30th Anniversary year
leisure opportunities 19 September - 3 October 2017 Issue 719
Your careers & recruitment partner
Tourism deal in 'common interest' of Europe John Glen has said that rising tourism numbers in the UK will continue to grow after its exit from the European Union (EU), adding that it is in the “common interest” of Europe to make Britain accessible. In an exclusive interview with Leisure Opportunities, Glen – who was appointed minister for Arts, Heritage and Tourism at the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) in June – said that the increase in inbound visitor numbers was continuing through 2017, and that there was no
■■Glen told Leisure Opportunities that a vote to leave the EU was not a vote to leave Europe
reason to believe the trend wouldn’t continue after Britain leaves the EU. “We want the UK to emerge from this period of change stronger, fairer, more
common interest in getting the best possible outcome in terms of Brexit. “Tourism will continue to be a major
united and more outward-looking than ever
economic driver for the UK and will
before as a truly global Britain,” he said.
only grow in importance in the years
“While it was a vote to leave the EU, it
ahead. The sector plays an important
was not a vote to leave Europe. Europe
role in showing the world the very
benefits from access to the UK market,
best of Britain, strengthening global
and many parts of Europe benefit
relationships and demonstrating
hugely from the business and tourism
that we are open for business.”
that comes from the UK. We have a
More: http://lei.sr?a=K7F8C_O
Birmingham pips Liverpool to Commonwealth post Paul Blanchard explains why Birmingham was selected
John Glen, minister for Arts, Heritage and Tourism
London mayor plans major boost for London tourism Sadiq Khan sets out tourism vision for the capital
Many parts of Europe benefit hugely from the business and tourism that comes from the UK
Recovering addicts offered free gym memberships Jane Moodie leads project for drug addicts and alcoholics