American Gentleman - Fall Issue 2012

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FALL ISSUE Vol 1 • Issue 3




The Gentleman Redefining the Modern Man ■

“ That wo uld have neve r ha ppe ne d i n rea l l i fe.” That ’s w hat my fat he r us e d to s ay a bout mov ie s . H e l oved th em , but he would always me as ure t he m against w hat he h a d k n own a nd live d, a nd t he n judge t he m acco rdingly. S o I d ec i ded to ma ke sto rie s t hat capt ure re a l life a nd re a l ex p eri en ces . To port ray life as pe o ple re a lly s ee a n d feel i t. That ’s my Wi l d R a b bi t. —M A R T I N S C O R S E S E

n eve r s t o p n eve r s e t t l e . c o m A PARTNERSHIP TO FIGHT PARKINSON’S DISEASE. Martin Scorsese and Hennessy have joined forces to contribute to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. ■ PAGE 2 ■ PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY. Imported Cognac Hennessy® 40% Alc./Vol. 80%. © 2012 Imported by Moët Hennessy USA, Inc., New York, NY. HENNESSY is a registered trademark.

HENNESSY INSPIRED DRINKS FOR THE GENTLEMAN CONTINENTAL #2 1 1/2 oz Hennessy 1 1/2 oz Grand Marnier orange liqueur 1 oz cranberry 1 oz pineapple _____________ HENNESSY GINGER 1 1/2 parts Hennessy 3 1/2 parts Ginger Ale (or sub with Ginger Beer) Twist orange instead of lime ______________ HENNESSY APPLE 1 part Hennessy 1/2 part Apple Liqueur 1/4 part simple Syrup Top with Moet Imperial Lemon twist no ice (flute) Serve the glass with Hennessy in the bottom and champagne above then mix ________________ HENNESSY SODA 1 part Hennessy 1 part of Lemonade 1 dash of lime juice 2 thin slices of Cucumber

THE GUIDING PRINCIPLE A gentleman’s presentation is his statement to the world.It is his calling card on how he is to be treated and accepted. There is no getting around it, 95% of all first impressions are non-verbal and usually occur within the first 10 seconds. We all make certain assumptions based upon initial observation which can sometimes be difficult to reverse. If you think about it, it is not completely unfair. When you meet someone for the first time they do not know you or what makes you a uniquely interesting person. Your appearance is the first visceral clue they have to go on. If we are all basically processed, sorted and generally qualified in a nano second, the real question is “what do YOU want to say with your 10 seconds? At American Gentleman Magazine we believe appearance and grooming is how you set the stage for the story that is you. It can actually be an adventure in self discovery and down right fun. Evolving your look to a more confident you is not narcissism or a waste of time. In this lightening speed digital age where everyone wants the message in 140 characters or less, the reductive nature of visual appearance may be the most efficient way to get your message across. We believe if you want to become an American Gentleman you must start with your outward appearance and we suggest you have fun with it. What actor or public figure do you most look like or want to emulate style-wise? Who would you cast to play you in the movie of your life? Agents typecast actors as a necessity how would you describe your “character” on your best day? All the world is indeed a stage and some gents have no idea what part they want to play. Fortunately, we at American Gentleman Magazine have taken on the role of personal stylist, agent and publicist providing all the latest trends for fall in fashion, wardrobe building, grooming and more so you can take your story to a whole new level of success! In this issue we definitely have what it takes to make you ready for your close up. You’re welcome.

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“I had no idea of the character. But the moment I was dressed, the clothes and the make-up made me feel the person he was. I began to know him, and by the time I walked onto the stage he was f ully born.”

Charlie Chaplin

“A true gentleman is a man who adds value to the lives of everyone around him...Bring Back the Gentleman!” ■

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Editor in Chief

Lemar L. Joichin III

F I T • FA B R I C • C O L O R

Ch a n g ing Your St yle M in d Set Wh e n we t hought of doin g t he fall issue we wan ted to c re-


a te a n i ssue t hat gave t he gen t leman an d t he aspirin g gen -

Creative Director

m e n d o n’ t see t he c on n ec t ion bet ween dressin g up for c er -

Managing Editor

it b e c a m e t he n orm to dress c asual for most any an d all oc c a-

Director of Photography

a n d a t -shirt have been ac c ept able in most plac es. If you wan t

Video Production

a b o u t d ressin g, about suit in g up an d c han gin g your presen t a-

Rrivre Davies

Jennifer East

Heidi L. Graf

Robert DiCapo

DiCapo Entertainment

Advertising Sales Sean Jackson

Public Relations

Casandra Walker RCW Media Group

Executive Assistant Amy Melvin

Research Editor

Kasandra LaChica

Style Director Manuel Jackson


Lemar L. Joichin III, Heidi Graf J.J. Brown, Brian Hill, Marcus Mitchell

Contributing Photographers Angela Marklew Lemar L. Joichin III


Subscription Information I n fo @t he a m e r i ca nge n t l e m an . c om

t l e m a n tools for fashion suc c ess. We have realized t hat some t a in o c c asion / busin ess. Aroun d t he middle of t he n in et ies

s io n s , a t least in some c irc les. It ’ s been far too lon g t hat jean s p e o p l e to t ake you seriously, you must c han ge your min d set t io n f ro m t ime to t ime.

U n d e r s tan din g t he c ult ure of men’ s fashion isn’ t as hard as m o s t m ay t hin k. It ’ s surprisin gly easy on c e you kn ow some

o f t h e b asic prin c iples, whic h are f it , fabric , an d c olor. Now, wh a t we have don e in t his issue is c reated a breakdown out -

l in e a b out eac h of t hese c ategories t hat will allow you to shop w it h o u t your girlf rien d or wife an d get t he items t hat you will wa n t to wear, n ot what t hey wan t you to wear. Don’ t look like

yo u d o n’ t kn ow what I am t alkin g about . Some of you have

h a d a g irlf rien d or spouse t hat has told you what to wear or

h a s m a d e a st ron g rec ommen dat ion on what to wear. Well, she wo n’ t h ave to anymore on c e we t ap in to t hese simple rules of t h u m b . She will n ow tell you t he oc c asion an d you will show

u p to h er surprise lookin g an d feelin g sophist ic ated an d st ylis h !

I a m n o t sayin g you will get t his af ter readin g it on c e. It may

t a ke a few t imes to c ome bac k to it to get it all in to your men t a l Ro l odex . W hat we aim to do is give you somet hin g t hat

yo u c a n use for a Lifet ime. W hen you t hin k of fashion you will t h in k o f a few simple rules t hat will help you look your best fo r a ny oc c asion .

L e M a r L . J oic h in III Ed itor-in -C h ief

Customer Service

818-570-1568 ■

PAGE 6 ■


COVER • Times are changing and men are taking a look at themselves and have begun to dress up again, from the new found speakeasies in Chicago and LA to the hipster clubs in New York and Atlanta. 16 VISUALS • Classic Beauty • American Gentleman is always trying to keep things classic yet current so when we found Miss Jacque Piotrowski, who to us looks as if she could be a flapper girl from the roaring twenties, we had to share our discovery.

19 LIFESTYLES • The Rise Of The Modern Man’s Barbershop • Recently, there has been a trend of Barbershops or “Men’s Grooming Salons” as they are now called, popping up all over the country. 20 SPEED • Cadillac CTS, The Look Of Luxury • The Cadillac CTS has been one of the mainstays in the brand’s lineup over the past decade.


27 LIFESTYLE • Check Your Approach, Are You Clear To Land? • “Aye, baby, let me holla at you right quick?” How many times have we heard that line? In today’s society the way we approach women is not as subtle as it used to be! A more direct approach now seems to be the norm.


34 STYLE • The Importance Of Fit, Cut & Color, What’s In Your Closet? • If it were up to most guys, their wardrobe would probably consist of sweats, sweats and more sweats. But if clothes make the man and you want to make an good impression on your boss or more importantly the gorgeous new assistant you’re gonna have to man up your wardrobe, fast.

38 RETRO FIT • Profile Of A Gentleman: Robert Redford • Quietly confident and self-assured. Blessed with a thoroughbred gait and thoroughly American good looks and ideals, Robert Redford refuses to be type cast as just another pretty face...but he has spent a lifetime growing in to the role of national treasure.

42 ETIQUETTE • The Business Dinner • So You’ve landed “The Important Business Dinner” with the big client or the new boss. Visions of “Mad Men” come to mind. How did they do it?


44 FEATURE • Jamar Rogers, Infinite Possibilities • Jamar Rogers, finalist on the NBC hit show “The Voice”.

48 LIFESTYLE • Books Inspiring Gentleman Should Read • GENTLEMAN - A Timeless Guide To Fashion, by Bernard Roetzel, BESPOKE - The Men’s Style Of Savile Row, by James Sherwood, DRESSING THE MAN - Mastering The Art Of Permanent Fashion, by Alan Flusser


50 VISUALS • Model /Actress Jes Meza • Her smile and welcoming demeanor will draw you in, giving you the feeling you that you have known her for a long time. 52 TASTE • Recipes For The Soul • From Celebrity Chef Brian Hill 54 LIFESTYLE • Chess…A Gentleman’s Past Time • Forget about the World of Warcraft or Knights of Honor when you think of a game to play, think of Chess.


56 LIFESTYLE • Why Do Women Love A Man In A Suit? • Through the ages, men have worn different variations of what we call the business suit, or as it was called when it was created, the lounge suit.

20 ■

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Uptown to Downtown Times are changing and men are taking a look at themselves and have begun to dress up again, from the new found speakeasies in Chicago and LA to the hipster clubs in New York and Atlanta. Men are taking a look at themselves and have realized that times are changing and if you want to stay relevant in the business world you must change with the times. No longer is wearing sneakers, jeans and a t-shirt acceptable to a business meeting anymore, unless you are a rapper signing a record deal or working in construction. Today ’s businessmen care about their presentation, taking trends from the past and merging them with the styles of today. Bow ties and ties are in style and can be seen all across the countr y from young men to old. Suits are being purchased not only to wear as an ensemble but as separates that can be mixed and matched with other items both dressy and casual in their wardrobe. Uptown to Downtown from city to city, men are seeking out the styles that fit their life best. You don’t have to have a lot of money to look good. Just take a moment to learn about the different choices and styles you now have in men’s clothing today. If you take pride in your appearance and get the right fit of clothing , you will be treated different and you get the respect you deser ve.  Models: Brett Copeland • Mark Frydryschowski Travis Thomas • Jaquann Harrison ■

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Represented by Rage Models

Suit-Tallia Orange 3 pcs Black & White Pin StripeBlazer-Tallia Orange Shirt- KEP White Oxford Shirt Neck Tie-Michael Shannon Dress Slacks- Tallia Orange Shoes-Tsubo Wexler II

Suit-Naked Suits by Albert Ming Blazer-Albert Ming Shirt- Michael Ferrera Neck Tie-Michael Ferrera Slacks- Albert Ming Shoes-Tsubo Wexler II

Suit-Tallia Orange 3pc Suit Blazer- Tallia Orange Shirt- Michael Ferrera Ascot -Ekqualyte Dress Slacks- Tallia Orange Shoes-Generic Man

PAGE 10 ■

Suit- K.E.P Double Breasted Wool Suit avail.Klein Epstein & Parker Blazer- Klein Epstein & Parker Shirt- Klein Epstein & Parker Dress Slacks- Klein Epstein & Parker Shoes-Generic Man Wing Man Hat- Goorin


PAGE 11 ■

Blazer: Kep Shirt: Kep Tie: Michael Ferrera Pocket Square: Gemelli

Blazer: KEP Shirt: KEP Bowtie: Michael Shannon Pocket Square: Michael Ferrera

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Blazer, Shirt, Tie & Pocket Square: KEP

Blazer, Shirt, Tie & Pocket Square: Gemelli

DOWNTOWN Models: Travis Thomas Brett Copeland Mark Frydryschowski Jaquann Harrison Represented by ■

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Yo u r Li fe - Li ve I t V i deo


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Spotlight on Sensational








“I Love

a Well


Man with

Jacque Piotrowski C L A S S IC BE AU TY


American Gentleman is always trying to keep things classic yet current so when we found Miss Jacque Piotrowski, who to us looks as if she could be a flapper girl from the roaring 20’s, we knew we had to find a place to shoot her. It had to look as if it was taken from the pages of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s book “The Great Gatsby.” Jacque stands at 5’8” slender yet curvy model with classic pale skin, red hair and green eyes, from polish decent. She is a down to earth young lady with a bit of tomboy edge, if you can imagine that by looking at her picture. Though she can be casual and relaxed, she truly enjoys dressing up and going out for a night on the town. Jacque has been a dancer her whole life and has a huge passion for art, particularly drawing. Gentleman she says she is a good cook being taught by a creative mother in the kitchen. Some of her favorite foods are hummus and tapas, but she says don’t forget about a great filet mignon. She is a bit of a chameleon when it comes to her drink of choice. Enjoying a beer at a sports bar or wine at dinner or a few shots after hours. One of Jacque’s favorite things about a gentleman is his confidence and if he takes pride in his appearance. Jacque says “there is nothing like a well dressed man. If a man is well dressed and well groomed, he has my attention.”  ■

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All A Man Needs


Customize His Shaving Set

30 Rockefeller Center Concourse Level #15 New York, NY 10112 2 1 2 . 5 8 2 . 8 2 2 8 ■

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World Financial Center 250 Vesey Street New York, NY 10281 2 1 2 . 5 7 7 . 7 0 0 5






Recently, there has been a trend of Barbershops or “Men’s Grooming Salons” as they are now called, popping up all over the country. I am talking about the traditional barbershops that existed forty to fifty years ago where men went to get a straight razor shave, hair cut and get their shoes shined. The barbershop of the past was a place where men went once a week or sometimes even daily to talk about current events, trade products and services or just find that all important male camaraderie, it all happened there. Barbershops of the past were a bastion of masculinity. Marble counters were lined with colorful glass blown tonic bottles. The barber chairs were elaborately carved from oak and walnut, and fitted with fine leather upholstery. Everything from the shaving mugs to the graphics on the advertising signs were rendered with artistic detail. I can still recall the memorable and distinctly male aroma that filled the air with the scent of hair tonics, pomades, oils, aftershaves and neck powders. The moment a man stepped inside, he was enveloped in the familiarity of this warm and welcoming environment. This was his ritual, his time to relax. As soon as a man would sit in the barber’s chair, the cares of the day would simply melt away.






vices and modern amenities added to the traditional menu. Today, men can get a great hair cut, shave, manicure, pedicure, massage, and some even offer facials. The modern “Men’s Grooming Salons” are a hybrid of tradition and innovation. Many have embraced the classic tradition of the “Men’s Club” or “London Shave Emporium” with added amenities fit for the modern gent like cigar lounges, pool tables, flat screen televisions, bars with live music and a Barbershop combined, a plethora of new product lines and ahem... a few even have stripper poles. Personally, I wouldn’t want to go to a barbershop for a haircut with a stripper pole and ask for a neat taper but end up with a bald fade because the barber was preoccupied by the exotic gyrations of the dancer. To me it seems like an accident (actually a variety of accidents) waiting to happen by mixing the grooming experience with a gentleman’s club but as they say, “to each his own.”

The rise of the new barbershop is a good thing for modern men and our communities as a whole. It gives young men a new opportunity to share in the tradition I once shared with my grand father,my father and my buddies. It appears that everything that For the modern man, today’s Barbershop is quite a different expewas old is new again. Clearly the modern gentleman wants a rience. The options and level of service have expanded dramati“Men’s Den,” of his own,a place to come together for the cally. They are far more interactive with a variety of new sercamaraderie and community only found at the Barbershop.  ■ PAGE 19 ■






C A DIL L AC CTS T h e L o o k o f L u xu r y By JJ B row n The Cadillac CTS has been one of the mainstays in the brand’s

getting from point A to point B. The sport wagon allows for

lineup over the past decade. For the 2012 model year, the CTS

extra cargo space with its 58 cubic feet storage area with

continues to deliver its award-winning driving experience for

the rear seats folded, which is good for those who carry a

those who want the look of luxury, yet thrive for the athletic

lot of items when they hit the road.

performance of a sports sedan. The Cadillac CTS is offered in sedan, coupe and sport wagon versions, and each model brings

As for the powertrain, the CTS comes standard with a

an “A-list” like appeal into any environment you drive it in.

3.0-liter direct-injection V6 that produces 270 hp, or upgrade to the available 3.6-liter direct-injection V6 that

CADILLAC For all three CTS models, Cadillac dresses the interior with a

produces 318 hp while mated to a six-speed automatic

very richly detailed hand-crafted leather surface, which is ac-

transmission. However, if you’re willing to take things to

cented with high-quality wood trim. An available Bose 5.1 sur-

the extreme, then you can step up to the high-perfor-

round sound 10-speaker stereo system with navigation will

mance CTS-V (offered in all three models), which offers a

definitely keep you company for those long road trips & also

supercharged 6.2-liter V8 that puts out 556 hp with either

PAGE 20 ■

a six-speed automatic or manual transmission. The V6 engines allow for great fuel efficiency, with up to an estimated 27 mpg on the highway. And, for those looking for optimum traction, all three CTS models are available with all-wheel drive. MSRP on the Cadillac CTS starts at $35,915 for the sedan, $38,715 for the coupe, and $39,015


for the sport wagon. The CTS-V models begin

at $64,515 for the sedan, coupe and sport wagon versions. The Cadillac CTS is a versatile

luxury vehicle that offers class, performance, & thrill factor all in one affordable package.

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Follow your heart B E A R E B E L

“We are shaped and fashioned by what we love. We are the heroes of our time.” K.E.P.

367 North Robertson Blvd • West Hollywood CA 90048 • 424-777-0709 • ■

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Mosaic Ties

Ties: Ekqualyte Courdoroy Ties Green & Turquoise

Grey—Tallia, Multi Stripes—Gemelli, Purple Polka Dots--Michael Shannon, Red Paisley—Gemelli

Ekqualyte Pre-Tie Bow Tie, floral denim

Ekqualyte Reversible argyle silk bow tie & brown micro suede

Gemelli Pocket Squares

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Goorin Brothers, Salvatore

Goorin Brothers, Samson

Token Bags-- Lafayette Brown Waxed Canvas Token Bags-- Lafayette--Blue Wool and Brown Leather

Goorin Brothers, Vinnie

Goorin Brothers, Noah

PAGE 24 ■











The Future is NOW




Making Moves

SCOTT ELROD Pilot to Actor Stars with Ben Affleck in ARGO


Mr. Showbiz •



Why DO



For The Gentleman



The Sophisticated



GT Convertible



The Three-Piece Suit


The Gentleman Redefining the Modern Man

The Gentleman Redefining the Modern Man

Issue one features actor Scott Elrod and issue two features actor/host Nick Cannon

Now Available on iTunes Join Us. T H EA ME RI CAN GEN T L EM AN.CO M

PAGE 25 ■









Belts by World of Luka

Sires Crowns, Dylan Thomas Frames

Sires Crowns, Fellini Yellow Wood Frames

Gemelli Shirts

PAGE 26 ■

Sires Crowns, Hiroki Red Wooden Frames

Check your Approach ARE YOU C L E A R TO L A N D ?




“Aye , ba by, l et m e h o l l a a t y o u r i ght q u i ck ? ” How m a ny ti m es ha ve we heard t h a t l i n e ? I n t o d a y ’s s o c ie t y the wa y we a p p roa ch wom en i s n ot a s subtle a s i t u sed t o b e! A m o re d irect a p p roa ch n ow s eem s to b e the n or m . B ut wh o i s t o b l a m e ? Yo u h a v e t o fa u lt b oth m en a n d wom en a li k e. If men see s om e t h i ng t h a t w o r k s a n d it ’s ea s y, we u s e i t! Bu t s om eti m es wha t wor k s is no t alw ay s c o r rec t . I t h a s a lwa y s b een m en tha t a p p roa ch wom en . More o f t e n t im es t h a n n o t, i f a gu y a p p roa ches a wom a n i n cor rectly, ■

PAGE 27 ■

Continued on page 29






Suit: Naked Suit / Albert Ming Shirt: Michael Ferrera Custom Clothing Tie: Gemelli Shoes: Generic Man

Dress Dalia MacPhee $390, shoes Guess $125, Jessica Elliott Ring $125 ■ PAGE 28 ■

Eyewear: Sires Crowns Shirt: Gemelli Tie: Ekqualyte Trench Coat: Farah Denim: Farmer Jeans Green Comme Des Garcon x Generic Man slip


Continued foom page 27

he is sent packing, usually believing the woman to be stuck up. In most situations, ignorance is to blame. For this, I go back to what I stated previously: “What men see as being easy and works” is the method that we will resort to first. When a woman rejects your approach it may not be that she’s physically not attracted to you; She may be trying to show you what you shouldn’t do in order to get her attention. Now, I know we as men don’t like being rejected! Rejection is also for her protection. She wants to make sure she’s getting a good thing as well. Therefore, our approach should be respectful and courteous. For example: “Hello my name is”. After discussing this with several young ladies they have said that one works best. Normal open-ended conversation. What was once resistance will now become a welcomed approach that she will appreciate! Written by: Marcus Mitchell the newfound speak-

Suit: Tallia Orange Shirt: Michael Ferrera Custom Clothing Belt: World of Luka Tie: Gemelli Shoes: Tsubo

easies in Chicago and LA to the hipster clubs in New York and Atlanta. Men are taking a look at them selves and have realized that times are changing and if you want to stay relevant in the business world you must change with the times.  ■

PAGE 29 ■






Hat: Herringbone Goorin Shirt: Vokare Belt: World of Luka Tie: Mosaic Pants: Vokare Herringbone Shoes: Generic Man

Blazer: Gemelli Deep Purple Check Shirt: Gemelli Woven Belt: Cheddar Pocket Eyewear: Sires Eyewear Pendant: Mamas Little Babies Shoes: Generic Man Pants: Vokare

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1 Tan Pant, Vokare 2 Raw Denium, Farmer Jean Co 3 Mustard Denim, Matias 4 Charcoal pant, Vokare 5 Off White pant, Vokare 6 Black Resin Pant, Vokare






T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F F I T, C U T & C O L O R







SEMI-FITTED It’s all about the f it. ■

PAGE 34 ■





It’s all about the fabric.

It’s all about the color.

If it were up to most guys, their wardrobe would probably consist of sweats, sweats and more sweats. But if clothes make the man and you want to make an good impression on your boss or more importantly the gorgeous new assistant you’re gonna have to man up your wardrobe, fast. Consider this, the average guy is average looking, makes an average buck, and has average taste in fashion. But he’s competing with men who are not only really good looking and make a lot of money, but also make sure they have all the right clothes. To stand out from the competition, the average guy can work out, keep a good skin and grooming regimen or even have cosmetic surgery. Of course there’s always hard work and climbing the corporate ladder, but nothing will have the immediate impact that a stylish wardrobe can provide. Nothing succeeds like success and nothing makes you feel more successful (and confident) than when you know you look good. This doesn’t mean you have to spend for $500 shirts and $1,500 watches. Most women aren’t concerned about how much you spend on your clothes, in fact some women love a man in a simple t shirt and jeans. Women DO notice a man who looks good and exhibits a modicum of style. If you make the effort and your clothes don’t look like they’re from the back of your closet you will make an impression. It’s knowing what looks good on you in style, cut and color. The rest is about getting a few basic pieces to look good in any casual setting. Adding a few extra accessories to the basics will change up your look, providing more options within your wardrobe. Having a solid set of wardrobe options will give your

look polish and broader appeal with more women. Start with a solid foundation of basics, some of which you probably already have. So what are the basics? Well, think of them as the men’s casual clothing equivalent of the four food groups: jeans, pants, T-shirts and button-down shirts. If you’re not sure consider going to a department store where there are salespeople as stylists (some in the form of attractive women) and let them know this is only a fact finding mission but you’re looking for suggestions on jeans with the best fit for you or the newest trends etc. It could be informative and fun. Today the trend in men’s fashion is much more tailored and fitted than in years past. Those jeans you bought eight years ago probably aren’t the epitome of style they once were. Keep your wardrobe of basics up to date. Unless it’s a classic Burberry trench coat, anything that is over 5 years old in your closet is probably out of fashion. Throw out anything that is worn, torn, stained or doesn’t fit. The stylists rule of thumb is if you haven’t worn it in 6 months you need to throw it out. As brutal as that sounds consider that if you haven’t worn it in over a year you probably never will. Take note of the things you never wear and why. It will help you to shop smarter in the future. Once you’ve established a solid foundation of basics and accessories, maintaining your wardrobe should be relatively easy. You will probably only need to buy a few items each year to replace pieces or to stay in step with the current fashion trends. That’s smart, and any woman will tell you there is nothing more attractive than a man who is smart about style. 

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Tsubo--shoes, Winslow II matte

Ateliers Athur JShoes

Generic Man, Mint Sole, WingMan

Generic Man

World of Luka, Boots


Tsubo--shoes, Wexler II ■

PAGE 36 ■

Are You An American Gentleman? Cul·ture The quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.

Valiant Courageous, intrepid, or stout-hearted; brave. Marked by bravery or courage: a valiant deed.


Distinguished by rank or title. Pertaining to persons so distinguished.


PAGE 37 ■










Pro fi l e o f a G e ntl eman :

ROBERT REDFORD By He i d i G raf

audience in a darkened theater.

Quietly confident and self-assured. Blessed with a thoroughbred gait and thoroughly American good looks and ideals, Robert Redford refuses to be type cast as just another pretty face...but he has spent a lifetime growing in to the role of national treasure.

Formal studies at New York’s American Academy of Dramatic Art rounded out his education and was to be the catalyst to some of the most memorable characters in American Cinema. Be it Jay Gatsby or The Sundance Kid, Johnny Hooker in “The Sting” or Bob Woodward from “All The President’s Men” or THE favorite role of women everywhere, Hub-

A c to r, d i re c to r, producer,two time Academy Award winner, activist,businessman, environmentalist, philanthropist and founder of the Sundance Film Festival, an icon by any standards, he remains a self effacing example of persistence, character and the epitome of The American Dream.

bell Gardiner in “The Way We Were” the devastatingly handsome, slightly defiant and always dashing essence of Robert Redford remains the definition of the American Alpha Male. He has gone on to create a rich and distinguished body of work which earned him the Academy Award for Lifetime Achievement, several honors including the Kennedy Center Honors and a Doctor

of Fine Arts from Brown UniverHowever that was not Robert Redford sity and industry respect as a always the case. Growing highly visible champion of Ameriup modestly in southern can independent filmmaking. As the founder of The Sundance California, He was a self described “bad” student,his true inFilm Festival and as a frequent producer/director of indepenspiration found in sports and the arts. Notably he attended the dent films, he has single-handedly legitimized the genre and University of Colorado for a year and a half and was a member of a prominent Fraternity, ultimately however he was asked to leave the University.

created a platform for talented new filmmakers to flourish with

After extensive travel in Europe, living in France, Spain, and Italy, Robert discovered the powerful allure of the New York theater. As most upcoming actors in the 1950’s his training ground was acting roles on TV and the silent presence of the

Add to this his work as an environmentalist and his role as activ-

the non-profit Sundance Institute.

ist for Native American rights and liberal politics and you begin to see a true picture of valor, character and American heroism, Robert Redford is the definition of an American Gentleman. 

PAGE 38 ■

“ S u n d a nce i s a b ou t

s t o r y t e lli ng. S t o r y t eller s c a n b r o aden ou r m inds: e n ga ge , p r ov ok e , Paul Newman (Left) and Robert Redford in 1973′S “The Sting”

inspire, and u l t im a tely, c o n n e c t us.”

Robert Redford - The Great Gatsby 1974

PAGE 39 ■

pure ahhh

words can’t describe it

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So Yo u’ ve l an de d “T he Im p or t a n t Bu s in e ss Din n e r” with the bi g c l i e n t o r the n e w b o s s. Visi on s of “Mad Me n ” co me to mind . H ow did the y do it? T he co nf id en c e borde ring o n s wagge r, the righ t t a bl e, the right re stauran t, the ef f or t l es s cl o s e . . . the n it hits y o u, . . u h m . . . n o, re al ly. . . ho w did the y do i t ? ! ? !

Relax.Your appearance is impeccable. Your watch and shoes suggest “style with an edge”. Your suit says “expensive and effortlessly on trend”. You are industry appropriate and ready to close. This would be perfectly adequate for the average man... but you are not average nor adequate. In the words of Gor-



PAGE 42 ■

don Gecko, “You had what it took to get into my office.

-Consider meeting the manager in advance to make

The real question is whether you have what it takes to

sure you have the right wine pairing, the quiet table

stay.” Knowledge of social/business etiquette communi-

or best view

cates command and confidence. These tips will not only

-Confirm all this the day of and also make sure there

get you in the office it will take you to the top tier...and

will not be any parking glitches.

YOUR corner office.

-Know the menu and your budget. Nothing says awkward like the guest who orders the rare french truffles

The Basics:

or the $150 martinis you’re not prepared to pay for

-Invite well in advance

-Follow up with a personalized thank you. Whether

-Confirm the day of with attendees and the restaurant

referencing a brilliant suggestion you made, or you

-Confirm in advance tipping or gratuities so you can

send a written thank you inside a copy of the book

smoothly conclude this potentially awkward moment

you discussed, find a way to say thank you in a way

-Don’t be late. Period

that says who you American Gentleman. 

-YOU are the host. Wait in the lobby to receive your guests. Don’t wait at the table -Follow up with a thank you and recap any business details

Table Etiquette: -As the host don’t sit until everyone is seated, don’t eat until everyone is served -Napkin is folded on the lap, elbows are off the table -When it comes to cutlery start from the outside and work your way in -Cut food as you eat, don’t slurp your soup and rest utensils on the plate not the table. When finished place your fork and knife in the center of the plate. -Tear bite sized pieces of bread with your fingers and butter each piece as you eat it. Get a good portion of butter and put it on the edge of your bread plate, never double dip in the communal butter dish

Top Tier Behavior: -Plan the dinner by researching your guest’s favorite cuisine or restaurant. Usually a call to the assistant or asking when you extend the invitation will do. -Suggest a restaurant that you frequent. Nothing says “Top Tier” like recognition or perks from the staff ■

PAGE 43 ■

Photographer: Angela Marklew Makeup by: Kim Young, M.O. Artist Agency B lazer: Gemelli Shirt : Gemelli B ow t i e & Po c ket S quare: Ekqualy te Watc h : Meister Watches Pant s: Vokare Sh oes: Generic Man ■

PAGE 44 ■





“ Int eresti n g what ’s h appenin g n ow, will n ot be happe n ing in t e n minut es f rom now. “ T h at ’s w hat Jam ar Roge rs, finalist on t h e NB C hit s how “ T he

Vo ice”

cam e

to realize abo ut life af te r go ing though s o m e difficult c hall enge s.

H e made a

c h oice to live h is life i n a way that people co uld

lo o k



a n d admire. We s at d ow n to inter view J a mar to find out wh at is in his f uture a n d to get his take on


ge ntlem an

platfo r m.

Jamar Rogers Infinite Possibilities Bow ti e : Jo nathan M ei z l er Top : H o go Bo ss Pants: Kl e i n E pstei n & Parke r S hoe s: Al do Blazer: H 7M

PAGE 45 ■




Jamar Rogers Infinite Possibilities 3p c S u i t: Kl ei n E pstei n & Pa r ke r S h i r t: KE P Bow ti e: Mi ch a el T ho m a s & E kq u a l y te C o l l a b o Watc h : Mei ste r S h oes : G en er i c M a n

PAGE 46 ■

and Las: AVegas. Ja c ket e ro n a u t ica Militare Sh o r r : Po l o R alph Lauren

4.) On the show The Voice Ne c k l aperformed c e : A myn the Jeweler you songs from the top of your vocal register to the bottom. Have you had any vocal training? Ahhhh, vocal training... yes, I’m in desperate need of it. I’ve been singing all of my life but never re ally had forma l training. I just kind of sing from a place, you know? I envision the lyrics and decide what they mean to me... that way, the covers I do are personal and emotive. But, this gentleman definitely needs a vocal coach!


ROGERS 1.) What does it mean to you to be a Gentleman? Being a gentleman is much more than the duds a man wears. I believe a gentleman embodies strength, integrity and compassion. To me, a gentleman is socially and politically aware and he uses that awareness to touch the hearts of as many people as possible.

5.) We have seen you on many talk shows and heard you on many radio inter views. You always seem to be so upbeat and positive. Were does that come from or better yet were do you go to get that energy? Well, I’ve found my well of happiness. To me, happiness is no big secret. It ’s loving and allowing yourself to be loved. I’ve found healthy ways to pour my love on people (through volunteerism) that would normally go unnoticed. By sharing my wealth of love and acceptance, it makes it a little easier for me to love and accept myself. Like I stated earlier, a gentle man isn’t just about looking ’s about finding needs and filling them. Once you realize your life has purpose, you carr y yourself with a little more dignity and joy.

2.) We have seen you a bit more casual in yo ur style and in your performances on TV. American Gentle man believes men should be dressed up and sophisticated. How did it make you feel being dressed different from what we have seen you in? Obviously, I feel comfortable in jeans and a tank but I stand a little taller when I’m wearing a suit. I think that when I’m sporting a nice 3 piece suit, people are more inclined to not notice the tattoos or whatever else makes me “urban”. They see a grown ass man doing the damn thing, so I like cleaning up ever y now and then. It increases the swag factor. 3.) We hear you are now a spokesperson for the CDC. How did that come about? After my stint at The Voice, the CDC contacted my publicist and let me know that they were planning to run a national ad campaign highlighting how close we are, as a society, to ending t he AIDS epidemic. My role is to educate people and demystif y HIV to them by showing what a healthy guy living with HIV looks like. Be cause of my invo lvement with them, I’ve been able to speak and perform in Washington DC, Chicago

J amar Roge rs ■ S u i t: K E P • S h i r t ■ M iPAGE c h a e l 47 Fe r rera • T i e : G em e l l i

6.) What ’s nex t for Jamar Rogers? I am currently working on my new album due out shortly and more speaking engagements and performances around the countr y. I have several of fers to do many things, so I am taking my time to make the right choices to have longevity in the entertainment business. 


Inspiring Gentleman

Should Read

PAGE 48 ■

GENTLEMAN A Timeless Guide To Fashion by Bernard Roetzel It is possible to argue about taste, but not about true style. A gentleman can be recognized immediately from his confident appearance, his charm, and his carefully chosen clothes. Gentleman is the tried-and-tested guide on matters of style and quality. 

BESPOKE The Men’s Style Of Savile Row by James Sherwood A fully illustrated history of bespoke tailoring—the custom-made men’s clothing that made a small London street a globally known brand to generations of sartorial connoisseurs. Savile Row is renowned for fine custom tailoring—”bespoke” in its own parlance. The term originated when cloth for a suit was said to “be spoken for” by customers who have included generations of stylish and tasteful men, from rakes to royals. Bespoke is the epitome of male sartorial style, exquisite quality and craftsmanship and has been worn by a veritable who’s who of famous and important men: Winston Churchill, Cary Grant, Russell Crowe, David Beckham, and countless world leaders. Bespoke charts Savile Row’s contribution to fashion and culture chronologically and features twenty-six profiles of today’s master tailors from historic firms such as Gieves & Hawkes and Henry Poole to more recent ones like Nutters and Ozwald Boateng, who was the first Savile Row tailor to stage a catwalk show in Paris. 

DRESSING THE MAN Mastering The Art Of Permanent Fashion by Alan Flusser

Dressing the Man is the definitive guide to what men need to know in order to dress well and look stylish without becoming fashion victims. Alan Flusser’s name is synonymous with taste and style. With his new book, he combines his encyclopedic knowledge of men’s clothes with his signature wit and elegance to address the fundamental paradox of modern men’s fashion: Why, after men today have spent more money on clothes than in any other period of history, are there fewer well-dressed men than at any time ever before? According to Flusser, dressing well is not all that difficult, The real challenge lies in being able to acquire the right personalized instruction. Dressing well pivots on two pillars, proportion and color. Flusser believes that “Permanent Fashionability,” both his promise and goal for the reader, starts by being accountable to a personal set of physical trademarks and not to any kind of random, seasonally served-up collection of fashion flashes. Unlike fashion, which is obliged to change each season, the face’s shape, the neck’s height, the shoulder’s width, the arm’s length, the torso’s structure, and the foot’s size remain fairly constant over time. Once a man learns how to adapt the fundamentals of permanent fashion to his physique and complexion, he’s halfway home. 

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Jes Meza

Always a pleasant smile and a warm greeting to be had for all, as Ms. Jes Meza enters the set for her photo shoot with American Gentleman. She is a highly trained model turned athlete who’s main focus is now acting. Born in Germany and raised in Tucson, this 5’8” beautiful Latin lady is a head turner to say the least. Her smile and welcoming demeanor will draw you in, giving you the feeling you that you have known her for a long time. Gentleman, the young lady is single and says she has a hard time meeting the right guy. We asked the question why, and she replied that she is just a downto-earth girl that is looking for a respectful down-to -earth gentleman. She is not interested in the man who flashes what he has or doesn’t know to open a door for a lady. She is looking for someone who wants to be with one woman, not several. Ms. Meza has had roles in several movies, plays and commercials that have given her a great start to a blossoming career. See and learn more about Jes Mesa in her behind the scenes video (QR code below). 

PAGE 50 ■

Highlights: Jessica went to 5 different high schools. The youngest of 4 children, 1 brother and 2 sisters. She is the tallest in her family. Her father is from Nogales, Arizona, her mother is Mexican/ Puerto Rican from Ciudad Obregon, Mexico. She has been on her own since she was 15 years old. Is a trained boxer. Speaks fluent Spanish. Jes is a spoken word artist.

 Projects she has been involved in: The Situation (TV series) Better Death Calls Another Day Johnny B. Homeless

PAGE 51 ■

J e s Meza







RECIPES FOR THE SOUL P rov id ed By C elebrit y C hef Brian Hill


al l i s h e re a n d its time to pu t away the gril l an d pat i o f ur nit u re a n d h e a d ba ck in to the k itche n to pre pare a m ea l . Celeb r ity C h e f B r ia n H il l has give n u s a f e w re cipe s tha t a re easy, h e a lthy a n d qu i ck to mak e . It wil l impre ss that sp ec i a l l a dy i n you r life on ce y o u pl ace this o n the tab l e .

OV E N ROAST E D V EGE TA BLE SA LA D WITH F ETA CHEESE Shopping List (What you will need to purchase) 1 Red Bell Pepper 1 Yellow Squash 1 Small Red Onion 1 Small Bunch of Asparagus 1 Small Bag of Arugula 1 Small bunch of Fresh Basil Course Ground Black Pepper Sea Salt Small bottle of Sesame Oil

need these later.) Cut all other vegetables into desired shape and sizes. Place them in medium mixing bowl and add 1 Tbsp of Sesame Oil and ½ tsp of sea salt. Mix with hands, (these are your best tools). Place vegetables in roasting pan and in the oven for approximately 30 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool for 15 minutes. Place vegetables back in mixing bowl and repeat hand mi xing. Add a fistful of coarsely chopped Fresh Basil.

From your Kitchen (What you should have)

Using your large dinner plate, place a generous fistful of Arugula in the center. Top with a handful of your roasted vegetable mix.

Metal roasting pan Large Dinner Plate Medium Mixing Bowl Cutting Board

Top with your choice of dressing; Chef Brian suggests Champagne Vinaigrette. Complete with a heaping spoonful of Feta Cheese.

Pre Heat oven to 450 degrees Begin by washing and rinsing vegetables.

S e r v e s 4 - 6 peo pl e

Place your Arugula and Basil aside (you will

PAGE 52 ■

YA M SO U P Shopping List (what you will need to purchase) 3 Large Yams 1 5oz can of coconut milk (unsweetened) 1 Smal l container of cinnamon 1 4 oz container of sour cream 2 Tbsp of Sea Salt Small bottle of Lemon Juice From your kitchen (what you should have) 4 Wide mouth bowls 4 QT sauce pot Small mixing bowl Blender Wisk Ladle Bring 8 cups of water to a boil in your sauce pot. Add the yams and sea salt, let cook on hi gh for 40 minutes. Keep an eye on water level; add water as necessar y to keep yams completely covered. Remove yams and place in cool water to allow them to cool. Peel skin off of yams and chop into medium size pieces. Add 1 cup of water and ½ of your chopped yams to your blender and blend until smooth. Pour mix ture back into original boiling pot. Repeat with remaining yams. Pour ½ of the can of coconut milk into blended yam mix, whisk until the coconut milk is well blended. Let soup simmer for 10-15 minutes. While soup is cooking , in a small bowl whisk the container of sour cream with ½ tsp of cinnamon and 4 Tblsp of lemon juice. In large bowls, ladle in soup. Dollop about a half Tblsp of sour cream mix directly to the center of soup. Ser ve and enjoy. S e r v e s 4-6 p eop l e 

PAGE 53 ■












A G E N T L E M A N ’ S PA S T T I M E


Forget about the “ World of Warcraft ” or “Knights of Honor ” when you think of a game to play, think of Chess. Chess, created around the 6th century, is one of the oldest and most challenging games ever made. It is in many ways the game of life as said by Benjamin Franklin, in his article “ The Morals of Chess” (1750), He wrote:

it, so as to become habits ready on all occasions; for life is a kind of Chess, in which we have often points to gain, and competitors or adversaries to contend with, and in which there is a vast variety of good and ill events, that are, in some degree, the effect of prudence, or the want of it.”

“ The Game of Chess is not merely an idle amusement; several very valuable qualities of the mind, useful in the course of human life, are to be acquired and strengthened by

Chess has been played around the world and though the ages, passed down, generation to generation. We invite you to the gentleman’s game. 

PAGE 54 ■

Top 5 best cigars of 2010

Camacho Corojo cigars are truly superb tasting, fully-aged cigars with a distiinctive ‘Havana-Like’ flavor. Handmade from select vintage tobaccos for a robust, yet smooth smoking experience. The tobaccos are genuine, first-generation Cuban seed (1997 Vintage) Corojo leaf grown in Honduras’ Jamastran Valley, where the fertile soil and climate compare to Cuba’s renowned Vuelta Abajo region.

PAGE 55 ■











WHY DO WOMEN LOVE A MAN IN A SUIT?? Through the ages men have worn different variations of what we call “the business suit” or as it was called when it was created, the lounge suit. Which is ironic, because there is nothing that considers this to be casual, but in the early 19th century, where our modern day version came from, that’s what is was called. From the experience of the men we discussed this with, most said women love a man in a suit because it gives him class. Women aren’t just attracted to how it looks, they are attracted to the change in confidence. We tend to slouch in casual clothing, but in a well-tailored suit we exude an air of confidence that makes up for any irregularities in looks.

Contrary to what you may think, wearing a teenager’s clothing does not make you look younger. Women associate being well groomed and well suited with maturity, stability and success. When you wear a suit, women also think you are a gentleman and you will act like one.

Woman as s oci ate a man in a s uit w it h Confidence, Stabi lit y, Mat ur it y and Succe s s !

PAGE 56 ■

A suit is different. Today most everyone is in jeans and a tshirt, so if you are sitting alone at a café in a suit you will get the attention you want and deserve. Be a Leader. Don’t follow the trends of what everyone else is doing and people will respect you for it. 

RM 011 LMC Automatic Chronograph Watch Technical characteristics of the RM 008 LMC Tourbillon Chronograph: • Manual winding tourbillon movement displaying the hours, minutes and seconds, with split seconds chronograph function and power-reserve, torque and function indicators • Power reserve: circa 70 hours • Dimensions: 48.00 mm x 39.70 mm x 14.95 mm • Limited edition of 2 timepieces in titanium

Richard Mille Americas, 132 South Rodeo Drive, Fourth Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212 • T 310.205.5555 • ■

PAGE 57 ■



© 2012 Monster, LLC / 7251 West Lake Mead Blvd. • Las Vegas, NV 89128 / Monster Technology International, Ltd. Gort Road, Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland / “Monster,” the Monster logo, the product and packaging are trademarks or registered trademarks of Monster Products, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States or other countries. Product may vary from images shown. This product is patent pending.

PAGE 58 ■


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PAGE 59 ■

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