American Gentleman - Fall Issue 2012

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FALL ISSUE Vol 1 • Issue 3



Ja cqu e P i o t row s k i

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The Gentleman Redefining the Modern Man ■

“ That wo uld have neve r ha ppe ne d i n rea l l i fe.” That ’s w hat my fat he r us e d to s ay a bout mov ie s . H e l oved th em , but he would always me as ure t he m against w hat he h a d k n own a nd live d, a nd t he n judge t he m acco rdingly. S o I d ec i ded to ma ke sto rie s t hat capt ure re a l life a nd re a l ex p eri en ces . To port ray life as pe o ple re a lly s ee a n d feel i t. That ’s my Wi l d R a b bi t. —M A R T I N S C O R S E S E

n eve r s t o p n eve r s e t t l e . c o m A PARTNERSHIP TO FIGHT PARKINSON’S DISEASE. Martin Scorsese and Hennessy have joined forces to contribute to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. ■ PAGE 2 ■ PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY. Imported Cognac Hennessy® 40% Alc./Vol. 80%. © 2012 Imported by Moët Hennessy USA, Inc., New York, NY. HENNESSY is a registered trademark.

HENNESSY INSPIRED DRINKS FOR THE GENTLEMAN CONTINENTAL #2 1 1/2 oz Hennessy 1 1/2 oz Grand Marnier orange liqueur 1 oz cranberry 1 oz pineapple _____________ HENNESSY GINGER 1 1/2 parts Hennessy 3 1/2 parts Ginger Ale (or sub with Ginger Beer) Twist orange instead of lime ______________ HENNESSY APPLE 1 part Hennessy 1/2 part Apple Liqueur 1/4 part simple Syrup Top with Moet Imperial Lemon twist no ice (flute) Serve the glass with Hennessy in the bottom and champagne above then mix ________________ HENNESSY SODA 1 part Hennessy 1 part of Lemonade 1 dash of lime juice 2 thin slices of Cucumber

THE GUIDING PRINCIPLE A gentleman’s presentation is his statement to the world.It is his calling card on how he is to be treated and accepted. There is no getting around it, 95% of all first impressions are non-verbal and usually occur within the first 10 seconds. We all make certain assumptions based upon initial observation which can sometimes be difficult to reverse. If you think about it, it is not completely unfair. When you meet someone for the first time they do not know you or what makes you a uniquely interesting person. Your appearance is the first visceral clue they have to go on. If we are all basically processed, sorted and generally qualified in a nano second, the real question is “what do YOU want to say with your 10 seconds? At American Gentleman Magazine we believe appearance and grooming is how you set the stage for the story that is you. It can actually be an adventure in self discovery and down right fun. Evolving your look to a more confident you is not narcissism or a waste of time. In this lightening speed digital age where everyone wants the message in 140 characters or less, the reductive nature of visual appearance may be the most efficient way to get your message across. We believe if you want to become an American Gentleman you must start with your outward appearance and we suggest you have fun with it. What actor or public figure do you most look like or want to emulate style-wise? Who would you cast to play you in the movie of your life? Agents typecast actors as a necessity how would you describe your “character” on your best day? All the world is indeed a stage and some gents have no idea what part they want to play. Fortunately, we at American Gentleman Magazine have taken on the role of personal stylist, agent and publicist providing all the latest trends for fall in fashion, wardrobe building, grooming and more so you can take your story to a whole new level of success! In this issue we definitely have what it takes to make you ready for your close up. You’re welcome.


“I had no idea of the character. But the moment I was dressed, the clothes and the make-up made me feel the person he was. I began to know him, and by the time I walked onto the stage he was f ully born.”

Charlie Chaplin

“A true gentleman is a man who adds value to the lives of everyone around him...Bring Back the Gentleman!” ■



Editor in Chief

Lemar L. Joichin III

F I T • FA B R I C • C O L O R

Ch a n g ing Your St yle M in d Set Wh e n we t hought of doin g t he fall issue we wan ted to c re-


a te a n is sue t hat gave t he gen t leman an d t he aspirin g gen t le-

Creative Director

d o n’ t s ee t he c on n ec t ion bet ween dressin g up for c ert ain oc -

Managing Editor

c a m e t h e n orm to dress c asual for most any an d all oc c asion s,

Director of Photography

t - s h irt h ave been ac c ept able in most plac es. If you wan t peo-

Video Production

d re s s in g, about suit in g up an d your c han gin g your presen t a-

Rrivre Davies

Jennifer East

Heidi L. Graf

Robert DiCapo

DiCapo Entertainment

Advertising Sales Sean Jackson

Public Relations

Casandra Walker RCW Media Group

Executive Assistant Amy Melvin

Research Editor

Kasandra LaChica

Style Director Manuel Jackson


Lemar L. Joichin III, Heidi Graf J.J. Brown, Brian Hill, Marcus Mitchell

Contributing Photographers Angela Marklew Lemar L. Joichin III


Subscription Information I n fo @t he a m e r i ca nge n t l e m an . c om

m a n to ols for fashion suc c ess. We have realized t hat some men

c a s io n / busin ess. Aroun d t he middle of t he n in et ies it bea t l e a s t in some c irc les. It ’ s been far too lon g t hat jean s an d a

p l e to t ake you serious, you must c han ge your min d set about t io n f ro m t ime to t ime.

U n d e r s tan din g t he c ult ure of men’ s fashion isn’ t as hard as m o s t m ay t hin k. It ’ s surprisin gly easy on c e you kn ow some

o f t h e b asic prin c iples, whic h are f it , fabric , an d c olor. Now, wh a t we have don e in t his issue is c reated a breakdown out -

l in e a b out eac h of t hese c ategories t hat will allow you to shop w it h o u t your girlf rien d or wife an d get t he items t hat you will wa n t to wear, n ot what t hey wan t you to wear. Don’ t look like

yo u d o n’ t kn ow what I am t alkin g about . Some of you have

h a d a g irlf rien d or spouse t hat has told you what to wear or

h a s m a d e a st ron g rec ommen dat ion on what to wear. Well, she wo n’ t h ave to anymore on c e we t ap in to t hese simple rules of t h u m b . She will n ow tell you t he oc c asion an d you will show

u p to h er surprise lookin g an d feelin g sophist ic ated an d st ylis h !

I a m n o t sayin g you will get t his af ter readin g it on c e. It may

t a ke a few t imes to c ome bac k to it to get it all in to your men t a l Ro l o dex . W hat we aim to do is give you somet hin g t hat you

c a n u s e for a lifet ime when you t hin k of Fashion you will t hin k o f a fe w simple rules t hat will help you look your best for any o c c a s io n.

L e M a r L . J oic h in III Ed itor-in -C h ief

Customer Service

818-570-1568 ■



COVER • Times are changing and men are taking a look at themselves and have begun to dress up again, from the new found speakeasies in Chicago and LA to the hipster clubs in New York and Atlanta. 16 VISUALS • Classic Beauty • American Gentleman is always trying to keep things classic yet current so when we found Miss Jacque Piotrowski, who to us looks as if she could be a flapper girl from the roaring twenties, we had to share our discovery

19 LIFESTYLES • The Rise Of The Modern Man’s Barbershop • Recently, there has been a trend of Barbershops or “Men’s Grooming Salons” as they are now called, popping up all over the country. 20 SPEED • Cadillac CTS, The Look Of Luxury • The Cadillac CTS has been one of the mainstays in the brand’s lineup over the past decade.


27 LIFESTYLE • Check Your Approach, Are You Clear To Land? • “Aye, baby, let me holla at you right quick?” How many times have we heard that line? In today’s society the way we approach women is not as subtle as it used to be! A more direct approach now seems to be the norm.


34 STYLE • The Importance Of Fit, Cut & Color, What’s In Your Closet? • If it were up to most guys, their wardrobe would probably consist of sweats, sweats and more sweats. But if clothes make the man and you want to make an good impression on your boss or more importantly the gorgeous new assistant you’re gonna have to man up your wardrobe, fast.

38 RETRO FIT • Profile Of A Gentleman: Robert Redford • Quietly confident and self-assured. Blessed with a thoroughbred gait and thoroughly American good looks and ideals, Robert Redford refuses to be type cast as just another pretty face...but he has spent a lifetime growing in to the role of national treasure.

42 ETIQUETTE • The Business Dinner • So You’ve landed “The Important Business Dinner” with the big client or the new boss. Visions of “Mad Men” come to mind. How did they do it?


44 FEATURE • Jamar Rogers, Infinite Possibilities • Jamar Rogers, finalist on the NBC hit show “The Voice”.

48 LIFESTYLE • Books Inspiring Gentleman Should Read • GENTLEMAN - A Timeless Guide To Fashion, by Bernard Roetzel, BESPOKE - The Men’s Style Of Savile Row, by James Sherwood, DRESSING THE MAN - Mastering The Art Of Permanent Fashion, by Alan Flusser


50 VISUALS • Model /Actress Jes Meza • Her smile and welcoming demeanor will draw you in, giving you the feeling you that you have known her for a long while. 52 TASTE • Recipes For The Soul • From Celebrity Chef Brian Hill 54 LIFESTYLE • Chess…A Gentleman’s Past Time • Forget about the World of Warcraft or Knights of Honor when you think of a game to play, think of Chess. 56 LIFESTYLE • Why Do Women Love A Man In A Suit? • Though the ages,


men have worn different variations of what we call the business suit, or as it was called when it was created, the lounge suit.

20 ■













Uptown to Downtown Times are changing and men are taking a look at themselves and have begun to dress up again, from the new found speakeasies in Chicago and LA to the hipster clubs in New York and Atlanta. Men are taking a look at themselves and have realized that times are changing and if you want to stay relevant in the business world you must change with the times. No longer is wearing sneakers, jeans and a t-shirt acceptable to a business meeting anymore, unless you are a rapper signing a record deal or working in construction. Today ’s businessmen care about their presentation, taking trends from the past and merging them with the styles of today. Bow ties and ties are in style and can be seen all across the countr y from young men to old. Suits are being purchased not only to wear as an ensemble but as separates that can be mixed and matched with other items both dressy and casual in their wardrobe. Uptown to Downtown from city to city, men are seeking out the styles that fit their life best. You don’t have to have a lot of money to look good. Just take a moment to learn about the different choices and styles you now have in men’s clothing today. If you take pride in your appearance and get the right fit of clothing , you will be treated different and you get the respect you deser ve.  Models: Brett Copeland • Mark Frydryschowski Travis Thomas • Jaquann Harrison ■


Represented by Rage Models ■









Suit-Tallia Orange 3 pcs Black & White Pin StripeBlazer-Tallia Orange Shirt- KEP White Oxford Shirt Neck Tie-Michael Shannon Dress Slacks- Tallia Orange Shoes-Tsubo Wexler II

Suit-Tallia Orange 3pc Suit Blazer- Tallia Orange Shirt- Michael Ferrera Ascot -Ekqualyte Dress Slacks- Tallia Orange Shoes-Generic Man


Suit-Naked Suits by Albert Ming Blazer-Albert Ming Shirt- Michael Ferrera Neck Tie-Michael Ferrera Slacks- Albert Ming Shoes-Tsubo Wexler II





Suit- K.E.P Double Breasted Wool Suit avail.Klein Epstein & Parker Blazer- Klein Epstein & Parker Shirt- Klein Epstein & Parker Dress Slacks- Klein Epstein & Parker Shoes-Generic Man Wing Man Hat- Goorin








Blazer: Kep Shirt: Kep Tie: Michael Ferrera Pocket Square: Gemelli

Blazer: KEP Shirt: KEP Bowtie: Michael Shannon Pocket Square: Michael Ferrera


Blazer, Shirt, Tie & Pocket Square: KEP

Blazer, Shirt, Tie & Pocket Square: Gemelli

DOWNTOWN Models: Travis Thomas Brett Copeland Mark Frydryschowski Jaquann Harrison Represented by ■


Yo u r Li fe - Li ve I t V i deo






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