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1 Pet 3:1-2 Net so moet julle vroue, aan jul eie mans onderdanig wees, sodat as sommige aan die Woord ongehoorsaam is, hulle ook deur die wandel van die vroue sonder woorde gewin kan word as hulle jul reine, Godvresende wandel aanskou het.

PAGE 2 Moedersdag: Posomskrywing van ‘n MA PAGE 3 Die Vullis Vragmotor PAGE 6 Resep PAGE 8 Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Kill Bees in Your Yard PAGE 11 Jobseekers PAGE 13 The Heart-Wrenching Moment That Led to the Idea of the Red Cross PAGE 18 DIY PAGE 20 + 21 Datums Om Te Onthou PAGE 22 Emergency Numbers PAGE 23 • Tide Table • Public Holiday Calendar 2019

MOEDERSDAG: POSOMSKRYWING VAN ‘N MA POSBENAMING: Ma, Mammie, Moeder, Moekie, Moeksie, Ag Maaaaaa! POS BESKRYWING: Hierdie langtermyn posisie is slegs vir persone met uitnemende, dinamiese persoonlikhede. Die pos is permanent en om die minste te sê, uiters uitdagend en ook is die pos van lewenslange aard. Werksomgewing is stimulerend en gewoonlik meer as net ‘n bietjie chaoties. Suksesvolle kandidate moet gemaklik in ‘n span omgewing kan werk en moet beskik oor uitmuntende kommunikasie en organiserings vaardighede. Moet bereid wees om fleksie ure te werk en sal ook op kort kennisgewing oortyd moet kan werk. Die posisie kan ook vereis dat jy aande, naweke en selfs 24 uur beskikbaar moet wees. Somtyds kan van jou verwag word om ritte te onderneem na primitiewe kampterreine, en ook om eindelose sportbyeenkomste by te woon. Daar kan ook van jou verwag word om op te tree as ‘n koerierdiens. Vir bogenoemde pligte en ander wat nie hier genoem word maar vereis dat u u voertuig moet gebruik word geen vervoer of brandstof toelaag ingesluit nie. VERANTWOORDELIKHEDE: Vir die res van jou lewe moet jy gewillig wees om soms gehaat te word, ten minste tydelik, of slegs totdat iemand ‘n N$50 nodig het of miskien die motor moet leen. Moet geoefen wees in die kuns om op jou tande te kan byt. Hare op jou tande kan tel as ‘n ekstra bonus! Die suksesvolle kandidaat moet ook beskik oor die fisieke stamina van ‘n pakdonkie en moet ook van 0 tot 60 kilometer per uur kan versnel in onder 3 sekondes, net vir ingeval die geskree in die agterplaas hierdie keer ‘n ware noodkreet is. Moet ook verkieslik tegnies aangelê wees, maar is nie ‘n voorvereiste nie, om allerlei klein elektroniese speelgoed reg te maak en nie werkende elektroniese apparate te ondersoek. Indien u reeds vertroud is met risiko bestuur sal dit tot u voordeel wees. Die suksesvolle kandidaat sal eventueel oproepe moet kan sif, kalenders in stand kan hou, tuiswerk projekte kan behartig, en halfvoltooide skoolprojekte kan voltooi. Moet ook die vermoë beskik om sosiale byeenkomste te kan beplan, organiseer en reguleer vir kliënte van alle ouderdomsgroepe. Moet gewillig wees om onmisbaar te wees een oomblik en ‘n totale verleentheid die volgende. Moet altyd hoop vir die beste maar voorbereid wees op die ergste. Moet algehele verantwoordelikheid kan aanvaar vir die kwaliteit van die eindproduk. Verantwoordelikhede sluit ook in vloerbestuurder, skoonmaker, drywer, loodgieter, dokter, sielkundige, kok, bottelwasser, ens. MOONTLIKHEDE VIR BEVORDERING: Geen !!! Daar word van jou verwag om in dieselfde posisie te bly vir die res van jou lewe, vir altyd en sonder om te kla! Jy sal deurlopend jou vaardighede moet verskerp en aanpas, sodat die wat in jou sorg is jou uiteindelik kan ontgroei!

VORIGE ONDERVINDING: Geen !!! In diens opleiding op ‘n gereelde, nimmereindigende, emosioneel uitputtende basis word gratis verskaf. TOELAES EN VERGOEDING: Watse toelae?! Jy betaal hulle! Die aanbied van gereelde verhogings (sakgeld), bonusse, belonings en lenings is ‘n vereiste. ‘n Laaste Ballon paaiement vir wanneer jou kliënt 18 of 21 word, is veronderstel om die laaste bonus te wees – want die idee is dat ‘n voertuig hulle sal help om finansiëel onafhanklik te raak. Wanneer jy afsterf gee jy hulle alles wat miskien nog oor mag wees. Die interresantste gedeelte van die agterstevoor betaalopsie is dat jy die hele proses gaan geniet en soms gaan wens dat jy nog soveel meer kan gee. Glo dit of nie, maar jy gaan ook nog wens jy kan meer doen! VOORDELE: Alhoewel die pos geen mediese skema, geen pensioen en geen terugbetalings van enige aard insluit nie voorsien dit jou van onbeperkte geleenthede vir persoonlike groei. Die posisie verseker jou van die geleentheid om onvoorwaardelik lief te hê, so ook onvoorwaarlike liefde terug te ontvang. As ‘n bonus word gratis drukkies en soentjies vir die res van jou lewe ingesluit (as jy jou kaarte mooi speel). 2

Hoe gereeld laat jy toe dat ander mense jou gemoedstoestand beïnvloed? Laat jy toe dat ‘n swak bestuurder, ongeskikte kelner, ‘n norse baas of ‘n onsensitiewe medewerker jou dag ruïneer? So iets kan jou hele dag omkrap en jou in ‘n slegte bui laat vir ‘n groot gedeelte van die dag. Maar, dit is waar die onderskeiding van die suksesvolle persoon intree naamlik, hoe vinnig kan jy jou fokus terugkry na so insident op dit wat belangrik is. Sestien jaar gelede het ek die les geleer, agter in ‘n huurmotor. Dit is wat gebeur het. Ek het ‘n huurmotor gekry en was oppad na die stasie. Terwyl ons in die linkerkantste baan ry, is daar skielik ‘n swart motor wat vanuit ‘n parkeer ruimte voor ons inry. Die huurmotor bestuurder het baie vinnig gerem en die motor het begin gly, ons het die motor met sentimeters gemis. Die bestuurder van die swart motor ruk sy kop agtertoe en begin in die vreeslikste taal ons uit te skel. My huurmotor bestuurder het net vir die ander bestuurder geglimlag en gewaai. Hy was werklik opreg vriendelik met hom. Ek vra toe vir hom, “Hoekom het jy dit gedoen? Die ou het amper jou motor afgeskryf en ons amper hospitaal toe gestuur. Dit is wat die huurmotorbestuurder vir my gesê het wat ek nou noem, “Die Wet van die Vullis vragmotor”. Baie mense is soos vullis vragmotors. Hulle hardloop rond vol vullis, vol frustrasie, vol woede en vol van teleurstelling. Soos wat die vullis ophoop soek hulle ‘n plek waar hulle dit kan stort. As jy hulle toelaat sal hulle dit op jou stort. Indien iemand dit wel op jou stort moet dit nie persoonlik opneem nie. Glimlag, waai, wens hulle voorspoed toe en gaan aan. Jy sal baie bly wees jy het dit gedoen.

So dit was dit, “Die Wet van Vullis vragmotors”. Ek begin te dink hoeveel keer laat ek toe dat vullis vragmotors reg bo-oor my ry? Hoeveel keer neem ek hulle gestorte vullis en versprei dit weer aan ander mense by die werk, by die huis en op straat? Dit was die dag waarop ek besluit het tot hiertoe en nie verder nie, ek gaan dit nie meer doen nie. Ek het begin om die vullis vragmotors raak te sien. Ek sien hulle nou al aankom, ek sien die vrag vullis wat hulle dra en ek sien dat hulle dit wil kom stort. Soos my huurmotorbestuurder, maak ek dit nie ‘n persoonlik ding nie, ek glimlag net, waai, wens hulle voorspoed toe en beweeg aan. Die geheim om ‘n gelukkige en suksesvolle dag te ervaar is om nie toe te laat dat ander mense se vullis vragmotors jou lewe oorneem of beheer nie. Die lewe is te kort om elke oggend met verwyte op te staan, dus ….. wees lief vir diegene wat jou goed behandel en die res, ignoreer hulle en vergeet daarvan.




BESTANDDELE: • 500 g bruismeel • 1 teelepel sout • 1 x 330 ml blikkie of botteltjie bier • ½ blikkie suiker roommielies METODE:  Roer alles saam goed deur.  Skep in ‘n broodpannetjie  Pak ‘n paar uieringe bo-op  Rasper kaas oor en bak by 180° C vir ongeveer 50 minute. Resep geplaas deur Petré van Jaarsveld Foto: Petré van Jaarsveld


Elisa Roland BULLS GET ANGRY WHEN THEY SEE THE COLOR RED Surprise! Bulls are actually colour-blind to red and green. What really gets them riled up during a bullfight is the cape’s movement, and they’re more likely to charge at an object that’s moving the most, no matter what colour it is. Red became associated with bulls because matadors use a red cape in the final stage of a bullfight. They likely picked the colour to hide the blood after killing the animal—not to get it angrier.

While the uses for white vinegar are plentiful, apple cider vinegar has arguably even more trusted applications. Its wide-ranging benefits (rivaling the number of uses for tea tree oil and other nifty natural helpers) include everything from curing hiccups to alleviating cold symptoms, and some people have turned to apple cider vinegar to help with health concerns including diabetes, cancer, heart problems, high cholesterol, and weight issues. . Apple cider vinegar helps whiten teeth: Gargle with apple cider vinegar in the morning. The vinegar helps remove stains, whiten teeth, and kill bacteria in your mouth and gums. Brush as usual after you gargle. You can also brush your teeth with baking soda once a week to help remove stains and whiten your teeth; use it just as you would toothpaste. You can also use salt as an alternative toothpaste. If your gums start to feel raw, switch to brushing with salt every other day.


Kiersten Hickman

They may seem pesky, but you’re going to want to have them around! While bees hopping from one flower to another is picturesque to watch, having bees disturbing a backyard barbecue certainly isn’t. They may seem like pesky creatures to get rid of, but there are quite a few things you may not know about bees. Especially the impact they have on our livelihood. The main purpose of bees, particularly honey bees, is to help pollinate the plants around them. According to the Department of Entomology at Pennsylvania State University, pollinators (such as bees) help to fertilize plants, which results in “the formation of seeds and the fruit surrounding seeds.” Pollinators are necessary for three-quarters of our major food crops, including fruits, vegetables, and nuts. An estimated 300,000 species of plants need pollinators. That’s around 80 to 95 percent of plant species. Without pollinators, the number of crops we have will take a serious hit. Other pollinators can help out with this process including butterflies, beetles, and flies. Even some birds and bats can be pollinators. However, bees of various species are known for being natural pollinators for plants. Unfortunately, for years there has been an alarming decline of bees around the globe. The University of Vermont published a study stating that 23 percent of the wild bee population declined between 2008 and 2013. 139 counties in parts of California, the Pacific Northwest, the Midwest, west Texas and the Mississippi River valley have taken the worst hit in wild bee declines. Since 39 percent of U.S. croplands rely on pollinators for their crop (including those beloved apple orchards and pumpkin patches in the fall), we are facing a serious threat. By taking care of the bees, our world is able to benefit in terms of agricultural income and nutritious food supply. You may not be able to make a huge change on an industrial level, but as someone with a landscape of your own, there are some ways you can help save the bees. First, don’t kill them. Leave them be—we need them. Second, if you’re looking for a way to deter them from your patio, why not build or buy a beehive and set it up farther away from the patio? This beehive won’t produce honey or beeswax for you to use, but it does help to give native bees a place to congregate. Lastly, why not add the plants they like to your landscape?



Kim Fredericks The kitchen may be the heart of the home, but it is also a place that harbors some of the most toxic household items. Here’s what you need to avoid to keep your family safe. Bleach: When it comes to whitening and disinfecting, bleach is a go-to household staple, but bleach itself is also a dangerous substance that can cause skin irritation, respiratory problems, and even death. “Used properly, bleach is great for disinfecting, but it is usually one of the most hazardous chemicals in the household,” says Rick Sachleben, Ph.D, expert for the American Chemical Society. “Put one drop of bleach in a gallon of water and you can drink it, but five percent bleach will burn your throat.” One study shows that children who were regularly exposed to bleach-cleaned environments had higher rates of respiratory-tract infections while a more recent study links bleach to an increase in risk for fatal lung conditions. Perhaps the biggest risk involving bleach happens when it is mixed with ammonia. When mixed, bleach and ammonia react to form chloramine, which evaporates into the air, and can kill you if you breathe it in, explains Sachleben. Bleach also wreaks havoc on kitchen faucets and surfaces. Bleach contains chlorine, and when it reacts to disinfect, it becomes corrosive, explains Sachleben. “If you use it around your house, the faucets will rust from the chlorine.”


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Isabel Roy From tragedy, sprung hope. The Red Cross, now approaching its 138th year in existence, is known for performing some of the most heroic acts in the world, but its origin story is far from rosy. Before we start at the beginning, let’s cover the basics: What is the Red Cross? Red Cross societies exist in 190 countries all over the world. Their mission: “The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.” This organization bands together willing volunteers with worldwide issues in need of them and provides a channel for anyone to help out in times of crisis. Who began the Red Cross and why? In 1860, Swiss businessman and social activist, Jean Henri Dunant, witnessed atrocities of war, and countries not prepared or equipped to ease the suffering of those who had been injured in the Battle of Solferino during the second War of Italian Independence. Dunant organized a group of volunteers to help bring water and food to the injured, to assist with medical treatment, or write letters to the families of those who were dying. After that moment, he knew that more had to be done, and he wrote the book, A Memory of Solferino, which urged the public to create an organization which would assist the wounded, regardless of which side they fought for during times of war. His writing inspired countless others to rally behind him in the creation of the International Federation of the Red Cross. Why was it founded? On June 24, 1859, Emperors Napoleon III and Franz Joseph I went head to head in what would later be known as the Battle of Solferino, commanding a combined total of about 270,000 troops onto the field for a single day of battle. When all was said and done, nearly 40,000 were either dead, injured, or missing, many of whom were simply left to die on the battlefield. In the days that followed, spectators crowded the fields, looking for loved ones, scavenging items they could sell, or simply taking in the horrors of the battle, including Jean Henri Dunant, who was traveling in the region to try to gain a meeting with the French emperor to discuss a business opportunity in French-controlled Algeria. Dunant describes some of the horrors that he saw that day, such as amputations without anesthetic, and groaning, fly-covered men who were left for dead. “Some, who had gaping wounds already beginning to show infections… begged to be put out of their misery, and writhed with faces distorted in the grip of the death struggled,” he wrote. What he saw that day stayed with him for the rest of his life. What does the Red Cross do now? The modern-day Red Cross is much more than a mission to nurse soldiers during wartime. Due in large part to Clara Barton’s direction of the American Red Cross in the late 1800s, the group began to devote itself largely to disaster relief, and epidemic treatment. This effort continues to this day. Another large change has been the variation of the symbol, the red cross. Given the association of the cross with Christianity, over 30 Islamic nations use a red crescent, and Israels’s national first-aid society uses either a Star of David (for domestic aid) or a red crystal for international operations. Each of these symbols has been approved during the Geneva Conventions and under international law, it is illegal to deliberately target these humanitarian workers—however, in the last several decades, there have been dozens of instances of intentional targeting of Red Crescent and Red Cross volunteers. One of the easiest ways you can help the Red Cross is to make sure you are able to donate blood and make an appointment at the Red Cross website. But, donating blood isn’t the only way you can help out—the Red Cross also encourages donating your time if you can. 13



Alyssa Jung Americans are more stressed than ever, according to an American Psychological Association survey, and nearly one-third say stress impacts their physical or mental health. If you have this symptom, your stress might be making you sick. You break out in hives If you’re suddenly covered in itchy red bumps, stress (not allergies) might be to blame. When your body experiences excessive stress (for either a short or long period of time) your immune system gets wonky and your body starts releasing the chemical histamine to fight off your ailment. If the stress doesn’t go away, you essentially develop an allergic reaction and, boom, hives galore. When your immune system is weakened by stress, your skin can also become irritated by things it never used to be sensitive to, such as soap, cold or heat, lotions, or laundry detergent. WHAT TO DO: Put a cool, damp towel on the affected area. if that doesn’t work, take an antihistamine.

En wat kry ek vir Moedersdag? 16

QUESTION: What do the letter T and an island have in common?

ANSWER: You’ll find both of them in the middle of water.

Joann Pan Instead of tossing those eggshells from breakfast, try saving them for this incredible use. Start the herb garden of your dreams Daydream about covering every inch of your winter home with happy, green indoor plants? Here’s one step to realizing that dream. For your next weekend brunch, cook up a super yummy egg dish (eggs benedict casserole is always a winner), and save your shells! When cracking each egg, cut the top of the shell and pour the egg out of the shell to preserve most of the length of the eggshell. Gently rinse before storing. Remember to save the egg carton—this is where your herb starter plants will grow. Once the shells have dried, use a sharp needle or awl to poke a hole in the bottom of each (for water drainage). Place an eggshell in each carton divot. Fill each most of the way with soil. Place seeds into the soil, according to seedsowing instructions. Mist soil with a spray bottle and keep the carton in full sun. Water regularly and keep an eye out for sprouts. Once it’s time to transfer into a pot or garden, you can transplant as-is.




10—11 MEI

18 MEI



EXPO Aranos Jannie—063-672434 Elna-081 637 8389 SPCA FUN DAY Walvisbaai Lorraine—081 127 6830 GREEN CENTRE Swakopmund—081 697 9072 SWAKOP FOOD FESTIVAL Swakopmund Christal Salt—081 215 7725 BOEREMARK Windhoek Skougronde Esme—081 277 8766 DANKFEES Windhoek Wes Gemeente (Die Kerk by die Kruis) Sandra—061—226 834 KUIERMARK Gobabis Christa—081 291 4959 LAERSKOOL LEONARDVILLE REUNIE Ina Nolte 081 124 7527 SEAFOOD FESTIVAL Walvisbaai –Nangula—081 476 9304 KUIERFEES Grootfontein Merlin—081 259 5184 BOEREMARK Windhoek Skougronde Esme—081 277 8766 LAGOON PARK FAMILY MARKET (SUMMER VIBES) Walvisbaai GREEN CENTRE Swakopmund 081 697 9072 STANDARD BANK BILTONGFEES BOEREMARK Windhoek Skougronde—Esme—081 277 8766 GREEN CENTRE Swakopmund VOLG OP BL 21 081 697 9072 20






WALVISBAAI OESTERFEES Walvisbaai—Len Nel—081 129 5367 HENTIES VISFEES CAKE SALE Swakopmund—In front of Standard Bank from 08:00 Organised by The Organisation for Caring for People with Disabilities —Almut Slabbert - 081 299 1902 / Carol-Ann Möller—081 209 8169 GREEN CENTRE Swakopmund—081 697 9072 OMARURU ARTS FESTIVAL Omaruru—081 236 2951 BOEREMARK Windhoek Skougronde—Esme—081 277 8766 GOBABIS SKOU Kathy Opperman—081 168 8444 SWAKOPMUND SME MINI EXPO Swakopmund—081 476 9304 DOXIE FEST Windhoek——081 612 7668 LAGOON PARK FAMILY MARKET (SUMMER VIBES) Walvisbaai GREEN CENTRE Swakopmund—081 697 9072 KUIERMARK Gobabis—Christa—081 291 4959 GREEN CENTRE Swakopmund—081 697 9072 BOEREMARK Windhoek Skougronde—Esme—081 277 8766 ADVENT MARKET Swakopmund — LIONS Old Age Home. Friday from 15:00 and Saturday from 08:00, organised by the Organisation for Caring for People with Disabilities Almut Slabbert— 081 299 1902 Carol-Ann Möller—081 209 8169 BOEREMARK Windhoek Skougronde—Esme—081 277 8766 GREEN CENTRE CHRISTMAS MARKET Swakopmund—081 697 9072 LAGOON PARK FAMILY MARKET (SUMMER VIBES) Walvisbaai BOEREMARK Windhoek Skougronde—Esme—081 277 8766 21


081 333 0449 081 202 8391 081 657 0704 081 711 9482 081 657 0703 061—302302


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