What Is Good

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Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?


Part 1: What Is Good?


Dyslexia Research


Famous Dyslexics


The Advantages Of Dyslexia


Dyslexia Is Good




Existing Concept

9 - 10

Existing Packaging


The Dyslexia Depot Logo

12 - 13



Quick Decision Maker


The Big Picture

16 - 17

Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

Part 1 To get a feel for what we personally think is good, we were first split into groups to come up with our own thoughts on the subjects.

From group work activity I was able to come up with my own ideas for what I believe is good. I then narrowed it down to five subjects that I could research. These were: • • • •

Dinosaurs Dyslexia Pirates Sponge Bob Square Pants • The Wiziding World (Harry potter) In the end, I chose to look at Dyslexia as being good. Despite it’s negative out look and the way the public perceive it. Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

Dyslexia Research I began to look at what Dyslexia actually is. Having Dyslexia and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) I all ready knew many of the characteristics of a dyslexic person and what this installed in terms of how it is classified and viewed. There were still things I could research into. Like how many entrepreneurs and artists over the years were/are dyslexic.

Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

Famous Dyselxics

I found that famous dyslexics where usually artists/actors/inventors/ entrepreneurs/singers and even Presidents of the Untied States Of America.

- Rancid’s singer/guitarist has never had a driver’s license or bank account due to his dyslexia. - The inventor of the telephone (Alexander Graham Bell) reportedly overcame his dyslexia. - Orlando Bloom once said, “Dyslexia is not due to lack of intelligence, it’s a lack of access. It’s like, if you’re dyslexic, you have all the information you need, but find it harder to process.” - Einstein couldn’t talk until he was four and didn’t learn to read until age nine but stays in people’s mind as a genius.

Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

The Advantages Most people what are not dyslexic and rate low on the scale of creative thinking are verbal learners. (Learning by hearing/speech ects) Verbal learning is limited to the speed of a person’s speech. This information goes into the conscious mind, so that the nondyslexic person is aware of the information. Thinking and learning is pictures rather than words is a thousands of times faster, and it is subliminal, going directly into the subconscious mind. This visual learning style is what a dyslexic person uses. The information as pictures creates an immense amount of multidimensional information, that can be manipulated in many forms by the brain to enable thinking, perception, and other interesting thought processes. Frequently this learning style leads to thought delays, because of the tremendous amounts of information.

A list of known dyslexia traits (Both positive and negative) separated into helpful attributes as well as negative and in the middles.

Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

Dyslexia Is Good ... “Dyslexia is good becasue is allows us to be creative in unconventional ways.”

Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?


Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

Existing Concept 826NYC is a non-profit organization (located in Park Slope, Brooklyn) dedicated to supporting students ages 6 to 18 with their creative and expository writing skills, and to helping teachers inspire their students to write. 826NYC is located in a “secret lair� behind The Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company sells capes, grappling hooks, utility belts (new and vintage), masks, tights, deflector bracelets, bottles of chaos and anti-gravity, secret identity kits, and more.

All the design for the store was done by Sam Potts. http://www.sampottsinc.com/ Sam Potts Inc. was an independent graphic design company in New York City that was in operation from June 2002 through August 2009.

Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

Existing Concept 826LA East resides in a Victorian salon nestled behind the Echo Park Time Travel Mart, a convenience store specializing in products imported from the past and future, such as Viking odorant, robot milk, mammoth chunks and Ricky Martin lunch boxes.

All the design for the store was done by Stefan G Bucher http://344design.typepad.com/ He’s also the creator of the online animation series; 100 monsters.

Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

Existing Packaging As the store is going to have a vintage/retro 1950’s theme I looked into packaging and design from that era. The designs are simple, using limited colour and the effective use as shapes.

The offset process came to be the most popular form of printing during the 1950’s as plates, inks, paper, etc. improved. By the late 1950’s, offset printing dominated all other printing processes because it provided sharp clean images. Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

While the offset printing process gave sharper, cleaner reproductions over letterpress, it was also less expensive in comparison to gravure.

The Dyslexia Depot: Logo These where the sketch ideas for The Dyslexia Depot’s Logo. I looked at various character designs from the 50’s, finding them all to be simple yet affective. You could tell straight away which era they where from, despite being drawn by various illustrators.

Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

The Dyslexia Depot: Logo The logo needed to be readable and easier to make out if it were to be shrunk down to fit on the side of a small box. It also needed to be more readable for a dyslexic person.

The finished logo has a distressed look to keep with the retro theme of the 1950’s It also uses one spot colour with tints. I decided to keep it one colour so the logo could be interchangeable with the products. i.e a red themed package would have a red logo instead of a blue one. ect.

Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

Products 3 example products for The Dyslexia Depot: - Quick Decision Maker - The Big Picture - The Dyslexia Depot Handbook The top two products are based on various positive attributes of a dyslexic person.

The handbook would be given to people coming to the support centre located behind the storefront. It have useful information on Dyslexia and how a dyslexic person can adapt it to fit in with their lives, not hinder it.

Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

Quick Decision Maker The decision maker would be a small hand held device similar to a twister board, compact for office drawers and handbags. There would be a wheel with a spinning counter and 8 numbered segments. Depending on what category you where spinning on would depend on the card you choose. The categories are colour coded. (8 cards for each separate category’s.) The flash cards would sit below the spinner. They would both sit in two separate compartments in the same small box.

Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

The Big Picture This is the product that I made a sample design and mock up test piece for. I took the dyslexic trait of being able to easily covert text into image and made it into a buyable (yet fictional) useable product. The idea is that you put on these special glasses and any text your eyes would fall upon would be converted into image. From looking at existing packaging from the 50’s era I decide to go for a mix of typography and image. The logo is incorporated (as well as colour matched). The stores Einstein mascot is also used, sporting a pair of the glass.

Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

The Big Picture This is the overall design for ‘The Big Picture’. I was not pleased about it at this stage but It looks quite affective on the mock up example I made. The 50’s marketing was all about making something that wasn’t really that good seem brilliant and desirable. This is why I added the phrase: You’ll be square with out them. To keep with the printing theme that run’s through out the supply store, the printing methods for the products will also have to adhere to the 50’s style. Theses types of print methods include: - Screen Printing - Offset Lithography

Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

Leigh Wortley - What Is Good?

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