Marion Sambourne's Diary, 1906

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Notes on front pages of diary: Governess rec’d by Tabbie, Miss M. Sauser, 4 Somers Place, Hyde Pk. Little Linley having troden on a frog Maud told him not to be cruel etc. He said, But Mother I’m awfully kind to worms. Frith. 10 Pelham Crescent. Warmsby (blouses) 24 Porchester Gardens La Baronne Van der Goes, van Dirksland 56 Bezinden haus, La Hague. Evie, Kings House St James Court SW. A country house boarding house rec by Katie Parsons (Speed) Mrs Stone Meldon Hall Chagford, Devon, £2. Charwoman Nightley recommended by Mrs Paton. Mrs Barker (char) 89 Eastbourne Mews Cleveland Sqre W. Spencer’s ! at country house! There was a young lady named Pan Whose features were pleasant to scan She walked as with toil The cause was a boil On her ascertain where if you can. Mervyn: Henrietta Mans, 14 Henrietta St, May 1906 Alice Linley, Hotel Victoria, Managgio. Lac de Como, Italy. Tab’s dressmaker Paris, Mde Arguillière, 10 Rue Richelieu, Paris. Evie, 50 Weymouth St. Mrs Braunstein, Hammerfield, Penshurst, Kent. Galt, clothspinner, Barrhill, Ayrshire, NB. Mrs Beale’s advice Dutch trips. From Amsterdam one days excursion to Altmaar & Hoorn. Cheese fact. at Altmaar, go either by canal boat or train. You can drive from Altmaar to Hoorn. Lady Hickman’s cure for most things “Acetic acid” Coutts & Sons, 6 Great Eastern St, London. Otley, 74 Richmond Park Road Kingston on Thames. Books to read: Sir Herbert Maxwell’s last book on Montenegro. “The Will to Believe” by W. James. “What is Christianity” Adolf Harnark translated by Bailey Saunders.



Books to read continued: “The Many sided Universe” by C.M.C. J.C.Scott Esqre, Carim Lodge, Blackford, Perthshire N.B. H.L’s cherry tart story. Terregles Kitten cat story: Which is the cleverest, a cat or a kitten? A kitten, because it will make a cat, but it takes 2 cats to make a kitten”. Boy fishing prohibited Lake. Keeper: My lad do you ken you canna fish in this lake without a permit? Boy: You’re mistaken as I’ve done verry well, I’ve caught 5 fish with a worrm. An American gentleman choosing 3 toys for a friend’s children for Xmas the shopwoman said a drum for each, adding You’re an Americn? Well I’ve a little American in me “Then give it a drum too” said the American. Marie Allenbach £20 a yr. Came 22nd October. Pd Nov 26 £1.13.4. Mrs Pointer £25 a year. Wages from 5th Nov. £2.0.0 to 5th Dec. Mrs Sidney Cotton, 1A Chesterfield St, Mayfair.

Received 1903 from trust £412. 7. 4 Fr Private ac. 197.15. 3 Total £ 610. 2. 7 £10 extra fr. Furrell surplus in trust account this year. Received 1904 fr. Trust £409. 9. 7 Private ac’t 238. 0. 4 Total £647. 9.11 £15.16.9 of this extra fr. spec by Lennie fr. this. Received from Trust 1905 £407.11. 9 From private 375. 9. 6 £783. 1. 6 From private ac’t spec by Lennie 395.10. 5 & bonds fr. BA Trans & surplus fr sale of Jamaica £7.10. 0 & £ 1.15. 0 respectively. 1906 Started year with debt to Bank £500 & £67.18. 7 overdrawn fr. current ac’t. Paid off £100 of Bank Loan January from capital as I had £150 on deposit from sale of £200 P.&O. 2nd Debs sold 1905. 2


Paid off 19th Feby £50 of loan (this £150 pd. fr. capital). Sold 1905 £100 Chrstiana £100 Jamaica £200 P.&O. 2nd Deb. Invested 1905 Pd. £6.0.0 being £2 per share on 3 allotted B.A.Rosario £10 ord. May 10 th Pd. £32.10.0 May 29th being £2.10.0. per share on 13 4% Ex 1910 B.A. Gt. Southern £10 shares allotted. Pd. £40 July 11th on 2. 4½% Japanese new loan £200 allotted stock. Pd. off £150 1st May £50, August £50, Oct-Nov £50. Total £300 of loan of £750 leaving £450 owing 12th Jany 1906. Pd. Oct £20 installment on £200 allotted 4% Japanese allotted. Pd. Oct £6.0.0 2nd payment on 3 £10 B.A.Rosario shares. Pd. Oct £32.0.0 2nd installmnt on 13 allotted £10 shres B.A.Gt Southern Ex 1910. Pd. Nov £2 being £1 each on 2 £10 ordinary shares in B.A.& Pacific Rly 1st payment. For 101¼ less com. at 98½ less com. at 99½ less com.

£100.19. 0 £ 98. 5. 0 £197.19. 0 £397. 3. 0

Pd. by Bank. Bought with proceeds of above sale: Feby £100 Chinese 5% at 97 £200 Japanese 6% at 96½ Also £200 4½ % Japanese at 90, these allotted & paid by installments by Bank, July. Total 97. 0. 0 196.10. 0 180. 0. 0. 373.10. 0 without commission.

Monday 1 January Tabby’s Ball at Pyt. Roy there. Maudie in bed with awful cold, vy worried about her. 19 to dinner tonight, Nymans party. Lin, Lennie shooting at Nymans. Mr Davson to town for day. Walked with Geoff. Mr Davson returned at night.



Tuesday 2 January Lennie, Mr Marriott, Davson & Mrs Harold left early. Maudie vy seedy & done up, remaining in bed until dinner when she will come down to be with Lin. Ought to be in bed. Wednesday 3 January Very heavy rain & dark. Lin went up to town. Wire fr. Nurse Francis to go to her sister at once, vy ill. Mental trouble. Maudie in bed with shocking cold. Dr Parker came. Florence, Geoff & I to dinner alone. Sat with Maud after. Thursday 4 January Vy heavy rain, dark. Babies in my bed morg, vy good. Nurse F. remains until Tuesday, her sister’s illness mental trouble. Maudie in bed all day vy seedy & cold heavy. Friday 5 January Maud’s cold vy heavy, in bed all day. Sat with her after dinner, played games. Had walk with Geoff, he went after with F. in car to Lingfield for dance & remains night. Children seem seedy & restless. Saturday 6 January Lin came diwn by 4.30, Lennie earlier. Maud on sofa in her room. Dr P. says not to get up for 2 days, but she will. Little Anne heavy cold, in nursery all day. F. fetched Geoff fr. Lingfield in car before luncheon. Fearful gale at night, very windy. Sunday 7 January To church with Lennie, Noni boy, Florence & Geoff. Vy sad sermon by Canon Mead. Lin & self for walk after Church. Geoff & Lennie to (illeg) after luncheon but too wet to go on to Nymans. Quiet evg. Maud down to dinner, looks vy pulled down. Dr Parker came over to see little Anne late. Monday 8 January Lennie had holiday. Trained his volunteers afternoon. We dined at 7.30 & Lennie at 8.15. Linley boy vy feverish & sick. Little Anne vy seedy in bed all day, & Baby with spots. Florence & I had walk with Lin after lunch. I packed after tea. Quiet evg. to bed 10.30. Lennie going up tomorrow Lancaster Gate. Maud down to dinner. Tuesday 9 January All children laid up. Little Linley vy feverish influenza & Anne moved into my room morg. Dr Parker came. Baby chicken pox. Nurse Francis 4


ret’d 3.30. Lin & self returned home by 4.30 fr. Balcombe. Maud & Geoff with us to Station, they on to Mrs Brightmeyer’s at home. Roy away with Stern at Savoy. Lin & self alone. All seems well at home. Wednesday 10 January Lovely sunny morg. Man called morg about Lin’s drawings! Out afternoon, carriage. Paid off £100 of loan leaving £400 still owing. Walked to Sp’s, saw him, no tomorrow. Thursday 11 January Paid off £100 0f loan of £500 fr. deposit £150 & placed £50 to my current ac’t being vy short. Morg walked to Sp’s saw him & Douglas. Hilda returned with me taking Bogie S. with her & I had Rags. Hilda went with me to Mocatta wedding 3 o’c. Great crowd & rather smart old set. To call after Lady Self, Mrs Pirrie away, Lady McLaren, Mrs L. Bradbury. Asked Lennie & Douglas to dinner, unable to come. Friday 12 January In morg. At 2.30 to stores bought Baby 2 little pigs, Maudie’s purse & card case. Pigs 3/9. Called after on Mrs Adlam & M. Zimmermann both in, Mrs Armstrong rec. fr. influenza & Fritz to enquire after Sir M.S. Grant Duff. Sat with Lin, dined 10.15. Roy dined out. Also called on Miss Needham White, out. Saturday 13 January Lovely warm day. Cleaned out cupboards. Gentleman again came about Lin’s drawings! Wonder! Wish he w’d not sell so many. Darling Maud comes up. Sir Mount Stuart Grant Duff died yesterday. To matinée Haymarket with Lin. Most amusing, Hawtry. Saw Mr C. Critchett in his 80th year! Roy dined out. Lin & self quiet little evg. alone. Sunday 14 January Lunch with Sir A. de la Rue 2 o’c. Lovely morg. Maud, Lennie & Geoff to dinner. Lin & self walked to Sir A’s. Gen’l & Mrs Chapman, Lady Lockwood & dau. Sybil & husband, Mr & Mrs Gay etc, not vy interesting. Lin on to Club. Mr Paxton came & stayed talking finance 2 mortal hours. Maudie v. merry & Lennie good form, cheery evg. Dear Lin full of fun & wit. Monday 15 January Mr Hartree called morg & found me cleaning drawing room! He seems ill. Out 2.30 stores. Quiet evg.



Tuesday 16 January Out morg. rained. Olive S, Mrs & Miss Krabbe, Mrs Spofforth & Mrs Mackasey to tea. Lin, Roy & self dined at Maud’s 104 Lancaster Gate. Mrs Gibson, Geoff & Mary Nicol there. Excellent dinner, charming house. Needs more chairs cozy ones. Wednesday 17 January Hilda H. to pay calls with me 3 o’c. Mrs Gilbert etc, McGowan, & she dined alone with me. Margarith out afternoon & evg. Ellen managed quite nicely alone with Emma. Roy out, dined with Maud. Thursday 18 January Awful morg. rain etc. Edie came morg & we did all the magazines entire morning. She lunched here. We paid calls at 3 o’c. McKenna, Finlay, Temple, Hanbury etc. Sington. Edie ret’d tea here & left after. Read to Lin, dined 9 o’c. Friday 19 January Heavy gale wind rain dark & cold. Better later. Mary Nicol came at 12 o’c in Maud’s carriage. Went with her & had chat & ret’d alone to luncheon. Called after at 3 Stores ordered book for Lennie, doll for sweet Anne & pd Weller £2.8.0. Left cards Laking, Bourne, Tupper & Burnand. Roy with fearful cold. Lin done fine drawing. 10.30 dinner. Saturday 20 January Lovely morg. Darling Moose Baby not well, been seedy too long. Roy’s cold dreadfuly heavy, would go to City & with Stern to dine evg & to Folkestone. Out morg. shops. With Lin to “Palace”. Very good performance. Walked part way home. Maudie to Balcombe today to see Moose Baby. Sunday 21 January Dear little Oliver not well. Lin & I dine Lady Spielmann. Roy if well enough goes to Stern. Walked morg to Maud’s she has another cold. Lennie & Geoff walked part way back with us. Lennie picked up half a sovereign! Ethel English, H & E came to tea. Margarith out afternoon & evg. Roy away with Stern. Monday 22 January Mrs Adlam dines here 8 o’c. Mrs Mackasey’s at home. Went. Violet looking v. handsome. Called Mrs Tattersall, Hollins, Miss Laurence, Mrs Jackson with Edie, no alone! Roy home with awful cold & generally seedy. Mrs A. vy animated & full of prejudices! Vy cold. 6


Tuesday 23 January Out morg. Flowers 1/4. Edie here vy rouged. Vexed, & told her so, such shocking form. Foggy. Edie remained to luncheon & tea. May N, Mrs P. Simpson. Ada Sp, Maudie & Geoff, Mr Douglas, Maud P & Hilda H. called. Teacups short! Roy in to dinner vy bad cold. Takes too much spirits will ruin his liver. Vy cold. Wednesday 24 January Fine morg. Out shops. Mr Wylde came about Lin’s drawings! Roy out to dinner. I go at 25 to 8 to Mrs Adlam & to some stupid performance at Hall with her, too cold to turn out! Roy dines out. Ellen out. Keeps her (illeg) in bedrooms vy badly, pity. Fetched Mrs A. & had vy enjoyable evg. Vy good amateur performance of “The Noble Lord” by Marshall, vy amusing. Thursday 25 January Mrs O. Ford 4 o’c. Dark & raining. Mrs Laking 4.30. Margarith out afternoon little niece ill. Edie came to luncheon & went with me to call Sir John Tenniel. Had long talk with him. Keen politician, Chamberlainite. Small party at Mrs Ford’s ( Mrs Rubens there). Roy in to dinner cold still bad. Dinner 8.30. Lin behind rather. Friday 26 January X. Mr Phipson Beale returned to Parliament. X. Roy dines at Mr Davson’s. Carriage 11.30 to stores & Bank about B.A.Pacific Cert for Banker’s receipt which Bank have. Bought washing rib. almanack cards & gloves 2 long pairs 9/1½ pd by cheque. Saturday 27 January Maudie’s luncheon party, cannot go. Lin prefers going quietly to matinée alone. Wylde wired coming Monday about Lin’s drawings. Went to see “Peter Pan”. Vy pretty in parts but foggy(?). Roy out, quiet evg. Vy tired both of us. Geoff C. came to our box theatre, walked part way home. To get fruit morg. Sunday 28 January Asked Tabbie & H. Can’t come. Maud & Lennie coming, asked Miss Krabbe, can’t come. Geoff Con came. Vy cheery evg. X. Lennie gave Lin charming piece of Empire silver, had it put on dinner table. Roy off at 11.30 with Stern. Mr Stern most kind lent us his motor & we went at 1.30 to Brentford, Staines, Windsor, Eton, Slough, Windsor Gr. Pk. Home 4.45. Lovely run.



Monday 29 January X. Took cheque of £200 for Lin to Bank. Clerk vy careless made mistake & had to correct it. Lin & I lunch at Mrs Adlam’s 1.30. Postponed. Mr & Mrs W.O.Ford dine here & Mr & Mrs Keith. Roy dines at Maud’s. Geoff C. goes home today fr. Maud’s. X. Wylde here about Lin’s drawings, or is coming. £200 worth sold. Out morg. met Col M’t Batten & Lady Bergne. X. C. Hartree died suddenly. Had very cheery evg. with the Fords & Keiths here. Tuesday 30 January Tabbie to dinner 8 o’c alone. Roy out Stern’s. Mrs Parish coming here for half day to do Hall & brass 1/6. No good but to talk, regular char! Maudie sent lovely flowers. X. Windows cleaned by Nash for 1st time since our return. Lady Bergne, Miss Needham White, Mrs & Miss Mount Batten, darling M & Hilda H. Maudie looking sweet. Roy out to dinner. Saw fire returning. Called to enquire about C. Hartree. Wednesday 31 January Nellie K. coming to dine with me alone. X. Dentist 12 o’c, 2 teeth stop’t. Go by brougham. To see Tree in “Hers” matinée with Lin. Tabbie meets us there & I hope darling Maud. Margarith out. Roy dining out & theatre party after. Only Tabs to our box. Georgeous but dull play. Saw Tree after self consumed. Pleasant evg. Thursday 1 February Mrs O. Ford 4 - 6. Mrs Joachim’s luncheon 1.30. Hen party. Vy pleasant (illeg), 10 to luncheon. X. Sent B.A.Pacific Bank receipts to L.C. Bank for Nov 1905 for £2. Wet. Dull. Roy out to dinner. Sir Francis Burnand came & told Lin the firm had asked him to retire!!! He & Lin both much upset. X. Maud fetched me 3.30 & we called on Mrs McKenna, Parish, Medley, B. Reid & Ada Sp. Friday 2 February Black day of bad week. Sir Francis Burnand’s retirement on 14th inst worries Lin much. Saw announcement of Lin’s drawings for sale. Mrs Simonds at home 2 - 5 to show statue “Euphrosyne”. Mrs Threlfall 4 - 6. Tabs asked me to luncheon, cannot go. Fine morg. Called 3.15 Mrs Adlam, Lady Burnand, Townsend, out, Mrs Adams in, & Mrs Threlfall. Roy out ret’d 11.15 PM & told us Wilde was selling all the drawings he bought fr Lin by auction at Sotherbys! 6 March! Lin fearfully upset. (cutting about sale glued into front of diary)



Saturday 3 February X. Sent receipt B.A.Pacific Rly No 291. £2.0.0 Bankers receipt being £1 on 2 £10 allotted shrs Nov 1900. Lin vy tired after worry & bad night. Hope distraction at Pantomime matinée will do him good. Vy bad pamtomime, deadly dull & no relief. Left early, bus to Hyde Pk. Corner. Roy out to dinner. Lin vy silent & depressed. Glad Roy out not to worry him more. To bed early. Sunday 4 February Asked Tabbie & H. No! Last Sunday. Maud & Lennie coming. Lin at work on double drawing members parliament. Walk at 12. Spencer came & stayed all afternoon, sat with Lin. Merry evg as usual & Lin seems better & less depressed. Lennie brought bronze jar. Roy in. Monday 5 February Roy in tonight. Lin v. worried about the Punch rumpus & Burnand’s retirement. Edie came at 11 & we shop’d morg together, remained to luncheon & made calls after. We were to have lunched with Mrs Adlam, unable to go on account of work. Tuesday 6 February Mrs Colefax at home 10 PM, music. Unable to go. Walked morg to Maud’s. Babies come up today fr. Balcombe. Met Hilda H, Lady Bergne & Mrs Heilbutt, Mrs Harold Messel, Maud & darling Nonie boy. Florence W, Maud P & Hilda came. Quiet evg, late dinner. Lin doing big drawing double page. Studies in yard. Wednesday 7 February Awful strain all day. Lin worried about work & all this bother about Sir Francis Burnand’s retirement, at last moment decided not to go to Punch dinner. Lucky Emma & Margarith in, Ellen out. Edith F. here morg. to lunch & tea, went to Maud’s morg with me. Saw the Babies all blooming. At 3 called on Mrs Hollins, left book for little Anne, saw Violet Philips at Maud’s. To Mrs Mocatta’s & Desirée Welby, all in. Sat with Lin on return. Roy out. Dined 9 o’c feel vy tired & nervy. Thursday 8 February Roy to dentist Hepburn, teeth to be stop’d. Mrs H. Messel’s dinner 8 o’c, acpt. Unable to go at last moment, Lin fearfully hard at work on Punch double page. Little Anne’s birthday. X. 4 years old. To tea with Dora Hyde Pk Hotel. Fearful storm of hail, rain, thunder & lightening, unable to go out. Roy had carriage evg, he dined with Maud, Dora there & party



of 10. Peaceful day at home, cleaned drawers in dining room morg, read to Lin after. Friday 9 February Fine morg. Vy cold. Roy looks v. seedy & is generally grumpy & morose. Roy out to dinner. I called & saw Babies. Nurse F. has it rather untidy, pity. Darlings all well except little Oliver whose little face seems smaller then ever. Lovely view fr. their nursery. To call Dora Hyde Pk Hotel, out, & to Mudie’s changed book. Lin dined 10.30 & was not as tired as I feared he w’d be. Saturday 10 February Out morg. shops. Dull, rain, wind. At 2 o’c to Aldwich Theatre “Blue Bell” charming. Lin & self enjoyed it immensely. Heavy rain returning. Roy out to dinner. He lunched with Dora, Berkeley. Dined 8 o’c, to bed early. Roy told me he is remaining on with the Simon firm. Sunday 11 February Asked Mr & Mrs Beale, Dora, Lennie & Maud, 8. Mrs Parish (char) evg to help, Emma quite satisfied with her. Vy delightful evg & Lin seemed very bright & happy. No one called. The two girls managed quite nicely. 3 bots champagne!!! Monday 12 February Roy put off his ap’t with Mr Hepburn dentist. Ought not to have done it! In all morg. At 4 o’c to Hyde Pk Hotel saw Dora & Midge. D. seedy, mushrooms. Took Midge to Mappin & Webbs, Harrods & to Hotel, only chance of seeing her. Lin & self alone evg & to bed early. X. Sir Francis Burnand called at 3 o’c. Vy hoarse & looked aged & serious, altogether vy sad affair & ought not to have come about. Tuesday 13 February To stores 11 o’c. Saw Cap’t & Mrs Ross. Lin seems more lively & happier, find our mutual income more than I dared hope. Mrs Finlay, Miss Laurence, Mrs Stevenson, Palgrave Simpson, Lady Boyle & Miss Foster, Hilda H, Violet Philips, Mrs Daniel called. Roy dined out. Lin & self cozy little evening together. Wednesday 14 February X. Last Punch dinner with Sir Francis Burnand as Editor. X. Mrs Mount Batten’s dinner. Unable to go. Lovely morg. Luncheon at Maud’s. Unable to go. Lin sells by Roy his Chatham stock. Lin & self to matinée. Roy dines at Maud’s, I alone. Margarith out. 10


Thursday 15 February Mrs Binns Smith 8 o’c dinner, acp’t. Emma out. Walked to Maud’s & back. Babies came here but was out, saw them just before leaving Maud’s. In all afternoon. Very delightful inner at Mrs B’s, diner of 12. Hors d’oeuvre, red soup, soles & oysters, soufflé ham or tongue, cold chicken, braised beef, vegts, quails, banana & celery salad, lemon soufflé with jam below, savoury. All excellent. Friday 16 February In morg. Little Linley & Anne came with Edie at 2.30. We went to Zoo, 3/-, saw Baby Orang-tang! etc. Came backto tea in drawing room here & they returned in our carriage. Dined 10.30. Roy dined at Maud’s. Paul & Dora & Violet Philips dining there also. Lin dined 10.30. Very tired. Saturday 17 February Lin & self to matinée “Mr Popple”. Slept late morg did not awake until my hot water came. Vy wet, out morg shops. X. To Bank. Pd off £50 of loan. Vy amusing play, greatly amused. Saw Douglas & Mr Brand after. Butts fruit & Slaters haddock, sausages Walls. Roy out, quiet evg. Sunday 18 February Lennie & Maud & Miss Wilkinson dining here. Lin & self lumched at General Stevenson’s. Only Gen & Mrs S, 2 daughters, Col Martin & a pretty young Mrs Bambury. Simple luncheon but felt vy seedy after. Pleasant evg. Don’t care for Miss W, better in a country house. Monday 19 February Mr Bernard Partridge dinner 8 o’c. acpt. X. Otley drunk, smashed carriage & cab. In police station. Failing to fetch us fr. the P’s took cab & was met Argyl Rd by policeman Spring. Only what I expected!!!. Horse unhurt happily. 4 tables of 4 (16). Very pretty pink azaleas on each. Excellent dinner well organised. 4 maids (illeg). Stones, Setons, Burnands, Trowers, E.T.Reed, Sir C. Scotter, Mrs I. Hopkins, one other, Partridges & selves. Morning to Bank pd. off £50 of loan. Saw Mr Richardson about it & returned his book. In bed until 3 o’c vy seedy. Tuesday 20 February Lovely morg. Lin round to see Horse & carriage. Damage to carriage £9.9.0! Cab £8. Saw several coach men, Lewis’ old man, like him best. Lady Spielman & dau, Nellie & niece, Maudie & Geoff, Mrs Gilbert, Mrs Colefax & ? called. Roy in to dinner. Feel vy tired & v. seedy.



Wednesday 21 February Mrs Phillips luncheon 2 o’c. ref, don’t like leaving Dickie. Edie came at luncheon. Walked together, met Burnands & Mary. Fine, sunny. Upton, Maud’s groom here driving me to Sir J.Tenniel’s. Shall feel more nervous than ever for ages! To stables, saw Tennant Lewis’ man & a hussar with 21 years service! Upton, Maud’s groom here for day, drove me to Sir J. Tenniel’s & to Maud’s. Waited till 8.10 for Roy. He did not come so dined alone. X. 1st dinner at Bouverie St with new Editor. Thursday 22 February Miss Hollins dinner acpt. 7.45. New Gallery 12 o’c AM reception to meet Rodin (sculptor). Lady Fletcher Moulton’s luncheon, 1.30. Fine. Edie here 11.30 & to luncheon. Drove (Upton driving) to Onslow Gds, charming party & talk. Lady Pollock, Lady Bliss, Lady Bergne & Lady ? Upton fetched me. Rested. Vy delightful dinner 16 at Miss Hollins, Lin enjoyed it, used carriage. Sir L. & Lady Selfe, Miss Frith, Mr Jex Blake, Hon Miss Davy etc etc. Roy dining Daniels. Margarith out fr. 8 - 10. Friday 23 February Wet. Fear E. hopeless, goes about work with no go or spirit & never touched drawing room today. In all morg. At 3 o’c to see Edie’s rooms, 77 Talbot Rd. Vy nice. To Marshalls. Called Mrs Burnand, out, & Lady Burnand in, vy well & busy. Feel awfully tired, headachy. Margarith to Mrs Beale’s for me. Lin dined ¼ to 11. Must not accept dinners for Thursdays. Roy out to dinner. Saturday 24 February Lin & self lunch at Savoy. Fine morg. Excellent luncheon, saw Roy & Stern & Mr & Mrs Colefax there. To gaiety “Spring Chicken” after. Had carriage to take us & fetch us Hyde Pk Corner. Bought fruit & flowers. Otley came evg astounding request stable suit & wages. Latter Lin gave on account of 12 yrs service. Roy out. Lin & self alone. Sunday 25 February Maud, Lennie & Ethel Burnand to dinner. Dickie & self walked up Park met darling Maud, Nonie boy & Lennie. Walked to Lancaster Gate with them & then home. Lin & self lunchd alone. Spencer & Miss Rose Innes called, latter quite exhausted me & remained until 7. V. pleasant dinner. Ethel vy sensible & seems vy anxious for Sir & Rosie to draw in expences at once.



Monday 26 February Windows cleaned by Walker 3/-. Lady Lockyers luncheon 1.30, acpt. Lady Burnands dinner 8 o’c. Man here doing windows. Lin to Levée. Maudie fetched me in her carriage & we both lunched Lady L’s. 12, vy pleasant luncheon. M. left me home, rested. Roy out to dinner. Mr & Mrs Carson, May & C. Burnand, Sir C. Scotter & son, Ethel, Mary, Winnie, Wilfred, Sir F. & Lady Burnand our 2 selves, 15, & very splendid dinner. Delightful evg. Tuesday 27 February Lady Lawrence’s dinner 8 o’c. acpt. Rested in bed breakfast. In all day vy tired. Darling Maud, Mrs Spofforth, Mrs Braunstein & Mdlle Douslé, Lady Weston, Mrs Marcus Stone called. Dullish dinner, 16. Sir Trevor took me in but his nervous cough got on my nerves! The Lindos, Major & smart Mrs Hussey & another nice couple etc. Roy dined at Maud’s. Wednesday 28 February Morg breakfasted in bed tired. To Bank. Babies called & I took Nonie with me called at Sir W. Agnew, Lady Carbutt, Lady Selfe, Mrs Levy, Miss Wills & to Maud’s, Mabel there. Home. Herbert & Edie to dinner. Margarith out. Roy dined out. Thursday 1 March Lady McLaren’s luncheon party 1.45. Upton fetching me at 3.30. X. Sent Divs fr. P. & O. £4.19.9, Waihi £5.14.0, Harrods £1.2.7 to Bank. 2nd call notice to be paid by Bank for £23.10.0 fr. B.A. Gt. Southern Rly 4% ex 1910. Met Mrs Tweedie, Mond, Stewart, Hunt Clifford, Chapman etc etc. Pleasant luncheon & called after on Hohler, Twiss, Aird, Lucy, Phillips, Lady Lawrence, Krabbe, Blair & Wilkinson, Binns Smith & Dennis. Roy out dinner. Friday 2 March Maud & Lennie to Ramsgate. Lady Boyle 4 - 7. Maudie going to Ramsgate by 10 o’c train. At 3 o’c to Mrs Larnacker(?) in, Miss Lawrence, Miss Rose Innes, Mrs Rose Innes, in, Mrs Harvey, Babies & Lady Boyle. Pretty Mrs Hancock there. Roy out to dinner. Lin dined 20 to 11. Vy tired. Awful mistake about Lady Lawrence, came here not receiving my letter posted last evg. Saturday 3 March Lin, Roy & self to Ramsgate by Granville. Lovely morg, cold. Great fluster leaving about Roy’s things. Maud & Lennie met us Ramsgate. Sir F. & Rosie by same train. Charming rooms. Vy expensive 30/- but 13


delightful. Dined ¼ p. 8 & sat in rooms after. Lennie, Lin & Roy out after tea. Sunday 4 March Maud & self breakfasted in our sitting room. Heavenly day. Lin, Roy, Maud, Lennie & self walked to Broadstairs & they on by sands to Margate, Maud & self by train. Engaged table for 6 at lunch Cliftonville. Horrid place Margate so ugly. We all returned by train. Lennie, Lin & Roy out again & dined at ¼ to 8. Sat in Hall & afterwards in stting room, bed 11 o’c. Lovely weather. Monday 5 March Sale of Lin’s drawings Sotherby’s. Mrs Dennis Sutton, 10 Eaton Mans. Weds in March. Lady Romer 4 - 7. Mrs Mount Batten. Lovely day. Roy left by 8 o’c train. Lennie by 10 & Maud by 1.25 changing at Faversham. Lin & self saw her off. Curtain in same carriage with her. I went by train to St Peter’s morg. took cyclamen. With Lin at 4.30 to Mrs Hammond’s, tea there, & to Sir F. Burnand’s. House charming & so clean. Quiet evg Hotel & to bed 10 o’c. Tuesday 6 March Granville. Lovely day warm as spring morg. Walked & stayed some time with Mrs Evans. Lin busy photoing. Lost tortoiseshell glasses & found them again, rejoiced thereat! Lunch at 1.30. Return home by 3.25 in same carriage with Burnands. Roy dined with Miss Rose Innes, Carlton. Wednesday 7 March Lovely day vy warm. Pottered morg. At 3.30 to Barkers, Hollins, Behrens, Mackasey, Grantham, Thompson, Trench, Dennis, Fildes & Bergne, in. M. Paxton. Roy out to dinner. Ellen out & I dined alone, missed Lin returning. Record hot day over 60 in shade. Thursday 8 March Mr Douglas 9.45. ref. Lovely day, no rain. Edgar surprised us at luncheon, lucky had roast joint etc. Drove him after to Stores & to his club. Called Maud’s & saw Babies, old nannie there to tea. Maud out. Dined 10 to 9. Edgar came & dined with us. Vy cosy evg. Lin vy bright. Friday 9 March Mrs Henry Levy’s dinner, cannot accept. I went to Edgar’s club in brougham 12.30, lunched alone with him Paganis. Steak & toasted cheese, excellent. Walked with him after to Marble Arch, met carriage there & met children & gave them their boats. Called Claridges, Tabby 14


out. Maud & Edie to tea here on return. Lin dined 20 to 11. Very tired, overslept morg. Saturday 10 March Lovely day.Lin, Roy & self dine with Maud 8 o’c. Went morg shops. To Garrick matinée. Asked Edgar & Tabby. Tabby asked me to dine with her Claridges & go french play with her, sorry can’t. Mrs (blank) at Maud’s, dull vain person apparently. Saw Bancrofts at matinée. Enjoyed piece, “Brother Officers”. Sunday 11 March Lennie, Maud, Mr & Mrs Fred Kerr dine here 8 o’c. Roy dines at Claridges with Tabbie. Miss Frith at home 4.30, 10 Pelham Cresc, S.W. Walked morg with Dickie Pk, home by Notting Hill. Mr & Mrs Galbraith called & had tea. Vy pleasant evg but had corked champagne, did not discover until end of dinner. Monday 12 March Miss Arthur Jones marriage with Mr Irving Albery, 2.30 St George’s Hanover Sqre. Lin & Roy dine with Mons. Ayala. Lady Romer & Mrs Mount Batten 4 - 7. Lady Dixon Hartland 4 - 7. Lady Lockyer 4.30. I motor to Maud, 1 o’c lunched with her & Madlle Jac. & Nonie. After to wed. Grossmith, Tree etc there. Vile coffee. To Lady Hartland, Lady Romer & Mrs Mount Batten, all at home. Maud left me on way home. Ellen out. Tuesday 13 March Mrs Harvey’s at home 4 o’c. Soirée New Gallery Regent St, 9 - 12 o’c. “Venus & Cupid” by Velasquez on view. Out morg about blinds decided on (illeg) 17/6 stables. Tabby as to have dined here, not coming. Roy out to dinner. Mrs Beale, Ada Sp, Hylda, Lady Meade, Mrs McGauran, Miss Krabbe, Mrs Dennis called. Lovely quiet evg with Lin. Roy out, had brougham. Snow. Vy cold. Wednesday 14 March Mrs Krabbe 3.30. Mrs Welby 6.30. At 3.30 to Lindo, Parrish, Laurence, Krabbe, & to Maud’s. Found Miss Brown, Hylda Gibbs, Mrs Fleischmen, Lady de la Warr there. Stayed some time & home. Roy out. Quiet evg alone. Thursday 15 March Mrs Krabbe 3.30, 6.30. Little Anne came at 11 o’c remained to luncheon & tea. As good as gold. Lay down in drawing room. After lunch to get 15


shoes & socks for her dolly in Kensington on foot, back to tea. Darling Maud came bringing flowers. Little Anne with me in brougham to Ada Sp’s & then home, Maudie just ar’d home. Maud’s dinner to Galbraiths tonight we unable to go. Called on Mrs Keith & Nelly. Roy out. Dined at 9.30. Friday 16 March I dined alone. Royal Institute Galleries Miniatures, Piccadilly. Lola Shennon(?). Private View at Royal Institute water Colours 10 - 5. Darling M. fetched me 3 o’c. Vy bad show of miniatures & dull party Lola’s. Lady Henderson, Snagg(?) girl there. Linley dined at Reform club, dinner to Burnand. Roy out. Saturday 17 March Private View of above. Lin & self to see “She stoops to Conquer”. Vy good. Vernon & Lady Margaret Watney & Rosalind came to our box between acts. Both look older as no doubt we do also! Lin & self dined alone. Roy off with Stern till Monday. Out morg shop’g. Sunday 18 March Asked Ham Langley, O. Seaman, Miss McKenna, Miss Krabbe. Only O. Seaman, Sir H. & Lady Bergne, Maud & Lennie, 7, to dinner. Had Parish to help 1/6. Roy away last night, returns Monday. Lin & self with Maud & Lennie in car to Hampton Court, lunched there & over Palace. Dull day. V. pleasant outing, home after 6 o’c. Tea also out. Monday 19 March Marjorie Howlden comes for 10 days. Mrs Robinson 4.30. I lunch at Miss Krabbe’s 1.30. V. cold. Sir G. & Lady Crofton (Margaret Toby) 2 Miss Bradegones all smart demi monde type, Miss Krabbe best of the lot! Odd sort of party. To Mrs Jackson to enquire & to Mrs Silver after. Lovely house beautifully kept. Marjorie arrived as I arrived home. Tuesday 20 March Mrs Macmillan & Van der Goes. 4.30 - 6.30. Mrs Rhodes. Walked with Marjorie to darlings, saw Babies, walked home. Miss Wills, Mrs Gill, Miss Millais called. Roy dined out. Lin, Marjorie & self to see “A Pair of Spectacles” enjoyed it immensely. Col. Lucas, Mr Galbraith, Mr H. Livesey & Mr C. Maxwell came to our box. Col Edis there. Wednesday 21 March Lady Pearson 4.30. Emma to see “Blue Belle”. Lady Margaret Watney & Mrs Phillips. In morg pottered, flowers & furniture. Marjorie & Emma to 16


Pantomime 1 o’c in brougham, home by omnibus. Maud fetches me 3.15 with Nonie & Anne. Went only to Lady M.W’s. Rather tiresome dawdley party, doves performing. V. late getting away. Our Babies looked sweet. Roy out. Quiet evg alone with Marjorie. Thursday 22 March Edie comes, did not, H. ill. Walked with Marjorie to Maud’s & home. Dressmaker Neville. To Marshalls afternoon & to Mrs Parrish’s, tea there. Roy dined at home. M. with cold, got her quinine & E(?) lighting fire in her room. Lennie sent me £16 made in spec! Delightful. Friday 23 March To Maud’s 10 o’c in Car. Lunched there, did invitations all morg. Maud has a dinner pary tonight! Ethel C. & Edith there. Marjorie to Sheffield for a dance, returns tomorrow! Margareth took her to Sta. in cab. Brougham fetched me 3.30, took Edie home & called on Mrs Beale. Read to Lin. Dinner 10.30. Roy home early after dining at Club. Mrs Drage called. Saturday 24 March Mrs Lindo’s dinner 8 o’c. V. cold & snow. In all day. Marjorie returns 4.30 fr. Sheffield & dines at Maud’s who is most kindly sending carriage for her. Roy also dines out. Delightful evg at Mrs L’s. A Mr Upperton(?) took me in & was very interesting about many things. Cap & Mrs FitzGeorge there, he vy like Duke of Cambridge. Sir T. & Lady Lawrence also there. H. Levys etc. 16 to dinner. Excellent dinner. Clear soup, trout rich sauce. Bouchées of mutton, peas, potatoes. Capon, potatoes, salad. Vanilla cream ice & fruit salad round. Homard soufflé. Fruit. Sunday 25 March Rain & darkness morg but had walk with Lin & Marjorie. Cold. Brass etc in drawing room vy bad. Mr & Mrs A. Gill, Maud & Lennie, Lin, Roy, Marjorie & self. Same old dinner. Clear soup, soles in white sauce. Roast lamb, beans potatoes. Chicken salad. Gooseberry tart cream. Liver sausage. Monday 26 March Mrs Cohen’s dinner 8 o’c. Granthams dinner, 11 Hyde Pk Terrace, acpt. Lin ref first (against my principles). Before 11 or at 4 White. Mr Ryle pictures 4 - 6. To see over house with Lin. Marjorie & I after to Peter Robinson’s, Letherby’s & Nevilles, ordered green cloth. Rested all



afternoon. Fairly nice dinner, Mrs Alexander there. Maudie came late . Roy & Marjorie dined with Maud & to theatre after. Tuesday 27 March Mrs Alexander 4 - 7. Out morg with Marjorie to Bank & see over Kens. Palace. To stores after in carriage. V. cold. Lady Bergne, Mrs Trench, Miss Brown, Mrs Krabbe jnr, Hylda, Edie, called. Maud asked us to dine there. Wednesday 28 March Marjorie had brougham to take her to W. Hampstead. Miss Wills at home 4 o’c. Lady Pearson. Darling fetched me at ¼ to 4, called on Mrs Dennis, enquired Mrs Jackson. Good music both parties & loved being with my own. Alone evg. Marjorie left. Roy uncertain about going out, muddled my dinner rather. Men fr. Barkers doing drawing room grate tiles. Thursday 29 March Neville fitting 10.30. Not ready so will reconsider dress. X. Returned 4 blouses to Barker by Upton. Men fr. Barkers doing dining room grate. After going to Nevilles went to White & tried on blk & white voile dress. Lin & self dining at Maud’s. Roy out also. Friday 30 March Mrs A. Tweedie 4 - 7. Walked over alone (took Rags) to enquire after dear little Anne, in bed still & vy hoarse but better. Baby Oliver gone out. Nonie at Kindergarten! Edie helping Ethel C with flowers. Walked back. At 3.30 to Mrs Coward in, looks vy well. Lady Kennedy there. Vy nice at home Mrs T’s, excellent singing. Mrs Dickens, Keen, Maude a’Beckett, Rhodes. Maud came after with Edie. Roy out to dinner. Saturday 31 March Maud’s at home. Wurms band. Out morg. shops. Lin went with me to Maud’s 3.30. Vy nice “at home”. Band splendid. Maud looked lovely in new red dress. Geoff there. About 25 I think there. Bad day on account of Pictures. Stayed until 7 o’c. Roy in to dinner, out after. Not once too crowded at Maud’s. Sunday 1 April Mr & Mrs Phipson Beale, Lennie, Maud & Spencer to dinner, 8. Parish to help. Mrs Onslow Ford, 62 Acacia Rd. Walked with Lin to Hyde Pk. Corner, saw me to bus & went on to Athenaeum taking my umbrella!!! Alone to luncheon & rested an hour after. Mr Rooth came in for an hour



after seeing pictures, was vy amusing. Lin worried letters. Geoff came making 9!! Lin furious.We managed all right with side table. Monday 2 April Maud’s dinner charming. Mr & Mrs W.S.Gilbert, Miss Mackintosh. Mr & Mrs Heron Allen, Mr Ryle, Mr & Mrs Eric Parker, & the Harold Messels came in after. Miss M. sang 3 times. Most beautiful dinner. Oysters, clear soup with cream, soles in an egg sauce & tomatoes. Volaille & truffles. Lamb & quails farci, salad. Sweetbreads & plums. Banana cream on Genevoise pastry. Savory. Birds nest of sugar & coffee cream eggs, etc. Tuesday 3 April Mrs Rhodes 4 - 7. Out morg to Peter Robinsons. Met O. Shakespeare & took her home. Lin to Calais for day. Lovely day, warmer. Mr Rawlinson, Susie a’Beckett & K. Graham who stayed till past 7 o’c! Dickie enjoyed his day & only met Sir C. McLaren. Roy out to dinner. Wednesday 4 April Herbert & Edie coming 7.30 to sup. Roy out to dinner. At 3.30 to Mrs Hadley, in, Lindo, Orchardson, Maud. Con there for one night. M. out at Balcombe for day. Saw Babies eating chocolate cake, vy unwise & said so! Sent £50 to Rothschilds for new Brazilian loan rec’d by Lennie. Roy dined at Maud’s. Thursday 5 April Margarith out 6 - 10. Mrs Heilbut’s dinner. Lovely morg. Shop’d & called Lady Hickman & went with her to Mays to order velvet dress & to Heaths for bonnet. Enjoyed drive. In all afternoon. Lovely flowers Mrs H’s. C. Burnand took me in, Mr T.P. O’Connor other side. Vy pretty American wife who amused Lin & asked me to call & see her. Roy out to dinner. Friday 6 April Out morg to Maud who is in bed with septic throat. Sp. & Con there. Con leaves today for Worthing. To Mrs Abbey after to see picture. M. Millais, Mrs Colefax, Lucys etc there. Called & saw Mabel B. Baby expected Oct, & B(illeg) away at Ramsgate. Read to Lin on return Holland & papers. Dined 10 o’c. Vy tired. Margarith seedy little F!



Saturday 7 April Out morg shops. Vy tired. Lin & Roy to boat race in cart (Thorneycrofts) Cambridge won easily, no race. Lin & self to matinée “Man from Blankleys”, excellent. Roy out to dinner, Lin & self alone. Sunday 8 April Lovely morg. Asked Mr & Mrs Galbraith, can’t come, Mr & Mrs Rooth to dinner & Welbys. Sir A. Hickman tennis. Lin & Roy. H. Langley surprised us at luncheon & comes to dinner, left at 3. Lin & self walked to Mauds, just gone out in bath chair. Found H.L. here on return. Monday 9 April Lin in cart to B. Partridge’s. Margarith out instead of Wednesday. Lovely day. In all morg working. Edie came to lunch, worked after & at 3 30 to Bank about Rosario certificate for last year. Also went to to Neville, not ready, & to darling Maud’s, out. Saw Lennie & had tea. Maud came in later looking vy seedy. Dr seems anxious for her to go to Holland tomorrow!!! Most unwise. She ought to be in bed. Roy dines with Lennie & Maud. I alone, Punch dinner tonight. Tuesday 10 April Asked Annabella Baines tea. Off at 3.30 to be fitted Neville & to White after & home 1 o’c. Lin busy. Edie came after luncheon & remained all afternoon. Gladys Paxton, Mrs A. Gill, Tabbie, Evie & Gareth came to tea. Dinner 9.30. Flowers & a lovely brown dress fr. Maudie. Sent Edie in carriage at 6 o’c to 104 about taking little Nonie tomorrow to Zoo. Wednesday 11 April X. Took allottment letter of £100 Brazil loan to bank & cheque returned of £300. Fetch Linley boy ¼ to 1 o’c to lunch Tabbie Claridges Hotel & go with her & Gareth to Zoo. Evie & Laurence there too but did not go on to Zoo with us. Darling Nonie a little restless & disobedient perhaps his cough makes him feel seedy. Took him home & saw Babies at tea. Dined 10.10. Read on return home. Quite warm. Tabs left us by cab fr. Zoo, brougham met us. Thursday 12 April 11 o’c Neville. She sent my new green facecloth home at night. No time to try it on. Read to Lin. To White also & fitted on with black & white voile, fairly well.



Friday 13 April Packed . Edie & Herbert to tea. Ellen rather useful packing, so quiet & gentle. Went at 6 o’c in carriage to see Babies, all well & good. Roy left for Pyt & returns Monday but goes to Hotel & goes to Pyt Tuesday again. Dined ¼ to 8. Saturday 14 April Go D.V. to Holland with Dickie by Queensboro’ & Flushing. Rough, windy, dull. Vy uncomfortable crossing 27 people only on board. Was awfully bad, never felt worse in my life. Flushing 6 o’c, arrived 10 something Hague. Met lady who told me of Van den Putte’s. Darling looked vy seedy & tired. Crossing thoroughly upset me & don’t believe mal de mer can ever do anything but harm! Sunday 15 April Rested morg, vy tired. Still feel squeamish! Heavenly day. Lin, Len & Maud all out morg to House in Wood. Afternoon we all drove to Scheveningen seaside place 3 miles off. Women with their quaint caps & pretty capes with little collars & ruche at the neck. Many wear a bonnet perched on cap which is over a gold or silver frame. Dogs in carts. Lulu Von der Goes called, looks of course older but a v. handsome woman, men admired her. Monday 16 April Lovely day. With Lennie Lin & Maud to House in the Woods. Beautifully kept & shown over by old housekeeper. Japanese jars & chinese embroidery on hall cabinets. Lennie & Lin to Delft after lunch. Maud & self for lovely drive of 2 hours to Schveningen in Lucie’s carriage & to Wood for tea. At 5 o’c at Lucie’s. Her daughter 2 gentlemen & a lady there. See the likeness of old days returning in Lucie’s expression. K(illeg) who came up & spoke. Lennie saw de Beauforts. Full dinner at Hotel. Tuesday 17 April Lovely day. Took carriage we 4 to Station & to Haarlem exquisite tulips & hyacinths. Masses of every colour, reds & yellow gorgeous. Went over Musée in Cathedral Sqre Haarlem, magnificent Frans Hals pictures in room by themselves. Officers in conference also. Fine central Hall & stained glass windows, Hall of Justice (Rutterhal). Had luncheon. Warm plovers eggs, coffee with cream. Drove round suburbs, numbers of Villas pretty woods. Drove 2 hours to restaurant for coffee facing Cathedral, ridiculous. Back barely time to dress for dinner. Delightful day. Pleasant dinner & to bed early after listening to Band. Maud looking better. 21


Wednesday 18 April Dear Mother’s birthday. Dull, windy & cold. Had intended going at 10 o’c to Delft but too grey & chilly. At 10.30 went with Lennie, Lin & Maud to small Municipal Museum. Saw fine old Delft fayence, glass, silver, some good pictures, “Facing Death”. On to Mauritz House Picture gallery, lovely pictures by Rembrandt, Jan Stein, Van Meer notably girl’s head, Paul Potter, Torvost(?) pastels, 2 splendid Van Dykes, Rubens. Thursday 19 April Big fête. Boothes, merry go rounds etc. Whole of La Hague en fête. Prince Consort’s birthday. Gale in night man came to shut our windows 1.30. Lin & self for walk at 10.30 to see Queen’s Palace unpretentious building with bronze statue of William I in the front, equestrian statue. Dull & wind & rain. M. & L. late up. Lin & self walked round Queen’s palace, went after with L. M & Lucie to see charming little picture Galleries of Mons. Merdag sea painter who has his own house adjoining Gallery. Wet. Lennie & self to small musée after tea in our rooms to gentleman dealer & missed Lucie – offended! Friday 20 April Gleaming morg. Woke 7.30, had coffee. We all went at 10 o’c by train to Amsterdam & took carriage to Ryck’s Museum. Magnificent collection of pictures. Exquisite old lady by Rembrandt also his “Night Watch”. Frans Hals old lady, Tenniers, Matson(?), Van Meers, Van Dykes. Lunch at Hotel de L’Europe with Lennie’s friend Mr Helding(?) L. & M. to see sale collection. Lin & self walked about. Home late dined table d’hôte. Quaint old doorway & bas reliefs formerly prison & torture chambers. Saturday 21 April Wet early. Fine later, lovely day. Lennie had motor 10 o’c. We all went to Alkmar beautiful run thro’ Leiden fine old building with steps up to front door. Haarlem, lunched at quaint old Hotel Alkmar. Vy good & reasonable. Most interesting place, so clean. Cheese Market. Bought sabots, photoed sweet little girl in traditional costume & drawbridge. Past Haarlem had coffee there. Returning saw deerhound gentleman & 5 children we had seen in tramcar Delft. Saw gentleman we met at Lucie’s next table to us dining, & Miss Mayne who sat with us after dinner, she with her uncle & cousin. Very delightful day. Sunday 22 April Lennie had car at 11 o’c. We had a delightful run thro’ Haarlem, Leiden, & along by Rhine to Utrecht. Lovely drive but Maudie nervous & Burgomeister stop’d & forbade our returning same way. Awful road near 22


Utrecht. Lunch plain & expensive Utrecht, Hotel de L’Europe. On after to Muiden charming old Castle, wee kids & crowds of boys. No national costumes. Over castle. Picturesque drawbridges before houses, avenue of silver birch. Dined in Lennie’s room 9 o’c. Vy tired, eye painful. To bed. Charming day. Monday 23 April Gleaming mog. Lin, Lennie & Maud off by train to Amsterdam where motor meets them & they go on to (blank). My eye too painful to venture, feels like a sty coming corner of right eye. Rested till 10 o’c in bed. Dressed by 11.15!!!. Wrote, made out ac’t & rested generally. Lunched alone, amused 4 Americans, 3 women & a man. Spoke thro’ telephone to Lucie, says she will come at 4 o’c. Went at 2 o’c to Mauritz gallery. Paid bill nearly £15 for 6 days. Lucie V.d. Goes came at 4 & stayed till 4.45, wants to meet Lin again. Eye too painful to go out. Tuesday 24 April Dickie & I over fr. Flushing to Queensboro’ tonight. Eye bad unable to go. Lin, Lennie & Maud to Mauritz Gallery. Rested & wrote Eve & Mervyn not to come next Sunday Stafford Ter. We all lunched at Royal Restaurant, good. Eggs, grilled fish, veal & rice, cheese, 2 coffees. After to Baron S(blank) house to see pictures. Bowers of himself, Jan Steen, (illeg), Frans Hals & Ostade. Vy good. Tenniers old woman & child, (illeg), Jan Steen & many more. After to Hotel. Gt preparations for Mesdag’s dinner for Golden Wedding, floral (illeg) & long hanging lines fr. ceiling of flowers, blue ribs. We all dined at Royal, vy nice well served & quiet. Dear Lin left at 10 for Hook Holland, seemed depressed. I remain on ac’t of eye. Lennie has all pictures he made offers for at Amsterdam. Big dinner in Hotel to M. & Mde Mesdag on their 50th an. of wedding day! Great reception afternoon given to them. Lucie had been & said it was a great crush. Artists greatly honoured in Holland. Wednesday 25 April Wet early & vy cold. Maud & Lennie to Amsterdam by 10 o’c train. Rested till 10.30 in bed. Eye perfect sight. Wrote Dickie & Edgar morg, cannot read or work. Lunched alone very uncomfortable. Went out after, too cold to remain. Milk & Victoria water in my room, nasty milk. Wish I had had it out, nasty. 1 bot San Esteph 1.25. Dined in Salon on ac’t of eye. Lennie & M. home at 7 o’c. Eye most painful. Thursday 26 April 1 Victoria water luncheon. 2 letters fr. Lin & many enclosures. C. Hartree has left me a lovely picture by Mauve, delighted. Letter fr. W. Hartree. 23


Spoke to Dutch gentleman & lady at luncheon, vy uncomfortable lunching alone, wish I had ret’d with Lin, awful waste of time & money here as I can do nothing. In all day, eye too tender to venture out. V. cold & damp. Dined in Saloon with L. & M. 7.45. with shield over eye. German Russian & Portuguese legations. Friday 27 April Lovely morg. Eye little better. To Mauritz & Municipal Musées. Saw Mauves beautiful. Lunched Royal Restaurant. Bought (illeg) objects. Dined in public room & bed early. Vy tired, & eye painful. Saturday 28 April Darling Maud’s birthday. Wet & cold. Left Hotel des Indes Hague 10.15. Uncomfortable journey to Flushing, 2 changes. Hurried lunch thankful of it. Guard w’d travel explaining most palpable things & sights on way, tiresome. Flushing Hotel “Zeeland”. Vy primitive. Had walk in old town, eye fairly comfortable. Pleased with old town, bought 2 hat pins. Dickie arrived 6, met him. He & Lennie for walk. Good dinner. Sat in L’s sitting room & to bed. Stuffy stove. £24.15.0 bill fortnight. Sunday 29 April Laurence & Evie Fisher Rowe dine with us. Away in Holland to next Sunday, postponed them. Lennie had carriage for day & we all went to Middleburg a most interesting town with fine Town Hall. Old Abbey in quaint old square, trees & Norman archway, a sort of Musée china glass brasswork, pictures etc renovated. Lunched at Abbey Hotel. Drove after to Domberg a delightful place costumes (illeg) out in garden. To East Capella & West Capella, sea and dunes, children, pompoms. Dyke, wooden planks along seashore for miles! 3 deep. Sea higher than land. Charmingly clean villages, picturesque girls arm in arm, 7. Pompom boy frightened, ran away when photod. Mend baskets. Home 7 dinner & Lin left at 10.30PM by boat. Monday 30 April Lennie Maud & self return home fr. Flushing by 10 boat. Up at 6 mistook time! Sunny & bright. Sheep making a piteous noise close to Hotel. Core(?) came out of eye. Early cold & sunny. Bill £2.10.0 fees 15/-. Fine crossing but lay down felt uncertain. Lennie had Captain’s cabin. Lin, Roy & self dined at 8.30. Glad of English food. Roy looking very well. Vy cold, fire in bedroom.



Tuesday 1 May Lin & Roy dine at Maud’s. Breakfasted in bed. Wrote. In all day. Sent by Upton darling’s furs to Lancaster Gate. Mrs Hohler, Mrs Macquoid, Mrs Davidson (Joshua) Katie Parsons (Speed) Sybil Grantham called. Eye still painful. Perfectly delighted with my Mauve picture fr. C.H. Wednesday 2 May Mrs Lucy’s luncheon party 1.30. Again postponed, 28th inst. Mrs Macmillan. X. Withdrawn fr. my securities £100 Ord. Stock B.A. Gt S. Rly for Roy. In bed breakfast, wrote all morg. Mad. J. called & Maud who came in her carriage at 3.30, took us both to leave parcel Edgar’s for his birthday, & to Mrs Alec J. Ferguson’s at home. Maud left me at Lady Bergne’s where met Dutch Mde Van der Velde & son. Dullish. Upton fetched me & took Roy on to Savoy. Dined alone. Ellen out. Thursday 3 May Mrs R. Lehmann, 59 Ashley Gds. Mervyn & Ethel to luncheon 1 o’c. Both looking well & vy happy about house they have taken in Somersetshire. Maud’s carriage came for me 2.30. Fetched her fr. Mrs Hohler’s & we went to a Concert at Stafford House. Tates, Sington, Vaughan Morgan, Heilbut, Wagge, L. Sterne, Grossmith, Mrs Alexander. Good concert, horrid house, back stairs awful. To 104 after & saw darlings, they have whooping cough. Roy out to dinner. Friday 4 May Private View Academy. In bed breakfast. Edie came & helped with flowers from Balcombe. Left at 12 o’c. Maudie fetched me 2.30, to Academy, Mrs Harold met us. Maudie looking sweet in “at home” dress everyone admires her greatly. Saw Lockyers, Burnands, du Mauriers, Romer, Lockwood, Weston, Alexanders, Fildes, Stones, Finlay etc etc etc. Stayed till past 5.30. Had tea with Maud. Little Linley down looks vy pale. Roy out. Carriage fetched me & took him to Club. Read to Dickie, Father Gapon. Dined ¼ to 11! Mervyn & Ethel & Hohlers dining at Maud’s. Saturday 5 May Mrs Causton’s dinner 7.30. Opening Austrian Ex. Earls Court, given tickets to Edie & Herbert. Out morg. shop’g. & walk over 2 flats Palace Gds, vy dear. Rested. Lady Hickman called, saw her. Vy bad dinner Mrs C’s. Soup, sole, boiled salt beef, asparagus, gooseberry tart cream & tinned soft herring roes. Good butter & bisc. Bridge after, never laughed more, only 8 of us. I played with Mr Lancaster, Mrs C. & gentleman, forget his name. 25


Sunday 6 May Lawrence & Evie Fisher Rowe & Gwen, Lennie & Maud dine here. Vy pleasant evg but Lennie a little (illeg). Walked with Lin morg. Lin & Roy played tennis at Sir Alfred’s. Mr Adams called & seemed vy depressed about Mrs F. Winslow’s death 2 months ago, which I had not heard of. Lawrence etc rather late so dinner rather overcooked. Monday 7 May In morg did 3 drawers of console with Edie who lunched here. Took Edie at 3.30 o’c left cards Miss Barran, Adlam, Waller, in, Bright in, Maud in. Roy dined with Maud & went to “The Beauty of Bath”. Edgar & Sophy dined here, had wire fr. them afternoon! Lin vy put out but brightened up after & had pleasant evg. Tuesday 8 May Lucy luncheon party 1.30. Maud fetched me in motor. Sir F. & Lady Burnand, Ld Onslow, Gould, Craig (painter) Donald (editor of Chronicle) Mr & Mrs S. Bunton, Mr Pease, 2 men & a lady I don’t know names of. Good Talk with Mr Craig whose picture Lin admired so, it is bought by Chantrey bequest. Lady Bergne & Miss Jones only called. Lin & self to Empire, missed seeing Géné dancer. Roy dined at Maud’s, home 12 o’c. Wednesday 9 May Mrs Arnold Foster. Mrs Adlam, Manners, Bright, 4 Barkstone Gds, Barron, 4 Queens Gate Terrace, Macmillan, Causten, Lady Hickman. In morg. At 3.30 with Maud to Mrs Beale, L. Bourne, out, & Mrs Arnold Foster. Mrs Pirrie, Teller & a Mrs Threshfield there. Interesting talk on “Times” & Holland. To Mrs Childers at home & to see babies. Maud & L. dining Authors Club. Roy dined out, I alone. Margarith out. Thursday 10 May Mrs Jopling Rowe, 7 Pembroke Gds. Mrs Lehmann, Pirrie, Mrs Johnson Ferguson. Mrs Lemon, Lady Quilter 4.30. Lin dines at Mr Lucy’s. Out morg. Emma out afternoon & evening. Edie here to luncheon, looked at hats. Pd her 7d for marmalade. Called after at 3.30 Lord Winterstroke, in, Sir W. Agnew, in, Lady Quilter, saw Mrs Whatman, Miss Mayne etc. Mrs Pirrie & Mrs J. Ferguson. Saw Lady Dartrey. Roy in to dinner, argumentative & tiresome rather, tired no doubt but so was I. Friday 11 May Ld Winterstoke’s dinner. Cannot go. I lunch with Edgar & Sophy & Mrs Paton 1 o’c at Pagani’s. Excellent lunch. Crab salad, grilled cutlets, potatoes, cauliflower au gratin, Italian cake souffle & coffee & cream. 26


Sophy & self walked after to meet brougham Marble arch. Came back to tea here. Poor tea. Called on Mrs Joachim, C(illeg) Tattersall & Leech, out. Roy dined at Lady McLaren’s, to dance after. Dined at 10.30, to bed 12.15. Saturday 12 May In all morg. At ¼ to 1 Lin & self had brougham & lunched at Savoy 13/-! Met Ld Mount Edgcumbe. Lin got out of carriage to speak to him. Saw Mrs Geiger & Mr Vivian at Savoy. She did not look well. After to Vauderville to see “The Talk of Mayfair”, Edna May etc. Vy pretty music & amusing. Williams Carters, Pounds & Louis Pounds, Farren, Souta etc. Roy dined with Stern. Lin & self cozy little evg alone. To bed 11 o’c. Maud & Lennie to Balcombe for week end. Sunday 13 May Luncheon party Mrs Pirrie, unable to go. Sir A’s tennis. Tabs & H. to dine here. Asked Armstrongs, Lehmanns, Seaman, Miss Mclaren, Miss Sutton. Only H, Tabs & Mr Stone coming so far, & Mr & Mrs Keen, 7. Went alone morg to Claridges by om. to enquire for Tabbie who is ill there. Chill & nurse! Hamilton walked back with me to Knightsbridge. Crowds in Park. Roy Lin & self to lunch & Roy & Lin 4.30 to Sir Alfred’s. Glorious day, vy hot. Lin lost but found small deal box. Monday 14 May Edie to lunch. Did fish fern case took us 1 ½ hours. Drove at 3.30 to enquire Mrs Parrish, Mrs H. Messel, Mrs A. Russell, Sophy, Anna Dietz, in, found Sophy there. Tabby at Claridges in bed, & to darling Maud’s. Found Violet P, Mary Brown, Mde de Cassavetti, Miss Rose Innes there. Babies better. Roy out to dinner. Lin & self alone evg, dined 8.30. Tuesday 15 May Lady Quilter at home 4.30. Edgar & Sophy dine here & Miss Rose Innes. Went out morg shop’g. Lin out to lunch and tea. Mrs Adlam, Sir W. Agnew, Mrs Holland, Jessie Harding & dau. Mrs Arnold Foster called. Sir W.A. vy pleased with my picture! Mrs Messel & Mrs Gibson called. Vy bright evg, both Sophy & Edgar in good form but ignored Miss R. Innes. Roy in to dinner. Wednesday 16 May Mrs Arnold Foster, Lady Hickman, Mrs Macmillan, Causten. Did none. Military tournament. To be fitted 10 o’c Neville by bus. Heavy shower. Man fr. Barkers here about tap in lavatory & drawing room. Vy good Military Tournament at “Olympia” lighter than Agricultural Hall. Saw 27


Macquoids & young Mackinlay. Roy out to dinner had carriage. Maudie called so sorry missed her. Ellen out. Thursday 17 May Lin dined at Sir Norman Lockyers. Mrs Jopling Rowe, Mrs Lehmann, Mrs Dickens, MrsC. Stuart Wortley, Lemon. Called on Mrs Lucy, Lehmann, cards to Evie’s flat “Kings House” St James Court. On to Tabbie Claridges where Gwen was. Arranged to chaperone G. & N. Grosvenor to Opera tomorrow. I dined alone. Roy out. Friday 18 May In all day. Went to Opera at 4 o’c. X. Grazed shaft of carriage going! Chaperoned Gwen & Nellie Grosvenor to hear “Ring”. Vy crowded. Dined at Savoy & back to Opera. Am not cultured enough in music to appreciate length of Opera. Upton fetched me 9.30, Gwen’s maid doing duty after. Roy dined out. Saturday 19 May Shop’d morg. Greatly disturbed by moaning of gentleman at 26, vy ill or insane. In afternoon. Lin, Roy & self in to dinner. Roy looks vy seedy. Went to Exhibition after dinner. Lin out to lunch. Sunday 20 May Asked May Hickman, Mr, Mrs & young Arnold Foster, Mr & Mrs Binns Smith. Dull party. Mrs Foster vy nice. Dull & rainy. Walked with Lin, took me back alone. Lin & Roy out to luncheon. Mr Stern fetched Roy in his lovely new car. Mr Paxton called. Margarith out afternoon. Fairly good evg, Fosters arrived late. Vy wet unable to get cab. Roy dined Claridges with Tabs Lawrence & Gwen. Monday 21 May Poor gentleman at 26 cries out as if in pain. Edgar & Sophy leave town. Mr Mackinlay’s concert, taken 2 tickets £1.1.0. 3 o’c Beckstein Hall, Mackinlay concert. I lunch at Maud’s. Sent telegram to Edie. Wonderful lunch at Maud’s. Poached eggs on asparagus, noisettes of lamb, new potatoes, beans, half a grilled poussin, salad. Tiny tartlet of gooseberries open & lumps of cream on it, cheese etc, delicious. Too much. Only Violet & Madlle. Dull concert, bad singing. Roy out to dinner. Lin & self vy cozy evg, he read. Tuesday 22 May Lady Hickman’s dinner 8 o’c. Mrs Mocatta 4 - 7. In all day, flowers 1½ hrs morg, & silver. Miss Barran, Mrs Graham Keith & Miss Rose Innes 28


called. Latter remained late as usual. Vy tired. Roy had a friend to dine here & to Club after. Poor man 26 seems easier, cries less. Vy pleasant dinner. Sir William Wright (Marines) took me in & was most entertaining. Sir F. & Lady D. Hartland, Trenches, no one else I knew. Poor gentleman at 26 died. Wednesday 23 May Toula leaves. Mrs Manners Sutton Bright 4 o’c. Mrs Paton 2 Hyde Pk. Ter 4 - 7. Mrs Macmillan 4 - 7. Meryn comes to lunch. First fine day for days! Left Mervyn at Claridges. Tabbie out. M. rather full of Sp. Vy nice party both at Mrs Paton’s & at Mrs Bright’s. Called on Mrs Adlam, out. Roy out. Quiet evg alone. Thursday 24 May Asked Edie, cannot come. Yesterday M. to luncheon. Maudie fetched me 3.30. To leave cards Lady McLaren, Mrs (illeg) Barrett for Roy. Mrs J.Ferguson, in, Maud greatly admired in lovely dress & hat, & to Mrs Boughton’s big at home. Charming singing & great crowd. Lin, Roy & self to dinner. Friday 25 May Chose 3 blouses at Barkers. Mrs Philip Walker’s dinner, unable again to accept. Out morg, ordered green hat at Pontings £2.5.0. & 3 blouses Barkers. Out morg chose green toque, sure to be dead failure. Called at 3.30 on Evie, found darling there & went on with her to Mrs Green’s at home. Vy nice, saw L. Stern etc. Good music & most excellent tea arrangements. Introduced to S.E. man who told me he knew Roy & recognised me as Roy’s mother!!! Dined at 11. Carriage met me at 104 Lancaster Gate. Evie better. Saturday 26 May In all morg. Drove at 3.30 called on Lady Hickman, Sir John Tenniel, had long talk with him. He looks v. well but older on account of grey beard. Miss T. in bed with sciatica. Saw darling babies, Lennie & Maud out doing pictures. Cards Lady Spielman also in bed seedy. Lin & Roy (unexpectedly) self to dinner. Quiet evg. Sunday 27 May Mr Stern’s River party. My throat vy uncomfortable & makes me feel so tired. Roy went alone in brougham. Lin & self for walk. Unsettled day, rain & gleams of sun. Lin lunched with me. Toula came to tea & Mrs Church looking vy pretty & was amusing. Very cozy little evg only 5,



ourselves & Lennie & Maud. All 3 had enjoyed enjoyed Mr S’s River party. Lloyds, 2 others & small boy there. Monday 28 May Luncheon Miss Thompson. Throat still uncomfortable & feel tired generally. Arrived ½ hr too early, went over Hohler’s shop. Vy good company at Miss T’s. Miss Campbell of Arran, Mrs A. Thompson chairwoman, Mrs Armstrong, Mrs Gill & another. Excellent luncheon. Maud fetched me in Vic, called on Mrs Stuart Wortley, Mrs Bradbury, in, Abbey, in. Mrs Brightmayer’s at home, most lovely music. Alone evg, Roy out, Lin at Punch dinner. Tuesday 29 May Mrs Bergheim 4 - 7. Lady Fletcher Moulton 4.30 to 6.30. Unable to go to either. Roy out to dinner, had carriage. Shop’d morg, met Mrs Church. Arrabella Baines, Mrs Lindberg(?), (illeg), young Arnold Foster, Miss Innes, Hylda H, Mrs Orchardson called. Miss I stayed till 7.30, pity. Dined ¼ to 9. Wednesday 30 May Lovely morg. Today equivalent to Friday with Lin. Roy out to dinner, has carriage. Edie came to luncheon & tea & helped me muchly, thereby saving Ellen’s time. Gave her black & white foulard. Waited up for Lin, dined ¼ to 11. Vy fine drawing. Thursday 31 May D.V. Lin & I leave by early boat for Paris. Greater number of passengers leaving by Ostende boat. Sea smooth, sat on deck. Mr & Mrs & young Mocatta with dau & husband, vy intelligent young man. Cap Bloomfield met us Calais & reserved sec’d carriage, no crowd. Badish lunch & talk to foreigner on art, English etc. Confusion at Hotel Continental. Horrid room 4th floor just arranged my things dressed vy tired & X. 2 pm Manager gave us another room, 399, 4th floor so moved. Not so tired before dinner. Fairish dinner. Sat in vestibule people mostly Americans some French. To bed not to sleep till past 1 o’c so tired. Our room overlooking courtyard so noisy. Friday 1 June Mrs Walter Crane. Breakfasted in our room. Rain & vy cold wind. Lin & self to Louvre to see beautiful Malo Venus. Cab to Ledoyen, luncheon sole, poulet, asparagras, coffee Graac ½ & ½ St G(illeg) 6 frs 95!!! To Salon. Vast number of pictures many remarkable. Walked past Madeleine, back to Hotel. Dine in restaurant, showers. Taxa metres on 30


most cabs. Dined in Hotel Restaurant. V. dear, nice little band. After walked to Ambassadeurs, places 3 fr each. (illeg illeg). Dreadful news attempted assassinationof King & Queen of Spain on their return fr (illeg). Royal carriage shattered. Courage of the K & Q who drove thro’ Madrid in motor after without escort. Saturday 2 June Heavy showers, gleams of sun, still cold. To Foyot restaurant in cab at 11.30. Fair lunch & to Luxembourg after, just opposite Fayot. Feasted on beauty of pictures. Cab back to Hotel. Took 2 what we sh’d call dress circle tickets for Variety “Paradis de Mahomet” 15 frs each! Truly enorme! Lin slept & I rested on bed 1½ hours after ordering our dinner for 6.30 in Restaurant & finding another batch of unpaid letters forwarded by Emma! will cost no end! Lin out again before dinner. Drove to Varietés ugly old shabby theatre, 2 front row places v. v. crowded, w’d not be allowed in England. V. good music & well sung & acted. Walked home. Girls bathing not vestige of clothing. Met Seymour Lucas with wife & dau. at this Hotel morg. Told Lin of dreadful attempt on the King & Queen of Spain on Thurs. Sunday 3 June Fine & cloudy. Auteuil Races. To Madeleine at 11. Lunched at Grand Hotel, rough but good for 10 frcs! Few v. smart people but not the masses of badly dressed as with us. Warmer & vy sunny afternoon, to our Hotel after luncheon. Took carriage to Bois de B. Saw tremendous crowds all along. Saw Grand Stand Auteuil & close to Presidents carriage returning, saw him distincly. He has sad face & was saluting. Lin took photo. Put down at Salon. Sat some time & rested before dinner, bad & expensive in Restaurant, badly served. Sat after in Vestibule. Dull people, no pretty women. Pretty grey dress in case. Bed 10 o’c. Monday 4 June Lovely day. Out earlier to Louvre, closed every Monday. To Societé des Artists Francais (Grand Palais). Saw some fine pictures by Veber (Bull & Europa colouring (illeg) Baissey girls duelling! Stripped to waist, Alpine picture by (blank) etc. To Ledoyen, lunched outside, nice old waiter. To Café de Paris opposite stupid sat for ½ an hour. Walked to Hotel in time to see wonderful crowd & procession along rue de Rivoli fr. Hotel of musical trades fr. different towns organised by “Le Journal” paper in Tuilleries Gds tonight. Lin out after photoing. After v. bad dinner to Alcasar Theatre next to Ambassadeurs. Stupid, but lovely out, so clear & fresh. Saw Mr & Mrs Stuart Wortley arrive in omnibus, come to see their dau. who is here with her governess. 31


Tuesday 5 June Lovely sunny & hot, too hot. Lin to Tour Eiffel, I to Bon Marché in cab, bought 2 petticoats silk & alpaca, Baby Anne hat, 3 toys, last 2 pd there. To Hotel 12.15 met Lin & in cab to Ledoyen. Lunched at open window. Took cab to 27 Boul de Strasbourg, photo shop, back in cab to Trois Quartiers bought white boa, 2 chains, bag & 2 hat pins 48 frs. Cab back, packed. Lin off photoing. Letter to Lin fr. Roy. Dined at Ledoyens & sat out after. To Hotel early to bed. Tried on dress fr. glass case Hotel. Vy pretty, want £11. I won’t give more than £10, soiled. Wednesday 6 June Lin & I return home by early boat. Vy crowded. Cost us £25 without our return Calais fares for 5 days! Without £5.10.0 I spent. Met Mr Armstrong MP Suffolk also returning. Our train 2 hrs late Vic so Lin went straight on to P. dinner. Upton told me of accident with carriage last night, ran into by motor bus. Roy & Tilda dined with me here at 8. Roy met Lin in dog cart 10.30 Bouverie St. Thursday 7 June Mrs Jopling Rowe. Policeman called about Otley’s licence for driving cab. Out shops morg with Edie who came to luncheon X. Bank book B.A.Gt S. last call of £32.10.0. Maudie fetched me 3.30 & we called on Lady Hickman, Macquoid, C(illeg) in their charming new house, Ada Sp. Saw Gen Kent & Mrs O, down! Mrs French & home. Sat read to Lin. Mervyn & Ethel called, they leave tomorrow for their new home. Roy in for dinner. Friday 8 June Roy used broughm evg. Mrs Herkomer 4.30. Mrs F. Geilgud, 7 Gledhow Gds, 4 o’c. Mrs Brightmeyer. Toula to luncheon. Go with Maud to above “at homes”. Lovely & fine. Out morg with Toula who altered my green band. Wore new green Neville cloth, M liked it. Toula with us called on Lady Pontifax, Thompson, Alexander, Midge, Hohler, Twiss, Geilgud, usual people there, & to Herkomers, saw Gilberts. Roy dined with Midge & to Opera with her. Saturday 9 June Invite to stay week at the Hohlers, alas! cannot go. P.Herkomer’s pictures. Out morg shops. To Hyde Pk Hotel to enquire Midge, not in. Had carriage at 4.15, called Knowles took Ethel K. with me feeling awfully nervous. To 104 L.G, children out. Met them in Park & sent E.K. for drive alone & to take card to Midge Hyde Pk Mans, not in. Sat with



chicks till 5.30 & carriage met me 104, left E.K. & home. Lin, Roy & self to dinner, bed 10.30. Sunday 10 June Herkomer’s pictures. Lin & Roy to Sir Alfred’s for tennis. In morg, lovely day. Midge, Toula, Lin, Roy & self in to luncheon. Ellen out evg. Roy Toula & self only to dinner. Lin to Garrick for Burnand dinner. Walked & sat in Holland Pk. with Midge & Toula after tea. Roy had brougham at 10.30, took Toula back & went on to Garrick. Monday 11 June Gwen coming for 4 days. Maud’s at home. Lovely day, colder. In all morg. To Maud’s ¼ to 4 o’c. Too many unimportant women. Mrs Lucy, Boughton, Binns Smith, Cassavetti etc. Mrs Gibson & friend vy smart. Roy & Lennie & Maud dined at Sir Alfred Hickman’s & on to Caledonian Ball from there. Gwen arrived at 7 o’c from Scotland. Lin, G. & self dined & had quiet evg. To bed early. Tuesday 12 June Carriage insurance fr. today. Lovely morg. Gwen goes to Pyt to see Evie. Goes by 1 o’c train after did commissions by cab. Out morg to Coles about carriage insurance. Lin sent off cheque. Darling came a dream in white. Mrs Binns Smith & Mrs Rose Innes only. Roy dined at home vy tired after Caledonian Ball. Lin & self to Exhibition evening, Roy too tired. Wednesday 13 June Mrs Mount Batten 4 - 6.30. Mrs Emerson Bainbridge 4 o’c. Miss Barran’s luncheon 1.45, 13 Ruttland Gate. In bed to breakfast. Mrs Brightmeyer’s evg party at her beautiful new house 11 Cromwell Place. Delightful luncheon of 10. Lady Roxborough, Miss Stancombe Wills etc & Miss Barran Snr. Home & rested. Roy & self dined at Maud’s & we 4 went on to at home. Excellent music. Mrs Dearman, Campbells, D(illeg) etc, Balcombe set there. Home 2 o’c. Lennie gave me a fan. Thursday 14 June Maudie selling with Lady Denman at Bazaar. Lunch at Ladies’ Athenaeum Club. Margery Sutton, Broadwood House 8.45. Mrs de la Penha 9.30. Mrs Messel 4.30. Lady Critchett 4 - 7. Aston White Viennese band. Rested morg. By bus to Hyde Pk Hotel saw Ham L, seedy. Thanked him for trout (4¾ lbs) on to lunch at Mrs Adams. 5, fair, dull party. Stancombe Wills. On to Lady C. by carriage (Hamilton Graham



wedding crowd) & to Mrs Messel’s after. Gwen here. Roy dined at Maud’s & to Lady Allen’s dance. Friday 15 June Miss Barran’s dinner alas cannot accept. Mrs Hankey’s 4 - 6.30. Mrs Newman 3.30 - 7. Went to both. Maudie selling at Bazaar. Gwen left with her maid for yacht Southampton after lunch. Roy dined out & went after to Lady Critchett’s dance. Lin vy tired, self ditto. Saturday 16 June Prof. Herbert Herkomer fr. 10 to 6, 33 Ebury St Belgravia. Roy off 12 o’c to Cowes to join Tabbie “Joyeuse”. Heavy hail storm. Walked with Lin to get fruit. Rain, horrid generally. Quiet evg Lin & self alone. Sunday 17 June Maud & L. to Gilberts for day. Prof H. Herkomer 10 - 6. Asked Beales, Lockyers, Herkomer, Biancardis, Orton. Midge & Hamilton coming & Maud & Lennie. Midge only, Hamilton in bed Hotel, indigestion. Morg Toula called & we walked to Hyde Pk Hotel to see H. in bed vy seedy. Sp. came to luncheon. Miss Innes, P. Knowles & young Bergne called. Maudie Lennie & Midge, 5 to dinner! & woman here. Vy tired. Roy on Joyeuse, Weymouth. Monday 18 June Took allottment of 2 £10 B.A. Pacific shrs to Bank to be pd in full. Toula comes for few days. Lady Fletcher Moulton’s dinner 8.15. Invitation to dine Lady Bergne, Ranelagh, accepted F.M’s first. Maud’s at home. White between 1.30 & 3 o’c, came evg. Met Mrs Moberley Bell of Times, promised to call. Enjoyed evg, taken in by Mr Lyon. Tuesday 19 June Lin & self dine with Maud, post’d. Lady Romer’s dinner. Mrs Hawtry 4 7. Toula & self out morg. Great many callers. Darling little Linley with Maud. Vy tired but delightful dinner Lady R’s. Sat between Sir J.G. Barnes & Mr Morse. Sir W. Wiseman, Sir Francis Maclean, etc etc. Lin enjoyed it. Wednesday 20 June Royal Society Soirée. Mrs Mount Batten 4 - 6. Mrs Emerson Bainbridge 4 o’c . Royal Society Soirée. Mrs G. Armstrong’s dinner, cannot go! Clara Bergheim luncheon 1.30. Sp.called. Miss White about evg. mantel. In bed breakfast. Toula & self lunch with Midge & called after Mrs



Brightmeyer, Enthoven, Paton, Hickman. Quiet evg alone with Toula. To bed 10.30. Thursday 21 June Mrs Pirrie’s luncheon, can’t go. Lady Bergne’s luncheon party 1.45, 63 Queen’s Gate. Maudie’s dinner party. Mrs Evans, Mrs Scott Elliot 4 - 7, 15 Douro Place, Vic Rd. Pretty Lady Stuart there. Maudie sent carriage to Lady B’s for me 3 o’c. Toula & self drove & fetched M. fr. Mrs Hohler’s. We called on Mrs Pirrie, Mrs Newman & Mrs Harvey, in. To Lady Pearson, Lady Henderson & Mrs Evans. Home. Read to Lin. Roy returned fr. “Joyeuse” 10.30. V. tired to bed. Roy had invite to Galbraiths for July. Friday 22 June Mrs P. Simpson 4 o’c. To School of Art Needlework, Ex. Rd, with Toula. Beautiful work, furniture, glass etc. To Barkers bought veil, flowers & ruche for hat. Maud fetched me 4 o’c. To Mrs P.S’s, young curate! & drove in Pk whilst Maudie was at an at home Baden Powells. Maudie looking vy tired poor darling. Roy returned at 10.30 fr office or home! We dined 11 o’c. Packed. Saturday 23 June Go for weekend Ld Winterstoke S.Y. “Sabrina”. Left Staf Ter. glorious morg at 9.30 & came by 11.30 fr. Vic Sta. to Portsmouth Harbour. Mr & Mrs Threlfall in our compart’t. Ld W, Miss S. Wills, Miss Evans, Mr Tennyson (grandson of Ld T.) & Judge Bigham met us at Portsmouth Harbour where we rowed out to “Sabrina”, beautiful S. Yacht of 510 tons. Unpacked & had luncheon got under weigh & steamed round Isle of Wight. Put in for night Yarmouth.,Went ashore after tea & went over grounds of Sir John & Lady Earle, delightful couple. Lady E gathered flowers for Miss Wills. Back to yacht. Delightful evg on deck watching lighting & turned in 10.30. Sunday 24 June Many good stories. Sent £6.17.6 cheque Messel spec to L.C.Bank. “Sabrina” lying off Yarmouth Isle of wight. Glorious morg, all to church except Lin & self. Roy dined at Sir A. Hickman’s. Glorious day, sat on deck after luncheon whilst we steamed to Southampton Water passing “Joyeuse” at Cowes. At anchor by “Sybil” late “Palantine” only now painted white. Lin recognised her immediately, she is 460 tons only 60 less than “Sabrina”. Sat with Ld. W. in recess after dinner whilst Lin & Judge walked up & down, & Miss W, Miss E. & Mrs J. grouped together. Packed & to berth. 35


Monday 25 June Mrs Harvey 4 - 7. Darling Maud’s at home. Left Sabrina at 9.15. had 2 reserved carriages. Miss Wills, Miss Evans & self in one, Ld. Winterstoke, Sir John Bigham (Judge) Lin & Mr Tennyson in other, Portsmouth Harbour. Delightful cruise & delightful company, hope to meet all again. Went to Mrs Harvey’s & darling after, great success, crowds nice people. Quiet evg at home & nice little dinner. Tuesday 26 June The Astronomer Royal at home. Mrs Tweedie at home. Miss Thompson to luncheon. Callers Lady Mead, Miss Barran, Dora, Rose Innes, Romer, Spofforth, Ledger, Ethel Knowles. We all dined at Maudie’s, Donna Linda there, & went on to Academy Soirée, saw usual set quaint dresses & people. Late. Wednesday 27 June Constance Pollock’s wedding St Georges Hanover Sqre, 2.30. Mrs Emerson Bainbridge. The Astronomer Royal. X. Alice Linley & Mary Carter dine with me. Mrs Harold Messel 4 - 7. Eileen Clowes’ marriage with Mr S. Gurney Sheppard. Mrs Biancardi comes to lunch. Duchesss of Sutherland 10 o’c Stafford House. Maud to lunch. Went after with her to Mrs H.M’s music. Roy, Alice & Mary to dinner. I picked up Dickie Bouverie St. Lovely women at Stafford House. Thursday 28 June Dear Evelyn Pym Sankey’s funeral. Mrs Rawlinson 4 - 7. Miss Rose Innes dinner & theatre party 7.15. Dora tea 4 o’c, postponed. Too tired. Edie came, went to stores with me. Met Sir (illeg) Laurence (illeg) Mrs Harrap(?) Mrs Hirsch, Kemp, Mona. Late back to lunch, rested after. 12 to dinner Miss R.I’s, Welbys, Gilmer, King, Stoddart, Stone etc. Roy went with me in Lin’s place, too busy to go. Friday 29 June Mrs Threlfall 10 o’c. ref. Lady Fletcher Moulton 4.30. Dickie to Foreign Office. Lunch with Maud 1.30. Drove there in brougham. Donna Linda & Mr & Mrs J. Scott & Spinks at M’s. Drove after to leave congratulations Mrs Pirrie, Johnson Ferguson & to Lady F.M’s at home. A cloud seems hanging over that house. Maudie left me at home. Lin to Foreign Office, had brougham. Saturday 30 June Go to Sir B. Baker’s for week end, Pangbourne. Lovely day, came by 5.5 train fr. Paddington. Roy to Club. Mrs Mickie, Mrs Fitzmaurice, Sir B.B. 36


& Mr Spagnioletti, Mona, Mrs K. & self. Clergyman of Whitchurch & wife to dinner. Bridge & bed. Little boy & Diana make house busy. Played bridge after dinner with Mona, Mrs K. & Mr Fitzmaurice in another room, cooler. Sunday 1 July Mrs Walter Crane. Lovely morg. Walked round grounds. Miss Shea to luncheon which we had on lawn. At 3 to river in Victoria, rest on cycles. 5 in boat, 3 in canoe up river & to tea at Mr & Mrs Grey’s lovely place on river bank. Major & Mrs Forbes (man, dau.) etc. Exquisite rose garden, pretty house. Major & Mrs Hanbury came to dinner, vy nice couple. Mr Fitzmaurice left immediately after dinner. Billiards & to bed. Monday 2 July Lin & self alone evg. at home. V. glad to be quiet so tired. Lovely morg. Sir B, Mr Spagnioletti & Mr Mickie returned London by early train, Lin & self by 10.50. Read of shocking accident to boat train at Salisbury 28 killed! Yesterday morg early, awful. Our train vy crowded, came in 3rd class comp’t, no other vacant. Home 12.30 AM. To Maud at 3.30, found Za Primadie(?), M.P. & a vy pretty woman Queen of Hearts née Miss Garton there. Sat a little with Lady Speilmann still laid up. Cards to Mrs Messel & Mrs H.M. Roy dined Thorneycrofts to dance Middleton & Lady McLaren after. Maud has dinner of 12 tonight. To tailor George with M.P. Saw horrid accident opposite. Tuesday 3 July Kittie Fildes wedding 2.30, St Mary Abbotts (Sir Luke & Lady Fildes). Lady Bergne tea. Mrs Thorneycroft 4.30, 112 Gloucester Place. Roy dined at Burkes. Before 10.30 Midge’s cook. Dickie & self to wedding, church full, & house & garden charming, all so well managed. Roy came on after. Darling Maud sat between us Church & she & I went to Mrs T’s at home after. Met endless friends at Fildes, Orchardson looking vy well, Mrs Perugini, B. Baker etc etc. Bride looked pretty. Wednesday 4 July Midge’s cook between 1.30 & 2.30, saw her. Mrs Mount Batten 4 o’c. Miss White 11 o’c fitting. I to be fitted George, & White morg. Met Maud P. At 4 to Miss Barran, Miss L. Barran in, Miss Laurence in, Lady Bergne in, Jopling Rowe, in. Met Maud. Roy & self to dinner alone, Margaret out. Roy quite amiable & talked sensibly, great relief as I was so tired.



Thursday 5 July Miss Theo Briton Riviere’s marriage with Dr Bodington, St Paul’s C, Avenue Rd, 2.30. Mrs Huish Lords, behind Block A. Mrs Causton’s 4 - 7. Ellen out evg. Maud fetched me Victoria. Fetched her fr. J. Fergusons, called Lady F. Fitzroy had tea there. Motley crowd Caustens, food ran out & coffee ices! 1000 invited. Carriage fetched me fr. M’s. Roy in to dinner, not out after. Friday 6 July Mrs Huish, Lords. Mrs Temple at home 10 o’c. Mrs Huish Lords behind Block A. To be fitted morg White & tailor “George”. In all afternoon, tired. Roy had carriage, dined out & went to Mrs Temple’s after. We dined 10.30. Vy tired. Went after breakfast to be fitted Miss White blue satin mantle & George blue serge dress. Saturday 7 July Matinée “Comedy”. Raffles. In morg. Brougham to Comedy. Most amusing piece du Maurier so good. Front row of dress circle taken by small boys wirh elderly & young master. All had ices between 1st & 2nd act and all had tea between 2nd & 3rd act. Carriage met us Athenaeum. Fruit Butts. Roy dined at Hurlingham with Percy O, Hilda & Douglas there etc. Dickie & self quiet evg alone. Roy lunched at Lady McLaren’s at Lords & saw D & P who dine with us tomorrow. Sunday 8 July Number of workhouse women in om, character study. Lovely day. Toula to luncheon. Went directly after breakfast by om to see Edgar, 15 Old Cavendish st. Found him down & looking v. well but he may not go out today, liver attack. Back 1.30 by om. Toula to luncheon, Dickie & Roy. Margarith banged about! Toula helped me pack. Put out wine etc. Douglas to tea, sails for S. Africa Sat next. Miss Rose Innes sat in my room. Paul & Dora dined here, D. as nice as ever, P. vy dull after dinner. Lin & Roy played tennis at Sir A. Hickman’s. Monday 9 July Llandrindod. Lovely day. Dear Dickie saw me off Euston 11 o’c train. Saw Sir W. Agnew & girls at Station. Vy genial. Pleasant journey, let lady & dau. in to my carriage at Nuneaton. S. African seedless oranges. Mr Harley & father, Ham L’s double, got out at Bucknell with hippopotamus (illeg) Elephant, 2 monkeys & 2 lion cubs! Midge met me Llandrindod. Walked to Hotel Pump, nice room. Interviewed Wells Hotel, lady inclined to be nasty. Made offer. Ham, Midge, Mr Frisby & self dined at table together. H. had brought fruit fr. Bedstone. 38


Tuesday 10 July Mrs G. Warre’s at home, garden party. Guards Band, 4 - 7. Fine & wet alternately. Had sulphur water at 4 o’c. 2 glasses. Saw Dr Morgan Evans, a half asleep person at 11 o’c, told me to take 3 glasses sulphur a day & 4 glasses of saline morgs, not walk much. 10/6, stamps 1/7. 2 letters fr. Lin & fr. Maud. Walked & sat out with Midge & walked & saw H. fish, got 2 fish. Bed 9.20. Wednesday 11 July Mrs Mount Batten 4 o’c. Fine & cold. Overslept myself & only got down at 9.15. Walked with Midge round about, lovely. Took water 11 o’c, sulphur, & 2 glasses afternoon. Tea & walked into town with Midge. All vy dear. Mr (blank) friend of Mr Frisby’s arrived & sat at our table. Mrs Lutwytch came & talked to us after dinner. Vy pretty woman with tall good looking lame husband. Ink 1d. Thursday 12 July Bergheim’s garden party. Llandrindod. 2 glasses saline before breakfast. Massage at 10.30 to 11.15, rested after & had walk with Midge before luncheon. Midge to see cook at Sta. 2 o’c. I wrote. Saline water 3 glasses no effect! Mrs Lutwytch left after lunch. Massage 5/-. Walked with Midge & sat on moor. Concert evg, M. & I did not attend. Had to go to bed early. Mr Hale dined at our table. Friday 13 July Mr Victor Hickman asked us to motor with them. Pouring rain all day, warmer. Unable to go on motor. May Hickman left for London. Midge & self walked with Mr Spencer & friend. Had no tea after having indigestion at luncheon. Masseuse 10.30, 5/-. 4 saline & 2 sulphur daily. Finer evg. Mr Hale, Mr Harter, Mr Frisby & M. & self sat at our table for all meals now. Went to bed 9.30 as usual. Saturday 14 July Lovely day after rain. Masseuse 10.30. Mr Hale left after luncheon seems clever than I thought. Sat out after luncheon with Midge & Mr Frisby. 2 glasses of sulphur & 4 saline water. Sat with Midge after dinner. Sunday 15 July Dull & rainy. To Church in bus with Midge. Heard excellent sermon fr. Bishop Earle. Walked with Midge after taking water 4 o’c. No cards evg. Mr & Mrs Stanier spoke to Midge, she very like Barrs. To bed 9.20.



Monday 16 July Wet & dull all day & cold. Up 8 o’c. Drank 4 glasses saline. After breakfast wrote. Massage 10.30. Down only 1 o’c luncheon. Ham unable to go to lunch Heber Percys for otterhounds. Cub killed near here & hunt party to tea here, did not see them. Midge & self for walk 3.30. Drank 1 glass sulphur & went with Midge to see doctor. After dinner sat with Lady Hickman in her sitting room. Bed 9.30. Tuesday 17 July Jessie Harding’s garden party, Torfield, Eastbourne, 4 - 7. Dull & rainy. Walked with Col. Trench & Midge, late for breakfast. 4 glasses of saline water. Lillie H. at our table for meals. Massage 10.30. Still cold. After luncheon H. with Mr Harvey, (illeg) Grant to golf links. Midge & self for lovely drive to (blank) in little carriage open. Saw Mrs Welby’s aunt & sister. Sat after dinner with Midge till 9.20. Bed. Wednesday 18 July Kate Millet’s marriage with Mr Francis W. Adlard. Vy fine day. Ham left for London 12 o’c, returns Saty. Mr Harter & Mr Frisby left at 10.10. Midge & self alone at table to luncheon. Sat out after. Had my last massage 10.30. Pd cheque £1.10.0 & 5/- on Sunday, makes 35/- in all. Last days massage. Thursday 19 July Mrs Trower’s party Weybridge, ref. Mrs Harry Dickens dinner 8 o’c, acpt for Lin only. Uninteresting people large number. Sat out all day & walked with Midge. Saw Mrs Lutwych have electric current. Dull beauties planted themselves near Midge who was bored, self also. Friday 29 July Two tickets for water 5/-. Stamps & church 2/6. At 11.15 went with Lady Hickman & Midge in the formers beautiful Daimler Landaulette motor to Bedstone, vy hilly road. Arrived ¼ to 1. Surprised them but found all in first rate order. Excellent luncheon. Walked round grounds & home 4 o’c. Lady Rosebery & Mrs Coleman (mustard) called & stayed late. Talked to Archdeacon Stanhope after dinner & to bed. Saturday 21 July Miss Mabel Maynes wedding to Dr Harris. Slept badly. V. tired. Lady H. & Lillie left, Lady H. returns Monday. They go to see Gen H. who arrives fr. S. Africa. Fine day. Midge & self sat out. Whilst M. rested I walked to Ye Wells & pd. 18/- indemnity! & to Park House where Desirée is, a



dreadfully common place. Ham returned 6 o’c. Quiet evg. Archdeacon Stanhope & Col. Trench sat with us after dinner. Ham played bridge. Sunday 22 July Dull slight rain before breakfast. Met Adams took short walk with him. Midge & Ham not down till 9 o’c. H. still put out. Pleasant to me but silent. Midge’s spirits all evaporated! To Church with Midge. Sat out on return. Perfect gabble for sermon! After silent luncheon sat with Col Trench, heavy rain out. After tea finer & walked to see Desirée & Miss Caillard, found their rooms at Park House poor & badly furnished. D. walked back with me. H. rather tiresome at dinner. Monday 23 July Midge & H. left & Mr Grant & Mrs Lutwych & her lame mother. Dull day. Sat in my room & mended. Lunched at Lady Hickman’s table. She returns at 4.30. To tea at Ye Wells Hotel with Lady Roxburgh & Mrs Coleman & walked with them to needlework shop after. Horrid hotel. Dined at Lady H’s table, her train one hour late due to accident on line near Craven Arms. Engine off line near curve. Sat in Lady H’s sitting room after. Dickie goes to Ostende till Monday. Hotel bill £4.16.1. Tuesday 24 July Dull early, lovely after breakfast. Sat at Lady Hickman’s table. Letters from Midge, Lin. Lin at Ostende Hotel Continental. I take tea at Desirée’s Park House. Dreadful place. D. walked after with me to my hotel & saw my room. Lady H. out twice in motor. Not tired, rest were. Asked me but unfortunately c’d not go. Many new faces at Hotel. Lovely day. Dear Lin at Ostende, enjoying it! Sat with Lady H’s party after dinner. Wednesday 25 July Slept badly. Lovely day but up late. Spoke to “Tipple” janitor(?) man. Wire from Lin arrived home safely. H. party off to Aberwrystwith in motor 11 o’c for day. Thursday 26 July Darling Maud with Lennie starts for Stoke Edith on motor staying at Oxford. Lovely day. Rested & walked about all morg. At 4 o’c in stupid little chair with slow pony up to Club on Golf links to tea with Col. Trench, Lady H, Mrs G.Phillis & Col. Maul. Met Mr & Mrs C. Eastlake on way up, they having tea with Mrs & Miss Franks. Pony only went up half way 2/6! Lovely view great expanse of country. Lady H. walked up & down again!!! Saw Lady Meade before dinner, is here with a Mrs



Wright. Mrs Blezard v. amiable. Sat with Lady H. after dinner, Mrs H. much nicer than I at first thought. Friday 27 July Heavy clouds & rain early before brreakfast, vy close, & fine later. Sat on hill back of Hotel, read. Miss Cailleaux come to tea 4.30. Very hot. Phillis takes 2 Campbells in Lady H’s motor. Letter fr. darling M, Oxford. Scarlet fever at Balcombe, children sent to sea side. Maudie & Lennie on their way to Stoke Edith by motor. Sleep tonight at Lymington, Hants. They visit Warwick etc on way. Saturday 28 July Darling Maud & Lennie arrive in Motor at Stoke Edith Park. Lin joins Joyeuse at Cowes. Ham F. bought another estate, am most curious to know where etc. Wrote morg. & at 11.30 went for most lovely motor run of 2 hrs thro’ exquisite scenery, New Radnor 42 miles. Glorious day. Wore Phillis glasses which are a great saving to eyes. Very wet after luncheon. 2 glasses of sulphur at 3.30. Tea & walked to see furniture again with Mr Adams, tiresome person. Sunday 29 July Fine & warm. Only got down in time for breakfast. Packing morg. No Church after last Sunday’s gabble. At 4.30 had tea wuth Miss Jeffreys & Col. & Mrs Trevellion, Lady Meade & Cap’t & Mrs Wright near us. After sat with the Wrights & walked with them, both vy entertaining. Col. Trench joined us & we sat capping stories, 2 of which at end of diary. Headache fr. laughing! To bed 9 o’c. Monday 30 July I return home 10.10. Lady H. drove me to Station in Motor. Lovely day. Expenses leaving Fees Tablemaids 5. 6 Chamber ditto 5. 0 2. 4. 2 John 1. 6 1.15.0 masseur Boots 1. 0 Hotel 3.19.2 Chain 2. 0 Water 6. 0 4. 8. 3 tickets Carriage 3. 6 4.11. 1 Stamps 2. 6 4.16. 2 Telegram .6 £ 13.15. 6 P. Orders 5. 2 3.19. 2 Porters 1. 0 17.14. 8 42


Total Doctor

1.13. 8 10. 6 2. 4. 2

Tuesday 31 July Lovely day, vy hot. Dear Lin upset internally, thinks fr. cold salmon & fruit & cream taken at luncheon Saturday. Edie came to luncheon, stayed till 4 o’c. Worked afternoon. White came, pd. her 15/6 for making up old evg mantle. Roy had carriage, he dined out. Wednesday 1 August Lovely morg. Edie comes to luncheon & we went to Stores by bus, vy hot, & ret’d by train. Walked afternoon. Dined 10.45. I feel awfully tired, idiotic when I have done nothing to make me so. Roy had carriage to fetch him from Club 10 o’c. Edie left after tea. Margaret went out for me, ret’d 10 o’c. Thursday 2 August Lovely day, vy hot. Hear fr. Emma Otley’s little Baby Boy died of diptheria a short time ago. So sorry for them. Went to Bank & paid off £100 of loan leaving £200 owing now. Started year with debt of £500 to Bank. Saw Mr Richardson myself about this & trust there will be no mistake! Roy in to dinner. Friday 3 August Lovely day. Roy dined at Jnr Carlton & went on by night mail to Dumfries to stay with the Galbraiths. He was asked for a fortnight but doubts if he can leave business so long. White here fitting on my dinner jacket. Vy slow poor soul, left after tea. In all day. Wire fr. Eve, wants me to see maids for her! They have taken Sir Walter Groves house for 6 months, Russell Sqre. Saturday 4 August Cooler, fine. Out morg shop’g. Kens. Met Mrs Spofforth. Mr S. vy seriously ill, 2 nurses. Lin & self to see “Geisha”, carriage both ways. Fruit. Quiet evg. Dickie read a woman’s book on Carthage aloud, vy interesting but badly written. Sunday 5 August Darling Maud’s birthday. Dull & close. Col. & Mrs Biancardi dining here tonight. Lin & self walked & sat in Gardens. 2 cruel men with their spaniel. Wanted to speak to them, Lin w’d not allow me. Walked to 43


Serpentine & met Mr Villiers, talked some time. Sent Rags into Serpentine. Met Mr Richmond on way back, went some distance with us. Sat & worked afternoon in dwg room. Lin to Club, home early. Pleasant little dinner. Col. B. vy interesting to talk to but greatly fear Mrs B. not too happy. Monday 6 August Margarith out afternoon & evg. Lin & self in all day. I needleworked mending all day long! Did not do much, am so slow now with needle! Quiet evg. Roy at Terregles, Maudie at Nymans. Lennie volunteering, camping out. Margarith out. Tuesday 7 August Edie here lunch & tea. Put drawing room in order, covered some of furniture. Vy hot. Went at 5 o’c to see Sir John Tenniel seems fairly well & cheerful. Miss Tenniel also came in. Sir John made a pun on the Llandrindod waters having given me a boil – called them “Boiling waters”! Wednesday 8 August Edie here morg, brought very tasteless plum mould which I had at night & maids finished. Ellen out. Put cupboard spare room in order with Edie. Worked afternoon. Thursday 9 August Lovely day, hot but cool breerze. Went by om. to White, fitted on with dinner jacket. Barkers on way home. Packed afternoon & worked. Dined at 9. Wire fr. Roy fr. Terregles returning tomorrow at 7.15AM. Put away part of silver. Friday 10 August Leave tonight D.V. for Scotland. Roy returned fr. Terregles 9.0.AM looking well. Business improving seems uncertain if able to leave London to join Stern at Paris Sunday as arranged. Packed morg, left at 7.30 for St Pancras, Roy dining with us at ¼ to 7. Saw Mr Borthwick & Mr Young at St P. travelling in same train for Drumlanford. Good night, we both dreamt, I of an earthquake! Saturday 11 August Arrived Ayr where we breakfasted with Mr B. & Mr Y. at Hotel after having changed trains at Kilmarnock. Ayr horid town. Arrived Barrhill 11.30, Drumlanford about 12.15. Found Host & Hostess well. Excellent luncheon 1 o’c. Unpacked & rested till tea time 4.30. Had walk around 44


farm. Vy pleasant talk at dinner & to bed early. Pianola in large hall now. Men fished, 4 trout pink. X. Emma leaves today for her fortnight’s holiday, wonder how M. & E. will manage. Sunday August 12 Alternately fine & rain. Walked round grounds & farm after luncheon. Quiet peaceful day we both enjoyed. Roy may leave tonight for Paris to join Stern. Monday 13 August Dull & heavy rain early, fine afternoon, uncertain morg. The Laird & Lin shot home moors only. Brace. Mr Borthwick & Mr Young shot (blank) moors, 11½ brace grouse, 3 hares, 1 golden plover & curly tail! Mrs B. & I worked, read, walked, & drove at 5.30 to meet Mr B. & Mr Y. & drove back with them. Saw 3 large cock grouse, 3 partridges close on to road. Men tired. Pianola. Bed 10 o’c. Tuesday 14 August Vy windy & again heavy rain, fine after breakfast but uncertain. Believe shooters got 9 brace, forget bag. Lost at Bridge evg with Laird. Walked with Mrs Beale, read, worked. Drove afternoon. No letter fr. Roy. Wednesday 15 August Letter fr. Ellen about Margarith ill, tiresome Emma away, & Roy at home. Day off, men in for luncheon. Had walk morg with Laird & learnt the 3 common heath names. Tetrates with the clusters of blossom at top of stem, Bell heather with blooms up the stem & the ordinary Ling heather. Lost at Bridge with the Laird, bad cards. Mr Borthwick & Lin against Laird & self. Thursday 16 August Lovely day. Delightfully quiet day, read, worked. Had drive with Mrs Beale morg. After luncheon took little Book to Mrs Easby’s (George coachman’s wife) pretty clean bright cottage, odd she sh’d have so much (illeg illeg) for a young woman! Good talk dinner. Shooters got 9 ½ brace grouse, 9 snipe, 1 hare & 1 golden plover. Laird & I won Bridge Rubber 123 points. Friday 17 August Roy goes to Maud Balcombe today. Dull, alternate sunshine. Very windy. Worked all morg & wrote. Men had day off & were in to luncheon. Usual interesting talk at lunch (on architecture). Men went after fishing. Mrs Beale & I for walk. Very cold. Took small book to gardener’s lodge & 45


gardener. Edie has never written as she promised. Delightful dinner talk. Music & Bridge. Laird & I made 323, 2nd night of good luck. Six trout result of fishing. Roy goes today to ? Saturday 18 August Dull & cool. Shoot at (blank) with beaters, 21 in all. Mrs Beale & I join them for luncheon. Lovely day, cold wind but vy warm under shelter of trees, & flies tiresome. Mr Robertson, Mr Nevin & 2 other gentlemen besides house party. Most excellent luncheon as usual. Mrs B. & I walked fr. keepers Lodge to house, had early tea. Mrs B. turkish bath & I took Pat for a walk. Shooters started at 9.30 AM & returned at 7! Bridge evg. Laird & I won 2 rubbers. Vy late to bed! 11.45. Letter fr. Edie saying M. better & all else well at S.T. Roy had had Pollock for 2 nights. Sunday 19 August Mrs Beale & Mr Young & household to Church. Lin & self for walk. Mrs Beale most kindly asked Lin & self to remain on until tomorrow week! This settles all our difficulties as Emma returns fr. her 2 weeks holiday Saty & with M. unwell it w’d have been awkward. Mr Robertson & sister & Mr Nevin to tea, & walked round garden & grounds. Another walk with Lin. The Laird & Mr Y. & Mr B. walked to Gordon’s cottage. Good dinner talk & to bed & bath 9.45. Monday 20 August Warm soft morg. Wind & dull. Men lunch early at house & off after for ½ days shoot. Lin looks much better. Sent to Laundress Hart 1 white shirt, 1 silk ditto, 1 vest, 1 socks, 1 stockings, 1 com, 1 chemise. Mrs B. & I walked after tea round grounds. Tuesday 21 August Dull & wet all day. Out morg for stroll with Mrs Beale & Mr Borthwick, no shooting today. Laird & Mrs Young to loch fishing, got 3 trout. Walked after luncheon with Lin & Mrs Beale. Rubbed Mr Borthwick’s shoulder & arm. Vy bad with neuritis hope the ascetic acid will do him good. Mr Strain young Scotch Barrister arrived 5 o’c. Intelligent & amusing. Had met Lady Grove returning fr. M(illeg). Bridge evg. Wednesday 22 August Warm mild day. Mr Strain here, he with shooters started at 9.30. 2 others a portuguese & (blank) joined them & we had luncheon with them all at Gordon’s farm. Walked part of way back, saw an adder dead on road 1½ foot long! 52½ brace grouse, 1 blackcock.



Thursday 23 August Vy fine. Mr Smith factor here for lunch. Mr Young & Mr Borthwick leave 4 o’c. Lin fearfully bitten by midges yesterday, his forehead all over bumps. Letters fr. Edie & Margarith, M still very seedy. Mr Strain left after luncheon in his motor Dunlop. Mrs Beale & I called after early tea at Dornal, out. Met Mr & Miss Robertson. Lin walked with us & after for long walk alone. Played Californian Jack with Laird after dinner. Friday 24 August Leave Drumlanford. Remain on until Monday. Drove at 10 o’c after changing our room (for fresh visitors) with Laird, Mrs B. & Lin to Barrgarg where Stewart joined the gentlemen for fishing salmon in River Cree. Lovely day. Saw butter made, 5 quarts cream some milk with it made 4½ & 2 oz of butter. Took 1½ hours to churn & make. V. delightful evg & we 4 alone played Californian Jack with Laird. Bed 10.30. Saturday 25 August Mr James Beale, Mrs Lansdown Beale & Mr & Mrs Kennedy arrive. Walked morg with Mrs Beale round farm. Guests arrived 3.30 & again walked round farm. Mr Kennedy v. like Lord Mount Edgcumbe, charming man. Wife well preserved little fair woman. Mr J. Beale (illeg illeg) heavy & talks in a way dificult to understand. Mrs Lansdown Beale arrived late after dinner. Laird, Mr & Mrs B. & self played bridge & we won, Mr B. & self. V. pleasant evg. Sunday 26 August Dull wet morg. Sat in & talked to Mrs B. & Mrs K. Rested after luncheon, packed & after tea walked with Mrs B, Mr L.B & Mrs K. Gathered heather. Good talk at dinner with impassive heavy but clever Mr J.B. To bed early 10 o’c. Kennedys leave at 6.30 tomorrow morg! Monday 27 August Left Drumlanford 11 o’c in Station brougham. Mr & Mrs Kennedy left 6.30 morg! Mr James Beale & Mrs Lansdown Beale remaining on. Heavenly day. Never saw heather & country driving fr. Drumlanford to Newton Stewart more beautiful. Bought awful soda water at N. Stewart. Bad. Cattle & sheep, pretty woman driving dog cart & strange cheeses marked “Margarine cheese”! at station. Tuesday 28 August Edie came for lunch & tea. Unpacked & readjusted clothes. Mended. Heat great.



Wednesday 29 August Did loft with Upton & sorted trunks etc putting most in spare room. Kept most things. Gave Upton a pair of red curtains like hall ones. Lent Upton washstand fr. my room, not given. Roy turned up late 6.30 for dinner unexpectedly. Soup, grouse, vegts, sweets. Lucky. Ironed lace etc. Thursday 30 August Very hot & opressive. Miss White here for day & cut out my new blck satin evg dress, all wrong. I foolishly mended whilst she was doing it instead of watching her. Quite hopeless unless you look after her all the time. Too late to alter. In all day. White left at 6 o’c. Friday 31 August Nonie’s birthday 7 years old today. 93 in the shade. London fearfully hot, sunshine all day. Went morg. in om. to Knightsbridge, bought felt, braid etc. Barkers about Stables. Edie came afternoon & we packed & mended together. Very tired. Roy out to dinner. Dined at 10.30 feeling a perfect rag. Heat intense. Mr Spofforth better. Saturday 1 September V. v. hot 97 in ther shade! Roy goes for weekend to the Harolds. We go by 4.30 to Balcombe. Travelled with Mr Köfke wee Germen consulate subordinate, interesting rather. Found my darling looking sweetly pretty in white (illeg) hat. Mrs Gibson here also charming. Darling well but poor Lennie’s face v. bad fr. fly bite or sting. V. pleasant evg. Much cooler here. Sunday 2 September Mrs Messel to see Dulcie who has broken her arm. Lovely day. V.v. hot. All to Church except Lin, Lennie & self. Dr Köfke & Mr Brownlow who arrived during luncheon fr. Brighton. V. épris with Mrs Gibson & am not surprised. Mr Messel, Ruth, Hylda & Cap’t Gibbs & Mr Parker came to tea when silence reigned supreme. Mr Brownlow back after dinner & vy cheery evg. Mr & Mrs Green dined here. We sat out on veranda after dinner. Monday 3 September Lovely day, still v. hot. Lennie’s face still v. bad, Dr P. came. Mr Köfke left before 10 o’c. Lin to Brighton for day. Fog there so unable to get to his bathing studies! Quiet evg. Very very hot & sultry. Tried Linley’s game with him. Mrs Gibson remaining until Thurs. Vy glad, she is so bright & nice altogether.



Tuesday 4 September Lovely, v. hot. Sat out morg & afternoon. Dr P. came to see Lennie, his face better. Walked only round Kitchen garden with Lin, Maudie & Mrs G. I do not think darling Maud seems quite well, often looks so sad, wonder why, or if only heat trying her. Heavy rain night. Wednesday 5 September Dear Dickie left by 2.50 fr. Three Bridges. I drove to station & saw him off in Victoria. Lennie’s face better. Dr parker himself crippled with gout came morg. M & Mrs Sington came morg. Much cooler here in morg room, rained heavily in night. Edie came at 12 o’c & remained till 4 o’c to give chicks music lesson. Mr Allan & Mr E. Fleischmann come in time for dinner. Mrs Gibson, M. & self for walk to see Cricket 5 o’c. Thursday 6 September Mrs Gibson left for the Harolds after luncheon fr. Three Bridges, same train as Lin went by. Sat out. Mr & Mrs Messel & Mrs Sington called after tea. Morg Lennie & Maud altering their books, difficult to find room for them. Quiet pleasant little evening. Lennie played pianola. Friday 7 September Dull morg but turned out lovely after 11 o’c. Sat out morg, (illeg illeg) with Nonie boy. At 3 went in car with Maud to Ottie’s, Langshot, Harley, a charming house & most beautifully kept. Found Mrs Messel, Singtons, & Hemming there. Ottie much nicer in her own house. To Mrs Hohler, Highcroft. Found Mr & Mrs H. in midst of packing, sold their place, & on to Mrs Oxley’s pretty little house. Had tea & walked round garden well kept & orderly. Found Coushla Parker here remaining for few nights. Games after dinner. Lennie seems better. Saturday 8 September Lin came down late after seeing the Harvard & Cambridge Boat Race. C. won easily. Roy & Lin saw it fr. Thorneycrofts. Motor met him Three Bridges. Fine & cooler. Miss Coushla Parker to stay. Went with Lennie to practice shooting. Carriage at 4.30 & called & went over Mr & Mrs Horne’s lovely house, slates fr. N. Wales. Two Miss Meades to dinner. Charades after, v. good “Pennythorne”. Sunday 9 September Lovely & fine. To Church saw all Fitzroys looking vy well. Mrs Faure Walker etc. To Nymans 3.30. Parkers, Ottie, Mrs Sington & a Mrs Campbell & her mother fr. Genoa there. Great improvements at Nymans, Loggia & Garden. 49


Monday 10 September Lennie to City, first time for fortnight. Mrs Sington came to stay. Hamilton came for the night. Maud to London for the day. Mrs Gibson & Mrs Harold to lunch with her at Claridges. Pleasant evg. Tuesday 11 September Lovely day. Hamilton left 9.30. Maud, Mrs Sington & self in motor to Storrington to see Geoff. Cap’t Austin gave us tea. Delightful drive, started at 3.30, returned ¼ to 7. Delightful run in car. Lin looking so well & bright. Wednesday 12 September Dull & cold. Edie here. Lin leaves by same train. Went in cart with Dickie to Three bridges home by Crawley. After in brougham with Maud & Mrs Sington to Mrs Thring’s & Faure Walker & round by Mrs Gilliard. Lovely drive, some rain. Chicks to tea at Mrs Heyworth Booth’s. Quiet evg, missed dear Lin vy much evg. Thursday 13 September Dullish. Pd stores 16/4d. Mrs Sington leaves. Mr & Mrs B. Stuart come for night. Very lively & nice girl, very tall & distinctly amusing. Had most pleasant dinner & evg but late rather to bed. Two Miss Meads, Mrs Fox Adams, Mrs Faure Walker & Miss Fitzroy to tea. Letter fr. Dickie, has easy subject. Friday 14 September Telegram fr. Turnbull, 23 Barrington St Brighton! Margaret not well, returning Sunday!!! Go by 4.31 train. Fine & warm. Mr & Mrs Stuart remaining. Felt completely dead after packing. My darling loads me with lovely things, lace dress, dressing gown, night dresses, petticoats & lace blouses. Maudie & Nonie boy took me to Station & saw me off. Little Anne & Nurse F. ret’d fr. Brighton by morg train so just saw them. Anne to dentist. Fees 5/- Mrs P, 5/- Green, 3/- Beach. Cab 3/6, porters 1/6. Saturday 15 September D.V. to Folkestoine with Dickie & Roy. Maud & Lennie return to London & leave by night mail for Scotland, car meeting them at Edinburgh & taking them on to Philps Hydropathic Dunblane, Perthshire. Mr Jack Scott’s. Roy, Lin & self go by 2 train to Folkestone. Roy, Lin v. well & walk on Parade after arrival, met Sp. & Constance Montgomery (Hay) rather wild. Sp. & Hylda came in after dinner, listened to Band.



Sunday 16 September Breakfasted in bed, chocolate & 2 nasty eggs. Sp. & Hylda met us at boat at 11.30. Went on board but weather too uncertain so only Lin, Sp. & Roy went. Hylda & self lunched at Restaurant, bad. Rested & had tea at Mrs O & Ada’s. Mrs Hutton & Mrs Wood (dau) there vy handsome. I remained on to supper. Hylda & self met Lin, Sp. & Roy at boat, remained with them during their supper. They enjoyed day at Boulogne. Monday 17 September Lovely day. Sp. & Hylda came just as we were starting for Hythe. Sp. brought peaches. Saw us into Public Motor for Hythe cost 8d each. Delightful run there, too early. Sat facing canal old world part of Hythe. Met Mr Lucy on our way to his house. Lin took photos of house & Mr & Mrs L. Luncheon, good wine. Saw garden, additional piece. V. pleasant time & left at 4.30. Motored back. Walked on Parade met Woodruffe & Fanny Hayes Jackson (Streetfield). Dined & listened to band & so to bed. Breakfasted in bed, no eggs! Tuesday 18 September Lovely day so decided to remain until tomorrow. Breakfasted with Lin at 9.30 dining room at nice little window table. Fewer people. Out after writing 4 letters. To see Boat off & saw boys fishing, motor hauled up. Sat on shingle & saw 3 women bathing in cage. Lunched at Grand, fair. Fine hotel Italian management & waiters. Had coffee at Metropole & sat & read on Parade. Band. Lin’s photos!!! Got tired & missed him. Called on Mrs O & found Ada Sp awaiting me at 5 o’c in Victoria with Sp. Sent him to explain to Lin & I went for lovely drive with Ada. Into Hythe Church & cxcrypt. Skulls. Fine old church, old box iron chest. Lin & self dined 8. Band. Bed. Wednesday 19 September Lin & self returned fr. Folkestone after v. pleasant visit. Bill £8.16.10. Sp. & Hylda called to see us morg. We left by boat train 2.30 fr. Harbour. Found all well here. Margarith back but cannot remain alas. V. sorry as she suits me so well in other ways & is always willing & obliging. Dined alone at 8 off one of the 4 grouse fr. Sir A. Hickman. M. helped me unpack. Thursday 30 September Out morg. Miss White came morg, tried on my dress. Remained talking on as usual. Out after luncheon to enquire after Lady Meade & Mr Spofforth, saw both having tea together, Mr S. looking wonderful



considering how ill he has been. Read & worked with Lin on return. Roy in to dinner, had 2 of Sir A. Hickman’s grouse, excellent. Friday 31September Out morg, Bank. Had certificate added to list of securities, both Lin’s & mine. M. looking much better. Roy returned before her. Sat down to dinner 10.30, feel dead. Roy not bought the £200 “United of Havana” (illeg) today at 145. M. out to see her sister after tea. Had last of Sir A. Hickman’s grouse dinner. Saturday 22 September Lost tortoishell glasses. Fine. Man fr. Barkers, went to see Stables with him & Upton, they w’d look so well if only nicely & cleanly kept. Lunch 1 o’c & to see “His House in Order” Vy interesting. Lost my long toitoishell glasse in om. Miss White came, pd her £1.14.6 for black satin evg dress. Cost £7.7.0 using old underskirt. Flowers fruit & vegt’t fr. Maud’s & brace of grouse fr. Mr Scott. Lin & self came home in motor fr. Hyde Pk Corner to Butts 2/6! Drove unsteadily I thought. Bought fruit. Roy in to dinner. Sunday 23 September Lovely morg, dull later. Did flowers all morg. Walked with Dickie after tea. Vy tired. Roy home to lunch & dinner. Monday 24 September Margarith leaves. M. Moser 41Campen St, Campden Hill. Will be difficult to replace one of the nicest spoken & most obliging & handsomest of servants. Vy sorry. Little Ellen Cracknell returns in time to wait luncheon from Balcombe after 10 days holidays. Went over to see Edie, called on Nellie K. & found distraction. Edie walked home with me. Roy brought 2 partridges 5/- for dinner & was at home evg. Tuesday 25 September Went to see 2 houses with Dickie with studios, no good. Nice old servant in one as caretaker, clean tidy nice woman. Quiet day. Roy at home evg., brought grouse 3/-. Roy out after dinner. Vy noisy & loud. Lin & self both tired, L. doing Almanack. Wednesday 26 September Out at 4 to see Mrs Whitehead, looked sweetly pretty, just arrived fr. Sherleys, Wilts. Seemed delighted to see me. On to enquire Mabel & saw Mrs Wallace. Called on Mrs Adlam, only returns Saty. Ans’d adv’t with



(illeg). Roy out evg. Lin out to lunch. Mad’lle called at 7 & remained & shared frugal meal & talked on until 9.30. Pleased to see her. Thursday 27 September Mad’lle called for me 10.30, to Mde Romeiser together about maid. Saw Edie after & dear little Anne, cold. Beak man(?) Neville here for day 4/6, E. & Ellen also helping, not finished at night, left at (blank). Saw a horrid looking woman as cook for Sophy, won’t do! Friday 28 September Out morg. shop’g & about maids Mde Romeirer. Mad’lle with me. Saw Edie. Lin feels a cold comimg on. Dinner 11 0’c PM. My cold little better. Saw lady about cook for Sophy, no good at all, some cheap boarding house. Neville here, 6/0 for 2 days, slow & vy dear. Saturday 29 September Dear Lin has horrid cold, came on last night. Morg. covered drawing room up. In morning room this evg until parlour maid comes. Lin & self to see “Amasis”. Vy good. Om back. Edie lunched here brought me flowers for birthday & lovely green mantle fr. darling Maud & flowers fruit. Letters fr. Edgar & Spencer, Toula, Nurse F. & my darling little Nonie, a French letter. Roy in to dinner. Sunday 30 September Lin with v. bad cold taken fr. me. Makes him look quite seedy. We took om. morg. to Knightsbridge & walked back. Heavenly day. Warm & sunny. Roy in to lunch & dinner. Neither Emma nor Ellen out. Monday 1 October D.V. to Midge’s. Unable to go. Parlourmaid hunting. Tea with Mabel Beaumont at 4 o’c. Roy goes to Scotland to Galbraiths. Lin’s cold awfully bad. Went to tea with Mabel she looked vy pretty & dainty & all her flat so neat & orderly. Roy left at 11 o’c for Scotland. Read to Lin on return. Neville here 1/6, 2 hrs. Tuesday 2 October 2 to 3 at home. Pouring wet morg. Men unable to repair drawing room skylight. Neville did not come! Lin’s cold slightly better. Saw lady PM, seems nice & willing. Poured. Buzzing sound in Lin’s pillow night & gale rather disturbing could not sleep. Quiet peaceful evg alone with Lin whose cold is still v. bad.



Wednesday 3 October After 5 o’c at home. Out morg took £1.5.0 City B.A.Trams to Bank. Met Effie Twiss & Mrs ? Ada Sp’s friend. Sent 1/9 to Yorkshire Post advertisement, no good. Ellen out afternoon evg. X. Two Barkers men here all day & late doing drawing room sky light window. Saw Louise Hartmann & Annabella’s lady parlormaid. Bad manners not such nice address as Miss Graham. Has 2 years with Annabella. L.H. bright looking. Thursday 4 October Arrangée à voir l’Allemande 5 - 7. Came last night. Out morg Sloane St saw Furs etc & many things I want but can’t afford. Amusing letter fr. Mrs Ball. Met Mrs Stone, wonderfully well in mourning for Mrs Stirling. Miss Rose Innes called. Am dining with her at 7.15 & party & going to New Gaiety with her. Lin will join us & return home with me D.V. Not a line fr. Roy. Met Sir Robert & Lady Head, Lockyer, Gilmer! a young man & pretty Miss! Enjoyed evg but stupid piece Gaiety (illeg) dull. Friday 5 October Edie came early & went with me to take up Miss Graham’s references, vy good indeed, at 71 Edith Rd, Miss Taylor with whom she has 3 yrs in Spain. Shop’d after & paid my account Barkers £9.1.2, settled up to date. Edie did not remain to luncheon. Babies all came up fr. Balcombe this morg, scarlet fever there! Went & saw them 5.30 to 6.30 looking so well & happy. Cab back, read to Lin. Dined 10 to 11!!!. Lovely drawing on future of H. of Lords. Saturday 6 October Neville here doing brass. Vy slow over it & not too thorough. To Matinée “Dairy maids” Awfully pretty girls but stupid vy after 1st act. Quiet peaceful evening. Letter by last post fr. Miss Graham, her father dying unable to come tomorrow! My luck just now! He is unfortunate who cannot bear misfortunes! Sunday 7 October Roy leaves Scotland by night mail. Miss Rose Innes dines here tonight. Lin working on Almanack. Lin & self to see chicks God bless them, & Maud. Took cab home. Read to Dickie, he worked on Almanack. Quiet little evg. Miss Innes left ¼ to 11. Monday 8 October Roy arives fr. Scotland before breakfast & left by 3 o’c train for Pyt. Lin got him pass. He made me feel quite ill worrying & all my nerves felt 54


overstrained. Went to Lady Meade’s to tea, poured. Did me good change of thought. Neville here for day 4/6 doing drawing room. Read to Lin on return. Quiet evg. Tuesday 9 October Out morg shops. Grouse 3/6 Barkers 2/9. Mrs Barker (char) here. Scrubbed stairs down & made attempt at pictures, not done to my idea at all, & shied at putting down stair carpets!!! Read to Lin nearly all afternoon. Had a rest after luncheon, slept 10 minutes. Had bad worried night fr. Roy worrying me. Wish he knew how miserable he makes me. Wednesday 10 October D.V. to Mervyn. Unable to go. Out morg about brown blouse or bodice to cloth dress. Probyns. Woolland flowers 5/6 for fur toque. Chocolate cakes etc. Darling Nonie & Mad’lle here to tea. Games & vy happy together. Left in cab. Water got into Lin’s photo things in maid’s lavatory! Odd place to keep them. Emma out afternoon evg. Char Barker here 5/6 doing drawing room, no good. Very bad char Barker, no good. Thursday 11 October Ethel Knowles wedding 2.30 St Mary Abbotts. Palace Hotel after. Put all drawing room in order. Swept it dusted & straightened it after char & men everything in awful state of chaos, dirty & very untidy. Most unnecessary took me 1¼ hour & not tiring, delighted to see it neat & in order. Read to Lin “Fifty years of Failure” by Lord Aberdeen’s son. 9 dined. Friday 12 October Lin very hard at work. I put all drawing roonm in order yesterday morg & joy to see it neat this morg. Edie came & we walked over with Rags to see my own darling who arrived with Lennie fr. Scotland last night. She looked tired & pale, Lennie vy brown & well. They go to Balcombe tonight. A whole chapter of accidents happened to them in Scotland, fire, motor ac. scene Mrs S & epidemic typhoid Hotel, 4! Read to Lin afternoon, ¼ to 11 dinner. Saturday 13 October Lennie’s shoot. To Mervyn’s. Unable to go, Margarith’s place unsupplied! Neville here doing brass & did it well after my telling him it was not half done, 1/6. Lin off at 7 to Balcombe for shoot with Lennie, remains night, returns tomorrow for Almanack work. I went to stores early, did all my commissions comfortably, coat 5/- by D.R. excellent &



quiet. Dear Mervyn came in after luncheon & remained to tea. Quiet evg let Ellen go out for an hour evg. Sunday 14 October Lovely morning. Dear Lin returns fr. Balcombe. Emma goes to see her niece Hospital at 1.30, returning for dinner. Not had a line fr. Perriere! Lin returned morg. & went for walk with me. Fanny Barker, Alice Linley, Margery Howlden, young Bergne & Miss Rose Innes called. Quiet evg, Mervyn dined here. Monday 15 October Roy at Pyt. Neville here doing parlour work two hours every day 1/6. Lin busy on Almanack. Saw maid morg. fr Romaine’s don’t care for her. Tuesday 16 October Saw maid Freda (illeg). Man Friday here, takes away breakfast things washes cleans & replaces them, does brass, & took down morg. room curtains which I mended & he put up again, quickly. M(illeg) brought 2 lovely big plants fr. Balcombe. Midge sent us brace partridges & hare, & flowers. Roy returned fr. Pyt brought flowers. I lunched & had tea with Midge Brown’s Hotel. Walked after Bond St, called on Edgar, out, & to her club, tea. Lin alone all day, Almanack. Dined 8.30. Wednesday 17 October I lunch with Edgar. Poured with rain. Left early for Swiss home. Saw girl I liked look of as useful maid, shall engage her I think, seems well bred would be a trial only, wonder if I am right!!! Am sick of English who won’t learn & sulk if spoken to. Home rather late after good luncheon Paganis. Feel happier as Madame at Girls home has several good servants on her books. Roy in to dinner. Ellen gave up her evening. Je ne sais pas ce qu’elle fait matin. Thursday 18 October Out shop’g Barkers about ivory box. Neville here. Midge lunched here & we went after together to Sloane St & Lady’s shirt Company. Home 5.20 & read “Fifty years a failure” to Dickie. Quiet evg alone. Roy dined out & got home at 3 o’c morg, broke 4 wheel cab window! Friday 19 October Lovely morg. Neville here. Man Barker measured rod for curtain landing & for Roy’s room. Saw useful maid, Marie, engaged her to come Monday. Joy to have any willing worker if she is what she promises. Dined 11 o’c feel worn out. To Harvey Nicols bought blue silk for blouse 56


10/-. Walked fr. there to 104, saw the darlings & cab’d home. Read to Lin. Never felt more tired, slept badly in consequence. Saturday 20 October To see “Morals of Marcus” fairly good. Polished drawing room. Neville here all day doing stair carpets. Lin discovered he was owing £500 still to bank, thought it had been paid off. Darling babies came. Oliver so interested in fish. My darling sent fruit & flowers each thoughtful & loving. Roy to Balcombe till Monday. Emma disagreable about having E. & S. tomorrow. Sunday 21 October X. Marie useful maid comes tomorrow 11 o’c AM. Neville here 2 hrs, goes about his work quietly. Leter fr. lady about Freda Fluckyer parlourmaid, most unsatisfactory cannot take her. Had charming hands. Edgar & So. to lunch. Lin to Club. Sp. called. E. & S. left at 4. I called on Mrs Kemp & tea with Mrs Stone. Quiet evg with Dickie alone. Monday 22 October X. Marie useful maid came morg. Neville here morg. Fine. Out afternoon, Mrs Spofforth. X. very bad reference from lady about Freda Fluckyer cannot take her, was coming tomorrow! Must start all over again. To bank about Lin’s £500 loan fr. Bank, Mr Richardson’s blunder. Paid off £50 of my loan making it now £150 I owe only. Tuesday 23 October Neville here 2 hrs morg. Curtains put up in my bedroom. Marie evidently shy waiting, not accustomed to ways. To Swiss Home morg saw shy young married woman too short, must have girl taller. In all afternoon. Lady Meade called, saw her & darling Maud who had tea in my room. Ellen out afternoon & evg. Lin dined Café Royal with Spencer. Roy & I dined Carlton with Fanny Barker, 12, saw after “Amasis” vy good pretty music enjoyed it but v. tired. Edgar, Lady Bergne & Mrs Cohen etc called. Marie said I was out. Wednesday 24 October Emma out aft. & evg. I out morg Barkers. Little Anne to luncheon, Linley & Margery Keith to tea. L. vy unmanageable too much with others, v. good alone. Maud & Geoff also later to tea & to fetch chicks. Miss Rose Innes came. Roy dined with Maud & to theatre after. Heard of young Venning’s engagement to £30,000 a year!



Thursday 25 October Adv. Times no luck. Called Madame Romeisers with Edie. Her son had his foot amputated. Read a little to Lin. Friday 26 October Lin vy busy & dined at 11 o’c. Vy tired. I lunched at Edgar’s 15 Old Cavendish St after going to Stokes first. Mrs Shepp & Sophy at lunch in their sitting room au seconde. Excellent lunch. Edgar walked with me after to Browns hotel where I had tea with Fanny B. & Mary. Walked nearly home all buses full. Read a little to Dickie. Roy dined Gerry Weigall at his club. Saturday 27 October In all morg. Lin & self to see “Peter’s Mother” Sat next to Miss Blakey. Delightful piece Marion Terry, Hilda Sullivan, F. Kerr & Mathews excellent. Bought fruit at Butts. Roy dined with Mr Yorke. Quiet evg to bed early. Saw German parlour maid fr Romeisers, am taking up character. Last of Watney venison! Sunday 28 October Rained. Dickie went to Calais. Roy to Club. I walked to Sp’s with Rags. Saw Ada still in bed but much better. Sp. returned with me to luncheon. Ellen out afternoon. Lin back 8.30 had awful passage. Quiet evg, Lin Roy & self. Monday 29 October White 3 o’c. Did not come. To stores morg with Edie, cab 2/- with ivory box. Bought Sable Boa £19.15!!! Mrs Hohler & Mr Villiers came to tea, caught v. untidy! Roy in to dinner seems in good spirits & lively. Tuesday 30 October Wet, in all day long, needlework. Roy in to dinner & in good spirits. Neville here 2 hours morg drawing room. Wednesday 31 October To Dr Abraham with Emma morg. £2.2.6. Hopes to completely cure her, good thing we went, not to be neglected or w’d be serious. Saw Anna F fr. Mrs Romeiser as German Swiss parlour maid. Good looking & taller, seems willing. Marie goes out afternoon & evening. Upton doing blinds drawing room.



Thursday 1 November Miss White coming morg 10 o’c. At home 6.30 to 8 P.M. To see Mrs Upton abput German Swiss P.M. Anna F. unable to go. Dora lunched here looked extremely handsome. Stayed till 3.30 & we went as far as St George’s Hospital by om. together. I left cards on Mrs Palmer, on Lady McLaren & to Lady Pirrie’s at home. Lady F. Moulton, Mrs Langley etc there. Saw Lady P.M Mrs Pointer evg. Wonder how much shall I say hrs. Friday 2 November At home 1 - 3 o’c. P.M. To take up references of German Swiss Anna Dorfinger. No good & most unsuited to work Mrs Upton (nice little Armenian) said. Wrote to decline taking her! Vy wet morg. Sunny later. Saturday 3 November Lin & self to Savoy. Excellent luncheon & on to see “The Bondman” Drury Lane. Very good, well acted. Quiet little evg alone. Roy to Lennie’s Balcombe till Monday. Neville did not come. Sunday 4 November Walked with Lin to Hyde Pk, back alone to luncheon in om. Lin to Club. Sp. called & had tea here, depressed, had news fr. Bloemfontein of Douglas ill. Soaking afternoon. The Laird & Mrs Beale to dinner. Vy pleasant evg & dear Lin enjoyed it. Not a good dinner. Monday 5 November Rec’d letter respecting Mrs Pointer, am taking her. Fear 4 too many in house. Out after luncheon to Evans, chose 2 hats, green & blue, & on to Evie Fisher Rowe, tea there. Looks v. well. Cab back 2/6. C’d have had an om. for 3d fr. Mudies. Called on Lady Monckton, out. Tuesday 6 November At home. Walked to & fr. M’s morg. They just arrived fr.Balcombe. Not in. Dead tired. Had to walk there & back, neither 4 wheeler nor om. available. Mrs Adlam, Beale, & my darling came in spite of awful afternoon, heavy rain. Roy, Lin & self to dinner. R. better spirits but looks seedy. White came morg. Has again utterly ruined my new blue silk. Must not try her any more, hopeless. Wednesday 7 November X. Sent allottment letter of B.A. Gt Southern to Bank, 4% Ex 1910 shs new issue (2nd 1910). Twelve allotted £120. Young E.P.V.Morgan’s marriage 2.30 St Mary Abbotts to Miss Lilian Dawson, & after 50 Kens. Court. Mrs S. Cotton’s at home 4 - 7. Mrs S. Pitts at home, postponed. 59


Mrs Canon’s luncheon party Wadhurst. Wadham Gds S.W. I lunch 1 o’c Berkeley with Miss Rose Innes & to Belle of Mayfair after. Roy out dinner. Letter fr Mrs Pointer, not pleased with it. Thursday 8 November Pouring rain all day. To Evie’s to luncheon by om. Lawrence & May Nembhard there.To the N’s new house Gilbert St after to tea. V. nice house. Home & sat with Dickie. Roy in to dinner. Dined 9 o’c. Friday 10 November Dull. Packed. Sat with Lin but worked only read paper. Dined at 11 o’c! Roy dined with Mr Davson & went with him, Lady Davson, Mrs Newman to see “The Merveilleuses” & liked it immensely. Saturday 10 November Dickie & self go to Pyt till Tuesday. Found Marie useful. Motor met us Tisbury, nowhere as cozy or comfortable as carriage. H, Lennie, Tabs & Maud had been to Leweston & got home barely in time for dinner. Maudie looking v. well & stronger. Lovely day & much colder here than in London. Babies called, Anne looked v. well & Oliver growing v. fast & v. independent. Sunday 11 November Lovely day. Breakfasted in bed. Tabs, H. & Gwen to Church. Walked round garden with Lin, Maud & Lennie. Quantities of lovely single chrysanthemums. Tobacco fr. Lennie’s pipe in my eye, v. painful. Young Best called. Darling Maud, Lennie & Gwen went to London by 5 train. Quiet evg, H, Tabs, Lin & self. Monday 12 November X. Mrs Pointer Lady parlourmaid comes, wonder how it will answer. Have serious doubts after her letter. Arranged to pay her £24, more then I have ever pd. except to Laurence after 7 years service. Lin & Hamilton shoot at Rushmore. Lovely day. Tabbie & I go by motor to Leweston morg. Slept badly. Enjoyed drive to & fr. Leweston in car. Uncertain about place. Cozy evg, to bed early. Tuesday 13 November Return home. Lovely day, colder. Tabbie lunching at Lady Wynford & wanted me to go but decided to return home by 2.50 train. So we lunched alone with H. & left after, record speed to Station in Mercedes car! Fog in London. Pointer here. Brought up pears, brace pheasants, brace partridges, flowers. Roy out to dinner. 60


Wednesday 14 November In all day. Mended in my room with Marie. Darling Maud & Donna Linda came to tea, going on to Lady Pearson’s at home. Roy complained of pricking or stitch pain over heart. Want him to see a doctor about it. Roy dined at Maud’s & going with her to Empire. Dickie to see Sir C Euan Smith & to Punch dinner. Thursday 15 November I go alone D.V. to Terregles. Lin follows tomorrow by night mail. Going tomorrow instead. Maudie’s luncheon party, unable to go. In all day & find Marie cannot pack & is vy slow, but will learn. Roy dined out. Lin & self dined ¼ to 9. Friday 16 November By night mail to Terregles. I go by day 9.30. Roads all up everywhere had to make great detour. Dickie went in cab with me as far as Mall. Vy good cab 4/-. Poured all day hard after leaving St Pancras. Carriage to myself, very nervous speed of train. Delightful to find carriage & no motor awaiting me, most luxurious. House party 12, 2 extra to dinner. Played Bridge after. Col Pinney is related to Digbys & knows Leweston well. Saturday 17 November Ellen out afternoon & evening. Lin arrived Terregles early, comfortable journey. I breakfasted in bed, down 10.15, fine morg. House party Col & Mrs Pinney, Royal Fusiliers, Col & Mrs Ross, Rifle Brigade, Mr Maxwell, Miss Graham, Mr & Mrs Stuart Lyon. Delightful party. Col & Mrs Dudgeon v. pretty woman certain age dined here. Shot covers. Lunched foot of hill in open air. All ladies left 11 o’c except Mrs Pinney & self, we drove to luncheon at 12.30. & walked with shooters after. 93 hens, 94 cocks, 6 woodcock, 9 hares, 2 deer. Sunday 18 November Lovely morg. Breakfast in bed. Mrs Pinney knows Hon Mrs Haverfield where Pointer lived a year, says Mrs H. is very odd. Mrs G, Miss Graham, Mrs Stuart Lyon & self to Church. Miss Jardine came to luncheon, round stables after. Came in & rested. Gen. (blank) to dinner. Vy merry evg. Bed 11.30. Ellen out evg. Monday 19 November Lovely day. Breakfasted in bed. Rest joined shooters at 10 o’c. Mrs Pinney & I joined them at luncheon near stud farm, walked with them after. Mr & Mrs Patterson, Cap & Mrs Fraser (v. pretty woman) & Mr & 61


Mrs C. Maxwell & Mrs (blank) met her at Springkell, pretty middle aged woman. Vy merry evg. Col & Mrs Pinney left for Ireland 6 o’c. Tuesday 20 November Lovely morg. Down to breakfast. Left Terregles by 11.7 train with Major & Mrs Ross. Mrs Patterson came to see the Ross’s off. Vy pretty woman. Most comfortable journey up alone, Lin & self. Trouve (illeg illeg) à la maison. Seem falling over each other. Wednesday 21 November X. Mervyn & Ethel arrive in London. Mrs Alfred Herapath dines here 7.30. Breakfasted in bed. V. wet damp morning. Out 3 o’c met Mrs Mac(illeg). Vy seedy fr. Harrogate. X. Met Gladys Paxton. X. To Bank about B.A. Pacific shrs, home early, sat with Dickie. Mrs Alfred H. vy nice, provincial. Vy Talkative. Roy in to dinner looks worried & pale. No letter fr. Maud. Ellen out afternoon & evg. Thursday 22 November Busy all morg.with Marie, loft. Upton has it in an awfully untidy state again. At 3.30 to call on Ethel found her in at her club. Went with her to (illeg) Tabbie’s club Dover St. Had tea there with Tabs looking v. pretty, & Mervyn saw me into omnibus. X. Evie has a girl born 5 o’c this morg. X. Roy in to dinner, looks pale. Friday 23 November To stores by train. Paid £1.16.4. Home to luncheon. Sat with Dickie all afternoon. Pointer to 104, chicks well, saw them & Nurse F. Roy out to dinner. We dined 11 o’c. Saturday 24 November Busy morg. X. Upton in bed. X. No carriage, was to have used it for first time today for months. Lin & self in cab to Daly’s, Royal box, to see “Les Merveilleuses, excellent music, charming, by Félix. Ethel & Mervyn joined us there. We came straight home after getting fruit, om. Roy in quiet evg. Enjoyed play immensely, both of us. Sunday 25 November Mrs Adlam dines with us 8 o’c. Not coming, ill. Tabs & H, Maud & Lennie dining here, 7 with ourselves & Roy. Walked with Lin, om back alone. Lunched alone. Dull day. Ellen out again afternoon. Lennie & Maud only return fr. Balcombe today. Sp. Mr Paxton & Vera K. Davis came to tea.



Monday 26 November Mervyn & Ethel dine with us 8 o’c. To stores morg. X. £2.14.6. Emma vy seedy indeed, feel anxious about her. X. Upton still away ill, fear influenza cold (illeg)& pains inside. Tuesday 27 November Called at Stables, Upton still laid up. Roy out to dinner with Tabbie. Miss Krabbe’s marriage with Mr Moore Brabazon, 2.30 St Peter’s Eaton Sqre. Lovely day, v. warm. Emma up & better but still looks seedy. To Stehr’s, saw head man, obliging. Promised to rearrange. Darling called after I left laden with flowers & a box containing white serge dress. Vy pretty flowers, lovely. So sorry to miss her. M. vy tiresome about flowers, obstinate. Lady Bergne & Pheenie Knowles called. Young S.B. engaged to girl 5 years older than himself! Wednesday 28 November Emma better, much, & about. Upton came morg. but is not well. I went to order black velvet dress at Mrs Young’s, £16.16.0. Walked nearly home, v. tired. Met Mrs Holland looking v. handsome & well, & Ethel E. who walked part of way home with me. Roy dined with Maud, I alone. Ellen & Emma in. To bed 9 o’c feel v. seedy. Thursday 29 November To dine Mr Stone 8 o’c, 63 Curzon St, Mayfair. Lecture by Beerbohm Tree at His Majesty’s. Cannot go unfortunately. Mistake, next Thurs. Mrs Newman 4.30, Mrs Harold M. & Elsie Mills, 14 Queens Gate Place. To be fitted Mrs Young & on to Maud after. Her house looks lovely & chicks so well & happy, were dressing for dancing class. X. Carriage took us to Curzon St. Met Sir Bruce & Lady Seton, Violet Hunt, Sir James & Lady Ismay, dullish. Sir B. amusing but felt too ill to enjoy it & a great effort to find topics of conversation. Friday 30 November Lady Selfe, 13 Connaught Gr. Mrs Vaughan Morgan. To be fitted 5 o’c Mrs Young with velvet dress. Felt v. ill all day but had brougham & was fittrd Mrs Young’s. Maudie came in whilst I was there. Only went there & straight home & to bed at 7 o’clock feeling feverish & aching. Pain in head. Felt nervous driving last evg, no cause as Upton drove carefully. Saturday 1 December Lady Pirrie’s luncheon ¼ to 2. Mrs Clifford, 7 Chilworth St, last at home 4.15. Lunch at Lady Pirrie’s 1.45. In bed all day, influenza again! Horrid pain over my heart came on & off all day, especially evg. Wired Lady 63


Pirrie. Lin went alone & greatly enjoyed it. Darling came like a ray of sunshine with flowers & looking pretty. Had tea with me. Roy dined alone with Dickie. Sunday 2 December Mrs Harvey 3.30 to 6.30. Lennie & Maud dine here. In bed all day. Better but horrid pain again over heart. Slept well. Ellen out morg. Sent Marie to enquire after Ada Sp. to get her out. Marie slept on sofa my room & Lin on sofa in Roy’s room. Roy out to lunch. Monday 3 December Mrs Walker, 17 Rutland Court, 4.30. Mrs Wallace (Mabel). To be fitted again 5 o’c. In bed all day. Bad night feel about same. Oil! Marie slept my room, Lin in Roy’s on sofa. Lin & Roy dine at Maud’s. X. Emma missed 2 tablespoons from new set I gave her. In bed all day bad night & feel feverish. Sent for Orton evg, X, away. Tuesday 4 December Mrs Messel’s dinner 8 o’c. Cannot go, Lin & Roy alone. Big party there for her birthday. Wrote Mrs M. Dr Orton came. X. said it was influenza & must remain in bed. Maudie came, lovely flowers, lunched here. Edie came to tea, felt v. tired after she left. Lin & Roy dined at Mrs Messel’s, large dinner, 26. X. Spoons still missing. In bed all day. Wednesday 5 December X. Emma much upset about her tablespoons. I have an idea I only got her 2 table & 4 of everything else, can say for certain when up. X. Had bad night. Liver pill. In bed all day, 5th day in bed. Dr O. came, Maudie also. The darling laden as usual bringing lovely pillow for me. Sp. & Ada came, v. tired after. Emma out. Thursday 6 December 3.30, His Majesty’s, Beerbohm Tree on Shakespeare. Mrs Newman at home 4.30. Mrs Armstead, 30 Queensboro’ Ter. Lovely morg. Good night, awake early. Maudie came for an hour on her way to Station. Edie also. Darling looked charming, is giving away prizes for needlework at Balcombe tomorrow. Mr Brownlow & Lennie go down tonight. Roy dined out & saw “(illeg)” after, had carriage. Lin bothered with photos. Friday 7 December Mrs Coward. Dr O. came morg, temp’t 98.1. Milk morg. Gave me a dose of quinine & after at 3 o’c temp’t 100.2. Had mutton broth, nothing in it, for luncheon. 6 o’c temp 100.1. Late 99.2. Edie called but did not see her. 64


She had tea here. Lin much flustered with work, photos went wrong. Roy dined out. Sat in my room, looks v. seedy. Canot ac’t for rise in temp after medicine. Saturday 8 December Lin & I go to Maud for weekend. Lin went off by first train to Balcombe, shoots there today with Lennie, Laurence Fisher-Rowe, E. Parker, C. Brownlow. Ruth there also. Unable to go. Boy ill. Temp 99.1 point 8 o’c, 2 o’c 99.2 pts, odd. Had bad night up 3 times, pills. Milk only & water breakfast, chicken broth luncheon. Felt ill all day, perspired vy freely last night. Roy in to dinner. No doctor today, feel great discomfort round loins temp over 100 evg. Sunday 9 December Awake since 3 o’c this morg. V. hot & uncomfortable. Dear Lin returned with Laurence Fisher-Rowe in his motor fr. Balcombe. Ran over & killed small dog. X. Orton came morg, disappointed no progress. Is at last going to examine water!!! Sure something wrong either with Kidney, liver or appendix. Vy tender right side. Roy played with Harold at Queens Club. Roy won. Took oil. Monday 10 December Mrs Walkes, 17 Rutland Court. Vy good night slept soundly till ¼ to 6 o’c. Oil! Water! Sent it to Dr O. 9 o’c, found congestion. X. Orton came seems worried. Temp’t lower morg only 3 pts above normal. Had up to 100.3 after lunch. Only had chicken broth & not strong. Still only milk diet. Darling came laden with lovely raw silk quilt & white hyacinths in bowl. Came up fr. Balcombe for day left 10.15.4. Sent Marie to get jacket for bed. Tuesday 11 December Midge sent some game. Took first dose saline (illeg). Had good night but awful sweat at 11 o’c & felt like ice after. Marie rubbed me with eau de cologne & felt better after fresh warm clothes on. X. Orton came, says kidney cause of retardment. In bed all day temp 99.1 morg, over 100 afternoon. Had egg & milk for breakfast. Maudie came, dear thing anxious. Feel weak from perspiration. Roy dined with Lin 8.30. Perspired at 12 night again. Wednesday 12 December Lady Spielmann 3 - 6. Mrs Harvey 3.30. Marie changed all my clothes 4 o’c AM. Violent sweat again & felt vy weak after, longed for milk or something & Emma never sent me anything till past 8 o’c, felt faint. 65


Nurse F. came & darling Oliver. X. Dr O. came v. annoyed I had not taken his medicine says I ought to take 3 pints during day & night. Thursday 13 December Lady Spielmann 3 - 6. Mrs Harold M. Mrs Armstead. My darling & Lennie went to Terregles, left 1 o’c. Nurse Francis came early afternoon & stayed till past 7 o’c. Felt a complete rag all day. X. Orton came. Depressed. Lin dined at Claridges with H. & Tabbie alone. Temp 100.1. Roy dined out. Had only slight perspiration. Friday 14 December Mrs Coward. Invirtation to dine Mr Trench to see Gen. Hickman before he leaves tomorrow for S. Africa. Alas! cannot go. X. Dr Orton came. Had better night, no perspiration. Nurse F. came morg. Saturday 15 December V. ill. Sunday 16 December Dr Pollock came thinks seriously of illness. Sent Nurse Davis who came 5 o’c. Filled in from memory all December. Monday 17 December to Saturday 22 December (blank) Sunday 23 December 1 week Nurse D. Consultation Dr Pollock & Mr Haward surgeon, Dr Orton & young Orton. Monday 24 December Operation. Mr Haward, Dr Pollock, young Orton, & ether given. Nurse Cowels came as night nurse. Most kind & gentle, fanned me all night. Awful time. Would much prefer to have died. Tuesday 25 December to Wednesday 26 December (blank) Thursday 27 December Nurse Cowels left. V. sorry, so kind & gentle. Horid woman Nurse Cooke came, ate all night long. Friday 28 December to Monday 31 December (blank) 66


(Notes at back of diary) Spent during 1905:

£ 441.17.3

Total received fr. capital invt £ 714.17. 3 Received fr. Trust & private From Trust From P. ac’t

£ 409.11.9 £ 370. 9. 9

Paid in allotments on new shares & £ 250 off loan altogether during 1905 £ 712.11.11. Lennie made for me by spec £ 65.11. 6 & £ 29.14. 0 Total £ 95.10. 6 This included in above £ 370.9.9 Invested or pd. on calls 1906 £ 574.16. 4 1st Jan. Overdrawn currant ac’t £ 67.18. 7 Start 1906 with loan of £500 to Bank 1st Jany overdrawn £ 67.18.7 Paid off Jany £ 100 out of capital. Paid also from capital £ 50 to my current ac’t. Started year with £ 67.18.7 overdrawn to current ac’t Leaves £ 400 owing to Bank & £ 150 to be returned to capital Jany 1906! Banks make it £ 500 I owe Bank Loan! Cannot understand this. Received Jan fr. Trust January ditto ditto ditto


Antofagasta Rly Cent. Uraguay Arg’t G.Western Local loans January:

£ s d 3.16. 0 23.15.0 19. 0. 0 3. 5 £ 46.14. 5

Gt Western Brazil 28.10. 0 Peebles 23.10. 3 Total Feby £ 52. 0. 3 67



Cordoba Rosario

£ 19. 0. 0


Brit. (illeg) Illinois Central Total April

21. 7. 6 19. 9.11 £ 40.17. 5

May, June Canadian & Pacific £ 23.15. 0 Lehigh Valley 21.17. 6 June £ 45.12. 6 Jany Placed £50 to my current ac’t fr. capital Jany Private Ac’t due to bank £ 67.18. 7 January

Cordoba Cent B.A. Rosario B.A.Western B.A. Pacific B.A. Gt Southern Wirral Burmah Oil Chinese 6% Deposit interest Japan 4% 2nd series Sons of Gualia

1.18. 0 1.18. 0 4. 5. 11 8. 8 7.12. 0 1.17.11 4.15. 0 2.17. 0 12. 1 1.16.11 7. 6 £ 27.19. 0

B.A. Pacific Robinson Mine Gt Eastern City B.A. Trams Hull & Barnsley Midland P. & O. Steams Cy Harrods Waihi

13. 4 6. 8. 3 4.15. 0 9. 6 5. 4. 6 7.13.10 4.19. 9 1. 2. 7 5.14. 0 £ 37. 0. 9


Trust account continued July Central Uraguay Arg’t Gt Western

23.15.0 19. 0. 0 68



Local loans Antifagasta July

1. 4 6.13. 0 £ 49. 9. 4

Peebles Gt Western Brazil

£ 23. 10. 3 28.10. 0 £ 52. 0. 3

September Cordoba & Rosario

£ 19. 0. 0


21. 7. 6 19. 9.11 £ 40.17. 5

B.N.A. S. Ship Illinois Central October

December Canadian Pacific Lehigh Valley Continued Private Ac’t March Furniss Chinese Cuban Lennie’s spec Glasgow S.W.Rly March

23.15. 0 21.17. 7 £ 45.12. 7

1. 8. 6 2. 7. 6 12. 4. 4 16. 0. 0 2.10.10 £ 34.11. 2


Japan Barkers B.A. Gt. Southern B.A. Rosario April


Another Lennie spec 8.10.10 B.A. Pacific 13. 4 B. A. Pacific 1.14. 6 Sons of Gualia 7. 6 Coupé 2.18. 6 B.A. Trams (part of cap) 2. 4. 6 May £ 15.19. 2


Spec by Lennie Waihi June

2.17. 0 1. 9 25.11. 5 20. 5. 8 £ 47.15.10

6.17. 6 9.10. 0 £ 16. 7. 6 69


Continued Private Account Rec’d July B.A. Western 4% 4. 5.11 B.A.Rosario 1.15. 0 B.A. Great Southern 4% 7.12. 0 B.A.Pacific 3. 3 ditto 5. 3 Cordoba Central 1.15. 0 Chinese 6% 2.17. 0 Japan 4% 1.18. 0 Burmah Oil 4.15. 0 Japan 4% 4. 5. 6 Sons of Gualia 5. 0 July £ 30. 3. 3 August Returned by Spencer cashed Currant Ac’t for Scotland 2.12. 6 B.A.Pacific 13. 4 Gt Eastern 1.13. 3 B.A.Trams 9. 6 Midland 5.14. 5 Furniss 1. 1. 5 Cash 6. 8. 3 August £ 18.12. 8 September Harrods 6. 8 Waihi 5.14.0 P.& O. Steam Cy 4.19.9 Chinese 5% 2. 7. 6 Cuba 12. 4. 4 Glasgow S. Western 2.10.10 September £ 28. 3. 1 October Sons of Gualia 5. 6 B.A.Rosario 17. 2.11 B.A.Gt Southern 27. 1. 5 Barker 8 Jap 6% 2.17. 0 B.A.Trams 1. 5. 0 Compan(illeg) Lloyd(?) 2. 7. 6 October £ 50.19. 6 70


November B.A. Pacific B.A.Trams

2.19. 3 9. 6 November £ 3. 8. 9

Private Account 1905 December Nothing entered being very ill & nothing to enter. Invested 1906 To loan January Ditto February Call on B.A.Gt Southern March March Brazil April Loan ditto Brazil June B.A.Pacific B.A. Gt S July B.A.Pacific Brazil August Loan Sept Brazil Oct Loan Nov new B.A.Gt.S Brazil Dec B.A. Gt S

£100 50 32.10. 0 20. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 15. 0. 0 2. 0. 0 32.10. 0 17.16. 4 15. 0. 0 100. 0. 0 15. 0. 0 50. 0. 0 30. 0. 0 15. 0. 0 30. 0. 0 £ 574.16. 4

Total Invested 1906 £ 574.16. 4 Private Account January 1906 February March April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec Private ac’t

£ 27.19.0 37. 9. 0 34.11. 2 47.15.10 15.19. 2 16. 7. 6 30. 3. 3 18.12. 8 28. 3. 1 50.19. 5 3. 8. 9 3. 8. 9 £ 311. 8.11 71


Trust ac’t January Feby March April May & June July August Sept Oct Nov & Dec Trust Ac’t 1906 Private act Trust Total

£ 46.14. 5 52. 0. 3 19. 0. 0 40.17. 5 45.12. 6 49. 9. 4 52. 0. 3 19. 0. 0 40.17. 5 45.12. 7 £ 411. 4. 2 £ 311. 8. 11 £ 411. 4. 2 £ 722.13. 1

Paid in calls on allotted shares & invested 1906 To Loan Jan £ 100. 0. 0 To Loan Feb 50. 0. 0 Interest on loan 32.10. 0 nd 2 call on B.A. Gt. S. 4% 3.16 .9 March £ 36. 6. 9 Allotted £ 100 in Brazil 5% loan. Paid to Rothschild on same April £ 20. 0. 0 May paid off £ 50 of Loan £ 50. 0. 0 May Brazil allot. 15. 0. 0. £ 65. 0. 0 June 2 £10 allotted B.A.Pacific Fully paid B.A. Gt Southern call

£ 2. 0. 0 £ 32.10. 0 £ 34.10. 0

July instalment on B.A.Pacific now fully pd £ 10 ordinary shrs £ 17.16. 4 Instalment on £ 100 5% Brazil Bond £ 15. 0. 0 £ 32.16. 4



1906 Started year with £67.18. 7 current account overdrawn Jany pd by cheque for dress & outgoing expenses January February March April May June July August Sep Oct Nov Dec ill all Dec

£ 7. 6. 2 £ 5.12. 2 £20. 3. 5 £ 13.13. 7 £ 6. 4. 6 £ 10.17. 5 £ 25.10. 6 £ 15.14. 4 £ 7.12.10 £ 11. 0. 2 £ 17. 9. 5

Spent on dress, travel & presents total above £ 145. 2. 6 During 1906 Paid on Loan & allottments Brought forward to July £ 334. 5. 0 August paid off 2nd Aug £ 100. 0. 0 of Loan £ 100. 0. 0 September Inv on Lloyd Brazil £ 15. 0. 0 October 28th aid off £ 50. 0. 0 Loan leaving now only £ 150 owing £ 50. 0. 0 November First instal’t on new issue (2nd issue) of B.A.Gt.S. 4% Ex 1900 (1910) twelve £10 shares allotted, in all £ 120. £ 30. 0. 0. Brazil call £ 16. 0. 0 B.A.Gt. Southern £ 30. 0. 0 November £ 46. 0. 0 December B.A.Gt. Southern call £ 30. 0. 0 73


Wrote to Bank to send Banker’s receipt & Allotment letter of my 2 allotted June shares to be forwarded to the Company for certificate on Sept 12th 1906 fr. Balcombe. Calls on B.A.Gt. S 2nd issue due 1st Nov 1906 £ 30 1st Jany 1907 £ 30 1st April £ 30 st 1 July £ 30 £ 120 in all

Boy who wanted two marriages but no children. Boy who if he caught his wife laying an egg would blow it. Linley to Mad’lle aged 7 “Je voudrais avoir des enfants mais je ne voudrais pas être marrié.” Man having lost more than he could afford one evening at country house muttered after paying up “I would have done better to have gone to bed with the ladies.” Lady nursing her own Baby or had a wet nurse. American Hotel “We supply good milk at a dollar the pint. “But I have a wet nurse” Then Madam we charge 2 dollars corkage! Old professor took in lady to dinner. She asked him earnestly somethng very original – What do you consider the greatest pleasure on earth? “To sit next to a beautiful woman.” Oh, said the lady, I think sleep is the greatest pleasure. Ah, yes, said the prof, sleep next to a lovely woman! Mrs Hohler’s story: Too much for the simple, not enough for the complex! There was once a simple nigger Who was playing on the trigger Which was fastened to a double barrelled gun It happened to be loaded And when the same exploded Well! The nigger never knew what he had done. M. overheard her cook saying to footman “ I would like to be dead & be born over again & I’d choose to be a footman t& have nothing to do! A poet who stuttered said to some ladies collected round a tea table “I want to give you a little poem of my own. Stumbling over a tiresome



syllable the ladies in distress said, Yes yes we understand, but he would not be hurried. Good stories: Linley’s governess on hearing he had been very good at his music lesson said “This is a great treat to me to hear how good you have been today with your music, “Yes but you must’nt have too many treats, Mother says its not good for anyone. Maud told little Linley something relative to Mr Chamberlain in the nursery one morning (aged 6) he said “You see mother we don’t hear anything about those things up here, but what does “Punch” say?” Dull girl taken in to dinner by man who c’d only extract yes & no, when dessert came he said “Do you like Bananas?” Oh no, she replied, I much prefer the ordinary night dress (The chief’s story, Yacht Sabrina). Three qualities necessary for success “Genius, energy & opportunity, & the greatest of these is Opportunity. Which animal would sit at the head of a dinner table? A cow, because she can carve, & which animal would sit at the bottom? A Bull, because he could help her. Cap. Wright. Miss Walmsley, lady dressmaker, 22 Porchester Gardens. Florence Walford. Mrs Arnold Foster, 2 The Abbey Gds. Westminster. Weds. Mrs Leech, 33 Albert Court. Toula, 33 Hill St, Berkeley Sq Robe Paris, pretty grey voile 275 frcs. (Mad’lle Olga) Caroline, 33 Boulevard Malherbes, Paris. Emmerson Bainbridge, 48 Grosvenor St, W. Alice Linley, Hotel Angleterre, Lucerne. Edgar, Blackwater Vale Hotel, Lismore, County Waterford, Ireland. Eileen Clowes, now Mrs Gurney Shepherd, c/o Rev George Clowes, The Rectory, Hayes, Kent. Col & Mrs Biancardi, 15 New Cavendish St Mervyn, Cowslip Green, Wrington, Somerset F. George, tailor, 132 Holland Pk Avenue. M. Paxton. Stories. Mrs C(illeg). Young ward midshipman, 14, asked what time he got home fr. theatre. “I was late, about 1.30, but Grannie was later, did not get back until 2 o/c!” Grannie being over 80!



Mrs Biancardi, 15 New Cavendish St, Portland Place. Cassell, 1 Wetherby Rd Spencer, 6 Shakespeare Terrace, Folkestone Small boy who said he would like to have a wife but no children - he would keep a sharp look out on his wife & if he found she laid any eggs he would blow them. Nonie boy, 7 years, “I cannot forget an octave as it is a week, 8 days fr Monday to Monday & 8 sharps fr. C to C!” On Mrs M. giving him chocolates & saying “Now mind & do not eat too many Linley” he turned to Edie after she had left the room with a scornful air & said “I never eat too much at any time!” Chop cooked by electricity: Then go and give it another shock. Little Linley trod on a frog & Maud told him never to be cruel to animals, “But I saw a man kick a dog Mother!” & Maud said “You must never hurt anything darling.” “I am awfully kind to worms, Mother.” Yorkshire porter who annoyed people by asking what was supposed to be different & what people imagined his meaning “Have yer peed yet?” was at last complained of & brought up before the Board & when asked if he had accosted people on the platform with above remark said “Yes, so many passengers travel withoot peeying I just arsked to make sure.” Californian Jack. Deal out five cards to (illeg) & opponent. Turn up the 11th card & put it at the bottom of pack remaining leaving rest face (illeg) up. The bottom card is trumps. Then play as for whist taking a card fr. pack after each trick, winner taking first (illeg illeg). Scotsman on a Solan goose. Hang it a fortnight, then clean it carefully, wash & baste it, then carefully bury it! Young Stair on politeness of a Scottish porter – passenger “When do we reach Stapleton? “Get oot” instead of “You are there sir.” Lawyer reading will with all members of family eagerly listening - large estate & much money dependent on it. Coming to the end Lawyer announces “Why, the silly fool has never signed it!” Ham L’s story - Agricultural Show. Lady sitting next to a farmer at luncheon. He upset some fruit tart on her dress. She rubbed the stain & 76


said I hope it will come out. He replied “ I hope so Mam, I swallowed mine.” Mrs Jeffreys little boy on seeing his newly born brother, “Oh Nana he has got sunburnt on his way down from heaven.” Squirrel story (illeg illeg) Lark Apple pie Stork Your complaint Cap’t Wright’s Beautiful woman & sleepy old professor & middle aged spinster Judge Bingham’s banana story Mr Young’s of Mr Justice Barnes. Lady separated fr. husband who allowed her £5,000 a year. The Judge said she must pay her debts as the allowance sh’d be sufficient. She was heard to mutter leaving the court “How can a common middle class judge know what a Lady’s requirements are!” Fox “Tod”. Man driving left his coachman in Scotland. Coachman “I saw a tod run into that hole.” We’ll dig him out said the gentleman & dug for ¾ of an hour without any result. On getting into cart coachman said “I’m nae surprised, (illeg illeg) it was a person. I saw him run into that hole.” H. Langley. Anglo Malay Rubber coy. South African Gold. Mervyn Herapath, Cowslip Green, Wrington, Somerset. The Wells Hotel, Llandrindod, Wales Pump House, Llanwrtyd, Wales. Laura(?) & Ted Herapath, Burnham, Somerset Investments rec’d. Quebec Cent. 1st March 7% income bonds. 110 present price Jany 1906 Rand Waterworks 5% above par Peking (illeg) for £1 shares 77


Bahia Blanca Waterworks & Light & Power Co. Chinese. Argt. Southern Land shrs South African Cold Storage Anglo Malay Rubber Coy Argt. Southern Land Shares Tailor rec. by Mrs Threlfall, Victor, North Audley St. Mrs Adams?


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