Le jetee #65 (18 august 2017)

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081 277 5027 lejetee.vacancies@gmail.com Page 2 Disney’s Magic Bench Page 3 Gedagte vir die naweek

A new "Magic Bench" designed by Disney Research lets you interact with endearing animated characters — and no special glasses or headsets are required.

Page 6 The reason you hate the sound of chewing Page 7 Aërosol (1926) Page 9 This Little Girl Is Embracing Her Baldness in the Most Beautiful Way Page 10 Datums om te onthou Page 11 Recipe Page 12 Did you know? Page 14 Edu Kids Page 15 Emergency Numbers Page 16 Highest –ranking sheep Page 17 Tide Table

By Mindy Weisberger A new "Magic Bench" designed by Disney Research lets you interact with endearing animated characters — and no special glasses or headsets are required. Instead, the complete environment — the seat, the sitter and the cartoon humanoid animals — is mirrored on a screen opposite the bench, making it possible for others to watch the scene unfold. How does the illusion work? A camera and sensor capture images and gather depth information about physical objects — the bench and the person — that algorithms integrate with the 3D animations, the researchers wrote in a study. Meanwhile, haptic sensors built into the bench deliver vibrations that are synchronized to animated actions on the screen, creating the illusion that the animated figures are occupying real-world space next to the user. "Our mantra for this project was: hear a character coming, see them enter the space, and feel them sit next to you," Moshe Mahler, principal digital artist at Disney Research, said in a statement. Augmented-reality overlays animated elements into views of the real world, typically by using special optical devices or mobile technology. However, one of its limitations is that its illusion can be glimpsed by only a single user. The Magic Bench allows groups of people to gather in a single environment and collectively participate in an augmented- reality experience, all at the same time, according to the study authors. Sitting on the bench triggers the augmented-reality experience, introducing a character into the scene. In a video demonstration, a small cartoon donkey trots into view and kicks the bench, generating a sharp sound and making the seated person jump in surprise. Another test shows two people on the bench, reacting as they "feel" an animated rabbit leap up beside them and jump up and down. When a user passes his hand over the rabbit, a shadow moves across its head — as though it were occupying the same physical space as the person next to it. Researchers used the real-color camera and the depth and color sensors in a Microsoft Kinect to capture the real-world scene of the Magic Bench and the person (or people) on it. Rebuilding them in 3D places the bench between a foreground and background, which can then be populated with whimsical characters. But the Disney engineers discovered that if the reconstructed 3D scene were viewed at an angle, missing data and a small difference in alignment between the camera and sensor created gaps in the image known as "depth shadows." To eliminate these depth shadows, designers layered another element into the scene — a 2D background captured by the Kinect's RGB camera, which seamlessly aligned with the scene when viewed head-on, the study authors wrote. Once the "stage" is set, it's ready to be shared with animated co-stars — from elephants offering up a glowing orb to a giraffe lending an umbrella during a sudden drizzle. Disney Research technicians presented the Magic Bench at SIGGRAPH 2017, an annual conference and exhibition on computer graphics and interactive techniques, that was held in Los Angeles from July 30 to Aug. 3. 2

SEUN SONDER HEMP Skrywer onbekend Dis stil in dié klas. Mnr Buys voel hoe sy binneste ruk, want hy weet hier is groot behoefte, maar ter wille van die dissipline van die klas moet die seun gestraf word. Hy versoek toe weer vir Klaas om sy baadjie uit te trek, en weer smeek hierdie maer verwaarloosde kind: “Meneer, ek sal enigiets doen, maar asb meneer, ek kan nie die baadjie uittrek nie”. Mnr Buys kon ook nie toegee nie, en sê weer: “Kom Klaas, uit met die baadjie” en toe Klaas sien hy gaan die baadjie moet uittrek, maak hy dit oop en laat dit stadig grond toe gly en staan voor die onderwyser met net die verflenterde ou broek aan sy lyf. “Klaas waar is jou hemp?” vra mnr Buys. “Meneer, in ons huis is daar net een hemp en een baadjie en dit was vandag my boetie se beurt om die hemp te dra. En meneer ek het nie bedoel om die brood te neem nie, ek het gedink Jakobus gaan dit net weer in die asblik gooi soos elke dag, en ek was baie honger, en ek weet my boeties en sussie by die huis is ook so honger soos ek toe dink ek hy sal nie eens agterkom dat die brood weg in die. Hier is dit meneer, en hy plaas die oorblywende broodjies op die tafel. Mnr Buys het gemaak of hy na iets op die bord kyk om hom geleentheid te gee om sy emosies onder beheer te kry. Toe draai hy om en sê: “Klaas, jy verstaan dat ek wel die dissipline moet toepas. Jy verstaan dat ek nie ‘n uitsondering kan maak nie”. Ja meneer, ek verstaan” en toe buk hy, en Mnr Buys tel die rottang op om die eerste hou te slaan, toe breek Jacobus se stem die stilte in die klas, “Wag meneer, moenie hom slaan nie”. Mnr Buys kyk na Jacobus en sê: “Nee Jacobus jy weet dat die straf moet toegepas word vir die oortreding van julle reels”. Ja meneer, maar moenie hom slaan nie, hy was baie honger en het aan sy boeties en sussie gedink by die huis, ek sal liewer in sy plek kom buk om sy straf wat hy moet kry te vat.” En Jacobus staan op en stap vorentoe. Daar was nie ‘n droë oog daardie dag in daardie klas nie. Maar net so het iemand reeds voor die VADER gestaan en gesê, Asseblief VADER moenie hulle straf nie, EK sal in hulle plek die straf op MY neem. Kom ons maak ‘n punt daarvan om in hierdie nuwe dag, hierdie week opnuut vir Jesus dankie te sê vir die straf wat HY namens ons verduur het. Laat mens dink, dink voor jy praat en doen aan ander wat jy graag wil hê gedoen moet word aan jou. 3



Good news: If you hate the sound of heavy breathing or slurping soup, you're not going crazy. It's actually a sign that you're super smart! BY BROOKE NELSON

Can’t stand loud breathing? Does the sound of someone smacking gum next to you make your blood boil? Turns out, you’re not alone—and there’s a genuinely scientific reason why. If you cringe when someone cracks their knuckles, you might want to get checked out for misophonia. Never heard of it? It’s a brain abnormality that creates “a hatred of sounds such as eating, chewing, loud breathing, or even pen-clicking,” TIME reports. (Plus, it’s just one of the weird habits that proves you’re smarter than everyone else.) Although researchers first coined the term misophonia in 2001, the medical community has always doubted the condition’s legitimacy. But thanks to new research published in the journal Current Biology, we can now safely say that everyday noises can ruin people’s lives. A team at Newcastle University in the U.K. examined MRI brain scans of those with and without misophonia while playing a range of sounds. The sounds were either neutral (like rain or water boiling), unpleasant (a baby crying or a person screaming), or trigger sounds (the sounds of breathing or eating). The results: The researchers noted significant changes in misophonia sufferers’ brain activity when they heard a “trigger sound.” Turns out, those with misophonia have a developmental difference in their brains frontal lobe that causes their brains to react harshly to those triggers. It also causes them to sweat and their heart rates to increase. “I hope this will reassure sufferers,” Tim Griffiths, professor of Cognitive Neurology at Newcastle University and UCL, said in a press release. “I was part of the skeptical community myself until we saw patients in the clinic and understood how strikingly similar the features are.” Dr Sukhbinder Kumar, from the Institute of Neuroscience at Newcastle University and the Wellcome Centre for NeuroImaging at University College London, agreed. “For many people with misophonia, this will come as welcome news as for the first time we have demonstrated a difference in brain structure and function in sufferers,” she said. “This study demonstrates the critical brain changes as further evidence to convince a skeptical medical community that this is a genuine disorder.” 6

’n Spuitmiddel met ’n suspensie van klein deeltjies in ’n gasmedium — dit was die uitvindsel in 1926 van die Noorse ingenieur Erik Rothheim, ’n produk wat wel deeglik sy merk op die twintigste eeu en op die wêreld tot in ons dag sou laat. Dit is aërosol genoem, en kort voor lank het ’n vervaardiger die eerste kommersiële aërosols in Oslo, Noorweë, gemaak. Aërosols met insektegif is ook ’n tyd lank in Noorweë vervaardig, maar dit het nie gelyk of die spuitmiddel juis sou posvat nie. Toe kom die Tweede Wêreldoorlog en die Amerikaanse soldate in die Stille Oseaan-gebied loop deur onder die insekte. Die Amerikaanse owerheid kom tot hul redding met ''gogga-bomme'', houers met aërosol wat die insekte bokveld toe stuur. Veel later het die wêreld geskok regop gesit toe bekend gemaak is dat ’n familie gasse wat chlorofluorokoolstowwe genoem en baie in aërosols gebruik word, besig is om die aarde se belangrike osoonlaag te verwoes. In 1990 het 93 lande ingestem om teen die einde van die twintigste eeu alle vervaardiging van die gewraakte gasse te staak. Die eeuglas het egter hoeka leeggeloop—en of almal dit toe reggekry het, bly ’n ope vraag. 7


Danielle Wride lost all of her hair to alopecia, but thanks to a Crazy Hair Day competition, she found her new favorite "hair style." BY ANDY SIMMONS

Daniella Wride was brushing her daughter’s long brown hair when 
she noticed that with each stroke, clumps of it were coming out. That was January 1, 2017. Within 20 days, seven-year-old Gianessa Wride’s hair and eyebrows were completely gone, and her dermatologist said they would never grow back. Gianessa had become one of the 6.8 million Americans with alo-pecia, an 
autoimmune disease that causes hair loss. (There’s actually a huge scientific benefit to being bald.) Alopecia isn’t painful, 
but for kids who suffer from it, the agony comes from standing out from the crowd. For the most part, the students in Gianessa’s firstgrade class in Salem, Utah, were understanding. But the occasional taunt of “Baldy” made her feel like an outcast. “I did not want her to not feel beautiful,” her mother told Today. They tried covering her baldness, but wigs were itchy and scarves wouldn’t stay on. Then the school announced its “Crazy Hair Day” competition in April, and Daniella and Gianessa 
decided that rather than hiding -Gianessa’s baldness under scarves 
or a wig, they would celebrate it. Daniella bought scrapbook-sticker jewels and decorated her daughter’s head with floral designs and even an owl. “They just fit her personality,” Daniella told CNN. “She’s so vibrant.” On the morning of the competition, Gianessa was nervous. Would her friends think it was funny or freaky? She had nothing to fear. 
Bedazzled Gianessa was a hit—and the winner of the crazy-hair competition. Gianessa is now glad she dared to go bare. “I was sad at first when I lost all my hair,” she told People, “but now I love being bald. I can do things to my head that other kids can’t. I’m thinking now it might be fun to decorate my head with some sparkly butterflies and flowers.” 9

AUG / SEPT / OKTOBER 25-26/08/2017

VISFEES Hentiesbaai Daleen Agenbag jagenbag@iway.na


DIRT OVAL RACING LEG 5 Walvisbaai Oval track baan


GREEN CENTRE MARKET Swakopmund Libertine Amathila Ave 081 692 9072

02/09/2017 28/10/2017 02/12/2017

BOEREMARK Windhoek Skougronde Kiet 081 436 3049




INSPIRASIE TAFELS Skougronde Windhoek


OTJIWARONGO SKOU Otjiwarongo Paresis Skou Gronde 081 258 5770


NATIONAL CANCER WALK Tsumeb United Nations Park 081 241 2816


LAGOON PARK FAMILY MARKET Walvisbaai 081 143 9290


EASY FRENCH LOAVES INGREDIENTS: 7 x cups cake flour 4 x cups luke water 2 x tsp salt 1 x pk dry yeast METHOD: Mix together evenly Kneading is not necessary Leave dough to stand to rise for more or less an hour Roll out dough into a big circle and sprinkle with grated white cheddar and oreganum and sweet basil. Sprinkle the oreganum again over the top once you roll it into the loaf. Greased baking pan obviously used. I spray my breads with spray and cook just before it starts browning then again once done. Bake at 180 degrees C for 1 hour. This makes 2 loaves Recipe and pictures: Helen Rose Food Lovers

Let's just say you won't catch them ordering the special at Red Lobster any time soon. BY SAM BENSON SMITH While they’re a lot of perks to being a royal, they are a surprisingly a lot of things you can’t do. Growing up, you’re banned from wearing pants and playing with certain toys. Things loosen up a bit when adulthood rolls around, but as it turns out, certain restrictions still do apply. One of those restrictions comes down to what members of the royal family can eat in public. We already know that the Queen has a very specific diet, but there’s one food that is forbidden, no matter who you are: shellfish. According to the Sun, the Royals are not allowed to eat crustacean cuisine while eating out, which explains the lack of photos of Prince William and Kate eating at Red Lobster. The rationale behind the rule isn’t based in some archaic slight against the house of Windsor by a 20th-century fisherman, but as a precaution against illness. Filter feeding shellfish “can concentrate harmful bacteria and viruses” and lead to “gastroenteritis, septicemia, salmonellosis, hepatitis, cholera, and typhoid” as well as just regular old food poisoning, so this precaution is very understandable. A keyword here is “public.” So, hypothetically speaking, behind closed doors and away from the cameras, Harry, William, the Queen and the whole royal family tree could be going to town on a ziggurat of king crab legs right now.


Months that start on a Sunday will always have a Friday the 13th March 14 is 'save a spider day' MTV (Music Television) made its debut at 12:01 a.m. August 1st 1981 (the first music video shown 'Video killed the radio star' by the Buggles) Hawaii officially became apart of the US on June 14 1900 The supersonic Concorde jet made its first trial flight on January 1st 1969 October the 10th is national metric day 12




081 333 0449 081 202 8391 081 657 0704 081 711 9482 081 657 0703 061—302302


The highest ranking sheep is Lance Corporal Derby XXX (UK), who was promoted to Lance Corporal, at Dale Barracks, Chester, UK, on 1 September 2015. Lance Corporal Derby XXX is a member of the Mercian Regiment, and was promoted from being a Private, by the Colonel of the regiment; Brigadier Andrew Williams. As a serving member of the British Armed Forces, Lance Corporal Derby XXX is entitled to take a wage, which covers his food and veterinarian bills, and take annual leave, which he takes at Christmas. Guinness World Records is saddened to announce that the mascot ram for the Mercian Regiment of the British Army, Derby XXX (UK), has passed away after developing a bacterial infection at the end of last year. This news comes shortly after Derby’s elevation from Private to Lance Corporal – a promotion which earned him a Guinness World Records title as the Highest ranking sheep in the world. The official announcement of his advancement was made by the Colonel of the regiment, Brigadier Andrew Williams, at Dale Barracks, Chester, UK on 1 September 2015 – the eight-year anniversary of the Regiment’s formation. The three-year-old Swaledale ram was given a promotion due to good behaviour and performing well as a Private in a variety of tasks. His duties included leading parades and attending various charity functions. Back in 2014, Derby XXX switched on the Christmas lights in Ashbourne and often led out the teams at Derby County FC for its home matches. As a serving member of the British Armed Forces, Lance Corporal Derby XXX was entitled to take a wage, which covered his food and veterinarian bills, and take annual leave, which he took at Christmas (mating season). The highly decorated animal was even awarded a service medal for his part in a UN peacekeeping tour in Cyprus. His coat also boasts a replica of the India Mutiny Medal, a General Service Medal 1962 with the clasp Northern Ireland (as he was stationed in the country several times during his career), and two jubilee medals. Derby had a silver plate embossed with the Regimental Cap Badge on his forehead and silver protectors fitted to the tip of his horns. This record-breaking animal was the 30th in a long line of army mascot rams, which date back to 1858. The regiment will now look for the next Private Derby, but Lance Corporal Derby XXX will forever be remembered as the first sheep to have reached such an impressive rank. 16



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