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Mat 6 : 8 Want julle Vader weet wat julle nodig het, nog voordat julle dit van Hom vra. PAGE 2 From Being Partially Paralysed To Climbing Mountains In Record-Breaking Time PAGE 3 Uit Rika se Pen PAGE 4 Resep PAGE 7 Die Geskiedenis Van Vadersdag PAGE 13 Lavender Coconut Aloe Vera Shave Gel PAGE 19 This Soon-to-be Bride Sent One Invitation to the Wrong Address—But She Got the Most Touching Note in Return PAGE 20 Jobseekers PAGE 21 + 22 Datums Om Te Onthou PAGE 23 Emergency Numbers PAGE 24 • Tide Table • Public Holiday Calendar 2019
VIDEO: Picture this. One moment you’re paddling in the warm blue sea. The next minute you're lying in a hospital bed, partially paralysed. Despite what the doctors are saying, you're holding out hope they're wrong. That's what happened to Steven Plain, from Burswood, Western Australia, following a freak swimming accident on 13 December 2014. While at Cottesloe Beach, a wave swept him up and caused him to crash head first into the seabed. Steven was rushed to the hospital, where it was confirmed that he had broken his neck. Multiple unstable fractures to his vertebra, a contorted spinal cord, a ruptured spinal disc, a dissected arterial artery, and torn ligaments where just some of his extensive injuries. Doctors told Steven he narrowly escaped being paralysed for life and unable to walk. He would, however, have to be fitted with a halo head brace for 15 weeks to try and correct the damage. After receiving such shocking news, many would simply focus on regaining their former strength and well-being. But Steven refused the doctors prognosis and set himself the ultimate challenge – to not only walk out of the hospital, but to go on to climb the seven summits, including Carstensz, in just four months. However, the challenge seems even more daunting when you find out that before his injury, Steve had only climbed one mountain before; the Federation Peak in Tasmania, which was 1224 m. The majority of the mountains on the sevensummit hit list are more than double, if not triple or quadruple that elevation. With no proper mountaineering experience, and a tough road to recovery ahead, Steven's challenge was ambitious to say the least. But even his neck brace couldn't deter Steven from his goal. Over the following years, he underwent an intense training regime and carried out climbs in the New Zealand Southern Alps, the Peruvian Andes and the Himalayas in preparation for his record-breaking, roundthe-world mountaineering adventure. Finally, after years of training and preparation, Steven was ready to set off on his awesome journey. To document and share his progress, Steven created Project 7in4. "Leaving Sydney in January, laden with two big expedition duffels, I said an emotional farewell to my family before boarding my flight for South America and on to Antarctica for the first of the 7 Summits, Mt Vinson." After conquering the first mountain as part of a expedition group, Steven went on to complete the others with his friend and climbing partner Jon Gupta. Many would have seen it as an impossible feat, but he not only completed the challenge, but did so in a record-breaking 117 days 6 hours 50 minutes, achieving the fastest time to climb the Seven Summits including Carstensz (male). Steven beat the previous record, which was held by Colin O'Brady (USA), by nine days. He completed the mountains in the following order: 1. Vinson (4892m), Antarctica on 16 January 2018 at 19:00 UTC 2. Aconcagua (6962m), South America on 28 January 2018 at 15:15 UTC 3. Kilimanjaro (5895m), Africa on 14 February 18 at 08:30 UTC 4. Carstensz Pyramid (4884m), Australasia on 21 February 2018 at 05:50 UTC 5. Kosciuszko (2228m), Australia on 2 March 2018 at 19:15 UTC 6. Elbrus (5642m), Europe on 13 March 2018 at 09:10 UTC 7. Denali (6190m), North America on 04 April 2018 at 05:40 UTC 8. Everest (8848m), Asia on 14 May 2018 at 01:50 UTC You would expect Everest to be the most challenging part of the journey, but one of the toughest tests of endurance was during Steven and Jon’s hike up Denali, in North America. "It is a cold, tough mountain at the best of times, but we weren’t doing it at the best of times," Steven wrote in his trip report. "Hit by a storm with temperatures below minus 30C and winds gusting above 100km/h, we were tent bound for three days." "As we pushed higher and higher, in the back of my mind was the waiver we signed… acknowledging that we would be the only team on the mountain and that rescue services weren’t available at that time. The temperature by that stage had fallen below minus 45C. It is hard to describe just how cold that is. Even the water bottles inside my down suit had frozen." The gruelling hike ended after 20 hours – then they just had the small matter of summiting Everest to complete before the record was his. As well the challenge of a lifetime, Steven wanted to complete the awesome feat to raise money for two organisations, SpinalCure Australia and Surf Life Saving Western Australia. Both were instrumental in Steven's recovery from the ocean after his accident and his later treatment. "It was important to me to give back to those who helped me in 2014 after my accident," Steven explained. And give back he did. Over the course of Project7in4, Steven raised a staggering $44,606 AUD ($31,221.52 USD) for the organisations. Since returning home, Steven has won Australian Adventurer of the Year at the Australian Geographic Society Awards, and been a finalist for Australian of the Year WA at the Australia Day Awards, while his determination has led to him featuring in Guinness World Records 2020 and the launch of GWR Day 2019 which focuses on the Spirit of Adventure.
"Ek slaan my oë op na die berge, waar sal my hulp vandaan kom". Oshikati kry 'n nuwe dominee en ons besluit, nou wat sal nou meer gepas wees as 'n kerk konsert... Almal word betrek. Ons sing,ons dra voor, en ja…!, daar is ook 'n toneelstuk. Die rolle word uitgedeel, en ons betrek man en muis en ons begin oefen… Die toneelstuk handel oor 'n Mediese Kongres, verwarring en misverstande met die uitdeel en indeel van kamers. Dit was in die dae toe vroue nog nie eintlik so volop en welbekend was in die mediese wêreld nie. Jumbo kry ook 'n rol... Ek gee hom altyd 'n rol. Hy dreig altyd dat dit die laaste keer is wat ek hom betrek by my "goeters" soos hy dit genoem het, en willig maar altyd weer in ook… Die manne gaan veld toe... Ek gee vir Jumbo sy woorde, alles in Hoofletters getik en hy belowe om sy woorde te leer. En ek, ek glo hom weer onvoorwaardelik.. Tuis oefen ons dat dit klap en kry die spul mooi onder die knie. Het sulke geheime kopknikke saam met die laaste woorde wat jy sê sodat die volgende een weet, nou moet hy inval met sy deel… Alles gaan voor die wind totdat Jumbo laat weet hulle kom die oggend van die konsert eers in, so daar is weinig of liewers, net een vinnige deurgaan van ons woorde… En gedoriewaar! Jumps ken nie sy woorde nie, en daar sit ons… Hoe sê die Engelse… "The show must go on". Ek is op daai oomblik so kwaad, so kwaad en besef hier gaat ek nou vinnig moet plan sien. Ons skryf toe al sy woorde vir hom neer op groot plakate. Die jongmanne hang dit aan toutjies op, so uit die oog van die gehoor... En ons konsert is reg om te begin. Dominee Abel kry ook terstonds 'n klein rolletjie, want die daag toe Vrydag in plaas van Saterdag op. Ons sou kant en klaar gewees het, en gereed wees om hom Saterdag te ontvang, sodat hy sy intree preek Sondag kan gee… Niks, maar niks verloop volgens plan nie. Vrydag aand is die saal stampvol, en my senuwees totaal in flarre. Die eerste gedeelte loop vlot... net ek en my mede speler, en ons laat waai. Dan kom die dominee op, en hy moet net vir my vra of ek skoene het wat hy kan skoonmaak terwyl ek vir hom vir 'n ander kamer vra, want my kamermaat snork ens..ens… Ds Abel moet sê: "Nee jammer dokter, die hotel is vol",en dan stilbly… Daar besluit hy, hy sal sommer uitbrei op die onderwerp. Hy val toe so weg: "Jammer dokter, die hotel is vol, die VVV het ook hulle kongres. VVV staan vir die VET VROUE VERENIGING. Alles op een hoogte, met so 'n temerige stemmmetjie… terwyl hy my stip in die oë kyk! Ek is veronderstel om my vroegoggend oefeninge te doen, terwyl die portier met my praat… Ek vererg my so, ek vergeet skoon om verder te praat of te oefen... en agter die gordyn staan my mede spelers in afwagting vir my "keyword", en niks gebeur nie. Ek staan hierdie nuwe verwaande dominee oopmond en aangaap, ek kan nie glo wat ek hoor nie, en hy? Hy staan met so 'n grinnik op sy gesig. Jumbo storm op die verhoog terwyl ek afstorm, en begin sy rol met: "Ek slaan my oë op na berge" sodat hy kan opkyk om sy woorde te soek. Met die opstorm het hy die dekor gestamp en sy woorde raak die pad daarbo byster, terwyl ons ander agter en op die verhoog "fast forward, en rewind" en net nie kan vasstel waar op deeske aarde is die woorde in die toneel nie, en wie moet nou op en wie nie. Intussen speel Jumbo die verstrooide professor op daai verhoog soos 'n "pro". Ons is heelhuids anderkant uit met klomp variasies op die tema, baie lag en baie improvisasie… Want, ek slaan my oë op het nog vele male daarna gekom, elke keer as dit Jumbo se beurt was om op te tree… Ons hulp is van die Here wat Hemele en Aarde gemaak het, wat nooit struikel of sluimer nie, en beslis nooit sonder woorde is nie… Vind jou hulp by Hom… Moet op prinse en mense nie vertrou nie! Mooi loop die naweek, en groete van huis tot huis. x Rika..
BESTANDDELE: • 2 koppies bruismeel of 2 koppies meel + 15ml bakpoeier • 4 eetlepels mayonnaise • 1 koppie melk • 1 teelepel suiker • ½ kop gerasperde kaas • 8 olywe (swart) ontpit en in stukkies gesny METODE: Meng die droë bestandele, kaas en olywe Meng melk met mayonaise en meng by droë mengsel in Skep in muffin pannetjies. Gooi bietjie gerasperde kaas bo-oor en paprika of rooipeper Bak in oond 10/12 min by 220 C Bron Onbekend 4
Charlotte Hilton Andersen Stacking your dishes, passing the salt, using the wrong bread plate, and more: Avoid making rude mistakes while dining out. ORDERING DISHES OFF-MENU: A major faux pas is when people try to create a dish that’s not on the menu, Parker says. The menu is there for a reason and the chef has put a lot of care into creating the dishes. The kitchen is there to serve you but not to create and cook a bespoke meal from scratch just for you, she explains.
If you’re not sure if a restaurant will be able to accommodate your specific dietary needs, or if you’d like to request something time-consuming, it’s best to call ahead and ask if that’s something they can do. And be sure to be extra generous with your tip afterward. 5
Molly Pennington You know inspiring— and infamous— stories. But did thIS awesome historical figures ever really exist? The jury’s still out. PYTHAGORAS: Even if you can’t remember exactly what the Pythagorean Theorem is about (triangles!), you’ve probably heard of the famous math equation. It’s possible that the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras wasn’t even the first to come up with it—it may have been the Egyptians. If Pythagoras did exist, he didn’t leave any records that he himself wrote, and the accounts that do remain may have been written by his somewhat unreliable followers. 6
Vir byna ‘n eeu reeds word vaders regoor die wêreld op die hande gedra, op hierdie spesiale dag in Junie. Dit was ‘n Amerikaanse meisie genaamd Sonora Louise Smart Dodd van Spokane in Washington, wat die Vadersdagtradisie begin het. Sonora was die oudste van ses kinders wat deur hul pa, die ene William Jackson Smart, grootgemaak is nadat hul ma dood is met die geboorte van haar laaste kind. Haar pa, ‘n burgerlike oorlogsveteraan wat op klein skaal begin boer het, het sy kinders man alleen versorg en grootgemaak en Sonora wou graag haar waardering vir haar pa se opoffering en liefde betoon. In 1909 het sy ‘n dag in Junie (die maand waarin haar pa verjaar het) voorgestel om hom te vereer. Die heel eerste Vadersdag het gevolg op 19 Junie 1910 in haar geboortedorp, Spokane. In 1924 het die Amerikaanse president die dag ondersteun en as nasionale vakansiedag ingestel, terwyl President Lyndon Johnson in 1966 die derde Sondag in Junie amptelik as Vadersdag verklaar het. Vadersdag is nie net ‘n dag waarop pa’s vereer word nie, maar ALLE mans wat ‘n vaderfiguur aanneem, stiefpa’s, ooms, oupas, en volwasse mense van die mansgeslag.
Can you believe this guy was the size of a cherry when he was born? Joeys stay in their mothers’ pouches for up to six months before they start gradually venturing into the outside world.
After a full year, they’re ready to hop out and pose for cute pictures like this one. 8
SWAKOPMUND On 4 of August 1892 the crew of gunboat ''Hyena'' erected two beacons (one at the present location of the Mole and another at the location of lighthouse) to mark the landing site which symbolized the laying of the foundation stone of the town. The first settlers were offloaded from the ''Marie Woermann'' (120 Schutztruppe with equipment and 40 settlers) using 4 landing boats. The settlers had to build a ''caves'' on the beach to protect themselves against hostile weather. Before the Mole was built all offloads were carried with use of special boats which can be handled by Kroo men (from Liberia) only. At the time up to 600 Kroo tribesmen were employed by Woermann Line. The number of vessels offloaded in Swakopmund was increasing rapidly. In 1894 four ships offloaded, 1895 - 5, 1896 - bimonthly service was introduced by Woermann Line, 1899 - monthly service. The First town building plan was drawn by Dr. Rhode. Because of lack of building materials mainly prefabricated wooden houses were erected. 9
Marissa Laliberte You might just use Facebook for watching funny cat videos, but crooks use it to steal your money and information.
TAKING QUIZZES: Your friend just found out what ‘80s pop star is their spirit animal and now you can’t wait to find out either. Don’t let your curiosity get the better of you, though. Some Facebook quizzes will ask for access to your profile, and others will even go a step further by throwing certain questions into the quiz itself, says Adam Levin, founder of global identity protection and data risk services firm CyberScout and author of Swiped. “They’re purely to gather information because … they could be the answers to security questions,” he says. Only take quizzes on sites you know and trust, and create fake answers for password recovery questions so they’re hard to crack, says Levin. It might be easy enough for Facebook scams to figure out your mother’s maiden name, so leave an easy-to-remember lie instead.
Did you know not all your taste buds are on our tongue (10% are on the insides of you cheeks) 12
We all know that aloe vera is great for your body inside and out, but did you know you could use your aloe vera gel and coconut oil from the pantry as the best shaving gel ever? Besides the fact that it gives you a great, smooth shave, it leaves your legs silky, moisturized and conditioned. Even in the driest winter conditions you probably won’t even need a lotion when you get out of the water. Another bonus? No weird chemicals on your body. Finally, you can use essential oils to create any combination you want.. I love lavender which is also known for its skin healing and soothing properties. Lemongrass, lime, and almond also pair well with coconut. So let’s get started making this homemade shave gel using lavender, coconut oil, and aloe vera! • • • •
3/4 cup Aloe Vera gel 1/4 cup coconut oil 1 vitamin E capsule 10-15 drops essential oil
Directions: Heat coconut oil for 15 seconds at a time until almost melted- this usually only takes about 30 seconds total in my microwave. Combine aloe vera and coconut oil, stir well until combined. Poke a hole in a vitamin E capsule and squirt the contents into your mixture, if you buy it by the bottle instead add in 1 tsp. Stir in your favorite essential oil until it smells good to you. Place in an airtight container. I like to use plastic since the contents are slippery and it s kept in the wet shower just in case it gets dropped I don’t have to worry about glass. Shake well before each use. This will clog up your razor quicker than standard shaving cream, you can make your blades last longer by rinsing well and swishing it around in alcohol to help remove the oil, dry it well. Not only is this a great product to make for yourself, you could easily whip up batches of this to include in gift baskets for your friends and family! Throw this Lavender Coconut Aloe Vera Shave Gel into a great basket and add in a pack of nice razors, one of our shower scrubs, a bath gel or a body wash and poof and you have a great semi-homemade beauty product gift basket for your friends!
Allison Klein Kindness can really make you pause and be thankful during a stressful time. Cassandra Warren was in a rush and feeling a little overwhelmed with work and planning her 200-person wedding. As she was getting invitations for her nuptials in the mail one day last year, she hurriedly addressed one to her aunt and uncle in Eugene, Oregon, about 20 minutes from where she lived. A week later, the invitation came back. She had mistakenly jotted down the wrong address. A handwritten note was scrawled on the return envelope: “I wish I knew you—this is going to be a blast. -Congratulations—go have dinner on me. I’ve been married for 40 years—it gets better with age.” A $20 bill was tucked inside. Cassandra was at a bit of a professional crossroads and had been having a tough day. In fact, she’d been in “midmeltdown,” venting to her then-fiancé, Jesse Jones, about her frustrations just as she opened the misdirected envelope. Then she read the note. “It was kind of perfect timing,” says Cassandra, who works as a nanny. “I was really grateful for it.” And the magic envelope wasn’t finished with its surprises. -Cassandra looked closer and saw that the -person had scribbled “Live long and prosper” on the envelope, a nod to Star Trek. “We’re kind of Trekkies,” she says. Cassandra, 26, and Jesse, 24, have no idea who the mystery note writer is. But they figure the Star Trek reference was because the person noticed the “fandom” corner of their invitation, which had both a Star Wars light-saber and a Harry Potter wand. “She assumed we’d understand her message,” Cassandra says. “Which we did.” Cassandra and Jesse—who is a counselor for families with autistic children—went out to dinner the following night with a friend who was going overseas with the military. They happily put the $20 toward their bill. Then Cassandra stopped by a store and bought another card—a thank-you card. She wrote her aunt and uncle’s incorrect address on the envelope again—this time on purpose—and addressed it to “Kind Stranger.” Inside, she wrote, “Thank you for the note and taking the time to send it. Not many people would have done that. It was a big blessing after the day I was having. I am thankful for people like you still being in the world.” 19
I am a Female and interested in any Admin, Reception, Clerical position in Windhoek / Tsumeb / Okahandja / Rundu / Otjiwarongo. I am willing to learn Please click on the link below to view my CV or contact me at:
081 430 3894 20
15 JUNIE 21-22 JUNIE 22 JUNIE 23 JUNIE 27—29 JUNIE 28—29 JUNIE 29 JUNIE 29 JUNIE 29 JUNIE 29—30 JUNIE
KUIERMARK Gobabis Christa—081 291 4959 LEONARDVILLE REÜNIE Ina—081 124 7527 WORLD MUSIC DAY Swakopmund—COSDEF Arts & Crafts 081 777 0780 LAERSKOOL LEONARDVILLE REUNIE Ina Nolte 081 124 7527 SEAFOOD FESTIVAL Walvisbaai –Nangula—081 476 9304 KUIERFEES Grootfontein Merlin—081 259 5184 BOEREMARK Windhoek Skougronde Esme—081 277 8766 BASAAR Walvisbaai—Huis Palms Anette—064-205158 PICNIC FUNDRAISER Doc Jubber Hockey Fields Rugby Street—Windhoek GOANIKONTES OASIS PLAAS MARK Colette / Simone -064 405 796/7 / LAGOON PARK FAMILY MARKET (SUMMER VIBES) Walvisbaai GREEN CENTRE Swakopmund 081 697 9072 COSDEF MARK Swakopmund BRAKWATER LIQUORLAND BOOT SALE Plot 48, Portion 9, Brakwater—061—333000 STANDARD BANK BILTONGFEES BOEREMARK Windhoek Skougronde—Esme—081 277 8766 GREEN CENTRE Swakopmund 081 697 9072 VOLG OP 21
BL 22
SEAFOOD FESTIVAL 2019 Walvisbaai—Civic Centre—081 476 9304 BIKE RALLY Tsumeb—Bianca—081 603 7518 WALVISBAAI OESTERFEES Walvisbaai—Len Nel—081 129 5367 4 U KERMIS Swakopmund Town Hall (Next to Little Foot Nursery) Mariette—081 604 6648 / HENTIES VISFEES CAKE SALE Swakopmund—In front of Standard Bank from 08:00 Organised by The Organisation for Caring for People with Disabilities —Almut Slabbert - 081 299 1902 / Carol-Ann Möller—081 209 8169 GREEN CENTRE Swakopmund—081 697 9072 OMARURU ARTS FESTIVAL Omaruru—081 236 2951 BOEREMARK Windhoek Skougronde—Esme—081 277 8766 GOBABIS SKOU Kathy Opperman—081 168 8444 SWAKOPMUND SME MINI EXPO Swakopmund—081 476 9304 DOXIE FEST Windhoek——081 612 7668 LAGOON PARK FAMILY MARKET (SUMMER VIBES) Walvisbaai GREEN CENTRE Swakopmund—081 697 9072 WALVIS FEES Walvisbaai— OKTOBERFEST Hentiesbaai KUIERMARK Gobabis—Christa—081 291 4959 GREEN CENTRE Swakopmund—081 697 9072 BOEREMARK Windhoek Skougronde—Esme—081 277 8766 ADVENT MARKET Swakopmund — LIONS Old Age Home. Friday from 15:00 and Saturday from 08:00, organised by the Organisation for Caring for People with Disabilities Almut Slabbert— 081 299 1902 Carol-Ann Möller—081 209 8169 BOEREMARK Windhoek Skougronde—Esme—081 277 8766 GREEN CENTRE CHRISTMAS MARKET Swakopmund—081 697 9072 LAGOON PARK FAMILY MARKET (SUMMER VIBES) Walvisbaai BOEREMARK Windhoek Skougronde—Esme—081 277 8766 22
081 333 0449 081 202 8391 081 657 0704 081 711 9482 081 657 0703 061—302302
085 900 081 924 061-2033282 064-4106000 064-216300