roy idling his time terribly. Letter fr Maudie & fr. Lennie. Roy missed his exam & am not surprised. Very sorry especially on Lin’s account. Saturday 16 October Ap’t Heath’s morg. Had arrived evening. Walking back through Row lovely morg, met Mrs. Messel, Ottie & Mr. Loring, spoke to them, Ottie v. pretty. I called at Midge’s, out. 25 other calls, all out. Left garden grapes at Mr. Guthrie’s! Con arrived about 5 o’clock, seems vy cheery & well. Lin v. upset about Roy not passing into Magdalen after matriculation exam. Wish Roy were more earnest about it & serious generally. He does not appear to value all the trouble Lin takes over him. Sunday 17 October X. Ami. Roy off at 9.30 to Mr. Lehmann’s. Lunched there. Lin met him & they cycled back together. Mr. Lehmann kindly doing all he can to get Roy into another college at Oxford. Dora to luncheon. Mr. Anderson & Mr. Hickman called. Mistook latter for 2nd Rubens & am sorry. Midge & Ham called, stayed until Lin returned with Roy. Monday 18 October Lady Flower’s dinner party 8 o’c. Unable to go on account of Lin’s work. To be fitted Barkers. Dear Maudie returns home after 3 months absence. Ap’t at Barkers & Miss Phillips afternoon. Went there & back. Otley & Roy met Maud & Lennie at Station, had 2 wires fr. him today. Maudie looking pretty & well. Lennie remained to dinner & smoke after. Con left us for Midge’s. Tuesday 19 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lennie to dinner. Ina Terraro, Flo. Walford, Miss Reed, Ethel & Mervyn called & Miss Reeve v. amusing as usual. Lennie dined here & brought Maudie’s ring! X. Formally engaged. M. v. weepy but will be happy as he is so devoted. Wednesday 20 October To tea with Maud at Mrs. Wallace 4.30. Fitting at Barkers with cheque tailor made & to Midge after. Unable to go & see Tabbie at Coburg. Met Mr. Hood at Mrs. W’s, seemed surprised at Maudie’s engagement. Lennie came in after dinner & stayed till 11 o’c. Poor Maudie still very teary. Thursday 21 October Lin & Maud dine at Mrs. Messel’s ¼ to 8. Unable to go myself, not well. Roy also went. Rested morning. Went at 3 to Miss Phillips, fitted. Most annoying cannot do my bodice in time. Not enough stuff. To Mde Bocquet’s, doing my black bodice as well. Friday 22 October Shopped. To Barkers fitted & called after on Tabbie at Coburg. Saw Ham F, Tabs, Gwen & Evey. Maudie going to Tabbie on the 8 th Nov for big shoot. Saturday 23 October Shop’d alone. Maudie to luncheon at the Messels & went after with Lennie to pay calls in Mrs. M’s carriage. I went alone at 5 o’c to Mrs. Sington’s met Mrs. de la Penha there & to the Messels to fetch Maud. Saw Ruth & left without knowing Lennie & Maud were in the drawing room. L. brought M. home at 6.30. They had been to see Midge, H, Dora & Con. L. v. pleased with the Langleys house. Miss White here for me. Dined at 9 o’c. Sunday 24 October Lovely morg. Maudie to Church with Lennie & Eve Coward. Mr. Blair met Maud coming out of Church with Lennie. Scene! Came on to see me alone after. Most painful interview with him. Wished to see Maud for last time. Lin w’d not allow it & sent both Lennie & Maud off at once. Felt very seedy after, it is so terrible to see a strong man so completely overcome. Thankful Lin was in & w’d not allow Maud to see him. Lin hard at work. Maud & Lennie lunching at Mrs. de la Penha’s. Monday 25 October Lin, Maud & self to Mrs. Lucas, Easton Park, Wickham Market. Arrived there at 6.30. Party for the 5 days, Sir William & Lady Priestley & Miss Priestley, Cap’t & Mrs. Heyworth Savage (lovely girl) Cap’t Elrington, Mrs. Walch. 12 in all. V. handsome & amusing woman Lady P. Find Mrs. Lucas v. quiet. Tuesday 26 October Lovely day. Men out shooting all day. Mrs. Lucas, Mrs. Heyworth Savage, Miss Priestley & Maud went to luncheon with the shooters. Lady Priestley & self lunched alone at Easton Park & had a lovely drive after. Thoroughly enjoyed the day. Played roulette evg. Much dressing for tea in big hall. Lin v. seedy, eat something to disagree with him. Wednesday 27 October Lovely day. Shooters off early before we got down. Miss Theluson to lunch, pretty girl dau. of Lord (blank). Croquet & walked about with Lady P, find her most companiable. Drew Lin again for dinner but Sir W.P changed places with him & sat next me. Roulette again. Hall tea. Startling gowns.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 28 October Lovely day. Lady P. & self drove to lunch at a delightful “Moated Grange” with the shooters. The ladies walked. Wonderful old carved oak panels painted white at the Grange. We all drove back (ladies) to Dairy where Lady P. & I got out & went over dairy & walked home & sat out. The rest played croquet. Roulette. Lin v. seedy. Friday 29 October Return fr. Mrs. Lucas “Easton Park”. Lovely day. Lin left by 8 o’clock train with Mr. Lucas, Cap’t & Mrs. Heyworth Savage & Sir W. Priestley. Lady Priestley & dau. Maud & self returned together by 12 train. Quiet evening. Saturday 30 October Out morg. shops. Drove with Maud at 4 o’c to Midge, tea there. To Aunt Linda saw them all & to Fullers for sweets. Lennie came in after dinner. Lin better & in better spirits. Maud also much livelier & more like her old self. Sunday 31 October Fine morg. Lennie met Maud after church 9.30 & she went for walk with him. Lin, Eve & self walked to Hyde Pk. Corner. Met Lennie & Maud coming back. Lennie to lunch & tea. Only Mr. & Mrs. Reed called. Maud & Lennie called on his aunt in Argyle Rd for short time afternoon. Lin at Club all day. Roy cycled all afternoon. Mrs. Bernard Partridge’s at home. Nov 1897 Monday 1 November Fritz & Mrs. Jackson dine here & Lennie. Roy dines at Mrs. H. Levy’s. Went out morg. alone & to stores alone afternoon. Fritz looking v. ill, it quite worries me. Mrs. F. v. pretty & dined off salad & water, v. little salad. Sp. came in morg. Did not see him v. irritable. Maudie lunched with Fanny Barker. Tuesday 2 November Clara Bergheim, Mrs. P. Simpson, Mrs. Messel & Hilda & Mrs. Nembhard & May & Mrs. de la Penha called. Maud & self to Midge’s, saw over 3 houses one next to Midge taken, & to Mde. Bocquet’s. Midge lunching with Tabbie at Coburg. Roy, Lin, M. & self to see “In the days of the Duke” at Adelphi. My eyes hurt too much to enjoy piece. Wednesday 3 November Mrs. Messel’s small dance. Lovely day. In all morg. writing letters. Out at 12.30 to Kens. only, shop’g. In all afternoon. Maud received lovely bouquet fr. Lennie about 6 o’c. They enjoyed dance v. much. Ludwig as Roy calls Mr. Messel v. festive & lively. Lennie sent games. Delightfully quiet evening at home. Thursday 4 November Mrs. Heilbut’s dinner 8 o’c. Lady Priestleys at home. Maud in bed to breakfast. M. & self to Lady P’s at 4 o’c in cab. Met pretty Mrs. Heyworth Savage & Lady Armstrong & her dau. in law. Pleasant talk with both. Vy dull uninteresting dinner at Mrs. H’s. Mr. Lewis took me in & Mr. Trower friend of the Jacksons on other side. Dull. Sat after dinner with Mrs. Turquand most amusing woman & still so young looking & pretty. Coming to see me Tuesday. Friday 5 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Armstrong’s at home 4.30. Out morning shopping. Drove with Maud at 4 o’c to Mrs. Reeve, had amusing talk with her. To Mrs. Traherne, out, Mrs. Watney, out, & very pleasant ½ hour with Lady A. in her pretty drawing room “Little House” there. Lennie came in whilst we were at dinner late as Lin finished his work thank God & had a free day Saty. Saturday 6 November Maud & Lennie off in Mrs. M’s carriage at 11 o’c to see houses, & to luncheon with the Nembhards. Lin lunched at Club. Roy & self to St James’ theatre most charming piece by Carton “The Tree of Life” delightfully acted. Lin joined us there & we thoroughly enjoyed piece. Bought fruits 5/5 sweets 1/6 & 2 lbs of sausages 1/8 coming home. Ruth & Lennie dined here. Maud & Lennie met Mr. Blair in Regent Street during afternoon bowed & passed on. Lady Henning & Mr. Galbraith called. Sunday 7 November Fine early. Fog about 11 o’c. Lin & Roy to Calais. Maud & Lennie early service. Mr. Stone & Lennie to dinner 8 o’c. Lennie to lunch. Mr. & Mrs. Tuer, young Rubens, Mr. Gilmer, Col. Welby & Miss Copland Griffiths called, bride elect only 19. Engagement rings compared etc, Col W. looking v. happy. Mr. Rubens played. Pleasant evg. No indigestion! which makes life worth living. Lennie v. put out Maud won’t say she is (illeg) to go. Naughty little monkey teases him & does not mean it. Mr. Stone v. amusing & held forth as usual till 12 o’c! He goes to Cairo on Tuesday & returns for Col. Welby’s wedding, best man for the 10 th time! Monday 8 November X. First time windows cleaned on our return fr. summer holiday. Otley has done them until now. Busy all morg. ironing etc for Maud to go by 3 fr. Waterloo to Tabbie’s Pyt House Tisbury Wilts. Midge came in & sat with us, brought me flowers. Lin saw Maud off. She does not look well again. Lady Margaret did not come to tea as she wrote she would. Roy out entire day. Tuesday 9 November To stores & over house. Lin out all day at Calais, had drawing room. Mrs. Turquand, Roberts & Dolly, Miss Thomson, Mr. & Miss Heming, Spofforth, Miss Reed. Lennie, came about 5.30, stayed till 6.30. Wheens etc, Mrs. McQueen & Mary. Letter fr. Lady M. asking me to lunch Thursday. X. First time windows cleaned since out return fr. country. X. Wednesday 10 November Jewish wedding Montefiore & Raphael. Roy & self dined with Midge. Called at 4 o’c on Lady M, sat & saw Mr. J. Wallop coming out. Funny interview, Mrs. Messel. Saw her & Ottie. Took flowers to Mrs. Sington & saw “Bobby’s” mother there, rather a questionable looking lady. Left cards at Mrs. Heilbut’s. Lady Priestley & Lady Mayoress of Belfast called. Thursday 11 November Lunch with Lady Margaret W. X. Petit ami. Fog. Letter fr. Maudie, house party at Pyt, Cap’t & Mrs. Stuart Wortley, Col. & Mrs. Auberton. Mr. & Mrs. Campbell Wyndham & Major Crofts. 3 stalls for Court Theatre “The Vagabond King”. Did not go too seedy. Friday 12 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Armstrong at home. Called at 3 o’c on Madame de Ayala. Strange house & Madame had her eye covered, abcess removed fr. it. To tea with Johny Bergheim after. Had ½ an hour interesting talk with him on medicine & marriage à propos of Maud, & Jews! Called & asked Dr O. to come tomorrow to see Lin on account of his cough. X. Lin would not wait to see him Saturday & wrote telling him not to come. Paid Monteith Young’s monstrous bill. Saturady 13 November Miss Chapman at home 5 o’c. de Vere Gds. Mrs. de la Rue’s dinner 8 o’c. Roy ought to have gone to play cricket at Eton, wire fr. Astor asking why he had not gone. With Roy at 3 to Her Majesty’s, saw “The Silver Key” & “Petruchio”. V. good both & exquisitely staged, Tree & wife excellent. Lady Margaret Watney called. Letter fr. Lennie decided not to take house Campden H. Court on account of train below. Mr. & Mrs. Fladgate. Mr. & Mrs. Schultz, Sybil & Mr. Grantham to dinner at Mrs. de la Rue’s. Short letter fr. Lennie fr. Nymans saying he had refused 49 Campden House Court. Sybil Grantham looking v. seedy, evidently going to have a B. Poor child not yet 20. Sunday 14 November Lin dines with Sir C. Hall to meet the Duke of Coburg, dinner of 10 at Garrick Club. Midge, Charlie & May Burnand, Mr. Schlessor, Mrs. Pirrie called & Winnie Lockyer & Mrs. Walker. Roy & self dined alone. Monday 15 November Maud returns fr. Pyt. Maud dines at Mrs. Messel’s. Maud came up with Cap’t & Mrs. Stuart Wortley, brought 2 partridges & 2 pheasants. Lennie 2 pheasants 2 wild duck. He came at 5.30 & stayed some time, brought flowers for Maud. Maud & self out at 3. Tuesday 16 November To be fitted morg. Mde Bocquet. With Maud to Dr Noble Smith £2.2.0. To Madame B’s. X. Barkers flowers & fruits. Ellie R, Mrs. A. Lewis, Miss Holland & Mrs. Norton, Miss Goodenough, Mrs. Bernard Partridge & tiresome Miss Hoods, Archdeacon & Mrs. Brookes, Fanny Nembhard Mrs. Hartley, Mrs. & Mabel Wallace (14). Awful headache. Lennie to dinner. Lin out all afternoon, had drawing room. Lennie looking worried. Wednesday 17 November Dull close morg. Rain. Settled accounts & Pass Book. Lennie away to sing in country for some charity. Maud & self to Mrs. Parker .X. Hair doctor 10/- & to Susie a’Beckett after. Had tea there & home. Thursday 18 November Maud dines at Mrs. Messel. Lady Priestley’s at home 4 o’c. Fanny Nembhard’s at home 5 o’c. Maud & self to Barkers about changing my hat for bonnet & things for hair. M’s hair nets. To call at 4 o’c at Mrs. de la Penha. To Lady Priestley’s where we saw Mrs. Messel & Ruth, Lehmann, Enthovens etc, & on to Gen Nembhard’s. Found Lennie there, Archdeacon & Laura Brookes & 2 others. Drove Lennie back to Westbourne Terrace. Gave Maudie flowers. Lin, Roy & self alone to dinner, excellent with duck, Len’s. X. Great excitement over M’s second present, a luncheon case fr. Lady Margaret & Mr. Watney. Friday 19 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Armstrong at home. Maud to Mrs. Messel’s to luncheon, & looked over houses. Muriel back with Maud to tea here. Maud dined with Mr. Seligman. Lennie came in & went with her from here, brought flowers! Called alone at 3.30 on Mrs. Sington found Apple there sewing undergarments for coming event, poor little thing. To Effie Weigall, had tea with her. Such a pretty flat & such good furniture everything charming & so bright & clean. Left cards on Lady Hardman & Mrs. de la Rue. Mrs. A. Montefiore & Mrs. Harry Rooth called. Saturday 20 November Shop’g morg. alone. Lennie fetched Maud at 11 o’c & they went over houses together. Maud lunched there & joined Roy, Lin & self at Comedy Theatre “One Summer’s Day”. with Lennie. Saw the de la Rues & Mr & Mrs. Ainsworth in stalls. Lennie & Maud to tea at Long’s Hotel with Mr. & Mrs. Wersheimer. Lennie to dinner. Mr. Hartree & Miss Cathleen Blackburn called. Sunday 21 November Maud to early service Lennie met her, walked together Park. Lin to Calais. Roy to Club morg. & afternoon. I went at 12 to sit with Mrs. Sington, met Maud & Lennie there & walked home together. Lennie here all day & to dinner. Mr. & Miss Enthoven called only. Peaceful happy day. Lin greatly enjoyed his day & came home as bright & fresh as possible & looking much better for the sea blow & Calais luncheon! Deliciously warm & spring like, tho’ dark. Monday 22 November Fog, bright later. Lin to Oxford to see Mr. Burge about Roy. Maudie off house hunting with Ruth Messel & lunching there. Fetch her at 3.30 to call together on (blank). Edie Sismey called morg, wants Maud to go to stay there next week on this Saturday. Wire for Lin from Mons. Ayala to dine with him Wednesday. Tuesday 23 November X. Windows 2nd time. Mrs. Turquand’s dinner 8 o’c. Effie Weigall to luncheon & tea, Jerry fetching her home. Fog, did not come. Out alone to get flowers. Mary Macqueen came for some time morg. Mrs. & Miss Whitworth, Mrs. & Editha Schwann, Mrs. & Ethel Lindo, Mrs. Percy Holland, Sybil Grantham, Lennie! Mrs. & Miss Rubens, Miss Chapman etc called. Most charming evening at Mrs. Turquand’s, 8 only. Mr. & Mrs. Bergheim, Mr. & Mrs. Matthews, v. interesting couple, & Mr. Freemantle, all nice. Charming house, delightful hostess & exquisite silver. Thick & clear soup, fried soles sharp sauce & chop’d beetroot & celery, creame de volaille, fillets of beef maitre d’hotel butter & mushrooms, onions in rich gravy, potatoes. Artichokes in cups cheesed over & white sauce. Cabinet pudding. Muffins with scraped cod’s roe, biscuits, butter & cheese. Fruit etc. Coffee. Shovekins(?) after. Wednesday 24 November Dull & foggy. Out morg. to buy silk for cushions & brocade for table centre. To see furniture Notting Hill. Met Lil Laver & Miss Joachim & Mrs. Lewis. Roy to matinée. Maud & Lennie dine at Mr. Hemmings. M. goes alone & meets L. there. Asked Lady M.W. to tea. Received no answer so have to remain in on chance of her coming. Thursday 25 November Lady Bergne’s dinner 8 o’c. To stores morg. bought silver hand glass, frame etc etc. At home all afternoon. Maud dined with Lennie Ottie & Ruth with Mr. & Mrs. Fleischman at Long’s Hotel & to see “Little Minister” after, & supper after at Savoy. Home vy late. V. pleasant dinner at Lady Bergne’s, 12. Mr. & Mrs.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Leedham White (nee Kemp Welch) Col & Mrs. Hayes Sadler, Mr. Someone fr. Foreign Off, Mrs. & Miss Someone? & young Bergne, nice boy. Friday 26 November Lady Armstrong 5 o’c. Maud & self lunch at Mrs. Wallace. C’d not go. Maudie goes to Edie Sismey’s 10 o’c. Called at 3.30 Mrs. Coward, Mrs. Jones, Pennefather (Sloane St took gloves to be cleaned) Lady Monckton, Lady Flower, Fritz lovely house still in chaos, Mrs. Seligman & Mrs. Watney. Walked morg. to Whiteleys ordered coffee pot, 2 (illeg) stands, lemon squeezer, & to Midge’s. Met Ruth, Hilda & Muriel. Bright & colder. Saturday 27 November Maudie at Edie’s, returns tomorrow morg. Roy & self to Royalty Theatre “Oh Susannah!” matinée. V. amusing. Lin joined us there. Quiet evg. Shop’d morg. alone. Mr. Hartree called. Sunday 28 November Lin went to Calais, awful passage. Winnie & Lennie to dinner 8 o’c. Lennie to luncheon & went with Maud to see Ruth & Mr. Parker at Mrs. Sington’s. Maud returned at 11 o’c fr. Edie Sismey’s at Chipping Barnet. Monday 29 November X. Maud ami evg. Asked Mr. & Mrs. Messel, Mr. & Mrs. Steincopff, Sir Benjamin Baker, Sir Norman Lockyer, Col. Welby, Mr. & Mrs. Dickens, Mr. Moulton & Miss Thomson. Went with Maud to Whiteleys ordered fish, game, fruit etc. To Midge’s borrowed entrée dishes, to Barkers etc. Mr. Guthrie & Mrs. Evans called. V.pleasant dinner. Golden waited. Caviare. Soup. Filleted soles white sauce. Roast leg mutton, spinach, potatoes, cauliflour au gratin. Wild duck & salad. Caramel pudding, lemon cheesecakes. Cods roe & soft herring roes, cheese biscuits etc. Fearful gale, great damage to property & coasts, Broadstairs pier swept away. Tuesday 30 November Out morg. 11 o’c shops. To Whiteleys fish & Midge’s to return entrée dishes, & Mrs. Messel’s to take Ruth M’s photo & say goodbye to her & Ottie who sail tomorrow for West Indies. Maudie in bed vy seedy with little F. & a chill. X. Dr Orton came to see her at 6 o’c. Lennie & Maud to dine at Mrs. Lewis, had to write as M. cannot go. Effie Weigall to luncheon looked charming. Grace Fraser, Anna Dietz, Miss Sandeman, Miss Meinertzhagen, Mrs. Hankey, Miss Heyworth Johnson, Ellie Ritchie etc called. Winnie Jackson to dinner looking v. handsome, & Lennie came in whilst we were at dinner & seemed worried. Dec 1897 Wednesday 1 December Lovely bright morning. Maudie in bed awaiting Dr O. Ottie & Ruth to Southampton to sail today for the West Indies. X. Dr Orton called to see Maud, still v. seedy. At 3 o’c to stores bought “Cheriwinks” 4/6, atlas & pocket book. Lennie came to supper, Emily remained in. Sat with me in Maud’s room till 10 o’c. Roy to Circus Girl with friends. Thursday 2 December To tea at Mrs. Mayne 5 o’c. X. Dr O. did not come today. Morg. by bus to Stehr’s, 1/6 chocolates. To Midge’s. At 2.30 to stores bought E’s dress, flannel for Maud’s drawers, Roy’s cigar case. To leave cards at Mrs. Maclean, Mrs. Chapman, Miss Mayne, had tea with her. Lennie came in whilst we were at dinner & sat with


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maud in her room with me until 11 o’c. Mrs. Messel called morg. & brought M. lovely basket of flowers, & sat some time with her. Friday 3 December Sir Henry Thompson’s dinner, 8 precisely. Lovely bright day. Maud getting up but not well yet by any means. Lennie to Nymans till Sunday. Dr O. called evg. Maud in schoolroom, seems better a little. To stores bought E’s dress, diary, pocket atlas, & pocket book. Saturday 4 December Lin left at 6.45 AM for Nymans to shoot with Lennie. Fetched or sent to fetch him at 7.45 & somehow missd him. Dined at ¼ to 9. Lin seems to have enjoyed his day & charmed with Nymans. Maudie better & down to lunch & dinner. Sat with her all afternoon working & finished reading “Vanity Fair”. Out alone morg. shop’g, ordered cross to be sent to Tassel for Mervyn. X. The dear old man died on Thursday aged 63, only survived darling Mother 2½ years. Ellis & Emily like two fighting cocks all day. Hilda & Muriel Messel called & brought Maud flowers & a wee little doll. Sunday 5 December Lennie to dinner. L. here all day. Cold & dull morg. Lennie here at 12 o’c. Poppy Sington called & sang 3 songs charmingly. Mr. Stuart, Mr. Marriott, Mr. Hood & Mr. & Mrs. Galbraith called. Lennie to see Mrs. Sington afternoon. Lin to club to write letters. Monday 6 December Mrs. E. Pollock’s dinner ¼ to 8. Put off an account of Baron Pollock’s death. (brother). Miss White here. To stores got Roy’s cigar case & cutter. To be fitted Miss Ratcliffe’s, old red velvet & white satin. Tuesday 7 Decemebr Mrs. Schwann’s musical party 9.30. Out morg. with Maud for short walk. Alice Street, Aunt Linda & Mrs. Holmes called. Lennie also came, & wired for M. & self to go to meet him at 2 o’c at 19 Connaught Sqre, unable to go. Lin dined out. Roy left at 1.30 for Nymans for a ball with Mrs. Messel’s party. Lennie & Mr. Messel go by later train. Miss White here. Horrible smell on top landing found that Emily had been pouring everything down top sink, too disgusting for words. “Tip” ill morg. Wednesday 8 December Out short walk alone. X. Dr Orton came to see Maud. Roy returns fr. Nymans. Maud & self to see 19 Connaught Sqre, don’t like it. Called on Mrs. Turquand, most charming house went all over it found each place in perfect order fr. top to bottom, charming servants & as neat & clean as possible. To 23 Harley St, concert of amateurs & (illeg). Met Miss Romer, Miss Douglas, 2 v. pretty girls, Buckmaster. Lennie arrived just as we left. To stores for M’s medicine, Barkers for fruit & home. Young Rubens came & played exquisitely. Lennie arrived & remained to dinner. Maudie v. overdone again & slept badly. Miss White here for Maud, 7/6. Thursday 9 December Lady Priestley at home. Mr. Hartree’s tea early. Out round the pond with Maud morg. Lovely day. X. Heard yesterday of George Langley’s death & of poor Lucy


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Oakes’ death on her way home with her baby fr. India. Percy on the Frontier in all these troubles. Heard fr. Spencer who is at Paris Plage. Friday 10 December Maud & Lennie to Mrs. Tate’s to stay until Monday at Liss in Hants. Pouring wet day. Unable to go out as Otley saw Maud off at Waterloo. She went down with 2 ladies & one gentleman & Lennie, all going to Mr. Tate’s & Mr. Watts! Roy home late to take Maud, Lin very angry with him. Quiet dinner at 8.30, drawing done quite early. Saturday 11 December Lovely day, astonished at myself still about!!! Walked part of way to Miss Ratcliffe to be fitted with “do up” white & “do up” red velvet evg. gowns. Roy v. rude again at luncheon his manners & way of speaking offend me extremely. Hilda Messel met us at Haymarket theatre at 2.30. Saw “A Man’s Shadow” excellent. I took Hilda to Charbonel’s where we saw Floss Kingscote & Mrs. Holland & Percy. Left Hilda & went on to Midge’s, saw Effie, Con, Midge, Ham & Dora. Effie looking very well & smart. Letter fr. Maudie seems vy happy & warm! Sunday 12 December X. Petit ami 3 jours en retard!!! Wretched day, in bed till 12 o’c. Dora did not come to luncheon, too wet. Lin to Club after lunch until 8 o’c. Mr. Bret Harte came & stayed a long while. Mr. Molesworth & Dr Messel called. Monday 13 December Maud returns from Mrs. Tate’s at 5.45 Waterloo. Maud & Lennie dine at Mrs. Stewards at 8 o’c. Eaton Place. Had a very pleasant dinner there. Met 2 Countesses & very select little party, & friends came in after dinner. Very naughty of Lennie, came back part of way in brougham with Maud. Tuesday 14 December Maud out morg. Did flowers. Lin with another fearful cold, 4 th one since his Scottish visit. Mrs. & Hilda Messel, Ellie Ritchie, Mary Macqueen, Fanny Barker & Mary Carter, Miss Neaves & a funny little curate Mr. St John de la Bere called. Roy came in to dinner v. pale & no appetite. Lennie came in whilst we were at dinner looking vy seedy with neuralgia. Had little talk with Maudie in schoolroom. Sir Frank Lockwood very ill, Lin unhappy about him. Mrs. Messel asked us to go to Nymans on Thursday by 4 train, Lennie goes by same. Wednesday 15 December Lady Armstrong’s dinner ¼ to 8. Lovely day. X. Roy goes to Oxford at 7.30 for Exam. Feel he cannot hope to pass as he has not worked or exerted himself in any way. Feel v. anxious about him & his future. Ham, Tabs & Gwen at Coburg Hotel. Lin’s cold still very bad & he looks vy seedy. Thursday 16 December In bed till 12 o’c. To Coburg to lunch with Tabbie to see about French under nurse, Parkins & Grotto, & Midge’s where we had tea. Tabs left me here. Lin’s cold very bad. Col Welby called. Friday 17 December Lovely day & very warm. Lin’s cold v. bad & on his chest. Maud & self out shopping morg. in Kens. Money flying. Got Nana’s dress etc. Maud & self at 3 o’c to Mesdames Colin Hunter, Marcus Stone, Geilgud, Hemming, Lady Armstrong


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 stayed some time, & Walter Jones where we saw Duke & Duchess of York & Princess Victoria. Bought presents for Mrs. Messel, Galbraith & Hilda M. Mrs. Steincopff & Mrs. Pennefather called (out). We also called to enquire for Sir F. Lockwood & to tea at Mrs. Harvey’s, delightful house. Lennie came whilst we were at dinner looking v. seedy. Saturday 18 December Fog. Box for matinée of “Grand Duchess” Savoy. Awful news of William Terriss’ assassination by a jealous maniac at the door of theatre just before evening performance. Stabbed in 3 places, died in a few minutes. Lin & self to “Grand Duchess”. Roy joined us later. Not good, St John’s voice gone. Lennie called at 3 & took Maud for drive & returned here for dinner. Sunday 19 December Fog. Box for matinée of “Grand Duchess” Savoy. Dull & drizzly. I went & sat a long while with Mrs. Sington morg. Maud to early service. Lennie came early & stayed all day & remained to dinner. Lin to club afternoon. Dora & Lennie to lunch. Roy at his club. Mr. & Mrs. Farquhar (Alice Nicol) & Miss Rose Innes called. Mr. Dyce & Lennie to dinner. Bad headache. Monday 20 December Terrible news of Sir Frank Lockwood’s death Sunday morning. Lin v. upset about it. Maud & self worked all morg. At 3 to Stores bought many things. Called to enquire for Lady Lockwood. Tuesday 21 December Lin & Roy to William Terriss’ funeral. In all day working. Mrs. & Miss Rawlinson, Mrs. Marcus Stone, Lady Flower & youngest girl just home fr. Paris, Mabel W. & Miss Mayne. Pretty little 3 cornered cupboard arrived for Maud from Mrs. Nicol. Wednesday 22 December No Punch dinner. Lennie dined here. Children Roy & M. very amused with crackers as usual. Sent off presents to Edgar, Mrs. Galbraith, Nana, Aunt Anna, Aunt Barbara etc. Thursday 23 December Lin & Roy to Nymans by train & cycle. Maud & self met Lennie Vic. Sta. at 4 o’c & Mrs. Geilgud & travelled together. Our train an hour late. Fearful fog in London, afraid we should never get to Station. Con turned up just as we were finishing lunch, had seen Mr. Blair at Club who sent us all sorts of messages. Spoke to Con of Maudie & seemed relieved to open his heart to him. Arrived Nymans & great scurry to dress for dinner. Everything v. charming except light on dining table which is distinctly trying for weak eyes. All most kind, & find Mr. & Mrs. Gielgud v. interesting. Friday 24 December Lovely day. Went for long walk with Mr. Messel & Muriel & Mr. & Mrs. Gielgud. Enjoyed it immensely. Very happy peaceful day. Saturday 25 December Lovely frosty morning. Maud, Lennie & Hilda to Church. Mr. & Mrs. Messel, Mr. & Mrs. Gielgud, Muriel & self for long walk, enjoyed it immensely. Lin & Roy for cycle ride. Dear Lin looking better. All sorts of presents for every one. Mrs. M. most kind & I never saw so many presents for the servants. Sat some time after


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 luncheon with Nanny & Muriel in nursery. Lennie & Maud for walk alone. V. pleasant evg. Lin & Roy playing billiards. Sunday 26 December Lovely walk with Mrs. Messel & Mrs. G, Mr. M. & Mr. G. & Muriel. Maud, Hilda & Lennie to Church. Poor Maudie feling seedy. Went for walk with Lennie after luncheon. Pleasant evening. Monday 27 December Went with Lin Lennie & Roy to see rabbits. Lost my way in wood returning & had great fright & a very long walk. Mr. Messel playing golf. Mr. Geilgud interesting as usual. Maud & Lennie sticking photos. X. Maud little F. & awful pain in her back. Rubbed it for her with linament at night. Tuesday 28 December Lin & self returned fr. Crawley after a very charming visit. Mr. Messel, Lennie & Mr. Geilgud left by early train. Find Mr. M. & Mr. G. delightful companions & had some good talks. Mrs. Messel sent us to Three Bridges Sta. to avoid changing, our train 45 minutes late. Found all well at home. Had 3 very foggy days in London, so exquisite with us at Nymans. Wednesday 29 December Windows cleaned. Raining & blowing hard all day. Called at 2.30 on Mrs. Sington. Bought Roy’s gloves 2/6. Hope Bros, ordered bacon, cream cheese, & Midge. Saw her, D. & H. Ham had met Lennie morg. in Metropolitan. Conert at Nymans in Village tonight. Ellis & Emma to Pantomime. Wrote letters all evening. Thursday 30 December Dora to luncheon. Went after with me at 3 o’c to Bank. Left note at Miss Rose Innes. Mrs. Watney’s, to Yapps, National Gallery & to see the new Romney picture. Charming half length of girl sitting in white muslin. To Fanny Barker’s (tea here) Mrs. Steinkopff, & left D. at home. Read to Lin for an hour. Letter fr. Maudie. Friday 31 December Quiet evening at home with Lin, v.peaceful & happy. Saturday 1st Jan 1895 To 1st night of “Peter the Great”. To supper after on stage, great number of friends & first night habitués. Sunday 2nd Walked with Lin to Hyde pk Corner, home by bus. Lin to Garrick & Athenaeum. Mr. Bret Harte & Mr. Hemming called. Monday 3rd Miss Gill spends day here. Did not come. Notes at back of diary: Received during 1895 £ 282.16.9 Spent on dress etc £ 75.19.0 Invested £ 195.6.0 Balance over fr. 1894 £ 42.2.6


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Balance fr. 1896 £57.14.3 Invested fr. Private money: £ 85 in Coupe London pref £ 90 ditto ordinary Five shares in Harrods ordinary for which pd. £ 30.12.5 Total invested £ 205.12.6 Balance from 1896 £ 100.4.4 Investment during 1897 £321.18.9 with stamps & expenses of investment £7.0.0 for 2 £1 Barker ordinary shares bought at 3⅛ with expenses cost £3.10.0 each, one for Emma & one for self. Received during 1896 from Trust Money £ 344.3.10 From Private ditto £ 89.17.3 Total £ 434.1.1 Received during 1897 February By poor Annie’s death to the trust fund £ 974.4.8 to be invested. Received during 1897 from Trust Money £ 388. 7.10 from private ditto £ 111.12.5 Total £ 500. 0.3 Invested £ 328.18.9 with com etc Spent £ 168.17.3 Balance carried forward to 1898 £102.8.5 Balance fr. 1896 Added to above

£ 100.4.3 £ 500.0.3 £ 600.4.7

Deducting invest. of & remaining balance

£ 328.18.9 £ 102. 8. 5 £ 160.17.3 spent

Invested during 1897 £ 100 Gt. Eastern ordinary £ 113.10.0 expenses of purchase February 7th 17.4 Two allotted Harrods ordinary shares of £1 each at £ 3.10.0 (March) £200 Appolinaris & Johannis Ltd £10 pref shares 5% (March) Sold these April 20th Bought 24th April £230 London & Chatham & dover Rly 4% 2nd Pref Stock at 86¼ £198.7.6 Stamps & for 1.2.11 Com. 1/3 1.0.0 Stamp 1. Total £200.11.5 Oct/99 2 Ordinary £1 Barkers shares at 3⅛ with com. etc

£ 114.7.4 £ 7.0.0

£ 200.11.5 £ 321.18.9 7.0.0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 cost £ 3.10.0 each £7.0.0. Gave one to Emma. £ 328.18.9 Not overdrawn account therefore unneccessary to borrow of Bank. Received fr. Trust Money 1897 Jany: Cent. Uraguay Rly Argt. Gt. Western Rly Local loans February: Gt. Western of Brazil Peebles From estate rents Feby 23rd March: Estate div rents April: B.N. Atlantic St. Div local loans £12.19.9 May: Illinois Cent. June: Canadian Pacific Cent Uraguay Argt. Gt. Western Local loans Lehigh Valley August 26: fr. Estate surplus Cash division Gt Western of Brazil Peebles & sons Cordoba & Rosario Rly

24.13.4 19.6.8 1.10 26.2.0 11.9.3 9.6.8 ... 24.3.4 1.11 19.14.9 21.7.3 24.3.4 19.6.8 1.11 22.4.0 13.6.8 26.2.0 16.15.0 19.6.8 £ 297.3.3

Received fr. Private Money 1897 Jany: Wirral Rly 1.18.8 Cordoba Cent. Rly 1.18.8 Buenos Ayres Rosario 1.18.8 B. Ayres Western 4.7.4 Sale of B.A. Pacific Rly 1.3.1 Jamaica Rly 19.4 Feb: Harrods Stores 19.4 March: Glas. S.Western Rly 3.3.11 April: B.A.Gt.Southern Rly 21.6.6 Less £2.8.9 on £100 sold for Annie’s children May: B.A. Rosario (ordinary)3.0.0 City B.A. Trams 16.6 Cent Argentine 4.14.6 Made over sale Appolinaris 8.19.0 June: B. Ayres Western 4.7.5 B.A, Pacific 5.3 B.A. & Rosario Deb 1.18.8 Cordoba Cent Northern 1.18.8 Wirral Rly 1.18.8 August Harrods on 7 shres 6.9 Great Eastern int. on £100 19.4 2nd pref L.Chat & Dover int on ££230 2.15.7 £ 69.14.4 Trust


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Forward Oct: Brit N. Atlantic St Nov: 1st Illinois Cent Local Loans Dec 1st Canadian & Pacific ord Ontario & Quebec 22nd Lehigh Valley Trust Private Forward Coupé Sept Coupé Oct : Glas.S.W Rly City B.A. Trams B.A. Rosario 1st div on Barkers th 26 Oct B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 1st Nov: Cent Arg. Rly B.A. Pacific 1st pref B.A. Pacific 2nd Deb B.A. Pacific 1st Deb Private

£ 297.3.3 24.3.4 19.16.3 17.0 24.3.4 …. 22.4.8 £ 388.7.10 £ 69.14.4 4.18.7 5.4.5 3.0.11 17.3 15.0 8 22.19.0 2.0.6 1.9.0 8.2 5.5 £ 111.12.5

Hold 1897 March £ 48 Buenos A. Pacific £ 28 City B.A. Trams £ 190 Cent Argt. Rly ord £ 100 B.A. Rosario Debs £ 110 ditto ordinary £ 126 Glasgow & S.Western Ord. £ 226 Western of B.A. Rly 4% Debs £ 100 Jamaica Rly £ 550 B.A. Gt Southern Ord £ 200 ditto pref £ 90 Coupé London £ 85 ditto £ 100 Gt. Eastern Ord £ 100 Wirral £ 30 Paid for 5 £1 shares in Harrods ord £ 7 Paid for 2 alotted ditto at £ 3.10.0 each £ 200 Appolinaris & Johannis Ltd 20 £10 shrs pref 5% Borrowed this £200 fr. London & County Bank March 97. Sold these again April 12th at ½ prem £ 230 2nd pref London Chatham Rly These should realize about £ 2376 Invested during 1897 Private Money February £ 100 stock ordinary Gt. Eastern Rly Paid £ 114.17.4 with commission 2 £1 shares Harrods ordinary Paid £3.10 per share (these allotted) £ 200 Appolinaris & Johannis Ltd


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 £ 10 shares 5% pref March, sold these April at ½ prem Bought £230 London Chatham & D. Rly pref 4½ % at 84¼ Bought 2 £1 Barkers ordinary shrs at 3 1/8 with commission stamp etc £ 3.10.0 each. Gave one to Emma. £ 8225.1.3 Three divisions £ 974.4.8 Annie £ 2126. My private Feb /97 £11325.5.11 £ 774.16.2 Extra distribution fr. sale of Westwood etc July /97 £12100.2.1 Last div of £774.16.2 Invested in £ 100 Gt West Brazil Rly 6% at 110½ £ 111.17.0 £116 Ontario Quebec Rly 5% Deb at 147 ½ £ 173.0.1 £330 A.M.Peebles 4% 1st mort debs at 122 ½ £ 375.14.2 £100.16.9 Local Loans 3% stock at 113 1/8 £ 114.4.11 £ 774.16.2 1st instalment of Trust paid & invested by our trustees £ 5562.10.0 First £ 1816.14.8 Second £ 845.16.8 Third £ 8225.1.3 £ 974.4.8 fr. poor Annie’s division £ 9199.5.11 £ 774.16.2 Last £ 9964.2.1 Total received up to April /97 fr. Father’s estate.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1898 Front pages of Diary: Some scribbled figures. Lin’s Scotch visits: To G.W.Wolff Esqre, Ballechin Ballinluig Perth N.B. To Roger Wallace Esqre Wester Aberchalder Gorthlick Invernesshire N.B. Lord Tweedmouth Guisachan Beauly Invernesshire N.B. Herbert Weld Blundell Esqre Glencoe Lodge Fort Augustus N.B. Mrs Steincopff, Sydhurst Haywards Heath Sussex. Johnson Ferguson Esqre Springkell Ecclefechan Dumfries Lady Lawrence Burford Maud’s addresses (blank) Hill Esqre Bradfield Keston Kent L. Messel Esqre Nymans Crawley, Sussex T. Scott Esqre Tay Park Perth Road


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dundee N.B. H.F. Manisty Esqre Lewens House Yarrow Selkirk, N.B. Hints to remember fr. Metropole Hotel Folkeston: Put some cold rice or tapioca which has been well boiled in rice & sugar in centre of china savory shell. Halves of peach or apricot & syrup & can be used with cream or not. V. pretty sweet. Cut up into dice any preserved fruits, a little spirit with the syrup & put in custard cups or glass & whip white of egg with a little brandy on the top. Small rounds of thin & shortly made Genoavoise pastry, roll gently before putting in oven. When cold fill with flavoured cream. From Mrs. Tate’s, Blackmoor. Tiny muslin bags with coloured ribbon in night tables with a piece of camphor in each. Footstool in Co’s. Sham lace pillow coverlets. Paper tidies for News. Sago milk mould. Yellow cornflour, 1 pint milk, yolks of 2 eggs, white of one, sago, sugar, little or no flavouring. Hot milk morning, Jug & cups. Boiling ones own lobsters Egg cozies to match tea cozy in colour. Mrs. Fergusons: Macedoine of fruit served in melon with pieces of melon cut up in it. Received from different Private Securities, 1898 £. s. d Cordova Cent. Northern 3.17.4 B.A. Rosario deb 3.17.4 Western B. Ayres 8.14.10 Wirral 3.17. 4 Harrods 1. 7. 1 Great Eastern 3. 7. 8 Glasgow S. Western 6. 4.10 B.A.Rosario 4. 2. 6 City of B.A.Trams 1. 4. 6 B.A.Gt. Southern 43.13. 0 Barkers .8 B.A.Pacific 12. 4 Cent Argt 7. 8. 6 Mid def 5. 6. 4


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Jan 1898 Saturday 1 January First night of “Peter the Great” at Lyceum. In all morg. Darling little letter fr. Maudie for the New Year. Went with Lin at 3 o’c Private View Academy (of Millais collection) perfectly wonderful. Met usual P.V. friends, Fildes, Stones, Thomsons, Davies, etc etc. Walked home with Linley, bought fruit, dressed, dined & went to Lyceum. V. crowded house tremendous rception but feebly written play tho’ exquisitely staged & mounted. Supper after behind scenes, introduced to Cartright, long talk with him. Met Setons, Terrys, Threlfalls, Lethbridge & wife! Lucys, a’Becketts, etc etc. Home 2 o’c morg. Sunday 2 January Fanny & Alice Linley to dine 8 o’c & Miss Rose Innes. Walked with Lin to Hyde Pk Corner, home by bus. Alone luncheon. Mr. Bret Harte & Mr. Heming called, most interesting talk with B.H. on recent discoveries in Honduras, he knows all that continent. Lin to lunch Garrick & tea at Athenaeum. Pleasant evg. Monday 3 January Fog morg. Expected Miss Gill to lunch, never came. Lin & self went over Phil. Gards. house, liked it. At 3 to pay bills at cleaners & Whiteleys. Over flat, Mount St. Stores where bought Lin glasses, saw fight! Lady Margaret & Rosalind called. X. Petit ami. Tuesday 4 January Dear Lin’s birthday. He went to Calais & we had a happy little dinner alone at 8.15. Mrs. & Miss Beddington, Mrs. Watney, Blanche Cole, Mrs. Croome (née H. Hardman) Mrs. Gordon (née Bullock) Miss Radcliffe, Lady Bergne, Mr & Miss Harvey called, & Midge. Wednesday 5 January Dull rainy day. Edie Sismey to luncheon. Called at 3 on Mrs. Evans (at Cannes) Findlay, Hammond & Roger Wallace & Miss Chapman, all out. Made up my account for the year & find with Trust & Private money received £500.0.3. At last ambition reached, start another. Thursday 6 January In bed till 2.30. Called at 3, drove with Lin first Hyde Pk Corner then on alone to Mrs. Rooth, v. pretty flat Montagu Mansions in horrid neighbourhood. To Mary Nembhard found her rampant with cold. To Elsie Hansen Walker looking sweet. Mrs. Rooth sang 4 or 5 songs to me most delightful voice. Friday 7 January In bed until 12.30. Drove at 3 o’c called on Mrs. Sington, Mrs. Fritz, Reeve, Percy Holland, Lady Seton, Mrs. Wallace, saw Mabel & Mr Hood! Third time I have seen him there! & to Sybil Grantham. Charming house beautifully done up. He has just lost his sister so they are not supposd to be receiving. 2 letters fr. Maudie, Lennie ill. Saturday 8 January Remained in bed until 12.30. Lin & self to Duke of York’s “The Happy Life”. V. amusing. Dorothy Baird looked v. pretty in it as heroine. Midge met us there. Went to Charbonels to tea & drove Midge home, the Mervyns dining with her. Lin & self alone as usual. Feel v. seedy & weak, was up twice during night, fearfully


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 sick. Two letters fr. dear Maud, Lennie better but still v. weak. Hope Maud & Roy will escape influenza. Sunday 9 January Dreary dark day. Dear Lin to Calais glad he is out of the gloom. Still feel sick & seedy generally. Only Miss Rose Innes called. Alone all day. Quiet evg. alone with Lin. He met Mr Lewis & enjoyed his day. Monday 10 January Miss Gill comes for day. Dear Roy returned fr. Nymans& went with Gilly & self at 3 o’c to post P.O.O. books to L.C. Bank about my trust securities, & Glas & S.Western splitting of ordinary shares. To see flats & houses, none likely, & bought candelabra fr. Whiteleys. 3/6 mending. Tuesday 11 January Lin to Calais. Had drawing room. In agony most of day with piles scarcely knew how to bear myself. Went over flats in Porchester Mansions & 14 Craven Hill Gds, both nice, but large & want much repairing. Mrs. Reynard, Mrs. & pretty Miss MacKay, Mrs. & Miss Tattersall & Mrs. Rooth called. Lin enjoyed his day & met Mr. Lewis. Wednesday 12 January In great pain morning but went to matinée Vaudeville of “Never Again” with Lin & Roy. Saw Dr Orton on return, liver out of order & has given me some medicine. Quiet evening with Roy. Long letter fr. Maud. Lennie still v. bad with influenza. Thursday 13 January Mrs. Steincopff’s dinner 8 o’c. Fog. Rested all day in great pain on & off. Young Pollock to dine with Roy & they went together to “Circus Girl”. Managed evg. better than I expected. Mr Knight Watson (old gentleman) took me in. V. interesting old man, accomplished french scholar. Ld C. Hamilton, Sir Howard Gordon & Lady Russell, Sir H. & Lady Bergne, Sir W. & Lady Ellis, Lady Lindsey, etc, 20 in all. Lennie little better. Friday 14 January Lin & self dine with Miss Rose Innes at Berkeley & to see “Liars” Criterion after. Roy also. Dark fog. Rested all day feel easier. Party of 9. Mr & Mrs. Barrow (Biaritz girl, he Lady Fairburn’s nephew) Mr Gilmer, Mr. Orlebar & lovely Chillian woman. Excellent dinner & delightful piece had 2 boxes thrown into one. Well played all round. Saw Mr & Mrs. F. Lucas there in stalls. Saturday 15 January Dull morg. Went with Roy at 1 o’c to Garrick to see “Cinderella”, pantomime. Wrong day alas. Dora & H. Langley met us there. He went on to club & we waited 2 hrs for Lin who took us on to “La Poupée” where we had lovely box & piece as good as ever. Roy, D. & self to tea with Midge after. Saw Ethel M. there, drove her to Queen’s Rd station. Lin to club. Quiet dinner alone here. Sunday 16 January Dark fog. Lin to Calais, Roy to Club. Mr Nesbit & Mr Addison called but would not come in. Quiet dinner alone with Lin & Roy. Monday 17 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dora to luncheon ¼ p.12. Roy, D. & self to Pantomime “Cinderella” at Garrick Theatre. V. dull & stupid. Mr Stone came to our box,. Drove D. home & saw Geoff, Con’s boy, at Midge’s. Quiet evg. Tuesday 18 January Lin out for cycle ride. Had drawing room. Maud returned fr. Nymns looks well but is not. Mrs. Mellor, Mr & 2 Miss Enthovens, Miss Connell, Mrs. C. Hunter called. Mr Stone & Miss Rose Innes to dinner 8 o’c, stayed till p. 12 o’c. Cracker dinner. Maud X. Wednewsday 19 January Blanche Cole’s studio tea 5 o’c. Grace Wheat to tea. Maud in bed to breakfast. Maud, Roy & Miss Innes to “Peter the Great”. Dr Orton came. Thursday 20 January Roy to Oxford 1st term. Sincerely hope & pray he will keep & do well there. To see houses with Maud, 2 v. nice ones Cleveland Sqre & Westbourne St. Sat with Roy packing. He dined at 6.30 & went off at 7.30. Saw Masseuse & arranged 3 times a week at 6/- ½ an hour a time for Maud. Friday 21 January Lin & self dine at Mrs. P. Agnew 8 o’c. Mrs. Croom at home 4 - 7. Masseuse here 10 o’c Miss Mackay. Went alone over Lewis’ house, made me feel sad. Family party at Agnews, the Walters & Lockets & one other lady (single) Miss Layton & a serviceman. Charming house & beautifully ordered cooked & served dinner. Too heavy music after for my taste. Saturday 22 January Mrs. a’Beckett Tyrrell at home 4 - 7. Went with Maud at 11 to order underlinen at Marshalls & Dickens & Jones. Lin to see furniture at Moray Lodge. Lin for bicycle ride after luncheon. Maud & self sat all afternoon working in Schoolroom. Lin to see “Julius Caesar” at Her Majesty’s, 1st night after early dinner here. Delighted with it & hope Tree will have a big success with it. Sunday 23 January Maud to Church. Lin to Calais. Maud & self for walk alone as far as Row. Alastair Farquhar, Dora & Geoff to luncheon. Fog morg, cleared later. Evelyn C, Mr Gilmer, Mr Dyce, Rubens, Molly Farquhar, S. Rose Innes called. Lin met Mr. Forbes, Mr. Morley & dau. & many others at Calais. We dined alone. Monday 24 January Mr. & Mrs. Croome to dinner & Conrad. Out alone morg shops & walked round the pond. Drove with Maud to stores ordered more trousseau things. The Croomes & Con stayed until 12 o’c, awfully tired. Don’t care for either, he reminds me of Mr. Blair & Furrell, v. tall. Tuesday 25 January Went for walk with Maud to Row. Lennie came up fr. Nymns & lunched here, & went off with Maud at 2.30 to see over houses in coupé. Lin to Oxford to see dear Roy, has charming rooms & is vy happy. Mdes Lindsay, Hammond & Miss Roe, F. Nembhard, Spofforth, Russell & Burnands, R. Wallace, Leche & dau, Col. & Mrs. Bosanquet, pretty Mrs. & Miss Henderson, Mary Macqueen & friend. Wednesday 26 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Walked morg. with Maud after her massage. She seems better for it already. Lennie to luncheon, Maud & he off in coupé after house hunting. Maud dined there. Effie Herapath dined here alone with me, she had an awful cold. Called at 3.30 on (blank). Thursday 27 January Maud & self took bus to Woollands ordered underlinen & walked home. Lennie to luncheon, had coupé, he & Maud went off to see pictures. I drove at 4 o’c Miss Ratcliffe, found 10/- too much charged on her account. To Mrs. Sanson. Twiss, Lewis, Dickens, both last in. Maudie at home to dinner. Friday 28 January Walked morg. with Maud round pond. Miss Peachy came, pd. her 8/- for 4 visits. Maud went at 2.30 with Lennie & Hilda who called for her to Academy & on to dine at the Messels. I went at 4 o’c to Stores 19/4 pd. & to call on Eff at Mrs. Holland’s, lovely house & furniture. Sp. called morg. Saturday 29 January Mrs. Walter Crane 9 o’c. Lin goes to stay at the Bedford Hotel Brighton with Mr. Hartree until Monday. Out morg with Maud in Kensington choosing lace etc for her, & flowers. Wire fr. Tabbie asking if she could come for night Monday, wired back yes! Spencer came as we finished luncheon & had absolutely nothing to offer him. Vy fatiguing about Paris Plage which is only what I expected. Maud off with Lennie & family to Barnard show & all back here to tea. Nanny, Muriel, Hilda, Lennie & Maud & then all off again. Quiet evg alone. Lady M.W’s little girl Sylvia with Nurse came, vy pretty child. Sunday 30 January Maud & Lennie to luncheon with Kate Gielgud, large party. I alone to luncheon. Miss Rose Innes & Madame Trassins, & Midge called. Winnie Lockyer to dinner & Lennie. In all day. Monday 31 January Mrs. Walkes at home 4- 7. Tabbie comes for night. Maud dines at farewell dinner to Mr & Mrs. Messel & Hilda, they leave Friday for abroad. I went alone to Mrs. W’s, saw Heilbuts, Cassellas, Tait, Young, Twiss etc. Lin, Tabs & self to Gaiety saw Lindos & Roger Walkers. Lost boa. Feb 1898 Tuesday 1 February Tabbie & M out shops morg. Tabs left by 3 train. Mrs. Heilbut, Mrs. Messel, Hilda, Mrs. & Miss Harley, Miss Clifford, Mrs. & Miss Huish called, 8. Lennie dined here. X. Au lit X & feel v. seedy. Lost my boa at theatre last evg. V. annoyed. Wednesday 2 February Mr. Hemmings dinner, cannot go. Mr & Mrs. Hardy’s dinner cannot go. Lovely spring morg. Au lit. White here rebraiding shirt. Maud’s masseuse. Thursday 3 February Mervyn & Ethel dine here. She looks too fat. In all day. Maudie to the Messels for dinner, they leave tomorrow for continent. Miss Rose Innes sent Maud lovely silver tea service, called herself evening. Mr. Gilmer sent Maud Meissoniere’s book beautifully illustrated.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 4 February In bed till 12.30. Miss Peachy here. Feel v. seedy. Went with Maud to stores & Barkers, felt dead, & unable to get a boa to match muff under £7.15.0! Maddening to have lost mine. Maud dines at Sybil Grantham’s. Saturday 5 February Mr. J. Cowen’s 9.0. Lin & self go to Pyt House, Tisbury, Wilts to stay a week with Tabs & Hamilton. Winnie Lockyer arrived before luncheon to stay with Maud during our absence. Mr Rubens to dine with Maud making her small party 4. Found Mr.Guthrie & Bee Barrs at Pyt. Lovely evg, drove fr. Tisbury in open carriage. Sunday 6 February Wet. Remained in all day. Rest went for long walk. Monday 7 February Lovely day. Hamilton to see his new yacht “La Joyeuse”. Retn’d in time for dinner. Walked morg. with Tabs & Bee. Gwen & Evy rode to meet. I drove to (illeg) with Tabs & Gareth at 3, home for tea. Letter fr. Midge. Lin & Mr. Guthrie bicycled. Tuesday 8 February Lin, Ham & Mr. G. out shooting. Bee & self with Tabs walked morg. Wednesday 9 February Mr. Guthrie & Tabs to London. Lin went by 3 train. Felt a horrid cold coming on & sore throat. Thursday 10 February Lady Romer’s at home 9.30. Mrs. G. Pollock’s dinner ¼ to 8. H. off to Cowes directly after breakfast. Wire fr. Tabs, not returning until tomorrow. Letter fr. Maud & Winnie Lockyer. Bee slept in my room, had walk after luncheon & cozy evening to bed 10.30. Friday 11 February Letters fr. Lin, Maud & Mrs. Fritz. Quiet day, walked with Bee. Tabs & H. returned at 6 o’c, v. well. Saturday 12 February Remaining on until Monday on acount of cold & bothering cough. Letters fr. Lin, invites fr. H. Langley, Lady Quilter, Mrs. B. Partridge. Lin says dull dinner at Pollocks, took Mrs. H. Dickens in & went after to Lady Romer’s with Maud. Sunday 13 February Packed morg. Walked after luncheon with Bee & Tabs. My cold v. heavy at night, makes me feel v. seedy & feverish. Monday 14 February Returned fr. Tabbie’s by 11.40 train. Pd. £15 for Tab’s cape. Expenses to Pyt, Tisbury, Wells, £1.15.0. Tuesday 15 February Col. Welby’s & Mrs. Copland Griffith’s wedding day, 2 o’c. M. X, seedy. M. & self to Woollands for flowers for bonnet & hat. Lin lunched with Mr. Barr & dines with Mr. Lewis, or rather is giving a dinner to him & others. Charming service. V. crowded. Mr. Stone best man & saw to our carriage. Lovely presents, bride


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 looked v. pretty. M. & self went to see Empress rooms after. Lady Lawrence, Miss Phillips, Burnands, Bastard & Alice Linley called. Wednesday 16 February Go to see Mrs. Hilton 3.30. Unable to go. Go with Lin to Matinée St James of “Much Ado about Nothing” & to tea after at Mr. Guthrie’s. Tabs & H. Lennie & Maud met us there. Maud & Lennie dine at Mrs. de la Penha’s. Charming play, well done. Bored rather at Mr. G’s. Poor Lennie looking v. ill, feel v. anxious about him. Quiet evg. alone. Thursday 17 February To Mrs. Hilton 10 o’c. Huge dirty house full of lovely & dainty things, genteel poverty personified. Met Midge & Rosa Davis returning & took them to see Empress rooms. Barkers for flowers. Lennie dining here. Friday 18 February Maud & self dined at Lennie’s. Mr & Miss Clemens, Miss Blackwod, Miss Elton to dinner. Went on after to Matinée Theatre & saw amateur theatricals, had box for Lennie M. & self, the rest sat in stalls. V. good performance & on after to Savoy to supper. Great fun but felt v. seedy although I enjoyed it muchly. Saturday 19 February Lin & self dine or lunch with H. Langley. Feel v. done up & seedy. Stayed in bed until 12 o’clock. Lunched alone here with Lin & went after to Pantomime. Had Mrs. Wallace, Mabel, Elsie Hansen Walker & little sister & Mary Macqueen. Lin & self dined at Langleys. Mr Bolland, Miss Heineman (who are to be married on Tues) ancient couple rather, Sir Jacob Wilson & Rosa Davis. V. good dinner. Soup, salmon, sweetbreads, roast mutton, pheasant, cabinet pudding, pears, cods roe savory. Maudie lunched & spent day with Lennie & Miss Elkin, saw them just before leaving. Sunday 20 February Lady Rosalind Christie’s luncheon 1.30. Dr Messel asked cannot come. Wretched day rain & cold. Large party at Lady R’s. Lady Margaret Charteris, Sir F. & Lady Hartland. Mr. Wallop & another gentleman, Miss Hood & several others. V. pleasant party. Mr. Bret Harte, Mr & Mrs. Galbraith, Mr Hood called. Muriel & Lennie here to luncheon with Maud. Mr. Hemming & Lennie to dine. L. Left for Scotland at 10.30 for a week. Monday 21 February Lin & self dine at the Jacksons 8.15. Put off on ac’t of Dan Meinertzhagen’s death. Miss White here for a week’s work came v. late. Tuesday 22 February Miss Redcliffe & Mr. Jacomb Hood to dinner. V. cheery evg. Walked morg to Whiteleys, flowers 1/6. Maud lunched with Miss Elkin at Mrs. Messel’s. Lady Weston, Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Surman & Linda D, Miss Snagg, Mabel W. & Lady Margaret Watney called. Wednesday 23 February To tea Miss Muir Mackenzie, ill, cd not see her. On to Mrs. Maynes to tea. To Marshalls for lace, Redferns for stockings etc. To Sir Felix Sermons £2.2.0, cab 2/-, medicine 3/-, fare home 4d. X. Started arsenic(?) & iron treatment. Mrs. Dent called.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 24 February Promised to go to tea at Mrs. Joachim’s. Lady Rosamund Christie coming to tea here & Mrs. Geiger to tea. M & self morg to Flood St. about underlinen, Sloane St. etc. Met Lady & Miss Quilter. Maud dined at Midge’s. Letter fr. Mr. Northmore about Jarrah Wood company. Friday 25 February Miss Peachy unable to come, bad cold. Emma to a concert evg. Emily cooked dinner, only had lobster & salad, steak, cauliflower & potatoes, caramel pudding, buttered cheese savory. Maud had Mrs. Messel’s carriage & made calls alone! I went at 3.30 to stores. Mrs. Lucy, Lady Blomfield, saw Sir A, rest out. Called for Maud & on Midge, out. Saturday 26 February Mrs. W. Crane 9 o’c. Lord Rosebery’s at home 10 o’c. Maud lunches with Miss Elkin & goes to see “Much Ado about Nothing” after. Walked part of way morg. with Maud & to Barkers after for flowers & fruit, also Smith & Larkes for plant 2/-. Lin cycled. I walked & made calls at 3.30 on Mrs. Gale, tea there. Miss Goodenough, long talk. She gabbles rather cleverly. Cards to Mrs. Huish & Whitworth & Miss Neaves all last 3 away. Mr Stone dined here & held forth vehemently on the Welby marriage, & Northmore Spec in Jarrah Wood. Lin & M. to Lord R’s, enjoyed it immensely. Sunday 27 February Mrs. B. Partridge 9 to 1 o’c. Mr. Marshall Hall’s dinner, postponed on account of illness. Lin to Calais. Wet. Maud & self in all day, only Mr Gilmer called. X. Petit ami. Monday 28 February Maud & I lunch at Lady Margaret Watney’s. Unable to go. Maud went alone. Lady Rosamund, Mr. Watney & a Miss Shaw there. Maud went on to tea at Lady Romer’s & dined at Westbourne Ter. with Miss Elkin. Lennie arrived fr. Scotland at 8 o’c. Had v. quiet day with Lin. Mar 1898 Tuesday 1 March Mrs. Boughton 5 o’c, music. Mr. Northmore & Lennie to dinner 8.30. In all day. Mrs. Roberts, Susie & Arthur a’Beckett, Mrs. Wheen & dau, Mrs. Heyworth Savage called. Maud lunched with Mr. Bainbridge. Talked till 12 o’c PM about Jarrah Wood, v. rough diamond (illeg) & feel v. doubtful of success of our rather big speck! Wednesday 2 March To matinée “Julius Caesar” Mr. Stone & Dora with us. Mr Tree came to our box & sent us coffee & spirits! To the lovely ante room. D. back here to tea. Bee arrives on visit & Lennie to dinner. Dora came back to tea with us & told naughty little stories. Thursday 3 March Miss Quilter’s wedding 2.15 St George’s Hanover Sqre. Lovely day. Bee went to church with us. V. crowded but v. pretty church, lovely music & hymns & no address. Saw C.Burnands, Hansen Walkers, Parish (illeg) Macquoids etc. V. pretty


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 old fashioned dreses white satin & pink sashes designed by Macquoid. Maudie dined with Lennie at Midge’s, he saw her home. Snowed. Lin to Calais. Friday 4 March V. cold. Lovely bright day. Mr. Sykes coming to tea with Bee. Maud & self out at 3 o’c, shop’g. To leave silver photo frame & cards at Lady Quilter’s, Monteith Youngs, Hayfords, Smiths. Lennie dined here at 8.45. Ruth & Ottie arrived unexpectedly fr. W. Indies. Saturday 5 March Mr. Flower’s, 9.0. In all morg. Miss White here all the week. 15/- number 2. To D. of York’s theatre to see “The Dove Cot”, a v. risky little piece translated fr. the French “La Jalouse”. To see Mrs. Mocatta & had tea there. Met Alice Street outside & on to see Ruth Messel who arrived fr. the West Indies yesterday only with Ottie after v. bad passage. Lennie dined here. He had Maudie all day. Called also at Mrs. Lindo’s. Sunday 6 March Lin to Calais. Maud to early service & then to Mrs. de la Penha’s with Lennie. Bee & self walked to Midge’s & back. Lennie to luncheon, dear Maudie capricious. Ham & Midge to dinner 8 o’c. Mr. Sykes, Ruth, Alice Farquhar called. Soup, salmon, fillet, fowl, salad, coffee savoy, cods roe. Monday 7 March Ruth Messel to luncheon. Bee & self shop’d morg. Maud & Bee out at 4 o’c. Tuesday 8 March Mary Macqueen to dinner & Lennie. Maud & Bee around shops after lace, National Gall’y, Buzzards & Hamptons. I remained at home. Mrs. du Maurier, Trixey, Alice Linley & Mary Carter, Mrs. Geilgud, Mrs. Macnaught. Very cheery dinner, Mary so amusing & sang well after & Lennie! Mrs. du Maurier gave Maud a lovely drawing. Wednesday 9 March Maud & Bee to Swears & Wells etc. I alone to Stores ordered cake, Emma & Nana’s dresses, grey alpaca, & bag. Mrs. Seligman sent 2 lovely solid silver entrée dishes. Maud dines with Lennie & large party at Westbourne Ter. Thursday 10 March Maudie & Lennie dine at Mrs. Macqueen’s, Mary 21 today. Bee & Maud to Church about wedding being 28 April. I went to Church saw Mr. Brewer. To Barkers & to Miss Maytress(?) about clock for Lennie, & to Midge’s, stayed some time. Maud & Bee out 4 o’c shop’g. Mr. Bird organist. Friday 11 March Mrs. Huish at home 4.30. To institution of water colours. Maud’s bridesmaids tea. To tea Lady Margaret W’s. Bee left cards for me on Steinkopffs & Lathams. Saturday 12 March Bee & self to Woollands & Sloane St & walked thro’ Park home. To Daly’s matinée “Geisha” with Bee & Maud. Lin joined us later. Left Maudie for tea at Westbourne Ter. & went on with Bee to Midge’s where we had tea & then fetched Maudie who seemed in a happier frame of mind. Lennie dined with Mr. Johnstone & went to “The Bells” & we all 4 dined quietly at home.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 13 March Muriel to luncheon, never came. Bee to luncheon at Midge’s, Lennie here. Lin to Calais. I walked to Mrs. Sington’s, tragedy queen, but so sorry for her with Apple so ill. After to Rosie Burnand. Called at Mrs. Tattersall’s. Lennie to lunch & dinner. Mr. Johnstone came with him, v. intelligent man & clever. Monday 14 March Dinner of 8, Rosie & Frank Burnand & Lennie, postp’d. Go to hear band at Palace Hotel, pouring rain. To stores, saw Maud’s bag etc with Bee. Maud interviewing bridesmaids. Called on Lady Lockwood, Mrs. Galbraith, Mrs. Twiss, had tea there, & Mrs. Dent, catastrophe forgot all about band. Tuesday 15 March Walked alone morg. to Whiteleys pd. bill. Mrs. Tweedie, Ethel Herapath, Mrs. Spielman & Mrs. Cecil Montefiore, Mr. & Mrs. Galbraith, Ellie Ritchie & Mrs. Molesworth called. Bee with awful cold. Lin, Maud & self to see “Madame sans Gène” at Lyceum, felt sleepy. Ottie also called. Wednesday 16 March Lady Margaret to tea. Did not come. Out shops morg. alone. At 2.30 with Maud about her nightdresses, one lost by Carter Patterson, to leave patterns M.Young, to Andre Hugo, hair, & to enquire for Fritz. House let. Bee in bed all day with cold. Lennie to supper. Dr O. to see Maud about spots on her forehead. Thursday 17 March Teas at Mrs. Macnaught, Mrs. Parish, Lady Flower. Out all morg. with Maud, Swears & Wells. Ordered 12 hand’s at Dickens & Jones & to see silks. Nearly dead Maud so slow choosing. At 4 o’c to Mrs. Parish, Mrs. Macnaught & Mrs. Snaggs, most charming cultured woman & so picturesque, girls v. pretty. Quiet evg. alone. Friday 18 March Maud dines at the Messels. Lovely day. In all morg. Bee & self on foot to Lady Weston’s saw her lovely pictures & had tea there. To Palace Hotel, Mrs. Eykyns, Mrs. Woods, to Mrs. Jones stayed some time. Quiet evg. Saturday 19 March Mrs. F. Cowen’s 9 o’c, (illeg) House, 73 Hamilton Ter. Roy returns home for Vac, comes Tuesday instead on ac’t of Exam. I shop’d alone morg. Bee & Maud (blank). We all went to see “A Brace of Partridges” at Garrick, matinée, v. amusing farce. Maud & Lennie dined at Mr. Fleishman’s Willis Rooms, & on after to Mr. & Mrs. Vertheimer’s at Long’s Hotel. Lin, Bee & self quiet evg. here. Lennie took & fetched Maud. Sunday 20 March Mr. Macmillan dines here 8 o’c, & Sir Norman Lockyer. Bee, self & Maud for walk round Pond. Lennie lunched here. Lin to Calais. Roy arrived just after luncheon, with dog! Mr. & Mrs. Jertheimer, Mr. Henning, Mr. Ryle & Hilda who returned at 5.30 with Mr. & Mrs. Messel fr. abroad. Monday 21 March Out morg. Bee & Maud out shop’g. I alone to Stores for Maud’s bag. Maids (illeg) etc. Ordered fish, & Nash about blind which was badly mended, will not come


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 down. Before it would not go up. British workman! Maud dined at the Messels. Did not go. Tuesday 22 March Out at 10.30 with Maud, last things. Neither Young nor Swears & Wells ready. Flowers Street’s 2/-. Mrs. Dent, Wirgman, Wallace, Miss Clifford, May Nembhard & Midge called. Lin for long cycle ride. Lennie to dinner. 6 lovely presents, fr. Aird gold goblet, Len’s partners lovely silver bowl, Maynes silver spoon, Wirgmans satin cushion, May silver (illeg), Watney (illeg). Wednesday 23 March Saw Mon. Boudface(?) orchestra conductor. Man fr. Stores about invites. Bee, Roy, Maud & self dine at Midge’s 7.30. Wet dull day, in all morg. writing. Mr. Holland & Effie called. Effie gave Maud ivory & silver paper knife. I went alone to Mrs. Messel’s, saw Ruth & Hilda. V. cheery dinner at Midge’s. Thursday 24 March Mrs. Morton Lathom’s musical at home 9.30. In all morg. writing. Bee & Maud to Swears & Wells. At 4 o‘c Maud & self to Ratcliffe’s with red silk to be made. Left cards at Mrs. Corbett’s & had tea at the Messels. Saw them all. Roy & Lennie there. Lennie dined here, looked a wreck. Friday 25 March Mrs. Levy’s 4.30, 55 Cheniston Mans. Perfectly awful day snow & wind. X. Petit ami. Bee to see Canon Pennefather for me 2.15. Arranged with him about choir & hymns & surplices. Quiet evening alone here. Saturday 26 March Mrs. W. Crane 9.0. Boat race fr. Mrs. Donaldsons. Jack Hunter’s pictures 3 Pembroke Studios. Mr Ryle pictures 2.30 to 6.30. Awful day bitterly cold, sleet, snow & piercing wind. Lin v. late with work but went with Roy to see race. Cambridge not in it, Oxford won by 14 lengths. Both boats filled with water fr. the start. Cantabs quite done up, young Goldie rowing in Cantab boat. Lennie to dinner looks fearfuly seedy & quite green. Did our invitations until nearly 12 o’c, felt dead. Sunday 27 March Maud & Lennie lunch at Mrs. Geilgud’s (Adam). Not quite so cold but wet & damp. Lin & Roy here for luncheon, fuss about wine. Lin to Athenaeum, met Mr Weigal. Mr Rooth called & was most entertaining for 1½ hours. Mr Johnstone also but looked repulsive poor fellow. Lennie dined here, did invites after. M. & Lennie to Studios. Monday 28 March In bed till 12 o’c. Writing all morg. Bee in my room. Ap’t with Maud at Mrs. Young’s 3 o’c. Called on Mrs. Nembhard, E. Pollock, Mrs. Tweedie, Hankey & Barkers. Lennie dined here. V. bad news of Apple Elliot. Tuesday 29 March Sidney Cotton’s marriage with Miss Reed 2.30 at Christchurch Mayfair & 46 Hereford St after. Maud & Bee to Swears & Wells. V. dull wedding at Church but pleasant meeting friends at their House. Mrs. & Miss Sutton, Mrs. & Effie Twiss, Mabel Wallace, young Messel & Hilda called. Lin, Roy, Maud, Bee & self to see “Trelawny of the Wells” Court Theatre.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 30 March Fog, fine later. Maud to lunch Messels, tea at Mr Hood’s with Lennie & dines at the Messels. Vy bad news of Mrs. Elliot. Lin vy. pleased with £150 allotment in Lipton’s ordinary. Went at 4 o’c with M. & Bee to Sloane St, met Mrs. de la Rue & on to Mr. Hood’s studio. Met Lennie there & Mabel W. Len brought M. here & took her on. Roy to theatre. Thursday 31 March Alone to see Edgar & Sophy, met Dietzs threre. M. & Bee out morg. M. fitted here with tailor mades. Wire fr. Lennie saying he would dine here. I went alone to see E. & Sophy. Maud & self to Miss Radcliffe’s & I on to stores. Apr 1898 Friday 1 April Mrs. Walter Crane 4.30. Morg. wrote & paid Maud’s bills at Barkers, Pontings & Miss Thorpe’s. Presents arriving en masse. Bee out all day at the Rooths. At 3 o’c with Maud to Radcliffe’s & stores. Lin dining with Mr Marshall Hall. X. Poor little Apple Elliot née Sington died. Saturday 2 April Mr. F. Cowens 9 0. Mrs. Boughton, pictures. Private View Goodalls, Mr. F. Cowen’s 9.0. Mrs. G. Tate’s dinner 8 o’c for Lin & self. Bee did me sleeves. Maud & self to Mrs. Young, M. tried her wedding dress. Bee, Roy, M. Lin & self to matinée of “Little Minister” at Haymarket most charming little play. V. charming dinner at the Tates. Violets & white lilac. Mr Clerihugh took me in. Sir Charles & Lady Lawson, Fildes, Boughtons etc there. Home late. Sunday 3 April Mrs. Goodall’s at home. Bee & self for walk. Lin & Roy to Calais. Maud & Lennie for walk. Sophy & Lennie to lunch here. Maud & Lennie in coupé to Kew. Mr Wolff, Mr Marriott, Mr Fife & Blanche Cole called. Lennie dined here. Monday 4 April Young at 4 o’c. Chose blue dress. Maud & self to Young’s, Smith’s, Harford’s, Sansom. Ordered 2 blouses there. Mrs. Cameron Corbett’s, Miss Clarke’s. Ordered flowers for Apple Sington. Lennie & Harold Messel to dinner 8 o’c. Bright boy H. Tuesday 5 April Mrs. Comyn Carr’s at home 4 - 7. Poor little Apple Elliot’s funeral. Out morg. alone shop’g. Bee & Maud out in carriage. Mrs. Bosanquet & (illeg), Mr Hartree, Mabel W, Lady Lawson, Mrs. Nembhard & May, Alice Farquhar & child, Lady Flower & dau, Grace Fraser, Miss Phillips. Bee v. seedy with cold. Roy dined out. Lin to Punch dinner. Wednesday 6 April Ratcliffe 11.30. Young at 4 o’c, postponed to next Wed. Went with Maud to Ratcliffe. Bee left by 2.30 train. Roy went to Nymans. Lennie dined here & brought numbers of presents fr. Westbourne Terrace. Maud & self to stores at 4. Saw boxes, liked none. Edie Sismey called. Thursday 7 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. In all morg. writing. Lin to Guildford with Mr. Roger Wallace on motor. Wire fr. him during dinner, enjoyed it immensely. At 3 o’c with Maud to see bridesmaids hat. To Libertys & Marshalls & Barkers about boxes & silk for M’s hat. Cosy little dinner Maud & self alone & long busy evening. 3 more presents. Friday 8 April Maudie slept with me. Had wire fr. Lin last night had arrived Guilford & had most enjoyable time, today to Winchester. Maud & Winnie to Church. M. & self did presents. Most glorious day like summer & brilliant sunshine. Lin arrived at 1 o’c at night, M. in my bed! Felt awfully tired & acute rheumatism thro’ getting hot during day. Saturday 9 April Roy returned fr. Nymans. Lin v. angry. Harold wired to ask him to return if no urgent ap’t here. Out with Maud at 11 o’c to Peter Robinson’s to buy or order white silk shirt, & do household shopping. Lin to Club wrote letters, & found his silver cigarette case at Bath Club, left it there on Tuesday. Roy to his club to play tennis. Maudie & I sat all afternoon in schoolroom working. Ellis answered vy rudely at dinner about vy simple question I asked her. Sunday 10 April Quiet peaceful day. Lin to Club. Maud to Church. Roy to Club. Quiet afternoon no one called. Monday 11 April Lovely day. Mrs. Fryer sent for things to clean for Maud. V. quiet delightful day. Lin out & Maud & self alone. Called on Mrs. Cole & stayed some time. Tuesday 12 April Mrs. Young 12 o’c. Was fitted. To Swears & Wells, hopeless failure M’s white dress another to be made. Flowers Barkers 1/4. Lin out all afternoon. Only Blanche Cole called. Had awful gout. Bates came to see me. Lin, Roy & self to dinner alone, Maud to Oppenheimers with Lennie. Wednesday 13 April Maud to Mrs. Young to try wedding giwn, going away dress, & my gown. To Swears & Wells awful bother neither ready & had to wait about. Lennie to dinner, brought quantities of presents fr. Westbourne Ter. Roy v. rude at breakfast & dinner. Thursday 14 April Wedding at Palace Hotel, 12 o’c to see arrangements. Drove with Maud after shop’g. Home dead tired. Lennie dined here. Roy went to “Pyt” with Tabbie who came up for day. Friday 15 April Mrs. Bergheim’s dinner for Lin, self Maud & Lennie. Mrs. Spender 4.30 to tea. Ap’t 10 o’c Mr. Herbert. Had to wire Mrs. B cannot go tonight had no sleep & feel a wreck. Took Maud to dentist. To Woollands after chose hats. Paid £1.1.0 M’s photos Naudins. Paid Maud £6.0.0 for her hats. Maud to Ratcliffe after luncheon. All jewellery presents today! Maud & Lin to dinner. Saturday 16 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Went alone at ¼ to 10 to see Miss Calthrop about flowers, & Mr Brewer etc. Did flowers & went with Maud at 11.30 shop’g. In all afternoon. Quiet evening & to bed early. Sunday 17 April Lovely day. M. to early service. Lin to Calais! Maud & self for walk. Mr Bret Harte called & stayed some time. Quiet evening. Bates called. Monday 18 April Lennie came to dinner. X. Took Maud to Mr. Hartley dentist 12 o’c. Went first to Church about choral service, M’s boxes Barkers, & to enquire Mrs. Sington. Quantities more presents. Tuesday 19 April X. Petit ami au lit. Lin out after lunch. Mrs. Crane called. Miss Jones, Fanny Barker & Alice. F. brought Maud a charming little white silk tea jacket fr. Paris. Lennie dined here brought more presents, looked v. tired. Wednesday 20 April In bed till 12.30. Maud out. I went to Young’s at 2.30. Maud to dentist, met her at Marshalls, saw her travelling cloak fitted, silk for hat, & met Mrs. M. Stone there. Lennie dined here seemed very tired. Roy returned fr. Tabs, who sent Maud jewelled chain like her own. Many more presents arrived. Thursday 21 April Lennie & Ruth dine here 7.30. Dear Roy returnes to Oxford. Maud to Mrs. Young 10 o’c, final fitting. Maud to Miss Cox’s wedding, fetched her at 4 o’c. Left cards Sybil Grantham, looks charming in her new dress. 4 lovely column candlesticks fr. P.J.Blair & long letter. Mr. M. has doubled Lennie’s income & gave cheque for £500. Friday 22 April Mrs. Levy’s 4.30, 55 Ches. Mans. In bed till 12.30. Massaged instead of Maud who had to go to dentist. At 2.30 to Ratcliffe, to Heaths, frightful bonnet, to Marshalls M’s travelling cloak & veils. Ada Sp. called, worried Lin. Lennie dined here, rooms in awful muddle. Saturday 23 April Private View at New Gallery. Lin to 1st night of Mrs. A. Lewis & Mabel L at (blank). Lennie dining out with Mr. Johnstone & Nipper. Lennie & Mr. J. to supper after at Garrick with Lin. Nana arrives today fr. Bristol. Sunday 24 April Invite to dine Lin, M. & self at Sir Alfred Hickman’s. Mr Gilmer, Miss Burnand & Harold Messel called. Lennie to lunch & tea. V. delightful evg at Sir A. Hickman’s. Monday 25 April V. cold. Lin out all day. To Whiteleys, Heaths. Met Mrs. Messel. Ruth & Mabel to luncheon. Lennie, Hilda called, & Mrs. Messel separately. Tuesday 26 April We all dine at the Messels. Dull & cold. Bee to Stores & Heaths. Dullish dinner at Messels, all most kind but felt tired & done up.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 27 April Dull. Man here all morg. doing presents. Winnie Lockyer to luncheon. Awful day of hard work. Lennie to tea. Tabs with heaps of flowers. Bee & self to Palace Hotel, met Midge & Tabbie. X.Thursday 28 April. X. Darling Maud’s wedding day. Dull wet morg. Maudie fairly cheerful. Pestered by newspaper reporters. Winnie Lockyer here all morg. Lovely basket of flowers all roses just as we were starting. Cleared & sun shone a little. Church v. full, flowers fairly well done. Darling M. looked sweet. Agnes & Nana helped her to dress. Empress rooms charming & all went off splendidly & Maudie v. sweet in her wedding dress & v. brave all bright to the last. 10 to dinner. Hilda, Ruth, Muriel Messel, Dora, Gwen, Mabel Wallace & Maud Hansen walker bridesmaids. Messels & Harold, Mr. Stone & Dora to dinner & all off after to Haymarket Theatre in omnibus. Wire fr. Len & Maud during performance fr. Dover. Dear Roy fr. Oxford at 11 o’c. Friday 29 April V. bad night. Tabs called morg. Wire fr. M. & Lennie. Remained in bed to breakfast. Tabs called morg. looked lovely. More presents arrived. Roy returned to Oxford. Wedding cake arrived. Private View Royal Academy. Saturday 30 April Mrs. Walter Crane 9 o’c. Mr. & Mrs. Mactear’s daughter’s wedding 2.30, St Margaret’s Westminster & Grafton Gallery. Mons. & Madame Bonvoisin’s dance at the Galerie des Champs Elysées. V. jolly wedding & most beautifully done everything fr. church music to music at Grafton Gallery. Great success. Took Bee & Lin met us there. Wire fr. my darling off to Genoa. May 1898 Sunday 1 May Close & stuffy. Evening Sir Alfred Hickman dinner. Lin going, I too tired. Packed cake morg. & wrote letters. Lord Kingsburgh called & remained some time, was most amusing. Quiet dinner Bee & self. Lin forgot latch key & rang & woke me up & c’d not get to sleep again. Monday 2 May Mrs. Boughton, music 5 o’c. Busy morg. shop’g & walked with Bee after turning out school room books. Mrs. Kelly here for day to help with morg. room, 2/8. Called with Bee at Maud’s house. Great progress there, & to Midge’s, rude (illeg). Quiet evg. Letters fr. Lennie, Maudie well, & they had lunched with Miss Rose Innes. Tuesday 3 May Out morg. alone calling. Miss Gill to luncheon, left early. Bee did window flowers for me, all fern cases & staircase. Lin out afternoon. Many callers & Mrs. Messel, Ruth, Edwins, de la Penhas, Hemming, Sansom, Lady Richmond, Clerkes etc. Wednesday 4 May No letter fr. M. or Lennie. Lin v. woried by F.C.B. & hours of work. Nana , Bee & self turning out night nursery. Sp. called at luncheon time. Bee & self at 2.30 to leave cake F.Barker’s. To Mrs. Messel & to National Gallery. Expcted Eff to tea never came. Mrs Messel lent me her letter fr. Lennie.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 5 May Lord Kingsbury dines here at 6.30. Mrs. a’Beckett’s at home 4 - 6.30. Pouring wet afternoon. Rested. Out shop’g morg. Wrote letters. Vy dear letter fr. Maudie. V. jolly dinner & evg. saw “Poupée”. Friday 6 May Out at 11.30 in carriage to M’s house, note to Mrs. Messel. To Bond St about wine. Effie to luncheon. Lin, Bee & self to “Trelawny of the Wells”, Court. Long letter fr. darling Maud, v. v. happy. Saturday 7 May Shop’g morg. Afternoon 4 o’c with Bee to call Lady Pontifex, Lady C. Lawson, Mrs. Warre, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Johnston. Ferguson, Aunt Linda, Mrs. Macquoid, Mrs. Rubens, 9 cakes! Only 2 in. Lin dined at Artists Benevolent & on to Arts & Garrick with Mr. Severn. Bee & self quiet evg to bed 9.30. Sunday 8 May Percy Oakes dines with us alone 8 o’c. Lin to Calais, met heaps of friends. Not a soul called. Monday 9 May Out morg. to stores, rested afternoon. To see “Too much Johnson” evg. Dullish. Tuesday 10 May Lady Cotton’s drawing room tea 4 - 7. I went out shop’g alone. Mary Nicol to luncheon. Bee Lin & self to see “Liars” evg. Lady Bergne, Mrs. Bergheim, Fanny & Alice, Mrs. Ferrers & 2 nieces (com) Mrs. Galbraith, Grace Fraser, Mrs. H. Rooth & Effie Weigall, Mary Farquharson, 12. To “Liars” evg v. good. Saw Mary Nicol, Mrs. Thorneycroft & Ld. C. Beresford. Wednesday 11 May Bee & self walked to Whiteleys & back. Rested after luncheon. At 4 o’c called on Mdes Fildes, Marcus Stone, Gielgud, de la Penhas, Waring, Rhodes, Henderson & Mactear. 10 calls. Long letter fr. darling Maud, one fr. Mervyn. Thursday 12 May Busy morg with books & plants. Vy blowey. At 4 o’c to Midge’s, out, Nana Glous. Terr, Messels out. Lady Seton, in, Mrs. Burnand, Partridge, in. Mrs. a’Beckett Tyrrel & Lady Reed both out. Mrs. Partridge’s house haunted! Cheyne Walk. Leaving it in consequence. Lin dining with Mr. & Mrs. (blank). Rioting in Italy anxious about Maudie. Friday 13 May Mrs. Pitt at home, 34 Ashburn Place. Susie a’ Beckett, Mrs. Johnson Ferguson. Saturday 14 My High Sherrif of Antrim & Mrs. Pirrie’s dinner party at Grand Hotel 8 o’c. Spencer to luncheon. Sir William Agnew called & asked Lin & self to dinner next Thursday 8 o’c. Party of 85 at Mrs. Pirrie. Tremendous affair, extremely well done. Gen. McCalmont took me in, Hon’ble (blank) Leslie antiquated old man on my left side. Met Russells, Websters, Carlisles, Hollands, Bells, etc etc. Mrs Pirrie’s jewels wonderful. Sunday 15 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mr Wolff dines here. Lin with awful cold at top of throat came on suddenly after dinner. Evelyn C. & Midge & D. called. Lin to Calais, Mr. & Mrs. F.C.B. there. Beastly day here. Monday 16 May Lady Armstrong & Mrs. Wirgman at home. Fetch Midge at 4 o’c. Bee leaves. Very jolly afternoon with Midge, saw heaps of friends at W.s & A’s. Called to enquire for Sybil Grantham, & on Mrs. Holland. Left Midge at Cran. Gds. Tuesday May 17 Effie Weigall to lunch & spend afternoon. Morg. to Barkers, Whiteleys etc. Effie W. Mrs. & Mabel Wallace, General Klot(?) Mrs. Youl, Mrs. Kettle, Lady Romer, Mrs. Hankey, Ruth Messel, Mrs. Spofforth, called. Wednesday 18 May Darling letter fr. Maudie. Nana came. Wire fr. Midge canot go to wedding today, Miss Poel. Sp. to luncheon & went with me to stores & make calls. Bought present for Miss Briton Riviere £1.7.6. Thursday 19 May Lin & self dine at Sir William Agnew 8 o’c. Dark dull wretched day. X. Mr. Gladstone died at 5 o’c this morg. Letter fr. Venice fr. darling Maud. Vy good dinner at Sir W’s. Lockett Agnews, Mr. & Mrs. MacKenzie (née Bradley) Morland Agnews, Kinnairds, Farquharsons etc. Pouring wet night. Friday 20 May Mrs. Pitt, 34 Ashburn Place, 4 o’c. Mrs. Sidney Cotton at home 4 - 7, 46 Hertford St Mayfair. Pouring wet all day long. Mad’lle to luncheon. Went at 4 o’c to Ratcliffe, Woolland & Barkers. Had little sleep after lunch & feel better. Saturday 21 May Lady Salisbury’s reception at Foreign Office. Postponed on account of Mr Gladstone’s death. Mr Ryle’s tea party. Met Mr. Hennessy, Mr. Hughes, 2 ladies, 2 other men & Mrs. Reeve, vy amusing as usual. Called on Midge & Mrs. Burnand, out, & sat ½ an hour with the Edwins. Quiet evg. here. Lin out all day. Dined last evg. at 7.30!!! Sunday 22 May Wet morg. Lin to Calais. Lin dines at Reform Club with Mr. Pirrie. I dine alone. No one called. Bright sunny afternoon. X. Ami. Charlie & May Burnand & Winnie Lockyer called. Monday 23 May To tea at Mrs. Wallace’s, & to Ratcliffe. Not ready as usual. Feel awfully bad & slept badly. Letter fr. Maudie v. well & happy. Heron Allens & Montalbas at Venice & they see a good deal of them. Tuesday 24 My Mrs. Macquoid at home 4 - 7. Mr Grossmith. Mrs. de la Rue’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs Sidney Cotton at home 4 - 7. Lady Richmond. Mabel Wallace to tea & dinner. Callers Mdes Braunstein, Geiger & mère, Pirrie & sister, Tate. Lin dined at de la Rues, pleasant dinner. Long letter darling Maudie. Wednesday 25 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Miss Briton Riviere’s wedding, 3 o’c. Mrs. Pickering’s at home, music. Unable to go, too seedy. To Ratcliffe, behind as usual. Lady Lucas & Mrs. Lewis called also Mrs. F. (illeg). To tea Lady Hickman’s. Thursday 26 May Dull day. Called at 4 on Ada Spencer, Nembhard, Temple, Hartree & home. Mons. Bonvoisin called. Stayed so late had to ask him to dinner, stayed till 12 o’c. Cat ran in as Lin let him out! Lady Anne Blunt & Mrs. Flower called. Friday 27 May Mrs. Hennessey at home 65 Harley St. Lin & self to Pyt for few days. Lennie & Maudie to Cadenabbia from Venice. Unable to go till tomorrow Pyt. Saturday 28 May Mr. Gladstone’s funeral at Westminster Abbey 9 o’c am. Lin & self go to Tabbie’s for a few days. Travelled with v. foolish father & two equally foolish daughters. Pyt looking quite lovely with spring foliage. Mr. & Mrs. Shaw Stewart, Mr. Gordon & Mr. Hilton, vicar, dined there & Mr & Mrs. Rooth & Bee the other guests. Vy pleasant evening. Sunday 29 May Lovely morg. Sat out with Bee, Mr. Rooth & Gareth, rest at Church. Lin reading & writing. Rest for long walk after lunch. Music evening. Mrs. R. sang charmingly. Letter fr. Maud, few lines fr. Lennie. Monday 30 May Out walk morg. Fine but cold. At 2.30 Mr. & Mrs. Rooth, Tabs & self to the Pitt Rivers “Rushmore” to see fête at Larmer. Living photos, band, conjurors, ventriloquist etc most extraordinary entertainment. 10 miles drive. Lin & H. to Portsmouth to see yacht “Joyeuse”. V. cheery evg. Songs & stories. Marcia Farquharson here for night. Tuesday 31 May Pouring wet morning. Mr. & Mrs. Rooth left directly after breakfast. In all morg. wrote to condole Mr. Blair & Mrs. B. on Sheriff Blair’s death, & to Midge. Walked after luncheon. Postcard fr. Lennie fr. Verona. Jun 1898 Wednesday 1 June Pouring wet day. Lin & self return home by 4 train. Mrs. Nembhard arriving at 5 at Pyt. Found 2 letters fr. dear M. at Staf. Ter. They leave Cadenabbia today for Paris. Thursday 2 June 1.30 & 4 o’c maids. Fine morg. Ans’d invites & did flowers. Electric light men all over house!!! Called at 4 on Midge, saw H, M, & Dora. Friday 3 June Mr. Hennessey, 65 Harley St 4.30. Mrs. Macqueen at home 4 - 7, take Mabel. Morg. to Hunts by bus, met Mr. Woodruffe. Saw impossible maid. Bought tie Snelgrove’s. Oppenheim 1/-. Large party & “(illeg)’ band Macqueens. Lin dined at Mr G. Armstrong’s. Mabel & self alone here. Saturday 4 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Horrid morg, cleared later. Men pottering with electric light. Lin out all day. Dora comes & remains until Monday. Sunday 5 June Mr. Stone to dinner. Dora & self to Park sat there one hour. Saw Mr. & Mrs. Harvey, Knowles, Willie Buck, Nicols etc. Mr. & Mrs. & Maud Paxton, Miss Rose Innes, Miss Ratcliffe, Tilda, called. Lin to Calais & home punctually 8 o’c. Mr Stone emphatic as usual, see the £2000000 with hungry eyes. Monday 6 June Pouring wet, cleared later. Mad’lle fetched Dora. Out afternoon. Tuesday 7 June Miss Rose Innes to dinner. Lovely day, wonder! To Westbourne Grove morg. Whiteley, called at Glos. Ter. & Midge’s. Miss Tenniel, Mdes Messel, Wheen & dau, Campbell Praed & dau, Tilda, Reeve, Thorneycroft & Nicol etc, & Midge who remained until 7.30, & Mrs. Roger Wallace. Miss Innes stayed till 11.30. Lin for cycle ride. Wednesday 8 June Astronomer Royal Greenwich Observatory 3 to 6. Burlington House 9 o’c. Royal Society. Beastly day v. dark & stuffy. To Barkers ordered blind for top room. Met Mrs. Geiss. Close & stuffy. Thursday 9 June Tea with Mrs. Joachim. In morg. busy. At 3.30 to Harvey & Nicols for curtains, met Tilda. To leave cards Mrs. F. Lucas 13 Southampton Row & to Mrs. Joachim. Met Mrs. du Maurier & Miss Tadema there. Quiet evg. No news fr. Maud, busy doing her rooms & putting away winter things. Friday 10 June Mr. Hennessey at home 65 Harley St. Mrs. Henderson’s dance 10.30. Went to Empire first, Midge & Ham in our box. Missed horse race. V. crowded ball, supper v. late. Saw Mr. Tate, Boughtons, Roger Wallaces etc, & enjoyed the dance fairly well. Saturday 11 June V.busy all morg. preparing Maud & Lennie’s room. Bought 3/- flowers Smith & Larke which died at once. At 4 o’clock broke record of calls in one afternoon, made 17. on Lady Lucas, Fanny Barker, Mrs. du Maurier, May Coles, Mrs. Holmes, Pollock, Tweedie, Wills, Aird, Craigie, Levy, Reynolds, Heyworth Savage, Geiger, Gale, Spofforth, 17, & got some moss roses at Aldous. Lin out all day. He met Dr Robins at Club & Turkish Bath who bothered him. X. Awful bother about 2 boxes carried down which scratched staircase. Sunday 12 June Darling Maud & Lennie return fr. their wedding trip. Dull day. Wrote 11 letters. Lin to meet them at Calais. Only Mr. Lemon called. Darling Maud arrived with Lin & Lennie both looking so well. Lennie much fatter. Monday 13 June Jenny Wilson to dinner & Dr Orton. Lennie & Maud to lunch at the Messels & to see their house. Back at 3.30. Lennie packed & went off at 4.15 to Sussex for


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Volunteering. Maudie & self to call on Lady Anne Blunt, left cards at Lady Lawrence & Mrs. Henderson. Tuesday 14 June Mrs. de la Penha’s dinner 8 o’c. Out at 11 with Maudie to choose chintz, see her house, & flowers. Mdes. Harry Henderson, Mayne & dau, George Bancroft, Rose Innes, Evans, Warre. Very pleasant dinner at de la P’s. Mr. Tuer took me in & sat on left host. V. cold. Geilguds, Tuers etc etc there. Wednesday 15 June Mrs Barker’s dinner & theatre party for Lennie & Maud. Lennie away. Mrs. Rawlinson’s garden party 4 - 7. Maudie out all day & lunched with the Messels. With me to call at 4 on Mrs. Comyns Carr & Mrs. Lindsay Hammond & Mrs. Rawlinson. V. large party. Saw Boughtons, Reeds, Alice Street, Maggie Hadley, Rivieres etc etc. Maudie to Berkeley in Midge’s brougham with Emma. Cold but sunny. Thursday 16 June Lady Weston’s afternoon party 4.30 - 7. All Kensintonians. Mde Oppenheim 1112. Miss Ratcliffe between 12 - 1. By cab 4/-. Called 4 o’c on Mrs. Mackenzie, Davidson, Shermans, Lady Priestley, Pickering. Lady Lockwood & sat with her some time. Dull party Lady W’s, met (illeg) etc Kensingtonians. Friday 17 June Mrs. Tuer’s at home 9.30. Too tired to go. Called Mdes de la Penha, Maclean, McHardy, Thomson, Warre, de la Rue, Kettle. Saturday 18 June Dolly Roberts wedding 1.30. St Mary Abbots. Mrs. Braunstein’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Leonard & Miss H. Thorneycroft 4 - 7, 2a Melbury Rd. Petit ami. Went out shops morg. alone, did flowers & some fr. Tabs. Maud & Lennie to their house, & lunch at Messels. Maud & self to wedding, v. pretty one, St Mary’s. Saw all Weigalls. B. remained with us all the time. Warres, Fildes, Whitworth etc. Len & M. to Ranelagh & dined Westbourne Terrace. We had delightful evg at Mrs. B’s, met Mr. Lionel Phillips (her brother) Mrs. Caird, Sir A. & Lady Hickman, Mr. B(illeg) & Mrs. (blank). V. pleasant evg. Sunday 19 June Lovely day. Maudie to early service, self in bed. Lin, Maud. Lennie to luncheon here. Mr Gilmer, Rubens, Mrs. Roller & Miss Butler called. Lin, Lennie & Maud to Sir A. Hickman’s for dinner. Mr. Douglas Sladen called. Len enjoyed afternoon at H’s. Quiet evg, to bed early. Monday 20 June Mrs. Thorneycroft at home, music, 4.30 to 7.0, In bed all morg. Roy returned fr. Oxford at 4 o’c. Looks fairly well, dark under eyes, too much in theatrical set. V. good singing at Mrs. T’s. Saw Mrs. Kettle, Boteler, Farquharson etc. Bad tea service. Merry little dinner here with all our children! Tuesday 21 June Fanny Barker’s theatre party, dine Berkeley Hotel for Lin & self. Mrs. Johnson Ferguson at home 10 o’c. Mrs. Mellor at home 4.30 to 7. Len & Maud to see Bernhardt in “Dames aux Camelias”. Roy out also. Hosts of people called. Lady Lawrence & dau, Mrs. Messel, Hilda, Bergheim, Evans, Ellie, Wallace, Rose Innes.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 22 June Major Hume Spry’s garden party 4 - 7. Lady Nottage 4 - 7. Mrs. Cameron Corbett’s evg. musical party 10 o’c. Mrs. Spofforth at home 4.30 - 7. Maudie lunches at Mrs. Platt’s, Mrs. G. Pollock. Fetched M. & to Mrs. P’s, Lady N’s, met Ada Sp. Mrs. Cullen & Mrs. O’Gorane & Mrs. Tate & Daisy. Lennie, M. & Roy dined here & they went to Mrs. C’s party, dullish as all (illeg) parties. Thursday 23 June Mrs. Steincopff’s dinner party. Mr. Clerihugh at home 4 - 7 o’c. Mr. Felix Moscheles 9.30. Len & Maud to Mrs. Messel’s dinner party. Roy to Oxford until Saty. V. pleasant afternoon at Mr. C’s. Met Mrs. Turquand, Tate, Harry Henderson, Turner, Peto, Reed etc. V. charming dinner at Mrs. S’s. Sat next to host. Friday 24 June Lady Hardman 4.30. Invite to Sandown fr. Midge, too seedy & too wet & cold. Maud & self to hugely dull weak gathering at Lady H’s, frightful indigestion after poisonous cups of tea. Left M. at Glous. Gds. Quiet evg. at home. Saturday 25 June Mrs. Walter Crane 9 o’c at home. Mrs. Pennefather’s garden party 4 - 7. Unable to go to either, pouring on & off all morg. & cold. Lennie & Maud to Glous. Ter. & lunch at Mrs. M’s. Lin & self alone to see matinée of “Belle of New York”. Roy out to dinner & home v. late. Lennie & Maud dined out went to “Belle of NewYork” evening, saw Roy in stage box with women! Could not recognise him of course. Perhaps Lin will see at last Roy is not the innocent child he seems to think him. Mrs. Fagan called. Sunday 26 June Maud & Lennie on river for day with Mr. Fleischman. Feel too seedy to even walk out. Cold & stormy but no rain. Dora to luncheon. Did not come. Lin to tennis at Lady Hickman’s. Mr. Paxton & Bee Barrs & Miss Rose Innes called. Quiet evg. Len & Maud home v. tired. Monday 27 June Mrs. Harley 4.30 to 7. Ap’t with Dr Landor Brunton 11.30. Maud & Lennie to dine at Mrs. Oakes 8 o’c, farewell dinner to Percy. £2.2.0 Doctor. Miss Innes dined here. V. pleasant party at Mrs. Harley’s, saw Critchett, Boughton, Goodall etc. Allowed from Le Roys for gold locket chain, 2 prs earrings, bracelet, £8.0.0. Tuesday 28 June Bazaar, Punch stall. Mrs. Rubens evg. party & dance 10 o’c. The Astronomer Royal’s Reception 3 to 6 o’c. Lady Quilter’s at home 10 o’c. Lady Priestley 10 o’c. To Woollands morg. Maud to Bazaar alone. Mrs. Macgoram, Mrs. Plath & Miss Thorneycroft, Aunt Linda & Amy, Mr. Sayce, Mr. & Mrs. Grant, Mrs. McQueen & Mary called, de la Penha. Dr O. dined here. Len & M. to Rubens, Roy & Lin to Quilters & Priestley. Wednesday 29 June Bazaar, Punch stall. Lady Priestley 10 o’c. Mrs. Lawrence dance 9 o’c. Lennie & Maud dine Mrs. Mocatta. With Maud in cab to Young, Marshalls, Whiteleys, & order brushes. At 3 .30 alone to Bazaar awfully crowded. Met many friends & the Nembhards. Bought 21/- frame fr. Punch stall. Called after on Mrs. Welby, saw her, Col. Welby & Lady Ramsey. Roy & self alone. Emily out.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 30 June Mr. Hartree O. & C. match Lords. Lady Hickman 4 - 7. Lin, Roy & I dine at Mrs. Oakes, Lennie & Maud here alone. Lawrences, Newman, Sir W. Vincent, Pitts etc. Pleasant day but v. tired. To Lady H. after, saw Mr. Grossmith etc there. Large din. of 23 at Mrs. O’s, sat next to Percy & Mr. Douglas Hardy. V. pleasant dinner. Mrs. Harvey there. Sat at luncheon between Sir Trevor Lawrence & Sir William Vincent of Biarritz. Jul 1898 Friday 1 July Mr. Hartree O. & C. match Lords. Went with Maud at 1.30. Roy early. Lady L, Mrs. Mocatta etc there. 3 long tables full as usual. Lovely day, v. hot & sunny. Suttons have carriage next to Mr. H’s, Tates there. Saw Mr. Booth & many others we know. Ruth & Hilda to tea at Lady Lawrence’s. Lennie & Maud to dine at Mrs. Lindo’s. Mrs. Mocatta asked Lin & self to Eton & Harrow next week. Saturday 2 July Mr. Hartree O. & C. match Lords. Miss Holland’s charity fête in her garden Niddry Lodge. Lin, Roy, M. self to Lords arrived 2 o’c & found all over. Big luncheon party as usual. Left after for Maud’s house, Ruth & Mr. Marriott there, & had tea there, Nana serving. House looked v. nice. Maud Lennie & Roy to Court Theatre after dinner. Lin & self quiet evening alone. Bought flowers 2/- Butts, v. dear, & Lin 2 bad lobsters also 2/-. Sunday 3 July Lovely day. Roy & Lin to Calais by early boat. Lennie & Maud to their house 11 o’c. Ruth M. to dinner 8 o’c. Edgar called morg, w’d not stay. Lennie & M. back to luncheon, & to Mrs. Sington & Stones & Fildes after. Dora, Effie, Con, Mrs. McHardy called. Quiet evg. only Ruth here, Len, Maud, Lin, Roy & self. Monday 4 July Tea with Mrs. Fagan, Hotel Cecil. Apt 3.15 Mrs. Turner, 22 Queens Gardens. To Mrs. T’s, to Midge, saw her & Con, to change sunshade, cards to Lady Quilter, Lady Priestley, Lady Lawrence & Warres, saw B. Weigall. Tuesday 5 July Mrs. Bradbury’s garden party. Mrs. Messel at home 10 o’c. Miss Noots to luncheon. Academy Soirée. Out morg. shops. Linley & Roy to Henley. Mrs. Palgrave Simpson, Mrs. Pitt, Mrs. & Miss Rhodes, Col. & Mrs. Welby called. Saw little parlour maid. Sunday objection. Wednesday 6 July Mrs. Comyns Carr, Mrs. Anderson Critchett 4 - 7. Mons. Maurice Tarkoa & Hungarian Band. Elsie Hanson Walker’s wedding, 2.40 St George’s Hanover Sqre. Mrs. Comyns Carr 4 - 7. Mrs. Jopling Rowe 3.30 to 6.30. 7.30 to fetch Tilda 13 Belgrave Sqre. Enjoyed opera “Tanhauser” with Van Dyke, Plonson & Mde. Saville. V. pretty wedding. Thursday 7 July Mrs. Silver’s 4 - 7. Maud & Len to Henley with Mr. Marriott, or he with them. Roy with Mr. Hemmings party at Henley. Out morg. shop’g. Called at 4 Prices about bedstead, Marshalls, Edgar gone, Steincopffs out, Redmayne, Hartree out, Johnson Ferguson, & Barkers. Sp. called. Quiet evg. Lin & self enjoyed it alone. Roy Lennie & Maud in late, enjoyed their day. Eton won.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 8 July Mrs. Harvey’s dance 10.30. Mrs. Ritchie’s at home 4 - 7, Hungarian band. Maud & Lennie to dine Mrs. Tweedie’s. V. lively day at Lords. Sat on Henderson’s dray. Mr. Bainbridge came up too. Roy lunched with a friend. Lin Roy & I dined alone. Eton played badly. Saturday 9 July Mrs. Briton Riviere’s at home 4 o’c, tennis. Mrs. Riviere’s tennis 4 o’c. Lennie & Maud & Roy dine with Rose Innes at the Bristol & go to Gaiety Girl “Runaway Girl” after. V. cold day. Lin, M. & self to Lords at 1 o’clock. Roy lunched at Lady Ingrams. Roy, Len & Maud left Lords early to dine with Miss Innes. After theatre they supped at Trocadero. Piece not good “Runaway Girl” Gaiety. Met Col. Wing etc, Mr. Howe & usual Hartree Mocatta party. Lennie arrived after luncheon. Dora came to us for tea & we took her home. Harrow won. Sunday 10 July Cold but fine. Len & Maud to Church. Saw Midge & Effie. Lin & Roy to Calais. Len & Maud with me for luncheon & to their house after but home to tea. Not a soul called. Monday 11 July Dinner of 10 here. Mr. & Mrs. Braunstein, Sir Henry & Lady Bergne, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Wallace, Mr. & Mrs. Fagan. 10. Mrs. Turquand in Lady B’s place. Maud & Len dine Lady Lawrence. Dullish dinner, Mrs. Fagan not pleased with Mrs. Turquand, cool! All stayed till 12 o’clock. Tuesday 12 July Mrs. Hankey 4.30 to 6.30. Lin’s men’s dinner here. Len & Maud dine Mr. Hemming. Mr. F.C. Burnand, Col Wingate, Lucy, Messel, Marcus Stone, Lin, Roy, Mr. Schomberg Macdonnell. V. succesful dinner, but too many to help, 2 men & Mrs. Kelly. Everything finished, fruit & all. Wednesday 13 June To “Cyrano de Bergerac” with Lennie & Maud. App’t Mlle Op. 11 o’c. Mrs. Jones at home 13th July. Out morg. to Bocquet’s, Oppenheim, Marshalls. Rested after luncheon. V. delightful evg. enjoyed piece immensely. Saw Cap’t Ashton & Miss A, Maud introduced me, & Mr. Lucy. Lennie with stiff neck. Thursday 14 July Letter fr. Col.Welby announcing his mother in law’s death. Len & Maud dine. Mrs. Bergheim 4 - 7. Went with Maud to Young, Sybile, & Morris in cab. At 3.30 to Mr. Ritchie’s wedding, de Vere Gds. Saw Temples & Lucy. Called Mrs. Harvey & Mrs. Twiss. Dull large party. Saw Mrs. Allen, Mr. Kinsley, Hastings!!! To Maudie’s house. Roy v. rude at dinner. Friday 15 July Lady Hardman 4.30. Mrs. Allen 4 - 7. Roy v. rude at breakfast, upset Maudie. Pity Lin does not stop him at once. Made me v. unhappy. Lennie, Roy, Maud & self to dinner alone. Quiet evg. & bed early. Met Mrs. Threlfall, Turquand, Wirgmann etc at Allen, v. charming house. Saturday 16 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Briton Riviere 4 o’c. Mrs. Welby’s dinner 8 o’c. Put off an account of sudden death of Mrs. Copland Griffiths. Darling Maud & Lennie to Nymans by 4.30 train. Kerby M’s parlourmaid here all day helping to pack hers & Lennie’s things. Seems a most capable person with wits about her, hope it will last. At 4.30 to call on Midge, at races, Aunt Linda, out, to Mrs. Welby to enquire & Mrs. P. Agnew to enquire. With Lin & Roy to Ex. Up in wheel & down switchback!!! to please Lin. Met Reeds. Had risky cab & walked part of way there. Sunday 17 July Heavenly summer day. Lin & Roy to Sir Alfred Hickman’s. Miss Rose Innes called & remained to dinner. Stayed until 12 o’c. V. tired. Maudie at Nymans, returnes tomorrow to lunch here, & then to sleep for 1 st time at her own house. Monday 18 July Ap’t between 12 & 4 o’clock here. Saw v. pretty french girl, lived with Mrs. Critchett. Maudie lunched here, brought roses fr. Nymans. Took her to Glouc. Ter. at 5.30. Saw Lennie & his cousin. House looking v. nice. Tuesday 19 July Maud & Len at Mrs. Heron Allen’s. Lin & self lunch at Mrs. Lucy’s 1.30 sharp. Maudie happy in her new house. Sat between Lord Wenlock & Mr. Drage. V. pleasant lunch. 16 to lunch. Mr. D, Mr. & Mrs. Woodall, Miss Thomson, Ian Maclaren etc. Mrs. Braunstein, Miss Innes & Maudie & Mrs. Terrell called. Ham & Midge to dinner. Wednesday 20 July Mr. Bainbridge’s marriage with Miss Merryweather, St Margarets Westminster. X. Unable to go. Darling M. lunched here & went with Lin. Recep. Grafton Gal. Came here after. Lennie & M. dine at Ranelagh with Mr. Hemming. Roy & self alone to dinner. Thursday 21 July Lord Tweedmouth called to see Lin about Gladstone Memorial & asked Lin to go to stay a few days in Scotland with him, Beauly. I had lunch with Maud 2 o’c. Friday 22 July Litle Miss Peachy came to massage me. X. To lunch with Maudie. All her presents unpacked. Sent some back to Whiteleys. Stayed & had tea with her, all v. nicely done. Lin Roy & self alone to dinner. Mr. Weld Blundell called, asked Lin to dinner Wed. Maud to Palace & dined at Prince’s. Saturday 23 July Mrs. Briton Riviere’s 4 o’c. Lady Anne Blunt luncheon at Crabbet Park, 1 o’c. Lady Salisbury’s Garden Party Hatfield 4 - 7. To seedy to go to any. Lin & Roy to breakfast with Maud & Lennie 9 o’c. X. Miss Peachy for massage. Lin & Roy to Lady Salisbury’s Garden Party. Lin dined after with Lord Mayor. I took Lin’s box to Garrick, met Mrs. Finlay. To flower shop & to Ada Sp’s, out, on to see Maudie. Very seedy with chill unable to go to Mr. Hill’s, Lennie v. worried about her. Roy & self drove alone. Sunday 24 July Miss Peachy here at 10 o’c. Went at 1.15 to dear Maud’s. Lunched & spent v. happy day with her & Lennie, found her much better. Drove to Lady Hickman 7


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 o’c found Roy & Lin still playing tennis there. Had long talk with Lady H. Home to 8.30 dinner. Roy rude as usual & Linley indifferent to it. Monday 25 July Hen luncheon party at Mrs. Macnaught’s. 1.30. V. delightful. Met v. interesting women & Mrs. Threlfall & her niece Miss Richards. To Miss Thomson after, sat some time there & to Maud’s, took her to Whiteleys & home again. Roy, Mr. Hemming & Mr. Stewart dine with Maud. Lin & self to Guild Hall recep saw Mr. Yorke & lovely girl. Pictures charming. Corot, Greuze, Watteau, Courtois(?) Bougerau(?), Millet, Bastien Lepage etc. Tuesday 26 July Roy, Lin & I dine with Maudie. In all day doing wardrobes etc. Very good dinner at Maudie’s wonderfully well waited on & served. Their boiler went wrong just an hour before we arrived but they managed so that no one c’d have told. 9 courses & all served by one maid. Wednesday 27 July App’t 5 - 6 Roy’s clothes. Did not select & this woman coming tomorrow. 6.30 to 7.0 massage. Went at 2.30 to Bank. Purchased £400 Midland def Rly stock at 92¼ with part money fr. sale of Chatham 2nd pref. Peter Robinsons, Stehrs, Midge’s, in bed with cold. Dear Maudie & Lennie to Nymans. Heavy thunderstorm. Thursday 28 July. Kilburn Home calling. Mrs. Hooper calling 11 o’c about Roy’s clothes. £1.19.3. Rest to Con & Geof Blair. Roy to Nymans, Lennie & Maud went yesterday. Friday 29 July V. busy. To order gown at Smythes by cab there & back. Packed. Saturday 30 July Lin & self to Metropole Hotel Folkestone. V. large v. full. Not anyone we know but Mr. Foster & Mr. Clerihugh, last in company with Lady ? & another. Sat & talked to Mr. Gage & his mother after dinner. V. interesting old lady & knows many of our friends. She has 2 houses in Folkestone, wishes to sell one. Nana arrived to be with Emily during Emma’s absence, fortnight. Books heavy. Sunday 31 July Lovely day. Walked directly after breakfast to harbour, took boat to Boulogne. Met H.Dickens who sat all time crossing with us, & Leslie Ward. Lunched alone at Buffet & to Cathedral & in electric tram to Casino. Sat 2 hrs on shore. Bonvoisin met us later. Dined with Leslie Ward at Hotel de Paris, v. jolly. Met Roger Wallace returning & sat with him & L.Ward & Lin all way crossing. Cab to Hotel & bed. V. happy day. Aug 1898 Monday 1 August Lovely day. Sat & listened to Band. Slept one hour after lunch. Generally quiet day. Talked some time with Mr. Clerihugh on lawn. Watched dancing evg. at Hotel & to bed. Tuesday 2 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Went at 10.11 fr. Central Sta with Lin to Dover took 11 0’c boat to Calais. Met Miss & Lady Jane Taylor, Mr. Gage, Bonvoisin & Dr Anderson who married Lady Agnes S. dau of Duke of B. Lady T. & Miss T. lunched at our table, Calais. Sat on sands & ret’d by 4 o’c boat. Quiet dinner & evg. Letter fr. Maudie. Wednesday 3 August Lin went up by 4 train. Morg. blew hard Lin & self to see Folkestone boat go out. Horrid wind. Sat on terrace, much blown about. Thursday 4 August Still v. blowey. Mrs. Hensman called & I walked to tram with her. Lonely lunch. Mrs. Gage called with Miss Peel, v. pretty girl. Mrs. G. most entertaining & theatrical. Letter fr. dear Maud. Friday 5 August Letters fr. Lin & Maudie & Midge. Darling Maud’s birthday. Lin came down at 11 P.M. Long ac’t fr. Nana to Lin about Emilie having housemaids knees, usual wet blanket Nana, will never have her again. V. foolish to try it. Talked to Manchester lady after dinner. Saturday 6 August Rain, blowing. Went with Mrs. Gage morg. & was vastly interested in her ac’t of her courtship with Mr. Lysart saw her dau. & heard all the family history in real dramatic style. Nevertheless feel greatly interested in her, distinctly different to any woman I have ever met. Letter fr. darling Maud. Lin wrote all morg. We walked to see Boulogne boat in after luncheon. Met Sir Blundel Maple he says Mr Bainbridge has laid himself out a nice task with Miss Merryweather, a wild headstrong girl. Her mother married 2 brothers & she is dau. of the first husband. Perfect hurricane of rain & wind, Lin’s bicycle injured. Sunday 7 August Wet cold blowey morg. Letter fr. Mrs. J. Ferguson giving us choice of 2 house parties to choose from. Too dreadful weather to attampt our proposed luncheon at Mrs. Lucy’s. Read Lin Mrs. Gage’s diary of yachting trip to Norway, & her sons letters fr. Uganda. Lin & self to Hythe in tram & back after 3 minutes stay. Sat out after dinner, cold, windy. Monday 8 August Very wet & dull, warmer & less wind. Mrs. Berny Yeo lunched at our table, do not care for her at all, lacks tone & manners. Talked with Mr. Foster, fairly amusing. Walked with Lin on Leas saw pony & cart run away down the steep Harbour Hill, fortunately no one hurt, turned over another cart. Read to Lin while he worked. Tuesday 9 August Lovely day. Went over to Boulogne, Battle of Flowers there & awful crowd on Steamer. Saw Santley & long talk with him & strange gentleman who sat & talked to us confidentially. Changed steamer at B. & ret’nd at once. Lunched below in dark salon & felt stuffy. Saw Mr. Pat Blair! & talked to him!! V. rough returning, most women ill, felt headachey. Om. to Hotel & tea. Sat out evg. Wednesday 10 August V. rough day. Walked into town, bought some chemisty things. Thursday 11 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Invite to luncheon party at Mr. Hartree’s! Lovely day, almost first day of summer. Walked with Lin into Folkestone. V. hot. Talked to 2 vy nice ladies on the Harbour Hill. Told me most of the land here belongs to Lord Radnor who was Lord Folkestone. Quiet dinner, no band Parade as Hotel off night. Lin went up by late boat train. Babbling Brooks lady spoke to me, she knows Lord Radnor well & was v. interesting to talk to. Dr & Mrs. Burney Yeo went up in lift & spoke. Met Mrs. Waring & Mrs. Hammond, most amiable latter. Friday 12 August Lovely day. Letter fr. Mr. Blair. Walked & bought ink. Sat & listened to Band Parade v. good. Met Mr. Burney Yeo. Pd. for silver box & ivory. Feel perfectly dead tired. Slept after luncheon but felt awfully tired after. Botle of Mierstein evg. at dinner. Saturday 13 August Lin goes to Mr. Wolff, Ballechin, Perthshire by night mail. Had 2 letters from him!!! None from Maud either yesterday or today. My feet awfully tender & painful. Walked into Folkestone with Mrs. Berney Yeo & called on Mrs. Critchett, out. Saw him with the 2 little girls walking. Sat & listened to Band with Mrs. B.Y. Find her vy childish & uninteresting & gauche generally. Sat out in garden after dinner. Wrote to Lin, Maud & Mr. Blair. Sunday 14 August Lunch at Mrs. Lucy’s 1.30. V. hot day. 2 letters fr. Lin. Went in charabang. Charmingly pretty house the Lucy’s. Lunch & tea there. Mrs. L. v. nice & the sister Miss L. Mr. L. kind but odd as usual, stunted little nature. Home in time to dress for dinner. Sat out, band & piano on Hall steps. Manchester lady came & talked but felt v. lonely. Monday 15 August V. hot. Invite to dine Wed at Mrs. Critchett’s. Called to leave affirmative answer & saw her, just as pretty & sweet as ever. Bowed to mysterious Babbling Brook lady. Comedy with our waiter. Sup’d to be turned off by head waiter but was again visible at luncheon. 4th day no letter fr. Maud. Tuesday 16 August X. Ami due. (l’après midi). Lovely day. Long letter fr. dear Maud, the 5 th day (illeg). Lennie v. seedy indeed, going to London to see a doctor, nerves! Last evg. had long talk with Mr. & Mrs. Lucas (Lucas & Aird) Mrs. C. Lucas (Mr. Rooth’s friend & sister in law of these has left her husband & 2 children! Had long talk with Louis(?) Weigal who is here with his brother playing for Kent at Hythe. Had tea with Mr. & Mrs. Lucas in their room, unable to walk with them. X. ami. To bed early, long letter fr. Lin. Wednesday 17 August In bed to breakfast. Unable to dine at Mrs. Critchett’s, wrote at 8 o’c to tell her, v. sorry. Got up at 5, down at 6 evg. Talked to dull Mrs. Pitt Taylor dogmatic person like Edgar & saw Mr Berny Yeo, his wife seedy too. Sat out after dinner & to bed early. Long letter fr. Lin not sleeping well at Mr. Wolff’s. Thursday 18 August Bright but v. blowey warm wind. Short letter fr. Maudie, seedy poor child. Sat out entire afternoon. Spoke to old lady & gentleman most uninteresting. Dr & Mrs. Berney Yeo left & host of others, their rooms filled at once. Feel better for rest & air tho’ lonely downstairs except when alone.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 19 August Dear Roy’s 20th birthday. Sent him £3.0.0. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Lin still unable to sleep after 2 o’c! Returns D.V. Sunday. Sat all afternoon with Mr. & Mrs. Coake, Norfolk people, know Airds, Sir T. Lucas, etc. To bed early. Spoke to lady like Winnie Jackson, going to India in 3 weeks with her husband. Saturday 20 August Lovely morning, v. hot, no wind. Letters fr Maud, Conrad, Mr. Blair. Down at 12.30. Met Mrs. Burnand, Mr. F.C.B, Wilfred, Winnie & Mr. Lindley in Hall. Lunched with them. Think Mr. Burnand looking much older & v. depressed, his old genial ways gone. They left at 4. for Boulogne returning Monday. Some fête at Boulogne tomorrow. Sat until dinner with Mr. & Mrs. Croakes, or Coakes, interesting old gentleman, explained difference between Def. & pref stocks. Came & sat after dinner on steps , asked me to sit with them but prefer outside. Mr. Haines & wife spoke, know Sp. Mrs. H. Lizzie Beckers’ half sister!!! Wonder how they know us. Seem common people but rich. Sunday 21 August Lin returns fr. Mr. Wolff’s. Sat with Mr. & Mrs. Coakes & Mr. & Mrs. Clementson all afternoon & well entertained. Lin arrived 4 o’c looks extremely well & better generally for his holiday. Sat out evg. together & enjoyed it muchly. Saw wonderful Meteor! Monday 22 August Sat out with Mr. & Mrs. Coates, Mrs. Cristo Johnson all morg. Called afternoon luncheon on Mrs. Waring while Lin went to met boat & Mr. Burnand & party & Mr. Blair who came to see & to dinner at Hotel with us. Asked several times after Maud & we were v. glad to see him. He left at 9.5. Spoke to Mrs. Taylor & her v. pretty dau. Wonderfully handsome family all round. Tuesday 23 August Cooler & cloudy. Letters fr. Midge, Susie a’B & Maud. Walked to end of Leas with Lin. Called on Mrs. Critchett & had drive with Mrs. Dumphie her mother. Saw young Mrs. D. her dau-in-law. Talked to Mr. Coakes & walked with Lin before dinner. Mr. C. came & talked to us after. V. hot. Wednesday 24 August Dickie & self left by 4 o’c, boat train.Left my feather Boa !!! too too stupid of me. Mrs. Lucas asked me to tea. Thursday 25 August Remained on another night with Lin at Sta. Ter. Maudie to luncheon. With her to tea at Glouc. Ter, only Nana & her little cook there. Saw Lennie, looks pale. Many more wires & changes fr. Weld Blundell. Quiet evg. at home. Emily v. poor servant. Friday 26 August Sp. called. Lin goes to Scotland tonight. I came to Con’s by 3.55 train. Met Mr. & Mrs. Morton Lucas at Vic. Sta. with Mr. Charles Lucas & his 2 boys. Con met me at Fittleworth looks v. well. Maudie & Nana to luncheon. To Smythe’s morg. ordered dress. Saturday 27 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Blowing & raining hard. Cleared evg. Lin arrived at 4.30 at Mr. Roger Wallace’s G.C. Aberchalder, Invernesshire. Had wire fr. him. Fine evg. but v. windy. Country looking lovely. Sunday 28 August Sat out morg. Wrote, read, talked. Had lovely walk with Con after tea thro’ park of Coates Common, watched 2 ants! & gathered quantity of nuts. Miss Rose, Miss Millican & Effie went on River. Quiet evg. Monday 29 August Walked. Fine. Effie for cycle ride with Mrs. Jephson & Miss Rose morg. Did good deal of work & read. Letter fr. Lin. Maudie & Lennie go to Mr. Hills for a week in Kent, left Nymans this morning. Tuesday 30 August Lovely day. Sat out, wrote etc. Went with Eff & Miss Millican to Mrs. Hayward Johnstone’s garden party. Saw Sir W. Lady & Miss Priestley there. Mrs. Jephson & Miss Rose etc. Went in wagonette & back in brougham, Con on cycle. Band, cocoa shies etc. Garden untidy I think for the number of gardeners kept. Wednesday 31 August Lovely morg. Sat out & wrote. Mrs. Jephson’s garden party 4 o’c. Two brace of grouse fr. home don’t know who from. 3 boys & Gunnie to Worthing. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. To Mrs. J’s at 4.30. V. pleasant afternoon & talk with both Mr. & Mrs. J. Lovely evg. Three boys to Worthing with Gunnie, late home. Sep 1898 Thursday 1 September Sat out all day. On river before dinner. Friday 2 September Bicycle arrived only paid 9/- week for it. Went off with Con & took bicycle to Mrs. Jephson’s. Effie & Miss M. on first. V. angry luncheon Con not having enough. Effie so greedy. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Saturday 3 September Lin still at the Wallaces. I with Con & Effie at the Grange Fittleworth. Practised cycle with Claud on High Road. Got on slightly better. Eff. & Con out to lunch. Went on River with Miss M. & Claud. Eff home v. late fr. garden party with Mrs. Jephson. Letters fr. Lin & Maud & tailor dress arrived fr. Smythes, tried it & returned it same evg. Lin leaves Mr. Wallace Wester Aberchalder Gorthlick N.B. for Mr. H. Weld Blundell Glencoe House Fort Augustus N.B. Sunday 4 September Lovely day. V. hot. All to Church but self. Wrote on cards. Sat out all afternoon. Miss M. & Eff to Miss Fraser to tea. Con & self for walk to Coates Common. Con v. seedy evg. & up at night. Monday 5 September Lovely day, hotter than ever. Only few lines fr. Lin. To tea at Mrs. Johnson’s, croquet & talk. Finished reading Mr. Jephson’s book “He would be a soldier”. Too hot to cycle. Tuesday 6 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 V. hot. Packed. Went up river with Miss M. but it was rather damp & misty. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Lin goes to Mr. H. Weld Blundell’s today. No, goes to Lord Tweedmouth’s today until Thursday. Large party at H.W.B’s , Mr. & Mrs de Winton, Lord Lovat, 2 other lords & 2 ladies. Wednesday 7 September V. hot. Retn’d fr. Fittleworth by 11.55. Con & boys to station with me. Effie & Miss M. to Findon after house. Came up with v. interesting girl, married, v. tall & v. lovely but not a lady. Told me much of her jewellery being stolen fr. Grosvenor Hotel & seemed overflowing with money & information. Thursday 8 September I go to Mrs. Tate’s, Blackmoor, Petersfield, near Liss. V. hot. 2 letters fr. Lin fr. Mr. Weld Blundell’s & fr. Maud. Leave at 3 o’c Waterloo to Liss Sta. Met Mr. Tate at Waterloo & Miss Morgan who went in same carriage with me. Mrs. Tate & Daisy met us at Sta. Delightful country & Blackmoor one of the prettiest houses & grounds I have seen. Mrs. Gill (Mrs. T’s mother) Mrs. Kemp (pretty little married woman separated fr. husband with only child of 3 dying) & Miss Morgan house party. Friday 9 September Lin wired coming tonight by late train. Fear this greatly inconveniences our host & am v. sorry. Major Trollope came before dinner for tomorrow’s shoot. Had delightful morg. Sat out & walked round grounds with Mrs. Tate & Mrs. Gill. Mr. Tate & the 3 girls for cycle ride. Afternoon drove with Mrs. Tate to call on Lady Selbourne. V. untidy house perched on side of almost perpendicular hill. Met the dau. in drive. Lady S away for day & night. Played croquet & won!!! with strong partner in Mrs. Tate. Played Battle after dinner & ignominiously lost. Saturday 10 September Lovely day. Tried tricycle & found it much easier than bicycle. Drove with Mrs. Tate to Lady Edward Hamilton’s 12 mile drive, out. Sorry not to see inside of house it had a front door on ground floor & one on first floor most odd house being built on slope of hill. Delightful drive & talk. X. Ami. Sunday 11 September Lovely day. Down at 12. All ladies at church except Mrs. Gill. Sat out all afternoon. Major Trollope told us his experiences in Africa & the West Indies, his assortment in marriage of 500 negroes! Gentlemen for cycle ride to Liphook. Lord Selbourne called. V. good looking & gracious manners. Played Camps evg. Monday 12 September Lovely day. In bed until 10.30. Gentlemen out all day shooting. Mr. & Mrs. Boughton to tea. Did not sleep well Lin so restless, indigestion. Darling Maud with Lennie returning fr. Nymans to London today. Tuesday 13 September Down at 12 o’c. Wrote Maud & Con. First cloudy day & cooler. Had long talk with Mr. Bendall & Mrs. Gill & afterwith Mrs. Tate. Gentlemen shooting, girls to lunch with them. Mrs. Tate, Mr. & Mrs. Bendall for drive at 3.15. I had long read & rest. Rest for drive. Played “Geisha” & other music after dinner & they all sang. Wednesday 14 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Down at 10 o’c. & felt better. All to some smart wedding at Blackmoor Church. Mr. Bevan (nice little fair man) late Vicar came in time for luncheon & officiated. All drove after early tea to Gilbert White’s “Selbourne” & saw old Norman church. Mrs. Gill & I remained at home. 14 to dinner. Mrs. Bradwood, Mr. Bevan, Mr. & Mrs. Bendall, selves, host, hostess, Daisy, Miss Morgan, Mrs. Gill etc. Thursday 15 September Lin & self return from Mrs. Tate’s by early train 11 o’c. Maudie lunches with us. Major Trollope ret’d with us & bought me lovely basket roses at Woking. Heard bad news of storm in Barbados where his property is, everything swept away! Found darling Maud here on arrival looking little pale. Gave me charming edition of Mort d’Arthur, Sir J. Malory’s, delighted with it. M. Lin & I dine at 7.30 with darling M. & Lennie tonight & go to theatre, Belle of New York. Friday 16 September Lin & self to Mrs. Johnson Ferguson by early train. V. hot day, arrived only at 8.10 evg. Had to wait 1 hour at Carlisle & drove round town saw red sandstone Cathedral few old archways & walls some of which were built in 1100. Also Castle built by Rufus. Saw dungeons & inscriptions saying Elizabeth had repaired building during her reign, this doubtful! Mary Q. of Scots imprisoned here. Springkell v. fine house marble hall & pillars, beautiful prints. Gt. scramble into dress for dinner. Saturday 17 September Slept well but feel tired after long railway journey. V. hot. Rested all day & feel better for it. X. Still seedy, 8 days! Home party Sir John Heron Maxwell, Lady Roxburgh, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Donner, our host hostess & son. Quiet morning & felt more rested. Worked & talked. Discover Lady R. was Sir Thomas Chamber’s dau. & met her years ago at the Bosanquets & Cottons. Sunday 18 September Wet on & off, showers. Walked with Mrs. Donner. Find Lady Roxburgh very amusing, tells stories well & not being strong herself is sympathetic to me. Quiet evg. saw photos & talked to our host. Mr. Johnson took me in to dinner, vy nice intelligent young man. All to church except self & Mrs. Donner & Linley. Monday 19 September Wet. All gentlemen shooting. V. cozy morg. talked & worked. Little walk after luncheon & more talk after tea. Mr. Younger arrived. Sir John Heron Maxwell leaves after dinner, & Mr. & Mrs. Hobhouse arrive. Tuesday 20 September Carlyle born 1795. Fine, overcast at intervals. Men out all day shooting. Morg. sat & talked with hostess, Lady R, Mrs. (illeg) & Mrs. Hobhouse. I drove in phaeton with Mrs. Ferguson & Mr. Hobhouse to Carlyle’s house, funny little place in Ecclefechan. Drove thro’ Waterbeck, Middlebie & Kirtlebridge. All we 5 ladies to tea in Bower, charming, big fires in kitchen & parlour there & we boiled our kettle & washed up. Interesting talk with our host who took me in to dinner. Find Mrs. Hobhouse was a Fuller of Neston (illeg) Wilts. Wednesday 21 September Return fr. Mrs. Ferguson as far as Carlisle with Mr. Johnson. Lin & self to old curiosity shop, v. dear. Dull day, bright sunny morg. Had v. pleasant visit &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 notwithstanding extreme seedyness as X little F still continues 11 days!!! enjoyed it v. much. Thursday 22 September Very busy arranging drawing room all parquéd over. Shop’d morg. flowers & fruits. Lin & self to see “Belle of New York” again, enjoyed it. No news fr. my darling, trust Lennie not ill. Letter fr. Major Trollope sending stamps. Drawing r. chairs v. nice recovered. Friday 23 September Lovely day bright cool sunny. Put morg. room in order. Letter forwarded fr. Springkell fr. Maudie. Lennie v. ill again, feel most anxious about both. All working well here so far. Midge came to luncheon & Hamilton just as we were having tea. Tabs & H had entertained Royalties on “Joyeuse”. Saturday 24 September Lin & self came to Dover by after dinner train most comfortable & went straight to bed on our arrival at the “Burlington Hotel”. A little disappointed to find a’Becketts en masse gone half an hour before to Ostende. Man morg. fr. Howards putting up green sun blinds in drawing room. Packed with Emilie. She seems to improve a little. V. bad indigestion hard pain on chest, no doubt hare. Midge said Tabby had entertained Austrian Ambassador & Princess (illeg) of Anhalt on “Joyeuse” at Ostende. Wire fr. Maudie Lennie better. Sunday 25 September Very fine day. Went with Lin to Calais after a walk along Parade at Dover. We both like the place & our room at Hotel is v. bright & cheery overlooking sea & little square with grass & flowers & the Pier. Met Mr. & Mrs. Lewis & Mr. Morgan who lunched with us. V. giddy set I find them. Quiet dinner at Hotel, to bed early. Monday 26 September Postcard fr. Ruth M. Maud & L. go to London today. Lin & self for walk thro’ town before lunch, after to Castle, & was greatly interested in “Long gun” Queen Elizabeth’s pocket pistol gven her by the Dutch in 1544. Castle v. fine built in 1180. Old Norman doorway, chapel etc, ancient armour etc. Lin wrote & then another walk on return. Tuesday 27 September Lovely morg. Out with Lin & bought 2 v. pretty Sheffield plate biscuit baskets & an old silver box. Also ordered table to be sent us when done up. Saw divers working under new pier. Lin worked after lunch & I slept! & read Secretan’s “Klondyke” v. amusing. Usual dull evg. Went out on Parade until 10 o’c & bed. Wednesday 28 September Letter fr. darling Maud. Lennie & she go to Dundee today to stay at the Scotts. Lin & self out morg. in at 12. Lin designed 2 more lovely drawings for Lord Tweedmouth for Mr. Gladstone’s memorial. Letter fr. Lennie. Lin & self returned to London by 4 train. Left him at C.X. to go to dinner. Unpacked with Emilie. To bed early. Thursday 29 September Letters fr. Tilda & Edgar, & my darling Maud who sent me a lovely little red enamel & pearl bracelet & heart. Long letter from my darling also. Lin & self to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 see “Runaway Girl”. Same grey horse going! 4 wheeler returning. Amusing piece & some good songs. V. busy all day. Friday 30 September Long letter fr. darling Maud. Lennie better & out shooting at Mr. Scotts nr Dundee. Dora came morg. on bicycle, looks well. Went out after lunch to Hammersmith to look for curiosity shops, without success. Read & practiced in Lin’s room. Much colder. Oct 1898 Saturday 1 October Lunch with Midge 1.15 & returned only in time to dress for dinner. Sat in Park with her. Felt gout in my left foot! Mrs. Head, H’s cousin called. V. handsome woman, been & still is ill but looks picture of health. Lin to see some lady about work, rather erratic lady. Letters fr. Sp. & Ada asking if they could dine here. Too busy unfortunately & Lin won’t be bothered. Asked them to come to lunch. Sunday 2 October Lovely day but had fires. Lin off early to Dover with Messrs Guthrie, Lewis & one other. Cycled fr. there to Margate, past Westwood no longer the same. Dora to lunch & tea & lost one of her beautiful gold bangles. Linley enjoyed his day immensely & came home most cheery. Monday 3 October Lovely day v. warm. Walked to Whiteleys, ordered fowl, failing sweetbread. To Midges & had to cab home so late. Silver & glass afternoon. Letters fr. darling M. Tabs, long one! & Dora about her bracelet! Tuesday 4 October Busy morg. Letter fr. darling Maud. Harris, to measure curtains & estimate. Nash’s man to put up glass in Roy’s room. Private view New Gallery. Daisy Robertson came at 3.45 took her in cab. Saw Mrs. Priestley, Ratcliffe, P. Spiers, Furniss etc there, 2 de la Penhas. Ada Sp met us there. Daisy to tea here after. Spencer called. Quiet evg, Lin v. busy. Wednesday 5 October Out morg. Whiteleys, late home. Miss G. here for luncheon. Did drawing room cabinet, fearfully dirty. Took us entire afternoon fr. 3 till ¼ to 8. Was fitted morg. at Smythes. Thursday 6 October Went with Miss Gill to do morning room cabinets, took us all day fr. 9.30 until 5 o’c tea. Mrs. Pritchard (Maud’s caretaker) here for day to help with stair carpets & brass. X. E. Harris, new parlourmaid came. Lin at work all day. Friday 7 October Go early about rating of stable, Miss Gill with me. Got them lowered. Went before committee at Town Hall. Ordered M. boa £2.50 at Barkers & sent it by P.P. by Otley to Princes Hotel. Wire later fr. M. She & Lennie at Royal instead. To Redmaynes & Libertys. Dined at 9.30. Difficult with new maid. Saturday 8 October Box for “Greek Slave” matinée. Miss G. & self in to Kensington shops. Put drawing room straight for cleaning. Miss G. mended Venetian glass whilst I wrote to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maudie. To Greek Slave in omnibus, had huge box. V. agreeable afternoon, music & dresses ditto. Marie Tempest gagging a great deal. Lin met us or joined us at theatre, had had interesting talk with Lord Edward Cecil just back fr. the Sudan & one of the Sirdar’s A.D.C’s. Back by bus. Gilly left after tea. Dickie seedy fr. indigestion, odd, cannot imagine what from. To bed early, quiet evg. Midge sent ½ a hare. Sunday 9 October Lin workong & in all day. Miss Radcliffe, Lady Blomfield’s sister called & stayed a long time. Sorry I did not ask her to dinner. Monday 10 October Dear Roy returned at 5 o’c from the Messels after a 10 weeks visit. Looking v. well & so good looking. V. cozy little dinner à trois. Darling Maud goes to the Manistys near Selkirk, Sir W. Scott’s country. Tuesday 11 October Lin dines with Mr. Lehman & bride & rest of staff at Bourne End. Cleaned silver morg, awful draft near lavatory. Hilda Messel to lunch. Con called & had tea & dined with Roy & self at ¼ to 7. Went after to see “The Royal Star”. Edouin good but piece & music stupid. Wednesday 12 October Tilda arrived for luncheon. In bed to breakfast with sore throat & cold. Feel v. seedy & feverish. To “Belle of New York” matinée with Roy. Vy. good but Edna May not there. Harris in alone for evg. meal. Thursday 13 October Dull morg. In bed to breakfast with sore throat. Felt v. hot & feverish during night. Roy returned to Oxford after a separate early dinner 6.30. Sorry & glad as it gets on my nerves to have him idling the precious hours away doing nothing. In all day, helped Roy pack. Read & worked v. little today. Friday 14 October Fine bright morg. Long letter fr. dear Maud v. happy at the Manistys, seem cultivated people of taste. New maid nice little thing but absolutely no idea of keeping silver or brass. Spoke to Emilie about doing Drawing room, considers parlour maid’s work too heavy to do well & properly. Miss White here. Dined at 8.15. 4 courses too short, won’t do it again. Tea at Midge’s, Mrs. Raikes, Mrs. Dewar & another. To 27 saw Nana. Called Mrs. Messel, shop’d Whiteley & pd. few bills. Ordered hat (illeg). Saturday 15 October Wretched dull day. Tilda taken my cold & sneezing all day, shan’t forgive her if Lin gets it. Morg. T. & self mended china, worked & cleaned brass. Harris gone to see doctor. Emilie doing drawing room. Lin out to lunch & tea. Tilda & self to order fruit & flowers our g. g’s. & to the Tate Gallery. V. fine collection, must go again. Beautiful building. Quiet evg. to bed early. Sunday 16 October Dark day. Harris broken connections of 2 electric lamps. Tilda & self for walk after looking thro’ curtain patterns & doing flowers etc! No one called. Quiet evg. Monday 17 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 X. Ami au soir. With Tilda morg. to Mrs. Roberts about housemaid for Maud. Met Mrs. F.C.B. & Mary in Om. Saw Empire sofa for £20. Afternoon to Stores ordered 4 prs stockings, elastic, sewing silk, black nicks, Jap dressing gown, flowers. Letter fr. Roy for towels, dressing gown etc. Lin hard at work. Tuesday 18 October V. wet morg. Midge’s birthday. In bed to breakfast. Darling letter fr. Maud. They return home fr. Scot. tonight. Tilda at 3 to Whiteley, Midge, Maud’s with flowers to both & send off parcel of towels etc to Roy. Fine afternoon. Otley to Euston to meet 9.30 M. & L. fr. Scotland. Mrs. Geiger & son (in Wesh Fusiliers) called. No work or reading of any kind. Lin hard at work. Wednesday 19 October Dull wet morg. Harris not up to work, leaving at month. Better than teaching to no purpose. Drove at 3. to Whiteleys, called at Midge’s, out. To darling Maud’s, looking vy pretty & sweet, house also charmingly clean & nice. Delicious cakes for tea & pretty service. Dickie looks tired with work. Thursday 20 October Fine sunny morg. Can see Mr. Burnand bothering Lin about work. Letter fr. dear Roy. Lennie & Maud dine here at 8. Harris leaving at month. Drove at 3 with Maudie in coupé carriage to Smiths, Swears & Wells, round Pk. & to tea at Maudie’s. Mrs. Messel & Hilda called whilst there. Lin looking better. Friday 21 October Tilda off early to Maud & out with her. I went at 3 to see sofa Brompton Rd. To tea at Maud’s. Mrs. Sington called whilst there. Maudie v. seedy, pain in back, left Tilda there. Returned to read to Lin v. hard at work & left Smythe bodice to be altered. Tilda home in time for dinner. Dr Leadham saw Maud as Dr Dale away. Letter fr. Roy to Lin about his room furniture. Saturday 22 October Letter fr. Lennie saying Dr Leadham thinks nothing alarming with Maudie, so thankful. Tilda off early to Maudie’s. Tilda received tiresome letter fr. Mrs. Corrie about washing. Rain. Damp warm morg. all complaining of unseasonable warmth but I enjoy it. Went at 3.30 with Tilda who ret’d fr. Maud’s at 3.15 to call on Sophy, out. For flowers 1/6 & to Maudie’s. Found her better, up, & busy. Had tea there. Lennie & man putting up pictures. Dear M. & L. so happy together. It makes me more thankful than words can say to see them, & he so good & unselfish to her. Sunday 23 October Lovely day. Walked & sat in Gardens with Tilda morg. Sophy to luncheon. Lin at work all day. Tilda walked to Maudie’s with Sophy & back to tea. 13 people to tea with Maudie! Was quite knocked up after. Ruth & Hilda called here. Monday 24 October To tea with Maud. Saw Mrs. Messel there. Maudie v. seedy & complaining of pain in old place. Tuesday 25 October Out morg. Maudie with chill on “secum” feel most anxious about her, there all morg. & home at 3. Only Huishes called. Quiet evg. Anxious about Maud, glad Orton attending her.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 26 October For walk early with Tilda to Maudie’s & back. Shop’g. Maudie little better, Ruth there so went at 3 o’c & remained until 7. Darling child bright but little feverish. Her new parlourmid came. Saw Lennie, dining with his people. Lin finished large drawing. Thursday 27 October Lady Hemmings dau. Lillian married 2.30 to Mr. Archibald B. Hamilton at St Mary Abbots. Mrs. Power’s dinner 8 o’c. Dull wedding. V. charming dinner. Mr. Peter Reid, Mrs. Turquand, Mr. & Mrs. F.C.Burnand & selves. Tilda fr. 10 to 10.30 at Maudie’s & dined with Lennie. Maudie the same. Friday 28 October Tilda to stay with Maud, left early. I had to go & choose bed for Maudie at Whiteleys & pd. 2 bills there. To Maudie for whole afternoon, still in bed & about same. Met Dr O. morg. M. will have to be v. careful. Electric light went out suddenly as Lin was finihing drawing at 9 o’c. 2 men came, fuse too small. Harris broke glass pantry & left door & window open. Saturday 29 October Box for Drury Lane matinée. Dora to lunch going with us & Tilda meets us there. Out morg. shop’g. Wire fr. Maudie not so well. Dora to luncheon, went to Maudie directly. After D. & Tilda off to Drury Lane where Lin joined them whilst I stayed with Maud. Low poor darling as Lennie left this morg. early for Sussex & returns Tuesday, few days shoot. Seemed better & much more cheerful. Nanny came & had tea with M. & self & Ruth. Tilda & Lin came after matinée. Lin & self drove home together, hope Maudie will be better tomorrow. Wrote & wired to Lennie. Heavy rain after 12 o’c. Sunday 30 October Lin went to Dover. Too violent a gale to cross & got home late 10 o’c as he waited for boat train. I walked to Maudie’s & lunched & spent afternoon there. Maudie in bed. Con, Midge, Dora, Ruth & Muriel to ball. Cab home. Dined alone as Lin only arrived at 10 o’c. Maudie still v. seedy & in bed. Alice Farquhar called. Monday 31 October Walked morg. to see Maudie, still in bed. Went again after lunch & remained until 6 o’c. Miss Brooke called, Tilda’s friend & lady’s nurse. To Bank morg. about investments of £100 in Midland pref at 84½ (illeg). Lin & self quiet dinner alone. V. tired fell asleep after dinner. Nov 1898 Tuesday 1 November Lennie ret’ns fr. Nymans. Lovely bright cold morg. Drove at 10.30 to Whiteleys about book. Left wild duck (one of 2 Lennie sent me) at Midge’s & to Maudie. Much better, may lie on sofa for 2 hrs tonight in her room. Lennie gets back about 8 o’c fr. Nymans. Mrs. Tuer & sis. Mrs. Turquand & Mrs. Russell called. Lin & self to Court Theatre evg. Lin out all day. Men doing creeper. Wednesday 2 November Morg. shop’g. Afternoon & evg. at darling Maud’s, not so well again, semed feverish again. Tilda came away with me at 10 o’c, felt v. uneasy leaving Maudie. Lennie, Tilda & self dined alone.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 3 November To tea with Fanny Barker at Victoria Hotel. Unable to go too anxious about Maudie. To stores morg. with Tilda home late, bought petticoat & 4 bodices, combs, & silver mustard pot for R. Burnand. Left Lin at Museum & on to darling Maud, found her not so well. Len. came in just before I left. X. Ottie had little girl at 7 o’c this morg, left cards. Friday 4 November Bought £100 stock at 84½ of Midland pref. Out morg. To Maudie at 3. Seems a wee bit better but v. weak. Hilda sleeping the night there. Gilly at Maud’s, sat until late with her only up for short time. I left before Lennie came. Saturday 5 Noember Lovely day. Walked to Whiteleys & pd. their bill. Also Barkers, both house ac’ts. Called at Maud’s at 3 o’c. Sat till 6.30 with her, Lin fetched me, & Lennie came in fr. cycle ride, has Roy’s cycle for a few days. Maudie looking v. dark round eyes & delicate, only up after tea for a little while on sofa. Tilda left for Park this morg. Sunday 6 November To dear Maud directly after luncheon, Lin to Calais. Read to her. Lying on sofa but seems v. weak & ill & cried poor darling. They forgot her beef tea at 11 o’c, so annoying. Lennie for cycle ride on Roy’s. Bret Harte called here during my absence. Monday 7 November I spent day at darling M’s. Seemed worse, so much pain fr. little F. She went off in dead faint evg. & Lennie sent for O. & insisted on Dr Fenton seeing her tomorrow, v. glad. Hilda & Ruth with her at night. Tuesday 8 November Gilly at Maudie’s. Rosie Burnand’s wedding 11.15 St Mary’s Priory. Lovely day. Darling Maud too ill for me to go, Lin went after luncheon & came on to see Maudie after. X. Consultation with Dr Fenton & Orton. Oil ordered, why did O. not insist also on this. I spent day with her until Lennie ret’nd. Wednesday 9 November In all morg. Answered letters etc. To darling M. at 2.30, found her pale but sems freer fr. pain due no doubt to oil. Found F. Walford there. Mabel W. came to tea & Ruth, Mrs. Messel & Miss Murdock called. Maudie at last consented to have a nurse which Dr O. ought to have insisted on fr. the first, & the oil, all waste of time. Dickie with cold starting. Thursday 10 November Prof. Nurse Miss Brooke went to Maudie today arrived after luncheon. Mrs. Messel called looking v. nice. Maud’s parlourmaid behaved as this class generally do in time of illness. Went to Maudie at 11.30 remained till 7 o’c. Saw Lennie. V. glad to leave M. with a prof. Nurse. X. Ami 4 days too soon. Friday 11 November Lin & self to Mrs. Steinkopff until Monday. Wired cannot leave Maud. Lucky as c’d not have gone being seedy. In bed till 2.30. Invite fr. Lady Lawrence to stay. To Maudie at 3.30 feel awfully bad only stayed until 5.15. Found Mabel there. Maudie looking better tho’ still in bed.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 12 November V. dark morg. Books only £4.12.6 for week, drew extra £11 towards Whiteleys book for mattress, Roy’s tea service & cage(?). Also paid self £4.12.6 Nash’s book, fully paid up now. Thank goodness!!! Lin’s cold seems better. Lunched alone & went to Maudie, still in bed. Flowers for table 2/-. Sunday 13 November Feel v. seedy, in all day. Lin to Calais. Mr. Bret Harte called & stayed some time, v. interesting as usual. Monday 15 November In bed till 12.30, feeling weak & throaty as usual. New mattress arrived fr. Whiteley for our bed. To darling Maud’s at 3. Found her on sofa but terribly weak, don’t like the look of her. Sat with her till 7.15. Lennie not in. Mabel & Mrs. Bergheim to tea there also. Left flowers for Ottie & called on way home on Midge. Dickie dining with Mr. Aird, self alone. Mrs Pennefather, Ian Robertson, Gale & Gill called. Wednesday 16 November I dine at darling Maud’s. Called at 3 on Tabs, out, left letter. Also letter to Midge. Found Maudie brighter & better. Dined there with Lennie & Nurse Milly. Maudie walking about her room & v. funny. Emma gone to see Harris’ doctor about tender mouth. In all morg. Thursday 17 November 2 stalls for Terry’s theatre evg. perf. Gave these to Midge. Yellow fog. Midge called morg. Lin dined at Lord Rathmore’s. To Maud’s at 4, found her down looking brighter & better & v. pretty. Saw Ruth & Mrs. H Rooth there. Mrs. E. Pollock & Lady de la Rue & Daisy Robertson had called. Saw Lennie. Friday 18 November Mrs. Steincopff asked us to go today until Monday. Alas cannot again go. Out morg. shops. Walked to Angrave & tried hat. Pd. Barker pri. ac’t. To call on Effie & Con 3 o’c, away, & on Tabbie, away, & to darling Maud. Had been out!!! in bath chair morg. Stayed until 6.30. Saturday 19 November Lin & self to Lady Lawrence until tomorrow evg. 4.55 fr. Vic. Sta. to Dorking, if Maudie better. Packed morg. E. helping to put up old curtains again in drawing room. Found large house party at Burford. Sir T. & Lady L, 2 sons & (illeg). Sir John & Lady Donnerley, Mr. & Mrs. Lawdor Brunton, Miss Bradley (Dean B’s dau.) The Japanese Minister & his wife, Mon. & Madame Kato, Mr. ? gentleman solicitor, 2 Miss Laurences, Mr. ? clergyman, our two selves. V. pleasant dinner, sat between son & Japanese Minister. V. intelligent man & handsome for a Jap, speaks English well. Sunday 20 November Slept well but eyes hurt rather. Some ladies to Church & Lady L. To see Orchids after luncheon. Lovely evg. Sat between Sir Trevor & Mr. Freyer at dinner & enjoyed it. Dear Lady L v. kind & affectionate & stayed in my room. Monday 21 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Returned fr. Burford with Mr. Freyer. Wet & cold. Met Mr. Thring at Station, Went on to see dear Maud with Gillie who arrived for luncheon & took her orchids fr. Lady L. Found her looking sweetly pretty & pottering about her room. Tuesday 22 November Walked with Gilly to Whiteleys, pd. 2 bills there £3.9.7 & 4/-. Went to Maud’s saw Florence W. Mr. Hill & Mabel Nembhard. Heaps of people called here. Quiet evening alone. Wednesday 23 November Wet cold morg. Lunch with Maud who was to go to Brighton today with Nurse & maid today & went. Gilly home for one night. Called at 4 after Maud’s departure on Mrs. Welby, out. Midge & D. called during my absence with restive & rearing horse in brougham. Thursday 24 November Lin & self dine at Mrs. Turquand’s 8 o’c. In all day most wretchedly cold damp & horrid. Midge called. Gillie & self doing lampshade, incessant prattle. V. pleasant dinner Mrs. T’s. Mrs. H.Peto, Mrs. T, Clara & Mr. Bergheim who took me in. Mr. Clerihugh, Mr. Reed (Peter). Talked all thro’ dinner to Mr. Reed. Johnny dull. Friday 25 November Wet & fine, generally wet. With Gillie to Stores by tram, did much there. Left Gillie at 4 o’c Knightsbridge to get flowers for Ottie 2/6. To Mrs. Messels saw Ottie & wee Jap (?) baby, Mrs. de la Penha & gauche little dau, Ruth & Hilda. To Aunt Linda’a after, looking v. depressed & low. Uncle ill. Saturday 26 November Out morg. shop’g. Find Barkers infinitely better & cheaper than Buckle or my old g. grocer, independence. Did flowers. Dora lunched here & we went first to Duke of York’s, full, on to Prince of Wales saw “Royal Star” v. good. V. wet & left Dora at home. Lin & self alone to dinner as usual but quite lively all the same. Wire fr. Col Welby, eldest brother died this morg. Sunday 27 November Lin & self dine at Mrs. Walkes, ¼ to 8. Walked to Mrs. Cole’s & Blanche came home with me. All well there & v. busy working. Lin working all day Tweedmouth drawing. Mr. Bret Harte, Midge & Ham, Mr. Hemming & Mr. Wolff & niece called. V. pleasant dinner of 18 at Mrs. W’s, amongst whom Kendall Grimstones & dau, de la Rues, Anthony Hope etc. Monday 28 November At 11.40 to Mr. Critchett had cist cut out of eye £2.2.0. Hurt all afternoon but not as much as I expected at the time. Quiet afternoon & evg. Tuesday 29 November Out at 11 o’c in brougham to pay Whiteley. To Lallys shirt ac. To Mr. Hartrees to enquire, to Barkers, flowers etc. Lady Bergne, Evelyn C. Mrs. Rooth & sister, Mary Macqueen, Grace Fraser & Mabel Wallace came. Lin finishing Lord Tweedmouth’s drawing of Gladstone. Mr. D’Arcy sent 3 more brace pheasant & one hare. Wednesday 30 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day, bright & cold. My darling returned fr. Brighton & I fetch her at 3 o’c for her ap’t at Monteith Young’s. Letter fr darling Roy sore throat hope he is better feel anxious. Lin sent off Tweedmouth drawing. V. thankful it’s over. Dec 1898 Thursday 1 December Darling Maud to luncheon. Drove her back & to stores, got fur boa & glasses etc. Mr. & Mrs. Galbraith & Mr. Frazer called during my absence. Lin dining with Sir Henry Thompson (coz to Mr. Medley). Dined alone. Friday 2 December To Tabbie’s for few days to 6th. Mr. Ian Forbes Robertson’s at home 4 - 7. To Pyt by 3 o’c train. Found Bee Barrs here, Sir Walter & Lady Grove. V. handsome & amusing woman, met them when here before at her father’s Gen. Pitt Rivers. Saturday 3 December Lady de la Rue’s dinner 8 o’c. Cannot go. Sat & talked morg. Lady G off to interview faulty maid & man! Talked after luncheon. Large party shooting & in to luncheon. Mr. & Mrs. Berkeley Portman came to stay. Shooters got nearly 500 rabbits besides other game. Talked after dinner Lady G. most lovely(?). Don’t care for either Mr. or Mrs. Portman both bearish in various ways. Mrs. P. evidently v. jealous & sulked with Lady G. Sunday 4 December Walked with Bee. Left Lady Grove & Tabs talking. Portmans & Ham to Church. Sat & talked after lunch. Danced after dinner Lady G. most graceful. Sir Walter took me in final time, delightful to talk to. X. Ami, due next Thurs. Disgusting, absorbs so much time & strength. Monday 5 December Mrs. Heilbert’s dinner 8 o’c. Cannot go. In bed to breakfast. Sir Walter & Lady Grove & Tabbie off to London by early train. Mr. & Mrs. Berkeley Portman went later. Lin out shooting with Ham. V. wet. Quiet afternoon in boudoir. Percy Wyndhams called. Tabs returned 9 o’c with cotillion presents. Tuesday 6 December Pouring wet day, warm. In bed till 12 o’c. Bee & Gareth sat in my room some time. Undid cotillion things in 2 huge boxes from Paris after luncheon, lovely many of them. Tabs unable to go to Lady Queensberry’s, too wet. Talked & played evg. Wednesday 7 December Pouring wet morg. Returned from Pyt by 11.45 train fr. Tisbury. Letter fr. darling Maud this morg. at Pyt & another at home evg. Lin off to Punch dinner. Usual amount of begging letters awaiting us. Thursday 8 December Mrs. Tweedie at home 4.30 to 7. Maudie & Mrs. Galbraith to luncheon. Went after with Maud to call on Mrs. Geilgud & Mr. Evans & Midge & entirely forgot all about Mrs. Tweedie’s at home. Left Maudie. Lord Tweedmouth called to see Lin about drawing. Maudie & Lennie to theatre tonight. Friday 9 December (blank)


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 10 December Roy returned fr. Oxford. Did shop’g morg. Fetched Maud 3 o’c. Went to Mrs. Rooth’s, Tweedies, Nembhard & Pollocks, last 2 in. Quiet evg. Sunday 11 December Busy morg. In. Lin hard at work altering Gladstone’s head in Ld Tweedsmouths drawing for Gladstone testimonial. Was excellent. Roy, Lin & self to luncheon. Mr. Trendell, Mr. Douglas, Will Oakes & Nipper called. Lennie & Maud to dinner, both v. well & Maudie quite in her old form. Lin bilious. Monday 12 December Walked Barkers, pd. bill, to Whiteleys across gardens, pd. bill. Maudie came for me in open carriage at 3 so sent brougham away & went with her to call on Seligmans, Rhodes, Galbraiths, Stuarts, Turquand, & to Maudies where she expects 6 to dinner, Dora, Miss Evans, Mr. Marriott & Mr. Gilmore. Called on leaving Maud at Midge’s. Roy out dinner, Lin & self alone. Tuesday 13 December Ou morg. in brougham 10 o’c to stores. Bought Ottie Loring silver & glass powder puff box & Lin’s handkerchiefs, & to Maud to her doctor (Fenton) lovely house & exquisitely kept. Mrs. Roberts & Dolly & Mrs. Spofforth called. Quiet evg. Lin Roy & self. Wednesday 14 December In all morg. Roy left at 2 o’c for Pyt House. Maud & Dora going by same train. Called at 3 on Lady Romer, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Pitt, Miss Millais, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Burnand, enquire Gen. Nembhard, & Mrs. Whean. Alone, Emilie in muddled waiting at dinner altho’ Emma also in. Loses her head. Thursday 15 December Out 10 o’c shop’g to Sloane St. In all afternoon did evg. mantle. Lin & self to her Majesty’s, saw Musketeers v. good inded. Went & saw Mr. & Mrs. Tree after. Also saw Mrs. Chapman & Mrs. M.Stone with fair man. Friday 16 December Obliged to clean drawing room fender so abominably dirty & brass also. Mad’lle Jacquenot called. To Stores 2.30. Paid £2.10.1 presents making already £10.11.8 for same. Saw Edgar in hansom near Vic Sta. Maudie & Lennie return fr. Pyt & have dinner party tonight. Saturday 17 December Out shop’g morg. Flowers 1/- lace for doyleys 2/-. Roy returned in time for luncheon from Tabbie’s. In all afternoon. Roy looking v. seedy from dance etc at Pyt, great success all but Macro’ getting drunk night of ball! Roy & self sat with Lin all afternoon expecting to go to theatre evg. Unable to get places. Quiet evg. at home. Played. Sunday 18 December V. annoyed Emilie not touched drawing room, wonder if she will ever be any good. Went for walk in Park with Roy to enquire for Mr. Hartree. Cab home. Sp. to luncheon. Lin at work all day. Quiet evg. Monday 19 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Out all morg.stores. Lunched at Maud’s & drove with her after. Lin, Roy & self to Alhambra. Sp. & Douglas joined us there. Nearly blinded by them all smoking. Feel v. tired. 3 girls good who remained under water 4 minutes in tank. Elephant misbehaved!!! Tuesday 20 December Out morg. Met Midge who walked part of way home with me. V. cold. Miss Chapman, Mrs. Maclean, Clara B & Mrs. Gielgud jnr. & Winnie Lockyer called. Lennie & Maud dined here & we all went to see Bouchier in “Brother Officers”. Saw Lady Grove with Mrs. Pat Campbell. Wednesday 21 December Roy to dine & go to theatre with Lennie & Maud. I too seedy to go, up all night with billious attack & feel complete wreck. To stores morg. & home 2.30. Think overtired myself, to bed 8.30. Lin dined with Mr. Freyer at Indian club St James’ Square. Thursday 22 December Fog morg. Fine after. Feel awfully seedy so sick & up 4 times during night. Box for Haymarket, unable to go. Midge, H. Dora, Lennie & Maud met Lin & Roy at our box & all enjoyed the play. Roy v. dear & sweet & seems quite happy at home. Sncerely pray & hope he is not (illeg) this unfortunate chill which makes me feel wretched. Friday 23 December V. hot & feverish & pain. Orton came temperature over 100. Gastric chill, up 4 times in night. Darling Maud rushed in like a fairy laden with presents for everyone & looking so pretty. Going off at 12.30 to Nymans for Xmas & New Year. In bed all day. Sp. came in. Saturday 24 December Sp. came morg. looks v. well. Dr. O. at 11. Temperature still ½ degree above normal so can’t get up. Midge sent me 2 v. charming glass vases & some lovely flowers. Edgar sent me A.B.C. card. Tabs wrote Lin & sent card with photo of Pyt. Feel v. seedy indeed & greatly miss Maud. Little brass pen tray fr. Hilda. Sunday 25 December Gloriously fine day. Dr. O. came early, temperature normal & may get up for dinner. Emilie v. ungrateful about last year’s dress. Feel it is hopeless gratitude fr. the Class & the less one does the better they esteem you. Had v. cheery evg. Ham, Midge & Dora here to dinner, drawing room so pretty with the approbation sofa, my new extravagant white curtains & yellow shades. Feel eyes so tired but v. pleasant day. Monday 26 December In bed till 12 o’c. Saw Dr. O. Feel much better but weak. Lin v. busy re- arranging his room, fresh furniture. Roy to Club for luncheon home to tea. Played, sat with Lin & dined at 6 o’c. Lin & Roy off to Pantomime. Tuesday 27 December Orton came. Up at 12. Feel unaccountably weak. Midge & Dora, Mrs. H.Levy & Mr. Freyer called.. Feey v. tired & stupid & heavy. Letter fr. dear Maudie. Poured with rain & tremendous wind mid morning. Wednesday 28 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Up at 10.30. Maud’s maid Sykes came with lovely flowers. Lennie in town until Saturday came up at ¼ to 8 yesterday morg. means work. Emma to Pantomime with Alice matinée. Thursday 29 December Out shops. Called at Midge’s & Aunt Linda’s, saw neither. Left books for Lennie. Quiet evg. Lin Roy & self. Emma looked completely dead after her Pantomime. Friday 30 December Dr. O. called. Out morg. to Regent St at 1 o’c, on return home found Alice Leigh here, remained until 5. V. mad on subject of men all titled! Same on all other subjects, felt dead when she left. Lennie dined here with Lin, Roy & self. Little tiff with Maudie, left all right. Goes to Nymans tomorrow. Saturday 31 December X. Little F. last night. Lin & Roy to “Three Musketeers” after dinner, I to bed early. Lin in all day wish he could get out more in the air. Sat with him & sent off few cards. Lovely flowers from my darling Maud & long letter. Read a little to Lin. Notes on last pages of diary: Received during 1895 282.16. 9 Spent on dress 75.19. 0 Invested 195. 6. 0 Balance from 1894 42. 2. 6 Balance from 1895 57.14. 3 Invested 1896 in Coupé London pref 85. 0. 0 ditto ordinary 90. 0. 0 5 ordinary shares Harrods stores £1 shrs at 5¾ 30.12. 6 Total invested £205.12. 6 Balance from 1896 £100.14. 4 Invested during 1897 £328.18. 0 with stamps & commission. Received fr. Private money £111.12. 5 Trust ditto £388. 7.10 Total £500. 0. 3 Spent on dress etc Balance carried forward to 1898

£168.17. 3 £102. 8. 5

Invested 1898 £200 in Jarrah Wood company dead loss £200 Sold £230 London Chatham & Dover 2nd pref £230 11th July 1898 at 110½ received £251.16. 3 clear £50 profit Bought at 86½ 14th April 1897.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Invested during 1897 £100. 0. 0 Gr Eastern ord shrs at 112½ expences of purchase 17. 4 at £3.10. 0 = £7. 0. 0 Chatham & Dover 2nd pref Two allotted Harrods shs £1 each On 4th April £230 stock London 4% at 86¼ £198. 7. 6 Stamps & fees 1. 2.11 Com. 1/3 1. 0. 0 Stamp 1 £200.11. 5 2 ordinary Barkers £1 shares at 3 1/8 with commission cost £3.10.0 each gave Emma one share Total invested £328.18. 9 Invested during 1898 (dear M’s wedding year!) Sold Chathams for £251.16. 3 & bought £400 stock Mid def at 92½ cost with com. etc £372.10. 4 also £100 stock Midland pref at 84½ costing with com. etc £85.11.0 Total invested 1898 Mid. Pref Extra on Midland def

85. 0. 0 120. 0. 0 £205. 0. 0

Trust money Received during 1898 Jan Argt Gt. Western Rly Cent Maquay Local loans Feby Gt Western of Brazil Peebles March Cordoba & Rosario April Brit N.Steam Ship Co Local loans Illinois Central Cent. Pacific Rly Lehigh Valley Argentine Gr. Western Cent. Maquay th 28 July fr. Estate August Local loans Gt. Western Brazil Peebles June


Cordoba & Rosario

19. 6. 8 24. 3. 4 17. 0 29 23.18. 6 19. 6. 8 24. 3. 4 17. 0 £ 132.12. 6 19.17. 3 24. 3. 4 22. 5.10 19. 6. 8 24. 3. 4 2.15. 0 17. 0 29. 0. 0 23.18. 6 £298.18. 7 19. 6. 8 £ 327. 6. 1


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Private Money Received during 1898 Balance fr. 1897 Jany Cordoba Cent Northern B. A. Rosario Deb Western B. A. ditto Wirral Rly Feby Harrods Gt. Eastern Rly April Glas. South West B.A. Rosario ord 17th April sale of 13 allotted B.A. Gt Southern shrs 23rd B.A. Trams G. Southern Rly Cent Argt. Rly June B.A. Pacific Wirral B.A. Western B.A. Rosario Cordova Cent.

102. 8. 5 1.18. 8 1.18. 8 4. 7. 5 1.18. 8 1. 0. 4 2. 8. 4 3. 0. 11 2. 5. 0 £18.18. 0 2. 3. 9 17. 3 20. 4. 0 2.24. 0 5. 5 1.18. 8 4. 7. 5 1.18. 8 1.18. 8 55. 7. 2

Trust ac’t Forward Oct Brit & Atlantic Steam Local Loans Illinois Central Canadian Pacific

Received from Trust Private Coupé div for July 1898

327. 6. 1 24. 3. 4 17 19.17. 3 24. 3. 4 23. 6. 4 £ 418.13. 4 £ 396. 7. 0 154. 5. 2 £ 550.12. 2 9. 5. 7 559.17. 9

pd Jany ’99 Private Total Received Forward fr. Private money Made clear profit by sale of £230 Chat 2nd pref 11th July July Harrods August Gt. Eastern Midland def Received £ 113. 3.10

£ 418.13. 4 154. 5. 2 £ 572.18. 6 55. 7. 2 51. 4. 3 6. 9 9. 4 5. 6. 4


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 19th August cash which had to be pd. away Sept. Glas. S.Western Oct Barker B.A. Rosario B.A.Trams B.A. Gt. Southern B.A. Pacific C. Argentine

7. 1. 7 3. 3.11 8 1. 17. 6 17. 3 22.19. 0 16.11 4.14. 6 £ 154. 5. 2

Invested during 1898 Extra on purchase of £400 Midland Def bought at 92¼ by sale of Chathams July 11th Nov. Bought £100 stock of Midland pref at 82 ½ with com

£ 120.14. 1 £ 85.10. 0 £ 206. 4. 1

Only able to invest 1898 £ 206. 4. 1 on account of heavy expences attending darling Maud’s wedding. £ 2281. 0. 0 Plus extra purchases of Mid. Def & Mid. Pref with com. & stamps 85.10. 0 Private money saved since Oct 1874

£ 2439. 0. 4

Private Investments Held January 1898 Buenos Ayres Pacific City B.A. Trams Central Argt. B.A.Rosario deb ditto ordinary Glasgow & South Western Western B. Ayres 4% debs Jamaica Rly B.A.Gt. southern Rly ditto Pref Coupé London ditto Great Eastern ordinary Wirral Rly debs 5 £1 ord. shares Harrods (pd. £30 for these) 2 allotted ditto at 3½ £230 stock 2nd pref London Chatham & Dover Rly paid with com. for these 1 Barkers ordinary share of £1 pd 3.10.0

62. 0. 0 25. 0. 0 270. 0. 0 100 150 126 226 100 550 210 90 85 100 100 5 2 200. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 £ 2297. 0. 0



MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 £ 669 Ontario Pacific Rly Co 5% permanent deb stk. £ 100 Gt. Western of Brazil Rly 6% debent. stk £ 110 Ontario & Quebec Rly 5% permanent deb stk £ 330 A.M.Peebles & Sons 1st Mort. deb. £ 113.16.6 Local Loans Sold Chatham second pref at 110¼ July /98 Bought £ 400 stock Midland def at 92¼ with com. etc £ 372.10.4 Chathams £ 230 sold for £ 251.16.3 Money held in Trust £ £ $ £ £ £ £ £ $ £

1000 Cordoba & Rosario Rly Ltd 1st deb 600 Argt. & Gt. Western 1st deb. 5000 Lehigh Valley Rly 1st morg. 4½% Gold Bond 1000 British & North Atlantic Steam Navigation Coy debentures. 400 Argt Gt. Western 1st deb 4½ % 1000 Cent. Uraguay Northern Ex. Rly 5% deb stk 900 Gt. Western of Brazil permanent 6% deb stock 215 Ontario & Quebec Rly permanent 5% deb stock 5000 Illinois Cent Rly 4% Gold Bond 770 A.M. Peebles & Son 1st mort. deb stock.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1899 Notes in front of Diary: To send cards to for enquiring after Lin March /99: Mrs Walkes, Fildes, Marcus Stone, Messel. Tilda 1899: 69 Grosvenor St. W. Things to remember: French = means Laitances = herring roes Poulard rôti flanqué de Mauviettes = Capon flanked with larks. Books read during 1899: “The Paths of the Prudish” by Fletcher, vy good. “In saint” Paul Bouret “Robespierre” G. Lewis, most interesting “Les epines ont des roses” Ferrey. “Stories in light & shadow” Bret Harte, v. good. “Les trois dames de la Kasbah” Pierre Loti “Martyrdom of an Empress” V. interesting altho’ extremely bad taste to it out during the Emperor’s life. “Le Roman d’une croquale” de la Brete. V. sad.


Mrs Noott, Poplar House, Broadstairs, Kent. Edgar, Hellsboro’ Cottage, Hellsboro’. Miss White, dressmaker, 83 Uxbridge Rd, Shepherds Bush. Tilda, 69 Grosvenor St.W. Miss Radcliffe, dressmaker, 3a Ebury Street. Midge Langley, Southern Hotel, Waterville, Cy Kerry, Ireland. Spencer, Gairnie House, Kinross, N.B. Mrs. Neely, 23 Foxcombe Rd, Lower Weston, Bath. Mr. Gotts, 515 Central Meat Market, London. Jan 1899 Sunday 1 January Fog morg. fine later. Roy to Queen’s club. Spencer & Douglas called. Mrs. Oakes not well, afraid of a stroke. Dickie in to luncheon. V. busy with his room. Mr. Freyer to dinner, dull evg. I felt so seedy with little F. Mr. F. left at 10.30. Lennie & Maud at Nymans. I came down in time for luncheon. Monday 2 January In bed till 12.30. Emilie’s temper becoming unbrearable, sheer laziness on my part or w’d not stand it! Lin off on furniture hunt after luncheon. I drove at 3 to enquire after the 2 baby daughters of Col Welby & Fritz Jackson, flowers to Désirée! Saw Mrs. Keene who was v. amusing as usual. Lin bought 3 new pieces of furniture for his room & a quantity of curtain grey brown satin for drawing room. Tuesday 3 January In bed till 12.30. Mrs. Nembhard & Mrs. & Miss Evans called. Mrs. Blair taken house in Cromwell Gds. Box for Adelphi. Pantomime “Puss in Boots”. Lin, Roy &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 self dined at 6 o’c. Lennie & Maud came on at 7.30 & we three joined Lin & Roy at theatre. V. good piece. Maudie looking sweet but has a cold. Saw Mrs. A. Peto at theatre. Wednesday 4 January In bed till 12.30. Midge & D. came whilst I was dressing. M. sat with me some time. Maudie arrived for luncheon looking v. pale & delicate, 5 days en retard with her little F. Feel most anxious about her. At 3 o’c we drove about parlourmaid for her to Mrs. Lord’s & to Miss Watson & to Maudie’s. Feel depressed leaving the child alone, she wants a girl to be with her during day. Young Micklejohn going to dine there & sleep night. Roy & self alone to dinner, he to theatre after. Dear Lin’s birthday. Thursday 5 January Men here fitting curtains fr. Taylor’s, awful mess after, I cleared it. Box for “Ld & Lady Algy”. Mr. & Mrs. E.Reed dined here & went with us. Delightful evening, enjoyed it immensely. Mrs. Lecky (Miss Payton) & her late husband’s niece called & had tea. V. pleased to see her, looks just the same but grey hair. Did not see my darling Maud all day. Friday 6 January Received div due June last fr. Coupé London shares £9.5.7. 2 pheasants & brace of partridges fr. Mr. D’Arcy. To Maudie’s at 3 o’c. To call at Mrs. Kendall (out) & Mrs. H. Power, in. Stayed a long time. Mr. Power & his son & dau-in-law there. Pianette wonderful. Left Maudie at 27. Fell asleep in Lin’s room before 9 o’c dinner. V. tired. Saturday 7 January Out morg. shop’g. Took 2 div amounting to £9.5.7 to L. County Bank. Ordered fruit, flowers & plants Taylor’s. Carriage at 3. Got flowers & paid for them 2/- at Aldous for Mrs. Fritz, left them. To C. Hartree’s. Stayed a long time there & on to Maudie’s. Found her & Lennie in library, just returned fr. New York. Maud looking so pretty & sweet in her new grey Young gown. She & Lennie to Opera tonight. Lin & Roy to first night of “School” Hares. Gave my place to Roy. Sunday 8 January Lennie & Maud to dinner. Walked to enquire for Sp. & Mrs. Oakes, there & back. Lin & Roy to Calais. Lovely day so warm. Mr. Bret Harte & Midge & Dora called, former most entertaining. V. pleasant evg. all v. cheery. Roy noisy. Lin enjoyed his day, met Mr. Gill & Mr. Merryweather. Monday 9 January Roy to see Mr. Gill. Out morg. shop’g. Emilie late again morg consequently had to clean brass & drawing room myself. At 3 to Maudie’s called on Mrs. P. Agnew & to see pictures, Rembrandts, at Academy. Beautiful collection. Left Maudie & home in time to dress, dine, & go with Lin & Roy to “Gaiety”. V. good “Runaway Girl”. Tuesday 10 January Out at 11.15. Barkers for flowers etc. To Marshalls, Willats, ordered driving shoes. To darling Maud’s brought her back to luncheon & stayed here till 7 o’c. Found her cleaning silver with Sykes! Miss Morgan & her brother & Winnie Lockyer came. Quiet evg. with Lin & Roy. Miss White here. Wednesday 11 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Out morg. shop’g in carriage bought 2 coms. No, walked. Roy & self dined at darling Maud’s. Major Hemming there, don’t care for him so unpolished like his brother. Lennie in v. late & looking so tired. Most excellent dinner, extremely well cooked & served, silver lovely. Maudie looking sweet. White here. Thursday 12 January Stormy rough day. Little Bixley here morg. helping me with books. V. pretty respectable little girl. White here. Lin Roy & self dine early & go to see “Lady Ursula”. V. good indeed, enjoyed it immensely. Friday 13 January Out shop’g. Went at 4 o’c to Maud’s sat 2 hrs with her, looking v. sweet. Had had Edie Sismey with her. Roy went to Mrs. Macqueen’s dance, saw Maud & Lennie there who left before Mr. Blair arrived. Roy & Mr. B. left together at 2 o’c. Miss White here pd. her 10/- for 4 days. Saturday 14 January Out morg shop’g, met Evelyn C. who walked home with me. Went at 4 to enquire for Midge, out, & Spencer, Mrs. Fildes & Mrs. Gale & Mrs. Mackenzie, Mrs. Pennefather to enquire for Mrs. Jones, v. ill. Lin Roy & self to Daly’s to see “Greek Slave”. V. good. Saw Pollens there. Men finished putting up new curtains in drawing room. Sunday 15 January Pouring wet morg. In all day. Roy to luncheon with Mr. Blair who came back here to tea with him & stayed 1¼ hour. The huge cornice with curtains fell at the stained glass end of room with a crash when Emilie drew them at tea time.! Only put up yesterday. Lennie & Maud to dinner. Maudie domestically worried poor darling. Lin lunched at club, I alone. Monday 16 January Mrs. C. Hunter’s dinner 8 o’c. Pouring wet day. Overslept myself again & feel bilious. “Belle of New York” box tonight, asked Sp. & Con. Mr. Blair going with him & returning to Scotland by last train. V. pleasant dinner at the H’s, met the Waterlows, Miss Chapman etc & nice old gentleman Mr. Ridley. Drove Miss C. home. Lin walked. Tuesday 17 January Mrs. E.T. Reed’s dinner 7.30 at 112 Cromwell Rd. Feel awfully tired. Maudie to luncheon. May Nembhard, Mrs. Joachim & dau. & Mabel Wallace called. Out morg. shops. Mr. Munro took me in at the Reeds & Mr. Agnew P on other side. Felt too tired to enjoy myself. Hideous house, v. indifferent dinner & service, light dreadful on table. Partridges, Barries, Seaman, Munros etc. Wednesday 18 January Out morg. to Midge feel v. seedy & head tired. Roy tires me by his arguing. Con dines here & we three go to see v. good piece at Terry’s theatre. Fetched Lin on way home fr. Athenaeum. Midge in bed, saw Waddie there. Dora going to Pyt tomorrow until Monday. Thursday 19 January Roy packing & generally tiresome, makes my head ache. Maudie called for me at 3.15, gave Roy £1. M. & I to call on Lady Bergne, Mrs. A. Lewis & Mrs. Ritchie (all in) last just starting for Hatfield. Long chat with Ellie. Maud v. quiet but looking


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 sweetly pretty. Roy returned by last train to Oxford, had dog cart. Rather glad he has gone, cannot stand his being so idle. Friday 20 January Wet & fine alternately. Peaceful calm & my head feels better. In all morg. At 3.30 to call Lady Weston. Left Annie’s photo to be copied 3/6. Flowers 2/- for Fritz. To Gorden Home, Holly St Oxford St. Sat some time with Fritz & Mrs. ? Called on Mrs. Lindo & left 18 prs of gloves to be cleaned, & to Mrs. Macqueen’s who said Maud was greatly admired at her dance. Saturday 21 January Out shop’g in Kens. Then in cab to Maud’s & with her to Dr Fenton, home at 2 o’c to lunch after after leaving Maud. Dressed & went at 3.30 with Mabel W. to see Mr. Waterlow’s(?) pictures at Egyptian Hall. To Grafton Gallery to see wonderful Russian pictures Vereskis, (illeg) & fr. there to meet Maud, Lennie, Mr. Allen & Mr. Johnson at the Ladies(?) tea place Bond St. Great crowd & v. hot. Lin at work all day. Sunday 22 January Lin at home. Walked late in afternoon. Walked morg. after doing the washing, v. annoyed Emilie so careless & no pride in her work it seems hopeless with her. Only Mr. Bret Harte called. Had most delightful talk with him for 2 hours. Darling Maud & Lennie to dinner, M. looking sweet, Lennie wreck with bad cold. Monday 23 January Man doing elecric wires over my dressing table. Lin out to luncheon. Lennie remaining in all day nursing cold. Tuesday 24 January Mrs. Rawlinson’s dinner ¼ to 8 o’c. Walked morg. V. cold. Enjoyed evening but had indigestion. Met Broughtons, Barry Pains, Mrs. Clifford. Rest fresh dinner of 18. V. good dinner. Mrs. Rubens, Aunt Linda & Ethel, Mrs. Power & Mrs. Palgrave Simpson called. Wednesday 25 January Mr. Guthrie’s tea to meet H. Langleys protégé artists of 14. V. clever. Fetched Maudie called & to Mr. Guthrie’s. V. ugly geniuses! Mrs. B. Partridge, Mrs. Nettleship both quaint, several men, little uncle of genius’s nicest person there. I drove back to Maudie’s & dined there. Most excellent dinner & v. nice new parlour maid, thorough gentleman’s servant. Thursday 26 January Out for walk v. cold to Round Pond. Lin dined with Mr. Knightley Gresham Club. I fetched Ethel Herapath at 4 & went to see Burne Jones pictures 3/-. Called on Miss Hogarth after & saw tiresome Mrs. Sington & a sister of M. Stone’s. Ethel dined here. Bad dinner badly served. Friday 27 January Mrs. Tweedie’s dinner 8 o’c. Unable to go on account of Lin’s work. X. Seedy. Miss White here doing Lin’s curtains working in my room. V. late dinner 9.35. Roy ate his first dinner for Bar!!! Returned in time to dine again with us. Maudie fetched me at 4 we went together called on Mrs. Huish & Mrs. Coward & met Lennie at dentists. M’s carriage brought me to Midge’s stayed some time. Cab’d home.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturaday 28 January In bed till 12.30. Miss White here doing bags for drawing room curtains. Darling Maud to luncheon, went with me to Goupil & Fine Arts Galleries, Oxford pictures & pastels. Saw only Mrs. C. Carr. Left Maudie at 27. Lin & self dined at dear Maud’s exquisite dinner well served. Her house maid ill with influenza. Roy ate 2nd Bar dinner. Mr L. Coward most kind & drove R. on to theatre after. Sunday 29 January In bed till 12.30. Lin to Calais. Roy out to lunch. Awfully dark day & damp. No one called. Lennie & Maud to dinner most cheery. Lin enjoyed his day. Monday 30 January In bed till 12.30. Lin bothered by F.C.B. again. Bother him. Roy returned to Oxford by last train. V. charming letter fr. Mr. Lewis Coward about Roy, Lin & I delighted with it. Only trust Roy may prove worthy of impression he made Saty night Grays Inn. Men all over house. Tuesday 31 January In bed till 12.30. Maudie to luncheon & remained till 6.30. Judy & Lady Weston, Mrs. Warre, Mrs. Pitt, Mocatta, Enthoven, Harry Henderson, Percy Holland, Miss Hogarth, Mary Millais, Miss Rose Innes who stayed on to dinner & left at 11 o’c. Lin dined at Jnr. Carlton with Mr. Galbraith. Miss White here. Feb 1899 Wednesday 1 February In bed till 12.30. Lin to see Lennie & P. Agnew morg. & to Mr. Burnand’s after luncheon. Miss White here. Satisfactory interview with Burnand. Why worry Lin? wish he c’d be independent of work. Out with Maudie to see Fritz, & Mrs. Fritz there. Thursday 2 February Ethel E. to dinner 8 o’c. Sang & was generally amusing. Miss White here. To tea with Mrs. Fritz J. Missed Maud. Friday 3 February (blank) Saturday 4 February Miss White 12/6. Bodice not finished. Lin & self left by 2.30 for Vic Sta. Lin saw me off to Con’s, Findon nr Worthing. Effie met me at Sta. Drove out together 5 miles to Findon. V. pretty old house. Miss Gordon here. Letter. Effie X. Sunday 5 February Dull & wet. Went for walk with Con & Baby after luncheon. Letters fr. Lin, Spencer, & Midge. Tableau after dinner. Monday 6 February Pouring wet. Mr. Morris & Mr. Brookes gentlemen jockeys came morg. Con in bed seedy morg. Long letter fr. Lin. Wet all day. Letters fr. Lin. Tuesday 7 February Wet & damp & cold. Con drove me in to Worthing & stayed 1½ hours at Aunt Anna’s. Found her greatly altered, & much aged. Enjoyed drive. Lin dines with Maud.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 8 February Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Lovely day, wet later. Walked with Effie & Gordon over downs. Con alone. Thursday 9 February Pouring wet part of day. Out morg. with Baby for walk. Wet later. Con to Worthing in cart, took Baby. Effie, Miss G. & self for walk. Awful row between Con & Effie after dinner, makes me feel quite ill. Letters fr. Lin & Maudie. Lin dining at Mr. Bradbury’s tonight. Friday 10 February Spent £2.0.0 at Conrad’s. Returned by 2.7 train fr. Conrad’s, he & Effie lunching at Mr. Thornton’s. Miss Gordon drove in with me & saw me off. Lovely day & v. warm. Darling Maud met me in brougham looking pale & came on home to tea with me. Brought me flowers for drawing room & table. Unpacked, & re-packed. Lin v. busy. Workmen busy in his room. We two alone to dinner, peace! after the rows at Con’s most refeshing. Saturday 11 February Lin & self decided to go to Lincoln by 4 train, gave us more time. Found Edgar & Sophy awaiting us at White Hart Hotel where we found most comfortable bed & dressing room, fire, flowers. Dressed & dined with E. & S. & talked after in little room. To bed early v. tired. Left Lin talking to Edgar. Sophy left early on cycle. Sunday 12 February Mrs. Craigie’s at home. Unable to accept. Lin got up with bad headache. Breakfasted in coffee room & then to Cathedral service with Lin. Poor sermon. At 1 o’c in fly to Edgar’s, The Barracks. Lunched in his quarters v. good & had tea at Cap’t Harding’s & went over his rooms. He dined at Edgar’s in the evening. V. entertaining man had been A.D.C. to Gov of Malta 3 years & met many interesting people. Lin & I walked home. Monday 13 February Dull morg. Edgar & Sophy hunting so Lin & self did the curio shops all morg. After lunch rested & slept. At 4 to Cathedral & over tower. Many things of interest at Lincoln, gateways, buildings, & its situation so fine. Drove to Edgar’s at 6. Major Graham there. Pleasant evening, not good dinner. Drove back, v. strong wind & rain. Letter fr. darling Maud. Tuesday 14 February Breakfasted in bed. Sophy fetched me at 11. After finishing packing we went over Cathedral, most beautiful edifice. Met Edgar & went to Thompson curio shop with him. Edgar, Sophy, Lin & self lunched together & drove in omnibus to see us off for London. Comfortable journey up. Otley in cart took our luggage whilst Lin & I returned by Metropolitan. Dined at 7 o’c. Lovely morg. All well here. Letter fr. Maudie poor darling not well. Wednesday 15 February Bust morg. Maudie’s to dinner & very delicious dinner, flowers lovely. V. lucky in her Scotch parlourmaid, most efficient servant. Thursday 16 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Bergne’s dinner. Can’t go. Lin dining at Mr. Ayala. I dine at Maud’s, dinner of 8. Mr. Mickleham, Mr. Stewart, Mr. & Mrs. Griffiths, Miss Rose Innes. Exquisite dinner perfectly served flowers lovely. Great success. M. looking sweet in white muslin & pink. Wire fr. Tabs & went to her at Coburg Hotel. Midge also there. Lin had fairly good dinner at Mr. Ayala’s, made speech! Great applause! Drove to Drs & shop’d with Maudie in open carriage. Met Mrs. Drabble. Friday 17 February Out morg. shops Kensington, flowers fruit fish fowl! Darling Maud to luncheon, brought me lovely flowers. House still in workmens hands. After luncheon M. & self to call on Mdes Colin Hunter, Rawlinson, Tuer, Holland Nidrey, Geiger, Heyworth Savage. Stores for Lennie’s cigar cutter £1.2.3. Charbonel & Walkers darling M’s tea, & Effie Weigall, saw Baby. Left M. at 27 both dining at the Rooths tonight. Saturday 18 February Carriage 11 o’c to order blk. & white blouse, enquire Roger Wallace, C. Hunter, order bonnet, Davis about lamp shades changed. X. Harris notice. Sat in Lin’s work room still chaos with workmen. Dined 6 o’c & to first night Hares “Ours”. Hare, G. Hare & Kerr excellent. Met Fildes, Stones, Lewis, Rubens, Mrs. Miller etc etc. V. pleasant evg. Sunday 19 February Mrs. Macqoids dinner 7.45. In all morg. doing books in Lin’s room. Darling Maud & Lennie to luncheon unexpectedly & stayed to tea, delighted to see them. Mrs. Watkins (Mary) Florence Walford & Bret Harte called, latter looking v. seedy. Lin to Club. Charming dinner at Mrs. M’s, envy their lovely things. Mr. & Mrs. Foa handsome dull woman, Alexanders, Mr. Smith & Mary Millais. Monday 20 February Fog. Arrival more furniture. Lin to Maples. Lennie & Maud to dinner both most cheery. Called at Maudie’s & saw Lady Lawrence, Mrs. Messel, Mrs. Griffiths (American) & Miss Schleisinger. To enquire Colin Hunter. Tuesday 21 February Walked to Midge’s to ask Dora to dine & go to Drury Lane pantomime with Lin & self which she did. Midge walked back with me. Miss Innes, Mrs. Fildes, 2 Child girls (v. common!) Effie Weigall, Mrs. Walkes, Maggie Hadley (Wells), F. Walford etc called. Maudie to luncheon & tea. Maudie has dinner party of 7, the Langleys, Clements, Nipper & 2 others. Wednesday 22 February Lovely day. Disappointed not going to Oxford. Wrote morg. & walked twice round Pond with Mrs. Unwin & her friend. Lin & self alone luncheon. Electric light again blown itself out! At 4 o’c to leave cards Mrs. Unwin de Vere Hotel, Mrs. Child Albert H. Mansions. To Gordon Hospital about nurse & to tea Mr. Guthrie’s. Met Tabbie, Dora & Maud there. Left Maudie at 27. Thursday 23 February Mrs. Hankey’s dinner 8 o’c. Out morg. walked to Queens Rd, on to Sybille’s. Missed Maud. On to Mr. Pepper’s (doctor) & bus home. V. large dinner. Odd table, pots of violets. Cold. Taken in by Mr. Walford solicitor, handsome wife sang well. Mr. Bertram played organ & Mrs. Hankey piano charmingly. I enjoyed evening, Lin v. bored took in pretty woman though!


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 24 February Lunch with Tabbie, Coburg. Wired lunching with Cavendish Bentincks. At 3.30 Barkers sent off things to Aunt Barbara. To Nursing home Fitzroy Sqre, no good, & to Maud’s. V. busy packing. Hilda & Miss Innes there. Stayed until 8 o’c, taking quantity of new things. Saturday 25 February Darling Maud & Lennie start at 9 o’c for Monte Carlo. Linley with them as far as Calais. Lovely day. Nash man doing drawing room tiles. Walked to Lady’s shirts association. They were not ready to fit me, v. annoyed. Met Ethel E. Discoursed on Cowards. Dora came for me 3.30. To Mrs. C. Hunter’s, Mrs. Reed’s, found Daisy Tate in. Flowers & fruit 2/4. D. here to tea. Lin home at 8 o’c, saw Maud & L off at Calais, good crossing. Sunday 26 February Helped Lin with books etc in his room all morg. Dora did not turn up for luncheon. X. Darling Maud & Lennie arrive at Monte Carlo at 2 o’c today. Lovely day. V. cold E. wind. No one called but Mrs. Unwin & Miss Newenham. V. quiet evg. Lin & self alone. Monday 27 February 3 o’c Her Majesty’s Theatre. Rehearsal Club. Mrs. Mayne’s invitation unable to go. Lin out all day alone to luncheon. At 3 o’c to Barkers fetched Miss Rose Innes who went with me to Lady shirt place to be fitted. Left me at Midge’s. Mrs. Child, Florence, Mr. & Mrs. Bond there. Left fawn jacket to be altered & got chicken & 2 lettuces Whiteleys. Miss Rose Innes to dinner. Left jacket Smythes to be altered. Tuesday 28 February Out at 11 in brougham. To stores bought seed, apron, bodice, dress binding, cream cheese v. good & flowers. Walked home. Lady & May Lawrence, Mrs. Child & F.W, Mrs. G.Armstrong & Grace Fraser & Mrs. Stone called. Lin out before break. & after lunch on cycle. X. Ami. Lin & self to Court Theatre “A Court Scandal”. V. good, Seymour Hicks. Saw Mrs. & the Miss Thorneycrofts & Mr. A. Crawfurd with 2 frisky ladies. A telegram mysteriously passed round house to Miss M. Macbeth! Not claimed. Mar 1899 Wednesday 1 March Mrs. R. Caldicott at home 4 - 6.30. Mrs. A.H.Pollen at home. In bed till 1 o’c. Midge came & sat some time. Orton came to see about for operation. Tabbie to drawing room. Unable to go & see her felt giddy & faint . Read all afternoon. Lin had carriage. Mrs. Henderson attends drawing room. Thursday 2 March Mrs. R. Caldicott 4 - 6.30. Tabs & Bee lunched here, full of Con’s affairs. Bee heard all fr. Miss Milligan. V. seedy. To leave cards Mrs. Hankey, Mrs. Macquoid & Mrs. Caldicott’s. Saw the Rawlinsons, Mrs. P. Simpson & Mrs. Blackburn there. Miss Radcliffe to dinner. V. lively & amusing, Lin likes her. 2 long letters fr. darling Maud. Friday 3 March Went out afternoon, returned early to read to Lin. Saturday 4 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dear Lin’s operation at 10.30 under chloroform 1¼ hrs. Found 8 large piles, 2 v. large internal ones. Much worse than expected. Lin in pain rest of day. “Tip” most anxious! In all day. Orton came morg. & evg. Sunday 5 March Lovely day, cold. In all day. Lin v. full of pain & discomfort. Slept on & off. Orton came. Monday 6 March Lovely day, cold. Lin had good night & looks better. Went for walk to Whiteleys & back. Letters fr. dear Roy & Maud. Box of dried fruits fr. Maud fr. Monte Carlo. Mr Pepper & Orton to dress Lin’s wound. Gave Mr. Pepper cheque. Mrs. Messel, Galbraith, Midge & Mr. Guthrie came to enquire. Mr. G. went & sat with Lin. Orton came twice. Most unnececessary. Tuesday 7 March Out at 11. Lin not good night, weary. Orton came once also unnecessary, dressed Lin’s wound which Nurse could do. Gillie to lunch & tea. Mrs. Maquoid, Geiger, Cameron Corbett, Rose Innes called. Mr. Lewis & Mr. Reed, who went & saw Lin. Letters fr. Mr. F.C.B. Quiet evg. Wednesday 8 March Mrs. A.H. Pollen at home. Out at 11. Lin looking better. Nurse dressed Lin’s wound well, Orton quite offended. Flowers fr. Gwen, Evey & Midge. Saw Midge & walked part of way home with me. Mrs. Booth about maid. V. kind letter fr. Tabs asking us there when Lin can be moved. Sent box of sweets on to Roy. Thursday 9 March Lovely day. Out at 11 in carriage to Whiteleys with Midge, to Cripples Home left 12 hand’s to be marked there & to Craven Terr, needle place, & Woollands. Left Midge at home. Spent afternoon with Lin, seems brighter. Orton came. Lady Lockwood called & I saw her, to enquire, also Bancrofts, W.H.Wills & many others. Quiet evg. Mr. Fildes called & stayed some time. Friday 10 March Lovely day warmer. Bad day for Lin & he had bad night, up after castor oil 4 times. To stores to get his fish. Ordered underlinen for self. Mr. Hartree & Mr. Ryle called & saw Lin. Miss Rose Innes came & had tea, but did not see Lin. Saturday 11 March Miss Rose Innes party at Adelphi, Berkeley Hotel dinner. Out morg. Sat with Lin all afternoon. Mr. Guthrie & Mr. Lucy came & sat some time with Lin. Sunday 12 March In all day. Lin v. seedy & uncomfortable. Spencer, Evelyn Coward came & Mr. Wirgman who sat some time with Lin & left at same time with Evelyn. Monday 13 March Mrs. McLaren’s dinner. Cannot go. Fog. V. anxious about Maud, writes been in bed 2 days, telegraphed to her. Out 11 o’c shop’g. Midge called & saw Lin & sent lovely salmon. Mr. & Mrs. Finlay & Mrs. Eykyn came to tea, Mr. F. with Lin. Many other callers but did not come in. Lin v. tired & exhausted. Nurse’s fiancé came & had tea with her, no, yesterday. Tuesday 14 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Steincopff’s dinner, unable to go. Lin had better night. Wire fr. darling Maud, better thank God. At 11 to Whiteleys ordered many things. To enquire for Mrs. Steincopff, influenza, & to Barkers for flowers. Walked fr. Hyde Pk. Cor. to Gds. Lady Bergne, Mrs. Reeve, Mrs. Turquand, Mrs. F. Evans, Mrs. Wallace & Mr. Fildes called. Latter sat & had tea with Lin. Lin seems better. F. Walford to lunch & tea. Wednesday 15 March Mrs. A.H. Pollen at home. Fog, sun later. No letter fr. Maud. At 12 o’c to Whiteleys, bought away quail, sole, rusks(?). Walked there & back. Lin about same, v. weary of bed. Mr. Burnand, Mr. W. Stone, Mr. Hartree & Mr. Finlay came & saw Lin. Mrs. Burnand & Mr. & Mrs. Galbraith also came & stayed some time. Left Mr. Finlay with Lin & went at 5.30 to Mrs. Pollen’s, saw Mrs. Lawrence there, v. handsome woman. Quiet evg. Lin v. tired. Thursday 16 March Fog slightly. At 11 o’c out in carriage to Whiteleys ordered (illeg) pigeon, 5 sweetbread, prunes etc. Walked down Row, saw accident to groom, unhurt. Met Mr. P. Holland. Mr. Burnand & Midge called. No news of Maudie. Awful headache & feel vy seedy, no time to think of it. Friday 17 March Mrs. Galbraith’s theatre & dinner party alas cannot go. Mrs. Quintin Twiss 4 - 7. Mrs. Sherman 4 - 7. X. Mr. Ryle dines here with me 6.30. No news of Maud since telegram on Tuesday. XX. Letter at 10 PM fr. Maudie. Go at 11.30 with Midge to Godfreys tailor. Ball & ordered lace blouse 33/-. Mr. Guthrie, Miss Rose Innes (who brought lovely roses) Mrs. Jackson also flowers. Sir Norman Lockyer & Mr. Ryle v. amusing before during & after dinner. Saturday 18 March Flowers fr. Eve & Gwen. Out at 11 shops. Left cert. at Bank for £150, W. White on dep’t. Mr. Parsons (of Thanet) called for money. Gave him what I had in purse. Alice Leigh also came, Harris got rid of her. Ada Sp. also came but was dressing for dinner. Roy to theatre after. Roy returned fr. Oxford for Vac. No one came besides. Sunday 19 March V. cold. Lin going on slowly. Did birds & flowers. Roy at his Club all day. Dora to luncheon. Mrs. Caldicott, Miss Bastard, Mr. Reed & Mr. J. Hood called & Spencer & Ethel English, sat with Lin. Miss Rose Innes to dinner, stayed till ¼ to 12, dead tired. Monday 20 March V.v. cold. Letter fr. dear Maud to Lin. Lennie & Maud leave Monte Carlo today for Paris. Shop’g morg. Mr. Pepper called & saw Lin. At 3.30 to Miss Philips, Godfrey tailors, Sterhs & Barkers. Shop’d morg Kensington met Mrs. Eykyn. 3 large photos of Herbert Furrell. V. like Annie & Mervyn. Tuesday 21 Florence W. to luncheon. Came early & went with me at 11 to stores for Lin’s chicken & sole. Felt v. bad & in awful pain with Hemorroid. Bitterly cold. Snow. Felt v. bad after lunch incerted morphia suppositor & became faint & dreadfully sick. Nurse most kind. Mrs. Geiger & sister, Mrs. Tweedie & Mrs. Harley etc called, too ill to see anyone except Mrs. Geiger. To bed at 6 o’c. Letter fr. Maudie, better & gone to San Remo. Lin better, in his study.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 22 March Mrs. A.H. Pollen at home. In bed to breakfast. Herbert Furrell photo. Tabbie called & asked us to go on Monday. Midge & H. & D. going on Thurs for Easter. Mr. Guthrie came. Roy at Club all day & to Court Theatre after dinner. Bitterly cold. Thursday 23 March Bitterly cold. Feel v. wretched fr. pain. Friday 24 March Mrs. Skinner at home. Bitterly cold. Nurse left, paid her £6.6.0 for 3 weeks & 7/6 washing. V. nice person. Nurse came to my room morg. & the pain I suffer comes fr. a small fissure. Went about hat. Dora came to tea. Saturday 25 March Beastly day still in great pain. Lin better. Bitterly raw & cold. Went to Mr. Ryle’s studio, saw young Wallace & Mr. Newton there. Only called to enquire Mr. Aird. Sunday 26 March Lovely morg. Lin went for his first little walk with Roy & self & was none the worse. Miss Rose Innes, Mr. Douglas who amused Lin v. much, & Mr. Lemon called. Tabby & 2 girls arrived at Coburg too late to dine here. Awful pain fr. fissure all day. Tilda left with Miss Rose Innes at 6 o’c. Lin slept in my room. Monday 27 March Lovely warm morg. Long letter fr. darling Maud fr. San Remo, much better. Out morg. shops, still great pain better about 12.30. Lovely box of flowers from Maudie. Tabby & the 2 girls to dinner. I called on Midge afternoon. E. & H. had row again waiting execrable in consequence. Tuesday 28 March Lovely day, warmer. X. Petit ami. Packed. Awful row again between Emilie & Harris. Waiting at table last night abominable. Edie Sismay & Ethel H. called only. Wednesday 29 March Lovely day. In bed till 12. Midge called. Lin finished his drawing & packed. Lin & Roy go to Pyt House today by 3 train. Maud & Lennie arrive from S. of France, sent Otley. Maudie sent me 2 exquisite bunches of violets fr. Paris. Both well. Thursday 30 March Maudie’s cook goes to her. J. Crawford, Bridge St, Catrine, Ayrshire. Maudie & Lennie lunch here. Think Maud looks v. thin & pale, longed to have her all to myself. They had to hurry off after luncheon for Nymans where they stay until next week. V. warm. Lovely day, so glad for Lin. Finished reading “My official Wife”. V. good. Friday 31 March In bed till 12.30. Finished reading “La fiancée de Gilbert” sent it off to Mrs. Humphreys. V. pretty love story. Letter fr. Lin, seems better & enjoying himself. Mr. Bret Harte called, did not see him. Put away china drawing room. Apr 1899 Saturday 1 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Go by train D.V. to Tabby’s, Pyt House. V. amusing journey met Mrs. Stone & Miss White at Waterloo. Had v. handsome “Harem” lady & husband & fair young man in my carriage. Lady distinctly fast & amusing. Salisbury Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bennett got into my carriage & were v. funny, he was. Lin met me station & found all Langleys here. V. jolly. Sunday 2 April In bed to breakfast. Fine day. Country looking lovely. Mr. Jack Bennett came to ask all to Steeplechases tomorrow. The 2 Hamiltons, Roy, Tabbie & Bee only going. Took walk in grounds with Bee. Lin only progressing slowly. Letter fr. Maudie fr. Nymans. Monday 3 April Dullish, sun later. Party off to Steeplechases, Midge, Lin & self & Dora remaining. Sat out afternoon with Sprite. Lin & girls for walk. Midge resting v. seedy with toooth ache. Hurley burley dinner after races & to bed early. Tuesday 4 April V. wet all day. Midge seedy with tooth ache. Lin v. seedy with a bad cold. Cleared up after luncheon & we all went for walkwith dogs & goat. Men played whist after dinner. Wednesday 5 April Lin’s cold v. bad. Walked with him morg, could scarcely speak. Ham & Eve hunting. Packed afternoon. Mr. Hilton called at tea time & brought photos of French ports. Mr. Seymour Hayden came to stay. Mr. Jack Bennett dined at Pyt. V. rude man & noisy, loose in conversation. Hamilton L. & Roy out all day fishing. Thursday 6 April Midge, Ham, Lin & self leave Pyt, & Roy & Dora return tomorrow. Lin’s cold v. heavy. We came by 11.40 fr. Tisbury & had v. pleasant journey up. Mr. Watney called. Hamilton F. & Mr. Seymour Hayden went off by first train to Southampton to see the yacht. No work ready for Lin. Mr Guthrie goes to Pyt today, just miss him. Friday 7 April Out morg. & called at Midge’s afternoon, Roy & Dora returning home tonight, also at 27 & Maud not returning until Monday. Saturday 8 April To Whiteleys morg. Awful blizzard had to take a cab home. With Lin in his study all afternoon. Dora came & went with us to “Three Musketeers”. V. good indeed, better than Tree’s. Mistake about D’s carriage & had to take cab. Think it v. unwise Lin going out at night. Orton called morg. surprised to find us back. Sunday 9 April Lin & Roy to Calais, hope he won’t take cold, he seems better. Walked to Derwent Lodge & saw Ada Sp. Sp. gone to Calais also with Hylda. V. rude returning with Mr. Lewis, bothered Lin. No one came. Lin & Roy home v. late. Monday 10 April Walked morg. & shop’d. Darling Maud to lunch, looks v. well. Stayed until 6 o’c. Mrs. Galbraith sr. & Jenny Wilson called to tea. Dined early. Spencer dined here &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 we went to see the “Concho” (?) at Avenue, C. Hartree. Lennie & Maud joined us there. Saw the Trowers. V. amusing piece. Tuesday 11 April To stores morg. Darling Maud to lunch & tea, Lin out. Lennie & Maud to dinner. Roy at Queen’s Club all day, Public School rackets. Not a soul called. Mr. Stone also dined with us & Lin enjoyed chat with him. Wednesday 12 April Lennie & Maud to see house at Esher. I dined there, 27, evg. Maudie v. tired poor darling. To Whiteleys morg. in brougham. Roy dined with Harold Messel at Hyde Pk Club & to Adelphi after. Lin to Punch dinner for first time since operation. Thursday 13 April Out at 11 in brougham, shop’g. Had 2 fowls & 1/- eggs fr. Black Ireland. Mr. & Mrs. Bergheim to dinner. V. pleased to see them. Clara v. bright but find Mr. B. more accentuated in his ill bredness, odd little man. Darling M. came in to tea. Called & saw her morg. Lin looking fairly well. Friday 14 April Eton won public school rackets. Pouring wet morg. Roy off to Public School Rackets. Maudie to luncheon. Cold. Saw Miss Peachey & arranged for massage 3 times a week, Monday Wed & Friday 2.10. 6/- a week. Roy to Eton triumph at Queen’s Club. Roy to dine here early & to Mr. Stone’s party at Daly’s & supper after. M. & self called on Lady Lawrence, Miss Lawrence, Mrs. Welby, Mrs. English, S. Grantham, Mrs. Russell & Midge. Saturday 15 April Out morg. shops Kensington. Roy to Nymans until Monday, travels with Maud & Lennie who go for a week. In afternoon dined at 6 o’c. Lin & self to 1 st night of Sardon’s play of “Robespierre” at Lyceum. Irving had tremendous reception & brilliant house. Play translated by L. Irving. Had supper after on stage. Felt v. tired. Sat next to A. Critchett. De la Rues, Trowers, Mrs. Craigie, Mrs Tree & Lady Granby, Burnands etc etc etc. Sunday 16 April Went for ½ hour walk. Lin to Calais. Bitterly cold east wind, hope he won’t take cold. Roy at Nymans. Ethel English came & stayed some time. Lin seems all better for day, cold & wet returning. Monday 17 April Miss Peachy here 2.10 for massage, 3 times weekly. Great fire at Hyde Park Club. Roy retrned fr. Nymans. Harold Messel & Ina Mackenzie to dinner. Tuesday 18 April Out morg. to Woollands. Great fire at Hyde Pk. Club yesterday. Edgar to luncheon & stayed some time. Box at Shaftesbury, Edgar & Sophy. Mrs. Mackenzie & Colin met us there, pretty crowded. Roy dined with Lennie & to some music hall after. Lady Bergne & 2 others called. Wednesday 19 April To Woollands to be fitted, walked back. Saw Mr. Stone & Mr. Trower in Park. Miss Peachy 2.12. Roy to Her Majesty’s. I dined with Edgar & Sophy at Monico, enjoyed it, & was home by 10.15. Lin out all day long, seems quite well.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 20 April To Woollands morg. Not ready, go tomorrow. Lovely morg. Walked home thro’ park. Saw Mr. Stone & Mr. Trower riding. Called at 4 o’c on Mdes Johnson Ferguson, Cameron Corbett, Armstrong, Mrs. Robertson & Braunstein. Rosebery & Crewe wedding. Agnes Blackburn’s wedding day! Roy returned to Oxford. Friday 21 April Mrs. Harry Lewis 3 - 6. Pouring wet day. To Woollands morg. Fitted. Shall not like dress. Morg. massage & rest after luncheon. Dined by 9.30. Cold & damp. Paid Miss Peachy 6/- for 3. ½ hours massage during the week. Saturday 22 April Evey Jackson’s wedding day. Mrs. Harry Lewis 3 – 6. Mrs. Messel’s invitation to Nymans fr. Friday till Monday. Private View New Gallery. X. Petit ami hier soir, unable to go to Nymans most annoying, & box packed. Sat all afternoon & evening in Lin’s study. Ada Sp. called as I was having my dinner on tray. Finished reading “The Paths of the Prudent” v. amusing book by Fletcher. Sunday 23 April Fine. In bed till 2.30. Dinner & luncheon in drawing room. Mr. Bret Harte came & stayed an hour about tea time. As usual most entertaining, thinks Ld. Crewe greatly spoilt by his Ld. Lieuts of Ireland, has never been able to recover fr. it! Wrote & read “Nance Oldfield”, badly written. Gave Mr. B.H. his own book by mistake for “Paths of the Prudent” to read! Stupid. Monday 24 April Wet & dull. Vy funny letter fr. Mr. Bret Harte about my mistake in giving him one of his own books for one I wished him to read. Lin rerturned fr. Nymans bringing me lovely pink roses fr. darling M. Lennie again in bed with cold. Lin off to Academy, Varnishing day. Pouring with rain. Midge came just as I was starting for Woollands, where I met Doris Tattersall & Mrs. Moscheles. Mistake about Mr. Bret Harte’s book. Tuesday 25 April Heavy showers & fine after. Wire fr. Tabby to lunch at Coburg with her. Cannot go, too seedy. In bed till 12.30. Mrs. Maynes musical party 4 - 7. Wednesday 26 April In bed till 12.30. Massage. At 4 o’c to Lady Hickman’s, Mrs. Kettle, Max Nembhard, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Critchett, Coburg, Mrs. Heilburt, & Barkers for Leithea water, & Midge. Alone to dinner on tray drawing room. Darling Maud & Lennie ret’d fr. Nymans, sent Otley to enquire. Both colds. Thursday 27 April To tea with Ethel English 4.30. To lunch with Maudie. 2 stalls for “Manoeuvres of Jane” Lin & self go. Went with Maudie to tea Ethel E’s. Mr. & Mrs. Cookson, Mr. Holland & Effie there. E. looking as usual in blooming health. Friday 28 April Mrs. Mayne’s musical party 4 - 7. Darling Maud’s wedding day. Private View Academy. Maudie lunching here & going together. Maudie lunched here & we went to Academy together. Enjoyed it immensely. Not many friends, M. greatly admired. Left her at Claridges Hotel to meet Schiffs & Lennie. Unable to go to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Margaret W’s or Mrs. Mayne’s. Maud & Lennie arrived just as we were sitting down to dinner at 9.30. Both seemed depressed, Lennie v. seedy. Saturday 29 April Mrs. Cameron Corbett’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. a’Beckett Tyrrel musical 4 - 7. Unable to go. Out morg. shops, chose new toque Angraves. Massaged today instead of yesterday. Maud & Lennie to Nymans. V. pleasant dinner. Mr. Mackee M’s friend took me in. Sir E & Lady Carbutt there, rest strangers. Mr. & Mrs. Coleridge. Sunday 30 April Had walk in Park with Lin. Saw P.J.B. did not see us. Met the Seymour Trowers & Cap’t Heathorne. Lin playing tennis with Sir Alfred Hickman. Dora dines here. Mr. Bret Harte & Mr. Freyer called. Long talk on American politics with Mr. Bret Harte. Dora dined here looking extremely handsome. May 1899 Monday 1 May Lovely morg. Lin off early to try guns. Busy cleaning out fern cases. Darling M & Lennie return from Nymans. Did not come. Planted ferns etc in cases. Lunched alone. Masseuse, & at 4 o’c to enquire Mr. Donaldson, Lady Richmond, Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Fildes, Maudie’s not ret’g until tomorrow, Aunt Linda’s, Midge’s. Lin in 10 to 8. Electric light went wrong again in drawing room. Letter fr. darling M. Tuesday 2 May To Whiteleys morg. Lin cycled to (blank) returned 6.30. Mrs. & Miss Clifford called & Lady Sadler. Entirely forgot all about her & could not imagine who she was at first. Midge & Dora to Con’s. Hamilton to dinner here. Wednesday 3 May Miss White here. Miss Chapman 4 - 7. Lady Hickman tea 5 o’c. Lin & self to Oxford D.V. by early train. Lovely day. Lunched with Roy in his rooms, excellent lunch. Roy looking v. limp & seedy. Met Conrad & Mr. Rumford at Oxford only had a moment with them. Perfectly charmed with Oxford, one of the loveliest places I have ever seen, full of beauty & interest at every corner. Saw darling Maud in Palace Gds on driving home looking sweet. Thursday 4 May Ham to dinner 7 o’c & to Her Majestys after. Lennie & Maud join us there. Miss White here. Friday 5 May Mrs. Harvey’s dance 10 o’c. Roy comes up for 3 dinners, Law. Roy, Lennie, Maud & Winnie Lockyer to the Harvey’s dance. I called with Maudie & M. Paxton on Lady Bergne, Clarkes, Suttons, Sir W. Agnew, Mrs. Steinkopff etc, Joachim, Tuers. Saturday 6 May Midge’s dinner 8 o’c. To Stores morg. Sent Edie blue serge dress & silk blouse. Massage after luncheon & rest. V. charming dinner at Midge’s, 10. Sir T & Lady Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. Rooth, Mr. Heineman & Ethel English. Lovely pink roses on table. Soup, tiny fillets sole, sweetbreads & macaroni, fillets beef salad beans, ducklings green peas, chocolate savoy, macedoine fruit, savory. Sunday 7 May Walked with Lin in Row. Met Ham & Dora & Mr. Warre. Walked to Gds with them. Roy out all day, ate his dinner evening at Lincolns Inn & ret’d in time for ours. Lin


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 to Sir A. Hickmans. Mr. Bret Harte & Mr. Blair & Miss Enthoven called. Lennie, Maud, M. Paxton to dinner. Maudie with feverish cold. Monday 8 May Out morg. Lin out to dinner with some city company. To darling M’s 4 o’c, home at 6 o’c to take Roy to station to return to Oxford. Tuesday 9 May Out morg. shops. Lin & self dine at Mrs. Lucy’s 8 o’c. Maud & M. Paxton to luncheon. Mrs. Robertson, Turquand, Abbot & dau, de la Penha, F. Walford & Conrad called. V. charming dinner at Mrs Lucy’s. Lord & Lady Beauclerc (née Lady Herbert/Carnarvon) Lady M.W’s cousin, Sir Thomas & Lady Sutherland, Sir W. & Lady McCormack & Mr. ? Excellent dinner 3 new ideas. Wednesday 10 May Sir Cuthbert Quilter’s smoking party 10 o’c. Mrs. H. Pollen’s at home. Went alone to Mrs. P’s at home. Left cards at Miss Millais, McCleans, Chapman etc. Brought F. Walford with me fr. Mrs. Child’s to dinner. Emilie served dinner rather slip-slop. Thursday 11 May Out morg. With Maudie at 3.30 to call Mrs. Corbett, Mrs. Dent etc, McLaren. Maudie bad cold. Lin & self to Alexander’s piece. V. dull piece no interest in it. Lovely girl in front & horrid fat man next to me, changed places with Lin. With Lin morg. at Zoo, he photoing parrots. Friday 12 May Lady de la Rue’s musical evg. 10.30. To Barkers about tailor blue gown & coat morg. & walked to enquire for Maud, out, & to Midge’s. Wanted me to stay luncheon, cab’d home on ac’t of Lin. Massage 6/-. With Maud & M.P. at 4 in open carriage to call on Mrs. Tate & to Mrs. Lewis’ at home. Lin late to Lady de la Rue’s at home, self too tired. Settee fr. Oxford arrived. Saturday 13 May Mrs. Harry Lewis 3 - 6. Lin & self to Oxford by early train. Met Maud, Lennie & M.P. at Pad. St. & went down with them. Lunched in Roy’s rooms excellent luncheon. After to river punt overloaded so Lin & self returned & walked about town. Met rest at station & returned together. Met Mr. Birnbaum at Merton Col. Home to dinner 8.15. Sunday 14 May Lovely day. Lennie & Lin for cycle ride at 11.30. Maud, Lennie & Maud Paxton dine here. Lennie more tired then Lin after ride. Maudie v. hot & feverish & with bad cold evg. Feel v. anxious about her. Monday 15 May Mrs. Harry Lewis 2 – 6. Masseuse 9.30. Breakfasted in bed & at 11.10 to Maud, went with her to Mr. Pollock, examined her carefully, gave her tonic, spray for throat & rec’d warmer clothing. Lunched with Maud, F. Walford there, M.P. out. Callers Mrs. English, Henderson, & Maggie Hood & dau, Messel & Ruth, Mary Millais, Paxton & Maud, Mrs. F. Kerr, Miss Enthoven. Maud had to put off dining at the Granthams tonight. Tuesday 16 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Darling Maud’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin & self dine there. X. Ami. Shop’g morg. Flowers Barkers, pd. Leroy £17, c’d not get bell answered Youngs, ordered collars Ball & Ferner. Not a soul called. V. heavy showers afternoon, bad drawing room day. Invitation to dine at Mrs. Burnand’s tonight. Charming dinner M’s, 8. Mr. Thornton, Mr. Dale & Harold, flowers on table lovely. Most delicious dinner, 10 courses. Wednesday 17 May Mrs. Douglas Sladen’s at home 9.30. Mrs. Parish’s dinner unable to go. To darling M. at 3. Went with her round park great crowd & impossible to call anywhere on ac’t of Queen opening or laying foundation stone for new Vic & Albert Museum South Kensington. Tea at M’s, seems v. seedy poor darling. Dined alone & bed early. Thursday 18 May Col Welby’s dinner 8 o’c. Also invite to dine at Mrs. E. Abbey’s. Lin out to luncheon. M. Paxton came to say Maudie not so well. Lin going to see her this afternoon, most anxious & feel such a wreck myself. 12 at Mrs. W’s. Col & Mrs. Mount Bennet, Sir? Lady & Miss Carden, Dr Farquharson, Miss Griffiths & 2 strange men. Sat between host & Col Mount B. Mrs. W. looked v. pretty. Mrs. Mount B. née Sant. Friday 19 May Lin & self go to Folkeston by night mail. Lennie & Maud with her maid went with us to Pavilion Hotel. Mr. & Mrs. H. Dickens, Enid, & Mr. & Mrs. Merryweather also at same Hotel, & a Mr. Mercer v. attentive to Mrs. D. & Enid. Saturday 20 May In bed to breakfast. M. Lennie Lin & self lunched at Hotel. M. & self for drive 2 hrs along the Dover Rd. Met Lin & Lennie walking to Dover. M. & self had cocoa in our rooms & rest & met at dinner. Sat together after. A half brother of Mr. Burnand’s here. Sat in lounge after dinner saw Mr. Dickens. Sunday 21 May In bed to breakfast. M. & self lunched alone. Col Ward Bennett came & saw us after & long talk with the Dickens.. Lennie & Lin to Boulogne for day & dined there. M. & self dined alone & sat with the Dickens after until Lin & Lennie’s return 9.45. M. & self for hours’ drive to Sandgate. Monday 22 May Wretched day in bed to breakfast. Lin & Lennie to Calais, Mr. D. also. Sat in with M. all day, M. much better. Sat afternoon & evg with Dickens. Mrs. D. & Enid returned by last train to London. Mr. Mercer & Mr. D. saw them off. Tuesday 23 May Invitation to lunch at Mrs. Lucy’s Hythe 1.30. In bed breakfast, out morg. with Lin to see boat off. Darling M. met us & remained out till luncheon. Lin went on hired cycle to Lucys. Lennie to London by first train. Maudie left with Sykes by 4.10 train, saw her off. Met Tates, Carbutts, Mr. Gage, Hensman & Mr. Ward. Lady C travelled with M. Mr. Dickens dined & spent evg. with us. Wednesday 24 May Mrs. Macqueen’s dinner unable to go. Lovely day. Breakfasted with Lin & Mr. Dickens in Saloon. Went after & saw boat off, Mr. D. on it, regretted we did not go


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 also. Lin for cycle ride after. Maudie left her miniature behind. We left by 4.10 train, saw Sir A. de la Rue & young English, Tates, travelled up with the Merryweathers. Dined alone, Lin to P.D. Thursday 25 May Fine. V. cold. To be fitted Barkers. To Ball & Ferners, ordered new house & walking shoes Marshall & Willetts. At 3.30 with Maudie to call Spielmans, Watney, Lady Priestley, Clifford, de la Rue, P. Holland, Hansen Walker & Lady Blomfield. Quiet evg. at home. Maudie to see “The Gay Lord Quex” with Lennie & Harold. Friday 26 May Mrs. Steinkopff’s dinner 8 o’c. Walked to Whiteleys & to Midge, long talk. V. pleasant dinner S’s, sat between Mr. W. Stone & Mr. Low, Standard contributor. Mr. & Mrs. Messel there. Maudie came in afternoon looking sweet. Saturday 27 May Mrs. Pitt’s at home 4 - 7, music. Invitation to go with Fletchers yachting. Flowers & went at 11 with M. Paxton to see over Kensington Palace. Lunched alone with Lin & to see “Lucky Star” Savoy after, v. good. Then with Maud & M.P. to Mrs. Pitt’s, met Mrs. Snagg & dau. & Lady Pontifex & Mr. Gribble. Quiet evg. alone. Maudie going to “Palace” has man dining there & going with her, Len & M.P. Sunday 28 May Mrs. Tate’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin off with model morg. lovely day, cold, for cycle ride after lunch. Tilda only to lunch. Cap’t Heathorn, Ham L. & Mrs. Alms who married (blank). Miss L. Langley called. V. charming din. at Mrs. T’s. Mr. Macquoid & Mr. Fladgate on my sides. Mr. Fildes, Bram Stokers, Macquoids etc there. Exquisite table & dinner. Monday 29 May Out morg. First lovely summer day. At 3.30 to call alone on Mrs. Douglas, Sladens, Lady Cotton, Tate, Lady Slater, Heineman. Maud first in. Mrs. Messel called & on to Midge, Bee there. Maud dining a party at Bath Club & to Opera after. Lin v. put out about no letter coming about Levée today. Lin with another cold. Tuesday 30 May Out at 11 shops. Dorothy Mott arrived ¼ to 1. Nice girl. Mrs. Tuer & colossal sister, Mrs. Fagan, Grace Frazer, Clara Bergheim & relative etc called, & Mrs. Spofforth. Lennie, Maud & Maud Paxton to dinner. Bee Barrs to luncheon. Wednesday 31 May Out morg with Dorothy to Gardens. Afternoon called on Mrs. Welby, Lady Seaton. Lady Quilter & Maud. Saw Ruth. M. dining at Mrs. M’s. Nana there just arrived & sleeps here tonight & off to Maud’s country house tomorrow. Lin to Derby with Mr. D’Arcy’s party, Duke of Westminster’s horse won. D. & self to Coronet Theatre saw Kendals in “Edermuss(?) Blossom” excellent. Saw Wirgmans, Hamilton, Midge & Bee. Mrs. Critchett & Macqueens there. Jun 1899 Thursday 1 June H. & Tabs up for Miss Grosvenor’s wedding. Mrs. Armstrong at home 5 o’c. Lovely day. With Dorothy to Marshalls, Angrace’s, Hills about hat, & buttons. Saw Sir W. Agnew & P.A. in Bond St. Lin off about Exhibition, & bother with photos. At 4.15


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 with Dorothy to call on Miss May, Lucy, Mayne (in) Warre, Hogarth & Armstrong, & Maud. Lady Borthwick dining there & going to theatre with them. Friday 2 June (blank) Saturday 3 June Mrs. Levy’s dinner 8 o’c. Unable to go. Maudie to luncheon & drove at 3.30 round Pk in open carriage, tea in Gds or ices. Lin & Lennie on cycles to Thanet, home for dinner. Little Bixley here. Sunday 4 June V. hot & lovely, poor Lin feels heat dreadfully, I love it. Lin to tennis at Sir A.H’s. Maud & Lennie to dinner. Mr. Bret Harte called. Little Bixley here. Monday 5 June Mrs. McLaren at home 5 o’c. Little Bixley here. Harris returned fr. country. Called at 4 o’c on Mrs. Phipson Beale, Walkers, enquired Mrs. Boughton, fetched Maud, chose 2 wedding pres, for Miss Aird, Salviati glass, Evey Jackson pen & pencil silver. Called on Mrs. Ackers Langham Hotel, & Park. Left Maud at home. Quiet evening. Pd Bixley 4/6. Nice but rough mannered girl. Tuesday 6 June Mrs. Turquand’s dinner 8 o’c. Accepted for Lin only. Roy’s room begun. X. Sent 3 empty boxes to Maud lent only. Little Dorothy Noot left. Emily & self v. busy getting furniture etc ready Roy’s room & loft. V. hot. Wednesday 7 June Mrs. Messel’s at home 4 - 7, music. Fetched Maudie & went to Mrs. M’s with her. Thursday 8 June Miss Aird’s wedding 2.30, St John’s Church Pad’g’n. Miss Fairfax Rhodes dinner 8 o’c, acp’t for Lin only. Mrs. Rawlinson’s garden party 4 o’c. Lovely day. Went with Maud Lennie & household to Oaktree House. Friday 9 June Mrs. Henderson’s dance 10.30. Mrs. G. Armstrong’s dinner 8 o’c. Accepted both for Lin only. Mrs. C. Burnand 4 - 7. Soirée at Guildhall Publisher’s Association. Busy morg. with Maudie doing flowers. Drove at 4 to Horley, shop’d, not over polite tradespeople. Met Lennie at Station drove home. V. v. cold & fire evg. Lin greatly enjoyed Mrs. A’s dinner. Met all young married people. Saturday 10 June Mrs. Marcus Stone’s dinner ¼ to 8. Acp’t for Lin only. Mrs. Elkin Mocatta’s dinner, unable to go. Lady Salisbury’s reception & garden party at Hatfield 4 - 7. Mr. Weedon Grossmith 4 - 7. Drove with darling M. to Crawley, shop’d, much prefer it to Horley. Letter fr. Lin. Lovely day cold wind. Lin enjoyed Lady S’s recep. Great number of lovely women. Dullish dinner at Mrs. S’s. Sunday 11 June Mrs. Weedon Grossmith 4 - 7. X. Ami. Drove to Nymans (6 miles) for luncheon with darling M. in Victoria, Lennie on cycle. Lovely. Delicious lunch & grounds lovely. Microscope. Mr. & Mrs. Elliot (bridal c) to tea at Nymans & Mr. Stuart to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 dinner & ret’d next morg with Lennie to London fr. Oaktree House. Like him much better alone. Interesting when he gets the undivided attention of his audience. Monday 12 June Mrs. Threlfall 4.30. Music. Lennie & Mr. Stuart to London early. M. & self for long drive 4 o’c. Lovely quiet day. Tuesday 13 June Mrs. Johnson Ferguson dinner 8 o’c. Ret’n fr. Maudie’s by 2.40. Darling M. drove me to Station. Read Carlyle’s French Revolution on way up. Bee arrived at 6 o’c. Seems disappointed cannot remain after Saturday. Roy returning fr. Oxford. Met Sir F & Lady Hartland, Sir W. & Lady Lawrence, Mr. & Mrs. Hobhouse. Maclarens, Lawson, Waltons etc. Lady Roxborough. V. pleasant dinner. Wednesday 14 June Lady Richmond 4 - 7. Thursday 15 June Lin & self dine at 7 o’c with Mr. Galbraith at the “Berkeley” & go to see “The gay Lord Quex” after. Howard called to tell me of poor Aunt Bessie’s death on Tuesday last the 13th at 25 Oxford Ter. Effie came in whilst Bee was dining alone here. Greatly enjoyed Mr. G’s dinner at Berkeley, only Miss Rose Innes besides ourselves. Play splendid & Irene Vanburgh splendid. Friday 16 June Dine at Queensland Court, Earls C. Ex. 6 o’c. Colonial Restaurant (Mr. Jack). Sp came in morg, taking me tonight. Bee to lunch with Lady Edith Fox Pitt. Quiet afternoon. Odd assemblage at Ex. Sp & self sat together, speeches feeble, delivery worse, learnt v. little. Good dinner considering 230 guests. Usual clumsy waiting & champagne spilt. Found Effie at Staf. Ter. on retuern & Lin etc still at table 11 o’c. Saturday 17 June Roy returns fr. Oxford. Bee leaves, I came back to Oaktree by 4 o’c train. Roy had not arrived. Found Mr. Fleischman & Lennie already at Oaktree & busy with games. Maudie looking v. well. Fly met me as horse gone lame. V.pleasant dinner, Mr. F. much nicer than I had pictured him. Bee left by early train for Conrad’s, not pleased to go!!! Sunday 18 June Lovely morg. hot, dull later. Len. & Mr. F on cycles to Nymans. Maud & self in Victoria with hired gee. Went steadily & well. Excellent lunch at Nymans & returned at 6 o’c just in time for dinner heavily laden with flowers. Violent indigestion at dinner ? cannot imagine. Monday 19 June Lady Carbutt garden party 4 - 7. Mrs. Evans tea party 4 - 7. Oaktree. Lovely sat out writing under trees. Mr. F. & Lennie off early. Sat out in garden all day. Walked to post office evg. with Maud. Bicycle which Lennie took back same evening. Tuesday 20 June Effie called. Mrs. Enthoven’s dinner 8 o’c. Acc’t for both. Mrs. C. Mackenzie’s 9.30. Mrs. Braunstein’s dinner unable to go, maddening! For what? Mrs. Morland Agnew 9.30, music. Private View Mortimer Mempes private V. 4 - 6 at Dowdeswell’s Galleries, 16 New Bond St. Arrived Vic with Sykes 12 o’c, home


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 12.30. Roy back to luncheon. Lin busy at S. Ken Museum selecting drawings. Mr. Arthur Lucas took me in to dinner & on to M. Agnews after. Good music. Wednesday 21 June Lady Richmond 4 - 7. Dull morg. Roy to Oxford for night, Merton Ball. Tilda coming to dine with me. Harris out. Sybil Grantham & Mrs. Morton Lucas called. Called at 4 with Tilda on Mrs. Aird, Corbutt, Threlfall, M. Agnew, Rhodes, Armstrong, Johnson Ferguson, Enthoven. Not v. interesting soirée at Royal Society. Thursday 22 June Lady Quilter 10 o’c, music. The Astronomer Royal’s afternoon party 3 to 6 PM. Mrs Cameron Corbett 4 - 6.30. Mrs. Jopling Rowe 4 - 7. Mrs. Pickering 5 - 7, music. Pouring wet day cd only do 3 at homes. Farbida(?) at Mrs. P’s. Harvey Wheans etc. Lin & Roy to Lady Q’s. Lin v. tired with work. Thought drive to S. Audley St wd do him good, it did. Friday 23 June Mrs. Macqueen’s at home 4 - 7. Lady Hayes Sadler 4 - 7. music. Paper being put up in Roy’s room. Went at 11 o’c to see Dr Abrams, given me several things to try £2.2.0! To Maud, found lost bracelet in safe!!! (illeg) band at Mrs. Macqueen’s. V. handsome Indian man & lady at Lady Sadler’s. Lin dines with Mr. Lawrence. Saturday 24 June Roy & self came to Oaktree by 4 o’c train. Lin unable to come on account of work. Found Mr. & Mrs. Messel & Muriel here. Lennie & Maud both v. well. Played croquet after Mr. & Mrs. M left & quiet evg. Sunday 25 June Lennie, Roy, Maud & self to Nymans for luncheon & tea. No sun but warmer & no rain. Roy drove with M. & self, Lennie on cycle. Sat out after dinner. Monday 26 June Mrs. Jopling Rowe 9.30. In all morg. Drove at 4 to Mrs. Hohler’s to tea. Charming old oak panelled house. Mr. H arrived for tea & Lady Goring, Mrs. H’s mother there also. Mr. Norman came down with Lennie. Tuesday 27 June Punch dinner. Mrs. Rawlinson’s garden party 4 o’c. Aunt Linda’a at home 9.30, Hungarian band. The Astronomer Royal’s party 3 - 6 PM. Mrs. Thorneycroft 4 - 6 music. Mrs. Silver’s music 4.30 to 7. Mrs. Rhodes 4 - 7. Maurice Farkoa(?). Academy Soirée 9 o’c. Took Mabel W. at 4 o’c to Thorneycrofts, splendid music. Mrs Rhodes fair after other! & Mrs. Silver’s, dull. Mabel dined here. Roy & Lin to Soirée. Wednesday 28 June Lady Richmond 4 - 7. Mr. Mortimer Mempes 4 - 7. Out morg. At 3.30 Mabel W. came & went with me to Mrs. Steincopff’s to congratulate on engagement. Lady Quilter, Medley, Pickering, d’Arcy, Fagan. Left Mabel & on alone to Sybil G’s. Roy v. naughty made me unhappy. He went on to Messels dance after dinner. Lin dined Reform Club with Sir Norman Lockyer & on to Punch soirée, grand affair. Thursday 29 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Jopling Rowe 4 - 7. Mrs. Bastard 4.30 to 7, Hungarian band. Lin, Roy & self to Exhibition evg. Out morg. To call 4 o’c on Mrs. a’Beckett, McLaren, H. Henderson, Shannen(?), Hartree, Heathorn & Mrs. Bastard, met Burnands. Lin, Roy & self to Exhibition excellent. V. funny dog with ball & galopping monkeys. Friday 30 June Mrs. Gerald & Mrs. Cyril Maude 4 - 6 (Mr Paul Green’s band). Mrs. Pennefather’s 4 - 7. Mrs. Street’s 4.30. Alice Farquhar to luncheon, & at 3.30 to Alice Street’s & Mrs. C. Maud’s, party postponed. To Mrs. Geiger, left Alice Cadogan Sqre & to Mrs. Pennefather’s. V. dull party. Saw Mrs. Pitt looking sweet. Jul 1899 Saturday 1 July Mrs. Sidney Cotton 4 - 7, music. Lin Roy & self came to Lennie & Maud’s at Lowfieldheath. Both looking v. well. Good dinner, little music & to bed. Sunday 2 July Dullish day some rain. Lin & Lennie on cycles to Nymans, Maud & self in Victoria & Roy in dog cart. V. pleasant day at Nymans, Maudie not feeling well, pain in side. She lay on sofa in drawing room whilst we were at dinner. Sat talking after till 10.30. Monday 3 July Dull morg. Lin & Roy to London by 11.10 train. Had walk with Maudie after luncheon. Quiet day. Letter from Lin. Maud much better. Tuesday 4 July Mrs. Maclean 4 - 7, 17 James St Mansions. Wrote morg. Drove at 3 to call on Mrs. Carol Ansdell 2 miles beyond Charlewood. Lovely drive old farmhouses. Lennie for cycle ride before dinner. M. & self for walk with dogs, lovely day. Sat out after dinner. Letter fr. Lin. Wednesday 5 July Mrs. F.C.Burnand’s 10.30. Called on Mrs. Matin & Mrs. Luscombe. Lovely drive past Crabbet. Too late for bank or to pay books. Thursday 6 July Mrs. Jopling Rowe. Mrs. a’Beckett 4.30 to 7. Mutton for dinner!!! Long letter fr. Lin, enjoyed Burnands party immensely. Hear Roy was at Lords with Edna May. Friday 7 July Mrs. Alec Tweedie 4.30 to 7. In all day. M. feeling heat, unable to go to Mrs. Hohler’s to tea. Lennie went alone. Young Cussans came until Monday. Long letter fr. Dickie. Ld. Wolsey given him 2 tickets for Great Volunteer Review tomorrow. Saturday 8 July Lady Anne Blunt’s Arab Sale 1 o’c Crabbet Pk. V. fine & v. warm. Lennie & John Cussans playing croquet all the morg. I sat & worked in Maud’s room. Unable to go to Lady Anne’s sale with Mr. Hohler, Maud not well enough. Sat out. Sunday 9 July Mr. Cussans, Lennie, M. & self to Nymans for luncheon & tea, home late too late to do flowers. Saw view fr. tower with Mr. Messel & Muriel. Microscope not so


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 interesting as usual, failed to get good water specimens. Sat out after dinner. Maudie v. tired, too long a day for her. Monday 10 July Worked & wrote morg. for lovely drive after. Lennie for cycle ride to Carol Ansdell’s & much pleased with his house. Tuesday 11 July Lady Romer 10 o’c. Letter fr. Lin. X. Petit ami deux jours en retard! M. & self for long drive. Wednesday 12 July Mrs. Schwann’s garden fete 9.30. Lin & Roy to big reception of new Carlton Hotel. Quiet day in bed till 12.30 reading “Une Idylle Tragique” par Paul Bourget. Out all day or rather afternoon on lawn, v. v. bad with little F. Sat out evg. Lennie better for cycle ride to Mr. Wilkinson’s. Letters fr. Lin. Thursday 13 July Mrs. Jopling Rowe 4 - 7. Mr. Earle Douglas 4 - 7. Lennie off early for Volunteer Exercise later. Unable to go on account of trains. Back evg. v. tired & put out about Lin & Roy not coming Saty. Maudie to meet Lennie alone Horley. Tilda arrived 4.45. Tilda & L. croquet. Sat out evg. Maudie not well, overtired. She did flowers before dinner. Friday 14 July In bed till 12. M. asleep on my arm after breakfasting in bed together. Letter fr. Lin, he & Roy to Lady Romer & Exhibition. Lords Eton & Harrow match. Saturday 15 July Lady Nottage 4 - 7, music. Lady Ellis 4 - 7 Bucleugh House. Mrs. S. Cotton 4 - 7, 58 Curzon St. Mrs. G. Hart’s party at Fairlawn Totteridge. Lady Pearson’s political party. Sunday 16 July Maud & Lennie to Nymans. Tilda & self to tea at Mrs. Hohler’s, a handsome Mr. Durham & a pretty Mrs. Blake there besides Lady Goring. Quiet evg. Monday 17 July Returned by 2.40 fr Horley, Tilda with Maud. Sp. called at 4.30 & I took him in brougham to Midge’s, out at Bisley, & left Sp. at Dewent Lodge. Quiet evg with Lin & Roy. Tuesday 18 July Mrs. Oakes’ garden party 18th, 4 - 7. Hungarian Band. Miss Steincopff’s wedding. Lin & self to wedding, full church St Margarets Westminster. Recep after v. crowded. Yellow bridesmaids dresses. Col Welby, du Mauriers, Laboucheres, Canon Ainger etc there.To Academy after & to Oakes, saw Mrs. Taylor & pretty daughter, Midge & D. rest of family. Lin, Roy, self to see “Tyrrany of Tears” Wyndham & Mary (illeg). V. good. Wednesday 19 July V. hot. Out at 3 o’c to Mrs. Fletcher dress maker, Davies cleaner & Marshalls. Sat out in garden with Roy after dinner. Lin to Punch dinner. Letter fr. Maudie. (Advertisements for lodgings glued in).


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 20 July Mrs. Jopling Rowe 4 - 7. Miss Hemmings dinner ¼ to 8, acpt. Mr. Hartree’s dinner. Mrs. Noble Smith at home 4.30. Roy has a friend to dine here & goes to theatre, do not think much of friend. Fairly good dinner Mr. H’s in artistic house. Friday 21 July Mad’lle called & went with me to be fitted Miss Fletchers. Carriage at 4 shops only. V. v. hot. Slept & read fr. 2.30 till 3.30. Read later to Lin. Dinner 9 o’c. Saturday 22 July Roy to Queen’s Club for sports taking E.M! I go to Horley by 2 o’c train. M. & Lennie met me at Horley. M. looked sweetly pretty in white & pale blue. Lin to Lady Ellis for River etc & dinner (Roy joining him there for dinner) & Lady E. asked us to stay until Monday alas cannot. Sunday 23 July Much cooler than in London, little rain. Maud & Lennie to church in carriage. Not going to Nymans today. Rested with Maud after lunch & to tea with the Hohlers. Monday 24 July (blank) Tuesday 25 July Lin’s bachelor dinner. Out at 12.20 to shops. Fowers from Pyt. Dinner Lin v. pleased with, Roy & self dined in morg. room. 12 dined here, Lord Rathmore, Sir C. Hall, Sir Norman Lockyer, Mr. Schomberg MacDonnell, Mr. Weld Blundell, Mr. F. Lucas, Mr. Wolff, Mr. Roger Walker, Mr. Lucy, Mr. Burnand & Mr. J. Aird. I came in late & had long talk with Ld Rathmore & Weld Blundell & Schomberg MacDonnell. Wednesday 26 July V. close & stuffy. Letter fr. darling M. had to put away things. Lin vexed Mr. F.C.B. left so early last evg & came late. Both Mr. McDonnel & Weld Blundel complimented us greatly on dinner.Out at 2.30 to see Smith about cot, awful price £10.10 without extras! Roy dining at Midge’s who has a dinner party tonight. Lin off early to Bath Club. Thursday 27 July (blank) Friday 28 July Lady Ellis’ river fête to meet the Duchess of Albany 9 - 11. Saturday 29 July Mrs. Messel’s garden party Nymans “The Follies”. Lin & Roy arrived in time for luncheon & went over on cycles to Nymans. Winnie & self in Victoria & Lennie on Mr. Hohler’s coach. V. delightful party, saw Steincopffs, Stuart, Mackenzies, Miss Williams, Marcus Stones etc. Maudie unable to go, too tiring for her. Sunday 30 July Lennie Maud & Winnie to Church. Lin self & Roy at home. Sat out all afternoon until 5 when all back. Maud & self went to the Hohlers for tea & croquet & on after to see a house Lennie fancies near Charlwood. Quiet evg. out under trees. Roy dined at the H’s. A Miss Carlisle there actress.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 31 July Lovely morg. Drove over with Lin & Maud to see house “Greenings” lovely situation, v. wide & four & ½ miles fr. station. Lin went up by 4 something train, saw E. English in same train. The Lorings arrived at Nymans fr. Malta. Aug 1899 Tuesday 1 August Lovely day, some wind. Roy goes to Nymans till Tuesday next. Harold comes here. Maud, Winnie & self drove to Crawley, met the Messels who all returned here with us, the Lorings, Mr. & Mrs. M & Muriel. Roy returned with them, Nipper came here. Mr. Loring returning tomorrow & Thursday sails again for Malta. Wednesday 2 August Nipper here. Maud, Winnie & self drove to Crawley & on to Mrs. Trots to see lovely baby linen. Met Mrs. Messel, Mrs. Stone & Ruth driving to Crawley & saw them returning with Mr. Stone. Thursday 3 August Lin came down. Nipper here. Much chaff about Lennie’s playing cricket at dinner. Friday 4 August Quiet day. Roy returned from Nymans. Had to take fly fr. Crawley. Winnie met him there on her cycle. Nipper left. Saturday 5 August Lennie & Mr. Hohler played cricket. Darling M’s birthday. Lennie gave her broach diamonds & ruby & little silver gilt match box of baby! I 2 old cut glass dishes & (illeg) for Roy like Lin’s. Hilda hat pin, Ruth 2 hands, Mrs. Messel photo stand. Quiet happy day. Went morg. over old house belonging to Miss Lyon hacking breeder. Lovely place & house. I drove Maud in dog cart, rest on cycles. Cricket match Roy made 30 & 5 wickets Mr. Hohler & Lowfield Heath. Tea at Mrs. H’s. Mr. & Miss Venning, Lady Goring & Lady Florence Burton. Sunday 6 August Showery morg. No one to Church. Lennie left for Camp, Worthing, after luncheon with his man. Winnie Lockyer left after early dinner 7 o’c. Mr. Marriott came to tea & stayed until 6.30. Roy & Lin went on their cycles to Nymans, large party there. Monday 7 August Lin at work all day & for cycle ride after tea. I slept with Maud. Sat out all day. Roy played in a match between Horley & Handcross, made 41 runs & 5 wickets. Tuesday 8 August Ami due, not come. Letters fr. Tabs to Maud, fr. Midge & Aunt Anna for me. Langleys all at Waterville, Cy Kerry, Ireland. Maud & self for long drive to see house, too far off at Newdigate, 6 miles fr. station, & on to Crawley after to shop. Met Mrs. Luscombe promised to tea there Monday. Roy & Linley cycled evg. before dinner. Long letter fr. William Adlam. Wednesday 9 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Letter fr. Con, dining tonight with Lennie at Mess, Worthing. Quiet day. Drove to “The Glovers” Charlwood. Charmingly furnished & delightful house. Very pretty garden. Thursday 10 August M & self to tea at Countess Reichenbach’s. Prettyly situated house but suburban surroundings. Her brother & young Henessy there, foppish young man. To Miss Trots after with work. Met Mrs. Messel & Ottie going to fetch Mr. Messel fr. Three Bridges. Roy playing cricket. Friday 11 August Roy v. seedy. Lennie returned at 8 o’c fr. Worthing after week’s training. In all day worked & read & walked. Maudie keeping v. well. Lennie v. brown. Saturday 12 August Harris leaves. Lin arrives 6.2 Horley. Lennie & Maud to see “Glovers”. Lin & Lennie to see it just before dinner, v. pleased with it. Roy v. seedy, took oil & unable to go over to Nymans afternoon. Lin looking only fairly well. Letter fr. Sophy. Edgar had bad fall fr. his horse. Sunday 13 August (blank) Monday 14 August Lin at work all day. Lin & Roy on cycles to Cuckfield, came home late for dinner & v. tired. Tappage. Lennie to Mr. Hohler’s for croquet on return fr. cycling. M. & self to Trots about work. Walked after. Sat out evg. Tuesday 15 August V. v. hot. To Crawley in dog cart with Roy morg. Lennie not going to City, foot bad. Sat out all day. Mr. & Mrs. Hardy fellow officer of Lennie’s to dinner fr. Nelsfield. Lin working, appears no worse for yesterday’s cycle ride! Wednesday 16 August Lin & self to London by 4 37. Roy to Nymans by 10 o’c, left us at 9.30. Ruth arrived 10.30, helped M. pack linen box. Maudie drove me with Ruth to Horley, Lin on cycle. Otley met us Vic, train punctual. 3 brace grouse fr. V. Watney. Lin bought gold chain for Roy’s 21st birthday. Thursday 17 August X. Ami due Tuesday week 8th Aug! To stores morg. To Jones ordered Roy’s pin, 21 st birthday. Single diamond in claw setting or for single stud. Arranged wardrobes afternoon with Emily & made room for M’s things. Friday 18 August In bed till 12. To Smiths, ordered bassinette, bought papers. Wrote Secretary of Whiteley’s lost the Banker’s receipt. Put away all linen of Maud’s in spare room. Lin dined at Mrs. F.C.B’s, only A. a’Beckett & F.C.B there excellent dinner as usual & well served. Unable to go self, dined off tray drawing room & bed early. Saturday 19 August Dull v. close. 2 letters fr. darling M. Lin leaves for Ballechin Mr. Wolff’s place near Perth tonight. I unable to return to Maud until Monday. Dear Roy’s birthday so


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 sorry not to be with them in Sussex. Find Emilie terribly dull & sad to wait on one, depresses one by her own depression. Sunday 20 August In bed till 12.30. Read all day long “Valima letters” by L. Stevenson charming. Finished french book “Les épines ont des roses” & 2 short stories of Bret Harte’s. Wrote to Lin. Monday 21 August Came to darling M’s by 4 train. Found all v. well here. Tuesday 22 August Washing mystery. Went with Maud after a laundress, meanwhile one came & fetched away the washing! Mr Messel, Harold, Ruth & Miss Hale to tea. Solemn rather. Miss H. cheery girl. Roy reading a book Stanley Weyman’s. Wednesday 23 August Maudie & self in all day. Maids to flower show, gardener took 6 prizes out of 7. Roy to play cricket at Staplefield. Thursday 24 August Lovely day. Letters fr. Lin enclosing one fr. V. Watney asking Lin, Mrs. Johmson Ferguson asking us & fr. Sir W. Agnew asking Lin for a cruise on his yacht. X. Poor Riki seized with a fit at 1.30 & died at 2 o’c. Vet Penfold & gardener & Roy with him, all most kind. Roy v. cut up. Mrs. Hohler & Lady Goring to tea stay’d ages & were v. nice asking us to call on them in London. Friday 25 August M. & self for walk along road met Lady G. asked us to go in, did not. Lennie & Roy cycle rides. Saturday 26 August Lovely day. Lennie & Roy to see houses Reigate & to Nymans on cycles after. M. & self packed few things. M. Lennie & Roy to see over 2 houses & M. & I called at moated grange opposite. Sunday 27 August Lovely day, packed. Monday 28 August Lennie, Maud, Garnet & self returned home fr. Lowfield Heath to Staf. Ter. Found all well & dear Lin glad to have us. Roy left for Nymans morg. No, soon after luncheon. We got home 6.30, train late. Heavy rain morg. M. & self v. tired fr. packing. Tuesday 29 August Busy morg. Dear M. seems well & happy tho’ tired. Drove after lunch. 2 brace grouse fr. Mr. Wolff. V. pleasant evg. Maudie had dinner upstairs too tired to come down. I up all night v. sick, no sleep till 6.30 AM. Wednesday 30 August Busy all morg tidying M’s room. At 4.45 to Whiteley & Hyde Pk. Corner to meet Lennie. He & darling M. walked home & to see furniture at sales on way! M. v.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 lively & bright at dinner, in evg. she worked, Lennie read & I strummed. Lin at Punch dinner. Thursday 31 August Lennie called me at 2 o’c this morng. Maudie having pains every 4 or 10 minutes. Emma & self made up bed in spare room, got her there. Lennie for Dr Pollock, came 3.30 & Queen C’s hospital nurse arrived 6 o’c. Had to send again for doctor, arrived about 6.30. Maudie had a little son at 12.10 AM both doing well. Nurse Millie arrived, dressed & washed baby. Dr. breakfasted & lunched here. Lin off to Mr. Lawrence’s after for day’s shooting. Mr. & Mrs. Messel came evg, all so delighted with Baby & darling M. Sep 1899 Friday 1 September Maudie & Baby had v. good night, both flourishing. Dr Pollock came once. Shop’d morg &walked across Park to Prince’s Gate. Rested afternoon. Lennie in to lunch & dinner. Mrs. Messel came brought flowers, Mr. Messel evening. Maudie v. well. Sent £1.1.0 to Roy. Saturday 2 September Lovely morg. Maud & Baby v. well. Oil! T Smiths, Barkers etc shops morg. 2 letters fr. Lin. very good time at Shrewsbury. Lennie to Kingston bought heaps of furniture. Trout from Midge. Sunday 3 September Lovely day. Lennie on cycle to see Hamilton Langley & his own house. Midge not back yet or Dora. Maudie & Baby doing splendidly. Nana came morg & the Hospital nurse. Ham to tea & dinner. Dr Pollock came whilst H. was here. Monday 4 September Lennie not leaving until tomorrow for Glous. Ter. Long letter fr. Lin, greatly enjoying his visit. Good company. M. & Baby doing well. Tuesday 5 September Lennie goes to Gloucester Terrace, Roy also. He returns from Nymans today, v. surprised to see Maud so well, expected to find her complete wreck! & amused with baby. We all dine here tonight, Lin, Lennie, Roy & self. Lin returned fr. Mr. Lawrence’s after delightful visit of 6 days. Wednesday 6 September M. v. well & Baby also. Lennie & Roy dined here. Lin to Punch dinner. Thursday 7 September Baby a week old today. To stores about medical belt. Maud v. well. Lennie & Roy dined here. Friday 8 September Roy to luncheon. Lennie & Roy go tonight to Dieppe until Sunday night. Lin busy all day at work. Read Biography of Sir George Pomeroy Colley aloud to Lin. Lennie came to see M. before leaving. M. not v. well diarrhoea poor darling. Saturday 9 September Out 11 o’c. M. complaining slight diarrhorea. Lin left for Scotland by late train 8 o’c, dined 6 o’c. Long wire came at 10.10 from Mr. Watney, Milford Haven, asking Lin for a fortnight’s yachting. Called at Glous. Ter.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 10 September Quiet happy day. Maudie & Baby well, except for slight pain & diahorrea Maud has since Friday. No one called. Garnet out a little afternoon. Lennie & Roy returned fr. Dieppe at 9 o’c, dined & enjoyed themselves v. much. Saw Mr. & Mrs. Mills, Lady Pontifax, Mr. Gribble & friends of Lennie’s. Monday 11 September Maudie still slight diarrhorea. Lennie & Roy dined here, seemed to have enjoyed their Dieppe trip immensely. Tuesday 12 September Dr Pollock called. Maud still diarrhorea. Letter fr. Lin. Miss Taylor, Miss Howard, Cap. Moon, Mr. Douglas, Capt & one other at Tressady. Drove shop’g. Dined 7 o’c with Roy alone. He went after to Music Hall. Lennie dined with a friend. Wednesday 13 September Lovely morg. autumnal, hot later. Walked to Whiteleys & to Midge’s, found Midge & D. here on return both looking v. well & brown. Drove at 3.30 to Ball & Ferner, took back muslin shirt, & lace collar of M’s to copy. X. Petit ami. A maid came fr. Queen’s Rd, not good looking enough, 6½ yrs & a 4 months cha. Lennie & Roy dine here. Letter fr. Lin. Thursday 14 September V. bad, in bed till 12.30. Nurse took dear Baby out at 2.30 for first time. Roy dined with Harold & Hilda at a restaurant & to Music Hall after. Lennie & self alone. Letter fr. Lin having good sport. Cap’t Moon, Cap’t Earl, Miss Taylor, Miss Howard, Mr. Douglas at Tressady. Friday 15 September Mr. Fernan de Ayala died yesterday, v. grieved & shocked to receive notice of his Interment on Monday. Few lines fr. dear Lin, working at Tressady. Gillie lunched & had tea here. Hilda Messel called. Lennie & Roy to dinner. Felt awfully bad. Wrote to Mons. Ayala’s nephew. 3 brace grouse fr. Mr. Watney, 2 brace fr. Lady Hickman. Saturday 16 September Emma going out. Agnes here for day to help clean Kitchens etc. Nurse Millie finds Emilie v. dirty if not looked after & rude. Lennie & Roy out all day together & dine out. I remained in bed all day, Nurse up several times. Sunday 17 September In bed till 12.30, down to luncheon. Lennie & Roy gone to Newhaven fishing with a friend of Lennie’s. Back 8.30 to dinner. I had some grouse with Maud & Nurse in M’s room. Baby uneasy all day. Dora called but did not see her. Monday 18 September Emilie up again about Nurse & going. Nurse out shop’g for Maud. Letter from Lin returning Wed to breakfast. Roy depressed having nothing to do. Roy dined out. Tuesday 19 September In bed till 12.30. Drove at 3 with Nurse Millie to Mudie’s with Baby, changed books. Tea with Maudie. Harold, Roy & Lennie to dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 20 September 2 letters fr. Lin, not returning until Friday morning. In bed until 10.30. Emilie out a little afternoon. I drove at 3 to Whiteleys & round Park with Baby & Nurse. Midge, Dora & Miss Rose Innes to tea. Too much for Maud, quite exhausted after. Roy dined at Mr. Hogan’s. Thursday 21 September Lovely day. At 3 o’c to fetch Lin’s coat fr. Glous Ter. Round Pk with Baby & to Wellers Bond St about bill. Maudie better & stood up up for first time to sofa. Dr came. Ruth & Hilda Messel called morg, brought M eggs & partridges. Roy & Harold out together to dinner & evg. Lennie here alone, tired & cross. Bought 2 large ferns for Maud. Friday 22 September Lovely morg. Lin arrived 9.45 in dog cart. V. well & greatly enjoyed his visit. Maudie up & sitting in Nurse’s bedroom (our room) looking sweet. Nurse out & dear Baby on warpath. Roy round at 11 o’c looking seedy not slept well. Saturday 23 September Lin Roy & self had luncheon at Rules & to Drury Lane after “Hearts & Trumps”. Evg. to Duke of York’s with Lin & Roy “An American Citizen” v. good indeed. Bought fruit at Covent Garden. Sunday 24 September Maud & Lennie out morg. in Victoria. M. lunched down stairs. Lennie took Maud in Bath chair after lunch. Miss Rose Innes called & had tea. Lin to Calais. Roy out to luncheon. Monday 25 September Maud & Nurse out with Baby, Bath chair. I went out at 4 o’c, called at Midge’s & had long talk. Lennie Harold & Roy dined here. Tuesday 26 September Out 11 o’c brougham. Maud in Victoria with Nurse & Baby, lunched downstairs. Mr. Adlam sent me 5 little drawings of the Moores my grandmother Herapath’s people. Mrs. Spofforth called. Much troubled with old complaint, piles, stairs. Dr Pollock called. Heard of Mr. Blair’s engagement to Miss Blunt. Wednesday 27 September Lennie, Nipper & Roy to dinner. Thursday 28 September Out morg. Maid enquiry. Col. Hume Spry & wife, Winnie Lockyer, Tabby, who appeared much pleased with Baby, Miss Elkin rank Jewess, Clara Bergheim & niece another Jewess! to tea. Friday 29 September For drive with Maud Nurse & Baby. Feel v. done up, shall be glad to have a little quiet again. Dined with Tabbie, Roy & self at Coburg & to Criterion after “My daughter in law” v. amusing Seymour Hicks & wife & Fanny Brough v. good. Tabbie lunched here. Midge fetched her. Maud gave me lovely silver set for dressing table. Saturday 30 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 To see “King John” with Lin & Roy. Stayed in until 3. Interesting play well acted. Out shop’g morg. Mrs. Warre called on cycle just before luncheon, told me of Mrs. O. Crawfurd’s death. Oct 1899 Sunday 1 October Dull wretched morg. Lin off early to breakfast at Club. Lennie Lin self Maud to luncheon. Dear Baby Christened at 5. Mr. Allen, Mr Marriott & Dora sponsors, came back to tea here. Dora remained to dinner. Lennie left for Nymans at 6.30. Maud looked sweetly pretty. Mrs. Paxton & Maud called. Monday 2 October Darling Maud, Lennie Baby & Nurse go to Nymans. Unable to go, weather too bad. Lennie left for Nymans last night. Tuesday 3 October Darling Maud Nurse & Baby left us for Nymans. Lovely day. Several people called forgotten who. Fanny Nembhard, Miss Rose Innes. Wednesday 4 October Saw several maids. Mrs. Kenneth Graham called & stayed till past 7. Wretched dark day. Thursday 5 October Busy morg. Went at 3.30 after character of house maid & parlour maid, good. Roy dined at Midge’s, Conrad there & Spinks. Miss Rose Innes dined here & stayed till past 12 o’c. Dead tired. 2 letters fr. darling Maud. Startling news of war in Transvaal, contradicted after. Friday 6 October Dull dark morg. Drove at 3.30 to Midge’s, saw Con there & stayed some time. Saturday 7 October In all morg. arranging wardrobes. To order fruit & flowers on foot. Enquired for Mrs. Sington, staying at Coburg Hotel! Tabbie came in morning looking v. pretty, stayed some time. Lin, Roy, & self drove to Alhambra & back again, could not get places. Sunday 8 October Lin & Roy to Calais. In all day, no one called. Wrote letters & finished reading “Diana Tempest” stupid book. Monday 9 October Took character of E.Griffiths for Maud. To see Nana, took her my old blk. Redfern coat & suit. Tuesday 10 October Out Kensington morg. flowers & fruit. Only Mabel W. called. Miss Rose Innes dined here at 6.30 & Lin, Roy, Miss Innes & self after to see “An American Citizen”. V. good. Saw Gilbert & Mrs. Crutchley, Sir E. Lawson, Sir Campbell Clarke, Mr. Justice Darling & wife in stalls, & Phil May who came up to our box. Wednesday 11 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. In all day, morning did dust sheets. X. Petit ami. Letter fr. Maudie, Ottie expecting in Feby. Roy dined with me at 6.30 & went with Mr. Hoghan to Belle of NewYork & on with Edna May’s party to Savoy Hotel, home late. Thursday 12 October In bed until after tea. Roy seems v. seedy & found party v. dull last night. E. May also not herself & dull & absent. Roy generally depressed. Packed & left for Oxford after dinner, gave him £1, Lin allowing him over £300 a year, too much. Friday 13 October Letter fr. Maud to Lin, Lennie laid up with cold at Nymans, sang at concert night before. Lovely sunny morg. In all day. Mr. Burnand worried Lin with 4 letters about Almanack. Saturday 14 October In bed till 12.30. To Aunt Linda’s after luncheon, stayed some time. Quiet evening. Sunday 15 October In bed till 12.30. Nana came. Lin out morning on cycle doing Almanack today. Lovely day. Mr. William Stone & Mr. Hood called. Quiet evg. Monday 16 October In bed till 12.30. Darling Maud sent us 2 lovely old silver salt cellars as a silver wedding present. Put them on table at dinner, they look extremely nice. Called at 3.30 at Edgar’s 9 Princes St Hanover Sqr. Found him alone & had long talk. He went on with me to call on Fanny Barker Sackville Hotel, out. I left him at his club. Quiet evg. Lin at Almanack. Dined 8.30. Old fowl. Tuesday 17 October Mr. & Mrs. a’Beckett dine here 8 o’c & Edgar & Sophy. Out at 11 to Whiteleys. Clear soup, fried soles, cream de volaille of Veal, leg of lamb cauliflowers, purée of blackberries, genoise pastry, herring savoury. Rather dull evening, Lin so tired. Mrs. Rose Innes & Mrs. Stone called. Wednesday 18 October Emilie leaves. X. Ellen Griffiths comes until Saty. Out at 3 to Nana saw house & left Baby’s Allen mug. Left silver at Mr. Letts, 4 salts & silver basket. To Midge’s sat some time both Midge & D. looking v. handsome. Miss Murdock there. Lin & self bought dog for Roy 30/-. Letter fr. Roy. Mr. & Mrs. Messel return fr. abroad today. Lin v. busy on Almanack. Thursday 19 October To tea at Mrs. Wallace’s 4.30. Refused. Fanny & Alice dining with us at 8.30. Fanny gave us lovely piece of Moorish embroidery. Called on Mrs. Kenneth Graham & Mrs. Geiger, out, & Mrs. H. Dickens, saw Mrs. Moscheles there. Friday 20 October Darling Maud wrote two very dear letters which made me weep, the darling sent us a lovely basket of flowers. Lin v. hard at work all day & dined v. late. Think Griffiths will do well bye & bye, nice girl & anxious to learn. Mrs. Tattersall & Mrs. Routh called & Miss Rose Innes who gave us a lovely little silver cream jug, & darling Maud gave us 2 lovely old silver salt cellars. Saturday 21 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Our siver wedding party given by Miss Rose Innes, Bristol Hotel 7 o’c. After to see “The Degenerates” Mrs. Langtry & C. Hawtrey, party of 12. Fog. 3 boxes at Garrick thrown into one! Stupid piece. Kerr took Hawtrey’s part. Mrs. Langley v. bad. X. Garnet & Griffiths left for Maud’s. Nice girls & have done well here. My new Parlour maid & housemaid come, Barker & Ellen. Sunday 22 October First day of new maids. Strange. In all day. Dora to luncheon & tea. Lin hard at work on Almanack. Monday 23 October Dark dull day not cold. Another battle at Glencol (?) young Micklejohn wounded seriously, great bravery among men & officers, our victory. To Barkers 3.30, Midge’s, out, Mrs. Evans away, & to tea with Fanny Barker & her party at Sackville Hotel, saw Zimmermans there. Lin v. busy on Almanack, began shading at 4 o’c. Ellen not a good duster, sweeper, or polisher! Tuesday 24 October Out 11 o’c shop’g. Both maids leave at this month. X. No one called. Lin v. busy with work on Almanack, sat all day nearly with him. He must be dead tired. Wednesday 25 October Lin desperately hard pushed to finish Almanack. Sent it off at 7 o’c. I dined alone. Called on Midge sems v. seedy & depressed. Great losses among our troops near Dundee. Called on Mrs. Finlay, out, Mrs. Turquand in. Miss A Clerke called, out. Thursday 26 October Death of Gen. Symons. Retreat of Gen. Yule to Ladysmith to join Sir G. White’s forces, left wounded Dundee. I lunched with Tabbie at Coburg 1.30. Looks v. pretty & smart as usual. Rain. Called after on Gen. Nembhard stayed some time, & to Midge’s, seems better but not well, & v. depressed at leaving. Lin put finishing touches to Almanack. F.C.B. pleased for a marvel! Friday 27 October V. wet & dark, warm. Lin to call at Midge’s to say Good bye, they all leave today at 2 o’c for S’hampton. Saturday 28 October Midge , H. & D. sail for Buenos Ayres today. Sunday 29 October Mr. Guthrie, Hood & Symons dine here 8 o’c. Pleasant evg. Miss Rose Innes also came. Evelyn Coward to lunch & tea. No one called. Lin cycled & worked. Monday 30 October To Mrs. Hunt’s morg. Saw Sybil Grantham & Mrs. Dickens, both in search of maids. Drove at ¼ to 4 to Mrs. Turquand, Maud’s, & Mrs. Sutton, her daughter going with us tomorrow night to theatre. Terrible disaster to our troops near Ladysmith, had to surrender 2 battalions on nameless hill near Nicholson’s (illeg). Tuesday 31 October Out morg. Mrs. Geiger, Col & Mrs. Welby, Mrs. Hohler & lady ? & Mrs. & Miss Vaughan Morgan called. Miss Sutton dau. here & we went to see “His Royal


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Highness” at Court Theatre. V. amusing. Saw & spoke to Mr. Howe who came to our box & going to H. Henderson. Going out to Africa 1 st Life Guards. Nov 1899 Wednesday 1 November Saw 3 maids, none taking or likely. Massage at 2, find no benefit so far , rather worse than better. Waddie called, had 2 letters to ans. for Midge. Drove at ¼ to 4 to leave book Mr. Spielman’s, Maud’s, took 4 Venetian glasses & china. Cards Mrs. Morton Agnew, & to Mrs. Holmes. Out morg. to Mrs. Mason & Courts. Thursday 2 November Pouring wet day. Darling Maud with Lennie & Baby return to Gloucester Ter. Maud & Lennie dine here. Went to see Maud arrive, took flowers. Her house looks charming. M. looks v. well, L. seedy. Friday 3 November Saw 4 maids all v. common, & all v. short characters, useless. Went to see Maud afternoon, & Baby darling little thing. V. like what Maud & Roy were as infants! Has M’s lovely mouth. V. nice nurse. Lin & self dined at 10 o’c. V. tired. Saturday 4 November Olive Shakespear at home. In all morg. With Lin at 1.30 to Duke of York’s to see “The Christian” Miss Millard, Hall, Cave, Messrs A. Ainsworth, Ben Webster etc, bad piece forced acting. Drove to M’s after, & quiet evg. with Lin. No fresh news fr. Transvaal. Sunday 5 November Pouring wet morg. Maud & Lennie dine here asked Lord Robertson’s son also, left town yesterday. Lin at work all day. Miss Rose Innes came to tea. Darling M. looking so well & bright. Monday 6 November Pouring wet day. To tea at F. Nembhard’s. X. Ami au matin, commence hier au soir. X. Sent carriage Maud who sent to Mrs Nembhard’s for me. In all day. Saw 4 unlikely maids, all v. common. Lennie shooting at Sir Whatman Pearson’s & sleeping night. Evelyn C. at Maud’s for night. Mr. & Mrs. Messel dined there. Tuesday 7 November In bed to breakfast. Saw french maid & one from Mrs. Tweedie’s, leaving at her month. Darling M. to luncheon brought me flowers & arranged them. Baby came in his pram looking sweetly pretty. Mrs. & Enid Dickens, Miss Rose Innes, Miss Sutton, Mrs. R. Wallace called. Wednesday 8 November Pouring wet morg. Saw tall parlour maid & Scotch housemaid am taking up characters of both, short characters alas! Darling to lunch & tea, complains of pain in her side. Stayed till 6 o’c. They dined at Mrs. Griffith’s. Felt vy seedy & rather sick, had my tray in drawing room, not hungry. Thursday 9 November Saw old Irish parlourmaid with short character only! Saw 2 v. common Hunt girls quite impossible, & a job person. Mrs. Hudson & Mr. Hartree called. Dined 8.20, felt vy seedy, could only take soup.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 10 November In bed. Up all night with violent sickness & D & slight flooding again. Orton came, am to remain in bed. V. feverish & feel thoroughly ill. Darling Maud came looking sweet. Sent Baby in to Mrs. Coward’s where we were to have had tea, & stayed with M. Baby brought me lillies! Maud remained until 5.30. Saturday 11 November Lovely day. had good night, feel better. Dr O. came, to remain in bed., still ½ degree fever. Evelyn called, brought me violets. Received satisfactory letter about F. Tweddle parlour maid. Letter fr. Midge written off Tenneriffe, well so far, but rough passage. Sunday 12 November Lin & self to dine at Mrs. Sutton’s ¼ to 8. In bed till 3 o’c. Had v. bad night could not sleep until 3.30 this morg. Darling Maud & Lennie arrived at ¼ to 4, stayed till 5.30. They dine at Mrs. Clifford’s tonight. Lin alone to Mrs. Sutton, I too bad to go. Finished reading “Martyrdom of an Empress” most interesting. Monday 13 November Lin to see Roy at Oxford, well & happy in lovely new rooms. Up by 12 o’c. Orton came. Read all afternoon & dined with Lin evg. Long letter from Edgar about Edie. Tuesday 14 November Went for drive at 12 o’c. Maudie came to lunch & tea., her leg bad with vaccination. Mrs. Jackson, v. pretty, Mrs. Reynard, Mrs. Palgrave Simpson, Evelyn & Mrs. Turquand called. Saw Mackay housemaid & wonder! If ? Letter fr. Edie & photo. Wednesday 15 November. Horrid day. Drove at 12 to Miss Phillips about bodice. X. Lin out all day club. Orton called, I out. Drove round Park. Quiet evg. tray in drawing room & to bed early. Thursday 16 November In bed to breakfast. Orton came, saw him. He told me what I knew, viz that I am weak & run down, clever! Drove & saw darling Maud in bed with bad cold. Thankful Nana there to look after her. Her house looking charming & well polished. Friday 17 November Dear Roy home in time for luncheon. Spencer came in to lunch, drove with me to (illeg) after. I went in to see Maud, found her with working bees! Eve, Ruth, Winnie, Mrs. Elliot. In bed to breakfast still feel vy seedy. Roy to eat dinner & to Covent Garden Ball after. Maud’s brass shames mine. Saturday 18 November Mrs. Hunter’s at home after Jack’s wedding. Put off on account of Mrs. H’s sister’s death. To Daly’s “San Toy”. Miss Sutton goes with us & dines here after. Roy with us at theatre speachless, dined at Lincolns Inn on route after. Miss Sutton left early. Sunday 19 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mr. Douglas, Maud, dine here. Lin to Calais. Maud unable to come, in bed X & cold. Baby came with Muriel & de la Penha. Harold, Miss Rose Innes & Chilian Minister’s son called. Harold, Spencer & Mr Douglas dined here. V. pleasant evg. Roy left for Oxford middle of dinner. Lin enjoyed his trip. Monday 20 November Orton came. Feel cold & rheumaticy. Drove at 3 & walked a little in Park on way home. Feel still v. seedy & uncertain dans l’estomac. Tuesday 21 November Barker & Ellen Boland leave, Mackay & Tweddle come. Out at 11 o’c to Maud’s, brought her back, seemed seedy poor darling. She stayed till 4.30. Mr. Molesworth, Lady Weston, Mrs. Walkes, Sybil Grantham & baby called. Je ne suis pas enchantée avec les nouvelles. Wednesday 22 November Dull morg. Slept v. badly felt sick for 3 hours in night. Pas grand choses les filles. At 2.30 to stores bought dressing jacket 14/- & net for sleeves 2/3. Found darling M. here on return, better, & dining with the Hohlers tonight. Sat with Lin until he dressed. Also called & fitted at Miss Fletcher’s. Thursday 23 November Lin dined at Sir Henry Thompson’s, enjoyed it muchly. Lord Morris, Mr. Costin & 4 others there. Alone. Je ne crois pas que les nouvelles filles me conviendront en future je ne donnerai pas autant de gages. Friday 24 November Called & saw darling Maud. Found Ruth & Hilda & Eve Coward there. Drove Evelyn home. Lin & I dined together he finished work earlier. Saturday 25 November Came by Granville to Mrs. Noott, Poplar House, Broadstairs. Dossie met me. Found house much larger & much nicer in every way than I expected, most convenient & warm. Little Bay, boy of 9, laid up with bad carbuncle. Sunday 26 November Slept well. Lovely day. Walked to St Peters saw garden looking well kept & cared for. Walked along parade after with Mrs. Noott & met Ravens. Miss Griffiths & Miss O. Raven in to tea. Monday 27 November Slept badly with chest sore, mustard keaves. For walk morg. along parade. Mrs. & Miss (illeg) called. Violent influenza evg. Capt Napier called evg. Tuesday 28 November Slept better. Still feel stuffed up on chest. Wrote Lin, Edgar, Mr. Treves & sent braid pattern to Phillips. Wednesday 29 November Lovely day. Long walk with Dossie morning. Mr. Treves came to see me 2 o’c. Weakness & cold due entirely to nervous prostation, to rest in bed as much as possible. In all afternoon, cough tiresome. Col. Ford called. News of another big battle, Lord Methuen near Modder River our troops victorious.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 30 November Walked along parade with Dossie, rather too far, felt tired. Miss Denne came to supper & sang, pretty but common little thing. Read “Life & Times of Savonarola” v. interesting. Dec 1899 Friday 1 December Rested all day, so afraid of little F. coming on. Letters each day from dear Lin & Maudie. Saturday 2 December Mr. Blackburn’s at home. Lovely day. Walked to Parade with Dossie & sat in shelter, lovely & so warm out of wind, cold in it. Mrs. Noott & D. to (illeg) Bay & self for drive round Westwood. Dreadfully altered, brickfields & labourers cottages all round it. Never wish to see it again. Sunday 3 December Lovely day, cold, but sunny. Walked to St Peters with Mrs. Noott & Dossie, found Tassel’s grave, v. neat. Met Fitzroy Weigall & wife, talked some time. I rested remainder of day. Miss Denne came & Bay’s schoolmistress. Talked rather late as usual evg. Monday 4 December Returned from Mrs. Nootts Broadstairs by 3.30 train. X. Petit ami au matin feel better lay on sofa all morg. Dossie gave me 2 lovely bunches of flowers. Dear Lin met me at Vic Sta. drove home with me. Tuesday 5 December Edie Furrell arives. Lady Finlay’s concert 4.30, unable to go. X. Tweddle going, not strong enough. In bed till 12.30, slept spare room. Maudie came in after lunch stayed till 6 o’c & came to dinner 8 o’c with Lennie, both v. well. Mr. Seaman & Mr. Molesworth called. Feel v. seedy. Wednesday 6 December Young Eykyns massage with Ethel Burgess 3 o’c. Edie arrives from Germany, Victoria 6.15, Otley meets her. Emma out. Thursday 7 December (blank) Friday 8 December Lin goes to Mr. Johnson Ferguson’s. I unable to go. Left by 11.30 train. Read of accident during dinner on Railway line. Maudie came & dined & slept with me. Roy had invite to go today for few days to Sophy & a (illeg). Saturday 9 December Roy ret’d fr. Oxford. Edie & self to Court Theatre matinée. Maudie joined us there. Miss Lockwood sat in front of us. Roy also joined us there. Quiet evg. at home, Roy, Edie & self. Sunday 10 December Invitation to lunch with Lady Rosamund Christie, also with Mrs. Rhodes to meet Sir A. Farquhar. Invitation to spend Fri. till Monday Lady Lawrence. Miss Rowley & Evelyn came to tea. Lennie & Maud to dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 11 December Mrs. Messel’s dinner party 7.45. Bitterly cold feel perished. Letter fr. Lin, seems pretty well. To stores, too crowded to do anything. Fetched Edie fr. Maud’s. Mrs. Rooth looking like Tabbie there. Tabbie in town, leaves for Duttons Wed. Tuesday 12 December V. cold, snow. At 9.30 to Stores. Lin returns for Punch dinner tonight. Mr. Galbraith called morg. No one called. Wednesday 13 December Mrs. Eykyn’s invitation to dinner, ac’t, 8 o’c. Unable to go, Lin went alone, enjoyed it. 20 to dinner. Thursday 14 December Invitation to dine F. Jacksons, unable to go. Baby tea Mrs. Welby 4.30. Lady Slater’s at home, unable to go. Friday 15 December Mrs. Hankey at home 4 - 7 unable to go. To Stores morg. In all afternoon working. Saturday 16 December Lin goes to Mr. Galbraith’s, I unable to go. Lin goes tomorrow. Long walk morg with Edie in gardens. V. cold. Lin at work. Shop’d morg, flowers. Lunch 1 o’c. Edie & Roy & self to matinée, “Belle of New York”. Roy & Edie dined with Maud 7 o’clock to “San Toy” after & to supper at Charlton after. Lin & self alone. Quiet evg. Sunday 17 December V. cold raw & foggy. Edie & self for walk in gardens. Monday 18 December Monday to be fitted. Lady Warwick’s 12.30. Invited to lunch at Mrs. Nembhards, can’t go. Shop’d. Tuesday 19 December Maudie & Baby came afternoon. May Nembhard, Mrs. Mountbatten, Mrs. Baines, Mrs. Taylor & Mrs. Taggett etc called. Out shop’g morg. Wednesday 20 December (blank) Thursday 21 December Packed. Maudie came in for a short time afternoon. Morg. to be fitted Lady Warwick’s. Friday 22 December Go to Mrs. Messel for Xmas. Unable to go to Tabbie’s. Edie Furrell to Conrad’s, Findon. Met Mrs. M, Maud, Miss Gibbs & travelled together. Mr. Messel arrived later. Quiet dinner. Saturday 23 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Walked morg & afternoon, cold. Miss Gibbs v. slow & quiet. Lin, Roy & Lennie came v. late, 7 hours on the journey, happy none the worse. V. cold. Decorated staircase etc, Baby v. sweet & good. Sunday 24 December Quiet day. All to church but Lin, Mr. Messel & self. Lennie & Roy & Harold. Walk. Maudie’s leg bad, vaccination. Walked again after luncheon. Monday 25 December Lovely day. After presents had walk with Lin & met Mr. Messel & went with him. V. happy day. Gave Mrs. Anderson 5/- & card, Nannie inkstand & Nurse (illeg) box. Mr. & Mrs. Fox Adams to tea & dinner, presents & tree. Maudie had to drive to church. Tuesday 26 December Had delightful walk with Lin. Met Mr. Messel returning, v. muddy. Quiet happy day. Dear Baby v. sweet & good. Had dinner, talk on books with Mr. Messel, rather interesting. Wednesday 27 December Lin returned to town by early train with Mr. Messel & Lennie. Roy by later train with Lin’s letters for F.C.B. Young Mr. Campbell & another young man to luncheon. I walked alone to Staplefield, lovely morg. cold & crisp. Maud & Muriel for drive in her cart. V. rude little girl, Maud v. angry. The rest skated. Sat in drawing room evening. Thursday 28 December I returned alone fr. Mrs. Messel’s Nymans by 3 fr. Three Bridges. Fees £1.0.10. Damp & dark but not so cold. Found Lin & Roy well. Roy out again after tea! Lin, Roy & self dined alone, R. v. merry. X. Ami. Lucky I got home in time. Friday 29 December In bed till 5.30. Roy dined at Claridge’s Hotel with Mr. Payne & went to “Belle of New York”, to a dance after. Sat with Lin & quiet dinner. Saturday 30 December Lin & self & Roy go to Pyt. Unable to go in bed all day. Lin & Roy left at 2.30 in dog cart. Letter fr. Edgar, leaves on 4th for S. Africa. Edie not coming until Monday. Lovely day bright sunshine no fire in my room. Sunday 31 December Glorious sunshine all day. In bed all day alone. Mr. Bret Harte & Ethel English called. Wrote & finished reading “Le Roman d’une croyante” by de la Brete, v. sad. Invested during 1897 £100 in Gt Eastern ordinary stk at 113½, expense of purchase 17/4. Two allotted Harrods ordinary shrs of £1 cash at £3.10.0 each, £7.0.0 £230 stock of London Chatham & Dover Rly 2nd pref 4% at 86¼ , £198.7.6, expenses £2.3.11. Two ordinary Barkers shrs at 3¼ £1 shares expenses 14/-. Total invested counting expenses £328.18.9. Invested during 1898 dear Maud’s wedding year.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sold Chathams for £251.16.3 & bought £400 stock Midland def. at 92½ cost with com. £372.10.4. Also £100 stock Mid. Pref. at £84½ with com. £85.11.0. Total invested £205.0.0. Invested during 1899 £150 March in Whiteleys Bank 3% Xmas presents £. s. d. Lin’s scarf 18. 0 Lennie’s Roy’s & Edgar’s 2. 0. 6 Maud’s photo frame 1. 6. 0 1895 spent on dress Invested Had balance from 1894

£75.19. 0 £195. 6. 0 £43. 2. 6

1896 Balance from 1895 57.14.3 Invested Coupé London Pref 85. 0. 0 ditto ordinary 90. 0. 0 5 ordinary shares Harrods stores £1.0.0 at 5 7/8 30.12. 6 Total invested £205.12. 6 1897 Balance from 1896 £100. 4. 4 Invested during year with com. & stamps £328.18. 9 Received fr. Private money 111.12. 5 Received fr. Trust £388. 7.10 Total received £500. 0. 3 Spent on dress etc £168.17. 3 1898 Balance from year £102. 8. 4 Sold Chatham for £251.16. 3 & bought £400 Midland def stock at 92½ cost with com. etc £372.10. 4 also £100 stock Mid. Pref. at 84 ¼ with com. £85.11. 0 deducting profit fr. sale of Chathams. Invested £205. 0. 0 Received from Trust money 418.13. 4 Ditto private Total

154. 5. 2 £572.18. 6

Balance fr. 1898

£106. 2. 8


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Put on deposit at Whiteleys bank 18th March at 3% £150. 0. 0 th May 4 1899 put another £50 to Whiteley’s bank 3% 50. 0. 0 & 4 26th May allotted £12 def Midland at £10.4 & £12 pref at £9.6.0 Total £19.10.0 Sept. Bought £400 stock Hall & Barnsley at 55 & £100 Furniss at 91½ with stamp & commission £314.1.0 Total invested /99 £333.11.0 Paid £5 Nov 14th /99 first call on five shares of £5 each allotted at par in Cent. Argentine Rly. Brought forward 333.11.0 Paid 19th Nov call of £12 on City of B.A.Tram 2. 0. 0 Paid first call of 5 newly allotted £5 shs in Cent.Arg. Rly as on opposite page 5. 0. 0 £340.11. 0 Total invested 1899 Trust. 1899 £. s. d Jan. Argt Gt Western 19. 6. 8 Cent Uraguay 24. 3. 4 Local Loans 17 Feby Peebles 23.18. 6 Gt. Western Brazil 29 Cordoba & Rosario 19. 6. 8 To March 116.12. 2 March Cordoba & Rosario Payment in conversion stock 6. 8 April Steamship navigation 24. 3. 4 Local loans 17. 0 Illinois Central 19.15. 2 Canadian Pacific 24. 3. 4 Lehigh Valley 22. 3. 6 Cent. Uruguay 24. 3. 4 Argentine Gt. Western 19. 6. 8 Local Loans 17. 0 Sept Cordoba & Rosario 19. 6. 8 Peebles 23.18. 6 Gt. Western of Brazil 29. 0. 0 British North Atlantic 24. 3. 4 Local Loans 17. 0 £349.13. 8 Private Balance fr. 1898 Jan B.A. Rosario Debs Cordoba N. Central D.

£. s. d 106. 2. 8 1.18. 8 1.18. 8


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 4% B.A.Western 4. 7. 5 Feby Harrods 16. 3 Gt Eastern 2.10. 9 Midland 8.18. 10 March G.S.Western 3. 0.11 Difference on converted stock 6. 8 April B.A.Rosario 1.17. 6 B.A. Gt Southern 21.11. 6 City B.A.Trams 19. 2 May Cent Arg. 6.15. 0 Barker 1.10 June Harrods 3. 5 B.A. Pacific 3. 6 B.A. Pacific 5. 5 July B.A. Pacific 3. 6 B.A. Rosario 1.18. 8 Cordoba N.C 1.18. 8 B.A. Western 4. 7. 5 August Gt Eastern Rly 1. 4. 2 Midland 7. 9.10 Interest on Whiteley deposits 1. 7. 0 £174.16.10 Less balance leaves £68.14. 2 Further dividends on Private money brought forward £174.16.10 Sept Harrods 3. 5 Glasgow & S.W. 3. 0.11 Buenos Ayres Rosario 3. 0. 0 Oct Barker 8 Profit on sale of Whiteley 11. 0. 0 City B.Ayres Tram 19. 2 B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 27. 1. 6 Cent Arg Rly 6.15. 0 Coupé London Brougham Co 11. 6. 8 238. 4. 2 less balance from last year 106. 2.10 £132. 1. 4 Buenos A. Pacific 1. 7. 1 £133. 8. 5 Private Trust brought forward Illinois Central Ontario & Quebec Lehigh Valley

£. s. d 249.13. 8 19.15. 2 369. 8.10 24. 3. 4 22. 1. 9 £415.13.11 133. 8. 5 415.13.11 £549. 2. 4


received during 1899 for


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Private & Trust money


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1900 Notes in front of diary: Conrad, 49 Lansdowne Street, Hove, Brighton. Mrs Neely’s address for a month 9 Atlantic Terrace East, Weston- super- Mare. Miss Gill’s dentist C.W. Large Esqre 60 Holland Pk. Avenue. Secretary of Hull & Barnsley Rly John Fisher Esq Charlton Street Hull Miss Peachy (masseuse) 64 Trinity Road Wimbledon Mrs. Neely, 1 Barclay Road Fulham Miss Peachy 64 Trinity Road Wimbledon Miss Ratcliffe, 3a Ebury St, SW Pollie Robertson, Little Horringer Hall Bury St Edmunds, Norfolk. Mrs. A. Stannard 25 Charleville Rd W. Kensington Mondays Mrs. Roller, 29 Bullingham Mansions Pitt Street, Kensington Thursdays after 4. Mrs. Galbraith, 2 Cornwall Gds Mrs. McLaren, Belgrave Square Pryce Jones, Newtown North Wales Conrad, I South View Terrace Bolands Rd, Worthing Effie, 47 Cadogan St Sloane St


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sophy, 8 Beaconsfield Ter Hythe Emilie Jotterand & Miss Chapman 21 St Oswald’s Road West Brompton & Westgate Mr. Ryle, Helmingham House South Lowestoft Miss White, dressmaker 83 Uxbridge Rd, London Emilie Jollerand, Carisbrooke Cottage 6 Elsworthy Road St John’s Wood Conrad, Shiplake, Henley on Thames Midge, Brook End Little Easton Dunmow, Essex Country house stories Miss Neaves:

Belinda ate cream Belinda ate jelly Belinda came home with a pain in her – Don’t be alarmed Don’t be misled, Belinda came home with a pain in her head!

Gen. Booth’s dau. married a Cap. Slater. After the wedding a touching address was given by Gen. Booth, when the bride asked permission to address the people also. After expaciating on the joys & sorrows of life, its uncertainty etc, she said “Who knows what a day may bring forth. Tonight Tuesday I shall be in my husband’s arms. Tomorrow I may be on Abraham’s bosom”, when a voice from the crowd exclaimed “& pray are you engaged on Thursday?” Mr. Walsh, in the grocery trade? Sylvia’s prayer “Pray God take Walla’s (illeg) to heaven & leave all that remains with us for ever & ever Amen. Mr. Walsh’s (illeg) story. Books read “Martyrdom of an Empress” most interesting “French Lovers” V. pretty tho’ fussy(?) “Ramuntcho” Pierre Loti V.g. “Forty one years in India” Ld Roberts “Le Curé de Village” Balzac “Carmen” Prosper Merimée “Red Potage” Mary Chomley(?) “Chinese Characteristics”


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 “Femmes Nouvelles” Marguerite. V. weak “Une divorcée” Mde. O. Feiullet “Conquest of Mexico” Prescott “L’esprit souffle où il veut” Jean de la Brete House Stories: “Isn’t that a frill” American & “If I might fish in the river Styx with a flu (fly) fr. an angel’s wing & the worm which dyeth not.” Gentleman exasperated by starchy lady at dinner “Can you tell me who the purple faced gentleman opo. is?” Ans: “My husband” “Then you can tell me if he is the same colour all over!” Kitten miscarriage. Ami Thursday 29th Dec Jan 1900 Monday 1 January In bed all day, feel v. seedy. Letters fr. Lin, Maud, & Edgar. Only down in drawing room for tea & dined with Edie who returned from Con’s at 6 o’c. Seems to have greatly enjoyed her visit, Conrad pleased with her music. Effie, Geoff, Madame Gomez, Mr. & Mrs. Rooth go to Pyt House for concert tomorrow, not Conrad. Tuesday 2 January In bed till 12.30. Only Lady Bergne called, general feeling of disatisfaction at War Office. Edie to Stores for me to send off chocolate to dear Edgar. Edie left for Hamburg after dinner. V. sorry to go, much taken with Con & Eff. Letter fr. Maudie arrived home from Nymans today. Emma out evening could not have them to dinner. Letter fr. Millie Tassel about her sister. Wednesday 3 January In bed till 12.30. Darling Maud to luncheon & tea, Mr. & Mrs. Messel dining with her tonight. Lin & Roy return from Pyt House Wilts. Roy dining here 8.30. Lin at club, & to Punch dinner after. Mrs. Neely (Miss Payton) came to tea. Roy returned at 9 o’c. Train late. Thursday 4 January Out at 3.30 pouring wet to Whiteleys & Barkers. X. Edgar sails with the 7 th division for S. Africa today. Lennie & Maud dined here, Lin’s birthday. Roy in late to dinner! With the Mays. Met Mr. Muriel & Ld Herbert all fools together poor things. Slept badly. Friday 5 January Lovely morg. Gillie to luncheon. Mr. Marsden called about a bust of Tennyson by Sir E.Boehm. Lin vexed, I saw him. Slept badly. Mr. M. fetched bust 7 o’c evg. X. Man came about dining room curtains, had them & cornice down & lunched in morg. room. Gillie here. Drove her to Harrods, Miss Fletchers, called on Mrs. Gill, Miss Carmental(?) & Miss Neaves, saw Mrs. Gill. Dined v. late. Saturday 6 January Went morg. bought flowers Earls Court Rd. Lin, Roy & self to matinée “David Garrick” Wyndhams new theatre. Maudie met us there. Met Lennie coming out, drove them home. Quiet evg. Sunday 7 January Mr. Bret Harte dines here 8 o’c & Mrs. Turquand. Mr. Douglas unable to come at last moment. Mr. Molesworth called. Lin & Roy started for Calais, weather too


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 bad, returned. Mr. Bret Harte seemed v. seedy, ate nothing. Sp. came in morg. looks v. seedy. Mackay out evening. Monday 8 January Lin to Mr. Lucas in dog cart, Wickham Market Suffolk. Called on Mrs. Fildes, Stone & Hunter, & Cowards only in, charming house & on Miss Goodenough & Mrs. Palgrave Simpson on foot! Quiet evg, tray in drawing room. Tuesday 9 January Gillie came in time for luncheon. I breakfasted in bed. Out morg. in carriage. Fanny Nembhard & several others called. Maudie here, also Mary & Mrs. Macqueen, Miss Chapman. Wednesday 10 January Walked morg. with Gillie. Sent adv. to Morg. Post. Maud to luncheon, had her teeth done at Mr. Herberts, Gillie with her. Gillie with her at 3 to Sales to choose tiles for country. Sat in all afternoon. Mrs. Nurdin(?) to tea brought a lovely girl Miss Graham White with her. Maudie stayed until 6 o’c. V. seedy poor darling with her little F. Mackay out. Mr. Bret Harte sent me his last book “Jack Hamlin’s Mediation” & other stories. Man did windows. X. Saw Millie & Annie Tassel. Thursday 11 January Lovely morning. Long letters fr. Lin & Bret Harte. Walked morning lovely day. Gillie on to see Maudie. We dine with M. tonight if Lin & Roy do not return, Lin fr. Suffolk & Roy fr. Pyt. Put advertisement in Papers. Gillie & self made some calls. Friday 12 January Gillie left morg. Walked part of way with her. Lin returned morg. greatly enjoyed his visit. Roy v. idle & discontented generally. Maid came last night & work too much! Saturday 13 January Lady came about Tweddle. Cap. & Mrs. Christie, v. nice people. Fire in morning room. Out calling at 3.30. Sunday 14 January Mr. Bret Harte called. Lin hard at work. Walked to Sp’s, he walked back & lunched here. Mr C. Hunter ill, enquired for him. Lennie & Maud dined here alone. Mackay out afternoon. Monday 15 January Maud & self to tea at Mrs. Mount Battens. M. unable to come, went alone, met Nembhards, Mabel Wallace, Mr. Sant etc there. Maudie came to stay for 2 nights, Lennie shooting in Lincolnshire. Tuesday 16 January Out morg. with Maud. Mrs. Mocatta May & Fanny Nembhard etc called. Delightful evg. with Maud here, Roy rather morose & idle. Wednesday 17 January Letter fr. Edgar fr. Teneriffe. Maudie morg. to dentist. Out shops alone. Met Baby & Muriel. Baby much grown. Mr. Spottiswood came to luncheon awful (illeg) everything all anyhow. Tweddle out for day. Tabbie came to tea. Maudie left us at 6 o’c. Roy & self & Douglas to “The only way”. Roy on after to sup. Savoy.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 18 January Lovely morg. Invite to dine Heilberts, unable to go. Lin dines with Schomberg McDonnell at Marlboro’ Club previous to his starting for S. Africa. Roy returns to Oxford tonight. Called on Mrs. Dickens, Hogarth, Mr. Hartree’s to enquire, Cap. Heathorne & Lady R. Christie. Roy left for Oxford, afraid he is much in debt. Friday 19 January Out morg. walking. Made calls afternoon. Lin finished work 9 o’c. Emilie came to see me, wants to leave her place, not enough to do! Called & saw darling Maud & had Baby down, so sweet. Saturday 20 January Out morg shops. Pd. books 3 weeks. Lin & self to see “Mystical Miss” American piece de Wolf Hopper & Jessie Mackay good. Gt. excitement a cook at 15 Argyll Road hanged herself. Lin & self walked down Park. Quiet evening in morning room. Sunday 21 January Dull morg. In. Lin in. Mackay to Church. Lennie & Maud dine here. V. lively both had been to their country house. No one called. Lin in working. I in all day. Mackay church morg. Monday 22 January Drove at 3 Maud’s. Mrs. Wallace & Mabel there. Baby sweet. Saw Waddie news of Dora. Saw Mrs. Paxton long talk on war & domes. Enquired after Sir W. Priestley, same, & called & saw Mrs. Sidney Cotton. Tuesday 23 January Out 11 carriage, met Mrs. P. Holland. Mrs. Finlay, Miss Neaves, Mrs. Paxton & Maud, C. Bergheim & Mrs. Gill called. Lin & self dine at Maud’s, Mr. Allen only there. Beautiful dinner beautifully served & waited, silver brass & flowers all perfect. Mdes. Finlay Neeves, Paxton, Maud, Bergheim & Gill called. Wednesday 24 January In all morg. Dine with Maud. Thursday 25 January Walked morg. shops. Lin v. busy with Otley. Went at 4 o’c to Maud’s, saw Baby. M. out. To Mrs. Agnews (P) saw her & her children, both v. pretty. Cards to Mrs. Parish. Two Miss Lawrences called, v. interesting talk with them. Friday 26 January To Sales about chair for Maud. Sent old black screen I gave Mother in place of chair. Sales will send it to M. & sell rest 3 articles. To enquire 3.30 Mrs. a’Beckett, still in bed. Barkers, & took Moore miniature to be framed “Bulls”. Roy arrived to eat 3 dinners & to Covent Garden ball after. V. late. Saturday 27 January Out morg. shops. Roy in, rather tiresome mood, idling about. To matinée of “Midsummer nights dream” Lovely. Florrie Blair came to stay till Thursday. Saw common little maid. Roy to eat his dinner. Sunday 28 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 V. cold. In all day. F. to church & to see Uncle Edwin after 3.30. Lennie & Maud dined here, M. with cold. Roy left for Oxford during dinner. Has eaten 3 Bar dinners. No one called. Monday 29 January V. cold. Bad news fr. War, Spion Kop abandoned after loss & wasted labour. Out morg. to Hunts, Piercey’s & Labings(?) toujours la même cause. Lunched alone with Lin. Florence to see Aunt Netta. Went by omnibus to Maud’s at 4, cold, rain. Mrs. Hohler, Kettle, Reynard there. Maud’s cold bad. Lin, Florrie & self to “Palace” V. good. Tuesday 30 January V. cold. Out at 11 in brougham with Florrie to Academy & to see Van Dykes. Called at Maud’s saw Baby. M’s cold bad & Nana ill, poor darling. Florrie lunched out. Mabel Wallace, two Miss Ecksteins!! Mrs. Reeve, Mrs. Caldecott called. Wednesday 31 January Mrs. Finlay’s for tea 5 o’c. Called with Florrie also on Maggie Hadley, Miss Neaves, in, May Nembhard, in, Mrs. Wheen. Met Mrs. & Miss Max O’Reily(?) at Finlays & Mlle Ardite, & to Maud’s. Baby v. sweet lying on floor kicking. Florrie & self quiet evg. alone. Feb 1900 Thursday 1 February Florrie Blair left us for the Edwins after tea. My cold heavy. Went for sharp walk round pond. In all afternoon. Lin & self to St James for first night of new piece sequel to “Prisoner of Zenda” bad & poor plot, exquisitely mounted, brilliant audience. Prince of Wales & Duke & Duchess of Fife there. Friday 2 February V. cold. My cold uncomfortable. Sent final call on one City B.A. Trams. X. In all day snow & sleet. V. cold. Saturday 3 February V. seedy indeed with cold. In all day sitting in Lin’s room. V. cozy there. Heavy snow. No news of darling M. for 2 days. Sunday 4 February Warmer, snow still lying. In bed till 12.30, cold v. bad & chest ached. Expect Maud & Lennie to dinner 8 o’c. Lin to club after luncheon. V. dull for him with me seedy. Monday 5 February Final call of £1 on City of B. Ayres Trams. Sent this Friday last. Very seedy with cold, in bed till after tea. Maudie came with Nonie, brought lovely flowers & arranged them. Maudie 8 to dine & to Ball tonight afraid she is doing too much. Letter fr. Midge. Tuesday 6 February X. Ami. In bed till 12.30 cold bad. Florrie Blair, Mrs. Calderon, P.Agnew, May Nembhard, Maggie Hadley, Fanny Fildes, Mrs. Hunter called. Mrs. Neely came to stay arrived about 5 o’c. Quiet evg. to bed early. Lin doing Paris Ex. drawing. Maudie dining Hohlers.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 7 February In bed till 12.30. Baby came morg. V. cold hard frost. Miss Payton out morg & afternoon for me. To Maudies. Baby brought me Maud’s ball bouquet. Thursday 8 February Lucy Fearns came. F. Tweddle left. In bed till 12.30. Darling Maud came stayed to luncheon & tea. Does not seem well, v. bad cold like mine. Mrs. C. Burnand & Charlie called, & Ada Spencer called, saw them. Lovely bright clear v. cold day. Sent Maudie back in carriage. Mrs. Neely went about Midge’s chair, & house front. Friday 9 February In all day. Mrs. Neely shop’g for me, Hyacinths! Wish the dear thing would not talk so much, most tiring. Saturday 10 Frbruary Mr. Fletcher Moulton’s dinner 8.15. Unable to go self, bad cold. Mrs. Ackers called whilst we were at luncheon, stayed some time. Lin to Club. Mrs. Neely & self drove round Park, left cards at at W. Priestley’s. Darling Maud & Lennie called & had tea morg. room. Lin had a v. pleasant evg. F.M’s. Took down Lady Romers’ dau. Heavy snow. Sunday 11 February Snow, not so cold. V. windy. Maud & Lennie to dinner 8 o’c. Lin to Club after luncheon. Sp, Mr. Ryle, Mr. & Mrs. Galbraith & Ethel English called. Mrs. Neely out to tea. V. cold evening. Monday 12 February Mollie O’Connell’s wedding to Mr. Guiles Del Rios, 26 Overand Mansions S.W. V. cold in bed till 12 o’c. V. bad head ache. Mrs. Neely did shops & flowers for me & went to see Aunt Barbara. Sent her £3.0.0, tea, petticoat & flowers. I drove to Nash, Waddies, & Haines about Midge’s house. Long amusing letter fr. dear Roy. Tuesday 13 February In bed till 12.30. Mrs. Neely did shops for me & flowers. Awful day. Mrs. Goodchild, Mrs. & Miss Oates called friends of Mrs. Neely’s. No one else. Maud & Lennie dined out. Wednesday 14 February Miss Mackenzie’s marriage with Mr. F.K.Slade, 2.15. Unable to go far too ill. In bed till 12.30. Dr Orton called. Awful day. Thursday 15 February In bed till 12.30. Mr. Hartree & Belita Drabble Stevens called & stayed some time. Awful headache. Friday 16 February In bed till 12.30. Darling Maud came to see me. Mrs. Neely went to see Mrs. Watney about engagement, won’t do. Mrs. Neely & I drove out simply for drive. Saturday 17 February In bed till 12.30. Lin hard at work all day. V. wet. Drove to get sausages, flowers fruit etc. Lin gave me £1.0.0 for fruit etc. Bought 2 partridges. Letter fr. Edgar, Midge, & Tabbie. Sat in morg. room. Had 2 snipe for dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 18 February In bed till 12.30. Mrs. Neely to see friend afternoon. No one called. Lin out after luncheon. Lennie & Maud unable to come to dine, Lennie with v. bad cold. Monday 19 February In bed till 12 o’c. Mrs. Neely to Maud’s. Lennie v. seedy, his birthday. Drove at 3 to Stores for Lennie’s present, de Bretts peerage £1.3.7½! Met Uncle & Aunt Edwin. Lionel leaving tomorrow for S. Africa in “Goorka” the same ship Edgar went in. To Salviatos, chose present for Miss Mackenzie £1.0.0. Called & saw Maud, Lennie, Baby & Mrs. Messel. Letter fr. Sophy. Quiet evg. Lin out all day. Orton came. Tuesday 20 February Mrs. Kettle’s dinner 7.45. In bed till 11.30. Mrs. Neely to choose fowl Whiteleys. Showery day. Mrs. Magne, Miss Schwann & Mrs. Sutton with her 2 daughters, youngest engaged & to be married in April. Wednesday 21 February Out for an hour bath chair 2/-. Called on Dr Smiles, Mrs. Baines, Mrs. English & Mrs. Welby, bought braid. A Miss Tucker called on Mrs. Neely. Emma & Lucy out. E. to theatre. Thursday 22 February Linley dines with the Messels 7.45. Morg. out for 2 hours in bath chair 3/-. Mrs. Neely & self at 3.30 to call on Lady Lucas, Mrs. Rubens, Mrs. Macquoid, Aunt Linda & darling Maud’s. Mrs. Messel there. Lennie looking v. ill, darling M. pale. Barkers for marmalade & soap. Mackay out evening. Friday 23 February Out for one hour in bath chair. To Barkers about Midge’s bill, pd. it. Redmayne, Swears & Wells, Woolland, Heath etc. Dined at 9 with Lin. Mrs. Neely out, in for dinner. Saturday 24 February Out for hour bath chair. To Criterion 2.30 unable to get places. Called on Mrs. Mocatta, Mrs. Lindo & Maud. Lennie still looking v. ill. Maudie not well either. Baby v. well. Lin out afternoon. Mrs. Neely out again after late tea. Sunday 25 February Dull. Silver mustard spoon missing. Mr. Paxton & Sp. called. Lin to see Lennie after tea. Quiet evg. alone. Monday 26 February Missed ivory & silver pistol fr. table. In all morg. Orton called, most un-necessary! Mrs. Neely washed my laces. At 3.30 to Stores & called on Lady Monckton. Lin out all day. Tuesday 27 February Mrs. Reynard’s dinner unable to go. Packed morg. Found pistol supposed to be lost in drawer. Conrad called just as I was leaving, looks thin & (illeg). Came by Granville to Ramsgate. Mrs. Neely to Station with me & after to spend time in my absence at some Christian Association place. Found darling Maud at Ramsgate Sta. drove on together. Lennie still looking v. delicate. Clean bright comfortable


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Hotel Saint Cloud. Fire & flowers in my room all darling M’s thought & doing. X. Cronje surrendered with 4300 men Paardeburg unconditionalally. Anniversary of Ma(illeg) Wednesday 28 February V. cold. In bed till 11.30 reading. Dull. 3 letters fr. Lin!!! Walked thro’ Ramsgate with Maud & Lennie after luncheon. Quiet evening, feel better. Still more good news fr. S. Africa, Rensburg. Mar 1900 Thursday 1 March V cold east wing. Bright & sunny. X. News of relief of Lady Smith. Maud & Lennie to Canterbury. Talk with old gentleman & lady at luncheon. They know many mutual friends, Petos, Tomlins, Friends, Isaacs. Lennie & M. both completely done up evg. M’s corn v. bad. Friday 2 March Lovely day, bitterly cold. Walked to Mrs. Heading after luncheon. Mrs. Evans called morg. Lennie & Maud in bath chair out all afternon. Quiet evening. Maud met B.Weigall, Miss Warre, May Hood & K. O’Reilly. Mrs. Evans called morg. Saturday 3 March Lennie to Deal. Tea Mrs. Evans. Maud had little boy model morg. Lin arrives by Granville. Arrived v. late at Mrs. Evans & left soon to meet Lin at Sta. Mr. & Mrs. Burnand & Mary came by same train. Wretched wet & cold. Maudie in bath chair her foot so bad. Quiet evg. & bed early. Lin looks tired, has seen Critchett about his eyes & finds comfort fr. new properly adjusted glasses. Sunday 4 March V. cold wind, bright & sunny. Walked morg. alone. Lennie Maud & Lin walked on Pier. Too much for Maud, foot bad after. Met Burnands. Lennie & self for walk to Dumpton Gap, home by sands for tea. Lin to Sir William Agnews at Deal after luncheon. Monday 5 March Bright morg. Bitterly cold wind. Lennie & Lin to Margate for day, found dog. Maud & self sat out morg. in sun. Met Bay Noott. After lunch Maud drew small boy model. I walked some distance with Mr. & Mrs. F.C.B. who came to call, asking us to dine, too cold. Flowers 6d. Mr. Evans called stayed some time. Mrs. Rooth, Dossie & young Daniels called & saw Lin & Lennie, seems gentlemanly young man. Quiet evg. to bed 10 o’c. Tuesday 6 March Bright morg, not so cold. Out morg. with Lin who as usual must buy. Saw Doggie at Hills, really not bad. Called after lunch on Mrs. Hammond, Lennie with me, he waited outside. Mrs. Pugin & Eilie to call, found Mrs. Hammond as handsome as ever. Mary Burnand called. Maud v. busy drawing. X. Maud little F. & looks v. seedy. Maudie out in chair. Miss Warre & Mr. Evans called. Wednesday 7 March V. cold wind. Lennie & Lin walked along shore to Broadstairs. I tried to meet them, returned without doing so. Talk with Mr. Curtis who leaves tomorrow. Lin went up by 3.30 to London took dog foundling. I went with him to Broadstairs to call on Mrs. Noott, out. Met Mrs. Bartram & travelled & walked back with her &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 dau. Maudie in bath chair with Lennie. Tea, & quiet dinner. Maud still looking v. delicate. Thursday 8 March Dull morg. Out morg. Mary Burnand came & walked with us as far as Mrs. Pugin’s where I had tea, Maud & L. returning. M. in bath chair. Glorious afternoon but bitterly cold east wind. Friday 9 March Lovely day, cold wind. Sat out morg. & drove at 4 o’clock to tea at Miss Warre’s & to Mrs. Buck’s. Awful smell there! Lennie walked home & did not go in. Saw Mr. Warre, looks very shaky. Quiet evg. Lin worried by Burnand & delayed by work. Sad news of Mr. Winchester Clowes & Sir Charles Hall. Saturday 10 March Glorious morg. Darling Maud & Lennie leaving today. Lin arrives by Granville. Invitation fr. Mrs. Burnand for us all to dine there tomorrow or Monday. Saw Lennie & Maud off. Met Lin, walked back with him. Quiet evg. Little talk with Mr. Anderson amused us with a young man’s conversation on War, Generals & statesman generally. Sunday 11 March Lovely day, cold wind. Walke on Pier with Lin. After luncheon Lin for cycle ride. Miss Warre & Dolly Barter called. Walked alone & Lin & self dined at Burnands & had bad indigestion & felt sick result of eating green vegetables last night. Mr. & Mrs. Evans at F.C.B’s. Played spoof. Fly there & back. Monday 12 March Lovely day. Walked morg with Lin. Lin cycled after lunch. I went to tea at Mrs. Nootts, saw young Daniels there. Met Mrs. Evans coming back in same carriage with her. Quiet evening. No one in saloon except selves, & bed early. Tuesday 13 March Mrs. H. Levy’s drawing room tea. X. Petit ami. Au lit until 4 o’c. Tea alone drawing room, spoke to Mrs Stacey about Mrs Neely. Long letter from darling M. Lin to Calais for day. Wednesday 14 March Dull foggy morg. In bed till 3.30 when Linley left for London. V. funny letter from Maud about Mice. Lin looks extremely well. Wire from Mrs. Tweedie. Dined alone, 2 old gentlemen, single ditto, Patholi(?) lady, Mr & Mrs. Anderson , self! Dull. V. funny letter fr. Roy returns home Saturday. Mr. Souby & Sir James Segar Hunt called to see Lin morg. Thursday 15 March Mrs. Turquand’s dinner at 8 o’c. Lin going alone. Dull cold day. In bed till 3.30. Had tea in Hall sitting room with Mr. & Mrs. Anderson, singularly dull individual. Dined alone in new salle a manger. Bright (illeg), & to my room. Reads Lord Robert’s book “Forty one years in India” & wrote three letters. Friday 16 March Dull morg. Feel better for rest. Letter fr. Mrs. Tweedie. Mr. Soobey called stayed some time.Talk with Mr. & Mrs. Anderson. Found Patholi(?) lady tedious rather after dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 17 March Out in bath chair, 2 hours, v. cold. Lin arrived by Granville, Roy at 10 o’c with bad cold, had my old room. Sunday 18 March Mrs. Tweedie’s dinner 8 o’c. 30 York Terrace. Unable to go. Out morg in bath chair. Met Mr. Burnand & Squire, Lin & Roy, we went along parade together. Lin & Roy for long cycle ride. I out again 2.30 bath chair. Mr. Stacey’s son had bad accident cycling. Lin & Roy to Burnands after dinner. V. cold & ½ a gale blowing all night. Mr. Spielmann called. Monday 19 March V. cold wind. In all morg. Out at 2.30 with Lin & Roy in bath chair, saw boat which which was brought in disabled this morg. after storm. 8 torpedo boats passed. Lin & Roy on to Col. Churchill owner of lost dog. Had cocoa in hall & long talk with Mr. & Mrs. Anderson. Report of relief of Mafeking. Tuesday 20 March Lin & Roy to Calais. Walked morg. lovely day, no wind. Went in bath chair to St Peters, pd. man 3/-. Sat out after lunch met Sir Joseph Montefiore & Lady Rose W. & daughter, had long talk with them. Had tea with the Andersons, much nicer when one knows them better. Wednesday 21 March Mrs. Spielmann’s dinner cannot go. Lin Roy & self returned from Ramsgate by 3.30, lovely sunny morg. cold wind. Had walk with Lin & Roy on Pier, magnificent sea. Foolishly pocketed key of my book & could not unpack! Thursday 22 March Dull & cold. Maudie to luncheon. Baby came at 3 looking v. sweet & well, most lively. I went for character of Midge’s cook, good. To Aunt Linda’s heard about Lionel. Barkers & home. Quiet evening. Called saw Waddie. Friday 23 March V. cold. Out morg. & at 3 to Maud’s, out, took cook’s character today not yesterday & to stores to get chocolate & meat lozenges for Edgar. Saturday 24 March Bitterly cold out shops morg. Roy & self to see “Message from Mars” matinée, Lin joined us there. Walked part of way home, cab rest. Lin, Roy & self dined at Maud’s. Most delicious dinner exquisitely done & served. Sunday 25 March Bitterly cold east wind. Walked with Lin to Hyde Pk Corner, home in omnibus. Roy in to lunch, Lin out. Lennie & Maud to dinner. Monday 26 March Out morg. V. cold. Mrs. Neely called as we were dressing for dinner. Conrad came at 6 o’clock & Lin & self went to Hippodrome. Con & Roy followed after. Wonderful performance of cats & dogs, 21 lions. Midgets v. good, conjuring & acrobats. Horse & water swimming & diving. Saw Mr. Heilbut & Mr. & Mrs. Mackenzie of Seaforth & party.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 27 March Out walking morg. Mary Nicol & Con to lunch. Mrs. Harry Henderson, Mrs. Macquoid & Mrs. Cameron Corbett called. Dined 6.30. Lin, Con, Roy & self to Daly’s “San Toy”. V. good. Duchess of Fife there. Edna May’s sister in box opposite. Maud wired for Roy to dine & go to Palace with them. Maud lunched Mrs. Lucy, was much admired, letter fr. Mr. Lucy to say so! Wednesday 28 March Dull grey cold. At 11.30 to pay bills for Midge & to see Waddie. Con out to lunch. Con, Roy & self to Maud’s to dinner 8 o’c. Lin to Punch dinner. Roy cycling. Tabs comes up to town today. Thursday 29 March Put advertisement on Morg. Post for tomorrow for Midge. Walked morg. Effie & Ethel E. called. Called with Conrad 4 o’c on Mrs. Geilgud, Tate, Romer, saw Miss Romer, Galbraith, Ryle, & Tabs at Coburg. Lennie & Maud dined here. V. cheery evg. Friday 30 March Still v. cold. Effie & Ethel E. called. Walked with them to Bank & walked on after to Woollands & to lunch with Tabbie at Coburg where Con joined us. Went after shop’g with Tabs & bad tea there. Ham came in. Met Mrs. Geiger in Bond St. Maud lunched here & went with Roy to Varsity Sports Queen’s Club. Capt Heathorne called & stayed some time. Lin finished work early, & to meeting of Royal Com. Con & Roy after dinner to meet the English party at theatre, Don Juan. Saturday 31 March Mrs. Lindo’s dinner, can’t go. Boat Race, Cam. won. Lin & Roy to race. Eff & Ethel called morg. Shop’d & walked. Drove at 4 o’c Waddie’s. To see Baby in his bath, again decorated my best dress! Con, Lin & self quiet evg. Roy out. Picked up mysterious blue silk square on stair case, thought it was Roy’s! it was not. 4 answers to advertisement for Midge’s P.maid. Apr 1900 Sunday 1 April Lin Roy & Con to Calais. Lennie & Maud remain at Glovers until Tuesday evg. Out walking morg with Con’s little dog. Baby came afternoon, was v. sweet. V. cheery evg. Lin met many friends at Calais & on steamer. Monday 2 April Lord Robertson’s dinner 8 o’c. Only Lin going. Sent 1 st allotment of £30 to C.Hambro & Son, making £35. Paid for £100 City of Christiana 4% loan. Long letter fr. dear Edgar. Dullish dinner. Tuesday 3 April Out morg. Darling M & Lennie return fr. Glovers. No one called. Box at Haymarket. Lin, Con, Roy & Ethel E. & Effie went & self. “The Rivals” . V. good indeed. Wednesday 4 April Out morg. shop’g. Called at Maud’s, out. Maud & self called at 3.30 on Mdes Pitt, McHardy, Morgan, Ritchie, Grigg etc, McClean. Left Maud at Portland Rd with


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lennie. Quiet evg. Lucy going to Australia & leaves me end of May. Con & gramophone. Thursday 5 April Mrs. Grantham’s dinner. Lucy Fearns going to Australia in June! Our area gate fell off its hinges into area smashing all spokes & doing damage to steps. Box for “Dandy Dick” tonight. Roy, Con & self going. Lin to Granthams. Enjoyed his dinner v. much. 20. Friday 6 April Lin got work done early & we all went to see “His Excellency” delightful play v. funny. Roy dining with Mr. Hoghan, in fairly early. Saturday 7 April Accident to carriage near Maiden Lane. Roy, Con & self drive to Rule’s & lunch with Lin. To “Messenger Boy” after. Roy & Lin returned home together & Con & self called on Mrs. English, saw Eff & Ethel, been to San Toy. Quiet evg. morg. room. Con & gramophone! Darling Maud & family go to Glovers! Sunday 8 April Walked morg called on Mrs. Mackenzie. Lin busy with little jobs all morg. Cycled after. Fritz Jackson called. Mrs. Neely to lunch & dinner. We went to see Fildes, Stones & Colin Hunter’s pictures. Met usual dowdy set! Con, Roy, Lin self & Mrs. Neely to dinner. Quiet evg. Monday 9 April X. Little F. Wired Maud cannot go till Thurs. Mrs. Neely here all day. Roy out to luncheon, Con in. Roy in to dinner, out after. Emma & Mackay out afternoon & evg. To Mrs. Young’s to be fitted, met Carrie Stuart Wortley. Con returned to dress, supped with Gomez. Punch dinner. Letter fr. Maud. Tuesday 10 March Mrs. Steincopff dinner. No one called. In all day. Midge, Hamilton & Dora arrived evg fr. Buenos Ayres after v. rough passage. Otley called on way fr, Mrs. Steincopff’s. Bad news again fr. S. Africa & Gadacre(?) recalled. Chernside fr. Gen Tucker’s Brigade appointed to take his place as chief of 3 rd Brigade. Roy & self alone. Wednesday 11 April In bed till 12.30. Went at 2.30 to see Midge, found H, D. & Midge & Mr. Frisby there. Midge looking seedy. Took Dora on with me to Marshall & Willatts, Marshall & Snelgroves, Ball & Turner & home to tea here. She took cab back. Lin & Roy dined at 9 o’c, same as Friday on account of Easter. Tabbie in town with Gwen & Eve at Coburg. Thursday 12 April Gleamy day. In bed till 12.30. Drove at 3 to Whiteley, flowers, bananas, Angrave, Ball & Turner. Dora & Ham dined here. Midge v. seedy influenza & Orton attending. Wire fr. Lennie for Roy to go today. He goes tomorrow D.V. Lin & Roy to Palace after dinner. H. & D. stayed until 11 & had lively horse in hansom going back, glad Midge was not there. Letter fr. Maudie. Friday 13 April V. windy, & gleams of sun. In bed till 12.30. Roy went to Glovers, we go tomorrow. Midge v. seedy in bed with temperature up. H. & Dora to Pyt for


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Easter. Quiet day, no one came but man for electric light which he mended everywhere. Saturday 14 April Mackay & I came to “Glovers” by 10.50 train. Roy met us in one cart, boy in another for luggage. Lovely day but cold wind. Found darling Maud, Baby & Lennie well & grounds charming both outside & in. Mr. & Mrs. Messel, Mr. & Mrs. Val Geilgud to luncheon. Everything looking lovely, table silver & all. My room sweet. They all stayed to tea. Linley came by cycle & arrived after tea. Sunday 15 April Lovely day. Darling M. & Lennie to Church, I remaining at home. Sat out but wind cold. Racket courts great recourse to Lennie & Roy. Monday 16 April Lennie & Roy in Ralli cart & chestnut mare on trial, & Maud & self in nursery cart & Linley cycled to Nymans. Lin arrived too late for luncheon. Mrs. Messel’s carriage met us at Crawley. The Geilguds still at Nymans & a number of people came to tea with children to find Easter eggs hidden in grounds. V. pleasant day. Maudie ret’d fr. Crawley with Lennie in cart, Roy coming with me. Lin cycled back. Tuesday 17 April Lin & Lennie to Reigate. Letter fr. Tabbie asking if she could come to us on Saty next to await Mervyn & Ethel’s arrival. Dora remaining on at Pyt. Hamilton returned yesterday. Wednesday 18 April Mrs. Messel, Mrs. Geilgud & Ruth came over for lunch & tea. Lovely day. Lennie took number of photos. Most lovely day like summer. Maudie v. tired. We all drove to Horsham after luncheon the men on cycles & Maud & self in cart. I drove brown pony. Had tea there. Lennie bought silver. Delightful drive enjoyed it immensely. Thursday 19 April Lovely day. Mrs. Messel, Ruth & Mrs. Geilgud to luncheon & tea. Glorious day like summer. Roy remaining here until tomorrow. Maudie so tired & feverish unable to come down to dinner, went to bed & had a hot bath. Mr. Eward to dinner remained v. late 11.30. I sat with Maudie after dinner. Friday 20 April Lovely day. Roy left at 10 o’c. supposed to be returning to Oxford tomorrow, or tonight. New ducks arrived. Mr. H. Hemming came by a morning train, more conversational than I thought. Maudie in bed all day v. seedy indeed, head bad & she seems generally run down. Saturday 21 April Lovely hot & sunny day. Maudie up at 11 better but looks delicate & pale. Cannot imagine what it is with her (illeg) in this lovely place! Sat out all day. Lennie & Mr. Hemming planted primroses along bank. 8 new pigeons arrived. Lennie & Mr. H. to Lowfield Heath to order plants. Letter fr. Roy not returning to Oxford until next week. V. tiresome, he must have known. Sunday 22 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely morg. warm as June. Sat out all day long. Mr. & Mrs. Bone pronounced Boune! Young couple who have taken the Hohler’s house. Monday 23 April Lennie to business morg. Ruth & Muriel over to luncheon & tea. To woods for primroses. Lennie told us of new arrangement to start fr. October increase in his income again!!! Lovely day. Letter fr. Roy only returning to Oxford next Friday. Mr. Hemming left with Lennie, much nicer then I thought. Tuesday 24 April Lin returned by 2.50 train, slight accident to cart! Thankful it was no worse. Much colder & not so bright. Lennie tired evg. after day with Monsieur F. Darling Maud’s throat bad & eye inflamed, seems generally out of sorts & below par. Long letter fr. Edgar fr. Bloemfontein, also extracts fr. Sophy’s letters which I forwarded to Midge after reading. Wednesday 25 April V. cold, dull & rain. Worked & read, & gathered firewood! Thursday 26 April Colder but fine. Maudie & self called on Mrs. Heron, out, & on Mrs. Ansdell, in, & nice looking girl. Mrs. Ansdell’s brother Francis galloper to Gen. French. Lennie v. tired. Friday 27 April V. cold & dull. Maudie & Nurse busy with sofa’s corners, I had Baby as usual a saint. In all day. Saturday 28 April X. Lovely day. Dr Parker came saw Maud & Baby. V. sensible man & v. clever. Lennie coming home at 3 fr. city. Lin & Mr. Guthrie on cycles between 3 & 4. We all dine at Mrs. Ansdell’s, they send their carriage. Very pleasant evg. Miss Armit only other guest. X. Letter forwarded by mistake of Linley’s to model. Thorn. Sunday 29 April Pay £10 to Cent Argentine Rly allocated shares. Paid Saty 28 th yesterday. Lovely day still cold. Maudie X in bed still v. seedy. Cold day rather. Lord Borthwick & his sister lunched here, she seems v. pleasant & amusing. Lin looks seedy & long bicycle ride too much for him. Spoke to him about “Thorn”. Monday 30 April Dull day. Mr. Guthrie & Lin returned to London. Mr. Ewart dined here. Ruth arrived at tea time on a visit. Maudie still v. seedy, got down in time for tea. May 1900 Tuesday 1 May Lovely day. Lennie had holiday, rode & drove new horse or rather mare. Gathered dandelions, 36. School children came up & sang with Maypoles, Lennie photod them. Maudie v. seedy looks weak & bloodless. Wednesday 2 May Sir Cuthbert Quilter’s smoking party 10.30. Letter fr. Lin, telegram later fr. Ireland where he has gone on trial trip of some steamer. Maudie v. seedy & rundown. Ruth left early. Lennie v. tired evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 3 May Heavy rain. Lovely evening, brilliant rainbow. Dr Parker came to see Maud. Must remain in bed quietly & rest. Letter fr. Lin, met Lord Stalbridge & dined & sat in his compartment on trial trip to Ireland by new steamer. Friday 4 May Maudie in bed all day v. seedy. Nothing of any significance happened. Saturday 5 May Lovely hot day. Mr & Miss Luscombe called & a v. pretty girl with them. Lennie had whole holiday, rode & drove new mare. Lin came in time for tea. Sunday 6 May Wet morg. cleared about 12 o’c. Baby & nurse in nursery cart to Nymans. Lin & Lennie in dog cart & new horse. Maudie & self v. happy day together. She seems better. Monday 7 May Due. Still about. Lin for cycle ride to Reigate. Quiet day. Maud better. Tuesday 8 May Mrs. Cyril Maude at home 3 to 5.30. Sat out all day. Drove at 3.30 to Horley for shops. On return found Mr. & Mrs. Messel here & Lin not gone for cycle ride, went after to Horley on cycle & played squash raquets with Lennie. Made butter 6lbs wih Mrs. Newton & Maud morning, & over Mrs. N’s cottage after. Letter fr. Edgar seems well. Written 14 April 20 miles north of Blomfontein. Wednesday 9 May Mrs. Sutton’s at home 10.30. Miss Chapman 4 - 7. Mrs. McLaren’s at home to meet members of cycling club, 10 o’c. Letter fr. E.Mervyn. Lin left on cycle at 1 o’c, had lunch here, his bags went up fr. Horley by train. Thursday 10 May Dull day. Muriel, Miss Vaunce & old Nannie to lunch & tea. Letters fr. Lin & Roy. Friday 11 May Mrs. Welby, Drawing room tea. Mrs. Emerton Bainbridge ditto. Etc etc. Roy at Staf, Ter. with Lin, up for dinners, returns Sunday night. Maud & self called on Mrs. White & drove to Horley, also on Rector, much exhausted. Ruth & self went over church. Mrs. Hunter & later Mr. Cazenove called. Ruth & Lennie for cycle ride. Letter fr. Lin. Sunday 13 May Lin & Roy to Sir Alfred Hickman’s for tennis & dinner. Went to Church with Lennie Maud & Ruth. V. pleasantly surprised, nice short service. Maudie v. seedy pain in side. Cold. Lennie & Ruth cycled & played raquets. Monday 14 May Mrs. H. Levy drawing room tea 5 - 6. Ruth left directly after breakfast. Cold. Maud still feeling v. seedy. Lin unable to come until tomorrow. Mr. Gibson rector dined with us, odd man, distinctly excentric. Tuesday 15 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Cyril Maude 3 to 5.30. Lin came down on cycle, v. bad influenza cold. Arrived about 6.30. Lennie v. depressed. Maudie looking solemn in consequence. Gathered wild hyacinths with Nurse Francis & darling Baby. Wednesday 16 May Great packing of silver fear darling Maud v. tired. Returned to London by 2.39 train, Mackay & my fares 7/-, fees £1.0.0. Nurse Francis leaving tonight to see her late charge, poor little thing dying of meningitis, worried Maud dreadfully. Crawfurd remaining & Nana wired for. Mervyn & Ethel dined here at 7.30, V. pleasant evg. Thursday 17 May Mrs. A. Welby’s dinner 8 o’c. Acp’t. (illeg) interesting dinner, badly cooked & badly served. Walked to Midge’s, out, on to Maud. Went with her to Dr Pollock thinks one ovary enlarged cause of pain, & care needed. Maud with me to luncheon, left at 4 alone. Lennie & M. to theatre. Lin’s cold bad. Friday 18 May Out morg. & M. to Redfern. Saw her fitted 2 dresses, home in her carriage, left her at Mrs. Messel’s. Out at 4 in brougham to Miss Millais, Kettle, Fritz, saw Mrs. Jackson, Reeve, Lawrence & Midge. A Gen Botha taken pris. Saturday 19 May App’t Mrs. Young 3 o’c. Redfern 12 o’c. Unable to keep either. Relief of Mafeking. X. Kept awake half the night with noise of shouting as the news was made known late last night. Shop’d morg. called at Mr. Hartree. Lin & self to matinée Prince of Wales. Martin Harvey “Rouget de Lisle”, “Ab & little Christina” & Pantomime Reh. Midge & Dora to tea after Ranelagh. Sunday 20 May Lin & self dine 7 30 Lady Hickman’s. X. Paid £30 to Hambro & Son, 70 Old Broad St, E.C. for 1st instalment of £100 Stock 4% City of Christiana loan 1900, making £65 in all pd. Walked Holland Pk. & read morg. Lin & self alone luncheon. Monday 21 May Out morg. To Redfern by om. Afternoon to Midge. Maud v. worried avec menage. 2 lbs butter, flowers, to Young & arranged for 12 o’c Friday. Wire fr. Sophy about Edgar. All well fr. War Office. Quiet evening, bed early. Lin’s cold better, to Calais for day. Tuesday 22 May Mrs. Cyril Maude 3 - 5.30. Mrs. Welby & Maud to luncheon 1.30, & Mrs. W’s sister. V. wet day. Met darling Maud at Redfern’s & drove home together. Girls served luncheon nicely & quickly. V. wet afternoon. Dinner at 6.15. Lin & self to “American Beauty” Wednesday 23 May Mrs. C. Corbett’s dinner, unable to go. I go alone. Mrs. Wheen’s at home 4 - 7. To be fitted Redfern 12 o’c. Conrad comes to us for a few days, dined out. V. pleasant dinner at Mrs. C’s. Sat next to Mr. Kennard, v. interesting young man with v. pretty wife, had travelled. Mr Cullan(?) sang charmingly after dinner. Thursday 24 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Out morg. Called 4 o’c Mrs. Steincopff, saw Col & Mrs. Mackenzie of Seaforth there. Pd several other calls. Darling Maud & Lennie dined here. All in very good spirits. Maud met Bill W. at Temple Flower show who wd. follow her about, Lennie v. angry. Friday 25 May Lady Quilter 5 - 6. To be fitted Young’s 12 o’c, late, went again 5. Out morg. to Redfern’s was fitted. Home cab. Went for ½ hour to see Ruskin’s collection of Turners at Fine Arts. Called Midge, Maud’s, out, Mrs. Turquand, Threlfall, H. Levy, Mrs. Hankey & Lady Q. Lin, Con & self dined at 8.30. Saturday 26 May Mrs. Johnson-Ferguson’s dinner 8 o’c. Acp’t for Lin & self. In all morg. Con, Lin & self to matinée “Madame Butterfly” V. charming & sad little piece. Cab home. Con dined at Midge’s. Dora, Ethel E. & Effie called morg. V. delightful dinner Mrs. J.F’s. Mr. Kennedy took me in & Sir Robert Head radical other side, most interesting. Mr. & Mrs. Milman & Sir F. & Lady Hartland both asked me to call. Saw little maid asking £25! Sunday 27 May Out morg. Gardens, awful crowd of people like ants. Dora to lunch & dinner. Con took her to Park, met Midge & Hamilton. Mr. Bret Harte called, does not look well. Monday 28 May Out morg. to be fitted Redfern. Con & Lin to the Levée, back at 4.30. I called on Mrs. Spofforth & Mrs. Gill. Tea with Con & Lin here 5 o’c & in cab with Con to Midge’s about Dora, wire fr. Maud asking her to go. Eclipse of Sun! Tuesday 29 May Mrs. Cyril Maude 3 - 5.30. Out 11 o’c in brougham to Mrs. Mason & Mrs. Graham après les filles. Met Spencer at Barkers. Effie Conrad lunched here. Mrs. Turquand, Dora, Mrs. & Miss Enthoven & Miss Rose Innes called. Conrad dined at the Hollands. J’ai vu jeune fille. Vingt livres de gages, assez bien dîmes bien mauvais ce soir. Wednesday 30 May Mrs. Hankey 4 - 6.30. 2.30 Mrs. Young. 10 AM to Mrs. Coquhan(?) à cause de jeune fille. Dora goes to Lennie & Maud at Mitre Hotel Oxford until Friday. Out morg. rest after. To first night “Rip van Winkle” at Haymarket, brilliant house. Wire fr. Mr. Spielman, Lin to go to Paris at once. Thursday 31 May Saw job. parlourmaid fr. Mrs. Mason. Effie came morg. taken rooms near Goring(?). Con returned to Worthing. I drove to Redfern with their gown failure, promised for Saty morg. Marshalls, Barkers & Mrs. Roller, out. Lin out after luncheon. Jun 1900 Friday 1 June To the Oaks with Mr. D’Arcy. Wretched day, cold rain, unable to go. Packed. Saturday 2 June Miss Grossmith’s wedding 2.30. To spend day at Oxford with Lennie Maud & Roy. Packed evg, or finished rather. To Oxford by 9.40. To Hotel, saw Maud, Lennie,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Roy, Dora & Mr. Marriott. Bodleian Library, & lunched in Roy’s rooms. Excellent & delicious luncheon. Tea at Hotel & home to dinner. V. pleasant day. D. smoked to Roy’s disgust! Sunday 3 June Came to Paris by 11.40. Met Mr. Merryweather, lunched Calais with him. Travelled to Amiens with Judge Snagge. V. entertaining & v. gallant! Uncivil Frenchman got in at Amiens. Absence porters Paris, drunken cabman. Comfortable room Grande Hotel du Trocadero overlooking river. Good din. in a barrack empty room. Monday 4 June To Exhibition with Lin. Fearful crowd & great heat & dust. Magnificent buildings, went thro’ Beaux Arts. Modern Japanese paintings. Rue des Nations etc etc. Met Mr Davis lunched with him Continental. To Ex. again. Dressed & hoped to dine at Ledoyens, no room, dined à la carte Continental. Sat out again with Mr. Davis. Cabs everywhere v. (illeg) our Hotel but good room. Tuesday 5 June Met Lin at Ledoyen 12 o’c. He arrived fr. Ex. with Mr. E.George architect, little nervous restless man, nice but fatiguing conversation so detailed. Had table facing garden. Went after to exhibition v. tiring thro’ galleries & on (illeg) air soulant. Dined at (illeg) & Albion with the Spielmans, Mons. George, Onlow Ford there also. Sat after with Sir J. Montefiore & Admiral Keppel in corridor of Hotel. Had dinner badly served, great difficulty in getting cab to go, arrived late. Wednesday 6 June Dossie Noott comes. X. Ami. Nothing at Louvre worth buying, dearer & not half so pretty as our own shops. Went off to Mr Spielman & we went Louvre & lunched at Duvals, bad cheap. Met Admiral Kepple at Exhibition. Went thro’ Galleries. X. Petit ami on way to the Palais de l’optique, had to return. Sat at Gates of Champs Elysee & saw Mrs. Pitt’s young sister & Mr. & Mrs. Mills both sisters looking sweet. Also Sir J. Montefiore. Cab home. Dined at Continental with Mr. Davis or rather he with us. None of us went to Mons. Delcassé’s reception, Foreign Minister. Thursday 7 June Lady Richmond 4 - 7. In bed till 11 o’c. Lunched at Hotel Trocadero dreary barn of a room not a soul in it. Bad & expensive luncheon. Lin & self dined with Mr E.George at Restaurant Henri, Rue St Augustin. Mr. Davis, Mr. Onslow Ford & his son, Mr. & Mrs. Spielman, most excellent dinner. Left in a hurry with Mrs. S & self faint. Stuffy heat when cigars came. All except Mr. Davis & ourselves went to reception Mons. Delcassé last evg. V. brilliant affair. Friday 8 June Letter fr. Ethel. Lucy Fearn leaves & temporary maid comes for fortnight. X. Letter fr. Maud. Drove to Continental & dined there, sat after with Mr Davis. Much interested watching love-sick man & 2 girls with old gentleman, evidently enamoured with the blue blouse one! Lin lunched at Hotel with me, good & not as expensive as yesterday, Cab strike. Lin to Exhibition after. Saturday 9 June Lovely morg. Lin to Ex. No judging today or tomorrow. Ham L. was to arrive Paris last night for Grand Prix. Hamilton called at 11.30 just bathing so c’d not see him & Lin out. H. staying with Spanish friend 21 Avenue d’Autin. Lin & self lunched


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Ledoyen saw lonely American girl exquisitely dressed. Drove to Continental. Lin called at Embassy & we drove after to American artist Mr. Alexander, 190 Boulv. Malesherbes. V. charming wife etc. Dined Continental à la carte. Sat with Mr. Davis after. Watched l’amoureuse! Sunday 10 June Lovely day, Grand Prix. H. going with Mons. V. Lin & self lunched Ledoyens, met Mr. Davis & Mr. George & Mr. A. Henderson, Maggie & Mr. Makins. To Louvre after, missed seeing the Rubens as closed at 4. To Continental at 7.30. Mr. George dined with us there, 50 fr. din. Saw people returning fr. Grand Prix. Sat in courtyard with Mr. Davis & General Hawkins, American & v. entertaining. Amourants there. Monday 11 June Lady Hickman’s at home. Golden wedding! 4.30 - 7. Mrs. Rawlinson 4 - 7. Ethel & Mervyn come to stay. Lin lunching with Commission. V. v. hot. Lin at Ex. all day. Went to Bon marché, had chocolate (illeg), good. V. hot day bought (illeg) boa (illeg). Met Lin at 4 o’c outside Beaux Arts. Mr. Stapleton came & talked. Took cab to Hotel dressed & went to Ledoyens dined there outside, dire confusion! To Ambassadeurs 8/- wasted, bad. Fiacre back. Tuesday 12 June Mrs. Fildes 4 - 7. Lin had a day off. Met him at 11 o’c at Gallerie Rodin. Balzac! Studies for L’enfer etc. Lin used tram for first time to Ex. Saw Spanish German & English Pavilion. Langret, Watteau, Pater paintings exquisite. English Pavilion disappointing. Spanish tapestries v. fine & armour. Boabdil’s surtout & sword. Swiss village disap. Dined Col. Jeckyll’s, 12, arrived ¾ hr too early. Sat next to Col. J. & Mr. Purdon Clarke architect, Lady G(?) Mr. & Mrs. Horner & (illeg) came in later. Wednesday 13 June Cooler. Wet. Pouring again. Reception at English Pavilion. I went thro Ex. alone, saw Pasteur bottles! Belgian Pavilion beautiful large building fine old tapestries. 2 huge carved chests with panels painted. Had 2 cups of chocolate & petit pain. To meet Lin at Petit Palais 4 o’c. Rained. Missed him. Went to Mr. Jeckyll’s recep. & to Hotel Continental. Waited 2 hours for Lin quite exhausted. Arived at 8. Dined together. Mr. Davis & Mr. Spielman sat with us after. Mr. Stapleton, Steadman etc at Mr. J’s. Thursday 14 June Lady Richmond 4 - 7. Lin & self together all day. To Madeleine in om. Saw wedding procession. Lin v. angry man punched young girl! Lunched at Grand Hotel, met de la Rues, staying at Hotel de Londres, Purdon Clarke, Mrs. Spielman. Walked to exhibition. Saw Japan section wonderful! Norwegian, Sweden, Italian, American & German. 2 china busts of women as fountains fr. W(illeg)!! Walked to Hotel, chocolate 1fr.80. Dined Continental. Walk with Gen. Hawkins & Mr. Davis. Cooler & rain. Amours still at Hotel, he left early. Lin saw odd cycle accident. Friday 15 June Pay last instalment £32 to Messrs Hambro & Sons 4% City of Christiana loan 1900. Miss Neaves at home 4 - 7. Lin no bath. Lin to Jury. Cool & grey morg. Met him at Ledoyens by om. to blue entrance. Dear luncheon, sole 4 fr! No one much at Ledoyens. To Ex. with Lin & thro’ pictures & statuary, endless. Heard band. Courton’s mode girl lovely. Took om. to Louvre & walked to Continental, dined


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 there. Introduced to Mrs. Hawkins by Gen. H, the amorous Frenchman not there. Unable to meet Mr. Spielman 2.30 at Petit Palais. Saturday 16 June Fearful accident with one of compressed air trains Passy. Lin no bath. Lin & self to Exhibition, walked thro’ dress depart’ on round railway & to Ledoyens to lunch. V. dear again for little. Met Mr. George, Yeames, Spielman & Stapleton. Lin on to Jury after, I to Continental, wrote letters & walked to Palais Royal, bought Maud buckle 12 frcs. Had chocolate, took cab back. Met Lin, lost his gold badge & cannot find letter fr. Maud for me!!! He on to dine at Elysée, President Loubet, I to Hotel, had omelette & chocolate small shop. Home, packed. Sunday 17 June Left Paris 11.50. Saw our luggage safely station & walked about Paris! Met de la Rues returning. Mrs Spielman travelled with us to London. Met Henry Dickens, Enid engaged, also Mr. Payton, Mr. ? Mrs. Spielman’s two children met her at Charing X. Heaps of letters here awaiting us. Nouvelle pro tem ici. Sais son ouvrage mais ne regarde pas dans les yeux en parlant. Monday 18 June Mrs Rawlinson 11 - 7. Paid last instalment on Christiana £32 to Hambro & Sons, 70 Old Broad St. Also last instalment on 5 allotted shares in Cent Arg. Rly £10 to London & Westminster Bank, Lothbury EC. Darling Maud to luncheon looked tired, gave me sweet little pendant like her own & lovely flowers. Called at 4 o’c on Mrs. P. Holland, saw Ethel there. To Georgie Rooke saw Cap R & little girl. Cards to Cameron Corbett, Johnson Ferguson, Maud’s & Midge’s. Dora, Maud & Lennie dining with Miss R. Innes & theatre after. Tuesday 19 June Mrs. Fildes 4 - 7. Darling Maud & Tilda to luncheon. Maud to tea & Len & Maud to dinner, 8.15. Lennie v. seedy excema. Maud to Mrs. Boughton’s at home. Out shops morg. Whiteley etc. Tilda to lunch & tea. Mrs. Kettle, Mrs. Johnson Ferguson & Miss Stancombe Wills, Miss Rose Innes, called. Lin v. tired after hard day. Wednesday 20 June Tea at Mrs. Thorneycroft, 48 Portland Place. Miss Holland 9 o’c. At ¼ to 4 to call Lady Sadler, Mrs. Blair, Mrs. Shannon, Miss Hosier, Mrs. Thorneycroft, v. pretty girls & good singing, & Mrs. Kendal & Mrs. Messel. Beastly day heavy showers hot & cold. Lin v. busy photoing. Thursday 21 June Lady Richmond 4 - 7. Mrs. Harvey 5 - 6.30. At 3.30 to Mrs. Evans with Maud, Mrs. Harvey’s, Lady Watson out. Mrs. Bainbridges party, v. pretty women there, Mr. B. v. to the front & Mrs. Bainbridge sweetly pretty & v. delicate fair. Jessie like D. but jerky modern manners. Pouring wet day. Lennie & Maud dined here, only Emma & Mackay. Ellen pro tem left, here a fortnight c’d have done without her. Met Max O’Reily(?) & Sir W. Gatacre. Friday 22 June Miss Walter Crane’s wedding eve! 10 o’c. Lunch 1.15 Mrs. Spielman & tea 5 o’c at Mrs. Thorneycroft’s 48 Portland Place. No, last Wed! Miss Rose Innes tea, unable to go. Walked Whiteleys & chose fowl & to Mrs. Spielman, 6 to luncheon. Fritters of whiting, Brisket of beef, cold lamb cutlets in aspic, peas, new potatoes,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 junket & cherries. Saw Maud off after to Vic. Called on Mrs. F. Lucas, Tupper, Milman, Cyril Maude, Redfern & Young about dress. Thunder. Letters fr. Edgar. Saturday 23 June Mrs. Riviere 4 - 7. Out morg. Woollands, Barkers etc. Lin busy all day. Wire for Roy to go week’s cruise “Joyeuse” Tabby on Monday, can’t go, 3 legal dinners. At 3.30 to Ranelagh with Midge, Ham & Dora on coach. Met de la Rues, Tates, Chapman, Carlisle, Messels, Hemming, Hastings etc etc. V. fine day brilliant assemblage. Saw Sp. & Ada. Emilie called. To Empire with Lin evg. V. v. good performance. Ld. Roberts crossing Vet(?) river, wonderful enjoyed both muchly. Sunday 24 June Sunday pottering morg, repaid(?) house looks nice. Lady, a Mrs. Powell, called about Emilie 3 o’c. Lin working. To Sir Alfred Hickman’s at 4.30 for tennis. Wire fr. Tabbie for Lin & self to go fr. tomorrow for cruise in Solent. Dull day no or little sun. No one called. Quiet day to bed early. Monday 25 June Mrs. Rawlinson 4 - 7. Heavy thunder storms. Letter fr. Tabbie to go to yacht for week. Can’t alas manage it. X. Dear Roy returns fr. Oxford for good. X. New maid Jane Hazell comes. To call at 4 o’c on Lady Robertson, Lady Dixon Hartland, Lady Lawrence, Mrs. Rhodes. Tuesday 26 June Mrs. Fildes 4 - 7. 12.15 Mrs. Young & Redfern. Pd Mrs. Mason 12/6. Mabel Wallace to luncheon. Another wire from Roy not coming today! Mrs. Spofforth, Mrs. & Mary Nicol, Miss Hemming, Mrs. C.Burnand called. Lin working hard on MacCormack drawing, dined 8.40. Wednesday 27 June Mrs. Wheen’s 4 - 7, 6 Cumberland Terrace Regents Pk. Out morning. Paid calls with Maud all afternoon & Mabel Wallace who we met at Westbourne Ter. Home in cab. V. good music at Mrs. Wheen’s. Thursday 28 June Lady Richmond 4 - 7. Miss Webster & the Master of the Rolls 10 o’c. Dine at Mrs. Braunstein’s 8 o’c. Out morg. With Maud at 4 o’c, called on Mr. Wolff, Mrs. McClean, Chapman, Hohler, Hartree, Cap’t Heathorn & Lady Richmond. Met young Onslow Ford there, v. intense. Dull party. Maud’s dinner of 8 tonight. Mary Millais, Mr. Guthrie, Mr Schuster. Friday 29 June Mrs. Moscheles 4 - 6. Mrs. Pollock 4.30 - 7. Morg. to Redferns to be fitted. Stores about belt, had brougham. Met Mary Millais. Roy home very late again, Lin angry. Maud’s Victoria fetched me & we called together on Mrs. Moscheles (v. pretty house) & to Mrs. Pollock, saw Dr Rivers Pollock there! Good playing & singing & band. Roy out all day in to lunch & dinner. Saturday 30 June Mrs. Riviere 4 - 7. Mrs. Tupper after 4. Morg performance at Haymarket “School for Scandal”. Maud & Lennie to Ranelagh, called after looking v. sweet with Lennie. Lin, Roy & self to see “School for Scandal” Mr. & Mrs. C. Maude. V. good. Tea at home. Maud & Lennie rushed in on their way home fr. Ranelagh, M. looking sweet. Quiet evg. at home.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Jul 1900 Sunday 1 July Lin & self lunch at Lady Dixon Hartland 2 o’c. Lennie Maud & Mr. George Nicol dine here. Miss Rose Innes & Mr. Woolff called. Dull dinner, R. will interrupt conversation so. Lin & Roy on to Housewarming at Bernard Partridge’s, I too tired. V. pleasant luncheon, or rather talk with Sir F.D.Hartland during luncheon, condemns Buller & Methuen. Monday 2 July Astronomer Royal party 3 - 6. Mde Antoinette Stirling 4 -7, 24 Marlborough Place. Miss Wares 4 -7. Blanche Cole 5 -7. Lin dines with Sir Squire Bancroft. Roy also dines out. Miss Innes dines alone with me here. Roy v. late home. Met Effie Weigal, Raphael & the Burnand girls at Miss Warres. Called on Midge & Maud & Aunt Linda. Uncle E. v ill. Tuesday 3 July Academy Soirée, 9 o’c. X. Ami. Uncle Edwin died last night at 11.45. XX. Dora & Judy Mason to luncheon. Lady Bergne, Mrs. Nembhard, Mrs. Rooth called, & Ethel English. Roy dined with Maud, 9 there, & on with her to Soirée. Lin also to soirée after dinner. Wednesday 4 July Sir W.H.Wills dinner, can’t go. Astronemer Royal’s 3 - 6. Martin Harvey’s Box 4. Four places for theatre. To be fitted Woollands & Miss Phillips & home. Too seedy to go to theatre, Roy went alone. Thursday 5 July The Master of the Rolls 10 o’c. Mrs. Huish’s tea 4 - 7 at Lords, table block A. Mrs. Bosanquet’s luncheon also at Lords. Tilda lunched here. Left cards on Sir Squire Bancroft & Mrs. Braunstein. Fitted at Woollands, dress home, pd.for it £15.4.6. Roy with Mr. Hemming to Henley & dined at the H’s. Maud & Lennie to Henley dine with Miss Rose Innes. Friday 6 July Tea at Mrs. Huish’s at Lords, table block A. Lunch at Mrs. Bosanquet’s at Lords. Too seedy to go. Roy at Lords all day, came back with Maud & Mr. Hemming. Midge, Judy, Lady Bancroft, Mrs. Lennie Lewis called. I went at 4 to Marshall. Met Mrs. Rhodes & dau. Miss Phillips about collar. Left cards on Mrs. Pirrie & Mrs. English. Saw Ethel & young Larkin there. Saturday 7 July Mrs. Riviere 4 - 7. Lady Anne Blunt 1 o’c Crabbet. The Vicar’s garden party. Lady Ellis’s garden party. Ethel English to dinner. XX Uncle Edwin’s funeral. Roy went to house & church. V. pleased with flowers fr. Barkers. Lin out all morg part of afternoon. Met Sir F. & Lady Dixon Hartland, Lady Nottage, Mrs George Stoker, Sir H. & Lady Bergne etc. Roy & Maud to Lords lunched with Mrs. Bosanquet there. La nouvelle fille dit q’elle veut s’(illeg) Sunday 8 July Glorious morg. Clouded over later. Lin & self to Park, cab’d there & back. Great crowd. Met Mr. Pollock, Spielmann, a’Becketts etc. Roy & Lin to Sir A. Hickman’s for tennis. Mr. & Mrs. McClean came to tea & Mervyn called late. Lin & Roy to Sir A. Hickman’s.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 9 July Blanche Cole 4 - 7. Saw a maid. Out at 4 called on Mrs. Gill, Spofforth, Godenough, Neaves, Maud’s, Spielman, D’Arcy, Lady D. Hartland & home & called for umbrella Mrs. English. Effie, Conrad, Lennie & Maud to dinner. Effie’s manners shocking. Con & Eff had big row before coming!!! Maud looking v. sweet & pretty. Roy dined out. Tuesday 10 July Mrs. Tupper 4.30. Lin & self dine with Mr. Reid 8 o’c. Asked Mrs Bosanquet to luncheon. Invite to tea Col & Desirée Welby, House of Commons. Out 11 o’c to Whiteley pd. bill £1 odd. Stores. Midge, Dora, Mrs. Gill & friend, Mr. Harrison, Mr. Hartree, Mrs. Pitt, Mrs. P. Holland, Mrs. Paxton & Maud called. Met Dr O. at stores & Clara Bergheim at Whiteleys. Wednesday 11 July Tea at Mrs. Pollock’s 4.30. Lady Hickmans. Queen’s garden party. Maudie came for me at 3.30. Called on Lady Pontifex, Webster, Huish, W.Crane, Miss Holland, Mrs. Pirrie, Mrs. Dent etc etc & to tea Mrs. Pollock’s. Mr. Pollock also in. Mervyn, Ethel & Mabel Wallace dined here. Darling Maud & Lennie came in after dinner & young Wallace to fetch his sister. Thursday 12 July Out morg. Whiteleys, om. Maudie called for me 4 o’c to Claridges & many other places & Miss Thomson. Saw Coupé there! Enjoyed drive immensely. Roy in to lunch & dinner. Friday 13 July Lin & self dine with Lady Lawrence, delightful evg. & dinner. Sat next to Sir Trevor & Sir Landor Brunton took me down. Nice simple little man but have no opinion of him as a doctor on same footing with Orton! Eton & Harrow match Lords, Maud & Roy there. Saw fire at house in Queen’s Gate driving to dinner, 3 fire engines soon put it out. Bad news fr. S. Africa. Edgar wounded in engagement at Nitrals Nek, 5 companies of Lincolns & Scots Greys surprised by Boers. Saturday 14 July Maud to Glovers. Bad news Edgar wounded on Wed at Nitrals Nek. Mrs. Riviere 4 - 7. Mrs. Quintin Twiss dinner 8 o’c. Out morg. on foot. Met Mrs. Palgrave Simpson. Rested afternoon. Wired at 9AM to Sophy, had already started for S. Africa! Only received bad news yesterday fr. Edgar, wounded, not badly. Feel unhappy & anxious. Mr Allan took me in at Mrs. T’s. Neurotic person, poseur, & unreal wife the same. Lovely bride Mrs Avery(?) only relief to a dull, bad, dinner. Company uninteresting & silly, tiresome talk. Exciting day Eton & Harrow, latter winning by one run only. Vy. hot. Sunday 15 July Lin & Roy to Calais. Bad headache. Lovely day. Miss Rose Innes called. Feel vy. seedy & most anxious about Edgar. Terrible accounts of massacre of all Europeans at Pekin. Tragedies of the Middle Ages returned. Lin Roy & self alone evg. V. hot. Monday 16 July Miss Stancombe Wills marriage 2.15. Violent gastric attack, to bed & Orton. Had to put off tomorrow’s dinner. Midge called. I had long letter fr. Edgar 8 pages dated 9th June. Sanguine about speedy termination of war. Telegram later fr. War


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Office saying Edgar severely wounded left ankle 10 th July at Nitral’s Nek. Letter fr. Marion Pollock. Sophy sailed in Union steam ship “Scott”. V. feverish all day. V. hot. Tuesday 17 July Dinner 8. M. Stones, Welbys, Fagans, Sir H. & Lady Bergne. Miss Vaughan Morgan, Fritz Jackson, Mrs. Turquand, Kettle, Braunstein, Miss Rose Innes, Miss May. Postponed. Mrs. Reeds evg. party 9.30. In bed all day. Feel v. weak & ill generally. Darling Maud laden with flowers arrived 10.30 looking v. well. Stayed till 4.15. Roy saw her off at Vic Sta, brougham. Midge, Dora & May Nembhard called, saw them. Mrs. Braunstein to enquire. Miss White came about blouses. Wednesday 18 July Lovely day. V. hot. Feel better. Orton came morg. Got up after luncheon . Sat in drawing room. Roy v. argumentative & disagreable. Fortunately out after dinner & had carriage. Saw Isabel Brudenell & a dear little (illeg) she is nurse to. Jane out. Maudie came for a short time, tea. She & Lennie dining at Mr. Bainbridge’s. Thursday 19 July Lord Justice Romer’s daughter’s marriage to C.S. Ascherson 2.30. Clara Bergheim’s dinner, Lin, Roy & self, 8 o’c. Emma out. Lennie & Maud return to the Glovers. Drove in Park for 1½ hours. V. seedy. Awfully hot. Friday 20 July Mrs. Tupper 4.30. Miss White here for day. Only did portion of under bodice & a little of net ditto. Stays. Jane after 2 places before dinner. Saturday 21 July Miss Sutton’s marriage at St Luke’s C. Sidney St Chelsea 2 o’c. Go 3.30 with Midge Ranalagh. Maud’s school treat. V. hot. To shops morg. To Ranelagh at 4 with Midge. Lin & Roy to “Casino Girl” after dinner. Feel awfully seedy & weak. Jane after place Inverness Ter. Sunday 22 July Lin & Roy to Calais. In all day. Miss Rose Innes came at tea time, tired me out. Returned for dinner & remained until 11.30! Simply dead. Monday 23 July V. hot. Miss White here all day. Dr Orton called, made great discovery I was better! I already knew it myself! Roy to Exhibition evg. Went at 4 o’c about lamb, ice, etc. Tuesday 24 July Lin’s dinner. Awfully hot. To stores morg. Lord Robertson, Hon Mr. Laurence, Sir F. Dixon Hartland, Sir Squire Bancroft, Mr. Roger Wallace, Mr. Lucy, Col. Welby, Canon Ainger, Mr. G. Armstrong, Lin & Roy. Mackay no head round table. 2 men to wait. Caviare, soup, cold salmon, Volaille, Roast lamb, peas. Haricots verts, (illeg) salad. Wednesday 25 July S’en va. La nouvelle veut. Kate. Isabel Bridewell. Quiet evg & bed early. Roy sat out with me after dinner in Yard. V. hot. Thursday 26 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Packed afternoon. Stores morg. Roy out evening. Friday 27 July Finished packing. Left at 5 o’c. Awful thunderstorm, had to go by later train. Baby & Nurse Francis at Horley to meet us, Roy & self. Pouring wet. Lennie Maud & Mabel at Nymans, ret’d evg. Mr Yesart dined here. Saturday 28 July Lovely day. Lennie & Roy left at 2 o’c for Bisley. Lennie’s soldier servant with him. Mabel Wallace left early 9.15. Maudie & self sat out. X. Petit ami au soir. Lin on “Arcadia” with Sir F. Sutherland’s party until Monday or Tuesday. Sunday 29 July In bed till 12 o’c. Maud to Church. Mr. & Mrs. Ansdell called & stayed tea. Rained a little. Monday 30 July In bed till 12. Maudie to London for the day. Met her at Horley 5.12 in brougham. Lin returns fr. “Arcadia” trial trip, Sir Thomas Sutherland. Tuesday 31 July In bed till 12. Sat out all afternoon with Maud. M. packed evg. Letters fr. Lin, Roy, Mrs. Corbett. Aug 1900 Wednesday 1 August In bed till 12. Maud to Nymans until Saty. V. wet day. Letters fr. Lin, Midge, Polly Robertson. Thursday 2 August Lin came down arrived 7 o’c. Rain & cold. Soap bubbles for Baby. In bed till 12. Friday 3 August Coldish day. Sat out a little. Came down to breakfast as Lin here. Lin busy writing letters. Saturday 4 August Nurse F. with Baby & self to Nymans in brougham. All Messels, Mr. & Miss Gibbes & Mr. Johnson there. Baby delighted with go cart & horse. Lin came over on cycle for tea. Maudie returned home with us. Felt awfully sick & had to go to bed during dinner. Sunday 5 August Darling Maud’s birthday. Cold & rainy & dull. Lin for 2 short walks. Fires in most rooms & glad of them. Monday 6 August Miserably cold & raining hard, fires. Still little F! Lin wrote letters & had 2 short walks. Tuesday 7 August Dull & cold, fires afternoon. To garden party at Mrs. Heron’s. Violent showers returning. Met Mrs. Torrens, Nembhard & 2 daughters there. Lin tried to get to Bisley, cross train one hour late. Returned evg. Uncomfortable day for him.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 8 August Dull, fitfully fine & cold. Lin to town 12 o’c. Maud to Nymans until Saturday. Nurse, Baby, Maud & self to Nymans for day, return evg. leaving Maud. Letters fr. Midge & Mervyn. Thursday 9 August V. wet day. Mal de tête à cause de l’ennui avec les filles. Je ne said que faire à cause de la mienne, elle n’a pas l’air com il faut. Friday 10 August (blank) Saturday 11 August Maudie returned from Nymans. Lin came down 6 o’c. Lennie came 7 o’c. Maud drove Reigate to meet him. Sunday 12 August Lennie Maud Lin & self sat out. Lovely day. Lennie ret’d Bisley 4 o’c. Maud went to Horley with him. Monday 13 August Lovely day. Lin to Bisley home late. V. hot but he seemed bright & lively & greatly enjoyed his dinner. Made calls on Lady Kendal, Mrs. Hohler & Mrs. Terrens, all out. Tuesday 14 August Glorious day. In all day working. Lin busy letters. Parlage avec la fille attend plus que Linley droit qu’elle devait (illeg). Nurse & Baby out in dog cart. Letter fr. Mrs. Johnson Ferguson asking us there in Oct. Wednesday 15 August Dear Lin to London by 4.50. Quiet day. Thursday 16 August Lovely day. In all day. Nana arrived looks v. seedy. Friday 17 August Lovely day. Maid & self go to Nymans 4.30. Nurse Millie arriving to take care of Baby for month during Nurse Francis’ absence. Arrived late 6 o’c at Nymans called at Crawley for 3 brace of grouse fr. V. Watney. Mrs. Eliot at Nymans. Saturday 18 August Lovely day. Mr. Messel, Ruth & self at 4 o’c to Mrs. Steincopff’s garden party. Maud at Nymans awaiting Lennie from Bisley. Mrs. Messel, Mrs. Hardy & Mrs. Eliot to Mrs. Luscombe’s garden party. Sir T. Thomson & wife & Hohlers there. The Mackenzies & Dr Parker at Mrs. S’s. Lovely place. Mr. Konig & Dr Messel arrived & Mrs. Hardy (Miss Hallowes) came to stay. Sunday 19 August Lovely day. Dear Roy’s birthday, 22 today. All the girls go to Church. Maud, Lennie & Dr Messel to woods morning. Sat out after. Monday 20 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sat out, read, wrote. Unsettled weather. Darling Baby & Nurse Millie arrived at Nymans. Nana v. ill, wired for hospital nurse. Tuesday 21 August Showery, colder. Wrote morg. Maud, Mrs. M & self to Mrs. Hohler’s afternoon party. Met Lady Florence, Mrs. & Miss Burke, Mrs. & Miss Luscombe, Lady Goring who imparted interesting news private. Mr. Napier & Mr. Venning etc. Enjoyed it v. well. Hilda, Mr. Hallows & Mrs. Hardy sang evg, Hilda extremely well, astonished. Long walk with Mr. Messel. All had bathe morg. in lake, Mr. M, Mr. H & all. Wednesday 22 August Maud & self ret’d fr. Nymans 7 o’c. Nymans party to flower show. Found Nana much better than expected, under charge of good hospital nurse. Alternate sun & rain. Cold. Thursday 23 August Heavy showers & sunshine occasionally. Maud packing. In all day. Letters fr. Mr. Messel & Linley. Friday 24 August Darling Maud left for London. Lennie joins her there. I drove to station with her. Garnet went too, elle part pour bon aujourd’hui a cause de l’affaire avec ma fille. Went for short walk to Cottage Hospital after lunch, depressing matron & nurse but everything exquisitely neat & clean. Not a soul there! But the matron & her daughter to help occasionally. Nana much better, saw Dr. Saturday 25 August Lovely day. Received Chinese Bond 6%. 95 No 1155 fr. Messel office. Forwarded it to London & County Bank. X. Roy returning to stay Stafford Ter fr. Bisley. Lin remaining with him. Lennie & Maud start at 10 o’c for Scotland. Drove to Crawley, bought honey 1/-, pears 6d, herbs 1d. Nana better. Crawfurd came. Sunday 26 August To church. Was introduced to Rector’s son, seems nice boy. Lin & Roy to Calais. Nana had bad heart attack. Cold. Sat out & read a little. Too cold to remain, v. windy. Wrote letters. Monday 27 August Dull, cold. Drove 3.30 Crawley. Tuesday 28 August Dull, cold. Letters. Drove 3.30 Crawley. Wednesday 29 August Awful indigestion. Lovely day. Letters fr. darling Maud, Lin etc. Flower show. Finished reading Balzac’s “Le Curé de Village”. Strange book, powerfully written. Moral quaint & french. Ellen to flower show. Thursday 30 August Awful indigestion. Lovely day. Had hours drive at 3.30. Letters fr. Lin, Bret Harte, Maud. J’entends que la fille était au fête et qu’elle est dans ce pays depuis vendredi.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 31 August Darling Baby one year old today. Lovely day, still feel indigestion. Went to Nymans 3 o’c. Nonie looking radient & so pretty & well. Ottie & her 2 babies there, & 2 nurses. Mrs. Micklejohn & Mrs. Haynes, Mr. Macquoid & a girl ? drove back 6.15. Quiet evg & bed early. Sep 1900 Saturday 1 September Dear Lin comes 6.2. Wet soaking morning impossible to get more than table flowers. Lin arrived 7 o’c looks well fr. Scotch visit. Sunday 2 September Darling Maud & Lennie return fr. Scotland in time for luncheon. Maudie looks very well, Lennie v. brown. Monday 3 September Lovely Sept morg. Lennie to office early. Lin working. Tuesday 4 September Lovely day. Tea at Mrs. Hohler’s. Miss Yarborough, Lady Goring & Mrs Molesworth authoress there. Had fearful indigestion unable to enjoy talking with Mrs. Molesworth. On to meet Lennie. Traction engine! Wednesday 5 September Lovely day. Wrote & sat out morg. Called on Lady (illeg) & returned to Glovers leaving Maud to drive & meet Lennie. Drove Lin to station first. Lennie busy with photos evg. in study. Thursday 6 September Returned home from darling Maud’s 4.41. Maud drove me to station. Lovely warm day. Lin & self alone quiet dinner. Friday 7 September Out morg. Saturday 8 September Packed. Out morning. Left by 8 o’clock for Scotland. Slept badly, stop’d so often. Sunday 9 September Breakfast at Perth. Met Mabel Lewis & Mr. Stuart Wortley. At Balliluig. Saw Mr. Wilson on way to Mr. Wolff. Monday 10 September Miss Taylor & Mr. Ryle left before luncheon. Letter fr. Maud. Miss Blunt staying at Nymans! Tuesday 11 September In all morg. working, fearful indigestion afternoon. Letter fr. Maud, Roy & Doctor Bisley Thorne. Only walked round garden with Rosalind. Lady Margaret & Lady Frances drove, self afraid on account of cold. Wednesday 12 September Fine. Worked & read. Wrote letters. Thursday 13 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Queeny(?) arrived. Lady F. & Mrs. Duff away all day fishing. Lady M. & self for long drive. 2 letters from Maud. Lovely day. Friday 14 September Queeny(?) arrived yesterday. Gentlemen to Brora for day, Lin bathed there! Lovely day sat out entire day. Breakfasted in bed. Mrs. Richards down for first time. Pauvre dame a l’air bien triste et malheureuse. No games evg. all too tired. Saturday 15 September Sat out all day, read & worked. Letters fr. Maud & Midge. Jacobi evg. Lovely warm day. Mr. Watney at home all day, gentlemen fishing & shooting. Mrs. Richards down to dinner. Sunday 16 September Lovely day. Sat out all day. Down to 9.30 breakfast. Read Ld. Roberts’ proclomation on annexation of the Transvaal. Also triumphal march thro’ the sacred city Peking of allied troops. Read de Quincey’s essay on “Kant” also 3 Dreams by Olive Schreiner. Monday 17 September Lovely day. Sat out all day, read. Tuesday 18 September School treat. Wet morg, fine afternoon & lovely evg. Over 200 children came & about 60 grown people uninvited. Greatly enjoyed it. Match game evg. To bed early. Mr. Walsh left very early. Wednesday 19 September Lovely morning. Sat in with Lady Frances working. Mr. & Lady Margaret out & Mrs. Richards alone. After luncheon were all going out & Mr. Mallott called. Mrs. R. & self to garden. Lin with shooters all day, Mr. Watney home. Paired with Lady M. at Jacobi evg. Thursday 20 September Left Tressady at 11 o’c with Mr. & Mrs. Richardson who travelled with us as far as Kingussie, dined at Perth sent off Mr. Richards stray bag & left Perth at 10.30 v. late. Slept well. Saw Lord Portsmouth at Perth station. Exquisite sunset as we passed through Killiekrankie lasting until late. Friday 21 September Arrived home 10.5, train late. Saw Sir William Dolby at Euston also returned fr. north, his 3rd visit this year. Unpacked & repacked for Maud’s. Lovely day, warm & sunny. Saturday 22 September Left by 2 train for Maud’s. Train v. late. Found Mr. & Mrs. Messel & Ottie at Glovers, & Evelyn Coward, much stouter. Lovely day. Mistake about carriage fetching Lennie. Lin came by later train & cycled from Reigate, only just in time for dinner. Sunday 23 September To church with Maud, Lennie & Evelyn to see cottage after. Monday 24 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin left early cycled to Reigate. Tuesday 25 September Darling Maud & Evelyn up to London for day. Nana & self blackberrying. Mr. Westheim came to dine & stay the night, pretty Dutchman. Match game & music. Wednesday 26 September Lovely day. Blackberrying. Mr. Yonart to dinner & remain night. Kept Lennie up. Thursday 27 September Lovely day. Mr. Yonart dined last night & slept here, left this morning. To Nymans for lunch, left at 4. Baby with us. Met Lennie at Three Bridges Sta. Ottie & Babies at Nymans. Friday 28 September Lovely day. Drove with Maud & Eve & pd. call. Saturday 29 September Great display presents & cake. Darling Maud gave me 2 silver frames with 2 of baby & 1 of herself. Broach fr. Lennie & Maud. 1 doz lace hand’s Maud & chain Eve, 6 doyleys. Nana bouquet roses. Lin who came for dinner cycled down fr. Reigate gave me diamonds for hair. Mr. & Mrs. Hohler & Mr. Heron for dinner. Sunday 30 September To church morg. with Lennie, Maud & Evelyn. Mr. Falk common young man to luncheon, play tennis & dinner, slept night. Singing evening. Oct 1900 Monday 1 October Lin returned fr. Glovers by cycle to Reigate & train Vic. Lovely day. I returned to London by 4.41. Evelyn C. to Station in brougham with me. Maud’s day at home. Mr. & Mrs Hohler called, left them with Maud. Tuesday 2 October Lovely day. To see Edgar 11 o’c, 4 Prince’s St. Looks wonderfully well & 10 years younger. Out at luncheon to place Oxford St, dirty place rather. Cab, om. Lunch 2/6. Quiet afternoon & evening. Wednesday 3 October Lovely day. Lin off early to get studies! I walked morg. to Miss Dalrymple & Mrs. Bixley. Bank, new manager not as pleasant as Mr. Lemon. To Barkers 3 o’c, brougham Edgar’s, Mudies & Mecklinburg Sqre & Miss Dalrymple. Saw comon little maid fr. Mrs. M, dwarf. Thursday 4 October Edgar & Sophy dine here 8 o’c. Out morg. shops. Poured after luncheon. Saw common little maid fr. Miss D’s. Pleasant evg & interesting accounts of war. Mrs. Bixley’s litle girl Alice came for afternoon & evg. to help. Friday 5 October To Miss D’s. To Swiss home afternoon, no, morning. Walked to see Emma Smith pm at Holland Villas Rd & called & had chat with Mrs. Fildes on way home. All her children away, 2 eldest College & rest school. Mr. & Mrs. F. leave for Paris & Venice Monday next, remain away 6 weeks.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 6 October Lovely day out morg. Drove at 4 to see Ethel & Mervyn, Norfolk Hotel. Both v. well. Stayed some time. On to Edgar, 4 Princes St. Saw Sophy & E. Stayed some time. Lin hard at work & v. tired & cut his finger with electric fan. Sunday 7 October Lovely morg. Sat in K. gardens much amused with people, hope they were as much with me. Lin busy photoing all day! Mervyn & Ethel & Mr. Galbraith called. Monday 8 October Lin & self dine 8 o’c with Ethel & Mervyn at Dieu Donné. Little Bixley coming for week. Unable to come. Met Mr. & Mrs. Buckland & Mrs. Westmacot. Very pretty women both, latter cousin of Ethel’s. Glare in dining room but not bad dinner. Tuesday 9 October Ethel & Mervyn dined with us & little Bixley came to help Mackay. Miss Muir Mackenzie, Grace Fraser & Mrs. Spofforth came afternoon. To stores morg, met Lady Hardman, Miss M. Mackenzie etc. Wednesday 10 October Darling Maud & Eve Coward to luncheon. I went & saw Maud off at Station 5 o’c, she came up to see dentist. Eve C. ret’d home. Darling Roy returned from Teignmouth & we dined alone. Mrs. Clark, char, here 1/2d. Thursday 11 October Mrs. Clark here for day. Tilda coming, v. awkward with Roy home. Goes to Maud Saturday. Mrs. Clark here for day. Friday 12 October Mrs. Clark, char, here today. Tilda & self to German place Baker St, & to Mrs. Mason’s. Darling M. came just after lunch. I drove her to Barker’s & Woollands & to Vic Sta. Hylda Messel met us & went to Glovers with Maud. Quiet evg. Roy v. amusing during & after dinner. Lin very busy all day. Saturday 13 October Dear Roy to Glovers 2 o’c. Lin hard at work all day. Mrs. Clark, char, here all day. Tilda & self to Daly’s to see “San Toy”. V. good. Had large box opposite Mr. & Mrs. Willard. Young a’Beckett acquitted honorably. Quiet evening. Sunday 14 October Walk with Tilda. Strange gusty cold day with heavy showers. Lin left at 2 o’c for Mr. Lawrence’s place, Norfolk, for one days shoot. Lin went in dog cart to Sta. Mackay out. Tilda & self cold supper Emma as Mackay out. Fanny Barker & Mary called. Monday 15 October Lin returns late evg. To Mrs Welby. Lovely day. Mrs. Clark here ½ day. Tilda & self supper. Lin arrived 10.30. Tuesday 16 October Out morg. carriage to stores. In all afternoon, read Pekin seige. No one called. Mrs. Clark here half day. Saw pro tem coming Monday & young housemaid Kelly coming Thursday. Lin hard at work all day.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 17 October Mrs. Clark here ½ day. Emma out. Bird escaped morg, caught again. Thursday 18 October Tilda & self 1.30 Garlants Hotel to lunch with Fanny Barker. Pouring rain. After lunch went on to see Mrs. Grey about Frieda Mossler, engaged to take her fr. Monday fortnight, £18 a year. To tea at Mrs. Welby’s found her looking v. well & Baby v. wee. Saw Col. Welby before leaving. Roy returned fr. Glovers. X. Minnie Kelly housemaid came. Friday 19 October Walked to Maud’s morg. Busy packing. Brought her back to lunch here. She left in brougham at 2.30. Busy shops. Tilda & self at 3 o’c to call on Aunt Linda, out, Midge away & Agnews, Parishes etc. Read Lin evg. Dined 8.20! Saturday 20 October Lovely day. X. Ami in bed to breakfast. Up 12.30. In all day. Read Selon’s book on S. Africa to Lin. Lin to see Maud morg, leaves with Lennie & Ruth for 10 days visit to Paris. Roy dined with Mr. Davson & to Gaiety after. Home late, locked out. Sunday 21 October Lovely day. In bed till 12.30. Evelyn came morg. Darling Baby to lunch & tea, seemed v. well. Lin & Roy for cycle ride. Monday 22 October Mackay leaves, came to me on 21st Nov last year, 11 months. Stop gap. Kate Taylor came 11 o’c, dparted 4 o’c! Mackay staying on a few days. Lin hard at work all day. Roy to tutor to read morning. Roy out after dinner to Palace. Tuesday 23 October Tilda to Mrs. Mason’s for me. V. annoyed about K.T. Roy fund of news fr. last night & v. amusing. Invitation for Lin to shoot at Mr. Steinkopffs fr. Friday till Monday. X. Saw Maria job parlourmaid 12/6 a week for fortnight & 1/- fare. Wednesday 24 October Very vexed evening everything cold, no potatoes even done, only sardines, cold chicken, one cold sweet. E. & Minnie out although Mackay says not! She made an awful fuss over waiting & great noise. Saw Frida. Thursday 25 October Face ache. Went at 2.30 in brougham fetched Baby & Nurse F. & called on Gwyn & Evey. Only saw Evey & Miss Drew. To Nembhards, out, & home. Baby v. sweet & good. Felt v. seedy evg. X. Maria pro tem came for fortnight. Mackay left. Friday 26 October Lady Armstrong 4 - 6. In bed all day, face v. swollen & painful & feverish. Roy & Tilda to see “Julius Caesar”. Lin dined alone. Feel awfully bad. Saturday 27 October In bed till tea time. Lin to Mr. Steincopff’s 7 o’c AM till Monday. Face v. painful & swollen. Sunday 28 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 V. seedy in bed till 2 o’c. Midge, Eve C. came & sat with me, both look well. Maisie Robertson called. Dora & Gwen F. to tea, D. looking extremely smart & handsome. Roy in to lunch & dinner. I dined in drawing room. Emma out. Monday 29 October Alternate wet & fine. C.I.V. procession. Tilda, Emma & Minnie to see it. Otley met Lin at Victoria Sta. & took him to Athenaeum Club. In bed to luncheon, still v. seedy & head bad. Darling Nonie called & left flowers. Tuesday 30 October V. seedy in bed till 12.30. Mrs. Coward & Eve called. Roy getting very tiresome again. Gave him £6.10.0 but no better. Wish boys were as little worry as girls or Roy as manageable as darling Maud was. Wednesday 31 October Tilda & self to dentist, tooth probed 10/- Felt little better after tho’ v. weak. Tilda out to luncheon. Roy & Lin to Nymans, 4 train. Mrs. & Marie Vaughan Morgan & Mrs. Godefroi called. Marie going to India tomorrow. Minnie & Emma out. Nov 1900 Thursday 1 November Darling Baby here with Nurse Francis to lunch & tea. Tilda out to lunch. Linley returning from Nymans shoot. Felt too seedy to go out. Very warm no fire needed, showers. Lady came after Mackay’s character, seemed disinclined to take her. Down to breakfast. Friday 2 November Lady Armstrong 4- 6. Out morg. shops & to Bank about Christiana Bond. Tilda & self at 3 to Barkers, Liberty, Bazaar, & to tea darling Nonie. Dined 9 o’c. Read. Deux lettres de la fille Allemande qui vient Lundi, l’autre me dit qu’elle aimera de rester. Saturday 3 November Tilda left early for Park. Lin & self lunched at Rules, dreadful indigestion after, stout!!! Gwen & Eve Fletcher & governess Miss Drew met us at Drury Lane after, “Price of Peace”. V. stupid sensational piece. Quiet evg. alone Lin & self. Double acrostic fr. Mr. Richards. Sunday 4 November Lin to Calais. Dora to luncheon. Dull dark dreary day. Eve C. went for long walk with me. D. to lunch, left at 4. Mr. Bret Harte came looks v. seedy & much older. Also suffered fr. toothache like self! Monday 5 November Roy returns fr. Maud’s with Lennie & Maud. X. German maid Frida Mossler comes. Roy arrived afternoon. To Whiteleys morg. Tuesday 6 November Lennie & Maud dine here & Mr. Douglas. Evelyn & Mrs. Gill called. To stores morning. Lennie looking very seedy indeed, neuralgia. Mr. D. full of stories as usual. Wednesday 7 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Out morg. to pay £4.12.0 to Wellers & to see dress at Russell & Allen’s. Maudie, Evelyn, Gilly & Roy to luncheon. Lin out. Maria out evg. & afternoon. Gilly & I drove at 3.30 to call Lady Bergne & Mrs. Perugini, in. Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. Stannard. Gilly left after tea. Roy v. trying at night. Thursday 8 November Mr. Earle Douglas 9.30. Walked to Maud’s & brought her back to luncheon & drove at 3 with her to Barkers, C. Hartree’s, Kate Riley’s prices!!! Home. M. & L. dining at Miss Manisty’s. Lin & Roy dining at Ayala’s, to Mr. D’s after, crush. X. Maria Bugley left today would have liked to have stayed, is going to Maud as housemaid Monday next at £24. Pd. her £1.7.0 for fortnight. Friday 9 November Lady Armstrong 4 - 6. To Bond Street morg, omnibus. Mr. Hartree called. Maud with Baby fetched me at 3.30, to Mrs. Mason’s Queens Road, & to leave Baby, Gloucester Ter. To Lady Armstrong. Met Mrs. G.A, Lady Pontifex, Mrs. Walkes, Left purse in Maud’s carriage thro changing into ours. Found it in drawer! X. Pd. £10 to Glyn & Co for 1st instal. of 10 £10 shrs in B.A. Gt. Southern Pref at £2 prem. Saturday 10 November Maggie Henderson’s marriage. Out morg. did flowers, v. tired. To M.H’s wedding with Lin, church lined with Life Guards. Sat with Lady Hardman, Judge Bacon, Maud who met us there. On to house, v. crowded. Many pretty women. Parish, Lola, Snagg, Mayne, etc, etc. Maud looked sweetly pretty. Roy dined at Mrs. Messel’s with Lennie & M, Cap. Meicklejohn, Hylda. To “San Toy” after. Lin & self to Alexanders, huge box. “A Debt of Honour” v. improper. Judge Bacon with us. Sunday 11 November Much colder. Nonie came whilst we were at breakfast. Maud & Evelyn came after early service. Maud & Roy off to park. Lin, Eve & self after. Walked to Stanhope Gate, met darling M. & Roy & Mr. Trower. Len, M, Roy, Capt Meiklejohn & Hylda to lunch “Princes”. Maud & Lennie dine here. Eve lunched here. Lin out. Monday 12 November Out morg. to Miss Phillips about grey bodice. Saw Jessie Harding there. To Maud’s, Baby too sweet can walk alone. Quiet evg. Roy in odd humour, debts, bills & general indiscretions spoiling his better nature. Tuesday 13 November Out 11 o’c Countess of Warwick ordered 2 blouses & grey satin evg. bodice altered. Flowers. Darling Nonie came & brought some, was out to Whiteleys. Maud & Lennie dined here. To see Mrs. Clark char. Mrs. Brooks & Archdeacon & May, Mrs. Wheen & 2 dau. called only. Wednesday 14 November Lady Bergne’s dinner unable to go unfortunately. Private View New Gallery miniatures. Walked to Maud’s morg. To Miss Phillips in 2 penny tube, home late in om. Lunched dressed & to New Gallery Private View. Met Maud & Gillie there. Saw H. Roller, Sladen, Katie Gielgud, Allans, Mrs. Orchardson, Heinemanns etc etc. Thursday 15 November Darling Maud & Baby came afternoon, out. Went to Midge’s to sew.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 16 November Mrs. Neely came to tea, leaves tomorrow for New Zealand. Saturday 17 November Lin & self to Mrs. Galbraith’s for week. Invitation to dine at Sir D. Hartland’s to meet the Archbishop of York. Left by 10 AM train Euston, arrived 6.15 Terregles. House party 12. Mr. & Mrs. Timms, Mr. Clarke, Miss Brown, Miss Cristol, Mr. Tebbie (Peddie), Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell. Friends extra to dinner. Sunday 18 November Breakfast in bed, & Ami! Walked to see horses after lunch. Lovely day, warm. Monday 19 November Mrs. Galbraith’s wedding day , party of 20 to dinner. Sir H. & Mr. A, Miss Oldham, Miss Jardine, Mr. & Mrs. Douglas etc. In bed to breakfast. All party with shooters for lunch except Mrs. Timms & self. Mrs. Ferguson to tea with her little boy & Mrs. Maxwell’s little girl. Tuesday 20 November In bed breakfast. Home Pk. shooting. All out to luncheon except self. Mr. & Mrs. Patterson to dinner. Mr. & Mrs. Patterson to dinner, v. pretty woman. Wednesday 21 November Mrs. Henry Hankey’s 4 - 6.30. Went to Hockey tea Dumfries, Mrs. Maxwell’s party. Met Mr. & Mrs. Douglas, Patterson, Lady Jardine & dau, Mr. Dixie fiancé! V. pleasant afternoon. Thursday 22 November To tea at Newon Aird, Mrs. Douglas. Lovely drive there in landau. Mrs. G, Miss Brown, Mrs. Maxwell, Miss Cristol & self. Lin left at 10 o’c after dinner by night mail. Mr. & Mrs. Timms left morg. Friday 23 November Walked morg. Mr. Galbraith left for York at 2.30. Little hen party evg. Miss Cristol, Miss Brown, governess, Mrs. G. & self. In & packed afternoon. Saturday 24 November Mrs. Sutton 4 - 7. I returned alone fr. Terregles. No game, flowers. Travelled in same carriage with Mrs. Galbraith Snr & Miss Wallace fr. Carlisle. V. pleasant visit. Lin & self cosy dinner alone 8.15. Sunday 25 November Sandringham Club 9.30. Walked with Eve C. who lunched here. Left after. Lin to Calais home 8.30. Maud Lennie & Roy dined here. Mr. Bret Harte, Mr. Paxton, Mr. Molesworth called. Fine day. Monday 26 November Fine. X. Pd £2 Glyn Mills Currie on 6 allotted £10 shares in B.A. Gt. Southern 5% Pref, making £12 pd. To call on foot Mrs. K. Graham. To see “Herod” big box “Her Majesty’s”. Duchess of York & Prince Adolph of Teck sat ops. interesting play. Maud Jeffries bad, Tree v. good. Lennie, Maud & Roy met us there & Roy returned at night with us. Tuesday 27 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 To stores morg. Cream, sausages, sponge cakes, breakfast dish. Flowers. Lady Bergne, Dora & Miss King, Mabel Wallace, Maud & Nonie darling, Mrs. Graham, Blanche Cole called & Mrs. Jackson 2 dau & Col. & Désirée Welby. Daisie Robertson with me part way morning. Quiet evg Lin Roy & self. Wednesday 28 November Pouring wet morg. Roy to City, & dines with Maud 7 o’c. Going to “San Toy” with them. Called & saw Con in bed at Midge’s, & on to darling M, saw her & Baby, not v. well with his teeth but v. sweet & pretty. Dined alone. Personne sortie entre les filles. Thursday 29 November Mrs Macmillan 22 Devonshire Place 4 - 7. Lin v. woried, work all altered. Con & Dora come to our box at Savoy, “Patience”, Lin, Roy & self. Maud & Lennie dining out. In all day, cleaned silver morning. Darling Maud came & brought me flowers (lilies) looking so pretty in her blue & moleskins. Friday 30 November Called & saw Maud & Baby. Dined at 9.30. Dec 1900 Saturday 1 December Mrs. Heron Allen 4 - 7. Mr. & Mrs. Galbraith to dine with us, Mr. & Mrs. Rooth & Maud & Lennie. Roy dined Midge’s. Mrs. Lovern here morg 1/6 for drawing room. Mrs. Frampton to help Emma 2/6. Morris to wait 7/6. V. tired shop. & doing flowers. Pleasant dinner. Sunday 2 December Packed morg. Rested afternoon. Quiet dinner alone Lin Roy & self. Spencer & 2 children came at luncheon time. Monday 3 December Lin & self to Mrs. Johnson Ferguson’s. Great crowd at Carlisle going north. Started Staf. Ter. 9.30, reached Springkell 7.45. House party, Lady Roxburgh, Mr. & Mrs. Ainsworth Mr. & Mrs. Willis, Mr. Mitchell, Mr. & Mrs. Steel, young J.F. & one other, 12. Another bedroom, prefer it to last huge one. Tuesday 4 December Out morning. Gentlemen good days sport. Wednesday 5 December In all morg. Out afternoon. Frantic games! Lin left by 10 train for town, Punch dinner. To dinner, returned Springkell. Abominable Burnand not stops him going neither Sir John Tenniel nor Burnand there. Thursday 6 December Lin arrived at 7.30 v. tired. Feel enraged Burnand did not wire him. Shameful. Lin out shooting all day. Left for London again after dinner. Friday 7 December Left by 10 o’c train. Young J-Ferguson with me to Carlisle. Talked away brilliantly, much nicer away from his people. Had a hurried luncheon at Station. Visited Little’s shop & great scramble for place. 3 other ladies all going, 2 Australian girls who interested me, 2 spitz dogs. Found Lin less tired than I expected.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 8 December Miss Chapman 4 - 7. To stores morg for bacon, cheese, brawn. Fruit Barkers. Called Maud, looking v. well. Quiet evening alone with Lin seems well & in good spirits but fear he must be v. tired. Sunday 9 December In all morg. Lin & self alone to luncheon. Mr. Galbraith called. Lennie, Maud and Roy, Owen Seaman & Mr. Johnson to dinner. Lin hard at work all day. Monday 10 December Daisie Robertson coming to stay. Dear Roy returns to sleep Tuesday 11 December (blank) Wednesday 12 December Mrs. Edward Reed’s 4 - 7, 17 Fitz George Avenue, Kensington. To Nash’s about bell and windows, Bank for loan of £300 at 4%, stores & darling Maud’s. Maud to lunch out & fetched Daisie R. & self to Mrs. Reed’s, & Russell & Allen’s & tea at Mrs. R’s Bond St. Thursday 13 December Pay Messrs Messel £284.3.6 for 25 Waihi Gold, pd. shares 11¼ fee & stamp. To stores & bought little cow. Baby better, saw Ottie & Miss Elkin there uncouth. Mr. Robertson to luncheon. Daisie to Hippodrome evg. with her brother. Lin, Roy & self alone. Friday 14 December To stores morg. Daisy & self in om. to Regent Circus, walked down Regent St. Bought centrepiece 3/6. To Buzzard. Gillie here to luncheon. At 3.30 to stores for bacon 4/6. Left cards Mrs. Lucy. To Effie Weigal, saw her, Mrs. Galbraith, in & Mrs. B. Partridge, out. Quiet evg. Maud & Lennie dined at Midge’s. Saturday 15 December Mrs. Young Hunter, 5 Edwardes Sqre, 4 - 7. Out morg. shop’g. To see “San Toy” big box with Daisie Robertson matinée. Dora & Midge called morning, looking v. handsome. Lin hard at work. Roy to Glovers with Lennie & Maud. X. Ami. Sunday 16 December Mrs. Geilgud, 36 Earls C. Sqre, 4 - 6. Unable to go, in bed till 12.30. Daisie to Maud’s, saw Baby, better, & Midge’s. Off again after luncheon on the ramp! Mr. Lemon & Mr. Douglas called. Quiet evg. Monday 17 December To French dressmaker & Bumpus about Maud’s prayer book & 2 books “Lambs Essays” for Roy to give Maud. Roy dined out & home late after training. Daisie, Lin & self dined alone. Quiet evg. & bed early. Emma out. Tuesday 18 December In bed till 12.30. Con called saw me morg. Mrs. & Miss Phillips, Mrs. Finlay, Evelyn Coward, Mrs. Partridge called. Daisie B. left morg. Roy to dance with Clara Bergheim, dull affair. Lennie, Maud & Dora to dinner. Maud & Lennie gave me lovely pendant & little pearl chain for Xmas.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 19 December Lovely day. Tea Lady Roxburgh, & be fitted French dressmakers. Lin & Roy dine at Maud’s. I went to Lady Roxburgh, introduced to Mrs. Clausten her sister, v. clever woman. Met Lady & Mr. Justice Day & Lady Primrose. Had supper drawing room & to bed early. Thursday 20 December To Maud’s, out, stores, & Gorringes, out of the lampshades I want. Darling Maud came late stayed ½ an hour, looks v. well. Brought Lin Peerage. Lennie & M. gave me lovely little old pendant & chain of seed pearls. Minnie out, bad tooth. Friday 21 December Lovely day. Up to breakfast, did flowers darling M. brought me yesterday. Otley with Roy’s luggage in cart & Maud’s, all going to Nymans today. I walked & did shops in Kensington. Lin hard at work. Did up presents. Saturday 22 December Shop’g morg. Drove & saw Midge. Tabbie left yesterday. Sweets 1/-, flowers 1/-. Lin worked all day. Sunday 23 December Mr. Blair & Fritz called, stayed long while. Mr. Blair’s brother was at college with Fritz who mistook him for his brother! Good talk like old times. Fritz says he is well, looks seedy. Lin hard at work. Monday 24 December Shopped in Kensington morning. Dirty muddy day. Lin & self to dress rehearsal of pantomime. V. funny & amusing, enjoyed it. Sat next to Mr. Knight. Tuesday 25 December In all day. Sweet letter from my darling Maud. Lovely lace veil from little Nonie by post & card! Mervyn & Ethel to luncheon off Lennie’s fine turkey a perfect beauty. Pleasant little evg. Midge’s, only Mervyns there besides ourselves. Wednesday 26 December Lovely day. In entire day busy sorting. Lin hard at work. No one called. Frieda out afternoon & evg. Dined 8.30. Thursday 27 December Lovely day, warm, no, rained. In all morning. At 3 o’c to Whiteleys, changed books Mudie’s, left cards Mr. Peter Reid & Mr. Bret Harte. Roy returned, is remaining 2 nights. Lin v. hard at work all day v. late dinner 8.30. Lin’s fire won’t burn. Friday 28 December X. Wet & gale, blew lead off front window. Fire choked up dust in Lin’s room. Paid to Glyn Mills Currie £60 for my 6 allotted £10 pref 5% shrs B.A. Gt. Southern Rly at £12 a share issued. Saturday 29 December Woman here cleaning morg. Roy at Nymans. Lin busy putting things in order. Sunday 30 December Mr. Blair & Dora due here 8 o’c. V. pleasant evg. Lin to Calais. Mr. Bret Harte came. Evelyn came & lunched & stayed to tea. Wretched day.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 31 December Pay £60.0.0 on last call of 6 allotted shares of £10 each at 2 prem in B.A.Gt. Southern Rly 5% pref. Mrs. Walter Crane & Mrs. Jeffree 9 - 2! Received from Trust 1900 Jany

Cent. Uraguay Argentine G. Western Local Loans Feb Gt. Western Brazil Peebles March Cordoba & Rosario April Brit. N. Atlantic ship’g Local Loans Illinois Cent To June 1st June

Canadian Pacific Lehigh Valley July Argntine Gt. Western Cent. Uraguay August Gt.Western Brazil Peebles Oct Brit & N. Atlantic Local Loans Sep Cordoba & Rosario Oct Illinois Central Dec Canadian Pacific Lehigh Valley

£ s d 24. 3. 4 19. 6. 8 17. 0 29. 0. 0 23.18. 6 19. 6. 8 24. 3. 4 17. 0 19. 7. 5 £160.19.11 23.15. 0 21.15.11 19. 3. 4 23.19. 2 28.15. 0 23.14. 5 23.15. 0 17. 0 19. 1. 3 19.10. 4 23.15. 0 21.18. 1 £ 412. 9. 5

Received from Private Money 1900 Balance in hand from 1899 Jany 104.12. 8 B.A. Pacific 5. 5 B.A. Rosario 1.18. 8 B.A.Western 4. 7. 5 Cordoba Cent. 1.18. 8 B.A.Pacific 3. 6 Wirral 1.18. 7 Feby Hull & Barnsley 5.16. 0 Harrods 16. 4 B.A.Pacific 13. 6 G. Eastern Rly 2.10. 9 Midland 8. 6. 5 Furness 1.18. 8 April Glas. S.Western 2.17.10 Benifice B.A.Trains 3.10. 5 B.A.Rosario 3. 0. 0 B.A.Pacific 13.6 B.A. Gt. Southern 24. 6. 6 Coupé 2. 9. 3



City B.A. Trams Barker Cent Argt.

To present date Less Leaves

19. 4 1.10 9.12. 6 £ 182.16. 9 104.12. 8 78.4 . 1

Private account less

£ 253. 5. 5 104.12. 8 last year’s balance £ 158.13. 9

Private income forward less

£ s d 182.16. 9 £104.12. 8 from balance of 1899

B. Ayres Pacific 5. 4 Ditto 2. 5 July Wirral Rly 1.18. 8 B.A. Rosario 1.18. 4 August Hull Barnsley 1.18. 4 Furness 1.13. 7 Harrods 3. 4 July B.A. Western 4. 6. 8 Cordoba Central 1.18. 4 Pacific 13. 5 August Christiana 1. 5. 4 Gt. Eastern 19. 2 Midland 6.15. 5 Sep Glasgow S.W. 2.14. 2 Oct B.A. Trams 19.10 Rosario 1.10. 0 Cent Argt 7. 7. 6 B.A. Gt. Southern 24. 5. 7 Pacific 6.11 ditto 13. 5 19 Dec on 25 Waihi shrs 3. 2. 6 Harrods 3. 4 Coupé 2. 8. 6 Barker 8 Coupé 3. 0. 5 £ 252. 5. 5 less £ 104.12. 8 fr. last years balance leaves 155.13. 4 Received 1895 Spent on dress Invested Balance from 1894 1896 Balance fr. 1895 Invested Coupé London

£ 282.16. 9 £ 75.19. 0 195. 6. 0 £ 42. 2. 6 £ 57.14. 3


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 pref 85. 0. 0 ditto Ordinary 90. 0. 0 5 ordinary Harrods £1 at 5 % 30.12. 6 Total Invested £ 205.12. 6 1897 Balance fr. 1896 Invested during year with stamps & com. Received from Private money from Trust Total received Spent on dress etc 1898 Balance fr. 1897

£ 100. 4. 4 £ 328.18. 9 £ 111.12. 5 £ 388. 7.10 £ 500. 0. 0 £ 168.17. 3

£ 102. 8. 4

Sold Chathams for £ 251.16. 3. Bought £ 400 Midland def at 92½ cost with stamp & com. 372.10. 4 Also £ 100 Mid. Pref. at 84¼ with com. £ 85.11. 0. Deduct profit fr. sale of Chathams Invested £ 205. 0. 0 Rec’d fr. Trust money £ 418.13. 4 Private ditto 154. 5. 2 Total received counting profit on Chathams £ 572.18. 6 1899 Balance fr. 1898 £ 106. 2. 8 March put on deposit Whiteleys 3% May ditto 26 May allotted £ 12 Mid. Def. at & 12 Mid. Pref at total

£ 150. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 £ 10. 4. 0 £ 9. 6. 0 £ 19.10. 0

Sept. Bought £ 400 Hull & Barnsley at 55 & £ 100 Furness at 91 ½ with com etc cost £ 314. 1. 0 Forward fr. 1899 Total invested £ 333.11. 0 & paid £ 5 Nov 14th 1st call of 5 shares allotted at par in Cent Argentina £ 5 shares £ 5. 0. 0 Pd. 19th Nov. call of £ 2 on City of Buenos Ayres Trams £ 2. 0. 0 Total invested during year 1899 £ 340.11. 0 1899 Received fr. Trust £ 415.13.11 Received fr. Private £ 133. 8. 5 Including £ 11 profits on sale of £ 200 Whiteley debs Total £ 549. 2. 4


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Invested during 1900 March £ 100 ordinary stock allotted in Gt Eastern Rly at £ 108. 0 .0 £ 100 4% City of Christiana loan of 1990 at £ 97 Allotted 5 £5 shares in Central Argentine Railway April at par £ 25 th 11 July Chinese chartered at £ 98. 2. 6 £100 at 98 6% No 1155 Nov 9th 1st instal. on 10 £10 shre pref of B.A. Gt Southern £ 10. 0. 0 Nov. 26th on same 2. 0. 0 th Dec 30 on 6 allotted B.A. Gt. Southern 5% pref at £2 prem per share of £10. 0. 0 60. Dec 18th on 25 Waihi gold shrs at 11¼ with com, stamp! borrowed for this at 4% fr. Bank 284. 3. 6 £ 684. 6. 0 Received during 1900 from Trust ac’t from Private Total

£ 412. 9. 0 155.13. 4 £ 568. 2. 9

Made nothing extra this year. Invested 1900 £100 ord. stock Gt. Eastern at £108 allotted 108. 0. 0 Christiana loan 1900 97. 0. 0 5 £5 allotted Cent Argentine shares 25. 0. 0 Chinese 6% / 95 at 98 98. 2. 6 10 £10 allotted 5% pref shrs B.A. Gt. Southern at £12 each 70. 0. 0 Total 398. 2. 6 Borrowed £ 300 fr. London County Bank at 4% Dec 1900 Bought 25 Waihi at 11¼ with com. etc 284. 3. 6 Stories Rat from Paardeburg, “There was a young man of Nepal Who had no sense of humour at all He wished just for fun To become a plum bun And the dog ate him up in the hall.”


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1901 Notes in front of diary: Roy Sambourne, c/o C.L.Devitt, Warnford Court, (illeg) Edgar, Peacock Hotel, Belvoir, Grantham, Lincoln. Mervyn, Holmwood, Shiplake, Henley on Thames. August 1901. Alice Liddell, The Hollies, 23 Newton Road, Westbourne Grove. Belini’s Restaurant, Green St, Hanover Sqre. Conrad, Gwydyr Mansions, Hove, Brighton. Tilda, home rest, 39 Royal Avenue, Chelsea. Miss White, 26 Roekly Road, Shepherd’s Bush. Edgar, Peacock Arms, Belvoir, Grantham, Lincoln. Roy, 11th Provisional Battalion, Cambridge Berracks, Portsmouth. Conrad, Harcombe, Henley on Thames. Ticket Number 109234 Edgar, Empire Hotel, Lowestoft. 109234 Mervyn, Holmwood, Shiplake, Henley on Thames. Jan 1901 Tuesday 1 January Miss Gill came for few days. I drove to Whiteleys, Midge’s & Barkers. Worked afternoon. Minnie out from 3 until 7.30. Wednesday 2 January Sent Emma, Frieda & Minnie to Pantomime. Otley here fr. 5.30 to 8. To fetch Roy’s luggage fr. Vic, lamps, & to Midge’s. Roy returned fr. Nymans & dines at Midge’s. Miss Gill & self alone here. Lin to First Cartoon dinner, having leading subject. Thursday 3 January Lunch at Mr. Rose 12.15, witness procession Ld. Roberts fr. Africa. Roy to Pyt until tomorrow. Foggy. Took cab to Mrs. Spielmans. Stayed there some time. Charming house, party & entertainment. Saw Ld. Roberts & everything splendidly. To Midge’s after, who drove me home. Dear Lin busy with 1 st cartoon. Friday 4 January Out afternoon to stores, afterwards Mrs. Buckland. Roy to dine Mr. Blair & “Mrs. Dane’s Defence” after. Roy returned fr. Pyt, all well there. Lennie much pleased with his visit there. To Sales, busy with Ham, shop’g. bought Lin stick. V. late dinner! Saturday 5 January V. cold. Out morg. shops. Gillie left. Lin & self to see Strupel Peter Garrick. V. good, Mrs. Doyley, Lottie Viner. 2 Bouchiers there. Frieda helped with drawing room, no woman here today. V. cold & raw. Sunday 6 January Mr. Harris & Miss English called. Bitterly cold, 2 fires all day drawing room & yet perished! Walked with Lin fr. Hyde Pk. Corner home. Met Mr. Blair. Darling Maud came to luncheon tea & dinner, dressed here. Roy to Glovers with Lennie. Mr. & Mrs. Spielman, Lennie, Maud, Roy to dinner, 7. V. cold. Minnie out all afternoon. Monday 7 January V. cold, in all day, snow. Roy dined at Maud’s. Lin busy with reviewers! Quiet evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 8 January Bitterly cold, snow. In all day. No one called. Started cream. Lin went to Mr. D’Arcy’s, Bylaugh Park, East Dereham, Norfolk, in cart to station. Sphere reviewer came. I saw him, weird creature. Roy dined at Maud’s, I alone. Wednesday 9 January Roy & self dine at Maud’s. V. cold. Snow thawing. In all day. X. Ami due Saty next! Frieda out afternoon. Fine & sunny, much warmer. Roy dined at Maud’s, I unable to go. Mr. Ewart there. Thursday 10 January Alice Linley to luncheon 1.30. Mrs. Burnand & Ethel called at tea time. Ethel going on stage! Darling Maud came for short time. Cap’t Micklejohn lunched with her & is staying there till Saty. Roy dining Maud’s & Mr. Allan & Marriott also. Roy to Mrs. Spielman’s dance. Notices in most papers of Lin’s work. X. Friday 11 January Tea at Mrs. English’s. I seedy. In bed till 12.30. Lin returns from Mr. D’Arcy’s Bylaugh Park tomorrow, had a real good time there. Saturday 12 January Mrs. Lovern here ½ day, don’t think much of her cleaning. Down 1.30. Sat in dining room, saw lady for Alice Bixley. Lin arrived fr. Bylaugh Park, looks pretty well, little livery I fancy. 6 pheasants fr. Mr. D’Arcy! Roy dined Maud’s & to Pantomime with them & there again. Sunday 13 January Up 12.30. Evelyn C. came after church, stayed some time, anxious to get married, 5 girls out this next season. Midge to luncheon, looks well & very handsome, stayed till 5.10. Mr. Bret Harte came & much interested in Midge who was v. funny & witty. Darling Maud & Lennie to dinner. M. looking delicate does too much. They had lunched at Charlton! Monday 14 January Dine 5 - 7 Savoy Hotel with Sir A & Lady de la Rue & to theatre after. Also invitation to dine Mrs. Heilbert. Wired early, unable to go, too seedy. Went at 2.30 brougham to pay 12/6 Russian store & to Maud. Quiet evg with Roy alone. Tuesday 15 January Bothering letter fr. F.C.B. Lin to Col. Lucas after lunch, returns tomorrow. Darling M. to luncheon. Lady Weston, Miss Neaves, Nelly Keith, Mrs. Mayne, Miss Thomson, Mrs. Kettle called & Mrs. F. Jackson. Roy & self quiet evg. Wednesday 16 January Florence Blair came to stay. Emma & Minnie out. Called at 3.30 with Maud & Eve Coward on Mrs. Blair, lovely house & all exquisitely kept. To Mrs. Galbraith’s & to tea Mrs. Pytt. Roy dined Maud’s & to theatre after. Lin returned fr. Col. Lucas’ in time for Punch dinner. Thursday 17 January Darling Nonie returnns fr. Nymans. Maud fetches Florence & self at 3.30. Left cards at Mdes. Donaldson, A. Lewis, Geilgud, de Pass, Sutton & M. Spielman, in.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 To Maud’s, darling Nonie much grown but has cold. Lennie looking seedy. Quiet evg. Lin, Roy, F. Blair & self, dinner late. Friday 18 January Mrs. Griffith’s 12 Onslow Sqre. Saturday 19 January Onslow Ford’s dau. marries young Riviere, 62 Acacia Rd, 3.30. Large box “San Toy” matinée, Midge, Ham, Roy, Florence & self. Very good. Beastly morning, in on account of rain. Roy to theatre & dinner with Lennie & Maud. Lin to theatre alone. F. & self alone. Sunday 20 January Walked to Knightsbridge with Roy & Florence, cab to Carlton, lunched with Maud & Lennie there. Lin came on after. No band on acc’t of serious illness of the Queen. Saw Bainbridges, Merryweather, Ward & Mr. Hamilton with an odd lady! Maud & Lennie dine here. Monday 21 January George & Anna Dietz lunch here 1.30. Lin out all day. Hard at work & harrassed with it. Maud dined with F.B.& self & we went to see Marie Tempest in “English Nell” where Linley joined us. Had given O. Seaman dinner at Italian restaurant. The Queen very ill. Tuesday 22 January The Queen died 6.30 PM. All silent & hushed, gloom prevailing. Lin greatly worried with work. Florence & Roy dined at Maud’s, 9 there. Dance & all festivities postponed. Miss Radcliffe to tea my only visitor. F.B. slept Maud’s, returns early tomorrow. Wednesday 23 January The Queen dead. X. Nellie Keith’s 5 o’c. Lin greatly pressed with work, dined at home 9 o’c. F. Blair & self to lunch & tea Bosanquets. Good luncheon. Tiresome journey, governess cart to meet & take us Teddington. Roy & Lin lunched alone. All business closed Stock Ex. etc. Thursday 24 January Miss Jones, 149 Gloucester Rd, 4 - 7. Walked morg. Barkers & Whiteleys & Midge’s, left Florence there to lunch & tea. Out 3.30 stores & Maud’s. Saw Lennie & Baby. Lin worked all day dined 9 o’c. Friday 25 January Lovely morg. Lennie & Maud to Glovers. Baby & Nurse F. here to luncheon & tea. Left early (poured) in brougham. Baby very sweet. Roy home early to see him! Out morg. with Florence walking. F. & Roy dined at Midge’s. Very late dinner here L. & self. Saturday 26 January Miss Dolly O’Connell marries Cap’t Pike, 26 Overstrand Mansions SW. 3 o’c. Roy to Glovers till Monday. Florence remaining on as her aunt cannot have her. In brougham with Florence morg. to Whiteleys & Marshalls bought silk & boa black. Met Mrs. & Dar Rhodes. Called on foot Mrs. Palgrave Simpson & Mrs. K. Graham. Char here, ½ day.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 27 January V. windy. F. to church. Walked with Lin to Hyde P.C. Bus home. Lin lunched & had tea Athenaeum. Spencer & Hilda, Baby & Nurse to lunch & tea. Baby v. good. Heavy rain afternoon. Lin, Florence & self alone to dinner. No callers. Monday 28 January Mrs. Pollen 4 - 7, 69 Ken. Pk Gds. Called Mrs. C. Praed, Welby, English, Clifford, Pollen, & darling Maud. Baby not v. well. Ruth there & Evelyn, brought her back. Tuesday 29 January Mrs. Pollen 4 - 7. Out morg. Whiteley etc. Maud & Dora to luncheon both looking sweet & most amusing. We all dined at Maud’s, delicious dinner & everything lovely fr. table & food to drawing room brass. Music. Lin walked there & back with Roy, v. cold. X. Callers: Pollock, Geiger, Warre, Levy, Midge. X. Wednesday 30 January Took certificate of 25 Waihi Gold shrs to L. County Bank, gave to Mr. Castle. Also paid off £100 of £300 borrowed from Bank at 4%. Florence Blair went to stay Maud’s 5.30 o’c. Dear Lin still worried about work. Mrs. Palgrave Simpson called. Roy & self alone evg. Thursday 31 January Miss Jones 4 - 7, 149 Glouc. Rd, SW. Called on Maud (out). Baby gone to Bournemouth nursery not sanitary. Mrs. Palgrave Simpson called. Called O.Shakespear, Fallons, Phillips, & Lady’s shirt place. Feb 1901 Friday 1 February Mrs. Mount Batten 4 - 7. Dined 8 o’c. Roy v. tired fr. City, was dining Midge’s, put off as he was departing in carriage! Fletchers & Frisbys dining there & stray man. To Maud’s morg. just gone out. Made calls with Maud & F.B. 3.30. Lady Lockwood, de la Rue, Armstrong, met Lady F. Pelham Clinton there etc. Saturday 2 February Funeral procession of The Queen. Lin with Maud to Mr. Allan’s rooms St James’ St. Roy & Lennie in uniform to some Club. Florence Blair & self to Park. Intense crowd, never saw anything approaching it. All in mourning silent & decorous. Saw v. little, the 2 maids more successful. F. to luncheon & goes at 5 with Len, Maud & Roy to Glovers. Lin & self quiet evg. at home. Sunday 3 February Eve called after early service & took me for walk, came back & lunched here. Left 3.30. Miss Rose Innes came stayed 7.25. Lin to lunch at club, home 8 o’c. Quiet evg. Met Mrs. Mackenzie née Bradbury in Gardens. Roy, Maud & Lennie Glovers. Monday 4 February Roy Lennie & Maud & F.Blair remining Glovers till tomorrow. Called Whiteley, saw Judy Mason at Midge’s, Dora & Ham. Tuesday 5 February Out morg. Horrid day cold & snow lying. Stores. Maudie to lunch brought lovely flowers fr. Glovers. Tabbie came looking lovely. Mrs. Welby & Mrs. Warre with Mrs. de Pars called only. Quiet evg. Lin interview P. Agnew & Bradbury, not satisfactory.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 6 February Morg. to Maud’s, with her & F.Blair to Mde Berthe’s & Young’s. In all afternoon saw no one. Mrs. Spielman & Mabel Wallace called. Roy & self dined Maud’s, pleasant evg. Lennie played Listz’s rhapsodies, charming, & Mrs. Galbraith called. Thursday 7 February Miss Jones 4 - 7, 149 Glouc. Rd. Announcement of young Graham Clowes death in S.A, 20. Feel v. sad. Sir Henry Thompson’s dinner. Lin had to wire unable to go, work. Busy photoing, fortunately sunny day. Called with Maud on Mrs. Galbraith etc. Also announcement death of Ld. Robertson’s son in South Africa. Friday 8 February Mrs. Hannen, 8 St Andrew’s Place 4 - 7. With Maud who fetched me at 4 to Mrs. Coward’s, Mrs. Stone & Mrs. Roger Wallace. Mrs. Richards called as hipped as ever! Florence Blair left Maud’s this morning. Raise Frieda’s wages to £19 fr. £18, 3 months here. Saturday 9 February Mended socks etc. morg. Lin & self to matinée “Second in Command” Haymarket. Most excellent. C. Maud sent me his photo by Lin. To Midge’s on way home, Bee there. Lin & self alone evening. Roy to Glovers with Lennie & Maud. Sunday 10 February Lin interviewed by lady. Warmer. Alone to dinner. Lin & self walked up Row, met Sir F. & Lady D. Hartland, Mr. A. Henderson & son, Sir Eyre Shaw etc. Saw King of Portugal. No one called. Lin to Club. Dined quietly Lin & self alone. Monday 11 February To Whiteley & to Maud’s. Lovely flowers. Whiteley lost top of my coffee pot, pd. 3/6 & 1/6 for chocolates 5/-. Lin out luncheon. Tuesday 12 February Mr. Herkomer’s. Lin & Maud to Herkomer’s. Lin Roy & self dined Maud’s. Most excellent dinner, flowers & table lovely. Long walk morg. Wednesday 13 February Roy & self alone. Whiteley about top of coffee pot lost! Long walk morg. Thursday 14 Feb ruary Roy to theatre. Miss Jones 4 - 7. 149 Glouc. Rd. I lunch at Mrs. Gill’s 1.30. State opening of Parliament. Vy. well served little luncheon. Poached eggs, tarragon & cheese, cutlets, potatoes & cauliflower, apple soufflé in soufflé dish, cheese etc, fruit. Hon Mrs. C. Russell, Mrs. Walter, self & hostess. Called 3 on Ada Sp, Con, Midge, Sir J.Tenniel, & Spencer. Friday 15 February Lady Dixon Hartland’s dinner 8 o’c. Roy dines at Mrs. Galbraith’s & theatre after. Bitterly cold, snow. I sat between sub dean of Chapel Royal & the archbishop of York. Party of 12, v. pleasant evg. Roy dining with Galbraiths & theatre after, Carlton. Saturday 16 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 V. cold walked morg. X ami. To matinée Criterion “The Noble Lord”. Lin lunched out, met me at theatre. Bouchier spoils piece by fooling about, not as good as “Second in Command”. Roy with Lennie & Maud to Glovers, left cards on Mrs. Hohler & Lady Goring. Sunday 17 February In bed till 12.30. Beastly day blizzard of snow & sunshine occasionally. Mr. & Mrs. A. Gill to dinner, he deadly dull. Miss Rose Innes called. Lin to Club, home to dinner. Monday 18 February In bed till 12.30. Miss Jones called & had tea, discussed books. Quiet evg. Lin & self alone. Beastly day. Roy at Glovers, returns tomorrow. Tuesday 19 February Lennie’s birthday. Maudie came in at 11.30 just returned from Glovers. Beastly day pouring rain & snow, v. cold. Lin giving dinner to Mr. Devitt, Lennie & Roy at Garrick, to music hall after. Wednesday 20 February In bed till 12.30. 3 o’c to Berthe, Whiteleys, got coffee pot knob & flowers 1/6. Ordered fruit. Spencer, Ada, & Dora dining with Roy & self 8 o’c. V. cold. Lin in early, tired. Thursday 21 February Out at 3.30. Met darling Maud with M.P. on her way to me near Saviners, got into her carriage. To Whiteleys, Mde Berthe, & M. to call. Tea here & cozy chat. Roy looking v. seedy at dinner. Dined 9.30. Friday 22 February To Maud’s 4 o’c. Miss Gill & Maud Paxton here working. X. Ennuyant. La Gaulois part heifer. To Midge’s, saw her & D. Heard of Eve Coward’s engagement broken off, very sorry. Paid Whiteley’s book, ordered salt beef. All mutton bad lately from Slaters. Roy out to dinner. Saturday 23 February Mrs. Medley at home 4 - 6. Mr. Mortimer Mempes Private View at Fine Arts Society’s Gal, Bond St. Out morg shop’g. Met Mrs. Mackenzie. To Royalty matinée “Mr. & Mrs. Daventry”. Mrs. P. Campbell. V. strong play well acted. Lin met me there. Dined at public dinner, speeches, I to Mrs. Medley’s dull at home, alone to dinner. Sunday 24 February Lin to Calais. Walked to enquire for C. Hunter, better, & fetched Eve C. Walked to Derwent Lodge, Spencers away. Eve to lunch with me & long talk over her engagement, seems happier. Stayed till 3.30. Frieda out. Monday 25 February Maud & Lennie dining at the Warre’s. Maud Paxton coming to us for dinner & theatre. Lennie & Maud dined here with Maud Paxton. We all went to see “Patience” Savoy after, 2 boxes! & to supper Savoy. V. late & V. tired. Tuesday 26 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Spielman’s dinner 8 o’c. Fairly amusing, felt deadly tired. Minnie out. Miss Clarkes, Mrs Braunstein, Maggie Hadley & Mrs. Blair called. V. cold. Wednesday 27 February Roy & self alone to dinner. Roy to Coronet after & on to Savoy. Darling Maud fetched me & went out together. Thursday 28 February Lin dined at the Hon C. Lawrences, sat between Mrs. Lowther & Lady – enjoyed it. To Marshalls morg. Called 3.30 with Maud at Lady Seton’s, in, & Mrs. Macquoid, in. Roy dined at Maud’s. I alone in drawing room. Mar 1901 Friday 1 March Lin to Mrs. Lowther’s at home. Glass of butter broken!!! Appt. 12 o’c Dr Abrahams £2.2.0. Cabs 4/-. Flowers 2/-. To see Mortimer Mempes’ pictures Bond St. Lunched lady M. Watney. Sir Redvers Buller, Mr. J. Fortescue & Mr. Watney there. Called on Miss Goodenough, Mrs. Lewis, (illeg) Lady Hickman, had tea there. To Con’s, out, Mary Millais, in, & Mrs. Kettle. Bee Bars called & went with me to Albert Hall Mans. Saturday 2 March Rain morg. Lin & self to Apollo theatre “Belle of Bohemia” too vulgar & stupid for words. Theatre charming. Roy left for Glovers. Called on way home to enquire for Lady Margaret Watney, Mrs. Hohler & Mrs. Buckley. Quiet evg. Glass over clock broken!!! Sunday 3 March Walked with Lin fr. Hyde Pk. Corner home. Con & Lin to luncheon, Effie in bed unable to come. Miss Rose Innes to dinner, left at 11 o’c. Lovely spring day, windy. Centre piece broken!!! Monday 4 March Box Lyceum, Henry V. tonight & M.P, Lennie & Maud dined here, Lennie v. tired, did not go. Maud, Maud Paxton, Lin & self went in Maud’s carriage, new man drove madly & knocked up against om! I took M. back, Lin & Roy in cab. Tuesday 5 March Roy dined at Maud’s dinner party. Lin dined out. Went with Midge in her brougham to Whiteleys, Mde. Berthe & Evans morning, delightfully easy carriage driving young horse, 2 men on the box, luxury, no hopping in & out. Wednesday 6 March Lunch with Lin, Rules. Pantomime. Lunched at home! V. good pantomime. Roy & I dined at Lennie’s, felt v. tired. Were alone there except for Maud Paxton. Thursday 7 March Cameron Corbett, Lady D. Hartland, Shannon, Midge. Awful indigestion. Called on Mrs. Hohler & saw her looking v. ill in bed & the baby. Walked morg. to Midge’s. La femme de chambre s’en va, pas une perte. Friday 8 March Mrs Hannens 4 - 7. Mistook yesterdy for Mrs. H’s! With Maud at 3.15 to call Lady Lawrence, Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs. Watney. Barrs already gone! &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Warncliffe too! & Nembhards. Midge & Con to dinner, v. cheerful evg. To Whiteleys morg. Saturday 9 March Lin & self after luncheon to see “Notorious Mrs. Ebbsmith”. Mrs. Pat C. v. good. Out morg. shops in Kens. V. cold wind. Fearful accident with Empire candelabra by Minnie. A quiet evg, Lin & self alone. Roy to Maud’s, Glovers. Sunday 10 March Walked morg. with Lin to Hyde Pk. Corner, home in om. alone. Bee Barrs & Gwen to luncheon, stayed till 4.30. Lin lunched Sir Squire Bancroft’s, also invited to Mrs. Lowther’s. No one called, quiet evg. à deux. Monday 11 March Sir Norman Lockyer, Lennie, Maud & M. Paxton dined here. Out at 3 o’c to Miss Phillips dressmaker met Florrie Livesey & Tiney there. Called on Maud, Mrs. Walker, Macqueen, Miss Ratcliffe, Mrs. du Maurier & Mrs. Levy, all out. Very cheery evg. Tuesday 12 March Lin & self dine with Miss Rose Innes & Mr. Bret Harte at Bristol 7 o’clock, & theatre after. V. cold. Roy to theatre, dined alone here. Sybil Grantham, Mrs. Abbott. Ada Spencer, Miss Goodenough & niece, Anna Dietz & Yolande. Bret Harte ill, c’d not come. Lin went round to see Wyndham between acts of “Mrs. Dane’s Defence”. Wednesday 13 March Florence Walford to luncheon & to spend day. To doctor £1.1.0, Dressmaker Berthe, Maud’s, saw darling Nonie, cried after Maud. Gillie there. Roy & I dine Maud’s tonight. Mr. Marriott & Con there, latter v. funny. Usual charming dinner. Baby quite darling. Thursday 14 March Dull cold. Stace here for Lin. Called at 4 o’c Miss Thomson, out, Lady Flower, Mrs. J. Lawrence, out, A. Livesey & Mrs. Lucy. Maud had big dinner party. Roy dined here alone Lin & self. Friday 15 March Mrs. Mount Batten. Out morg. to Barkers & Whiteleys. Darling Nonie to luncheon & tea. Mrs. Abbott called to tea. Roy home early, dined at Maud 7 o’c & to theatre after. Saturday 16 March Roy to Glovers, Lin & self to matinée “Alice in Wonderland” the Seymour Hicks v. good. Called on Miss Rose Innes way home & Mrs. Paxton. Flowers 2/-. Quiet evg. alone Lin & self. Sunday 17 March Lovely morg. Linley to Calais. Maud Paxton, Bee & Gwen to luncheon. Short walk morg. alone. Quiet evg. alone. Monday 18 March Lady Dixon Hartland 5 o’c. Met Miss Beaumont. V. interesting well read lady of certain age. Mr Stone & Maud dined here. Lennie & Roy to Volunteering. Pleasant evg. Found my account £100 in the bad!!!


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 19 March Effie Conrad & Maud to luncheon. To stores morning bought crystal salt, 4 pots O. marmalade, celery salt, ginger. Evelyn, Mrs. Macquiod, Mrs. Lewis, Lennie, Maud & Mr. & Mrs Galbraith called. Lin gave business dinner to Mr. Devitt, Lennie, Fritz J. & Roy, Garrick. Nothing settled. I dined in drawing room alone. Wednesday 20 March Wet dark morg. Roy & self dine Maud’s. Frieda out. Did not go, too cold & wet. Dined with Roy at Maud’s, only Lord Borthwick there. Pianola evg. Lord B. plays well, but not as well as Lennie. Thursday 21 March To tea Mrs. Geiger. Miss Pennefather comes here to tea. Unable to come, bad cold. Shop’d morg. Whiteley & Barker. Maud fetched me at ¼ to 4 to Mrs. Geiger’s, saw the young couple, & Mrs. Hibbert there. To Mrs. Pollen, dirty babies, to Mrs. Lawrence, & home. Roy with Maud to Mrs. Spielman’s. Lennie seedy. Friday 22 March Mrs. Sutton’s dinner 8 o’c. Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Hewlett & Miss Webster there, dinner of 24. Fearful light on table. Maud has dinner of 10 tonight. Roy dined with Mr. Sandeman. Saturday 23 March Lin & self to matinée Her Majesty’s, alas one stall wasted came too late to ask anyone. “Twelfth Night” perfect in every way. We both enjoyed it immensely. Flowers 2/6, fruit 3/9. Roy dined at Maud’s, to theatre & Savoy after. Sunday 24 March Walked with Lin up Row, om. home. Lunched alone. Will Oakes, Sir Arthur Trendall, Midge & Hamilton & Mr. Paxton called. Lennie & Maud & Mrs. Turquand dined here. Roy bad cold. Sad news of Harold Power’s death last Friday. Monday 25 March Bitterly cold. In all day. X. Ami. X. Roy’s cold very bad, in all day makes him look wretched. Sent Otley to see if Con c’d dine here. He has taken cold, not surprised. Tuesday 26 March Mrs. Warre’s dinner 8 o’c. Unable to go. Violent rheumatism shoulder & arms. In bed till 12.30. Maudie came to luncheon, brought lovely flowers & arranged them. Roy in bed all day with bad cold. Wednesday 27 March In bed all day rheumatism & ami. Roy up to luncheon out afternoon, dined in drawing room, sat with me after. Box for “Sweet Nell of Old Drury”. Maud, Bee Barrs & Gwen went. Thursday 28 March Dinner Lady Lawrence, cannot go. Lin goes alone. In bed all day. Roy again dined in drawing room & read to me after. Finished reading “The love of an uncrowned Queen”, most interesting. Ethel & Mervyn return fr. Jamaica. Friday 29 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Rooth’s dinner. Cannot go on account Lin’s work. Lin also invitation to Sir Henry Thompson. Darling Baby came with flowers. V. sweet & growing prettier every day. Frieda had to go to bed very seedy with cold on her chest. Roy dined at Maud’s, dinner of 10. Saturday 30 March Mrs. Medley 4 - 7. Mr. Goodall pictures 2 o’c. Lunch with Mrs. Galbraith & do pictures after, tea there. Unable to go out all day, pouring in torrents. Frieda in bed all day. Roy dined at Mrs. Messel’s, went with Len, Maud, Harold, Ruth, Hilda & 3 others to Palais & supper at Savoy after. Sunday 31 March Pictures. Frieda in bed all morg. Maudie to luncheon & to see Abbeys, Ryles, Herkomers. Met B. Weigall. Hanson Walker, Parsons & Dicksee’s pictures. Harold & Ruth in Maud’s carriage, lost them. Warmer. Roy & Lennie to military funeral service & they all sup. at Westbourne Ter. Lin & self alone to dinner. Mr. Bret Harte, Ethel & Mervyn called. Apr 1901 Monday 1 April Mrs. Mount Batten. Feel v. seedy. Frieda still v. seedy, Orton to see her, says nothing serious & sh’d be about. Roy out. Punch dinner. I had tray of fish drawing room. Tuesday 2 April Miss Taylor’s marriage 2.30, St Marylebone’s Church. Mrs. Abbott. Unable to go out morg. Kens Shops. Lovely azaleas fr. Maud. Mrs Hibbert, Turquand, Cameron Corbett, Evans & clan, Midge called. Frieda up & about vy. seedy. Roy dined at Club. Lin & self alone dinner, I bad cold head. Wednesday 3 April Felt feverish & seedy with cold. Packing. Dined late. Thursday 4 April Mrs. Abbott. Came by 4 o’c to Glovers. Maudie met me Horley. Fearful crowd at Vic Sta. Friday 5 April Delightfully quiet day, breakfasted in bed. Walked to wood for daffodils. Lennie played pianola evg. Saturday 6 April Lin came down 3.30. Roy to Pyt early. Walked about & read. Rained. Sunday 7 April Lennie, Maud & self to Church, M. & self rather late! Remained com. service. Mr. Messel, Mr. Loring & Ottie to luncheon. Baby most sweet & darling all day. Lennie & Lin for long walk after tea. Lin little head ache morg. Monday 8 April All went to Nymans for day. Mrs. Brightmore & Mrs. Harvey & many more there afternoon for Easter Eggs. Ottie, Mrs. L. there & a pretty little fair girl. Mr. Gibbs called Glovers morg. thought he was a groom.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 9 April Lennie to City v. early. Maud & Eugenie to London for day, met them at Horley. Lovely day. Lin at work here all day. Long walk with Lennie evening. Wednesday 10 April Miss Milman’s wedding. Alternate wet & fine. Ruth came morg, remained night. Harold came later & also remained night. Lin went to meet Lennie at Red Hill in Victoria. Horse bolted morning with Lennie & groom. Music evening. Hursday 11 April Ruth & Harold left at 11 o’c. Pouring wet day. Roy returned Stafford Terrace from Pyt. Maud busy packing. Had long walk with Nurse F & Nonie. V. tired after. Friday 12 April Darling Maud & Lennie left for London, Eugenie & (illeg) with them. Roy dined with Maud & Lennie at Gloucester Terrace. Saturday 13 April Drove in to Crawley, bought fish fruit etc stamps. Pouring wet day. Took Nurse F. & Baby with me in to Crawley. V. quiet day. Lin wrote. Roy dined Carlton with Maud & Lennie. Sunday 14 April Wretched dull rainy day. In, did not go to Church. Roy crosses to Calais with Lennie if they go, such a wretched day. Monday 15 April Mrs. Mount Batten. Cold fine morg. sunny. In all morg. writing, pouring wet afternon. Nurse F. Baby self to Crawley for Baby’s shoes, fish, stamps, lime water etc. Walked with Lin to corrugated iron place. Quiet evg. Read Memories Madame du Barrie. Bed early. Nurse F. & Nana had letters fr. darling Maud. Tuesday 16 April Heavy clouds v. cold intermediate sunshine. Baby cold & toothy. Went walk with Lin. Dogs caught rabbits. Wednesday 17 April Lin & self walked thro’ wood to Greenings morning, lovely. Dogs caught 2 rabbits, large & wee one. Lin went up by 4 train. Dr Parker came to see Baby, thinks only tooth trouble. Dr P. knew Sir E. Boehm & knows Conrad. Thursday 18 April Lovely day cool wind. Out morg. with Nurse & Baby, & afternoon. Quiet uneventful day. Darling Baby was stung by a bumble bee, blue bag soon sent swelling down. Baby much better. Friday 19 April Glorious morg. Still no news of Maud & L. Baby much better. (note in German, illeg) Saturday 20 April Lovely day. Went for an hours drive at 3 o’c with Baby. V. quiet uneventful day. Walked to wood with Nurse & Baby. Nurse F. met the Hohler Baby. Baby much better.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 21 April To Church with Nana, walk after. Glorious day. Nurse F. met the Hohler Baby. X. Ami. Monday 22 April Lin came by 12 o’c. Mrs. Messel came 10 o’c remained luncheon. X. Ami au lit until tea time. Sun blister! Letter fr. darling Maud. Tuesday 23 April Mrs. E. Pollock’s dinner ¼ to 8. Lin went up by 11. In bed till 12.30. Sat out all afternoon. Letters fr. Edgar & Midge. Lovely hot sunny day. Wednesday 24 April Lovely day. Nonie to Nymans left early. Quiet day, uneventful. Thursday 25 April Mrs. Corbutt’s at home 4 - 6.30. Lovely day cold wind. Sat out all afternoon. Letter fr. darling Maud fr. yacht Clementina off Palermo. Long letter fr. Tabbie. Friday 26 April Long letter fr. darling Maud fr. Palermo. Lovely day. Bocani coming today. No room. Newson in coachman’s house, wired to that effect. Uncertain when Newsons cottage ready. Another letter fr. Maud, written last Monday. Saturday 27 April Mrs. Medley 4 - 6. Miss Thorneycroft 11 - 7, Melbury Rd. Lin came 4 o’c, was met Red Hill, dog cart & Joe. Mr. Marriott to luncheon & tea, cycled fr. Red Hill. Gathered primroses with Nonie boy. Cold wind. Quiet day. Sunny. Sunday 28 April Lovely day cold wind. Did not go to Church. Walked with Lin to Greenings. Quiet uneventful day. Monday 29 April Miss Thorneycroft 11- 6, 2a Melbury Rd. Nurse F, Nonie & self drove in Vic to Red Hill with Lin at 9.20. Took 1 hour & ten minutes walking up hill. Lovely drive. Paid Nana for washing by cheque £2.12.10. Nurse F. Red Hill 3/6. Tuesday 30 April Walked to post morg. No letter fr. darling M. Packed. Washed & ironed collars. May 1901 Wednesday 1 May Mrs. Kemp 3 – 6, 110 Piccadilly. Returned by 4.41 fr. Glovers. Baby & Nurse F. to station with me in Victoria. Flowers, mushrooms & 2 cucumbers. Arrived 6.30 Staf. Ter. Missed Lin. Roy & self dined alone & bed 10.30. Temps que je revienne(?). Thursday 2 May Mrs Mount Batten’d dinner 8 o’c. Mervyn & Ethel to luncheon. E. much thinner. Mervyn’s eye bad, cyst. He looks thin & not well. Left at 3.30. Shop’g morg. in Kens. Met Mrs (blank) South American fr. Ramsgate. V. pleasant dinner. Scot Gattys, Sir Kenith & Lady Mackenzie, Mrs Reeve etc, 20. Roy to Midge’s.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 3 May Out morg. Dora lunched here & went with me at 3 to call on Johnson Fergusons, Lady Armstrong, Lady Lockwood, Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs. Watney, Miss Clowes, Mrs. Kemp & Mrs. Blair only one at home, Galbraith etc. Mrs. Galbraith & Mrs. Schroder called here. Roy dined at Midge’s. Saturday 4 May Lin & self at 12 o’c to Private View Academy. Met Pirries, Levys, Hickmans, C. Burnands, Spiers, etc etc. To luncheon Criterion. To see “Man fr. Blankleys” box! after. V. good. Cap’t Marshall sat just near us 1 st row stalls. Back to Academy after. Roy home for lunch & dinner. Quiet evg. Roy been to see Edna May again! Ada Sp. called. Sunday 5 May Lin & Roy to Calais. V. fine day. Went at 11.30 to Hyde Park Corner. Met Ethel & Mervyn, sat with them in Park. Met Hamilton & Dora, home in cab. Mervyn & Ethel to luncheon, left 3.30. Edgar & Midge came to tea, had long talk. Lin & Roy enjoyed their day. Monday 6 May Lady Monckton, 29 Cranley Gds. Mrs. Rhodes dinner 8 o’c. Tuesday 7 May Asked Edgar & Sophy to dine, also Mrs. Tweedie. Hamilton Langley & Dora came instead. V. cheery evg. In brougham to Barkers & Whiteley, Marshalls. Met Mrs. Wagge & Mrs. Kirk. Mrs. Reeve & Eve C. only called. Flowers 2/6, oranges 1/-. Wednesday 8 May Invitation to dine Lord Alverstone, unable acc’t. Mrs. Macmillan, Mrs. Kemp. Took security £60 B.A.Gt. Southern 5% pay to Bank. At 3.30 to Mrs. Macmillan only 3 people there, distinctly dull, fine house. To Nembherds. Emma & Minnie out. Freida had her German friend. Thursday 9 May Mrs. Macquoid 4 - 7. G. Grossmith, Mrs. Alec Trweedie, Mrs. Johnson Ferguson, Mrs. Pirrie. Out morg. shop’g Kensington. Cusinière très frappée je ne sais comment le menager une personne si difficile. Dora came 3.30. Went with me to Mrs. F-J’s & Mrs. Macquoid. Broke cup!!! Pouring wet. Enjoyed it met many friends. Friday 10 May Packing morg. for Renishaw, leave v. early tomorrow. Out 3.30 shop’g & Bank. Saturday 11 May Left here 9 o’c. Roy having friend to dine here this evg. We went by 10 train Gt Central to Sheffield & changed for Renishaw. Met by Arthur Linley, Stanley Holden & Margery H. Very lovely house. Found Mr. & Mrs. Allen & Mr. & Mrs. F. Holden besides our host & hostess, all most kind. Very tired evg. billiard room. 50 rooks shot! Not 400. Sunday 12 May Lovely day, sat out morg. & drove with Mrs. H. round Chesterfield, drive lovely. After huge mid day dinner of 9 courses & dessert. On Lake, then tea, & at 5.30 in dog cart with Mr. Holden, Arthur Linley & Lin to Norton.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 13 May Lady Monckton, 29 Cranley Gds. Mrs. Spielman, Mrs. McLaren. Returned from Renishaw by 4 train. V. delightful visit. Heaps of letters awaiting us, one fr. darling Maud. Tuesday 14 May Out morg. 11 o’c. X. Took Robinson invoice security to Bank. To see Edgar & Sophy & Whiteleys after, ordered plants 7/- & oranges 1/-. Mrs. Walker, Midge, D, Mrs. P. Holland, Miss Webster & Miss Radcliffe called. Lin & self to St James’ “The Wilderness “ bosh. Mr. & Mrs. F.C.B. sat in front of us. Wednesday 15 May Posted installment post office near Midge “Grocers”. Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Macmillan. X. Paid £45.10.0 first instal. on 14 allot. shrs in B.A. Gt Southern 4% Ex. at 15/prem per shre. Lovely day. Called 3.30 Mrs. Bainbridge, Tabs Coburg, Kemp (in) Goodchild, Stivens, Steincopff. Mrs. du Maurier there. Mona looking v. ill. Thursday 16 May Mrs. Alec Tweedie, Mrs. Pirrie, Mrs. J.Ferguson, Miss Thomson, Mrs. Pitt at home 4 - 6. Lin & self dine with Sophy & Edgar “Monico”. Tabbie also there. To Hyperdrome after, wonderful beasts. Saw Sir G. Armstrong & young friends there. Saw Tabs to Coburg. To Mrs. Pitt’s in cab, saw Elsie L(illeg), Schwanns, Lady Pontifex, etc. Home cab. Friday 17 May Mrs. Rayner, 35 Devonshire Place. Mrs. Joachim 5 o’c. To Kensington morg. At 3.30 to Stores bought 12 table knives £1.1.0 & Lin’s cigars. To Lola Sch(illeg) saw Paris h’s there & to Tabbie & Baby Mervyn at Coburg Hotel, & with them to Lady’s Shirt Association. Dined 9.30. Saturday 18 May Mrs. Medley 4 - 7. Mrs. Schwann 4 - 7.30. Baby Mervyn’s operation 10 o’c. X. Au lit until 4 o’c, ami. Wired D. could not go to Mrs. Schwann’s. Sunday 19 May Lin & self lunch at Mrs. Pirrie’s Downshire House 1.40. Unable to go, seedy in bed. X. Lunched alone. Mrs. Bosanquet, Ethel English & Mr Molesworth came. Lin to Sir Alfred Hickman’s after Mrs. Pirrie’s luncheon. Admired Mrs. Carlyle, American, another brother’s wife. Lin & self alone evg. Monday 20 May Lady Monckton, 29 Cranley Gds. Mrs. Spielman. Mrs. McLaren. Mrs. Palgrave Simpson 4 - 7. In bed till 12.30. At 3.30 to Whiteleys, Strudwicks, Barkers, about things for tomorrow’s dinner. Saw Gwen just leaving Midge’s, & Dora. Punch dinner. Minnie out. Tuesday 21 May Lin’s dinner. Lady Armstrong’s dinner. Unable to go. Mrs. A. Henderson’s at home 4 - 6.30. Caviar, Soup, Salmon trout, Tongue & mushrooms, Forequarter lamb, Beans, Chicken salad, asparagus, Caramel pudding, Tart & cream, Plovers eggs. Honb. Shomberg MacDonnell, Sir Norman Lockyer, Sir Alfred Hickman, Mr. Lucas, Lucy, Conan Doyle, Galbraith, Fildes, Wolff, D’Arcy. 2 men waiters. Mrs. Welby, aunt, Johnson Ferguson & Geiger & Mrs. Galbraith called. Eve C. here all day.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 22 May Mrs. Macmillan, 22 Devonshire Place. Mr. Hemming’s marriage with Miss Fowler 2.30, recep at 80 Redcliffe Sqre S.W. Mrs. Kemp. Maud & Lennie return fr. abroad. Mrs. Bosanquet to luncheon. Drove Park saw Queen twice, called Midge’s, saw D. To enquire Lady Hickman’s godchild, also for little Mervyn. Cards Mrs. Kirk(?) & Critchett. Home. Thursday 23 May Mrs. Alec Tweedie, Mrs. J. Ferguson, Mrs. Pirrie, Thomson. Mr. & Mrs. Messel’s dinner. Lin went alone. I called Mrs. Pirrie, Mrs. Leyland. Met darling Maud & Lennie on their return fr. Italy at Vic. Saw Maud off at once to Glovers. Lin met them at Calais & returned with me. Friday 24 May Mrs. Rayner, 35 Devonshire Place. Came to Glovers by 4.5. Great crowd at Vic. Otley met me there had hat box smashed in, luckily nothing of value in it! Nonie & Nurse F. met me Horley Sta. Found Lennie & Maud v. well. La fille M. partie ce matin !!! Glovers looking lovely. Les deux hommes ici font le service en table beauc. meilleur que les filles. Saturday 25 May Long letter fr. dear Roy fr. Chichester, well & v. happy there. Lin came by afternoon train to Red Hill. Mr. & Mrs. Hohler, Miss Venning & Miss Burke to tea & croquet, stayed till 7 o’c. Smart girls & clever or amusing. Sunday 26 May To Church & Nymans. Nurse F & Nonie also. Lennie & Lin in dog cart, selves brougham. Lovely day Mr. & Mrs. Messel seem much brighter & happier alone there & not the restraint indescribable(?) of when family is there. Home in time for dinner. Monday 27 May Lady Monckton, 29 Cranley Gds. Mrs. Spielman, Mrs. McLaren. Mrs. Palgrave Simpson. Lovely day. Quiet day. Lennie & Maud to Mrs. Hohler’s tennis. Con arrived at 5.30. Small cart missed him, came in fly from station. Tuesday 28 May Maud at 12 to Mrs. Hohler’s, no, Wed tomorrow. Quiet day, read & worked. V. hot. Maud to meet Lennie. Music evg. Wednesday 29 May Mrs. Macmillan, 22 Devonshire Place. Mrs. Kemp. Linley left by 4 train for London. Maud with Hohlers to Reigate Horse Show. No lunch or tea until 7 o’c evg!!! Garden watered. Music evg. Thurday 30 May Mrs. Ferguson. Sir Norman Lockyer 9 o’c at the Solar Physics Observatory, entrance Princes Gate, Exhibition Road. Rain & dull. Maud to meet Lennie & Harold who came with him fr. town, looks fearfully ill. Quiet day. Con looking wonderfully well. Darling Baby dressed up in French soldier’s suit met Lennie at gate! Friday 31 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Maud & Baby met Lennie Horley, Victoria. Watered flowers evg. Con returned Brighton for day, returns tomorrow. Nouvelles à cause des affairs de Ruth. Jun 1901 Saturday 1 June Mrs Mount Batten 4 - 6. Maud to London, lunching Stafford Terrace, & goes with Lin to Lord Ludlow’s sister’s wedding at Temple, returns with Lin tonight. Con returns 4 o’c. I drove to station with Maud & Baby. Sunday 2 June Mrs. J.Carlisle 4 - 7. Con, Lennie, Maud & self to Church. Walked evg. to Greenings, lovely. Quiet evg. Monday 3 June Mrs. Spielman. Mrs. McLaren. Lovely day gardening. Today’s diary written as 4 th June by mistake. Quiet day. Harold with Lennie to Chelsfield & sleep there in Con’s room. Lin spending day at Chichester with Roy. Tuesday 4 June X. Mr. & Mrs. Ansdell dined Glovers. Pay for 12 Allotted Whihi shares £12.0.0. Paid them. Lovely day, did gardening. Lennie & Harold to Cuckfield for Volunteering & both returned to dinner. V. late dinner. M, Lin, Con & self dined 8 o’c. Lin spent day at Chichester with dear Roy v. well & happy there. Bazaar at Crawley. Maud to Mrs. Hohler’s. Wednesday 5 June Lady Richmond 4 - 7. Lin & I return from Maud’s, Lin early, I by 4. Decided to go tomorrow self on account of Derby. Lin drew 2 nd (illeg) favourite, William III, Garrick Sweep, worth about £15. Lin left early on cycle. The Rector dined Glovers. Thursday 6 June Returned by 4.41 fr. Glovers. Darling Maud & Nonie saw me to station. Dear Lin with tooth ache & looks v. seedy in consequence. Stale fowl dinner. Friday 7 June Mr. & Mrs. Johnson Ferguson dinner 8 oc. Asked Miss White to call before 11 or between 1.30 & 4 o’c. Lovely day, cooler than at Glovers. Bird escaped, caught it again No 26. V. tired no rest with White & every room in a mess. Most interesting dinner sat between Sir F.D.Hartland & Mr. Pilkington MP. Miss Fowler authoress asked me to call, delightful person. Saturday 8 June Young Laurence’s marriage to Miss McGaw, Mickleham. Went matinée see Edna May who fainted in “Girl up there”. V. pretty music. Called Midge, out. Quiet evg. Sunday 9 June Lovely day. Edgar & Sophy called just as Lin & self were starting for Park, went with us. S. cross, E. depressed. Alone lunch. Lin to Sir A. Hickman’s tennis. Mr. Bret Harte called had interesting talk, he full of anecdotes. Alone evg. Freda out morg, Minnie afternoon. Monday 10 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 X. Lovely day. Expecting Edgar to luncheon. Long letter fr. Maud. X. Paid £2 for ½ share of £1 Waihi allotted. Lady Quilter called, out. Edgar lunched here & drove after to enquire Hickmans. Tuesday 11 June Mrs. Temple at home, 74 Portland Place. Mrs. Magne 4 - 7. Met darling M. at Vic. Drove straight home. Mabel & Mrs. Wallace, Mrs. Spofforth Lady Bergne, Midge & Dora, Evelyn & Crofton. Wednesday 12 June Mrs. Burnand’s small dance, unable to go. In morg. Wet afternoon, called with Maudie Briggs about sunshade. Called on Sophy, in, in dog room! Mrs. McNaught’s at home good. Left cards on Mrs. Fletcher Moulton, home. Lin & Lennie to Sir John Tenniel’s dinner. Maudie & self alone. Thursday 13 June Mrs. Magne 4 - 7. Midge, Mrs. Pirrie, Mrs. Johnson Ferguson. Maud & Eve out morg & both home to luncheon.. At 3.30 M. & self to call Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Pirrie & Mrs. Magne. Good American singing. M. & L. dined 7 o’c Mrs. Ricardo & to St James after. Lennie blackballed Garrick, maddening. Lin & self alone. Friday 14 June Mrs. Wheen’s at home, Hungarian Band 4 - 7. Eve Coward out with M all morg, here to luncheon. At 4 o’c M. & self to Mrs. Wheen’s v. nice party good band. Met Miss Fowler again. Roy home, v. lively & looks well. Most cheery evening. Called on Mrs. Wagg & Mrs. McKenna & Lady Mackenzie. Saturday 15 June Mrs. Mount Batten 4 - 6. Mrs. Cameron Corbett dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. E. Hart’s at home. Out morg. in cab with M. Lennie to Glovers today. Roy & Maud to see “Girl up there”. M. remaining until tomorrow. Box! To Miss Wilson about hats, to Bull & Fernor, Leroys & Barkers. M. out to Gloucester Ter. after luncheon. Maud & Roy Savoy after theatre. Sunday 16 June Mrs. Eykyn’s luncheon, unable to go. Lin & Roy to Sir A. Hickman’s tennis. Maudie returned Glovers, Roy saw her off. Midge came & Harold Messel. Lin Roy & self alone evg. Monday 17 June Mrs. J. Carlisle 4 - 7. Bury planting fern cases all over house morg. Maud Paxton wrote invitation cards for me for Tuesday next. Roy in to lunch, grumbled. Rested & Dora came 4 o’c. Met H. Carlisle, Lady Fenton, Miss Holland, etc & Monte Carlo contingent. Music, singing, cold wind, dullish party. Dora back to dinner. Tuesday 18 June Minnie out afternoon & evg. Roy returned Chichester. Mrs. Temple, 74 Portland Place. The Astronomer Royal reception Greenwich Observatory 3 - 6 PM. Lady Ellis launch & dinner party 11.50 Waterloo & Staines. Only Mrs. Bergheim called & Miss Boteler. Nurse F. & Baby & Maud came in time for luncheon. Maud returns Glovers afternoon, took Baby doctor’s. We drove Lady E’s, Mr F.C.B. took me in to dinner, Sir W. Agnew & staff there! Baby slept here.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 19 June Col. Welby’s dinner, unable to go. X. Waihi half share. Ranelagh, can’t go. Mrs. C. Corbett 5 o’c. Mrs. Ainsworth. Maud & Lennie come, dine out, I alone. Baby returns Glovers today. Mrs. Gill came asking me to go alone Friday, if L. can’t go, declined. M. & self 4 o’c to Mrs. Ainsworth’s, Milman, in & C. Corbett. Home. Thursday 20 June Mrs. Agnew’s ball 10 o’c. M. & self busy sending out invitation cards. Felt strangely giddy, odd have had it constantly lately. Went alone 4 o’c Whiteleys, Babillons, Marshalls & Berthe. M. sleeping when I left. V. glad as Lennie & Maud dine with Mr. Fleishman & go to Agnews ball, Lin also. I too seedy. Friday 21 June The Astronomer Royal’s reception 3 to 6 Greenwich Obsevatory. Miss Neaves garden party 4 - 7. Mrs. Gill’s dinner, can’t go. Quiet evg. here. Lennie left morning, Maud remaining on until tomorrow. Saturday 22 June Mrs. J.Carlisle 4 - 7. Mrs. Braunstein’s dinner 8 o’c. Maud returned Glovers after luncheon. Out all morg. alone shop’g. No one called. Delightful dinner – 10. Mr. & Mrs. Bryce (lovely Irish woman) Miss Gardiner, Mons. Taxas Greek Minister, Mr. & Mrs. Moberly Bell. Lin lost 15/- Bridge. Sunday 23 June Fine day v. windy. In all day. Lin to Sir A. Hickman. Freda out morg. Silver & brass awful. Quiet peaceful day, saw no one. Lin & self alone dinner. Monday 24 June Mrs. Medley’s dinner 8 o’c. Out morg. shops. Maudie to luncheon, brought lovely flowers, wild roses, branches, & arranged them with me in drawing room. Returned Glovers by 5 o’c train. Hope the darling will not be over tired. Tuesday 25 June X. At home here 4 - 7. Maud up early. Quantity flowers, cream, butter, chicken etc. Brought James who announced guests. Band good 2, piano violin. Waiter 10/-, policemen 6/- unneccessary. Found I had too much & many of everything. Great success. 77 came out of 150 asked. Strawberries & cream, iced coffee & tea most in request. Maud Lin & self alone to dinner. Wednesday 26 June Mrs. McLaren at home 10 o’c. Sir C & Lady Ewen Smith’s dau. wedding, 2.30 Bath House Piccadilly. Mr. Jacomb Hood 4 - 7. Mrs. J. Thorneycroft 4.30 to 6.30. Mrs. Rhodes 4.30. M. & self to Lady E.S’s wedding Bath House. Exquisite pictures. Crowd. Jacomb Hood & Mrs. Rhodes. Maud & Lennie to dine E. Pollock’s. Thursday 27 June Mrs. E.Roberts at home 4 - 7. Mrs. Ritchie at home, 23 Grafton St. Tabbie to luncheon with Gwen. Maud to Mrs. Thorneycroft to lunch, 11 Hill St. M. & self called 4 o’c at Mrs. Braunstein, Mrs. Agnew, Mrs. Medley, Mrs. D’Arcy & Ritchies, rather dull at home, Mrs. Playfair, Binns Smith, Lady Pontifex etc there. Maud & Lennie dine Mrs Geiger’s. Miss White working here. Friday 28 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady de la Rue’s evg. party 10.30. Ferency Hegadiis. Mrs. Kirk 4.30 - 7. Mrs. A. Gill at home 4 o’c. Lady Hartland 4.30. Lennie left for G. Maud to lunch Mrs. Bond. Went 4 o’c to call Mrs. Kirk large number there especially men. To Lady Hartland, all over nearly, dirty house. Mrs. Gill, every one gone. M. & Lin to de la Rues. Lin v. tired. Maud much admired. Saturday 29 June Canon Pennefather’s garden party 4 - 7. Mrs. Walter Crane evg. Darling Maud left after lunch. Roy came. Quiet dinner we 3. Lin & self to matinée Japanese play. V. droll. Flowers 1/6. Roy out after dinner. Sunday 30 June Col. Hume Spry 4 - 7. Thunderstorm during night. Lovely morg. Lin to Sir A. Hickman tennis. Roy, Lin & self to lunch. Roy left for Chichester at 5.30. Mr. & Mrs. Lemon & Miss Rose Innes called. Lin & self alone evg. Jul 1901 Monday 1 July Mrs. W. Crane at home 4. X. Nash’s plumber here about tap in Roy’s & my bedroom in morg. At 4 o’c to Midge saw Mervyn & Ethel. To Marshall & Snelgrove bought lace. Mrs. McLaren in, lovely home. Lady’s shirt association, ordered black alpaca. Letter fr. darling Maud. Baby not well, feel anxious. Tuesday 2 July Most anxious news of Baby, Maud unable to come up today. Bringing Baby to see Victor Horseley tomorrow. Most disquieting, poor darling’s first real trouble. No one called. Awful day poured in torrents. Out morg. shop’g. Mervyn & Ethel dined here alone. Wednesday 3 July Mrs. Welby lunching here. Postponed on account of Baby. Met M. & Baby 10.45 Vic & went to Mr. Victor Horseley. Satisfactory report, muscles of neck swollen to be rubbed. Darling boy looked as pretty & sweet as ever. Lunch & tea here. M. & self after lunch to Mrs. Young’s & left by 5 train Horley. Baby met us Vic. Minnie only out. Thursday 4 July Tea Lords Mrs. Huish behind the drags. Mrs. Causton 4 - 7. Darling M. came up time for luncheon. At 4 to Lords. Lovely day. Saw Weigalls etc. V. pleasant tea at Mrs. Huish’s under trees & near flowers. Saw Maud off Vic. Dull empty at home Mrs. C’s, old frumps only. Quiet evg. alone with Lin. Friday 5 July Tea Lords Mrs. Huish. Darling M. up for luncheon. To Lords 4 o’c. Mr. H. sent us 2 Lords tickets. B.W. stood behind us but did not see us. Saw many more friends today. Lovely day. Tea again Mrs. Huish. Quiet evg. here v. late dinner. Saw Maud off at Vic in her own conveyance fr. Lords, sent Otley home. Bonnet 25/9 fr. Maison Nouvelle. Saturday 6 July Lady Anne Blunt’s sale Arabs & luncheon Crabbet Pk. 1 o’c lunch. Shop’g morg. to Berthe’s no further with dress, tiresome people. Trimmed up creeper & did flowers till 4 o’c. Read Napoleon III. Dined 7.30. Lin & self to Court to see


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 “Women are so serious”, Ellis Jeffings. V. funny. Saw F. Simon there. Wore White’s bodice copied fr. Maud’s. Sunday 7 July Ami. X. peu, drôle. Dull day. Lin to Sir A. Hickman’s tennis. In all day. Midge came & stayed all afternoon. Miss Rose Innes called stayed late & I felt exhausted as I always do after her visits. Emma out evg. Minnie cooked dinner, cold meat. Monday 8 July Mrs. Percy Holland 4 - 7, Iffs band. Lady Carbutt 4 - 7, garden party. In bed till 3 o’c. Carriage fetched Dora & we went to Mrs. P.Holland’s dull at home. People w’d not amalgamate. On to Lady C’s, crowded, met many friends, excellent band Hungarians. Garden delightful. Glorious day, stayed an hour. Tuesday 9 July Mrs. Routh’s dinner, acc’t. Col Welby’s dinner at House of Commons. Unable to go alas! Mrs. Stannard’s at home to meet Sarah Bernhardt. Cannot go anywhere, little F. so bad. Wrote Mrs. Routh last night I unable to go. Lin enjoyed R’s dinner muchly, company dinner & wine. Wednesday 10 July Miss Bergheim’s wedding. Lady Tweedmouth’s evg. party 10.30. Mrs. Tattersall’s at home, Hungarian quartet 4 - 7. Lady Hayes Salter 4 - 7. Morg. fitted Berthe. To call Mrs. Burnand, out. To Lady Hayes Sadler met Irish lady! & Mr Vivian who asked me to his at home next Wednesday, & Mrs. Bosanquet. To Mrs. Tattersall’s, Midge & D, Mrs. Fernsley(?), Rooths etc. Thursday 11 July To be fitted Lady’s shirt association morning, & Madame Berthe. Flowers fr. Tabbie. Very stupid Miss M. Lady’s Asso. my bodice wrong. Left cards at Lady Tweedmouth’s. Lin enjoyed party there last night. Friday 12 July White here for day, v. slow worker. Darling M. up for Lords Eton & Harrow, & dear Roy from Dover looking splendid & in great form, never remember him better. He took M. to Lords after lunch & M. left from there for Vic Sta. 5.6 train. Roy out to dinner. I dined alone. Flowers lovely M. Saturday 13 July Dull close morg. Lin very restless all night after Mr. John Penn’s dinner, heat tries him so much. Darling M. came to luncheon unexpectedly bringing James. Left 2 o’c for Kings X to stay with Mr. Allan. Roy to Lords. Lin off taking photos model, home luncheon. Sunday 14 July Col & Mrs. Bosanquet dine here 7.30. Roy returns tonight to Dover. Maud & Lennie staying with Mr. Allan. Mr. Hogan called to see Roy morg. Roy out to lunch. Lin to Sir A. Hickman’s. Mr. Bret Harte, Mabel Wallace & Mr. Beaumont called. D.D. & Dora dined here also, quite a scramble as R. had to leave after. Monday 15 July Mrs. B. Partridge’s dinner 8 o’c. Maud up fr. Mr. Allan’s, here for luncheon, left at 4 o’c. Dora standing for Lin, here to luncheon. Very pleasant dinner of 8 at Mrs.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 P’s. Sir Bruce & Lady Seton, Mr. & Mrs. F.C.B. stayed v. late. Mr. Burnand in grand form. Depressed over pending operation to start with but soon cheered up. Tuesday 16 July Mrs. Ainsworth’s dinner 8 o’c. Bought 1/- worth flowers Barkers. To be fitted Lady’s Asso. Darling M. not here, no letter. Mrs. Hunter, Fanny Nembhard, Miss Rose Innes, Midge & Dora & Miss Tenniel called. 20 at Mrs. A’s to dinner. Met Mr. Huish’s sister & husband there. Mr. Bruce & Mr. Huntingdon sat on my two sides, former interesting. Wednesday 17 July Mrs. Bainbridge’s at home 9.30, Grafton Galleries. Mr. Vivian’s at home 24 Eaton Sqre. Fearfully hot, in a bath all day! Morg. to Lady’s in om, ordered hat. To Mr. Vivian’s at home. V. odd, can’t understand him or his, left soon, people feeding as if they had never been fed before. Called on Mrs. Beer, in, like her. Stores for my wee bag. Called on Mrs. Wallace. Thursday 18 July Lunch with Midge. V. good luncheon well served & peaceful, delicious the absence of hurry scurry. Out at 5 o’c to shop & enquired for Mr. E.Reed, better. Friday 19 July V. hot. Miss White here for day, works better if with her, desperately slow alone. To Marshalls ordered black canvas dress. Quiet evening. Roy returns fr. Dover dined 7 & off to theatre. Edgar called morg. to thank Lin, offer of Chatham ap’t fr. Sir E.Wood. Saturday 20 July Mrs. Harley’s daughter’s wedding 2.30. Mrs. F.Gordon 4 - 7, Bentley Priory. In all day. Lovely v. hot. Roy left by 4.30. I wish he would give his mind to intellectual pursuits, seems full of Gaiety songs & girls. Lin & self after dinner to “Sweet & Twenty” charming. Met Dickens. Sunday 21 July Lovely day, v. hot. Lin to Calais. Sat in garden. Arthur Linley, Ada Sp. & Miss Edwards & Miss Rose Innes called. Quiet evg. alone. Monday 22 July To Marshalls & stores to order Baby’s mail cart, to be sent off tomorrow morg. £1.7.6 & Maud’s birthday present £1.9.10. Quiet evening. Tuesday 23 July Only Lady Lockwood called. Col & Mrs. Welby & Miss Innes dined here. Went to stores morg. Most tiring spent 15/10 on fringe, flowers, fish etc, £1 wine. V. pleasant evg. tho’ disappointed in Weld Blundell & Judge Bacon. Wednesday 24 July Academy Soirée 9 o’c. To dine 7 Miss Rose Innes & to Opera, Melba “Romeo & Juliet”. Miss White here for day. Felt v. tired. Lin out to lunch. Mr. Kelly at Miss Innes had to leave Opera House. I enjoyed it immensely. Saw in distance Mr. Livesey, Mr. Vivian & Mrs. Evans. Lin to Academy Soirée. Thursday 25 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Awful storm lasted nearly all day. Lin much detained with work. Model here to lunch. Went in brougham to Whiteley for fish & fowl. Left letter Judge Bacon. Left Jamaica div. £1.13.6 at Bank. Maud here on my return, remains night. Friday 26 July Darling Maud off at 10 o’c shop’g. Left at 3 o’c again & returned Glovers. Met her at Ladies Shirt also for moment on her way to Station. She gave me bead chain & stores fr. Yapps. Sat with Lin, worked, dined late. Put away part of silver. Saturday 27 July Mrs. Messel, Nymans. Pouring wet stormy day. Packed up drawing room furniture with Minnie morning, 1½ hour only doing it tho’ roughly. To see exquisite Spanish paintings at Guildhall. Roy arrived during dinner fr. Arundel. Sunday 28 July V. hot. Lin at home working on Xmas drawing. Wrote, packed, & put things straight in drawers etc. No one came. Lin, Roy & self dinner, bed early. Monday 29 July Came to darling Maud’s by 2 train with Roy. Dull day some rain fine later, v. hot. Met Miss Venning & maid at Station. Found Miss Phillips, Conrad & Harold here. Seven to dinner. Tuesday 30 July Gorious day. Len, Maud, Con, Miss Phillips & Roy to Goodwood. Harold left by early train. Had lovely quiet day here but miss Baby v. much. All came back in good spirits but had lost all round. Dined at 8 & sat out after. Letter fr. Lin. Wednesday 31 July Lovely day. Letter fr. Lin, v. tired fr. work & heat. Quiet day in garden. Slept well & less dead mornings. Aug 1901 Thursday 1 August Lovely day. To Goodwood with Lennie & Maud’s party, Mr. Clement, Violet Phillips, Con & Roy. Mrs. Hohler & Miss Venning meeting us at Three Bridges Sta. Mr. Messel’s party 10 fr. Nymans, 17 in all. Delightful day. Lost all my money as usual. Edgar refused ap’t. offered by Sir E.Wood, Chatham. Lin came, here for dinner! 8.30 o’c. Friday 2 August Lovely day. Lin working comfortably in his dressing room. Sat out all day more or less. Violet & Mr. C. amusing themselves. Lennie came down v. tired. Lin & Roy for cycle ride evg. Saturday 3 August Mrs. Hohler’s cricket match & luncheon party on lawn. Violet, Mr. Clement, Maud, Lennie & self to match after lunch. Con & Roy to lunch H’s. Violet left & Mr. & Mrs. Hemming came. Mrs. H. plays charmingly. Violet’s departure caused depression! To 3 people! Sunday 4 August Due. To Church, Len, M. self, Mr. & Mrs. Hemming, Mr. Clement & Con. Lin & Roy at home. Mr. & Mrs. Hohler, Miss & Mr. Venning, Mr. Dent on his Motor & Mr.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maudaunt to tea, 17 in all! M. & self in Motor, rather nervous wizzing down hill & round corner near shave of accident. Music evg. Monday 5 August Darling Maud’s birthday. All of us to Nymans. Lennie & Mrs. Hemming in dog cart. Maud, Con, Mr. Hemming, Roy, Mr. Clement & self in break. Sat down 20 to luncheon. Marcus Stones, Mr. Langworthy, Miss Laprimarley(?), Val Fildes, Mrs. Sington, 12 with Messel family & our party of 8, 20! Lin remains at home. More people for tea out on lawn, Tates & a pretty Miss Tate. Tuesday 6 August Dull day, rain, cloud. Mr. Clement left at 2.15. Con & Roy drove in with him. In all day. Wednesday 7 August Lin went up at 4 o’c. Sat out. Maud tired, c’d not go to Mrs. Hohlers. Lennie, Harold & Mr. Henning, Roy & Con still here. Lennie v. tired evg. Forgot himself entirely about Lady Grove, unworthy subject for heated discussion. Songs, music. Dull evg, darling tired, miss Lin’s bright humour. Thursday 8 August Maudie slept badly & looked v. seedy. Lennie much better evg. & all quieter. Went with Maud & Mrs. Hemming to call on Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Tate’s sister, & tea at Mrs. Heron’s. Miss Chapman there, kindred spirit. Peaches. Harold here evg. Hope darling Maud will sleep tonight. Sir John Heron - Massington’s son has joined Mr. Messel’s firm. Friday 9 August Con & Roy left by 12 train. Con for Henley, Roy indefinite! Mrs. Heron & Miss Chapman to tea. Swarm of ants on Maud’s hat playing croquet. Only Mr. & Mrs. Hemming, Lennie, M. & self dinner, quieter. Songs. Saturday 10 August “Palatine” cruise indefinitely postponed, Mrs. Watney & Dr Barker ill. Lovely day. Mr. & Mrs. Hemming left, Maud to town also, returns with Miss Clifford. Lin coming. Letter fr. Mervyn, at Henley visiting. Lin unable to come until tomorrow. Lady Rendal called. Miss C. with Maud, train hour late. Sunday 11 August Church. Lin arrived before luncheon fr. Red Hill, carriage to fetch him. Invitation fr. Mr. Watney for 10th Sep, Tressady. Roy to Portsmouth tomorrow. Monday 12 August Emma goes for holiday until next Monday. Roy to Portsmouth. Tuesday 13 August Lennie thrown out of dog cart going to station, hurt ankle & side of leg. X. Providential no worse, horse got rein under tail. Mr. & Mrs. Messel came over to tea, & enquire. Played raquets with Ethel Clifford. Croquet with E.C. & darling M. evg. Mrs. Hohler called with a cousin who knows Tabs & admires her. Wednesday 14 August Lin goes to town 4 o’c. Dr Parker to see Lennie morg. Played raquets with E. Clifford.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 15 August Pouring wet day. Fine later. Ethel Clifford left. Fine wasp slaughter. Lovely at 11.30. Nana & self in brougham to meet darling Baby arrive fr. Littlehampton, looked lovely & full of health. Saw him off in Messel carriage for Nymans. M. & self in Vic to Horley to see E.C. off. M. saw 2 v. nice housemaids both satisfactory & difficult to choose. Friday 16 August Lovely day. Lennie & M. to Nymans in Vic & pair, luggage in 4 wheel dog cart & run away horse! Lin sent 3 brace of grouse fr. Vernon Watney. Grey horse behaved well. Lennie kept coachman, Vic & pair Nymans, only grey & pony here. James left. Saturday 17 August Wire Lin arriving 5 tonight, also new footman. Grey pony met him & man. Lovely day. Nana having thorough turn out Hall. Groom & grey horse to Nymans with togs. Letter fr. Roy fr. Portsmouth. Lin arrived, walked & posted telegram to Mrs. Messel unable to go to Nymans, work. Lin for short cycle ride. New footman arrived. Sunday 18 August Glorious day. Quiet peaceful morning reading & writing. Lin working. Monday 19 August Dear Roy’s birthday. Quiet uneventful day here Glovers. Very hot. Read Memories of the Courts of Europe by Swinburne, 2 vols. V. well written & most interesting. Walk before dinner with Lin, lost our way in woods. Tuesday 20 August Lovely day. Letters fr. darling Maud & Lady Margaret. M. & Lennie returning fr. Nymans today. Lennie not well enough to come back. Coachman returned bringing letter fr. darling Maud. Quiet day of work & reading. Walk before dinner with Lin. Wednesday 21 August Lin & self go to London by 4.45 train. Fine day. Packed morning. Lennie & Maud returning to Glovers tomorrow if well enough for their house party Saty. Pas très content de ma chambre, poussière derrière le lit. Thursday 22 August X. Fine. Stood to Lin, wreath. La “loup” se fâche à l’ordinaire si on lui parle sur aucune chose m’embête beauc(?)X. Sent allotment letter & Banker’s receipt to the secretary Hubert Akers 11 Abchurch Lane London E.C of 12 Waihi shares fully paid. Share cert. to be sent to L. & County Bank. Friday 23 August Propose going to Tabs. Went to Tisbury by 3 train, £1.10.0. Lin got me pass. Cab 3/- porters 1/-. Found Tabs, Gwen, Eve & 2 boys & Miss Holland only there. Mrs. Benett Stanford & a Miss Murray playing tennis. Pyt looks larger after 2 years absence. Saturday 24 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin to Mr. Wolff’s until next Sunday. Went with Tabs & Gareth to tea at Col & Mrs. Besta, nice family, saw young Grove a handsome boy & Miss Farquharson there. Marcia. Lovely drive. The Wimbledon Schwanns taken “Fern” for 6 months. Miss H.V. nice person. Sunday 25 August Lovely day. Read morg & wrote, afternoon rested with fire. Some acidity & indigestion fr. 1.30 to 4.30! So no better for it! Walked after. Quiet evg. Monday 26 August Gale blowing. To call with Tabs & Miss Holland at Fern on the Schwanns, not arrived. Do not care for place. Marcia Farquharson came for night on her bicycle, sings & plays divinely. Tuesday 27 August Blowy dull morg. Wrote letters, listened to Miss Farquharson. Drove to see house for Miss Penruddock, taken by Countess Tolstoi & Mr Stanhope. Lovely house, passages & staircases. Wednesday 28 August Garden party. Walked & saw drains v. complicated. Garden party & tournament great success. Ld & Lady Stalbridge, Lady Queensberry, Lady Grove, Mrs. Best, Mrs. B. Stanford, Gordens, Edens etc. Dead tired & had to pack. Thursday 29 August Miss Penruddock returned with me from Pyt as far as Salisbury. Tabs & Miss H. left by early train. Unpacked here & went off to Norfolk Hotel where I dined with Mervyn, Ethel, Midge & Tabbie. Sat in Mervyn’s room after whilst they finished packing. Cab there & back. Friday 30 August Up at 7, off at ¼ to 9 to Norfolk Hotel. Went in cab with Midge & Tabs to see Mervyn & Ethel off on “Gothic” for New Zealand. Fine ship, uninteresting passengers. Had champagne in Mervyn’s cabin & impromptu lunch. Saw ship tugged off, back to Fenchurch St. Sta. Saw Midge off & Tabs & I separated at Metropolitan. Saturday 31 August Went off to Tabbie 10 o’c. Cab 2/-. £1 store Bond St. Walked down Bond St. Lunched at Norfolk, beastly. To Waterloo with Tabs saw her off. Heavy rain. Om home 9d, papers 2d. To bed early. Cold chicken. Flowers. Sep 1901 Sunday 1 September Lovely day. Lin arrived 10.15 from Mr. Wolff’s, Ballechin Ballanluig Perth. Minnie out morg. 10 o’c, Freda afternoon & evg. Minnie out last Sat to Monday. Monday 2 September X. Pay 17/6 on single allotted share in Waihi gold mine. Paid. More bother than it’s worth. Left the 1 share Waihi Certificate at Bank. X. Also paid back £100 I owe to Bank, leaving £200 owing. Mistake Pass Book, Arg. Gt. W. div. entered in Lin’s book. X. To 1st night “When we were 21” excellent. Fildes there, Alexander, Trees, Levis etc.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 3 September Out shops. Miss White here fitting blue silk bodice. Paid her 6/6 for black & white cotton bodice, dear. To “Toreador” Gaiety, cram’d. V. good & pretty girls. Wednesday 4 September Minnie going. Out morg. shop’g. Met Winifred Jackson & Daisie looking older but v. handsome. Also “Little Common” who goes to Ostend & then to Ferne for shooting. Lin & self both indigestion cannot understand why. Thursday 5 September Tate wedding! Unable to go. Fearful headache again & dzziness. X. Evg. ami au soir. 4 days & 8 weeks behind. Shops morg. Changed cheque £4. Sent tea etc to Aunt Barbara, paid for it. Lin hard at work dined 9 o’c. Saw Nash foreman about kitchen passages. Friday 6 September In bed 12.30. Read & finished “Tristram of Bluet” Anthony Hope, good. Sat with Lin worked, read. Dined 9.30. V. tired. Saturday 7 September Attempted assassination of Mr. Mackinlay American President! Fine. Bed till 2 o’c. Luke Fildes with Lin to see “Kitty Grey” in my place! White here at 4. Cut out flan. bodice & altered blue silk just made, 12/6 for making it. No letter fr. Maud. Sunday 8 September Close stuffy day. In bed till 12.30. Read all day & wrote Maud & Roy. Lin v. late at club after theatre with L.Fildes, 2 o’c, consequently tired. Took out his perfectly sound tooth & depressed therewith! Monday 9 September In bed till 12.30. Read “A Master of Craft” Jacobs, tiresome. After luncheon Minnie packed my boxes, ready by 6 o’c. Close stuffy day. Long letter fr. Maud. Tuesday 10 September Tressady. In bed till 12 o’c. Dull but more air. Left Euston by 8 o’c L.N.W. line. Wednesday 11 September Arrived Rogart 1.30, 2 o’c Tressady. Found Lady M. & two litle girls well. Rested after bath until 7. Mr. Richards, Sir Richard Rycroft & Mr. Douglas here. Mrs. Richards 3rd baby girl arrived a month ago. New Alphabet game. Thursday 12 September Lovely day, as yesterday, warm & sunny. Lin shooting. Mr. Watney only at home. Lady M. read “Marbot” & afternoon Charles XII Sweden. Sat out. Long letter fr. Maud all her invalides better. Friday 13 September To Lairg for Highland Games. Lady M. gave away prizes. Bag pipes overpowering. Throwing of hammer, dancing, high jumps etc. Home by ¼ to 7. Mr. Ryle came for 3 nights. Saturday 14 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Read. Still fine. Serious news of President Mackinlay, cannot recover. Died 7.30 from failure of heart action due to shock fr. shooting & much smoking. Sunday 15 September Cricket match! Lovely day. No letter yesterday or today fr. Maud. Monday 16 September Lovely day. Mr. Ryle left. Madame left. All rest out. Miss Mackintosh to tea. Tuesday 17 September Fine. Wind, not much sun. Walked & read Charles XII Sweden. Long letter fr. darling M, v. worried with small domesticities. Wednesday 18 September Rain keeps off. Lady M. read morning C.XII most interesting. To Angus Mackay’s. Lady M. most kindly gave me material for suit for Lin. V. pretty stuff & colour. Thursday 19 September to Monday 23 September (all blank) Tuesday 24 September Retrurned fr. Tressady. Dined Perth 8 o’c. Saw Mr. Watney & Richards at Bonar Bridge, gave us his Scotsman. Bad news of Lovats Scouts. Met Col (blank) at Inverness. Wednesday 25 September Arrived Staf. Ter. 10 o’c, late. Unpacked, bathed & rested after dressing, rest of day reading. Roy came fr. Glovers 6 o’c. We dined at 7.30. Bed 10 o’c. Breakfasted by Electric light, a yellow haze. Stuffy & warm. Thurday 26 September Lovely day. Roy to City 9.30. Dined at 8 15. Roy only started at his present place Brokers office last Monday. Friday 27 September Fine day, warm. Sat out by Round Pond all morg. Read to Lin afternoon. Dined 9.30. My digestion going again. Saturday 26 September I came to Glovers by 4.5 train. Second carriage full of ladies. Con met me Horley. Darling Maud looking pale but well. Nana v. seedy. Sunday 29 September Lovely day & v. warm. Maud & I sat in field reading book on “Perugia” all morg. Happy peaceful day. Lin & Roy cycled down by train, arrived at 4.30 tired. Monday 30 September Lin to London. Con drove him to Reigate. Maud & I lunched at Mrs. Hohler’s, only Lady Goring there. Lovely day, called on Miss Fitzgerald & Miss Gibbs. Lovely warm sunny day, v. hot. Roy off early by train. Oct 1901 Tuesday 1 October Lovely warm sunny morg. Batch of family news (2 letters fr. Edgar, Spinks etc.) Sat about. Read.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 2 October Wet. Drove with Con to Horley & to Cottage Home. No news. Decided to return tomorrow Staf. Ter. so wet. Thursday 3 October Lovely day. Maud & I came to Staf. Ter. by 4.41, 2 nd class. Lin & Roy well. We dined at 8 o’c. Friday 4 October Very wet & dark. Lin went after dinner to Ely where he sleeps, going on to Mr. Lawrence early in the morg. & returning Sunday night. Quiet evg. with Roy & Maud. Slept with Maud. Saturday 5 October X. Out morg. & sat with Maud at Round Pond. To Bank, paid off £100, this leaves still £100 owing. Maud took places for 3 stalls “Kitty Grey” Apollo Theatre. Very good, enjoyed it muchly. Duke of Cambridge there, & Mr. & Mrs. McCalmont in stalls. Sunday 6 October Strange April day! Heavy showers & sunshine, strong wind. Edgar & Sophy dine here. Lin returns from Mr. Lawrence’s. Arranged flowers all morg!!! Lin brought 2½ brace partridges. V. pleasant evg. but Roy looks seedy. Monday 7 October X. Roy v. seedy heavy & feverish. Went to City, returned whilst we were at luncheon. Maud & self for walk to ask Dr O. to come, & to enquire Mrs. de la Penha. Dr O. came. Roy v. feverish, to bed after tea. Tuesday 8 October To Mrs. Corbett’s, Gourach until 15th. Unable to go till Saty. Roy in bed still, Orton coming. Roy feverish in bed all day. Evelyn called brim full of her engagement which goes on well. Wednesday 9 October Lovely day. Orton came. Roy’s temperature over 100, remains in bed. Lin to dentist morg. Maud out with Evelyn C. Both here to luncheon. Sat with Roy all afternoon & evg. Thursday 10 October Tilda comes. Postponed until tomorrow. Lennie arrives from Scotland, here tonight. Sleeps here. Lovely day. Orton. Friday 11 October Lennie & Maud to Glovers 4 train. Lin went Glovers after dinner arriving Red Hill 11.30. Tilda came, looks well. Roy in bed all day feverish. Mr. Hogan & Mabel W. to tea with Roy. Decided not to go. Saturday 12 October Lin at Glovers, Nymans shoot. Leave by 10 o’c fr. Euston for Mrs. Corbett’s, Glasgow. Cannot go on account of Roy. He seems better today. Tilda & self feeling very seedy with heavy colds, hers in head, mine in throat. Midge & Dora & Maud Paxton to tea. Tilda & self out morg. Orton came. Roy in bed all day.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 13 October Feel v. seedy. Could not sleep on account of bad throat & feverish. Orton came morg. Roy up in drawing room for lunch, tea & dinner. Mr. Paxton to tea. Throat v. bad after. Foggy day. Lin at Glovers. Monday 14 October Roy better, out afternoon, seems weak. Feel convinced influenza. Tilda & self v. seedy cold & throats. Out for short walk. Lin returned fr. Glovers 10.30, well, with 2 pheasants. Tuesday 15 October Tilda & self walked round Pond. Feel seedy & weak, don’t think well enough to visit. No one called. Roy out afternoon. Wednesday 16 October V. wet morg. Fine later. Roy going to Pyt until Tuesday by 3 o’c train. Wired to Mrs. Ferguson unable to go feel too seedy. Had temperature morg. & then sweat, & feel generally seedy. Emma & Minnie out afternoon & evg! E. out Sunday afternoon & evg! Thursday 17 October To Mrs Johnson Ferguson’s until 23rd. Unable to go too seedy. Went morg. about maids, saw 2, no good. Saw 5 evg. here fr. Mrs. Mason. Harold called to enquire for Roy. Mr. Guthrie called to enquire for me, seemed surprised to see me better. Lin v. busy. Graham 5/-. Friday 18 October Fine early wet later. Tilda mending for me! X. Lin leaves after dinner tonight, Springkell. No letter fr. Roy. Long letter fr. darling Maud. Saw many maids all v. common. Saturday 19 October Curtains up in drawing room. Girls worked well, room looked charming. Quiet evg. & bed early. Wire fr. Lin, reached Carlisle hour late. Sunday 20 October V. fine. Toula & self long walk, saw Eve & Mr. Saubey. Midge & Dora to tea both looking v. well & handsome. Minnie out afternoon & evening. Cold pigeon pie, soup & cold sweet only. Monday 21 October Fine. Toula & self for long walk morg. Toula off after lunch to stores. Read Peter I, Voltaire. Saw little short maid & heard of a 6 foot one! Seen no one at all likely, all so common. Letter fr. Lennie asking me to go to Glovers. Tuesday 22 October Wet. No letter fr. Roy since he left, do not know if he returns today or not. Letter fr. darling Maud, fear she is not well. Otley doing top loft & making an unavoidable mess. Wednesday 23 October Leave Mrs. Johnson Ferguson. Frieda out afternoon.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 24 October Roy returned fr. Pyt in time for luncheon. Sat with Lin & read “Sir Richard Calmady” fr. 5 to 8. Clever story. Out morg. for walk & shop. Tilda out to luncheon. Rangly dinner felt head bad. Friday 25 October Lin leaves after dinner for Mr. C. Lawrence “Hockwold” until Wednesday. I came by 4.5 to Glovers. Darling Maud & Nonie met me station. Saw Mrs. Leek & Mr. Ansdell. Con v. well & Lennie looking better. Maud not looking well. Toula went to take character of maid, lady out. Saturday 26 October Maudie in bed all day v. seedy. X. Ami et bien mal. Mrs Tate & sister in law Mrs. Robertson to tea. Mr. Marriott came to stay unill Monday. Heard of 2 maids more. Lovely day. Sunday 27 October Lovely day. Very bad, great effort to get about, only down to luncheon. Three American ladies to luncheon, Mrs. & Miss Niven & Miss Davidson. Maudie in bed all day, better. Freda out afternoon & evg. Monday 28 October Emma out evg. Lovely day, very warm. 12.30 up, better night. Mr. Marriott left morg. Darling Maud ear-ache all night. Long letter from Lin fr. Hockwold, delightful house party there. Lin had headache on arrival. Lin shot 83 head of game today at Hockwold. Tuesday 29 October Lovely day. Maudie still v. seedy but down to dinner. Conrad to Brighton for night. Lennie depressed lost on stock exchange. Conrad drove grey to Brighton & remains night. Wednesday 30 October Lovely day v. warm. Walked with Maud, feel much better self. Bath chair arrived & M. went in it to Post with Nonie, Hobbs & Nurse. Maud very faint unable to go down to dinner. Thursday 31 October Wired return home tomorrow. Lennie goes to Nymans for shoot there. I sleep with Maud. Went for long drive with Conrad in Lennie’s dog cart. Maud with Nurse F. & Baby, bath chair. Nov 1901 Friday 1 November Returned morg fr. Maud’s, Glovers. Con drove me to Station with grey. Vic Sta. all decorated for King & Queen’s return with Duke & Duchess of York. Dinner late. Mr. Holland sent me 2 grouse & 2 pheasants. Saturday 2 November X. Minnie leaves & Amy Bateman comes X. Mr. Galbraith called tea time, had talk with him. Lin with Mr. De Pass shooting, returned to dinner bringing 2 pheasants. Roy out after dinner. Sunday 3 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin & Roy off to Glovers. Mistake about train! Fog. Tilda & self walked to Midge’s, out. Mr. Congreve & Mr. Rich staying there!!! Freda out morg. New maid out afternoon. Monday 4 November Lin & Roy return. Fog. Toula left for Park. Went to her doctor early & for walk with me, v. foggy & cold. Expected Midge & Dora. Unable to come on account of fog. Tuesday 5 November X. Fog, cold. In all morg. helping Roy pack. La nouvelle s’en (illeg), lente & lourde, point de perte(?). Box for Lyceum “Sherlock Holmes” Midge & Dora joined us there. Packed with Roy. Wednesday 6 November Lennie & Roy go to America. Darling Maud comes here. Ill, unable to come, Eve C. with her. Lin to see Roy off, all Messels at Euston. Roy mislaid his ticket, found after in bag. Caused great inconvenience to Lin. Alone evg. Freda out. Thursday 7 November Wire fr. Con, Maud ill, lesions. Nurse Millie wired for. Mrs. Fildes, Midge & Dora to tea. Lin not looking very well, liver. Friday 8 November Came to Glovers by 4.15 train. Nurse F. with me, & Dr Pollock. Found Maud in bed, Nurse Millie there. Has to lie up until Monday & go up to Gloucester Ter. in invalid carriege. Dr P. left by 7 o’c train. Had v. narrow shave of prematuire birth. Saturday 9 November To Pyt for 2nd shoot until Wednesday, unable to go. Lin went to Pyt alone. Eve C. to town. Geoff & Conrad coming until Monday. Took Nonie for walk until Nurse F. had finished linen. Maudie tired. Sunday 10 November Geoff & Con to Church. In all day. Much annoyed by loud talking of the two nurses, odd as both are quiet alone. Gets on one’s nerves. Monday 11 November Came up fr. Glovers by 2.44 train, invalid carriage for Maud. Mrs. Messel, Sington, Eve C. & Otley met us. Sent on M. Nurse Millie & Eve in brougham, hired India (illeg) I with om. & Otley. Returning to dine alone in drawing room Staf. Ter. Saw darling Maud in to bed, v. tired poor darling. Tuesday 12 November Breakfasted in bed & walked to Queens Road, om. on to Maud. Found her looking much better, Mrs. Messel & Eve C. there. Mr. M. had been. Mrs. Hohler & Mrs. Messel (again) to Maud’s at tea time. Waited & saw Dr P. M. comes to me Saturday when Nurse Millie leaves. Wednesday 13 November Return from Pyt. Out morg. shops. Wet & dull. Met Eve C. To Maud’s after luncheon, found her better on sofa. Eve C. Maud Paxton & Ruth M. called & had tea. Nurse Millie at Stores for Maud. Darling looking better. Otley met Lin at Waterloo 7 o’c fr. Pyt. E. & new maid out.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 14 November Lin not looking well, livery about eyes. To see darling, found her better. Con there. Sat & talked, cab’d home. Friday 15 November Fog. Out morg. Met Eve C, walked to see Midge. V. ill in bed. Waddie there. Dora going to lunch Nembhards. Read “Links with the past” to Lin. 9.30 dined. Felt v. tired. Lin headache. Maud for drive today. Saturday 17 November Fog. Darling Maud & Nurse M. to lunch. Nurse M. had to go to Midge directly after. Freda took charge of Maud. Lin & self to see “Iris”, v. good. Awful experience in fog returning. Maudie down to dinner & played patience after. Consultation Orton & Pollock on Midge, miscarriage!!! Sunday 17 November Fog, fine later. Darling Maud good night. Lin & self walked to Hyde Pk. Corner & back! Lunched, Maud down but had to lie up directly after in her room & dine there. Mrs. Dent called. Lin & self dined alone. Saw little German maid. Monday 18 November Mrs. Roger Wallace. Maudie bad toothache in bed all day. Man fr. Whiteley about gate. Some man called 12 o’c to interview Lin. Midge’s illness miscarriage!!! Orton as usual no good. Consultation Saturday with Dr Pollock who discovered it. Tuesday 19 November Mrs. Wallace, Mabel, Ruth & Mrs. Messel called. M’s tooth v. bad poor darling, no rest. Mr. Herbert came twice but only probed a little, afraid of hurting her. Mrs. Nembhard & May, Mrs. Romer, called. Elsie Mills expecting in Dec. Out morg. Wednesday 20 November Maud’s tooth v. bad, better later. Hilda Messel & Mrs. M. called. No, Hilda only came & sat some time after tea. 4 cablegrams fr. Lennie. Went in Maud’s carriage round Park. X. Ami. Mr. Herbert sent to enquire for Maud. Thursday 21 November Dull. Darling M. slept better & came into my bed morg. Nana arrived after lunch, sleeps here tonight. Evelyn came to tea & went in Maud’s carriage to see about teagowns, flowers. Maud v. tired. Nana saw her to bed. Friday 22 November Mrs. Goodbody, 6 Chandos Street Cavendish Sqre, 4 - 7. Maud bad night, must be more particular with her & let no one into her room for 1½ hrs after lunch. Invitation to dine Col. Welby’s tonight. Saturday 23 November Mrs. F. Goodbody, 6 Chandos Sqre. Nana left for Glovers. Went to matinée of “San Toy” Dora & Mr. Rich joined us there. Mr. Stone came on with Linley. Drove Dora home. Sunday 24 November In bed till 12.30. Maud in bath chair with Lin. Spencer called, v. busy & fussy as usual. Maudie v. seedy. Monday 25 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Roy’s budget at dinner, v. funny, fr. New York. Nonie & Nurse Francis came afternoon. Maudie for drive morg. to see about teagown. I went to Midge afternoon, took Nurse F. & Baby. Mrs. Kettle there. Midge better, on sofa. Nurse Millie back. Darling Maud down to dinner & 2 games of Patience after. Tuesday 26 November Dinner at Lord Chief Justice ¼ to 8. Felt v. seedy. Out morg. shops. Maud Eve & Nonie in carriage shop’g & Crawfurd brought Nonie as Nurse was ill. Eve had to take him home, naughty. Sat between Lord Chelmsford & Mr. Justice Darling. Most interesting talk. Introduced to Sir Fleetwood Wilson & Mrs. Moon. 24 to dinner. Mrs. P. Simpson, Desirée Welby, Miss Jones. Nurse Millie came. Wednesday 27 November Went with Maudie morg. Face all swollen & feel horribly seedy generally. M. & self tried to walk but had to get into carriage again, so seedy. Fine couple. Darling Nonie with Nurse F. Nonie getting v. naughty & quaint. Maud Paxton & Lady Margaret to tea, latter full of Buller controversy. M. & self dined in drawing room. Lin home in carr. fr. Punch dinner. Thursday 28 November Mrs. Messel’s dinner 8 o’c. Accepted for both. Unable to go my face all swollen & feel generally bad, for no reason, maddening. Lin met no one of importance at Messel. Binns Smith, Sington, Hemmings, etc. Nonie boy here morg. Friday 29 November In bed all day, v. seedy & feel complete wreck. Maudie dined in my bedroom. Nonie boy here morg. Nurse Millie called but Maud & self resting. Midge & Nurse Millie go to Grand Hotel Eastbourne tomorrow. Saturday 30 November In bed till tea time, feel v. seedy & weak. Had to return 2 matinée stalls “Second in Command”. Dora to tea. Nurse F. goes for fortnight’s holiday, Nurse Maud in her place. Maudie had bad night, went for drive with Maud P. Lin working all day, lovely drawing. Dec 1901 Sunday 1 December Waihi to be paid, 15/- to pay up fully. Let Bank know as they hold certificate. Mrs. George Armstrong at home. Maudie out Bath chair morning, escaped convict drawing her!!! Lin to club for luncheon. Dora dines here. Mr. Bret Harte, Mr. Blair & Harold called! Dora dined here, Maudie in her room. Monday 2 December Lady Monckton. Maud letter fr. Lennie. Eve & Maud to Glouc Ter. for lunch. I fetched them at 4 o’c. Drove to Serpentine in Maud’s carriage & walked home. Felt better for air. Tuesday 3 December Walked down Row morg, had brougham, met Ruth & Muriel riding. Feel v. seedy. Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Palgrave Simpson, Mabel & Mrs. Wallace called. Wednesday 4 December Nonie to lunch. Did not come. Maud & self to Gloucester Ter. to do flowers & unpack before luncheon. All looks v. nice there. Had quiet afternoon here


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 together & dined in drawing room. Freda out. Played Patience. Sent Otley midnight to meet Lennie & Roy Euston. Thursday 5 December Desirée Welby’s dinner 8 o’c. Lennie arrived Euston with Roy midnight. Sent Otley to meet them. Lennie came here, found him in Maud’s bed this morg! Roy & Lennie here to lunch both well. Roy delighted with America & Americans. Mrs. Messel called to see Lennie. Roy dined at Maud’s & slept there. Darling much upset going, so weak. She & Lennie to Glouc. Ter. 5 o’c. Miss her dreadfully. V. pleasant dinner. Met Lady Buxton who asked me to call. Friday 6 December Mr. W. Stone’s dinner 8 o’c. Unable to accept. To Maud’s, found her better, much. She returned with me to luncheon & Roy & Lennie came at 2.30 & lunched. After tea they went off, Roy staying there another night. Both vaccinated tonight!! Darling M. left here at 6 o’c, tired. C’d not lie down in her stays here as Lennie & Roy were here. Saturday 7 December To matinée with Lin “The last of the Dandies” v. good. To see Maud on way back. They had been to “Kitty Grey” taking Roy who is still there. Con comes to us tomorrow for 2 nights. Sunday 8 December Maud, Lennie, Roy & Con dined here. Con remains. Lin & self for walk morg. Beastly weather, rain & horrid generally. Maudie looks fairly well only. Monday 9 December Lady Monckton. Out morg. Darling Maud to luncheon. Con here, dines with Lennie & Maud. Roy still remaining at Goucester Ter. Tuesday 10 December Out morning. Walked to Midge’s, looks well, in bed with Little F. Only Daisie Robertson called. Drove her to Galbraiths at 5.30 & sent her home to Midge’s in carriage. Stupid little person with intellect of ant. Lin hard at work. Con left for Glovers. Wednesday 11 December To Stores morg. Left Pass book Barkers. Lin’s cough troublesome. Roy home at night, 3 o’c!!! Emma let him in. Roy & self dined at darling M’s. Baby & Nurse to lunch. Roy & Lennie’s arms bad, vaccination. Thursday 12 December Pouring wet day, bad for dear Lin’s work & cough. Roy up v. late, left for town 10 o’c. Not in till 3 o’c this morg!!! Roy, Lin & self to dinner. Minnie called, see Lady tomorrow for her. Friday 13 December Mrs. Palgrave Simpson 4 - 6. Shop’g morg. Saw two ladies for Minnie, going as useful maid, boarding house. At 3.30 to Maud. Better, in her room with Miss Cusans. Roy dines with Maud tonight. Roy’s arm bad. Saturday 14 December Mrs. Galbraith, covert shoot. Lady Richmond 4 - 7. Out morg. Darling Maud spent day here & dined alone with Lin & self. Lennie to tea in my room with us. Lennie,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Roy & Harold dined Westbourne Ter. 7.30 & to “Iolanthe” & Savoy after. Roy’s arm very bad. Sunday 15 December Maud & Lennie dined here. Darling M. v. seedy after, left 10 o’c & sent at once for Nurse Millie. Walked to Midge’s morg. Stayed some time. Read all afternoon to Lin who finished drawing Father Xmas. Lin left for Galbraiths by 11 o’c night train due 7 tomorrow morg. Monday 16 December Lady Monckton. Wire fr. Maud, her carriage fetched me 11.30. Parlage avec fille qui s’en aille jour de l’au. Found darling M. in bed. Nurse M. there & Dr Pollock. Nurse M. to remain one month & Maud not to move off her bed for 10 days. Returned 5.30. Tuesday 17 December Stores 9.30. Tremendous morg. Called at Maud’s way home, better little. Midge to lunch, left 3.30. Roy out after dinner. Heard dreadful news death of little Toby Gill, blood poisoning. Wednesday 18 December Lin returned Terregles, dined at home. I went by bus to Maud, stayed till 6.30. Looks v. seedy & thin in bed. Out morg. shops. Lin, Roy & self dined alone, Patience. Lin worried about something, enjoyed Galbraith visit. Thursday 19 December Leave Mrs. Galbraith’s. Lovely day. Go Maud 2 o’c. Lin out to luncheon. Violet P. & Maud P. at Maud’s. Maudie busy arranging her presents. Nurse M. out shop’g for her. Nonie boy to his first party, Lester Reeds. Friday 20 December X. Ami au soir. To Maud’s afernoon, looks better. V. busy with her presents & Nurse M. shop’g hard for her. Mabel W. & Ada Sp. called, former I left at fiancé’s. Nonie to tea Mrs. Hohler’s. Saturday 21 December Lin returned fr. Nymans with Lennie, dined at Gloucester Ter. 9.o’c with Lennie & Mr. Hunter Blair. Roy dined alone here. I in bed all day awfully bad with Little F. Nurse Francis returns & Nurse Maud leaves. Sunday 22 December In bed all day, awfully bad with little F. Mr. Paxton called. Lin hard at work all day. Monday 23 December In bed till 12.30, fog. Lin busy at work all day. We dined alone, Roy to Lennie dine. Tuesday 24 December In bed till 12.30. Glorious morg. Going out 2.15 brougham. Lettre de la fille, pas (illeg) on l’a offert plus de gages. Roy dines at Lennie’s. Ottie a boy!!! Called Maud’s, saw Nonie & Nurse F. excitée et parlant haut. Left flower for my darling Nonie to take in & lilies fr. Eve C. Wednesday 25 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 In bed till 12 o’c. Lin hard at work all day. Roy & Con lunched with Lennie Gloucester Ter. I drove 2.30 Maud’s, in bed with quantities lovely flowers & presents all round her. Gave us all lovely things too much the darling. Nonie v. sweet, to church, & sang! Lin, Roy & self alone here, quiet evg. Lennie & Roy for walk. Thursday 26 December Lovely day. Con to luncheon. To Maud’s after lunch. Sat all afternoon with her. Violet P. there & Maud P. Friday 27 December To Maud’s after luncheon. Maud P. there. Roy dined at Lennie’s. Saturday 28 December Lin & self to see Seymour Hicks & Ellaline Terriss in Bluebell, fairyland matinée, charming. To see Maud after. Lennie there un peu difficile. Lin, Roy self alone. Con to luncheon. Sunday 29 December To darling Maud’s mornong, alone, better. Roy & self alone here luncheon. Lennie, Will Oakes & Douglas called tea. Lin, Roy, self alone dinner. Monday 30 December X. Paid £35 B.A.Gt Southern Ex 1906 £2.10.0 on 14 shres at 15 prem, 1 st call. La fille reste jusqu'à Mercredi en nuit. To Her Majesty’s “Last of the Dandies” evg. Lin, Roy self. Asked Lennie uncertain if he comes. Tuesday 31 December To darling Maud morning for short time. Mad’lle there, drove her to Kens. church. Maudie looking pale & tired, her eyes painful. Roy & Lennie to Nymans for day’s shoot tomorrow, return Thurs morg. Lin & self alone, quiet evg. Very bad year financially. Received during 1900 from Trust account: Private ac’t: Total:

£412. 9. 5 £155.13. 4 £568. 2. 9

Invested during 1900 £100 ord. stock allot. Gt Eastern at 108 108. 0. 0 Christiania loan at 97. 5 £5 allot shrs Cent Argt 97. 0. 0 Chinese 6%, 96, No 1155 at 98 98. 2. 6 10 £10 allot 5% Pref B.A. Gt. Southern at 2 prem 70. 0. 0 Total £398. 2. 6 Borrowed £300 fr Bank at 4% Dec. & bought 25 Waihi Gold shrs at 11¼ with com etc Balance from 1900 at Bank Balance from borrowed £300

£284. 3. 6 96.19. 4 15.16. 6

Received Trust account during 1901 Jan Argt. Gt. Western 19. 0. 0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Cent Uraguay Local loans Feby Peebles Gt. Western Brazil March Cordoba April B.N. Atlantic S.C. Local loans Illinois Cord Rly June Canadian Pacific Lehigh Valley July Uraguay Rly Local loans Aug Gt.Western Brazil Peebles September Cordoba Rosario Arg. Gt. Western Due July entered by mistake in Linlers book

23.15.0 17.0 23.10. 3 28.10. 0 19. 0. 0 23.15. 0 1. 0. 9 19. 4. 1 23.10.10 21.12. 1 23.12.11 1. 0. 9 28. 7. 6 23. 8. 2 18.17.3 18.18. 4 316.19.11

Received during 1901 from Private ac’t Jany Profit on sale of Waihi fraction 9. 4 Chinese 2.17. 0 B. Ayres Rosario 1.18. 0 Cordoba Central 1.18. 0 Wirral 1.17.11 B.A. Western 4. 5. 11 B.A. Pacific 5. 4 ditto 3. 5 Feby Christiania 1.18. 0 Jamaica 19. 4 ditto 3. 6. 6 Hull Rly 3.16. 0 Gt. Eastern Rly 1.18. 0 Midland 6.14. 3 Mar Waihi 3. 2. 6 Harrods 13.11 Furniss 1.13. 3 Glas. S. Western 1.18. 8 April B.A. Gt Southern 21.19. 9 B. Ayres Trams 1. 6.10 May Cent. Argt. Rly 10. 6. 6


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 May Coupe (6% pref) forward Oct Brit. North Altantic Illinois Central Dec Canadian Pacific Lehigh Valley

2. 8. 6 £84. 3. 5 £316.19.11 21. 3. 9 19. 6. 0 23.10.10 21.12. 6 £402.13. 0

From Trust money received 1901 From private money Received fr. Private Ac’t forward 84. 3. 5 June Harrods 3. 4 Waihi 3. 2. 6 B.A. Pacific 13. 4 July B.A. Pacific 5. 3 Cordoba Rly 1.17.10 B.A. Western 4. 5. 6 B.A. Pacific B.A. Rosario 1.17.10 Chinese 2.16. 0 Jamaica 1.13. 0 Aug City Christania 1.17. 8 Gt. Eastern 11.10 Midland 4. 5. 0 Furniss 18.11 Sept Harrods 3. 5. 9 Glas. S. Western 2. 7. 7 Oct Barker 8 B.A. Trams 1. 0. 0 B.A. Rosario 2.12.6 Cent Argt. 7. 7. 6 B.A.Gt. Southern 28. 7. 8 £155.18.11 Invested during 1901 15 Robinson gold mining £140.11.11 with com & stamps Still owe Bank £300 15th May to Glyn Mills Curry on 14 allotted £10 shares in B.A. Gt. Southern 4% Ex. 1906 at 15/- prem

£402.13. 0 157. 3.10 £559.16.10


£45.10. 0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 3rd June 12 allotted Waihi £1 shares paid in full £12. 0. 0 To Messel for ½ shr £2. 2. 6 2nd Sep Paid back £100 of the £300 borrowed of Bank Paid £1 for remaining ½ share Waihi allotted Paid back £200 to Bank, owe £100 still Nov 1901. Dec 30th to B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 1st call on 1906 £35, 14 shares at 15 prem. Robinson B.A.Gt. Southern 1906 Waihi allotted ditto B.A.Gt Southern With com stamps etc

149.17.11 45.10. 0 14. 2. 6 1. 0. 0 35. 0. 0 £245.10. 5

Repaid £200 to Bank from £300 borrowed Total paid in investments £445.10.5 Continued from Bank dividends Dec forward 153.18.11 Waihi 3. 8. 5 Harrods 3. 3 B.A. Pacific 13. 3 £157.3.10 Trust £402.13.0 Total £559.16.10 Books read during 1901 History etc. “Conquest of Mexico” Prescott “Ferdinand & Isabella” “The Great Boer War” C. Doyle “Cromwell” Morley “The rise of the Dutch Republic” Morley “Charles V” Robertson “The love of an uncrowned Queen” Williams. Most interesting. “Napoleon III & Mad’lle de Montys(?)” “Napoleon III & his Court” “Napoleon III” par Saint Armand(?) “Journal of the Countess Krasinska” Henry IV France “Bacon’s Essays” “Boer Politics” by Y.Guissot(?) “The Story of the War in S.Africa” Cap. Mahan Fiction “Une Niche de gentilshommes” Tourgueneff, charming “Famée” dull “Aimer, c’est vaincre” par Madame Caro, tiresome letters.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 “An Englishwoman’s love letters” interesting fairly “The visits of Elizabeth” Most amusing “Le bonheur de Ginette”. Gyp. Waste of time to read. “Le petit Bob” Gyp. “Pierre et Jean” G. de Maupasant “Tristram of Bluet” A.Hope “A Serious wooing” J.H.Hobbs “A master of Craft” Jacobs. Tiresome. “Petite Princesse” H. Greville “Memoirs of Countess Potocha” “Charles XII Sweden” Voltaire. From Oct 1st “Sir Richard Calmady” Lucas Malet “Court Life of the Plantagenets” V. tiresome. “L’histoire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand” Voltaire “The Cardinal’s snuff box” v. good. Voltaire. “Peter the Great” Voltaire “Notre Coeur” Maupassant. Too tiresome “Links with the past” by Mrs. C. Bagot, interesting “The luck of the Vails” Benson. Waste of time reading. “La terre qui meurt(?) ” Bagin. Not worth reading “Memoirs of Duchesse d’Abrantes” badly written but v. interesting 4th vol. “L’amour artificial” Case. V. french “The daughter of Peter the Great” by Bain “La Nouvelle Heloise” J.J.Rousseau.


Books to read “Memoirs of the Court of St Petersburg” “Visits of Elizabeth” “An Englishwoman’s love letters” “L’histoire secrete de la Duchesse d’Hanover” “Memoirs of Mons. de Lassage” “Memories of the Courts of Europe” by Swinburne, good. “Landors Imaginary Conversations” “Arnold’s Poems” “The political situation of the chief European powers” “Journals of the Countess Krasinska” gt. grandmother of Victor Emmanuel “Louis Napoleon & Mad’elle Montego” Saint Armand “Bacon’s Essays” “The story of the war in South Africa” Cap’t Mahon “Le Petrit Bob” par Gyp “Tristram of Bluet” A.Hope, interesting “Pierre et Jean” Guy de Maupassant “A serious wooing” Mrs. Craigie. “A woman alone” Mrs. Clifford. Don’t like it, morbid. “Life of the 1st Marquis Townsend” “Boer politics” by Y. Guijot(?) Addresses Dossie Noot, 14 Rue Borghese, Neuilly sur Seine, Paris Eileen Winchester Clowes, Stages Rectory, Kent


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Conrad, Gwdyr Mans, Hove, Brighton Mrs C. Praed, 98 MelburyMews Edgar, Peacocks Hotel, Belvoir, Grantham, Lincolnshire. Wages Emma Freda Minnie

monthly 2. 6.8 1.13.4 1.10.0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1902 Notes on front pages: A.N. ticket 89162 Read Jany “Tribulations of a Princess” V. interesting “Memoirs & letters of Balzac” by his sister Madame Bourget “Cruelle Enigme” Bouget, french! “War notes” Col. de Villebois Mareuil(?) “Her Royal Highness Woman” Max O’Rell, sad. “The theatre, its Greek & Latin origins” by C. Hastings Joseph McCabe, Peter Abelard V. badly written but interesting “A woman of thirty” Balzac, v. clever “Some great Battles” abominably written “Memoirs of Napoleon” Constant “The Diamond Necklace” by Franz French Branferro(?) badly told “Tante Aurelie” “Walpole Letters” “The House with the Green Shutters” by G. Douglas, horrid book. “A Gateless Barrier” Lucas Malet. Weird. “Memoirs of the Baroness de Courtrol” by Mauritz von Kreisenberg “France since 1814” by de Courbetin From April “History of the Spanish People” by Hume “Tales of my Father” V interesting, well written “Memoirs of Chateaubriand” most interesting. Vain conceited man, lofty opinion of himself “Sa Magicien d’Amour” Max O’Rell “La Coeur de Louise” H. Greville “Memoirs of Fénélon” “The Problem of Asia” by Cap. Mahon “Memoirs of Chateaubriand” autre tombe “Love letters of Victor Hugo” Schopenhauers Essays 7 volumes most interesting “Elize” Mrs. Pritchard re read Bacons Essays “The Cult of Chiffon” stupid “Memoirs Madame de Mottebille” v. lengthy “Westminster Alice” Hector Munroe, excellent “Une Gazeuse” Cherbulerg(?) re read Charles XII & Peter the Great by Voltaire “On the Bee” Maeterlinck “Journet to Lhasa & Centre of Tibet” by Sarah Chandra Das “Paris in 1789 - 1794” Alger “Un peu beaucoup passioné (illeg)” par Mlle Lescon. Very pretty little story “Five Stuart Princesses” by Robert Rait “South Africa a century ago 1797 - 1801” by Lady Anne Barnard “The autobiography of Sir Harry Smith” interesting, vy “Wisdom of Destiny” Maeterlinck


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 “The mystery of Marie Stuart” Andrew Lang Jan 1902 Wednesday 1 January Fine morg. To stores, to Mrs Graham & Mrs Mason about maids. To darling Maud’s, out in bath chair! Emma & Freda out afternoon & evening. Roy & Lennie at Nymans return tomorrow. Invitation to spend week at Renishaw. Roy returned Nymans. Thursday 2 January Lovely day. Invitation to Mrs Tate’s shoot 16th to 20th. Lin already engaged. Walked to Maud morning, going out in bath chair. Met Eve C. who went with me. To Maud’s at 3, remained till 6. Maud P. & Winnie Lockyer there. Nonie very sweet. Saw maid too high wages. Friday 3 January To darling, suffering from neuralgia, on sofa drawing room. Nonie came over at 3 for Mr Herbert’s address. Out morg. fille chasse. Met Mad’elle at Notting Hill in omnibus. Much pleased with Almanack. Finished reading 1 st vol Balzac’s love letters. Roy dined with Maud. Saturday 4 January Out morg shop. Met Mr. Abbott. At 2.30 to Haymarket see “Frocks & Frills” . Very good & v. amusing. Met Mrs. Medley. Poured coming out. Lin & self straight home. Roy to first night “Pair of Spectacles”. Lin too tired to go. Roy on after to see Arthur Cusans. Nonie came morning, brought presents fr. darling Maud. Sunday 5 January Lin & self out morg. Walked Hyde Pk. Corner. Home in “bus”. Roy to lunch Maud’s. Darling Maud taken ill again after tea! Feel most anxious. No one called but Sp, Douglas & Hylda. Sp. bilious. Monday 6 January To darling M. after luncheon in her carriage, no, mine. Sat with her till 6 o’c. Lin came & saw her, we returned by tube! full, & omnibus. Dined 7 o’c. To see “The Twin Sister”. V. good but w’d not care to see it again. Gillie here to luncheon, drove her to M’s. Not able to see her, poor darling must remain in bed. Dr P. to see M. this morg. Tuesday 7 January In all morg. Lin left at 2 o’c in dog cart for Col Lucas’ Easton Park until Saty. Saw maid from Coronet registry, £20, too much. To Maud’s 3 o’c in her carriage. Remained with her till 6.30. Mrs. Sington & Mrs. Messel called. Nonie to tea at Mrs. M’s. Darling better but vy weak. Roy to dine Midge’s, theatre after. Mrs. Armstrong & Miss Rose Innes called. Wednesday 8 January Nonie to luncheon. Was sick poor little fellow but so good. I went to Maud 3 o’c, stayed all afternoon. Mrs. Hohler called. Maudie seems v. weak, feel v. anxious. Thursday 9 January To Queen’s Rd. To darling Maud’s after shop’g some time. Winnie L. & Maud P. there. I think the child sees too many. Nonie boy not v. well. Roy read a story of Poe’s & we had Patience.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 10 January To Queen’s Rd. One letter fr. French lady rec. maid. Gillie to lunch. To see maid & lady. V. uncertain, french. Saw maid, English. To darling M. still fresh anxiety & the darling not doing well. Dr P. desires consultation whether advisable to bring it on. Feel most anxious. Roy dines Lennie’s. Roy’s arm v. bad. Baby not well!!! Saturday 11 January Lin returnes fr. Col. Lucas. Out all morning sur la chasse. Lin looking much better, home for luncheon. To darling Maud’s by cab. Looking better but Dr. Pollock not satisfied. Lennie arrived looking depressed. Miss Cusans there. Nonie not looking well. Roy v. seedy & arm v. inflamed. Lin, Roy & self alone. Sunday 12 January In all day. Alice Linley to luncheon & tea. Miss Macdougall & Miss Bateman called (Lin’s father’s partner’s sister) also Mr. Paxton who said sensible things about Roy. Lin to Calais. Roy in to luncheon. Monday 13 January Chasse aux filles sans succès, & to darling Maud’s. Also to Miss Mason’s & saw perfectly horrible German housemaid. French one called here also impossible, must be exception when they are nice. Saw Mrs. Messel & Mr. Loring at M’s. Tuesday 14 January Eve Coward’s wedding. Maud Paxton to lunch. Took her, & Lin came too. Darling Baby with the two nurses there just behind us, behaved sweetly, clapped after benediction, threw down rose leaves & gave bouquet of white heather! To reception & then to darling M’s. V. excited about it, took cake & Eve’s bouquet. Wednesday 15 January Out morg. to Mrs. Beresford, gave me name of maid. To darling M. after, in dressing rm, hers being cleaned & all new curtains. Dora & Brenda Coward there, account of Eve’s wedding. Brought Brenda back. Thursday 16 January In bed until night & slept better. Roy dined with Lin alone & to dance after at Levy’s, much bored. Friday 17 January In bed all day. Gillie here most kind & useful. Wrote letters, mended china, stockings, & talked, quite cheered me up. Roy to C. Burnand’s dance & greatly enjoyed it. Gillie left at 6 o’c. Saturday 18 January In bed until 3 o’c. Roy & Lin in to lunch. Envoyé quartorze sh. à la fille de Toula trop et probablement elle ne vaut rien. Fleurs et lettre de ma petite Maud. Finished reading “Tribulations of a Princess”. Sunday 19 January In bed till luncheon, alone, Lin to Calais. Roy to Lennie. Walked & met H. & Dora. Roy spent entire afternoon there. Dora dined here. Fritz Jackson called about Roy & my affairs, advice work only! Monday 20 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 In all day, down to luncheon. Mended socks entire afternoon. Saw stopgap maid from Mrs. Masons, 10/- week. Letter fr. darling Maud, says she is better but had another fright yesterday & had to keep quiet. Dr Pollock went to see her. Not Toula’s maid so did not send money. Tuesday 21 January Lin dined Mr. Burnand for Coronation cut. Out morg. 11.30. Carriage round Park to enquire for my darling. Nurse M. brutally told me she had had only 3 cases & in each the child & in one the mother also died. Feel more then ever anxious. Gillie to lunch, most kind & useful. Lady Goring, Maud P. & Miss Innes called. Roy dined Midge’s, met Fletchers. Bridge. Wednesday 22 January Amy Bateman leaves in morg. To darling Maud 3 o’c. Had been v. upset last night, Glover worries, Nana & Conrad. Such a shame. Roy & self dined alone & he read “Gold Bug” after. Quiet evg, peaceful. Maud’s under nurse came, Nurse Susan, pretty girl. Thursday 23 January In all morg. To stores about their muddle of 10/-. Met Hensman, & to darling, found her looking tired & thin, had had bad night. Miss Cusans there. Nonie boy v. sweet, gets prettier. Lin, Roy & self alone evg. Friday 24 January Wet. In all morg. Roy dines Maud. Saturday 25 January Edith Hames came. In all morg polishing & washed lace collars. At 2.30 to Gaiety with Lin “Toreador” v. good. Roy joined us later. To darling M. after. Roy made £10 tho’ Lennie & Mr. Fleishman. Sunday 26 January Mr. Paxton to luncheon. Walked with Roy to Lancaster Gate, left letter for Midge, & to Maud, complained of little pain. Lin & Roy lunched at Lennie’s, self & Mr. P. alone here. Monday 27 January Went darling M’s, looks pretty well only. Miss Cusans & Miss Rose Innes there, brought soldiers for Nonie. Roy to drill, home late. To see Mortimer Mempes strange house & people at 5.30. Met Lennie & Lin there. Tuesday 28 January To darling M’s morg 12.30. Had had bad night, toothache. Nonie came early with flowers. Lin Roy & self dined with Midge & Ham, Mr. & Mrs. Neil, ping pong. Lady Bergne & Effie Weigal called. Wednesday 29 January Lovely day. Roy dines with Miss Rose Innes, St James’ after. Asked me also but do not care to go out. To Maud. Maud P & Dora there. Maud had bad tooth ache seemed seedy poor darling but made best of it. Thursday 30 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 In all morg pottering. Vy cold. To Maud’s in her carriage, on sofa. Miss Cusans there. Tabbie called brought Maud flowers & saw her & Nonie boy. Roy dined at Coburg with Tabbie & Olive Shakespeare, to Chevalier after. Friday 31 January In all morg pottering! Read. To Bank & Maud 3 o’c. Darling looks better & more cheerful. Mrs. Hohler’s little girl to tea. Nonie too sweet. Bitterly cold, dry cold. Great commotion over loss of Fritz. Found later. Roy dined Lennie’s. Feb 1902 Saturday 1 February Mrs. G. Armstrong 4 o’c. Unable to go. In morg. To see Forbes Robertson & wife in “Mice & Men” matinée. V. good. To see darling M. after, not so well. Roy in for first time during week. Sunday 2 February Walked with Lin to Maud’s. Roy Lin & I lunched there. Lennie v. seedy with neuralgia. Darling Maud had hemorrhage again & must lie v. still. Home 5.30. Miss Rose Innes dined here left 11 o’c. No one called. Cab fr. M’s 1/-. Monday 3 February Horrible day, snowing. Lin & self to Rules for luncheon, dirty place. To Pantomime after, not good. To Maud’s after, Lennie lying on bed, my darling with cold. Winnie been with her. Sent E. Dickens present, silver caddy. Roy dining with Lennie. First day with Mr. Child. X. Tuesday 4 February Enid Dickens marriage to Mr. E.B.Hawksley. Mrs. Hannen at home. Lin & self dine at Midge’s, went last Tuesday instead. To Maud’s morg. Brought Mad’lle away, too much as Lennie also very seedy neuralgia, unable to go to City, quite ill. Wednesday 5 February Mrs. Hannen at home. To darling Maud, still her cold bad. Lennie v. seedy neuralgia. Dr Pollock to see Maud evening, she was again seedy last evg, 5 th time. Dr P. thinks it most odd too. Thursday 6 February Out morg. La petite nouvelle très lente. At 3.30 to darling Maud’s. Found her & Lennie in bed, Lennie with his head done up in wool, in bed all day. Roy met me there & ret’nd with me. Saw Midge. Tabs promised to dine here, going to Midge with H. & Gwen instead. Edith let my fire smoke. Friday 7 February In all morg. Carriage 3.30. X. Dr Sibley coming to see Roy 6 o’c. Saturday 8 February Mrs. Armstrong at home. Roy lunches with Tabs. My darling Maud’s little Baby girl born 5.20 PM. Lin & I there. Brought on on account of flooding last night & all over under 2 hours. Baby weighs 6½ lbs, miracle it lived. Saw my darling like a little marble Maud having lost so much. Remained on to dinner with Lennie full of neuralgia. Lin dined C. Watney, to Alhambra & Grafton home 3 o’c!!! Sunday 9 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Walked with Lin & Roy to see my darling. Had bad night & looked still v. white. The Baby v. hungry but seems vigorous for so delicate an atom. Roy & I lunched with Lennie drawing room. Roy with ominous swelling on either side of face. Dr Sibley saw him at Lennie’s, thinks it is mumps. Monday 10 February Dr Sibley called 9 o’cAM. It is mumps Roy has & a nurse comes today. Feel awfully bad self & Roy v. tiresome, in his room all day. Nurse came 3 o’c seems nice person quite nice looking. My darling’s head so bad. Baby Ann progressing. V. cold, feel feverish & ill. Tuesday 11 February Mrs. Rawlinson’s dinner. Dinner here. All postponed. In bed self feel awfully bad, cold cough & aching all over, temp up. Dr Sibley saw me, thinks its influenza, am sure it is! Roy’s face swelling. Carbolic sheet outside his door. Wednesday 12 February My darling v. ill pleurisy & the pains continue in her head fr. exhaustion. Little Ann going on well. Roy swelling! but v. good & patient. Find Nurse a comfort as I am still in bed, heavy influenza in head today. Freda out. Thursday 13 February Darling Maud still very ill. Feel most anxious & unhapy. Roy going on well, in bed. In bed all day cough v. painful. Dr S. came, temp still up & down. Nurse rubs me (illeg illeg) camphor oil. Friday 14 February Mrs. Alec Tweedie 3.30. In bed all day. Roy going on well, swelling rising slowly. Not v. good news of my darling, her head so bad still. Saturday 15 February Mrs. Alec Tweedie 3.30. Mrs. G. Armstrong. Lin to Claud Watney’s Garton Manor Watford until Monday. In bed all day. V. cold, bright. Bad news of Baby Anne, v. ill with convulsions. Maudie too ill to be told. Sunday 16 February Lovely day, v. cold. In bed all day. Freda out afternoon & evening. Edith went over morning to enquire after my darling & Baby. Not v. satisfactory news. No one called. Monday 17 February Lin returned fr. C. Watney’s, better for change & enjoyed it. Sat with Lin whilst he had dinner but felt seedy, room cold, too small fire. Canot get F. to look after her fires. Tuesday 18 February Better news of little Anne, only one convulsion today. More hopeful. Came down for a little while after lunch to morg. room. Darling Maud better. Dr Sibley called, saw Lin. Roy slow in progress. Lin dined Mr. Burnand & Seaman at Italian Restaurant. S. ill after Burgundy! Wednesday 19 February Slightly better news of Baby Anne. My darling better. Lennie’s birthday. Roy out with Nurse for first time, went to see skaters round Pond, looked v. white & tired.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sat in morg. room as so cold, v. cozy there. Eddie Boehm & Midge came & had tea. Still v. seedy self. Emma only out as Edith went out Monday. Thursday 20 February Dull dark day, rain. Roy out with Nurse Aston after luncheon for little walk, looks still puffed out & white. Still keeps his room entirely. Feel v. seedy self. Down to luncheon & in morg. room after. Lin v. bothered with work, plates all wrong. Better news of my darling & sweet little Anne. Friday 21 February Out for a walk at 12 o’c with Nurse & Roy, still feel as limp as possible. Roy looks better but v. white. Freda seedy with cold, little one better. My darling going on well. Baby Anne causing anxiety still. Dr Sibley came, says Roy will be infectious until next Saturday! cannot go to Pyt. Saturday 22 February Fine & warmer. First letter fr. my own darling, still had trembling noise in her right ear thro’ weakness. Baby Anne little better, always bad nights. Roy, Lin Nurse & self walked to Row. Lin on, we returned. I drove at 3, Park & flowers. Lin in at 7.15 & dines at Lady Lawrence’s. Sunday 23 February Lin to Calais. Roy self walked to Row morg. Horrid day. Better news of my darling & Baby. Roy looks v. washed out & weak. Lin enjoyed his day & seemed better for it. Dined with him again. Monday 24 February Nurse Aston leaves, £7.0.0. Dull & damp. I down to breakfast for 1 st time since today fortnight. Walked with Roy. Horrid day, dull, rain. No, Roy went alone. Good news of my darling & of Baby. Tuesday 25 February Mrs. Hannen at home. Out morg. walking with Roy. Further good news of Maud & Baby, so happy. Mary Nichol & Sybil Grantham called. Hobart Farquehar in London. Roy out afternoon & seems better. Quiet evg. Otley changed books Mudies. Mrs. Phillips sent me lovely hyacinth & my darling some flowers. Wednesday 26 February Mrs. Hannen at home. Lovely sunny morg. Colder. Went for walk with Roy, left Pass Book Bank. To stores 2.15 for Lin’s hank’s. Felt v. seedy, eyes ached so. Met Dr Messel & Mrs. Sington! Roy looks washed out, idles his time away, pity. Claud Watney brought Lin cigars. Conrad came & remained to dinner. Freda out. Little Edith managed quite nicely. X. Ami, accounts for seediness. Thursday 27 February Lovely sunny day. In all day. Roy out twice, still looks v. seedy. Good news of my darling’s progress but they have told her of Baby’s illness, great pity. Miss Vaughan Morgan called. Dr Sibley called, says Roy pulled down. Friday 28 February Roy to Con’s until Monday. Lennie sent Lin 2 new sticks for his collection. Read “A Woman of Thirty” Balzac & other tales v. clever. Read “Gobsack” to Lin. So tired had to go to bed v. early before Lin’s dinner at 10 o’c. Letter fr. darling M. had better night.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mar 1902 Saturday 1 March Dull yellow fog. Edith left our windows wide open all night! To matinée “Garrick”. Asked Mary Nichol. Sunday 2 March Mr. Ryle & Dora dined here. No one called. Lin to Calais, met Bainbridges & Merryweather etc, enjoyed his day. Very cheery evg. Mr. Ryle most entertaining. Monday 3 March Mary Nichol to luncheon 1.30. Lady Lawrence called. In bed till 12. Mary full of news as ever. Hobart Farquhar engaged to Miss Barry 2 days ago. Drove Mary back to 77 Portland Place & called on Mrs. McKenna, Mrs. Hannen, Mrs. Richards & Dora. Sent snowdrops to my darling by Otley. Roy Lin & self to dinner alone. Tuesday 4 March In bed till 11.30. Only Midge & Mrs. Joachim called. Dear Roy to Glovers again until Monday. Floss Kingscote going to be divorced at Easter. Lin & self quiet evg. alone. Wednesday 5 March Emma & Freda to Pantomime, places 10/-. evg perfromance. Edith in house alone with me. Oublié tout pauvre petite. Out to take flowers 3.30 Mrs. Bouchier such a dreary house. To leave cards Mrs. N. Sondheim, twin girls! & to leave a flower at my darling’s, both going on well. Thursday 6 March Mrs. Macquoid at home. To Worthing for a week. Saw Effie, Floss & Ethel E. at Vic, came by same train as far as Hove Sta. Florence Blair met me Worthing & drove with me here, 19 Eriswell Rd. V. clean rooms. Stayed till 7.30. Aunt Barbara opposite! Friday 7 March Out morg. Called on Aunt B. Left books & darling Maud’s letter containing a cheque. Flossie lunched with me. Walked & shop’d with Aunt Anna, chose Lennie’s room at Hotel & took flowers. Aunt B. to tea. Met Lennie at Sta. with Florence. L. & self took fly at his motor did not turn up. I dined alone rooms. Lennie came & sat with me after. Saturday 8 March Left at 11.30 with Lennie on his friend’s motor for Sta. his own failing. Trained to Haywards Heath, lunched at Inn. Took fly to Balcombe House. Charming house, not picturesque like Glovers but sunny airy & convenient. No pretty flower garden, Park land round, good kitchen garden. Had tea at agents, Mr. & Mrs. Baker & dear little child. Lennie’s motor met us here “Stone Hall” & drove us thro’ Brighton home, 8 o’c. Too untidy & tired to dine with L. at Hotel. He came round after dinner & smoked in my rooms. Lovely night. Sunday 9 March Lovely warm sunny day. Lennie fetched me 11 o’c. Had a little walk on Parade & he left on his motor for home, lunching at Brighton. Florence to luncheon. Aunt Barbara to tea. Went to Aunt Anna after, found Miss Blair & F. there. F. & self for


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 walk on Parade until 6.30, lovely. Then she went to Aunt Anna’s for supper & I came here. Quiet restful read. Monday 10 March Dull morg. Aunt Barbara to luncheon, Florence to tea. Called together on Aunt Anna, lady with Auntie. Walked a good deal. Darling did not sleep well & head ached, her letter not so cheerful, feel anxious again. Tuesday 11 March Went by 12.45 to Brighton, walked to Sta. Took om at Hove to Gwdyr Mans, found Floss & Mr. & Mrs. Kinnadine good looking young couple there. Con came & Effie who had missed me at sta. Had excellent lunch 6 of us. Pretty flat like a demimonde’s. Floss subdued, no doubt on account of her divorce coming on so soon. Con saw me off. Walked fr. W. Sta. & saw Aunt Anna & Aunt B. on the way home. F. had brought me flowers. Wednesday 12 March Florence here all day, lunch & tea. Aunt B. came over morg & to tea, quite cheerful. Saw Aunt Anna vy depressed about Divs!!! Walked morg. & afternoon, took Auntie flowers, seemed v. discontented. My darling’s letters not so cheerful, fear the long confinement telling on her. Lin thinks Roy looking better. Thursday 13 March Mrs. Macquoid at home. Lin, Roy & self to Miss Rose Innes’ dinner & theatre party. Delightful evg. The Galbraiths, Rolley Jackson nice boy, 3 Chileans, Dora. 2 lovely big boxes. Thoroughtly enjoyed evg. Returned by 11.50 fr. Worthing, unpacked & dressed for 7 o’c dinner. Friday 14 March Lovely day. Went to my darling lunched & had tea there. Looking better than I dared expect. Baby v. delicate looking. Nurse Millie going away until Monday so worn out. Lovely being with Maud again. Roy dined at Midge’s. Saturday 15 March Busy all morg. Called on Mrs. Paxton for Maud, tiresome took up entire morg. Got flowers for my darling. Lin & self to Iolanthe. Dora joined us there & Major Welman looking much older. I went to Maud, darling looks tired. Baby so restless, sent for Dr P. Lennie dined here. Sunday 16 March Lovely day. Lennie’s motor came 11 o’c. Lin Roy & self to Maud’s, saw Mr. Clemming & Evelyn Sankey. Lennie, Lin, Roy started for Glovers, motor broke down & they had to return afternoon. Darling M. seems tired & Dr P. called to see Baby, better. Lennie & Dora dined here, v. cozy evg. I spent whole day at Darling’s. Monday 17 March Dull. Lovely later. Busy morg. Nonie & Nurse F. fetched me in Victoria at 2.30, went to Zoo. Nonie so sweet & good. To Maud, better. Nurse M. back better. Took Nurse Carter to Kens. where she took om. home. Roy looking still v. seedy. Quiet evg, v. tired. Tuesday 18 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dora to sit for Linley, fetched her in brougham & on to Maud. Saw Mrs. Messel & Ruth there, returned last night from Egypt. Darling M. & Baby looking much better, lying on Nurse M’s bed her room cleaned. Roy dines with Lennie, theatre after. Lin & self to Terry’s theatre alone. Midge, H. & D. for week to Frisby’s. Wednesday 19 March Lady Lawrence at home 5 o’c. To lunch with Tabbie Grosvenor Hotel 1.30. Mrs. W.S.Gilbert at home. Found Tabs looking delicate (had miscarriage of 10 weeks) Gwen pretty. They leave at 4 for Dover. On to darling’s, looks tired. Baby out for first time, X. Saw Mrs. A. Henderson at Lady L’s, worldly! Roy with Lennie on his motor car to Balcombe, tired, arrived 8 o’c, thinks as I do about House & Car. Thursday 20 March Mrs. Macquoid at home. Pouring & gale blowing. Nonie’s operation! 11 o’c. To darling M’s, met Mrs. Messel & Hilda there. Dined at 8.30. Friday 21 March Roy dined Midge’s & on to Lennie after. To darling M’s, feel seedy & tired. Maudie better looking sweet. Dined at 10 o’c. Saturday 22 March Wirgman at home 3 - 6. To darling M. after lunch. Busy shop’g all morg. Roy dined with Lennie, E. Boehm there too, & on to Hippodrome after. Lin & self quiet evg. Sunday 23 March Wirgman at home 3 - 6. Jacomb Hood. In all day. Molesworth, Sp. Maud P. & Mrs. P. called. Eddie Boehm & Lennie to dinner. Roy with Lennie on Motor to Glovers. Monday 24 March X. Last div of Barr estate. Miss White here. Pouring showers & snowfall. Lin busy drawing. Punch dinner tonight. Roy off for drill. Carriage 4 o’c. Tuesday 25 March To darling M’s morg. Much better & Baby thriving. Only Miss Macdougall & Miss Bateman called. Very late dinner, after 10 o’c. Roy here for dinner, v. tactful with Lin. Wednesday 26 March Lovely morg. Nonie boy to Glovers. Drove & saw darling Maud surrounded by boxes. Nurse Carter there, who goes with Maud to Nymans. Nurse Millie & Baby Anne remain alone at Glouc. Ter. Mrs. Messel at Maud’s. Thursday 27 March Lin & self to Renishaw until Wednesday. V. plasant journey in reserved first class car. to Eckington, train stop’d for us specially. Most kind reception. Roy coming tomorrow. Billiards after dinner. House beautifully warm with large fires. Darling Maud to Nymans today. Saw her om. & box as we passed Glouc. Ter. on way to Gt. Central. Friday 28 March Finish day. Mr. & Mrs. Holden, Margery, Lin & self in two dog carts to Welbeck Abbey. House enveloped in scaffolding fr. the fire of last year! Had luncheon at one of the many charming little houses on estate, farriers, & home. Roy arrived just after our return looking white. Golf. Billiards evening.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 29 March Fairly fine. Lin & Mr. Holden morg. to Sheffield returned in time for 2 o’c lunch. Golf after. Billiards evening. Sunday 30 March I & Mr. Holden, Margery & Roy to Church. Fine day. Dear little service & good sermon fr. Mr. Morgan. Tremendous mid day dinner. Golf after. Monday 31 March Lovely day. Mr. & Mrs. Holden, Lin, Roy & Margery drove in 2 dog carts to Hardwick Hall, 9½ miles. Fine Tudor pile of building 1589 built by Bess of Hardwick who married 3 times. Pictures, tapestries & furniture v. fine. Lunched at small Inn at foot of the hill leading up to Hall. Had tea on return & Roy left for London by 5.50 train. Looks better for change & air. Mr. & Mrs. Morgan (Rector) dined here. Apr 1902 Tuesday 1 April Wet morning. No letter fr. Maud. 2 letters fr. Maud later, better. In all morg. working reading & writing. Mr. Holden returned to luncheon & golf after. Lin busy photoing & seems to have cold, voice thick. Governes returned. Both Lin & Mr. Holden livery & tired evg. Packed. Wednesday 2 April Return fr. Renishaw. Lovely day. Fairly comfortable journey up, train smelt of cats horribly. Had luncheon in train & brought little “Rags” the dog Mr. Holden gave Roy up with us, as good as gold. Thursday 3 April Saw the Babies, both well. Good news of darling Maud. Roy dined at Bath Club with Nipper. We dined at 8.30. Friday 4 April To see Babies. Gillie here, mended chair & photos, out of a place. Called on (blank). Roy dined Arts Club with Lennie. We dined 10.15. Read “A Gateless Barrier” by Lucas Mabet to Lin. Weird. Saturday 5 April Lin & self to matinée , Mrs. Tree in “Caesar’s Wife” & “Heard at the Telephones” two v. original plays well acted & most interesting. Maud Paxton joined us there & returned here to tea & dinner. Saw the Babies after play, over-run with Nurses taking away pleasure of going, want chicks to myself! Sunday 6 April R.A.Picture Sunday. Midge came morg & stayed 1½ hours. Dora to luncheon & to studios Melbury Rd with Lin & Roy , all closed except Hunter & Shannon. Common family except S. To Dicksee v. fine picture. Parsons lovely, saw Mrs. Millet, Fritz Davis, F. Robertsons etc. Goodalls & Rivieres. Lin Roy & self alone evg. E. English & Mrs. Paxton called. Monday 7 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Cold east wind. Miss White morning about blouses. Mr. & Mrs. Holden dine with us 6.30 & we go to “Pilkerton’s Peerage”. Roy on after to supper at Savoy, empty! Tuesday 8 April Lunch 1.30 Midge’s. Mr. Agnew called to see Lin 3 o’c. I lunched at Midge’s, Mrs. Frisby there. On to Maud’s arriving 4 o’c. Babies out. Bought bonnet £1.5.9, returned hat. Edie Boehm only called. Wednesday 9 April Very cold. Maud to luncheon, came in motor with Nurse M. Looks v. delicate still. Miss Laurences called. M. left fetched 2 babies & 2 Nurses 4 o’c!!! Roy & I dined at Maud’s in drawing room, so prettily laid. Thursday 10 April Lunch 2 o’c. Mr. Hartree. Hen party, Lady Lawrence there. Called on Midge & got umbrella. M. out. Roy bad cold. He dines at Westbourne Ter, takes Harold to Toreador & supper after. We dined 8.30. Friday 11 April Maud P. to luncheon 1.30. To Maud’s at 3.30, & Marshalls & Goldsmiths company. Chose little silver brush for Roy as godfather to give “Anne”. I gave her mug dear father gave me at my Christening. Saturday 12 April Little “Anne” Christened St Mary Abbots 3.30. Large number there. Mrs. M. Sington, Ruth, de Cussans, Dr Messel, Violet P. Cowards, Eve, Midge & D. Maud P. with me & Lin & Roy. To Maud’s after. Lady G. & Baby Hohler. Lin, Roy & self dined at Maud’s. Roy, Eve, Ruth, Fanny B. & Mrs. Hohler sponsers. Sunday 13 April Lin, Roy & Lennie on motor to Balcombe House, lunched at Nymans on way. Nonie boy came morg. walked back with him & returned here with Maud in Victoria. All dined here evg. No callers. Darling M. v. tired. Lovely day. Roy v. bad cold. Monday 14 April Lovely day. New plants dining room side boxes. Cats decorated them at once! Lin dined with Mr. Galbraith. Ethel English dined here, Roy & self sang & played. Saw darling Maud afternoon. Mrs. Hankey, Gilly there, too much for her. Called Galbraith. Tuesday 15 April Out morg. Roy dined Midge’s. Sp. & Ada, Ethel E. etc dined there. Mrs. Gill, Nembhards & Spielmans called. Lin & self alone evg. Bed early. Slept afternoon & felt better for it. Mr. Clowes called morg. & saw me doing birds!!! Wednesday 16 April Roy & self dined at Maud’s. To M’s morg. in carriage, back in motor & on by bus to Sloane st. Rested afternoon. Maudie still v. weak. Lady Hickman called. F. said I was out, paresseuse. Thursday 17 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lennie & Maud dine here. Happy quiet evg. Roy dined with Eddie Boehm, Sp. & Ada also, & to theatre after. At 3.30 to call Cameron Corbett, J. Fergusons, Grantham, Lady D. Hartland & Shannon. Ordered 2 lampshades Gorringes 7/7. Maud P. to luncheon & stood to Linley. Friday 18 April Lovely day. Letter fr. Dr Pollock about Maud. Made calls & stayed some time with Maud, busy packing. Roy & self dined first, Lin later. Roy better frame of mind. Walked with Mad’lle morg. to Maud’s, out. Nonie on omnibus. Saturday 19 April Dora Webster married Mr. H. Mellor St Mary Abbotts 2.30. Private view Fine Arts Society 4 o’c. Lin & self to St James’ matinée of “Paolo & Francesca”. Mrs. Douglas just behind us, promised to tea with her Monday, Alexandra Hotel. To Maud’s after & missed the wedding. Piece well mounted but dreary. Roy with Lennie on motor, Maud midst of boxes. Baby cold. Sunday 20 April In all morg. Lovely day. Maud & Lennie to lunch here. Lennie Roy & Lin off in motor at 3 to Windsor & back to tea 4.50! M. & self returned Glouc. Ter. in cab after luncheon. Walked home with Lin & Roy. I called on Mrs. K. Graham morg. Monday 21 April Darling Maud & Lennie go abroad for 6 weeks. Tea Lady Weston’s & Mrs. Douglas Alexandra Hotel. Dullish teas! Saw Judy & Dora at Lady W’s. Lin to Levée morg. I drove with him & saw King & escort. To Hippodrome evg. Roy V. tiresome & discontented. Tuesday 22 April Out morg. Mrs. Morley, Wallace, Midge, Braunstein etc called, & Mrs. Douglas. Dora to dinner, we 4 only. Roy seems v. livery & grumpy. Wire fr. darling Maud. Wednesday 23 April Roy dined with Galbraith Ball party for Mrs. C. Corbetts. Dora & Mr. Blair there. I lunched at Nembhards, cab’d there delicious luncheon. Met Miss Stirling & Mr. Baker, cousins of Nembhards. Called & saw Babies both well. Letter fr. Maud. Thursday 24 April Miss Arthur Jones wedding, St George’s Hanover Sqre. Forgot it!!! Busy morg. tidying hard (illeg) Roy’s room. To Davis left foulard to be cleaned & left Lin’s handkerchiefs 12 to be marked cripples’ home Marylebone. Called Farquharsons, Holland, Lindo, Pollock, Tweedie & Mackenzie Davidson, 2 last in, & Babies. Roy v. trying at dinner. Friday 25 April Lovely day. Take Nonie to Zoo at 2.30. Was very good, rather alarmed at roaring lion. Monkey fight over brazil nut v. amusing. Dined 9 o’c. Roy with us. Saturday 26 April Lin & Roy to first night Irving revival “Faust”, Cissy Lofthouse as Marguerite, & supper Garrick after. To see Babies, v. bored with the 3 Nurses! Love to have the chicks alone. Called Miss Neaves, away, & Mrs. Palgrave Simpson. Shop’g morg. Took Coupé dividend to Bank. Met Nellie K. who walked home with me. Sunday 27 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mr. & Mrs. Braunstein to dinner 8 o’c & Mr. Blair. Soup, salmon, fillet & veg’t. asparagus. Apricot tart & cream, savory. Lin & self to Park morg. V. windy & sunny. Om back. Roy, Lin & self to luncheon. Percy O. called. Pleasant evg, girls v. noisy waiting. Left 11.30. Monday 28 April White here all day. Paid her for day & bill 14/11. To see babies 4.30 & found Baby v. pale & crying & full of cold. Most anxious. Lin, Roy self alone to dinner. Tuesday 29 April Masseuse called, engaged her for Wed morg. 11 30 & Friday evg. 6.30. To Babies 12 o’c. Met Mrs. Messel. Baby much better, good night. Saw Midge & D. Mrs. Welby, Maud P. & Miss Jones called. Quiet evg. Cold east wind. Wednesday 30 April Mrs. Galbraith to tea. Masseuse 11.30, did not come. Edgar came to tea & Mrs. G. Edgar to New Gallery after with me. Met Midge, D & Fennaby(?) & Mabel Wallace & Mrs. Mocatta etc. Lin joined me, went on to B.S. Gal. where Punch drawings are hung, don’t like it, nor dear Lin either. Amilie Jofferand came to see me, does not look so respectable as when with me. Postcard & letter fr. darling Maud. Baby came morning. May 1902 Thursday 1 May X. £50 P.O. steam ship. Mrs. Armstrong’s at home taking Dora who returns to dinner here. Paid £50 first application for £500 deb 3% stock P. & O. St. Nav. Comp. Roy at home all day, holiday Stock Ex. 4 to dinner. Friday 2 May Masseuse. Feeble affair do not believe enough energy to do me any good, 5/-. To Private V. Academy with Mr. & Mrs. Galbraith. Met endless friends. Mr. Pirrie says Tabs & H. will get 12½ times their money over American Ship Combine !!! Roy dined Midge’s. Lin & self alone. Saturday 3 May Busy morg. Curtains drawing room. To matinee P. of W’s, Hawtry’s “The President”. To Punch Ex. Bond St after, & Babies, well. Quiet evg. Roy & self. Lin to Academy Banquet. Sunday 4 May Edgar & Sophy dine here. Wet early fine later. Went with Lin to Pk, walked back. Met Roy & dogs. Mr. Stone, Gwen, Eve & governess, Sp. & Hilda, Midge, Toula, & Mr. Paxton called, 9! V. pleasant evg, but not enough for dinner. Sent Edith to Glouc. Ter. Babies out. Monday 5 May Mr. Bret Harte died almost suddenly at Camberley 5 th May at 6 o’c. Showery & fine. 2 letters fr. my darling fr. Florence, seems better. Gillie to luncheon. Maud P. home early with collar. To see Babies both well, & Mrs. Steinkopff, & Mrs. K. Graham. Lin Roy & self alone evg. Tuesday 6 May Out morg. Kens. Mrs. Armstrong, Levy & dau. Dora, Maud P. & Winnie Lockyer to tea. X. Heard fr. Roy of Mr. Bret Harte’s death. Am very sad especially not having


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 been to see him as he begged me to do. Mrs. Kenneth Graham to dinner. Roy out to dine & theatre after. Wednesday 7 May At home Welcome Club Earls Court Ex. Mrs. Hartley. Take Maud P. Bitterly cold day, dark & dull. Took M.P. & called at Mrs. F.C.B’s, Tates & Miss May all out. To Ex. V. good waxwork tableaux, find my French history defective!!! & everyone elses too. Feel v. depressed about Bret Harte. Roy & self alone evg. Wish Roy w’d read more. Saw Emilie for Maud. Thursday 8 May Cold & dull. Letter fr. Mrs. Fagen saying Maud looking well, had lunched with F’s on Sunday. Made calls, took D. Friday 9 May Sir Henry Thomson’s dinner 7.50. Private View J. Baillie & Bonner, 1 Prince’s Ter. Bays. Mrs. Douglas’s tea 4.30. Forgot all about it!!! Made calls saw & saw Babies both well & v. happy. Stayed an hour. Dull wet day. Saturday 10 May Mrs. Palgrave Simpson 4.30 at home. Mrs. Dan Tupper 4 o’c. Mrs. Lucas 4.30. Out morg. shop’g. D. fetched me 4 o’c with her carriage. Deadly at Mrs. Lucas! Mrs. Fildes, Kitty, Mrs. & Miss Sterne there but heaviness prevailed. Awful. Mrs. Tupper’s most lively & v. pretty step dau. many men here. Pleasant party Mrs. P.S. Flowers 2/6. Lin & self alone, Roy to 1 st night Edna May. Sunday 11 May Mr. Peter Reed & Dora dine here. Lady de la Rue at home 4 - 7. For walk morning with Lin. Roy with dogs. Ethel English, Mrs. Blackburn & Mr. Eland called. Lin, Roy & self in brougham to Lady de la Rue’s. Saw heaps of friends & came away with huge bunch lovely roses. V. pleasant evg, Mr. R. evidently admired D. greatly. Monday 12 May Pouring wet, dark. Long letter fr. darling Maud. Called saw Evy Fletcher. Made other calls forgotten. Tuesday 13 May Lin’s man’s dinner at Club. Went off well, home v. cold. Roy, Lin, Mr. Schomberg MacDonnel, Mr. Lawrence, Wolff, Lucy, Stone. Dinner, Caviare, Turtle soup, whitebait, trout, vegts, quail, asparagus. Cost £(blank) Numbness v. bad. Wednesday 14 May Mrs. McKenna’s evg. party 10 o’c. Mrs. Phillips dinner ref’d. Take Nonie to have hair cut after luncheon. 1/-. Darling boy v. restless. Poured with rain after he left. Numbness worse. Cold & damp. Thursday 15 May X. Lady Hickman’s dinner 8 o’c. 22 or 24. Rivieres, Munroes, Lady Kitson, Trenches, Mr. Christie, J. Hickman etc. Riviere took me in. Mr. & Mrs. John Aird there. Had sleep after luncheon. Roy elected Member of Garrick Club!!! Ld Rathbone wrote to tell Lin he was unanimously elected. Cold & damp. Friday 16 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 X. Pay £200 allotment P.O. Steamship Comy. Paid this in yesterday X. Apt. 11.30 Mr. Stone doctor. Postponed. Drove & saw little Anne looks v. well & so fair. Leaden day, warmer. In all afternoon rested. Roy dines out. Lin bothered over work Coronation drawing. Saturday 17 May Roy to stay until Tuesday with Conrad at Brighton. Tilda came to us, remains until Thurs. Dora dines here. Lin & self to matinée “Caste”, Haymarket. Abusive man about Tilda’s box, had to send for Otley. Shop’g morg. Sunday 18 May Showery windy alternate sun. Lin, Tilda & self for walk, caught in awful shower but walked home. No one called. Ham & D. dined here 8 o’c left 10 to 11. Lin busy with work all afternoon. Monday 19 May Lovely sunny morning. Tilda & self busy drawing room. Two letters fr. darling Maud, well, left yesterday Florence for Hotel Brun, Bologna. Horid day wind rain little sun. Went to see Babies, Anne cried violently. Called on Edgar, out. Tuesday 20 May Mrs. D. Tupper 4 o’c. Showery cold windy. To Woollands morg. ordered corsets. To Im. Institute see presents. Mrs. Tweedie called mended all socks. Roy returned fr. Con’s Brighton looking much better. Quiet evg. Lin busy all day. Wednesday 21 May Fine. Dora to stand to Lin 11 o’c. Horrid day cold & dull. Roy, Tilda & self to dinner. Hot water tap burst great commotion. Edith & Emma in. Called on Edgar, out, & Dora, in, & Babies. Mrs. Messel there. Thursday 22 May Mrs. Phillips dinner 8 o’c, acpt. Apt 10 o’c Dr Stone. Tilda & self to Doctor, both arms galvanised. Walked nearly all way home. Poured after luncheon. Headache. Delightful dinner charming people & well served. 12, 4 to wait. Mr. & Mrs. Angus, Sir Albert & wife, Mr. & Mrs. Ashburn etc. Friday 23 May Dark as November. Warmer, rain. Tilda left 10 o’c. Roy to theatre with Con & Kenderdynes. Lin very late & tired. Great Peace prospects, don’t believe in them. Saturday 24 May Mortimer Mempes at home Fine Arts Gal. 4 o’c or morning. Ballie’s private view faces & drawings, 1 Princes Ter. Hereford Rd, Bayswater. Grosvenor Studio, Vauxhall Bridge at home, Miss Rowley. Box at Criterion matinée, Tilda meeting us there. V. amusing. Took Eve Fletcher. Lin busy on Peace drawing. Lin, Roy & self dinner. X. Ami. Sunday 25 May Mrs. A. Tweedie’s at home 4.30. Unable to go. X. Little F. Lin finishing “Peace” drawing, but no peace certain yet. Heavenly summer’s day. Drawing done 2.30. Freda out afternoon. Tap drop’g drawing room. Monday 26 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Edith out to theatre. Apt 11.30, unable to keep it, with Mr. Stone. Lovely day. Window cleaning broke cord. Drove at 4 to Midge’s & to enquire for Babies. Saw Nurse F, unable to mount stairs see chicks. Park & home. Roy most trying at dinner wories Lin so after his tiring work. Tuesday 27 May Luncheon 2 o’c Miss Laurence. Most delightful luncheon talk & company. Mr. Peter Reed, a lady & 2 gentlemen names c’d not hear. House perfectly lovely. No one called. Quiet evg. Lin Roy self except Roy’s tiresome arguing, takes away all rest. 2 baskets for dog. Wednesday 28 May Mrs. Spagnioletti, 7 Park Place St James’s Street 3 - 7. Mrs. Lewis 4 - 7. Midge called morg. Went in her carriage with her to Ranelagh. Dull day but lovely Hungarian band. Saw Mrs. J. Carlisle & Mr. Hastings. Midge dined here. Emma out. Edith out afternoon & evg. Thursday 29 May Mrs. Spagnioletti 3 - 7. In bed till 12.30. Called Mrs. S, Mona, saw Mrs. Kemp, Janet Lewis etc. Dull affair. Mona shocking manners. To see darling Babies both well. Anne growing enormously. Roy tiresome but don’t think he can help it. Miss Rose Innes & Canon Harford called. Friday 30 May Mrs. J. Ferguson’s dinner, ref. Mrs. Dan Tupper 4 o’c. Apt Mr. Stone 10.45, postponed by wire! 3rd. Carriage 2.30. To Mappin & Webbs, awful things. Saw Babies both well, little Anne flourishing. Midge in bed again same as before O. says! Roy dined at Hamilton Langley’s. We dined Lin & self 9.30. Saturday 31 May Mrs. H. Levy’s dinner, ref. Large box Her Majestys. Gwen, Eve & Frauline & self only. Roy to Brighton, Con’s. Delightful performance Her Majestys, “Ulysses”. Met Mrs. Hudson & took her into our box. Lin unable to go, working. Girls & F. enjoyed it. Lin & self dinner 8.30. Jun 1902 Sunday 1 June Mrs. Leech 4 - 7, 125 Sloane St. Lady Hickman’s tennis for Lin & we dine there after, 7.30 dinner. Roy away Brighton. Emma & Edith out. Gave Otley & Edith 3 Zoo tickets for today. Peace news real this time, heard at Sir Alfred’s. Monday 2 June Mrs. Cyril Maude 4 - 6. Haymarket Theatre. Mrs. Pennyfather 4 - 6.30. Mrs. Leech, 125 Sloane Street. Streets & every place gone mad with Peace news. Gt. Crowd getting to Cyril Maude’s & great crowd there, to Mrs. Leech’s after. Tuesday 3 June Miss Thomson’s dinner 8.15. In brougham morg. about dress, saw F. Robertson! Can’t get gown done. Saw Midge looks v. well in bed with Nurse in attendance another miscarriage!!! So Orton says! Only Anna Dietz & Miss Rowley called. Lovely house the T’s, exquisitely furnished & most perfect dinner & service. Cap. & Mrs. Hankey, Sir & Lady Erskine & 2 others. Wednesday 4 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs. Lewis 4 - 7. Wet. Derby. Lin drawn “Friar Tuck” Duke of Portland’s horse, came in 3rd. Mass of Jewesses at Mrs. L’s. Cards on Mrs. J. Whitehead. Ruth’s present. Lady dressmaker. Zimmerman. Thursday 5 June Miss Rose Innes to dinner, & Edgar. Out 4 o’c called Mrs. Levy, Spielman, Wills, saw Sir W.H. Saw Baby Anne. Lin dined out Mr. Evans Portman Sqre. Four to dinner pleasant evg. Cannot understand Roy. Had Mrs. Sells here ½ day. Friday 6 June Lady Hardman at home. Wet morg. Wet afternoon. Went to leave presents 4 o’c Mrs. Messel. Saw dear Babies, Midge & Dora. Maison Nouvelle. Roy dined at Midge’s. Saturday 7 June Mrs. Hartley luncheon party at Welcome Club. My darling returns from Paris after 6 weeks absence, arrives 8 o’c tonight. I go with Midge 11.30. Bitterly cold. Shop’g in Bond St & luncheon with Midge. Carriage fetched me fr. Maud’s 4 o’c where I arranged flowers. Roy met Lennie & Maud at Victoria. Sunday 8 June Lin & self dine with Mrs. Burnand, 8 15. Maud & Lennie lunch here. Lin & Roy to Sir A. Hickman’s for tennis afternoon. Freda out afternoon & evening. Monday 9 June Miss Rubens wedding. Lady Bergne’s dinner at Ranelagh, 7.30. Mrs. Rawlinson’s at home 4.30. Bitterly cold day. To Doctor 11.30. Walked some way. Delightful dinner Ranelagh. Coupé, Mrs. Harding, Sir H. & Lady Bergne, Mr. Bergne & strange lady. Sat in winter garden after, no band. Tuesday 10 June Mrs. J. Carlisle, 48 Park Street W, 4.30. Invitation to dine Belisha Stivens, can’t go. Lin won’t go! Met Maud in brougham at Mrs. Young’s, went on in her motor to Maison Nouvelle, hat. Pd £2.10.0!!! Mrs. Mackasy, Miss Innes, Pollock, Maud P. & friend, Mrs. Gill, called. Con & Roy, Lin & self dined here, C. & R to Ex. after. Ada Sp. called. Wednesday 11 June Lady Armstrong at home 4 - 6.30. Ap’t 2.30 Doctor. He postponed me again! Was fitted instead for blk. voile bodice. Con, Lin & self to luncheon. At 4 o’c fetched darling Maud & called on Mrs. D’Arcy, Lady A, everyone delighted to see Maud. Mrs. Ainsworth, Miss Thomson, Mrs. Welby & Mrs. English. Left darling M, saw Babies, home to dinner with Con & Roy who left after for Coronation concert Albert Hall & Court Theatre. Thursday 12 June Ruth Messel marriage. Mrs. C. Corbett at home 4 - 6. Mrs. Hankey 4 - 6.30. Wet. Maudie came morg. brought some lovely flowers & white aigrette. Nonie too sweet at church threw down rose leaves for Ruth to walk on down the aisle. V. pretty wedding, 5 bridesmaids charming dresses & hats, pink & white. Ruth looked v. nice. V.pretty wedding but wet! Con, Lin Roy & self to dinner here. Friday 13 June Mrs. Mrs. Mackredy at home. Mr. Douglas called. V. wet. Walked to Maud’s, home in motor. Nonie well again, Maud looks tired. Effie came to luncheon, went with


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 me at 4 to dressmaker & Mrs. Mackasy’s. Left her at Whiteleys. Home. Lin finished “Coronation” drawing coach. Roy to Maud for dinner. Lin, Roy & self dined here. Saturday 14 June Lady Hardman at home, 25 Victoria St, entrance Orchard St Westminster. 4 - 7. Pouring wet morg. Cold. Midge fetched me at 4 in Vic. We went to above, awful & shockingly arranged. To call on Edgar & Anna Dietz, both out. Con, Lin & self to dinner 8.30. Roy to Maud’s. They all went to Balcombe in motor, poured. Sunday 15 June Dull & cold. Walked morg alone heard band & to Mr. Hartrees. Back to luncheon, Roy here. Con lunching with Edgar. Lennie & Maud dined here, darling M. her own dear funny self again. Monday 16 June Mrs. Medley’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs. Welby’s tea at House of Com, central Hall 4.30. with Maudie. Mrs. Antoinette Stirling’ concert, sent these to May Nembhard. Out morg. Lovely dinner at Mrs. Medley’s. Fagans, & Lyne Stivens, 12, etc. Rain & cold. Tuesday 17 June Mrs. Rawlinson 4.30, last. Mrs. Sutton 10PM. Sir W.H.Wills dinner 8 o’c. Delightful evg. Lovely Mrs. Adams who started a club for typewriters, 300. Mrs. Ackers, Sinclair, Thorneycroft, Corbett, Wheen, Hudson, darling Maud & Cussans. Toula to lunch & tea. Roy & Con here to dinner. Wednesday 18 June X. Lennie sold all my Cent. Argt. & Rosario shares for Sunshales pref. X. £310.13.6, 20 shares. Mrs. Lewis at home 4 - 7. Mrs. G. Armstrong dinner, unable to accept. Dine Roy & self with Miss Rose Innes at Berkeley Hotel 7.30, theatre after. Maud lunches here. Unable to come, went to Ascot with H. & Dora. Met Baby & Nurse, walked with them to Midge’s. 15 to dinner Miss R.I. & Gaiety after, 3 boxes! Welbys, Gilmer, Winnie L. etc. All out, Con with K’s. Thursday 19 June Lovely day. Out morg. walking. Made 10 calls, M. & Mrs. Agnew, Aunt Linda, Lady Flower, in, met Lady Stanley. Roy dined Mrs. Corbett. Effie, Con, Lin & self dined here. Saw Evelyn Fletcher. Friday 20 June Mrs. Dan Tupper 4 o’c. Mrs. J. Carlisle, 48 Pk. St. We dine at Carlton 8 o’c with Mr. & Mrs. Galbraith. Sir Seymour & Lady King’s at home Town Hall 10 o’c. Mrs. Coward 4 - 7. Delightful evg. great crowd smart world Carlton. Sir H. & Lady Oldham, Rose Innes, Mr. & Mrs. Hornsey, Mr. & Mrs. Wilkins etc, G. party. Maud & Toula called. In all day v. tired. Poured morg. Lin hard at work. Saturday 21 June Emily Cook’s at home 10 o’c, 61 Russell Sqre. Messrs Broadwood at home 10 o’c, 33 Great Pulteney St. Eve Fletcher, Con, Lin, Roy, self dinner. Maud & Lennie to Nymans, return tomorrow. Saw Babies & made calls, Mrs. Campbell Praed, Eve Sankey etc. Sunday 22 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Miss Rose Innes, Lennie, Maud, Con here to dinner. Lin & self walked in Pk. Fearful crowd never saw anything like it. Fanny & Alice Linley called & Miss Rose Innes, & Lennie & Maud in motor on return fr. Nymans, left flowers. V. jolly evg. Lin & Con round London before breakfast. Lin to Sir A. Hickman’s tennis. Monday 23 June Mrs. Pollen, 69 Elm Pk Gds 4 - 7. Box Vaudeville evg. Conrad leaves for Kenderdine’s, been here a fortnight. Awful crowd going to theatre, Royal carriages flying everywhere. Lennie & Maud met us theatre. M. looks v. delicate. Saw K. Rumford in box opposite. Tuesday 24 June X. See to papers respecting Cent. Arg. & Rosario amalgamation. Sent & sold. Mrs. Wheen 4 - 7, 6 Cumberland Ter. Asked Mrs. & Miss Mackasy tea! Miss Holland 4 6. Fanny & Alice 3.30 to see babies here. Babies came, F. & Alice here. Several callers. M. fetched me 5.30 & to Mrs. Wh. General alarm & anxiety about the King. Operation. X. Wednesday 25 June Lovely day. Coronation postponed, all gloom & anxiety for the King. In morg. Maud called for me at 4, she lunched at the Thorneycrofts & Nicols. We went in Vic to Ranelagh saw Maggie Schreiber & Mathew, Bergne, Bram Stoker, Nicol, Galbraiths, Geiger etc etc. C’d not find Lin until leaving set with us. They dine at Messels. Roy & self alone, Lin Punch dinner. Thursday 26 June Coronation postponed. Glorious day. Gloom everywhere in anxiety for the King. List of honours, Burnand, C. Doyle, Wyndham actor Knights, Henderson etc Barts! Lin hard at work, holiday stop’d. All decorations coming down. King progressing 10 PM. Called at 4 on Burnands, Bergnes, Sutton, English, Henderson, Milman, Lawrence. To enquire Mrs. Welby her little Helen died of appendicitis Monday. Only ill one day, feel full of compassion for them. Roy dined Midge’s. Friday 27 June V. hot. Made calls at 4, Toula with me, on Mrs. Keith, in, Sylvia Davies, Babies, both well. Lin, Roy & self dined at ¼ to 10 o’c. Saturday 28 June Mrs. Watney “Palatine” for Naval Review. Caled at 4 o’c Mrs. Douglas, Mrs. Hankey, Miss Wiliams, all in. Strawberries 3/6, Chilterns. V. hot. Out morg. fetched Certs X. fr. Bank of Cent. Arg. & Rosario Rly. sold by Lennie for Sunshales 7% Pref. X. Lin & Roy supped with Sir F. Maclean at Garrick. Sunday 29 June Maud & Lennie dine here & Mr. Douglas. V. hot but lovely breeze. Lin & Roy to Sir Alfred for tennis. King not so well, pain in wound. Lin & Roy to Sir Alfred Hickman’s, I went later. Roy remained to dinner there. Miss Rose Innes called. Pleasant evg. Mr. D, Maud & Lennie. Monday 30 June X. Pay 2nd call of £35 0n 14 allotted 4% Ex shrs B.A. Gt. S. Rly. Paid. X. Mrs. J. Carlisle, 28 Pk. Stret. X. Sent 10 Certs of B.A. Rosario & Cent Argt Rly to Messels.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Miss Rose Innes 4 - 7. Went at 4.30 with Maud to Mrs. C’s, met Mrs. Ionides, Mrs. Donaldson etc. Great crowd in Park. Lennie & Maud to dinner. Jul 1902 Tuesday 1 July Eve Coward to luncheon. Out shops. Eve left at 3 o’c . Mrs. Pitt, Elsie Mills, Mrs. Richards, Maud Gurney, Miss May called. Pouring wet afternoon. Stores, bought 2 coms 2 bodices, E’s umbrella. Wednesday 2 July In morg. No, out stores. Alice L. & Fanny Barker to luncheon. Called after on Mrs. Nicol, Welby, Wallace, met Maud in Pk in her motor. To see Babies, M. joined me at Glouc. Ter. Everyone delighted with dear Lin’s drawing “The Vigil”. Roy in v. late to dinner. Sir John Tenniel at P. dinner. Thursday 3 July Mrs. Huish, Lords 4 - 7. Sir Henry Irving’s supper after 1 st night, ¼ to 12. Mrs. Heilbut 4.30. Fanny & Alice to dinner. Dine Cameron Corbett House of Commons 8 o’c, meet Cent. Hall. Friday 4 July Mrs. Huish 4 - 7 at Lords. Lady Burnand 5 o’c. Mrs. Thorneycroft 10.30. Mrs. Taylor Whitehead. Darling M. fetched me in motor 4.45, to Lady Burnand’s. To Lords. Motor left me Mrs. Whiteheads, too late, she had gone out. Saturday 5 July Go to Bowden Green, Pangbourne, Berks for week end, 5 o’c train fr. Paddington to Pangbourne. Mrs. Weedon Grossmith 4 - 7. Lovely day. Saw John Airds going down also to Sir B’s. Mona met us. House charming, garden too. Dined, sat out, played bridge & talked. House party John Airds, Spagnioletti, Mr Fitzmaurice & ourselves. Sunday 6 July Mrs. Weedon Grossmith 5 - 7. Breakfast on lawn, lovely. Walked with Mrs. Aird to see Donaldson’s house thro’ wood. Sat out. After lunch ditto. At 4 drove to Mrs. Berton’s had tea under gorgeous old tree on lawn. Large party there, Mr. O’B. Terrell amongst them. Then on launch, electric. Lovely drive home. Dined. Sir Benjamin left for Scotland by night mail. Miss Campbell dined there. Played bridge & game. Sat out & to bed, lovely day, v. hot. Roy at Sir A.H. for dinner & tennis. Monday 7 July Mrs. Mills 4.30 - 7, 29 Elvaston Place. X. Forwarded cheque £200 to Messrs Milne & Co secretary Burmah Oil Co, 45 Renfield St, Glasgow. Mr. Galbraith’s recommendation. X. Had lunch on lawn, lovely. Mr. Hoares doctor there too. Drove in cart with Lin to Pangbourne to photo. Rerturned after delightful visit by 4.30 train, Mrs. Aird with Lin & self . all gentlemen left morg. Maud dinner here & to see Sappho fetched Roy after fr. Lennie, been drilling. Tuesday 8 July Mrs. Enthoven 1.30. Aunt Linda 9.30. X. Morg to Bank. Borrowed £100 more for £200 I am investing in Burmah Oil Compy. X. Sat in Gardens morg. Roy to Henley with Mr. Messel’s party, Maud going also. Lin & self to Earls Court Exhibition after dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 9 July Out morg by omnibus to see (illeg) gowns. Met Mrs Aird, Dickens & Jones. Lunched with Maud & Miss Cussans, home by om. Roy dining with Maud & L. at Carlton, also Fanny B. & Alice L. Poured with rain afternoon, & very close. Lin off to Punch dinner. Thursday 10 July With Maud to Bazaar. Queen to be there 2 o’c. Perfectly awful storm of rain & wind when we got to Botanical Gds where Bazaar was held. The Venetian poles decorated with garlands & flags swayed to & fro & finally 2 broke drawing down the canvas awning. Promptly done by carpenters before Queen’s ar. Looked charming in mauve. Princess V. & Prince & Princess of Denmark, latter in pink, also Victoria, D & Ds of Fife etc. Stalls lovely & exquisite vases. Heard Mrs. Belle Cole, Jakes etc, café chantant. Met Mr. Allasy, Ethel Lindo, Thorneycroft, Pitt, Romer, etc. Friday 11 July Mrs Forbes Robertson at home, Kiosk, Gardens, 4.30. Out morg. shops. Toula came just as I was starting. Took her to enquire for Paul Fildes, v. ill again, Maud, to leave white boa, Midge, out. Met Ethel Edwin & to Kiosk. Met Casellas, Horseley, Walter Cranes, J.Rowe & Severn, Twiss, etc. On after to see Mary Carter, 51 Welbeck St, ex. clean & polished. She looks fairly well only, rather blotchy. Maud & Lennie to Nymans taking “Foundling” with them. Parlage avec fille Allemande espère q’elle restera comme je l’aime. Roy to drill. Mr. Douglas called. Saturday 12 July Heard about Mrs. Cameron Corbet’s sudden death. V. depressed about it. Ethel Edwin dines here. Out shops morg. To see “Ben Hur” with Lin. Enjoyed it v. much, matinée. Roy to Lords, Eton & Harrow match. Left Lin at Club & called alone to enquire C. Hartree, better, & to Mrs. Spofforth. Ethel here. Roy to Earls Court after din. Sunday 13 July Lovely day. Lin, Roy & self to dine Lady Burnand’s. Toula to luncheon. Roy & Lin play tennis Sir Alfred Hickman’s. Spencer & Miss Rose Innes called. Dead tired. V. pleasant evg. at Lady B’s. Mrs. Hare, Molly, Maurice O’Connell. 10 to dinner! Race game after. Monday 14 July Lin & self dine Mrs. P. Agnew’s at Carlton Hotel to meet Sir F. & Lady Burnand! Invitation to Lady Armstrong for dinner, cannot go. V. hot. Lin better, seemed v. done up last night. 26 to dinner! Lovely roses & bunch was handed to each of us after dinner. Dull dinner. Mr G. Agnew took me in, was much absorbed in himself & family. Mr. Raven Hill on my other side. Saw Violet & Mr. Clements & Mrs. Phillips. Tuesday 15 July Academy Soirée 9 o’c. Out morg. to darling Maud’s. Stayed till 1 o’c. Found her in bed, little F. Baby Anne & Nonie very sweet & good. Home cab to lunch. Fanny Nembhard & May, Mrs. Wallace & Mabel, Lady Henderson & Mrs. Platt called. Enjoyed Academy Soirée very much with dear Lin & Roy. Saw Sir B. Baker, lovely Mrs. Adams & husband, Coles, Tweedie, Judge Bacon etc etc. V. happy evening. My darling called afternoon looking sweet in white.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 16 July Mrs. Hartley 3 - 6. Welcome Club. Tea Mrs. Welby. At home Mrs. Causton 3 - 6. To Bank morg. about Securities. Left securities B.A.Gt Southern, P. & O. letter & Burmah Oil, III. To Désirée, found her better than I had dared hope. Stayed an hour. Dear little Ammis(?) down & a cousin of D’s. Ada Sp. & Percy baby called. Roy to dine with Maud, theatre after. Asked me but too tired. Sent little birds by Freda to Mrs. Kemp. Thursday 17 July To tea with Mrs. Adams at Enterprise Club, City. Went in brougham, most entertaining. Alone with Mrs. A, just as pretty by day as at night. Reminds me of Désirée Welby. Maud & Lennie to Nymans. Friday 18 July To Zoo with Ada Sp. & Percy’s little girl & I hope my Nonie boy. Unable to go. Called at 4 o’c on Sir J. Tenniel, Mrs. Nembhard, & Babies. Out morg. Called at Midge’s & M’s. L. & M. to Nymans. Saturday 19 July Ld. Salisbury’s garden party. Lin & self went. In same compartment going as Mr. & Mrs. Dashwood & a lovely Miss Fox. Heard this after fr. Lady & Mrs Armstrong. Lady A’s 2nd son married Miss F’s sister. Tademas, Liveslys, Lucas, Richmond etc. Chinese, Indians etc in great form & most interesting. Returned in same carriage with Mrs. & Lady A. All most comfortable. Bought fruit & flowers with Lin. Went in brougham, ret. Metropolitan. Sunday 20 July Dull & wet morg. Expected Nonie to lunch & dinner did not come. V. disappointed. Nonie came to tea with Nurse Marion. Was v. sweet & so good. Mr. Marriott called prevented my walking home with Nonie. Roy & Lin at Sir A’s, I fetched them. Miss Innes to dinner. Monday 21 July Out shop’g morg. met Mrs. Spofforth. Saw her range, v. nice one. Called round about on foot, mare laid up. Quiet evg. Freda goes Friday for fortnight’s holiday. Tuesday 22 July Asked Mrs. Adams to tea, unable to come. Lady Bergne, Midge, D, Miss Innes called. Lin, Roy & self to “Toreador”. Dora joined us there. In all morg, v. cold. Goupil. Wednesday 23 July Maud & self to lunch with Mrs. Welby. M. not going. Roy & I dine at Maud’s, & went with L. & M. to Garrick Theatre to see “Les Deux Ecoles” most delightful play so well acted all round. Saw Casellas & Courthauld Thomson there. Charming dinner at Maud’s, everything perfect as usual. Thursday 24 July Tea Miss Rose Innes 4 - 7. Lennie asked us all to dine & go to see “Merry Wives”. Unable as late night tonight, Lin dines out tomorrow. Went with Maud & Lennie & Roy after most exquisite little dinner at Maud’s to Her Majesty’s. McKennas sat just in front of us. Stupid piece & acting after the French play! Lin alone, worked late.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 25 July Freda left for holiday. Lunch Mrs. Wallace to meet Lady Maitland & Lady Millais & dau. 1.30. Lin dines at Athenaeum to meet order of merit! Most distinguished assemblage, Ld Kitchener etc. V. pleasant luncheon at Mrs. W’s. Salmon mayonnaise, volaille, chicken salad, vegts, raspberries & cream & savoury. To Maud’s after. Violet P. & Nurse Millie there. M. packing with Miss Cusans. V. tired. Roy at drill. Freda went for 2 weeks holiday. Saturday 26 July Roy to Mrs. Bosanquet at Cowley, Uxbridge, until Monday. To Stehr’s by om morg. Late for luncheon. Very tired sat with Roy whilst he packed. After tea Lin for cycle ride. To Exhibition evg. Sunday 27 July (blank) Monday 28 July Punch dinner. Out morg. & afternoon. Tuesday 29 July Out morg. shop’g. V. tired. Out again evg. forgot fish & rice! Lin’s working day. Wednesday 30 July Mr. Hugh Fletcher Moulton’s marriage 2.30. Unable to go. To Mrs. Williams to be fitted cheap muslin gown. Bought P. Robinson’s pass books. Out morg. & afternoon put away china, drawing room. Slept v. badly came down late. Lin’s late nights. Felt v. bad after dinner had to go to bed. Edith v. kind & attentive. Thursday 31 July To Edgar’s for week. Postponed. Aug 1902 Friday 1 August Left by 12.30 Kings X for Edgar’s, North Thoresby. Arrived 6.30. Mistaken train so was not met. Got cart & drove out 5 miles fr. Sta. Ravendale Hall. Found E. & S. v. well. Pretty place & roomy house. Astonished how straight they have got in time & what good servants, table service & silver perfect. They only got in a week ago! Amusing old man drove me in cart, quite a character. Roy to Balcombe. Saturday 2 August Dull day & cold. Rained hard afternoon, tried to get walk 3 times, rained each time. Edgar v. seedy unable to come in to meals & to bed early. Letter fr. dear Lin, sent him wire. Clergman & his wife to tea Mr & Mrs. Fagan. Roy & Lennie to camp out Arundel, volunteering. Sunday 3 August So. & self to church morg, found it closed & walked on to Mrs. Vear’s & sat in her cottage listening to imperfections of absent incumbent! Edgar, S. & self to 3 o’c service & heard interesting sermon on Samaritans. Did little gardening. Family talk after dinner. Monday 4 August Lovely morg. Cold but warm in sun. Drove at 2.30 to Waltham about dog Edgar has bought. Bright & sunny tho’ cold for time of year. Gardened. Letters fr. Lin.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 5 August Drove to Waltham about a dog Edgar has bought. No, drove to North Thoresby about gardening tools. Fine but cold & alternately cloudy. Wednesday 6 August Pouring wet v. cold, fire in Hall. In all day until 6. Short walk before dinner. Letters fr. Lin, Maud. M. still at Nymans, Babies at Balcombe. Thursday 7 August Pouring, very cold, fire in Hall. Edgar & Sophy to Grimsby in dog cart. Letters fr. Lin, Maud & Midge. Walked alone 4 o’c. Rained all day. Friday 8 August Go to Tabbie. Postponed. At Edgar’s. Pouring cold & fires. Letter fr. Lin worried with double page, so sorry. Saturday 9 August Coronation! Dull morg. Cleared later. E. & S. & self drove in dog cart to Caistor. V. pretty drive thro’ Beesly. Sunday 10 August Went for walk with Edgar to fish ponds on way to Wold Newton. E. & So. to church at 3. Mr. Fagan came after service but w’d not remain to tea. E & So. & self gardened. To bed early. Monday 11 August Return home by 9.15 fr Grimsby. Arrive Kings X 12.50. Lin to Mr. Wolff for week’s grouse shooting. See H. Furrell. Repacked box. Freda & E. only, Edith for holiday. E. drove me to Grimsby 8 o’c, break at 7! Horrid journey up. Otley met me, home 2.50, found Roy lunching. Tuesday 12 August To Pyt by 3 train with Roy, passed! first. Gwen in dog cart & carriage met us. Yolande & Mr. Pemberton in same train fr. Salisbury, v. crowded. House party Olive S. & Dorothy, Yolande & Mr. Pemberton & Geoff Conrad. Tabs looks v. well. Wednesday 13 August Wet. Croquet tournament Mrs. Bennett Stanford. Walked in pouring rain to ground, players at it all day! Very nice having more people here. Thursday 14 August Wretched day. Walked in grounds. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Toothache again. Liver discomfort & great pain, cannot understand why! Friday 15 August Fine & warm for wonder. Morg. Tabs, Olive & self walked to Hatch. Saw Mrs. Bennett & her aunt & cousin Mrs. & Miss Douglas Murray. Roy & Nellie Grosvenor to practice tennis morg. Mrs. Wyndham, Miss Carlton, Mr. & Mrs. Gilner-Milne (she Dutch) & Mr. & Mrs. Thynne (Miss Seymour Hayden) to tea. Practising in club grounds. Feel v. seedy with liver discomfort. Saturday 16 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Tennis Tournament at Club in Park. Lovely presents for Monday’s tournament here. All off at 1.15 & home 7 o’c. Roy nearly won only lost by a point. Sunday 17 August Dull & fine alternately. In all morg. With Olive after writing letters. Tabs to Church after lunch with 2 boys. Read all afternoon. Horrible discomfort & pain, unable to rest. Music evening. Tabs found no service at Church when she got there. Monday 18 August Tournement. 20 presents. Pouring wet day, party postponed. Mr. Pemberton’s tooth so bad, went to Salisbury to have it out 4 o’c. Wire fr. Lin, returns Wednesday. Tuesday 19 August Tabs to London by first train. Mr. Pemberton, Yolande, Olive, Dorothy, Geoff, Roy & self by 11 train. Travelled separately. Fine leaving, poured in torrents all way up. Got into one storm after another. Roy dined at Coburg with Tabs. Les filles ne menagent pas bien de tout. F. reste en bas & la petite oublié tout. Wednesday 20 August Lin returns fr. Mr. Wolff’s. Tabbie to Scotland. Lin arived punctually 9o’c AM. Enjoyed his holiday & looks better for it. Dare not leave him here alone, E. forgets everything, he w’d be most uncomfortable. Domage qu’elles s’arrangent si mal. Out morg. shops. Poured & sun later. Thursday 21 August Out morg. shops. Needlework afternoon. To “Country Girl” with Lin & Roy evg. V. good. Huge box. Saw Mr. Rooth. Met Ada Saunders (Aicheson?) at Pontings! Mr. O.Seaman to luncheon, usual bad luck, slow & not so well arranged as usual! Friday 22 August To stores morg. Left umbrella to be covered, bought toys. Eye glass handle etc 16/-, umbrella 12/5, toys 4/5, Mr. Herbert 10/6. Paid Tilda 10d for blouses with 4d carriage! Saturday 23 August To Maud, Balcombe. Alone, Lin met me Balcombe Sta by 5.5 train. Darling Maud on platform, so happy to see them again. Maudie looking stronger. Roy & Lennie came fr. City by Motor. Nonie boy v. sweet & little Anne much grown, altered, see no likeness to anyone in her at present. Balcombe House charming, furniture shows up much better & all being white (the walls, ceilings) is so fresh & clean & great sense of space & room. Nana departed! Amelie Jotterand with Maud as Nursemaid. Sunday 24 August Lovely morg. Breakfasted in bed. Maud & Lennie to Church alone. Rain on & off. At 3 o’c to Nymans in Motor. Mr. & Mrs. M, Muriel, Hilda & Miss Brigstock only there. Rained whilst there. Mrs. Sington also. Mr. & Mrs. Oxley & Mr. Murray called on our return. Lin, Lennie & Roy walked with the O’s to their house. Nonie v. excited evg, awake till 11 o’c PM. Monday 25 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 X. Ami. Lovely morg. Walked to lake with Lin. Mr & Mrs. Hohler, Miss Fitzgerald, Miss Hughes v. nice girl to luncheon, Lennie also, ret’d unwell fr. City, stable empty, carriage to Mr. L’s funeral. Hohler party & Miss F. remained on to tea. Lady Fk. Fitzroy & Mr. & Mrs. Pennythorn called. Darling M. v. tired. Lin, Lennie & Maud dined at Nymans, unable to go, little F. Roy to London by 1 st train. Tuesday 26 August Lovely morg. Violet Phillips & Mr. Clement arrive, comes tomorrow instead, 3 telegrams! Lennie Maud & Lin in motor after luncheon to Guildford. Sat out on veranda all afternoon. Tents being put up in Park for flower show tomorrow. Rather much for darling Maud. Lennie v. seedy with neuralgia. Pianola after dinner. Babies for drive. Roy dined with Mr. Sterne. Wednesday 27 August Flower Show in Park. Lin returned London by 12.30 fr. Balcombe. About 80 to tea here. Messels, Fitzroys, Tates, Pennythornes, F. Walkers etc. Excellent band & lovely day but for one heavy shower. Daisie Wignall looking a little too near event to be out. Rested till 12.30. Thursday 28 August Rested till 12 o’c. Lennie, Maud, Mr. Clements & Violet to Reigate in motor, & they all dined at Nymans. Lovely day, no rain. Friday 29 August Lovely day. In bed till 12.o’c. Gatwick Race. Lennie, Maud, Violet & Mr. C. went, lunched there. Mr. & Mrs. Messel, Mrs. Sington, Hohlers etc there. Had v. happy afternoon with Nonie boy. Mrs. Steincopff called. Letter fr. Midge asking us for fortnight fr. 17th Sep. Mr. Hickman died 27th. X. Wrote Lady H. Saturday 30 August Lovely morning. Lin & Roy come 6 o’c. Dinner & dance. Lennie gave a dinner in Camberley to non-com officers of his Sussex Volunteers. Maud gave dance here. Hohlers, Messels, Meades, Tates, Mr. E. Patterson, Lin, Roy, who got a fly into his ear at dinner, v. painful feel worried about it. Most successful little dance. Ruth & Mr. Parker, Dr Messel, Mrs. Sington etc etc etc. Darling v. tired. Sunday 31 August Nonie’s 3rd birthday. Pouring wet day. Were all to have lunched at Nymans, too wet to go. Nonie & Nurse F. to afternoon service. Dear Roy to village doctor with Mr. Clements, most kind to go with him, about his ear. I feel unhappy about it. Dr. took a fly () this size out of ear . Roy seems himself again altho’ languid. Sep 1902 Monday 1 September Pay £125 P.O. Steamship Compy, 3rd payment. Lin shoots with Mr. Tate & his son in law Mr. Wignall. Mrs. Tate asked me to luncheon at 1 o’c & the rest to tea. Lin & self to luncheon at Mrs. Tate’s, went in brougham. Only Marie V. Morgan & Daisie & Mr. Wignell. Lovely house & grounds, everything perfect. Lin shot after lunch with Mr. Tate & Mr. W. Saw poultry, dairy & bake house all perfect. Tuesday 2 September Very wet. Lennie to City. X. Maudie seedy little F. Broach found under rug my room. Maud & self called at 3 on Mrs. Gilliat, Lady F. Fitzroy & Mrs. Huth. Mr. & Mrs. H. the most charming people I have met here with exception of the Tates.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Adventure with coal cart, had to unharness our horses to turn. Lin shot at Nymans. Wednesday 3 September Fine & windy & clouds alternately. Lennie to City. Violet & Mr. Clement to town for day. Lin returns London 4 o’c for Punch dinner. Roy went to stay until Monday at Mr. Stern’s at Reading. Thursday 4 September Lovely day. Sat out & worked with Grace Fraser. V. sorry Emilie not a success, & going. Maud, Grace & self to call in Vic. at 4 o’c on Mrs. Pennythorn & to Canon Meade’s garden party. Met Pennythorns there, etc etc. Music evg. Friday 5 September Thunderstorm. Maud & self to leave cards at Mrs. Oxley, condolences. Had to return on account of storm. Saturday 6 September Lennie & Maud, Lin & self dine 7.45 at Mrs. Tate’s. Maud, Grace & self, laughed immoderately. Lovely day. Delightful evg. at Mrs. Tate’s. Mr. Tate played organ. Lennie & Lin shot at Mr. Tate’s. Sunday 7 September Lovely day. To Church with Lennie, Grace, Maud, saw Tates. Met Mr. Wignall & Daisie coming out. Maud & Lennie remained. Tea on lawn, walk after to lake. Mr. Clement left for Brighton. Missed his train but went by later one! Lovers depressed. Monday 8 September Violet to London, tooth. Drank at Chalybeate Spring. Expected Mrs. Kenderdine, never came! New pair horses, chestnuts. Roy returns fr. Mr. Stern at Reading. Grace, Maud, & self walked to Mrs. Faure Walker’s. Music evg. Tuesday 9 September Lovely day. With Violet to iron spring morg. Sat out on Balcony. Nonie to Nymans with Linley in dog cart, Lin day’s shooting there. Mrs. & Miss Huth to tea. V. delightful people, clever. Music evg. Lennie better, less tired evg. Wednesday 10 September Dull morg. Balcombe Carnival. Drove Lin in Victoria to Station, Maud & self. Called after on Mrs. Turner & Mrs. Horn, rude little children. Violent indigestion evg. Mr. Clement arrived for one night, brought another diamond & opal ring! Seems hopeful. Thursday 11 September Fine alternate. In fearful pain with fissure. Started at 2 o’c in motor for Tunbridge Wells to tea with the Nembhards, Maud, Grace & self. Broke down with great report 1½ miles away!!! Walked home!!! Mr. Clement & Violet later to Red Hill to see Mr. C. off to Ireland! Lay down & rested, better for it. Maud & Grace fetched Lennie fr. Three Bridges in carriage. Friday 12 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dull Oct sort of day. Violet & Maud to lunch at Mrs. Hohler’s. Ruth & Mr. Parker come until Monday. Grace & I took long walk together. Sat on gate & rested & watched pheasants. Saturday 13 September Mrs. Messel’s garden party. V. fine but cold. Roy & Lennie by motor, Roy’s hands both dead! Saw Tates, Mr. Wignall, Kenderdines, Huths, Geilguds, about 250 there. Ruth & Mr. Parker to Nymans early in motor fr. Nymans. V. pleasant but so cold. Maud, V, G & self in Victoria. Great alterations in grounds at Nymans. Ruth, Mr. Parker, Lennie & Roy home in motor. Sunday 14 September Lovely day. Lennie, Maud, Violet, Grace & self to Church. Roy, Mr. Parker & Ruth at home. Met Mr. Sterne with Mrs. Tate’s party, etc etc. Had few words with Mr. Sterne. Mr. & Mrs. Geilgud & Muriel to lunch & tea. Walked to Chalybeate spring! Monday 15 September Went alone to London for the night by 9.50 train, fare 6/8, cab 2/-, porters 1/-, luncheon 1/8. To Gompels, got wrong pattern & must be fitted tomorrow, tiresome. Lin returned fr. trial trip “Orontes” at 4.30. Roy home by 7 o’c looking v. tired. Lin, Roy & self to see “There’s many a slip” stupid piece rather. Feel v. tired. Fine day. Tuesday 16 September Returned Balcombe by 10.40. Found Ruth, Muriel, Violet & Grace & my darling in morning room. Went for walk with Maud afternoon. Vi & Grace together, Ruth & Muriel who rode back to Nymans. Mr. Parker not back until 9 o’c. Lennie v. tired. Violet v. depressed leaving tomorrow. Wednesday 17 September Violet & Maud to London for day. Violet with M. all day shop’g. Grace & self saw them off & went for lovely walk after. Lunched alone. Sat out & for another walk before meeting Maud at 6.30. Lennie also met her with Victoria & walked back with Grace, v. tired. Motor again useless & city worries trying! To bed earlier. My ear still uncomfortable & head stuffy. Thursday 18 September Maud & Grace to Mrs. Keating to luncheon. Unable to go. My head stuffy with cold & ear numb & unpleasant. Lovely autumn morning. Very interesting lunch for Maudie & G, both charmed with Mrs. K. & the General. Lennie very nervy evening. Friday 19 September Lovely day. Feel v. bad with cold & throat, nose & ear discharge. Went to see doctor at 2.30. Gave me lotion to have it syringed & gargle. Congestion thro’ cold. Went over new house with Nurse F. after. Lennie less tired evg. Roy here & Mr. & Mrs. Hohler who came early for tea & remain night. Baba girl to tea. They all danced evening. Saturday 20 September Lovely day. Lennie at home all day. Lin arrived at 11.40. Met him with Nurse F. at Station. Maud, Grace & Mrs. Hohler decorating Church for tomorrow’s festival Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Hohler left after luncheon. Mrs. Tate called, also Fox Adams. Grace Roy & Lennie to Nymans, returning in time for dinner with Mr. & Mrs. Geilgud who remain until Monday.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 21 September Heavenly day. Cold makes me feel absolutely ill. Sat out all morg. & had most interesting talk with Mr. Geilgud. All to Church except Mr. G, Lin & Roy. Mr. Taplin to luncheon, v. fond of Conrad, knows him well. Large party fr. Nymans to tea. Monday 22 September Heavenly day. Mr. & Mrs. Geilgud left, Messel party to fetch them morg. Maud, Grace & self drove to Mrs. Tate’s 12 o’c. Saw Baby girl & Maud saw Daisie. We both saw Mrs. Tate in bed looking sweet & pretty & wonderfully well. Throat & ear bad still. Canon Mead & dau. to dinner. Tuesday 23 September Lovely day. Hilda, Mr. & Mrs. Hudson (conventional young couple) & Mrs. Elliott to luncheon. Callers later. Maudie confused (illeg) & Mrs. Fox Adams but put them off for night on account of Crawfurd rather seedy. Packed & rested. Wednesday 24 September Return fr. Balcombe. Lin & self returned from Balcombe. Darling Maud & Grace with Lin & self, lunched with us Staf. Ter. Was fitted with blue canvas Gompels. Shop’g. Maud to dentist. Returned home 5.30. Altered contents of boxes & worked with Edith helping me. Mrs. de la Penha to Maud’s. Thursday 25 September Shop’g. To Sloane St bought blouse flan. silk collar & facings £1.13.6! Met Lady Maclean, said Mervyn was to go & see her at Calcutta. Mrs. F. amiable & looking v. handsome. Friday 26 September We go to Mrs. Johnson Ferguson’s. Lin coming by night mail, I alone by 11.30AM. Lovely day. Got up comfortably. Pd. £1.9.6. Roy to Balcombe, shoots with Mr. Tate tomorrow 10 o’c. My luggage left at Carlisle thro’ carelessness of guard. Mrs. F. lent me charming dress which suited me better then my own. Saturday 27 September Roy shoots with Mr. Tate at Balcombe Place. Walked with Mrs. Mitchell, rest drove. Afraid of driving with my ear. House party Mr. Farquharson, Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell, Miss Barron, Miss Pilkington, Mr. Carmichael, Mr. Murray. Miss Barron sweetly pretty grey(?) with small features & sweet (illeg) voice. Sunday 28 September X. Ami. whilst walking morg. with Lin, had to lie down with continuous & increasing ear discharge. Feel weak & head feels muffled. Rested after luncheon & late for tea! Lin vanished entire afternoon alone! Host took me in to dinner. Monday 29 September Finished my (illeg illeg) entirely alone, rest finished by maids. On view after dinner! Mr. Mitchell took me in talked incessantly. Host on right of me & seemed also talkative. We played Bridge after dinner, host, Lin, Miss Pilkington & self. Shooters home v. late. Tuesday 30 September Breakfast in bed & remain in all day. Felt better for a sleep on Mrs. J.F’s sofa after luncheon when all the party went for drive. Walkled, read & worked. Mr.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Farquharson took me in to dinner & talked incessantly, c’d not have a word with host on my right! Played bridge with host after dinner. Oct 1902 Wednesday 1 October Return from Mrs. Johnson Fergusons. Mr. Farquharson & Mr. & Mrs. F. left early & Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell, Miss Barron & Miss Pilkington travelled with us to Carlisle. Fine day. Forgot my gold plate!!!. Gave housemaid 10/- had been most attentive. Enjoyed visit immensely altho’ I was not well. Roy gave Harold dinner at Garrick, so c’d go to bed early. Thursday 2 October Gillie came in time for luncheon & leaves tomorrow. She ordered me fruit & flowers at Barkers. In bed till 2.30. Saw Dr Orton about my ear still discharging v. much & throbs. Feel generally seedy & weak. Played patience evening. Lin, Roy, Gillie & self dinner. Friday 3 October Invitation to Belisha Lyne Stivens for shoot, Andover, until Monday. Cannot go, must get ear well first. In bed till 12.30. Gillie did “Punches”. Ear still bad, discharge, throbs & aches dreadfully. Colder & some rain. Letter fr. darling Maud. Had to send Emilie away, rude to Grace Fraser. Will not be any loss. Roy to Balcombe until Monday. Gillie left after tea. 2 pheasants & brace partridges from Hamilton Langley. Saturday 4 October Orton came morg. 2nd visit, ear same. Felt feverish early, in bed till 12.30. Haunch of venison from Mr. V. Watney. In all day. Roy shooting at Nymans with Lennie. Quiet evg. v. happy alone with Lin. Sunday 5 October In bed till 11. Read French book & Observer. Atlantic Combine settled! Lin took me for a walk, cold. My ear less painful & inflamed. Met Mr. Kenneth Graham. Felt better for air & exercise. Monday 6 October Roy returns fr. Balcombe. Gillie comes for a few days. Tuesday 7 October Lin dines at Fishmongers Hall to meet Lord Kitchener. Lovely box of sweets after. Walked morg. No one called. Wednesday 8 October Went for walk morg. Dr Orton came, 4th visit.My ear bad, no better, & feel v. weak & seedy generally. Lovely sunny morg. Gillie to see a lady, no good. M.P. called. Flowers fr. Maud. Roy Gillie & self to dinner. Freda out. Thursday 9 October V. wet. My room scrub’d & carpet down, well done. Gillie leaves today. Roy dined with Harold Messel Carlton & Music Hall after. Friday 10 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dined 9.30. Ear doctor away so have lost time! Orton came in for a second morg. to tell me & now promises to make ap’t with Dr Cumberbatch for Monday. Walked morg. alone. Saturday 11 October Roy to Balcombe till Monday. Lin & self to matinée of “Marriage of Kitty” most amusing. Saw Mrs. Merryweather there & a girl friend. There & home by omnibus. Lin to Club & home to dinner. Quiet evg. alone Lin & self. Sunday 12 October Lovely day. Walked with Lin Park. Met Mr. & Mrs. Braunstein, wanted us to lunch with them Hyde Pk. Club, too seedy to go. Rested & read. Lin & self alone. Edith out evg. & afternoon instead of Wednesday. Monday 13 October At 12 o’c to Specialist Cumberbatch. Kept me 1½ waiting, pd £2.2.0. Altered medicine & lotion. Says abcess has perforated left ear drum & may take time to heal. Caused by general debility etc. Nothing to do with age. Roy returned fr. Maud’s, did not expect him. Tuesday 14 October Edgar & Sophy to dine here 8 o’c. Roy arrived middle of dinner, had been to Eton with Mr. Stern on motor. To Orton morg, told him Dr Cumberbatch had altered medicine & lotion, ear same, feel v. weak & seedy. May Nembhard to tea. Warm. Wednesday 15 October V. windy, warm, gale. Walked morg. Ear the same. Roy dined out, I alone. Thursday 16 October Dora came to stay till Saty. Roy dined out, no, dined out last night. Was amusing at dinner. I walked out morg. Drove at 3 & paid Wellers bill £4.8.0 for Carlowitz. X. Found D. here on returning. Friday 17 October To Midge, Gatley Pk. Kingsland, Herefordshire. Unable to go too seedy with my ear, still discharging. Out morg. walked twice round Pond. Fine & warm. Too tired to go out after luncheon. D. went for me, got patterns. Dined 9.30, Lin, Dora, Roy & self. Patience after. Saturday 18 October Roy & Con at Brighton until Monday. Dora leaves for Maud at Balcombe by 5 train. Lin & self to see “Best of Friends” Drury Lane matinée. Quiet evg alone together, to bed early. Dr O. called morg. Ear same. Very wet. Sunday 19 October Fog. Cleared & fine later. Walked fr. Hyde Pk. Corner with Lin home. Read after to Lin. Fanny & Alice called, both looking very well. Quiet evg alone Lin & I. Monday 20 October Walked fr. Hyde Pk.Corner to Marble Arch. Called on Sophy. V. angry Otley treated mare brutally, Sophy saw marks of his cruelty. Will not give us their mare now! X. Feel v. seedy indeed. Tuesday 21 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Invitation to dine at Carlton with Arthur Linley. Lin dines with Mr. Lucy, excellent compy as usual. Lin & self lunched at Mrs. Pirrie’s, v. pleasant unfortunately missed E. & Sophy & Lady Weston. Mrs. Nembhard came. Roy out to dinner too. Wednesday 22 October Maud arrived to luncheon. She & Lennie come to stay until Friday. They dined at Mrs. Hohler’s & theatre after. Roy & self dine alone. He read Grays Elegy after. To bed early. Lady Margaret Watney had a son! Thursday 23 October Feel awfully seedy. No discharge fr. ear now, unaccountable why I feel so ill. Lennie & Roy off together to city. Maudie off to Hunts about man servant. Drove to Hyde Pk. corner & walked home. Maud at 4 to Mrs. Pirrie’s. Too seedy to go. Felt v. seedy all day & at dinner. Friday 4 October Darling Maud & Lennie & Roy left for Balcombe. Roy & Lennie shoot tomorrow at Nymans. Walked morg. Saturday 25 October Fine. Walked morg. Lin gone to breakfast at Club & lunched there, to see Royal Procession. Saw well. I did flowers from darling Maud’s & slept after reading french book. Lin & self alone. Dr. Orton called whilst I was out. Sunday 26 October Wet. Walkled with Lin to enquire after Lady Margaret & baby. Saw King & Queen returning fr. Windsor on our way thro’ Park walking home. Mr. Stone called & had tea. Long business talk. Edith out afternoon & evening. Lin & self to dinner only. Monday 27 October Yolande Dietz married fr. Mrs. Dietz’s Dorset Sqre. Tuesday 28 October Came to 13 Eriswell Rd, Worthing. Maudie & Lennie to Staf. Terrace for 2 nights. Maudie arrived for luncheon & saw me off at Vic Sta. Lin, Roy, Maud & Lennie to Drury Lane & sup’d after at Carlton! Saw Philip Cosens there! Comfortable journey to Worthing & nice clean rooms. Florence came in to see me whilst at tea. Wednesday 29 October Lovely sunny warm day, out by 11. Breakfasted in bed, slept badly. Out until 1.30 on parade. Called to enquire for Aunt A. Met her on return. Boiled mutton & stewed fruit. Wrote after. Florrie called & we went on to Aunt Anna’s together. Quiet evg. 2 letters fr. dear Lin etc. To bed 9 o’c. Mrs. Spinks kindly syringed my ear. Thursday 30 October Dull morg. Rained. Aunt Anna called for me & we went for walk together & took my watch to be mended. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Friday 31 October Lin leaves tonight for Hamilton Langley’s, Gatley Park, Kingsland, Herefordshire. Out morg. & afternoon. The 2 Florences lunched here, left at 3.30 when I went to Aunt Anna. Stayed ½ an hour & caught cold. Felt v. seedy evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Nov 1902 Saturday 1 November Horrid cold in head & on chest. Out morg. with Auntie, lovely but colder. Auntie walks so slowly, told me about her will etc. After luncheon walked to Mrs. M McGregor’s, saw her & niece just starting for Somerset. Rested after & to bed early. Sunday 2 November Dull. Cold heavy. Out morg. on parade, cold wind, & walked after to see Auntie. Out again after luncheon until 3.30. Rested, & Florrie came in to tea, Florence later. They then went to Church. Monday 3 November Fine. Met Aunt Anna on parade, walked till 1.30. Auntie asked me to lend her £10! Tells me she already owes Aunt Netta £10! Most brilliant look out for repayment! Poor little soul. Saw Con on parade afternoon! Came back to tea & supper & left by 10 o’c train. Looks v. well. Mrs. McGregor called with 2 dogs. Con gave me lovely flowers. Lin much enjoying his visit to Langleys. Tuesday 4 November Lovely day, colder. New moon. Flowers fr. Ada Pickering, chicken & butter fr. Maudie. Put flowers in vases at Auntie’s, met her after on parade. Letter fr. Lin. Walked till 1.30, lunch. Out at 3 until 4.30. Lovely on parade. Tea, wrote letters. Florrie came & stayed some time. Maud & Lennie go to Staf. Ter. dine at 8 Westbourne Terrace. Chicken & butter fr. Maud. Wednesday 5 November Worthing. Expences 1st week £2.14.2. Went out 12 o’c, late! 2 letters fr. dear Lin. Florence lunched here on ½ Maudie’s chicken. Paid my bill £1.16.8. Paid several bills self. After luncheon waited until heavy rain storm over & walked to Florrie’s, poor little neighborhood. Tea there, & Florence walked back with me. Alone on parade lovely evg. Pheasant fr. Ham Langley. Thursday 6 November Lovely day. Effie to luncheon. We walked after to Blairs, out. (illeg) much impressed with Effie, & on to Mrs. Macgregor’s also went over house together, Geoff, Eff, Mrs. Mars. Florence & Florrie came about 4 o’c stayed some time. Felt v. tired walked so far. Lucky did not stay to tea Mrs. Mars as it rained heavily later. Friday 7 November Lin goes fr. Gatley Park to Mr. C. Lawrence, Apethorpe Hall, Wansford, Northampton. Lovely morg. Sat out fr. 11 till 1 o’c. West End parade. Read Westminster. Letter fr. Lin seems to regret taking long holiday. So sorry he is already worrying about work. Walked after luncheon again parade. Lovely sky full of colour & slate coloured clouds. Some rain but cleared. Watched 5 fishing smacks put out. Called at Auntie’s. Florrie B. came in. Home 5.30. Wrote. Saturday 8 November Florrie Blair lunches here. Pouring wet day & high wind. Went to see Uncle Leigh. Quite fine later. Wonderful memory for 88 years age. Florence returned tea with me, walked together on parade first but too windy. Bought crumpets. Sunday 9 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely but cold wind. Sat out on parade with Madame, Mrs. Macgregor’s friend. V.handsome woman. Met two F’s after, walked with them. Two F’s called. Quiet evg, read. Monday 10 November Raining but walked between showers. Lovely evg, sea exquisite in setting sun. Went & wished Aunt Anna goodbye. Florrie to tea. Florence came in later. Decided to go home tomorrow. Tuesday 11 November Worthing cost me £5.10.0 all told. Returned by 2.7 train fr. Worthing after a very happy fortnight. Raining but warm. Found darling Maud here & Lennie, both dining & Roy at Carlton. Maud bad cold. Lin returned fr. Apethorpe Mr. Laurence’s place before luncheon. Florence met me station, only just caught train. Wednesday 12 November Fine. Breakfasted in bed, Maud also. Lin out to lunch. Walked Sloane St 11 o’c, home 1 o’c. Bought gloves & 2 veils 4/7. Met Maud Coward. Home omnibus. Lin back for work, no carriage. Had windows cleaned, v. dirty!!! Maud & Lennie back to Balcombe, saw M. off in her carriage. Edith out afternoon & evg. Roy & self to dinner. Thursday 13 November X. Petite s’en ira avant Noël (illeg) qu’on ne peut rien dire à la cuir sans qu’elle en fait plus! Maud & Lennie return for night. To stores by train early bought 3 drawers 3 vests Roy £3.0.6, 2 prs coms & petticoat self £1.19.6, odds 9/6 & 9/Total £6.7.0. Unable to lunch at Mrs. Gill’s. Saw her moment. Mrs. Rooth called. Friday 14 November Out morg. Slept badly must have taken double dose of medicine. To Bank borowed £100 more making £400 in all. Maud to Mrs. Young’s. Maud returned Balcombe 4.30. Did packing all afternoon & part morg. Roy dining out. Met Miss Evans, Blair’s engagement . Janie(?) Eykyn, Maud Paxton, Mrs. Williams & Mrs. Spofforth. Saturday 15 November Fortnight’s books £6.14.5. Lin & self to Midge & Ham’s. V. comfortable journey took our own luncheon. Midge met us 1½ miles fr. the house. Hamilton arrived later, been shooting. Gatley Park & surrounding country perfectly lovely. Charming old house part built 1689. Plenty of bedrooms, very slippery old oak staircases of which there are 3. Sunday 16 November Slept badly. Most comfortable bed & picturesque room tho’ v. cold. Walked thro’ park with D. & Lin morg, lovely. Midge & self rested after lunch. Major Kennedy & Major McCan called & Mr. & Mrs. Pennefather (v. handsome Irish couple) came 20 miles by road to stay. V. delightful people. Monday 17 November Gatley Park, Kingsland. Second shoot Hamilton Langley. Lovely day. V. cold. Mr. & Mrs. Warmsley & friend, Major & Mrs. Kennedy who remain on, Mr. & Mrs. Pennefather, Lin, H, M. & self. All lunched in Park except self. Walked with Midge & Mrs. Pennyfather to Tabs.. Perfectly lovely everywhere. Bag 130 pheasants. Mrs. P’s cold bad, Mrs. K’s nightmare(?).


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 18 November Lovely day v. v. cold. Lunched with the shooting party at Keepers Lodge, most picturesque. Colonol Davidson & Mr. Warner with H’s party making 6 guns. Party of 10 to luncheon in cottage. Walked little with shooters & returned with Mrs. P. Played Cat & Mouse on billiard table, curling, & progress in billiards. Wednesday 19 November Mr. & Mrs. Pennefather, Major & Mrs. Kennedy, Lin & H. all left early in detachments. Had long walk on Ludlow road with D. V. v. cold. V. pretty farm with stream of spring water running thro’ it. Quiet afternoon & evg. Thursday 20 November V. cold, grey. Midge, D. & self lunch at Mrs. Kennedy’s (née Kidson, brother taken Rushmore.) Mrs. & Miss Evans there also the wife of the Squire & Rector. Called on way home Kevil Davis’s & Mrs. Davidson handsome amusing matron. Had tea there & again here! Quiet evg. Midge sang. Letters fr. dear Lin & Maud & Edgar. Awfully cold at Mrs. K’s. Friday 21 November V. cold & dull. Got up to breakfast. Ham returns today fr. London. Wrote Worthing. Dora & self walked to gate overlooking the lovely valley on way to Ludlow. D. took photo of picturesque farm on way. Mrs. Dunn came to tea. Midge fetched H. fr. station. We played bridge evg. Saturday 22 November Hamilton out all day with Col. Davidson shooting. Fairly good days sport. 4 partridges given. Mrs. & Miss Buckole(?) to luncheon. All elderly ladies here great talkers. Mrs. B, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Dunn & Mrs. Davidson. La cuisinière ivre. Walked with D. morg. Sunday 23 November Lovely warm sunny day. With Midge to enquire for bailiff & on for lovely walk thro’ the long drive cover, under pine trees & overlooking valley. To Church at 3 o’c, choir deafening. Cuisinière ivre, s’en va demain. Monday 24 November V. wet, stormy but warmer. Unable to drive to Lady Curtis. In all day, read & played billiards & curling on billiard table. Kitchen grate being done. Letters fr. dear Lin dear Lin & Maud. Begin to feel anxious about things at home & fille de chambre. Cuisinière parti matin. Tuesday 25 November Dull. Rain. Warmer. La nouvelle cuisinière arrivée. Worked & read morg. Letters fr. Lin, 2, etc & Mrs. Dale à cause de jeune femme de chambre. Elle demande gages en avance que je ne donnerais pas. Long walk with H. & D. Midge met us in drive after. Played bridge, Midge & self partners. Wednesday 26 November Hamilton goes to York about some Bulls, he vy annoyed about going. Dull & grey again. Long walk with H. & D. in spite of rain. Played bridge evg. Thursday 27 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dora to Staf. Ter. today until Monday, dines with Mrs. Rooth & goes to Raffles dance. D. not going. H. left by 1st train, returns Friday. Midge D. & self drove to Major Kennedy’s where D. remains night. Midge & self alone quietly. Friday 28 November Midge & self in bed breakfast. Pouring. Warmer. D. & self for walk after lunch, D. with gun. Saw birds but got nothing. D. to bed early, leaves for Staf. Ter. by first train tomorrow morg. Midge & self to Lady Curtis & Mrs. Wardale. Lovely drive. D. to London today. Saturday 29 November Lennie to Scotland. Lovely morning. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Mary McQueen married 4 months ago! An. in yesterdays Times! Midge & self walked thro’ village & saw Farm Cottage quite a large house & beautifully kept. In all afternoon. H. very tired. Played Dummy Bridge, H. won again. Sunday 30 November Dull damp & wet. H, Midge & self remained in all day. Packed with Frances. H. with liver attack & v. cross & contrary. Better evg. & going to take liver pills which he certainly needs. Dec 1902 Monday 1 December X. Pay last instalment on £500 allotted in P & O Steamship Compy 3% Debs. I returned home fr. Gatley by 11 train, pouring wet. Midge saw me off. (illeg) James, 10/- man 1/- porters. Pleasant journey up but v. wet. Fletchers’ fortune pd. today!!! Found dear Lin well. Roy dining with Maud & Dora & going to theatre after. Tuesday 2 December Ham’s shoot, Capel Curig. Sir Antony Ledyard, Sir W. Curtin. Walked morg. Missed darling Maud. Lin v. busy with Durbah cut. Wednesday 3 December Dora returns to Gatley. Albert Hall tickets, dare not go, too cold. Bitter. Maud fetched me morg. Were so long at Mrs. Young’s I had to lunch at Maud’s. Cusans there. Home in her carriage 3.30. Called on foot Mrs. Fildes, away, Colin Hunter’s & Mrs. Spofforth. Roy & I dined at Maud’s. Con there. Thursday 4 December Out morg. sharp walk & shop’g. To stores. Maudie fetched me at 3.30 & we had tea at Mrs. Ritchie’s. Ellie there & Mrs. Romer. To enquire for Mrs. Welby & to tea Mrs. Laking’s. M. sent me home in her carriage. Con dined here. Lennie returned fr. Scotland. Maud dined at Mrs. Messel’s, her birthday. Friday 5 December V. cold. Went by underground to Sloane Sqre & walked home fr. there after ordering Lin’s photos, M’s note book etc. Met Lady Lockwood. At 3.30 in carriage to Sir John Tenniel’s with 2 books to sign & on to Maud’s saw her & Lennie who looks v. ill & nervous. Nurse Millie & Miss Cusans there. I had my dinner first. Lin & Roy dined quarter to 10. Saturday 6 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lennie & Maud go to Gatley for shoot. V.v. cold had to move in to morning room, & draughty there. Lin & self to matinée “My Lady Virtue”. V. stupid piece well acted. Edgar dined here & made good dinner. Sunday 7 December V. cold bright. In morg. room. Lin & self for walk Park. Met Mr. K. Graham. Roy on to lunch at Club. Mr. & Mrs. Galbraith called. Lin goes by 10 o’c train fr. Euston meets Dora at Crewe Saturday & on to Galbraiths, Terregles. Quiet evg. Lin Roy & self. Monday 8 December Out morg. Woollands. Walked back. Also ordered 3 of Lin’s photos at Stuarts, Sloane St. V. cold, not freezing. Rained afternoon. Remained in & Roy had carriage to take him to Coburg Hotel to dine with Tabbie & Hamilton & theatre after. Two huge fires going all day drawing room. Tuesday 9 December Out morg. shops. Miniature of Nonie boy done & can now wear it. Mrs. Spofforth, Mabel W, Maud P, Mrs. Gill & Mrs. Laking called. Felt quite worn out with talking. Dined v. late. Wednesday 10 December Out morg. shops. & at 4 o’c to Mrs. Welby’s found her looking sweet in blue & her boy huge person of 2 weeks & 3 days. Quiet evg. with Roy & played patience. Miss White called about work. Thursday 11 December Miss White here. Piteous letter fr. my darling Maud. Unaccountable H’s rude behaviour to her. Most unkind & inconsiderate. She is altogether too good for any of my family. Feel v. seedy unable to go out all day on account of liver pill, Nurse Millie’s! Worked in drawing room. Friday 12 December Shop’g morg. Had bread & milk at 7.30 & did not dine with Lin & Roy. Saturday 13 December X. Maud & Lennie ret’d fr. Gatley. Mrs. Galbraith invitation for week, Lin going. La petite s’en va. Maud Hill came. Edith Haines left. Nice little thing worked well to the last. Lin worked all day, dined at Lady Jeune’s & went night mail to Dumfries. Sunday 14 December Lin arrives at Galbraiths today. Walked to Sp’s, all in bed 12 o’c. Came down later! Sp. & Douglas to tea & Miss Evans. Roy & self dined at Maud’s, Mr. Marriott there. Muriel out afternoon & evg. Monday 15 December Out morg. & afternoon. Lennie & Maud dine here. V. jolly little evg, Maud in high spirits. Roy out. Asked Mr Douglas to come, engaged. Tuesday 16 December Out morg. shops. Wretched day. Maudie to tea. White here & in my room all day, desperately slow cutting out. Felt completely done up evg & v. sick. Liver! Wednesday 17 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 V. seedy, still livery. Tea at Mrs. J. Aird’s 4.30 & Desirée Welby. Morg. out. Met Lady Dent at Mrs. Aird’s & her small boy. Found Desirée v. unhappy about her father’s death. Roy & self alone evg. Muriel out evening & afternoon. Con called v. upset. Thursday 18 December Fine. Went with Mad. at 11 to Bond St. Bought seal for Mr. Blair, waterproof Emma & bath slide Lin. Mad’lle lunched here & left at 3.15. Ada, Spencer & F. Walford come to dinner. Lovely flowers fr. Maud. Friday 19 December Lin arrived by 8AM fr. Terregles, 4 pheasants. Maudie called with Mad’lle & returned again alone after ap’t with dentist & had tea. Con came for night. He & Roy dined with Harold M. Lin & self alone 8 o’c. Saturday 20 December Out morg. M. & Lennie at Balcombe. Lin & self to see “The Eternal City” Her Majesty’s, excellent. Lin, Roy & self alone evg. Called for Pass Book, fearfully overdrawn £100 odd! Called & saw C. Hartree. Sunday 21 December Walked with Lin in Park. Met Mr. K. Graham. Quite warm. Florence Walford to luncheon. Mr. Paxton & Midge to tea. Midge remained on to dinner, v. lively. Lin working. Monday 22 December Packed afternoon. La nouvelle ne vaux pas les gâges que je lui donne. Elle est laide petite et très commune. Tuesday 23 December Mr. Blair’s marriage with Miss H. Blunt. Maud went & joined me at Vic Sta. after. Came to Balcombe by 5 train. Maud & self alone house, v. pretty & bright. Babies well & grown. Anne v. like Ottie. Wednesday 24 December Lennie & Roy detained until 11 o’c PM by motor collapse. M. busy all day with presents & tree. Thursday 25 December Lovely day. Lennie & M. to Church. All & Babies to Nymans for luncheon. Sat down 19. Rested after. Xmas tree. Babies left after presents. 20 at dinner. Fox Adams there. Played games after, left 12.30. Friday 26 December All Messel party come to dine, 20 in all. Three tables in dining room beautifully arranged. Mr. Marriott & Grace Fraser came to stay. Danced all evg until 12.30. Lottery. Saturday 27 December Lovely day. Maud took Nonie to Xmas tree party at Mrs. Horn’s. Ruth & self for walk. Grace played evg. singing & danced. Lennie & G. Cake walk. Nonie to little girl & taking toy gently fr. her, “Think that must have been meant for me!” Sunday 28 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely morg. Remained in to write letters. Lennie, Maud & Grace to Church. Mr. Marriott & Roy at home. Mr. & Mrs. Fox Adams to luncheon, brought small greyhound as present for Lennie. Lennie, Roy & self for walk before tea with 3 dogs. Mr. Marriott left. M. & self played bridge. Lennie & Grace played. Monday 29 December Roy & Lennie to town early train. Maud had Xmas Tree party here. Mrs. M, Mrs. Sington, Ottie, Hilda, Mr. Loring, 2 little girls, Muriel, 2 Miss Meads to tea. Danced etc. Grace, Maud & self danced evg. To bed very late. Tuesday 30 December Pay £35 last call on 14 shrs B.A.Gt Southern Rly 4% 1906. Paid & took receipt to London & Coutts Bank. Maud & self called & had tea at Lady Pearson’s, lovely house, & after at Mrs. Pennythorn’s. Lin came down in time for dinner. Played cards. Wednesday 31 December Lennie ret’d fr. London after 2 nights there. Lin & self for long walk. Maud drove to Mrs. Tate’s & stayed some time. Sat up till midnight & drank Punch & was no worse for it. (First three days of 1903 written here, amalgamated into 1904 diary) Notes in back of diary: Received 1902 fr. Trust Ac’t. Jany 1902. Balance from 1901

75. 1.10


Cent Uraguay 23.10.10 Local Loans 1. 0. 9 Argt Gt Western 18.16. 8 Feby Peebles 23. 6. 1 Gt Western Brazil 28. 5. 0 March Cordoba & Rosario 18.16. 8 Received trust to March £113.16. 0 April Steam Ship Nav 21. 3. 9 Illinois Cent 19. 2.10 Local loans 1. 0. 9 £ 155. 1. 4 June Canadian Pacific 23. 8. 9 Lehigh Valley 21.10. 12 July Argt Gt Western 18.15.10 Cent Uraguay 23. 9. 9 Local Loans 1. 0. 9. Aug Peebles 23. 5. 1 Gt Western Brazil 28. 3. 9 Sept Cordoba 18.15. 5 Oct St. Sh. Navigation 21. 1.10 Nov Illinois Cent 19. 3.10 £ 352.17. 6 Received 1902 fr. Private Act




March April

Wirral Cordoba Cent B.A. Pacific B.A.Western B.A. Rosario B.A. Pacific Chinese Jamaica Robinson Mine B.A.Pacific Gt. Eastern Harrods Waihi Hull & Barnsley Furness Midland Glasgow & S.W B.A.Rosario B.A.Trams

Coupé May

Barker Cent Argt June Waihi Harrod Sale of Rosario & Cent Argt too small to invest

1.17. 7 1.17. 8 5. 3 4. 5. 2 1.17. 8 13. 4 2.16. 6 1.13. 0 3.10. 0 13. 2 2. 4. 9 13.10 3. 5. 8 2.16. 6 1. 8. 3 6.13. 1 2.16. 4 1.17. 6 1. 0. 0 5. 7. 6 1. 9 10. 6. 6 3. 5. 9 3. 4 13. 0. 0 £ 99.11.11

Private Money July forward 99.11.11 B.A. Western Deb 4. 5. 0 B.A.Rosario 1.17. 7 B.A.Cordoba Cent 1.17. 7 B.A. Pacific 2nd Deb 3. 4 B.A.Pacific 1st Deb 5. 3 Chinese 6% 2.16. 3 August Robinson 5. 5. 6 July Coupé 2. 8. 0 Jamaica 2.12.10 More fr. sale of Rosario 2.18.11 August B.A.Pacific 13. 2 Christiana 1.17. 6 G.E. Railway 14. 1 Midland 5. 3. 8 Furness 18.10 Sept Cash?? 13. 2. 4 Glasgow & S.W. Rly 2.10. 3 City B.A. Trams 1. 0. 0 Barker 8 Coupé 2. 7. 9 B.A. Gt Southern 29.13.1 Novr Rosario Sunshales 9. 4. 2



Waihi Harrods B.A.Pacific

Trust Money Forward Local Loans Canadian Pacific Lehigh Valley

4.15. 0 3. 3 1. 6. 4 £ 199.10. 9 £ 352.17. 6 1.0. 9 23. 8. 9 £ 377. 7. 0 21. 0. 0 £ 398. 7. 0

Invested during 1902 May P & O Steam Navigation Group 3% deb Allotted £500 Paid May 16th due Paid 250. 0. 0 Sept 1st due 125. 0. 0 Dec 1st due 125. 0. 0 500. 0. 0 Second call Buenos Ayres Gt Southern 4% Ex 1906 on 14 allotted shares June 18th 35. 0. 0 June £200 in Burmah Oil Company, rec. by Mr. Galbraith Borrowed £100 at 4% for this July 8th £ 200 Borowed £400 Invested 500 P&O Third call B.A.Gt Southern Dec 200 Burmah Oil 35 B.A. Gt Southern 735 less borrowed 400 £ 335

£ 35. 0. 0

Sold by Messel 18th June all my Cent. Argt & Rosario ordinary stocks & shares for 20 Sunshales 7% pref shrs at 15½ . £10 shres £ 308.15. 0 with stamp 1.18. 6 £310.13. 6 Sent June 30th the 10 certidficates of same to Messel , namely 1. Cent Argt ord stock 115 ditto 25 ditto 15 Rosario 50 ditto 10 ditto 40 2. Shares C. Argt Rosario to Cordoba £20 each 40 Cent. Argt £295. 0. 0 Buenos & Rosario Ord stock ditto ditto

40 80 30



£ 150. 0. 0 £ 445. 0. 0

One has an eye & no head One has a head & no eye You can guess it if you try One hangs but on a thread Ans: a needle, a pin. Con’s investments South American Light & Power Compy, Edison Marshall Thompsons, Holles St, Cavendish Sqre Evelyn Pem-Sankey, 23 Marlborough Rd, New Brompton, Kent Ada Pickering, Spencer Cottage, Upham, Hants Major Kennedy, Kingsland Rectory, Kingsland, Herefordshire. Songs: “Oh, dry those tears” by Del Riago “I never knew I loved thee so” by Frank Lambert “The sweetest flower that blooms” “Come to me in my dreams” Maude Valerie White. Stories discrete & otherwise “A ping pong tournament will be held for the benefit of St Paul’s nightstool” Lapse lingue! Douglas (illeg) story nearly knocking down man “Now then greedy!” Gentleman asked to write in Innkeeper’s book “Quoth the raven” What piece of furniture does Mr. Keppel remind you of? The women sit on him & men hold him at arm’s length! Aunt Barbara, 5 Lorne Villas, Somerset Rd, Teddington S.W. Dates for Mrs. J. Ferguson Sep 26th to Oct 1st, Oct 10th to 15th Oct or 17th to 22nd Oct. What papers do the King, Mr. K & Mrs. K remind you of? “The King” “The Onlooker” & “The Daily News”. Florence Blair, Woodbine House, Tanning Road, Worthing. Mervyn, c/o Messrs King & Co. Forwarding Agent, Bombay, India. N. Richini, Claridges Hotel Tilda, 19 Hill St, (illeg) Miss Rowley, 2 Bloomfield Place, S.W. Floence Blair, Tanning Rd, Worthing. Sophy, 22 Manchester St, Baker St. Anmna Dietz, 7 York St, Baker St Maud Paxton’s dressmaker, Mrs. Williams, 26 Westgate Ter, Redcliff Sqre


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Milman, 12 Tite St, Chelsea Embankment Conrad, c/o Mrs. Kenderdine, Hazeldean, Cuckfield, Sussex Mrs. Jones (eggs & chickens), Blaches, Little Caulfield, Dunmow, Essex Mrs. Holder’s place for maids, Miss Johnson, Eckington, Derbyshire and Mrs. Massey, Friar Gate, Derby Mrs. J. Evans, 3 Chartham Ter, Ramsgate Amelie Jotterand, 43 Catherine Street, Buckingham Gate Mrs. Taylor, masseuse, 381 Latimer Road, Notting Hill. No good. Aunt Barbara, 5 Lorne Villas, Somerset Rd, Teddington. Godfrey Sellick, “Romanholme” Pelham Rd, Gravesend. Linseed oil & turpentine for furniture. Waddie, 1 South View Villas, New Malden, Surrey. Aunt Barbara, Windemere, Eriswell Rd, Worthing. Mrs. Bosanquet, Servill(?) Rectory, Welwyn, Herts. Florrie Blair, Woodbine House, Tanning Road, Worthing. Miss Hogarth, 31 Egerton Terrace, S.W. Lady Goring, 146 Lexham Gds Jessie Hardinge, Cravenhurst, Eastbourne Evelyn Sankey, Ballard Lodge, Lyndhurst, Hants. Excellent lodgings. Alice Linley, Villa Pozzoforte, Bardighere, Italy. Excellent pensione kept by Mrs. Morgan Brown. Fanny Barker, Grand Hotel Helo(illeg) Cairo, Egypt. Mrs. Bosanquet, Tenrie Rectory Welwyn, Herts Miss Macdougall (Lin’s F’s partners dau!) 36 Emperor’s Gate Miss Macdougall & Miss Zoe Bateman, 41 Queen’s Gate Gds, S.W. Mexican National Railway (illeg illeg) A.B. Birnbaum Esqre, 12 Cavendish Rd, Regents Park.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1903 Notes in front of diary Store ticket 114698 Addresses Spencer, 5 Alexander Rd, Llandrindod Wells, Radnorshire, Wales Mervyn, Grand Hotel, Calcutta, India Ted Herapath, 19 Up. Belgrave Rd, Clifton Lady Goring, 145 Lexham Gdns, S. Kensington Masseuse, Miss E.D. Wingard, 22 Langham Street, Portland Place Mrs W.S. Gilbert, 4 Grosvenor Cres. Wed until March Eugenie, Wigmore St. Maud’s blouses Geoff Conrad, St Boniface Convent, Lee on Solent, Hants Frances Johns, 28 Crystal Palace Rd, Sydenham Lin, Royal Yacht Squadron Club, Cowes. c/o Hamilton Fletcher, S.Y.Joyeuse Aunt Barbara, 5 Lorne Villas, Somerset Rd, Teddington Gronquelle water, gout. Books to get “The mastery of the Pacific” & The Key of the Pacific” Anna Dietz, Braishfield Lodge, Romsey, Hants. Expences Stoke Edith Fare 1.5.0 11th Cab 2.0 Porter 6 Washing 1.0 Stamps 1.0 13th Emma 1.2 Stamps 2.0 Monday 18th Washing 1.9 27th Ditto 1.0 1.14. 5 Books read “All over the World” Sir E. Boehm “Wisdom & Destiny” Maeterlinck v. good “The Mystery of Marie Stuart” Andrew Lang V. involved “Resurection” Tolstoi V. strong “Les dernièrs jours de Pekin” Pierre Loti “Around the world through Japan” Delmar “Modern warfare” by Ubique “Twenty-one days camping in Morocco” Lady Grove “The Wonder Book” Nathaniel Hawthorne charming “Lacs et Marchemins” J. Sardeau “Shelley’s Lyric Poems” M.Hill (housemaid) £17 year M. Rice (parlourmaid) £20. £1.13.4 per month Both awful creatures


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 E. Reffell £28 £2.6.8 for a quarter Addresses Mrs Phil May, 5 Melina Rd, Grove End Road, London Sidney Rosenblaum, pianist. 766 Leander Rd, Brixton, Nr London Lady Armstrong, Clanchor House, Howth, Co. Dublin. Sanitary Inspector (Mr Messel’s) 65 Victoria Street, Westminster S.W. French dressmaker rec’d by Mrs H. Adams: Mde. Kaisers, 6 Eardley Crescent, Earls Court, S.W. Doctor rec’d by Miss Brown, Dr Edgecombe, 2 Royal Villas, Station Parade. Also rec’d Dr Oliver Mervyn Italian address, Casa Piccioli, Via Torna Buoni, Florence E. Roberts, parlourmaid The Chase, Filney St Lawrence, Nr Lynn Norfolk F. Howlden, Park Grange, Sheffield Burmah Oil Com, 175 West George St, Glasgow N.B. Mrs Chesterfield (Midge’s char) 33 Tadmia Road, Kings Road, Chelsea Jan 1903 Thursday 1 January (this day copied from 1902 diary) Lennie & Lin to shoot at Paddockhurst, Sir Weetman Pearson’s. Maud Lin, Lennie & self dine at Nymans & Mr Marriott. Perfectly glorious day. Grace Fraser left. Tabbie’s big ball for Gwen’s coming out. V. pleasant dinner at Nymans, Mr Marriott with us. Friday 2 January Vy wet day, warm. Otley returned to town. Servants dance tonight, Lennie sleeping night in London. Great success, about 40 danced in kitchen. Laundry beautifully arranged with 2 long tables & names on each place, most daintily done. Mr M. & Maud & I went down. Saturday 3 January Wet & fine alternately. Mabel Wallace came in time for lunch. I breakfasted in Maud’s bed, slept with her. Went with Mr Marriott, Mabel & Lin for vy dirty walk after luncheon. Lennie came down. Had seen Roy who had only slept one night at Pyt! Sang & played evg. Sunday 4 January Lovely morg, wet later. We all lunched at Lady Pearson’s. Huge party there. Lin, Mr M. & Lennie walked, we drove. Mabel ring fr. plum pudding, I got thimble! Went over house, like huge Hotel. Played bowls in Winter Garden. Played games evg. Monday 5 January Very wet day. Lin to town for the Madeleine Stanley wedding to Mr Broderick. Lin returns tonight. Lennie & Mr Marriott off by early train, not returning until Wed. Lin returned evg. Maud, Mabel & I lunch at Mrs Fox Adams. Most charming house & exquisite little luncheon beautifully served. Soup in little green jars, prawn patties, cutlets with cut vegts & ham, cold turkey, chestnuts veg & sausages etc, chocolate éclairs & delicious anchovy wafers. Tuesday 6 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Warm & wet. Lady Pearson, Mrs Kinnell, Miss K & Miss P to luncheon. Darling M. worried about town house, Nonie ill again at Glouc. Ter. Maud, Mabel & self to tea with Mrs Tate. Daisy & husband there. Lin walked over & Mr Wignall walked back with him. Lennie not here, coming tomorrow. Wednesday 7 January Lady Luscombe’s dance, Mabel & Maud went, young Pearson v. attentive. Muriel over for lunch & remaining night. Lennie, Roy & Nipper to some dance at Cuckfield, Sussex Volunteer. They slept here but did not see them, left early. Muriel & I alone evg. Thursday 8 January Roy & Nipper off by first train. Mrs Messel’s luncheon party. Maud went with Mr & Mrs Tate & fr. there to Lady Pearson’s children’s party & enjoyed it. Mabel left. Lin & Lennie shooting at Paddockhurst. Lin came down early train & returned to town after dinner. Nonie came down to tea with me. Walked for hour New Road. Announcement of Mr J. Fagan’s deat, suddenly at Florence. Friday 9 January Mr Messel’s birthday. Babies went over to see him morg. Fine & rained after. Maud & I went over to Nymans 3 o’c, stayed to tea. Lennie shooting there, fetched him back. We 3 to dinner alone. Saturday 10 January Mr Venning came to stay till Monday & Roy & Mabel W. Mr & Miss Pearson to dinner. Harold, Mr Davson, Hilda, Mrs Elliott & Miss Hale came after. Delightful dinner & dance after, great success. Geoff Conrad to lunch & tea, left at 6 o’c. Sunday 11 January V. cold & snow. All to Church but Lin, Roy & self. Mr & Miss Pearson took Mabel & Mr V. in their motor for drive. Lin, Lennie & Roy for walk Nymans. Maud & I walked some way with them. Played games evg. Monday 12 January Mabel left. Lennie, Roy & Mr Venning left by first train. Roy looking seedy. Lennie came by late train only in time for dinner. Canon & Miss Mead dined here, games. Maud & I called on Mrs Beightmier, Kay Shuttleworth, Kenderdine, & Mrs Steincopff where we had tea. Frost & ice. V. cold but warm in house. Dear Lin here. Tuesday 13 January Sent cheque for £290 to Glyn Mills Currie & Co for full payment of allotted £300 in B.A.Gt. southern Rly 4%. Walked 5 miles with Lin & not tired. Miss Meads to tea. Lennie & Nipper drilling, arrived only at 10.15, v. tired. Maud, Lin & self dined alone. Nipper slept here. Wednesday 14 January Lovely day v. cold. Lin to London by 10. train. Letters fr. Fritz, Geoff & Mr Richardson. Miss Cussans arrived. Thursday 15 January X. Pay £140 for 1st call on new B.A.Gt S 4% deb. 2,000,000 at £105for 100 stock, paid £290 being amount in full. Lady Romer at home. Lovely day bitterly cold.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Drove with Maud in brougham to Lady Pearson’s, Lady Luscombe’s, both out. Walked alone with the 3 dogs. Quiet evg. Lennie again better. Friday 16 January Lovely day, bitterly cold in London by Lin’s letter as cold as 1895, huge icicles. House here v. cozy & warm. Lennie returned fr. city, better. Miss C. still here but leaves tomorrow. Had walk with Nonie afternoon. Saturday 17 January V, cold, skating. Lennie down by 4 o’c & off to Lake, Nurse M, Nonie & I with him. Beginning to rain & thaw set in. Lennie skated a little. Mr Childers, Lin & Roy arrived by 5 train. Pleasant evg. Mr C. older than most of Lennie’s friends. Maud to Lady Beatrice Rawsons with Muriel. Great anxiety, she did not return until 9.45. Sunday 18 January Lin & Roy for walk. Lennie, Mr C. & Maud to Nymans 12 o’c to wish Mr & Mrs Messel bon voyage. They go to London this afternoon & leave for Cannes on Tuesday. Lennie, Lin, Mr C. & Roy for long walk after luncheon. M. & self doing gardening list drawing room. Pleasant evg. New patience by Mr C. Music. Monday 19 January Damp wet day. Lennie Roy & Mr C. up to London. Nonie painting with Lin! Geoff Conrad goes to Stafford Terrace until Friday. Tuesday 20 January Returned with Lin from Balcombe after a delightful month’s absence. Arrived 6.30. Found Geoff here staying. Dined 7.30 & to Olympia. Introduced to Buffalo Bill, Col Cody & nice niece, American. Had box. V. tired. Left darling Maud with cold! Wednesday 21 January V. dark. 2 letters fr. darling Maud. Out morg. Called on Miss Rose Innes, out. Geoff & I lunched 1 o’c. Fetched Jim Galbraith & went to Garrick Theatre “Water Babies” fairly good. Lin met us. Saw Lady Maitland. Geoff, Roy & self alone to dinner. Thursday 22 January Dull & damp. For walk & shopping morg. Rested afternoon. Geoff in for tea. Roy home 5.30 looking v. tired. We dined at 7 & went in cab to “Toreador” V. good box, enjoyed it. Lin & self home in brougham, boys by om. Friday 23 January Freda out afternoon. Morg. walked with Geoff, met Mabel Wallace. Flowers fr. darling Maud. Fine day. Geoff left after luncheon for Brighton. Called at 4 o’c on Lady Clarke, Lady Lockwood, Lady de la Rue, Mrs Galbraith & Miss Thomson. Saw Coupé, tea in Hall & lovely house. Saturday 24 January Wet & dull. Gompel 10.30. Matinée with Lin “Admirable Crichton” Excellent piece. Unable to walk, v. wet. Read on return & slept. Quiet evg. Worked out with Roy Mr Childer’s Patience successfully after 4 tries. Sunday 25 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Walked with Lin, met Lady Hickman. V. dull & windy. Lin to club after lunch. No one called. Quiet evg. Patience! Roy’s cold tiresome & makes him so too! Pity. Monday 26 January Ada Sp. & Hilda called. Maud & Lennie dine here 8 o’c. Walked with Lin morg. to lady photographer Brompton Sqre & back. Called at 4 on Maud, not yet arrived. Saw Nana & Mrs Partridge. Sat some time talking to them both. Mrs P. better. Whiteley about coffee pot. Quiet evg. V. delightful having Maud back. Roy’s cold bad. Tuesday 27 January Asked Florrie Blair to stay week, comes Thursday. Walked to top of Row with Lin, met brougham. Saw & had long talk with Cap. Mathews. Lin lunching with Mr (blank) chief of Police. Mrs Adams, F. & May Nembhard, Mrs J. Aird, Mrs Gill & Miss Rose Innes called. Roy’s cold v. bad. Wednesday 28 January Tea with Maud at Lady Hickman’s. Walk at 12 with Lin & Mrs Gill. Called at Police Sta. on return about street music. Roy in after I had finished dinner! Only E. & F. in, Muriel out. Made calls with Maud on Mrs Kinnell, Gilberts, Palmer & Lady Hickman. Thursday 29 January Lady Clarke’s dinner, Lin only. Met Sir C. & Lady Clarke, Ewan Smith, Mr Newman. F. Blair arrived 5.50. Catastrophy at night, E. out & our dinner cooked by Muriel & not served until 8.30. Orton came evg to see Roy, fears influenza. Friday 30 January Orton came to see Roy. Roy down after lunch. Florrie & self to see Maud, v. pale & not looking so well. Dinner ¼ to 10. Saturday 31 January Roy in bed. Orton called morning, says he must go to Brighton first, going tomorrow to Con’s. Out morg. Left securities Bank. X. B.A. Gt Southern £300 4% debs. To “Othello” with Florrie, bus there carriage back. Sausages. Roy vy. tiresome makes me quite ill with his arguing. V. tired & ear ache. Feb 1903 Sunday 1 February Very seedy ear ache & head ache. In bed to breakfast. Roy left for Brighton by 12 o’c train. Lin & self for walk 12.30, blizzard. Lovely later cold wind. Florrie to Church. Col. Leigh called. Maud Paxton, Miss Rose Innes, Spencer & Mr Paxton called. Monday 2 February L’allemand s’en va. Walked morning. Drove at 4 called on Mrs Jackson, Lady Lawrence Miss Lawrence, Mrs Blair, Mrs Reeves, in, Lady Bergne & to Maud’s, arrived late fr. Balcombe. Tuesday 3 February Florrie & I walked to Midge’s, returns fr Gatley today. Took flowers for her table. Lady Lockwood, Mrs E. Pollock, Mrs Gilbert & Helene Zimmerman called. Maud & Lennie to dinner. Wednesday 4 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Walked morg to & fr. Woollands with F. Blair. Drove at 4 called on Lady Burnand, out, & May Nembhards, Brooks. Midge & Dora & Maud there. Also Mr & Mrs Tipping. F. & self dined alone. Freda out. Thursday 5 February Walked to Sloane St. to get toys, 4/6. Florrie Blair left for Aunt Linda’s morg. Dora came & sat to Lin & remained to luncheon. I drove with her at 3 o’c Woollands, Marshalls. Met Mrs Tate, & to Midge’s. Met Miss Hanbury Ld Bateman’s cousin. On to Maud’s & home. Dined 8.30. Mrs Kinnell called. Friday 6 February Mrs English at home. In bed to breakfast. Lovely day. Miss Gill called & darling M. with Grace Fraser. Gillie’s brother at Hanwell, dangerous lunatic! awful, & her sister about same. Maud took G.F. to Mrs English. Saturday 7 February In bed till 12. Roy returned fr. Brighton with Tabbie & H. Lunched here & went with them to Pyt by 3 train. Con came to stay, only arrived in time for dinner. Maud dined here. Lin & Lennie dined with Mons. de Ayala, Carlton. Dora joined Lin & self at Apollo “Girl fr. Kays” awfully good. She drove me home. Sunday 8 February In bed till 12.30 reading Tolstoi’s “Resurrection” v. strong book. Con to see Effie. Con & Lin in to luncheon. To see Effie after tea. Sp. & Ada called. Con & Lin dined at Maud’s, I too seedy to go. Dora there & Hamilton fetched her. Monday 9 February In bed till 12 o’c. Read, finished Tolstoi’s book. Drove with Con at 4 to enquire Mrs Armstrong, Welby, English, Tupper, all out. Paid £4.8.0 to Wellers wine peole, leaves still £4.8.0 owing. Con sh’d dine Midge’s, too seedy, dined with Lin & self here. Darling Maud called, away. Tuesday 10 February Lovely day later, dull morg. Con & self breakfasted in our rooms. He lunched at Mrs English’s. Lin not very well, feels tired & done up. Mrs Tate, Lady de la Rue, Mrs Holland & Ethel, Maud & Miss Cussans & Mary Millais called. Con lunched at Mrs English’s. Wednesday 11 February Went at 1 o’c to Dr Cumberbatch. Says I am v. weak & bloodless & must go away soon as possible. Had influenza he says which w’d account for my feeling so ill. Mrs Bertie Keith called afternoon. Con & self alone evg. Freda & Minnie in, E. out, la dernière ne sais bien de la cuisine. Ménage mal quand cuisiniere est sortie. Thursday 12 February Lovely day. Walked Kensington shop’g. Called at 4 on Mrs E.T. Reed. Met Lady Reed morg. at Barkers. Called Ada Sp. & Mrs Maclean, both in. Mrs Watney called. X. Lin dined at Maud’s. Con & self alone dinner. Muriel out. Friday 13 February Lovely day. In bed to breakfast. Walked fr. Whiteleys. Pd. Barkers bill £5.1.6. Lin fell fr. bicycle. Con dined with Lin at ¼ to 10 o’c. Packed my clothes. La fille n’aide pas aussi bien que la dernière avec l’emballage. Saturday 14 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Came to Balcombe by 5 o’c train. Lunched 1 o’c. Con & Lin to matinée of “Monsieur Beaucaire”. Darling Maud met me at Balcombe. Saw Hilda Sp. who had been spending day with Maud. Maud & Gillie came by 1 st train fr. London, Lennie later. Gillie staying till Monday. Sunday 15 February Dinner (blank). Lennie & Maud out together morg & afternoon. I went for walk with Gillie. Lin dined at Langleys. Con waited Staf. Ter. for Roy who returned fr. Pyt. Monday 16 February Mrs Fletcher Moulton’s dinner 8 o’c. Maud, Lennie & Lin going. I remain Balcombe, too seedy. Walked & saw Maud & Gillie off Balcombe station 12 o’c, & stroll after with Nurse & Baby. Walked afternoon paid 2/6 for advertisement in West Sussex Gazette for Thursday. Little Anne fretful & w’d not stay with me. Tuesday 17 February Asked Sir C. & Lady Clarke, Lady Weetman Pearson, Mr & Mrs Pirrie, all away. Lovely day. Walkled twice with Babies. Little Anne fretful, teeth. Colder, frost evening. Wednesday 18 February Lovely day, frost morg. Colder. Walked to Tailors with Nurse F. about shorten skirt. Little Anne better & less fretful. Lunched, & out again with Babies. Nonie on Camel, the saddle turned round. Saw Miss Mead taking photos of woodman & hut in red road. Met Mr & Mrs Pennythorn, asked me to luncheon & tea, cannot go. Toula goes to Stafford Terrace. Thursday 19 February Lennie’s birthday. Lin, Roy, F. Walford, Mr Gosling, (illeg) & Eileen Clowes & Mr Brown dined with L. & M. Went for walk morg. stayed in afternoon for Con who did not come. Lovely day, warm & sunny. Four answers to W. Sussex Gazette advertisement. Friday 20 February Lovely day. Went for long walk morg. with little Anne, again afternoon, v. good. Kate took my specks to Cuckfield to be mended. Very quiet peaceful day. Very sunny & warm. Saturday 21 February Went to meet Lennie & Maud at Sta. with Babies. Saw Ethel English with Mr & Miss Larking on way to Brighton. Nonie boy not quite well, feverish & sick. Very windy, did not go out afternoon. Canon Mead called & Ruth & Muriel fr. Nymans. Lennie to Cuckfield for training. Roy at Mr Kenderdine till Monday, Lin at Mr Hartree’s, Brighton. Toula at Stafford Ter. Unpleasant evg, Lennie worried expenses. Sunday 22 February Dull & fine Scotch rain.V. annoying, been lovely all the week. Slept very badly, worried over my darling’s expenses. Wish she could manage her own accounts alone. V. pleasant day tho’ wet. Monday 23 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Returned with Maud fr. Balcombe morg. Toula out to luncheon. Lin ret’nd fr. Brighton, Roy fr. Mrs Kenderdine’s. Lin shot with H.L, clay pigeons. Tuesday 24 February Walked morg. to Midge’s. Tilda lunched at Maud’s. 2 Miss Laurences, Lady Laurence, Mrs K.L. & May, Mrs Fritz, Mrs Reeve, Mrs P. Simpson & darling Maud came, latter looking sweetly pretty. Roy dined with Tabbie at Coburg & went with her to St James’s after. Slept badly. Wednesday 25 February Walked to Maud’s & Midge’s with Toula morg. To matinée “Resurrection”. Toula, self, Lin & Dora, Tabs & Bee!!! Maudie met us there, great deal too many. Roy dined Maud’s evg, only Hilda there. Slept badly. Thursday 26 February Lovely morg, heavy rain 11.15. I lunch with Tabbie. Walked there with Toula. Midge also there, v. cozy little luncheon together. Midge took me for drive in Victoria, greatly enjoyed it, & brought me home. Went to Mrs Gill’s & tired myself, plain little child. Roy dined at Ham L’s. Maudie dinner party tonight. Friday 27 February Maudie called morg looking sweet with Mad’lle, leaves for Balcombe afternoon. Toula & self doing pictures etc all morg. M. brought lovely flowers & we called there afternoon, brought away more. Walked across Park coming home. Roy high spirits evg. Toula played Patience with him. Mrs Gill to tea. Saturday 28 February In morg, working. Rain. To Savoy in Maud’s carriage there & back to see “Princess of Kensington” the stupidest piece I have ever seen. V. pretty girls, music & dancing, piece idiotic & w’d be clever. Roy to drill, & to Balcombe till Monday. Midge & Dora to tea. Sat morning room after. V. tired & nervy. Dickie with us at Savoy. Mar 1903 Sunday 1 March V. windy, fairly fine. Lin unable to go to Calais. Tilda Lin & self walked to Hyde Pk Corner & back. Freda out. Mr Paxton & Con called. Roy at Balcombe. Lin lunched at club. Monday 2 March Freda after place afternoon. V. wet, heavy rain. Tilda & I walked to Row & back. Tuesday 3 March Out morg. Mrs Braunstein, Lady Bergne, Mrs Child, Mrs Stephenson & Ruth called, & Mrs E. Holl about Freda’s character, sister in law to our Holls. Wednesday 4 March Roy & Tilda dined with Dora. I alone to dinner, bed early. Lin, Tilda & self lunched at Rules & to Pantomime after. Thursday 5 March Babies with Nurse M. to lunch & tea, v. good. Darling Maud came with Nonie. At 4.30 to Mrs Jephson with Toula. Roy in to dinner, out with Conrad after. Friday 6 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Walked with Toula Sloane St & back. Called at 4.30 on Mrs Agnew, Hilda Messel, Midge, Richards & Florence Walford. Tilda out to tea. Dinner 10 o’c. Saturday 7 March X. V. wet. Box matinée Criterion. Freda leaves. B. Rice comes. Tilda & self & Lin to Criterion by bus. Saw “A Clean Slate”. V. good & v. amusing. Faites assez bien dîner. Sunday 8 March Walked to Gloucester Ter, chicks out. M. & L. at Ruth’s. Met Midge & H, walked home with Tilda & self. Roy out to lunch, Lin to Calais. Roy dined Midge’s. Lin Tilda & self. Mrs Galbraith & F. Walford called. Monday 9 March Lin to luncheon Athenaeum & to Levée after. Maud’s carriage fetched me 3.30 with Nurse M. & Nonie. Called on Mrs Welby, Mrs English & Mrs P. Holland, saw Midge there, & to Maud’s. Large number there & 2 gentlemen. Tilda out alone. V. wet. Tuesday 10 March Out morg. Florence W. & Ruscam Gingham, Midge & D, Mrs Jephson etc etc called. Maud has dinner party unable to come. Wednesday 11 March Miss Neaves 4 - 7. To matinée with Lin, Tilda & Dora “Three Little Maids” excellent. Walked to Midge’s & Maud’s, latter in bed resting. Roy out to dinner, Tilda & self alone. Thursday 12 March Lady Burnand’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin went alone, I too seedy. W.S.Gilbert story of stamps. Walked morg (illeg) fille Allemande ne vaut pas. Walked thro’ Pk home. Met Mrs Tate, Neaves, Spender. Tilda to help Maud after lunch, dinner 10, Langleys, Galbraiths, 4 others. Fetched Toula. Roy out. Tilda & self alone evg. Friday 13 March Lovely day. Walked with Toula morning, Grove. Roy dined at Maud’s, I at 7. Toula & Lin dined 9.45. Packed afternoon. Toula helped Maud. Les deux filles très lente & moitié endormies. Saturday 14 March Left Staf. Ter. 10 o’c Waterloo for Padstow Cornwall with Lin. Arrived 6.15. Little shed like Sta. & terminus. Walked up to Hotel. Comfortable salon & had excellent dinner. Bed early, fire in room & slept well. Colour of soil after passing Exeter deep rich madder, sheep also looked pink & mole hills!!! Huge quarry of slate, also small low baths of slate & huge slabs of slate like grave stones dividing fields, depressing rather. Great dearth of trees in Cornwall, & Devonshire like curate’s egg excellent in parts! Tilda goes away till Tues. Wonder com. les filles ferant! Sunday 15 March Fine morg. Down 12 o’c & for lovely walk along estuary. Fine dark slaty rocks with quantities of gorse in full bloom. Seaweed of rich yellow & brown & greens. Walked some distance on shore, slippery. Saw 2 men spearing fish! Excellent luncheon, slept & read after. Wrote letters.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 16 March Miss Lawrence’s luncheon party 2 o’c. Cannot go. Lovely day. Left by 12.50 for Camelford & drove in trap fr. there to Tintagel, 8 miles thro’ wild slate rock walls in parts like ruins of old castle. Slate quarry at Delabole. Angel Hotel at Tintagel! No one in it. Lin & self walked down steep decline to ravine & wild rocks & waterfall to see King Arthur’s old walls, all that remains of castle. Caves & rocks v. fine. Back to Hotel for dinner, all most comfortable, fire in room & lovely evg. Good dinner, bed at 9.30. Tuesday 17 March Wild night & pouring rain & wind which decides us to leave today by 12.50 for home. Letters fr. Maud, Toula etc & Edith Haines asking for fresh reference. We return home by 12.50 fr. Padstow. Long tiring journey, dined 9 o’c Staf. Ter. Toula here fr. her visit, & flowers all arranged in rooms. La fille en haute très desagrèable. Roy out to dinner. Wednesday 18 March Fine day, v. windy morg. Tilda & self long walk afternoon. Toula Roy & self dined with Maud. Lennie better. Mr & Mrs Messel came in after dinner. Walked to Mrs Clifford’s & had tea there. All out dinner. Thursday 19 March Walked Midge’s morg. Called 4.30 on Mrs Pirrie, Maclaran, Grantham, Galbraith, Child, all out but Mrs Pirrie. La fille d’en haut des mannières terribles. Rude. Roy out to dinner. Friday 20 March Tea with Mrs Edgar Holl 4.30. Mare lame, had to go by om & walked home. V. pretty dau. who plays well & young son at Cambridge. Toula out to tea. All in evening. Saturday 21 March Roy (illeg) at dinner. In morg. To see “Rosemary” Wyndhams matinée, lovely new theatre, by om. Dora joined us there. Drove back in Midge’s carriage. Poor mare quite lame at National Gallery. La nouvelle fille s’en aile à sa mois. Sunday 22 March Heavenly day & warm. Dora to dinner. Walked Hyde Pk Corner, home bus. Con & Roy in to luncheon, Lin to Club. Mrs Mackenzie only called, v. amusing. Monday 23 March Lennie & Maud to dinner. Tilda & self shop’g, & en l’agence après une fille allemande. Maud’s carriage took me to call Midge, & Maud’s to tea, ours fetched me. Mare less lame. V. pleasant evg, Lennie wants us to have their 2 horses & groom! Ellen waited here. Tuesday 24 March Lovely day. Dora dining here & to Herefordshire after. Very delightful evg. Out morg. Mrs Agnew, Nellie K, Mabel Wallace called. Dined 7 o’c. Wednesday 25 March Walked alone Madame R. Saw new German Swiss maid, engaged her from Monday. On to lunch with Maud. Lennie, Mad’lle, Miss Elkin, Miss L, dressmaker


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 with F. Walford. Remained to tea. Tilda fetched me & we walked home. Roy to “Rosemary” after our 7 o’c dinner. Mr Blair called. Thursday 26 March Lovely day. Lin dined at Maud’s dinner of 10, charmingly done. Toula helping her pack etc. I went at 4 o’c, found them v. busy. M. gave me flowers, turkey. Lennie better. They leave tomorrow morg. Toula going early to help Maud again. Friday 27 March Memorable. Maudie & Lennie start for Paris on way South. Dear old mare to Balcombe, Otley took her down. Walked morg. To Lady Burnand’s, little boy played wonderfully. Poured & came home by cab. Saturday 28 March Had Lennie’s mare. Morg. busy with Toula. To see matinée of “Quality Street” Seymour Hicks. Pretty little piece. Drove mare there & back, called at Midge’s on way home. Toula to Mrs C’s, Grosvenor Hotel. Quiet evg. Roy neuralgia again. Sunday 29 March Lovely day, walked alone with Lin. Toula doing letters celebreties all morg. Maud P, Lin, Toula & self to lunch. Roy out, in late. Mr Paxton called. Midge, Ham & Dora to dinner. Astonished girls waited well, v. pleasant evg. Wire fr. darling Maud at Rome. Monday 30 March Dear Toula left after 6 weeks visit. La nouvelle fille de table vient pour y être 10 jours avant que Mary s’en aille. Margarith Möser. Called at 4 on Mrs de la Rue, Mrs Tattersall, Mrs Dent, all in, & Mrs Fletcher Moulton & Mrs Braunstein, out. Roy captious evg. Tuesday 31 March Fanvy dress Ball at Gal. of B. Artists Pall Mall. “John Bull’s birthday” (a’Becketts). Out 10.30 to Marshall & Willards. Ordered shoes Marshall Snelgrove. Met Doris Tattersall & May Nembhard. Desirée Welby, Mrs Macquoid, Mrs Campbell Praed called. Lin out in brougham. Apr 1903 Wednesday 1 April Boat Race. Cambridge won. I lunch at Mr Hartree’s 2 o’c. Rain. Mary fallen to pieces again but went out in the wet. Went in cab, returned by om. Roy v. tiresome evg, behaves so oddly. Out after dinner when I had a quiet peaceful read. Letter fr. Rome fr. darling Maud. Thursday 2 April Wet again. Mary going home, time not up till Tues. but seems so limp & bad. Mary left by 4 train, no loss poor feeble thing. Called at 4 houses & took Con with me to Hotel to know when the Mervyns expected tomorrow. Left him at Mrs C’s. Friday 3 April Ethel & Mervyn arrive at Norfolk Hotel fr. their 2 years absence. Flowers 1/6. Morg. to Madame Romeider & pd 7/6 for Margarith Möser. Met Anna D. & walked some distance with her. Called 4 Edgar’s Hotel & Club, out. Called Mrs Cole, saw her & dau. Took flowers to Norfolk & found E. & Mervyn already there, both well & lively.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 4 April Shop’g. Took Con & Miss Child to see matinée of “Light that failed”. V. interesting & human. (illeg) not good in it, rest excellent. Mervyn & Ethel to dinner. Lady Flower called. Sunday 5 April Walked with Lin morg. Came back alone. Ethel & Mervyn here to luncheon, Roy out. Ethel & Mervyn to tea & dinner. Spencer & Ada called. Poor baby Cole died. Monday 6 April To stores. Called Mrs Lucy, ill. Fetched flower basket fr. Mervyn’s. Saw M. & E. & presents fr. India. Punch dinner. Lin dining out & Roy with Harold Messel. I dined drawing room. Tuesday 7 April Lin’s dinner 8, Club. Con lunched here. Marriage of young Levy & Miss Samuel at Mansion House. C’d not go. Out morg shops, short walk. Did flowers. Fanny & May Nembhard, 2 Childs girls & Gladys Paxton called. Lin’s dinner Garrick, Sir Sc. MacDonall, Sir Wymss Reed, Sir W. Abney, Sir B. Baker, Mr Galbraith, Lin, Roy. I dined drawing room. Wednesday 8 April Lin goes to Stoke Edith for week, Roy to Pyt. Lin unable to leave till tomorrow. Roy unable to go to Tabs. Both go to Stoke Edith, H. Langley’s place Herefordshire tomorrow. Lin & self to St James’s Theatre tonight. Thursday 9 April Lin & Roy left by 1.40 for Stoke Edith Park. I left for Balcombe by 2.3. Babies met me both looking blooming, little Anne growing very pretty. Letter from darling Maud to greet me at B. Mr & Mrs Messel, Hilda & Cap. Gibbes came at 5, all seemed well & cheerful. Cap’t G. tall, heavy good looking. Much colder. Friday 10 April Lovely day. V. warm in sun, cold out of it. Had 2 long walks with the Babies to enquire after Mrs Tate, away at Sidmouth sea. Letter fr. darling M. Mr Hohler looking v. ill Maudie says. No other letter. Met Miss Mead & a strange looking brother on our way home from the Tates. Saturday 11 April The Babies went to Nymans for the day. Had quiet peaceful day here, went too quickly. Letters fr. my darling & Lin who seems delighted with Stoke Edith Park. Went as far as water works to met chicks returning fr. Nymans, got there a large bunch of primroses. Il me parait que les filles ici sortent beauc. Sunday 12 April Lovely day, much colder. Went to Church 11, stayed communion. V. good sermon. Walked after lunch with the Babies to the waterworks on Nymans road. Tea, & chicks came down after. Letters fr. Lin, Edgar, H. Furrell & Ethel Mervyn. Edgar at Mentone. Monday 13 April Alternate sun & heavy hailstorms morg. Fine after luncheon. In all morg. mending. With Babies for long walk after luncheon. Mrs Messel, Mrs Sington & Miss Kennedy called during our absence. Letter fr. Midge & Con. X. Petit ami si peu que je ne me connais pas sous sel condition.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 14 April Bitterly cold. Walked after luncheon . Encore ami. Gathered Kingcups & sent them to Staf. Ter. same evg. Roy returned fr. Stoke Edith Pk. Wednesday 15 April Bitterly cold. Letters fr. Maudie & Lin. Went for walk after luncheon. Maids to Concert evg. & Nurse M. Babies very well. Read “Sacs et Parchemins” by J. Sardeau. Stupid book. Lin returned fr. Stoke Edith Pk. for Punch dinner. Thursday 16 April Bitterly cold. Muriel rode over morning. Walked with babies. Friday 7 April All of us to Nymans in Village conveyance. Lovely day but bitterly cold. Mrs Patterson, Mr Kimber MP & pretty niece staying at Nymans. Easter Eggs hidden & musical tea party. The two maids & Mitchell to young Pearson’s coming of age Ball. Saturday 18 April Lovely day, v. v. cold. Lin came at 6 o’c fr. Reigate on cycle. Walked afternoon with Babies. Huge bonfire & fireworks Paddockhurst. Maids & M. not home till past 5, greatly enjoyed themselves. Full account in “Times” Lin says. Sunday 19 April Heavenly day, v. cold wind. Walked morg with Lin. X. Petit ami toujours. Walked after luncheon with Lin. Tea, & he went over on cycle to Paddockwood, Pearsons. Quiet evg. Two short walks with Lin. Monday 20 April Ami. Sat about all day. V. bright & sunny but cold wind. Lin to (blank) after luncheon on cycle. Sat on verandah after lunch in sun, but cold wind. Quiet evg. Tuesday 21 April Mr D’Arcy’s party at Epsom. Unable to go. Ami. Long interesting letter fr. Maudie fr. Gigenti from where they go to Syracuse. I returned by 4.21, the old mare taking me to Sta. in 4 wheeled dog cart. Brougham met me Victoria. Met Mr Molesworth who secured brougham, great crowd Sta. Lin dined Sir Ewan Smith, Savoy, & Roy dined with Mr Sterne. Wednesday 22 April Mrs Palgrave Simpson 4.30. Rested in bed until 1 o’c. Called 4 o’c on Aunt Linda, Macquoid, Phillips, Levys, Hickman, Wallace, Blair, in, & Mrs Tyrell, in. Roy to a ball after dinner. Muriel out. Thursday 23 April X. Toujours ami. In bed till 12. Called 4 on Mesdames Stevenson, MacGauran, Keith, Graham, Carmichael, Gill, in, F. Jackson, in, & Lady Flower, in. Lin has niece of Prof Huxley as model. Feel limp & seedy fr. continuace of little F. which makes everything a worry & an effort. Friday 14 April Mrs Palgrave Simpson 4 - 7. Toujour ami. To Bank 3 o’c. Saw Mr Richardson & arranged to borrow £150 extra making in all £450 I now owe the bank. Arranged


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 for Bank to sell my £300 4% B.A.Gt. Southern debs, my last purchase in this Compy, at not under £108 per £100. Fetched F. Walford & called Judge Bacon, Mrs D. Whitehead etc. Met her at Mrs P.S’s. Took F. back. Dinner 10.10! Saturday 25 April X. New Gallery Private View & young Hunter Private View Fine Art Society. X. To Bank about Gt. Eastern Rly. Have rec. no div on £100 in it since purchased at 108, 1900. La petite femme de chambre s’en va com. la cuisinière ne veut pas rester avec elle. Dommage com. elle commence à faire mieux. To Criterion with Lin matinée & Private V. after. Met Mr Ryle, Wagges & Peruginis. Roy dined out with Mr Sterne. Sunday 26 April Pouring wet day. Lin to Calais. Ethel Herapath dines here. In all day, v. wet. Alone to luncheon. Monday 27 April Private View 3 o’c at Guildhall Art Gallery. Feel v. seedy. Shop’g morg. & fetched Lin at 5.30 fr. Academy, varnishing day. Mr Ryle dined here 8 o’c, full of news, Roy to dance after. Tuesday 28 April X. Huge spot sur nez. To Dr Adams £1.1.0. Usual diagnosis, have run down, impossible when I have never been up! Medicines & lotion & ointments! To go in a weeks time. X. To bank, ordered £200 P.& O. 3½ debs 2nd to be sold, & buy Gt. Boulder Perseverance Gold Mine with same. Lady Dixon Hartland, Mrs Whitehead, Mrs Levy & dau, Miss Thornton & F. Walford with Russian, called. Wednesday 29 April I slept v. badly awake with bad throat. V. feverish & violent sweating, so remained in my room till 4 o’c. Feel v. seedy & badly need some one like Toula. “Rags” to return to Hohlers, v. glad, will be happier there. Margarith out. Roy to Mrs Boyle’s dance, Princes’. V. fine dance, had carriage to go & return. Mad’lle called, v. exhausting little person. Thursday 30 April Lovely day. Still feel v. weak, breaking out into sweats continually. Lin a cold. In all day. Dined ¼ to 7. Roy & Lin to first night of “Dante” at Drury Lane. Sir Henry Irving as Dante. Pouring wet night, theatre cram’d. To bed 9 o’c. May 1903 Friday 1 May Mrs Tweedie at home 4 o’c. Private View Academy. X. Mr Ryle’s tea 4.30. Mrs Armstrong 5.30. Wet. Breakfast au lit. Mabel W. coming 3 o’c to go with me. Wet. It took us 1¼ hrs to get to Academy. Mr Ryle took us to tea at Artists Club. Met Met Mrs Evans, Eykyns, Fildes, Alexanders, etc etc etc. Mabel v. interested. Left her at Ralston St. Lin & Roy dined 10.15, I at 7 o’c. Saturday 2 May Mrs Tweedie at home 4 o’c. PrivateView Ryder Gallery, 10 Ryder St. Out morg. X. To Bank about the buying of some Gt. Boulder Perseverance Mines. To matinée of “Worst Woman in London”. To Museum of Minerals Jermyn St after. V. interesting. Quiet evg Lin Roy & self.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 3 May Pouring all day. Sir Alfred Hickman’s tennis impossible. Lin & self for walk in rain over Campden Hill. Lin & Roy in to luncheon. I asked Edgar & Sophy but no reply to my letter. E. & S. came, both looking extemely well. E. brought me combs. Monday 4 May Go to see Sophy morg. Wet, fine later. Wire fr. Lennie for Lin or Roy to go to Paris as his guest for week end. Tuesday 5 May Lady Lockwood 4 - 7. George Studdy. Out morg. Tabbie, Blanche & Mr Paul, Mrs Keith, Mrs Armstrong & G. Studdy called. Tabbie went with me to Lady L’s. Rain. Edgar to luncheon, stayed some time. Roy out to dinner. Wednesday 6 May Miss Chapman 4 - 6. Opening of Exhibition Welcome Club 4 - 6. Mabel to lunch with Edgar Pagarnis. Matinée Haymarket Theatre, asked Edgar. F. Walford called morg. X. Man Barkers about glass stained window. 14/6! Roy out to dinner. Lin v. feverish. Got diaphoretic which he w’d not take. Roy out to dinner. Thursday 7 May Mrs J. Carlisle. Asked Geoffrey Blair to dine, came, nice boy. Roy v. tired out 2 nights & dance today but did not go. Made calls. Friday 8 May Asked Gillie for the day, coming. Lennie’s invite for Roy or Lin to Paris till Sunday, neither able to go. Tabbie & Gwen to Court. I went & dined Coburg Hotel with Eve. Tabs & Gwen looked charming. Took Eve home & back in time to sit with Lin for dinner. Roy dined at Spencer’s. Saturday 9 May Asked Geoff Blair today week, coming Wed. Out morg. to Glouc. Ter. Took flowers for M’s room. House looks charming. To “Chinese Honeymoon” with Lin matinée, excellent. Very wet. Sunday 10 May Lady Dixon Hartland’s luncheon party 2 o’c. Sir Alfred Hickman’s tennis. Darling Maud & Lennie return fr. abroad. Lovely day. Lin & self for delightful walk. Roy with dogs lunched here before our return & out again. I met darling M. & Lennie Vic. Sta. Went back & dined there. Lin & Roy alone here. Monday 11 May “Whitenose” Ham’s horse arrived, saw it in stable clothing. Called on foot Miss Neaves, Sladen, Walkes, Huish, this last in, & Mrs Phipson Beale. Lin’s cold seems bad again. Lennie & Maud dined here. Tuesday 12 May Morg. to Tottenham Court Rd. by bus. Mrs J. Ferguson, Mrs Penruddock & Molesworth called & darling Maud. Saw “Whitenose” tried in dog cart. Lin took letter to Mrs Pirrie’s in dog cart after breakfast & in & out traffic with it, went well. Roy out after dinner. Con here to luncheon. Drove with Lin at 6.30 to Maud’s with new horse. Wednesday 13 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Roy drove in dog cart with new horse to City. Geoffrey Blair comes to stay for a week, arrived tea. Lin lunched with Mr Hartree. Lin & self dined at Mrs Pirrie’s. Charming dinner. Went morg. to Mrs Mason’s. Roy & Geoffrey here alone to dinner, I alone to luncheon. Lin went fr. Pirrie’s to Punch table. Thursday 14 May Lady Critchett 4 - 7. Maurice Farkoa & Caustro Hungarian Band. Dull morg. Geoffrey out to lunch with Aunt Netta. Returned 4 & went with Maud & self in her carriage to Lady C. Met heaps friends, F. sang 8 times. All of us dined at Maud’s, charming dinner as usual. Friday 15 May Mr W. Stone’s dinner cannot accept. Apt. Mr Smith for new will 3.30. Blanche Cole Paul’s at home 4 o’c. Left cards for Roy on Mrs Boyle & Mrs Scott. Geoff out all day & to dinner. Lin & Roy dine 10.15! Roy v. tired looks seedy. Saturday 16 May Out morg. To matinee “A Country Girl” took Geoff Blair. Tabbie & Eve met us there, Evey returned here with Geoff & self to tea & dinner. Roy dined with Tabbie Coburg & to theatre after. Lin to Military Tournament, King there. Evey grown quite pretty. We all enjoyed play immensely. Sunday 17 May Usual dull heavy day. Gwen & Tabbie dine here. Hamilton fetched them, looks much older & not improved in looks. Long walk with Lin & Geoff. Met Roy who returned with us, 4 to lunch. Mr Paxton, Sp. & Hilda & Harold M. called. No tennis, too wet, 3rd wet Sunday. Monday 18 May Blanche Cole 4 o’c. To Mrs Williams morg. & Sloane St morg. Called to enquire Mrs Tate, Mrs D’Arcy, Heilbut, Miss Barran & Maudie where I met Tabbie & Gwen & Mrs Geilgud & Miss Cussans & Mrs Messel & Ottie. Starchy. Darling Nonie came up with Maud but returned almost at once to Balcombe. Tuesday 19 May Lady de la Rue’s fancy dress ball 10 o’c. We all dine at Maud’s at 8.20. Dora goes to stay at Maud’s & to fancy dress ball. Connie Lindley lunches here. Miss Webster, Mrs Wallace & Mabel & Clara Bergheim called. Wednesday 20 May Mrs G. Grossmith 55 Russell Sqre 4 - 7. Mrs Eykyn at 3 o’c to see King pass. Tabbies. Went with Maud 3.30 Mrs Mayne’s & Grossmith’s deadly. Thursday 21 May Mrs G. Grossmith 4 - 7. Miss Stancombe Wills 4 - 7. Lady Hartland 4 - 7. Both deadly dull. On to Maud’s after. Friday 22 May Miss Stancombe Wills 4 - 7. Mrs Kennell 5 - 6.30. Out morg. met my darling with Dora in Park. Midge & self lunched with Spencer at Club. Lady Margaret, Rosalind & Sylvia & Mrs Thring to tea. Darling called & took me to Mrs K’s. Roy dined at Maud’s, to Alhambra after. Saturday 23 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin & self lunch at Lady Margaret’s 1.15. Lin v. seedy, v. bad 3 rd cold. Went to matinée, Tree’s, after luncheon “The Gordian Knot”, bad. Park demonstration tremendous on Education bill! Roy out dining Tabbie, theatre after & Savoy supper. Sunday 24 May Lin, Roy & self dine at Lady Hickman’s. Wrong night! but had a delightful evg. Much prefer being alone with them. Spencer & Maud P. called. Monday 25 May Mrs Tate if possible. Out morg. To Mrs Williams about cloth morg. dress. At 3 o’c to call Mrs Abbott. Sat an hour with Mrs Tate & to Maudie’s. Mr York, Maud P. etc there & Dora staying there. Lady Hickman also. X. Whitenose fell down entering Palace Gds gates Bayswater & broke shaft. Roy dined out Maud’s, to Shaftesbury after. Lin dined Punch dinner. Tuesday 26 May To be fitted Madame Vergard’s. Fiasco dress! Common silk, going to make another!!! Met Lady Hartland, Mrs Ferguson & Mrs P. Holland. Lovely day. Lin’s cold v. bad still. Wednesday 27 May Mrs J. Carlisle 4 - 7. Mrs Macqueen 4 - 6.30, music. To Mrs Macqueen’s and Mrs Lewis’s. Awful headache. Dinner 10 past 10. Roy dined at Maud’s. Mrs Rhodes called. Thursday 28 May Mrs Messel’s evg. party 10 o’c. Mrs J. Taylor’s, G. Grossmith junior 4.30. Maudie drove me to Mrs Taylor’s, G.G. junr. v. good, sang 4 songs. Sp. & Ada there. Roy out. Friday 29 May I came down to Balcombe with Maudie by 4.30. I think Otley is ruining the young horse, jerks & drives so uncalmly & is always longing to flick & worry him with whip, w’d ruin any horse, so bad tempered with them. Met Mr Messel & Mrs Green who came in same carriage. Nonie & little Anne vy. flourishing. Nurse F. away, Miss C. helping. Saturday 30 May Lovely day. The Hohlers & Miss Venning to lunch & tea. Lennie left for his week’s training with Volunteers at Arundel where Roy joins him. G. Blair goes to Lennie for the night, L. has his motor with him. Quiet evg. Maud, Miss Cussans & self. Sunday 31 May Miss C. & Maudie to Church. Sat out, lovely day. Quiet evg. Jun 1903 Monday 1 June Lovely day. Maud to Nymans in dog cart for lunch & tea. Miss Cussans & self with Nonie to lunch here. Sat out all afternoon. Sent my “Will” X. altered to Mr Smith, hope he will be able to understand now what I want. Letter fr. Lin, only yachting about Solent. Tuesday 2 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day, colder, some rain. Maud put off going to Mrs Hohler’s to lunch. Nurse Marion’s parents & little sister to luncheon. Miss C. v. seedy, to bed before dinner. Letter fr. Lin. Mr Sutton, Mr Pitt Rivers on yacht. Gordon & Shakespeare. Letter fr. Roy. Miss C. to bed before dinner. Wednesday 3 June Miss Tattersall’s wedding, Lt. Col. Kelham. Dear Lin returns fr. “Joyeuse”. Cold & dull, fire in morning room. Miss Cussans in bed seedy. Thursday 4 June Frances Johns comes. X. I returned from Balcombe by 4 train, no change. Darling M. looking delicate. Nonie to Station with me. Arranged flowers & found dear Lin at work. Dined quietly together. Friday 5 June X. To dressmaker, dress v. ugly, never again! X. To Mr Smith’s & signed new will. Called & saw Mervyn & Ethel at Norfolk Hotel. M. looking v. well & smart, they arrived last evg. Lin dined at 9.15, I at 7. Saturday 6 June Lin & self to “Girl from Kays” excellent. Roy returned at 6 o’c from his week’s training at Arundel, looks thin & tired but brown. Quiet evg, we three alone. Lovely day v. cold wind. Sunday 7 June Dull, v. cold wind. Lin & self for walk. Met Roy with dogs & returned together. Lin & Roy to Sir Alfred’s for tennis. Mervyn & Ethel dine here. Monday 8 June Lovely day. To be fitted morg. Madame Vergard. Afternoon Mrs Williamson. Called on Mrs Tate & saw her. Lin & Roy to Exhibition. To bed early, slept badly. Tuesday 9 June Mrs Mayne’s at home 4 - 7. Wet morg, fine later. Out morg. no one called. Quiet afternoon. My ugly new dress arrived Vergard’s, £9.9.0. Pd. Lin, Roy & self to Ex. V. good. Roy v. tired. Warmer. Wednesday 10 June Mrs Mocatta’s dinner. Cannot go. Wet morg. Went all the same! X. Left certificate of £300 cons. ordinary B.A. Rosario at Bank. X. Paid Barry Nat £1.0.0. Gompel £8.8.0 & Brown frames etc 13/3. Called on Mrs Messel & Mrs Farquharson both in. Maud & L. arrive fr. Ny. tonight. Saw lady for Muriel. Thursday 11 June Mrs Maynes at home 4 - 7. Miss Rose Innes to dinner. Pouring wet day. Out morg. We go to Alhambra after dinner. Wire fr. Maud cannot lunch here. Friday 12 June Lennie & Maud to Balcombe on ac’t of Nonie boy. Asked Lady Rosamund Christie to tea. Midge, H. & Dora arrive Hyde Pk. Club fr. Stoke Edith for a month. To be fitted Mrs Williamson morning. Again cannot fit me. Went to Russell & Allen’s & ordered evg. dress for 14½ gns. To Maud’s to luncheon. Nurse M. Grace & Lennie ret’d fr. Levée there. Nonie boy not well. To dine Berkeley Roy & self, 12, Miss Rose Innes, & Country Girl after.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 13 June Mrs Riviere’s 4 o’c. Box for Schoolgirl, Mervyns go with us. Wet. Mervyn & Ethel, Ham & Dora met us at “Dante”, v. good. D. & self to Hyde Pk. Club saw Midge there. They remain a fortnight. Alone dinner, Lin, Roy & self. Sunday 14 June Lin & Sir Francis to Calais if fine. Pouring wet, cannot go. Lin, Roy & self for walk, alone luncheon. Mr Paxton, Midge & Tilda called. Alone to dinner. Perfectly detestable day. Fire. Monday 15 June Mrs Mount Batten 4 - 7. Sir Francis & Lady Burnand dine here 8 o’c. Pouring wet. Unable to be fitted or go out morg. To Russell & Allen’s after lunch to be fitted. Tuesday 16 June Astronomer Royal 3 - 6, Royal Observatory Greenwich. Mrs Pollen, 69 Elm Pk. Gds 4 - 7. Tilda came for day & dined here. Lady Weston, Mrs Farquharson, Mr & Mrs Fowler, Mrs Wheen, Maud, Miss Wills & Mrs K. called & Miss Young. V. tired. Wednesday 17 June Roy & self dined at Maud’s. I lunched alone here. Met Lin at Prince of Wales theatre “The Schoolgirl” fairly good. Carriage met us & took & fetched us fr. Maud’s. Cap’t Gibbs & Hilda & Dora at Lennie’s. Thursday 18 June Astronomer Royal 3 - 6. To see about Hilda’s present. Settled after going to Longacre!! 7 shops, on Kettle & strainer £ fr. Whiteladies! Called on Mrs Macdougall, Mrs J. Ferguson, Lady Armstrong, Mrs Sington & Maud. Mervyn & Ethel came in after dinner. Roy out to dinner, Lin & self alone. Called Hammonds, Bernands. Friday 19 June Pouring all day. Nonie comes up to us with Nurse F. Sent Hilda’s present by Otley. Lin & self alone to dinner. To Royal Society Soirée after, dined 8 o’c. Confusion carriage & Otley drove abominably, evidently had too much. Roy dined at Mrs Messel’s, to theatre after. Saturday 20 June X. Hilda Messel’s wedding, 2.30 St James Paddington. X. Mrs Gupper 4.30. X. Otley drunk after wedding. X. In interview Lin saw & was convinced. Pretty wedding. Lin gave a lovely drawing to Ruth & to Hilda, awfully good of him. Hope Mr M. will do Roy some service too! Maud looked sweetly pretty. Roy dined at Maud’s, 30 to theatre after! Lin & self alone. Nonie did not come. Sunday 21 June Fine. Walked with Lin to Hyde Pk. Hotel, saw Dora. She & Midge unable to dine here, seedy. Lin & Roy to Sir Alfred’s tennis. Percy Oakes, Toula & Miss Holland called. Only Lin, Roy & self to dinner. Monday 22 June Mrs Thorneycroft 5 - 7, 23 Pont St, music. Mrs Fowler, 41 Wilton Crescent. La cuisiniere mauvais humeuse(?) grand peur ce qui en sortire! Drove to Midge, out. To Desirée Welby & Effie Conrad’s at the Englishs. Met Hickmans etc at Mrs Thorneycroft. Maud & Lennie dined here.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 23 June Mrs Rawlinson 4 o’c. Adrian Jones statue, 147 Church St Chelsea. Out morg. Miss Gill came to stay, arrived to lunch. Lady Goring, Miss May, Miss Batenia, Mr Hartree called, & Ada Sp! Dined 7.30. Mervyn & Ethel & Gillie joined us theatre, Tree v. good in “Man who was”, Kipling’s. Wednesday 24 June Mr Clerihugh, 81 Duke St, 4 - 7. Mrs E. Pollock 4.30. Mr A. Jones, 147 Church St, Chelsea, 3 - 6, equestrian statue. Went with Maud called Rawlinsons, Wallace, Clerihugh, Guthrie, Pollock, Tweedie, Wheen. Roy had carriage for Percy Howard’s dance. Sour cream fr. Nana. Thursday 25 June Mrs Montagu Fowler 10 o’c to meet Bishops! Lady Quilter, music, 10.30. Mrs Johnson Ferguson’s luncheon party 1.30. Ethel M’s lunch her club, Old Bristol. E. in horrid temper morg. V. pleasant lunch of Hens only! At Mrs J.F. Lady Allen, Lady Milman, rest I did not know. Gillie lunched with Maud. Met Mrs Hamilton at E’s club, v. pretty. Roy out to dinner. Friday 26 June Lady Robertson at home 4.30, 108 Eaton Square. Miss White 7 o’c, did not come. Gillie here, worked all morg. Called at 4 on Lady Lockyer, Lady Bergne, Lady Hemming, Lady Robertson, Mrs Aird, Miss Bourne, Mrs Lucas & sat with Lin until 10.10 when he & Gillie dined. Roy out to dinner at Sir A. Hickman’s. Saturday 27 June Go to Sir B. Baker until Monday. Postponed. Mrs Riviere’s 4 - 7. Postponed our visit to Sir B. until 4th July, Mona ill. To Russell & Allen to be fitted. Sat after in Park, saw Four in Hand meet. Lin off early for trial trip of new Rotary steamer “Queen” to Boulogne or Calais. Met him in brougham 6.15. Gillie left before tea. Sunday 28 June V. v. hot & v. fine. Walked with Lin & Roy morg. Lin & Roy to Sir A. Hickman tennis. Mr & Mrs E. Palmer called. Alone to dinner evg, Lin, Roy & self. Monday 29 June Edgar & Sophy arrive town. Called on them but they were out. Also on Mrs C. Burnand, in, & saw Charlie. Tuesday 30 June Mrs Tupper 4.30. Ethel Mervyn, Sophy, Ethel Burnand, Maud, called. Dora dined out Mrs Percival’s. Lin, Roy & self dined with Lennie & Maud at Berkeley, & to Hippodrome after. Saw Jerry Weigall there with 3 men. Dora arrived in time for luncheon. Jul 1903 Wednesday 1 July Mrs Mount Batten 4 - 7. Miss Goodenough 4 - 7. Mrs P. Agnew’s luncheon party 2 o’c. Academy Soirée. V. pleasant luncheon Mrs A’s, met American lady, Mrs Ogilvy etc. Carriage there & back. V. pleasant party & talk at Mrs Mount Batten’s, deadly dull Miss Goodenough. Dora & Roy to Soirée after dinner. Emma out. Thursday 2 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs Huish at home Lords, table behind block A. Mrs Braunstein 4 o’c. Mrs Enthoven 4.30 - 7. Mrs E. Palmer’s dinner 8 o’c. V. hot. Out morg. Dora out to lunch & dinner. Lords, Hyde Pk Club & Exhibition. Small boy played at Mrs P’s. Friday 3 July Mrs Huish Lords, behind Block A. Mrs Ritchie 10.30, 11 Downing St. Dora left morg, no, after lunch, for Maud’s, Balcombe. Roy also but by later train. Maud’s party go to Lady Pearson’s Ball. Percy O, Mr Stuart, D, Roy, Mabel & another man. Whitenose nervous again am convinced. Called on Mrs Braunstein, Nembhards, Edgar, Lady Roxburgh, Mrs Finlay, Miss Webster. Lin dined 10 past 10. Saturday 4 July Go to Sir B. Baker’s. Uncertain! Mrs Hartley’s luncheon party at Welcome Club 1.30. Unable to go. Lin & self to see “Cousin Kate” Haymarket. Excellent. Dined quietly alone with only Mervyn & Roy. M. much more lively without Ethel. Monday 6 July X. Loubet arrives. Lin off at 8.20 A.M by special invitation fr. Admiralty, Ld. Selbourne, to see Mons. Loubet’s arrival on one of our new men of war. I went to see Loubet pass fr. Sp’s club & saw splendidly. On after to see Effie at Mrs English’s, been very ill, seriously. Lin home in time for dinner, I entirely alone luncheon. Tuesday 7 July Mrs Herbert Keith 4 - 7, 29 Caufield Gds, S. Hampstead. Mervyn dines here. Edgar may lunch here, did not come. To Sloane St morg. Mrs du Maurier & Sylvia & Miss Barran called. Mervyn & young Bergne dined here. Latter not a success, so slangy & self assertive. Wednesday 8 July C. Berheims 4 - 7. Austro Hungarian Band. Morg. out. Mabel Wallace went with me to Clara B’s, many friends there. Drove Mabel home. Roy & self alone to dinner. Lin photoing women. Thursday 9 July Henley with Mrs E. Palmer to Phyllis Court, leave at 10 o’c. Lovely but very tiring. Saw Burnands, Pitts, Elsie. Good lunch & tea. Pearsons. Lin working late. Roy away to Windsor for dance, sleeps night. Friday 10 July Mrs Tupper. Mrs Ritchie 10.30, 11 Downing St. To Midge’s. To tea 4 o’c Miss Barrans. Midge at 8 Craven Hill Gds. Had to wire Miss B, unable to go, too seedy. Maud lunched with us & Lennie dined with us & left with Lin & Roy for the Ritchies. Saturday 11 July Mrs Riviere’s 4 - 7. Lin to Sir W. Agnew’s yacht for few days. I go to Midge’s Stoke Edith. Came by 1.40 fr. Paddington, met Midge & Mons. Casares who is here for one night. H. met us with break. Mons. C. v. interesting on America. Sat out evg. V. v. hot. Wire fr. Lin fr. Southampton, yacht “Greta”. Sunday 12 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Blind boil fearfully painful, makes me feel quite ill. Breakfasted in bed slept only fairly well. Sat out & walked with Midge. Most lovely place & the beautiful little hamlet so unspoilt, all so picturesque. Mons. Casares left 4 o’c. Monday 13 July Lovely day. Breakfasted in bed. Mr & Mrs Leghton, clergyman fr. (blank) to luncheon. Hamilton went off by early train to London, remains night. Midge, Dora & self to call on Col. Bourne, had tea there. Dora dined at the Leghtons, 3 miles fr. Stoke. Tuesday 14 July Mrs H. Keith 4 - 7. Mrs Marley 4 - 7. Two letters & postcard fr. Lin, Devon, expects to be home Wed. morg. Sat boudoir, rained. Midge writing invitations for Garden party. Lin returned from Plymouth, Sir W. Agnew’s yacht “Greta”, to Stafford Ter. Roy dined at Mrs Palmer’s. Wednesday 15 July Morg sat in & worked. Afternoon drove to Mrs Green Price, Tarrington Rectory with Midge & D. & had tea. Midge fetched H. fr. Stoke Edith Station. D. & self walked back. Played bridge evg. M. & D. beat H. & self bridge. Thursday 16 July In morg. Walked after lunch with D. to trout pool, lovely walk & saw quantities of trout. Wet after. Letters fr. Lin & Maud etc. Wrote to D. Bosanquet & asked him to play for Dora’s 11, 25th inst. H. & self beat M. & d. bridge. Friday 17 July Sat out morg. working with D. & walked to the pretty little post office with Midge morg. Mrs Price Green called & we all went in break to Bunkers Hill. Most exquisite view of Malvern Hills & Monmouth Hills. Heavy rain returning. Alternate sun & heavy showers all day. H. & self beat M. & D. bridge. Saturday 18 July Heavy thunderstorm. Cleared after tea & we played croquet. Unable to go to Garden party.Tilda arrived in time for dinner fr. Edgar’s. Lin & Roy go to Balcombe. Sunday 19 July To Church morg. Rained hard on & off all day. Monday 20 July Mrs Tupper 4.30. Tuesday 21 July Wet. Unable to go to Garden party. Midge, H. & self drove to Ingwardine after tea, saw Crofts, Burdon & Deverend’s places. Walked part of way home, caught in rain. Played B. evg v. badly but won with H. Wednesday 22 July Vivian Coward’s wedding, 2.30 St Mary Abbots. Lovely afternoon. Midge D. & H. to Lady Croft’s party. Thursday 23 July (blank)


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 24 July Lady Nottage 8 o’c. dinner, Lin, Roy & self. Mr Foley arrived 11.30 AM. Mr & Mrs Foster, Mr Burns, Major Parkinson, Miss Kevil Davies etc arrived for tea & Mr Jobson. 15 to dinner. Mr Bromley Martin arrived late. Danced after. V. delightful evg. & day, fine. Saturday 25 July Dora’s 11 against Miss Leigh’s. Fine morg. Miss L’s XI won toss & scored well 187 runs. 35 to luncheon served in Theatre. Rain stop’d our 11 at 4.30 at 17 to 3 wickets. Tea served out. Many visitors, amongst others Ld & Lady Chesterfield, Mrs Fairfax, Dean & Mrs Leigh, Miss L. etc etc etc. 15 again to dinner. Mr Evelyn, Mr & Mrs Green Price, Mrs Tracy etc etc. Danced after & songs Vera K. Davies & Mrs G.P. Sunday 26 July Lovely day. Mr Foley & H. to Tarrington Church. Midge & Toula to Stoke Edith & Col. Parkinson, D. Vera & Mr Burns for walk. Self rested morg. Walked after tea with H, M, Toula, Mr Evelyn & Mr Bromley Martin who came to tea. Mr Foley, Col. Parkinson & Mr Burns here still. Glorious day. Rest played cricket. Monday 27 July Punch dinner tonight on ac’t Bank Holiday. Toula, Mr F, Col. P, Mr Burns etc left. Tuesday 28 July Midge & H. to Puppy show Ledbury & lunch there. Met Duchess of Hamilton & Lady M. Carnaby Foster etc. Dora & Miss K.V. to Hereford Cricket match after 1 o’c lunch. Before lunched we 3 walked into Tarrington. Ethel English & Mr Kemp arrived to tea & remain. Mr Buxton also dined here. Wednesday 29 July Lovely morg. Thursday 30 July Dora, Ethel & Vera off early with Mr Kemp & Mr Buxton for otter hunt. I returned by 11 from Stoke Edith Park, Hereford. Met Mrs Kennedy who travelled in same compartment with me to Paddington where Otley met me, & drove across to Vic. Sta. where I joined Sp. (who was up fr. Maud’s for the day) & Lin, & we came to darling Maud’s by 5 o’c train, only just caught it. Darling at station looking well. Sp.remaining until after Bank holiday. Lennie looks worried & pale. Babies well. Nurse Marion gone. Midge saw me off Stoke E. Sta. Friday 31 July Rested morg. Dull day & colder. Nurse Millie arrived to lunch. Geoff Conrad & Mr Marriott come. Roy goes to Stoke Edith today. Aug 1903 Saturday 1 August Sp. had (illeg)! Roy played with Dora’s XI at Stoke & made top score of 60. They got 117 to 7 wickets. The other side won toss & got 176. Lovely day at Stoke Roy writes. Some rain here Balcombe. Had long walk with Lin & Sp. V. busy arranging dresses for Maud’s fancy dress impromptu Messel party, great fun for all, enjoyed it. Thrings & Mr Sheppard came. Sunday 2 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 After luncheon we all went over to Nymans to tea. Hilda & Cap Gibbs, Mr Gibbs, Mr Parker & Ruth & the 4 babies & our 2, 6. Ours shine!!! Went for long walk with Mr Messel, Dr M. & Lin thro’ woods & saw Mr M’s microscope after. Nurse F. v. seedy going & returning fr. Nymans. Sp, Geoff & Mr Marriott went with us. Monday 3 August Lovely day. Sat about all day & had long walk with Lin & Spencer. Tuesday 4 August Lovely day, windy. Geoff left by 3 train. Had long walk with Spencer & Lin round lake & mill. Sat about & gardened after luncheon with Lennie whilst Maudie rested. Wednesday 5 August Poor Phil May died 1.30 today. Darling Maud’ sbirthday, lovely & fine. Lennie at home all day. Mon dejeuner sauté par l’escalier, dangerous. Vexed my present book “Debrett’s County Gentry” not come. Lin & Spencer went to town by 4.50 train. Mr Faure Walker called with Mrs Peel. Lin to London with Sp. Thursday 6 August Lovely day. Lennie seedy unable to go to city. Worked in garden, weeding. Friday 7 August Dear Roy goes to Pyt. Saturday 8 August Lovely day. Dear Lin came down. Lennie holiday. Had long walk with him. Sunday 9 August Lovely day. To Church morg. with Lennie & Maud. Mr & Mrs Messel, Mr & Mrs Fox Adams to tea. Lennie, Lin & self played golf after they left. Lin won as he generally does at all games. Monday 10 August V. fine. Went for long walk morg. with Lin by mill & past Lord Frederick’s home ¼ to 2. V. hot & late & Lin leaves by 4.20 for Staf. Ter. Maud & self after seeing Lin off called on Mrs Outram (out) lovely old farm house, & on Mrs Huth, in. Tuesday 11 August Gt. preparations for Balcombe Flower Show. Pouring in torrents, tents must be soaking. Miss Parker (Ruth’s sister-in-law) arrived tea time. Mr Clement came in time for dinner. Dear Lin starts for Perth early this morg. to stay with Mr Wolff, Ballinluig, Ballechin, Perth, for week. Wednesday 12 August Lovely day. Balcombe Flower Show. Went with Maud & Lennie to see Exhibits. Gardeners here best of fruit & v. daintily arranged all one side of tent. Lady F. Fitzroy’s roses beautiful & tall plants. Maud selected bread, 5 loaves. 5 prizes! Very gt. many came to tea. Mrs Twiss & Effie, Mrs Keating with the Messels, Fitzroys, Faure Walkers, etc. Dined in nursery, & lunched there. Darling Maud v. tired evg, c’d see she c’d scarcely sit through dinner. Great success show. Thursday 13 August V. anxious about darling Maud, she looks so pale & the veins in her legs & her waist are like ropes, & so discoloured. Lovely day. Miss Parker to Nymans until


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 3.30 in Messels’ motor. Mr Clement wired for & had to leave suddenly. Mrs M. sent chair for Maudie. We had tea under trees & Lennie sat with us till 7 when he & Maudie went for walk. Darling v. tired. Friday 14 August Letters fr. Lin enjoying himself. Raining heavily morg, unable to go out all day. Poor Maudie feeling very seedy, great discomfort & veins so enlarged & painful in her legs. Mr Winn came down for night with Lennie. Like a sickley Fleischman & laughed at everything. V. ordinary sort of man, son of Ld. St Oswald. Fond of music. Lennie played till past 11. Darling unable to sit at table, had hard chair in drawing room & to bed at 10 o’c. Saturday 15 August Mr Winn left with Lennie by early train. Poured all morg. in torrents. Nurse Maud came & Nurse Simmonds went for holiday. Miss Parker left at 3.30 for Worthing. Darling very seedy indeed, up only to lunch & felt v. sick after dinner. Cannot get her into bed before 11.15. No letter fr. Lin. 2 brace of grouse fr. Mr Wolff. Sunday 16 August To Church alone between heavy showers. Nurse Maud with me in pew. I remained to Communion. Lady Frederick most kind in enquiries for darling Maud. V. wet & heavy storms of rain & wind. Monday 17 August Maudie’s leg still v. bad. Quiet day. Maud walked with me to E. garden morg & with Lennie evg. but was too tired after. Afraid she ought to lie up entirely. Tuesday 18 August Went for walk morg. with the Babies. Je n’aime pas l’autre bonne, elle est si commun. Darling Maud looks a little better. Letter fr. Lin he travels fr. Ballechin tonight reaching London tomorrow morg. Babies to Nymans in Victoria. Mr & Mrs Gilbert there & Miss Mackintosh. Maudie & self rested & then sat out & worked. Lennie & self cut roses. After dinner had talk about Roy & loan. Wednesday 19 August Dear Roy’s birthday, 25. Sent him cheque £6.0.0. Quiet beautiful day. Read “In the Fog” by Harding Davis to Maud. Sat out. Thursday 20 August. Letter fr. Roy having v. good time at Tabbie’s. Winnie Lockyer arrived. Pouring wet day came in fly fr. station. Long letter fr. Midge. Friday 21 August Mrs Messel, Mr M, pretty Mrs Barber cousin of the Gibbs & Miss Gibbs came to tea. Mrs B. very pretty smart woman, widow with 350 a year but dresses like 1000. Je ne me sens pas bien toujours ces eruptions sur la figure qui montre sang de mauvaise état. Saturday 22 August Lin came by 4.30, met him with Winnie. Miss Venning came in time for luncheon looking v. pretty & smart. V. amusing little person. Lovely day sat out all afternoon after rest. Fancy dress dinner! M, Venning & Winnie looked v. pretty. Sunday 23 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Miss Venning, Violet, Mr Clement to church. Darling Nonie to Church with Nurse F. morg, 1st time. V. good. Lin & self M. & Lennie sat on verandah. Winnie L. wrote letters. After luncheon Lin, Lennie & Miss V. to Nymans in motor. Maud and Nonie, self, in Vic. Pretty Mrs Barber there. Lin & I walked home. Maudie better evg. Monday 24 August Very wet morg. Rained in heavy showers all day. London streets & cellars flooded. Roy has huge boil on chin at Pyt fr. blood poisoning. V. anxious about him. Tiresome when he was so much better. Long walk evg. with Lin round Tates. Ina Venning & Winnie fetched Lennie in motor. Dumb Crambo evg. Troisième fois le V (illeg) à table par hôte. Droit d’etiquette. Tuesday 25 August Wet fine alternately. The Venning left after luncheon about 3.30. Sat with Lin morg. Encore ennuyé avec les cataplasms(?) sur mon nez qui sont aussi laide quels sont désagréable et me fout bien mal. Mon sang doit être (illeg) mauvais etat. Lin & self long walk Outrams Farm. Wednesday 26 August Lovely morning. Mr Clement & Violet go to London tomorrow for night. V. played Lennie accompaniments extremely well. His voice improved but still makes me nervous as he goes false every now & then, takes away all pleasure listening to him. More blind boils. Dear Lin went up fr. Three Bridges. Thursday 27 August Mr Wertzler came down with Lennie. V. ugly & common looking young man about 20 but distinctly intelligent. Packed afternoon, no, morg. Darling M. insists on my taking chicken, tomatoes, cucumber & 6 eggs. Talked evg. no music. Mr W. cousin of Mr Fleischman, looks it. Friday 28 August Returned to Stafford Ter. fr. darling Maud’s, she saw me off at Balcombe Sta. Found all well here. Emma away holiday. Frances doing cooking, Margarith rest. Roy still at Pyt returns Monday or Tuesday & goes to Maud. Been v. seedy with large gathering fr. razor poisoning. Dined with Lin 10 o’c. V. tired poor dear. Saturday 29 August In morg packing. To “Dahomey” matinée with Lin. V. fairly good, little tedious in parts. Fine day. Lin looks tired, seems to have so much to do even when not drawing with photos which take up 9/10 th of his time. Wish he could get more leisure. Blind boil awfully painful. Sunday 30 August In all morg. Boil v. painful. Monday 31 August Left Staf. Ter. at 9 o’c fr Gt Central. Most uncomfortable journey & bad luncheon, v. dear 10/6. Had to change twice. Arrived Majestic Hotel Harrogate 5.15. Found Mr Clerihugh, Mr Peter Reid, Sir T & Lady Lawrence here at same hotel. V. nice room first floor southern aspect. Slept well. Went & saw Dr Liddell at 6 o’c. 2 glasses strong sulphur, 8 & 8.30. Strong sulphur bath 98, 15 minutes alternate days. Our room 1st floor charming No 129. 10/- a day 10% off account.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sep 1903 Tuesday 1 September Engaged room at Queen’s Hotel Harrogate. Not going there. To take waters 8 o’c. Lin & self breakfast table d’hote 3/6 each, excellent. Too long walk after rest 2½ hrs. Saw Mrs Mackasy at Pump rom. Lin depressed evg. at leaving tomorrow. Sat with Lawrences. Wednesday 2 September Pouring wet day. Lin left at 8 o’c, I in his fly to Pump room. Worked morg & afternoon walked. Dined with Mr Peter Reid, Mr C. & Dr Bowles there also. V. pleasant evg. Plain luncheon. Bought wool 1/11. Thursday 3 September 2/6 started plain breakfast. Bath at 10.30. Saw Mr Grossmith. To take water 10 to 8. Met Mr C. coming out & walked to Hotel together. Met Mrs Mackasy. Lay down. Table d’hôte luncheon 3/6, felt I needed it. Mr Reid gave me Ld. Dufferin’s book. Walked with Lady L. to Doctor, says I must not go anywhere sightseeing yet, too weak. Giving me tonic & nose douche. Met Marie & Mr & Mrs Vaughan Morgan lunching here. Had tea with Mr C, Mrs Vansittart & Mrs (blank). Sat after dinner with Sir T. & Lady L. Letters fr. Lin & Roy. Friday 4 September Lovely morg. Met Mrs Mackasy. Mr Reid left 10 o’c for Perth to stay at Mrs Stibbert’s. Saw Mr & Mrs G. Grossmith as I sat reading in grounds, they lunched here. Walked after luncheon to Lady Monckton’s rooms thro’ a sort of corrupt Peel St, nice when there but not getting there. Saw the Ismays leaving. Much overcome by their great wealth. Sat after dinner with Mr C, Mrs Whatman & her cousin Major (blank). Spoke to Mr & Mrs Rogerson. Saturday 5 September Raining morg. Dull. Close. Had Bath & rested there after, & after luncheon here. Lovely afternoon. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Hotel seems fuller than ever. Walked to Station about Grimsby, old curiosity shops. Called on Mrs Grossmith. Sat after dinner with Mrs W, Mr L & Major Dugdale & Col. Brook (Mrs W’s guest). Spoke to Mrs Ismay & Drages. Fireworks. Sunday 6 September Started plain luncheon 2/6. Sat about morg after taking waters.Mr C. took me, Mrs W, Major D for lovely drive 3 hours to Ripley, Nidd & Knaresboro’! We all had tea together, Mr & Mrs Drage also. Saw Mrs Ismay again. Mr C. out to dinner, Grand, with V.M’s. Mrs V. Morgan asked me to dine tonight. Never had her letter, just going into dinner here, too late. Monday 7 September X. Signs of petite ami. Did not drink water take bath or take medicine. Bought bottle sulphur for nose douche, 3d, & 1d bottle. Met Mr C. with Marie V. Morgan, walked with them, explained about mistake last evg. Rained heavily. Saw Doctor. X. 3rd visit, & the vulgar little lady with her child from Hotel. Met Violet Rogerson in Parliament Street & her husband later. Went to bed early after writing letters. Tuesday 8 September A Mrs Rose called? Mrs Whatman left, gave me her address, 2 Cranley Gardens, to call. Mrs Ismay asked me to join her party evening. Did not take waters. Met Daisie Markham & Evy Nicolson as I was going out, walked to Grand with them & had tea there & called & saw Mrs Morgan, kindly communalities. Poured


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 returning. Sat with Mrs Ismay. Mrs Drage violent hiccups! Rec sugar. Talked over Fletchers etc, enjoyed it. Wednesday 9 September Fine morg. Poured in torrents all afternoon. Met Major Dugdale at Pump room, walked after with him, had 2nd glass & then fetched my bottle of water. Spoke to Mrs Ismay at breakfast. Wrote to Lin & Maud, no news of Roy. Maudie sent me powder. Miss Brown called & came to my room, stayed some time. Called on Lady L, out. Lovely lady with Lady Derby’s party. Indigestion violently at 4.30. Seems to have come with little F. & cold, did not have it before. Thursday 10 September Otley laid up, Lin’s work hindered. Lin unable to get to Stoke Edith until Monday in consequence. Fine morg. Sat after dinner with Ismays. Dined with Mr Clerihugh, Marie V. Morgan & her father & Major Dugdale. Sat after in winter garden. Lady Lawrence & son joined our party. Vy late to bed. Young L. v. common looking but has brains. Found Mr V. Morgan intersting tho’ rough diamond. Had tea with Mrs Rogerson & Mr & Miss Coates. Violent indigestion. Friday 11 September To Doctor 5 o’c, 1st day to 5 o’c. 4th visit. Walked with Miss Brown. Sat out morg. & saw Major D. Mrs Ismay asked me to tea. After doctor’s visit went & had v. pleasant talk with Mrs I. & Mrs Drage. Also sat with them & Major Dugdale after dinner, first with Mr C. who leaves tomorrow. Little F & great soreness, bought larger douche to use both purposes, Indigestion, 3 rd day of it. Saturday 12 September Dullish cloudy some sun. Cold. Mr Clerihugh left 10 o’c & Vaughan Morgans. Cannot take a bath. Little F. continues, feel more comfortable fr. using douche. Met Mrs Simmonds at Pump room, walked with her, pretty but dull unsympathetic little person. Read & sat out afternoon. X. Had cocoa in my room & toast. Mr Lawrence sat with me after dinner & we joined the Ismay party. I introduced him. Flowers fr. my darling. Sunday 13 September Letters fr. Lin & my darling Maud. She has seen Pollock, early days for veins, feel most anxious. Met Major D. Walked with him. Sat out morg. in sun, read. In room afternoon. Cold & poured with rain, alternate sun. Sat with Ismays in their room after dinner, a Mrs Cox with them & Daisie M. looking vy handsome. Ada Ismay v. like Grace Fraser. “Tart” couple in front of me. My waiter leaves, sorry. Monday 14 September Fine all day tho’ cold. Bill £7.0.0. Indigestion. Lin goes to Stoke Edith. Unable to get away Sat on account of Otley ill. Lovely morg. Met Miss Brown & Col. Brook & Major Dugdale. Water fetched, large bottle. Mrs Ismay left by 12 & Mrs Drage at 3 o’c. Sat with her little boy next to me at lunch. New waiter. Uncertain price luncheon. Sat out. Letters fr. Lin, Maudie seen Pollock, early days for veins! Anxious. Walked to Queen, had cocoa Parliament St. Tuesday 15 September Water to my room 6d. X. Doctor 5th visit! 5.30. Sat out morg. Daisie to tea. She left me at Dr L’s on way to see Evy at Queen’s where I went on after & saw Mr


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Nicolson. Fearful acidity. Fine day. Saw Col. Brook & Miss Brown. Walked separately with both. Wrote after dinner. Am to start baths Thursday. Wednesday 16 September Lovely day. Met Col. Brooke & Major Dugdale at Pump room. Walked alone. Sat out reading morg. Fearful acidity still. Sat sime time morg. with Lady Lawrence, charming rooms. Walked & had cocoa, Ophir, & to see Evy after, Queen’s. Sat some time with her. Rest gone to theatre, matinée. Ernie, Mr N. & Daisie came in before I left. Wrote after dinner. To bed 9.o’c. Darling Maud suffering with tooth. Thursday 17 September X. Lovely day. Met Daisie & Ernie at Pump. Col Brook & Mr Simmonds. Had bath. Rested there ½ an hour. Spoke to Miss Murray. Wrote letters after dinner. Maud’s tooth still painful on ear & face. Friday 18 September X. Mr Chamberlaine resigned & fiscal question, taxing corn. Heavenly day. V. warm. Walked home with Major Dugdale, told me Mr Chamberlaine, Dr Ritchie, Ld G. Hamilton had resigned. Mr Chamberlaine most important. Bath at 11. Rested there & felt better. Met Mrs Murray & talked after luncheon to a Mrs Armstrong whose husband is Rector of library at Dublin. Tea at Ophir. Flowers fr. darling Maud. V. warm all day. Mervyn & Ethel to stay at Maud’s. Saturday 19 September Fine but not sunny & warm. 6th visit to Dr Liddell. Does me no good & judges by appearances only, neither testing water nor heart. He alters my tonic & to continue baths. Feel seedy rather, digestion & circulation wrong. To tea Ophir. Taken over house by one of the 2 sister ladies. V. interesting 2 women alone sh’d be able to make such a business in 2 years, employ 18 maids, 4 chefs, & others. Mrs Armstrong fetched me to sit with her in hall. Very nice woman, well read, husband director of Dublin Library. Sunday 20 September No water brought. Commenced new tonic. Warm dull morg. Met Miss Brown at Ophir, walked together. Saw Major D. looking v. ill. Lin remains until tomorrow at Stoke Edith. Had bath at 11. Met Miss Brown & Mrs Simmonds who asked me to tea 5 o’c Grand Hotel. Went after rest & enjoyed it, excellent band of women. Went over Hotel. Dined 7.15. 2 Hotel proprietors next table, one emptied soup into his lap & over table No water brought. Monday 21 September 3 weeks at Harrogate today. Seen Dr Liddell. Lin returns fr. Stoke Edith & Roy fr. Balcombe. Mervyn there. Bath at 11. Sat out till 10 o’c with Mrs Simmonds, lovely warm & sunny. Major Dugdale left & Col. Brook. Tuesday 22 September Had long walk with Miss Armstrong, seems nice girl. Doctor 5 o’c. Says I must remain until Monday, dreadful bore. Start Aix douche baths tomorrow. Received £7.7.6. cheque fr. Smith lawyer of £10 due fr. Edie’s surplus money. He repaid himself £2.2.6 for alteration to Will leaving the £7.7.6. Hope he has made no mischief, his profession seems to necessitate doing so! Sat with Armstrongs, was introduced to a Mr Farrer by them who is staying at Cairn Hydro. Rained heavily afternoon.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 23 September Dull damp but warm. Aix douche at 4 o’c. X. Letter fr. Florence, Aunt Anna very ill. Sat out reading Thursday 24 September Violet Phillips came morg & found me reading in garden. Stayed until lunch time. Mrs Simmonds & Miss Gow to tea. Walked part of way with them back. I dined with Sir W. Armstrong, Lady A. ill, Mr Farrer & daughter. Vy pleasant evg. winter garden & talked on interesting topics. Friday 25 September Fearful day poured in torrents. Unable to go out morg. for sulphur water. Thick mist. Bath at 3.40. accident outside with Nurse, missed 10 minutes of my bath! Met Miss Brown. Very tired, to bed 9 o’c. Sat some time with Lady Armstrong. Saturday 26 September Lovely day. Packed partly morg. & sat with Lady Armstrong, & after luncheon until 4 o’c, when I went to Dr Liddell. Bought biscuits chocolates & glass for Emma. Dr L. told me the tall handsome couple are Mr & Mrs Miller Mundy, she a sister of Sir Charles Hartop! She & her sister look like it. Fireworks evg. Clever lady next me fr. Scarborough. Sunday 27 September Water before breakfast. Aix douche at 10.40. Bather late & short time. Lovely day. Sir Walter asked me to join their party after dinner. Pleasant with clever lady next table during dinner. Sat evg with Sir W. & Lady Armstrong, she looks v. ill. Monday 28 September Go to Grimsby to stay with Edgar at Ravendale Hall for week, leave Majestic Hotel 9.30 to catch 10 o’c train Doncaster & Grimsby. Very comfortable journey, met pleasant clergyman’s wife in 3rd class carriage to Doncaster. Two Frenchmen in my compartment, fortunately left it after. Dog cart met me Grimsby. Edgar & Sophy both well. George & Anna staying with them. Pleasant evg. Tuesday 29 September Dullish day, warm, no sun. Down to 8.30 breakfast. Walked with Edgar to see George fishing, 2 fish only, rest too small to take. Walked with Sophy & Anna before dinner. Quiet evg. Vy warm. Felt faint after walk. Wednesday 30 September Fine day, sunny & warm. George & Anna left vy early to spend 10 days in London. Letters fr. Midge, Lin & Grace Fraser. Walked morg. with Edgar, garden with Sophy, & afternoon with Edgar, shot rabbits. Sophy to fetch Mrs Davis fr. Grimsby alone in dog cart. Feel headachy. Oct 1903 Thursday 1 October Afternoon S, Mrs D. & self to see Mrs Kirke’s farm. Very dirty untidy disorderly place. Nice woman & pretty daughters, pity they don’t know & take more interest in farm. Poultry & dairy all like one vast pigsty. Fine & warm. Friday 2 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wrote morg, colder. Walked with Mrs Davis & back at 1.45 instead of 1 o’c. E. & S. had finished luncheon. Drove at 3 with Sophy & Mrs Davis in dog cart to Waltham to see S’s dressmaker, out. Walked before dinner. Played bridge. Saturday 3 October Sophy off early cub hunting. Ed riding 11 o’c to meet her. Wet & fine alternately. Walked morg. with Mrs Davis. Afternoon walked with Edgar Sophy & Mrs Davis to play tennis at Rothwell, home at 7 o’c. Played bridge after dinner, I vy badly. Sunday 4 October Fairly fine. Sophy photod me. Usual non success with my portrait! Sat in all morg. No church, only service once a month in hamlet. To Church with E. & S. & Mrs Davis. Mr Fagan in after. Eye painful. Discovered awful place in head! Monday 5 October Dull & heavy rain but cleared by 11.20 when I left Ravendale in cart with groom. Edgar met me at Grimsby, sold his 2 cows £26.17.6. Paid £23.13.0. Sophy cub hunting. Found dear Lin & Roy well. All well at home. Quiet evg. Felt v. tired & eye painful. Tuesday 6 October Wet, but went & saw Dr Abrams, says treatment too severe. New lotions, medicine etc 6/1 which Otley got stores! £1.1.0 fee! Lanced eyebrow & probed with carbolic. Vy painful. Place in head Alopicia caught at Harrogate! So much for my £52 cure!!! X. Paid £100 off loan making 350 now owing. Ethel & Mervyn to tea! Hare & 2 partridges fr. Midge. Wednesday 7 October Lovely morg. My eye perfect sight swollen & watery-looking, can scarcely lift lid. Roy dining out. Walked morg & shop’d but felt v. tired after. Sat with Lin & Roy, dined alone off tray! drawing room. Poulticed eye. Margarith out. Nonie boy better 2 letters fr. Maud. Thursday 8 October Eye less painful but another head forming. Nonie boy better, chill in stomach poor darling. Out morg. v. close & warm. Roy’s cold better. Tabbie to tea looking v. pretty & smart. Brought lovely flowers. Alice fr. Maud’s brought flowers, vegts & chicken & my skirt. Quiet evening. Friday 9 October Lovely morg. Strong wind. Lin fnished drawing at 7.30. Walked morning & shop’d. Letter fr. Tabbie saying she had heard again fr.Gwen who is at Stoke Edith that engagement of Dora to Mr Foley would be announced next week. Roy dined with Harold. He goes to America to be married. Darling Nonie still very seedy in bed with chill, catarrh. Saturday 10 October Roy to Con’s till Monday. Home to lunch looking v. seedy. Out morg. shops. No news fr. darling Maud of Nonie boy. To matinée “Little Mary” by bus & home together by bus. Quiet evening. Letter at dinner fr. Maudie, Nonie little better. Poulticed eye, much better & discharge feels easier. Sunday 11 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mervyn & Ethel dine here 8 o’c. Pouring in torrents all day, warm. Dickie & self for walk, came in drenched. Eye much better. One partridge too bad to eat, wonder if there will be enough, & no fish & forgot more fruit, disaster all round. Monday 12 October Roy returned fr. Con’s & went out after dinner with Mr Sterne. Quiet day. Called on Mrs Spofforth, Gill Keith, P. Simpson, & Mrs Adams, in, walked part way home with me, v. pretty. Tuesday 13 October Mr Stone’s dinner F2 Albany, 8 o’c. ref. for self. Roy going also in my place. Met Midge morg. at Woollands. Stayed some time with her, looking wonderfully well. Mrs Spofforth, Palgrave Simpson, Adams, Nembhard & May, F. Walford & Miss Childs called. Midge dined with me alone, delightful evg. together. Dear Roy looked v. seedy & I feel ditto, bad throat & hot & cold. Wednesday 14 October Tea with Ethel Mervyn at her Club, unable to go, very seedy. To see Abrams, says I have influenza! Much good has Harrogate done me!!! Dora to Norfolk & remains with Midge & Mervyns till Saty when they all leave, Mervyns for Florence. Rain eternal. Thursday 15 October Lady Lockyer 3 - 6. To Dr Abram morg. by om. Felt v. hot & cold & stupid, congested. Says its slight influenza. Unlucky mortal that I am. Believe revolving basins are to blame as I am never well or Roy either at home. Friday 16 October Fine, colder. In bed till 12 o’c. After lunch for short walk but felt vy. seedy, hot & cold. Got flowers. Read to Lin a book Gen. Hawkins sent “Philestines”. American, vy amusing. Geoff Blair called when I was out & Ethel Mervyn came to say goodbye after dinner. They leave for Italy Sunday early. Dined 9.30 very very tired & cold. Saturday 17 October Blowy. Roy another cold, passed off later. In bed breakfast, shop’d morg. Geoff Blair, Mrs Gill & Mrs Rooth called. Lin dined at Mansion House, Literary dinner. A’Bs, Mrs Crawfurd, Miss Steele etc. Roy & self alone quiet evening, he reading Thomas Hardy’s “Tess of the D’Urbevilles”. Sunday 18 October Fairly fine. For walk with Lin at 12 after breakfasting in bed. Met Mr Roger Wallace who walked some distance with us. Said he lost all money in speculation. Roy with Mr Sterne in motor to Oxford away for lunch & dinner. Miss Rose Innes called stayed until 7. Lin hard at work all day. Monday 19 October In bed to breakfast. Dull. Out at 12. Geoff Blair to dinner, has to pass exam Thursday in Russian. Affliction very noticeable! Tuesday 20 October No one called. Very wet all day. Roy to drill, late home 11 o’c. Letter fr Gwen saying she was coming tomorrow for one night. Awkward as I can’t get off Thurs. Wednesday 21 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Lockyer 3 - 6. Very annoyed with Margarith made great fuss showed temper over giving up her afternoon after my long absence shows she cannot be worth much! Gwen coming for one night. V. tiresome prevents my going to Maud’s tomorrow. Out morg. vy. wet. Pleasant little evg. Gwen grown v. pretty & is bright & clever. Thursday 22 October Lady Lockyer 3 - 6. Gwen left at 10 o’c to meet Tabbie in coupé at Waterloo, up for day. X. To Dr Abraham £1.1.0, 3rd visit. Bought cream 1/- not appreciated by Roy. Pouring wet morg. Got soaked. Fine later. Friday 23 October Lovely morg. X. Sanitory Inspector testing drains. X. Out morg. Bought mending silks & 2 books for Babies. Packed afternoon. Roy dined with Harold at Westbourne Terrace. I at 7, Lin at 10 o’c, much later than he expected. Edgar & Sophy arrived at 15 Old Cavendish St. Saturday 24 October Fine. Came by 4.30 to Balcombe. Roy in to luncheon. Lin dined with Roger Wallace, Automobile Club, & joined me at Vic Sta. Roy not coming. Gt. commotion at Sta. with the steam hammers rebuilding Station. Met Sir F. & Rosie Burnand going to Brighton by same train. Found darling Maud looking so well & happy & the darlings well. Lennie looked vy depressed. Quiet evg. So thankful Maud well. Sunday 25 October Very wet. Slept badly. Lin in dejection own fault taking wine after fruit pudding! Lennie & Lin to Nymans in motor walking back. Monday 26 October (blank) Tuesday 27 October Lennie remains night in town for Harold’s bachelor dinner Café Royal. Lin, Maud & self alone at dinner. Had drive with Maud & Nonie. Wednesday 28 October Lennie returned for dinner. Maud, Nonie & self for long drive at 3 o’c. V. wet morg. Fine afternoon. Letter fr. Midge. D & H. at Prestwood. Lin to town by 9.30 train to attend Jarrah Wood meeting. Ld Alverstone written for the Canada drawing, Alaska. Thursday 29 October Cloudy. Driving with Maudie at ¼ to 11. Lennie dines at Ld. Frederick Fitzroy’s. Friday 30 October Maud & self to see Lady F. Fitzroy’s 50th anniversary presents, lovely & so kind to Maudie. Went morning. I drove after lunch with Babies & Nurse Frances to Haywards Heath & called to see Hilda H, out. Saturday 31 October Lin down by 4.30. Grace Fraser to stay until Monday. Arrived in time for tea. Hilda Herapath, Ruth & Muriel & Miss Mead called. Miss V. Mead dined here. Played


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 games matches etc! Lennie going to sing in concert next Saty Balcombe. Lin looks well but complains headache. Nov 1903 Sunday 1 November Lovely day. To Church alone. Good sermon fr. stranger. Walk with Lin who met me coming out of Church. Lin & Lennie to Nymans after lunch. With Grace F. drove there. Major Hawker nice little man & Mr Welsh Thornton came for night & dined. Major H. vy fond of Roy, his wife knows Pyt. Monday 2 November Grace Fraser left at 9.30, returning next week for village concert. Major Hawker Mr Welsh Thornton, Lin, Lennie, Mr Parker & 2 other guns shot at Nymans. 33 birds only but Lin enjoyed day. Vy fine. Tuesday 3 November Had lovely walk with Lin morg. by Mrs Faure Walker’s & round. Not tired after & slept after luncheon for a few moments. X. Lin’s cold very heavy. Slept badly, rather late to bed. Wednesday 4 November Fine. Dear Lin goes up to town by 10, cold about same. Nurse F. gone to London for day. Drove with Maud & Nonie for 1½ hrs by Red Road & Lady Pearson’s. Lovely afternoon. Mrs Thring to tea in the last of country walking costumes. Lennie in fine form, swearing in men for his Volunteer company. Tufley, 2 of his gardeners & two others! Thursday 5 November Lovely morg. Edgar & Sophy start for India & a years travelling round the world! Slept very badly no doubt fr. having no sleep after luncheon & no walk yesterday. Edgar & So leave next Tuesday not today. Friday 6 November Quiet uneventful day. Saturday 7 November Spencer, Grace, Violet & Mr Stuart came to stay. Lin not coming. Nonie very feverish & sick. Dr Parker came, uncertain what it is. Put in spare room with Nurse F. & carbolic sheet across door, temp 102.2. Lin & Roy to Gaiety. Mr & Mrs Messel & M. called, had seen Roy at Gaiety looking v. ill last night. Lin can’t see it! Sunday 8 November To Church with Grace. All Lennie’s volunteers & cadet boys fr. Ardingley College 142 in all to Church, & reviewed after. Lennie gave his men a dinner 72, & 3 of the masters fr. A.C. lunched here. Band fr. Handcross played after until 4 o’c. Poor Nonie in bed & out in red rash. Little Anne delighted. Mr Stewart in Yeoman uniform acting as Lennie’s orderly. Monday 9 November Hamilton Langley’s shoot at Stoke Edith. Lin taking Otley, I unable to go. Lennie in high spirits evg. Nonie better but temp 101.6 still. Rash out all over him except face. Grace left 12 o’c. Ada Sp. came to luncheon. Sp. Fetched her fr. Haywards Heath. Feel most anxious about Roy. Lennie cheerful.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 10 November Braunstein dinner unable to go, away. Fine morg. X. Edgar & Sophy leave for year’s travel by India. Letter fr. dear Roy saying he is well all but for depression in business which worries him v. much. Walked with Sp. Little Anne fretful with teeth. Nonie better. Lennie cheerful. Wednesday 11 November Lost my specks! Mr Rowe came to tea. Fairly fine, quite warm. Dr Parker came to see Nonie, much better. Still to remain in bed. Little Anne well again of teeth worry. Walked morg. with Sp. & drove with him to see Hilda after lunch. Letter fr. Lin fr. Stoke Edith. Col Davidson & wife, Major Kevil-Davis, Sir A. Ledyard, Tabs & Ham & Mr Foley there. Thursday 12 November Letter fr. Lin fr. Stoke Edith, poor ‘Scamp’ dead. Spencer returns to London. Saw him off by 4.20. Hilda met him at Balcombe. Still bothered with (blank) which prevents my walking & feel headachy in consequence. Nonie better & little Anne well. Still cannot find specks. Must have lost them at Miss Maberly. Friday 13 November Dr Parker sent Nonie out for 20 minutes. Looks pale & pulled down, otherwise well. Letters fr. Lin & Tabs begging me to go Monday to Pyt but am afraid to. Lin’s old complaint which makes me seedy! Maud for drive with V. I had long letter fr. Mr Clements. Florence W. came. Lennie very well. Saturday 14 November (blank) Sunday 15 November Lin & self for long walk morg, lovely. Only Florence to Church. Monday 16 November Hamilton Fletcher’s shoot. Accepted for self but doubt being well enough to go. Lin left here by 10 train & goes with Roy to Pyt. Still seems seedy fr. his cold. Saw him off at Station. Met Mr Pennythorn returning Balcombe, has named Florence W. Miss Sambourne! Maudie drove with Florence, fear too cold for her. Tuesday 17 November Spielmann dinner, unable to go, away. Lin & Roy at Pyt. Walked morg. Mr Allen coming for night. Vy pleasant dinner & evg. Darling Maud v. tired. Nonie in my room, screamed for Nurse F. & was carried off to her room at 11.30 PM. Wednesday 18 November Letter fr. Lin fr. Pyt. Guns there Ld Winford, Mr & Mrs Bennett, Mr Rooth, H. & Lin. Roy at Pyt also. Darling Maud in bed all day, back aching. Walked morg & saw ripe raspberries in garden near Post Office! Lennie seems well & in good spirits. Nonie none the worse for being transplanted during night. Dr P. came, says he is to gargle. Thursday 19 November Lovely morg, white frost. Violet left at 4.20. Walked morg with V. to Sta. Saw Mrs Tate in distance. Saw ripe raspberies in P. Office garden. Dear Roy returning fr. Pyt with H. & Tabs dined with them Coburg, & to theatre.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 20 November Dull morg, cold. Sat with Maudie, in bed all day but came down to dinner looking sweet. Walked along New Rd fr. B. till 3, met Nurse Frith, Baby. Rained. Rested & tea in Maud’s room with F. Walford. Lennie fairly well, seemed tired. To bed early. Saturday 21 November Lin coming by 4.30 train. Lennie shooting with Mr Faure Walker. Terribly bothered with Lin’s old complaint, otherwise am so well, or sh’d be! Lin looking better, headache gone. Roy motoring with Mr Sterne. Sunday 22 November Lennie & Florence to Church, & Nonie with Nurse F. looking lovely in red velvet coat & white lace collar & white felt 3 cornered hat. Lin & self for long walk past Lord F’s. Mr & Mrs Messel, Muriel & Mrs Sington to luncheon. Mr Parker arrived in time for dinner, shooting with Lennie tomorrow. Maudie tired evg. Monday 23 November Lennie Mr Parker & Lin shooting at Nymans. In agony all morg with old complaint. Very seedy. Too long walk yesterday with Lin, awful pain, unable to go down to dinner. Lin’s old complaint! Tuesday 24 November Lady Pearson’s recept. to view presents for Miss P’s wedding with Lord Denman. Better but still vy uncomfortable. Darling gives me every conceivable thing to cure it. Drove with Maudie & F. Lennie at home seedy all day fr. gun headache. Unable to walk all day. Wednesday 25 November Lady Pearson’s 2nd reception. For drive with Maudie & Florence, lovely day. Walked with Lin to Station, he went up by 10.40. Still discomfort. Letter fr. Midge asking us for Xmas. Roy going to Pyt. Had written Tabbie accepting her invite for Xmas for Lin & self. Lennie inspecting volunteers & home late. Thursday 26 November Lord Alverstone’s dinner ¼ to 8. Miss Pearson’s marriage with Lord Denman. Letter fr. Tabbie again about Xmas. Wired Lady Denman congratulations! Drove at 11.30 with Maud, lovely driving. Took Barney back to Nymans. Florence vy seedy & unable to come to dinner. Friday 27 November Still uncomfortable but better. In all day, damp & cold. Florence W. feeling seedy. Saturday 28 November In all day. X. Edgar & Sophy arrive at Bombay. Dear Lin & Roy arrived 5.45. Lennie shooting at Mr Sturdy’s, asked also to Pearsons again & unable to go. Roy does not look well. Lin only slight headache. Damp & wet. Colder. Sunday 29 November Very wet & chilly. Lin & Roy for walk morg. Little Anne not well. Ans’d invitations. Lennie getting ferns from wood. Horrid day. Nonie not well & little Anne not herself. Monday 30 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Roy dines with Cap. & Mrs Homphrey. Lin went for short walk walk with me. Vy cold but bright. Lennie looking v. seedy. Dec 1903 Tuesday 1 December Lin & Roy dining at Carlton with Miss Rose Innes. Vy charming dinner 16, Galbraiths disappointed at last moment. Packed. Lennie shot with Sir W. Pearson & reviewed (illeg) brigade after. V. tired & seedy he looks but played pianola. Babies better but Nonie seedy again. Wednesday 2 December Geoff Conrad comes to us for his Exam. Tabbie’s fancy dress Ball. Sp. to luncheon. I came up fr. Balcombe by 10.45, left darling in bed & not v. well. F. saw me off. Found all well & house looking nice. Roy looking seedy & v. cross & tiresome. Sp. stayed until 3 & sat with Lin. Too tired to go out. Thursday 3 December Out morg. Breakfasted in bed. Too noisy downstairs with Roy! Roy dined out with Mr Sterne, theatre & sup’r out! I slept v. badly. To Stores but unable to get ¼ of what I wanted. Feel too seedy in head to be able to think properly. 3 rd bad night. Friday 4 December Breakfasted in bed Out 11 o’c. Back. Met H. Zimmerman, Mrs Caldecott & saw E. Sankey in cab. Rested 2 to 3 & drove to Marshall Snelgroves for lace & chiffon for bodice, had it sent to Florence W. Poor Lennie in bed ill will be unable to go to Stoke Monday. Letters fr. Maud & F. Walford. Roy seems better, dined 10 o’c with Lin. I had mine earlier, 7 o’c, v. tired. Tufley, Lennie’s butler, married today. Saturday 5 December Dense fog. Shop’d Barkers, met Mrs Thring. Unable to go out, awful fog, had intended to go to see Tree in Richard II. Roy out to lunch. Lin, Roy & self in to dinner. Man Lin gave a quantity of clothes to not returned his bag, a new one! So much for gratitude! Sunday 6 December Dull & v. cold & raw. Lin & self at 11.15 to Zoo in brougham. New white polar bear, wee thing. Called & saw Sir John Tenniel. Stayed some time with him, seems hurt Lin has not been before. Roy out to luncheon. No one called. Quiet evg. we three. Very sleepy, liver! Monday 7 December Wet morg. By omnibus early to Harrods. £3.4.6½. Met Sybil Grantham there. Fine afternoon, in. Roy dines out & has carriage. Lin’s bag not returned from Rowton lodging house, a severe lesson in being kind to a poor man! Usual gratitude. Tuesday 8 December Geoff Conrad comes to stay, came & went off to his French Exam. Roy dined out with the Daniels. Vy tired shop’g morg. V. unsuccessful. Roy had carriage. Wednesday 9 December Dull morg. fine later. Carriage to Lincoln’s Inn, Bankruptcy court 11/10! Thursday 10 December Lady G.Armstrong’s dinner 8 o’c. Pleasant. Col. Leveson took me in. Mrs Tweedie, the G.A’s etc. V. pleasant evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 11 December Lady Lockyer’s dinner 8 o’c. Unable to go. Shop’d, felt tired. Geoff with me in brougham to Marshalls. Occasion de parler au cocher! To see about E’s chain, Jones. Saturday 12 December To see “Richard II” matinée with Lin & Geoff. Interesting. Roy to Club. Played Bridge with boys evg. Roy seems better for Geoff’s company. Sunday 13 December Walked with Geoff to see Spencer. Ada in bed with cold. Spencer & Miss Rose Innes to luncheon. Mr Paxton came to tea, stayed ages, looks v. ill. W’d like to have kept him for dinner. Lin busy with drawing. Monday 14 December Geoff for walk with Lin. Drove with Geoff to Stores & Harrods. Quiet evg. with Lin, Roy & Geoff. Dined 9 o’c. Tuesday 15 December Lin left by 2.30 for Col. Lucas, Easton Pk, Wickham Market. Je pense que O. a trop bu, he let Lin’s bags fall. I came to Maudie’s by 4.30 train. Geoff saw me off Vic, & remains on with Roy at Staf. Ter. till Saty. Roy ought to have gone to drill but did not! Wednesday 16 December Mrs Galbraith’s to the 21st. Shoot. Mr R. Rose’s marriage with Miss Hemmingson (illeg illeg). Lin had excellent days shooting at Col. Lucas’ Easton Park, Wickham Market. Otley with him. Got 65 pheasants besides other game. Darling Maud well & happy always thinking of others. Florence W. working with her. Lennie much better, at home, not to go to city. Babies well. Thursday 17 December Washed & cleaned 2 chairs Lennie is giving to Mrs Messel. Lennie busy in garden, seems v. soon tired. Baby slight cold. Maudie v. busy working. Lin had another good days shooting & good company. Left at night & travelled by night mail to Dumfries, Galbraiths. Friday 18 December Maudie & I packed hampers for Aunt Barbara, Nana & Conrad boys. Much too good of her quite £3 a hamper. Lin arrives Terregles this morning, Galbraiths. Shoots today & tomorrow. Lennie seemed vy tired evg. after his days gardening & altering books. Saturday 19 December Lin shoots Terregles & leaves by night mail! Enough to kill him this rushing about by night trains. Very damp & cold. Mr & Mrs Messel & Muriel came over morg. Geoff arrived for luncheon fr. Stafford Terrace, stayed till 6.10 & went to Worthing. Sunday 20 December Lin arrives at 8 AM home. Florence & self to Church & Communion service. Maudie v. busy all day doing up presents. Greatly fear she is doing too much.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 21 December Florence Walford & I go up by 10.40 train. I return here tomorrow. Florence goes to Maudie’s at Glouc. Ter. next Monday & stays with her. Did not go. Wire fr. Lin, fog in London so remain here. Saw F.W. off. Beastly day. Finished chair covers. Lennie to (illeg)field on motor about trees. Tuesday 22 December Pyt invite today for fortnight till 4th Jan. Cannot leave Maudie. Long letter fr. Tabbie quite satisfied about my not going to them for Xmas. Hope dear Lin gets off to Pyt today. Letter fr. him & enclosure of Burnands who is at Lord Burnham & the King also! Organist & daughter came after dinner to hear Lennie pianola. Organist came Monday not Tuesday. Wednesday 23 December Invite to Pyt for Xmas for fortnight. Fine day. Lin unable to get off to Pyt. To theatre with Roy to see “Letty”. Very busy all day, had walked & felt better for it. Lennie still busy on his rock garden. Thursday 24 December Dull. Dear Lin to Pyt, unable to get off Tuesday or yesterday, so foggy in London. Unable to get studies for next week’s work. Lin travelled with George Dietz to Pyt. Roy with Dora to Stoke by 1.40 train for Xmas. Quiet busy happy day arranging Tree. Lennie at Nymans shooting. Friday 25 December Xmas Day. Dull & dark, not v. cold. To morg. service with Violet. Lennie, Babies & Violet to Nymans for day. Darling Maud & self very happy alone arranged lottery(?) presents deserts etc. Maudie gave me a lovely blk. cloth mantle made by her precious self copied fr. Mrs Young, perfectly lovely. “The birds Xmas Tree”! 2 large cushions for the Dad shirts & china bowl for Roy etc etc. V. happy day. Tabbie sent me grey knitted jacket, v. pretty. Indigestion evg, well deserved fr. injudicious eating! Darling v. bright, busy & well & happy. Lennie played evg. our favourite pieces pianola. Violet thinks Mrs Harold pretty tho’ v. delicate-looking. No letter fr. Lin but a wire last evg. with greetings. Saturday 26 December Went for walk with Nurse F. Baby & Nonie. Baby Bettie, Ruth & Hilda came over morg. V. busy on darling’s dress all afternoon. Lennie at Nymans shooting with E. Parker & Capt. Gibbs. Sunday 27 December V. raw & cold. Worked in darling’s room. Only V. to Church with Nurse F. & Nonie. Harold & Mrs Harold to luncheon, rather nice little thing, nice looking, plays well & seems to have character & will. Maudie’s dress sweet & suits her admirably. Letters fr. Lin. Charming book fr. Toula. Monday 28 December Packed. Lennie went up early. F. Walford goes to Glouc. Ter. & Lennie & F.W. dined at Trocadero, went to Pantomime together. Maud, Violet & self alone Balcombe to dinner & busy packing & putting away things. Crawfurd & Ellen left for Glouc. Ter, & George. Tuesday 29 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Returned to London with darling Maud & Violet. P. was well & lively & seemed none the worse for journey. Lin returned from Pyt with Hamilton & Ham, lunched Lennie & saw him on business. F. Walford at Maud’s & remains with her. Darling little unhappy leaving children. Wednesday 30 December Drove to Maud’s after luncheon & called on several, all away. Met Aunt Linda & Amy. Called on Mrs Nembhard, Mrs Macmillan, Tweedie & Pollock. Walked to & from Maud’s morg. Thursday 31 December Lin, Roy & self dined at darling Maud’s. Violet Philips & Florence Walford there. Delightful evg. & Maudie v. well. Called on Mrs V. Cole for sake of walk. Very raw & cold. 1902. Disatrous year financially. Received from Trust £ 398. 7.0 From private money £ 199.10.0 Total £ 597.17.9 Less from sale of Cert Argt. & Rosario stocks £22. 6. 6 (loss in income & capital by this stupid sale) Leaves total income for year £ 575.11. 3 Spents on doctors, dress & private account £190. 7. 3 Invested during 1902 May 5th, in P. & O. 3% debs at par £ 500. 0. 0 June, Burmah Oil Company 5% £ 200. 0. 0 Dec. Calls fully paid on B.A.Gt. Southern 4% Ex £ 95. 0. 0 Dec. New issue of above stocks B.A.Gt. S. £25 of above for this £ 290. 0. 0 making £315 pd. for this £215 in all (last issue of stock) at 5 prem. fully paid Sold this £325in 1903 for £ 323 & bought B.A.Rosario ordinary £ 300 stock at 85½

Total £ 1035. 0 .0 £ 258.16. 0

Received from Trust 1903 Jany. Argentine Gt. West Cent. Uraguay North Local loans Feby Gt. Western Brazil Peebles March Cordoba Rly April British St. N.A. Local loans Illinois Central June Canadian Pacific July Antofagasta

18.15. 0 23. 8. 9 1. 0. 9 28. 2. 6 23. 4. 0 18.15. 0. 21. 1.11 3. 5 19.10. 1 23.17. 1 3.15. 8


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 June July

Lehigh Valley Argt Gt. Western Local loans August Peebles Gt. Western Brazil Sept Surplus Oct B. North Atlantic Illinois Cent

21.18. 4 18.18. 4 3. 5 23. 8. 3 28. 7. 6 7. 7. 6 1. 9. 4 19.11. 7 £ 312.10. 4 Received from Private account 1903 Jany





B.A.Pacific B.A. Western Wirral Rosario Deb B.A. Pacific Burmah Oil Chinese Jamaica Cordoba Cent North Pacific Christiana Robinson Gold Gt. Eastern Rly Hull & Barnsley Coupé Midland Rly Waihi P.& O. Steamship Harrod Furness Rly Glasgow S. Western

3. 4 4. 4. 9 1.17. 5 1.17. 6 5. 3 4.10.11 2.16. 3 1.12.10 1.17. 6 13. 2 1.17. 6 4.14. 4 2.14. 6 1.17. 7 2. 2. 3 8. 1. 5 4.15. 0 8. 4. 0 16. 5 1.12.10 2.13. 2

Coupe Cy 2. 7.10 City B. A. Trams 1. 0. 0 B.A. Gt. Southern 24.15.11 B.A. Rosario 7% 9. 3. 9 Barker 1. 9 B.A. Rosario ord 4. 4. 4 Gt Eastern arrear of 2 years 5. 3. 4 £ 100. 0.10

Forward June Cent Uraguay Sep Cordoba Rosario Canadian Pacific Lehigh Valley

322.10. 5 23.12.11 19. 0. 5 23.17. 1 22.10. 6 £ 408. 1. 4

Forward May Waihi (figures crossed out) August Robinson June B.A. Pacific

£ 100.0.10 4.15. 0 3.18. 9 13. 2



August Sep Aug

B.A. Pacific B.A.Pacific B.A.Western Rosario Deb Cordoba Cent Burmah Oil Chinese Wirral Cash ? Jamaica B.A.Pacific Waihi Harrods P.& O. Christiana Robinson Gold Gt. Eastern Rly Midland Furness

3. 5 5. 3 4. 5. 6 1.17.10 1.17.10 4.14. 7 2.17. 3 1.17. 9 3.15. 8 1.13. 5 13. 3 4.16. 0 6. 8 8. 6. 6 1.18. 2 3.18. 9 1.13. 1 5.14. 2 1. 1. 3 £ 161. 2.11

Private ac’t Forward Sep Waihi P.& O. Harrods Glasgow S.W. Oct Barker City B.A. Trams B.A. Gt. Southern B.A. Rosario 2 lots Nov Pacific ditto rd Dec 3 Cash ditto

£ 161.2.11 4.15. 0 8. 6. 6 6. 8 2. 4.10 8 1. 0. 0 31. 1. 1 14.18.11 16.11 13. 3 4.15. 0 11.10 £ 230.14. 7

Private Account 1903 Trust Total

£ 230.14. 7 £ 408. 1. 4 £ 638.15.11

Still owe Bank £ 300 on 1st Jany 1904 with balance at Bank £ 103.10. 0 Invested 1903 Bought £ 300 B.A.Rosario Rly consolidated Ord stock at 95 ½ com. ¼ & stamp stamp fee April 22 nd Sold by L. & C. Bank April 25th£ 300 B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 4% Deb stock at 108¼ Less com ½

£ 265.10. 0 16. 0 1.10. 0 £ 269.16. 0

£ 324.15. 0 1.12. 6


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Contract stamp Total Borrowed £ 450 of Bank at this date April 26th Difference to replace to capital

11 £ 320. 8. 6 £ 64. 5. 6

Books “An idler in old Paris” by Tighe Hopkins “Home life under the Stuarts” “Household of the Lafayettes” “An English girl in Paris” “The mystery of the Pacific” “The key of the Pacific” Private account Jany B.A. Pac.


Western B.A. ditto Burmah Oil ditto Chinese ditto Jamaica ditto Christiana ditto Robinson Gold ditto Gt. Eastern Rly ditto Hall & Barnsley Coupé ditto

8. 7 13. 2 13. 2 1. 5. 2 4. 4. 9 4. 5. 6 4.10.11 4.14. 7 2.15. 3 2.17. 3 1.12. 10 1.13. 5 1.17. 6 1.18. 2 4. 4. 4 3.18. 9 2. 4. 6 1.13. 1 1.17. 6 2. 2. 3 2. 7.10 £ 51.17. 8

Brought forward £ Midland Rly ditto Waihi P. & Oriental S.S. ditto Harrods Furniss Rly ditto Glas. S. Western ditto B.A.Trams ditto B.A. Gt Southern

51.17. 8 8. 1. 5 5.14. 2 9.10. 0 8. 4. 1 8. 6. 6 16. 5 1.12.10 1. 1. 3 2.13. 2 2. 4.10 1. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 24.15.11


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 ditto 31. 1. 1 B.A. Rosario Rly 9. 3. 9 ditto 4. 4. 4 ditto 14.18.11 Barker 1. 9 To 1st Dec £ 186. 8. 1 Lehigh Valley ditto A. Gt. Western ditto Cent Uruguay ditto Gt. W. Brazil ditto Peebles ditto Cordoba ditto Nth Atlantic ditto Illinois ditto Canadian ditto Antofagasta Local Loans Furrell surplus

21.18. 4 21.18. 4 18.15. 0 18.15. 0 23. 8. 9 23. 8. 9 28. 2. 6 28. 2. 6 23. 4. 0 23. 4. 0 18.15. 0 18.15. 0 21. 1.11 21. 1.11 19.10. 1 19.10. 1 23.17. 1 23.17. 1 3.15. 8 1. 4. 2 10. 0. 0 £ 413. 5. 2

1899 fr. Trust Argt Gt. Western ditto Cent. Uraguay ditto Peebles ditto Gt. Western Brazil ditto Cordoba Rosario ditto B.N. Atlantic ditto Illinois Central D itto Canadian P. ditto Lehigh V. ditto Local Loans

19. 6. 8 19. 6. 8 24. 3. 4 24. 3. 4 23.18. 6 23.18. 6 29. 0. 0 29. 0. 0 19. 6. 8 19. 6. 8 24. 3. 4 24. 3. 4 19.15. 2 19.15. 2 24. 3. 4 24. 3. 4 23. 3. 6 22. 1. 9 17. 0 17. 0 1.14. 0 £ 405.10. 0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Xmas presents 1903 Lennie’s atlas Maud’s silver spirit lamp Roy Lin! Emma Maids 3/6 prints, 2 Nonie game etc Little Anne Nurse Frances Crawfurd Alice Tufley 2 housemaids Edith Furrell dress Aunt Barbara Nana Mitchell George Fritz Jackson Margery Howlden Edie Furrell Nurse Ida Maud for Roy

1.18. 9 1. 5. 9 3. 0. 0 3.11 1.15. 0 7. 0 6. 6 4. 0 2.11 3.11 2. 3 3. 9 4. 0 12. 9 1. 2. 0 2. 6 9. 0 11. 6 2. 0 1. 9 £ 11.18. 3

Cheques for Balcombe & expences

5. 0. 0 £ 16.18. 3 Scotsmen are always supposed to come to London to make their fortunes. Mr Reid said at Stock Exchange “I have walked 6 miles in an hour” to which stockbroker remarked “That must have been when you came up first from Edinburgh to London”. American fond of self aggrandisement. American would use his own decease to boom(?) his own soul “1/6 me a kipper” Ans: Bob Tanner sent me a Kipper. Where do you get the (illeg) (illeg)? From the Kipper! What will go up a chimney down & down a chimney down but won’t go up a chimney up or down a chimney up? An Umbrella. There was a young lady of Wilts Went over the county on stilts When told it was shocking To show so much stocking She answered, then how about kilts? The master of Harriers wears a red coat. The master of foxhounds a pink un, but the Devil, he cares not a damn what he wears, when he’s hunting the Bishop of Lincoln. Mr Reid’s: King George IV at Portsmouth repremanded Admiral of Fleet: “I hear you are the biggest scoundrel in the Navy” to which Admiral replied “I regret your Majesty should come so far to take away my character.”


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 There was a young monk of Sophia Who as suddenly filled with desire The primary cause was the Abbess’s drawers Which were airing in front of the fire. Good stories: Painter asked by plain & elderly lady whose portrait he had just finished “Do you think it does me justice?” His reply “Madam if it is not justice you need, it is mercy!” Gilbert’s reply to Mrs Playfair who is v. v. stout, “Why have you not been to see me Mr G. Am I so stale & unprofitable?” “You are not flat, Mrs Playfair, not flat!” Three men married for love, money & Honour. Hamilton L’s story. Lady E. Foley’s: My first is a male, my 2nd a female, my third a great man, my fourth a great woman. Heroine. Lady asked postmistress to put stamp on her letter, was abusive. What w’d you do? Investments to December Millwall Dock Hudsons bay Allsopp ordinary B.A. Western new shares National Telephones La Capital Tramways S. African Breweries Philadelphia Com. 60 – 64 N. States Steel trust 21 – 22 African City Property Trust South American Light & Power Comp. Bahia Blanca African City Properties Trust “To cultivate teretary(?) under ones own hat would (illeg illeg) Love microbe destroyed & put marriage on a sound basis. “South African Hotels” “Transvaal & Delagoa Bay Investment Company” General Mining & Finance price 3.5.0 Bromley Electric Light 4 ½ Debs. South African Gold Trust.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1904 Notes in front of Diary: Mrs Arnold Foster’s dressmaker: Mrs Neville, 15 Connaught St. Stories: Harold’s American wife “I w’d like to have 5 minutes conversation with son, on porcelain!”. Asked if she had seen the sights of London said “I have seen the Messel family” & when we laughed said Please don’t laugh, I did not intend to be funny! “Who of all men living, leads the most unblushingly open immoral life?” A bachelor parson who has a family living.” C. Hartree. Cannsey(?) Depew stories: In company with several others & not having entered into the merriment of the party someone said “You have not added much to our hilarity or amusement”, he said “Well I cannot make speeches sing or tell stories but will ask you a conundrum - Why am I like a turkey on Xmas Eve? Because I am being stuffed with chestnuts!” The Ld Justice Clerk took a number of Americans over the Edinburgh law courts & livranges attached. On parting a clergyman or minister of the party shaking hands with the Ld. Justice Clerk said “Sir, we thank you for your kind hospitality & when you come to the States we shall have much pleasure in showing you the law & the Gospel.” Chaimcey(?) Depew after one of his speeches was asked by a man in a car how long he took to prepare his speeches. When told they were not prepared but spontaneous he said “Well I am a bit of a liar myself but it is astonishing to me you can lie so well & so much without any forethought.” Mr Stones: Invited to theatre by married man friend who had palpable lady with him. Seeing his mother-in-law in stalls of theatre went & apologised to her for being with Mr Stone & such a lady! Had no idea Mr Stone as that sort!!! Mr Konitz story of Sir W. Pearce who asked Mr K. to meet a certain lady friend & see her into comfortable quarters in London during Sir W’s absence abroad & look after her etc. The lady went mad & Mr K. had to see Doctors & arrange for her being put under restraint! Much trouble & bother! Sir W.P. died & Lady P. sent for Mr K. who had been an intimate friend of the house & said her husband on his death bed had told her of Mr K’s disgraceful conduct with lady & w’d never recieve him again in her house! Dying confessions?! Nonie when Lennie told him he had a dear little brother said “Who is his father?” Small child who had prayed for a brother when he arrived said it was no surprise to him because he had prayed for one “but what a surprise for Mother!” Young swell drove into another carriage. Coachman “It was not my master’s fault” “No but it was yours for allowing him to drive. “A child may lead a chauffeur to the petrol but 9 men cannot make him drink.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Nellie K’s dry story: Spanish soldier charged with stealing golden goblet fr. the Virgin’s altar. After praying some time declared the Virgin had graciously leant forward & given him the goblet. As R. Catholics cannot deny miracles there was silence in court but the judge in dismissing prisoner cautioned him to show his gratitude to the Virgin in future by “Silence”. Mr P.Portman’s: Teacher of Sunday School anxious to relieve the seriousness of Sunday lessons “Now children can any of you tell me the name of the pretty little thing I saw coming here today with bright eyes a little body & large bushy tail, it ran up a tree, now what was it.” All silent until a small child ventured “God”! Also small boy asked who his father was “I havn’t got no Father & I havn’t got no Mother”. Then where did you come from? “I’m the mean trick the Lodger played sister Susan”. Equal to the Lark story. Mr Yardsey’s Fox Pitt. Little boy shown his twin brothers. After contemplating them for some time seriously said “I have quite decided which I shall keep!” Impecunious English barrister married a very wealthy American girl. When the clergyman arrived at that part of marriage service “With all my worldly goods I thee endow” A cousin of bride who was sitting by a cousin of the bridegroom’s whispered “There goes poor Henry’s valise”. April 1904. Maudie asked Nonie if he would send his love to Nana, “Yes Mother, send it all I am always making fresh love & only keep the old for myself!” Bear story: Man asked to take a pet bear on visit country house. One night it strayed & after hunting everywhere overheard on passing one of the bedrooms a woman’s voice saying “I don’t care who you are or what you are but I will not have you in my bed with that motor coat on!” A man was describing the tortures of a nightmare he had experienced, dreaming he was in Hades suffering the tortures of the dammed, when his companion exclaimed “It might have been worse” “What do you mean” asked the dreamer. The other, “It might have been true!” Addresses: Mrs Davison (Barker) Fircroft, Ditton Hall, Surbiton. Edgar, c/o Thos Cook & Co, Columbo, Ceylon. Post Ofice San Francisco. To be called for. Mrs Cotton, 68 Curzon St, Mayfair. Evelyn Pym Sankey, G Bungalow, Tanglin Barracks, Hong Kong, China. Toula, 19 Hill Street, Berkeley Sqre. Florence, Fern Bank, Ganaren, Nr. Monmouth. Mrs Chesterfield (Midge’s char) 33 Tadema Road, Kings Road, Chelsea. Mrs Jones (chickens eggs) Blatches, Little Caufield, Dunmow, Essex. Mrs Sells, 13 York Rd, Hammersmith. Mrs Chesterfield, Midge’s char, 47 Oak Grove, Cricklewood. Mrs Goodall, 104 Biddulph Mansions, Elgin Avenue. Laundress: Mrs Hart, Orchard laundry, Rothschild Road, Acton Green. Mervyn’s address Oct 1904: National Bank of New Zealand, Grey St, Wellington, New Zealand. Ruth Parker, Holmthorpe, Weybridge.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Jan 1904 Friday 1 January Dull & dark & cold. Roy to Pyt. Out morg. shop’g. Roy to Pyt until Wed when he goes to Midge, Stoke Edith, Hereford. Walked to Aunt Linda’s. Saw her Ethel & Amy. On to Maudie’s. Lennie busy in his room turning out silver. Lin dined 10 o’c. Quiet evg alone. Excellent drawing, old man & boy. Saturday 2 January Cold raw morg. Rain on ice! Dangerous. Lin & self dine with Maud 7.45. Paid Jones chaine d’or for E, £1.12.0 also pd into Bank Burmah Oil div £4.9.0. Sunday 3 January Dull & damp. Lin & self for walk morg. Maudie Lennie & Florence to luncheon. Left at 3.30, darling well. Lin to Club to tea. Sat in drawing room. Lady Lockyer & Lord Kingsbury called & had tea. Ld K. stayed till 6.30, was v. amusing, leaves tonight for Scotland. Monday 4 January Out morg. Met Hoods, Miss Thorburn, Mrs P. Simpson. Maudie & Florence to luncheon, darling looking so well. Dear Lin’s birthday. We dine 7.30 at Sir Norman Lockyer’s. Maudie & F. left at 3.30. Harold, his wife & Mr Messel dine at Maud’s tonight. Delightful evg. at Lady Lockyer’s, they seem so happy. Tuesday 5 January Mrs Martin Hood at home 15 Nevern Sqre 4 - 7. To Bank. Paid back £100 fr loan, leaves now £200 owing & leaves a balance at bank in current account of £60. Saw Maud morg. Mrs Pirrie, Miss Carlyle, Miss Thompson, Ethel Edwin, Fanny & May Nembhard called. Drove at 11. Again worried with Lin’s complaint. Model called. Quiet evg. alone with Lin. Wednesday 6 January Mrs Martin Hood 4 - 7. Dark yellow morg. Lin out to luncheon. Roy returns fr. Pyt festivities & goes on to Stoke Edith for more!!! I dine at Maud’s. Unable to go to Maud’s, too seedy with pain fr. Lin’s complaint! Roy returned fr. Pyt v. tired out after the 3 dances. Remaining here night & going to Stoke Edith tomorrow. Arrived in time for luncheon. Thursday 7 January Mrs McKenna 4 - 7. Lunch 1.30 with the Nembhards. Still feel v. seedy fr yesterday’s pain. Roy lunches 12.45 & I leave him at Paddington on way to Nembhards. He gos to Midge for balls. V. good luncheon. Volaille of Veal, roast partridge, cold pickled pork, stewed pears & a pretty pud of jam & a layer of custard cream on top. Saw Dora’s lovely dresses & tiara. Friday 8 January Out at ¼ to 3 shop’g. & called on Maud. Little “Pastral” there Harold’s wife. Ordered ½ doz champagne & 2 botts whiskey at Haines & Potter. Saw things for Dora, nothing (illeg) factory. Called at Madame (illeg) dressmaker 6 Eardly Cresc, afraid! Cold & damp. Saturday 9 January Roy returned at 4.30 fr. Stoke. Lin & self lunched at Mrs Pirrie’s. Large number long menu. Uninteresting people. Cossins, Lady Roxburgh, Prof Graham, Mr


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Justice & Lady Bigham, Miss Ritchie (illeg illeg) etc etc. Dine all 3 at darling Maud’s. Roy looking little better. Sunday 10 January Wet & sun alternate morg. I walked to Hyde Pk Corner with Lin, home alone to luncheon. Roy out. Mrs & Graham Keith & young Lockyer to dinner. Very pleasant evg. & Lin v. bright & lively, likes Mrs K. vy much, dear bright little woman. No one called. Monday 11 January Darling Maud, Florence & Mrs Harold Messel to luncheon. I went to Sloane St & Woollands, poor dog followed me. Called at Mr Hartree’s. Carriage at 4. Darling went with me to Mrs Young’s about my dress. Saw black chiffon velvet & mole colour we both liked. Back to Maud’s & home. Roy to drill Balcombe, back at 10.30. Tuesday 12 January Dull, dark. At ¼ to 12 with darling Maud to Mrs Young & chose mole coloured chiffon velvet for Dora’s wedding. Left Maudie at Glouc. Ter 1.30 & found Sp. lunching with Lin on return. Only Mrs Leonard (Miss Grierson) called. Roy went to Chichester to stay with the Homphreys for dance. Wednesday 13 January Maudie’s dear little 2nd son born at 5 to 10 AM. Only awakened at 6 o’c in the morg. & all over by 10! I arrived 10.15 & found my darling looking so well. Remained at Glouc Ter. all day. Baby boy very Hebrew looking but such a clean strong happy baby. Lorings, Parkers, Harold Messels & Mr & Mrs Messel all called, & Lin. Roy fetched me 10.30. Lennie v. happy & all so well & smooth there. Nurse Millie. Thursday 14 January Out morg. On way to Maudie’s but painful corn drove me home. Went 3.30 to get Baby comb, flowers, umbrella & frame & to see darling Maud. Slight inflammation in an ovary not comfortable but she seemed well in herself & looked well, & Bandit v. good & quiet on my lap. Friday 15 January 12.30 to be fitted Mrs Young. Saw laundress Troy at Midge’s & man about blinds, v. dear. Decided to change laundress. To darling Maud at 4.30, looked well & bright but still pain. Stayed some time with her. Baby well & healthy. Saturday 16 January Out shop. morg. Lunched at 1 o’c. Lin & self to Vaudeville saw “The Cherry Girl” Ellaline Terriss in it. Very pretty bright piece. After drove to my own’s. Looks well but still has pain in her right side, fear ovary or appendix inflamed. Saw Harold Messels there. Tabbie called to see Baby. She & H. returned fr. Mr Foley’s today. Quiet evg. with Lin & Roy. Mr & Mrs Messel & Lorings go abroad together. Sunday 17 January Fine morg. Walked with Lin to see darling Maud, had pain in right side again & temp 100. Looks fairly well but I feel v. anxious. Baby well. Walked home with the Harold Ms, Lennie & Florence W. Lennie, Tabbie & Mr Stone dine here 8 o’c. Young Lockyer called. Dull dinner rather. Fancy Lennie & Mr Stone non sympathetic.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 18 January X. Changed laundress. Young Onslow Ford’s marriage with Miss Henschell, Essex Church, the Mall, Notting Hill, 2 o’c. Dark dull day. F. Walford lunched. We went after to Buzzards for sponge cakes for Nonie boy. Sat with Maudie 1½ hours, better. Roy came home with an awful cold X made him take champagne. Lady Hickman called morning, stayed some time. Mrs Tomalin called but am sending clothes to Troy laundry. Tuesday 19 January Dull dark & raining. At 11.30 in brougham to Barkers about mistake with French book, muddlers, & to be fitted at Mrs Young’s, & to Maudie’s, much better. Did not see Maud fearing to give her Roy’s awful cold. Roy dining out & going to dance after. Vy nervous about his cold. He won’t take any care of himself, wish I did not worry & c’d be as calm as Lin. Mrs Spofforth called. Wednesday 20 January Dull dirty day. Out at 11 o’c angry at racing omnibus, spoke to collector. X. To Bond St, bought hat at Louise’s Regent St. Pd by cheque at shop £2.2.0. Met Mrs Caldecott. At 3 in Maud’s brougham to call on Mrs Pirrie, Lady de la Rue, Lady Armstrong (just leaving for 3 months) & Miss Thomson, in. Ordered pr. of shoes Marshalls & to Maud’s. Did not go up fearing as Roy’s cold so bad. Both darlings doing well. Roy & self alone evg, his cold v. bad indeed. Thursday 21 January Dull dark day. Lin to Stoke Edith until Wed, next 4 days shooting! So glad for him to get change & sport included. Roy’s cold v. heavy & seems on his chest, impossible to do anything for or with him, so morose & cross for any attention. Letter fr. my darling so well & so happy God bless her, the greatest joy of my life. Drove fr. Maud’s to see Midge & Dora at Coburg, stayed some time. Friday 22 January Mrs Rose, 28a South Audley St, at home 4 - 7. Mrs Young 12 o’c & I lunch at Charlie Hartree’s 2 o/c. Only Lady Lawrence there. Had carriage to Mrs Young’s, to Lady’s Shirt Co & left me at C.H’s. Walked fr. there across Pk to Maud’s, both going on well, carriage fetched me 5.30. Roy out so only had gruel & bread & butter. No lunch or dinner at home today. Margarith out. Saturday 23 January Mrs Rose 4 - 7. Dense fog, in all day, v. cold. Stock Ex. Holiday, Roy at Club all day. Had quiet dinner & to bed at 10 o’c. Sent Otley over to Maud with note & book “Vices of the Virtuous”. Sunday 24 January Mrs Rose 4 - 7. Wrote to Lin, Nana etc. Walked to darling Maud’s, v. well, Baby also, & back. Alone to luncheon. Midge & Dora, Mr Douglas & Violet to dinner, 4 ladies, 2 men! Very dark & very raw & cold. Anna & George to tea. Dullish dinner w’d have preferred Midge & D. to ourselves alone. Margarith out short time. Monday 25 January Dull & dark, v. cold. Out morg. Breakfasted in morg. room, dining room cleaned & not used all day. Lunched in morg. room & had my gruel & bread & butter there. Roy dined at Carlton with Mr Sterne & to see Orchid after. Looks v. seedy with


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 cold. Called at 3.30 on Henschall, Mrs Walker, Lady Quilter, Mrs Rose, Maudie, both doing well. Mrs Sington called & saw her at Maudie’s. Tuesday 26 January Lovely morg. warm. Roy to Pyt for 3 nights. V. seedy not fit to go. At 11 in brougham to Bond St about toque, too dear, to Maudie both well & Maudie looking fatter. Spencer to lunch with me & Hilda fetched him at 3.30. Ada Saunders (Mrs Aitkin) & Florence only called. Margarith danced off at 7.30 without permission. Used morning room for meals. Margarith out at 7.30 (illeg) spoke to her, sorry, next out Friday & little on S instead. Wednesday 27 January Mrs W.S.Gilbert, 52 Pont St. Horrid day v. wet & warm. Out morg. shop’g on foot, too tired to walk to Maud’s, got as far as round pond. Lin returned fr. Stoke Edith at 3.30, cart fetched him. Sat with him after whilst he worked. Margarith out. Lin to Punch dinner. Thursday 28 January Mrs Taylor Whitehead 4.30. Fanny Nembhard 4.30. To tea with Mrs W, Mrs P. Simpson there. To Nembhards, saw Archdeacon & Mrs Brooks, & to darling M. Both Baby & M. going on splendidly. Roy returned from Pyt looking v. seedy. Awful day. Friday 29 January To see darling Maud, vy well. Shops & walked. Fine!!! & last Friday also fine. At 3 o/c in brougham, met Midge & D. Kensington, drove them to Russell & A’s. Saw D’s wedding garment fitted & going away dress, she looked lovely in them both, Midge in hers. Drove Midge to Good’s, & to Maud alone, both doing well. Saw Lennie, has 2 men dining there. Roy to dine Sherries & dance at their house after. Dickie & self alone. Wet pouring wet. Sunday 31 January Mr Child dining here, asked Ethel E. & M. Wallace. Mabel came, v. pleasant evg. Mr C improves on acquaintance & seems intelligent. Mabel looked very pretty. So wet unable to go out all day. Spencer only called afternoon. Lin working on motor drawing. Feb 1904 Monday 1 February Out morg. shop’g. At 3 to Jones about D’s present, selected some to choose from. To Maud’s after calling on Mrs Tuppert & Mrs Laking, found Mrs Hohler at Maudie’s & Ruth. Prefer having Maudie to myself. Tabbie came for night. Spencer & Lennie dined here, family talk. Tuesday 2 February Tabie left at 1 o’c for Stoke, lunched first. Out with her to Kensington at 10.30 & to order a dress at Gompels like mine! V. wet. Lin, Roy & self to St James’ to see “Old Heidelburg”. Lin working at motor cut. Looked thro’ silver things for Dora. Wednesday 3 February Mrs W.S.Gilbert, 52 Pont St. At 3 o’c to Jones about Dora’s present & took back silver things sent on approval. To Bumpus for ivory prayer books & Anne’s book. F. Walford here to luncheon & went with me. Maudie & Baby v. well. Stayed an hour as usual.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 4 February Mrs McKenna 4 – 7, 22 Portland Place Not home yet! Out at 10.30 by bus to Stores got Roy’s present for Dora, a double photo frame. Left umbrella to be recovered, veil, & Lin’s gold pin. Met Lady D. Hartland & Lady Robertson in Sloane St. Sp. here to luncheon. Mrs Dent & Mrs Harold M. called. I called alone at 4 on Mrs McKenna, Hadley, Critchett, E. De la Rue, Roxburgh, Costen & Taylor, & Maudie. Drove Maud Paxton back. Lin, Roy & self alone dinner. Friday 5 February Lady de la Rue’s dinner 8.15. To see darling morg. Found her on chair for first time, looked pale & thin. V. pleasant dinner Mrs de la Rue. Common little man and Mr Wanbelin on my right & left. Mr & Mrs Herkomer, Sir N. & Lady Wood, Sir C. & Lady Hunter etc etc, Lady & Miss Maclean. V. pleasant evg. altogether. Lin finished in good time. Saturday 6 February Poured. Drove to see darling Maud. Seems pale & not making enough progress. Sunday 7 February Poured after luncheon. Lin & self walked to Maud’s. Lin out to luncheon, Lennie walked back with me but w’d not remain to luncheon. Sp. came after & Mr Paxton & remained until 7. Awfully tired as I was packing morg. before going to see darling Maud. Monday 8 February Lin, Roy & self to Stoke Edith Pk, D.V. Dull day. Saw Sp. at Sta. Arrived 4.30. D. only up Saty, in Hall wrapped in shawl & Tabs serving coffee & Midge tea. Lady Knightly, Hon Mrs Gage, Mr & Mrs Schuster & Mr Vivian best men etc. House party 24. Mr Foley there, also at dinner, took me in to dinner. D. not able to dine but came in after. We danced. Mrs Railkes there too. Presents magnificent in library. Could not sleep. Tuesday 9 February Dora’s wedding day! Wet!!! very. Lady Pearson at home having Mission Socy 3.30! House party 26. Breakfasted in (illeg) room where 5 tables were arranged charmingly. Dora looked perfectly lovely & all his family seemed charmed with her, & our family! Lucky they are approved! Everything beautifully managed. Fine Hungarian band played in painted hall. Big reception & refreshments in dining room. Dora left 4 o’c in charming champagne col’d dress, coat etc. Dance after dinner. Sat between the 2 Hams dinner, H. feels D’s loss more than Midge. Wednesday 10 February Mrs Mount Batten’s at home 9.30 – 12.30. Ref. Left Stoke Edith by 1 train. Con, Sp. Ada & Roy trav. 2nd C. together & I first class with Mrs Gage who talked all the way up. Country under water & near Oxford people getting about in sailing boats! Lin, Tabs, Ham Gwen & Eve. Mrs Buckley & Miss Forster by 10 train, rest left later. Dull day, found station all decorated. Con came for night, we 3 alone for dinner. I called & saw darling Maud, Mrs Hohler there. Thursday 11 February Dull. Walked with Con into Kensington, ordered windows to be cleaned Monday, & ham. Con left at 11 for Worthing. I walked to Maud’s found her just starting with Nurse M. & Baby for drive in brougham. Wrote to 2 ladies for Maud about Mad.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Horn & walked home. Placards up Manchurian Railway blown up! 2 battleships (Russian) disabled. Friday 12 February To see Maudie, going on splendidly. Maudie has engaged Mad’ll Horn, references so good. Lin & Roy dined at 10 o’c. Saturday 13 February Packed morg. Lin & self went by 5 train to Pangbourne to stay at Sir Benjamin Baker’s. Mr Knowles arrived with us. House party, Sir B, Mrs Kemp, Mona, Mrs Spagnoletti, Mr Knowles & Miss Siemens. Clergyman & daughter to dinner also. Roy dining at Maud’s. Emma & Frances to Pantomime, unable to get in. Sunday 14 February Fine morg. Out with Mrs Kemp seeing birds, poultry horses, & sweet little gazelle fr. Assam. Major Towse (the S. African hero blind) & wife to luncheon. Most pathetic & such a handsome man. Miss Siemens. Lin, Mrs Kemp, Mona & self to tea at Mrs Telford Simpson’s at Goring, lovely house. Col & Mrs Macdonald there & met Major & Mrs Towse in their dog cart. Poured with rain. Mrs Simmonds & Mr S brother-in-law to dinner. Monday 15 February Delightful visit. Retrurned by 1.50 train fr. Pangbourne. Mrs Kemp & Mona saw me to Station. Lin returned by 1st train with Sir Benjamin, Mr Knowles, Mr Spagnoletti & Miss Siemens. I got into compartment with Mrs Towse nice little woman. Changed at Reading. Carriage met me & I went to Maud’s. She looks wonderfully well, was sitting up in bed in Japanese garment. Baby v. good. Roy looks seedy, out to dine at Garrick with Mr Bristowe. Lin & self alone, dine 8.30 meaning 9. Tuesday 16 February In brougham to pay Weller’s bill £2.4.0. F. Walford called bringing lovely flowers fr. my darling. Mrs Caldecott, Maggie Hadley, Mrs E. Pollack & dau, Ruth M, Lady Lawrence, Mr Child, Mrs Gillet(?) called. Lin, Roy & self alone to dinner, late, Lin hard at work. Met Mrs H. Adams morg. Wednesday 17 February Mabel Wallace luncheon. Did not come, seedy. Emma & Frances to Pantomime. Roy out. Lin at Punch dinner, alone self. Called on de la Rue, Grantham, Miss Laurence, Mrs Reise, Armstrong, Ld. Alverstone, Dickens, Eykyn, Millais, Richards, in all, & my darling Maud looking sweet. Brought Maud Paxton back. Thursday 18 February Mrs Daniell called. Out morg, shops in Kensington. Very cold & raw. At 3 to Bumpus, chose 2 of Maham’s books for Lennie’s birthday, £1.1.0. To Coburg, saw Hamilton & Midge, latter looking very handsome & very young. To darling, had headache, stayed only a few moments. Lin, Roy & self to dinner, dined at 10 to 9 o’c! My digestion going again. Friday 19 February Lovely bright frosty morning. Lennie’s birthday, Roy dines there. Lin dined at 10 o’c, must be v. tired. Sat with him. Saw darling Maud morning, walked there & back. Sat about ¾ hour with Maudie who was in waiting to see Dr Pollock.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 20 February Out shops morg. To matinée with Lin “The darling of the Gods” dull very, but beautifully staged. Lena Ashwell too old & not pretty enough for the part. Saw Mrs P. Simpson there. Bought fruit & flowers Butts on way home. Sunday 21 February Mrs Pirrie’s luncheon ¼ to 2 o’c. Wore wedding garb. 28 to luncheon. Mr Parker vain engineer took me in, v. full of himself. Lives in Pk. St. Miss Carlisle sang beauftifully, v. pretty smart mother. Wolff, May, Drage etc there. Ethel E. & young Larkin called. Mr Spielmann & Mr Kenneth Graham dined here, latter dull man & highly strung. 2 champagne. Monday 22 February Dull after sun morg. Met Mrs Abbott. Midge, H. & Ethel English to dinner. Went at 3.30 to call Mrs Fildes, she & Luke in Egypt for 10 weeks. Took (illeg) with me to Mrs Stone’s, in, Ada Sp, & Maud, not well & in her room looks pale & delicate. To Midge Coburg, Mrs Fennady with her. Home. H. arrived fractious, better after played bridge with Roy & Ethel. Midge & self talked, very lively M. Tuesday 23 February Out morg Kensington. The Nembhards called, Galbraiths, Mabel W. P.Simpson, Danniells, Ada Sp. & Hilda. Lin hard at work on Motor drawing. Roy to drill. Lin & self to dine at Maud’s. Margarith forgot Lin’s evg. paper! Wednesday 24 February Very cold. Walked to Mrs Keith with Rags & back. Drove at 4, Maudie again laid up with threatening of apendecitis. Most anxious & worried about her. Dr. Robinson thinks operation will be necessary later. Roy out to dinner with Mr Sterne. Thursday 25 February Very cold. Nellie Keith dined here with Lin & self, was very amusing. Roy dined at Mrs Larnack’s & went to dance at Grafton Gallery with her & dau. & Mr Ponsonby, v. good. To Libertys morg. & to Maud. Still in bed & to remain there & not allowed to move. Walked home. Called at 3.30 on Mrs Galbraith, Dent, Drage, & to darling M’s seems bright but has to be still. Saw Lennie as anxious as self. Friday 26 February Very cold. Saw American Mr Yansey(?) about Lin’s drawings. Maud to have gone with Baby to Balcombe. All put off & v. anxious. I drove at 3 to Joachim. Nita yongest girl just engaged to Mr Balfour artist. To Coburg, Midge out. To Lady Carbutt, in, & darling M’s. Midge & Tabbie drove up same time, saw Baby. Tabs & H. returning tomorrow Pyt. Maudie looks better but not allowed to move or see anyone. Saturday 27 February Walked over to see Maud directly after breakfast, same, looks pale. Lin dines with Mr Spielmann, Holborn. Roy dined at Mrs H.Messel’s 7 o’c. Self alone to see “Duke of Kilikrankie” matinée Criterion. Midge & H joined us there, excellent & most amusing. Asked H. thro’ telephone fr. Taylor’s shop near Maud’s to go with us. Baby v. good, nursed him all the time I was at Maud’s. Her dear hands so cold always. Roy to theatre after dinner with the H.M’s & met Lin at Garrick. Sunday 28 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Midge & H. dine with us. Bitterly cold. Walked with Lin to Maud’s. Still unable to move but better tho’ soreness at times. Saw the Harold Ms there. Lennie & (illeg illeg) with them. Monday 29 February Gwen came in time for lunch, her maid Lore putting up at Convent Kens Sqre. Out again after lunch only in in time to dress for 6 o’c dinner, Lin, Roy, Gwen & self to Pantomime. Not good, only Dan Leno & Mabel Love worth seeing. Horribly cold. To darling Maud morg. Walked there & back. Mar 1904 Tuesday 1 March Pd off £50 of Loan leaving £150 owing. Roy dined with Lennie. Lin dined with Mr Galbraith Jnr Carlton Club. I drove at 11 to Barkers & Maud’s, & stayed at Maud’s until 1.10, carriage fetched me. Nurse M. & Florence coming to Tree’s Charity Matinée £3.3.0 places! Lin again worried over motor drawing, bore. Mrs Coward & Mrs Laking called. Gwen & self to dinner alone & bed early. Gwen out fr. 10 till 7! Wednesday 2 March Mrs H. Lucy 4 - 6. Lin to dentist. Dull cold & wet. Gwen off for another long day’s shop’g & dancing lesson. Lin & self to Matinée of “School Girl”. Florence W. joined us there & I drove her back & saw darling Maud, same. Most amusing piece. Maudie sent flowers. Gwen out fr. 10 - 7 with maid. Roy, Gwen & self dined alone. Emma & Frances remained in, their evg. out. Thursday 3 March Mrs McKenna 4 - 7. Mr Douglas 4 - 6.30. Mrs Laking 5.30. Hippodrome matinée for Gwen & self, went by bus. Met Gwen there. V. good entertainment. Took Gwen in cab (horrid day) to Samsons left her & on to Maud, darling still unable to move. Carriage fetched me. 3/- cab & (illeg). Lin, Roy, Gwen & self to dinner 6.30. Friday 4 March Lunch at Coburg with Midge 1.30, beastly day. Gwen off as usual at 10 for day. Mrs Krabbe at Midge’s, pretty little dark widow. Walked with Midge after to darling Maud’s, Midge on to Aunt Linda’s. Stayed with Maud till 4.30, home in cab 1/-. Gwen off to Pyt, just in time to to see her. Roy dined out & to dance after. Saturday 5 March Lace coverlet & chair cover cannot be found. Dull as usual but warmer. Lin & self to matinée, Bouchier. Roy to Arundel early, left at 8.30 for Duke of Norfolk’s reception. Roy dines at Lennie’s, & Midge. Lin & self alone. Midge dined at Lennie’s, H. gone to Frisbys. Sunday 6 March Dull & raining. Roy to Club early. Roy dined with Midge at Coburg Hotel. Lin & self walked to darling Maud’s & back. Lennie, Ruth & Muriel came part of way with us. Lin & self alone to dinner & luncheon. Mary Millais & Florence Blair called. X. Missed several gold things fr. my safe, chain, bracelets etc. Monday 7 March Roy dining with Mr Sterne. Out morg. Kensington, met Col Brooke of Harrogate, walkd to Bank, left Pass book. Saw remains of omnibus & brougham accident. Lin to Motor Club to see R. Wallace about drawing, bother, want it altered. To darling


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maud’s at 3 after Harrods. Chocolate 1/3½, & sups & lip salve 11d. Maudie looking v. seedy in bed, too many there, Maud P, Cussans, F.W, self & Nurse M. Too much for her. Tuesday 8 March Sir W.H.Wills dinner 8 o’c. Mrs Harold Messel 4 - 6. Roy off at 9.20 with Mr Sterne in motor for hours’ drive & taking him to City. Walked morg. to see darling Maud. Only Mary Millais & Florence Blair came. Maudie in bed again with cold, not surprised. Hilda M, Gibbs, Ruth & Nannie at darling’s. Roy dined out. V. good evg at Sir H. Wills. Mr Fellowes took me in, Causten, Lady Roxborough, Adams, G. Agnews etc there. Vy trady people but pleasant. Wednesday 9 March Mrs H. Messel 4 - 6. Mrs H. Lucy. Honble Mrs Laurence concert & tea, 23 Eaton Sqre. Dine with Lennie at 7 & to German play with him. Went with Lin to Mrs Laurence’s. Vy smart & excellent music, lovely lovely house, beautiful Romney, Gainsborough, Hoppner, Sir J. Reynolds etc. I dined at Lennie’s & went after to German play “Zapfinstreich” by F.A. Bayerlein. Excellent. Saw Fleischman, Wolff & Miss May & Felix Simons & Mrs F. Terry there. Florence went also. Maudie has cold. Thursday 10 March Mrs Suttons dinner 8 o’c. I lunched at Tabbie’s Coburg & walked to darling Maud first, stayed some time. Vy cold. Baby, Nurse M. & Mad’lle Horn for drive in open carriage. Midge, Tabs, Eve & self walked to Wigmore St to see Eve’s arm under Rontgen rays. Had it photod by rays. Left Tabs & Eve Piccadilly end of Bond St & walked with Midge to Curzon St, took omnibus home. V. tired. Rested ½ hour. Roy dined at home alone, out after. Very pleasant dinner Mrs S’s, 18. Gosses, (illeg) Collins Master of the Rolls, Mr & MPs parker, Mr & Mrs Peile etc. Sat next to Mr Sutton. Enjoyed evening. Friday 11 March Lady Carbutt’s dinner 8 o’c. Unable to go. Mad’lle Horn came for day, made shade for Roy’s electric light charmingly. Went twice to see Mr Herbert about my teeth & he c’d not do them, made ap’t for tomorrow 10 o’c. To darling Maud after calling on Mrs Krabbe ,vy charming house, & on Galbraiths, out. Maudie in bed with bad cold!!! Taken fr. Lennie they say! Lennie going dinner to Harold Messel’s, & Roy. Saturday 12 March Otley’s wife ill. Out morg. shops, in 1.30. X. Otley’s wife taken away to Hospital with dyptheria unable to have carriage & dare not go to darling Maud’s. Roy out for day with Mr Sterne on motor to Kempton Park races & he dined with him at Carlton. Sent Frances over to Maudie, was up today a little. F. Walford came evg. to let me know how Maud was, in cab. Lin & self alone. Sunday 13 March Dora ill at Rome, Typhoid. Mr & Mrs Harold Messel & Mr & Mrs Rooth to dinner 8 o’c. Lin to Calais, Roy to Club. Alone all day. Cannot go to darling Maud for fear contageon fr. dyptheria, Otleys wife. Harold brought news of Ham & Midge having started for Rome at 8 today, had news of Dora’s being ill with typhoid at Rome 12 o’c!!! Col Brook, Mrs Paxton, Sp. & Hilda called. In all day & v. tired. V. pleasant evg. Mrs R. sang.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 14 March. Mad’lle Horn here for day. Helped me mend linen, vy useful & neat little person. Roy’s cold v. bad, at home all day, only went for walk with dogs. Called at 4 on Spagnoletti, Galbraith, Krabbe, Wills. Coburg to enquire for Midge, saw Drew here after, & to my darling who is worrying about contageon Otley & dyptheria. Quiet evg. Roy perverse as usual when seedy. Tuesday 15 March Miss Thomson’s at home 4.30 - 7, music. Unable to go. Mad’lle Horn here for day. Roy’s cold very bad. At home morg, & out until dinner time & up with Lin in morg room on my return home 11.30. I dined with Lennie & F. Walford & went with them & the H. Messels to German play, v. good. Maudie’s leg bad, obliged to keep it up. She looks better in face. Mrs Larnack & M.L. & Farquharsons called. Wednesday 16 March Mona Spagnoletti 3 - 6. Mrs Wheen’s at home 4 - 5. Lovely morg. Roy to City, his cold still heavy but as Lennie said things were booming he would go. Mad’lle Horn here for day. To Maudie afternoon, called first Mrs Lucy. Found Maud all packed. Mrs Harold, Ruth, Cussans etc there. Thursday 17 March Maudie & household to Balcombe. Lovely day, cold. Lin’s messenger boy failed him. Mona Spagnoletti, Kensington Palace Mansions, 3 - 6. Fine. Mad’lle Horn here all day, most useful & quiet. Our morg. to choose chicken & fish for tonight. Roy’s cold v. bad but he went to City. Walked to Spags’ at home, called after in brougham on Miss Bourne, & Laking. Lin, Roy & self to dinner. Friday 18 March Lovely day. Mended carpet, took 1½ hours. Out afternoon calling. Roy’s cold very bad still & he will take no care. Saturday 19 March Mr & Mrs Galbraith’s dinner 8 o’c. Out morg. shops. To matinée with Lin most amusing “Joseph’s Entanglement” enjoyed it. Home to tea. Margarith out part of afternoon & evg. Pleasant dinner at G’s. Mr Wilson MP took me in. Sunday 20 March Mrs & Maud Larnack to dinner, asked Tabbie also. Gareth to luncheon. Tabs & G. not up. Lin at Club for luncheon & tea. Walked to Hyde Pk Corner with him, Roy out too, alone to luncheon. Drew came, no more news of Midge. Hilda & Ethel C. Herapath, Douglas & Violet Herapath & Mr & Mrs Lemon called. Mrs & Maud Larnack only to dinner. Monday 20 March Mended clothes morg. Called afternoon on Lady Bergne, Mrs Abbott, to enquire Mrs Lucas, & to Stores. Lin & self alone to dinner. Roy out. Tuesday 22 March Mrs Fletcher Moulton’s dinner 8 o’c. 27th not today. Apt. 12 o’c Portland Place, went, nothing to be done. X. Mrs (illeg), Mrs Nembhard, Lady Bergne, Tabbie, Gareth, Mrs Rooth & Spencer called. Dora little better, temp 103. Roy out. Lin & self alone to dinner, expected Effie, coming tomorrow instead. Wednesday 23 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Effie comes this evg. for few days. Effie & self to dinner. Margarith out. Roy out to dinner. Effie vy sick & went to bed early. Called on Mrs Gilbert, Wallace, Hart, Seton, Welby, Partridge & Coburg. Thursday 24 March Mrs Krabbe 4.30. Private View A. Parsons. Tabs asked me luncheon & go with her & Gareth to Hippodrome. Unable to go. Went for walk with Effie into Kensington. Sat & read after luncheon. Mrs K. to tea & went after to A.P’s in her motor. V. rude noisy girls there. Lin, Effie & self dined 8.30. Roy out to dinner, had carriage. Friday 25 March Lin with awful cold came on suddenly evening. Wet & dull & raw. Lunch at 1.30 with Tabbie. Saw her & Gareth off, walked home & called on way on Mr Hartree, Cap’t Heathorn & Lady Wiston. Effie & self had dinner at 7, Lin after 10 o’c dead tired. Champagne, & he has awful cold. Roy out to dinner at Spencer’s & on after to Mr Sterne’s. Saturday 26 March Mrs H. Blackburn at home 4 o’c, 123 Vic. St. Boat Race, Cambridge won. Roy went with Mr Sterne on motor. Effie & self to Matinée “Cingalese” Daly’s & bought brawn 1/10½ at Walls. Lin’s cold too heavy to go. Roy out to dinner. Sp. & Ada called. Champagne at dinner. Paid back another £50 to loan, leaving £100. Sunday 27 March Mrs Fletcher Moulton’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin’s cold little better. Effie out to dinner. Roy out all day with Mr Sterne, dined at home. Emma out. Fairly interesting dinner F.M’s. Reeds, Colefax, Gordon Salamon, Spielmanns etc. Vy rich dinner. Monday 28 March Morg. mended. Lin busy. Punch dinner tonight. Roy out. Effie & self alone. Had quiet evg alone together & worked. Tuesday 29 March Roy out to dinner. Mrs Wallace & Mabel called, M. looking much older & thinner in the face. Effie left. Out with her morg. met Alice Kuling & Effie went back to lunch with her & goes to Worthing after tea. Enjoyed having her, no trouble at all. Wednesday 30 March Packed afternoon & worked morg. Terrible manque (illeg illeg) à soigner dans la maison et p. m’aider avec les ouvrages demain. Roy out to dinner. Effie left. No, yesterday. Thursday 31 March Came to Pyt with Lin by 3 train, v. full. One man had to stand in our compartment. Mrs Morrison in our carriage, quite a character. Found Evy & 2 boys at Pyt, Tabbie out, arrived when we had finished dinner fr. seeing a school for Gareth. Apr 1904 Friday 1 April Roy came down. Went for walk to wood & saw boys saw pit. Tabs & self for walk. Lin alone. Very cold. Roy told me que toutes les filles etaient sorties (illeg illeg) au City hier apres notre depart!


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 2 April Lin did photos. Went for walk & gathered violets, Lin & self, Tabs & Roy. Mr Berkeley Portman came for luncheon & 2 children, Chichesters. Lady Stalbridge came at 3 & stayed all afternoon. Mr Gordon & Mr B.P. staying here. Went round Houses. Children to tea, Shaw Stuarts etc. Bridge evg. Sunday 3 April Lovely day. All to Church, Tabs, Gareth, Mervyn, Evy, Mr Berkeley Portman & Mr Gordon. Lin & I went to meet them. Tabs & self drove back in Dr. Tench’s motor. After luncheon walked about with Mr B.P. & gathered violets & told stories! Mr Oldfield came to tea, good looking man. Lin does not look well. Bridge & bed. Roy on motor with Mr J. Bennett who came to luncheon. Monday 4 April Lovely day. Read, walked & read. Tuesday 5 April Mr B. Portman leaves at 3.30 for Yeovil where he has to speak tonight. Went for long walk after with Lin, Tabs, Gwen, Eve, Mr G. & Roy. Played bridge evg. Wednesday 6 April Lin left by 12.50 train. Took photos before going! Lovely day, v. warm out of wind & sunny. Monti got caught in trap! Sat out morg & afternoon, gathered violets with Tabs, Roy & Mr Gordon. Cricket with boys after lunch & drove with Tabs to Semley. Mr G, Roy & Tabs to Sherborne by 5 train for ball, returning tomorrow. Alone to dinner. Vere Bennett here. Evy left early for some races with Stalbridges, joins Tabbie at Sherborne. Thursday 7 April Winifred Noots marriage at Camp Hill Grange, Nuneaton. Tabs & Mr G. & Eve return fr. Sherborne. Still v. rough & windy tho’ fine. Letters fr. Lin & F.W. about Maud, anxious about her. Friday 8 April Wet early fine later. Gareth up all night with croup, Tabbie v. tired. Margaret Dudley Ryder to luncheon & Vere Bennett. Invitation fr. Mrs Messel for dinner Tues 19th inst. Wrote ref. as Lin dining at Mr Lucy to meet G. Wyndham & Montagu Scott etc. Saturday 9 April Fine but cold. Miss Ryder left after luncheon. Tabs, Evie & self for walk. I drove to meet Lin at 5.15 Tisbury. Seems better. Quiet evg. Mrs Bennett called & Mrs Attwood. Sunday 10 April Mrs Tupper. Lovely day walked with Lin, Tabs & Evie to Semley. Lin & self long walk round (illeg). Mr Bennett & Vere came in after tea, told Lin several interesting details of pictures etc in Pyt House. Astonished to find him so well informed & rational. Monday 11 April Lovely day. Went with Tabbie over Agent’s house furnished £80 a year wanted. Mr Pitkin lunched here. At 3.30 Tabs, Lin & self drove to Shaftesbury, lovely drive. Went over old ruins being excavated, church. Met Miss Oliver & walked to Mr Fox


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Pitt’s where we had tea. The Bests, interesting American clergyman & his wife, Yardley, Mr & Mrs Fawkes etc there. Pretty little house & garden with lovely view. We walked long way home sending carriage on. Evie off at 9 to Grosvenors. Tuesday 12 April Heavenly morg. Too warm to sit reading long on steps. Nelie Grosvenor luncheon. Young Gerald Grove came to stay, handsome boy, v. good manners. At 3.30 Lin & self fetched Tabs fr. C(illeg) drove to Donhead to see Canon Short’s wonderful old garden of trout pools & after to Donhead St Mary Church. Beautiful old church, exquisitly situated on top of hill overlooking Wardour Castle. Then to Lord Winford’s for tea. White cyclamen v. fine & (illeg) on wall in clusters. Miss Bret nurse at St Thomas Hospital. Met Mrs Gerald Grove walking on way home. Packed. Wednesday 13 April Lin & self return to London by 10o’c train. Glorious but v. windy day. Comfortable journey. Roy & self dined alone, seems vy worried & depressed about business, had drawn all money out of firm. Vy sorry & fear muchly his extravagent ideas & tastes will ruin his chances of doing anything. Thursday 14 April Pd. Weller £4.8.0, S(illeg) £1.15.4, & Barkers £2.16.0. Mrs Young £16.16.0. Lovely day, fearful headache all day. Slept badly & had night sweat. Roy depressed about business. Hamilton Langley to dinner, much better news of Dora. Roy to a dance at 10 o’c. Sp. came in during desert. Called on Aunt Linda, Mrs Messel, Ruth!! & Mrs Welby, looks rather swollen in face. Friday 15 April Dark yellow morg, had to have electric light. Bad night & heavy sweat feel I need a fortnight’s complete rest, not visiting. Saturday 16 April Mrs Causten’s, 57 Leadenhall St E.C. Lady Mayoress 3 o’c. Opening of new premises. Private View New Gallery. Sent tickets to Mabel Wallace. Came by 4.30 to Balcombe. Maudie looking v. delicate, all babies v. well. Mr Wynn also on visit. Pianola. Headache all day. Sunday 17 April Lovely day. After luncheon F. & self in Victoria to Nymans. Mrs Harold & H. only there. Lennie, Mr Hodgson & Roy in motor. Lin remained with Maudie. Had long walk thro’ wood to Lake. Roy seems v. seedy, walked back. F. & self returned in motor. Pianola evg. Slept v. badly neuralgia back of head. Monday 18 April Slept badly. Glorious morg. Mr Wynn, Lennie & Roy off early. Darling Maud seems better & easier fr. pain. Rested until lunchtime. Lin & self for long walk with 4 dogs, v. troublesome, & only Peter returning with us. Sat with Maudie after lunch & went with Lin at 4.30 in motor to East Grinstead to meet Lennie. Motor broke down 2 miles short of E.G. Luckily cart took us on & we walked up footpath to Station, found Lennie & returned Balcombe by train. Car returned same evg soon after us! Maudie & F. for drive. To bed early. Tuesday 19 April Glorious morg. Lennie taking Maud to London to see Dr Pollock. Nurse Millie meeting them Vic & going with her. Slept well & feel better. Dr Pollock says Maud


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 is to be treated as an invalid & that she is to breakfast in bed & rest after luncheon & to go to bed early. Darling very tired & had to be douchd 3 times daily with boracic powder. Lennie rather tiresome. Wednesday 20 April Mrs Tupper at home. Mademoiselle, Nonie, Anne & Nurse F. for drive not in till 10 to 12. Maud left with Baby. Lady came to see about Kate’s character taking her. I saw her for Maud. Fachais avec la bonne à cause de (illeg) la tout petit (illeg) ce temps grandes cene! Mais (illeg). S’est passé après. Nonie very naughty & disobedient will take some time to alter. Thursday 21 April Mrs Alfred Mellor 3.30 - 6.30. Maudie about same. Read in her room morg. Short walk after posting letters & short walk with Nonie at 3.30 & Mademoiselle to gather primroses. Nonie v. tiresome. The darling is being spolit by Nurse F, is utterly disobedient except with Lennie & Maud when he is as good as gold. Florence met Lennie at Three Bridges. Lennie in good spirits elected a Liveryman of Goldsmith’s Company. Friday 22 April Another lovely morg. Letters fr. Lin, Edgar & Mrs Galbraith. Letter fr. Hamilton L, Midge returning fr. Rome Thursday. H. meets her at Paris & brings her to London, Coburg Hotel. Uncertain if she goes with him or not to South America. Saturday 23 April Mrs Mocatta 3.30. Dull & rainy morg. Mr Allen & Lennie arrived on motor after going to Nymans, & Mr Stewart & his fiancée Miss Priaud came later. Tall nice girl. 7 to dinner. Maudie to bed at 10 o’c, danced after. I went up earlier. V. pleasant evg. Lennie very lively. Lovely afternoon. Long letter fr. Midge. Sunday 24 April Lovely day. Lennie, Mr Allen to Church. Mr Stewart & Miss Prieau for walk. Sat & read to Darling Maud & finished “Oliver Twist”. After lunch Lennie, Mr Stewart & Miss Prieans on car to Eastbourne thro’ Brighton, home at 7.30! Maudie & self in all day. Mr Allen & F. for walk after tea. Pianola evg. Late to bed. Monday 25 April Lady Carbutt 3.30 to 6. Stayed all day with Maudie. Did not meet Lennie at East Grinstead, F. went instead. Lovely day but cold. Nonie getting very naughty, so disobedient. Walked just round pergola with Maudie but afraud she will take cold, w’d not put on jacket. Lennie played evg. Tuesday April 26 Returned fr. Balcombe by 10.15 train. Breakfasted downstairs with Lennie & F.W. F. saw me to Station alone. Lin looks seedy I think & am so sorry. Left Maudie looking little better, wish she w’d go to bed earlier. Roy to drill. Had long talk with him on return. 2 to dinner. Wednesday 27 April Lovely morg. Wrote letters, pd cheques etc. To matinée with Lin at St James, stupid piece. Roy & self dined alone. Quiet peaceful evg, to bed early. Tea at Mrs Keith’s. Charming letter fr. darling Maud. 2 to dinner. Thursday 28 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs A. Mellor, 3.30 - 6.30. Elsie McLaren’s wedding to young Johnson Ferguson at St Margaret’s Westminster 2.30, & 43 Belgrave Sqre. Dullish wedding, great crowd. Lin’s drawings beautiful. Bride & bridegroom went away in motor! Met heaps of friends. Called on Mrs J. Aird, Mrs Palmer & Mrs Mellor. Roy out to dinner. 2 to dinner. Friday 29 April Evie Fletcher coming 12 o’c. for week. 3 to dinner, 4 to luncheon. Academy Private View. Midge returned fr. Paris. Great crowd at Piccadilly, saw many we knew. Darling arrived for luncheon brought lovely flowers. Evie also. Maudie remained until we left for Academy. She dined with Mr Stewart & went to Ball for short time Goldsmith’s Cy. Vy wrong. Roy out. Evie & self dined alone, Lin at 10 o’c. Saturday 30 April Mrs Tupper. Dar Rhodes’ wedding St Peter Eaton Sqre 2.30, & after 29 Princes Gds. Lin & self went. Darling Maud there, left at 4 o’c for Balcombe. Mr Child going there. V. nice cheerful wedding. On to see Midge at Coburg after. Evie there after day’s shop’g with her maid. Roy out to dinner. Eve, Lin & self only, 3 to dinner. May 1904 Sunday 1 May H, Lin, Midge, self & Evie, 5 to dinner. Walked with Lin & Evie morg. to Hyde Pk. Corner, I home in om, Lin & Evie walked. Midge & H. to dinner. Lovely day. Roy dined at Carlton with Mr & Mrs Scott. Quiet evg. Midge & H. left at 10.45. Sp. & Hilda called only. Evie & self walked to Sir A. Hickman’s. Roy & Lin played tennis there. Roy out all day at Club. Monday 2 May Pd off £50 of loan. Leaves only £50 now owing. Alice Street 4.30, 24a Bryanston Sqre. Wet. S.E. holiday. Out morg. shops. Walked to Queen’s Road ordered cakes. Evie out all morg. with her maid, in to lunch & out after until 5.30. Dine at 6.45, Lin, Roy, Evie & self to theatre. Lewis Walker “Miss Elizabeth’s Prisoner”. Very good, & first piece also. Tuesday 3 May Small at home 4.30. 32 about came. Mrs Sells & Ellen to help. Cost Babillon. Hills 4 window boxes, ferns & cases. Mrs Sells 2/6, Ellen 4/6, hire urn etc. Lin giving dinner at his Club, 9. Evie & self dined at Ada S.J’s. 10 to dinner, cab 2/-. Vy pleasant evg. V. tired. Darling Maud to luncheon, great help c’d not have done without her. F. Walford to lunch also. Very late with everything in future all must be ready by one o’c, shocking muddle. Plenty of everything & Ellen a great help in arranging table etc. Wednesday 4 May Lovely day. Evie out to dentist & to lunch with Lady Grove. Matinée Haymarket. Roy, Evie & self to dinner. Emma remained in. Frances waited much better alone, Called at Maudie’s, out. Mervyn came in after dinner, vy thin but well. Thursday 5 May Evie goes. Walked to my darling’s & went to see Dr Pollock with her. Thinks he lanced her, says she is to be vy careful. Left her at Glouc. Ter. & came home in


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 her fly. Maud returning to Balcombe 4.30, & Tilda with her. With Evie at 3 to call on Ethel M & Midge, both out, returned to tea & Evie left at 5 o’c. Roy out dinner. Friday 6 May Mrs A. Mellor 3.30 to 6. Wrote morg. Mad’lle called. At 3.30 to stores, ordered medicine belt, 3 plovers eggs 10 ½. Barkers etc. Called Lady Weston, left cards Mrs Fritz, Mrs Rhodes & Lady McLaren, V. Behrens. Roy, Lin & self in to dinner. Dined 8.30! Lennie given Roy coat. Saturday 7 May Dull. Mad’lle coming for day. Cleaned top of spare room wardrobe thoroughly, put all in order. Drove with Mad. at 3.0 to Coburg, Midge out. To Mrs Mocatta, tea there & home to tea here. Lin & self alone to dinner. Roy out. Sunday 8 May Lin & Roy to Sir A’s tennis. Mr & Mrs Graham Keith dine with us 8 o’c. Soup, Salmon, ribs of lamb, beans, potatoes, asparagrass, nasty gooseberry tart, cream, cods roe. Sp. called morg. F. Walford to luncheon. Steak pud, gooseberry tart & custard. Miss R. Innes to tea. Walk with Lin morning. Monday 9 May Mrs H. Messel’s dinner 8 o’c. (Awful books £7.7.6 & only 16/6 & Ellen 4/6. £1.0.0) for weeks expences!!! Too much. Hamilton F. called in his Motor. V. smart. Out morg. Kens shop’g. Met Miss Macdougall & Miss Russell. V. delghtful dinner & evg. at Mrs H.M’s, 8. Caviare, mock turtle soup, fillets sole, quails. Duck, green peas, Cream surprise, strawberries in cream iced. Savory. Tuesday 10 May Mrs Aird. V. wet morg. To Coburg, saw Midge. To Claridges saw Tabs. Barkers. Hamilton & Tabbie to dinner. Sent off a suit to Herbert Furrell fr. Mount St P.O. Gave no paper with it, odd. Maud Paxton called afternoon & came in to dinner. Tabbie admired her & asked her to go and stay there. Wednesday 11 May Mrs Drage’s dinner. Unable to go. Mrs Hadley’s at home 4 - 7. Mrs Messel 4 - 6. Mrs Aird 3 to 6.30. Spencer & I lunch at Exhibition. F. Walford comes to stay. Mrs Keith’s dinner, unable to go. Sp. took me Earls Court Ex. to lunch, splendid. Sat op. Sir W. Richmond most amusing. Ret, & called with Florence on Mrs Aird, Messel, Macmillan, Lady Critchett. Roy, Florence & self to dinner. Thursday 12 May Tea with Miss Macdougall, 39 Courtfield Gds. Walked morg with F.W. Called at 3.30 on Mrs McKenna, Hannen, Hadley, Kendal. Had tea Mrs Finlay in new house & to Miss Macdougall. Met Major Mathews in om morg. Roy out to dinner. Friday 13 May Out morg. Made 13 calls, only Lady Lockwood in. F.W. out on own ac’t. Darling Maud & Tilda came after luncheon. Tabbie came o tea & stayed long tim eon my return 5.30. Roy dined Mrs Dickens & to a dance with her party. We dined 8.30. (Called F. Moulton, Dent, Warre, de la Rue, Welby, English, Ferguson, Burnand, Lockyer etc.) Saturday 14 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Out morg. shops. To matinée with Lin of “The Fairy’s Dilemma”. Box. Vernon Watney & 2 girls front row dress circle. Vernon came to our box between acts. On fr. there to tea at Mrs Nembhard’s. Saw Ethel & Mervyn there. Quiet evg. Lin, Roy, F.W. & self to dinner. Sunday 15 May Midge & Miss Innes to dinner 8 o’c. Lin & self lunched at Lady Margaret W’s. Mr Wallop & Mr & Mrs Mowbray Howard there. Mr Paxton, Miss Macdougall, Miss Russell, Ethel & Mervyn, Sp & Ada & Hilda & Miss R. Innes called. Lin & Roy to Sir Alfred Hickman’s tennis. V. tiring day. Roy & F.W. here to luncheon. Monday 16 May Slept badly. C. Hartree’s luncheon 2 o’c. 18 to lunch. Lovely day. 2 laundresses! V. pleasant party, excellent lunch. Sir Trevor took me in. Drove home 4.30 & rested. Punch dinner tonight. Roy out to dinner more depressed than ever. Florence out till ¼ past 7 with Violet. F. & self alone to dinner, bed early. Tuesday 17 May Mrs Heilbut 4 - 7. Unable to go. Out morg. shop’g 1/1 flowers. Large box fr. Evie with lovely flowers. 2/- pd for cakes, Babillons. Midge, Lady Bergne, Mr & Mrs Hartley, Mrs Dent, Mackasy, Mabel W, Maud P, Mrs Gibson & Mrs Harold called etc. Roy vy depressed. Wednesday 18 May Made £2.3.9 over £100 Jap loan each. Roy dined out. Drove with me to E’s club & on to Garrick in brougham. Mrs Reed Cardiff House, Parks, Wimbledon Common. Mrs Messel 4 - 7. Mrs Keith’s dinner. Unable to go. F.W. & Lin alone to dinner, dined at 10 o’clock. I dine with the Mervyns at Ethel’s club 7.30. Very good dinner. Left at 9.30, called at Coburg on way home saw Midge & Dora who arrived in afternoon fr. Paris. Looks fearfully fragile. Mr Foley out. Long letter fr. Maud fr. Bath. Had called on Mrs Adlam, gave Maud all 5 Moore portraits. Thursday 19 May F.Walford left at 3 o’c. Went for walk with me morg, called to enquire for Mr Douglas & on Mrs Sington. Lin out to luncheon. Lin & self alone. Roy dined with Dora at Coburg & the Mervyns & Mr H.K.Foster. Friday 20 May Packed morg. Florence came in. Drove at 5 to see Midge & Dora. Mr Foley there. D. looking very delicate & fragile. To see about dress Marshalls, saw nothing worth copying. Roy out to dinner, Lin & self alone. Maud & Lennie & Toula arrived home fr. their week’s motoring. Mrs Adlam gave Maud the 5 Moore pictures. Saturday 21 May To Sir Benjamin Baker till Monday, Pangbourne. Not going. Lin & self to Balcombe by 10.40, arrived 11.4. No crowd or fuss at station, raining. Lennie left for week’s camp at 4.30 in car which he is keeping with him at Arundel. Roy with Mr Stern to Oxford on motor. Dora & Mr Foley leave Coburg Hotel for Stoke Edith. Midge goes to them Monday. Sunday 22 May Dull morg, fine later. To Church with darling Maud & Toula & remained to Communion. Rested after lunch with Maudie who slept. Long walk after tea with


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin & rather tired. Babies down after tea. Wonderful improvement in Nonie boy’s behaviour jusque ici. Maudie played pianola, not (illeg). To bed early. Monday 23 May Lovely day. Maudie alone to luncheon at Mrs Hohler’s. Went for long walk with Lin. Maudie back about 6 none the worse for long drive. To bed early. Miss Venning at Mrs Hohler’s, engaged to Major (illeg) of Cornwall, old family fr. 1560! Tuesday 24 May Wet (illeg) morg. Undid goods with Maud & Toula fr. Italy, fan broken!!! 6 pieces of glass safe. Nurse F. vy seedy. Con’s birthday. Went for walk with Lin as far as Major Oxley’s. Maudie & Toula drove to Nymans. Wednesday 25 May Mrs Reed, 4.30 Wimbledon. Lin left by 9 train. Toula left by 12 train. Mrs Harold & Mrs Gibson came to luncheon. Mrs G. looked vy smart & handsome & has a great charm of manner. Maudie vy tired. Thursday 26 May Heavenly day. Letters fr. Lin & Midge fr. Stoke. Dora very happy. Mrs Hohler came over for tea & brought Valentine. Nurse F. Baby & Anne for drive in Victoria. Mrs H. quite lively & talkative. Wire for Maud to go to Grants, Arundel tomorrow, too tiring for her. Maudie looked vy pale evg. Friday 27 May Heavy thunderstorm & rain early, Maudie in my room. Breakfasted in bed. Went for drive with Maudie & Nonie past Paddockhurst. Maudie told her own fairy stories. Happy little evg, to bed at 10 o’c. Saturday 28 May Letter fr. dear Lin. Dull morg, fine later. Lennie arrived during luncheon looking very well. Lin did not come. Lennie & I heard sound of a carriage driving up after lunch but saw none from window. Met Maud in hall who heard us saying odd nothing there. Maud & Lennie for walk together & I went with Lennie round garden before dinner. 2 letters fr. Japan fr. Edgar. Sunday 29 May Lovely day. Lennie Maud & self to Church & to Nymans after. Hilda, Cap Gibbs Miss Brigtock, Sir E. Waterlow, Mrs Sington etc there. Sat out. Quiet evg. Roy on river with Mr Stern. Lin to Calais & dined alone, on tray. Monday 30 May Mrs Farquharson at home 10 o’c. Exhibition of Irish pictures Guildhall Art Gallery 10 to 6. Return fr. Balcombe by 4.20. Lennie & Maud with me to station, met rude Major Oxley. Cab strike. No difficulty getting cab. Lin & Roy to Mrs F’s at home. Roy came, sprained his foot & covered with boils over face! Frances took flowers to Coburg, Midge, who arrived fr. Stoke today. Tuesday 31 May Mrs J.Ferguson’s dinner 8 o’c. Very wet. Roy quite lame won’t take any precautions re spots. Lady Critchett only called. V. pleasant dinner met Sir E & Lady Strachey, Mr & Mrs Cunningham, Sir & Lady Fane, J. Bennet’s relatives etc, Sir F. & Lady D. Hartland etc. Roy dined alone.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Jun 1904 Wednesday 1 June Alice Street 4.30. Mona Spagnoletti. Very wet. Midge dines here, or I with her, depends on Roy. I dined with Midge. Roy dined here alone & went to Mocatta’s dance at 10 when carriage fetched me at Coburg & on to supper at restaurant, Derby supper. I walked shops, left cheque Bk. & character of nursemaid, no good, Pembroke Gds. Thursday 2 June Alice Street 4.30. Miss Spielmann’s wedding West London Synagogue 2.45 & 56 Westbourne Terrace. Miss Joachim’s wedding St Mary Abbots 2.30. Mrs J. Ferguson’s at home 20.30. Midge dined here. We went after to J.F’s vy nice at home. Friday 3 June Windows cleaned. Lady Dixon Hartland 4.30. Lady Burnand 4 o’c. In morg. at 3.15 fetched Midge fr. Coburg. Went to Mrs D’Arcy, Heilbut. Holland, de la Rue, Larnack, & Mrs Drage, in & Mr D. also, had tea there with Midge. She left after in cab & I went to Lady H’s, very dull party, harpist, & to Lady Burnand looking as pretty as ever. Read to Lin de Wint’s book on Russia, “Paris to New York”. Roy at home quite lively. No more cold salmon! Fridays. Saturday 4 June Out shops morg. Nellie Keith called to enquire for Maudie. Lin & self to matinée of American piece, most excellent. Saw W. Humphreys there! Called on Midge, saw her looking well & smart. Lin & self alone to dinner. Roy dined out & was late. Marguerith again out afternoon during my absence & Roy & friend came & Frances opened door. Sunday 5 June Mrs P. Agnew 4.30. Rosie Macguire to dinner. Lin & Roy to Calais, lovely day. Unable to go to Mrs A’s as Mr Paxton & Miss Innes came & stayed till past 7. Miss Innes & Rosie dined here. Monday 6 June Lin & self dine with Sir H. & Lady Bergne at Ranelagh 7.30. Tuesday 7 June Babies have chicken pox. Letter fr. Mrs Messel. Mrs Alec Johnson Ferguson, Hyde Park Hotel, at home at 43 Belgrave Sqre. Miss Barraces luncheon 1.45. Miss Rose Innes’ dinner at Carlton 8 o’c. Ten at Miss B’s, amongst others Mrs J.Ferguson, Mrs ?, Miss Fowler writer etc, 2 dear little girls. Lady Lockwood, Mr Hartree, Mrs Reeve & Ada Sp. with Mrs Tomlin(?) called. V. large party at Miss Innes, 26! Midge, also Dewar, Stone, Brown etc. Roy alone to dinner here. Wednesday 8 June Mrs Messel 4 - 7. Out morg. about (illeg). Toula to dinner. Called to enquire Sir A. Hickman, Mrs Messel, Mrs Farquharson & Nembhard, Spielman. Roy at Mrs M’s, brought him home. Roy, Toula & self to dinner here. Thursday 9 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs A. J. Ferguson. Mrs Frank Parish 4 - 6.30. Out all morg. shop. Lin to Zoo in cart. Bear drawing. Met Sir A. Hemming in omnibus. To call at ¼ past 4 on Mrs Harold Messel, Mrs P. Agnew, splendid at home, Mrs Parish’s & to Mrs Alec J.F. Lin & self alone, Roy out to dinner. Friday 10 June Miss White here morg. I took character of Edith Murphy undernurse. Vy good, nice looking girl. Called at 3.30 on Mocatta, Markhams (met Mrs Wagge looking ill) Welby to enquire, Rose Innes, stores. Bought ivy, ordered 2 plants. Louis Coward for Roy. Lady Lawrence, Lady Henning, in, Lady Burnand. Saw Mrs Hammond & Ethel, Mrs Welby, Tate. Saturday 11 June Lin & self to Sir Benjamin Baker’s Pangbourne till Monday. Came by 5.5 train. Sir James & Lady Clarke dined here. Mr & Mona Spagnioletti & Mr Mackie staying here. Roy with Mr Sterne. Great rush to get dressed & unpacked. Sunday 12 June Heavenly day. Out all morg in garden with Mrs Kemp. Mona, Mr S. Mr (blank) & Lin in motor. Sir Benjamin for walk alone. Drove in motor with Mona & Lin to Sir James Clarke’s, tea there, & ret’d in Victoria with Mrs Kemp, Mr Mackie. Sir B. cycled over & Lin & Mona in motor. General Waddington, Mr Nicoli called. Monday 13 June Return. Mrs Alec J. Ferguson at home 3 - 6, no, 15 th . Lovely day. Lin went up with Sir B. & the men by early train. I came up by 10.45. Carriage met me & drove to Mde. Seaman, arranged about voile dress. Called after luncheon on Mrs P. Simpson, Miss Holland & Miss Neaves. Roy out to dinner. Letters fr. my darling & Midge. Tuesday 14 June Mabel Lewis marriage with Cap’t Batey at St Mary Abbotts 2.30 & at Bolney House Ennismore Gds. The Astronomer Royal 3 - 6. Mr & Mrs Hammond lunch here 1.30. Young Bergne to dinner. Lin went with me to the wedding. Great crowd, charming house & beautifully arranged. Molesworth, Tilda, S. Grantham, Mrs J. Aird, Lady McLaren & Mrs Clarke called. Roy in to dinner. Vy sleepy. Wednesday 15 June Mrs Messel 4 - 7. Mrs Leslie Ward & Mrs Rabey Watney at home 4 - 6.30 at Blomfield Studios, 13a Blomfield Place. Mrs Alec Furguson 3 - 6. The Astronomer Royal 3 - 6. Mrs Mount Batten 4 – 6.30. Mrs Hammond called. Went to be fitted. Met Mrs Rooth, Bond St. Maudie & Lennie drove up in motor just as I was starting for Toula 4 o’c. Had tea, both look well. To at home with Toula, left cards on Lady Henderson, Mrs Ritchie, Lady Pearson to enquire, Welby to enquire & home. Roy & darling Maud came to dinner, 4! Margaret out afternoon & evg. A most tiring un-nerving day. Roy vy noisy & tiresome evg, so unrestful. Thursday 16 June Ask Arthur Linley to dinner. Maud & Lennie to dinnner. Lovely morg. Roy going to Maidenhead evg by late train. Feel very seedy, head so bad, did not sleep. In all morg. At 4 to Lady Armstrong, Mrs Ferguson, in, & Mrs A. Lewis, in. Darling M. & Lennie to dinner both look well. Opened old port wine 25 years here in bottle.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 17 June Roy at Maidenhead & to Ascot with Mr Sterne’s party. Mrs Alec Ferguson 3 - 6. Mrs Reginald Harrison 9 - 12, 6 Lower Berkeley St. Mrs Bergheim’s party 9.30. To be fitted 11.30, Seamans. Met Mr Rooth. Heard fr. Toula Midge back fr. yacht & at Coburg. Called on Desirée Welby, had tea with her, & to see Mrs English. Plant for Desirée, 2/6. My darling to Nymans with Lennie. Saturday 18 June Roy returned at 6.30 fr. Maidenhead & off directly to dine & theatre party with Mr Sterne. Out morg. bought toque £1.18.9 & veil. Lin out to luncheon. I alone & to Haymarket where he joined me. Called after on Mr Hartree, out, home to tea. Sat with Roy whilst he dressed. Lin & self alone to dinner. Mrs E. Bagle called. Sunday 19 June Dull morg. Lin & self lunch 2 o’c at Lady Rosamund Christie’s, 63 Onslow Sqre. Lin & self dine Sir A. Hickman, Roy to Mrs Dickens. Excellent lunch. Col & Mrs Bridgman fr. Shropshire, 3 others, Jap gentleman. Left early on ac’t of tennis at Sir A’s. Large dinner at Sir A’s. He looks v. pulled down by flu. Monday 20 June Lunched with Midge, Coburg. Mrs Kevil Davis there also. At 3.30 to Hunts with Midge. Caled on (blank) & drove round Park & home to tea. Midge dined here quietly without ret’g to Hotel. Arranged flowers together fr. darling Maud’s. Roy to a dance after dinner. Tuesday 21 June Mrs Rawlinson 4 o’c. Asked Mabel to come & go with me, & to dine here, & Arthur Linley who did not come. Tilda asked me to go to Opera with her, unable to go. Miss White morg. to fit me. Mrs Tate, Pitt - Mills - Grantham, J. Aird & Rose Innes called. Dull but full party at Mrs R’s, went at 6 o’c with Mabel who dined here. Roy out with Mr Sterne at Ranelagh to dinner. Wednesday 22 June Miss Chapman 4 - 7. Asked Midge. Mrs Reed, Wimbledon. Roy to Oxford with Mr Sterne, away before dinner. Miss Gill to lunch unexpectedly. Midge came at ¼ to 4, went together to Lady Hickman’s. Miss C’s at home & fruitless drive to Wimbledon, R’s away!!! Walked on lovely common & Midge dined alone with me, Dora to Court. Thursday 23 June Lin & self dine at Mrs Larnack’s, 16 Hans Place 8 o’c. Miss Lawrence’s luncheon party 2 o’c, unable to accept. Lovely day. Darling Maud comes to Glouc. Ter. for 2 nights. Maudie came & had tea in my room. Mr Messel dines with them at Glouc. Ter. 7 to dinner Mrs L’s, Mr Ansdell, a pretty girl & one other man. Roy out to dinner v. late home. Friday 24 June Roy looking vy seedy, & perverse. Darling fetched me at 11.30, drove to Mde. Clare’s & Coburg & Barkers. Bought (illeg) & flowers. 2 boxes fr. Balcombe. Maudie to luncheon. Lady Armstrong, Lady Henderson, Miss Barran, Fanny Nembhard, Mrs Gibson & Mrs Harold M, Mrs Mount Batten & dau, Mervyn & Ethel,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs Gill, Miss Rose Innes. Lin finished early 9 o’c. Lennie fetched Maudie. Roy out to dinner & dance, v. late home 5 o’c! Saturday 25 June Roy not down until 10 o’c! Out all day. Maud & Lennie to Mrs Hohler’s, Lowfield Heath. Lin goes on Vectis, P & O yacht until Tuesday, left 9 o’c. Geoff Con comes till Monday for Exam. I go to lunch with Midge, Coburg 1.45. Dine there instead. Roy dined out & to dance. Out morg, met Mrs Gill, Annie Tweedie, Mrs Mackenzie. Shop’d & ordered wreath. Small rememberence Lady Hickman 3/6, & called to enquire for & saw her. Sir A & J.H. just off in motor. Dined alone with Midge, Coburg. Sunday 26 June Tilda to luncheon. Geoff & self to enquire after Mrs Messel, saw Harold & Hilda. Roy, Geoff, Toula & self to luncheon, returned home in omnibus. Midge called at tea time, vy well & lively. Geoff to Sp’s later. Roy dines with Midge at Club. Geoff & self alone to dinner. Monday 27 June Lady Armstrong 4 - 7. Midge & I go D.V. to Broadstairs to visit our beloved Parents’ grave. Geoff Con leaves us for Mrs English. Fetched Midge fr. Coburg. Had vy happy day, the grounds at St Peter’s better kept than I have ever seen them & Church beautiful, new vestry rooms. We drove to Westwood, vy overgrown but lovely trees. Saw Midge home. Sat out on Parade & saw lodgings. Tuesday 28 June Lady Romer’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs Sidney Cotton’s dinner. Delightful dinner & most charming family. Lord Justice took me in, his brother (illeg). Dora, Midge, Mrs Palgrave Simpson, Rawlinson, Barran, Rose Innes, Gill etc called. Out morg. Dear Lin returned fr. his cruise on P. & O. Steamer Wednesday 29 June Dora & Paul to Brown’s Hotel for 2 weeks. Lady Nottage 4 o’c. Mrs Maginis 3.30 6, 8 Craven Hill Gds. Academy Soirée 9 o’c. Lady Henderson 4.30 – 7, 18 Arlington St. Effie comes for 3 nights. Both my girls with bad places, one on arm, M. finger. Maudie fetched me 3.30, called on Dora, Mrs Laking, Thorneycrofts, Ritchie, Pearson, & at home Lady H. Roy & I to Academy alone, v. full. Saw oceans of friends, Wickliffe Taylor etc. Roy looked v. tired. Maud & Lennie there after dining at Mrs Fleischman’s. Thursday 30 June Mrs Huish tea, Lords, table behind Block A. N.Wensum(?). Mrs Holland 10.30. G. Grossmith Jnr. D. & Paul there. Maudie fetched me for Lords, had tea at Mrs H’s. Barrans there. Vy tired. Evg. parties not worth going to, too tiring. Effie & Roy remained till 3 o’c!!! Darling Maud & Lennie at Hollands. Jul 1904 Friday 1 July Mrs Boyle, 63 Queens Gate. Mrs Mount Batten. Mrs Reeve to go with me. Mrs Huish, Lords tea. Mrs Armstrong 4 o’c. Mrs Fletcher Moulton 4.30. I dine with Lennie & Maud & go to French play with them. Out morg. with Effie to Grove. Too tired to go out afternoon. Enjoyed my evg. immensely. Saw O. Crawfurd with his new wife to whom I was introduced.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 2 July Mrs Briton Rivière 4 o’c. Mrs Pirrie’s luncheon party 2 o’c. Too tired to enjoy it. Sat next to Mr Vincent & Mr Wollf, Lady Egmont & Mr Briscoe, Ld & Lady Robertson etc. Nice party Mrs R’s. Effie out all day. Geoff called morg. Roy out to dinner. Heavy showers. Eff, Lin & self quiet evg. Mrs Chesterfield char here today, 3/-. Sunday 3 July Invite to luncheon Mrs Davison. Paul & Dora dining here Sunday. Lovely morg. In all day. Effie remaining until tomorrow. Effie to see E. English. Roy lunched with Mrs Wood & her 2 pretty daughters. Lin & Roy to Sir A’s for tennis. Dora & Paul to dinner, D. looked lovely. Both quite lively. Monday 4 July Mrs Gill’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs Binns Smith, 7 Eaton Mans, 4.30. To stores morg, bought 2 W. petticoats £1.11.6, 6 prs stockings 11/6, house brush leather & rubber for Roy’s boots 6/9. Effie left 2.30 for Henley. Darling Maud & Gillie came, had tea in my room. Ten to dinner Mrs G’s. Vy smart & well done but not good company. Roy in alone to dinner. (Sheet glued in) Mrs Gill’s dinner, 4 July. Soup & vegetables in it. Salmon. Cold entrée chicken truffles with aspic over. Loin of lamb, beans, potatoes. Chicken roasted, salad & peas. Pineapple cream, fruit jelly. Savory. Flower ices. Ten. V. well done. Mr & Mrs Walter, Mr & Mrs ?, Mrs Tattersall, Mr Stone, ourselves & Mr & Mrs G. Tuesday 5 July Dinner here. Asked Burnands, Fletcher Moultons, Lockyers, G. Armstrong, Bergne, Rooth, Mrs Biancardi. Lady Larnack 4 o’c. Only 8 at dinner. Sir H. & Lady Bergne, Mr & Mrs Rooth, Mrs Biancardi, Roy. Out morg. Mrs Chesterfield here to help 3/-. Man cleaned windows morg. Paid off £50, last of loan. Soup. Fillet cotes, tomatoes. Tongue & mushrooms. Lamb, peas. Poussins, salad, beans. Pèches Melba & genovoise pastry. Liver savory. Wednesday 6 July Mrs Morland Agnew 4 - 7. Mrs Macmillan 10 o’c. Mrs Fleischmann’s dinner. Unable to accept, going alone. Out morg. Hindered by continual meeting of friends. Geoff arrived for dinner alone. Sent him to Ex. with friend. Roy dined Coburg with Midge. Strange smart company. Mr J. Heilbut, Arthur Hills she very … etc. Excellent dinner beautiful house but felt out of sympathy with entire company. V smart pretty & (illeg illeg). Saw Midge Dora & Paul & left Roy at Mrs Macmillans. Thursday 7 July Lin & self dine at Mrs Rooths 8 o’c, 2 Montagu Mans. Walked to French dressmaker Notting Hill with Geoff morg. Geoff lunched with Dora at Browns. Roy dined here & went after to join Lennie & M’s dinner party at Carlton, Foleys there. Most delightful dinner & company at Mrs R’s, enjoyed our evg. immensely. Excellent dinner. Friday 8 July Fête Regent’s Park. Unable to go. Made calls, 15! instead. Gave 2 Regent’s Park tickets to Hilda. Geoff lunched with Tabbie at Carlton. Lin finished work at 6 o’c & dined at 8 & to bed early. Geoff, Lin & self to dinner, Roy out. Called on Midge, saw Hamilton who had just arrived fr. B. Ayres, & Tabbie. Had tea with her after at Claridges. Roy dined with Maud after Eton & Harrow match.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 9 July Mrs Breton Riviere. 4 o’c. Mrs Hartley’s luncheon at Welcome Club 1.30. Charming company. I taken in by young German Lieut who created sensation by being dismissed service by writing book “Seven years in a Garrison town”. Most interesting man 26 years of age. 80 to lunch! Mr Donaldson a writer & poet. Douglas Gordons, Lady D. Nevile etc. Called after on Mrs Trench & Lady Carbutt. Roy lunched with Dora & to Eton & Harrow match Lords. Eton won!!! Geoff with the Spencers all day at Lords Cavalry Club. Lin, Geoff & self to exhibition after dinner. Met Carlisles & very interesting men, one a ship owner friends of the Carlisles. Great crowd had to wait long while for chairs. Roy dined with Stern & took night & flan. suit returns tomorrow. Sunday 10 July Sat in Park morg. with Geoff. Lin, Geoff & self to luncheon here, Roy away. Geoff off after to the River, returns late. Mr & Mrs Phipson Beale to dinner 8 o’c, 4 of us only, both boys out. Had misgivings about North. Mrs B’s eyes had had glasses on all time. Young Bergne called. Monday 11 July X. Lady Bergne 4.30. Out morg. shops. Lovely day. Maud still at Mrs Hohler’s. Geoff in to luncheon. Geoff, Roy , Lin & self to dinner. Boys went after to exhibition. Called after going to Morettes about evg. dress. on Mrs P. Holland. To Mabel Wallace & left present, & Lady Bergne, dull party rather, garden pretty. Roy with new firm X. Tuesday 12 July Lovely morg. Geoff goes to Exam, I in brougham at 10.30 to Bank, Barkers & Seamans, Marshalls & Haywards. Bought dress & hat. Met Lady Monckton Marshalls, insisted on my lunching with her Friday 1.45. Miss Webster, the Miss Bastards, Miss Innes & my darling came after little Hanson Walker wedding. Roy out to dinner. Geoff out after dinner to Alhambra. Wednesday 13 July Mrs Morland Agnew 4 - 7. Miss Binns Smith 4 o’c. Mrs Dent 4.30. Mrs Causton 4 o’c. Lovely day. Geoff to call & see Maud, he leaves today. Lovely flowers fr. Maud & Tabs. Roy dined at Maud’s. Great crowd at Mrs Causten’s. Charming flat Mrs B. Smith & delightful couple, dull at Mrs Agnew’s. Geoff left, fear he lost his train. Alone to dinner. Thursday 14 July Mrs Binns Smith 4 o’c. Ap’t Mirettes 12 o’c. Miss White here for day. Paid her 6/6. In all morg. Sp. to luncheon looks vy seedy. After lunch to Mirettes & my darling, found her packing with Miss Cussons, saw Lennie. Roy out to dinner, returned 1.30 night in a motor. Friday 15 July Mrs Mount Batten 4 0’c. I lunch with Lady Monckton at 1.45 at 33 Bedford Sqre. Lady Milman 3.30. Mrs Wallace 3.30. Lin dines at Sir Norman Lockyer’s, Penywern Rd 8 o’c. Maud to Balcombe for summer. Mr Hartree called morg. to take me for drive in motor. Charming house lunch & everything Lady M’s. Col Lyon only there. Went to Mrs W, Lady M & Mrs M. Batten’s after. Roy & self dined alone late. Saturday 16 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs Briton Rivière 4 o’c. Mabel Wallace’s wedding 2.30, Holy Trinity Sloane St & at Rutland Gate. Maudie came fr. Balcombe, lunched here & we went to wedding together. I saw her off fr. Vic after. Roy dined out. Lin & self alone vy nice evg. Mabel looked vy pretty. Roy came to reception after. Sunday 17 July Col & Mrs Trench & Ham & Midge dine here 8 o’c. Lin & self at 2 in brougham to see Abbey’s picture. Delightful house. Roy out to luncheon. Lin & Roy to Sir A. Hickman’s for tennis. Heavenly day. V. pleasant evg, 7 to dinner with Roy. H. looking seedy again. Lin & Roy to Sir A’s tennis. No one called. Monday 18 July Sir N. & Lady Lockyer’s 4 - 7. Maudie comes up to see cooks & lunch here. Crawfurd going to South Africa! 4½ years with Maud. Heavenly day. Darling to lunch here & after with her to Hunts & Mrs Young’s. Left her for Mirettes & Lady L’s at home. V. full. Good talk with nice woman. Lin, Roy & self to Exhibition, Roy round in Maxim. Walked home, cab there. Tuesday 19 July Louisa Bourne 4 o’c, Queen Anne’s Mansions. Out 11.30 to Barkers & Mirettes, final fitting white satin. Only Lady Bergne & Mrs Spofforth called. Lovely day. Wednesday 20 July Out at 10.30 after Maud’s cook, one taken another place. Saw vy pretty & nice girl Hunts, engaged her for Monday if ref. satisfactory. To Ex evg. with Lin in carriage. Lovely day, windy. Maud & Lennie go on motor to Stoke Edith until Monday. They left Balcombe v. early. Tuffly & Crawfurd came up, C. going to S.Africa. Louisa Bourne came to tea, does not look one day older. Lin dines with staff Hurlingham 7.30. Thursday 21 July X. Russia taken one of our P. & O. ships. Lin & self dined alone. Roy out. Out morg. shops on foot. At 4.30 to Stores bought Roy’s vests, drawers, silver blow pipe for Maud, stamp book Nonie & veils self, £3.19.4 total. X. Great stir Russia seized one of our ships P. & O. Malacca & manned it with her own men. May alter Lin’s cut. Friday 22 July Lovely day. Letter fr. Maudie fr. Stoke Edith, seems vy happy there. Shopped. V. uneventful day. Read Mr Reeve’s book to Linley evg.

Saturday 23 July In all morg busy. After luncheon with Lin to “Cingalee” matinée, vy full, vy hot, but vy amusing. Home to tea. Roy out to lunch & dinner. Lin & self alone & to bed early


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 24 July X. Lin Roy & self dine at Sir Alfred Hickman’s after tennis at 8 o’c. Margarith out & Emma all afternoon & evening. No one called. In all day. Lin & Roy in to lunch & to tennis after at Sir A’s. X. 12 to dinner Sir A’s. Lady Kitson, Sir & Lady Trevor (he Lord Malmesbury’s brother) Mr & Mrs Robinson, Trenches etc. Lady T. v.fascinating.

Monday 25 July Thunderstorm v. heavy 6 o’c. Committee at Garrick Club, drove Lin there 4 o’c. Roy & self alone to dinner bed early. Punch dinner today. Lady Grove 4.30 - 7, 51 Bedford Sqre. Called Lady Monckton & Mrs Weedon Grossmith, Mrs Rooth. Margarith out afternoon & evg again. V. comic Lady G’s at home, only 5 people relatives & no tea or food! Cups only. Lady G. looking lovely & v. pretty baby boy. Called on Lady Hickman, Lady Monckton & Mrs Weedon Grossmith.

Tuesday 26 July X. Paid £202.9.8 to Mr Birks for purchase of $ 2500 5% Cuba Ex. 1904 37% paid, 2 ½ com. etc. No one called. Out morg. shops. Roy dined with Mr Sterne, cariage fetched him 10 o’c. Heavy rain.

Wednesday 27 July Roy left at 6 o’c. Lin’s late night like Friday. Maudie’s Goodwood party. Roy on motor to Balcombe for Goodwood with young Sterne. To Marshalls (lost broach!!! there trying on blouses). To Irish linen place. Willers about having Carbolic in bottles for Lin & Harrods about blinds & stained glass windows repaired. Paid Cosenna 2/- coffee, 1/9 2 small tins sardines. Wigmore St.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 28 July Miss Macleans marriage 2.30 with Harold Austen, St Barnabus. Pay £202.9.8 to young Bergne for purchase of $2.500 Cuba 5% External 1904 37.70 pd 2½. £200.18.8 com & stamps. £1.11.0 Total £202.9.8. Asked Mrs Adlam to tea, 30 Bramley Gds. Busy morg turning out drawing room drawers. Harrods man called about stained glass windows, need repair. Lin dined at Athenaeum with Mr (illeg). I went to Maclean wedding. Mrs Wallace, saw Mabel! Mrs Dickens, Gill, Spofforth & Ruth. Alone to dinner. White came to fit evg dress 7 o’c. Frances out evg.

Friday 29 July. Dr Orton dining here. Out at 3.30 to Harrods, ordered work basket for Maud’s birthday, about stained glass windows. Everyone we know gone fr. the Terrace for summer holidays except Mrs Spofforth. Dr Orton v. well & lively, stayed talking until 12 o’c. Ada Sp. called just as I was dressing for dinner. White soup, whiting, tongue, mutton. Cherry tart, cream, egg savory.

Saturday 30 Lovely day. Darling Maud writes she is so well, & houseparty merry. Roy, Mr Davison, Mr Sterne, Violet & (illeg illeg). M’s Goodwood party great success. Mademoiselle came & went with me to Bank. Gave her old grey Woolland dress. Saw Mr Richardson about loan overdrawn. Received notice B.A. Pacific demanding £3! more on 2 allotted shares. Heavy thunder unable to drive. Lin & self to Ex by om. evg.. Walked home. Horse not well.

Sunday 31 July Young horse not well, but drove him fr. Zoo 5.30. Lovely day. Young horse still not well. X. Wrote to B.A & Pacific Secy about odd letter! & further demand £3. Roy


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 remains Balcombe until Tuesday. Lin & self to Zoo by cab, carriage home. Mr & Mrs O. Crawfurd called & had tea, she odd & a foreigner. Quiet evg, 1880 champagne. Aug 1904 Monday 1 August Bank Holiday. In all day.

Tuesday 2 August Roy, Lin & self to dinner. Lovely day, vy hot. Walked to Harrods about stained glass windows & blinds. Roy returned home fr. Balcombe. Lin & self to see “Orchid”, Gaiety. Stupid piece. Had cab, horse still ill.

Wednesday 3 August Lovely, v. hot. X. Took certificate & allotment letter B.A. & Pacific 2 £10 shares to bank. X. Paid Whiteladies 11/9 eleven & nine house repairs. Emma out. Fearfully hot. Roy out to dinner. Mervyn & self dined alone, v. happy evening.

Thursday 4 August Otley has to go to see about Lin’s electric light at Herbert Moore, 3 Stratford Rd, Marloes Road. More rumpus between Margarith & Frances. Mervyn left directly after breakfast. Roy lunching with him today. Roy does not take advantage of his many opportunities, seems so lifeless & unenterprising. Could get all Mervyn’s & Ethel’s family business if he chose to exert himself. Roy out to dinner. X. Lin’s electric light went out suddenly. Con came at 10 PM stayed an hour, had arrived fr. Dresden this morning.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 5 August Lovely day. Roy out to dinner. Lin finished work at 9 o’c. White here about blk muslin bodice. In all day except for short shop walk Kens. morg. Grindham painting tubs & retopping dust bin, mended sashes of dining room window.

Saturday 6 August X. Put away part of silver with Margarith. X. Lovely day. Put away drawing room silver, 3 old caddys fr. side board & urn & inkstand (illeg) & horse shoe fr. my room morg. with Margarith. Lin & self for walk evg together. Douglas here to dinner, he & Roy after to Exhibition. Lin & self to see horse, still seedy. Otley vy boosey, even Lin noticed.

Sunday 7 August Lovely day, busy all morg. Walked with Lin gardens after tea. Margarith out afternoon.

Monday 8 August Lovely day. Turned out drawing room with Margarith, brushed & covered everything over. In all day & very tired. Feel need of a lady help to see to things generally. Roy out to dinner with Sterne, doing better. Sat in morg. room after dinner.

Tuesday 9 August Margarith out afternoon & evg. F. managed better alone. Punch dinner tonight on account of Lin, & at Savoy Hotel. Roy & self alone. Il m’enuit beauc. qu’il ne elevient plus serieux, c’est si mal eleve d’etre toujours si (illeg) et jamais serieux, sa future m’inquiete beauc.



Wednesday 10 August Lovely day. Packed. In all day & vy tired leaving all dresses ready in labelled boxes ready to be forwarded if needed Harrogate. Midge very smart & looking very well burst in on me at 11.00. Had just returned today fr. Scotland. Have taken Ripley’s place near Ludlow, fine shoot. Was vy amusing. Roy out to dinner. He is giving dinner at Garrick to Sterne etc.

Thursday 11 August Mrs Phipson Beale’s invitation Lin & self till 25 th inst. Wet & dull! Cooler. Finished packing. White here early with my bodice & skirt black muslin, charged for this & renovating old black satin £1.9.8.

Friday 12 August Bag 32 grouse. Frances Johns leaves 11 o’c. Heavenly day. Arrived after comfortable journey but sleepless (Lin slept fortunately) at 5.5, Castle Stewart. V. good 2 horsed fly closed to meet us pd 25/- for it! Drove to Drumlanford in 2 hours. Beautifully situated tho’ v. wild & isolated on hill overlooking beautiful lake. Plain comfortable & well ordered house. Breakfasted in my room 9 o’c. Men off, Lin also, at 9.30 or 10. Long day’s shoot. Unpacked, walked, rested, wrote. Mr Borthwick arrived 12.30. After lunch joined Mr Beale, Mr Young & Lin on moor. To bed vy early after a vy delightful day.

Saturday 13 August Wet & very blowey, shooters off later on foot. Lin very burnt. Wrote engaging room Wellington Hotel for 24th inst. In all day. Played Bridge & won, glad no money played for. To bed early. Very quiet delightful day & good company.



Sunday 14 August Alternate fine & showery, high wind. Went for walk, lovely surroundings & country. To bed early.

Monday 15 August Lovely day, less windy. Shooters off early. Worked in evg. Drove at 2.30 to Barr Hill, lovely drive & clean little village of one street. Took washing to laundress, walked after. Played Bridge evg, our host my partner won again. The 4 cigars round gave me headache. Mr Borthwick coached me. Tuesday 16 August Lovely morg. Shooters off ¼ to 10. Wrote to Hotel Harrogate abut room for 23rd instead of 24th, tiresome Lin altering now, misread Mr Wolff’s letter. Walked & had a delightful day & evg. Bridge & won.

Wednesday 17 August Blinds & windows to be done by Harrods. No, not until next Tuesday 23 rd. Pouring wet day. Went for long walk after tea with Miss Thomson. Gentlemaen fished after tea, one large salmon caught. Bridge evg & again won.

Thursday 18 August Lovely day. Drove 10.30 to River Cree with Lin, Mr Beale, Miss Thomson & Mr Young, saw lovely view over valley & drove back at once. Mrs Tuer & Mrs Fuller Maitland came over to tea. Played Bridge, won again. Letter fr. Midge asking us for a fortnight to their new place.

Friday 19 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Fine day. Mr Smith factor & son came over, had tea, & we ladies drove them to Barrhill. Letter from Dora again asking us for the 3 rd Sep. for week or longer. Hamilton will be there also. Lin may go for weekend till Wed.

Saturday 20 August Lovely day. We lunch with shooters, 8 guns Mr Fox & son, Mr Slater, Mr Jonas & own party. Miss Thomson I walked there & we 3 ladies walked back. Had delicious lunch in a field high up on a hill under stone wall with glorious views of hills and moor all round& the peaks of Arran. Long letter fr. dear Roy fr. Homburg luxuriously happy there & warm, fr. Midge v. amusing. Lost at Bridge after dinner, sleepy after lovely day in air.

Sunday 21 August Lovely day. Walked, read & worked. Good stories evg.

Monday 22 August Lin & self leave Drumlanford, Lin for Mr Wolff’s Perthshire & I for Harrogate. No, tomorrow! Packed morg. Walked after tea. Men had good day’s sport, 14 brace grouse, 11 snipe, hare etc. Played bridge partner Mr Borthwick & won.

Tuesday 23 August Lin & self left Drumlanford about 11 o’c in hired wagonette £1.5.0. 2 hrs drive heavenly day, after most delightful visit. Lin with me to Carlisle where I go on to Harrogate by Leeds, & Lin to Perth & to Mr Wolff’s, Ballechin, Ballinluig, Perthshire. Arrived late Harrogate. Expenses ticket 17s, porters & tea 3s, total £1.0.0.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 24 August Drank waters early. Saw Dr Boyd at 2.30, different treatment £1.1.0, water 8d. Moved into another room 3rd floor. Am at same table with Capt & Mrs Jones, sculptor. V. kind & hospitable. Mary Millais & Miss Holins at next table! Expenses, doctor £1.1.0, stamps 6d, water 8d. Total £1.2.2.

Thursday 25 August Fine but vy cold. Out all morg with Mrs Jones. Rested till 4.30 & went with Mary Millais to have coffee, shop in Parliament St. Good, & for walk on moor after. Drank waters & home rather late. Pleasant dinner with Capt & Mrs Jones. Wrote after, & to bed 9 o’c. Arranged for Bath Sunday, Tuesday & Thursday. No letter fr. my own. Expenses stamps 6d, 6d sulphur, 3 Baths 3/6, 12 water tickets 1/-. Total 12/6.

Friday 26 August Fine early, dull later. Very cold. Youngish fair lady came & introduced herself whilst I was writing as Mrs Adam’s sis-in-law. She seems nice but her husband seems devoid of manners. Letters fr. dear Lin & my darling, so glad to get them. Read morg. Alone in drawing room 3.30. Coffee 1/5, water 6d, paper 1d. Total 2/-.

Saturday 27 August Bath, Aix douche, 11.40. No, Sunday. Water 6d. Sat & read after writing letters in Valley Garden till luncheon. Letters fr. Dickie & Maud. For walk after lunch with Cap. & Mrs Jones. Took them to coffee Parliament St, 1/5. After with Mrs Jones Valley Garden till 6 o’c. Found Mrs Simmonds here, showed her my room. Asked me to go with her to Café Kursaal. Stayed & talked with Mary Millais & Mrs Holins.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 28 August Flowers 6d, bathing cap 1/-. Roy to Stoke Edith. Bath 11.40. Tea 5.15 Prospect with Mrs Simmonds. 4 o’c with Mary Millais to Majestic. Mrs Adams asked me to go with them to Knaresborough this afternoon, do not mean to cultivate that couple. Mary Millais & self to Majestic, saw Mr Clerihugh & Mr Read, latter walked with us Took water & to tea with Mrs Simmonds & her brother-in-law Prospect. Saw Mrs Mackasy. Mrs S. walked back with me. Sat out with Mrs Jones after dinner.

Monday 29 August Lovely day. Sat out morg. knitting. For lovely drive with Mr & Mrs Simmonds to Spofforth & Follyfoot where we saw stocks outside Park gates! Must be very old. Also horse being broken. Cap’t & Mrs Jones took me to Kursaal after dinner, heard Ada Reeve, delightful. Good performance. Home by 10.30. Paper 1d, water 6d, total 7d.

Tuesday 30 August Lovely day. Had bath at 10 o’c. Cap. & Mrs Jones left at 12. Chocolates 1/-, water 6d, paper 1d. Total 1/7. Sat out after lunch which I had at the Millais’ table & do from now. Talked to plain lady. Dined & had good walk after outside with Mary M. & Miss Holins. Lin leaves for London by night mail.

Wednesday 31 August Lin arrives St.Ter. 8.30 AM. Letters fr. Lin & Midge. Bucknell their station. Sat out morg. Valley Garden. Screaming children as usual. Lunched with Miss Holins alone, Mary M. lunching at Majestic & both tea with Lady Pontifex. Paid my bill £14.13.0, first week. Cocoa 6d, water 6d, Pierrots 1/6.



Sep 1904 Thursday 1 September Total spent today £3.18.9. 4.13.5 £7.12.2 Bath 10.20. Cocoa 6d, water 6d. Miss Holins leaves. Mary Millais & self share table alone. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. Doctor 10/6. Drew fresh cheque £1.10.0 for baths etc. Stamps 1/-, total 12/-. Had tea at Hotel & walked to Dr Boyd, had long talk with him, rather amusing. Called Majestic & Lady Laurence. Miss Holins seedy, unable to go today. Martin Harvey at out Hotel.

Friday 2 September Forwarded Lin’s P & O div £8.6.2 with mine for same amount & 2 Waihi £4.5.0. Harrods 6/8. Total £12.17.11. Paid 8d water, paper 1d, stamps 1/-

Saturday 3 September Lin to Stoke Edith till Wed, Roy still there. Miss Holins left by 12.10. Mary Millais & self to see Martin Harvey “The Bride of the Threshers”. Vy good, pd. 4/- for our tickets each & saw well. Walked to & fr. theatre. Places theatre 4/2. Water 8d. Total 4/10.

Sunday 4 September Lovely day. Sat out & read all morg. At tea time sat with Mrs Kennedy, & Mary Millais & I went for walk into woods on moor & sat until dressing time. Sat together after dinner & went to bed early. Watched Martin Harvey & Cy. depart before luncheon. Water 8d.



Monday 5 September Doctor 10/-, water 1/-, washing 1/2, Electric bath 2/6. Total 14/8. Lovely day. Called morg. on Mrs Mackasy, Prospect. Sat out with her in garden & saw Irish wedding. To Dr Boyd at 3 o’c. To leave off Magnesia water & take Kissinger at 11 & 5 o’c. 10 oz. Sulphur morning only, milk 2 - 10 oz. 3 Aix douches & 2 Electric a week! Met Mrs Mackasy & walked to her Hotel & sat out with her till 6 o’c. Sat after dinner with Mrs Kennedy. Mary Millais left at 9 AM. Roy leaves Stoke Edith.

Tuesday 6 September Fine. Met Mrs McAlaster at Pump room. Went with her to see her rooms, vy pretty & cosy, & high. Bath at 10.20. Sat after in Royal baths after taking Kissinger water, iron. Lay down after luncheon. Letters fr. Lin & Roy both seem vy happy there. H. arrived Sat evg. at Stoke. Evy Fletcher & Mrs Forster & young Burns. Letters fr. Midge, Sp. & darling Maud. Water 1/- stamps 6d, total 1/6.

Wednesday 7 September Dreamed about Dickie. I was going away & cd not reach him to tell him. £1.10.0 self, Hotel bill £4.10.0. Water 1/-, 2 baths Electric 5/-. Met Mrs McAlaster & walked early with her. Had first electric (illeg) bath 10 minutes at 4 o’c, & on to Mrs MacAlaster’s to tea. Bright sunny room & delicious tea. Saw her work etc. She walked home with me. Sat with Mrs Kennedy. Lady Laurence & Lady Pontifex called. Lin returned to Staf. Ter. Spent 9/-.

Thursday 8 September Wet morg. 1/- water cake 1/4, weighing 2d. Mr & Mrs McAlaster to tea 4 o’c. Miss Brown also. Again dreamed of Dickie uncomfortably. Foreign stamps 6d. parcel


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 4d. Mr & Mrs McA. came & I walked to Royal Bath with them for Kissinger water & left them. Sat with Miss Brown after dinner. Bed 9.15.

Friday 9 September Thurs spent 3/4, Wed 6/-, Friday 2/- . Aix D. Bath 11/-, water 1/-. Long letter fr. Edgar, fr. Banff Canada & Lin. Met Lady Pontifax & Mrs McAlaster morg. Very warm after bath. Stamps 1/-, water 1/-. Sat with Mrs Kennedy & friend after dinner. Wrote to Mrs Johnson Ferguson, Lin, Maud. Long letter fr. Edgar. Wrote Midge & Lady Laurence.

Saturday 10 September 3 o’c Electric bath. 11.30 to Lady Laurence, Majestic. Sat all morning with her, & with Lady Pontifex afternoon & tea with her & Miss Sedgwick. Sir Charles came in. Quiet evg. Awful singing 4! Wrote Edie. 6d singers, water 1/-, flowers 6d.

Sunday 11 September Fine. Rested till 8, did not take sulphur water. Sore throat & feel seedy. Wrote & talked to girl with her mother, Cooper. Read after Kissenger water. After luncheon wrote & called on Mrs Ismay, large party at tea there. Tired coming home, to bed after talking to Coopers again & hot bath.

Monday 12 September 12 o’c Electric bath. Vy cold. Sat with the Coopers, Mrs Halse who asked me to go to see her & Mrs Kennedy.

Tuesday 13 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Left Harrogate 12.20. Changed at Leeds, Shrewsbury & Craven Arms where met Evy & maid & travelled on together to Bucknell. Arrived Bedstone Court 7.45. Found only Bee here. Both Ham & Midge v. well. To bed early with Midge. H, Bee & Evy played Bridge.

Wednesday 14 September Breakfasted in bed, v. tired. H. to London for day. Rained all day. Midge & self for walk. Talked after dinner. Evy played, & read & found it 11 o’c before thinking of bed.

Thursday 15 September Dull & colder. Hamilton returned from London, some mistake about carriage to meet him so he walked from Station home, not pleased. Had walk with Midge, lovely country & beautiful place. Young Ripley came to tea.

Friday 16 September Fine. Sir William Curtis arrived evg time for dinner. Bee Barrs left at 1.30. Midge took her to Station. Talked after dinner & to bed early.

Saturday 17 September Lovely day. Midge & H. lunched at (blank). Sir W. Curtis, H. & Evie left here for cub hunting at 5.30. Killed 3 foxes, Sir W. vy pleased. Left about 11 o’c. Mr Cook, Col & Mrs Davison, Dora & Paul Foley arrived afternoon. Bridge evg, To bed 10.30. Lin & Roy go to darling Maud, Balcombe. Lin vy backward with work.

Sunday 18 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Midge, P. & D, Mr Cook, Mr Davison, Evie & self to pretty little church, short service. H. & Col Davison remained at home. Vy warm. Dora looking very well.

Monday 19 September Paul Foley left at 12.30. Lovely hot day. Shooters had good day, 40 brace. 1 quail shot by Col. D. Sir W. Curtis came to breakfast & shot with H. Lin & Roy returned by first train fr. Balcombe. Roy taken bad cold. Midge & self sat up talking till past 11 in drawing room, found all lights out & all gone to bed!

Tuesday 20 September Dora left at 12.30, Evie & Midge saw her off. Mr D. & self walked morg, & again after tea. Mr Frisby fished, rest shot. 19½ brace, 1 hare, 2 pigeons. Heavenly day. Heard number of new stories.

Wednesday 21 September Lovely day. H, Mr Sheen, Col Davison & Mr Cook left in break 10 o’c. Mr Frisby & Evie rode to the shoot. Midge, Mrs D. & self wrote worked & read. Distinctly colder. Letters fr. Maud & Lin.

Thursday 22 September Mervyn & Ethel sail for New Zealand. Evie joins Tabbie in London. Unable to go as she was seedy. Evie to Lady Grove’s. Mr Frisby left directly after breakfast. Mistake – he left Friday. Midge, H, Mr F. & self to dinner.

Friday 23 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 H. shooting with Mr Rogers. Midge & self walk to Bucknell after luncheon up & down steep hill, Midge’s short cut home!!! Mr Frisby left directly after breakfast.

Saturday 24 September Colder dull & some rain. H. out shooting morg. close home. Midge & self walked to Bucknell & up hill & down, Midge’s short cut home. No, to Hopton Castle, gathered wild flowers. H. rode. Quiet evg. Judy came looked well. Overslept myself morg, never woke until 9.30!

Sunday 25 September Fine morg. Midge & Judy to Church. Wrote to Dora as Midge wants me to remain few days longer. Am afraid unwise, P. may be put out. Lovely walk after luncheon, H, M, Judy & self. Staghorn moss.

Monday 26 September (blank)

Tuesday 27 September Lovely day. Drove after lunch to call at Mr Rock’s. H. out all day.

Wednesday 28 September Lovely day. Put things up morg. Letters fr. Lin, 2 fr. Maud. H. off at 9 o’c. to shoot with Mr Harvey & Col D, joint shoot. Midge, J. & self for drive to Leintwardine, saw fine old church, passed thro Clungunford.

Thursday 29 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Came to Stoke Edith by 1.8 fr. Bucknell. Lovely day v. warm. Commotion leaving as Johnson forgot my second box! Got it & caught train which was late. 2 changes, Craven Arms & Hereford. Found D. v. well. Called to enquire after tea with her on Mrs Foster.

Friday 30 September Colder. Had short walk with Dora round the Park morg, rained rest of day. D. & P. put up china in Hall.

Oct 1904 Saturday 1 October Lovely day. Had walk morg. with Dora & wee Peter. Rested before luncheon. Drove at 4 with D. in open carriage to call on Miss Cresswell & Mrs Barnaby, both out. Lovely drive. P. read letters evg.

Sunday 2 October Dull. To church. D. & self walked after lunch & sat out in wood. P. read letters evg.

Monday 3 October Heavenly day, warm. Walked morning with Dora to Tarrington. After lunch sat out until tea. Mr & Mrs Hunter & Mr King came for short time. Played game with red balls evg. We won by 26 points.

Tuesday 4 October Fine, much colder & v. windy. Mrs Hunter & D. to Tarrington. I to Stoke Edith post office for stamps & walk & read. 23½ brace partridges, 36 pheasants, 1 hare. Game billiards evg, our side lost.



Wednesday 5 October Dull, warm. Walked garden morg. Drove with D. & Mrs Hunter to Hereford. Rained. Bought cotton for crochet. Awful indigestion coming home, had to lie down until dinner. Letter fr. Maud beg’g me to go to Bedstone Saty to join Lin, have written Midge.

Thursday 6 October Morg walked with D. & Mrs Hunter thro’ wood. Drove after lunch to Col. Bourne’s, out. Same games after dinner.

Friday 7 October Mr & Mrs Hunter left 11.20. D. & self to post office & garden, rained hard. Fine after lunch, sat & worked. Wire fr. Midge, go tomorrow back to Bedstone. Dr. (blank) & Cap. (blank) called & had tea. D. looking v. white & rather tired.

Saturday 8 October Fees 12/6, fare & porters 8/-. Left Stoke Edith 10.30. Most tiresome journey. Met K.D’s at Craven Arms & came on with them arriving Hopton Heath 3.46. Bitterly cold. Midge with bad cold. Lost 3/- to H. at Bridge. To bed 11.15.

Sunday 9 October Mrs K. Davies, Ham & self to Church & walk after. Midge’s cold heavy. She & I sat in drawing room after luncheon. Mr K.D, H, & Mrs K.D. for long walk. Quiet day & talk.

Monday 10 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin arrived & met the shooters at luncheon, 6 guns. Ham, Mr Evelyn, Col. Kennedy, Mr Green, Green Price, K. Davies. Fine after luncheon. Mrs K.Davies, Midge & self walked to Heath House. Mrs Kennedy & Mrs Evelyn arrived for tea. Party of 11 dinner. V. jolly party. Bridge & billiards evg. Tuesday 11 October Mrs Kennedy asked me to go on & stay with them, returning with them. Lovely day. Mr Evelyn left at 11 AM. Midge, Mr Kennedy, Mrs K. Davies & self walked to Heath Farm & had lunch with the shooters. Heavenly day. Had luncheon laid out behind a hayrick, burning sun. Most delightful lunch. Midge & Mrs K.D. walked with shooters after. Mrs Kennedy & self came back & saw garden. Tea, talk. Mr Evelyn left after tea. Late to bed, packed.

Wednesday 12 October Lin & self left Bedstone Court 10 o’c AM on break with the guns. Ham, Mr Green Price, Col. Kennedy & Mr K. Davies. Drop’d them at Heath House. Train thro’ to Euston. Fine morg.

Thursday 13 October Edgar & Sophy arrived in England after a year’s travel abroad & around the world. Out morg. shop’g. After lunch to 15 Old Cavendish St, Edgar & Sophy arrive tomorrow fr. New York. Vy tired. Lin & self to dinner alone. Game fr. Hamilton Langley. Roy dined out.

Friday 14 October Lovely morg. Edgar & Sophy arrive. Went at 3.30 by omnibus to 15 Old Cavendish St. Saw Edgar, looks well, & Sophy v. well. Drove with him to Locks & then on to Fanny Barker at Garlands Hotel, Suffolk St. Had tea there. Alice & Mary


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Carter there & 3 other ladies. Cost 1/- ! return on om. Roy, Lin & self dined at 9.30. Find dear Roy so dreadfully noisy & unrestful.

Saturday 15 October Lovely morg. Roy dines at Carlton with Fanny Barker. Mistake, Roy dined at home.

Sunday 16 October Edgar & Sophy lunched here 1.30. S. left after luncheon, Edgar remained until 7 o’c. Looks vy ill, so thin & grey looking. Spencer & Hilda came to tea. Mr Paxton called. Roy dined out & lunched out. Lin & self went for walk morg.

Monday 17 October Wet. Hilda was to have gone with me at 10.30 to Sloane St, wired could not come. In all day. Roy dined with Fanny Barker at Carlton, 14, & to “Woman without a smile” after. Lin & self to see “His Majesty my husband”, vy amusing. Cab there & back. Tuesday 18 October Out morg. to Bank & Harrods toys 8/6. Met Mrs Geiger & Mrs Spofforth. Left B.A Pacific letter about changing allotment letter etc for my 2 £10 shares in Ord. for certificate. They promised to see to it having allotment letter & calls. Sat with Lin all afternoon & read. Mrs Stone came, did not see her. Lin, Roy & self in to dinner.

Wednesday 19 October To Mrs Probyn dressmaker morg. about velvetine bodice. Sat with Lin afternoon, read. Roy dined with Mr Sterne. Emma out. Letter fr. darling Maud not vy happy I fear at Bedstone, overtired walking.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 20 October Lunch at 1 o’c with Edgar & Sophy. Went by om, excellent lunch. Cheese omelette, roast pheasant, braised celery & coffee at Paginis. Sophy also who left earlier. Edgar & I sat on & then walked to Piccadilly when he saw me into an om. Paid Mirette, Sloane St, £10.10.0. for white satin dress. Wedding day, 30 years! Champagne. Roy home for dinner. He called on Fanny Barker & Edgar, both in. Kept his cab!

Friday 21 October Roy lost £50 in American deal. To dress maker early, velvetine blouse fitted. Vy seedy with trying Mrs Beale’s cure, so far no good. Gompels about ill fitting jacket. In all afternoon. Lin not finished until 10.15. Roy depressed, wish he had more pluck & energy, seems to hopelessly rely on others always instead of on himself.

Saturday 22 October Lin out morg. met young Bergne. To be fitted morg. Lin to work all day again & until Wednesday!!! Maud & Lennie return to Balcombe fr. Bedstone Court. Sat with Lin & read after lunch. Lady Flowers called, did not see her. Also went morg. about housemaid Madame Romertis(?). Roy vy odd evg, must have had too much. Nearly maddened me & felt vy unhappy & worried.

Sunday 23 October Dull & wet. Headache from worry, & bad night. Roy seems better & more reasonable this morg. Lin hard at work on Xmas drawing. Lin & self for walk.

Monday 24 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mended entire morg. Felt vy seedy indeed & remained in all day. Roy depressed again over losses. Wish he had more energy. Tuesday 25 October Maudie & Nonie called & had lunch here. Nonie as good as gold, Maudie looks vy well. Out early to Westbourne Grove about maids. One called evg. from 9 Talbot Rd, Mrs V’s french girl. Roy dined with Mr Yorke & to Bouchiers theatre after, our box. Great commotion about Baltic fleet firing on our Hull fishermen. Sir J. Aird wrote for Lin’s drawing this week.

Wednesday 26 October Miss Venning’s wedding. Out morg. to Bank & Harrods. 2 prs gloves 5/11. Dressing gown 29/6. Hat £1.1.0. Rags v. dirty in morg room on sofa & had been rolling, filthy dog. Darling Maud & Nonie came after wedding looking sweet. Roy out to dinner, Great commotion his hat! & dirty dog! Lin finished Xmas drawing. Papers full of Baltic fleet’s outrage on fishing.

Thursday 27 October Engaged M. Perrot from today at 6/- a week. Gt. excitement about Russian Baltic fleet. Packed morg. Saw french maid Marie Perrot who seemed to think she could do work. Settled to take her if character suitable. Met darling Maud Nonie & Nurse F. at Vic Sta. Comfortable journey & Lennie & Maud seem vy well. Baby Oliver much grown, vy sweet, image of Lennie. Little Anne v. sweet & so fair. To bed early.

Friday 28 October Lovely morg. Slept well. Wrote letters. Sat on verandah after luncheon so warm, & read. Walked round garden with Maudie, gathered violets for Edgar. Lennie


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 lively & well evg. Still no answer fr. Russia about Baltic fleet, our men being called up.

Saturday 29 October Lovely day. Political aspect better. Lin arriving by 4.30. Lennie shooting with Mr Lester Reed. Lady to see Mad’lle. Wrote after housemaids, 3, have written for character French one. Lin arrived, Maud & self met him after calling first on Mr Tate & Mrs Faure-Walker, both in.

Sunday 30 October To church with Nonie, Lennie & Maud. Long service. Saw Tates, Fitzroys, FaureWalkers, Mr & Mrs Speer, Mr & Mrs Booth. A Mr (blank) came & looked over house. Lennie to Nymans. Maud & self went after lunch & had tea there, leaving Lin alone here. Mrs M. in bed vy seedy. Mr Loring & Muriel there.

Monday 31 October Dull & wet. Wrote to engage Marie Perrot as character fairly satisfactory. X. Wrote Evelyn Bergne about Mexican stocks. X. Lin wrote & had quiet day. Maud & self to Mrs Messel’s, not allowed to see her altho’ better.

Nov 1904 Tuesday 1 November Lennie & Lin shooting at Glovers with Mr Ladenburg, one ather gun. Miss L & Miss Lindo there. Got 50 head of game to 4 guns. Maudie & self to Mrs Messel’s, not so well. Saw Mr Messel. Still bothered with these tiresome boils & indigestion.

Wednesday 2 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saw Lin off at Sta. Hurry & forgot for ticket! dear thing. Met Marie & young Vaughan Morgan going up & Canon Meade. Lennie shooting at Mrs Campbell’s.

Thursday 3 November M.P. 6/- from today. To Nymans with Maudie in brougham. Met Mrs Sington. I walked part of way home. Mrs Messel better. Drove at 3 with Maudie to call Mrs (blank) & to tea after with Mrs Rowe, saw lovely old lace. Lennie late vy tired, looked at “Nitsukas” Jap. buttons after dinner. Lennie gave me one. Wrote to Mr Birks about altering stocks.

Friday 4 November X. P. & O. Certificate. X. Dull. Wrote morg. Sent Mr Richardson for P. & O. certificate to be sold by Mr Birks for (blank) & buy 200 City of Mexico 5% Bonds at (blank) & 300 Port of Buenos Ayres Bonds at (blank). Unable to sell P. & O.

Saturday 5 November ? Balcombe return ? Remained at Balcombe. Cap & Hilda Gibbs, Mr Parker arrived. Nonie & Miss Meads for bonfire & fireworks. Maudie’s cold very heavy. Lin came down with bad cold.

Sunday 6 November Wrote morg. in Lin’s room. Cap’t G. & Hilda & Nonie to Church. Walked before luncheon with Maud. Mr Parker, Cap’t Gibbs, Lennie & Hilda to Nymans at 2.45. Maudie’s cold bad, in bed to breakfast. Mr Welch Thornton came about 7 o’c. Mrs Messel better & down to tea.

Monday 7 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lennie’s shoot. Pouring wet day. Mr Parker, Cap’t Gibbs, Mr Welch Thornton, Lin & Lennie & Mr Whittaker. They got 120 duck, 18 pheasants & 3 rabbits, v. good. Hilda went over to Nymans for the day. Mrs Messel better. Maudie’s cold better. Mrs Hayworth Booth & her little boys to tea, amusing. Wrote french housemaid.

Tuesday 8 November Mrs Rooth at home 3 - 6.30. Postponed till 15 th. Lennie had to remain in London night, slept at Harold’s on account of American election! Roosefelt re-elected. Mr Brough arrived. Lin, Maud & self only. Very amusing man & very like Geoff Conrad. Met Maud years ago at the Nicols, also knows Mr Blair. Lin & self for walk to Mill. Saw little lady working in her garden. Roosefelt re-elected.

Wednesday 9 November Wet & gusty. Lin went up by 2nd train. After lunch Maud, Mr Brough & self went for walk to the Mill, quite warm tho’ heavy & dull. Saw little Mill lady working in her garden in white smock & cap. Went over cottage. V. clever interesting woman, her chicks to tea here. Lennie returned. Made me £8 by spec in Vickers Maxim. All morg. arranging Maud’s position for portrait, she looked sweet & Mr B. seems charmed with his subject.

Thursday 10 November X. £400 B.A. Gt. Southern. Marie Perrot enters my service £20 a year. Je ne sais pas qu’elle viendera, point de (illeg)! Lovely day. Letter fr. Marie Perrot saying she w’d be at Stafford Terrace Monday at 2 o’c. Letter & wire fr. Mr Allen allotting me £400 B.A.Gt. Southern 4% debs new issue £500,000. Sent him cheque for £20. X. Maud & self to Mrs Worsley’s at home. Maud sat all morg to Mr Brough for her portrait.



Friday 11 November Fine morg. Maud sitting to Mr Brough for portrait. Florence Walford arriving tonight. Maud & self to Miss Mead’s to learn basket making & fetched F. Walford after & Mad’lle who had been after a place. Pleasant evening.

Saturday 12 November Lovely day. Maud sat all morg for her portrait, F. & self with her alternately. Lin arrived first train & shot with Lennie at Nymans. Over 168 head of game but no champagne at dinner!!! Odd of Lennie. Darling v. worried as cook sent up wretched dinner. Maudie, Mr B, F.W. & self for walk. Lennie v. pleased with picture. Lin fell when shooting & felt the shock rather evg. Otley came down by night train. V. pleasant evg, Mr B. distinctly an acquisition here, so clever & appreciative. Sunday 13 November Lovely day. To Church with F. Walford & Maud & Nonie boy. Lennie, Lin & Mr Brough to Nymans morg in car, back to lunch. Maudie rested & F. after lunch. I packed. Lennie & Mr Brough went for walk. Find latter a great acquisition at table, so lively.

Monday 14 November M Perrot comes today, £20. Lin & self return home together by 4 train. Lovely day. Lennie beginning to feel strain of going up & down.

Tuesday 15 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Lockyer’s dinner 7.45. Fog early. Fine & sunny later. Showed new maid a little about. Deadly dull dinner, 14. Saw coloured photos after. Sir W. & Lady Ramsey, P. Blair’s cousin, there. Walked home.

Wednesday 16 November Mrs Toulmin 4 - 7, 5 Stanley Crescent, W. Miss Gill came to lunch & tea. I went early to see cooks for Maud. Saw one I like, 7 yrs character, E. Salmon, 21 Ashley Gardens, fr. Mrs Marshall’s. Roy in at 8.30 to dinner! Too bad.

Thursday 17 November Fog. Arranged blouses etc morg. No room to move anywhere. In all morg. Wrote. Rested until 3 after luncheon & went for walk to call on Mrs Beale, out. Barkers chocolate. Troops, Lancers, returning fr. procession, King & Queen of Portugal. Midge dined with Roy & self alone, taught us new game cards.

Friday 18 November Lunch Fanny Nembhard 1.30. By omnibus. Lady in om recom. cook, took name & address. Saw groom ill treating beautiful blue roan mare. Took name & address, Harley House. Gen. Black & Donna Linda at Nembhards. Showed them new single bridge game, & Fanny left me at 15 U.P. St. Edgar gone. Quiet evg. Roy in. Lin dined ¼ to 10 o’c.

Saturday 19 November Out shops morg. Lin lunched out. Roy went with Mr Stern to Margate on motor, sleeps night there. Lin & self to matinée “Veronique”, dull play, by omnibus. Walked back. Tired. Lin & self alone to dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 20 November Mrs Onslow Ford, 62 Acacia Rd, St Johns Wood, N.W. 3.30. Sir Norman & Lady Lockyer dine here 8 o’c, & Spencer. 74 champagne, old port & 2 other champagne! Walked with Lin morg. saw Silvers & Pepys Cockerell. Mr Paxton & Sp. called. Sp. came to dine, left 11.30! Roy returned 10 o’c P.M. fr. Mr Stern’s, been to Margate.

Monday 21 November Bright cold. 2 letters fr. darling Maud fr. Pyt. Seems to be enjoying herself there. Roy out at 9.15!

Tuesday 22 November Out morg. stores in brougham, bought 1 bot. carb. 1/4 & coffee pot 3/-. Mrs Agnew (Morland) Mrs Sington, darling Maud (just arr. fr. Pyt) & Mrs Adams called. Marie v. lame with sprained ankle, & hear of sores! Lin, Roy & self to dinner. Lin v. tired doing extra drawing.

Wednesday 23 November Bitterly cold frost. Out morg. 11.15. to Bank, took allot. letter & Bankers receipt £20 for £400 B.A.Gt. Southern 4% Debs first call. Dr Orton comes to see Marie & about Lin’s cough. To Seamans, pd. £9.19.6 for fawn voile dress. Orton says neglect & old wounds Marie, uncontageous. Relief. Maudie unable to come & Con never turned up at 6 as he promised. C. Hartree called.

Thursday 24 November Hard frost, fine. Unable to go out roads too slippery. Geoff Blair passed 1 st in exam as Russian interpreter! Walked after luncheon for ½ an hour. Maud &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lennie dining with Tabs at Claridges & went together to see picture at Mr Brough’s studio & had tea there. Roy, Lin & self in to dinner, sat in drawing room.

Friday 25 November V. cold. Thawing. To stores 2 o’c & left cards Sybil Grantham. Out morg. Bitter. Roy Lin & self to dinner 9.30.

Saturday 26 November Lin & self lunch at 2 o’c with the Pirries. Delightful luncheon. Bitterly cold day. Dr O. called morg. to see Lin, giving him tonic. Drove to & fr. Mrs Pirrie’s. Roy to Margate with Mr Stern till tomorrow evg.

Sunday 27 November Mrs Onslow Ford, 62 Acacia Rd, 3.30. Music. Mr & Mrs P. Beale dine here 8 o’c & Mr & Mrs Spielmann. Lin & self for walk morg. Spencer only to tea. Vy pleasant evg. Roy in at 11 o’c P.M. Enjoyed his stay Margate with Mr S. Lin v. seedy upset internally. Monday 28 November Mr Owen Seaman’s dinner 8 o’c. Hans Cresc. Hotel. Out morg. shops. Cold. Only to Kensington. Dr Orton came. Lin must have eaten something to disagree with him, not medicine that upset him Orton says. To stores at 3 o’c. Vy pleasant dinner. Mr & Mrs (blank) Mr Austin Chamberlain, Mrs P. Agnew etc. Vy cold.

Tuesday 29 November Maud to lunch 1.30. Asked Geoff & Florrie Blair to dinner, Lennie & Maud. 7 to dinner. Tufley came & helped. Mrs Fletcher Moulton, Donna Linda, Mrs Gill, Mrs Beale & Hylda came. Heard startling news fr. Lennie! X.



Wednesday 30 November Invitation to Mrs Galbraith fr. today until 5th shooting. Asked Mrs Adlam to tea. Go to Mrs Adlam’s to tea & to Mrs Mackesy’s Burlington /// Florrie Blair to luncheon. Drive to Mrs Adlam’s after & found her most kind & exactly like Maudie’s drawing of her. To Mrs Mackesy’s after v. smart party. Was introduced to Sir R. S/// both he & /////// Dec 1904 Thursday 1 December Mrs Cyril Maude 3 - 6, 26 Cleveland Gds, & Mrs McKenna. Went & enquired for Mrs Harold, called on Maudie, out, & Aunt Linda, out. Mrs Maude, saw Mrs Colefax there, & lady met at Lady Burnand’s. Dull party. Mrs Maude looked v. pretty.

Friday 2 December Mrs Cyril Maude 3 - 6, 26 Cleveland Gds. Lin goes to Sir Charles McLaren. Hilda came 10.30 & went with me to stores. She lunched here after & left at 3.30. Mrs Adlam came to tea & seems disposed to be friendly. Roy out to dinner. Dickie left (after dining at 7o’c) in cart for station.

Saturday 3 December Hylda here morg. Unable to come. I went there, saw Sp. & Ada, dining here with Douglas tomorrow. Called at 4 on Aunt Linda, enquired Mrs Harold, & to Mrs Keith, all unanimous about speedy send off of delinquent. Roy & self to dinner alone. He takes far too much spirits.

Sunday 4 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dull. Roy out to luncheon. Spencer, Ada & Douglas dine here. Sp.comes at 4 & takes me to Onslow Fords, 62 Acacia Rd, & to enquire after Sir John Tenniel. Monday 5 December Nellie Keith dines here. Out three o’c. White here morg. 1/6 only, put chiffon in top of sleeve. Saw dogs fighting Oxford St. Called on Mrs Fritz, Mrs Keene. Pleasant evg. with Nellie, & Roy also in. Maudie to luncheon, arrived in car. Looks vy well. Left in car at 3 o’c. Geoff Blair called.

Tuesday 6 December Mabel Beaumont 3 - 7. Out morg. Raining hard, to dress maker 11 o’c, Barkers, & home. Mended. So wet no one came. Called & saw Florence Blair. Letters fr. Lin seems to be enjoying his visit to McLarens.

Wednesday 7 December Mabel Beaumont 3 - 7. Lin arrives in time for breakfast, travels all night.

Thursday 8 December Lin & self go to Mrs Johnson Ferguson. Left at 8.30. V. comfortable journey to Carlisle. Walked with Lin, saw Cathedral & met Miss Barran. To tea with her where her brother joined us & after Mr & Mrs Newman also going to Springkell, & Mr & Mrs Donner & Mr B. Mr & Mrs Alec F.J. & Miss White making party 14. Talked evg. No games.

Friday 9 December Walked to see shooters in Park, stood with Lin & Miss White. Ladies lunched at House. Talked, rested. Played Bridge with Mr Donner, Mr Ferguson, Miss White, & lost by 214 points. Lovely day, bitterly cold.



Saturday 10 December Percy Oakes’ wedding day. Lovely day, thawing. Went for walk with Miss Needham White & Mrs Newman in Park. Mrs Donner, Mrs Ferguson & Miss Barran to village. Talked after luncheon. Letters fr. Midge & Mr Ryle. Played Bridge after dinner, won by over 300 points. Bed 11.30.

Sunday 11 December Heavenly morg. To Church. Borrowed 6d off Miss Barran, repaid it. V. great draft in Church. Mr F.J. went v. righteous. Walked after luncheon with Mr Ferguson, Lin joined us. Long walk. Rested after. Mr Donner left. 13 to dinner. Talked evg, late to bed.

Monday 12 December Lovely day. Tramped up & down an hour waiting for shooters. Came, rest went on with them. Mrs Donner & self returned & I packed. Luncheon. Finished packing & rested in my room. No bridge after dinner. Alec took me in, v. talkative. Late to bed, but slept.

Tuesday 13 December Leave Springkell. Lovely crisp hard frost & sun. Left at 10 o’c. The Newmans, Barrons, Miss White & Mrs Donner travelled alone, met at Carlisle to shop, had to rush away. Had carriage reserved. Saw Barrans & Newmans who passed us for luncheon. Roy out to dinner. Quiet evg.

Wednesday 14 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 I dine at Mrs Vaughan Morgan’s 7.45 alone. Pouring with rain all day & very dark. Vy bad dinner but vy pleasant evg, large party. Roy dined at home.

Thursday 15 December To stores. Roy dined out. Vy tired shop’g.

Friday 16 December To Marshalls afternoon. Met Dora, Mrs McQuoid & Mrs Watney. Midge & D. at Browns Hotel. Miss White here 2/6. Made silk under bodice only. Roy dined at home.

Saturday 17 December Shops morg. At 2.30 with Lin to see “The Tempest”, Viola Tree as Ariel, charming. Enjoyed it v. much. We drove home together bought fruit 8/-. Roy in, unable to go to Maud’s as intended on account of Barber’s rash! Saw Orton morg. about it. X.

Sunday 18 December Dark & raining hard. Mr & Mrs Onslow Ford to dinner. Roy v. seedy but noisy, rash out on chin. Roy dining Sterne & out to luncheon. Lin vy seedy with horrid indigestion but we both enjoyed seeing the dear little couple. She sang 3 songs delightfully.

Monday 19 December Beastly fog. To be fitted 12 o’c, find her sister to Beerbohm Tree! Wondered why she reminded me of someone. X. Dr O. came to see Lin, seems vy seedy & I was awake 5 times in night with him. He eat no breakfast & only fried sole & milk pud


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & biscuit for luncheon. Midge & Dora dine here. X. Left silver cigar cutter at Mrs Morgans for L. Bradbury.

Tuesday 20 December Out morg. Mrs Spielman, Lady Bergne, Marie Vaughan Morgan & (blank) called.

Wednesday 21 December To be fitted 3 o’c. Dense fog unable to go out all day. Dined 10.20. Lin’s cough less troublesome by vy tired after work the dear. Roy to Mrs Oakes’ dance for Douglas. Maud & L. there.

Thursday 22 December Miss Morgan’s marriage with L. Bradbury, 20 Sussex Mans. Dense fog, vy cold. X. Pd £2.9.6 to Sanitary inspector 45 Vic. St. Otley posted it. To be fitted Mrs Neville.

Friday 23 December Lin & self came to Balcombe by 4.30, train over an hour late, thick fog. Met Lennie, Donna Linda, Mr & Mrs Hohler, came in same train. Great scramble to get dressed. Rather late to bed. Darling Maud looking v. well.

Saturday 24 December We all went over at 3 o’c to Nymans. Took our evening dresses & dressed there. Party of 23 at dinner. Danced after & I sat with Lin & Dr Messel in billiard room. Babies there early & Lennie, Geoff, Florence, Mr Marriott & Mr Hohler to luncheon there. Tree, presents. V. pleasant day, late home 1.30. Roy to Bedstone for Xmas.

Sunday 25 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 To church with little Linley, Florence, Donna Linda, Maud, Lennie, Mr Marriott, Mrs Hohler & Geoff. Maudie gave all most lovely presents, mine moleskin muff & tippet perfectly lovely. Played charades evg. & cobweb American game. Delightful day, not to bed till 1 o’c.

Monday 26 December Maud’s dance. Went for walk morg. with Mrs Hohler. Lennie, Linley, Hohler to Nymans for shooting. Very great success dance, about 55 came. Kept up until 2 o’c. Good music. Maudie looked sweet in cream lace & net dress.

Tuesday 27 December V. cold, damp. In bed till 11.30. Fog walk after luncheon with Mrs Hohler. Met the Shepherd & Mrs Thring. Donna L, Mr H, Geoff & Florence to E. Grinstead in car. Lennie staying at the Hohlers. Roy returns fr. Midge’s, Bedstone Court. Wednesday 28 December Dear Lin went off by 9.30 AM. Florence, Mr G, same train for shop’g for fancy Ball Saty. Mr & Mrs Hohler left by 10.45. Maudie busy doing her dress. Letter fr. Midge. Donna L, Geoff & Nonie to lake to sail boat.

Thursday 29 December Go up by 2.20 fr. Three B. to be with Lin. Bitter pheasant at dinner. Roy out, quiet evening. Geoff drove with me to Three Bridges & came up by 2.20 fr. there.

Friday 10 December Apt. Miss Starling 5 - 6. Gail & rain, bright later. Toujours mécontent en bas. Maison bien sale en haut. Femme de chambre va se marrier.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 31 December Maud’s fancy dress ball. I return Balcombe. Lin goes to Pyt. Fancy dress ball there. Lin left by 2.30 for Pyt. Roy & self to Balcombe by 4.30. Dr O. called to see Lin morg, better. Found Mr Davison, Marriott, F.W, Donna Linda & Geoff Con at Maudie’s. Most successful dance.

Received from 1903 Trust Account Trust account


Private ac.

£412. 7.4

Total received

£610. 2.7

Spent on dress On Hotels, Doctors & travelling Presents Unaccounted

£86. 1.8 72. 5.6 38. 4.1 5. 0.0 £ 221.11.3

Balance 1st January 1904

£ 103 10.0

Received from 1903 Private Account Jan B.A.Pacific ¾ “ “ “ “ Western B. Ayres “ “ Burmah Oil “ “ Chinese “ “ Feb Jamaica “ “ Christiana “ “ Robinson Gold “ “ Gt. Eastern Rly “ “

5. 7 13. 2 1. 5. 2 4. 4. 9 4. 5. 6 4.10.11 4.14. 7 2.15. 3 2.17. 3 1.12.10 1.13. 5 1.17. 6 1.18. 2 4. 4. 4 3.18. 9 2. 4. 6 1.13. 1



March June Sept Nov

Hull & Barnsley Coupe “ “ Midland Rly “ “ Waihi “ “ “ “ “ “

Trust Account 1903 Jan Argentine Gt Western “ “ Cent. Uraguay “ “ Gt Western Brazil “ “ Peebles “ “ Cardoba & Rosario “ “ North Atlantic S.S. “ “ Illinois Cent “ “ Canadian Pacific “ “ Antofagasta “ “ Lehigh Valley “ “ Local Loans Furrell surplus

1.17. 6 2. 2. 3 2. 7.10 8. 1. 5 5.14. 2 4.15. 0 4.15. 0 4.15. 0 4.15. 0 £ 85. 1. 1

18.15. 0 18.15. 0 23. 8. 9 23. 8. 9 28. 2. 6 28. 2. 6 23. 4. 0 23.4. 0 18.15. 0 18. 15.0 21. 1. 11 21. 1.11 19.10. 1 19.10. 1 23.17. 1 23.17. 1 3.15. 8 3.15. 8 21.18. 4 22. 5. 6 1. 4. 2 10. 0. 0 £ 412. 7. 4

Private account 1903 Forward P. & Oriental S.S. “ “ Harrods Furness Rly “ “ Glasgow & S.West “ “ City & B.Ayres Trams “ “ Buenos Ayres Gt S. “ “ B.A.Rosario Rly “ “

85. 1. 1 8. 4. 1 8. 6. 6 16. 5 1.12.10 1. 1. 3 2.13. 2 2. 4.10 1. 0. 0 1. 0. 0 24.15.11 31. 1. 1 9. 3. 9 14.18.11


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 “ “ Barker Extra B.A.Pacific Cordoba & Rosario

Trust Private Total

4. 4. 4 1. 9 16.11 13. 3 £ 197.15. 3

£ 412. 7. 4 £ 197.15. 3 £ 610. 2. 7

Private account contains 22 different stock investments, too many for so small a sum. Trust Account 1904 Jany July Jany July Jan June April

Argentine Gt W. 19. 1. 8 “ “ 19. 0.10 Antofagusta 3.16. 4 “ “ 3.16. 3 Central Uraguay 23.17. 1 “ “ 23.16. 0 Local Loans 3. 5 “ “ 3. 5 Brit. N. Atlantic 21. 9. 4 “ “ 21. 7. 6 Illinois Central 19. 8.11 “ “ 19. 9.11 March Cordoba Rosario 19. 1. 8 “ “ 19. 0. 0 June Canadian & Pacific 23.15. 0 Dec “ “ 23.16. 0 July Peebles 23.12. 4 “ “ 23.11. 4 June Lehigh Valley 21.17. 0 “ “ 21.16. 5 Feby Gt. Western Brazil 28.16. 5 “ “ 28.12. 6 Aug “ “ 28.11. 3 £ 409. 9. 7 Private Account 1904 Balance fr. 1903 Jany April

Buenos Ayres Rosario “ “ “ “ Deb “ “ B.A. Western “ “ B.A.Pacific “ “

£ 103.10. 0 1.18. 2 17.18. 9 1.18.11 16. 9. 5 4. 6. 3 4. 6. 1 5. 4 3. 5



“ “ Pacific “ “ “ “ Jany Wirral Railway July “ “ Jany Cordoba Cent June “ “ Jany Burmah Oil July “ “ Jamaica July “ “ Coupe “ “ March “ “ July Chinese “ “ Feby Christiana August “ “ Feby Robinson August “ “ Gt. Eastern “ “

13. 4 10. 3 13. 4 8. 6 1.18. 1 1.18. 0 1.18. 2 1.18. 1 4.15. 5 4.14..4 1.13. 3 1.13. 3 2. 8. 8 2.11.0 2. 8. 8 2.17. 0 2.17. 3 1.18. 2 1.18. 0 3.18. 9 4. 5. 6 4.10. 8 1.13. 3 £ 98.17. 6

Private Account 1904 Forward

£ 98.17. 6


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1905 Notes on front pages of Diary: Store ticket 124473 Mrs Biancardi, Valletta, Malta. Read, our old housemaid: Mrs Thorpe, 6 Ranelagh Rd, Pimlico S.W. Miss Breyson (Cairo) 5 Torrington Sqre, W.C. Florence Walford, Woodside, Whitchurch, Herefordshire. Geoff Conrad, The Camp, Eastbourne. Spencer, The Ravenscraig, Nr Conway, N. Wales. Emily Fraser La Dorita, Estacion Carlos, Cesares, Buenos Ayres. Mrs Hartley (illeg) Mayfield, Kings Rd, Clapham Pk Mrs du Maurier 2 L. Portman Mans. Herbert Furrell, 23 Princes Sqre, Bayswater. Girl, 25 Campden Sqre Mr Gath (illeg) Barrhill Mrs Kemp, Girls Friendly Society, Cambridge. Madame Ringot, 11 Rue Mulhouse, Paris Mrs Hohler’s place for cheap smart underlinen. Mrs Biggs, Mrs Beale’s char woman, 2 Bulman Terrace, Notting Hill Gate. Spencer’s champagne: Theophile Rocdeger 1893 or 95, 48/- doz, Shoolbreds. Olivette, Davis St, Berkeley Sqre Mrs Jones (eggs) Blatches, Little Cowfield, Dunmow, Essex Mrs Hart, Orchard Laundry, Rothschild Road, Acton Green H.Furrell, Swiss Bank Verein, 45 Lothbury, London E.C. Mrs W. Onslow Ford, 55 Clifton Hill, St John’s Wood, N.W. Mrs Toulmin (Stockdale) 5 Stanley Crescent, W. Katie Speed (Mrs Ambrose Parsons) Said House, Chiswick Mall, W. Mrs Beale’s char: Mrs Biggs, 2 Bulman Terrace, Notting Hill Gate Mrs Joachim, 14 Albert Hall Mans Col Lucas, Easton Park, Wickham Market, Norfolk Mrs Howlden, Park Grange, Sheffield. Herbert Furrell, 328 Green Lanes, Finsbury Pk, N. Mervyn: National Bk of New Zealand, Grey St, Wellington, New Zealand. The Esplanade Hotel, Paignton Mrs Lowey (late Mrs Colin Woodville) The Lodge, Chalk Hill, Bushey Dr Hommel’s Haematogen, Allen & Hanbury, Plough Court, Lombard St, London. 2/9 in original bottle Mrs Pym, Foxwold, Braysted, Kent Florence Walford, The Brackens, Symonds Yat, Herefordshire Miss Bret Harte, 23 York Place, Baker St H. Brodie Esqre, aaShrubhurst, Oxted Spencer, The Ravenscraig, W. Conway, N. Wales Alice Linley, Grosvenor Hotel Buxton Miss Bret Harte 23 York Place, Baker St Lin’s soap: Coarse white Castile soap To draw £80.15. 8, July 22nd Messrs Logan Rc’d, Cathedral Dairy, Eastgate, Exeter. 1/5¾ lb tin. Miss Cussans, 4 Cromwell Avenue, Highgate Mrs Alt, 3 Airlie Gds


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dossie Noott, 8 Kensington Pk Rd, W.Stores cream cheeses Clynde Dairy 1/2 & 7d, excellent 124473 Store Ticket Tabbie, S.Y. Joyeuse, Castletown R.Y.S. Portland Alice Turner, Matron, 1 Villa Hospital, Horton Asylum, Epsom Olive Shakespeare, 12 Brunswick Gds, Kensington Florence Howlden, Park Grange, Sheffield Xmas purchases 1905 Edie: tweed dress 10/3 2 angel toped box & pin cushion 4/3 2 pen trays 1/7, Almanack pad 2/9 Penwiper silver 5/9 frame 13/9 Cheque for these £1.18.4 pd 24th Nov Friday 1st Dec, Stores: 3 books 16/4½, Dress 10/-. W. muffler in seals 13/1½, Pen wiper 2/-, notepaper 1/8, 3 needle books 1/10½. Total £ 2.5.3½ Jan 1905 Sunday 1 January Lovely morg. All to Church ex. Roy, Mr Davison & self. Walk with F.W. before luncheon. To Nymans in car & cart. Tea there. V. cold. Mrs Messel not looking well. Ruth & Mr P, Hilda & Cap. Gibbs & Miss (blank) at Nymans. We took Nonie boy with us. Harold also at Nymans. Wrote letters morg. Monday 2 January Lovely day. We danced after dinner. Gave Roy £1.1.6 for his & my fare here. Lin shooting with Hamilton F. Large house party there, 10 young couples. Feel unhappy about Roy, he looks v. seedy & won’t take any care of himself & is so reserved & undemonstrative. Wish he was more like darling Maud. Tuesday 3 January Lin returned fr. Pyt. Tiresome these ridiculously short visits, not worth the expense. All Pyt party to Salisbury ball. Roy went after leaving here early & to Stock Exchange. To Salisbury to join Tabs party again not worth it. All party here to ball at Mrs Cruikshank’s East Grinstead, & I to bed early by 11! Danced after dinner last night. Wednesday 4 January Lovely day. All late after last night’s Ball Mrs Cruikshank’s. Went for walk with Geoff, Donna Linda & Florence. Mr Marriott left after lunch. Sent wire to Lin for his birthday. Went for walk after lunch with Maud, Lennie, Donna L & Geoff to Mill lady, out, but saw house & garden. Lennie charmed with furniture. Roy ret’d fr. Salisbury. Mrs Messel & Mrs Gibson called. Thursday 5 January Mrs Mountbatten’s at home 4 o’c. Came to Staf. Ter. fr. Balcombe by 12.13. Fine but heavy rain early. Found Lin vy busy so called at 3.30 on Ada Sp. Found her & Hylda looking vy smart awaiting Ball guests. Return calls to Mrs Harold’s, to enquire only. Sat with Lin & read on return. Roy transformed, dined with us & went to Lady Critchell’s dance after. Find house vy dusty, Marie absolutely no good in cleaning, does not see dust. Friday 6 January Vy wet morg. Out at 2.30 in brougham to Stores, Harrods & Barkers. Read to Lin. Roy in to dinner at 10.15. Feel as tired as if I had done work myself. Roy wonderfully better, less morose. Think Maud must have spoken to him. Saturday 7 January Miss Sutton’s marriage with Mr Dennis, 2.30 St Mary Abbots. Bright sunny morg. Lin & self to Balcombe 4.30, Roy remaining in town alone. Signor Gardia arrived


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Balcombe with us, Italian attaché. Very pleasant young man, seeems to know a lot about investments. Found all well, Maudie a little tired. Played charades after dinner, word “Concert”. Bed 11.30. Geoff & Fitzroy here. Sunday 8 January Lovely day, warmer. Lin & self for walk before luncheon. All to Church except selves, Lennie & Cavaliere. After lunch we all walked thro’ red road when Maudie & & I returned, rest went on. Mr & Mrs Hayworth Booth to tea, great on diet. All in fancy dress except self at dinner, charades after excellent. Word “Mil”, Maudie Geoff & Lennie. Monday 9 January Lin returns fr. Balcombe & gos to Col Lucas Easton Park until Friday. Signor Gardia goes with him. Tuesday 10 January Geoff & Donna Linda left. Canon Mead came to dinner. Maud & self made calls. Wednesday 11 January Mrs Messel & Miss Loring came over in the morg. & fetched Fitzroy who slept at Nymans for the dance tonight. Walked with Florence. Geoff ret’d fr. Worthing & Mr Gordon Leith came for night. He Lennie & Geoff in cart to Nymans. I went to bed early. Thursday 12 January Mr W, Stone’s dinner 8 o’c, 26 Albany. Unable to go. Lovely day. Mr Charles Allen lunched at Maud’s. Lennie had to leave directly after lunch for Hants. Mr Allen vy nice man, interesting & knows India well. Maud & self left little Linley with Edith at Mrs L’s & called after on Lady Loder, no, large party at Mrs Stephenson Clark’s, Xmas Tree dancing etc. Vy large house built 1602. Danced evg till 11.20 Nurse F. played. Maud very funny mimiced Mrs Gordon Leith & Mrs Hohler’s dancing & was as lively as a kitten. Friday 13 January Little Oliver’s birthday. He came to us Maud & self early 8 o’c. Lovely day. Lin ret’s fr. Col. Lucas Easton Pk, Wickham Market Suffolk, home 4 o’c. Maud, Florence & self lunched at Brook House (sic, Borde Hill?) (Mrs Stevenson Clarke’s) went in motor. Murillo, Reysdael, Cuyp, Tenniers, Van Steer, Canalettos etc, beautiful china silver & works of art. To call after on Mrs Cruikshank, Mrs Fletcher’s cousin & vy like Sophy. Lennie arrived middle of dinner fr. Welch Thorntons. I packed & bed 11 o’c. Saturday 14 January Returned home after delightful time at Maud’s by 10.50 train. Geoff, Fitzroy & Maud saw me off. £1.5.6 fees. Lin & self to matinée “Catch of the Season” Seymour Hicks good, vy amusing. Walked to Hyde Pk. Corner. Bought fruit, cream, 4 ferns. Roy in to dinner. Vy cold frost. Quiet evg. Sunday 15 January Lin & self for walk morg. Only Mr Paxton called. Cap’t Grant (12th Lancers) Sir A.G’s son, Spencer & the dear lttle Onslow Fords dined here. Roy in. Three large bottles champaign used & yet Cap G. did not take any. Mrs O.F. told me they were worried about money & how I pity them. Monday 16 January Letter fr. Tabbie to Roy announcing Evie’s engagement to Major Fisher Rowe. She is only 18, he is 37. Lin remarked “Anne is engaged & he is 54 – but three!” At 3 to Mrs Hunt’s saw housemaids, also to enquire registrar. Roy in late to dinner, c’d see Lin annoyed. Had been to see Stern, ill with influenza! Maud & Lennie return fr. Balcombe. Tuesday 17 January Not a soul called. Sat with Lin afternoon. Lennie, Maud & Florence dined here with Roy & Lin. Darling Maud looking a little tired. At 11.15 in carriage to Harrods


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & Barkers & Bank. Find I owe bank £750! Not so cold. Marie out about her certificate this afternoon. Wednesday 18 January Lovely morg. Awake since 4 this morning. Roy worries me terribly, wonder how long my nerves will stand it! Makes me feel quite ill again. Sp. called morg. Four men fr. Harrods about different estimates of work to be done. Thursday 19 January X. Shocking accident on Sheffield Leeds train & Glasgow Scotch Ex. in which Mr Brough was terribly injured. Out 3.30, called Lady Critchett, Mrs Pohl for Roy, Sutton, Mason about maid. Back 6 o’c read to Lin. Roy in for dinner, seems better. Sp. called morning. To see Mrs Palgrave Simpson. Friday 20 January Mrs Palgrave Simpson & Mrs Joachim 4 o’c. Lin wired for news of Mr Brough fr. Sargent. Heard of G.H.Boughton’s sudden death in studio. Sat with Lin morg. In brougham 3.15 to enquire Fritz, away, called Joachim, saw Mrs Simonds, Sington, Sleisinger etc. Miss Lawrence, M. Millais, Maud, Mrs Gibson there. Darling looking v. pale & tired. Home 5 o’c. Read “Cecilia de Noel” to Lin. Splendid drawing! Roy in for dinner 10 o’c! Roy brighter. Saturday 21 January Apt 11 Mrs Neville if dress there. Not there. Lin lunches with Spencer 1 o‘c. Young Bergne dining here at 8 o’c. Lin & self to matinée “Cyngalee”. Lin brought Admiral Keppel to our box. Startling news fr. St. Petersburg. Czar literally a prisoner in Winter Palace. Mob fired on by soldiers 80 killed. Poor young Brough succumbed to his injuries at 5.30 PM today. Feel very sad. Roy in to dinner, 4. Emma & Marie out afternoon & evg. Sunday 22 January Mrs Kendal’s dinner 8 o’c at Carlton Hotel. Walked morg. with Lin fr. Hyde Pk. C. Vy raw cold. Alone we two for luncheon. Anna & George Dietz & Sp. Called. Roy dined at Sp’s, young Pollock there. Dinner of 32! 4 tables of 8 in private room. Alexanders, Cap. Marshall, Heilbutts, etc large theatrical element, A different flower on each table (illeg) violets & each presented with (illeg) of the flower of the table we sat at. I at Mrs Kendall’s next to Sir Bruce Seton & Mr McKenna. Sir A Fripps(?) Mrs Courtney, Weedon Grossmith. Monday 23 January Mr George Boughton interred today 12 o’c. Lady Carbutt 3.30. Unable to go as we go to dress rehearsal of “As You Like It”, Tree’s theatre at 7 o’c. Darling Maud reurnes fr. Balcombe. All vy sad about poor young Brough. Lin has hoarse voice, fear another cold. He does not seem well. Tuesday 24 January First night of “Much Ado” at Tree’s His Majesty’s. Out morg. Conrad came to stay, sent carriage but missed him. Mrs Hohler, Donna Linda, Aunt Linda & 2 girls, Fanny & May Nembhard, Clara Bergheim & niece, Mrs Spofforth & Mrs Gibson called. Roy dined at Mrs Hohler’s & to dance after. Lin, Con & self to dinner. Wednesday 25 January Emma out evg & Marie. Con, Roy & self dine at darling Maud’s. Lennie out. To dressmaker ¼ to 12, Neville. Made few calls with darling Maud who lunched here. Con out & Lin out to luncheon at Club. Called on Mr Evans, Mrs Blair, both in, also Mrs Krabbe, away. Had brougham evg. Roy’s cold v. bad. Mrs Gibson at Maud’s. Thursday 26 January Lin dines at Fishmongers Hall. Mr Brough’s funeral & memorial service. Maud & Lennie went. At 3.30 to Mrs Neville’s, was fitted. Called on Mrs Kendal awful tea! Mrs K. most entertaining. Marshalls. Midge called during my absence, did not know they were in town. They leave tomorrow. Con, Roy & self to dinner. Lin out. Friday 27 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely morg. Roy’s cold still very bad. Went to City but dined out, came in at 11 o’c. Went at 11.30 to see Midge & Ham, Brown’s Hotel. Both wonderfully well & young looking (money & property!!!) To Dr Abraham but c’d not see me. Sat with Lin entire afternoon & vy splendid drawing of Death on Russian Throne. He & Con dined at 10.30. Called on Mrs Fred Kerr morg. Saturday 28 January Lovely morg. Roy’s cold dreadful but he will do nothing to relieve it & is vy noisy, even Con sees how trying he is, does not consider Lin & self one bit in our natural anxiety for his well being. Darling Maud to Balcombe. Out morg. shops & fruitless errand to Mrs Neville’s. Lin & self alone to luncheon. Sunday 29 January Mrs Gibson dining with us 8 o’c. Walked with Lin to Hyde Pk. Corner, he on to Club. Found Roy & Con lunching here on return. Two young Krabbes called, & Evie & Major Fisher-Rowe. He looks older than P. Foley & is rather like Major Parkinson. Roy out to dinner, Evie asked him to dine with them Claridges. Lin looks livery. Mrs Gibson vy handsome. Monday 30 January Dr Abraham 12 o’c. Mrs Neville 11 o’c, £1.1.0. Went by om, carriage met me. Con, Lin & self to luncheon. Con in to lunch, out after. Remained in all afternoon. Lin busy tidying. Japanese success again Shinto. Abrahams given presc. excema again, to try electricity, high pressure. Roy out to dinner. Tuesday 31 January Con alone here to luncheon. Con dinner with Hollands, Roy with Stern. Desirée & Maud to luncheon. Postponed. Con & Roy out to dinner, Lin & self alone. Lin & self off to Tilbury by train 10 o’c to see S.S.Orient we propose going to Marseilles on the (blank) March. Disappointed in her & the cabin selected by Compy. Miles fr. Saloon & Bath, lavatories. Lunched on “Omrah”, bad, & carriage met us Fenchurch St. Lady Carbutt, Lady Weston, Mesdames Gibson, Silver, Zimmerman, Beaumont, Geiger, Schlessinger etc called. Feb 1905 Wednesday 1 February Mrs Armstrong 4.30. To Hippodrome with Lin matinée. Con v. seedy in bed with sciatica morg. but went with us & on to Club with Roy to Garrick for tea & returned with me in brougham. He looks shockingly ill poor boy. We called & saw Mrs Armstrong, had coffee there & met amusing people. Roy dined at Maud’s. Con & self alone here. Marie waited quite nicely. Thursday 2 February Miss White. Put her off. Apt S.Low, 2 Henrietta St, 10.45. Apt 11.30 Mrs Neville. Don’t think much of Dr L. To Nevilles & darling, found her busy altering furniture. Hamilton F, Lennie, Maud to dinner. V. pleasant dinner. Tufley waited. Lin & Con quite lively & Roy also. Maudie looking sweet. Had fearful headache but all went smoothly & dinner excellent. Lin enjoyed evg. Roy left with Stern for Monte Carlo! Friday 3 February Mrs Joachim 3 - 6, 14 Albert H. Mans. H.F. dining & going to theatre with Lennie & M. Mrs Silver’s dinner ¼ to 8. Miss White comes for day, remained all night Con so ill. Sent for Orton, injected morphia & powder presc. for night. Lin vy late 10.30 dinner. Went at 4.30 to see Tabbie looking well in bed. Evie & Major F.R. came in too, Claridges, & darling Maud. Tabs never enquired after Con altho’ I said how ill he looked. Saturday 4 February Florence Tyler comes, has v. short references! Marie Perrot leaves. Private view & Pantomime. Lin & self lunch in town. Lin & self dine at Maud’s. Gave Miss White 5/- most kind sleeping in Con’s room. 2 telegrams 1/1. Con still seems v. ill. Gave


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tufley 3/- for waiting Thurs. Lennie in bad temper dinner, tiresome. Lin & self enjoyed pantomime immensely, forgot all my worries for the time. Sunday 5 February Con looks better but had bad night. Margarith kept his fire in. I went up at 4 to see him. Walked with Lin to Hyde Pk. Corner, he on to Club. F. Walford lunched & had tea with me, sat with Con. Mr Paxton called stayed ages. Mr & Mrs Wirgman & Arthur Linley dined here, deadly dull evg! Con in bed all day. Monday 6 February Lin to see sculptor with Lennie. I went with him & Lennie met there 6 o’c, Mr Wood. Went first with H to Jacobs dressmaker, called Mrs E. Pollock, in, left H. Marylebone Rd, & fetched Lin. Feel worried to death with coming & going. H. Furrell arrived at breakfast time! Had not received my letter putting him off. Con still in bed vy seedy. Tuesday 7 February Ap’t Dr Low 11 o’c. Desirée Welby to luncheon. Unable to come. Maud came, H. Furrell here also. To doctor 2nd time by om, carriage fetched me. Con still in bed all day but seems better. H.F. to see Lennie 4 o’c. Lin dined out, Boz dinner. Schomberg McDonnell his guest. Mrs Colefax, Mrs Joachim & Mrs Wallace called. H.F. & self alone to dinner. Wednesday 9 February Mrs Fletcher Moulton’s luncheon, not tomorrow, 1.30. H.F. morg to see Fritz, at 4 to see Lennie. Lin also out to luncheon. Con & H.F. in. Con down, looks vy seedy. Hen party at Mrs F.M’s. Sat next to her mother Mrs Davis vy charming woman. Called after on Mrs Dent, Welby, in, met Lady Boyle here. Fritz came to see Con, promised to advance money. (copied from next day) Sat with Con & Herbert evg, dead tired, fell asleep sofa morg. Room. Fritz came saw Con & promised to advance money. Thursday 9 February Lin in cart to Westminster. I by om to Dr Low morg. Herbert & Con to town together. Con back to luncheon & left at 20 to 4 for Worthing. Sent little Anne book for birthday fr. Bumpus. Dined 8.15 Lin vy tired. Friday 10 February Fine.At 2.30 to Queen’s hall with H.F, c’d get no places. To Albert Hall. Heard neurotic exhortation by Mr McNeil on religion (much good & much humourous & much weak & fanatic!) Hope good may come of it. The Hall crowded & vy many men. Sat with Lin after, he seemed nervous & tired has cold & hoarseness. Dined 10.20. Saw darling Maud who looked tired. Saturday 11 February Lovely morg. Shops morg, met Alice Maud’s old housemaid. Seems vy seedy & unhappy, unable to settle anywhere. Lin, Herbert & self to Palace matinée, delightful entertainment. Quiet evg alone & dear Lin rested. Darling Maud sent flowers by Florence. Sunday 12 February Asked Cap. & Mrs Adrian Jones to dinner & young S.Mackinlay. V. rough young man & not over clean in appearance. Walked to Sp’s with H.F. Met Lady Hickman, Col & Mrs French, who went with us as far as Derwent Lodge. Ada in bed with gout, Sp. only just up 12.45! Lin for motor ride with Lennie & Maud, out to lunch. Waiting bad at dinner, tumblers not up etc. Monday 13 February To see Mrs Saunton Collins, 108 Westbourne Terrace about Dora & nurse. To City to see Mr Birks about Jamaica Transfer & left City of Buenos Ayres paper & 3 certificates to be transferred to the new shares. Hope rising!!! Mr Birks seedy, & young Bergne away. Tuesday 14 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mr Guthrie dines with us. To doctor with Herbert morg, felt cold & tired. To Jacobs dressmaker after. Hylda & Ethel C. Herapath, Mrs Keen, Maudie, Florence & Mrs Beale came. We took Mr G. & Herbert Furrell to see “Henry IV”, L. Waller, after dinner. Vy good but felt so bad, hot & cold & so tired. Nearly fell asleep at theatre. Dear William Nembhard v. ill. Wednesday 15 February Mrs Jacobs 11.30. In bed all day, gastric liver attack. Feel horribly seedy. Darling Maud came & arranged some lovely flowers. Herbert Furrell left at 4 o’c great relief to be alone again. Saw him in my room before he left, glad we were able to have him. Margarith out. Thursday 16 February In bed all day feel v. seedy indeed, gastric or liver attack. Darling came & brought lovely flowers. Looks so white & thin, not nearly so well as when at Balcombe. X. Gen Nembhard vy ill. Lin bothered with work, another paper has his subject already published. X. Friday 17 February Got up at 11 o’c, drove at 12.15 to enquire for General Nembhard. He passed peacefully away at 7.30 this morning. X. Left 9 prs of gloves Johnsons to be cleaned. Darling Maud came to tea & stayed some time with me. Seems worried the darling. Lin dined 10.30. Sat with him until 11.15 PM. Saturday 18 February Florence came with more lovely flowers from my darling. In bed to breakfast. Lin & self to Matinée “The Lady of Leeds”, Cap. Marshall’s play. Very amusing but not up to his usual high standard. Saw Mr Marriott & Mrs Simpson there. Felt the strange feverish feeling again in theatre. Quiet evg at home alone. Sunday 19 February Lennie & Maud dine here alone. Lin took me for short walk over Notting Hill. Sp. & Hilda came morg, stayed some time. Lin lunched at Club, I alone here. No one called. Had cozy little evg. with Maudie & Lennie. Maudie v. tired, they had motored to & fr. Balcombe, wind v. cold. Babies well. Monday 20 February Lodged 3 securities at Bank, saw Mr Richardson morg. H. Furrell to luncheon 1.30. Went at 3 with him to choose wreath 10/6. Took it to Devonshire place. To tea with Mrs Tweedie, took H. in. Many there, Lady Critchett & dau, Mackinley etc, & to darling’s. Saw Geoff there who came on to me after. He dined at Maud’s. Lin & self quiet evg alone. Tuesday 21 February Out morg to Doctor Low, & dressmaker. Harrods, ordered 12 new serviettes. Maudie, Mrs Rooth, Lady Bergne, Mrs Evans & F.Walford only came. Quiet little evg alone with Lin. Wednesday 22 February Florence Walford & H. Furrell to dinner. Tyler out. Lin out to lunch. He is so vexed with himself having forgotten an important dinner. To stores 2.30, v. late back, ¼ to 6. Vy tired. Herbert stayed till 11.30, tiresome. V. cold. H. has appointment at Swiss Bank thro’Lennie & is to receive £130 a year. Thursday 23 February Lin & self dine at Mr Spielmann 8 o’c. Emma & Margarith to Pantomime. By bus to Dr Low, cold & rain. Met Mrs Finlay. Toupée, saw hats, none do. Friday 24 February Miss White comes for day £1.13.6. To be fitted 12 o’c Jacobs morg & to stores after. Lin dined at 10.30 again. Miss White absolutely useless, did nothing. Letter fr. dear Roy. Saturday 25 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Out morg. Shops. To bank, only £50 to my credit. Received cheque fr. Lennie evg £65.11.6. Delightful comes just in the nick of time! Went with Dickie 2.30 to Palace. Vy good performance, monkeys, ponies & vy pretty ballet. Quiet evg, darling sent flowers. Sunday 26 February Very wet unable to go out. Mr Cole, Mr Ryde, Tabs, Lennie & Maudie to dinner. Very lively cheerful little evg, Lin enjoyed it. Arthur Linley & Florence Blair called. Lin lunched at his club. He fell on ladder floor too slippery, am thankful he did not hurt himself. Monday 27 February Miss Gill coming for day. Worked. Drove Miss G. to Uxbridge Rd, then shop’d. See nothing I like anywhere. Tuesday 28 February Out morg to be fitted Jacob. Darling to luncheon & brought lovely flowers. Only Mrs Wirgmann & Mrs French called. Dossie Noot engaged. Mar 1905 Wednesday 1 March Vy cold. Out 12.30 shops, Harrods, Lady’s Shirt compy. Margarith out. Busy seeing to things to take, worked all afternoon & evg. Not much to show. Thursday 2 march X. B.A. Pacific. X. Cold & dark, snowy feeling. Out morg. X. Pd £19.10.0 to L & Joint Stock Bk for 2 allotted £10 ord B.A. Pacific shrs fully pd less 2%. To be fitted Jacob. Unable to get travelling coat, to Marshalls saw one I liked, £9.9.0. Left linen skirt Gompels. Quiet evg. Friday 3 March V. cold, fine. Lin vy late 10.30. To be fitted. Saturday 4 March Toula coming. To see Veronique with Lin, splendid, house full. Roy to Sandown with Stern, & out to dinner. Sunday 5 March Lin to Club for lunch. Roy out for lunch. Lennie & Maud her for dinner. Mrs O. Ford called only. Packed with Toula. Monday 6 March Packed. Out morg with Toula, & at 5 to Harrods & to C. Hartree’s, in, & very well & full of stories! Quiet evg Lin, Roy, Toula, self. Roy depressed after 1st day again on S.E. Tuesday 7 March Packed all morg with Toula. Maudie & F.W. came & Mrs Holland & Ethel English. Toula to see Midge, Browns Hotel. Lin, Roy, Toula & self to dine at Maud’s. Wednesday 8 March Midge came to tea 5 o’c. Sent cheque for B.A. Pacific, allotted 2 shares in Ordinary of £10 each. Sent, & have receipts. Toula & self alone to dinner. Emma out. Tyler rather muddled waiting. Margarith cooked. Awful indigestion both Toula & self. Something in soup think it must have been. Thursday 9 March Mrs Finlay 4 o’c. Out morg & again at 3 o’c to take 2 receipts of £10 each in B.A. Pacific Rly ordinary shares fully paid. Entered in my list of securities in safe in my bedroom. To Peter Robinsons. Called on Maud, out. Sat with Lin. Dined at ¼ to 9 o’c. Roy spoke to Lennie about the loan of £600 & is going to settle it tomorrow. Friday 10 March Toula & self out at 10.30 shopping. & after to R. Academy to see Watts’ beautiful pictures. Saw Mrs H. Dickens, Mrs Fritz Jackson, & Winnie Lockyer there also. Went & returned by omnibus. Toula after out for afternoon. Roy dining at Lennie’s


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & has the carriage. Toula having cold chicken with me at 8 o’c, Lin late. Roy out to dinner. Saturday 11 March Mrs Sutton 4 - 7. Out shop. Morg. To matinée v. wet “The Orchid” box. Toula & self in carriage & Lin joined us later. Toula walked home, Lin to Club, I to Mrs Suttons. Lady D. Hartland’s 4 - 7, unable to go, wrote. Quiet evg. Roy to Maud & supper out. Sunday 12 March Lin to Club. Roy out all day. Toula & self walked to Sp’s. V. stormy. Sp. called & Mr Paxton here 2 mortal hours, both Toula & self exhausted! Lennie & Maud to dine. Maudie looking v. white darling doing too much. Monday 13 March Toula to Sloane St & at 12 we shop’d together, Bank etc. Edgar came to tea & stayed till 10 past 7. Tabbie, Major Fisher Rowe & Evie dined here. Pleasant dinner but vy annoyed Tabbie only let me know at ¼ past 7 they were coming. Luckily I had ordered dinner on chance. Tuesday 14 March Drove morg. To Maudie, went over 104 Lancaster Gate, charming house, so bright & sunny. Took flowers to Edgar. Tabbie, Eve & Major Fisher Rowe dined at Maud’s. Mr Hartree, Mrs Harvey & Sybil Grantham & darling came afternoon. Florence arrived before dinner to stay & dear Toula left at 10.30 AM. Lin, F & self to dinner, Roy dined at Maud’s. Wednesday 15 March Severe gale on & off all day. Heavy storms of rain & sun, warm. Unable to go out morg, packed few remaining things with Florence. Babies all came up fr. Balcombe & remain 3 nights. They all came to tea & Nurse F & darling who had lunched with Mrs Fletcher Moulton. Maudie, Roy, Florence & self dine here, Margarith remaining in. Florence to Stores 12/10 odds & ends. Mrs Holmes called. Thursday 16 March Lady Boyle’s luncheon party, unable to go. Friday 17 March (blank) Saturday 18 March Had most comfortable jouney to Marseilles by ourselves, c’d not sleep but rested, awake 5 o’c & washed with eau de cologne. Vegetable v. little, more advanced if any than with us. 12 o’c went on board. Wrote to Maud, leaving Lin to see to luggage. Gave letter to post which he forgot, & discovered luggage wrong, great commotion & found it. Lin’s lovely camera broken coming! Most annoying. Ship far too crowded. Sat table with Ld Mount Edgcumbe, Ld & Lady Mary Dartry, Mr Villiers, seem nice. Sunday 19 March Lovely morg. Regret breakfasting in bed but too tired to get up. Slept well. Lin & self attended service in Saloon, impressive. Struggled with camera, no good. Dined again at same table, had interesting talk after with Ld M.E. & to bed & bath. Peaceful happy day but for camera. Monday 20 March Lovely, sat out with Lin, still camera bothering him. Have hateful headache. Dear Lin so flurried over trifles worries me, gets so upset about nothing instead of keeping calm & quiet. Saw Stromboli, Etna & the picturesque group of islands off Sicily. Wrote Maudie bless her. Headache after lunch. Tuesday 21 March Very seedy after bad night choppy sea off the Italian coast & until we got under the lee of the Albanian & Greek coasts. The Albanian coast beautiful with its snow tip’d mountains. Unable to get up until after lunch, head too bad. Sat on deck & watched the lovely scenery. The Island of Corfu a picture of beauty with


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 its old fort, cyprus trees & quaint houses. (more description on opposite page illegible) Wednesday 22 March Very cold on awaking fr. good night’s sleep. Going to Count Melis at 11 & spend day with them. Went ashore on steam launch found carriage waiting at Count’s, left at once for Achillian Palace. Passed Santa Decca (Holy Ten) lovely drive. Picturesque Albanians, Greek priests (Popes) women’s headdresses. Palace views. Prickly pear hedges. Lunched just outside Palace, black olives, thin maccaroni & chicken liver, parmesan (continued on loose sheet) grated over. Chicken cutlets (vy tough) sour cream cheese excellent butter & rather sour bread, oranges & nuts & a queer vy dark sweet claret of the country. Lin vy silent scarcely uttered. After drove back & had tea at Count’s. Met nephew of late Prime Minister of Corfu, also minister’s wife & sister & English Chaplain & his sister. W’d have preferred strolling into the market place. Absence of sun makes the town less picturesque than yesterday. Came on board by ship’s boat at 5 o’c. Lady Dartry, Lady Mary & Mr Villiers had to run to catch it. Lady D. had bought a silver hair pin as worn by peasant women, just what I w’d have liked, resembled a large bodkin. Lin seems livery & absolutely absorbed in his injured camera. Hoped to have got away from this hateful photograpy, it seems so much more trouble & bother to him than to anyone else & is always being lost or broken. Very amusing dinner table. Lord Mount E. did cork trick & Lin made us all laugh saying he was so fond of the Hermes statue that he kept it in his bedroom! More the tone he said it in! The Artist model who said he was sitting for the Duke of D’s legs, but the Duke says when he sees me as he would sit for his legs his self. I made a foolish remark too, that Lin got all his daily papers fr. the barber on board! Thursday 23 March Leave for Olympia at 8.20. Arrive Katakolo at 8 o’c, uninteresting looking place. Went ahore in 4 boats packed like sardines, shore about 2 miles off. Dull grey & cilly. Took train to Olympia, changed at Purgos much time lost here. Men selling Albanian shoes with the bows perched on the top of toe! Also stamps & innartistic bunches of flowers. Walked fr. Station at Olympia to the Ruins, the wild red & purple amemones growing amongst the broken columns. Gt scramble to get luncheon (continued on loose sheet) but finally succeeded in getting small table laid in hall, at which 2 gentlemen joined us. Strangely mannered man who had travelled all over the world. As Lin was so occupied with his broken camera I walked with Sir W. Forward’s party round the ruins & was greatly interested in the different temples. The Stadium where the races were run, chariot races etc, the level of ground is all altered by the earthquakes, land slips & the inundations fr. lake & river. After luncheon which was fairly good we went over Museum which is built in classical style close to Hotel on ajoining hill. Here is the fine Praxitiles statue of Hermes, the drapery of which no photograph could ever do justice to, & the beautiful female statue of Victory which stands on a tripod column of white marble. Fine bronze foot on a pedestal alone! Then a rest with Lin on the grass outside Museum overlooking (illeg) & a country which resembles a mild Scotland without its exquisite colouring & rushing streams. The we walked back to the Station, the small vine trees looking like mutilated gooseberry bushes where are grown the grapes used for drying. A great trade is done here in currants & raisins. The place has a poor forsaken look. Men were selling little wooden jugs for 2 or 3 francs, some postcards of views & photographs. There are many flowers foreign to me, a small orange flower like a tiny dandelion but bright orange is charming. The deep violet anemones, & brilliant red, the common daisy which is twice as large as ours in England. The men selling oranges with their stem & leaves attached struck me most. Much time & patience was lost on our


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 return journey as we had to change at Purgos. Here the vendors of shoes, stamps, bouquets & oranges filled our carriage with the smell of garlic & one feared that something more clinging might have remained! as other people were very dirty. A very nice man, an Australian clergyman who also owns a ranch he told us came & talked to us thro’ the window whilst we waited at Purgos for our engine, which certainly took its time coming. After a weary wait of an hour at least we steamed off & a wild rush for the boats took place at K(illeg) Lin & I getting into the second lifeboat which had 38 crammed into her. Here again we had to wait some time before the steam launch was ready & at last after jumping about for some time we were towed off about 7PM on a rough choppy sea but our boat rose well & only a few of those in the forepart of the boat got wet. 2 ladies were soaked through & no doubt several others. We being in the stern were more fortunate & were able to sit down & dine as we were immediately after getting on board. The 3 strange men had again taken out places at table so we dined at a table in our corridor where the 2 unfortunate ladies who had been drenched dined with us. I turned in directly after & had a delicious hot sea water bath & slept soundly. Very tired as we all were. Vy glad Lin at last realised his camera hopeless in its present condition. The 2 ladies were sisters, Mrs Compton & Lady Stukeley. Friday 24 March Excellent night’s rest, up at 8.30. Very dull & grey. Very cold. Sat & read on board. Talk with Ld Dartrey on yachts. Our places again taken by the 3 men so sat between Airds & the Bath Dr. Arrived Athens at 6 o’c. Beautiful view of Acropolis as we approached Piraeus. Huge natural harbour full of ships. Hamburg American S.S. Molke by us, full of Germans & Americans. Mr Byron’s yacht ‘Rosabelle’. Also Russian gun boat & Russian yacht near us. Harbour full of ships, I counted 18 (illeg) on one side alone & a Greek gun boat. Saturday 25 March Went ashore 9.20 with Nunnerlys, took cab by hour fr. Thesium Sta. To Temple of Theseus, Odeion of Herod, Socrates prison, theatre of Dionysius, Parthenon, Acropolis, Temple of Nike Apteris, Erectheion. Byzantine churches, Greek church, Temple of the Winds, Monument of Lysythratis, Hadrians Arch, Temple of (blank). Lunched at Grand Hotel excellent. To museum after. Bronze statue of Hermes, Winged Victory. Erectheion celebrated female figures, Hadrians Arch. Persoidon or Neptune statue. Wonderful carved sargofogi (sic), old Micene gold ornaments, vases, glass, mummies & very tired but after most delightful day returned on launch to Steamer. Tea, rested & dined. V. cold & raining hard, no sun all day. To bed early. Sunday 26 March Dull & raining. Went ashore 9.30 with the Nunnerlys. Walked fr station to Dionysus Theatre where Lin took photos, Odeion of Herod, Temple of Theseus & Acropolis, most beautiful even in the rain & grey sky which made distant hills deep grey blue. Walked to hotel, excellent lunch 22.50 dragmars, 3 for service extra, & to Station. Tried to bargain for Armenian doll. Saw prisoners behind bars pulling up their food & on board at 5. Dartrey party back again. Grotto of Pan. Klepsydra on Castle wall. Pan & Apollo. 2 modern columns. Architrave adorned with doves which (illeg) Temple of Aphrodite Pandemos. Hymettis honey mountain. Temple of Jupiter. Propylaea. Acropolis or Parthenon. Dionysus (Caryatides female figures). Nike Apteris, wingless Victory. Odeion of Herodis Attican. Beulé Gate. Pedestal of Agrippa. Monday 27 March An awful night. Ship stuck on mud, instead of leaving Piraeus at 6 only got off at 11 o’c PM last night. ½ a gale blowing, one of crew a steward seriously injured & had to be taken to Hospital at Smyrna which we reached at 4.30, nearly ran


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 down a tramp trader & narrow escape of fire in (blank) one of cylinders of engine went wrong. Fearfully nervous all night & feel a wreck today. Sat out all afternoon. The Adriatic coast reminds us of some of the milder parts of Norway, wooded hills, snow top’d mountains. Austrian Men of War in harbour. Many went ashore after tea, felt too seedy. Letter fr. darling Maud. Concert evg. Tuesday 28 March 3 Austrian gun boats 2 cruisers & 1 torpedo boat saluting. Smyrna, Asia Minor. Fine, fairly cold. Good night, breakfasted 8.30. Went ashore 9.30 ith Cap. Harry, dau, Mr (blank) vulgar man, to Consulate, passport unnecessary. Fly round town & Bazaar. Funeral with woman in coffin standing inside open carriage, 3 carriages following. Long lines of laden camels. Shocking paving, picturesque people, blacks etc. Returned ship for luncheon. Went with Mr Gould at 3 o’c ashore & round Bazaars. V. interesting bought silver reticule 5/-, tobaco pouch 1/-, Lin’s Albanian sabre 10/-, boy guide 2/-, Carriage 4/- morg. Wrote Maudie. Left Smyrna 6 o’c lovely view with setting sun. Wednesday 29 March Dull raining & bitterly cold as we steamed thro’ the Dardanelles. Saw the Hellespont, the narrowest part where Leander used to swim across to visit Helen & Ld Byron once swam across it. Walked on deck but miserably cold & finally sat in our cabin, the only restful place as every other is crammed. To arrive Constantinople 6 o’c tonight. Thursday 30 March Poor gentleman dead, much anxiety how to be interred. Ashore at 9.30. Dragoman met us. Vy cold & dull. Went to Saint Sophia much impressed proportions but crowded. Saw pillars after underground where the water was & is got. Also Hippodrome, 2 obelisks, Delphi Oracle serpents body without heads. Jansen Museum, Emp W’s monument centre Hippodrome. Bazaar, nothing, got spoon 1/- Turkish Delight 1/3. Horrible streets. Good luncheon Ellis Restaurant. Passport bother. To Embassy after dinner. Dragoman met us shore with carriage (continued on separate sheet) & drove to Ad. Sir Henry Woods Pasha, most kind. Went on with their party to Embassy. Lady O’Connor vy gracious & Sir Nicolas invited us both to luncheon Sat. Lady Dartrey looked charming in darkest green, emeralds & diamonds. All their party most kind & was introduced to Cap.B(illeg) & G(illeg) & many others. Ret’d with Mr Ellis after v. enjoyable day. Letter fr. darling. Friday 31 March Dull & cold. Great weekly Salamik, the Sultan goes to Mosque. Troops all drawn up. Tripoli, Lancers, Albanians etc, great number Court officials. High priest in Minaret. Sultan’s sons. Hareem ladies. Sand! on carts. Went ashore 9.30 with the N’s to Ad. Sir H.Woods Pasha. He gave us plan of ceremony, followed their carriage to places on terrace. French sailors fr. Valour. Saw splendidly. After lunched at café & drove after to Hippodrome Mosque. Pigeon Mosque. I bought Attar of Roses 3/6 at a dirty place. Unable to take tea at Lady Wood’s, sent dragoman with our cards. To Orient, dead tired, did not dress for dinner. Dickie looking vy livery. Letter fr. darling Maud & one fr. Florence. Dance on board. Apr 1905 Saturday 1 April Lunch at Embassy D.V. 1 o’c. Left Orient for Museum at 9 o’c. Great delay & bother to get into Treasury. Our guides met us on steamer & went with us & we walked up Sariolo(sic) Point to Treasury. Saw musty library & Baghdad Kiosk where Mahomed’s robe is kept, then over Treasury, a dark low building with priceless jewels, china, arms, telescopes, clocks, Sultan’s robes & jewels etc etc. Then to Museum, beautiful sarcophogus of Alexander Great under glass case


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 others also fine. Then Embassy in fly. Ld M. E, Ld & Lady D, Lady M.D, Mr V. (continued on loose sheet) 2 secretaries & governess to the three nice little girls & Sir Nicolas & Lady O’Connor, both most kind, & asked us to tea 5 o’c & to go on to Embassy launch at 5.30, but left after seeing some embroideries, stones etc. Lin bought me an emerald uncut. Lin wrote in books & did some drawings. We then walked with guide to Admiral Sir Henry Wood pasha. Saw Sir H. & Lady Wood & Miss Witherall. Bought another box of Turkish Delight & a small silk bag & caught 4.30 boat. Put away my mantle in big box. Dartrey party back, & the second secretary also with our table party now. Sun shone during afternoon & transformed the whole place & made it beautiful. Fairly amusing dinner. Steamed out of Bosphorus at 6 o’c. Sunday 2 April Rain, cold morg. Actually sun later. Attended service & sat out. Watched the islands of Greece, saw the plains of Troy in distance. Olympus in distance. Actually warm. Monday 3 April Steering towards Alexandria which we reach tomorrow at 10 o’c AM. Sat out & read. Regret vy much we have taken Cook’s tickets for Cairo, am certain we could manage better alone with less fatigue & less expense. Packed my things. Dartrey, Goulds etc going to Angleterre Hotel, we go to Sheppards. Tuesday 4 April Arrive Alexandria 10 o’c. Vy fine harbour. Lovely morg. Colour of building sea & sky as one sees it in pictures. Vy fine. All left by train for Cairo. Great scramble & no luncheon. Bought oranges & bread & had chocolate. Reached C. only 3 o’c. Shepherds Hotel, room 1st floor. Good room. Arabs. After tea drove to Citadel & saw sunset, magnificent. Wednesday 5April Slept well. Breakfasted at 8.30. & drove to Citadel, Hassan Mosque. Bazaars, bought ink stand, spangled shawl, 25/- & 6/-, Arab quarter. Luncheon, & to Heliopolis Obelisk companion to our Cleopatra’s needle. Ancient ruins of Temple, Joseph’s Well, Virgin’s Tree, & Ostrich farm etc. Rather wasted day but enjoyed drive. Dined & sat out with Nunnerlys on Terrace after dinner. Saw Bergheims who come tomorrow to our Hotel, arranged to dine at same table with them. Seems odd having Arabs in white with red scarves to wait on us, they come in without knocking! So lock doors. Would like one as servant at home. Thursday 6 April Breakfasted 8.30. Left at 9 o’c for Pyramids in carriage with Nunnerlys. Vy hot. Arrived Mena House Hotel when our horses refused to move so had to walk up hill in hot sand! to Pyramids. Too nervous to take Camel & donkeys bad. Wonderful sight Sphinx & its Temple underground. Excellent lunch Mena Hotel. Saw Sir A. Hemming & McLarens just before leaving. The Hemmings had been at the Pyramids since Dec! Vy comfortable. Enjoyed drive. Left at 3.30 for Museum. Saw Rameses II & many others! & the newly found treasures fr. Thebes found by Mr Davis. 3 chairs, chariots, jewelry etc etc. Bought Scarabs. Dined at table with Bergheims, dullish. Friday 7 April Glorious day. Breakfasted 8.0. Left at 9 o’c in Motor for steam launch. Cavalcade of Cooks following for Memphis up the Nile & Sakkara. Delicious on the D(blank). Reached (blank) after good lunch on board at 11.30. We went at 12.30 to Memphis on donkeys, rest to Sakkara. Vy hot. Saw 2 colossus of Rameses I or II, wonderful granite statues & ruins beyond & village. Back at 6.30. Dined at table with Bergheims & sat out after. Austrian gentleman. To bed at 10. Packed. Awfully hot. Too hot to have bath even in that stuffy bathroom & dare not open window, Lin so punished by mosquitos.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 8 April Left Cairo 9 o’c. Up at 6 o’c. Vy tired, longed for a good rest. Saw marriage procession vy quaint. Bride shut up in upon a huge sedan carried by camels, the back one with his head under sedan! Saw large fair or market at one of towns passed. Quantities of camels, donkeys, goats, sheep. Lunched on board. No difficulty reaching ship. Steamed fr. Alexandria 4 o’c. Dined feeling tired. Had table with Mrs McLaren. Mrs N lost her mantle (illeg). Fine day. Marked difference in temperature, quite cool on board after intense heat Cairo. Letters fr. Maud, Midge & Florence. Sunday 9 April Very tired. Slept fairly well, breakfasted in berth. Fine & calm. Like another planet the cool air after Cairo. Need all our warm clothes again. All those who had rooms on ground floor Hotel seedy. Why do not people caution those visiting Cairo for 1st time it is dangerous to sleep on ground floor!!! Feel awfully seedy & so weak. Many much worse. Monday 10 April Steaming to Malta. Quiet peaceful day, getting rested, but still feel so tired. Tuesday 11 April Steaming rowards Malta. Peaceful quiet day, fine & not too warm. Feel tired. Arrived Malta 4 o’c. Col & Mrs Biancardi met us in small boat, took us off & drove in their Victoria to Marsa Club, had tea there & drove until 6.30. Dull day, no sun. Very fine harbour Malta. So glad to see the Biancardis. Letter fr. Lady Mansfield Clarke asking us to dine with them tonight or lunch tomorrow, chosen luncheon & we dine with Biancardis tomorrow. Fancy dress Ball on Orient, prizes awarded to (blank). Wednesday 12 April Ashore 9 o’c, to B’s charming house. Dog bit Lin. To Armoury & St John’s Church of the Knights Hospitalers. Carved stone, gilded tombs, altar lapis lazuli & bas reliefs in gold. Vy fine hall of Armour. Lunched at Palace San Antonio. All Dartrey family there. Major Butcher sat next me. Vy interesting gardens, flowers, fruit. Drove all round island. Dined & tea at B’s. Vy kind of them to give us such a hearty welcome. Dull & not too warm. Steamed away. Thursday 13 April Arrived Girgenti Thursday morg, v. rough. Lin went ashore & many others. Anchored a long way outside harbour. Lovely day. Packed. Friday 14 April Reached Girgenti at 7.30. Breakfasted in cabin, toast coffee fruit. Lin went ashore to see temples, remained on deck. Vy tired. Packed all day & feel more space to move. Fine but sea rough. Thankful I did not go ashore, sh’d have been unable to do anything after we left Girgenti such a swell on & the ship heeled over so to starboard, most uncomfortable. Ld. M.E. gave address & Lady D distributed prizes after dinner. Saturday 15 April Marseilles. Left ship 11AM, fairly fine. Fearful scramble felt so ill morg had to keep lying down. Muddle with luggage & special (blank). Drove after with our small luggage to Restaurant of Station where we dined. A great bother about our carriage after, 6 in it! For the night. Every carriage filled up, however slept fairly well & Mr Ellis came & woke us by loud talking at intervals. Wished Dartrey party adieu at Marseilles & left by 8.10 for Paris, N’s in same carriage. Sunday 16 April Arrive home evg. D.V. in time for dinner. Got home 7 o’c, found dear Roy & Florence awaiting us. Lovely flowers everywhere fr. my darling who had done them herself. Lennie & Maudie dined here, she looking a little pale. Delicious chocolate at a wee station en route fr. Marseilles at 6 o’c, 4 fr.50, 2 cups,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 excellent lunch in train. Missed Nunnerlys Paris. Horrid crossing, lovely cabin & carriage to ourselves fr. Dover. Monday 17 April Remained in bed to breakfast & went thro’ correspondence with Florence. Darling Maud came morg, looking better. Lin to Club for lunch & Punch Dinner tonight. Unpacked. Cold, fairly fine. F, Roy & self to dinner & to bed 10.30. Vy tired & head tired. Punch dinner. Child & Child about presents, to Miss Lawrence tea & to Mauds. B. Weigall. Tuesday 18 April Out morg. Mrs Finlay, Lady Strachey, Maud looking smart. Miss Cussans called. Lady S. full of theosophy. Miss Rose Innes. Lunched with Midge at her club & carriage fetched me, great rush. Roy out to dinner. Wednesday 19 April To Stores for Easter eggs morning & to Jones about Evie’s present, chose silver gilt Tudor cup immitation of the one sold Christie’s for £1001. Called at Coles about brougham, says ours is unsafe! Wants £150 for new & 55 for doing it up but not thoroughly. Cold, dull & heavy rain. Lin worked late as for Friday. Maud, Edgar & Sophy came after. Packed new box £3.12.6. Thursday 20 April Florence helped me packing & left for Balcombe at 1 o’c. We left for Tisbury by 3.30 train. Vy dull & cold. Books vy heavy £4.17.11½ for last week & Roy out a great deal! Lin, Roy & self left by 3.30 for Tisbury. Vy comfortable journey, no change. Gwen & Laurence met us, his brother lost on way! All at Pyt looking well & Evie vy pretty. Miss Holland here. Friday 21 April Aunt Anna died at 8.30 PM. Rested on bed breakfast, down 10 o’c. Lin slept in dressing room, had Colonade rooms. All to Church except Lin, Roy, H. & self. Walked to meet them returning. H. Lin & self in car at 3.30 to see Glynn property, Melbury Hill beyond Shaftesbury. Fine view. H. thinks of building. There are 900 odd acres but no House with estate. Fear it would take years to make & seems waste of time when so many beautiful places are to be had ready & with fine timber. Much planting is needed on this estate. Evie’s trousseau lovely, she tried on some of her dresses & nightdresses. Saturday 22 April Ham, Lin & Roy to see a house & property some distance off. Away all day in cart taking lunch with them. Helped Tabbie pack Eve’s things. Only walked round garden with Tabs. Laurence & Eve to pay calls afternoon, boys golf with Fraulein. Bridge evg. with Gareth, Miss H. & Roy. Late to bed. The Estate they went to, Wilbury, belonging to Sir E. Mallet & Lady Ermintrude Mallet. Sunday 23 April Lovely morg, cold. Girls to 10 o’c service, Tabs & Miss H. Lin & Roy took me for 11 o’c service, rest remained on & Lin & Roy again came & fetched us. Sir J. Pender another man & several ladies called after lunch. The Catholic sisters & a Priest to see presents etc. Monday 24 April Races. Lin returns on account of Academy & alteration of cut. Complications with France. Not altered after all as Mon. Delcassé not resigned. Tabbie & Miss Holland left for 79 Eaton Sqre at 12. Gathered flowers with Fraulein & Mervyn. Up late with wedding list etc. They all seem to have enjoyed races & the day generally. Tuesday 25 April Arrived with Roy fr. Pyt at 12.30. Unpacked. Dressed after luncheon. Mr Pat Blair came only, stayed some time. Seems still vy fond of Maud & talks of her. Quiet evg. Found Lin at work with his cough again. Dora had a son born this morg. Wednesday 26 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Out morg shops. Hamilton Tabbie & Miss Holland dined here 8 o’c. At 3.15 by Om. to New Gallery. Private View. Crowded. Met darling Maud there & Miss Cussans. Maud’s picture looks vy fine, one by poor Brough of Mrs Tennant. Tea at Maud’s. Home in time to dress. To Coles morg about carriage tried a new one, only fetched new one fr. Maud’s, O. busy with Lin. Thursday 27 April Evie’s wedding day Guards Chapel. Dull. Roy lunched with Laurence a party of 6. Charmingly pretty wedding. Tabbie lovely in agates(?) white with a tinge of pink in it, white drawn tulle hat velvet band & Nell Gwynne feathers. Evie’s wedding gown lovely & veil. Maudie vy sweet in charming dress. Band of Guards no organ. Lost my little yellow & paste broach. X. So sorry. Roy to dine Savoy & to Gaiety after with Tabbie’s party. Number of pretty women, & Midge, Edgar, Spencers, Cons, 2 H’s & L’s family. Lady Wharncliffe & Grove party both most amiable. Do not like House. Friday 28 April I go with Maudie at 3.30 to Private View Academy. Maudie immensely admired & she looked sweetly pretty in black glassé & white lace & lovely hat with pink & black rib. Out morg. Saw Cole about new carriage. Roy out to dinner, came & joined Maud & self. Saturday 29 April Edie Furrell arrived in time for dinner. Herbert brought her here. I gave him 5/-, he must have been out of pocket meeting her. He dined here & left at 10.30. Saw darling Maud Roy & Lennie off at Vic. for Paris. Went with Lin who accompanied them to Calais. Roy their guest until Tuesday. Ret’d by Om. Went to Macmillan wedding & called on Mrs Holmes & Mrs Harold M. Sunday 30 April Showery. Went with Lin & Edie to see new carriage, stables. Rather like it. Fine later. Lin to Club for luncheon & tea. Called to ask Miss Rose Innes to dinner tonight. Edgar & Sophy dine here. Mr Paxton, Miss Innes & Florence Walford called. Edgar looking thin. May 1905 Monday 1 May Left certificate 5 Sons of Gualia to Bank. Cole. Brougham. To tea with Mrs Mills 4.30. Paid off £150 of my debt to bank of £7.50. To Coles about new brougham arranged to pay £63 for new one which is to be touched up & new mat, & Lin’s initials put in place of present ones. Called at 3.15 on Lady Strachan, Johnson Ferguson, Armstrong, Jackson, Krabbe, etc & had tea at Mrs Mills (Elsie). Herbert F. dined here. Tuesday 2 May Bank morg. about B.A.P. signing of shares £10 each. To Jacobs & Marshalls about dress. Mrs P.Simpson, Miss Evans, Casella, Ada & Hylda. Lin, Edie & self to dinner. Letter fr. darling Maud fr. Paris. Letter fr. Florrie Blair, Aunt Anna left me her silver plate. Well under £20 so no duty to pay on it. Roy returned late 12 PM fr. Paris. Wednesday 3 May Edgar’s birthday. Herbert Furrell dined & had tea here. Roy, Edie, H. & self to dinner. Emma remained in. Out morg shops. Bank. Lin out to luncheon. Called at 3 on Millais, Tattersall, Holins, Braunstein, de la Penha, Hickman, Macquoid, Sir John Tenniel, Keen, Keith, Spofforth, Huish, Clarke etc. Roy to a dance after dinner. Thursday 4 May Out morg. To bank & shopped in Kensington. At 3.30 called with Edie on Mrs Adlam (in) Douglas Pirrie (in) Lady MacLaren (in) Binns Smith, Dennis, Colefax,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Dixon Hartland. Tea at Mrs Pirrie’s. Roy, Edie, Lin & self to dinner. Edie played after. Friday 5 May Edie to lunch with Edgar. Barker’s man doing my 13 boxes with white paint, Mrs L. Sambourne. Vy badly done. Roy out to dinner. Edie & I had ours alone, Lin his at 10 o’c. I fetched Edie fr. Edgar’s. To Jacobs. Saturday 6 May Windows cleaned, door varnished. Private View etc at Exhibition Earls Court. Edie going out with Herbert & dines out. Gave our tickets to Ada Sp. & Hilda & 2 to Herbert & Edie who took supper at their uncle Furrell’s. Lin & self to matinée, vy good. “Alice Sit by the Fire”, Ellen Terry, Irene Vanburgh, Trevellyan, excellent. Lin & self alone evg. Roy to Maidenhead with Stern. Sunday 7 May Edie with Herbert to lunch here after meeting him at Westminster. Remained to tea & both out evg. Miss Hollins called. Lin & I went to Hyde Park Corner. Met Mr & Mrs Hohler. Lin to Club, I home alone. Miss Innes, Mr & Mrs Phipson Beale to dinner. Roy returned 4 o’c fr. Maidenhead. Monday 8 May Worked morg. Edie to a concert after luncheon alone Queens Hall. Shop’d alone to Marshalls & Jacobs. Called Pollocks & McMillans. Lin, Edie & self alone to dinner. Tuesday 9 May Lady Monckton 4 o’c. Lin dines out, City Compy. Emma out, she gave up last Wednesday. Lin dines at City Comp’y. Mrs Hohler, Spofforth, McKenna & dau, Mrs Rhodes & Dar, Hilda, Miss Clarke, Mrs Lane, called. Morg to Miss Beresford’s about housemaids, Marshalls etc. Roy dined out. Our boxes arrived by Orient. Met Mr Villiers. Wednesday 10 May To be fitted Jacobs 11 o’c. Took up 3 allotted £10 shrs in B.A.Rosario Rly. Pd £6 Glyn Mills Currie Co. X. Con called morg, looks so well, been staying with the P. Hollands. Jacob, fitted. Called at 3.15 on Mrs Kinnell, 44 Up. Brook St, Lady Carbutt, in. Saw boas, Joyce. Roy out to dinner. Edie to Apollo Theatre with Herbert. Thursday 11 May Lunch 1.30 with Miss Hollins, 51 Albert Court. 11 to luncheon. Walked there. Delightful flat & delicious luncheon. Wirgmans, Millais, Arkwright, Gen. Brook etc. Edie fetched me 3.15. To call dressmaker Kinnell, Wagg. Read “The Garden of Allah” to Lin. Roy, Edie Lin & self to dinner 8.30. Friday 12 May At 11 to Mrs Hohler, 4 o’c Jacob. To Mrs Wilkinson, Green & Salisbury shop with Mrs Hohler. Left at 1 o’c, cab 2/6. Lovely day. Dull. Edie dines at Ada Sp’s. Roy out elsewhere club. Lin vy late. To Jacob fitted. Saturday 13 May Out morg. To see “Mr Hopkinson” with Lin, matinée. Edie with Herbert to Ex. & out dinner. Lin & self alone dinner. Roy at 8 with Stern in motor to Maidenhead. Long letter fr. darling Maud fr. Portofino, Italy. Books awful, £7.0.6. Sunday 14 May Dull & cold. Edie out Botanical Gds with Herbert, they both lunch here 1.30. Lin out to lunch. To Park with him. Saw 2 dumpy housemaids, common little things & one tall girl on 2 char. of 6 months each. No one called. Roy, Lin, Edie self to dinner. Roy out with Stern. Monday 15 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Saw 5 or 6 perfectly hideous housemaids, none at all suitable. After walked, pd Barkers 3.0.4½ . Vy heavy, house, & sat in Park with Edie. Horrid headache all day. X. Man to see Lin’s drawings. Tuesday 16 May Mrs Bosanquet to luncheon 1.30. Not coming. (illeg) up at 4 o’c. Tea. Out 11 to Marshalls, Woollands. Took allotment letter X. to Bank 3 shrs of £10 each, receipt of £6 being £2 on each. Called saw Edgar, Mrs Keating, Mrs (illeg), Mrs Macquoid & Sophy called. Wednesday 17 May To be fitted again, vy tired of Jacob! To have Maud’s Victoria tomorrow if fine. Edie to Herbert to mend his things. Out morg alone, met Toula at Woollands. At 3.15 in Maud’s carriage pr. & groom to Jacob. Called after with Edie & all out on Lady Lockwood, Mrs Parish, Agnew, Thompson, Alexander, Johnson Ferguson. Home 5.30 to tea. Thursday 18 May Mrs McKenna 4 - 7. Out morg shops. Had Maud’s Victoria, called at 3.30 Harvey, Innes, Spagnioletti, Mellor, Holmes, Medley, Stevens (in) Lindo, & McKenna. Charming house, Hungarian Band. Kendal, Tate etc. Took Edie. Delightful drive in open carriage. Friday 19 May Ranelagh? Out morg 10.15 to Stores. After lunch at 3.30 to call Lady Bagle, Lady Romer, Lady Nottage, Lady Burnand (in) V. Morgan, & Ranelagh. Met Dr Hastings who took us over new polo ground etc. Tea 2/-. Had Maud’s carriage & pair, delightful drive enjoyed it. Took Edie. Roy out evg to dine. Lin vy late double cartoon. Saturday 20 May Out morg shops. At 12.30 to Savoy, lunched there with Lin, went in brougham, to see young Irving’s “Hamlet” after. V. good performance. Had Maudie’s Victoria to fetch us. Edie & Roy out, only Lin & self to dinner. Edie out with Herbert. Sunday May 21 Mrs P. Agnew 4.30. Postponed. Dull. Mr & Mrs Fred Kerr, Miss Bryson & Mr W. Stone to dinner. Toula here luncheon. Edie out to supper & lunch. Fairly amusing evg, find Mr Kerr a little heavy. Mr Paxton & Maud & Miss Innes called. Monday 22 May Edie & self mended all morg. In Maud’s carriage, Mrs D’Arcy, Heilbut, Geilgud, Quilter, Drage. Left Edie at her aunt’s & to Edgar’s, saw him & Sophy. Lin dined at Royal British Medical Socy, 100th anniversary. Roy & self alone to dinner. Tuesday 23 May Mrs Bosanquet to luncheon. Out morg. shops, did flowers with Edie. Mrs B. to luncheon & remained until 6 o’c. Vy pleased to see her again. Mrs Geilgud, Mrs & Miss Allan Cole, Lindo & Ethel, Hollins, Beale, Reeve, Knowles. Roy Lin Edie & self to dinner. Roy after in brougham to Lady Lockwood’s dance, enjoyed it. Wednesday 24 May Hilda Gibbs at home 4 - 6.30, Empress Club, Berkeley St. I lunch 1.30 at Mrs Silver’s to meet Mrs Evans & Lady Burnand. Mrs Keen’s at home. Vy pleasant luncheon. They had not received my letter! but had a place put for me. Edie fetched me 3.15, to call Tate, Mrs Reed (in) Heilbut. Dull party Empress club. Round Pk & to Mrs Kerr. Met Mrs & Miss Alton, vy nice. Herbert, Roy Edie & self to dinner. Thursday 25 May Mrs Rhodes dinner 8 o’c. Mrs Newman’s at home 10.30. Out morg with Edie to enquire after Mr Ransome in hospital, better. Worked afternoon. Edie out afternoon & evg. Roy dined with Edgar & Sophy & Miss Harvey’s dance after.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Pleasant dinner Rhodes, no getting into Mrs N’s house after, so crowded. Emma out, & Tyler. Friday 26 May Ranelagh? Lunch with Edgar at Paganis 1.30 at 156 Old Cavendish St, 1 o’c. Take Sophy for drive Maud’s carriage 3.30. Lovely afternoon called on Mrs Newman, Threlfall, Mrs Aird. Left cards Miss Harvey for Roy. Excellent lunch Paganis Sophy & Edgar. Remained with E. until 3.10. Roy out to dinner. Saturday 27 May Roy out to dinner. Box matinée “The Little Michus” charming music, author of “Veronique”. Lin & self alone in brougham, Maud’s carriage fetched us. Edie out all day with Herbert. Lin & self alone to dinner. To Exhibition after, met Col Mount Batten, Hartleys & common little Brown. Happy day with Dickie. Sunday 28 May Sir Henry & Lady Bergne dine here & Mr & Mrs Graham Keith & Roy, 7. Edie out with Herbert. Toula called. H. & Edie here to tea. Lin & self in Park morg. Lin to Club. Edie & self alone luncheon. Fairly amusing evg. Mrs K. sang. Edie in early & played accompaniment. Monday 29 May Sent £32.10.0 to Glyn M & Co for allotted shares. Maud’s Victoria at 3.30. Called Mesdames Adlam, Geiger, Colefax, Partridge, Larnack, Lockwood, Welby, Messel, H. Messel. Round Park, home. Read to Lin. Roy good day on S.E, hope it may continue. Roy, Lin, Edie & self to dinner. We 3 to Ex after, met Mount Battens. Edie out on dray to Hampton Court with Edgar & Sophy. Russian fleet sunk. Rodovansky dead. Tuesday 30 May Mrs Braunstein dinner, ref. Mrs Herkomer’s 4.30, music. Mrs Colefax’s lunch 1.30, ref. Out morg with Edie. Lin dined with Mr Lucy to meet Mr Asquith. No one called. Margarith out evg. Lin dining with Mr Lucy. Roy out to dinner. Herbert dines here. Wednesday 31 May Mrs Johnson Ferguson 5 o/c. In bed all day feeling ill with gastric attack. Up all night & 7 times during day, & feel a wreck. Tyler out. Coals in & Emma too tired to go out. Must find her another evg. Jun 1905 Thursday 1 June Mrs Daniele 4 - 7. Mr H.A. Jones luncheon party to meet Rhodes Scholars at Windsor & Runemead (sic). Mrs Parish’s 4 - 6.30. Went to both but felt v. seedy & vy nervous. Otley drove so badly had to sit in Pk with Edie to recover my nerves, & home. Sat with Lin & dined separately. Lin & Roy dined at 9 o’c. Friday 2 June Mrs Pirrie’s dinner 8 o’c. Lady Strachey’s 4 - 7, 27 Cadogan Gds. Hope Emma will get out tonight as she was in Wednesday. Lin hopes to get finished. Maudie’s carriage at 11.30. Edie dining at Spencer’s & Roy also out tonight. Emma went out. Vy charming dinner party. Lady Clanwilliam, Ld C, & Lady Katherine Meade, Ld & Lady Robertson, Mr & Mrs Moberley Bell etc. Margarith out after tea. Saturday 3 June Edie at 11.30 with Hilda & friend to Colosseum & out all day & evg. Alone morg to Kens shops. To matinée with Lin in our brougham to “Walls of Jericho”. Bouchier & wife most excellent. My postcard to Beach never reached him so we had to take omnibus back. Lin, Roy & self to Exhibition. Sunday 4 June Col. & Mrs Trench & Mr & Mrs Harold Messel dine here. With Dickie to Park. Saw Mr Villiers, not another soul we knew! Dickie to Club, I quite alone to luncheon.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Edie out all day & evg with Herbert. Toula to tea. Vy pleasant dinner, most cheery & all got on well together. Monday 5 June C. Bergheim 4 0’c. Miss Cotton, 81 Pelham Crescent 4 o’c. King of Spain arrives at 4 o’c. A pouring wet day alas! Margarith out afternoon. & evg. In all day self. Tuesday 6 June Mrs Spofforth 4.30. Mrs Batley, 34 Sloane Court 4.30. Mrs Hankey 4.30. Mrs Mayne 4.30. Only Ship girl (Miss Hopkins?) & Lady Bergne called. Edie & self went to Mrs S’s at 6, good recitations. Pouring wet day. Roy out to dinner, he had carriage evg. Wednesday 7 June Mona Kemp 4 o’c. Ethel Clifford’s wedding at St Margarets Westminster 2.30 & reception Stornaway House, Cleveland Row. Edie out to dinner. Mrs Batley 4.30. Mrs Braunstein 4.30 - 7. Mr Pym’s marriage with Miss Lubbock Holy Trinity Sloane St, & 6 St James Sqre. Attempted, awful crowd so gave it up. To Mabel B’s pretty flat. Braunstein & Spagnioletti, Mrs Holland & Welby. Roy out to dinner. Lin & self alone. Thursday 8 June Mrs Watson 4 - 6.30, 11 Albert Court. Mrs Mayne 4.30. Out morg with Edie shops. In all afternoon packing. Gave Edie £5.5.0. with 5/- on arrival £5.10.0. Edie left 7 o’c for Derwent Lodge. Roy dined with the P. Hollands & goes to dance with them. Lin & self alone. Friday 9 June Go to Midge for Whitsuntide by 10 train. V. comfortable journey, no change. H. met us, & Dr.O. just leaving for town. Midge arrived later. Mr Maitland Congreve here, tells me his mother has married again & is now Mrs Moore. Walked round grounds with H, perfectly lovely. Rhododendrons & exquisite roses & white & yellow broom. Saturday 10 June Slept well, lovely day. Have Midge’s old bedroom. H. & Lin drove out morg to see preserves. Young pheasant with 4 legs brought in dead, 2 with 5 claws & 2 with 4! Went with Midge in Victoria to call on Mrs Rogers of Stanager, out. Talked evg. Sunday 11 June Had motor & drove over with Midge, Ham & Lin to Stoke for Christening of Baby. Henry Thomas Hamilton Foley. Lady Foley, Mr Vivian & Sponsors. D. looking v. pretty but delicate. Went to service 3.30 at Stoke & many to tea after. Baby a dear & vy like Paul. Called at the Davidsons (Yatten) on way home. Mr Seton dined here fr. Heath House. Enjoyed drive immensely. Monday 12 June Fished in pond morg with Ham, got one trout. V. warm. At 4 Lin & self & Midge to Heath House. Midge left us to rejoin Ham who was fishing on the river. Lin & self had tea at Heath House, odd menage. Mrs Sunderland sr, Mr & Mrs Sunderland jnr, Mr Seton & Mr Ian & wife, all related. H. & Lin locked in billiard room after dinner! Tuesday 13 June Lady Bateman’s Garden Party. We all lunch at the Davidsons first. Letter fr. Dora asking me to go on to them at Stoke. V. sorry impossible. Dullish party Lord Bateman. Lady B. looked bored. Most tenantry there. Quiet evg & packed after dinner. Never can get to bed before 12.15. Wednesday 14 June Mrs Holmes 4 - 7. Returned fr. Bedstone court 9.45. Reached Staf. Terrace 4.30!!! Lovely day enjoyed our visit muchly but most tiring journey home. Roy returned fr. yacht Weymouth last evg, out to dinner. I alone to dinner. Thursday 15 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs John Taylor, 4 - 7, 25 Devonshire Place. Hungarian Band. Mrs Mount Batten 4.30. Out morg. shops, Kensington. Maud’s carriage 3.30. Lovely day. Geoff Con came with me. Called on Mrs Walker, Silver, Rhodes, Mayne, Lady Critchett & Miss Ritchie. Rather dull party Mrs Taylor. Lin & self alone to dinner, 8.30. Friday 16 June Emma gone to see poor Alice at Workhouse infirmary, had gone quite mad for time. Mrs J. Ferguson. Out morg shop’g on foot. At 3.30 M’s Victoria alone to call Lanarch, 40 Rutland Gds, Jackson, Walker, Pirrie. Mrs Ferguson to tea. Lady F. Bruce there. Miss Innes came at 5.30 & kept me till past 7. Found Lin worried about Almanack. Roy out to dinner. I dined with Lin at 10.10. Lovely roses fr. Midge. Saturday 17 June Mrs John Carlisle 4 - 7. “Oliva”, Putney Heath. Mrs Breton Riviere 4.30. Lady Bergne 3.15, Ranelagh. In Victoria to stores morg for tonic, coffee, caviar. Heavy rain unable to go to Ranelagh. Had brougham intending to go to Mrs Carlisle. Otley drove in such a sleepy way went to Ada Sp. instead & to the Knowles. Miss K. dined here evg & Roy making 4 to dinner, & a short dinner! Sunday 18 June Mrs P.Agnew at home 4.30. Lin & self lunch at Ranelagh with Mrs Keen 1.30. Hamilton, Midge & Jack, Miss J. Cole dining here 8 o’c. Fine morning. Vy pleasant lunch at Ranelagh. Mr & Mrs Foster fr. Hereford, pretty woman, & Mr Williams. At 4 o’c to Mrs Agnew’s with Lin, first rate music. O. Seaman, Mrs A. Russell, G. Agnews, Colefax etc. Vy pleasant evg. here, all admired Miss Cole. M. & H. in good form. Monday 19 June Miss Bourne 4 - 7. Queen Anne’s Mansions. Geoff here morg. & drove with me at 3.30 in Maud’s Victoria to Mrs Davis, in, saw Mrs Fletcher Moulton there. Geiger, Tupper (ill but in) Lucas, Laking, in. Dull at L. Bourne’s. Daisy. Lin & Roy & self at home to dinner. Geoff left me at Gloucester Rd. Sta. Gave hime 5/-, also Beach 5/-. Tuesday 20 June Lin bachelor dinner at Garrick. Sir Francis Burnand, H. Lucy, Sir Charles Bright McLaren, Sir Henry Craik, Ld. Rathmore, Mr Galbraith, Mr Wolff, Capt Marshall. Mrs Ionides 10 - 1PM, 26 Jubilee Place Chelsea. Took Om. morg to Mrs Messel to hear about children. Saw Mrs M, & to Glouc. Ter. Darling M’s letter this morg. says they return Thurs or Fri. Mrs Geiger, Capt Heathorn, Mrs & Miss Alt, Maud Paxton, Hilda & Ethel Knowles & Mrs Gill called & Mrs Sington, Cole, Wallace, Mocatta, (illeg) & fiancé Phillipson. Wednesday 21 June Mrs H.J. Dickens’ dance 10 o’c, Grafton Galleries. To Piercey’s morg by Bus for Maud. After lunch on foot to call on Miss Webster, 2 nieces of Lady Bridge’s there, one vy pretty. Mrs Herkomer, Mrs Lemon in Baby party, Mrs Keen, & sat with Lin for an hour after. Margarith out afternoon evg. Roy out to dinner had carriage. I alone 2nd night, tray. Thursday 22 June Maud & Lennie return fr. abroad today or tomorrow. Mrs Clerihugh’s 4 - 7. Mrs Keith’s dinner 8 o’c. 12 o’c appt. Piercey’s. 11 o’c Glouc. Terrace, flowers. Saw 5 maids for Maud, 3 cooks & 3 head housemaids. Roy to stay Maidenhead with Mr Sterne. Toula to tea. Most delicious dinner & beautifully served at Mrs Keith’s, everything A1. Clear soup, salmon, noisettes of volaille peas (cold). Quails. Lamb, delicious tongue & peas. Vanilla cream in silver cups & apricots & raspberry syrup & strawberry pistachio cream ice. Savory. Peaches, strawberries, melon & cherries. Friday 23 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Bergne’s dinner, Ranelagh. Cannot go. Mrs C. Burnand 4.30. Mrs Palgrave Simpson 4 - 7. Darling Maud & Lennie return fr. Italy after 8 weeks absence. To Gloucester Terrace did flowers. Cussans vy Messelish & odd! Home to luncheon. Maud’s carriage fetched me at 3 & met them at Char X. Both look so well. Left darling after tea as feared she w’d be tired. To Mrs P. Simpson’s, excellent singing & recitations. Lin & self alone, Roy away. Saturday 24 June Ranelagh Mrs Keen, 3.30. Darling & Lennie to Balcombe. Cap Heathorne dinner Hurlingham, postponed. Maud & Lennie came in motor on their way to Balcombe, darling well. At 3.30 in brougham to Ranelagh with Mrs K. & her rude little girl. 5/tea. Met Mrs Mackasey, Rogerson, Kennedy, Taylor, Ethel Burnand etc. Lin & self alone to dinner. Sunday 25 June Lin & self dine at Hurlingham 8 o’c with Mr Galbraith. Tennis at Sir Alfred Hickman’s, first Sunday this year. Roy away at Maidenhead., returns tomorrow. Midge came to tea looking vy handsome & smart. Party of 4 Hurlingham, Mr Galbraith, Mr Maxwell, Lin & self. Not nearly as lively or pretty as Ranelagh. Singing, band & recitations. Monday 26 June Mrs Colefax, 4.30. Mrs Wheen, 6 Cumberland Ter, 4 - 7. Went with darling M at 3.30 to Mrs Wheen’s, Mrs Walter Agnew, Mrs Colefax, & Mr Ryle & Mr Hood’s! All interesting. Maudie & Roy dined here, 4 of us! Lin working all day. Vy cosy little dinner we 4 together, like old times. X Burmah Oil renewal X. Tuesday 27 June Mrs Silver 4 - 7. Mrs Messel 4 - 6.30. Mrs Mocatta 10 o’c. Lady Henderson 4 6.30. Vy warm. Out morg Kens, to bank about Burmah Oil renewal for 3 years. At 4.30 to Mrs M. Saw Maud, Lennie seedy. Mrs Hohler monopolised darling M. Roy came later. Went alone to Midge’s saw Dora, looks ill, & Ham. Vy bright with Band & overlooking Pk. Donna Linda there. Lin & self alone. Roy out. Wednesday 28 June Paid Cole £62 for carriage. Mrs Newman & Mrs Prettyman’s at home, 31 Ennismore Gardens 4.30 - 7. Vy crowded. Mrs Rawlinson’s 4 o’c. Academy Soirée. Mrs Ackers, 27 Portland Place Mansions, 3.30. Mrs P. Walker’s dinner 8 o’c, ref. Mrs Taylor Whitehead 6 o’c, ref. Vy full Mrs N’s. Saw Mrs Brightheim, Silver, no one else I knew. Roy & self dined together & to Soirée, met everyone we know! Thursday 29 June Astronomer Royal 3 - 6, ref. Maudie & Lennie dine here. Asked Miss Krabbe, cannot come. Mary Millais, Maud & Lennie only. 6, Roy here. Out morg, dull, rain. With Maud at 3.15 to leave cards. Pirrie, Prettyman, A. Linley, Lucy, Henderson. Maud to tea H. of C. with Col. & Mrs Welby. Slept peacefully in carriage waiting. Lennie vy seedy & Roy tiresome at dinner, will talk such nonsense. Friday 30 June Astronomer Royal 3 - 6. Lady Lockyer’s dinner, unable to accept. Lady Bergne’s garden party. Mrs Pym to tea here 4.30. Lady Burnand 4.30. Mrs Kimell 4.30 - 6. Pouring wet morg. Breakfasted in bed. Jul 1905 Saturday July 1 Mrs Mount Batten 4 - 6.30. Mrs Briton Riviere 4.30. Herkomer’s pictures 22b Ebury St, Belgravia. Dine at Hurlingham with Cap. Heathorne 8 o’c. We take Phenie Knowles with us. Lovely afternoon. Saw Armstrongs, Hollands, Batemans. Cap. H. vy fatiguing & tiresome to talk to, there & not there. Sunday 2 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Asked Mr & Mrs Ackers & Sir James Hayes Sadler, 8 o’c. Cannot come. Herkomer’s pictures 23 Ebury St, Belgravia. Mrs A. Lewis dines here & Mr H.B. Davis & Mr Douglas dine here, 6. Heavenly day. Sir A. Hickman tennis. Roy dined at Sir A’s leaving our party 5 only. Vy pleasant evg but muddly waiting, do better with more. Monday 3 July Lady Carbutt’s dinner 8 o’c. Herkomer’s pictures. Out morg carriage, Kensington only. Darling came with Mad’lle morg, looks pale. Mr Hartree called, saw him. Roy dined & to dance at Lady McLaren’s. Delightful evg Lady C’s. Mr Cunliffe delightful companion took me in. Gen. Stirling flippant but clever, S.A. fame. Gen. Plumer & sprightly wife (illeg) crown! Vy talkative. Captain & Mrs Battey (Mabel) & Sir William & Lady Abney. Vy pleased to see him again. Judge Bacon. Excellent dinner & well served. Most delightful evg. Tuesday 4 July Tyler out afternoon & evg. Belita Steven’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs Welby’s dinner at House of Commons 8 o’c. Out morg met Maud Cole, & saw girl about daily work. Mrs Palgrave Simpson, Mrs G. Keith, Maud P. & Miss Barren called. Dullish dinner at Mrs Welby’s. Gen & Mrs Ward (she sis. Mrs Lucas) & stupid Mr & Mrs Andrew. Mr & Mrs McCartney etc, 12, & Mr Stone. Roy out too. Wednesday 5 July Mrs Noott to luncheon & Dossie to dinner. Wired late not coming. Mrs Noott eat nothing! Called at 3.30 McLaren, Dickens, Lady Carbutt, Levy, Dora Claridges, Wells & to see Lennie. Cussans there. Lin & I went morg in car with Maud to see 104, lovely house! Sat with Mrs Spofforth in Holland Pk. Alone evg. Thursday 6 July Invite to go to Mrs Keen, ref. Lords Tea Mrs Huish, Block A. Mrs Johnson Ferguson 10.30, music & G. Grossmith Jn. Susie A’Beckett 4.30. Out morg. Given Margaret to clean odd silver. 3 large forks, 1 small (daily use pattern). Fiddle pattern 4 large forks 4 small, 4 dessert spoons, 3 table, 4 salt, 1 cake basket. Vy crowded & hot at Mrs J.F. Saw Airds, Roxburgh etc etc. Roy, Lin & self went & ret’d together. Vy tired. M. & Lennie to Balcombe. Friday 7 July Lords, Block A. Lady Monckton’s dinner 8. 15, ref. Mrs Fletcher Moulton’s Garden Party 4 - 7. Mrs Jopling Rowe 4 - 7. Lady Nottage 4 - 7. Maud came to luncheon, we went in her carriage to Lords. Saw Dora & Miss Forster, Bosanquets, H. Henderson etc. On to Mrs F.M. Pitt, Romer, Dickens, Critchett, D. Hartland etc, Burnand. Home in brougham. Maud to Balcombe 5.30. Roy out, dined with H. Messels. Saturday 8 July Go to Pangbourne till Monday by 5.5 fr. Paddington. Packed & sewed morg. Found Sir W Judge Selfe & Lady S here Bowden Green, & Mona & Mr S. Lovely evg. Mr & Mrs (blank) dined here evg. Very hot. Played games on billiard table after. Dear Roy had Dora & B. Yorke to luncheon Savoy, costly. Roy at home tonight, seemed depressed. Sunday 9 July Pangbourne. Heavenly day. Breakfast on lawn! Margarith out afternoon & evg. Lunch on lawn. Mr & Mrs Beale & Miss Thompson came for long day. Called with Mrs K & Lady Selfe at 4 o’c on 3 people. 14 to dinner. Sir Frederick Cardwell, Miss Jones, Mr & Mrs (blank), Beales & Miss T who left after. Delightful day. Monday 10 July Ret’d fr. Pangbourne by 10.40 train. Breakfasted on lawn. Mrs Kemp laid up fr. fall, vy bruised. Met Maudie who had taken flowers to Staf. Ter. Lennie still ill, Balcombe. To Stores ordered fish, cheese. Butlers tray stand etc. Sent £100 to Mr Birks for application for £2,000 Japs.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 11 July Young Krabbe married to Miss Jardine 2.30, 14 Lancaster Gate. Asked Rooths, Partridges, Lady Monckton, Major Du Maurier dine with us 8 o’c. Roy dines at Mrs J. Aird’s. Rather nice little dinner. Man Golden & woman to help. Forgot 3 things self. To have claret for dessert, ½ lb salted almonds & 2 bots Hock! To remember 3 things. Darling Maud came morg, flowers. (rest of entry illegible). Wednesday 12 July Mrs Bergheim 4 - 7, Hungarian Band. Mrs Bosanquet’s luncheon Lords, cannot go. Lovely day. Went alone saw Mr Reed, Sir B.B, Mrs Gribble, Wards etc. Dined alone. Roy home 9.30. Lovely day. Thursday 13 July Asked Dora & Paul dinner, cannot come. Vy hot. At 4 to Marshalls, ordered 3 prs gloves & veil & net. Morg to Woollands bought silk for dress, evg, glacé, £2.17.6, & linen skirt 17/11. Hat at Evans 15/11. Roy Lin & self to dinner here. Friday 14 July Mrs Finlay’s invite to Lords for match, ref. Vy hot. Packing. Sp. Came morg on new Polo pony, had a spill after. Not hurt fortunately. To Stores 4 o’c & Heath’s. Saturday 15 July Mrs B. Riviere, 4. Go to Southampton, join Joyeuse. Came to S’ampton at 11.30. Saw Olive & Dorothy who came to stay at the Cox’s. Steamed off 5.30. Anchored at Yarmouth, only selves on board. Sunday 16 July Rain. St Malo’s steamer aground. 2 tugs busy tugging her but seems stuck. Left Yarmouth 11 o’c. for Poole, arrived 3 o’c at Portland. Lin, Gwen, H. for sail. We then went ashore & had a long walk along stoney rocky cliffs, ugly. Lovely evg, watched signalling of battleships in harbour with Gwen. Monday 17 July Dullish. Steamed to Dartmouth arrived about 3. Had tea. Rowed about harbour with Gwen & Lin. Yacht M(illeg) etc. After tea went for lovely walk views beautiful & colouring vy fine, trees & grass to water’s edges, wild flowers. Fright with cow! Quiet peaceful evg, vy tired fr. long walk. Sat on deck with Gwen evg. Tuesday 18 July Dartmouth on Joyeuse. Received allotment letter for £200 in Japanese 4 ½ % (illeg) loan & cheque of £60 returned making £40 paid. Sent the £60 to London & County Bank fr. here. Saw Church of St Saviour’s at Dartmouth with Tabs morg. Beautiful old church, 1400. 1500 finely carved rood screen, painted. At 3 o’c to Totnes with Tabs, H, Gwen & Dickie in launch, had tea there. Most lovely all the way. Giddesham with its church beautiful. Stay Balcombe until today. Wednesday 19 July Sir W.H. Wills dinner 8 o’c. Return home fr. Dartmouth. Most inconsiderate of both Tabbie & Hamilton as weather was perfect & they might have taken us back to S’hampton, instead of putting us to this great expense & for 3 days in harbour! Roy away. Dined in train & went to bed after unpacking. Exeter Cathedral fine organ over rood screen spoils it. V.v. tired. Thursday 20 July X. Took letter of Allotment £200 4% to L.C. Bank. Mrs A.C.Harding’s Garden party, Torfield, Eastbourne. Out morg. Mrs Devonshire called & Mary Millais to tea. Arranged to go with her Harrogate 26th August. At 6 o’c took back ugly expensive panama to Heath’s. Lin vy tired with work. Not a line fr. Roy. Friday 21 July Mrs Kemp’s dinner, ref. Gov’t defeated over Irish secretary’s salary!!! Vy hot. Out 3 o’c brougham stores, met Sp. Pd. £2.10.9 for Dossie’s wed. pres. Linley boy’s birthday books £1.0.0 & my cones 10/-. Roy returned but dined out. Feel vy vy tired with pain at back of my head, over fatigue. Vy late dinner 10.15.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 22 July To darling Maud. Heavenly day. Roy out to lunch, home to dinner. Packed morg. Roy to City all day, wired Emma he would bring one or two men to dine with him. Hylda H. here. Lin & I came by 4.30 train, found darling M. not well, kidney trouble & seems not herself. Lennie better and the dear Babies all vy bonnie, greatly grown especially Nonie boy. Little Anne vy pretty & Oliver greatly improved. (illeg illeg). Sunday 23 July Roy home to dinner. Plays tennis at Sir Alfred’s. Breakfast in bed & sat in Maud’s room. Wet morg. Lennie, Nonie & self to Nymans. Mr M, Mrs Sington, Muriel vy fat there. Sat with my darling on return. Rained again. Lovely afternoon. Pianola & Patience evg. Margarith out. Monday 24 July Roy to Galbraith’s. Sat about all day, lonely. Vy wet. Dr Parker came to see Maudie, says she is to remain in bed, takes milk only. Maudie came down to tea & had it in garden. Tuesday 25 July Lady Monckton 8.15 dinner acp’d. Wired & written cannot go. Also invite to dine Lady Burnand. Lin left by 10.40 & dines at Lady B’s tonight. I remain Balcombe until tomorrow. Maudie in bed till 5 o’c. Lennie & Hylda to Hohlers in car. Mr & Mrs Messel, Mad’lle & Muriel called & had tea. Wednesday 26 July Dossie Noot’s wedding at Lady Hickman’s. Mrs Lehmann’s dinner at Field Head, Bourne End, Bucks. I return by 10.40. Lin lunches with Staff & we go by special train to Bourne End & dine with the Lehmanns & staff (illeg illeg). Up river in Electric Launch with Burnands, Partridges, Guthrie, Lucys etc. 22 to dinner. Thursday 27 July Miss Gill comes for day & Miss Stancombe Wills to tea, after Olive, Lady Selfe & Mabel. Gilly arrived 12.20 looks much older & must find it difficult to make a living. She had bad fall near desk just before leaving. Gave her cab fare home, fear she may feel faint. Happy evg with Dickie dined 8.45. Bed early. In all day. Lost net & lace & my white gloves, curious to see where they can be. Friday 28 July Left by 4.30 for Balcombe 2nd C. full. Saw Hamilton F. Balcombe Sta. & we came on together in Vic. Found Maudie looking sweet but vy pale in drawing room on sofa. Left dear Lin vy busy. H. & Lennie walked about grounds. Pleasant cheerful dinner. H. & Maudie talked about Marston after, & Lennie pianola. Have a tiresome sty on left eye, cold fr. train to Bourne End! Letter to Lin fr. Roy fr. Galbraiths, seems enjoying it. Saturday 29 July Sty v. painful. Lin & Mr Hood arrived by 5.30 (4.30 fr. Vic) Lovely day. Maudie about same, came down into drawing room at tea time. Vy pleasant dinner. Sunday 31 July Tyler out afternoon evg. To Church morg with Nonie, rather restive but funny, imitated Lennie’s way of sitting in Church. Saw Faure Walkers, Ld F & Miss F, Mrs H. B(illeg) etc. Mr Parker over to tea. Hamilton, Lennie, Lin & Mr Hood played tennis. Hamilton left after tea for Hythe Southampton. Vy delightful talk dinner on history of American War & after on Egyptian History. Monday 31 July Tyler out. To Academy afternoon evg. Eye vy bad & unsightly. Lin to London after tea 4 o’c, returns tomorrow. Florence Walford comes at 5.30. Mr Hood left early. Lennie to town first time since his illness. Lin had to wait 40 minutes at Balcombe Sta. on acct of trains late Goodwood Races & Royal party travelling.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Aug 1905 Tuesday 1 August Lovely day. Dr Parker came & lanced my eye. It is better & less painful but will not discharge freely. Maudie better on sofa drawing room after tea. Lady Frederick Fitzroy called, vy kind about Maud. Lennie off to drill his men, seems better but tired. Only 10 men appeared. Dr P thinks Harrogate w’d do me more harm than good. Lennie to drill, only 10 men turned up. Nurse Maud came, to be here whilst Nurse F. is away. Wednesday 2 August Lovely day. Eye about same. Miss Mead called about basket making. Maud not nearly so well evg. Lennie played tennis with Mr Stevens (curate). Nurse Marion came & had fall, looks well. F. & self had walk after tea. Thursday 3 August Goodwood Cup day. Pouring rain. Letter fr. Dora asking us for week’s shooting 3rd Sep. Letter fr. Midge, also dear Roy fr Terregles, having a lovely time. Telegram fr. Johnson Fergusons asking us for 2 day’s shoot Sep, 2 dates. Mrs Messel & Ottie drove over. Friday 4 August Mrs Messel’s garden party Nymans. Florence, Mad’lle & Nonie went. Darling Maud seems about same, taking nothing but milk. Vy wet morg, fine afternoon. I walked to meet Lin at 5.30, train late. Motor to meet Lennie, awful commotion about no carriage or luggage cart at Station. Lennie off to Nymans in great fluster. Mr Marriott, Lin & self walked to house. Lennie upset Maud about conveyances as he was too late for tennis Nymans & too late here on return. Saturday 5 August Darling’s birthday. Hilda M & Mrs Harold came over morg. Mrs M. sent odd little present wicker tray & 3 cloths. Lennie Lin & Mr Marriott to Nymans after luncheon. Lin vy annoyed Lennie drinking Maud’s health in Hock! Uncomfortable. Maudie looking tired evg. So difficult to keep peace with (illeg) need so much tacking! Sunday 6 August Lovely day, eye rather inflamed so did not go to Church. Dr Parker came says Maud w’d be better in bed entirely but is going on well. Lin, Lennie & Mr Marriott to Arundel in car. Lennie lunching with Duke of Norfolk & officers of W. Sussex at castle. Monday 7 August Posponed on account of Maud’s illness, indefinitely. Very wet morg. Maudie looks better but always does. Tuesday 8 August Left with Lin by 10.15AM train. Darling Maud looks pale, promised to remain in bed. Found all well at home. House vy airy. Wednesday 9 August Morg to Stores & Lady’s shirt company. V. dear. 3 baskets for maids etc. Hylda called & brought Boysie Sambourne looks wonderfully well & happy. Douglas home. They all go to a small house with some shooting in Cumberland. Thursday 10 August Went for 40 mile run with Mr Hartree in his Electric motor. Enjoyed it & felt better. Worked after lunch put away some silver etc. Dined at 9.15. Vy tired. Friday 11 August Otley missed Roy with dog cart station, odd. Lin finished work by 6.20. Packed. Mended & ready by 4 o’c. Just going to lie down when Roy arrived from Stoke Edith where he found it dull in that great house alone after the Galbraiths large house party. Looks well. Tyler leaves tomorrow & goes to Maud tomorrow week.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Roy leaves tomorrow for Homburg with young Stern. We left by 8.30 train for Scotland Midland. Saturday 12 August Go to Mrs Beale Drumlanford. Arrived 7.30AM. Coldish drive of 2 miles fr. Newton Stewart. Slept badly but most comfortable double compartment in night train Midland. Rested, breakfasted in my room & down 11.30. Walked round garden with Mrs Bright. Lin Mr Bright & Mr Beale off shooting early. Excellent dinner, grouse etc. Mr Beale played pianola & to bed. Mr B. played some (illeg) & Scarletti (illeg) & Brahms. Young horse goes today to Horlicks for rest. Lin shot 19 grouse, 1 hare, 1 snipe. Sunday 13 August Lovely day. Mrs Beale, Mr & Mrs Bright to Kirk. Mr Beale, Lin & self for long walk delightful not hurried. 2 golden plover, lakes etc. Monday 14 August Lin shot 6 brace grouse. Very peaceful day sat out. Had walk with Mrs Bright & drive with both ladies to (blank). Stamps & money at Post Office, vy primitive. Got mushrooms on way home. Walked after rest with Mrs Bright. Pianola evg. Tuesday 15 August Off day. Went on Lake with Mr & Mrs Bright. Judge & Lady Kennedy came, 8 at luncheon. Rested until 3.30, read papers. Lady Sherbourne (Stern’s aunt) died suddenly. Perhaps Roy won’t go to Homburg, were to have started today. Lovely day. Walked after to watch Judge fishing in (blank). 2 small fish. Pianola evg. Delightful day. Wednesday 16 August Wet all day. In all day. Men shooting but home early. Mr Robertson & Mr Lutyens to tea & all our party of 8. Bridge evg. Mr Beale, self, Mr Bright & Judge Kennedy. Lost by 104 points. Thursday 17 August Lovely morning. Drove to Barrhill with Mrs Beale, Lady K. & Mrs Bright. Judge & Mr Bright off fishing. Lin & our host in to luncheon. Heavy rain after & strong wind. Letters fr. darling & fr. Florence. Mr Coventry there again this weekend. Played Bridge partner our host & lost by 108 points. Friday 18 August Wet, fine later & glorious colouring over hills evg. Morg walked & drove later with hostess, Lady K. & Mrs B. to Barrhill. V. windy returning. Judge & Mr Bright to fish all day caught nothing & the Judge cut one finger & sprained another on left hand. Walked after tea towards fishers with Lin, host & Lady K. Lovely walk & interested in farms. Bridge evg, partner Mr Bright. Lost 85 points! but learning! Saturday 19 August Dear Roy’s birthday. Pouring wet & gale blowing. Picnic vy doubtful. We all went in spite of wind to the shooters for luncheon & had it in a large barn, 4 Mr Jonas’ with us! 27½ brace grouse, 11 hares, 4 snipe. Went over farm house, v. roomy & surprised at the beautiful kitchen range burning peat which looked like coal. Bridge evg. Breakfasted at 8. Fine evg & had walk before dinner with Lady K. Mushrooms. Sunday 20 August Lovely day. Rain came into my room! Had walk with Judge, our host, Lin & Lady K to Windmill, few mushrooms. V. warm. Most excellent dinner 2 o’c. Rested, sat out, tea & walk with Lin, hostess & Lady K. Lin & self with Judge to take photo of house, beautiful evg the hills shining with opal tints. Music evg. Delightful day. To bed at 10 o’c. Monday 21 August Pouring wet morg. Drove to Barrhill. V. windy. Tuesday 22 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Another large luncheon at the Gordon farm after 1st drive grouse. Mrs Bright & I went with shooters for first 2 drives. Lovely view fr. house of Drumlanford. Mr Robertson, Lutyens, Cameron & “Romes”. 4 extra guns, 39 ½ brace snipe & hares. Excellent luncheon. Mrs Beale & Lady K. walked home. Mr Bright & self drove. Walked after tea with hostess & Mrs B. All vy tired evg. No bridge. Wednesday 23 August No letters today. Fine but sunless. Judy & Lady Kennedy departed at 11 in Newton Stewart fly. Mr Bright to fish in the Cree. Lin & Laird to fish Drumlanford lake, 2 good trout. Mrs Beale, Mrs Bright & self drove to Barrhill at 2.30. Good stories all the day! there & back. Heavenly afternoon & evg. Tea, & Mrs Bright & self went to meet Charles, had 2 6lb salmon!!! Foundling chicks found in wood. Rainbow evg. V. lucky day. Thursday 24 August Lovely morg. Out morg on Terrace. Packed. After luncheon walked with Mrs Beale & Mrs Bright to met Lin & Mr Beale & Mr Bright near Drumlanford Loch. Walked home together. V. pleasant dinne . Pianola after & to bed. Delightful day. Friday 25 August Lin & self leave Drumlanford after most delightful visit, never enjoyed one more. Raining hard. Had open carriage & glad as it was quite warm. 5 other visitors arriving today! Ethel & Micheline working away to get rooms ready, wonderful housemaid Micheline. Comfortable journey but our train 40 minutes late at St Pancras, crawled & tore alternately. Saturday 26 August Going to Ramsgate. Not going. Breakfasted in bed vy tired. To matinée “What the Butler saw”. Not worth seeing! Home by omnibus & cab there. White came about evg. dress & wonder if I am wise letting her do it! Vy tired evg. Snday 27 August Heavy thunderstorm whilst Lin & I were out, took shelter in St Mary Abbots Cloister. Dear Roy arrived at 12 AM from Homburg. Looks well & seemed to enjoy it. Stern has given him 2 lovely pearls for studs. Lin & Roy to their Clubs together after lunch & home together. Maudie had solid food for 1st time for 7 weeks!!! Monday 28 August Out morg bought for evg dress net 1/11, 3 yards cream silk 5/7, velvet & rib 2/3½ . Post Office order pincurls 5/1½. Total 14/11. Rested & mended! after lunch. To Gaiety “Spring Chicken” after dinner with Roy & Lin. Amusing & pretty music but stupid piece. Cab there & back. V. wet night. Florence Walford’s stepmother’s death in Times today. Tuesday 29 August White coming morg. Came 7 o’c late. V. wet morg, sun later. Roy giving dinner at his club. In morg, out after tea to see about gas stove for Emma. Ordered 2 lbs damsons 4d & Condal water Barkers. Lin & self quiet little evg together. Wednesday 30 August Roy off vy early 9 o’c. Peace between Japan & Russia declared! Japan giving in on all sides ceding ½ Saghalen & Russia paying no indemnity. Great solar eclipse today. Alas! dull morg. Lin & I saw it for one second. Roy dined at home & was most disagreable loudly whistling & generally unsympathetic. Thursday 31 August Vy tired & headachy & worried about Roy, makes me feel quite ill. Darling Nonie’s birthday 6 years old. Out morg, lace Woollands. To White afternoon, cut my bodice wrong. No good going to her, more bother than it is worth, she ruins things so. Roy out to dinner. Gave him £5 for his birthday. Sep 1905 Friday 1 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dull. Take Banker’s receipt No 1 first call £2.10.0 per share of 13 allotted B.A. Gt. Southern 4% Ex shares of £10.0.0 each to Bank. Alliance between Gt Britain & Japan. Roy in to dinner. Saturday 2 September Lin goes to Lady Spielman, The Hyde, Nr Luton. Telegrams to Harpendon. Lin & self go to Stoke Edith. Most comfortable journey only stop’g 3 times, Worcester, Malvern & Stoke Edith. Found cricket in full swing at Stoke. Dora looking vy well, Tommy much grown. House party Miss Forster, Miss Wilkinson, young Burns. 8 left this morg after cricket week here. Lin’s Kit bag missing! Great scare & bother to him. Billiards evg. Sunday 3 September P. Burns & two girls to Church. D, Lin & self round garden. Found Lin’s bag in bedroom next to us! after telegrams & letters sent all over the place. Rest for walk after lunch. Had Baby down for ½ hour 5.30. D. with bad cold. After dinner bannister broken by Mr Burns sliding down oak stairs on tea tray! Clumps after, words chosen “ Leg of india rubber ball”. Heel of Miss Williams shoe & letter H! Monday 4 September Miss W. left morg. Long walk to Beacon Hill with Lin, lovely. Paul to see Public Houses! Wrote Roy & Midge. Mr & Miss Wakeman, Mrs J.W. Evelyn, Mr & Hon Mrs Jackson & Mr Simpson Hayward came. Rabbits evg. Rather late. D’s cold rather bad. Tuesday 5 September Lovely day. Went for walk & to Stoke Edith Post Office with Miss Wakeman, Mrs Jackson, Miss Forster. Dora breakfasted in bed. Men off at ¼ past 10 shooting, got 42½ brace, 29 hares, rabbits. Walked round garden after tea. Rabbits evg. Vy late to bed after 12 o’c. Wednesday 6 September Wet. No shooting. Lin returns by 12.30, at least leave here 12.30. Mr & Mrs Onslow come. Mr & Mrs H.K. Foster to dinner. Wet. Walked after luncheon with Mr Jackson. 13 to dinner, 2 Onslows, 2 Fosters, 1 Forster, Simpson Hayward, 2 Jacksons, Mr & Miss Wakeman, 2 Foleys, self. Songs, & Leg ball!. P. more amused than anyone else with it. Thursday 7 September Miss Forster left. Mr & Mrs Onslow leave. Men out shooting. Mr Evelyn left. Mr Jackson, Wakeman, D. & self to tea at Mr & Miss Cresswell’s. Vy pretty cottage with lovely view, quantity of choice birds. Played Rabbits evg. Feel uncomfortable about Maud, she is not making any progress. Friday 8 September Very gusty rainy & alternate sun day. Shooters off 10 o’c. 30 brace. Dora, Miss Wakeman & Mrs Jackson to lunch with them. I remained here alone, felt too unhappy about Maud to go. Bad news this morg. & letter fr. Nurse Millie advising another doctor. Mr & Miss Wakeman left 4 o’c. Packed comfortably during Lin’s absence. Saturday 9 September Go thro’ DV fr Stoke Edith to Balcombe. Vy anxious about my darling. Pouring wet day. Mr & Mrs Jackson return home before me. Swarms of people got in at Worcester, got paper & Bath bun, disgusting bun. Just caught Lin at Vic. My train late on ac’t of some accident on line. Otley met me with his special safety cab. Scrumage for luggage. Found Maudie looking v. fragile, gone back distinctly. Dr Kopke young German for week end. Nonie boy much grown. All Babies well. Sunday 10 Septermber Waited fr. Church to see Dr Parker. He seems satisfied with Maud’s progress, I am not & I think he has been unwise all through in allowing her up at all. It has kept her about much longer than necessary & she ought to have had a proper (illeg)


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Nurse fr. the first. Little German vy nice intelligent plain man. Had good dinner talks. Lennie, Lin & Dr K. to Nymans after lunch in car. Sat with my darling after dinner. Monday 11 September Wet on & off all day. Lennie & Dr Kopke left early. Sat with Maudie after her massage. She looked vy exhausted & pale. After lunch chicks in carriage for drive. Lin & self for walk at 4 to 5.30 to Tates, away. Sat with Maudie after tea, fancy massage tires her too much. Lennie, Lin Nurse Alexander & self dinner. Sat with Maudie till 10.20. Tuesday 12 September Major Guy du Maurier’s marriage with Gwendolen Price, Broadwater, Godalming. Walk with Lin lovely day. Maudie seems to make no progress, disheartening. Hamilton F. has sold Marston! Telephoned to Lennie. Cosy little dinner, sat with darling Maud after. Mrs Fox Adams & a Mr Bainbridge came over to tea. Found them rather heavy in hand, especially when Nurse A came to tea. Wednesday 13 September Saw Dickie off by 10.45 train. Again he is worried by the Punch firm & fear it is the beginning of the end. Feel vy anxious about darling Maud, she seems going back & losing heart about herself. Glorious day. Lennie home vy tired, Hamilton F. lunched with him today. He has sold Marston! Letter fr. Tabbie. Sat with Maudie after dinner. Thursday 14 September Feel vy livery & indigestion, fear it is iron I am taking. Afraid journey to Scotland will knock me up. Friday 15 September Cap. & Hilda Gibbs came at 4 o’c in their own motor. Lin arrived fr. Haywards Heath in Lennie’s motor at 11 o’c. (illeg: Dordiemer hat conge gegibese! Viel Lennie roar base morgens.) Maudie about same. Saturday 16 September Lennie, Lin & Cap. Gibbs shot at Nymans. 14 brace partridges to 3 guns. Hilda with little Linley to Nymans after luncheon. Sat with darlingMaud, seems cheerful. Lennie had bad gun headache & eat no dinner. To bed at 10 o’c. Sunday 17 September Lovely autumn day. Dear Roy looks vy seedy & white. Little Linley & I went to Church & Cap. Gibbs & Hilda came after. Maudie seems bright but still in bed all day. Mr & Mrs Messel, Mr & Ruth Parker, Muriel, Mr & Mrs Stokes & Mr & Miss ?? to tea. Tennis after. Lennie stung at luncheon by wasp. Maudie vy tired & worried by Mrs M. wanting her to put up Ruth, Mr P. & Nurse & 2 Babies (illeg)! Monday 18 September Cap. Gibbs & Hilda left at 10 o’c for Nymans in their own motor. Children to Nymans in carriage. Walked after tea with Dickie red Rd, found gate locked. Saw Ld & Lady Frederick. Maudie seems brighter & vy busy in bed. Miss E. Cussans came by 5 o’c train. Lennie vy tired evg. but better later. Roy left by early train, looks vy seedy & white. Tuesday 19 September Mervyn’s birthday. Lin goes by 10.5. I still feel seedy & had a cry. X. Dr Parker came & darling Maud may get up after tea. Came down to drawing room looking sweet at 7 & lay on sofa. Had some porridge for her lunch & Bengers for her next meal. Red letter day! We had Patience together after & Lennie played pianola. Darling not vy tired at 10 o’c. when she went to bed. Had awful headache packing. Wednesday 20 September Woke before 5 o’c, bright morg. Left by 10.51 train. Ethel Cussans & Nonie boy saw me off. Still nervous sort of headache. Comfortable journey, found Lin well &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 busy. He left directly after luncheon. I rested & re arranged a few things at top of box. Fire & rested in morg. room, vy cozy. Roy out to dinner. Sat with him whilst he dressed, told me he had made £600 in 13 months, was leaving money in firm until he had pd Lennie, wd be happy & settled if next Feb when new arrangements on Exchange come into working if his present firm Simonds & Co w’d take him on. Sincerely trust they will. So much depends on the business he brings & the help he can be to them. Trusting Lennie will do all he can & darling Maud has his interest so absolutely at heart bless her and I wish he w’d show her the loving attention so dear & good a sister deserves. Thursday 21 September Mrs Johnson Ferguson’s shoot, Springkell, Eccelfechan, Dumfries. I go alone, Lin following Friday by night mail! Cab 4/-, Otley’s! 2 boxes only. Lin seems happier & less anxious now he knows Roy is doing better. So glad to be able to ease his mind. Lovely morg. Emma seems to like her little gas stove & oven, vy glad. Comfortable journey, met Miss White & Mr Caustin in train. House party Mr Caustin (Liberal whip) Col Younger, Miss White, Mr & Mrs Johnson. Friday 22 September Walked morg with Mrs J.F. by her donkey carriage, Miss White also, for ½ hour. Rested after luncheon. Walked again with hostess alone in garden & tea together. Mrs Johnson, Miss White in former’s motor to Carlisle. Mr, Mrs & Miss Bates to dinner. Talked after. Saturday 23 September Lin arrived at 7.30. Seems well & fit. Lovely day. Off at ¼ to 11 with Mrs Johnson in her “Crossley” 25 H.P. & Miss White to Wiston 50 miles to see & lunch with Mrs Alec. Lovely run thro’ pretty country, town or village of Moffat & Lockerbie where we bought 9 cheap little presents for Mrs Caustin. Had jugged hare, blancmange with bottled blackcurrants (gave me awful pains after!) & left Mrs A’s at 2.30. Nice house but not carefully kept. Bridged evg, host, Mr C, Miss W, & self. Mr C. & I won. Sunday 24 September Dullish morg. Host & hostess, Miss White, Miss Irwin, Alec, Mr Johnson & Mr Caustin & Col Younger to Church. Mrs Johnson, Lin & self remained at home. Awful tummy ache fr. the bottled blackcurrants yesterday! Took dessertspoonful oil early, cured afternoon. Walked with Lin to see Helen of Kirconnel’s & G. Hennings graves. Met Alec & Mrs J. Motor party, walking party! I rested & pleasant evg talking. Number game. Monday 25 September Lovely day. Ladies lunched with Shooters. Mrs J.F. & I walked with them part of way & we 2 lunched alone. At 2 o’c I went in Mrs Johnson’s car to join ladies & we three went went a long run thro’ lovely scenery to ? by Edinburgh road & returned by Glasgow road thro’ Gretna. Home at 4.45. Changed dress & tea. A girl came to dinner who sang beautifully. Bridge & my side won, again partner J. Ferguson. Col Younger would not sing with Mr Caustin. Dullish. Tuesday 26 September Leave Ecclefechan. Heavenly day, brilliant sun. Mr & Mrs Johnson & Miss Irwin in former’s motor, Alec in his own motor. Miss White, Lin & self left at 10.45 in omnibus & travelled to Carlisle together. Lunch in train, vy so so, 7/6. Midge & Hamilton at Terregles. Good news daily of darling Maud. Vy pleasant visit. Comfortable journey, dined at 8 alone with Lin. Roy at Savoy with Stern. Wednesday 27 September Dull, dark & rain vy different to Scotland. Lin cannot go to Balcombe Saty, bitterly disappointed. Fear darling will be put out. Looked thro’ accounts all morg. Wired Maud later to say we w’d go to Balcombe Saty. In all day & dined alone. Let M. go out afternoon & evg, being alone. Roy still at Savoy & dining with Tabbie & H. there.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 28 September Roy ret’d late after theatre. He dined at Savoy with Tabs, H, Evie, Gwen & Marquis ? Out to Nevilles morg. Kens & Bayswater full of Edgware Rd people. I sat with Lin & read to him. Quiet evg & bed early, dined ¼ to 9. Friday 29 September Wet early. By bus to Neville, fitted. Won’t go again, they cheat in material & use other than patterns submitted & selected. Afternoon by om to tea 19 Harley St with Fanny & May Nembhard. Met Major & Mrs Carson there. Feel vy tired. Read to Lin on return. His room always gives me headache, so stuffy & hot, or a violent draught. Dined 10.15. Roy came home before we had finished dinner. Saturday 30 September Lin & self go to Balcombe 4.30. Met Harold & his wife at Station & came down with them. Found darling Maud better & up, & down to dinner but looks vy fragile. Pleasant evg. Games. Oct 1905 Sunday 1 October To Church with Forence W. & Nonie boy. Lennie came in later. We remained to Communion. Kite flying with Mr Thring. Lennie tired himself greatly. Mr Thring came to dinner, vy amusing little man. Games after, to bed 10.45. Harold v. seedy all day. Monday 2 October Harold & Mrs H. left morg. Mrs Messel came morg, seemed vy lively but worried after hearing Harold was not well yesterday. Lennie shooting at Mr Lester Reid’s, got 90 head of game. Lennie vy enervi evg, & tired. Darling & I for drive to Nymans taking Harold’s nailbrushes, & thro’ Handcross home. After tea walked with Lin for hour. Wish Maudie c’d go away alone for 3 weeks, she needs the change. Mr E. Parker arrived just in time for dinner, shooting with Lennie tomorrow. Tuesday 3 October Lennie & Mr E. Parker shooting at Nymans. Lin unable to go, busy with Almanack work. Had lovely walk of an hour with Lin after tea. Mr & Mrs Thring here to dinner, she looking very handsome & nice but overdressed. He vy amusing & seems clever. Had games after dinner. Maudie vy bright & always best with Lin at all games. Wednesday 4 October Dr Parker came, says Maud doing well & 2 weeks in Scotland w’d cure her. Rain, fine after 3.30, glorious sunset. Saw dear Lin off with little Anne at Station. Maud in all day unable to get her drive so she worked. Difficult to get her to rest. Wish Lennie would be a little more considerate to her, he gets so easily cross & unpleasant. I can see how much it hurts the darling & he doesn’t mean it having the kindest nature. Odd. Thursday 5 October Lovely morg. Woke 7 o’c to read until breakfast came in 9 o’c. Had one hours walk before luncheon, darling busy in bed with her accounts with Florence. After luncheon for lovely drive taking little Anne with Maud. Dear little Anne bad cold, only noticed it at teatime. Mrs Faure Walker to tea, chicks after. Lennie vy tired & tiresome at dinner, Maud feels his childish petulancy when she is so weak herself. Wish he was more manley & less childish over trifles. Friday 6 October Lovely morg. Bitterly cold wind, walked to end of new road morg, posted letters. Sat with Maudie. Walked with Maud after luncheon. Florence with Nurse F & Oliver to Mrs Fox Adams for cream. Nurse Alexandra left after dinner for good. Bad news of Aunt Barbara, Mrs Thompsett & Ethel to visit.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 7 October Massaged Maudie morg. Had walk with F. & Maudie after lunch, too far. Lennie busy flying Kites with Tuffley on our return, no wind. Mr Marriott & Mr Brodie came for week end, latter going in to Parliament. Lin arrived at 5.40. Looks only fairly well & Roy v. seedy. Dickie has had a pain on muscle of chest & found Homercal(?) most effective. Had charades evg. Lennie, Mr Brodie & Mr M. all very good. (rest of page illeg). Sunday 8 October Colder but fairly fine. Sat with Maudie all morg & massaged her & used my sponge(?), vy effective. Mr Marriott, Florence & Nonie boy to Church. Lennie, Mr M. & Mr Brodie to Nymans in car & walked back. I read to Lin & went for walk with him after tea as far as Oxleys. Maud & F & Nonie for walk. Played games evg. Monday 9 October Dull, colder. Mr Brodie, Mr Marriott & Lennie to London. Sat with Maud all morg. After lunch Maudie & Florence made 3 calls! Sanitary inspector here. Lin & self for walk after tea & paid 1/- bill I owed at corner drapers, no receipt. Lennie home earlier, & for walk with Maudie. Games evg. Tuesday 10 October Maudie & Florence to London by 9 train for day. Lin left by 10.45 on act Almanack work. Lennie said Roy better last evg. Lin seems to have also begun a cold. Always afraid of his, feel v. seedy with mine but am so well looked after here & have every mortal hing it ought to go soon. Darling Anne had tea with me & Nonie boy to tea at Dr Parker’s. Maudie not as tired as I expected. Wednesday 11 October Had a little walk to Post Office (illeg) but too cold wind to go further. Maudie seems no worse for her journey yesterday. Mrs Worsley & 2 girls came to tea one Miss O’Connor does miniatures. Evie Fisher-Rowe sent us game, vy thoughtful of her. Lennie looks much better in fact a better colour than I have seen him for ages. To bed early. Thursday 12 October Dull. Maudie & F. go to London for day’s shop. Hope Maudie won’t tire herself. Rested & feel worlds better. Darling Nonie put to bed for not eating his dinner. Nonie & Anne came & had tea with me. Little Anne vy excitable. Walked morg to farm. Lovely position but deadly dull uncomfortable inside. Maudie so tired unable to come in to dinner, pain, indigestion. Lennie well, in good spirits. Friday 13 October Florrie Blair coming for day to say goodbye, leaves for India 24th Nov. Came. Packed comfortably. V. tired & worried about Maud who looks very delicate. X. Sir Henry Irving died of syncope after his arrival at Hotel at Bradford where he played “Beckett”. Seemed exhausted during the performance & wonder restoratives were not given him. Saturday 14 October Roy to Balcombe. I returned by 12.15 train from Balcombe. Fees 27/- cab 3/porter 1/-. Total £1.10.0. Found Lin rid of his cold. Sat with Lin. Lin & self went to Butts & Slaters at 6 o’c, fruit & ham, back to work & dined ¼ to 9. Great sorrow expressed everywhere on announcement of Sir Henry Irving’s sudden death last evg. on his return to Hotel after having played Beckett at the Bradford Theatre. Sunday 15 October Went up to Hyde Pk Corner with Dickie & walked back. Met Mr Braunstein. Margarith out afternoon, Emma brought up tea. Sat with Dickie & read. Roy at Balcombe. Young Bergne called 6 o’c, talked of stocks & shares. Monday 16 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Darling Maud comes fr Balcombe to Gloucester Terrace. Roy returned fr. Balcombe with bad cold. Alice mending linen at 11.30. Went to see Edgar & Sophy by om. Parrot vy amusing stayed an hour, would not remain to lunch on account of Lin being alone. Sat with Lin all afternoon. Electric light failed just as we came down to dinner thro’ Lin trying to mend electric light! Darling Maud comes up fr. Balcombe. Lin, Roy & self dined together. Margarith to be fitted dress after tea. Tuesday 17 October Lovely morg. Maudie, Lennie & Roy dine here 8 o’c. I walked morning, sat with Lin afternoon. Morg. room vy hot after dinner had to open window. Miss Needham White & Lady Critchett called, saw no one. Wednesday 18 October Alice Linley to luncheon 1.30. My darling & Lennie go to Scotland. To be fitted 10.30 Neville, fear me about dress. Alice here till 4.30 & sat with Lin after. Roy out. Margarith out afternoon & evening. Emma managed very nicely. Telegram fr. Maud, all well & comfortable at Abbey Hotel Melrose NB. Thursday 19 October Lovely morg. Walked 11 o’c with Mrs Gill to Bayswater side of Gds, sat in sun. To Laking about housemaid, saw one seemed willing but am not impressed with her much. Sat with Lin, worked & read. Letter fr. Maudie seems vy happy in Scotland. Roy dined with Ham & Tabbie & went to see “Oliver Twist” & liked it immensely. Friday 20 October Sir Henry Irving’s funeral at Westminster Abbey. Lin & self went. One of the most impressive & beautiful scenes, dense crowds. Had good places in Chancel, sat next to Sir Harry Poland. The whole of the west cloister had double rows on either side of wreaths & up the central aisle also. Music & singing beautiful, coffin covered with pall of laurel leaves & cross. Lin vy late with work. Roy out to dinner. Saturday 21 October Lovely morg. Wire fr. Tabbie for Lin & self to lunch at Carlton, went, most excellent luncheon à trois. Saw Wyndham. Lin & self after to see “On the Love Path” Ellis Jeffreys, du Maurier most amusing & (illeg) du rideau of Pepys, vy good also, “The Private Council”. Tabbie back to Pyt by rail. H. already started on his new car. Roy out to dinner with Edgar & Sophy, Lin & self alone. Sunday 22 October Lin & self dine at Lady Burnand’s, 8 o’c. Roy in tonight. Sir Francis Burnand ill in bed, dinner postponed. Emma remained in & managed a nice little dinner for Roy, Lin & self. Out morg. with Lin, met Nellie Keith looking rather! & walked part of way with her. Miss Rose Innes came at tea time. Lovely day. Lin to Club after lunch. Monday 23 October Lovely morg. Mended Roy’s clothes all morg. Out afternoon for short time. Roy out with Mr Stern for boxing match evg, they dined together. Edgar & Sophy dined here & vy pleasant evg, both in good form. Tuesday 24 October Mis Rose Innes & Nellie. Out morg wasted time looking after hats & no success all ugly & only fit for professional beauties. Nellie K, Miss Rose Innes & Mr & Mrs K. Graham to tea & Toula. White came charged 6/6 for only washing & replacing lace in blouse. Vy dear, badly washed & bothered me with dress. Lin, Roy & self to dinner. Wednesday 25 October Promised to go & see Aunt Barbara, unable to go, wrote, vy sorry. Emma out evg. Toula to luncheon & to see “Oliver Twist” after, Tree vy good, house full. Arthur, Giggie & Susie a’Beckett there, came to our box. Giggie vy much improved.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dickie saw us into omnibus. Roy out to dinner. Toula & self cosy little evg. alone, she left at 9.30. Letter fr. darling Maud, seems well, air doing her good. Thursday 26 October To be fitted 10.30. By om. to Woolands after & bought fur toque, £2.2.0 with nothing in it! Lin, Roy & self to dinner. Roy came in too late to dress, Lin annoyed. Sat with Lin all afternoon, dinner 20 to 9. Emma to see about Alice’s things, she’ll leave Asylum tomorrow. Friday 27 October Roy out evg. Went to lunch with Edgar & Sophy but found Edgar in bed with liver, gout attack. Dr MacGeogh there. Edgar in great pain in back. Lunched at their rooms & sat with Edgar until 4.30 whilst Sophy went to see an old protégé of Edgar’s at Work House. Sat & read to Lin on return & at 7.45 took cab & went to meet Sophy at Court Theatre to see “Man & Superman” by Bernard Shaw. V. clever, Gilbertian rather, amusing but not a pleasant piece. Cab home. Toatal 4/6, morg 1/-. Saturday 28 October Sir F. Burnand not so well again. Lin went to enquire. Went immediately after breakfast by omnibus to see Edgar. Up in dressing gown in morg. room & free fr. pain but looked pulled down. Sat with them until 12 o’c. Lin & self to see American play “On the Quiet” at Comedy. Midge met us & returned by cab with me to dinner, Roy in also. Very amusing piece but not pleasant side of life. Lin dined with Conrad Cooke at Savage Club & enjoyed it. Sunday 29 October Wet morg. Fine after, walked with Lin fr. Hyde Pk Corner, met Cowards. Roy out luncheon. Lin to Club. Burnand better. Phene Knowles called to tea, Emma served it, Margarith out till 7 o’c. Lin, Roy & self to dinner. Got thro’ much afternoon. Monday 30 October Mended all morning. At ¼ to 2 by om to Putney. Fr there to Teddington, saw Aunt Barbara, better, & takes great interest in everything. Nice clean rooms & woman to look after her. Hopes to get up soon! Roy dined with Mr Stern. Saw vy aged housemaid, 19 years service, too old. Tuesday 31 October Lady Selfe’s dinner 8 o’c. Morg. to White to be fitted, walked part way. Mr Molesworth & Mrs Keen called tea time. 12 to dinner Lady S, Lady Lockwood, Sir A & Lady Critchett, Mr Blunt etc. Mr & Mrs Gow, dull man Mr Gow. Vy pleasant dinner. Roy in to dinner alone. Emma out to see Alice Turner & Agnes. Alice just out of Asylum. Nov 1905 Wednesday 1 November Miss Hannay’s wedding Guards chapel with Lt Col Crompton Roberts, Grenadier Guards. Recep after 40 Up. Brook St. Wet & dull. Stock Exchange holiday. Roy at home, out to luncheon. Lennie’s shoot Nymans. Margarith out. Thursday 2 November Out morg. Lin busy & behind rather, difficult subject. Roy out. Friday 3 November Out morg. Walked to enquire for Edie. Lin vy late & seems nervous about work. Feel same self & tired. Read, mended, & Lin dined at 10.30. Feel dead tired as if I had done everything & nerves all over the place. Lin’s drawing v. fine, Czar giving Russia Liberty as woman escaping fr prison. Saturday 4 November Lovely morg. Feel v. seedy & nervous overstrained fr. anxiety over Lin’s work. Splitting headache vy stupid. Lin & self lunch out & to matinée “Prodigal Son”. Excellent luncheon at Savoy 10/-, chops, cheese, wine, coffee & one liqueur.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Enjoyed piece vy much. Back by omnibus. Lin bought fruit. Roy, Lin & self alone evg dinner. Feel better, headache gone. 2 duck & pheasants fr. Lennie. Sunday 5 November Miss Bret Harte 4.30. Roy off 10 o’c in Mr Stern’s motor car. Ham’s horses on view at Tattersalls previous to sale tomorrow. Saw them. Heavy rain. Miss Rose Innes dining here. Midge & Miss Bret Harte to tea. M. looking vy smart & handsome as usual. Lin lunched at Club, I alone. Roy to Winchester on motor, home late. Only 3 to dinner. Monday 6 November Take B.A.Pacific allotment letter for 2 new £10 shares to Bank. Unable to do it. Remain in morg. to see maids & mend linen. Out Kens & Knightsbridge after luncheon. Maud came afternoon for ½ an hour. Maud & Lennie dined here 8 o’c. L. looking vy seedy but seemed lively. Vy cheery evg. Maudie starts moving into 104 Lancaster Gate tomorrow. White called & pd her 12/6. Tuesday 7 November 2 & 3 o’c white fog. Lennie & Maud dine here 6.30. Roy also in, & we go to see Bouchier in “Merchant of Venice” together. Mrs Levy & dau. only called. Out morg. Very foggy at night. Saw maids, none likely. Wednesday 8 November X. Paid to London Joint Stock Bk. 3 Princes St, £2.0.0 being £1 each on two newly allotted £10 Ordinary shrs. 1st payment on these. Margarith out afternoon & evg in Emma’s place. Roy out. Alone to dinner. To Vera about black walking dress & blouse & hat. Late luncheon ¼ to 2, wrong bus. Worked afternoon. Thursday 9 November Mrs Caustin 4.30. Mrs Harold Messel. Mrs Parish. Fitted 10.30 Vera. To 676 Fulham Rd maids, saw none likely. To Maud’s after luncheon. Called enquired Mrs Messel, & Mrs Caustin & Mrs Harold in M’s fly, met Mabel B. here. Walked to Mrs Parish’s, business talk with Mr P. Bahia Blanca waterworks. Roy out to dinner. Quiet evg, did all I wanted today! Friday 10 November Mrs Newman 4.30, 58 Eaton Sqre. Fine. To Mrs Hunt’s morg, saw several ones all unsuitable. 8.45 PM young Bergne comes about changing stock. Decided to sell £300 P.& O. 3 ½ debs & 7 Harrods shares. Remained in all afternoon tired. Saw maid vy common ugly little person, these seem to be legion! Saturday 11 November Mrs Cohens 3 - 6, 11 Hyde Pk Terrace. Wet. Edie Furrell surprised me at 10.30 & went with me to be fitted Vera’s. Lin & self lunched Criterion Grill room (vy common) food good. To see “Public Opinion” after, good cast, bad piece. Roy, Lin & self home dinner. Bad bird, wild duck. Lucky had steak in house. Sunday 12 November Mrs Cohen 3 - 6. Edie F. to lunch. Lin & Roy out. H.F. to tea & fetch Edie, stayed till 6.30. Lin home 6.15. Margarith out afternoon. Roy, Lin & self in to dinner, disastrous dinner, pheasant gone, fine bird kept too long. Fish also none too fresh. Monday 13 November Fanny & May Nembhard to tea, early. Pouring wet day. Maid morg. Lin to Bedstone until Wed, one day’s shooting. V. wet. White came pd her 7/6. Marie about place, seeing lady at 6 o’c for her. Saw maid “Savage” looks too delicate. Roy out. Worked evg. To bed early. Tuesday 14 November Gill saw lady for me, bad character. M. Bird comes tomorrow. To be fitted Vera 3 o’c. Asked Gillie for day. Out morg also. Horrid day. Ham & dates. Maud & Lennie dined here, vy good spirits. Maud had been to young Pearson’s wedding, looked


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 charming. Rose Innes, Maud P. called, was out. Roy & I dined alone, he vy depressed. Business flat, or worse! Wednesday 15 November Lady Pearson 4.30 - 6.30. Lady Armstrong 4.30. Unable to go either. Packed. Edie F. came & stood /// & Miss Gill came for day. Lin returned fr. Langleys, bad day yesterday for // but good bag. Paul Foley got 12?? head of game at his big shoot this week! Roy good day on S.E. made £30 fr. deal thro’ Lennie. Darling came looking lovely at 6 o’c, had been to lady P’s at home. Roy & I dined together, v. lively. Thursday 16 November Go to Mrs Galbraith for shoot until 21st, Terregles, Dumfries. Accepted for today. Fine day. Cab late, 10 minutes, plenty of time. Otley fearfully lame. Lin drove with me as far as Mall. Vy comfortable journey. Pleasant journey, Mrs G. met us. V. Cold. House party a Mrs Mackenzie, Mr & Mrs C. Maxwell, Mr W.Maxwell, Miss Timms. Friday 17 November Lovely day, v. cold. Mrs Galbraith shoot. Lin comes North by night mail. Walked with M’ds Galbraith, Mackenzie, Timms & Maxwell to join shooters luncheon. Mrs G. & self late to luncheon here. Sprained thumb. Pd 2 calls after. Campbell, 2 Maxwells, Mackenzie guns, record bag 179 pheasant 207 bag. Cap. Ross took me in. Saturday 18 November Mrs Trench 4.30. Lovely day. Lin arrived 7.45. All ladies off 10.30. I join them at luncheon. Mr W. & Mr C. Maxwell, Mr Ferguson, Cap. Campbell Johnston, Mr Mackenzie walked with party to guns round home grounds after. 335 pheasants besides hares rabbits woodcock etc. 18 to dinner. Puff billiards. V. late to bed. Mr Mackenzie told stories. Vy good but a bore as he only likes to listen to his own voice. Margarith out. Sunday 19 November Mrs G. Mackenzie, Miss Timms, self & 2 Mr Maxwells to Church, dear little service. Luncheon. Talked & rested all afternoon, did not go out again. Had rest fr. 6 to 7. Stories evg. Bed late as usual. Emma out. Monday 20 November Mrs H. Levy’s dinner, unable to go. Breakfasted in bed. Mr & Mrs Mackenzie, Miss Timms, Mrs Maxwell left, leaving only Mr C. & Mr W. Maxwell & ourselves, party of 6. Told stories after dinner. I walked for hour with Mrs Galbraith after luncheon. Late to bed! Packed. Tuesday 21 November Lin & self left with Mr W. Maxwell at 10.30. Saw Cap. Ross & Mrs Ross at Station going to London. Dull, damp, slippery. Breakfasted downstairs. Maid 6/-. Had a coupé tonight reserved. Train late, over an hour in fog. Better at St Pancras. Maud & Lennie go to Pyt, Midge, Mr Rooth, Mr & Mrs Jackson only other guests there. Wednesday 22 November Lady Pearson, 16 Carlton House Terrace 4.30 - 6.30. Dull party. Ans. letters all morg. Went in omnibus 5d!!! Saw Mrs Kemp, Mrs Williamson, Mr Lucy, Mr & Mrs Fox Adams, Vy comfortable in om, no trouble at all. Thursday 23 November At 11.30 to Bank about P. & O. & new £10 allotted shares. Left allotment letter at Bank for them to pay up in full. To Barkers about paint Hall. Carlowitz 19/- doz instead of 24/- as at Wellers. To be fitted with brown blouse Vera’s. Ordered fruit 1/-. Packed with Margarith & miss 4 underbodies, uncertain here or Terregles, remember packing them. Found them evg. Friday 24 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Florence Blair leaves for India. At 10.30 to Stores by electric, vy easy. Left 10.30 got back 1 o’c. Saw Mr Lethbridge, Lin’s list of securities fr. Bank. Roy out evg. V. late dinner. Saturday 25 November Pd. Vera £1.10.0 blouse to brown dress. Lin & self to Balcombe till Wednesday by 4.30. Found Mr Davson coming by same train. Maudie with bad cold & looking seedy. Babies blooming, Florence looking v. well. Pleasant evg. Sunday 26 November Margarith out evg. V.wet & blowy. In morg. Walked with Maudie, Lennie, Lin & Mr Davson after luncheon, vy dirty muddy walk thro’ fields. Kitten followed us all way home. Music singing evg. V. tired rested in my room after walk, Nonie came kept me company. Lennie & Mr Davson to Church morg. Monday 27 November Lovely morg. after a perfect gale during night. Lennie, Mr Davson, Lin, Mr Stern, Mr Coventry & Mr Wynne shooting Nymans & sleeping here. Florence to London morning. Emma out evg. Tuesday 28 November Margarith out evg. Wet. Men off before I was down. In all day. Mr Stern with gout unable to go to Nymans, left by 11 train. Had talk with him Smoking room, seems fond of Roy & vy sensible for so young a man in many ways. Mrs Firth came to dinner, pretty young woman, sang well. Her husband Capt in G(illeg) Regt. Lin’s nose bled during dinner, soon better. Wednesday 29 November Lady Pearson 4.30 - 6.30. Lin left by 10.45. I came with Maud at 12, lunched with her at Lancaster Gate. Baby & Nonie up for day with Nurse Francis, came back in Maud’s omnibus, 1/6 to man. Roy in to dinner, he & I alone. Looks vy pale & tired, was not well last night Emma said. Thursday 30 November Out morg. to see about charwoman, opened door in her night dress!!! In afternoon. Lin vy tired & busy with work all day. Roy out to dinner & theatre. Lin & self dined alone 8.30 Dec 1905 Friday 1 December Mrs Armstrong’s at home. Edie here early to stores together. Paid £2.5.3 by cheque Xmas presents, & coffee 5 ½, buns 2d. Lunched & we made our own coffee at 5 o’c. Gave Edie pheasant, she looks thinner. Roy out to dinner. Lin vy late 10.15. Saw maid, 28, short character only, no good. Saturday 2 December Lin & self to matinée “White Chrysanthemum”. Roy dined with Maud & Lennie & to see “The Little Michus”. Sent cheque £5.14.0 to Bk, Waihi div. Vy good enjoyed play vy much. Saw Mr & Mrs Adams in omnibus (Wills). Lin & self dined alone. White came & took white crèpe de chine for blouse. Sunday 3 December Maud & Lennie & Roy dine here. Garrick dinner, Lin & Roy unable to get seats. Telegram fr. Tree but too late for Lin & Roy to go. Lin doing drawing for “Queen”, unemployed. Dense blackness but no fog, like night. Monday December 4 To Stores with Edie who remained until 6 o’c. Margarith out afternoon & evg. Roy in to dinner. Changed cheque £2.10. I dined at Maud’s & went with her & Lennie to German play “Die Wilde Jacht” excellent. Saw there Mr Wolff, Miss May & Miss Carlisle. Lin to Easton Park, took Otley. Tuesday 5 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs Tree’s & Mrs Alexander’s at home, School of Art Needlework Exhibition Rd, 4 - 6.30. Edie here for day. In all day. Dull. Emma out afternoon & evening. We worked all morg & afternoon, paid Edie. Roy out, alone to dinner. Wednesday 6 December Mrs Binns Smith dinner, ref. Lin ret’d from Easton Park, Wickham Market, Suffolk, enjoyed it. I went morg to L.C.Bank left Jap. 4% allotted stocks of £100 to be pd. up in full by Bank, & on to White to be fitted. Packed afternoon. Roy dined with Stern & met Fletcher party at theatre, all in town Xmas shop’g. Alone to dinner. Thursday 7 December Vy fine. Left Staf. Ter. for Bedstone Court, Bucknall, Salop. 9.30 fr. Euston, 10.30 to Hopton Heath. Amusing episode of respectable old gentleman at Sta. Obdurate & he went into smoking carriage “altho’ I do not wish to smoke!” Roy v. seedy looking. Letter fr. Ellen Cracknall coming next Friday. Had to wait ½ hour Hopton Heath. Comfortable journey. Cosy evg with Midge & H. alone. Friday 8 December Breakfasted in bed. Midge & self for walk morg. Mr & Mrs Gee & Mr Pennyfeather arrived 3.30. Evie & Laurence, Mr Hackett, Col. Forbes later. Pleasant evg. Bridge won. Vy mean tho’ close game. Late to bed. Saturday 9 December Lovely sunny warm day. Out with shooters round Park, lunched at house. Ham, Col. Forbes, Lawrence F.R. Mr Gee, Lin, Mr Pennyfeather, Mr Hayes Halbutt guns. 4 ladies. Walked after luncheon. Pig killed!!! Mrs G. & self took sharp walk before tea & saw it!!! Played bridge evg. with Midge, Mrs G, Col. Forbes. Won, & last night also. 13 to dinner. Sunday 10 December Lovely day, cold, frost. Midge & Eve & men to Church. We wrote. Mrs Gee, Mrs Galbraith & self. Walked after luncheon up hills, lovely view. Midge & Evie remained in. Talked & played evg, time passed quickly, to bed 12 o’c. Two tables, Evie, Mr Hay Halbutt, Mr Pennyfeather & self at small one, 13 to dinner. Monday 11 December Lovely day. Joined shooters at 1 o’c. but walked about & lunched in farm house at ¼ to 2. 12 in one room at 2 tables. Mrs Galbraith & I walked home after, rest followed guns. Most excellent luncheon. Two Miss Harleys dined here, 2 tables. Mr Galbraith took me in. Cheery evg (illeg) bridge. Evie played, & we talked. To bed 11.30. Tuesday 12 December Party of 11 left at 10 o’c, Lin with them. Midge & self & Ham for walk, had to return “Fruit Salad”. Midge same later when home! Saw poor wounded pigeon in shrubberries(sic) near stream, too distressed to wait. Rested, dressed for tea. Very cozy evg. & bridge after à 3. Vy cozy & to bed early. H. won by 120 pts. Wednesday 13 December In all morg. H. shooting with Mr Harley. Packed morg. Midge & self after luncheon walked to Heath House to see Mrs Brian Sunderland & her baby, did not remain to tea. Home just in time to see H. arrive fr. shoot. Cozy tea together in Hall. Rested, wrote to Lin & Maud. Cheery little dinner & again bridge in Hall. H. won by 199 points. Bed 10.30. Put evg. & tea dresses in trunk, & so to bed! Thursday 14 December Left Bedstone with upset after delightful week at 5 to 10 AM. & wish I could have remained on for their next shoot tomorrow as they wanted me to, should have felt selfish leaving dear Lin. Friday 15 December Ellen Cracknell housemaid £18 aged 20 comes, Suffolk girl. Out morg. Met Spener in omnibus when on my way to Maud’s. He looks well, they ret’d fr. Wales yeesterday. Maud out. Roy out to dinner. Felt vy bad on my return, hot & feverish


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & aching all over. Darling came & helped me to bed, heaven knows what I sh’d have done without her. Need somone to attend me when seedy. Saturday 16 December In bed all day. Feel vy ill & ache all over, throat bad. Lin & Roy to dinner. Darling Maud goes to the Galbraiths (Scotland) at 9 o’c this morg. Edie came & spent day. Stood to Lin & Margaret also for Vivandier. Found Edie vy useful. Sunday 17 December In bed all day feeling vy bad, aching all over & vy feverish. Badly feel need of lady in house when ill. Lin at work all day. Roy & Lin dine together. Fritz Jackson & Mr Paxton called. Read until eyes ached “Cut Laurels” by Hamilton. V. clever & interesting book distinctly original. Lin sold £400 worth of drawings less 20% making £320 to American. Monday 18 December In bed till 12 o’c. Edie came, was useful writing letters & amused me with stories. Lin vy busy all day with drawing & electric light! & cheques trust sound & good ones! American. Two more divs fr. Coupé. Wonder how long that will go on! Have no faith in Cortauld Thompson. Punch dinner. Margaret out 6 o’c. Roy out to dinner. To bed early. Tuesday 19 December Edie here all day, to Stores for me, £1 spent on Xmas things. In bed to breakfast. Walked a little after luncheon in sun as far as Mrs Beales. Wrote after. Lovely day. Vy tired evg, slept badly. Lin sent his checks of £300 to Bank, so far so good! Wednesday 20 December Fine. Edie here. Packing morning & afternoon. To bed early. Roy out to dinner. Lin working late like Friday. I went to bed before his dinner, so tired. Darling Maud comes by night mail fr. Scotland today arrives tomorrow morg. Thursday 21 December Olive & Dorothy to Pyt by 1 PM reaching Tisbury 3.36. I go too, travelling together from Salisbury. Found all well. Evie & L. here. Evie with throat like mine looks vy seedy but came down to dinner. Tabs & H. arrived fr. Paris 9 o’c. Find doctor says drains cause of Evie’s throat! & she wrote to Midge. Darling Maud came, only just arrived fr. Scotland. Friday 22 December Lin arrived 5.30. Boys return from school, both with bad colds. Both in to dinner. Lin seems in good spirits. Had short walk with Tabbie. Music after dinner. Bridge. Saturday 23 December Walked with Olive after luncheon. Lin at work all day in old schoolroom on drawing Campbell Bannerman as Cupid on bed of roses. Roy arrived evg fr. town. Roy’s cold so bad Tabbie sent for doctor after dinner. Evie better but earache. Bridge after dinner. Sunday 24 December Dull & cold. X amie!!! Makes me feel vy seedy. Breakfast in my room. Lin, Ham, Mr Shakespear in new Mercedes car to (blank) for day. Boys better & up, but in Tab’s boudoir. In all day. Monday 25 December Unable to go to Church, still little F. X.! Walked up & down in sun. Quiet day. Crackers & holly on table, no other signs of Xmas. Mervyn to bed before dinner fr. chocolates! Tabs gave me pincushion & Roy silver gilt match box. Read & rested. Bridge after dinner. Tuesday 26 December H, Mr S. & Lin shooting round covers. Gwen hunted. Drove to meet at Mere in Panhard with Gwen, Dorothy & Olive. Vy pretty sight. Saw old Mere Church after & looked for Moore tombs, none to be seen only Groves, all obliterated. Rested


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 after luncheon & read. Laurence arrived during dinner. Bridge after with Ham, Evie & Laurence. Read “Tragedy in Common Place” Urquart, vy interesting. Wednesday 27 December Lin gave dinner of (blank) at Staf. Ter. Members of Punch Staff. Drawing Room still closed. Lin & Mr Shakespear shot at Fonthill Abbey with Mr Shaw Stewart & Lord Leigh. Lady Leigh & Lady Octavia Shaw Stewart there. I fetched Lin in Panhard car fr. Fonthill & he caught the 2.45 fr. Tisbury. Laurence took me in to dinner, mythological talk! Evie better. Dear Roy went up by 9.30 train returns Saty. Thursday 28 December Slight rain & white fog. Left Pyt by 2.30 for 2.45 train. Left Tabs trying on ball dress. Fees 10/- housemaid 3/-. Quite nice quiet little week. Friday 29 December Maudie with cold when I arrived 5.30 & looks tired. Only Geoff & Florence here. Maud & Geoff to dance at Mrs Brightmeyers after dinner. Had accident to carriage returning luckily they were not in it but Beach & groom were thrown off box, & had Mrs Brightmyers carriage with Maud’s horses to return by. Lennie in town returns tomorrow. Saturday 30 December Roy returned to Pyt. Lin came down 5.30. Children’s fancy dress ball. Maudie with an awful cold & does not take care of herself. Mr Davson, Mr Marriott came. V. large number fr. Nymans also here. Geoff here. Danced after dinner till 12 o’c! Mr & Mrs Harold came. Maud ought to have been in bed early. Sunday 31 December To Church all of us except Maud & Lin. Maud bad cold. Walked with Lin before luncheon. Rested & read after. Played charades after dinner & (illeg). To bed 12.30. Too late for Maud with her bad cold. Lottery. Monday 1st January 1906. Tabbie’s big ball at Pyt, 32 staying in house. Maudie in bed with awful cold on her chest, feel vy woried about her. Lennie & Lin shooting at Nymans. Mr Davson up to town for day. 19 to dinner here tonight, large number fr. Nymans. Walk with Geoff. 2nd Jan, Tues. Lennie, Harolds, Davson, Marriott left early. Lennie not returning till Saty. Invested 1905 Pd. £6 being £2 per share on 3 allotted £10 shrs in B.A.Rosario Rly ordinary, May 10th 1905. £30. Pd £32.10 May 29th being 32.10.0 per share on 13 £10 4% Ex 1910 B.A. Gt. Southern allotted, £130. Both allotment letters at Bank. July 11th sent cheque £100 to Mr Birks for application £2,000 4½ % Jap. new loan, £200 allotted. Paid £20 on each. £60 returned. Left allotment letter at 20th July. Sold this year £100 Christiana & £100 Jamaican stocks. Allotted £200 at 90 4½ % new Jap loan. Pd. £40, 420 on each, Bank paying up future calls. Received 1903 from Trust £ 412. 7. 4 Private ac’t £ 197.15.3 £ 610. 2. 7 £10 extra from Furrell surplus in trust ac’t this year. Received 1904 from Trust £ 409. 9. 7 Private ac’t £ 238. 0. 4 £ 647. 9.11 £ 15.16. 9 of this extra from spec. by Lennie in Private act this year.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 This a mistake. B.A.Gt. Southern 4% stock unsold, starting year with debt of £ 750 & balance at bank of £ 43. 2. 8 Paid off £ 150 1st of May of debt, now owe £ 600. Pd. £ 50 August leaves £ 550 Trust ac’t 1905 £ s d Argentine Gt Western 19. 0. 0 July ditto 19. 0. 0 Cent Uraguay 23.15. 0 ditto 23.15. 0 Gt Western Brazil 28.10. 0 August ditto 28.10. 0 Peebles July 23.10. 3 August ditto 23.10. 3 Cordoba & Rosario 19. 1. 8 Oct ditto 19. 0. 0 North Atlantic S.S. 21. 7. 6 ditto 21. 7. 6 Illinois Cent 19. 9. 5 Oct ditto 19.8.11 Canadian Pacific 23.15. 0 ditto 23.15. 0 Antofagasta 3.16. 0 July ditto 3.16. 0 Lehigh Valley 21.17. 0 Ditto 21.17. 0 Local Loans Feby 3. 5 July ditto 3. 5 Oct ditto 3. 5 Dec £ 363.19. 9 To come 45.12. 0 409.11. 9 Private Ac’t B. Ayres Rosario 17. 2.11 Cordoba Rosario 1.18. 0 July ditto 1.18. 0 Rosario 1.18. 0 ditto 19. 5. 8 B.A. Pacific 8. 8 Fby ditto 13. 4 April, May 1.10.10 8. 8 Buenos Ayres West 4. 5.11 Burmah Oil 4.15. 0 ditto 4.15. 0 Wirral 1.17.11 ditto 1.17.11 Chinese 2.17. 0 July ditto 2.17. 0 Jamaica Feby 1.13. 3 Christiana 1.18. 0 Waihi Dec 5.14. 0 Robinson Mine 5.14. 0 August ditto 5.14. 0 Waihi March 4.15. 0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 June ditto 8.11. 0 Sep ditto 4.15. 0 B.A.Pacific August 13. 4 Chinese Oct 1.18. 0 B.A. Pacific Rly 1.18. 1 This column amounts to £ 110.14.6 Amount this page £ 149. 2. 9 Private ac’t continued Feby Coupé Brougham 2. 8. 6 ditto 2.11.5 April ditto 2. 8. 6 Gt Eastern 4.10.3 August ditto 1. 8. 6 Hull & Barnsley 4.15. 0 Midland 7. 4. 0 28 Aug ditto 5. 6.11 March Glasgow S. Western 2. 7.10 Oct ditto 2. 7.10 22 Aug Furness 9. 6 Sept ditto 7. 6 March Cuban 5% Gold 12. 4. 4 ditto 12. 4. 4 Barker, May 1. 9 ditto Oct 8 Harrods 1. 0. 0 City B.A. Trams 9. 6 April City of B.A.Trams 1. 0. 0 Oct ditto 19. 0 Buenos Ayres 25.11. 6 B.A. Gt Southern debs 7.12. 0 P.&O. Steam S. 8. 6. 3 Sept ditto 8. 6. 3 Oct B.A. Gt Southern 31. 1. 5 £ 110.12. 6 Private Ac’t £ 110.14.6 149. 2. 9 110.12.6 Total £ 370. 9. 9 Trust £ 409.11.9 Private 370. 9. 9 £ 780. 1. 6 Jany 1905 24 stocks in my Private ac’t Jany 1905 11 stocks in Trust account Private ac. continued Feby Bonus pd by City B.A Trams 7.10.0 Surplus fr. sale of Jamaica & purchase of 100 6% Japs 1.15.0 Total £ 9.5.0 should be returned to capital Feby 25th From Lennie’s spec on my account!!! £ 65.11. 6 April 5 Sons of Gualia (cost me £10. 5. 3) 7. 6 7. 6 7. 6 April Japan 6% 1. 7. 6 ditto Oct 2.17. 0 July 4th Lennie’s spec 29.19. 0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 (Total £95.10.0!!!) Dec 7th from Aunt Anna 10.10 Paid off £50 from Loan Oct leaving £500 owing Installment on £200 allotted Jap 4½% £20 by Bank B.A. Rosario allotted 3 £10 shares 2nd payment Oct by Bank on same £6.0.0 B.A. Gt Southern 13 allotted £10 shares 2nd payment by Bank Oct £32.10.0 Nov 1st paid off £50 of Loan Bank leaves owing £450 Nov 8th paid £2 to London Joint Sk Bk being £1 each on 2 £10 Ordinary Shares in B.A. Pacific Rly 1st payment on this new issue Sold by E.Bergne Saty 11 Nov £200 P.& O. 3½% for 99½. Remains allowing for Loan etc £197.19.0 to reinvest. On deposit or to P.A. Bank until new security found, or to pay off part of Loan. Nov 23rd left allotment letter with £2 pd at Bank of 2 £10 B.A.pacific ordinay shares for them to pay up fully. 1905 Forward Private ac’t £ 370. 9. 9 Coupé Dec 2. 8. 6 ditto 2.11. 3 £ 375. 9. 6 List of silver left me by Aunt Anna, May 1905 12 tea spoons 1 soup ladle 1 sugar sifter 2 sugar tongs 1 table napkin ring 2 mustard spoons 1 butter knife 2 salt spoons 3 forks 2 spoons (dessert & table) Terregles. Motor car story. (rest of page illeg) Riddle In my first my second sat & my third & fourth ate. Insatiate A lady replied to this: Under my first my second stood. Your riddle clever but mine is as good. Understood Whistler was talking to some men after dinner, du Maurier amongst them. Whistler said “Remember I am not arguing, I am telling you.” du Maurier said “Remember you are not telling the Marines.” Describe Neglect in 2 consonents, a, b, and one d! Invested during 1904. Paid off loan of £300 but incurred fresh loan of £350 late in year 1904, Sep £300 & Dec £50. Bought £500 Cuban Took up 2 £10 B.A. Pacific Ordinary allotted £20 Took up 3400 B.A.Gt Southern 4% debs. Paid £20 Have only invested £150 during year 1904. No, must be £470. Paid off £ 300 Cuban 500 B.A. Gt S 4% 400 B.A. Pacific 20 £ 1220 And owe out of this £ 750, leaves £ 470 Bought January 1905 £100 Japanese new scrip 6% 75 ½ pd at 6 prem £ 81. 0. 0 & call one same £ 15.10. 0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Total £ 96.10. 0 Sold Jamaica 3½% (illeg) stock at 98 ½ com. 5/Net proceeds of sale Total £ 98. 5. 0 Both thro’ E. Bergne Esqre cheque for balance of same Bought £100 Chinese 5% Feby thro’ Lennie at 97 Bonus fr. City B.A. Trams Feby £7.10. 0 Capital to reinvest £ 9.5.0 Bought with this 5 shares Sons of Gualia Australian Gold Mines thro’ E. Bergne at 1½% with coin & stamp £ 10. 5. 5 Sold £100 City of Christiania 4% Bond at £10 ¼ with com etc £100.19. Invested 1905 March. Took up 2 £10 ord shares allotted in B.A. Pacific Rly, less 2½ % paid in full 2nd March 1905 Paid £19.19.6 to L. Joint Stock Bank. Took these 2 Receipts to London County Bank who put with my other securities March 9th. Allotted £200 in new 4½ % Japanese Loan 18th July 1905. Pd £40 first installment on it. £ 40. 0. 0 Took 1st call paper to Bank 30 Aug of B.A. Gt. Southern Ex shares 1910, 13 shares allotted. Pd Sep 29th call on B.A. Gt.S. Rly on 13 Ex 1910 £10 shares. 29th Sep. paid on B.A. Rosario shares £6. 0.0 installment pd by Bank. Pd August installment on Glenrock Mine (Indian) young Bergne Oct 1905. £200 Japanese 4½ % series £20 August. South American Light & Power Co, Bahia Blanca. Lady’s Guild, 10 George Street, Hanover Sqre. Lady’s maids etc. Veitch’s Australian heather plant. Eve on seeing Adam for the first time in the Salad days “Adam, you are concealing something from me!” For 2 chemises Florence needs 2½ yds beading for ½ inch rib, 3 yards of rib to run through ½ inch wide 8 yds lace edging, 2½ lace insertion. 9 yds silk for petticoat Mrs Lewis stories. Small child reassured by her mother when afraid to be alone in the dark that God was alwayswith her everywhere day and night (rest of page illeg) Nonie on Florence & Nurse F’s enquiries as o how she felt. (rest of page illeg) Southerin’s practical joke, where all dogs were muzzled had a needle fixed into nose of his dog’s muzzle, result as can be imagined! Two hop pickers having kept company 6 years thought it was time get married. Mr Glen Price asked the man if he was a bachelor “Oh no Sir, both my parents are still living!” 2 girls going to a Landseer Ball, all in picture costumes selected Night and Morning. The one choosing morg had no difficulty. Night could not decide on hers & asked Sir Edwin L. what she shd wear. He said “A dainty night dress with ribbons discretely used.” She said “Oh! But I could not possibly wear that Sir Edwin.” “Then go without it my dear young lady!” Oscar Wilde’s remark to his Doctors when dying “Gentlemen, I fear I am dying beyond my means”. Ld Mount Edgcumbe:”Do you ofter wash? “No, but I often scratch”. Gentleman seeing potatoes boiling at Katakole “Do you see they are boiling potatoes in Greece?” “No” said the other & went to see, when the pun dawned on him! Investments rec.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 New Zealand Bank Shares 3½ share with 3½ liability. The marked price for each (Jan 1905) share is 5½ & (illeg) ¾ in June. In 2 years 10/- is expected. See particulars Ethel H’s letter. Bromley Electric Light. 4½ % Deb 102 present price & ordinary shares £5.15.0. Edmonson’s Electric Light separate. Things to remember, Corfu. Village of Santa Decca where women are celebrated for their beauty a red rag is hung out of the window of any house where there is a marriageable daughter. Men wishing to aspire for the hand of this lady ascertain particulars as to her dot etc & then if satisfactory introduce themselves as an aspirant! Corfu. Women’s head dress. Huge rolls interspersed by ribbon, the hair of ancestors worn until it becomes a complete block. Signor Gordin rec’ds Uraguay Bonds City of Rosario 80, Chile ditto. Cairo guide showing us Sultan Hassan’s sarcophogus said Mrs Hassan is buried with him, the Caliphe wished to marry her so she begged to be allowed to visit her late husband’s grave where she committed suicide. Cap. Harry to lady deploring the depeopling of Troy said, not hearing, “Do not worry about that, son, leave that to me, I’ll see to that!


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1906 Notes on front pages of diary: Governess rec’d by Tabbie, Miss M. Sauser, 4 Somers Place, Hyde Pk. Little Linley having troden on a frog Maud told him not to be cruel etc. He said, But Mother I’m awfully kind to worms. Frith. 10 Pelham Crescent. Warmsby (blouses) 24 Porchester Gardens La Baronne Van der Goes, van Dirksland 56 Bezinden haus, La Hague. Evie, Kings House St James Court SW. A country house boarding house rec by Katie Parsons (Speed) Mrs Stone Meldon Hall Chagford, Devon, £2. Charwoman Nightley recommended by Mrs Paton. Mrs Barker (char) 89 Eastbourne Mews Cleveland Sqre W. Spencer’s ! at country house! There was a young lady named Pan Whose features were pleasant to scan She walked as with toil The cause was a boil On her ascertain where if you can. Mervyn: Henrietta Mans, 14 Henrietta St, May 1906 Alice Linley, Hotel Victoria, Managgio. Lac de Como, Italy. Tab’s dressmaker Paris, Mde Arguillière, 10 Rue Richelieu, Paris. Evie, 50 Weymouth St. Mrs Braunstein, Hammerfield, Penshurst, Kent. Galt, clothspinner, Barrhill, Ayrshire, NB. Mrs Beale’s advice Dutch trips. From Amsterdam one days excursion to Altmaar & Hoorn. Cheese fact. at Altmaar, go either by canal boat or train. You can drive from Altmaar to Hoorn. Lady Hickman’s cure for most things “Acetic acid” Coutts & Sons, 6 Great Eastern St, London. Otley, 74 Richmond Park Road Kingston on Thames. Books to read: Sir Herbert Maxwell’s last book on Montenegro. “The Will to Believe” by W. James. “What is Christianity” Adolf Harnark translated by Bailey Saunders. Books to read continued: “The Many sided Universe” by C.M.C. J.C.Scott Esqre, Carim Lodge, Blackford, Perthshire N.B. H.L’s cherry tart story. Terregles Kitten cat story: Which is the cleverest, a cat or a kitten? A kitten, because it will make a cat, but it takes 2 cats to make a kitten”. Boy fishing prohibited Lake. Keeper: My lad do you ken you canna fish in this lake without a permit? Boy: You’re mistaken as I’ve done verry well, I’ve caught 5 fish with a worrm. An American gentleman choosing 3 toys for a friend’s children for Xmas the shopwoman said a drum for each, adding You’re an Americn? Well I’ve a little American in me “Then give it a drum too” said the American. Marie Allenbach £20 a yr. Came 22nd October. Pd Nov 26 £1.13.4. Mrs Pointer £25 a year. Wages from 5th Nov. £2.0.0 to 5th Dec. Mrs Sidney Cotton, 1A Chesterfield St, Mayfair. Received 1903 from trust £412. 7. 4 Fr Private ac. 197.15. 3 Total £ 610. 2. 7 £10 extra fr. Furrell surplus in trust account this year.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Received 1904 fr. Trust £409. 9. 7 Private ac’t 238. 0. 4 Total £647. 9.11 £15.16.9 of this extra fr. spec by Lennie fr. this. Received from Trust 1905 £407.11. 9 From private 375. 9. 6 £783. 1. 6 From private ac’t spec by Lennie 395.10. 5 & bonds fr. BA Trans & surplus fr sale of Jamaica £7.10. 0 & £ 1.15. 0 respectively. 1906 Started year with debt to Bank £500 & £67.18. 7 overdrawn fr. current ac’t. Paid off £100 of Bank Loan January from capital as I had £150 on deposit from sale of £200 P.&O. 2nd Debs sold 1905. Paid off 19th Feby £50 of loan (this £150 pd. fr. capital). Sold 1905 £100 Chrstiana £100 Jamaica £200 P.&O. 2nd Deb. Invested 1905 Pd. £6.0.0 being £2 per share on 3 allotted B.A.Rosario £10 ord. May 10th Pd. £32.10.0 May 29th being £2.10.0. per share on 13 4% Ex 1910 B.A. Gt. Southern £10 shares allotted. Pd. £40 July 11th on 2. 4½% Japanese new loan £200 allotted stock. Pd. off £150 1st May £50, August £50, Oct-Nov £50. Total £300 of loan of £750 leaving £450 owing 12th Jany 1906. Pd. Oct £20 installment on £200 allotted 4% Japanese allotted. Pd. Oct £6.0.0 2nd payment on 3 £10 B.A.Rosario shares. Pd. Oct £32.0.0 2nd installmnt on 13 allotted £10 shres B.A.Gt Southern Ex 1910. Pd. Nov £2 being £1 each on 2 £10 ordinary shares in B.A.& Pacific Rly 1st payment. For 101¼ less com. £100.19. 0 at 98½ less com. £ 98. 5. 0 at 99½ less com. £197.19. 0 £397. 3. 0 Pd. by Bank. Bought with proceeds of above sale: Feby £100 Chinese 5% at 97 £200 Japanese 6% at 96½ Also £200 4½ % Japanese at 90, these allotted & paid by installments by Bank, July. Total 97. 0. 0 196.10. 0 180. 0. 0. 373.10. 0 without commission. Jan 1906 Monday 1 January Tabby’s Ball at Pyt. Roy there. Maudie in bed with awful cold, vy worried about her. 19 to dinner tonight, Nymans party. Lin, Lennie shooting at Nymans. Mr Davson to town for day. Walked with Geoff. Mr Davson returned at night. Tuesday 2 January Lennie, Mr Marriott, Davson & Mrs Harold left early. Maudie vy seedy & done up, remaining in bed until dinner when she will come down to be with Lin. Ought to be in bed. Wednesday 3 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Very heavy rain & dark. Lin went up to town. Wire fr. Nurse Francis to go to her sister at once, vy ill. Mental trouble. Maudie in bed with shocking cold. Dr Parker came. Florence, Geoff & I to dinner alone. Sat with Maud after. Thursday 4 January Vy heavy rain, dark. Babies in my bed morg, vy good. Nurse F. remains until Tuesday, her sister’s illness mental trouble. Maudie in bed all day vy seedy & cold heavy. Friday 5 January Maud’s cold vy heavy, in bed all day. Sat with her after dinner, played games. Had walk with Geoff, he went after with F. in car to Lingfield for dance & remains night. Children seem seedy & restless. Saturday 6 January Lin came diwn by 4.30, Lennie earlier. Maud on sofa in her room. Dr P. says not to get up for 2 days, but she will. Little Anne heavy cold, in nursery all day. F. fetched Geoff fr. Lingfield in car before luncheon. Fearful gale at night, very windy. Sunday 7 January To church with Lennie, Noni boy, Florence & Geoff. Vy sad sermon by Canon Mead. Lin & self for walk after Church. Geoff & Lennie to (illeg) after luncheon but too wet to go on to Nymans. Quiet evg. Maud down to dinner, looks vy pulled down. Dr Parker came over to see little Anne late. Monday 8 January Lennie had holiday. Trained his volunteers afternoon. We dined at 7.30 & Lennie at 8.15. Linley boy vy feverish & sick. Little Anne vy seedy in bed all day, & Baby with spots. Florence & I had walk with Lin after lunch. I packed after tea. Quiet evg. to bed 10.30. Lennie going up tomorrow Lancaster Gate. Maud down to dinner. Tuesday 9 January All children laid up. Little Linley vy feverish influenza & Anne moved into my room morg. Dr Parker came. Baby chicken pox. Nurse Francis ret’d 3.30. Lin & self returned home by 4.30 fr. Balcombe. Maud & Geoff with us to Station, they on to Mrs Brightmeyer’s at home. Roy away with Stern at Savoy. Lin & self alone. All seems well at home. Wednesday 10 January Lovely sunny morg. Man called morg about Lin’s drawings! Out afternoon, carriage. Paid off £100 of loan leaving £400 still owing. Walked to Sp’s, saw him, no tomorrow. Thursday 11 January Paid off £100 0f loan of £500 fr. deposit £150 & placed £50 to my current ac’t being vy short. Morg walked to Sp’s saw him & Douglas. Hilda returned with me taking Bogie S. with her & I had Rags. Hilda went with me to Mocatta wedding 3 o’c. Great crowd & rather smart old set. To call after Lady Self, Mrs Pirrie away, Lady McLaren, Mrs L. Bradbury. Asked Lennie & Douglas to dinner, unable to come. Friday 12 January In morg. At 2.30 to stores bought Baby 2 little pigs, Maudie’s purse & card case. Pigs 3/9. Called after on Mrs Adlam & M. Zimmermann both in, Mrs Armstrong rec. fr. influenza & Fritz to enquire after Sir M.S. Grant Duff. Sat with Lin, dined 10.15. Roy dined out. Also called on Miss Needham White, out. Saturday 13 January Lovely warm day. Cleaned out cupboards. Gentleman again came about Lin’s drawings! Wonder! Wish he w’d not sell so many. Darling Maud comes up. Sir Mount Stuart Grant Duff died yesterday. To matinée Haymarket with Lin. Most


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 amusing, Hawtry. Saw Mr C. Critchett in his 80th year! Roy dined out. Lin & self quiet little evg. alone. Sunday 14 January Lunch with Sir A. de la Rue 2 o’c. Lovely morg. Maud, Lennie & Geoff to dinner. Lin & self walked to Sir A’s. Gen’l & Mrs Chapman, Lady Lockwood & dau. Sybil & husband, Mr & Mrs Gay etc, not vy interesting. Lin on to Club. Mr Paxton came & stayed talking finance 2 mortal hours. Maudie v. merry & Lennie good form, cheery evg. Dear Lin full of fun & wit. Monday 15 January Mr Hartree called morg & found me cleaning drawing room! He seems ill. Out 2.30 stores. Quiet evg. Tuesday 16 January Out morg. rained. Olive S, Mrs & Miss Krabbe, Mrs Spofforth & Mrs Mackasey to tea. Lin, Roy & self dined at Maud’s 104 Lancaster Gate. Mrs Gibson, Geoff & Mary Nicol there. Excellent dinner, charming house. Needs more chairs cozy ones. Wednesday 17 January Hilda H. to pay calls with me 3 o’c. Mrs Gilbert etc, McGowan, & she dined alone with me. Margarith out afternoon & evg. Ellen managed quite nicely alone with Emma. Roy out, dined with Maud. Thursday 18 January Awful morg. rain etc. Edie came morg & we did all the magazines entire morning. She lunched here. We paid calls at 3 o’c. McKenna, Finlay, Temple, Hanbury etc. Sington. Edie ret’d tea here & left after. Read to Lin, dined 9 o’c. Friday 19 January Heavy gale wind rain dark & cold. Better later. Mary Nicol came at 12 o’c in Maud’s carriage. Went with her & had chat & ret’d alone to luncheon. Called after at 3 Stores ordered book for Lennie, doll for sweet Anne & pd Weller £2.8.0. Left cards Laking, Bourne, Tupper & Burnand. Roy with fearful cold. Lin done fine drawing. 10.30 dinner. Saturday 20 January Lovely morg. Darling Moose Baby not well, been seedy too long. Roy’s cold dreadfuly heavy, would go to City & with Stern to dine evg & to Folkestone. Out morg. shops. With Lin to “Palace”. Very good performance. Walked part way home. Maudie to Balcombe today to see Moose Baby. Sunday 21 January Dear little Oliver not well. Lin & I dine Lady Spielmann. Roy if well enough goes to Stern. Walked morg to Maud’s she has another cold. Lennie & Geoff walked part way back with us. Lennie picked up half a sovereign! Ethel English, H & E came to tea. Margarith out afternoon & evg. Roy away with Stern. Monday 22 January Mrs Adlam dines here 8 o’c. Mrs Mackasey’s at home. Went. Violet looking v. handsome. Called Mrs Tattersall, Hollins, Miss Laurence, Mrs Jackson with Edie, no alone! Roy home with awful cold & generally seedy. Mrs A. vy animated & full of prejudices! Vy cold. Tuesday 23 January Out morg. Flowers 1/4. Edie here vy rouged. Vexed, & told her so, such shocking form. Foggy. Edie remained to luncheon & tea. May N, Mrs P. Simpson. Ada Sp, Maudie & Geoff, Mr Douglas, Maud P & Hilda H. called. Teacups short! Roy in to dinner vy bad cold. Takes too much spirits will ruin his liver. Vy cold. Wednesday 24 January Fine morg. Out shops. Mr Wylde came about Lin’s drawings! Roy out to dinner. I go at 25 to 8 to Mrs Adlam & to some stupid performance at Hall with her, too cold to turn out! Roy dines out. Ellen out. Keeps her (illeg) in bedrooms vy badly,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 pity. Fetched Mrs A. & had vy enjoyable evg. Vy good amateur performance of “The Noble Lord” by Marshall, vy amusing. Thursday 25 January Mrs O. Ford 4 o’c. Dark & raining. Mrs Laking 4.30. Margarith out afternoon little niece ill. Edie came to luncheon & went with me to call Sir John Tenniel. Had long talk with him. Keen politician, Chamberlainite. Small party at Mrs Ford’s ( Mrs Rubens there). Roy in to dinner cold still bad. Dinner 8.30. Lin behind rather. Friday 26 January X. Mr Phipson Beale returned to Parliament. X. Roy dines at Mr Davson’s. Carriage 11.30 to stores & Bank about B.A.Pacific Cert for Banker’s receipt which Bank have. Bought washing rib. almanack cards & gloves 2 long pairs 9/1½ pd by cheque. Saturday 27 January Maudie’s luncheon party, cannot go. Lin prefers going quietly to matinée alone. Wylde wired coming Monday about Lin’s drawings. Went to see “Peter Pan”. Vy pretty in parts but foggy(?). Roy out, quiet evg. Vy tired both of us. Geoff C. came to our box theatre, walked part way home. To get fruit morg. Sunday 28 January Asked Tabbie & H. Can’t come. Maud & Lennie coming, asked Miss Krabbe, can’t come. Geoff Con came. Vy cheery evg. X. Lennie gave Lin charming piece of Empire silver, had it put on dinner table. Roy off at 11.30 with Stern. Mr Stern most kind lent us his motor & we went at 1.30 to Brentford, Staines, Windsor, Eton, Slough, Windsor Gr. Pk. Home 4.45. Lovely run. Monday 29 January X. Took cheque of £200 for Lin to Bank. Clerk vy careless made mistake & had to correct it. Lin & I lunch at Mrs Adlam’s 1.30. Postponed. Mr & Mrs W.O.Ford dine here & Mr & Mrs Keith. Roy dines at Maud’s. Geoff C. goes home today fr. Maud’s. X. Wylde here about Lin’s drawings, or is coming. £200 worth sold. Out morg. met Col M’t Batten & Lady Bergne. X. C. Hartree died suddenly. Had very cheery evg. with the Fords & Keiths here. Tuesday 30 January Tabbie to dinner 8 o’c alone. Roy out Stern’s. Mrs Parish coming here for half day to do Hall & brass 1/6. No good but to talk, regular char! Maudie sent lovely flowers. X. Windows cleaned by Nash for 1st time since our return. Lady Bergne, Miss Needham White, Mrs & Miss Mount Batten, darling M & Hilda H. Maudie looking sweet. Roy out to dinner. Saw fire returning. Called to enquire about C. Hartree. Wednesday 31 January Nellie K. coming to dine with me alone. X. Dentist 12 o’c, 2 teeth stop’t. Go by brougham. To see Tree in “Hers” matinée with Lin. Tabbie meets us there & I hope darling Maud. Margarith out. Roy dining out & theatre party after. Only Tabs to our box. Georgeous but dull play. Saw Tree after self consumed. Pleasant evg. Feb 1906 Thursday 1 February Mrs O. Ford 4 - 6. Mrs Joachim’s luncheon 1.30. Hen party. Vy pleasant (illeg), 10 to luncheon. X. Sent B.A.Pacific Bank receipts to L.C. Bank for Nov 1905 for £2. Wet. Dull. Roy out to dinner. Sir Francis Burnand came & told Lin the firm had asked him to retire!!! He & Lin both much upset. X. Maud fetched me 3.30 & we called on Mrs McKenna, Parish, Medley, B. Reid & Ada Sp. Friday 2 February Black day of bad week. Sir Francis Burnand’s retirement on 14th inst worries Lin much. Saw announcement of Lin’s drawings for sale. Mrs Simonds at home 2 - 5 to show statue “Euphrosyne”. Mrs Threlfall 4 - 6. Tabs asked me to luncheon,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 cannot go. Fine morg. Called 3.15 Mrs Adlam, Lady Burnand, Townsend, out, Mrs Adams in, & Mrs Threlfall. Roy out ret’d 11.15 PM & told us Wilde was selling all the drawings he bought fr Lin by auction at Sotherbys! 6 March! Lin fearfully upset. (cutting about sale glued into front of diary) Saturday 3 February X. Sent receipt B.A.Pacific Rly No 291. £2.0.0 Bankers receipt being £1 on 2 £10 allotted shrs Nov 1900. Lin vy tired after worry & bad night. Hope distraction at Pantomime matinée will do him good. Vy bad pamtomime, deadly dull & no relief. Left early, bus to Hyde Pk. Corner. Roy out to dinner. Lin vy silent & depressed. Glad Roy out not to worry him more. To bed early. Sunday 4 February Asked Tabbie & H. No! Last Sunday. Maud & Lennie coming. Lin at work on double drawing members parliament. Walk at 12. Spencer came & stayed all afternoon, sat with Lin. Merry evg as usual & Lin seems better & less depressed. Lennie brought bronze jar. Roy in. Monday 5 February Roy in tonight. Lin v. worried about the Punch rumpus & Burnand’s retirement. Edie came at 11 & we shop’d morg together, remained to luncheon & made calls after. We were to have lunched with Mrs Adlam, unable to go on account of work. Tuesday 6 February Mrs Colefax at home 10 PM, music. Unable to go. Walked morg to Maud’s. Babies come up today fr. Balcombe. Met Hilda H, Lady Bergne & Mrs Heilbutt, Mrs Harold Messel, Maud & darling Nonie boy. Florence W, Maud P & Hilda came. Quiet evg, late dinner. Lin doing big drawing double page. Studies in yard. Wednesday 7 February Awful strain all day. Lin worried about work & all this bother about Sir Francis Burnand’s retirement, at last moment decided not to go to Punch dinner. Lucky Emma & Margarith in, Ellen out. Edith F. here morg. to lunch & tea, went to Maud’s morg with me. Saw the Babies all blooming. At 3 called on Mrs Hollins, left book for little Anne, saw Violet Philips at Maud’s. To Mrs Mocatta’s & Desirée Welby, all in. Sat with Lin on return. Roy out. Dined 9 o’c feel vy tired & nervy. Thursday 8 February Roy to dentist Hepburn, teeth to be stop’d. Mrs H. Messel’s dinner 8 o’c, acpt. Unable to go at last moment, Lin fearfully hard at work on Punch double page. Little Anne’s birthday. X. 4 years old. To tea with Dora Hyde Pk Hotel. Fearful storm of hail, rain, thunder & lightening, unable to go out. Roy had carriage evg, he dined with Maud, Dora there & party of 10. Peaceful day at home, cleaned drawers in dining room morg, read to Lin after. Friday 9 February Fine morg. Vy cold. Roy looks v. seedy & is generally grumpy & morose. Roy out to dinner. I called & saw Babies. Nurse F. has it rather untidy, pity. Darlings all well except little Oliver whose little face seems smaller then ever. Lovely view fr. their nursery. To call Dora Hyde Pk Hotel, out, & to Mudie’s changed book. Lin dined 10.30 & was not as tired as I feared he w’d be. Saturday 10 February Out morg. shops. Dull, rain, wind. At 2 o’c to Aldwich Theatre “Blue Bell” charming. Lin & self enjoyed it immensely. Heavy rain returning. Roy out to dinner. He lunched with Dora, Berkeley. Dined 8 o’c, to bed early. Roy told me he is remaining on with the Simon firm. Sunday 11 February Asked Mr & Mrs Beale, Dora, Lennie & Maud, 8. Mrs Parish (char) evg to help, Emma quite satisfied with her. Vy delightful evg & Lin seemed very bright & happy. No one called. The two girls managed quite nicely. 3 bots champagne!!! Monday 12 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Roy put off his ap’t with Mr Hepburn dentist. Ought not to have done it! In all morg. At 4 o’c to Hyde Pk Hotel saw Dora & Midge. D. seedy, mushrooms. Took Midge to Mappin & Webbs, Harrods & to Hotel, only chance of seeing her. Lin & self alone evg & to bed early. X. Sir Francis Burnand called at 3 o’c. Vy hoarse & looked aged & serious, altogether vy sad affair & ought not to have come about. Tuesday 13 February To stores 11 o’c. Saw Cap’t & Mrs Ross. Lin seems more lively & happier, find our mutual income more than I dared hope. Mrs Finlay, Miss Laurence, Mrs Stevenson, Palgrave Simpson, Lady Boyle & Miss Foster, Hilda H, Violet Philips, Mrs Daniel called. Roy dined out. Lin & self cozy little evening together. Wednesday 14 February X. Last Punch dinner with Sir Francis Burnand as Editor. X. Mrs Mount Batten’s dinner. Unable to go. Lovely morg. Luncheon at Maud’s. Unable to go. Lin sells by Roy his Chatham stock. Lin & self to matinée. Roy dines at Maud’s, I alone. Margarith out. Thursday 15 February Mrs Binns Smith 8 o’c dinner, acp’t. Emma out. Walked to Maud’s & back. Babies came here but was out, saw them just before leaving Maud’s. In all afternoon. Very delightful inner at Mrs B’s, diner of 12. Hors d’oeuvre, red soup, soles & oysters, soufflé ham or tongue, cold chicken, braised beef, vegts, quails, banana & celery salad, lemon soufflé with jam below, savoury. All excellent. Friday 16 February In morg. Little Linley & Anne came with Edie at 2.30. We went to Zoo, 3/-, saw Baby Orang-tang! etc. Came backto tea in drawing room here & they returned in our carriage. Dined 10.30. Roy dined at Maud’s. Paul & Dora & Violet Philips dining there also. Lin dined 10.30. Very tired. Saturday 17 February Lin & self to matinée “Mr Popple”. Slept late morg did not awake until my hot water came. Vy wet, out morg shops. X. To Bank. Pd off £50 of loan. Vy amusing play, greatly amused. Saw Douglas & Mr Brand after. Butts fruit & Slaters haddock, sausages Walls. Roy out, quiet evg. Sunday 18 February Lennie & Maud & Miss Wilkinson dining here. Lin & self lumched at General Stevenson’s. Only Gen & Mrs S, 2 daughters, Col Martin & a pretty young Mrs Bambury. Simple luncheon but felt vy seedy after. Pleasant evg. Don’t care for Miss W, better in a country house. Monday 19 February Mr Bernard Partridge dinner 8 o’c. acpt. X. Otley drunk, smashed carriage & cab. In police station. Failing to fetch us fr. the P’s took cab & was met Argyl Rd by policeman Spring. Only what I expected!!!. Horse unhurt happily. 4 tables of 4 (16). Very pretty pink azaleas on each. Excellent dinner well organised. 4 maids (illeg). Stones, Setons, Burnands, Trowers, E.T.Reed, Sir C. Scotter, Mrs I. Hopkins, one other, Partridges & selves. Morning to Bank pd. off £50 of loan. Saw Mr Richardson about it & returned his book. In bed until 3 o’c vy seedy. Tuesday 20 February Lovely morg. Lin round to see Horse & carriage. Damage to carriage £9.9.0! Cab £8. Saw several coach men, Lewis’ old man, like him best. Lady Spielman & dau, Nellie & niece, Maudie & Geoff, Mrs Gilbert, Mrs Colefax & ? called. Roy in to dinner. Feel vy tired & v. seedy. Wednesday 21 February Mrs Phillips luncheon 2 o’c. ref, don’t like leaving Dickie. Edie came at luncheon. Walked together, met Burnands & Mary. Fine, sunny. Upton, Maud’s groom here driving me to Sir J.Tenniel’s. Shall feel more nervous than ever for ages! To stables, saw Tennant Lewis’ man & a hussar with 21 years service! Upton, Maud’s groom here for day, drove me to Sir J. Tenniel’s & to Maud’s. Waited till 8.10 for


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Roy. He did not come so dined alone. X. 1st dinner at Bouverie St with new Editor. Thursday 22 February Miss Hollins dinner acpt. 7.45. New Gallery 12 o’c AM reception to meet Rodin (sculptor). Lady Fletcher Moulton’s luncheon, 1.30. Fine. Edie here 11.30 & to luncheon. Drove (Upton driving) to Onslow Gds, charming party & talk. Lady Pollock, Lady Bliss, Lady Bergne & Lady ? Upton fetched me. Rested. Vy delightful dinner 16 at Miss Hollins, Lin enjoyed it, used carriage. Sir L. & Lady Selfe, Miss Frith, Mr Jex Blake, Hon Miss Davy etc etc. Roy dining Daniels. Margarith out fr. 8 - 10. Friday 23 February Wet. Fear E. hopeless, goes about work with no go or spirit & never touched drawing room today. In all morg. At 3 o’c to see Edie’s rooms, 77 Talbot Rd. Vy nice. To Marshalls. Called Mrs Burnand, out, & Lady Burnand in, vy well & busy. Feel awfully tired, headachy. Margarith to Mrs Beale’s for me. Lin dined ¼ to 11. Must not accept dinners for Thursdays. Roy out to dinner. Saturday 24 February Lin & self lunch at Savoy. Fine morg. Excellent luncheon, saw Roy & Stern & Mr & Mrs Colefax there. To gaiety “Spring Chicken” after. Had carriage to take us & fetch us Hyde Pk Corner. Bought fruit & flowers. Otley came evg astounding request stable suit & wages. Latter Lin gave on account of 12 yrs service. Roy out. Lin & self alone. Sunday 25 February Maud, Lennie & Ethel Burnand to dinner. Dickie & self walked up Park met darling Maud, Nonie boy & Lennie. Walked to Lancaster Gate with them & then home. Lin & self lunchd alone. Spencer & Miss Rose Innes called, latter quite exhausted me & remained until 7. V. pleasant dinner. Ethel vy sensible & seems vy anxious for Sir & Rosie to draw in expences at once. Monday 26 February Windows cleaned by Walker 3/-. Lady Lockyers luncheon 1.30, acpt. Lady Burnands dinner 8 o’c. Man here doing windows. Lin to Levée. Maudie fetched me in her carriage & we both lunched Lady L’s. 12, vy pleasant luncheon. M. left me home, rested. Roy out to dinner. Mr & Mrs Carson, May & C. Burnand, Sir C. Scotter & son, Ethel, Mary, Winnie, Wilfred, Sir F. & Lady Burnand our 2 selves, 15, & very splendid dinner. Delightful evg. Tuesday 27 February Lady Lawrence’s dinner 8 o’c. acpt. Rested in bed breakfast. In all day vy tired. Darling Maud, Mrs Spofforth, Mrs Braunstein & Mdlle Douslé, Lady Weston, Mrs Marcus Stone called. Dullish dinner, 16. Sir Trevor took me in but his nervous cough got on my nerves! The Lindos, Major & smart Mrs Hussey & another nice couple etc. Roy dined at Maud’s. Wednesday 28 February Morg breakfasted in bed tired. To Bank. Babies called & I took Nonie with me called at Sir W. Agnew, Lady Carbutt, Lady Selfe, Mrs Levy, Miss Wills & to Maud’s, Mabel there. Home. Herbert & Edie to dinner. Margarith out. Roy dined out. Mar 1906 Thursday 1 March Lady McLaren’s luncheon party 1.45. Upton fetching me at 3.30. X. Sent Divs fr. P. & O. £4.19.9, Waihi £5.14.0, Harrods £1.2.7 to Bank. 2nd call notice to be paid by Bank for £23.10.0 fr. B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 4% ex 1910. Met Mrs Tweedie, Mond, Stewart, Hunt Clifford, Chapman etc etc. Pleasant luncheon & called after


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 on Hohler, Twiss, Aird, Lucy, Phillips, Lady Lawrence, Krabbe, Blair & Wilkinson, Binns Smith & Dennis. Roy out dinner. Friday 2 March Maud & Lennie to Ramsgate. Lady Boyle 4 - 7. Maudie going to Ramsgate by 10 o’c train. At 3 o’c to Mrs Larnacker(?) in, Miss Lawrence, Miss Rose Innes, Mrs Rose Innes, in, Mrs Harvey, Babies & Lady Boyle. Pretty Mrs Hancock there. Roy out to dinner. Lin dined 20 to 11. Vy tired. Awful mistake about Lady Lawrence, came here not receiving my letter posted last evg. Saturday 3 March Lin, Roy & self to Ramsgate by Granville. Lovely morg, cold. Great fluster leaving about Roy’s things. Maud & Lennie met us Ramsgate. Sir F. & Rosie by same train. Charming rooms. Vy expensive 30/- but delightful. Dined ¼ p. 8 & sat in rooms after. Lennie, Lin & Roy out after tea. Sunday 4 March Maud & self breakfasted in our sitting room. Heavenly day. Lin, Roy, Maud, Lennie & self walked to Broadstairs & they on by sands to Margate, Maud & self by train. Engaged table for 6 at lunch Cliftonville. Horrid place Margate so ugly. We all returned by train. Lennie, Lin & Roy out again & dined at ¼ to 8. Sat in Hall & afterwards in stting room, bed 11 o’c. Lovely weather. Monday 5 March Sale of Lin’s drawings Sotherby’s. Mrs Dennis Sutton, 10 Eaton Mans. Weds in March. Lady Romer 4 - 7. Mrs Mount Batten. Lovely day. Roy left by 8 o’c train. Lennie by 10 & Maud by 1.25 changing at Faversham. Lin & self saw her off. Curtain in same carriage with her. I went by train to St Peter’s morg. took cyclamen. With Lin at 4.30 to Mrs Hammond’s, tea there, & to Sir F. Burnand’s. House charming & so clean. Quiet evg Hotel & to bed 10 o’c. Tuesday 6 March Granville. Lovely day warm as spring morg. Walked & stayed some time with Mrs Evans. Lin busy photoing. Lost tortoiseshell glasses & found them again, rejoiced thereat! Lunch at 1.30. Return home by 3.25 in same carriage with Burnands. Roy dined with Miss Rose Innes, Carlton. Wednesday 7 March Lovely day vy warm. Pottered morg. At 3.30 to Barkers, Hollins, Behrens, Mackasey, Grantham, Thompson, Trench, Dennis, Fildes & Bergne, in. M. Paxton. Roy out to dinner. Ellen out & I dined alone, missed Lin returning. Record hot day over 60 in shade. Thursday 8 March Mr Douglas 9.45. ref. Lovely day, no rain. Edgar surprised us at luncheon, lucky had roast joint etc. Drove him after to Stores & to his club. Called Maud’s & saw Babies, old nannie there to tea. Maud out. Dined 10 to 9. Edgar came & dined with us. Vy cosy evg. Lin vy bright. Friday 9 March Mrs Henry Levy’s dinner, cannot accept. I went to Edgar’s club in brougham 12.30, lunched alone with him Paganis. Steak & toasted cheese, excellent. Walked with him after to Marble Arch, met carriage there & met children & gave them their boats. Called Claridges, Tabby out. Maud & Edie to tea here on return. Lin dined 20 to 11. Very tired, overslept morg. Saturday 10 March Lovely day.Lin, Roy & self dine with Maud 8 o’c. Went morg shops. To Garrick matinée. Asked Edgar & Tabby. Tabby asked me to dine with her Claridges & go french play with her, sorry can’t. Mrs (blank) at Maud’s, dull vain person apparently. Saw Bancrofts at matinée. Enjoyed piece, “Brother Officers”. Sunday 11 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lennie, Maud, Mr & Mrs Fred Kerr dine here 8 o’c. Roy dines at Claridges with Tabbie. Miss Frith at home 4.30, 10 Pelham Cresc, S.W. Walked morg with Dickie Pk, home by Notting Hill. Mr & Mrs Galbraith called & had tea. Vy pleasant evg but had corked champagne, did not discover until end of dinner. Monday 12 March Miss Arthur Jones marriage with Mr Irving Albery, 2.30 St George’s Hanover Sqre. Lin & Roy dine with Mons. Ayala. Lady Romer & Mrs Mount Batten 4 - 7. Lady Dixon Hartland 4 - 7. Lady Lockyer 4.30. I motor to Maud, 1 o’c lunched with her & Madlle Jac. & Nonie. After to wed. Grossmith, Tree etc there. Vile coffee. To Lady Hartland, Lady Romer & Mrs Mount Batten, all at home. Maud left me on way home. Ellen out. Tuesday 13 March Mrs Harvey’s at home 4 o’c. Soirée New Gallery Regent St, 9 - 12 o’c. “Venus & Cupid” by Velasquez on view. Out morg about blinds decided on (illeg) 17/6 stables. Tabby as to have dined here, not coming. Roy out to dinner. Mrs Beale, Ada Sp, Hylda, Lady Meade, Mrs McGauran, Miss Krabbe, Mrs Dennis called. Lovely quiet evg with Lin. Roy out, had brougham. Snow. Vy cold. Wednesday 14 March Mrs Krabbe 3.30. Mrs Welby 6.30. At 3.30 to Lindo, Parrish, Laurence, Krabbe, & to Maud’s. Found Miss Brown, Hylda Gibbs, Mrs Fleischmen, Lady de la Warr there. Stayed some time & home. Roy out. Quiet evg alone. Thursday 15 March Mrs Krabbe 3.30, 6.30. Little Anne came at 11 o’c remained to luncheon & tea. As good as gold. Lay down in drawing room. After lunch to get shoes & socks for her dolly in Kensington on foot, back to tea. Darling Maud came bringing flowers. Little Anne with me in brougham to Ada Sp’s & then home, Maudie just ar’d home. Maud’s dinner to Galbraiths tonight we unable to go. Called on Mrs Keith & Nelly. Roy out. Dined at 9.30. Friday 16 March I dined alone. Royal Institute Galleries Miniatures, Piccadilly. Lola Shennon(?). Private View at Royal Institute water Colours 10 - 5. Darling M. fetched me 3 o’c. Vy bad show of miniatures & dull party Lola’s. Lady Henderson, Snagg(?) girl there. Linley dined at Reform club, dinner to Burnand. Roy out. Saturday 17 March Private View of above. Lin & self to see “She stoops to Conquer”. Vy good. Vernon & Lady Margaret Watney & Rosalind came to our box between acts. Both look older as no doubt we do also! Lin & self dined alone. Roy off with Stern till Monday. Out morg shop’g. Sunday 18 March Asked Ham Langley, O. Seaman, Miss McKenna, Miss Krabbe. Only O. Seaman, Sir H. & Lady Bergne, Maud & Lennie, 7, to dinner. Had Parish to help 1/6. Roy away last night, returns Monday. Lin & self with Maud & Lennie in car to Hampton Court, lunched there & over Palace. Dull day. V. pleasant outing, home after 6 o’c. Tea also out. Monday 19 March Marjorie Howlden comes for 10 days. Mrs Robinson 4.30. I lunch at Miss Krabbe’s 1.30. V. cold. Sir G. & Lady Crofton (Margaret Toby) 2 Miss Bradegones all smart demi monde type, Miss Krabbe best of the lot! Odd sort of party. To Mrs Jackson to enquire & to Mrs Silver after. Lovely house beautifully kept. Marjorie arrived as I arrived home. Tuesday 20 March Mrs Macmillan & Van der Goes. 4.30 - 6.30. Mrs Rhodes. Walked with Marjorie to darlings, saw Babies, walked home. Miss Wills, Mrs Gill, Miss Millais called. Roy dined out. Lin, Marjorie & self to see “A Pair of Spectacles” enjoyed it immensely.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Col. Lucas, Mr Galbraith, Mr H. Livesey & Mr C. Maxwell came to our box. Col Edis there. Wednesday 21 March Lady Pearson 4.30. Emma to see “Blue Belle”. Lady Margaret Watney & Mrs Phillips. In morg pottered, flowers & furniture. Marjorie & Emma to Pantomime 1 o’c in brougham, home by omnibus. Maud fetches me 3.15 with Nonie & Anne. Went only to Lady M.W’s. Rather tiresome dawdley party, doves performing. V. late getting away. Our Babies looked sweet. Roy out. Quiet evg alone with Marjorie. Thursday 22 March Edie comes, did not, H. ill. Walked with Marjorie to Maud’s & home. Dressmaker Neville. To Marshalls afternoon & to Mrs Parrish’s, tea there. Roy dined at home. M. with cold, got her quinine & E(?) lighting fire in her room. Lennie sent me £16 made in spec! Delightful. Friday 23 March To Maud’s 10 o’c in Car. Lunched there, did invitations all morg. Maud has a dinner pary tonight! Ethel C. & Edith there. Marjorie to Sheffield for a dance, returns tomorrow! Margareth took her to Sta. in cab. Brougham fetched me 3.30, took Edie home & called on Mrs Beale. Read to Lin. Dinner 10.30. Roy home early after dining at Club. Mrs Drage called. Saturday 24 March Mrs Lindo’s dinner 8 o’c. V. cold & snow. In all day. Marjorie returns 4.30 fr. Sheffield & dines at Maud’s who is most kindly sending carriage for her. Roy also dines out. Delightful evg at Mrs L’s. A Mr Upperton(?) took me in & was very interesting about many things. Cap & Mrs FitzGeorge there, he vy like Duke of Cambridge. Sir T. & Lady Lawrence also there. H. Levys etc. 16 to dinner. Excellent dinner. Clear soup, trout rich sauce. Bouchées of mutton, peas, potatoes. Capon, potatoes, salad. Vanilla cream ice & fruit salad round. Homard soufflé. Fruit. Sunday 25 March Rain & darkness morg but had walk with Lin & Marjorie. Cold. Brass etc in drawing room vy bad. Mr & Mrs A. Gill, Maud & Lennie, Lin, Roy, Marjorie & self. Same old dinner. Clear soup, soles in white sauce. Roast lamb, beans potatoes. Chicken salad. Gooseberry tart cream. Liver sausage. Monday 26 March Mrs Cohen’s dinner 8 o’c. Granthams dinner, 11 Hyde Pk Terrace, acpt. Lin ref first (against my principles). Before 11 or at 4 White. Mr Ryle pictures 4 - 6. To see over house with Lin. Marjorie & I after to Peter Robinson’s, Letherby’s & Nevilles, ordered green cloth. Rested all afternoon. Fairly nice dinner, Mrs Alexander there. Maudie came late . Roy & Marjorie dined with Maud & to theatre after. Tuesday 27 March Mrs Alexander 4 - 7. Out morg with Marjorie to Bank & see over Kens. Palace. To stores after in carriage. V. cold. Lady Bergne, Mrs Trench, Miss Brown, Mrs Krabbe jnr, Hylda, Edie, called. Maud asked us to dine there. Wednesday 28 March Marjorie had brougham to take her to W. Hampstead. Miss Wills at home 4 o’c. Lady Pearson. Darling fetched me at ¼ to 4, called on Mrs Dennis, enquired Mrs Jackson. Good music both parties & loved being with my own. Alone evg. Marjorie left. Roy uncertain about going out, muddled my dinner rather. Men fr. Barkers doing drawing room grate tiles. Thursday 29 March Neville fitting 10.30. Not ready so will reconsider dress. X. Returned 4 blouses to Barker by Upton. Men fr. Barkers doing dining room grate. After going to Nevilles


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 went to White & tried on blk & white voile dress. Lin & self dining at Maud’s. Roy out also. Friday 30 March Mrs A. Tweedie 4 - 7. Walked over alone (took Rags) to enquire after dear little Anne, in bed still & vy hoarse but better. Baby Oliver gone out. Nonie at Kindergarten! Edie helping Ethel C with flowers. Walked back. At 3.30 to Mrs Coward in, looks vy well. Lady Kennedy there. Vy nice at home Mrs T’s, excellent singing. Mrs Dickens, Keen, Maude a’Beckett, Rhodes. Maud came after with Edie. Roy out to dinner. Saturday 31 March Maud’s at home. Wurms band. Out morg. shops. Lin went with me to Maud’s 3.30. Vy nice “at home”. Band splendid. Maud looked lovely in new red dress. Geoff there. About 25 I think there. Bad day on account of Pictures. Stayed until 7 o’c. Roy in to dinner, out after. Not once too crowded at Maud’s. Apr 1906 Sunday 1 April Mr & Mrs Phipson Beale, Lennie, Maud & Spencer to dinner, 8. Parish to help. Mrs Onslow Ford, 62 Acacia Rd. Walked with Lin to Hyde Pk. Corner, saw me to bus & went on to Athenaeum taking my umbrella!!! Alone to luncheon & rested an hour after. Mr Rooth came in for an hour after seeing pictures, was vy amusing. Lin worried letters. Geoff came making 9!! Lin furious.We managed all right with side table. Monday 2 April Maud’s dinner charming. Mr & Mrs W.S.Gilbert, Miss Mackintosh. Mr & Mrs Heron Allen, Mr Ryle, Mr & Mrs Eric Parker, & the Harold Messels came in after. Miss M. sang 3 times. Most beautiful dinner. Oysters, clear soup with cream, soles in an egg sauce & tomatoes. Volaille & truffles. Lamb & quails farci, salad. Sweetbreads & plums. Banana cream on Genevoise pastry. Savory. Birds nest of sugar & coffee cream eggs, etc. Tuesday 3 April Mrs Rhodes 4 - 7. Out morg to Peter Robinsons. Met O. Shakespeare & took her home. Lin to Calais for day. Lovely day, warmer. Mr Rawlinson, Susie a’Beckett & K. Graham who stayed till past 7 o’c! Dickie enjoyed his day & only met Sir C. McLaren. Roy out to dinner. Wednesday 4 April Herbert & Edie coming 7.30 to sup. Roy out to dinner. At 3.30 to Mrs Hadley, in, Lindo, Orchardson, Maud. Con there for one night. M. out at Balcombe for day. Saw Babies eating chocolate cake, vy unwise & said so! Sent £50 to Rothschilds for new Brazilian loan rec’d by Lennie. Roy dined at Maud’s. Thursday 5 April Margarith out 6 - 10. Mrs Heilbut’s dinner. Lovely morg. Shop’d & called Lady Hickman & went with her to Mays to order velvet dress & to Heaths for bonnet. Enjoyed drive. In all afternoon. Lovely flowers Mrs H’s. C. Burnand took me in, Mr T.P. O’Connor other side. Vy pretty American wife who amused Lin & asked me to call & see her. Roy out to dinner. Friday 6 April Out morg to Maud who is in bed with septic throat. Sp. & Con there. Con leaves today for Worthing. To Mrs Abbey after to see picture. M. Millais, Mrs Colefax, Lucys etc there. Called & saw Mabel B. Baby expected Oct, & B(illeg) away at Ramsgate. Read to Lin on return Holland & papers. Dined 10 o’c. Vy tired. Margarith seedy little F! Saturday 7 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Out morg shops. Vy tired. Lin & Roy to boat race in cart (Thorneycrofts) Cambridge won easily, no race. Lin & self to matinée “Man from Blankleys”, excellent. Roy out to dinner, Lin & self alone. Sunday 8 April Lovely morg. Asked Mr & Mrs Galbraith, can’t come, Mr & Mrs Rooth to dinner & Welbys. Sir A. Hickman tennis. Lin & Roy. H. Langley surprised us at luncheon & comes to dinner, left at 3. Lin & self walked to Mauds, just gone out in bath chair. Found H.L. here on return. Monday 9 April Lin in cart to B. Partridge’s. Margarith out instead of Wednesday. Lovely day. In all morg working. Edie came to lunch, worked after & at 3 30 to Bank about Rosario certificate for last year. Also went to to Neville, not ready, & to darling Maud’s, out. Saw Lennie & had tea. Maud came in later looking vy seedy. Dr seems anxious for her to go to Holland tomorrow!!! Most unwise. She ought to be in bed. Roy dines with Lennie & Maud. I alone, Punch dinner tonight. Tuesday 10 April Asked Annabella Baines tea. Off at 3.30 to be fitted Neville & to White after & home 1 o’c. Lin busy. Edie came after luncheon & remained all afternoon. Gladys Paxton, Mrs A. Gill, Tabbie, Evie & Gareth came to tea. Dinner 9.30. Flowers & a lovely brown dress fr. Maudie. Sent Edie in carriage at 6 o’c to 104 about taking little Nonie tomorrow to Zoo. Wednesday 11 April X. Took allottment letter of £100 Brazil loan to bank & cheque returned of £300. Fetch Linley boy ¼ to 1 o’c to lunch Tabbie Claridges Hotel & go with her & Gareth to Zoo. Evie & Laurence there too but did not go on to Zoo with us. Darling Nonie a little restless & disobedient perhaps his cough makes him feel seedy. Took him home & saw Babies at tea. Dined 10.10. Read on return home. Quite warm. Tabs left us by cab fr. Zoo, brougham met us. Thursday 12 April 11 o’c Neville. She sent my new green facecloth home at night. No time to try it on. Read to Lin. To White also & fitted on with black & white voile, fairly well. Friday 13 April Packed . Edie & Herbert to tea. Ellen rather useful packing, so quiet & gentle. Went at 6 o’c in carriage to see Babies, all well & good. Roy left for Pyt & returns Monday but goes to Hotel & goes to Pyt Tuesday again. Dined ¼ to 8. Saturday 14 April Go D.V. to Holland with Dickie by Queensboro’ & Flushing. Rough, windy, dull. Vy uncomfortable crossing 27 people only on board. Was awfully bad, never felt worse in my life. Flushing 6 o’c, arrived 10 something Hague. Met lady who told me of Van den Putte’s. Darling looked vy seedy & tired. Crossing thoroughly upset me & don’t believe mal de mer can ever do anything but harm! Sunday 15 April Rested morg, vy tired. Still feel squeamish! Heavenly day. Lin, Len & Maud all out morg to House in Wood. Afternoon we all drove to Scheveningen seaside place 3 miles off. Women with their quaint caps & pretty capes with little collars & ruche at the neck. Many wear a bonnet perched on cap which is over a gold or silver frame. Dogs in carts. Lulu Von der Goes called, looks of course older but a v. handsome woman, men admired her. Monday 16 April Lovely day. With Lennie Lin & Maud to House in the Woods. Beautifully kept & shown over by old housekeeper. Japanese jars & chinese embroidery on hall cabinets. Lennie & Lin to Delft after lunch. Maud & self for lovely drive of 2 hours to Schveningen in Lucie’s carriage & to Wood for tea. At 5 o’c at Lucie’s. Her daughter 2 gentlemen & a lady there. See the likeness of old days returning in


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lucie’s expression. K(illeg) who came up & spoke. Lennie saw de Beauforts. Full dinner at Hotel. Tuesday 17 April Lovely day. Took carriage we 4 to Station & to Haarlem exquisite tulips & hyacinths. Masses of every colour, reds & yellow gorgeous. Went over Musée in Cathedral Sqre Haarlem, magnificent Frans Hals pictures in room by themselves. Officers in conference also. Fine central Hall & stained glass windows, Hall of Justice (Rutterhal). Had luncheon. Warm plovers eggs, coffee with cream. Drove round suburbs, numbers of Villas pretty woods. Drove 2 hours to restaurant for coffee facing Cathedral, ridiculous. Back barely time to dress for dinner. Delightful day. Pleasant dinner & to bed early after listening to Band. Maud looking better. Wednesday 18 April Dear Mother’s birthday. Dull, windy & cold. Had intended going at 10 o’c to Delft but too grey & chilly. At 10.30 went with Lennie, Lin & Maud to small Municipal Museum. Saw fine old Delft fayence, glass, silver, some good pictures, “Facing Death”. On to Mauritz House Picture gallery, lovely pictures by Rembrandt, Jan Stein, Van Meer notably girl’s head, Paul Potter, Torvost(?) pastels, 2 splendid Van Dykes, Rubens. Thursday 19 April Big fête. Boothes, merry go rounds etc. Whole of La Hague en fête. Prince Consort’s birthday. Gale in night man came to shut our windows 1.30. Lin & self for walk at 10.30 to see Queen’s Palace unpretentious building with bronze statue of William I in the front, equestrian statue. Dull & wind & rain. M. & L. late up. Lin & self walked round Queen’s palace, went after with L. M & Lucie to see charming little picture Galleries of Mons. Merdag sea painter who has his own house adjoining Gallery. Wet. Lennie & self to small musée after tea in our rooms to gentleman dealer & missed Lucie – offended! Friday 20 April Gleaming morg. Woke 7.30, had coffee. We all went at 10 o’c by train to Amsterdam & took carriage to Ryck’s Museum. Magnificent collection of pictures. Exquisite old lady by Rembrandt also his “Night Watch”. Frans Hals old lady, Tenniers, Matson(?), Van Meers, Van Dykes. Lunch at Hotel de L’Europe with Lennie’s friend Mr Helding(?) L. & M. to see sale collection. Lin & self walked about. Home late dined table d’hôte. Quaint old doorway & bas reliefs formerly prison & torture chambers. Saturday 21 April Wet early. Fine later, lovely day. Lennie had motor 10 o’c. We all went to Alkmar beautiful run thro’ Leiden fine old building with steps up to front door. Haarlem, lunched at quaint old Hotel Alkmar. Vy good & reasonable. Most interesting place, so clean. Cheese Market. Bought sabots, photoed sweet little girl in traditional costume & drawbridge. Past Haarlem had coffee there. Returning saw deerhound gentleman & 5 children we had seen in tramcar Delft. Saw gentleman we met at Lucie’s next table to us dining, & Miss Mayne who sat with us after dinner, she with her uncle & cousin. Very delightful day. Sunday 22 April Lennie had car at 11 o’c. We had a delightful run thro’ Haarlem, Leiden, & along by Rhine to Utrecht. Lovely drive but Maudie nervous & Burgomeister stop’d & forbade our returning same way. Awful road near Utrecht. Lunch plain & expensive Utrecht, Hotel de L’Europe. On after to Muiden charming old Castle, wee kids & crowds of boys. No national costumes. Over castle. Picturesque drawbridges before houses, avenue of silver birch. Dined in Lennie’s room 9 o’c. Vy tired, eye painful. To bed. Charming day. Monday 23 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Gleaming mog. Lin, Lennie & Maud off by train to Amsterdam where motor meets them & they go on to (blank). My eye too painful to venture, feels like a sty coming corner of right eye. Rested till 10 o’c in bed. Dressed by 11.15!!!. Wrote, made out ac’t & rested generally. Lunched alone, amused 4 Americans, 3 women & a man. Spoke thro’ telephone to Lucie, says she will come at 4 o’c. Went at 2 o’c to Mauritz gallery. Paid bill nearly £15 for 6 days. Lucie V.d. Goes came at 4 & stayed till 4.45, wants to meet Lin again. Eye too painful to go out. Tuesday 24 April Dickie & I over fr. Flushing to Queensboro’ tonight. Eye bad unable to go. Lin, Lennie & Maud to Mauritz Gallery. Rested & wrote Eve & Mervyn not to come next Sunday Stafford Ter. We all lunched at Royal Restaurant, good. Eggs, grilled fish, veal & rice, cheese, 2 coffees. After to Baron S(blank) house to see pictures. Bowers of himself, Jan Steen, (illeg), Frans Hals & Ostade. Vy good. Tenniers old woman & child, (illeg), Jan Steen & many more. After to Hotel. Gt preparations for Mesdag’s dinner for Golden Wedding, floral (illeg) & long hanging lines fr. ceiling of flowers, blue ribs. We all dined at Royal, vy nice well served & quiet. Dear Lin left at 10 for Hook Holland, seemed depressed. I remain on ac’t of eye. Lennie has all pictures he made offers for at Amsterdam. Big dinner in Hotel to M. & Mde Mesdag on their 50th an. of wedding day! Great reception afternoon given to them. Lucie had been & said it was a great crush. Artists greatly honoured in Holland. Wednesday 25 April Wet early & vy cold. Maud & Lennie to Amsterdam by 10 o’c train. Rested till 10.30 in bed. Eye perfect sight. Wrote Dickie & Edgar morg, cannot read or work. Lunched alone very uncomfortable. Went out after, too cold to remain. Milk & Victoria water in my room, nasty milk. Wish I had had it out, nasty. 1 bot San Esteph 1.25. Dined in Salon on ac’t of eye. Lennie & M. home at 7 o’c. Eye most painful. Thursday 26 April 1 Victoria water luncheon. 2 letters fr. Lin & many enclosures. C. Hartree has left me a lovely picture by Mauve, delighted. Letter fr. W. Hartree. Spoke to Dutch gentleman & lady at luncheon, vy uncomfortable lunching alone, wish I had ret’d with Lin, awful waste of time & money here as I can do nothing. In all day, eye too tender to venture out. V. cold & damp. Dined in Saloon with L. & M. 7.45. with shield over eye. German Russian & Portuguese legations. Friday 27 April Lovely morg. Eye little better. To Mauritz & Municipal Musées. Saw Mauves beautiful. Lunched Royal Restaurant. Bought (illeg) objects. Dined in public room & bed early. Vy tired, & eye painful. Saturday 28 April Darling Maud’s birthday. Wet & cold. Left Hotel des Indes Hague 10.15. Uncomfortable journey to Flushing, 2 changes. Hurried lunch thankful of it. Guard w’d travel explaining most palpable things & sights on way, tiresome. Flushing Hotel “Zeeland”. Vy primitive. Had walk in old town, eye fairly comfortable. Pleased with old town, bought 2 hat pins. Dickie arrived 6, met him. He & Lennie for walk. Good dinner. Sat in L’s sitting room & to bed. Stuffy stove. £24.15.0 bill fortnight. Sunday 29 April Laurence & Evie Fisher Rowe dine with us. Away in Holland to next Sunday, postponed them. Lennie had carriage for day & we all went to Middleburg a most interesting town with fine Town Hall. Old Abbey in quaint old square, trees & Norman archway, a sort of Musée china glass brasswork, pictures etc renovated. Lunched at Abbey Hotel. Drove after to Domberg a delightful place costumes (illeg) out in garden. To East Capella & West Capella, sea and dunes, children,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 pompoms. Dyke, wooden planks along seashore for miles! 3 deep. Sea higher than land. Charmingly clean villages, picturesque girls arm in arm, 7. Pompom boy frightened, ran away when photod. Mend baskets. Home 7 dinner & Lin left at 10.30PM by boat. Monday 30 April Lennie Maud & self return home fr. Flushing by 10 boat. Up at 6 mistook time! Sunny & bright. Sheep making a piteous noise close to Hotel. Core(?) came out of eye. Early cold & sunny. Bill £2.10.0 fees 15/-. Fine crossing but lay down felt uncertain. Lennie had Captain’s cabin. Lin, Roy & self dined at 8.30. Glad of English food. Roy looking very well. Vy cold, fire in bedroom. May 1906 Tuesday 1 May Lin & Roy dine at Maud’s. Breakfasted in bed. Wrote. In all day. Sent by Upton darling’s furs to Lancaster Gate. Mrs Hohler, Mrs Macquoid, Mrs Davidson (Joshua) Katie Parsons (Speed) Sybil Grantham called. Eye still painful. Perfectly delighted with my Mauve picture fr. C.H. Wednesday 2 May Mrs Lucy’s luncheon party 1.30. Again postponed, 28th inst. Mrs Macmillan. X. Withdrawn fr. my securities £100 Ord. Stock B.A. Gt S. Rly for Roy. In bed breakfast, wrote all morg. Mad. J. called & Maud who came in her carriage at 3.30, took us both to leave parcel Edgar’s for his birthday, & to Mrs Alec J. Ferguson’s at home. Maud left me at Lady Bergne’s where met Dutch Mde Van der Velde & son. Dullish. Upton fetched me & took Roy on to Savoy. Dined alone. Ellen out. Thursday 3 May Mrs R. Lehmann, 59 Ashley Gds. Mervyn & Ethel to luncheon 1 o’c. Both looking well & vy happy about house they have taken in Somersetshire. Maud’s carriage came for me 2.30. Fetched her fr. Mrs Hohler’s & we went to a Concert at Stafford House. Tates, Sington, Vaughan Morgan, Heilbut, Wagge, L. Sterne, Grossmith, Mrs Alexander. Good concert, horrid house, back stairs awful. To 104 after & saw darlings, they have whooping cough. Roy out to dinner. Friday 4 May Private View Academy. In bed breakfast. Edie came & helped with flowers from Balcombe. Left at 12 o’c. Maudie fetched me 2.30, to Academy, Mrs Harold met us. Maudie looking sweet in “at home” dress everyone admires her greatly. Saw Lockyers, Burnands, du Mauriers, Romer, Lockwood, Weston, Alexanders, Fildes, Stones, Finlay etc etc etc. Stayed till past 5.30. Had tea with Maud. Little Linley down looks vy pale. Roy out. Carriage fetched me & took him to Club. Read to Dickie, Father Gapon. Dined ¼ to 11! Mervyn & Ethel & Hohlers dining at Maud’s. Saturday 5 May Mrs Causton’s dinner 7.30. Opening Austrian Ex. Earls Court, given tickets to Edie & Herbert. Out morg. shop’g. & walk over 2 flats Palace Gds, vy dear. Rested. Lady Hickman called, saw her. Vy bad dinner Mrs C’s. Soup, sole, boiled salt beef, asparagus, gooseberry tart cream & tinned soft herring roes. Good butter & bisc. Bridge after, never laughed more, only 8 of us. I played with Mr Lancaster, Mrs C. & gentleman, forget his name. Sunday 6 May Lawrence & Evie Fisher Rowe & Gwen, Lennie & Maud dine here. Vy pleasant evg but Lennie a little (illeg). Walked with Lin morg. Lin & Roy played tennis at Sir Alfred’s. Mr Adams called & seemed vy depressed about Mrs F. Winslow’s death 2 months ago, which I had not heard of. Lawrence etc rather late so dinner rather overcooked. Monday 7 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 In morg did 3 drawers of console with Edie who lunched here. Took Edie at 3.30 o’c left cards Miss Barran, Adlam, Waller, in, Bright in, Maud in. Roy dined with Maud & went to “The Beauty of Bath”. Edgar & Sophy dined here, had wire fr. them afternoon! Lin vy put out but brightened up after & had pleasant evg. Tuesday 8 May Lucy luncheon party 1.30. Maud fetched me in motor. Sir F. & Lady Burnand, Ld Onslow, Gould, Craig (painter) Donald (editor of Chronicle) Mr & Mrs S. Bunton, Mr Pease, 2 men & a lady I don’t know names of. Good Talk with Mr Craig whose picture Lin admired so, it is bought by Chantrey bequest. Lady Bergne & Miss Jones only called. Lin & self to Empire, missed seeing Géné dancer. Roy dined at Maud’s, home 12 o’c. Wednesday 9 May Mrs Arnold Foster. Mrs Adlam, Manners, Bright, 4 Barkstone Gds, Barron, 4 Queens Gate Terrace, Macmillan, Causten, Lady Hickman. In morg. At 3.30 with Maud to Mrs Beale, L. Bourne, out, & Mrs Arnold Foster. Mrs Pirrie, Teller & a Mrs Threshfield there. Interesting talk on “Times” & Holland. To Mrs Childers at home & to see babies. Maud & L. dining Authors Club. Roy dined out, I alone. Margarith out. Thursday 10 May Mrs Jopling Rowe, 7 Pembroke Gds. Mrs Lehmann, Pirrie, Mrs Johnson Ferguson. Mrs Lemon, Lady Quilter 4.30. Lin dines at Mr Lucy’s. Out morg. Emma out afternoon & evening. Edie here to luncheon, looked at hats. Pd her 7d for marmalade. Called after at 3.30 Lord Winterstroke, in, Sir W. Agnew, in, Lady Quilter, saw Mrs Whatman, Miss Mayne etc. Mrs Pirrie & Mrs J. Ferguson. Saw Lady Dartrey. Roy in to dinner, argumentative & tiresome rather, tired no doubt but so was I. Friday 11 May Ld Winterstoke’s dinner. Cannot go. I lunch with Edgar & Sophy & Mrs Paton 1 o’c at Pagani’s. Excellent lunch. Crab salad, grilled cutlets, potatoes, cauliflower au gratin, Italian cake souffle & coffee & cream. Sophy & self walked after to meet brougham Marble arch. Came back to tea here. Poor tea. Called on Mrs Joachim, C(illeg) Tattersall & Leech, out. Roy dined at Lady McLaren’s, to dance after. Dined at 10.30, to bed 12.15. Saturday 12 May In all morg. At ¼ to 1 Lin & self had brougham & lunched at Savoy 13/-! Met Ld Mount Edgcumbe. Lin got out of carriage to speak to him. Saw Mrs Geiger & Mr Vivian at Savoy. She did not look well. After to Vauderville to see “The Talk of Mayfair”, Edna May etc. Vy pretty music & amusing. Williams Carters, Pounds & Louis Pounds, Farren, Souta etc. Roy dined with Stern. Lin & self cozy little evg alone. To bed 11 o’c. Maud & Lennie to Balcombe for week end. Sunday 13 May Luncheon party Mrs Pirrie, unable to go. Sir A’s tennis. Tabs & H. to dine here. Asked Armstrongs, Lehmanns, Seaman, Miss Mclaren, Miss Sutton. Only H, Tabs & Mr Stone coming so far, & Mr & Mrs Keen, 7. Went alone morg to Claridges by om. to enquire for Tabbie who is ill there. Chill & nurse! Hamilton walked back with me to Knightsbridge. Crowds in Park. Roy Lin & self to lunch & Roy & Lin 4.30 to Sir Alfred’s. Glorious day, vy hot. Lin lost but found small deal box. Monday 14 May Edie to lunch. Did fish fern case took us 1 ½ hours. Drove at 3.30 to enquire Mrs Parrish, Mrs H. Messel, Mrs A. Russell, Sophy, Anna Dietz, in, found Sophy there. Tabby at Claridges in bed, & to darling Maud’s. Found Violet P, Mary Brown, Mde de Cassavetti, Miss Rose Innes there. Babies better. Roy out to dinner. Lin & self alone evg, dined 8.30. Tuesday 15 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Quilter at home 4.30. Edgar & Sophy dine here & Miss Rose Innes. Went out morg shop’g. Lin out to lunch and tea. Mrs Adlam, Sir W. Agnew, Mrs Holland, Jessie Harding & dau. Mrs Arnold Foster called. Sir W.A. vy pleased with my picture! Mrs Messel & Mrs Gibson called. Vy bright evg, both Sophy & Edgar in good form but ignored Miss R. Innes. Roy in to dinner. Wednesday 16 May Mrs Arnold Foster, Lady Hickman, Mrs Macmillan, Causten. Did none. Military tournament. To be fitted 10 o’c Neville by bus. Heavy shower. Man fr. Barkers here about tap in lavatory & drawing room. Vy good Military Tournament at “Olympia” lighter than Agricultural Hall. Saw Macquoids & young Mackinlay. Roy out to dinner had carriage. Maudie called so sorry missed her. Ellen out. Thursday 17 May Lin dined at Sir Norman Lockyers. Mrs Jopling Rowe, Mrs Lehmann, Mrs Dickens, MrsC. Stuart Wortley, Lemon. Called on Mrs Lucy, Lehmann, cards to Evie’s flat “Kings House” St James Court. On to Tabbie Claridges where Gwen was. Arranged to chaperone G. & N. Grosvenor to Opera tomorrow. I dined alone. Roy out. Friday 18 May In all day. Went to Opera at 4 o’c. X. Grazed shaft of carriage going! Chaperoned Gwen & Nellie Grosvenor to hear “Ring”. Vy crowded. Dined at Savoy & back to Opera. Am not cultured enough in music to appreciate length of Opera. Upton fetched me 9.30, Gwen’s maid doing duty after. Roy dined out. Saturday 19 May Shop’d morg. Greatly disturbed by moaning of gentleman at 26, vy ill or insane. In afternoon. Lin, Roy & self in to dinner. Roy looks vy seedy. Went to Exhibition after dinner. Lin out to lunch. Sunday 20 May Asked May Hickman, Mr, Mrs & young Arnold Foster, Mr & Mrs Binns Smith. Dull party. Mrs Foster vy nice. Dull & rainy. Walked with Lin, took me back alone. Lin & Roy out to luncheon. Mr Stern fetched Roy in his lovely new car. Mr Paxton called. Margarith out afternoon. Fairly good evg, Fosters arrived late. Vy wet unable to get cab. Roy dined Claridges with Tabs Lawrence & Gwen. Monday 21 May Poor gentleman at 26 cries out as if in pain. Edgar & Sophy leave town. Mr Mackinlay’s concert, taken 2 tickets £1.1.0. 3 o’c Beckstein Hall, Mackinlay concert. I lunch at Maud’s. Sent telegram to Edie. Wonderful lunch at Maud’s. Poached eggs on asparagus, noisettes of lamb, new potatoes, beans, half a grilled poussin, salad. Tiny tartlet of gooseberries open & lumps of cream on it, cheese etc, delicious. Too much. Only Violet & Madlle. Dull concert, bad singing. Roy out to dinner. Lin & self vy cozy evg, he read. Tuesday 22 May Lady Hickman’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs Mocatta 4 - 7. In all day, flowers 1½ hrs morg, & silver. Miss Barran, Mrs Graham Keith & Miss Rose Innes called. Latter remained late as usual. Vy tired. Roy had a friend to dine here & to Club after. Poor man 26 seems easier, cries less. Vy pleasant dinner. Sir William Wright (Marines) took me in & was most entertaining. Sir F. & Lady D. Hartland, Trenches, no one else I knew. Poor gentleman at 26 died. Wednesday 23 May Toula leaves. Mrs Manners Sutton Bright 4 o’c. Mrs Paton 2 Hyde Pk. Ter 4 - 7. Mrs Macmillan 4 - 7. Meryn comes to lunch. First fine day for days! Left Mervyn at Claridges. Tabbie out. M. rather full of Sp. Vy nice party both at Mrs Paton’s & at Mrs Bright’s. Called on Mrs Adlam, out. Roy out. Quiet evg alone. Thursday 24 May Asked Edie, cannot come. Yesterday M. to luncheon. Maudie fetched me 3.30. To leave cards Lady McLaren, Mrs (illeg) Barrett for Roy. Mrs J.Ferguson, in, Maud


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 greatly admired in lovely dress & hat, & to Mrs Boughton’s big at home. Charming singing & great crowd. Lin, Roy & self to dinner. Friday 25 May Chose 3 blouses at Barkers. Mrs Philip Walker’s dinner, unable again to accept. Out morg, ordered green hat at Pontings £2.5.0. & 3 blouses Barkers. Out morg chose green toque, sure to be dead failure. Called at 3.30 on Evie, found darling there & went on with her to Mrs Green’s at home. Vy nice, saw L. Stern etc. Good music & most excellent tea arrangements. Introduced to S.E. man who told me he knew Roy & recognised me as Roy’s mother!!! Dined at 11. Carriage met me at 104 Lancaster Gate. Evie better. Saturday 26 May In all morg. Drove at 3.30 called on Lady Hickman, Sir John Tenniel, had long talk with him. He looks v. well but older on account of grey beard. Miss T. in bed with sciatica. Saw darling babies, Lennie & Maud out doing pictures. Cards Lady Spielman also in bed seedy. Lin & Roy (unexpectedly) self to dinner. Quiet evg. Sunday 27 May Mr Stern’s River party. My throat vy uncomfortable & makes me feel so tired. Roy went alone in brougham. Lin & self for walk. Unsettled day, rain & gleams of sun. Lin lunched with me. Toula came to tea & Mrs Church looking vy pretty & was amusing. Very cozy little evg only 5, ourselves & Lennie & Maud. All 3 had enjoyed enjoyed Mr S’s River party. Lloyds, 2 others & small boy there. Monday 28 May Luncheon Miss Thompson. Throat still uncomfortable & feel tired generally. Arrived ½ hr too early, went over Hohler’s shop. Vy good company at Miss T’s. Miss Campbell of Arran, Mrs A. Thompson chairwoman, Mrs Armstrong, Mrs Gill & another. Excellent luncheon. Maud fetched me in Vic, called on Mrs Stuart Wortley, Mrs Bradbury, in, Abbey, in. Mrs Brightmayer’s at home, most lovely music. Alone evg, Roy out, Lin at Punch dinner. Tuesday 29 May Mrs Bergheim 4 - 7. Lady Fletcher Moulton 4.30 to 6.30. Unable to go to either. Roy out to dinner, had carriage. Shop’d morg, met Mrs Church. Arrabella Baines, Mrs Lindberg(?), (illeg), young Arnold Foster, Miss Innes, Hylda H, Mrs Orchardson called. Miss I stayed till 7.30, pity. Dined ¼ to 9. Wednesday 30 May Lovely morg. Today equivalent to Friday with Lin. Roy out to dinner, has carriage. Edie came to luncheon & tea & helped me muchly, thereby saving Ellen’s time. Gave her black & white foulard. Waited up for Lin, dined ¼ to 11. Vy fine drawing. Thursday 31 May D.V. Lin & I leave by early boat for Paris. Greater number of passengers leaving by Ostende boat. Sea smooth, sat on deck. Mr & Mrs & young Mocatta with dau & husband, vy intelligent young man. Cap Bloomfield met us Calais & reserved sec’d carriage, no crowd. Badish lunch & talk to foreigner on art, English etc. Confusion at Hotel Continental. Horrid room 4th floor just arranged my things dressed vy tired & X. 2 pm Manager gave us another room, 399, 4th floor so moved. Not so tired before dinner. Fairish dinner. Sat in vestibule people mostly Americans some French. To bed not to sleep till past 1 o’c so tired. Our room overlooking courtyard so noisy. Jun 1906 Friday 1 June Mrs Walter Crane. Breakfasted in our room. Rain & vy cold wind. Lin & self to Louvre to see beautiful Malo Venus. Cab to Ledoyen, luncheon sole, poulet, asparagras, coffee Graac ½ & ½ St G(illeg) 6 frs 95!!! To Salon. Vast number of pictures many remarkable. Walked past Madeleine, back to Hotel. Dine in


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 restaurant, showers. Taxa metres on most cabs. Dined in Hotel Restaurant. V. dear, nice little band. After walked to Ambassadeurs, places 3 fr each. (illeg illeg). Dreadful news attempted assassinationof King & Queen of Spain on their return fr (illeg). Royal carriage shattered. Courage of the K & Q who drove thro’ Madrid in motor after without escort. Saturday 2 June Heavy showers, gleams of sun, still cold. To Foyot restaurant in cab at 11.30. Fair lunch & to Luxembourg after, just opposite Fayot. Feasted on beauty of pictures. Cab back to Hotel. Took 2 what we sh’d call dress circle tickets for Variety “Paradis de Mahomet” 15 frs each! Truly enorme! Lin slept & I rested on bed 1½ hours after ordering our dinner for 6.30 in Restaurant & finding another batch of unpaid letters forwarded by Emma! will cost no end! Lin out again before dinner. Drove to Varietés ugly old shabby theatre, 2 front row places v. v. crowded, w’d not be allowed in England. V. good music & well sung & acted. Walked home. Girls bathing not vestige of clothing. Met Seymour Lucas with wife & dau. at this Hotel morg. Told Lin of dreadful attempt on the King & Queen of Spain on Thurs. Sunday 3 June Fine & cloudy. Auteuil Races. To Madeleine at 11. Lunched at Grand Hotel, rough but good for 10 frcs! Few v. smart people but not the masses of badly dressed as with us. Warmer & vy sunny afternoon, to our Hotel after luncheon. Took carriage to Bois de B. Saw tremendous crowds all along. Saw Grand Stand Auteuil & close to Presidents carriage returning, saw him distincly. He has sad face & was saluting. Lin took photo. Put down at Salon. Sat some time & rested before dinner, bad & expensive in Restaurant, badly served. Sat after in Vestibule. Dull people, no pretty women. Pretty grey dress in case. Bed 10 o’c. Monday 4 June Lovely day. Out earlier to Louvre, closed every Monday. To Societé des Artists Francais (Grand Palais). Saw some fine pictures by Veber (Bull & Europa colouring (illeg) Baissey girls duelling! Stripped to waist, Alpine picture by (blank) etc. To Ledoyen, lunched outside, nice old waiter. To Café de Paris opposite stupid sat for ½ an hour. Walked to Hotel in time to see wonderful crowd & procession along rue de Rivoli fr. Hotel of musical trades fr. different towns organised by “Le Journal” paper in Tuilleries Gds tonight. Lin out after photoing. After v. bad dinner to Alcasar Theatre next to Ambassadeurs. Stupid, but lovely out, so clear & fresh. Saw Mr & Mrs Stuart Wortley arrive in omnibus, come to see their dau. who is here with her governess. Tuesday 5 June Lovely sunny & hot, too hot. Lin to Tour Eiffel, I to Bon Marché in cab, bought 2 petticoats silk & alpaca, Baby Anne hat, 3 toys, last 2 pd there. To Hotel 12.15 met Lin & in cab to Ledoyen. Lunched at open window. Took cab to 27 Boul de Strasbourg, photo shop, back in cab to Trois Quartiers bought white boa, 2 chains, bag & 2 hat pins 48 frs. Cab back, packed. Lin off photoing. Letter to Lin fr. Roy. Dined at Ledoyens & sat out after. To Hotel early to bed. Tried on dress fr. glass case Hotel. Vy pretty, want £11. I won’t give more than £10, soiled. Wednesday 6 June Lin & I return home by early boat. Vy crowded. Cost us £25 without our return Calais fares for 5 days! Without £5.10.0 I spent. Met Mr Armstrong MP Suffolk also returning. Our train 2 hrs late Vic so Lin went straight on to P. dinner. Upton told me of accident with carriage last night, ran into by motor bus. Roy & Tilda dined with me here at 8. Roy met Lin in dog cart 10.30 Bouverie St. Thursday 7 June Mrs Jopling Rowe. Policeman called about Otley’s licence for driving cab. Out shops morg with Edie who came to luncheon X. Bank book B.A.Gt S. last call of £32.10.0. Maudie fetched me 3.30 & we called on Lady Hickman, Macquoid,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 C(illeg) in their charming new house, Ada Sp. Saw Gen Kent & Mrs O, down! Mrs French & home. Sat read to Lin. Mervyn & Ethel called, they leave tomorrow for their new home. Roy in for dinner. Friday 8 June Roy used broughm evg. Mrs Herkomer 4.30. Mrs F. Geilgud, 7 Gledhow Gds, 4 o’c. Mrs Brightmeyer. Toula to luncheon. Go with Maud to above “at homes”. Lovely & fine. Out morg with Toula who altered my green band. Wore new green Neville cloth, M liked it. Toula with us called on Lady Pontifax, Thompson, Alexander, Midge, Hohler, Twiss, Geilgud, usual people there, & to Herkomers, saw Gilberts. Roy dined with Midge & to Opera with her. Saturday 9 June Invite to stay week at the Hohlers, alas! cannot go. P.Herkomer’s pictures. Out morg shops. To Hyde Pk Hotel to enquire Midge, not in. Had carriage at 4.15, called Knowles took Ethel K. with me feeling awfully nervous. To 104 L.G, children out. Met them in Park & sent E.K. for drive alone & to take card to Midge Hyde Pk Mans, not in. Sat with chicks till 5.30 & carriage met me 104, left E.K. & home. Lin, Roy & self to dinner, bed 10.30. Sunday 10 June Herkomer’s pictures. Lin & Roy to Sir Alfred’s for tennis. In morg, lovely day. Midge, Toula, Lin, Roy & self in to luncheon. Ellen out evg. Roy Toula & self only to dinner. Lin to Garrick for Burnand dinner. Walked & sat in Holland Pk. with Midge & Toula after tea. Roy had brougham at 10.30, took Toula back & went on to Garrick. Monday 11 June Gwen coming for 4 days. Maud’s at home. Lovely day, colder. In all morg. To Maud’s ¼ to 4 o’c. Too many unimportant women. Mrs Lucy, Boughton, Binns Smith, Cassavetti etc. Mrs Gibson & friend vy smart. Roy & Lennie & Maud dined at Sir Alfred Hickman’s & on to Caledonian Ball from there. Gwen arrived at 7 o’c from Scotland. Lin, G. & self dined & had quiet evg. To bed early. Tuesday 12 June Carriage insurance fr. today. Lovely morg. Gwen goes to Pyt to see Evie. Goes by 1 o’c train after did commissions by cab. Out morg to Coles about carriage insurance. Lin sent off cheque. Darling came a dream in white. Mrs Binns Smith & Mrs Rose Innes only. Roy dined at home vy tired after Caledonian Ball. Lin & self to Exhibition evening, Roy too tired. Wednesday 13 June Mrs Mount Batten 4 - 6.30. Mrs Emerson Bainbridge 4 o’c. Miss Barran’s luncheon 1.45, 13 Ruttland Gate. In bed to breakfast. Mrs Brightmeyer’s evg party at her beautiful new house 11 Cromwell Place. Delightful luncheon of 10. Lady Roxborough, Miss Stancombe Wills etc & Miss Barran Snr. Home & rested. Roy & self dined at Maud’s & we 4 went on to at home. Excellent music. Mrs Dearman, Campbells, D(illeg) etc, Balcombe set there. Home 2 o’c. Lennie gave me a fan. Thursday 14 June Maudie selling with Lady Denman at Bazaar. Lunch at Ladies’ Athenaeum Club. Margery Sutton, Broadwood House 8.45. Mrs de la Penha 9.30. Mrs Messel 4.30. Lady Critchett 4 - 7. Aston White Viennese band. Rested morg. By bus to Hyde Pk Hotel saw Ham L, seedy. Thanked him for trout (4¾ lbs) on to lunch at Mrs Adams. 5, fair, dull party. Stancombe Wills. On to Lady C. by carriage (Hamilton Graham wedding crowd) & to Mrs Messel’s after. Gwen here. Roy dined at Maud’s & to Lady Allen’s dance. Friday 15 June Miss Barran’s dinner alas cannot accept. Mrs Hankey’s 4 - 6.30. Mrs Newman 3.30 - 7. Went to both. Maudie selling at Bazaar. Gwen left with her maid for


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 yacht Southampton after lunch. Roy dined out & went after to Lady Critchett’s dance. Lin vy tired, self ditto. Saturday 16 June Prof. Herbert Herkomer fr. 10 to 6, 33 Ebury St Belgravia. Roy off 12 o’c to Cowes to join Tabbie “Joyeuse”. Heavy hail storm. Walked with Lin to get fruit. Rain, horrid generally. Quiet evg Lin & self alone. Sunday 17 June Maud & L. to Gilberts for day. Prof H. Herkomer 10 - 6. Asked Beales, Lockyers, Herkomer, Biancardis, Orton. Midge & Hamilton coming & Maud & Lennie. Midge only, Hamilton in bed Hotel, indigestion. Morg Toula called & we walked to Hyde Pk Hotel to see H. in bed vy seedy. Sp. came to luncheon. Miss Innes, P. Knowles & young Bergne called. Maudie Lennie & Midge, 5 to dinner! & woman here. Vy tired. Roy on Joyeuse, Weymouth. Monday 18 June Took allottment of 2 £10 B.A. Pacific shrs to Bank to be pd in full. Toula comes for few days. Lady Fletcher Moulton’s dinner 8.15. Invitation to dine Lady Bergne, Ranelagh, accepted F.M’s first. Maud’s at home. White between 1.30 & 3 o’c, came evg. Met Mrs Moberley Bell of Times, promised to call. Enjoyed evg, taken in by Mr Lyon. Tuesday 19 June Lin & self dine with Maud, post’d. Lady Romer’s dinner. Mrs Hawtry 4 - 7. Toula & self out morg. Great many callers. Darling little Linley with Maud. Vy tired but delightful dinner Lady R’s. Sat between Sir J.G. Barnes & Mr Morse. Sir W. Wiseman, Sir Francis Maclean, etc etc. Lin enjoyed it. Wednesday 20 June Royal Society Soirée. Mrs Mount Batten 4 - 6. Mrs Emerson Bainbridge 4 o’c . Royal Society Soirée. Mrs G. Armstrong’s dinner, cannot go! Clara Bergheim luncheon 1.30. Sp.called. Miss White about evg. mantel. In bed breakfast. Toula & self lunch with Midge & called after Mrs Brightmeyer, Enthoven, Paton, Hickman. Quiet evg alone with Toula. To bed 10.30. Thursday 21 June Mrs Pirrie’s luncheon, can’t go. Lady Bergne’s luncheon party 1.45, 63 Queen’s Gate. Maudie’s dinner party. Mrs Evans, Mrs Scott Elliot 4 - 7, 15 Douro Place, Vic Rd. Pretty Lady Stuart there. Maudie sent carriage to Lady B’s for me 3 o’c. Toula & self drove & fetched M. fr. Mrs Hohler’s. We called on Mrs Pirrie, Mrs Newman & Mrs Harvey, in. To Lady Pearson, Lady Henderson & Mrs Evans. Home. Read to Lin. Roy returned fr. “Joyeuse” 10.30. V. tired to bed. Roy had invite to Galbraiths for July. Friday 22 June Mrs P. Simpson 4 o’c. To School of Art Needlework, Ex. Rd, with Toula. Beautiful work, furniture, glass etc. To Barkers bought veil, flowers & ruche for hat. Maud fetched me 4 o’c. To Mrs P.S’s, young curate! & drove in Pk whilst Maudie was at an at home Baden Powells. Maudie looking vy tired poor darling. Roy returned at 10.30 fr office or home! We dined 11 o’c. Packed. Saturday 23 June Go for weekend Ld Winterstoke S.Y. “Sabrina”. Left Staf Ter. glorious morg at 9.30 & came by 11.30 fr. Vic Sta. to Portsmouth Harbour. Mr & Mrs Threlfall in our compart’t. Ld W, Miss S. Wills, Miss Evans, Mr Tennyson (grandson of Ld T.) & Judge Bigham met us at Portsmouth Harbour where we rowed out to “Sabrina”, beautiful S. Yacht of 510 tons. Unpacked & had luncheon got under weigh & steamed round Isle of Wight. Put in for night Yarmouth.,Went ashore after tea & went over grounds of Sir John & Lady Earle, delightful couple. Lady E gathered flowers for Miss Wills. Back to yacht. Delightful evg on deck watching lighting & turned in 10.30.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 24 June Many good stories. Sent £6.17.6 cheque Messel spec to L.C.Bank. “Sabrina” lying off Yarmouth Isle of wight. Glorious morg, all to church except Lin & self. Roy dined at Sir A. Hickman’s. Glorious day, sat on deck after luncheon whilst we steamed to Southampton Water passing “Joyeuse” at Cowes. At anchor by “Sybil” late “Palantine” only now painted white. Lin recognised her immediately, she is 460 tons only 60 less than “Sabrina”. Sat with Ld. W. in recess after dinner whilst Lin & Judge walked up & down, & Miss W, Miss E. & Mrs J. grouped together. Packed & to berth. Monday 25 June Mrs Harvey 4 - 7. Darling Maud’s at home. Left Sabrina at 9.15. had 2 reserved carriages. Miss Wills, Miss Evans & self in one, Ld. Winterstoke, Sir John Bigham (Judge) Lin & Mr Tennyson in other, Portsmouth Harbour. Delightful cruise & delightful company, hope to meet all again. Went to Mrs Harvey’s & darling after, great success, crowds nice people. Quiet evg at home & nice little dinner. Tuesday 26 June The Astronomer Royal at home. Mrs Tweedie at home. Miss Thompson to luncheon. Callers Lady Mead, Miss Barran, Dora, Rose Innes, Romer, Spofforth, Ledger, Ethel Knowles. We all dined at Maudie’s, Donna Linda there, & went on to Academy Soirée, saw usual set quaint dresses & people. Late. Wednesday 27 June Constance Pollock’s wedding St Georges Hanover Sqre, 2.30. Mrs Emerson Bainbridge. The Astronomer Royal. X. Alice Linley & Mary Carter dine with me. Mrs Harold Messel 4 - 7. Eileen Clowes’ marriage with Mr S. Gurney Sheppard. Mrs Biancardi comes to lunch. Duchesss of Sutherland 10 o’c Stafford House. Maud to lunch. Went after with her to Mrs H.M’s music. Roy, Alice & Mary to dinner. I picked up Dickie Bouverie St. Lovely women at Stafford House. Thursday 28 June Dear Evelyn Pym Sankey’s funeral. Mrs Rawlinson 4 - 7. Miss Rose Innes dinner & theatre party 7.15. Dora tea 4 o’c, postponed. Too tired. Edie came, went to stores with me. Met Sir (illeg) Laurence (illeg) Mrs Harrap(?) Mrs Hirsch, Kemp, Mona. Late back to lunch, rested after. 12 to dinner Miss R.I’s, Welbys, Gilmer, King, Stoddart, Stone etc. Roy went with me in Lin’s place, too busy to go. Friday 29 June Mrs Threlfall 10 o’c. ref. Lady Fletcher Moulton 4.30. Dickie to Foreign Office. Lunch with Maud 1.30. Drove there in brougham. Donna Linda & Mr & Mrs J. Scott & Spinks at M’s. Drove after to leave congratulations Mrs Pirrie, Johnson Ferguson & to Lady F.M’s at home. A cloud seems hanging over that house. Maudie left me at home. Lin to Foreign Office, had brougham. Saturday 30 June Go to Sir B. Baker’s for week end, Pangbourne. Lovely day, came by 5.5 train fr. Paddington. Roy to Club. Mrs Mickie, Mrs Fitzmaurice, Sir B.B. & Mr Spagnioletti, Mona, Mrs K. & self. Clergyman of Whitchurch & wife to dinner. Bridge & bed. Little boy & Diana make house busy. Played bridge after dinner with Mona, Mrs K. & Mr Fitzmaurice in another room, cooler. Jul 1906 Sunday 1 July Mrs Walter Crane. Lovely morg. Walked round grounds. Miss Shea to luncheon which we had on lawn. At 3 to river in Victoria, rest on cycles. 5 in boat, 3 in canoe up river & to tea at Mr & Mrs Grey’s lovely place on river bank. Major & Mrs Forbes (man, dau.) etc. Exquisite rose garden, pretty house. Major & Mrs Hanbury came to dinner, vy nice couple. Mr Fitzmaurice left immediately after dinner. Billiards & to bed.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 2 July Lin & self alone evg. at home. V. glad to be quiet so tired. Lovely morg. Sir B, Mr Spagnioletti & Mr Mickie returned London by early train, Lin & self by 10.50. Read of shocking accident to boat train at Salisbury 28 killed! Yesterday morg early, awful. Our train vy crowded, came in 3rd class comp’t, no other vacant. Home 12.30 AM. To Maud at 3.30, found Za Primadie(?), M.P. & a vy pretty woman Queen of Hearts née Miss Garton there. Sat a little with Lady Speilmann still laid up. Cards to Mrs Messel & Mrs H.M. Roy dined Thorneycrofts to dance Middleton & Lady McLaren after. Maud has dinner of 12 tonight. To tailor George with M.P. Saw horrid accident opposite. Tuesday 3 July Kittie Fildes wedding 2.30, St Mary Abbotts (Sir Luke & Lady Fildes). Lady Bergne tea. Mrs Thorneycroft 4.30, 112 Gloucester Place. Roy dined at Burkes. Before 10.30 Midge’s cook. Dickie & self to wedding, church full, & house & garden charming, all so well managed. Roy came on after. Darling Maud sat between us Church & she & I went to Mrs T’s at home after. Met endless friends at Fildes, Orchardson looking vy well, Mrs Perugini, B. Baker etc etc. Bride looked pretty. Wednesday 4 July Midge’s cook between 1.30 & 2.30, saw her. Mrs Mount Batten 4 o’c. Miss White 11 o’c fitting. I to be fitted George, & White morg. Met Maud P. At 4 to Miss Barran, Miss L. Barran in, Miss Laurence in, Lady Bergne in, Jopling Rowe, in. Met Maud. Roy & self to dinner alone, Margaret out. Roy quite amiable & talked sensibly, great relief as I was so tired. Thursday 5 July Miss Theo Briton Riviere’s marriage with Dr Bodington, St Paul’s C, Avenue Rd, 2.30. Mrs Huish Lords, behind Block A. Mrs Causton’s 4 - 7. Ellen out evg. Maud fetched me Victoria. Fetched her fr. J. Fergusons, called Lady F. Fitzroy had tea there. Motley crowd Caustens, food ran out & coffee ices! 1000 invited. Carriage fetched me fr. M’s. Roy in to dinner, not out after. Friday 6 July Mrs Huish, Lords. Mrs Temple at home 10 o’c. Mrs Huish Lords behind Block A. To be fitted morg White & tailor “George”. In all afternoon, tired. Roy had carriage, dined out & went to Mrs Temple’s after. We dined 10.30. Vy tired. Went after breakfast to be fitted Miss White blue satin mantle & George blue serge dress. Saturday 7 July Matinée “Comedy”. Raffles. In morg. Brougham to Comedy. Most amusing piece du Maurier so good. Front row of dress circle taken by small boys wirh elderly & young master. All had ices between 1st & 2nd act and all had tea between 2nd & 3rd act. Carriage met us Athenaeum. Fruit Butts. Roy dined at Hurlingham with Percy O, Hilda & Douglas there etc. Dickie & self quiet evg alone. Roy lunched at Lady McLaren’s at Lords & saw D & P who dine with us tomorrow. Sunday 8 July Number of workhouse women in om, character study. Lovely day. Toula to luncheon. Went directly after breakfast by om to see Edgar, 15 Old Cavendish st. Found him down & looking v. well but he may not go out today, liver attack. Back 1.30 by om. Toula to luncheon, Dickie & Roy. Margarith banged about! Toula helped me pack. Put out wine etc. Douglas to tea, sails for S. Africa Sat next. Miss Rose Innes sat in my room. Paul & Dora dined here, D. as nice as ever, P. vy dull after dinner. Lin & Roy played tennis at Sir A. Hickman’s. Monday 9 July Llandrindod. Lovely day. Dear Dickie saw me off Euston 11 o’c train. Saw Sir W. Agnew & girls at Station. Vy genial. Pleasant journey, let lady & dau. in to my carriage at Nuneaton. S. African seedless oranges. Mr Harley & father, Ham L’s double, got out at Bucknell with hippopotamus (illeg) Elephant, 2 monkeys & 2


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 lion cubs! Midge met me Llandrindod. Walked to Hotel Pump, nice room. Interviewed Wells Hotel, lady inclined to be nasty. Made offer. Ham, Midge, Mr Frisby & self dined at table together. H. had brought fruit fr. Bedstone. Tuesday 10 July Mrs G. Warre’s at home, garden party. Guards Band, 4 - 7. Fine & wet alternately. Had sulphur water at 4 o’c. 2 glasses. Saw Dr Morgan Evans, a half asleep person at 11 o’c, told me to take 3 glasses sulphur a day & 4 glasses of saline morgs, not walk much. 10/6, stamps 1/7. 2 letters fr. Lin & fr. Maud. Walked & sat out with Midge & walked & saw H. fish, got 2 fish. Bed 9.20. Wednesday 11 July Mrs Mount Batten 4 o’c. Fine & cold. Overslept myself & only got down at 9.15. Walked with Midge round about, lovely. Took water 11 o’c, sulphur, & 2 glasses afternoon. Tea & walked into town with Midge. All vy dear. Mr (blank) friend of Mr Frisby’s arrived & sat at our table. Mrs Lutwytch came & talked to us after dinner. Vy pretty woman with tall good looking lame husband. Ink 1d. Thursday 12 July Bergheim’s garden party. Llandrindod. 2 glasses saline before breakfast. Massage at 10.30 to 11.15, rested after & had walk with Midge before luncheon. Midge to see cook at Sta. 2 o’c. I wrote. Saline water 3 glasses no effect! Mrs Lutwytch left after lunch. Massage 5/-. Walked with Midge & sat on moor. Concert evg, M. & I did not attend. Had to go to bed early. Mr Hale dined at our table. Friday 13 July Mr Victor Hickman asked us to motor with them. Pouring rain all day, warmer. Unable to go on motor. May Hickman left for London. Midge & self walked with Mr Spencer & friend. Had no tea after having indigestion at luncheon. Masseuse 10.30, 5/-. 4 saline & 2 sulphur daily. Finer evg. Mr Hale, Mr Harter, Mr Frisby & M. & self sat at our table for all meals now. Went to bed 9.30 as usual. Saturday 14 July Lovely day after rain. Masseuse 10.30. Mr Hale left after luncheon seems clever than I thought. Sat out after luncheon with Midge & Mr Frisby. 2 glasses of sulphur & 4 saline water. Sat with Midge after dinner. Sunday 15 July Dull & rainy. To Church in bus with Midge. Heard excellent sermon fr. Bishop Earle. Walked with Midge after taking water 4 o’c. No cards evg. Mr & Mrs Stanier spoke to Midge, she very like Barrs. To bed 9.20. Monday 16 July Wet & dull all day & cold. Up 8 o’c. Drank 4 glasses saline. After breakfast wrote. Massage 10.30. Down only 1 o’c luncheon. Ham unable to go to lunch Heber Percys for otterhounds. Cub killed near here & hunt party to tea here, did not see them. Midge & self for walk 3.30. Drank 1 glass sulphur & went with Midge to see doctor. After dinner sat with Lady Hickman in her sitting room. Bed 9.30. Tuesday 17 July Jessie Harding’s garden party, Torfield, Eastbourne, 4 - 7. Dull & rainy. Walked with Col. Trench & Midge, late for breakfast. 4 glasses of saline water. Lillie H. at our table for meals. Massage 10.30. Still cold. After luncheon H. with Mr Harvey, (illeg) Grant to golf links. Midge & self for lovely drive to (blank) in little carriage open. Saw Mrs Welby’s aunt & sister. Sat after dinner with Midge till 9.20. Bed. Wednesday 18 July Kate Millet’s marriage with Mr Francis W. Adlard. Vy fine day. Ham left for London 12 o’c, returns Saty. Mr Harter & Mr Frisby left at 10.10. Midge & self alone at table to luncheon. Sat out after. Had my last massage 10.30. Pd cheque £1.10.0 & 5/- on Sunday, makes 35/- in all. Last days massage. Thursday 19 July Mrs Trower’s party Weybridge, ref. Mrs Harry Dickens dinner 8 o’c, acpt for Lin only. Uninteresting people large number. Sat out all day & walked with Midge.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saw Mrs Lutwych have electric current. Dull beauties planted themselves near Midge who was bored, self also. Friday 29 July Two tickets for water 5/-. Stamps & church 2/6. At 11.15 went with Lady Hickman & Midge in the formers beautiful Daimler Landaulette motor to Bedstone, vy hilly road. Arrived ¼ to 1. Surprised them but found all in first rate order. Excellent luncheon. Walked round grounds & home 4 o’c. Lady Rosebery & Mrs Coleman (mustard) called & stayed late. Talked to Archdeacon Stanhope after dinner & to bed. Saturday 21 July Miss Mabel Maynes wedding to Dr Harris. Slept badly. V. tired. Lady H. & Lillie left, Lady H. returns Monday. They go to see Gen H. who arrives fr. S. Africa. Fine day. Midge & self sat out. Whilst M. rested I walked to Ye Wells & pd. 18/- indemnity! & to Park House where Desirée is, a dreadfully common place. Ham returned 6 o’c. Quiet evg. Archdeacon Stanhope & Col. Trench sat with us after dinner. Ham played bridge. Sunday 22 July Dull slight rain before breakfast. Met Adams took short walk with him. Midge & Ham not down till 9 o’c. H. still put out. Pleasant to me but silent. Midge’s spirits all evaporated! To Church with Midge. Sat out on return. Perfect gabble for sermon! After silent luncheon sat with Col Trench, heavy rain out. After tea finer & walked to see Desirée & Miss Caillard, found their rooms at Park House poor & badly furnished. D. walked back with me. H. rather tiresome at dinner. Monday 23 July Midge & H. left & Mr Grant & Mrs Lutwych & her lame mother. Dull day. Sat in my room & mended. Lunched at Lady Hickman’s table. She returns at 4.30. To tea at Ye Wells Hotel with Lady Roxburgh & Mrs Coleman & walked with them to needlework shop after. Horrid hotel. Dined at Lady H’s table, her train one hour late due to accident on line near Craven Arms. Engine off line near curve. Sat in Lady H’s sitting room after. Dickie goes to Ostende till Monday. Hotel bill £4.16.1. Tuesday 24 July Dull early, lovely after breakfast. Sat at Lady Hickman’s table. Letters from Midge, Lin. Lin at Ostende Hotel Continental. I take tea at Desirée’s Park House. Dreadful place. D. walked after with me to my hotel & saw my room. Lady H. out twice in motor. Not tired, rest were. Asked me but unfortunately c’d not go. Many new faces at Hotel. Lovely day. Dear Lin at Ostende, enjoying it! Sat with Lady H’s party after dinner. Wednesday 25 July Slept badly. Lovely day but up late. Spoke to “Tipple” janitor(?) man. Wire from Lin arrived home safely. H. party off to Aberwrystwith in motor 11 o’c for day. Thursday 26 July Darling Maud with Lennie starts for Stoke Edith on motor staying at Oxford. Lovely day. Rested & walked about all morg. At 4 o’c in stupid little chair with slow pony up to Club on Golf links to tea with Col. Trench, Lady H, Mrs G.Phillis & Col. Maul. Met Mr & Mrs C. Eastlake on way up, they having tea with Mrs & Miss Franks. Pony only went up half way 2/6! Lovely view great expanse of country. Lady H. walked up & down again!!! Saw Lady Meade before dinner, is here with a Mrs Wright. Mrs Blezard v. amiable. Sat with Lady H. after dinner, Mrs H. much nicer than I at first thought. Friday 27 July Heavy clouds & rain early before brreakfast, vy close, & fine later. Sat on hill back of Hotel, read. Miss Cailleaux come to tea 4.30. Very hot. Phillis takes 2 Campbells in Lady H’s motor. Letter fr. darling M, Oxford. Scarlet fever at


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Balcombe, children sent to sea side. Maudie & Lennie on their way to Stoke Edith by motor. Sleep tonight at Lymington, Hants. They visit Warwick etc on way. Saturday 28 July Darling Maud & Lennie arrive in Motor at Stoke Edith Park. Lin joins Joyeuse at Cowes. Ham F. bought another estate, am most curious to know where etc. Wrote morg. & at 11.30 went for most lovely motor run of 2 hrs thro’ exquisite scenery, New Radnor 42 miles. Glorious day. Wore Phillis glasses which are a great saving to eyes. Very wet after luncheon. 2 glasses of sulphur at 3.30. Tea & walked to see furniture again with Mr Adams, tiresome person. Sunday 29 July Fine & warm. Only got down in time for breakfast. Packing morg. No Church after last Sunday’s gabble. At 4.30 had tea wuth Miss Jeffreys & Col. & Mrs Trevellion, Lady Meade & Cap’t & Mrs Wright near us. After sat with the Wrights & walked with them, both vy entertaining. Col. Trench joined us & we sat capping stories, 2 of which at end of diary. Headache fr. laughing! To bed 9 o’c. Monday 30 July I return home 10.10. Lady H. drove me to Station in Motor. Lovely day. Expenses leaving Fees Tablemaids 5. 6 Chamber ditto 5. 0 2. 4. 2 John 1. 6 1.15.0 masseur Boots 1. 0 Hotel 3.19.2 Chain 2. 0 Water 6. 0 4. 8. 3 tickets Carriage 3. 6 4.11. 1 Stamps 2. 6 4.16. 2 Telegram . 6 £ 13.15. 6 P. Orders 5. 2 3.19. 2 Porters 1. 0 17.14. 8 Total 1.13. 8 Doctor 10. 6 2. 4. 2 Tuesday 31 July Lovely day, vy hot. Dear Lin upset internally, thinks fr. cold salmon & fruit & cream taken at luncheon Saturday. Edie came to luncheon, stayed till 4 o’c. Worked afternoon. White came, pd. her 15/6 for making up old evg mantle. Roy had carriage, he dined out. Aug 1906 Wednesday 1 August Lovely morg. Edie comes to luncheon & we went to Stores by bus, vy hot, & ret’d by train. Walked afternoon. Dined 10.45. I feel awfully tired, idiotic when I have done nothing to make me so. Roy had carriage to fetch him from Club 10 o’c. Edie left after tea. Margaret went out for me, ret’d 10 o’c. Thursday 2 August Lovely day, vy hot. Hear fr. Emma Otley’s little Baby Boy died of diptheria a short time ago. So sorry for them. Went to Bank & paid off £100 of loan leaving £200 owing now. Started year with debt of £500 to Bank. Saw Mr Richardson myself about this & trust there will be no mistake! Roy in to dinner. Friday 3 August Lovely day. Roy dined at Jnr Carlton & went on by night mail to Dumfries to stay with the Galbraiths. He was asked for a fortnight but doubts if he can leave business so long. White here fitting on my dinner jacket. Vy slow poor soul, left


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 after tea. In all day. Wire fr. Eve, wants me to see maids for her! They have taken Sir Walter Groves house for 6 months, Russell Sqre. Saturday 4 August Cooler, fine. Out morg shop’g. Kens. Met Mrs Spofforth. Mr S. vy seriously ill, 2 nurses. Lin & self to see “Geisha”, carriage both ways. Fruit. Quiet evg. Dickie read a woman’s book on Carthage aloud, vy interesting but badly written. Sunday 5 August Darling Maud’s birthday. Dull & close. Col. & Mrs Biancardi dining here tonight. Lin & self walked & sat in Gardens. 2 cruel men with their spaniel. Wanted to speak to them, Lin w’d not allow me. Walked to Serpentine & met Mr Villiers, talked some time. Sent Rags into Serpentine. Met Mr Richmond on way back, went some distance with us. Sat & worked afternoon in dwg room. Lin to Club, home early. Pleasant little dinner. Col. B. vy interesting to talk to but greatly fear Mrs B. not too happy. Monday 6 August Margarith out afternoon & evg. Lin & self in all day. I needleworked mending all day long! Did not do much, am so slow now with needle! Quiet evg. Roy at Terregles, Maudie at Nymans. Lennie volunteering, camping out. Margarith out. Tuesday 7 August Edie here lunch & tea. Put drawing room in order, covered some of furniture. Vy hot. Went at 5 o’c to see Sir John Tenniel seems fairly well & cheerful. Miss Tenniel also came in. Sir John made a pun on the Llandrindod waters having given me a boil – called them “Boiling waters”! Wednesday 8 August Edie here morg, brought very tasteless plum mould which I had at night & maids finished. Ellen out. Put cupboard spare room in order with Edie. Worked afternoon. Thursday 9 August Lovely day, hot but cool breerze. Went by om. to White, fitted on with dinner jacket. Barkers on way home. Packed afternoon & worked. Dined at 9. Wire fr. Roy fr. Terregles returning tomorrow at 7.15AM. Put away part of silver. Friday 10 August Leave tonight D.V. for Scotland. Roy returned fr. Terregles 9.0.AM looking well. Business improving seems uncertain if able to leave London to join Stern at Paris Sunday as arranged. Packed morg, left at 7.30 for St Pancras, Roy dining with us at ¼ to 7. Saw Mr Borthwick & Mr Young at St P. travelling in same train for Drumlanford. Good night, we both dreamt, I of an earthquake! Saturday 11 August Arrived Ayr where we breakfasted with Mr B. & Mr Y. at Hotel after having changed trains at Kilmarnock. Ayr horid town. Arrived Barrhill 11.30, Drumlanford about 12.15. Found Host & Hostess well. Excellent luncheon 1 o’c. Unpacked & rested till tea time 4.30. Had walk around farm. Vy pleasant talk at dinner & to bed early. Pianola in large hall now. Men fished, 4 trout pink. X. Emma leaves today for her fortnight’s holiday, wonder how M. & E. will manage. Sunday August 12 Alternately fine & rain. Walked round grounds & farm after luncheon. Quiet peaceful day we both enjoyed. Roy may leave tonight for Paris to join Stern. Monday 13 August Dull & heavy rain early, fine afternoon, uncertain morg. The Laird & Lin shot home moors only. Brace. Mr Borthwick & Mr Young shot (blank) moors, 11½ brace grouse, 3 hares, 1 golden plover & curly tail! Mrs B. & I worked, read, walked, & drove at 5.30 to meet Mr B. & Mr Y. & drove back with them. Saw 3 large cock grouse, 3 partridges close on to road. Men tired. Pianola. Bed 10 o’c. Tuesday 14 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Vy windy & again heavy rain, fine after breakfast but uncertain. Believe shooters got 9 brace, forget bag. Lost at Bridge evg with Laird. Walked with Mrs Beale, read, worked. Drove afternoon. No letter fr. Roy. Wednesday 15 August Letter fr. Ellen about Margarith ill, tiresome Emma away, & Roy at home. Day off, men in for luncheon. Had walk morg with Laird & learnt the 3 common heath names. Tetrates with the clusters of blossom at top of stem, Bell heather with blooms up the stem & the ordinary Ling heather. Lost at Bridge with the Laird, bad cards. Mr Borthwick & Lin against Laird & self. Thursday 16 August Lovely day. Delightfully quiet day, read, worked. Had drive with Mrs Beale morg. After luncheon took little Book to Mrs Easby’s (George coachman’s wife) pretty clean bright cottage, odd she sh’d have so much (illeg illeg) for a young woman! Good talk dinner. Shooters got 9 ½ brace grouse, 9 snipe, 1 hare & 1 golden plover. Laird & I won Bridge Rubber 123 points. Friday 17 August Roy goes to Maud Balcombe today. Dull, alternate sunshine. Very windy. Worked all morg & wrote. Men had day off & were in to luncheon. Usual interesting talk at lunch (on architecture). Men went after fishing. Mrs Beale & I for walk. Very cold. Took small book to gardener’s lodge & gardener. Edie has never written as she promised. Delightful dinner talk. Music & Bridge. Laird & I made 323, 2nd night of good luck. Six trout result of fishing. Roy goes today to ? Saturday 18 August Dull & cool. Shoot at (blank) with beaters, 21 in all. Mrs Beale & I join them for luncheon. Lovely day, cold wind but vy warm under shelter of trees, & flies tiresome. Mr Robertson, Mr Nevin & 2 other gentlemen besides house party. Most excellent luncheon as usual. Mrs B. & I walked fr. keepers Lodge to house, had early tea. Mrs B. turkish bath & I took Pat for a walk. Shooters started at 9.30 AM & returned at 7! Bridge evg. Laird & I won 2 rubbers. Vy late to bed! 11.45. Letter fr. Edie saying M. better & all else well at S.T. Roy had had Pollock for 2 nights. Sunday 19 August Mrs Beale & Mr Young & household to Church. Lin & self for walk. Mrs Beale most kindly asked Lin & self to remain on until tomorrow week! This settles all our difficulties as Emma returns fr. her 2 weeks holiday Saty & with M. unwell it w’d have been awkward. Mr Robertson & sister & Mr Nevin to tea, & walked round garden & grounds. Another walk with Lin. The Laird & Mr Y. & Mr B. walked to Gordon’s cottage. Good dinner talk & to bed & bath 9.45. Monday 20 August Warm soft morg. Wind & dull. Men lunch early at house & off after for ½ days shoot. Lin looks much better. Sent to Laundress Hart 1 white shirt, 1 silk ditto, 1 vest, 1 socks, 1 stockings, 1 com, 1 chemise. Mrs B. & I walked after tea round grounds. Tuesday 21 August Dull & wet all day. Out morg for stroll with Mrs Beale & Mr Borthwick, no shooting today. Laird & Mrs Young to loch fishing, got 3 trout. Walked after luncheon with Lin & Mrs Beale. Rubbed Mr Borthwick’s shoulder & arm. Vy bad with neuritis hope the ascetic acid will do him good. Mr Strain young Scotch Barrister arrived 5 o’c. Intelligent & amusing. Had met Lady Grove returning fr. M(illeg). Bridge evg. Wednesday 22 August Warm mild day. Mr Strain here, he with shooters started at 9.30. 2 others a portuguese & (blank) joined them & we had luncheon with them all at Gordon’s farm. Walked part of way back, saw an adder dead on road 1½ foot long! 52½ brace grouse, 1 blackcock. Thursday 23 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Vy fine. Mr Smith factor here for lunch. Mr Young & Mr Borthwick leave 4 o’c. Lin fearfully bitten by midges yesterday, his forehead all over bumps. Letters fr. Edie & Margarith, M still very seedy. Mr Strain left after luncheon in his motor Dunlop. Mrs Beale & I called after early tea at Dornal, out. Met Mr & Miss Robertson. Lin walked with us & after for long walk alone. Played Californian Jack with Laird after dinner. Friday 24 August Leave Drumlanford. Remain on until Monday. Drove at 10 o’c after changing our room (for fresh visitors) with Laird, Mrs B. & Lin to Barrgarg where Stewart joined the gentlemen for fishing salmon in River Cree. Lovely day. Saw butter made, 5 quarts cream some milk with it made 4½ & 2 oz of butter. Took 1½ hours to churn & make. V. delightful evg & we 4 alone played Californian Jack with Laird. Bed 10.30. Saturday 25 August Mr James Beale, Mrs Lansdown Beale & Mr & Mrs Kennedy arrive. Walked morg with Mrs Beale round farm. Guests arrived 3.30 & again walked round farm. Mr Kennedy v. like Lord Mount Edgcumbe, charming man. Wife well preserved little fair woman. Mr J. Beale (illeg illeg) heavy & talks in a way dificult to understand. Mrs Lansdown Beale arrived late after dinner. Laird, Mr & Mrs B. & self played bridge & we won, Mr B. & self. V. pleasant evg. Sunday 26 August Dull wet morg. Sat in & talked to Mrs B. & Mrs K. Rested after luncheon, packed & after tea walked with Mrs B, Mr L.B & Mrs K. Gathered heather. Good talk at dinner with impassive heavy but clever Mr J.B. To bed early 10 o’c. Kennedys leave at 6.30 tomorrow morg! Monday 27 August Left Drumlanford 11 o’c in Station brougham. Mr & Mrs Kennedy left 6.30 morg! Mr James Beale & Mrs Lansdown Beale remaining on. Heavenly day. Never saw heather & country driving fr. Drumlanford to Newton Stewart more beautiful. Bought awful soda water at N. Stewart. Bad. Cattle & sheep, pretty woman driving dog cart & strange cheeses marked “Margarine cheese”! at station. Tuesday 28 August Edie came for lunch & tea. Unpacked & readjusted clothes. Mended. Heat great. Wednesday 29 August Did loft with Upton & sorted trunks etc putting most in spare room. Kept most things. Gave Upton a pair of red curtains like hall ones. Lent Upton washstand fr. my room, not given. Roy turned up late 6.30 for dinner unexpectedly. Soup, grouse, vegts, sweets. Lucky. Ironed lace etc. Thursday 30 August Very hot & opressive. Miss White here for day & cut out my new blck satin evg dress, all wrong. I foolishly mended whilst she was doing it instead of watching her. Quite hopeless unless you look after her all the time. Too late to alter. In all day. White left at 6 o’c. Friday 31 August Nonie’s birthday 7 years old today. 93 in the shade. London fearfully hot, sunshine all day. Went morg. in om. to Knightsbridge, bought felt, braid etc. Barkers about Stables. Edie came afternoon & we packed & mended together. Very tired. Roy out to dinner. Dined at 10.30 feeling a perfect rag. Heat intense. Mr Spofforth better. Sep 1906 Saturday 1 September V. v. hot 97 in ther shade! Roy goes for weekend to the Harolds. We go by 4.30 to Balcombe. Travelled with Mr Köfke wee Germen consulate subordinate,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 interesting rather. Found my darling looking sweetly pretty in white (illeg) hat. Mrs Gibson here also charming. Darling well but poor Lennie’s face v. bad fr. fly bite or sting. V. pleasant evg. Much cooler here. Sunday 2 September Mrs Messel to see Dulcie who has broken her arm. Lovely day. V.v. hot. All to Church except Lin, Lennie & self. Dr Köfke & Mr Brownlow who arrived during luncheon fr. Brighton. V. épris with Mrs Gibson & am not surprised. Mr Messel, Ruth, Hylda & Cap’t Gibbs & Mr Parker came to tea when silence reigned supreme. Mr Brownlow back after dinner & vy cheery evg. Mr & Mrs Green dined here. We sat out on veranda after dinner. Monday 3 September Lovely day, still v. hot. Lennie’s face still v. bad, Dr P. came. Mr Köfke left before 10 o’c. Lin to Brighton for day. Fog there so unable to get to his bathing studies! Quiet evg. Very very hot & sultry. Tried Linley’s game with him. Mrs Gibson remaining until Thurs. Vy glad, she is so bright & nice altogether. Tuesday 4 September Lovely, v. hot. Sat out morg & afternoon. Dr P. came to see Lennie, his face better. Walked only round Kitchen garden with Lin, Maudie & Mrs G. I do not think darling Maud seems quite well, often looks so sad, wonder why, or if only heat trying her. Heavy rain night. Wednesday 5 September Dear Dickie left by 2.50 fr. Three Bridges. I drove to station & saw him off in Victoria. Lennie’s face better. Dr parker himself crippled with gout came morg. M & Mrs Sington came morg. Much cooler here in morg room, rained heavily in night. Edie came at 12 o’c & remained till 4 o’c to give chicks music lesson. Mr Allan & Mr E. Fleischmann come in time for dinner. Mrs Gibson, M. & self for walk to see Cricket 5 o’c. Thursday 6 September Mrs Gibson left for the Harolds after luncheon fr. Three Bridges, same train as Lin went by. Sat out. Mr & Mrs Messel & Mrs Sington called after tea. Morg Lennie & Maud altering their books, difficult to find room for them. Quiet pleasant little evening. Lennie played pianola. Friday 7 September Dull morg but turned out lovely after 11 o’c. Sat out morg, (illeg illeg) with Nonie boy. At 3 went in car with Maud to Ottie’s, Langshot, Harley, a charming house & most beautifully kept. Found Mrs Messel, Singtons, & Hemming there. Ottie much nicer in her own house. To Mrs Hohler, Highcroft. Found Mr & Mrs H. in midst of packing, sold their place, & on to Mrs Oxley’s pretty little house. Had tea & walked round garden well kept & orderly. Found Coushla Parker here remaining for few nights. Games after dinner. Lennie seems better. Saturday 8 September Lin came down late after seeing the Harvard & Cambridge Boat Race. C. won easily. Roy & Lin saw it fr. Thorneycrofts. Motor met him Three Bridges. Fine & cooler. Miss Coushla Parker to stay. Went with Lennie to practice shooting. Carriage at 4.30 & called & went over Mr & Mrs Horne’s lovely house, slates fr. N. Wales. Two Miss Meades to dinner. Charades after, v. good “Pennythorne”. Sunday 9 September Lovely & fine. To Church saw all Fitzroys looking vy well. Mrs Faure Walker etc. To Nymans 3.30. Parkers, Ottie, Mrs Sington & a Mrs Campbell & her mother fr. Genoa there. Great improvements at Nymans, Loggia & Garden. Monday 10 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lennie to City, first time for fortnight. Mrs Sington came to stay. Hamilton came for the night. Maud to London for the day. Mrs Gibson & Mrs Harold to lunch with her at Claridges. Pleasant evg. Tuesday 11 September Lovely day. Hamilton left 9.30. Maud, Mrs Sington & self in motor to Storrington to see Geoff. Cap’t Austin gave us tea. Delightful drive, started at 3.30, returned ¼ to 7. Delightful run in car. Lin looking so well & bright. Wednesday 12 September Dull & cold. Edie here. Lin leaves by same train. Went in cart with Dickie to Three bridges home by Crawley. After in brougham with Maud & Mrs Sington to Mrs Thring’s & Faure Walker & round by Mrs Gilliard. Lovely drive, some rain. Chicks to tea at Mrs Heyworth Booth’s. Quiet evg, missed dear Lin vy much evg. Thursday 13 September Dullish. Pd stores 16/4d. Mrs Sington leaves. Mr & Mrs B. Stuart come for night. Very lively & nice girl, very tall & distinctly amusing. Had most pleasant dinner & evg but late rather to bed. Two Miss Meads, Mrs Fox Adams, Mrs Faure Walker & Miss Fitzroy to tea. Letter fr. Dickie, has easy subject. Friday 14 September Telegram fr. Turnbull, 23 Barrington St Brighton! Margaret not well, returning Sunday!!! Go by 4.31 train. Fine & warm. Mr & Mrs Stuart remaining. Felt completely dead after packing. My darling loads me with lovely things, lace dress, dressing gown, night dresses, petticoats & lace blouses. Maudie & Nonie boy took me to Station & saw me off. Little Anne & Nurse F. ret’d fr. Brighton by morg train so just saw them. Anne to dentist. Fees 5/- Mrs P, 5/- Green, 3/- Beach. Cab 3/6, porters 1/6. Saturday 15 September D.V. to Folkestoine with Dickie & Roy. Maud & Lennie return to London & leave by night mail for Scotland, car meeting them at Edinburgh & taking them on to Philps Hydropathic Dunblane, Perthshire. Mr Jack Scott’s. Roy, Lin & self go by 2 train to Folkestone. Roy, Lin v. well & walk on Parade after arrival, met Sp. & Constance Montgomery (Hay) rather wild. Sp. & Hylda came in after dinner, listened to Band. Sunday 16 September Breakfasted in bed, chocolate & 2 nasty eggs. Sp. & Hylda met us at boat at 11.30. Went on board but weather too uncertain so only Lin, Sp. & Roy went. Hylda & self lunched at Restaurant, bad. Rested & had tea at Mrs O & Ada’s. Mrs Hutton & Mrs Wood (dau) there vy handsome. I remained on to supper. Hylda & self met Lin, Sp. & Roy at boat, remained with them during their supper. They enjoyed day at Boulogne. Monday 17 September Lovely day. Sp. & Hylda came just as we were starting for Hythe. Sp. brought peaches. Saw us into Public Motor for Hythe cost 8d each. Delightful run there, too early. Sat facing canal old world part of Hythe. Met Mr Lucy on our way to his house. Lin took photos of house & Mr & Mrs L. Luncheon, good wine. Saw garden, additional piece. V. pleasant time & left at 4.30. Motored back. Walked on Parade met Woodruffe & Fanny Hayes Jackson (Streetfield). Dined & listened to band & so to bed. Breakfasted in bed, no eggs! Tuesday 18 September Lovely day so decided to remain until tomorrow. Breakfasted with Lin at 9.30 dining room at nice little window table. Fewer people. Out after writing 4 letters. To see Boat off & saw boys fishing, motor hauled up. Sat on shingle & saw 3 women bathing in cage. Lunched at Grand, fair. Fine hotel Italian management & waiters. Had coffee at Metropole & sat & read on Parade. Band. Lin’s photos!!! Got tired & missed him. Called on Mrs O & found Ada Sp awaiting me at 5 o’c in Victoria with Sp. Sent him to explain to Lin & I went for lovely drive with Ada. Into


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Hythe Church & cxcrypt. Skulls. Fine old church, old box iron chest. Lin & self dined 8. Band. Bed. Wednesday 19 September Lin & self returned fr. Folkestone after v. pleasant visit. Bill £8.16.10. Sp. & Hylda called to see us morg. We left by boat train 2.30 fr. Harbour. Found all well here. Margarith back but cannot remain alas. V. sorry as she suits me so well in other ways & is always willing & obliging. Dined alone at 8 off one of the 4 grouse fr. Sir A. Hickman. M. helped me unpack. Thursday 20 September Out morg. Miss White came morg, tried on my dress. Remained talking on as usual. Out after luncheon to enquire after Lady Meade & Mr Spofforth, saw both having tea together, Mr S. looking wonderful considering how ill he has been. Read & worked with Lin on return. Roy in to dinner, had 2 of Sir A. Hickman’s grouse, excellent. Friday 21September Out morg, Bank. Had certificate added to list of securities, both Lin’s & mine. M. looking much better. Roy returned before her. Sat down to dinner 10.30, feel dead. Roy not bought the £200 “United of Havana” (illeg) today at 145. M. out to see her sister after tea. Had last of Sir A. Hickman’s grouse dinner. Saturday 22 September Lost tortoishell glasses. Fine. Man fr. Barkers, went to see Stables with him & Upton, they w’d look so well if only nicely & cleanly kept. Lunch 1 o’c & to see “His House in Order” Vy interesting. Lost my long toitoishell glasse in om. Miss White came, pd her £1.14.6 for black satin evg dress. Cost £7.7.0 using old underskirt. Flowers fruit & vegt’t fr. Maud’s & brace of grouse fr. Mr Scott. Lin & self came home in motor fr. Hyde Pk Corner to Butts 2/6! Drove unsteadily I thought. Bought fruit. Roy in to dinner. Sunday 23 September Lovely morg, dull later. Did flowers all morg. Walked with Dickie after tea. Vy tired. Roy home to lunch & dinner. Monday 24 September Margarith leaves. M. Moser 41Campen St, Campden Hill. Will be difficult to replace one of the nicest spoken & most obliging & handsomest of servants. Vy sorry. Little Ellen Cracknell returns in time to wait luncheon from Balcombe after 10 days holidays. Went over to see Edie, called on Nellie K. & found distraction. Edie walked home with me. Roy brought 2 partridges 5/- for dinner & was at home evg. Tuesday 25 September Went to see 2 houses with Dickie with studios, no good. Nice old servant in one as caretaker, clean tidy nice woman. Quiet day. Roy at home evg., brought grouse 3/-. Roy out after dinner. Vy noisy & loud. Lin & self both tired, L. doing Almanack. Wednesday 26 September Out at 4 to see Mrs Whitehead, looked sweetly pretty, just arrived fr. Sherleys, Wilts. Seemed delighted to see me. On to enquire Mabel & saw Mrs Wallace. Called on Mrs Adlam, only returns Saty. Ans’d adv’t with (illeg). Roy out evg. Lin out to lunch. Mad’lle called at 7 & remained & shared frugal meal & talked on until 9.30. Pleased to see her. Thursday 27 September Mad’lle called for me 10.30, to Mde Romeiser together about maid. Saw Edie after & dear little Anne, cold. Beak man(?) Neville here for day 4/6, E. & Ellen also helping, not finished at night, left at (blank). Saw a horrid looking woman as cook for Sophy, won’t do! Friday 28 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Out morg. shop’g & about maids Mde Romeirer. Mad’lle with me. Saw Edie. Lin feels a cold comimg on. Dinner 11 0’c PM. My cold little better. Saw lady about cook for Sophy, no good at all, some cheap boarding house. Neville here, 6/0 for 2 days, slow & vy dear. Saturday 29 September Dear Lin has horrid cold, came on last night. Morg. covered drawing room up. In morning room this evg until parlour maid comes. Lin & self to see “Amasis”. Vy good. Om back. Edie lunched here brought me flowers for birthday & lovely green mantle fr. darling Maud & flowers fruit. Letters fr. Edgar & Spencer, Toula, Nurse F. & my darling little Nonie, a French letter. Roy in to dinner. Sunday 30 September Lin with v. bad cold taken fr. me. Makes him look quite seedy. We took om. morg. to Knightsbridge & walked back. Heavenly day. Warm & sunny. Roy in to lunch & dinner. Neither Emma nor Ellen out. Oct 1906 Monday 1 October D.V. to Midge’s. Unable to go. Parlourmaid hunting. Tea with Mabel Beaumont at 4 o’c. Roy goes to Scotland to Galbraiths. Lin’s cold awfully bad. Went to tea with Mabel she looked vy pretty & dainty & all her flat so neat & orderly. Roy left at 11 o’c for Scotland. Read to Lin on return. Neville here 1/6, 2 hrs. Tuesday 2 October 2 to 3 at home. Pouring wet morg. Men unable to repair drawing room skylight. Neville did not come! Lin’s cold slightly better. Saw lady PM, seems nice & willing. Poured. Buzzing sound in Lin’s pillow night & gale rather disturbing could not sleep. Quiet peaceful evg alone with Lin whose cold is still v. bad. Wednesday 3 October After 5 o’c at home. Out morg took £1.5.0 City B.A.Trams to Bank. Met Effie Twiss & Mrs ? Ada Sp’s friend. Sent 1/9 to Yorkshire Post advertisement, no good. Ellen out afternoon evg. X. Two Barkers men here all day & late doing drawing room sky light window. Saw Louise Hartmann & Annabella’s lady parlormaid. Bad manners not such nice address as Miss Graham. Has 2 years with Annabella. L.H. bright looking. Thursday 4 October Arrangée à voir l’Allemande 5 - 7. Came last night. Out morg Sloane St saw Furs etc & many things I want but can’t afford. Amusing letter fr. Mrs Ball. Met Mrs Stone, wonderfully well in mourning for Mrs Stirling. Miss Rose Innes called. Am dining with her at 7.15 & party & going to New Gaiety with her. Lin will join us & return home with me D.V. Not a line fr. Roy. Met Sir Robert & Lady Head, Lockyer, Gilmer! a young man & pretty Miss! Enjoyed evg but stupid piece Gaiety (illeg) dull. Friday 5 October Edie came early & went with me to take up Miss Graham’s references, vy good indeed, at 71 Edith Rd, Miss Taylor with whom she has 3 yrs in Spain. Shop’d after & paid my account Barkers £9.1.2, settled up to date. Edie did not remain to luncheon. Babies all came up fr. Balcombe this morg, scarlet fever there! Went & saw them 5.30 to 6.30 looking so well & happy. Cab back, read to Lin. Dined 10 to 11!!!. Lovely drawing on future of H. of Lords. Saturday 6 October Neville here doing brass. Vy slow over it & not too thorough. To Matinée “Dairy maids” Awfully pretty girls but stupid vy after 1st act. Quiet peaceful evening. Letter by last post fr. Miss Graham, her father dying unable to come tomorrow! My luck just now! He is unfortunate who cannot bear misfortunes! Sunday 7 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Roy leaves Scotland by night mail. Miss Rose Innes dines here tonight. Lin working on Almanack. Lin & self to see chicks God bless them, & Maud. Took cab home. Read to Dickie, he worked on Almanack. Quiet little evg. Miss Innes left ¼ to 11. Monday 8 October Roy arives fr. Scotland before breakfast & left by 3 o’c train for Pyt. Lin got him pass. He made me feel quite ill worrying & all my nerves felt overstrained. Went to Lady Meade’s to tea, poured. Did me good change of thought. Neville here for day 4/6 doing drawing room. Read to Lin on return. Quiet evg. Tuesday 9 October Out morg shops. Grouse 3/6 Barkers 2/9. Mrs Barker (char) here. Scrubbed stairs down & made attempt at pictures, not done to my idea at all, & shied at putting down stair carpets!!! Read to Lin nearly all afternoon. Had a rest after luncheon, slept 10 minutes. Had bad worried night fr. Roy worrying me. Wish he knew how miserable he makes me. Wednesday 10 October D.V. to Mervyn. Unable to go. Out morg about brown blouse or bodice to cloth dress. Probyns. Woolland flowers 5/6 for fur toque. Chocolate cakes etc. Darling Nonie & Mad’lle here to tea. Games & vy happy together. Left in cab. Water got into Lin’s photo things in maid’s lavatory! Odd place to keep them. Emma out afternoon evg. Char Barker here 5/6 doing drawing room, no good. Very bad char Barker, no good. Thursday 11 October Ethel Knowles wedding 2.30 St Mary Abbotts. Palace Hotel after. Put all drawing room in order. Swept it dusted & straightened it after char & men everything in awful state of chaos, dirty & very untidy. Most unnecessary took me 1¼ hour & not tiring, delighted to see it neat & in order. Read to Lin “Fifty years of Failure” by Lord Aberdeen’s son. 9 dined. Friday 12 October Lin very hard at work. I put all drawing roonm in order yesterday morg & joy to see it neat this morg. Edie came & we walked over with Rags to see my own darling who arrived with Lennie fr. Scotland last night. She looked tired & pale, Lennie vy brown & well. They go to Balcombe tonight. A whole chapter of accidents happened to them in Scotland, fire, motor ac. scene Mrs S & epidemic typhoid Hotel, 4! Read to Lin afternoon, ¼ to 11 dinner. Saturday 13 October Lennie’s shoot. To Mervyn’s. Unable to go, Margarith’s place unsupplied! Neville here doing brass & did it well after my telling him it was not half done, 1/6. Lin off at 7 to Balcombe for shoot with Lennie, remains night, returns tomorrow for Almanack work. I went to stores early, did all my commissions comfortably, coat 5/- by D.R. excellent & quiet. Dear Mervyn came in after luncheon & remained to tea. Quiet evg let Ellen go out for an hour evg. Sunday 14 October Lovely morning. Dear Lin returns fr. Balcombe. Emma goes to see her niece Hospital at 1.30, returning for dinner. Not had a line fr. Perriere! Lin returned morg. & went for walk with me. Fanny Barker, Alice Linley, Margery Howlden, young Bergne & Miss Rose Innes called. Quiet evg, Mervyn dined here. Monday 15 October Roy at Pyt. Neville here doing parlour work two hours every day 1/6. Lin busy on Almanack. Saw maid morg. fr Romaine’s don’t care for her. Tuesday 16 October Saw maid Freda (illeg). Man Friday here, takes away breakfast things washes cleans & replaces them, does brass, & took down morg. room curtains which I mended & he put up again, quickly. M(illeg) brought 2 lovely big plants fr.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Balcombe. Midge sent us brace partridges & hare, & flowers. Roy returned fr. Pyt brought flowers. I lunched & had tea with Midge Brown’s Hotel. Walked after Bond St, called on Edgar, out, & to her club, tea. Lin alone all day, Almanack. Dined 8.30. Wednesday 17 October I lunch with Edgar. Poured with rain. Left early for Swiss home. Saw girl I liked look of as useful maid, shall engage her I think, seems well bred would be a trial only, wonder if I am right!!! Am sick of English who won’t learn & sulk if spoken to. Home rather late after good luncheon Paganis. Feel happier as Madame at Girls home has several good servants on her books. Roy in to dinner. Ellen gave up her evening. Je ne sais pas ce qu’elle fait matin. Thursday 18 October Out shop’g Barkers about ivory box. Neville here. Midge lunched here & we went after together to Sloane St & Lady’s shirt Company. Home 5.20 & read “Fifty years a failure” to Dickie. Quiet evg alone. Roy dined out & got home at 3 o’c morg, broke 4 wheel cab window! Friday 19 October Lovely morg. Neville here. Man Barker measured rod for curtain landing & for Roy’s room. Saw useful maid, Marie, engaged her to come Monday. Joy to have any willing worker if she is what she promises. Dined 11 o’c feel worn out. To Harvey Nicols bought blue silk for blouse 10/-. Walked fr. there to 104, saw the darlings & cab’d home. Read to Lin. Never felt more tired, slept badly in consequence. Saturday 20 October To see “Morals of Marcus” fairly good. Polished drawing room. Neville here all day doing stair carpets. Lin discovered he was owing £500 still to bank, thought it had been paid off. Darling babies came. Oliver so interested in fish. My darling sent fruit & flowers each thoughtful & loving. Roy to Balcombe till Monday. Emma disagreable about having E. & S. tomorrow. Sunday 21 October X. Marie useful maid comes tomorrow 11 o’c AM. Neville here 2 hrs, goes about his work quietly. Leter fr. lady about Freda Fluckyer parlourmaid, most unsatisfactory cannot take her. Had charming hands. Edgar & So. to lunch. Lin to Club. Sp. called. E. & S. left at 4. I called on Mrs Kemp & tea with Mrs Stone. Quiet evg with Dickie alone. Monday 22 October X. Marie useful maid came morg. Neville here morg. Fine. Out afternoon, Mrs Spofforth. X. very bad reference from lady about Freda Fluckyer cannot take her, was coming tomorrow! Must start all over again. To bank about Lin’s £500 loan fr. Bank, Mr Richardson’s blunder. Paid off £50 of my loan making it now £150 I owe only. Tuesday 23 October Neville here 2 hrs morg. Curtains put up in my bedroom. Marie evidently shy waiting, not accustomed to ways. To Swiss Home morg saw shy young married woman too short, must have girl taller. In all afternoon. Lady Meade called, saw her & darling Maud who had tea in my room. Ellen out afternoon & evg. Lin dined Café Royal with Spencer. Roy & I dined Carlton with Fanny Barker, 12, saw after “Amasis” vy good pretty music enjoyed it but v. tired. Edgar, Lady Bergne & Mrs Cohen etc called. Marie said I was out. Wednesday 24 October Emma out aft. & evg. I out morg Barkers. Little Anne to luncheon, Linley & Margery Keith to tea. L. vy unmanageable too much with others, v. good alone. Maud & Geoff also later to tea & to fetch chicks. Miss Rose Innes came. Roy dined


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 with Maud & to theatre after. Heard of young Venning’s engagement to £30,000 a year! Thursday 25 October Adv. Times no luck. Called Madame Romeisers with Edie. Her son had his foot amputated. Read a little to Lin. Friday 26 October Lin vy busy & dined at 11 o’c. Vy tired. I lunched at Edgar’s 15 Old Cavendish St after going to Stokes first. Mrs Shepp & Sophy at lunch in their sitting room au seconde. Excellent lunch. Edgar walked with me after to Browns hotel where I had tea with Fanny B. & Mary. Walked nearly home all buses full. Read a little to Dickie. Roy dined Gerry Weigall at his club. Saturday 27 October In all morg. Lin & self to see “Peter’s Mother” Sat next to Miss Blakey. Delightful piece Marion Terry, Hilda Sullivan, F. Kerr & Mathews excellent. Bought fruit at Butts. Roy dined with Mr Yorke. Quiet evg to bed early. Saw German parlour maid fr Romeisers, am taking up character. Last of Watney venison! Sunday 28 October Rained. Dickie went to Calais. Roy to Club. I walked to Sp’s with Rags. Saw Ada still in bed but much better. Sp. returned with me to luncheon. Ellen out afternoon. Lin back 8.30 had awful passage. Quiet evg, Lin Roy & self. Monday 29 October White 3 o’c. Did not come. To stores morg with Edie, cab 2/- with ivory box. Bought Sable Boa £19.15!!! Mrs Hohler & Mr Villiers came to tea, caught v. untidy! Roy in to dinner seems in good spirits & lively. Tuesday 30 October Wet, in all day long, needlework. Roy in to dinner & in good spirits. Neville here 2 hours morg drawing room. Wednesday 31 October To Dr Abraham with Emma morg. £2.2.6. Hopes to completely cure her, good thing we went, not to be neglected or w’d be serious. Saw Anna F fr. Mrs Romeiser as German Swiss parlour maid. Good looking & taller, seems willing. Marie goes out afternoon & evening. Upton doing blinds drawing room. Nov 1906 Thursday 1 November Miss White coming morg 10 o’c. At home 6.30 to 8 P.M. To see Mrs Upton abput German Swiss P.M. Anna F. unable to go. Dora lunched here looked extremely handsome. Stayed till 3.30 & we went as far as St George’s Hospital by om. together. I left cards on Mrs Palmer, on Lady McLaren & to Lady Pirrie’s at home. Lady F. Moulton, Mrs Langley etc there. Saw Lady P.M Mrs Pointer evg. Wonder how much shall I say hrs. Friday 2 November At home 1 - 3 o’c. P.M. To take up references of German Swiss Anna Dorfinger. No good & most unsuited to work Mrs Upton (nice little Armenian) said. Wrote to decline taking her! Vy wet morg. Sunny later. Saturday 3 November Lin & self to Savoy. Excellent luncheon & on to see “The Bondman” Drury Lane. Very good, well acted. Quiet little evg alone. Roy to Lennie’s Balcombe till Monday. Neville did not come. Sunday 4 November Walked with Lin to Hyde Pk, back alone to luncheon in om. Lin to Club. Sp. called & had tea here, depressed, had news fr. Bloemfontein of Douglas ill. Soaking afternoon. The Laird & Mrs Beale to dinner. Vy pleasant evg & dear Lin enjoyed it. Not a good dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 5 November Rec’d letter respecting Mrs Pointer, am taking her. Fear 4 too many in house. Out after luncheon to Evans, chose 2 hats, green & blue, & on to Evie Fisher Rowe, tea there. Looks v. well. Cab back 2/6. C’d have had an om. for 3d fr. Mudies. Called on Lady Monckton, out. Tuesday 6 November At home. Walked to & fr. M’s morg. They just arrived fr.Balcombe. Not in. Dead tired. Had to walk there & back, neither 4 wheeler nor om. available. Mrs Adlam, Beale, & my darling came in spite of awful afternoon, heavy rain. Roy, Lin & self to dinner. R. better spirits but looks seedy. White came morg. Has again utterly ruined my new blue silk. Must not try her any more, hopeless. Wednesday 7 November X. Sent allottment letter of B.A. Gt Southern to Bank, 4% Ex 1910 shs new issue (2nd 1910). Twelve allotted £120. Young E.P.V.Morgan’s marriage 2.30 St Mary Abbotts to Miss Lilian Dawson, & after 50 Kens. Court. Mrs S. Cotton’s at home 4 7. Mrs S. Pitts at home, postponed. Mrs Canon’s luncheon party Wadhurst. Wadham Gds S.W. I lunch 1 o’c Berkeley with Miss Rose Innes & to Belle of Mayfair after. Roy out dinner. Letter fr Mrs Pointer, not pleased with it. Thursday 8 November Pouring rain all day. To Evie’s to luncheon by om. Lawrence & May Nembhard there.To the N’s new house Gilbert St after to tea. V. nice house. Home & sat with Dickie. Roy in to dinner. Dined 9 o’c. Friday 10 November Dull. Packed. Sat with Lin but worked only read paper. Dined at 11 o’c! Roy dined with Mr Davson & went with him, Lady Davson, Mrs Newman to see “The Merveilleuses” & liked it immensely. Saturday 10 November Dickie & self go to Pyt till Tuesday. Found Marie useful. Motor met us Tisbury, nowhere as cozy or comfortable as carriage. H, Lennie, Tabs & Maud had been to Leweston & got home barely in time for dinner. Maudie looking v. well & stronger. Lovely day & much colder here than in London. Babies called, Anne looked v. well & Oliver growing v. fast & v. independent. Sunday 11 November Lovely day. Breakfasted in bed. Tabs, H. & Gwen to Church. Walked round garden with Lin, Maud & Lennie. Quantities of lovely single chrysanthemums. Tobacco fr. Lennie’s pipe in my eye, v. painful. Young Best called. Darling Maud, Lennie & Gwen went to London by 5 train. Quiet evg, H, Tabs, Lin & self. Monday 12 November X. Mrs Pointer Lady parlourmaid comes, wonder how it will answer. Have serious doubts after her letter. Arranged to pay her £24, more then I have ever pd. except to Laurence after 7 years service. Lin & Hamilton shoot at Rushmore. Lovely day. Tabbie & I go by motor to Leweston morg. Slept badly. Enjoyed drive to & fr. Leweston in car. Uncertain about place. Cozy evg, to bed early. Tuesday 13 November Return home. Lovely day, colder. Tabbie lunching at Lady Wynford & wanted me to go but decided to return home by 2.50 train. So we lunched alone with H. & left after, record speed to Station in Mercedes car! Fog in London. Pointer here. Brought up pears, brace pheasants, brace partridges, flowers. Roy out to dinner. Wednesday 14 November In all day. Mended in my room with Marie. Darling Maud & Donna Linda came to tea, going on to Lady Pearson’s at home. Roy complained of pricking or stitch pain over heart. Want him to see a doctor about it. Roy dined at Maud’s & going with her to Empire. Dickie to see Sir C Euan Smith & to Punch dinner. Thursday 15 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 I go alone D.V. to Terregles. Lin follows tomorrow by night mail. Going tomorrow instead. Maudie’s luncheon party, unable to go. In all day & find Marie cannot pack & is vy slow, but will learn. Roy dined out. Lin & self dined ¼ to 9. Friday 16 November By night mail to Terregles. I go by day 9.30. Roads all up everywhere had to make great detour. Dickie went in cab with me as far as Mall. Vy good cab 4/-. Poured all day hard after leaving St Pancras. Carriage to myself, very nervous speed of train. Delightful to find carriage & no motor awaiting me, most luxurious. House party 12, 2 extra to dinner. Played Bridge after. Col Pinney is related to Digbys & knows Leweston well. Saturday 17 November Ellen out afternoon & evening. Lin arrived Terregles early, comfortable journey. I breakfasted in bed, down 10.15, fine morg. House party Col & Mrs Pinney, Royal Fusiliers, Col & Mrs Ross, Rifle Brigade, Mr Maxwell, Miss Graham, Mr & Mrs Stuart Lyon. Delightful party. Col & Mrs Dudgeon v. pretty woman certain age dined here. Shot covers. Lunched foot of hill in open air. All ladies left 11 o’c except Mrs Pinney & self, we drove to luncheon at 12.30. & walked with shooters after. 93 hens, 94 cocks, 6 woodcock, 9 hares, 2 deer. Sunday 18 November Lovely morg. Breakfast in bed. Mrs Pinney knows Hon Mrs Haverfield where Pointer lived a year, says Mrs H. is very odd. Mrs G, Miss Graham, Mrs Stuart Lyon & self to Church. Miss Jardine came to luncheon, round stables after. Came in & rested. Gen. (blank) to dinner. Vy merry evg. Bed 11.30. Ellen out evg. Monday 19 November Lovely day. Breakfasted in bed. Rest joined shooters at 10 o’c. Mrs Pinney & I joined them at luncheon near stud farm, walked with them after. Mr & Mrs Patterson, Cap & Mrs Fraser (v. pretty woman) & Mr & Mrs C. Maxwell & Mrs (blank) met her at Springkell, pretty middle aged woman. Vy merry evg. Col & Mrs Pinney left for Ireland 6 o’c. Tuesday 20 November Lovely morg. Down to breakfast. Left Terregles by 11.7 train with Major & Mrs Ross. Mrs Patterson came to see the Ross’s off. Vy pretty woman. Most comfortable journey up alone, Lin & self. Trouve (illeg illeg) à la maison. Seem falling over each other. Wednesday 21 November X. Mervyn & Ethel arrive in London. Mrs Alfred Herapath dines here 7.30. Breakfasted in bed. V. wet damp morning. Out 3 o’c met Mrs Mac(illeg). Vy seedy fr. Harrogate. X. Met Gladys Paxton. X. To Bank about B.A. Pacific shrs, home early, sat with Dickie. Mrs Alfred H. vy nice, provincial. Vy Talkative. Roy in to dinner looks worried & pale. No letter fr. Maud. Ellen out afternoon & evg. Thursday 22 November Busy all morg.with Marie, loft. Upton has it in an awfully untidy state again. At 3.30 to call on Ethel found her in at her club. Went with her to (illeg) Tabbie’s club Dover St. Had tea there with Tabs looking v. pretty, & Mervyn saw me into omnibus. X. Evie has a girl born 5 o’c this morg. X. Roy in to dinner, looks pale. Friday 23 November To stores by train. Paid £1.16.4. Home to luncheon. Sat with Dickie all afternoon. Pointer to 104, chicks well, saw them & Nurse F. Roy out to dinner. We dined 11 o’c. Saturday 24 November Busy morg. X. Upton in bed. X. No carriage, was to have used it for first time today for months. Lin & self in cab to Daly’s, Royal box, to see “Les Merveilleuses, excellent music, charming, by Félix. Ethel & Mervyn joined us


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 there. We came straight home after getting fruit, om. Roy in quiet evg. Enjoyed play immensely, both of us. Sunday 25 November Mrs Adlam dines with us 8 o’c. Not coming, ill. Tabs & H, Maud & Lennie dining here, 7 with ourselves & Roy. Walked with Lin, om back alone. Lunched alone. Dull day. Ellen out again afternoon. Lennie & Maud only return fr. Balcombe today. Sp. Mr Paxton & Vera K. Davis came to tea. Monday 26 November Mervyn & Ethel dine with us 8 o’c. To stores morg. X. £2.14.6. Emma vy seedy indeed, feel anxious about her. X. Upton still away ill, fear influenza cold (illeg)& pains inside. Tuesday 27 November Called at Stables, Upton still laid up. Roy out to dinner with Tabbie. Miss Krabbe’s marriage with Mr Moore Brabazon, 2.30 St Peter’s Eaton Sqre. Lovely day, v. warm. Emma up & better but still looks seedy. To Stehr’s, saw head man, obliging. Promised to rearrange. Darling called after I left laden with flowers & a box containing white serge dress. Vy pretty flowers, lovely. So sorry to miss her. M. vy tiresome about flowers, obstinate. Lady Bergne & Pheenie Knowles called. Young S.B. engaged to girl 5 years older than himself! Wednesday 28 November Emma better, much, & about. Upton came morg. but is not well. I went to order black velvet dress at Mrs Young’s, £16.16.0. Walked nearly home, v. tired. Met Mrs Holland looking v. handsome & well, & Ethel E. who walked part of way home with me. Roy dined with Maud, I alone. Ellen & Emma in. To bed 9 o’c feel v. seedy. Thursday 29 November To dine Mr Stone 8 o’c, 63 Curzon St, Mayfair. Lecture by Beerbohm Tree at His Majesty’s. Cannot go unfortunately. Mistake, next Thurs. Mrs Newman 4.30, Mrs Harold M. & Elsie Mills, 14 Queens Gate Place. To be fitted Mrs Young & on to Maud after. Her house looks lovely & chicks so well & happy, were dressing for dancing class. X. Carriage took us to Curzon St. Met Sir Bruce & Lady Seton, Violet Hunt, Sir James & Lady Ismay, dullish. Sir B. amusing but felt too ill to enjoy it & a great effort to find topics of conversation. Friday 30 November Lady Selfe, 13 Connaught Gr. Mrs Vaughan Morgan. To be fitted 5 o’c Mrs Young with velvet dress. Felt v. ill all day but had brougham & was fittrd Mrs Young’s. Maudie came in whilst I was there. Only went there & straight home & to bed at 7 o’clock feeling feverish & aching. Pain in head. Felt nervous driving last evg, no cause as Upton drove carefully. Dec 1906 Saturday 1 December Lady Pirrie’s luncheon ¼ to 2. Mrs Clifford, 7 Chilworth St, last at home 4.15. Lunch at Lady Pirrie’s 1.45. In bed all day, influenza again! Horrid pain over my heart came on & off all day, especially evg. Wired Lady Pirrie. Lin went alone & greatly enjoyed it. Darling came like a ray of sunshine with flowers & looking pretty. Had tea with me. Roy dined alone with Dickie. Sunday 2 December Mrs Harvey 3.30 to 6.30. Lennie & Maud dine here. In bed all day. Better but horrid pain again over heart. Slept well. Ellen out morg. Sent Marie to enquire after Ada Sp. to get her out. Marie slept on sofa my room & Lin on sofa in Roy’s room. Roy out to lunch. Monday 3 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs Walker, 17 Rutland Court, 4.30. Mrs Wallace (Mabel). To be fitted again 5 o’c. In bed all day. Bad night feel about same. Oil! Marie slept my room, Lin in Roy’s on sofa. Lin & Roy dine at Maud’s. X. Emma missed 2 tablespoons from new set I gave her. In bed all day bad night & feel feverish. Sent for Orton evg, X, away. Tuesday 4 December Mrs Messel’s dinner 8 o’c. Cannot go, Lin & Roy alone. Big party there for her birthday. Wrote Mrs M. Dr Orton came. X. said it was influenza & must remain in bed. Maudie came, lovely flowers, lunched here. Edie came to tea, felt v. tired after she left. Lin & Roy dined at Mrs Messel’s, large dinner, 26. X. Spoons still missing. In bed all day. Wednesday 5 December X. Emma much upset about her tablespoons. I have an idea I only got her 2 table & 4 of everything else, can say for certain when up. X. Had bad night. Liver pill. In bed all day, 5th day in bed. Dr O. came, Maudie also. The darling laden as usual bringing lovely pillow for me. Sp. & Ada came, v. tired after. Emma out. Thursday 6 December 3.30, His Majesty’s, Beerbohm Tree on Shakespeare. Mrs Newman at home 4.30. Mrs Armstead, 30 Queensboro’ Ter. Lovely morg. Good night, awake early. Maudie came for an hour on her way to Station. Edie also. Darling looked charming, is giving away prizes for needlework at Balcombe tomorrow. Mr Brownlow & Lennie go down tonight. Roy dined out & saw “(illeg)” after, had carriage. Lin bothered with photos. Friday 7 December Mrs Coward. Dr O. came morg, temp’t 98.1. Milk morg. Gave me a dose of quinine & after at 3 o’c temp’t 100.2. Had mutton broth, nothing in it, for luncheon. 6 o’c temp 100.1. Late 99.2. Edie called but did not see her. She had tea here. Lin much flustered with work, photos went wrong. Roy dined out. Sat in my room, looks v. seedy. Canot ac’t for rise in temp after medicine. Saturday 8 December Lin & I go to Maud for weekend. Lin went off by first train to Balcombe, shoots there today with Lennie, Laurence Fisher-Rowe, E. Parker, C. Brownlow. Ruth there also. Unable to go. Boy ill. Temp 99.1 point 8 o’c, 2 o’c 99.2 pts, odd. Had bad night up 3 times, pills. Milk only & water breakfast, chicken broth luncheon. Felt ill all day, perspired vy freely last night. Roy in to dinner. No doctor today, feel great discomfort round loins temp over 100 evg. Sunday 9 December Awake since 3 o’c this morg. V. hot & uncomfortable. Dear Lin returned with Laurence Fisher-Rowe in his motor fr. Balcombe. Ran over & killed small dog. X. Orton came morg, disappointed no progress. Is at last going to examine water!!! Sure something wrong either with Kidney, liver or appendix. Vy tender right side. Roy played with Harold at Queens Club. Roy won. Took oil. Monday 10 December Mrs Walkes, 17 Rutland Court. Vy good night slept soundly till ¼ to 6 o’c. Oil! Water! Sent it to Dr O. 9 o’c, found congestion. X. Orton came seems worried. Temp’t lower morg only 3 pts above normal. Had up to 100.3 after lunch. Only had chicken broth & not strong. Still only milk diet. Darling came laden with lovely raw silk quilt & white hyacinths in bowl. Came up fr. Balcombe for day left 10.15.4. Sent Marie to get jacket for bed. Tuesday 11 December Midge sent some game. Took first dose saline (illeg). Had good night but awful sweat at 11 o’c & felt like ice after. Marie rubbed me with eau de cologne & felt better after fresh warm clothes on. X. Orton came, says kidney cause of retardment. In bed all day temp 99.1 morg, over 100 afternoon. Had egg & milk


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 for breakfast. Maudie came, dear thing anxious. Feel weak from perspiration. Roy dined with Lin 8.30. Perspired at 12 night again. Wednesday 12 December Lady Spielmann 3 - 6. Mrs Harvey 3.30. Marie changed all my clothes 4 o’c AM. Violent sweat again & felt vy weak after, longed for milk or something & Emma never sent me anything till past 8 o’c, felt faint. Nurse F. came & darling Oliver. X. Dr O. came v. annoyed I had not taken his medicine says I ought to take 3 pints during day & night. Thursday 13 December Lady Spielmann 3 - 6. Mrs Harold M. Mrs Armstead. My darling & Lennie went to Terregles, left 1 o’c. Nurse Francis came early afternoon & stayed till past 7 o’c. Felt a complete rag all day. X. Orton came. Depressed. Lin dined at Claridges with H. & Tabbie alone. Temp 100.1. Roy dined out. Had only slight perspiration. Friday 14 December Mrs Coward. Invirtation to dine Mr Trench to see Gen. Hickman before he leaves tomorrow for S. Africa. Alas! cannot go. X. Dr Orton came. Had better night, no perspiration. Nurse F. came morg. Saturday 15 December V. ill. Sunday 16 December Dr Pollock came thinks seriously of illness. Sent Nurse Davis who came 5 o’c. Filled in from memory all December. Monday 17 December to Saturday 22 December (blank) Sunday 23 December 1 week Nurse D. Consultation Dr Pollock & Mr Haward surgeon, Dr Orton & young Orton. Monday 24 December Operation. Mr Haward, Dr Pollock, young Orton, & ether given. Nurse Cowels came as night nurse. Most kind & gentle, fanned me all night. Awful time. Would much prefer to have died. Tuesday 25 December to Wednesday 26 December (blank) Thursday 27 December Nurse Cowels left. V. sorry, so kind & gentle. Horid woman Nurse Cooke came, ate all night long. Friday 28 December to Monday 31 December (blank) (Notes at back of diary) Spent during 1905: £ 441.17.3 Total received fr. capital invt £ 714.17. 3 Received fr. Trust & private From Trust £ 409.11.9 From P. ac’t £ 370. 9. 9 Paid in allotments on new shares & £ 250 off loan altogether during 1905 £ 712.11.11. Lennie made for me by spec £ 65.11. 6 & £ 29.14. 0 Total £ 95.10. 6 This included in above £ 370.9.9 Invested or pd. on calls 1906 £ 574.16. 4 1st Jan. Overdrawn currant ac’t £ 67.18. 7 Start 1906 with loan of £500 to Bank


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1st Jany overdrawn £ 67.18.7 Paid off Jany £ 100 out of capital. Paid also from capital £ 50 to my current ac’t. Started year with £ 67.18.7 overdrawn to current ac’t Leaves £ 400 owing to Bank & £ 150 to be returned to capital Jany 1906! Banks make it £ 500 I owe Bank Loan! Cannot understand this. Received Jan fr. Trust £sd January Antofagasta Rly 3.16. 0 ditto Cent. Uraguay 23.15.0 ditto Arg’t G.Western 19. 0. 0 ditto Local loans 3. 5 January: £ 46.14. 5 Feby Gt Western Brazil 28.10. 0 Peebles 23.10. 3 Total Feby £ 52. 0. 3 March Cordoba Rosario £ 19. 0. 0 April Brit. (illeg) 21. 7. 6 Illinois Central 19. 9.11 Total April £ 40.17. 5 May, June Canadian & Pacific £ 23.15. 0 Lehigh Valley 21.17. 6 June £ 45.12. 6 Jany Placed £50 to my current ac’t fr. capital Jany Private Ac’t due to bank £ 67.18. 7 January Cordoba Cent 1.18. 0 B.A. Rosario 1.18. 0 B.A.Western 4. 5. 11 B.A. Pacific 8. 8 B.A. Gt Southern 7.12. 0 Wirral 1.17.11 Burmah Oil 4.15. 0 Chinese 6% 2.17. 0 Deposit interest 12. 1 Japan 4% 2nd series 1.16.11 Sons of Gualia 7. 6 £ 27.19. 0 February B.A. Pacific 13. 4 Robinson Mine 6. 8. 3 Gt Eastern 4.15. 0 City B.A. Trams 9. 6 Hull & Barnsley 5. 4. 6 Midland 7.13.10 P. & O. Steams Cy 4.19. 9 Harrods 1. 2. 7 Waihi 5.14. 0 £ 37. 0. 9 Trust account continued July Central Uraguay 23.15.0 Arg’t Gt Western 19. 0. 0 Local loans 1. 4 Antifagasta 6.13. 0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 July £ 49. 9. 4 August Peebles £ 23. 10. 3 Gt Western Brazil 28.10. 0 £ 52. 0. 3 September Cordoba & Rosario £ 19. 0. 0 October B.N.A. S. Ship 21. 7. 6 Illinois Central 19. 9.11 October £ 40.17. 5 December Canadian Pacific 23.15. 0 Lehigh Valley 21.17. 7 £ 45.12. 7 Continued Private Ac’t March Furniss 1. 8. 6 Chinese 2. 7. 6 Cuban 12. 4. 4 Lennie’s spec 16. 0. 0 Glasgow S.W.Rly 2.10.10 March £ 34.11. 2 April Japan 2.17. 0 Barkers 1. 9 B.A. Gt. Southern 25.11. 5 B.A. Rosario 20. 5. 8 April £ 47.15.10 May Another Lennie spec 8.10.10 B.A. Pacific 13. 4 B. A. Pacific 1.14. 6 Sons of Gualia 7. 6 Coupé 2.18. 6 B.A. Trams (part of cap) 2. 4. 6 May £ 15.19. 2 June Spec by Lennie 6.17. 6 Waihi 9.10. 0 June £ 16. 7. 6 Continued Private Account Rec’d July B.A. Western 4% 4. 5.11 B.A.Rosario 1.15. 0 B.A. Great Southern 4% 7.12. 0 B.A.Pacific 3. 3 ditto 5. 3 Cordoba Central 1.15. 0 Chinese 6% 2.17. 0 Japan 4% 1.18. 0 Burmah Oil 4.15. 0 Japan 4% 4. 5. 6 Sons of Gualia 5. 0 July £ 30. 3. 3 August Returned by Spencer cashed Currant Ac’t for Scotland 2.12. 6 B.A.Pacific 13. 4 Gt Eastern 1.13. 3 B.A.Trams 9. 6 Midland 5.14. 5 Furniss 1. 1. 5


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Cash 6. 8. 3 August £ 18.12. 8 September Harrods 6. 8 Waihi 5.14.0 P.& O. Steam Cy 4.19.9 Chinese 5% 2. 7. 6 Cuba 12. 4. 4 Glasgow S. Western 2.10.10 September £ 28. 3. 1 October Sons of Gualia 5. 6 B.A.Rosario 17. 2.11 B.A.Gt Southern 27. 1. 5 Barker 8 Jap 6% 2.17. 0 B.A.Trams 1. 5. 0 Compan(illeg) Lloyd(?) 2. 7. 6 October £ 50.19. 6 November B.A. Pacific 2.19. 3 B.A.Trams 9. 6 November £ 3. 8. 9 Private Account 1905 December Nothing entered being very ill & nothing to enter. Invested 1906 To loan January £100 Ditto February 50 Call on B.A.Gt Southern March 32.10. 0 March Brazil 20. 0. 0 April Loan 50. 0. 0 ditto Brazil 15. 0. 0 June B.A.Pacific 2. 0. 0 B.A. Gt S 32.10. 0 July B.A.Pacific 17.16. 4 Brazil 15. 0. 0 August Loan 100. 0. 0 Sept Brazil 15. 0. 0 Oct Loan 50. 0. 0 Nov new B.A.Gt.S 30. 0. 0 Brazil 15. 0. 0 Dec B.A. Gt S 30. 0. 0 £ 574.16. 4 Total Invested 1906 £ 574.16. 4 Private Account January 1906 £ 27.19.0 February 37. 9. 0 March 34.11. 2 April 47.15.10 May 15.19. 2 June 16. 7. 6 July 30. 3. 3 August 18.12. 8 Sept 28. 3. 1


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Oct 50.19. 5 Nov 3. 8. 9 Dec 3. 8. 9 Private ac’t £ 311. 8.11 Trust ac’t January £ 46.14. 5 Feby 52. 0. 3 March 19. 0. 0 April 40.17. 5 May & June 45.12. 6 July 49. 9. 4 August 52. 0. 3 Sept 19. 0. 0 Oct 40.17. 5 Nov & Dec 45.12. 7 Trust Ac’t 1906 £ 411. 4. 2 Private act £ 311. 8. 11 Trust £ 411. 4. 2 Total £ 722.13. 1 Paid in calls on allotted shares & invested 1906 To Loan Jan £ 100. 0. 0 To Loan Feb 50. 0. 0 Interest on loan 32.10. 0 2nd call on B.A. Gt. S. 4% 3.16 .9 March £ 36. 6. 9 Allotted £ 100 in Brazil 5% loan. Paid to Rothschild on same April £ 20. 0. 0 May paid off £ 50 of Loan £ 50. 0. 0 May Brazil allot. 15. 0. 0. £ 65. 0. 0 June 2 £10 allotted B.A.Pacific £ 2. 0. 0 Fully paid B.A. Gt Southern call £ 32.10. 0 £ 34.10. 0 July instalment on B.A.Pacific now fully pd £ 10 ordinary shrs £ 17.16. 4 Instalment on £ 100 5% Brazil Bond £ 15. 0. 0 £ 32.16. 4 1906 Started year with £67.18. 7 current account overdrawn Jany pd by cheque for dress & outgoing expenses January £ 7. 6. 2 February £ 5.12. 2 March £20. 3. 5 April £ 13.13. 7 May £ 6. 4. 6 June £ 10.17. 5 July £ 25.10. 6 August £ 15.14. 4 Sep £ 7.12.10 Oct £ 11. 0. 2 Nov £ 17. 9. 5 Dec ill all Dec Spent on dress, travel & presents total above £ 145. 2. 6


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 During 1906 Paid on Loan & allottments Brought forward to July £ 334. 5. 0 August paid off 2nd Aug £ 100. 0. 0 of Loan £ 100. 0. 0 September Inv on Lloyd Brazil £ 15. 0. 0 October 28th aid off £ 50. 0. 0 Loan leaving now only £ 150 owing £ 50. 0. 0 November First instal’t on new issue (2nd issue) of B.A.Gt.S. 4% Ex 1900 (1910) twelve £10 shares allotted, in all £ 120. £ 30. 0. 0. Brazil call £ 16. 0. 0 B.A.Gt. Southern £ 30. 0. 0 November £ 46. 0. 0 December B.A.Gt. Southern call £ 30. 0. 0 Wrote to Bank to send Banker’s receipt & Allotment letter of my 2 allotted June shares to be forwarded to the Company for certificate on Sept 12th 1906 fr. Balcombe. Calls on B.A.Gt. S 2nd issue due 1st Nov 1906 £ 30 1st Jany 1907 £ 30 1st April £ 30 1st July £ 30 £ 120 in all Boy who wanted two marriages but no children. Boy who if he caught his wife laying an egg would blow it. Linley to Mad’lle aged 7 “Je voudrais avoir des enfants mais je ne voudrais pas être marrié.” Man having lost more than he could afford one evening at country house muttered after paying up “I would have done better to have gone to bed with the ladies.” Lady nursing her own Baby or had a wet nurse. American Hotel “We supply good milk at a dollar the pint. “But I have a wet nurse” Then Madam we charge 2 dollars corkage! Old professor took in lady to dinner. She asked him earnestly somethng very original – What do you consider the greatest pleasure on earth? “To sit next to a beautiful woman.” Oh, said the lady, I think sleep is the greatest pleasure. Ah, yes, said the prof, sleep next to a lovely woman! Mrs Hohler’s story: Too much for the simple, not enough for the complex! There was once a simple nigger Who was playing on the trigger Which was fastened to a double barrelled gun It happened to be loaded And when the same exploded Well! The nigger never knew what he had done. M. overheard her cook saying to footman “ I would like to be dead & be born over again & I’d choose to be a footman t& have nothing to do! A poet who stuttered said to some ladies collected round a tea table “I want to give you a little poem of my own. Stumbling over a tiresome syllable the ladies in distress said, Yes yes we understand, but he would not be hurried.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Good stories: Linley’s governess on hearing he had been very good at his music lesson said “This is a great treat to me to hear how good you have been today with your music, “Yes but you must’nt have too many treats, Mother says its not good for anyone. Maud told little Linley something relative to Mr Chamberlain in the nursery one morning (aged 6) he said “You see mother we don’t hear anything about those things up here, but what does “Punch” say?” Dull girl taken in to dinner by man who c’d only extract yes & no, when dessert came he said “Do you like Bananas?” Oh no, she replied, I much prefer the ordinary night dress (The chief’s story, Yacht Sabrina). Three qualities necessary for success “Genius, energy & opportunity, & the greatest of these is Opportunity. Which animal would sit at the head of a dinner table? A cow, because she can carve, & which animal would sit at the bottom? A Bull, because he could help her. Cap. Wright. Miss Walmsley, lady dressmaker, 22 Porchester Gardens. Florence Walford. Mrs Arnold Foster, 2 The Abbey Gds. Westminster. Weds. Mrs Leech, 33 Albert Court. Toula, 33 Hill St, Berkeley Sq Robe Paris, pretty grey voile 275 frcs. (Mad’lle Olga) Caroline, 33 Boulevard Malherbes, Paris. Emmerson Bainbridge, 48 Grosvenor St, W. Alice Linley, Hotel Angleterre, Lucerne. Edgar, Blackwater Vale Hotel, Lismore, County Waterford, Ireland. Eileen Clowes, now Mrs Gurney Shepherd, c/o Rev George Clowes, The Rectory, Hayes, Kent. Col & Mrs Biancardi, 15 New Cavendish St Mervyn, Cowslip Green, Wrington, Somerset F. George, tailor, 132 Holland Pk Avenue. M. Paxton. Stories. Mrs C(illeg). Young ward midshipman, 14, asked what time he got home fr. theatre. “I was late, about 1.30, but Grannie was later, did not get back until 2 o/c!” Grannie being over 80! Mrs Biancardi, 15 New Cavendish St, Portland Place. Cassell, 1 Wetherby Rd Spencer, 6 Shakespeare Terrace, Folkestone Small boy who said he would like to have a wife but no children - he would keep a sharp look out on his wife & if he found she laid any eggs he would blow them. Nonie boy, 7 years, “I cannot forget an octave as it is a week, 8 days fr Monday to Monday & 8 sharps fr. C to C!” On Mrs M. giving him chocolates & saying “Now mind & do not eat too many Linley” he turned to Edie after she had left the room with a scornful air & said “I never eat too much at any time!” Chop cooked by electricity: Then go and give it another shock. Little Linley trod on a frog & Maud told him never to be cruel to animals, “But I saw a man kick a dog Mother!” & Maud said “You must never hurt anything darling.” “I am awfully kind to worms, Mother.” Yorkshire porter who annoyed people by asking what was supposed to be different & what people imagined his meaning “Have yer peed yet?” was at last complained of & brought up before the Board & when asked if he had accosted people on the platform with above remark said “Yes, so many passengers travel withoot peeying I just arsked to make sure.” Californian Jack. Deal out five cards to (illeg) & opponent. Turn up the 11th card & put it at the bottom of pack remaining leaving rest face (illeg) up. The bottom card is trumps.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Then play as for whist taking a card fr. pack after each trick, winner taking first (illeg illeg). Scotsman on a Solan goose. Hang it a fortnight, then clean it carefully, wash & baste it, then carefully bury it! Young Stair on politeness of a Scottish porter – passenger “When do we reach Stapleton? “Get oot” instead of “You are there sir.” Lawyer reading will with all members of family eagerly listening - large estate & much money dependent on it. Coming to the end Lawyer announces “Why, the silly fool has never signed it!” Ham L’s story - Agricultural Show. Lady sitting next to a farmer at luncheon. He upset some fruit tart on her dress. She rubbed the stain & said I hope it will come out. He replied “I hope so Mam, I swallowed mine.” Mrs Jeffreys little boy on seeing his newly born brother, “Oh Nana he has got sunburnt on his way down from heaven.” Squirrel story (illeg illeg) Lark Apple pie Stork Your complaint Cap’t Wright’s Beautiful woman & sleepy old professor & middle aged spinster Judge Bingham’s banana story Mr Young’s of Mr Justice Barnes. Lady separated fr. husband who allowed her £5,000 a year. The Judge said she must pay her debts as the allowance sh’d be sufficient. She was heard to mutter leaving the court “How can a common middle class judge know what a Lady’s requirements are!” Fox “Tod”. Man driving left his coachman in Scotland. Coachman “I saw a tod run into that hole.” We’ll dig him out said the gentleman & dug for ¾ of an hour without any result. On getting into cart coachman said “I’m nae surprised, (illeg illeg) it was a person. I saw him run into that hole.” H. Langley. Anglo Malay Rubber coy. South African Gold. Mervyn Herapath, Cowslip Green, Wrington, Somerset. The Wells Hotel, Llandrindod, Wales Pump House, Llanwrtyd, Wales. Laura(?) & Ted Herapath, Burnham, Somerset Investments rec’d. Quebec Cent. 1st March 7% income bonds. 110 present price Jany 1906 Rand Waterworks 5% above par Peking (illeg) for £1 shares Bahia Blanca Waterworks & Light & Power Co. Chinese. Argt. Southern Land shrs South African Cold Storage Anglo Malay Rubber Coy Argt. Southern Land Shares Tailor rec. by Mrs Threlfall, Victor, North Audley St. Mrs Adams?


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1907 Notes in front of diary Mrs Cooper, Palace Villas, Buxton Nurse Davis left & Vince came (15 June). 3 months wages 13th Sep, Vince. 13 weeks washing Day go to Edgar. (6 Sept) alas postponed. (some illeg numbers on next page) £25 a year, 6 months £ 7. 15. 0 7.15. 0 15.10. 0 Write the figures 9999 in such a way to make 100 = 99. 9 9 Why is the Prince of Wales like 15/-? Because it only takes a crown to make him a sovereign. Name 3 fruits in the Garden of Eden “The apple, the pear, & the beastly medler.” A lunatic was observed to be wheeling a wheelbarrow upside down. On being asked why he said “Yesterday I wheeled it the other way & they put bricks in it.” A gentleman visiting a lunatic asylum observed that the clock was wrong. An inmate replied “It would not be right if it was here, or if it was right it would not be here.” Words selected by the 4 boys at Midge’s for Charades, “ Potatoes” & Propagate” & they brought in whole word of the word Badminton as “Bad mint on peas”. The Right Honourable William Ewart Gladstone (using each of these letters & no more) makes “I am the Whig who’ll be a Traitor to England’s Rule.” Mr Mond M.P. speaking to his constituents said his work had been greatly lightened by the aid of his better half, when someone amongst the crowd shouted “Three cheers for the Demi Mond!” A gentleman American told a lady the walls of his hotel were so thin he could hear the man in the next room to his changing his mind! A lady who always bowed reverently in church whenever the Devil or Satan’s name was mentioned, when asked why she said “Politeness costs nothing & you never know.” Midge said she would soon have to engage a secretary to say what she wished to say but could not remember! “Who ate the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden?” “The pair.” What were the fruits in the garden of Eden? “The apple, the pear & the beastly medlar.” Investments recommended by Sir Walter Foster: The Edinburgh & Glasgow Insurance Coy. Shares to be got from Cross & Co, Stock Brokers, Cardiff. Mervyn, Southern Manchurian 5% Railway debs. 98. Hamilton. Argentine Southern Land shares. Good stories continued. American gentleman told a lady he had taken in to dinner that the walls of his Hotel were so thin he could hear the man changing his mind! Small boy accused by his father of taking some peaches said “Father I cannot tell a lie. I did not touch one. How can you say such a thing when 3 peach stones were found in your room & only one in the dish? “That father is the one I did not touch.” Vince £7.0.3 a quarter including 1/3 a week washing from June to September. Addresses: Spencer. Castle End, Leas, Ross, Herefordshire. White, dress maker. 39 Minford Gardens, West Kensington Park, W. Geoff Conrad. “Assaye” S. Ship, due (illeg) 23rd Sep. Ferozipore, Punjab, India.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs Monteith Young (dressmaker) rev fr. South Audley St to Mesdames Muller & Mariet, 21 Somerset Street, Portman Square. Toy shop Gamage & Co, Holborn Hamleys Ld, Regent Street. Phyllis Hickman, Lambwell House Nr. Reading. Mrs Young, dressmaker. Fr. South Audley St moved to Mesdames Muller & Mariet, 21 Somerset St, Portman Square. Oct 1st. Ethel Mervyn had been trying problems fr. her book in striking croquet balls, 4 fr. one corner of lawn, & one ball got lost. She asked little Linley to help her find it. After hunting in vain he said “Auntie, why not strike the 3 balls again fr. the corner of the court & see where they go to” & they found the lost ball a yard off where the furthest ball went. Very clever of him & only just 8 years old. Ethel Mervyn’s help. Mrs Leighman (Margaret) 35 Bolingbroke Rd, West Kensington. Mrs Morton Latham, Hollow Denes, Frensham, Farnham. Mrs Lathem, Knowle, Crebfield, Sussex. Mrs Church’s french maid, Mad’lle Berthe Prevost, chez Madame Bochent 14 Rue d’Alsace, Bologne-sur-mer. American man told a lady at dinner that the wall at his Hotel was so thin that he could hear the man in the next room changing his mind! Small child seeing 2 tall policemen walking with a little girl between them whose hands they were holding said to her mother “How nice to see those policemen walking with their little child.” Boys writing a story, one commenced his “Hell exclaimed the Duchess who until now had not entered into the conversation.” Another boy wrote “A hermit had dwelt on a lonely mountain for many years but still remained childless.” ! Phyllis Hickman, Trunkwell House, Black Hill, Reading Mervyn. 4 Studio, 14a Cheyne Row. Lin’s. There was an old woman & she was as deaf as a post. Make this into a rhyme without changing position of words. There was an old woman & she was as deaf as a P.O.S.T. Fr. Punch dinner Advertisement seen. “Please send post office order or I shall have to pawn my trowsers” received reply “Thanks for P.O. shall not have to P. my trowsers.” Vulgar. Spontaneous rhyme on quarreling birds “Birds in their little nests agree And tis a shameful sight That on the Westhouse balcony They do nothing else but fight.” Little Anne aged 5. After seeing Lennie’s Volunteers parade to Church Nov 3rd. 1907 “And we saw a Drummer drumming with a drum as big as he.” Anne, 5. “Ganna isn’t it strange we have had so many calves this year & no Babies & I would so love to have a Baby sister.” Vince wages from 15th June three months to 15th September at £25 a year. £ 6. 5. 0 13 weeks washing for same time at 1/3 weekly 15. 3 Total £ 7. 0. 3 Paid 16th Sep. Monday. Owe darling Maud 4 Dividends of £ 1.17.11 Making £ 7.11. 3 3 Emma’s contributions Xmas 8/6 each £ 1. 5. 6 Dentist 10. 6 Paid 6 November £ 9. 7. 3


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Paid Vince 18th Dec, due 15th three months wages £ 7. 0. 0 Trust received Private acc Equals for each month Jan 49. 8. 0 25. 3. 1 £ 74.11. 1 Feb 52. 0. 0 42. 9. 1 94. 9. 1 March 19. 0. 0 30. 4. 3 49. 4. 3 April 40.17.5 47.18.11 88.16. 4 May - - - 6.11. 6 6.11. 6 June 45.11.4 14. 0. 7 59.12.11 July 49. 8. 0 29.18. 2 79. 6. 2 August 52. 0. 3 21.14. 9 73.15. 0 September 19. 0. 0 31.14. 9 50.14. 9 October 40.17. 8 53.18. 2 94.15.10 November - - - 11.13. 7 11.13. 7 December 45. 9. 2 12. 0 46. 1. 2 £ 413.11.10 £ 315.18.10 £ 729.10. 8 Birds in their little nests agree And tis a shocking sight To see them on our Balcony Do nothing else but fight. There was a young lady called Gilliam Who at lunch would sit next to Sir William He said “We’re not mummies We’ve all of us tummies And now is the moment to fill ‘em.” This is Sir W.S.Gilbert’s. Lin’s story of short man married to v. tall woman. Climbed up to embrace her & not see to business below”. Horrid story. W.Whitman said “Have you read my book on the “Seen & the Unseen?” “What about the Obscene?” someone remarked. A Father said to his little boy “George it is very wicked to take what does not belong to you. You were stealing when you took those peaches from the cupboard”. Father, said the boy, I did not touch one. I will not tell a lie. But said the father three peach stones were found in your room & only one peach was left in the cupboard. As I will not tell a lie said the the boy, that is the one peach I did not touch. Lin’s. Dr Beauchamp, 8 William Street, Lowndes Sqre, Knightsbridge. Salvation Army, 101 Queen Victoria St, London E.C. Things one would rather put differently. A wine merchant recommending some particular brand of his own especial claret “I assure you sir you cannot touch it.” Diary: Only a few dates filled in for January Jan 1907 Sunday 6 January 3rd week of Nurse Davis Sunday 20 January 5th week of Nurse Davis Sunday 27 January 6th week Nurse D. Feb 1907 Thursday 7 February Fairly good night. Woke at 4.30 hearing Lin coughing. Sent Nurse with cough medicine to him. He slept well after. Babies came morg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 8 February V. fine. Darling Anne’s birthday 5 years old today. She came at 11 with Oliver & Nurse F. Edie came also morg. Nurse Davis out morg. V. good night & Lin did not cough. Up afternoon in dressing gown on sofa. Saturday 9 February Lin went at 3.30 to Bournemouth to stay until Monday with Lennie & Maud. Dull but fine later. Mrs Spofforth came 5 o’c, stayed some time. Up at 4 o’c arm chair in dressing gown. Sunday 10 February 8th week Nurse D. Lovely day. Up at 4 on sofa. Mrs Sington, Mervyn & Roy came morg. Evie Fisher-Rowe came 4.30 & stayed all afternon. Roy came in again for a few seconds at 7 o’c. Monday 11 February Lovely day. Mr Hayward came, says I may go down tomorrow to drawing room. He comes again for last time Wed week. To go if possible to Sidmouth, Devon, Saturday week. Dickie returned & Lennie & Maud fr. Bournemouth. Lin & Maud came 5 o’c. Tabbie here had come up fr. Pyt. Maudie had to put off her dinner of 8, house upset with reinstatement of electric light. Tuesday 12 February Lady Lawrence came morg. Did not sleep after luncheon. Midge did not come. Down to drawing room 5 o’c. Maudie & F.W. came, darling looks better & Dickie’s cough better. Feel vy groggy on legs & feet. Wednesday 13 February Up at 4 o’c. Midge & Tabbie & my darling came to tea, all looking well. Put on green silk mantle to please darling Maud. Thursday 14 February Up at 4 o’c. Darling Maud came late. Florence fetched her for some shop’g. Maudie brought me lovely little note book as Valentine. Friday 15 February Florrie Blair came morg. Brought me photo frame fr. Cashmire. Got up 4 o’c as usual. F.Walford came to tea with lovely warm pink & white knee wrap from darling Maud who could not leave Lennie on account of his cold. Mad’lle J. came afternoon. Feel stronger on my legs. Saturday 16 February Lovely morg. Lin goes to Pantomime alone matinée. Darling Maud came late. Lennie vy seedy with neuralgia. Fanny Nembhard, Mrs Adlam & my darling came to tea. Sat in drawing room until 8 o’c. Had bath! evg. Sunday 17 Feb 9th Nurse D. Blowing hard. Lin made to cross Channel. Up at 4. Midge & Fanny Evans, Laurence & Evie came to tea. Mrs Evans vy friendly & smart. Lennie & Maud & Roy came to dine. Saw Lennie for 1st time since illness, he looks seedy. Came & sat in my bedroom after dinner. Monday 18 February Up at 4 o’c. Nurse out morg. Mrs Mackenzie & Mrs A. Gill came to tea, the latter leaving for the country. She has let her house. Expects a Baby in June! Darling came about 5, bringing lamp shades. Always laden with presents! Lennie in bed with neuralgia. Dickie dined with Midge, Hamilton & Paul at Coburg. Dora was dining out. Tuesday 19 February Lennie’s birthday. The Babies came over morg, both so well & bright. Nurse to dentist morg. Lin dines at Maud’s. Lovely day. Dr Pollock’s account, vy stiff £15.15.0, evidently £5.5.0 a visit. Sent Emma & Ellen to Pantomime. Vy gusty night. Wednesday 20 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely morg. Bad night. So rough, windows rattling all night. Mr Hayward paid me his last visit! Darling Maud came after tea, does not look very well. Lennie still seedy. Lin left early for Punch dinner. Mrs Pointer & Marie’s Wed. Mr Hayward says I am to go for drive if fine. Friday 22 February Pay Marie £5 three months wages. Lovely morg, bitterly cold. Windows open night, felt rheumatism in arm. My darling fetched me 1.30 in Victoria, hot bottles, rugs & fur coat felt as warm as possible. Had an hour’s drive. She lunched after at Nembhards. Nurse eye vy bad flint in it. Evie Fisher Rowe came to luncheon. Florence W. to tea. Lin doing Hare chased by Greyhounds. Saturday 23 February Lovely morg. Up at 10 & at 11.30 for drive with darling Maud in Victoria. V. cold but so warmly wrapped up did not feel it. Very cold in drawing room. Had luncheon in dining room & had good sleep after in bed. Nurse went to see about water bed cheque, quite all right. Marie unsettled & leaving. No callers. Lin dined at Maud’s. Books from Bumpus. Sunday 24 February 10th Nurse D. Lovely morg. Rested in bed till 4 o’c, tired from 2 early mornings. Roy came in morning, looks much better. Mervyn came about 6 o’c. Would not remain to dinner. Lennie, Maudie, Roy & Mr Lucas dined here. I remained in drawing room to see them. To bed directly after. The Mervyns moving into their new house. Monday 25 February Dull but warmer. Up at 10.30 & for drive of one hour with darling Maud in Victoria & lunched in dining room! Rested in bed after. Down at 4.30. Dickie had tea with me. Sent cheque to Bumpus with books, chose 2 for Lennie 15/-. Pointer wishes to leave on account of E. Vy sorry like her so much. Tuesday 26 February Had bad night, woke so often. Uric acid! & pain in side. With darling for drive at 11.30, dull day but enjoyed it so much. To my room for luncheon. Maudie remained to luncheon & put all my papers etc in order, the darling. Read afternoon. No one came but Mrs Turner. Dickie dined at Maud’s, enjoyed his evening vy much. Ellen gave notice! Epidemicof notices! Contageous. Wednesday 27 February X. Sent allotment receipt of 2 new B.A.Pacific Rly shares of £10 each to Bank. Pd £2 also Coupé Divs of £2.8.6 & £2.11.3. Remained in bed room in dressing gown & tidied drawers with darling Maud. Marie washed out wardrobe drawers. Maudie remained to luncheon & till 4.30. Mrs Bergheim, G. Fraser, Mrs Tate & Tabbie came to tea. Dickie off to Punch dinner 6 o’c. Thursday 28 February Darling Maud came at 11 o’c. White fog. Lennie better but Florence ill in bed. Maudie stayed until 6 o’c, finished doing drawers in my wardrobe. Nurse out at 4 o’c. Slept better but discomfort from taking too small a pill last night. Edie came to tea. Mar 1907 Friday 1 March Maudie came & took me for drive & remained to luncheon & tea. Worked & read. Pointer spoke to me vy nicely about remaining until I am suited. Emma came up morg. Only saw Dickie for 5 seconds. Vy glad Maudie lunched here to be with him, too long a day all alone for him. Saturday 2 March With Maudie for drive. Maudie lunched here remained till 5.30. Lennie vy seedy in bed till 11 but going to City. Dickie to Matinée, Cleopatra. Dickie dined at


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maud’s. X. Sent dividends to Bank. Thought darling looking vy tired & blue round eyes. Sunday 3 March 11th Nurse D. Maud, Lennie & Roy dine here. Marie packed morg & my darling came & packed also until luncheon when she had to return to Lennie who is vy seedy. Lennie unable even to dine here, but Maudie, Roy & Florence came. Maudie & Roy sat in my room after dinner. Monday 4 March Left for Sidmouth 11.10. arriving 3.20. Had fair night. Lovely morg. Dickie, Nurse Davis left in omnibus & darling Maud took me in Victoria to Waterloo. Had most comfortable journey, only 2 stops. Jolty omnibus. Clean Hotel but rooms vy small & I find 2nd floor v. tiring. Had tea in bed room. Nurse & self had dinner in bed room. Fire in room. Dickie dined alone. Tuesday 5 March Horrid day, very cold. Fair night. Fire early & Nurse & I breakfasted in my room. Out with Dickie in Bath chair for 1½ hrs. Dull & vy cold. Met Ray Lancaster & niece. Sidmouth not atractive in cold wet weather. X. Lunched with Dickie 1st meal together for 14 weeks! Rested after on bed & dined with Dickie. Awfully tired after. Nurse dined with us but lunched upstairs. Wednesday 6 March Heavenly morg. Had good night but felt awfully depressed as Dickie leaving. He left by 11.30. I went for an hour after in B. chair & again for 1½ hours after luncheon. 4/- in all. Second pot of cream 10d. P.O. stamps 1/-, ink 1d. Lay down on return fr. drive. Tea in my room for Nurse, milk for me. Rested until dinner. Thursday 7 March Dull rainy morg. In bed all morg. Chair 2 hours after lunch. Miss Lancaster with us. Got cream at Potters, new place, not so good. Sat in drawing room after dinner. Lady Trendel’s friend spoke to us, had been to our at home. Flowers fr. Balcombe & Bedstone. Met Riviere’s dau. & her husband. Friday 8 March Lovely early. Fire early. Out in chair 11.30 for 1 hour, 1½ hrs afternoon, 4/-. Miss Lancaster gave me primroses. Started book on Spain. Walked round garden & felt easier. Still rheumatic pains in arms, legs & feet. Talked with T. Lady & Miss Lancaster. Young Cornish gentleman sat next us at dinner & talked, explained flower growing. Saturday 9 March Dull. Dear Dickie coming at 5.23 till Monday. Fred Lancasters leave at 10 AM. Horrid day again. Great exodus fr. Hotel. Remarkably plain women in great numbers here. Dickie arrived at 6 o’c. Out morg & afternoon , 1½ morg, 1 afternoon. Bought fruit, flowers & cream. Sunday 10 March 12th Nurse D. Went morg altho’ horrid cold dull rainy morg. with Dickie for 2 hours on Parade. Again an hour from 5 - 6. Dickie livelier. Dickie having drains at Staf.Ter. done tomorrow, tested by Army & Navy Stores. Dickie sat in my room after dinner where we had fruit. Horrid cream shall buy no more except fr. Hotel. Monday 11 March Dear Lin went up by 11.50 train, looks better but his cough still tiresome. X. Lin having drainage at Staf.Terrace examined today, anxiously await result!!! Went morg for one hour, afternoon one hour. Talkative gentleman told me of china clay in Cornwall greatest source of (illeg) there. Cold out, only up & down Parade. X. Sent Japanese paper on conversion of 6% into 5% to Mr Richardson, Bank. X. Tuesday 12 March Vy cold frost. Some sun. Awake during night. X. Had Hotel cream for breakfast, far nicer than what we buy. Only down in time to walk round garden, v. cold & rain. Had white pony Bath chair at 3.30 for hour & went round Convent & back by


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Knowle Hotel. Violets from Tabbie. Cornwall gent. gave me red stone fr. shore like a Spa. Exodus & many new people today. Bill £10!!! Wednesday 13 March No fire morg. as it smokes. X. Fortunately sunny early. Slept better, & warmer. X. Started taking Telegraph. Had white pony chair & had drive inland. Vy cold wind. Out 1¼ hrs. Out again 1¼ hrs at 2.15. Lovely drive over hills & down steep hill by Station home. Tea & rest. Cornwall most talkative. To bed after dinner. Letters fr. Dickie, Maudie & Roy. Thursday 14 March Fresh cream again & bacon instead of egg. Lovely morg. White pony at 12 o’c & over Golf Links 1½ hour. Awfully jolly drive. V. pretty drive. Afternoon hand chair along Parade. Maud & Lennie left for Paris. Friday 15 March X. Sent by evg. post 2 allotment letters to Bank, £100 Japanese 5% exchange fr 6%. B.A.Pacific 2 £10 shrs ord. Out 2½ hrs bath chair. Pain in side & back from yesterday’s jolting. Saturday 16 March Jap. conversion of 6% to 5% allot. letter sent to Bank with B.A.Pacific allot letter, 2 £10 ord. shs. Lovely 2 hrs morg 3/6 round new drive. Walked after luncheon around Hotel!!! Cold but some sun. Boat race, Cambridge won. Roy unable to go with Lin. Letter fr. a lady about Pointer, odd. Slept badly. Sunday 17 March 13th Nurse D. Slept badly. Lovely morg. Lin goes to Paris to join Lennie & Maud at Hotel Continantal. Had 2 hrs drive morg 3/-. Walked after lunch thro’ cricket field & by Royal Glen back!!! Letter fr. Pointer about leaving think it most odd. Monday 18 March Sent off £150 to Bank on deposit received fr. dear Lennie for Doctor’s fees!!! Out morg 2 ½ hrs 3/6 near Sudbury thro’ Sidford & close to Core Hill, lovely, but v. tired after. Wrote, had letters fr. Midge (Cordoba) Dickie, Roy, Geoff Con, Tabs wanting me to go there at once. Not strong enough yet. Walked but felt tired. Wrote to Pointer & Miss Gordon Dill for her. Rested an hour, Nurse read, & to bed. Apple & cream & champ Nurse got. Tuesday 19 March Lovely morg early. 11.30 chair. X. Emma goes to Balcombe for 2 weeks! Inconsiderately long considering. X. Drains tested yesterday Staf.Ter. & condemmed! Out morg 1½ hours & afternoon on parade 1 hr. 4/-. No cream. V. livery & v. uncomfortable all day, side & back painful. Slept badly. Worried about drainage etc. Dear Lin, Maudie & Lennie leave Paris for Biarritz. Pd Hotel bill £9.5.11. Wednesday 20 March Sunny morg. Slept v. badly & feel headachy. Still livery from outward signs! Letter fr. darling written in train on way fr Paris to Biarritz. Letter fr Mervyn. X. Sent B.A.Gt Southern Rly 2d call to bank £30 on 12 allotted £10 fr. debs. X. Out morg 1½ hrs & 1 hr afternoon. Bright warm sun cold in wind. Nurse to tea Knowle Hotel. Feel rather tired & seedy after bad night. Thursday 21 March Out morg 1½ hr & afternoon 1 hour. Walked. Took Nurse’s pill last night, good result, less livery. Nurse moved my things with housemaid. V. helpless & slow, more fuss than necessary. Bride & Bridegroom here, he fr. H.M.S Excellent. Friday 22 March Heavenly day. Went at 11.30 for 1st drive, an hour. To Sid-Vale Dairy. Sent off ¾ lb tin cream to Nurse F. for chicks & to Mrs Sington. Letters fr. Biarritz fr. Lin & Maud. V. happy there, & fr. Midge fr. Seville. Out 2.30 chair for an hour. Nurse to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Doctor for rheumatism. Sat out. First night in new room. V. cold morg, lovely afternoon. Lavatory report fr. Stores. Very bad. Saturday 23 March Lovely day. Cold wind. Carriage for 2 hrs, 6/-. Drove to Newton Poppleford, Harpford, passing the little river valley & Tipton, lovely drive. Stamps 2/6/ parcel & paper 6d, spent fr. hols money 9/-. Walked afternoon. Talkative left, shall miss him. Nurse went to see Doctor, says its neuritis. She is more slow than ever, & most depressing to be with. Went over Clifton House, beautifully clean & well kept. Talked to Jewish lady after dinner, out earlier without Mr Coade. Letters fr. dear Lin, Maudie & Tabbie. Sunday 24 March 14th week Nurse D. Lin left 1 week Spain. Lovely day. Walked morg. long distance 1 hour. Paid chair only 1/6. Monday 25 March Lovely. Drove for 2 hrs carriage dreadfully jolty drive to Sidbury 6/-. Fely v. seedy after. Had chair for hour afternoon 1/6. Went over house Mrs Frick. V. sunny. Tuesday 26 March Lovely morg. Chair ¼ to ½. Nurse most depressing had to tell her so. X. Afternoon chair 1 hour. Fearful fire at 6 o’c saw the pretty thatched house op. drive gates here in flames & watched the destruction for ½ an hour. Wonderful sight. Surprised to see Mrs Rawlinson alone at table at dinner & sat with her after till 9 o’c. Wednesday 27 March Heavenly day. Had chair for 1½ hrs morg 2/6. Saw charred remains of burnt out house, walls standing. To station. Decided to leave Saty for Pyt. Too tired to go out afternoon at all. Came up to room & wrote & lay down. Mr Heely came in & saw me in fine dégagé. Sat with Mrs & Miss Moss in their sitting room for ten minutes after dinner. Bath, but vy tired. Long drive Monday thrown me back 2 days. Many fresh arrivals. Thursday 28 March Lovely day. Delightful letters from Dickie & Maudie fr. Madrid. Feel v. tired & pain in side & back came again. Slept badly so worried about drainage & how to manage Stafford Ter. Rested all morg on Terrace with feet up. V. warm. Spoke to Sir Charles & Lady Owens, he most kind & arranged for my comfort on journey Saty. Mrs Rawlinson & Mrs Moss most kind. Boy hand chair 1½ hrs parade only 2/6. To bed directly after dinner. Read book on Spain. Friday 29 March Heavenly day. In all morg got up late & had splendid night & feel better. Sat out before luncheon ½ an hour with the Moss’s. After luncheon at 2.30 in hand chair for 2 hours on Parade, lovely but so many uninteresting people. Talked after tea with Mrs Rawlinson. Packed morg. Sir Charles Owens v. amusing at dinner & asked me to sit with them after but am too tired, came to bed. Saturday 30 March Decided to leave, go to Pyt with Nurse. Lovely morg. On arriving Sidmouth Station find out our train fr. Junc. stop’d!!! Had to go to Salisbury & to pay return journey! Adding insult to injury but all officials & porters most attentive & had reserved carriage, no crowd. Found Gwen & Miss Stopford at Tisbury & no motor. Had a closed fly for Nurse & self. Went to my room & had dinner there. All most kind. Had west room. Roy looks better colour tho’ pale. Sunday 31 March 2 weeks. Lovely morg. Slept well, down & sat on terrace till luncheon. Mr, Mrs & Maurice Berkeley Portman, young Gordon & Miss Stopford staying here. Tabs off to fetch Gareth in motor with young Portman. Returned late. Had my dinner in Library & to bed at 9 o’c.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Apr 1907 Monday 1 April Lovely day. Sat out on Terrace all morg. Slept fairly well, feel better in self. All party except Tabs, Gareth, Mrs P & self off in 2 motors to Races. Sat out after luncheon again & in to have milk in my room & lie down at 5 o’c. Mr & Miss Maudesley called. They all had a lovely day at Races. V. many smart & pretty women. One misses little Eve here. Had dinner in Library & to bed 9.30. Roy looks better every day. Tuesday 2 April Emma returns after 2 weeks at Balcombe. Marie comes by 11.10 to Tisbury. Wires fr. Maud wishing me to keep Nurse so wrote to Marie not to come Saturday. Hope all will go well at home. Lovely morg. Had walk with Nurse round garden. Letters fr. Lin & Maud, not had my letters. Also letter fr. Midge. Rained after luncheon. Dined in Library. Wednesday 3 April Dull morg, wet. Ham & Roy to Leweston for day. Miss Browning & Mrs Bennett here morg. Former played beautifully on violin. Mr & Mrs & young Portman left after luncheon. Had walk with Nurse round garden, rested after. Nurse to Semley. Stamps 2/6. Letters fr. Mrs Artindale. Thursday 4 April Cold. Rain morg, sunny after. Tabs & G. to Heykesbury wedding. H, R & Gareth golf. Went in to dinner. Walked to Hatch & back. Reading Grant’s translation Torpedo Boat off Port Arthur. Back achey. In to dinner. Friday 5 April Lovely. Walked to Hatch. Horid back ache. K, G & Roy to races & golf. Tabbie & G. to races. Nurse off postal order! Letters fr. Lin & Midge. Nurse only away 1¼ hrs & we went for walk along drive together, fine but v. cold. Tabs & Gwen back at 4, did not see them till 8. Saturday 6 April Inventory furniture being taken. Tabs & Gareth to Leweston. I slept badly. 2 letters fr. dear Lin & one fr. my darling fr. Seville. Letter fr. Emma, Ellen has bad finger. Estimate of Staf.Ter. drainage Stores £218 odd!!! Sunday 7 April 3 weeks. Snow on ground & trees, white. V. cold. Walked a little with Nurse morg. Young Rivers Pollock to luncheon & remaining for night. V. nice clever young man & studying for the Bar. Roy left at 4.30 for Lancaster Gate. Miss Price came to tea. Ham took Roy to Station. Tabs & Gareth return this evening. Sorry Roy alone in London. Monday 8 April Pointer leaves this week. No. X. Paid £9 to B.A. Rosario for 3 allotted shares. Pd 16/6 Marshall & Snelgrove. Tabbie & Gareth to London for night. Walked morg. Wrote Maud only, thought Lin wd. have left Spain. Long letter fr. Maudie, short one fr. Lin. Gwen, H. & self alone to dinner. Tuesday 9 April Letter fr. Dickie, not leaving Spain till 15th. Letters fr, Emma, Pointer, Midge. Wrote Pointer, Mrs Gordon Dill, Emma. Sat out morg. Kitchen garden, lovely out of wind. Miss Price to luncheon. Nice girl school at Dresden. Miss Brownrig & Mrs Bennet here morg. Heavy rain after lunch fine later. Ham to (blank) J.P. Tabbie & Gareth return tonight. Wednesday 10 April Fine & dull alternately. Shaftesbury pageant. Gwen, Mervyn & Miss Murray went & maids. Walked morg & afternoon. Reading Russian book on Baltic fleet to Soushina(?). Spoke to Tabs about my time here. Was most kind & said both H. &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 herself wished me to remain as long as possible. Tabbie v. seedy evening, ate nothing. Mervyn returned home. Thursday 11 April X. Sent Bankers receipt of £9 B.A.Rosario 2 allotted shrs to Bank. H. off early to Leweston. Cod & fog. Out morg with Nurse, walked along Hatch drive & round by stable, longest walk yet taken! Gwen out to luncheon. Mrs Shaw Stewart & holiday Mad’lle come. Letters fr. Lin & Maudie fr. Malaga, seem greatly enjoying themselves. Nurse to Semley. Walked in garden with Tabs after lunch, too cold & rained, fine after. Boys playing cricket. Tabbie better but looks v. pale. Mr & Mrs Shaw Stewart dined here. She is staying here. Boys play cricket. Friday 12 April V. wet morg. Gwen went after luncheon to Anchorage lent by H. to Ld. Stalbridge. 3 changes en route. Mrs S. Stewart to Fonthill for day. Walked afternoon & had tea in Tabbie’s bedroom. She remained in her room all day. Mad’lle & the boys dine with us, they are no trouble whatever. Have felt rather painy for 2 days, no doubt damp. Neuralgia. Saturday 13 April Letter fr. darling M. fr. Granada, they love it more almost than any other place in Spain. Walked morg round garden. V. damp early but sun v. warm when out. Walked again after luncheon. Tabs & Mrs S. Stewart out. Mr Gordon called. Boys playing cricket. Sunday 14 April Dear Conrad died from heart failure at 8.30 A.M. No one with him. Walked morg, felt better & again after luncheon. Mr S. Stewart to tea. Dear Mother’s wedding day. Monday 15 April Pointer leaves. Had the sad news in letter fr. Midge to Tabbie of dear Conrad’s sudden death yesterday morning. Tabs told me, feel very unhappy unable to go to them. Wire to Tabbie, the funeral on Wednesday! Fear Edgar will be terribly grieved to be away in Corsica, impossible to get home in time. Two letters fr. dear Lin fr. Granada, the first one had 2 coffins drawn in it, awful under circumstances. H. & Gareth to Cowes, to Southampton in motor. Tuesday 16 April Feel v. depressed & unhappy about dear Conrad & wish one of us had been with him the last two days. Had received quite a cheery letter fr. him last week & some photos of them all, one of dear Con amongst them but looking so terribly thin. Tabbie goes up tomorrow to see about her mourning, cannot imagine how I shall manag mine. Dear letters fr. Lin & my darling & Roy. Wednesday 17 April Dear Conrad’s funeral. Tabs & H. went up by early train. Poor Con buried at the Boehm’s grave Bentsbrook. H. Langley, Spencer, Mervyn, Roy, Hamilton Fletcher, Geoff & little Fitzroy, Ethel Boehm, Major Rooke & 2 others there. Geoff managed all. Letters fr. dear Lin & Maudie. Sea so rough at Gibralter Lin may come overland by Madrid & Paris, so sorry not fine enough for sea voyage which does him so much good. Dear Edgar arriving fr. Corsica too late, 4 o’c. 2 days 3 nights travelling. Thursday 18 April Lovely day. Walked to Lodge gates, too cold to rest long. Again round garden & drive after lunch. Boys cricket, watched fr. Terrace. Tabbie & Hamilton ret’d fr. London, Tabs in time for dinner. Dear Edgar had wired he w’d be at funeral of dear Conrad but had not arrived yesterday, nor do we know where he is. He left Corsica Monday on receipt of telegram & wired fr. Marseilles. V. anxious. Midge ill in bed with Nurse to attend her at Coburg. Friday 19 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Letters fr. Maudie & Dickie fr Algesiras. Lin decided to come back by Paris, gale blowing Gib. Fine. Sat out on Terrace for short time. Walked round gardens & to Lodge morg. Tabs to tea Mrs Price’s. Hamilton sang & played. Tabs sorting letters. Saturday 20 April V. cold, took Doll to Lodge. Lady Haykesbury & lady to luncheon, Miss Wilmot. Boys out. Tabs v. busy sorting china. Letters fr. darling Maudie, Edgar etc. Dickie leaves Madrid for Paris, leaving Maud & Lennie. Edgar leaves London tomorrow for Corsica to rejoin Sophy. So afraid to wear out my welcome, all most kind. Gwen returned fom Eve’s Aldershot. Roy not coming. Sunday 21 April Vy wet, vy stormy. H, Tabbie & Gwen v. busy packing books etc china etc. Dear letter fr. Maud & fr. Edgar who leaves today for Corsica, sleeps night at Continental, Paris. Wonder if he will come across Dickie. A week today since dear Con died. Monday 22 April Up at ¼ to 7, lovely morg & the lawn covered with starlings. X. Sent to L.C. Bank receipt £4 for instalment on 2 B.A.Pacific Rly allot’ shrs ord. Also City B.A. Tram paper liquidation £2.2.1. due fr. it to me, asking for certificate of shrs. Two vans here taking away furniture. Lovely day. H. to Leweston. X. Dear Lin arrives fr. Paris after Spanish trip at Staf.Ter. Tuesday 23 April Out morg & afternoon, discomfort side & back great quantity uric acid & mucous may suppose cause! Gareth, H. & Tabs to Links afternoon for tea. H. vy kind about my remaining here. Tabs looking v. tired evg. wish she w’d rest more. Two telegrams fr. Lin. Wednesday 24 April Heavenly day. Gareth, H. & Tabbie to London & Gareth goes to Eton, his first term. H. & Tabbie remain in town. Long letter fr. Lin morg, seems vy cheery. Had horrid pain again in back & side & in front left side making walking unomfortable & painful. Lady Queensberry’s grandson & a boy walked over 2 hours to play cricket with Mervyn 4 o’c. Gwen sent them back in cart at 7. Thursday 25 April Letter fr. Maudie. Slept till 7 o’c. Still feel pain in back & side. Walked to B. Lodge & sat a while. Mervyn seems so quiet without Gareth. Letter fr. Dickie, vy funny letter. Strange haze over country like sea fog. Nurse got me stamps Semley. We walked fr. 4 - 5. Feel v. tired & achey. Tabs’ dressmaker altered my bodice evg. to all black. Friday 26 April Heavy rain all day until 5 o’c when it cleared & we had a little sunshine. Packed coloured dresses in best box to be sent home. Sat with Gwen drawing room & trim’d black hat. The Queensberry boys walked over again in spite of rain 2 hours. arriving at 4 o’c. Had tea with M. who was not pleased to see them being busy carpentering, & Gwen drove them back, M. on cycle. Letters fr. Dickie & Midge & Roy & Carrie Herapath. Mad’lle read to us. Saturday 27 April Dickie comes by 3.30. Out morg to Stables & Electric Light House with Gwen & Mervyn, sat out terrace. Young Gordon to luncheon & G. & Mervyn rode with him at 2.30. Nurse & self walked to Lodge, rested whilst Nurse read, & changed dress ready for Dickie’s arrival. He looks only fairly well, in good spirits but tired fr. work & hinderances yesterday. Delightful descriptions of his travels. Sat with him after dinner till I went to bed. Lennie sent me pearl chain & old paste ring. Dickie 2 vy pretty old paste & silver ear rings. Sunday 28 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 X. Dear Lin slept in my room for first time for 5 months & more! He looks better this morning. Postcard fr. Maudie & long letter fr. Tabs enclosing Gareth’s amusing first letter fr. Eton. X. walked again after tea part of way with Lin & Gwen, Nurse met me me & came back, rested & read. Lin sorted “Times” in my room. Sat with him library after dinner, he seems tired after walk. Again slept in my room. Monday 29 April Dear Dickie returns home by early train. Academy Varnishing day. Horrid day, cold & rainy. Lin at Academy all day. Walked from Semley Lodge to Tisbury Lodge! with Nurse & rested out of cold wind at Semley L. Letter from Midge & fr. Edgar fr. Corsica about E.F. ill in (illeg) near Ravendale(?). Most unfortunate & fear future worry. Gwen & Mervyn golf, cricket & ride. Tuesday 30 April V. cold wind. Dear little Mad’lle left at 11 o’c. We shall miss her, so bright & lively. Walked again round by cricket ground, between rain. Letters fr. Dickie & letter to him fr. Dora asking him to spend Whitsuntide with them. Gwen & Mervyn golf, cricket & ride. Tabbie & Ham returned at 9 o’c. Little M, G. & self cards after dinner. Walked with Nurse along Tisbury road. Feel better & no pain, so thankful. X. Sent Gualia div 5/- to Bank. May 1907 Wednesday 1 May Letter fr. Mr Johnsom about house No 8 Staf.Ter. would take 5 gns a week. Feel terribly worried as dear Lin is so impractical, he will never be able to manage with builders & am v. anxious about his health in that unhealthy house. Miss Watson, Sir James Pinder’s niece v. nice girl to luncheon, & tennis after. Had 2 long walks perfectly lovely views fr. wood, & sat out morg. Tabbie to Wardour after tea. Mervyn with H. to play golf. Thursday 2 May Ham, Tabs & Mervyn at Leweston all day.Tabs looked vy pale & tired at dinner. Gwen, Nurse & I went to Lake to get Kingcups. Got bad backache after & vy tired. Letters fr. Edgar, Miss Rose Innes etc & dear Lin etc. Long letter fr. Maudie fr. Paris, had met Geoff Blair. Mrs Gibson with them everywhere in Paris. Met also the Percy Hollands. Friday 3 May Rained heavily but managed to get out morg. Gathered primroses for children to put in Maud & Lennie’s room tomorrow. Changed cheque for £5. 5/- to little dressmaker, 4/6 for “Times”, 1/10½ postal order for cream. Gwen & Mervyn rode. Too wet to go out afternoon. Two letters fr. Dickie, Midge. Saturday 4 May Maud & Lennie return fr. Paris, Dickie met them Calais & dined with them evg. at Lancaster Gate. Letter fr. Edgar. Two letters fr. Dickie. Sunday 5 May Out morg. Dickie arrived 3.30 & went off for golf with Ham. Sat out all morg on Terrace, & walked. Dickie looking better, brought me lovely silk shawl embroidered fr. Seville. Monday 6 May Perfect day, as warm as summer but cool wind. H, Dickie & Gwen off at 10.30 to Leweston. Walked round grounds. V. warm. Tabs, Mervyn & self alone at luncheon. Went with Tabbie after writing letters to see poor old woman ill, Bugdon. Son also ill & daughter looks weak, so sad to think of such poverty. Tabs meets Lady Wharncliffe at 5 o’c Tisbury. Tuesday 7 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dickie wrote morg. & went with H. directly after luncheon to play golf. Lady Wharncliffe & Tabbie to Leweston. Lady W. sent us her books on wild flowers, excellent, shall buy one. Pleasant evening. Dickie looks fairly well but still won’t hear of having drains done at once. Worries me v. much to know he is there at Staf.Ter. Wednesday 8 May Mary & Lady Burnand at home Cavendish Sqre 4 - 7. Lady MacLaren’s daughter married to Sir Henry Norman, St Margaret’s Church, Westminster, recep 43 Belgrave Sqre. Dickie went to London by early train. Walked with Nurse to Lindley farm where she bought 20 eggs for 1/4! Mervyn riding. Lady Wharncliffe & Tabs in car to Swanage about scarlet fever at school. Mervyn to return to school Saty. H, Gwen & Mervyn to play golf after lunch. Nurse & self to see old woman Mrs Bugdon. Thursday 9 May Wild night, windy. Fine but cold wind. Feel back fr. uric acid! Ordered 6 more bottles Contresca Ville water fr. Stores. Tabbie & Hamilton went off by early train to London. Walked with Nurse got wild flowers. Lady W, Gwen & Mervyn to Salisbury & back to tea. Nurse & self walked in wood found a new wild flower (water avens) like a wee anemone. Quiet evg, we 4 bed 10 o’c. Friday 10 May Lady Wharncliffe leaves 11 o’c. her Flora with her! Sat out & walked but had much pain on & off from uric acid! Letters fr. Dickie & Maudie. Invitations for luncheon fr. Lady Pirrie, dinners fr Ld Winterstoke & Sir Andros de la Rue. Saturday 11 May Lovely day like summer. Sat out all morg. Lunched at 12.30. Gwen with Mervyn back to school. His gramophone arrived before luncheon & he startled us by sitting in drawing room window whilst we were on Terrace, sounded like a full brass band! We found a large snake the dogs had killed lying near us! Grass snake. Darling & Lennie arrived 6.45 in motor, had trained to Salisbury. Maudie v. thin & pale, so happy to see her again but wish she looked stronger. Gwen played piano after dinner. Sunday 12 May Awake 2 to 4 & could not sleep, feeling anxious about Maud. Walked with my darling & Lennie & sat out after on Terrace. Lennie took photos of Pyt. Very disappointed Lennie carried Maud off at ¼ to 3 in motor for home, hoped she was going to stay on. Heavenly day sat out on Terrace after with Nurse & Gwen read Westminster. Saw a poor wounded rook in laurels. X. Sent B.A.Pacific £6 to be paid by Bank. X. Monday 13 May Lovely day. Sat out garden read “Indiscrete letters fr. Japan”. Gwen & Miss Murray doing books library. Gwen & self to luncheon alone. Gwen to Shaftesbury in Car after luncheon. Walked & sat after on Terrace with Nurse. Letters fr. Dickie who lunched yesterday at Ld Pirrie’s, met Denmans, Farquharson, Tates, etc etc. Tabbie & cards fr. Lady Hickman. Roy at Maidenhead with Stern. Lin dined at home alone. Sorry Roy did not dine with him. Tuesday 14 May Very wet day. Wrote letters morg. Out after luncheon. Monté looks seedy. Gwen to Gordons to tea. Wednesday 15 May Fine lovely day. Gwen off early & out to lunch at Gordons. Mabel Batley there. She returned directly after luncheon. Poor Monté ill. Vet came. Distemper. “Barlos” howled fearfully when we were at dinner, might have been killed! Was on verandah. Had 2 walks with Nurse & sat on Terrace. Thursday 16 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Walked morg. X. Dickie arrives D.V. by 3.30 fr. Waterloo. Evie & Lawrence came also. Drove in Motor with Gwen & Nurse to Font Hill woods. Perfectly lovely with bluebells & wild flowers, found 2 white hyacinths. Dear Lin arrived 6 o’c. Friday 17 May Lovely morg. Walked at 11.30 with Dickie round by wood overlooking Font Hill & thro’ Rhododendron walk & moss garden track. Lawrence shooting rooks morg, 7. After luncheon Lawrence & Dickie played golf. Roy came down after dinner. Saturday 18 May Lovely day. Girls, Roy & Lin in Motor to see field day. Walked with Lin fr. lodge to house. Sat on Terrrace with Lin & Roy. Lawrence shot rooks, 7. After luncheon Lawrence & Lin & Roy to play golf. Tabbie & Ham returned from London. Maud & Lennie at Nymans. Girls played tennis at Club. Sunday 19 May V. cold. Walked with Lin & Roy. Sat & read to Lin in H’s room. Lawrence leaves at 4 o’c. His motor broke down & he had to go by train 5 o’c. Mr & Miss Norton (Mrs Shawn’s sister) came to see over house afternoon, too large. Bridge after dinner. Had walk round with Tabbie before tea. Lin, Roy & Ham to play golf at 3 o’c. Monday 20 May Lovely but very cold, too cold to sit out. Tabs & H. & Gwen v. busy all morg with carpets, papers etc, & motor crammed with things off to Leweston. Had walk round by cricket ground with Lin & Roy. After lunch Roy with H. to play golf. Nurse & self for walk, tea with Tabbie. Sat with Dickie while he dressed for dinner. Roy, H. & 2 girls played Bridge after dinner. Dickie slept. Tabs worked at lamp fringes! Tuesday 21 May Roy leaves by early train & Evie leaves also today as she is going on the Yacht to Holland in June. Walked with Dickie morg. & Tabbie after lunch. Young Hibbert came to dinner & stayed night for dance. Tabs & Gwen & Mr H. to Pitt Rivers ball, given for Enone Groves coming out. Dickie & Ham golfed after lunch. Ham, Lin & self alone evg, to bed 10.15. Wednesday 22 May Walked garden with Lin morg. & Tabs, met Mr Bennett. Dickie left at 12.30. H. & Mr H. to see preview in Mercedes. Gwen riding. Tabs tooth ache. Thursday 23 May Good night. Up at 10 o’c. Tabbie & Gwen off in Mercedes at 12 o’c. Two large cart loads of pictures left early for Leweston. Hamilton & self alone for luncheon he most kind & saw Nurse Davis & self off at 12.30 in Panhard. Came up by 2.51 & no change. Comfortable journey. My darling met us at Waterloo with carriage & we drove off together. Nurse came on with luggage. Found the chicks much grown & vy handsome children all three. Maudie thin. Roy, Lennie, Maud & Lin dining & theatre with Miss R. Innes. Friday 24 May Had v. bad night could not sleep after 1 o’c! & feel headachey & depressed, dear Conrad’s birthday. Rested in bed till 11.30. Every posible wish anticipated by my darling, shall be quite spoilt. She looks tired & v. pale. Mervyn came to luncheon, so glad to see him. Looks well but thin. Went for drive at 3.30 for an hour with Maudie in Park. Had 2 letters fr. dear Lin, cannot bear his being alone. Emma looking very well came round at 6 o’c, says all well at home & managing all right, Dickie looking well. I dined in drawing room, only Lennie Maud & self in. Saturday 25 May Maudie & self alone to dinner. Woke at 6 o’c. Lovely warm morg. Had good night. Heard the darlings pottering about overhead. Lennie gave me a vy pretty fan last evg. Feel better, was very tired after my journey & my nerves felt shakey


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 yesterday. Dear Maudie drove me in Victoria to Marshall & Snelgroves where I ordered black alpaca dress, 8½ gns! 3 prs gloves & white silk wrap for neck. Dickie came to luncheon & we sat on balcony after, vy noisy there. Dickie left before tea. Lennie at Nymans. Lin & Roy dine Staf. Ter. & to play after. Sunday 26 May Dickie came at 12 o’c & we walked in gardens. Vy heavy dull day. Met Maud & little Linley fr. church & dear Lin returned to Staf. Terrace to luncheon, plays tennis at Sir Alfred’s & then dines here. Mervyn & Ethel to luncheon. V. glad to see them. Ethel won £5 for croquet, stupid game! Dear Dickie to dinner, v. quiet. Feel vy unhappy his being alone. To bed at ¼ to 11. Monday 27 May Had vy bad night thinking of Lin & fear for the future of disturbance in August when drains are done. Went in Vic with darling Maud 11.30. Chose hat at Evans, blouse at Peter Robinsons & walking shoes. Mad’lle J. & Edie to luncheon. Maudie & self for drive for one hour at 3.30. To my room, rested till 7. Mrs Gibson & dear Dickie to dinner, quite a lively little meal. Tuesday 28 May Slept well. Morg with Nurse in Victoria, Park. V. dull & v. cold. Again with Nurse Victoria to be fitted Marshalls & Snelgrove black alpaca. Met Mary Brown & Mrs McQueen, both radiantly well. Vy tired after fitting & talk, tea in my room & rested. Mr & Mrs Messel, Mr & Mrs Geilgud & Mr Val Geilgud & Dickie & Roy dined here, had mine in drawing room, v. cosy, & read. To bed before gentlemen came up. Wednesday 29 May Slept well. Very cold. Maudie off early in motor to choose (illeg) for new Balcombe rooms. Nurse & self out for 1½ hrs Bath chair. Vy cold but delightful being so near Gardens & Park, trees so lovely now. After 1 o’c luncheon Maudie & little Linley to Staf. Ter. to fetch Dickie & to Military Tournament together. Nurse & self to walk in Park. Edie met us, too cold to stay long. Wrote letters, had tea & rested fr. 4.30 to 7, Nurse read. Roy, Maudie & self to dinner & Maud & Roy to Mrs Tate’s at home. M. looking sweet. Lennie at Goldsmith’s dinner. Thursday 30 May Slept well only woke at 7 o’c. Lin dines at Lord Winterstoke’s. Walked morg with Nurse. Enjoyed it, so delightful to be in Gardens & Park at once. Sat out until 1 o’c. Darling off early shop’g etc in motor. Maudie looking a little better & vy bright, bless her. She took me for an hour’s drive in Park, delightful being together. Back early as people to tea. Mabel B. came to my room, she does not look well. Nurse to Concert. Darling, self & Roy to dinner, Lennie out, Eton dinner. Dickie came for a few minutes. Friday 31 May Three friends of Maudie’s came after dinner. Still dull but warmer, a little sun. Maudie & self at 12 o’c drove in brougham to Mervyn’s at 2 Heath Mansions, Putney Heath Lane. Trees lovely on way there, May & Laburnum. We were charmed with their pretty flat. Had excellent lunch, one little neat maid, & coffee. Was foolish on way home, dare not think of drainage Staf. Ter. it seems so hopeless. Mervyn showed us his studies, seem full of power. Ret’d 3.30. Alice Linley came, talked Buxton! Lennie Darling Roy & self to dinner, to bed after. Jun 1907 Saturday 1 June Roy dines with Dickie & going to Haymarket Theatre after. Maudie & Lennie to stay night at Mr Butler’s (Mrs Richard’s brother) in Berkshire. I went with Nurse in Victoria to be fitted Marshalls at 11 o’c, back by 12 o’c, found Lin here. He went with me for drive in Park, meet of Coaching Club. Saw splendidly. Drove Lin to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Staf. Ter. Feel seedy & depressed rather, so tiresome being unable to do anything. Had delicious little dinner alone drawing room. Nurse read & I wrote letters. To bed 10 o’c. Letter fr. dear Edgar fr. Venice. Heavy rain afternoon. Sunday 2 June Bad night, worried. Dull & cold. Too cold to sit out. Dickie fetched me at 12 o’c. Horrid bearing down pain & a crack which makes me scream almost! en avant! Went for walk with Dickie who does not look well. Nurse fetched me & Lin returned Staf.Ter to luncheon. Dear little Linley & Anne alone with me at luncheon, vy good. Linley went for a short walk with me & Nurse, & left him with Nurse F. in Park. Lennie & Maudie ret’d fr. Mr Butler’s. Dickie dined here. I lay down from 4 to 6.30. Dickie looks puffy again. Roy in to dinner. Monday 3 June Another dull morg. Had good night. With Nurse to be fitted evg dress Nevill’s. To Stores. 2 big curls & hair net £1.5.0. Victoria. At 3.30 with Maudie again Victoria for drive, made 3 calls. Mrs Galbraith & Mrs Maxwell to tea, saw them, Toula also & remained to dinner. Dickie & Mrs Hohler here to dinner also, Roy out. No, only Maud, Linley & self to dinner. Out morg driving & walked with Nurse & little Anne. Vy tired & horrid bearing down pain. Tuesday 4 June With Nurse morg in Victoria to Neville, fitted evg dress. To Stores ordered doz hair nets & 2 curls £1.5.0. Advertised for maid. Had great many duplications, 2 I like rather. At 3.30 with Maudie for drive. Mrs Galbraith & Mrs Maxwell to tea & Toula, who remained dinner. Dickie & Mr Hohler here also, Roy out. Emma called to see me, arranged about silver going to Bank. Dickie consented to take house Staf. Ter. during alterations Staf. Ter. Wednesday 5 June To Miss Jacobs morg. Very tired after one hour there. Went with Nurse in Victoria. Still cold & dull. After luncheon with darling to call & Desirée Welby came down to carriage to see me. Tropical downpour of rain & wind on way home, never saw such rain! Dear Lin came to see me on way to Punch dinner, Marie after about various things. Dreadful looking maids called! Dear little Linley fell & hurt his chin. Mr & Mrs Harold Messel to dinner. She looks wonderful & is expecting end of month! Thursday 6 June Dickie mistook evg at Thomsons & dined at Club. Dull morg. Slept badly, awake before 4 till 7 o’c. More things to do & think of than I have strength for. X. Sold 8 allotted £10 shares in B.A.Gt. Southern 5% pref. X. by Roy. At 11.15 in carriage to Nash, Chesterton, Staf. Ter. Dickie at work, c’d not see him. Shoe company 5/11. Eaton Sqre 91 saw Toula. Maudie doing flowers all morg. Went for walk with Nurse lovely in gardens after rain. Maudie to Lady J. Ferguson & Mrs à B at homes. 18 to dinner here. (illeg) Mr Marriott, Dilkes, Burke, Maud P, Carlisle, Montgmorency, etc etc. Saw them before dinner. V. pretty girls. They all went on after to Mrs Messel’s dance. Dickie dined at Athenaeum Club, made mistake about dinner. Friday 7 June Jacob’s fitting. Unable to go. Out morg & afternoon with darling Maud who looks pale & tired after dance! Lennie & Maud dine at Mr W. Stone’s. Roy out. He never came to see me either morg or after return fr. City. I wonder if he cares two straws about me. Dined in drawing room & Nurse read. Unsatisfactory letter fr. lady about German maid. Wrote Vince to come if still disengaged. Saturday 8 June To Jacobs & Neville’s to be fitted. Afternoon sat in Park with Nurse. Maudie to Ranelagh with Hylda Gibbs, so glad for her to sit in the open air. Mrs Sington came to tea with me & little Linley in my room. Saw Vince, afraid she is not


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 young enough but may be wrong. Dickie went to Fête at Alexander’s Campden Hill. Dined here & arrived 7.30, looks fairly well. Cozy little dinner with darling M. & Lin only. Warmer. Sunday 9 June Lovely morg. Dickie fetched me 12 o’c to Gardens where we sat until 5 to 1, when Maudie & little Linley met us & Dickie returned Staf. Ter to lunch. Mr Marriott, Mervyn, Ethel, Miss Cootes fr. New Zealand & Effie Weigal lunched here, & Toula who is going to see to my clothes fr. wardrobe St. Ter. Dickie came to dinner after Sir Alfred’s tennis. Mrs Gibson here also. Felt v. tired & worried. Effie C. was coming 3.30, wire she is not well. Monday 10 June Slept very badly & a head in consequence. So unhappy about Lin being at Staf. Ter. alone & knowing house not sound. Went morg with Maudie to take up character of M. Vince, unsatisfactory, so drove to her last lady Miss Bradley Westminster, c’d get no ans. to bell. Met Miss Thompson at Woollands who knows Miss B well! So have written for character to her as had decided to decline her. Maudie to 2 at homes, the darling will be tired. Ethel English to tea in my room. Roy back fr. Arundel where he went with Lennie, looks v. well. Maud & Roy dined Savoy & on to Caledonian ball. Dickie came on his way to a dinner, looks fairly well only. Tuesday 11 June Better night, fine early. Mrs Messel’s at home 4 - 7. Mrs Mocatta’s evg. at home 10 o’c. Dickie dines here & goes with Maud & Roy. No letter fr. Edgar, feel anxious. Afternoon to Jacobs 3 o’c, fitted. Maud Paxton. Ethel C. & Dora with Maud to Mrs Messel’s. Dora called morg also on way fr. Station with Paul. Saw D. afternoon looks vy well & handsome. Toula came after being to Staf. Ter. & most kindly seeing to my things there. Dear Lin dined here & all three went after to Mocatta’s. Pity not more people like Toula, so helpful & such a friend. Wednesday 12 June Decided to engage Vince after Miss Bradley’s letter. Roy dined with Dora & after to theatre. Walked 10 o’c to Neville, fitted. Tiresome person, always wants more than estimate. In Park after with Nurse & read. Vy tired. Rested on bed before luncheon. Maudie to Horse Show with Dickie morg. to Mr Winan’s box. After lunch Maud & self to Wilkinson wed. I remained in carriage & Maud then on to Vivian Behring’s at home, lovely house Queens Gate. Horrid day fearfully windy. Dear Lin came to see me on way to Punch dinner. Emma came, 3 pieces of silver missing. Lady Spielman’s dance. Maudie tired. Thursday 13 June Mrs Palgrave Simpson 4 - 6.30. To be fitted morg. Violent rain whilst at Miss Jacobs, Nurse with me. After to Bank, Barkers & Staf. Ter. Saw dear Dickie for second, looks seedy I think. He dines at Miss Thompson’s tonight. Dora, May Nembhard, Desirée Welby, Miss Rose Innes & Muriel to luncheon. Maud & Muriel after to concert & 3 “at homes”. Mr Hohler to dinner, talked houses. Could not leave Maudie alone. Vy tired. Went in Bath chair 1½ hr Park. Maudie back at 7. Had long letter fr. Edgar fr. Vitel seeming v. well & likes the place. Friday 14 June Maudie’s new cook ill with swollen throat. Lady Monckton’s at home 4 o’c, 33 Bedford Sqre. Lady Sutton 4 - 7. Bad night & pain in side. No letter from Vince, odd. Feel tired from yesterday, rather too much. Maud’s new motor arrived. Went with my darling at 11.30 to Wilsons, saw Mrs Hungerford Pollen, Lady Joseph & Lawrence also had operation. On to Chesterton for order to view No 8 Staf.Ter. Went over it with Maudie, would do for a while, not v. well kept. Quiet luncheon. Maudie to at homes. After Nurse & self to Park, met dear chicks, found wee


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 sparrow! Cap. & Hilda Gibbs to dinner & Roy. They all went on to Lady Allen’s ball. Saturday 15 June M. Vince comes as useful maid & Nurse Davis leaves after nearly 7 months with me! X. Maudie to Balcombe to meet Lennie. Cook’s neck more swollen, Nurse afraid of Mumps, or a Quinsey! Fear my darling will be worried. Slept well but perspired v. much. Maudie off early 10 o’c to Balcombe. Pouring rain. Dickie to luncheon & walked with him after & he returned to Staf. Ter. Roy dined with him & they went to theatre together after. Lennie returned fr. week’s camping out with Maud in new “Trio” motor. Sunday 16 June Slept badly. Fine. Went early to Gardens with Vince & met Dickie, walked with him & met Maud & Lennie & little Linley. Dickie Staf. Ter. to luncheon. Maud & Lennie to see Ruth at Weybridge new baby boy 5 days old. Sat in Pk. with Vince, met Mrs Harold & Baby. Spencer & Ada called, & Florrie Blair, saw them. Dickie & Roy to dinner after tennis at Sir Alfred’s. Feel v. worried about Staf. Ter. & arrangements for when drains are being done. Monday 17 June Slept badly, only worry, & do not think Lin looks well which worries me greatly. Maudie & Lennie dined out. Dickie dined alone with me, seemed tired. Went morg to see Lady Meade’s house, rude dau-in-law, & Mrs Spofforth showed me her K. range. House well kept, all so clean & different to Lady M’s. Saw Dickie. Out afternoon with Maudie for drive. Find Vince nice & quiet, but rather forgetful, does not use her head as much as Marie does. Tuesday 18 June Mrs P. Agnew’s at home 9.30, 18 Gloucester Sqre. Lady Blomfield’s at home, Claridges Hotel 4 - 7.30. Lady Grove 3.30. Mrs Agnew ill, postponed. Slept badly awake fr. 2 - 4 & felt depressed. At 12 o’c with dear Toula to Barkers. Paid my bill £2.14.0. Saw Mrs Bright also been ill & slight operation. Felt too seedy to go out afternoon. Toula to Staf. Ter. for me. Marie came & packed a box. Made myself ridiculous by weeping. Darling out to dinner & afternoon. Dickie Roy & self dined alone. News of Staf. Ter. better. Co’s may not have to be altered! Wednesday 19 June Lady Weston 4 - 7. Fine. High wind. Slept better but not well. Out morg. with darling Maud for drive. Packed with Vince, seems helpful but not neat & methodical packing, no doubt better when she knows my ways. Went for drive with Maudie & Geoff Con. who came early this morg. Felt upset, flood of thoughts of dear Conrad. Drove fr. 4 to 5 with them & it did me good. Dear Lin came at 6 o’c & Emma before. Maudie & self alone to dinner, v. cozy & went to bed early. Lennie & Roy home 11 o’c fr. their dinner, R. at the Larnacks. Saw Sir Francis Burnand morg. looking v. well. Thursday 20 June Go D.V. to Buxton, Alice Linley there. Go to Grosvenor Hotel Broadwalk. Dickie came to see me early. Mrs Causton’s 4 - 6.30, 12 Devonshire Place. Felt v. seedy & shakey. My darling drove me in brougham to Euston & Geoff Con came to say good bye. He leaves for India in Oct. Left by 12.10. Horrid day, rained hard. & v. cold. Changed Stockport. Alice Linley met us at Grosvenor Hotel & had lovely flowers in my room. Pretty & comfortable room overlooking gardens. Awfully primitive dinner & plates & silver leaving much to be desired! V. poor food. Friday 21 June Good night. V. wet, v. cold, v. windy. Horrid coffee breakfast. Fear bad food will drive us away, c’d otherwise be comfortable. To Dr Armstrong’s at 12 o’c. V. kind & thinks I have made a good recovery so far. Have I really. This I doubt very


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 much, or if the operation was worth it, too long helpless & too long separated fr. Dickie. Took water at 4 o’c, tasteless. To bed early. V.v. cold. Saturday 22 June Very cold. Gusty heavy showers & windy. Letters fr. dear Lin & my little own. Took the waters at 11, 6 oz, & left 2 specimens at Doctor’s! & had high frequency & rubbing, 2/6. Breads 4d. Rested before & after luncheon. Heavy rain. Alice, Anette Zualiani & self had tea with Mrs Davison in her charming rooms on Broadwalk at Mrs Wains. G. Barker there, rather frivolous but v. kind. To pump after took water. Sunday 23 June Still very cold & windy & showery. Heavy rain after luncheon. At 11 to spring, 6oz water with Alice & Vince. Walked, & High Frequency 12 o’c 2/6. Lay down before luncheon. After lunch again rested & wrote. 3.30 to spring & walked. Heavy shower. Dinner 6 o’c. Very rough food. After played patience with Alice. 9 o’c oddest meal I have ever had. Dotheboys tea in Dining room. Bed. Monday 24 June Slept fairly well. Dull heavy rain wind & cold. Had pain caused by constipation after dressing & had to lie down. Vince got me water fr. spring so only walked 10 to 12 to High Frequency 2/6. Raining heavily & blowing. Had bath chair 1/-. Rained heavily. Unable to go to see doctor too cold & too wet. Vince brought me the water. Tuesday 25 June Still blowing dark cold & dull. To Pump room 11 o’c to 12. Electric treatment 2/6. Went over Old Hall. Very nice & well appointed. Bright rooms & should move but for bother, & having Alice here. At 3 o’clock to take water after seeing Dr Armstrong, too busy to attend to one, far too casual, & gives no directions. Played Patience evg with Alice. Better food today. Very wet afternoon fr. 3.30. Sat & worked in my room. Wednesday 26 June Alice & Miss Marks to theatre evg, to tea Symour Hicks & Coy. Rough blowy night but finer & some sun. At 11 with Vince to take water & Electric treatment at 12 o’c, 2/6. Letters fr. Dickie, Midge, Edgar, Toula, invitation Lady Strachey. Feel so tired & so does everyone else. Warmer. Dickie hard at work on opening Volume drawing. Bath chair 1/3 for one hour. Rested 3 times afternoon! Passed in Bath chair 12 beautiful alms houses endowed 1904 & given by Mr Milnthorpe?. A Clergyman & his wife came they seem nice people. Bath. Bed early. Thursday 27 June My bill with Vince £5.17.2. Slept well. Bright morning. “Well Dressing Day” & little girls in blue, red, white and green danced round a long pole to a good band. The Well near Central Buxton was decorated with flowers, & another well. To waters 11 o’c with Alice & Vince, for a walk, & to Electric treatment 2/6. After luncheon rested & at 3 in Bath chair 1/3 to Empire Hotel to engage Arthur’s room, great dull wilderness of a place. Had my milk & rested till dinner. People do talk after dinner & there is no rest fr. it as Vince also is a great talker. To bed at 9. Record day no rain. Letters & papers fr. Dickie & letters & flowers fr. Maudie. Friday 28 June Galoshes 3/-, breads 4d. 3/6 chair 3 times for 2 hrs & for Elec. Treatment. Fine morning, wet afternoon. To see about Bath Old Hall. Doctor 2.30. Walked morg with Alice for water & to Electric treatment, 2/6. To have more now. Coffee & bread 6d. Letters fr. Lin & Maudie. Shoes mended 2/6. Find walk morg too tiring with Electric Treatment. Shall take it v. quietly in future. Saw Dr A. Don’t think much of him far too great a gossip & not a bit careful of one, was too much to do. Wet again. Tried coffee at 4 o’c & out after. ½ hr rest before dinner. Arthur L. came & he & A. to Mr Davison’s after dinner.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 29 June Fine but cold. Slept fairly well. Dear Dickie comes tonight. Pain in back & side & have my doubts as to complete cure. Pouring wet after tea. Rested & read whilst Vince worked in my room. To tea at Mrs Davison’s. Arthur there & Mr E. Barker. We laughed a good deal. Arranged to lunch with Arthur at Empire Hotel tomorrow. Dickie arrived 9 o’c. Had dined in train. He looks v. fairly well. Sat & smoked in our room, Vince unpacked. Sunday 30 July Had good night considering Lin slept in my bed after so many months alone. Fine morg & Dickie had bath in his room (wee one) next to mine. & breakfasted here. Wrote after in smoking room. Had Bath chair 1o’c & we went to Empire Hotel to lunch with Arthur. Alice & Mrs Davison met us there. Good luncheon. Bath chair 3.30. Rained & cold, to take water & back to Hotel, tea in our room. Dickie to sleep. Dinner at 6 o’c. Vince made a good cup of coffee for Lin which he had in our room & he went for a walk after. I went to 9 o’c meal. Lin had biscuits & whiskey in our room. To bed 9.30. Jul 1907 Monday 1 July Slept fairly well, woke 3 or 4 times. Dull morg. Out with Dickie 11.30 for little walk to Electric treatment 3/6, 15 minutes. Lin, Alice, Arthur & Mrs Davison went to Bakewell in carriage. Rested in my room with Vince working. Walked to Well & bought rib, hooks etc 1/-. Washing & breads 1/2. Saucepan & roll 1/1. Total 6/9. Lin home just in time for dinner. Sat in our room after & Vince made us coffee. Feel fairly well side, back & front so tender & painful last few days. Tuesday 2 July Saw Dr Armstrong 2.30. Electric Treatment 3/6. Mrs R.Mills, 14 Queens gate Place, 10 o’c. Lady Strachey 4 - 7. Lady Norman 4 - 7 at Lady McLarens, 43 Belgrave Sqre. Dull morg. Slept well. Lin, Alice, Mrs Davison & Arthur dined with Mr Barker at Hydro. Excellent dinner & they enjoyed it v. much. I dined alone, in bed before they got back. Lin & Arthur for walk, finest day since we came here. Sat in Public Gds with Lin. Wednesday 3 July Mrs Braunstein 4 - 7. Slept well. No Electric treatment. Dickie left at 1.20 after lunch. Poured in torrents all day long. Unable to go out at all. New people came, Mr Meade, Bishop of Cork’s brother, & 4 elderly ladies. Bad news of poor little Anna Dietz. No hope. Lin’s bill £1.5.6 but he lunched & dined out & 2 breakfasts out. Gas in drawing room after dinner, had to come to my room. Thursday 4 July Fair night. Fine with heavy rain & wind. Caught in heavy rain in Bath chair. Paid my bill £5.18.8. Pouring showers on & off all day long. Chair 3/- very dear indeed. Alice & I went to (blank) ugly place & ugly views along road of Buxton chimneys. Unable to have High Frequency Treatment, machine gone wrong. Rested fr. 4 - 6. More showers but fine later. Deadly dull uninteresting people here now, never saw such women. Friday 5 July Sent specimen to Doctor. Very showery, dull with a few seconds of sunshine only during day & heavy hail storms! Walked a little morg & afternoon. 3 o’c Electric treatment 3/6. To bed 8.30 & had my head washed. Read Marcus Aurelius (dates 161 to 180 A.D.) True but dull. Letter fr. Tabbie from Amsterdam. The little white flower could not tell name of is Saxifrage. Mrs Tanner the nice clergyman’s wife & his daughter leave here tomorrow & we are all sorry, quite the nicest looking people here.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 6 July Very cold again, like Oct. Awake some hours but slept fairly well. So grieved about poor Anna Dietz whose case is now hopeless. Little pain in side & back. The Tanners left, 3 of them, for “The Towers”. To treatment 20 minutes 3/6. Cards 1/-. Box of (illeg) 1/-, breads 6d. Rib. & breads 9½. Sunday 7 July A record fine day. Out morg took water at well & to Electric treatment & waited at Mrs Davison’s ½ an hour. Had Bath chair 1/3. Hospital 2/-. Saw Horse down at end of Broad Walk, had got legs caiught in wheels of cart. Alice & I went to Mrs Davison’s & sat there. Too late to dress for 6 o’c dinner. Wrote many letters. Stamps 6d. E. treatment 3/6. Monday 8 July Mrs Ivan Moore Brabazon’s at home 4 - 7, 29 Chesham St, S.W. Pouring wet cold & gale blowing. In all morg. Letters fr. dear Lin, Maudie, Edgar. Unable to see doctor. Absolutely wretched day. Finished “Les desenchantées” by P. Loti. V. good. Sent it off. Washing 1/3, bread 2d. Too wet to go out, had to give up treatment. To tea at Mr Barker’s at Hydro. Pretty cozy rooms. Mrs Davison fetched me in cab & took me back. Tuesday 9 July Punch dinner & Mark Train a guest there. Lady Johnson Ferguson’s dinner. Saw Doctor Armstrong at 2 o’c, was most kind, enjoined rest & never to be up to breakfast & not down before 12 if possible & not to mind what people thought. Walked to take water morg. & again to see Doctor, take water & treatment 3/6. Rested & made blk silk bows. Letters fr. darling M, dear Lin & Midge. My darling’s dance tonight! Wednesday 10 July Maud’s dance last evg. a great success. To take water morg. Dull, some rain. Treatment 3/6. Rubber ring 6d, breads 3d (illeg illeg) bag 9d. Rested till luncheon & after took walk in town, driven in ¼ to 4 by threatened storm. Letters fr. Dickie about cellar & E’s wardrobe moved for the drainage upheaval. Walked afternoon. Bath chair for an hour 1/3, delightful but looked very stormy. We went to Burbage, Vince with me. Talked to Miss (illeg) nice Irish lady after dinner. Mrs K. sang. Thursday 11 July Lady Bergne’s dinner at Ranelagh 8 o’c. 13 Pembroke Rd. Altered to Welcome club. Fine morg, cold & v. blowy. Alice went with me to take water 3d with breads & to Treatment 3/6. Vince in. Went over Argyle Villas beautifully got up, v. clean & v. cozy, £5.5.0 a week charming sitting room & 2 bedrooms, good rooms. Had Bath chair after tea 1/6. Worked until tea time lying down. Lovely day second fine only since I came here!!! Find Vince like old Nana very self willed & argumentative over trifles, most irritating tho’ meaning well & kind & attentive & naturally vy untidy. Friday 12 July Slept well, better for not talking for hours after dinner to uninteresting people. Came up at 7.30 & wrote in my room last evg & at 8.15 Alice came & we talked on sofa & arm chair before a large fire in my room! 12 July!!! Another fine morg. Had Bath chair one hour ¼ afternoon, went new road to Millar’s Dale only pretty for short distance, gasometer & railway etc entirely spoiling one side of road, by nature v. pretty. Rested & after dinner Anette Zuliani came v. unhappy about her friend Miss Holmes death on Wed, unexpected. Lovely air. Had no Electric Treat. Saturday 13 July Dear Lin takes No.8 Stafford Terrace during awful upheaval of drains in our house. £4.4.0 a week & maid 10/- a week. Raining, gentle warm rain. Letters fr. Dickie & Maud. Lennie & M. go to Nymans for week end. Unable again to take


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Electric Treatment. Feel sure uric acid lurking in my back by the aching of it, & still feel so tired. No Electric Treatment. Went to tea with Alice to Mrs Davison, Mr Barker there. Went to my room early. Sunday 14 July Hot, stuffy foggy day. First day without a fire. To drink water morg. with Vince. Sat out till luncheon, after to Electric Treatment. Sat out after till 4 o’c. 2/6 only ten mninutes, don’t believe in it one bit. Lay down rested till dinner, no tea. Alice & Annet Z. to Empire for tea & to Mrs D. after dinner. Afraid to go out, too tired. Monday 15 July X. dear Lin moves in to No 8 Staf. Ter. whilst our drains are being done. Alice, Anette & self lunched with Mrs Davison, excellent luncheon well cooked, quite a treat. Went into Public Garden first to watch croquet with Alice & Anette. After luncheon rested & at 4 we three went to take tea with Mr Barker at Hydro. Mrs (blank) & Mrs Williams & Mrs D. there. Vy pleasant. Treatment 2/6. No, c’d not go. Anette left after dinner for Liverpool. Alice & I played Patrience in my room. Tuesday 16 July Bath chair 1/3. Sent cheque £100 Nash for sanitary work at Stafford Terrace. Lovely day. Water morg. & to Electric Treatmnt 2/6. To Old Hall about luncheon on Thursday at 1.15 there for 7. At 2 o’c to Dr Armstrong, my first impression of him correct, feel v. sorry for him. Bath chair 1/3 just about past “Towers” & by road end of Broad Walk. Dear Dickie at No 8 Staf. Ter. Emma taking charge of No 18. Letters fr. Dickie, Nurse Frances, the darlings so happy at Westgate, God bless them. Dickie dining at Yates Thompsons tonight. Wednesday 17 July Another fine day, lovely morg. To treatment 2/6. Bought ribbon for undergarments 1/-. To Old Hall & gardens with Alice afternoon 1/-. Paid Vince for washing & stamps 1/- & oddments 1/-. Total 6/-, six shillings! Vy amused sitting & watching croquet, a stupid game for men. Bath night. Alice to Mrs D’s after dinner. Two new men arrived long table full. Thursday 18 July 4 weeks at Buxton. Lin dines with Sir John Fletcher-Moulton. Florence Howlden, Marjory, Mr Guy Russel, Mrs Davison & Mr Barker lunch with Alice & self at “Old Hall” 1.15, & go on to tea after at Mr Barkers, Hydro. Most enjoyable day. The “Old Hall” luncheon charming, table, cooking & service A1. Vy pleased & not expensive £1.12.6 for 7, coffee cream & whiskey included. Can strongly recommend it. A Mr Pillatt sang at Mr B’s v. well & Marjory also. Florence came & rested with me here until 4 when we went to Hydro. Punch & Judy evg! Alice came & sat in my room after. Friday 19 July Another lovely day. Paid bill “Old Hall” £1.12.6 & gave the excellent waiter & maid 5/- well worth it. Sat with Alice in Gardens after taking water, Mr Barker joined us. Had Electric treatment 3 o’c, 2/6, 6d garden entrance, Vince 1/7½ . Letters Dickie, Maudie, & Tabbie. Washing 1/1 stamps 1/- Total 7/-. 2 letters fr. dear Lin. Saturday 20 July Two letters fr. dear Lin. Lovely day. Letters fr. Dickie, Maud & Tabbie & Sophy. Heard of poor little Anna Dietz’s death last Thursday week! Electric treatment 2/6, gardens 1/-, water & cream 4d. Pad & polish 1/-. Total 4s 10d. Met Alice at Gardens to see the Croquet tournament 1/-. Back at ¼ to 5. Had tea in my room. Lovely day. Dear Lin goes to St Albans Pageant. Spent 4/11. Walked after dinner past Alison to Mrs D’s. She talked the entire time of her throat, one hour, pity to think so much of herself. Sunday 21 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Slept well, all windows wide open. Vince forgot to close them! Unfortunate memory, but also forgot myself! Out morg. with Alice, sat & watched Church Parade, not much worth seeing. After luncheon rested & wrote till 3 o’c & took chair to Empire. Had tea there, cold, tea in lounge. Saw Mrs & Miss Hickman in their rooms after, nice woman. Walked back. Mrs Keating sang after dinner. Alice to Mrs D’s after, & came to my room to rest. Continual patter of feet outside. Chair 1/3, tea 1/3, Hospital 1/-. Monday 22 July Very cold again. No treatment. Walked morg & afternoon. Listened to singing evg. Reading David Copperfield. Tuesday 23 July Lovely morg. Treatment 1/6. Vince too argumentative, do not think I can put up with her. Otherwise she is kind & attentive, but untidy. Self willed. She is exactly like Nana, when wrong won’t own it. Letters fr. Ham L, Midge, Lin, Maud, Roy & George Dietz. Bath chair for 1/3. Alice went with me for an hour. Worked after. Talked to widow lady after dinner. Alice to Mrs D. Stamps 1/-. Wednesday 24 July By cheque Stores, 15/11. Colder, dull. Letters fr. Dickie, seems v. comfortable at No 8. Going for hour Bath chair morg with Alice, 1/3. Afternoon to tea with Mrs Davison. Cake! Enjoyed it. Walked after with Alice. Vince vy seedy with cold. Sent her to bed early. No reading. Treatment 2/6. Letter evg from Dickie unable to come Sat, Punch dinner on Monday, so we must go alone to Bedstone & trust Lin can spend a few days next week there with me. Letters fr. George Dietz, Maudie, 2 fr. Lin, Edgar. Thursday 25 July 5 weeks at Buxton. Fire. Dull raw morg. To treatment 2.30, 2/6. Bath chair 1/3. Bill £5.15.0. Letters fr. Dickie, Maud, Emma about covers to morg room. Friday 26 July Morg with Vince to take water & to treatment 2/6. After lunch to Dr A. Very kind impressed on me not to tire myself or exert myself! To chemist. Very wet unable to have chair. After dinner watched Miss Hogg, Miss Meade, Mrs Keating & Alice play Bridge. V. funny, we all laughed heartily. Dear Lin finished his work at 9! Had bath & greatly amused listening to David Copperfield. Slept badly. Saturday 27 July Dull, cloudy. Out morg to take water with Vince, home 2.30. Arranged papers. No treatment. Packed after lunch with Vince, very untidy packer, would put everything in anyhow, no order or system, luckily v. little to pack. But is so kind I can’t help liking her. V. tired had tea & cake! Pd chemist 7/-, post office 3/-, bath chair 1/5. Delightful hours drive round Burbage with Alice. Glorious evg, never saw Buxton look so pretty before. Sat & talked to Mrs Keating, all rest to a Concert. Bed 9.30. Sunday 28 July 2 letters from dear Lin, he goes to Calais today. Dear little watch in gun metal & leather strap for wrist fr. Dickie so pleased with it. Letter fr. darling Maud & a long letter from Sophy & another fr. H. Langley. Fine early, dull later, rained. Go to tea at Mrs Davison’s. The Curate fr. St Anne’s called & had tea, vy amusing & good looking man. Vince hopeless packing, cannot fold dress or bodice & is desperately slow. Monday 29 July Go to Bedstone D.V. with Dickie, take Vince. Arrive Craven Arms 2.20 where H. will send for us. Leave here Grosvenor Hotel 10.10. Fine. Had most comfortable journey 3rd class fares but had 1st class permits, only changed at Stockport & had thro’ carriage to Craven Arms where brougham & dog cart met us. Lovely country, wild flowers again which rejoiced me to see after a town. Midge &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tommy at Bedstone, Midge just ret’d fr. Stoke. We 2 dined alone & had cozy little evening together. Everything so beautifully kept, silver, furniture, not a fault to find. Tommy a vy handsome boy exactly like Dora, very tall & well built. Tuesday 30 July Lovely day. Slept fairly well awake 6 o’c. Find Tommy immensely grown like a child of 4 instead of 2. Like Nurse v. much, so quiet, never talks & keeps him so beautifully clean & is a splendid needlewoman. Sat & walked about grounds which are perfectly lovely. Such a joy to see everything so well kept & silver & furniture beautful. Ham arrived in Motor from Stoke Edith in time for luncheon. Rested after until 4 o’c. Midge & H. played croquet. I strolled about. Cozy little dinner of 3. Fire in dining & drawing room. To bed 10.10. Wednesday 31 July Lovely day. Walked a little & sat out. Coldish. Mrs Blizzard & dau. to tea fr. Llandrindod. Sir W. & Lady Curtis & a lady from Essex. Mr Brown & Mr Green Price. These 2 played croquet after with H. & Midge. I walked a little. Rather tired. To bed rather late. Aug 1907 Thursday 1 August Dora & Miss Davenport to lunch. Came in their car, left at 4. Midge went with H. to Bazaar at the Heber Percy’s. Mrs Evans, Fanny’s, 2 boys came fr. school, 14 & 12. Look more like 18, 14, so tall, nice looking nice mannered boys, stutter a little, both of them. Felt v. tired & seedy all day after bad night. Lay down, Vince read to me, & we went for walk & after tea I lay down again. To bed early 10 o’c. Friday 2 August Fine morg. Telegram fr. Dickie comes by 1.30 today with Fitzroy. Had good night. Out with Midge rose garden. Poured after luncheon. Midge in Car to Ludlow. Slept better. H. & 2 boys out fishing morning. Dickie & Fitzroy arrived just before dinner. Both look tired. All boys came in to dinner. Went to bed almost directly after. Saturday 3 August Tommy out to tea & had his & his 2 nurses tea served out in garden, refused to go in! Lovely day glorious sun & cool wind. Sat on Verandah with Lin & Midge. After luncheon Midge & the 2 boys went off to the Rogers at Stannage to play cricket & won 10! Ham & Dickie for drive in car back to tea & off again to see end of Cricket. Boys dined alone & did not see them again. H. & Dickie played Billiards. H. beat Lin. Letter fr. Claud Conrad. Sunday 4 August Gleamy windy & dull morg. Slept well. Some rain. Lovely day later. The 3 Harley girls came to luncheon & tea, seem vy nice & one knows a good deal about botany & told me name of many wild flowers. They fished with H. & Midge & Dickie went to Stoke Edith. Fox Pitts, Miss Gladstone etc etc there. Lovely evg. H. seems v. quiet & depressed, much more so than he used to be. Cannot be well. To bed 10.30. Monday 5 August My darling Maud’s birthday & may God bless & keep as she so richly deserves, a joy to us all. Lovely early morg. H, Midge & Lin to Ludlow Show where H. is showing 2 year old yearling. Slept well. H. had 3 prizes two 2nd for the 2 year old & yearling, & one other. Got back about 5.30. Boys to the Rogers, Stannage. Lin enjoyed day at Ludlow & they lunched at the Wards, Henage. Felt pain in back & side, odd pain v. disquieting. Sent 5/- div Sons of Gualia to Bank. X. Tuesday 6 August Lovely morg, slight shower. Dear Lin left & went in car with Fitzroy to Craven Arms 11 o’c. Sent off Div. Robinson Mine £7.2.6 to Bank. X. Very cold. Unable to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 sit out. Walked a v. little on account of pain in my side. A young girl Miss Shaw came to lunch & tea, played games with the boys & Midge after tea. Ham sciatica in foot, saw doctor. Better evg, comes fr. liver. Seemed much better & brighter during dinner & evg. Wednesday 7 August Vince argued for the 3rd time most annoying because I wish my alpaca folded. Cannot stand it if she goes on, worse than old Nana Hort. Ham to London for one night to attend board meeting, I trod on poor Darkie’s foot, he nearly threw me down lying on bottom stair, dangerous. (illeg illeg). If cold cannot walk, unable to sit out. Considerable discomfort in side. Roy dined with us. Cards after. Thursday 8 August Midge & boys to Knighton, back to lunch & Mrs Green Price. Off again after to Ludlow Show. D. & Paul there. Back after 8, enjoyed their day. I walked with Vince, lay down, read etc. Still feel pain in side & front like appendix. Late to bed, dined 8.30. H. not back. Roy joins yacht for French cruise with H. & Tabbie, v. rough. Friday 9 August Fine. Lost 2/9 stamps in envelope. Found them. Appendix still painful. H. returned, seems better. Midge & boys out morg, cricket. Walked with Vince got wild flowers. Letter fr. darling Maud, large house party there. Mr Carlisle, Maud Hanson Walker, Geoff Blair, Geoff Con. etc. Roy on yacht with H. & Tabs. H. more lively during dinner. Midge had croquet with him before dinner. To bed 10.30. Saturday 10 August Mrs Beale’s. Lovely day. Mr & Miss Long to luncheon. Midge & 3 boys to Stoke Edith for cricket after. Lovely day. Had walk with Vince, longest taken here. Camp stool. Tommy with cold & went to his nursery. Waddie there. Tried electric massage 6.30. Letter fr. dear Lin going north Sunday night, too tiring as he will shoot Monday. Dine 8.30 tonight, H. & self tea alone. Appendix more comfortable. H. caught trout 1 lb 2 ½ oz. Sunday 11 August Lovely. Midge, H. & boys to Church. I walked with Vince & camp stool thro’ Glen, sat out. Took book of wild flowers. Darkie’s foot poulticed. Glad cause of pain discovered, an abcess in foot. Hope relief. Long letter fr. dear Lin, & my darling. Walked with Vince & camp stool, great boon, do not get so over tired. X. Tried electric bath at 6 o’c, goes well. Monday 12 August Lovely day. Side better. Wrote morg. Wire fr. dear Lin arrived safely Newton Stewart, pouring rain! & open trap for 27 miles drive! Tiresome, trust he won’t take cold. Expected 2 ladies to luncheon, did not come, weather uncertain & blowy. Long letter fr. Roy. Sent him £5.5.0 for his birthday 19th inst. He goes with Ham, Tabs etc Joyeuse to the Anchorage today, weather so bad! Long letter fr. Tabbie. Mr Powell clergyman dined here & sleeps, plays in C. match here tomorrow. Tuesday 13 August Gleamy, some sun. Clerical Cricket Match here today. Clerics won. Montgomery not badly beaten. Only boys, Midge & self to luncheon. About 50 to tea. Mrs Prescot, Mr & Mrs Sykes, Mr & Mrs Heber Percy pretty woman, Rogers etc. Mr Green Price staying here. Letter fr. Dickie bad weather. Maudie large house party Balcombe. Wednesday 14 August Crcket match Brampton Bryan. All men & boys off early. Midge & self alone to luncheon. Pouring rain! Did flowers morg. Lady Boughey, Mr & Mrs Dalgleish, Col McClean, Mr Denning(?), Mr Green Price (already here) arrived. Col & Mrs Heber


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Percy, Mr & Mrs R. Heber Percy, Miss Harley came, 14 to dinner. Vy delightful evening. Bed 11.30. Vy tired. Thursday 15 August Wet early, v. fine later. Kneighton Show. The 3 boys, Ham, Col Maclean, Mr Dalgleish & Mr Green Price left early. Mrs Dalgleish & Lady Boughey in latter’s ugly car, open. Midge & boys in her car. I lunched alone, walked with Vince ½ hr before lunch & in garden after. Had tea with house party on their return. Some played croquet. 8 dining. Lovely evg. Friday 16 August Lovely day. Sat out with Col Maclean & Mrs Dalgleish watching croquet players. Three boys & self to lunch only. All rest to the Heber Percys to luncheon. Letters fr. Maudie & Edgar. All returned to tea, pouring, & off to fish. Got trout 14 lbs, lovely fish. Midge landed it. Vy pleasant evg but too late for me, awfully tired, could not slip away in time. Side better & more comfortable in consequence. Saturday 17 August Lovely early. Slept badly. Mr & Mrs Dalgleish & Col Maclean left at 9.30. Delightful house party over. Midge & self walked round garden, gathered sweet peas. H. rode & fished, got 2 fish Clun. Rested & then out with Midge taking off rose tops. H. shot pigeons & rabbit. Long letter fr. Dickie enclosing bog asphodel. Boys to Harleys afternoon. Quiet evg. H. seems tired & does not look well. Sunday 18 August Woke 6.30, did not sleep after. Wrote. V. annoyed Vince had my bodice drawers wardrobe so untidy, crushes my clothes terribly & is not tidy, a great pity as impossible to learn at her age. H. & Midge & boys to Church. I sat out all morg. Afternoon Midge & self sat out. Mr C. Brown called, had tea. Lady, Sir Henry & Miss Ripley & the Harley girls called, did not see them. Tommy came to my room. To bed early. Monday 19 August Tommy leaves today. Roy’s birthday, may better luck be with him this sorry year! Good night, woke early. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. They seem to be very rainy in Scotland & Sussex, not nearly such fine weather as we have here. Mr & Mrs Tom Bolland to luncheon. Mrs Evelyn, Mrs & Miss Rogers to croquet. Hilda Sp. & Gladys Chirnside came to stay. V. pleasant evg & H. quite lively. Played rabbits after dinner. Tuesday 20 August Lovely & even warm. Sat out with Gladys on Verandah after walk with Midge round garden. Lunched 1 o’c. H. & Hylda fished Clun morg. Midge, Gladys & 2 boys to Hereford Cricket Match, home 7.30, v. cold & not enjoyed it, nor the Harley tea. H. & Hylda played croquet after luncheon, watched them. Had tea together & walked with H. & Hylda along Glen, they fished pool. I ret’d, rested. Young Brown to dinner, all played rabbits after & all boys dined with us. Wednesday 21 August Fine but cold later. Dull. Dora’s garden party, & Shrewsbury Flower Show. Midge & 2 girls have gone to Show, away at 12 o’c in car. Cold. H. & boys to fish in Clun, back to lunch. Got 4 fish. Dace, 2 grayling & small trout. After they fished pool, got trout. Midge & girls home at 8, another puncture! Gladys C. dead lame & v. silent, has bad manners but is such a kind girl, pity so slangy. Played rabbits after dinner & I watched them until 10 when to bed. Vince reading “Oliver Twist” aloud. Thursday 22 August Dullish, fine later. Fitz with Harleys to flower show, home 11 o’c! after fire works Shrewsbury. Letters fr. Dickie & Maud, well. Wretched weather in Scotland & also in Sussex. Gathered flowers morg. Uric acid up in last 2 days & violent indigestion. My own fault, not careful enough in what I eat. Midge with Hylda &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Fitzroy to Green Page garden party, organ. Miss & Mr Rogers & young Rogers for croquet & tennis. H. plays well watched him for some time. Quiet evg. Friday 23 August Lovely day. Walked to end of Glen & gathered sweet peas. Midge to garden party with Hylda & Fitzroy at Brampton Bryan. Young Rogers came at 3.30 with his 2 cousins, girl & naval man. Played croquet & tennis. Vy astonished at Gladys’ strange ways! Quiet evg. Lin having v. bad weather at Drumlanford. Saturday 24 August Lin had splendid day driving grouse, they got 108 grouse. Lovely day. Midge, H, Hylda & (illeg) in dog cart & young 4 yr old, only in harness yesterday, to Clun. Fished, caught nothing, back to luncheon. Geoff K. Davis, Bertie, to Knighton cricket. Midge, H. & 2 girls to Mrs Evelyn’s garden party. They enjoyed it immensely. Little Teddy & self & Vince to Up. Pool, we gathered flowers. Most glorious afternoon & scenery too lovely. Col. Elton to dinner & they danced after. Lin driving grouse at Drumlanford today. Sunday 25 August Lovel morg. Lovely all day much warmer. Sat out with Gladys after they returned from Church, & met them returning from Church with Ham, & saw little bull calf 2 days old. After lunch rested an hour & sat watching Midge & Fitzroy play croquet. Thought he was rude to Midge & felt angry. Watched Gladys play tennis with the 3 boys. Sat a little with Waddie on lawn & rested before dinner. Played charades after dinner. To bed 11.30. Monday 26 August Lin returns from Drumlanford. Letter early morg fr. Dickie, leaves today, another letter fr. him evg. cannot hear tomorrow. Hylda, Midge, H. & self sat out morg. Midge took the 2 girls to Hereford in car & saw them off to Show at 2 o’c. Sir H. Ripley, Col Elton & brother came & shot pigeons. I had tea with the boys. Walked with Vince, got honeysuckle. Boys in to dinner. H. very out of temper & v. disagreable all thro’ dinner, most unpleasant. To bed at 11 v. tired, so late last night. Cannot imagine why Midge sits up so late. Tuesday 27 August Lovely day. Boys to Stannage for games, the Rogers place. Midge & self to upper pool & Midge fished, without success. Perfect day, sunny, warmer & yet crisp air. V. happy day, quiet & restful & played spoof with boys evg. Wednesday 28 August Frost in night. 2 letters fr. dear Lin, fear v. uncomfortable as Mr Johnson is at No 8 & his 2 maidservants, expect will unsettle Marie! A wonder if it does not. If only Lin had started the work when I wanted him to do it. Mr Johnson at No 8 now & the whole family return 7th Sep, the day Lin turns out. Boys over to play cricket at Ludlow. Midge fetched them leaving here in Car at 4.30. Gardened morg. & afternoon. Lovely, sat out, flies tiresome. Quiet little dinner. Boys played for Hereford against Shropshire. Thursday August 29 Mr Johnson at No 8, Lin cannot be comfortable & undisturbed I fear. Dullish & cooler but no rain & very warm later. Sat out & much bitten by flies. Sat on Verandah marking Fitzroy’s socks with Midge, gathered sweet peas after. Three boys to Ludlow cricket, lost by 14 only, Hereford against Shropshire & 11 3 men short! Sat out after walking to Pool with Vince & watched Midge & Teddy play croquet. Miss Ripley to dinner, nice peaceful girl sweet voice. Games after & to bed at 11.10. Fitz saw her home with Sir Henry who fetched her! Letters fr. Dickie, Maud & Emma, afraid Lin not v. comfortable. Friday 30 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Slept well. 2 Evans boys Bertie & Teddy left, poor little Teddy wept leaving. Fitzroy & Hugh K. Davis motored after luncheon. Midge had to speak to Fitz who is v. rude at times. Ham returned from the Dalgleishs at tea time, he & Midge fished after & got 2 small trout. I gardened after a short walk with Vince, but felt v. tired & rested fr. 6 - 7, felt Back. H. looks well & the 2 boys in to dinner. Letters fr. darling M, Roy & dear Lin. Saturday 31 August Darling litle Linley’s birthday, 8 years old today. Lin arrives about 6 o’c, so glad to see him again. Effie, Geoff, Mrs Gibson, Roy, Harold & his wife & baby & Miss Crosier are at darling Maud’s! Young K. Davis leaves. Midge in car with 2 boys to Ludlow, left young K.D. & saw Vera & made calls. H. & self to tea alone. Sat & watched him play croquet alone. Dear Lin arrived 6.30, looks fairly well, always cheery dear thing. Played billiards & beat Ham. Too cold billiard room, M. & self drawing room. Sep 1907 Sunday 1 September Dull morg. autumnal. Midge, Ham & Fitz to Church. Had delightful walk with Lin to upper Pool morg. Fitz lunched at Lady Ripley’s. Lin wrote & I lay down in his room till 4 o’c. Decided to leave Thursday or Friday for Edgar’s. Lady & Miss Ripley to tea both very nice & vy young looking. Miss R. v. fond of little Fitz. We all walked along Glen to Keepers cottage. I sat with Lin at Pool, rather tired evg. Gave Fitz 5/-. Bed early. Monday 2 September Little Fitz leaves at 10 o’c for 67 Cromwell Gds to be with Eddie B. & Effie, & Geoff who sails for India Tuesday, & to get his clothes for school Marlboro’ where he goes on the 20th inst. Wire fr. Fitz evg. Effie at Balcombe with Maud, Eddie B. abroad so poor Fitz alone. Long letter fr. darling Maud, large party there. Pouring wet here all day. Attempted to walk with Dickie after tea found had to return. Pleasant evg, H. lumbago, tried my electric battery. Caught earwig in night. Tuesday 3 September Toula’s birthday, sent her two prs. gloves 10/-. Again dull, v. disappointing now dear Lin is here. Very wet all day. Went as far as lodge gates with Dickie. Quiet evg. Mrs Morton called to tea. Saw new moon thro’ glass when I got up at 3 o’c early morg to open window. Vince forgot it. X. Wednesday 4 September Geoff Conrad leaves for India for 5 years! Dear Lin left 10 o’c. Had wire from Edgar w’d meet me Friday at Manchester, & one fr. Maud. Have decided not to go to Ravendale, do not feel strong enough. Had intended going Friday. Bitterly disappointed not to go to dear Edgar’s, feel too seedy as my side hurts again. Thursday 5 September Feel seedy generally, still punished for Sunday’s long walk. To post office with Vince & a little walk after. Lovely morg & so warm but dull later. Quiet day. Letters fr. Dickie & dear Edgar & Maudie. Fitzroy at Maud’s, not yet written to thank Midge. Those tiresome proprietors of P. worry Lin again over his holiday, too bad. Friday 6 September Toula goes today to Ravendale. H. got 6 fish from Clun. Had intended going to Edgar’s, do not feel strong enough for long journey. Lovely day. Still feel seedy, side & back painful & strange depression. Out morg. with Midge. Vince utterly ruined my new blouse, quite useless for me as regards dress making, shall not let her do any more new things. X. Went in Motor with Midge to Brampton Bryan, lovely place. Sat out & walked a little after tea.. Prety little photo frame fr. dear Edgar.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 7 September Dull & raining. Warm. After luncheon walked a little with V. Midge & H. in Car to Ludlow & to make 3 calls, all out. Back to tea 6 o’c. Sat out & they went off to fish. Very pleasant evg. To bed early. H. seems much better. Started reading “The Queens of England” by Strickland, v. interesting. Sunday 8 September Lin slept at 18 Stafford Ter. after nearly 2 months absence. Heavenly day, fine & warm. Midge & H. walked about together thro’ gardens etc to see what needs doing. We sat after on lawn. After luncheon on verandah all 3 & read. Col Elton came to tea which we had on verandah. I walked after with Midge & H. thro Glen, they on to fish. Quiet peaceful evg, pleasant dinner. H. certainly better. Monday 9 September Mervyn & Ethel come today from London. Woke at 7 after good night, opened curtains, sun pouring in, lovely. Walked about with Midge. H. rode. Rested after luncheon & at 4 o’c Midge & self sat outside on Verandah & had tea & read, walked after. Mervyn & E. arrived 6.30 delighted to see them. H. rode with his rods & fished Clun river. 3 greyling. Vince again rude because I asked her about silk blouse. X. Extraordinary the first rude servant since Nana! Mervyn, Midge & self talked & H. & Ethel played billiards. Tuesday 10 September Good night. Another lovely morning. The 2 Walker girls came both v. nice looking. Sat out midges awful bitten terribly. Ethel plays croquet wonderfully, & billiards evg. H. & Ethel fished. Wednesday 11 September Lovely day. Morg some fished, others croquet. Ethel played piano charmingly. Nicola sang. Young Shaw & friend came for tennis. H. & Ethel to Mrs Rogers for croquet, beat them. V. pleasant evg. music singing & dancing. Thursday 12 September Lovely day. Slept badly. Sat out watching Ethel play croquet. Wrote Collins & Miss Spencer. Dickie seems little depressed in letter, fancy Marie giving trouble, no doubt been entirely spoilt at No 8. Badly kept house that & maids left to themselves for months on ac’t Mrs Johnson’s illness. Watched H. & Ethel play croquet. Nicola left after luncheon. Went for walk with Mervyn, lovely along Glen. V. delightful evg. H. & E. billiards & we sat in Billiard room. To bed 10.30. Friday 13 September Slept fairly well. Fine morg. Gladys & H. rode to Titrell. We sat out & I gardened a little with Midge but does not do me any good. After luncheon H, Ethel, Gladys & Mervyn to fish in Clun. Caught 6 grayling. Midge in Car to Ludlow, tyre punctured. Back at 4.30. Mr Shaw to tea, exactly like Mr Stone. Midge & self walked round after. Played bridge with H, Midge & Gladys after din. To bed 10.30. Very tired, c’d not get to sleep. Saturday 14 September Lovely morg. Dull later. Dull. Sat out with Mervyn & E. Gladys & H. riding. Midge gardening, find it tires me so dreadfully. Sat in old wooden seat end of Terrace. Mr, Mrs & Miss Champion, Mrs Morton & Miss Llewelyn to tennis. H. played. Midges so bad could not sit & watch tennis. Mr Champion drives his own car, a beauty, Daimler. Mr (blank) came to stay, a nice looking young man who is estancing in S. America. Went to bed at 10 o’c when they all went to billiard room. V. tired. Wire fr. Lin who comes tomorrow. Sunday 15 September Lovely morg, slept well. All the Church. Wrote morg. After lunch rested. Midge, Gladys & self to Lady Ripley’s to tea, quantities of lovely flowers in her garden.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dickie arrived at 6.30, looks well. Mr Lindsell seems to admire Gladys. To bed 10.10. V. tired feel a little sick. Monday 16 September Paid Vince 3 months wages, with 1/3 weeks washing £7.0.3. (seven pounds & three pence). Lovely day. Dickie, H. Mervyn, Mr Lindsell went for day’s shooting, got 15 ½ brace partidges, 4 hares etc. Midge, Ethel & self to Brampton Bryan for tea ar Mr Shaw’s, Parliamentary barrister, a deadly dull person. Lovely place beautifully kept. Old ruin half covered in ivy & gardens v. fine. Only got poor tea at 6 o’c after walking round grounds, famished! Quiet evg. Lin funny at dinner. Tuesday 17 September Dickie left at 9.30. Mr Lindsell & Mervyn shot rabbits, & played croquet later. Midge & H. to luncheon at the Boughton Knights Castle. Rested. At 4 watched croquet till tea, Midge & H. back, whilst Ethel etc played croquet. Mervyn & I walked with rod to pool, saw three fish rise but no use. Saw kingfisher! fly over pool. Midge joined us. Ethel & H. played billiards, M. & Mr Linsdell. Midge & self looked thro’ ‘County’ book drawing room. Wednesday 18 September Lovely day. Sat out morg watching croquet. Mrs (illeg) Mr Brown & son & Vera K. Davis came, the last to stay. Looks v. delicate. Had had operation for appendicitis. Pleasant evg. Vera & self to bed early 10.10, rest billiards. Thursday 19 September Lovely day. Knighton show. Vera, Mr Lindsell, Ham & Midge went at 10 AM. Sat out with Mervyn & Ethel. Lunched alone, rested, & went to tea at Vicarage, quantities of flowers. Rest enjoyed their day. We all went to upper pool at 6 o’c, got nothing. Most glorious evg red sunset & full moon, lovely. Friday 20 September Toula comes to Bedstone, arrives evg. Lovely morg, misty early. Ham & young Lindsell to fish, got 4 large grayling. Had walk with Mervyn & Ethel to pool after watching croquet. Midge fetched Toula, Vera went with her, arrived 7 o’clock v. fresh & well in spite of long journey. Mervyn danced wonderfully evg, step dancing, amused us v.much, like dear Con. Lovely sunset. Saturday 21 September Lovely day, v. warm. Sat out watching croquet. After luncheon Midge, Toula & Vera went & paid call in motor. Ham croquet with Ethel. Mervyn & self watched & then went for a walk. Quiet evg. To bed V, E, & self at 10.30. Letters fr. Dickie & darling Maud. Young Lindsell left early, he thought I was Ham’s sister, could not have thought much! Mist evg. Sunday 22 September Dull morg. Feel v. seedy, Midge also, think either fr. chill or taking glass of Kimmel last evg, v. foolish. Walked with Vera garden & Midge. Midge unable to come in to luncheon. I very sick before & after so went to bed & feel horribly seedy. Fire in my room. They all came up early to bed. Directly after tea went to bed. Monday 23 September Mervyn & Ethel leave by 9.45 AM train & go straight thro’ to Maudie’s. H. goes to London by same train. Toula & Vera here. Midge up to breakfast but still feels seedy. I feel better fairly good night. Water dreadfully thick white milky & uric acid. Must have a crippled sort of kidney still! Fine morg. Saw Dr Darrell, says it is a liver attack & wiser to remain in bed. Vince again temper fear cannot go on much longer, so upsetting. Tuesday 24 September Leave Bedstone. Unable to go feel (illeg). Liver attack. Midge same, & saw Dr Darrell. Says it is wiser not to travel till Thurs. Seconde fracas avec femme de


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 chambre en deux jours, pas bonne p. moi! Little Vera went in car with Midge & Toula home. Delightful evg. Nice talk at dinner we 3, & Toula read after. To bed early. Mr Douglas Smith called & the M(illeg)s . Heavenly day. Wednesday 25 September Lovely day. Sat out & walked, v. fine. Had electricity & rested. Elle veut bavarder tout, tres fatigant. Letters fr. Dickie & Maud, Mr Douglas Smith & the M’s. Packed remaining things. Toula Midge & self sat on Terrace, perfectly heavenly. Quiet evg. & nice talk during dinner we three only. Thursday 26 September Heavenly day, v. hot. Left Bedstone after delightful visit of 8 weeks & 4 days! Midge drove me to Station left Bucknell by the 1.15, arrived Euston 7. V. hot uncomfortable journey. Toula also saw us off. Expences fares etc £3.1.4, taking 2 third class fares & permits to go first. Dear Roy met me Euston & Upton. Roy & self home in cab alone. Dickie looking v. well. We dined 3 together. Marie doing house with Emma. To bed 9.30 or 10. Lavatories both look v. nice. Vince broke pulley, fell to pieces, & no unpacking but it was a tiresome journey. Friday 27 September Good night, woke early. Looked thro’ papers etc. Saw Emma who looks very well indeed. Decided to give her present of £5 for good management etc, between us. Decide to go to Maud’s tomorrow, Dickie with me. Vince out directly after dinner till 9, looks v. tired after yesterday’s heat. Saturday 28 September Slept v. badly. D.V go to Balcombe by 4.30 train. Feel awfully bad, so hot & cold & headachey. Felt worried too as V. seems so incapable, untidy & unmethodical although meaning so well. Lovely day. Lin & self gave Emma £5 as recognition of her care etc during my absence & glad to do it. Lin & self to Station alone sending V. & Upton on with luggage. Beautiful station all altered & new carriages (illeg). Our darling met us looking well, so rejoiced to see her & the dear chicks so well. Mervyn, Ethel & Miss Crozier & Mr Allan here. Went to my room & to bed, v. tired, & did not go down again. Sunday 29 September Slept well & feel rested. Mervyn & Ethel came to my room 9 o’c & gave me a dear little air cushion in case, darling Maud a sweet little pendant & book & the darlings each a sweet bunch of flowers, such a joy to see them all & so well & Nurse F. too so well. Dull & damp day so did not go out. Lennie Mervyn & Mr Allan fished after luncheon. I read & rested in my room. Read to Lin Mrs Sella’s reminiscences, most interesting knowing so many of her friends. Ruffled evg. dear Lin & E. late dinner mistook hour, Lennie put out & nervy, better later. Stole away to bed. Monday 30 September Vy bad night. Dull morg. v. fine & warm later. At 11 o’c went for drive in Victoria with Maud to Nymans. Sat out with Mrs Messel, Mrs de la Penha (also an invalid having had operation like myself) her daughter. Dear little Linley went with us. Mrs M. most kind, made me have some soup whicch I was vy glad of, had refused milk befor starting. Letter & wire fr. dear Roy for my birthday & little glass & silver handle fr. Toula so kind of her & so useful. Rested & walked with Miss Crozier & Maudie after tea. Lin, M & E. to meet Lennie in car, quite peaceful evg & bed early. Darling Maud looking well. Oct 1907 Tuesday 1 October Lovely morg. slept well, only awake about hour in night, so thankful! Lin up early & out & at work after. In new bedroom, vy nice, so light. Maud & self in motor ¼ to 12 for drive, called on Dr Parker, out, coming tomorrow at 11.30. Such


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 quantity uric acid & I want a tonic if I may take one. Brought Coushla back to lunch & tea. All playing “Diabolo” on lawn on return, & Muriel & her cousin here to luncheon, 10! Sat out & rested. Maud, E. & Gladys C. to tea out, went in Vic. Lin, Mervyn to fetch Lennie, took Coushla back. Played games evening. Rain. Wednesday 2 October Mr & Mrs Campbell dined here. Dear Lin left by 4 train fr. Balcombe. V. depressed & quiet he has worked hard on Almanack ever since he came. Went for short motor drive. Saw Dr Parker morg. & am to take “Parish’s food” to see how it suits me. Enormous quantity uric acid. L’enniu m’a causé cet desordre j’en suis sûre avec l’abigail agée. Drove with Maudie closed carriage. Mrs & Miss de la Penha came at tea time, they leave Nymans tomorrow. Thursday 3 October Lovely day, some rain. News fr. Ethel M, her sister going on well & being moved fr. (illeg) to Ethel M’s flat tomorrow. Mervyn staying on. Wrote some wonderfully good verses on “Proposals à la Mode” for Gladys Croziers’s book. Went for lovely long motor drive morg. with Maudie, Miss C. & Mervyn. Mrs Freeman & Mrs Kay Shuttleworth to luncheon, both v. ordinaire. Mrs F. lets Fanny Barker her house at St Remo. For drive with Maudie & walk after, delightful. Danced evg. Friday 4 October V. wet morg, cooler. Lovely later. Out morg. in motor for one hour. After luncheon in Victoria with Maudie & walked after, feel wonderfully better, in air all day long. Toula arrived late. Mr & Mrs Campbell dined here, pleasant evg. To bed early. Mr Webber here young stockbroker, quaint manners. Muriel & Miss Lund v. pretty young girl came morg. Saturday 5 October Dear Lin came by 4.30 & Mr & Mrs de Beaufort by same train. Lennie to shoot with the Lester Reeds. Mrs L. Reed shot with the men, bad day’s sport, few birds. Walked morg with Toula & sat out so sunny. Mr Webber & Mervyn fished, no success. Maudie’s committee meeting about Nurse held here. After luncheon to Nymans in Victoria with Maudie & Toula. Mervyn, Mr Webber & Miss Crozier walked, had tea there. Very pleasant evg. Lin v. amused with Miss C’s stories. V. sleeping out. Sunday 6 October V. wet early. Roy with Mr Stern. Maud, Toula, Linley II to Church, rest reading etc. After luncheon Mr & Mrs de Beaufort, Maud, Lennie & Mr Webber to Nymans in motor. Dear Lin worked all day. Sat with him morg. read Nathaniel Howthorn’s “House with the Seven Gables”. Had walk after tea with Dickie. Mervyn & Miss Crozier for walk. Vy pleasant evg, to bed early. Monday 7 October Fine alternately showery. Mr & Mrs de Beaufort left & Mr Webber by early train with Lennie. Dr Dalebroke (who Lin, Lennie & Maud met at Seville) came at 5.25, quite a nice man. Mervyn left by 4 o’c train. Maud & self for drive in Victoria & took Mervyn to Station. Walked morg with Toula & again with Lin, Maudie & G. Crozier & Toula after tea. Lennie reviewing his Volunteers. We dined at 8 o’c. Tuesday 8 October Very hot & dull. Mrs Parsons brought in Lin’s tea v. late. Dear Lin goes up after luncheon. Maudie also goes to London for Dona Linda de Galedora’s wedding, marrying a man 9 years her junior! Maudie looked sweet. Mr Dalebrook, G. Crozier & self went in Car with Lin to Three Bridges & had lovely drive round Crawley, back, Toula & self for little walk & G. Crozier & Mr D. also for stroll before tea. Maudie back 5.20. Played roulette evg. Lennie seems well. Wednesday 9 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Alternate fine & dull, cooler, some rain. Dr Parker came morg. Toula & self for lovely drive morg. in Victoria. Walked after luncheon, no, rested, v. tired until 4 o’c tea, & G. Crozier left. V. nice girl, bright, clever & pretty. Darling Maud & I went for a walk with little Linley who was v. good, love these walks with my precious Maud. Lennie busy with his military papers evg. M. & self patience, Toula worked. Thursday 10 October Fine early. For drive with darling Maud, lovely all round by Forest & the Pearsons. Rested after lunch & walked alone with my darling before tea, delightful to have her all to myself. Lennie with multitude of flies & fishing tackle evg. Felt v. tired sitting up after dinner. To bed 10.30. Lennie played pianola. Darling played patience. Letters fr. Lin getting on well with work. Friday 11 October Darling Maud left for London by 9 train, goes to see Dr Abraham. Lunches with Mrs Hohler, has friends to tea with her at Rumplemeyers & dines with the Fleichmans & goes to French play with them after. Dear Lin finishing his drawing & has got on with Almanack. Toula & I drove to Lady Frederick, saw her. Ld F. in bed with chill. She in great state about losing Maud’s cheque of £11.11. I wrote Maud about it. Had rest & walk before tea with Toula & Nonie, a little restless! Quiet evg with Toula & to bed early. Saturday 12 October Lovely early. Awoke 7 o’c. good night. Wrote to Lin & Maud & Tabbie. For lovely drive to Peas Pottage to fetch cream & butter in Victoria with John driving dark horse, Toula with me, & back by forest. Chicks a little wild at luncheon, rested after & walked with Toula. Mistook distance of road home by fields & cows!!! Vy tired after tea at 5. Sat in drawing room, to bed early. Little Linley to Dr P’s to tea. Maud & Lennie & Mrs Gibson leave by 1 train for Montrose N.B. Sunday 13 October Fine. Slept badly, woke at 4 o’c & could not sleep after. Toula & little Anne to church. Nonie in my room at breakfast. Walked with Toula before luncheon, rested after but disturbed. Walked with Toula before tea. Wrote after tea & had little Oliver in. Sorted Lennie’s music after dinner until 10 o’c to bed. Monday 14 October Slept badly, woke at 2 o’c could not sleep after. Dull morg, good for Lennie’s fishing! Pouring with rain all morg. Letter fr. Dickie poor Mrs Johnson like myself progressing slowly. Feel much better but always conscious of my back & side which ache dreadfully if the least tired. The chicks v. good, only little Linley wanted to smoke a cigarette after luncheon! Drove to Lowfield with Toula where she stayed 15 minutes with her friend. Had chicks in after tea, made little boats. Delightul evg, cards. Bed early. Tuesday 15 October Lovely morning. Dear Toula goes by 9.40 train thro’ to Oswestry. Lovely day, crisp autumnal morg. I took Anne for drive with her doll in Victoria morg. Very good. Nonie lunched alone with me & was v. good but wished to peel his pear with the carving knife & fork! Little Anne to tea with me v. happy together. Letter fr. Dickie, sent venison, & Maudie who says Lennie in his waders looked equal to any pantomime, a friendly Puss in Boots! Nurse F. came & read leading articles evg. Had an hours walk with Vince. Wednesday 16 October Colder, dull morg. Woke v. early. Rained all day. Cesarewitch races. In all morg. Wrote letters. Point de letteres d’adv. de hier! Letters fr. Dickie, Maud & Roy. At 3.15 with Nurse F. Anne & Oliver to Mrs Campbell’s where they had tea. I for


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 drive & Linley boy had tea with me, was a little restless. Played roulette after. Too tired to have my head washed. Nonie squeezed my waist & hurt my side, dear boy was so sorry after. Awful accident 19 killed railway Shrewsbury at 2 AM yesterday. Thursday 17 October Another dark dull morg. Drove Mrs F. Walker’s with Anne to say children could not go to tea there as both Anne & Oliver were sick in the night, jumbles I think! Mrs F.W. most kind asked me to go to lunch there, cannot as dear Lin comes. Had little Oliver in to tea & the 3 white kittens in nursery after. Nurse F. read to me after dinner. Friday 18 October Fanny & Alice come by the 10.40, arriving 11.41. Coming tomorrow. Rain & dull. Took little O. & Nurse F. for drive, he a little noisy. So good alone with me. A little girl named Anne fr. Mrs Faure Walker’s to tea with the children. Oliver had his with me, was with me until 6.30, as good as gold. Linley & Anne vy happy with their little girl friend making toffee. Nurse F. kindly read to me evg. To bed 10 o’c. Vy bad weather in Scotland & Lennie no sport. Darling v. well. Saturday 19 October Fine & sunny. Went in Victoria to meet Fanny & Alice at Sta. Fanny looking much older & not a good colour. Went for lovely drive thro’ forest & back in time for luncheon. Little Anne lunched with us & Fanny gave her a little butterfly brooch, red enamel. All 3 chicks in after lunch played piano. V. good, F. & A. delighted with them. Tea 4 o’c. They left by 4.30. Met dear Lin at 5.30. V. walked with me to Station & came back with him in carriage. Looks fairly well & had quiet evg. together. Sunday 20 October Our wedding day. Heavy rain, thunder in night. Sat with Dickie in new bedroom whilst he worked all morg. For walk with him at 4.15. Wet morg, fine later. Fire smoked v. much in his room but was v. cozy when it burnt up. It blew a perfect hurricane & rained heavily morg. Quiet evg & to bed early. Sat in Lennie’s smoking room. The dear chicks very good & Linley played pianola & Anne & Oliver listened & danced! Monday 21 October Lovely day. First day I have felt warm enough in open carriage without a coat or fur cape on. Took little Anne at 11.30 & had most beautiful drive, called first to enquire for Mr & Mrs Messel, left this morg for London. What a treasure of order cleanliness & neatness their house keeper is. Rested after luncheon. Walked with Lin along red road. Dickie went to sleep directly after dinner. Nurse F. brought in the little white cat & her kittens. Tuesday 22 October Letter fr. Maudie, no salmon yet. Lovely day. Dickie sent off his drawing at 4.15 on our way for walk. Letters from both Mrs Morton & Mrs W. Latham. So glad to hear from them again. Letter fr. Ethel Mervyn about Berthe who comes to me on 6th of Nov. as housemaid until 6th Jany. Letters fr. both Mrs Latham & Mrs Morton Latham, shall be glad to see them again. Lovely drive with little Anne morg. Edie F. came for chicks music lessons. Had delightful walk with Lin thro’ fields after tea. Letter fr. Edgar. Read Kipling’s “Brushwood Boy” to Dickie after dinner in smoking room. To bed 10 o’c. Wednesday 23 October Wet morg. Fine later, lovely afternoon & evening tho’ cool. Wrote morg room with Nonie boy, & drove with Lin to Three Bridges in Victoria at 2.30. Dickie seems well & cheery, returns D.V. Saturday. Letter fr. darling Maud, vy happy at Melrose, no salmon yet alas! They dined with Mr Whatman & Mr Cockagne at Hydro last


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 evg & Mr Cunard joined them after dinner. Letter fr. Mrs Latham for me to go tomorrow morg. On return fr. Three Bridges went with Marnie & little Oliver to see calf born on Saty. Thursday 24 October Lovely day, 2 showers & colder. Drove at 11.15 to see Mrs Latham at Cuckfield, took Nurse F. & Oliver, & Linley on box seat, Victoria. Rested after luncheon. Walked with Vince, & Anne to tea. Nurse F. read & showed me netting after dinner. X. Lennie caught his first salmon, 12 lbs. Maud’s letter, Mr Whatman is the son of Mrs W. I met at Harrogate who fancied herself but was very nice always to me. Did not think much of her, far less than she thought of herself! Friday 25 October Lovely morg, v. cold. Letters fr. P. Agnew, his wife better, fr. Dickie & Maud who seems v. well (illeg) & Lennie, caught more fish & remaining on 2 days longer to fish with Mr Cunard. Drove at 11.30 with little Anne to enquire for Ld Keswick, both still ill, & nurse there. Saw Miss Fitzroy. Drove to Vicarage, saw Miss M.S. Miss Mead to tea, learnt the parish here is St Leonards Forest. Vy wet afternoon unable to go out. Edie here to lunch & tea. Letter fr. Dickie & fr. darling M. Saturday 26 October Fog in London! Jessie Bainbridge’s weding to Cap’t Darrell, Coldstream Guards. Lovely morg. At 11.30 drove in Victoria to Nymans. Mr & Mrs Messel just arrived. Walked round Heath garden, immensely overgrown since last saw it. Lovely flowers & shrubs brilliant in colour. Returned late for luncheon. Rested & had walk with Vince. Saw Baloon going towards Brighton v. low down, chicks delighted. Dickie arrived by 6 o’c. Little L. met him in brougham. Had quiet little dinner together. He looks vy well, such a much better colour than he used to have. Sunday 27 October Dull, cold. Answered Lady Hickman’s & Mrs Galbraith’s invitations. X. Opened a letter of Maud’s to Nurse F’s by mistake, but Nurse F’s was fr. Maud & the envelope was for me, great commotion as all were certain it was Nurse F’s! Walked with Lin morg & again before tea. Met H. Booths, vy handsome family, & the Meads. Little Oliver to tea with us, Linley in to luncheon. Vy quiet evg. Lin read, I netted. To bed 10 to 10. Monday 28 October Hoped Edgar would come today, wired he could not, v. disp’d. Mystery of letter, dearest Maud enclosed my letter in envelope addressed to Nurse F. Much warmer & fine. Maud & Lennie return Wed, Maudie before luncheon. Sent a piece of salmon to the Canon. Drove morg with Nurse F, little Oliver & Linley to Haywards Heath about lamp. For walk with Lin toward B. Place, longer walk. Little O. to tea with us. Tuesday 29 October Dull & rainy. Lin had intended taking little Linley to Brighton for the day. I drove at 11.20 with Lin & little Linley to Station & they went to Brighton for the day. Edie came by their train & left by their return train. I walked to Station with her to meet them. Took Edie for lovely drive. Played diabolo after luncheon with little Anne & Oliver & rested in drawing room to hear little Anne’s music lesson. Sat in Smoking room after dinner. Vy tired & reading all evg. Wednesday 30 October Very wet. Lennie & Maudie arrived home fr. Melrose at 1.30 both looking so well. My darling wonderfully well & happy. Lennie in the depths of anxiety over stock exchange & looks v. blue. After luncheon he went to fish the Lake & got an eel! I drove at 2.30 to Three Bridges with Lin, complains of feeling livery, hope he will be all right. Maudie to a meeting!!! & lots of people to tea here after! About village nurse! Pleasant dinner & to bed at 20 to 9. Maudie must be very tired.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 31 October Lovely morg. For drive at 11.30 with darling Maud & Linley on box to Potters Bar for butter. Maudie vy amusing about Mrs Gibson & her family views! On our return greatly surprised to hear Edgar was here, delighted to see him, & looking so well. We walked up & down drive & he lunched & had tea here, so vy happy to see him again. I drove with him to Station & saw him off in train. Hamilton, Tabbie & Mr Welch Thornton arrived. Tabs & H. look well, so glad to see them again. Delightful evg. Pianola a little noisy. Nov 1907 Friday 1 November Glovers shoot. Lovely morg for Lennie’s shoot. Dear Lin leaves tonight for Sir Alfred Hickman’s after work, & leaves by night mail to Wolverhampton. Vy anxious lest he sh’d take cold fr. fatigue. Drove at 11.30 with Maudie, & Tabs went to Church. After luncheon Maud & Tabbie for walk. I went for short one with Vince. Met little Anne & Antoinette. Little L, Oliver & Anne to Brighton to have their hair cut! Dear little O. vy naughty to V. & Ellen. Lennie had good days shooting bag. Vy pleasant evg & to bed late! Saturday 2 November Sir Alfred Hickman’s shoot. I cannot go. Wightwick nr. Wolverhampton. Lin going. Slept badly & rather headachey. Lovely morg. Mr Welch Thornton leaves early. Lennie & H. shooting at Glovers. Mr Eric Parker returned with them & slept here. Seems wonderfully improved. They had excellent days shooting. Very pleasant evg, again late to bed. I drove with Maud & Tabbie thro’ forest morg. Afternoon Maud & Tabs to “at home”. I went with Vince for walk with Katti, Vic & Flora. Vy naughty & disobedient. Nurse F. & chicks to Ottie’s & sleeping at Nymans. Lin at Sir A.H’s. So sorry cannot afford to go on with maid & told Vince. Sunday 3 November Dickie arrives tonight from Sir A. Hickmans at Haywards Heath. Dull morg. Lin dining with Roy at Stafford Terrace on his way fr. Wolverhampton here. Dull morg. Woke 6 o’c. Lennie’s Volunteers to Church, band. Mrs Messel, Hylda, Cap’t Gibbs, Muriel & Mr Messel & Mr & Mrs Hayworth Booth to luncheon. 14 at luncheon V. wet afternoon. V. dark. Dear little Oliver fell & cut his tongue v. badly. Maud took him in Motor to Dr. P’s. Much better evg. Pleasant dinner. To bed 10.30 v. tired. Lin arrived at 11 o’c, met at Haywards Heath. Monday 4 November Bad night. V. tired. Dickie looks well & really enjoyed his visit to Sir A. Had good sport. Met Col. Tillotson. Lin shooting with Lennie, Hamilton & Mr Parker Nymans today. Lennie, Lin, Mr E. Parker, Ld. Denman, Cap’t Gibbs shot at Nymans. Foggy day. Tabs, little L. & self for drive, little L. restless. I drove again at 3.30 with Maudie in brougham to Nymans, back to tea. Rather late to bed again. Good days shooting, nearly 500 head of game, only ducks & pheasants. Tuesday 5 November Slept very badly, 3 late nights. Lovely morg. H. & Mr Parker left by 9.30 train, Tabs by 10. Maudie leaves by 4.20 & does not return until Sat. with Lennie. Edie F. here & returns with darling Maud. Went for drive morg. with my own. Rested after lunch feeling v. headachey & tired. Felt stupid & weepy when Maudie left, don’t like not being with her at Xmas, & yet feel for Lin’s & Roy’s sake tis better. Walk with Dickie & to bed early. Wednesday 6 November Slept better, much. Vy dull morg. Dickie leaves by 10 o’c, train 10.40. Letter fr. Ethel Mervyn saying Berthe would have to leave us in a month as Mrs Church had taken a flat on account of her son. Tiresome but cannot be helped. Berthe arrives Staf. Terrace today fr. Boulogne early. X. Arranged to give her at rate of


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 £24 a year. Drove with little Anne to Nymans for Lin’s shooting stick which was found during our absence in his room! Walked with Vince & rested before dinner. Chicks delighted with fireworks. Nurse F. read evg. & to bed 9.30. Thursday 7 November Good night. Vic in my room. Darling M. returning from Lancaster Gate. Coming tomorrow. Slept much better. V. dull morg. Had Vic in my room after reading about burglaries! Walked morg with Vince. Started tucking crêpe de chine like M’s pretty Kimono bodice! Wonder when it will get done. Dr. P. came to see little O. Says all children need great care to guard against Lennie’s nerves. Wish I might reorganise dairy here, not nearly careful enough for children. Linley lunched & Oliver to tea with me. Bed 9.30. Dr. P. prefers Sussex cows to Jersey. Friday 8 November Dull rainy morning. For drive at 11.20 with Anne, called Mrs Faure Walker, away. Woods & forest like fairyland, ablaze with the ground covered in golden brown beech leaves & many trees still full of foliage. Edie here, & little Linley in to luncheon. V. restless & exhausting. Went for walk with Edie 2.15 till 3 o’c. Fine & bright. Met Mrs H. Booth’s boy & girl walking along so nicely with their governess. Wish Linley & Anne had the same, & looked so neat & tidy. They badly need a well bred governess & to be out of nursery now. Rested & had tea with Edie. To bed early. Reading A Great Punch Editor, Shirley Brooks. V. interesting. Saturday 9 November Hamilton L’s shoot. Lin going D.V. Dear Lin goes to Bedstone until Wednesday D.V. Heavenly morg, good night. Darling M. arrives by 10.40. Bill Weigal & Mr & Mrs Fleischman come today until Monday & Mr & Mrs Wood fr. Crawley due here. Met darling at Sta. looks very pale, went for drive together. Sat together on Verandah in sunshine, quite warm, for an hour. Rested. M. to meet Lennie Lake, fishing. Rested whilst V. read Shirley Brook’s memoirs. Tea. Fs & Bill arrived. To bed 10 o’c before gentlemen came out of Dining room. Mr Messel called afternoon. Sunday 10 November Slept till 5 o’c. Dull foggy morg. Like what I saw of Mrs Fleischman, seems restful quiet woman & no side. Sat between Mr F. & Bill opposite my darling. Always find Mr F. pleasant to talk to & glad to hear of old friends fr. Bill. Lennie looks better. Wrote all morg. Mrs F. & Maud to Church, Lennie to drill Haywards H. Mr F. & Bill for walk after lunch. Mrs F. & Lennie to fish in Lake. Darling & self for walk. Rested & tea. Fishers got nothing & Mr & Mrs F. left by 4.0 train. Bill good company at dinner, interesting talk. Bed 10 o’c. Monday 11 November Bright, woke before dawn again, but slept well. Packed & ready afternoon. Find Vince very untidy in packing & so slow. Mrs Latham’s tea. Maudie v. busy packing, sent Curtin for her holiday, wonder she went knowing how much Maud had to do, only confirms my opinion in general. Two of Lennie’s clerks came to dinner 7o’c. Lennie in uniform & giving concert for Volunteers at Haywards Heath. To bed early. Tuesday 12 November V. & self return to Staf. Ter. All go up fr. Balcombe today, Maudie with us. Maud, chicks, self returned London by 10.51 train. Chicks v. good & Linley in charge of white kitten in Basket. Darling M. drove me home & V. came on with luggage. Lovely day, found all well. Lunched alone & unpacked after. V. fearfully lethargic & slow, had to do a great deal myself. Rested whilst she read after tea. Roy dined with me & we had a cozy little evg together. He looks well but thin. Bed early. Wednesday 13 November Dickie returns fr. Bedstone. I go up with Vince, went yesterday. Lovely morg & slept well to 6 o’c. Could not sleep after. Came back from Balcombe with Maudie


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 yesterday. Drove with darling Maud at 11.30 & little Anne round Park & saw the Emperor & Empress of Germany fr. a distance in procession to Guildhall from the Park. They, the King etc, in the main road Bayswater side. Looked thro’clothes & 2 boxes with V, does not give attention. Dear Lin ret’d from Bedstone, 2 pheasants 1 hare. Roy dined out. Marie out but not until Lin had gone. Thursday 14 November Slept fairly well woke so often. Walked a little with V. Met Mrs Spofforth & Mrs Clarke. Saw Nash about our vy faulty lavatories & hot water, promised to see about both. Drove with my darling round park & to Miss Manisty’s. Dull day, no sun. Lin very busy, tiresome drawing on the quarrel between the Admirals Lord C. Beresford & Sir Percy Scott. V. undignified. Rest after lunch. Did box. Grace came to tea, has to work vy hard & feel want of air badly & eating luncheon so quickly. Lin dining ¼ to 9, hopeless for me. My box fr. 104. Friday 15 November Drove with darling M. morg, fetched Mabel B. who was lunching with us. Very raw & vy cold. Walked after with V. ½ an hour before luncheon. Antoinette came, engaged her for 6th Dec. Saw another maid fr. Grace F’s. Miss Rose Innes came. Lin’s light went out, lucky candles in my room. Saturday 16 November Dull & very raw & cold. Maud & Lennie to Scotland to the Galbraiths until Tuesday. Went for walk with Vince morg thro’ Kensington & to Barkers, thro’ gardens, home. Cleared wardrobe after luncheon. Lin out all day, returned to tea. Roy in to dinner, out after at 9.45. Birch came round about carriage Monday 11 o’c. Roy dined with us, looks vy well. Left at 9.30 for Mr Stern’s. (Note pinned to page: Put out Nov 17th 4 old pieces of silver & silver tea caddy, 6 table dessert, 6 large & small forks, 1 nut crackers. 24 in all, 2 bronzes. Put these away. Box fr. Bank. 2 bronzes. Wed 20th Put out another bronze, Mother’s. Put out newly plated wine cooler for plant.) Sunday 17 November Lovely day. The children came with Nurse F, flowers, & looking so well. At 11 went with Lin to Zoo in brougham. Vy happy with Dickie, thought the houses at Zoo looked dirty. We lunched alone. Mervyn & Ethel came at 3 o’c & remained to tea. Nicola Walker came at 7 & remained to dinner, felt v. exhausted after she left. Roy dined out. Table etc looked nice. Monday 18 November Very wet. Ordered Maud’s carriage at 11, too wet to come. Edie here, great help in doing drawers of wardrobe etc, got thro’ a lot with her, worth 3 Vs. Lunched here & our brougham took her back & a note to Mrs Harold M, with whom I was to have had tea but too wet to go out. My new grey coat & skirt came, vy nice indeed, Maudie’s present, dear little thing one of so many. Dear Lin looks tired, he will give himself so much work. Roy home to dinner. Tuesday 19 November V. dull morg, cleared later. M’s carriage at 11 o’c. Went with Vince to Russel & Allen’s, pretty gown 22 gns, Kreutzer 16 gns, Marshall 13 gns. All ridiculously dear. Glad did not order any. Bought 3 prs of gloves Marshalls. Dickie out all day, lunched at Club. Mrs Fagan, Lady Spielmann, Mad’ Jaquenot called. Roy in to dinner, cozy little evg, 3. To bed 10 o’c. Roy had bad day on S.E, £80 to the bad. Wednesday 20 November Fog awful, impossible get on with shopping. Edie comomg to luncheon & tea. My darling & Lennie arrive early fr. Scotland having travelled fr. Terregles by night train. Turned out drawers drawing room & one shelf Roy’s room wardrobe. Darling M. & Lennie returned fr. Scotland & Maudie came to tea, looking sweetly pretty. Roy out to dinner. Edie remained until 6 o’c. Emma out. Berthe waited. Bed 10 o’c.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 21 November Lady Johnson Ferguson’s to 26th , Lin going D.V. Fanny Nembhard comes at 4 o’c. Out morg to Woollands ordered hat £2.2.0, & to Ross’s Grafton St. Saw gown I liked rather, black faced cloth, ordered it, £14.14.0. Vy expensive. But everything is this year! Walk with V. for ½ hour before luncheon. Read to Lin, rested. Heard fr. F.B. George Brooks is marrying a nurse!!! Had my dinner at 7.30. Friday 22 November Lin goes after dinner by night mail to Springkell, M’s. Dull raw day. Carriage at 11 o’c took Vince to Bumpus, saw books. To be fitted Ross’s not a soul there besides myself, bad trade everywhere. V. to Mudies changed book, got Idle thoughts of an Idle Fellow. Had a little walk before lunch, rested & read to Lin after. He & Roy dined at 10 o’c. Catastrophe en masse! Caterpillar! Microscopic cutlets. Never again. Must have standing order fr. Mrs Jones for chicken Thurs. Saturday 23 November Lady Johnson Ferguson’s, Lin going. He left by night mail last evg. Lovely morg after early rain. Hope same with Lin. Toula came at 11 looking so nice in her new black. Her brother Alfred died Tuesday of heart & acute pneumonia & was buried yesterday. He has left nothing! Toula & I walked up Campden Hill & she left after luncheon in Brougham for Paddington. Roy out to dinner. Quiet evg. Sunday 24 November Fine, & sharp frost. Had carriage at 11.30. Took V. first to Mrs Sington at home 27 Brompton Sqre. Looks v. frail. Such a pretty room. Church bell tiresome. To 104 after. Saw E. Cussans & little Linley, seems fairly well. All had colds. Manni(?) away. Ethel & Mervyn to luncheon. M. left at 3 o’c & E. remained until 6 cosily talking & resting. Ada Sp. & Miss Erhart(?) came after Albert Hall. Sp.called morg. Roy out to dinner. Monday 25 November X. Took paper about £40 B.A. Pacific for certificate, ordinary, to Bank. Dull early. Slept well. Feel heady. Edie came & we went in Maud’s Victoria to Bank & to Stores. Bought soldier doll & books. Edie to luncheon, left at 3, read to me. Roy in to dinner. Vy dear & gentle, so different to what he was before my illness but he looks seedy, boil on cheek. He had carriage at 9 o’c & went out. Tuesday 26 November Lin returns fr. Sir Edward Johnson Ferguson. Maudie & Lennie from Balcombe. Very dull wet morg. Unable to go out all day, was to have been fitted at 4.30 at Ross, Grafton St. Dickie arrived about 7.30, seems v. fairly well, not lost cough yet. Roy dined at home & we sat in drawing room after dinner. Wednesday 27 November Had M’s carriage at 11, to Ross’s to be fitted. Took V. & called for Maud on way home. Darling looks well & had enjoyed her shoot house party. Kenith Campbells, Fisher Rowes, Mr Gosling, Mr (blank) & Gladys Crozier. Maudie lunched with Lin & self & I walked as far as Kensington Palace back with her, V. with us at 10 to 4 & home to have tea with Lin morg. room. Edie & H. dined here & Roy, 4. Marie out. Berthe managed v. nicely. Singing after. Thursday 28 November Lovely morg. Silver box from Bank, in pantry. Out in Maud’s Victoria 11.15 to see Mervyn & his work at Studio. Mr Gillet there also. Mervyn looking so handsome & distinguished even in his working Holland Blouse. Vy pleased with his 2 statues of Guards mounted & Don Quixot, v. clever. To Maud’s, found her having her miniature done by American lady. Little Linley having his music lesson. Walked with Vince after luncheon. Read to Lin. Nicola & Winnie Walker came to tea. I dined at 7.30, Lin at 9. Roy out. Felt v. tired.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 29 November Edie comes for lunch & tea. Fog v. thick & white. Cleared later. Edie came & we went by Omnibus to Dover St to be fitted at Ross’s. Great alterations needed! Vy tiresome, wonder if it will fit ever. Had to stand ages, vy tired. Took cab home. Edie lunched here & too tired to do wardrobe. She read & I rested. Darling came whilst we were at tea, vy well & going off to Balcombe by car tomorrow for week end. Gave Edie a pheasant & silk coat. Dickie finished about 10 o’c, read to him, & I to bed 9.30. Saturday 30 November Lovely morg. Darling M. & Lennie to Balcombe for week end. Vic at 11 o’c with Vince to Jacobs, out, Evans got nothing I wanted but stuff for doll’s dress. Walked with V. 20 minutes before luncheon. X. Lin & self for matinée, Bouchiers’ “Juggernaut”, vy good. Felt odd hot & cold there. Walk to carraige waiting at Athenaeum did me good. Dickie & self quiet day alone, Roy out. To bed early, only back ache, rested before dinner. Dec 1907 Sunday 1 December Fine. Dress fr. Ross’s black cloth very badly fiished inside, not a success. Carriage at 12, & went with Dickie to Park, heard band & walked fr. Knightsbridge home. Upton jerked me when stopping, too close to kerb. Very cold wind. Met Mr Huish who walked back with us. Quiet evg, Roy, Lin & self. Monday 2 December May Nembhard coming to tea. Slept badly kept waking with a horrid feeling, 5 times in night. Dickie leaves at 2 o’c for Col. Lucas! Returns Wed. Dull morg. Mrs Parsons at Home, 3.30. Went in Maud’s carriage to Harrods, saw fur mantle, lorgnettes, dictionary & white jersey. To Lady’s Shirt Company. Lin off in cart 2 o’c. Rain. Maudie to tea. Roy out to dinner & to see Champion fight after with Stern. Tuesday 3 December Dull, slept well till 5 o’c, not after. Edie coming for day. Nellie K. to dine with me quietly. Edie shop. with me in Maud’s carriage. To Jacobs. After luncheon Lady Bergne, May Nembhard & Mrs Keith came to tea. X. Silver out for first time, Emma unpacked it. Nellie K. to dinner with me alone, v. cozy & quiet. Roy out. Wednesday 4 December Mrs Bosanquet’s at home 4 - 6.30. Wet. Had M’s carriage at 11 to Stores £1.10.11. 4 prs of maid’s sheets 18/-. To Maud’s to luncheon. Alone in carriage, managed better alone, V. so slow & have to tell her everything, seems in a dream. Chicks vy sweet & so quiet & so good. X. Paid £1.10.0 to London Joint Stock Bank for 3 allotted new B.A. Pacific shrs £10 each. X. Dear Lin returns from Col. Lucas. Maudie brought me home 4 o’c. Thursday 5 December X. Left my security list with Mr B. at L.C.Bank. Lovely morg. walked with Vince morg. Lin Rocking Horse drawing. Letter fr. Antoinette asking to come Saty. V. inconvenient. Hope I am wise & that all will go well, have grave doubts from note. Read to Lin & dined 8.30. Had headache, & must not attempt it again & feel side directly I am tired. Roy in to dinner. Lin does not look well, feel worried about him, so flabby. Shall see Dr Beecham if he does not look better. X. Put £50 to deposit Nash’s ac’t. X. Friday 6 December Berthe goes back to Mrs Church. V. sorry to part with her, vy nice maid & good worker. £2.4.6. Antoinette Duval comes from Maud. Lovely morg. With V. by om. quite comfortably to Harrods, decided on fur mantle 19½ gns, awful amount of money had to spend on self. Walked part of way home, om’ed rest! Read Mr


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Guthrie’s funny little Xmas story in Strand about “Ferdie” to Dickie. Maudie came to tea looking fairly well darling thing. Roy out to dinner. Saturday 7 December Slept well, fine morg. Lin very busy. Off to B. Museum in carriage after luncheon for studies. I went to Harrods with Vince, saw glasses, arranged about cloak, no yesterday did that. Only walked to Kensington, sat with Mrs Sington, & home. Effie came to tea, looks well. Lin, Roy & self dinner, felt v. tired. Sunday 8 December Showery & fine on & off all day. Lin left at 11 o’c for Sir C. McLaren’s, Wales. For walk ½ an hour with V. Met Palgrave Simpsons, they go in a few days to Egypt. Effie to luncheon, she slept after! Herbert & Edie to dinner. Monday 9 December Washing since return, 16.7 & £1.1.1½. Ethel Mervyn to luncheon. E. coming tomorrow instead. In closed carriage, Maud’s, to Harrods about fur coat. Darling to tea & Mr & Mrs Galbraith also. Most kind about Lin & their shoot, always so considerate about his work. Roy & I dined alone. Tuesday 10 December Lady Mansfield Clarke 4 - 6.30, 20 Lennox Gds. Ethel to luncheon. Drive in darling’s Victoria with new pair. Took back 3 Scripture books to Bumpus sent on ap. Round Pk & home. Mrs Adlam, Findlay, Gill, Mrs Harold & Harold to tea. Bump with Quisel(?). Slept badly. Roy out to dinner. Wednesday 11 December Dickie returns fr. Sir C. McLaren’s, Wales. Enjoyed his visit v. much but he coughs & looks puffy & tired. Am sure these hard walking days & shooting are too much for him. Had Maud’s open carriage & 2 men! Edie with me to Stores & Harrods. Lunched & had tea with me. Mrs Wallace came. Vince out. Roy & I dined alone, he seemed v. tired & pale, came in 8 o’c. Thursday 12 December Wet morg. bad night & Dickie’s cough troublesome, seems to have taken cold. Closed carriage came 11 o’c. Took velvet & old blk silk coat to Jacobs, saw patterns Marshalls, none I like embroideries. Barkers & home. Wretched day for Lin’s work. Sorted shelf alone wardrobe, can do better alone, but so little at a time. Read “Souls Market” to Lin at 6 o’c & we both dined together at 8 o’c!!! Roy out to dinner. Bed 10 o’c. Friday 13 December Dull early, fine later. Slept better. In M’s brougham to Barkers & to Maud’s, having her miniature done. Too hard & lacks M’s (illeg) delicacy. Walked home alone from Broad Walk. X. No stick or umbrella & felt none the worse. Mrs Bergheim called, did not see her. Read to Lin. Lin finished work 9 o’c!!! Read “Our Autumn Holiday on French Rivers”. Charming. Roy out. Saturday 14 December Lady Sutton’s daughter married St Mary Abbots 2.30 to Mr Julius Bertram M.P. Awful day. M. & Lennie to Balcombe. Poured more or less all day unable to go out. X. Wrote to Carter again about hot water, that Nash had promised to put tank in order at his own expense. Read to Dickie who has another drawing to finish by Monday & wrote to Tabs to ask if we c’d go to them next Thursday. Roy out to dinner. Lin & self alone. Vy tired slept after dinner & I felt stupid. Sunday 15 December Bad night. Lin coughed & woke me, could not get off to sleep again. Got up & gave him lozenges. Lovely frosty morg. early. Had carriage to Hyde Pk. Corner & walked back from there with Lin. Chicks came morg. Little Anne to tea. She was as good as gold & so sweet. Mr Paxton came, left 7 o’c, v. tired of him. Dickie, Roy & self to dinner. Felt very tired out. Monday 16 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Fine quantity uric acid, fatigue feel certain, as eat no meat & took no milk yesterday. Punch Dinner. In our brougham to Miss Jacobs with Edie, ages there, so difficult finding trimming for Vest. Upton drives v. badly & felt nervous, so jerky & undecided & never seems to have his horse well in hand. Edie remained until 3 o’c. Maudie came to tea, Dora staying with her. Roy dining with them. Dickie to Punch dinner. Alone. Tuesday 17 December Darling Maud v. busy not here today, sent some veils & pretty stuff. Lovely morg. Went with Vince to Harrods by omnibus & darling Maud’s carriage came whilst we were out! Most vexing. Bad night, Dickie coughed so, & woke at 4 & vy little sleep after. Met Mrs Moore Brabazone, Spofforth, a’ Beckett Tyrrell & Lady Gilbert at Harrods. No one called. Marie v. inconsiderate about Xmas Day. X. Roy, Lin & self dined at 8 o’c. Dickie sent off his drawing. Wednesday 18 December Lin has another drawing to do today. Had vy bad night Lin coughed till 12.30. Got up for lozenges & could not sleep after 4 o’c. X. To Miss Jacobs about blk. velvet coat, fear me it won’t be a success. Rested whilst Vince read 2 hrs so feel better. My darling came & had tea with me. Sat with Dickie some time. Roy dined at Lancaster Gate with Dora alone, & took her to theatre. Lennie & Maud out. Pity Marie cannot get on with E. (illeg) makes them too comfortable (illeg illeg). Thursday 19 December Dull. Slept till 5 o’c, not after. Maids v. late. In all day so wet, & very warm & muggy. Did up magazines, Punches, papers & my Balcombe presents, Lennie, Maud, chicks & Nurse F’s with Marie, a most excellent packer, so neat & tidy, wish V. was the same. Rested a good deal & feel better. Did a good many post cards & sent them off. Roy, Lin & self to dinner. Roy out in brougham after. Friday 20 December Slept vy well, best night for a week. Dickie did not cough, think patent powder doing him good. X. Taken it 4 days. Sunny & warm early. Maudie came in & had tea. Saturday 21 December Left by 2.55 for Sherborne. Saw Mrs now Lady Hare looking lovely at Waterloo. Sent V. on with luggage, drove with Lin in brougham. Comfortable journey but vy back achey & an hour late. Went to my room (illeg) there & to bed directly after. Tabs most kind. Found Mervyn & E. here & Dorothy S. Charming house, looks as if they have lived here years. Delightful room. Sunday 22 December Slept well till 5, not after. Walked with Ethel M. round grounds. Gareth wonderful report, much grown. Baby Gwenith here, dear wee thing, like Lawrence. Rested a great deal afternoon, read “Three Musketeers”. Dickie worked all day but went for walk wth H. after. Gwen played harmonium in the little Chapel in Park. Gareth, H. & Tabs to Church away. Delightful evg, so restful. Ethel & Gwen played.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 23 December Good night. Wet morg. Dear Lin goes up to London after luncheon & remains alas! over Xmas Day. V. altering my grey dress, v.tiresome to be obliged to have it done & an awkward job. No letter fr. Roy by first post! Came evg with Mr & Olive Shakespeare, had narrow escape of serious accident Sherborne train wrong side of Sta. & only just in time to shunt before Express dashed tho’! Roy looking v. seedy. Walked with Ethel & Mervyn. Gwen & Gareth hunting. Games evg. Tuesday 24 December Again dull & rainy. Walked with V. awful roads never saw worse so rough & muddy. Mr Shakespeare says fr. building carts etc. Thro’ K. garden with Dorothy & Mr S, rest to Sherborne in Car. After lunch finished tree & rested 4.30. Eighteen children to tea & each had present, a box of sweets, orange & large cake. They sang hunting songs v. nicely. Baby v. good, saw her taking tea with her 2 small uncles! As good as gold! & so clean, excellent nurse. Played Charades boys & Mervyn, & put our presents on tree. Wednesday 25 December V. dark & wet. Rain. Tabs gave me lovely Bath Blanket with the wreath design I wanted worked on it. Dear Edgar sent silver yard measure, Ethel & M. handkerchiefs, boys wee charm, Roy card case, & gave Roy £7. He seems vy depressed & dull, wish he could thro’off that heaviness & be brighter. Walked with Tabs after lunch . O. & E. to Briscoe’s cottage awfully dirty road. Two Gordens to tea. Vy happy evg. games. Wish dear Lin & Maud were here. Thursday 26 December Dull morg. Hope Lin will be here by dinner time, arrived 9.30. Fine later & went for walk in Park with Ethel & Mervyn, bitterly cold, soon got warm walking. Dear Lin came by 5 train arriving about 9.40 after having dined in train. Cards after dinner. Doctor to see Mervyn, says he has adenoids. Dickie seems v. cheery & looks fairly well. Friday 27 December H. Lin, Mr S. shooting afernoon, rabbits & 5 pheasants, round Park. Dull morg. Slept well till 5 o’c. V. cold, bitter east wind. Had walk with Roy to Briscoe’s Cottage & took dogs for walk. Mervyn joined us. Wrote letters after. After luncheon in car with Mervyn & Ethel to Sherborne Abbey, fine old building square tower no spire. Tomb of 2 Lewistons in Lewiston Chapel there, recumbent figures 1578 under canopy. Finished “Dream & the (illeg)” by O. Hobbes. Tabs, Gwen, Roy & Dorothy to small dance Sherborne. Fire in Conservatory, hope not greatly damaged & Lin & Mervyn out seeing to it with Mr S. Bed 10 o’c v. tired. Saturday 28 December Slept well, woke before 5. To sleep later. Dull & cold. Went for delightful walk round Park with Lin & Roy. Some snow. Wrote after & decided on Lin’s account to remain until Tuesday here that he may get another quiet day before the journey. Feel sure it is wisest altho’ I long to be with my darling. H. G. & Gareth hunting, vy large field. Lin came across my Grandfather’s will in Illustrated London News of 1868. X. Patience evg. Roy & Ethel! & music. Mr S. sang. Bed 10.30. Sunday 29 December Slept badly, woke at 4.30 & heard all the hours strike after. Snow still about. Mervyn played trick on Tabbie by rigging up a pheasant digging up her bulbs on lawn. Walked with Lin taking 4 dogs to Lillington, quaint little place down stone paved path. Rested after luncheon. H. busy with glass pictures all morg. Patience again evg, Ethel & Roy. 10.30 bed felt tired. Monday 30 December Slept much better fr. 12 till 7 & dozed after! Dull morg. Leave for darling Maud’s tomorrow, going up by 12 o’c train & should catch the 4.30 fr. Victoria. The Shakespeares leave today & Mervyns Thursday. Delightful visit. X. Nash starting


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 alterations in Bathroom today as we have no hot water upstairs. To Sherborne with Lin in Tab’s motor, over Abbey. H’s gloves, & posted book to Nurse Davis. Patience evg. Tuesday 31 December To darling Maud’s straight through. Dull. Slept till 6 morg, (illeg), no sleep after. Hamilton off 11 o’c shooting with young Digby. Lin, Roy & self left at 11.30, caught 12 o’c train for Waterloo. Goods train derailed Salisbury detained us half an hour where we changed. Last day of old year which has brought us great sorrow on dear Conrad’s sudden death in April. My own long illness causing infinite trouble to my darling Maud & to dear Linley. Maud’s loving thought & goodness to me all thro’ a most trying time, a lifetime of devotion on my part would never repay the dearest & best & most unselfish little daughter in the world, a sunbeam of joy to us all. May God bless & keep her now & always & grant her precious life may be full of happiness she so rightly deserves. Roy looks better since the drains have been done at Staf. Ter.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Start 1907 with balance £47. 0. 9 Owe Bank Loan £150. 0. 0 Trust ac. Invested 1907 February Paid off fr. Loan £ 100. 0. 0 Buenos Ayres allot. 6. 0. 0 B.A. Pacific ditto 2. 0. 0 February £ 108. 0. 0 March B.A. Pacific Joint Stock Bk 2. 0. 0 B.A. Gt Southern 30. 0. 0 March £ 32. 0. 0 April Glen Mills Currie 2 for 3 allot. B.A.Rosario £10 shrs or ordinary 9. 0. 0 Joint Sk Bank of B.A.Pacific re ordinary £10 shrs 4. 0. 0 £ 13. 0. 0 May Call on Buenos Ayres & Pacific Rlys £ 6. 0. 0 June B.Ayres Pacific on 2 allotted £10 ord shrs £ 6. 0. 0 Paid off last debt to Bank 50. 0. 0 Call on B.A.Gt Southern 30. 0. 0 £ 86. 0. 0 September Call on allotted B.A.Rosario Rly £ 9. 0. 0 October £ - - November £ - - December £ - - Received 1907 from Trust January Argentine Gt.West 19. 0. 0 Cent. Uraguay N.E. 23.15. 0 Antifagasta 6.13. 0 January £ 49. 8. 0 February Gt Western of Brazil 28.10. 0 Peebles & Sons 23.10. 0 February £ 52. 0. 0 March Cordoba Rosario 19. 0. 0 March £ 19. 0. 0 April British N. Atlantic 21. 7. 6 Illinois Central 19. 9.11 April £ 40.17. 5 June Canadian Pacific 23.15. 0 Lehigh Valley 21.16. 4 June £ 45.11. 4


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 July Antifogasta 6.13. 0 Central Uraguay 23.15. 0 £ 30. 8. 0 July (continued) Forward £ 30. 8. 0 Argentine Gt Western 19. 0. 0 July £ 49. 8. 0 August Peebles 23.10. 3 Gt Western Brazil 28.10. 3 August £ 52. 0. 3 September Cordoba Railway £ 19. 0. 0 October North Atlantic S.S.C. 21. 7. 6 Local Loans 1. 4 Illinois Central 19. 8.10 October £ 40.17. 8 November December Lehigh Valley 21.14. 2 Canadian Pacific 23.15. 0 £ 45. 9. 2 Private account received January B.A. Great Southern 7.12. 0 B.A. Rosario 1.18. 0 B.A.Western 4. 5.11 Cordoba Cent Rly 1.18. 0 B.A. Pacific 3. 5 B.A. Pacific 5. 3 Chinese 6% 2.17. 0 Japanese 5% 1.18. 0 Japanese 4½ % 4. 5. 6 January £ 25. 3. 1 February B.A. Pacific 13.4 Burmah Oil 4.15. 0 Waihi Gold 5.14. 0 Robinson 7.16. 9 Sons of Gualia 5 G.E. Railway 4.15. 0 B.A. Trams 9. 6 Hull & Barnsley 8.11. 0 Midland 7.13.10 Furniss 1.15. 8 February £ 42. 9. 1 March Harrods 1. 4. 0 Waihi Gold 5.14. 0 P & O Steamship 4.19. 9 £ 11.17. 9 Brought forward £. 11.19. 9


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Coupé Dunlop 2. 1. 3 Coupé Dunlop 2. 8. 6 Cuban 12. 4. 5 Chinese 2. 7. 6 Japanese 6% 6.10. 0 Glas. S.W. Rly 2.14.11 March £ 30. 4. 3 April Japanese 6% 2.17. 0 Barker 1. 9 B.A.Gt Southern 26.14. 6 B.A.Rosario 20. 5. 8 April £ 49.18.11 May City B.A.Trams 2. 2. 1 Sons of Gualia 5. 0 Interest on 4. 5 B.A.Pacific Rly 3.10. 6 B.A.Trams 9. 6 May £ 6.11. 6 June Waihi 11. 8. 0 Coupé 2. 8. 6 Interest on deposit 4. 1 £ 14. 0. 7 Received from Private Account 1907 continued July B. Ayres Great Southern 4% debs 7.12. 0 B. Ayres & Pacific Rly 8. 9 B.A. Rosario 1.18. 0 B.A. Western debs 4. 5.11 Cordoba Rosario Central Northern 1.18. 0 Chinese 6% 2.17. 0 Japanese 4% 1.18. 0 Burmah Oil 4.15. 0 Japanese 4 ½ % 4. 5. 6 July £ 29.18. 2 August B.A. Pacific 13. 4 Sons of Gualia 5. 0 Robinson Gold 7. 2. 6 Gt Eastern 1. 8. 6 City Buenos Ayres Trams 9. 6 Furniss Rly 1. 8. 6 Hull & Barnsley 3.16. 0 Midland 6. 4. 5 August £ 21.14. 9 September Chinese 2. 2. 9 Cuban 12. 4. 4 £.14. 7. 1 Forward Private ac’t September 14.17. 1 P & O Coy 14.19. 9


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Waihi 6.13.10 Harrods 6. 8 Japanese 2. 7. 6 Glasgow & S.W. 2. 7.10 Deposit interest 12.11 September £ 31.14. 9 October Lloyd Brazil 2. 7. 6 Barker 8 B.A. Rosario Rly 17. 6.10 B.A. Gt Southern 33.18. 2 Sons of Gualia 5. 0 October £ 53.18. 2 November City B.A.Trams 9. 6 B. Ayres Pacific 4.11. 1 Waihi Gold 6.13. 0 November £ 11.13. 7 December Interest on Deposit 12. 0 Mining Shares Received on my 5 Sons of Gualia £1 during 1907 On Robinson Gold for year 1907 Jan 7.16. 9 July 7. 2. 6 £ 15. 9. 3 On Waihi Gold for year 1907 Feb 5.14. 0 Sep 6.13. 0 Nov 6.13. 0 June 11. 8. 0 £ 30. 8. 0 Received fr B.A.Pacific Rly for year 1907 Jany £ 8. 8 Feby 13. 4 May 3.10. 6 July 8. 9 Aug 13. 4 Nov 4.11. 1 £ 10. 5. 8 Received fr. B.A. Gt Southern 1907 Jany £ 7.12. 0 April 26.14. 6 July 7.12. 0 Nov 33.18. 2 £ 75.16. 8 Received fr. B.A.Rosario 1907 Jany £ 1.18. 0 April 20. 5. 8 July 1.18. 0 Oct 17. 6.10 £ 41. 8. 6 Received fr. Japanese 1907 Jan £ 1.18. 0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 4. 5. 6 March 6.10. 0 July 1.18. 0 4. 5. 6 Sep 2. 7. 6 April 2.17. 0 £ 24. 1. 6 Received fr. Coupé 1907 March £ 2.11. 3 2. 8. 6 May 2. 8. 6 £ 8. 8. 3 Received fr. Chinese 1907 Jany £ 2.17.6 March 2.17.6 July 2.17.6 £ 8. 2. 0 These have lowered interest (illeg) 1907 Received fr. Hull & Barnsley 1907 Feby £ 8.11. 0 August 3.16. 0 £ 12. 7. 0 Receiv’d fr. Furniss Rly 1907 Feby £ 1.15. 8 August 1. 8. 6 £ 3. 4. 2 Receiv’d fr Great Eastern Rly Feby £ 4.15. 0 August 1. 8. 6 £ 6. 3. 6 Rec’d fr Midland Rly 1907 Feby £ 7.13.10 August 6. 4. 5 £ 13.18. 3 Rec’d fr. Glasgow S. Western Rly 1907 March £2. 4.11 Sep 2. 7.10 £ 4.12. 9 Rec’d from Burmah Oil 1907 Feby £ 4.15. 0 July 4.15. 0 £ 9.10. 0 Rec’d fr. Cuban Bonds 1907 March £ 12. 4. 4 Sept 12. 4. 4 £ 24. 8. 8 Rec’d fr. City B.A.Trams 1907 Feby £ 9. 6 May 2. 2. 1 August 9. 6 Nov 9. 6 £ 3.10. 7 Rec’d fr. P. & O. 3½ % 1907 March £ 4.19. 9


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sep 4. 19. 9 £ 9.19. 6 Spent on dress, presents, Hotels etc 1907 & on House, on Doctor & on drains!!! V. ill February £ 13. 0. 4 March £ 43.15. 3 April £ 15. 6. 7 May £ 9.16. 2 June £ 19.10. 4 July £ 38.14.11 August £ 19.19.6 September £ 44. 7. 7 October £ 30. 1. 6 November £ 17. 9. 6 December £ 19. 7. 5 £ 271. 8. 3 Spent dress, journey, presents etc only Received from Lennie March £ 150 Received fr. darling Maud June £ 150 £ 300 From this paid Mr Haward, Doctor, March £ 130 First instalment on drainage July to Walter Nash £ 100 Second instalment on drainage to Walter Nash September £ 100 Total £ 330 Doctor & drains & not more than £90 now to pay for drainage Total received monthly from Trust & Private investments during 1907 January Trust £ 49. 8. 0 Private 25. 3. 0 February T 52 P 42. 9. 1 March T 19. 0. 0 P 30. 4. 3 April T 47.18.11 P May T 45.11. 4 P 6.11. 6 (rest of year blank) Total spent each month (blank) Expenses Buxton Porter . 8 10th July 7/9, 1/3 = 9/Guard 1. 0 Porter . 6 Vince 5. 4 Stamps 2. 6 2 Telegrams 1. 1 3 High Frequency 7. 6 Started Saty 22nd daily after including Sundays Fees man 11. 0 Beach 10. 0 Eliza 10. 0 Bath chair Monday 24th 1/Tickets water 1. 1 ditto 1/3, ditto 1/3 Geoff 10. 0 6th July 3/-, 7th 1/3 £ 30. 0. 8 Brought £ 16.16.6 to Buxton in cash, pd. out above from same.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 £. s. d. Electric treatment to July 10th 2.16. 6 July 10th oddments 2. 7 July 8th see diary 2. 7 7th Sunday Hospital 2. 0 6th see diary 1. 3 ½ 1st see diary 2. 6 28th June galoshes 4. 6 Shoes repaired 2. 4 £ 3.11. 5½ Stamps 5. 0 £ 3.16. 5½ Total spent to July 14th in small (illeg) Buxton £ 6.17.1½ Drew cheque of £ 4.0.0 July Paid out of same Treatment 5. 0 Stamps 10. 6 Washing 8. 0 E. Treatment 2.15. 0 Stamps etc 1. 2 Say July 24th £ 3.19. 8 £ 6.17. 1½ Total £ 10.16. 9 ½ to 24th July Hotel Bills Buxton fees 12/6 1st week fares 16/1 2nd week porters 2/3rd week book & papers 1/2 4th week Vince 1/2 washing & post 5th week 6th week Last few days expenses. Fees Fares to Bucknall (illeg) guards, porters, cabs Mad’lle: Gentleman received motor horn prize at tennis. Asked if he had a motor said “No! This is as if you gave me a chemise without a woman in it!” Aged 10 Mervyn told Mad’lle he was not born at Pyt but at the Anchorage & that he was quite alone when he was born as his father & mother were in London & all the family away. Mervyn asked on reading advertisement in Punch what “Consecrated cocoa was like!” Age 3 Little Anne asked Maud to bring her a little Baby born abroad! Little Anne aged 5 “Did you know our under gardener Williams, he was such a nice man but God deaded him” then thinking a moment “No, God dyed him”. Oliver aged 3 “When I am ill I have my Temper-chart taken”! Mark Twain told Lin he knew a lady of middle age who had been most careful & abstemious all her life, never had any self indulgences, & who was taken very ill. Mark Twain said “There was no hope for that lady! She could leave nothing off. Now if she had indulged herself, taken champagne, rich food, etc she could have left these off & there would have been hope for her, but there was none for this lady, she had nothing left to leave off!” Lady seeing her cook extracting a poor cat’s head from some iron railings in which it had got fixed “Oh Jane did’nt you hear that poor cat before?” “Yes Mum I did hear it but I thought it was you practising your singing!”


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Why is the Prince of Wales like 15/-? Because it takes a crown to make him a Sovreign. Make 9999 into 3 figures. 99 9/9 What is better than Heaven? nothing, as nothing is better than Heaven What is better than half a loaf? Nothing as nothing is better than Heaven. Was Eve High or Low Church? Eve was Evangelical & then took to vestments. Who ate the Apple? The pair – pear! Mrs Louis Fagan, 66 Park Mansions Hyde Pk Fitzroy, Elstree School, Elstree, Herts Claud. Estancia Collinas, Nr Buenos Ayres, S. America Geoff. 89th R.T(?) Fusiliers, Portobello Barracks, Dublin, Ireland Mary Frances with babies. Address c/o Mrs Hall, Longford, Westgate on Sea, Thanet Best registry, Mrs Collins, 6 High St, Exeter Miss Tattershall, Southernhay St Nurse Frances, c/o Mrs Hall, Longford, Westgate on Sea Miss A.B.Holland, Pershore, Worcestershire Eve Fisher Rowe, The Firs, Reading Rd, Frnborough, Hants Aunt Linda, Grand Hotel St James, Rue St Honore, Paris Irishman, on going over by ship. He said what a fine ship, & seeing the small boats “Ah, God be praised everything has its offspring!” For chintz covers etc Green & Abbot, 47 Oxford Street, London, W. Miss Cussans, 4 Cromwell Avenue, Highgate, N. Miss Artindale, 34 Cornwall Gds Edgar, Grand Hotel d’Agaccio (illeg). Agaccio, Corsica. Dickie. Hotel Reina Christina, Algesiras, Espagna. Ethel Cussans, 4 Cromwell Avenue, Highgate, N. Lady Lawrence’s doctor (Feby) Dr Brinton, 8 Queens Gate Ter. Daisy Robertson, Upper Ifold, Dunsfold, Surrey Miss Elkins, 57 Warwick Avenue Fanny Nembhard, 27 Gilbert St, Gros. Sqre George Dietz, Woodend, Wickham, Hants Warrington Haward, 57 Green St, Grosvenor Sqre Mervyn, 2 Heath Mansions, Putney Heath Lane, Nr London


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1908 Notes on preliminary pages Mrs Jones, Blatcher, Little Caulfield, Dunmow, Essex. Marie wages £24 a year. I give her £1 extra a year whilst she maids me & looks after Lin’s things. £2.0.0 a month. Pat a Beckett, 3rd Mountain Battery, Royal Artillary, Mhow, India. Mrs Hall, Longford, Westgate on sea Thanet Nurse F. with chicks S.M. Franck for dressing gowns. 35 Camomile St, City Miss & Sir John Tenniel, 52 FitzGeorge Avenue, West Kensington Nov 1908 S.M. Franck Stories Gladys Crozier sung to monotonous tune, soldiers. We are all painted dummies & all our movements are worked by the clock works in our hum hum Lady complaining of tough fowl: You should always in choosing poultry feel the breast. Well mum, you could not with this fowl as it was a cock bird” O. Seaman’s. Litle Linley asked Gladys “Have you got a country house?” No. “Has your mother got a country house?” No. “Oh! I see you stay with people who have!” The King at the opening of Parliament said “My Ministers propose bringing in a bill for the prevention of children” but quickly corrected himself & said protection of children! Little Linley said “Mother I want to see uncle Edgar” Why darling? “I want him to tell me if Fitzroy can ride. I don’t believe he can. I think he can only just get on a donkey.” Ethel Dilke’s little niece & nephew always fed their cat after luncheon. Their mother told me not to feed her today. Oh mother we must she was not well yesterday. “No darlings not today as she has some kittens & I don’t want to disturb her.” I am glad there are kittens, did they come from the same place as Oliver? (their small brother)! Miss Brenda McLean’s engagement was broken off & it was said “The prisoner of Brenda has escaped.” Sir F. McLean’s dau. A jew had arranged for the keep of his horse at a livery stable for 13/- a week. Telling his daughter with glee of the small sum she said “But Father did you think of Manure?” Yes my dear I did but he said there would be no manure at 13/- a week. Lennie asked Linley (aged 8) the names of the boys at his school & came to one named Lloyd “There was a fellow with me at Eton of that name” said Lennie. “He must have been the grandfather or great grandfather of ours.” Linley had a bilious attack & was in bed all Friday. “I am afraid it must be the rich things you ate Linley, Maud said. “No Mother, not the rich things it was the quantity! made me ill.” Little Oliver (Aged 4) said to Lennie “Father I shall be a very good man when I grow up, much better than you. I shall be as good as Gord!” Sunday Feby 16th March. Maudie: “An old woman fell down & was carrying a skinned rabbit, she hurt herself very much & the Policeman who picked her up & the rabbit said “Lor mum don’t you fret, it would’nt have been no beauty if it had lived!” March. Nellie K’s little niece when her mother asked her why she did not ask a little friend she had been vy fond of any more said “No mother she is such a bun


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 faced girl”. You must not say that, God made her & it is vy (illeg) “Oh, did He. I should have thought the Devil had!” Mrs Breitmeyer: A man just gone thro’ vy serious operation at nursing home. The matron came & sat by him & asked him if he knew what the Home was ‘called? He did not, so she told him”The Valley of the Shadow of Death”. April “Inchmarlo” Banchory. Little Anne asked me at luncheon who was to be my Husband whilst Grandpapa was away? “Would Linley do instead?” Anne when Nurse F. wished to take her in for her morg’s rest “You cannot have the heart to take me away when I might be catching fish”. She had killed a wee trout. Oliver told his under nurse when she was wheeling him in his pram he had not come to Scotland to walk in the Lanes, he had come to fish. Maud complained to Oliver his face was very dirty “I don’t like these dirty little ways darling” “Mother, they are my ways” Mr Guthrie’s anecdote “Inchmarlo”. Some people playing Blind Man’s Buff in a small field blindfolded a nigger & suddenly a bull got into the enclosure when they all jumped over the fence or hedge & the bull tossed the nigger about. He only remarked “If you are going to play as roughly as this I won’t be blind buffed any more! Mr Guthrie quoting a little bit of a country sermon “& Noah walked with God! Now this Grand Pedestrian” Mr Guthrie found in the last House he stayed at where “Scriptural texts” were freely distributed over doors etc of house, in the Lavatory: “And thou Lord seest me” Le plus qu’il y a, le moins cela paise. Les troux. “The more there are the less it weighs. Holes! Mr Davidson: A friend met a newly married man friend after a few months of married life & asked him how he was getting on. “Oh we lead a cat & dog existence”. He again met him some months later & hoped he was getting on better, “No, we lead a cat’s life”. I remarked survival of the fittest when Mr D. told me I must be a suffragette! Sophy. An Emir in Nigeria who had been curtailed to 3 in number of his wives after having had 500 asked our government in Nigeria if he might have a few more wives, & on hearing it was impossible wrote again saying As he could not have more might he have them changed as he was so tired of them! Some one remarked a propos of Winston Churchill’s loosing the Manchester election “What was the use of a wife without a Seat? O. Seaman’s: The Bishop of London preaching, “No, my friends, Hell is not only paved with good intentions but with theatres & champagne suppers, rich living & fast women & motor cars & with all the excitement of Vanity Fair”. Voice from front, youth of the period “Oh Death, where is thy sting?” Little Linley, 8 years old, ordered a tumbler of boiling water & 2 lumps of sugar in it to be brought to him at 11 o’c the first day his tutor was at Lancaster Gate. At luncheon the tutor asked Maud if it was wise his having this? Certainly not Linley, why did you have it? said Maud. “Ganna always takes hot water Mother, & the sugar was my own idea!!!” Gladys Crozier told me of small boy at railway station who shouted Fire! Fire! as the train moved out of station, as each enquiring head appeared out of carriage window he smacked it! It is said Signoretta the Dam of Signorinetta winner of the year 1908 selected her own sire, or rather Sinorinetta’s sire, hence Darwin’s theory confirmed, also the number drawn by her owner for both races was 13, an Italian who trained & bred her himself.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Jan 1908 Wednesday 1 January Lin, Roy & I arrived at Balcombe yesterday, 31st Dec. coming straight thro’ from Leweston Manor, Sherborne, Dorset, Tabs & Hamilton’s new place. Found darling Maud well. House party Harold & wife, Ellie Ritchie, Mr Guthrie & Mr Marriott & Fitz evg. Felt refreshed after good night. Mr Marriott left & Mr Trevelyan came. V. happy day, drove morg with Maud & Ellie. Evg. Harold, Nonie & Lennie did little play “My Uncle’s Wife” excellent. Rather late to bed. Dear Lin shot with Lennie morg. Nymans, & to London 4 o’c. Thursday 2 January Lovely day. Slept better. Mr & Mrs Harold left early. Maud & I drove to Nymans, saw Mr & Mrs Messel, former neuralgic. Mrs M. worrying about poor old Nannie, all gone up to see her, Muriel, Hylda & Ruth. She died at 4 o’c today. Had walk with Roy afternoon, talked over various things. Dr P. came to see little Oliver, has cold. Lennie shooting. Pleasant evg roulette. Mr Trevelyan v. nice man & interesting to talk to. Vince went early, sleeping in village. Je serai contente quand je puisse faire sans ces (illeg) personnes. Friday 3 January Lovely morg. V. cold & bright. Maud, Ellie & all men to Nymans for shoot, away to luncheon. Walked with Vince round K. garden. Bother about V’s room, cold for her at night not being young. She slept here last night. V. slept here. Mr Guthrie left after being with shooters all morg. Took “Ferdie” with him. Games & music after dinner. Like Mr Trevelyan immensely, quiet gentlemanly man. Saturday 4 January Heavenly day of brilliant sunshine & frost. Maud & self walked & Ellie to Lake, all frozen over & several people on it. Dear Lin arrived 5.30, seems well & vy cheery. Mr Trevelyan left after shooting at Nymans. Maud, Ellie to Nymans with shooters, walked with them & lunched there. Mr Stewart arrived with Lin. V. pleasant dinner & played roulette after. Sunday 5 January Lovely frosty day. Black ice on Lake. Had long walk wth Dickie morg, enjoyed it immensely, air so deliciously fresh & crisp & bright sun. Lunched at 1 o’c & all of us to Lake. After all skated except self until tea time. Vince very rude again over my dress, quite impossible, the rudest servant I have ever had. Vy pleasant dinner & evg. roulette. Dear little Oliver in my room afternoon, his throat still bad. Monday 6 January Dull warm day. Ice disapperaing fast & trees soaking wet with moisture. Went for walk to Lake wth Linley, enjoyed it tho’ very dirty. Drove morg with Maud to enquire Lord Frederick Fitzroy. M. stayed some time. Lennie & Mr Stuart to town by early train. Maud to call afternoon Lady Denman & Miss Mead. Lennie came down with Lord Chichester & Cap. Bigge RE. They went to Haywards Heath & dined here 9 o’c & remain night. Tuesday 7 January Maud & Lennie go to stay with Lord Zouche for 2 nights, then to Mrs Welch Thornton for 2 nights, & then back to Lord Zouche’s for Ld Leconfield’s ball, returning Friday. Fitzroy leaves tomorrow for Edgar’s. Miss Crozier came by 4.30. Lennie & Maud left in their motor at 3.15 & Lin & I for walk along Red Road as far as bridge. In spite of so much wet was clean. Little Fitzroy getting rather forward. Felt v. tired evg, did not rest much. Wednesday 8 January Snowing. Fitz leaves by early train 9 something. Lunches at Mrs Harold’s & has tea there before going on to Edgar’s where he arrives at 7 o’c Grimsby. In all day.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Snow 3 inches deep melting. Mrs Messel & Ruth paid a rushing call, were just going as I came down fr. my rest. Dickie left by 4.20. I read “Our tramp abroad” to Lin in top spare room morg. V. amusing. Pleasant dinner with Gladys Crozier & bed at 9.30. Thursday 9 January Slept well till 6 o’c. Vy cold & dark. Letter fr. Lin & Maud fr. Parham enjoying herself muchly. She & house party walked with shooters all day, rather unwise for Maud, trust no harm from it. Sun out for short time morg. At 12 o’c went for walk with Gladys Crozier, quite fine & warmer. Afternoon rested. Tea & we all undid “Tree” & again rested. Wrote morg to Lin & Maud. Bed 10 o’c. Gladys most kind & attentive. Friday 10 January Slept till 6. Very cold & good deal of wind. Gladys breakfasting in her room also. Maud & Lennie left Parham Ld. Zouche’s & are at Mrs Welch Thornton’s, Hants. Went for an hours walk with Gladys fr. 12 to 1 & Linley & Anne. Rested after luncheon & after tea. Played games with children dumb crambo. Vy good & they enjoyed it. To bed 10 o’c. The motor broke down taking Maud & Lennie fr. Parham to Basingstoke. (piece of paper pinned on to page:) Put out January 1908 5 pieces of silver drawing room (4 fancy & one ashtray) also my silver coffee pot or chocolate jug of dear Mother’s. Saturday 11 January Lovely day. V. frosty & cold, clear & sunny. Slept fairly well. Gladys & self had long walk morg. Maud & Lennie arrived in time for luncheon, Dickie at 5.30. Played roulette Lin lost 2/-, I 1/-! Felt v. tired. To bed 10.30. Sunday 12 January Lovely winter’s day frost & sun. Skating on Lake. Lin & self long walk round Lake before luncheon. Rested after whilst rest skated, & Maud & Gladys went to Lady Frederick’s. Had fairly good night, did not sleep till late. Most heavenly day. Played roulette after dinner. Lin won back part of his losses, nearly all. I to bed 10.30. Monday 13 January Lin & self return home by 4.20. Slept till 7 o’c. Lovely day sunshine & frost. Walked with Lin & Gladys to Lake & watched them skate there, so dry & sunny did not feel cold. Met Mrs Oxley & saw Miss Kinnels skating beautifully. The Denman party all playing Hockey on the ice. Walked back with Lin & lunched & rested. Maud & household came up with us! Exodus. Chicks remaining. They dined with us. Lin’s cough more troublesome after dinner. Tuesday 14 January X. To Bank ordered £100 of new York Central Com. to be bought. X. No, Wed, 5 shares. In all day. Unpacked & put away dresses with Vince morg & afternoon. Miss Thompson & darling Maud came to tea. Very happy little evg. with Lin & Roy. Lin’s cough better & he read poetry after. Sat in drawing room. Bed 10 o’c. Wednesday 15 January Roy to Tabs. Lovely bright morg. X. To Bank with Vince. X. Saw Mr Richardson & ordered £100 of New York Central Rly to be bought. X. Walked in Kensington Gardens after & bought bears grease Barkers. Maudie sitting for her portrait. Vince left at 7 o’c, paid her £2.6.8 & gave her 2/6. Sorry for her as she has many good points. Darling Maudie & Florence W. came to tea. Maud & L. dining at Mrs Messel’s. V. read a good deal afternoon till 7 o’c when she left. Told me how sorry she was & feel sorry for her. Thursday 16 January Roy at Tabbie’s, returns tonight. Close hot stuffy day makes me feel quite seedy, hot & cold & in a constant perspiration. Vy bad night Lin’s cough so troublesome. Only slept fr. 1.30 to 4.30. Dull, but went at 11.30 to enquire for Mrs Sington,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 found her dressed to go out & looking quite well. Walked with 2 dogs up Palace Gds & home alone. Side aching rested afternoon & Marie read P.Loti’s book vy nicely & pleasant voice. Dickie & I dined at 8.5. Mistake Antoinette hour. Roy ret’d fr. Tabbie’s late after I had gone to bed. Friday 17 January Had good night, slept till 6 o’c, still side-achey but feel better. Vy much uric acid again. Dickie with horrid tooth ache & cough his face all swollen up evg & am sure he feels v. bad but never complains. Sat a little with him but find want of air makes me feel faint in his room. Maudie came & Florence & had tea. The darling had ret’nd morg fr. Ld Zouche’s & gave us graphic ac’t of Ld Leconfield’s ball of last night. She has a nasty cold. Roy out. I sat whilst Linley had his dinner with him 10 to 10. E. & Antoinette on bus to Piccadilly & back. Marie read to me vy nicely. Saturday January 18 Emma’s nephew died at Hospital, cancer in throat. Slept till 1.30, not after. Out 11.30 in Vic & pair & groom, 3/-. Saw Cap’t Mathews & Mrs Moore Brabazon in Pk. V. cold & raw, fine later.. Walked on return fr. drive to Ada Sp, looks well. Hylda out first time after measles. Sp. bad swollen face like Lin. Dickie slept 2 hrs in chair morg. room after luncheon. Had his tea & drove to Club & got sausages. Not seen Roy much since he went to Tabbie’s, never comes to my room morg. Roy dined out. Sunday 19 January Awful day of fog. Slept v. badly only 2 hrs slept about. Lin’s cough most troublesome & his poor swollen face painful. Went in brougham to Pk & walked some distance but vy foggy. Spencer came afternoon. Lin, Roy & self to dinner discussed books & to bed early. Monday 20 January Lovely day. Good night slept till 6 o’c. Lin’s cough still troublesome tho’ better at night.Have sent for Dr Beauchamp to come if possible at 5 o’c. Went for walk with the 2 dogs, sent them home & to Woollands, rubbish in windows. Met Mrs Wirgman, came back in om. with her. Church. Darling Maud returns fr. Balcombe, & came with F.W. & dear little Linley at 5 o’c. Dr Beauchamp came at 6 o’c, says Lin has bronchial catarrh & must be very careful, cannot dine out. Tuesday 21 January Lin dines at Mrs Wirgman’s 8 o’c. Nellie K. dines with me alone. Dense fog. Vy bad night, Lin coughed so. Up several times, seemed easier after embrocation. Both slept badly. Lin may not dine at Mrs W’s, had charming letter fr. her. Miss Webster, Mrs Finlay, Gladys Crozier, Hylda & Edie, two latter looking vy odd, called & had tea. Maudie dined with Henry Carlisle, Pirries there, at Savoy. Quiet little evg, Lin, Roy & self, & to bed early. Wednesday 22 January Fine but dull. Walked morg. round Pond, Vy raw cold & felt as if I had no petticoats on. Shop’d Barkers. Dickie seems better rubbed his chest fearing it w’d be sore after embrocation night before. Fanny Nembhard & Grace Fraser to tea. Darling came with “Cinnamon” a cold cure! Dear little angel always thinking of us, a ray of sunshine wherever she goes. Lin in carriage to Punch dinner & back. Roy dressed at Club & dined out. Thursday 23 January Vy foggy. Out 11.30 to Kens. Met Sylvia L. Davies & her son, looks v. pretty & vy sad. Had good night! Lin scarcely coughed at all. Sat with Lin & read “Nemesis of Nations” vy good & well written. Lin & Roy & I dined at 8 o’c. To bed early. Champagne at dinner, vy unwise for Lin. Friday 24 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bad night, Lin’s cough so troublesome. Champagne last night vy unwise!. Horrid fog, unable to get out but darling Maud came & sat with us in Lin’s room at tea time & kept us amused with account of her luncheon party today & her dinner at Mrs Griffith’s last night, & was very funny. Marie & I packed Lin’s drawings in maids room (Maud’s old room) & put them over cupboard. Vy tired, went to bed 9.45. Lin dined at 10.30. Roy out. Saturday 25 January X. In bed till after lunch to see Dr Beauchamp, came so late, & saw Lin too. X. Cough so bad last night neither of us got to sleep before 1.30. Don’t think vy much of Dr B, too flighty & casual, vy kind. Lin & self walked to Maud’s, out with Lennie. Saw Anne & Oliver both fairly well dear wee things. Carriage met us at 104 & we drove to Athenaeum Club where Lin got letter fr. Gen Rawlinson about his drawing spoilt sale of it, a most beautiful drawing. Got fruit & flowers Butts 3/3. Roy dined at Maud’s. Sunday 26 January Finer but still frosty & some wind. Better night. Lin & self at 12 o’c to Zoo. Vy amusing mongoose fed by gentleman. Met Mr E. Borthwick, saw the 4 lovely giraffes one only ten weeks old. Roy out to luncheon, Hylda & a Miss Vickery called. Delightful evg. Lennie, Maud, Gladys Crosier, Roy, Lin & self to dinner. Marie & Antoinette waited vy nicely & we had a dear little evg. Roy looks seedy. Monday 27 January Slept fairly well. Maudie sent Marie lovely grapes for Lin’s cough. Out morg. Called & saw Fritz Jackson, ill in bed with strained heart. Felt very tired & achey. Weather so warm. Tuesday 28 January Better night. Out morg. to Harrods, met Ethel E. After luncheon Nellie Keith & my Maudie & Mrs Adams called, & Mrs E. Pollock who for some reason Marie did not let come in! Maudie looked sweet, had been to some “at home”. Lin & self quiet little evening, Roy out. Darling Maud sending lovely grapes each day for Lin’s cough. Had neuralgia in ear. Wednesday 29 January Spencer’s birthday. Wrote. Ear better. Fine sunny day. Opening of Parliament. King’s mistake in speech! Slept well. Went for walk & called on Mrs Vicat Cole, looked so well & handsome & bright in her pretty drawing room, still has her 2 dear little maids. Rex, his wife & chicks live at studio & are constantly with her. Happy simple life in spite of little money. Ethel Mervyn to luncheon & remained till 4 o’c looking wonderfully well. X. Dickie to dentist, does not seem well, stomatic disturbance. Antoinette out. Marie read to me. Roy out, never wired & kept me waiting till so late, 8 o’c. Thursday 30 January 2 brace pheasants fr. Lord Burnham. Lovely morg slept well. My darling fetched me at 11.30 & we went for a delightful drive together round Park & called to enquire after Fritz Jackson. Walked after to enquire for Mrs Sington & took her flowers. Marie & I put up Lin’s drawings in my room, they look charming. Roy dined at Garrick, had carriage. Read “Nemesis of Nations” to Lin. Dined together at 8 o’c. Dickie fairly well. Friday 31 January Lovely day. Had Maud’s Victoria at 11.30. To Harrods, ordered 2 games for Anne & Oliver & book for Lennie. Met Ethel Dilke & drove her across Park. To Maudie, found her in bed but looking well, & I walked home fr. there. Antoinette has got top sink choaked up. Man here to do it tomorrow! Gave Antoinette 6 new dusters! Lin finished work at 10 o’c. Sat with him & to bed 10.30. Feb 1908


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 1 February To Adelphi to see Pantomime. Dickie & I drove to Savoy Hotel, lunched in restaurant, excellent. Met Lady Lawrence, son & fiancée, quite a nice girl. Found dear little Linley & Marnie at theatre, had lovely box & very good pantomime “Aladdin”. Saw Mr Aird & wife there. Dear little Linley v. good & amused. Quiet little evg. to ourselves, Roy out. Horrid smell in house, must see Nash or Carter. Sunday 2 February X. Terrible news of assassination of King & Crown Prince of Portugal last evg. Dinner at Lady Spielmanns 8 o’c. Lin & self walked morg. gardens. Whilst admiring Watts statue Cap’t Adrian Jones came & spoke to us. He looks older I think. Only Mr Paxton called, he looks very ill & I was afraid he w’d fall asleep in his arm chair. Rested & dressed. Roy out to dinner. Pleasant dinner at Spielmanns but awful headache after dinner. Emma out, Marie Antoinette in. Very raw & cold. Dickie’s cough rather troublesome. Monday 3 February Maud & Lennie dined at Mrs Colefax & had ac’t driving over a little boy. Lennie took him to hospital, poor Maud vy upset. No bones broken. Wet & dull & damp. In all day. Lovely afternoon. Read “Romany Rye” George Borrows book to Lin. Vy tiresome book, gave it up & started Charles Read “Cloister & the Hearth”. Roy in to dinner. To bed early. Lin working on Siam drawing. No one called. Marie read to me for half an hour. Sat in morg. room so cold. Maudie & Lennie dined at the Colefax’s. Tuesday 4 February Dr Beauchamp comes 3rd time, tiresome starting doctors again but he has done Lin good, his cough less troublesome. X. Out at ¼ to 11 to Bank. X. Had transfer of Wirral Rly put into Maud’s name. Ought to have been done years ago. Had lovely drive round Park after in Maud’s Victoria. Mrs Beale, Lady Foster, Mrs E. Pollock & Mabel called. Roy out. Quiet little evening with Dickie. Wednesday 6 February Fine. Out. 11.30. Barkers, Nash, met Mrs G. Keith & Lady Kennedy with whom I walked home. Darling Maud came at 3.30 & Ethel Mervyn. Maudie still upset about poor little boy they ran over Monday night, her kind little heart sympathising with the mother, all going on well with him. M. & E. left together at 4.10. Marie out after tea only. Herbert & Edie coming to dinner 7.30. Roy out. Thursday 6 February Roy dines with the Harold Messels & goes with them to Pantomime, Lennie & Maud also. Maudie called afternoon going on to Mr Guthrie’s to tea. Sent her our box little sovereigns by Roy evg, & also lent her box of old counters & ivory letters. Quiet evg alone with Dickie dining at 8 o’c. Sat with Fritz morg, better. Met Lady Henderson & Mrs (illeg) Park. Friday 7 February Foggy & wet morg. In all day. Lin dined 10 to 10, I at 7.30. Put up pictures in Roy’s room with Marie. Also arranged & packed up remaining 6 drawings of Lin’s lying about & some large photos also lying about for many years! Saw Nash’s foreman who did door & broke something else! Saw Barkers man about basement. Saturday 8 February Lovely sunny morg, cold. Maudie’s childrens party for Anne & Oliver, both birthdays kept together. Lovely day. Charming party at Maud’s, conjuror, presents, music, all so well chosen. Lin, Roy came. Gilbert, Jacombe Hood, Mr Trevelyan, Marriott etc etc. Vy pretty children, ours looked charming. Oliver came over morg & I walked as far as round pond with him & Maudie. Roy dined with Stern. Dickie & self quiet evg. Dickie lunched at Club. Sunday 9 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mr & Mrs Phipson Beale dine here 8 o’c & Lennie & Maud & Roy. Lin & self for walk, after luncheon Lin to Club. Roy out, did not come home until 5.30 this morg! I lay awake fr. 4 to nearly 6 o’c. Slept well after. Very pleasant evening, but I felt tired perhaps from yesterday. Rest all afternoon, no one called. Both Mr & Mrs Beale look well. Maudie v.pale & thin & Roy also, wish they were both stronger. Monday 10 February Dull morg. Slept well till 5 o’c. Maudie fetched me with Florence at 11.45. & we all 3 lunched at Ethel Mervyn’s, lovely drive & we walked over common! Had nice little luncheon & excellent coffee & came home at 3.30. Mervyn’s statue charming. Lovely day later, vy sunny. Dickie & I alone, Roy out. Tuesday 11 February Took Maud’s Wirral security of £133 duly signed to Bank safe custody. Our morg, met Mr Adams & walked with him. To Albert Hall asked Ruby & Nicola Walker to go to see “Miss Hook of Holland” with us tomorrow, unable to go. Clara Bergheim, Mrs O’Goram, Maudie, Florence & Mrs Bentham about blouses came. Maudie with a shocking cold, never seems free fr. one. Roy out. Wednesday 12 February Lin & self went to see “Miss Hook of Holland”. Very good, enjoyed it immensely. Florence Walford in our box & Maudie came later & drove me home in her car right after leaving Dickie at Athenaeum where Upton was waiting. Quiet evg alone, supper on tray! Antoinette out. Roy out. Thursday 13 February Marie went over to Ethel Mervyn’s for me at 4 o’c. Lovely day. Edie here early. My throat vy uncomfortable, must have taken darling Maud’s cold yesterday, & feel seedy generally, hot & cold. With Edie walked to 104 found May Nembhard & her troop of mummers rehearsing in drawing room. Sat a short time with Maudie in oak room & walked nearly all way home. Edie lunched & had tea here. Ruby Walker & Nicola came to tea, like Ruby vy much, vy lively. Roy out. Dickie & self alone. Friday 14 February Dull warm morg. Woke many times, throat so bad, found Emma’s lozenges v. good. Dickie coughing & sneezing. In all day. Ethel English, Mrs Lane & Mrs Danvers Clark & Ethel Mervyn came to tea. Ethel v. upset about poor Mrs Church, fresh money difficulties & will have to leave flat just taken. Roy out. He goes to dentist every morning, vy glad having his teeth seen to. I went to bed 9 o’c, feel seedy with cold. Lin dined at 10 15. Saturday 15 February Slept well but cold tiresome. Rainy & raw. After luncheon went with Lin to matinée at Cyril Maude’s Avenue Theatre, “The O’Grindles”. Very good & well acted. Violent storm & wind & rain as we passed St George’s Hospital, never remember a worse one. Fruit at Butts. Quiet evg. Roy dining with Stern. Bed 10 o’c. Marked tablecloth, glad to have finished something. Sunday 16 February Midge & Hamilton & Maud & Lennie dine with us. Fairly good night. Lovely morg, frost. Lin & self for walk 1¼ hour morg. Lunched together. Mrs Dickens called & had tea. Very pleasant evg. H. & Midge, Maudie & Lennie, Roy, Lin & self. Midge looks v. well. Lin to Club after luncheon, back to tea, saw Mrs Dickens. Monday 17 February Very wet, in all day. Cold heavy. Edie came early & remained until 6 o’c. We worked in morg. room. I did not feel up to turning out wardrobe as intended. Darling Maud came to tea, looked pale & thin, needs a good rest, does far too much for others & myself included first! Roy dined with the Dickens, general


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 romp after. Lin dined with Maudie, 12 there tonight. I dined alone. Vy glad Dickie out he sits far too much in his tiny room. Tuesday 18 February Bad night felt hot & fverish & headache. Slight temperature & headache. In bed all day with influenza cold, hot & feverish. Roy dined at home luckily with Lin 8 o’c. Both sat with me before dinner. Midge lunched with Maud & admired her house etc. vy much & darling Anne. No one called. All vy kind & attentive. Wednesday 19 February X. Dr B. for Roy. Go 12 o’c see Ruby Walker Miss Holland’s at home 9 - 12.30. Daisie Robertson to tea. Postponed. Slept till 5.30 soundly feel little better. Still full of cold & trust dear Lin & Roy may escape. X. Roy sees Dr Beauchamp at 6 o’c. Roy dines with Ham & Midge, Coburg. Darling Maud came morg, read & sat with me & lunched & remained until 3 o’c. In bed all day, slight temperature like yesterday. Thursday 20 February Hamilton & Midge to Southampton. Darling Maud came morg & wrote 9 letters with Edie & I talking in the room, could not stay to luncheon but feel better for seeing her dear little face. Edie stayed worked & read until 5 o’c, gave her velvet blouse as I never wear it. All my things fit her better than they do me. Roy out to dinner. Quiet evg. Marie helped Antoinette cover up drawing room, all neat there. Friday 21 February Hamilton sails for South America. Fine. Packed with Marie morg. 11.30. Vy tidy methodical packer & no horrid mess about, finished packing after luncheon. All in perfect order by 5 o’c. Lin finished work at 9.30 a (illeg) drawing of Russian Bear, Turkey & (illeg), à propos of Railway concessions in Turkey. Roy out to dinner. Not a bit worried or tired over packing & rested fr. 5.30 to 6.30 & then sat with Dickie. To bed 9.30. Saturday 22 February Fine morg. Got off most comfortably with Marie as maid. By Plymouth, where change for Falmouth. Roy looks vy seedy. How can he be otherwise, out every night & taking champagne & liqueors, great anxiety & worry to me as he must sow seeds of disease. Letters fr. Midge & my darling who gave away prizes for work at Balcombe yesterday. An angel of goodness, God bless her. Sunday 23 February Dull heavy wet. Slept well. Dickie & self walked to obsolete fort & around back. Fair luncheon. Rested after until 4 o’c. tea & walked along coast & on shore, lovely & a little sun, beautiful beach with quantities of lovely marble pebbles some striped with green & some with red. Saw strange strawberry anemonies most brilliant in colour exactly like a large strawberry cut in half & a fringe of brown at the stem. Dog & stones. Fair dinner, hot room after & to bed 9 o’c. Vy stupid giggly people. Lady with Sir Walter Gilbey odd. Monday 24 February Lawrence wedding. Awfully rough night, many ships put in Bay for shelter. Some sun early. Would be an ideal spot this with sun & warmth. Lin’s white shirt arrived early, he forgot to pack one. Out morning on the sands, afternoon in the dirty little town, bought fruit at a nice shop, Mother & daughter. Harbour full of ships. Evg. Sir Walter Gilbey came up & spoke to us & introduced his daughter Mrs Hinde, asked us to drive with them 11.30 tomorrow. Tuesday 25 February Dull & rainy morg. cleared later & was vy sunny. Dickie & self out morg. beach. Left sandwiches on seat near some poor people! Back 1 o’c. No, out afternoon with Dickie & in all morg. self writing letters. Lin out at 11.30 driving with Sir Walter Gilbey & Mrs Hinde. Afraid to go as it was damp & blowing when they started. Enjoyed afternoon walk & then tea, & rested. Lin out again & came back


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 triumphantly with china cottage! Pleasant talk with Mrs Hinde after dinner. Marie went out for little walk the first since we came. Wednesday 26 February Lin goes up by 10.15 train. Dullish morg. We both slept well. Looks as if it might clear up & have sun. Letters fr. my darling & Edgar about Vittel. Walked with Marie 11.30, met Gilbey party starting for drive. Went along Parade & on to sands beyond New Bay Hotel & gathered shells. Lunched & rested after. Marie read. Tea in drawing room, vy uncomfortable chairs. Pouring wet afternoon, glad out morg. Thursday 27 February Good night. Gleaming uncertain morg. Letters from Dickie weary from yesterday. Hope Antoinette will take great care of him. Marie & self to dirty little town as it rained. Bought cottage, postcards & went over Sailors Home. Vy clean & well kept. Saw Saw Norwegian ill in bed dysentry. German & Swede in Ward all looking v. sad & ill but a beautiful bright room. Very large, can take in 30 & have after a great wreck had 70. Walked on beach & went over House facing sea, lovely sitting rooms but looks unseasonal & damp walls bedrooms. Fire in room 6 o’c. Spoke to Mrs Ramsden. Sir Walter sent lovely book to Linley, his life of “George Stubbs” beautifully got up. Mrs Hinde left morg. did not see her. Friday 28 February Tramp abroad 6 o’c, found useful lights. Very rough night 15 ships in Bay. Some early sun. Dull & rainy unable to go out all morg. Sir W. sent book this morning not yesterday & Mrs Hinde left this morg not yesterday. Out after luncheon & rest when Marie read “Les braves gens” Merzarode. Went over house facing sea & sat in shelter. Vy sunny but a cold wind. Spoke to Mrs Rainley(?) during tea, a simple creature. Sat in drawing room after dinner. A Bishop & good looking wife arrived, she seems amusing. Gigi’s friend called, was out. Saturday 29 February Tramp abroard at 6 o’c lights about conveniently. Marie tooth ache afraid fr. cold wind yesterday. Gleaming uncertain morg. Dear Lin arrives D.V. at 4.50. Out with Marie in vile weather to get fruit, apples bananas & flowers 1/6, registered letter 3½. Tobacco & papers & doll to Sailors home 2/10d. Postcard 6d & cotton 2 = 7.8½. Lin arrived 5.10 looking v. well. We went for walk along shore together for an hour. Dined, & to bed 9.30. X. Received £4 from a speck Lennie made for me. Vy pleased. Mar 1908 Sunday 1 March Perfectly awful day, snow, hail, rain & wind. Went out with Lin at 12 o’c for walk in spite of weather. Rested after luncheon. Walked again after tea by the fort & lighthouse, lovely walk past pretty cottage, peacocks, seats everywhere & road right on rocks over sea & trees either side to bend by harbour. Weather awful. Rested again. Dined & talked to Sir Walter Gilbey & secretary, & to bed 9.30. Sir W. on to talk to Dean & Deaness of Canterbury & party. Monday 2 March X. Cistern & Boiler cleaned out during our absence by Nash X. Actually sun early & seems warmer. Sent off in Registered envelope fr. Post Office Falmouth Maud’s Certificate of £133 Wirrel Rly 3% to London & County Bank for safe custody with my other securities. Monday sent off fr. Lennie spec £4.2.0, P&O £4.19.9. Harrods £1.5.3. Waihi £6.13.0 all today to Bank, & above cert. Walked all round rock by Garrison morg, lovely, robin followed us, Lin photod him! After lunch rest & walked for 1½ hours in town, beastly place, tired. Bought fruit old Market Place, Jacobs Ladder. Tuesday 3 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Awful night again rain & hail. Sun gleaming early. Walked with Lin round rock, saw peacocks, most amusing, courting pea hens who appeared quite indifferent to the magnificent display of tails! After luncheon Marie packed & after tea we walked for Lin to photo anchor. Bitterly cold icy wind & heavy hailstones on & off all day with some sunshine. Sir Walter sat with us after dinner & showed us his packet treasures, 3 lovely watches, chains, snuff box with 2 fine cornelians, etc etc & a marvelous gold purse for sovereigns & half sovereigns. Tired & to bed. Dickie tooth ache in night. Wednesday 4 March Hotel bill £24. Good attendance so fees heavy also. Slept fairly well. Linley coughed a good deal. Darling Maud sent quantities of lovely flowers. Left 10.45 Falmouth. Fine. Lin & self took fly at Plymouth & drove to the Hoe. Astonished at its beauty & splendid proportions. Very comfortable journey considering its length, only reached home 9.30. Found all comfortable & went to bed at once. Dickie on to Punch dinner fr. Waterloo. Roy out. Thursday 5 March Slept badly, Lin coughed v. much. Darling Maud fetched me for drive in Park, greatly enjoyed it. Walked after for half an hour, sat with Dickie later but find his room so enervating, could not stay as long as could wish, & I must use up the little air in it too. We dined at 8.30. Roy out. Friday 6 March “Times” indiscrete letter & leading article on a letter fr. German Emperor to Ld. Tweedmouth on British armaments. Fine. Awake 3 hours in night. Darling Maud fetched me 11.30 looking sweet. Brought me a beautiful mole toque she made herself most exquisitely made, & gave Marie a beautiful case of 3 prs of scissors & a sovereign. “Tuesday for Wealth” sems to bring luck with it. Left Maudie at Mrs Hohlers. She told me about Dora & October greatly surprised! Roy dining with Lin. Gave him £4 Lennie made me. Gt. to do about “Times” indiscretion. Saturday 7 March Good night. Maud’s carriage came 11.30. Called on Mrs Beale, charming flat. Saw her just out of her bath! Seems vy well. Home, walked after to Barkers, ordered fruit, flowers. Dickie out morg in brougham, in to lunch. I had bad headache after lunch & evg. too. Lin took me for walk round Pond after tea, & Rags. Dinner 8.20, too late for me. Roy dined at Maud’s, rushed in & out, did not see him. He had brougham. Bore I sit tired 7 lorn. Sunday 8 March X. Sir H.C. Bannerman died this morg 5 o’c. Untrue. Fairly good night woke at 5 o’c did not sleep after. Horid indigestion fr. being overtired for dinner last evg. The darlings all 3 came, look well, & little Anne much grown. X. My darling Maud in bed & not able to dine here tonight. Lennie coming, has been at Balcombe all day. Dickie & self to Zoo greatly enjoyed it together, met Mrs E. Pollock who told us of Sir H. Campbell Bannerman’s death at 5 o’c this morg. Dickie to club after luncheon for news. Dull evg. without Maud, Lennie also worried. Monday 9 March Very cold & windy. Carriage came 11.30. Saw Dr Beauchamp morg. He came to see Lin about his cough. X. Saw Nash about last ac’t of drains which I pay today. X. To Bank to find I can pay at once. X. Called to enquire after Fritz, better, & to go to Harling & Planck & to 104, found her in bed & v. pale & thin. Cold, no temp but headache. Gave Beach 5/-, Roy 2/6. Don’t like look of her new maid. Tuesday 10 March Nellie Keith dined here. Mrs Harold to tea & George Dietz, very sad & seems to feel Anna’s loss v. much. Roy out. Walked to Maud’s, met Mrs O’Goram & Lady Spielmann, walked all way with Mrs O’G. Drove with Maud to Lady Goring where she lunched & I came home in her carriage. Mrs Harold & George Dietz came to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 tea, poor George vy sad. Lin seemed to enjoy having Nellie to dinner, she amused him. Left at 10 o’c. Wednesday 11 March Fine but cold. Out at ¼ to 12. X. Paid Nash £80.1.6, £26 Dickie’s so glad to pay it. Met Mrs French, Mrs Linsay Kammer & Ellie Ritchie who walked back with me & to Mrs Bentham’s to arrange about green blouse. Antoinette out afternoon evg. Marie altered my green skirt & we re-arranged my 3 loft Boxes, one with Linen, one furs & velvets, the large blue one dear Mother’s with my summer dresses. Darling came to tea not warm enough dressed & pale. Roy out. Thursday 12 March Dined with Lin 8 o’c. Lin vy bright & cheery. Bed 10 o’c. Lunch at Maud’s 1.30. Again disturbed night, Lin’s cough woke me & could not get to sleep for ages. Very dark dull morg, headachey. Carriage at 11.30. Marie helped me into my green cloth dress etc which she had enlarged at waist, it is now comfortable. Drove to enquire after Fritz, out! Irish industries & Claridges. Dora & P. left for abroad yesterday. Lady Venning, Mrs Breitmeyer, Miss Macdonald, Ethel Dilke, Miss Curtis? now Mrs? Vy cheery luncheon, remained to tea. Lady Goring, Mrs Hohler & many others came. Sat with Roy dressing, vy bad business nothing doing. Roy out to dinner. Friday 13 March Slept well. Sunny morg. Cold. Had lovely drive in Maud’s open carriage at 11.30 to Irish Industries. To Marshalls bought 3 prs of gloves & left at Mrs Benthams Church St to be fitted grey dress. Lunch with Dickie & after resting arranged boxes in my wardrobe & labeled them. Daisie Robertson to tea, tiring. Sat with Dickie after. Dined 7.30 & sat with Roy whilst he dressed. V. depressed about work, wish he did not hanker so after great wealth. He dined with Lin at 10.15, I to bed 10.15. Saturday 14 March Lin & Roy dine with Maud & Lennie & go to Music Hall. Lovely morg. slept well. Odd mark on left side of chest above breast, like a boil. Was white & hard vy small is now inflamed looking. Lin & self lunch at Savoy D.V. & go to Pantomime matinée. Had Maud’s carriage to go. I dine alone & to bed early. Enjoyed lunch & Pantomome v. good. V. annoyed Nash cleaning out boiler & cisterns without order to do so during my absence Falmouth. Sunday 15 March Mr & Mrs Edward Pollock dine with us 8 o’c & Lennie & Maud. Dear little Linley, Anne & Oliver, Nurse Francis have influenza, feel v. anxious about them. My boil painful like a knife thro’ my left breast, but only at times. Mervyn & Mrs Church to tea, both look well but Mrs Church rather pale. Vy pleasant evg. Odd Mr Pollock (illeg) or judged Sp’s law suit. Monday 16 March Boil better but painful. Out for drive to Stores in closed carriage, Maud’s. Toys for chicks 5/9. Darlings all laid up with influenza, & Nurse F & footman & housemaid! Poor Maudie! Ethel Mervyn to lunch & tea, just engaged a french maid £12 a year. Vy well dressed & good looking, wonder how it will answer. Mrs Fritz Jackson called, did not see her. Quiet evg. Roy at home for dinner!!! Cozy little evg. Tuesday 17 March Lin dines at Mrs Harold Messel’s. Gilberts, Waterlows & another couple there. Drove in Maud’s Vic Park only. Had bad night felt so sick & had a walk after drive. Bitterly cold. The dear chicks better & Maud out in motor, wish she could have a change & rest. Mrs P. Holland, Mrs Sington, Lady Lawrence, May & Mrs Trench came to tea. Emma to theatre. Roy out. To bed early. Wednesday 18 March Drains all finished by Nash this month. X. People opposite McLeans went away. Drove at 11.30, bitterly cold only able to go round Park felt too seedy fr. cold


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 which goes thro’ one. Fitted at Mascottes bodice ordinaire. Sent carriage away. Mrs Tate came to tea looking well & vy prosperous. Marie out. Mr Currie called about Lin’s voyage to Madeira, seems some doubt about return steamer. Roy dined at home & seemed fairly cheerful. Dear chicks better. Painting & whitewashing op. Thursday 19 March Maudie fetched me in Victoria at 11.30, left P.O. Book at Post Office, Young St. Maudie took up character of lady’s maid Kens. Court 29, good, engaging her. Drove round Park after, saw Ellie near Gardens & walked home with her as Maud was lunching at Mrs Harold’s. Chicks better, Nurse F. vy unwell still & weak. Read to Lin “An old man’s darling” Vy amusing. Roy dined out. Mr Currie called again after dinner & arranged about Lin’s trip to Madeira. Friday 20 March Good night. Frost & vy cold. Did not have carriage. Walked to Barkers & up Phillimore Gds Lane home. Marie cleaned out top shelf of cabinet morg room, took one hour. Read to Dickie “An old man’s darling”. Vy nice light & amusing book to read. Maudie came for a short time, w’d not have tea, looks vy thin darling. Roy came home with vy bad cold, gave him cinnamon drops & hot grog. Dinner 10.15. I went to bed 10 o’c vy tired. Saturday 21 March Roy says his cold is better, always anxious about him, Lin & Maud, they won’t take care of themselves. Lunched at home, had Maud’s open carriage to theatre, we saw “When Knights were bold”. Met Lady Monckton who asked me to lunch there Wed, just promised darling Maud. Lady M. looking wonderfully well, just come fr. Bath. Roy in to dinner, pleasant little evg. His cold better. Sunday 22 March Mr Silver & Mr Ryle dine here. Maud & Lennie dine at Sir W. Gilbert’s. Fine early dull late & v. wet afternoon, warmer. To Zoo at 11.15. Met the Harolds there & remained with them. Dickie busy with photos after lunch. Antoinette out afternoon. Roy’s cold better, out to lunch. Pleasant little evg Mr R. full of gossip & Mr Silver great talker, interesting rather. Left 11 o’c. Monday 23 March V. v. tired. The dear children & Nurse F. came in Victoria & their hospital nurse. They look better but Nurse F. vy delicate & weak. Went for walk & to Sloane St. Hayford about blouses. Met Lady Self & Miss Copeland Griffiths. Dickie to see Macmillan after luncheon about Hans Andersen’s drawings. Marie & I cleaned out cabinet 3 shelves near window morg. room. She arranged them & I washed & managed them beautifully, took fr. 4 to 5.30. Vince came about a place. Roy out to dinner. Quiet evg. Tuesday 24 March Lovely sunny morg. Lin to Calais, returned 5 o’c. Dense sea fog at Dover. Fanny Nembhard, Ada Sp. Mrs Heath, Hylda, Gladys Crozier & Maudie came. Had Vic early 11.30 to Evans, could not get hat, all ugly browns. To Hayford about blouses & home. Lunched alone. Saw Nash’s foreman about painting back & front of house during our absence. Roy out to dinner. Maud’s dancing class evening. Quiet evg Dickie & self. Wednesday 25 March Lunch with Maud 1.30. Rain, horrid day. Mrs Stuart Mackenzie, Miss Pollock, Dar Hayes Sadler & Mrs Wallace & (blank) to lunch. Darling M. looking tired. Did not see chicks. Felt very tired & achey. Rested on return & Marie read. To bed early. Antoinette out. Thursday 26 March Out Vic at 11.30. Felt vy tired, drive did me good. To stores, bought 2 prs silk stockings, one combination, brown tie. Ordered 2 new pin curls & tail renovated! Rested after lunch. 3 o’c Marie & self started cleaning out drawing room cabinet,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 vy dirty. Tabby came at 4.30 stayed till 6 o’c. Vy glad to see her. Marie & I had to leave shelves unfinished. Roy in to dinner. Pleasany evg. drawing room. Friday 27 March Had Vic at 11.30. To order hat Woollands & about blouses Hayfords. Drove in Park. Met Ethel English, took her on to Claridges, Tabs out. Drop’d Ethel Sloane St. Dickie doing drawing of 2 female figures mourning in case of Campbell Bannerman’s death, hates doing it. Marie & I finished drawing room cabinet, good to work with, is so neat & tidy. Sat with Lin before & after my little dinner & to bed 10 o’c. Roy dined with Lin at 10.30. Marie tried on my new brown tailor dress & ret’d it to (illeg). Saturday 28 March Dull morg. Lin & self lunching Savoy & to see “Gay Gordons” after. The stupidest piece imaginable. We saw young Stern with 3 men at the Savoy. Walked as far as Athenaeum after, got fruit, plants & flowers Butts. Rested, feel vy tired & achey. Roy dined at Maud’s & went to Play after. Dickie depressed about his drawing. Sunday 29 March Harold & Nonie dine with us, & Lennie & Maudie. To Zoo morg. wonderful pythons. Lovely morg, clouded over after. Roy out to lunch. Lin to Club after luncheon. Marie out afternoon. Pleasant little evg. Lennie looking wonderfully well & Maudie better then I expected. Monday 30 March Lady Self to tea. Lovely morg. Out morg 11.30, Nash & Kensington. Major Kevil Davis & Vera & Lady Self to tea. Quiet evening. Roy out. Tuesday 31 March Maud & Lennie go to Scotland. Out morg to Sloane st. Vy tired. Fanny Fildes & Mrs John Aird called only. Had long talk with F.F. Rested after. Roy in to dinner, worked after until 10 o’c. Apr 1908 Wednesday 1 April The chicks go to Scotland by night train. Lady Armstrong about Madiera. She has just returned so must try to go to tea with her. At 11.30 in our brougham to Mr Hicks, dentist. Spencer & Hylda waited for me. 2 teeth stop’d, 15/-. To see Mr & Mrs Heath’s miniatures after, one of Hylda v. good. X. Arranged about House painted outside during our absence, start 20th Monday. Marie & Antoinette covering up drawing room. Thursday 2 March Marie & I pack. Roy at home for dinner. Lin very busy. Dined with them at 8 o’c. Friday 3 April All packing done easily & comfortably. Just rested. Roy dined with us in spite of invitation fr. Stern. Left by 11 o’c train or 12 o’c for Scotland. Lin finished work just in time. Take Marie with us. Expenses for her & my ticket £7.0.0. Saturday 4 April X. Arrived “Inchmarlo” one o’c after a comfortable journey. Found all looking so well & Mr Parker & Ruth staying here. Mr P. got a salmon 7 lbs & little Linley 5 trout!!! After tea went to bed & had my dinner there. Charming house & Park rather like a small Pyt, & glorious views. River very near. Sunday 5 April Slept vy badly, not before 4 o’c & felt vy overtired, more so than after my journey. Maud & I lunched with Mary Nicol at Roscobie & saw her lovely wee Shetland ponies, a tiny one only 2 days old. Lennie, Ruth, Eric & Lin to Balmoral in car. Mary, Mr & Mrs King & Miss Parker to tea. Eric P’s 2 sisters seem vy nice & one vy clever made £400 by her watercolours. Pleasant evg. Monday 6 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Heavenly day. Warm & glorious sun. Out 11.30 to River. Lennie caught 10 lb salmon & small trout. Little Anne a trout & undernurse a flounder, fluke as the Scotch call them. Mary Nicol dined here & Mrs Fleischman came. Vy nice woman, so quiet & amusing. Walked with Lin to the hut & had tea with Lennie & Mrs F. & little Linley. Roe’s Pot. Vy luxurious hut. Eric P. fishing Kincardine water, Ruth there. Pleasant evg. Tuesday 7 April Glorious day. Sat out all morg watching litle Linley & Mrs Fleischman fishing. Vy bad night, rested after luncheon. Lin, Eric & Ruth Parker leave at 6 o’c. Lin v. undecided whether he sh’d go to Madeira or return here for Easter. Quiet restful evening. Mrs F. vy amusing & talked in a restful way. To bed 10.20. Two houses fallen in Oxford St. Collapsed, 8 persons killed. Wednesday 8 April Went down to River with darling after our letters. Found Mrs F. & Lennie fishing away busily, no luck & raining. Went again after luncheon & had tea in hut & little Linley. Quiet evg. V. warm. Lennie v. depressed catching nothing. Ethel arrived whilst we were at dinner, a bright element full of news from her sister where she had been staying in Fifeshire. V. amusing about their New Zealand fishing quite a delightful addition to the house party. Thursday 9 April Vy wet morg. Mervyn arrived at 8 o’clock. Vy tired & vexed at losing the train at Durham & consequently unable to come on fr. Aberdeen last evg. Lennie & Mrs Fleishman to Kincardine water. Mervyn & Ethel fished here, hopeless, so returned to lunch. Little Anne toothache. Lennie & Mrs F. back to tea. Mr & Mrs Haye fr. Blackwall Castle called & hindered Maud’s & my walk. Then young Alastair Farquhar came to tea. Vy nice boy. After we all walked round garden & rest went on to see Shetland ponies at Roscobie & Ethel & I to rest before dinner. Vy pleasant evg. Friday 10 April Perfectly heavenly morg, brilliant sun, frost. The Harolds arrived at 9 o’c, luckily seeing this lovely place first in sunshine. Slept fairly well only awake so long in night. Sat out all morg. by river. No fish killed. Mrs F. & Lennie to Kincardine water, Ethel & Mervyn here, no luck. After luncheon we walked after tea thro gardens, rest on to Roscobie to see Shetland ponies. Ethel & I returned. Maudie vy tired after her walk. Played roulette evg. Won 3d. Lennie lent me 2/- which I rep’d. Lin decided to return here instead of going to Madeira. Saturday 11 April X. Lin & Roy to see “The Theif” tonight. Fine but cold. V. cold wind. Slept well. Went with Maud to River. Mrs Fleischman left at 4 & fished up to last moment, not even returning for luncheon! No success. Harold & Nonie played golf. Lennie still fishing all day, he & Maud dined at the Nicols. Talked evening & to bed 10.20. Maudie not looking well, her eyes puffy. Overtired et un peu l’(illeg) avec cuisinière, (illeg) trop jeune. Nurse F. headache. Feel worried about the £500 taken up in B.A.Pacific, fear must sell at loss. Sunday 12 April Dull & colder. Very fine later. In all morg. writing with Ethel. Darling to Church Banchory with little Linley & Anne. Walked after lunch with Mrs Harold & Ethel, rest practised casting on lawn & walked after. Maudie to church here with Linley, she looked very pale & tired evg, afraid doing too much. Nurse F. not well, headache. Sweep stakes 1/- after dinner for finding salmon in certain pools! Monday 13 April Glorious morg, good night. Maudie in bed till 12, vy tired, & fear worried about money. Wish I could help her in arranging accounts etc. Nurse F. vy seedy but up.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Walked with Nonie to river both Mervyn & Lennie have had fish on, only Ethel got small trout. After lunch Ethel & I drove to Kincardine water to take tea to Mr Pelham Burn who had been fishing there. Little talk with him & went on to Aboyne, fetched tea basket & back. E. & I tea with Fraulein & Linley. Mrs Thorneycroft, Mary & Alastair Farquhar & Mr Pelham Burn dined here. Mr Pelham Burn slept here. Roulette. Won 2d. Tuesday 14 April Our dear parents wedding day. Dear Conrad died 14 April 1907 after 3 days illness. Lovely morg. Slept well, tired. Went alone to see Lennie & Mervyn fish & sat some time with both on boulders. Plenty of fish but none killed. Lennie lunched at house. After Maud & self in Car to call Blackhall Castle 2 miles drive fr. Lodge to Castle along river side & past Crathes after. Glorious scenery. We were put down at White Gate & had tea in hut with fishers. Harold & Nonie joined us, they had lunched on hill & walked 10 miles!!! Alastair Farquhar fished Kincardine water & got 8lb salmon, splendid, with Jack Scot fly, small fly. Games evg. little (illeg), personalities amusing. Wednesday 15 April Fine but no sun. Harold, Nonie & Lennie in Car to Kincardine Water. Lovely day. The Harolds walked back. I drove in Car with Maudie to Banchory & past Crathes the Bennetts place, lovely drive. Stop’t at White Gate & had tea with fishers. Ethel packed, they leave tomorrow early. No luck with fish. Roy goes to Leweston. Heard fr. Lin Rags has taken to biting people. V. sorry as he ought to be killed if not safe. Thursday 16 April Lovely day. Mervyn & Ethel left at 8 o’clock, so sorry they could not stay on. Lennie asked them, they go to Ethel’s brother in Cumberland. Sat out morg with Maud & Nonie watching Lennie fish “Fawn” pool. Harold golfed. All back to luncheon. At 3.30 Maud, Nonie, self to Kincardine O’Neil to Miss (blank) to buy sweets, lovely ones made by her & her mother, & to tea after with Lennie & Harold in hut. Fish darting all over the place. Left Lennie & Maud fishing. Lennie came in at 8 o’c with a 6lb salmon caught alone & delighted. Songs after dinner, rather late to bed. All in high spirits about fish, hope more to follow. Friday 17 April Lovely morg, slept well. Dear Lin leaves London tonight & arrives tomorrow morg. with Mr Guthrie. Mr Cokayne comes today early & fishes at Kincardine. Lennie here. Killed a 5 lb salmon before luncheon, delighted. I walked with little Anne to farm & called on Mrs Campbell who is factor’s wife. Most kind to little Anne & seemed delighted to see us. Oddly enough she knows a Mrs Hyde Clarke who is Godmother to her only daughter. After lunch Mr & Mrs Davison & Miss Walton came, seem vy friendly, fine woman Mrs D. Harold & Nonie walked 15 miles out all day. Pleasant evg. Saturday 18 April Dear Mother’s birthday. Dickie & Mr Guthrie arrive at 1 o’c. Dull morg, gleams of sunshine only. Lovely day later, some rain. Went to see Mr Cokayne fish & back in time to see Lin & Mr Guthrie drive up. Lin has to finish drawing here, looks a little tired. Lin & I walked & had tea with rest in hut, delightful, colder but brilliant sunshine on & off. Mr Cokayne killed 15 lb salmon in Seaton pool. Alastair killed 3 further down river. He, Mr Webster, Molly, Mary, dined here. Roulette after dinner. Bank lost. Mary & I talked. Lin in smoking room, rather late to bed 11 o’c. Sunday 19 April Snow on distant hills. Heavy hail storms. Snow & brilliant sun between times, lovely. Lin working away hard. Maud, Lennie, Linley boy & Mr Cokayne to Church morg, hope Maud will not take cold. After lunch all photod in front of house. At 4 o’c Maud, Lennie & Nonie drove to Blackhall Castle & had tea at the Hays. All


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 most kind & enquired after Lin who remained at home working. Saw letter of Robert Burns. Had little walk with Lin on return. Delightful evg. Talked to Mr Guthrie & Lin told amusing stories. Monday 20 April Snow about inch thick everywhere. Fine later. Harold & Nonie leave at 4 o’clock for London. Lin working hard all day until 4.30 when Maud, Lin Mr Guthrie & I went to have tea with Lennie in hut. Little Linley got 4 small trout. Mr & Mrs Davidson came to lunch & pottered all over the place, by river & everywhere. Excellent luncheon, too much. Mrs D. v. talkative & instructive!!! Mr Cokayne got a 10 lb salmon in Kincardine water. Vy fine fish. Lennie got nothing & v. disappointed. Vy delightful evg. Tuesday 21 April X. Sent Banker’s receipt & allotment letter of B.A.Pacific Rly £500 4½% debs to Harold. £175 paid. Slept well, Lin so quiet. Fine morg but not brilliant sun. Fine but cold. Lennie to Kincardine, home at at 3, no luck. Fish caught there later in day about 6 lbs. Maud & chicks to Mary Nicols to tea. Read to Lin morg “Mascotte of Pk Lane”, Lucas (illeg). Mr Guthrie, Lin & self to see fishers later. Mr Cokayne caught lovely salmon 10 lbs with sea lice!!! on it. Pleasant evg. Mr Guthrie vy amusing. Wednesday 22 April Snow, fine later, cold. Mrs Gibson arrived 9 A.M. Went with Maud to see Mr Cokayne & Lennie fish. Mr C. another 8 or 9 lb salmon. Lennie got a Kelt on. Saw him land it and let it go. Mrs Gibson joined us & walked back with me. Had tea with Dickie here, rest in hut. Walked after & joined them. Lennie got a salmon about 6 lbs & Mr C. another 7 lbs, 3 today! (illeg). Mary Nicol, Alastair & Molly to dinner. Roulette after, lost 3½d! Lennie got a Kelt morg which we saw him land & throw back. Thursday 23 April Ground all covered in snow, brilliant sun. Good night. Maudie looks better. Maud, Lin, Mr Guthrie & I go to “Crathes” Lady Benetts which property was given their family by Robert Bruce 1200 something! & they still have the Horn given by him to their ancestors, Charming people. Yew hedges enormoudly thick, & narrow avenues of limes like thin additions of the Pyt ones. Dickie vy livery after dinner & slept in drawing room, tiresome as it fidgets Lennie when he snores, & looks bad. Friday 24 April Bitterly cold. To River with Maud morg. & Mrs Gibson. Lennie, Lin & Mr Guthrie to Aberdeen in Car & back at 3.30 when Lennie went to fish again. Mr Cokayne fishing all day. Walked with Lin to hut, after with Maud, Lin & Mr Guthrie had tea here. Lin did photographs after dinner & only went down when I came up to bed. No luck with fish. Saturday 25 April Mervyn’s telegram, work accepted Academy, Don Quixote. Vy cold, bright & sunny. Lin vy livery, better morg, vy sleepy & heavy evenings. Walked with Maudie to hut saw Mr Cokayne & Lennie fish, no luck. Vy cold. Mrs Gibson & Mr Guthrie walked to Banchory. At 4 o’c in Car to Sluie to tea Mrs Davidson. Lovely small house most exquisitely situated high up on mountain with extensive views all round of layers of mountains, some covered in snow, & the river below. All vy kind & hospitable. Dined 8.30 Lennie & Mr C. vy late in, no luck. Had talk with Lin on return he again slept & snored in drawing room, so sorry as he can’t be well & it annoys the rest & looks bad. Sunday 26 April Wet day. In all day. Maud to Church with Linley & walked back with Mary N. who remained to luncheon. Maud walked back with her & Mrs Gibson also. Lin, Lennie,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mr Guthrie & Mr Cokayne went in Car to Braemar, saw herds of deer led by a fine stag & one in rear cross brook. Back at 4.30. Had poetry game evg, Lin & Lennie excellent but found it tiring & did not sleep well. Lin seems much better, not so sleepy. Monday 27 April Lovely day, slept badly, v. tired. With Lin, Maud & Mrs G. to hut, saw Mr C. fishing & land a fine Kelt! Now see difference, long lank & shapeless. No luck in salmon. Rested after lunch & we all went & had tea in hut. Lin did a lovely drawing on wall of hut of “Punch” fishing & Toby ready to gaff salmon, perfectly delightful drawing. Vy jolly afternoon & evg. Mary N. here to dinner. Roulette, lost 1/1. Tuesday 28 April Slept well. Dull morg. Dear Lin leaves today, think change has done him good but not rest enough as he worked hard until Wed. evg, so does not get one clear week. Mr Guthrie & Mr Cokayne leave today also. To River morg, lots of fish rising but none taken, Sat out & walked up & down watching fishers but felt vy cold, After lunch Lin & Marie packed & at 4 Maud, Mrs G, Lin & self & 2 chicks went to Roscobie to tea & see ponies. Rush back to hut & motor waited & brought us back fr. there. Dear Lin awfully depressed leaving. We missed him dreadfully. Cap. Gibbs & Hylda came morg & Mr Marriott. Wednesday 29 April Fine morg. To River at 12, no luck. Cap’t G. & Lennie fishing. Maud, Hylda Mrs G. & self in Motor to Banchory, Tailor, & after had lovely drive nearly as far as F(illeg) the Farquharsons place, passing the lovely bridge of Turk, a dream of beauty. Rested after lunch when Miss Nash the girl who makes sweets came to lunch, & at 4.30 to hut, tea there. Miss Lin & the 2 others, these so dull after them & cold in hut. Maudie rested ½ an hour before dinner, badly needed it & looked better after. Quiet evg. Rae (Gillie) got a 6 lb salmon, brought in at desert!!! Thursday 30 April Dear Roy arrived 9 o’c. Dull morg, cold. Did not go out all day. Roy arrived at 9 o’c looks vy well & seems lively. Mr & Mrs Davidson, 2 girls, & Mrs Watson to luncheon, 13, so Cap Gibbs & one of girls sat at side table. They all went to tea at hut after & Mrs G, Mrs Watson & I remained here to tea. Charming little woman v. delicate, husband Vice-consul at Bolivia(?). Played roulette after dinner, I lost ½! Owe Lennie 4½. No fish & Mr D. has got 5 in 2 days, yesterday & day before. Dickie to first night revival “Gay Lord Quex”. May 1908 Friday 1 May Dull again, no sun. Lovely later & vy warm. Maud in Car at 11.50 to Roscobie, took Mary & Molly in it to Aberdeen to choose Molly’s frock, lunched there. Mrs Gibson & I walked at 12 o’c to see Lennie & Cap. Gibbs. Got fearfully hot walking back & felt quite seedy after. X. Rested & walked alone in garden. Alastair dined here, cheery as ever. Roulette after, Lennie won 25/- & 10/- last night as Bank. I only lost 2½ & owe Lennie 6d. Bed too late, vy tired, ought to have come up directly after dinner. Roy played golf with Mr Marriott. Saturday 2 May Good night but feel tired, side uncomfortable. Wet. Walked with Maud, Mrs G. & Hylda to farm & to River & I returned alone & read in Maud’s boudoir till luncheon, much nicer than tearing back late to luncheon. Rested after luncheon again. Marie read “Peter the Great”. Mr & Mrs Douglas nice lively young couple to tea, vy amusing. He met Maud years ago! Their little boy to tea also with children. Cap’t Gibbs got small trout, not salmon, but lost some! Roy & Mr M.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 very late in for dinner, Lennie vexed. Came up to bed before men out fr. dinner, vy tired. Hylda had tea at hut. Dickie to Private View Academy. Sunday 3 May Wet morg. Wonder how Dickie liked Mervyn’s little statue at Academy of “Don Quixote”! Maud, Hylda & little Linley to Church in Motor. V. wet. After lunch Lennie, Roy, Cap. Gibbs, Mr Marriott in Motor to Stone Haven, had tea there. Mr M’s quaint fall! They walked home fr. the Turk Bridge. Vy merry evg. Lennie mimicked different people. Bed 10.30. Read “The Conqueror” by Atherton, vy interesting. & Marie read me Pierre I de Russie. Walked after tea with Maud & Mrs G. Hylda with the Stone Haven party. Monday 4 May Wet again. Out at 11.30 with Hylda to River, no luck. Sat a while in 2nd hut & returned to write letters. Long letter fr. Dickie, great heat in London. He went to P.V. Academy Saty & is pleased with Mervyn’s “Don Quixote”. Anxious about Lin as heat never agrees with him. Lin lunched at Athenaeum wth Mr G(illeg) who had met Vernon Watney at Sir E. Grey’s & thought him vy odd. Poor Academy. Mrs Douglas small boy to tea & she came later, her car broken down, & Maud lent hers to take her & boy home. Roulette after dinner, lost 2d. Tuesday 5 May Paid Marie 4/6 washing etc & Lennie 8d losses at Roulette, in all now 1/8! Dull morg. Edgar & Sophy arrive today. Mr Johnson cannot come. Lin & Spencer dine together Stafford Terrace & go to play together. Cap’t & Hylda Gibbs leave 6 o’c. Alistair Farquhar came to say goodbye, joining his ship “Exmouth” at Portsmouth harbour. Dear Edgar & Sophy arrive 1 o’c. So glad to see them, came on direct fr. Bedstone. Wednesday 6 May Fine. Sat in hut morg, ret’d early. Marie to tea at Mrs Douglas’s. Nurse F. & Fraulein to Aberdeen for day. Linley with us morg. Mrs G, Sophy & self to hut for tea, Maudie joined us. Edgar walked back with me. Pleasant dinner, liveliest yet had. To bed before roulette, vy tired. Paid Lennie 8d roulette making 1/8 lost. Thursday 7 May Lovely day, cold wind. River vy high. To River morg. Lennie busy first part of river, no luck, & went & wrote in 2nd Hut. Returned 12 o’c, wrote in my room. Met Mrs G. & Sophy on way to hut on return. Edgar fishing (illeg) Roy & Mr M. golfing. Feel v. faint sure too long to go without food 9 to past 2 o’c. Edgar got 6½ lb salmon before lunch! Lennie 6 lb salmon before tea. Sophy, Mrs G, M. & self in Car to Mrs Pickering’s. Mrs Davison of Dees & Mr & Mrs W. White, v. smart woman Mrs D. To hut after. V. merry dinner, roulette after but I came up at 10.30. Friday 8 May Fairly fine early, much warmer. River going down. Walked down with Edgar. After lunch rested & to hut at 4.30. Lennie, Roy, Edgar & Mr Marriott in Motor to Mr Davidsons & fished in his “Loch”. 7 lovely trout, Edgar got 5 of them. Vy merry tea in hut. Roy staying on till Monday night. Roulette evg. Lost 1d. Sophy won 4/-. Marie vy seedy, livery. Mrs D. called & informed Maud that they would arrive with 20 visitors & all the day Maud leaves!!! No letter fr. Dickie today. Roulette. Bed after 11 o’c. Won 6d. Saturday 9 May Hamilton Langley arrives Southampton fr. South America. Dear Roy leaves Inchmarlo. Perfectly glorious morg. Roy leaves Monday night instead of tonight. Vy tired & sleepy, good night but tired, too late to bed 11.10. Wrote to Lin & sent it off by 8.45. Marie fetched it. Tea in hut, vy jolly. Edgar walked to end of River beat with me after. Rested an hour refreshed. Marie all right again, pity she gets so depressed when seedy. Roulette, won 6d, bed 11. No letter fr. Dickie. Sunday 10 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely morg glorious sun, slept well. In Car with Mrs Gibson for drive to Church, picked up Maud, Edgar, Sophy, Linley II, Mrs G. & my darling to Church. Little Anne & Oliver drove part of way back with me. Wrote letters. After lunch Lennie, Roy, Mr Marriott & Mrs Gibson went to Kintore in Car, walked 4 miles back, late dinner 8.30, bed 10.45. Edgar & I had tea alone together & a walk after. He vy busy with letters to Con’s boys, accounts heavy. Maud, little Linley & Sophy to tea at Mary Nicol’s. Monday 11 May Lovely morg. Roy leaves tonight for home. Good night slept till 7.30. To 2nd hut morg. 2 letters fr. Lin. Came back 12.30, wrote. Tired. Rested & Mrs Mitchell (tiresome person) Mary & Molly to tea. Walked to hut, all rest having tea there. Mrs Gibson walked back with me & we saw Roy off at 6 o’c in motor. Dined 8.30. Lennie sang after dinner. Felt awfully tired & darling Maud same but won’t own it, her dear eyes show it. No luck & yet Blackhall people catching 3 or 4 salmon a day! Vy trying for Lennie. Tuesday 12 May Lovely day but vy cold wind at 5 o’c odd as it was so warm all the morg. Maud & I walked to first hut & sat there. Letters fr. Dickie, he had dined with Midge & H. Coburg. Hamilton’s rents in S.A. doubled!!! He must be a v. rich man now. After lunch Edgar, Lennie, Mr Marriott, little Linley, Maud & Sophy to Sluie to fish trout. Edgar only got one & others nothing. Tea in hut. Edgar v. seedy & unable to come down to dinner, chill, v. hot & feverish, feel anxious about him. Mary Nicol & Molly here to dinner. Roulette, lost 4d. Too late for bath too tired! Roy arrives home this morg, left here 6 o’c last evg. Wednesday 13 May Slept well. Vy heavy rain, lovely later but cold wind. Walked with Maud & watched her fish a little while. Poor Edgar in bed with a chill which he calls a gout attack. Sat with him morg until 12 o’c. Saw Roy’s nest 3 wee birds in it. Rested after lunch & walked with Maud & Sophy to Sandy Bank Pool. They went on to tea in hut. I with Edgar in his room. He did not get up to dinner. Maudie killed her first salmon 5¾ lbs, & v. quiet about it. 2 others on & lost. No other fish caught. Quiet evg. Bed. Thursday 14 May Midge & H. arrived 9 o’c. Had comfortable journey, both well, Midge full of fun. Letters fr. Lin & Roy who sent me £5.0.0 note. Colder, dull. Edgar up but not going out today. Edgar went out & to tea in hut where we all had it. No luck. Roys birds disappeared fr. lone nest, others safe. Walked round garden with Midge. Roulette evg. No luck, lost 9d. Owe Lennie 11½ ! Pity he loses his temper so over roulette, spoils the fun of it. Friday 15 May Poring wet day & colder. Lennie killed salmon 16 ½ lbs morg. H. no luck. In all morg. Midge kept us in fits so amusing drawing room, Mrs G, Sophy, Maud & self. Edgar quite himself again. After lunch H & Lennie to river & Edgar & Mr Marriott to Lake Sluie but got nothing. Tiresome 3 Miss Hays to tea, Mary & Molly all made fun of the Davidsons & their Saty party. Glad none of us went. M. & self to river 6 o’c when they left. Roulette evg & much nicer, Lennie quite good tempered. Saturday 16 May Fine early, slept well. Sat out all morg. Maud, Lennie, H.L. fished. Lennie vexed Mr M. fishing also & disturbing water. Midge v. amusing. Edgar & Sophy in motor to Sluie, he to fish trout. No luck here or there. Sophy walked back & we all had tea at Hut. Mrs Davidson & Mrs Pelham called of Dees, the small pretty Mrs D. Mary & Molly dined here, roulette after. I to bed at 10.20 when they started roulette, Edgar taking Bank. They did not go until 11.30. Glad I came up early. Marie to Banchory.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 17 May Lin & Roy play tennis at Sir A.H’s. Slept well. Lovely morg, warm. Wind in night made my blinds dance, had to get up & shut window. Edgar, Sophy, Maud to Church. Walked with Midge & Lennie & Ham, feel got my chill then, cold wind & hot sun, wore best dress too thin. After lunch Lennie, Ham, Midge, Sophy & little L. to Dunnottar. No tea. Maud, Mrs G. & self to River. Late back no rest before dinner. Mr & Mrs Douglas dined here & vy lively evg, they know many of Midge’s friewnds in Shropshire. Monday 18 May Lovely day, glorious sun. Vy cold wind. Sat in Hut. Lennie vy down, no luck. After lunch he & H. to Sluie, no luck. Mr Davidson came to say goodbye. Edgar & Sophy off at 10.30, down to wish them goodbye. Mr Marriott with them, late as usual. Darling saw us off at Banchory by 6.50 train. Felt a chill, got so warm & then cold wind. Carriage in train sleeping comp’t fearfully hot suffocating. Vy bad throat. Fees 1.7.6. Sleeping carriage 7/6, guards 2/6. Tuesday 19 May Lennie got 2 salmon today! & lost another thro’ carelessness of Gillie. Slept badly, too near engine. Awful throat like quinsey. Foggy, v. fine later. My throat vy bad, afraid of quinsey. Gargled continuously with condy all day. Lin looking well & Roy also. Lin busy all day with photos. Felt so seedy with bad throat & hot & cold, so stupid when I have been so well. Unpacked all morg with Marie, rested after lunch. Lin had tea with me in my room, alone again till 8. Lin & Roy dined at home & they went after to Sir C. Quilter’s smoking party. Could not sleep for ages. L. & R. home at 12 o’c. Wednesday 20 May In bed all day. Throat better but still vy painful & backache. Lin’s lovely drawing of Old Crimean Pensioner & Charity being used as an advertisement, looks splendid enlarged. Ham & Midge leave “Inchmarlo” today, & Maud, Lennie & all the household come south tonight. So glad to get letter fr. Maud saying Lennie got 2 fish yesterday & lost another thro’ the carelessness of Gillie. Temperature 101 & felt so headachey & throat so painful sent for Dr Beauchamp at 9.30. Arrived 10 o’c. Gave me diaphoretic & eau de cologne compress with water & gargle. Thursday 21 May X. Doctor came, doesn’t know much. Slept fairly well, perspired freely. Feel sore & weak rather but much better, throat less painful. In bed all day. Lovely day, sun & fresh wind. Dr B. came, fluttered around, but don’t think he knows what is wrong with me. Still a little feverish, nearly 100 temp. Dickie vy busy. Darling Maud came to tea, a ray of sunshine bless her & told us all sorts of funny stories. Marie read to me after. Roy out to dinner. Had chicken broth & milk only. Headache. Friday 22 May Lovely day. Slept fairly well, great perspiration night. Maudie came morg. & stayed some time. Throat still vy painful, convinced it is a sort of quinsey, a yellow secretion. Side uncomfortable. Maudie vy amusing , brought fishing toy of Linley’s fr. Farm. Feel vy hot & feverish & temp over 100 at night. Throat vy painful & generally most uncomfortable. Lin did charming drawing. Roy out to dinner. Saturday 23 May Maud & Lennie to Balcombe for night. Lovely day. Dr B. came 12 o’c. Dickie to see Mr Wynams horses jump somewhere in Kent, off directly after breakfast. Emma off early to her niece’s wedding, may not be back until early tomorrow. Clouded over about 12.30 Throat still very painful but temperature down after 11 o’c. To remain in bed till Monday after seeing Dr B. Feel vy bad, throat so painful,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & hot over 100 at 4 o’c. Marie read which did me good, so soothing. Rested after & felt better thank heaven. Roy sat in my room & Lin ret’d just in time for dinner. I had whiting! & a little chicken, & able to swallow it. Sunday 24 May Lennie & Maud dining here. They lunch at Hampton Court on way up. Bad night, 2 violent sweats fr. taking diaphoretic medicine. Hurts my right side coughing so much but am better, no temp morg & throat less red but still vy painful when swallowing. Glorious day, cool breeze. Read about quinsey which is exactly what my complaint is, a mild form. Vy depressed about my kidney as apparently there is no hope for that. Dickie & Roy to Sir Alfred’s tennis. Temp nearly 100 again & feel backachey. My darling looked sweet, sat with me after dinner. Monday 25 May Bad night, could not get any rest fr. cough. Sweat & felt cold after. Dr B. came most kind & sympathetic, wishes Mr Haward to see me Thursday. Wound swollen fr.coughing & throat still v. painful, never had such a painful one before, quinsey. Most thankful it is no worse. My precious darling came today & remained until 6.30. Little Anne read & cheered me, felt depressed. Mr W. Hartree called. Roy & Lin dined together. Letters fr. Edgar & Midge. Dr B. says impossible for me to go Vittel. Tuesday 26 May Fine & dull alternately. My darling came morg. looking so sweet & pretty, could not remain to luncheon. Had an awful night coughing which hurts my side & heavy sweats. President Fallières & King again Exhibition. Marie went & saw them. Edie came & had tea with me. Lin vy funny about King & Pres. Fallières seeing my window boxes. Lin & Roy dine at Maud’s & to theatre after. Wednesday 27 May Apt. 5.30 Dr Beauchamp & Mr Haward coming in consultation. Lovely day. Lin lunching at Mr Lucy’s, F.C.Bs. Roy out to dinner. Another horrid night of perspiration but feel better, tonic taking effect. Darling Maud came at 4 o’c, seems to have cold but looked sweet. She had been to Temple Flower Show morg with Mr Messel. X. Mr Haward vy pleased with progress made in spite of this cold. Pain & swelling in side caused by strain of coughing & am to wear a steel shield padded over kidney in belt. Lin’s lunch at Mr L’s vy interesting, the F. Burnands, Sassoons, Lady Dorothy Neville, Hon Mrs C. Lawrence. Thursday 28 May Better night, no sweats. Had bath at 11 & to bed again. Not to get up until after Dr B’s call tomorrow. Lovely day in fits & starts. Am getting far too absorbed in my own ailments, must reform! Darling Maud laid up, chill. Vy anxious about her. Sent Antoinette evg., little better. Roy & Lin dined together. Dear Edgar came to tea & sat with me 2 hours, did me good, vy dear & vy unselfish of him. Roy came in for ½ a second evg. Friday 29 May Lovely day. Better night. Sent Upton to enquire for my darling, better. She has also bad throat. X. Dr B. came 6 o’c, says I may get up at 5 tomorrow for a little while. Side vy achey & feels as if my inside would come through it. The Burnands called, C’s & F.C.B’s. Vy kind. Roy dined with Lennie, he only came into my room for half a second. Lin did fine drawing of Fallières & France. He left Dover today. Saturday 30 May Lovely morg. Dull intervals. Slept better than have done since our return, bed more comfortable & did not cough.The 2 chicks came after luncheon with Nurse F. & Fraulein, looking sweet in their new coats. Maudie better but still in bed, throat like mine, odd. Tabbie & Mervyn came looking so smart & pretty, vy amusing too. Arranged about Lin going to Leweston for Whitsuntide as I know he


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 loves going there. Dear Edgar came for an hour. V. dear & unselfish, loved having him. Lin & Roy to dine at 104 & to play after with Lennie, they enjoyed it. Sunday 31 May Fine vy hot. Pity Marie shows bad temper, it spoils her good qualities & she cannot be as kind hearted as I had hoped she was! Hamilton & Tabby & perhaps Gwen & Lennie dine here tonight. Still in bed. Had bath morg, good night, side painful when move, but swelling gone down. Lay on sofa in dressing gown after luncheon until 7 o’c. Tabs, Gwen, Ham, Lennie, Roy & Lin dine here. Tabs & Gwen sat with me some time after dinner, both blooming. Fearfully hot. Lin & Roy enjoyed their game at Sir A’s. Jun 1908 Monday 1 June Fine, vy hot. Slept well but feel sidey, & feel weak. Am afraid shall be obliged to keep a maid especially for myself, seem to need so much & my clothes need looking after. Bother as if only fairly well c’d manage without. Sent Pass Book & Waihi dividend of £12.7.0 to Bank by Upton. Edgar came & sat with me, vy dear of him. Another worry with Geoff, in debt again & we shall have to pay £10 each. This makes £25 this year in family calls on our purse, rather much. Emma out. Punch dinner tonight. Tuesday 2 June Lovely day, vy hot but delicious cool breeze. Dressed & lay on sofa in my room, side vy uncomfortable & all clothes too tight. Marie read after lunch. Lin busy too, like Thurs & Friday for his work. Edie F, Ethel C. & dear little Oliver here & had tea in my room & Lin & Ethel Mervyn who stayed some time. Marie read again & to bed, thankful to get there. Darling Maud going down to dinner tonight first time since last Wed. Roy dined there & says she looks vy pulled down poor darling. Wednesday 3 June Derby Day. Siognoretta filly won, rank outsider. Lovely day, delicious breeze. X. Dr Beauchamp came 12.30. Says I can go down, & have a drive every day. Fitted for my pad, horridly uncomfortable thing & makes me another 2 inches bigger round waist. Dear Edgar came to tea & Sophy later, they went together to Mrs Paton’s at home. Mrs Walkes called & sat some time with me, vy lively as usual. Dickie busy with drawing. Maudie better, down to dinner last evg. but Roy thought she looked pale. Out today. Thursday 4 June Lin & Roy dine with Lennie & Maud, Harold, Nonie, Mr Messel etc at Garden Club 8 o’c tonight. Slept vy badly, awful thunderstorm & could not get to sleep after. My darling called for me with dear little Linley & Anne in Victoria at 11.30. She looks very fragile & pulled down & I feel most anxious about her. We drove round Park, met Mrs Gibson & then to Mrs de la Penha, alas she can not live long, growing weaker. Maudie took chicks to see her & the darling feels the sorrow & sadness of it keenly. Mrs Messel there & little Oliver came also as she wished to see them all. Toula lunched with Maudie & Maud is dining at Exhibition tonight. Most unwise she looks too delicate. Lennie called for Lin & Roy in car, which refused to move, so he ret’d home & they meet at Exhibition for dinner. Toula came to tea with me. Violent thunderstorm all evg. Friday 5 June My darling goes with the chicks to Balcombe by 10 train. Trust she will soon get stronger & better there, feel very anxious about her, & Lennie does not see how ill she is. Lin & Roy go to Tabbie’s. I shall be alone here with the 3 maids! I was in bed on Dickie’s going, think change will do him good & Roy will be happier having him. Bath chair at 12 o’c for 1½ hours 3/-, took Antoinette. Sat in Row


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 enjoyed it immensely. Dickie left at 3.30. Gladys Crozier came & sat with me. Vy tired, to bed after Bath. Saturday 6 June Slept well. Much colder. At 12 in Bath Chair, took Antoinette, vy attentive & nice. Sat in Flower Walk, so cold & windy. Same man 3/3. Stamps ½. Toula to tea. Sent her back in carriage & enquired after Mrs de la Penha. Dined in my bedroom, sofa more comfortable. Marie out for an hour 6 o’c. Read account of Signorietta Derby & Oaks winner owned by Italian. Bath & Bed. Paid bills by cheque. Letters fr. Edgar & Maudie. Sunday 7 June Dul & cold. Slapt fairly well. Antoinette out after luncheon. Had brougham 12 o’c, took Marie to Hyde Pk Corner. Met Toula. M. returned on foot. Toula had just found a double sovereign silver case with one sovereign inside, is going to make enquiries to find owner. We lunched together, rested after whilst Toula read & slept! Dear Mervyn came to tea, so glad to see him, but he looks vy delicate. Toula stayed till 7 o’c. Monday 8 June Dull & cloudy. Marie out. Fine later. Had Bath chair 1½ hrs. Sat in Row perfectly lovely & few people about there. Took Rags, otherwise alone. After rest at 3 .30 took out things fr. 3 boxes & put others in. Put purple velvet dress, molle(?) black day dress, furs & hats, winter hats in dear Mother’s box. Gladys Crozier came to tea, was most kind & thoughtful, & amusing. 2 letters fr. Dickie. Tuesday 9 June Fair night. Out for day. Antoinette worked well & so cheerfully & did my little omlette for dinner very nicely. Had Bath chair morg 2 hours 3/2. Sat in Park. Lady Bergne & Mrs H. Levy & daughter called, dau. been married 10 months & is home again her marriage annulled! Poor girl awful exeriences. Roy returned at 5.30, dined with Mr Stern whose car fetched him. Dined in my room & to bed 9.o’c. Wednesday 10 June Bad night. Woke when Roy came in altho’ he was very quiet. Lin returning today 4 o’c. Remained in all morg for Doctor who never came. Went for drive Bath Chair 2 o’c till 3.30. Had dreadful commissioner to draw me, shockingly common person. Dear Lin arrived 4 o’c looking better for his little change. Had tea together & off to Punch dinner. He & Roy both enjoyed their visit immensely. To bed early. 3/- chair. Child opposite cried dreadfully. Thursday 11 June Very good night, slept late. Dr B. came in fluster as usual just as I was going out in Chair. Says I can go to Balcombe Saty. Had lovely drive in Park where he stop’d & read papers out. 1½ hrs 3/-. Edgar & Sophy came to luncheon, vy glad to see them. Lin vy busy dear thing. Edgar stayed to tea with me until 5.30, rested whilst Marie looked thro’ boxes wardrobe. Bed early. Roy dined with Lin at 8.30, so glad they were together. Friday 12 June Wet early, fine later. Darling M. came in Car 11.30 just as I was going out in Bath chair. Looks much better. We saw Mrs Spofforth, Maudie only stayed few moments. Horrid chair man, another. Barely 1½ hrs out. Rest & Marie & I to my room where she packed. Toula & Edie came & had tea. Toula stayed till 7! Turned out 2 drawers in my room. Roy dined with Dickie 9.45, did not see him. Darling M. & Toula brought flowers. Saturday 13 June D.V. Lin, Roy & self to Balcombe. Take Marie. Fine early. Roy meets us Vic. Sent Marie on with luggage & Lin & self went in brougham. Great crowd all thro’ Park & Piccadilly from Suffragettes & terrific at Albert Hall. Dear Edgar met us at Victoria & saw us off, he still looks vy seedy, not nearly as well as when he came


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 to London. Roy too looks very white & says he does not feel well. Darling met us at Balcombe looking better, went straight to my room after tea. Lennie & Mr Webber at Nymans fishing, got 3 trout. Everything looking lovely, inside & out. Sunday 14 June Lovely day. Sat out with Lin & Roy. Mr Webber, Lennie & Maud & chicks etc to Church. Mr & Mrs Messel came over to tea & we sat & watched them play tennis. Roy looks vy seedy & so white. Mr & Mrs Hohler & lady & gentleman came unexpectedly to dinner, 12. Ex. dinner, well managed & no fuss. Monday 15 June Lin left early & Roy earlier. Sat out all morg. with Maud & Fraulein in rose garden. Drove with Maud 4 o’c to Lady Frederick’s, tea there & sat out. Lovely drive back. I dined alone as Lennie late fr. drill. Sat with them after till 10.20 as they leave tomorrow. Tuesday 16 June At Balcombe. Maudie left by 9 o’c train & remains in London some days. Raining. Ascot today. In all morg. working. Up at 10, bad night. 3 chicks with Fraulein to Lady Frederick Fitzroy’s. Mr Bridgemen tutor had tea with me & stop’d talking all afternoon. I went for my first walk alone to Post Office & back after my rest at 4 o’c. Felt vy wobbly. Dined with Mr B. alone & went to bed after at 9.15. Wednesday 17 June Gladys Walker’s wedding to Col. Macan. Slept well, dull morg. Fine later but muggy. Black fog in London. Drove at 11.30, took Linley with me. He rode at 4 o’c. Sat on verandah after tea until 6.30. Chicks vy happy polishing seat in Verandah all 3!!! Really made it look vy nice. To bed 9.30. Thursday 18 June Lovely day. Drove with Fraulein & Oliver at 11.30 Vic & pair thro’ forest, already 6 placards for Land on sale there. A thousand pities. Forest looking glorious. Little O.fell asleep. After luncheon sat out. Edoe here for lessons. Left at 4.10. Chicks dressed up in costumes after tea. Quiet peaceful day bed 9.30. Crash of china outside my door breakfast tray, expeted it, dangerous staircase. Finished “(illeg)” Bourset. Friday 19 June Lovely morg. Lennie, Mr Webber & Maud return this evening. Lennie by cart fr. Three Bridges, Maudie in Car. Lovely day, Fraulein & little Anne in Vic with me 11.30 to Nymans & Linley. S Mr & Mrs messel. I did not getout. Sat out after until luncheon & after lunch rested & slept 2.30 to 3.30. Sat out after with chicks. Tea with Mr Bridgeman & walked with Nurse F. to Kitchen Garden, buried an egg in ants nest with chicks to watch result! See tomorrow evg. Late dinner 8.40, darling looking so bright & well. Bless her. Bed 10.30. Very tired. Linley rode 7 to 8 AM. Saturday 20 June Lovely morning, & day. Lennie in Car at 11.30 to Worthing & afterwards to Nymans to fish. Mr Webber met him there & came on here for week end. Maud & I sat out morg. in rose garden. After luncheon Maud took 3 chicks & Fraulein to Mrs Stephenson Clarks party, conjuror etc, all enjoyed it & they only got home at 7 o’c! I had a little walk to Kitchen garden with Nurse F. & sat out with her until nearly 7. Quiet nice evg, Lennie v. well & Mr Webber played piano. Bed 10.10. Sunday 21 June Slept well, woke at 7. All going to Ottie’s for liuncheon, am so sorry dare not go, 1½ hrs drive in car, afraid of my side which still feels vy weak. Dickie & Roy in London going to Sir Alfred Hickman’s as usual for tennis. Roy on River did not go Sir A’s. Party from Ottie’s only returned at 7 o’c! Glad I did not go. Mr & Mrs Messel, Mrs Gibson & another American lady there. I had quiet restful day here. Monday 22 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Sat out all morg. rose garden writing with Maudie. Little Linley & Mr B. to Brighton for afternoon, home at 7 o’c. Lovely drive with Maud after tea, saw new house Macquoids have taken. Quiet evg. pianola. Lin v. busy at home doing 2 drawings again this week. Tuesday 23 June Letters fr. Lin & fr. Edgar. Lovely day. Sent telegram Lin Nembhards’ address for Gwen. Lin taking her to Horse Show, both enjoyed it immensely. Sat out all morg. writing. Rested after luncheon & went for lovely drive with Maud after tea. She called on the Copland Hoods who have the cottage beyond the young Finlay Campbells on way to Mrs Faure Walker’s. Arrived home just as Lennie & Mr Webber came up. They played tennis. Haymaking, chicks vy happy in field facing house. Quiet evg. Bed early. Wednesday 24 June Lovely morg. Maud & Lennie go to London for a few days & Mr Webber returns tonight. Had drive with Linley & Fraulein past Mill. Chicks & Nurse F. to Mrs Green’s to tea. Quite pleasant dinner & evg, restful, & Mr Webber played pianola after v. nicely. I came up to bed 10 o’c & they v. soon after. Mr W. seems tired, has the flippant Stock Exchange way, but I liked him better this evg, more gentlemanly & serious. Thursday 25 June Lad Hickman’s grand daughter Phyllis marries Major Deane, reception at Sir Alfred’s. Lovely day. Mrs Gibson arrived 12 o’c & Edie. Went for drive with Mrs G. until luncheon. Rested, sat out after until Lennie & Mr W. returned. Edie left 4 o’c. Chicks playing in hay. Quite nice little evg. talks over furniture, glass & silver. Bed 10.15. V. tired. Friday 26 June Lovely morg. Mrs G. & I sat out all morg. in rose garden. I mended Lin’s shirt. Sat out all afternoon too. Little walk in grounds with Mrs G. Lennie & Mr Webber on lake. Mr W. returned early fr. city, not well. Lennie played pianola, new music, not so thrilling. To bed 10.30. Late for me. Reffels fought Dudley when Marie took him out & frightened her & Hornsby, won’t take him again. Maudie goes with the Dad to Foreign Office. Saturday 27 June Lovely but dull early. Mrs Gibson & I drove to Nymans, saw Mrs Messel who looked vy well, & sat talking to her fr. carriage, did not get out. Dear Lin arrived by 4.50 with Miss Manisty. Darling Maud arrived by Motor fr. London just before luncheon. Grocer’s pony ran away & scampered all over lawn to Mrs G’s alarm. Sat out. Had little walk with Lin to see fallen tree near Lodge. Pleasant dinner & to bed at 10 o’c. Marie slept out. Mr Webber here all day. Sunday 28 June Dull & wind. Lennie going on motor boat. Account fr. Lennie’s Office X made £10 for me!!! So have only £9 odd on B.A. Pac. Shrs to pay instead of £23. X. Sent cheque £9.8.6 to Messel firm balance of account fr. B.A. Pac. new shares £200, & Lennie made me £(blank) & sent Burmah Oil Cy. note to Bank. X. They pay off my £200 debs in their compy in July. Lennie & Mr Webber to Brighton & Newhaven. Monday 29 June Lovely morg. Dickie left by early train, going to Chelsea Pageant. Mr P.Agnew & wife & Mr Partridge taking part in it. Tuesday 30 June Gladys Coward’s recep. before her marriage tomorrow to Cap’n Ball. Lovely day. Maudie’s cold vy bad, only got up in time for dinner & tea. Mrs G. & I had drive at 4.30. Mr Webber got back at 4 o’c! Music evg. Maudie & I played patience. Mrs G. & Mr Webber pictures & personal compliments!


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Jul 1908 Wednesday 1 July Heavenly day X. Sent off (illeg) letter with Burmah Oil certf. Wrote all morg. Maudie left for London 9 something looks pulled down by this fresh cold. She dines tonight with Lennie at Lord (blank). Little Linley’s eyes hurt him. Mrs Gibson & I took him for drive at 4.30, called on Miss Gibbs at new house on Brighton Rd. close to where accident happened near Nymans. Dined by daylight 7.30. Glorious Aurora Borealis after & whole garden lighted up, just like at sunset. To bed 10 o’c. Mr Bridgeman played v. badly, so hard fast & loud. Thursday 2 July Poor Mrs de la Penha died this morg. Lovely morg. Drive 11.30. Marie & Hornsby out afternoon. Edie coming for lessons. Drove at 11.30 until 1 o’c, took Edie. Marie did not go, expects too much! & (illeg) in consequence. Edie told me Douglas engaged to Miss Vickars! Hylda unhappy. Sat out afternoon. Aurora Borealis evg. Dined by daylight 7.30. Played poker & got headache evg. but good game, Mrs Gibson, Mr Bridgeman & self. Friday 3 July Bank returned Burmah Oil Cert, their mistake putting £100 instead of £200. Lin enjoyed Winchester Pageant but fearful heat. Letters fr. Maudie & Lin. Maudie returning 4 o’c. X. Sent off Burmah Oil Cert to the Company at Glasgow. Ought not to have signed receipt of £200 as Mr Richardson wrote. How careless men are! Vy pleasant evg. Darling Maud & Lennie back. He played pianola vy quietly. Felt my side v. much evg. think fr. heat. Saturday 4 July Fine, not quite so bright. Walked morg. to post with Mrs G. Rested after lunch. Lennie left at 5.40 in old Car.Dear Lin arrived looking well but litle tired. We all sat out after tea & Lennie had gone. Maudie retrimming Wison hat for mourning for Mrs de la Renha who was buried this morg. Chicks sent lovely wreath of (illeg) mauve & purple. Vy happy dinner table, Lin so full of news. Bed early. Little Linley to see cricket. Had a talking to fr. Lennie. Sunday 5 July Lovely day. Sat out all day & had walk with Dickie who it does me good to see, he looks so well & is so bright & happy. Hear Douglas is engaged to Miss Vickers, Edie told me. Letter fr. dear Edgar who leaves Vittel on Tuesday. Monday 6 July Mrs Gibson left early. Lovely day. Slept fairly well. Sat out & wrote all morg. Dickie busy with his photos. Little Linley did conjuring on lawn. Oliver v. amusing serious & non appreciative critic. Went for lovely drove with Maudie, called at Nymans to enquire & found all out & Rita de la Penha also in motor. Ruth & chicks staying there, called on Mrs Latham. Had walk with Lin round field. Maudie trimmed hat evg. Mr B. played pianola. Vy happy peaceful day. Tuesday 7 July Lovely morg. Letter fr. Ethel Mervyn, finds her English maids excellent & does not miss Pauline a bit, in fact finds these so much nicer, not so tiresome with moods. Lin, Maud & I went by Car to Worthing thro’ Brighton, lovely run. Vy windy but fine. Bad lunch at Warne’s Hotel Worthing. On to see Lennie after sitting in shelter watching sea. Home thro’ Storrington. Ethel Cusans & a Miss Greig arrived. We got back at 4.30 or 5 o’c! Vy tired after delightful day. Car shakes one up. Wednesday 8 July Wet morg. Lin vy busy with photos in his room. Maud & I went with Lin in Car to Three Bridges at 5 to 3. Vy depressed at his leaving & he cannot come on Saturday. Rested on return. Marie read “La maison du peché” by Marcelle.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Regular french book. Lin reached home soon after 5 o’c. Mons. Bonvoisin wrote Lin he was in London. Thursday 9 July Letter fr. Dickie! Fine but blowey. Maud, Ethel Cusans & self in Car to Brighton. I had 3 teeth stop’d by Mr Gibbons there. Vy gentle & vy clean in his work. We had excellent luncheon Metropole, after which I returned to dentist for ½ an hour & back. Car shakes me about rather, far worse than carriage. Miss Greig (fair schoolgirl) left morg early. Rested on return fr. Brighton & to bed 10 o’c. We were all tired. Friday 10 July Wet & blowey. Eton & Harrow match. Maudie called & saw Lin who was busy at work (illeg). Sad letter fr. dear Roy about business. Sent him £35 for his birthday, now, as he will be away for it with Mr Stern in France, goes on 1st August. Mrs Latham coming to tea. Darling & little Linley go in Car to Eton & Harrow match at Lords. Tabbie & Gareth, Roy etc there, they all lunch at Mrs Worsley’s. Mrs Latham brought the flower books for me to see, shall order Sowerby’s for Maudie. Chicks went for drive. Mr Bridgeman to London for day. Maudie & little L. returned 8 o’c, enjoyed their day immensely tho’ dull & little rain. Eton doing vy badly. Saturday 11 July Dull & rainy. Slept v. well. Maud & little Linley left in Car at 12.30 for Nymans where they lunched & went on with Mr Messel & Muriel to Worthing to see Lennie & be at the sports. Ld Z. vy attentive to Maudie. They returned at 7.45. having greatly enjoyed their day. Darling looking better & in good spirits & seems none the worse for her tiring day yesterday. Mr Bridgeman arrived back fr. London by first train with bad toothache & cold in his head. Pianola evg. Ethel C. left by 4.20. I took her to Sta. in Vic, & Fraulein & Oliver & self for lovely drive after, always enjoy chicks with Fraulein, so quiet. Sunday 12 July Dear old Rick run over & killed by a motor in our mews, see Lin’s letters. Fine morg, very wet afternoon. Sat out morg, rest at Church, vy heavy & sultry. Lord Zouche & Lennie came over fr. Worthing in Car to lunch & tea. Mr B. Stuart & his wife came to tea fr. Worthing in their small Rover Car which he told me cost him £150 second hand & he has had it a year & had no mishap. He drives it himself & it costs him ½ a mile!!! Lennie & Lord Z. left at 5.30. Maudie, Mr B. & self at dinner, to bed 10.30. Monday 14 July Changed cheque £2.0.0. Gave Marie 10/- makes £25 a year she receives whilst doing parlourmaid & maid. Maudie & little Linley go to London tomorrow about his eyes. Maud & I went by train to Brighton to see dentist Mr Gibbons about my teeth. He finished crowning my top eye tooth. We lunched at Metropole & sat in front after, ret’d by 3.50 train. Vy windy. Rested after, back achey. Quiet little evg with my darling & Mr B. who has bad cold & tooth ache. Dear letter fr. Roy, won’t accept the £200. Tuesday 14 July X. Vy funny drawing of poor Rick’s grave & Rags mourning in Lin’s letter. X. Fine but uncertain morg. Darling & little Linley go up to see Occulist, Sir A. Critchett, & go again on Monday. Maud returned with Linley & Fraulein evg. in time for dinner. Had walk morg on New Road with Nurse F. Found 3 new wild flowers. Afternoon Oliver had tea with me, & Nurse F. & Anne went with us to K. garden. After dinner turned out names of flowers with Mr B. Darling M. making little Anne’s frock for her picture. Bed 10.30, rather late. Wednesday 15 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Fine fresh morg. Maudie going to London for lunch Mrs Hohler & to Lady Goring’s evg. party. X. Vy funny letter fr. Lin, Rick’s will etc. Miss Macdonald arrived to draw Maud & Oliver & Anne, staying some days. V. charming girl, clever & handsome. Soaking rain morg a deluge twice during morg. Maudie to London for Mrs Hohler’s din. & Lady Goring’s at home tonight. Went to station with her & on to Nymans, saw Muriel, Hylda, Miss G. Mr & Mrs Messel, usual sensation of wet blanket over one’s head there. Pleasant evg here. Linley & Mr B met me & walked part of way back, so glad to be able to walk without help. Thursday 16 July Darling ret’d fr. London, arrived with Edie before luncheon. Simply poured in torrents all day, cold not go out. Mrs Latham’s party, unable to go, weather impossible. Maudie v. busy re-arranging drawing room. New tapistry, great improvement. Played patience with Maudie. Mr B. pianola. Bed 10.30. Awful day for Lin’s work. Friday 17 July Awfully wet day, but managed a walk in new road between showers. Mr Everard & Ethel Dilke came by 4.30. He has been 27 years in Chinese Consulate service & 14 years at home & is going out again in Nov. They went for a walk after tea. Pianola evg. by Mr Bridgeman. Bed early 10.30. Mr Fisher Dilke lost his train & came on after dinner. Vy handsome man, & unspoilt. Saturday 18 July Dull heavy & close. Walked alone in new road morg. & picked up little Linley on way home. They don’t open the windows in his schoolroom enough. Dear Lin retuerned with Roy & Mr Labouchère & Mr Johnson by 4.30. Lennie arrived fr. Camp early. He & Mr Dilke fished in Lake morg. got some shell fish!! Both Lin & Roy looked vy well. Lin & I had a walk after tea. Sat next Mr Everard at dinner, most interesting about China. Went off to bed when they were playing roulette 10.30. Pity they are beginning to play higher, cautious people tho’ this time. Sunday 19 July Dull early, fine later. Had delightful walk to Lake where we sat for some time. 11 to luncheon! Rested after, & had another walk with Lin. Met Mr Bridgeman & Mr Everard by Lake resting fr. long walk. Lennie, Mr Dilke to sail on Lake. Ethel D. & Maud for walk. Roy & Mr Labouchère sat on lawn. They 4 played tennis after & 2 Parker girls came to tea, so pretty & healthy looking. Sat next to Mr Johnson at dinner. Vy interesting about Coptics & Abysinnia. Pianola after. I stole off to bed at 10.20! Pleasant evg & delightful day with Dickie. Roy v. quiet. Monday 20 July Dear Roy left & all left except Mr Labouchère. Nurse F. took little Linley to Sir Anderson Critchett, his eyes are defective, too flat at the back! Will have to wear glasses. Maudue with little Anne & Hornsby to Brighton. Dickie & self for walk & sat near iron bridge facing lake. Vic killed one little moore hen, could see no more of yesterdays 4. Lin & self walked again after tea. Tennis. Mr Labouchère returned. Miss Hughes came, charming person. Tuesday 21 July Sent off 2 cheques, £2.14.0 & £1.4.8 to London & County Bank, first spec of Lennie’s for me, second div in last £200 in B.A.Pacific Rly. Walked with Lin 5.30. Maud, Lin & self in Car to Nymans, Lin & self on alone to Ifield to see Mark Lemon’s grave, & fetched Maud fr. Nymans, home to lunch. Mr & Mrs Green to dinner. Miss Bagge came, American, plays beautifully. Had Charades after dinner & Miss B. played. Dear Lin left directly after dinner in hurry. Mr Labouchere here. Bed 11.30. X. Sent off 2 cheques to L.C.Bank. Wednesday 22 July Lovely day. Sat out. Muriel & pretty Miss Lund came over in Car, M. driving herself. Lovely drive after tea with Miss Hughes. Chicks drove morg. to Nymans.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs Green’s 2 little girls to tea & Mr Green to play tennis with Lennie. Mr Labouchère ret’d with Lennie. After dinner Mr L. Maud & Miss Bagge to Lady Loder’s dance. Lennie showed Miss Hughes & self glass. To bed 11 o’c. Thursday 23 July Fine morg. Nymans picnic & Maud’s dance party home to 54!!! Posted letters morg. Met Linley & tutor who went with me. Sat out & wrote. Sent cheque evg £204.10.0 to Messel & Co for £200 4½% Mexicans, reinvested money only paid off Burmah Oil 5%. Muriel & Miss Lund fetch Maud. Miss Hughes & Miss Bagge in Mr M’s car at 3 o’c. M. driving, & they went near Tunbridge Wells for picnic, home 7 o’c. Maud to Lake after to see Lennie & Mr L. struggling with new boat which leaks! Miss Bagge played evg. L. put out about boat. Marie seedy, sent her to bed early. Roy to Scotland to the Galbraiths. Friday 24 July X Dickie leaves today for Trial Cruise of P.& O. Steamship “Salsette” with large party. X. Roy arrives early at “Terregles” Galbraith’s. Lovely morning. X. Lovely day. Miss Hughes left early. Miss Bagg left for Nymans, Maud & I saw her there in Car. Mrs Messel busy arranging childrens party for today Her sister vy ill. Maud & self for heavenly drive together. Read Marcus Aurelius. Maudie so witty & amusing. Vy pleasant evg, Lennie quite lively. We 4 pianola after. Saturday 25 July Fine but vy heavy feeling in air & a quite cold wind. Sat out & posted letters 12 o’c, missed 11 o’c post. Cushla Parker & Mr & Mrs Casenove came to stay arriving for luncheon. After they all went with Lennie & Mr Gosling also here to Nymans for childrens party. Mr Webber there. I remained at home feeling unaccountably tired, & Marie read. Had tea on lawn & walked new Rd, & again rested. Vy pleasant dinner. Mr Gosling took me in. To bed at 10. V. tired, heat tries my side. Sunday 26 July Slept well & v. late till 9 o’c! All to Church. Sat out with Oliver & Fraulein. Helen Parker came over before lunch. After rest sat watching Tennis with rest. Muriel, Miss Bagg, Mr Webber, Helen & Cushla P, Mr & Mrs Casenove, Mr & Ruth Parker & Mr Gosling. Mr & Mrs Messel came later with Bettie. Vy pleasant evg. Sat near Mr Casenove & had vy pleasant talk with Mr Gosling after dinner. Pianola & bed 11.15. Vy tired but c’d not sleep till past one o’clock. Hope as fine with Lin on steamer as is here, & with Roy in Scotland. Monday 27 July Lin returns home fr. cruise on “Salsette”. Lovely day. Mr & Mrs Casenove & Mr Gosling left early. Punch dinner. Cushla Parker also left after luncheon. Went with Marie & chicks to Mrs Green’s, were most kind, charming old house & greatly improved since I saw it with Lennie 6 years ago, fireplaces opened out. Lady Denman only there. Miss Burke came to stay. V. entertaining all evg with accounts of her Spanish experiences. Bed 10.15. X. Drank a strong soda water put by mistake & did not notice it having just had a soda mint! X. Tuesday 28 July Maudie does not look well. Fairly fine morg, little overcast, lovely afternoon. Maud & Miss Burke in Car taking Barringer to Goodwood, home ¼ to 7, thoroughly enjoyed it. Meeting Messel party, Lorings, Gibbs, Mr Webber, Miss Bagg & Muriel there. Had delightful day, worked all morg. rested after lunch & had tea with the chicks on lawn facing tennis court, & walked with Fraulein a little. Lennie v. well at dinner & evg interested in talking to Miss Burke. Charming girl her Spanish experiences vy amusing. Linley played cricket with the footmen. Bed 10.15. Wednesday 29 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Sat out all morg down at 11.30 with Miss Burke, find her great friend Mrs Townsend has taken The Anchorage Christchurch fr. H.F. for a year! What an odd thing! After lunch sat out, then rested & went at 4.30 for lovely drive with Maud. We called on Miss Gibbs, has her house perfectly charming & lovely furniture, glass, brass, tiles & pewter. Mr & Mrs Messel there. Mr Labouchère returned with Lennie & is staying on. Pleasant evg, bed 10.45. New Patience with Miss Burke. Par-Mar & Jacky. Thursday 30 July Lovely morg. Dear Dickie arrived at 10, going to Goodwood with Maud & Miss Burke & Mr Labouchere by Car at 11 o’c. Cup Day. Whole chapter of accidents with Motor. Lin, Mr Labouchère, Miss Burke & Maud left in Car at 11 o’c & broke down a little before getting to Goodwood. A gentleman kindly made M. & Miss Burke get into his Car & took them on. Nymans party v. disagreable & saw nothing of them, lunching at separate tables! Our party had tea with Sir Percy Scott. Ret’g car again broke down & they did not get home by fly until 11.30! Carriage & M’s car went to Horsham but missed them. Lennie, Mr B. & I dined alone. I had tea with chicks on lawn. I thankful no accident but only a breakdown to Car. Friday 31 July Lovely morg. Sat out & had walk later with Lin & Miss B. Maud busy sending out invitations. Mr Labouchère & Lennie arrived & they all played tennis till 7 0’c. Miss Loder, plain ugly mannered girl & Mrs Oxley dined here 8 o’c. Roulette after & I stole away to bed 10 o’c. Vicky so fidgety kept me awake & w’d sleep on my velvet bodice! Sat out all afternoon. A Mr & Mrs Bridgeman called. Aug 1908 Saturday 1 August Roy leaves with Mr Stern for France. Lovely day. Sat out & had walk round field with Dickie & Miss Burke. After luncheon Lennie & Mr Parker fished Lake. Maud, Mabel, Mr Beaumont & Mr Labouchère, little Linley & Mr Bridgeman to Major Oxley’s for tennis etc. Dickie, Miss Burke & I for walk to Lake. Lovely after having tea on lawn with chicks. Vy pleasant evg & to bed before others who played roulette, at 10.15. Mabel & Mr Beaumont arrived at 12 AM. Sunday 2 August Heavenly day. Sat out all morg with Lin & Mabel. Watched Mr Beaumont & Mr Labouchère play tennis, rest at Church. After lunch rest & Mr & Mrs Oxley, their friends Mr & Mrs Grey (she was a Murray) Mr Piggott, son of Judge at Hong Kong, Miss Oxley & her brother all came for tennis. Mrs Grey v. nice, far more cheerful party than last Sunday! Pleasant evg. Lin showed Miss B. his photos. Lennie v. nervy & stop’d playing! but went on again. To bed 10.30. Monday 3 August Lovely morg. Lin to Brighton! Photos. Lin to Brighton morg. rest’d at 4.30 tea & he Miss Burke & I walked to Lake bridge & watched Lennie fishing. Mr Beaumont & Mabel left at 6 o’c. Mr Labouchère to Mrs Oxley’s for tennis. Mr MacLaren dined here & Maud had small dance after. Mr & Messel, Muriel, Miss J. Carr, Ruth, Major Oxley, son & dau, Mr & Mrs Grey, Mr ?, Mr Piggott, Mr & Mrs Hayworth Booth. Lennie played. I got off to bed at 11.10. Had little talk with Mr Messel. V. charming little dance but my darling looks very pale & tired. Tuesday 4 August Lord Zouche’s garden party. Lovely morg. Sat out. Lin, Maud & Miss Burke to party, enjoyed it. I had tea with chicks on lawn. Mr Cadogan came to stay. Mr Labouchère left. Gladys Crozier came to stay. Wednesday 5 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 My darling’s birthday. Lin returned home by 12 train. Wet afternoon. All chicks, Fraulein & Mannie & Bridgeman & Gladys C. & my darling had tea drawing room. Dolls & bears! Charades after. “Messel” word which Anne guessed. Oliver, Linley & Maud did the acting. Mr Cadogan & Lennie to fish. After dinner pianola. Mr Cadogan v. nice young man & a gentleman. Bed 11 o’c. Miss Burke left. Thursday 6 August Dull morg, fine afternoon. Walked morg to post & along new road, gathered flowers. Rested after luncheon whilst Marie packed. Had a lovely drive at 4.30. Mr C. called at Nymans. Vy dull there, Mrs Messel greatly surprised I had not gone. Walked round grounds. Mr Corbett common little man MP, & a clergyman like Barrington actor & Miss Bagg were there some time. No time to rest before dinner so came up directly after, before gentlemen were out of dining room. Mr Cadogan there & remains a fortnight & Gladys Crozier also. Friday 7 August Lovely morg. Left Balcombe by 12.15 train, my darling saw me to the station. Slept well, finished packing comfortably. Fees 2.9.7. Dickie lunched with me at 2.15. Rested after whilst Marie unpacked & repacked. We dined together at 8.15! Edgar came after tea & stayed till 7, sorry he did not remain to dinner as we dined so early. To bed 9.45. Dear Lin finished work early!!! Saturday 8 August Dull morg, fine later. Marie & Antoinette covered up drawing room. After luncheon Lin & self to see “Merry Widow” in brougham. Had to sit doubled up, hot! Our poor horse looks starved, wretchedly thin. No good worrying Lin as he won’t see it. Enjoyed play immensely. Very pretty music. Fely vy tired after, streets so stuffy but very fresh & cool at home. Rested & quiet little dinner together, to bed 9.45. Dickie asleep in his chair. Dear letter fr. my darling. Emma & Antoinette look v.well. Sunday 9 August Lovely morg. Slept well but not till past one o’clock. Lin up late. Marie finished my packing bag etc. Dickie to Club, in after lunch. Rested & dined & to bed early, not to sleep, tiresome, throaty. Fancy electric fan gave me a throat, feel rather seedy. Not out all day. Monday 10 August Train leaves St Pancras 11.35, reach Dumphries 6.44. take Antoinette. Emma leaves today for her 2 weeks holiday. Bad night & horrid sore throat & feel hot, trust shall feel better. Comfortable journey but feel vy seedy. Went straight up to my room & to bed after basin of vile soup. Nice room at Station Hotel Dumphries, 2 windows, vy sunny. Tuesday 11 August Very bad night, awful headache & temp 100. Sent for Dr Kerr, says acute catarrh throat. Vy painful & throat so bad could not sleep. Lin goes by 2.50 to Newton Stewart. Am so glad he goes as no good wasting time here, food not good. Mr Galbraith called twice & saw Lin, brought (illeg). Temp 102, 101, & 100 on & off all afternoon & feel uncomfortable & headachey. Am to feed up! seem to do nothing else. Antoinette read & went again to ask Dr Kerr to call tomorrow morg. Had chicken lunch & huge sole dinner, both badly cooked. Dear Lin off 2.20. Wednesday 12 August Vy good night & no headache, feel much better, no temp morg. Saw Dr Kerr again, vy kind, thinks I ought to stop one day longer. Sent off telegram to Mrs beale Maxwell , Galloway Arms, about carriage. Wrote Dickie & Station Master. Dull day. Wrote twice to Dickie. Unaccountable tummy ache on or off all afternoon, cured by soda mint! Thursday 13 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Antoinette & I leave Station Hotel Dumphries by 2.50 for Newton Stewart. All most attentive & obliging. Closed fly met us. Felt vy hot & cold in spite of heavenly day, but a cold wind. Got vy hot travelling. Found all well Drumlanford & most kind. Went to bed at once after hot milk & had an excellent dinner in bed. Friday 14 August Bad night, cold v. heavy, throat better. Rested till 10.30. Wrote & sat out after lovely day. Men in to luncheon. Walked with Dickie & sat at the end of Flirtation Walk looking over lovely country. Pianola evg. Letter fr. Marie & my darling Maud. Lin looks fairly well. Lord Justice Kennedy vy amusing & talkative. Saturday 15 August Bad night. Cold vy heavy. Went for drive with Mrs Beale. Cold wind, hot sun. Afraid rather of taking fresh cold. Long letters fr. darling Roy & my own, & fr. Sophy & Ethel Mervyn. Fresh trouble there alas! Walked round poultry farm & dairy with Mrs Beale afte tea, enjoyed it vy much. Bull Jupiter II surrounded by 7 fowls all busily eating flies off him! Vy delightful evg. Patience with our host. Lin fell into a bog up to waist & seemed tired on return fr. shoot. Sunday 16 August Lovely day. Slept fairly well, cold still vy heavy, & headachey. Sat in drawing room with Mrs Beale. Lin seems better but looks a little tired. Vy pleasant talk at lunch. As usual rested after & went for walk with Lin & Mrs Beale along Flirtation walk. Rested again in drawing room, read papers. Vy delightful talk thro’ dinner & evg. very happy day so restful. Letter fr. my darling. Monday 17 August Lovely morg. Slept much better, still achey feeling in side. Cough & cold better but much secretion in nose & throat. Engineer leaves either today or tomorrow & Davidson takes over Car, as Lin describes it The Romans leave Britain. Had a little walk with Mrs Beale to end of Flirtation Walk, with Dickie & back by lower walk, perfectly lovely. Tuesday 18 August One week at Drumlanford. Fine but cooler. My throat & cold much better. Went for walk to Lake morg, & again after tea to watch the Laird & Ld Justice fishing. They got 12 fish, trout, about 6lbs weight in all. Vy tiring walking after Lin as Mrs B walks by jerks & stands such a long time at intervals. Played Patience after dinner but felt stupid & head tired, cold better. Dickie vy sleepy. Slept well. Letter fr. Maudie. Wednesday 19 August Lovely day, cooler. Went for walk round by one lodge in at other morg with Lin. Ld Justice & Mrs Beale to Barrhill. Laird busy with ac’ts morg. After lunch Ld Justice to fish, & Lin & I went to watch him after tea. Lady called for Hospital charity! Mrs Beale met us returning. Laird went to enquire for invalid man tenant. Pianola evg. Gave Lin pill last evg, still seems vy sleepy even at lunch. Letters fr. dear Maudie & Roy who returns home fr. Trouville tomorrow. Pity Mr Stern & Mr York gamble so much. Cold much better. Thursday 20 August Lovely cloudless sunny morg. The Laird, Ld Justice & Lin off shooting ½ day. Dull later. Mrs Beale & I went for a walk together after tea. Letters from Ethel Mervyn, Ada Pickering & Vince, still out of a place. None fr. my darling, trust all well with her. Dear Roy returns from Trouville today, is going to the Harolds, & to Lennie. Friday 21 August 19 ½ brace grouse , 2 golden plover, 1 Hare. 1st drive grouse. Pouring wet day. The Laird had arranged for 7 guns & luncheon etc, most annoying. Had lovely quiet day & excellent lunch alone. Mrs Beale went off at 12 to join shooters. Letters fr. my own & Emma. Mrs Beale ret’d about 3 o’c & after tea we had a walk to lodge together. Lost sheep in field. Met Mrs Bowles car. She came in,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 looks awfully ill & thin as I was before my illness. 2 very tall men the other guns & Mr Bowles came to tea. One had lost his arm & was lame fr. injuries S.A.War. Played Patience after dinner & had some good talk on authors. Saturday 22 August Sunny but cloudy morg. Slept soundly until 6 o’c. Turned out a perfect day. Had a little walk with Lin & found a beautiful plant of white heather on one of the mounds near Dornal Lock facing house, may it bring us good luck! We gathered all the blooms leaving the plant intact. No letters. After tea Mrs Beale & Ld Justice, Lin & I walked round by the 2 Lodges. The Laird missing! C’d not find him. Had a long talk after luncheon with the Judge on books & sat on Terrace. Delightful evg & good talks thro’ dinner. Beethoven’s 2nd symphony & Jupiter Sy after dinner & the Laird & I played Californian Jack till 10 o’c. I won for a wonder. Sunday 23 August Slept well. Lin’s midge bites awful but he only takes care after being bitten instead of before. Mr & Mrs Beale, maids & the Judge to Church. Dickie & I had quiet morning & walk along grass drive & sat out after. Visited root of mysterious white Banana shaped fungoid with the awful small Lin found last evg. Hope to discover what it is. Wrote to Edgar if possible to go to them Wed 3rd Sep. No letter fr. my darling yesterday, nor any letter. Glorious day. As Mrs Beale, Lin, the Laird & Ld Justice were sitting at tea in big Hall Mr Cathcart Wason & their nephew & a Mrs Sweeting came in Motor Car. Mrs Wason a cross between Effie Con & F. Walford. Mr W. & nephew enormous height. Mrs Sweeting met us at Bram Stoker’s whose son is engaged to her 2nd dau. Pianola & talk on books. Monday 24 August Emma returns after her fortnights holiday. Marie alone at Stafford Ter. Lovely day morg, out a little. Men shot all afternoon after early lunch. Rained. Lin found beautiful little white flower, hunted the Laird & I in both books on wild flowers cannot find it. Walked to Gate with Mrs Beale, rained. Antoinette packed morg. Vy delightful evg, talk, then piano & the Laird worked out Chess problem. Bed 10.30, tired. Letter fr. my darling, she seems better. No news of dear Roy. Tuesday 25 August 2nd week at Drumlanford. Leave by 1 fr. Newton Stewart. Had to have 2 cnveyances, 13 trunks & bags etc. Lovely morg. Always leave with regret. Most happy & delightful visit, feel worlds better. Dalbeatie beautifully kept Station one station before Dumfries fr. Newton Stewart. Saw Scotch funeral long procession of men on foot walking up to the lovely litle Grave Yard on the hill. Lin remembered C. Keene story of Scotsman “Do you ken Donald Mr P(illeg) pushing himself forward? “Aye he’d be in the hearse if he could!” Wednesday 26 August Weighed 10st 4 at Dumfries. Lovely morg with some showers. Had to have 2 conveyances on ac’t of our luggage!!! £2 extra, £4 in all! Antoinette on wagonette, Dickie outside my brougham! Comfortable journey. Weighed 10 stone 4! Dumfries. Most I have ever weighed. Arrived home 11.10, found Marie & Rags awaiting us at door, all looking vy fresh & clean & bright & excellent mutton broth, fruit stewed & blancmange. Lovely flowers everywhere fr. my own. Left Drumlanford with regret, always a delightful visit & delightful people, thoroughly enjoyed our stay, all most kind. Thursday 27 August Lovely morg. Slept well after 2 o’c. Letters fr. my darling, Ethel M, Tabbie, Edgar who with Sophy is at Blackhall Spa for her rheumatism. Sent Cert for £200 B.A.Pacific 4½% debs to Bank & small 3/9 div fr. Sons of Gualia. X. Dickie decided D.V. we go to Scarborough, Saty, Grand Hotel & Lin returns Wed when I go on to Edgar’s. (This yesterdays diary) Lovely morg, slept well but have still horrid pain in my back. Ethel & Mervyn come to lunch.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 28 August Fine day, slept well. Dickie up vy early & I walked to Thomas Cook’s Kensington about Scarboro’ to Grimsby train. Felt pain in left side, liver I fancy. Walked thro’ Gardens home. Rested & saw 2 men, one fr. Barkers & fr. Maples about my room being painted. Maples estimate £3 less! Edie F. came whilst Marie & I were packing, vy tiresome as she worried me & I could not think with her talking, had tea with Lin & self in my room. Sat an hour with Dickie, dined in my room & to bed. Dickie finished his work 9.30, to bed 12 o’c, the dear vy tired. 2 letters fr. darling M. Saturday 29 August Dickie & I left with Marie at 11 o’c by Gt. Cent. for Scarborough. Most comfortable carriage, not corridor. Lovely morg. Dickie did not sleep well. Beautiful sun set as we neared Filey, new moon! wished by it! Arrived Grand Hotel 8 o’c, have 2 large bare rooms facing sea but quite comfortable. Lin dined at once. I had beef tea, coffee & bread & butter & Marie also, too tired to dine, & straight to bed. Grand Hotel crammed. Saw Mr Lindo. Wilderness of a place but our rooms are sunny facing sea & the dining & drawing room visiting room combined are beautiful rooms, 3 sides & windows overlooking best part of Scarboro & sea. Left side painful all day. Sunday 30 August Sleot well & Dickie also. Lovely morg. Bad egg, remains of chicken! Out 11 o’c posted letter to Edgar. Walk along facing sea towards pier & sat in sort of raised garden. Saw queer open carriage for 4 & man riding postillion! for hire. Party of Jews engaged it. Lin & I took Electric Tram round town. Vy ugly. Good lunch. Rested & Dickie also. Then walked along Spa heard bands, cram’d with quite nice people. Pd 6d. Fairish dinner & sat in big Hall after listening to Band stringed & bed 9 o’c. Monday 31 August Darling little Linley’s 9th birthday. Lovely morg. Boys bathing! Slept fairly well, side better but still aches. Lin out at 8.15 looks so fresh & well, his cough less troublesome in night. Out at 8.15. Wrote letters & at 11.20 to Spa with Marie where I sat listening to Band whilst Lin strolled about with camera. Read “Times”. Charming selection of music. Lunch & rested till 3 o’c. Clouded over. Lin & self to Station about trains We decided to go by York & Sheffield, 2 hrs longer en route but pleasant journey they say. Rested & wrote to Edgar & Lin his letters in reading room. Poured with rain so remained there till 6.30, comfortable chairs & lovely view. Changed our table, v. angry. Lady Humphreys then spoke to us, newly arrived fr. (illeg) Spa today & seen Edgar & Sophy. Vy charmed with Edgar. Gale! Saw Jerry Weigal. Sep 1908 Tuesday 1 September Lovely morg after gale. Lin slept in my room, both well. Boys bathing with caution! Big waves after gale. Walked with Dickie to Spa, sat listening to Band excellent selection. Liszt’s Hungarian Dances etc. Saw Lady Humphreys in v. smart lace garment with her dau. Lin photod! After lunch rested & we took Marie with my mantle to Spa, few people, dance music! All rest people to see cricket. Bought pears 6d. Marie got me biscuits & chocolate 2/4 & change, total 3/ ½. Rested before dinner. Shocking waiting. Saw Jerry Weigal again. To bed ¼ to 9. Wednesday 2 September Propose going to Edgar, Ravendale Hall nr Grimsby. Comfortably off 9.45 fr. Grand Hotel Scarboro’. Lovely morg after good night & feel better for change & sea air. Lin travels with me as far as Sheffield much nicer than going alone. Change all of us at York & again Shefield when I & Marie go to Grimsby & dear


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin to London. Vy comfortable journey together, saw dear Lin off Sheffield. Edgar met us carriage & pair & he on cycle. Lovely day, found Major & Mrs Menzies here. Straight to my room, dinner in bed, fire & dear Edgar most kind & thoughtful, sat with me long time. Thursday 3 September Fine early, slept well. Wet later. Major & Mrs Menzies left at 8 o’c so did not see them again. Wrote morg. Walked with Edgar round gardens, stables etc. Greatly improved since I came last. House beautifully kept as usual, excellent servants & furniture well polished. Rested after lunch & walked again with Edgar. Tea vy cosy in Hall & good dinner & talk, to bed & bath 10 o’c. Friday 4 September Dull, rainy. Good night. Letters fr. Dickie & Maud, & papers. 1 brace of grouse Lin sent of 2 br. Sir Alfred Hickman sent. Walked about with Edgar & to his fishing ponds, showed me the 2 caverns in ditch which skirts hedge & land & grown over by grass where a horse & rider might disappear. E. had had posts with a cross piece of wood put up & a hurdle over one. Played Dummy Bridge after dinner, makes quite a good game. Bed 10.10. Saturday 5 September Fine. Edgar v. busy with Vere, the old butler of 81, looks much younger. His wife aged 73 died 18 months ago. Walked about, read & wrote morg. Letter fr. dear Lin & Maudie. Roy still at Balcombe, goes up & down with Lennie. Edgar went on cycle to Louth to meet Sophy on her return fr. Blackhall Spa. Sophy returned on cart. Vy thin & tired, was quite lively & bright thro’ & after dinner. I walked alone with Lowery & read. Dear E. most kind & cannot do enough to make me feel at home, too dear for words. Had strange dream that I was dead, & saw myself placed in my coffin, my spirit sitting on sofa & watching proceedings. Sunday 6 September Fine morg. Slept well. Fine. Edgar to Church on cycle. Sophy to little Church here. Walked with her part of way. Read & wrote & walked with E. & S. round garden & stables on return fr. Church. Had an hours walk with Edgar before tea & after my rest. Sat on a heap of stones to rest. Tea in drawing room & looked thro’ Sophy’s Diary, wonderfully well written & illuminated of their journey round World. Supper. Mistake no waiting makes a muddly meal, Lin w’d not tolerate. Pity as it w’d be no more trouble. Monday 7 September Lovely morg, warmer. Letters fr. dear Lin, Maudie & Toula. Walked with Edgar. Ham & Midge arrived 7 o’c. Lovely all day, both look v. well, Midge bursting with health! Tuesday 8 September Lovely day. Edgar Sophy, Ham & Midge left at 9.30 for Grimsby & Doncaster Races. Walke with Benzai to Big gates at 11 & wrote letters after. Two letters from Lin & 2 from Maudie. Lennie & Maud go on 7th Oct to Ireland for 10 days fishing, & then to Melrose. X. Sent cheque of £3.0.0 deposit of £1 on 3 newly allotted £10 shrs in B.A. Pacific Ordinary 1911 5% until then. X. Party home 8.30. Bridge after. They all won at Doncaster, Ham £50, Edgar 30/-, rest small sums. Wednesday 9 September Pouring wet & squally morg. Ham, Midge, Edgar & Sophy off at 9.30 again Doncaster. H. & M to return home Bedstone fr. there, & Drew leaving at one o’clock with luggage, sleep Manchester. Short letter fr. Dickie only. Much worse weather South than here. Cleared up lovely afternoon but windy. Walked with both dogs to Gate ½ mile, did flowers, rested, read Charles Lamb’s Essays to Elia, charming. E. & S. back 8.40, dined. Vy tired & to bed 10 o’c. Fire in my room. Thursday 10 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Fine but dull at times. E. & S. to Doncaster 3rd day. I walked with Banzai, gathered flowers & arranged vases. Wrote 2 letters & morg. gone. Lunch, & again wrote letters until 2.30. Letters fr. Lin & Maud. X. Receipt fr. Lon. Joint Sk. Bk. £3 for deposit on B.A.Pacific shrs allotted. X. Out twice did flowers. E. & S. won £2.0.0, were back 8.30. Had bridge with E. after dinner. E. only had the biscuits I gave him for luncheon. Friday 11 September Lovely morg. Walked to enquire after poor woman at farm cottage. Has a nurse with her. Took Marie with me & Lowry. Vy bright little nurse. E. & S. off to Doncaster, E. looking v. tired I thought. They returned 5.30. Nearly had serious accident returning, the mare cast a shoe & in reharnessing her some strap or buckle was left undone & she turned right round in the cart. Luckily Edgar was able to get down to her or she might have kicked or bolted. To bed 10.30. They won 10/-. Doncaster smarter & more crowded than ever. King there. Saturday 12 September Lin goes to Balcombe. Dentist morg. Lovely day, slept till 8.30. Walked with Edgar morg & afternoon to Big gates with him & saw sea beautifully. Most lovely air. Retrurned to tea 5 o’c. Marie read Club book “Infidèle” par Eagy(?) Silly book. Played Draw-bridge with Edgar after dinner, he won by 300 points! Both E. & S. seem hurt at my leaving Wednesday. Would love to stay on, feel so much better here & quiet life suits me well. Afraid to leave dear Lin longer but have written to ask if I may, feel vy selfish doing it. Small chickens removed to hen house, garden. Sunday 13 September Up twice early! Two pills last evg! Fairly fine. Walked after luncheon with E. to enquire after poor woman (rheumatic fever). Met old man of 91! in drive. Bird shower!!! E. vy seedy with chill, gout, had to go to bed before dinner. Marie out all afternoon on bicycle. S. & I looked thro’ family photos after dinner. Bed 10.30. Lin & Roy to Balcombe, large house party there. Monday 14 September Toula goes to Edgar’s. Edgar seems better. Dull but delicious air. Walked morg a little, & afternoon with Edgar just round grounds, saw Marie with cycle. Toula arrived 7.15 looking wonderfully well from Balcombe. Had travelled up with Linley fr. Balcombe to Vic in Guards Van seated on Toula’s box!!! Not a place in train. Toula left all well, they were 14 to dinner at Maud’s Saty or Sunday & 11 staying in house. We talked after dinner & looked thro’ photos. To bed 10.15. Tuesday 15 September Heavy rain all morg. Poor Banzai’s eye hurt, hope she will not lose sight. Toula & I talked over whether I should remain & have D.V. decided to remain until next Monday & leave by 12.45 then fr. Grimsby. Edgar & self for walk after my rest. Sophy & Toula in dog cart & caught in deluge of rain & thunder. Played Bridge after dinner, Sophy & I won 5½ , five pence halfpenny! but not playing for money. Wednesday 16 September Edgar & I won 1/8. Fine early. Toula & self to enquire after poor woman, took blancmange & flowers. Edgar & Sophy on cycles to farm about cattle & horse. The farmer just died of appendecitis. E. v. depressed about it, saw the widow, he died a month ago. Had another walk with Toula after my rest. Dressed & tea. No visitors. E. back to tea & we played Draw Bridge until 7 together. After dinner Bridge, Edgar & I won. He teases Sophy like Lin does me. Thursday 17 September Dull. Good night. but eyes ache, fancy from wind yesterday, or sitting near fire. Long letters from dear Lin, Maudie & Roy about B.A.Pacific. Lennie applied for £1000 for me, wish I had done it myself, instinct told me to do so. Walked morg with Edgar to poor woman took grapes & book, little better. Mr Voisey to lunch,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 nice little clergyman bachelor. Lovely day & so warm. After lunch went after taking photos with E. for walk. S. & Toula out to tea Mrs German so we sat on wheat sheaves in field. Played Bridge evening. Bed 10.20. Friday 18 September Lovely morg. Slept badly for no reason, heard 3, 4, 5, 6 o’c strike. Letters fr. dear Lin & Maudie. Roy at Mr Stern’s, sorry as I don’t like Lin being alone, sh’d have returned home had I known he w’d be alone. S. developed my photos all were blanks & discovered wrong stop, pity. Saturday 19 September Lovely morg & day. Mr & young Mr Ingleby to luncheon, Exlade solicitor. Walked morg with Toula & after rest E, S, Toula & self took flowers & to enquire for poor rheumatic woman. Cards evg. S. & Toula won Bridge. Bed 10.10. Drawing room turned out. Letters fr. Lin & all well at home. Much deranged dedans & Toula also, think fr. sitting out yesterday morg. Sunday 20 September Lovely morg. E. & S. to Church on their cycles. Toula & self for walk. Slept well. Much uric acid & achey side odd, fear cold fr. sitting out. Marie packing. Walked with Toula whilst E. & S. cycled to Church. Lovely morg, v. hot. After lunch rested, walked alone with E. to ponds. Vy tired & cold sweat returning. Tea, & again rested before dinner. Slight temp, internal derangement no doubt. E. sang after dinner some old home songs. Monday 21 September Propose returnubg home 12.45. fr. Grimsby. Lovely day. E. met us on cycle at Grimsby Station! Vy comfortable carriage, young girl got in at Boston & left her umbrella at Finsbury Park where she got out. Gave it to porter Kings X. Lin, Maud & Roy on steps to meet me on return so rejoiced all looked so well. Lin dining out. Roy at Savoy Hotel with Stern. Maud & Lennie dining out. Had bath & dined in bed. Tuesday 22 September Slept well. To Ex. with Lin. 12 o’c in Taxie & chair at Ex. Vy pleased to see it, fine pictures English section. Back in taxie. Maudie to lunch, left at 3 o’c. Marie unpacking glumly! tiresome. We dine early & Lin goes to theatre with O.Seaman. To bed early. Very poor piece Drury Lane. Wednesday 23 September Walked with Lin morg in K. gardens, met Mrs C. Mackenzie, has sold her house & goes to Paris Saty with Ina, given up housekeeping. Lin left me at Barkers. Met Mrs Stone, full as usual of woes, had broken her arm by fall on parquet, certainly looks seedy but full of go as imparting all information to shop girl. Marie to Exhibition. Had only little dinner in drawing room & to bed early. Thursday 24 September Roy came to see me about business at 6.30, left 6.30. Dull morg. X. To Bank about newly allotted Buenos Ayres & Pacific Ord 1911 shrs, £100. Lennie got for me £130 allotted in all £30 by right. Left these 2 Allotment letters at Bank to be fully paid up on Monday next the 28th inst. Paper about new company formed of Coupé Brougham Coy & Motor Cab of Gt Britain! Bank to send old certificate for new. Maudie lunched here, to Ex in her car & Mrs Hohler after. Mervyn dined here, seems vy well, nice seeing him. Friday 25 September Marie packed, am taking very little with me. Sat with Dickie before & after my little tray meal & bed early. Saturday 26 September Left by 3.24 train for Westgate on Sea, St Mildred’s Hotel. Vy charming rooms first floor overlooking sea & south west suite bed & dressing room & lavatory &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 bath rooms all together. Fair dinner. 6 other people only here. Had a little walk along coast with Lin whilst Antoinette unpacked. Sunday 27 September Throat bad! Slept badly. Fine, walked at 1 o’c along cliff, charming & quiet, all nice people & so pretty. Walked again after rest & tea along cliff, rained a little. Telegram fr. Lady B. asking us to luncheon tomorrow. Vy peaceful happy day together. To bed early. Wonder whether lavatory & bathroom pipesaffected my throat, shall shut door between tonight. Monday 28 September Lovely day. To lunch at Lady Burnands, by train & tram to Royal Cresc. Delicious luncheon as usual & over Lady B’s little house on St Mildred’s Rd. Vy nice indeed but dark kitchen. Left by tram alone to St Peters. X. Visited our beloved parents grave & into church for prayer. All looked well cared for & bright with flowers. Ordered wreath to be placed tomorrow. Back to Broadstairs where Lin met me & we came back to Hotel together & tea under portico. Rested & saw lovely sunset fr. our windows. Good dinner & to bed early & slept well, throat better. Tuesday 29 September Glorious day, like summer. Sea like beautiful opal in colour. Lin & self walked on sands & took photos of 2 pretty girls in white serge. Met Mr Marshall Hall who sat with us, most entertaining man, introduced us to his German wife & little daughter. Sir Francis & Lady Burnand lunched with us, excellent luncheon. Soles my way, roast chicken, salad, beautiful potatoes, damson tart, stewed fruit, milk pud, cream cheese, butter, bis & champagne, coffee & cognac. Sat on Esplanade after B’s left at 4 o’c. Had walk along cliff before dinner & wished! by lovely new moon. Coast & sea beautifully clear. Sat under portico after dinner. Wednesday 30 September Left Westgate. Bill £10.10.0. Perfect day like summer vy hot & brilliant sun. Had walk with Dickie to see Longford where Nurse F. was last year with the children. Vy nice house & well furnished, but no electric light! Also went over a flat facing Hotel, vy nice £47 a year, one sitting room, 3 bedrooms & a dressing room, charming little kitchen & pantry, no servants room! Returned by 2.54. Vy hot journey. Darling Maud came to see us for a moment, looks fairly well. Had dinner on tray in drawing room & to bed 9 o’c. Oct 1908 Thursday 1 October Another glorious day. To Exhibition after vy good night. Took Marie with me in taxi cab, 1/4. Entrance 1/-. My ticket passed me. Walked thro’ French side, dresses, furs & lingerie charming & jewelery. Met Nurse F. & Linley boy at Garden Club where Maud joined us. Had luncheon & took chair (awfully dear 6/3) for under 2 hrs. Saw Irish village. Canada, Australia sections not so well arranged as French divisions, fresh flowers, vegetables. Home 5.30 in M’s motor. Rested vy tired & dined with Lin at 8 o’c. To bed 10, quiet evg. Friday 2 October Fog early, fine later. Lovely day. In all day tired from yesterday. Roy came about 6, seems well, fetched linen, & Upton taking more to Savoy Court tomorrow where he is staying with young Stern. He said the Messels have all been most kind & considerate, not giving him any business but where he could make a profit altho’ slight. Lin finished work at 10, sat with him before & after my little dinner & to bed at ¼ to 10 o’c. Marie packed. Saturday 3 October To Balcombe by 4.30. Lovely day but too hot. Sent Marie with Otley & luggage in cab & Lin & self in Taxi cab, took under 10 minutes, man drove v. fast. Found


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 darling Maud & chicks & Lennie vy well. Gladys Crosier here. All looking so fat & well, Fraulein & Mr Bridgeman twice their size. Sunday 4 October Balcombe. Lovely morg, mid summer heat. Lennie, Maud, Gladys & rest to Church. Lin & self rested, vy vy hot. Wrote Mervyn. Photos after luncheon. Rest, tea & walked with little Anne & Lin along new Road. Glorious evg, moon nearly full. Piano after dinner, new music Caesar Franks, charming, a Belgian. Maudie packed, not taking maid to Ireland. To bed 10.45, late! Monday 5 October Lennie & Maud go to London & tomorrow to Ireland. Maud by motor at 1 o’c. Had walk after tea with Lin & G. Crozier. Photos of chicks try race mechanical toys! News that Austria had annexed Bosnia Hertzogovena! & that Bulgaria had declared itself independent. Lennie afraid his holiday may be stop’d. Tuesday 6 October Photographs of chicks animal race! White duck driven by Linley, white kitten Anne, black rabbit Oliver. Delightful to see them start!!! Austria seized Bosnia & Herzgovina. Bulgaria declared itself independent & Prince Ferdinand of Saxe Coburg Gotha to be Czar of Bulgaria. Maudie & Lennie cross over to Ireland tonight to stay with the Parkers at Kilbridge Lodge, Clonbur, Cy Galway, Ireland. Walked after tea with Lin & Gladys Crozier. Pleasant dinner, no pianola. Bed 10 o’c. Lovely drive morg, took little Anne. Wednesday 7 October Maud & Lennie go to Ireland for ten days. Glorious day. Wire fr. darling Maud fr. Ireland, arrived safely & delighted with beauty of country. Bulgarian trouble seems settling down. 2 chicks & Mamie to Nymans, Linley with us. Mr B. out. Lin left by 9 o’c train for London, looks v. well. Lovely drive morg with Gladys C. Little L. on bicycle 2nd footman helped him. G. & self for walk past Mill cottage. Mr B. very late for dinner, his cycle broke down. Pianola & talk. Thursday 8 October Dull morg. Slept well, woke early. X. Gladys Linley & I drove to Haywards Heath to order him a bicycle, 5/- a week, he was vy good & no trouble at all. Vy foggy on our way home at 6 o’c, a white fog. Pianola evg. Friday 9 October Lovely day. Gladys & I took little Oliver to Nymans. Mrs Warner (Emily) & her little boy sat on the box, they were spending the day at Nymans. Oliver vy good & we met the little Lorings on our way out by new road, v. quiet children. Drove home by forest, new road being cut thro’ it. Walked with after tea along new rd. Read papers evg & pianola. Bicycle came 4 o’c for little Linley. X. Saturday 10 October Little Linley rode his bicycle alone on grass & ran into a tree, luckily not hurt, front brake twisted. Long letter fr. darling Maud, v. happy. Lovely day. Beach & first footman to London to see Marathon race, a Frenchman won. We walked morg. & afternoon to enquire after Canon Meade whose brother Col. Meade died yesterday. We found thm sitting having tea in front Porch but Miss M. who met us begged us to speak to her father & not mention Col. Meade, he does not seem to realise it. Dear Lin starts his Almanack work today. Roy is dining with him tonight. All the Powers seem bewildered by the grabbing in the Eastern Provinces Bulgaria etc. Sunday 11 October Lovely day. Went to Church for first time since my illness with Mainie, Anne & Oliver. Mr B, Gladys & Linley sat in Lennie’s pew, me near entrance & came out after Litany & hymn. Walked after all together to Mr McLaren’s & saw Mrs McL. & sat a few moments with her. After luncheon Linley went for a walkwith Mr McLaren’s boys & had tea with them. Nurse F, Gladys & Mr B, two mites & I had


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 tea on Verandah, delightful & setting sun glorious. Had walk with Gladys after. V. angry with Mr B. who stared so rudely at her, do not think he is conscious of fact! Pianola after dinner, bed early. Monday 12 October Lovely day. Drove with G, Anne & Linley to Cuckfield about G’s camera. Chicks v. good. Had tea again on Verandah but chicks had made a dreadful mess outside, pity Nurse F. does not make them tidy up before meals. Two ladies called & I felt quite ashamed of the mess & so unnecessary. Went for walk after with Gladys, glorious sunset. Tuesday 13 October Foggy early. Went at 11.30 to Mrs McLaren’s & took her for a drive. Bright little woman & looks young to be Mr McLaren’s mother. The 2 Lorings came over to lunch & the three little Parkers after. Nice quiet childen not nearly so pretty or lively as these our dear mites! Called morg Mrs Parker. Gladys took photos of them all. Had our little walk after they left at 5.30, all in Brougham. Mr Bridgeman played vy nicely, much more quietly. Bed 10 o’c. Little Linley complained of feeling sick. Fraulein returned. Wednesday 14 October Thick white fog. Dear little Linley sick morg. & complains of pain across his waist. Letters fr. Lin, Maudie & Roy, all well. No hot water at home, vy tiresome. Maudie just going off in a Car she writes, to Clonbur with Ruth. Sh’l be glad to hear she is all right. Sept well but feel tired this morg. X. Letter fr. Bk about B.A’s & Southern certs. X. Tea on Verandah & for walk after. Thursday 15 October Lovely day drove morg to Polegate Horsham to see Mrs Fox Adams. Glorious drive & took dear little Oliver, & drove back by Hammer ponds. Saw Dairy woman about butter, poultry no good. Tea on Verandah! Mrs Stephens & sister called. Vy nervy, lent her “How to live on 24 hours a day”. Met them on our walk later & went in & saw their garden. Mr B. vy late for dinner. Friday 16 October Heavenly day. Maud & Lennie leave Clonsar Lodge Ireland & go to Melrose. Had a lovely drive morg. to Cuckfield, & called on Mrs Parker. Took little Linley with us. After lunch rested & we all had tea on Verandah. Anne dressed up as a boy, looked sweet. Walked with Gladys after, vy swollen feet! A lovely trout 3 ½ lbs fr. Lennie came by night post. Pianola & needle work. Bed 10 o’c. Saturday 17 October Dull, heavy & close. Walked to post with Gladys, met Lady Frederick who asked us to go there on Monday. Dear Lin coming today by 4.30. X. Wrote bank about paying Lennie back his £100, & cert. of B.A. Gt Southern Rly. X. Sunday 18 October We saw Comet vy faintly, lovely starry night. ine. Sat fr. 11 to 1.30 reading to Dickie fr. Thomas Hood’s life & letters, amusing very in parts. Had walk with Lin & Gladys after tea, past Dick Turpin & farm new road. Vy muddy. No letter fr. darling Maud. They arrived Crewe where they passed night fr. 3 AM, at Melrose late. So glad to have Lin with me, he complains of headache at back of neck & shall ask Dr. P. to see him Tuesday if possible. He is hard at work on 2 Almanack drawings. Monday 19 October Dull & v. sea foggy. Letter fr. darling Maud fr. Melrose, seems not to have been vy tired by journey, only 2 changes fr. Clonbar to Kingstown & they slept the night at Crewe, arriving there 3 AM, & arrived Melrose Saturday evg. I sat with Lin all morg. reading & had drive to Cuckfield to leave note Dr Parker’s at 3.30, & straight back with Gladys for tea. Chicks a little (illeg) at luncheon. Gladys, Dickie & self walked along new road, vy damp & foggy. Lin & Gladys talked away gayly during dinner. Pianola & needlework after.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 20 October Letter fr. Bank to say they have paid Lennie the £100 he paid for me in applying for £1000 B.A. Pacific new issue, only £100 allotted me. Dull & damp. Our wedding day, so glad to be together. Wire fr. darling Maud. Quite an ovation early, all the dear Mites came in with lovely white single chrysanthemum bouquets & green ferns & long white ribbons, & Nurse F. bringing up the rear with a tray on which was a lovely white doyley & white & silver wedding cake charmingly decorated with ferns & flowers. X. Dr Parker came to see Lin, says exactly what I have known & felt for months (sheet pinned to page) 20th Oct continued & that he is not to walk & must ride again. The muscles of his heart are weak & his blood vessels too full. Must diet & drink vy little & no spirits & not over charge system. Feel v. anxious & dare not think much, feel he ought to rest weekends & not rush about & this Almanack work too much for him. Afraid he is v. depressed about himself, but he seemed bright at dinner & talked after. To bed early. Letter fr. darling Maud seems v. happy & well, God bless her. Wednesday 21 October V.dull, cleared later. Sat & read all morg. to Lin, alas! cannot finish work. He left by 4.21 & I saw him to station. Very cold, east wind. On after with Gladys to see Dr Parker & take specimen. Assures me no immediate danger but Lin must be careful. Have felt this for a long while & disapproved his tearing about after his work when physically exhausted to shoots in Scotland & remote distances, instead of resting. Feel vy anxious about him, especially being away. Letter fr. my darling fr. Melrose. Thursday 22 October X. Lennie killed 2 salmon on Tweed. X. Lovely day, to enquire with Gladys for Lady Frederick, just going out. Home by Paddock Hurst. So sorry Gladys leaves tomorrow, business & work oblige. Edie came, & is taking flowers to Lin & to enquire how he is as I am anxious to hear fr. Emma & Antoinette, & has promised to write tonoght. Walked to station with her, lovely but cold. Linley, Fraulein & Anne to tea at Mrs (blank). Gladys washed her head & is having tea in nursery. Lennie killed 2 salmon, one with Wilkinson & one with Kessal fly 17½ & 16½ lbs. X, & sent us off ½ one. Friday 23 October Bicycle returns to Haywards Heath. X, fortnight here. Hope it went, wrote twice about it. Walked to get beach tree branches with Gladys & took Linley to post. All chicks, Mamie & Fraulein to Nymans. Mr & Mrs Messel return & the little Lorings & Parkers there. I saw Gladys off at Balcombe Sta. by 4.21 & on to Nymans, all having tea in Hall. Vy merry & games after in which Mrs Messel joined. Muriel & Mr M. arrived at 6 o’c, when we left. Dined alone with Mr B. Talked silver marks. Pianola & bed 10 o’c. Lennie sent us half a big salmon. Saturday 24 October Vy fine morg but v. cold, fires everywhere & in my room for first time at night. Met Lin by the 4.30 train. Quite dark now at 5.30. Looks fairly well, finished his Almanack work this morg. so can rest now. Chicks had bonfire. Pleasant evg. & bed early. Sunday 25 October Very fine but v. cold wind. Walked to Mill Cottage with Dickie, c. gently up hill. Rest to Church. Linley boy with Mr McLaren for walk & tea there. Hymns evg with dear Mites & L. Linley dressed up as clergyman in sheet & black tie looking v. pretty. Lin rested an hour in morg. room & had a sleep. Pianola evening, miss Gladys Crozier v. much. Monday 26 October Very dull & rain. Long letter fr. Maudie to Lin. Walked with Lin, heavy rain. Quiet afternoon & evg. Lennie has got 4 fish so far.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 27 October Dear little Oliver fell in playing with Linley in bed, was vy white after. Nurse F. keeping him in bed all day. Dr Parker came to see Dickie & saw Oliver after, no cause for alarm, & to keep him quiet for today & tomorrow in bed. Says Lin better but must be careful & certainly not travel after work etc. Fee £2.2.0. Very little for good advice & truth. Explained why Lin’s muscles are weak & organs work imperfectly & he must have a rest. Hope to go to Devonshire for 10 days before Galbraith’s shooting. Walked with Lin. Quiet evg, Lin early to bed. I had bad night Lin up so late 1 o’c! Wednesday 28 October Letter fr. Maudie Lennie killed 20 lb salmon, making 5. Dull & little rain. Lin went up by 10.45 train. Anne & I saw him off fr. Platform & we went on after with Fraulein for a lovely drive & were not back until 1.30. Dear little Oliver seems all right but is remaining in bed all day. I went for ½ an hours walk with Fraulein New Rd & rested after. Feel tired for nothing (illeg)! Anne & Linely Fraulein & Mr B. to tea & after Charades. The two mites & Mr B. excellent, words toffee, jug, Balcombe. Pianola after dinner & wrote. Bed early. Thursday 29 October Lovely morg. Expected Edgar, did not come. Met train, brought Edie back. Glorious day. Drove with Nurse F. & little Oliver round Paddock Hurst in Vic. Walked to Station with Edie after tea. Pianola & bed. X. Started taking strichnyne pills. X. Dr Parker. Friday 30 October Lovely day. Expected Edgar & met the 10.45 in Victoria with little Linley. No Edgar so we drove on to Lindfield to see the roan cob Beach has heard of. Beautifully situated new house vy high on hill with glorious view. Little lady Miss Powys Hll took me to Stable. Vy good looking animal, fear too big for Lin. Home by 1.40, rested & after tea walked with Mamie for two miles along new road. Lovely moon & stars. Man came see about pianola, stiff. Saw Comet again. Bed early. Saturday 31 October White fog. Glorious day after 10 o’c. Met Edgar at 11.45 & went for lovely drive with him thro’ forest & took little Linley. Walked back to station with Edgar after delightful day together & saw him off. He does not seem vy well, complains so of giddyness & had another gout attack. Met dear Lin think he looks better. Captain Gibbs & Hylda arrived by same train. They walked up, Lin & I drove. Pleasant evg. Mr Bridgeman at Exhibition & did not return for dinner. Nov 1908 Sunday 1 November Glorious day, had a walk with Dickie by Lake. Rest to Church. Lin looks better & was less breathless walking. Lennie &Mmaud arrived by motor in time for luncheon, they had travelled all night fr. Melrose & come on by Car from Lancaster Gate. Darling looks so well & is fatter. Evie & Laurence arrived by Car fr. Thorncombe in time for tea, & Mr Welch Thornton in time for dinner. Pleasant evg, Roulette, do not like it on Sunday, & late 11.30 bed. Monday 2 November Slept badly. Lovely day. Evie & self walked at 11.30, had great fright X Lin turned giddy & had to stand some time before he c’d move! X. Vy alarmed & sent for Dr Parker who came over at 5 o’c says no doubt caused by eating bananas. Lin ate 4! 2 breakfast & 2 luncheon, he is not half careful enough . Seemed much better after but kept falling asleep after dinner. Lennie, Welch Thornton, Major Fisher Rowe, Mr Parker, Leicester Reed & Captain (illeg) shot at Nymans, got 181 pheasants, duck.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 3 November American Election, New President. Glorious morg. Hylda & Arthur left early. Slept well & Lin seems much better. Walked with Dickie to Balcombe Place too far, again seemed breathless & tired. Even I felt tired after we sat on stones by roadside. Glorious day so hot & sunny, not a cloud. Lennie left & not returning tonight. Marie packing. Rested after lunch. Darling Maud vy busy packing with Nurse F. & Hornsby. All the chicks with Fraulein to Ottie’s birthday party. Vy happy little dinner, Maud, Lin, Mr B. & self. A little pianola, & Mr B. read us 2 charming little stories by Leon Frapie. Reads wonderfully well, understood every word. To bed 10.15. Wednesday 4 November Lovely day, fresher. Left Balcombe with Dickie at 10.51. Part of household with us. Maud comes up by motor this afternoon. Chicks return Monday. Lennie & Maudie down Saty until Monday. Fees £1.5.0. 6/- Beach, 5/- Ellen, 5/- William, 4/under housemaid, 5/- Arthur, & gave Dickie 15/- for Barringer & om. Found all well at home but house looks desolate after long absence & no knicknacks about. Roy out to dinner. He dined with Tabbie. Thursday 5 November Dull but muggy. Roy looks seedy & disheartened with his trying business. Went into Kens. Met Mrs G. Keith, Miss (illeg) & Lady Mead. Impossible to shop, crowded everywhere & less employed in shops! Bank. Pass Book. Darling Maud lunched with us, looks fairly well. Walked back. Mrs Sington altered her house, lives next to Dr O. Poor little woman ill again. Put away few things with Marie. Poor Roy v. worried, Harold most rude & unkind about Mr Pohl. Vy trying altogether. Friday 6 November Mrs Fleischmann’s dinner. Unable to accept. Slept well. Very dull morg. Dickie & Roy off for walk. X. Vy uncomfortable news last night France & Germany. Former refuses to apologise to Germany about imprisonment of G. subjects in Morocco!!! Wonder where G’s arroagance will end. She feels strong & behaves accordingly. Out morg shop’g. Met Mrs Fagan & Palgrave Simpson, & Dr O. All vy kind about Lin’s & my health. To Bank, put £100 on deposit X & particularly asked Clerk to be careful it was not forgotten! Maudie to tea. Roy dined with Lin. Saturday 7 November Lovely morg. Left Waterloo with Lin & Marie for Ilfracombe by 1 o’c train, her single 2nd class ticket 16/10. Long tiresome journey so slow fr. Exeter, carriage full of sailors near us had continual glasses of beer & became v. noisy. Awfuly cold when we arrived at Ilfracombe. Large fire in our room facing sea. Lin dressing room & Marie’s room ajoining. Sat with Lin during his dinner & had a little chicken & Devonshire cream. Bed. M. able to get off to bed before 10, all tired. Sunday 8 November Bitterly cold, our room like an iceberg. Rough sea, much wind. Sole & cream breakfast served as usual in English hotels in rooms (illeg). Saw manageress after & had rooms changed to a south one. V. large & comfortable, Lin’s dressing room ajoining. Slept fairly well. Lin & self for walk in sun up rocks, angry jagged rock jutting out into sea like black miniature mountains, plenty of ships. Vy picturesque place but awfully cold. Had rest in our room after lunch. Lin slept ages on sofa. Monday 9 November Lovely day. Had carriage to Station to arrange about our train tomorrow for Bath & then had lovely drive along coast, beautiful but spoilt by v. ugly cottages. Golf links vy fine. Lin nearly fell fr. bank, awfully frightened! Photod stonebreaker. Rested & wrote & walked up slope to High St, bought cream, also walked round


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Capstone. Back. Bad dinner & no tea. Bed early. Lin’s cough very troublesome after & in bed, smoking cause, water did him good. Tuesday 10 November Lovely day, not so cold. Left Ilfracombe by 11.5 for Bath. Vy pretty place but has a deserted look.Vy charming rooms. Bill for 3 days £6.6.0 for Lin self & Marie, fires & dressing room. Saw v. pretty distinguished woman with middle aged man. Maid & valet got in our carriage, going to Craven arms. We met Douglas & Ada in our train just before leaving it! We had to change at Templecombe. Vy good Hotel, smart & well organised. Manageress & Manager hosts attentive. We have 2 good front rooms 5th floor facing south, fires in both. (sheet pinned to page) Con’d Tuesday 10th November, Bath. Changed Templecombe & walked up & down station, saw Ada & Douglas just as we were leaving the train, only a few moments talk with them, on their way home fr. Percy Oakes Devonshire home. Douglas thinks he knows of a pony up to Lin’s weight! Arrived Imperial Hotel 4.30. Arranged about rooms self, much quicker. Wednesday 11 November Fair night, Lin coughed v. much but after twice drinking water went off to sleep. Dull & rain. V. foreign sound of traffic, but too high 5th floor to be annoyed by it. My hot drinking water brought in properly in pretty clean china & clean doyley, a wonder for English hotel. All crockery & appointments charming & all so well kept, excellent servants. The waiting at dinner good & light so well arranged & a band played behind a grating with some flowers & plants in front, c’d not imagine where sound came fr. at first. Thursday 12 November X. Lin found his pin with saphire stone lost months ago, in waistcoat pocket. X. To Roman Bath, wonderful, it is just beyond the Abbey Church & same entrance as to Hot Spring, Pump room. The Roman Baths must have been most beautiful & huge, corridors with columns & statues, if only one c’d see it as it was & the great Bath Lake in centre. The Concert room & galeries round & lounge v. nice with old pictures of Bath in 16 & 17 hundreds. Col. Mount Batten came at 2 o’c & took us in his motor Daimler to Timsbury, the Palmer Sambourne’s place. We got out & saw Church & 3 memorials to the Sambournes, one Sambourne Stukely (or Stuckley) Palmer Sambourne. (sheet pinned to page) Thursday 12th November continued. & a fine statue recumbent of a Mr Sambourne (said to be a cousin of Queen Elizabeth’s) dated 1578 I think it was, if not earlier. This is on left of side chapel near altar. The manor House the grounds of which ajoin churchyard is vy old 1500 or something, an old Elizabethan house with the carved arms in stone over principal doorway. A grey stone house. Lin took photos of it. Timsbury lies high but is greatly spoilt by coal fields recently found near and in it partly on the Sambourne estate. Mrs Sambourne widow now lives at the Manor, but Linley w’d not call & we left a card with the Agent who greatly interested Lin showing him the church & all that concerned the S. family. On our return Col. M.B. drove us through the Circus & Crescent facing Victoria Park. Most charming & beautifully designed houses splendid proportions, & left us at Hotel where Lin & I had tea in Hall. After good dinner sat in Hall & Sir Alfred & Lady Watkins sat with us. He suffers much like Lin only worse & looks older. She a hard unsympathetic thin woman, may improve on closer aquaintance. Friday 13 November Overclouded & dull, much rain in night. I slept well, Lin did not. Cannot understand why I have so much uric acid, had lost it for months & my 2 sides ache at the back. Went in Motor bus to Lansdown tremendous hill all the way. Stop’d at Malets on way back, beautiful things & beautiful price. Lin taken with a pr of English candle or candelabras, £68, spoils any business by saying they were cheap!!! House needs doing up too badly to buy what we can do without. Rested


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 after lunch. Walked saw Abbey & Market & shops. Rested before dinner. Sir A. & Lady W, friend & Mr Mellor we met at Cairo sat with us after dinner, anxious to introduce their relatives to Linley.. Saturday 14 November Dull morg. No letter fr. Roy altho’ I have written twice & once on business. He dines with my darling Maud tonight by her letter. Out with Lin shop’g & got a few little things. 11/3. Xmas stamps 1/-, postal order 3/8½, postcards 4½. Lunch. Rested & walked to another Shark shop Walpole. Tea. Talk with Mr Mellor & at dinner a man spoke to Lin a friend of Lennie’s, & Mr Kitson fr. Rushmore. Lin w’d isolate (illeg) after dinner. Bed. Bath. Sunday 15 November Fine. To Abbey Church with Lin for prayers only, walked after in Victoria Park, Circus & Crescent. Gt crowd by Abbey awaiting arrival of new Mayor. Lin wrote letters after luncheon & I was just lying down when Mrs Lawson (Ethel’s sister) card was brought up & I scampered back into my dress & went down. She is staying here & seems vy nice & vy lively & full of information, told us Gwen had vy bad fall, her horse falling back on her into water, only her back out! Is not to ride again this season!!! Col. & Mrs Mount Batten to tea, introduced Mrs Lawson to them. Lin tired. Sat after dinner with Mr Mellor & the Watkins, Mr Williams & Mr Kitson. Monday 16 November Dull. Fine until 12.30. Left Bath after 6 delightful days visit with Dickie alone at 12.20, Hotel at 10 to 12. Mrs Lawson came to my room & sat some time, nice sympathetic woman. Said goodbye to Sir Alfred & Lady Watkins & Miss Sutherland, & Mr Kitson & his dear old father, & Mr Mellor. Bill for 6 days, 3 using fire in our rooms, Col. & Mrs Mount Batten to tea & in at all meals, 2 large double front bedrooms South View £ 14.14 0. Fees £2.0.0. heavy. Letters fr. Maud fr. Bedstone & fr. Roy. Comfortable journey up. Roy dined with us evg. Awful news of Sir Henry Bergne’s death yesteday at Berlin. Tuesday 17 November Sent to enquire Lady Bergne, returns tonight. Lin saw dealer’s horse, too much for Lin, insolent shouting man. Fine. Slept well both of us. Emma v. unwell, bad tongue. Went to Hospital for advice. Feel v. anxious about her altho’ she looks well. Walked fr. Albert Hall with Lin to Hyde Pk Corner, he on to Club & I back alone. Rested after lunch.. Mrs Wallace called , c’d not wait. Lin back to tea & we both wrote letters after. Put out silver 10 pieces for dining room, 11 drawing room counting 2 into bottles separately. Maudie writes they got nearly 500 head of game yesterday at Langleys & Lennie shot so well. Wednesday 18 November Lin goes today or tomorrow to the Galbraiths, first covert shoot. Maudie came at 12.30 & took me for a little quatre d’heur drive in Victoria. The fine horse in pair I admire is not well, mouth worrying it. Had its jaw broken? Dear Lin to Critchett, says his eyes all right, only needs glasses a little stronger. Maudie lunched here & we left her at Lancaster Gate in our taxi & we went on to La Scala Theatre to see Ruth Dennis do Indian dancing etc, most excellent & not indecent altho’ she showed much! Roy dined at Maud’s. Lin & I happy evg. together. Thursday 19 November X. Paid £237.10.0 for 10 Louisville & Nashville shrs to L. Messel, borrowing £100 fr. Bank for this. Emma better for her new medicine, her tongue less painful. Some anniversary night at Galbraiths. Marie in bed all day. Fine morg, slept well, woke 6 o’c. Lin left for Terregles at 8.30, his slight cold of last night better. Wire at 6 o’c fr. Lin of his safe arrival, vy glad. At 11 to Miss Jacobs in darling Maud’s Vic. Unable to do anything before Xmas. To Harrods, ordered dear Anne’s prayer book & Oliver’s mowing machine. Met the dear mites both looking so well. Marie


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 in bed all day with chill. So glad she can as Lin is away. Antoinette v. good & most attentive. Friday 20 November Marie still vy seedy in bed all day. Went myself for Dr Lynes & then Dr McMahon as he was out, coming at 3 o’c. Slept well. At 11 in Maud’s Victoria to Stores. Lovely day. Feel most anxious about Emma. Mrs Adlam coming to tea, sorry but cannot put her off now. Letter fr. Lin arrived safely 3 hrs before dinner! Stuffy carriage 3 men in it! Dr McMahon came to see Marie, slight flu only, thinks her v. nervous. Mrs Adlam, Maud & Florence to tea. Curtain pole came down drawing room! Roy out. Saturday 21 November Carriage & groom to fetch Midge fr. Browns Hotel, called Claridges, D. & P. there. Midge & self to see D’s picture, Shannons studio, & to see Mervyn after, out. Saw Mrs Gilbert. Midge lunched with me. Marie still in bed. Dr Lyne came, I out. Marie no temperature. Roy out to dinner & Empire after, met Douglas. Walked with Midge after lunch & back to rest. To bed early. Wire fr. dear Lin cold better, going out, was in all yesterday. (sheet pinned in) Dr Croft Hill, 169 Cromwell Rd. Ethel Cusans brother in law. Sunday 22 November Fine. Walked 11.30 to Derwent Lodge, found all in bed there as usual. Sp. Mrs O. & Ada. Walked back took Rags with me, felt v. tired, so warm. Sp. came & Herbert & Edie to tea. X. Rags bit Antoinette badly, will not have him round unless muzzled, so sorry about it. Roy here to dinner seems very tired & has a cold. Marie down afternoon. Bed 10 & Roy also. Monday 23 November Dr Lyne came to see Marie, giving her tonic. 3rd time came!!! Lovely day, slept fairly well but feel both sides. Emma to Hospital seems better & bright. Dr says she must have her tongue scraped but trust it will get better without. In my darling’s carriage to Russel & Allen, £26.0.0 for a dress, awful. To Mascottes going to make me a black cloth bodice for my coat & skirt. Dear Lin returns fr. Dumfries. Maudie & Florence to tea. Flowers & a tea gown fr. my darling. X. Pd. £10 to Glen Mills Currie & Co. first payment on 5 £100 allotted new shrs in Central Dist Rly. Tuesday 24 November Lovely day. At 11 in carriage with Edie to Harrods, Fortnum & Mason. Ethel Mervyn to luncheon. Had lining tried on for black cloth bodice Mascottes. Ethel stayed to tea, cozy little restful talk together. Dear Lin’s cold v. heavy still & he looks to me v. seedy, have had his tonic made up Dr Beauchamp gave him last spring after flu. Maudie came to tea looking sweet, went on to Mrs Messel’s at home. Roy dined with Lin & me. Bed 10 o’c. Wednesday 25 November Lovely morg. To Harrods & round Park. Met Ethel English. Lin & self to Matinée His Majestys, Faust. Maudie joins us there after Mrs Colefax’s luncheon party. Lin & self to Faust. Maudie joined us there. Large box. House full. Marie Lohr charming as Margarithe only 14 years old, pretty. Maudie drove me home, one of pair Vic tiresome. Dear Lin on to Club & Punch dinner, cough vy troublesome. Roy dined at home & seemed in good spirits. Thursday 26 November Lin coughed during night & as not home fr. Punch dinner until v. late & vy tired. Tiresome subject for drawing. X. I went to Bank in Maud’s carriage to have list of securities there arranged & left Banker’s receipt of £10 Cent Argt Rly 5 £10 shares allotted me. X. To Moore & Pinnel about new black hat or toque. Walked to enquire after Lady Bergne after return & before lunch. Friday 27 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Met the mites in Park with Fraulein & Mamie & Mrs Messel & Muriel buy new horse. Lin coughed much in night but we both slept between times. Carriage came 11, fetched Maudie saw litle Linley & Mr B. L. looks thinner. Maudie drove with me to Moore & Pinnel, to Wilsons, & to see Evie Fisher Rowe, Wimpole St, in home, to have operation curetting. Looks v. well, sh’ll be glad when Tabbie is with her, poor little soul. Maudie lunched here & remained until 6 o’c. Dear little thing re arranged drawing room, delightful having her, & all to myself. Sat after with Dickie, seems better. Roy dined with him after 10 o’c. Roy seems better too. Saturday 28 November Good night, Lin coughed less. To Harrods 11 o’c, more Xmas shop’g. Do not see my way to spending £25 on my dress. Col & Desirée Wilby came about 4.30. Tea not ready, sorry they left with out it. Saw Col. W. at Harrods morg, too busy to speak. Roy dined at home & had quiet little evg morg. room. Roy much more lively. Sunday 29 November Miss Rose Innes & Douglas called tea time. Lin coughed great deal but we slept fairly well between times. Dull morg. Pity Marie & A. do not seem to work well together, both so good in different ways. Lawrence & Evie to lucheon. Evie having operation Wed, curetting, pity. Thankful not my darling. Maudie & Lennie at Balcombe, they lunched at the Sergisons! Roy, Lin & self to dinner alone. Monday 30 November Dull. Shop’g Kensington & Sloane St. Tired. Roy out to dinner. X. Lin has horse or rather mare on trial at 30/- a week. I tried blouses fr. Barkers, none do. Lin’s cough troublesome. Dec 1908 Tuesday 1 December Dull & rather foggy, colder. Wire unable to have carriage fr. my darling, so went by bus to Harrods & to Bank. X. Overdrawn my account so am borrowing £50 from Bank. X. Maudie & May Holland only called. Maud & L. dining at Claridges with Tabs tonight. Lin tried his horse which he has at 30/- a week on trial. Upton goes to see another at Ascot. Wednesday 2 December To be fitted Mascotte. At 11 in Maud’s Victoria to Post Office about Bath postal order 3/7 which cannot get changed as it is not stamped! To Harrods & Moore & Pinnel about my hat. Maudie lunched here & we had a v. happy afternoon together. She lined my muff dear little thing & was as usual a little sunshine in the house. Dear Lin out to lunch, back 3.30, rested & had tea with us. Maudie left 5.30, Lawrence dining with her. Marie out. Roy dined out. Thursday 3 December We slept v. badly. Evie’s operation today. Very dull & vy foggy. Walked to be fitted blk cloth bodice Mascotte. Wrote letters. Rested. Dear Lin’s cold & cough vy tiresome but he managed to get a rest & his subject standing in spite of fog. Mad. Jacquemot came & talked politics, & about dear mites. Great crowd & procession of unemplyed men Phillimore Gds, forsee much trouble. Roy in to dinner, seems fairly well. Mad’lle says little Oliver not well & going to Balcombe tomorrow – glands! Friday 4 December We slept better. Dull & dark. Out at 11.30 walking to Maud’s to enquire after dear little Oliver who left in motor with Nurse F, Hornsby & Barringer for Balcombe this morg. Found my darling in her bedroom busy writing surrounded by packages. She goes to Balcombe by 4.30, Lennie travelled with the Messels. Rags bit Marie evg, sh’d have him shot, he’s not safe. Antoinette (illeg) electric light, it went when Lin was at work. Electrician put it right in ¼ hour, trying for Lin.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 5 December Horse fr. Whites. I consider him too light & not up to Lin’s weight. Vy bad night, Lin coughed so & when he got to sleep was vy restless. So thankful he has been able to sleep, needed it badly after his long days work. Felt v. worried about Rags & expences stables, horse etc. Money flies there & so little return. Letter fr. Maudie, dear little Oliver better. Drove & saw Evie at Home, looks well. X. Poor little Rags destroyed in a second by vet with chloroform, what ought to have been done months ago when he first bit Antoinette. V. v. sorry but he was unsafe. Walked with Lin after tea. Roy out to dinner. Quiet evg. Sunday 6 December Mr & Mrs Beale dine here. The G. Keiths unable to at last moment, sorry, cannot be helped. Asked Gladys C, Mr & Mrs Fred Kerr & Mr & Mrs Hugh Adams, only Miss Rose Innes came & the Beales. V. pleasant evg. Lin rode the little horse fr. Whites but he buckled over so it was no pleasure to him & he is returning him. Monday 7 December Bad night, so disturbed by poor Lin’s cough & cannot get to sleep after. Walked to Whiteleys to see a dog, none what I like. Called on Effie, out. Nice place part of private Hotel, 40 Queensbury Terrace, Hyde Pk. Little Anne, Frau, Linley Maudie & Ethel C. to tea. Chicks look well. Nurse F. & Oliver at Balcombe. Little Anne v. quiet & unexcited, vy sweet & Frau. plays so nicely with her. Roy out to dinner. Lin & self quiet evg, his cough v. troublesome. Tuesday 8 November Bad night & head achey. Fine morg. Darling’s carriage at 11 to Sophie Neal 104 Marylebone Rd. took plum evg dress. To Barkers cakes, & Nilson for Latrousse dictionary, & to Harrods, baskets have gone, alas too late. Effie to luncheon. Nellie K, Lady Dixon Hartland, Lady Spielmann & Mrs Hugh Adams called. Dickie had another horse to see, a cart horsey cob. Lin’s cough v.tiresome. Felt completely worn out, to bed directly after dinner. Roy in to dinner. Wednesday 9 December X. Much better night but feel headachey & back achey, am remaining in bed all day. Dear Lin coughed less & slept well. My precious came as usual laden with pretty things, herself the prettiest of all. Asked if Roy could go to them for a week for Lin to sleep in Roy’s room, as bad nights knock me up so. Maudie has a dinner of 11 for dance tonight, Roy going. Lennie gave Roy a lovely little Fox terrier which slept with Emma & was v. good. X. Thursday 10 December Fairly good night. Went for a little walk with the new dog morg. Rested after lunch. Sat with Lin. Roy in to dinner, his little dog in great favour in House all pleased with him. Lin’s cough troublesome after dinner. Met Mrs Spofforth. My darling did not come but sent game. Friday 11 December To be fitted Sophie Neal. My darling lunches here 1.30. Lovely day. Slept better & Lin also. Went at 11 to Neal, fitted. To see Evie looking v. thin & pinched. Darling came in when I was there. To Harrods after, the box I wanted has been sold helas! Procrastination. Saturday 12 December Disturbed night, Lin’s cough so bad. Went out morg. After lunch Lin & self to see “The Flag Lieutenant” Cyril Maud at Playhouse. Vy good. We both enjoyed it & had a lovely box. Went by a flying taxi cab! & back by bus. Shop’g to get fruit at Butts & walking fr. there home. Mr Magee called. Roy in to dinner. Looked thro’ cards etc F.B.Tucks. Bed early. Lin seems v. tired & not well. Wish he would give up all but his weekly work. (page pinned in) Gave Marie Dec 1908. 6 new pink & white dusters, 8 new claret glasses, 8 new sherry or port glasses (fr Harrods) & 1 new table cloth making 4 now for dining room.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 13 December Gladys Crozier dines here, & my darling & Lennie who come up fr. Dover where they have been for one night to stay with Hylda & Cap’t Gibbs. Had very good night. Lin slept so quietly & did not cough. We went for walk together taking Taxie on chain morg, met Mr Gielgud & his 2 boys. Katie away at a rest home! Miss Rose Innes called. Poor Gladys v. depressed about her brother & sister in law, the Baby cries so. Lin tired himself out sorting drawings for Brown, w’d not let Marie & me help, such a pity. Dull evg cannot tell why. Monday 14 December Slept well but Lin disturbed in night, had pheasant done up at lunch time, may be that, but it did not hurt me. Our carriage at 11.30, to Army & Navy Stores. Tuesday 15 December Mrs Tate’s luncheon 1.30. Out morg 11 o’c M’s cariage Stores. Unable to go to Mrs Tate. Mrs Nembhard, Miss Hughes & cousin, Maudie & Mrs Keith called. Roy dining at Maud’s, Mr & Mrs Grantham & Mr Brodie there. Edgar dined with us, had a black eye, horse flung his head back after a jump! Vy delightful having him. Dickie deranged internally, tiresome otherwise he would be better, chest better. Went in Vic at 11 to Harrods, met Cap’t Gibbs, & to Mascotte. After lunch at 2.30 Miss Rose Innes fetched me in Taxie & we went to see “Lady Epping’s Law Suit” excellent. To tea after at Ritz & taxie home. The Dad still deranged. Vy busy finished Babes in the Wood opening Vol. Roy in to dinner. Emma out. Beach 2/6. Got glasses Harrods, eye glasses. Marie gave up her afternoon & is going out Sunday instead. Thursday 17 December Another batch of unemployed in Terrace. Very dull & warm. Had fairly good night. Dickie down once in night. The Punch staff dined at Savoy & Lin not home until late last night. I went into Kensington saw nothing I wanted except cheese & pears! Marie out after tea for hour & half. Edgar came to tea, ashamed to be found untidy, had been sorting presents. Roy left at 10 to 11 for Terregles. Looks well & seems cheerful. Edgar does not look so well as he did. Friday 18 December Very dull & much colder, slept well until 5 o’c. Saturday 19 December Dull. Carriage at 11, 2/6 groom. To Asprey Maud’s present £3.12.6. Also to Barker, Moore & Pinnel. To see Evie at Nursing home 50 Weymouth St, & to Bank. Evie looks v. well but seems depressed & no wonder in that unsympathetic place. After lunch Lin & self to see “Follies” Apollo Theatre. Fairly good, too long. Great crowds coming out. Taxie there fr. stand 2/2, gave him 2/6. Motor bus back 6d. Quiet peaceful evg. alone, bed early. Sunday 20 December Lin dines with Mr Seaman. Very dull, good night. Uric acid saw it thro’ microscope, no wonder dangerous! Edie & Herbert come to dinner, 7 o’c. For walk with Dickie 12 o’c. Met Mr Greaves on his way to Mr Lucas’s. Lin busy altering drawing & designing next one. Undid Bath box at last. Mrs Kerr called, v. amusing over her troubles. Antoinette managed nicely. Monday 21 December Ethel English dines with us 8 o’c. Good night, Lin slept well. Out morg. Kens. My foot hurt me so had to return but took Taxie for short walk. Sent off presents. To Mascotte about seal coat. Maudie & Lennie return fr. Balcombe. Mr Guthrie dining there. Roy returned from Scotland, Galbraiths. Mrs E. Pollock called did not see her, lying down. Lennie sent me cheque £14.16.10 for specs. V. pleasant evg, Ethel lively. Tuesday 22 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dull. Lin at work as on Friday. I went to Stores morg. by underground 7d return, bought 2 frames £1.4.0, pocket book 12/6, toys Barkers. Mrs Finlay & Mrs Spofforth & darling Maud called. Roy dined with Dickie. Sent cheque to Bank & wired to Lennie & wrote evg. Wednesday 23 December Dull. Packed all day with Marie. Edie came at tea time, gave her her (illeg) basket & darling Mother’s claret jug trusting she & Herbert w’d value it v. much & they have so few home treasures. Roy in to dinner. Quiet evg. Bed early & slept well. Lin’s cough seems much better & his breathing much better. Thursday 24 December Marie went off with luggage by 10.40 train. Lin & self later, by 4.30, in same carriage with Lennie, H. & Nonie. Found all well & darling looking sweet in red dress. Effie & Fitz, Harold & Nonie, Lin & self, little Rudolf & governess house party. V. pleasant evg, pianola after. To bed 10.30 v. tired but much stronger. Roy saw us off Staf. Ter. & he goes to Leweston today. Little Oliver looks delicate & fragile especially by the side of Rudolf. Friday 25 December Slept well & awoke to find 2 lovely little Xmas Trees fastened to either post at end of bed with Mamie present & fully dressed!!! Never saw anything so pretty before. Lin a dressing gown & various things, me 3 pretty baskets fitted for each room for work, a lovely brown silk tie-box & endless pretty things. Fr. darling Anne a little handkerchief made by her, beautifully worked. All went to Church except Lin & self. He worked all day. All went to Nymans after lunch for tree & they dress there. Lin & I go at 7.30 in car. Vy amusing evg, charades after. House party Dr M, 3 de la Penhas, Gibbs, Lorings, Miss Gibbs. Saturday 26 December Dull & v.cold. Very late last evg. Rested rather later morg. Good night but not in bed unil 1o’c. Lin hard at work all day until 3.30, light failing so went for our walk. Maud gave away oceans of presents at 4.30 to all household wives & children, to Marie lovely book, 3 prs best gloves & another box. Lennie splendid as old father Xmas in real silk dressing gown & hood. 22 to dinner here, whole party fr. Nymans, 3 tables. All most charmingly arranged. Charades after, excellent. Sunday 27 December Fine early, dull later. Vy cold. Some snow & sleet. Rested until 11.30 after good night, but very late to bed, 12 o’c again. Sat with Lin. Luncheon 1 o’c. Lennie & Fitz to Lake, fished, got nothing. Lin worked until 3.30 & at 4 o’c we went for our walk. After dinner “Roulette” wish darling would not have it on Sunday, or any game only Music. Monday 28 December Lovely morg. Sunny, some snow on ground, vy cold. Lin at work all day until dusk. Effie, Fitz, Nonie & I went for walk at 12 o’c. After lunch rested. Moved Lin into my bedroom for work, his room so dark & cold, mine lovely & warm. Went for walk with him at 4.15. Lennie to town & drilled his men after, dinner 8 o’c. Harold to Nymans for golf & walked back. All vy tired evg. to bed early. Darling Maud sleeps badly, does too much. Tuesday 29 December Heavy snow storm, vy cold. Lennie to London where he sleeps night. Maudie again slept badly. Went for walk with Lin after he finished his work, or rather c’d see no more, 4 - 5. Very hard walking in the snow. Lin v. amusing & in good spirits at dinner, kept us amused. V. lively evg. Bed 10.30. Wednesday 30 December Deep snow. In all morg writing letters whilst Lin finished his drawing in his room. We went for a walk at 12 o’c. Lin left in Car at 4.10 for London. Maud, H. & Nonie


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & Fitzroy, Maud & Effie to Nymans, came back Mrs M. fussing so!!! Vy pleasant dinner & evg, did telegrams, but missed Dickie. Bed 10.30. My darling slept in my room. Thursday 31 December Snow still lying, but does not feel so cold. Effie leaves for Worthing today 3.10 & Ellie Ritchie & Mr Marriott come, & Lennie. Vy jolly evg, only wish Lin & Roy were here. Played roulette after dinner, I won 1/9, Fitzroy won 2/6 & Mrs Harold won as usual about 5/- seems wonderfully lucky. Saw Old Year out & sang Auld lang Syne, had Punch, & to bed 1 o’c. So ends another happy year. May the New Year be even happier. Start 1907 with Balance £ 47.0.9 Owe Bank Loan £ 150.0.0 Paid off loan & invested 1907: February off loan £ 100.0.0 B.A. Rosario allot. 6.0.0 B.A. Pacific allot. 2.0.0 February £ 108.0.0 March B.A. Pacific Joint Sk Bk £ 2.0.0 B.A. Gt Southern £ 30.0.0 March £ 32.0.0 April Glyn Mills Currie for 3 allot £10 shrs £ 9.0.0 Joint Sk Bk for 2 B.A.Pacific 4.0.0 April £ 13.0.0 May Call on B.A.Pacific May £ 6.0.0 June B.A. Pacific on 2 allot £10 6.0.0 Paid off last debt to Bank 50.0.0 Call on B.A.Gt Southern 30.0.0 June £ 86.0.0 July, August, September B.A & Rosario Rly £ 9.0.0 October, November, December Total for year 1907 £ 254.0.0 Pd out for loan & invested £ 254.0.0 Spent on dress, travel & personal, 271.8.3 Doctor 30.0.0 £ 555.8.3 To deposit for Nash 50.0.0 £ 605.8.3 All rest to Nash & doctor from the £300 Lennie & Maud gave me. £ 85 odd still owing to Nash to be paid for early in 1908. This £85.1.6 paid March 1908 Received fr. Trust Ditto fr. Private 1907 January £ 49. 8. 0 £ 25. 3. 1 February 52. 0. 0 42. 9. 1 March 19. 0. 0 30. 4. 3 April 40.17. 5 47.18.11 May : : 6.11. 6


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 June 45.11. 4 14. 0. 7 July 49. 8. 0 29.18. 2 August 52. 0. 3 21.14. 9 Sept 19. 0. 0 31.14. 9 Oct 40.17. 8 33.18. 2 November : : 11.13. 7 Dec 45. 9. 2 12. 0 Total £ 413.11.10 £ 315.18.10 Together equals Jan £ 74.11. 1 Feb 94. 9. 1 Mar 49. 4. 3 April 88.16. 4 1st four months £ 307. 0. 9 May 6.11. 6 June 59.11.11 July 79. 6. 2 August 73.15. 0 2nd four months £ 219. 4. 7 Sep 50.14. 9 Oct 94.15.10 Nov 11.13. 7 Dec 46. 1. 2 3rd four months £ 203. 5. 4 £ 729.10. 8 Total for year 1907 Spent on dress, hotels, presents etc 1907 Very ill all January & February February £ 13. 0. 4 March 43.15. 3 April 15. 6. 7 May 9.16. 7 June 19.10. 4 July 38.14.11 August 19.19. 6 September 44. 7. 7 October 30. 1. 6 November 17. 9. 6 December 19. 7. 5 Total £ 271. 8. 3 Received fr. Lennie March £ 150. 0. 0 fr. Maud June £ 150. 0. 0 Total £ 300. 0. 0 Paid Mr Haward doctor March £ 130. 0. 0 Nash for drainage July £ 100. 0. 0 Nash Sept £ 100. 0. 0 Total 1907 £ 330. 0. 0 Another large sum owing to Nash for drainage Paid Nash March 1908 the remainder of money for drainage & £ 26. 8. 0 of Linleys’s account Together making £ 85. 1. 6 Total for doctor & drainage £ 415. 1. 6 Lin paid a good large sum besides in Doctors during my illness, and my darling Maud a fortune on Nurses & the 1000 luxuries & thoughtful gifts she showered on me all the many months of my illness. Received trust 1908


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 January Cent. Uraguay Rly 23.15. 0 Argentine Gt Western 19. 0. 0 Antofagasta 6.13. 0 Local Loans 5. 5 January £ 49.13. 5 February Peebles 23.10. 3 Great West. of Brazil 28.10. 0 February £ 52. 0. 0 March Cordoba £ 19. 0. 0 April Brit. & North Atlantic S. £ 21. 7. 6 Local Loans 5. 5 Illinois Central 19. 8.11 April £ 41. 1.10 June Canadian Pacific £ 23.15. 0 Lehigh Valley 21.17. 0 June £ 45.13. 0 Received Private Ac’t 1908 Balance from 1907 £ 140. 3. 0 January Cordoba 1.18. 0 B.A. Rosario 1.18. 0 B.A. Pacific 8. 8 B.A. Western 4. 5.11 B.A. Gt Southern 7.12. 0 Chinese 2.17. 0 Japanese 1.18. 0 Burmah Oil 4.15. 0 Japanese 4. 5. 6 Sons of Gualia 5.0 2 Coupé London 4.19. 0 January £ 33. 2. 1 February Robinson Mine 9.19. 6 B.A.Pacific 18. 4 Gt Eastern Rly 3.16. 0 City B.A. Trams 9. 6 Hall & Barnsley 6.13. 0 Midland 7.13.10 February £ 29. 5. 2 March Furniss Rly £ 1. 8. 6 P & O Steamship Coy 4.19. 9 Waihi 6.13. 0 Harrods 1. 5. 13 March £ 14. 6. 6 Continued fr. Trust account received July Antifagasta £ 6.13. 0 Cent. Uruguay 23.15.0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Argentine Gt Western 19. 0. 0 Local Loans 5. 5 July £ 49.13. 5 August Gt Western of Brazil £ 28.10. 0 Peebles 23.10. 3 August £ 52. 0. 8 September Cordoba Rly £ 19. 0. 0 October British North Atlantic £ 21. 7. 6 Local Loans 5. 5 Illinois Cent. 19. 9. 5 October £ 41. 2. 4 December From Furrell trust surplus 9.19. 9 Canadian Pacific 23.15. 0 Lehigh Valley 21.16. 5 December £ 55.11. 2 Forward from Private Ac’t March continued £ 14.6. 6 Lennie Spec 4. 2. 0 Chinese 11 ½ 2. 2. 9 Cuban 5% 12. 4. 4 Japan 5 ½ 2. 7. 6 Interest deposit 13. 0 Glasgow S.W. 2. 1.11 March £ 37.18. 0 April Lloyd (Brazil) £ 2. 7. 6 Barker 1. 9 New York Central 1. 3. 8 B.A. Gt. Southern 28.17. 3 Interest deposit 1.10 B.A. Rosario 21. 3. 0 Sons of Gualia 5. 0 April £ 53.19.10 May B.A.Pacific 4. 4. 2 City B.A. Trams 9. 6 May £ 4.13. 8 June Waihi £ 12. 7. 0 Start 1908 with 3 100 on deposit in London County Bk. Paid off investments etc 1908 January 15th 5. New York Cent Hudson River Rly At 10½ per sh Com Stk 106.10. 0 Com. 10. 6 Payable 30 Jany, stamp 1. 0 Bought by London County Bk £ 107. 1. 6 April Aplied for & got £500 4½ % 7. B.A. Pacific debs allotted 4th April, Allottment letter same 15th April £ 25. 0. 0 Joint Stock Bank, 5 Princes St E.C £ 150. 0. 0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 £100 of this withdrawn from my deposit account. Sent Bankers receipt of £ 20 & allottment letter £ 150 allotted to Harold Messel 21st April to sell £ 300 of the £ 500 allotted. Sold these £ 300 at 3/8 discount April £ 175. 0. 0 Keeping £ 200 only 28th June. Paid to Messrs L. Messel & Co £ 9.8.5 balance due for B.A. Pacific Shares taken up 4½% keeping £ 200 of same. Lennie made me some money on S.E. or should have had £ 23 to pay on these. Only paid June £ 9. 8. 5 Burmese Oil paid off £ 200 5% reinvested this July 21st in $ 1000 Mexican Nat at 102 ¼ 21st July 1908, 4 ½ % £ 204.10. 0 Sep 8th Newly allotted 3. £10 shares £ 3. 0. 0 B.A.Pacific ordinary 1911 5% until that date. Pd deposit of £1 on the 3 shrs to London Joint Stock Bk. Sept 28th Pay remaining £ 27. 0. 0 Also £ 100 allotted in B.A. Pacific (ord 1911) 5% until that date £ 100. 0. 0 September total £ 130. 0. 0 November. Placed on deposit £ 100. 0 .0 19th Nov. Bought thro’ L. Messel 10. Louisville & Nash shrs so took £ 100 from deposit for this & borrowed fr. Bank £ 50 only Nov 19th £ 237.10. 0 Received from Trust Private Total together 82.15.6 £ 49.13. 5 33. 2. 1 81. 5. 5 £ 52. 0. 0 29. 5. 2 56.17. 5 £ 19. 0. 0 37.17. 5 95. 1. 8 £ 41.1 .10 53.19.10 4.13. 8 £ - - £ 4.13. 8 58. 0. 0 £ 45.13. 0 £ 12. 7. 0 83.10. 2 £ 49.13. 5 £ 33.16. 9 71. 7. 8 £ 52. 0. 3 £ 19. 7. 5 50.11.11 £ 19. 0. 0 £ 31.11.11 80. 9. 3 £ 41. 2. 4 £ 39. 6.11 - - £ 25. 9. 6 £ 55.11. 2 £ 27. 0. 0 £ 424.15. 8 £ 347.15. 8 Total £ 772. 2. 2 £ 34.15. 0 of this amount was given me by Lennie from speck he made for me & £ 10 extra fr. trust ac’t fr. Furrell surplus. On dress, presents, travelling etc & drainage Spent during 1908 January £ 41. 4. 1 February £ 8.14. 8 March £ 95. 2. 8


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 April £ 12.19. 4 May - - June £ 18.10. 8 July £ 59.18. 4 August £ 9.15. 8 September £ 21. 9. 6 October £ 15.15. 8 November 4.11. 6 December 10. 2. 2 £ 298. 4. 3 Received from Trust & Private ac’t together January £ 82.15. 6 February £ 81. 5. 5 March £ 56.17. 5 April £ 95. 1. 8 May £ 4.13. 8 June £ 58. 0. 0 August £ 71. 7. 8 September £ 50.11.11 October 80. 9. 6 November 25. 9. 6 December 82.11. 2 Total income 1908 £ 776. 4. 4 Lennie made me £ 4. 2. 0 March & £ 1.10. 0 in April & £ 14.16.10 Dec & £ 13.11. 7 July. Total £ 34. 0. 0 Tommy Foley aged 2. God bless Faver & Movr & Grandpapa, Grandmama, & my little brown bear can take care of himself. Continued from investments made during year 1908 November Paid 27th Nov £ 10 first payment on 5 new £ 10 shrs allotted in Cent Argt Rly to be ordinary shrs to Bank this Nov. £ 10. 0. 0 1st Dec. I borrow £ 50 of the Bank, overdrawn my account Bring forward £ 10 from page 201. £ 10 £ 658.19.11 Total £ 668.19.11 Of this sum £ 50 borrowed from Bank Dec 1st 1908 This invested including stamp com. etc, making total spent in investment during 1908 £ 668.19.11 Also £ 200 reinvested from Burmah Oil which was paid off & reinvested in £ 200 in Mexican Nat 4½ % Malcolm E. Mackinlay, 32 Baker, St Portman Sqre, W. Florence Howlden, Derby House, Broad Walk, Buxton Lady Trendell, 18 Oakwood Court, Kensington, W Cyril Howlden, 52 Doughty St, London W.C, off Russell Sqre Evie Fletcher Rowe, Vale Farm, Clewer, Windsor Mrs Richard Worsley, 1 Clarendon Place, Hyde Pk. Gardens, W Miss Lizzie & Margaret Jones, 149 Gloucester Road, S.W Ethel Cussans, 4 Cromwell Avenue, Highgate, N Effie Conrad, 38 Queensborough Terrace, Hyde Park Lady Foster, 30 Grosvenor Rd, Chelsea Spencer, Ocle Pychard Vicarage, Hereford


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 W.H.Head & Sons, 191-192 Sloane Street, London Canvas for making mats ¾ yd 9d, 1 Hook 6d, (illeg) 2 for putting wool over. Wool? Above Sophy’s. Little Linley aged 8. Miss Hayes told him she had killed 63 salmon, only remarked “This morning?” Mrs G’s: There was a young lady of France Who said I will just take my chance She yielded with glee To her lover’s entree And now all her sisters are aunts. There was a young lady of Kent Who knew vy well what he meant When he asked her to dine With a bottle of wine All alone in his room. So she went. Linley (8) explaining to his tutor “This you see is a Hen’s egg.” Maud did not wait to hear more. Maud expostulating with her cook on extravagance & saying “We must not waste the money, Mr Messel works so hard.” “He do Mam, works vy hard for fish.” Little Oliver. Maud told him to sit still & gave him boys encyclopedia to look at (aged 4) “This does’nt amuse me mama! This doesn’t amuse me at all.” Nevertheless sat on like a lamb. Ruby Walker, Duns Tew Manor, Beddington. Maud: Kilbride Lodge, Oxon Clonbur, Co’y Galway, Ireland & Hotel Victoria, Monte Carlo Effie Conrad, Hotel Beau Site, Alpes Maritime, France Toula, 33 Hill St, W. Ada Sp’s dentist: Mr Hicks, 130 Holland Pk Avenue, nearly opposite the Spencers Mr Hicks number on telephone 2173 Western Roland Jackson, 2 Cockspur St, S.W. Mrs Mackenzie Davidson, 76 Portland Place, W. Dow. Lady Wynford, 51 Chester Square, S.W. Lady Head, 174 St James Court, Buckingham Gate S.W. Ruby Walker, Duns Tew Manor, Deddington, Oxon Toula, 33 Hill St, Berkeley Sqre Gladys Crozier’s woman for ‘Vieuxs habits’ Mrs Stainsfield, Stainfield House, Guildford Rd, Poplar Gladys C, 9 Elgin Avenue, Maida Vale. Addresses 19 Abingdon Road Mans Salvation Army, 22 Spa Rd, Bermondsey Mrs Kevil Davies, 12 Carlisle Place S.W Lady Gilbert, 90 Eaton Sqre Mrs Church, 23 Army & Navy Mans. Miss Beattie Crozier, 9 Elgin Avenue, Maida Vale Mrs Biencardé’s blouse maker, 7 Dalkeith Mansions, West Kensington. Mrs Bentham Toula, Arcis Strasse 33, München, Germany Ruby Walker, Duns Tew Manor, Deddington, Oxon Daisie Robertson, Burningfold, Dunsfold, Godalming Mrs Jones, Lizzie Caufield, Blatches, Dunmow, Essex Mrs Tate, 14 Park St S.W. C. Hicks, dentist, 130 Park Avenue, W. Geoff Conrad Ferroyepore, Punjab, India Cash address Balmi, Dalhousie, India


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Ruby Walker, Duns Tew Manor, Deddington, Oxon Ada Sp’s dentist: C. Hicks Esqre, 130 Holland Pk. Avenue, telephone No 2173 Ethel Cussans, 4 Cromwell Avenue, Highgate, N. Bessie Hollingshead, The Ladies Club, Brighton & Hove, Hove, Sussex Mrs Jopling Rowe, 7 Pembroke Gds, Kensington Geoff Blair, Cortorphan’s Hotel, Simla, India Mrs Gibson, Postlip Hall, Winchcombe, R.S.O, Gloucester Lady Foster, 30 Grosvenor Rd, Chelsea, S.W. W.M. Lock, Tailor. Alexandra Road, South Farnborough Ethel Edwin, July 1908 rec’ds B.A.Pacific Rly 5% 3rd Deb. stock, div due 1st July & 1st June. Louisville best of American Rly Cos. Mrs Fagan, 37 Rutland Court, S.W. Douglas Herepath, Cavalry Depôt, Ballin(illeg), Ireland Effie Conrad, 38 Queensborough Terrace, Hyde Pk. Lady Spielmann, Hyde Hall, Sawbridgeworth, Herts To remember Rand (illeg) Peruvian Corporation


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1909 Notes on front pages Addresses new: Sir John Tenniel, 52 Fitzgeorge Avenue, Kensington Braunstein, 28 Hyde Pk Gate Aunt Linda, Matfield Place, Matfield, Kent Mr P.F.Lindquister, Masseur. 25 Carlisle Mansions, Victoria. S.W. Maud, Jan. c/o Mr N. Cowdray, Stoner Pk, Henley on Thames. Susie a Beckett, 87 Eccleston Sqre Vera Kevil Davies, 35 Albert Hall Mansions Miss Brown, 19 Pembridge Cresc Miss Hughes, 83 Ashley Gds Miss Millar, 28 Pembroke Gds Mrs Abbott, 48 Wynstay Gds Lady Romer, 31 Montpelier Sqre Mrs Hohler, 73 Eaton Place Mrs John Walter, 35 Courtfield Gds Mrs Arthur Gill, “Cherries” Oakwood Hill, Ockley, Surrey (cutting pinned to page, Mr Swinburne’s will) Miss Browne, 19 Pembridge Cresc. Mrs de la Penha, The Old Rectory, Noke, Islip, Oxon Wearns. Ask for Baldock, 9 King St, High St Kensington rec’d by Mrs Sington for mending jobs Mr Lindquist (masseur) 25 Carlisle Mansions, Westminster Ruby Walker, Dunstew Manor Doddington, Oxon Mervyn Herapath, 14a Cheyne Row, Chelsea Mrs Molloy, Woolleys, Henley on Thames (Piece of paper pinned to page) Dr Messel, 147 Victoria St Violet Phillips, 18 Manchester St Mrs Phillips, 14 Gt Cumberland Place Tabbie’s hat place, 110 Oxford St, La Fayette. Mrs Herbert Waring, 56 Victoria St, S.W. H.C.Allen Esqre, River Plate House, Finsbury Circus, E.C. London Kate Bowers, 74 Yeldham Rd, Hammersmith Trained nurse rec’d Lady Bergne, Miss Ward, 87 Abingdon Rd, Kensington (back of piece of paper pined to page) A housemaid who could never be persuaded to come into family prayers said she did not like to be insulted as they always said “Oh God who hatest nothing but the Housemaid” (who hatest nothing that thou hast made) Child who asked his mother if God’s name was Harold. Why asked his Mother? Because you say Our Father which art in Heaven, Harold be thy name. Aunt Linda, Matfield Place, Matfield, Kent Mrs Laurence Bradbury, 72 Bedford Gds Wycliffe Taylor Esqre, 12 Harrington Gardens, S. Kensington Mrs Wilkinson, Lady Mead’s daughter, 51 Campden Hill Rd Mrs Krabbe(?) Calcot Grange, nr Reading. Marie Allenbach, 18 rue St. Victor, Carange, Près Genève, La Suisse Mrs F. Lutyens, 103 Onslow Square, S.W & The Holt, Cross-in-Hand Old servant to his Mistress who married twice, said I’ve taken quite a liking for that Mr Evans, at first I looked upon him rather as an antelope! (an interloper)


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Little Linley, 9, was met by a friend of his mother’s who asked him if she was likely to be at home if she called “I am not sure, said Linley, as Mother sometimes has to be out”! Irish man “Bedah! I’ve cheated the railway company. I took return ticket from Cork & I will not be going back there”! Mr Talbot Ponsonby Mrs Cohen, Courtlands, West Hoathly, Sussex, & 11 Hyde Pk Terrace Dr Furth, Harley Street. Rec’d for foreign waters advice by Mr Messel. Tabbie’s telephone No. Anchorage, National Telephone No 2 Christchurch Mervyn Herapath, Fylingsdale, Watertree, near Liverpool Miss Rose Innes 2 Campden Hill Place Mrs Routh, Weatherall Home, Well Walk, Hampstead Dr Robert Brumstarck(?) Homburg, rec’d by Dr Karl Fürth Dr Fürth, 39 Harley Street Ld Kingsburgh’s story. A Man at a dinner party asks another, Who is the very decoltée lady? Oh she is half French & half English. Then said that for the credit of our countrywomen I hope the lower half is English. One hair on the head is worth two in the bush. On Mr Lucy’s being Knighted Lin said to him at Punch dinner “Don’t you take it too much to heart you beknighted individual you’ll get over it,” & again in the house of Scrivenors à propos of Mr Lucy, they said the King had made the shortest Knight on the longest day! Madame Frick, Arcis Strasse 33, Munchen. Stories, proper & otherwise. Little Oliver, 5, made a little noise (accident) asked Mamie “What is that noise?” Darling we never mention these things! “Is it the Voice of God Mamie? Is God speaking to me?” Tommy Foley aged three “God bless Faver & Mover & Grandpapa & Grannie & my little brown bear can take care of himself.” A man travelling in Ireland was so bitten by fleas he said had they been ananimous they would have pulled him out of bed.” Ragged dirty little boy of about 4, Ramsgate cold morg, & his toes & heels all exposed thro’ boots & shoes “Your poor little feet must be cold?” “Not a bit, there’s as ‘ot as a red ‘ot poker!” Little Linley said he had had a lovely “Bethleham turnip” when he dined late, meaning Jerusalem artichoke! Then not quite sure of the name, but it was something fr. the Holy Land. Jan 1909 Friday 1 January Snow melting fast, much warmer. Went for walk with Fraulein, Linley & Anne after lunch. Maud & Nonie to Nymans. Lennie & Mr Marriott for long walk, & Harold to Nymans for golf. Dinner 7 o’c. Servants Ball. We all went down & Maud & Lennie danced with them for 2 dances. Roy arrived fr. Leweston, startling news of Gwen’s engagement to Mr Wingfield Digby!!! Ball lasted till 3.30AM! (note pinned to page) Marie end Dec 1908. 6 new pink & white dusters, 4 wine glasses broken & replaced Feby 7th with 2 extra ones making 10 port & 8 clarets. Saturday 2 January Snow still melting. All enjoyed last evg immensely. Marie looked v. nice in her voile & blouse & little coat I gave her, black & white lace, last evg. Dear Lin comes by 4.30 train. Looked v. well & seems vy bright & cheery but coughs again more. Had charades after dinner. Lennie v. tired. V. late to bed after 12, dead tired. Wish Maud for her own sake would make a move earlier. Roy seems vy well. Sunday 3 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dull morg. Would like to have gone to Church but so dreadfully tired & headache after so many late nights. Went for walk with Lin & Roy by Lake & met Mr Pennythorne & his two daughters. Rested at 2.30 until 4.15. Harold to play golf with Cap. Gibbs at Nymans. Lin wrote letters. Lennie to Lake & football after. Darling went for walk with Nonie & Ellie. After dinner came up to bed before gentlemen joined us, they sang & played & seemed v. lively after. Monday 4 January Dear Lin’s birthday. Slept badly awake so long & Lin coughed. Vy dull warm morning. Mrs Messel’s dance! Lin & self not going. Mr Labouchère here & Mr Brodie & Mr Marriott staying here, & Ellie & Fitzroy & Roy. Mr Brodie took me in to dinner. Vy nice man, full of information, a friend of Mr Marriott’s. They all went off to dance after dinner, & we to bed early. Tuesday 5 January Announcement of Gwen’s engagement! All tired after Mrs M’s dance. Nonie & Harold left early for London. Lin coughed night & restless. Walked morg. with Lin, Maud & Ellie to see Mrs Messel after lunchon & brought Cap. & Mrs Seagrave back to stay 2 nights. Mr Labouchère, Mr Brodie, Mr Marriott, Geoff, Ellie all staying until Thursday. We leave tomorrow. Played roulette evg. Bed 11 o’c. Wednesday 6 January Lin coughd good deal. Lin & self left darling Maud’s at 11.55 after delightful visit. Fees between us £2.15.0. Sunny & bright. Unpacked after lunch, afraid poor E’s tongue v. painful still. Marie unpacked after lunch. Lin had tea with me & left for Punch dinner. I dined alone drawing room. Roy came in, mistake about his dinner so he dined out, felt vy sorry, some mistake! Thursday 7 January Letter fr. Tabs about Gwen’s engagement! All delighted about it. Lovely day. Took Taxie out after lunch. Vy naughty. Met 3 small children looking perished got them a ball & Taxie so naughty or w’d have given them cup of cocoa or cake each! Read to Lin. Roy dined out. Friday 8 January Lennie & Maud go to Mr H. Coventry for shoot. Mrs Alfred Earl at home Lyceum Club 4 - 6. Unable to go. X. Took Emma to see Dr Abraham about her tongue, feel happier about her, is not what I feared but must be cured as might develope into it. Came back in Taxie cost £1.6.0. Thankful to be relieved of fears. E. is to go twice a week to West L. Hos. for X rays. Marie & I did 3 shelves in wardrobe in Roy’s room. Lin dined 10 to 11. Roy with him, poor boy too long to wait as he won’t take anything before. Saturday 9 January Mr Lindquist comes to massage Lin first time. Glorious morg. Lin having his first massage treatment! We go at 2 o’c to matinée of “The passing of the Third Floor Back”. Enjoyed it immensely, Forbes Robertson & his wife, all excellent. Motored there, Om home. Fruit at Butts. Out shops morg. Roy dined out. Lin & self quiet evening alone. Bed early. Sunday 10 January X. Lost my marquisite broach. Asked Mr Silver to dine. Sp. dined here. Miss Frith’s at home for her father’s birthday, 91. Mervyn came to tea & sat in my room whilst I dressed. So glad to see him. Lin & self walked morg. took om Hyde Pk Corner, saw Mr Labouchère. We went to Miss Frith’s, charming singing & Mr Frith looked wonderful & handsome in his old age. Fildes, Mrs Spofforth, Lady Pontifex, Lady Monckton, Hepworth Dixon, Dicksee etc etc there. Lost my marquisite broach. Used carriage first time since our return. Spencer dined here, v. well. Monday 11 January Miss Davies comes to tea 4 o’c. Lin had his 2nd massage 10/6, seems to like it. Out morg. shops. Vy bright but tired part of day. To enquire after Lady Bergne, in


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 bed. Li in carriage out after lunch second time of using it since horse returned. Roy out to dinner. Lin & self alone. Bed early. Vy pleasant talk with Nurse D. Tuesday 12 January Lovely day. To Neal about my blouse by omnibus, 6d. Emma to West London Hospital to have her tongue X rayed. Not done. Maudie returns fr. Mrs H.Coventry’s. Mrs Shaw Mellor, Miss Brown, Ethel Mervyn, Lady Spielmann & Mrs Lazard called. Roy dined out. Wednesday 13 January Vy satisfactory letter about E. fr. Dr Abraham. Out morg. Having furniture drawing room mended by Barker here. Maudie came & lunched, looks tired darling but seems to have greatly enjoyed her stay at the Coventrys, all American ladies but herself! Left at 3.30. She was dining with the Fleishmanns. Roy dined with me. Taxie great fun after finding ball. Lin had brougham evg. (note pinned to page) Antoinette new dust brush 1/11. New cream jug Marie, New hearth brush 3/3 for drawing room New champagne clipper 2/9 Marie. Thursday 14 January Arthur à Beckett died. Nellie K. comes to tea. Out morg. by bus to Marylebone Rd to be fitted at Neals with white silk blouse. Vy tired. Rested only ½ an hour after lunch. Dickie had tea with us in morg. room. Enjoyed my little talk with Nellie. Man mending oddments in drawing room & Roy’s wardrobe. Quiet evg, Roy Lin & self. Actually did some needlework. Friday 15 January Lovely day. Feel my side. In all morg. Ethel M. to luncheon & we went after by bus to see Punch Pageant & met Mr Lindo. Ethel L. just engaged to Harry Venning!!!. Lin’s drawings magnificent & stand out above all others. Mr Brown wants to buy my Anton Mauve. Met Sir Ray Lancaster & Lady Joyce. Home by Om. Tea. Sent Emma home in carriage. Roy dined with Lin 10.30. Saturday 16 January Lovely day. Emma seems to be much better from Dr A’s treatment. Lin & self to Queen’s Theatre saw “Belle of Brittany”. Ruth Vincent sang charmingly. V. pretty music. Up in cab, carriage met us. Quiet evg. To bed early. Fruit Butts. Sunday 17 January To Zoo in brougham with Dickie. Met Mr E. Pollock & his son & dau. in law. Lovely morg, enjoyed our morg immensely. Antoinette with Taxie to enquire for Ada Sp. morg. Marie out afternoon. Mrs Alec Tweedie to dinner. Sir Howland & Lady Roberts came to tea. Mrs Tweedie amusing, great talker & personal. Monday 18 January Poor Arthur à Beckett’s funeral. Lin & I go D.V. to Requiem Mass at Westminster. Vy largely affected, felt v. sad. Jessie followed with Gigi. All beautifully done. Guthrie, Seaman, P. Spiers, Lehmann etc etc there, c’d not speak to them. Lady Monckton came to tea, looks wonderfully well. Roy home to dinner. Quiet evg, bed early. Tuesday 19 January To be fitted sealskin coat 12.10. V. dull dull morg. Fitted with seal. Saw Dr O. Emma to Hospital, seems v. much better. Olive & Dorothy to tea & my darling & Nonie boy. Maudie looking tired. Vy cold wind. Lin’s masseur came morning. Dear little Linley came with Maud. Roy in to dinner. Felt very tired, can’t think why. Wednesday 20 January Miss Gill comes to lunch. Out morg. V. cold wind fear headachey. Fitted with fur jacket seal at Mascottes. Very cozy afternoon morg room with Gilly needlework. Edie came & had tea with us & dear Lin had tea with with us. Gilly left at 5.30, looks well. Roy dined with me. Felt dead tired, w’d prefer dining 7 or 7.30 when Lin out. Marie out. Thursday 21 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Marie read to me & after got patterns of green silk at Barkers & Enos fruit salt. In bed all day, feel v. seedy fancy chill on liver, pain back, side & tummy & feel sick. Darling came with Anne & Oliver, both look grown & robust! I was to have lunched with Midge, Brown’s Hotel, had to wire could not go, & to Maud who was sending Victoria at 11 o’c. Midge came to tea with me looking v. well & handsome, not one pheasant fr. Ham! Roy dined with Lin. Friday 22 January Feel better, fairly good night. Much warmer. Darling came to lunch & to tea. Was vy amusing & looked together French History fr. Lippincott! In bed all day. Hylda H. came to tea, seems to think of nothing but skating & dancing, pity. Ada still in bed with gout! Maudie has dinner of 11 tonight. Roy dined out & had carriage. Dear Lin finished work 10.15. Coughed vy much coming to bed & after. Marie read to me. Saturday 23 January Vy dull morg. Feel much better but still feel side vy weak. Have decided to have no one to help tomorrow, gives E. more trouble & girls generally manage very nicely. Maudie came on her way to Balcombe in Car, darling looks tired. Dickie out in carriage Lady Self called, did not see her. Marie got me roses for table & Lin fruit. Roy dined with Mr Stern. Lion’s cough vy troublesome. Sunday 24 January Asked Sir A. & Lady Trendall to dinner. Vera K. Davies & Owen Seaman & Gladys Crozier all coming. Vy cold but fine. Had carriage to top of Row. Dickie & self walked length of Row & drove back. Felt better for it, & back better. Dear Mervyn & my darling & Lennie came to tea, latter on way from Balcombe. Delightful evg, all went well & maids managed beautifully, Marie excelled herself & all most smooth. Monday 25 January Lady Fletcher Moulton died after 6 months illness & 3 operations. Woman here 2 o’c till 4.30 fr. Virtues cutting out patterns of covers for drawing room chairs & sofas. Had Victoria at 11 & to be fitted Mascotte with little sealskin coat, & to see Susie à Beckett. Seems most cheerful but looks much older, & room so untidy & dirty & Susie so too! Feel sorry for her but glad she seems so brave & good in all her great sorrow. Called at 104 & darling Maud ret’d with me to lunch & tea. Her dear feet so swollen with chilblains & her ankle v. swollen, wish she w’d be careful of it. Ellie to tea. Roy dines out, had carriage. Mrs Tate & Mrs Mocatta called, c’d not see them. Tuesday 26 January Went for drive Maud’s Victoria at 11. fetched Ellie Ritchie, called to leave cards at Ld Justice Fletcher Moulton’s. V. sad so gifted & beautiful & young a woman to be taken! To Aspreys(?) to change little clock & to enquire after Sir John Tenniel, has bad cold. Altered drawing room, looks charming, & with Maud’s lovely flowers. Only my darling came not another soul! Roy dined at home. Taxie vy amusing like a spoilt child. Wednesday 27 January Man coming at 11 about my seal jacket, again to be altered. Took sables. Lin did not cough as much, good night. V. foggy & dark. Woman coming to fit sofa covers again drawing room. Emma Marie & Antoinette all with bad colds. Antoinette out afternoon. Barkers man to do brass, mended only last week! Little L, Anne, Frau & Mr B. came afternoon fog awful, vy nervous. Dear Lin to Punch, he took Upton with him & to fetch him also, impossible to have carriage out. Thursday 28 January Another dreadful fog. Astonished to to hear Mr Lucy was offered Editorship of Punch in 1899, refusing in loyalty to Sir F. Burnand. Lin coughed vy much but


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 slept well after embrocation & Sch’s water. Dreadful day for Lin’s work. Roy out to dinner. Friday 29 January Still feel v. seedy. Wretched night Dickie coughed so. Hand furrier brought my jacket & muff & boa. Vy good job & seal jacket cost £4.4.0. rest 3/- only adding tails to muff & bit in neck of fur. Roy dined with Maud & to see “Penelope”. Maudie called in morg brought lovely flowers. She was lunching with Ethel, went to see Aunt Barbara after. Edgar came & had tea with me, so glad to see him. Bed early v. tired. (paper pinned to page) Put out silver tongs, Marie. January 1909.) Saturday 30 January Rested morg awful night Lin’s cough dreadful, & he was worn out. At last mustard leaf on his shoulder seemed to relieve him. Lin & I went to Adelphi pantomime “Cinderella”, dear little Linley met us there. Excellent & vy pretty enjoyed it v. much. Brought little L. home to tea, was so good & has charming manners. Barringer fetched him. Roy dined out. Dickie & self alone, bed early. Lennie sent Lin a lovely piece of Empire furniture, & me £5! Sunday 31 January Mr & Mrs H. Dickens, Lennie & Maud dine here. Much better night & lovely morg tho’ cold, but feel vy seedy & head tired, also side uncomfortable. Lin & self to Zoo. Sent carriage to Langham, Edgar was coming to lunch, want him to dine as I must rest afternoon, feel worn out. Vy sorry Edgar cannot come tonight, shall be 7 only, Dora cannot come. Vy pleasant evg, quite enjoyed it tho’felt tired doing nothing. Feb 1909 Monday 1 February Mrs Harold at home. Better night but remain in bed all day, back achey. Asked Dr B. to call, wonder if he will. Darling came in morg. & stayed some time. Nurse Francis came afternoon & read & remained to tea until 7 o’c. Dr Beauchamp came says chill & indigestion. Must remain another day in bed, horrid nuisance, seem always ill at home. Roy in to dinner. Tuesday 2 February Lin’s cob comes up today on trial for a fortnight from Wales. Miss Moon’s coachman saw it. Fair night, fine, aching back. Ada Sp. at the Harolds’ at home yesterday, odd, as she was so ill with gout! Maudie came all afternoon & May Nembhard & her coz. Miss Stirling. Roy dined with Lin. In bed all day. Wednesday 3 February Mrs E. Tate’s dinner cannot accept. Up today 12 o’c. feel shaky rather. Lin’s cob won’t do! Must go back. Masseur for Lin. Lin vy busy with Miss Huntley for big drawing he has engaged to do for Smith & Sons. Had vy good night. Roy dined out. Lovely day. Marie out. Mervyn & Mrs Sington to tea. Maudie had luncheon 12 at home party & to Opera evg. Thursday 4 February Great excitement over Guy du Maurier’s play “An Englishman’s home” à propos of our unpreparedness for war, advocates conscription. Lovely warm morg, high wind. Maudie fetched me at 11.15 & we called to enquire after Mr Silver, & round Park, lovely. Left Maud at Nonie’s for luncheon. Dickie very busy, seems tired. Mervyn came to tea, Lin lent him Britannia’s dress helmet & sword. Roy in to dinner. Read E. Terry’s book, vy amusing. Friday 5 February Blowing hard & rain hurricane, warmer. Fairly good night. Dickie did not cough much. Had Maud’s motor at 11.45 to Harrods & to enquire after Mr Silver, & round Park. Home 1 o’c. Took Taxie for walk till luncheon. Sat & read to Lin Ellen


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Terry’s book. Vy interesting, know so many people in it. Roy out dinner, arrived 11 o’c. Lin does not seem so tired. Saturday 6 February Lovely day, better night. Lin coughed less. Out at 11.30 in Victoria to Bank, pd off £50 I owe Bank & paid in £10.13.9 Robinsons Gold div, & to Stores bought darling Anne’s present for birthday & ivory glove stretchers. Called on Mr Stone, asked him to dine tomorrow, coming. Barkers ordered port wine. Lin after lunch in brougham to Punch Pageant, met Maud & Lennie. Tea with them Carlton. I to Notting Hill after lunch in om. for flowers. Pd 2/-. Walked home. Roy out dinner. Lin coughed a good deal evening. Sunday 7 February Dora & Paul, Lennie & Maud & Mr Stone dine here 8 o’c. Thick fog morg, bright later. Slept fairly well. Dickie coughed v. much evg, but good night. Met H. Dickens during our walk & he went some way with us. Very pleasant evg due to Mr Stone. Paul quite lively, & Dora quiet. All went well. Monday 8 February Mr Willie Hartree called and had tea with Lin & self, no, Sunday, not today. Lovely but cold. Good night. Had motor 11.30. To see Sir John Tenniel, looks wonderfully well, seemed v. cheerful over his worries. His sister laid up & their old servant v. ill. Then to enquire Mr Silver & to May Nembhard, delicious drive, took Taxie. Dickie out in brougham, I to Maud’s, Anne’s party. Tableaux vy charming but felt tired. Tuesday 9 February Fairly good night. Dickie very good did not cough or move. Out 11.30 Victoria to 31 Brook St to ask Tabs, H. & Gwen to dine Sunday. Met May N. Rain after lunch, v.cold. Dickie out to luncheon, had brougham. Came in at 4 o’c. Lin busy on Smith drawing. Lady Trendall & Mrs C(illeg) & Maudie called. Roy in to dinner. Bad mutton! Second time indif. meat. Wednesday 10 February Had carriage 5/- to Hamptons. To 31 Brook St & round Pk, walk after. Very busy all afternoon & evg. with Marie mending arm chair, great success! & turned out a few small drawers. Emma out. Antoinette’s evg. but she did not go out, her cut hand rather bad. Dickie coughed very much, tried all sorts of things. Thursday 11 February. Had Maud’s Motor at 11.30 & went to call on Tabbie, 31 Brook St, 2/6. To see Mervyn at Studio, charmed with his work. He lunching with Eddie B. Dickie has vy difficult subject, Federated colonies, 4 female figures! Lady Lawrence, Ada Sp, Edie, Hylda called. Lin caught in drawing room. Darling came & went to Tabs for me 5 o’c, I too tired. Friday 12 February Out morg. Beach to Stores, ordered new dressing gown as I have to sleep in one, & 5 veils. Bitterly cold. Sat & read to Lin all afternoon after tea, Lady Priestley’s book. Vy interesting. Roy out to dinner. Lin looked less tired, was vy late, difficult subject. I to bed at 10.30. V. tired, did nothing! Saturday 13 February Mr Parson’s pictures Leicester Sqre, private view. 4 stalls for “Pinkie & the Fairies” at His Majesty’s matinée, taking little Anne & Linley boy, Lin & self. Out 11.30 Maudie’s carriage, bitterly cold. Called & saw Mr Silver looks shaken by his illness, seemed glad to see me. With Dickie to His Majesty’s, sat behind Lady M. Watney & the children, much grown. Little Anne v. fidgetty not still a second. Lady M. gave them her place. Linley boy very good. I felt vy tired & irritable. Quiet evg. Roy out. (note pinned to page) Gave Antoinette 6 new dusters Feby 13th Saty. 2 new Kitchen table cloths Feby 19th. Sunday 14 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs Lucas c’d not come. Asked Mr & Mrs Lucas & Dr Messel & Miss Brown, darling & Lennie all coming. Slept badly, dead feeling in arm & ache side, nerve fatigue & why goodness alone knows! Lin slept v. quietly, no cough. To Zoo in brougham at 12 o’c, met Mr E. Pollock with his son, dau. & dau. in law & darling Linley boy with Mr B. The lovely bird of Paradise died this morning. Margery Howlden, Cyril, Stirling Mackenzie & wife called & had tea. Pleasant evg. Roy looked worn out. Monday 15 February Mr Guthrie’s tea for Mr Ferdinand Mandrake(?) Again dead feeling in my arm & woke at 4.30, slept v. little after. Dickie slept v. quietly & no cough, so thankful. I thought Mr Lucas looked vy seedy last night, generally out of health looking. His wife ill in bed. Tuesday 16 February Ethel Meryn coming to luncheon. Out 11.30 Maudie’s carriage, Barkers about meat! Letter to Dora, Claridges. Taxie for walk on return. Ethel remained till 6 o’c. Lady Margaret Watney, Mrs Pollock, Gladys Crozier & darling M. came to tea. Wednesday 17 February X X X. Telephone put up & used it once (to Maud). Maud’s carriage, drove at 11.30 to Waring about Empire lamp shade & May Nembhard’s about unable to lunch there Friday to meet George Brooks & his third wife! Maudie came afternoon. Sat in Lin’s room, busy on Smith advt drawing. Roy out to dinner. Marie out. Turned out my 3 large boxes, list of contents in this diary. Thursday 18 February Lennie sent me £7.10.0 for spec! Lucky as I have just lost or mislaid purse. Slept better & later. Lin coughed as usual after Punch dinner, but not for long. At 11.30 in Maud’s carriage, took Taxie was so tiresome left him at 104 Lancaster Gate. Saw darling M & went on after seeing her off in motor to see George Brooks at 33 Gloucester Place & his new 3rd wife! They are staying with Major & Mrs Carson, he looks so well & happy. Dora came after lunch, stayed an hour, was v. amusing. Roy in to dinner. Lin looks tired & hate going out tomorrow & leaving him. Friday 19 February Lennie’s birthday dinner party. Greatly fear I cannot go. I get so dreadfully tired & then the deadness in my arms comes on, which I have only lately had again, like before my illness. Lady Margaret’s luncheon. Ethel going with me at 1 o’c, sorry I accepted, forgot tonight. Maud to give away prizes at Balcombe all day!!! Dull luncheon, had darling’s carriage both ways. Maudie’s 40 dinner at small tables great success. Left directly after. Wonderfully managed. Saturday 20 February Midge & H. to Cavendish Hotel, St James’ St. 2 stalls for Drury Lane Pantomime. Slept better & remain in bed until 11.30. Had Maudie’s carriage & went to Pantomime, lunching first at Savoy Restaurant. Chop & blue cheese, too much. Both had indigestion after. Very long Pantomime & not as pretty as Adelphi. Darling had tableaux, too late to go. Lin had tea at Club. I lay down until 7.30. Roy out to dinner. Lin & self alone, both tired. Sunday 21 February Mr & Mrs E.T. Reed & Mervyn dine with us, darling Maud & Lennie. Lovely morg, warmer. Slept better. Lin’s cough better. At 11.30 to Zoo. Delightful morg, lovely day. Met the Lockett Agnews. No one called. Marie hurt her finger. Vy trying for her, & on rt hand. Sat & read Lady Randolph Churchill’s reminiscences to Lin. Vy amusing. Cosy little evening as usual & room loked charming, new chair cover & shade. Mr E.T. Reed took blade of my fan & is going to draw me something. Monday 22 February Not having carriage today morg. Accepted for Lin & Roy Miss Rose Innes dinner & theatre party 7.30 Berkeley. Mrs Gibson tea at home Messels 4.30. Sending Emma & Antoinette Pantomime tonight but lost courage ever giving my maids


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 any pleasure, always difficulties. Upton goes to see a horse at Shrewsbury for Lin. Dull foggy morg. & frost. Slept well. Sent Emma & Antoinette to Drury Lane Pantomime. Dull afternoon, prefer reading to Lin. Saw Midge at Cavendish Hotel. Tuesday 23 February Maudie’s dinner party, asked the Dad & self. Roy dining out. Vy cold. Slept well. Dickie & Roy seemed to have enjoyed their evening with Miss Innes, saw “The Merry Widow”. X. Sold my 10 £10 shrs in B.A.Gt Southern Rly allotted for £3.2.0. The Rooths, Sir J. & Lady Dewer & Hungerford Pollens & H. Langleys & Dora Critchett dine with Maud. I went at 11.30 M’s carriage enquired Mrs Fleischman, Sir W. Agnew & Mrs Adlam. Maudie & M. Paxton, Mrs Bradbury & Nellie K. called. Wednesday 24 February Lin enjoyed Maudie’s dinner party muchly, H. Langley there. Vy cold but fine, slept well. Had Maud’s carriage 11.30 & went to Brown Hotel saw Midge in gorgeous suite 1st floor. Took her with me & left her at Russell & Allens. Marie gave notice. Becoming quite impossible the discord “en bas” so perhaps best. Sorry as I like her but she is very subject to moods. So sorry could not go to Lady Bergne’s. Read to Lin. X. Lin finished the Smith drawing sent it of. X. Alone for 3rd night. Thursday 25 February Mrs E. Pollock’s dinner party, cannot go, so sorry. Edie coming to lunch & tea to help me with drawers. We did a good deal & went to the stores morg. together. Ordeed 2 prs of morg. gloves & explained about Chinese coat, Maud’s. Maudie came, would not stay to tea. Dear Lin vy tired. Miss Rose Innes came. Vy tiring remained so long. Roy out. Friday 26 February Marie packing with me & sent off message to Highcliffe Hotel, Bournemouth. Did not go out. Finished by 6 o’c & went & read to Dickie, Lady Randolf Churchill’s Memoires, finished them. Vy good. Lin very tired, finished 10 o’c. Roy out. Saturday 27 February Remember to send congratulations to Sir John Tenniel. All being well Lin & self go to Bournemouth, send them £10. X. Pay installment on ten 4% 1912 B.A. Gt. Southern shrs had ten shrs allotted. Sold these by Lennie for £3.2.0. Roy out to dinner. Left at 3.35 in om with Lin, taking Antoinette, for Bournemouth, Highcliffe Hotel. Met Mr O. Seaman at Waterloo, told us dear Sir John Tenniel seriously ill. V. grieved. Hotel same as my dear Parents were at in 1883 & I with them. Vy comfortable room overlooking sea & dressing room, large fire most comfortable & cozy. Very bad night Lin’s cough so bad, tried everything & at last glycerine & water which eased him & he slept well after. Sunday 28 February Remember Sir John Tenniel’s birthday, 89 today. Vy bad night Lin’s cough most trying & exhausting. Glycerine & water at last gave relief & we slept until 7 o’c. Snow & vy cold, fog over sea. We walked along Parade & sat in shelter below Hotel close to the line of pretty little bathing huts below Hotel in the sun for ½ an hour. V. fair lunch at 1.15, rested after in drawing room & in our room, wrote. Lin ordered papers & slept after. Had ½ hrs walk before tea & again to our room. Vy fair dinner & to our room, deadly downstairs. Bed at 10 o’c. Pleasant day. Mar 1909 Monday 1 March Very good night. Lin did not cough at all scarcely. He did not smoke & consequently was better, such a pity he cannot give up these little luxuries which cause him so much trouble. He looks better & he only had white wine at dinner. I had a little also, ½ bot. between us. More snow & fog but sun at 9.30. No letters. Letter fr. darling later, also spoke to Marie thro’ telephone about going to enquire


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 after Sir John Tenniel. Walked morg. Pier. Band, thro’ Gardens, bought apples & oranges. Walked after rest along shore. V. cold. Dickie depressed evg. but coughed less. Tuesday 2 March Good night. Glorious sunny morg.Out with Lin, sat facing sea & on Pier listened to Band. To Poole after lunch, horrid place. Back to take tea. Mrs Seaman spoke to me, had just had tea with Mrs Davidson, Imperial Hotel, knows Howldens. Nice couple near us Father & married dau. like Lady Denman. Mrs Seaman introduced her husband after dinner who talked to Lin & cheered him up. Wednesday 3 March Deep snow, finished packing. Leave by 1.56 today. Bitterly cold & heavy snow. Comfortable journey, carriage not heated. Darling sent her motor & also Barringer to meet us. Antoinette & Upton came with luggage on om. Never saw anything more beautiful in London than the trees all covered in snow & ice everywhere & sun on it. Glad to get back. Lin had motor to Punch dinner & back. Darling’s thoughtful care & lovely flowers everywhere. Roy dined with me & seems in the depths about business, lost money & continues to in his deals, does not seem to have energy for business. Thursday 4 March Vy cold, deep snow. Midge telephoned for me to lunch with her at Browns as she is not well. I went up by omnibus easily & found darling Maud there, with motor, had just missed me here. She had Lady Goring to luncheon & sent her motor & I went to enquire after Sir John Tenniel after lunching with Midge. Ham came in just as I left looking cross, is not so patient as dear Lin is with me. Saw Miss Tenniel looking sweet & seemed so pleased to see me in her pretty drawing room, so bright. Had tea in our bedroom, rested, & I sat & read to Dickie. Roy in to dinner. Friday 5 March Slept well. Dickie did not cough at all, has not smoked for 5 days! Sunny bright morg. Paid Emma 4/- for Pantomime, Antoinette & herself. They had good places & less expensive. Darling fetched me in car at 11.30 & after leaving her at Buckingham gate for Committee I went to enquire after Sir John Tenniel, fear vy ill, & to stores pd for gloves 5/4 two morg. ones. Maud brought me home. Sat & read to Lin cough much better. Late night 10.30 finished work. Saturday 6 March Very cold & damp, snow partially melted.With Dickie 2 o’c to Comedy matinée “Penelope” by Maughan & Marie Tempest. V. amusing, enjoyed it v. much. Bought fruit & flowers Butts 7/- on return. Quiet evg. Roy dined out. Sunday 7 March Dickie & self to Zoo. Much snow still about & cold. Gardens vy empty, owls v. odd! No one called. Lennie & Maud & Mr Douglas dined. Maud looks v. pretty & well. Pleasant little evg 6 only. Roy looks depressed & quiet. Monday 8 March Had carriage at 11.30 to enquire after Sir John Tenniel, better. Dreamt he was whirling about in a Motor in his pyjamas! Saw Miss Tenniel who seems as bright as ever, dear little old lady so pretty & neat. To enquire Ada Sp, saw her & better. To Marshalls ugly dreary & to enquire Mr Silver, better. To Mascotte after tea, fitted. Roy in to dinner. Quiet evg. Taxie amusing. Tuesday 9 March Very dark damp morg. Walked thro’ Kens. ordered 6 new face towels & note paper Barkers & face sponge. X. Lin had his sour milk!!! at night. Vy nasty 4 pt. X. Mrs Pitt, Miss Webster, Gladys Crozier & Mrs Kerr called. Roy v. depressed & morose wish he only knew how unhappy he makes me. I w’d do anything for him if he w’d only be kind & show me a little affection. Wednesday 10 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dull. Slept fairly well. Dickie did not cough. X. Saw yesterday Nelly Keith’s man about paint & redoing basemant. X. £10 if 2 coats of paint on all woodwork, £8 with one. Busy turning out drawers my room. Antoinette out, dentist. Lady Mead came in after tea. Roy kept me waiting dinner & only came in at 9 o’c. but seemed cheerful. I dined alone. Thursday 11 March Carriage 11.30 to see Miss Tenniel, Sir J. better. Edie with me. To Lady’s Shirt C’y & to my darling, in bed with cold. Dear Oliver & Fraulein to tea & Edie. Dickie tired. Roy dined with Lennie at Goldsmith C’y. Dined 8.30 with Dickie, feel tired no afternoon rest & cold coming on. Friday 12 March V.v. cold, woke often. Lin breathing so heavily on his back, all right when he turned over. Had Vic at 11.30 to Aspreys about Gwen’s presents sending some to Midge to see. To Mascotte’s later. Sat with Lin all afternoon, read Santley book, vy badly written. Mrs Fleischmenn & Ottie called, c’d not see them. Roy dined out. His taxie knocked down an old man! Mr Arnold Forster died suddenly fr. aneurism,v. grieved. Saturday 13 March My beloved father died 13 March 1884. Lovely morg, bitterly cold. Had sore throat & cold generally. Lin & I go to matinée at Haymarket, saw “She Stoops to Conquer”, Ethel Irving, Giddons etc, delightful play. Saw Lady Monckton in box with Mrs Hastings. Greatly enjoyed play. Cold v. heavy. Roy dined at Maud’s. Bought fruit & flowers, darling also sent flowers. Sunday 14 March Lady Monckton, Mr & Mrs Bradbury & my darling & Lennie dine with us D.V. Roy out, vy tiresome not to know sooner. In bed all day with heavy cold. Lin to Club for luncheon, beastly day, sleet, snow & rain, wind. Nurse F. came morg. with Anne & Oliver. Maud & Lennie to Balcombe, return time for dinner tonight. Awful day, snowing. Vy pleasant evg, all got on well. Monday 15 March French Exh. Dresses at Liverpool Hotel. Great opening of Selfridges new shop Oxford St. American & Harrods great 60 years Jubilee. Bitterly cold. In bed all day with cold. Maudie & Gladys came & had tea with me in my room & lovely flowers! Roy dined with Lin & came up to see me after. Seems happier made £10 on some shares, so glad. Tuesday 16 March Unable to be fitted Mascottes morg. Major Welman lunches here & Tabbie dines here. Lovely sunny morg v. cold. Had good night but horrid fit of coughing early. Remain in bed till 12 o’c. Lin seeing a gee rec’d by Spring. Major W. to lunch, looks not one day older. V. full of news & delighted to see Lin. Maudie, Maggie Hadley & dau. Mrs P. Simpson & Miss Brown to tea. Roy dined at home. Mrs Binns Smith called. Wednesday 17 March Maud & self lunch at Mrs Bergheim 1 o’c. Unable to go in bed all day vy seedy with cold & cough & sore throat. Gt commotion in House of Commons over Navy suddenly awakened to Germany’s great increase in Navy, which outsiders have seen all along. Marie out all afternoon & evg. Tabbie to tea. Told me all about wedding, looks thin. Roy dined out. Lennie made me £11! & Roy made same over Chili Rly. Maudie sent lovely flowers. Thursday 18 March I lunch with Mrs Pitt 1.30 D.V. Feel v. seedy in bed with bad cough makes my waist & side ache & feel generally seedy, cannot go to Mrs Pitt or even go out. Throat v. painful. Antoinette painted it for me twice with Dr Kerr’s stuff. Edie to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 luncheon & tea. I remained in bed all day. Roy dined with Lin who looks vy tired & seedy, vy afraid of flu. Mad’lle came. Friday 19 March Lin very seedy cough most troublesome. In bed till late. Sat later with Lin in his room but felt v. seedy. Lin is having a mare colt sent on trial tomorrow for a fortnight. Hope to go to Ramsgate for change. Roy out. Lin very tired after work. Saturday 20 March Queenie Bosanquet’s wedding accept at 75 Kensington Gardens Sqre. Unable to go, feel too seedy. In all day till evg & went with Lin to get fruit & took Taxie thro’ gardens back. Dear Lin dreadfully tired on return & self too. Lay down in my room. Roy out to dinner. Quiet evg. Lin coughed distressingly. At 11.30 Lin & I went in Maud’s brougham along embankment & thro Park where Upton was riding cob mare, likely horse, on trial for 2 weeks. Sunday 21 March Mr & Mrs Sidney Pitt dine here & Maud & Lennie, asked also Major Welman. Only Pitts & Maudie & Lennie dined here. V. pleasant evg. Lin & self to Zoo morg, met the E. & Adrian Pollocks, cold wind. After lunch rested & had tea quietly together drawing room, saw no one. Lin rode Janette little mare we have on trial rec’d by Spring, Mews coachman. Lin enjoyed it 8.30 morg. We both coughed a great deal during evg, it must have bothered them all muchly. Monday 22 March Saw accident in Pk, brougham pair bolted & man under wheels! Maudie’s dinner 8 o’c. Lin lunches Jr United Service Club with Major Welman. Lin very unwell, looks ill & hot & restless. Sent to say he could not lunch with Major Welman or dine with Maud. He lay about all day & rested after lunch in drawing room where he saw Dr Beauchamp, says he has high temperature & must go to bed at once. I dined with Roy v. depressed. Had v. bad night. After the smoke Lin coughed v. much & dreadfully restless. Tuesday 23 March Mrs Rhodes dinner. 24 Princes Gate 4 o’c. Lin in bed all day with flu feverish & restless. Awful night, both coughed incessantly & he was so hot & restless & looks so ill. Maudie came early & stayed till 1 o’c & again afternoon remaining till 7 darling thing. I remained in our room all day except an hour’s rest in drawing room. Dr Beauchamp came afternoon. Roy dined at home evidently vy anxious about the Dad. Wednesday 24 March Dreadfully bad night. Lin v. restless & hot, could get little or no sleep. Dr Beauchamp came at 9.15 & found us both in bed having breakfast!!! I went out morg for drive & darling came & sat with Lin, no, went with me to Briggs about Gwen’s crop, & Lin meanwhile got out of bed & went into Roy’s room & then upstairs, vy wrong. Dr B. & Sir Thomas Barlow saw Lin at 7 o’c & he is not to work or get up tomorrow, or may be serious. Telephoned to Mr O. Seaman. Roy dined at home. I dined with Lin in in my room much (illeg) naturally over consultation. Darling paid Sir T.B, was with us afternoon. Thursday 25 March Lovely morg, wet later. Had carriage went to Briggs, chose crop, & returned 2 others. Cold & rained. Had awful night & feel depressed & low. Dr B. came before lunch. Lin better & sitting in armchair in our room. Looks better. He wrote letters & read & had good rest after our lunch. Darling came & stayed to tea. Roy remained to dinner which I had with him dining room. Slept on sofa by bed till 5 o’c. (note pinned to page) To Antoinette 6 new dusters. March 17th. Gave Marie out silver tongs large old ones. March. Friday 26 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunny. Victoria 11.30 to Lancaster Gate & round Park. Saw Anne & Oliver with Frau. & Mamie as well. Had a little walk on return cold wind felt weak. Lin & I had lunch in my room, he went up to his room & I thought looked tired at luncheon. Slept on sofa in my room after & Antoinette again broke electric light smashed it in my room, vexing. Lin greatly tired & upset. In his studio looking thro’ photos & tiring himself. Maudie came & stayed some time little angel. Roy out. We dined together comfortably in my room & bed early. Slept on sofa up twice for Lin’s medicine, he slept well. Saturday 27 March Dr Beauchamp came earlier flowery & indefinite, no advice. My darling came early & stayed till luncheon. Mervyn came also & went back with Maudie to lunch. Made a fool of myself but felt so low after bad night. Very comfortable journey heavenly day. Same room at Ramsgate Granville we had years ago with dressing room, bath etc. Had tea in our room & walked along cliff & then Lin lay down. Vy good dinner & sat in comfortable lounge after. Sir Walter Foster came & talked to us, vy pleased to see Lin, gave him good advice about lying down. Bed 9.30. V. pleasant evg. Sunday 28 March Lin slept well, coughed a bit but looser. I slept well awake about 2 hrs night. Dull grey & rain. Lin looking better. Down to breakfast, fire early in our room, colder. Telephoned last evg to my darling, all well. Maudie telephoned early this morg. to us. Wretched day in London. Roy not coming. Sir Walter Foster & his dau. Mrs Kitchen here at Granville Hotel. Vy pleased to see Lin. Sir W. says he needs sea voyage. They sat with us evg. Had 2 walks, felt over tired & side weak. Monday 29 March Lovely morg. early, dull & little rain later. Dickie looks better but seems dreadfully depressed & bored at doing nothing & would go out without a coat, warmer, but most unwise. He coughed more all day. We strolled about. Had excellent lunch & after went in tram to Margate. Most depressing deterioration everywhere, spoke to Brown shopman who seemed affected in seeing Lin again. Sad at the alteration of Margate to old days. Tea on return. Band, letter writing & rest. Lin slept, looked well at dinner which was good. Fell asleep after & looked puffy. Bed. Tuesday 30 March Slept much better. Lin coughed 3 times night but looks much better morg. Colder gleaming morg. Letter fr. dear Marvyn. Horrid day, rained hard all day. Unable to go out until after tea when Lin & I walked into town past Townley Castle & up to house, looks damp & desolate. Glad we went out, not so bad as it looked. Lord Darnley arrived Hotel, Lin met him at Col. Lucas’. Lin fell asleep directly after dinner do not think claret suits him. Wednesday 31 March We change our room at 3 o’c for top smaller one. Lin & self out morg fine to end of Pier when Scotch mist came over. Depressing weather. Dickie v. depressed. He goes up to London by 3.28. I went in fly with him to station. Ticket man so glad to see him again. Walked after to Burnands & had tea with Rosie. All well there, back in tram, dined alone new table. Stupid garçon still serving. Wrote after & bed 9 o’c. No band. Apr 1909 Thursday 1 April Dull & raining, colder or seems so in our new room which is very drafty. Slept fairly well. Woke & worried about Lin. Ethel B. came 11.30 & walked with me to Mrs Evans, her house looked so pretty clean & bright. Vy busy making writing pads with Lady (illeg) Hunt. I came back by tram & lunched. Glorious afternoon &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 evg. Marie read for 1½ hrs & I then walked again, shops shut. Dinner 7 bed 9 o’c. Had no tea. Bottle of Contrexiville. Friday 2 April Heavenly morg. Slept well. X. Balance March 31 £212.11.1. X. Lin had paid off half of mortgage on our house, also £45 for his cob mare “Janetta”. Good luck attend him with her. To St Peters our beloved Parents grave morg, looks sad between seasons flowers over. Ordered wreath for Tuesday. Marie did Lin’s clothes, needle in it. Mary fetched me at 4 o’c & we went for walk along Pier & bought lace for my nickers(sic). Mary had tea & sat with me till 6 o’c. We are moved into most uncomfortable dining room. Bed early. Lady Darnley arrived yesterday. V. fine woman glorious hair & eyes. Saturday 3 April Lady Monckton’s dinner octave 8 o’c. Lovely morg. Slept well. Crusade(?) at 7 o’c. Rested later as I lunched with Lady Burnand, Ethel fetched me. Glorious morg. Marie did Lin’s clothes after dinner, pity but did them nicely. Lovely all day, delightful lunch at Lady B’s, rested there after for hour & on to tea with Mrs Evans. Lady Hunt & Mrs Hammond there & saw her work room, happy busy woman & her house charming. Met Lin & Roy Sta. 5.30. Marie took luggage & we walked to Hotel. V. cold wind. Dear Lin looks better. Pleasant dinner trio & listened to Band after. Hotel v. full. Roy looks well. Sunday 4 April Lovely morg. V. cold wind. Lin & Roy out early. Sir F.C.B. & Squire called morg. Hotel about Club room. Lin, Roy & I lunched at Lady B’s. V. delightful. Roy sad about them. After Lin & Roy to Margate, tea Clifton Villa. I to my room Hotel, wrote 4 letters, G. Blair, Mr Douglas, thanked Midge plovers eggs. Rested & Lin also. Dined together & sat listening to band after. Lin v. sleepy. Lord Darnley’s room nearly burnt, 2nd fire scare. Vy careless here about fire. Monday 5 April Fire all day. Punch dinner, 2 cuts to be made up. Lin returns home by Granville. Glorious morg. Roy left by 7 o’clock train. Am paying my bill today £ 13.3.3. Chemist & fruit. Lin left by 3.28. Sat wrote & read in my room after. Had sea water hip bath in my room. Ld D. again nearly smoked out of his room. I bot. Contrexiville, 1 small apo. at luncheon. Tuesday 6 April Ethel to luncheon. Fire lighted 5.30. No mineral water. With Marie to St Peters took wreath fr. Lock’s to our dear Parents grave. Saw Church & window. Found E. here on return, lunched & sat out till 2.30. Rested & then to Mrs Hammond to tea, Mrs Evans there. Marie fetched me & we walked back by sea to lift. Most heavenly day. Rest again whilst Marie read. Dined, wrote to Lin & Mrs Hammond about stabling & bed. Vy happy peaceful day. Wednesday 7 April X. Wrote Mr Richardson to place £100 on deposit. Slept splendidly. Glorious morg, warmer. Lin writes lovely in London & 2 fairly easy subjects. Met Mrs Evans morg & to 2 stables both 25/- each a week for loose box. Went to tea with Mrs E. & polished leather. Marie fetched me. Bed early. L. Linley goes to Ireland. Fire 5.30. Many gone & many came. Oliver & Nurse F. arrive at Westgate & dear L. Linley goes to Ireland. Thursday 8 April Another glorious day, warmer. Went at 11.55 to Westgate for day with Marie. Maudie & darling Oliver met us station. Sat & walked with them on grass facing sea, most lovely there, so clean & quiet, sea beautiful & opal in colour. Lunched there & walked to St Mildred’s Hotel, saw Mrs Marshall Hall & dau. Had tea & Oliver & Maimie went to Sta. with us, train cram’d. Hotel full. Darling looking wonderfully well. To bed early, vy tired. 3d stamps office not pd. Friday 9 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Heavenly day. Ship in distress Goodwins. Sat Verandah all morg sunning! Paid Hall boy 1/- stamps & for Daily Mail & Mirror. Lin telephoned me after luncheon, coming tomorrow not today, v. sorry. May, Ethel & Monica fetched me 4 o’c & I walked back with them & had tea downstairs room. Back by tram. Concert here evg. Quite a nice little concert. Eilie Gladstone asked us to tea, (illeg) as pretty as ever. Saturday 10 April If all well Lin & self go to Switzerland. Postponed. Lin came down by Granville. I met 1.10 train forgetting Granville evg. Glorious day. Sat on Verandah & talked to a vy nice lady Mrs Barker, young, here with her mother Mrs Upton. Ship “Mahratta” still on Sands, cargo taken off her, chief engineer at his (illeg). Met Mrs Charlie, Ethel & Monica at Sta. Charlie came down. Lin looks better but coughs. Sat in drawing room & talked to Mrs Upton & Mrs Barker. Lennie sent salmon 7 lbs, sent it by Marie to Lady Burnand. Sunday 11 April Bottle Ap. Lunch 1/- & 1/- bot. in our room. 1 bottle of white wine. Another heavenly day. Letter fr. Rosie B. asking us to luncheon, cannot go on account of Lin’s work. Sat & read to him Billocks book, some essays v. funny. Ship “Mahratta” in great distress cargo being thrown overboard, her back broken. Must be blown up or sink. Sat out before luncheon. Great crowds of odd people. Band at 3 to 4.30 Parade, miserable affair. Walked to end of Pier 5 o’c. Lin seems better but breaks into perspiration. Concert after dinner, not bad, & bed. Lin happy to do as he likes so independent in Hotel. Monday 12 April Slept fairly well. Lin coughed a good deal, unable to go to Eilie, Lin busy working. Glorious day “Mahratta” broken in half & her nose in air. Lin looks much better. Letters fr. both our chicks. 1 large bot. Apol. luncheon. 1 bot Potash in our room. Lin & self walked to West Cliff after tea. Mrs Hammond called saw her. Concert after dinner & good conjuror. Lin v. seedy with cough, wears him out. Eilie Gladstone asked us to tea, cannot. No fire in our room all day. Tuesday 13 April Slept fairly well. Lin coughed & breathed so heavily could not sleep feeling anxious. Lovely morg. but hazy. Wreck still same. Mrs du Maurier asked us to tea this afternoon, going. Lin still busy on drawing. Vy cold in room where he works so walked morg. to Mrs du M’s & to Woodwards about cob from there & back, soon got warmer in sun & air. Wet afternoon. Lin at work all day, his room to me cold. Mrs Evans called. Had a short walk with Lin before dinner. Sat in lounge till 10 o’c. felt v. tired. Lin’s cough most troublesome but w’d not go up until 10 o’c. Unable to go to Mrs du M’s. No fire. Wednesday 14 April Gwen Fletcher’s wedding day, it is our dear Parents also, & the date dear Con’s death 1907. Mrs Lucy’s luncheon, cannot go. Drawing ought to be finished this evg. Slept badly. V. easily disturbed & cannot sleep after. Wet morg. Lucy’s v. angry at our not going to lunch with them today, ridiculous little man to take offence. ½ Bot white wine 3/-. Coutred 1/6. Bot. Potash 6d. No fire. Thursday 15 April Evg fire 6d. Potash dinner 6d. Dinner 3/-. Nurse F. & Oliver to lunch & tea. Lovely day slept better. Lin looks worlds better & cough less. Met O. & Maudie at 10.45. “Janetta” Lin’s cob arrived by same train Mr Smith & groom met it, she was as quiet as possible. On sands with O. & M, Lin with us. Dolly Barker & her little girl sat some time with us, looks just as young as ever. Lunch. Oliver as good as possible, looks so well. Rested after & to Harbour & sands again. Lin finished drawing & rode for 2 hours. V. tired after & coughed all evg. Oliver & Mamie had tea with me in lounge, he was too dear & greatly admired by 2 ladies who rec’d


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 iodine fr. (extra page inserted) seaweed for his legs and ankles, Nurse F. is going to try it. Marie walked down to Station with him. Nurse F. knows the nurse here with little boy with people who own the lost steamer on Goodwins! Great bother about my account, will put things we have not had. They have had it now a whole week & I am determined not to pay what we have not had. This is the first annoyance we have had over Hotel bills, too many to do accounts or v. careless. Stranded steamer lower in water. Flowers fr. Balcombe & Easter eggs fr. darling Maud. Lin rode to Westwood & a good way round. He ought to have a rest after ride but only came in just in time to dress for dinner. Coughed dreadfully all evg. which proves cough greatly from fatigue. Bed 10 o’c. Friday 16 April Lovely morg. better night. Lin & self sat facing sea on sands surrounded by dirty children & poor miserable donkeys. Lunched & Lin went off 2 o’c for his ride to Sandwich. I rested & Marie read for an hour, dressed & walked to Willington Cres. Took tram to Mrs du M’s, out, Mrs Evans, out, & had tea with Lady Burnand & Sir Francis, both well. Saw Eilie Gladstone. Lin arrived on “Janetta” as we were talking in front of F.C.B’s, looks v. handsome little cob & quiet. Lin & I returned by tram met Mrs Belsay(?) & dau. & rested before dinner. Mr & Mrs Cowerd at dinner. Stay till Sunday night for self. Saturday 17 April Lovely morg. Still no letter by first post about wedding. Mrs Hammond’s luncheon 1.30. Vy pleasant lunheon. Mrs Evans & Miss Dickens (one of C. Dickens jnr daughters) has a school at Kew there. Garden charming & house too. Went all over both. My idea of how things sh’d be kept. Lin left at 3 o’c for ride and was out 2 hrs to Minster. Janetta knocked the coronet of both fore feet! I went on to Miss Evans to tea & to see little pad finished for Edgar. Missed Lin by 10 minutes. Mrs Cowerd sent lovely yellow roses to my room, saw & thanked her at table but did not see them off. Conjuror. Tired & to bed. Sunday 18 April Our mother’s birthday. Dull. Lin unable to ride on account of Janetta’s forefeet. We walked to stables & saw her, & sat in shelter after. Met both Sir Francis Burnand & Squire. So sorry find the Cowerds gone at luncheon. Rested after. Some rain. Had letter fr. Roy yesterday, wedding went off well, 17 policemen to keep crowd off at Sherborne. Tabs looked lovely. Bed early. Lin vy tired, will do too much. Saw conjuror evg, remembered 30 objects both back & forewards. Monday 19 April Lovely day, bad night woke often. The Burnands came to luncheon, champagne & small potash. Sat out on verandah & had 4 coffees after, 1 liqueor & Lin pd for coffee. Lin for ride after & came to Mrs Evans to fetch me where we had tea. Lady Hunt, Mrs du Maurier & Sylvia & Lady Burnand there to tea. Mrs du M. & S. called on me at Hotel morg., looking so well. Mrs du M’s ceiling in bedroom fell in last evg!!!. Lin & self had to wait for tram, he v. tired, no time to rest before dinner. Talked to Miss Brown after. Lin v. tired, over tired. Evg. syphon potash. Tuesday 20 April Lovely day. Little Oliver & Nurse F. came over for day. Lin met them at Sta. & I joined them on sands later. People fr. Longford (illeg) also playing near Oliver, 2 fair children. Met Sylvia, her 2 youngest boys & Mr Barrie on sands, tiny delicate looking man, vy pleased to meet him. The youngest boy Nicholas was bitten by one of the tiresome dogs on sands. Sat on verandah with Lin whilst O. rested in my room. Lin then rode & had many contretemps before starting. I saw O. off after. Nasty tea on verandah no fresh cake & vy dry bread & butter. Wretched lunch too today, nothing Lin could eat. Janetta bit Lin whilst being saddled in centre of his right hand, a very bad bite. Marie fetched some pomade divine fr.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 chemist & massaged it whilst he lay down, seemed much better after. Lin vy tired, to bed 9.30! Wednesday 21 April “Janetta” left by 8 train. Vy good night, both slept well. Lovely day, colder. I remain until a day week. Lin returns home. His hand better but swollen, sincerely trust it won’t give him trouble with his work. Marie seedy, been more or less all week, food bad stewards room & dining room also yesterday. Sat on sands with Lin all morg, saw 2 little Davies’s on verandah after luncheon. To station in fly, saw Lin off, to call after on Mrs North Buckmaster. Girl in pinafore opened door. Out, to Hammonds, coffee & cake there, over Paragon Hotel, horrid place, pity. Home by tram. Lady F. Balfour on Womens Suffrage in Granville Hall, afraid of cold or w’d have gone. Bed 9.20. Thursday 22 April Lovely morg. V. low tide. Letter fr. Lin “Janetta” never arrived. Vic until 2.30. Abominable they shunted her at Chatham & forgot. I lunch at Lady Burnands. Caught tram at once arrived 1 o’c. Rosie been up all night with chill fr. drive yesterday in cold wind. Saw du M’s & Sylvia & Effie Weigall on lawn. Mrs du M. asked me to tea tomorrow, alas! again cannot go. Delightful lunch at Lady B’s rested in their spare room 1¼ hrs till 4 o’c & then to tea with Mrs Evans & worked at writing board. Home 6 o’c. M. read whilst I rested. Dinner at 7.30, bed 9.30. Met Mrs Evans morg with Miss Dickens, they called here. Friday 23 April Lin leaves tonight after work! for Belfast. Paid Marie 10/- not due till 13th of July. If fine I go to Westgate to see dear Oliver for the day. Fine. Marie with me to station 11.55. Mamie & Oliver met me Westgate & we walked to Parade with Mrs Marshall Hall & dau, who went with us nearly to Longford. Oliver looking wonderfully well & so quiet & good. Excellent lunch. Rest, & to Parade to see O. swim his tiny boat. Tea 4.15 & they saw me off by 5.8 train, rain slight. Marie met me. Rested. Dinner 7.30. Telegram fr. Lin all well, hand well, finished easily 5.30. He leaves Euston for Belfast 8 o’c. Letter fr. Roy & 2 fr. Lin. Wrote Edgar, Maud. Bed 9.30. Saturday 24 April Have tea at Mrs Hammonds 4.30 to meet the du Mauriers & Sylvia. Lin starts fr. Belfast on New Liner 16,000 tons! Thunderstorm & heavy rain early, finer later. Roy was 10 days at Leweston. Wire fr. Lin safe at Belfast & on steamer, all well, his hand better, so glad. Letters fr. Mervyn at Langham Hotel. Morg. I went to Mrs Buckmaster, lovely garden, she gave me flowers. Rested & to Mrs Hammonds to tea. Mrs du Maurier & Sylvia there. Went in & saw Sylvia’s boys after, dear things. Sat with her mother. Lady came & talked after dinner, Miss Todd Sunday 25 April Lin on Twin Screw “Minnewarker” 14.500 tons. Maudie sent photos of Warrenscourt. I lunch at Lady Burnand’s. Gleamy morg. & slept splendidly all night until 8.30! Very merry luncheon at the Burnands. An Australian singer lady there, looks v. ill. Rested after until 4 o’c. Mrs du M, Sylvia & several people to tea & I only left at 6.10, Sylvia seeing me into tram car. Lady B. asked me to remain to dinner, afraid, so Winnie dined here, cards & fortunes after! Marie saw her off. Gave W. 2/6 for her fly in case no tram car. V. nice evg. Monday 26 April Lin comes to me at Ramsgate after his cruise on New Liner fr. Belfast. Wire fr. Lin arrives at 7.20 tonight. Wire fr. Edgar coming tomorrow for night, my guest. Morg. walked to Mrs Evans. Paid my Hotel Bill £12.15.6 & Hayward & Smith £1.5.0 for Lin’s cob! Saw Mr Silver with his nurse & Lady B. After Lunch & rest to Mrs Evans to Shrimp tea & delicious orange cake. Marie fetched my writing board


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 very expensive £1.15.0 for the 2, wished I had only ordered one. Glorious day Lin seems vy well & smoked after dinner. Tuesday 27 April Our darling Maud’s wedding day. Dullish morg. Edgar comes after luncheon for one night. Dicky & I sat on sands morg. & watched children, few people there. After luncheon was just resting & Lin writing in smoking Room when Edgar arrived looking v. well. I sat with him whilst he had lunch & after on verandah. Lin joined us & at 4 we had tea & walked to Westcliff & sat there some time & walked back. Lin left us for Hills, High St. Dined at 8 o’c. Sat in lounge after till 10.30. Felt tired fr. walk. Lin looked v. tired. E. has nice room same as ours, 229, ours 235. Wednesday 28 April One week’s holiday of year alas! taken when dear Lin had influenza 23rd of March. Edgar returns by early train. Lin & self by 3.20. Been at Granville Hotel Ramsgate one month & 4 days. Glorious morg. slept badly. On sands morg with Lin & returned by 3.28 tram. Pd last bill £7.15.6. Roy out to dinner. To bed early very tired. Returned from Ramsgate. Thursday 29 April Hotel bill Ramsgate for 4 weeks & 4 days £60.0.0 with Marie. Fair night. Dull & fine alternately. Out at 11.30 with Taxie to Barkers & gardens. Letter fr. darling Maud vy worried Lennie had accident with motor, high dog cart ran into it & upset 2 men, horse bolted. Both thrown out & one much cut. Lennie sent for doctor & place stitched up. Midge & H. there now. Very good sport. Lennie sent us a 3lb fish. Marie did my hat green crinoline v. nicely for tomorrow. Read to Lin & cozy little dinner & evg. together. Roy out. (extra page inserted opposite 28 April) April 28th 1909. Mr English surgeon came up & spoke to us at luncheon & asked most kindly after us both. Looks many years older then he did 2 years ago! Here with his wife & child. Sp’s friend Mr Nelson & wife here, left our card on them. We met Sylvia with her 2 youngest boys on West Cliff awaiting Trixie’s boy. Poor Mrs du Maurier with 6 boys staying there! Lovely evg, sun over harbour. Friday 30 April Roy goes to Maud, Warrens Court, Lissarda, Co. Cork, Ireland by night mail. Private View Academy. Slept well. Lin riding. To Academy, no Private View. Banquet tonight & P.V. tomorrow. To Langham as E. & Sophy were to meet me there. To E’s club. Missed them in brougham. Vy (illeg). Fitzroy came to tea, gave him 2/6. 3 lb salmon fr. Lennie. Roy left after 8 o’c P.M. for Maud, Ireland. (note page pinned to page opposite 1 March) To remember when going away. All drawers left open to be washed out & repapered. All wardrobes washed out & left open after for a day. Paint of wardrobe washed. Round windows & blinds dusted. All doors washed inside & out, along top also. All plants outside windows & fern cases watered every evening. May 1909 Saturday 1 May Lovely & dull alternating. Very cold wind. Had taxie to Royal Academy Private View. Met many friends, Abbeys, Pilleau, Spielmann, P. Reed, Coles, Lady R. C, Lady D. Hartland, Bancroft, Fildes etc etc. Asked Lord Kingsburgh to dinner tomorrow, said he would come. Horrid stuffy lunch at Carlton below! To Matinée, “School for Scandal”. Tree not so good as Sir Peter as Farren. No humour. Marie Lohr fair. Interesting performance delightful play always fresh. Loraine C. Surface, Giles Joseph. Fruit Butts. Home. Quiet evg. Edgar & So. to lunch tomorrow, telephone 10 o’c PM. Sunday 2 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Excellent night. Sunny morg. cold. Lin rode early, “Janetta” rather fresh. Lin lunches at Club. Edgar, So. & Effie to lunch, Lord Kingsburgh, Mr & Mrs Graham Keith to dinner. Vey cheery luncheon & dinner. Lord K. most amusing told endless anecdotes, Scotch, American & Irish. Dickie looking so well & vy lively. No one called. All left early. The Keiths vy worried about their little girl’s apendexies, to be operated on next week. (Note pinned to page for 1 May) May 5th Wed 1909. With Antoinette put in dear Mother’s box: Stamped blk velvet skirt & bodice. Black cloth skirt, bodice & jacket, Ross. Mole velvet dress, Mole boa & muff. Sable boa & muff below. Top: Hats, green felt, 2 black felts, mole skin toque & furs. Monday 3 May Lovely day. Slept fairly well. Edgar & Sophy cross to Ireland for Maud’s today, Roy & Langleys there. Out morg shops to Bradleys, Grove, ordered tussore dress £7.14.0 for mornings. Edie came afternoon to tea & took her in brougham with me to Sir John Tenniel’s. Saw both Sir J. & Miss T. & looking so well. To Ada Sp. after, saw Mrs Percy & baby & Nelly grown v.plain little girl. Lin rode with Mr Stone morg. Quiet evg. Tuesday 4 May Lovely morg. To Kensington shop’g & fitted at Mascotte with 2 done ups, one w’d not close by 3 inches!!! Met Miss Neaves & walked a little way with her, told funny stories. Hilda & Nelly O, Mrs Millar (Mr Guthrie’s sister) & Lady Spielmann called. Mrs M. most exhausting, laughs in fits at nothing. Lin rode with Mr Stone & went out afternoon to see Sir John Tenniel. They were delighted to see him & he them. Quiet evg. Wednesday 5 May Vy good night. Lovely morg. Out 11.15. To Bond St, met Miss Blakey, to Marshalls, saw few frocks, dresses, Selfridges & “Times” about Library. Lin rode 11 o’c, saw him fr. omnibus looking vy nice with Mr Stone & others. Marie & Emma out. Antoinette & self v. busy turning out my wardrobe & washed drawers, did one box, dear Mother’s list attached. Antoinette made me v. good omelette. Thursday 6 May Lovely morg. Good night. At 11.30 to Barkers ordered asparagus, oranges, salad & lobster. Lin rode at 8 o’c. 12.30 to Bradleys, Grove, fitted with tussore coat & skirt £7.14.0, hat shape black. Edie met me there & returned to lunch & tea. Flowers fr. Tabbie, arranged them with Edie, great quantity in small box. Read to Lin “The fortune of Christina McNab” V. good. Met May Nembhard morg. Letter fr. darling Maud. Friday 7 May Heavenly day, still very windy. Dust everywhere & throat annoyed. In all morg. Wrote & did drawing room desk & one drawer. At 3.30 after rest in brougham to Bradleys to be fitted tussore dress. Jacket again needs altering!!! Hat also not satisfactory but they sent a dainty tray of tea & cake & bread & butter to fitting room for me! Called on Lady Roberts Argyle Rd. Lin finished drawing 10 o’c. X. Marie helped me put away some things. New black hat £ 2.30. Tussore coat & skirt £7.14.0. Done up blue brocade evg. dress, brown chiffon bodice £10.9.0 came home. Saturday 8 May 12 o’c Opening of American Ex, Earls Court. Gave tickets Edie & Hilda. Lin & self to see “What every woman knows” Matinée. Lovely morg. Slept well. Sore throat! Painted it. In all morg. Wrote & worked. In taxie to theatre. Most amusing piece we thoroughly enjoyed it. G. du Maurier, Hylda Trevelyan, Valentine, excellent. Bought fruit & 12 roses 2/6 Butts. Happy evg. Dickie slept after dinner, he vy tired up early.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 (paper pinned to page) Gave Marie Sunday 9th May 6 M.A.H. serviettes. 12th May Marie 6 tea cloths, Emma 2 round towels, 6 dusters. Antoinette white pail. May 1909. Gave Marie 1 white, 1 black & 1 brown reels of cotton June. Sunday 9 May X. Poor Aunt Barbara died 6.30 P.M. Glorious morg. Both slept well. Col & Mrs Welby, Sir Norman & Lady Lockyer dine here. Asked Harold M’s, Spielmanns & Mrs Fagan (engaged). My throat better. With Dickie to Zoo 11 o’c. Lovely gardens & flowers. Met Harold, & Eric Parker there. Monkeys v. weird behaviour! & ostrich too! Lin to Club after luncheon. Rested & read. Mervyn came & told me Aunt Barbara was v. ill, Ethel had day & night nurse for her. Will O. called. Vy cheery evg. Monday 10 May Lin rode to Wimbledon, v. tired after. Lovely morning. Roy returns tonight from Ireland. Looked vy well. Ferns. Lin & I dine at Sir Norman Lockyer’s. Out morg. shops. To Bank. Rested afternoon. Put away few remaining things with Marie in boxes & under bed. Vy pleasant evg at Sir N’s but poor dinner. Wonderful photos taken fr. a Baloon of London & clouds, & Sidmouth. Gramophone & coloured photos taken by Lady L. Tuesday 11 May Lin rode in Row with Mr Stone, Galbraiths & Muriel. Mrs Marshall Hall 4.30, No 1 Welbeck House, Wigmore St. Stores morg. by tube to see about pin curls. Lovely box of flowers from Maud! & Marie planted ferns fr. Maud, fern case. Ordered wreath for poor Aunt Barbara, 7/6. Mrs W. Wallace & Mrs Cowerd called, told me of Eva & how it happened! Roy in to dinner does not look cheerful over business. So sorry for him. Wednesday 12 May Miss Maude Parker’s Ex, watercolours 6 Pall Mall. Mrs Marshall Hall 4.30, 2nd at home. Lady Johnson Ferguson 4 o’c. Lovely flat Mrs M. H’s. Saw Miss Elkin, Lockyers, Heilbut, Sir Douglas Straight etc. More like a lovely museum. Had brougham & left cards J.F’s not in! Dined & had Herbert & Edie to dinner. (Roy out). Vy pleasant evg. music & cards. Both look well & happy. Thursday 13 May Lady Johnson Ferguson 4 o’c. Out morg. Took Taxie gardens. Rested after lunch. Read & worked with Lin. Box of flowers from Toula. Poor Aunt Barbara buried. Left all her money £600 to Aunt Lizzie’s daus. Roy home to dinner. Pity Aunt B. did not leave something to the Douëts, they need it, & have been so good to her. Friday 14 May Out morg carriage 11.15 to Nevilles, & Mascotte to be fitted. Sat with Lin. Read Bancroft’s book after rest. Vy good. Roy out to dinner. Marie put up Roy’s picture. Roy returned before I was in bed. Lin did beautiful drawing Lloyd George as Canute with courtiers Haldane & Asquith & crowd. V. fine drawing. Saturday 15 May Mrs Kemp’s invite for weekend. Letter fr. Mervyn. Aunt B. left £600 all to her nieces Mrs Shepherd & Mrs Duffield, Aunt Elizabeth’s daughters. Lin rides morg. Lin & self to Matinée. Lunched at home. Saw “Our Miss Gibbs” delightful, so amusing & pretty music. Payne Grossmith, Gertie Millar, Denise Orme & Olive May very good. Bought fruit & flowers 11/-! Roy out. Quiet evg, Dickie v. tired. Sunday 16 May Asked Ethel English, Mr & Mrs Fred Kerr, Sir Isadore & Lady Spielmann & Mr Stone. Had to put off E.E. so sorry made mistake in number. Lovely morg, cool. Lin & Roy play tennis with Sir A. Hickman at 10 o’c. Vy. nervous about Lin but he will do it. Mervyn to tea & Mr Paxton. Roy in with Lin to luncheon. Vy cheery dinner, neither Mr Kerr nor Sir Isadore look well. They all stayed rather later 11.30.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 17 May George Meredith died. Will Oakes dines here. Awful headache in night, wonder if neuralgia or white wine! Shop’g morg met Mrs Spofforth. Rested afternoon. Mrs Farquharson called, did not see her. Lin had tea with me & then went for ride to Battersea, enjoyed it v. much. Marie & I planted 6 plants dining room window. Roy in to dinner & vy pleasant quiet little evg. Lin seems well. Tuesday 18 May Mrs Devonshire 4 - 6. Fine & alternate showers. Morg. by om to Barkers & to Nevilles, ordered black silk dress 10½ gns! Walked thro’ Park to Princes Gate. Terrible to see every seat almost occupied by ragged miserable looking poor men, idle. Mrs Colefax & Mrs Allen (her cousin) Maud P. & Gladys, Mabel Beaumont, Mrs Spofforth & Mrs G. Keith called. Roy out to dinner. Box flowers Balcombe. Dickie rode morg. Quiet little evg. Wednesday 19 May Black cat rushed upstairs yesterday, much to Lin’s annoyance. Roy caught it, friendly cat. Lovely morg. Letters last evg fr. Maud & Edgar, all well. Out morg. om to Marshalls & Selfridges. Vy tired in & out busses. Dickie rode morg. Marie out. Antoinette & I did remaining drawers & cupboards in my room, all but corner cupboard. Worked evg, bed early. Roy in whilst undressing. Lovely salmon 11½ lb fr Maud. Cheque fr. Lennie £29.16.8. Thursday 20 May Lady Johnson Ferguson 4 - 7. To Mrs Beale morg. Mr Galbraith called 4 o’c. Tried on blouses fr. Selfridges & Marshalls, bought one from each & a plastron fr. Marshalls also. To Mrs Beale by taxie 2/6. Saw her secretary vy nice girl, Miss Derbyshire. Had an hour with her & home by bus. Lovely salmon, some for lunch & dinner. Roy dined at home. Much talk over where G. Meredith sh’d be buried. Roy took Taxie for walk. Friday 21 May Mary Millais called. Lovely morg. Lin rode early. I had carriage & went to Bank, wasted ½ an hour there, & Marshalls about grey alpaca. Barkers & home 1.30. Rested & sat with Dickie after, difficult subject & very fine drawing, 2 women (Literature & Poetry, G. Meredith & Swinburne) mourning over tomb with Meredith’s beautiful bust. Lin late 10.50 dinner. Vy hot all day trying for him at work. Roy dined out. Took Taxie for walk in gardens. Saturday 22 May Lovely morg. Slept well. Worked in my room morg. finished shortening silk petticoat, does very nicely, wore it with my new tussore dress! Glad to do something again. Vy hot. Lin & I went to Earls Court American Ex. Vy good side shows. Saw 2 vy handsome women! in tussores! One v. like Dora. Flowers & fruit on return, vy dear. Roy to Oxford. Sunday 23 May Asked Sir E. & Lady Johnson Ferguson, Mr & Mrs Galbraith, Mr & Mrs Marshall Hall & Muriel Messel. Lovely day. Lin & Roy to Sir Alfred’s, I joined them & fetched Lin in brougham. Gladys Crozier came to tea. Lin & Roy in to luncheon. Roy took Taxie with Mr Pollock in taxie cab to Wimbleon & Taxie bit Mr Pollock severely in hand! We waited dinner until 8.30 for the Marshall Halls who never came, 2 wires fr. them their car broke down! Disasterous day. Maids lost their heads & made great noise & seemed lost generally. 3 contretemps, evg. spoiled in consquence M.Hs’ absence. Monday 24 May Lin attended Levée morg. V. hot lovely breeze. By om to Marshall, arranged grey alpaca, back by cab, cost 3/6. Gave conductor of om money, looked so ill. Bought 7 yds blue & white jap silk, 7/6 yd double width, £3.12.6. Lin to Levée. O.S. & Sir E. Johnson Ferguson next him. He lunched with O.S. Club. Sir Squire Bancroft


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 elected Athenaeum. Punch dinner. Roy dined with me alone. We sat in Gardens before dinner, took Taxie. Tuesday 25 May Mrs Breitmeyer 4.30 Wed. Colder. Fitted morg here Miss Bower, blue dress. Roy out to dinner with Harold M. Only Mrs Marshall Hall looking v. pretty & smart & Nellie called. Lin v. busy as for Thurs on ac’t Whitsuntide. Wednesday 26 May Fitted morg by Miss Bower here. Derby Day. Poured early, fine later, heavy showers. Fitted between 4 - 5 Marshalls with grey alpaca. Had brougham. Roy dines with Mr Pollock. Read & worked with Lin. He finished at 9.30. Sat with him during dinner. Wrote Will Oakes after about tomorrow. The King’s horse won the Derby. X. Thursday 27 May Lin & self dine with Will Oakes at Carlton 8 o’c. X. To be fitted Neville 11.30. Put off by Neville. In all day mending & Marie packed. Roy in to dinner. Lin to club after tea in brougham. Spoke Will O. on telephone, decided to dine later with him, disappointed in some friends he asked to meet us. Letter fr. darling returns Monday fr. Ireland, so sorry not to be in London. Friday 28 May D.V. to stay with H. & Tabbie at Leweston. Lovely morg. Letter fr. Vince, has a temporary place fr. my reference. Left Waterloo for Sherborne 3.30. Most comfortable journey, lovely day. Found the 2 M(illeg) & Tabbie awaiting us, came on with Tabs & Lin & Antoinette with chauffeur, Mr Hood & Roy in Mercedes car. Country & place looking lovely, all well. Ham, Rivers Pollock, Evie & Vi Pollock. Delightfully quiet evg, puzzles & V. P. sang. Bed 10 o’c. with Tabs. Saturday 29 May Lovely day. Slept well. Lin, Ham, Mr Hood, Rivers & Roy to play golf. (Motor run Lin & Rivers whilst rest golfed). Sat whilst Tabbie trimmed up her roses. Mr & Mrs Rooth, Mr & Mrs Milne to lunch. They left at 3.30. Tabs, Mervyn & self for little walk. Saw Mervyn’s statue of “Acrobat”. Ham’s figure not finished yet, horse excellent. Bridge & games after dinner. Bed 10.30. Sunday 30 May Lovely morg, slept well. Sat out with Lin & stroll round with Tabs & Roy. Maudie, Lennie & family return fr. Warrens Court, Ireland, tonight after 2 months absence. 80 salmon killed. Lin vy tired after short walk & getting over packing. He & I ret’d & left rest, sat out together. Lovely day, pleasant evg. Bed 10.30. Monday 31 May Perfectly glorious day. Good night. In car with Tabbie to Long Burton she to some committee ab’t village nurse. I read whilst waiting. Evie went home after lunch to Aldershot. Mervyn left at 11.30 for home. Roy, Ham & Mr Hood golfing & off for day. After lunch Lin, Rivers & Vi Pollock to Cerne Abbas, too heavy for car with me, rested & read. Jun 1909 Tuesday June 1 Pouring wet morg. Mr Hood left 11.30, Rivers & Vi Pollock left by 1.50 after lunch & Tabs & Ham by 2.50 for London. Lin & self alone, unable to go out all day. Had tea in Library & sat there after dinner. Bed 9.45. Lin seemed tired but enjoyed reading old books ac’ts of Cerne Abbas & Tisbury the Sambourne’s place near Bath. Wednesday 2 June Still raining. We return today by 1.50 train. Have to change at Salisbury. Did not change. Had tea on return. Lin to P. dinner & home vy late after 12 P.M. Roy


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 dined with me. Antoinette unpacked. Vy tired horrid cold in head. Saw Shaw Stewarts at Salisbury, he looked as if guilty or ashamed of himself. Thursday 3 June Mrs Mocatta & Mrs Jules Philipson 4 - 6.30. Lady Critchett 4 - 7. M. Farkoa Hungarian band. Lady Blomfield Claridges Hotel 3 - 7. Fitting Staf. Terrace Miss Bower. To be fitted by Miss Bower morg. Edgar & S. return fr. Ireland, Langham. Darling lunched here & we went to Lady B’s & Lady C’s together, enjoyed it so much. Vy cold wind. I sat with Lin on return & we dined together. Roy out. Friday 4 June Dr Beauchamp came 9.30 A.M. Vittel no place for me & Linley not to play tennis. Mrs Mocatta 6.30. Lord Winterstoke’s dinner. To be fitted morg. Marshalls grey alpaca. Pouring wet. Had brougham. Called & saw darlings on way home, all look well. Linley & Anne much grown. My own came at 4 & Miss Bowers to try my blue silk gown, foolish garment too young. Maudie remained to tea. Roy dined at Maud’s. I read until past 10 o’c. Maud & Lennie to Nymans. Saturday 5 June Edgar & S. go to Mrs Paton’s. Out morg, dead tired & neuralgia. Bad night & pain in head. Rained morg. Walked to Mrs Galbraith’s, c’d not see her, just in fr. riding. Om back. Ordered 2 plants Barkers, crowd so great had to wait long time. Lin rode after lunch, vy tired, his covert suit fr. yesterday still soaking wet, he w’d wear it!!! Lin dines at Ex. Lds Rosebery etc there. The 3 chicks called, much grown. Col & Mrs Welby also called. Mr Reed said charming things of Roy. Sunday 6 June Tabs, Ham, Mervyn to dine. Major & Mrs Batley dine here. Laundry not back last evg! 2 plants not sent from Barkers, & bad fish which Emma had to return from Barkers. Good start! & I c’d not sleep Lin so restless & felt the old irritable worried feeling. Very pleasant evg. all went well but I felt rather seedy. Monday 7 June Miss Violet McKenna’s marriage with Com. Keene R.N. 2.30. Asked Maud & Beatrice to tea 4 o’c. We dine at Maud’s. Lin & self to Horse Show Olympia. Little Linley & Fraulein joined us there & Sir A. Hickman kindly sent us his box. Most interesting show splendid jumping (grey mare) & huge wagon & 6 horses turned in marvelously small space. Mr & Mrs M. at Maudie’s. Beautiful dinner well chosen & well cooked. Roy dined at Galbraiths, to Caledonian Ball with them. Tuesday 8 June Miss Gill lunches with me. Did not come. Mrs Tupper & Mrs Craig at home 39 Queens Gate. Mrs Lucas 4 - 6.30 Stornaway House. Lady Fildes 4 - 6.30. Asked Edgar & So. to dine. Had Maud’s Victoria 11.30 to Mrs Paton’s 2 H.Pk. Ter. Fetched Edgar & we drove to Toula, E. & S. staying 33 Hill St & then round Pk. together. Left Edgar at Hyde Pk. Corner. Roy dines out. Maudie, Mrs Trench & Nellie Zimmerman came to tea. Dickie rode early. Wednesday 9 June Lady Laurence 4 - 6. Meet of Coaches. Maud & self to Meet of Coaches in Victoria. Lin on Janetta looks vy well on her. He stood by us near Serpentine. Met Mrs Hohler & pretty American widow. Saw Edgar, Sophy & Miss Paton all back at Maud’s. Lin & self home to lunch alone. Edgar came to tea looked tired. Roy dined with Mrs Stern. Antoinette out. Marie did my (illeg) very nicely & finished my (illeg) combinations or nickers (sic)(2nd pair fr. 2 old petticoats. Thursday 10 June Lady Johnson Ferguson 4 - 7. Mrs Breitmeyer 4.30. Lady Pirrie. Fitted morg Marshall & Snelgrove grey alpaca, dress failure, every seam of coat needs altering. The original fitter gone suddenly. Most annoying, dress promised this evg. Went by bus. Maud met me Marshalls. Saw coaching club meet. Met Mr & Joan Galbraith riding. At 4 to Lady J.F’s. Mrs Tate, Lady Dormer etc. On to Mrs B’s.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely music, clever french recitations. Rained all afternoon. Roy out dinner. Lin dined ¼ to 9. Friday 11 June Mrs Young Hunter 4 - 7, 9 Launceston Place, Kens. Mrs Galbraith 4 to 7. Toula comes for whole day & remains to dinner. Lin dines at Press dinner. Very wet & dull. Mrs Pym came to tea & just prevented my going to Mrs G’s. Toula & I dined alone, she left at 10 o’c. Thought her looking pale & tired. Brought me lovely lillies & carnations. Roy dined out. Saturday 12 June Lin goes trial trip. No, Naval review. Left early, enjoyed it immensely. Dined in special retinue, home 9.30. Morg. shop’g. afternoon rested & went to Mrs Keen’s, met Mr & Miss Walkes, Beatrice Farrer. Called on Mrs Williams, Lady Kennedy & Mrs Currie, saw Nina & pretty little boy, & Mrs Palgrave Simpson. Sunday 13 June Asked Col & Mrs Trench, Edgar, Arthur Linley, Lennie & Maud. Morg. to see Mr Dillons things for sale Up Phil. Gds, & to Sir Alfred’s with Lin. Met Col & Mrs Trench. We dine 8.30 on ac’t M. & L. returning by Motor fr Heron Allens. V. pleasant evg. Edgar looked tired. X. Injured my plate & unable to wear it. Monday 14 June Mrs John Carlisle. Music 4 - 6. Lin dines out. Box for Horse Show. Toula to lunch & to Horse Show with us. To Dentist morg, Mr Herbert. Promised my plate today. Gt com. horse show, Mr Winams had only given one ticket, we went 3! & we crowded out his box of pretty American women. Coaches good. Russian greys 1st, Argentine 2nd , English 3rd & these last most distressed. To Mrs C’s after. V. good music. Saw Pirries & Schwanns. Took Toula home. Roy dined out. Tabbie v. seedy. Roy saw Gareth to Station. I dined alone, worked & read. Lin dined City dinner. Maudie to see Nana & sleeps night away. Tuesday 15 June Mrs Fagan’s dinner 8 o’c. 37 Rutland Court. Mrs Pitts dinner acpt. Mrs Mount Batten 4 - 6.30. Lady Fildes 4 - 6.30. Slept v. well. To dentist Herbert morg. Vy uncomfortable plate. Had talk with socialist in Holland Pk! Gave me book to read “Looking Backward” believe he is a little “Softie”. Miss Brown, Mrs Beddoe (Vaughan Morgan) & Maudie called. Lift stuck at Mrs Fagans, gt. commotion, but eventually it went. Charming evg. Jopling Rowes, Mr & Mrs Ormiston, Mr John Lane, Mr Hastings, Lady Bridge etc, 12 in all. Both enjoyed our evening in spite of (illeg) start! Wednesday 16 June Matinee “An Englishman’s Home”. Lady Lawrence 4 - 6.30. Miss Bower 11 o’c. Tabbie laid up. Fitted 11.15. To Mr Herbert, plate better. New one ordered. Fearful headache early & feel nerves strained fr. fatigue & from nothing! Lovely morg. fresh breeze. Awful headache. To “Englishman’s Home” stupid play. Toula met us there & came back to tea & dinner with me. Roy in also to dinner. Marie out. Thursday 17 June I lunch at Maud’s. Mrs Tate’s luncheon party unable to go. Asked Edgar to tea & dinner. No ans. Rested morg. Still had headache & ear uncomfortable. Maudie sent motor for me. Mrs Mackenzie, Miss Churchill that was! Mrs ? Mrs Hohler, Dar Hayes Sadler, Mrs Weld Blundell. Beautiful lunch, all perfect, & my darling looking sweet. Sent me home in carriage. Several callers, saw no one, rested. Roy in to dinner, seems as if slight cold. Friday 18 June If all well go to Vittel with Edgar for waters for 21 days. Edgar goes to Vittel. Unable to go again! Mrs Palgrave Simpson 4 - 6.30. Asked Edie 11 o’c. Dentist 12 o’c, Mr Herbert. Plate fits, new one. Hamilton & Midge come to London. Rested. Read an hour to Dickie “A King’s Favourite” & to Mrs Palgrave Simpson’s. Talk on


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Cairo with Mr P.S. Carriage fetched me & went & sat with Tabbie at Claridges, seems much better, gastritis. Saw H.F. & to Midge, Coburg. Saw H. & M. looking splendidly well. Ham L. had taken Maud to Ascot & was having tea in the lounge with Midge at Coburg & Emily F.was dressing did not see her. Midge sent flowers evg. Dickie did lovely drawing Asquith & finished 10 o’c. Roy out. Saturday 19 June Lovely fresh morg. To see “Old Heidelburg” with Lin. In all morg sewing, am desperately slow working now! Lunched 1.15 & in brougham to St James’ with Lin. Most charming play, enjoyed it more even than the first time I saw it years ago. Bought fruit & flowers Butts. Dickie sent off mysterious telegram. Tea together & rested on Roy’s sofa whilst he dressed to dine out. Dickie & self alone, he slept after dinner. Vy pleased Jhera Wood Cy declares a div at last, 6% in ord shrs. Sunday 20 June Lin & I dine with Mr & Mrs Beale at Albemarle Club, 37 Dover St ¼ to 8 o’c. Midge, H. & Emily lunch with us 1.30, & Spencer. Raining morg. v. dull & close. Lin dressed for riding 9 o’c. Slept badly, kept waking all night. Roy lunches at Sir Alfred’s. No news of my darling since Thurs, at Balcombe. Vy pleasant lunch. V. pleasant dinner at Mrs Beale’s club, ten. Mr & Mrs Lutyens etc. V. fair dinner, lovely club, beautiful rooms. Lin v. tired after, am sure he is not careful enough in what he eats for digestion. Felt anxious as he seemed so tired. Monday 21 June Asaked Lady Rosamund Christie. Cannot come. Out morg. Bank, small balance, odd. Paid Barker’s bill, House & private ditto £4.3.7. Took Taxie in gardens. Saw mad Socialist. After 4 in Maud’s cariage called on Mrs Fagan, Mrs Stephenson, Lady Rosamund Christie & Mrs Hohler. 4 times round Battersea Park to meet Lin. Home 6.15. Also called on Mervyn, out. Lin rode at 6 o’c. Tuesday 22 June Edie comes morg. Mrs Noel Behrens 4 - 7. Lady Fildes 4 - 6.30. Miss Louisa Bourne 4 - 6. Mrs George Whatman 4 - 6.30. Mrs Rawlinson garden party. Mrs Rooth’s dinner 8.15. Unable to accept as dine with Maud. Edie came. We sat in Gardens with Taxie. Mrs Adlam, Mrs Biencardi, Miss Burke with Maudie, Mrs H. Pollen, called. Lin, Roy & I dined with Maud, 14. Sir A. & Lady Freemantle, Mr & Mrs Ritchie, H. & Midge, Mrs Sebright, Mr Mordant. Vy charming dinner & evening, everything beautifully done. Wednesday 23 June Mrs Fred & Dr F. Cowerd 4 - 7 garden 54 Hamilton Terrace. Maud & self tickets for Ranelagh, special afternoon, with the Hohlers. Dull but for my darling. Crowds & polo. Americans won, ours played badly. Hot & cold, dangerous weather. Saw Adela Mackenzie & bro. Ethel E, Mrs Holland, Mr Galbraith etc. Darling came back to tea, loved having her alone. Dickie to Punch dinner. Roy out, dined alone. Antoinette out. Thursday 24 June Lady Lawrence 4 - 6. Mr Cleriheugh 4 - 7. Mrs Messel 4 - 7. Emily Fraser spends the day with me. Soirée Royal Society. E. put out about bath water, Lin & Roy cannot get any hot water evg. Darling Anne came 11.30 with Fraulein who leaves for Austria tomorrow. Walked with them to Round Pond saw Oliver & Mamie. Heavy storm, tropical rain & thunder. (page inserted.) 24 June. After rest went with Emily in spite of heavy rain to Mrs Messel’s at home. Met many friends & enjoyed it v. much & Emily much liked by all. Saw Ethel Mervyn, Fildes, Kerrs, Labin, Lewis’s, Dickens etc. Girl doing funny songs. “Miss Evelyn” fr. Gaiety an understudy. My darling looked sweet & dear little Linley there, & Lennie late. Emily & I went on to Claridges & after to enquire after Tabbie who looked perfectly lovely lying on sofa in white with rose silk coverlet like a lovely pink


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 shell. Emily charmed with her beauty. Ham came in & looked well. Roy dined at home but looked tired & pale. Sat with Lin on return & dined ¼ to 9. Left Emily at Coburg on return home. Bed early. Saw dogs fighting on return fr. Gardens during heavy storm, believe one killed & horse fell down & kicked violently, fear it must have injured itself, could not look. Friday 25 June Foreign Office 10.30. Dark & dull morg, cold. X. New Knights Sir Henry Lucy!!! Beerbohm Tree!!! & Pinero!!! Pouring wet day, in all day. Roy dined with H. & Midge. Maudie fetched Lin & went to F.C. with him. I felt so tired, read to Lin & dined late with him. Marie toothache. Saturday 26 June Wet later & cold. Fine morg. King & Queen open Vic & Albert Museum Kens in state, driving down Rotten Row 12 o’c. Lin & self lunch at Savoy & matinée Vaudeville after D.V. “The Chorus Girl” dull piece. Rude woman in front of ourselves. Lin & self lunched at Savoy. Saw Marie Lohr & Loraine lunching. Roy to Eton with Tabs, Eton & Winchester cricket. Lin & self alone dinner. Antoinette to Coburg fetched flowers. Sunday 27 June Mr & Mrs Williams, Mr & Mrs Currie, Effie Conrad & Gladys Crozier. Only the 2 couples came. Very dark dull day. Lin lunched Club. Vy delightful evg. Midge came to tea looking charming in white voile & black. Seven only at dinner but v. charming evening, Lin so bright & happy, & Roy much more talkative than usual. Monday 28 June Asked Mrs Beale to dine. Dinner at Mrs Oakes, ref’d. Toula comes for luncheon & we left cards at Foreign Office & Mrs Beale’s. Left Toula at Knightsbridge & went to Lady Roberts dull conventional lady. Awful fight morg between Taxie & Mrs Devonshire’s dog. Had to send Taxie to Vet, ear all torn. Horse too vy lame during our drive. Mrs Beale & Miss Thompson called, vy vexed missed them. Tuesday 29 June Lady Fildes 4 - 6.30. Mrs Bradbury 3.30. Nonie Messel’s dinner 8o’c. Mrs Philip Agnew’s dinner 8.15. Acp’t Nonie. Slept v.badly no doubt shock fr. Taxie’s fight, & horse lame what I have noticed a long time but goes better after some time, rheumatism? Unable to go out morg. Mrs Whatman, Tabbie, Col. Hensman, May Nembhard & Mrs Beale & Miss Thompson called. V. merry afternoon. Read to Dickie & v. charming dinner at Harold M’s. Miss Mackintosh, Ritchies, Mr Page who took me in. Vy delightful evg. & all so kind about my darling better & well again. Maudie lunched at Lady Armstrong. Wednesday 30 June Academy Soirée. 3 tickets & we forgot all about it until too late! Lin did not give me the tickets. The Astronamer Royal, Royal Ob, Greenwich 3 - 6. Slept well & heavily. Lin rode before breakfast. Mrs Beale & Miss Thompson dine quietly with me at 7.30. Roy out. Have Maud’s carriage at 3.30, & went to stores bought blk. feather boa 2.17.6, Jap dressing jacket 14/9, green sunshade 10/6. Called Galbraith & left Miss Lawrence tea there, Mrs Lucas, Lady McLaren. Mrs Beale & Miss T. dined here, quiet evg. Antoinette managed alone v. nicely. Roy out. Jul 1909 Thursday 1 July Mrs Mount Batten 4.30. Sir James Christie 3 - 6. Mr & Lady Rosamond at home 117 Eaton Sqre. Tweedie, Johnson Ferguson. Maudie lunched here. Dickie rode after breakfast. Met Mr Kitson etc. Maudie & self to Mrs Breitmeyer charming musical at home. Nonie M. there. Maudie left me after at Lady Rosamond’s deadly dull party, dirty house 117 Eaton Sqre. Lady Dickson Hartland there. Maudie to Vic. Sta. for Balcombe, lovely having her. Dear Roy dined at home.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 2 July Miss Jones 4.30 – 7, 149 Gloucester Rd. Mrs Harold Messel 5 o’c music. Maudie lunching at Mrs du Maurier & to Nonie after. Felt too tired to go to Nonie’s. Packed afternoon with Marie. Sat with Lin finished “The King’s Favourite”. Went to Marshall’s morg. by om. Carriage fetched me. Called to enquire May Burnand. Roy in to dinner. Lin dined 8.30, sat with them at dinner & after. Bed 10 o’c. Saturday 3 July The Vicar of Kensington & Mrs Somerset Pennefather’s at home 4 - 7. If all well go to Lowestoft with Dickie until Wednesday. Took Marie. Felt v. worried morg. as after settling all arrangements Lin wanted to remain week longer in town which w’d put everything out. Vy comfortable journey, lovely day. Nice Hotel, clean looking coast. Pretty table near windows, attentive servants more like Bath. Gamble family here. Band during & after dinner. French couple amusing. Sunday 4 July Slept v.well, 2 beds. Lin nice dressing room ajoining our room also facing sea with verandah. Overclouded but hopeful morg. Out at 11.30. Spoke to Mrs Gamble, handsome woman & seems nice. Sat out facing sea & walked to Royal Hotel, prefer much where we are Empire Hotel, much quieter & away from crowd. Good rest after lunch in our room & sat out till 6.15. Tea in Hall 4.30. Bad dinner. French couple grumbled at same deservedly. Monday 5 July Mrs Huish tea Lord’s behind block A. Mrs Colefax 4.30. Maudie lunching at Miss Henderson’s, Princes Gate. Lovely morg. slept well but long while getting off to sleep. Sat out morg. in grounds & watched Regatta, vy pretty sight sailing yacht & boats with their white sails. Lin out photoing saw nothing interesting. Delightful drive with Lin & Mrs Gamble in her Car to Oulton Broad & Yarmouth, beautiful broad road front of sea, vy foreign looking. Magnificent church St. Nicholas largest in England. Started 3 o’c, home 5.15. Vy quiet evg bed 10 o’c. Vy happy day & restful. Hotel very empty. Tuesday 6 July Mrs Huish Lords tea. Gladys Crozier & Mrs Tweedie at home 30 York Terrace 4.30. Lovely morg. Slept well. Woke often & Lin also. Sat out morg. Mrs Gamble most kindly lent us her Lanchester motor & we went at 3 o’c to Yarmouth & along Parade. Stop’d at an old curiosity shop on our way back, nothing of note. Tea in hall, again sat out, rested & fair dinner. Band. Bed 10 o’c. Goldstone, Oulton & Summerleyton passed on way to Yarmouth. Wednesday 7 July Slept well. Rained morg. Wrote letters. Marie packed. Ordered special lunch, v. good. Bill £8.1.9. 13/6 a day for Lin & self each, 7/- for Marie. Vy good Hotel servants. Left by 3.28 train. Manager v. civil indeed in fact all most attentive. Tiresome slow journey up. Found lovely iris & roses fr. my darling. Left Lin at Club. Press men at Punch dinner & hour altered! Roy at Henley with Mr Stern, fell into water! Changed everything at tailors. Alone evg. Thursday 8 July Mrs Bergheim garden party 4 - 7. Lady Strachey 4 - 7. To vet morg & Lady’s shirt Co. Vet will see Taxie at ¼ to 7 tonight. Marie took him. Maudie fetched me 3.30 & we went to Clara’s vy pretty party, Hungarian band & many smart pretty people. Mrs Biancardi, Lady Lawrence, Bram Stoker, Hankey, Rudy Jackson, Petos etc etc. To Lady Strachey after, McLarens & J. Fergusons there, home. Roy at Henley, did not return in time for Messels dance! Roy again fell in river & was soaked. Horrid chicken, tiresome E. does not send back what she knows is not good. Marie out afternoon. Lin vy annoyed about chicken & no wonder. Friday 9 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 In all day. Sent complaint to Barkers about chicken, fresh one returned. Toula came to tea looked v. tired. Marie packing for me. Put in all day & evg. dreses. Lin doing lovely drawing Britannia driving 2 dolphins down Thames. Roy ret’n fr. Eton & Harrow Cricket Match, Lords, with the Harolds, did not see Maud who was there with Gladys Crozier. Saturday 10 July D.V. Go to darling Maud, Balcombe. Came by 4.30. Marie leaves tonight for a months holiday for Switzerland. Antoinette comes with me. Found Lennie & Maud well & chicks much grown & new German governess, young. Lennie left soon after for Arundel & his Territorials. V. cozy evg, bed 20 to 11! Maud & I played cards. Sunday 11 July Very bad night & Lin also who was up 6 times, little Raffles howled all night. Fearful headache morg. Wretched cold day, rain. Maudie & chicks to Church. Rested after lunch, & after tea Lin & self for walk whilst Maud wrote invitations for week ends. Had little walk with Lin & Maudie after tea. Delightful evg, so quiet. Lin looking much better, busy all day with his Diary & letters. Monday 12 July Fine day, out morg for walk with Dickie, better night. Worked & read & wrote. Sent cheque £12.12.0 for entrance & yearly subscription fees for Albemarle Club. Wd rather have given money to Roy. Another walk with Lin after tea, took “Bear”, v. good, by lake & back. Quiet evg looking for flower names, could not find them. Bed late rather. Tuesday 13 July Mrs Williams at home 4.30, 51 Campden Hill Rd. Lady Sutton 49 (illeg) Gds, 4.30. Dudley howled during night, Lin vy angry. I had to wake Nurse F. She got Arthur to take dog out. Slept after. Lovely morg. warmer. Maudie to London by 9 o’c train for Mrs Locket Agnew’s luncheon & Lady Sutton’s. Antoinette returning to Staf. Ter. Lovely drive at 4 with Lin & little Linley thro’ forest. Cheery dinner Maudie full of news. Pd £12.12.0 to Bank of England for Albemarle Club. Gt commotion at night over Lin’s little night light tin for his developing lantern. So sorry for Maudie but she found it in sink. Wednesday 14 July Good night. Dull but warmer. Invitation fr. Lord Winterstoke to go cruise on “Sabrina” Friday until Wednesday. Lin going, it won’t upset party going alone. Mr Causton going! Wired early. Pd. A.N. Stores £3.2.3. Drove with Lin to Three Bridges 2.30, seems much better. Invite fr. Lord Winterstoke to go on Sabrina fr. Friday till Wed. Lin to join Saty. Lin hopes to go alone fr. Saty until Tues or Wed. After seeing Lin off with Maud to Mrs Messel’s, saw Col & Marie Beddoes there, & fetched Gladys fr. station on return. Thursday 15 July Mrs Mount Batten 4 - 6.30. Mrs Seymour Trower 3 - 7, Bridge House, Weybridge. Slept well. Sunny morg. Darling goes to London for night dines with Miss Rose Innes, & goes to theatre with her. Letter fr. Dickie, v. heavy rain in London yesterday, Antoinette drenched in dog cart. Peaceful happy day, worked, read & wrote, not out of grounds all day. New German Chancellor! 5th. Bed 10 o’c sharp. Edie did not come for chicks’ music lesson. Friday 16 July Slept well, dull morg. Maudie & Spencer come by 4.30 train. Invitation to go on Lord Winterstoke’s yacht “Sabrina” until Tuesday. Lin joins her at Ryde tomorrow morg. too fatiguing for me & far too happy with my darling & the chicks to care to go if well enough. Wet & dull but peaceful happy day, worked & read. Darling returned fr. London by 4.30. Gladys & I walked after tea, dined 7.30 & bed 10 o’c. Maudie & G. busy with costumes for chicks’ photos.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 17 July Lin goes D.V. to Ryde by 9 o’c train to join Ld Winterstoke’s yacht “Sabrina” until Tuesday, or Wed. Gleamy morg. Slept soundly & feel much better. Gladys & Maud photod Anne all morg. At 12 Maud & little L. to Nymans to lunch & to Arundel after where Lennie is territorialing & they got back late for dinner after v. tiresome day. Ethel Smart & her husband for week end, & dear Roy. Dear Lin wired fr. Ryde wish Weymouth. Sunday 18 July Lovely morg. Slept wonderfully well. Roy looks seedy, vy white & listless. Sat out with him morg. Rest to Church. Sat out afternoon & had tea out. After Roy & Mr Bridgeman played tennis & Gladys & I had a walk. Maudie wrote. Vy cheery little evg. Sorry darling has cards Sundays. Bed 11 o’c. Vy tired but well, am sleeping so well. Monday 19 July Splendid night woke 7 o’c. Roy left by 8.30 train, gave him £5. Mr Smart left by earlier train. Sat out all morg. working. Maudie & Gladys photoing children. The little Parkers over for the day, greatly grown with huge heads. Spencer arrived in time for lunch & Ethel Sharp left after tea when Effie Twiss came. Looks v. v. much older & a pity does her hair so oddly. Bright little thing. Letter fr. Dickie all well Weymouth. Tuesday 20 July Lin returns D.V. fr. “Sabrina” 7.45. He & Roy dined together at home. Mr Dalebrook (Seville doctor) & Mr Maerlaine came to luncheon & remained until 4.28 train. Mr M. vy nice with the children, played with them. Letter fr. Dickie Weymouth, found heat trying there. V. pleasant evg. Feel well after good nights & complete rest. Darling manages everything so well & so peacefully. Lovely day. Wednesday 21 July Splendid night again altho’ dogs woke me once barking. Too cold to sit out much & dull. After luncheon Maudie, Effie Twiss & Gladys went to tea with Ottie at Court House, Rosper. Cap. Loring there & Mrs M. They enjoyed it v. much. Gladys took photos. Spencer & I sat & walked in Kitchen garden. New (illeg) evg! Delightful day & evg. Bed 10.30. Thursday 22 July Slept wonderfully well. Dull morg. but thankful no great heat this year for Lin’s sake as well as my own. Sat out working on best silk skirt morg. Maudie & Effie to see about school for little Linley. Gladys left morg. for London. Went with Maudie, Spencer & Effie Twiss to Lady Loder’s garden party. Lovely grounds. Met Mrs (illeg) (lady on Orient) Mrs Keating, Lady Allen, Mr Renton, pleasant party. Home late 7 o’c, very merry all way there & back. Friday 23 July Maudie v. busy altering furniture drawing room, great improvement. Effie Twiss, Maud & self to Nymans & Linley boy Very dull party as usual there. Mrs Weld Blundell, Miss (illeg) etc. Walked round garden wth Mrs Messel. Vy tired evg, bed 10 o’c. S. (illeg) not feeling well saved himself feeling worse by remaining at home. Janetta slipped & fell with Lin near Albert Court early. Most mercifully Lin was only shaken & a slight scar on cheek. Janetta’s 2 front hooves graized. Lin was able to do his work without inconvenience & fnished earlier, & Roy dined with him. Saturday 24 July Slept fairly well, worried on Maud’s account must tell Spencer he cannot remain & Lin & Roy will be so disappointed not to see him. Told Spencer & felt a brute & went with him to station & saw him off 4.10. Looks better for his few days here & vy sorry he had to leave. Cap’t Henderson came in time for lunch, nice quiet man friend of Gladys C’s. Mrs Stewart ar’d at 5.30, next Roy & then Mr Stewart, &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 dear Lin at 11.30!!!P.M. Had been on one of the P.& O. day cruises. Pirries, Carlisle, McLarens, Caustons etc on board. Lin’s neck & cheek graized by fall, otherwise he seems well. Lennie returned at 11.30 fr. his soldiering, looks v. well. Vy pleased with Maud’s alterations in rooms, drawing room much nicer, piano other end. 11 at dinner. Sunday 25 July Slept fairly well, Lin so restless, rubbed his neck & face. Feel more than thankful he was not more hurt, sh’ll never feel happy when he rides now. Baron Reinbach arrived in time for breakfast! A vy nice amusing man & great talker. Cap. Henderson, Baron Reinbach, Effie Twiss, Mr & Mrs Stewart, Roy, Lin, self, house party. Mr & Mrs Messel, Mr Carlisle, Muriel, Mr Davson, Mr Bram Stoker, Miss Campbell, Miss Williams & Miss Bagg & Mrs Weld Blundell & Mr Cadogan came over to tea. Miss Mead & her fiance called. Vy pleasant dinner, sat next Baron who was most entertaining. Dear Lin looked v. depressed, neck ached, sat alone with him after dinner. Bed early. Monday 26 July The channel crossed yesterday at 4 A.M. fr. Baragne by a frenchman Bieriot to St Margaret’s Bay in 23 miniutes. Lovely morg. Stuarts, Roy, Cap. Henderson & Lennie return London by early train. Baron R. remaining until tomorrow. Had a little walk with Dickie round garden & sat there together some time morg. Maudie left with Hornsby for Edgar’s, Ravensdale Hall, Grimsby, early, going straight through fr. here. I drove Lin to Three Bridges 2.30. Baron lost in his walk & late for lunch. Lennie & Mr Cadogan came & all went to see School East Grinstead. Lennie tired & very rude to us all in turn! Tuesday 27 July Slept well after 12.30, woke at 7. Pouring wet day. Letters fr. Dickie. Edie came. Lennie & Mr Cadogan fished again in soaking rain. Mr C. looked vy tired. Lennie played. To bed 10.30. Quite pleasant evg. Wednesday 28 July Good night. Letters fr. Dickie & Maudie who seems to be enjoying herself v. much. Col. & Mrs Hickman at Edgar’s. Letter fr. Midge. Mad’lle J. came. Walked morg. Had tea in dove cot. Lennie & Mr Cadogan got 2 roach, saw them. Vy pretty fish with red fins. To bed early after 2 pieces on pianola. Lennie v. lively. Thursday 29 July Lovely day but windy. Edie came. Letters fr. darling, seems to be enjoying herself at Edgar’s. Col & Mrs Hickman & Mr Marriott, Lady Yarborough’s ball tonight. Drove Edie to Three Bridges & fetched Dickie fr. Balcombe. Still stiff fr. fall, but looks fairly well. Rested before dinner. Glow worm! Nurse F. brought in. Friday 30 July Mr Harcourt at Foreign office 10.30 to meet Delegates fr. S. Africa & Dominion national defence. Slept badly, Dickie very restless, but looks better. Darling Maud returns tonight. Lin goes after dinner to London, having to leave early tomorrow. Roy leaves at 2 o’c for Dinard to stay with Mr Stern. Mr Cadogan left. Gladys Crozier came. Lin left directly after dinner seems most unwise. Saturday 31 July Great Naval Review the Emperor of Russia & King Edward reviewing. We had 2 tickets fr. Mr Tomay for the “Adriatic” on which the Lords & numbers of Houses of Commons will be and which follows immediately after the Royal Yacht. All paid return to & from London. Wire fr. Roy. Ethel Sharp here. Ethel & Mr Fisher Dilke, Mr Ponsonby came. Invite to Mrs Breitmeyer 6.30 with Anne who took her doll. Lovely evg. Vy pleasant dinner. All working at Cotillion things. Aug 1909 Sunday 1 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dickie returned 12 P.M. last evg fr. review. Well & better, much livelier. Walked with him morg. All to Nymans after luncheon except Maud, Lin & self. Rained heavily. Nymans party returned early & went down & fished in Lake! Pleasant evg. Arranged about “Cotillion”. Monday 2 August Maudie’s dance at Balcombe. All vy busy morg. Mr Vaughan Williams came & Mr Herbert Smith (friends of Ethel Dilke’s) Lin & self walked morg. along new Rd. Fine, vy windy. Rested after lunch. Walked again with Lin to Lake, saw Baloon & kitten followed us had to put it over garden railing. 15 to dinner. (illeg) band delightful & Cotillion great success. All went off splendidly & the Sindicate worked splendidly. Maud, Gladys Crozier, Mr Fisher Dilke & Mr Talbot Ponsonby. Lin & self to bed at 2 A.M. (illeg illeg) Tuesday 3 August Slept well. Lennie, Mr Talbot Ponsonby, Mr Herbert Smith & Mr Fisher Dilke left early. Walked morg. & afternoon with Lin, never seems well after walking up hill from Lake. Slept after dinner. Wish he could break himself of this habit, so bad for him. Music evg. Feel seedy, get such disturbed nights. Wednesday 4 August Bad night. Darling’s birthday tomorrow. Dreadful accident to the nursery horse, fell into hole in field & was found dead this morg. Vy careless to have left the drain hole unprotected. Muriel over morg. Had little walk with Lin as usual. After lunch drove with him to Three Bridges. He seemed so seedy felt most anxious. Wish he would see a specialist, he gets angry if I suggest it. Mr Herbert Smith here to dinner. Maud, Ethel Dilke, Mr Cadogan, Mr Smith danced evg. I went off to bed early. Thursday 5 August Good night. Ethel Dilke left early 12 o’c. Perfect day, warm & sunny. Slept so well & feel better. Morg to post, bought 1/- stamps. Sat out. Edie came for music. Afternoon good rest & found Mrs & Miss Pennythorne at tea table on lawn. Did not remain. Miss Ethel Bagg arrived. Gladys & self to Lake. Mr & Mrs Messel dined here. Mr Cadogan here. Letter fr. Dickie all well. Vy pleasant evg. played cards. Darling’s birthday. V. happy day, all 3 chicks had tea with us. Friday 6 August Slept well. Glorious morg. Down 11 o’c! & to post. Wrote letters & made up July ac’t, pass book etc. Letter fr. Dickie. At ¼ to 4 to Mrs Hermann’s party. Maud, Linley, Anne, Gladys, Miss Bagg & self. Vy charming party & nice people. Blue Hungarian Band & wonderfully clever conjuror. Mrs Hudson, Mrs Loder, Mrs Williams, Horn etc etc & lovely garden. On to Messels after to say good bye. Sir Henry Kimber & another married couple there. Vy pleasant afternoon & evg. Tired. Saturday 7 August Lovely day. Send grey coat to Locks. Marie returned fr. month’s holiday. Dickie arrives by 4.30. Still no letter fr. Tabbie. Mrs Messel, Muriel, Sir Henry Kimber, Mr Gibbs & Mr Henning, Mrs Henning & Mrs Messel all came to tea. Major & Mabel Batley came to stay. V. delightful couple so bright. Mr Davson also to stay. Met Dickie at Station seems better & more cheerful. They played poker & I came to bed at 10.30. Sunday 8 August Lovely day, slept well after 1 o’c. Lin less restless. Sat out with Miss Bagg, Mr Cadogan, Mr Davson & Lin. Batleys & Maud & Lennie to Church. After lunch large party fr. the Oxleys, Hayworth Booths & Cohens & Mrs Lewis & Mr Read & another young man for tennis & tea under big evergreen oak, lovely. Mr Read & Mr (blank) remained on to dinner, 12 in all. Charades after, gramophone & Ethel Bagg played & Lennie sang.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 9 August Preparations begun for Flower show. Another lovely morg. Slept well. Lin seems better. Little walk morg with Dickie but very hot. Letter fr. Tabbie. Sat out with the Batleys, delightful couple full of fun & seem so devoted to each other. They left by 4.20 train. Gladys & Muriel came over morg. G. so far not enjoying herself. Mr Cadogan left with Lennie. Ellie Ritchie came, looks v. well, to stay. Miss Bagg played charmingly evg. I stole off to bed at 10.30. Tuesday 10 August Slept well. Lovely day. Sat out morg. Hornby packed for me. To post office, changed money. Miss Bagg showed us lovely collars embroidered. Lin seems vy cheerful & looks much better. Wednesday 11 August Lin & self return home fr. Balcombe. Flower show in Park, tents ready. Glorious morg. Feel quite sorry to leave after a delightful visit & feel worlds better but have seen nothing of my darling as she has so much to do, relays of visitors & so much going on. Wish we could have some of the dear old days of quiet reading & working together alone. Left by 12 train changing at E. Croydon. Comfortable journey. Found all well & looking blooming at home. Lunched 2.30 & Lin left after. (continued on piece of paper) Sent Antoinette to enquire after Mrs Spofforth. Mr Spofforth died last Monday aged 86. Lin did some shop’g before going to Punch dinner. Very hot in London. Left Ellie Ritchie & Miss Bagg & Mr Cadogan at Maud’s. Thursday 12 August Glorious morg. Dear Roy returned fr.Mr Stern, Dieppe, in time for breakfast. Looks wonderfully well & so brown. Vy hot, fear vy tiring for Lin’s work. Out morg. to Grove, bought foolish garment. Vy hot & too tired to think advantageously. Read to Lin, doing splendid drawing, Tumbril filled with Lords & Lloyd George in Incroyable uniform standing with his back to it as it passes. Roy out to dinner. Friday 13 August Glorious day. To Sloane St. Bought scissors & (illeg) strawberry. To enquire after Cap. Gibbs, saw Miss G. Hylda out. Cap. G. wonderfully well. Bought ugly hat & pr. of brown walking shoes, disasterous shopping in hot weather, too tired to think sensibly!!! Marie packed & worked for me. Dickie & self hopeless in heat! I feel cold after violent perspiration & seedy. Bed early, dear Lin finished 10.10. Saturday 14 August Go to Tabbie for ten days at The Anchorage, 2 o’c train. Glorious morg. Letter fr. my own, Effie with her now. Ferafully hot. Roy met us at Waterloo, took Antoinette & came by 2 o’c train, no stop till Christchurch. V. comfortable jouirney. Motor met us. A. sleeps out. Found all well & place lovely. Glorious over the sea which was as blue as Mediterranean. Sat out on Terrace before & after dinner, & bed 10.30. Sunday 15 August Slept well. Glorious day v. hot. Sat with 2 boys & Tabs till they went to Church alone (it seems so sad Tabs has become a Catholic) then Tabs & I joined Lin & Ham on sand bank. Roy rowed us across & sat facing sea, perfectly glorious. Poor H. unhappy about Tabs naturally. Rested till 4 after luncheon. Went with Ham & Gareth, Lin & Roy to Barton in car. Golf. Lovely (illeg) but horrid Hotel. Had tea there. Lin & self home together, rest later. Monday 16 August Day full of incident. Slept well. Lin & boys & Roy bathed early. Lovely day. Lin seemed tired & livery. After rest Lin & Roy in boat to Christchurch & Tabs & self in Car, joined them river bank & Dickie & I returned in Car after seeing Abbey, & Tabs & Roy in boat. Ham to see Lady Hylda, Ld de la Warre’s 90 ton sailing Yacht


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 alone, greatly pleased with her. Dickie w’d take 3 of my pills, took 1½ last evg no result. Tuesday 17 August Lin vy seedy indeed at 4 o’c & in pain from having taken 3 of my pills which he insisted on taking last night. Had to remain in bed until after lunch. V. seedy indeed all day. Poured in torrents. Went for drive with Tabs, called on Ricardos, out. Read to Dickie, seems better but looks so tired & seems so feeble feel most unhappy & anxious about him. Tabs & H. most kind. Roy, Gareth, Mervyn & self played bridge evg. Roy & I won. Wednesday 18 August Alternate fine & wet. Dear Lin seeming much better & went up to London by 12 train. In car to Sta. with H, Roy & Gareth who go for a golf day. Roy saw Lin off. Mad’lle Marconi arrived morg. Went for drive after lunch & rest to forest with Tabs with dogs. Zannie had operation morg, seems perfectly well. Walked with Tabs & dogs after tea. Mrs Sermon did not come to tea. Roy, boys & Mad’lle played Bridge. Tabs & self talked. Thursday 19 August Slept well. Fine morning wet later. Mrs Sermon called looks just the same. Walked with Tabs after tea. & went in Car with her to New Forest. Ham, Roy & Mrs Hooper to Gosport to see yachts, they returned 9 o’c. Bridge evg. Friday 20 August Pouring wet day but sat out ½ hour morg on terrace with Tabs. Tabs, Mad’lle & 2 boys in car to Bournemouth. Walked along sands after tea with Tabbie. Bridge evg. Roy & H. out all day. Saturday 21 August Lovely morg. I fetched Dickie 10 to 4 looked much better & seems better. Tabs & self then on to Lady Maud Hooper’s. Pouring wet. Met Lady Malmsbury pretty fair woman. Mrs Massey & a niece of Lady Maud’s amusing. Walked with Lin & Tabs along shore after changing into mackintoshes. Bridge evg, won first time being with Roy as partner. Sunday 22 August Lovely morg. Slept badly, but late. Lin, Roy & self sat facing sea. They both bathed & my sunshade rolled into sea, soaked thro’ but all right after. Ham to Church with the 2 boys first to Boscombe, too full, then to Christchurch Priory. Roy & Ham to Burton for golf. Lin & self to tea at Mrs Sermon’s, deadly dull house but wonderful collection of arms. Mrs Bellairs there. Found horse shoe on sands. Monday 23 August Good night. Neuralgia better. Letter fr. darling. Rainy, dull & cold. H, Lin & Roy were going for a day’s cruise! Fear impossible. Lin, Tabs & self to Bournemouth, Mercedes car. Drove awfully fast, near shave accident. Poured. Dickie seemed tired, believe fright hurt him. Walked along shore after. Bed early. Antoinette packed better, improving as maid vy much, & always attentive & nice. Tuesday 24 August Return fr. Tabbie’s. Beastly day, rained v. heavily & dark. Came up by 3.35, changed Southampton Water, drunken sailor party! Roy dined out, Dickie & I alone. Enjoyed dinner, had no tea! & lunch at 1 o’c. Dined 8.15 & bed early. Dear Lin bothered about Cooks, & wrote letters after dinner. Wednesday 25 August Darling Maud came 11.15 & went to Cooks with me Kensington. Sent flowers & brought orange studded with cloves, delicious. So glad to see her, lunched with us, & Roy in to lunch, he left after for Harold Messels, Gloucestershire, & darling had to meet Lennie at Frank’s, city, 3.30. Dickie went off directly after lunch to Cooks, will go by bus, makes me nervous. Antoinette & I unpacked, Marie out. Bed early.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 27 August Packed with Marie most comfortably morg, put away evg dresses with Antoinette. Decided to travel in brown coat & skirt. All ready comfortably. Friday 27 August Finished packing comfortably with Marie. To Bank, Barkers. Ethel Sharp at Staf. Ter. on return with masses of hats fr. Woollands fr. darling, alas none would do! Dear Lin finished work at 8, in drawing room by 9 o’c! All most comfortably settled & maids all most helpful & kind. Bed early. Taxie anxious to help also. Saturday 28 August D.V. Lin & self go to Homburg for 3 weeks. Left with Marie by 10 o’c Staf. Ter. Met Mr W. Hartree Vic. Sta. Glorious day. Met Cap. Dixon at Dover, crossed in “Empress”, met “Four Feathers” Mr Mason on board, introduced by Lin. Comfortable cabin. Marie & I lunched fr. E’s provisions. V.calm passage. Lin lunched bouffet (sic), v. hurried, one couple left behind. Excellent dinner Hotel Belle Vue but odd people vy. Sunday 29 August Awful night. Music Hall op. our rooms & processional bands with light procession could scarcely get any sleep, & awakened at 4 o’c by carts for the market line under Music hall. Carts with 4 dogs & donkeys made an awful row had never heard anything like it starting fr. 4 o’c A.M. I got no rest, Lin out early, breakfast in room. Pd bill etc. Train cram’d every place 4 Germans same carriage. Good luncheon with fees 15.50 marks. 5 each & Marie 2. Hotel Dom Cologne, op. Cathedral. Most excellent dinner, nice room facing Cathedral. Vy fine city, clear air. Monday 30 August Left Cologne excellent Hotel Dom 12.26. Drove round town 5f, went to Cathedral. Carriage to self, lunch train, bad. Lost beauty of Rhine by rain. Ar. Homberg 4.20, tea in our room. Went to see Doctor, Sanatorium. Lin to take baths Sanatorium, not to get up early, & water. Weird dinner/supper! Bad table service. Bed early. Strap stolen fr. Marie’s basket. Lin to take Elizabeth-water morg. & carbonic acid bath. Tuesday 31 August Marie fetched our Elizabeth water, most effectual with me. Called on Mr Causton. Dr. called 12 o’c. Bad night. Breakfast in our room, tea & coffee. Both Elizabeth water morg, Marie fetched it. Effective twice. Lin had bath. Carbonic acid bath 3.50, 50 man. Sat with Lin all time in room, well arranged. Excellent luncheon, plenty, rest after, out 4. Band Kursaal & walked after to Ludwig (illeg) took my glass & gave Lin tea & toast & walked back. Sat on balcony at tea house. Dinner. Early bed. Lin gave me in all £6.18.0 & 11 marks. Lin changed his slides in a dark room lent. Sep 1909 Wednesday 1 September V. cold, dull. Lin much better. Self feel sick tho’ both slept well. Troops passed. Lin photod. Called at 11 at Victoria Hotel saw vy nice bedroom sitting room for 12.50 a day tout compris, lovely reception rooms, lounge & garden. Then to Cooks & gardens. Heavy lunch but Lin & self only took fish which I left, horrid & chicken & salad & compote. Lin slept 2 hrs & I rested till 4. To Kursaal heard band. Met Mr Causton who walked us to Golf club with his cycle. Lin had tea, I too sick to touch anything. Introduced us to Mr Plowden, Col. Critchley & 2 Germans. Mr P. vy nice, all play golf. Could eat no dinner, horribly sick & bed directly after. Either fatigue or chill or beastly sour german wine. Lin did his photos again after dinner, changed slides. Thursday 2 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Slept well. Feel better but side feels v. weak & achey. Lin to Bath, Marie with him to take ticket 2 mks 25 pf. man ½ mk early. Had tea & roll. Remained in bed morg & feel better. Dr B. came. Lin better had his bath 2.25 mks 50 pf. Man says muscles stomach v. weak. Had chicken & potatoes & soup in room. Got up 3.30. Marie went for Lin’s fresh medicine. Lin to be rontgen rayed at 6 o’c at Doctor’s. Lin slept 2 hrs after lunch. We went out at 20 to 5, listened to Band. Had tea in tea place Louis Strasse. To Doctor’s, says dear Lin’s heart vy poor. Supper our room after. Colder, Lin not sleepy. Shall go with him (illeg) to see improvement in time here. Friday 3 September Toula’s birthday. Remained in bed till 9.30 feel tired but both slept well. Lin late to Bath & had to pay 3.25. He met Mr Causten. I had my first bath & walked down (illeg) Stras alone. Remained in after until luncheon. Interview with Proprietor. V. expensive here but hope to make arrangements. Luncheon. Rest. Sat out Kursaal in sun, splendid band. To Golf club after where had tea 1.40 poor. Much better supper, grilled fish, cutlets & stewed pears. To Kursaal all lighted up with red lanterns. Marie bought us (illeg). Met Mr C. who took us thro’ old Gambling rooms (illeg illeg). Saturday 4 September Mr Wagge called, they leave today. Glorious morg vy cold. Both slept well. Lin had bath Hotel, 2, making 3 with mine yesterday. The Town Council kindly pass us without paying as Lin is a press man! Morg. to Library read discovery of North Pole by Mr Cooke American, both poles disc. this year! Lunch, awful noise court yd whilst resting. V. angry, saw Pro. about it, & saw rooms above. Odd man in top hat doing chimney with long string & brush. India rubber (illeg). Walked to Elizabeth (illeg). Band there. Tea 1.80. Lovely avenue & tea place portico & columns white. Changed place at dinner near window & (illeg) self. Ordered dinner. Vy little but better. Sat our room after. Sunday 5 September Heavy rain during night & much wind. Rested longer. Lin bath 2.25, man 50, lift 30. Dull & sun alternately. Slept well, feel less tired. Out 11.30. Sat with Lin facing Kaiserhof Hotel, Kursaal Gds. Awful lunch 1½ hrs over 2 things, dreadful. Rested after. Sat listening to Band. Shower. American chatterbox. Walked to to Club, tea there again, Chatterbox there. Mr Plowden & Mr Causten called here, were out. Second special day meal. Lin bought cigars 1.5, tea 1.80, water ten pf. Bed 10 o’c. Monday 6 September Lovely day, slept well but tired & side much swollen. Marie’s cold no better. Out whilst Lin had his bath, 2.25, man 50, ditto 30 (illeg) 1 hr. To Cooks about trains Calais. Saw ap’t on Ritters Pk, vy poor. Dr came. Lin better but not to stoop for boots or anything on ground. Lovely day, warmer. To see pompiers after rest, bosh. Saw crowd children in gardens facing Kursal & 2 dummy figures carried along. Lin had tea Kursal 1 mark. To Ritter Pk for my Ludwig wasser, felt awfully bad. To Golf Club & leaving was 4 times ill among bushes! Walked home & to bed, felt v. bad indeed. Had bouillon in bed. Lin to Vic Hotel, saw Mr Causten, Sir F. Cawley & another gentleman & his son, they walked back with him. Tuesday 7 September Slept well but feel achey & seedy, certain over fatigue. Lin & Marie to Saalburg 10.30. No bath today except L. at Hotel. Fine day. Got up at 11 o’c & wrote. Feel better again but shakey. Food so bad. After lunch rested. Lin enjoyed seeing old Roman camp, castle built on site. After rest to hear band Kursal, to tea Bauer 1 mark & to Club. Saw Mr Causten & Mr Plowden in distance playing golf & Gen. Crutchley. Took Ludwig later & home. Poor dinner & fruit bad. Wednesday 8 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin has to have baths 3 days running, 19 minutes. Fine morg. Lin bath 17 mts 2.25, man 50, cigars 1.50 tea 1.30, inhalation 60. Stamps 40. Went morg. to Bank changed £10 got 20.35 for pound. Saw rooms at Ritters Park Hotel 14 marks 2 rooms! One sitting bed room tout comprit (sic). Beautiful sitting rooms & lounges & gardens. Lunch. Rest. Rain but went to tea shop full. Saw our General with 2 smart women. To Inhalation after. Lin had to sit in room in white dressing gown over his coat for ½ an hour in what looked like a dense white fog. (illeg illeg). My Ludwig after & back for dinner, good tonight, sole & chicken & fruit & nuts. Thursday 9 September Fine early. Bath 3 mks, stamps 10 pf, tea club 1.60, inhalation 70, water 10pf. Mr Causten called & Lin & I sat with him in Inn Kursal & looked at his photos. Lin vy done up with Bath 15 minutes, felt numbness. Fair lunch, v. little. Sat Kursal listening band, walked to Club, saw Mr Plowden. Gen Allen! Mysterious man. Saw Princesse Dol(illeg) Baron V. Mark. Lin inhalation & awful dinner, (illeg) underdone veal, wet fish nothing else. Friday 10 September Slept well. Lovely morg v. much warmer. The wooden house for Sunday’s burning charming quite a fine gateway & flowers in windows & on either side of doorway, lovely. To Market with Lin & Town gates. Left Lin photoing & sat in beautiful R.C. church. Bought 3 things for chicks 8.80, hat pins 4 marks, stamps 1.20. Doctor came just as we were lunching, but left. At 3.45 to listen band Kursal & to (illeg) Bauer, saw Mr Causten there. He left us hotel to play tennis. Dr came 5.30. Lin to take medicine again & bath tomorrow. To Golf club to pay subscription 20 mks. Saw Baron V. Mark, took water & home. Lin seemed more tired, stood about all morg. photoing market etc, v. silent. Letters fr. Maud & Roy. Pd hall porter 3 mks. Heard of Mr Harriman’s death, Railway king. American stocks will fall to ooo’. Saturday 11 September Lin had bath 12 mks, 2.25 & 50 pfs. Washing 4.60. Marie 50 pfs, Lin’s cigars 1.50, tea 1.25, water 10 pf. Lin’s inhalation 60. Stamped letter 25 pfs. Mr Causten called & took our photos. Lin read papers Kurhaus, he seeming vy weak & complains of toothache. At 4 o’clock to hear Band Ritters Pk. Had tea white colonade Mr Plowden came & talked. Lin had inhalation. I walked to Hill behind Baths & saw Zeppelin III distinctly & people moving in her. Fetched Dickie had water & fed duck & dined, everyone gone to Frankfurt for Dirigible balloon Exhibition. Sunday 12 September Lin not well. Lovely day. Great commotion about fête Firemen. All town decorated & gardens with lanterns. Processions with bands, 4 or 6 Bands & 1200 men all in uniform & music all day long & processions, flags, banners & decorated carriages with old gentlemen, big dinner at Kursal & fireworks to mark burning of Wooden House. Met Mr & Mrs Waggett. To Club & introduced to Prince Albert by Mr W. Tea there. Saw Mr C. often. To Kursal after dinner saw fireworks & splendid band. Gay scene. Great crowds. Monday 13 September Dull. Slept badly. To Frankfurt by 11.53. Saw Zeppelin starting & great crowd but missed seeing it rise fr. ground. Another large white Drigible near it. Wonderful sight. Took carriage for hour & drove to Römer House in old Market Place, beautiful old gabled building. Fine statue Germania & Bismark. Opera House. Play House. Good lunch Frankfurter Hof. Pouring rain. Museum shut! Ret’d by 3 train. Lin vy nervous & irritable made me feel quite seedy. Tea at Bauer. Mr Causton came during our absence, asked us to lunch with him & Prince Albert at Vic House & came again evening & sat some time. Tuesday 14 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin still seedy & tired, & vy quiet, feel combined baths too much for him. Doctor came 12.30. Lin had his bath carbonic acid as usual, told Doctor who wanted to give him more, he altered his medicine to drops, 20 in water 3 times daily. To take bath tomorrow & Friday only. Out alone to seek presents. Vy poor choice. Lin & I sat listened to band, changed £10 at Bank & pd bill £13.10.20. To club, tea, saw Mr Plowden. Took my Ludwig w. & Mr Causten came after dinner. He had been to buy present for his wife Frankfurt. Rainy & dull day. Wednesday 15 September Slept well. Lin had Bath. Again out shops, no sweets. Lin & self lunched at Victoria Hotel with Mr Causton & Mr Plowden, excellent lunch. Both Lin & Mr C. took photos of our table. After they went to play Bridge with Prince at Villa Carlotta. Lin & self listened to Band at Kursal Hall, splendid. To tea Bauer met Mr C. again. To enquire price of ribbon & diamond buckles £100, 200mks!!! Ridiculous! To drink water & Lin shot 10 charges at Schloss Halle. To Kursal Band after, met Mr C. & Miss Crutchley & 2 sisters. Tops after, Mr C. won 2nd prize. Saw Gen. Crutchley & 2 fine children. Thursday 16 September Alternate fine & dull. To Bank changed £10 circular note & £1 separate. Washing 3.50, postcards 1 mk, 1.20 stamps. Shop’d morg. Lin alone photoing & in a great state perspiration when we sat reading rooms. Gave Lin milk & brandy on return. Mr Causton came, took our photos in room. Walked in to tea at Club 5 o’clock. Sat heard band Kursal then to Club, found tables all spread out grounds & Mr & Mrs Gardener (Consul) Gen. Allen, Gen. Crutchley, Mrs Gibbs & her lovely girl of 13 & Eton boy, Miss Crutchley, Prince Albert & selves, Mr Plowden who left early. Delightful afternoon. Some left early for Opera Frankfurt. Lin & self walked home with Gen. Crutchley. Gen. Allen gave dinner Ritters Pk Hotel to Mr Causton, Gen. Crutchley, gardeners & Prince Albert. We had quiet peaceful evg. here. Lin v. cheery. Friday 17 September Mr Causton leaves by 1.17 train today, shall greatly miss him. Left a small buttonhole of fake roses to be put on his table. Prince Albert sent a white cauliflower with blue velvet ribbon & Miss Crutchley a rose buttonhole. Morg I changed gold & chose umbrella for Maud. Bought 2 hat pins. After lunch listened to Band & had tea with Mrs Crutchley, Miss Mary Lee, dau. of American General. Bought umbrella for Maudie, 32 marks. Hat pins 4 mks. To Kursal after dinner, met Miss Crutchley & Miss Lee & saw dancing after concert. Saturday 18 September Nicola Walker’s wed. day, Christ Church Lancaster, Coburg Court Hotel after. Dull, wet. Lin bought walking stick 27 mks & 2 cigar cutters for Roy & Lennie. I got umbrella for Maud 32 mks & 4 mks hat pins. Changed £10 & £2. Lin pd doctor £6. Edgar writes for £20 for Geoff, Ada refusing to join us in his expences. To leave pamphlet at Miss Lees. To hear Band Elizabeth’s (illeg). No band. Tea under cover Kursal. Early to bed. Vy tired. Horrid day. Sunday 19 September Beastly day. Pd Barrabas his bill £12. Grasping lot of people at Belle Vue. Left by 1.17, conveyance of selves & luggage to station only 3 minutes walk 6 marks, iniquitable! Travelled in same carriage with Gen. Allen, vy pleasant, reminds me of Edgar & Ham Fletcher’s dear face when he smiles & vy humourous. Vy stern & sarcastic otherwise. Horrid room Hotel Dom, terribly noisy. Good dinner bad wine. Bed directly after. Monday 20 September No sleep. Awful noise with (illeg) outside Hotel all night. Lin up at 4 o’c regular turn out in consequence of bad wine, so woke me & got no sleep at all. Good eggs & breakfast in room. Up & dressed by 6.30. Awful bother with luggage


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 registering at Station on ac’t of our free passes fr. Calais (illeg) it to Victoria as our Calais tickets only went to Calais & Lin had the other passes. Vy nice French gentleman Dr Simon fr. Siberia in our compartment showed us wonderful photos of majestic mountains in Siberia, also S. Russia as beautiful as Switzerland, much about mines. Good crossing, calm, & most comfortable journey fr. Dover to Vic. No trouble luggage. Roy met us & we dined together. V. fine, new moon, & wished! Beastly lunch in train, glad to get back to home food. Darling M. flowers & telegram. All well. Bed early. Tuesday 21 September Both slept well & late. Roy looking well & enjoyed his visits to Midge, Tabs & Harold M’s. Rested till 11.30. M. unpacked. My room looks vy nice & clean with its new white paint. Must get carpet. Curtains also been cleaned. E. & An’t look v. well. Lin rested before tea & slept in Roy’s room & had tea in mine. Fear stairs try him. In all day. Spoke to Maud by telephone. Wednesday 22 September Little Linley goes to school first time. Lovely day slept well & warm. Greatly afraid Lin already feels stairs & standing about in that beastly little hut over his photos. He rested after luncheon & slept in Roy’s room until tea which we had in my room. I went to Bank morg & ordered rolls for Lin’s breakfast each day. Looked over basement fairly well done but looks nice & clean now. Roy dined with Tabby& went to see Mr Guthrie’s play “Brass bottle”. Lin’s motor broke down ret’g fr. Punch dinner tyre burst, but home early. Antoinette out. Thursday 23 September Dull morg. Both slept well. Dickie looks more puffy than he did at Homberg, stairs I believe. Wretched morg. v. dark for his studies. Model failed & Antoinette stood to him. He looked v. tired after his rest at tea in my room & at dinner. Roy dined with us. To bed early. Electric light went out suddenly as I was getting into my bath, lucky not whilst Lin at work. Tummy ache on & off all day! (illeg) no doubt. Wish A’tte c’d be more thorough in her work, she scampers thro’ it & does not take time enough. (page pinned in) Gave Antoinette 24th Sep 1909 2 slop cloths, 2 large red striped basin cloths. Friday 24 September Glorious morg. Packed with Marie & read to Lin. Read Mr Balfour’s speech on Tariff Reform. Letter fr. Edgar about sending Geoff Con. £20 each Edgar Midge & self on his exchange of regiment fr. Irish Fusiliers to 3rd Skinners Horse. Also fr. Tabbie laid up sting fr. wasp on foot. Lin full of Brighton or Ramsgate scheme for winter. Bed early. Lin finished 10 o’c. Saturday 25 September Good night. Dull morg. Heavy rain. Dear Lin looks better than I dared expect after his work. Put all my letters & papers away & key of drawing room front window console in blue box on my toilet table. Came to Balcombe by 4.30. Met Gen Strachey, v.amusing. Darling Maud & Roy & little Oliver as “Cupid” & Anne met us at door. Large party. Mrs Gibson, Harold & Nonie, Edie Sismey, Maud Paxton. Played poker after dinner. Bed late! Sunday 26 September Last Sunday at this pretty church, new clergyman comes next Sunday. Good night. Lin’s neck & head soaking with perspiration when he woke at 20 to 8 o’c. Rubbed him with eau de Cologne. He was too late last night. Had good hours sleep on my sofa whilst I dressed after his breakfast. Had a short walk together, he seemed so feeble. Lunch & he again rested in my room till tea. Mr & Miss Hodgson, Mabel Beaumont & Mr & Mrs Cooper called tea. Lennie fished & got 4 (illeg) with Mr H. Booth. Short walk with Lin & dinner & eternal songs!!! & late to bed. Harold amusing at dinner. Monday 27 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dear Lin up twice at 6 o’c. Vy upset poor dear, able to manage for him, no one about, & he slept after. Gt Exodus. Harold, wife & Mr Gibson left. Fine morg. Darling little Linley’s first letter fr. school. Vy happy & illustrations over letter! Walked morg & afternoon with Lin, seems better but still weak. Lennie awfully rude before dinner. Seemed tired & (illeg), pity! Mr & Mrs Mead dined here, pianola. To Haywards Heath in car with Lin & Edie & Maud P. Maudie called in carriage at Lady Frederick’s. Tuesday 28 September Dull, wet. Slept well. Lin seems little better. Dr Parker came to see him, ordered teaspoonful arrowroot in a little water & milk (illeg) for internal derangement. Lin up early twice & vy upset. Arrowroot most effective. Lennie less tired & cheerful evg, had a good day. West Af. Mines jumped 25. Lin’s Millars K.over par. He delighted. Walked afternoon with Maud Edie & Lin. Pianola evg. Lin’s medicine arrived. Wednesday 29 September Good night. Fancy Lin bothered by letter fr. O.S., seems nervous. Pouring wet day. Lin up by 12 train, I saw him off. Wish he were stronger & hate his going alone. Mad’lle J. here lunch, & a lady to teach in Maud’s class needlework 12 girls. My darling gave me some lovely silk for evg. dress & beautiful collar. Lin a purse bag much needed, dear Roy letter & telegram. Maudie’s working class 14 girls & teacher came, had tea dining room. (extra page inserted) Miss Fitzroy came to tea. Vy interesting girls’ work copying Spanish embroideries. 2 cripples amongst them. We sat in conservatory room, they had tea in dining room. The village nurse comes also, a nice little woman & my darling sits with them, a vy happy little assembly, & good must come of it. Miss Hughes came by 4.30 train & Mr Kenyon, a curiosity collector who sells. Tall, fine, but effeminate young man, to stay night. Looked thro’ Lennie’s things. I saw Lin off at Sta, pouring in torrents. Hate his going alone. Bed 11.15. Thursday 30 September Lin writes he is going to do 2 drawings for Almanack, he ought not to do any! Spoke to Roy telephone, thought Lin all right, & was dining with him. Edie S. Miss Hughes, Maud & self for lovely run in Motor thro’ Bolney, Cowfield & (blank). Left Maud at Miss Douglas Pennant’s for tea. Mr Howard (Mrs H. Booth’s father) had tea with us & we met Maud after returning. Lennie’s new pianola came & he played it all evg. 10.30 bed. Oct 1909 Friday 1 October Fine generally. Lovely evg. To Brighton in Motor with Maud & Miss Hughes to see house, 32 Cromwell Rd, far too steep stairs & long way fr. Sta. No good. Saw rooms King’s Hotel, not impressed badly constructed building near Bedford Hotel. Tea & walk into town. Edie Sismay left by 11 train. Mr Reid, Lennie’s handsome subaltern came for night. Poker, lost 2/-. Bed 11.30. V. tired. Letter fr. Lin seems fairly well & cheerful. M. had letter fr. O. Seaman who thinks Lin looking much better. Sunday 2 October Roy had Mr Pollock to dine with him Staf. Fine & warmer. For walk morg. along New Road by Kitchen garden with Miss Hughes & dogs. Broke out into perspiration & felt v. tired after. Walked too fast, better after lying down on sofa. Ottie & Capt Loring came for week end, bright cheery man. Ottie v. yellow & depressed. Lennie played & M. & self did puzzles. Bed 11 o’c. Fetched Lin fr. station, seems fairly well & more cheerful. Mrs Worsley, & Mr & Mrs Martineau came with her. Sunday 3 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Very dark dull rainy day. Maud with Cap. L. to Slaugham Church to see Lennie with his reg’t. Read & worked & wrote morg. After luncheon Lennie & Cap. L. to fish in Lake, no luck. After rest Lin & self walked to Lake, v. v. dirty. Pleasant evg. Quiet evg. Ottie looks vy depressed & yellow. Cap’t Loring vy nice bright little man. My darling looks tired, wish she w’d rest one hour in day. Monday 4 October Heavy dull day, roads terrible. In all morg took papers to drain diggers. Dickie at work on Almanack under difficulties wish he w’d give up outside work, feel it is too much for him. Cap’t & Ottie Loring left in Motor at 3 o’c. Miss Hughes left at 12 o’c. Quiet evg. Lin & self for walk in spite of rain. He looked v. tired, think drive w’d do him more good. X. Miss Fitzroy & Miss Douglas Pennent to tea & to see Maud’s needlework. Pleasant day. Lennie tired but very amiable. Tuesday 5 October Dull heavy & warm. Lin breathed rather heavily during night but seems fairly well morg. Wretched day as regards weather. Read to Lin “Women of all ages” by E. R(illeg) morg. Darling busy turning out blouses afternoon, gave me 3 charming ones but she tires herself dreadfully. We had a drive after tea, rained. Lennie late, dined 8 o’c. Miss Fitzroy dined here. V. bright & cheery & interested in Lennie’s lovely things. He gave her a lovely fan. Left late 11.20. Bed 12 o’c. Wednesday 6 October Glorious morg. Lennie seedy in bed, not surprised after 2 v. long days in city. Sat with Lin, read all morg. Lennie down for luncheon looks seedy. Lin, Maud & self in Motor to Three Bridges. Dickie looks better but hate this extra Almanack work which is too much for him. After leaving him Maud & I went to see dear little Linley at Font Hill School, charming place so homey & exquisitely situated on v. high ground. Saw his bedroom, his shelf for books in schoolroom. Gymnasium splendid, cricket pitch & football g’d. & swimming bath with dead vermin & 3 fat frogs floating in it. 1 Sanatorium. Vy nice masters, Mr Radcliffe head, & tea. Linley boy a little bit sad at times but seems happy there. Vy nice Matron dressed as Hospital nurse. Lennie unable to dine with M. & self & went to bed 9.30, M. & self at 10 o’c. Thursday 7 October Lovely morg, slept well. Lennie better going to City, unwise! Maud & I lunched at Mrs Worsley’s. V. blowey but went in Victoria. Charming place overlooking down. A deaf lady visitor called “Tonie” fr. Oxfordshire v. nice, & governess & little girl. Saw farm, & Swiss arrangements for drying butter, excellent. Quiet evg. alone. Lennie better. Friday 8 October Lovely day. To Brighton alone after houses. Antoinette to Sta. with me. Saw 34 Lansdowne Place, vy nice, clean, £4.4.0 a week. 2 sitting & 3 or 4 bedrooms, afraid of stairs. To 6 Oriental Place also clean & v. dear & narrow St. Princes Hotel lovely room & dressing room. Hotel rather far out & in an awful state of muddle, repairs. £12 a week for us all, Lin. Roy & self & maid. Awful taste red drawing room. Norfolk Hotel too prohibative & Kings seems most likely, none quite what I want. Cab 5/-, fares 3/3 second class. Antoinette post 7d.. Mr Stuart Reid dined here & Poker after, bed ¼ p. 11 & not in bed till 12. Rested on return fr. B. & had tea in my room. Darling looks so tired, had her needle class & Mrs Oxley & sis. to tea. She will do too much. Lennie gave me £14 he had made on S.E. for me. Saturday 9 October Lovely morg. Slept well. Sat out on new terrace in sun. Lennie at home all day chop’g trees & fishing. We all rested & darling needed it most. I met Lin who seemed cheerful by 4.30. Gladys Crozier arrived early before lunch & Mr & Mrs Brownlow, she dainty little fair woman, a well bred woman. Mr B. opened Maud’s


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 eyes about Roy & hope solid results therefrom. Darling w’d move heaven & earth for us. Sunday 10 October Slept well. Lin looks better, gave him a soda mint last night, complained of indigestion, seems relieved. Wonder whether Maud may be able to help dear Roy. Mr Brownlow told her the M’s ought & could put a great deal in his way, & they do nothing for him & everyone knows it on S.E. Roy being always blamed for no fault of his own. Am v. grateful to Mr B. for opening my darling’s eyes. Wet dull day, but had a little walk with Lin before lunch. They all went to Nymans after for walk. Lin & self rem’d & had walk with Anne & O. & Fraulein. All ret’d to tea, rested dined & played roulette. Mrs Brownlow related & is niece to the Thorneycroft Platts who were so devoted to Maud. How strange! Monday 11 October Raining morg. Lovely Hungarian dovecote came for Anne fr. Germany we think fr. the dear Fraulein. Went for drive with Lin after tea, seemed vy depressed & tired, better later. Poured with rain. Called at Ldy Fitzroy’s she gave me cloth to show to Maud, both look wonderfully well. Mr H. Booth came for night. Played poker & Lin won 10/-. Meeting to which Lennie, Mr H. Booth & Maudie went for memorial to Canon Meade. Tuesday 12 October Dull heavy day. Maud & Gladys Crozier go up to London by Motor. Antoinette packed. Lennie & Mr Hayworth Booth up early train. Lin worked & I read to him, great excitement about his room his things being taken into West room instead of East room. All soon altered but felt v. seedy for a while, his getting so excited over things frightens & unnerves me. Went for lovely drive with Lin to Haywards Heath. Bought Strand & papers. Oliver out with Mrs Parsons. Bed early. Sat in Lennie’s smoking room after dinner. Wednesday 13 October Pouring in torrents & gale blowing had bad night. Vy anxious about Lin. Seemed worlds better lately & greatly interested in his Strand magazine in train. Came up to London by 12.12. Mad’lle at Maud’s for day. Lovely in London. Lunched Staf. Ter. rested after whilst Antoinette unpacked. All looks bright & nice but one misses silver. Emma & Marie have made 2 charming bedspreads fr. curtains I bought fr. dear Mother. Darling dined with me 8 o’c, cozy evg together. Sat with Roy whilst he dressed. He seems in good spirits. He dines with Harold & Nonie & goes to play with them. Thursday 14 October Lovely bright morg, colder. Lin coughed a great deal last night & I slept vy badly feeling anxious. Lin seems better this morg, says he feels better than at Balcombe! Sure something wrong there as no one seems well for long there except self! Maudie sent Motor 11.30, Black as footman! Called Coburg Hotel, Midge out. To Maud saw her fitted with two lovely dresses. Read to Lin afternoon & Roy dined with us. Bed early. Odd uric acid gone entirely, must be Balcombe water & too many good things there! Friday 15 October Dull, rainy. I lunched at Coburg with Midge, Ethel Mervyn also. Talked much over Tabbie’s change of religion. H. F. still v. angry. Saw Lady M. Watney, Vernon, Rosalind & Mr Wallop, who are evidently staying at Coburg. Had Taxie there 2/-, cab home 1/8. Ordered 2 tins of biscuits at Barkers for tea. Canon Pennyfather & Eva Bosanquet to tea. Read to Lin after. Silver in drawing room looks v. nice (illeg) & plants needed. Dickie finished 9.30. Darling thing seemed tired. Saturday 16 October Very dull. Dickie did not cough, second good night for him, has taken a little bicarbonate of soda in water after dinner both nights & am sure it has corrected


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 acidity. Slept badly no doubt having to think after having nothing to do for so long! Lin out to lunch & in at 5 for tea, seemed v. tired & lay on my bed for ½ hr resting. Roy dined out, v. anxious about the Dad. I shop’d morg & called after on Lady Mead & Mrs Spofforth, both out. Marie read to me an hour. Bed early. Darling called & saw Lin when I was out. Sunday 17 October X. Mr & Mrs Allen & Midge & H. dine with us at 8. Beastly day. Slept badly & Lin awake during night but did not disturb me, weather or having to think cause! as I have slept so well at Balcombe. Lin coughed good deal. Too wet to go out morg. Lovely afternoon. Dora came looking v. handsome & taller! But so affected & not the dear bright Dora of old. Had tea here & Miss Rose Innes came, talked v. loud & tired me muchly the dear little soul. Allens v. agreable especially him. H’s expression not softening with age. Midge looked v. handsome. Monday 18 October Slept badly, Lin restless. Big medical dinner Lin invited. Beasly day, dull close & damp. Went out morg shops, met Mr G. Keith, Mrs Devonshire who sent me on Lady Cardigan’s book, shocking an old lady c’d publish such stories but it greatly amused Lin when at work! Met Dr O. looking much older. To bank, had £45 transferred to Lin’s account. X. Homburg expences. My darling came loaded as usual with all sorts of lovely things, looks tired. She & Lennie go to Scotland tonight. She came in motor on her way up fr. Balcombe. Roy dines with them tonight. X. Sold my 7 Harrods Ord. shrs at 4½, £31.18.9. Lin dined at public dinner. Antoinette out. Marie read to me after dinner, Emma v. heavy cold & toothache. Tuesday 19 October Out morg shop’g. Slept badly, dear Lin so restless. Walked in gardens, met Ethel Fisher-Dilke. Read to Lin before & after lunch. Saw Benions yesterday about (illeg). Fanny & May Nembhard, Miss Innes & Lady Mead came to tea. Lady M. v. frail. Gladys C. dined with us. (paper pinned to page) 12 jars Quince jelly, 6 Quince preserve, 6 Blackberry jelly, 8 Apricot preserve. Wednesday 20 October X. Roy sold my £200 in Louisville & Nash for 15(illeg) Total £314.6.6. Dull & raining. V. bad night & felt so sick during night. Lin was not still one moment, fear will be ill again if bad nights continue, feel utter wreck again in nerves. Letter fr. Edgar & roses fr. Midge for our wedding day. Edgar came to tea looks v. well. Lin sent off first Almanack drawing before lunch & rested after. Letter fr. darling Maud. Roy dined out. Rained all day. Lin seemed brighter & talked to Edgar. Marie out. Thursday 21 October Miss Rose Innes tea, & Mrs Mivart 13 Staf. Terrace, forgot both! Terribly careless. Slept in Antoinette’s bed old maids room & had a far better night & feel refreshed. Lin does not seem well, so breathless & yet says he was better at P.dinner. I took om. to Bond St saw nothing in dress line I care for. Met Fanny Barker, Mary, & Margery Howlden at Browns. On to my Albemarle Club. Wrote to Maud there, most luxurious & clean. Ordered 3 Comice pears Barkers. Put away my 4 best evg dresses with Marie in drawing room, read to Dickie. Lin v. tired & white at dinner, Roy & v. self anxious. Roy dined at home, feel so sorry for him poor boy as its so sad for him, one of us always seedy. Friday 22 October Slept in our room. Lin did not smoke & coughed much less & we both had better night. Fine but no sun after early morg. Shop’d Kensington. Read morg. & afternoon to Dickie who seems to be getting on well with drawing, Lamb as Budget & Lloyd George hauling it over to Butcher Lord to be killed! Beautiful drawing. Read Lady Jeune’s book, vy well written and interesting. Also a little of


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 “Beau Sabreur” by Marshall Genet about Königsmark. Roy in early after dance. Lin finished 9.15! Saturday 23 October Fair night, woke often. Lin quieter, has not smoked for 2 days. After lunch in taxie to see “Don” Haymarket. All strangers but excellently acted & charming piece, enjoyed it v. much. Lady Monkton in op. box. Home in 4 wheeler, more restful! Bought fruit at Butts. Roy dined with us. Lin seemed v. tired & eat little. Bed early. Asked Dr Beauchamp to call tomorrow. Sunday 24 October Slept badly. Lin started his old cough. This yesterday, Did not smoke. Mr Silver & Fanny & Mary Barker dine here. Dr B. called 10 o’c, coming again at 12. Glorious morg. Roy out luncheon. Unable to go out on ac’t Dr B. & Lin busy with last Almanack drawing. Did flowers. House looks so charming in sunshine, shall hate leaving it again. Major Welman & Mervyn & Ethel called late rather. Lin with me for tea. Vy pleasant evg but Lin coughed greatly, he slept 1½ hrs after lunch & needed the rest. In all day. Glorious morg. but v. windy. Monday 25 October Lady Keyes up fr. Hampton Court for day with her dau. Hope they will come to tea. Edgar & Sophy dine with us tonight. Lovely morning. Another v. bad night, dear Lin awfully seedy with cough. Met Spencer & went for a walk, & he ret’d to luncheon here. V. anxious about Lin. Lin started sour milk tabloids. Mr Kerr called. Read to Lin. E. & S. look wonderfully well. Roy dined at home. Lin’s cough most troublesome. Fire in our room. Tuesday 26 October Asked Effie to luncheon, can’t come. Restless night but better than last. Dear Lin coughed a great deal all day causing breathlessness. Working on 2nd Almanack drawing. Read a little to him but my throat vy painful. Using pomogranate of potash constantly. Lady Keyes, Mrs Minivart & Alice Linley to tea, former still distinguished looking, beau. figure. Dr Beauchamp came to see Lin, slight temp. Made him go to bed & have his dinner there. Says his heart v. weak fr. cough & he cannot sleep. Vy unhappy as he needs it so much. Wednesday 27 October I have tea with Major Welman at his Club 4.30 sharp. Cannot go. Wretched night, Lin no rest, my throat v, painful. Fire in my room. Roy greatly distressed about Dickie. Lin cannot do work this week. Pouring & blowing hard. Dr Beauchamp came. Wants us to get off at once, going Saty 30th . Telephoned Hotel “Kings”. Upton to Bouverie St, easy subject & Lin panting to do it, will decide tomorrow morg. Raven Hill calls 10 o’c. Thursday 28 October Effie to lunch. Put her off. Lin v. seedy indeed, will do week’s drawing. Mr Raven Hill called 10 o’c to see if Lin w’d do it. Subject Guy Fawkes at H. of Lords, footman taken fr. dear Con & Guy F. fr. Lin as Frans Hals. Beautiful drawing. Wretched day. In all day. Roy packing & to Club after, dined at home & went by night mail to Scotland. Vy unhappy about Lin who looked worn out & coughed v. much, but loves doing his work. Nothing relieved cough until early Friday morning. Edgar came at 5.30 & sat some time with me in morg. room. Covered up drawing room with Antoinette. Friday 29 October Wretched night. Lin coughed incessantly, took 2 Bromide doses but got no sleep till 5 o’c. Continuance of gale & rain, windows & doors creaking. Unionist ret’d for Bermondsey, Mr Dumphreys!!! Lin worked & I read after packing with Marie, so many medicines etc to remember. Hope shall forget nothing. Head feels so bad after so many broken nights. Marie helped me to pack but so doleful, wish


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Antoinette had done it. Pity Marie gives way so much to (illeg) as she is so capable & good when not in one of her moods. Saturday 30 October Maudie caught salmon 17 lbs. Very clever of her fr. boat! She & Lennie leave Melrose tonight for Lancaster Gate. Taking Antoinette as Marie foolish. Hope to go to Kings Hotel Brighton today. Left by 3.40. Edgar met us Victoria. Lin vy weak & cough troublesome, it exhausts him. Perfectly wretched day & rained. Comfortable journey & very comfortable Hotel. Had tea in Hall, vy cozy & Lin seemed pleased. Our room very nice, large, 2 sofas & 2 arm chairs, dressing room, fire & most cozy. Mrs Evans proprietoress came & talked to us after dinner in dining room. Gt admiration of Lin’s work & Punch. Sunday 31 October Perfectly wretched day. Fair night, we woke 3 times but slept fairly well after. Put mustard leaves on Lin one chest & left shoulder. Slept better after. In all morg. V. comfortable room overlooking sea, alas no sun. Darling Maud & Lennie returned by night mail fr. Melrose. Motored fr. Lancaster Gate to Balcombe & Maudie came on here 4.30. had tea with us in our room. After lunch walked on parade & Lin completely exhausted, must not walk! Maudie laden with presents as usual fruit & flowers. V. anxious about dear Lin he seems so weak & very breathless after dinner, came up at 9.30. Contreville(?) 1, soda 1. Small dinner. Lunched finished last night’s contreville(?), Lin brandy. Ordered best Hollands. Nov 1909 Monday 1 November Letter fr. Midge, sunshine at Bedstone, none here! White thick fog. Horrid day. Slept fairly well woke 3 times & put dear Lin one mustard leaf on chest 12.30 & another on left shoulder 3.30. His breathing so laboured first part of night, easier after. Having Lin’s Homberg tonic made up, don’t believe in Dr Beauchamp’s. Darling Maud coming over for the day, arrived at 11.30 with Dr Parker who says Lin has slight bronchial trouble right side, hence difficulty breathing. To take fresh medicine & not to go out in damp. Hopeful. He seems vy weak still. Maudie remained to lunch & tea. Darling child full of thought & decision & loaded with all sorts of things!!! as usual. She read to Dickie & cheered him up, he gets so depressed. Tuesday 2 November Only fair night. Glorious sunny day & v. warm. Took Lin out in Bath chair for 1½ hrs. Roy came in time for luncheon. Lin vy breathless & coughed a great deal. He would go out again in Bath chair at 4 o’c for half an hour. Roy to Metropole whilst we rested. Had H’s second partridge. Lin had sandwiches for dinner. Roy travelled last night fr. Galbraiths, arrived in London this morning. Wednesday 3 November No fire. Only fair night, Lin so breathless & wheezie. Barringer telephoned fr. Lancaster Gate to my room! Answered him when at breakfast. How strange it seems & I c’d hear him as distinctly as if he were in next room. White fog here, raining in London. Lin seems little better, gave him no milk 11 o’c! Enjoyed his luncheon of roast pheasant & Roy too. I immediately after had Bath chair & took him for an hr. on Parade with Roy. Tea in drawing room after & rest in our room after that. Cough again troublesome. News of Mr Frith’s death yesterday morg, 3 o’c. Only ill 2 days, in 91st year. Thursday 4 November Lovely day. Fair night, slept after 1.30. Lin coughed dreadfully after dinner last evg & until 1 o’c night. Two mustard leaves back & front. Took Lin morg in Chair with Roy to Pier, listened to 4th Royal Irish Dragoons (Douglas’ Reg’t) band. Cold wind overcast later. Pheasant for lunch. Out in chair for 1½ hrs along parade


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 after. V. tired. Met Gen. Strachy. Lin c’d not rest for cough but seems better in himself. Maud at telephone about doctor for Lin. Lin vy angry but Roy & I feel it necessary, making no progress. Friday 5 November Glorious morg. Only fair night. Lin coughed incessantly. 2 mustard leaves again. Slept later. Went at 11.30 with Lin in Bath chair part of way along Parade & returned in case Maud arriving. Roy with Lin. Maudie came to luncheon. Alas! had finished our roast pheasant! After lunch in Car along front to extreme end of Kings Town. Deplorable numbers of houses to let! W’d not hire these these if home & income provided free! Deadly absolutely. Antoinette completely lost her head, pity she so flighty, would be a real treasure if more steady & thoughtful & tidy. Roy & I played Poker patience after dinner. Lin coughed great deal. Saturday 6 November Another glorious morg. Bad night until 1 o’c but Lin seems really better & stronger in himself. Another fog in London. My darling off to Bristol to see Nana, too much for her. Out morg. with Lin bath chair & Roy, saw Norman Forbes Robertson & Mr Morley, too tired to see houses as hoped. Out again after lunch. Lin very breathless & worn out. Paid bill £15.9.8, week. Moved into another room, higher up. Antoinette got grapes & medicines. Sunday 7 November Vy bad night, dear Lin very breathless & sat up nearly all night, coughing & laboured breathing. Went for walk along Parade, Lin in Bath chair, & Roy. Maud & Lennie with Dr Kingscote arrived 12.30. Dr K. thoroughly examined Lin & he is to undergo treatment in London entirely different. They all 6 lunched & had tea here. Dr K. most hopeful, & we are to leave here tomorrow for home, telephoned Emma. Roy left for home with Dr K. 5 o’c, darling & Lennie in car at 4.30 for Balcombe. Lin taken by surprise, did not dare tell him, glad after. Met Sir John & Lady Hare morg. on Parade. Lin deadly sleepy nearly fell off chair at dinner. Monday 8 November We leave by 1.20 train for home. Pd bill £5.0.0 & £1.10.0 fees. Glorious morg & all ready in time. Lin out at 11 till 12.30 in Bath chair, lunched 12.30, one of Maud’s pheasants, milk pudding. Darling met us at Brighton with Barringer & chair for Lin, came up in Pullman. Roy met us Victoria. Maud’s carriage brought us home & she had ordered hot milk & her house maid was here helping, the house looked beautiful & most cozy & fires everywhere. Lin vy exhausted after journey. Darling read to him. Dr Kingscote & Mr Green (assistant) came 5 o’c. Lin had first administration of Oxygen & seemed much better for a time & enjoyed his dinner. Darling remained until late. Lin vy exhausted coming up after heavy sleep in morg. room & c’d not sleep until late. Roy dined out & stays at Maud’s. Tuesday 9 November Home & bad night, but Lin seems better & brighter, breakfast in our room. Emma v. bad cold. Mr Green comes at 10.30 to administer 2nd Oxygen, & exercises. Lin has to be left entirely alone on bed for an hour after & he hates it, being left alone, & is terribly nervous. I went for drive in darling’s carriage with Ellie Ritchie for an hour. Maudie remained with Lin, & all day until past 11 PM. Roy came to dinner. Dr Kingscote came 5 o’c, & Mr Green for second time for Lin’s oxygen & exercises again, he hates being alone after. I sat with him whilst he had dinner, is v. depressed & difficile & feel my own nerves (illeg) after so many bad nights. He slept after dinner starting new digestive medicine, 5 drops in water. The dear children left at 11 PM where Roy sleeps. Gave them old Champagne at dinner they needed it. Wednesday 10 November Rather better night. Lin slept 3 or 4 hrs together. Bright morning, he seems slightly better but dreadfully put out about grapes not arriving by 7.30, got them


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 8.30 all right. Had interview with Mr P. Agnew. Vy trying & anxious & fear ungenerous, so afraid of saying what was right & wise, so difficult. Maudie here all day & she & Roy dined with us. Maudie great comfort. In all day. Nurse here for night but I slept with Lin. Thursday 11 November Bad night, feel v. worn, dear Lin slept so little. Nurse came in early. Lin looks better colour in spite of bad night. Maudie arrived & sent me & Gladys Crozier for a drive in Vic open carriage, vy cold wind. Ordered wine for Roy at Barkers. Lennie arrived from H. Langleys instead of going on to the Fletchers. He saw both Mr Green & Dr Kingscote who are pleased with Lin’s progress. Roy came & both he & Maud dined here, Maudie with Lin, she is marvellous & soothes him more than anyone & reads him to sleep. Lennie dined out. I had a rest whilst Maud read to Lin after luncheon. Had talk with Roy & wish so much of his happiness did not depend on the luxuries of life, dear Roy he would be so much happier. Friday 12 November Nurse slept in Lin’s room, he had a good sleep after dinner & Nurse rubbed his back & he had a fairly good night. Went in to see him 2 o’c when Nurse made him & herself tea. Lay awake 2 hrs then slept till 6 o’c & at 6.30 went into Lin’s bed & had early (illeg). Maudie here all day. I had drive. My darling greatest comfort. Dear Roy comes every evg. Saturday 13 November Fair night. Thought Lennie & Maud dining with us tomorrow but they did not. Dear Lin restless & coughed more again, declared Bad Egg! at breakfast, great flatulentcy. Had a drive in Maud’s carriage, she remained with Lin & read to him & Lennie came & fetched Maud & all three went to see the “Whip”. Lin & I dined alone in Roy’s room. To Bank about 10 shrs in B.A.Western new issue, decided to buy 10 shrs 4% 1913. Sunday 14 November Dull, wretched night indigestion & coughed a great deal. I went in to see him 1.30 for second. Seemed vy weak after in bath. Maudie came to luncheon which she had with Lin in his room & read to him. We both sat afternoon with him but he c’d get no sleep. Mervyn came morg. saw him in Roy’s room, looks ill. Vy dear & sympathetic. Dear Roy came morg. Mr Green came & gave Lin oxygen after tea. Lin swallowed milk wrong way & made himself vy breathless. Lennie came & fetched Maudie at 6 o’c & Roy dined with Lin & me in Roy’s bedroom. Vy cozy & Lin seemed brighter. Taxie on sofa! by Lin’s side. Maudie & Lennie dined at Hylda Gibbs. To bed 10 o’c feel v. tired. Monday 15 November Bank clerk called shrs in B.A.Western gone up & must pay more. Vy bad night. Heard Lin coughing & much moving about but afraid to go in to him. Went at 7 o’c. Nurse said he had had v. little sleep but he seems stronger on his legs after his bath. Dull rainy, fine later. The King of Portugal arrives Windsor today. Gt preparations. I went to stores in M’s carriage got eau de Cologne. I walked down Row ret’g fr. Stores, met Dr O. Vy doleful. Maudie remained to dinner & read Lin off to sleep after, splendid. Dr Kingscote & Mr Green vy pleased with Lin’s progress in spite of sleeplessness. Ada Sp. called. Tuesday 16 November Much better night!!! Lin slept much better & coughed less. Had only sole & soufle & cream for dinner last evg. which we 3 had in Roy’s room. Roy dined with Mr Stern. Lovely morg & Lin looks much better. Pouring wet morg. Wrote in morg. room. Dr K. did not come. Dad seems much better. Roy dined with us in his bedroom. Lin bad indigestion. Maudie here all day but had to return for dinner Sir Hugh Lane dined with them. Wednesday 17 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bad night, dear Lin slept so little but got 3 hrs after 3 o’c. Fine early. Maudie sent carriage for me & I went to Bank about purchase of £100 B.A.Western 4% new issue 1902. Lennie bought me £400 in New York Telephoney Co 4½ %. Find I can do this & leave £90 to current ac’t fr house etc. Drove after to see King Manuel of Portugal arriving fr. Windsor, took darling Oliver & Fraulein, saw them pass, King M. & Prince of Wales & (blank) fr Park. O. delighted with royal arms over carriage & wishes he was the son of a King! Maudie here all day. Dr K. delighted with Lin! Certainly better, cut out pictures all afternoon & enjoyed lunch. Dr K. vy funny & amusing on silver! & we had lively talk over (illeg) jam & cream tea. Maud & L. dine out Mrs Leon’s, & Roy dines here. Marie out afternoon & evg. Roy dined here. Thursday 18 November Only fair night. Lin coughed & had much flatulentcy. Maudie came & stayed with Lin while I went to Harrods & then came back & fetched Lin!!! who went out in our brougham driven by Beach & Maudie’s horse. Drove Lin round Pk. for ½ hour. Vy weak & breathless. Maud, Lin & I lunched dining room together. Lin’s legs terribly swollen & he v. breathless. Roy out to dinner. No doctor today. Quiet evg alone. Lin’s legs v. swollen after his drive & breathless would sit with legs down. Slept after dinner a little. Friday 19 November 2 brace pheasants fr. Mr D’Arcy, 1 brace fr. Mr Corrie! Dear Lin had a much better night more restful & I too! Mr Green pleased with progress but must keep his legs up on ac’t of great swelling in ankles & legs. Fine & v. cold. Maudie took us out in her carriage for 1¼ hr round Park, & lunched with us. She left after tea to go to meet Lennie at Sir H. Laws & dined with Mrs A. Lewis. Roy away all day as he had a cold & afraid of Lin’s taking it. Dr Kingscote came evg stayed v. short time. V. pleased with Lin’s progress. Lin vy tired & uncomfortable but slept after dinner which we had alone. Saturday 20 November Lovely day, cold. Lin better night. No doctor came. Lin & I went went for an hour ¼ drive in Park, he seemed better but kept dozing off. Maudie lunched here & went after to Mr Brodie’s wedding, Miss Hart, at Claridges Hotel. Hylda Gibbs brought lovely plant in pretty china pot, vy kind. Wire fr Midge enquiring after Lin. He seems nervous & depressed, so afraid of not sleeping. Roy came to enquire, can’t dine afraid of his cold. Maudie dined here, not Roy on ac’t of his cold. Lennie Nymans. Sunday 21 November Lovely morg. Dickie had bad night, heard him often during night & Nurse moving about. At 12 o’c he & I went in Maud’s carriage to Wimbledon Common, lovely drive by Roehampton Lane which he enjoyed v. much. Lennie at Nymans. Maudie lunched with us. Roy could not as he has a cold & afraid of Lin’s taking it. Several callers & enquiries. Lin had treatment 5 o’c & was vy seedy all afternoon with flatulentcy. Lennie fetched Maud & seemed depressed about Lin’s progress, Maud thinks taking too much & can’t digest it. Monday 22 November Lin had good night, 5 hrs sleep. Went for drive at 12 to Hampstead in Maud’s carriage, lively & greatly enjoyed it. Maud lunched here. Dr Kingscote came. Pleased progress but says stomach distended, too much food, Maud right. Vy uncomfortable after 2nd treatment & during dinner which he & I had alone in Roy’s room. Roy dined morg. room! Maud & Lennie dining out with Messels. Gt commotion over Ld. Lansdowne’s speech against Budget in H. of Lords. Tuesday 23 November Vy bad night starting new regime, no milk at night only Valentines meat juice & meat jelly, after treatment also. Slept vy badly self, heard Lin coughing & nurse moving about all night. Went to see about rest for Lin at Barkers & man in shop


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 on hearing name said how long & much he admired Lin’s work. Maud took Lin & self in Motor to Richmond, Ham, Bushey, Hampton Court, Twickenham, Teddington & Kingston, Roehampton & Putney, Barnes, perfectly lovely & Lin loved it & came out of himself. Some sun. Enjoyed our lunch after. Lin v. tired after. Dr Kingscote came new Vibrating Treatment, legs much swollen & painful. Coming to see Lin at 11.30 tomorrow. Roy dined here in his room with Lin & self. Lin very breathless & uncomfortable all evg. Nurse came 10 to 10. Roy v. unhappy & anxious about Lin, sees no progress, cerainly v. bad day. All milk stop’d only Valentines meat juice & Brands Essence. Nurse Woods rather tired out with bad nights. Nellie Keith came & sat with me in Roy’s room for a little while. Wednesday 24 November Lovely day. V. cold. Good night. Dr Kingscote came 10.30 whilst Mr Green here. Maudie here also. Decided to have another opinion, Dr Goodhart great heart specialist & a day nurse. Lin took kindly to his day nurse. Dr K. came twice. Lin’s legs much less swollen being in bed all day. Maud & Roy dined with me dining room, Nurse with Lin. I v. tired & nervy, long after bed all day. I went for short walk morg. Antoinette out afternoon & evg. Thursday 25 November Lin had much better night in spite of 3 hrs sleep during day yesterday. Sat with him after Mr Green left, v. restful & quiet. Darling came 12 o’c & remained till 7 o’c as Lennie has dinner party. Dr Goodheart came in consultation with Dr Kingscote 3 o’c. They were here long time. Lin v. nervous. Dr Goodheart confirmed all Dr K. had said, to lie up, vy little food & great care. Very serious, left hopeful. Roy came home 3.30. Maudie as usual doing all bless her, paying, writing, arranging & supplying our every want, so brave & good, a perfect marvel. Lin rested hour after treatment. Roy dined with Maud, & I alone in morg. room, & sat with Dickie whilst Nurse had hers. Thick fog, carriage w’d not take Nurse & Lin was on sofa awaiting his night nurse who did not arrive until 11 o’c! & Lin vy tired & nervy, consequently bad night, coughed a great deal. Friday 26 November Bad night. Lin coughed much & breathless. Dr K. came at 10 o’c & told me there was hope with care & that he felt confident. Dr Goodheart had nothing to suggest except the digestive pill they thought out together. Felt v. low but darling came & cheered me. Went for a little walk with Gladys in Kensington & ordered things for Lin & felt better. She would not remain to luncheon. Lin enjoyed his lunch & had an hour’s sleep whilst Maudie sat with him. Restless afternoon, & vy bad evening in great state of excitement over everything & Nurse Wood not here till 20 to 11 fretted him. 2 brace pheaants fr. Paul Foley, 2 brace fr. (blank). Saturday 27 November Account in all papers of dear Lin’s illness & telephone going all day long, & doorbell enquiries & paper reporters. Very bad night. Lin coughed incessantly until 5 o’c, felt wretched & c’d not sleep. Roy & Maud round early. Dr K. came early, both he & Mr Green say Lin’s pulse better, Dr K. v. hopeful. Herkomer wired reply paid. 2 brace of pheasants fr. Freddy Digby & 2 brace fr. Hamilton F. Went with Roy for hour round park morg. Rested after & slept felt v. unwell & my side feels painful. Changed Lin’s bed, Roy’s & ours in Roy’s room. Day nursery. Most restful & quiet. Marie superintended changing of beds at 9 o’c & man helped Upton. Lennie came & cheered Lin. Tried vibration. Roy dined here with me. Darling here all day till 7.30. Lin had better day. V. wakeful evg. & choaked over his Hollands badly. Vy weak after. Sunday 28 November Lin slept badly. Walked morg. took Taxie. Maudie here all day. Lennie to Hampton Court with Sir Hugh Lane. Lin seems weak (continued on loose page) & restless.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Many callers & telephone going. Lennie came in evg but tired Lin, so noisy & restless full of go & high spirits too much for Lin. Roy dined with me & very depressed as dear Lin’s legs were so swollen & his cough troublesome again. Feel v. anxious. Dr Kingscote came evg. Mr Owen Seaman came saw him seemed v. anxious & was most kind & sympathetic. Saw Dr K. & stayed some time, does not seem v. well himself. Monday 29 November Dear Lin coughed until 2 o’c this morg. then went to sleep. Looked v. pale when I went in to him at 9 o’c & Nurse had to wake him for his breakfast! Vy drowsy after & had good sleep of an hour afternoon. Went in Maudie’s car when she came to be with Lin at 11.30 for half hour in Park & we lunched together. Lin had roast pheasant & milk pudding & v. much less flatulentcy. Tabbie came & saw him for a moment, the first visitor he has seen. Mr Green says his pulse better & less tired this morning. Bernard Partridge & Mr Messel sent flowers. Roy came. Dr Kingscote came & is pleased. Tuesday 30 November Dear Lin had a good night & slept several hours peacefully & scarcely coughed at all. His breathing much easier. Passed a good deal of water. Real good news for my darling & dear Roy who both looked pale & worn yesterday. X. Great Historical Day. X. Lord Landsdown’s rejection of Budget & majority against it in H. of Lords. Many callers. Dr Kingscote did not come. Dec 1909 Wednesday 1 December Lin had a rather bad night, not sleeping till past 1 o’c & coughed a great deal. Pouring wet day. Maudie here & I went in her carriage to Harrods, pair of chesnuts one new. Met Hilda Gibbs & Mrs Elvy(?) & husband. Dr Kingscote came & started new treatment in breathing. Gave pheasant to Mr Kean. Lin coughed after dinner a great deal. Roy came again late when carriage brought night nurse & took day nurse. Marie out. Thursday 2 December Spendid night, best since his illness. Bright & happier & taking interest in magazines. Sunny morg. Car 11.15 to Claridges. Hope Emma out afternoon stays. Missed Tabbie Claridges & she never came to luncheon as she promised but she & Hamilton came to tea. H. saw Lin, & Lennie saw Lin when he fetched Maud. Too much in one day but he settled off quietly after. Roy dined with me. H. & Tabs left for Leweston so Roy c’d not dine with them. Friday 3 December Great gale during night. Next door chimney blown down. Dickie had another good night, his legs much better & swelling gone down. Seems better & sat up a little morg. & after down in chair with legs up & w’d not get into bed until after his tea. Went up by underground to Stores 10.30, bought goods £2.18.0. Maudie’s carriage fetched me 12.30. Found Lin cutting pictures on return, enjoyed his dinner. Dr K. came v. pleased with Lin. Maudie came after lunch & remained to dinner. Mr & Mrs Raven Hill called amongst many others. Saw them, most kind. Roy dining out. Saturday 4 December Vy wet night & early morg. Decided not to go out & sun came out. Dickie had good night but v. nervy & triste about a dry spot in his throat. V. nervous, trust no fresh complications. Left leg twisted v. much & he seems so depressed. Maudie came & dined with me & Roy dined out. Nurse thinks liver with Lin causing him depression. Sunday 5 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin had good night, but still very depressed & drowsy. Mr Green asked Dr K. to come as he feared the exercising was too much. Went to meet darling by Round Pond on her way here fr. church. Took Taxie. Dickie slept on & off & was terribly depressed. Dr K. came whilst Roy & I were at dinner & had my coffee. Said Lin’s liver was upset, hence depression. Darling here till 7.30. Lennie came on return fr. Balcombe & saw Lin. Roy dined with me. Vy tired & looked seedy. Monday 6 December Lin had fair night but never (illeg) get into his room. I slept v. badly. Went at 11.30 in Maud’s carriage to Aspreys. Chose various things to be sent on ap’l. Dickie seems better & more cheerful. Liver made him depressed. V. many callers. Dr Kingscote came, vy pleased with Lin’s progress. Maudie came 3.30 & Lin listened to her reading. Maud & Roy dine here. Tuesday 7 December Lin had good night & seems brighter. Damp cold morg. I woke at 4.30, slept v. little after. Nurse Braglands (day nurse’s last day) Had Maud’s carriage at 11.15 to Barkers, to Major Welman’s (70 Princes Gate) out. Paid bill 2/7 at Heads. Major Welman came to tea with Lin & stayed ½ an hour. Maudie came afternoon, dining at Hohlers. Roy dined here. Maudie here after lunch. Wednesday 8 December Lin had good night. I slept better. Sunny morg. New Nurse (day). Dickie little vexed by change but trust will take to novelty. Maud sent carriage for me 11 o’c took night nurse to 104 & went on to meet Maud at her tailor’s & after to Wilson’s & saw her fitted. Back alone to lunch. Maudie came at 3.30 & Roy 6 o’c. He remained on to dinner. Dr K. came, vy pleased with Lin, altered yesterday his pill, no Monday. (illeg) instead of mercury. Thursday 9 December Lin had a fair night. Vy uncomfortable about his inside. My head ached v. much morg. Liver? Maud & self to be at 70 Princes Gate Mr Hambro’s house to meet Major Welman at 12 o’c. Major W. lunching here after. I walked first to Barkers for flowers & pears & trivet. Maud & I went in Car & saw over Mr Hambro’s house. V. beautiful but I do not envy it. Major W. lunched here & Mr Owen Seaman came for 15 minutes. Dear Lin was awfully bad after his dinner, seemed terrified about himself after sleeping frightened me dreadfully, thankful when night nurse came. Roy dined out. My darling left early. Felt wretched about Lin & do not care for day nurse. Friday 10 December Lin had good night. All v. quiet, woke & heard 3, 4, 5, 6 strike. Peeped at him twice sleeping peacefully but he was v. depressed on waking & had no appetite, seems morbid. Decided to have another day nurse. X. Spoke to Maud telephone 10 o’c & she is ordering or engaging another nurse. She stayed until past 7. Dr K. came, says Lin better, nerves unstrung. Roy dined with me alone. V. anxious about Lin. Like new nurse so far. Lin vexed she broke the bulb of his little lamp. Maud’s footman mended it at mains as all lights went out. (extra page) Dec 10 1909. 6 Glasscloths to Marie. 6 Stable rubbers to Upton. Saturday 11 December Lin had splendid night. Nurse came gave me Condal water 6 o’c, was awake. At ¼ to 12 in car to see Ethel Mervyn in new flat Templeton Place No 4, charming & prettily arranged. Saw her, fetched Maud who lunched but c’d only stay till 3, had to meet Lennie Kensington Museum. Lin good day brighter & wrote up his diary in ink. Tabs sent lovely white Turkey, have now 10 pheasants 1 hare & this. Lennie & Maud came to tea. Roy here twice. Lennie, Maud & Roy to some play so Roy did not dine here. Sunday 12 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin has had a splendid night, best he has yet had, & he looks better. Weather horrid so dark & east wind. Walked after Mr Green came to Mrs Keith’s with Taxie, stayed ½ an hour with her, looks wonderfully well, & no sign of age 77! Lin rather tired, sat up all afternoon. Mr Rooth called, saw him, not Lin as too tired. Maudie in bed all day with cold miss her v. much. Lennie came for ½ an hour thinks Lin much better. Roy dined here. Hare for dinner. Monday 13 December Felt v. tired & hurt Lin being so irritable with me always but due to his form of illness so they say. Thankful he had a far better night & slept well. Went at 11.30 in Maudie’s carriage to Aspreys, got Lennie’s present £1.5.0 & to School of Art needle work & got caddy fitted for paper for darling £2, & pears & oranges for Lin, Barkers. Sent white heather Maud who still has sore throat & in bed till dinner. Dr K. came. V. pleased with Lin’s progress, walked about his room today & asked for pyjama trousers! Roy dined with me looked thro’ cards & photos. Several callers. Had good rest afternoon & feel better, like Day Nurse better. Tuesday 14 December Maudie’s cold butter pot still here. Lin had good night. I felt seedy rather. Had carriage 11.15, shop’d. Muddle about P. Agnew’s calling, tomorrow not today. Clara Bergheim came. Went morg. to see Mrs Reed at Lady Critchett’s, brave good little woman, example for me to follow! Mr R. in bed, their little boy better. Saw Sir A.C. Lin better & v. irritable. Roy dined with me. Wednesday 15 December Mrs P. Agnew came to tea with Lin 4 o’c. Slept badly but late morg. so feel none the worse. Lin good night & seems better & dressed fully. V. tiresome after. I had M’s motor & started for Maples, too crowded, got A’s present instead. Pears, comice, glass jug 9½ & changed cheque £5. Brace pheasants fr. Hamilton Langley. Marie out afternoon & evg. Roy dines out. Dr Kingscote came. V. pleased with Lin & Mr Agnew had tea with him. Mr Raven Hill came & I saw him, others called. Mrs Weld Blundell. Thursday 16 December Lin had good night, so did I. V. cold. Took (illeg) pill last night! Had carriage at 11.15 & went to Maples about beds. Saw man after here, Mr North, advised our keeping ours. Nellie K. came to tea & sat with Lin. Roy went to see Dr Kingscote, says he is to give up smoking & taking wine or spirits for a fortnight, enlarged stomach. Must go for treatment every day. Friday 17 December Sir Earle Richards comes to tea with Lin. King of Belgians died. Lin good night, I also. The chicks go to Balcombe today. I went for walk round Pond & to Barkers, took back tools wrong for Marie. Sir E.R. came looks younger than ever. Dr K. came. V. pleased with Lin, to move into my room now during day. Ethel came evg. 6 o’c. Maudie & chicks to Balcombe, did not see her on ac’t of her cold. X. Saturday 18 December Announcement of Sir Arthur Trendell’s death, great shock to Lin. We were speaking of him yesterday. Lin had a bath in his room! X. Event, & is coming in to Roy’s room today. I called & left cards at Lady Trendell. V. sudden & unexpected. Had carriage & went to Mervyn’s, both lunching at Claridges with Tabbie & H. Saw Mervyn. To Mrs Adlam’s after, saw her, & to fetch box of flowers fr. Balcombe, Victoria. Barkers. Only Miss Brown & Desirée Welby called, saw both. Dickie lunched in Roy’s room. Great scramble to get Lin’s room ½ cleaned even windows only half done when Lin returned to be shaved at 2.30 & slept till 4 o’c after. He said he felt much better after. Roy dined at home & left ¼ to 10 to return Lancaster Gate & on to supper with Mr Stern. Don’t feel I can get on with letters or Xmas presents head so tired & side aches. Sunday 19 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lin good night. Lovely morg. Mervyn & Ethel to luncheon. Having Tabbie’s white turkey for luncheon! Overdone. Walked to enquire after Sylvia L. Davies, charming house, still in bed. Saw her nice nurse, & enquired for Mrs Vicat Cole. Ethel & Mervyn to luncheon. Read after to Lin & he enjoyed it. Crispe’s (illeg). Spencer & Mr Bernard Partridge came. Lin loved seeing them. Roy dining at home. Mr Routh came, Mr Owen Seaman. Monday 20 December Lovely morg. Lin good night. Walked morg Kens, saw Mrs Mackenzie, Tuer, Roger Wallace etc. Rested. Lin enjoyed his lunch. Darling Maud came fr. Balcombe & stayed till 6.30. Dr K. came, v. pleased, & Mr Butler, v. fat face! Nice to talk to. Roy came on way to some dinner. Lin saw Mr Butler. Tuesday 21 December Mr W. Hartree 3 o’c. Good night Lin. Went out Barkers, grapes, stamps, sent 2 French books to Toula, met Mrs Mackenzie, Tuer & others. Thick yellow fog. Lin lunched in Roy’s room & enjoyed it. Got Lin a cheap writing pad Barkers, quite pleased with it. Mr Hartree, Ham & Tabbie, Effie Con, Mr Cole & my darling came with some lovely flowers, she does not look well. Roy dines with me. Sent Maud’s presents by her. Mr Conrad Cooke, The Pines, Langland Gds Hampstead. Wednesday 22 December Lin good night. I woke several times with noise of storm & gale blowing. Horrid day steamy & warm like a fog up staircase. In all day arranged 3 presents Mrs Pirie, Florence & Nana’s. Lin to drawing room for lunch, awful fright, he fell off his chair in trying to rise & knocked over lamp & flowers, thankful no worse. I had an hour’s rest badly needed feel side aching. Mr Conrad Cooke, Dr Kingscote, Mr Lucas who is to have our cob Janette until Lin wants her. My darling came with dear little Linley much grown. Tea drawing room, muddle. Lovely bunch of flowers fr. Mrs Messel. Thursday 23 December Lin to drawing room to lunch, came up at 3.30. Bad night, Lin good night. Out 11 with Taxie so could do no shop’g. Gt commotion morg. over Dickie’s breakfast. Mr Owen Seaman called before luncheon, saw Lin. Ethel Mervyn came to tea. Edie called morg & brought me 2 pretty presents fr. herself & Herbert. My darling came to tea. Roy came at 7 o’c for few moments. Friday 24 December Bad night. Lin good night. Out 11 shop’g & took div. of £6 New York Telephone & 7/- (?) Sons of Gualia to Bank. My darling came to luncheon loaded as usual with presents etc etc etc. She had to leave at 4 for Balcombe. Dr Kingscote came. Ellie Ritchie called. Roy dined here. Saturday 25 December Lin had best night he has yet had. I only fair night woke often & c’d not sleep after 5.30. Lovely day. Morg Edie & Herbert came & Roy. Went for walk with them. Called to enquire after Sylvia. Taxie with us so c’ not go in. Dickie in drawing room for luncheon, looks much better. Johnny & Clara Bergheim & Mr Royle came to tea. Sir Norman Lockyer called. Ethel & Mervyn & Roy dined here, we sat alternately with Lin. Looks so tired evg, wish he would go to bed earlier. Mr Alan Cole comes for silver. Sunday 26 December Lovely morg. Lin slept well, I fairly. Awful commotion in drawing room water pouring down satin curtains near piano, Lin in great state. Marie screwed up taps in Co & it gradually stop’d. but Lin put himself in great state & nurse v. frightened. Roy round early. I walked & enquired after Sylvia. She looked lovely in bed & well. Roy complained of top floor dust rather unreasonable just home. Mr


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 A.Cole came to tea. Cheered Lin, dear contented man tho’ v. poor. Roy dined here. Monday 27 December Mr Alan Cole came yesterday. Warm. Lin good night but looks v. tired & worn this morg. Wish he would rest longer before his bath 8.30 & go to bed before 11 o’c evg. Out morg. with Taxie met Mr Caldecott, Mr L. Bradbury & Mrs Devonshire. Roy came round morg. I called Mrs Sington’s. Dickie lunched in drawing room. I put few Lin’s things tidy on desk in his room. Rested & had little sleep. Evie Fisher-Rowe came & sat with Lin. Roy dined out. Marie mended Electric light drawing room but we had mishap with the one near fireplace, must be seen to tomorrow early. Tuesday 28 December Sir Isador Spielmann coming & Edie to tea. Out morg at 11.15 Maud’s carriage, to Stores ordered chicken, & Barkers. Sir I.S. came to tea & Edie. We did a little at Lin’s desk after. Dr Kingscote came morg with his 2 dogs & made a mess in dining room! V. pleased about Lin. Mr Green came twice. Roy dined here. Wedneday 29 December Lin out for 1st drive since he was obliged to go to bed weeks ago on a’c’t legs swelling. Lovely morg & good night. Nurse Reid went with us in Maud’s carriage, brougham pair & two men! Round Park for 50 minutes. We 3 lunched together on return. Dickie far more himself, enjoyed his lunch, roast mutton & apple & milk pudding. Marie out. Nash’s man came Dixon about water drip’g in drawing room. Also Electric light mended drawing room, Marie’s accident, & the mended lights went wrong!!! Mr Raven Hill came & had tea with Lin. Dr Messel called. Mr Nash about our new brass bedsteads. Mr Causten sent for photos. Mr Green came only once. Thursday 30 December Dickie v. good night. Tired himself doing photos marking the backs of old ones! Maud arrived early & went for drive round Park with Lin & me at 12 o’c. & lunched & left by the 4.40 for Balcombe! & seems better. Only Mr Marriott & Gladys at Balcombe. Dickie slept on & off in carriage, v. tired after. Mr Townsend came & Lin coughed so he left soon. Roy dined here after all, & I had let Antoinette go out, tiresome tho’ glad to have him. Mr Green came 5 o’c says Lin tired. Friday 31 December Lin did not sleep so well. We went for drive in Maud’s carriage at 12, closed. Lin slept on & off all the while. Dr Kingscote came at 4 o’c, had tea with Lin & long talk. V. pleased with Lin & he is to walk tomorrow once up Staf. Ter. & we are to go D.V. to Ramsgate in a fortnight! Mrs Gibson came & had cheery talk, Dr K. saw her. Roy dines with Mr Stern. Mr Green came once. Invested during 1909 £ 374 Received from Trust £ 413. 5.8 Received from saved money £ 443. 9.3 But of this last Lennie made me on S.E. £ 52 Received from trust 1907 £ 413.11.10 Private ac’t 315.18.10 Total 1907 £ 729.10.8 Including spec by Lennie £ 34 Received from Trust 1908 £ 424. 4.5 Private ac’t 347.15.8 Total 1908 £772. 0.1 Received from Trust 1909 £ 413. 5.8 Received from Private money £ 443. 9.3


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Of this last Lennie made me £52 £ 856.14.11 At last put by much hard saving & Heaven alone knows what self sacrifice enough to bring in as much as my beloved Father left me. Thank God. Lin need not worry about work now. Received from Trust 1909 January Argentine Gt Western 19. 0. 0 Antofagasta 6.13. 0 Cent. Uraguay 23.15. 0 January £ 49. 8. 0 February Local Loans 5. 5 Great Western of Brazil 8.10. 0 Peebles 23.10. 3 February £ 52. 5. 8 March Cordoba R. £ 19. 0. 0 April Brit. North Atlantic S. Coy 21. 7. 6 Local Loans 5. 5 Illinois Cent. 19. 8. 5 April £ 41. 1. 4 May June Canadian Pacific 23.10.10 Lehigh Valley 21.17. £ 45. 7.10 July Antofagasta 6.12. 5 Cent. Uraguay 23.12.11 Argt Gt. Western 18.18. 4 Local Loans 5. 5 £ 49. 9. 1 August Peebles pd in July 23. 8. 3 Great W. of Brazil 28. 7. 6 August £ 51.15. 9 Sept Cordoba Rosario £ 18.16.8 Oct Brit. North Atlantic 21. 7. 6 Local Loans 5. 5 Illinois Central 19. 5. 7 October £ 40.18. 6 Nov Dec Lehigh Valley 21.12. 0 Canadian Pacific 23. 1.10 £ 45. 2.10 Received from Private ac’t 1909 January Cent. Argentine 1.18. 0 B. A. Pacific 4. 5. 6 ditto 1.16. 0 ditto 8. 8 B.A.Western 4% debs 4. 5.11 B.A. Gt Southern debs 7.12. 0 Chinese 6% 1895 2.17.0 Japanese 4% 1905 1.18.0 ditto 4½ 1902 4. 5. 6 New York Cent 1. 4. 6 January £ 31. 1. 1


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 February From Lennie’s spec 5. 0 .0 Robinson’s gold 10.13. 9 Spec by Lennie 7.10. 0 From sale of 10 allotted £10 shrs B.A.Gt Southern 1912 3. 2. 0 B.A. Pacific 13. 4 Gt Eastern Rly 13.11. 3 City B.A.Trams 9. 6 Hull & Barnsley 5. 4. 6 Louisville & Nashville 4.15. 2 Furniss Rly 9. 6 February £ 41. 9. 0 March Lennie’s spec 11. 0. 0 Sons of Gualia 3. 9 Midland Railway 7. 4. 0 Waihi Gold 17.12. 0 P & O Steamship Coy 4.19. 4 Harrods 1. 6. 9 Cuban 5% 12. 4. 4 Chinese 4 ½ 2. 2. 9 Messel spec 3. 2. 6 Japan 5% 2. 7. 6 Glasgow & S.W. Rly 2. 1.11 March £ 54. 4. 8 April Cordoba Rly 1.18. 0 Brazil (Lloyd) 2. 7. 6 Barker 1. 3 New York Central Rly 1. 4. 6 B.A. Gt Southern Rly 28.17.3 April £ 34. 8. 6 May Waihi 11. 8. 0 From Lennie. Placed £29 on deposit 16/8 to current ac’t 29.16. 8 Cent. Argentine 19. 0.11 B.A. Pacific Rly 4. 4. 2 City B.A. Trams 16. 6 May £ 65. 6. 3 June Waihi Gold 11. 8. 0 Sons of Gualia 5. 0 Nat Rd Mexico 4. 6. 7 Int. deposit 6. 0 June £ 16. 5. 7 Invested during 1909 Start year 1909 with £ 105. 7. 6 but owe Bank £50 of this. Feby 6th paid off Bank 50. 0. 0 February Cent Argt call 15. 0. 0 £ 10 shrs fully paid 30. 0. 0 (1) invested February £ 45. 0. 0 March April Placed on deposit 100. 0. 0 Cent Argt call 25. 0. 0 Lin’s cheque for expences his half Ramsgate on deposit 25. 0 . 0 (2) invested April £ 150. 0. 0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 May From Lennie 20th May fr. Fanti spec placed on deposit (3) invested June 29. 0. 0 These (3) invested in 60 shrs at 3¼ Arg. July 15th . Invested 60 shs Argentine Southern Land shares at 3¼, £ 195. 0. 0 Stamp fee 1. 2. 6 com 1. 0 Total £ 196. 3. 6 October 18th Sold by L. Messel & Co my 7 Harrods ord. shares at 4½ Capital to reinvest £ 31.18. 9 Sold by Messel my 10 Louisville & Nashville Rly stock t £ 157 ¾ Sold 19th Oct Total £ 314. 6. 6 Remaining with messrs L. Messel until re-invested. Put on deposit Oct. (illeg) £ 50. 0. 0 Bought Monday 15th November 10 £10 shrs in Buenos Ayres Western 4% 1912 issue, new becomes ordinary in 1912 at 18/- premium. Bought with sale of Louisville & Harrods shrs, namely £ 346. 5. 0 & adding remainder £400 New York Telephone bought by L. Messel & Co for (blank) Nov 17th at 2¼ premium. Received fr. Trust Receipts fr. Private Start year with £(blank) £50 of this borrowed fr.Bank. £sd£sd January 49. 8. 0 January 31. 1. 1 February 52. 5. 8 41. 9. 0 March 19. 0. 0 54. 4. 8 April 41. 1. 4 34. 8. 6 May 65. 6. 3 June 45. 7.10 16. 5. 7 July 49. 9. 1 38.10.6 August 51.15. 9 9.17.9 Sep 18.16. 8 41.10.4 Oct 40.18. 6 55. 6. 8 November 42.16.11 42.16.11 Dec 45. 2.10 18.12. 0 £ 413. 5. 8 £ 443. 9. 3 Total from both January £ 80. 9. 1 February 93.14. 8 March 73. 4. 3 April 75. 9.10 May 65. 6. 3 June 61.13. 5 July 81.19. 7 August 61. 3. 6 September 60. 7. 0 October 96. 5. 2 November 42.16.8 December 63.14.10 Total £ 856. 4. 3 £50 made me by Lennie during these 6 months Sept, another spec fr. Lennie £ 14.19.0 Spent on dress & expences etc January 20. 2. 5


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Feb 9.14. 0 March 12.16.10 April x 66.15. 3 x Hotel heavy May 17.14. 3 June 9. 9. 3 July 39. 8. 8 August 54.10. 7 Sept 28.15.11 Oct 74. 3. 6 Nov 28. 3. 2 Dec 27. 1. 8 £ 388.15. 7 Invested 1909 January Feby 95. 0. 0 March April 150. 0. 0 May 29. 0. 0 on deposit June July August Sep Oct Nov Dec Trust 1908 Private 1908 Jan 49.13. 5 33. 2. 1 Feb 52. 0. 3 29. 5. 2 Mar 19. 0. 0 37.17.5 April 41. 1.10 53.19.10 May 4.13. 8 June 45.13. 0 12. 7. 0 July 49.13. 5 33.16. 9 Aug 53. 0. 3 19. 7. 5 Sep 19. 0. 0 31.11.11 Oct 41. 2. 4 39. 6.11 Nov 25. 9. 6 Dec 55.11. 2 27. 0. 0 £ 424.15. 8 £ 347.17.8 Received from Trust & Private act & fr. Lennie together 1908 £sd Jan 82.15. 6 Feby 81. 5. 5 March 56. 1. 8 April 95. 1. 8 May 4.13.8 June 58. 0. 0 July 83.10.2 Aug 71. 7. 8 Sept 50.11.11 Oct 80. 9. 3 Nov 25. 9. 6 Dec 82.11. 2 Total £ 773. 3. 4 Spent 1908 Invested 1908


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Jan £ 41. 4. 1 New Yk Cent 107. 1. 6 Feby 8.14. 8 March 95. 2. 8 B.A.Pacific 25. 0. 0 April 12.19. 4 allotted 150. 0. 0 May balance due 9. 8. 5 June 18.10. 8 new B.A. Pacific 130. 0. 0 July 59.18. 4 Aug 9.15. 8 Sept 21. 9. 6 10 shrs Louisville & Nashville 237.10. 0 Oct 15.15. 8 (borrowed £50 for this) Nov 4.11. 6 Dec 10. 2. 2 new cent Arg Rly 10. 0. 0 (blank) £ 668.19.11 Start 1909 with debt of £ 50 owing to London & County Bank & of the £ 668.19.1 invested £ 100 was fr. deposit of £ 50 borrowed 1907, so only £ 550.19.1 really invested. Addresses Gladys Crozier, 9 Elgin Avenue, Maida Vale Toula, 33 Hill St. 3863 Gerard Effie C, 10 Fernshaw Mansions, Fernshaw Rd Sir Earle Richards, Western 4897 Geoff Blair, Khad Cottage, Simla, S.W.India Mrs Allen Cole, 6 Netherton Grove, Fulham Rd, S.W. Lady Boyle, Oakham, Hurst Green, Sussex Day Nurse rec’d by Lady Bergne, 87Abingdon Rd, Kensington Mrs John Walter, 30 Courtfield Gds, S. Kens. Mrs Tate, 14 Park St, W. Telephone numbers Effie, 39 Queensbury Ter. Telephone 2939 Western Maud, Lancaster Gate, Ours, Toula, 33 Hill St 3863 Gerard. Things to remember abroad. Sheets buttoned over eiderdown. Big square thick instead of underblanket made from 2 or 3 thicknesses of old counterpanes. Electric sweeper Gen Allen in speaking of a second marriage said “It is the triumph of Hope over experience.” I’m 29, I’m 29, I filled myself with beer & wine & asked old Johnson’s wife to dine & sent a lying line to mine.” Dr Kingscote! Old paper & waste paper: Phillips, Mills 7 Co, Bridge Wharfe, 1 Wellington Rd, Battersea. Telephone 1069 Battersea. Millie (illeg) Tassel, Enderfield, Chislehurst, Kent Ottie Loring, Court House, Rusper, Sussex. Kate Bower, 74 Yeldham Rd, Hammersmith. Mrs C. Manners (illeg) Bright, Campfield House nr Leith Hill, Dorking. Mad. asked a policeman “I want to go to Brompton Rd. “Well why don’t you, I won’t prevent you.” Yashmack: the covering over forehead of Egyptians. To ask dinner: Currie, Causton, Roshaugh, Villiers, Darling, Sylvia, Critchetts, Welby, Beale, H. Messels, Dr Messel, Lady Self, Lockyer, Allen Cole, Ld H(illeg), Braunstein, Orchardson, Johnson Ferguson, Joseph Farquharson, Mrs Fagan


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1910 Notes in front of diary: Good stories: during Election Jan, a man amongst audience began shouting at speaker “Rot”, not getting his attention he shouted “Pig, Pig”. The speaker at last exasperated said “Will the gentleman who keeps shouting his name kindly sit down.” Miss Neave told me a poor woman got into an omnibus followed by a little boy who had a chamber! on his head stuck on it & a Glengarry cap on the top of it. The woman addressing the people on Omnibus said pointing to the boy’s head “That’s what comes of playing at soldiers & putting on is ‘ed what ort to be under the bed” & as each fresh person got into omnibus she repeated this. On reaching St George’s Hospital she took the boy by the handle of porcelain & said “And now we’ve come ‘ere to ‘ave it ‘acked off!” Ld K(illeg) story “Is your master in?” He is Sir. “Can I see him?” Man servant, “You can Sir. “Can I go up to him?” You can Sir. “Can he come down to me?” He cannot Sir! “Why if I can go up to him cannot he come down to me?” He’s dead Sir! Small child taken by father to see Buckingham Palace & crowd collected just after the death of King Edward VII. Seeing all blinds down asked why. Father explained because the King had died there. “Then had not he a good doctor?” Mrs du Maurier’s grandson of 4 having smashed a water bottle in a passion when visiting her was told to tell his Grannie. He went to her & said “I’m sorry to say I broke the water bottle in my room, meaning to!” Little Oliver, 6, after seeing boy scouts & hearing their goal of one good action a day etc said “I am a Scout & am going to do a kind action today” Who to? “To myself.” In large brown dress box No 1 with Antoinette, May 1910. Great fur coat Fur cap Seal skin cape Mole set & hat Sable set Brown velvet skirt & bodice Blk velvet skirt bodice & cape. Top. Green cloth skirt bodice & coat. Brown tailor made skirt & coat Man hailed cab “Drive me to Hill St”. “What number sir?” “ Oh I’ve forgotten the number but you’ll see it on the door!” G. Boehm. Mr E. Vowel died. Friend to another, “Do you see the Vowel is dead?” “Arn’t you glad it isn’t you or I?” Canon May. Latin inscription on tomb in old churchyard, translation “The fisher had fallen into the Dead Sea.” His name was Fisher. Canon May. Jan 1910 Saturday 1 January Private View Old masters, Academy. Lin had good night. Nurse Wood gave me cup of tea at 6.30, my thermos bottle failing for 3rd time. Woke at 4 o’c with horrid ache lower waist! Made a journey at 6 o’c after Condal water! Lin & I went for drive in M’s carriage to Hampstead where Lin walked a little, drag’d left leg a little only & enjoyed his drive & did not sleep. Enjoyed his lunch & had his hair cut! I did not go to Academy, felt chilly & not over well. Sent Upton to see if Mervyn & Ethel c’d go, cannot. Roy out to dine. Graham Keith & Mr A. Cole to tea. Mr Green came. Lin slept after. I lower waist ache. Sunday 2 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Up 4 o’c, awful pain. Walked to Lavatory. Nurse kindly brought me cup of tea. Lin had good night. I felt seedy morg. Slept badly. With Lin & Nurse in Maud’s carriage to Wimbledon. Lin gave Beach sovereign & groom 10/-. Got out & walked a little, sunny. Lovely drive. Lin enjoyed roast pheasant at luncheon. Only Mrs Geilgud called, did not come in. Mr Green came. Lin seems v. tired, hope he will sleep after Mr G. goes. Roy dines at home. Monday 3 January Oil! self. Lin good night. Still vy warm. Lin had bath in Bathroom!!! Nurse in attendance. Lin & Nurse Reiss drove to Highgate in M’s carriage & drop’d me Campden Hill & I called & saw Sylvia L. Davies, still in bed looking lovely. Her 5 boys home. Enquired after the E.T. Reed’s little boy, 20 Campden hill Sq, better. Lin & Nurse home 2 o’c fr. drive. Ellie Ritchie to tea. Mr Green came. Roy out to dinner. Quiet evg. Lin busy with photos. Tuesday 4 January Asked Major Welman & Mr Reed. Lin’s birthday. Had good night & I also but woke early. Gt fuss about towels Nurse Woods & herring, impossible to know what to get to please her, horribly fussy. Darling arrived 11.30 & we went in her carriage to Richmond Pk, all 3, & Lin walked quite a long way in Park & stronger on his legs. Maudie left at 4 o’c for Balcombe, looks better much. Lady Spielmann & Mary Millais called. Roy dined with me & was very cheery & bright. Dr K. came & Mr Green once. Bed 10.20. Wednesday 5 January X. Antoinette 6 new dusters. Only fair night & Lin was awake 1½ hr in night. Saw Nash’s foreman about water dripping in drawing room fr. pipes to my bedroom. Drove with Lin & Nurse to Richmond Pk. Lin again walked better then ever. Mrs Fleischman called, sent her love to Lin! Lin dined with me & Nurse dining room !!! To his room after & he did photos whilst I read. Emma out. Marie &Antoinette in. Thursday 6 January Fair night. Dickie awake 1 ½ hr in night. Dull morg. Had darling’s carriage & went to Richmond Pk where Lin walked quite ¼ mile on Nurse’s arm! Saw poor man & pretty little boy (illeg). Lin gave 6d boy scouts. Mr Green came. No one called except Mrs F. Romer. Water pouring down curtains again drawing room! Lin goes down to dinner as Roy was here. (illeg illeg). 1st cheque drawn this year 1910, £2.5.0 for carriage insurance! Don’t approve of carriage. Friday 7 January Nellie K. to tea. Mr Graves & Spencer. Fair night Lin. V. dull raw morg. Nash’s man Dixon here about taps in Roy’s room leaking & water pouring down drawing room curtains. Had single horse brougham M’s & went into Hyde Park. Lin walked nearly a mile on Nurse’s arm. Roast mutton unsatisfactory luncheon. Lin seemed tired at tea time. Mr Green came. Lin came down 3rd time to dinner but was v. depressed, had indigestion. Sorted his photos after. Roy & Nurse dined with us. Saturday 8 January Fair night. New thermos bottle all right, water hot in the morg. shall try tea tonight. Old one gone to be mended. Dr K. came 11 o’c. Vy pleased with Lin’s progress. 11.30 Lin & self in M’s carriage & drove to Richmond Pk. Lin walked further. Dark & raw dark day. Roy dined out. Mr Green came. Lin down to dinner. Sunday 9 January Lin slept badly. V. depressed all day. Went with Lin Zoo in M’s carriage walked short round ½ an hour & home. Dull & warm. Not a soul called. Roy came morg. for a short time & only returned in time for dinner as we were sitting down. X. Roy had an odd rash across his forehead as if over heated & had drunk something cold. Lin terribly depressed. Electric light went out twice. Marie arranged it altho’ her afternoon.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 10 January Lin had bad night. Awake fr. 2.30 to 5.30. V annoying, fear bad day in consequence. Lovely sunny morg. I woke at 5.30 c’d not sleep after. Drove with Lin Hampstead & walked on the Heath. Most beautiful & Lin walked better & further. We went alone. Mr Reed, Mr Conrad Cooke, Arthur Linley & W.Taylor to tea with Lin. Roy dined at home, depressed about money. Wish he was more contented & less fond of luxury. Tuesday 11 January New board for electric lights fr. stores. Maple’s man about beds. Lovely day. Lin had good night, slept 8 hours. I also slept well. Edie came 10.30 & remained until 6 o’c. Drove at 11.30 with Lin & Nurse to Lin’s dentist. Saw Lady Tree & girl whilst waiting Lin, Portland Place. Dr Kingscote came morg. Met Mr Peter Reid in Pk & Mrs Ainsworth riding. We walked about a mile, cold wind. Major Welman, Capt Heathorn & Wycliffe Taylor came. Cap’t H. very amusing tho’ tiresome so deaf. Lin good day. Mr Green came. Wednesday 12 January Lin bad night, did not sleep after lunch yesterday! I woke 4.45 could not sleep after. Had thermos bottle tea, hot. Went with Lin in M’s carriage with Nurse & walked by Serpentine, fine but cold & strong wind. Lin breathless & vy depressed & vy upset at luncheon over trifle! which he had asked for yesterday. Maudie came 3.30 vy vexed to find Lin so depressed. Ethel Mervyn came, busy canvassing. Maud ret’d in our carriage. Maud & Lennie dine out E. Pollock’s. Roy dines here. Marie out. Thursday 13 January Lin had good night, little brighter but dreadfully depressed later.. Lovely day. Lin & I went in darling’s carriage to Hampstead & walked once up & down broad drive on Heath, perfectly lovely & Lin little more cheerful. Darling lunched & had tea with us, leaving at 6 o’c. Looks fairly well. Vy anxious about Lin as we all are, in spite of nurses & doctors. Roy dined with us. Lin slept a good hour after lunch yesterday! & had an excellent night, so Nurse Woods again wrong. Lin upset over oranges at luncheon. Friday 14 January Great pollingday. Ethel & Mervyn working here for Unionists. Much warmer. Lin had a very good night & again slept after luncheon yesterday a good hour so it proves he is better for a sleep during day. Roy dined at home last night, seemed brighter but sorry to see Lin so depressed during dinner. Nurse, Lin & I drove in Maud’s carriage to Hyde Pk. where we walked & sat by Serpentine, perfect day. Lin less depressed. Edie came & lunched here. Gave away magazines to Beach & Herbert. Poppy Sington v. ill. Maudie, Fitzroy & little Linley came to tea, darling v. anxious about Lin. Roy out to dinner. Mervyn came & sat an hour with us after dinner. Saturday 15 January Election. Lin had splendid night, I good one. Lovely morning, warm, dull later. Dr K. came. Wishes us to go to Ramsgate in a week, & without any nurse. Lin seems desolate at idea of losing his 2 nurses! Maudie came with Fitz, little Linley, Anne & Oliver all looking so well. Lin, Nurse & self drove to Park, met Fitzroy & Linley, fed birds Serpentine. Lin awfully depressed. Saw Mrs L. Bradbury seems weak still & low, too soon for her to be shop’g after her Baby’s advent. Lin went up to his work room after 7, with Upton for ½ hour. Mr Green came & brought a vibrator for Lin. Sunday 16 January I slept badly. Lin awake 1½ hrs night. V. depressed only 15 gain of Unionists yesterday’s Election! Col Hickman & Mr ColefaX retuened. Nurse Lin & self to Regents Pk & Hyde Park for drive, far too windy to walk. Lin awfully depressed.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maud & Lennie came to tea. Lennie also depressed & looks so. We were delighted to see them. Mr Green came. Monday 17 January Lin to Town Hall to vote. Lin awake 1½ hrs in night. I slept well till 5.45, did not sleep after. Lovely morg, wet later. Went to Times Book Club, & to Warings about lampshades. X. Paid £1 Nat Telephone. Lin walked long distance in Park, we saw Military Funeral with charger, whole regiment of Guards, most impressive. Chopin’s Funeral March. Dr K. & Mr Green came. Mr Ryle & Mr Guthrie came to tea. Roy away for dinner. Darling came 3.30 till 5.30. Chicks at Mrs F. Ker’s party. Vy good day, Lin better. Tried vibrator with Green. Tuesday 18 January Fair. Lin v. good night, seems brighter. Nurse, Lin & self to “Times Book Club” & Maples. Saw Mr North about mattresses & bedding. Lin walked fr Marble Arch to K. barracks. Miss Gill to luncheon & tea, looks well. Lin quite pleased to see her. Maudie, Gladys C. & Mr Cooke to tea. Mr Green did not come. Wednesday 19 January Mr Cook to tea. Ill, c’d not come. Fine & dull alternately. Warm but cold wind N.W. Lin had good night. Last night with Nurse Woods! X & first day without day nurse who comes as night nurse for 3 nights. Alone to Park with Lin. Walked well but sorry his night nurse gone. His cyclone nurse! Marie out afternoon for short time. Mr Green came & Antoinette & I packed my dresses during that time. Mrs C. Mackenzie came & Mr Jacomb Hood had tea with us. Mr Finlay, Mrsrook. Roy came in evg, out to dinner. (illeg illeg) Thursday 20 January Lin slept badly. Day Nurse Reiss on night duty. Lin v. depressed all day. Went in M’s carriage 11.45 to Park. Lin walked but was not so well. Mr O. Seaman lunched here, left 2.30. No one came. Darling came at 5.45, been with chicks to “Brass Bottle”. Friday 21 January Lin had only fair night. Maud came & went for drive with Lin whilst I packed with Marie & Antoinette. Lin & Maud walked in Park, cold wind. Roy dined out. The chicks came with Nurse F. & Mad’lle & Fraulein came to say goodbye, looking v. sweet. Roy came in to see Lin. Dr Kingscote came showed us & Marie towel exercise. Saturday 22 January Lin fair night. Nurse Reiss last night. Maudie came early & took Lin for a little walk before lunch. Roy & Maud lunched with us. Came to Granville Hotel Ramsgate by 3.30. Maud & Roy to Station with us, Marie in our carriage 3 persons! Most comfortable journey. Lin & self to Hotel where we had 109/100 rooms 2nd fl. Fires, & dined in sitting room & down to listen band after till 10 o’. Mrs Barker & her mother here again fr. Lincolnshire . Marie out to get urinal, forgotten. Sunday 23 January Vy good night. My first with Lin 2 beds for ages. Gave him tea at 2 o’c. Sunny morg, but very dull damp & raw after. Lin & self walked along front. Poor delicate man with little girl on shoulder gave us his place. Vy ill himself. Lin vy breathless, think too large breakfast cause. Good lunch, beef & milk pudding, again indigestion, too heavy. Rested after in our room. Lin did not sleep. Down to tea & I talked with Mrs Barker. Band! Wrote 5.45 to 7 in our room. Good dinner, chicken, milk pudding only. Listened to Band till 10 o’c. Bed. Bath chair 2/6. Monday 24 January Lin bad night 5½ hrs sleep only. Gave him soda mint, tea, & talked! Good breakfast, bacon & Lin home egg, I a mouldy one! Sunny alternately dull. Bath chair ¼ to 12 o’c till 1.30. Sat in shelter near Mrs Pugin. Huge piece of cliff broken


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 off near Mr Pugin’s, looks dangerously near their garden wall! Bill Weigal standing as Liberal Candidate for Thanet & Mr Craig Unionist!!! Dickie v. breathless, think over ate yesterday & today, or air strong. Did not like Mrs Barker speaking to me during tea. Tuesday 25 January Thanet polling day. Bill Weigal & Mr Craig candidates for Thanet. Mr (illeg) won. Bad night. Lin awake constantly & only 4 hrs sleep. Horrid wet damp cold day, snow. Lin dreadfully depressed. Bath chair for one hour along shore, 1/6. Tremendously high waves dashing across road. Tea in our room. Oxygen came! Lin vy pleased. Sat listened to Band after tea. Lin w’d not come up till 10.10. after dinner. V tired. Little Janetta returned fr. Mr E.V.Lucas. Wednesday 26 January Splendid night both slept well. No tea even. Glorious frosty morg. Had carriage for 2 hrs, drove along coast to North Foreland. Home by Westwood & dear St Peters, c’d not leave Lin to go to our dear parents’ grave. Tea in Hall. Lin & self had walk on shore after too far, v. tired & breathless. Wrote in our room after. Carriage 7/-. Little Linley returns to school. Thursday 27 January Janetta sold today to West, greengrocer, for £20. Lin fair night, tea ½ to 1. Vy cold frost & some snow. Glorious day of sun, could not see Comet last evg. Daylight Comet! Some saw it at Hotel. Had fly 11.15 to 1.15, towards Sandwick & Minster. Good lunch grilled fowl. Had a vy little walk but too cold & strong wind for the Dad, tired & livery. Awful floods at Paris, Seine overflowed. Fly 7/-. Marie gave me 14/- & 1/-. Lin coughed after dinner v. much. Friday 28 January Lin good night. Vy much warmer but pouring rain, blowing perfect gale all night & yet Lin slept thro’ it. I had to get up at 4 o’c & walk abroad, & slept badly & feel seedy & heavy. Marie same so think it must be slight liver chill. Lin in bath chair for 1 ½ hrs with Marie. I wrote to Spencer & Edgar in Hall. Rest after lunch, tea Hall. Many new people Hotel, mostly men golfers. Terrible acc’t of inundations Paris. Lin vy breathless, otherwise better, coughed less after dinner. Mrs Hammond called. Lovely flowers fr. Lady Burnand Saturday 29 January Little Janetta sold to greengrocer West, £20 yesterday. Lin fair night. Glorious sunny morg. Lin seems vy bright & happy. The firm again sent Lin’s money, feel they cannot do this again, & realities must be faced! Wish with all my heart Lin would sell horse & carriage, stable expenses useless. Drove past Nash thro’ Margate, North Down & Broadstairs, 2 hrs 7/-. Lin pd. Did not sleep after luncheon. Edie Sismay & Miss Hicks called, saw them. Lin vy breathless & shakey on legs. Japs at table at dinner! Lin slept directly after dinner & again coughed. 7/- carriage. Lin paid. 2 brace of pheasants fr. Ld. Burnham. Sunday 30 January Glorious morg. Both slept badly. Awful accident on Brighton line yesterday, 7 killed, many injured. Terrible. Uncoupling of carriages. Lin had bath chair & I walked beside him to West cliff. He could not walk at all, so breathless & weak & awfully depressed. Liver I believe. Rested & had tea in our room. Listened to Band after. Wrote in reading room & Lin laid down on bed & Marie rubbed his legs before dinner. Looked abjectly wretched & was thankful Mrs Barker came & talked to me after dinner. Hon Ward at Hotel. Lin paid 2/6 for chair, man 6d. Monday 31 January Lin better night. I also, woke 3 or 4 times but slept soon again. Glorious sunrise. Wrote Maud & Roy. Lin vy breathless & coughing again evg. Bill £15.7.0 week, rooms 108, 109 2nd floor. Out morg 1½ hrs Lin Bath chair to Pier & saw fish auction. 1/6 chair, Lin paid. Spoke to Dr Kingscote 2 o’c. Says Lin’s depression &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 breathlessness due to too much food. Rested till 4. Wrote reading room & Lin laid down before dinner. Lin kept awake bravely all evg. Maud called me up telephone, all well there. Feb 1910 Tuesday 1 February Fair night, tea 1.30. Gleamy morg, vy cold. Glorious sun. Lin out ¼ p. 11. Bath chair on Parade near Station & thro’ town, to Hills, came out & spoke to him. 2/6 chair, 5d lift. Lin walked along fr. Wellington Cresc’t & not so breathless. Started eating less, only bacon & orange breakfast, no egg. Ld B’s pheasant lunch. Wrote Hall. Maud telephoned. Dr K. told Lennie Lin must eat vy little. Marie & I sent off Daily Mail coupons, geographical contest. Wednesday 2 February Lin had splendid night 7 ½ hrs sleep. Perfectly horrid day, South wind but bitter cold & gale blowing door open & had to get up night to shut it. Lin in Bath chair 11.30. Never felt colder. Tho’ town left scissors to be mended. Nat. Telephone 2nd bill?! Maudie called me up telephone 11 o’c. Had pheasant lunch excellent. Lin greatly tired by day & cold & fear enjoyed lunch too much. Lin vy seedy, breathless & depressed after lunch, all afternoon & evg, complained clutching at throat. Tea downstairs. Wrote. Marie rubbed his legs at 6 o’c on bed. Vy seedy evg, sat in billiard room & kept him awake till 10 o’c. Thursday 3 February Lin vy bad night & slept badly. Cold damp rainy morg. Pass book & am vy low in funds, expenses Hotel heavy. Wish Lin could be happy in rooms, do not feel justified spending so much tho’ most comfortable. To Nat. Telephone office ¼ to 12 with Lin in Bath chair. Warmer. Met Mrs Evans who walked with us. Lin seems better in spite of bad night. Maud spoke to us at telephone. Mrs Hammond called & cheered Lin up. Concert Hotel, big Hall. Hotel vy empty. Chair 2/2. Lin gave head waiter 10/- owes 5/- & tea water 2/-. Bath chair 2/-. Friday 4 February Lin had splendid night, 8 hrs sleep. Lovely day, warmer. Bath chair 11.15. With Lin to West Cliff, sat in shelter with Sir Francis Burnand & Mrs Evans. Also went over house next to Mrs E’s, Chatham Terrace. Saw Bill Weigall at lunch & sat with us billiard room after. Lin coughed v. much during our rest. Lady Burnand & Mrs Evans came, w’d not have tea. We had tea in our room with wee jug cream. Lady B. brought me lovely tulips. Bath chair 2 full hrs 2/6. Marie gave me 20/- for Maud for Bath chairs. Saturday 5 February Dull, blowey & rain. Vy windy later. Lin very fair night still breathless. Had chair at 12 o’c. in spite of weather, & walked up & down front under Pavilion awaiting darling Maud who arrived 1.5 & we both got into her carriage to Hotel, taking rugs etc fr. chair. Great joy to see her. Brought lovely flowers & orange jelly. Lady Rose Weigall’s new book! She had to leave at 3.10. I saw her off, gale blowing. Took flowers after to Mary B. Tea in our room, cream. Mr & Mrs Martin Thompson called. Ld Bentinck’s wife arrived! Dinner. Lin did not sleep after dinner, 5th night. Rather better day. Sunday 6 February Lin had splendid night, but breathed short during night. Took his tea alone, first time. Horrid morg, fog, rain, warmer. Had Bath chair at 12 o’c & walked up & down Parade & up Pier then met Roy at Station. Looks thin & pale. We walked up to Hotel & by lift. Lunched together we 3. Roy enjoyed it. Poured with rain again after. Lin & I tea in our room, Roy had it in Hall, we with him. Roy v. depressed about Lin. Roy sleeps at home for first time tonight. Roy left by 6 o’c train. Lin had oxygen for 2nd time.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 7 February Lin only fair night. Short choky breaths when asleep, & so weak dressing. His legs above knee swollen & generally weak & breathless. Felt so anxious Marie went with us at 11.15 for our walk to enquire after Mr North Buckmaster. Met Mrs Evans who told us he died yesterday. Left letter for Edie Sismay. Tea in our room. Listened band after. Lin wrote letters. Lift & chair 2/-. Mr Morton (writer) came & spoke to us after dinner, seems nice little man. Promised me his French papers writing about “Chantecleer” at last produced Paris. Lady Burnand called. Tuesday 8 February Lin vy disturbed in his breathing all night. Made me feel anxious, so stuffed up in throat & nose & breathing generally, c’d not sleep till 12.30. Tea 1.30. Seemed better morg. than yesterday, but so weak. Helped him with his bath & drying. Bacon & egg breakfast. Out morg. 11.15 along Pier & sat in shelter West Cliff. Felt v. tired & back achey self. Maudie telephoned morg. Chair 2/6. Marie met us. She enquired for Mrs Buckmaster. Mr Morton talked to us after luncheon. 6d lift fr. sands. Mr Morton spoke to us after dinner. Dance in Vic Hall Granville. Wednesday 9 February Lin slept well but not peacefully, grunted & breathed so short. I woke often during night. Our bath taps so stiff. Had fly (new man) at 11.30 until 1 o’c, 5/-. To St Peters. Lin & I sat in Porch of church listened to singing. I then went on to our dear Parents grave, all looked lovely in glorious sun & blue sky. Snow drops thro’ fibre & tips of bulbs showing. Past Abernethys & Fildes tho’ Broadstairs. Lovely day, lovely drive. Lin wrote afternoon. I read French papers on “Chantecleer” Rostand’s much postponed play in verse. Lin weak & breathless evg. Sat billiard room & walked round table. Thursday 10 February My darling comes by afternoon train to stay a few days. Lovely morg. Windows wide open & sun pouring in. Lin had very bad night, I very good & feel better in consequence. La joie de mare in this glorious sunshine & the thoughts of seeing darling Maud today. Bath chair for 2 hrs. Sat shelter W. Cliff. Met Lady & Mary Burnand coming to call. Met Mrs Evans & Sir Francis & Winnie full of offer to be Dick Whittington! in the theatricals Ramsgate. Sir F. walked to Harbour with us. Chair 2/6. I met Maud, rained, by Gran. & we walked back, Fraulein om. with luggage. Vy disappointed not to see the Dad better. Sat in reading room, came up 10 to 10. Maudie looks fairly well. Friday 11 February Lin vy breathless till 2 o’c. Gave him tea at 12.30 & again at 2.30. I slept vy badly. Steam kettle refilled & then boiled over! Lin slept fairly well 7½ hrs but breathed badly. Lovely morg. Pity Lin will take 2 baths, so weak after. Maud has sitting room, vy cozy. Had drive 5/-, 1½ hr thro’ Broadstairs, St Peters & Kingsgate. Sat verandah till luncheon. Lin again breathless. Lennie came by 7.2 or rather at 7.3. Had tea in our room. Maud for walk alone after. Did not go down. Lin wrote in Maud’s room. Lin better during dinner, but vy sleepy after. Came up 10 to 10. Sat in M’s room & then to bed. Lennie looks well. Lennie’s motor arrived. Saturday 12 February Lin slept fairly well. Awake often. Tea 12.30. Glorious morg. of sunshine. Lennie & Maud for walk along Parade. We had Motor at 11.15. Lin, M & self drove to Minster, Birchington, Westgate, Margate thro’ St Peters, back. Lennie meanwhile walked with Sir Francis Burnand & bought 2 old silver spoons at Hills. After lunch Lennie & Maud in Motor to Deal & Sandwich. Dr Kingscote coming by Granville. Lin little better did not eat orange today, less flatulency. Dr K. arrived says Lin’s lungs & heart all right, but stomach dilated again & we must return home for


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 daily treatment. Go Wednesday. Pleasant dinner, Lin Maud & self sat corridor after , Lennie & Dr K. lounge. Bed 10 o’c. Sunday 13 February Lin had good night but very weak & seedy after breakfast. He went in Bath chair with Maud, Dr K. & Lennie for walk. Lennie lent me Car & I went to St Peters to my beloved parents grave, looked lovely. Saw a respectable gentlemanly looking man who showed me Mr Whitehead’s grave. Was the old postman & said Mr Spencer Herapath’s family was greatly respected, the most respected family in the Island! Felt vy proud & he seemed so pleased to meet one of us again! Maud, Dr K. & Lennie for walk after. L. & Dr K. to London 6 o’c. Lin chair 2/6. Monday 14 February Dull. Lin bad night. Maudie breakfasted in bed. Had motor 12 o’c. To Westwood, Margate, Westgate, Birchington, Minster, Mount Pleasant, St Laurence & to Hotel. Rained but enjoyed it immensely. Dr Berry came stayed tea in Maud’s room, talked politics, investments, nurses etc. Mary Burnand came & Mrs Paris (Miss Gould). Lin vy tired & sleepy, looks livery. Most interesting talk with a Mr Weeks on politics, Mr Stevenson’s friend. Eccentric lady most odd. Tuesday 15 February Vy bad night both of us, perfect hurricane of wind & rain. Lin vy nervy, 2nd bad night. Motor at 12 o’c & Maud, Lin & self to Sandwich & along beyond. Back 1.30. Lin vy tired & breathless & nervy. Had tea in bed after vibrator. Marie packing. Maudie to Burnands, saw Edie & Norah. Mary B. came at 6 o’c whilst Lin was having his legs rubbed. Maud & I walked back with her, delicious. Lin terribly morbid at dinner wish we were in our own room when he is like this, dreadful for us all. Mrs Nicolson talked to us long while in corridor after dinner most interesting on politics, felt lifted fr. ténèbre, thankful to exchange ideas with anyone. Wednesday 16 February Good night both. Lovely day. Lin in Bath chair. Darling & I met him on Parade & ordered omnibus for our luggage & our 2 maids. Leave Ramsgate by 3.28, comfortable journey up. Came on in Maud’s carriage. Roy came to see Lin 6.30, dined with us. Vy depressing for him poor boy with his worries weighing on his mind. Lost £100! by Messel firm. Darling left us only in time for her own dinner. Lin vy tired & exhausted after journey. Certainly not so well as he was when we left here over 3 weeks ago. Thursday 17 February Lovely morg. Vy bad night. Lin so terribly restless & woke me directly I fell asleep. Dr K. telephoned he was to keep quiet, but would order our carriage! Marie going with him. Darling Maud arrived just as they were starting so he went with her in her carriage. Midge came, thankful to be with her & walked to Memorial with her, felt better & brighter after. Maudie to luncheon, bless her, read to Lin after his rest & went to see about her work girl prizes & ret’d to tea. Dr K. came, disappointed Lin’s stomach again dilated & causes breathlessness & great depression. Dined in our room. Roy dined Midge at Hyde Pk Hotel. Friday 18 February Lin goes to Dr K. for treatment ¼ to 12. Emily Fraser leaves for Buenos Aires today. Awful night. Dear Lin’s nerves all over the place, made me feel quite unstrung too. Awakened 5 times & up 3. Fear shall be ill myself if these bad nights go on. Wet morning. Maudie came in her carriage & took us to Dr K’s. Met Cap’t Gibbs there. What I sh’d do without Maud cannot imagine, she is my one & only comfort in all this worry & anxiety, & the maids are kind & helpful. No Maud did not go, took us, Marie went with me as Maud had to go to Balcombe for prizes. Roy dined out. We dined in drawing room. Saturday 19 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Better night. Lin more restful, vy nervy going to bed but settled later & only woke twice for tea & requirements, until 5 0’c. I c’d not sleep after. Maudie went with us to Doctor. We called for her in her carriage. To Dr K’s, met there young Macdonald & Lord Kingsburgh. Lin little better. I was left at Piercys about an extra maid after & darling took Lin round Pk & home. I walked home. X. Lin had massage at 3.30 & had tea in bed. Lennie’s birthday, 20 to dinner! Roy dined there & returned here fr. Mr Stern’s same morg. Sunday 20 February Better night. Up twice only & Lin slept more easily. Fearful gale house seemed to sway. Had our carriage at 11.30 & drove to Zoo. No bath chair there & I was glad as the wind would have been too much for Linley. He slept & woke for a few seconds all the way. Drove all the way round Regents Park & Hyde Park. Lunched alone & he seemed a little better. Roy out all day, dining here tonight. Masseur came 3.30 for half an hour. Lin rested all afternoon in bed. Visitors, Ham,& Midge, darling & Lennie & Mr Guthrie came to tea, all saw Lin. Ham vy kind about our expenses, thinks we ought to manage on our income, of course without carriage! Monday 21 February Both slept well. Had few words Lin about carriage, determined will not use it. Lovely morg after storm. Smuts everywhere. Took Marie with Lin & self to Dr K’s, called for Nurse Francis who went with us. Carriage took me on to Swiss home about extra maid. Feel anxious about Lin. Maud came to tea. Decided to try without Nurse for a week. Masseur came 3.30. Tea in our room. Roy dined here, rather doleful. Wish he w’d read more & care for his work more & w’d not be such a drudge. Tuesday 22 February Lin had 3rd good night. Wet morg. Marie with us in Maud’s carriage to doctor. My fears confirmed by Dr K. & feel vy anxious. He tried Lin’s legs, no rebound. With care & enduring strength all may yet come right. Lin had 12 oysters fr. the stores for luncheon & half a wineglass of old Chateau y quem. Masseur 3.30. Edgar came to tea, delighted to see him. He looks vy seedy. Maudie & Gladys Crozier & Nelly K. came to tea. Roy dined out, home vy late . Lin & self dined dining room. Wednesday 23 February Fourth good night! I awake fr. 4.30 but slept better after. Dickie looks much better. I went alone with him to Dr K. Saw Cap’t Gibbs there. Dr K. better pleased with Lin & is allowing him to go to shake hands with the Knights of the Round Table Bouverie St tonight. X. !!! Round Park & Lin walked a few yards, wind took away his breath. Lovely day, bright & cold. Edgar came to luncheon. Darling Maud to tea. Masseur 3.30. Roy dined at Harold’s. Thursday 24 February Spent on taxies 3/7, entrance 1/-, catalogue 6d. 5th good night. Lin did not even take his tea during night. Horrid day, wet & blowey. Cold raw wind. Dickie with Marie to Dr K. in Maud’s carriage, & to dentist where Lin had tooth out! I by taxie to meet Edgar at Ex’ paintings next to Prince’s Res’t to see Mervyn’s portrait by Philpot, wonderfully clever but not flattering likeness. E. & I walked down Piccadilly to Knightsbridge, took taxie home, so wet. Roy lunched here & left in carriage for Waterloo for Leweston. Nonie Messel & Lady Mead called. Darling came after to tea. Talk to Marie about America, fear she won’t like it. Maud to Nana at Brislington. Friday 25 February Lin had good night, 6th!!! I slept badly, greatly worried about expenses & see only debt ahead if Lin won’t give up stables. Must have another maid, am too tired & feel the strain on my nerves. Went with Lin to Dr K. He gave Lin permission to lunch at Savoy Res. tomorrow & go to “Brass Bottle” matinée. He slept all way going. Poured with rain. To bank, borrowed £200 to buy Mexican


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 light & Power. Gladys C. & Edgar to tea. Masseur came. Maudie to Bristol to see Nana. Mrs Sington, Mrs Hadley & Lady Spielmann called. Lin slowly improving. Saturday 26 February Seems madly tiring for Lin today’s programme but is so far none the worse at 9.30 P.M. We both slept well, Lin’s 7th good night. At 11.15 taking Marie we went in Maud’s carriage to Dr K. where he kept us waiting with French lady! Then to dentist & fr. there to Savoy restaurant where we had vy poor grilled chops, épinard, coffee for self. Milk pudding vy indifferent. Orange. 10/-, 11/- with waiter. Lin enjoyed the change of scene. Took taxie to Vaudeville where Marie joined us. Had box for “Brass Bottle”. Vy amusing. Maud’s carriage fetched us. Rested in our room where we had tea on return, & dined in drawing room. Sunday 27 February Lin had splendid night, I fair. At 11.15 had brougham & went to Zoo where Lin had a chair 2/6. Met Nonie Messel & son, & Miss Lancaster. Lovely day, saw Baby Penguin. Masseur came, thinks Lin better, also Mervyn, Edgar & Ethel called. Ethel looks seedy, neurotic. E. & M. think Lin looks better. He was vy weak walking a few steps in Zoo. Colder. Edgar stayed till 6.30. Lin & self dined in dining room alone. Monday 28 February Lin’s 8th good night, no tea! Splendid. X. Borrowed £200 Bank. Sir John Tenniel 90 today. Maud’s carriage 11.15. I went with Lin to Dr, vy pleased with him, no swelling in legs. Taking pills with mercury. Masseur ¼ to 4. Antoinette to Doctor Amhurst & taking iron pills, hope soon all right, damp weather seems to upset us all. Ethel Mervyn looked so seedy yesterday, neurotic. No one came. Tea in our room, Maudie unable to come, has cold & dear little O. in bed with one. Sir John Tenniel’s birthday, we called to leave cards morg. Bought 200 Mexican Light & Power 5% Bonds at 91, with com. £187.10.8. Mar 1910 Tuesday 1 March Lin good night. I woke at 5. Lovely morg. V. cold, nearly freezing 32. Lin with Marie our carriage to Doctor & dentist. I in Maud’s to stores about (illeg)! & to Bawn, ordered fruit Barkers. Gave Beach £1, moi meme. Masseur came. Lin v. tired, walked a little way when out morg. Mrs Holland, Ethel English & Mrs Spofforth called. Dined dining room. Dickie slept a great deal today. Wednesday 2 March Lin good night, I fair. Gave groom 10/-. To Dr K. with Lin alone 11.15 in Maud’s carriage. Had awful fright at Doctors, Lin nearly fainted after vibrating, even frightened doctor. He would walk fr. Stanhope Gate to Albert Gate, terrified, & again nearly fainted at luncheon, think over tired. Went to occulist & Pall Mall restaurant before doctor. He lay on his bed & slept all afternoon. Masseur. Oranges, chicken & eggs fr, Midge for Lin. Mrs Beale, Mrs Mount Batten & Lady Lucy called. Dined drawing room. Lin slept all evg till 10. Thursday 3 March Good night, but Dickie vy odd early. made me v. unhappy. To Dr K. with Marie Maud’s carriage, did not vibrate Lin, gave him brandy & is also anxious about him, his hands & feet v. cold, his face blue & his pulse weak & feeble. After to Pall Mall restaurant, lunch 6/6. 1/- waiter, Marie 1/-. To see “Blue Bird” matinée after. Marie in our box. Rather a foggy(?) piece some poetic feeling but disconnected & stupid in parts. Darling M. here on our return. Antoinette out till 5.30, Emma answered bell. We dined in our room. Lin is to stay in bed several days. Friday 4 March Mervyn & Ethel sail for Teneriffe. Dickie slept quietly & well but looks vy ill & so weak, pulse 45 only. Did not get up evg for bath & lay asleep all day on & off.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Walked to order 12 face towels Walpoles, & post. Daring came ¼ to 12 Victoria but felt too sad to go for drive. She remained to lunch & tea. Marie out afternoon. Lovely day. Roy returns from Leweston. Lin enjoyed his lunchon, 12 oysters bread & butter pudding & orange. Dr K. came 5 o’c. Nellie K. came to tea. Lin dozed on & off all day. Hands warmer, rather hot. X. Roy dined out. Saturday 5 March Fair night. Gave Lin brandy & water in night. Would take bath & sit in chair for breakfast, & so weak. Pulse 44. Dr K. came in by surprise just as I had finished dressing. Vy angry indeed at Lin’s getting up & Bath! Must have Nurse. Maudie came 11.10 motor & I went round Park in it. Dear little Anne v. ill pleurisy. Maudie came to lunch & tea. Dr K. came again. Lin little better but v. hot, & so weak. Nurse Hanbury came at 4 o’c. Spencer to tea & went off with Dr K. Seems odd without Marie. Sunday 6 March Fine, warmer. Dickie had good night but still vy weak pulse, 44. Dr K. telephoned not to get out of bed at all. Nurse slept in Antoinette’s room. Roy to Queen’s Club. Lin slept on & off all morg. Dr K. not coming, telephoning tonight. Lennie came with Maud, I met them near Round Pd morg & they ret’d with me. Maud remained until after tea when Lennie fetched her & they went to Mr Philpot’s studio & Lennie to Mr Fleishmann’s after. Roy dined at home. Lin v. silent. Monday 7 March I had v. bad night. Lin coughed 12 o’c, got up & gave him meat juice. Felt so anxious could only sleep in jerks, Lin restless till 4 o’c, then v. quiet. Maudie came in Motor & I went in it to Johnsons & Bradleys & round Park. Not v. comfortable in Motor, Harrington drives too fast as he does not know London. Maudie lunched here. Emma out afternoon & evg, as Roy dines with Mr Sterne. Dr K. came. Lin a little better pulse 56, drop’d again later. Tuesday 8 March Good night. Woke 4 o’c, covered Lin up as cool air coming in. Only slept on & off after a little. Dull & rain. V. warm & close. Lin’s pulse v. low, under 60. Dr K. did not come, telephoned. Dickie slept on & off all day. I drove in M’s carriage to Harrods, saw no dressing gowns I liked. To Jays, no gowns under £18.18.0 I liked, too much. Maudie to tea, not luncheon. Gladys C, Lady Lawrence & Lady Orchardson & Mrs Sington called. Roy dined out. Read to Lin. Bed early. Wednesday 9 March Lin good night, but livery morg. I slept better. Lin v. silent & depressed. Dr K. came 10 o’c. Lin’s pulse little better & he sat in arm chair in his room, & rested at tea time on his bed & again up. We dined together in his room. Mr Owen Seaman rang me up & sent kind messages to Lin fr. Punch table, dear Lin feels not being there v. much. Roy dined out. Darling came after lunch & remained till 6 o’c. I drove morg to Libertys M’s carriage. Saw nothing as I liked. Thursday 10 March Go to John Thomson 141 New Bond St, 12 o’c to be photod. Lin slept well did not wake for Valentines meat juice. W’d sit on chair before his room was done & would not go to bed last night until 9.30! Such a pity, will tire himself out. Had Victoria & to have my photo taken, look a fine wreck after months of anxiety. Maudie came & looks vy whte & thin poor darling, too much for her anxiety here and at home with dear little Anne ill, tho’ now thank God better. Roy dined out. Nonie Messel & Mrs Sington called. Dr K. came, thinks Lin little better. Friday 11 March Maudie again laid up with cold in bed. I had bad night. Lin slept but still vy weak, pulse v. low. Had Victoria & called on Sir John Tenniel & had long talk with him, looks v. well, & on Mr Silver after driving round Park. Sat with him, v. well, but


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 depressed. Walked part of way home having sent carriage away, & Bus rest. Many callers, saw none. Roy dined out. Lin v. weak & silent. Saturday 12 March Sir Alfred Hickman died, deeply regret loss. Midge called me up telephone just ar. fr. Monte Carlo at Hyde Pk Hotel. I had bad night. Lin woke & had Valentines meat juice at 2 o’c & was a little restless till 4 o’c. Lin slept till 10.30 after his breakfast, had his lunch on sofa in our room. I walked morg after doing flowers with Antoinette, & called to enquire on Mrs V. Cole & Sylvia Davies, better, & she was out twice last week. Maudie in bed with cold. Lin walked 3 times up & down our room, pulse 54. Roy dines out. Bed 10 o’c. Anniversary of our dear Father’s death, RIP. Sunday 13 March Lin slept well, I better. Lovely day, very bright but vy cold. Lin seems more himself tho’ vy weak. He & I went in brougham at 12 o’c round Park & he noticed things more & was not so sleepy. Roy to club. Midge unable to come, in bed with cold at Hyde Park Hotel. We lunched in dining room all 3, nurse, Lin & self. Mr Guthrie & the Cohens called, former saw Lin & had tea in our room. Roy dined with me. Lennie came & had tea in our room. Monday 14 March Lovely day, frost night. Lin slept well, I woke often. Feeling of depression. At 11.45 M’s carriage & Nurse Hanbury, Lin & self to Park. I walked length of Row, then Lin Nurse & I walked by Serpentine & Lin would go too far. Saw Airship, & 3 fire engines going to a fire at Whiteleys Queens Rd, 13 men injured there & one killed, terrible. Dr Kingscote came morg, told Lin not to walk. I had nervous neuralgia & lay on my bed after lunch, Lin’s room. Maudie called & saw Nurse, w’d not see us on ac’t of cold. Tuesday 15 March Lovely morg. Feel v. seedy indeed, my head so bad fr. nervous strain yesterday when Lin would walk against Doctors orders, so disappointing, utterly broke down when he said Nurse was not to go with us driving & that he was going to see some things at a sale in Up. Phillimore Gds with me! Nurse v. kind & I laid down until 4.30 an utter wreck. Nurse went with Lin. Midge came to tea. How I envy her her peace of mind! Bills coming in. Lin, Nurse & self dined in dining room. Roy out. Midge v. well & most amusing about their Monte Carlo experience. She came away 60 (illeg) to the good after making (illeg). Wednesday 16 March To Bank, pd fr. deposit to current ac’t for £200 Mexican Ly & Power 5% Bonds. Good night. Lin had tea 12 o’c, 4 o’c when I had one also, & 8 o’c! Lovely morg. My head much better, mind still v. worried over expenses which could so well be stop’d. Dr K. comes this morg. Dr K. told me I must go away for a week, am run down. Feel v. shakey & nervy. Lin to go to him at ¼ to 12. I went in carriage with him, & was put down at Stanhope Gate & walked home fr. there. Lin little better, I rested in his room on bed till 4 o’c. Darling came & stayed to tea. Tabbie came, wants me to go them, decided to go Saty. Hate idea of leaving Lin, sh’ll only remain few days. Roy dined at Harold’s. Thursday 17 March Slept well. Went with Lin & Nurse to Doctor’s ¼ to 12. Had to wait. Lin vy silent, only seems to care for food, all other interests gone & makes me feel so sad. So strange for his great mind to have but this one interest. We had a tiny walk in Park. I again rested in our room with Lin after lunch. Dreadful noise in our Terrace, impossible to sleep. Darling came & altered black bodice for me, clever little darling. Gladys C, Edie, Mrs Sington & Hamilton F. came. Lin saw Gladys & Hamilton but he looked v. tired after & slept as usual after dinner. Ham, Tabs & Roy dined at Maud’s.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 18 March Good night. Lin to doctor, Nurse. V. cold. Marie helped me pack. Maudie came, stayed till 6. Roy dined out, had promised often with Lin during my absence, feel I c’d not stand strain much longer. Read to Lin. Maudie takes my little housemaid until Marie leaves & she can come to me. Saturday 19 March Met Mr A. Cole at Waterloo. Lovely day. Awful night, woke at 1.15 to find Lin standing by window opening it & pulling up blind, vy cold. At 2 o’c he was suddenly seized with diarrhoea & had to get up & wash results, sheet, floor etc, terrible escapade & poor darling so weak. Would not rouse Nurse. 3 o’c had to go down myself & c’d not sleep. Lin better morg. He to doctor with Nurse. Maud came to lunch. I to Leweston feel v. unhappy to leave Lin, but feel must get change, strain telling. Marie to Station with me in cab. Comf. journey 2nd class. Tabs met me. To bed early. Sunday 20 March Lin to Zoo & met Ann & Oliver there. Maud to tea with him. Lovely morg. Tabs to her church 10 o’c. Slept well. Woke, thought of Lin & slept again. Dressed 12 o’c. Walked with H. in Park, perfectly lovely so improved everywhere. Walked after lunch garden. H. to tea at Castle. Freddy carries his son about proudly. Rested an hour before tea. Glorious sunset. Bed 9.45. Housemaid does all I need v. nicely, quieter without a maid. Monday 21 March Fine early dull later. Gwen & Baby over morg. Dear wee thing, v. good, Gwen picture of health. H. hunting. Tabs & self to Castle to tea, wonderful house, would like to spend a day there, but ugly & inconvenient. Baby’s suite of rooms charming & Gwen’s oak room. Called station, my train Thurs 1.48. Quiet peaceful day, bed 9.30. Letter fr. dear Lin had good night. Linley went to Punch dinner 2 hrs!!! Nurse with him. Tuesday 22 March Lovely day. Slept until maid brought in my breakfast 8.30! & felt better. Good reports of dear Lin. Terrified what may be results of Lin’s going to Punch dinner last evg! Walked to Lodge with Tabs before lunch. Grumbling woman, sorry for her husband! Her nephew with her. Lovely drive in Car after rest. H. hunting. Mr A. Cole called on Lin. Walk with Tabs on return fr. drive & bed early. Gramaphone out of order. Wednesday 23 March Lovely morg. Frost. Reassuring letters fr. home about Lin, but feel anxious, Lin out twice yesterday. My photos fr. Johnsons quite nice, wonder if they are really like me! Ham at home all day. Vy busy with wrought iron designs for gates. German Swiss came 3.30 to see Tabs as holiday governess, plays well. For walk round grounds with H. & T. after tea. Vy pleasant evg & bed 10 o’c. Tabs with sore throat. Thursday 24 March Dull but fine. H.Maid packed for me, no trouble at all & most attentive. Ham off hunting most kind & asked me to go again soon & whenever I liked. Vy happy visit & feel better for change. Good news fr. home, Lin better, trust true. Gwen & baby came over morg. for primroses. Left by 1.40, carriage to myself all the way. Gt crowd Waterloo. Maud met me. Came back to tea, Sp here. Lin seems no better, so breathless & weak, perhaps a shade better. Friday 25 March Fine, colder. Fair night. Dickie slept well. To Dr K’s morg. Vry worried Lin will do such unwise things, wants to dine at Maud’s Sunday. Glad Dr K. vetoed this, ridiculous as dear Lin coughs & would worry them dreadfully. Met Lennie & Maud Park walking together, we had their carriage. Nurse & Lin out again afternoon our


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 carriage Serpentine. Maudie came after tea, looks tired dear little thing. Roy to Leweston. Saturday 26 March Slept badly woke so often & distressed to hear Lin’s laboured breathing. He did not go to sleep until 11.30. Dull dark morg. Out at 11.30 Maud’s carriage to Canon St about Lin’s medicine, shut. Many shops shut. Walk fr. Stanhope Gate to Albert Gate. Darling to Balcombe for day about Red Cross training. Feel my side a good deal, aches so, rather (illeg) & my wrist painful too! Roy at Leweston. Lin did not go out after lunch. Had tea in drawing room. Gave Marie (illeg) silver. Sunday 27 March Dull & foggy. Bad night. Lin coughed continuously & I could not sleep, a little hacking cough which got on my nerves. Lin & I went to Zoo in our carriage, Bath chair there waiting & to Darling’s to lunch. Lennie & chicks & Fraulein only. Easter eggs! Darling looks tired & worn out. Came away 4 o’c, feel dead after bad night. So glad to see the darlings. No one called. Marie went home & was here to meet us. No one came. Monday 28 March Slept v. badly, awake till 2 o’c. Scalded my finger with tea! To Richmond Park with Lin & Nurse, walked when there, saw boy scouts. Had Maud’s carriage. Maud came to tea & Lennie later with Mr Ford (artist) nice man, vy attentive to Lin. Darling looks white & tired. Lin’s cough v. troublesome but he seems better in himself. Roy returned late fr. Leweston. Tuesday 29 March Slept a little better. Dickie not so well. Roy came in at 9.30, returning to Leweston tonight for a dance & returns tomorrow. I pray he may never suffer for his unkindness to me, he makes me vy unhappy often by his unkindness & I w’d do anything to make him happy if I could. To Dr K. morg. with Nurse, Maud’s carriage. Vy pleased with Lin but his cough so trying. Walked better. Darling came to tea. Mr Cooke & Nellie full of funny stories. Lin out after lunch in our carriage. Wednesday 30 March Better night. To Doctor, calling for darling on our way in her carriage. Doctor pleased & says no longer requires Nurse, but someone to wait on Lin & help me. Walked a little & took darling back. Roy returns fr. Tabs, late. The dear chicks Oliver & Anne with Maimie to tea. Darling also to tea & remained till 6 o’c. She & Lennie dining at Hohlers. Lin to Punch dinner with Nurse, back ¼ to 9. Vy tired & shakey on legs & horrid cough. Thursday 31 March My darling leaves for Ireland with Lennie & dear little Anne. Think the change will do her good, she needs the rest badly. God bless her, & keep all sorrow from her. Fair night. Lin restless after Punch dinner. In Maud’s carriage to Doctor. Maudie came for afternoon, & Mrs Beale came, did Lin good to talk to her. Darling left at 6 & started on her journey 7.30. Roy dined out. Apr 1910 Friday 1 April Wire fr. Maud arrived safely Ireland. Lovely morg. Lin’s cough v. tiresome fr. cold wind, east. Nurse & Lin to doctor’s in our carriage, & again out for an hour in carriage after lunch. I walked morg Bank, Barkers & to Mrs Spofforth’s, saw her cook who extoled our Herald range. Man fr. Herald range repairing sides & bars. Lady Fildes came after tea, stayed some time. Roy dined at home. Saturday 2 April Cheque fr. Lennie. Bad night, Lin so dreadfully restless & puffed & blew so hard, could not sleep altho’ he seemed to do so, v. thankful. Lin to Docor K. in his own


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 carriage. I shop’d & called at Coles, a’c been standing 3 years unpaid! Walked in Gds. Lovely clear sunny day. Nurse out after tea. Lin’s nervous cough all the time. Sunday 3 April Bad night, shall have to sleep in Roy’s room, 3rd bad night. Dear Lin’s cough incessant & gets so awfully on my nerves. Lin & I to Zoo in our brougham, chair awaiting us there. Met Mr E. Pollock who went some way with us. Saw little bear being led by a strap, behaving like a naughty child, hugging & biting everything near it, & then walking on its hind legs. Dear Oliver to tea, a perfect darling. Roy to Ranelagh with Mr Stern, York & Pollock, to play golf, & dined out. He was not in till 5.30 this morg! I had v. bad night. Miss Rose Innes came, stayed late. Monday 4 April Slept better, but woke vy often, Lin restless, however better than last 3 nights. Lin’s ankle swollen again last three days & breathing so bad. Nurse to Dr with Lin, I shop’d & met them in Pk. Nurse went after to Stores for me. Mrs Spofforth called & most kindly lends me a small folding bed for Roy as I must sleep in another room, nerves going. Must arrange tomorrow for Roy to sleep drawing room. Roy dined at Nonie’s. Lin v. breathless. Tuesday 5 April Bad night. Lin dreadfully breathless. Cold raw day, wind W. Lin to Doctor with Nurse. X. I to Bank bought (blank) shs Chersonese rubber at (blank) against Mr Richardson’s advice. Mrs Spofforth lent me chair bed for Roy drawing room where he sleeps tonight! X. Man fr. Whiteley’s mended drawing room grate. X. Arthur Linley came to tea. Gt reaction in rubbers!!! Slept in Roy’s room. Thursday 7 April Better night. Dear Lin did not sleep well. Cold & raw. Lin to Doctors with Nurse. Marie & I did sofa together 3 o’c, finished 7.30! Great success, looks vy nice indeed. Lin seems vy breathless & weak, see no improvement in him. Roy dined out. Wire fr. Midge about Lin. Edgar wired, telephoned. Friday 8 April I went to doctor with Lin & we walked little way in Pk. Watched carts with mould, gave man 6d, good to his horse. Our horse dead lame! Lin had Mr Thornton masseur 3.30. X. Mrs Finlay to tea, vy amusing. Edgar dines here 8 o’c. Dickie slightly better. Roy dined here, Nurse in Morg room. Saturday 9 April Dear Dickie good night but v. breathless, can’t understand it at all. Lin did not go to doctor. We all three went at 2 o’c, Nurse by bus, we three in brougham (horse better of lameness) to see “Trelawny of the Wells”. Saw Gilberts & Towers there. Sir W. helped Lin down stairs of theatre to box. Enjoyed play immensely, pleasure to take Nurse. Tea on return. Roy out to dinner. Feel necessity of having someone to help me in many ways. Sunday 10 April Good night. Horrid day, drove round Park & Regents Pk, not to Zoo. Lin’s breathing v. bad. Mr C. Cooke & Miss Bonnevie & Edgar & Gladys Crozier to tea. Lin very tired after. Roy dined at home. Monday 11 April Fair night. Saw Nurse Saunders, too old & too small. Vy neat appearance. Shop’d & met Lin in Park. Nurse with him to Doctor’s. I returned home with him. Edgar came & stayed some time, he looks very seedy, & thinks I do & wants me to go away. Cannot leave Lin yet. Roy out to dinner. Tuesday 12 April 2 bots wine Barkers. Dull, warmer. Lin fair night. Maudie writes Lennie has killed 14 salmon in 7 days! in Ireland. Lin to doctor with Nurse. I met them in Park & ret’d with Lin in brougham. I went to see Miss Jackson about another nurse as


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Nurse Hanbury’s time is soon up & Lin must still have trained nurse. Sp. came to tea. Roy out to dinner. Mrs Sington called. Lin to have Mr Green’s breathing exercises again, Mr G. calling 9 o’c to see him. Wednesday 13 April Sir W.Q.Orchardson died. Good night but felt v. worried about Lin. Went into him about 6.30 found him sitting up looking ill & declaring Sp. had slept in my bed & had knocked the saucer over & broken it. It was smashed on the ground. Lin v. nervy. I feel v. seedy & headachey. Lin did not go to doctor but Dr K. came here at 6 o’c. Lin’s legs much swollen. X. Mr Green started breathing exercises again with Lin. Lin went for a little drive after lunch. Horse lame. Edgar & Sophy came. I out morg shop’g. Emma out afternoon & evg. Roy in to dinner. Thursday 14 April I slept in Lin’s room. C’d not sleep till 3 o’c Lin’s breathing so distressing. Went with Lin to Doctor, says I must go away at once. Awfully kind & sympathetic. Mr Green came for Lin. Lin & I left cards at Lady Orchardson. Sir William Orchardson died yesterday heart failure after severe neuritis. Vy grieved, most charming man. X. Our horse dead lame. Roy dined out. Antoinette out. Dull & warm. Lovely salmon fr. Lennie. Friday 15 April Drove Maud’s horse, ours lame. Slept in Roy’s room, good night. Went into dear Lin at 6.30, seems to have been vy quiet & sleeping quietly, his bed clothes not so disarranged. Nurse to Doctor with him. He was vy tired after choaking over his tea, frightened me & Marie dreadfully. I to Selfridges. Met Sp. in bus Notting Hill Gate. Walked fr. S’s to Albert Hall, took taxie home 1/-. Mr Green came. Had salmon for lunch, Dickie sole. Roy out to dinner. Saturday 16 April Owen Seaman came to tea. Fair night awake some hours, afraid to go in to Lin in case of disturbing him altho’ I heard him cough. Horrid morg. Nurse to doctor with Lin who seems a fraction better. I walked after shop’g to meet them, waited ½ an hour in rain & just missed them at Albert Gate. Spencer & Edgar came to tea, latter looking ill, feel v. anxious about him. Mr Green came. Roy out to dinner. Dickie seems a wee bit easier in breathing. Sunday 17 April Slept fairly well. Awake 3 to 4. 30. Heard Lin coughing, worried. Roy off earlier than usual. Lin & self to Zoo. He seemed to take more interest in things. Mr Green came. Dear little Oliver with Nurse F. to tea. He had lunched at Hylda’s, looks well & was vy good but disobedient to Nurse F. who seems to have no control over the children. Roy dined here but rushed off at 8.30 to see Mr Stern off to Paris. Monday 18 April Met Lin morg, Hyde Pk, after he had been to Dr with Nurse. Mended linen. Fair night. Lin coughed between 3 & 4 early morg. Sophy & Gilly came to tea. Lin less breathless but vy tired evg, has oxygen twice a day. Roy entertained Mr Stern’s guests for him at dinner & sporting club after. Man seriously injured there. Tuesday 19 April I slept in Lin’s room, fair night. Lin woke & asked for urinal No. 2 Had his leg out of bed for this reason. Do not like his being alone at night. To Doctor with Lin. Sat in Park after, home 1.30. Edgar came to tea. Marie packed. Roy out to dinner. Dickie seems better & talked a little more. Wednesday 20 April Slept in Lin’s room, better night. Edie came morg. Finished packing. Lin did not go out all day, he went to Punch dinner! I left by 3.20 for Mrs Evans, Ramsgate. Marie to Sta. with me. Edgar & Sophy met me at Sta, saw me off, trav. 2nd class.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Very kind welcome fr. Mrs Evans. Charming room & dear little clean comfortable house. Hope dear Lin will be none the worse for going to P. dinner. Thursday 21 April Fine alternately, much warmer. Slept well, down 11. Into town. Wrote Dickie. Met Lady Burnand, Mrs Banks Tomlin, Mrs Nooth & Sylvia looking better morg. Rested after lunch. Took fly with my hostess to Mrs Martin Tomson. Lovely garden, great masses of red tulips & never saw such quantities. Tea there. Mr & Mrs T, 2 daughters & governess. Walked back. Letter fr. Nurse all well. Puzzle & bed v. tired. Had to leave puzzle unfinished 10.35. Two letters fr. dear Lin, seems better. Friday 22 April Splendid night, slept until 10 to 9! when maid came in with my breakfast. Only fair morg. Letter fr. my dear Dickie, seems easier. 2 letters fr. Nurse, one fr. Marie. Not a nice letter from Antoinette, vy ungrateful, feel X. Worked until 12 in Mrs Evans little work room. Out for an hour between showers & I called after my rest on Lady Burnand at her little house. Perfect chaos people just gone & carpet & curtains piled up. Found Rosie sorting silver etc. Called on Mrs du M, out. Vy happy quiet day. Saturday 23 April Vy high wind unable to have my window open, so cold. Lovely early. V. cold & damp & dull later. Good news of dear Lin fr. himself, Nurse & Marie, so glad to get these. Morg with Mrs Evans to St Peters, took Arum lilies to our beloved Parents grave, looking so beautiful with purple & white hyacinths & yellow tulips & double forgetmenots, & to Eilie Gladstone after. Vy pretty cottage & lovely big garden. Saw Cap. Gladstone. After rest to tea Mrs du Maurier. Sylvia looking lovely lying bed near window drawing room, purple cover cushions & gown. Mrs du M. tired. Peaceful quiet evg. Bed 10.30. Sunday 24 April Dull & raining. Good night. In all day except for walk by lawn hedge with Mrs Evans on her return fr. Church. Dined at Sir Francis Burnand’s. Winnie, Ethel looking sad, Mr Philip Bradley Winnie’s fiancé (a big rather gauche young man evidently shy of Sir F.) & Lady B. Vy cheery evg. Two maids shut out of No 20 & all busy with ladders trying to effect entrance at back. Fear finances tightening but all happy & cheerful. Enjoyed our evg. Lovely night after rain. Monday 25 April Fine & dull alternately cold, v. cold. Slept badly, coffee last night! Telephoned morg. Fr. Post Office Marie but could not hear a word scarcely. Decided to remain until Wed. Mrs Evans so kind in wishing it & very satisfactory telegram fr. Nurse telling me to remain. Letter fr. dear Lin, going to Academy Varnishing Day today! V. unwise. Mrs Hammond came to tea & she & I to Hospital after, beautiful & luxurious but badly kept, v. untidy & stuffy & smelly. Mrs Irwin (Irish lady) to dinner. Looks weak & ill, suffering fr. heart. Tuesday 26 April Slept well, gleaming morg. Still cold. Out morg. & lunched at Mrs Hammond’s, v. pleasant, & walked after to call on Mrs Buckmaster, out. Rested on return, tea, & out again on front. Quiet little peaceful evening & bed. I put in all my dresses after tea & left only few things to pack tomorrow. Peaceful happy little evg alone with Mrs Evans. Bed 10 o’c. Wednesday 27 April Slept well. Out at 11 after finished packing, everything ready. To Lady Burnand, stayed some time & she asked me to go to her next time. Came away by 3.28, Mrs E. to station with me. My 2nd class carriage full. 2 wedding parties in train & great commotion at Faversham. Found Marie awaiting me Victoria & Lin & nurse flown to Punch dinner. Home at 9 o’c. I dined in drawing room. Roy out to dinner. Lin seems a little better, seemed vy tired on return.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 28 April Lovely morg. Slept well. With Lin to Doctor. Do not feel any improvement in Lin, seemed to have settled down into depression which is very contagious. Poor darling seems to care for no one, or any thing. Tried to talk to him but useless & I feel absolutely nervous with him. Dr. depressed also. Round Green Park & St James’. Oysters for Lin’s lunch. A dreadful day. Did one shelf of my wardrobe with Marie. Roy dined out. Friday 29 April Roy leaves by night mail for Ireland. Bad night. Nurse with Lin to doctor. Edith Mervyn & I to Private View Academy11.30 by Motor Bus. Met many friends. Mr & Mrs Messel, Ld Kingsburgh, Johnson Fergusons, Lewis’s, Agnews, Humphrey Ward, Airds, Sir F. & Lady Mclean, Abbeys, Spiers, English’s, Carlisles, etc etc. Lin’s lovely “Thumbelina” there, also Mervyn’s group Mr Crossthwaite vy good. Ret’d alone to lunch with Lin. Mervyn using my book with Ethel afternoon. Marie & I did morg. room cabinet, finished it. Roy dined at home & left for Lennie & Maud’s, Ireland 8.10. Edgar & Sophy & Major & Mrs Batey there. Saturday 30 April Slept better both. Cool but fine. In all morg. Nurse by train, Lin & self in brougham to see Cyril Maude & Marie Lohr in “Tantalizing Journey” charming & vy amusing. Mr Maude came to see us, let us out across stage, no stairs. Tea on return. Lovely piece of samon fr. centre fr. Maudie fr. fish 20 ½ lbs! Mrs d’Arcy called. Lin vy restless & breathless after dinner, scarcely still a moment & yet he has seemed better these last few days. May 1910 Sunday 1 May. Dull morg. Lin vy restless all night until 4.30 when I arranged pillows & covered him over & he seemed quieter & more restful. Headache. To Zoo 11.20. Chair for Lin there, saw new Polar bear quarters, splendid, & they seemed so happy & different. Saw the Seal monk in the Polar bears’ old place, vy unhappy & bellowing. Gardens lovely, trees just out & cherry & apple blossom. Dickie only so so. Vy breathless. Mrs Routh came & sang 2 songs to Lin, he enjoyed them. He slept after dinner, perhaps quieter. My darling, Linley & Oliver did not come. Linley arrived fr. Ireland this morg. Monday 2 May Fair night. Lin v. restless, making the stuffy noise in his nose & throat, so alarming. He slept thro’ it. Nurse with Lin to Dr. Gladys C, Nonie Messel & Spencer came to tea. Lin enjoyed seeing them. Mr Green each day at 3 now, better for Lin. Hear darling Maud is better. Antoinette went to see a lady as useful maid. Tuesday 3 May Everyone (illeg). Vy bad night.Lin v. v. restless & lost his handkerchief, had to get one from bathroom. Walked to bank taking Chersonese paper certificate signed & left it with head clerk. Across Gardens met Mrs Macquoid, to 104 Lancaster Gt. Saw Miss Gill & dear little Oliver. Saw Emily about Mary. Met Lin & Nurse at Serpentine watching gosling with 5 geese following it qlong. Nurse back by bus, self with Lin. ½ bot. wine fr. Barkers. Ordered 12 oranges, & gooseberries. Lord Kingsburg called & Miss Rose Innes. Wednesday 4 May Bad night. Slept in Roy’s room but heard Lin drop something, was glad I went in to see but c’d not get to sleep again. Nurse F. brought Linley & Oliver to see me. I saw a lady for Antoinette, Mrs Scott, where she goes as useful maid. Walked to Gardens with chicks, both darlings well. Linley returns to school this afternoon. On after to French Gallery to see A. Mauve’s pictures. Most beautiful, asking 1800


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 gns for one size of mine & £5000 for a larger one: Took cab. Arthur L. & Florrie Blair called & had tea. Lin to Punch dinner. V. breathless after. Thursday 5 May Bad night. Nurse leaves tomorrow. Lin with her to Doctor. Lin’s breathing a great deal mental Dr says, & vibrated his forehead yesterday & today, results a large raised place on his forehead. I shop’d & went about Char to thoroughly clean rooms next week. Antoinette vy nice girl but not thorough in her work. Letters last evg fr. darling Maud. Mrs Messel came to tea & was most cheery with Lin. Saw Olive’s vy untidy looking char with a (illeg). Do not fancy her. Friday 6 May Went in to Lin at 4.10 am this morg hearing some noise, only wind blowing blind about, found Lin fast asleep. Slept until 6.10, found tea & water cold! Felt refreshed with good night. Morg Marie & I did Lin’s room as he said he w’d go up to it & did a little work!!! To Doctors morg with Nurse. Vy windy but fine. Mr Green at 3 o’c. Lin to start fresh medicine tomorrow. Beatrice Rooth & Doris to tea & both sang to us charmingly. Lin again to his room after, but too tired to work. (extra page pinned in) Friday 6 May. Alarming news of King all day men shouted. Great anxiety, 6 doctors. Miss Finlay called said everywhere placards of dangerous condition of the King. The King died at 11.20, but not known until later. Cannot realize it. Terrible loss & at such a time in our country’s history, only ill two or three days fr. a cold taken at Sandringham. Saturday 7 May X. the terrible news of the King’s death last evg at 11.20 after 3 days illness. Antoinette up told me on calling me. Fear shock for Lin. Great sorrow & great loss to all in these most critical times. Bronchial & heart trouble immediate cause, worry & anxiety caused by Liberal Government primary cause. Nurse Hanbury leaves today, vy nice obliging nurse, & new nurse came 3.30. Little plump thing with bright face. Lin seems to like her, sh’d be happier if he does. All places of amusement closed. (extra page pinned in) May 7 1910. Went with Lin for drive & past Palace. All flags half mast high. Great crowds outside Palace & many going & coming fr. the N.W. entrance. Perfect hurricane of rain & hail, v. cold. Mr Green came & Nurse H. left. Antoinette & I did boxes, taking out black things & putting away coloured. All went well evg. Lin v. breathless, slept in Roy’s room. We both like the look of new Nurse & Lin seems to like her much better than the last. Sunday 8 May Wretched cold day, dark & showery. Went for drive with Lin round Regents Pk. Looking perfectly lovely, all the trees and blossoming shrubs, lilac etc just bursting into bloom. Both good night, but Lin uncomfortable & breathless & high coloured in morg, visits cause. Ethel M & Sp, dear Oliver & Nurse F. to tea. Marie off duty. Lin very breathless & uncomfortably restless when drowsy. Monday 9 May Lovely morg. Lin seems easier in his breathing but choaks dreadfully over his food, makes me v. anxious. Lin to Doctor with Nurse, former still most sanguine. The King seems to have had these same throat contractions. Mr Green came 3 o’c. Lin had 2 actions, took more Rubinol morg. I tried to get gloves, out of my size! No one called. Letters fr. darling, & Roy who leaves Ireland tonight, & Nurse went with Lin to Punch dinner, back 9.20. Spoke to Mr Agnew about my picture, returns it Thursday. Tuesday 10 May Dear Roy arrives early this morg. I slept in his room, impossible to sleep in dear Lin’s. Roy arrived 9.15, looks wonderfully well. Busy getting his mourning for the King. I went to Doctor with Lin, vibrated his head & Lin seemed more awake after. We sat in Park & watched people. Called Barkers, got Chablis & tarragon. Nellie &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mr Townsend called & had tea. Roy dined at home. Dear Lin vy sleepy. I took him to Doctor, he was less sleepy after vibration. Wednesday 11 May Slept well in Roy’s room but vy disturbed breakfast, dear Lin so uncomfortable after (illeg) (illeg) felt v. (illeg) going fr. room to room! Nurse took Lin to Doctor. Met Mrs J.F. & Desirée, & a party of 14 hens at Lady J.F’s. All in deep mourning. Would rather have been at home with Lin. Took Desirée back as carriage fetched me at 3 o’c. Bought flowers 1/6 Barkers & arranged them. Darling Oliver to tea, so delighted to see his dear little face at the door on my return. We had tea together & he left at 5 for Mad’lle & his French lesson! Letter fr. my darling & dear Edgar. Roy out to dinner. Lin again twice up to his room & drew a little, & seemed less tired than last time. Thursday 12 May Slept well in Roy’s room. Dear Lin also seemed not to have moved during night: Lost his china ornament! & found it in his bed! My 2 white bed boxes returned by Bermans Tuesday. Pd for alteration 38/6. Fine morg, still cold wind. No one called except Mrs Sington. Dear Lin vy depressed & seems to have taken a slight chill. I took him to Doctor & we remained top of Row in carriage after, too windy & cold for Lin to sit out. Roy dined with Mr Sterne. Friday 13 May Mr Agnew did not return my picture yesterday as promised. I slept in Lin’s room, fairly good night. Dear Lin seemed vy tired & slept late in bed after his breakfast & Nurse broke his china ornament! last night & had to use bronchial jug! Antoinette got the old one this morg fr. cupboard in maid’s room. Nurse to Doctor with Lin. I shop’d, met Mr Ledger, Coward etc. Sunny but v. windy. My corns v. painful. Marie painted them last night. Mr Green 3 o’c. Lin had v. bad choaking fit at dinner last evg. Saturday 14 May Roy to Tabbie’s Leweston morg. Antoinette Duval leaves today after 2 years 5 months service. I slept Roy’s room, went to see Lin 3 o’c, coughing, & looks better but pasty. Horrid choaking fit after his sea weed stuff, terrified me as it weakens him so. Pd Antoinette £1, wages 18/5½, 2 weeks. Lovely day, warmer. Little Mary (illeg) came as housemaid. Lin, Nurse & self to see “Whip” Drury Lane, vy good & well acted. Lin enjoyed it vy much, but vy restless on return, after dinner especially. The King moved at 9 fr. his room to Throne Room, lying in state there until Tuesday. Great crowds all day around near Palace. Roy went to Tabby for Whitsuntide. Felt wretched about Lin, makes no progress & has slight cold. I slept in Roy’s room. Sunday 15 May I slept in Roy’s room. Went into dear Lin at 20 to 6. Found him sleeping fairly easily, his tea cup on the ground unbroken. Again went into him at ¼ to 7, his little lozenge saucer on the ground. Had my breakfast 5 to 8 & washed. Dear Lin 2nd affair & accident just before starting for Zoo. Chair there. Feel v. unhappy about Lin see no progress, his legs v. swollen & tho’ less restless vy weak & helpless & sleepy, never seems awake more than a few seconds together. Mr Green came 3 o’c. Mary out afternoon. Glorious day, v. warm. Monday 16 May Lovely day slept until 7 o’c. Counted linen with Mary. Went with Lin for drive by Serpentine. Sat out half an hour, dear Lin coughed etc but notice he gets more & more sleepy, breathing v. laboured. Mr Green came. Eve telephoned about Dr T. for her brother-in-law Fisher Rowe. Fanny Evans & little girl called & stayed some time, v. glad to see them. Lin v. silent & depressed about work. Tuesday 17 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 The King moved this morg fr. Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall until Friday. Public lying in State. Dull morg, lovely later. X. To Bank & arranged abut Lin’s Japanese 5% to be transferred into new 4% Loan. Also placed £100 on deposit. X. Nurse took dear Lin to Doctor, wish we were as satisfied as he was. Mervyn dined here. Vy trying for him fear, Lin in restless sleep directly after dinner. Dear Roy returned after dinner fr. Leweston. (Page pinned in) May 17th. Made up glass , much broken, 6 now of each fr Whiteleys, Marie. Dust brush, black bed polishing brush & white enamel slop pail to Mary. Wednesday 18 May Lovely flowers fr. Tabs & Darling. Slept in dear Lin’s room last night as his night light went out & afraid he might want something. Vy restless & breathless, got up & arranged his pillows. Took Lin 11.30 to Doctor K, seems satisfied, wish I were. He seems to be losing strength daily, slowly sinking. We sat in park & he smiled twice, & was less sleepy. Spencer came, all feel what I do about dear Lin. Nurse took him to Punch dinner & he w’d go to his study for 15 minutes. Passed v. little water during day. Emma out evg. Roy dined at home with me. Thursday 19 May Vy bad night in Lin’s room, he tossed his head about so, wonder his neck stands it, & coughed, yet heard nothing of storm at 3 o’c must have fallen into deep sleep. Awakened by Lin’s turning over lozenges. Fine & cloudy morg. My corn too painful to walk, vy lame with it, a week now. Lin did a small drawing on couch but cannot be used alas, 2nd cartoon already done, but it kept him awake morg. & afternoon. Mr Green came. Lin did not go to doctor. (Page pinned in) 19 May 1910. Lin & I drove at 6.30 until 8 o’c in Park, saw tents everywhere 5 & 6 deep & great number of horses all tethered in lines between rows of tents. Enormous crowds of people everywhere. Heard band in Park. Saw King of Spain driving fr. Kensington Palace. Emperor of Germany arrived today, 9 monarchs now in London & a great many Crown Princes etc etc. Lin slept less but was vy helpless & breathless at dinner, sits all in a heap poor darling, most uncomfortable. Roy dined with us & vy shocked at dear Lin’s appearance. He slept directly after dinner & a little easier. I slept in Roy’s room after 2 very bad nights. Marie out afternoon & evg, went to see Antoinette. Friday 20 May The King’s funeral. Lovely morg. Roy left in Mr Stern’s motor at 6.30 to breakfast at Princes Gate & goes with him to Barretts where they have places for Funeral procession. It must be a most marvellous sight, 9 monarchs & a great many crown princes & foreign royalties. None of my maids care to venture, thankful. Park a perfect sight. Lin not going Doctor today. I slept in Roy’s room, better night. Roy greatly impressed by Procession. Spencer came afternoon. Lin & self for drive 6.30, saw King of Spain. Roy left for Marlow with Mr Stern later. Saturday 21 May Dull morg, fine later. I took Lin to Doctor, says he has albumen in water & must not take wine or any spirit. Park ankle deep in paper & orange peel, & debris terrible. At 20 to 2 Lin & self in Taxie to Gaiety Matinée. Nurse joined us there. “Our Miss Gibbs”. Music pretty. Tea on return. Spencer came to dinner. Vy good company as usual, & cheered Lin. Will dine once a week with us. Roy ret’d fr. Maidemhead in time to dress & go off again to River with Mr Stern. Sp. left 10.30. Lin to bed 10.20, slept after dinner. Sunday 22 May Glorious day, slept well. Dear Lin looks better & is breathing better this morg. We went to Zoo at 11.20, chair 2/2. Gate man 6d & porter 4d. All most attentive to Lin. Gardens looking beautiful. Still using Lennie’s horse. Enquired about dining at Zoo, think it w’d do Lin good when warmer. Sp. & Ada called after concert Hall, brought Lin 4 eggs laid this morg, vy kind. Nurse to see her little girl Finchley Rd,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 only went at 5.30. We saw German Emperor in Park. Alone evg. Lin v. tired, & to bed 10 to 10. Monday 23 May I slept in Lin’s room, felt anxious, seems so vy weak. Nurse to Doctor with Lin, he wishes further advice, fear this albumen in water v. weakening. All wine & spirits stop’d, & afraid Lin is anxious about himself poor darling. I went to see Nash about bill, & Tax assessor, & Barkers for orders etc. Glorious day, but heat seems to try Lin. Mr Green 3 o’c. Lin’s legs v. swollen. Lady Monckton, Spencer & Ada came. Lin saw Lady M. & enjoyed talk with her. Alice Linley & Mrs Sington also came, Lin saw them. Roy returned but dined out. Lin’s legs v. swollen. We 3 dined alone, Lin to bed before 10 o’c. Very tired. Tuesday 24 May I slept in Roy’s room, but went in to Lin at ¼ to 4 o’c. He knocked down 3 articles one after another on to floor. Barley water having better effect! I went with Lin to Doctor, fear relief must be given for swollen legs & am most anxious. Lin v. breathless. Mervyn dines here tonight. Mrs Joachim, Hilda Gibbs, Mrs C. Cooke & Miss Bonnevie came to tea, all most sympathetic about Lin. Lovely day but v. cold wind. We were unable to sit in Park too cold. Lin seems to get thro’ a great deal of money! & yet I pay everything when with him, can’t understand it. Wednesday 25 May Lin took champagne at Punch dinner. Lin good night but legs v. swollen & high up. To Doctor with Nurse. Dr K. wishes him to see another doctor specialist on Wed next, fear about legs. Makes him weak & depressed & unable to take any wine or spirits. I went out morg alone, cheque £1.0.0 Bank, no purse with me. To Barkers, & about advertisement. Mary leaves end of month. Antoinette came brought me lovely bunch of lilac. Does not look well, but is comfortable, vy glad. Lin to Punch din. with Nurse home late. Roy in 9.30. Vy cold, fires again. Mary out. Flowers fr. Toula. Thursday 26 May Slept Roy’s room. To Doctor with Lin, fears operation necessary next Wed on ac’t difficulty passing water, feel terribly nervous but dare not think about it. We sat in Park facing Serpentine but wind cold. Lovely sun. Marie & I turned out wardrobe & finished upper part Roy’s room. Mrs Messel called & had tea, was quite restful. Lin & self in brougham to Exhibition, chair there. Nurse came in motor & pd 6/6 without nurse’s expenses. Salmon fr. Lennie. Roy out. Lin tired but liked Ex. Friday 27 May Slept well in Lin’s room, only up once. Nurse to Doctor with Lin, so weak & legs swollen tho’ breathing better. Choaked over orange, cannot understand him going on with it. Shop’d alone. Called about glass to Mauve picture, pd for everything. Silk for mending Lin’s handkerchiefs, ordered 4 geraniums. Pd 2/- for eggs to Mrs Lane. Salmon fr. Lennie. Roy dined at home, vy lively during dinner. Saturday 28 May No doctor or Mr Green today! Picture glass to be done ¼ to 11. Men coming Monday instead. Shop’d morg. Went to Lin’s room 4.30 AM. He knocks over things by his bed. Lin in all morg & with me in brougham to see “When Knights were bold”. He was terribly weak & great difficulty in breathing & standing. Nurse came by bus. Spencer dined with us. Vy nice having him & it cheers Lin. Roy left before dinner for Marlow, Mr Stern’s. Went to Lin’s room 4 o’c. Sunday 29 May Slept in Lin’s room. Heard Lin knock over his cups & spent rest of night in his room, do not think it safe his being alone, knocked over night light glass! & generally fumbles about with things on table. To Zoo with Lin at 11.15, 2/6 chair, men vy attentive. Lin seemed more himself tho’ dreadfully weak. Little Mary out.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mr Green here 5.30. Dull day. No one called. Lin seems better in himself tho’ terribly weak, pulse 40. C’d not get him to bed before 11.10. Monday 30 May Slept Lin’s room. In all morg. working. Saw man about blinds & Bernams about back drawing room wall & paper. Dear Lin to Doctor with Nurse. Much swollen & difficulty with water. To remain in bed all day after lunch & tomorrow! before seeing specialist Wed. Tabbie came & brought me flowers, sat in Lin’s room where we had tea. I went for short drive with her in Car, too fast. Roy ret’d fr. Mr Stern’s, dined out & went to Nat Sporting Club (illeg illeg) fear very ill mannered. Tuesday 31 May Dull. Had bad night in Lin’s room, breathed badly. In bed all day legs etc swollen, & to me he looks bad colour. Saw 4 vy indifferent looking maids, English. Bernams man here cleaning back extension drawing room. Darling Maud & Len & Anne return tonight fr. Ireland, 10.30. Roy dines with Tabbie, Claridges. No doctor today. Mr Green came 5.30. Nurse to Lancaster Gate. Jun 1910 Wednesday 1 June Derby Day. Roy going with Mr Stern. Dull day. Lin in deep sleep all morg, unable to go to doctor so swollen. Johnston’s man here putting glass to Mauve. Bermans man finished back drawing room. X. Tailor fitted me. X. Fear not much, too confiding. Lin vy weak in bed all day, sitting on sofa for meals. Marie out. Thursday 2 June Sweep morg. room & dining room. Dr K. came here 5.30 & Mr Green. Bad night, up 3 times & found Lin on sofa, breathless, feel most anxious, & greatly swollen everywhere. I went for walk feeling seedy & tired. Met Mr Richardson. Darling Maud to luncheon. Nurse Perrière upset because I asked her to sleep in Lin’s room alternately with me, as it is knocking me up, 4 bad nights in succession. Tabs, Gwen, Eve, Mrs Sington, Lennie & Ham F. called. Only L. & H. saw Lin. Mary Monk fr. Lady Burnand, maid, came. Roy in after dinner. Vy depressed about Lin. Friday 3 June Good night, only awakened once. Vy vexed with nurse who seems vy unsympathetic & selfish, she sulked all yesterday. Know dear Lin vy trying but she has good nights & no house worries & ought to consider me a little. Out at 11 o’c for walk, called Mr Silver & Mrs Watney, former away. Marie vy good helping little Mary with drawing room. Sweep there morg. Darling to lunch & tea, looks v. pale. Saturday 4 June Dull early. Dear Lin good night. Nurse sat up with him all night, both sheets soaking morg! Lin up to bathroom most unwise whilst legs so swollen. Dr Kingscote came at 5 o’c said he was not to get out of bed. Feel this is what he sh’d have ordered weeks ago, & no acids or sweets. Mr Green came. Mevyn, Tabs, telphoned, Eve v. seedy. I went for drive to stores morg with Nurse. Darling came 11.15 & remained with Lin all day & slept with me in Roy’s room. Lennie at Nymans. Roy to Marlow with Mr Stern. Sunday 5 June Darling slept with me in Roy’s room last night. Nurse up all night & rested day. Darling with dear Lin all day long & doing everything. I went at 11 o’c for walk with Taxie for an hour to enquire Sylvia Davis, better, & Mrs Cole. Saw Blanche & Mr Paul & sat in their garden few moments. After met Maud Cole (Mrs & her husband) vy gentlemanly man. They have a tiny cottage in Sussex. All so grieved about Lin. Cannot speak of it to others. Met Mervyn on return & sat with Lin some time. He is v. v. ill & very wandery. Mr Green came. (Page pinned in) 5th June, Sunday 1910. Dr K came 6 o’c. Felt too upset to see him, my darling & nurse told


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 me after. He has been very strange all day & most odd, with rather wild look in his dear eyes. Hylda Gibbs came & Major Welman. Darling saw them for me. Nurse resting, came down about 5 o’c. Lennie came at 10, but Maudie remained here. Vy uncomfortable for her poor darling. Mr Green came. Monday 6 June Mervyn called. Nurse again slept in Lin’s room, v. unrestful sleep. Darling again slept with me in Roy’s bed. Lin seems about same, sleeping all day, v. puffy. Mr Green here morg & evg. Dr K. coming 6 o’c wth Sir Laudor Brunton. I went with Nurse to Lee & Pembertons, saw Mr Smith, unable to get power of attorney. Vy worried about bills & money generally & do not wish to be dependent on anyone. Darling remained during our absence with Lin, she went out on my return. Lunched together. Lovely day. Roy returns tonight. Came early afternoon so anxious about Lin. Doctors v. hopeful. Lin to lie in bed & not get out of it at all & only to take milk for a day & night. Great relief. Nurse sleeping in his room. (Page pinned in) 6th June. Sir Laudor Brunton ordered Lin to be entirely in bed & to take nothing but milk & to sleep as much as possible. On no account to be disturbed even for medicine or food. Asked Lennie’s advice about bills etc coming in. He wrote to Mr Francis Smith for me & explained better than Mr S. did to me. Tuesday 7 June (illeg illeg). Dear Lin the same tho’ to me seems little easier. Maudie came 11.30 & I went to Whiteleys ordered 3 new cups & saucers tea, & to Johnsons about Lin’s clothes being cleaned. Home 1 o’c. Nellie came. Lin too ill for me to see her, Maud went down. Vy bad day. Mr Green here & Dr K. Wednesday 8 June Lin good night. He seems to me better & less swollen. I had little walk. Telephone going all day long. Maudie came to lunch & tea & dinner, delightful having her but feel anxious as she looks so pale. Lin again asked for pencil paper etc at 2.30 when Maud sits with him. Mr Green came twice & Dr K. evg 7 o’c & he dined with Roy. Feel a little happier about Lin. Many callers. Ham & Tabs came too, saw them. Edgar came to tea, so glad to see him. Roy out to dinner. Thursday 9 June I lunch D.V. with Edgar & Sophy Café Monico 1.30, provided dear Lin well enough to leave. Did not. Lin had fair night & seems a tiny bit better. I went in M’s Victoria to take flowers to E. & S. at Langham, their wedding day, unable to lunch there, cannot leave Lin feeling happy. Fetched Maud who lunched and had tea here. Mr Green here morg & evg & Dr Kingscote who dined at Maud’s with Ham & Tabs. Sir Francis Burnand came & remained an hour & had tea. I alone as /// returned home to dinner. Friday 10 June Shingleton’s men put up green blind in drawing room, skylight blind. Vy heavy rain during night & rainy & dull until late, lovely sunset & evg. cooler. Heard dear Lin’s heavy breathing & groaning during night. Woke often being full of sorrow in mind. He seemed about same, left arm & hand swollen still, quiet, breathing bad all day. Mr Green here twice. Dr K. came at 6. Edgar & Sophy here. Edgar vy dear trying to help me with money worries. Morg in Maud’s carriage to see Tabs & H, Claridges. Vy anxious about Eve & her operation tomorrow. Fetched darling & she took lovely carnations to Eve & saw her & spoke to Lin. She stayed to lunch & tea. Made lovely shades to Lin’s electric light. Roy out. Saturday 11 June Lin v. good night Nurse said. He looks better but left hand & arm greatly swollen & v. breathless all day. I out morg with Tabs to Gds. Little Eve operated on for appendicitis, pity & enceinte! At her own house 2 nurses! Tabs walked with me to Palace Gate thro’ Gds. Paid House books & Uptons books. Upton Horse show. Darling came to lunch eat nothing. Beatie & Maud Alfred & Mr Cooke & Edgar


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 came to tea. Maud & Roy to dinner. Dr K. came. Roy after to Marlow with Mr Stern. Sunday 12 June Dear Lin fair night. Fresh fine morg. Nurse said we could but patch up dear Lin’s heart as there is no cure for these cases, can only hope on. Greatly worried about stables & expences, absolute madnessto keep on, yet no power to get end of this awful worry. A bad day, dear Lin v. breathless. I looked thro’ bills & ac’ts all morg, business. Maudie came to lunch & tea talked over after lunch. Many callers, Miss Rose Innes, Ethel & Mervyn, Lennie who fetched Maud. Dear Lin had blood in his mouth & bathed it after lunch. Vy breathless. Monday 13 June Dear Lin fair night. In all day doing accounts. Darling Lin v. weak, all most anxious. Roy home early fr. River weekend. Edgar came. Dr K. & Mr Green twice. Going to try Nauheim Baths tomorrow. My darling here to lunch & tea. Mr Hohler came about stable etc, advises selling all immediately. Taxie bit little Mary badly in face, vy unhappy about it X. Bathed it disinfectant, bled copiously. Dr K. told me Lin’s blood came fr. lung. Tuesday 14 June Upton leaves today month, v. sorry but feel we must stop stable expenses. Sophy goes away. Dear Lin fair night. Nurse off ¼ to 8 in brougham to Mortimer St for bath & Debenhams for towel for Nauheim bath today. Back at 10 o’c. I in Maud’s Victoria to Chesterton & Town Hall about assessments & Bank about Lin’s Life Insurance. Poor little Mary’s face v. bad, feel v. unhappy about it. Beach is going to take our poor little dog Taxie as it must be destroyed. Called to enquire after Eve, better. X. Felt depressed, gave Upton notice. Fetched darling Maud who lunched & stayed till 7 o’c. Roy home early. X. Taxie bit Mary very badly on her face, vy upset about it. X. Wednesday 15 June Lin good night. Out morg. Maud’s carriage to enquire Lady Bancroft, Ethel Mervyn to return Hurlingham ticket for today, have no heart to go anywhere. Effie out. Did flowers drawing room. Darling came to lunch & tea. Many callers. Saw Cole about carriage. Dr K. came earlier, Mr Green twice, & with Nurse & Upton gave Lin Nauheim Bath. Poor darling terribly weak, sat with him all evg. Roy dined at Dr Kingscote’s & Lennie. Maud had Spencer & Mabel(?) and Beatrice(?) Herapath dining with her. Marie out. Thursday 16 June Little Mary’s face better. Vy glad. Beech has taken our dog Taxie. Mary Munro comes. Little Mary Knapp goes to Maud again. Lady Hickman comes at 12 o’c & took me for a drive round Park. Felt better for it & our talk, dear old lady. Dear Lin good night & better colour, left hand still slightly swollen. Edie came early & we did some of the drawers in Lin’s room together, she remained to luncheon. Darling came to lunch & tea. I rested in Lin’s room, quite quiet. Glorious day. Roy asked for several times by Lin. No bath today Nauheim. Edgar, Mervyn, Tabs with lovely pink roses to tea. Tabs to Lin’s room, wrong & my fault, he wanted to see her. L. v. wandery. Groom to see our horse fr. Mr Hohler, too large. Lennie came & took M. back. Roy out. Friday 17 June Dear Lin bad night. Had his Nauheim Bath early . Mr G. said he seemed little better, but he nearly got out of bed when Nurse spoke to me about a new urinal! I did drawing room & loved it morg. One hour doing carpet & dusting everything & well rubbing silver & furniture brass. Better for work. Out in Holland Pk. after. Sat there ten minutes. Mr G. came twice. Thinks Lin a little better still wandering & cannot say what he wants. Had his Nauheim bath morg. Wooden planks in bath. Necessary ordered Barkers. Maudie to lunch & tea. (Page pinned in) Friday 17 June. I rested in Lin’s room 2.30 to 4. Dr K. came 6 o’c & took Nurse to Duke


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 St. in his Taxie about new urinal for Lin, a travelling one. Dear Edgar came & left with Maud, he is staying at Mrs Ryton’s. Fewer callers, Sir W. Agnew & three others. Lovely day, so fresh & not sultry. Roy dined out. Vy anxious & unhappy. Saturday 18 June Dr K. to Ireland, came early. Pink geraniums put Lin’s window fr. Smith & Larks, 2 men v. quiet. Barkers about Bath planks. Dull morg. Slept fairly well, woke early. Dear Lin vy good night. Maudie to Nymans for weekend, so glad as she needed the change. Roy away also for weekend, trust the change will do us both good. Glorious day fresh & sunny. Had Maud’s Victoria to Chesterton about stable, & round Park. Mr Lane (at Chesterton’s) most kind & promises to do all he can. Lin had bath early. Mr G. came twice. Dr K. v. early, goes to Ireland tonight, returns Monday. Nurse to Melba concert Albert Hall. (Page pinned in) Saty 18 June. Sat all afternoon with Lin. Seemed quiet but wandering, begged me not to leave him. Poor darling cannot recognise he is at home, feel most unhappy about him. Roy dined with me, worrying one with useless questions. Left at 10.30 PM with Mr Stern for Marlow. Sunday 19 June Maud at Nymans. Roy with Mr Stern Marlow. Lovely morg. Anxious à cause de la nouvelle, ne connais pas son ouvrage de tout, pas jusqu’une fille de dixhuit ans, gages ridicule(?). My dear Lin looks worn to me, fear all miserable about him. To Holland Pk. Sat & read to my benefit dear Toula’s book. Saw little Davies boys, their mother better. Mr G. thinks as I do about dear Lin. He came twice. I sat with Lin all afternoon till 7. He was vy funny & seems better. Marie out with Antoinette. I only saw Major Welman. Glorious day. Col Lucas & Hamilton F. & Miss Innes called. Monday 20 June Lovely morg. Dear Lin good night but pining for food, dreadful having to deny him all he wants. Dr K. went to Ireland Saty night, returns today. Lin unmanageable poor darling wants food & we dare not give it. Great com. Did washing with Mary, très lente, point de (illeg). Lin’s bath with Mr Green, Upton helping. Lin w’d not have Nurse in the room, vy angry with her, sorry after. Out morg. Darling to lunch. Saw no one. Many callers. Roy out, looks v. well after weekend River. Tuesday 21 June Lovely day. Woke 6 o’c. Worked & read. Dear Lin does not look to me so well, vy puffy & sleepy, would have tea before his bath, vy bad. Barkers men about wooden plank in Bath, idiotic thing in oak! & won’t do. Had M’s Victoria, went to Bank & Debenhams, former about Life Insurance. Saw Mr W. Stone & Lady Hickman. Darling to lunch & tea. Mistake I did not fetch her. Through tins papers with Roy, came across Life insurance. Edgar came, had been to St Peters today. 15 years ago darling Mother died. Roy out to dinner. Mr G. here twice. Dear Li v. rambling but happy. Wednesday 22 June X. Long talk with Bank Manager, pay off the £600 Lin borrowed of the Bk. Found Life Policy in tin box. X. Edgar to Vitel. Lovely morg, got up earlier & drove in our brougham & saw him off 10.55 Vic. Sta. Lin not so well (illeg) seems more wandering. Mr G. came twice & Dr K. whilst Spencer & Maudie were here, with 2 ladies waiting in his motor. Lin had a whiting for dinner, first solid food for month! & little champagne & bread & butter. Seems about the same poor darling, dare not think but place my entire faith in the Almighty to guide & comfort us all. Thursday 23 June Dr K. did not come. Dull & fresh. Out morg in Om to Knightsbridge intending to walk back, remembered Edie coming, hurried back. After buying dear Lin’s grapes, he is to have fruit. Edie did not come. Darling came to lunch & tea, left at


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 7 o’c. Roy dining with her & going to see Russian dancers, Pavlova. I had delightful drive of ¾ of an hour at 6 o’c in Maud’s Vic round Park. Lin little better, had sole for luncheon, whiting for dinner & grapes at lunch. Friday 24 June 3 prs of coms ret’d to Debenhams sent on approval, find can do without. Lin good night. Vy wandering, to me looks the same. I went to Mrs Spofforth about room for Toula, & laundress. Got lovely peach 10d Barkers. Maud came after lunch & left 6 o’c for Sir H. Lane’s at home. Mr Hohler came about stable. Roy home early & off. Dr K. came v. early. Lin had bath. Mr Green here twice. Dear Lin seems a wee bit better. Sir W. Agnew & others called. Maud left 6 o’c. Roy out, dined at Harold’s. Saturday 25 June Dr K. did not come. Lin taking fish & eggs. Very stormy, heavy rains & thunder. Had Maud’s carriage 11.30 to Harrods, got 2 green trays. To Tax Collectors Penywern Rd, & fetched Maud fr. Lancaster Gate. Saw the 2 dear chicks. Little Anne growing very pretty & v. like Lin. Maud to lunch & left at ¼ to 4. Cortain fetched her for Balcombe where she & Lennie go for weekend. Heavy rain. Mervyn called. Roy went to Felixtowe with Mr Stern. Sunday 26 June Mr Green here but not Dr K. Dull. Dear Lin good night, seems little more himself. Mr Green came morg. I had brougham & took Miss Rose Innes with me as she called to enquire for Evie, & I sat with her for 20 minutes. She looked so pretty in bed, vy pretty room. Miss Innes & I walked along by Serpentine & I left her at her Hotel. Edie & Herbert came to tea. Sat all afternoon & evg. with dear Lin, seems a fraction better. Monday 27 June Lin good night & seems more himself, even dictated lettrs, one to O.S, & one Lord Southwark quite sensible. Mr G. here twice. Dr K. here 5.30. Morg did washing & shop’d, got Lin peach & grapes. Poured afternoon. Darling came to lunch & tea fr. Balcombe bringing white strawberries & lovely flowers. Dear little Oliver & Nurse F. to tea. Mrs Ackers came, drove her to Gt. W. Hotel after leaving Nurse F. & Oliver in Maud’s carriage. Brought her back and took my darling. Dear Roy ret’d fr. Felixtowe. Tuesday 28 June Did flowers with Mary 4 o’c. Edie coming to help Lin’s room. Mrs Rawlinson 4 6.30. Dear Lin v. good night, slept till 4 o’c & seems less incoherent. Dr K. did not come. Mr G. came twice. Edie & I did top of Lin’s desk, hard at it all morg. Men fr. Shingletons about their badly done blind in drawing room. Maudie sat entire afternoon with Lin. Oliver & Nurse F. to tea, find Nurse F. unnerving when tired. Drove them home in Maud’s carriage & called on Mervyn 6 o’c. Lennie came, saw Lin, thinks him not so well. Mrs Roger Wallace brought Lin lovely roses. Wednesday 29 June Lady Macmillan 4 - 6.30. Feel vy bad, headache awful, & weepy. Out morg to Holland Park. Maudie to lunch & tea. Lin seems v. weak & I feel very unhappy about him. Men came & took away badly done drawing room blinds, Shingletons. Darling looks v. worn out. Roy out & only comes in now for a moment, & is off. Thursday 30 June Spoke to Upton about having carriage fr. Coles. The astronomer royal 3 - 6 Royal Ob, Greenwich. Mrs Breitmeyer 4.30. Leicester Galleries, Ex. du Maurier drawings. Mrs Palgave Simpson 4.30 - 7. Lin about same. Lady Burnand called morg, saw her, wants me to go to them as I feel so worn out, most kind. Mervyn fetched me 11 o’c & we went to Harrods got new specks, lost mine last night, & to Wallace Collection. Maud in her carriage & both came to lunch. Sp. to tea. Marie out. Many callers. Lin in pain evg, nurses seem very heartless.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Jul 1910 Friday 1 July Mrs Marshall Hall at home, Ritz Hotel, 4.30. Mrs Mountbatten 4 - 6.30. To Bank about insurance & Lin’s dividends, & Taxes. Bank arranges to pay. Feel v. shakey. Maudie came after luncheon & remained till 7. Dear Lin again swollen, feel most anxious, but head clearer. Dr K. not here yesterday or today. Little Anne came 6 o’c, drove for an hour with her Pk. Vy wet. Roy dined Pohls. Saturday 2 July Fine. Lin v. swollen. Dr K. came early, did not see him. Thinks Lin better. Maudie going to country will not come today. Roy going away weekend but dines at home tonight. Lin may lie on sofa, but was too tired. Poured with rain & awful storm afternoon. Morg. went to Tax Collector 5 Campden Hill Road & to Penywern Rd. Fear no rebate. Sat with Lin fr. 2 till 7. Vy wide awake & w’d sign dividend & draw 3 cheques, one of £20 for Roy & one wages & house, awful muddle, if only he w’d let me take over accounts. Makes it doubly trying. Sunday 3 July Lin on sofa first time. Slept well, rested in bed morg. as Roy away. Sun & rain alternately, cold. Lin had fair night, but feel very anxious, his legs & feet swollen. He is vy silent & has not once said anything about house accounts until yesterday. In all day. Sat with Lin fr. 2 until 7, except when Mervyn & Ethel came. She talked incessantly. Mr Green came once, thinks it’s enough for Lin. Antoinette came & she & Marie went out together. Antoinette brought me some lovely roses, sorry not to see her, c’d not leave dear Lin. Monday 4 July Mr Hohler coming about stables. Great match between Jeffries & Johnson. Slept well. Dear Lin seems a fraction better, but his legs so swollen & last evg after being on sofa & having 4 actions, was so weak. Muddle with Upton who helped him with Nurse on to sofa & never returned to put him back! Mr G. here twice & Lin had bath. I to bank about last Punch payment on account of income tax, awful find 2nd April last. Dr K. hurried in & out at 6 o’c. Maud & Lennie came 7.30 fr Exhibition for few seconds, Lennie holiday. Mr Hohler came about stables & advertising same & carriage etc. Roy ret’d fr. Marlow, & dined out. Tuesday 5 July Mrs Breitmeyer 4.30. Must pay Income Tax etc. Dear Lin fair night but swelling worse hands & legs & stomach so swollen. Had Maud’s carriage Vic to 5 Campden Hill Rd about Taxes paid £13.16.4. The big one for income to stand over. Last payment fr. Punch 2nd April. Lin insisted on drawing this after for me. No doctor today. Green came twice. Went morg to Bank, & chose dressing gown Woollands £1.13.6. Fetched Maudie who remained till &. Roy home 3.30, going with Mr Stern to Henley in car. Poured. Lin on sofa all day but so puffy. Upton helped move him. Wednesday 6 July Lin bath Neuheim 3 days running. Lin only fair night. I had horrid headache & wonder how much longer can stand the strain. Went for walk Round Pond & felt better air so fresh tho’ dull. Called at Bank about signing cheques. Mary home for party. Rosie Maguire interested in it. Darling came to lunch & tea, distressed about Lin’s legs swelling so. Had tea in Roy’s room. Dr K. came, vexed swelling does not go down. Cannot believe stricture in consequence, fear my darling will be overdone with anxiety & worry. Roy out. Roy at Henley. Thursday 7 July Water cushion came. Lin disturbed night, Nurse up 4 times with him. Went in Maud’s carriage 11.30, fetched her & to Wilsons, Ball & Fermers & Barkers for Lin’s grapes & Marshalls. Lin looks vy puffy & more breathless. Green here twice.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maud sat with Lin fr. 2 - 5. Tea in Roy’s room. Tabbie came stayed long while sitting whilst I rested on Roy’s bed. Mervyn came also later. Maudie v. anxious about dear Lin, it is unnerving work as he makes no progress. Nurse v. upset as Maudie made her promise not to give Lin anything but milk. I had to give him egg at 9 o’c, he was on sofa fr. 3 - 9. Feel sure Maud is right, he ought not to have meat, result disasterous. Friday 8 July Disturbed night. Lin slept v. badly & I heard Nurse moving about all night. Nurse leaves 3 o’c tomorrow, sorry, but pity she has such a quick temper. Went at 11 by om. to Chartered nurse office about another, full up. To 123 Bond St, explained difficulty of case. Trust new one will be kind & good to Lin. Sat with him fr. 2 o’c, looks weak & puffy. He did not lie on sofa. Maudie came at 5 o’c. Sir Lauder Brunton came in consultation with Kingscote, confirmed Maud’s opinion, diet essential, & again on milk only, flavoured with tea, coffee or cream. Toast, biscuits, rusks & jam only. 1½ pints of milk a day. Saturday 9 July Nurse Perries leaves 3 o’c, another coming. Nurse Paddock fr 123 Bond St comes. Lin had fair night but looks v. swollen, unusually quiet & sleepy. I walked to Barkers got 2 lbs of grapes & went for a walk fetching them on return. Maudie to luncheon, she left at 4 o’c for Balcombe where they all moved down to yesterday & the chicks. Poor darling v. sorry about changed nurses. Lin took kindly to new nurse. Green here twice. Eton & Harrow, Eton won. Roy shouted himself hoarse v. exciting match. Mr C. Cooke came bringing loely brooches(?) for Lennie to see for sale. Sunday 10 July Lin good night but heavy breathing. New nurse could not sleep. She is not as active or neat & tidy as Nurse Perries but seems a nice woman, & is handsome. Roy to Queens Club & golf after Ranelagh with Mr Stern. Roy dines with Tabbie, Claridges. Mervyn came for ½ an hr. I walked in Gds morg & went to 9.30 service, heard good sermon. Met Mrs Knowles who walked with me & was v. interesting about her work, she writes. Mary out. Lin asleep more or less all day. His poor back v. bad. Upton here 4 times to lift him in bed. Monday 11 July Lin not good night, awake a great deal. He looks very ill & so weak, & swollen in the left side. Green came twice. Lin seemed better after bath, Neuheim. Spencer came 11 o’c, went with me to Fortnums in Motor Bus. Got blackberry jelly. Upton got 2 glasses of jams fr. Barkers, ret’d one. Darling came to lunch, left at 4. Looks v. frail, feel v. anxious about her. Lovely flowers & raspberries fr. Balcombe. Roy in 11 PM. Marie to enquire after Evie. Dear Lin bad today. Dr K. did not come. Tuesday 12 July Second nurse fr. B. St. comes 6 o’c. Clara Burgheim came. Town Hall about assessment of House, stables to let. Roy went for me. He dines at the English’s. Dreadful night, awoke 3 o’c feeling v. unhappy about dear Lin, heard nurse moving about. She fetched me 3.30. Lin in great pain fr back & bedsores, kidney, no water passed for 10 hrs. Nurse whistled for Upton who came at once, I let him in. He lifted Lin & he seemed easier after. Went back to my room v. unhappy. Lin much swollen when I saw him having his breakfast, 3 different jams & coffee milk. Dr K. came, altered medicine. Kidneys not working. Lin had his bath, Upton said he seemed quite bright after. I went to Bank about insurance for Upton, wiser. Sat in Park after, feel better. Wish people w’d not sympathize with me. Mrs Coward in. Wednesday 13 July Dear Lin awake till 3 AM, feared so as he hates new people about him & Nurse Mortlake who came yesterday as day nurse has not a taking face or manner,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 seems to muddle so in the working after Nurse Perrier. Lin sleeping when I went in at 7 o’c looking vy ill. Nurse v. anxious. I took papers & read Holland Pk, felt wretched. Maud came to lunch remained till 4 o’c. Maud’s tooth troubling her again. Roy dined at Miss Innes & theatre after. Lin’s breathing v. bad. Thursday 14 July Upton took horse to Balcombe. X. Dear Lin very bad night. Nurse P. vy anxious & sent for Maud & advised me to remain here. Roy remained home to luncheon. Darling arrived early looking v. seedy, her abcess in face started again fr. a top tooth. I walked for half an hour 10 to 10.30, met Mr Mrs & Baby Bradbury, c’d not trust myself to speak. Mr Green here twice, could do nothing. Lin seemed easier afternoon, breathing still bad. Roy to Q. Club & dined with Pollock. Dr K. came vy angry at Nurse’s sending for Maud & Lennie also. Lin rallied wonderfully & slept later. Friday 15 July Mrs Mountbatten 4 - 6.30. Dear Lin quiet night, after 10 o’c slept, looked much better morg. Had his Neuheim Bath & Green twice, feel it is too much for him, wish Dr K. would cease these. He did not come. I read “Times” in Holland Pk, too tired to walk further. Darling laid up Balcombe with abcess in tooth, v. anxious about her. Roy home early 5 o’c, to Queen’s club, & actually dined here. Out after. Dear Lin v. tired all day, bad day after bath Neuheim. Meryn & Ethel in after dinner & vy glad to see them. Saturday 16 July Water bed. Went in to Lin’s room 6 o’c seems to suffer much fr. the 3 dreadful bedsores. Changed his position with Nurse & easier after. Nurse made us both tea, he had a fair night only. Dull dark morg, cool. Dr K.came early. Lin had bath & exercises twice with Green. Am certain they are too much for him. He looked much better early & was very restless & wandering afternoon & evg. Water bed arranged, Upton fetched it. Seems more comfortable on it. Spencer came morg, Edgar at 5 remained some time. Latter v. well. He arrived fr. Vittel last evg. Sunday 17 July Dull. Dear Lin fair night. Seemed breathless & rolled his head about. I remained in all day. Roy depressed, went to Club, home at 7.40, & out to dinner club. Edgar came to tea & saw Lin who smiled at him & wanted him to stay. We sat in Roy’s room to be near Lin. Lin very restless & snuffly until 10 o’c when he settled off quietly after some oxygen. Monday 18 July Green here twice as usual. Pouring wet morg, v. dark. Lin quiet night. Had bath, Green. Pd Upton’s book. Lin very wandering. Maudie had her tooth out Saty & has been in bed 4 days nearly, she seems better fr. her letter. Midge & Edgar came to tea in Roy’s room, both v. well. I walked with them thro’ Gds to Hyde Pk Hotel where Langleys are staying. Home in taxie. 1/ 2. Lin v. drowsy. Bed 9.30. Tuesday 19 July Tabs wants me to go to them at Anchorage for week cannot go. Lin fair night, still very wandering. Edgar fetched me 11.30. Darling Maud arrives same time fr. Balcombe, looks better. Dr K. came 11.30, had had operation to his left eye, grave fears. Edgar & I to Exhibition where we lunched (Maudie here). Went in boat! Sat in Jap. Garden & saw pictures & wonderful embroideries. Taxie home 3.30. Saw darling before she left 4 o’c. Roy dined with Harold. Antoinette came. Pity E. won’t forgive her. Wednesday 20 July Midge looking charming in grey & so glad to see her, looks very well. Lin seems slightly better, no bath. Green once. Went to Bank about mortgage Miss Knightly, gained no information. Expected Edgar, returned immediately. E. did not come. Mary Knapp came with jam from darling Maud. Mary does not look well, paler.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Also raspberries fr. Maud fr. Balcombe. Midge came 5 o’c & Roy home early & out dinner. Green here once. Lin vy sleepy, rested quietly. Sent Upton to Bouverie St. Lin settled at 9.30, not asleep when I went in at 10.15, seems better & stronger tonight. Thursday 21 July Went in to Lin 8 o’c, looks better. He had good night, asked me to write down Dr Hourkin. Green here twice, last Bath for few days. I had Victoria & went to (illeg) office. Paid income tax £38.8.9. To Queens Rd with pk. dressing gown to dye. To Hospital contract 33 Mortimer St about his cushion, promised to credit me, & Barkers grapes & powder. Saw Lady Hickman. Again Victoria 4 to 5 round Park. Sat with dear Lin on return, resting quietly. V. tired, settled in 9 o’c, Upton helping. Had oxygen 4 times today. Marie out, enuui, E. & M. Fear M’s temper will ruin her, such a pity, has many good qualities. Friday 22 July No more Neuheim Baths set. Lin had restless night, sleeping later, was wide awake when I went in at 6 AM. Green here twice. Dr K. came. Roy told me of the awful bill he had sent for him & Lennie, tremble to think what it will be for dear Lin. Out 11.30 Vic, ordered blouse Lucille 35/9. Emma out. Sat with Lin after tea & an hour after lunch, seems better. Dr K. thought about the same. Mervyn came after dinner, stayed till 10 o’c. Ethel away. Saturday 23 July Lennie goes into camp. Lin restless until 4 o’c AM. Slept after. Did not go in as Nurse afraid I might wake him early. Neuheim Bath goes today, he has had 34. Out 11.30 Vic to Stores, pd £1.6.4 by cheque, £1.4.0 for M’s silver frame & 2/4 groceries. To Mervyn’s studio, delighted with his work. Drove him home. C’d not ask him here unfortunately on ac’t Nurses. Green here twice. Sat with Lin, seems about same. Sunday 24 July Lin had a restless night, slept later, & had a fairly quiet & easy day. I walked to Holland Avenue, driven back by rain strong westerly wind. Wretchedly dull afternoon. Roy out all day, home 7.15 & sat with him whilst he dressed, to sup. with the Pohls. Mary out afternoon & evg. Major Welman, Rouths, Mrs Sington called. Did not see them. 9 o’c Lin breathing easier. Monday 25 July Wet wretchedly cold day. Dear Lin restless, slept better early morg. In all morg seeing to accounts & cannot understand tax to deduct fr. mortgages to Mrs Knightly. Mary gave notice. Darling M. came, dear little Anne in bed with cold at Balcombe. I drove with Maud to Victoria ¼ to 4, & got Lin grapes on return at 5.10. Tea & sat with Lin. Roy back & out to dinner. Dear Lin easier, settled in 9 o’c when Upton came to help Nurse. P. & Dora in M’s carriage Vic. Sta. going to (illeg). Sure Maud w’d raher be alone. Tuesday 26 July Another wet morg. Slept badly, awakened by market cart. Dear Lin looks puffy & tired, had fair night. I had carriage 11.30 to Stores about frame for darling’s birthday, & about what tax to deduct on Mrs Knightley’s mortgage, 1/2d in pound. Darling Maud did not come, fear little Anne worse. Dr Kingscote came, wants Sir L. B. to see Lin again. Wishes me to go away for week, feel I need it, getting nervy. Roy in, dined & played tennis with Harold. Lin’s breathing no better. Hate going tomorrow. Wednesday 27 July If possible to leave dear Lin I go to Mrs Evans for week. Maudie came early fr. Balcombe to stay during my absence. I said goodbye to Roy who leaves Sunday for Boulogne. Dear Lin about same. Would have his drawing board, compass etc, seems wandery. Had not heart to tell him I was going to Ramsgate. Marie helped


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 halfheartedly to pack & forgot many things. Cab alone to Sta. Flowers fr. Midge & Darling. Mrs E. met me Ramsgate. Ethel B. dined with us, feel cheered all so kind. V. anxious about my dear one. Thursday 28 July Ramsgate. Bright & sunny morg. Long satisfactory telegram fr. darling Maud about Lin, sleeping comfortably. Sat out in Park morg & worked. After lunch rested short time & Mrs E. & I went on tram to flower show Montefiore’s. Met Weigals, Banks Tomlins, Martin Thompsons, Hammonds etc. Good show & band. V. full. Horrid tea 1/-. Tram 7d. Letter fr. darling, Roy dined with her Staf. Ter. last evg. After dinner Mrs N. & I walked to hear band and parade. Felt v. tired. Friday 29 July Slept well. Vy windy & cold grey morg. Dear letter fr. Maud, Lin sleeping & not yet noticed my departure. V. thankful. Sat in Porch all morg working, rested after lunch & at 4 o’c had fly & went with Mrs Evans to Eilie Gladstone’s at home, beautifully arranged on terrace garden St Peters Cottage. Went to our beloved parents grave & to church first & joined Mrs E. after. Met Mrs L. Tomlin etc. Called on Sir W. Agnew at Grave’s Hotel Broadstairs & to Mrs Rooth’s. Ethel B. dined with us. Wire fr. Maud to return at once, dear Lin worse. Missed train up, going by first train tomorrow. Saturday 30 July Wire fr. Maud, dear Lin vy ill, return by Granville. Lady Burnand came to see me early. Found dear Lin greatly altered in these 2 days, swelling risen round heart, feel most unhappy. Roy & Mervyn Staf. Ter. on my return. Dr K. came says most critical, v. little hope. My dear one scarcely recognised me. Sp. called. Roy Maud & I dined together. Sat with dear Lin after. Sunday 31 July Roy goes to Boulogne. Cannot go, dear Lin so ill. Bad night. Scarcely any water passed. No pulse & breathing badly. Roy in morg. but lunched out, back 5 o’c when we were most anxious, did not think my poor darling could survive, rallied later. Dr Townsend came twice & at night injected strychnine. Feel wretched about him, great change. Sp. Mervyn Ethel came evg. Roy in to dinner. In all day. Terrible day. Maud & I only partially undressed for bed. Aug 1910 Monday 1 August Darling M. slept last night in my bed, half dressed. So anxious. Dr Townsend came twice yesterday. Dear Lin had quiet night. Nurse came in twice & brought us each tea, both unable to sleep much. Lin seems to be sleeping quietly all morg. Roy in to lunch & dinner & Sp. called morg. Roy looked thro’ bills, over £200 owing. Dear Lin not so well again 4.30, so blue, & scarcely any pulse. Dr Townsend came morg, injected strychnine. Lovely day. In all day. Tuesday 2 August Terrible day, wandering, breathing so badly. Dr Townsend here 3 times, twice injected strychnine. Oxygen greatest relief & comfort. Maud & I with him all day except the 1½ hrs I rested after lunch. Ethel Smart came, & dear little Linley morg. on his way to Ex. with Nurse & Kirton. My darling looked so happy all afternoon, smiled at us & kissed us, & seemed to see friends, his whole face lighted up. Breathing getting more difficult, his dear face altered. Roy here. Wednesday 3 August My darling Linley passed away at 10 minutes to 4 o’c AM. Maud & I spent night in his room, oxygen all the time. After yesterday afternoon he seemed unconscious. Nurse Paddock sent for Doctor who came at 4.5 & he passed most peacefully away, the sun rising. God bless him, the dearest & best of husbands & fathers, & grant him that Peace which passeth all understanding. Amen. Dear Roy & Maud


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & myself with him at the last. After his bright & happy recognition of us all three yesterday he seemed to pass into unconsciousness & only kept alive with oxygen. Mervyn & Spencer here early, & Lennie, all so dear & kind helping dear Roy in the last sad duties & arrangements. Mervyn took me for walk evg, felt better after. Thursday 4 August The saddest & most desolate morg of my life now my dear husband’s spirit gone. God has given him rest & peace after his long illness. Our dear children a great comfort in their love & all my dear brothers & sisters. God is indeed good & merciful to me. May I have strength & courage to do what is right. (extra page inserted) Thursday 4 August 1910. M. & self slept badly, awful stillness & loss of our dearest occupation, the lovely expression of perfect peace on my darling’s face beautiful, cannot remember anything else. Maud & Edgar (who arrived at 10 o’c AM) to St Peters about ground, remained night. Edgar & Mervyn here to lunch. M & E went by Granville. All satisfactorily arranged at ground adjoining our dear Parents. Tabbie here. Sp. Dined here. (another extra page inserted) Thurs 4th August. Dear Edgar arrived morg. He & Maud to St Peters Church about our grave by 3.20, remain night. Lennie, Mervyn & Spencer here. Edgar & Lennie to lunch. Tabbie arrived after luncheon. All so dear & kind & what a comfort their love is in my sorrow. Great many beautiful wreaths & flowers arriving all day & endless telegrams & letters all so appreciative of my darling’s talent & character. Nurse Paddock remaining till Saty, most kind. Nurse Mortlock left on Wed after seeing to everything with Nurse, they have both been most kind & attentive to dear Lin. Tabbie, Sp. Dear Roy, Lennie to tea, after which Tabbie took me for walk Gardens, felt so much better after. Tabs & Sp. To dinner. She left 9.30. I spent half an hour in my darling’s room. Friday 5 August Darling Maud’s birthday. She returns with Edgar by Granville, arrives 12.30. Lovely morg. Went in to my dear one at 4.30, put out electric lights there & remained some time. Too unhappy to write or think. (extra page inserted) Friday 5th August. Darling’s birthday. She & Edgar ret’d 12 o’c. 8 to lunch. Saturday 6 August My darling Linley. (extra page inserted) Saty. My beloved husband’s body cremated at Golders Green. Service at Kens. St Mary Abbots 10 o’c Roy, Sp, Edgar, Mervyn, H.F, H.L, Lennie all here & at church. Midge here & Tabbie. My darling & I read service together in Roy’s room. Roy, Lennie, Sp, Edgar on to Crematorium, & greatly impressed with service. All beautifully arranged by my darling, Roy & Edgar. They returned early. The (illeg) ashes in bronze urn brought back by Mr Kelly & Barringer in our own carriage, Upton driving one of Lennie’s horses, about 4 o’c. All beautiful & (illeg). Maudie had arranged the wreathes & table covered with Mrs Sambourne’s silk shawl, looked so beautiful, & sun shining into room all day. Edgar & Maud dined here. Lennie left with Nurse F. for Balcombe. Sunday 7 August Midge came. Maudie to 11.30 service & not home till 2 o’c. We 3 to luncheon. Edgar came at 4 o’c to take Maud Midge & self for a little walk to Old Garden, Kensington Palace. Spencer & Ada, Mervyn Ethel & Gwen called with her husband, but only saw her. (extra page inserted) Sunday 7 August. Maudie to early service & not back till 2 o’c. Bad night, felt wretched & darling also. Midge lunched here. Roy & Spencer out Sp, Ada, Mervyn, Gwen (who called with Freddy in Motor) only saw her, Edgar & Midge all here tea. Edgar, Midge & self & darling walked after to old garden Kens. Palace. Midge left & Roy dining with her. (another page inserted) continued 7th August. Edgar dined with Maud & self after & Lennie came in late fr. Balcombe to dinner at 9 o’c. Maudie made


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 everything beautiful as usual. All went up to see my darling’s room with its blessed contents. Nurse left early been most kind & useful. Feel in a dreadful dream of suspense the future seems so full of emptiness without dear Linley. (extra page inserted.) Monday 8 August Up 7.30 to draw up blinds in my dear ones room & take away dead flowers & tidy flowers. Kenyon came 9 o’clock for interment at St Peters Thanet. Sp, Edgar, Lennie, dear Roy & Mervyn go by 10.40. Maud & self did dear Lin’s room alone, looks better, & all fresh flowers. Maud & self alone luncheon. Lost my diary & worried. Monday 8 August My darling Lin laid to rest in our own ground at St Peters. Edgar, Mervyn, Spencer, Lennie & Roy left here with Kenyon at 10 o’c. Service in church & all struck by the beauty of grounds & church, so happy our dear one lies close to our beloved parents who loved & were so proud of him. Ret’d at 6 o’c. Edgar Sp. & Lennie dined here. All went so well & our own carriage took our dear one to Vic. Sta. Maudie, Midge & self to lunch. I tried to be bright at dinner for dear Roy’s sake, & darling Maud. (newspaper cutting inserted, letter from Times about Linley Sambourne’s first work for Punch.) Tuesday 9 August Maudie & I slept better. Dull dark day. Maudie did a set of drawers in dear Lin’s study. Edie came & went with me to have my dress altered Watteau, & to Marshalls for gloves in M’s carriage. Edie lunched & dined here. Roy & I did one drawer in drawing room. Had all wreaths taken from my dear Lin’s room. Saw Emma for first time since my loss, felt v. bad, all my loss flooded across my mind. Edie played for Roy after dinner. Mervyn came in & looked over some of dear Lin’s drawings with Maud & Mervyn. Peaceful day, feel dazed without dear Lin. Wednesday 10 August Lovely day. Maudie Roy & I all slept better. I out at 11.15 to see about housemaid Norah Beresford. Maud doing drawings of dear Lin’s in his room. Edie here all day. I tidied dear Lin’s room, so sad at heart. Roy home 5. Godfrey Sellick called, Roy saw him. Maud & self for drive 6 o’c in Victoria. Roy Maud & self dined here & looked thro’ books. Vy dusty. Thursday 11 August Toula came. Maud & self slept v. badly. At 11.30 to Harrods in M’s carriage about collar & cuffs to old Alpaca, & black blouse. All dear Lin’s clothes being put in our room, heartbreaking work. Maudie in dear Lin’s studio all day cleaning out drawers. Lennie fetched her in Motor & took her to Hampton Court after tea. Lennie, Toula, Roy Maud & self to dinner. Friday 12 August Busy all morg dear Lin’s clothes. Gave Upton & Emma & Edie some. Inventory being taken by Mr Page 2 o’c. Edie left at 3 o’c. Maud & Roy with Mr Page. Feel awfully seedy & ear aches left. Maudie to Browns about dear Lin’s drawings, brought 5 only back! Lennie came & took Maud & Roy to dine at Exhibition. Saturday 13 August Lennie & Maud to Balcombe by 4.20. Slept badly, alone. Darling Maud came early fr. Lancaster Gate & remained until 3 o’c. Edie came & remained till 4.30. Gave her many of my dear Lin’s & some of Roy’s things for Herbert & Edgar F. Toula helping darling M. in dear Lin’s study. Roy & Upton going thro’ clothes in our room. Desolation there. Rec’d cheque £11 odd fr. Brown Leicester Sq’r Gal. for a drawing sold, precious money this. Roy v. busy with letters in all afternoon. Toula & self for walk after tea. We 3 dined together, bed early. Sunday 14 August Slept badly. Thick white fog at 3AM. Could not even see stables! Hard at bills all morg. with dear Roy. Toula doing the tin boxes & putting away dear Lin’s clothes we mean to keep, heart rending work. Roy out after lunch & Toula & I worked


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 away at all Lin’s things until 4 o’c.when Ethel & Mervyn & Edie & Herbert came but they w’d not remain until tea. Marie helped me pack until 7 o’c after tea, dressed & we three dined. Roy v. busy putting dear Lin’s drawing tray(?) in order, & we cleaned it outside after dinner. Monday 15 August Storm in night, did not hear. Slept well. Roy & I go to Tabbie at Christchurch by 4.40 train D.V. Paid Upton’s book £1.14.4. Drew cheque £8, pd. Emma £1 & Marie & Mary £2 for 2 weeks board wages. Paid Upton £2 for one week to Saturday next, the 21st inst. Now at rate of fifteen shillings a week & for extras, taking carriage to M’s stables etc. Very comfortable journey. Roy v. good & (illeg). Glorious day, Tabs’ new chauffeur in Car met us & luggage apart. Found Tabs, Ham, Gareth, Mervyn & little Gweneth at Anchorage, all most kind. How terribly I miss I miss my dear Dickie, but still have so much to be thankful for, & he is out of pain & suffering now. Tuesday 16 August Slept well. Glorious day. Miss my darling Linley more than ever, life seems very empty without him. Went with Tabs to Bathing Hut where she bathed in blue silk garment. Little Gweneth there, dear little child. Roy joined us & bathed. Gareth & Mervyn, who left early for the yacht, came round in her & came ashore. M. been ill! H & Roy played tennis. Walk with Tabs along shore. Roy looks v. depressed, feel what he feels. Wednesday 17 August At The Anchorage. Lovely day. Slept badly. Sat out with Tabs, & little Gweneth over Bar. After lunch rested. H. & Roy in to Bournemouth to order bicycle for Roy, in late to lunch. Mrs & Miss Tuck, pretty Americans, he Cairo Judge. Tabs to garden party Lady Bemburg & to Mrs Townsend at Sandhills. I walked along cliff with Gweneth. Roy’s cycle arrived. Hamilton played & sang evg. charmingly. Thursday 18 August Slept well, To Bar again with Tabs. Roy & Gareth boated. Roy’s hands dead after. Saw net pulled in with only few tiny soles. Cap’t & Mrs Seymour & their little girl there also. Wrote 7 letters, felt v. bad writing, miss my darling Lin terribly. Tabs, Mervyn & self to Christchurch in Motor. H. & Roy played tennis at Col Gibb’s. V quiet evg. Bed 10.30. Cheque fr. darling Maud for Nurses & Oxygen, £41 odd. Friday 19 August Storm during night. Slept well. Dull morg & raining early. Lovely day later & warmer. Sat out on Terrace read & worked. Tabs writing. Roy, Ham & Gareth played tennis, & again afternoon at Col. Gibb’s. Tabs to sports with Miss D. Gibb & friend. Miss Hayes here afternoon to paint garden. I had walk with Gweneth along shore. After dinner H, Roy & Gareth to Mrs Sermon’s for Bridge. Tabs & self bed early. Saturday 20 August Slept well. Dull & raining early, rained on & off all day. At 12 o’c with Tabs & Mervyn in Motor to Christchurch. Tabs bought tea & coffee service at Galtons, old. After lunch wrote letters & felt wretched. Rained. H, Roy & Mervyn & Gareth to Bournemouth where they rinked! Tabs & I had dear little Gweneth with us for tea & walk. Essex Digby came to stay. Dear Roy looks vy depressed. Sunday 21 August Lovely day. Slept well. Tabbie & Roy walked with me to the little Church & Roy fetched me after the Prayers & I sat out after on Terrace. Roy bathed. H, Gareth, Mervyn & Essex Digby went in car to Boscombe Church. Wrote 4 letters after lunch & wept my eyes out. Dear Roy looks so terribly depressed, we miss our dear one at every turn & his bright happy face, God bless him. We all went over to tea at the Bar except Hamilton, & had tea in the Bathing Hut, Gweneth with


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 us. Boys v. busy after dinner looking out trains for their journey, & for Gareth to cricket matches at Coleridges etc. Monday 22 August Slept badly. Bright early. Fine. Slept badly. Gareth & Essex joined Yacht at Yarmouth & are off till Saturday for cruise Ireland! I sat out all morg with Ham on Ter. Roy played tennis with Cap Culme Seymour, he & Roy to bathe after on Bar. Tabs, H. & Roy to Mrs Hayes tennis party. Evie came at 4.30 fr. Dorsetshire. Went for walk along shore after tea with her & Gweneth. Roy livelier. Tabs looked tired. Bed early. Roy & H. played tennis on return fr. Mrs Hayes. Tuesday 23 August Slept well. Sunny morg. Very wet later. Wrote 4 letters on Terrace. Tabs & Evie & Mervyn to Bournemouth. Roy & H. to Bournemouth both morg. & afternoon, rinked! Little Gweneth & Nurse with Seymour child stranded on Bar till ¼ to 1 o’c. Forgotten by boatman. Mervyn forgot to tell the man to fetch them. Wires fr. Gareth fr. Joyette on way to Dartmouth. Tabs Eve & self for long walk along beach after tea. Vy tired, too far. Eve tried H’s new music after dinner. Wednesday 24 August Slept well, feel still tired. Sunny early. Dreamt about Lady Rose Weigal. Why? Wrote morg on Terrace. After rest & lunch with Tabs to Forest in Berliet & walked there, most lovely. Ham & Roy on cycles to forest where they had tea. Roy tired, wish he was stronger. Cut ivy with Tabs & Mervyn on return on Terrace. Quiet evg. Talk on authors & bed. Miss my darling Lin more then ever, his fund of knowledge on all subjects. Thursday 25 August Dreamt of my dear Linley that he was so well & happy. The first time since. Sat all morg. on Terrace writing. Rested after lunch. Rained, fine later. Walked with Tabs & dogs to end of Sandhills sea wall. Sat there & after tea for walk along shore to Highcliff with Eve & Gweneth. Roy & H. & M. to Bournemouth, rinked. Lucy packed for me. Friday 26 August Up 8 o’c, feel tired tho’ slept well. Finished packing easily. Blanket dressing gown etc. Gave Lucy 6/- & man 2/6. Sat with Tabs on Terrace ½ an hour. She wants me to stay in autumn Leweston, & Xmas. All most kind. Little Gweneth came & sat in my room when I had breakfast. Roy & I left by 11.40. Lovely day. Found my room v. nice & clean curtains up etc. Roy & I dined together. Mervyn & Ethel in after. So glad to see them. Saturday 27 August Slept v. badly wind blew blinds about & felt v. lonely in my solitary room, miss my poor darling. Finished packing & saw to various things with Upton. Roy & I lunched 1 o’c & he left for the River. I left by 3.30 for Balcombe, took Upton. Train 40 minutes late, accident this morg. Found Gladys C, Toula & Mr Forrester there. Felt my loss acutely, dined in my room & to bed. All most kind & attentive. Sunday 28 August Dull & rained hard after lunch, fine early. Slept better. Walked round garden with my darling & drop’d my little watch. Found it again after frightening everyone. Lennie & Mr Forrester & Linley to Mrs Oxley’s. Felt terrible the blank of my dear one here, miss him more than I can express. Dined downstairs. Mr Salt dined here, & to bed after, before men out from dining room. Monday 29 August X. Horse sold. Balcombe. Fine early. V. wet afternoon till 5.30. Slept well after 12 o’c. Morg wrote to Mr B. Partridge thanking him for drawing of my dear Lin, to Roy, to Fritz Jackson, stores etc. X. Beach brought me £25 for horse “Whitenose”. Vy good & sold so soon. Gave Beach £1, fear not enough but Lennie said it was what he w’d give. Feel relieved as wish to do what is right & just. Mr G. Allen


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 called. Linley & Mr F. not able to go to Dr Parker’s for cricket too wet. Fraulein left for her holiday in Switzerland. Darling, Toula, Gladys & self for walk along farm road. Miss my dear Lin terribly. Tuesday 30 August I slept well after 1 o’c. Vy wet morg & poured until 2.30. Wrote morg. Four little boys to luncheon for dear little Linley’s cricket match against Scouts. Linley 11 won by 125. Maud had tea beautifully arranged in cricket field where she had a party to watch match. Toula & I had tea at House, went for walk after. Felt v. bad evg when Lennie began to sing Song for All Souls Day. Had to escape. Wish I could master myself better for my darling’s sake. Early days. Letter fr. dear Roy who goes to Anchorage. Wednesday 31 August Dear little Linley’s birthday. Fine morg. He dined downstairs & we had games after dinner. Went for walk with Toula. Maudie’s work class & some lovely work done. Morg wrote. Evg remained for little Linley’s games. Sep 1910 Thursday 1 September Pd Emma £1.10.0 for board wages Thursday. Little L. & Mr Forrester to Brighton. Lennie played cricket evg. with Anne, O. & Maudie. Went by 9.35 to London with Maud, called at Bank & left the £20 for horse on deposit & £10 for a drawing also on deposit for dear Lin’s estates. Left Passbooks. To Staf. Ter. Lunched there & Mr Page came to see drawings etc. Darling & I did my dear Linley’s room. She looked thro’ drawings etc. & I thro’ bills, checks & letters. Saw Emma much better & rested. Upton about cameras. 4 (illeg) boots (illeg). Back by 4.30 train. To bed after bath. Friday 2 September Pay this month’s premium £24.16.8 on Lin’s life insurance. Must write to Bank. Glorious day, warmer. Walked morg with Toula. After lunch wrote & mended my evg. dress in Toula’s room. Maud & Gladys to luncheon at Mr Allans. Mr & Mrs Messel & Muriel to dinner. Felt great difficulty in keeping up bravely, & heard fr. Mrs Messel of Sylvia L. Davies death last week. Feel v. sad, what a sorrow for her poor mother & her 5 boys, so young & so beautiful to be taken. Saturday 3 September Toula’s birthday. Sat out with Toula all morg. doing my dear one’s bills etc. Glorious day. Drove with Maud & Gladys to Lady Frederick’s & Toula for the drive & left them. Toula & self ret’d for tea here. Lennie playing in a tournament at the Oxleys. A little girl (Barbara) to lunch & tea with Anne. Letter fr. dear Roy fr. Anchorage. Sunday 4 September Letters fr. Emma, Mr Smith, & Pass Bks. Many bills. Letter fr. solicitor. Slept well after 1 AM till 7.30. To Church alone, sat near door. Toula came later with darling & Gladys, Mr Forrester & chicks. Toula sat with me but remained to Com. with Maud. I left before Hymn “Art thou weary” 254 lovely hymn but felt could not hear more. Went for walk alone to Bridge, took Bear. Mr Oxley & 2 men here for tennis & tea. Toula & self for walk after took Bear, v. good. Little Booths here for tea. Darling wrote all afternoon. I wrote to Roy, Tabbie & Mr Smith. Monday 5 September Mr & Mrs Oxley dined here. Lennie played pianola. Maud, Gladys & self & little Anne drove to Nymans, saw Mr Parker, Ruth, Muriel. Walked around grounds with Gladys. Picnic afternoon. Col & Mrs Bingley, Major & Mrs Molyneux, chicks, & little Barbara B. & Heyworth Booth children. Maud managed v. nicely. We boiled kettle in charming place off Red Road. Mr Allan also there. Tuesday 6 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mr Boyd (clergyman) dined here & expressed (illeg) sentiments on Scouts! Pity. Letter fr. Solicitor. Slept well. Went in Car with Maudie & Toula to call on Mrs Hohler. Toula & self lunched in Car. Darling went in & lunched. Passed thro’ lovely scenery, Storrington, Arundel Pk, Amberley etc. Saw Chanctonbury Ring in distance. Very pretty little cottage H’s, poor Mrs H. v. ill, fear Graves disease. Maudie to see Linley play cricket Mrs Talbot’s party on return. Rested. Awful indigestion, can’t understand why! & generally deranged. Wednesday 7 September Cheque to Emma 38.9.3, wages & washing. Slept badly, v. sad, felt better later. Toula & self went thro’ my dear ones bills & papers. Chicks to Nymans for afternoon. Toula & self for walk, Bear v. tiresome. Darling Maud’s work girls here. Toula worked with them at new stitches. Mrs Cooper to tea. Gladys to Brighton for day. Lennie v. lively evg, seems much better. Letter fr. dear Roy. Mervyn at Anchorage. Thursday 8 September Busy all morg. with dear Lin’s papers bills etc with Toula. Afternoon cricket match here Balcombe-v-Nymans. We all went down to see it & were so interested remained until nearly tea time. Balcombe won by 50 runs. Little Barbara Bingley here to lunch & tea. Lennie played evg. To bed 9.30. letter fr. dear Roy, Mervyn at Anchorage. Friday 9 September Slept well till 8 o’c. again hard work morg doing papers & bills until luncheon with Toula. Fine day but cold. Gladys photoing chicks. After tea in carriage with Maud for drive. Met Toula & Gladys. I got out & walked back with Toula, she & I dined alone. Maud, Lennie, Mr Forrester & Gladys dined at Nymans. Toula & self quiet little evg, read papers. Saturday 10 September To bed directly after dinner, rest played poker till ¼ to 12. Slept well. Long list of bills etc fr. Mr Smith Solicitors. Toula & self v. hard at work all morg. on verandah going thro’ accounts. Vy tired. Gladys photoing children. The Heyworth Booths 4 here to lunch & tea. Maud, Gladys, Mr F. & Mr Parker & Lennie had tea on Lake. Mr Parker came at 2.30 for walk to Lake & by village, home after our tea here. Sat in Toula’s room & worked. Sunday 11 September Lovely day. Maud, Gladys & chicks & Mr Forrester to Church. Self wrote. Toula packed. Lennie & Mr E. Parker read & walked. Two Miss Meads to luncheon. Lennie & Mr P. fished afternoon. Toula & self for walk along farm road, lovely view fr. the field beyond. Lennie played pianola after dinner. Darling v. tired & laid down, wish she would rest more. Monday 12 September Leter fr. Sp. Wrote to have £79 put on deposit to make even sum. Toula left at 9.30 for London, goes by night boat to Rotterdam for her niece’s wedding Thurs. Darling, self & Gladys sat on Terrace, Maudie & self doing cheques. Wonderfully clever system, hope to copy it. Maud & Linley to Brighton where he had 2 teeth out. We walked after tea, Maud, little Oliver, Gladys & self to new farm road. After dinner Lennie did portrait of Gladys in front of fire!!! Maud helped! Mr F. to Cuckfield for tennis & Gladys in Car also. Bed 10.30. Tuesday 13 September Lovely morg. Darling helped me with cheques again all morg. on Terrace, vy dear of her as she has more then enough of her own things to do. After luncheon we went in small car to Ld F’s wood & had tea there. Mr F, Gladys, Linley boy, Anne, Oliver & self. Perfectly lovely there. Mr F. & G. walked home. Felt v. sad twice today, in writing letters morg. & again evg. when darling & Anne sang. Miss him


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 terribly. Had letter fr. Major Welman, has broken his arm motor (illeg). Wrote to him. Wednesday 14 September Wrote to Roy at Bedstone & sent him Lee Pemberton’s letters. Very wet morg. after boisterous night, unable to go in motor to Brighton as arranged to dentist with darling Linley boy. Remained in & wrote. Chicks all busy with Gladys & Mr Forrester making sweets in nursery. Miss Fitzroy & Miss Meads to luncheon. Maud’s working class girls greatly improved in manners, appearance & work. Walked with Gladys after tea. Lennie vy late fr. City, nearly 8 o’c. Thursday 15 September Dull morg. Maud, Mr F, Linley & self to Brighton in motor & I had tooth filled by Mr Gibbon. We picniced lunch before getting into Brighton. Went for walk with Gladys on return after tea. Little Oliver in bed with cold. Played game of building ship with Linley. He returns to school tomorrow. Friday 16 September Dear little Linley went back to school, & Mr F. with him. Linley v. tearful. Maudie went with him & met Lennie after. Gladys & Mr F. for long walk morg. Both a little épris. For walk with Gladys after tea. Home early expecting Mervyn fr. Bedstone, but did not come. Mr & Mrs Messel & Miss Lund to dinner. Miss Lund a great relief, so lively. Felt tired & depressed all day. Saturday 17 September Little Anne in her room with heavy cold. Walked morg. alone & to enquire after Mr Outram, better. Nonie Messel arrived for week end at 1 o’c. Mrs Cooper & dau. to tea. Mervyn arrived fr. Bedstone 5.30, looks thin. Roy there still. Harold came evg. Sad affair Messel office, man of 20 yrs service aged 60 been taking money falsifying books, feel v. sorry for him. Mad thing bringing its own punishment. Bed 11 o’c. Poker. Very tired. Gladys won. Sunday 18 September Felt v. tired morg. Slept badly. Letter fr. dear Roy yesterday. Did not go to Church, sorry. Read & wrote. Dear little Anne in her room & in Lennie’s dressing room afternoon, bad cold. Lovely day. Maud rested morg. Harold, Lennie & Nonie to Nymans morg. Lennie, Mervyn & Harold on Lake, two former fished. Maudie, Gladys & self to tea on Lake, & Nonie. Lennie neuralgia. Sang all evg. Bed 10.10. Lovely sunny day. Maudie starting cold. Monday 19 September Slept badly. Morg wrote letters & mended linen. Chicks colds still fairly bad. My darling with one now, makes her look ill. Mr & Mrs Hayworth Booth to dinner. Mervyn & self for drive alone after tea, & little walk after. I came up to bed directly after dinner my head felt so bad, afraid might be foolish. Tuesday 20 September Lovely day, woke for 2 hrs night. Maudie, Mervyn & self to Spencer’s to luncheon at St Margaret’s Vicarage, Fernhurst, Mr Herkomer’s. Most lovely country, we passed Wisborough, Petworth, Horsham & thro’ Cowdray PK. Very pleasant lunch. Ada, Hylda, Sp, Mervyn, Maud & self & Miss Edwards. Walked round grounds, vy pretty, 12 acres. Had tea on way home. Mr Hohler here to dinner. Vy anxious about his wife, left by 9 PM. Darling Maud seems better, her cold. Gladys cold now. Wednesday 21 September Lovely day, slept little better. Went with Gladys & Darling to East Grinstead to Sackville Alms Houses, built by Lord Devon 1619. Beautifully situated at top of hill. Saw one of the rooms of which there are 20, dear old woman of 90, 91 on Oct 5th! As upright as a dart & with all her faculties & a great sense of humour. Darling’s cold v. heavy. Work class & Mrs Cooper due for tea. For walk with


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Gladys to enquire for Mr Outram. Two gentlemen to dinner to discuss boy scouts. Lennie v. tired & v. rude. Thursday 22 September Mervyn teaching Anne & Oliver how to model with green wax. O. vy clever. Lovely day . Awake hours night. Sent 9 cards & 4 business letters. Wonder what Roy is doing in London as E. wrote he was expected on Monday. Midge & H. wished him to remain as long as possible at Bedstone. Maudie in bed all morg, bad cold. Sat with her. Walked with Mervyn round garden. Rested after lunch, walked again after tea with Mervyn. Maudie sorting her clothes with Gladys. Lennie less tired & quite bright. Fraulein returned fr. her holiday. Friday 23 September Lovely day, slept much better. Warmer. Darling rested morg, if one can call writing in bed resting. Cold still bad, & Gladys also. Sat out all morg. on verandah working. Wrote at 7.30 several letters. Walked with dear Mervyn, v. sorry he leaves here tomorrow, goes to Edgar, Ravensdale. After lunch sat in front with Mervyn & G, darling busy with dressmaker, wish she could be in the sun more. Toula arrived 5.30 fr. Holland. Vy well & cheery. Mervyn v. amusing. Account of Sherborne Castle in this weeks Country Life. Talked after dinner (illeg illeg). V. incessant pianola. G. to bed after tea. Saturday 24 September Not a line from Roy, must have been in town a week. Dear Mervyn leaves early for Edgar’s, Grimsby. So sorry, delightful having him here. Sent cheque E. Darling’s cold still heavy, cannot get her to rest 2 days in bed which would do her good. Gladys in bed all day. Walked morg. after writing letters with Toula. Good talk & enjoyed it muchly hearing all about wedding. Lennie busy cutting down shrubs & trees all afternoon. Mr M. came & approved. Great delight of chicks chopping fallen trees. Mr & Mrs Hayworth Booth to dinner. Darling worries me v.much, looks ill & nasty cough. Sunday 25 September Slept well. Letter fr. darling Roy, had been to St Peters & found things not satisfactory, felt wretched about it. Must go down directly I get home. Walked with Toula, too unhappy to go to Church as I intended. Dear Toula cheered me & enjoyed our walk. My darling in bed all day & looks better for rest. Sat with her morg. & after tea. Lennie & Mr Booth fished. Gladys up again, down to lunch & dinner much better. Lennie looks tired fr. yesterday, but lively thro’ dinner talking over Ireland, fishing etc. Monday 26 September Letter fr. dear Roy coming Wed. Better day & night. Bonfire of branches & leaves fr. the shrubbery clearance, delight of chicks. Ivy removed fr. big pine tree opposite my windows, much lighter. Walked morg. after doing cards with Toula. After tea sat with Maud, in bed all day, up for dinner. Looks better but Lennie vy tired again, vy uncomfortable dinner, darling there looking pulled down. Fear impossible when Roy comes, will be too trying for him. Darling O. eye painful with some dust fr. bonfire in it. Tuesday 27 September Glorious day of sunshine, warm. Maud, Toula Gladys & self to Brighton, sat on Pier. Lunched at Metropole, home to tea. Lovely run, & all enjoyed it vy much. Ivy being strip’d fr. tree opp. my window, great excitement for chicks. White cat & dogs all entered into spirit of it! Lennie not so tired & quite lively. Invited to Fan Company’s dinner, vy pleased, sh’d be interesting. Talked about City Companies at dinner, interesting, & pianola after. V. tired, mostly so fr. air. Wednesday 28 September Chicks to Nymans for tea. Dear Roy comes D.V. tonight. Glorious day & warm. At 10.30 Maud, Toula & self in Motor to Box Lane, Mrs Hohler’s. We lunched in Motor


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 after. Darling seems much brighter. We passed thro’ Amberly, Storrington, Arundel grounds, lovely, & on our way home stop’d at Stebbing. Vy pretty little town with fine old houses. Maudie bought photos of Wiston, Goring’s place. Also Lord Zouche’s, Parham. Working class. Met Roy & after tea Darling, Roy, Toula & self for walk. Roy looks v. well & burnt. M. reading. V. delightful day. Thursday 29 September My Birthday. First anniversary without my dear Linley for 36 years. Miss him terribly. Very happy day, far more so than I deserve. Dear little Anne & Oliver came as I was dressing laden with presents & a lovely box of roses. Letters fr. Edgar & Mervyn. Toula & self all morg verifying bills & took them to Post to Lee & Pemberton, & Overton’s bill about my Darling Linley’s resting place. Maudie gave me sweet little box scent & evg. dress to be made, too many good things. (Extra page inserted). Edie F. here for chicks lessons, looks vy seedy fr. her cold. Toula & self for walk after tea, felt better for air. Met Roy on return & walked back with him, he ret’d earlier than Lennie. Pleasant evg, Roy lively during dinner, he & Maud together. Lennie also better. Bed 11 o’c. Friday 30 September Lennie gave me charming little Sheffield plate tea pot (illeg). Lovely day here Balcombe. Dull in London. Toula & I did 50 cards. Got stamps 2/6 post office & 2/6 two days ago. Had walk after until lunch by Lake. Maud, Toula & self drove to Mrs Allen’s, had tea by the Lake there, lovely, & Maud seemed better & brighter for drive, beautiful place. Mr A. ret’d just as we were leaving & wished us to go in & have tea, disap’t Maud would not remain, told him we had taken our own tea! Lennie v. well evg. & Roy also. We were home late just time to dress for dinner. Oct 1910 Saturday 1 October X. Willis policy to be paid April & October £2.10.0 less tax, & £5.8.9 once a year in Oct. X. Did 20 cards with Toula, stamps 2/6. Long walk morg. Roy & Lennie back early. L. cut trees. Roy mooned. Felt v. tired & my side ached considerably. Went for walk evg. with Lennie & Maud & Toula. White ripe strawberries. Roy & Mr Marriott, who came for week end, v. amusing together. Sunday 2 October Glorious day. To 2nd Service. Wrote letters. Maud & Toula at 2nd Service. Vy glad I went, Roy took me & brought dogs back. Dr Parker & wife & dau. called, leave for their London home tomorrow. Mr Forrester to lunch & tea. Roy & Mr M. to Lake. Lennie & chicks to Nymans. Mr Forrester, Marriott, Roy & Darling to Lake for tea, Toula & self here. Walked with Lennie later towards Lake, awful storm of rain, drenched. Maudie v. seedy after dinner, feel v. anxious about her. Monday 3 October Lovely day, colder. Morg. did cards again sorting & walked with Toula. Darling looks better. Roy to City with Lennie who remained in London for Fan Makers dinner. Roy returned 5.30, doleful over business. Valentine Hohler came morg. to stay a week with Anne. Chicks v. happy with companion. Maud, Toula & self for walk after tea. Gladys, Roy & Mr Marriott for walk. Maudie, G. & Mr Marriott to see little Linley morg. Vy well. Made sweets evg, great mess, but successful. Considerable waste & rather late. Tuesday 4 October Lovely day. Darling slept in my bed & we had a good night. Breakfasted in bed with me morg. For walk with Toula. Papers, Will etc fr. Lee & Pemberton to be signed. Wrote Bank about renewal assurance National Cy, cannot understand it. Roy to City alone. Lennie remained in town for Fan Makers dinner last evg. Wrote & rested after lunch & walked after tea with Darling & Toula. Met Roy with Mr


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Marriott. Roy depressed but v. amusing at dinner. Lennie came just in time for dinner. He did not enjoy dinner last evg much. Bed 11 o’c. Wednesday 5 October Slept well tho’ not in bed until 12.30. Up 6.30, (illeg) of small things. Toula came & helped me finish packing. Breakfast in bed as usual & sat out on Verandah with Darling & Toula. Maud v. busy with her store of things for work class. Dear Chicks to see old lady at Alms houses. Toula & I returned Staf. Ter. by 1.16 train after early lunch. Darling saw us off Sta. Fees £1.6.0. Upton here Staf. Ter. Roy dined with Mr Stern. Toula & self alone. Awful without my dear one. Thursday 6 October Letter fr. darling Maud. Slept well. Feel v. lonely without darling Lin, begin only to realize what Life means without Him. With Toula morg. doing flowers fr. Tabbie. Midge sent a chicken & Edgar a bottle of dear Father’s old port. Ada S.J. wrote. Had walk with Toula to Kens. Palace Sunk Garden, lovely, & shop’d. Signed Gas & Coke Cy paper at shop. X. Put fresh paper in shelves Bathroom & cleared out things there for Roy. Roy dined at home, read papers for Probate with me. Bed 10.30. Friday 7 October V. bad night, but felt fairly well all day. Roy went to Commissioners Kensington about signing Will & do (illeg). Toula & self met Ethel Mervyn, she came back with us for few seconds, looks ill & v. stout, so sorry for her & dear Mervyn. Toula & self to Nash, Chesterton, Barkers & Bank about Willis renewal insurance & £5.8.0 to pay on 2 insurances of £250 each. To Harrods about pianola. Darling came to lunch, looks fairly only. Left at 4 o’c. Roy dined at home, & read, quite lively. Saturday 8 October Upton after place morg., think he has got it, does work there daily. Slept v. badly. Toula to see Mrs Corrie’s old governess. I alone to Commissioners abut signing document for Probate. Chestertons, Barkers, & to Ethel Mervyn’s, both out. Took flowers 1/3. Bought grapes returning 2/- Wests. At 12.15 Toula & self worked at lower shelves in dear Linley’s room desk, did all lower part working after lunch also until 3.30. Rested. Tea 4.30. Wrote 5 letters. Roy back, he dined out. Toula & I read Times, worked. Letter fr. darling Maud. Feel we made progress. Sunday 9 October Slept better up ¼ to 7 & wrote. Charming letter fr. Mr Ridge of St Peters asking me to lunch & tea at Vicarage Tuesday next. Roy arranged wardrobe in Bath room. Toula & self for walk, called at Derwent Lodge, not returning until Wed. Mrs O. ill. On to Edie, out, left note asking them to dine. Rested & wrote afternoon. Mervyn came to tea looking wonderfully better. Edie & H. to dinner. We all felt dear Lin’s absence terribly. Edie played & cheered Roy a little. Hebert sang. Monday 10 October Slept better. Awake v. early. Toula off after breakfast all morg. shops. Nash’s men here mending 4 window sashes. Barkers know nothing of our 3 rugs & eiderdown sent in their cart Aug 8 or 9th. Vy angry about this. Went morg. Barkers, & sat in Gardens facing Palace. Miss Schlessinger sat with me, was most kind. Amused by children & young girl caretakers near me. Toula & self to tea with Ethel. Roy & self at 5 o/c to commisioners. Taken closely to Sign documents & Will for Probate. X. Pianola came on hire fr. Harrods, Roy played it. Tuesday 11 October Toula & I go by 10.40 to Broadstairs. Took wreath & dear Toula flowers. Vy thankful to be near my dearest & see his resting place look so beautiful with 2 lovely fuchsias & 2 wreaths of palms quite fresh fr. 9 August. So happy to know he rests close to our dear Parents. At 2 o’c to Vicarage saw Mr Ridge about Vault, decide to get estimate. Charming man, most kind. Saw Overton & his son fear exorbitant but hope wrong. To Church, & after going to Dearest again to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Broadstairs (extra page inserted) Tuesday 11th October & walked thro’ St Peters past Robinsons to Tram & Sea front, rested here & had our sandwiches cake & milk & walked along cliff. Back by tram to Station & home by 5.55, train changes at Faversham late on ac’t Special, believe of King of Portugal! Dined 9.30. Roy home by 10 o’c. had taken down pictures fr. his wardrobe & cleared top. Feel much happier seeing Dearest’s grave so beautiful. Gt comfort having dear Toula with me. We dined together alone at 9.30. Trains all late on account of French railway strike, awful as no trains running by Northern French railway at all, & standstill there. Wednesday 12 October V. wet day, unable to go out. Toula & I did wardrobe in Roy’s room, replaced linen & cleaned top of wardrobes & pictures. Dusty & dirty, took entire morg. but did much in time. Rested after lunch until 4.30. Tabbie to tea, looked ill. Vy pleased to see her. Book with paper cuttings of dear Lin came. Roy out to dinner, came home early. Letter fr. solicitors about signing & borrowing fr. Bank £700 odd. Thursday 13 October Dull & dark. Toula & self v. busy in my room sorting dresses, in all morg. Man fr. Barkers found rugs & all intact, 6 things, 3 rugs, eiderdown, fur rug & travelling ditto. After lunch rested & Toula out till 5.30. I had tea & walked to enquire after Sylvia’s boys. Peter at Eton, Michael & Nico with Nurse Notting Hill Square. Midge dined with Toula & self, v. amusing & lively. Felt the blank of dear Lin’s absence. Roy out, ret’d to dress. Friday 14 October Slept badly, strong wind, window rattled. Dull & colder. Flowers & vegts fr. darling. Worked hard all morg. at corner cupboard in dear Lin’s room. V. black & dirty. 12 inkstands! Toula & self walked to School Art Needlework, pd. 2/6 bill. Home in motor bus. Mervyn & Ethel dined here, & Roy with us. Feels v. strange without Dearest Lin. They left 10.10. Ethel looks v. well & seems much better. Fire in my bedroom. Sat morg. room on ac’t of Ethel after dinner. Saturday 15 October Roy away for week end for Golf. Toula & self to see Rackham & H. Thompson’s Show, Leicester Galleries. V. weird R’s. After my rest worked hard in dear Lin’s room & it begins to look straighter. Still v. much to do. Whiteley brought bed fr. Lancaster Gate & took the brown sofa & 4 large cushions fr. here to L.G. Lady Lockwood came, saw her. Vy quiet little evg. with Toula, both tired. Sunday 16 October Slept much better. Midge, Edgar & Sophy dining with us tonight. Vy sorry Roy away. Spencer also dined here. Toula & self walked to Spencer’s. He went with us in Motor to Marble Arch. We walked across Park & he saw us home in bus as far as Kens. Church, & called at 4 o’c to say he w’d dine here. All looking so well, but awful blank without dearest Lin. All miss his dear bright face & joyous presence. Roy away. Monday 17 October Slept well, awoke v. early & wrote to Mr Ridge, Overton accepting his estimate at Edgar’s advice for vault, & to Mr Smith about dear Lin’s estate paying same, greatly doubt it. Out morg. with Toula to Barkers for 2 white heather to send darling Maud who arrives this afternoon at Lancaster Gate with Lennie. Toula & I packed dear Mother’s blk. box for loft, still 2 left to do. Evie & Edgar came to tea. Roy ret’d when Edgar there but dined out, looks very seedy indeed, wish he would take more care of himself. Toula & self alone. Tuesday 18 October Midge’s birthday. Dear Toula leaves, sh’l miss her greatly. Went with her in cab to Sheffield Gds. After walked to Round Pond & shop’d. Maudie came to lunch, rested in my room & had tea in drawing room together. Very happy & peaceful.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Edgar came to tea. Lennie & Maud dined here & Roy. Vy pleasant evg. Lennie vy bright & Roy too. Finished darling Father’s port wine. Roy played Pianola. Harrods sent morg. to put pianola in order. Wednesday 19 October Letter fr. Toula, nearly missed her train. Vy unhappy Roy so brusk & am greatly worried over Probate & Stables. Also Mr Smith telephoned, dear Lin owed £900, a loan he raised on Barr estate. To Chesterton’s about stable. Had M’s carriage to Sp’s & he went with me to Coburg where Midge & H. are (cannot have tea with them at Carlton today too unhappy) to Langham left letters for Edgar. Spencer dining with Roy & self tonight. Nellie K. called, saw her. Marie out. Thursday 20 October Midge sent me charming white & mauve heather in basket, our Wedding Day. Out morg. to Bank vy worried about dear Lin’s loan of £900. Missed darling Maud who returned to lunch & tea, & Edgar came to tea & talked business after. Maud & Lennie dined with E. & Sophy at Langham. Roy out, alone. Marie played zither, & vy well too. Mary wired for, her father ill, home late. Vy sorry for her. Friday 21 October Slept well. Walked to Maud’s & in carriage with her. I to Mr Smith’s about loan £900, & a House rating etc. Left paper with him. Awful Death dues & legacy duties. Fetched Maud fr. Macdougals, where she ordered a coat for me, too generous of her. Lunched & had tea with her & missed Edgar & Fanny Nembhard here. My darling busy packing & Nurse F. there. Emma out. Roy out. Colder. Saturday 22 October Slept better. At 11.30 out shop’g. Walked round Pond. Edgar came at 4 o’c. We had tea & went together to call on George Brookes, 21 Campden Hill Court. Charming rooms, stayed some time. E. came back with me & remained until 7 o’c, so dear & unselfish. Roy returned home 2 o’c & left in Mr Stern’s car for Worthing week end. Alone evg. Sunday 23 October Slept well. At 11.30 to Unitarian Church, met Sophy & walked with her round sunk garden & round Pond. She & Edgar dine with us at 7.30. Alone lunch. Quiet evg. Miss Rose Innes & dear Mervyn called, former rather tired my head. Roy returned late by motor. Monday 24 October Out morg. Fanny & Alice to tea, most kind. Asked Roy & self to dine but Roy prefers quiet here. Edgar to dentist & worried with teeth. Roy dined at home, seemed worried & depressed about Mr S, pity not good influence there & can bring no happiness. I called to enquire after the poor Davies boys. Tuesday 25 October To Mr Smith 12 o’c. Mary out, instead of tomorrow. Finding I was early was fitted at Macdougalls with coat my Darling is giving me, & arrived good time at Solicitors 11.45. Says must sell out of £1000 stock altho’ they already have £1600 odd in hand. I can receive no money until March! The insurance on Willis’ life policy pd. by darling Lin. Too bad as he has been dead 8 years! Made my will & left it with Mr S, copy here. Roy dines out. Arranged books with Upton. List in this book. Wednesday 26 October Out morg, grapes & Roy’s bedroom slippers. Edgar having 2 teeth out & to earist, feel most anxious about him. Roy dined at home & was quite cheerful, played pianola after fr. new music sent yesterday. Upton helped me an hour and a half in dear Lin’s room, wonder when it will ever be straight again. 16 lb salmon arrived fr. Lennie in a box. Thursday 27 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Upton & self put photographic things a little straighter on staircase in drawers near aquarium. Went by bus to Pagani’s. Met dear Edgar & Sophy there, lunched. Edgar just been to see Dr Balance about his ear, fear serious, bone suppuration, most devoutly trust not serious. After lunch S. left us & E. & I walked to Dr Waggat’s, engaged, & to Langham where E. syringed his ear, & after saw me into bus for home. Roy out to dinner. Emma out. Friday 28 October Roy sold my 50 allotted £10 shrs 5% B. A. Gt Southern Rly for 5/9 prem. Many papers to sign fr. Lee Pemberton. Mrs Bryan calling to arrange evg. dress 12.30. My darling Lin’s vault finished at 1 o’c today. Wired Overton & written going to St Peters on Monday D.V. with Roy to be present removing my Darling Lin to main vault. Florence Walford came to lunch. Mrs Parsons sent me a large chicken fr. her Norfolk home, most kind. Upton did windows. Seems never to have time to look thro’ dear Lin’s photographic things. Charming letter fr. B. Partridge. Marie out afternoon. Roy dined out. Saturday 29 October Edgar & Sophy dine with me 8 o’c & Mervyn. X. Upton’s time up today. E. did not come yesterday. Vy anxious about his ear, & no letter fr. my darling, trust all well. Out morg. to Marshall & Snelgrove by om. Ordered materials for evg. dress. Met Lady Bergne, Mrs Miller (Mr Guthrie’s sister) when ordering 4 heather plants, & May Burnand at Marshalls. Pleasant evg. but miss my dearest terribly & all his great personality & dear bright face. Roy played pianola. Left 11 o’c. Dear E. does not look vy well. Sunday 30 October Fanny & Alice dine with us, & Roy at home. Morg called on Mrs Keith & stayed some time. She does not look a day older. Nellie with bad cold. Walked there & back. Alone to lunch & all afternoon. Packed cardboard box for Mrs Bryan with Maud’s 2 garments, skirt & great surtout, & black materials for my evg. dress. Monday 31 October Go to St Peters. Overton to meet me at 1.15 at St Peters Church & my dearest moved into vault. Dear little Anne goes with Edgar & Sophy to Ravensdale. Went by 10.40 to Broadstairs, found all looking nice at St Peters, evergreens & plants of white chrysanthemums planted over vault & the precious little Urn looking just the same. The vault whitewashed & white sand on ground, roof domed. Went down by ladder steps & helped pass it into Vault where young Overton placed it for me centre facing steps near wall (extra page glued in) & saw the stone slab sealed. A beautiful resting place & I feel so thankful my dearest lies so close to our dear parents who loved him so well. Overton & his son & a workman only were there. I had my sandwiches & milk in Overton’s cottage where he & his wife ate them with me. He gave me 3 tomatoes fr. his garden, & walked to station with me & remained until train left. Had again to ask a gentleman to find another carriage as I won’t travel alone with a man, remember too well the Gould case. Roy dined with me & played pianola after & seemed quite bright & happy. So happy to think our Dearest one lies in such a lovely spot, at Peace & at Rest. God bless him. Carriage met me & we fetched box of flowers fr. Claridges fr. Tabbie who arrived there with Ham today. Nov 1910 Tuesday 1 November Sir W. Agnew died. Wet morg, fine later. Had Darling’s carriage 11 o’c fetched Ethel M. & drove & changed music for pianola. Beak St, 81 Regents St. Called Evans, Barkers, fruit, 2 botts Hock, Roy’s mixed biscuits & left Ethel & lunched alone. Roy holiday & dining at home tonight also Ham & Tabs dining here. Dear


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Hickman & Lillie came, saw them, Lady Macmillan, Mrs Clifford & Lady Bergne. Wednesday 2 November Lunch with Fanny B. at Browns. Vy cold morg. Roy dining at home to sign documents. To Bank about exchanging B.A. Gt Southern 25 £10 4% 1910 shrs into ordinary stock. Lunched with Fanny & Mary, Alice came in later. Had carriage to go & return. Left cards Sir W. Agnew who died yesterday, 85 or 6. Gladys came to tea. Roy dined at home & we signed papers & bills. Pianola. Thursday 3 November Gave one of Lennie’s hares to Mrs S. Had M’s carriage at 10.30, fetched Ethel M. to Gabell’s (dentist) ap’t for 11 o’c Saty, & to Bank. Ethel muddled our meeting at her tailors, waited about, cold rain. Ethel lunched here & talked after morg. room, seems v. well. X. Wrote Mr Smith & sent off papers bills dividends etc. Roy dines with Eve & to theatre after. Eve seedy put him off. Roy dined out. Alone morg. room. Awful day v. cold & wet. Lent Ethel my precous umbrella. Friday 4 November Had carriage 11.30 to Stores, bought chiffon 3/1½ & Bank, c’d get nothing I wanted at Stores. Called Sir W. Agnew about funeral, over today & my flowers too late, vy sorry. Letter fr. Edgar, comes up Monday to Half Moon St. Mary out afternoon & evg. her grandfather died last evg. Marie & I cleaned 3 of darling Lin’s drawers in drawing room. Roy dined at home & played pianola, but seemed tired. Had roast hare of Lennie’s. Saturday 5 November Gave Marie 6 new dusters. Ap’t 11 o’c dentst Gabell. Ethel M. came & went with me. Carriage left her at her tailors. Beach changed 14 pieces of music for me, some v. badly rolled as we found when Roy played evg. Some v. pretty. Gabell stop’d one tooth white stop’g. £1.1.0. Marie & I did 4 remaining “tallboy” drawers drawing room after tea 1¼ hrs. so thankful to know that clean, many more to do. Dear Roy in to dinner, pianola after. Wished he looked stronger. Had played Bridge at Club & bought 2 boxes of cigars with profits. Sunday 6 November Lovely morg. very wet & windy after 10 o’c AM. Went at 10.10 by Omnibus to Sloane St & walked to Eve’s, 6 Sloane Court. Saw Laurence. Sat with Eve for 2 hrs. she looked flushed & not well. In bed, threats of premature! 7 months, & must remain fortnight in bed. Poor little thing, & little domestic worries which always come at these times. Roy out until 7 o’c. Mervyn & Ethel to dinner. Roy played pianola after. Mr Conrad Cooke & Miss Rose Innes to tea, & Miss R.I. remained until 7.10. Had awful headache after, tired. Monday 7 November Lovely morg. Mary out for her Grandfather’s funeral. Not in till late. Shop’g morg. At 2.30 to Jermyn St, omnibus. Sausages for Roy & to 39 Half Moon St to see Edgar. Waited until ¼ to 5, not arrived. Saw some other rooms for him, one v. nice 10 Clarges St. Home by bus. V. v. tired. Bothering letter about Valuation etc Lee Pemberton. Roy dined with Mr Stern. Tuesday 8 November Mrs Evans? Cannot go. Fine & cold. Carriage 11.15 to see Edgar 39 Half Moon St, saw him. Bought him flower, gave it to Ethel M who went with me as Edgar’s room too small . To Goods, bought 2 fire proof dishes, wee toast rack & 2 wee butter dishes. Miss Gill to lunch & tea. Man from Harrods about pianola. Upton did windows. Marie mended drawing room blind. Edgar treatment for Ear begins. Mrs Spofforth & Mrs C. Hunter called. Roy dined out. Wednesday 9 November Upton here short time morg, did dining room windows. Letter fr. darling Maud. Fine at 11. Took piece salmon to Ethel M. To Evie flowers, found her with new


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 nurse her Monday one had to go at moment’s notice. Looked flushed & Nurse thinks she will have to remain in bed till the arrival (2 months hence due.) So sorry for the poor little soul. Laurence away for 2 nights shooting. On to Edgar’s, changed into new room 10 Clarges St. Missed him, on to Doctor, had just left. Vy disappointed. Salmon to Edie F. & walked fr. Palace Gds home. Marie read to me after lunch & felt better again. Nerves feel unstrung. Met Mrs E.T.Reed & little boy. Mary out. Roy dined at home, feel worried about him he looks so seedy. Thursday 10 November Lovely morg. Went at 11 to Edgar, 10 Clarges St. took him for an hours drive round Regents Park & to his club. Home 1 o’c. Walked & shop’d at 10.10 & changed cheque £2.0.0 gave Beach 5/-, 4 of it for advertisement for brougham. Upton here morg. Lunched alone, dined alone. Roy to Mr Pohl’s. Clara Bergheim called. Marie again read after lunch when Edie came & stayed to tea, & after dinner. Did nothing except wrote to Mr O. Seaman & put 2 mahogany chairs in Roy’s room fr. dear Lin’s room. Friday 11 November Lovely morg. Awful later, rain, wind & bitterly cold. Unable to have carriage so took omnibus to Ethel M’s & we went by 2 tubes & one om. to Edgar’s, out. Back by omnibus. E. left at Knightsbridge. Marie read “Le clef de la Vie” three pretty little romances. Lady Flower called did not see her. Roy dined out. Fire in both our bedrooms. Feel my side v. much. Lennie got 2 salmon. Saturday 12 November Roy out dinner. Lovely morg. Carriage ½ past 11, ordered fruit Wests & fish Slaters, Barkers flowers. To Nevills left my evg. dress to be altered. To Whitefriars glassworks, decanter 9/6. To order flowers for darling’s room 3/6, & to Edgar’s, took him for drive round Pk. & left him at Queens Gate. Looks seedy & tired, feel anxious about him. Darling Maud & Lennie return by night mail tonight fr. Melrose. Marie finished French book. Ethel & Mervyn dine with me. Roy out. Sunday 13 November Lunch with Lady Spielmann 1.30. Unable to go. Vy wet & wretched. Roy & I put up dear Lin’s lovely Hans Andersen drawings which Roy has had framed in his room, look beautiful. Mervyn called before lunch. V. angry about conference failure, all papers nearly rampant. Lennie & Maud arrive early morg fr. Melrose, dine with us evg. Mr Phipson Beale & Mervyn & Edgar called, dear E. to tea. We all feel keenly our dear one’s loss & a heavy cloud over us all tho’ one tries to hide it. Darling M. looks better. Monday 14 November Walked to Notting Hill. Omnibus to Albion St. Nevilles fitted with my evg. dress to be altered. Saw Mrs Neville’s sister. Darling sent carriage for me & we went together to Marshalls & on to Dr Waggett, saw Edgar, just going to Doctor, looks better. To Montague Yapp, & Woolland, & I lunched with Maud, Oliver & Miss Gill. Cozy afternoon, rested & worked in M’s room & tea oak room. Walked back in 25 mts. Lovely air not cold. Roy out dinner. Little Anne returns fr. Ravendale. Tuesday 15 November X. Pd £20 & £10 1915 allotted shrs in B.A.Western Rly. Edie to lunch. Out 10.30 called Mrs Kerr hoped would dine here as Roy at home. She has gone abroad for the month. Met Edie & we took Om to Harrods, bought 3 chemises Armitage & fur & muff imitation stole Harrods. Chemises 15/11¾. Stole £1.5.6. On to Evie, saw her, looked vy pretty in bed. Saw her Doctor fears she cannot do her time poor little thing. Louise Holland goes to her today. We then called on Mervyn studio, out. Cab home 1/6, v. tired. Nellie K. came & stayed some time. Darling to Balcombe for day. Roy played pianola. (extra page inserted)15th Nov 1910. Accepted allotment of 2 £10 Ex 1913 Buenos Ayres Western Rly. Pd £20 in full. Put this in Safe in my bedroom 21st Dec 1910.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 16 November Oliver to lunch & Darling. Lovely morg. slept v, badly. X. Borough of Kensington Taxes! Carriage 11.15 to pay taxes, change books Mudies. Changed music. Man came about pianola. To enquire Lady Burnand. Fetched Maud & Oliver to lunch & tea, so glad to have them. Walked after lunch with them & worked after drawing, Oliver vy good. Roy dines at home, pianola. Marie out. Lady Bergne called. Thursday 17 November Carriage. Mabel called. Maudie to tea. Upton came morg, gave him 10/-. Sending Pearks man to see me about windows etc, shall not be able to afford man. Roy dined out. Edie & Herbert dined here. Friday 18 November Had carriage 11.15. Marie & I did up pictures dear Lin’s in his room in packet. To fetch Ethel & to Mervyn’s studio. Mr & Mrs Rhodes there. To Stores. Left Ethel & alone here to lunch. Miss Webster came to tea & darling Roy dined at home, seemed vy seedy indeed with cold, gave him my lemon drops. Pianola after dinner. We looked thro’ photos & put them in cabinet. Mary out & late home, her father v. ill. Saturday 19 November Vy cold. Slept badly. At 11.15 carriage to Bank find ac’t v. low only £86! & vy little coming in till Jany. Wanted to give Roy £20. Marie & I did up another packet of dearest’s drawings in his room fr. 10 o’c till 11 o’c. To stores 14/- & gave Beach 2/6. Roy looks v. v. seedy, most anxious about him. He went to wedding where Mr Stern was best man. Ada Sp. & Hilda to tea, morg room. Roy dined at home, eat nothng. Sunday 20 November Vy cold & raw. Sore throat, feel side too. Hope few days at Ramsgate will set me up again. Read Mr Asquith’s speech on dissolution, Socialist government inevitable alas! Mr Phipson Beale’s words 3 yrs ago coming true. Sent Messel cheque of £50.5.6 to Bank. Marie posted it. Sore throat! Roy & self did a few things in his room. Arthur Linley & Mervyn called & stayed some time. Darling & Lennie dined with Roy & self. Roy won billiard match at Queen’s club, v. pleased. Lennie in good form. Darling does not look wel, v. anxious. Monday 21 November Throat little better. Hard frost & fear fog. Go to Mrs Evans, Ramsgate for few days. Edgar goes to 10 Clarges St fr. Ravensdale about his ear for further trteatment. V. sorry to be away. Arrived Mrs Evans by Granville, Marie to Station with me, fare 15/6, cab 2/6, porters 1/-, Marie & paper 9d. B. cab 2/-. Found Mrs E. well. Felt tired, travelled with lady fr. Ashleys House Kingsgate. Bed early. All looking charming here. Tuesday 22 November Roy dines with Lennie & Maud. Slept well. Lovely morg. To St Peters by Tram 11 o’c found all well ordered flowers for tomorrow. Grass & wall offend me near my darling’s resting place, all else well. Mrs E. & self shop’d after lunch. Saw poor woman carried on stretcher after having fallen into water Harbour. Quiet evg. Vy peaceful. Worked for hour before dinner. Dreadful fog. Roy had to walk home & c’d only see one foot in front of him. Wednesday 23 November Dreadful fog last evg. & today in London. Slept late till 8.30! Went to St Peters by tram earlier. Flowers lovely all ready fr. Lockes. Re-did wreaths with white chrysanthemums & one for my dear Parents. Saw Overton about grass & wall fear tiresome man with ideas of his own opposed to mine. Will have it as I want it, & neat. Fare ¼, flowers, gloves 1/5. Out after lunch with Mrs E. shop’g. Cozy tea on return. Rested ½ an hour sofa drawing room & worked an hour in Mrs E’s work room. Dinner, bed & bath.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 24 November Dull cold morg. Slept well. Cold much better. Worked with Mrs E. in her room until 11.30. To shops after & walked along Pier. Mr & Mrs Bevan & Mrs Scott clergy to tea, vy nice people. Lady Burnand & Mrs Hammond called soon after luncheon & remained some time. Quiet restful evg. Letter fr. dear Roy & Darling & from dear Edgar fear he is getting depressed about his ear. Flowers 1/- stamps 1/-. Friday 25 November To St Peters, 8. Saw Squire in tram. All looking nice but wall & place where grass all trodden in. Saw Overton about this & has promised to have it all put in order, ought to have been done before. Our dear parents’ grave beautiful with forgetmenots planted & bulbs under fibre. Attended 11.30 service at St Peters & home by 1 o’c. Afternoon worked with Mrs E. & Mrs North came to tea. Quiet evg. bed 10.15 & bath. Large packet to sign again fr. solicitors. Kingscote sent in another bill £11.11 0.!!! Saturday 26 November Good night woke early got up & washed & wrote. Shop’d with Mrs Evans & met Lady Burnand, says she feels seedy, so sorry. Bought Baby Bunkins 1/-. After lunch called on Lady Burnand, resting, girls out. Mrs E. finished putting rings on lovely church bags she made 8! & took them to St L’s Vicarage. Quiet evg, wrote & talked. Sunday 27 November Dull day. To St Peters & 11 o’c service there. Felt v. sad & a stranger in my old Home. To Dearest after. Little girl with child followed me, had to speak to her, poor little thing was sorry after. All looking beautiful & nice but shall not be happy until grass & wall in order. Walked, lost my way trying to find Home where Bee Barrs is. Wrote after lunch. Mrs Borradaile to tea. Played little penny game evg. v. good. Bed 10.30. Monday 28 November Lunch with Mrs North 1.15 & Mrs Evans. Awful stormy night. Woke & made journey 4.30. C’d not sleep for long while after. Worried about dear Roy’s money, w’d like to give him £100 fear he must be short & yet why does he order so many things. Must try to arrange it. Mrs E. & self to Home, saw poor Bee Barrs, looks v. ill, lying in small house in bed. Matron most kind sent for foot warmer & hot milk. On to lunch at Mrs N’s charming house, her son Geoffrey there. To tea with Mrs Hammond on return, C. Buckmaster son & wife there. Quiet evg, v. tired. Bed 11 o’c. Tuesday 29 November Letter fr. dear Roy. Sent Roy £30 afraid he is short of money. Perfectly glorious morg. Sent cheque £30 to Roy must want it badly. To St Peters. Left doll at Overtons & saw Mrs Ridge Vicarage only just time to hurry to Broadstairs Sta. Home late. Unhappy could not go to my Dearest’s garden. Overton promised to have all ready there before I leave. Worked with Mrs E. in workroom till tea ironed 14 handkerchiefs & cuffs! Rested felt v. tired. Lady Burnand came, Sir F’s birthday. Quiet evg, did not chain to save my eyes. Bath. Headache all day, cannot imagine why. Wednesday 30 November Awake for hour in night again with violent tooth ache, most odd. Awful morg, grey & windy, muddy sea. Emma’s books & wages for 2 weeks £12.9.6½! No letter fr. Roy. Letter fr. Maudie. Went to see about present for Mrs Evans, tomorrow her birthday, 72! Could get nothing. Awful morg. Mrs Paris came before tea in work room. Quiet afternoon & evg, played Ludo. Did not attempt reading or needlework. Dec 1910


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 1 December Awful morg. Bad tooth again night & this morg, seems to go up to my ear also. Letter fr. Mr Richardson Bank. Cinese 6% £100 being pd offby C. Government this month, must be re-invested! No letter from Roy. Darling sent flowers which arrived in time for me to arrange for Mrs Evans, her birthday, 72. Awful day unable to go out on ac’t toothache & neuralgia. Winnie came, & Ethel alone to lunch. Ordered set of dog legs for Marie. Friday 2 December Return home by Granville. Awful morg. blowing hard & raining. Sorry to leave Mrs E. most kind. Vy sad thinking of Dearest & when I left her last all so different now. Maudie’s carriage met me & cab brought my luggage. Found darling here doing lovely flowers, could not remain luncheon. She looked fairly well. All looked v. nice except taps all v. dull bedrooms & lavatory. Roy dined with me & played pianola, seems fairly well. Saturday 3 December Mr Silver died this morning. Awful morg, dark & raw & raining. Toothache after washing & ear ache. Left after breakfast! Went to Mr Herbert dentist, says it is neuralgia, nothing to do with tooth. To Bank, took Waihi dividend of £7.12.0 & saw Mr Richardson. (illeg) Southern Ld shrs pay this month. Wrote to Coupé Coy. Vy fishy affair! this. Found Darling Maud on my return. Worked short time in my dearest’s room but she could not remain to lunch. Mare read to me. Roy ot to dinner. Sent Mary to Mrs E.T.Reed’s. Sunday 4 December Mr & Mrs E.T.Reed dine with Roy & self tonight. Called morg. To enquire after Mr Silver. Saw Nurse, & Mrs Walter & Mrs Walter Jones, v. nice lady friend of Mr Silver’s. Mr Silver died yesterday morg. vy peacefully. Very sorry to lose this dear old friend. Very pleasant evg. altho’ we all felt the blank of dear Lin’s absence. Mr Reed v. amusing during dinner. Roy only in just in time to dress for dinner. He played pianola after. Monday 5 December Carriage sold for £10. Lady Lockyer called. Vy full day! Slept badly, odd no reason. Darling’s carriage 11 stores. Saw about felt in my bedroom//// 2 photo frames. Met Lady Pontifax & Mrs /// arranged with Marie after lunch drawers in /////////////// Tuesday 6 December Bad night & I feel very shakey & seedy. Had a tiresome weep. Man called fr. stores about my felt carpet. To store in Darling’s carriage bought various things. Marie read all afternoon to me, felt much better for it. Met Mrs Spofforth morg. Roy home 4.30 & off to Club & is dining out. Mary out instead //// Marie & I did the /// to cabinet drawing room /// Wednesday 7 December Paid Water rate. X. man fr. Perks did windows. Harold & Nonie & Mervyn dining here/// Gillie to luncheon. Sister ill, cannot come. Mrs Bryan to fit me 2 o’c. Slept much better & did not wake until 6 o’clock! Beach to Balcombe to Vote. Unionists lost 5 seats alas! Out morg. shops. V. close & warm, feel seedy. Mrs Bryan came to fit me 2 o’c so had no rest. Arranged drawing room & dusted revolving book case & books, looks v. nice. Roy dined with us, Mervyn, Harold, Nonie & darling Maud, quite pleasant evg. Marie arranged electric lights v. nicely. Thursday 8 December Mrs Bosanquet to lunch & tea. Maud going to dear Linley’s school to see him act in a French play, w’d love to have gone, fear neuralgia which comes & goes. X. Start taking tonic. X. Leave off port wine. Roy dines at a City Company. Edie came to tea bringing photos to show // Eva B. looks much older poor little soul. Col b. died one day after my own dearest.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 9 December \\\\\\\\\\ Out morg. & missed the dear chicks. To Bank about Chinese 6% pd off this month. Re-invest in same country only 5%. Paid in £10 on deposit for carriage. Roy & darling to luncheon, looks v. tired, afraid doing too much for others /////////////// Saturday 10 December ///////////////// Sunday 11 December Maud, Lennie, Mervyn & dine here. Roy away. Good night & feel much ///// & better generally. Lovely morning & quite mild. In bed till 10.30. //////// Monday 12 December Wretched day. Slept better till 4.30. Out morg. To Harrods by bus in spite of cold sleet. Spencer & Hylda dined with me & I greatly enjoyed our evg. together. Hylda played pianola vy well. Roy returned /// seemed to have enjoyed his visit to country, dined out. Marie & self did up 2 packets of Dearest’s drawings & tidied much in his room. Tuesday 13 December //// Good night, awful day again. Darling Oliver to lunch & ///. /// carriage morg. 11.15. Paid yesterday /// £1.1.0 Overton for upkeep of /// ground & £5.6.6 Harrods ///////////////// In Maudie’s carriage to Mudies /// Bank, Whiteleys & Darling came home in her Motor with Oliver /// & had tea with me , vy good & //////// Wednesday 14 December ////////////////// Mrs Oakes died this morg at 5 o’clock. Roy ///////// Thursday 15 December Awful day. Did 2 packets of dearest’s drawings ///// Had carriage 12 o’c to Bk with Sons of Gualia div of 11/3. Barkers to order wreath for Mrs Oakes. Fitz// called & went with me to change music pianola, & Sir A. Critchett ap’t for 12.30 Saty, & fetch darling Anne who lunched & had tea here. V. happy, played 18 pieces pianola. Mrs Sington & Lady Selfe called. Roy out. V. warm, neuralgia on & off all day. Friday 16 December //////////////// Saturday 17 December ////////////// Sunday 18 December ////////////// Monday 19 December Awake 5 o’c but slept well. /// 10.30 to shop, papers Earls Court. p//// his wife v. ill infant v. sorry. To Harrods ordered Pianola to be taken Saturday next 24th inst. Sat////// Letter fr. B. Partridge about Dearest’s photos. Saw Desirée W. Darling up fr. Balcombe for day, lunched here & took some of presents. Hilda came for few moments. Tuesday 19 December In all day, packing up presents. Sent Mary to Edie Furrell with theirs. Mrs Bryan came with my black lace coat making second change for dress Darling has given me, pd her 10/-. Gladys Crozier came to tea. Sent off £2.2.0 to Ethel Burnand for set of hand painted d’oyleys, Alice in Wonderland, for Maud, am delighted with them. I had soup in bed 7.30. V. tired. Roy to Cardiff with /// for prize fight. Wednesday 21 December Slept well. Dull morg. Packed with Marie who goes with me to Tabbie’s. Had promised to dine with the Harold Messels with Roy, unable to go. Roy went & returned fr. Cardiff today from Prize fight. Went to bed 10 o’c. Thursday 22 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Finished packing most comfortably. My Darling came to lunch & drove me to Waterloo & saw us off, Marie & self 3rd class £1.9.4, cab 3/-. Porters 1/6. V. comfortable carriage to ourselves all way. Changed Salisbury. Motor met us. Found all well. Mr & Mrs Rooth & their little boy John. Mr Digby dined here. Friday 23 December Dull but warm. Morg. walked round grounds with Tabs, wonderful improvements everywhere especially to the Vista garden. After luncheon with Tabs 2.30 in Motor to leave presents at Cottages with little Gweneth, John Rooth & Nurse & Tabbie. The Shakespears arrived 5 o’c, 3, looking well. Ham, Gareth & Mervyn & Mr Rooth for days shooting. Saturday 24 December Out morg. Walked with Tabbie, helped with tree. At 3 o’c Simon came dear fat fair baby, vy pretty. Villagers children to tea & presents after. Roy came in time for dinner, looks vy seedy, afraid more late nights. Sunday 25 December Lovely day. To little church in grounds & returned with Tabbie, Roy & Gweneth round grounds. Mrs Shakespear, Dorothy, Gareth, Mervyn Mr & Mrs Rooth to Church. Olive, Roy, Tabs & self at home. Mrs Rooth & self tea with 2 chicks. As pleasant & happy an Xmas as possible without my Dearest who I miss more than ever. Played with chicks after tea. Patience with Tabs evg. H, R, Mr R & Gareth bridge. Monday 26 December Fine. Wrote letters & to Mr Smith solicitor about Fire insurance, & other papers signed by Roy & self. Also sent £6.15.6 Coupe /// to Bank. Walked with Tabs & Olive. Roy lunched with shooters. After lunch with Olive, Mrs Rooth & Dorothy to Castle & over it with Gwen who looks v. handsome & well altho’ expecting so soon. Mr Digby there. Across lake in boat to see old friends, perfectly lovely grounds. Gareth & D. to small dance. Played Bridge evg. Mrs R, H. & Roy & self & won ///. Canon Meys ///dined with us, v. pleasant evg /// Tuesday 27 December Fine day, slept well, waking as usual v. early, 4.30! Went for walk with Tabs & Roy. Roy’s hands blue & white fr. cold he gets dressed in midsummer underlinen & suit, worries me vy much. Gareth & Ham hunting. Mr Rooth, Dorothy & Mrs Rooth to Meet, 300 people out! At 2.15 fetched Canon Meys,\\\ had 2 Motors & all went over Abbey, Vy interesting. Roy & Mr Rooth to Castle. Miss Eaton ///Leigh dined here. Good stories. Wednesday 28 December Roy returns home 8 o’c train. Walked alone morg, later with Beatrice Rooth. Marie packed. Tabs /// arranging fancy dresses for tonight. “First ///” & Gareth splendid as Mrs Pankhursrt in one of Tabs’ dresses. Tabs’ 2 boys & Dorothy w /// H. Rooths & self to dinner. H. sang. Pleasant evg. Thursday 29 December Marie & I return home Lovely day. H. & boys off hunting. Mr & Mrs //// Rooth left 11 o’c. Tabs & self alone lunched 1 o’c, & Marie & I left by 1.50 fr. Sherborne. No change, full carriage 3rd/// quite comfortable. Sat with Roy whilst he dressed, he dined out. Poor //// died this morg consumption //// Roy out to dine. Friday 30 December To Bank. Found £822.2.6 overdrawn fr. dearest’s estate. £400 in bonds falling in /// pd off. must go to lessen debt. Called after & saw /// Brooks & Isabel, both look so happy. Looked thro’ thimgs with Marie. Ry out dining Mr Stern/Vy upset about Mr D/// death. Roy goes Balcombe Sunday & up Monday for funeral. Saturday 31 December To Balcombe alone by 12 o’c train 2nd C. Take Marie to see me off. Good taxie helped with luggage, no trouble. Roy out evg Mr Davson & Mr Stern after Savoy.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Pity so late always, maked him look so ill. Gave Marie fresh bottle /// to give roy, some /// morg. Little Linley met me. Found all well Balcombe, arrived time luncheon. Mr & Mrs Hohler & Mrs Gibson. My darling looking better. Quite pleasant evg, left drawing room 11.40. My darling & lennie “Punch today to //// All mst kind & Fitzroy Mr Marriott. (Notes on end pages of diary) Jan 1911 Sunday 1 January 1911 Damp, raining, colder. Darling & Lennie & Mrs Gibson to //// Church. Fitz & Mr Marriott to Church twice & communion. V. sorry not to go self, fear damp. Chicks all looking bonnie, much grown. Dear Roy arrived after lunch, missed train. Vy amusing ///. Little Linley down to dinner. All played roulette after, wish my darling w’d not allow cards or roulette on Sunday, especially bad for children to see. I won 1/-, gave it to Fitz. Hate playing Sunday. Bed 12 o’c. Vy happy day. So glad darling Maud looks better. 2nd January 1911 Vy cold 7 blowy. Dear Roy & the Hohlers leave. By 10 train. Roy to Mr Dotherty’s funeral, so sorry he must go. Hohlers/// drove // Maud Motor to fetch Gladys Crozier who ret’d lunch here fr. Mrs ///. Mrs Gibson & Fitzroy left after lunch 4.20/////////


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1911 Lists on front pages of diary List taken August 1911 of Best china dinner service & contents of tin boxes Best dinner Service 13 dishes (2 well) 2 Fish strainers Soup tureens & one cover 1 Salad bowl 14 Vegetable dishes & covers 3 Small tureens 1 Cheese dish 17 soup plates 53 large plates 21 small plates Permanent Store ticket 98125 List of boxes tin No 8 Box. John Bull’s coat No 9. Hoods & smocks No 10. Two Austrian uniforms No 14. Shawls, properties & Britannia clothes Box D. Boots No 12. Roy’s F.Roy’s 13.Roy’s List taken August 1911 of best china, dinner service & contents of tin boxes. Tin boxes in Bathroom 18th August 1911, with Marie. No 12. Roy’s theatre programmes No 13. Roy’s letters only Box A empty (Boxes B, C, D, E, F, H, J, all empty) Outside bathroom No 15. Blue blanket travelling rug, key No 16. Empty, no key Outside small bedroom No 4 Shooting & ordinary clothes 1 Best clothes 2 best clothes 5 Shooting & ordinary 6 an air cushion, 3 flags & a number of classic silk robes These packed by Toula & self some months ago Loft top landing Nos 8. Empty (9, 7, 10, 11, 14, all empty) Noticed in French women Beautiful hands. Many rings, marquisite. Shoe grey, brown, white or tan for walking. Feathers & flowers & smart large ribbon bows or velour in hats. Generally moderate sized hats. No needlework out of doors Sundays, but always other days. Poor women never idle as ours are. Much taller men & women. Increasing outdoor sports, tennis & golf & bowls. Very fat women. They take tea & toast. Less polite than they were years ago, especially if they speak English. Lovely work & embroidery. Children dressed badly, boys ridiculous. Gardens, new flowers. Trees 40 years old remained.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Bottling of water. The beautifully fitting necks to women’s dresses. Nurse management of children. Irish story, Mrs Denny. Official to man with pipe in his mouth in railway, “No smoking allowed”. Man, “I’m not smoking”. Official, “You’ve got your pipe in your mouth”. Man, “I’ve got my feet in my boots but I’m not walking”. Oliver: I was so excited Mother I was sick & Anne was naughty in her drawers! Jan 1911 Sunday 1 January Balcombe. Very sorry too wet to go to Church, pouring, cold & raw. Darling Mrs Gibson & Lennie to Church near Nymans. Fitzroy & Mr Marriott & chicks to Balcombe Church. Chicks looking bonnie, much grown. Dear Roy arrived after lunch, had whole chapter of accidents coming & drove in fly fr. Three Bridges. Little Linley down to dinner. Roulette after dinner. Sorry to see it on Sunday, & little Linley to be present. Gave my 1/- earned to Fitzroy who promptly made it 4/- by betting. Monday 2 January Vy cold morg. Dear Roy left early for Mr R. Doherty’s funeral. Hohlers left early. Fitzroy & Mrs Gibson by 4.30 train. Maud with chicks to party. Lennie fished! Bitterly cold. Hard frost. Only Mr Marriott & self remain. Lennie goes up tomorrow for 3 nights. Tuesday 3 January Lovely morg. Little snow. V. cold. Chicks vy happy making snowman on lawn. I called to enquire Mr Outram, little better. Maudie in bed till luncheon, looks v. seedy & tired. Mr Marriott left. Maud with chicks to Mrs Lester Reed’s party. Cozy evg. alone with Maudie, worked after. Sent off postal order 8/- for nightdresses. Bed 10.45. Wednesday 4 January My dearest’s birthday. Vy wet & damp, raw. Wrote & worked morg. Maudie’s sewing class girls made wonderful progress. Maud, Linley & self to Miss Hodgkins old peoples tea Village Hall. Gramophone excellent tea mince pies Xmas cake etc fr. A.N. Stores. Maud better but looks v. pale & pulled down by cold. Mr Secretan to tea full of G.F.S. for Maud to do work in! Little Linley dined with us & charades after. Bed early. Maud washed her head!!! V. unwise. Thursday 5 January Mrs Breitmeyer’s dance. Mr Marriott & Mr Forrester came to stay & went to it. Lennie in London. Walked morg. Maudie’s cold still v. heavy. Wrote to Mr Smith about fire insurance, & to Roy. Great expense & bother about insurance. Friday 6 January Dull & rain. With Maud in Car to Nymans. Great preparations for dance tonight. Marquee. Fetched Gladys Crozier & her luggage fr. Mrs Breitmeyer’s. Maud remained helping at Nymans only returning at 4.30. Lennnie comes down by 4.30 train. Mr Marriott, Mr Forrester, Gladys, Lennie & little Linley to Mrs Messel’s dance, & Mr & Mrs Hayworth Booth who dined here. Darling & self alone evg & to bed 11.30, vy late. Tabbie’s dance, Roy goes to Leweston for it. Saturday 7 January Glorious morg. Slept v. well all night woke 8 o’c in spite of going late to bed. Mr Smith wants a cheque of £4.10.0 for insurance! Walked along new road, enquired after Mr Outram, better. After lunch walked with Maudie, Gladys & Mr Forrester & Mr Marriott to Heyworth Booths. Back to tea. Delightful walk & glorious weather. My darling fell & hurt her upper lip. Made her look ill & had to go to bed. Doctor came & put plaster across it. V. anxious about her, such a shock. Sunday 8 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dull wretched day. Up early & at 10 o’c in Motor with Lennie & Linley to Haywards Heath, good muster of Lennie’s Territorial 30 boy brigade & Scouts. V. good sermon & church crowded. Darling looks v. pulled down & slept badly. Kept in bed all day. Nurse F. read to her. Gladys & Mr F & Lennie for walk. Mr M. & children. Cap. & Mrs Lester Reid (Irish Guards) & Mr Reid to dinner, charming people all 3. Mr & Mrs Heyworth B. to tea. Pleasant evg. v. late, & darling awake. Monday 9 January No letter fr. Roy. Wrote to Mr Smith yesterday, sent cheque of £4.10.0, fire insurance. Showed Lennie letter. Dull morg, much warmer. Mr Marriott & self to lunch at Mrs Keating. Elle parle trop ce qui fatigue beauc. Vy clever woman of many parts. Limoges enamels, paintings, water colours & gold & silver work. Fair lunch. Lovely drive back but lost our way & found we had made a complete circle! Darling better but afraid worries lip muchly. Lennie to drill. Anne, Linley with Fraulein & Mr M. Mr Forrester & Gladys to Mrs Horn’s dance! 8 o’c. We 3 dined at 7. I sat with Lennie during his dinner at 9. Tuesday 10 January Darling’s lip much swollen & the sores on it outside looking angry. I wish she would leave it alone & not keep trying fresh things. Lennie & Mr Marriott left early, Mr Forrester by 1 train. Walked morg. new road enquired for Mr Outram, better. Glorious day. Walked with Gladys & Anne to Mill after lunch. Nurse F. read to Maud, seems better. Gladys & self dined alone. Roy left yesterday for Switzerland. No letter from him. Wednesday 11 January Cold, dull, strong wind. Income tax papers all wrong, they give as much trouble as possible. Darling looks v. thin & seedy. Lip about same, & she was v. flushed evg. Busy with preparations for her girls class in bed. Walked after calling on Lady Frederick with Gladys part way home, then sat with Darling after tea until dinner & fr. after dinner until bed time. Nurse F. read George Meredith’s Evan Harrington. Chicks to tea at Mrs H. Booths with Fraulein. Thursday 12 January Fine. Maudie about same, still in bed, place healing v. slowly. Gladys & self lunched at Mrs C. Worsley’s, was v. amusing. Face ache. Called on our way back on Mrs Sargeson & to enquire Mrs (illeg). Fitzroy came & dined with us. Friday 13 January Lovely day. V. cold. My face swollen fr. cold in tooth fr. open window motor. Darling breakfasted in my bed. Walked with Gladys to Mill. V. cold. Little Linley dined evg. with us. The Heyworth Booths chicks here, little Oliver’s birthday. Charades in Maud’s room. Darling v. tired after. My face painful. Saturday 14 January Darling breakfasted in my room. Lovely day. Walked morg with Fitz & Linley. Lennie arrived 2.15. Little L. used his gun! Maudie better, in her room on sofa. Nurse F. read “Evan Harrington”. Gladys to Talbots for tea. Hayworth Booths to dinner, my face a sight! Sunday 15 January Lovely day, cold. Mr & Mrs Messel & Muriel to luncheon. Maudie looks very seedy & her lip more swollen. She saw Dr King & has more confidence in him. Letter fr. Mr Smith with more documents. Monday 16 January Lennie to London. Fitzroy left by 4.20 train. More documents fr. Mr Smith! Also communication fr. Chestertons about offer for stables. Telephoned Marie. Emma’s brother died suddenly. Have decided to remain with darling few days longer. Gladys remaining until tomorrow. Tuesday 17 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Gladys left by 10 train. Darling slept with me, both good night, but neuralgia still in face. Dr King came to see Maud, better. Vy raw & cold. Letter fr. dear Roy fr. San Moritz. Little Linley to Paperchase. Wire fr. Chesterton about offer for stables, wired accept conditionally. Wednesday 18 January D.V. I go to Edgar, 4 train fr. Kings X. Unable to go. Remained at Balcombe on ac’t of darling Maud. Maud slept with me, vy good night. X. Wrote to Chesterton about offer for stables. Chicks to Meet & little Linley followed hounds short distance. X. Red Cross meeting here, 2 Miss Loders & Miss Oxley came, several others, Dr Matthew examiner. Tea after morg. Room. Younger Miss Loder godmother to Eve’s new Baby. I dined in Maud’s room. Thursday 19 January Chicks to Balcombe Place for tea. Postcard fr. dear Roy. Up 2 night. Maudie slept with me. Looks worlds better all marks gone, scab gone. She dressed & came down to dinner. Lennie came for night. Walked with chicks & Fraulein to Mill after luncheon. Chicks to Lady Denman with Nurse F. to tea. Mrs Child to tea in Maud’s room to see work. I sent off my dearest’s photo to Mrs Hargreaves for miniature. Wrote Marie. Maudie better. Little Linley slight cold. Friday 20 January Letter fr. Emma, important, & Chesterton about Stable key. Very damp, raw & foggy. Wrote to Emma, Chesterton, & Mr Smith about letting the Stable etc, also to Roy. Little Linley in bed all day bad cold. The 2 Denman babies to tea here. Maudie better & down to luncheon & dinner. Miss Hodgkins to tea, delighted with needlework, & Lady Denman also. Maudie slept with me. Lennie away tonight. Saturday 21 January Little Linley with bad cold, throaty. Sad news of death of Cap. Sargeson which occurred yesterday after a weeks illness. Darling slept in my room, seems better. Took Oliver for walk new way to Mill, got a root of primrose in bloom, delightful companion. Walked round K. garden with darling Maud & chicks on return. After lunch with Maud to enquire in Motor after Mrs Sargeson, ill, terrible calamity. Lennie arr. 2.30 & fished. Mr & Mrs Freeman Murray dined here, excitable lady, but both interesting. Another letter fr. dear Roy. Sunday 22 January Vy dull morg, dark & raw. Little L’s cold still v. heavy. Letters fr. Mr Smith about stables. Chesterton found key they had lost, & Mr M. Spielmann about Dearest’s drawing Fisheries diploma for Ex. 1911 in Rome. To Prayers Church, lovely hymns “This the House of Prayer” & had other Westwood ones. Maud & Lennie & self lunched at Nymans. Harold & Nonie there. Major & Mrs Talbot dined here, most delightful couple. Vy late to bed. Monday 23 January Return home fr. Balcombe. All ready comfortably. Horrid morg. My darling drove to Station with me, would not allow her to get out. Groom 2/6, footman 2/6, Mrs Parsons 5/-, Porters 1/-, cab 3/-, Barringer 5/-, Edith 5/-, Beach 4/-. Very lonely without my Dearest. Guard v. attentive & all so kind & attentive. Excellent little dinner morg. room & bed 9 o’c. Tuesday 24 January Slept well. Saw Emma, trust she my yet remain with me, should be lost without her. To Mudies, left last book. To Chestertons about Stables, promised to see all thro’ for me, saw Mr Lane. To Gas Light & Coke comp’y to cut off gas stables. To Bank, saw Mr Smith, not sent pass book. Met Edie who returned to lunch & tea with me. We walked to Harrods, bought chocolate 2/7, galoshes 2/11, rubber rings, hair pins, combs. Wednesday 25 January Go to Edgar. No, tomorrow Edgar D.V. Spoke to Emma, most thankful she is remaining on with me, Saw Benions about spare room estimate with paper


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 £2.18.0, 2 coats of paint & all well done. Lunch at Maud’s ¼ to 1 o’c & go with her & chicks to theatre Henry VII, delightful, enjoyed it immensely. Back to tea with her, ret’d 6.30. Nicholas Bosanquet came & sat with me some time, grown exactly like his father, only taller & handsomer. Wish my servants w’d not quarrel amongst themselves but they do in every household so I am not alone in this. Thursday 26 January Finished packing with Marie, her pass book mislaid. General rumpus en bas in consequence. My Darling & Linley came & I gave Maud 2 of Dearest’s drawings to have framed for Rome Exhibition & the keys of dearest’s room. Saw Benions about spare room. Go to Edgar (Grimsby) by 4o’c train fr. Kings X alone. Marie to Station with me. Linley returns to school today. Quite comfortable journey 3rd class. Motor met me Grimsby. Dear E. & S. both well, dined with them. Friday 27 January Good night, woke early & thought of Dearest & how dreadfully I miss his dear letters. Edgar & Sophy to the Meet 10.30. Had walk with the dear dogs, lovely sunny morg & warmer air delicious feel already better. Hounds in full cry thro’ park, v. pretty sight across hill. Sophy lamed her horse & Edgar had to come back 4.45. Played Bridge after dinner. Bed 10.30. Saturday 28 January Glorious morg. Slept v. well feel less depressed. E. & S. off 10 o’c. Had long walk with dogs 1½ hrs. Dearest’s miniature arrived, not quite right. Letters fr. Maud & Roy. Mr Stern had bad accident tobogganing, more than thankful not dear Roy. V. sorry. Wrote Roy & Maud , Sir Isadore Spielmann wants different drawing, dare not spare it. Sophy back 6 o’c, Edgar 7.30 looking v. blue & tired. Bridge after dinner. Sunday 29 January Glorious morg, warmer. Woke early. To little Church. Walk with dogs & fed horses & birds. Lunched alone. Wrote after to Mervyn, Emma, & Spencer birthday. Edgar & Sophy off 10.30 to Church on bicycles & to lunch at Prettymans, ret’d 4.30. Sup. 8 o’c. Sophy read her Diary impressions of Ravendale when first viewed. Find it immensely improved & charming since my first visit here. Monday 30 January Another glorious day. Huge budget lettters fr. Lee Pemberton, stable contract to be signed. Sir Isadore Spielmann worrying me for Dearest’s Fisheries Diploma. I will not send it to exhibition Rome, too risky. E. & S. left at 12 in Motor. E. looks tired, wish he was stronger. Took dogs for walk to South Ashley Waltham Signpost & enquired price of eggs. Wrote after lunch to Sir Isadore Spielmann, & Maud, postcard to Edgar. Took dogs for walk 4.30. Most beautiful sunset. Tuesday 31 January Lovely day, frost. Another beautiful sunset. Walked for 1½ hrs along Thoresby Rd. Wrote 5 letters. Mended garments, wrote, &walked for ½ hour before tea with dogs along Louth Rd. Worked & read after tea in Hall & after dinner bed 9.30. Wrote Edgar about exorbitant charge Electric Lt, Maud, Roy, & N. Bosanquet & Mr Beale. Feb 1911 Wednesday 1 February Slept well. Woke early. Glorious morg. Took “Bunty” only for walk along New Drive & Ground. Huge field all white with hoar frost. No letters. Glorious morg. E. & S. return by 4 o’c train today. Took dogs for walk before tea. Another glorious sunset but v. v. cold, 10 degrees of frost! E. & S. arrived late, 8.30 dinner. They have enjoyed their ramp in London greatly. Wedding Lord Worsley great success. They went to Pantomime evg. Thursday 2 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dull all day & raw. Took dogs for walk & wrote letters. Drove after lunch 3 o’c with Edgar & Sophy in dog cart. Wonderfully handsome old mare Margery never stumbled once & carried herself so well. Lovely drive open expanse of country, scarcely met a soul. Showed Edgar Assignment of our Stables, thinks I had better sign & return. “Cut throat bridge” for half an hour before bedtime. Letter fr. Maud fixing 21st inst for our tramp abroad. Friday 3 February Again dull. E. & S. off 9.30 for Meet. Letter fr. Fanny Nembhard asking me to lunch tomorrow to meet young Douet, long amusing letter fr. Tabbie, but not a word about our Mervyn, am anxious about him, not a line since they left before Xmas for “Oratava”. S. & E. returned fr. hunting to luncheon, horses not v. fit. We all went for walk after in fields & took Hi-flyer great success. S. took E’s photo, & E. hers on their hunters. Bridge evg. E. again looks depressed. Saturday 4 February Again dull. Letter fr. Mr Smith saying they have mislaid & lost the Millers (illeg) div of £48.17.5 sent last August!!! Also he asks me for cheque of £4.10.0 again. I pd this on 9th Jan, feel v. worried & upset, but he hopes after things are settled there will be £11,500 capital which sh’d bring in £500 a year well invested, which w’d leave me £300 after paying Roy’s annuity. I wonder! & doubt . E. & S. off 10.30 to Meet looking v. smart, ret’d 4.30. E’s horse Saucy Box stumbled badly, evidently worried him. I wrote to Mr Smith & to Maud about dearest’s drawing for Rome Exhibition. Sunday 5 February Dull grey day, & raw. Awoke v. early & ‘made hay’ mentally as my dearest would say! E. & S. to Church on cycles. I to the little Church here & to communion, nice little sermon & service. Walked round stables & garden with E. & S. after. After lunch walked with Edgar & lost Lowrie & E. had to go back to the wood for him. Tea & talked. E. has a nasty cold, knew he was not well for some days. He is too thin & ought to feed up. Read after dinner. Monday 6 February Gala day. Lennie has given me £400 invested in 5% City of Buenos Aires Bonds. Ordered Clock & entrée dish to be returned from Amy & Navy stores. Letter fr. Tabs the Mervyns are well & enjoying the glorious sun & warmth of Oratava Canary Islands, fr. Emma about my felt carpet, fr. Mr Smith & fr. Toula, & my Robinson Gold div £10.11.0. Edgar in bed with bad cold as I feared. Cheque to Emma for wages £6.13.4. To Auxiliary stores for my carpet £4.7.8. Dear E’s cold very heavy, up after breakfast. Vet to see “Julia” & “Saucy Box” former to be fired! For drive with Sophy. Saw invalid sheep. Walked part way home. Bridge evg. E. won. Bed 10.30. Tuesday 7 February E. has letter fr. Mervyn. Ordered my felt carpet to be put down in my bedroom fr. Army Navy Aux. Stores, & windows cleaned & yard done by Pearks man. Letter fr. Darling asking me to be home in time for the dear childrens fancy dance tomorrow. Alas! cannot manage it. No letter fr. Roy, he sh’d have reached home last evg. Dear E’s cold little better & he looks better for rest indoors. I wrote & worked all morg. in his room. Walked with Sophy to Farm & got 14 eggs 1/4 after packing. Feel side a little. Tea, & bridge after dinner, E. always wins. Bed 10.15. Wednesday 8 February Anne’s birthday & fancy dress dance at Lancaster Gate. V sorry cannot be there. Vy dull morg. Woke v. early thundering headache remembering there is a strike on Gt Northern, fear my train will be v. late, 12.35 fr. Grimsby. No strike. E. & S. go off hunting 10 o’c. Trust his cold will not suffer, feel v. anxious about him. Got off v. comfortably, no hurry. Vy comfortable journey 3rd class & no trouble. House looks vy nice & clean. My new felt most comfortable & the little room v. nice,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 needs many things still. Roy dined with me & showed me photos of St Moritz. We looked thro’ papers & documents to be signed. V. cold, fires in both our bedrooms, v. cozy. Nice little dinner. Thursday 9 February Slept well. Saw E. Will not forgive M, pity as all seemed to be working nicely together. House v. nice. To Chestertons, Nash, ordered windows to be cleaned tomorrow. To Bank ordered £200 Mexican Lt & power 5% Bonds 95 limit. Lunched at Maud’s. All look tired after yesterday’s party. Gilly there. Drove with Maud to see Ada Sp, 105 Queens Gate, so sorry for her. Maud drop’d me at the Commissioners of oaths where Roy met me & we signed several documents 15/& registered them at Buckles off to Mr Smith. Roy on to Queen’s club, & dines at home. Wonder what I shall do about settling maids, so tiresome as I go away with Maud on 21st inst D.V. Friday 10 February Hope sale of Stables. Fine but bitterly cold. Walked to Darling’s, saw her. Had bad night on ac’t Crewe House fire. Countess & 3 day old son moved to Ld Rosebery’s house. Maud & Lennie go to Leweston today until Sunday night. I went on to Mrs Nevill’s & arranged about dress, £12½ to 14 gns! Walked across Park to Knightsbridge, saw restive horse, & Arthur Giles & C. Loring. Worked with Marie all afternoon. Roy dined out, did a little business. Mary to Lancaster Gate & shop’d for me. Saturday 11 February Mrs Evans comes 4 o’c to tea. Unable to come. Out with Edie in Maud’s carriage to stores, ordered 6 bots Port 10/-, luggage stand 7/6, umbrella mended, lid of travelling trunk repaired etc. Walked home fr. Gardens. Worked with Edie all afternoon. V. glad to have her, Marie in another mood, v. tiresome, such a pity for herself. Flowers 1/3. Roy dined out. Sat with him, in great hurry as usual. Mr Smith at last sent me the £85 owed me. Sunday 12 February Out 10.30 to enquire Sir Andreas de la Rue & to see Douglas at Officers Home, looks v. ill. Cab 1/-, Om 2d. Edie, Herbert & Madame (blank) to tea. Do not care for her appearance. Bitterly cold. Marie’s afternoon. Spencer, Ada & Hylda dine with Roy & self. Quite pleasant evening. Roy at Queen’s Club all day I believe. Bought £200 Mex. Lt. & Power at 96 thro’ Bank. Monday 13 February Neville 11.30. Walked part of way there. Lady Carew there. Saw Benions about fern case 2 o’c. Emma & self looked over cleaned carpet fr. my room. Darling with Anne & Oliver to tea. She looks very thin & delicate. Most anxious about her. The rush of 2 nights to Tabbie’s did her more harm than good, & Lennie not well. Roy dined out & to first night of “Belle of New York” amateurs. Tuesday 14 February Had car & went with Edie to Harrods, ordered blouse, knickers, house shoes, spare room slop pail etc. Enquired for Douglas, better. To Barkers, ordered blouse for dinner 4 ½ gns. Darling & Mrs Bosanquet came to tea. Maud looks pale. Roy dined out, & to “Belle of New York”. Alone evg, bed early. All busy on work for spare room, curtains, carpet etc. Wednesday 15 February Neville 12 o’c. had car. Think dress will be nice. Lovely morg. Pd Barkers bill, Johnsons, Taxes. Mrs Evans came to stay, arrived one o’clock. Marie out afternoon & evg. Roy dined at home but went out after. Roy & I signed. Thursday 16 February Had carriage 11.15 to Post Office sent 2/3 to Stores. With Mrs Evans to Jaeger shop Regent St. Called on Mrs Finlay, saw her. Lunched & out to be fitted with Mrs Evans at Barkers. Dear Midge came when we had finished lunch & walked with us to Barkers. So glad to see her. Told us Milly Fraser 64 or 65 going to be


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 married again! Foolish I fear. Mrs E. on after fitting. I ret’d & met Sir J & Lady Lawrence, wanted me to go & have tea with them, could not. Roy dines out. Friday 17 February Neville 11 o’c. Had Maud’s carriage to Nevilles. To see Effie, Bank about Chinese & Mexican Certificates. Left Barkers receipt of Western & B. Ayres to be forwarded for certificate. X. Walked fr. Palace Gds Bayswater, called & saw Lady Hickman & May. Wanted me to stay lunch, cannot, Mrs Evans with me at home. Expected Sir R. Romer & Lady R. to tea, did not come. Roy dined out. Mrs Evans bought him azalea. Marie still waring. (Page pinned in) 17 February X. Friday. Sir Isadore Spielmann had fetched fr. Maud’s 104 Lancaster Gate dear Linley’s 2 drawings for Rome exhibition. Coronation of King Edward VII & the Almanack drawing of Ship & Syrens. Most exquisite drawing. Saturday 18 February Another bothering paper from Lee Pemberton, have to pay £95 for Roy’s money set aside ! Awfully hard lines & but for having been vy careful sh’d be in a tight corner for money. Dear Edgar better, & had another hunting accident. Always dread his hunting season. At 11.15 Nash about drawing room blind mended. Carriage 11.30 with Mrs Evans to Barkers to be fitted. To Christies, Sir John Tenniel’s, saw dear Sir J, looks vy ill. His sis. ill in bed with nurse. At 3 to Ballad concert with Mrs E, Albert Hall, good. Walked home. Roy to dine out, & dance after Savoy! Marie took one of dearest’s pictures to Lennie for his birthday tomorrow. Sunday 19 February Fine day but awfully windy. Packed all morg with Marie. Mrs E. to Church. Roy in at 5 this morg. after dance dinner & supper Savoy, looks puffy. Mrs E. to concert after lunch. Marie & I packed again. Mrs Mivart called. Graham & Mrs Keith to tea. Edie came with my bodice, poor Herbert ill again, w’d like to pay his expenses Brighton. Roy dined at Maudie’s, dinner for Lennie’s birthday today. Sent Marie yesterday with one of my dearest’s drawings. Monday 20 February Packed or finished packing with Marie. Lady Romer & Fanny Nembhard called, did not see either. Mrs Evans left by 4 with me in Motor, saw her to Victoria, & called to enquire after Douglas, going on well, & to see the darlings & Maud. Roy dined with me & to bed early. All working so well for me. Roy wishes bolts on top room doors. Col Hensman died aged 71. Another dear old friend gone. Tuesday 21 February Leave by 11 Continental train with Maud & Muriel Messel & Kirton for Cannes. Roy went up in cab with me & Marie also to Victoria to see us off. Lennie & Cap. Gibbs also there also. Lady Armstrong in our train looking v. ill. Wrote Mr Richardson to have £10 placed to Roy’s account to pay books. Comfortable journey only rather dull having Muriel who looks in bad temper & Maud straining every nerve to keep her amiable. Unpleasant companion & bad manners. Muriel ill on steamer. Maud w’d sit outside our cabin with Kirton & got wet by choppy sea. Muriel & self in cabin. Wednesday 22 February Bottle St Galemier. Cannes. Cannes! Arrived after most comfortable journey in glorious sunshine 1.30 P.M. The scenery along the coastline to Cannes too beautiful for words, deep gorges lined with pine trees on one side with snow top’d mountains beyond & mimosa trees in full bloom along the railway line, glorious against the deep pines & palms & the deep blue sea with rocks & deep red sand down to waters edge & the beautiful trees close down to sea, a dream of beauty. Mr M. met us & we left Kirton & Valet look after luggage & came on to California Hotel in their Motor. Hotel lies high up in beautiful garden of palms & pines. Mr M. had got us lovely rooms on ground floor, a suite of 3 together one


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 looking over garden & sea. Had tea in hall & dined 7.30. Band after, & talked after to Mr & Mrs Game, cousin of Ethel English, great relief as they are lively. Thursday 23 February Slept well, another lovely day, cooler. Darling had breakfast in my bed! After we sat out with Mrs Messel & Mr Game. Mr Geilgud here. Walked to Cannes with Mr M. & Muriel. We 5 lunch & dine at same table. Maud, Mr M. & Muriel off to Battle of Flowers, Nice. At 2 o’c wrote P’cards Roy, Toula, Edgar & Mrs Evans. Mrs M. & self by Motor Bus into Cannes 4 o’clock. Walked about town, so clean & bright, & along jetty. The sea the deepest blue & many lovely yachts in Harbour, 3 English. Tea at (blank), Mr & Mrs Game had tea at our table. (Page pinned in) Thursday 23rd Feby. View of Bay from Jetty of coast, sea, & Isle of Margarite with its Prison nestled among pine trees. Most beautiful, sea iridescent & the huge breakwater a wonderful sight at end of jetty, great squares of stones & cement. Came back by cab 2 frs 50. I went up to Mrs M’s room most exquisite view & sun setting over the mountains to the right of Hotel. (cutting pinned in: Death of Henry Frank Hensman.) Friday 24 February Cannes. Another glorious day but strong wind. Maudie slept badly. At 11 we went for walk up towards Observatory, the sea a glorious blue, the sky the same, & the mimosa trees in all their luxuriant bloom. Never can I remember seeing anything so beautiful & fr. this height overlooking mountains snow capped & all the richness of colour of deep green palms, firs, & brilliant yellow of mimosa the deep blue sky & glorious sea. It felt like being in a heavenly dream & after the grey skies of home & cold, the sun’s warmth was delicious. (Page pinned in) Friday 24th Feby. We only reached the Hotel California just in time for luncheon 12.30 & found Mr M. & Muriel had had an uncomfortable shock during their walk finding a poor man in a ditch unconscious fr. starvation. They got him water & food. He had had no food for 24 hrs his poor young wife did not know what to do with him, wandering about in search of work! After lunch Mrs M. Maud & self to call in Motor on the Brownlows & for drive along coast. Most beautiful, & tea at Nègres where Mr Mesel & Muriel found us. Her manners appalling, or rather her want of manners, she has none. Maudie came back with Mr M. & Muriel. Saturday 25 February Sale of Stables. X. Bottle of St Galmier & bottle Vittel. Glorious day. Darling slept so well. We all 5 went to Mr Game at 11 o’c in Motor along coast past (illeg) St Raphael, Trégus, all most exquisite but v. dangerous winding & narrow roads high up along coast & picniced in a lovely little Bay. Would have been heavenly but for Muriel who again in bad temper which sadly accentuates her want of good manners. We ret’d by inland road along most beautiful hills at great height, the view of the Maritime Alps covered with snow & the blue blue sky & glorious irridiscent sea all beyond my feeble powers of description. (Page pinned in) Saty 25th Feb. We ran dangerously fast round corners, the car seemed weak on left side & squeaked dangerously. Think v. risky & wonder Mr M. does not ask his chauffeur to drive more slowly round these blind & sharp corners. The wind was tremendous in some of the valleys & we had to hold on with both hands to our hats. We had tea at Hotel on our return & felt better for all the air. After dinner talked to Lady Abney & her daughter & introduced them to Mr & Mrs Messel. Girl much like Muriel, modern girl in manners. Bed ¼ to 10. Sunday 26 February Another glorious day, & warm, with refreshing breeze. Darling slept badly. Went into her room at 4 o’c, she seemed v. hot. Maud & Mrs M & Muriel to church & had excellent sermon. Mr M, Mr Game & self sat under palms in grounds basked in sunshine & read & talked. Lunched 12.30. Wrote after. At 4 o’c in Hotel Motor to Carlton Hotel to tea with Mr & Mrs Cecil Brownlow. Pleasant talk. Vy crowded room good band. Met Jean Brown, is at Continental. Home cab. So windy & cold


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 at sunset, glorious sunset. Sat after dinner with Games & up to Mrs M’s room after. Bed 10.20. Bacara. Monday 27 February Heavenly morg, cooler. Maudie slept well, so thankful but she has a rash over her chin & neck & fear chill, but seems bright & better in herself. She & I went by Motor Bus into Flower Market, bought flowers & intended calling on Geilguds but found so late had to return. C’d not get cab, took Motor Bus & tramped up steep hill on foot to Hotel 1.10.PM. Found the M’s already lunching. At 3 for drive with Muriel in Motor to Gougin(?), lovely scenery, & by Antibes, & to tea at Nègres where met Mr & Mrs Messel, Mr Geilgud. Quiet evg, band. Mr Game came down for short time after dinner. Still no letters. Tuesday 28 February Sir J. Tenniel’s birthday, wrote. Sunshine. Cooler. Maudie & self to Hill in flower garden, back to Hotel morg. She sketched. Met Mrs Fair after lunch, spoke to her, same gentle shy little woman, is here with her son & daughter. At quarter to 3 in Motor with Mr Messel & Muriel & Maud to Antibes & over Mr Wylie’s lovely garden. Drive back, glorious drive, met Mrs Messel & Mr Gielgud at Nègres. Gay scene, Dominus & Confetti Carnival. Glorious sunset of blue mauve & pink, most beautiful. Spoke to a Mrs Grand who knows Millais’s, also Mr Fair. Mar 1911 Wednesday 1 March My darling bad night, was overtired yesterday, looked so white evg. Up v. early & she went with Muriel to Church 8.30. After at 10.30 we all 5 went for a walk & to see Hotel for Miss (illeg) Richards, née Brigstock. Mad woman threw stones at us! At 3 Maud & self for lovely run in Motor with Mr Messel to Grasse, exquisite scenery. Met Muriel & Mrs M. at Nègres, ret’d in Motor. After dinner Maud & self to Sir W. Abney’s rooms & saw his sketches, charming. Very sleepy all of us & to bed 10 o’c. Thursday 2 March Letter fr. dear Roy yesterday. Glorious morg. Maud & I woke in night & slept v. late. Maud, Muriel & self for lovely walk towards Observatory. After lunch 2.30 Maud, Mr M, Muriel & Miss Stourbridge for long Motor run to Jeanette(?). Home v. late 6 o’c or after. Mrs M & self perilous journey by tram into Cannes standing outside car! Walked along front Plage & tea at Nègres, I paid 2.50, excellent tea, & returned by tram. Back 5.30, rested, worked & read! After dinner Mrs Fair came & talked to us. They had been to St Raphael. Bed 9.30!!! Letter fr. Fanny Barker asking us to stay few days with them. X. Friday 3 March Seven months since my Darling Lin was taken. Slept well & lovely bracing morning. The Abneys left early in their car. Darling did not sleep well. Letter fr. dear Roy. Wrote morg. to Fanny Barker who wants us to stay there, & to Roy. At ¼ to 3 with Mr M, Muriel & Maud in Motor to dear little village on summit of Hill with dear old Church. Women washing & strange old world Inn. Auribeau name of village. Passed Mougins on return. Tea at Nègres. Cinematograph after dinner. Bed 10 o’c. Saturday 4 March Maudie & self went for delightful walk to left of Hotel alone. At 2.30 with Mr, Mrs M. & Muriel, rather a crush, to Grasse. Glorious views & Maud gave a tea at Carlton. Mr & Mrs Game joined us. Not v. interesting people. Met Daisie Markham & her husband who had just arrived fr Marseilles after an awful voyage! 10 hrs late. Sat with Mrs & Miss Fair after dinner. Bed 9.30. Not in bed till 11.30! Sunday 5 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Clouded. Maud & self to the charming church here close to Hotel, beautifully kept & lovely stained glass windows. Heard touching sermon fr. Prebendary Carlisle on the power of Human sympathy, felt better for it. Little walk after with darling M. alone. Spoke to Mr Denny. Upset tho’ proud of what he said of Darling Lin. Wrote after luncheon Maud & I walked to Carlton where Mr & Mrs M. met us. Muriel had tea with Mrs Storbridge. Mr M. paid. Saw Daisie who lent me “Marie Claire”. Games after dinner as usual & Fairs. Monday 6 March Bill £500.70 frs, with Kirton. Lovely day. Maud & self to Cannes by ourselves. Walked there. To Clarks about money for bill which I pd for Maud. We took cab back 3 frcs after lunch talked to Mr Denny & his wife. At 2.30 Maud, Miss Storbridge, Muriel & Mrs M. in Motor for long run in Motor to (blank) by Grasse. Saw monoplane, looked like dragonfly, came fr. Nice & flew past & back again most gracefully. Mrs M. & self by tram to Mr & Mrs Geilgud’s, Alsace & Lorraine Hotel. Walked to Nègres with them where Mrs M. & I had tea, Mr & Mrs Game there, & sat with them after dinner. Tuesday 7 March Lovely day, much cooler. Maud & I were awake some hours in night. Morg. M. & self by train to Clarks about money & our return journey engaging salons lits & cabin etc. Maud bought boxes of flowers for Lennie, the darlings & Nana. Letter fr. Edgar. Late for luncheon, cab back. For run in Motor with Mr & Mrs M. who dropped us at Carlton where we had tea with Miss Brown & friend, delightful. Saw Edna May there, & Daisie & Mr Markham who asked us to dine with them at Casino. He had won £32 at Casino. Returned in cab 3 frs. V. good conjuror evg. Sat with Mr Denny, great talker. Delightful day. Wednesday 8 March Letters fr. dear Roy, Mervyn, Flossie Blair etc enclosed. Cloudy morg, cooler. Slept better. Maudie late paid bill £77.60 & walked nearly into Cannes, too late. Met Mr Denny & returned. After lunch talked with Mr Denny & at 3 o’c Maud & self with Mr & Mrs M. in Car for lovely drive after getting our tickets for Battle of Flowers tomorrow. Mine 7 frcs. to Mr M. for it. Maud’s tea at Casino Miss Brown & Miss Russell. Saw Tables & Mr M. won 15 frcs rest lost. After dinner talked with Mr Game on S. Exchange. The Miss Storbridges sat with our party. Muriel had been with the Storbridges all day. Tea bad & service worse Casino. Uncomfortable in Car, wet blanket feeling, cannot understand it. Thursday 9 March Battle of Flowers. Delightful day, fine sunny & cool wind. Read “Marie Claire” finished it & sat in garden. Dr M. arrived fr. England early, went for walk with Mr & Mrs M. & Maud. At 2.30 Mrs M, Mrs Game, Mr M. & self in Car v. prettily decorated with pink stocks & carnations & Boganvilia(sic) to our seat in stand. Maud, Dr. M, Mr Game & Muriel in Car in procession. Most amusing sight, the pelting of small bouquets, three carriages beautifully decorated. After to tea at Nègres. Col (blank) joined our party, & home in Car. Sat after dinner with Fairs & Mr Denny. 2 very good looking woman sang & (illeg) like birds pecking about whilst we were having tea at Nègres. We drove back to Hotel in Motor. Dr M. is a distinct acquisition to our table being a good talker, the awful silence is dreadful sometimes, but for darling Maud’s brightness it w’d be unbearable. Maud & I sat with the Fairs after dinner & Mr Denny who was most amusing. Two v. pretty women sang & recited extremely well, Mother & daughter, the latter very pretty with delightful voice. They made by a collection made after 500 frcs. nearly for the London Waifs & Strays. Mr, Mrs & Dr M. & Muriel joined us at the end. (Page pinned in) Thurs 9 March. Our seats were under an awning op. American Hotel or House, American flag flying, & we c’d see well being 3rd row & not too close for rough pelting. Maud looked sweet in the M’s Motor passing & I caught 2 big


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 bunches of violets fr her & many fr. others not intended for me. A red carnation & green decorated Victoria & a mauve & pink were the prettiest. A few were beautifully got up but were without any taste & the roads after were a sight with crushed flowers. The M’s motor looked vy nice & people deliberately stripped it of flowers. Friday 10 March Delightful day. Maudie alas! slept badly & woke at 9 after many hours awake. At 12 o’c walked to cab, met Mrs M. & Muriel returnng fr. Cannes in fiàcre. We lunched at Continental Hotel with Jean Brown & Miss Russell in Restaurant there. Charmingly arranged roses in bud & green in X across our round table. Excellent lunch & good talk so bright & lively. After to see the garden, vy prettily laid out, strange humming bird moths flying over flowers. These & black velvet bees seen here seem strange to me. Then to see the 2 bedrooms very nice on 3rd floor overlooking Bay & Old Town, Esterel Mountains. Lovely view. (page pinned in) Friday 10th March. These rooms tout compris they pay 18 frcs a day for. Mr Secher who used to drive the coach between Ramsgate & Cantebury at the Hotel, did not see him. Maudie & self walked short cut to rue Antibes, bought many things. V. expensive gave 2.95 for what one w’d pay 9d for in England. Maud sent off flowers 3 baskets 3.50 each & 7.50 for 7 baskets of oranges, also 3.50 for some flowers we took to Hotel Alsace Loraine for Mrs Geilgud. We took her & Mr G. with us to Nègres where we found Mr & Mrs & Muriel M. v. annoyed about great damage done to Motor in turning the shaft of a cart went thro’ side of Motor, considerable damage done. V. vexing & most thankful neither Maud nor self in Car at time. We had tea at Nègres & Mr M. paid. Back in car. Chauffeur vy upset naturally. Fairly pleasant evg. Cinematograph rather vulgar. Chicken raising good. Maudie tired came to bed 9.30 & I trust my darling will sleep well. Saturday 11 March Another delightful day. Sunny but colder, east wind. Muriel still seedy & only up after luncheon & for short walk with her father. Maud & self for walk & Maud sketched the Gate high up on Hill at back of Hotel. At 4 o’c with Mr & Mrs Messel to Jetty saw gun boat & walked back to tea at Nègres where Mr & Mrs Gielgud & Mr & Mrs Blandford were, Dr Messel with us. Darling remained with Muriel & had tea at Hotel in Mrs M’s sitting room. Wrote 4 letters. Back in train. Sat after dinner with Dr M, Mrs M. & Mrs Game. Darling went up to Muriel. Bed 10 o’c & great fly chase, killed 10 Maud’s room. Hope she will sleep well. Sunday 12 March Glorious day. Maudie slept better. Muriel to church. V. silent at luncheon! & they all left early except Maud Dr M. & self. Good sermon (illeg). M. & self for short walk & talked to Lorings before going in. After lunch long talk with Mr Dewey & Dr M till 3 o’c. Head tired. Rested, wrote until 4.30. Mrs M, Maud & self in Motor to Carlton where Mr M, Muriel, Mrs Richards, Col. Curran, met us & had tea. Vy crowded & hot. Good coffee. Saw Mason writer. On return found Mrs & Lola Shannon here, they & Mrs Parrish at Continental. (page pinned in) Sunday 12th March. I talked with them & the Fairs some time. Mrs Game dined at our table, Mr G. very seedy. A great many laid up at Hotel, Mrs Denny, the handsome Baronne & pretty American all seedy. Trust my darling Maud will escape. Muriel in her room & Maud sat with her after dinner. Great draught in Hall. Sat with Mr M, read, & with Mrs Fair whose dau. is seedy. Bed 9.40. Monday 13 March My dear Father died 1884. Another dull day & rain. In all morg. Maudie & self wrote, I in Hall. Sun later in day. Muriel still in her room & seeing doctor. Mr M. terribly depressed. After lunch sat in Hall, then rested & at 3.30 M. & self in tram to Market Place & walked leaving cards on Mrs Parrish & Mr Secher at Continental. Maudie v. tired going up hill, rested in garden as they were out, & to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Nègres for tea. Vy happy together. Dr M. joined us & then Mr & Mrs M. Cold water. (page pinned in) Monday 13th March 1911. M. & self to flower shop where M. bought lovely flowers for Muriel & present for Lennie. Back in Hotel Motor. Maudie up to Muriel’s room to take flowers. Concert after dinner. I read. Maud to Muriel’s room & Mrs M. talked to Mrs Game. Wish my darling looked stronger & that we had moved on to San Remo, fear Mr M’s depression getting on my darling’s nerves, it makes me feel uncomfortable & sad also when we have so much to be thankful for. Tuesday 14 March Lovely day but v. cold out of sun. Maud & I walked to Croissé where we sat in sun & were toasted & felt better for it, we were so cold. Mr Messel met us & walked back with us. Muriel still in her room, & M. not allowed to see her by doctor’s orders. At 2.45 in Motor with Dr & Mrs Messel to Grasse where we got out & walked thro’ the old streets & market place. V. narrow & most picturesque tho’ dirty & v. smelly, to Nègres crystalised fruit factory, where we saw the great tubs of boiling sugar. Vy dirty looking stuff. (page pinned in) Tues 14th March. Quantity of oranges, pines & all sorts of fruits, & orange blossom, rose leaves, violets & mimosa all in different stages of preparation for sweets & crystalised. The violets are first sorted, then boiling syrup is poured over them & very dirty women fingered these to keep them separated & that the sugar permeated them, then they are sugared with mauve powdered sugar & sorted again on trays & then placed on shelves in a room closely together, one shelf on another where it is heated like a hothouse to dry them. Then they are again passed thro’ sugar highly coloured with some violet colouring & dried again. The liquid sugar looked v. nasty & the metal pans like great milk basins only in metal were not bright or clean looking, nor were the men & women employed clean, & the sort of Vaults where work is done were dark & uncleanly. An old woman roasting coffee was a picture. Maud bought a box of fruits for 3.50 frcs quite small, v. dear. We then motored back thro’ lovely country & sunset past Villeneuve & Moujines & up an awful zig zag road which frightened us greatly. We had coffee in our room & were glad of it. Darling M. very nervous & wanted to jump out. After dinner in billiard room for a while & then Mr & Mrs M. went up to their room Wednesday 15 March Up at 7 to find my water bottle had been leaking all night & my nightdress & blanket were soaked! Trust no evil results, v. cold. Darling & I went to Monte Carlo by 10 train, fly to station, pd 16.50 for tickets. Saw Mr Fair, Mr Denny & Dr M. in Hall before starting. No trouble. Snow at Nice & ground covered with it in thin layer, everywhere after Nice to Monaco. Glorious scenery with all mountains covered with snow, lovely blue sky & sea & sun! Sat out in grounds of Casino in sun & then enjoyed our table at Ciro’s, & to Tables where Maud lost a little playing on Manque only. George Dietz spoke to us, he was losing! (page pinned in) 15th March Wed. Maud & I went to lunch & were greatly amused by two pretty smart women & 2 men at our next table, but foolish conversation. After we again went to tables where Maud won about £2 odd. We were only there ¾ of an hour. Back to Ciro’s for tea. Very cold wind & vy cold after sunset at Monte Carlo. Great crowd there but few smart people. Vy ordinary & quiet. A few pretty women & (illeg) men. Ld Bateman with party behind us. Returned by 5.9 train. Heard Muriel had chicken pox & had left Hotel for a Home (nursing). After dinner spoke to Gorings & sat with them, well bred people & seem very nice & devoted to each other. Mrs M. seemed happier & vy well. Mr M. terribly doleful, depressed both Maudie & myself, thankful to be away for a day together. Mr Denny told me a man had buried his wife & the funeral was to cost 8/- The man, a Scotsman, said he would only pay 5/- whereupon the Scotsman said “Another 3/- or up she comes again” when the husband pd. up immediately!


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 16 March Lovely day but cold wind. Maud & self walked to Croisette, too windy to remain & met Mr Goring, told him of Muriel’s illness. (page pinned in) Thurs 16th March. Mr M. dreadfully depressed, awful at dinner, all right after talking to Lady Bissett. Just like Muriel takes no trouble to rouse himself, utterly selfish. After dinner sat by the French lady, we all sat together. Bed. Maudie thank heaven well so far. Wrote Roy, Emma & Mrs Evans. Friday 17 March Lovely day, but v. cold wind. Maudie seems seedy rather but had good night. I sat out fr. 10 till 11 when we took Motor to Clarks & got our tickets complete. M. bought pins & presents. Met Mr Geilgud. Packed after lunch & had tea in our rooms. Dr M. came & saw Maud who has temperature & seems nervous & excitable, went to bed, & I went alone to dine with the Messels. M. had charming letter fr. Lady Frederick Fitzroy. Cinematograph. Sat with M. after dinner. (page pinned in) 17th March, Friday. Feel vy anxious about her. Has fire in her room. Decided to have Doctor tomorrow, trust may not need him. Muriel going on well. Maud’s temp 102 & pulse 104. Saturday 18 March Dull morg, colder. Maud, Kirton & I leave Cannes by 3.30 train D.V. Maudie fair night & temp down below 100. Got up at 2.10 & went to her room, she seemed asleep peacefully. Woke many times during night but afraid to disturb her by going in. Got hot milk 7.30 & Kirton made Maud some tea & she seems better & no fears, eyes heavy. Mrs M. came to see her early. Finished our packing comfortably & wrote to Mervyns. Said goodbye to Dennys & Fairs & sat when dressed in Hall. Kirton & Mr M’s man with our luggage to Station & had it registered for Charing X. (page pinned in) Saty March 18th. M. & I in Mr M’s motor to Station with Dr M who sat in waiting room with us after buying papers. Mrs M joined us & saw us off. Russian in Holland & blue trowsers & the Russian high boots & astrakan cap or toque, & a dagger stuck across front of his waist belt, fine looking man. No trouble whatever with luggage or own sleeping places. Country looked & is beautiful. We had coffee & dined on train & settled in early. Darling slept badly but I well, poor K. v. unwell. So far most comfortable. Lady Bissett talked some time to Maud before leaving Hotel, pretty young looking woman with daughter of 21 more like her sister, & little daughter engaged to a Naval officer. She gave Maud cinnamon lozenges. We have had a delightful 3 weeks & 3 days in a beautiful country, v. comfortable Hotel & glorious weather & yet one is glad to be turning towards Home again, & thankful my darling is well enough to travel, felt so anxious about her. Sunday 19 March Maudie slept only fairly well, I vy well & K. also. Lovely morg. Had bad & dear coffee at Laroche 5.58 & again at Paris 9.81. Little butter. Saw the Fairs & gave her her clock left behind, also Mrs Hudson. Lunched in train 11.15, fairly good lunch. Would advise carrying ones own food, little of it travelling. V. comfortable journey to Dover. Lovely cabin but awful scrimmage at Dover, terribly afraid of Maud who looks pulled down by fever of Friday night. (page pinned in) Sunday 19th March. After great trouble got our places in train, 400 passengers on board & three Boat trains leaving, we got 2nd train. Felt sad leaving my darling, Roy & Lennie met us & Lennie took Maud off at once afraid of her getting overdone, & Roy & I came home in Taxie. Berringer sent me my 2 boxes & holdall by cab, cost 5/6 all together. Roy & I dined at home, all looked bright, & sat in drawing room after. Certain propositions about partnership for Roy but uncertainty of money, must talk it over with Lennie & Fritz. Several tiresome legal affairs, seem never ending over Lin’s small estate. Bed 10 o’c. Monday 20 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mrs Evans to stay. Slept well. Fine day. Dust drawing room, unpacked with Marie morg. M darling Maud came loaded with flowers & all sorts of things, looks v. white. She w’d arrange flowers for me dear little thing but not remain luncheon. Emma has made carpet cleaned into 2 v. nice rugs, & hot water cover & mats for drawing morning & my bedroom (illeg) look v. nice. X. Mrs Evans came to stay, arr. 5 o’c. Roy dined with Dora. Mrs Keating called 5.15. Sent Marie to Mrs Bradbury about my Darling’s drawing for Shepherds Bush Exhibition. Tuesday 21 March Dull foggy morg. Morg to Tax collector, after papers there. To Barkers & to Bank. Saw Mr Richardson, will arrange Executor ac’t. With Mrs Evans walked across Gardens to Maudie, remained to luncheon. Carriage brought us back. Maudie fairly well. Dear little Anne & Oliver with Fraulein to tea, also Eve Bosanquet & Lady Miller to tea. Roy dined with us evg, came home too late to dress, object to his not dressing v. much. Wednesday 22 March Lady Pontifax, Mrs Rhodes, Mrs Sington called. Fine day. Out at 10.40 with Mrs Evans to order Times, Evg paper, Observer & Referee at Picknells, Earls Court Rd. To School of Needlework, saw Garter Banners for coronation. Woman with air balls in omnibus looked ill. Called at Mrs Silver’s house, nurse left. To Mr Mayne Tax collectors. Met Archdeacon Brooks & wife. At 4 o’c called with Mrs Evans at Mrs Turners, saw her, & to tea at Lady Romer’s, taxi 1/-, back in bus & to see Cinematograph, not bad. Marie out, after helping me get drawers fr. my Dearest’s room. Roy out to dinner, in early, seems bright. Thursday 23 March Mr L. Bradbury comes to select drawings of dear Lin’s for Exhibition at Shepherds Bush. Came & I showed him some & gave him 2 lists to look thro’. Mrs E. & I went after to Barkers & Harrods & paid tax 6/9 for stable, part payment as it is no longer mine. Mr Gwyer has bought remainder of lease. Emma spoke to me about being with her brother-in- law, cannot bear idea even of parting. Hope she will remain. To call Dora in my darling Maud’s carriage & to Mrs Keith’s & to tea with my Maud who has to remain in bed for a month, seen Dr Bevan who insists on proper rest. (page pinned in) 23 March. Am convinced it is most necessary & feel happier now she is being looked after. To be massaged twice a day & have a nurse. Gillie was with her & she is to be kept very quiet. Shall see Dr Bevan & ask what he thinks of her. Only remained short time. Roy dined out, dressed here. Mrs E. remained in all afternoon, rain & dull, colder. 2 tons of best Silverstone coals in, 27/- a ton. Friday 24 March My darling Maud lunches here. Unable to come, is to remain in bed one month & have a nurse. So thankful she is to be made to rest, felt for a long while she has needed great care. Spoke to Dr Bevan by telephone, only absolute rest needed, & massage. Marie & self 2 hours in Dearest’s room, did a good deal one shelf, put all hats caps etc in cupboard outside & cleaned window, good day’s work. Rested after lunch. Mrs E. to see Salting collection. Mrs Pollock to tea. After I walked to Taveners & sent small azalea to my darling Maud, walked back. Roy dined at Harold’s. (page pinned in) Friday 24 March. Sent off cheque £1.10.0 for Fire Insurance on House & £578.18.6 for Mortgage on house, pd off entirely. V. heavy legal expenses of £10.10.0. Sent these to Lee Pemberton. Hope soon all settled in Dearest’s estate. Maudie to be kept vy quiet so did not go as Mrs Hohler was with her. Saturday 25 March V. v. bitterly cold. N.E. wind, squalls. With Marie for one hour in Dearest’s room, did another block of books. At 12 o’c out shop’g. Mr & Mrs Reed unable to dine


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 with us tomorrow. £2 self exb’n. Roy took Dora to lunch Savoy & to Sports after, had to call for fur coat, bitterly cold. I walked at 4 o’c to Lady Hickman’s where I had tea. The dear old lady well & Lillie with her. On to Darling Maud, in bed but looks fatter & much better already. Lennie there. Dear chicks well. Gladys C. had tea with Maud (page pinned in) Sat 25th March. She ought to be kept quiet. I returned by bus, got flowers at Strudwicks for darling, 4/-. Roy dined with Lennie, to “Follies” after. Mrs Evans to see Miss Dickens & she & I dined alone & sat in morg. room after, warm there. Cold awful & wind v. high. Mary to Sp. to ask them to dinner tomorrow. Sp, Douglas & Hylda coming, Ada in bed with gout. Vy pleased with these 2 days, feel we are making progress in my Dearest’s room, thanks to Mrs Evans scolding & advice. Sunday 26 March Bitterly cold & blizzard still going. Roy not down when Mrs Evans & I went to St George’s, tiresome sermon. Sp. here on our return. Mrs Evans to concert Albert Hall after luncheon. Roy to Queens Club until nearly 8 o’c, looks tired & seedy, wish he would take more care of himself. No one called. Spencer, Douglas & Hylda to dinner, rather dull party. Sp. has more life & go in him than the young ones, & Mrs Evans also. Lennie called at tea time, leaves for Ireland Friday. Monday 27 March Dreadful morg, cold damp & squally. Spent one hour with Marie in my Dearest’s room, made good progress. Had Game 2/-. To Dora’s, 3 Saville Row, where I lunched with her & Paul. D. looking v. handsome. Tommy exactly like Paul. Drove with them to Heals in Maud’s carriage & to Nembhards after, saw Fanny & May, then to Lady M. Watney, saw her & Mrs Buller. Seemed v. pleased to see me. On to my darling’s where she is still in bed & looked tired & thinner. Had tea with her. Lennie came up as I was leaving. Roy dined out. Mrs E. & I alone dinner. Tuesday 28 March Darling Maud to dentist. Mrs Evans left by 11 o’c train. Marie & self spent a good hour in my Dearest’s room, feel making headway there. X. To Bank at 12.30 for list of my securities for the £5000 needed for Roy for his partnership with Mr Pohl. Roy looked for Offices. Mrs Beale, Mrs Rhodes, Blanche Paul, Nellie, Mrs Spofforth called. Was v. weak in speaking of darling Lin to Mrs Rhodes. Roy dined with me evg. Wish he had more energy. Vy late to business & late hours make me anxious. Wednesday 29 March Letter fr. darling Maud who seems better for imposed rest, trust she will have patience & carry out Doctor’s instructions. Dixon fr. Nash here X. Cleaned out cistern, boiler, saw to water dripping outside lavatory, & tap fish tank. Marie & self for 1½ hrs in my dearest’s room doing books. Had Maud’s carriage 3.30 to Sir John Tenniel’s, stayed some time. Seems well & cheerful. To my darling for tea, looks better. Stayed till 6 o’c. Roy out to dinner. Thursday 30 March Mr Stern ret’d fr. abroad last evg. Roy dined out & was late in coming home & late morg. Marie v. seedy, but we did an hours cleaning out shelves in Dearest’s room, & I dusted it after, begins to look better. To Notting Hill surveyor about House Assessment. Benions here morg about work. Rested after lunch. Roy dines at home at 7 o’c. My securities came last night, only £8000, yet pay nearly £400 a year! in muddley investments, dear Lin’s much better invested. Mrs Bosanquet’s doll’s house arrived Lancaster Gate for Anne. Chicks delighted, a real beauty, v. large. Friday 31 March X. My darling & party start for Ireland. Mrs Bosanquet to tea & Nicolas & Ellie Ritchie & Mrs Reed. Spent 1½ hrs in Dearest’s room with Marie morg, finished top shelf all but last books! V. tired. Hurried to Maud, walked across Pk there, & back


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 to lunch. Sat with her an hour v. happy. No rest after lunch! Visitors. Roy dined at home 7.30 & went to Paddington to see dear Maud & chicks & Lennie off to Ireland. Apr 1911 Saturday 1 April Wire fr. darling Maud arrived at Warrens Court safely. Oxford & Cambridge Boat race, Oxford won. List of dearest Lin’s investments fr. Solicitor, shall have an awful bill there. Worked 1½ hrs with Marie in Dearest’s room, getting on well & it looks more itself. After to Bank about dear Lin’s Securities. £5000 wanted for Roy’s partnership. Sat in Gardens after. Rested an hour. Worked & read, & Herbert to tea. Wants to go to Australia again. Asked Mr & Mrs Graham Keith & Mrs Gibson for tomorrow, cannot come. Sp. coming. Roy to Boat Race, dined out. Sunday 2 April Spencer dines with us. Pouring wet morning. In all day. Wrote, read & rested. Evie came to tea, told me of Nellie Grant née Grosvenor husband being bankrupt, she secretary to a Grosvenor, & about young Fisher Rowe proposing to a girl Tues & being married Saty same week, one night married & joined his ship! Vy cosy evg. Sp vy lively. Monday 3 April Fine. A model called who had not heard of my Dearest’s death. Marie & self busy in Dearest’s room, gradually getting clear. Marie washed out top part. I walked to Barkers 10.30, & Palace Gds home. Marie & self did the 5 drawings, took them out of frames to put fresh paper at back for Mr Bradbury. Gladys came & caught us. Roy dined out. Letter fr. darling Maud. Only finished pictures at 10 o’c P.M. Tuesday 4 April Fanny & May Nembhard lunch with me at 1.30. 11.30 apt. Mr Smith. Postponed until tomorrow. Bitterly cold, snow. Marie & I worked for an hour in Dearest’s room. All shelves now in order & clean, & Marie emptied the 2 green globes of acid in yard. Went out 12 o’c bought flowers, fruit & cream cheese 3/6, stamps 1/-. Very pleasant luncheon, they left 4 o’c & Mrs Sington & Winnie came to tea. Roy dined at home & went thro’ Lin’s & my securities. My room lovely with flowers. Wednesday 5 April Water Board man. Snow thick on houses & lovely sun. V. cold. Snow melting fast 9 o’c. Letter fr. my darling last evg. Seems better & happy in Ireland & dear little Oliver eating better. Salmon from Lennie. An hour morg. in dear Lin’s room with Marie. X. At ¼ to 11 to Solicitor, cab there & back 4/6. Advises Roy £5000 for Partnership. Ethel E. came, saw her. To tea with Mrs Gibson. Roy dines at home, out after. Bitter day & night, frost & glacial cold. Thursday 6 April Did 2 picture frames with Marie for L. Bradbury. Little Linley & Nurse F. lunch & we 3 go to “Follies” after. Bitterly cold. Mary out. Went by Taxi to “Follies” 2/8. Our 3 tickets 12/-, program 6d. Met Mr Forrester & Gladys who sat in same places as ourselves. Fairly good performance. After little Linley & Nurse F. went in taxi to Mrs Messel’s & I ret’d in Omnibus 3d. Roy dined with me. Went thro’ securities & marked those to be sold. Little Linley much grown. Bitterly cold. Friday 7 April Six of dearest Lin’s drawings fetched by Mr L. Bradbury’s man yesterday for Shepherds Bush Exhibition. Bitterly cold still. Worked hard in Dearest’s room with Marie. Out 12 o’c Kensington only for walk, too tired. After lunch rested & Mrs Gibson & Nonie Messel called. Mr & Mrs Messel returned fr. abroad (Cannes) Wed night with Muriel & went to their new house. I called & sat an hour with Mrs Marcus Stone, felt v. sad, reminded me of dear old times. Met Mrs Guthrie’s sister


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & Brenda Coward. Roy dined at home, out after, looks seedy. Letter fr. Maudie, says she feels better. Saturday 8 April Morg. in dearest’s room with Marie, moved “Tall Boy” drawers out first, awfully dirty behind! Got on splendidly. To Harrods 12 o’c om, bought Easter eggs 6/2, sent them to Ireland for Maudie & chicks. Met Dr O. in bus returning. Barkers, chose pigeons, & fruit at Butts 4/6. Called & asked Mrs Spofforth to tea. Her house looking charming repainted. Lady M. Watney to tea v. amusing & Mrs Spofforth, & Rosalind came in later. Roy in great hurry as usual, dined out Mr Pollock. Mr Stern rang for him telephone. (Page pinned in) To my beloved daughter Maud Frances Messel in affectionate rememberance of her unselfish love & devotion during my own & her dear father’s long illness I bequeath absolutely the half of money I have saved. By my dear Father’s will she is entitled to one half of the money I have from him which is in Trust. My brother Major Edgar Herapath D.S.O. & my old friend Frederick Huth Jackson being my Trustees. (Page pinned in) See to Silver & jewellery. Will look thro’ Bank silver. Leave instructions wardrobe & personal linen. Toula, Emma, Edie, Herbert. Spencer, Edgar, Mervyn. Special to Edgar. Lennie. Little Linley, Anne, Oliver. Dear Roy . Keys where to be found etc. Put all straight & in order. My darling Maud. (Page pinned in) Nellie K’s story of man & wife’s 3rd marriage & bath incident! Wife informed butler. Midge’s: “Yes sir, quite well up to Tuesday”. Nellie K’s £5 note story, girl in train etc. Sophy’s butler wrote her after she had ordered some veal “Madam, Having met with a calf, I am sending you a vy nice fillet of Veal! Yrs etc.” (Page pinned in) No 8 Box, John Bull’s coat. No 9, Hoods & smocks. No 10, Two Austrian uniforms. No 14, shawls properties & Britannia clothes. D, boots. F, Roy’s. 12, Roy’s. 13, Roy’s. Ask E. about Boots. (Cutting pinned in) Letter to The Times re Mr Linley Sambourne & Punch. Sunday 9 April Harold & Nonie dine here. Vy pleasant evg. Dear Fritz Jackson to tea with me. Came 5.45 remained some time, looks well but older. Wretched morg. Walked to & from Christ Church Vic. Rd to hear Prebendary Carlile, less impressed by him than at Cannes. Wrote after luncheon & short rest. Roy played billiards at Queens Club & won by 100 points, has to play again for final. Marie & self did 2 pictures after dinner, cleaned & gilded! Monday 10 April Lunch 1.30 Lady Margaret Watney’s. Letter fr. darling Maud, with funny story of Anne & Linley! Had 2 hrs with Marie in Dearest’s room, did “Tall Boy” looks much better. Just time to go by bus to Berkeley St. Lady M. in bed but Vernon, Sylvia, Oliver, Mad’lle & Rosalind to luncheon. V. lively. Sat with Lady M. who showed me bridesmaid’s dress, veil & tiara & gold purse etc etc. Walked & called on Mr Reid (Peter) sat some time with him. Had tea with Mrs Warrington Hayward & left cards Mrs Thelfall, & called at Mrs Messel’s. Sat with them & went over their charming house with Mr M. Taxie home. Roy dined with me, went out after. Tuesday 11 April X. Paid £10 to L.C. &W. Bank allotment of 5 Cent Arg £10 shrs. Roy to Solicitor about £5000. Vy tired on waking. One & half hours in my Dearest’s room with Marie, getting on splendidly. Susie à Beckett came morg, had long talk with her, her boys doing well. Herself well off! Only Mrs Felton (Mary Hickman) called. Lovely day. Roy dined out. I dined in drawing room. Marie & I finished two pictures & put them up. A great success. Vy neatly done by Marie. Wednesday 12 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely morg. Slept well. Wish dear Roy would give more time & thought to serious things, work etc, always in a hurry bad for his health nerves & work. Hard at work in Dearest’s room. At 12.30 to Bank only £68 vy little to carry me on till June. Only £11! coming in next month. Obliged to take up above Cent Arg. Shs, too good to lose. Sat in gardens & walked home with Miss Neaves, always amusing. Rested & wrote & worked afternoon & evg. Letter fr. my darling, better. Roy dined at Mr Pohl’s. Marie read to me 9-10. (page pinned in) Wed 12th April 1911. Mary out, her father v. ill. Roy & I signed paper from Mr Smith sanctioning the sale of £5000 stocks, & more for Roy’s £150 etc, & Solicitors expenses, £200, enormous. Leaves v. little capital, over £5000 for division. Roy home early from Mr Pohl’s. Thursday 13 April Tabbie asked me for Easter. Slept well. Lovely day. Dear Roy looks seedy can’t imagine why. Liqueors upset his liver feel certain. Marie & self in Dearest’s room getting on nicely, still choaked with things. At 12 o’c to bank about £5000 for Roy, will lend at 4% on securities they are to call. After rest leave cards with Archdeacon & Mrs Brooks. V. cozy there. She had just ret’d fr. seeing Maundy gifts St Paul’s Cathedral. Roy dined at home, looks tired. Friday 14 April Our dear parents wedding day. Dear Conrad died. Lovely day. Dreamt v. vividly & v. tired waking at 5 o’c. Roy goes to Tabbie’s. In bed all day. Mary had telegram fr. her Mother to go at once to Infirmary, fear her Father worse. He only went there yesterday. Marie read to me. Felt vy achey in back. Wrote list of securities to be sold for Mr Richards & Mr Smith. Mary away night. Saturday 15 April Cole did dining room window. Mr Peark’s man. Sent list of securities to be sold for Mr Smith (£5000). Lovely day. Roy to Mr Smith & to Mr Richardson S.C. & W. Bank. Letters fr. darling Maud, Midge. Mary only returned at lunch time fr. her home, her father vy ill. Marie busy in drawing room. I alone in Dearest’s room, standing & looking thro’ important papers etc. Out 12.30. Soap 3d. At 4 o’c to Lady Mead’s & Lady Bergne, both vy kind & stayed long while with each. Had tea at Lady M’s. Tray dinner morg. room. Sunday 16 April Lovely fresh morg. Spending day in bed. Letter fr. Darling Maud last evg, better, & got up! Trust not too soon, mistake. Edgar & S. with her Warrens Court, Co. Cork, & Edgar had killed a fine salmon. Marie read after tea. Emma out afternoon evg. & Mary who remained until tomorrow, her father vy ill & left Infirmary. Restful day. Wednesday 19 April Busy morg dearest’s room. To Bank about Roy’s loan, £5000. After rest to Mrs Adlam, stayed some time. She looks terribly ill. Fighting as usual all round her poor old lady. She had a pretty little black & tan puppy, v. restless. Marie out. Mary vy bad at laying a table & has no idea of doing things with any style or care, just anyhow. Roy out to dinner. Thursday 20 April I go to tea 4.30 with Major Welman, Jun’r United Services Club. Busy all morg. with Marie Dearest’s room, finished room. X. Roy’s securities sold by Bank. X. Letter with list from Bank Manager W.N. Richardson. X. Roy earlier morg. to business! Edie came as I was starting for Major W’s, went with me to Piccadilly. Mary out to see her Father, still v. ill. Roy dined out & to see Pavlova after. No longer dances with her companion! Friday 21 April Roy looks v. tired & worried. Off much earlier to City. Lovely day, dull later. Started middle of Dearest’s room with Marie, it looks clean & nice now. Bills &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 papers later. Good news of darling Maud’s improved health fr. Nurse, Edgar & Sophy. Edie to luncheon & after rest she & I went by Motor Bus to National Gallery, only one Anton Mauve there & not nearly as good as ours. 6d day & closed 5 o’c, so only had a rapid walk round. Gave Edie mauve Tabbie hat, hers dreadful, pity. Roy dined at home. Saturday 22 April Roy off v. early. Marie & self v. busy dearest’s room morg. & afternoon. It looks beautifully clean now tho’ over loaded with furniture pictures etc. So happy to have it nearly done. To Bank 12 o’c about what Roy thought wrong re securities sold, all right. I slept v. badly, fearing my fault. Fanny Nembhard called, did not see her, lying down v. tired. Roy dined out. Mary did spare room after tea as Toula comes 8 o’c Monday. Sunday 23 April Slept well & later. Roy off to Club earlier. I walked to Mrs Knowles, in America, saw Phene, growing stout, still pretty. Called Dr Orton & asked him to dine tonight, rec’d no answer! Not coming. Called & saw Mrs Joachim, enjoyed talk with her over old times. Dolly Joachim dined here. Roy won the Billiards tournament at Queens Club!!! today. Roy dined at home, looked tired. Monday 24 April Toula arrives 8 o’c AM fr. Germany. Looks well. Marie & self in Dearest’s room. Out with Toula at 12. Telegram fr. Darling anxious lest we have touched drawers, have not. Wired back. To Bradleys about dress. Paid Electric light bill. X. Edie lunched here & tea. Roy dines out. V. delightful day having Toula. Tuesday 25 April To Miss Gordon Barrett’s about ground rent, solicitor again wrong. Letter fr. Edgar & Nurse Smith. Darling dreadfully upset about Dearest’s room, fear wrong telling her anything as her dear nerves still weak. Wrote her & Nurse. Anxious vy about her. Roy’s money to be paid into Pohl & Sambourne firm! £5150. Letter fr. solicitor enclosing Table of my income. Toula helped Marie & self morg Dearest’s room. (illeg illeg) Hilda baby boy! Harrods, stays & shoes. Roy out to dinner. Lady Orchardson & Mrs Finlay came. Wednesday 26 April To Bank early about Roy’s money & signed about it, to be handed over to him. In Dearest’s room with Marie & Toula on return, finished room with M. afternoon. All now beautifully clean there. Toula left after lunch, sorry cannot stay longer. Three post cards fr. Spencer fr. Vernay les Bains Hotel du Parc. Roy dined Harold’s. Thursday 27 April Out morg with Edie early to Woollands. Did thoroughly morg. room corner wine cupboard with Marie. Edie helped. To Bank changed cheque for £7 for journey. E. very tiresome over (illeg) fear expense with three, must see how we get on. Edie left 3.30. Herbert going to Turin in a Bank, better prospects. Mrs Evans arrived 5.30, vy well. Roy dined out. Packed some of my things with Marie. Friday 28 April Packed with Marie. Out at 10 o’c Barkers. Sent telegram to Maudie, wedding day. Private View Academy. Mrs Evans went with Sir John Tenniel’s ticket & took Lady Hunt. Miss Tenniel died at mid day today after long illness. Busy mending. Two letters fr. Lee Pembertons filled with documents. Roy dined at home & went to Station with us 7.30, late night after! Pavlova. Feel very nervous travelling with Roy, fear he cannot manage. Saturday 29 April D.V. Roy & I leave for Ireland 8.45 Paddington. Packed morg. Sewed afternoon. Mrs Evans left 2.30. Went morg. to enquire after Sir John Tenniel who seems quite well & thankful his sister is released from her trouble of mental illness. Marie left my keys on sideboard instead of returning them to me, consequently left without


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 them!!! She left her umbrella in rushing off to telephone for my keys at Station Paddington. Roy dined at home & went to Station with me. My keys left behind! Sunday 30 April Most tiring journey. Could not sleep during journey, Roy absorbed in self, no compassion or thought for me but no doubt tired as he was not home until 5 o’c Saty morg fr. Mr Stern’s dance at Carlton. Vy bad for him the theatrical element, makes him selfish. Lovely morg, fine passage & lovely country, gorse & fresh green. Fares £5.5.0, sleeping comp 7/6 each. V. expensive journey. Due Cork 12.30. Long stop Waterford. (page pinned in) Sunday 30 April. Splendid passage & most comfortable cabins, vy nice stewardess. We seem to be only people on the large steamer. Lovely morg, reached Rosslare in brilliant sunshine. Most beautiful & the country lovely, all hedges ablaze of yellow gorse, deep with yellow, & the rivers so wide & full of water, the whole country v. lovely. Quantities of glorious yellow gorse everywhere & the fresh spring green & blackthorn white blossom & rich dark fir trees. Quantity of brown and brown & white cattle grazing, sheep, & fewer pigs than I expected. White neat cottages & red roofs & all beautiful in morg. sunlight, think even more lovely than South of France in this sunshine. Lovely morg, fine passage & lovely country, gorse & fresh greenery. Mr Hoare who travelled in our train discretely kept away fr. us, joined us at Cork where Lennie’s Motor met us & we drove 25 miles to Warrens Court where tremendous party met us at the door. Lennie, Mr & Mrs Mickelham, vy pretty young woman, Mr & Mrs Cokayne, Edgar & Sophy, Fitzroy, Mr Forrester, the three dear chicks & Fraulein met us! Saw my darling still in bed but looking sweet & better & her Nurse. Sat down 18 to luncheon! Had bath. Cannot open my boxes!!! & rested. At 4.30 had tea with my darling who was allowed to sit up for an hour, looked v. pretty in her charming mauve Kimono. Mr & Mrs M. left 6.30. Fitz came to my room & we watched some of party fishing in Lakes. Dined in bed. Edgar sat with me before dinner. May 1911 Monday 1 May Slept wonderfully well. Dull morg & raining after a glorious day yesterday. Mrs Cokayne had to go to bed yesterday after lunch, is only 20 & expecting, already had one miscarriage! Edgar & Roy to my room before starting for river. Colder. House party Edgar, Sophy, Fitzroy, Mr Forrester, Mr Hoare, Mr & Mrs Cokayne (she had miscarriage at 12 o’c last night!!!) Roy, 3 chicks, Fraulein & self . Mr & Mickleham left yesterday. My keys arrived 6.30. Maudie had tea in Sophy’s room we 3 together, M. back to bed after. Read to her & to bed again self for dinner . Lennie got 2 salmon. (Page pinned in) Stories Ireland 1911. Roy having held a rod 3 times asked gillie who he considered the best fisherman, “Sure yer Honor, & it isn’t yourself.” Mr Rye, pointing out a marsh in Co. Cork, Ireland, to Lennie said “It was here the last wolf was killed in England”. Maud reading to the three children came across the word commit. Anne, “What does it mean Mother?” Linley (aged 11) “How stupid you are Anne, why don’t you know Thou shalt not commit adultery?” Poor Anne crushed. Housekeeper, “Oh Master Oliver you really must not allow that dog to bark, you know how it annoys your Father. “It’s the nature of a dog to bark & if it was Father’s nature he would do it!” Tuesday 2 May Dear little Linley, Fitzroy & Mr Forrester leave 4.30 for London. Glorious morg, sat with Maud, looks tired. Nurse to Cork to telephone doctor about Mrs Cokayne, much better, in bed. Maudie down to drawing room tea, too much for her, Fitz so noisy. For walk with chicks after. Sophy sat with Maud, I later. Darling v. tired. I


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 dined down stairs 9 o’c. 6 salmon killed, Mr Hoare 2, Mr Cokayne 3. Roy trout, Edgar & Lennie nothing. Watched Poker after dinner, bed 11.10. Wednesday 3 May Edgar witnessed transfers. Dear Edgar’s birthday. Wet horrid stormy morg. Fishers unable to start. Lovely afternoon, had walk with Roy & Edgar after tea. Maudie still looks vy tired, came down to tea again, tiring for her as all gentlemen here, they fished lakes after tea, & made flies. Roy & I signed 13 transfers & registered them to Bank, also wrote enclosing signed cheques to solicitors (Smith). Poker evg, Roy won. Thursday 4 May Lovely day. Morg wrote to Toula about Rosalind’s book “Being & Doing”. Sent another transfer to Bank witnessed by Sophy. Wrote to Mr Thorburn Nova Scotia, Roones Bridge. Maudie sat out for ½ an hour. At 3 o’c Sophy & self in small car to river Lea, Beamish Water, glorious scenery. E. joined us for tea, caught salmon on Sophy’s fly!!! & stayed with us some time. 6 salmon brought home, Lennie & Edgar each one, Mr Cokayne & Mr Hoare each 2, & 3 trout. Roy nothing. Poker evg, v. late. Friday 5 May Edgar fished Beamish water yesterday, Lennie today. 4 salmon killed today. Fine & warmer. Darling sat out morg. & was down to lunch & tea but feel v. anxious about her. After lunch rested. Poor Mrs C. cried with pain, feel these little young things need more care, so bad being disturbed by husbands so late at night. Walked with darling after tea & we both sat with Mrs Cokayne. I wrote 5 letters. Roy got 2 salmon but did not hook them! Mr Cokayne got one & dear Edgar one, his fifth. Poker till 11 o’c. Maud having her bath then, far too late. Feel v. worried about her. Saturday 6 May Warmer, slept fairly well, anxious about Maud. Walked morg. with Sophy by Lakes, fed swans or tried to! Mr Murphy came with basket filled with empty jam pots. Maudie looks better. Roy returned early fr. river, & left for London by 4.20 train. Maudie, Sophy & self had tea with him before he left, looks worlds better. I walked with Darling round the Lake after & then sat with her & Mrs Cokayne who is better tho’ in bed. Edgar caught only salmon killed, 8 lbs! Poker after, Sophy won 12/6 second time. Sunday 7 May Dull & v. windy. Rained all day, did not go out. Read & wrote. Maud down to luncheon. Mr Fisher Dilke arrived 1.30 PM for luncheon. After lunch Maud & Lennie to see 2 houses for the fishing next year as Warrens Court is let for 3 years to the Fletchers. Bad day for Darling to go out. Maud rested on her return until 7 o’c as she came down for dinner for first time!!! Much livelier table. M. & self upstairs directly after & bed earlier. Sophy v. lively. Mrs C. better, sat with her twice. Chicks for long walk with Nurse & Fraulein. Monday 8 May Again dull & rainy. Slept well. Lovely afternoon. Sat working morning with Sophy library, rested after luncheon & had walk with Darling after tea. Maud did not come down to lunch or dinner, glad, as she looked v. tired yesterday. Mrs Cokayne better but has neuralgia poor little thing. Much fishing talk dinner as usual. Went round garden with Sophy, lovely garden, morose men. Poker evg. Tuesday 9 May Lovely tho’ cloudy morning. Letter fr. dear Roy, his cup arrived, Billiard tournament prize, & letter fr. Midge fr. Coburg, arrived Southampton Saty. Wrote & worked morg. Small car broke down. Chicks with Fraulein & Sophy to Weasel Hunt. They got home to late tea. Maud & I had a lovely walk to woods, a perfect Fairy Land of blue hyacinths & yellow gorse. Lennie got the only salmon 15 lbs. Poker. Sophy won.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 10 May Glorious day, warmer. The spring tints across hills & by lake & a copper beech by first Lake beautiful. Sat out with with Maud morg, rested after lunch & sat with Mrs Cokayne. Mrs Rye to tea & walk after with Maud, lovely evg. The outside cart & horse arrived in place of Hospital Car! A blank day. No salmon. Poker. Sophy & Edgar again won. Mr Hoare the city gentleman with bad cold. Mrs C. on sofa for dinner. Thursday 11 May Most glorious day & the lovely greens of all shades making the scenery around more beautiful than ever. Sat out with Maud & Sophy & the chicks at 11.30. After lunch we walked to Lake & fed the quarrelsome swans who were more savage than usual, & the ducks. After Anne found a pheasants egg on the lawn close to the wired in space where the young ducks are. Heard sounds of guns for over an hour when resting, continual peal like thunder. Chicks with Fraulein & Nurse for picnic in car, outside car! Friday 12 May Maud, Sophy & self left in Motor at 12 o’c for Nettleville Water. Perfect morg. Walked fr. gates of Nettleville thro’ the loveliest scenery & picniced in woods carpeted with hyacinths, campions & primroses, & on to River after, glorious. Hills & lakes “Oak Grove” standing high up above river Lea woods & lovely open spaces with yellow gorse & on to “Wendy Hut”. We met Lennie just before getting into Wendy wood. Here we lay on grass reading whilst Lennie fished & caught 10¼ lb salmon which we watched with glee! Had tea after & then a heavy storm which had been long threatening came down torrents of rain. Vivid flashes of lightning (Page pinned in) Friday 12th May. & terrific thunder. We all took shelter in Wendy’s hut where Mr Fisher Dilke joined us. He had been fishing op. bank. We waited until past 6, rain too heavy to venture the long walk back to Outside Car with Beach awaiting us at Lodge. At last we went, Mr Fisher Dilke going on with Sophy, & Maud & I following soaked by long wet grass. At Lodge Maud changed stockings & boots & we had our coats. Sophy, Maud & self sailed off in Outside Car, we two vy nervous of the ossilating(sic) of car. & free horse. V. anxious about Maud as we were so hot & wet fr. long walk, & it was cold driving. Motor with the men came up to us when half way home & we got in to Motor & they on to Car. Met the dear chicks in a donkey cart with Fraulein & Edith (housemaid) who had taken shelter in storm after their picnic at (blank). Great rush to get dressed for Sophy & self! it being 9 o’c before we were home. Poker evg. Edgar lost. Sophy won 12/6. Maud straight to bed on our return. Festival of Empire at Crystal Palace, King George & Queen Mary & Prince of Wales opened it. Mr Cokayne salmon 16½ lbs. Lennie 10½ lbs. Mr C’s a long straight fish. Saturday 13 May Letter fr. dear Roy, he goes to Mr Stern’s brother at Worthing for weekend. Dear Edgar & Sophy leave at 4.30, also Mr Fisher Dilke & Mr Hoare. Glorious morg. Sat with E. & S. whilst they packed. Maudie better. Awful thunderstorm during luncheon, worst I ever remember. E. & S. went to Station on their bicycles, Mr H. & Mr F.D. in wagonette, ordered in place of Outside Car! Chicks had donkey for 1½ hrs in grounds. Oliver rides wonderfully well & sits so well. Maudie & self round lake, dull & heavy. Mr Cokayne killed 9½ lb salmon, one fish only. Mr D. Rye to dinner. Maudie down, left after. Lennie, Mr R. & Mr C. played Poker. I watched, vy even all. Sunday 14 May Dull & sunny alternately. E. & S. arrive in London with Mr Hoare & Mr Dilke. Roy goes for week end to Mr Stern’s brother at Worthing. Lennie said Roy’s firm had had a big deal with Messel firm, I hope good for Roy. We go to tea at Mrs Rye’s, Lennie Maud & self. Charming place & lovely garden. Mr Rye went on to see a


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 place with Maud & Lennie whilst I went round garden. They returned to tea, & Mr B. Rye & Mr Bullough (Maudie Darrell’s husband) & his secretary also to tea. Mr D. vy nice young man. Mrs Cokayne down to tea drawing room. Felt seedy after. Capt Gibbs came in time for dinner. Monday 15 May Woke during night several times. Wrote morg 5 letters. Took short walk alone round lake, nests! Raining slightly. Sat with Mrs Cokayne after lunch then rested, & needle work. Was to have had walk with dear chicks after schoolroom tea in drawing room but Lady Bandon came so c’d not go. Doctor Cumming came to see Mrs C. & she may get up & walk about a little. Doctor came to see little K. maid who scalded her foot, is to rest it. Help in K. so she gets little chance of it healing quickly. Capt Gibbs got a 9 lb salmon & Mr Rye a 10½ lb. Poker v. rapid with 3 only. Maudie down to dinner & bed directly after. Tuesday 16 May Fine early. Again woke in night 2 o’c. Lovely & warm & not too heavy. Maudie left at 12 o’c in wagonette for River to meet Lennie & on to see a house (Linseys) which they like v. much overlooking Beamish Water where Sophy & I met Edgar! Maud not back until 7 o’c or later. I wrote & sat on lawn morg. Mrs C. down to lunch & tea. Mr G. (blank) arrived 5 o’c. I went for walk with chicks alone. Vy pleasant dinner, Darling down, to bed directly after. Wednesday 17 May Glorious morg & view fr. my window getting more beautiful every day. Last evg. the whole hillside as I dressed for dinner was lighted up by a golden light & then an exquisite red. Turner never saw anything more lovely. Unsettled day, rain & sun. Lovely morg. Wrote & walked alone morg. Broke my darling’s sunshade! X. Mr Cokayne had to leave on business 4.30, ret’d to luncheon. Mrs C. down till 8 o’c. Maudie looking tired, dined & remained short time after dinner to teach Mr Godman Poker. Late to bed. Thursday 18 May I slept v. badly, feel worried about Maud being so late at night. Wrote Roy, Emma & Mr Lehmann about my Dearest. Maud & self to river 12 o’c. Vy unsettled weather, glorious after & hot. In Motor to Murphy Cottage & to riverside, peaceful & quiet for one hour when at 2 o’c Lennie & Roy came & fetched us in boat, commotion Lennie in temper about our being late. Uncomfortable lunch in boat. Hurried all along river & saw Lennie hook one fish which jumped twice into the air & got away. Warrens Court water, Russell reach, Island stream. Ivy rock & slate quarries & C(illeg) before one in the sunshine. A perfect day but for the sense of hurry & restless rush. So bad for my darling. If only we could meet at one place & rest there quietly. We enjoyed drive home in wagonette, Beach driving, but could only rest a few moments after dressing for dinner, & to bed after. Mr Godman got 2 lovely fish 11 lbs & 12 lbs. (Page pinned in) Thursday 18th May. Most beautiful scenery all along river, so varied & wild flowers most beautiful. Lennie hooked his fish by Island stream where we had tea, all spoilt by a sense of hurry scurry & poor Lennie’s unhappy mind at bad luck, could rest nowhere. Longed to sit quietly as we had done alone together before being fetched, the sense of greatest peace alone by the river so perfect. Jim said he found it very difficult to keep up with Lennie he walked so fast, indeed he does everything so fast! The yellow broom lovely where we had tea & on the slate quarries where the rocks look like great velvety antlers jutting up out of the water with their black velvety covers & tops the banks on either side & steep hills covered with wild hyacinths, crimson orchids, Star of Jerusalem, London pride!!! The rocks covered with this. Moss all sorts of lovely ferns & pink nettle. I never saw anything so beautiful & the glorious river rushing below between the


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 rocks then opening out in the undulating slope & C(illeg) Castle & village a perfect scene of beauty. Friday 19 May Slept well, but feel head tired & back achey. Glorious morg. again. Maud, Lennie & Anne off in Motor alone. Cap. G. & Mr Godman preceeding them as Lennie’s neuralgia so bad. To river, Warrens Court. I had restful peaceful day with Mrs Cokayne alone as Oliver, Nurse & Fraulein also went to C(illeg) for day. Glorious day. Sat out all day except for hour after lunch. Walked along narrow Lake path v. dirty & sloppy with Mrs C & I sat in boat until 7 o’c. Saw Cormorant sitting on little jetty, staring at landscape! Only disturbed by Barringer rowing towards it. Mr Fletcher came to see over house for 6 years lease! Lennie got salmon 9 lbs & Mr Rye a 10 or 11 lb one. Saturday 20 May Slept well. To bed early last night. Another lovely day. Oliver’s donkey here. Morg. both chicks rode it. Maud & Oliver to river to meet Lennie. Very warm. Wrote & sat out with Mrs Cockayne, rested after lunch. Anne with Nurse for long walk & met Maud & Oliver on their return. Mr & Mrs Hayworth Booth arrived early morg & went straight to River fr. Cork!!! Fished all day! Capt Gibbs got a 10 lb salmon & Lennie a 7 lb, & lost one. Mr H.B. also lost one. Had tea on lawn with Mrs Cokayne & Fraulein. Walk after along narrow strip between Lakes. (Page pinned in) 20th May Saturday. Mrs Cokayne came down to dinner for first time & sat with the Hayworth B’s. Darling looked tired & she & Mrs Cokayne left directly after dinner, but Maud was not in bed when I came up at 11.30 after watching the rest play Poker. V. late for her. A rather curt letter from Mr Lehmann, longer fr. Edgar fr. Langham, & Toula. Sunday 21 May Slept badly, woke v. often. Glorious morg & view fr. my room & bed exquisite. Vy hot. Mr & Mrs H. Booth off at 11 o’c to River, fished all day, & a Blank day! We were not up to our rooms until 11.30 & darling not in bed last evg. when we came up. Mrs Cokayne dined & remained up late tonight watching Poker. Maud up earlier but not in bed when we went up! Lennie fished for trout in Lakes, got one. Cap. G. & Mr Godman for long walk. Tea in Hall. Chicks picniced out. Monday 22 May Mrs Cokayne came to my room 1.30 this morg. in great state. Lennie & Cap. Gibbs up & about, thinking men about. Mrs C. got into my bed & remained all night. Glorious morg. Mr Booth leaves today at 4.30. Letter fr. Roy & transfers to be signed & sent to Bank. Sent these off registered, witnessed by Mrs Cokayne. Maud, Fraulein, Nurse & 2 chicks off 12 o’c to river. Mrs C. & self alone, glorious day but colder. Wrote morg, had tea on lawn & lovely walk after with Mrs C. Poker evg. Lennie got a 7 lb salmon. Bed 11.30. Mr Warren here & Mr F. to see over house. Tuesday 23 May Cold & dull. Slept well. Letter fr. Sir James Whitehead & Edie F. Vy windy. Sent off list securities at last to Fritz Jackson! & wrote to Edie F. Mrs C. Maud & self & the 2 chicks to tea Mrs Rye’s & met nice clergyman & a lady visitor there. Mr Godman 2 salmon. No one else anything, 14 lbs & 8 lbs. Maudie looks tired. Maud & self watched Poker until 10.30. Mr Booth & Lennie wining. Lennie won 12/6 last night also. Throat & ear painful, sharp pains thro’ ear & throat sore. Wednesday 24 May Conrad’s birthday. R.I.P. Wretched wet blowey day. Ear ache, shooting pains. Mrs C. went with rods early! & did not return until 4 o’c, & she had to leave at 4.30 with Nurse for London. She looked wonderfully well. Three Miss Mathews to tea. All seem nice girls, left ¼ to 7. Mrs Ivor their sister with them. She married Mrs Warren’s brother. Colder & fear Nurse & Mrs C. will have a rough passage. Maud


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 looked v. tired but played poker evg. until 10.30 when I carried her off to bed & saw her into her nightdress. No fish. Thursday 25 May Cap’t Gibbs got a 9lb salmon. Dull raining & blowing. No telegram or news of Mrs Cokayne or Nurse. Sat drawing room with Maud writing all morg. Parcel 5/2 fr. stores for poor children, chicks undid it & skipped with S. ropes in Hall. Happy little lunch waiting ourselves with chicks. My throat & ear better, must be neuralgia. After rest & my darling slept for walk with dogs & chicks, & got ferns & wild flowers. Fishers home earlier rather. Poker. M. & self to bed 10.45. Friday 26 May 3 salmon killed. Mrs Booth 7½, Cap’t Gibbs 10, Lennie 15¼ odd. Dull morg. Throat vy choaked up morg. Feel tired without reason, slept so well. Think long walk not good last evg but so enjoyed it with my darling & chicks. Maud & self after half hour’s rest with Oliver to Nettlesville in cart & walked fr. there to Wendy’s Hut where we met Lennie who after tea killed a lovely salmon 15¼ lbs. Oliver & ourselves greatly excited & delighted. Oliver v. interested. He & I walked some distance along riverside to a little pool where he got some weird water insect, a water boatman etc. V. cheerful evg, 3 Salmon!!! Poker & bed.11 o’c. V. tired. Come up now with Maud as nurse gone. K. does not sit up. Saturday 27 May Wrote Spencer, Edie, Evie. Cap’t Gibbs fine salmon 10 lbs. Vy good night but back achey & head ached, think long drive & walk too much, cart jolts my side too much. Heavenly morg. Still no letter fr. Roy. Maud & Anne off at 12 o’c to join Lennie river. Lovely day. Fraulein, Oliver & self lunched alone. Fed ducks & hens after, saw tiny pheasants. After rest tea & to Lake with Oliver & Fraulein. Sat on bank whilst O. paddled. After walked round Lakes. Laundry horse ran away! Poker evg. Maud lost 4/- & quite happy. Looks flushed & tired. Sunday 28 May Glorious day. Sat out talking to Mrs H. Booth, later Darling & Lennie etc. Lunch & I sat out reading whilst rest went round garden. Tea in Hall. Cap. G. & Mr Godman for walk & L. & Mr G. fished, latter got 2 fine trout & missed 3. Darling packed up 3 packets of books, too much for her. Watched Poker evg. Glad Maud did not play & we two left at 10.30 for bed. No letter fr. Roy. Monday 29 May Sir W.S. Gilbert was drowned at Grims Dyke in Lake in trying to save a lady who was bathing there with him. No salmon. Glorious morg. Letters fr. Midge asking me there 1st July, Alice Linley & Emma. Mr Godman left at 4.30 after day on river. Glorious day. Maud packed books etc & went with 2 chicks after lunch to join Lennie at River. I & Fraulein got Lake insects for chicks in Lake. Morg. chicks & self took toys to poor children, disappointed they were at school & left them with woman. Poker. V late to bed. Maudie v. white & looked ill at dinner. Tuesday 30 May Glorious day. No letter fr. Roy! Fr. Mervyn long letter, & post card fr. Toula. Packed morg with dear chicks in my room, vy good & amusing. Maud joined Lennie at River after tea, left in motor at 6 o’c. Chicks to tea Miss Mathews. Quiet peaceful day. No trouble packing, must be stronger. Again slight sore throat. Maud remained to lunch & tea with me & at 6 o’c in motor to river, after packing up books all morg. etc. (Page pinned in) 30th May. Tuesday. Far too much for her but have no control over her & it worries me v. much. All later than usual fr. river, dinner later. No fish. Lennie sad last evg. No Poker, & darling overtired. Bed 10.30. Mrs Booth equal to strongest man, never tired. Maudie a little over strained & Lennie also. Heard Sir William S. Gilbert drowned in his Lake at Grimsdyke, Harrow Weald, after being in London, feared from heart failure after fatigue of journey. How I pity her.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 31 May Glorious day. Up 5 o’c, breakfast 6 o’c. All ready good time. Lennie, Cap’t Gibbs, Mrs Booth & Kirtin in hired open motor, & Maud, chicks, Fraulein & self in Lennie’s to Cork. Chicks & Fraulein in carriage next to us but we 5 rather too many in our comp’t. Maud & self lunched off cakes & coffee. L, Cap. G. & Mrs B. in restaurant car. Boat St George. Lovely passage we were on deck all time fr. 1.30 jusqu’à 5.30, reached Fishguard. Welsh scenery not nearly so lovely as Ireland. Had dinner in train & dear chicks too (Page pinned in) Wed 31st May. who were as good as gold, read a great deal. Arrived Paddington 9.30. Home 10.25. Derby Day. “Sunstar” Mr Jack’s horse won & Roy c’d not meet me at Station as he was with Mr Stern at Derby. Nurse F. met the chicks at station. Cab home 2/6, Edith 7/- Barringer 5/- porter 6d. A very delightful visit of 4 weeks & 3 days. Wish my darling looked stronger & better, more energy than strength & too unselfish & does too much altogether. Spent from £6.0.0: 7/- Edith, 5/- Barringer, 2/6 cab, 6d porter 1/- stamps. Jun 1911 Thursday 1 June Lovely morg. Marie unpacked, she had kindly put flowers & plants in my bedroom window boxes, so pleased to see them on waking, so thoughtful of her, & Emma most kindly planted flowers on first staircase & had aquarium beautifully done. Up at 12, read letters & papers. Roy came in before breakfast, looks vy seedy. To Bank, found account not so low as expected. Vy hot & ordered 2 plants & got flowers Barkers. My darling sent me lovely flowers also. (Page pinned in) Thurs 1st June 1911. Arranged flowers with Mary drawing room, & a large fern in Roy’s lovely silver bowl in his room. Edie arrived 4 o’c, looked vy nice evg at dinner in pretty black dress, & well. Roy dined at home. Edie’s boxes a little large for the (illeg) room. Mervyn came in after dinner, so glad to see him. Roy left directly after dinner, seems v. absorbed but is no doubt tired. Wish he looked stronger. Hankers far too much after great wealth & wish he c’d be happy with what we have. Severe self reproach, gave tongue & regret outspeaking. Sharp discipline for many days. Wisdom waits. Friday 2 June Sir H.S. Gilbert cremated & interred today. Lovely day, slept well. Saw Emma who looks very well. Both Emma & Marie had put pretty geraniums & ferns on staircase, fern case & my bedroom, most kind welcome. Edie to Bushey for her lessons for day. I on goose chase to find poor Douglas who is laid up at nursing home, went up & down Queens Gate. Sp. Gave me wrong address, so c’d not find it. V. x. as it was vy hot. Marie & self turned out dress to be dyed loft. Read & worked. Darling & Lennie to Balcombe. Roy dined out seems better. Edie played to me all the evg. (Cutting pinned in) June 1, 1911. Death of Sir W. Gilbert. Saturday 3 June Dull day. To Barkers with Edie, asparagus & biscuits & sardines. Sat in gardens, felt close & thundery. Edie at 3 o/c to meet Mervyn & Ethel Hurlingham. Polo match. Roy out all day expected him to dinner & waited till 8.15 but he did not come or telephone. I tidied some drawers, worked, looked thro’ my Dearest’s photos with Marie for an hour after tea in his room, astounding, no dust here after 4 ½ weeks. Edie played. Late to bed! Letters fr. Spencer (Barcelona) & Midge & Edgar. Sunday 4 June Tabs & H. at Harrogate so Roy’s holiday spoilt, so sorry, as he ought to get out of London. Glorious morg, woke early. Roy out all day but dined with Edie & self. Edie & self to Miss Rose Innes & asked her to dine, engaged. Sat in Gardens after until 1 o’c, too hot for church!! At 3 o’c to Mervyn & in taxie with him to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Hurlingham with Ethel & tea there. Saw 2 of the California Hotel people at Cannes. Good band & delightful afternoon with E. & Mervyn. Home by Distrct Rly. Roy home & Edie played after dinner. Wrote to Darling after dinner. Sorry dear Roy in London. Monday 5 June The dear chicks with Nurse Francis to tea. In all day. Edie to Bushey for her pupils, away 11 till 7.30. Poor Roy’s holiday spoilt by Tabs & H’s going to Harrogate. He went on River punting all day & came home to dinner, delighted to have him, & Edie played. Morg. wrote, rested after lunch, & Toula came 4 o’c, Miss Innes later. Vy happy afternoon, we all played card games after tea & they walked home at 6.30. Peaceful day & quiet. Tuesday 6 June Edie gave me some lovely lilies. Mervyn lunched here. My Darling returns with Lennie fr. Balcombe. Glorious morg. v. hot. To Bank about Executor’s ac’t. Letter fr. Mr Smith saying all settled!? Mervyn & Edie here luncheon. No one called. Looked thro’ Dearest’s nude photos, no good to Mervyn. Vy hot day. Roy dined out. Edie self alone. 12 geranium plants 3/6, planted them with Marie in garden. Wednesday 7 June Emily Fraser to tea, did not come. X. Edie left early 8.30 for Bushey. Roy later to breakfast. Emma told me of her intended marriage in Oct, am dreadfully sorry, & cannot imagine what I sh’ll do without her. Wrote morg & went to my darling 11 o’c in taxie & on with her to Jays. Neville & Rossiter about 2 dresses & mantle. Lunched with her & the dear chicks & Fraulein & went fast asleep on her bed after, she by my side, & left her off to dressmaker & dining Mocattas, too much, she looks so delicate. Tea at home. Maud’s lovely carnations look lovely in drawing room. Sat with Roy who dined out. Edie & self dined alone. (Page pinned in) 7th June 1911. Marie & I put away travelling rug & blue blanket from my bed in No 15 tin box over bathroom door. Mary out afternoon & evg. Edie had long letter from Herbert who seems unwell & disappointed now with Italy & Italians, ways so different fr. ours! etc. Vy much dearer than he expected, fear he cannot be well & Edie will worry. My dearest’s two Pass Books from the Solicitors. I think things are really beginning to be settled & I shall know what my income is & what I can do with it. Very nice having Edie so far, feel less lonely as my dear Roy out so much & my darling has too much to do to be here much now, & she needs great care. The chicks already look paler. Thursday 8 June Off at 10.30 with Edie to A.Ny. Stores. 4 combinations £1.17.6, sunshade 8/6, black chain bag 10/6. Total £2.16.3, our fares 1/-. X. Mr Rudolph Lehmann came 2.30 about Dearest’s biography. Found him family papers, Coronation number & Birthday number of Punch 70 years! Dearest saved this extra strain. At 4 o’c with Darling Maud in Victoria to call Emily Fraser, saw her, vy well & handsome. To Lady Pontifex, out. (Page pinned in) Thursday June 8th & several of Maud’s friends & left her at Mrs Reid’s at home, & to see Evie, occupied with a visitor, saw her chicks, & on to Desirée, saw her & her pretty group of children & Col.Welby. Charming talk with him & Desirée, & they will dine with us Sunday quietly. Maudie brought me home. Roy dined at Mrs Hohler’s, Winnie Walker there, dull after. Edie & self dined alone. Bed early but read late. Roy in early. Friday 9 June Ethel & Mervyn dine here. Edie to Bushey. Edgar leaves Ravendale on visits. To Maud in her Victoria ¼ to 11. To Park, saw chicks there, meet of coaches, went wrong way, but vy happy with my Darling & on to Neville & Rossiter to see Maud fitted. Waited ages, & Wilsons after, & to lunch at Maud’s. Gladys, Fraulein,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Charlotte Loring there. Back by bus pleasant talk directly after, fruit & flowers Barkers & some peonies fr. Balcombe, lovely scented ones. (Page pinned in) Friday 9th June. Rested for an hour & tea in my room alone. After with Marie looking thro’ photos Dearest’s room. Toula came & went on with me sorting photos, seems an endless job but we have found many family photos I sh’ll value greatly, & many of Dearest Lin, Maud & Roy, am so glad to have them. Toula stayed until 7. Edie ret’d fr. Bushey & Roy dined with us, making 4. Sat in morg. room after, on account of Ethel’s knee, which is better. Vy pleasant evg. Saturday 10 June Darling goes to Balcombe & returns Tuesday. With her morg. to be fitted at Wilsons, Russian fitter, & to Courtauld Thomsons after about Maud’s bed etc, huge place. Maud left me at home 1.30. After rest Edie & self at 4.30 to see Douglas at Nursing Home 99 Cromwell Rd, looks fearfully ill, but so patient & good & cheery. Stayed some time. Late leaving 6.15, got fruit at Butts, 6/4. Edie & self alone. Roy out. Sunday 11 June Pd fruit Butts, 6/4. Bad night. Morg. with Edie to see Douglas at 99 Cromwell Rd, looks better. Took him some grapes. Saw doctor, satisfied with his progress. Sat in Gardens after. Rested after lunch & slept, felt better for it. Midge came to tea, saw Edie & did not seem to mind. Midge looking vy handsome, & well & smart. No one else came. Col Welby, Mervyn & Desirée dined here, & Edie. Vy sorry Roy out. Miss my Dearest more then ever as one now forgets the long illness. Monday 12 June Dull morg. Edie to Bushey. I by bus to Woollands about Alpaca coat & skirt, awfully expensive, nothing under 10½ gns. Emma’s fiancé here! Emily Fraser married today. Rested after lunch, worked on my skirt, & after tea in my room called walking as unable to have carriage, on Miss Neaves, Palgrave Simpson, Miss Webster, stayed some time here, Mr R. Wallace & Mrs Rawlinson remained an hour. Vy pleasant talk, her youngest dau. aged 40 living by herself in country. Roy dined out. Edie looked v. tired on return fr. Bushey. Read to me evg, bed rather late. Tuesday 13 June Lovely morg. Mary out afternoon & evg, goes out a great deal. Morg. Edie to Lancaster Gate, I to Westbourne Grove, Bradley Wallace & Whiteley about alpaca coat & skirt. Strawberries. Edie to tea Douglas & took him “Petsey” Maud’s book. A Mrs Dugdale fr. church called & Miss Bastard & my Darling came with some lovely flowers, returned fr. Balcombe today. Roy dined at home. Edie played. Man fr. Barkers about taps. Put in new tap. Wednesday 14 June Toula here lunch & dinner. Edie to Bushey. Roy off early & home late to Ascot, sent for his evg. clothes to Oxford Cambridge Club. Marie out. Mary & I packed them off in Taxi! Maud’s carriage 11.30 to Marshall & Willatts ordered new boots & Marshall Snelgrove ordered alpaca morg. dress £5.2.0. Toula brought me some lovely flowers & we had a happy peaceful afternoon & evg, she helped most with my cloth mantle & put it in order for me to do. Wonderfully quick & exact, wish I was like her! Edie played to us after dinner. Thursday 15 June I lunch with Lady J. Ferguson 1.30. Wretched lunch, wee rissoles & microscopic stuffed tomatoes, 3 bananas & few cherries, no coffee or sweet! Om. there & back. Mrs Pohl, Effie & Ethel English called, saw them & Mrs G. Miller, was out when they came. Roy dined at Harold’s. Edie & self alone. Got a new leather for pantry. Friday 16 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 I lunch with darling Maud 1.30. Geoff’s fiancée going also. Marie scrubbed Dearest’s room & I dusted same, & looked thro’ photos. Cab to Maud’s, 1/-. Beautifully served & delicious luncheon. Mrs Evans, Miss Curtis, Edgar, Miss Davison only. Not impressed with Miss D, neither distingué nor pretty & too old, but seems a nice girl. Mrs Evans charming. Maud & self to Marshalls to be fitted blk Alpaca & to tea at Ritz with Gladys & her charming party. Miss Gibbs, Mrs Breitmayer etc. (Page pinned in) Friday 16th June. Maudie brought me home with Gladys & her pretty cousin Mrs (blank). Edie to Bushey. We dined alone, Roy out. Marie wishing to leave, very sorry. Saturday 17 June Very close & hot. Out 10.30 with Edie, Kensington. Strawberries 2/6, chocolates 1/-. Barkers about Roy’s chair! T. Cook’s about Vittel tickets. 6 new dusters Emma, 4 prs stockings self, & Hat!!! Edie out afternoon, Grove, after tea. Edgar to tea, fear Vittel too expensive. He saw Edie & was vy kind. Roy dined out, seems more cheerful. Edie & self alone. Sunday 18 June Spencer at Jn’r Naval & Military Club Piccadilly to see Douglas. Mr C. Cooke & Miss Bonne Vie dine here. Asked Effie, uncertain. Only 2 former came. Edie & I took some strawberries to Douglas, only allowed short time. Mrs Davison & daughter came to tea, Geoff’s fiancée, she does not not impress me & see no prospects, madness on G’s part. Roy on river & dressed at home evg. & dined out. Vy charming evg, delightful to have a clever man to talk to again. Miss my dearest’s cleverness more & more. Monday 19 June Roy & I dine at Mrs Pohl’s, 8 o’c. Awful morg. Toula here all day, worked with me, & thro’ pass book. Vy pleasant dinner & charmingly appointed house. Mr & Mrs Bristow there, sis. of Mrs P’s. Roy off to Adelphi on leaving, great hurry to be there. Edie dined out. Tuesday 20 June Dear Edgar & Sophy come to stay. Busy morg. getting out flag with Marie seeing to Edgar’s room. Edie left 5 o’c. To Barkers morg. ordered flowers, vegts, fruit etc. Fanny Barker & Mary called only, looking vy well & smart. No line fr. my darling. Roy out to dinner. Effie dines here. Wednesday 21 June Our dear Mother died 1895. Edgar to St Peters. Sophy & self slept badly although comfortable each in our beds! Edgar to St Peter’s & not home until late 7.45. Sophy & self in M’s carriage to Haines & Polker. Left S. & on alone to Maud, with her to Neville & Wilson to be fitted. Sophy met Effie in Pk & came on to me at Maud’s for luncheon. I had to walk back thro’ the tents which are thickly packed all over Gardens & park. Vy tired, rested on return. (Page pinned in) 21st June. Wed. Marie had put up our fine flag, Royal Standard, found in one of Dearest’s tin boxes. Rested & Edgar Sophy & self for dinner. Decorations vy elaborate. On reaching Kensington walking fr. Maud’s came upon huge crowds lining Kensington & just in time to see King & Queen with Prince of Wales, Princess Marie & Prince driving towards Olympia. King looked most gracious & was loudly cheered all along route, bunting & flags flying everywhere. We went to bed 10.30. Roy had been Queens Club. Could make no arrangements about fly with Maud as Edgar will not leave here before 11 o’c as we can get into Naval & Military by back entrance. One man asked me £1.10 but we decide to go by tube to Down St. Thursday 22 June Coronation Day of King George V & Queen Mary. Slept badly, raining. Awful noise of taxies all night long. Colder. Edgar off early & engaged taxi for 11 o’c at 7/6 to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 take us to Naval & Military & we breakfasted at 9.o’c (E, S & Roy did) I as usual at 8.30 in my room. Roy goes to Worthing Mr F. Stern’s. Had splendid places in centre of stand at N. & M. Club. All most perfectly managed, splendid lunch & good band in garden of club, all arrangements perfect. Wonderful sight procession, all the carriages closed. Indians most effective in their gorgeous uniforms. Friday 23 June Dull heavy day. S. & self bad wretched night. Man with telegram next door at 2 AM. banging at door. Had to call him fr. window then he rang for ages. Feel a perfect wreck. S. & E. off at 11 & returned only at 4 o’c. I had my 3 boxes in Roy’s room & packed one for loft, keeping 2 I take to Vittel. Cap. Shapp & Toula to tea. I had a good rest after lunch. Edgar telephoned Dr Waggett & went & saw him consequently we were late with dinner. Feel anxious about his ear. Pouring rain. Saturday 24 June Dull & wet early. Out at 10.30 met G. Keith. To Bank, got £7 in gold. My account low only £60 odd. Arranged about money. Bought various things for Vittel. Sophy packed & left at 1 o’c. Edgar out to lunch. I packed on return morg. & afternoon with Marie. Mr & Mrs Denny came to tea & kindly asked Edgar & self to lunch at Grand tomorrow, cannot go. Roy home, had been to see Eton & Winchester match at Eton. Roy & Edgar dined with me. Sunday 25 June Packed morg & wrote. Edgar of to meet Sophy at Church. Roy to Club. Marie finished packing with me although her morg. out. Spencer arrived at 106 Queens Gate with Hylda & Ada fr. Hardelot France, awful passage. Edgar & Roy dined at home & to bed early. E. looks v. seedy afraid anxious about his ear. Monday 26 June Taxi 3/- Marie 8d, commissioner 1/3, boy 2d, & book 1/-. Gave dear Roy my keys. Left with Marie in taxi with my luggage 10 o’c, Edgar in another taxi with his, to Vic Sta. Sophy met us there. Brought E. gardenia buttonhole, self 3 roses. Saw H. Dickens on steamer, c’d see how much he feels my Dearest’s death. Had long talk with him. V. comfortable journey E. most attentive & kind, a good manager. V. good lunch in train at Calais of Emma’s. Arrived Paris 6.30, luggage thro’ douane. E. had to pay 19 frs on 48 cigars! Dined & slept Buffet Hotel Paris. Awful noise in streets. Tuesday 27 June Pd 21fr 60, water ticket. Slept fairly well till 4 o’c, up 7.30. Coffee in my room. Left by 11.10 for Vittel. Couple with dog in our comp’t. Lunched restaurant car. Rained hard. Vittel 5.50. Nice room. Walked thro’ grounds drank water! Pd 21fr 60 cents for glass & ticket. Vy tired. Unpacked. E. to Doctor F(illeg) for me, coming tomorrow 7.30. Palmers at Hotel, Palace Hotel. Good dinner but dull hour after. E. looked vy tired & puffy round eyes, hope he is all right but feel anxious. Wednesday 28 June E. had massage to his eye & over body afternoon. Good night. Glorious sunny morg, sun in my room, birds singing & all looking bright. Up ¼ to 7, did hair & awaited doctor in bed, the French one. Doctor came 7.30 AM, v. nice man & seems clever. Regime 4½ glasses before breakfast grande source, 2 after 3 o’c same. Walked about with Edgar & famished, not getting anything to eat before 11 o’c, & alone in sale à manger E & self, rest evidently feed at 12 o’c. Thought I had lost my purse, found it, gave Edgar 2 frcs. Page pinned in) Wed 28th June 1911. After excellent lunch to Etablissement new glass covered place facing garden & had coffee. Good band. At 12.30 to my room & rested & slept. Vy noisy people above me. Dressed & joined Edgar at 3.15 in grounds & we both took our water & sat out, lovely afternoon, good band, vy bright & cheery. Little French cocotte & attendant & dog! With lion’s tail! Had bad & dear tea 1 fr. each, garçon


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 25 cents & brioche 25 cents each. Total each 90 cents & 50 cents for coffee. Owe Edgar 1.40. (Page pinned in) 8.15.6 English. 26 frc French. Marie 3d. Paid 1 frc Paris maid. Book 1/-. Papers 2d, cab 3/-. Source ticket Vittel & glass 21 frcs 60. Stamps 2 frcs. Pd Edgar by cheque 29th June £7.19.8. 30th boy 30 cents, work 2 frcs, maid 2 frcs & cotton 20 cents. Thursday 29 June Glorious morg. Out by 8 o’c, slept well. Drank 3 glasses g’de source. Walked to my room, rested. Had café simple. Hotel forgot cake, c’d have done without! Made out accounts, pd. Edgar £7.19.8. Good lunch. To casino after, only E. coffee. Rested 1.20 till 3. To take water again, 2 glasses ¾. Met Palmers, fine looking but uninteresting, introduced E, sat talking to Mrs P. & missed him till nearly 5 o’c! Good but dear tea 1.25. (Page pinned in) Thursday 29 June. Sat out until 6. To Hotel, dressed & worked, or rather mended! Tea 1fr, brioche 25 & men 30 cents each. Lovely & sunny & warm all day. No letters. E. seemed tired & not well at dinner. New table in window & new waiter, quicker. Flower girl. All windows open in sale à manger, so warm. To casino for E’s coffee. & band, sat other end near restaurant. Feel v. tired & a little side achey. To bed 9.30. Had bath which leaked all over floor. Little chambermaid obliging but rather dull. No coffee after lunch or dinner as I had it at 10 o’c AM in my room before breakfast. Friday 30 June Letters fr. Roy & darling Maud, Edie & Sophy. Owe Edgar today coffee after lunch & tea. Slept badly, awakened by wall banging. Out later. E. looks better & less livery. After our last glass of water walked to Golf Club House, some distance, but lovely view of fields & hills over course morg. Breakfast 10.30. Gt disorder amongst garçons of Hotel, too many, a dozen to wait on our table & never the same! Vy tiresome. Letter fr. Roy dressing daily at his club, useless 3 maids at home! & high wages. Rested directly after breakfast & E. went to have his coffee at Casino, met him at 3 o’c at Source. Saw after embouchage of Vittel water, wonderfully done, so clean. (Page pinned in) Friday 30th June 1911. Sat about dull weather sultry & got chilly in wind, some rain. Bought 2 mats to work 2 frcs 20. Sat out till 6 o’c. E. had dry massage & his eye looks better even after 2nd treatment. Dined 7.30 & to Casino after. E. had coffee 2 cups!!! We had tea together at tea place near Source, good, & brioche. Letters fr. darling Maud, Roy, Edie, Sophy today. Jul 1911 Saturday July 1 Slept fairly well, tired, awaited doctor, did not come. 8.30 at Source. Walked about with E. & fed fish, too satiated with food! Had boiled milk 10 o’c at Hotel, lunched at 11. Vy few people in. To Casino after for coffee & band, both bad coffee. Rested & ready by 2.45, worked. E. fetched me, talked to Mrs Palmer & had tea with her at 4.30. E. joined us at 5 & had his separately. We talked some time together. Huge trees removed here & bound round with cords. Tea house will be ready tomorrow. Walked with E. to fishing pond, saw one fish caught. Dined, got another waiter & sat in Hall of Hotel after where E had coffee. (Page pinned in) Saty 1st July. Mr Palmer came over & talked, he complains of the icy menthol stuff used after massage sous l’eau. Horrid & cannot believe it is good for E. Wrote Roy & few lines to Marie. Very dull dark day & colder. Sunday 2 July Doctor came 7.30 AM. Increased quantity water taken daily, 4 to 5 glasses now morg. & 2 after lunch. Sat & walked with Edgar. 25 cents for chair, 1 frc church, paper 5 cents, woman 10 cents. To church after lunch with E, dreadfully weak sermon. Rested after till 3, then to drink water, & with E. to Golf club house where we had tea & coffee. E. paid 2 frcs. Met Palmers going golf party there.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Good dinner & more people, & E. had 2 coffees at Casino with me, I none, To bed 10 o’c. Monday 3 July Slept well. Out early 8 o’c. E. looks depressed & livery, & feel anxious about him. Walked around as colder & windy. Lunch, rested before E. had massage. Had coffee with E. Casino after lunch. Rested till 2.30. Took water at 3, 5 glasses morg!!! 2 afternoon. To tea at Golf House, good, sat in room, cold but sunny all day. To Casino after dinner. E. looks livery. I to bed early. (Page pinned in) Monday 3rd July. E. took his golf clubs & bought golf balls & left them at club House. E. v. depressed at dinner, worried with waiter, a poor creature but anxious to please feel sorry for him, has carbuncle on his neck. To Casino after . E. had coffee left early 9 o’c. Letters fr Maudie & Mrs Evans. Tuesday 4 July Gt commotion Germany sent battleship Panthor to Agadir Morocco. Bath. 1 week. Fine morg. V. cold wind. Had chair 25 cents & again afternoon 2 cents. 5 glasses water morg. Edgar to doctor good report. Talked to Mrs Palmer after lunch, they leave tomorrow. Bought toy 2 frcs 95, 4 stamps 1 frc. Did not go to Casino as E. went to see his doctor. Went before lunch, c’d not see him so hurried off after. E. & self sat in abouné chairs & listened to Band after drinking water 3 o’c & then walked to Golf club where we tea 25 cents, again chair, & Edgar went round course. Sat in Hotel evg & bed at 9 o’c. Wednesday 5 July Palmers left ¼ to 10. Lovely morg. Much in paper about Germany’s action. Bill Hotel 109.85 for week paid to Edgar 11.15 & 7/9 insurance of luggage coming to be pd. later. E. & self to Martigny les Bains by train fare 2.70, tea there 1 frc each. Had coffee at Casino indigestion after! Charming little place Martigny Park opens on to Station. Vy prettily laid out. (Page pinned in) Wed 5th July. Sat & listened to Band & watched Petits cheveaux. Played & drank some water there, seemed to have iron in it. Few shops or stalls. Bath rooms v. nicely arranged with lounge & charming looking Hotel International on the top of hill. E. went in & said it looked vy cheerful & bright. A good many people sitting in groups listening to the Band & the Petits cheveaux close to under trees & Kiosks with papers & Tea place. We had tea under the trees & then took walk round. Saw gentlemen fishing assiduously in a duck pond smothered with duck. (cutting inserted re marriage 5 July 1911): Victor Thomas George Hore to Ethel daughter of the late Edwin John Herapath & Mrs Herapath of Matfield Place, Matfield, Kent.) Thursday 6 July Lavatory woman 70 cents, papers 5 cents. Coffee pd E. 50. Tea Golf Club 1 frc. Lovely day v. warm but breezy Dr Bouloumié came, side ache, kidney enlarged, to lie with knees up & rest. 5 glasses water morg, 2 afternoon, 1 taken at night. Vy regular. Sat out read papers. All stocks lower on ac’t of German gunboat Agadier Morocco, feel v. anxious result. To Golf Club, Edgar one round, lost 2 balls! Tea there. Nice looking English gentleman. E. bath. To Casino after dinner, to bed 9.30. Letter only fr. Mrs Beale. Friday 7 July Heavenly day. Hot. No letters for 3 days! fr. home. Atmosphere clearing à propos Morocco. To Casino after Déjeuner. Coffee 50. Wrote Mrs Beale, Emma & Roy. Tea at new tea house 2.50 with garcon 3 frcs, paid E. 2 frcs days expenses! He always pays for our daily paper. Too hot to go to Golf club. E. had coffee at Hotel after dinner & I to bed 9.30. Saturday 8 July Lovely day. Vy hot. Papers full of Morocco affair, fear war. See no way out of it without dishonor! E & self coffee at Hotel in Porch. V. hot, discussed many things! Letter fr. Marie about Emma, gout in eyes, so sorry. Wrote to her, Roy & Maud. V.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 hot sat in Gardens facing Source & had tea in New Pavilion 1.50 each vy expensive too hot to walk to Golf Course. Coffee after lunch at Hotel. To Casino after dinner till 10 o’c. Many more smart women & vy pretty dresses. Sunday 9 July Cooler a little. Pd E. 1.50 for yesterday. No letters! Pd woman at Source 2 frcs, Paper 5 cents. Noticed no one did needlework out of doors today! Also how much taller the Frenchmen & women are. To Casino for coffee after lunch, too hot for church v. sorry. Sat out after 3 o’c, read. Great crowd of people at tea Pavilion where E. & I had tea at 5. Very dear & skimpy. Gt. trapassing(sic) along verandah when dressing. (Page pinned in) Sunday July 9th 1911. To Casino for E’s coffee after dinner. V. full. Delightful temperature today. Time going at great pace & yet seem to have no time for anything. Wrote to Mrs Wakelin nee Payton, New Zealand. Monday 10 July Lovely & cooler, strong wind. Docter Bouloumié came explained how meat & vegetables are most digestible. Pd Edgar 2 frcs for yesterday & 5 cents paper. Letters fr. Maud & Mrs Palmer, all going well with dear chicks. Coffee after lunch Casino. Edgar seems quiet & depressed, trust not worrying about his ear. To drink water after rest at 3.30. E. just arrived with me also late. (Page pinned in) Monday 10th July. Left again for Hotel & returned at 10 to 5 with camera, to shop about it, only made it worse. E. got it straight later. Walked to Golf club, E. too late to play. Had tea there, dearer! 1 frc each instead of 75 cents, so owe Edgar 1.25 with fee & 50 for coffee, 1.75 in all. Saw French lady & gentleman there, good dresser, like Ethel Mervyn. Vy late for dinner as E. forgot to call me on way down. Eng. papers more serious about Morocco question & fear worst. E. had coffee in Hotel after as too late for Casino. E. seemed more depressed than ever after dinner & am convinced ear is worrying him, trust no cause. Our fussy waiter bores him & is certainly tiring. I to bed 9.50. Tuesday 11 July Lovely day. Slept not so well. Letter fr. dear Roy. Read papers with Edgar in gardens. E. had bath massage before luncheon, seems much brighter. Vy smart ladies luncheon, charming gowns. To coffee Casino. E. v. lively & happy, returned 1.30 for rest. Wrote to Marie, Roy, Bank about C. Argentine allotment calls must be overdue! To Golf club after tea. Edgar played round. (Page pinned in) Tuesday 11th July. I walked home alone. Spanish people near me talking politics c’d understand nothing. Mr (blank) English clergyman ill. Edgar took him my book, fear little dull for him. Dined 7.45. Great many & some smart people at Hotel. We did not go to Casino & he did not have any coffee at all, thinks it makes him livery. Waiting awful at dinner all hurry scurry. A Moor at table alone, looked v. odd, a Jew Moor E. thinks. E. & self talked till 9.30 when I came to bed. Wednesday 12 July Paid Edgar last evg 5.50 frcs half 3.50 owe him till last evg. V. hot again. No letters! Coffee casino 50 cents. At 3.40 to Contreville with E. felt v. hot & close there fine colonades with mosaique pillars of blue & cream half way up & pump room or Pavilion same all mosaique, fine shops & every convenience in Lavatory & toilets close to the source. Gardens vy prettily laid out, tea place near band. Vy. Primitive, poor & dear, had tea there. (Page pinned in) Wed. 12th July . Toast, bad tea & plenty of horrid cake 2 frcs & garcon 50 cents. Sat out. We each bought a glass 1.50 & returned by 5.40 train. E. had ten shots at target. Paid my bill 107 frcs 65 cents. Thursday 13 July Lovely day. Very hot & close. Pd Edgar 6 frcs for yesterday & today, 2 coffees 1 frc, fare 1 frc Contreville. 2 teas 2 frcs 50 & glass 1.50 total 6 frcs. No news. Letter fr darling Maud wrote to her & to Edie F. Coffee Casino. Tea in Park Pavilion


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 rather late. All flags put up for tomorrow 14th July Republic Anniversary. Sat about & did not go to casino after dinner. E. told me all about Netrels Nek. Smart Lady & Monsieur, do not recognise Belgian gentleman now his wife & child & governess here. Friday 14 July No letters. Lovely day, v. hot. English clergyman & wife spoke to us National Anthem & noticed us standing & E. uncovered! Rather tiresome, but friendly, know Langleys & Fletchers. To Casino coffee 5 cents. Wrote Sophy & sorted papers etc. National Anthem played Casino. Clap’d ours. At 3.30 to Source, met E. & read, English clergyman talked to me. Had (blank) at Pavilion 1.25. Smart lady! always in new garments (Page pinned in) Friday 14 July. At Casino band played National Anthem & great astonishment E. & I stood up, E. uncovered whilst ours was played & they clap’d ours after. Noticed in the gardens after many people took off their hats & some women stood up when their National Anthem was played. They had not done this in the morg. “Imitation etc” but I like to see it done. Walked after to golf club. E. played one round. New arm chairs there. Walked back alone & we sat in Hotel after dinner. (page pinned in) Irish man enquiring of a horse he was looking at “Can he lep” (Leap, jump) “Sur yer honor, he’s an infallible & indelible leper” Mr (blank) “The last wolf killed in England was killed here (here being County Cork). This said to Lennie. Ld Cowdray & Lennie “I see you have some of my father-in-law’s drawings”. Ld. C. “Oh! ’ave I”. Saturday 15 July Nicolas Bosanquet engaged! Wonder what on?! Slept fairly well. Feel achey in bath & rather seedy. Le Docteur Bouloumié came early, gave me some drops to take for digestion. Had cafe au lait in my room after getting medicine chemist, 1 frc medicine. Late in to lunch. Belgian family moved to window. Smart lady’s companion still scowls. Coffee at Casino 5 cents & rested. (Page pinned in) Saty 15 July. fr 1.30 until 3 o’c. Vy hot in my room. Letters fr. dear Roy & Maudie, so glad to get them, & one fr. Mr Richardson reassuring me about money, I afraid getting short. Bought 12 post cards 50 cents. Had chocolate instead of tea at Pavilion with Edgar who had tea. Paid E. for 2 days expenses up till tonight. 2 coffees 1 frc, 2 teas 2.50, postcards 50. Very smart new arrivals, 2 pretty girls & young man both girls with exquisite pearls!!! Had cafe au lait at 10 o’c in my room. Medicine 1 fr. Sunday 16 July Chocolate in my room 10 o’c. Dull morg. Much cooler. Feel better & slept late. Walked morg. with E. between taking water, saw 2 riders & stables. Many new people. My room not done until 3.30. Sat with Edgar at 3.30 between drinks! Great crowd in colonnade. Tottie No.2 & her own special op. us! Wrote Lady Alexander, Roy, Toula, Edie & cards to Ld Rowallan (Cameron Corbet) & McLaren now Lady Aberconway on new honour. 2 frcs 30 stamps. Walked with E. after tea & chocolate Pavilion. E. & self walked after dinner & looked at rooms Etablissement. Letter fr. Maudie. Monday 17 July Lovely day. Walked after lunch & before lunch. To Casino with E. wish the dear w’d not worry so about waiter, it gets on his & my nerves & is not worth it. Packed again until 3, dressed & met E. on way to Source, drank our water & went & saw battle of flowers, rather fun, & to Golf Club after. French lady there. E. played a round & I walked back alone & tried to get glasses, unable. Left note Dr Bouloumié. E. v. late. I lunched alone & vy late dinner. (Page pinned in) Monday July 17. E. dreadfully worried all thro’ dinner by waiter. A little difficult as the man means well & gets stupid & nervous & loses his head. Changed 2 pounds English money. Dr Bouloumié 80 frc. Vy tired, to bed 9 o’c.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 18 July 3 weeks. Edgar & I leave Vittel by the 2.45 for Paris & sleep the night at Buffet Hotel Gare du Nord. Saw Docteur Bouloumié at 7.30 AM. Paid him 80 frcs. Vy dear! Paid Hotel bill 113 frcs 60 cents. Pd fees 5 frcs maid, 4 lift man, 3 frcs waiter étage, 3 frcs man. Pay Edgar tomorrow rest. To Source 8 o’c & Administration about expediting Vittel water London. Had café complet in my room 10 o’c. Lunched 11.45 with Edgar & Casino after for an hour. (Page pinned in) Tuesday 18th July. All ready easily & comfortably. Great crowd at Station but not over full train, carriage to ourselves. Vy hot but lucky being alone. Good dinner on train, arrived Paris 9 o’c about. Vy comfortable room Buffet Hotel. Vittel water in my room so thirsty. E. off to have coffee at restaurant Vis-a-vis. Self to bed. V. comfortable journey & no sense of hurry. Wednesday 19 July Up ¼ to 7. Buffet Hotel Paris. Bad night, vy hot, vy noisy, dressed by 8 & all ready. Coffee & rolls in my room, gave waiter & maid one fr. each. Sat by window watching crowds of people going along broad streets & boulevard facing my window. Off by 9.50 train, v. crowded, for Calais. 3 Spaniards in our compartment. Had fair lunch in Restaurant Car. Lovely day, vy hot. Got to Calais 1.10 (Page pinned in) Wed. 19th July. Vy good place on boat, dear Edgar most kind & thoughtful. Our 3 Spaniards followed us into our comp’t. Vy tiresome & talked & laughed loudly & seemed to occupy Lavatory freely. E. vy amused. No trouble at C.X. E. put me & my luggage into a taxi & he went in another to Half Moon St & came down later to see me & take away his box & linen. Found all nice & bright at home, lovely flowers, but Roy had gone to meet the later train, E. having made mistake taking earlier train. Roy dined with me & Edie came to see me, & tried over some music. Vy tired to bed 10 o’c. Very lonely without my Dearest. Thursday 20 July 12 bottles Vittel for Emma & self arrived this evg fr. A.N. Stores 8/3. Slept badly, v. hot. Rested & saw Emma in my bedroom, so sorry she has not been well & looks pale & complains of pain in her hip, gout. Ordered 12 bottles Stores of Vittel water for her & self, came this evg. Marie unpacked for me. Mary took back Miss Bastard’s music book. Wrote Mr Lehmann & ret’d proof about dearest for National Biography, not good enough. Wrote all afternoon in my room. (Page pinned in) Thurs 20th July. After tea shop’d Barkers c’d get nothing. Edie came to dinner brought lovely flowers fr.darling Maud, at Balcombe, chicks & Maudie v. well, so thankful. Roy dined with (blank) dressed at club. Edie left 9.45, was amusing at dinner. Friday 21 July Better night, another glorious day, over 5 weeks exquisite weather. Tried to get on to Balcombe. Kept me an hour wasting time. Out 11.20 bought silk shirt Derry Toms & pd 19s/11 for it. Pd Smith & Larke 5/- ,Mudie 5/9, cotton gloves 1/6 ½, satin buttons 1/9 ordered for Roy who dined with me alone. Edgar at telephone 8 o’c he returns home to Ravendale tomorrow, the dear wished to see me off at Victoria first, so unselfish of him, alas his train goes first. Marie & self packed all afternoon, no end to do. (Page pinned in) Friday 21st July. Silk blouses sent to try fr. Harrods, none fitted. Emma looking pale. Have had 12 bottles Vittel for her & self fr. Stores 8/3. Hope it will do her good. V. v. hot, 82 in my bedroom. Saturday 22 July 84 in my bedroom! Perhaps go to Mrs Evans. D.V. Go by Granville 3.20 to Mrs Evans Ramsgate. Glorious morg, slept better, finished work & packing by Marie. Intensely hot. Marie to Vic Sta. with me, v. crowded train. Had 3 Americans or Canadians with me in carriage. Fare £1.1.7, cab 2/6, porter 1/-, fly 2/-, paper 1d.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Found Mrs E. not looking so well. Lovely air at Ramsgate. Sat out before & after dinner. Letter fr. Maud awaiting me there. Sunday 23 July Good night in my pretty room. Glorious morg & view of sea. Wire fr. Roy coming tomorrow instead of today, glad as I feel achey in my back. Mrs Evans to church in fly with Lady Hunt. Wrote sitting out in alcove facing lawn (now dried with sun) all morg, lovely, & rested after lunch. Mrs du Maurier to tea, looks wonderfully well. Trixie staying with her, been ill & in bath chair. Walked after & saw Cuthbert Burnand & Winnie. C. vy lively. Quiet little evg. Sat out. Monday 24 July Lovely morg. Dull later. Up early, but breakfast in bed. Dressed 9.30 & sat out working. Young woman & pretty children fr. Lady Hunt came to see Mrs Evans. Started in tram at 11 for Broadstairs Sta. Met Roy & by tram on to St Peters. Visited our Dearest’s grave together, not as beautiful as I could wish. Our parents’ grave lovely, red geraniums & 2 blue lobelia lines round. Bought plant & placed it. Walked after to Sta. Took tram to sea where Roy bathed & we lunched after at Grand Hotel, bad lunch 10/6. (Page pinned in) Monday 24th July. Sat in Hotel grounds whilst Roy smoked his cigar & then took fly after listening to vy good band & drove for an hour to dear Westwood & got out & looked up drive, it looked v. nice. Many of the fine old trees cut down opening up lawn & some patchy flower beds about, but it looked well kept. The nut walks & back drive all looking more contrasted by trees being so large now. The barn & cottage yard seems converted into farm yard, a number of pig stys & cows & a dark brown pony or cob was being led into yard as we got into our fly. Could find no one at cottage when we knocked. All trees immensely grown & kitchen garden looked v. nice but the lanes & drive so different to dear Father & Mother’s time. Saw Roy off by the 5.7 fr. Broadstairs Station & returned to Mrs Evans by tram. Very tired. Dressed, dined & sat out until ¼ to 10 listening to band, an excellent one. V. peaceful & quiet. Fare 5d lunch 10/6, fly 3/6, paper & woman 3d, plant 9d. Total 15/6. Tuesday 25 July Lovely day, rained in night, first rain for 26 days. Went into Ramsgate shop’g for Mrs E. bought her plant 6d, stamps 6d & met no one I knew. Worked on return in Mrs E’s little workroom with her, she does not seem at all well. Rested after lunch, fête at college, did not go. Both preferred being here. Sat out after, dined, again sat out until 10 o’c, & bed. Letter fr. darling Maud & Emma. Roy with Maud today for Goodwood & sleeps there. Wednesday 26 July Lady Burnand called so sorry we missed her. Letter fr. dear Roy. Dull morg, fine later & lovely day. Wrote morg. to Mr Smith enclosing cheque £1.11.6 for my will. At 11 to dear St Peters got there ¼ to 12, so happy there. Tidied & removed all dead blooms, am not satisfied with flowers Overton’s arrangement. Saw Mrs Locke about wreath, only just back in time for lunch. Mrs Hammond here. Rested after lunch & 4 o’c to Mrs Hammond. Mrs Evans fetched me & we went to Lady Hunt’s for tea. Lady Scott her husband’s sis. there, nice woman, & Mr & Mrs Bertram. Went & listened to band after dinner, met Sir Francis Burnand. Thursday 27 July Lovely day but v. v. hot. In all morg. felt side a good deal. At 3 o’c with Mrs Evans, Lady Hunt & Lady Scott in fly to Flower Show in the Public Gardens Ramsgate, far better arranged than last year & flowers all beautiful. Met Weigals, Burnands, Bevans & Mrs Murray Smith & pretty niece who had wintered in Cairo. Felt v. sad & hate going about but must make effort not to be selfish, w’d infinitely rather be quiet alone. Sat out all evg with Mrs E, perfectly lovely. Friday 28 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Slept only after 1.30, so hot. To St Peters 10.30. Not at all pleased with our flowers there. Remained some time, removed faded flowers. Saw Mrs Locke about wreath. Saw Mrs Overton told her about flowers. At 4.30 Spencer came to my astonishment, sleeping at Margate, w’d not remain, but comes tomorrow morg. Mrs Hammond with us in fly to Mrs Murray Smith’s garden party, lovely garden. Met a Mrs Heine (nee Rose dau. of Col. Rose) Col of Sp’s Militia Regt years ago, said what a “Heart of Gold” my dearest had & never met any man so universally beloved, so true, & his ready wit & great talent, delighted to meet her. Also met Mrs Nooth, Eilie, etc. Leter fr. my darling evg. Thunderstorm & rain evening! Saturday 29 July Lovely day v. hot & sultry in spite of wind. In all morg. Mrs Paris’s party & chairs & tables etc being arranged facing lawn in shade. Walked & wrote to Mr Richardson about investments, selecting Rio Trams & Gt Northern U.S.A, wonder if wisely. No one to give advice. Rested & ready by ¼ to 4 to go to Miss Stancombe Wells by train. Met Lady Strachey there, had tea on lawn, quite cool there, enjoyed it. Returned rather late for Mrs P’s party. Mrs du Maurier, Hammond, Hunt, Thompson etc there. Violent thunderstorm & rush for house. Played poker patience with Lady Hunt & Heines. Rested on sofa after dinner. Vy tired & side uncomfortable. Sunday 30 July Lovely early. Slept well but side achey, fear kidney drop’t v. low right side. Quiet morg. Mrs E. to church & I wrote in my pretty bedroom. Packed book for Maud to publisher to have her “Initials” put on it. Lunch. Rest & by tram to Mrs Nooth’s tea 4.30, large party there young people, 3 young Nooths, Christie, Bevan, Gladstones etc & I came away with Eilie’s gold chain, held whilst she played tennis. Tram back to Lady Burnand’s, she seemed worried by Ethel leaving home & expense generally, so sorry. Pretty Mrs Hyatt & Trixie Miller came & sat in our garden some time until 7.30! Vy pleased to see Trixie & looking so young & pretty & amusing as ever. Sat out after supper. Mrs E. quite well again. Monday 31 July Lovely morg, slept badly. Constant thoughts of my Dearest this time last year. To Broadstairs station, waited an hour expecting Chaplet fr. Clarks Margate, did not come, had to return even without visiting my dearest’s grave. Vy tired, hot & vexed. At ¼ to 4 in fly with Mrs Evans to Broadstairs Sta, still no Chaplet arrived, & on to Mrs Brown’s cottage, late Banks Tomlin! Had tea there, Gen. Brown also, fancy a martinet, tall gentlemanly looking man. Charming cottage house, stable making a beautiful billiard room opening onto vinery full of grapes & a large bow window (Page pinned in) Monday 32 July. opposite & charming little drawing room & a pretty good sized dining room. Stayed 1¼ hrs. To Lackes about chaplet if it arrived & left Eilie’s necklace at Dane Court cottage. I went for a moment to my dearest’s grave, & to Mrs Du Maurier after & saw Trixie there, stayed until 7.30! We sat out all evening. Letter fr. Marie, has decided to go to Clysigne at Berne. Shall miss her very much, & Emma even much worse. Were it not for dear Roy would close the house for a year, but thankful I have him at home. Letters fr. Toula, Roy & Marie. Aug 1911 Tuesday August 1 Lovely day. Cooler breeze, slept better. Wrote Marie morg, & Maud. Lady Burnand came & remained in the work room talking to Mrs E. & self about Ethel until ½ to 2. Unable to finish my letters. Rested & at 4.15 in tram to Mrs Montefiore’s, garden lovely, Mrs Hammond with us. Saw young Nooth, Christie, Mrs Wyatt & mother, Eilie & Capt Gladstone, Martin Thompsons etc. On at 5.30 alone to St


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Peters, had to walk to Gladstone Rd for tram. Maud’s 2 lovely Chaplets one of Bay & one of Lavender. (Page pinned in) Tuesday 1st August 1911. Mine of Palms & mauve Statice already placed. Re-arranged them & put some pails of water over flowers & one over our dear Parents’ grave. All looked lovely & our own better & fresher fr. my yesterday’s watering. Lovely peaceful spot & the place generally beautifully kept by Mr Richardson’s interest in it. Had to walk fr. St Peters to Broadstairs, going detained 20 minutes by accident to electric top of a car & road blocked in consequence. Not back until 7.30. Pretty Mrs Wyatt to dinner, v. nice & amusing. Joe the cat brought in a poor little dead sparrow in triumph & laid it at Mrs Wyatt’s feet, too funny as she had been petting & playing with him. Very nice letter fr. Emma, so glad to get it, saying she w’d remain to see me settled with maids & that Marie ought to have left in May as she & Mary could have managed. It w’d have saved me a good deal of expense. Mr Edwin Abbey the great American painter died. Dearest Lin was so fond of him. Wednesday 2 August D.V. go to Mrs Nooth for a few days. Shall be glad to be near my Dearest tomorrow, not to be gadding about to parties just now, long to be quiet. Lovely morg. Letter fr Mr Richardson about accounts. To Post Office changed £1.0. Also pd Mrs Evans £1.10.0 as I was short of money. Stamps 2/6, maids 4/-, 8/-. Spencer, Ada & Hilda came morg, want me to be their guest Saint Cloud Hotel Ramsgate. To Mrs Martin Thompson’s party, & came back with Mrs Nooth in her Motor & Jeffrey. My box kindly fetched by Mrs Nooth. (Page pinned in) Wed 2nd Aug 1911. Found Dossie Fox & her little stepson here Upton Lodge St Peters Thanet. Dossie in bed sat some time with her. She has a Chinese maid with her. Sat out after dinner. Very pleasant evg. Thursday 3 August At Upton Lodge, St Peter’s Thanet with Mrs Nooth. Wed last year. Letter fr. Roy. My darling Linley passed away at ¼ to 4 AM a year ago. R.I.P. Slept well woke 6 o’c. Breakfast 9 o’c au lit & sat out morg. After rest 4 o’c tea on lawn & in Motor to St Peter’s, took dear Roy’s lovely flowers & placed them, found Spencer & Ada there & Overton near grave. Spoke to him about flowers. Introduced Sp & Ada to Mrs Nooth & Dossie in Motor & she asked them to come Sunday afternoon. We then went to Ramsgate, left Dossie & on for a lovely drive till 7 o’c thro’ Pegwell, Sandwich, Ash (blank) & Stourbridge & Kingsgate. (Page pinned in) Aug 3rd 1911. Fetched boys from golf links & home. Poor Dossie toothache, looks vy pretty & slight. Not impressed with Jeffrey’s manners, does not rise nor is attentive to his Mother who does so much for her children. Dear letters fr. Eve Bosanquet & Nellie K. Makes me happy to know how universally beloved & respected my Dearest was & is, by all who ever met him. Saw Overton & told him about flowers. (Card inserted: The funeral service for the late Mr Edward Linley Sambourne…..) Friday 4 August Lovely day. To St Peter’s, walked 11 o’c. Loved it going across field. Sat there nearly hour, watered, weeded, & took away dead flowers. It all looked so lovely. Letters fr. Edgar, my darling, Nellie K. & Eva B. Kind dear letters. Wrote Mrs Abbey. At 4 o’c Sp. & Ada to tea, so glad to see them. Young people to a tennis party. At 6 Mrs Nooth & self for lovely drive until 7.15. Called Dossie. Mrs N. & self talked after, boys always disappear. Saturday 5 August My darling Maud’s birthday. I return home by 5 o’c train. Walked to St Peter’s morg. across fields & gardened there. Watered both & took off dead blooms. Vy happy hour there, lovely morg. Sat in summer house with Mrs Nooth & Dossie on return until lunch time. Little Amber seedy afraid to go near her for fear of contagion for our chicks. Rested on deck chair on lawn after lunch & had ten


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 minutes sleep. 4.30 tea on lawn & Mrs N took me to Broadstairs station in Motor. Maid 2/6, chauffeur 2/6, Boy 1/-, porters 1/-. Mrs N. saw me off. (Page pinned in) 5th August 1911. Enjoyed my two days visit very much, love being near my dearest. Train cram’d but vy polite people no trouble, & far better mannered than many of the so called upper classes. Much struck with their patience under difficulties carrying babies etc this hot weather. Found lovely flowers & fruit fr. my darling at Staf. Ter. & all looking nice. Had fried sole, stewed plums blanc mange & fruit & read letters, & to bed. Roy with H.F. yachting until Monday night. Sunday 6 August Lovely morg. Slept well. Rested morg. Roy away Friday night, H.F.’s yacht. Wrote morg. Afternoon Marie & self unpacked & worked! Mary to enquire evening about Mervyn & Ethel, away. To bed early. Monday 7 August Slept fairly well. Mary out afternoon & evg. Marie & self busy all day, did curtains maids room, packed French books. Another letter fr. maid. Letters fr. Darling M, Toula & Midge. Fitzroy passed well exam. Saw Emma morg. looking much better so glad. Marie & self v. busy all afternoon. Vy hot & close. Roy not back. Tuesday 8 August V. hot. Mary to Bank, took Robinson div. To Water works false charge! I must write. Emma out for me. Met Mrs Mackenzie, going to live in S. Africa! Fitzroy passed exam, letter fr. him. Did cupboard with Marie pantry thoroughly. Antoinette came vy giggly but looked nice & well. Roy ret’d to dress, dined out. Wednesday 9 August Man fr. stores about Electric Lt. V. v. hot. Roy off early to see Mr Stern, off to Canada. Self to Hunt cab. So hot, suffocating out of doors. Marie out afternoon & evg. Strike of Dockmen vy serious no meat about or petrole etc. All fault agitators. After tea to Templeton Place. Mervyn out. 2 peaches 1/-. Roy was to have dined at home, telephoned. Great fire at Carlton Hotel, did not come. Mervyn came in after dinner, full of Parliament Bill. Terrible state politically. Thursday 10 August Out morg. Saw unlikely girl, Irish. Marie & self went thro’ all the tin boxes. Fear must part with most of my Dearest’s things, clothes. Heartrending work. Marie & self put up new green blind in Roy’s room after. Good days work. To Archer, left Dearest’s photo to be copied. Bought flowers & grapes 1/-, 8d, man 6d. Mervyn & Roy dined here. (Page pinned in.) 10th August 1911. The Parliament Bill passed!!! tonight by 17 majority. Mervyn rampant. Strikes everywhere & food getting scarce & very expensive. Trouble everywhere. Friday 11 August Cooler morg but hot later. To G.F.S. Went through cupboard in Pantry with Emma & Marie. Awful collection of many years. X. Electrician fr. A.N. Stores. Went thro’ all lights, some defective. Coates doing yard. Tiresome artist called, evidently a begger poor thing. Saturday 12 August Lovely day, v. hot. Out early. Roy in taxie with his luggage 10 to 10 drop’t me at Barkers. He goes to Balcombe for week end. Douglas & Winifred Walker came to luncheon, engaged. Lucky girl, D. vy unselfish & vy kind, cheerful & capable. Afternoon Marie & self did photos, did one half drawer. Shall miss her vy much in many ways. Bed early. Awful estimate for electric light. Sunday 13 August Lovely morg. Slept badly, great heat during night. Door & all windows wide open. Roy at Balcombe. After tea Marie came altho’ her afternoon out & helped me for two hours in my dearest’s room looking thro’ photos. Felt bewildered after, so tired.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 14 August Vy hot. Out morg 10 o’c Barkers about electric things. Also about old things fr. cupboard. Thro’ table linen with Marie morg. Through silver with Marie after tea, not good at these things. Geoff Blair & Nellie K. to tea. Roy dined at home, he seems tired. We looked thro’ some of Dearest’s photos together. Mary out. Tuesday 15 August Marie’s wages £1.1.6 gave her £3.1.6. Vy eventful day. Nash’s men here for leaking pipe fr. My bedroom. Nash’s man for coping which fell fr. drawing room window & piece back of drawing room also. Barkers man for 3 window sashes spare room, maid’s ditto & dining room. Barkers man for bath tap. Marie left by night mail, roses. Gave her £2. Saw new young housemaid, 16, Emma Childs, 2 yrs char. Roy out to dinner. Wednesday 16 August Slept badly. Much colder. Sun v. hot. Out morg. Chose grouse 3/6, beans & muscatel grapes, flowers 8d, etc. Man from Barkers who was here yesterday took away morg Kelwyn tap bathroom to be repaired. Electric light man Stanton fr. A.N. Stores about lights. V. expensive, put new fitting for lamp in Maid’s lavatory, ceiling one. Roy dined in on (illeg) Mary worked with me afternoon. Thursday 17 August Satisfactory character of young housemaid Emma Childs. Cooler. Barkers man here mending another window sashed left hand one in drawing room & rescrewing morg. room window hinges & Roy’s window also. Out morg. Got lavatory paper, gloves, blackberries, beans, soap, blue bell polish, black & white sewing silks, etc, & mahogany stain liquid! Roy dined at home, out directly after. Mary packed with me all afternoon & mended. Friday 18 August X. Most extraordinary experience at Victoria Station. Intended leaving by 4.30 . Mary to Sta. with me & com. carried down my boxes. At Sta. was told the 4.30 w’d not go, great confusion Strike started amongst railway men. The 5.3 was going. Took ticket for Mary to East Clayden where I also have to change. Luckily met Mr Heyworth Booth who kindly promised to look after my things so got Mary’s ticket money back & we travelled 8 in our comp’t & took over 2 hrs on journey. (Page pinned in) Friday 18th August. Maud met me & to my relief found boxes safe. Sodiers in all signal boxes & on platforms & stations & vy few people travelling. Men looking sullen worn out & tired & my porter told me vy few wished to strike but the weak ones were led away by the union leaders & agitators. Never remember anything like it 20,000 soldiers called out in London, & many in Parks. Saw them & horses passing on way to station. Mary helped me pack & got on splendidly leaving all in order at home. Maudie looking better, & dear chicks all 3 well. Seems strange without Nurse F. but much quieter. Maud, Lennie, Mr Cadogan & Cushla Parker all dining at Nymans, so I went to bed early. Vy glad of rest & quiet after exciting day. Dined in my room. The great Railway Strike organised by Man & Tillet the Trade Union leaders starts today following on dockers’ strike. Saturday 19 August Balcombe. My darling Roy’s birthday. Mary Monk leaves Monday. Wired to Roy. Gave him £10. Lovely day. Sat out all afternoon rested morg. Lennie to South(illeg) fishing, no success. 3 fish. Cushla staying here. Mr & Mrs Hanson Walker & Dorothea Stansfield to tea. D. taken Stone Hall for the Grants. Lennie X first part of dinner so unpleasant but all right after but these tempers make me dislike coming here. Sunday 20 August Lovely day, but close & sultry. To Church with Anne. First lesson singularly appropriate re. the Rly Strike. Poor sermon. M. Messel came to stay. Mr & Mrs


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Messel gone off to Aix les Bains this morg. Motored to Newhaven. Mr & Mrs Hanson Walker & their son in law Mr Stansfield, Major Oxley, Mr (blank) to tennis. The H. Booths dined here, sat out after. Bed 11 o’c. Maudie in good spirits, so thankful. Rain! Strike over!!! Trains running as usual again. Monday 21 August Heavy rain!!! Strike over, but fear only patched over. Mary Monks leaves today, Emily Childs comes. Lovely afternoon. Rested after luncheon. After tea to Mrs Oxley’s, tennis. Muriel out for luncheon. Mrs Col Oxley there with her children. Maud & I returned earlier. Lennie & Mr Cadogan late, tired, & worried fr. stock exchange. Pleasant talk at dinner & after with Maud & Mr Cadogan on Texas Oil etc, & his engagement. Tuesday 22 August Pouring wet all morg, deluge. Telephoned Emma. E. Childs at Staf. Ter. & all well. V. glad. Sore throat!!! Lennie seedy in bed unable to go to city. Mr Cadogan left early. Cleared up 1 o’c. Dear letter from Roy, fr. Edie & Edgar. Little Linley’s cricket match. Balcombe made only 59. Muriel left afternoon. To cricket field with Ethel Smart, had tea there & watched cricket. Saw Talbots, Schlesingers, Oxleys etc. Ellie Ritchie came to stay. Lennie bed early, not in to dinner. Wednesday 23 August Lovely day. Lennie still here, not going to City. In his study all day. Mad’lle here for day. Mad’lle, Ethel Sharpe, & Barbara & Cushla Parker left 4 o’c. Cricket match again between Balcombe & (blank). Won by (blank). Mr Renton to tea. Ellie, Maud & self to see cricket after. Large party there. Linley made one run. Wrote Edgar giving up my share of Furrell money. Thursday 24 August Lovely day. Not too hot. Wrote Emma & sent weekly cheque £2.15.5. For walk with Oliver to Lake to get water insects, c’d not find one. After lunch wet & with Ellie to cricket match. Balcombe won. Linley got one run. Saw the Talbots, Oxleys, Horns, etc. Had tea there. Maudie a vision see nothing of her & never get a moment together ever, except at meals. Lennie to business. (Page pinned in) Thursday 24 August. Mr Marriott came with Lennie to stay. Mr & Mrs Hanson Walker & Mr & Mrs Stansfield to dinner, dear people, & they know the Digbys & some of Lennie’s people. They have stayed at Sherborne Castle & like Mrs Digby vy much. Wrote to Edgar who is coming to London about Fitzroy, funds short for Sandhurst if he goes there. I can only give up the money coming to me fr. Furrell surplus & feel this ought to go to Edie & Herbert if anywhere. Lennie looks much better & we had a vy pleasant evg. Indiscretion on my part morg, must be wiser in future. Friday 25 August Letter fr. Marie. Cooler & overclouded & v. windy. Morg. Maud, Mr Marriot, Ellie to see cottage near mill. Anne & self walked to red road to blackberry & met them coming back. Cricket match again, Balcombe won! Vy windy & colder afternoon. Went up to cricket ground with chicks & Fraulein. Large & smart assembly there. Tennis here after. Lennie vy well again. Only Mr Marriot & Ellie R, Maud, Lennie & self at dinner. Music after. Only wrote 2 letters. Saturday 26 August Letter fr. Lawrence Fisher-Rowe, Eve & little Mervyn ill at Anchorage. Mr Marriott left by 12 train. Maud & Lennie to Mill & on to see the lovely “re done up” cottage beyond Mill. Vy large party to luncheon, both side tables full. Boys, Ann only girl among 8 boys! Mr & Mrs Noel Stoker arrived early for week end & Cushla Parker here to lunch also, about 20 to lunch!!! Edie F. came by 5 train to stay. Maud & Stokers & Ellie to Oxley garden party. The chicks en masse to the Mill to tea. Edie & walked there after tea, it looked lovely. (Page pinned in) Saturday 26th Aug. Mr H. Booth was playing on lawn with all the children. The Lake & garden looked


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 charming, a perfect picture. Mr Campbell & Mr & Mrs Tower dined here, the two last here recently come into a lovely place full of art treasures at Lindfield. fr. their cousin Mr Kemp (stained glass). Vy pleasant evg but vy late for my darling. Dear Roy at Felixtowe this weekend. Am anxious to know how Emma is getting on with the little maid, fear rather tiresome for her. The young Noel Stoker couple charming, she is a dear little thing. Vy pretty & full of soul & tenderness. We met her Mother a pretty woman at the Phipson Beales. Sunday 27 August Roy at Felixtowe with Mr Pollock. To church with Oliver & Edie. Slight rain. Walked round K. garden with darling & Edie & Cushla, gathered grapes! Large party at luncheon. The Noel Stokers, Cushla, Ellie, little Billy Heming who is staying with Linley & several others, 13 in all!!! Tennis afternoon. Mrs H. Booth, Mr Campbell & a friend, navy man? Nice couple the Noel Stokers. Edie played evg charmingly & Lennie pianola, too loud. Monday 28 August Sat out morg & wrote. Lovely. Mr Stoker left early, he looks v. delicate. She left by 4 train. Edie & Ellie for walk to Lady Frederick’s, rain. Maud & self gardened. M. a raconté les rumeurs(?) dans la maison chere petite, j’en suis si fâcheé. Billy H. & Cushla left. Mr Philpot came by 4 train. He is going to paint Maud & Linley. Bright & lively young man. Played Poker patience evening. (Page pinned in) Monday Aug. 28th. Edie again played charmingly, so quietly. Lennie sang & played a little. Bed earlier. Lennie woke up last night & asked the watchman what had awakened him! Lennie had seen Roy. Cushla left. Roy has spots & his eyes are bad, feel v. anxious, trust he is well & only passing discomfort. Wrote to him to see Critchett, & a doctor. Tuesday 29 August Lovely day. Wrote for little Linley’s slides for magic lantern for his birthday fr. A & N Stores, to Roy & to Emma. Long letter fr. Edgar. Tabbie has come forward & helped with Fitzroy for Sandhurst. Edie chicks & self for walk with chicks before lunch blackberrying. Darling left at 3 in Motor for Harold’s where she & Lennie spend night. She sat to Mr Philpot all morg. & looked tired. (Page pinned in) Tuesday 29th Aug. After early tea 4.15 Ellie & Mr Philpot for walk to Mill & to see cottage beyond. Edie & I went in carriage to Nymans to see Mrs Sington & Popsie. Nymans looking lovely. Mr Philpot painted little Linley after lunch until tea & is delighted with his two sitters. Charming evg during dinner & after. Mr Philpot most interesting & clever & plays beautifully on piano & yet does not know a note, such a treat to listen to him. Ellie & self & Mr P. Poker patience, he won, Ellie did last night. Sorry 10.45 before we came up to bed, wanted to be vy early on account of Barringer who looks vy seedy. Wednesday 30 August Fine but cooler. Morg at 11 o’c with Ellie for lovely drive to call on Mrs Stansfield & Mrs Hanson Walker, dear people, their son just arrived from Montreal. Also to see cottage, not so struck as the rest of them with it. Letter fr. Emma & fr Mrs Banks Tomlin v. unsatisfactory last. Darling returned fr. Harold’s & enjoyed her night there. She sat again all afternoon to Mr Philpot & after tea he & Ellie for walk & Maud & self alone to Mill. (Page pinned in) 30th Aug Wed. Rained, sheltered in Booth’s cottage, 2 dear little children. Rainbow & glorious sunset. My darling is doing too much & tiring herself, feel most anxious as Lennie is so dreadfully nervy, unpleasant dinner but for Ellie’s wit. Poker patience after, marvel I won! Edie played & Mr Philpot also. Poor darling very tired after her long day. Bed earlier. Thursday 31 August Forwarded weekly cheque to Emma £2.8.5. Dear little Linley’s birthday. Gave him Magic lantern slides, one set wrong, ret’d them for others to Stores. 9/- postage,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1/- postage coming & same returning. Ellie & Mr Philpot left at 4 o’c, Ellie for Scotland. Three tables full at luncheon tea & dinner. Fitzroy came. Vy annoyed to hear he has had measles. V. wrong of Midge to have let him come. V. uncomfortable dinner. (Page pinned in) Thurs 31 Aug 1911. All children & Maud, Edie, Fitz & Lennie dressed up for dinner, fancy dress. Talbot, Oxley, Christopher Warren & Hayworth Booths here for day! Charades after dinner. Edie played. Dear Linley & all his friends & Anne & Oliver & Fraulein down for dinner. Maud must be v. tired. Miss Ellie R. v. much. She & Mr Philpot left together. Felt sad twice today thinking over Dearest, must regain courage. Sep 1911 Friday 1 September Slept badly. Peter in my room & woke me at 2 o’c. Morg wrote & mended evg dress outside. Darling with me part of time & Edie. Young Talbot here to luncheon & remaining night. At 3.30 in motor to call, tea at Mrs Faure Walker, saw Baby boy 6 months old. V. pretty child. Lennie home on our return. He & Maud walked to Mill. Edie, Fitz & self to Lake. Lennie tired & nervy. More comfortable dinner than expected. My darling tired, will overdo herself. Saturday 2 September Lovely day. Vy hot. Sat out writing morg with Darling, Fitzroy & Edie after her practice. Little Talbot with Linley. Chicks to tea at Mill & bathed in Mill lake morg. Mr Forrester came, played tennis afternoon with Fitzroy. Sat out after tea & walked to lake with Darling & Edie before dinner. Lennie fishing with Mr H. Booth & Cap’t Kendal. Mr & Mrs H. Booth & Cap’t Kendal (Dum Dum) of Punch to dinner. Vy pleasant evg & interesting talk. Sat near my Maud. Mrs Sington dined here. Sunday 3 September Lovely morg. Did not get to sleep until v. late last night, but soundly after. No letter fr. Roy for long time. Anne to Church with me. Fitzroy, Mr Forrester, Maud, Oliver & Linley together. Edie played Lennie’s accompaniments all morg. Beautiful lesson on Charity, want it badly now. Sat with Maudie, Chicks & Edie on lawn after lunch, v. happy. Later Oxleys with Mr Montgomery, Major Talbot with Col. Armitage, Mr H. Booth to tea under tree lawn. Walked after with darling & Lennie & Edie before dinner. Music after. Lennie better but tired. Monday 4 September Slept fairly well. Lovely morg. Glorious day as usual. Morocco France & Germany looking v. black again. Went with Edie to see our dear chicks bathe at Mill with all the others there. Vy pretty sight. How my Dearest w’d have loved it! Little Oliver v. brave. 7 in all. Sat at Mill after watching them return in boat, Mrs Booth rowing. Mr Philpot to paint Maud & Linley. Ethel Smart here for day to arrange bills for Darling. Quite pleasant evg. although Lennie was tired after going thro’ silver with Barringer. Very sorry he is leaving. Tuesday 5 September Slept v. badly, & headache & dusty eye, fear gout. Vy late last night. Letter fr. dear Roy fr. Brighton weekend. The 2 F. Blairs for day fr. Worthing. Edie leaves, & Fitzroy. Fitzroy returned wrong date for Sandhurst! 13th !!! Feel vy limp & tired for no reason. Florrie here all day, took her to Station & walked back. Letters fr. dear Roy, Mrs Evans, Midge etc. Better evg, L. not so nervy. Wednesday 6 September Letter fr. dear Edgar, hurt his leg playing tennis. Slept better but still headache & tired. Glorious morg, everyone feeling fine, no doubt loving unusual heat. Wrote morg. Mr Philpot painting Maud morg. & left with canvasses after tea. Maudie looked v. tired at lunch fr. long standing. Barringer left, v. sorry. Osborne Mr Messel’s man took his place. All as usual. Sat on lawn with Maud after tea, & at


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 6.10 Lennie ret’d fr. city & they both went over to Nymans to see Mrs Sington & dau. Lennie v. tired but amiable & quite nice talk during dinner. Bed 10.45. Thursday 7 September Woke 6.30. Wrote Edgar & Toula. Vy hot. Sat out mended morg. Darling read. Chicks to Mill, bathed. Mrs Sington & Poppy to tea. Lennie home early with Mr Booth. Chicks for picnic. Mrs Macquoid called. Lennie quite nice & pleasant during dinner & after. Bed earlier. Mrs Parsons & Edith packed for me. Friday 8 September If possible go to Edgar’s. Sent telegram about Motor to meet me Grimsby Town. Very painful talk with my Darling, but can no longer stand rudeness I am subjected to by Lennie & his sister & feel quite ill at times from the effort to keep my temper. Will never stay with him again for over a week if possible. My own darling suffers I can see. (Page pinned in) 8 Sept 1911. Friday. Have made a great mistake staying so long but it is so hard to be separated from my beloved Maud, & her dear children. God help me to do what is right & what is best for her health & happiness. My darling & Oliver & Linley saw me off. Fitzroy came up with me & saw me off by 4 o’c fr. Kings Cross for Grimsby. Emma met us Victoria & went on to Kings X. She has promised to stay on & not get married. I am so thankful & do not deserve the peace of mind this gives me. Feel anxious & worried about my Darling but could stand the strain no longer & am thankful to leave Balcombe. Dear Edgar met me at door, vy pathetic but smart even on his crutches & his dear right leg dangling. He wrenched the muscle playing lawn tennis & only felt a severe pain at the time. His leg is black & swollen & the veins swollen, he may not put it to the ground yet, it occurred a fortnight ago! He looks vy well & Sophy also & thinks I look very seedy. I feel it & am convinced Balcombe House is unhealthy. Trust my precious Maud will keep well, & the dear chicks, & Lennie. Saturday 9 September Ravendale. Lovely fresh air coming into my room & feel refreshed already. No sun but air so invigorating after Balcombe. Slept better than I had dared expect, thinking of my Darling last & first thing on waking. Dull morg, cooler. Worked morg. drawing room. Lovely & sunny later. Sophy rode 11.30. I had drive to Waltham, shop’d for Sophy. Mr & Mrs & Miss Hanbury & Mr & Miss Wilder to tennis & tea in summer house. Walked after to gate with dogs. Poker patience evg. V. nice day, air bracing. Sunday 10 September Lovely day. Sophy to church on cycle, sorry I did not go as Edgar busy & c’d not sit with him. Wrote to Edie & my Darling. Sat out reading after. After lunch rested & sat out with Sophy, both she & Edgar had good sleep, he on his bed in Library where he sleeps not being able to get up stairs. Peaceful & restful. Already feel much better & nerves quieter. Had tea in summer house. Lovely evg. Supper usual, Edgar eats nothing, vy different to Vittel & Ireland. Monday 11 September Lovely morg. Slept v. well up to 7.30. Bath & did my hair, breakfast in bed 8.30. Sat out all morg. Mended my bodice. Drove at 3 o’c with Sophy to Binbrook. Doctor saw Edgar morg. & he may put his foot to the ground. Tea on lawn. E. seems brighter & walks about on one crutch & a stick only now. Complained of a burning sensation in his bad leg. Bridge after dinner, enjoyed it & sleepy feeling passed off. Letter fr. dear Roy. Tuesday 12 September Dull morg. Sophy goes to Doncaster alone. Edgar hopes to go tomorrow. Midge & H. there. Two letters fr. darling Maud who had a horrid experience Saty by her dogs barking at cows crossing a field fr. Lady F.L’s. Luckily Mrs H. Booth with her & saved the situation. Sat out morg. working & reading. Edgar v. busy with his


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 papers. Lovely day after 10 o’c. Walked to large gates with dogs & had tea with Edgar in summer house. Sophy back in Motor 8.15, told us about races etc & had lost 5/-. H. & Midge there. Poker Patience evg. Wednesday 13 September Great thunderstorm in night. Terrific peal of thunder awoke me, & heavy rain. Dull morg. No letter fr. Maudie. Edgar & Sophy to Doncaster. Lovely day later & lovely sunset. Took dogs for walk along new road to a farm, farm dog made us beat a hasty retreat. Wrote & worked. The gardener’s wife seized with sharp intermittent pains, gave her oil & bromide & took little girl to summer house. Nice little child & v. sharp for her age, (Page pinned in). Wed 13th September. about 4 years old. Cut out paper spoons forks etc for sham meals in summer house & took her back at 6.30 to Cottage. E. & S. back fr. Doncaster 8 o’c having had delightful day. E. none the worse. Both tired & all to bed 10 o’c. Thursday 14 September Lovely morg. 2 letters fr. darling Maud all well Balcombe, & large house parties. Am feeling much better in this beautiful air & the v. restful life & early hours, altho’ I miss my darling & her dear chicks greatly. Edgar & Sophy off at 10.30 for Doncaster. E. none the worse for fatigue yesterday. Took Slater (gardener’s) little girl for walk along drive, his wife a little better. Fed cats after lunch & took Parrot in as wind is cold. Worked & wrote. Friday 15 September Midge & Hamilton return from Doncaster in their Motor with Sophy, here Ravendale for 2 nights. Edgar did not go to Doncaster but saw his Doctor, & a masseuse came to do his leg & he felt better after. Vy cold. Had fire in Hall & drawing room. I took dogs for 2 walks, wrote & read. Met Motor evg. 6.30 & Midge got out & walked with me back to house. Vy delighted to see them, both well. Vy pleasant evg. Bridge after, & came to bed 10.30 leaving them playing. Long letter fr. Roy who is taking another man into their firm. Saturday 16 September V. v. cold, want warmer clothes. Dull early. Letter fr. Darling telling of fire in Yard just outside grounds, the grocer’s untidy enclosure caught fire & some Kerosine tubs, & all in yard burnt. Very good thing to have that dirty place cleaned by fire, it ought not to be there. Fear this third shock for my Darling, & Lennie seedy. At 11 Edgar, Sophy, Midge & self to Grimsby, got stamps & needles! & enquired train 12.30 best. Midge & self for walk with dogs after lunch & to farm ordered 10 eggs 1/- for Monday. (Page pinned in) Saty 16th Sep. Ravendale. Found Admiral Allington talking to Hamilton in Hall. Vy charming man. Edgar had masseuse & Doctor came also. E’s leg better but he is not v. careful of it! Very lively party at dinner, H. in splendid form, & Midge as witty as ever, & looks so well. Bridge evening. H. & S. won again. Bed 10.30. Delightful day. Sunday 17 September Midge & H. leave early today 9 o’c AM in their Motor. Hamilton as far as Mrs Foster’s, & Midge returns home. To Church here alone. Sophy to Barnsley, Mr German rector, Harvest Festival. Awful indigestion after luncheon lasted hours! A little bird flew into my room whilst I was dressing & I had to catch it to protect its hurting itself against the window. (Page pinned in) Sunday 17th Sep. We had tea in the summer house, & after I took dogs to Long Drive but Lowrie returned & only Bunty went on to Large gates with me. Weighed by Sophy in Loft. I weighed 9 st. & ½ lb so am losing weight. Year before my illness weighed only 8 st. 6 & last time with dearest Lin at Dumfries station where I was 10 st. 2! & not been weighed since that 3 summers ago when we were on our way home from the Phipson Beales & Antoinette Duval went as maid with us. Dearest felt then the great fatigue of walking & shooting & used to lie down by my side in bedroom on a long chair, was v. anxious about him then.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 18 September Dear Mervyn’s birthday. I was weighed yesterday by Sophy in the Stable loft & weighed 9 stone & ½ a pound, less than I have ever weighed except just before my illness. Lovely cold morg. Packed. Edgar had his masseuse & Sophy went for a ride. Letter fr. Caroline James. Walked round grounds with Edgar. Got 10 eggs 1/- fr. Parkinson farm. Quiet evg & played bridge after dinner. Bed 10.30. Tuesday 19 September I return home by 12.35, D.V. Sophy’s parlour maid goes with me to station. Fine. Letter fr. Darling in a whirl of visitors & excitement. Wish she could lead a more restful life, cannot be good for her nerves the constant strain. Letter fr. Mervyn, at St Leonards until Thurs. Dear E. gave me grapes & flowers, & port wine. Vy happy visit, wish dear E’s leg was quite well but is much better today & he walks straighter. (Page pinned in) Tuesday 19th Sep 1911. Our motor had puncture just after Waltham & we only just caught our train. Three people in carriage with me! So could only eat 2 sandwiches, smell. Train late at King’s X. Gave Sherbourne (parlourmaid) 3/-, Housemaid Beatrice 5/-, man 1/-, motor home 3/6, porters 1/1. Stamps 3/-, fare return £2.3.4. Total £2.18.11 for 10 days only. Darling pd cab to Charing X fr. Victoria, I fare fr. Balcombe, & porters. Fitzroy pd them for her. Forgot I had my return ticket from Balcombe, so gave it to Fitzroy. Found all looking vy nice at home. Young girl nice manners but knows nothing in waiting etc, may learn. Dear Roy dined with me & enjoyed my evening with him vy much. Darling had sent some flowers fr. Strudwicks, roses & white chrysanthemums. Wednesday 20 September Heavy rain during night. Fine later. Letter fr. darling Maud. To Bank morg. about G.N.Rly (U.S.A.) where to pay Dividend. Paid Dr Kingscote for Roy £53.11.0 awfully expensive. Mrs Bosanquet to tea. Emma II & I unpacked. Emma laid lunch beautifully. Roy dined out, came home to dress. Wrote after dinner. Thursday 21 September Some rain. Woke 3 times in night. About showing Emma II bedrooms, elle sait absolument rien et à l’air bête. In all morg. pottering. Vy tired but laid cloth for dinner with E.II & put out Roy’s things. Sp. came to tea, looks vy well, they are staying 25 Lancaster Gate Hotel. Walked with Sp. to Barkers, saw him into omnibus. Roy dined at home. (Page pinned in) Thursday 21st Sep. Roy dined at home & very nice little evg. together. Looked thro’ some of Dearest’s pipes, to be put in his room. Letter fr. darling Maud. Roy goes Saty for week end to Harold’s. Friday 22 September Letters fr. Tabs fr. Aix les Bains, & Edie F. & Mabel Ling, new maid. Busy morg. putting drawers in order etc & arranging a box of flowers fr. darling Maud. Emma II doing stairs. Vy slow but willing if only can teach her to be more thorough. After rest to enquire after Mrs V. Cole, much better, & Maud Cole there with her husband, saw both, & on to Mrs Keith. Nellie funny as ever with good stories! £5 note one! Roy dined at home 7.30 & to theatre after. Saturday 23 September Roy goes for week end to Harold & Nonie. Lovely morg. Hard at work showing Emma II work. Dusted alone my Beloved’s room. Pd Archer 18/- for his dear photos. Roy returned at 2.30, sat with him whilst he finished packing. Much annoyed by new maid “sans savoir”. Rest & slept after he left 3.10 & then walked to see Mervyn & Ethel, depressed feeling always in Earls Court Rd! Poor E’s legs greatly swollen & she is vy stout. Mervyn came in, he vy thin. Little lonely evg, bed early. Canada rejected reciprocity bill. Bravo Canada. Sunday 24 September Canada rejected reciprocity if only a 2nd (?) Chamberlain c’d ride. Lovely morg. rested until 10.30 quietly in bed. Emma II out morg. At 11.30 walked to Ethel M’s,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 both out at Hurlingham for day. On to see Mrs Adlam, just starting for a little walk, vy seedy with sciatica but plucky & talkative, full of politics. Staunch Unionist. Alone all afternoon & evg. Wrote & read. Monday 25 September Lunch with Sp. & Ada at 25 Lancaster Gate 1 o’c. Roy returned fr. Harold’s. Two maids Caroline James & Mabel Ling come for one month fr. Mrs Banks Tomlin. Met Darling Maud & little Linley up for day at Lancaster Gate & after cheery little lunch with Sp. & Ada & Hylda went with Maud & little Linley to Dentist for Linley & saw them off at Victoria by 5 o’c train. Roy dined out. (Page pinned in) Monday 25th Sep. Roy returned fr. Harold’s & dined out. Maids arrived exceedingly good looking girl Mabel Ling & fine figure. Edie comes tomorrow she has sprained or put out her knee. V. sorry. So glad to see Darling Maud, & looking much better. Tuesday 26 September Nellie K. to tea. Postponed. Start getting drawing room ready. Emma & Emma II & Mabel helping. Plus que les deaux nouvelles quoi’que gentilles n’arriverant (illeg) (illeg). Out morg. Whiteley, ordered enamel basin for maid’s room 2/11½ & an enamel brush & soap stand 3 cornered for top landing 1/11½. Edie F. coming to stay. Arrived after tea looking v. seedy & little lame fr. sprain. She & I dined alone. She v. depressed about Herbert not well at Milan. Italy & Turkey disturbing Europe over Tripoli. X. Awful disaster of French ship “Liberté”. (Page pinned in.) 26th Tuesday Sep. Nearly 500 lives lost & many seriously injured. The ship blown to pieces at Toulon early yesterday morg. Roy dined out & to see Melodrama Drury Lane, enjoyed it. Emma out after her tiring morg. in drawing room. Hamilton L. sent me a brace of partridges, vy kind. Wrote to him at once. Wednesday 26 September Ap’t 12 dressmaker. Went by 2 oms & Taxi which jumped fr. 8d to 2/-. Cost 1/6 fr. Baker St to 59B Abbey Rd. Stamp & postcards 2/-, om 3d, total 4/-. Late back fr. Marlborough Metropolitan to High St. Kens. Little E. out. Roy in to dinner. Edie off at 8 o’c to Bushey. No letter fr. Maud since Monday. Little Linley returns to School, hope he will be happy. Roy dined at home. Both he & Edie in 8 o’c. Emma II out. Edie vy worried about Herbert, no letter for 3 weeks. Thursday 28 September Edie & I go to tea at 4.30 to meet Miss Davison, Geoff Con’s fiancée, at Ethel’s. Lovely morg. Emma & Mabel finished arranging drawing room. Edie writing & out. I did Roy’s room & put mine ready, & maid’s room & Edie’s. Rather much for one morg! with young girl E.C. Man doing windows drawing room & dining room. Friday 29 September Ask Sp. Ada & Hylda. Coming Sunday. Nellie Keith to tea. Birthday. Lovely flowers fr. darling & lovely tea cloth fr. Toula. Out morg. shops. Did flowers on return. Emma v. busy all day doing stairs. Petite helped after 12. Curtains up my room. Man fr. Barkers to mend cord window drawing room. Roy dines at home. Edie at school all day. Saturday 30 September Mabel out after 4.30. Little E. managed dinner better & neater. Edie goes to Maud. Not going on ac’t of her cold. She went to Doctor morg. about her knee, better. Shop’d alone. To Bank, ordered fish, 3 lemon soles & veg’ts. Curtain rod mended drawing room by Barker. Roy dined out. Polished dearest’s room, fresh paper over things & dusted. Emma putting down stair carpets, look v. nice. Edie & self put out drawing room things & arranged lights. Oct 1911 Sunday 1 October Sp. Ada & Hilda dine here. Roy at home week end. Walked round Pond with Edie morg. V. cold but bright. Edie out after lunch. Mrs Molesworth & Miss Rose Innes


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 to tea. Latter remained too late as usual & I had to hurry in dressing & putting out glass. Fire in drawing room, v. cold. Edie’s cold still bad. Quite pleasant evg. Roy’s peaches 6 he gave me all used. Cap. Loring, Harolds, Mrs Gibson & Major Talbot at Maud’s Balcombe. Monday 2 October Asked Mrs & Miss Davison to tea 4.30. Only Miss D. came, & Midge with flowers. Morg. out early & for 2 hrs after with Emma doing photos dearest’s room. Edie at Bushey. Roy dined at home & went out after. Wrote to Darling & to Edgar. Letter fr. Sophy. Tuesday 3 October To 59B Abbey Rd to be fitted 11 o’c. Took up entire morg. starting at 10 o’c. Went with Edie by underground 1/-. Do not think much of dress maker, no ideas. We got into wrong train ret’ng. Miss Innes came & stayed till 7. Roy packing for Scotland, goes to Mrs Galbraiths for week by night mail. He left here 10 o’c. Wednesday 4 October Dear Roy arrives 7 AM Dumfries. Slept badly. Letter fr. darling. Miss Stephens to work here for day. Postponed. Mabel out afternoon & evg. Busy with Emma all morg. in Dearest’s room with photos. Not much rest after lunch. Mrs Pohl came to tea. I walked after & called on Emily Trant. She was out with Midge but I saw Mr Trant, & walked home. Bought 2 little 1/- wooden boxes! Edie home in time for dinner. Parlage avec ma chère Vieille elle conseille que je garde les deux nouvelles. Thursday 5 October Lunch with Midge 1 o’c. Dull early & some rain. Slept better, woke early. Worked with Emma in Dearest’s room an hour. Dressed & off 11.30 walked nearly to M’s club Burlington St. & on fr. there to her new club in Dover St. with Mrs & Miss Hamilton Johnson. She paints, pretty daughter. Excellent lunch nice club. To see Fanny Barker & Mary, Brown’s Hotel. Vy busy about Mary’s wedding 24 October. To old masters Trafalgar Gallery after. (Page pinned in) 5 Oct. Met Mr Hanson Walker at Grafton Galleries who kindly took us round & showed us the lovely old pictures most important to see. Rembrandt’s old man a beauty. Watts group mother & 3 children with a Rubens tint etc. Midge saw me into an omnibus & reached home after 7 o’c. Dear letters fr. Roy & Maud, the dearest I have ever had fr. Roy. Makes me vy happy to know he loves his home & appreciates all the beautiful things which will be his. Friday 6 October Midge lunched with me 1.30 alone. Out morg. for orders early. After with Midge to see her fitted at Sampsons & on to back of Selfridges where she was fitted with black velvet dress coat & skirt. Tea with Midge at her club & home 7.30! by om. Am getting quite brave alone. Edie all day at School & home tired. Quiet evg. Bed early. Saturday 7 October Dull morg. Edie goes to Darling for week end. Mad’lle Jaquinot spends day & evg. with me. Went shop’g & found Nina Davison’s address, out. Read & mended afternoon. Venison fr. Maud. Mad’elle & self played card games & Bridge after dinner. Roy at Galbraiths. Sunday 8 October With Mad’lle Jaquinot to Browns Hotel & sat with Fanny Parker & Mary. C’d not remin to lunch as Mad’lle with me. Omnibus back. Mad’lle remained all day, left at 10 o’c. No one called. Roy at Terregles with Galbraiths. Edie with Darling at Balcombe. Monday 9 October Ap’t 11 o’c Dr Mitchell, Miss Rose Innes’ & Maud’s dentist. Went at 10.30 by omnibus. Vy upset idea of Emma’s leaving, hope will return if only as sewing


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 maid. Edie returned fr. Balcombe. Went by omnibus to dentist, stop’d one tooth, an hour. Mrs Brooks to tea, cousin George seedy. Called after on Miss Neaves. V. interesting talk with her. My darling sleeps at Lancaster Gate tonight. Tuesday 10 October Maud & Lennie dined at Mrs M’s. Private view of Mr Abbey’s pictures for Phyllidelphia(sic) U.S.A. White City Exhib. My darling in London for day. Mrs Brammell to tea. Dear Roy leaves Terregles tonight. He is remaining on until Saturday morg. & goes same day to Tabbie’s. Darling came late for a few moments, does not look well. Edie & self alone evg. Dear old Emma’s last day here, but will I hope come back after a holiday. Wednesday 11 October To be fitted by Effie’s dressmaker 11 o’c. Mrs Evans to tea. Mervyn dines here 7.30 & Lennie & Maud. Dear Roy arrives early & leaves by 3.30 for Tabbie’s. Coming Saturday instead. Maudie fetched me 10.30. To Mme Meak(?) fitted Abbey Rd 59B, to Marshall Snelgroves, Ross M’s pearls. Lunched & rested Claridges. Left Darling at Mrs Hohler’s & home after heavenly time with Maud alone. (Page pinned in) Wed 11th Oct. Mrs Bosanquet to tea. Lennie & Maud & Mervyn dined here, my darling depressed. Blunderbus out afternoon & evg. Dear Emma left at 4.30 for her niece’s where she has a room, 3/- a week, & hope after a rest she will return to me. Lennie sang & Edie played. It was much pleasanter & softer than at Balcombe & his voice sounded v. nice. Maudie told me about Mrs Onslow Ford leaving her husband! Too terrible to believe & dearest was so fond of her! Thursday 12 October Mrs Wylie at National Gallery tea, & Mervyn at Studio 14 Cheyne Row. Darling fetched me 11.30. To Johnson’s about Dearest’s drawing, gave Maudie the Water Baby one & having another done for Mary Carter. To Barkers left little candlestick to be mended. Lunched Claridges with Darling & on to National Gallery. Saw Mrs Hamilton Wylie painting there. Darling did not seem well & feel anxious about her. (Page pinned in) Thursday 12th Oct. Left her at National Gallery & went on alone by Taxie to Mervyn’s studio, saw his works excellent portrait in relief of Lawrence, & Lady’s head & others, all very clever, wish I had one of Dearest. Edie & self alone. Friday 13 October Mrs Rae coming to tea. Coming Monday instead. Morg. by Motor bus to Lancaster Gate took Ada’s gold pin. She is in bed at 19 Lancaster Gate. Sat little while with her, gout in foot again! To Darling’s, out. Fetched my paper list. Out to Whiteleys ordered china & 2 glass dishes for entrée dishes. In all afternoon rested well & slept 20 minutes. Wrote to Emma. Edie back earlier. Played our music evg. Saturday 14 October Dear Roy returns early from Scotland (Galbraiths). Edie goes with Darling to Balcombe. Mrs Gibson asked me to lunch to meet Lady Gilbert. Roy arrived, looks well, left after lunch with me for Tabbie’s until Wednesday. Out morg. shop’g. Afternoon to tea with George Brooks. Isabelle & Col. Hall & a clergyman there. Alone evening. Sunday 15 October Mary to enquire after Nicola Saunders, little baby girl ar’d Friday. Long talk with Ruby & saw Mr Saunders, asked them to dine next Sunday. Alice Linley dined here, enjoyed having her. Miss Rose Innes to tea, remained until 7 o’c. Started tonic. Monday 18 October Dentist 11.15. Mrs Rae to tea & Mrs & Miss Johnstone, only 2 last came. Mrs Rae ill at Hotel. Morg to dentst, Barkers, first ordered bacon. Ordered papers fr. Smiths fr. tonight, no Times today, only Evg. Standard. Stop’d old paper shop, Picknell. Edie returnd fr. Balcombe we dined together. Ellie Ritchie came to tea also. Vy pleasant afternoon. Letter fr. dear old Emma.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 17 October Toula comes. Edie goes to her aunt’s whilst Toula is here. Walked morg across Gds to Darlng’s. Found her busy packing with Ethel Smart. On with Edie to Bond St. Mrs Pollock, Miss Gill called. Toula arrived 3 o’c. Roy returned home after dinner. Edis remained until 10 o’c. Roy found things a bit strained at Leweston. Wednesday 18 October Morg out with Toula, to Whiteleys across Gds, met Mrs Boughton. At 3.30 had carriage to Darling’s found her packing. Florence Walford in her room vy serious operation necessary, 2 of her nieces there. Darling v. anxious. Nonie called in to tea and arranged about a maid for her. Ret’d in carriage, saw Lennie. Roy dined at home, out after. Thursday 19 October Go to Mrs Noel Stoker to tea, 4 o’c, 5 Fernshaw Mansions, Chelsea. Postponed. Darling & Lennie go to Germany for 3 weeks by 9 o’c fr. Charing X. Roy saw them off, & breakfasted at his club. Toula & self busy all morg with electric light drawing room, 1½ hrs! Put bulbs tidy in drawer. Afternoon Toula off alone. I went alone to tea with Alice Linley, met Mary Carter & her fiancé & Fanny B. Vy cheery, he seems devoted. Alice walked to Hyde Pk Corner with me. Toula cab home. Roy dined out. Antoinette called, looks seedy. Friday 20 October Pouring rain morg. Roy goes to Mrs Lewisohn’s for week end this afternoon. Toula & self out morg. to Lancaster Gate to see Florence W. & Nonie M. arranging all with nurse. F. looks better & clearer in complexion, her room a bower of flowers. To Whiteleys after. Lady Self came to tea, stayed a long while. Letter fr. my darling fr. Calais, letter written in train. V. happy. Roy left at 4.30. Quiet evg. Ethel Mervyn here to dinner, full of her travels in prospective(sic). Dear Mervyn not well. Saturday 21 October Toula & self v. busy morg. flowers, & did 2 shelves in my wardrobe in Roy’s room. Lunched early. To Matinée “Bunty pulls the strings”. Haymarket by bus, & in Pit. Vy comfortable, good places!!! Got fruit coming home. Cozy evg. Poker Patience. Enjoyed our outing together. Dear letter fr. Darling fr. Cologne. Dearest & I there 2 years ago together. Sunday 22 October Ruby Walker & Mr Saunders to dinner, & Edie. Strong wind, in all day. Emily Trant & her husband, Spencer, Edgar, came to tea. Rejoiced to see Edgar so well, & in such good spirits. Vy pleasant dinner. Mr Saunders sang 3 songs well, & Edie played. He is a rather commonplace young man with odd ideas! Spencer came in after dinner. Monday 23 October Busy morg. To Bank. Shop’g Kens. Toula to buy dress Harrods at 10 o’c AM. Toula & self did photos in dearest’s room. Eva Bosanquet & her dau. Aylmer & Edgar came to tea. Aylmer left early. Edgar looking splendid. Dear Roy returned fr. week end at Edna Lewisohn’s, enjoyed it, & went out to dine with Mr Pollock. Tuesday 24 October Mary Carter’s marriage with Mr Lowe(?) Brown, St James Piccadilly, 2.30, & at Brown’s Hotel after. Awful day, pouring wet. Had Maud’s carriage, sat with Holdens. Mary looked v. nice & both v. happy. To Browns Hotel after. Mrs L(illeg) Nellie Zimmermann, etc. there & Mr Allen. Roy also. Saw Mary & Mr L.B. off, & carriage left Roy at Club. He dined with Arthur & rest party, to theatre after. I home. Toula & self alone. Wednesday 25 October Edgar & Sophy dine here & Spencer. Out morg shop’g. Walked with Toula to Round Pond.. Chose chicken, fruit etc. Toula to enquire after Ada Sp, better & up.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Florence Walford had an operation at Nursing Home, 25 Dorset Sqre. All well. Toula & self by bus to Little Theatre 5/- seats to see “Fanny’s first play” by Bernard Shaw. Vy amusing. Very pleasant evg & dinner, they stayed till 11.15 & Roy dined at home. Mrs Bryan came about my blue silk dress which she is making. Thursday October 26 Very wet. Toula & self 10.40 to Mde Meak(?) Abbey Rd about my £10.10 failure, silly woman. Went by taxi 2/6 & om back 6d. Toula after to stores, got blotting paper, diaries & envelopes & tail comb for me, 3/6½. Bought lace morg. 2/6. Telephoned Midge, she & Dora going to theatre tonight. Promised to meet her morg. 11 o’c tomorrow. Roy out evg. Letter fr. Darling yesterday fr. Dresden. V. happy & well. Friday 27 October Lady Lockyer 3 - 6. Meet Midge at Henry’s Dover St. Postponed. In all morg. tidying one shelf in wardrobe Roy’s room. Toula & self 3 o’c in Maud’s carriage to 25 Dorset Sq’re to enquire after Florence Walford, successful operation Wed, all going on well. Saw Ethel Smart there. Quiet evg. with Toula. Roy dined out. Saturday 28 October Roy to Mrs Lewisohn’s for week end. Lady Lockyer 3 - 4. To tea at Mrs Stokers, 5 Fernshaw Mansions Chelsea. Dear Toula left 10.20 AM. Out shop’g directly after & worked after. Mrs Evans to luncheon. Mrs Gibson, Nonie Messel & Mrs L. Bradbury called. I had M’s carriage 4 o’c & had tea Mrs Stoker. Edie came to stay, alone we 2 to dinner. Emma II served, Mabel out. Sunday 29 October Wire fr. Darling, Grand Hotel, Nurnberg, Germany. Edie & self to Mervyn’s & took Motor bus with M. & Ethel & walked in Park. Vy nice, but cold. Ethel & Mervyn, Fanny Barker with Miss R. Carter & Alice dine here 8 o’c. Pleasant evg. Monday 30 October Lady Lockyer 3 - 4. Mrs Bryan 11 o’c. Fitted morg. Horrid day, poured. Had Maud’s carriage & went to see Florence Walford. Looks pulled down, operation horrid experience. Roy dined at home. Feel v. seedy, hot & headachey. Roy too looks seedy. Dear letter fr. Maudie. Tuesday 31 October 10.30 Ap’t with Dr Whittiker(?) dentist. To Mrs Nembhard after. Had a glass of excellent port 63 fr. the Wood, A.N. Stores, shall get some. Mrs Marcus Stone, Miss Rose Innes & W. Lockyer called. Edie & self alone. Roy came in early. Edie played. Feel v. tired. Nov 1911 Wednesday 1 November To ask Mr & Mrs Pohl & Evie & Lawrence & Col & Mrs Fitter(?). Lunch with Desirée. Shop’d early, vy expensive. Roses, fruit, partridges. Had carriage to Col Welby. Lady Ward, Maurice Hewlett(?) & Mrs Stone there. V. pleasant. Harrods more fruit & sweets, carriage fetched me. Edgar came afternoon. Pleasant evg. but missed perfect cooking, otherwise all went well. Thursday 2 November Ap’t dentist 4.30. Had this on Tuesday instead. In bed all day, feel very tired & headachey. Edie to Balcombe. Postcard from Darling fr. Nurnberg. Roy dined out. Came home early. Feel better for rest all day in bed but v. tired & headachey. Mary Monks came about a place, been at home 3 months nearly. Mabelle to Lancaster Gate about carriage tomorrow. Edie with cold, too damp for her in trains. Friday 3 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mr Richardson about Dearest’s photos, lunches here 1 o’c. Postponed to next Friday. Roy & self dine at Brown’s Hotel with Fanny Barker & go to theatre after, “Marionettes”. Fine morning. Out shop’g, rested afternoon. Had carriage to take us & bring me home fr. theatre, Roy on to Mr Stern’s & home v.late!!! Most delightful evg & charming play, Sir John Hare & Marie Lohr. Saw Alexanders, Fitters, Foxes, Pitts & Gladys Cooper in a box op. to us. Enjoyed play immensely & Roy also. Saturday 4 November Fine, out morg with Edie shop’g. She has another cold. Carriage at 3 to call Fanny Barker Brown’s Hotel & Edgar Langham & Nonie Messel all out, & to see Florence Walford, getting on splendidly. Edie & self alone. Roy out. Mabelle out. Made peppermint sweets & neglected work & writing! Miss Toula v. much indeed. 3 postcards fr. Darling Maud. Sunday 5 November Awful night blew, poured & blew again, could get no rest. Glorious morg. Morocco-Congo treaty signed at Berlin 5 PM last night, discontent Germany! Lunch at Edgar’s, Langham Hotel 1.30. Went with Edie across gardens to Lancaster Gate, om fr. there. Excellent lunch at Pegani’s. Home by om. Mr Molesworth came to tea,. Edie lunched at Sp’s. Spencer & Hilda dined here & Roy in to dinner after tennis & Richmond! Monday 6 November Lovely morg. Letter from Darling from Nurnberg, they are delighted with all they have seen at Dresden, Cologne, Nurnberg, (illeg)burg etc & now go to Munich. Called on Mrs Adlam & had tea with her, looks older & has to go on crutches, but brave old lady full of courage & spirits, & taking keen interest in everything. Roy out evg. Edie & self alone. Paid my rates & taxes, v. heavy. Tuesday 7 November Warm & damp. Letter fr. Darling fr. Munich. To Stores morg. with Edie by train, Xmas things. Mr & Mrs Denny (illeg) & Mrs Finlay called. Roy out to dinner. Morg bought roses, 1/6, for Dearest’s photos. Roy not nearly so bright & happy since Mr Stern’s return, fear he envies great wealth! Wednesday 8 November Mrs Mackenzie Davidson 3.30. Go with Miss Rose Innes to Covent Garden to see Russian dancers. Lovely flowers fr. Tabbie. Edie off early. Had Victoria to theatre, great crowd. Mad’lle J. to lunch & drove her to Piccadilly Circus. “Pavlova” perfectly wonderful, dream of grace & exquisite form. Lovely box only Winnie L. besides self. To Rumplemeyers after. Miss Innes saw me home. Roy dined out. Thursday 9 November Lovely morg. Carriage at 3.15. Friday 10 November Mr Richardson to luncheon 1 o’c about C(illeg). Mrs Boughton at home. Tabbie coming to dinner. Asked Harolds also. None could come, Edie & self alone. Roy out. I called on Mrs Walter Crane & saw him & Mr Dolly Story & his pretty daughter. On to cousin George Brooks where I always enjoy myself. Very nice people there & Mr de Courcelles(?) who is so clever. Saturday 11 November Roy goes at 2.30 to Edna May’s. Carriage 11 o’c to Stores, walked home fr. Albert Memorial. Had carriage again 3.30, called Mr Fleischmann. Horrid afternoon, pouring, only went there. Mad’lle fr. Miss White’s school where Edie goes came to tea here. Quiet evg. with Edie. Letter fr. my darling. Anxious about little Anne. Sunday 12 November Edie & I dine at Mrs Denny’s Grand Hotel 7.45. Walked morg to Round Pond & back. No one called. Wretched day. Most delightful evg at Mrs Denny’s 6 officers & ourselves only besides our hosts. Charming table & dinner well chosen, & good


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 music after & talk. Our first taxi refused to move, 5/6 spent & for a vy happy time & some good stories. Monday 13 November Kitchen chimney swept. 11 o’c Mrs Bryan comes to fit me. Came. To the stores by train, fruits, apron, bath blanket. Tuesday 14 November Did box loft with Mabel. Roy & I dine at Harolds 8 o’c. Out morg to Bank. Mrs Kendal called, Mr Cooke & Miss Bonnebie(?), Aylmer Bosanquet, Gladys Crozier. Flowers 3/6. Very charming dinner at Nonies’s . Mr & Mrs Fleischmann, Mr Stern & Mrs Gibson, took her with us in Maud’s carriage, & home. Well chosen dinner all excellent feel how much I have to learn & how careless I am getting. Edie out. Plant to dear chicks. Wednesday 15 November Darling & Lennie arrived fr. Germany. I lunch at Mrs Gibson’s 1.30. Darling Maud & Lennie return fr. Germany. Mrs Bryan to fit my day bodice & coat, 11 o’c. Very excellent lunch. Mrs L(illeg), Mrs Miller, Mrs Young, Nonie & self. V. pleasant. Walked to Notting Hill, called on Mrs Messel, Lady Carbutt, in, & had tea with the dear children & 2 Frauleins Lancaster Gate. Called on Mrs Carlisle. 3/- for 2 white heather for Darling & Lennie. Roy out to dinner. Walked home. (page pinned in) Lunch Mrs Gibson. Bread fruit centre scooped out, liqueurs & cherry centre. Small pieces of lobster on daintily arranged salad & tomatoes skinned in halves filled with Russian salad & mayonnaise sauce. Mayonnaise also served apart & delicious (illeg) of soles. Beautifully roasted chicken & gravy carved in french silver dish. Salad & orange ditto served together. Exquisitely done potatoes â la maître d’hotel & beautifully done beans. Cutlets in aspic boiled served on crushed aspic jelly. Delicious sweet of chestnuts looking like chocolate & a sort of rose top of currant sugar & cream in centre. Charming & V. good to eat. Savory little cheese bullets savory. Cheese biscuits & butter. Excellent coffee, cream, milk & liqueur. Fruit, figs oranges apples pears etc, chocolates. All as good as it could be. Thursday 16 November Emily and Mr Trant & Mrs Gibson dine here 8 o’c. Wet. Morg. out shops, fruit, flowers. X, to Bank, left allotment letter & bankers receipt for £33 for eleven B.A. Gt Southern Ex shrs £10 each, £3 pd on each shre. All calls to be pd fr. Executors account. Carriage here 1 o’c. Lunched with Darling & remained to tea. She looks so well. Unpacked toys with dear chicks. Carriage home. Fairly nice evg. Roy looked seedy. Friday 17 November To tea with Mervyn & Ethel to wish them good bye. Darling came & took me at 4 o’c to their hotel, Norfolk Hotel, the Trants there & Mrs Church. Out morg. shop’g. Saturday 18 November Pouring wet all day, did not go out. Darling sent me some flowers. Busy in Dearest’s room & worked. Roy dined at home. Mabel out. E. managed better & quietly. Roy only came in at 8.20. Riddles etc. Vy pleasant evg. Sunday 19 November Wet morg. Ethel & Mervyn by 11 train fr. Vic Sta. start for Costabelli. Roy saw them off. Edie & self in om. to Lancaster Gate. Saw Darling & Lennie on way to Church. Saw little Anne in bed, much better, & brought Oliver away in taxi to lunch & tea here. Edie takes him back in taxi. Monday 20 November Maud, Lennie & Miss Rose Innes to dinner, & Roy in. Out morg. shop’g. rested after luncheon. Mrs Pohl called. To Bank morg. X. Left Argentine Southern Land shrs allotted & fully paid, 12 £1 shrs at £1.10.0 each, namely £18. Bankers receipt on this at Bank.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 21 November Edie gave me carnations. Mrs Rooth to lunch 1.30. Out morg. shop’g. Edie to Whiteleys to be photod. Mrs Boughton & Mrs Rooth sang charmingly & Mrs Cornmell sang & recited. Lady Sutton, Mrs Keith & Miss Brown called. Roy dined out. Dear little Anne to get up. Edie to photographers. Flowers fr. Midge. Mrs Rooth brought me roses & Mrs Cornmell violets. Wednesday 22 November I go with Miss Rose Innes & Lady Heal to Box A St James’ theatre 2.15, Rumplemeyers after to tea. Enjoyed play enormously altho’ plot improbable. Huge box & in good time by Motor bus. Mrs Cox, Chilean lady, also of our party. To Ritz to tea. Saw Mr Villiers. Roy out. Maudie & Oliver came during my absence so sorry to miss them. Thursday 23 November Morg. out 10.10, at Maud’s 10.30 to fetch Edie. Found Darling very worried, Fraulein ill with bilious attack. Stayed some time with little Anne after Maud went in carriage, & Ethel Smart with Oliver for walk. Edie & self to lunch with Ada Sp. On to Whiteleys after & to tea at George Brooks. Misses Courtney there. Roy dined out. X. Letter fr. Emma saying she is going to be married. Friday 24 November Roy for week end to Mrs Lewisohn tonight. I had carriage & to Stores 11.30, & on to lunch with Darling. Only Fraulein & Mad’lle there besides dear chicks. Anne lunched in drawing room & looks much better. Oliver dark round eyes. Miss Gill came to stay with Maudie. Mrs F. Cokayne called. I walked home across Gds at 4 o’c. Edie & self dined alone, she had letter fr. Herbert. Saturday 25 November Edie & I lunch at Mrs Rooth, Weatherall House, Well Walk, 1.15. Postponed. Addison Rd to Hampstead Heath station, or Thurs. Postponed. Edie away for week end, left at 2 o’c. Morg. out shop’g. met Dr Orton at Barkers. Fitzroy came to tea, looks vy well & seems vy happy at Sandhurst. Alone evg. Put domes of silence on morg. room chair with Emma II. Mabel out. Sunday 26 November Sp. Ada & Hilda to dinner 8 o’c. Horrible day, c’d not go out. No one called. Vy pleasant evg. Emma II scuttled in late & muddle in consequence, tiresome little person. Monday 27 November I dine 7.45 at Mrs Kendal’s, alone. Most delightful evg. Taxi 5/-. Heilbuts, Morris & Mr Rowe there, exquisite dinner well served & lovely cozy warm rooms. Cheered me v. much. Roy dined here on return fr. Edna May’s, always seems discontented after these visits, & depressed. Mrs Mivart asked me to tea, c’d not go. Edie dined with Roy, she ret’d after week end. Tuesday 28 November Went at 11.30 with Darling shop’g. Woollands & Bumpus. Met Nurse F. & Gibbs baby. I lunched with Maud & she walked back with me to Argyll Rd. So glad to have her & the darlings alone, only nice Fraulein Rippel & Maud. Lady Spielmann & Nicolas Bosanquet I missed but saw Nellie K. & Sylvenia Rose Innes. Edie & self alone evg. both v. tired. Wednesday 29 November Lunch with Effie at Lady’s Park Club 32 Knightsbridge, 1.30. Fine. Lovely morg. Paid bills, books again heavy. Felt v. seedy & relaxed throat, had port wine 11 o’c. Walked part way to Effie’s. Fatal mackerel at lunch, felt awfully sick after. Called with Effie on Mrs Stevenson v. amusing but felt so bad. To bed on return. V. sick, temperature, feel wretched all over. Roy out. Edie alone dinner. Thursday 30 November Edie & self lunch at Mrs Rooth’s 1.15. Unable to go, in bed all day, feel v. seedy & hot & achey. Darlng came 4.30, sent for Dr Croft Hill. To remain in bed slight


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 temperature. Edie called on the Spencers, both in bed. Maud too dear as usual brings sunshine & brightness wherever she goes. Made my room so comfortable & brought flowers. Maud & Lennie dine at Mrs Messel’s. Dr C. Hill came. Dec 1911 Friday 1 December Dr Croft Hill came feeble creature 2nd visit. Fair night. Cold in my head. What next! My darling came to lunch & tea with me which she had served in my room. She seemed well, brought lovely flowers etc etc loaded as usual good things. In bed all day, slight temp, feel v seedy. Lovely having Maud with me & she stayed to tea. Roy out & did not return to dress. Saturday 2 December Dr Croft Hill came. Darling Maud came to lunch but had to meet Lennie after. Edie read to me. In bed all day. Feel much better but heavy cold still in head, extraordinary sort of old fashioned which comes & goes. Roy out. Sunday 3 December Dr Hill came 4 o’c. Lovely morg, wet afternoon. Good night. In my room all day but dressed at 12 o’c. Darling came morg. with Lennie. Roy dined with Maud & Lennie. Mr & Mrs Stoker & Mrs Sweeting called. Edie gave them tea for me. Saw only Mrs Stoker for little while in my room. Dr H. used carbolic for my gums. Monday 4 December Dr Hill came. Lovely after 10 o’c. Edie wrote letters for me after breakfast. Came into drawing room 12 o’c, feel shaky, c’d not resist cleaning about. Dr H. came & did all round my teeth with carbolic acid & acetic acid (illeg) vy slow. Darling came for short time, dear Oliver better. Maudie took Anne to Dr Goodheart, says she is sound. Most thankful. Roy out. Edie vy tired. Mabel sang evg. Tuesday 5 December Emma comes to stay. Came, vy glad to have her again. Slept badly. Maudie came with lovely flowers on her way to lunch with Mrs Gibson. Luncheon in bed. Mr Molesworth, Mrs Cornmell & Mrs Spofforth came to tea. Roy out. Wednesday 6 December Lady Sutton 4 - 6.30. Dr Hill came morg. Had carriage 12 o’c, Emma sat with me whilst I dressed & went for drive with me to Park & past Buckingham Palace. Mrs Bryan came to fit me with stamped velvet. Lady Dewar, Mrs Ledger & Emily Trant & husband came to tea. Roy dined at home, vy down. Emma & self put domes of silence on drawing room chairs. Thursday 7 December Mrs Bram Stoker comes to tea 5 o’c. Lady Self called, paid her 4/- charity vases. Dear old Emma here vy homey with her in the house, busy doing needlework for me & she sat with me morg & part afternoon. Emma left for her niece’s at 5 o’c. She is to be married on 24th inst. Darling M, Lennie & Roy to dine & theatre with Miss Innes. Vy happy day, feel little better. Ethel played to Emma. Friday 8 December Mrs Rawlinson at home 4.30. Lovely morg. With Darling at 11.30 in brougham to Woollands, too cold & raw to walk, remained in carriage whilst M. shop’d. Darling looks v. tired wish she had less to see to. Roy went to Cranbourne Ct, & does not go to city until Monday! Caroline kindly helped Emma II with stairs, look v. nice. Worked all afternoon & wrote, no callers. Edie v. tired after Bushey, & no letter fr. Herbert, too bad. Saturday 9 December Harfield here about Kitchen range, no hot water upstairs. Says boiler choked up. Going to clean out Monday. Morg. walked to Round Pond, cold wind but fine. Ordered apples & bananas at Taylors 1/-. Caroline kindly helping Emma II with


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 drawing room as well as Mabelle. Worked morg. room with Edie after lunch. Darling to Balcombe for day, fear will be vy tired. Roy at Edna May’s, weekend. Sunday 10 December Wet morg. E. vy late in my room. Awful day, could not go out at all. Roy at Edna May’s (Mrs Lewisohn’s). No one called except my Darling with little Anne on her way home from St Matthias’ Church, greatly impressed with the service. Quiet evg. Edie & self alone. Monday 11 December Kitchen Range examined by Harfield. Huge hole under boiler, no wonder difficulty with hot water. Must have new boiler, decided Knights, start it tomorrow morg. Cost £6, 10/- cheaper than Harfield’s estimate. With Darling in carriage to Selfridges, Venus’s, & occulist. Lunched with Maudie & dear chicks. Taxi home 1/-. Mrs Carlisle & Mrs Stevenson called. Roy returned & dined out. No kitchen fire or hot water. Tuesday 12 December Dr Hill came, stayed an hour. Out morg. shop’g. Emily & Mr Trant & Mrs Gibson & Ada Sp. & Winnie came. Feel vy tired & seedy. Men here from Knights doing kitchen boiler. Awful mess & upset. Man from Hartfield doing curtain slides dining room. Wednesday 13 December Maud called & I was out, her telephone out of order. Roy dined alone with Maud & to Empire after. Out morg shop’g. Mrs Bryan came to fit me velvet dress. Awful mess. Men here doing boiler & found stoppage in pipe. Lovely chrysanthemums fr. Toula. Edie & self late dinner. Thursday 14 December Out morg. to Hartfields about dining room curtains slides. Vy annoyed men never came as Mabel & I put drawing room ready. X. Men here finishing kitchen boiler & tank. Miss Webster & Mrs Mivart called. Edie to Maud’s. Roy dines at Mrs Pohl’s, met her morg. Friday 15 December Lovely day early, rained later. Out short time morg. shop’g Sloane St. Ordered black morning blouse 39/6. Ordered André Hugo cheveu £2.2.0! Bought 4 jet buttons at Catts & 2 blotters Jones. Emma & her intended Mr Buckingham came to tea. She looks better & happier. Darling came for a second in a whirl of engagements but ever thoughtful, bless her. Roy dined out. Mabelle took his clothes to Club. Edie & self alone. Saturday 16 December Out morg. to Bank, saw Mr Richardson, decided to invest the £100 pd. off. X. San Paolo 5% 1898 (dearest’s money) in Buenos Ayres & Pacific Ord’y in view of fresh issue, at once. Also enquired about Emma’s money Barkers. Edie to Break up at school, out all day. Vy tired. Roy out. Worked & read. Dined 8.30. Edie in late. Sunday 17 December Walked with Edie to Maud’s, away at Ruth Parker for week end, chicks out. To Spencer’s, & Spencers dine here tonight & Roy. No one called. Did presents. Pleasant evg. mais table pas gentilement arrangée et trop en hôte en retard. Ma chere petite cygne cassée malheur. Sp left late. Monday 18 December Edie to stores for me. I lunch at Maud’s. Edie at Spencer s & stores shop’g. Roy dines out. Had his clothes sent to club. Delightful luncheon at Maud’s, beautiful cooking. Ris de veau & macaroni, filet of beef & legumes au tour(?), pheasant etc, soles & 3 delicious sweets. Geo Kent, Sp, Mrs J. Cadogan, Mrs (blank) & Gladys. Maud gave me lovely set of furs. Taxi home, walked there. Tuesday 19 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Walked to Harvey Nichols ordered petticoat 4/6 & fitted with blouse at Vernons £1.19.6. Met Mrs Coward. Ordered Emma’s wedding cake 10/6 & bottle of whiskey 3/6. Contract note fr. Bank of purchase of £100 B.A. Pacific Ord Stk at 100 ½ in place of San Paolo 5% pd of Dearest’s 1st Jan 1918. Lady Spielmann, Gerald Ryan & Hilda & Sylvenia Rose Innes & Gladys C. called. Edie & self alone evg. Wednesday 20 December Darling Maud came, going to Three Arts Ball, Albert Hall, she went as Mrs Sheridan. Sent back my presents by her. She looks tired, fear overdoing herself. Edie with her all day. Packed with Mabel who managed vy nicely, being so neat & tidy. Roy dressed at home, dined at Harold’s. Dear Edgar sent me case of 50 Vittel bottles, awfully kind of him. Mr Trent & the Evans boys came after tea, Maudie here same time. Thursday 21 December Had all ready to go Leweston today & decided to go tomorrow as no one there, wired Briscoe. Edie left 4 o’c. Darling came round with little Linley, much grown, looks very well. Roy dining with Tabs Claridges, dressed club, to theatre after. Evie ill. Mabel out evg 6 o’c only. Friday 22 December Leweston. I go to Leweston by 1 o’c train. Shakespears going by same train, taking Mabel with me. Great confusion new Waterloo Sta. & difficulty in getting place, was in comp’t with 4 men smoking & one lady! Changed Templecombe ½ an hours wait, pouring rain. Came in Motor with Shakespears. Tabs, H. Fitzroy & 2 boys came by later train. Pleasant evg. Played Bridge with H. & boys till 11 o’c. Find Mabel attentive & manages v. nicely. Saturday 23 December Wrote. Good night. To Sherborne in Motor, took Mabel & did shop’g for Tabbie & took her presents to Castle. Saw Gwen & Mr John Digby who asked me to remain to lunch, afraid to keep car. Played bridge with H, Fitzroy & Gareth after dinner. Bed 11 o’c. Tabs has bad cold. Sunday 24 December Lovely morg. Vy wet underfoot or would have gone with the 5 men to Church, no motor out. Wrote all morg with Tabs. Walked after lunch with Olive. Letters fr Darling Maud & Roy. Quiet evg, no cards. H & Mr Shakespear for long walk. Gareth & Fitzroy to Castle, remained to dinner & were not home till 11 o’c. Monday 25 December Lovely morg, warm. Boys to Church & Olive & Dorothy. Read my sevice in Loggia end of Cypress walk with sun pouring in. Hamilton & Mr Shakespear to Anchorage 11 o’c & ret’d in time for late tea. Boys gave me 2 charming scent bottles, Tabs a woollen shawl most useful. My Darling & Lennie furs, etc etc, & the dear chicks black silk bag & pincushion. Very happy day & evg. Dear Roy gave me lovely set of reference books. Tuesday 26 December Dull & raining hard. Went at 10.45 with Hamilton in Motor to Meet Sherborne where H’s hunters met him. Vy pretty sight & great crowd in spite of rain. Freddy looking vy nice & smart. Dora in cart with Simon. Asked me to lunch Thurs & (illeg). Decorated Tree on return, 86 children & parents to tea etc at 3.30. Played Bridge after dinner. Fitz accident hunting, all 3 boys hunted. Wednesday 27 December Fitzroy’s ankle dressed! Dull morg. Not slept so well last 2 days no walk. Letters yesterday fr. Marie, not happy & left her nursing home. Letters fr. Darling, & Sp. fr Bruxelles etc etc. In all morg rained. Mr John Digby to lunch, greatly amused us with funny stories & travels, memory like my Dearest’s, marvellous. Walked after


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 round Pk with Tabs & Olive. Gareth, Fitz & Dorothy dined at Castle. No Bridge Mr S. sang. Thursday 28 December Dull morg. Slept better. Olive & Husband left by 11 train. Tabs, Dorothy & self for walk. Doctor came to see Tabs, not to go out until Sunday. Unable to lunch at Castle on account of motor. Mr & Mrs McGowall came for the night, arrived before tea. Boys shooting. H. & Fitz to Bournemouth. Bridge evg. Won. Frday 29 December Came up fr. Leweston by 1.53 train with Mabel. Fitzroy saw us off. Travelled in same carriage with Mr John Digby 2nd class. Saw Roy on return just off to Cranbourne Court, Edna May’s! Business bad, am not astonished as work impossible with late nights. Dined alone. Miss Emma v. much, but maids v. kind & attentive. Bed early. Fear Emma II hopeless. Saturday 30 December Slept fairly well only. Paid Caroline books. Pas contente com. la maison a eté tenu dans mon absence. Je verai si c’est mieux avec trois. La belle laisse tout à faire par les autres. Roy’s clock broken!!! Came to Balcombe by 4.20. H. & Nonie same train. Mabel saw me off at Victoria. Ellie, Mrs Gibson, H. & Nonie & Mr Marriott here. Darling well vy busy with fancy dress ball on Monday here, Arabian Nights Ball. Sunday 31 December Very foggy morg. Warm. Slept well. Roy spending week end with Mr Stern. Vy busy all day getting ready for “Arabian Nights” dance here on Monday. To Church with little Anne, walked after with Ellie. Mr Marriott, Mr Forrester, Ellie, Harold & Nonie & Gladys Crozier house party. Sat up to see the New Year in, drank dear Roy’s health. Mr & Mrs Booth here to dinner. Poker after. Miss my Darling Linley more then ever. (Notes on back pages of diary) From Lennie included in this. Received fr. Trust 1909 £ 413. 5. 8 ditto fr. Private ac’t 443. 9. 3 1909 £ 856.14.11 of this Lennie gave me £62. Received fr. Trust 1910 410. 3. 1 Ditto Private ac’t 1910 388.10. 6 1910 £ 799. 3. 7 From Lennie 1910 250. 0. 0 From Trust & private ac’t 799. 3. 7 Total £ 1049. 3. 7 1911 Received fr. Trust £ 411. 4. 0 Private 402.17. 2 £ 814. 1. 2 From Dearest’s estate? 1909 Trust Private Together Jan 49. 8. 0 31. 1. 1 80. 9. 1 Feb 52. 5. 8 41. 9. 1 93.14. 8 Mar 19. 0. 0 54. 4. 8 73. 4. 8 April 41. 1. 4 34. 8. 6 75. 9.10 May - - - 65. 6. 3 65. 6. 3 June 45. 7.10 16. 5. 7 61.13. 5 July 49. 9. 1 32.10. 6 81.19. 7 Aug 51.15. 9 9.17. 7 61.13. 6


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sep 18.16. 8 41.10. 4 60. 7.10 Oct 40.18. 6 55. 6. 8 96. 5. 2 Nov - - - 42.16.11 42.16.11 Dec 45. 2.10 18.12. 0 63.14.10 £ 413. 5. 8 443. 9. 3 £ 856.15.11 Lennie made me out of above £62 Monthly Received during 1910 Trust Private Total Jan 49. 4. 9 33.14. 6 82.19. 3 Feb 51.11.11 32. 7. 8 83.18. 9 Mar 18.16. 8 37. 2.10 55.19. 6 Apl 40. 9.11 53. 8. 0 93.17.11 May - - - 11. 7. 6 11. 7. 6 Jun 45. 3.10 17.11. 2 62.15. 0 Jly 48.19. 4 37. 6.10 86. 6. 2 Aug 51.11. 1 26. 0. 0 77.11. 1 Sep 18.16. 8 33. 3. 7 52. 0. 3 Oct 40.14. 9 65.15. 0 106. 9. 9 Nov - - - 11. 7. 6 11. 7. 6 Dec 45. 5. 0 29. 6. 9 74.11. 9 £ 411. 3. 1 £ 88.11. 4 £ 799.14. 5 From Trust 1911 Jan Argentine Gt Western 18.16. 8 Antofagasta 6.11.10 Cent Uraguay 23.10.10 January £ 49. 4.11 February Gt. Western Brazil 28. 5. 0 Peebles 23. 6. 1 February £ 51.11.10 March Cordoba & Rosario 18.16. 8 April Brit. North Arctic Coy 21. 3. 9 Local Loans 5. 5 Illinois Cent. 19. 5. 6 April £ 40.14. 8 May nil June Canadian Pacific 23.10.10 Lehigh Valley 21.14. 2 June £ 45. 5. 0 July Argentine Gt Western 18.16. 8 Antofagasta 6.11.10 Local Loans 5. 5 Central Uraguay 25.10. 9 July £ 49. 4. 9 Trust account £ s d August Peebles sons 23. 6. 1 Gt Western Brazil 28. 5. 0 August £ 51.11. 1 September Cordoba & Rosario £ 18.16. 8 October British & North Atlantic 21. 3. 9 Local Loans 5. 5 Illinois Central 19. 5. 6 October £ 40.14. 8 Nov nil


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dec Canadian Pacific 23.10.10 Lehigh Valley 21.13. 1 December £ 45. 8.11 Private ac’t 1911 £ s d Balance from 1910 95.18. 3 January Cent Arg.Rly 1.17. 8 B.A. Pacific 5. 9 B.A. Pacific 8. 0. 1 B.A.Western 4. 5. 2 B.A. Gt Southern 7.10. 8 Japan 4% 1.17. 8 Japan 4½ % 4. 4. 9 Mexican Lt.Power 4.16. 7 January £ 34.10. 6 Febry B.A. Pacific 13. 2 Chinese 2. 7. 1 Robinson Gold 10.11.10 Gt Eastern Rly 4. 4. 9 Chinese 6% (sold) 2.16. 6 City B.A. Trains 9. 5 Hill & Barnsley 8.10. 1 Midland 10. 1. 0 February £ 39. 3.10 March Furniss 1. 3. 7 Chinese 4½% 2. 2. 4 Cuban 5% 12. 2. 2 Japan 5% 2. 7. 1 Waihi 7.12. 0 3½ % P & O Steam 4.18.11 £ 30. 6. 1 March £ s d continued 1911 30. 6. 1 Sons of Gualia 6. 3 Interest on deposit 2.17. 4 Glas. South West 2.16. 4 March £ 36. 6. 0 April Cordoba Rly 1.17. 8 Brazil Lloyd 2. 7. 1 Barker 1. 3 New York Central 1. 4. 3 B.A. Gt Southern 30. 1. 9 B.A. Western Rly 1.17. 8 April £ 37. 9. 8 May Buenos Ayres Pacific 2. 8. 7 Cent Argentine 18.17.7 New York Telephone 8. 9. 6 City B.A. Trains 9. 5 May £ 30. 5. 1 June Waihi Gold 5.14. 0 Sons of Gualia 6. 3 Nat Rly of Mexico 4. 6.10 Interest on deposit 1.18. 2 June £ 12. 5. 3 July Cent Arg. Rly 1.17. 8


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 B.A. Pacific 8.10. 1 £ 9.17. 9 July £ s d continued Private ac’t 9.17. 9 B.A.Pacific 8. 8 Western B. Ayres 4. 2. 2 B. Ayres Gt Southern 7. 0. 8 City B. Ayres 5% (new) 9. 8. 4 Japan 4% 1.17. 8 Japan 4½ 4. 4. 9 New York Central 1. 4. 3 Mexican Lt & Power 9.13. 0 July £ 48.10. 3 August Chinese Imp 2. 7. 1 B.A.Pacific 13. 3 Robinsons Gold 10.11.10 Gt Eastern Rly 2. 2. 4 City B.A. Trams 9. 5 Interest on deposit nil -- -Midland 7.12. 6 Hull & Barnsley 3.15. 4 August £ 27.11. 8 September Furniss 7. 1 Cuban 12. 2. 2 Chinese 2. 3. 5 P & O Navigation 4.18.11 Waihi 3.16. 0 Japan 2. 7. 1 Interest deposit 1. 8. 7 Sep £ 27. 2. 3 Private ac’t £ s d Sep forward 27. 2. 3 Glasgow S. Western 2.16. 4 Sons Gualia 6. 3 Sep £ 30. 4.10 October Cordoba united 1.17. 8 Lloyd Brazil 2. 7. 1 Barker 8 New York Central 1. 4. 3 B.A. Western 2. 7. 1 Cent Argentine Rly 24. 7. 9 B.A. Gt. Southern 39.19.11 October £ 70. 5. 4 November New York Telephone 8. 9. 6 B. Ayres Pacific 3. 0. 5 Gt. Northern Rly 3. 7. 6 City B.A. Trams 9. 5 November £ 15.16.10 Dec Argt. Southern Ltd 3. 0. 0 Waihi Gold 3.16. 0 Coupé Coy 8. 3.10 Sons of Gualia 6. 3 Nat. Rly Mexico 4. 6. 8 Interest deposit 1. 5. 2


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dec £ 20.17.11 1911 Trust Private Total £. s. d £ s d £ s d 41. 4. 9 34.10. 6 J. 83.15. 3 51.11.10 39. 3.10 F. 90.15. 8 18. 6. 8 36. 6. 0 M. 78. 4. 4 40.14. 8 37. 9. 8 A. 78. 4. 4 -- -- 30. 5. 1 M. 30. 5. 1 45. 5. 0 12. 5. 3 J. 57.10. 3 49. 4. 9 48.10. 3 J. 97.14. 0 51.11. 1 27.11. 8 A. 79. 2. 9 18.16. 8 30. 4.10 S. 49. 1. 6 40.14. 8 70. 5. 4 O. 110.10. 0 -- -- 15. 6.10 N. 15. 6.10 45. 3.11 20.17.11 D. 66. 1.10 £411.4. 0 £ 402.17. 2 £ 814. 1. 1 Start 1911 on deposit £ 510.0.0 Lennie gave me £400 invested in 5% City of Buenos Ayres Bonds on February 6th 1911 Invested £200 of current ac’t money in Mexican Lt. & Power 5% gold Bonds. limit 95. 10th Feby. Paid £96 for £100. Feby 13th. Placed in current ac’t the £85 owed me fr. my Dearest’s estate, could not use it, & invested it in in Mex. Lt. Power 5% as above. Paid to London County Westminster Bk. 10th April £10, being £2 on 5. £10 shrs. allotted in Cent Arg. Rly. Pd by L.C. & Westminster Bank July 10th £25 call on 5 allotted £10 shrs in Cent Ag. Rly, making £35 pd on £50. Bought 10 shares at 139¼ per 5 shrs Great Northern U.S.A. pref Railway. Total with com. £279.5. 0, 16th August. (page pinned in) Nov 16th 1911. Paid to Glyn Mills Currie & Coy for 12 allotted £1 shares at 10/- prem £18 in Argentine Southern Land Shrs to be paid 24th Nov. The Banker’s receipts & allottment letter taken to Bank by self 20th Nov. 1911. (page pinned in) Mexican Lt Power £ 182. 0. 0 Cent Argt 33. 0. 0 Gt Northern U.S.A 279. 0. 0 B.A. Gt Southern 33. 0. 0 Jardins Botanica 199. 0. 0 £ 726.0. 0 1911. 19th Dec. Bought thro’ Bk £100 ord stock of B.A. Pacific at 100 in place of £100 San Paulo 5% Debs paid off 1st Jan 1912. (page pinned in) Bought 16th August 1911 £200 Rio de Janiero Tramways (Jardin Botanique) 5% mortgage Bonds at 99 ½ with com. £199.11.0 & £200 Great Northern Pref. (U.S.A.) at £139 ¼ with com. £279.5.0. Total 279. 5. 0 199.11. 0 £ 478.16. 0 of this £310 fr. deposit account & remainder viz £168.16. 0 fr. my current & executor’s account. This leaves £200 on deposit. Roy’s stocks to be sold April 12th 1911 24 shrs London County Bk at £1 504. 0. 0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 50 Pref. stock Merchants at 95 712.10. 0 30 Pref Rickards Cockerell 3 90. 0. 0 400 B(?) Debs Baltic mercantile 100 400. 0. 0 160 7% Pref. stk Cent Argt. Rly 158 252.16. 0 500 3½ % Second Deb pro 86 430. 0. 0 400 Pref (illeg) 1¼ 425. 0. 0 250 Millers Kassel 1½ 330. 0. 0 400 Sk United Rly 80 320. 0. 0 450 First Pref Watney Combe Reed 60 270. 0. 0 400 Hungarian 4% 94 376. 0. 0 593 Russian 4% 94¼ 565.10. 0 540 Japanese 4% 91¼ 492.13. 6 300 Finland 4 ½ % 99 297. 0. 0 These altered April 13th 1911 Mrs Hargreaves (miniature) 22 Moss Lane, Churchtown, Southport Mervyn: Risso de Oro, Puerto, Oratera, Teneriffe Toula: Arcis strasse 33, Munchen, Deutchland Window cleaner & odd man rec’d by Mrs Mivart: H. Ritchings, 20 Elthiron Rd, Parsons Green, Fulham S.W. Rugg, House Decorators, 165 Earls Court Rd, & Simmonds, 118 Cromwell Rd. Daisie Jackson Markham, Harland Hall, Chesterfield(?) Mrs du Maurier, 2 Portman Mansions Conrad Cooke Spencer Major Welman Mrs Evans, 121 Gipsy Hill, Upper Norwood Mrs Marton Lapham, Hollow Dene, Frensham, Farnham Lady Margaret Watney, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire Spencer, 23 Devonshire Street, Portland Place Fitzroy, Royal Military College, Camberley Sir James Whitehead, Wilmington Manor, Dartford Thomsons Model Laundry, Hammersmith Marion Todd, Sydenham, Babbacombe Rd, Torquay Lady Gilbert, Grim’s Dyke, Harrow Weald Mrs Bryan (dresses) 26 Biscay Rd, Hammersmith Mrs Bosanquet, Woodlands, Harefield Mrs St John Ackers, Huntley Manor, Gloucester


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1912 Notes on Memoranda pages. Invested 1911. Start with £510 on deposit. Lennie gave me £400 invested in 5% City of Buenos Ayres Bonds in February 6th. Invested £200 in Mexican Light & Power 5% gold bonds at 96 in February 13th. Paid London County Westminster Bank 10th April £10, being £2 on 5 £10 shrs allotted in Cent Argtentine Rly. Pd by L.C. & Westminster Bk July 10th £25 call on 5 allotted shrs £10 shrs in Cent Argentine Rly making £35 pd on £50. Bought August 16th 10 shares at £139¼ per 5 shrs Gt Northern U.S.A. pref Rly. Total with com. £279.5.0. Bought 16th August £300 Rio de Janiero Tramways (Jardins Botanico) 5% Mortgage Bonds at 99½ with com. £199. Nov 16th Pd to Glyn Mills Currie & Co for 12 allotted £1 shares at 10/- prem. £18 in Argentine Southern Land Shrs. Bought 10th Dec thro’ Bank £100 ordinary stock Buenos Ayres & Pacific at 100½. Nov 15th took up eleven 4% Extension £10 shrs in B.A. Gt Southern Rly, in 1914 becomes Ordinary stock. Pd £33 on allotment of same 15th Nov. 1911. 1911 received Trust Private Total £sd£sd£sd 49.4. 9 34.10. 6 83.15. 3 51.11.1039.3.10 90.15. 8 18.6. 836.6. 855.2. 8 40.14. 837.9. 878.4. 4 “ “ 30.5. 130.5. 1 45.5. 02.5. 357.10. 3 49.4. 9 48.10. 3 97.14.0 51.11. 1 27.11. 8 79.2. 9 18.16. 830.4. 1049.1. 6 40.14. 870.5. 4111.0. 0 “ “ 15.6.1015.6.10 45.3.1120.11.1166.1.10 £411. 4. 0 £402.17. 2 £ 814. 0. 2 Total £814. 0. 2 Good securities to invest in: Paraguay Cent Rly 6% Lien Deks Bolivar 6% debs Aranes Lima Cuban Ports 5% Southern U.S.A. Rly Arica Beatrice Street, Macclesfield Rd, Holmes Chapel, Nr Crewe. £24 Mabel Jenkinson, 27 Garden Street, Grimsby. £16. 3 yrs with Sophy. Jan 1912 Monday 1 January “Arabian Nights” fancy dress dance here Balcombe House. Mr Forrester, Mr Marriott, Harold, Nonie & Mrs Gibson, Ellie Ritchie & Gladys Crozier & self house party. Great success, about 80 came, dresses charming. Men looked so tall,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 women short in Eastern dress. Messels all came except Mrs M. vy dull & speechless as usual. Tuesday 2 January Gladys slept in my room. Harolds, Mrs Gibson & Lennie left early. Lennie slept in London. Long walk before lunch with Maud. Rested after until tea. Played bridge, no poker evening, sans argent. Wednesday 3 January Maud, Gladys, Linley boy & self called walking to enquire after Lady Frederick, better, & on to Major Talbot’s, saw them, always cheery. Roger their boy staying with Linley. Dance at Mrs Finlay Campbell, house party going but self. Maud Hansen Walker coming for night. Gatwick races. Ellie Ritchie left. Thursday 4 January Gatwick races. Maud Hansen Walker left for them with her sister. Long walk with Maud before & after lunch to Mill. Mr Marriott & Mr Forrester left. Mrs Williams called & Mrs Stansfield. Drew cheque for house books, £7.15.8 with wages, £2.15.6 without. Friday 5 January Mr & Mrs Cadogan came to stay, she arrived in time for luncheon. Walked morg. & afternoon. The chicks to Nymans to lunch. Mrs H. Booth to tea & her children & danced after. Lennie & Mr Cadogan arrived later, both look tired. Mrs C. very nice little Swedish lady. Saturday 6 January Wretched day, rained, cold. Mrs C. in bed v. seedy. Came down to luncheon. Oliver in bed with cold. Anne also slight cold. Mr & Mrs Hayworth Booth to dinner. Little Linley dined at Mrs Talbot’s. Vy seedy on return, feverish. Sunday 7 January To Church alone. Chicks in their rooms. Doctor to see little Linley, temp 102.2, in bed. Walked with Gladys morg. Sat with Anne after lunch in my room. She had tea there. Cap’t & Mrs Reed, Major & Mrs Talbot dined here. Little Linley in bed & chicks in their rooms with colds. L. Linley’s temp 103! Dr came. Monday 8 January Mr & Mrs Cadogan left. Lennie returns tonight. Dr came, little Linley better, read to him. Walked with Gladys before luncheon. Letter fr. Sp in tray asking me to dine with them Carlton Hotel 18th inst. Maud & self for walk alone, loved having her to myself. Dear chicks all better, still in their rooms. Lennie to drill & was so tired, dined 8.30. Nonie goes to Mrs Gibson’s & (illeg) to Gloucester Sqre. Thursday 9 January Fine. Dr came. Linley much better, not allowed down to lunch. Maudie & Gladys to Mrs Rake’s fancy dress children’s party 4 o’c taking the H. Booth children as ours are not well. I had walk & then sat with Linley & played at soldiers with him. Maudie v. tired evg. wish she would go to bed earlier when Lennie is away. She slept with me, loved having her. Wednesday 10 January Trant boys here to tea & games. Work girls. Maud to London for night, & going to “Peter Pan” with Lennie. Letter fr. Roy, business still slack. Chicks all three out, & seem much better. Tea all together morg. room. I took Linley for walk, Gladys with rest, whilst Fraulein rested until tea time. Gladys arranged games for boys v. cleverly & they all seemed happy & Linley showed & worked magic lantern for them. Bed 10 o’c. Thursday 11 January B.A.Pacific ord. Certificate £100. Signed by Gladys Crozier. Sent registered letter to Bank. Darling Maud returns fr. London. Florence Walford comes, no, Maud Walker. Walked with Maud, Gladys, Mr Forester & Linley after lunch. Mr F. & Maud


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Walker & Linley to Mrs Buckley’s dance, not home until 2 o’c! Maud, Gladys & self quiet evg. Oliver sleeps with me & Anne with Maud. Bath mistake Fraulein. Friday 12 January Spencer’s dinner at Carlton 8.15, wedding day. Ryans there. Unable to go. Dance at Mrs Reed’s tonight, all going. Bill Weigall & Mr Marriott arrived, Maud Hansen Walker here & Mr Forester. V. delightful dinner, talk, politics. Saturday 13 January Dear Oliver’s birthday. Hayworth Booths to tea. Long walk with Maud & Gladys, Bill & Mr Marriott morg. to Cottage, & Mrs Booth came with us. Mrs Booth & young Warren to dinner, danced after. To bed 12 o’c! Sunday 14 January To Church. Gladys, Mr Marriott & Mr Forester. Walked after to Mill. Bill Weigal met us & went on to Mill with us. Met Mrs Booth, looks v. seedy. Lennie to Church Parade. Maud & Linley also, 160 there. All for long walk after lunch. Chicks with Fraulein to Nymans. Monday 15 January Return fr. Balcombe. Going tomorrow instead. Gladys Mr Forrester & Bill Weigal all leave, last with Lennie early. Mr Marriott, Maud & self to Mrs Towers “at home”. Lovely old house left Mr Towers by a distant cousin, Mr Kemp of stained glass renown. Lennie came down for his Territorial drill, all v. smooth. Lennie gave me a little brass lantern for the Hall! Mr M. showed us his sketches of Holland. Tuesday 16 January I returned home by 4.21 train. Darling saw me off at Station. Dear Roy dined with me. V. full of his little Gaiety lady. Hope she will not make him unhappy. Business bad as usual. Mr Hoare is joining Roy’s firm on ½ com. Found all looking nice at home so far. Walked with Maudie to Mill morg, & thro’ wood with Mrs H.B. Wish I had known this walk for Darling Lin. Wednesday 17 January Home. Dusted Dearest’s room. Perfect gale during night & v. wet, all day too. Lunch with Tabbie who is laid up at Claridges, 1 o’c. Maudie comes fr. Balcombe today. Chicks follow tomorrow. Tabs looking lovely but v. delicate. Lunched in her salon, seems cheerful & made good lunch. Left 3.30, awful day, v. wet returning but determined to get walk. Om fr. Knightsbridge, & there. Mabelle took Roy’s clothes to club, dined out. I dined alone, bed early. Thursday 18 January Emma coming for the day. Came. Helped me in Dearest’s room, needlework & carpet. I to Bank only £50 to my account, unaccountable odd signs placed fr Ex. ac’t to mine. Cannot understand it nor can they at Bank!!! Paid House duty to Mr Mayne £11.12.6. Emma 2/6, cannot give her £5 just yet, too hard up. Roy dined at home, went out directly after. Friday January 19 Shop’d morg. Foggy. Walked to Maud’s found her just starting with little Linley shop’g. Went with her, & lunched with her & walked to Ada Sp. She & I walked to Hylda’s studio. Vy cozy & nice, & home together. Ada had tea with me & remained until 6 o’c. Roy out to dinner 7 o’c. Maudie to dentist 2.30, taking little Linley. Vy cozy & warm morg room. Sent some flowers 2/3 to Nonie Messel. Saturday 20 January Out morg. shop’g. Called at Archdeacon Brooks, saw him in bed. Worked all afternoon & read morg. room. Maybelle out. Roy home to dress, he dined out, & saw Miss M. May off for New York. (Cutting glued in: Death of Florence Molloy.) Sunday 21 January Dull morg. Tooth ache, hole in back tooth cause. Cannot go to Edgar tomorrow until seen to. Tooth bad, cannot go tomorrow. For walk morg. with Edie to Maud,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 saw Lennie Maud & chicks at Church, St Matthias. To Sp. who walked part of way home with us. Edie lunched & had tea here. Sylvenia Rose Innes called. Roy & I dined at Maud’s. Harold, Mrs Gibson & Sir Hugh Lane there. Vy delightful evg. Carriage 2/6. Monday 22 January D.V. go to Ravensdale, Edgar, today. Cannot go. Telegraphed 8.30 am. Vy foggy. To Herbert dentist afraid to go Dr Mitchell in fog. To E. Grant after, both vy happy. To Mr Herbert 2.30. Stop’d tooth temporarily. Wrote & worked all afternoon & packed away things. Roy dined with me. Vy depressed about business & departure of Miss M. May. Telephone out of order. Tuesday 23 January Morg. out shop’g. Horrid day. Paid Water Board year’s account £5.13.0 at Campden Hill. Maudie & little Linley came to tea. Maudie looked tired, wish she could have a rest like Nonie Harold. Foggy & dark all day. Roy dined out, did not return to dress. Wednesday 24 January Dull early cleared later. Through bills etc. A brace of pheasants fr. Lady Pirrie. Taking one to Sophy. Roy dines with Maud & goes to theatre with her. Finished my packing & re-arranging with Mabelle. Mrs Spofforth came in at 8.30. Vy full of letting her house. Thursday 25 January I go alone to Edgar’s by 4 o’c train fr. Kings Cross. Colder, dark, & Roy very late morg. Vy tiring journey & 4 in my compartment! 1st class . Fare first class £2.3.8 return, cab 3/- porters 1/6. Roy looking very seedy. Mabelle saw me off Kings X. Found S. & Edgar looking v. well. My room v. cozy & bright. Dear Mother’s coverlet & chair & huge fire. Friday 26 January Slept well (Ravendale). Lovely morg. Walked with Edgar morg. & sat in his room. Sophy & Edgar for ride after luncheon. No hunting for 10 days on account of Ld Yarborough’s stepfather’s death. Worked, read, & wrote afternoon. Vy restful day. Edgar looks thin but seems well, both regret leaving here. It looks lovely in winter. Saturday 27 January Walked morg with Sophy who took photographs of adjoining farm & cattle. Saw the Marshall Baby fine boy Edgar allowed milk, was a twin, the other died. After lunch walked with E & S to long drive first gate where he went off shooting taking Sophy, I to see the Marshall Baby & take it a bell. Played Bridge after dinner. Will not take coffee after dinner! Letter fr. my darling, & bills pouring in for house. Frost. Sunday 28 January Lovely morg. Views of the Alps all over my windows & fire lighted at 8 AM in my room. Vy cold but bright & sunny, hard frost. To Church alone, quite good sermon. Edgar unable to go with Sophy to (blank) Church on cycle as one of his tyres burst. E & self for walk 3 o’c. Tea 5 o’c. Peaceful quiet day. V.v. cold but sunset glorious, red & blue sunset. Monday 29 January Spencer’s birthday. Glorious morg. Slept well. Colder then ever. Ground all white & scenes of Alps all over my window. Fire 8 AM. Letters fr. my darling, & poor little Eve who is still in bed, now with inflamed vein, & cannot go to the South with H. & Tabs on Wed! Wrote all morg, to Bank, Sp, Maud, Caroline etc, in Edgar’s room. V. warm & cozy. E. & S. after lunch to skate at Broxley, went on cycles. I walked to Egg cottage & gave away the 3 cracker oranges to different children. Lovely day. V. cold. Bridge & I won evg. Tuesday 30 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Not so cold. Fire 8 o’c. Letters fr. Darling, & Caroline enclosing my wool gloves. S. & E. off 10.30 to skate at Broxley & ret’d 4 o’c. Mothers meeting afternoon. All v. nicely arranged in Hall, seats & extra sofa. Sophy read one of Stocktons stories out loud & we all worked, then tea. Edgar came in at the end. After sat again in Hall, lamps, & worked & read until 6.30. Bridge. Sophy won. Water running out, can’t find where. I walked with dogs after lunch. Wednesday 31January Not so cold. Letters fr. Roy & Maudie. House books wages £5.6.8. Books £2.15.5. Sent Roy £5.0.0. Maud said he looked better, he dined Lancaster Gate. Walked alone afternoon. E. & S. with dogs shooting. Thaw set in. Edgar got a fine partridge. Bridge evg. S. & self won. Bother with water frozen in pipes. Feb 1912 Thursday February 1 Fine. Colder. Letters fr. Toula & Maudie. Roy goes abroad today. Bitterly cold. S & E to skate at Broxley Pond after lunch 3 & returned after 5. Walked to Kirk’s farm & to valley beyond & back without dogs, they went with E & S following dog cart. Bridge evg. Wrote 5 letters. Friday 2 February Perfect blizzard at 9 o’c AM. but not much snowfall, about 3 inches. V. cold. In all morg. writing in E’s room. Vy cozy & warm there, no draughts. Hall v. draughty to write in. E. & S. again to Croxley for skating & took their tea. Letters fr. Midge fr. Hyde Pk Hotel, darling M, & Mrs Hands Lexham Gds, 18, can’t imagine who she is! asking me to tea! Walked alone & had tea alone & played bridge evg. Water pipes all right again here. Sunny tho’ v. cold & snow. Saturday 3 February Lovely morg. Letters fr Caroline, Hylda & Mrs Pohl. Snowing, hard frost. Mrs Parkinson (Squire) here to lunch & look over the house. Awful submarine accident off Isle of Wight, 4 officers & 10 men drowned. E. & S. had sleigh up with Margery harnessed to it. She plunged & refused to move forwards at first & was put in her stall trembling all over. Deep snow & v. cold. She went beautifully after. Evg Bridge. E. won both rubbers. Sunday 4 February Lovely sun & glistening snow. Freezing hard 12 degrees night! Afraid Church on ac’t wet feet. Wrote morg. Emma, Mrs Bosanquet, Mrs Evans & Sir J. Tenniel. Walked with Edgar & Sophy over fields, crisp snow. Put up fox which ran into old garden. Glorious sunset. Hymns evg. Bed early. Monday 5 February 12 degrees frost, snow still lying. V. cold. Letters fr. my two dear children, Roy’s fr. Paris where he is at Ritz Hotel with Mr Stern. Wrote Maud enclosing Roy’s letter, & Harpers about Lennie’s book for his birthday “The Valor of Ignorance” by Homer Lea. Tuesday 6 February Miss Cole’s marriage. E. & Sophy to skate after lunch, taking their tea with them. Walked to Valley road with dogs. Saw Mrs Vessey. Bridge evg. Wednesday 7 February Thaw set in & much warmer. Snow all melting. In all morg. writing. For walk after lunch with Sophy to Mrs Vessey. Took soup, she looked ill. Cottage v. neat & clean. Her mother Mrs Jacklin & little girl there. Bridge evg. Thursday 8 February Dear Anne’s birthday. Much warmer, dull & misty. All frost gone. E. & S. hunting. Poured with rain on & off. Went for walk with dogs & saw Mrs Vessey on way back. Raining hard. E. & S. enjoyed their day’s hunting. Bridge evg. Both tired. Friday 9 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 E. & S. off early hunting, an extra day. Packed morg. & mended clothes. Lady & gentleman came to look over house. I walked to end of new drive with children just out fr school. E. & S. home to tea, both enjoyed their day. Edgar had fall! Happily not hurt. Bed early. Letters fr. Midge & Darling. Saturday 10 February I return home from Ravendale by 12.20. E. & S. off early hunting. Expenses fare 1st return 2.3.8 & cabs 6.8 4 porters 2.0 papers & motor man 2.6 stamps 4.6 fees 10.0 £ 3.4.4 Glorious day warm & sunny. Saw E. & S. off hunting, their horses gone on so drove in cart. I took dogs up new drive. Had cup of coffee & cake & left 11.30. Both maids would like to come to me. Sunday 11 February Sta. Ter. Lovely morg, slept well. Dusted dearest’s room with Mabel. Walked to Maudie’s across Gardens. Met her at Lancaster Gate with Florence & Miss Blane (new governess). Walked a little with Maud & to lunch with her. Lennie had taken chicks to Zoo, & took Florence after to South Kensington. Dora, Major Tatton, Mr & Mrs Montmorency & Mr ? called, remained to tea. I walked to Silver St, Motor bus fr. there. (note pinned in) Sunday 11 Feby. Maud has dinner party tonight. Sir G & Lady Alexander, Bill Weigal & Mr Guthrie & Mr ? Would liked to have gone but too tired. Monday 12 February Mr Trant called & most kindly insists on seeing me off at Euston Wed to Midge’s, & fetches me. Had carriage 11o’c to Bank, forgot most important things as usual. To Barkers about blinds, painting stairs, & curtain sliders drawing room. To Dr Mitchell dentist & lunched at Maud’s. On after to see children have their dancing class De Vere Gds, greatly enjoyed it. Home in Motor. Man fr. Barkers about stairs. Alone evg. V. busy with papers. Slept v. badly. Pain. Had to get up to take oil. Tuesday 13 February Out at 11.30 with Maudie to Bank. Changed cheque £2. To Woollands bought gloves 2/11½. Lunched with Maud. Florence to see Doctor, has to go to home again for slight operation. Another worry for my Darling. Motor took me home. Packed & all ready with Mabel by 4.30. Mr Hohler came to tea & went thro’ house with me. Edie dined with me. She looks much better. Wednesday 14 February D.V. Go to Midge by 1.20 fr. Euston. Fare return 3rd class £1.6.8. Cab 4/-, porters 1/-. Mr Trant fetched me & saw me off. Quite comfortable journey. Toula met me Shrewsbury but only for 5 minutes as train ¼ hr late. Found H. & Midge well. Cozy little dinner & bed early. Letter fr. darling Roy yesterday does not seem well & feel vy anxious about him. Send his letter to Maud. X. House staircase repapered. House painting started. X Thursday 15 February Wet & colder. Mr & Mrs Elton & Mrs Wynn to luncheon. Hamilton to London for racing. Midge sent Will for bet on horse. Wrote in Midge’s boudoir to Maudie, & Roy who is at Cannes, fear weather still bad there. Walked with Midge after her guests departure. Chicks down after tea & Tommy to tea. Vy good children. Quiet evening alone. Midge sore throat! Friday 16 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dull & foggy. Feel air relaxing. Wrote morg & paid cheques. 8 letters. At 3.30 with Midge & Tommy in Motor to Ludlow Castle. Wonderful old place & round tower in centre. Must have been most imposing & only fallen into a ruin since built 1090. Tommy v. good, tea on return & Tommy with us & Baby down after, extraordinarily good children obedient & sensible. Midge & self to bed 10 o’c. Darkie much aged. Saturday 17 February Dull foggy & warm. Letter fr. Sophy. Took Tommy to find water insects & we were late for luncheon. At ¼ to 2 Midge & self to Mrs Davidson’s in Motor 40 miles. Col D. there. Beautiful old place exquisitely situated. Saw Huntsmen on hill. Shop’d Hereford returning home 7.45. Quiet evg. Sat in Midge’s boudoir wrote 4 letters. Sunday 18 February V. foggy early, lovely later & warm. Midge, Tommy, Mad’lle & self to Church. Good sermon fr. Mr Brown. Too good for so small a congregation. Sat with Waddie as bright & happy as possible in her pretty room. Tommy & Midge water sprite hunting. Monday 19 February Morg worked wrote & read. Hope dear Roy will not return fr Cannes tomorrow. House all upset by paperhangers etc at home. Letter fr. Caroline saying vy difficult to make Roy comfortable in consequence. Made calls with Midge, 4. Lady Plowden. Hamilton returned fr. London by 1.20. My train! Tuesday 20 February Went round garden with Midge morg. Walked to Keeper’s cottage after lunch with Midge. Tea billiard room. Played badminton Ham, Tommy Midge & self after tea across billiard table. Quiet evg. Bed early Wednesday 21 February To Church morg. Took Sacrament with Midge. H’s indigestion better. Midge bad night. Letter fr. Caroline, house in awful state! Painters etc & dear Roy saying he returns next Saty or Sunday. I take tea at Lady Ripley’s, vy pleasant afternoon. Quiet evg after playing with Tommy. Thursday 22 February Rained & warmer. Long letter fr. darling Maud saying Lennie’s birthday dinner went off well. Wrote morg to Caroline sending cheque £2.2.0 week’s books, & to Miss Webster. After lunch with Midge to call on David Liddell in tiny cottage & Mrs Campbell. Home to tea with Ham & Tommy. Ham better. Played Bridge before & after dinner. David L. has lovely Raeburn of his great great aunt a Maxwell of Monreith, lovely woman. Friday 23 February Out morg with Midge & Tommy for walk. Ham left after tea for the Heber Percys for one night. Midge, Tommy & self to Clun Castle most interesting built about 1100. Saw old Norman church like St Peters Thanet but not so fine. Quiet evg. Saturday 24 February Letter fr, Roy fr Cannes, he arrives home Staf. Ter. tomorrow night. Wired Caroline to have all ready for him. Lady Ripley called & went round garden morg. Ham returned 11 0’c. Midge & self in Motor to Knighton. Called on clergyman there, saw housekeeper. Lovely drive. Played Spoof with Tommy & Bridge evg. Sunday 25 February Dear Roy returns tonight fr. Monte Carlo. Raining & dull. Letter fr. darling Maud & Caroline who is seedy. Fear (illeg) fire. Midge & self to Church. V. excellent sermon from a quite young man. Vy cold in Church. I sat with Waddie after lunch & rest. Midge & H. for walk alone. Quiet evg. in Midge’s boudoir. Cold. Monday 26 February The Great Coal Strike begins. Col & Mrs Tillotson & Cap. Fenwick come for races. Cold & dull. Walked with Midge after lunch. Poured all morg. Feel v. seedy pain round waist & back, fear chill. Col & Mrs T. arrived late, dined 8.15. Awful pain all


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 thro’ dinner, scarcely knew how to remain at table. Went to bed 10 o’c. Slight temperature. Midge gave me fenasatine (phenacatin) & sal volatile. Slept after. Tuesday 27 February In bed all day. Ache all over, temp 101.4. Feel hot & stuffy. Letter fr. Caroline. Roy home, looks well she says. Letter fr. Mr Hohler. House ready Friday. Midge, H, Cap F. & Mr & Mrs Tillotson to races. Midge staed with me after tea on return. Spilt my milk over bed, horrid mess. Lovely day. Midge won 10/- racing. Felt better evg. Ham came in to see me, & Tommy 4 times! Wednesday 28 February Terrible consequences of Coal Strike in our national Trade. Letter fr. dear Roy. Arrived Staf. Terrace on Sunday night from Cannes, says he is vy comfortable at home. I had good night! & am not feverish this morg. but horrid pain across waist after my toast & egg breakfast! Sunny morg. All party off to Ludlow races 12 o’clock. Dr Darrel came. Gastric chill, remain in bed all day. Gave me medicine which relieved pain & soreness over waist. Wire fr. Maud. Thursday 29 February Fine & showery alternately. Long letter fr. Maudie. Muriel ill at Nymans, abscess in ear. Mr & Mrs Messel wired for. 4 doctors & 2 nurses. Maud & Lennie there. Hilda & A. Gibbs also, & Ruth. Vy sorry. Cap. Fenwick left early. Midge & Mrs Tillotson to Knighton. I had milk in my room & milk pudding & beef tea. Mar 1912 Friday 1 March Dr Darrell came morg, saw me & is giving me tonic. Saw Midge & H. also. Midge, Mrs T & Col. T. to see Mr Seton’s Nursery Garden beyond Hereford. Came back with 2 rose trees each & a Persian bulb, presents. I down to dinner, to bed after, rest to bridge. Saturday 2 March The Tillotsons left in their car 10 o’c. My pass book came. Paid £20 on B.A. Western Ext. 1915, £10 shrs 2 allotted. Ham thinks wise to take up. Letter fr. Roy, goes for week end to Edna May Lewisohn. Walked with Midge after tea. Played Bridge after dinner which we had in billiard room. Sunday 3 March Bedstone. Walked alone to Heath House to enquire after Mrs Sunderland better , saw her dau-in-law & Mr Seton, most kind. Rained hard returning. Midge & Ham, Tommy & Mad’lle to Church. M. & H. walk after. Major & Mrs Stannas called at tea time. Vy nice couple fr Yattan. Quiet evg. drawing room reading. Monday 4 March Vy wet morg. Letter fr. Maudie. After lunch, 3.30, Midge & Ham to Ludlow shop’g. I won at Bridge, big slam, glad no money. Sent 2 letters business. Played Bridge. I had big slam! X. First day of Coal Strike. Suffragettes behaving like wild cats. Tuesday 5 March X. Receipts fr. Glyn Mills Currie & Co for £20 for payment in full of 2 £10 shrs B.A.Western Ex. 1915 allotted. Yesterday Mr Hohler’s man started replacing pictures up stair well at home. Trains altered on ac’t Coal Strike. Shocking behaviour of Suffragettes breaking windows £5000 of damage done!!! Bridge evg. H, M & self. Wednesday 6 March Fine morg, heavy showers after lunch. Mr Ripley came about 3 new deciduous cypress trees. Midge Tommy self to Keepers Lodge morg. M. fished, T. & self boating! After lunch M. & self to Leintwardine & Wigmore, saw both churches. X. Suffragettes sentenced to 3 months imprisonment & some to hard labour! Coal Strike & great discomfort in London, trains over crowded in consequence of


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 stoppage of many trains & shut up stations along line. No bridge evg, read papers! Thursday 7 March Midge vy seedy consequence of cold & cough. Walked morg. to meet Tommy & Mad’lle. In all afternoon. Midge’s head ached & she seemed feverish but went down to dinner. To bed early. Letters from my two dear children. Sent cheque for week £2.5.8 Caroline & £1.1.0 to Overton for my Dearest’s Garden. Friday 8 March Midge feverish & bad night. Dr Darrell came to see her, thinks she has taken influenza from me! In bed all day. I wrote & sat with her morg. Walked alone taking Darkie after lunch for an hour. Sat with Midge after. Played soldiers with Tommy ½ an hour. Saw with Waddie & again with Midge. H. & self dined alone, bed early. Midge seems better. Saturday 9 March Midge in bed all day. Dr Darrell came, says sharp attack flu, bronchial tendency. Walked along Bicknell road, took Darkie. Tommy & Mad’lle to leave by 10 to 10AM Hopton Heath for London on Monday. Sat with Midge. H. vy worried about her. Letters fr. Maudie etc. Maudie doing too much as usual, sees nothing of Roy. Sunday 10 March Fine. Walked to Heath House. Midge bad night. In bed all day slight temp still. Dr Darrell came to see her, to remain in bed tomorrow. To start my 3rd bottle of tonic. Letter fr. darling Maud, fears paint St. Ter. too dark. Monday 11 March V. foggy morg. Little Tommy & Mad’lle left by quarter to 10 AM. Ham saw them off. They did not arrive at Euston until past 6 o’c, over 8 hours. Midge good night, no temp & much better. Dr D. came, not to get up yet. I walked to Burnt Farm, lovely afternoon, felt tired for no reason. H. vy kind & no moods. Enjoyed talk with him at lunch & dinner. Tuesday 12 March Ham goes to Cheltenham for races. His chaser Neptune III was in one of the races. Another foggy morg. Midge another bad night but looks well. Lovely afternoon. Walked to top of hill out by Garden Gate with Darkie. Glorious view of hills & valleys. Midge in bed. I had my meals alone in Billiard Room. Coal stroke going on. Wednesday 13 March Coal Strike still going on. Government appealed to the King!!! Seems unable to cope with difficulties of their own making. Walked morg & afternoon to hill back of Kitchen Garden with Darkie. Letters fr. darling Maud. Dr D. to see Midge, in morg. room but not down yet. H’s horse “Neptune IV” fell 1st jump & 5 others, 2 jockeys vy much hurt. Thursday 14 March Letters fr, Edgar & Maudie. Walked to Heath House with Darkie morg. & afternoon. Midge better but not down yet. Dr D. came morg. Hamilton returned in time for dinner. Seems to have enjoyed his visit to Cheltenham but his horse fell at first jump, was favourite, & 5 others with him. Midge dined in boudoir & to bed after. Friday 15 March Colder, sunny morg. Midge better & down luncheon but seems weak & cough troublesome. Dr D. came. Midge in boudoir for dinner, H. & self alone. Walked post office, sent off cheque £2.6.11 Caroline weekly books & to order eggs to take up Monday, 16 for 1/6. Bridge evg. H. won. Midge seems better. No progress coal strike, dearer food. Saturday 16 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Midge came down to dinner & lunch. Vey pulled down by flu & bronchial tendency. Walked with Darkie. Sunday 17 March For walk morg. Afraid to go to Church on account of damp. Dr Darrell came says Baby has “flu” & must be kept in bed. Midge goes down to dinner but still seems wheezy. Had talk after dinner & bed early. Monday 18 February D.V. go by train from Hopton Heath to Euston arr. 6.40. Hamilton saw me off. Felt depressed leaving, foolishly weak. Saw dear old Waddie & Baby. Train full travelling 3rd class. 3 changes Craven Arms, Shrewsbury, & Stafford. Everyone vy good tempered & patient, every comp’t crammed. M’s groom Charles met me Euston 6.40 & he took my luggage in taxi & I came in carriage. My darling met me at Hall door. (Page pinned in) Monday 18th March 1912 looking sweet in black velvet. House looks v. nice after its repapering etc. No carpets down yet or curtains morg. room. Roy out, Mabel taken his things to club. Maud remained whilst I had tea. V.v. tired after my long journey, a most tedious one on account of strike on railways. Maud looks well & happy. Midge’s house maid Tate did my packing beautifully & was most attentive. I had nice little dinner alone & to bed 10 o’c. Tuesday 19 March Very tired. Saw Roy who looks v. well & seems enjoying himself. Dora dining with him & going to play tonight. Maudie lunching with Dora today. Toula goes to Midge for a week. Johnson’s man doing pictures. Stairs being painted. Les filles n’ont pas soignées mes plantes. Wednesday 20 March To Bank. Saw Mr Nicholson. Mr Hohler came. Men painting stairs. Curtain pulleys drawing room done by Hohler. Also (illeg) blinds drawing room & lavatory taken down by Hohler. Johnson’s man doing pictures. Thursday 21 March X. B.A. Gt Southern, see Bank. To Bank about tin box. Took Paper 1st call £33 on 11 £10 allotted B.A. Gt Southern shrs to be paid in future by Bank. Also took Bankers receipt of £20 for 2 allotted B.A.Western allotted £10 shrs Ex. Left this at Bank. Had carriage. Lunched at Maud’s & tea there. Many callers. Roy dined at home!!! Dear chicks well. Friday 22 March Miss Gordon Bennett’s agent called ¼ to 12 about ground rent. X. I lunched at Spencer’s, Florence Hotel , Lancaster Gate. Ruby & Winnie Walker there & Miss Liddell. I walked there & back. My darling to tea with me here at 4 o’c. Mr Hohler came about blinds. Roy dined out. Dining room cleaned & Mabel helped me with morg. room curtains. Saturday 23 March Shop’d & worked hard. Maids in drawing room. Darling did not come. Roy dined out. Edie came for day & helped me with curtains morg. room. Sunday 24 March Walked to see Effie, some time with her. Walked back. Roy & I dined with L. & Maudie, 10 there. H. Booths, Lady Colvin, Bill W, Mr Pollock & Mr Rawlinson. Left early v. tired & Roy also played too much, fear he takes unwise things. Beautiful dinner & well served. Ruby & Winnie Walker, Mrs Heine & dau, & Susie a’B to tea. Monday 25 March Stair carpets being put down by all 3. Look vy nice. To Barkers shop’g. Finished curtains morg room. Took me all day except the ¾ of hour out. To matins St Mary Abbots. No Maud today. Stair carpets look v. nice with new paint walls & ceilings. Caroline helped. Roy dined with Dora, late home. Tuesday 26 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Had carriage 11.30. Beech drove me to stores, ordered paper, Easter eggs etc. X. Man fr Johnsons put up outer hall pictures, Barometer, & 2 in my room of Dearest’s fr. Exhibition. Effie, Mary Millais & Winnie L. & Mr Clifford Smith called. Darling came laden with spring flowers. All maids v. busy, got drawing room ready, received there. They did extremely well. Roy out. Letter fr. Tabs fr. Mentone. Wednesday 27 March I lunch with Maudie. Walked there. Hilda also to lunch M’s & Fraulein Peach who goes to Ireland with them Saty. Remained until 6.10. Mr Allen came to tea with Maudie & I left him there & walked home. Emma out. Triste qu’on laisse tout p. cette pauvre petite a faire. Wrote Midge, M. Liddell, & Edie. Roy out seems seedy & depressed but goes on being vy late at night. Thursday 28 March Mrs Heine at home. Sp. at club 96 Piccadilly. Walked to Maudie & lunched there. Mr Hohler came about blinds, Electric Light Hall door & in Hall behind glass, curtain rod etc. Morg room cleaned. Salt wonderful cleaning properties. To Sp. fr. darling’s. Lady Ryan, Sp, Ada & Douglas there. Dullish. Lady R. handsome & young. Roy dined at home. Friday 29 March To Bank about list securities. Walked to Maudie’s & arranged Mr Herbert for stop’g my tooth tomorrow 11 o’c. Lunched & had tea with Maudie & with her to see dress fitted Mrs Neville, v. vague. Lovely having Maudie to myself. Our poor window cleaner died this evening at West London Hospital. Had ivy picked & trained by Lark, 9/6! Dined alone. Met Mrs Pohl & Mrs Mackenzie on way to Maudie. Roy out. (Page pinned in) Friday 29th March 1912. To Bank about my list securities & investments. Saturday 30 March Applied for £500 B.A. Pacific 5%. Maudie & family go to Ireland. Had tooth stop’d Herbert Kensington 10/-. Walked to Darling’s. My windows cleaned by man fr. poor (blank) who died last evg. after amputation of his leg, terrible. Pd man 3/Maudie busy finishing her packing. Lunched there & (illeg) came in 5 o’c. Little Linley out fr. school 6 o’c. Vy grown. They dine at Harold’s & start for Ireland 10 o’c. 1/- taxi, fruit 1/6. Roy & Edie dined here, bad dinner, mauvaise cuisiniere. (Page pinned in) Saturday 30 March. Applied by letter for £500 Buenos Ayres & Pacific Rly 5% debs. Boat race. Both boats swamped. Oxford rowed to finish, race cancelled, to be rowed again tomorrow. Roy after dinner to see Lennie, Maud & family off to Ireland. (Letter pinned in) 16 King’s Gardens, Hove, Sussex. Wedy. Thank you very much my dear Mrs Sambourne for your kind letter of sympathy. Yours sincerely, Grace Pontifex. I hope you are stronger and better now & perhaps I may see you later on. Sunday 31 March Darling Maud arrives in Ireland this morg. Walk to St George’s Church & on after to enquire Mrs Keith, Mrs V. Cole. Saw Blanche & her husband, & in to see Rex Cole’s painting-studio, his fine boy & pretty wife there. To George Brooks after, seems aging. Muriel Liddell came to tea, seems v. nice girl. Spencer & Ada to dinner & Roy in too, mauvais diner, mal servi. Apr 1912 Monday April 1 Instalment of £3 per shr on eleven B.A Gt Southern Rly 4% Ex. 1914, viz £33. Tickets fr Maudie for “Milestones”, Edie goes with me. To Bank. They cannot find tin box of deeds etc annoying. To Lady Bergne. Found lawyers & Bankers letters about tin box. Wire fr. darling Maud fr. Ireland. Vy happy & not tired. Tuesday April 2


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Hilda & Gerald Ryan to dinner, also Winnie & Douglas. Vy pleasant evg, all went splendidly. Champagne. Roy dined at home. X. To Bank morg. Black tin box with deeds etc found. Brought back Fire Policy of Liverpool London Globe Cy, which see Pembertons put me into instead of our old one ? ? Wednesday 3 April Matinee fr. Maudie “Durbah”(?) Midge goes to Granville for a month Ramsgate at 13/6 a day. Taking Miss Sington with me, carriage 2 o’c. Out morg. & sat with George Brooks much better, watched wee pigeons in their nest fr. his window! Wonderful show of Durbah(?) Vy long. Dined alone. Thursday 4 April I lunch with Susie 1.15 at Royal Palace Hotel. X. Allotted £250 on my application for £500 in B.A.Pacific 5% Deb Stock issue at 105 per cent. Shop’g. On to Susie’s she looked v. ill. Bad lunch in fine rooms. Fitzroy called. I called on Lady Kennedy charming Morris room, & had tea at Lady Mead’s. V. interesting lady there. Dined alone, Caroline out. Letter fr. darling Maud. Friday 5 April Buns forgotten! In all day. X. £50 to London Joint Stock Bank Lt. making £75 pd on £250 B.A.Pacific Rly 5% Debs 1912. X. Fitzroy & Roy dine with me 8 o’c. Mabelle & I did my Dearest’s room, only 1¼ hr in it, looks nice again. Saturday 6 April Fitzroy to stay until Wednesday night. He came to tea & after dinner we played Bridge. Roy to Cranbourne Court (Edna May) morg. until Tuesday. Fitzroy & self for a walk after tea & called on Cousin George Brooks & to Campden Hill Sqre. Sunday 7 April To St George’s with Fitzroy & on to lunch with Spencers. Walked thro’ Gds back & called on Colin Mackenzies. Vy cheery hour there & home to tea & dinner. No one called. Looked thro’ photos of dearest’s. Monday 8 April Dull & windy. Cleaned out one drawer on landing morg. & looked thro’ my Dearest’s clothes for Waddie & Fitz. Fitz in for lunch Paid by cheque 6 bills. Gave Fitzroy 2 prs of Roy’s evg. trowsers & a pair of Dearest’s britches. He & I dined alone & played Japanese Bridge after. Tuesday 9 April Mr & Mrs Pohl & Mr & Mrs Harold Messel dine here 8 o’c. Roy returns fr. Edna May’s. Shop’g morg. Tired. Mabelle managed dinner alone v. nicely, waits so quickly & well. Pleasant evg. Fitz lunched tea & dinner. No one called. Roses 2/6 fr. poor woman. Wednesday 10 April Fitzroy leaves tonight. X. Fire Insurance person calls 11 o’c. Came & found present policy unsatisfactory. To Bank after about allotted £250 B.A. Pacific 5%. Arranged to pay £150 fr deposit. Packed with Mabelle afternoon. Fitz in to lunch & dinner. Feel sad at parting with him & only able to give him 2/6. I shall miss him, he has been so attentive & kind. Thursday 11 April D.V. I go to Mrs Evans for few days Ramsgate by Granville, one hour late. Alone to station. Fare ret. 2nd 15/6, taxi 2/3, porters 1/- & fly 2/-. Found Mrs E. wonderfully well. Missed my old maid’s packing, but Mabelle too busy doing my bodice & cleaning morg. room. Emma’s mother & sis. there. Forgot salmon for Mrs E. Midge met me Ramsgate looking so well. F.Edensor arrived same train. Friday 12 April Ramsgate. Glorious morg. We lunch at Eilie Gladstone’s & I go to my Dearest’s Grave. Lovely day. Bought flowers best I c’d get, not satisfied with Overton, colours wrong. Feel happier having been, & to Church also. Norah at Eilie’s. Cap’t


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 G vy clever but dull. Called on Mrs Latham Tomlin, Mrs Ridge & Mrs Brown, all out. Tea Chatham Ter. Mrs du Maurier dined here. Saturday 13 April Lovely day. I lunched with Midge & F. Edensor at Granville Hotel. Midge & I walked along sands & sat out after luncheon. Midge & I walked to Charlton Ter. & had tea at Mrs Evans. Lady Burnand, Mrs Hammond, Dossie & Mrs Fox came. Quiet evg. V. delightful day. Same Head Waiter, Hall Porter & lift boy at Hotel. Sunday 14 April Our dear Parents’ wedding day & anniversery of dear Con’s death. Walked to Granville, met Midge & we went by tram to St Peters Church, crowded. Sat in our old pew! & waited for communion. Fully choral, lovely service but v. long. To my Dearest’s after & dear parents’ graves. All looking nice but not as beautiful as I w’d wish. Had to lunch with Midge Hotel so late. She walked with me to Royal Cres’t after. Mrs Evans & self to tea at Lady Hunt’s & to see Lady Burnand after. Rosie vague rather. Mrs Brown called whilst I was out. Monday 15 April Mrs E. & I lunch at Mrs Fox’s. Dossie Nooth & I went alone. Vy pleasant time there & walked on to St Peters. Feel still sadder at the way Overton keeps my Dearest’s ground. Saw Mrs Overton about it. Met Midge & Florence at Ramsgate Harbour on their way here to tea. Walked on with them. Vy cozy tea together & saw them out at lawn gate facing sea 6 o’c. Ethel Burnand came in after dinner. Vy happy day but for dissatisfaction about my Garden at St Peters. Tuesday 16 April Glorious morg. Sat in Porch & read & worked & wrote all morning. Mrs E. & I had tea with Midge & F, Granville. Midge walked back to Burnands with me, Mrs E by train. Mrs Paris came in after dinner. Quiet evg. So glad to see Midge. Letter fr. Darling Maud, no sport. Wednesday 17 April Mrs Evans & I came by 10 o’c train. Lady Hunt came to see us off. Glorious day. Eclipse of sun 12 o’c. Travelled 2nd crowded. Found all well & house looking v. nice. At 3 o’c Mrs Evans went to Sir John Tenniel’s & Ethel & Mervyn came & sat with me. Mrs Evans returned to tea. The Mervyns just ret’d fr. abroad. Roy out. Thursday 18 April Lovely day. Had carriage 11 o’c & shop’d. Called at Mrs Kendal’s to enquire. Mrs Evans to Mrs Gulley’s about bonnet, to Gooding(?) & Morris about chintz. After lunch to Mrs Gilmour’s. Mrs Watson & Lady Romer & Lady Macmillan to tea. Roy dined out & came home to dress. Friday 19 April X. Morg to Miss Gordon Bennett, paid a year’s ground rent to March Lady Day £18.16.8 being £20 less income tax. X. At 3 o’c carriage (Victoria) to Kew Gardens, perfectly lovely, with Mrs Evans. Vy warm. Tea here. 3/6 Beach. Saturday 20 April Mrs Evans & I lunch at 1.30 at Lady Macmillan’s. To Zoo after. Lovely day. Had carriage to go & fr. Zoo, home to late tea, & Lady M’s carriage fr. her house to Zoo. Quiet evg. morg. room. Roy dined at home & out after. Sunday 21 April To St George’s with Mrs E. 11 o’c. Sermon on “Titanic” disaster. Called & saw Cousin George & Isabella after. Luncheon alone. To Albert Hall 3 o’c tram. Taxi home 1/- . Mr Conrad Cooke, Mervyn & Ethel to dinner. Pleasant evg. Mr Cooke engaged to Miss Bonne Vie. Monday 22 April Lovely day. Windows cleaned dining & drawing room. Man from Westminster fire insurance re new policy. Tabs & Mervyn & a Mrs James. Mrs Evans leaves. Carriage 3 o’c. Tea at Ethel Mervyn’s Norfolk Hotel. Calls on Bradbury, Parsons,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Self, Mocatta, McKenna. Hazel Sadler, Tabbie Claridges, Nembhard, Hohler, Alexander, Thomson & sent carriage home fr. Mervyn’s. To Nembhards Nat. Sporting Club. Roy out. Tuesday 23 April Out 11 o’c in Victoria to see Mrs Phipson Beale, seems v. well. Went to Debenhams & Marshalls about dress. Only Lady Bergne called. Dined with Roy who went out after. Maids mended chairs. Wednesday 24 April Mrs Bosanquet arrived 5 o’c. Up all night another gastric chill. Vy sick & etc. Lady J. Ferguson called. In bed all day with gastric chill, decided to see Dr Croft Hill. Seems to think seriously of lump under arm. Roy out to dinner. Thursday 25 April Mrs Bosanquet came 5 o’c. In bed all day with gastric chill. Sent for Dr Croft Hill, seems to think I ought to have lump removed under arm. Mrs Nembhard called. Roy out dinner & evg. Dr Croft Hill came morg. Wishes me to see surgeon tomorrow, v. annoying. Mrs Bosanquet leaves & Edie comes. Roy out to dinner. Wish I had never mentioned lumps! Cold & fire in my room. Friday 26 April Edie to Bank with all insurance Policies. Liverpool, L.G, Alliance & Westminster. Still cold, & dull morg. Fire in my room. Dr Croft Hill brought Dr Warren (hard cruel looking man) surgeon to see me 9.30. Both agree the lumps must be removed at once. Dear Roy v. kind & sympathetic, sat long time morg & afternoon in my room before leaving for Mrs Lewisohn’s. Edie vy useful & maids kind & attentive. Mabel so capable in doing my room quickly. Feel vy unhappy Maud is to be told, so trying for her in little Linley’s holidays, v.v. sorry. Saturday 27 April Dull & cold morg. slept faily well. Edie ordering geraniums for my window. Dr C. Hill comes, 3rd visit! Flowers planted in window my bedroom. Edie dined at Sp’s & to theatre with Hilda after. Hilda & Ada called, saw them. In bed all day. Grande charette pleine de meubles, semble d’avoir mes planches avec! Mabelle out to her little home. Sunday 28 April Vy cold, fire in my room. Telegram fr. Emma, coming Wed. Dr Croft Hill came morg. spoke to him about enormous fee 100 gns!!! Was up often in night v. sick & temperature 99.2. Spencer called morg. I got up, dressed & on Sofa 3.30. Glorious day but cold. Mervyn came & stayed for long while, was most kind. Monday 29 April Les deaux plantes beauc. d’ouvrage sur la petite. Dr Hill came 10.30. Mabelle swept my room with gea leaves. X. Dr Hill & Dr Lancaster came 5 o’c. Op. necessary. Dear Roy returns fr. Edna May’s. I see Harfield 6 o’c about taking up carpet & moving dressing table, pictures etc. (Two pages inserted) Monday 29th April. To dear Maud in affectionate & grateful remembrance of her great love & unselfish devotion I leave one half of my Private income, my emerald bracelet, large diamond & all my jewellery except that specially mentioned for others. Maud is to choose a piece of furniture, a drawing or picture & a piece of china fr. each room as a souvenir for herself. To dear Roy one half of my private income, all cash at the Bank in my current & deposit account, To choose a diamond from my brooch for a scarf pin if not already made up for him at my death. My engagement & wedding rings & all pictures, furniture silver china etc except those that he & Maud select together for Maud. To little Linley one of his dear Grandfather’s drawings & a small diamond pin. To Anne my two sapphires set with small diamonds for a necklace. To Oliver one of his grandfather’s drawings & a small diamond pin. To Lennie (my son in law) the


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 silver Norwegian chain at Bank in affectionate remembrance of his many kindnesses. To my dear brother Edgar our Mother’s silver tea pot hot water jug & the Daguerrotype portrait of her in carved black frame in drawing room cabinet & two silver apostle spoons. To Spencer some souvenir my children may select. To Mervyn our Mother’s gold pencil case. Midge, Tabbie, also some souvenir my children may select. To Edie £20 & some piece of jewellery. To Herbert £20. Toula my jewelled chain & some few things set aside for her in affec’ate remembrance of our long friendship. Emma Buckingham £10 in grateful remembrance of her long service. To my dear friend F. Huth Jackson some souvenir which Maud & Roy will select in affec’ate remembrance of his great kindness. I wish the simplest funeral. No mourning carriages & only the one service at St Peter’s Church Thanet & I leave it to my children whether my body is cremated or not, & to rest next my dear Husband. I would like all my clothes linen & furs divided as Maud may think best & (as soon as possible) after my death between Toula, Edie, Nana, Miss Gill & Emma Buckingham & Florrie Blair. Maud to keep anything for herself she may care to have. Things not worth giving to these to be sent to the Church Army. Also my dear Husband’s clothes to be given to Geoff, Claude & Fitzroy & those of no use to them to Emma Buckingham, Mr Ernest Furrell (Edie’s uncle) & Waddie’s son & Beach. My dear Maud to choose some of her dear Father’s drawings for herself. I pray my two dear children’s love for each other may increase as the years go by & that nothing may ever come between them. Tuesday 30 April My darling comes over from Ireland. Rejoiced to see her but so sorry to cause so much trouble. Edie leaves for her aunts. Maudie arrived morg fr. Ireland & remained all day with me, a ministering angel as usual. Lennie & little Linley boy with her. Dr Croft Hill came twice. No reason only once he (illeg) to make arrangements about operation. May 1912 Wednesday 1 May Mabelle leaves to be married 11 o’c. Mrs Reffell (Buckingham ) comes for a short time to help me. My Darling here all day doing hard work. Dr C. Hill came 10.30. 2 nurses one fr. Chartered nurses & fr. Barts & they thoroughly cleaned my room emptying everything out, scrubbing dado wall & tops. Never saw nurses do this work before! Caroline gone (Page pinned in) 1st May 1912. to wedding & away for day, cannot be helped but most awkward. Such hard work for darling Maud. Dear Roy goes to Lancaster Gate. Lennie & Linley boy came morg. Dear little Linley much grown. Thursday 2 May Mrs H. Levy at home. My Operation for lump fr. my right breast & under arm. 8.30. Friday 3 May (blank) Saturday 4 May (blank) Sunday 5 May Arm vy painful. Monday 6 May (blank) Tuesday 7 May Toula came morg. & to concert with Nonie after to hear Leila. Wednesday 8 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Good night. Toula came 11 o’c. Dr Hill 11 o’c. 2nd Nurse left morg. Dr Lancaster came 6 o’c. Maudie lunched at Mrs M’s drove after with her. All most kind sending me jelly etc. Lennie 3 salmon. Poor Katie Geilgud operated on today. Thursday 9 May Fair night, Nurse in my room. Maud for drive with Nonie Messel. My underarm v. painful. Dr Hill came morg. Toula here 11 o’c. Arm v. painful. Friday 10 May (blank) Saturday 11 May (blank) Sunday 12 May (blank) Monday 13 May (blank) Tuesday 14 May Surgeon & doctor came, less painful. Dear Edgar came, tea. Wednesday 15 May My darling left after dinner for Ireland. Toula saw her off. Roy dined at Eric’s & saw Maud off. Emma left, pd her £2.10.0. Vy glad is home now. Thursday 16 May My darling arrived in Ireland. Roy came, going to dentist. Edgar & Sophy came. No doctor. Friday 17 May Good night. (illeg) called. Dr came. 2 letters fr my darling fr. Ireland. Arrived in Ireland yesterday after comfortable journey. Roy to Bank morg. Mr Stern sent me lovely big box of pink roses. Dear Edgar came. He & S leave tonight for Ireland. Hylda Gibbs brought me little rose tree. Ham L. better. Toula to Mrs Stone, thumb better. Saturday 18 May No doctor today. Pretty little rose tree fr. Mrs Rawlinson. Chicken & asparagas fr. Midge. Mrs Evans to tea 4 o’c. Fair night. Little less pain. Sunday 19 May Arm v. painful, must have moved it & breast v. painful. Only up in arm chair for dinner. No one called. No doctor today. Monday 20 May Surgeon & Dr Hill 9 o’c. Vy tightly strapped after dressing. Toula to Mrs Stone about her thumb, much better. Wire & letter fr. my darling. Dear Roy returns fr. Edna May’s. Some pain. Arm & Breast painful. Dear little Margery Howlden died after operation for appendix. X. Tuesday 21 May Good night. Toula to Doctor. Less pain today. Nonie Harold to tea, brought me lovely roses & jelly, was most kind. Paid £4.10.0 to Lee Pemberton for insurance Liverpool London Globe C’y. Mabelle (parlourmaid) came to spend day with Caroline. I saw her, looks well & very happy. Wednesday 22 May Dr Hill came morg. Slept well alone. Nurse slept in her room for first time! Toula to Dr Stone, must go tomorrow. Much better thumb. Toula & self alone to tea. Mrs Latham Tomlin called to enquire. Dr Lancaster came, most cheery. Wire fr. Darling, Edgar got 2 salmon & Lennie one! Roy dined here. Thursday 23 May Dear Toula leaves after lunch, to her doctor first, thumb better. Effie Conrad & Evie came morg. Nellie to tea & so amusing. Emma came again to me for a week. Evie brought flowers. Colder, fire. Dear Roy came & sat with me. Looks v. ill, feel anxious about him.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 24 May Colder. Emma did my room & stairs with little Emma. Eggs from Midge, alas 9 broken. Wrote her. Gladys to tea. Nurse to Exhibition. Emma sat with me fr. 3 to 4.30. Letter fr. my darling telling me of poor Margery Howlden’s death 20th ultimo after op for appendicitis. Vy vy grieved too dreadful to realise. Dr Hill came. Saturday 25 May Lovely morg, cold. Fire in my room. Dr Lancaster came just as I had finished luncheon, was v. amusing as usual. Mrs Sington came. Nurse had tea with me & went out after. Letters fr. my Darling. Dear Roy at Edna’s. Less pain. Sunday 26 May Fine. Emma sat with me & made my tea. Ada Sp. came latish Nurse back by 5.40. Ada told us of Sir Gerald Ryan’s sudden illness & operation yesterday for appendicitis. Mrs Jerome going on well, same op. as mine. Her husband looks ill. Wrote Maudie & Roy. No fire. L. Emma out. Monday 27 May Lovely day, warmer. Roy’s room being done by 2 Emmas. Caroline going out. Red sofa returned to my room. Mrs Sington came 6 - 7. V. warm. Tuesday 28 May Dr Hill 9 o’c. Did dressing of wound alone. Far more gentle than surgeon. Easier after strapping taken off. Slept badly night. 2 Emmas cleaning my room. In Roy’s room 11 o’c. Lovely day. Mrs Nembhard & Miss Gill to tea. Roy returned home & to his room, dined out but dressed here. Ret’d fr. Mrs Lewisohn’s where he spent Whitsuntide. Wednesday 29 May Lovely day. Good night. Went for lovely drive round Park with Hylda Gibbs, met Douglas who came & spoke to us. Had luncheon 1 o’c downstairs & my jacket & hat on for first time. Roy returned to dress, he dined out. Sat a little while with him in his room. Mrs Sington & Nurse had tea with me. Mrs S. very full of news. Thursday 30 May Quails stop’d last night fr. Cadbury Pratt. Nonie Messel took me for drive in Park. Nurse to Bank for me. Gladys Crozier & Nellie Keith to tea. Friday 31 May Had Nonie’s motor at 12. Hyde Park for an hour. Nurse with me. Emma left, pd her 15/-. Nurse changed me £2.10.0 & pd Toula’s cheque of £5 I lent her into Bank. Nellie Zimmerman & Clara Bergheim to tea, Nurse officiating. Dr Hill came morg. Jun 1912 Saturday June 1 Roy to Felixstowe with Mr Pollock. My Darling leaves Ireland to arrive tonight. My new parlourmaid Beatrice Street from Edgar’s comes. Nurse paid her Euston cab 4/-. Had Nonie’s motor, flowers 1/4. Nurse arranged them Lancaster Gate. Saw Beach looks well. Round Park saw coaching club. Douglas’ Wedding. Ada, Hilda, Miss Edwards & Maj(?) came to see me after wedding in their smart garments looking vy nice. Florence Edensor called. I did not see her. Chauffeur 3/-. Sunday 2 June My darling, the chicks & Lennie return fr. Ireland. Dull morg. Slept well. Agony in arm after dressing, better when rested. First day in dress with bodice!!! Maudie & Lennie came morg. Maudie remained to lunch & tea. Lennie fetched her. Put on my black silk dress complete. Arm better. Miss Rose Innes came stayed so late had to dine in bed. Roy at Felixstowe, returns tomorrow. Monday 3 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Had drive in Victoria with Nurse & fetched Maud fr. Mrs Neville’s. She lunched and had tea here & the dear chicks also to tea. All looking so well. Tabbie came & stayed some time. Chicks brought lovely carnations & sweet peas. Tabbie brought roses. Roy returned, looked so well, he saw Tabs. Arm little less painful. Maud & Lennie (blank). Tuesday 4 June Had drive with Nurse, Battersea Park. Darling came afternoon & to tea. Dr Hill came morg. Massaged arm. Stiff & painful over breast. Horrible surprise evg, kept me awake. Days fly by. Vy unhappy evg about discovery of mutilation but still have so much to be thankful for. Wednesday 5 June Allotted 5 £10 shrs 4½% pref shrs in Cent Argt Railway Stk. Pay £25 today on allotment to London County & Westminster Bk, 41 Lothbury London E.C. The balance £25 to be paid 24th July 1912. Lovely drive in Richmond Park with Nurse in Vic, 4/- to Beach. Could not sleep for hours night. Roy to Derby, won £35 having backed horse he dreamt won!!! Tagalie, grey mare by 4 lengths. Darling came to tea, looks well. Roy dined out. Thursday 6 June Lovely day, slept better. Victoria 11.30. Called to enquire after Katie Guilgud & Hawesley(?) children, all better. Katie returning fr Home Monday. H’s chicks seaside. Took patterns back to Morris. Gladys Crozier came rather late. Nurse to Natural History Museum. Maudie to Ball with Lennie & Harold etc to Centenary Ball, Albert Hall, so did not come. Friday 7 June Lady Johnson Ferguson’s luncheon 1.30. Ref’d. Mr Waring & Dr Croft Hill came early. Little unhealthy place to be cauterised. Slept badly. Darling came to tea & brought dress she wore at Centenary Ball last evg. Lovely white satin embroidered Empire. Nurse to Hospital. Roy surprised us evg at 9.30, had not been home to dress. Saturday 8 June Dr Hill came early, cauterised wound, did not hurt. Remained in bed all day until dinner. Darling came morg, looks v. tired. She & Lennie going to Ottie’s at Rusper until Monday so c’d not remain to lunch. Hylda Sp. brought me flowers & to say goodbye. Mrs Sington to tea. Roy out. Sunday 9 June Darling with Lennie at Ottie’s at Rusper. Good night. Heavy thunderstorm morg. Dr Hill came morg hurried visit. Nurse to Church. Mervyn & Tabbie came morning & stayed a long time. V. glad to see them. Mrs Du Maurier & the dear chicks & Fraulein & Miss Rose Innes to tea. Roy lunched at home with Nurse & dined at Tabbie’s Claridges. In bed until 7.30 evg. Monday 10 June Dr Hill came cauterised wound. Nurse & I walked Holland Park & up Campden Hill. Arm ached v. much coming back & wrist swollen evg. Midge & Ethel English with lovely flowers. Darling with lovely flowers also to tea. Roy out. Beatrice to club with Roy’s things in taxi., all right. Dear little Anne’s hand swollen fr. bee sting yesterday. Tuesday 11 June Out morg 12 o’c Victoria with Nurse to Whiteleys, ordered blouse & jabot. Dr Hill came dressed my wound. Nurse to see Mrs Matthews out all afternoon. Did not sleep. Darling came ¼ to 4 looking sweet. Tabs, Mrs Bowles(?), Edgar & Sophy came, & Roy who left early to dress. Wednesday 12 June Wet. Slept badly, worried about Roy. Nurse helped me try on blouse fr. Whiteleys, none do! ./lked after. Pd 10/6 to Mr J. Herbert (Dentist). Ordered geraniums, 8,


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Smith & Larker. Nurse out. Darling came. Had happy time with her alone. Edgar & Midge came in D’s Lancaster, all very cheery. Mrs Joachim, Mrs Beale & Mrs Keating called, did not see them. Arm & chest still hurt. Thursday 13 June Darling drove with me ¼ to 12, met Mrs Messel & the dear chicks. Left Maudie. Dear Edgar & Sophy & Maudie came afternoon, stayed long while. Vy interested. Another £100 pd off fr. securities. Must reinvest! Friday 14 June Dullish. Black day for me feel acutely Roy’s want of attention when I made the effort to go down to dinner for first time & wept bitterly. Drove morg with Nurse bought 2 jet broaches Oxford St for 3/6. Round Pk saw crowds & Trooping of Colours. Tabbie came 4 o’c, remained till 5.30. Darling came looking v. tired, left 6 o’c. Miss Rose Innes came remained till 7.30. Felt dead tired. Dined downstairs deeply regretted it, not strong enough yet. Dear little Linley has measles. Saturday 15 June Carriage, went to Regents Park. Mr Beale made a Baronet! Edgar, Dr Lancaster & May Nembhard called. Dear E. stayed long while. Mervyn came after dinner. Roy left for Cranbourne Court. Sat with him when packing. Arm & chest painful & feel livery. Darling & Lennie to Balcombe. Sunday 16 June Went morg for short walk. Awful neuralgia in arm, no doubt thunder. Dear Chicks to tea alone. Nurse took them back 6.30. Edgar & Sophy came. Felt seedy in self, bilious & yet can eat. Arm & chest still painful. Monday 17 June Packed. Darling came after lunch. Pd books. Assez haut sans tout de choses payés par Maud. Tuesday 18 June Darling to lunch & drove us to Waterloo, brought thermos, fruit & basket of cakes sandwiches etc. Edgar met us Waterloo & we travelled by 3.25 1st class alone. Most comfortable journey, lovely day, so enjoyed view of country. Tabs met us Sherborne, alone there. To bed at once only arm & hand swollen v. tired & otherwise none worse. All most delightful & comfortable to even fire in room. Wednesday 19 June Slept well. Letters fr. Darling & Roy. Finer & a few showers. Out in chair. Vy happy day. Telegram fr. Maudie. First Bath! Thursday 20 June Slept well. Out for walk morg & afternoon. Slept afternoon 2 hours!!! Walked with Tabs after. Tabs to little service at 7.30. We dined at 7 o’c. (this last night, not tonight.) Bed 9.30. 2nd Bath. Charming telegram fr. Ham. Dear Eva Bosanquet died. (Cutting inserted) Death of Eva Maud Bosanquet aged 56. Friday 21 June Lovely. Sat Northern Approach, exquisite. Tabs had meeting here morg, Red Cross. Edgar & Sophy & Ham arrive afternoon, former in time for dinner. Delightful having them. Most charming dinner & evening. E. not looking over well. H. arrived after dinner. Saturday 22 June For lovely drive in Motor with Edgar morg. Slept badly. Walked with E & Tabs, & Sophy & Hamilton for long walk together alone. After lunch Tabs, H. E. & S. to garden. We had tea on Terrace. Mr Ponsonby came for weekend. Delightful having E. & S. here. They played tennis after tea all 4. Tabs & self & Gweneth for walk. V. pleasant evg, came up to bed directly after dinner. All so dear & kind to me. Sunday 23 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Heard of dear Eva Bosanquet’s death on Thurs, must have been sudden. Lovely day but windy. H, Edgar & Sophy to Church. I to little Church for prayers. After round garden gathered flowers (Nurse &Tabs) & I sat in bath chair & tied up bunches for Hospital. After lunch sat out & had coffee on Terrace. Mr Ponsonby & Gweneth last together morg! Walked with Edgar & remained down until 4 o’c. E. & S. left at 5.15 for London. Hamilton, Mr Ponsonby, Tabs & self only for dinner. V. delightful day. Sorry E. & S. gone. Monday 24 June Lovely morg. Tabs off 8 o’c lunching with Gwen & Eve. Looked sweet in dark blue taffeta with little jacket & heliotrope in hat & white collar. H. going by later train. They go to Dover tonight. Gwen & Eve to Court this evening. Quiet peaceful day. Hamilton came to say goodbye 12 o’c most kind. Letters fr. my darling. Tuesday 25 June Pouring & blowing all morg. Chicks left 3 o’c, fine then. Nurse & self for motor drive on its return fr. Station, saw nice village Nurse all 3 new babies going on well, & Nurse to see poor woodman at Leweston Farm, v. ill, but up. Quiet evg, bed early. Ham & Tabs cross channel on way to Cologne. Letters fr. darling Maud. Wednesday 26 June Lovely day. Sat in Terrace Garden & wrote with Nurse, warm & beautiful. Letter fr. Tabs & postcard fr. Hamilton, they leave Dover for Cologne in spite of weather. Letter fr. my darling & dear Roy. Thursday 27 June Lovely morg. Awake night before 2 o’c AM till past 3 o’c feeling depressed, no doubt liver & ½ pill. Result 8 o’c. Sat out writing Northern Approach morg. till luncheon. Sent off my 2 pass books & cheque for house books to Caroline, flowers to Roy. Walked after rest to Lodge Gates. Read Times after dinner. Bed 9.30. Friday 28 June Good night. Disquieting letter fr. lady about Nurse Childs fear Caroline not to be trusted during my absence!!!. Cake & letter fr Darling. Went to Sherborne & bought stamps 3/-. Sent registered letter 4d to Bank. To see Nurse (village) after & took M’s cake, & Nurse to see poor woodman Stainer, better. Quiet evg. Wire fr. Maudie, vy anxious fr. false report. Wired her all well. Saturday 29 June Morg. wrote Terrace Garden. Walked Kitchen Gd. & called & saw Mrs Court after tea. Has 3 bed & 2 sitting rooms & large scullery downstairs, a charming flat, all beautifully kept. Quiet restful day. Roy & the Harolds to Balcombe for week end with Maudie & Lennie. Emma Childs on à ecrit didtrait qu’elle voulait partir. Sunday 30 June Dull all day. To little Church prayers morg, & walked & wrote. Wrote after lunch. Letters fr. dear Roy, fr. Tabbie fr Wiesbaden. Out after lunch till 3 o’c. Wrote, rested, out again. Quiet peaceful day. Wrote Caroline, Maudie, Edgar & Roy. Jul 1912 Monday 1 July Instalment due of £2 per sh. on eleven £10 shs B.A. Gt Southern Rly 4% Ex 1914 = £22. These to Bank to be paid. Sat out & wrote Garden Terrace all morg. & again after lunch. In bed 3 o’c & Nurse off alone to see Stainer. Wrote Emma, Nana, Ruby & Tabbie. Tuesday 2 July Miss Digby called morg, unable to write. In Motor to Sherborne, bought Dominoes 1/-. Registered letter Cent Argt Scrip £50 to Bank, Abbey, & to Village Nurse & Canon May. Restd after in bed to tea. Dined 7.30. Wrote to Nana. Wednesday 3 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Gareth playing for Eton against Winchester. Very wet morg. Wrote Caroline enclosing cheque, wages & books, Army Navy Stores, & darling Maud. £8.5.0. Books & wages. Worked & read morg drawing room. Rested after lunch, Nurse read “A Diplomatic Wife” fairly amusing, exaggerates! Canon May came to tea & we walked to Northern Approach, & to Gate when he left. He amused us with stories all the time only leaving at 7 o’c. Poker Patience evg. Thursday 4 July Fine early. Second innings Eton & Winchester match. Letters fr. Tabs written Monday!!! They arrive tonight Claridges. Nurse wrote for me to her & darling. Letter fr. Darling Maud in full vortex of London Season! Bank re the £200 pd off, & Winnie Burnand now Mrs Parsons. The chicks go to Balcombe. Friday 5 July Wrote morg after doing Church. Walked round Garden read & worked. Wrote Maudie, Mervyn, & to Toula & sent off French book. Played Poker Patience. Saturday 6 July Wrote morg. Susie a’B who is vy ill Kens Palace Hotel, Ada Sp, Caroline, Maudie & Gladys Crozier. V. thundery. Heavy storm after lunch. Hamilton & Tabs returning tonight. Letters fr. Mrs Strussell about Susie, & fr. darling, Midge, Nana etc. Sunday 7 July Dear Father’s birthday. Tabbie arrived 3.20 looking wonderfully well. Walked with her Cypress walk & garden. Nurse & self little Church morg. Out with Tabbie after tea, rested before 7.30 dinner. Quiet evg, bed early. H. vy kindly sent me shawl, grey one, most useful. Monday 8 July Dear Edgar goes to Vittel. Unable to go, operation. With Tabs motor morg, rain. Lunch & rest. Walked around garden with Tabs after tea. Hamilton arrived 6.30. Very pleasant dinner. Tuesday 9 July Went with Tabs to White House 11.30 to see over Domestic Economy School, excellent but v. disappointed in appearance of so called ladies, their hair looked untidy & a print dress would look nicer for work, & caps as well as aprons. Rain until tea. Walked round grounds & garden with Tabs. Wednesday 10 July My darling Maud arrived by 11.50. Met her Station with Nurse. Walked round Ter. Garden, she looks fairly well. Had rest & after tea Maudie in my room whilst Nurse read, & she got a little sleep, badly needed after writing 11 letters in the train!!! We walked round K. garden & they gathered flowers. A little restrained at dinner. Altar cloths in Nurse’s room, blue & gold, wish H. w’d have service in this dear little church. V. happy to see my darling, sorry Lennie does not seem well. Thursday 11 July Darling Maud had breakfast with me in my room, has had bad night & looks tired. She & self sat out Terrace Garden morg. I missed seeing Hamilton off at ¼ to 1. Very annoyed with myself. Tabbie left by early train, they go up for Eton & Harrow match. I went to Station to see Maud off by 3.20 train. Saw 3 Miss Digbys there & introduced them to Maud. Vy sorry to part with my darling. Had tea in my room & walk after to Terrace Garden. Read papers. (Letter inserted: from Constance Boyle, 83 Queens Gate, dated March 7th 1913.) Friday 12 July Lovely morg. Slept badly, worried about my darling Maud who sleeps badly. Has too much to do & think of. Wrote letters Ter. Gar. after Church, paid some rates & taxes! After early rest wrote again & after tea walked round garden & sat & read Ter Gar. Papers evg, bed 9.30. Telegram fr. Maudie, Eton 300 unfinished, Harrow 188. Gareth made 36, played well. L. Davis 59. Letters fr. Midge & Spencer. Saturday 13 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Fear drawn match Eton & Harrow. Telegram fr. Hamilton, Gareth made 36. Wrote morg Terrace Garden. Read & worked. Delightful day. Eton won. Roy & Mr Pollock dined with H. & Tabs & boys at Claridges. Sunday 14 July Very hot. Church, & sat Terrace Garden. Rest after lunch. Tea in Garden. Letters from Hamilton, Edie & Spencer. Monday 15 July Quiet day. Went to Sherborne morg & to Nurse. Enquired about insurance. Not necessary to pay, except when wages paid. Sat out after tea. Tuesday 16 July Sat out morg Terrace Garden. V. hot, must be terrible in London. Hand swollen. Hamilton returned at 6 o’c & we had cheery little dinner. H. in good spirits. Tabbie arrived after dinner having been to Marlborough House Garden Party, darling M. also there. Wednesday 17 July Glorious day, slight breeze. Hamilton & Tabbie left in Motor 12 o’c for Gosport to join yacht, packed tightly in with luggage. Briscoe follows with remaining things. Tabs returns tomorrow. My hand still achey & swollen, cannot work or write comfortably. Sweet letter fr. Darling Maud. Bee Barrs arrived 4.45, looks well. Nurse B. & self tea & dinner together. Busy killed wee rabbit Terrace Garden where B. & I sat after tea. Nurse to see poor man & Miss White. Thursday 18 July Much cooler, no rain. Slept badly awake 3 - 5 & repeated all poetry I c’d remember. Tabbie returns fr Gosport today, arrived at luncheon. Letters fr. Sophy, dear Edgar better, going for drive, Mrs Evans asking me to stay there! Catalogue purses fr. stores. Walked to gate with Nurse, rested & slept & feel better. To garden with Tabbie, Bee & Nurse, chair back. Hand still swollen. Vy happy day, bed 9.30. Friday 19 July Lovely morg. Letters fr. Sophy, dear E. again in pain after drive, fr. Mervyn, Darling, Muriel Liddell & Toula. Glorious morg. Vy good night. Walked evg with Tabbie to Gate Lodge. Busy killed a young partridge. Tabbie gave it to a workman. Saturday 20 July Tabs to wedding (Baker) ¼ to 1 o’c. looked charming. Nurse & self did flowers church & walked & I sat with Tabs whilst she dressed. Rested afternoon & finished “Life of Florence Nightingale”. Rained unable to go out. Postcard fr. Sophy dear Edgar better night. Letters fr. Darling & Roy who goes to Felixtowe for week end. Sunday 21 July Letter fr. Caroline. E. w’d like to remain on. Wet & dull early. Slept well. Church with Nurse. Tabs to her Church & Bee to Abbey, Sherborne. Wish I could have gone also evg. Tabs again to Sherborne in dear little pony cart. Wish I could give such a pony & cart to my dear grandchildren. Monday 22 July Slept well. Church with Nurse, & walked all 4 of us to Lodge, little rain. After lunch read “The Seventh Son” by Reinhardt not worth reading. Nurse in an odd mood & seems put out, one of Marie’s, first she has had, perhaps her tooth cause. Tabs & Bee to Sherborne. Bee back to tea. Nurse never came in until 7.30. I hurt my arm getting my dress on & off! Wire fr. Darling about Edgar, had seen him today, better, greatly relieved. Tuesday 23 July Letters fr Pat a’Beckett, 6 Buxton Rd Weymouth, fr Sophy better news of dear Edgar & fr Ruby Walker. Sophy says they go today week to Felixtowe, so sorry as


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 day I had fixed to return home hoping to see him before going to Maud Thursday. Quiet day. Mrs E. Gordon & her sister to lunch. Tabs out about Red X meeting. Wednesday 24 July To pay £25 balance on five (5) £10 allotted shrs in Cent Argentine 4½ % pref shrs. Good night. Wrote Mr Richardson about re-investments £300 pd off this. X. To Roy & sent cheque Caroline. To Sherborne in Car with Tabs & Nurse changed money. Gave Mde G(illeg) dressmaker 3/-, stamps 2/-. Saw Mde G’s dau. who is going into London business dressmaking. All to Garden after tea. Wrote Pat a’B. Thursday 25 July Woke 5.30 AM, read papers. Tabbie to Eton for day to see Gareth play & to see his lip hurt fr. a ball. Tabs did not go. Gardened. Tabs & Nurse busy with Red Cross, bandages etc. Delightful day. Friday 26 July Red Cross meeting 6 o’c. Walked morg. & read papers. Letters fr. Darling & Edgar, better but fear he suffers still much pain. X. Contact note from Bank for £100 Bolivar 6% Debs pd £105.6.6 for it bought thro’ L.C & Westminster Bank pd off from re-invested money only. Saturday 27 July Tabbie arranged Church beautifully with green brocade altar cloths & white & yellow flowers. Letters fr. Darling, Nonie M. Mabel leaving Maud. Sir Michael & Lady Westmacot, Mrs Hamilton Russell, Col. & Mrs Ridley & a man friend & a Mrs Wills to lunch. Tabs forgot to send & fetch the Westmacots who have no conveyance! Nurse went to see the woodcutter who goes to London Middlesex Hospital tomorrow. Tabs to give away prizes, Bee with her. Glad did not go, too tiring. Fraulein Rippel arrived (Saty) evg. 10.30. Sunday 28 July Church with Nurse, & Fraulein there also. Tabs to Sherborne morg. Walk with Fraulein. After my rest & tea all of us to garden, gathered flowers for Hospitals. Tabs, Fraulein & Bee to see poor Stainer after lunch. German. Monday July 29 Edgar & Sophy to Felixstowe. Nurse & self leave Leweston after a very happy peaceful time of 6 weeks. H. & Tabbie most kind & I have enjoyed it immensely. Wet early & strong wind. No letters. Left by 3.40 train. Poor Stainer by same & saw him into cab Waterloo for Hospital. Tabbie drove me to Temple Combe St. & no change. Vy comfortable journey. All well at home. Roy at Balcombe for Goodwood. Lovely flowers fr. Darling. Tuesday 30 July To Marshalls ordered blk silk coat & skirt, & to Vickery ordered purse for darling Maud’s birthday. Taxi 2/- & back 2/-. Cab yesterday 3/6, porters 1/6. Fees £2.0.0. Stamps 2/- For Mde G(illeg) 3/-. Mr Molesworth came after tea & detained me fr. sorting letters bills etc. Mervyn dined with me, looks well, glad to get better news of dear Edgar. Mervyn left 9.30. Wednesday 31 July Allotment letter & Bankers receipt of 5 allotted £10. 4½ % pref Shrs Central Arg Rly. To Bank about Cuban 5%. Roy has not written yet. To Marshalls fitted (illeg). Roy returns fr. Maud’s & dined with me & wrote to Mr Richardson about the Cuban 5%’s. With Nurse after tea to Dr Croft Hill, away. Paid him £22.16.6! Quiet evg with Roy, must have lights improved morg. room. Aug 1912 Thursday August 1 Emma Childs left. Packed with Nurse many extra things & looked thro’ letters, bills etc. Dear Roy dined at home, morg. room not cozy to sit in after dinner. No


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 letter fr. Mrs Evans about wreath for my Dearest’s grave Saturday, feel v. anxious that all sh’d be as I could wish there & worthy of my beloved one. Friday 2 August Came to Balcombe with Nurse by 12 o’c train, changed at Three Bridges arr’d 1.18. My Darling met us looking sweet in grey. Dear chicks well & little Linley much grown. Garden & flowers very pretty & such quantities & immense variety of sweet peas. Letters fr. Sophy fr. Felixstowe, good accounts Edgar, & fr. Bee Barrs. Lennie, Mr & Mrs Cokayne & Mr (blank) came 4.30, only Gladys staying. Saturday 3 August Sept well. Lovely morg. saw dear little Linley return fr. his ride before breakfast fr. my window. Walked round garden with nurse & walked to Lake with Darling & nurse. Sat out. Glorious morg. Men fishing, caught 5 fish, one over 4 lbs. We saw Mr C.S. lose one! Maudie with chicks after lunch to Ottie’s children’s party, brought back lovely presents! Dined alone drawing room. Nurse sat with me. To bed before men out fr. dining room. Sunday 4 August Vy rainy early. Church 2/-. To communion service with my darling. Nurse & I had walk first. My corns v. painful, make me quite lame. After luncheon Lennie, Mr Clifford Smith & Mr Cokayne & Gladys to Lake, too wet for tennis Mrs Oakleys. Mr C. & Maud for walk. After my rest & tea in my room walked with nurse to farm on new road, lovely & felt better for it. Dined alone drawing room, to bed when ladies came out from dinner. Monday 5 August My darling’s birthday. God bless her & keep her. Flower show. Sun early, lovely fresh morg. Mitchel’s flowers & fruit beautifully arranged, campanulas mauve & white perfectly lovely. Saw Maud judge bread. Vy sucessful show, crowded. Maudie gave away prizes looking charming in mauve silk coat & skirt & black hat with white feather. Mrs Maudsley her son & dau-in-law here. Vy glad to see her again. Dined drawing room & bed early. Tuesday 6 August Wet morg, dull. Awake 5.15. c’d not sleep after. Dr Croft Hill’s receipt & short note. Letter fr. Toula, & Mrs Evans who had taken my wreath to my Dearest’s grave. I dined down stairs first time. Mr & Mrs Denny here, v. nice couple. Walked with Nurse after tea towards Cookfield. Storms of rain & colder. Wednesday 7 August Nurse & self walked to Mill Cottage. Mr H. Booth’s sister Mrs Campbell there, seems a charming woman, greatly enjoyed talk with her sitting outside cottage. Nurse delighted with it & the Lake or millpond. The Booth children to tea & luncheon. Unable to go to see Dennys on account of storm. Darling v. tired, Nurse massaged her & eased her head. I dined in dining room, to bed directly after. Heavy rain on & off all day. Thursday 8 August Stamps 2/-. Maud, Nurse & self in Motor to Brighton. Had tooth taken out by Dr Gibbon’s son, scarcely any pain. He had unfortunately sprained or broken bone in left wrist in Norway only a few days ago. Tooth or gum ached after & evg. Home 2.30. Maud & Gladys to Mrs Denny’s at 4.15. I rested & had walk with Nurse after & bath at 8.30 & to bed as cannot eat comfortably. Had bread & milk. Mr & Mrs Messel to dinner & Mrs Alfred Messel & daughter. Friday 9 August Sent off house cheque £3.11.6 & 15/- to Mrs Evans for wreath. Walked morg with Nurse, Maud & Gladys C. Wild flowers. Maud found names of 3. Gladys left by 3 train. L. Linley to Warnham for cricket. Chicks to Nymans for tea & to see Mrs A. Messel. Walk after tea to Lake with Maud Nurse & Lennie. Nurse rowed in boat with Lennie, M. & self watched. Nurse came in & played after dinner. Bed 10.30.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 10 August Mr Cadogan made Messel partner. Awful day, wet, thunder, heavy rain. X. Nurse to Duffeth(?) leaves by afternoon train. X. Mr & Mrs Cadogan arrived early. Wrote 5 letters in answ. to invitations. Mr & Mrs Cadogan arrived for luncheon, remain some time. Dear Roy, Mr Wynn & Lennie by afternoon train. Walked after rest with Darling. Lennie & Mr C. fished. Dull dinner, no interesting talk but happy sitting by Maud, felt cold air fr. door near Lennie. So glad to see Roy here, latter v. attentive & kind . Sunday 11 August Lovely morg, slept well. 2/- church. To church with Oliver 11 o’c. Sat in Lennie’s pew. Vy good sermon fr. Mr Secretan. Roy & Mr Wynn for walk & after in boat with Lennie. V. cold but no rain. Rested after lunch & tea in drawing room. Mrs W. Reed & her mother Mrs Fergusson amusing woman & smart Mrs Campbell & little H. Booths to tea. Cap’t Loring to lunch & tea. Tennis. Sat & watched it. Mrs Cadogan ill, unable to come down to dinner! Monday 12 August Stamps 1/-. Still v. cold. Roy, Mr Wynn & Mr Cadogan left by early train. X. To Brighton in car, 2 tyres burst on returning home. Had my back tooth left lower jaw stop’d by Dr Gibbon’s son. Oliver & Fraulein went with us. O’s hair cut. Rained & was cold. Cadogans here. Tuesday 13 August Cricket match. Balcombe lost. Mrs Cadogan in bed, but came down to dinner. Maud, Miss Armitage & self to Nymans in small car morg to say goodbye to Mr & Mrs Messel. Ottie there. To cricket field after rest & tea in my room with Miss Armitage who went with me, & for walk after, so cold. Cap’t & Mrs Billie Reed & Mrs Ferguson to dinner, amusing trio, sorry had to go to bed early, Mrs C. also. Roy successful day Stock Ex. Lennie told me. Wednesday 14 August Stamps 1/-. Wet on & off. Cricket. Little Linley playing, looks tired. To Lindfield, Savilles, with packet. Pretty garden. Enquired about small bicycle, chicks. None in until tomorrow. Maud to cricket field, wretched afternoon. Had walk with Mrs Cadogan & Miss Armisted by field, Lake & new road. Quiet evg. Little Linley to bed at 7 o’c with temp 100, feel v. anxious about him. Thursday 15 August Nonie boy about same. 6/- needlework. Doctor thinks a chill & to remain in bed. V. feverish after lunch. Think he ought to be kept v. quiet. Darling went for a little walk with Mrs C. & self. Billie Hemming played cricket for home. Miss Armistead left at 3 o’c, delightfully bright woman. Dear little Oliver most amusing at luncheon explaining “That man’s father is my father’s son.” Quiet evg. Roy another good day!!! Lennie tells me. Friday 16 August Pd 4/- for boots mending. Finer & warmer but some showers. Walked morg. with Mrs Cadogan to farm & sat some time. Little Linley much better, but remained in bed all day. Billie Hemming did not play cricket, either Beach or Mitchell’s boy played instead. Maud’s cricket tea day! So sorry we could not be with her, afraid of damp sitting out. Sat with Linley boy after tea. Quiet evg. Dined 7.30 & to bed early. Letter fr. dear Roy. Saturday 17 August Roy to Harold’s for week end. Fine day!!! Walked with Darling to Vicarage for meeting, & on for walk alone. Mr Cadogan here all day. Lennie & Mr Geilgud came by early afternoon train & played tennis & fished. Chicks with Fraulein to Haywards Heath about Bicycle, comes Monday. Dear Linley better but not out of his room, looks heavy over eyes. Walked evg with Darling to Lake, lovely having her alone.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sunday 18 August 1/- church. To Church with Maud & chicks. Rained heavily. Miss Fitzroy sent me home in her carriage. Mr Geilgud & Cadogan for long walk. Lennie & Billie on Lake. Maud, Anne & self for walk after tea. Dear Linley’s temp up, & doctor came after dinner can’t understand reason of temp rising. Pleasant talk dinner with Mr Geilgud, v. interesting man on most subjects. Monday 19 August To Brighton in Motor to see Dentist. X. 3rd visit, one tooth stop’d. Ethel Cussens here for day with her niece. Mrs Cadogan went with me. Darling remained with dear little Linley, he is still in bed & feverish. Dr thinks result fr. measles during term. Tuesday 20 August Maud, Mrs C. & self in motor to Mrs Savilles morg, left parcel. Ordered Motor (bicycle) only arrived this afternoon. Mrs Cadogan helped chicks ride it, glad to see them so happy. Dear little Linley still in bed, moved into West room, far better & less tiresome for Lennie having his dressing room to himself. Wednesday 21 August L.Linley better, in bed still in West room. Walked morg to Milll Cottage with Mrs Cadogan. Rest only ½ an hour. Walked with Darling & Mrs C. along Three Bridges road, met car & Lennie & Mr C. walked home with us. Chicks delighted with their bicycle. Mad’lle Jacquinot here for day. Later to bed & cold not get to sleep so early. Thursday 22 August Last night Lennie brought home 5 wee owls. Slept badly. Lovely morg. Maud & Lennie going for one night to Sir Felix Schuster. Walked alone to Miss Ragley about altering my coat & bodice. Stamps 1/6. Mrs (blank) & Miss Armstead called & had tea after Maud left taking latter. Walk evg with Miss Blaine. Dear little Linley better & out till 6 o’c, bed 7.30. V. nice evg with Mr & Mrs Cadogan. Friday 23 August Dear Roy goes to Felixtowe for week end. Both chicks & Fraulein off to Ruth Parker’s for 4 days. Awful day. Maud & Lennie return. Miss Parsons helped me with my hair, got on better than I dared hope, arm achey. Maud & Lennie ret’d fr. the Schusters & seem to have enjoyed it. Awful weather. Only out after tea for a short time. Lennie brought home two Love birds. Vy tame. Saturday 24 August Toula left Oswestry for Germany. To dentist one tooth stop’d one prepared. V. wet. Maud, Linley & self went in car & saw St Bartholemew’s Church. Very high. Lennie & Mr Cadogan at home. S. Ex. Holiday. Roy at Felixstowe. Had two walks & feel better for them. Miss the dear chicks vy much. Linley amusing himself on bicycle. Bed early. Miss Ripley came to fit me, alterations to coat & bodice. Sunday 25 August To Church with Miss Blaine & walked after along Handcross Rd. Maud Mr & Mrs Cadogan & Linley to Brighton in Car. Maud to Church there. Lennie reading & climbing tree after owl. After lunch Lennie Mr & Mrs Cadogan to Nymans. Maud, Linley & self for lovely walk to Mill where we sat & looked over that lovely view. Bed early, fine day. Monday 26 August Walked morg & afternoon. Mr Cadogan ret’d in time for luncheon, his eye v. bad, had to see doctor in London, has shield over it. Stamps 1/6, postcards. Walked after tea. Bed early. Pianola. Tuesday 27 August Lovely day, warmer. Miss (blank) to lunch & with Maud after to Mrs Blunt’s. Mr Cadogan’s eye still bad, here all day & had to see doctor. Walked after tea with Miss Blaine. Rosalind & friend to tea with us. Wild flower books. Gathered heather


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 for Roy. Morg paid Mrs Ripley 3/- altering jacket & bodice. Miss the dear chicks v. much. To bed early. Wednesday 28 August Postage 5d. Lovely day, warmer. Morg to post box of flowers for Roy 11 o’c. Sat out, read & worked. Cadogans busy rose garden & to Nymans alone after lunch in car. Rested & Maud & self walked to Lady Frederick Fitzroy’s alone, she showed us an old casket containing many treasures. Ld F. & Miss F. out whilst there. Lennie in good spirits & roulette after dinner. Mr Cadogan’s eye much better. Thursday 29 August Sent off cheque to Caroline for books & wages £5.18.8. Letter fr. Roy seems a little depressed, feels sure he finds Mr Stern a little too energetic for him & needs more rest during his holiday. V. wet morg. Maud & Linley & Cadogans for drive to Cowdray after lunch. I rested & had tea with Miss Blaine & walked to Mill Cottage after & Mrs Campbell walked back with us. Roulette evg. Arm ached. Mr Forrester & Effie Twiss arrived. Friday 30 August Did not sleep until 4 o’c AM this morning & feel head achey. Rested in bed morg. Vy wet. Card fr. Tabbie fr. La Baule (Loire inf) France. Maud looks tired again. Dear Chicks returned fr. Booths. L. Linley went & fetched them in Motor. Effie Twiss, Maud & self walked along road to meet them. Look fairly well. Bicycled on return. V. pleasant dinner next to Mr Forrester talked of Dorset etc. Bed directly after dinner. Saturday 31 August Slept v. well. Lovely morg. Dear little Linley’s birthday. Oliver can go alone on bicycle beautifully. We sat on front drive & watched him, & Anne who is not quite so quick but can go a little way alone. Mr Cadogan walked with me to take Miss Smith organ music “Nazareth”. Mad’lle came to tea fr. Brighton. Lennie home early & Mr Stuart fr. Staplefield for tennis. Mrs C. wonderful good, her side always wins. Mr C. has bandage off his eye, Dr came. Grand tea in dining room & chicks all down to dinner dressed up & charades after. V. late to bed, afraid of little Oliver. Sep 1912 Sunday 1 September To church with Ann, v. fidgety, no doubt tired fr. last night. Oliver had to come out of Church with Miss Blaine, his nose bled. Darling & Lennie to Staplefield Church. Mr C. & wife together & Mr Forester & Linley to Church. After rest to Lake with Maud, Effie & Mrs C. who came back earlier to be with her husband. His eye much better & no bandage. The H. Booths to dinner. I to bed early. Monday 2 September To Brighton dentist 2 teeth stop’d. Kept waiting & home ¼ to 3. Mrs Causewell here to luncheon, goes to London today. Hope to see her again. Mr & Mrs Cadogan left morning. Ethel Smart here for the day with Barbara. Mrs Breitmeyer called. Effie Twiss went with me to Brighton & left card at Mrs Staniers. Lennie & Maud dined at the Reeds. Mr Forester, Effie T. Miss Blaine & self for dinner. Bed 10 o’c. but c’d not sleep until v. late, long after Maud’s return. Tuesday 3 September Lovely morning. Wrote morg. Lunch 1 o’c & at 2 o’c went in closed motor to Lewes with darling, L.Linley, Mr Forrester & Effie Twiss. Saw charming old Church St Michaels. V. good modern windows & quaint corners & fine carved altar screen or parts of one in front of side chapel. To castle, sup. built by Alfred the Great to guard entrance to (illeg), given by William Conqueror to William de Warrenne. Henry III escaped there after battle of Lewes to Simon de Montford. Tea at Hotel v. good & went straight to bed on return v. tired.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 4 September Slept v. well. Lennie very seedy. Doctor came early, temp & bad head, unable to go to city. Darling with him all day reading. I wrote & paid bills all morg. Effie Twiss left morning. Took little Anne for walk after tea Farm road for blackberries. Dr came again evg. Lennie’s temp 102 . Vy trying for him as important business on hand with F. Schuster . Darling looks so tired & anxious. Little Oliver better & out in sun for short time. 1/- stamps. Thursday 5 September Another lovely morg. cool & fresh. Lennie v. seedy in bed all day. Ottie & Mrs Gibson called at tea time. Walked alone after Handcross Rd. Darling looks tired, feel anxious about her. She came in for part of dinner only. Letter fr. Edgar at Langham alone, Sophy at Lewis. Edgar’s ear not quite satisfactory, seeing surgeon again. Friday 6 September Wrote, posted letters 1/- again self. Sent off pass books. Walked along New Road, feel tired. Lennie better but still in his room. Ottie came to see him, & Mrs Gibson. Fraulein away for a holiday for a few days. Fancy myself Lennie has influenza. Hope darling Maud will escape. Saturday 7 September Ethel Sharp op’on for appendicitis. Fine paid Wallace 4/8. 5d stamps. Edgar at Langham for week, leaves tomorrow for Seaford, his ear not healed yet. Lennie better & in morg room & his study. Ruth came to see him, she staying night at Nymans. Mrs McKay & her little boy came. Bed rather late 10.30! V, tired & still feel cold in my head. Went to stores for tonic. Sunday 8 September Dull morg. Letters fr. Edgar, Fanny Barker & F. Blair. To Church with Maud, Mrs McKay & chicks. Mr Secretan looked ill. Lennie better & out for little walk with Maud & Mrs M. Mr & Mrs Booth to dinner. Maud looks tired & feel anxious about her. Tea morg. room. I had short walk alone. Monday 9 September Lennie much better. Maud, Mr Forester, Mrs McKay & Linley to lunch with Mrs Marriott, gave us great fright as were not home until 8.30, they had open car & lights w’d not burn properly so had to come v. slowly. Enjoyed their day & went over Penshurst Place, de Lisles. Morg Lennie & I walked to Mill Cottage to enquire for Sylvia, leg torn on barbed wire. Lennie & Ann at 3 o’c to Lady F. Fitzroy’s & to tea. Miss Blaine, Oliver, Donald & self had tea together, & for delightful walk to farm. Peter caught in trap, 2 men helped us, seemed no worse after but made an awful noise. Tuesday 10 September Lennie went to the City, really not fit to go. Maud fetched him after tea in open car & he remained in drawing room until I went to bed & after!!! W’d have been far better in bed himself directly after dinner. Bitterly cold snow feeling in air. Norringer away & am so afraid of open car for both M. & L. Maud, Mrs McKay, Mr F. Linley & self in open car morg to Mrs Bates, Mrs Linsey Smith, lovely drive. Mrs Macquoid called after lunch. I had walk after tea with Mrs Mackay. L. Linley & Mr Forester for cycle drive. Wednesday September 11 Cold. Lennie to city after not good night. Dear chicks about early v. happy with little Donald McKay! Maud & Mrs McKay to Miss Linsey Smith’s wedding, too cold for me in open car, & brought Lennie back with them. Mr Allen & Mr Graves to tea on their return. I left card Vicarage. Had little walk alone. Mad’lle here for chicks’ french. Stamps again 1/-, sent house book Caroline. Maud told me of awful accident to the Bergheims motor on way fr. Reading. Mr Bergheim so injured died after. Very shocked & grieved. How I pity her.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday September 12 Mr Graves & Mr Allen dine here, unable to come. Gladys Crozier came at 6 o’c had walk with her before dinner. Lennie much better. Went for walk morg. with my Darling to Mill Cottage, poor little Sylvia bitten by large retriever dog in Village. Dog to be destroyed. Mrs McKay & little Donald left by 11 train. Pianola evg. Friday September 13 Lovely morg. Gymkana. Lorings, Stansfields, H. Booths, & baby came & Mrs Hood & 2 little girls. Great success & fine tho’ no sun. Mes petits enfants les plus beaux de tous! Lennie home earlier. Good accounts of Ethel Smart’s progress but suffering much pain, feel so sorry for her. No walk & late to bed. Pianola & amusing card game. Maud looking much better & v. pretty this afternoon. The dog which bit Sylvia shot last night. Saturday 14 September Lennie holiday. Morg & afternoon walked with Gladys & we all went to Hayworth Booths. Tang’s birthday party. Bed early after cards, pianola. Edgar & Sophy at Seaford. Sunday 15 September To church with Maud & chicks, communion. The rest for walk after lunch to Talbots. Wrote. Maud came home v. tired too far for her. Had walk to farm & wood with little Ann. To bed directly after dinner. Roulette. The H. Booths here. Letter fr. Midge. Monday 16 September V. warm, little sun. Morg gathered & sent off flowers self to Roy. No letter or news of him for ages, or ans. to my letters. Maud v. seedy morg, out to lunch, & Linley to Ottie’s. Startling news there!!!. Upton came to see me. X. Felt v. sad, floods of thoughts to smother down. He is v. comfortable & well in his place. Long letter fr. Spencer. Gladys & self to Lady F’s after tea to take book back. Got so hot returning late had to go to bed after bath & dine in my room. Mrs Hohler came to stay. Tuesday 17 September Fine morg. Warm. Slept well. Long letter from Roy & so delighted to hear he is to have a larger share in business. X. Wrote cheques all morg. to pay bills. Maud, Mrs Hohler & self to lunch at Mrs Macquoid’s. Mrs Derry & her mother there, perfect house, exquisitely kept in fact too well kept, colouring most beautiful & arrangements of flowers. Gardens also v. beautiful. On after for picnic with Gladys & Linley boy & Mr F, delightful in the woods (illeg illeg) overlooking country of heather. Pleasant evg & card games, a delightful day. Wednesday 18 September Dear Mervyn’s birthday. Slept fairly well but late. Lovely sunny morg, up 7 o’c AM. Fraulein leaves for Switzerland. We all went off at 12 o’c in 2 motors to Bignor to lunch & see old Roman mosaics. Took nearly 2 hrs, lovely drive Maud self & Linley in closed motor, Mr F, Gladys & Mrs Hohler in open. The farm & field where Roman remains are preserved in 5 separate stone buildings like college with shutter windows, exquisitely situated in a sloping field overlooking the downs. A ploughman came upon the mosaic 101 years ago & it was discovered 52 rooms in all (Page inserted) Wed 18th Sep 1912. these round a square. 5 or 6 have fine mosaics in the centre, only a small portion of original walls remain. The largest room has head of Juno & a line of gladiators below. The centre is sunk & broken but below are more designs in mosaic. Strange looking fish, helmets etc. This has a room leading off with mosaic, one has a fine man’s head, another Head of Medusa. Columns, bones & many pieces of mosaic & carving all broken are collected one end of room or side of room. The buildings are separate & one some distance removed fr. others, this with a Medusa head. Would have loved to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 remain for hours but had to have a hurried lunch spread on rugs in field leading up to the remains. Delightful morg. & came back in open car which had to fetch Lennie. Lost my dear little blue silk cushion in battling with wind on return, it was determined to have something. V. sorry & spoilt what w’d have been a perfect day. Reached home 4.30. Had tea in my room & rested on my bed until time to dress for dinner. Little Linley down & played cards with him until 10 o’c with rest, & to bed. Lennie quite himself again. Thursday 19 September Darling Linley returns to school. Dull & cooler. Fine later. Morg. walked with Maud & Mrs Hohler towards Ld Frederick’s, & worked. L.Linley packed & went his round of “adiews” & looked v. white at lunch dear little fellow. He left 6 o’c with Mr Forester. 5/- Linley, 1/- stamps. Maudie took him back & Mrs Stansfield dined here. Letter fr. Edgar. Friday 20 September Fanny & Alice to luncheon 1.30. Lovely sunny morg & day. Took them with Maud round Garden. They remained until after tea. Mrs Hohler & Gladys & Mrs Breitmeyer to tea. Mr & Mrs Towse came to dinner, nice woman & quite good looking. Came to bed before men out fr. dining room. Saturday 21 September Lovely day. Morg. read on Verandah deliciously warm out of wind. Mr & Mrs Hohler left 11.30 in their own car. Mrs H. drove! Lennie home at 2.30. To Nyymans with Gladys, Lennie & Maud 3 o’c. Saw Mr & Mrs Messel, round garden with them, tea there, they walked home. Darling v. tired after but w’d not own it. Mr Marriott arrived during dinner. Bed early. Sunday 22 September To Church with chicks & Miss Blane. Maud, Lennie, Mr Marriott, Gladys & Winnie Lockyer for long day picnic in large motor, to Battle, Winchester, Hastings etc, not home until 7 o.c, all v. rosey. Mr & Mrs Booth dined here. Chicks had tea with me & Anne for walk with me. Bed early. Monday 23 September Slept until my breakfast came in. Mr Marriott left early after breakfast. Ethel (Hare) came over in her motor to luncheon, looks just the same, vy well & strong. So glad to see her again. Decided leave Monday, Caroline going for holiday. Had delightful walk up to farm with darling. Gladys & Winnie returning sooner. Darling looked tired & worried during dinner, wonder why? Pianola & card game. L. tiresome over music. Tuesday 24 September V. kind letter fr. Tabs fr. Paris asking me to return to Leweston Saturday, cannot on account of Caroline’s holiday, and fr. Bank re fire insurance, & one fr. dear Roy who comes Saty. Dear Edgar & Sophy come for the night fr. Seaford, or 2 nights. Met them 4.26. Maud, chicks, Winnie, Gladys & Miss Blane go for picnic Mrs Hohler, & Gladys stays there 2 nights. E. & S. looking v. well, no signs of operation. After tea walked with E. to Lake. Sophy to meet Lennie. M. & self v. pleasant dinner next to Edgar. Bed early. They enjoyed their day. Wednesday 25 September Letter fr. Midge. V. anxious about her, does not seem well again. A delightful day. Edgar to Lake fished, got 7 morg, he went again after lunch & got 5 more. Maud & Sophy to Nymans after lunch, returned 4 o’c & we all went down to Lake, & had tea there under trees, lovely. Edgar came & had it with us, he & Mitchell in boat. Walked back & dressed early & read to chicks. Mad’lle here. Roulette evg, bed late! Lovely day, crisp air & sun. So glad to see Edgar better latter to Brighton. Thursday 26 September


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely morg. Awake early. Sat out on drive, a perfect sun bath, with Edgar after walk with him. Went in Motor to Haywards Heath with Edgar & Sophy 3 o’c & saw them off. Rested & tea in my room on return & walk after with Gladys. Maud & Winnie to meet Lennie who looks white & tired. Bed early. Spoke to Beatrice telephone, decided return home Wednesday. Friday 27 September Maud & self & Gladys & Winnie for drive in Motor, open, to call on Mrs Cayase (Barsolotte’s sister). Mr Stewart, rector of Staplefield dined here. Astonished how much more my Darling seemed to know of the Scriptures & History of the Church even than he did. To bed directly after dinner. Saturday 28 September Winnie Lockyer left early, do not think her looking any stronger for having lost all her teeth poor little soul. Sat out writing morg. Lennie at home all day, looks v. seedy at times. Mr & Mrs Cecil Brownlow arrived 3 o’c. Dear Roy came at 5.30, looks well. I walked with Oliver to Mill, saw Mrs H.B. Stayed ½ hour, home 5 o’c. Darling Maud just missed me as she & Gladys & Mrs B. came to try & meet us. Lennie to Lake with Mr B. Pleasant talk during dinner Maud & Mr B. Bed early. Sunday 29 September Tres heureuse journée. V. kind congratulations & good wishes. Letters fr. Sophy, Nana & Caroline. Rain! Tout le monde si gentil à cause de ma fête. My darling came in loaded with presents as usual all beautifully done up, & Gladys 2 dear little handkerchiefs made by herself. Black soft satin & sweet little bed jacket fr, my darling, & books fr. the dear chicks. To Church with Maud, Gladys, chicks, Mrs Brownlow & Miss Blane. Dear Roy for walk with Lennie & Mr B. Poured after lunch. Mr & Mrs Messel came to tea, Mr & Mrs Booth to dinner & after tea Lennie & Brownlows to fish, killed 3. Monday 30 September Pouring wet morg & rough night. Letters fr. Tabbie & Edgar. Dear Roy left with Lennie morg. in torrents of rain, & Mr Brownlow. Gladys & Mrs Brownlow later. In all day so wet. Read & wrote. Vy happy with my Darling alone & dear chicks for a card game after tea. Wish we saw more of them. Pianola. Vy tired evg. Bed after 10 o’c. Oct 1912 Tuesday 1 October Instalment due & last one on eleven £10 B.A.Gt Southern Ex 1914 shrs 4%. Last payment £2 per shr, viz £22 making now £110 pd. Bank promised to see to this for me. Sent call paper to the Bank to be pd by Bank, & 4/8 dividend Sons of Gualia. Pouring wet day. Headache. (several sentences crossed out, page pinned in). Tuesday 1st Oct 1912. Vey bad night & headache morg. Lovely early. Went for a walk with my darlng, saw poor old Mrs Ireland who was so happy to see Maud. Packed a little, Laster did nearly all whilst we were out. Rained after lunch. Rested. Played card games with dear chicks after tea L. quite cheerful during dinner. I very tired & bed rather late again for me! After 10 o’c. So difficult to get off punctually 9.30. & am done up if I am later. Delightful day with my darling alone. Wednesday 2 October I return home, taking Mabel Jenkinson (Sophy’s between maid) with me. My Darling also sent Laster with me, most kind attentive girl, unpacked & looked after me & pd for daily fares & omnibus etc. Came by 1.16, good train. Laster left by 6 o’c train. Roy dined with me quietly, nice evg. He was very tired, had trying day, made & lost money. Bed 10 o’c. Thursday 3 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Slept fairly well. Great noise in road., motor hoots. Beatrice did my hair, arm ached a good deal. To Bank about fire insurance, saw Mr Richardson who assured me it was quite safe. Fear Emma has lost money sent Barkers! Vy vexed. Left dear Mother’s coffee pot to be mended, Beatrice took it 5/6. Met Lady Wiston & Mr Abbott much aged. To Hayfields about putting down carpet tomorrow. Rested after lunch, tea alone, read & wrote. Bed 8 o’c, bread & milk.. Roy taking Pohls to dine & play. Beatrice took his things to club. Friday 4 October Fair night, awake 3 – 4.30. Letter fr. darling Maud. Lovely morg. Frost last night. Vy cold but dry. X. Hayfields coming to put down carpet in my room. Looks much cosier & clean curtains up & velvet ones. Out after lunch called on Mrs Spofforth. Bought nails 7d, & pins Barkers 7d. Put up pictures my room. Roy dined at home, happy evg. He brought pears 1/2 each !!! & nuts. (Letter from Maud inserted) Balcombe House, Balcombe, Sussex. Oct 4th 1912. My beloved Own, You can’t think how horrible this house is without you. You ought to come & see, the only thing that I can do is to work all the time & turn out drawers & cupboards & write out books & cheques. It’s what I have been doing all day long & my room is an ocean of papers & muddle. Mr Parsons & I have been rearranging all the wardrobes & drawers as we have to leave it all in order for Christmas. The darlings & I have been playing Coon Can & Oliver has won 3 times & he won last night too, so we all think that he is enchanted. This without any help at all. All out of is own little brain. He had nothing against him tonight as there were only 3 games & he won every one & last night he won 2 out of 3 & only had two pips against him in the game that he did not win. Lennie has been fearfully busy in the city & does not get back until the later train. It was bitterly cold last night & is freezing again tonight by the nippiness in the air but we had glorious sunshine all day. I do hope my darling that you are not overtiring your precious self, & resting. Ever your devoted M. Saturday 5 October Foggy last evg. but slept late morg until 8 o’c, better night. Bright & sunny. Caroline goes for her holiday, wonder how we shall get on. It would be nothing with Emma without drawing room. Nous verrons. X. Morg. to Bank about Ground rent to be pd Sept & March to Miss Gordon Bennett. X. Deposit £100. X. Saw Miss Innes. Caroline left for her holiday. X. Mrs Spofforth & Sybil Grantham to tea. Roy dined out. Fine day. Bed early. Sunday 6 October Lovely morg. To St George’s Church morg. On after to see Mrs Keith, wonderfully well & in her 82nd year, bright & full of fun, & active taking an interest in everything. Lunched alone, rested after. & Nurse Duffeth & Miss Innes to tea. Roy dined with me, seemed v. tired & sleepy, wish he w’d eat more & take no liquoirs. Bed 10 o’c. (Paper inserted) 6 Oct. Fire insurance? Bank securities? Miss Barrett? Marshalls, Lewis. Feather boa Johnsons? Chair cover. Red cover for chair. Green crewel bath blanket. Monday 7 October Lovely day, warm. Dareling comes fr. Balcombe. Out morg. Barkers, & to Hayfields about Hall bell, lock to front door. & fire brick for morg room stove. Saw Storeys man about Hall curtains & morg room chintz. Lunch & dine alone. Feel tired & no reason. Hand swollen. Darling Maud came to tea, so glad to see her. Roy dined out. Awful fog. Beatrice took up his things to Club. Tuesday 8 October Out morg. Met Mrs Paxton & many other friends. Maud fetched me in open Motor, new chauffeur. I lunched alone with her, she has a new dog, puppy Daxhund, vy handsome one. After lunch to flower show & to Cecile’s to see dress parade, awful & shockingly improper looking people. To R(illeg) & Rossiter &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 darling brought me home. Felt v. tired, rested after dressing for dinner in y room. Roy dined with me, fear he is very bored at home. Morg. room uncomfortable. Wednesday 9 October Glorious morg. Darling sends carriage for me 12.45 & I lunch with Miss Rose Innes at Princes & to see “Voysey’s Inheritance” after. Man from Harfields to do grate morg. room, new fire brick. Had carriage to take me to Princes where I lunched with Miss Innes & Mrs Moore Smith & we went to Kingsway Theatre & saw “Voysey’s Inheritance” excellent but v. unsatisfactory end, tho v. clever thro’ rest. Jean Mackinlay acted well. Roy out Beatrice took his clothes to club. Mabel out afternoon. Thursday 10 October Edgar & Sophy come to Langham fr. Seaford. Walked morg to see Ada Spencer, 11 Pembridge Gds, stayed some time. Lunched alone. Maud to see Nana, Brisling too, & goes evg to Colosseum, enough to kill her. I had carriage 2.30, called on May Fitton & Desirée there. Mrs Watson, saw her, Mrs Welby out, Mrs English in, Fanny Barker out. Spencer & Roy dine here. Friday 11 October Lunch at Maud’s. Hylda there also looking v. seedy. With Maud after to Bond St etc, & Nonie here to tea. Maudie left when Edgar came. He & Sophy arrived yesterday fr Seaford. Looks wonderfully well. Roy dined out. Beatrice pd books for me & took Roy’s things in Taxi to Club. Bed 10 o’c. Je pense que la rousse a une mauvaise humeur elle fait le moue à chaque petite chose. Vy foggy. Saturday 12 October Foggy. Out by 10.30 shop’g to Barkers, to Harfields about bill, electric, hall. Saw Mrs Spofforth’s wonderful arrangement for cleaning. She has only 2 maids & her drawing room & bedroom extra, her maid away. Darling Maud & Lennie to Balcombe. Edgar came to tea with Fitzroy & remained till 7 o’c. Roy dined with me. Vy glad to have him. Sunday October 13 War in the Balkans!!!. To St Georges Church. Warm & felt vy tired & shakey. Edgar & Sophy to lunch both looking so well. Mervyn & Ethel & Sp. & Ada also came. Vy glad to see them, & Mrs Paxton came & remained until 7 o’c. Roy dined with me, had a good rest fr. 7 – 8. Pleasant evg, dear Roy less tired & the little maids managed quite nicely. Monday 14 October Out 10.30. V. tired no doubt weather sultry but prefer it. To Barkers & round Pond. Darelng Maud & Edgar came to tea. E. stayed some time. Fitzroy dining with them tonight. Roy out & Beatrice took his things to Club. Turkey refuses advice or any interference of European Powers. Gt. drop in stocks & shares! Maud looked very tired. Tuesday 15 October Lunch with Maud. Ethel came & mended arm chair morg. room all morning. Carriage to Maud’s & after ret’d with Ethel to finish chair. She did it beautifully & left after tea when Edgar came & stayed an hour with me, awfully good of him as he has so much to do before they go to Egypt on 28th inst. Roy dined with me & we had v. nice evg. together wish he w’d not take so much brandy. Wednesday16 October Lunch with Edgar 1.15. Had darling’s carriage to Langham. Pd Gas Light & Coke Co 9/6. Took pass books to Bank. Fighting Balkans still going on. Wonder what will be the end of it all! Miss McCoy wth E. & S. for luncheon. Vy nice girl, travelled. Carriage to Maud’s 3.30. Saw her short time & walked home. Rain. Beatrice paid my books & took Roy’s things to Club. To bed early. Bread & milk. Lady Selfe called, out. Thursday 17 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Walked to Maud’s. Lunched there. Sp, Major & Mrs Ross & Miss Hughes lunched there also. The Ross’s quartered at Kartoum & sail for Egypt next Monday. On with Maud to see her fitted Berils & I walked home fr. there. Beatrice took Roy’s things to Club. Roy Maud & Lennie dined at the Harold’s. I alone. Wrote letters, sent £1 to Ethel Smart. Friday 18 October Carriage at 12 o’c to Mr Hohler’s about blinds & to fetch Edgar & Sophy at Langhams. We all 3 lunched at Maudie’s. I had car back. Overton here! Gave him tea. Toula’s book arrived. Sat in Maud’s room whilst she sorted things after Edgars left & had tea there. Roy to Edna Lewisohn’s weekend. Beatrice took up his things Paddington. Saturday 19 October Windows cleaned Corts. My darling Maud & Lennie start for Italy. Motor at 12, got 3 1/- pears at Roy’s place Knightsbridge for Darling & on to lunch with her 12.30 & she left with Latter at ¼ to 2 for Charing X. Dear little Ann cried. Walked with dear chicks to Round Pond where they met the Hohler children & on to tea with them, & Miss Blaine. I called & had tea with Brooks v. well & cheery. Midge sent me a chicken & darling also sent rice cooked & some soup! Sunday 20 October Telegram fr. my Darling fr. Basle early, arrived safely. (Telegram inserted: Mrs Sambourne, 18 Stafford Terrace Kensington Lon. Dear love today and God bless you. Flowers arrive tomorrow. All well good journey. Maud.) Dear Edgar & Sophy to lunch 1.30. Weird morg. To Christian Science Meeting by mistake for Unitarian Church. V. large & well dressed congregation. A man & a woman in 2 pulpits separated by a lovely huge bouquet of mauve & white flowers. Sat next to Usher a gentlemanly young man, shared his hymn book and sort of prayer book. He had v. fine voice & asked me on leaving to go to a meeting (page pinned in) Sunday 20th October on 14th Nov on C. Science. It had done so much for him in practical religion. Service most strange. No kneeling. Lovely hymns & portions of Scripture read alternately by the man & woman in pulpit, she in a white silk blouse, he in ordinary morg. dress. I went on to Unitarian Church after. Vy lengthy. Missed Sophy who was there. Edgar & Sophy lunched here & we went at 3 to review of Kensington Reservists, Edgar one. Territorials, House boy brigade & red cross staff of nurses, service at St Mary Abbots first, crammed. After to Town Hall where the Mayor of Kensington & Sir R. Phillimore & Gen. Sartorius & many others gave Colours to the Kens reservists, presented by Mayoress & Lady Phillimore. Speeches by 4 men reservists drawn up centre of Hall. We saw fr. dais & Band opposite. Most impressive ceremony but Mayor & Gen S. spoke v. badly & sermon Canon Pennyfather v. poor. No vigour about it for a church full of young soldiers. E & S on after to tea with brother officer. Self alone here & to bed early. No callers. (Printed sheet inserted: Order of Service for Church Parade, St Mary Abbots, 20 October 1912.) Monday 21 October Hotel des Trois Roi, Basle. Two letters & a post card fr. my darling from Basle. Walked round Pond morg & shop’d. Mrs Evans came to luncheon, left after. Looks well. Toula unable to be here this morg, gale in Channel. Called on Mrs Huish, Neaves, Keene, Gale & Lady Meade. Roy returned fr. Edna May’s, looks vy seedy. Dined with me, out directly after. Mabel to Lancaster Gate for darling’s mantle. Tuesday 22 October Roy & I dine & theatre with Fanny Barker, Carlton. Toula arrived early. Went for walk with her, looks v. tired after journey. Mervyn, Ethel Miss Rose Innes & Nellie Keith called. Huge party at Carlton, 18. Saw Roy’s Edna & Lily Elsie at separate tables there! Had Darling’s carriage to take & bring us back. To Prince of Wales Marie Tempest (illeg illeg) far too much.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 23 October Beach 3/-. 2 postcards fr Darling Maud fr. Zurich. Went in carriage morg. to see Hylda, took her flowers. In bed & looking quite pretty at Nursing Home, Oxford Terrace. Met Ada & Sp. on way to Doctor fear operation necessary, appendicitis. Darling Anne & Oliver came 3 o’c. Toula & all of us made sweets & after tea played Coon Can & they both won two games each. Vy happy afternoon. Miss Blaine fetched them in carriage 6 o’c. Toula & self alone. Thursday 24 October Morg busy. Toula left at ¼ to 2. Man 1/- luggage. Carriage 3 o’c. Called Lady Maclean, Kendalls, Carlisle & Langham Hotel. Saw Sophy v. busy packing, Edgar finished. Roy dined with me 8 o’c, in good spirits. Going tomorrow to stay week end Edna Lewisohns. Stamps 1/-, man 6d. Friday 25 October 3/- Coote 11 o’c. On Tuesday here 10 o’c. Doing door, front yard & drawing room curtains. J’espère sauf il dîne ici. Midge staying at Langham. Spencer , Mervyn, self & Midge dine with Edgar & Sophy. Clan dinner 8 o’c. Walked with Mad’lle morg, met Mabel Wallace Beaumont. Miss Neaves & Mrs Ray called, good story of Miss N’s Christian Science. Scotsman got up & told audience what it had done for him, boils became mere pimples after wrestling with himself all night. Saturday 26 October Hylda Spencer operated on for appendicitis by surgeon friend of Douglas’ instead of Walter Cheyne who had promised to do operation at £40 reduction!!! Thro’ Dr Playfair who is their Doctor. Off at 10 o’c to see Edgar & Sophy off to Paris & for Alexandria, look v. well. Midge & Mervyn there also. I on with her after, lunched at Langham & to see Triple bill, Shaw’s, Pinero’s & Barrie’s one act plays. Charming, enjoyed it immensely. Sat next to Mrs Newton, V. Watneys friend. Midge returned to tea with me. Dined alone. Sunday 27 October Cold coffee, breakfast late! Walked to enquire after Hilda, saw Sp, Ada, not dressed 12.30. H. had had fair night & later had fish for luncheon! Lunched alone. Saw Caroline after breakfast, she looks v. ill & thinner in the face. Midge, Fanny Barker, Mervyn & Ethel came to tea. Midge remained on to dinner with me. Delightful having her. Monday 28 October Dear little Oliver sore throat. Cold tea breakfast! & late. Mad’lle came & we walked to round pond. Feel v. seedy & tired. Drawing room being done. Busy all afternoon, dusted Dearest’s room & found 2 shirts & air cushion for poor man, old soldier. Dear Roy returned fr. Edna’s. Much impressed by beauty & wealth. Feel vy sick & achey back, eat nothing for tea or dinner. Tuesday 29 October Oliver better. In bed all day, horid pain in back, sickness passed off. Drawing room being done. Cootes here to help 1/6. Delightful letter fr. darling Maud yesterday, vy happy & enjoying herself. Mrs Kendal & Mrs Hamilton Johnson called. Maids vy kind & attentive. Roy dined with Lily Elsie Bullough & her husband & Edna & Mr Lewisohn. Saw Barker party at Carlton & H. Livesey. Wednesday 30 October Chicks come to tea. Tabbie at Claridges.asked me to lunch. Sorry unable to go, still pain in back right side, pricks where kidney seems to be. Chicks came & we worked before tea & played Coon Can after. Miss Innes came & remained short time. Thursday 31 October Ethel & Mervyn dine with me. I lunch with Mrs Ray, Gd Central Hotel. Unable to go, too seedy. Drove at 12 o’c to enquire for Oliver, saw Doctor, says indigestion, it seems the same sort of thing I have had! V. mild flu of sorts. Dear little fellow


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 looks v. white. On after to enquire for Hylda, going on splendidly. Awful morg, poured & returned after 1 ½ hrs drive. Stores 2/Nov 1912 Friday 1 November Heard dear little Oliver better. In all morg, feel better & giddyness passed off. Liver! & why? Mrs Bryan came & we arranged alteration of my black velvet dress morg. After rest walked to Miss Innes & Bradburys, out. Missed dear Roy, went by early train to Edna’s. Alone evening. Mended china & put drawing room straight small objects. Saturday 2 November Turks hopelessly beaten. Constantinople in peril. Went over to Ada Sp. & on to see dear little Oliver, better but in his room. Sat an hour & played with him & lunched with Anne & Miss Blaine & walked back. Had tea with Mrs Fred Kerr, in bed poor little soul with overstrained heart. Mad’lle Jaquimot to dine with me, played cards & talked nonsense, pity I have never seen the things she sees in Kens Gds & Park. Sunday 3 November To sit with dear little Oliver, found all busy with Anne’s stamps in schoolroom. Miss b. & Anne went for walk & I remained with Oliver, much better. X. Awful fire & loss of life at John Barkers 1 o’c AM this morg, c’d scarcely get tho’ Kensington crowd, top part provision storeys gutted X. All Naval officers & men ordered back fr. here, squadrons to East. X. Claud & Fitz to tea. Claud only arrived fr. Argentina Thurs!!! Tall & good looking. Moleworth, Sp. & Ada dined here, used drawing room first time. Monday 4 November Carriage morg to Stores ordered bacon, groceries etc & wine. Saw Mervyn on way back. Oliver better. Letter & cards fr. darling Maud. Dear Roy dined with me & gave him his old game “Willie’s walk to see Grandmama”. Always seems more bored with home after Cranbourne Court, & no wonder. Still feel indigestion. Tuesday 5 November Out morg. Carriage early. Man fr. Harfields to see electric light, everything all right, needed nothing doing. To Harrods ordered chocolate, & man to come about (illeg) chair Dearest’s tomorrow. New specs, & glasses mended. Called on Hylda Gibbs, out. Miss Armstead called. Beatrice took Roy’s things to Club. Vy unpunctual meals, cannot get them to time, & dinner v. late. Wednesday 6 November Ada Sp. sent me a pheasant. Dear chicks to tea. Out carriage morg. 3/- Beach. To see Oliver & Hylda, Evans for hat, School Art Needlework, walked home. Chicks & Nurse D. came, dear O. looks white. Peter came too. Played cards after tea. Roy dined out & Beatrice took his things up to club. My meal late in consequence. Mabel out. Thursday 7 November Carriage 11.30. Caroline & I took Roy’s guns fr. loft! In carriage to Bank. Left B.A.Western allotted £10 4% Ex 1913 to be paid by Bank. To Moslier about morg. room covers. Terrible ennui femme de chambre, point de spirit de son ouvrage pauvre créature. Effie dining here perhaps Claud & Roy. Friday 8 November Carriage to Peter Robinsons & to Mervyn’s studio. Florrie Blair came to stay. Roy out. Saturday 9 November Out shop’g morg with Florrie & round pond. After lunch & rest called on Mrs Pope, Lady Bergne, Mrs Adlam & had tea there & took pears 1/8 to Mrs F. Kerr who


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 looked sweet in bed. Alone evg with Florrie, Roy out. La jeune fille s’en va. Darling at Florence. Miss Webster called, saw her. Sunday 10 November Paid cheque £353.5.6 for purchase 10 Union Pacific RRd shares at 175½, com. £2.3.6 total £353 5.6 to Messrs Byng, Foley & Co, 4 Tokenhouse Buildings London. To church at St George’s with Florrie Blair, called after on Ada Sp. In her room! Florrie lunched out, I alone. Mrs Dickens, Ada & Sp. & Winnie Lockyer called. Roy home to dinner. Monday 11 November I lunch at Gt Central Hotel with Mrs Rae. Had carriage to go & come back. Bad lunch, empty rooms. To Marshalls & Peter Robinsons inspecting mantles & costumes. To chicks to tea, so glad to see them well & dear Anne so gentle. Walked back with Mademoiselle. Florrie sleepy evg. Claud came in & brought me flowers fr. Tabs, beauties. Dear boy and so like Con. Tuesday 12 November Florrie & self morg. 11 o’c to Selfridges in carriage. Saw May Nembhard. Looked at mantles & coats & skirts. To Peter Robinsons after, chose velvet mantle & feather £5.5 0 & 29/6. Walked home from Lancaster Gate. Flowers fr. Tabs, lovely. Mrs Braunstein & Fanny & May Nembhard to tea. Florrie out. Roy dined out. Vy cold. Wednesday 13 November Carriage 11 o’c to stores with Florrie, bought stockings 6 prs, miniature case for dearest & dear parents, French plums etc. Housemaster carpet brush. Darling chicks arrived 3 o’c. Vy happy afternoon. Roy dined at home, weird conversation on lives of men, revelations. Thursday 14 November Mrs Bryan before 11 or 5 o’c to fit. Out morg. Florrie & self walked to Sloane St & bus back. Met Miss Warre & Miss Murray Smith. Carriage 3 o’c called on Lady Pirrie, Lady Aberconway, Mrs Tate, Mrs Medley, Mrs B.Partridge & Miss Laurence. Mrs Bryan brought back my dress velvet, comme si comme ça. Took the other moiré to alter. Caroline out. Roy dined out. Friday 15 November Out morg. walking with Florrie. At 3 carriage fetched me having left chicks at dancing class. I called on Lady Pirrie, Lady Armstrong, Lady Aberconway Lady Lucy & Miss Hughes, last in. Her flat charming beautifully furnished. Florrie to see Aunt Netta. Quiet evg. Mrs Kendall & three others called. Tiresome to miss her again. Saturday 16 November Darling Maud returns with Lennie from Italy, arrives 5.30 PM. I lunched with Mrs Gibson, most delicious lunch exquisitely cooked & served by her little General Servant, a marvel. Called on Mrs Spofforth. Roy to stay with Mr Howard Gould at Hosney Hall, Oakley Park, Eye, Suffolk. Diss station. Florrie to matinée alone. Quiet evg. Beatrice out. Sunday 17 November My darling came at 1.30 with both chicks. Looks fairly well, has enjoyed her holiday immensely. Lennie fetched her & they went in motor to St Cuthberts. I to St Georges & Florrie to St Mary Abbotts. F. & self alone to lunch, F. out after. Mabel out afternoon & evg. Florrie & I dine at darling Maud’s tonight. Harolds there. Monday 18 November To Selfridges with Florrie buy bus. They now want more for costume. Sweets 1/-, Byron’s poems 2/6. Lunched with Maud & walked home with Florrie. Mrs Sington dines here 7.30. Tuesday 19 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Two pheasants fr. H.L. Fitzroy came to stay two nights. Slept in Roy’s bed. Florrie & self to Selfridges. I ordered coat & skirt & bodice £15.15.0. Darling to lunch. Mr & Mrs C.Cooke & Mabel Beaumont to tea. Quiet evg. Fitzroy out dinner. We did Dearest’s photos evg. Wednesday 20 November Dear chicks come 3 o’c. To Selfridges morg. with Florrie to be fitted coat & skirt & bodice by om. Chicks came. V. good but felt v. tired. Florrie Blair left 5 o’c. Nice quiet tactful little thing, enjoyed having her. I went to bed & had bread & milk in bed! Thursday 21 November Mrs Gibson comes to dine. Out morg. carriage stores could get very little I wanted. Mrs Charley Burnand came while I was resting, was most amusing & looks as handsome as ever, & as young. Fitzroy in for dinner alone, quite nice little evg. Les filles font assez bien seulment points de style. Friday 22 November Go to tea at Nonie’s 4 o’ see children, no, Monday. Carriage to Sefridges to be fitted & to Times Library after & Maud’s to lunch, & Fitzroy also. Maudie busy with dolls for her Bazaar. Fitzroy & I walked home & he lwft for the Frisby’s after for week end. He went to see Doctor morg. Alone evg. Saturday 23 November Out morg. Bank. Took div’d £3 odd. Florrie B. called, too tired to walk to Maud’s. After ½ hrs rest & lunch alone to tea George Brookes. Lady Warwick & Miss Robertson there. Mad’lle Jacquimot dined with me, was seedy poor little soul. Bouquet flowers 2/3. Darling sent me some lovely ones. Dear letter fr. Roy. Lady Strachie called. Sunday 24 November To enquire after Popsie Sington. Mrs S. vy lively only just down! On to enquire Mad’lle, much better & busy laundrying! Coming to dine with me tonight. Mervyn & Ethel lunched here. Left at 3.30, quite nice little lunch. Mad’lle dined with me. Monday 25 November 10.30 Florrie Blair coming to see Dearest’s things for her Geoff. Selected coat only. I lunched with Maud & helped her with dressing dolls for Bazaar. On to Nonie’s for tea with her children. She seems to live a far quieter life than my darling who wears herself out for others. Had carriage to Nonie’s & home pouring rain. Alone evg. Roy dined with Mr Stern, National Sporting Club after. Tuesday 26 November To be fitted 11 o’c Selfridge. Had carriage. To Bumpus & Aspreys after & to lunch with Maud, Gillie & Mrs Hohler there, home 3.o’c in carriage. Lady Bergne & Lady Spielmann called. Roy dining with me. Felt v. tired & headachey. 3/- Beach, 1/crossing sweep. Wednesday 27 November Slept badly. To Stores carriage & ordered fire brick Roy’s fire, Harfield. Spent over £2 stores Xmas presents. Dear little Anne to luncheon. Beatrice out, old regime Wednesdays better. May Fitten & Fitzroy called. Vy happy afternoon with dear Anne. Olver has a cold & fear Anne also. Bed 7 o’c. Thursday 28 November Great success concert, all so well managed by Maud. Concert at Maud’s. Lady Spielmnn’s dinner, unable to go. Vy cold. My dress £15.15.0 back. Vy ordinaire. Wore it at Maud’s. Great crowd & everything beautifully managed, my darling looking sweet. Taxi back with Ethel Mervyn & cab there 2/6. Dined drawing room, pas bien fait. Ni bien servi. Bed early. Smelt dear Roy smoking in his room1.30 AM. Friday 29 November


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Roy seems depressed. Off to Cremorne Court 6 o’c. Beatrice taking his things Paddington. Out morg, met Mrs Boughton & Mrs Spofforth. Lady Armstrong called, saw her. Arranged some few presents. To tea at Mrs Spofforth’s, the lady she went abroad with there. Dear little Oliver in is room. Roy to Miss Edna, Beatrice took his valise to Paddington. Saturday 30 November Nellie K. to tea. Flowers fr. darling Maud. 49 bus 4620 Kensington Sussex & Onslow Hotel. Dine with Mervyn & Ethel. Caroline out afternoon & evg. Out morg. after arranging some presents, for walk. Vy happy afternoon with Nellie. Caroline out. Beatrice with me in taxi to Mervyn & fetched me. Delightful rooms & good dinner. Dec 1912 Sunday 1 December Asked Lady & Sir Isadore Spielmann to dine alone coming 7.30. Also Maud & Lennie & Mr Fred Kerr. Arranged flowers morg with Mabel, put out glass & wine & silver & knives. To call Florrie, saw her in bed looking better. Mr Kerr coming tonight. Met Mr Pohl & little girl. Vy pleasant evg, rather late. Monday 2 December Mrs J. Cadogan’s dinner. Roy only going, afraid too cold at night. Lady Armstrong at home. To lunch with Maud, carriage, called on way to pay Harfield & Larber & remined to tea Maud’s. Back by carriage 6 o’c. Ethel Sharp there. We dressed dolls all afternoon & I love having Maud quietly to myself. Vy delightful afternoon, dear chicks better. Bread & milk dinner & to bed on return. Tuesday 3 December Lady Lockyer 3 - 6. I slept badly, over tired. Wednesday 4 December Lady Lockyer 3 - 6. Packed after walk with Mad’lle Jaquimot who remained to lunch. Beatrice helped quite nicely. Dear chicks to tea & work but felt v. tired & fear irritable. Mrs Bryan fitted on me 3 evg dresses for alterations. Roy dined at home, felt too tired to be cheerful & he seemed depressed. Darling Maud came to fetch chicks bringing me lovely pillow. Thursday 5 December Lady Lockyer 3 - 6. By Granville to Ramsgate. Mad’lle went with me & Osborn cab 2/6, fare 10/6 ret. 2nd Osborne 2/6. Cab & porter Ramsgate 2/6. Total £ (blank). Pleasant evg found Mrs Evans vy well. Bed 10.30. Friday 6 December Maud’s 2nd day at Bazaar. Ramsgate. Slept well. Morg worked & wrote Maud & Roy & worked all morg. Fly with Mrs Evans to Eileans where we lunchd. Eilie as pretty & sweet as ever. To my Dearest’s grave after, not pleased. Our dear parents’ grave better kept. Called & saw Overton about it, obstinate as ever. To Lady Burnand’s to tea after buying postcards. Lady B. looks pale & tired. Frank home, several others there. Quiet evg after full day, v. good dinner & good rest, bed 10.30. Saturday 7 December Out morg. with Mrs E. Letter fr. my darling about Bazaar, £20 made at her stall, & dear little Anne presented purse to Princess Henry Battenburg. Met Mrs Hammond & went for walk with her to Hospital, far nicer Matron. Mrs E. & self to tea at Mrs Hammond’s tomorrow Sunday. Ethel B. dined here. 1/5 cards, 1/stamps. 2 prs scissors 2/1½. Sunday 8 December 2/6 Church. To Christ Church. Good sermon re Canada settlements of our Church. Met Martin Thomsons & walked with them. Tea at Mrs Hammonds. Had supper at


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lady Hunt’s. Very good & a pleasant evening. Letter fr. Caroline, bother with Kitchen range & hot water pipes. Monday 9 December Morg out shop’g. 2 hrs! & to Dentist Dr Bull, ap’t for tomorrow 11 o’c. Cards 1/3, stamps 6d. Awful afternoon. Rested & worked. Dined at Lady Burnand’s. V. delightful evg. & excellent dinner, all looking in robust health there except Lady B. who looks paler than usual & thinner. Tuesday 10 December Dentist 11 o’c. 5/-. Had back tooth only filed down. Cards 1/3. Letter fr. Roy Cranbourne Court, & from Edgar fr. Paris. Mrs Parish in to tea, shrimps. Out morg for 2 ½ hrs, in all afternoon, so wet & dull. Worked & read. Played Coon Can after dinner. Wednesday 11 December Out morg 11.30. Apples 6d. Letters fr. Maud. Nurse with dear little O, operation on Monday or Tuesday. Letter fr. Ethel. M. called Sunday at Staf. Ter. Could get no answer. Vy annoying! Three maids at home!!! Out morg & at 3.30 to Home Salvation Army refuge 35 children beautifully kept shown over by vy nice girl officer. To Mrs Buckmaster & to tea Mrs Paris who played (illeg). Thursday 12 December Lovely morg. To St Peters D.V. to Com service there. My Dearest’s grave looks better fibre on. Placed flowers but heavy rain c’d not remain long. Called Mrs Raven & Noott, both out, last abroad with a nurse. Tram 8d flowers 1/- church 6d. Mrs Berry after tea. V. amusing. Cozy evg, work. In afternoon tired. Friday 13 December Morg. packed comfortably & down to Harbour alone, changed last sovereign! Sat with Mrs Evans. Miss S. Willis, Lady Hunt & Mrs Hammond to tea & coffee excellent. V. delightful afternoon. They remained late. Quiet dinner & Coon Can till 10.30. Finished packing. Gale blowing. Cards 4d, stamps 6d. Saturday 14 December X. Left Ramsgate by Granville 10 o’c. Maids 6d, cab 2/-, porter 4d. London porter 6d, taxi 2/6. Maud’s carriage met me & groom took my box to Staf. Ter. I to Maud’s to lunch. X. Darling Oliver’s operation adenoids & tonsils removed 9.30 by Dr Waggett, saw the darling for a moment asleep, vy white. Dear Maud anxious & tired. Carriage brought me back with Anne who went to a party at Mrs Lewis. Mad’lle here to stay. Roy at Edna’s for week end. Sunday 15 December Walked with Mad’lle to Lancaster Gate, saw dear little Oliver. Looks very pulled down & could not speak. Walked back & met Maud, Lennie & Anne returning fr. church St Cuthbert’s. Darling looked tired. Quiet afternoon, worked at Bath Blanket. Quiet evg alone. Monday 16 December Dear Oliver better. Sat with him a little. Mad’lle & self out morg paying bills & shop’g, ordered wreath Barkers. Saw Mervyn at Maud’s. Men here from Rudds about pipes Kitchen & house, estimate for same. Mad’lle out to lunch & tea. Ethel Mervyn & Aylmer Bosanquet to tea. Ethel to Maud’s with me. Walked back with Mad’lle. Roy returned fr. Edna’s but dined out. Tuesday 17 December Saw Roy distrait morg, dining here tonight. Mervyn & Ethel leave for Mentone today. Men here about hot pipes. Must be done. Vy busy all afternoon presents etc with Mad’lle. Unable to go to Maud’s. Dear little Oliver better. Roy dined with Mad’lle & self. Wednesday 18 December X. To Bank with Mad’lle. Took the certificate of Union & Pacific shrs for custody. Card to Barker’s for my Dearest’s wreath. Only £4.0 in Bank! Dear little Anne to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 tea alone vy happy, dying some old ribbons! Rudd’s called again, estimate for hot water pipes in order £29. Having estimate fr. Knights also. Mad’lle out to dinner. Thursday 19 December To Darlings, saw little Oliver , looks very pulled down. Nurse off a great deal, fear Maud worried. Mad’lle left, shall miss her, has been most kind & useful. Saw Knight about pipes & feel worried to do the best, & no experience! Friday 20 December Packed with Beatrice. Bothered about pipes. Rudd called round. Vy undecided which to have. Darling came after tea for sort time. Roy dined out. Miss Rose Innes called morg. V. sad face so sorry for her & understand her loneliness without her dear companion. Vy comfortably packed & ready. Saturday 21 December Beatrice & I came to Leweston by 11 o’c train. No change 2nd class. Interesting carriage full. V. crowded. Found all well Leweston. Claud & Fitzroy arrived later. Mervyn & Gareth fr hunting. Hamilton came after dinner fr. Hattons shooting. Bed 10.20. Roy to Cranbourne Court for week end. Sunday 22 December To little church with Tabs. Boys to Lillingstone. Walked with Miss Macgregor & Tabbie. Miss M returned to tea. Boys walked back with her. Pleasant evg. No letter fr. darling. Monday 23 December Mr J. Digby to lunch. Claud better. Hounds through Park. Saw & spoke to Gwen on her new hunter. Wet after 3.30. Walked round grounds Tabs & Mr Digby, endless stories on France. Fitzroy goes to Castle to sleep, No letter fr. darling. Oliver went to Balcombe & is much better. I played bridge evg with H, Mr R, & Gareth. Tuesday 24 December Leweston Manor. Roy comes this evening. 2 letters fr. darling Maud. V. wet morg. Wrote & helped with Tree. Walked after lunch with Mrs Rooth to gate Lodge. Simon & George came over, the prettiest little pair & so wonderfully well behaved & good. Simon nearly 3 & George nearly 2, both in white. Gwen & Mr John Digby came later teller of stories, some vy ancient. Ham, Mr Rooth & Shakespear to Dorchester golf, boys hunted. Darling Roy came in time for dinner. Vy bright & cheery, Auction Bridge after. Wednesday 25 December Very Happy Day in spite of dreadful weather. Stormy & pouring with rain, sorry unable to go to Church. Tabs to 8 o’c Mass. Gareth & Claud to early communion. Wrote, read & worked morg. Walked to Lodge Gates after rest. H, Mr R & Mr S. for walk . Roy & Tabs & after Roy & Mrs Rooth for walk. Delightful evg. Auction Bridge, H, Roy, Gareth & Mr R, & Mrs Rooth sang all the evg. Bed 10.45. Very happy day. Thursday 26 December Awful gale early morg. Woke me, felt as if it must blow window in. Dear letters from all the family several fr. dear Edgar & Midge. Poured all day nearly. Got a walk 3 times round Cypress Walk. All tenants children & many mothers came to tea & tree. H. & party unable to shoot. Roy left by 5 train, goes to Lewisohns tomorrow at Sandwich. Played Bridge evg with Ham, Gareth & Mr Rooth. Friday 27 December Another dark morg. Many letters. Beatrice Rooth, Dorothy S. & self lunched at Castle, only Fitz, Mr John Digby & Gwen, Vy enjoyable & good stories!!! Saw pictures & furniture, great improvements at castle. V. pleasant evg. Miss Laws came to stay & they all danced before & after dinner dining room. Danced with Claud but felt giddy, did not venture with Mr R! Saturday 28 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Leave Leweston by 11.33 going thro’ no change to darling Maud Balcombe. Traveled with Mrs Beatrice Rooth, little John & Mad’lle to Waterloo. Maid Beatrice Street managed v. nicely & saw me off at Victoria Sta. by 4.30, tiring wait. Housemaid 5, footman 3, chauffeur 2, cart 1. Briscoe 5, Presents16/-, Porter 2/-. Cab 2/6. Found all well at Balcombe. Little Oliver & Nurse Duffett. Oliver looks better. Went to bed after tea. Slept well. Sunday 29 December Good night & first sunny morg. Went with Darling in motor with 3 chicks, Mr Marriott & Nurse to Brighton. Mr M, Maud & self to High Church, 2/6, but do not like service as much as at Balcombe. Lovely singing, Nazareth. Walked after lunch with Nrrse & Oliver. Maud & Lennie fairly well. Monday 30 December Lovely morg. Walked with Maud morg. garden saw butterfly Painted Lady. Afternoon with Maud, Linley & Anne to Mrs Stevenson Clark’s for large children’s party. Conjuror & Tree. Lady B. Newson & Lady Blandford there. Mrs Worsley & pretty Joyce Kerr also. Quiet evg. Mr M, Maud & self played Coon Can. M won by 4. Tuesday 31 December Dull & cold, rain. To Miss Lee’s charming house with Mr M. & Maud. Frost at Nymans. All at luncheon, no response to our good wishes! A funeral party seemingly. Large party to dine Balcombe. Booths & Oxleys & children, dances after, dear Oliver & Mad’lle down. 2 round tables for children who were in fancy dress. Very happy day & evg. Late to bed. Roy came down in time for tea, was vy amusing at dinner. 1912. Private Ac’t. January B. Ayres Gt. Southern 7.10. 8 B.A. Western 4. 5. 2 Cent. Argentine Rly 1.17. 8 B.A.Pacific 4.13. 5 Rio Janiero Trams 4.14. 2 City B. Ayres 5% new 9. 8. 4 Japan 4½ % 4. 4. 9 New York Central 1. 4. 3 Mexican Lt & Power 9.12. 6 January £ 49. 8. 7 February B.A.Pacific 13. 2 Chinese (illeg) Rly 2. 7. 1 Robinson Gold 8.16. 7 Great Eastern Rly 4. 4. 9 Gt Northern Rly U.S.A. 3. 7. 6 City B.A.Trams 9. 5 Hull & Barnsley 7.10. 8 Midland Rly 10. 1. 0 February £37.10.2 March Furniss Rly 18.10 Cuban 12. 2. 2 Chinese 4 ½ % 2. 2. 4 Waihi Gold 3.16. 0 P. & O. St. Ship 4.18.11 Japan 5% 2. 7. 1


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sons of Gualia 5.10 Interest on deposit 1. 2. 1 Glasgow S.W. 2.19. 4 March £30.11. 9 April Lloyd Brazilia 2. 7. 1 Cordoba Central Rly 1.17. 8 New York River 1. 4. 3 B.A. Gt Southern Rly 30. 1. 9 B.A. Great Western 2. 5. 2 Cent. Arg. Rly 20. 1. 2 April £57.17. 1 May B.A. Pacific 13. 2 New York Telephone 8. 9. 6 B.A. Trams 9. 5 Gt. Northern pref N.S. 3. 7. 6 May £12.17. 7 June Cent Argt. 11. 1 Waihi Gold 3.16. 0 Nat Rly Mexico 4. 6. 0 Interest deposit 6. 8 Sons of Gualia 4. 8 June £ 11. 5. 1 (Page inserted on Balcombe House notepaper) Private Continued. July 1912 £ s d City B.A. 5% 9. 8. 4 Cent Argt. Rly 1.17. 8 B.A. Pacific Rly 4.13. 5 B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 7.10. 8 B.A. Western Rly 4. 5. 2 B.A. Pacific Rly 1. 9. 0 Japan 4% 1.17. 8 Rio Janiero Trams 4.14. 2 Japan 4½ 4. 4. 9 New York Cent 1. 4. 3 Mexican Lt & Power 9.12. 6 July £ 50.17. 7 August B.A. Pacific 13. 2 Chinese 2. 7. 1 Gt Eastern 1. 3. 6 August £ 4. 3. 9 December 1912 £ s d Coupé Cy 6.16. 6 Nat. Rly Mexico 4. 6. 8 Dec 1912 £ 11. 3. 2 Trust account 1912 On deposit January 1912 £200 Balance from 1911 £84.9.8 January Antofagasta 6.11.10


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Cent Uraguay 23.10.10 Argentine Gt Western 18.16. 8 Local Loans 5. 5 January £49. 5. 3 February Peebles Sons 23. 6. 1 Gt. Western Brazil 28. 5. 0 February £51.11.1 March Cordoba & Rosario 18.16. 8 April Brit. North Atlantic 21. 3. 9 Ilinois Central 19. 5. 6 April £40. 8. 9 May/June Canadian Pacific 23.10.10 Lehigh & Varley 21.13. 1 June £45. 3.11 July Cent. Uraguay 23.10.10 Antofagasta 6.11.10 Argt. Gt Western 18.16. 8 Local Loans 5. 5 July £49. 4. 9 August Gt. Western Brazil 28. 5. 0 Peebles 23. 6. 1 August £51.11. 1 Trust account continued Sep Cordoba Rly 18.16. 8 Oct Brit. North Atlantic 21. 3. 9 Local Loans 5. 5 Illinois Central 19. 5. 6 Oct £40.14. 8 Nov nil Dec 1912 Canadian Pacific 23.10.10 Lehigh Valley 21.13. 2 Dec 1912 £45. 4. 0 Dearest’s account 1912 Balance from 1911 £66. 9. 3 Jan Cent. Argentine Rly 10. 7. 2 B.A.Gt Southern 5.13. 0 Canadian Pacific 13.15. 9 Argentine Government 9. 8. 4 State of San Paulo 9. 8. 4 Minniapolis SS Marie 7.15. 4 Mexican 5% Ex 2. 7. 1 B. Ayres Water 7. 1. 3 Grand Trunk Rly 13. 2 Cent Pacific Rly 3.17. 0


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 January £70.16. 5 February London County & Westminster Bk 12. 0. 1 March Mexican (illeg) 4. 4. 9 Northern Pacific 1.18. 6 Girard (illeg) Co 11.11. 0 Northern Pacific 1.18. 6 March £19.12. 9 April Bahia Blanca 10.18.6 Mexican Ex 3. 7. 1 Chinese 5% 4.14. 2 Gt Trunk Rly County 13. 2 April £18.12.11 May Baltic Mer Ship’g £8. 9. 6 Dearest’s ac’t continued June Leopoldina Rly 7.18. 2 Baltimore & Ohio Rly 3. 7. 5 Northern Pacific Rly 3.17. 0 June £15. 2. 7 July Mexicans 2. 7. 1 Argentine 9.18. 4 B.A. Gt. Southern 5.13. 0 Cent. Argt. Rly 10. 7. 2 B.A.Water 7. 1. 3 State San Paulo 7. 1. 3 SS Atlantic 7.15. 5 Canadian Pacific Rly 13.15. 9 (illeg illeg) 13. 2 Canadian Pacific Rly 3.17. 0 July £67.19. 5 Aug Lon. Cty Westminster Bk 12. 3. 1 Sep Cuban Ports 5% 4.16. 9 Mexican International 4. 4. 9 Gorand Trust 11.11. 3 Northern Pacific 3.17. 2 Sept £24. 9.11 Oct Bahia B. & N.W. Rly 10.18. 6 Chinese 5% 4.14. 2 Mexican 5% 2. 7. 1 Gd Trunk Rly 13. 2 Oct £18.12.11 November Baltic Mercantile Ship’g 8. 9. 6 Lin’s £232.18. 8.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Only £8. 2. 2 pd into my account as pd £22 B.A. Gt. Southern call & overdrew Ex. Account. San Paolo £100 to be reinvested 1st Jan 1912 To be reinvested £130 capital. Invested 1912 2nd March. £20 to Glyn Mills Currie & Co for 2 £10 Ex shs 1914 B.A.Western 4th June. £25 allotment of 5 £10 4½ pref shrs Cent Arg Rly 10th April. £50 Allotment of £250 B.A. Pacific Rly 5% deb 1912 (£25 already paid) Received Trust Private 1912 J. 49. 5. 3 49. 8. 7 F. 32.11.1 37.10. 3 M. 8.16. 8 30. 1. 9 A. 40. 8. 9 57.17. 1 M. 12.19. 7 J. 45. 3.11 11. 5. 1 J 49. 4. 9 50.17. 7 A. 51.11. 1 24.18. 3 S. 18.16. 8 31.13. 1 O. 40.14. 8 71.12. 6 N. 24.11. 4 D. 45.14.0 11. 3. 2 £410.16.10 £413.18. 8 Together £859.10.1 Dearest’s account January 6.19. 5 Feby 12. 0. 1 March 19.12.9 April 18.13.11 May 8. 9. 6 June 15. 2. 7 July 67.19. 5 August 12.13. 1 Sep 24. 9.11 Oct 8. 2. 2 Nov 8. 9. 6 Dec 7. 4. 8 £270.16. 0 Dearest’s Total 1912 Invested 1912 January. Bought thro’ bank £100 B.A.Pacific Ord. Paid £100.18.6 March Paid £30 on 2 £10 shrs allotted in B.A.Western Rly Ex. 1915 April 10th. £50 on £250 allotted B.A.Pacific 5% Debs issued at £105 March 30th £25 on application for above £250 B.A.Pacific making up to date £75 pd. April 1st £33 Buenos Ayres see Executors Pass Book? July 1st £22 being call of £2 per share on 11 allotted shs in Buenos Ayres Gt S. Rly. Pd. Bought July 1912 only re-invested £100 Bolivar 6% at £104 with com. £105.6.6 this L.C.W. Bank Bought July 1912 re-invested fr. paid off Dearest’s Estate £200 in Chilean 5% Ports at £102, total £202.11.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 On Sept 30th Final call of £2 per share on this 4% Ex Srs 1914 Buenos Ayres Gt Southern Rly on 11 shres £22 pd by London County West. Bank. £110 in all now paid, being 11 £10 shrs. Invested 1912 Buenos Ayres Western allotted one £10 share 4% Extention 1912, gave this to the Bank to be paid in full if possible Nov 7th Thursday. Also bought 10 shs Union Pacific Coms R. Rd at 173 with com etc £353.5.6. 5th Nov 1912 by dear Roy’s advice, this Byng Foley & Co Stock & Share brokers, 4 Tokenhouse buildings. 1909 Received fr. Trust 1909 413. 5. 8 Private 443. 9. 3 Lennie made me £52 of this. Total 1909 £856.14.11 1910 Trust 410.13. 1 Private 388.10. 6 799. 0. 0 250. 0. 0 Lennie gave me £250 Total 1910 £1049. 3. 7 1911 Trust 411. 4. 0 Private 402.17. 2 Total 1911 £814. 1. 2 Lennie gave me £400 invested in City of Buenos Ayres 5% Bonds 1911 February.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1913 Notes in front of Diary: Put in drawer by window drawing room with Mabel 18 June 1913 3 Silver photo frames 2 Mugs 1 Porringer 1 cream jug 1 Empire piece square 1 Maltese tripod 1 Holy water cup 4 pieces of silver cigar, Grandmother’s pencil. Antoinette housewife (Tom Tayler) & Toula (illeg) 1 Crescent cigar lighter 1 Blondin horse shoe 1 Dolly ditto 1 Norwegian knife 1 Silver top’d flower vase 2 glass scent bottles 1 Lennie blue enamel 2 old china ash boats 1 Ebony elephant 2 Ivory paper cutter & weight 1 Napoleons cutter 1 Ivory stick handle 1 Jap pencil holder 2 wooden shoes Put these in drawer with Mabel Jenkins 18th June 1913. (Pages inserted) Emma Childs 7 o’c. Hot water to my room Sweep down stairs Dust same Steps 8 o’c. Breakfast Empty bath, bring hot water for toilet 8.30 Fire place drawing room & sweep carpet 9 o’c. Open beds & turn over mattresses Open windows top & bottom Empty all slops 9.45 Make beds with H. parlourmaid Wash stands & fill jugs Put boots in bedrooms cleaned 1 o’c Hot water to my room & spare room 4.30 Tea & be dressed by 4.30 except on Friday & Saturday & by 1.30 on Sunday. See all bedroom blinds down at Dusk & windows fastened. 6 o’c. Hot water to bedrooms, & put out evening dresses. See to sitting room fires in winter, sweeping hearths & tidy up room & dust over tables. Arange papers neatly. 8 o’c. Assist wait at table. Directly coffee served go up to bedrooms. Hot water, my bath ready. Take away boots to clean if possible take these away before dinner. Supper.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 10 o’c. Bed, always going to see if anything else wanted. Special days for rooms Monday Count washing. Mr Roy’s room thoroughly turned out. Furniture, brass, floor etc all polished & paint washed, rugs taken down to shake. Tuesday Drawing room with Parlourmaid, all polished & flowers re-arranged, glasses washed. Rods of stair carpets polished, 2 first flights & landings washed. Aquarium cleaned & 2 chests of drawers polished & clock outside drawing room door. Wednesday Maids room & spare room thoroughly done. Windows & sills cleaned & paint washed. Thursday My room thoroughly done, carpets brushed with tea leaves. Paint washed & windows sills, oil cloth polished, Brass etc etc. Friday Stairs thoroughly done, rods, landings, top of clock & book case etc etc Aquarium. Bannister rail polished & pictures wiped. Saturday Drawing room tea leaves for sweeping carpet. Brass polished. Furniture rubbed & parquet rubbed. Flowers again re-arranged & all silver in room cleaned. Jan 1913 Wednesday 1 January Very low in funds! Dull morg. To post & along new road but it rained so had to return. Mr Marriott left after luncheon. Gladys for walk with Roy. Maud & Roy together alone for walk before tea. Love to see them together. Nurse Duffett with Ann to Mr Savill’s party. Played Coon Can with Oliver. Most uncomfortable dinner, Lennie so jealous of Roy. Poker after dinner. Late as usual to bed. Thursday 2 January Sea fog. Very raw & cold. Roy left early rain. Mrs Booth, Christopher Warren, Michael, Rosalind all went to a party children’s fancy dress at Mrs Rakes given in Kevins of Cuckfield. Maud, Gladys & self all went. Vy charming party. Ann looked sweet & Linley v. nice as Robin Hood, & Chinaman. Saw Mrs Kerr & her 3 children, she looks v. ill, & Mrs & Mr Worsley etc. Late to bed. Roy paying books for me. Friday 3 January Dull. Maud & Gladys called on Duchess Hamilton out, & Mrs Stansfield. I had tea with Oliver & Linley. Darling came in later. Maud Gladys & whole Booth party, who dined here, to dance at Mrs Hornes. Christopher & Booths children also. Mr B. unable to come, not v. well. Lennie & self looked fans & china. Bed late. Saturday 4 January Lennie Mrs H. Booth fished morg. with Duke of Hamilton. I walked with darling to Mill & met Nurse, Oliver & Gladys, back together. Mrs Latham called, saw her, looks younger than ever. Lennie fished alone afternoon caught 3 pike one weighing 22 lbs, 42 inches long the largest he has ever caught. Poor old people’s tea. Express train evg. Vy tired. Amias Bar came to stay. Sunday 5 January Dull & raining. Fair night but feel vy tired fr. late nights, evgs, so fatiguing. Had a good weep! Feel worn out. Had walk to Mill with Gladys who was most kind & dear little O, sat there some time. Met Mr Booth, Mrs B. & Rosalind on returning. Lennie & Maud to Cuckfield Church. L. fished afternoon. Mrs Booth & children to tea. I went to bed 8 o’c, bread & milk.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 6 January Had good night, but still head aching. Pouring with rain in morg, fine later. Muriel M. & Iris Lund called morg. Duke of H. called to see Lennie’s fish afternoon. Dear Linley & Anne’s entertainment for Oliver, magic lantern & games arr’d by Anne, dancing beautifully done. Maud, Lennie & Gladys dined at Mrs Denny’s. I too seedy to go. V. happy evg with boys. Tuesday 7 January Walked morg alone. Good night. Measles scare. Joyce Keen has it. So no one went to the Hornes party. Linley rode to see Ottie & back to lunch. Maud Anne & self afternoon to leave present Linsey Smiths & another call. Wednesday 8 January Gladys & Amias left morg. Miss Linsey Smith’s wedding. Gladys, Maud & self went. Vy pretty wedding & well arranged. Saw Mr Horne, Miss Lees, Maudesley etc there. Bride charmingly pretty, Cap’t Gordon Duff bridegroom. Ennuyeuse diner. Bed early. Thursday 9 January Lennie Maud & self dined at Nymans, Mr M’s birthday. Vy nice Loring girls there with Ottie. Morg wrote & walked. Afternoon Maud & self to tea with Mr Allan, charming house. Lennie v. lively at Nymans, the Gibbs there. Gladys & Amias left morg. Friday 10 January Sent off call paper B.A.Western Rly 4% 1914 £5 last call on one £10 allotted shr to be paid by Bank. X. Maud & self walked to Lady F. Fitzroy’s took flowers, saw Miss F. Maud & Ann to Duchess of Hamilton’s to tea, they enjoyed it v. much. Linley to lunch & tea Mrs Rale’s. Miss Bagg came to stay, sang & played beautifully before dinner. I had tea with Nurse & Oliver & played after. V.pleasant dinner, Lennie in good spirits. To bed after early. Saturday 11 January Wrote morg & walked with darling before lunch. No, it poured in torrents. But went in carriage with Maud, Linley & Anne to Mrs Keatings fancy dress children’s dance given at Hotel. Met Mr John Millais. Ret’d with Mrs Messel & Hylda in their car, left them & came on alone. Maud & chicks bring’g Peggy Rale to stay later. Mr & Mrs Tower & Mr S. Reed dined here. Linley & Peggy at separate table! Vy pleasant dinner, bed early. Sunday 12 January Lovely day. With Lennie, Linley & Peggy Rale to Haywards Heath. Territorial inspection, Ts, Veterans, Scouts & Church Brigade, over 200. Vy smart appearance. Mr & Mrs Cadogan & little sister came fr. London by motor to lunch & tea. He looks ill. Walked to Lake. Mr & Mrs Booth to dinner. Miss Bagg sang charmingly & played also, delightful to hear her. Bed 10 o’c. Monday 13 January Little Oliver’s birthday. Lovely morg, overslept myself. Dreaming about cricket match with ball size of a gentleman’s evg hat! Peggy Rale remaining until Tuesday. Lennie goes to London & does not return until Saty. Miss Bagg, Maud & self to lunch at Mr Marriott’s Lambert Cottage. Pretty little place & excellent luncheon. Mr & Mrs M. & Nurse came over morg to see Oliver. Miss B. sang charmingly evg. but gave way to weakness. Tuesday 14 January Miss Bagg, Maud & self lunch with Ottie. Charming house beautifully kept but poor welcome prefer meal at Mr Marriott’s. Returned home as soon as possible 4.20. Tea. Dear chicks danced. Oliver & Nurse to Nymans for lunch, & Linley. Anne alone here but rode over to Nymans & back. V.happy evg. Wednesday 15 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mary wrote. Chicks all rude. Lunched at 1 o’c. 3 chicks to Duchess’s for games & tea. Maud & self for lovely walk with dogs. Tea 4 o’c, & then Maud went to fetch the children & was not home until 7 o’c. Very happy evg. Bed early. Thursday 16 January Reçu lettre de la maison. Premer Mars la C s’en aille. Je l’attendais depuis assez long temps. Lovely morg. Anne & Linley riding to Meet. Maud, Oliver & self & Nurse to Burstowe Meet at Mr Hermon’s, Duke there & 2 of his children riding. Anne & Linley followed by Beach. Delightful morg. I walked after lunch with Maud until tea. Quiet peaceful evg, bed early. Friday 17 January Morg. wrote & walked with Maud & dogs. Oliver’s party. Lorings, Ruth & chicks, Mr & Mrs Messel & Muriel & Hylda & Mrs Booth & 5 children. Danced & had games. Lennie came down, looks very well. Late to bed, 11 o’c. Garden pony ridden by Linley yesterday lame. Nurse dined with us. Pleasant evg. Saturday 18 January Lovely morg. Meet at (blank). Darling went with chicks & Robin Booth in motor. Vy warm & sunny. Lennie’s day off & fished all day. Nurse & I walked to enquire after Lady Frederick, saw Miss Fitzroy. Lady F. better & down to lunch. The H. Booths dined here. Darling & chicks to Duke’s for lecture on natural history, & tea. Quite nice evg, bed early. Sunday 19 January To Church Balcombe with Maud, chicks, Nurse. Good sermon on abstinance. Poured all day after Maud & I remained for communion. Unable to go out. Finished packing. Maud to tea with Village Nurse. Sang hymns with chicks & darling, Nurse played. Dismantled tree after dinner. Pianola & bed 10.30. Monday 20 January Pouring & blowing hard. X. I return home from Balcombe by 1.18 train after 3 weeks & 2 days visit. Darling saw me off. Fees £1.1.0, cab 3/-, porters 1/-, omnibus 1/-. Total spent for almost month visiting £1.0.0. Found all well, unpacked with Beatrice, tea & dinner alone. Bed 9 o’c. Tuesday 21 January Awful day, cold & raw, rain. Went thro’ accounts. Put out dining room silver. Saw Knight about pipes & bathroom, by no means complete. Tea alone. Read & worked. Dear Roy came home to dress & dined out, looks v. pale & thin. Mad’lle came to dinner, games after. Darling came up with all household fr. Balcombe. Wednesday 22 January Fine, but v. cold. Felt feverish with heavy cold during night. Better after breakfast. Mad’lle coming to stay. Knight’s men coming to finish bathroom. Came, did not finish. Mad’lle J. et moi had lunch with Maud. Mad. remained with Linley who is in bed with cold. Maud here & Oliver & self to Vaudeville to see “Shock headed Peter” amusing, love being with the darlings & to tea after at Lancaster Gate. Mad’lle & self & Roy dined with us. Thursday 23 January My cold v. heavy & feel seedy, hot & cold. Went morg. to Water Board, & Barkers, ordered 6 face towels, 2 large bath towels & 6 dusters for Mabel H.M. 6 port glasses & water bottle & tumbler for spare room. Mad’lle to dear chicks. My darling & Hylda Sp. to tea. Darling’s cold also heavy. Beatrice out. Mad’lle & self cards evg. Bed 11 o’c. Roy in early & came to my room. Men here fr. Knights doing bath room & cistern top. Friday 24 January Paid Income & Land tax £11.2.6, Electric Light £6.7.11, Roy £13.3.3 & Winn for blinds £3.1.6. Total £44.6.11. Remaining in bed all day, cold heavy. Feel hot & cold & feverish at times. Men finishing bath room fr. Knights. X. My darling came to tea loaded with lovely flowers & dear little book Dearest used to talk of “Eyes


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 & No Eyes”. She looks pale & thin & I feel v. anxious about her. Mad’lle & self played cards on my bed. Loving letter fr. Edgar fr. Luxor, Egypt. Saturday 25 January Lovely morg, feel better. Out shop’g. with Mad’lle morg. The dear chicks to tea. Oliver seems to have another cold. Played games & cards. Roy dined out. Still no hot water. Crossing sweeper 1/-, fruit 1/6, Taylors. Sunday 26 January To St George’s Church 1/-, on to see little Linley, in bed cold coming on. Saw Hylda & Nurse. Returned to lunch Staf. Ter. with Mad’lle & met Lennie, Darling & the 2 chicks all looking so well & handsome. Mr Molesworth & Miss Rose Innes to tea, both remained on to dinner & left directly after. Roy dined with us, looks tired & pale. Monday 27 January Had carriage. Mad’lle & self to Knights about water pipes & to Evans about hat & to lunch at Maud’s. Linley in nursery. Oliver to bed again with cold, Dr says to remain there 2 days. Ethel Smart at Darling’s. Sat with Linley, had tea & walked home, Hylda with me, left her Argyll Rd. Roy returned to club on account of no hot water. Roy to his club to stay. Tuesday 28 January Knight coming 10 o’c about pipes. Came. All 3 blowers to be out for heating & all went smoothly after 10 inches water in bath at 105 degrees. Walked round Pond morg. Mad’lle out early until tea. Lady Bergne, Florence & Geoffrey, Miss Gill & Mad’lle here to tea. Quiet evg, cards. Wednesday 29 January Saw Harfield’s man about Empire book case drawing room. Mad’lle & I lunch at Maud’s. Dear O. still in bed. Horrid morg, fog. Walked across Gardens, vy bad fog. Darling M. v. seedy looks fagged out & complaind of rheumatism. Came back 4 o’c in carriage. Sp, Ada, Hylda & an Italian gentleman who motored Sp. & A. up to tea. Cards with Mad’lle evg. Thursday 30 January Harfield’s man coming 10 o’c to do book case drawing room, came & did it. Gerald Ryan & Hylda dining here 8 o’c. Mad’lle & self shop’g & walked to Darling’s, still seedy. She & Hylda walked part way back with us. Saw a G.F.S. cook E. Deane £26. Short characters. Letter fr. Roy, returns Saty. Friday 31 January Out morg with Mad’lle shops, walked all morning & at 3.30 Darling Maud fetched me & we called on Mrs Adlam & had tea with her, looks very ill but so bright & cheerful. To Lady Armstrong jnr, & to see Dora at 46 Pont Street, her chicks just arriving look v. well, 4 attendants with them. Saw Paul. Had tea again! her house. Darling left me as she had a dinner. Mad’lle & self v. cozy dinner & cards after. Feb 1913 Saturday 1 February Roy returns after week at club. Out morg. shops with Mad’lle, Barkers etc & pd Taylor’s bill. Mad’lle off after lunch for lessons, returning to dine with me but leaves after. Enjoyed having her, so bright & amusing. Poured with rain at 1.30 & afternoon. Met Mrs E.T.Reed, Miss Innes, Mrs D.Clarke. Sunday 2 February Mr Parsons, Geoff Blair & Maud & Lennie & Roy dine here. Soup, fried soles, fillet of beef, beans, new potatoes, mushrooms, roast chicken, salad & vegts. Plum pudding & bouchées of kippered cods roe, coffee. To St George’s after doing flowers with Mabel & put out glass, silver etc. Vy cold. Vy pleasant evg & all went well. Monday 3 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 To enquire after dear little Anne, & remained lunch. Ethel S. there. Maudie v.lame with rheumatism. Dear Linley returned to school. Maud, Hylda & I saw him off at Victoria, vy brave. To tea at Maud’s & home in carriage. Mad’lle dined with me & Roy returned home to dress, dined out. Fighting recommenced Adrianople. Tuesday 4 February Took div. to Bank Robinson £7.1.6. Walked to Maud’s, dear Anne in bed, ear ache. Lunched alone. Lady Ryan and Hylda called & Florence Edensor & Midge came, only arrived today fr. country. Roy dines with me. Saw a cook fr. Lyons £26 but do not care for her & she objects to Sunday short evg. No loss. Wednesday 5 February To tea Lady Lucy’s. Out morg shops. Saw 3 cooks, £25 & £26. Had carriage & groom 3/6. Called Lady Boyle, Lady Lawson (saw her) Mrs Watney. Enquired Lady Romer, Lady Levy looks v. well, Mrs Kendal, Lady Cowan & Mrs Hardcastle there. Vy amusing at 6 o’c. 2 cooks came evg, did not see them. Mended photo frames. Beatrice out afternoon & evg. Thursday 6 February Nellie K. to tea. Saw 3 cooks morg, all £25 to £26, pas grande chose. Terrible (illeg)! Midge came rather late afternoon brought me eggs breads & cakes, awfully kind, so glad to see her & looking so well. F. Edensor came also, & Florrie Blair. Friday 7 February Out morg. walked round pond & to see chicks, ret’d for lunch. Had Maud’s carriage, called to enquire Rudolph Messel measles. Left cards Nora Lonegan & to enquire after George Dietz, gout, & to tea at Florrie Blair’s. Awful evg. & afternoon, raining hard & cold. My cold feels influenzery. Mad’lle dined with me, cards after. Saturday 8 February Dear Anne’s birthday, 11! Sent azalea & gave her 5/-. Out by 10 o’c shop’g alone Barkers. Met Mad’lle on return & walked over to Maud’s. Both Anne & Oliver in bed. Walked back. Mad’lle lunched with me & Roy kindly put new white flume(?) in my dining room lampshade. At 3 o’c had Maud’s carriage to Lancaster Gate. Lennie at door v. rude with Cap’t Gibbs & Hylda, sorry I went. Ottie, Miss Baggs & Gladys at Maud’s. Darling & self had tea in chicks’ room with G. & Ottie. I drove home 6 o’c to bed. Roy returned fr, Club & dressed here, I had bread and milk. Club mistake about Roy’s clothes. Sunday 9 February Lennie, Maud, Mr & Mrs Booth & Midge dine here, Ham unable to come at last minute. Darling called to take me to Church, alas too busy with flowers & wine for tonight. Peaceful day afternoon. My darling looked vy tired & sad at dinner, & after. Vy cheery evg, Mrs Booth sang charmingly. Midge in good form. Clear soup, soles, noisettes mutton, chicken, plum pudding, mince pies, kippered cods roe. They stayed till 11.30!!! Monday 10 February Ap’t Dr Mitchell 12.30. Fine morg. Feel v. tired & hot. By motor bus, all well with teeth & gums. He only cleaned off tartar. I walked to Maud’s, lunched there, & rested & slept on Oliver’s bed! Anne still in bed & O. in nursery with with Mad’lle. Ethel S. & Hylda at Maud’s. Home by car. Dined alone, Roy did not return to dress. Maudie still looks to me seedy. Tuesday 11 February Out morg. Bank about fresh securities added to list. Walked to Calls & Home Ex for glass beads. Florrie & F. Blair, Mrs A. Gibbs & cousin Mr Mordaunt, Mrs Cadogan, my darling & Mrs Spofforth. Roy home to dress, only saw him for a moment, looks worried. He slept at club as fog too dense to get back. Alone evg. Read & worked. Wednesday 12 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Ottie lunching here 1.30. Dense fog, did not come. Alone. Darling lunching with Mrs Colefax & tea with Lady Ryan. X. Cleaned Dearest’s room. Mabel washed floor. Furniture lovely, only needs the easiest dusting. Letter fr. Marie Allenbach. Saw a likely cook £26, await results. Emma will come if I’m not suited. Thursday 13 February Letter fr. Marie, in London! Florence Blair comes to dine with me 7.30. Morg walked to Maud’s, out. On to Coburg Hotel, saw Midge, Dora, Tommy & Effie who walked on with me to 9 John St to Home where Evie is, out driving. Walked to Hyde Park corner & Motor Bus home. I lunched alone, too tired to go to tea Coburg. Had tea & stayed one hour at Cousin George’s. Very happy evg. with F.B. Played Coon Can after. Roy dressed here, dined out. Friday 14 February Cold on chest, remained in all day. Midge & Maud both asked me to lunch! Midge & H. return to Bedstone tomorrow. So sorry cannot go & see her today. Foggy & cold & dark. Saw Caroline about Sunday dinner & ordered over till Monday morg. Darling Maud came laden with flowers, F. Walford with her. Cold heavy on chest. Saturday 15 February Feel better. Vy good night. Am remaining in bed till lunch. Cold & damp, fog v. dark. Long letter fr. dear Edgar fr. Jerusalem! & fr. Emma, will come until suited with cook, great relief. In bed till 4 o’c & on sofa for tea. Marie Allenbach came & stayed some time, looks fatter in the face but paler. Has not settled anywhere since leaving me & is now copying music, fear a poor profession. Vy glad to see her. Bed 10 o’c Roy sleeping at his club. Sunday 16 February Mr & Mrs John Cadogan, Lennie & Maud & Roy dine here. Lovely morg, frost. Roy walked with me to Fitzgeorge Avenue & on to his club Queens. His lovely silver bowl for 2nd year’s billiards handicap came, put Maud’s lovely Azalea in it. No one called. Cold still vy bad & cough troublesome. Pleasant evening, Roy in good form. Monday 17 February Cold vy bad on chest & feel seedy. Saw another cook elderly Scotch but neat & clean looking. Seems anxious to come, saw her twice, £28. Out short time morg. Vy cold. Sat morg room. My Darling spent afternoon with me, came with lovely flowers, so thankful to have her to myself. Chicks better. Mad’lle dined with me, very cheery & played Coon Can after. Roy did not return, slept out. Tuesday 18 February Hayfield’s man electrician came & put new bulb yesterday in place of broken one. Lovely morg. but bitterly cold. Had Maud’s carriage & went to School of Art Nedlework, chose a brass door stop for Lennie’s birthday tomorrow, 25/6, & fetched little bottle of polish fr. Coburg Midge left me there. Saw 2 elderly cooks, taking up reference of one. Roy slept out. Mr Coward, Mrs Keith, Miss Holland, Mrs Cadogan, Mrs Rooth & Norah Lonegan & Mr Molesworth to tea. Mad’lle comimg to dine. Number of things fr. my darling. Wednesday 19 February Marie here all day doing curtains with me. Lennie’s birthday, big party Maud’s. Cannot go, cold too bad. Roy went & actually dressed & slept at home!!! Thursday 20 February Marie here put in fresh sleeves on chiffon & finished curtains & helped with bead fringe dining room lamps, (illeg) 5/-. Out morg Mad’lle who is staying here. Darling to tea after seeing dear chicks off to Westgate with Nurse & Miss Blain. Mad. & self walked round pond after tea. Beatrice out. Mad. dined out, I alone. Roy slept out. Friday 21 February


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 To Bank with Mad’lle re securities & taking up 5 £10 Cent. Argentine shrs £50. Long walk to Barclays Bank & to Darling’s to lunch, rested after & slept! Had tea with Maudie & back in car, 2/6. Mad. had to leave early for lessons. We finished bead fringes on lamps dining room, look v. nice. Saturday 22 February Mad’lle with v. bad cold. We went out morg. shops 10.30 & to Bank re Union Pacific allottment shrs. To Mr Douglas 30 St. Terrace. Saw him. Mad’lle left at at 3. Maud fetching me 4 o’c & we had tea at Lady Colville’s after. M. returned home as she goes to Opera & I walked back & called on Shakespears, found them all at tea. To Mrs Clarke & Mrs Lane’s, she looks v. ill. Florrie Blair came, saw her. Dined alone. Sunday 23 February Roy, Maud, Lennie, Mr Douglas & Dorothy Shakespear dine here, pleasant evg. Maud fetching me for Church 11 o’c. Lennie walked & looked thundery after, became better tempered on way home. Most unpleasant, won’t go again. Florence Blair & George Dietz called. He looks much better. Roy v. seedy, fear taking liquors affects his liver & late hours. Mr Douglas very amusing. Monday 24 February Harfields electrician doing fresh cords dining room, central lamp & drawing room tripod. To Oakwood Court, saw Mrs Milne, nouvelle en bas, all arranged. Col’s furniture being removed. Walked after to try to find poor crossing sweeper’s home St Anne’s Rd, wrong number! My darling with Ethel Smart busy with books etc & taking up references new maids. Walked back before tea to Mrs Adlam’s, flowers & motor 1/6. Dined alone. Roy & Mrs Adlam much better. Lunched with Maud. Tuesday 25 February Out morg round Pond, feel v. tired. Mrs Fitten, Ottie, Nonie, Mary Millais, Darling & Mrs Kerr called & to tea. Roy out. Mabel broke off front tooth last night. Alone evg. Wednesday 26 February Out morg to Gardens, met Mr Adams, & to Mr Herbert dentist about Mabel’s tooth. Maud fetched me at 4 o’c & we went to Lancaster Gate where I had tea. Lennie came in 5 o’c, v. amiable. Had fan home. M. & Lennie to Fancy Dress Ball tonight. Roy home to dress, dining out. Man fr. Harfields doing (illeg) fire tiles. Mad’lle coming to dine. Cards after. Thursday 27 February Mabel to go 2 o’c to Mr Herbert. Went, & again 6 o’c. to have tooth replicated in plate. In bed all day. Roy’s account day, returning to dress, dines out. Friday 28 February Mrs Pohl called. Out morg shops. Sens un peu fauble et froid. Darling Maud to Bristol to see Nana & out evg, too much for her. Lennie vexed & vented it on Roy! Florence came to dine instead of Florrie who is laid up with chill. Quite nice evening. Coon Can after dinner. Roy home to dress, sat with him, & dined out. (Note inserted) Put into Bank 1st March 1913 Waihi £1.18.0, Bolivar 2.16.6, P & O 4.18.11. Total £9.13.5. Mar 1913 Saturday 1 March Caroline James leaves 12.30. Mrs Milnes comes. L’autre fille s’en aille, ce que je m’attendais, com. elles etaient grandes amies. To Matinée Savoy with Florence, as Florrie still seedy. Spencer came morg. Enjoyed play “Twelfth Night” 5/-, motors 1/- programme 6d. Roy home to dress, sat with him, dined with Mr Stern. Sunday 2 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Roy & I dine at Maud’s. To Church 1/-, sweeper 1/- Warden 6d. Ethel English called & the Spencers. Very pleasant evg. at Darling’s. Mrs Russell, Mr Smith, Effie James & Col Lyons. Roy went with me, beautiful dinner. Roy told me on return about his worry, & talked till past 1 o’c in my room. Monday 3 March Walked morg. Depressed vy, & unhappy about Roy. No goodness can come of an actress wife. Vy tired & feel sad & disheartened. Wish he w’d get engaged to a good girl in his own circle. Maudie came to lunch. Poor affair. We drove out together after & saw Mrs Wallace & Mabel. Happy ménage & lovely boys. Alone evg. Tuesday 4 March Carriage to Stores 11.30. Fetched Florrie Blair. Ordered new coffee grinder 3/3, 2 jugs for maids’ room, 2 new hearth brushes, new broom long for cook. Lunched alone. Maudie came, Lady Spielman & Mrs Marcus Stone to tea. Darling came laden with lovely flowers. Florrie dined with me. Pauvre créature en bas. Wednesday 5 March Lady Ryan at home 4 - 6. Maudie luncheon party. Vy pleasant, Mrs Norton, Mrs Young, Spencer & Mrs Pollock. Beautiful house at Lady Ryan’s. Mrs B.Ray, Sir G’s sister there also Mrs Adams & Lady Roxburgh. Quiet evg alone. Thursday 6 March Marie here, arr. 12 o’c for day. Working on curtains. Sat with her. Out after lunch Barkers, bought (illeg) net for curtains. Spencer & Ada for dinner. Beatrice broke my beautiful decanter stopper, alas! Played Coon Can after dining. Both seem well tho’ gouty. Roy dined at Mrs Pohl’s. Friday 7 March I lunch Maud’s party. Vy pleasant. Fanny & May Nembhard, Effie C, Mrs Hunt & Mrs Norton & Mrs E. Pollock. Out after with Maud. Saturday 8 March Gareth & Mervyn Exeat. I arrived Maud’s where we are all staying for 2 nights, except Roy. 12.30 walked with them to see black swan’s nest where Gareth joined us. Mervyn arrived for lunch. Gareth out dinner & luncheon. Dined 6.30, Mervyn with us, he to play after with Gwen & Claud who are at Brown’s. L, M. & self to Opera, Rosencavalier, enjoyed it immensely. Sunday 9 March To St Mary Abbots. Gwen, Claud, two boys & self walked there & back. All to lunch here. Lennie took boys to Zoo. Gwen & others dined here large party & many callers afternoon. Vy delightful day. Claud came in after dinner as he went to St Paul’s. Roy dined here. Vy angry about last evg. as he dined alone Staf. Ter. Monday 10 March Mrs Warren, Mrs Breitmeyer & Mrs Young & Sp. & self at Maud’s. Maud’s luncheon party. Gareth left 7.30AM. Mervyn to matinée with Claud. I to Hippodrome to see La dame de mon cher fils. Helas! Stupid & coarse. Vexed to leave my darling so early. Back to tea Lancaster Gate. Spencer went with me Hippodrome & lunched & had tea with Maud. Alone evg. Roy home to dress. Tuesday 11 March Out morg. Only Mrs Warren called. My darling called tea. Busy evg. Marie here all day, both of us hard at work on curtains, 2/6 They cost more then new in end! Alone evg, Roy dressed at club. Dear Edgar & Sophy sail in RMSP “Arlamza” fr. Lisbon for Buenos Ayres. Wednesday 12 March Maud’s luncheon party. Lady Armstrong, Lady Boyle, Mrs Norman, Miss Darea Curzon. Vy delightful lunch party. After with Darling to call & only found Mr Peter Reed at home. Had tea with him & saw his lovely picture. Mad’lle called evg. Alone dinner, busy at needlework. Packed morg with Beatrice.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 13 March Go to Mrs Evans by Granville D.V. Beatrice saw me off. My darling met me at Station, looks v. seedy. V. anxious about her. Roy goes to Club. La cuisinière pense qu’elle ne peut pas faire l’ouvrage. The dear chicks were at Westgate Sta. & had a few moments with them, they look well. Mrs E. lively. Friday 14 March To Westgate with Mrs Evans to lunch with dear chicks, Miss Blaine & Nurse. They met us at Sta. & walked back. They both look worlds better & have delightful rooms at “Longford”, Mr Hall’s. Had tea there after calling on Mrs Meyer with Mrs Evans, & they walked to Station with us & saw us off by Granville. Quiet evg, tired. Perfect gale blowing & Edgar & Sophy sailed yesterday for Buenos Ayres fr. Lisbon. Saturday 15 March Mrs P. Agnew at home 5 o’c, music. I lunch at Mrs Noott’s with Mrs Evans. Excellent lunch. Upton Lodge looks charming. To rest after & to tea at Mrs Tamplins. Vy lively lady full of go. Pretty room. Madeleines & brioches for tea, quite French. Quiet evg. Stormy wind all day. Sunday 16 March To St Peters, left 10 o’c. 3/-. Our dear Ground looks fairly nice. Vy blowy & damp, unable to remain long. After lunch rest, & to Lady Burnand’s after tea. She looks charming. V. full of her crèche. Sir Francis not out of his study. Monday 17 March Perfect hurricane & very cold. Tuesday 18 March Mrs E. & self dined at Lady Hunt’s. Coon Can after. Lovely day, out morg. & to Mrs Borradaile’s to see Miss Hicks’ presents at 4.30. Home to tea. Brioche & indigestion! Wednesday 19 March Awful morg, gale & cold. Worked all morg. After lunch called on Mrs Buckmaster & Mrs Hammond, both out, & had long walk alone. Mrs E. to tea at Mrs Hicks & to St Laurence. I met Rachel W. Still blowing hard. Awful news of Assassination of King George of Greece at Salonica. Thursday 20 March To St Peters 10 o’c to enquire after Overton, still ill. To my Dearest’s and Dear Parents’ graves, which look fairly nice. I have made a mistake in colours of hyacinths. They ought to have been purple mauve & white. To service. Ordered wreaths to be re-flowered for both graves & to Eilie’s, saw her & Dickie & back to our dear ground & home by 1 o’c. To call alone Mrs Buck’s & Edie Sismay & to tea Mrs Hammonds. Coon Can evening. Met Bill W. Harbour. Friday 21 March Letters fr. Maud & Roy, & Beatrice & Marie. To v. long service St George’s with Mrs Evans & Lady Hunt. V. dreary service. Came out 1.10. Walked back, fine but strong wind. Worked in Mrs E’s little room all afternoon. Quiet peaceful evg. No cards. Fine day but v. windy, warmer. Saturday 22 March Dull, cold & v. windy morg. Je sens que je pense trop à moi même, pas assez aux autres. Out morg. shop’g. & to enquire Saint Cloud Hotel, Major Hood Page, better. At 3.30 to St Laurence’ Church, lovely inside, ugly & neglected graveyard. To Lady Rose Weigall, met Dolly Barker there, prettier than ever, & to Mrs (blank) Irish lady to tea. Vy pleasant woman lives with her brother, & on to Mrs Irwin’s pretty flat, charming. She looks v. ill. 2/-. Sunday 23 March To St Peters 10 o’c. To our Dearest’s grave, all looking beautiful but flowers wrong colour. My wreathes on both dear Lin’s & our parents graves vy nice, daffodils &


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 white tulips. To service & back to our Ground. Church beautifully decorated. Enquired Overton, better. To Lady B’s, saw Winnie. Took Lady B violets, found Jerry W. here stayed some time. After lunch to Mrs Berry’s to tea, nice daughter. Quiet evg. Monday 24 March Lovely day. Out morg met Winnie & Ethel & walked with them some way. Called & saw Lady Burnand, gave her 5/- for her crèche. Mrs Evans gave at home. Mrs Hammond, Lady Hunt, Mrs W. Hicks & friend & Mrs Tamplin came to tea. Mrs Evans & I dined at Lady Burnand’s. Mr Parsons & Winnie there, he seems vy kind man, pas distingué. Home early. Sir Francis not down. Tuesday 25 March To communion service at St Georges with Mrs Evans. To Connie Hicks’ wedding 2 o’c with Mrs E. & Lady Hunt. Tremendous crowd, all Ramsgate there. I returned home by 5.5 train, never saw such a crowd. Travelled with Mrs Martin Thomson’s married dau. All well at home. Lovely flowers & fruit fr. my darling, & dear Roy dined with me & left at 10 o’c. Looks tired. The Lewisohns arrived fr. Paris at Ritz Hotel tonight. Wednesday 26 March Roy dined with the Lewisohns & had a late night. Had Maud’s carriage. To Post & Mrs Lines re cook. Mrs Milman not strong enough for work, sorry. Saw one, Salvationist. To Bank, small balance, & lunched at Maud’s. Chicks v. well. Nurse going to Ireland with them until Miss Blaine & Linley go. Also with Maud to Owen Ramsden & Alwyn Carr about Sundial. Maud left me at home after. Saw lovely things there. Miss Innes & Mad’lle came & played Coon Can until 7.15. Dined alone. Mabel out. Thursday 27 March Walked to darling Maud’s. To Barkers. Saw Marie off to Windsor to see little Linley’s room at Eton. Called on Cousin George, vy well. Saw Mr Carr here about my Dearest’s sundial, so happy at last. Mrs Mayne called & I saw the Salvation Army cook. I wonder? Saw little boy in Park marvellously clever only 10 years old. Friday 28 March To lunch at Maud’s. Ethel Sharp there. Oliver complained sore throat, saw Doctor & must see surgeon. I remained until late & walked back just in time for dinner. Roy to Edna Lewisohn’s. Lennie v. upset fearing Maud cannot go with him tomorrow. Saturday 29 March I lunched at Maud’s. Maud took Oliver to surgeon who removed lump at back of throat, cannot go until next week to Ireland. Darling v. upset as she went with Oliver & Nurse to Doctor’s. I did shop’g & went to see lady about cook Salvationist, fairly good references. Je ne sais pas si je fais bien en la (illeg). My darling with Lennie & Anne go to Ireland tonight. Miss Innes dined with me. Sunday 30 March Maud arrives in Ireland. Fairly fine. To St Georges & after to lunch with Nurse & Oliver at Lancaster Gate, they walked home with me & had tea with me & stayed till 6 o’c. Ruby Walker also came. Trust my Darling Maud reached her journey’s end well, fear a rough passage. Alone evg. Telegram Lennie got 11 lb salmon this evg!!! on arrival! Monday 31 March Awful fog, like night all morg. Letters fr. darling Maud written on train, & Tabbie fr. Cannes. Apr 1913 Tuesday 1 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Beatrice Street leaves & Marie returns to me. Arrived morg. Went thro’ silver, glass etc, all v. correct. Still cannot find 3 towels newly marked. Little Oliver here all day, to lunch & tea, Nurse fetched him 6 o’c. Mad’lle & Miss Innes here also. Mr & Mrs Denny came to tea also. Wednesday 2 April I lunched with the chicks Lancaster Gate. Linley came home fr. school 10 o’c this morg, looks well & much grown. Had tea with them & carriage brought me back. Mad’lle dined with me, Coon Can evg. Little Mervyn arrived unexpectedly 11.30, he leaves for Germany 1.30. He had lunch here alone. Roy dined with American millionaire. Thursday 3 April Lunch with Mr & Mrs Denny 1 o’c Grand Hotel. Mabel Jenkinson gave notice. Out morg. shop’g on way to Grand Hotel. V. delightful time with the Dennys, gave me lovely flowers. Went & returned by tram 5d. The dear chicks came to tea, Linley & Oliver, Nurse & Mad’lle, who left after. The chicks & Nurse go to Ireland tonight, raining & blowing. I dined alone. Roy took the Pohls out. Friday 4 April To A.N. Stores morg. by motor, ordered jug & basin for pantry. Saw curtains drawing room. Roy to Cranbourne Court till Monday, looks v. seedy, shall be thankful when he gets a change. Lennie got 5 salmon in 4 days!!! Letter fr. darling this morg. To Mrs Adlams, called on Mrs Pohl, & tea with Lady Bergne. Flowers Mrs A. 1/-. Alone evg. Saturday 5 April Mad’lle here early. To Bank & walked across Gds. Called on Spencer, out. Mad’lle lunched & dined with me. After lunch by Motor to call on Dennys, had tea with them. Most kind & cheery. Called on Lady Beale, out. To S.K. Museum & home. Cards after dinner. Sunday 6 April To Guards Chapel with Mad’lle J. by train. Beautiful service & Band, weak Chaplain’s sermon too old for young soldiers. Walked & saw Effie in her flat 38 Wilton Place in bed. Mad’lle lunched & dined with me. Mr Adams & Miss Rose Innes to tea. Against my principles played Coon Can after dinner. Monday 7 April Out morg. shops. Called after lunch on Mrs Turner, Mrs Kerr, & spent afternoon at George Brooks. Roy dined with me. He returned fr. Edna Lewisohn’s this morg, seemed full of admiration for luxury & comfort of their household where money flows like water. So glad he seems to be doing better again on S.E. He left after dinner. Tuesday 8 April Windows cleaned 2/6. Mrs Milne cook âgée leaves & Amy Vale comes. Had carriage to A.N. Stores morg, bought cake & buns 1/1, potted tongue 5½d. Three pairs of curtains for drawing room £2.5.0, K. Kettle 3/3 & posted a dress to Emma 7d. Pd Mrs Milne £1.9.6 her book & one month’s wages. Wednesday 9 April At 11 o’c with Isabel Brooks to Debenhams to see silhouettes. Called Nembhards after. Nonie to lunch. Flowers fr. Balcombe. To tea at the Brooks. Roy out. Harfields man mended 1 sash dining room window. New K. kettle 3/3 fr. Stores. Thursday 10 April Roy entertained the Lewisohns. Miss Stancombe Wills at home 4 - 6. Lunch at Ruby Walkers, Prince of Wales Hotel, Kens. de Vere Gds. Wet morg. but did shop’g & walked to Ruby’s. Vy pleasant lunch, May & Fanny Nembhard there. May went with me to Miss S. Wills’ at home, taxi 2/6. Met Mrs S ? (née Barron) & Mrs H. Adams, v. smart both. Effie dined with me evg. Friday 11 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dull morg. Did house books & remained in all day. Poured with rain & a sort of yellow fog. Roy out. Saturday 12 April Lunch at Fanny Nembhard’s 1 o’c. Shop’g, chicken 4/-, buckles 1/10, fruit Taylors. Flowers Balcombe. Most delicious lunch at Fanny’s. Curried egg soufflé, chicken & veg’ts perfect, Empress pudding also perfect & cheese soufflé, dates & fruit & excellent coffee. May & Mrs Garside Tipping left for matinée & Fanny & I after rest & read & tea went by tube to Notting Hill & taxied to tea at Brooks. Mr de Courcelles there. Mad’lle dined with me alone, Roy out. Sunday 13 April Ruby Walker to luncheon 1.30. I went to church St George’s 1/6. Ruby remained until 6 o’c. No one called. Had good talk over family relations. Roy dined with me, & Spencer & Hylda, remained till 11 o’c past. Roy depressed, vy annoying he cannot get away on 26th as Mr Pohl wishes to go then, so sorry for Roy, & Mr Pollock at the Lewisohns for 10 days. Monday 14 April Out shop’g. To Bank about Cordoba re-construction. In all afternoon. Alone evg. Walked on curtains & read Salvation Army book. Tuesday 15 April Had Victoria & called on Mrs Cadogan 28 Compagne Gds Hampstead, & Mr & Mrs Conrad Cooke, both in. Bought cakes returning 1/4. Mrs Hugh Adams, Mrs Finlay & Mrs Caine called. Letters fr. my Darling, thankful she is so well & happy in Ireland. My 3 prs curtains new £2.5.0 fr. stores put up in drawing room. Wednesday 16 April Victoria if fine 3.30. Pouring but warmer, Called on Lady Strachie & Lady Head both in. Vy nice young married woman at former, & on Mrs Holland, Mrs H. Booth & Mrs Hohler, all out. Vy windy could scarcely keep rug in carriage or hat on my head! Marie out. Worked & read & wrote evg. Roy out. Shops morg. in spite of rain. Beach 5/-. Thursday 17 April Miss Holland at home 3 or 6 o’c. Mrs Cadogan to lunch 1.30 & tea, & Mrs Conrad Cooke to tea, & Mrs Spofforth & friend. Carriage morg. to Barkers & to Marshalls & Willetts about my boots. Met Mrs Tate returning. Got out & walked with her in Park. Ordered 3 ferns for dining room window & 1/- worth of daffodils. Salmon fr. Lennie, head end. Friday 18 April Lady Head at home, Westminster Palace Hotel. Carriage at 3.30. Called on Lady Armstrong, Holland & Lady Strachey at home & Lady Head. Quiet evg. Roy to Edna Lewisohn’s, home to see him off at 5.30. Out morg. shops. Saturday 19 April To Spencer’s to lunch after going to Whitehall Museum with him. Vy bad luncheon at Hotel London. Ada & Hylda there also. At 3.30 Ada & self in Victoria called on Mrs B. Pollock & Tweedie, Lady Macmillan at home & on to Mrs Adlam after leaving Ada at Campden Hill court. Mad’lle dined with me, cards. Sunday 20 April To St Pauls with Mad’lle J. Lovely morg. Most beautiful singing of boys voices but service far too long. Good sermon on Prodigal Son also too long. Saw St Martin’s Ludgate Church, vy curious & uncommon decoration but stuffy smell. Mad’lle lunched & dined with me. Mr Molesworth called late. Cards evg, greatly against my principles. Monday 21 April In all morg. writing & sorting bills. At 4 o’c called on Mrs Gale. Saw her, Mrs Dawes, Clarke, Lady Mead, had tea with her & Cousin George. Saw Mr de Courcelles. George in bed. Alone evg.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Tuesday 22 April Out morg. shops. Ordered flowers Larkes Lavatory window. Nellie K, Lady Armstrong, Mrs Macquoid, Gen Trench, Mrs Williams called & Mrs Turner & daughter. Alone evg. Wednesday 23 April Design for Dearest’s Sun Dial, am so thankful, it looks beautiful. Out shops. Vy hot. Mrs John Carlisle & Amy Herapath called. I called at Barkers morg re Dustbins. Gladys called. Sorted dresses. Alone evg. Roy out. Planted flowers Lavatory. Thursday 24 April Out morg, sat in Park, not by round pond or road. “Times”. Vy hot. Marie & self did a little tidying garden. Letters fr. Edgar & Sophy fr. B. Ayres. Wrote to Edgar. Carriage 3 o’c called Mrs Braunstein, had tea then on Breitmeyer, Seligmann, Hickman, Agnew, Lady H(illeg) to Evans. Alone evg. Roy came home early, 10.15 o’c PM! Friday 25 April Roy to Cranbourne Court. Olive Dickens wedding at Oratory, 2 o’c. Lady Bergne’s luncheon at Albermarle Club. Vy good luncheon, 8 courses. Carriage fetched me, reception Alexandra Hotel charmingly done, & Olive looked so pretty. Met many old friends & dear Miss Hogarth greatly changed. Bridegroom v. clever looking young man. Called after on Mr Carr’s about Dearest’s Sun Dial. Alone evg. Saturday 26 April Mrs Evans comes to stay 12 AM. To Albert Hall “Quo Vadis” show. Vy good carriage. Kept one hour waiting. Round Park & to dear Mervyn’s at Onslow Hotel Queens Gate, only arr’ fr. abroad last evg, both v. well. Quiet evg with Mrs E. Worked. Sunday 27 April Very wet, unable to go to Church. Read Roman History to Mrs Evans! Drawing room looking lovely with masses of red tulips fr. Balcombe. Ethel & Mervyn dine here 7.30. Pleasant evg. Monday 28 April King reviews Guards Hyde Pk. Carriage if fine. To Barkers morg. about cretonnes, got 4 yds, & to Bank placed the £100 on deposit making £150. Saw King & Queen. At 3 to School of Art Needlework, Mrs Lawrence, Lady Miller, Mrs Fitz Jackson, saw her, Lady Spielman, had tea there, & to Mrs Messel’s & home. Roy dressed at home, we walked from Lancaster Gate home, caught in rain. Quiet evg. Roy lost cards at Cranbourne Court. Tuesday 29 April Linley & his tutor came fr. Ireland. Alice Lady Armstrong at home 4.30. Mrs Evans & self to the A & N stores in Victoria. Mrs Keating, Mrs Shaw Mellor, Mrs P. Simpson, Mrs Watson, Mrs Wallace, Lady Macmillan & Effie Twiss called, & Miss Bagg. Mrs Evans to tea Sir John Tenniel. Did icing on cake evg. Fearful thunderstorm. Roy dined out. Had his key to portmantau mended. Wednesday 30 April Madame Rejan’s concert 52 Portland Place 3.30. Mrs Welby at home Ritz Hotel 4.30. Dear Linley to luncheon, & Mr Keate. The dear boy looked so well. They left for Paddington Sta. 3 o’c, & went to poor concert by taxi, saving 2/3 taxi to Ritz. Vy charming at home, met many friends, Lady Dixon Hartland, Mr Stern, Miss Caillaud etc etc. Stayed till 7 o’c. Taxi home 1/6. Roy out. Quiet evg. Dear Linley’s last night at Eton. May 1913 Thursday 1 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 2 Academy private view tickets fr. Fanny Fildes. Mr Carr coming to tea & long to hear about his visit to St Peters Thanet. Mr Ridge a little difficult over fees! Mervyn came also. Mrs Mackenzie & Ena to tea. Hunt about getting cakes, shops shut Earls Court. V. worried about Roy morg, went & sat with paper near round pond to ease my mind. Friday 2 May Went out morg to Bank, changed cheque £1.10.0. Mrs Evans off early to Private View Academy. I had carriage & went Academy 2.30, saw Pirrie, Carlisles, Dixson Hartland, Blanche Paul, Parsons, Millet etc etc. Roy met me 5.30. Hooks, Lady Alexander etc. Mrs Evans sat with me. Roy came home & dined, was more cheerful. Felt v. tired. Fildes much better. Saturday 3 May Lennie came over fr. Ireland last night with his 2 sisters on acc Mr Messel’s heart attack. Left by 4.30 for Paddington. I went by underground to see him off with Miss Blaine. Mrs Messel at station, Mr M. better. Saw Mr or Major Bobbie White station. Mrs Evans to Lady Romer’s to tea, & to Notting Hill morg. Out shop’g morg self. Roy came home to dress, dined out. Sunday 4 May To St George’s with Mrs Evans. Church 1/-, man 6d. Roy breakfasted in bed. Called to enquire after Sington & Mrs Turner, & went in. Mrs Evans & self to Melba & Kubintz(?) concert, & to call after on Mrs Fitten, Watson, M. Millais & Mrs Joachim, in, tea there. Henschel, Mrs du Maurier & Miss Schlesinger there. Roy dines at home. Taxi 1/-. Monday 5 May Morg worked & wrote. Carriage at 3 o’c. to Lady Boyle, Mrs Dickens, Mrs Hancock’s, Mrs Adlam’s, left salmon, to enquire Luke Fildes, & to French gallery, saw old friend of Mrs Evans, Mr Wallace, & saw lovely Dutch pictures. Left salmon for George Brooks & to Mrs Adam’s at home, dull, & to Miss Neaves. Roy out. Flowers for window boxes 2/6 man in street. Tuesday 6 May Out morning bought flowers 2/2. Mrs Hancock, Mrs Macey, Mrs E’s friend & (blank) called. Wretched afternoon & v. cold. Quiet evg. Roy out. Wednesday 7 May Mrs Evans left by 12 o’c train to Henley fr. Paddington. I went station with her & on to enquire after Mr Messel, saw Mrs M, better. Walked home in rain. At 3 o’c in carriage called Lady Ryan, Mrs C. Burnand, tea there & took Rosie Maguire to Victoria Sta. Called on Mrs Pitt, away, & to enquire Luke Fildes, better, operation yesterday. Marie & self put geraniums in my bedroom window. Alone evg. Wrote Edgar & Darling M. Thursday 8 May Dull cold wet morg. Wrote Tabbie & Midge re Whitsuntide, so sorry cannot go to either. Out after tea called on Mrs Abbott & stayed some time. Alone evg. 10 o’c Roy returned early & sat with me short time before going to bed. Friday 9 May Roy goes to Tabbie for Whitsuntide. Horrid morg. Worked till 12, mended drawing room curtains hat & gloves! Took Roy’s waistcoat to have buttons put on Barkers. Roy retn’d 5 o’c & took his bags etc to Waterloo. I went after to enquire Luke Fildes, saw Fanny & daughter, walked to Phillimore Gds with them. Luke better but 2 nurses! Called Mrs Pohl & Mrs Bramall. Saw him & little boy, & Mrs P. Simpson, in. Alone evg. Fine afternoon. Saturday 10 May Took Royal Borough Tax cheque £19.10.0 to Town Hall & left it. Shop’g. After lunch called to enquire Sir L. Fildes, Sington, Mrs Dickinson. Tea at George


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Brooks, called Mrs Walter Crane, out, & Mrs Pohl. Alone evg. Misses Larosene & Mrs Bramall called. Sunday 11 May Miss Abbott comes to dinner 7.30 & Mr Molesworth. Ethel Mervyn called, asked me to lunch at Hurlingham next Sunday. To church St Georges, 1/-. Quite pleasant evg, they left early. Salmon 9½ fr. Lennie. Monday 12 May Poured all day. Lady Flower came to tea, so glad to see her again, & so well. Her son Arthur & his wife a complete invalid are staying at Mrs Gales, No. 15. Gave her & Mrs Gale slice of salmon. Roy returned fr. Leweston but slept out, did not see him! Tuesday 13 May Lovely day. To Mervyn’s studio to see relief of Dearest, am delighted with it, a speaking likeness. Pd Buckles 3/6, no bill receipted given! Nellie K only called, had good talk & heard of her 2 nieces engagements. Roy out, dressed in town, at Club. Wednesday 14 May Mrs Vale out for wedding, Sal. Army. Mrs Ledgers to tea 4 o’c. Charming flat over Barkers, & to Lady Milman after in same building. Found her & a barrister having prawns for tea! & left cards on Lady Joseph Lawrence, away, & walked on to Ruby Walker & sat with her. Roy dined at home! Marie managed dinner v. nicely, salmon, chicken, asparagus, rhubarb & cream cheese. V. pleasant evg. Roy quiet, seems more cheerful. Out morg shop’g. Thursday 15 May Mrs Bergne at home 4.30. Lady Flower’s at home. Went to both, charming flat Falkland House Marloes Road Mrs Bergne. Met excentric Admiral (Eva B’s friend) & more excentric dau. there. Went over & saw Mrs Flower a complete invalid at Mrs Gales. Took taxi fr. Mrs B’s to Lady Flower’s 1/-. Called on Mervyn, out, & walked home, tired. Quiet evg. alone, Roy out. Another salmon fr. Lennie 5½ lbs. Friday 16 May Toula comes to stay fr Midges. Miss Haynes at home 4.30, 83 Ashley Gds. Lady Hartland 4.30. Out morg. shop’g. Bought flowers 1/3. Large box came fr. Balcombe flowers & Toula brought me some fr. Bedstone. Miss Oliver called, looks as young as ever. Delightful to see Toula looking so well. Vy happy evg together. Saw Benions re Roy’s room, to cost £5.5.0. Roy left with Mr Stern for Worthing. Saturday 17 May Toula & self sat in Gardens after shopping, lovely hot day. At 4.30 after early tea to enquire after Sir L. Fildes, saw large family party at home. Fildes better & moved into another room. To call Cowards, tea at Laura Stone’s, & cards to Mrs Campbell Praed & F.Edinsor, & Mrs B. Holmes v. pretty flat. Quiet evg. Sunday 18 May Ethel asked me to lunch & Hurlingham after. Toula & self to tea Hurlingham. We went to St George’s, had good sermon. 1/6. Hurlingham 1/2. Very delightful afternoon. Miss Oliver there too. Met Mabel Wallace & her mother. Very wet but sunny. Marie out morg & after 6 o’c. Monday 19 May Concert & address 19 Carlyle Square Chelsea. Excellent programme smart audience, & vy artistic house. Tea & coffee beautifully served. Met Mrs Anthony Gibbs, Mrs Reubens, & Trixie Miller & Mrs Coles there. Good address fr. a Miss Carbutt, niece of Sir Edward. Went by motor. Walked back. Tuesday 20 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 To Mervyn’s studio morg by motor. Likeness of Dearest excellent. Mrs Ledger, Mrs Pohl called. Benions man started painting Roy’s room white. They made no noise & no mess in house, vy quiet. Letter fr. dear Roy. Wednesday 21 May Matinee Criterion “Eliza comes to stay”. Invitation Gen Kent for luncheon & (illeg) “Princess Ida”. Cannot go to either of them. 10/- places. Out morg shop’g. Carriage took & fetched me theatre, enjoyed it immensely, vy amusing. Letter fr. Darling M. Thursday 22 May Toula & self lunch 1.30 at General Kent’s, Glenthorne, The Downs, Wimbledon, 1.30. Having carriage. Mrs Ella Wheeler Wilcox’s at home, hope to go. Drove taxi to club, wrong one, my mistake. Dangerous driver of motor bus, complained policeman. Man seemed sorry so overlooked it & went on in same bus!!! To see skull at Natural History Museum, not impressed. Mabel out. Friday 23 May Concert Kings Hall Covent Garden 3 o’c. “Pygmalion & Galatea” pres. by Ellen Terry & dau. The Mervyns dine with us. Very interesting performance elite amateurs. Mr Davson sat in front of us. Did fowers on return. Great heat. Pleasant evg. They left early. Saturday 24 May Lovely salmon fr. Will Oakes, 6½ lbs. Out morg, sat in Gardens. Carriage after tea to Lady Hood’s, tea there, & Mrs Finlay also in. Round Park, great crowd 8,000 children marched before Lord Roberts, Empire Day. Sunday 25 May 10 lb salmon fr. Lennie. Toula & self to St Georges, 1/-. Hospital Sunday. Toula & self to Langham Hotel to tea with Mrs Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Molesworth & Miss Falconer (cousin) there. A little disappointed in Ella W.W. but was kind tho’ not very gracious. To Mrs Kendall’s after, delightful. Wrote after dinner. Miss Innes called. Marie out for evg. Monday 26 May Men finished Roy’s room at 5.30 PM. Had carriage at11.30. Left salmon at Mrs Adlam’s, Mad’lle J’s, G. Brooks, F. Kerr, Mrs Keith & Beach. To Marshall & Snelgrove after, met Mrs Wheen. X. Fire Barkers Repository. Lady Dewar called. After tea called to enquire Luke Fildes, little better. Met Miss Agnew, pleasant. To artist studios Mr Marchette, & to Mrs Joplng Rowe. V. hot indeed. Gladys lunched here. Tuesday 27 May Concert at Grosvenor House 3 o’c. Seaman Mission. La perfide s’en va, elle ne sait pas ce qu’elle veut. Mrs Rawlinson’s Garden Party, 4 - 4.30. Lunch with George Brooks 1 o’c. Toula fetched me in carriage 2.30. Lovely pictures & Gainsborough’s Blue Boy at Grosvenor House, excellent concert, Queen Amelie of Portugal there. Missed Lady Cowan, Mrs Pitts, F.Edensor & Mrs Pollock. Met William Donat at the Brooks, another cousin with charming manners about 60. Mad’lle Jacquemot dined here, Coon Can after. Wednesday 28 May Tula & self to Christie’s to see MacCulloch pictures, English. Lovely Millais, 3 Leaders, Fildes. 2 beautiful Abbeys etc, so glad I went. Saw Rosalinde & her husband, she looks much older but charming as ever. Dear Roy came for a short time at 4 o’c returns to Worthing today, looks so well & brown. Toula & self at 4.20 to Hurlingham until six o’c. Watched Polo & heard band. Thursday 29 May Not so fine a little cooler. Toula out early. In all morg had carriage & called with Toula on Ethel M, Lady Pirrie, Tabbie at Savoy, & tea at Nonie Messel’s, young


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 German fr. Hamburg there. Awful storm at night. Marie came into my room at 2 o’c, never remember worse storm, & a fire somewhere, engines going. Friday 30 May Marie Toula Mabel & self all busy morg. in Roy’s room, Marie hung pictures. All worked hard. Room repays us & looks very nice. Roy sent for his clothes to Club, so he is not in the country!. Most kind letter fr. Midge H. generously offering to pay fare to Contrexéville. Letter fr. darling. Saturday 31 May Darling Maud & chicks & Lennie return fr. Ireland after 2 months absence. Toula & self to Barkers shop’g, got cornflowers for Maud & Lennie, took them to Lancaster Gate to arrange them in bed & dressing room. Had good rest after lunch, tea. Toula off alone & self to call on Lady Kennedy, Mrs Williams & Lady Meade, very pleasant time with each, & saw Mrs Spofforth’s 10 baby birds, 5 in each nesting. Morg room evg. Jun 1913 Sunday 1 June Lady Spielmann’s lunch, cannot go. Toula & self walked over to see darling Maud who arrived last night from Ireland. They all look well, Maud a little tired. We walked back to luncheon here. Maud & Lennie to Eton, little Linley not v. well. Tabbie & Miss Rose Innes & Mrs Fred Kerr & pretty Joyce called. Roy dined with us. Monday 2 June Mr & Mrs Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Mr O.Seaman, Mr Victor Horsley, Lennie & Maud to dinner. Out morg. shops wit Toula. Did flowers & put covers on drawing room chairs. Had help evg 2/6. Darling came to tea & brought some lovely flowers. Very pleasant evg, quite enjoyed it & like Mr Wilcox. Roy slept at home, seems pleased with his room. A Mr Harman came & monopolised Mrs Wilcox after dinner. They stayed late. Tuesday 3 June Mrs Hancock’s at home 4 o’c, 125 Queens Gate. Mrs Abbott’s luncheon 1.30, unable to go. Mr Justice & Lady Barclay came to tea. Dear Toula left after lunch 2.45. Mrs Bryan came about my dresses. Wednesday 4 June Derby Day. Memorable. Darling to Eton. Out morg. shop’g. Took Waihi div £1.8.6 to Bank. Paid books very heavy, can’t see where. With wages £(blank). With Mrs Fred Kerr to Ranelagh, delightful in Victoria, lovely afternoon. Saw motor Polo, (illeg), saw splendid other Polo, excellent band & an aeroplane! Met Messels, Mr looks better, Mrs H. Adams v. cheery & Olga Hannan etc. Alone evg. Thursday 5 June Lady Cowen 4.30. Mrs Jacombe Hood 4 - 7 & Tabbie? Never heard fr. her. Out morg by motor bus to Marshall & Snelgrove & ordered new dress £9 ready made. Had carriage ¼ to 4 & went to Lady Cowen’s, met Mrs Adams, sis (illeg) & daughter, Lady Boyle etc. Drove Lady Boyle to Connaught Place & went to Mrs Messel’s sale of work, & on with Darling to the Hoods, vy delightful, & she drove me back. Friday 6 June Lunch with Darling Maud 1.15. Miss Agnew to tea 4.30 & Mrs Heathorne. Tabs fetched me fr. Maud’s 3 o’c. Saw nothing of my darling as Mrs Warren & her mother there, both rather (illeg) ladies, so gushing. To Earls Court Ex. with Tabs. Saw Red X Hospital there. V. interesting. She left me here 4.30, ladies remained late. Marie & self mended chair pantry. Saturday 7 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Shop’g morg. My darling to Balcombe. Lady Flower to tea. The dear chicks came for an address 4.30. Mistake about Miss Innes address, so glad to see them, only wish they c’d remain. Called (illeg) Poppie Sington in her charming room. Looks ill. Called Mrs Tuer & Beardsmore & Bradbury. Saw Mrs Caldicott & Miss Wertheimer. Quiet evg alone. Sunday 8 June Mr Wirgman to dinner 7.30. Mervyn & Miss Abbott. Dull morg, showery. In all day, & wrote & paid cheques. Mary Nicol & Molly & Molesworth called. Mary wonderfully well, not a day older, & Molly Farquhar quite out. Vy pleasant evg, all left early. Roy at Cranbourne Court. Maud at Balcombe. Monday 9 June Mrs Hensman 4.30, 26 Colherne Court. Did not go. Roy slept here. To Bank morg. about £50 of Dearest’s re-invested. Nails screws webbing etc. Sent black merino dress & widows toque & veil to Mrs Overton. Miss Abbott came to make mayonnaise with me, great success. Darling came & after tea we went to see Mr Carr about Dearest’s monument, & to Mervyn’s after to see his relief of Dearest. Tuesday 10 June Lady Johnson Ferguson 4.30 - 6.30. Out morg. Mrs Pollock & dau. & my darling came, had her all to myself. Alone evg. Roy did not return to dress. No hot water bath room, incredible after great expense on new pipes etc etc. Wednesday 11 June Lady Macmillan 4.30. Lunch at Maud’s 1.30. After fetched little Linley & took him to Anderson Critchett’s. Saw Lady C. & Dora. Linley’s eyes much better. Back to Lancster Gate for tea & saw Linley off by 5.5 for Eton, dear boy looks well. On to Mrs Young’s at home, met Hylda M. & Mrs Gibson, home in taxi. Roy dined with me. Marie out. Mistake about his telephone. Thursday 12 June Ap’t 12 o’c dress fitting Marshall’s. Mrs Boughton 4.30. Pittmans band. Mrs Jacombe Hood 4 - 7. Mrs Fred Kerr’s at home. Mrs Spofforth 4.30. Mrs C.B.Thorneycroft 112 Gloucester Place Portman Sqre 4.30. Cab to Marshalls 2/-. Dress all wrong. To Maud’s for luncheon, rested after. With her at ¼ to 4 to Mrs Cadogan’s, Pollock, Tweedie, Thorneycroft, Boughton, Fred Kerr & Spofforth. Vy amusing. Met many friends. Friday 13 June Asked Miss Agnew to tea. Came last Friday. Maud & self lunch at Hilda Gibbs 1.30. To be fitted again Marshalls. Charming house & luncheon at Hilda’s, everything perfect. Muriel & other ladies & Hon Mrs Portman there. To tea at Mrs Lewis Argyle Rd after. Darling left me here 6.30. Roy dined with me. Went to Lancaster Gate by bus. Saturday 14 June Dear chicks come 3 o’c. If fine to Zoo. Mrs Hensman at home, cannot go. Out morg. shops. Had carriage 3 o’c. took dear chicks & Marie to Zoo. Vy happy afternoon in spite of crowd. They rode biggest Elephant with Marie & we had tea outside facing garden near squirrel run. Vy tired evening. Dear Roy to Cranbourne Court. Sunday 15 June Mrs Hancock 4 - 7. Mrs Hensman & Mrs Gibson to dinner. Put off Mrs H. Midge & Hamilton dine here. Mrs Gibson, Spencer & Fred Kerr to dinner. V, pleasant evg but did not have the talk with H & M I wanted. Out morg met Ena Mackenzie, her mother ill, so v. sorry. Party left late 11.30! Met Mr Pohl with his 2 daus. Monday 16 June Mrs Francis Wheen’s at home 4 - 6.30. Darling Maud comes to spend the day. Lunched here & we went at 4 o’c to the Wheens lively party. Nicol family in force.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Darling left Lancaster Gate, carriage drove me home. Alone evg. Roy at Cranbourne Court. Tuesday 17 June Ascot. Darling comes for morg. & to lunch. Major Welman also. We got thro’ many letters & ticketed them. Darling’s hand swollen fr. bite. She remained until 5 o’c. Very happy day & Major W. delightful & much impressed with Maud. Dined with Spencers 106 Queens Gate. Will O. there. Marie took & fetched me, 1/6. V. pleasant evg. Gerald Ryan there also. Wednesday 18 June Lady Johnson Ferguson 4.30 - 6.30. Miss Holland 4 - 6.30. Lady Macmillan. I lunch with May Burnand 1.30. Mrs Walker 4.30. Mrs Finlay 4 o’c. Delightful luncheon at May Burnand’s in spite of tragedy her parlour maid taken suddenly ill & operated on 4 o’c! Mrs Heilbut & Sington, Lady Burnand etc 10. Carriage fetched me 3 o’c drove Mrs S to Russels & fetched Maud fr. Sylvinia’s, saw Mr Stone. To Lady J.F’s, Lady Strachie’s & Mrs Wallace. Thursday 19 June Mrs Jacomb Hood 4 - 7. Mrs Hugh Davidson at home 4 - 7, 12 Queensbury Place. Busy all morg. putting away things drawing room with Mabel. Maudie to tea so glad to have her. Marie out evg. (Inserted: Letter from hotel at Contrexeville confirming booking.) Friday 20 June Mrs Corrie. Out shop’g. Maudie to tea. Saturday 21 June Busy all day needlework, mending. Marie helping. Maud & L. to Balcombe. Heard sad news of Mrs Corrie’s fall in lift. Sunday 22 June Midge came to tea. Marie & self packed all day. Darling at Balcombe. Dear Roy at Cranbourne Court. Monday 23 June News of Mrs Corrie’s death. Board wages start for the maids. Chicks came morg & walked with me to Cooks about insuring luggage. Dear Roy lunched with me & came home to dress & dined out. Maudie came after her luncheon party & restrung my pearls cleverly. Finished packing. Roy sleeps at home. Tuesday 24 June Mrs Pitts at home. Leave Stafford Terrace 10 o’c for Victoria Sta. Midge took cabin. Midge & I go by train, sleep night Buffet Hotel Paris, Station du Nord. Most comfortable journey. Had same rooms at Hotel as with Edgar. Porters 2/- Eng, Calais 2 frcs, Paris porter paid in bill, & dined in dull restaurant v. bad 6 frc dinner. Bed early. Wednesday 25 June Leave Paris D.V. by 11.10 o’c. train for Contrexéville. Pd out bill 50 frcs 75 fees, 5.50 om, 6.50. vy bad coffee. Sta. d’Est porter 1.50. V. comfortable journey some sun! Not warm. Arrived Contrexéville 5.30. Porter 50 cents hauling luggage up. Hotel omnibus pd porters Contrexéville. Disap. our rooms 4th floor bare but lovely view over countryside, good dinner. Hotel high up, seemed empty. German lady told us of doctor but decided to go to Dr Grand, rec’d by Midge’s doctor. Midge’s water bottle uncorked and water all over her mattress. To bed 9.30 PM. Lovely clear night but cool. Thursday 26 June Lady Johnson Ferguson’s lunch party 1.3. Mrs Worsley 4 - 7. Contrexéville. Good night, up 8 o’c ordered coffee which never came at 9 o’c, went without it. View lovely fr. our windows. Went for walk before première déjuener 10.30 AM. For walk again after excellent lunch & rested until 2 o’c, dressed & went to Dr Grand, v. pleasant elderly man. Coffee & rolls 4 o’c Paillards, & excellent dinner 8 o’c.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Walked to Source & sat in colonnade. Took our cups of water 9 o’c. (Paper inserted) 10 shrs B.A.West 4% Ex 1912. 2 ditto 1913 4%. 226 B.A.Western 4% debs. 2 shrs B.A.W. 4% 1913. 2 shrs B.A.W. 4% 1915. Friday 27 June Good night. Woke 6.15 AM. Started water drinking at 7 o’c, 3 half tumblers every 20 minutes. Water quite different to Vittel, much harder & contains iron. Seems more difficult to digest. To Colonnade after dinner to drink ½ glass of water. Cool, only vy ordinaire people about. Midge long way the handsomest & smartest woman here. V. good cuisine, amused our head waiter takes titbits fr. service & eats behind screen. Saturday 28 June Post cards 1.25. My share tea 1.50. Out morg. Midge only fair night, someone overhead banged about until late, woke me 3 times. Paper fr. Toula of Mrs Corrie’s accident & death. To our Dr Grand at 2 o’c. Kept us each a long time talking. Had café au lait at 3.20. 1.50 each. Excellent with petits pains, felt better for it. Sat out, walked to Catholic church. Good dinner. Read after interesting paper “L’Illustration” on animals. Sunday 29 June Dull & cold & rain early. Fine later. Glad of warm dresses. Tea 1.50. Midge had bad night & great pain down her legs. Déjeuner at 10.15. Sat out after read French book. I to little English Church. Vy feeble service c’d not understand clergyman he muddled so. Lady in congregation played harmonium. 50 cents, 15 only in church. Rested after & wrote. Coffee 1.50. Monday 30 July Coffee 3.50 at Établissment, v. bad. Blue tracing paper. Midge had good night, took cashet. Vy cold in morg. Breakfast 10.30. Rested & worked till 2 o’c. Midge to take water early. After lunch talked to Belgian lady Mrs Bruce. Much pleasanter when she speaks French. Good many new arrivals Hotel. Rested till 2 o’c. To hear band (v. poor) 3 o’c. & had v. bad coffee at Établissment in stuffy Glass House facing Casino & gardens. Walked & after dinner to Gardens, lovely evg. but no band. Jul 1913 Tuesday 1 July Mrs Merton 1 o’c at home. Lovely morg. but cool. Midge fair night. She had bath & was v. tired after. After lunch & rest went by 2.34 train to Vittel pd fares 75 cents each. Walked to Palace Hotel, saw manager & had tea at Pavilion, 3.50. Vy pretty scene excellent band & many people much livelier than here. Little Church in Palace Hotel front garden removed & Établissment Hotel built over it. Band evening at Hotel. Bought little shoes 2 frcs. Wednesday 2 July Very cold but brighter. Midge Bath. After lunch sat out & rested fr. 12.30 to 1.45. Midge to doctor 2 o’c alone. Café au lait at Paillards. Midge paid 3 frcs. Talked to Madame Bruce there. Walked after to Catholic church & round by road. Band after dinner in Hotel. Midge & self walked to Source sat out until 9 o’c. Took water there & back to Hotel & bed. Thursday 3 July Dora Critchett’s wedding, St Pauls Knightsbridge 2.15 to Mr Upjohn. Dull morg. I slept badly. Midge up to drink water 8 o’c. Little warmer. Had tea (café au lait) early at Paillards.We each paid our share of 1.50 each. I bought 4 jet buttons 80 centimes & 2 sheets of paper for tracing 30 cents. Total 3.40, & stamps 1 franc. Midge & self settled up our account. (Paper inserted) Thurs 3rd July: Café 1.50. Buttons 60. Paper 30. Stamps 1.0. total 3.30. 4th July: fare Martigny 1.20, café


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 there 1.50. Anne’s scissors 1.25, stamps 1.0. total 4.95. 5th July: café 1.50. stamps 1.0. total 2.50. Friday 4 July Poor Major Meiklejohn died 5 AM. Slept better, Midge not till late. Bright morg, dull later, cold. Midge had bath early. At 2 o’c & by 2.40 to Martigny les Bains. Very few people there. V. dull afternoon but we thoroughly enjoyed our day. Had café au lait at Hotel des Bains on terrace, v. cold but fairly good. Café 3 frcs, 1.50 each. Our 2nd class return tickets 1.20. Each bought wee scissors for dear Anne, 1.25, & stamps 1 frc. Total 4.95. Saturday 5 July Warmer. Up 9 o’c, out 10 o’c. Met Midge returning fr. her bath. Midge heard fr. H. that his filly by Roi Hérode & Ethelfrida sold at Newmarket July sale of yearlings, fetched 750 gns & is delighted. Much finer today, some sun. Wrote Darling M. & Tabbie, 50 cents. Sat in Gardens, café at Paillards in garden, walked after. Saw old woman with goat on the country hill with dogs, talked to her. Sat out after dinner, talked to Belgian lady after. Letter fr. darling, poor Major Meiklejohn died yesterday. Sunday 6 July Pouring wet all day long. Midge took water in her room. Both of us derangées un peu dedans! Salmon last night. We went to Church 1 frc. Rested after & had café in Midge’s room, pas très bon. Hopeless day for fête in Park. In all day. Letter fr. Marie telling me of Maurey Meiklejohn’s death on Friday morg. Monday 7 July Midge bad night. Poured & blowing morg. To Doctor’s at 2 o’c, my 3rd & Midge’s 4th visit. Had café at Paillards, occupied the Prince de Lignes chair 1.50. Cammomile 35 cents, 10 cents stamps, total 1.5. Still great quantity of uric acid. Am to get up & take water morg, to walk it off. Coffee after lunch & water at 4 o’c, ½ a glass & one at night. Midge lost Ham’s letter. No letters. Tuesday 8 July Very wet. Got up at 8 o’c but not out. Very cold. Got out between showers. Midge had a bath. Both uncomfortable. Took water 4 o’c at Source. No tea. Wednesday 9 July Finer but v. cold, rain on & off. Got up & went down to take water with Midge 8 o’c. Walked an hour & sat out until déjeuner. Went after our rest to Vittel, delightful time there. To Golf club house & saw old soldier waiter. Had our café au lait at Pavilion, enjoyed it thoroughly. Wrote after dinner. 70 cents fare, tea 1.70, 5 cabinet room. Letter fr. darling Maud, Oliver not well & I feel v. anxious. Thursday 10 July Very wet. Down at 8. Took water at Source. Changed our cheques at Societé General. Mine £5. Midges £8. Stamps 1 frc. Girl at Ege water source 3 cents. No café. Midge had bath. I walked & strolled about. Pleasant day in spite of rain. Bathed eyes at Source. Friday 11 July Finer & some sun but cold. Paid our bills, mine 120.50, Midges 177.85. Good lunch. Up & out 8 o’c. La Contesse de Bruce gave me her card with née Princesse de Cröy on it. Seems to like being with us. Stamps 1 frc, Lavatory woman 50 cents. Saturday 12 July Dance at Hotel. Spoke to Mrs Birch friend of Midge’s & enquired after poor boy Sutherland better, ill fr. stone. Sat out, walked. Lovely day, air so fresh & dry. Read French book. Letters fr. Roy & Maud. Comtesse de Bruce & Princesse Zibah Hassan & companion with us evg to watch dance. Interesting talk with lady companion v. clever woman. Wild dancing by young Marks party, S. African. Sunday 13 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Lovely day. Out later morg. 8.10. Tired fr. last evg, up later. To Church. Mr (blank) chaplain much nicer on aquaintance, quite good sermon, said good bye to him, he leaves this week. We had tea Paillards 1.50. Church 1 frc, 2.50 total. Out after dinner to drink water, 2 funny men at Source! Bed early. Midge gave Countess one of my sleeping drafts. Monday 14 July Lovely day. Long letter fr. Maud saying Eton won by (blank) at Eton & Harrow Match. Maud lunching with Roy Saty. Letter fr. Marie enclosing letter fr. Ella W. Wilcox. Poor young Sutherland sitting out with Mrs Birch, he looks very ill. Countess de Bruce had good night after Midge’s powder. Bathed eyes at Source. Sat with the 2 Princesses their last night. & exchanged cards. Tuesday 15 July Vy tired. Out 8.10. Walked along country road & gathered flowers. Had café au lait & walked to B. forest, butterflies & wild campanulas. Very tired bed early. Countesse de Bruce & Princess Zibah Hassan left early, saw them at the door to say good bye. 1.50 coffee. Wednesday 16 July 3 weeks today at Contrexèville. Dull & cold. I did not get up till 8 o’c. Out & took one glass only at Source. Midge v. seedy all day her eyes blinding her. To see Doctor. Kept us an awful time in a stuffy room. Had short walk. Thunderstorm. I wrote to Edgar & Maud. Thursday 17 July Both of us up late. Drank water in our room. Walked an hour before déjeuner. Changed gold £2 = 50 frc 20. Bought sweets 1.50, compass 1.25, aeroplane 2.45, collar 9 frcs, cup 2.25. Spoke to young Sutherland, better. Saw Mrs Birch in new dress & hat. Spoke to habitué of 9 years here named Joseph. Wrote to Nurse Duffett & Fanny Fildes. Midge 4.25 Cup 2.25 Aeroplane 2.45 Collar 9.0 17.45 Friday 18 July Warmer, dull. Packed. Hotel bill 169.85, Doctor 60.0. Packed with Clarke. Drew cheques for £4.0.0, Doctor 2.10.0. Pd 30 cents morg cards, 17c stamps, 1.50 Br, 75 Bread. Total £9.12.0. Midge pd waiter 10 fr & second boy 5 frs after dinner. Saturday 19 July Left Contrexéville early by 10.30 train, go straight thro to Charing X. Dull & rain later. Took our luncheon basket, no trouble whatever & v. sorry to have finished a vy happy 3 weeks with Midge, not a single contretemps & so restful & peaceful. Have enjoyed it immensely. Had cabin on steamer which Midge pd for, & reserved seats to Charing X. The whole trip cost me only £30. Have pd my ticket. Marie met me at Charing X 11 o’c PM. Sunday 20 July Home. Lovely morg. Flowers fr. darling Maud who is at Balcombe, & Roy there also. Dear little Linley has measles at Eton & Lennie is seedy & unable to go to city. Rested in bed until 4 o‘c, down at 5, wrote & looked papers morg. room. Mr Molesworth came & stayed dinner. Had to fall back on maids resources, had only ordered just enough but we managed nicely & he drank ½ a decanter full of whisky. Feel so sorry he is in such low water financially but it is his chronic condition. Monday 21 July Lovely morg, good night. Packed with Marie & put things in order. House looks nice, & two maids get on well together. Linley going on well but is having


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 measles sharply. Roy dined with me, looks vy well. Wish so much he could give up “Rag Time” it seems so senseless & frivolous not worthy of his brains. Tuesday 22 July Finished packing with Marie & left with her in Taxi at 2.30 for Waterloo, not taking her with me. Taxi 3.8, fare 2nd 1.2.6, porter 1.0, book 6, g.gages 1.6. Vy grieved about little Bremall boy, v. dangerously ill. Comfortable journey. Found Court & Station cab at Sta! Tabby looks pale, she with Louise H, Mr & Mrs Neville & son just ret’d fr. a Garden party. Housemaid unpacked & no trouble. Wednesday 23 July Felt tired after 2nd journey altho’ v. comfortable one. Tabby v. feverish in bed. D. came & she is to remain in bed. Looks v. feverish & pain, a chill today & no wonder, a glacial wind came as we were having tea after hot sun. Great fête in grounds for Red X Members all came in uniform & Dorset Regt band. Tables under trees for tea. Vy pretty sight the uniforms looked so nice, about 100 came. Jack, Helen Kerr & Mrs ? came to luncheon. Tabs to bed 6 o’c. Thursday 24 July Lovely day Leweston. Tabby had good night & seems much better, still in bed. Dr came 9.30, wishes her to remain in bed to get rid of rash which is still vy thick on her leg & arm. Dressed by 10 o’c & can manage so far splendidly without maid. Housemaid manages v. nicely all I want & v. attentive. After lunch clock golf with Nevills Alice H. & Edward. Rested ½ hr & in car with Nevills to call (illeg). Col & Mrs Maclean to dinner, v. handsome woman. I to bed 10 o’c. Tabby asleep. Friday 25 July Lovely morg. Strange pain in my right side, fancy chill or fatigue. Sat out in Terrace Garden working for an hour. Tabby’s rash increasing but she is less feverish, saw doctor, says caused by rheumatic poisoning, came twice today & brought his (illeg). The Nevills & Louise to a Garden party. I remained with Tabby, after tea walked to Lodge & got v. hot & yet cold wind. Tried hot bottle & had one at night to ease pain. Saturday 26 July Hamilton returns fr, his yacht Joyeuse tonight late. Tabs nurse came. Lovely morg. My side better . Tabby about same. Louise H. is sleeping in her room. The Nevills came at 11 o’c this morning. Large garden party here today over 70 came. Mrs Maclean most kind, introduced me to everyone as they came in, a splendid hostess in herself. Tea in dining room served by Mrs Keats & head housemaid & all beautifully managed. Major Dugdale & his wife, he much stouter. Knew v. few people, the Gordons v. elated about their son’s engagement to a girl 5 years his sen’r with 12,000 a year. Sunday 27 July Fine. Waited about ready for church, Hamilton not down so read service to myself in Church adjoining house. Vy quiet & peaceful. Tabby better, is to get up tomorrow for short time. Little walk with H. & Louise round grounds, rested after luncheon. Cut off dead roses & walked with L to Lodge. Ham sang after dinner, promised to learn his accompanments tomorrow. Wrote to Maudie, Major Welman, Mr Molesworth enclosing B. Partridges letter. Monday 28 July Mervyn returned fr. Eton 6 o’c. Evie’s two chicks came at 2 o’c, both much grown. Sent cheque £99 to Glyn Mills Currie for 9. £10 shrs allotted in new 1914 issue of B.A. Gt Southern Rly 4% at par. (1913 issue). H. sang evg & played bridge. H. & L. beat M. & self. Tabs on sofa today, better. Tuesday 29 July Glorious day. Tabs in drawing room. Wrote Edgar, Maud & Toula. Long letter from Edgar fr. Arizona Grand Canyon. Walked to Lodge before dinner. V. pleasant evg. Bridge. Mervyn & self lost to Ham & Gareth.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Wednesday 30 July Lovely day. Hamilton & the 3 boys to play golf after lunch at Yeovil. Worked & read. V. lively evg. music & singing. Young Francis Hill plays & sings well. H. always charming to hear & listen to. Bridge after when we went to bed. Tabbie down after dinner. Thursday 31 July Dull but pleasant. H. & boys to Yeovil for golf, practising all morg here. Wrote to Eddie F, Florence Howlden. Stamps 1/6. Sent flowers to little Bramall. Music & Bridge evg. Aug 1913 Friday 1 August Ham, Tabs & boys to Cowes 11 o’c. Lovely day. Wrote to Marie, Dora Foley & Maud. Louise & Mervyn to Alexanders on cycles for tennis & tea 3 o’c. Chicks in pony cart. Bridge evg. Played with children after tea with Gweneth on lawn. Saturday 2 August Lovely day. Wrote Will Oakes, Roy & Mrs Adlam. Letter fr. Maud & Roy about Goodwood. Also about my wreath for Dearest’s Grave fr. Barkers & Lockes keep for Eilie to place for me. Maud also sent one which arrived this morg with mine at St Peters. Called in Motor with Louise on Mrs Fugard, new clergyman Long Burton, strange little people. Bridge evening. Sunday 3 August To Church with Mervyn & Gweneth. V. pretty little old Church, looks well cared for & Hamilton’s pew & chapel like a room with chairs & bluebooks & cushions, vy nice indeed. No sermon. “The Sky Pilot” read well & with feeling. Louise to Long Burton. Wrote Maud & Mabel Jenkinson re September. Monday 4 August Dull morg, fine later. Letter fr. Tabs fr. Cowes, vy much better, & fr. Jessie also well & Major Welman. Wrote Tabby & Emma. Flower show, unable to go, no conveyance, Mervyn & Louise in tiny cart. Had tea on Terrace & gardened after with Gweneth. Court fell off his cycle & put his shoulder out. Westbury got 16 prizes. Tuesday 5 August My Darling’s birthday. Lovely day. Sat out morg. Vy bitten by flies. To Mrs Macleans at 4 for tennis & tea, Mervyn on cycle, Louise & self in little cart. Met Mrs Macgregor & 2 daughters, pretty & amusing women, Irish. Miss Mostyn, Miss Saville & Mrs Peacock. The Macleans v. kind, she took me over house, a charming old Tudor & Queen Anne building with lovely carved oak staircases. Roy staying at Club ret’d today fr. Edna’s after Goodwood. Wednesday 6 August. Must pack. Letters fr. Dora & Roy who is staying at Club. Tabby & H, Ld Francis Hill & Gareth ret’d fr. Cowes at 7.30. Dora & Tommy arrived at 5 o’c. Had tea & went round grounds. Vy pleasant evg. Thursday 7 August I returned home by 1.44. Went round garden with Tabby. Dora playing tennis with Gweneth & Tommy. Louise saw me off. Number of children fr Camden Town returning fr. Lyme Regis where they were a fortnight, gave them chocolate. Roy dined with me 8 o’c, sleeping at club. Friday 8 August To Bank, left £90 Bankers receipt of B.A. Gt Southern, also had £10 shrs 4% 1914, 1913 issue. Left home 10.30 to Stores by train, lunched there 1/9, & on by motor to Barrett for Darling’s present which unable to get at stores, gardening scissors & knife in case for hanging at side, silver mounted. Interesting talk with secretary


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 of Stores Aux’lly. To Marshalls ordered gloves & jabot. Tea at F. Nembhards & om. home dead tired 6 o’c. Bed early. Took soldiers little Brammell. Saturday 9 August Marie saw me off at Victoria by 12 o’c train for Balcombe. Roy to Felixtowe. Pd. books & board wages to 17th inst & cheque to Marie for small bills. My darling & dear chicks met me Balcombe Sta, all thankful to see looking well. Mr Cadogan, Gerald & Hilda, Gladys, Ethel Bagg, Mr Davson staying here. Dear Linley much grown. Roulette evg & v. late 11.30. Not in bed until 1 o’c. Vy tired. Sunday 10 August Bad night. Rested & felt better. Muriel & Miss Sawbridge (rather jumpy) to luncheon. Large party after for tennis. Mr & Mrs M. (she looks v. nervy) the dear Hansen Walkers, & Stanfields. Lovely afternoon. Watched tennis & consumed by midges. Hylda & Gerald seem v. happy. To bed before gentlemen out of dining room. So thankful my Darling looks well. Monday 11 August Lovely day slept fairly well & awoke with headache. Sat out morg. with my Darling. Miss Warren brought lovely cushion she had worked. Cricket match. Linley not playing. To Lake with Gerald & Hylda. Charming music after lunch & dinner, Ethel Bagg & Gerald. We all went to cricket, not interesting. ½ past 11 o’c bed. So sorry Mrs Talbot ill. Tuesday 12 August Bad night again & horrid headache, so odd having been so well, sure late nights. Dull morg. Fear Roger Talbot has mumps! Wrote morg to Toula Midge & stores sending deposit cheque £3.0. Gerald & Hylda to Nymans after luncheon to fish on Lake, got 3 large trout which threw back. Walked round garden with Darling & chicks & to see Mitchell’s exhibit for show tomorrow in Grounds. L. talked v. excitedly all thro’ dinner in nervy manner. Wednesday 13 August Bad night tho’ came to bed before L. & G. out fr. dining room. Uncomfortable dinner L. talked so loud & quickly. Flower Show in Grounds. Letter fr. dear Roy still at club, writes in good spirits. Rained hard so unable to go round Exhibits until 6 o’c. Cleared up about 5.30. Great many came, Loders, Reeds, Mrs F.Kerr, Messels, Lees etc. Michell’s Ex. beautiful. Maud brought flowers fr fruit field Exhibition. She had to give away prizes. Uncomfortable dinner. L. played after, & I came to bed 10 o’c v. tired. My darling looked so pretty & well. Thursday 14 August Lovely morg, slept better. To Mrs Outram to enquire. Saw Mrs O. snr & Mrs Hermann. Mr O. & wife at Windemere fear no better. Had v. pleasant talk. Wrote stores for tonic, do not feel well here. Mad’lle came for chicks. Ordered “Standard” for morgs, miss my papers. Walked station with Maud & Gladys. Much pleasanter dinner. Cap. Marshall came for one night, Ethel’s cousin. Friday 15 August Dull morg. Sept better but do not feel well. All off for picnic, fear drive too much, remain at home. Small motor broke down returning, delay 2½ hrs en route. Bill Weigal, Mr Marriott & Mrs Gibson arrived. Mr Byron & Miss Fitzroy to see & show former house. Pleasant evg, to bed with rest at 11.30! after roulette. The Oxleys & pretty daughter here. Saturday 16 August Tennis afternoon at the Oxleys. V. nice afternoon met Conway Fisher Rowes & Gilmours. Walked back with Mrs Gibson. To bed early. Sunday 17 August Lovely day. To church morg with Darling & Linley & Oliver & Valentine Hohler. Maudie & I remained to communion. The Massey Dawsons & Messels with Dr M to see tennis & tea. Pleasant evg. Bed 10.30.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 18 August Lovely morg. Walked with Mrs Gibson nearly to Forest Farm morg. Maud, Bill, Gladys & Ethel to enquire Lady Frederick & Mrs Talbot. Sent off little bag to Tabby for her birthday 7/6. Sent Roy £20 for his birthday. 1/- stamps & post cards. Major Talbot dined here charming man. He & Bill talked after dinner, rest played roulette, won 3d. Tuesday 19 August Dear Roy’s birthday, sent him £20 & box of flowers. Sat out morg. Read “Standard” & gardened a little with Darling. Maud & Ethel Bagg to see wonderful Robinson garden after lunch. Mad/lle here & music mistress. Played clock golf. Mrs Gibson won by 1 point. Ethel Bagg sang after dinner charmingly. Played roulette. Had good talk over Ramsgate etc with Bill. Wednesday 20 August Ethel Bagg leaves today, shall miss her delightful music & singing. Maud, Bill W, Gladys & self to tea Nymans & Mrs Gibson. Garden looking lovely. Mr Marriott away for day, ret’n 12 night. Mr (blank) Linley’s tutor arrived. Linley to Lester Rudds for tennis. Late evg. Thursday 21 August To lunch Mrs Gibson. Maud & self to Mrs Clarke’s lovely pictures, Tenniers, (illeg) Gainsborough, Titians, Jan Steen etc. Most beautiful, & china, silver & miniatures etc. Tea on lawn on return. Clock golf with Mrs G & Oliver. Quiet evg. Friday 22 August Bad night & headache. Wrote Florence Howlden, Eilie Gladstone, Mrs Evans. Letters fr. Tabby & Toula who is in Scotland. Bill Weigall left 1.18 for Ramsgate by Hastings. Mr Cadogan came. Walked with Gladys, Mr Gibson & Maud, unable to get thro’ fields, bull there lame, cows & bull look seedy! To bed after dinner. Saturday 23 August Wet morg. fine later. Mr Allen came to stay, Cadogan, Marriott & Mr Keele here. Mrs Gibson, Gladys, self & Valentine Hohler. Tennis afternoon. Mr Oakley & several others to tennis. Roulette evg. Lennie (Bank) lost. Late evg. Sunday 24 August To Church with Maud & chicks, quite good sermon. Rained going & returning, fine after. Tennis afternoon. Messels, Lorings, Cap’n Reed, Mr Campbell Mr & Mrs A (blank) came. Pleasant talk on many subjects with Mr Allen at dinner. Pianola & another late night. Monday 25 August Wrote to Edgar. Letter fr. Midge wants me to go to her for their shoot 16 Sep. Lovely day. Maud, Gladys, Mr Marriott, Oliver, Anne & Valentine for picnic, & leave Valentine at the Hohlers. Mrs Gibson & self walked to enquire after Mrs Booth at the Mill, saw the children, radiant at idea of new brother! Mr Keele & Linley for cycle ride after lunch. Mrs Gibson & self alone. Sat up evg. late. Tuesday 26 August Lovely day. Poker after dinner. Sat up late. Tired morg. Mad’lle here. Mr Gordon & children to tea. Wednesday 27 August Lovely day. Maud, Mr Marriott, Linley & self after lunch to Mrs Colefax, Thro’ lovely forest & heather land, Ashdown Forest, & Linley made 16 runs at the cricket at Mrs Colefax. Mrs Talbot there, tête montée. Went over Mrs Colefax’s new house being renovated. Lovely position but costly! To bed early. Thursday 28 August Maud, Mrs Gibson & self to Mrs Saville’s to tea. Vy delightful talk with Mrs Saville, we all enjoyed our visit there. Masses of flies going & returning. Vy tired evg, sat up & watched poker. Friday 29 August


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Heavy thunder morg. Mrs Gibson left for Harold’s where Mr & Mrs Messel are also. Practised songs & wrote. Feel vy tired & headachey. Mad’lle here. Linley’s Badmington fr. stores came, his birthday Sunday. Walked to Lake with Darling who looks v.pale, weather so close & stuffy. Mr Russell came. Poker evg. Sat up. Mr Marriott away all day, ret’d late. Saturday 30 August Awful headache morg, slept badly. Lennie, Gladys, Mr Russell, Mr Keele & Linley to Brighton for bathe. Vy hot & heavy. Dear Roy coming, came by 4.30, played tennis. Looks v. well & seems cheerful. Mrs J. Fitzgerald came during dinner. Très ennuyeuse dîner. Poker after. Bed 11.30. Sunday 31 August Vy wet. To Church with Darling & chicks. Poured. Rest out. Sent off Waihi div £1.18.0 & P. & O. div £4.18.11 to Bank. Roy, Mr Russell, Mr M. & Gladys for walk. Lennie & Mr Keele to Lake. Poker after dinner. Bed 12 0’c. So glad to see Roy so well, wish Darling looked the same. Sep 1913 Monday 1 September Roy left with Lennie. Mr Russell left at 4 o’c. Lorings & Mr & Mrs Messel came for Linley’s party. Chicks dine with us. They did not, wiser being tired after their party & games. To bed very early before men out of dining room. Tuesday 2 September To post, 1/- stamps & book £5.12 3 to Mrs Vale. Roy slept at home last night but goes to club again today. Gladys Maud & self in small car to Col Dudley Sampson’s. Very enjoyable such good host & hostess. A girl sang charmingly who came with Mrs Beauchamp, vy pretty smart old lady, Dr Beauchmp’s mother. Met friend of Con’s, American, also Lady Leigh Pemberton. Quieter event & more peaceful. Lennie had been to Ottie’s. Wednesday 3 September Chicks down for dinner 7.30. Fancy dress, danced after. Maud, chicks, Gladys, Mr Marriott, Mr Keele & self to tea on Lake. Lovely day & evg. Very happy evg. with chicks. Linley Tweedledee, Anne Robin Hood, looks sweet, Oliver black slave, Mr Marriott executioner, Mr Keele Lady (illeg), Lennie Indian chief & Maudie (blank). Thursday 4 September Cap’t & Mrs Reed dined here, played poker after. Walked to Mill with Gladys & Linley. Mrs Booth coming down 12th September before baby month old. Osborn laid up at his cottage. Friday 5 September Pouring wet. Maud off at 9.30 AM with Mr Marriott for London. Lennie & Maud go to stay with the Whatmans for week end near Ipswich. Letter fr. Roy, he has sent Linley a racket case & bag for his birthday. Wrote & read morg. Mad’lle here, after a drive in small motor with chicks. Mushrooms. Vy pleasant evg in smoking room. Saturday 6 September Very wet early. To call with Gladys & chicks to enquire Mrs Talbot, & after to Lord Frederick’s, saw him & Miss Fitzroy. Lady F. too feeble to see us. Dear Mervyn arrived. Met him Station, looks well, came fr. Torbay today. Ethel to Brighton for her croquet. Letter fr. Darling. Delightful evg, bed early. Sunday 7 September To church with 3 chicks. Walked with Mervyn before lunch. After Mervyn, Gladys & chicks to chalk pit near Talbots. I rested deck chair & read, tea on balcony after. V. pleasant evg, bed rather late. Chicks found digging subterranean passage under house, both Anne & Oliver got burnt fr. lamps! & found out. Cycle lamps.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 8 September Fine warm. Letter fr. darling, walk with Mervyn. Lennie & Maud return fr. Mrs Whatman’s. M enjoyed it immensely but looks tired. Disastrous last years investments Cuban Ports 5% cents £200. Fear shall lose all. Lennie played pianola evg. Tuesday 9 September Mrs Hohler & Miss Taylor came to stay. We all went for picnic to Parham Woods, lovely morg. Back to tea. Played roulette won 6d. Sent cheque to Mrs Vale £1.1.7. Drove with darling in motor. Dull party picnic. Mrs Hohler so rude to Maud I thought. V. bad manners, her lady friend not distinguished, smokes. Wednesday 10 September Boy Scout fête. 23 to tea on lawn, games after. Mervyn to London to see dentist. Miss Ropley came about my sleeves. Fine day, colder evg. Roulette evg. Thursday 11 September Lovely morg. Mrs Hohler & Miss Taylor left 10.30. Mervyn working on dearest’s relief. Wrote Sir Desmond O’Callaghan condolence, Fanny Barker, Mrs Evans & Clara Begheim. Piano evg. Friday 12 September Mr & Mrs Bram Stoker (Noel) came. Maud, Mervyn, Gladys & self to tea with Mrs Sington at Nymans, her nice grandchild aged 16 Barbara Elliott there. Mad’lle here for day. To bed after dinner v. tied. Walked with Gladys to Mill. Mrs Booth & Baby arrived, saw it, nice little thing, the rest delighted with it. Sat a little with Mr Booth. Saturday 13 September Sat on lawn morg with Mrs Stoker, Gladys & Maud. Rest fishing, result 5. After lunch men to lake. Mr Stoker Lennie & Gladys bathed in lake. Mrs Sington & Barbara came 3 o’c. B. rode with the children. Linley v. pleased with new cousin. They left 6 o’c. Mrs Stoker & self walked to Lake. Roulette, watched Gladys’ system, good. Did not play self. Ethel Mervyn came, has cold. Sunday 14 September To Church with Darling & the 3 chicks. Maud, Mr & Mrs Stoker, Lennie & Ethel Mervyn for long drive after lunch in Motor. Mervyn, Oliver & self to tea on lawn. Gladys took Linley & Anne for walk. Mr Keele on cycle. Pleasant evg. Monday 15 September Colder. Wrote morg. After lunch with Maud to tea at Miss Douglas Pennant. Charming house, 3 sisters live together. To Ld Frederick Fitzroy’s after. Maud saw Lady F, little better. I had hunting talk with Miss Fitzroy. To Major Talbot’s, Maud saw Mrs Talbot, little better. Dear Oliver not well in bed. To bed early very tired. Wrote Marie & Ruth Parker. Tuesday 16 September Fine morg. To post letters Edgar, Noott & Evans, & box of flowers to Roy. Darling stung by wasp wedding finger. Oliver up & looks better. Mad’lle here for day. Wednesday 17 September Ethel, Maud & Mr Draper to Brighton after lunch, back for tea. Gladys to Brighton for day to her parents. Thursday 18 September Mervyn’s birthday. Lovely day, saw wonderful things of sand thro Mr Allen’s microscope. Marvels. Picnic day. Mervyn, Ethel, Oliver, Maud & self to Chichester lunched at Dolphin Hotel. Met Mrs & Miss Fair! Went over cathedral, beautiful, & Lady Chapel v. large & beautiful windows, v. light, indifferent glass, cloisters v. fine, cathedral built 1123, much destroyed & rebuilt. Henry VIII Chapel, & statue of Charles I before getting to cathedral. After we went to Selsey Bill, “Long Acres” the Heron Allen’s pretty bungalow. Met her niece there who knows Lionel


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Herapath, quartered at Halifax, & Archie Hamilton, amusing as usual, seems fond of Roy. To bed on return. V. tired. Bread & milk. Friday 19 September Lovely day. Morg had walk with Ethel Mervyn, new road. Slept well after coming to bed before dinner. After lunch Ethel, Mr Keele, Mervyn & Gladys played tennis. Ethel won both sides!!! Maud & self called on Cohens, beautifully situated house, in, & had tea with Mrs Oxley. Mr & Mrs Mickelham came, she is lovely & so unspoilt. V. pleasant dinner, sat next Mr Draper & Maud he & I had good talk. His portrait of Anne v. good. Poker after dinner. V. late to bed, playing high. Saturday 20 September Mr & Mrs Mickleham came last night. We went over to Nymans to see garden. Mrs M, Maud, Ethel & self. Met Lennie, Gladys & Mr M. there, walked. Men fished after lunch. Walked with Darling Maud. Church decorations. Gramophone & poker. I to bed at 10 o’c. Sunday 21 September To Church with Maud, Mrs M, Oliver, Mervyn & Ethel. Harvest Sunday. Miss Fitzroy walked back with us. Mr Booth came after lunch & Mrs Sington fr Nymans bringing the little Micklehams. Nice children, had tea here. Men fished. Mr Draper finished Anne’s portrait. Pleasant evg. Mr Mickleham played charmingly & Lennie sang 3 songs. Walked to Lake with Gladys. Monday 22 September Miss Oliver to lunchon & the Booths & Mrs Sington to tea. Vy tired packing with Mrs Parsons for going, am obliged to arrange with her about evg dresses etc. Lennie v. kind & nice, gave me a v. pretty old Sheffield plate urn for afternoon tea, birthday. Remained up late. Mr Mickleham returned with Lennie. Gramophone evening. Arm swollen & aches. Feel v. tired. Tuesday 23 September Leave Balcombe by 1.18. Mrs Mickleham left by 10.30 train, her husband early with Lennie. Darling saw me off at Station. Fees £1.4.6. Mrs P. 5/-, Housemaid 5/-, butler 5/-, Arthur 2/6, Beach 4/-, dear Linley 2/6, porter 6d, porter 7d, Vic com 1/3, cab 3/3. Short 4/6 can’t make out where. Everything looking beautifully kept at home. Marie has done wonders cleaned dining room ceiling! & lamp. Started the 2 grandfather clocks, made door & put on hinges dust bin etc etc. Roy out dined alone, bed early. Arm v. swollen. Wednesday 24 September Saw Dr Lynes at 7 o’c PM. Says am run down & my arm must be massaged, giving me tonic & Sanatogen. Glorious day. Good night, woke early. Miss my darling & chicks. Roy came into my room for 3 seconds, dined out. Feel so tired. I went to Bank about securities, ordered sponge, tooth & nail brush Barkers. Arm v. swollen seeing a doctor about it. To Dr Mitchell 3.30 in taxi 2/-, there ½ an hour. 2 teeth stop’d in his new house. Called to enquire Mr Reed, ill but better. Stamps 1/-. Home by bus 2d, telegram 6d. Thursday 25 September Packed morg. Good night. Remained at home all day. Roy dined with me, grouse fr. stores 4/3. We had nice little evg together & to bed early. Mrs Fred Kerr came with Joyce & brought me a lovely bag of fresh mushrooms Joyce had brought fr. the country gathered this morg. Roy actually ate some at dinner. Friday 26 September D.V. Go by Granville to Ramsgate to Mrs Evans. Glorious weather continues. Saw Roy morg, off to city early, account dy. He ate some mushrooms for breakfast!!! So glad, & grapes. Marie to station with me taxi, & lost my lovely cushion alas! & put my sponge in box wet. My blanket had to be dried at Mrs E’s! Saw Mr Wallop & Togo at Victoria. Gt crowd Victoria (schools) full 1st c. carriage, tiresome


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 talkative Jewess! Vy kind letter fr. Mrs Noott awaiting me, & from my darling Maud. Found Mrs E v. well & all so dear & homey & kind welcome. V. happy evg. Worked & talked & rested my poor swollen arm. Saturday 27 September Glorious morg. & fine sea, lovely to look at fr. my bed. Wish my children were here & grand chicks. Simply perfect, air delicious. Sat & worked with Mrs Evans in her dear little room till 12 o’c & then for walk & shop’g in town after rest ¼ to 3. Mrs Copeland fetched us in her lovely Napier motor for Pavilion where we saw show Wild Animals, & caterpillars turn into chrysalis wonderful. Mary B. to dinner. V. happy evg. 1/- ticket. Letter fr. my darling. (illeg illeg). Sunday 28 September Lovely day. To St Peters. My Dearest’s grave & our dear parents’ grave looking very nice but not quite as I should like. Vy happy to be there again. Excellent sermon on Church digressions & St Michael & All Angels by stranger. Tram 8d, church 1/-. To Lady Hunt’s to tea. Mr & Mrs MacGildowney & Mrs & Miss (blank) there. Interesting talk on Norway with Miss McG. Mary Burnand dined with us. Total 1/8. Monday 29 September Lovely day. To St Peters, gardened there one hour, v. happy. Saw Locke’s about ground. Shall be glad when Dial is up. Not kept well enough. Tram 8d, stamps 1/-. Mr Pugin came to tea. V. interesting on fruit trees, bought 2 doz for Maud & Lennie & sent them off 2/-, total 3/8. Work for Bazaar. Met Mrs Hammond about massaging my arm, all nurses seem away, usual thing. Dear letters fr. my dear children, Oliver, Anne, Sp, Mervyn, Toula & others as well. Tuesday 30 September Another heavenly day. Letters fr. Mervyn, & Mrs Noott & Nurse Dufferin & darling Maud & lovely carnations for my room. Out morg. shop’g. Stamps 2d, mineral water 1/6. To tea Mrs Hammond, Mrs Whitehead there. To hospital about masseuse, could not hear of one. Over Mr Pugin’s garden morg, quantities of lovely figs & apples. Bought paper & postcards 6d. Total 2/2. Oct 1913 Wednesday 1 October Only out short time morg. Worked. Glorious day. Lovely carnations fr. darling, arranged them. Lady Burnand came after luncheon, looks v. well. Winnie has a little girl, all going splendidly. In fly to Mrs Trewin’s to tea. Her pretty flat looked charming lovely old Irish silver urn & coffee & tea set. Met there Mrs Bothel, Lady Hunt & Miss MacGildowney, walked home together. Quiet peaceful evg read & worked & walked round lawn. Thursday 2 October Another glorious morg to be thankful for. Out morg after work shop’g & to other cliff. Rested & joined Mrs Evans & Lady Hunt at Y.M.C.A. Opened by Miss Stancombe Wells. Sat out whilst they had tea in front, horrid place. I had tea on my return. Lady H, Mrs E. & self to St Laurence service. Harvest. Long tiresome sermon. Home ¼ to 9. Walked home. Arm little les swollen. Church 1/-. Bazaar 6d. Friday 3 October V. fine early dull later. Up 7 o’c, did my hair washed & 200 strokes massage. Arm better. Lovely day later. Walked part way to Lady Rose W, sat a while with her morg. & walked back, & then sat with Lady Burnand & saw Sir Francis, wonderfully well. Mrs Noott, Murray Smith & niece, Col & Mrs Prideaux came & Jacky Hunt to tea. We walked round parade after. Saturday 4 October Worked & wrote. Mrs Hammond called. Walked to meet Mrs Evans & missed her. After lunch rested & after early tea to Granville to call on Mrs Upton & Mrs


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Barker, found mutual friends of Mrs Evans. Tram 2/-. Stamps 1/-. Walked along new drive & sea front, great improvement. Sunday 5 October Lovely morg. To St Peters 10.15. Church 1/8. Was ½ an hour at my Dearest’s Grave. It all looked so beautiful & a large white rose out. I took off some dead blooms fr. our 2 graves. Splendid sermon from Mr Ridge, & was put into the K.Digby pew!!! V. odd. Wrote & rested after lunch. Miss McGildowney called. Called on Lady Burnand after tea. Rained so remained at home. Very quiet evg. Wrote Edgar, Midge, Darling & Roy & Mrs Vale. Monday 6 October Fine. Worked morg. Out 12 o’c with Mrs Evans & sat on sands, lovely. After lunch rest worked & wrote Sir Francis Burnand re books. Mrs Upton & Mrs Barker fr. Granville, Lady Hunt & Mrs Hammond to tea. For little walk after. Wrote Darling & Roy & Mrs Noott. Bed early. Tuesday 7 October Pouring wet morg. Impossible to go out, but peaceful & happy working in Mrs Evans dear little room. Wrote after rest & then worked again & after tea (Mrs L Coulin & dau. came to tea) went for walk & shop’g. Lovely evg, banks of beautiful clouds. Quiet peaceful evg, finished a good deal of work, arm going on slowly. Stamps 1/-. Wednesday 8 October Paid Blunts 3d for postcards. Stormy tho’ gleams of sunshine morg. Dear letter from my Darling re her weekend Stewarts, Bill W. & F.Walford. Fear my darling a little tired, a sad vein running thro’ her letter. I wish she would rest & live a quieter life with her dear children. In all morg. Out after tea, shop’g. To Bank. Quiet evg & to “(illeg)” Salvation Army, 2/6. Stamps 6d, tram 2d. Thursday 9 October. Oil! Glorious morg, in on account results. Mrs E. out morg. After lunch Mr Llewelyn called. He knew Roy as he was at Mr Child’s with him. He is a widower & lives at 7 Rocque Cres. Mrs Whitehead & Miss Seaton came to tea. Mrs E. & I then walked to enquire after Mrs Irwin, found Mrs Murray Smith there & walked back together. Lady Hunt to dinner. Friday 10 October Letters fr. my two dear children. Busy morg. Mrs E made an entire writing board, I a very pretty one. To lunch with Mr Llewellyn who had cocktails served before luncheon, just tasted mine only & even that gave me indigestion for rest of day! Pernicious habit!!! Excellent lunch & charming house & furniture & china & prints. Went over house all beautifully kept, he most kind. After called on Mrs Montefiore, out, but met her & Lady Spielman on her drive, & to tea at Mrs Murray Smith. Vy pleasant day & quiet evg writing. V. tired. Saturday 11 October Had tiresome & ridiculous dreams, woke often & slept late. Sea v. rough but sunny, cooler. Letter fr. darling Maud. To tea Mrs Player. Dolly Barker & Babies came. Pouring wet day. Quiet evg. Very pleasant time at Mrs Players. He paints well. Quiet evg. Sunday 12 October To St Laurence church, lovely. Met Mrs Keckwich, wife of man we used to meet at Tressady, & then Mr Llewellyn with 2 ladies, one met us years ago up at Fittleworth, knows Effie. Packed after lunch. Mrs (blank) to tea stayed late. Mrs Evans to evg service. I rested on sofa & wrote. Bed earlier. Fees 8/-, cab 3/6 to Upton Monday. Monday 13 October To Mrs Nootts, Upton Lodge St Peters 4 o’c, in fly 3/6, fees 8/-, Mrs Evans for writing board 12/-, stamps 1/-. Mr Llewellyn & the 2 ladies came morg & bought a


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 great number of things. Mrs Ellison asked me to call on her 23 Roland Gds. Mrs Evans came in fly to Market Place with me, so ended a v. happy visit sans aucune ennui. Found Mrs Noott waiting me & tea. V. pleasant evg together. Tuesday 14 October Lovely day. Round garden which looks very nice. Slept well. Arm still swollen. Letters fr. darling, Midge, Edgar fr. ship on way to Aukland New Zealand, Ada Sp. & Manager Bank re Cordoba Rly. Walked with Mrs Noott to Broadstairs, long walk, enjoyed it. After lunch 2.30 in her comfortable motor to Canterbury into 4 old shops. She bought lace, glass & a cabinet. Dinner 7 o’c. Bed early. V. nice day. Letter fr Marie with books. Wednesday 15 October Went for walk morg to my dearest’s Grave, lovely day. After lunch & rest to tea with Major Griffiths at Sandwich, so well remember their house lying back fr. road left hand side close to Sandwich. Has great possibilities house. We went to 4 old curiosity shops at Margate first. Played poker patience evg. Thursday 16 October Lovely day. Wrote morg. Sent 2/5!!! div fr. Chersonese to Bank. Wrote Edgar, Roy etc. Long letters fr. my two dear children & Edgar & two cards on his voyage to Aukland, New Zealand. After lunch & rest walked with Mrs Noott to call Mrs Brown & Mrs Prideaux, both out. To my beloved grave & back to tea. Read evg & Mr & Miss Gullet came in to say how Mrs Gullet had borne journey. Friday 17 October Lovely day. Walked across fields to St Peters & had such a happy morg there, gardened for 1½ hours taking away every dead leaf & dead bloom. Margarites still full of flowers & a good many geraniums. V. hot. Mr Ridge came to see me at 2.30, had such a nice talk with him. I met Mrs Ridge this morg & walked home with her. Their son at Hawtrys & is pleased with the school. Mrs Evans, Col & Mrs Grant, Mrs Raven & sis. in law to tea. V. pleasant. Saw Mrs Evans at 6 o’c into tram. Poker patience in evg. My Darling leaves today for Bruxelles. Saturday 18 October Lovely day. Letter fr. darling Maud written on boat on way to Ostende, her address Hotel de Flandre, Bruges, Belgium. Colonel & Miss & Amber Griffiths to lunch & tea. Sat in summer house for coffee, lovely. Walked with Amber alone after round grounds & to Miss Austen’s (florist) saw 7 kittens v. expensive 10/- & 5/- each. They all left in motor at 5.45. Played poker evening, Mrs Noott far better than I am. Glorious day & sunset & moonlight. Sunday 19 October To St Peters Church with Mrs Noott, beautiful hymns but Mr Ridge ill & service taken by strangers, so v. sorry. Met their governess who told me he w’d have to go away for 3 months rest, stomatic trouble. My beloved’s grave & our dear parents’ grave looking beautiful, amply repaid for my 1½ hrs gardening. Both Mrs Noott & self had electric massage for hair by man Herring fr. London. V. painful at first!!! Quiet evg. Monday 20 October Our Wedding Day, 1874. 2 letters & 2 postcards fr. my Darling fr. Bruges, Belgium. Wrote all morg. At 3 o’c to Sandwich in motor to see Col Griffiths, his wife had operation in London this morg, curating. Satisfactory telegram fr. her doctor early. To Mrs Montefiore’s at home after, saw Mrs Hammond, Mrs Evans & most Ramsgate friends. Walked in our mackintoshes on return. I got into violent perspiration & had hot bath before dinner, felt better after but fear slight temperature, can’t imagine why. Tuesday 21 October


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 V. wet morg. Woke feeling v. hot several times in night, slept badly & hot morg, odd. Pouring with rain. Think must have taken chill after getting in violent perspiration in yesterdays walk. Better later. Wednesday 22 October Took teaspoonful oil early & to St Peters, all beautiful there, amply rewarded for previous gardening! Only one basket of dead leaves & blooms. Called to enquire after Vicar. Mrs Noott met her in Broadstairs & heard he was at Mrs Grant’s facing sea Broadstairs, a nursing home. We went to Canterbury, saw 3 curiosity shops. Mr Macbeth came after tea & explained “Tishes” to us & about donation to Mr Ridge. Poker patience. Thursday 23 October Fine morg. Feel rheumatism over back & legs!!! Very uncomfortable to move, either chill or gardening. Very wet afternoon, did not go out. Winnie Griffiths going on well. Darling Maud very happy at Bruges, they must be at Bruxelles today, dear letter fr. her today & fr. Roy. Chicks return to Lancaster Gate Tuesday next. Friday 24 October Walked to Broadstairs sat facing sea. Lovely warm morg & brilliant sun, saw 2 women & one man bathing! Met Col & Mrs Prideaux & the Gullicks. So grateful for Mrs Noott’s kindness sending Mrs G. in motor to London, nursing home Hampstead. To St Margarets Bay at 3 o’c most lovely drive & beautiful Bay. Took little Amber with us fr. Sandwich. Had tea at Stoner, the Griffith’s place. Very foggy returning, had to drive slowly, sea fog. Poker patience evg, still behind Mrs Noott. No letter fr. Maud. Saturday 25 October Glorious morg. Mr W. Noott & Geoffrey & Mr Fraser come today for week end. At 2 o’c went to Canterbury calling at Stoner on way, fetched 2 of Mrs Noott’s cabinets & I bought Skittleball jug £3.0.0 & poison spoon £2.0.0 at Mrs Wheelers, rather much! Found gentlemen arrived in small motor. Had tea. Vy pleasant evg, talked. Sunday 26 October Very warm & muggy. I went alone to St Peters. V. good sermon on concentration of thoughts. Prayers for Mr Ridge. To my Dearest’s Grave both looking beautiful. Letters from darling Maud & dear little Anne. Wet afternoon, read “The Open Window” by Temple Murston, v. good. V. pleasant day, amusing talk after tea with the 3 men & Mrs Noott. Monday 27 October Mr Fraser & Geoffrey left early. Willie Noott by 5o’c train. Lovely morg. Wet afternoon but went for lovely drive at 3 o’c along coast & back for tea, thro’ Westgate, Kingsgate, Birchington & thro’ Minster home. Poker patience evg. Bed early. Tuesday 28 October Return home by 10 o’c train. Fees etc 18/7. Lunched at home & unpacked with Marie. Mrs Vale very unwell with influenza. Felt very seedy myself evening, hot & feverish. To bed early after writing letters. Rec. letters fr my two dear chicks, Roy at Newmarket for a week, Maud at Bruxelles. Flowers fr my darling. Wednesday 29 October In bed all day. Dr Lynes came to see me morg, slight attck of flu. Says I must have massage every day for a time, bother. Marie reads to me “A travers trois siecles.” Mrs Vale better. Post card fr. darling. Thursday 30 October Lovely morg. Had good night. Slight temp morg. Masseuse came at 10.30, seems more energetic woman & did my arm well. It looked smaller after. In bed all day. Bengers milk pudding & stewed apple only.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 3 October Good night but feel a wreck. In bed all day. Masseuse came 10.30. Wrote & read. Letter fr. darling Maud & post card, returns tomorrow. They have enjoyed their holiday immensely in Belgium. Nov 1913 Saturday 1 November Very good night feel much better altogether. Masseuse 10.30. Doctor Lynes came morg. Maud & Lennie return home. Felt side again seems in left kidney like reheumatism pain. Am to remain in bed. Roy returned fr. Newmarket 4.30 & stayed a little while, dines at Ritz with Lewisohns & sleeps at club. Fear he lost good deal of money at Newmarket. Ethel M. called, did not see her. Sunday 2 November Mishap with water bottle over bed. Lovely day. Masseuse came morg. My darling came at 11 o’c, so glad to see her, looks well but shockingly thin, wish she could have a little rest. They leave tonight for Scotland, trust she will not be overtired. Dear Roy came in morg for half hour. Looks well, returns tomorrow or Tuesday to sleep. Monday 3 November Out for ½ hour morg. Feel v. shakey. Masseuse 3. Darling Maud in Scotland, Gala House Galashiel N.B, with Cokaynes. To Mrs Lines about housemaid. Tuesday 4 November Out ½ hour morg. feel v. weak. Marie & self cleaned Fildes picture morg room after luncheon, great success. Ada Sp. called. Roy dined with me. Very pleased to have him, wish he looked stronger & could have a holiday. Massuese 4. Met Mrs Spofforth full of woes. Wednesday 5 November To Mrs Lines about housemaid. Feel better in spite of bad night. Masseuse 5. Leslie Jones came one week of 7 days £1.1.0. Pd. Arm still painful but slightly smaller. Letter fr. darling, seems very happy. Out morg bought nails & 2 hooks 1/-. Glycerine Barkers. To Tabby’s by motor bus 3.0’c, dear Mervyn came to see me at 2.30, met me again at Tabs, Claridges. Ham going on splendidly. Gorgeous rooms. Tabs looks tired. Lawrence there also looks worried about Evie. M. saw me in motor & went to Sloane St with me. Marie out. Saw 4 maids. Thursday 6 November To see lady about maid, would not see me. Friday 7 November Out morg to Bank ordered the 200 to be put in Brazil Traction 96½ each. Shop’d. To Fine Arts Gallery, Louis Bowmer(sic, Lewis Baumer)’s private view. Saw him & wife v. pretty woman & pretty little girl. Vy good show. Cab to see chicks & cab home 2/6. Roy dined with me. Saturday 8 November Went after character of housemaid Lucy F(illeg) £18. Not v. good reference but Lady (illeg illeg). Afternoon to Mrs Adlam, remained to tea. Called Mrs Pohl & Mrs Kerr. Mrs Vale out. 1. Masseuse came 8.45. Met L. Bradbury. Sunday 9 November To Church 1/-. Chicks to lunch, Oliver & Anne. Linley came to see me (home on exeat). Oliver & Anne stayed to tea. Roy dined with me 8 o’c. Mr Paxton called, looks younger again! Roy showed me how to play poker patience his way, more scientific. Monday 10 November Man fr Knight’s about pipe Roy’s room. Out 11 o’c to Barkers, ordered paper to be stamped. To Storeys ordered green cloth. Leather for Marie for windows. To Evans bought blk velvet hat £1.8.8. To Fanny Nembhard, saw her & May, & to


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Claridges saw Tabbie looking v. well, H. going on splendidly. Home 2.20! Lunch & rest. Nonie Messel came, saw her, told me Trixie Miller v.v. ill, terrible, pity Mrs du M with my whole heart. Gladys C. came to tea. 2. Masseuse. Roy out. Tuesday 11 November Out 11 o’c. Glasses 6/6. Window man Coates here, did windows & helped Marie with curtains & brass 4/2. To Bank re Brazil Traction, saw Manager, seems v. friendly. To Harrods re spectacles. Called to enquire for Mary Parker at Hylda Gibbs, out, saw Nurse Francis. Mary P. better but Nigel seedy. Seem to have v. little linen, so afraid laundry. Letter fr. darling, seems v. happy in Scotland at Cokaynes. Roy dined out. Wednesday 12 November Toula comes to stay. New H.maid comes, Lucy F(illeg) £18. Out morg shop’g. To Bank saw Mr Bull. Back early arranged about rooms with Marie. Florence W called when I was out. Toula arrived 2.50 looks tired. Vy delighted to have her. Masseuse came 3rd. Bed 1.30. Thursday 13 November To Mrs Keens about tickets. Busy writing morg. Marie & Lucy busy all day drawing room. Poker patience evg. Toula looks vy tired. Friday 14 November Out morg with Toula. Wet, fine after. Called & saw F. Edensor. Stamps 1/6, post cards 6d. Worked read & wrote afternoon, rested an hour. Put out silver with Marie. 4 Masseuse after dinner. Drawing room ready, looks v. nice. Saturday 15 November Darling Maud leaves Scotland with Lennie by night mail for home. Toula & self out morg shops, grapes 1/-, & to Harrods. Walked part way home. Dear chicks to tea. Florence Walford & Maud Paxton came. 5. Masseuse came ¼ to 9 o’c. Sunday 16 November To darling Maud to lunch, they arrived 7.30 & M. & I went to Church 11 o’c. F.W. there. Toula & I walked over. Maud looks much better. Mervyn called & returned with me after tea in motor. Roy dined at home. Lucy out afternoon & evg, Mrs Vale morg & part afternoon. Monday 17 November Toula & self walked to Maud’s & went with her to Christies to see FitzHenry’s collection fine pictures, silver, carved wood, china, glass etc. Toula out after lunch. I remained at home. Masseuse evg 6. Roy out. Tuesday 18 November Out morg hard work shop’g silk for shade & furniture 13/10. Took braid 7d, nails 1d, flowers 8d. Mrs Mayne, Nellie K, F. Edensor, Lady Bergne, Mrs Nooth, darling Maud, Mrs Keith, Mrs Brammell called. Toula out after lunch, in to tea. Busy all morg with my shade! Wednesday 19 November To be at Tabbie’s 12 o’c. Postponed as she goes to Brighton for day. Toula & self walked to Maud’s for lunch. After busy morg dining room lamp shade! After lunch to leave “S(illeg)” for Hamilton Claridges, & to Agnews’s gallery. Saw lovely Miss Linley & brother, Gainsborough. Home to tea. Marie out. Roy dined at home. Roy saw H.F. Claridges. Thursday 20 November Out morg shop’g for lamp shade! Toula doing it for me. To Tabs Claridges 4.30, tea here first. Toula & self went in om. v. comfortably, saw Hamilton looks v. well & (illeg) but thinner. Tabs v well. Mary Nicol & Fanny Nembhard called. 7 Masseuse came. X. Roy out. Friday 21 November Vy busy with lamp shade Toula. X. Marie & self to Bank & brought back a great many silver things from Black box sent there seven years ago after my first


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 illness. X. In taxi 1/-. Found all very correct & left about half at Bank. Silver all cleaned & looked beautiful. Roy dined at home, vy depressed. To tea with Mervyn in carriage, rained hard. Saturday 22 November V. busy shop’g morg with Toula. Fine. Flowers etc. Hylda & Ada Sp. called. 8 Masseuse evg. X. Lucy out afternoon & evg. Sunday 23 November Maud, Lennie, Mr & Mrs Kean & Sir Edward Boyle, Roy, Toula & self for dinner 8 o’c. In all day. Very delightful evg. Lennie & Sir E. vy congenial. Maud looking better. Monday 24 November In all morg. By om. to Piccadilly, Tango Tea Queen’s Theatre with Florence Edensor. Amusing. Spencer & Ada there. Had carriage returning with Florence to Maud’s where Toula was, we ret’d home in carriage. Masseuse 9. Roy dined H. Messels. Tuesday 25 November V. fine morg, out to Mrs Neville’s about my evening dress, 12½ gns, black chiffon velours & lace bodice. Walked nearly all way. At homes Mrs Louis Bowmer (sic, Lewis Baumer), Mrs Hamilton Johnson & dau, Mrs Binns Smith, Mrs G Reid, Miss Rose Innes, Mr Molesworth. Midge sent us brace pheasants, had one for dinner. Roy dined at home. Toula gave me some lovely lilies. Drawing room looks smart. Wednesday 26 November Out early together. To Marshalls & Selfridges. Left my little silver salt cellar to be fitted with glass at Soane & Smiths Oxford St. Met darling Oliver with Miss Blaine. 10. Masseuse 10.15. Roy dined with Maud. Thursday 27 November To stores by underground with Toula. 4 o’c to Mrs Geilgud’s, carriage. Toula out separately. Mrs Vale out afternoon & evening. I went on after Mrs Geilgud to Maud’s. Saw Mrs Bruce, Hayward Booth, Hohler etc, & Mervyn there. Carriage brought me home. Toula & self alone. Friday 28 November Roy to Edna Lewisohn’s. Toula & self lunch at Maud’s. Masseuse came. After lunch rest & at 4 o’c to Evie on acct my stupid mistake about Tabs & Bazaar, & to Katie Geilgud, saw various friends. Marie took Roy’s things to Station & saw him there. Saturday 29 November Out early, met Dr O, & to Barkers shop’g. Cakes etc. Mrs Spofforth called morg. vy annoyed about many things, feel so sorry for her. Dear chicks came at 3, played in garden & cards after. I called on George Brooks, better, & Mrs Keen still in bed. Sat an hour with her. Lovely day, v. warm for end Nov. Lovely roses fr. Balcombe grown out of doors. Sunday 30 November Lunch with the Spencers 106 Queens Gate. Dine with Darling Maud. Vy pleasant evg. Mr Maxwell Lyfe v. interesting & talkative. Mr Woodruffe dull & tiresome. Had carriage both ways. Dec 1913 Monday 1 December Worked all morg (hard) at screen, green silk. After rest to Maud’s to help with Bazaar but found all done. Had tea at Maud’s, sent me back in motor. Roy dined here, had H’s pheasant. Nurse came but did not have massage, pd her for 10 visits £1.10.0, owe for one. Tuesday 2 December


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Maudie’s Bazaar. To Empress rooms morg, helped with stall. Vy amusing. Maud & Evie there & Toula all morg. The loveliest stall of all by far. Bought spec case 4/6, bracelet fr little Anne 1/-, 2 little figures fr. Oliver 1/- & little ash tray for Roy 2/-. Toula’s 2 friends came to tea. Only Mary Nicol called & we went together to Bazaar. Roy dined here. Wednesday 3 December Brace of pheasants fr. Lawrence Fisher Rowe. Mrs Neville 3.30. Dine at Grand Hotel with Mr & Mrs Denny 7.45. Maudie’s Bazaar. Went morg. Maud did very well, had £17 odd, Evie £6 odd. Delightful evg at Grand. Mrs Walker & another sis. of Mr Denny’s v. handsome, also Mr & Mrs (blank) Loring v. pretty woman. Wonderful dinner. Marie fetched me, her evg out, taxi 5/- & cab fr. dressmaker 1/6 four wheeler! Thursday 4 December Masseuse 5 o’c. Spencer & Ada dined here, much better dinner & pleasant evg. Morg shop’g. Toula slaving at my little screen & would not fit in after all. Dear Roy to Mr Gould’s. Friday 5 December To Army Navy Stores morg. £1.10.5 by cheque, rest by deposit. Expected Mrs Denny & her husband, did not come. F. Edensor asked us, sorry as we might have gone. Sir E. Boyle came to tea. Cake! Saturday 6 December To shops morg early. To lunch with Darling, looks v. seedy & overtired. Got flowers on return, roses 1/6. Dined with Ethel & Mervyn at Onslow Hotel, played bridge after. Cab 2/4, om 6d morg. X. Had to put off Masseuse. X. Kenyon mistake or did not deliver message. Sunday 7 December Col Welby & Miss Innes called. Lennie, Maud, Arthur Linley & Mr & Mrs Pohl dine here. To see George Brooks at 4 o’c. Looks v. ill but bright & interested in everything. Col Welby & Miss Innes called, missed both. Masseuse morg. Monday 8 December Tea at Nonie’s. Went with Toula to Sloane St bought few things & to Watteaus, ordered bodice £4.4.0 to be fitted Thurs 10.30. Met Mr E.T.Reed in omnibus going, fatter. To tea Nonie’s. V. nice American lady there, Mde Garcea. Met Mrs M. Called Maud’s & came back in her motor. Masseuse. Tuesday 9 December To Mrs Nevills, fitting 11.30. Walked part way, fitted, walked part way back. Lovely roses fr. Toula & Darling. Roy looks v. tired. He returned yesterday fr. Eastnor Castle, Mr Gould’s. Brought me 4 pheasants! Wednesday 10 December Toula goes to Germany. Lunched with Maud & to Concert Beckstein Hall, splendid music, Brahms & Handel. Gervase Elwes sang. Tea after at Maud’s. Home in motor. Thursday 11 December Will Oakes dines here & F. Edensor. Lady Lockyer 3.30. Masseuse morg. To be fitted Watteau 12.30. V. tired. Mr Oakes went to sleep after dinner! & yawned!!! A dull evening but for Roy being here. Friday 12 December Mrs Evans comes. Mrs Walker lunches here. Lady Hunt & Mrs Evans theatre evg. Vy pleasant luncheon. Maudie to Balcombe for day. Amusing little piece “My Lady Molly” by Sidney Jones, amateurish, some v. good. Marie out evg. Saturday 13 December Apt. Mrs Neville 12 o’c. Masseuse 10 o’c. Not time enough to rest. Had to take taxi 1/6 & then had to wait at Mrs Neville’s ages. Walked home. Dear Chicks


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 unable to come, colds. Maud & Lennie to Sir G. Ryan’s for week end. Roy dined at home, looked tired. Hylda Sp. to tea. Mrs Vale out afternoon & evg. Sunday 14 December Masseuse. Arm ached after up, tho’ rested an hour. Mrs Evans to church. Roy may dine at home. Lucy out afternoon & evening. Concert Albert Hall. Mervyn & Miss Rose Innes came after tea. Roy away. Monday 15 December Out all morg. to be fitted with bodice Watteau. Ordered Oliver’s lawn mower & Mitchell ball Harrods. Maudie ret’d fr. the Ryans & came in to see us at tea, looks well but v. busy. Little Anne in bed with cold. Wrote & worked evg. Roy out. Dr Lynes came evg, must go on with massage. Tuesday 16 December To Bank re insurances, they declare all pd. Pictures Johnson’s for Maud. Sorted out 2 of Dearest’s drawings for Darling. Nellie K, F. Edensor, Sylvinia Rose Innes & Miss Turner to tea. Headache. Masseuse 8.30. Roy dined at home. Wednesday 17 December To Bank with N.S.A. paper signed by Roy & self. Roy dined out. Left 2 of Dearest’s drawings at Johnsons to be framed for Darling. Mrs Evans & I lunched at Maudie’s. Spinks there. Had motor back. Mrs Evans to tea at Lady Romer’s & Lady Scott’s. Marie out. Thursday 18 December Masseuse morg. 10 o’c. In all day tying up presents, putting away covers drawing room & silver ditto. Mrs Cadogan called, did not see her. Mrs Evans to see Sir John Tenniel. Mrs Vale out. Friday 19 December Masseuse evg 9 o’c. Did not come. Interviewed L.G.Liverpool Insurance clerk. Out morg to enquire Mrs Jackson. Saw her & son. Put up more presents. To Bank changed £5. Tore up paper about Grand Trunk Rly. Darling & little Linley came to tea, L much grown. Roy to Cranbourne Court. Marie took his things to Station. Lucy out evg. Put away silver with Marie. Saturday 20 December Mrs Evans left by 11 o’c. Packed & put away drawing room things. Marie & self v. busy all day. Masseuse evg. Dear Roy came home for few seconds afternoon, full of ghost story, vy wonderful. He is staying at Cranbourne Court till Monday. (Cutting inserted: “The Clergyman and the Ghost”). Sunday 21 December Masseuse , 26, 9 not paid for, at 10 o’c. Packed. Roy at Edna’s. Mervyn came in afternoon. Owe Miss Leslie Jones for 11 visits £1.13.0. Monday 22 December Came to Leweston with Marie by 3.30. Marie to meet Roy early fr. Edna’s. Roy met us Waterloo, wish he looked better. Lovely bag from Mrs Pohl. Roy sleeping at his club. All well Leweston. Ham, Tabs, Shakespears, boys & Louise. Tuesday 23 December Evie comes today with chicks. Pouring. Slept badly but v. happy & comfortable. In all day. Wrote & worked. Very delightful evg. Miss Lawes came & they all danced the tango in dining room. Vy graceful dance. Letter fr. darling Maud. Wednesday 24 December Glorious day. To Sherborne morg. Bought cakes with Louise & Miss Lawes. Over Abbey. Danced afternoon after tea & evg. Simon & George to tea, v. handsome boys. Tree for the house children only. Thursday 25 December Very happy Xmas Day. Ham, Louise, Eve, Gweneth & Mr Shakespear to Church 11 o/c. Boys to com. early & Tabby at 7 to hers. Mr Clark K(illeg), Mr Digby with Gwen & Freddy to diner. Mr Essex Digby staying here, 16 in all. Enjoyed day v.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 much. H. & Tabs gave me very pretty black velvet bag & Eve 2 pretty china boats. Friday 26 December Dull morg. Walked with Louise & Tabby to Lodge gates. H. & boys shooting. They all danced after dinner, & before. Lovely silver Almanack fr. dear Roy, far too expensive. Saturday 27 December Lovely day. H. & Tabby busy seeing to cutting down of trees for new walk, a great improvement, close to house. Wrote to darling Maud. No letter or news of Roy. Golf after lunch H. & Louise. Boys hunting. Sunday 28 December Lovely morning. Ribs still painful. To church with Hamilton, Gareth, Mervyn, Mr Shakespear, Evie & Gweneth. 1/-. In all afternoon. Frost & colder. Bright. Boys sang after dinner, & Hamilton. Monday 29 December Gareth left for Bedstone where he is shooting with Hamilton. The Shakespears left by 11.30 train all 3, Dorothy not remaining for dances as usually does. Had walk with Louise H. V. companionable. Called to enquire after Briscoe. Played Bridge with H, Mervyn & Louise after dinner. H & self won. Bed 11 o’c. Marie packed. Snow & colder. Tuesday 30 December Return by 11.30 from Leweston after delightful visit. Came up with Eve & her two children. Great crowd. Children & little dog no trouble whatever. Saw Hamilton & Mervyn off at at 10 in motor for Portsmouth. Roy dressed at home at 6 o’c, dining with Lewisohns & theatre after. Readjusted my boxes with Marie who packed Roy’s things, sleeping at club. Wednesday 31 December Go to Balcombe by 4.30 train. Glorious morning. Paid house books, wages & board wages & 3 weeks washing £12.2.4. Very cold. Found Darling & chicks fairly well, Maud & Oliver with colds. Harolds, Mr Keele, Miss Esme Baggs party. Went to bed at 11 o’c. Private account January 1913. Balance £40. 4. 2 Cent Argentine 1.17.8 B.A.Gt Southern Rly 7.10. 8 B.A.Pacific 10.11. 1 B.A.Western 4. 5. 2 Rio Trams 7. 1. 3 Japanese 4% 1.17. 8 Japanese 4½ % 4. 4. 9 Sons of Gualia 4. 8 Eng. Ass’n American N.R. 4.15. 1 New York Cent 1. 4. 3 Messel sale of allotted div 4.12. 6 Cordoba Cent 18.10 Mexican Lt & Power 9.12. 3 January total £ 57.15. 9 February B.A.Pacific 13.2 Chinese 2. 7. 1 Chersonese 4. 9 Robinson Gd 7. 1. 3 Gt Northern U.S.A 3. 7. 5


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Gt Eastern Rly 3.10. 7 City B.A. Trams 9. 5 Hull & Barnsley 9.18. 4 Furness 1. 8. 3 Glasgow & S.W.Rly 2. 9. 5 £ 30.19. 8 March 1913 Cuban 5% 12. 2. 2 Chinese 4 ½ 2. 2. 4 Midland Rly 11.10. 1 P & O. SS Co 4.18.11 Bolivar Rly 2.16. 6 Waihi Gold 1.18. 0 Japanese 5% 2. 7. 1 Sons of Gualia 4. 8 March £ 37.19. 9 April 1913 Cordoba Cent 18.10 Nat. Brazil Lloyd 2. 7. 1 Union Pacific 4.15. 1 New York Cent 1. 4. 3 Barker 1. 9 B.A.Gt Southern 31.18.10 B.A.Western 3.15. 4 Cent Argentine 21. 2. 1 £ 66. 3. 3 May B.A. Pacific 13. 2 New York Telephone 8. 9. 6 Gt Northern Rly USA 3. 7. 7 B.A.Trams 9. 5 £ 12. 9. 8 June Waiki Gold 1.18. 0 Nat Rail Mexico 4. 6. 8 Sons of Gualia 4. 8 Int. Deposit 18. 0 June £ 7. 7. 4 July Cent Argentine 1.17. 8 B.A.Western 4. 5. 2 B.A.Pacific 10.11. 1 B.A.Gt Southrn 7.10. 8 Rio Trams 4.14. 2 City B.A.Bonds 7. 1. 3 Japan 4% 1.17. 8 Eng(illeg) bond 4.15. 1 Japan 4½ % 4. 4. 9 New York Cent 1. 4. 3 Mexican Lt & Power 9.12. 9 July £ 57.14. 6 Aug Chinese Rly 5% 2. 7. 1 B.A.Pacific 13. 2


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Gt Northern Rly USA 3. 7. 6 Robinson Gold 5.15. 0 Gt Eastern Rly 14. 1 City B.A. Trams 9. 5 Midland Rly 7.12. 6 Hall & Barnsley 4.13. 1 Furness 18.10 Glasgow & South West 2.16. 4 £ 30.14.11 Sept Cuban 5% 12. 2. 2 Chinese 4½ % 2. 2. 4 P & O. 4.18.11 Waihi Gold 1.18. 0 Bolivia Rly 2.16. 6 Japan 5% 2. 7. 1 Int div 1.15. 0 Sep £ 27.10. 0 Oct Cordoba Cent 1.17. 8 Comps Lloyd Brazil 2. 7. 1 Barker 8 Sons of Gualia 4. 8 Union Pacific 4.15. 1 New York Central 1. 4. 3 Chensonese 2. 5 Arg. Southern Land 5. 0.10 B.A. Western Rly 4.14. 2 B.A. Gt Southern 40. 1. 4 Cent Argentine 27. 1. 8 £ 87. 9.10 November New York Telephone 8. 9. 6 B.A.Pacific Rly 12. 0. 0 Gt Northern Rly USA 3. 7. 8 City of B. Ayres Trams 9. 5 Coupe Motor Cab 8. 3.10 £ 32.10. 5 Dec 1913 Waihi Gold 1.18. 0 Sons of Gualia 4. 8 Deposit interest 1.15. 2 £ 3.17.10 Trust 1913 January Arg. Great Western 18.16. 8 Cent Uraguay 23.10.10 Local Loans 5. 5 Autofogasta 6.11.10 Jany £ 49. 4. 9 February Gt Western Brazil 28. 5. 0 Peebles 23. 6. 1 Feby £ 51.11. 1


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 March April Cordoba Cent 9. 8. 4 British North Alantic 21. 3. 9 Local Loans 5. 5 Illinois Cent 19. 5. 6 April £ 40. 3. 0 May June Canadian Pacific 23.10.10 Lehigh Valley 21.13. 2 June £ 45. 4. 0 July Argentine Gt W 18.16. 8 Antofagasta 6. 1.10 Cent Uraguay 23.10.10 Local Loans 5. 5 July £ 49. 4. 9 August Gt Western Brazil 28. 5. 0 Peebles 23. 6. 1 Aug £ 51.11. 1 Oct Brit North Atlantic 21. 3. 9 Cordoba Cent 18.16. 8 Local Loans 5. 5 Oct £ 40. 5.10 Nov Dec Canadian Pacific Rly 23.10.10 Lehigh Valey 21.12. 2 Dec £ 45. 4. 0 Illinois Central (Oct) 19. 6. 0 Reconstruction of Cordoba Rly: instead of paying March £18.16. 8, I received £12.10.1 in Jany 1913. Received during 1912 Trust Private January 49. 5. 3 49. 8. 7 February 51.11. 1 37.10. 3 March 18.16. 8 30. 1. 9 April 40. 8. 9 57.17. 1 May ….. 12.19. 7 June 45. 3.11 11. 5. 1 July 49. 4. 9 50.17. 7 August 51.11. 1 24.18. 3 September 18.16. 8 31.13. 1 October 40.14. 8 71.13. 6 November ….. 34.11. 2 December 45. 4. 0 11. 3. 2 £ 410.16.10 £ 412.18. 3 Dearest’s Total Jan 67.19. 5 166.13. 3 Feb 12. 0. 1 101. 1. 5 March 19.12.9 68.11. 2


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 April 18.12.11 116.18. 9 May 8. 9. 6 21. 9. 1 June 15. 2. 7 71.11. 7 July 67.19. 5 168. 1. 9 Aug 12.13. 1 89. 2. 5 Sep 24. 9.11 74.19. 8 Oct 8. 2. 2 120. 9. 4 Nov 8. 9. 6 33. 0.10 Dec 7. 4. 8 63.11.10 £ 270.10. 0 £ 1095.11. 1 Received during 1913 Trust Private January 49. 4. 9 57.15. 9 February 57.11. 1 30.19. 8 March ….. 37.19. 9 April 40. 3. 0 66. 3. 3 May ….. 12.19. 8 June 45. 4. 0 7. 7. 4 July 49. 4. 9 57.14. 6 August 51.11. 1 30.14. 1 Sept ….. 27.10. 0 Oct 40. 5.10 87. 9.10 Nov ….. 32.10. 5 Dec 45. 4. 0 4.19. 9 £ 372. 8. 6 £ 454. 4.10 Dearest’s Total January 65.12. 2 172.12. 8 Feby 12. 0. 1 94.10.10 March 24. 8. 9 62. 8. 6 April 18.12.11 124.19. 2 May 8. 9. 6 21. 9. 2 June 23. 6. 3 75.17. 7 July 65. 8. 0 172. 7. 3 August 12. 0. 1 94. 5. 3 Sept 25. 3. 6 52.13. 6 Oct 17. 9. 4 145. 5. 0 Nov 8. 9. 6 40.19.11 Dec 7. 4. 5 56.18. 0 £ 288. 4. 6 £ 1114. 6.10 Invested 1912 January 1912. Bought thro’ Bank £100 B.A.Pacific Ord. Pd. £101.18. 8. March. Paid £20 on 2 £10 shrs allotted in B.A.Western 1915. April 10th £50 on £250 allotted B.A.Pacific 5% debs issued at 105. March 30th £30 on application for above allot’t making up to date £75 pd. April 1st £35 B.A. see Executors pass book. July 11th £22 being call of £2 per shr on 11 allotted shs B.A.Gt Southern. Re-invested only July £100 Bolivar 6% at 104, with com. £105.6.6 thro’ Bank. Bought July re-invested fr. Dearest’s estate £200 in Cuban 5% Parts at £102. Total £202.11.0 Sep 30. Final call of £2 per shr on 4% Ex. Shrs 1911 B.A.Gt Southern Rly on 11 shrs £22 pd by Bank (making £110 in all for 11 £10 shrs.) Nov. Bank sh’s have pd £10 B.A.Western allotted 4% Ex. 1912. Not marked. ?


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Nov 5. Bought 10 shrs Union & Pacific Co. Rly at 175½ with com. £303.5.6 by Roy’s advice thro’ Byng Foley & Co, 4 Token House Buildings. 1913 Re-invested June 5th £50 pd. off fr.5% Chinese Loan in 5 shrs London & Liverpool Bank of Commerce thro’ Messel. Paid for same £55.3.6, Dearest’s money. Took up 9 allotted £10 shrs 4% 1914 in B.A.Gt Southern Rly (1913 issue) pd. in full 28th of July, Monday, from deposit account £90. Left Banker’s receipt of B.A.Gt Southern allotted shrs as above at L.C.& Westminster Bank on Friday 8th August 1913, fully pd. Bought in Roy’s & my name £200 Brazil Traction Light & Power 6% thro’ Bank 7th Nov 1913 at 96½ per share. Total £194.8.6. Invested 1913 £ s d July. Buenos Ayres Gt S. 90. 0. 0 Nov. Bought Traction 194. 8. 6 Total £ 284. 8. 6 1912 Invested Jan B.A.Pacific Ord 100. 0. 0 March 2 allotted shs B.A.Western 1915 20. 0. 0 April 5% B.A.Pacific 100. 0. 0 Union Pacific 100 at 175½ 353. 0. 0 £ 573. 0. 0 Some of this only re-invested fr. pd off bonds.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 1914 Notes and enclosures in front of Diary: Store Number 98125 Letter from “your affectionate brother Spencer” dated 15 July 1914 Letter from Linley’s cousin, “Yours affectionately Fanny Barker” dated 14 July 1914 Jan 1914 Thursday 1 January Balcombe. Lovely morg. Harold & Nonie, Mr Keele & Ethel Bagg here. My Darling & chicks look fairly well. Went for walk with Oliver & Ann, some snow & ice. Maud Lennie, E. Bagg & Harold to Ashdown Forest to see new place Harold has taken for year with option of buying. Pleasant evg. Harold good company, but looks v. seedy & yellow. Friday 2 January The Harolds left morg. Went for walk with Darling & Ethel B. after writing to congratulate Owen Seaman, a Knight! & Mr Dickinson P.C!!! Old peoples tea party, villagers. Good rest after lunch. Linley & Mr Keele to Brighton, hair cutting. Oliver with a cold & my Darling has one also. Mad’lle Jacquemot for day. They danced evg. & broke gramophone. Saturday 3 January Lovely morg, warmer. Sent off thro’ Post Office Balcombe £1.0.0 to Milan for Edie & Herbert. Long letter fr. dear Edgar. Major Talbot & Mrs Hayworth Booth to dinner. Mr Guthrie & Mr Cadogan came for week end. Little nurse came & did my arm. Pleasant dinner old reminiscences. They danced after to hired gramophone. Sunday 4 January Dearest’s birthday. Fine morg. To church with Anne & Linley. Darling came later to communion. Oliver modelled wonderfully clever daffodil, in his room had bad cold. My Dearest’s birthday. Played poker patience with Ethel B. & Mr Guthrie & darling. Good stories after tea. Monday 5 January Very wet. For walk after lunch with Anne & Mad’lle. Mr Guthrie left 1 o’c. Mr Cadogan left with Lennie early. Maud to Mrs Blunt’s meeting. Mr & Mrs Messel, Muriel, Miss Wake, Ruth, Hylda & Cap Gibbs to dinner. Oliver in bed all day. Feel damp in arm. Quite pleasant evg. Tuesday 6 January Leter fr. darling Roy. Lovely morg. Went for walk. Maud, Ethel Bags, Mr Keele, young Christopher Warren to Hunt Ball. They dined first at Mrs Worsley’s. Lennie, Linley & Dick Herman & self dined here. Gramophone after. Wednesday 7 January Lovely day. Walking morg with Maud & Ethel Bag & Gladys C. who arrived by 12 o’c train. Dear Oliver better but still looks seedy. Mr Marriott came in time for luncheon. He, Mr Smith, Mrs H. Booth, C.Warren, Ethel Bagg, Gladys C. & darling to Red X ball after dinner. Lennie & self alone smoking room, quite nice evg, read, to bed late 11.20! C’d not see clock. Thursday 8 January Slept well but woke with headache. Maud to afternoon party with chicks, fancy dress Mrs Keating’s, & to Mrs Blount’s Ball in the evening. I went to bed earlier. Friday 9 January Mrs Messel’s birthday, we all dine there. Ethel Bag left morg. Walked to post 1/6 stamps. Changed cheque of £2.10.0 Bank. Rested after lunch. Maud & chicks to Lingfield party. No masseuse. X. tonight. Quite pleasant evg at Nymans. Mrs Messel with cold, only Hylda & Arthur & Muriel besides ourselves.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Saturday 10 January Slept well. Dull morg. Christopher Warren staying. Mr Maxwell Lyte, young Miller (Guthrie) came for week end. Lennie, Mr M.Lyte & Linley to Harolds, they have just come to their new place today. Charming country, a nice house with every modern convenience. Mr & Mrs Messel there, 12 to tea. Booths en masse here to dinner, danced after. Ann & Linley down. Enjoyed seeing them dance. Sunday 11 January Fine. Bitterly cold. Lennie hurt poor Kim. My Darling to Church with me Christopher & Anne & Linley. Oliver still has to be careful. V. pleasant evg. Mr Maxwell Lyte & young Miller good company & great talkers. Gramophone evg. Monday 12 January V.v. cold. Walked with Maud Gladys & Christopher to Ld Frederick’s, found him getting down huge branches of trees with a stick saw! At 91! Lovely day, clear cold. Scout boys tea & entertainment. Christopher left, returns tomorrow by early train. Gramophone evg. Tuesday 13 January Dear Oliver’s birthday. V. cold snowing slightly. Large party afternoon for Oliver. Mr Keele left early this morg. Letters fr. Midge & Roy. Large afternoon party & fancy dress evg for Oliver. Chicks down to dinner & dance after. Messels, Hylda, Ottie here afternoon. Wednesday 14 January Vy cold wind. Walked with Maud & Gladys morg. Chicks to Meet, too hard frost, ret’d & ratted with Christopher, Beach superintending! Games after lunch till tea time. Christopher left at 5.30 or 6 o’c. Très apris de la petite! Lennie left early & not returning until Saty. Vy peaceful evg, gramophone songs. Linley dined with us. Thursday 15 January Gladys left 4.30. Mad’lle J. here for day. Walked morg to enquire after poor man Simmons, trouble with dogs. Linley to Nymans snaring rabbits, got 8. Gave one to Mad’lle. Maud showed Mr Wallace basket making for scout boys! 9 o’c PM. Bed rather late. Vy happy day. Friday 16 January Vy cold & raw. Adamson to London with part of luggage. Gladys Crozier left yesterday. Maud & self to the Domvilles, relations of Pauls, he naval man. Had tea there, lovely drive. Mr Cooper to lunch. Linley & Oliver got 5 rabbits at Nymans. Gramophone evg. Saturday 17 January Lennie comes down weekend, all returning Monday. Mrs Talbot called. Maud & self walked to Mill. Mrs Booth vy worried about her baby. Kim v. naughty, had to thrash him, after sheep again. Oliver had a toss riding but enjoyed it! Not hurt. Cold & raw. The Booths to dinner. Vy pleasant evg. Sunday 18 January To church with Darling & Linley & Oliver. Doleful sermon. Little Anne in bed with cold. Amusing letter to her from Christopher. Quiet afternoon & evg. Maud & Lennie to Nymans for short time. Monday 19 January Return fr. Balcombe 10.40. Sh’d have been here 3 weeks on Wed. Vy cold. Maud & household returned also morg. M. & chicks by motor, arrived 3 o’c & Ann to bed. M. & boys to party, & Linley, Lennie & Maud to Pantomime evg. Roy dined with me. Seemed depressed about business, & feels cold v. much, big fires in our rooms. Tuesday 20 January


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Out morg. to Bank. X. Applied for £500 Cent Arg Rly 4% deb stock issued at £90, 5% on application. X. Ada Sp. came to tea. Roy dined out. Mad’lle dined with me & we played cards. Wednesday 21 January Raw & dull. Out shop’g morg, called Barkers, ordered partridge 3/- & fish. Roy dined with me. He was rather bored tho’ a little more lively than on Monday. Maudie fetched me 2.15 & took me to Olympia, Hagenbecks Zoo where the 2 dear boys with an Eton friend & Nurse Francis were. Enjoyed it immensely. Dear Linley had to leave at 5.10, returns to Eton. Ann in bed with cold & dear little thing has ear ache. Christopher there. Thursday 22 January To Bank took paper re Mexican Rly. & Brazil Traction which Roy has to sign as well as self. To Harrods re gramophone, vy expensive, 10 to 20 gns! Walked to Darling’s across Park, fare 2d & stamps 1/-. Lunched with Maud, saw dear Ann in bed vy busy with her dolls dress. Walked home immediately after lunch. Mrs Bramall & 2 Paxton girls to tea. Alone evg. Mrs Vale out. Roy dined with Maud & to theatre. Friday 23 January Mrs Cockayne asked me to tea. Going with Darling to Tango Tea at Princes’. Roy for week end to Edna’s. Not home until 5.30 this morg! & up at 8, not good for work! Did accounts morg. Walked round Pond, iced over but dangerous. Darling fetched me 4 o’c & took me Princes’ to tea & tango. Mr & Mrs M, Hilda Gibbs, Nonie & Rudolph & Christopher there. Met Effie & Miss Mitchell. Alone evg. Dear Ann better. Saturday 24 January Out morg. & walked to Maud’s & lunched there. Flowers for dear Ann 1/3. Better but in Nursery, Nurse F. there. Walked across park home. Rested & went on by om. to Mrs Adlam’s, seems wonderfully well lying on sofa in her dining room. Had to walk back, no om. Flowers 1/4. Alone evg, bed early. Marie out evg. Sunday 25 January Had bad night feeling slight chill on liver. Mervyn & Ethel to lunch & tea, vy cozy, both well. Mrs Tuer called & was v. amusing. Mervyn left after & Molesworth called, left soon & I went to bed & had bread & milk, feel seedy rather. Lucy out. Monday 26 January V. good night but feel chill still hanging about me. Have been allotted £500 4% in Cent Argentine Rly, must sell. Roy returns fr. Mrs Lewisohn’s, out evg. In bed all day, heavy cold. Darling came afternoon, brought lovely & flowers arranged them. Marie read before & after tea to me. Tuesday 27 January Roy dined out but came home early. Florence Blair comes at 4.30 to stay. Slept well. Lovely morning. Feel cold & weak. Saw Roy, he looks v. pale & thin. Sent off allotment letter of £500 Cent Argt 4% to Bank to be sold. Also Brazil Traction div, & applied for £500 B.A.Gt Southern Rly 4% thro Glyn Mills & Curry. Nellie K, Miss Gill, Ethel Bagg & Darling, Mrs Watson, Mrs Warren, Mrs Dickinson, Eve & Lawrence, Mary Millais, & Florence Blair who came to stay, arrived 4.30. Wednesday 28 January Feel v. full of cold & seedy. Florence kindly took Cent Argt paper allotment to bank signed, sold them for (blank) & pd Nash & Johnson for me. Lovely day. Roy dining at ome. Pd books. Thursday 29 January Feel better. To Bank morg re B.A.Gt Southern new issue. For walk round Gds, met Miss Hughes. My darling busy all day with her accounts, did not come. Chicks better. Florence out after early tea, in for 7.30 dinner. Roy out. Played bridge all evg with Florence. Marie out.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 30 January Florence & self if well enough lunch with Eve, Rutland Lodge. Darling came & fetched us in Motor, walked up Park, met dear Oliver riding with Billie Worsley! & left us at Eve’s. Large house only ourselves & Gwyneth at luncheon. Vy pleasant, & called on our way home on Mrs Huth Jackson, Miss Lawrence, Mervyn & Spencer. Hylda in but starting for Norfolk in Motor!!! 3.30. We had taxi home 1/2. Roy to Edna’s. Mrs Vale out. Saturday 31 January Out shop’g with Florence morg. To Watteau’s, chose dress. Fruit, flowers, 3/7. 2/8. Lovely fruit & flowers fr. Darling. In all afternoon did nothing. Roy went yesterday to Cranbourne Court. Met Lady à Beckett, Mrs Graham K. Maud sent lovely fruit & flowers. Feb 1914 Sunday 1 February Lawrence & Eve, Darling & Lennie to dinner. Roy at Edna’s fr Friday till tomorrow. Our little dinner very cheery, Lennie & Lawrence get on so well. Walked morg with Florence called Mrs Sington. Saw her & Poppie v. ill, & George Brooks better. Crossing sweeper 6d. Florence lunched at Maud’s. Monday 2 February Perfect day. Out morg. Bank. Met Mrs Watson, just lost diamond ear ring, & Mary Millais. Florence out afternoon. Roy dined at home. Ordered soles & chicken Barkers. Nurse Jones came to see me at 1 o’c, arranged Friday for massage. Roy in good spirits. Lucy out afternoon & evg. Florence lunching at Maud’s tomorrow. Tuesday 3 February Desirée Welby’s luncheon 1.30. Lovely day, warmer. Florence lunching at Maud’s. Walked part way. Party of 12. Vy clean man Mr Wright sat next to me & Major (blank) the other side. Delightful party. Darling fetched me with Florence in motor, called at Watteau’s. Mrs Young, Lady Sutton, Lady Beale, Miss Harriet Young & Beatrice Rooth called. Roy out. Asked him to buy in our joint names 10 Southern Pacific Ord. Wednesday 4 February Mrs Morton’s luncheon party one thirty, 16 Kens Palace Gds. Apt Watteau 3.30. Very pleasant party Mrs M’s, 12! A Mrs Megan v. nice, Mrs à Beckett Tyler. Darling sent motor for me & I went to Watteau’s. Florence lunched with Maud & went after with me to Samaritans, called Mrs Kemble. Roy to Edna’s for night. Florence & self alone, played bridge. Ethel Mervyn called morg. Thursday 5 February Apt. Maud’s masseuse 6 o/c here. Tea at Mrs Bramall’s 4 o’clock. Bad night, v. tired. By om morg. with Florence to Woollands Albert Gate, walked home Poor man 6d, om 2d. Ordered mutton & cod at Barkers. Miss Blair dined here & played after, do not care for her, not nice manners, cousin of Florence’s. Friday 6 February Lunch with Beatrice Rooth. Promised to go to tea at Lady Sutton’s. Had motor & called Johnsons, left dearest’s drawing to be remounted for Hilda. To enquire Fanny Nembhard & Mr P.Reed. Vy pleasant luncheon, only Miss S. Carlisle v. nice & interesting. Met many friends. Called after in motor Lady Selfe, saw her, & him. To Darling & spent afternoon there v.happy. Lady Schuster & Miss Crozier called there. Walked home. Darling’s cold heavy. V. vexed with myself, entirely forgot Lady Sutton!!! Saturday 7 February Requiem Mass for dear Major Welman who died 10 o’c. Darling fetched me at ¼ to 10. We went together, v. few people there. To St Cuthbert’s after, exquisite reredos new. Darling left me at Barkers. Great crowd had to do shop’g at other


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 shops. 2 plants at door 3/- (old!). Lovely flowers fr. my Darling & fruit. Swedish masseuse 6 o’c, little late. To bed early, only Benjers food for dinner. Sunday 8 February Darling Anne’s birthday party, 12 years old. Col & Mrs Welby, Darling & Lennie & Mrs J. Maxwell Lyte to dinner. Vy pleasant evg. Pouring wet day, in all day. Monday 9 February Roy ret’d fr. Cranbourne Court. Marie met him Station. Fine & sunny. I walked across Gds & lunched with Maud & went to Mrs Hohler’s at home. Vy charming one, vy pretty house & all well done. Left list securities at Bank & Robinson Div. £4 odd. Roy dined with me, poor dinner! Tuesday 10 February Dine at Maud’s, dear Anne’s birthday 7.30. Morg to be fitted Watteau, fear dress a failure! Gloves & veil Harfords Sloane St. Florence Edensor, Mrs Lindo & dau-inlaw called. Roy & self in Maud’s motor to Lancaster Gate for dinner. Delightful party & dance after. Vy pretty women, Ross’s, L & Eve etc, Gerald & Hylda. Enjoyed it immensely. Darling looked well. Wednesday 11 February Mrs Shaw Mellor 3.30 - 6.30. Masseuse Miss Toulmin 6 o’c. Mrs Haworth Booth 4.30, 24 Hans Place. Maud sent motor for me. Vy pleasant afternoon, lovely house & beautifully kept. 4 extra children to tea dining room! Besides her 5!!! & 2 nurses! & Mrs Pitt & Miss Stanford with us drawing room. Marie out afternoon & evg. I dined in drawing room. Lucy managed better. Thursday 12 February Lovely day. Out 11 o’c to be fitted Watteau. Walked to lunch at Maud’s. After to loan collection of old masters Bond St in motor, & home in motor. Enjoyed it with Miss Blair. Darling with chicks to Mr Guttering. Roy dines at home. Posted cheque to Streatfield & Co for 10 shrs Southern Pacific. Friday 13 February Received Messrs Streatfield Southern Pacific 10 shrs £203.16.0. To be fitted Watteau, all wrong & many alterations. Vy tired. Met May Holland. To take Hylda’s present, one of Dearest’s drawings, taxi 1/2. So tired came home after fitting, 2d horse bus. Roy to Edna’s. Mrs Vale out. Saturday 14 February Florrie comes to stay. Miss Toulmin masseuse comes 2.30. X. To Bank morg, left certificate 10 Southern Pacific & B.A.Gt Southern Rly allotment letter. Bought gloves 6/11 Harvey Nichols. Complained André Hugo. Paper for drawers Barkers & elastic rings 9d. Mrs Wright came re (illeg illeg) . Smart woman. Sunday 15 February Florrie & I lunch with Maud if time. To St George’s Church, good sermon on friendship. Mr White & Mrs Shaw called at Maud’s. Florrie & I dined alone. Marie out, & Mrs Vale. Monday 16 February Mrs Hohler’s at home. Masseuse Thorbyon 6 o’c. With Florrie to Bond St, met May Eykyn, Miss Blaikie, Maud Paxton etc. Bought gloves Oxford St. Rested afternoon. Florrie out to tea. Roy dined at home. Tuesday 17 February Hylda’s wedding day. Oliver’s first top hat!!! Darling sent carriage for Florence & self. Flowers in Church vy beautifully arranged, singing & service charming. Hylda’s dress lovely, & bridesmaids v.pretty soft yellow silk & chiffon. Anne one of train bearers & 2 wee boys v. pretty. All arrangements at Church & at Hyde Pk Hotel reception wonderfully well done & room overlooking Pk vy delightful. My Darling looking sweet, & dear Roy joined us early at Church, to theatre party with Sp’s after. Gen. Trent brought us home. Wednesday 18 February Vy wet morg. & cooler. Swedish masseuse 3.30. Lucy out. In all day, v. tired.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Thursday 19 February Lennie’s birthday party. Out morg. Bought plant for Lennie 8/6, etc. Rested after luncheon. Mrs Vale out. 28 to dinner at Darling’s. Florrie, Roy & self in M’s motor both ways. I sat at my Darling’s table of 9. Delightful evg. sat between Mr Whatman & Eric Parker, both vy talkative. Splendid conjuror. Great many came in after dinner. Delightful evg. Mervyn called tea time. Friday 20 February Morg out with Florence as ordering for our little dinner tonight. Met Miss Blair. X. Douglas & Winnie & Allan Todd dined here. Roy went for week end to Edna’s. Met morg. Mrs Noott & May F, Lady H. v. ill. At 3.30 to Lady Beal’s met Lady Ilchester & dau. & Lady Sutton drove me back in her car, most kind. Saw the Laird & Mr Bright. Saturday 21 February Cold & damp, feel tired. To matinée ‘Never say Die’, C. Hawtrey’s, with Florrie. Pouring wet day. Taxi there, om. back 3/-. Greatly enjoyed piece, most amusing & good places, 5/6 each front row upper circle. Bed early. Marie out. Sunday 22 February Florrie & I dine at Maud’s. Lovely morg. To St Georges 1/6, good sermon. To enquire after Lady Hickman, still v. ill, & to George Brooks, also still ill. Saw Isabel. Florrie out afternoon. Had taxi to & fr. Maud’s 2/6. Met Sir Hercules Reid, Mr Gordon & a German head of Franks. Monday 23 February Lady Sutton’s to tea & Miss Young’s, unable to get to latter. Saw Sir Henry & enjoyed afternoon. He much altered but quite cheery & bright. Florrie & I went shop’g as Roy returned fr. Edna’s & dined at home. We met Oliver with Miss Blaine, they walked back with us to Kensington. Met Mr Ledger. Tuesday 24 February Out morg with Florrie to see Sir John Tenniel, sat little while with him. V.v. ill in bed & fear cannot last much longer. His faithful companion Miss Jenks had everything so neat & nice about him. Then to Mrs Adlam’s, she seemed v. lively. My darling brought me lovely flowers & came to tea, also Mrs P.Holland, MrsWorsley, Mrs Pitt & F. Walford came. Roy out. No letter fr. Midge who came up yesterday. Wednesday 25 February Florrie & I lunch at Maud’s. May Holland, Lady Ryan after in open car. Roy dined at home with me alone. Florrie to Albert Hall. Dear Sir John Tenniel died this evening at 8.30. So thankful I saw him yesterday. R.I.P. Thursday 26 February Dora Shaw Mellor comes to tea here. Mrs & Miss Devonshire, Mr Ryle & Miss Hepworth Dixon. I lunched with Midge Coburg Hotel, looks well. Saw Ham after. Roy dined out. Ordered flowers 7/6 Barkers for dear Sir John Tenniel who died 8.30 last evening. Quiet evg with Florrie Blair. Friday 27 February Out with Florrie to Marshall’s & Selfridges to see shops & fashions. Not seen my darling for 2 or 3 days. After lunch rested & wrote letters. Swede Masseuse 6.15. Roy to Cranbourne Court till Monday! Florrie out afternoon. 7½ lb salmon from Will Oakes. Saturday 28 February Florrie & I go to matinée “Girl fr. Utah”. Out morg. shops alone. By om. to Adelphi with Florrie, enjoyed it immensely. V. good indeed & no trouble going or returning. Good front row seats 5/6 each. Tea on return. Darling sent me lovely flowers & fruit & 2 doz eggs!!! & Midge sent me flowers oranges & figs. How more than thankful I feel for all the blessings I have.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Mar 1914 Sunday 1 March Darling & Lennie dine here. Asked Jacombe Hood & wife, cannot come. Midge Ham & Spencer come 8 o’c & little Linley & Mr Robeson. To Sir John Tenniel’s to enquire about funeral. Saw Major Green & brother & nephews. Met Col & Mrs Mount Batten in om. To St Georges Church after & to see Cousin George, looks v. ill but cheery. Very pleasant evg, 9! All went off smoothly. Monday 2 March Masseuse 6.15. Roy dined at home. Felt v. tired. Out morning shop’g alone. Rested after lunch & had Maud’s carriage at 4 o’c to Watteau’s about dress. To Dora’s for tea & to Darling, found her very busy with flowers for her party tonight. Saw dear chicks. Little Linley ill, glands, in bed. Tuesday 3 March Very bad night of pain & inflammation in kidney & side & leg feel feverish, got up & took oil, 3 visits during night! Saw Dr Lynes 9.20 AM & am to remain in bed. V. kind & sympathetic. Florrie also most kind. Side v. painful. Darling came morg & afternoon, little Linley better. Roy came home to dress & sat with me, dined out. Wednesday 4 March Splendid night. X. Dr came 9.30, as I thought useless kidney, only one working, & only causes trouble. Darling came afternoon, looks ashey white, feel v. anxious about her. Little Linley laid up, in bed flu. Roy sat with me & seems really concerned & kind & dined at home. Thursday 5 March Mervyn & Ethel dine here 7.30. Had to put off, in bed. Vy bad night great neuralgia heart pains, temp 99.4 feel v. seedy. X. Dr Lynes came. Darling in bed with flu, & dear Linley. Nurse Millie came morg, is staying to look after Linley. Roy dined at home. Great neuralgia pains all day. Dear Roy v. kind & sat with me. Friday 6 March Swede masseuse came 6.15, could not have massage. Lovely morg. In bed. X. Dr Lynes came wants another opinion. Had better night & vy little pain all morg in side heart or back. Temp 99.2. Darling still in bed & not had good night. Linley boy better. Adamson came & saw me morg. Dear Roy to Edna’s for week end. Florrie did all my commissions, most gentle & kind & so orderly. Darling & little Linley better evg. Saturday 7 March “Parsifal” with Darling. In bed. Bad night feverish, oil 5 o’c AM. Result 3, felt better. Temp 99.2. Darling only fair night. Little Linley better. X. Dr Lynes came, wishes me to see another doctor Monday or Tues. Dull & raining. Temp 99.2 6 o’c , same. Dear Roy came looking so nice & smart after luncheon, going back to Cranbourne Court till Monday. Sunday 8 March Splendid night. Slept fr. 10 o’c till 6.45. Temp 99. No doctor today. Florrie to church, & to enquire for me after Lady Hickman who is better, but not Mrs Noots, maid taken suddenly ill & to Hospital this morg. gastric pains, & to Archdeacon Brookes, v. v. ill. Darling M. & Linley better. Dull day. Temp 89.2. Dull rainy day. Monday 9 March Dear Cousin George Brookes died at 10 to 5 this morning. X. Fair night only, temp 89.2. Florrie to Bank for me about Southern Pacific & Northern U.S.A. pref. allotment. X. Doctor Lynes came. Nurse Millie came, brought lovely flowers fr. Darling. Bad news of Mr & Mrs Messel. Harold goes to Cannes to them tomorrow morg. Got up for tea on sofa my room. Roy dined at home. V. wet day. Tuesday 10 March Glorious morning, colder. V. good night & all easier dedans. Temp 98, normal. Dear letter fr. Tabbie, so glad to hear fr. her. No doctor. Waited about to know


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 about consultation as Dr Lynes went to see Maud. Did not hear. On sofa, but temp 99 again. Nurse Millie called. Roy dined out. Lucy out afternoon & evg. Vy glad but weather bad afternoon. Wednesday 11 March Dr Lynes came. Had seen Maud & am to see another doctor soon. Lump seems harder kidney, temp 99.2. vy cold morg, frost on house tops. Slept well & all regular with oil as usual! Darling Linley & Ethel Smart came morg. with lovely flowers. He looks thinner & paler. Dear Roy dined at home & sat with some time. Marie out after lunch, returned for serving dinner looking much better. Thursday 12 March Mrs Fred Kerr at home. Fair night, fear any substantial food bad. Had a little calves foot brawn last evg. Temp 99.2 early morg. & 99 later. Dull morg. Side lump hard still. My darling came morg. & lunched here & remained to tea. Delighted to see her. Temp down , normal, & Dr L. did not come today. Dear Roy came home to dress. Lady Meade sent house plant in basket & Midge violets. My darling violets. Roy dined out. Friday 13 March Good night. Temp normal. My darling came 11.45 & Doctor Lynes & Dr Brown, latter thinks much more cheerfully of kidney, felt it carefully & thinks it is working. Feel better, have not felt ill all the time, no head ache. Darling remained until 5.30, so glad to have her & she looks better tho pale. Sweet letter fr. Linley fr. Ramsgate. Roy dined out. Saturday 14 March No doctor today. Awful day. Darling came morg & goes to Ramsgate by Granville. Nurse Millie & Linley at St Cloud Hotel. Storm of hail wind & rain. Florrie out to tea. Up before lunch on sofa but felt side like neuralgia on one rib after having stays on for first time again since last Monday week. Roy to Cranbourne Court, glad for him to have the change. Sunday 15 March No doctor today. Glorious morg clouded over at 11.30. Took liver pill instead of oil, no result. Lucy out afternoon. Mrs Vale out also, & evening, she was out Thurs evg also, but did not go until 6 o’c today. Lucy managed v. kindly for me. In Drawing Room for tea, glad to get to bed early but felt better. Mervyn came rather late. Monday 16 March Vy stormy. Dr Lynes came morg. Do not feel as well, general disturbance over lower waist. Drawing room & in my dress! Uncomfortable. Dear Roy dines at home. Darling returns fr. Ramsgate. Came in for a second, flower laden. Roy dined at home, I dined in drawing room. Tuesday 17 March On sofa whilst bed made. Darling here to lunch & tea. Drs Lynes, Bevan & Hawkins came 4 o’c. More cheerful but doubt if they quite understand what’s amiss. Dr Hawkins thinks I have twisted myself internally. (illeg) Sunday night? All v. kind. My darling pd. fees, too good of her. Roy dined at home but I felt too seedy to see him after dinner. V. tired. Wednesday 18 March No doctor. Lucy out afternoon & evening. Only fair night, so hot & side v. uncomfortable. On to sofa before lunch but feel weaker in side standing. Darling sent me for lunch delicious poussin & jelly. Disturbed rest as Florrie wanted to be off to Mrs Holmes. At 3 Ethel Ethel Mervyn came, looks v. seedy, saw her. Darling arrived 3.30, looks seedy also, afraid over anxious. Sat with me till 5.45, so restful. Roy to Charles Lacey’s funeral & dined out. Thursday 19 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dull morg after rainy night. Woke 4 o’c & 6. Took oil, result, & more comfortable. 98.4. Marie did my windows, my room having little extra clean. Type written letter from Linley, cleverly done. Darling to see Nana for day. Sent me lovely flowers & a silk mantle to wear. No doctor. Friday 20 March No doctor. Slept well. Darling came to lunch & tea. Florrie Blair left 11 o’c AM, been v. kind & useful. Dear Toula arrrived 8 PM looking much better. Roy dined at home & sat in my room after. Photos Cranbourne Court etc. Saturday 21 March Much finer day. No doctor. Good night & feel distinctly better. Darling came morg for short time, goes to Ramsgate with Lennie. Nurse Millie with temp 103! There with Linley, trust she won’t pass it to my darling. Ada Sp. came after tea & stayed some time. Toula for walk after tea, seems v. cheery & bright. Dear Roy out to dinner. Sunday 22 March Fair night. Toula lunches with Midge. Glorious morg. Roy at home. Going to play lawn tennis. On sofa 4.30 in my room. Mr Maxwell Lyte came to enquire. Slept 1½ hrs afternoon! Ada Sp. called after tea, saw her. Roy sat with me evg. Douglas retired fr. army! Pity. Monday 23 March Good night. X. Dr Lynes came, only have to be v. careful of cold. Darling & Linley came on their return fr. Ramsgate for a few seconds 6.45. Both looking better. Nurse Millie left behind. Toula to see Ashburnham silver Christies, v. interesting. Dear Roy dined at home & sat with me after dinner. In drawing room for 2 hrs, felt it cold & draughty. Tuesday 24 March Lovely morg. Toula to stores & chose flan. nightdresses, no good alas. Slept well. Darling came at 3 o’c, awful noise of 2 tyres busting woke me suddenly. In drawing room for tea. Nellie Keith came & was v. amusing. Lucy out afternoon & evg. Partridge for mid day meal fr. dear Toula. Roy dined out. Wednesday 25 March Fine, fair night. Toula to Bank re Southern Pacific Allotment of 200 dollars at par & div 4/8 Sons of Gualia. Down drawing room to tea & evg. meal. Marie out afternoon & evg. Lucy managed very nicely & quietly & quickly. My darling to Balcombe for day, came in for little while. Roy out for dinner. Thursday 26 March Slept well. M. X after outing. Lovley day warmer. Down drawing room before lunch rested sofa v. hard. Darling came to tea & Ethel Mervyn after, looks better. Vy serious affairs re Ulster & government. Cabinet disclosure, resignation of officers etc. Roy dined at home. Ethel came after tea. Friday 27 March Little bilious fr. having buttered eggs last evg for dinner! X. Toula taking Southern Pacific allotment to Bank to be paid April $497.29 = £ (blank). Toula lunching at Ethel Mervyn’s 1 o’c. Darling came to tea. Roy dined at home. Saturday 28 March Boat race. Cambridge won 4½ lengths. Roy went & dined out. Up earlier & dressed nearly alone. Mrs Vale out afternoon & evening. Darling came to tea. Toula saw 2 cooks for Tabbie, not smitten with either. Dear Linley came morg. with Mad’lle. Miss Rose Innes called, Toula saw her, w’d have exhausted me. Sunday 29 March Dull morg. Darling with Lennie & three dear chicks came morg to say good bye. Maud came again evening after dinner to see Roy. Roy dined at home. Sp, Ada & Mervyn came to tea, v. glad to see them. Monday 30 March


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 My darling came at 4 o’c & stayed till 6 o’c, shall miss her dreadfully. Trust change will do her good. Mr & Mrs M. snr returned from abroad. I went down to lunch for 1st time for one month! Roy dined out & was v. late home, & did not sleep. Tuesday 31 March Glorious morg & day. Darling & household go to Ireland 8.40. Toula went to see them off. Had one hour in bath chair, Toula with me gardens. Lucy out all afternoon, returned 8 o’c as Roy dined at home. Apr 1914 Wednesday 1 April My darling & family arrive at Lee Mount Coachford County Cork, Ireland this morg. Lovely 1¼ hr drive M’s Victoria morg, lunched dining room.. A little jolty coming home. Telegram fr. Maudie, arrived safely. Roy dined out. Marie did drawing room windows beautifully inside & out, but brass both rooms v. bad. Marie out afternoon & evg. Toula after Tabbie’s cooks reference, good. Vy achey after drive. Thursday 2 April Dull. Dr Lynes came, only patience & care more bother than I am worth. Went for drive Park only walking & stops as afraid jolting. Felt better for air & slept after lunch. Midge v. kindly sent me 12 plovers eggs! Lovely afternoon. Roy dined at home. X. Only allotted £100 in B.A.Western, shall hold for Dearest’s money waiting investment £100. Lunched down stairs. Roy seedy, heat rash, chill. Sent for tonic. Friday 3 April Miss Stephens re skirts. Did several things for me v. nicely, 3/-. Drove Park 12.15. Saw & spoke to Muriel & Mr Messel who looks sad & yellow, fear liver. Mrs M. better but still in bed. Letter fr. Darling had awful crossing, ½ a gale. Mrs Vale out afternoon & evening. Roy to Cranbourne Court, hope he will be careful about rash round waist. Taking his tonic with him. Marie took his things Sta. Saturday 4 April Dull. Gt demonstration Hyde Pk re Ulster. Marie mended cord in my blind took 12 yds, & v. glad to see how it is done. Walked with Toula round Essex Villas as v. showery. Rested after for my 2 hrs but felt side. In morg room, drawing room being done. V. uncomfortable chairs & sofa morg room. Lovely salmon 9 lbs fr. Lennie, his second. Sent some to Lady Mead, Sington, Kerr & Pohl. Sunday 5 April Dull & cold, fine on & off. Unable to go out. Toula to Westminster Abbey morg & for walk after tea. Mervyn & Ethel came to tea. Mrs Gibson came & brought me some tulips, felt unable to see her, vy sorry. Also Joyce Reed , unable to see her. Marie out afternoon & evening. Lucy managed v. nicely. Monday 6 April V. good night, lovely morg but colder & v. windy. Toula to Victoria to meet Nurse Millie & joined me Park after in brougham. Feel little stronger. Slept after lunch. Roy returned fr. Cranbourne Court. Toula for walk after tea. Roy dined at home, seems better a little. Wish he had courage to give up champagne & liqueurs for some weeks. 2 letters good news fr. Maudie. Tuesday 7 April Lovely morg early. Mrs Bryan coming to fit me with tea gown fr. darling Maud. Felt awfully weak & shaky. Mrs Lane went for drive with me at 12.15 in brougham as Toula went to see Nurse Millie & back for tea. Roy out dinner. Lucy out afternoon & evg. Wednesday 8 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Toula off early to Winchester for day. Mrs Lane again went for drive with me at 12.5 in Victoria, lovely morg & we both enjoyed it. Only in Park. Roy dined out but returned home at 9 o’c & sat a little while with me. Nellie Zimmermann came brought lovely lilies, stayed till 6 o’c. V. amusing. Marie out afternoon & evg. Thursday 9 April Dr Lynes came. Toula for drive with me 12.15. To her Bank & mine, saw under manager about Southern Pacific allotment. X. & (illeg) of Brazil. X. Sell rights of these last, take up S. Pacific. Toula out all afternoon. Dear Roy to Cranbourne Court. Ethel Abbott came 4.30 & stayed till 6.15. Most entertaining but felt so seedy pain in side & back, no oil this morg. Letter fr. my darling. Friday 10 April Glorious morg early. 6 lb salmon fr. Lennie. 24 in 9 days Lennie has got so far! Roy to Cranbourne Court till Tuesday. Mrs Kerr came after tea & was v. lively. Poor Molly in Fever Hospital, scarlet fever after appendicitis. Bath evg, Marie helped me. Toula drove with me Park 12.15. Saturday 11 April Gave salmon to Mrs Kerr & Beach & (illeg) to Mrs Gale. Postal orders to dear chicks. Letters fr. Edgar & Sophy. Good night but not a good day, feel v. weak & uncomfortable lower regions. Mrs Vale out afternoon & evening. Drove at 12.15 to Park & Regents Pk, a little shaky for my side! Left Toula who lunched at Miss Sitwell’s. Sat morg room for tea, fresh curtains up drawing room. Lovely azalia from Darling Maud, drawing fr. Oliver & chocolate fish fr. Anne. Lennie 24 salmon in 9 days. Sunday 12 April Glorious Easter morg. Good night. Had bath chair at 12 till 1.30, commissioner, vy wobbly chair, with Toula. Walked round sunk garden. Vy weak. Lucy out afternoon & evening. Postcard Friday 10th fr. Mervyn, Ethel’s brother passed away, they ret’nd fr. Felixtowe Friday & went north. Monday 13 April 7 salmon killed Good Friday, 6 by Mr Whatman & one by gillie. Lovely day. Toula to Rickmansworth for day. Had respectable man bath chair for 1½ hrs 3/5. Lovely out. Walked alone round sunk garden, rather tottery. Marie out afternoon & evg. Paid bills & wrote letters. Isabel Brooks came after tea, v. pleased to see her, letting her new flat for 4 months with maids. Toula enjoyed her day. Bridge fr. 8 to 9. Tuesday 14 April Lovely morg. Miss Gill coming for day. Went for drive with me to Battersea Pk. Kindly altered hem of dress for me after lunch. Mrs Cadogan called & had tea looking v. pretty. Roy dined at home & I sat in dining room during their dinner in arm chair. V. tired after & glad to get to bed. Miss G. 2/6 fare, afraid doing v. badly but so bright & cheerful. Lucy out afternoon & evg. Letters fr. darling, boys better fr. their falls. Wednesday 15 April Lovely day. With Toula 12 o’c to enquire Mervyns who return tomorrow, & Spencer, better. To Battersea Pk, walked a little. Felt awfully weak & back achey. Miss Abbotts came after tea. I dined down stairs with Toula 7.30. Roy dined out. Toula out after tea. Mrs Vale out afternoon & evg. Thursday 16 April Glorious morning. To Park with Toula in Victoria, walked , flowers lovely, felt better. Miss Stephens here, 3/-. Roy dined at home, brought 12 plovers eggs. Toula for walk after tea. Sat dining room. V. tired. Friday 17 April Lovely day. Took Mrs Abbott, but left her gardens afraid of cold wind. Black 10/-. Toula out directly after lunch & to tea till 7 o’c. Roy dined at home. I did not go


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 down, too tiring. Mervyn came after tea, Ethel away. He looks seedy & has a nasty cough. Saturday 18 April Lovely morg. Letters fr. Darling morg. Mrs Cokayne left yesterday & the Batleys arrived. Toula out afternoon. Ada Spencer came to tea, stayed some time. Toula & self alone, played new patience. Sunday 19 April Mrs Vale morg, Marie afternoon. Lovely day. Toula early service. Roy at home to dinner, lunched with Gabs Ray! Hyde Pk Hotel. Vy grieved he chooses such friends. Bath chair 12 o’c, Toula with me gardens. Toula out after lunch. Gladys Crozier came. Monday 20 April Lovely day. Mrs Kerr drove with me at 12 o’c, bright little woman. Miss Stephens here 3/-. Mervyn & Roy dine at home 7.30. Lucy out all afternoon, Roy’s room scamped. Very pleasant evg but felt v. v. tired & aching back. Bed 9 o’c. Tuesday 21 April Lovely day, v. warm. To Ranelagh with Mrs Kerr, sat in lovely garden & had a little walk round to see flamingos, storks & pelicans! V. warm. Mrs Vale out af. & evg. Fanny Nembhard & Hylda to tea, latter looking v. well, & Fanny older. Toula walked back with Hilda. Roy dined out. Hot bath. Wednesday 22 April Slept well. Less fine & cold wind but close otherwise. Pain in back & side & (illeg) & neuralgia heart pains. Bath chair with Toula gardens. Walked a little but side ached. Mrs Campbell Praed to tea, delightful person but felt v. tired after. Roy dined at home. Thursday 23 April Dull, some rain. Vy bad night, violent sweat & neuralgia heart, felt sick, wish I could lose this horrid feeling. To Dr Mitchell 12 o’c. Had tooth lanced, v. painful, deep abscess. Roy dined out. Toula & self played patience. Marie out afternoon & evg. Friday 24 April To Dr Mitchell 4 o’c. Colleague did my tooth, took out 2 dead nerves & probed round. Dr Lynes came morg. Not making enough progress, food difficulty. Walked morg 10 minutes. Met Ellie R. Roy dined out. Saturday 25 April X. To Dr Mitchell ¼ to 12. Abscess still suppurating in tooth. Walked better. Roy to Cranbourne Court. Toula called on Ada Sp. & Mervyn. Sunday 26 April Bath chair 1½ hr. Lovely day. Horrid man. Lucy out. Toula to Albert Hall. Mrs Turner called, did not see her. Wrote many letters. 4th salmom from Lennie, piece to Emma & Hylda tomorrow. Monday 27 April To dentist ¼ to 12. Tiresome place won’t heal. Vy. painful. Roy ret’d fr. Edna’s & dined at home 7.30. Walked by Serpentine & feel little stronger, feel sure better to have taken out tooth! Toula to Scott Exhibition, home 6.15, & lunched out as she went to dentist with me. Walked a little after lunch & saw Mrs Spofforth. Tuesday 28 April For drive Victoria 12 o’c & walked with Toula Serpentine. Roy dined out. Toula to water colour exhibition after luncheon & home 6.20. Marie with me to Dentst 4.30 in Victoria. X. Vy painful dressing wound & ached v. much after. Dr Lynes came morg, wants me to have a change near short railway journey. My Darling arrived fr. Ireland 9.30 PM with Linley & Oliver. Tabbie came evg for an hour, looks v. well. Wednesday 29 April


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 My darling Maud came at 11.30 & we went for a drive round Pk together, & found Linley & Oliver here on our return much grown. Maud left with boys before lunch as she takes Oliver to school at Mr Hawtrey’s Westgate this afternoon & sleeps night at Westgate. Linley to Eton alone. Toula & self for walk after lunch Holland Pk, sat there! Roy dined at home. Felt dead tired evg. Thursday 30 April V. bad night awake 4 hrs. Thought of the 2 dear boys at school. Feel v. seedy & weak. Drove brougham with Toula to Pk & Mervyn’s studio for dearest’s plaque, no one there. Saw Sp. at 106 Queens Gate, looks well. Toula to Gypsy Hill after lunch. Roy with P & 2 ladies to Sunningdale in Mr Stern’s car early. Darling Maud dines here, coming up fr. Westgate afternoon. May 1914 Friday 1 May Woke 3 o’c & c’d not sleep till past 5. Darling Maud came early & we drove together to walk by flowerbeds & along Serpentine to beyond my usual walk. Maud lunched here & remained until past 7 o’c. Read to me after tea & sat with me whilst I rested. Delightful day. Roy dined at home & was v. amusing about various people. Bath & felt better. V. tired. Saturday 2 May Better night. My Darling came early 11.30 & went with me in brougham to Ranelagh where we walked & sat out in those lovely grounds. A glorious day but v. cold wind. My darling lunched & dined here, read to me after tea until 7 o’c, fear she must have been v. tired. Poor dinner. Felt v. sick evg but played bridge with Toula, & admired Maud in her pretty tea gown making little (illeg). Roy to Cranbourne Court, hope he will not get mixed up with poor little G. Ray’s affairs. Sunday 3 May Roy away. My darling & I to Richmond glorious drive & so enjoyed it. Peaceful happy day. Monday 4 May X. Saw Dr Lynes & Dr Bevan 4.30. X. None the wiser, more food & brandy! Darling to dentist. Toula & self met her, & Toula walked home & Maud & I drove home together. Roy dined at home & my darling spent the day with me. Mrs Bryan came about dress. Tuesday 5 May Adamson helping here. Mrs Price came about my food. Carriage 11.45 & my darling fetched me, drove round park in brougham. Too windy & showery to walk. Lucy out. Darling read to me after lunch, rested till 4 o’c. Nana came & spent afternoon, had arrived at Maud’s fr. Brislington unexpectedly! Adamson here helping. Lucy out. Poppy Sington operation. Norah Lourgan etc called. Roy out to dinner. My Darling with me all day. Wednesday 6 May Darling came for me at 12 in Vic, had delightful drive round Park & walked a little. Adamson helping here. Maud v. seedy with little F. Wish she w’d lie down more at these times. She sat with me all afternoon & read. Toula ret’d after tea & Nana came again looking wonderfully young & delighted to see Roy who dined at home. Vy happy day with my darling & feel better for open windows, less exhausted. My darling having all sort of things made for me. Benions came about house painting. Marie out. Thursday 7 May Vy good night. Blowing & dull. Darling came for me in Vic 12 o’c & drove round Park. Saw King & Queen in semi state ret. fr. British Museum splendidly, close to Palace. Rested Roy’s room with Maud. Heavy thunderstorm & rain! Roy dined at


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 home. Felt a little better. Played patience evg with my dear chicks & Toula. Bed & bath. Thunderstorm. Friday 8 May Roy to Cranbourne Court. Drove with Darling round Park. Walked. Felt v. tired. Thundery feeling in air. Mrs Vale out. Saturday 9 May Dr Lynes came morg. Maudie & I drove to Ranelagh where we walked, too cold to sit out. Darling read to me during rest. Played patience after dinner. Roy came to see us afternoon. Nana came to tea. Sunday 10 May In all day wet. Good night but feel so tired, rested till 12.30 morg. Darling came & saw me on her way to church & returned to lunch & rest of day till 10 o’c as usual. Rested after lunch till 4. Nora Lourgan came to tea & stayed a long while telling us Ramsgate news. Mervyn dines here. Monday 11 May To Park with Darling, walked long way but felt v. breathless. Darling read to me during my rest. Hylda Gibbs came, saw her, better account of Mrs M. Toula walked & had tea at Nellie K’s. Roy dined at home. Felt v. tired & breathless. Lovely having darling Maud. Tuesday 12 May X. Allotment due of Gt Northern Pref USA. X. Wth darling to Ranelagh, sat out there gardens so lovely. Mrs Miller brought me some lovely roses & Nonie M. some jelly. My Darling & Toula out shops after lunch in taxi. Mrs Fred Kerr & Joice & Evie F.R. came & latter read whilst dear Maud had a little walk. Roy dined at home. Lucy out. Adamson most kind & helpful. We played patience evg. Wednesday 13 May Could not sleep till past one, headache. Vy well after. Toula leaves today, 2 o’c. At 12 Darling fetched me in Vic & we drove to Bumpus’s where she bought Roy “Grimms Fairy Tales”. Lunched 1 o’c, rested, c’d not sleep. Darling did flowers, lovely ones fr. Mrs Gibson & fr. Hylda Ryan & Balcombe. Ruth Parker & Spencer came. Vy cheery abut H. & Douglas, looks so well. Darling & self alone v. peaceful & happy. Roy dined out but came home to dress. Thursday 14 May Lovely morg. Slept badly & slight headache, all else better. With my darling to Ranelagh 12 o’c. Lovely there sat watching duck & pelicans, too warm to walk, but cold wind. Mrs Geilgud came to tea. Gilly here to luncheon, & till 6 o’c, as cheerful as ever. Lovely flowers fr. Tabby. Mervyn came after tea. Florence Walford came to stay, looks v. well. My Darling has bought me all sorts of new dishes & flower glasses. We played Patience after dinner. Friday 15 May Roy dines at home but goes out after. Maud & I went to Ranelagh & sat up in pergola, perfectly lovely overlooks lovely scenery the song of birds, blue butterflies. Felt v. tired but so happy being with Maud. Nellie Keith, Eve & Mrs Brookes came to tea. Saturday 16 May Roy dined at home & went out after. Maud & I drove round Pk. Tea drawing room. Mervyn came. Sunday 17 May Mervyn came morg. & drove with F & self Pk. Lovely day. Slept well but feel v. seedy aching over my heart. My darling came at 11 & she & Roy went to St Cuthberts church together. I drove with Florence in Park, great crowds there, did not walk. Rested after lunch till 4.15 my darling reading to me & finished our book “Pride & Prejudice” charming. Quiet afternoon together v. happy but felt v. seedy. F. to tea with her sister. Roy dined at home. I went to bed early.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Monday 18 May Darling & self to Ranelagh & feel little better, good night. Glorious day, v. warm. Darling with me during rest, slept, & Tabby came to tea looking so pretty & smart, stayed some time. Roy dined at home. Patience after. To bed early headache. Tuesday 19 May Lucy out. V. good night. Darling came 12 o’c. We went to Ranelagh. Lovely there sat & read & watched ducks & cranes. Miss Gill to luncheon. Vy kind, brought cake & jelly, Tabby came brought lovely flowers, roses. Also lovely flowers fr. Balcombe which Darling arranged. Lawrence & Eve & Mervyn also to tea. Roy & Mervyn lunched with Tabby. Roy dined at home. Felt bad after cold sweat but so glad to see them. Bed early. Wednesday 20 May Lovely, but slept badly violent heavy sweats. To Ranelagh with darling Maud who looks white fr. heat. The grounds Ranelagh lovely, sat there ½ an hour, too hot to walk. Rested, darling read to me. Very comfortable in new corsets! Fanny Nembhard called & Mervyn to tea. Roy dined out. Marie out, his clothes not quite right. Feel heat oppression. Thursday 21 May Better night but heavy sweats. Dr Bevan called 11.30. Vy kind thinks change will do me good & certainly feel better for quinine. To Ranelagh lovely there. Sat under trees away fr. water. Darling read to me but I slept nearly 1½ hrs! Nonie M. to tea brought me lovely carnations. Dora came, also Mervyn. Dora & Paul leaving for Plombières or Aix tomorrow. Roy dined at home. Friday 22 May Lovely morg. Slept well took meat jelly twice during night. In great perspiration but feel better. Roy to Cranbourne Court till Monday. Still no letter fr. Edgar feel anxious. Awful storm evg. Hilda Ryan came & Nurse Duffield who remained to dinner. My darling remained until 1 o’c & leaves tomorrow early for Ireland. We went morg. to Ranelagh. Dr Lynes came. X. Maud v. annoyed with him. Saturday 23 May Slept fairly well. Sweats. To Park saw Coaching Club meet. Dull & raining. Mervyn saw darling off fr. Paddington. Much colder. Florence with me all day most kind & did flowers with Lucy. Bed 9.10. Sunday 24 May Slept much better, no sweat. Colder. F. & self to Ranelagh. Many there, very different to the days with Darling, all sunshine gone with her. But the air cool & refreshing. No one came. Marie out. Mervyn dines here. Telegram fr. darling, as I feared rough passage. To bed early. Vy cold, fires drawing & dining rooms. Monday 25 May Nurse Duffield came evg. sleeps Lancaster Gate. To Ranelagh with Florence. V. cold, furs v. necessary. Good night, sore throat? What next! Long letter fr. my darling. Roy came home to dress, dined out. Been bitten by gnat on leg, hope he will be careful with it. Miss Gill here to lunch & tea, most kindly brought me cake. Mervyn came to tea. X. Benions called re house painting. X. Carter re-disinfecting my room & seeing to cistern etc. Tuesday 26 May X. Apt. with Dr Mitchell about tooth 12 o’c. X. Nurse Duffield went with me. Cannot finish tooth on account of abscess being unhealed. Put away drawing room silver with Nurse & Florence. Mervyn & Ethel came to tea. Roy dined at home. Feel v. tired & head achey. X. Dr Bevan & Dr Lynes came 4.30. X. Vy cold, fires everywhere. Wednesday 27 May


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Derby Day. Roy going with Stern. Beach going, no carriage. Slept only fairly well. Miss Gill to lunch & tea. F. changed £5.0.0 for me Bank. Mervyn came afternoon. Marie packed. Dined in my room, v. tired tho’ did nothing! Gillie very useful & kind. Roy home to dinner. Thursday 28 May Nurse D. & I go to Mr Hall’s, Longford, Westgate. by Granville. Slept fairly well. Fine early. Paid books. Marie & Nurse to station. Roy there saw me off. F & I went in carriage 10/- Black. Felt very shakey & weak but was most comfortable in carriage to ourselves & found all so nice on arrival, fires in both rooms, & to bed directly after tea. Friday 29 May Slept v. well in spite of hard bed & my spine bone! Lovely morg. Sat out in front before lunch. Rested, & walked along parade & sat out after tea, lovely sun, sea and sky like opal. Bed early, felt better less nausea & even had supper enjoying it. Letters & telegram fr. my darling. Nurse to Mrs Hawtrey’s about Oliver. Saturday 30 May Lovely morg. Only v. fair night. Letters fr. my 2 dear children. Sat out whilst Nurse did shop’g. After rest went in bath chair at 5 o’c to Mrs Hawtrey’s, saw dear Oliver looking so well. Sat out in the cricket field in my chair & saw his garden. Mrs Hawtrey so kind & so young looking & full of energy. Horrid nausea evg. felt dead tired. To bed 8.30. Shocking loss of life 900 at Vancouver a liner struck by collier in fog. Sunday 31 May Dear Roy sprained his wrist paying tennis at Cranbourne. Bath chair for one hour. Fog horns going. Slept till (blank). Started coffee! Fear won’t suit me. Sat out lovely morg. Nurse fetched Darling Oliver, he looks so well and happy. He looked puzzled at my figure but feel the pressure more today. Oliver made good lunch & tea. Alas time flew & he had to be back by 5 o’c. Jun 1914 Monday 1 June Slept well. Too rough & boisterous to go out. Rested & slept after lunch. Nurse read, worked morg. Bath chair 2 hours along Birchington road, Nurse made enquiries. Felt pressure & aching v. much, distinctly bigger! Tuesday 2 June Bad night feel suffocated by pressure everywhere inside. Sat out morg. Bath chair evg one hour. Lovely La France roses think fr. Midge. Took water can to Oliver & went after to St Mildred’s Hotel. Wednesday 3 June V. good night. Sat out morg & walked but difficult so weak. Every organ seems being pushed out of place by ? Utter discomfort. Lovely day. Out for 2 hrs bath chair. Saw darling Oliver for a second, great good luck! Vy exhausted evg. Letters fr. darling, fr. Tabbie, Mervyn & Edgar so glad all is well. Thursday 4 June Little Linleys first 4th of June at Eton. Lovely day. Slept v. badly, neuralgia everywhere. Sat out morg, lovely. Darling sent me a Jersey alas! My awful figure no longer can get into anything decent. Dear Roy has hurt his wrist playing tennis, trust all well with him. Nurse to countermand chair too windy for me to go out, & to take plant to Oliver fr. Balcombe.


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Friday 5 June My darling came down by Granville to St Mildred’s Hotel, charming rooms there. Dull unfortunately, she had tea & dined here, delighted to see her again. I felt v (blank) at dinner, tiresome little extra liver attack! Saturday 6 June Lennie came 2.20, & Maud, L & O lunched at Hotel. Nurse took flowers for me to Hotel 4/1½. Very gusty day but had chair for an hour. Quiet peaceful day. Lennie came for a second. Dear Roy to Cranbourne Court for week end. Sunday 7 June I walked to little bathing hut with Nurse morg. Had chair after tea, all came to tea. They had been to “Reculver”. Then with Lennie, Maud & Oliver I went in chair to Station to see Lennie off by 6.20 train. Then we went & saw Oliver’s garden, looks much better, & then Maud & I & Oliver walked fr. “Longford” to little hut! & back, when Maud took Oliver back to school. Darling dined here. Chair 6d. Monday 8 June Very blowey morg but fine. Darling & I went in Motor to my beloved St Peters & I saw the memorial to darling Lin. Am charmed & delighted with it, a very beautiful & dignified conception & worthy of my Dearest, feel sure he w’d have liked it. Our Darling Maud’s own idea & design. Our dear parents’ grave also looks v. v. nice. Drove round Westwood & Nash after. Bath chair at 5.30 with Maudie. Bed early. Good news of dear Roy. Tuesday 9 June Slept fairly well. Sat out all morg, walked further, lovely. Grilled chops by nurse! Eat too much & suffered great discomfort in consequence. Wednesday 10 June My darling returns home today. Sat out all morg with her & Oliver lunched here. We went to Cricket ground, I in chair & then to see Darling off by 3.40 train. Dear little Oliver vy. tearful but mastered himself. Took him back, was quite happy again soon. Bed early. Thursday 11 June Vy blowey. Walked a little & went in to shop. V expensive. Mrs Hawtrey came & stayed a long while, was vy kind, talked of many things. Bed early. Friday 12 June Good night. Sea fog & blowey. Walked to breakwater, watched bathers. Letter fr. Darling. Out after tea, sat facing sea, lovely & warm, read till 7. Went & saw Mrs Rowan re our rooms. Go Thurs morg. Better day except for pain in right leg. Sent cheque to Mrs Vale, heavy without washing. Saturday 13 June Fair night. Woke 2 & 5. Vy uncomfortable right side & feel sick. Third letter fr. dear Edgar fr. Japan. Vy blowey but fine. Sat out reading short time. Shop’d town, I in chair, bought strawberries. Saw Oliver at Bulls match, boys not v. interested! Sunday 14 June


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Dear Roy came for day arrived 11.45. Nurse met him. His dear hand greatly swollen & feel anxious about it as he is not careful of cold. Oliver lunched & had tea with us. Roy dined here & returned by 9 train. Wish he looked better, think him pale & thin. Monday 15 June Lovely day. Good night. Tabby came arrived 5 o’c. Had tea here & went with me along front in bath chair, then to Oliver’s school. Saw Mrs Hawtrey, introduced her to Tabby. Then caught the 7 o’c train. Tabby goes on to Dover & tomorrow leaves with H. & Eve for Holland, joining yacht in Amsterdam. 4 Airoplanes passed close to us on return & hovered over house & then dipped into sea, vy rough. One stuck on rocks, rest landed safely near Hotel. Tuesday 16 June Cold. Went down to see Sea planes, most interesting drawn up at siding back of St M’s Hotel where bathing machines kept. Saw injured one, wings of canvas & framework looked so fragile for weight it carries. 3 men & engine. Saw 3 start. Gunboats in bay. Vy cold again. Wednesday17 June Packed morg. Very uncomfortable all day, swollen place aggressive. Another letter fr. dear Edgar. Glorious day. Sat out fr. 12.30 to 1.15. Bad chicken! Too long en chemin fr Shropshire! Pd books Mrs Vale. To Mr Hawtreys to see match, Oliver by me. Their side won. Much warmer, cold wind. Thursday 18 June Move into our new rooms. X. Sea plane sham fight! Very comfortable, lunched new rooms. Friday 19 June Darling comes down. Nurse met her. Lennie came by later train. Darling lunched & had tea with us, looks so well. Sat watching cricket at Mr Hawtreys with Oliver. Long talk with Mr Courtney, rather an inconsequent talker! Sat on lawn in front till Lennie came about 7.30. Darling came round after their dinner when I was in bed. Saturday 20 June Darling round early & we sat out. Lennie fetched Oliver & they 2 lunched at Hotel, & darling Maud with me. Oliver came back & Lennie fished until 7.40. After my rest Darling had motor & we went to St Peters. I took a wreath for dear Mother & some lovely carnations for dear Lin. It all looks beautiful. Sat out on return until Oliver left. Sunday 21 June Anniversary of our dear Mother’s death, 1895. Fine, warm but cloudy. Lennie & Maud to service school. Nurse & self sat out front, lovely day later. Oliver with Lennie afternoon. Darling with me, sat out. Vy delightful day. Glorious sun set. Monday 22 June Lennie left by early train. Darling came to me for day, delightful. Bath chair, & to see Oliver & his garden. Also to see Convent of “Les Oiseaux” church, beautiful altar but c’d only see fr. side chapel of Sacred Heart. Glorious sun set. Tuesday 23 June Very stormy day. Slept only fairly well. Darling came early but left at 3 having engagement for night. Midge came at 12 o’c looking so nice, came for day. Very cheery day & we were 4 to luncheon. Midge brought me a charming glass vase marked 1741 & some Gunters jelly & Darling M also gave me some delicious calves foot jelly & orange ditto. Afternoon lovely. In Bath chair for one hour with


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Midge alone sea front & to Station to see her off. Nurse & self walked to hut after. Bed early. Wednesday 24 June Lovely morg. Slept well till 4.30. Horrid neuralgia in both sides after & for long while. Feel v. weak & ill & tired. Unable to go & see fear Oliver, just glad to sit about quietly. Many things of all sorts from my Darling. Flowers & asparagus from Midge. Thursday 25 June Feel better. Dear Mervyn came for day, delightful to see him. Vy restful, sat out with him all morning, lovely day but a little sea fog. Rested after lunch. M. sat out until 4 o’c, then again sat out after tea. Bath chair for half an hour to Sta. Saw him off by 6 train. Gramophone evg! Friday 26 June Out 12 o’c sat out. Slept 1½ hrs after lunch, felt better. Bath chair at 5.30 to 7.15 to see Oliver & his garden. Nurse got me roses for dear Roy’s room. To Hotel to see Roy’s room but c’d not see it, conditions not quite harmonious at Hotel! Dear Roy arrived 7.50 & came on to me after his dinner, wish his wrist was better. He sat in my bedroom as I went to bed early & had Benjers. Saturday 27 June Dear Edgar & Sophy arrive at Langham Hotel tomorrow early after their 2 years travels!!! Lovely morg. Sat out all day with Roy, glorious day. To bed before dinner, v. tired. Sunday 28 June Roy dined & lunched with us. He went to St Peters for service & to see Dearest’s beautiful memorial, delighted with it. Sat out all day after, v. hot. Oliver not allowed to come. Roy left after supper for London. Monday 29 June Glorious day but very hot. Sat out. Nurse to see about rooms at Sea Grange. Dear Edgar & Sophy returned after one year & 8 months absence. Tuesday 30 June Glorious day, very hot. Dear Edgar came & spent day with me, looks well but thin. To see him off station in B. chair. Very hot. Most exhausting even in this lovely air. To sta. in chair to see dear Edgar off. Decided to go Sea Grange Thurs, looks v. nice. Jul 1914 Wednesday 1 July Feel v. exhausted with heat. Rested in sitting room & were surprised by Spencer & Ada who returned 4 o’c for tea. Lovely fruit from Maud & peaches from Toula. Mrs Nooth called, coming Friday. Sat out with Sp. & Ada. They left at 6 o’c. Quite cool breeze. 90 in shade in London. Thursday 2 July Again moved into new rooms. Have been v. comfortable here, Normanton St. Mrs Rowans. Had v. bad night, dreadful pain in heart, only about one hours sleep. Moved into Sea Grange for luncheon & we enjoyed veal & ham pie & cherries. Undressed & rested in Nurse’s room. Dr Nichol came to see me, pain only caused by flatulence. Vy fresh cool rooms. Tea in our room. Did not go down for dinner. More fruit fr. darling. Friday 3 July My darling wired & came by early train today, a great joy. Sat out all morning, lovely. Perfect hurricane afternoon & pelting rain. Sat in smoking room. Mrs Nooth called. Felt v. seedy fr. 3rd bad night. Dr Nichol sent me a sleeping draught. Sat out until dinner & dined in bed. Darling left 9.30 for Hotel. Saturday 4 July


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 My darling came today early. We sat out all morg. She is staying at St Mildred’s Hotel. Engaged rooms here for Harold’s children. Better night after sleeping draught, feel better. Sunday 5 July (blank) Monday 6 July Went to see Oliver but he was having his drawing lesson. Saw Mrs Hawtrey, she had been to call on me & saw Nurse. Tuesday 7 July Midge & H. left for Vittel. Dr Bevan came, had awful neuralgia which eau de Cologne eased & left a quantity of dead skin. Ankles swelling & I feel wretchedly ill. Dear Edgar here for day. Had lovely hour’s drive in B. chair along coast & to bed on return. Wednesday 8 July Sea Grange, Westgate. Dull. Fair night. Nonie with her 3 children & governess came here. Nonie left by 3.40 train. Maudie & I went along sea front, hour’s drive in bath chair. Horrid neuralgia. Had lovely (blank) Thursday 9 July Glorious day. Mrs Hawtrey sent me charming bouquet of flowers. (Notes at back of diary) Private. Balance fr. 1914 £105.11.3 Jan B.A. Pacific 10.11.1 B.A. Western 4. 5. 2 B.A. Gt Southern 7.10. 8 B.A. Cent Argentine 1.17. 8 Jap 4% 1.17. 8 City B. Ayres 5% 7. 1. 3 Jardin Botanique 4.14. 2 Japanese 4½ 4. 4. 9 Eng Association (illeg) 4.15. 1 New York Cent. 1. 4. 3 Jan £ 48. 1. 9 Feby B.A.Pacific 13. 2 Chinese 2. 7. 1 Mexican Lt & Power 9.12. 6 Allotted, sold Cent Arg 4% 14.14. 6 Robinson Gold 4.18.10 G. Eastern Rly 4. 0. 0 B.A.Trams 9. 5 Gt Northern pref U.S.A 3. 7. 8 Hull & Barnsley 7.10. 8 February £ 47.13.10 March Furness Rly 1. 8. 3 Chinese 2. 2. 4 Cuban 12. 2. 2 Bolivar 2.16. 6 Glas S.Western 3. 5. 3 Midland 11.10. 1 P.& O. 4.18.11 Japan 2. 7. 1


MARION SAMBOURNE’S DIARY 1882 - 1914 Sons of Gualia 4. 8 Chersonese 2. 5 Interest on deposit 15. 9 March £ 43.10.10 April Brazil Lloyd 2. 7. 1 Cordoba Cent 1.17. 8 J. Barker 1. 9 American Bond sh.holders 4.15. 1 New York Central 1. 4. 3 Sale of rights Nat Rly Mexico 3. 5.11 Southern Pacific 2.17.10 N.A.Western Rly 3.19. 1 Cent Argt Rly 22. 5. 8 Gt Northern U.S.A. 2. 8. 6 April £ 78.14. 4 May New York Telephone 8. 9. 6 B.A.Pacific 13. 3 Gt Northern Coy 3. 6. 9 B.A.Trams 9. 5 £ 12.18.10 Trust January Argentine Gt West 18.16. 8 Cent Uruguay 23.10.10 Antifogasta 6.11.10 Local Loans 5. 5 Jany £ 49. 4. 9 Feby Peebles 23. 6. 1 Gt Western Brazil 28. 5. 0 Feby £ 51.11. 1 March nil April Cordoba C. 18.16. 8 British North Atlantic S.S. 21. 3. 9 Local Loans 5. 5 Illinois Cent 19. 5. 0 April 59.10.10 May nil Private Trust Jany 48. 1. 9 49. 4. 9 Feby 47. 3.10 51.11.1 March 43.10.10 - - April 78.14. 4 59.10.10 May 12.18.10 - - Dearest Total Jany 65.12. 3 162.18. 9 Feby 16.13. 0 115. 7.11 March 24.10. 0 68.10. 0 April 20. 7. 2 158.12. 4 May 8. 9. 6 21. 8. 4


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