Le jetee news #23 (28 october 2016)

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In 1946 the first computer was announced. It was called ENIAC, which stood for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. ENIAC took up a large room and required several people to operate. She operated with vacuum tubes and could output 5,000 addition problems in one second. The computer used 170,000 watts of power, weighed 28 tons, had 17,840 vacuum tubes, filled a large building and cost $487,000. (By today's standards, that is about ten million dollars!) It took several people to run her. It was basically a larger super fast calculator with some input features via punch cards. You think you have computer problems today? With 17,480 tubes, ENIAC required constant maintain as there was always a tube going out. On average, one would go out about about every other day. It took about fifteen minutes to locate the bad tube. It's longest continuous period of operation without a failure was 116 hours. Aside from the 17,480 vacuum tubes, ENIAC had 7,200 crystal diodes, 1,500 relays, 70,000 resistors, 10,000 capacitors and around 5 million hand-soldered joints. The typical computer you use today is of course tens of thousands of times faster.

Fate has a funny way of bringing people together—and breaking their collarbones. BY DELLA FRANCE In 1945, when I was seven, I was running down a steep hill behind a relative’s house, when suddenly I was going head over heels straight into a sheep pen! I broke my collarbone. Since you didn’t go to the ER in those days, I went to see Dr. Steele. While I waited in great pain, a short woman dragged in a little boy and screamed, “He’s got a bean up his nose!” He got treated first before I could get my collarbone set.

Eight years later, I was working and waited on this nice-looking young man, Kenny. We began dating and married three years later. As Kenny and I swapped stories, he said that when he was nine, he’d sucked a bean up his nose. The bean began to swell, and his mom rushed him to Dr. Steele to have it removed! I laughed, saying I’d been in Dr. Steele’s office that day too. Also, in 1959, we took over Kenny’s dad’s farm. It was at the bottom of the steep hill! I looked at that hill every day for 34 years—a reminder of how I met my love.

APPELKOOS KONFYT IN DIE MIKROGOLF (Maak 3 x 450 g bottels) 1 kg appelkose, oopgesny en ontpit ¾ kg suiker METODE: Mikrogolf die appelkose 15 minute in ʼn groot glasbak op hoog (roer na 5 minute). Voeg suiker by en roer deur. Mikrogolf 25 minute op hoog en meng na tien en twintig minute. Skep in gesteriliseerde bottels* en laat goed afkoel. *Steriliseer bottels deur hulle goed te was en in 150°Coond te plaas vir 20 minute. Jy kan dit ook in ‘n skottelgoedwasser op hoë hitte was en laat droog word.

Het jy geweet dat 8% van alle mense ‘n ekstra ribbebeen het?

JY IS MY VRIEND (‘N MINNELIED) Ek wil nie met jou kompeteer nie myself met jou vergelyk nie - of myself gelyk aan jou stel nie, al wat ek wil doen my skat is om jou vriend te wees. Ek wil nie met jou stry of baklei nie my opinies op jou afdwing nie - of my eie menings laat geld nie, al wat ek wil doen my skat is om jou vriend te wees. Ek wil jou nie net bejammer nie jou sieketrooster wees nie - of met jou simpatiseer nie, al wat ek wil doen my skat is om jou vriend te wees. Ek wil jou ook nie net beïndruk nie vals beelde van my voorsit nie - of leuens aan jou opdis nie, want al wat ek wil doen my skat is om vir jou lief te wees. Koor Ek wil jou vriend wees my lewe met jou deel – sonder verwagtinge, so ongekompliseerd wil ek met jou leef. ©Oswald 2016

‘N OPSTEL DEUR ‘N LAERSKOOL LEERLING GESKRYF Die koei is 'n soogdier. Hy is ook 'n huisdier. 'n koei is orrals.. 'n koei het 'n baie Fein reik - jy reik hom oor die jele plaas. Agteraan die koei sit die stert. An die een Kant van die stert sit die pint van die stert wat die kwas genoem word en an die anner Kant sit die koei. Die koei gebruik die kwas om die flieje van haar weg te hou anners Val hulle innie melk. Vooran die koei sit die kop. Daar groei die hoorings. Die kop hou ook die bek vas. Tissen die stert en die kop sit die koei. Die koei is oorgetrek met 'n beesvel. Onderan die koei hang die melk. Om die melk te kry, maak jy die koei se bene vas. Die agterstes. Dan sit jy onner die koei en trek die toutjie. Dan kom die melk. As die Gras goed is, is die melk goed. As die Gras sleg is, is die melk sleg. As die donner-weer in die lug is, is die melk weg. As dit 'n ou koei is, is die melk suur. Dit is baie goedkoop om 'n koei aan te hou want jy gee hom net eenkeer kos, Dan kou hy twee maal. Die man van die koei is die OS. Dit lyk soos die koei maar daar hang net nie melk aan hom nie. Om OS te se is nie 'n vloekwoord nie. Verder weet ek niks. Behalwe dat as 'n koei baie stip na jou kyk, moet jy padgee want Dan is dit 'n bul.

MASELS It was an incredible moment when 908 brides-to-be congregated outside the Huqiu Wedding Dress City in Suzhou, Jiangsu, China and vowed to become Guinness World Records title holders. In an attempt organised by Suzhou Huqiu Bridal Investment Co. Ltd., the group of women broke the previous record for the Largest gathering of brides by 65 participants. The beautifully dressed brides-to-be had travelled to the event from various cities all over China to take part in the attempt. Afterwards, they went off to attend a group wedding ceremony on a cruise ship. Official Guinness World Records judge Maggie Luo was on hand to count and verify the exciting mass participation challenge. Once adjudicator Maggie had announced the start of the attempt, each of the brides released a colourful helium-filled balloon into the air. The successful attempt kicked off the carnival of Huqiu bridal shopping town.

OORSAAK: Virus in die lugweë oorgedra van persoon tot persoon in vogdruppels in die lug, op linne of klere; selfs aansteeklik 3 tot 5 dae voordat 'n pasiënt self simptome ondervind. VERSKYNING: Na 'n broeitydperk van 10 tot 14 dae van blootstelling; kom in epidemies voor. SIMPTOME: Verkouetekens min of meer van tiende tot veertiende dag na infeksie (koors tot 40,5 grade celsius; loopneus; betraande, rooi oë verdwynende, grys vlekkies in die mond; skor hoesbuie). Tipiese huiduitslag van ongeveer die veertiende dag af (vyfde dag van siekte); begin as fyn, rooi, aaneenlopende spikkels agter die ore en in nek; versprei na romp en ledemate en vorm later dieprooi, aaneenlopende, opgehewe vlekke; opgeswelde nekkliere, veral agter die ore. DUUR: Vier tot 7 dae - daarna verdwyn die uitslag en ergste long-, neus, en oogtekens. Die vel verskilfer. GEVARE: Ernstige newegevolge, soos longontsteking, brongitis, middeloorontsteking, breinontsteking; mag selfs noodlottig wees in jong kinders (babas en jong kleuters behoort dus nie onnodig aan die siekte blootgestel te word nie). Voorkoming in babatyd met immuniserende inspuiting. BEHANDELING: Afsondering. Plaas die pasiënt in sy bed en raadpleeg 'n geneesheer. Middels om die pasiënt te laat "uitslaan", soos warm wyn, dien geen nittige doel nie. Bedek die lig as dit sy oë prikkel. Warm, vogtige lug laat die hoesbuie bedaar. Sponsbaddens met water wat koeksoda bevat, help die velprikkeling. Aspirien vir pyn en koors, sowel as ander voorgeskrewe middels, mag die simptome verlig en komplikasies voorkom. Hou die pasiënt in die bed totdat sy koors normaal is en ander simptome verdwyn.

No-Shave November, a web-based nonprofit effort, is just one way gentleman embrace facial hair for a good cause; another is Movember, an international nonprofit organization that promotes growing mustaches to fight prostate and testicular cancer and promote men’s mental health.


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The purpose behind each of the separate campaigns is raising awareness of health issues. One in 8 women will get breast cancer but one in 7 men will get prostate cancer, says Kevin Donovan, business and community engagement manager for the United States office of the Movember Foundation. The Australian founders of Movember wondered, back in 2003, “How come no one is talking about this? How come nothing is being done?” Donovan says in a phone interview from Culver City, California. Brad Burk, a vice president for community engagement with the American Cancer Society, which partners with the private NoShave November campaign, adds, in a phone interview from Indianapolis, “I think it really speaks to men ... I don’t think men have felt like they have had the same opportunity to rally together the way women have.”

Twyfelfontein or /Ui-//aes has one of the largest concentrations of petroglyphs, i.e. rock engravings in Africa. Most of these well-preserved engravings represent rhinoceros, . The site also includes six painteelephant, ostrich and giraffe, as well as drawings of human and animal footprintsd rock shelters with motifs of human figures in red ochre. The objects excavated from two sections, date from the Late Stone Age. The site forms a coherent, extensive and high-quality record of ritual practices relating to hunter-gatherer communities in this part of southern Africa over at least 2,000 years, and eloquently illustrates the links between the ritual and economic practices of huntergatherers.

She hasn't even experienced proper schooling yet, but three-yearold Saffron Pledger already has an IQ score of 140 and might possibly become one of the youngest member of Mensa, an intellectual high IQ society with members in more than 100 countries. In order to be a part of the scholarly society, members must score among the top two percent of the world's IQ scores. With her current score, Pledger is already 40 points above the national average and three points ahead of former President Bill Clinton. The English-born Pledger is reported to be able to write, read, count up to 50 and solve simple mathematics. She is the daughter of eight-time game show champion Danny Pledger, a 23-year-old web designer.

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