American Gentleman - Summer Issue 2012

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SUMMER ISSUE Vol 1 • Issue 2





Mr. Showbiz •





SIDNEY POITIER The Sophisticated BBQ •


GT Convertible


In Suiting T h e G e n t l e m a n R e d ePAGE fin 1 ing the Modern Man ■

“ That would have never hap p ened in real life.” That ’s what my fat her used to say ab o ut mov ies . H e loved them, but he would a lways m ea sure t hem ag ainst w hat he had k now n a nd lived, a nd t hen judge t hem acco rd ing ly. S o I d ecid ed to m a ke stories t hat c a pt ure real life and real exp eriences . To port ray life a s p eo p le really s ee and feel it. That ’s my Wild Rab b it. —M A R T I N S C O R S E S E

ARE YOU AN AMERICAN GENTLEMAN? Gen-tle-man A civilized, educated, well-mannered man Chiv-al-ry The sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor and dexterity in arms So-phisti-cat-ed Of a person, ideas, tastes, manners, etc. altered by education, experience, so as to be world wise; not naive Style A particular kind, sort, or type, as with reference to form, appearance, or character Class Of high quality, integrity, status or style



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LEISURE AND LUXURY THE GUIDING PRINCIPLE Summer just seems to bring out our spirit of adventure, doesn’t it? From vacations to barbecues, pool parties and drinks with little umbrella hats, the warm weather always gets the best from us. It’s inspiring: the ability for even the most hardened workhorse to break free and enjoy a day full of sunshine and good company. But this has to happen. This is the essence of leisure and luxury. The payoff from all the effort, all the work, all the hustle. It is imperative to enjoy the benefits! We at American Gentleman Magazine believe leisure and luxury can be defined differently for everybody, but it is essential for all. It’s about the release, breaking free from routine, getting outside and enjoying yourself. Making time to relax the body and mind, paying respect to (and enjoying) the advantages that you have. In this issue, you will find the tools, tips, technology, and techniques that may help you in maximizing your leisure time enjoyment, so you may return to work as the best version of yourself possible.

“A true gentleman is a man who adds value to the lives of everyone around him...Bring Back the Gentleman!”

Besides, what’s the point of having an adventurous spirit if you never let “it” breathe?




Editor in Chief

L e is u re a n d Luxury. To some, t his mean s t he ex t ravagan t life. We imagi ne 200-


t a l B ru t by t he bot t le. Perhaps brun c h at Nikki Beac h in Sout h M iami , or rel ax-

COVER • Nick Cannon • It is clear that Nick Cannon is a business mastermind, and he now understands how to get the best out of himself. How can you label him? Actor/Musician/Comedian? Entrepreneur/ Record Producer/DJ? He has so many active ventures and corporations, he makes the other big shots of the industry look like one trick ponies.

B u t to o t h e rs, t his mean s t akin g t he t ime to apprec iate life, an d all th e benefi ts

18 LIFESTYLE • Super Hero and the Gentleman • “Live as one of them, Kal-El,

Lemar L. Joichin III

Rrivre Davies

Creative Director Jennifer East

Managing Editor Kyle Slavin

Copyright Editor

Charlina Allen

fo o t ya c h t s in t he M editerran ean , white lin en f lowin g, an d Louis Roederer Cri sin g p o o l s id e in t he H ollywood Hills, overlookin g t he c it y as t he sun goes down.

a b il it y to re l ax an d rec over is pivot al in performin g at your best , and I was su rp r is e d by h ow dif f ic ult it was to allow myself t ime to en joy my surrou ndi ngs.

Director of Photography Video Production

a c t iv it ie s . One f rien d’ s version was to f in d t he t ime to go home an d v i si t wi th

Sir Fellow Productions Julian Melanson

Advertising Sales

Sueanne Steinacker, Athena Mayre Nicholas Guillory, Michael Ortiz Sean Jackson

Public Relations

Casandra Walker RCW Media Group

Executive Assistant Amy Melvin

Research Editor

Kasandra LaChica

to discover where your strength and your power are needed. Always hold in your hear the pride of your special heritage. They can be a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be. They wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you… my only son.”

a n d ex p e rie n c es t hat t his world has to give. To me, t hat ’ s a def in ite l u xu ry. Th e

I b e ga n to a s k f rien ds what it mean t to t hem. W here do you f in d your l ei su re

Bobby Quillard


a n d l u xu ry ? What do you work toward? T heir an swers c overed a great range of h is fa m ily. For an ot her f rien d, it was bein g able to c lean out his garage - som e-

23 LIFESTYLE • 4 Albums Every Man Should Own • There are so many reasons to lament the decline of the record store. From the promise of a vinyl album in your hands, to the cast of characters working the counter – the gatekeepers to new and exciting finds – there was something special about walking into that musty music shrine.

34 VISUALS • Mirtha Michelle • Mirtha Michelle Castro was born in the Dominican


t h in g t h a t was lon g overdue! A n ot her said his leisure t ime was simp ly th e abi l -

38 SPEED • Bentley Continental GTC V8 • The new Bentley Continental GTC V8 convertible made its official public debut at the 2012 New York International Auto Show. The 4.0 litre, twin turbocharged Continental GTC V8, and its coupe counterpart the Continental GT V8, achieve exceptional standards for power-to-emissions in the high luxury sports car sector.

I n t h is is s u e we will disc uss topic s of leisure an d luxury for t he gentl em an.

48 STYLE • Downtown Bachelor • Well dressed, well informed and on the move. Living downtown is a fast paced grind for the bachelor. You must be ready for any occasion and able to change in a minutes notice. Fashion is function and your presentation speaks volumes in regards to how you want the world to perceive you.

it y to s l ow d own an d open a book he had been mean in g to read.

Fro m t rave l to apparel, f rom elimin at in g st ress to bein g a din n er guest . Wi th

o u r s u g g e s t ion s, we ask t hat you f in d your own in terpret at ion of it . Wh atever

shady spots, rope swings and cold beer is paramount to survival. Those in the western states, while also dealing with scorching temperatures, often enjoy the embrace of cool desert nights.


Tr u s t m e , yo u’ ll be pleased wit h t he result s. L e M a r L . J o i c hin III Ed itor-in -C h ief

Contributing Photographers

Marc Littlejohn, Lemar L. Joichin III


Subscription Information I n f o @ th e a m e r i ca nge nt le m an . c om

Customer Service



56 LIBATIONS • For Beers in the Summer • The need for barbeques, covered

yo u r l e is u re an d luxury may be, make sure you t ake a momen t an d enjoy you r-



Lemar L. Joichin III, Jacob Mulliken Kyle Slavin, Jason Lent Derek Sheridan, Heidi Graf Giampiero Fuentes, Richard Sheridan AJ Trauth

Republic in 1984. Her family moved to Miami when she was just five years old. Mirtha was smitten with the entertainment industry at an early age through her youth, she landed roles on local TV shows and commercials in Miami.

58 TASTE • The Sophisticated Barbeque • Treat it like a legitimate occasion. Sending out invitations and e-vites may seem tacky, but it conveys that the barbecue is something worthwhile to attend.

60 DESTINATION • Via Italia • The best way to experience a different culture is to


become a part of it: to immerse yourself completely into the essence of a foreign land.

64 RELATIONSHIPS • Guide to Online Dating • The Golden Rule is this: if you want the best from the Internet love machine, you have to be completely honest with it and that means being honest with yourself. Namely, know exactly what you are looking for and be as clear as possible in asking for it.

Debut Issue Featuring Actor Scott Elrod available on iTunes

68 ETIQUETTE • Proper Dating Etiquette • Though the formal dinner is still a mainstay in the higher tiers of society, most modern dinner gatherings have turned more casual and free.


72 BUSINESS • Success and Business through a recession • Every recession pushes small business America to the brink. Economic turmoil usually separates the strong companies from the weak, but how can a young start-up secure a steady cash flow when banks aren’t lending and investors are playing it safe? In a time when purses and pockets are snapping shut, how do you turn a profit?

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MR. SHOWBIZ By Kyle Slavin

Like a dark star, the black Ferrari sits conspicuously on the side of the crowded hotel entrance. Its passenger drapes a single pant leg and leather boot out its open door, pinning the behemoth vehicle to the pavement. As the arriving guests and valets blur in a frenzied system of bags and bodies, only the man and the supercar remain undisturbed. He has arrived. It’s the center of solar systems, the pivot of galaxies. Mr. Showbiz waits with his worlds in orbit, planning on the phone his next great endeavor. Though chaos circles around him, he keeps perfectly still, calm and complacent, until the deal is done. Finally, he exits, closes the door, and everything is moving again. “Hey, I’m Nick,” he says with a loose smile, knowing he needs no introduction. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. What do you need from me?” Legendary for his tireless work ethic and childprodigy business mind, it’s astonishing how reserved Nick Cannon seems. His calm demeanor and easygoing attitude is precisely calculated, as if you were standing next to a great racehorse that knows perfectly well what they are capable of...and how fast and long the race is.

Blazer- Cornelliani avail. at Prima Moda Floral shirt- Nodus avail. at Prima Moda Dress slacksKlein Epstein & Parker Sneakers- Puma Belt- Paul & Joe avail. at Robertson Blvd. Hat- Goorin



C o nt inued o n pg 1 2 ■










actively available. With a massive stream of content and comedy, he remains a permanent fixation of

It is clear that Nick Cannon is a business mastermind, and he now understands how to get the best out of himself. How can you label him? Actor/Musician/Comedian? Entrepreneur/Record Producer/DJ? He has so many active ventures and corporations, he makes the other big shots of the industry look like one-trick ponies. From his Canvas Sneakers line and his “Mr. Showbiz” comedy album, to his N’Credible entertainment and record label, to his long, long list of IMDB credits, it would seem easy for this monolith of entertainment to wall himself in. But that’s his real talent. As all his fans and his 3.5 million Twitter followers know, Nick Cannon is nothing but

...wants to be a “real role model.”


the nation’s spotlight.

EXECUTIVE PRODUCER/CREATOR It comes across in his style, his confidence. Even his


recent health scare in March with lupus couldn’t


derail this consistent forward progress. As his many


fans rallied his support, he took a brief rest, and came back healthier and stronger than ever.


Now, he’s juggling his “America’s Got Talent” host-


ing duties with shooting a feature film, promoting


his comedy album...and lending his keen style to the cover of a prominent international men’s maga-




For Cannon, he wishes to be more than a role model. He wants to be a “real model.” He wants to


consciously and continually live as the example of


the gentleman, businessman, and entertainment superhero. He wants to show others the confidence and fortitude that landed his soul mate Mariah Carey, and produced him his two adorable twins, Moroccan and Monroe. The cover shoot was a remarkable success. Nick answered a few questions of ours, and thanked each of us kindly. But the universe of Nick Cannon couldn’t stay still for long. He packed up, excused 2 piece suit by Marc Jacobs Dress shirt by Robert Graham Tie- Sheriden Man Made- Shoes- Ferragamo avail. at Gregory’s on Robertson Blvd.


himself, and was off to his next mega-thing. As we walked him out to his black Ferrari, we could Photography - Bobby Quillard Stylist - Zoe Battles Make up - Jacque Piotrowski Grooming - Kase Glen

feel the pull of energy and gravity lessen with each step. He opened the door, lifted his boots off the pavement, and he was gone. Conti nued on pg 14


C o ntin u ed fro m p g 13

AG: What does the word “Gentleman” mean to you? NC: To me, the word “Gentleman” means one who exudes confidence, success, and respect. AG: What men, living or dead, do you admire? NC: The person I’ve always admired is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., for many reasons. The main reason is [he was] one individual that not only changed the world, but he connected and communicated with people on every level. He could speak to a Sunday morning church audience, and at the same time speak on Capitol Hill. His vocabulary was extraordinary - I’ve always admired that and, obviously, the good heart of the man and how he changed the world and brought everyone closer together. So, he’s definitely one of the main people in history that I admire. AG: What ideas, principles, or philosophies guide you?

Blazer + cream dress pantsKlein Epstein & Parker Dress shirtRobert Graham Shoes- Ferragamo avail. at Gregory’s on Robertson Blvd. Bow tie- Prima Moda Blue plaid pocket squareSheriden Man


the opportunity.

ter, I feel a lot better. Luckily I was in such great shape that I could come through it.

AG: Your announcement in March came as a shock to us. How is your health now?

AG: As a role model for today’s youth, what do you feel is missing within role models?

NC: I scared myself. I always considered myself in good shape, and working out all the time. I never thought that I would have a health issue. I thought I was doing the right things, but I was overloading my body. You can go too hard. I had a rare form of lupus that was attacking my kidneys. I’m dealing with it - of course, I’m not one who likes to take medicines, pills and stuff...I’m trying to find holistic ways, like meditation, that will take care of it. The diet is the hardest part. But now I’m eating healthy, no sodium in my diet and tons of water. I feel bet-

NC: The term “role model” is an interesting one. I wouldn’t consider myself a role model. I would consider myself a real model because a role is something you play, but real is what I am and who I am. I think that’s probably what is missing - the real connection. Whether it’s people who are supposed to be an example in the industry, entertainers...there’s no reality to them. It’s a facade. It’s something that they play. So the public, they know that and they don’t want to be a part of anything that’s phony.

C o nt inued o n pg 1 6 Double breasted blazerPaul & JoeRobertson Blvd. Demin jeans- Ernest Sewn Dress Shirt- Anthony Franco - 14k white gold cuff links with diamonds and onyxKabana-, Belt- Diesel Shoes- Cesare Paciotti avail at Gregory’s on Roberston Blvd.

NC: The philosophy that I live by is “death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Speaking things into existence. Being someone who knows the power of words and the power of stepping out and being a self-motivator and a selfgenerator, and not waiting on anyone and putting things out there. Speaking things and having faith and that corresponding action which becomes your speech. I’ve always done that and that’s been my philosophy to success and life in general. It’s all about speaking things into existence. You can’t wait on anyone. A lot of people sit around and wait for the opportunity while others make

2 piece suit, dress shirt, tie and pocket square Anthony Franco. avail. Tie clip- avail. at Klein Epstein & Parker Shoes by Ferragamo avail. at Gregory’s on Robertson Blvd.


C ontin u ed f ro m pg 1 5

If people who are supposed to be setting an example could step out there and relate more and stay more grounded and be real to the community, I feel people would take note and be willing to follow them and listen to what we have to say. But if we’re out there running a bunch of “tomfoolery”, then why are we going to be listened to? No one’s going to pay attention to us. So we have to understand that connection and find that realism.

ship and a relationship You know the true meaning of life, really, when you take away all the stuff in the industry and you take away everything that you may have thought about life when you finally meet your soulmate, someone who you can spend the rest of your life with. It kind of puts everything in a different perspective.

AG: Do you have any advice for young men today?

NC: The main quality obviously is confidence. At the end of the day that’s what it’s all about. Confidence equals comfort and that’s all a woman wants. A woman wants to be comfortable, so whenever she’s not comfortable and you can fill that void, then you’re going to get the woman you want. And that’s what it is all about, whether you can make a woman feel comfortable financially, whether you make a woman feel comfortable through humor, whether you make her feel comfortable through sex, however you do it. If you can make a woman comfortable, you’ll get what you need.

NC: My advice for young men would go back to what I was saying before. It’s two things: being a self-generator and a self-motivator. First, you have to be a self-motivator because there are so many haters and negative aspects out there in the world. You have to wake up in the morning and give yourself a pep-talk. Look in the mirror and whatever it is that you’re trying to achieve, speak it. Say it. Encourage yourself, and be encouraged. Don’t wait around for anyone to give you an opportunity. Go out there and make your own opportunity. A generator is something that creates energy, in its truest definition. So you have to generate that energy if you want some power to come. If you want the light you have to turn the generator on. AG: What do you feel has had the most impact on you and changed you from “Wildin’ Out” to the man you are today? NC: My wife. It was the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. Being married and stepping into manhood in a different type of way allowed me to understand the power of a union, made me understand the beauty in a true friend-

AG: What qualities should a man possess to attract the right type of woman?

AG: What’s next for Nick Cannon? NC: People always say what more can you do, you’ve done so many things. This is just the beginning, just the tip of the iceberg. You’ll see everything that I do come together. A lot of people know me from this aspect of my career or that aspect of my career, or they’ve known me from hosting or from comedy or music or acting, this movie here or that movie there. You’re going to see a lot of my entrepreneurial moves. You’re going to see it all come together. 

Customize His Shaving Set

Check out Behind the Scenes With Nick Cannon

All A Man Needs



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SUPER HERO By J a co b M u l l i ka n

“Live as one of them, Kal-El, to discover where your strength and your power are needed. Always hold in your heart the pride of your special heritage. They can be a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you... my only son.” JorEl of Krypton. Image courtesy of

WHAT MAKES A HERO? ▼ This is a major philosophical inquiry that has spanned mankind’s ability to ponder and obsess, ever since ancient times. We have a predilection to literally create interpretations of what we deeply wish to be. Man wished to fly, we make airplanes. We wished to traverse our earthly chains and skip amongst the stars, we create rocket ships. Our ability to create is only overshadowed by our unyielding need to overcome our perceived confines.

remained vigilant in my love of this particular genre, both as a literary joy and as an avenue of perspective, especially when tackling the question of heroism.

▼ We also have ingrained in us a capacity to be self-destructive. Call it Hobbesian, call it cynical, but we human beings destined to walk the thin line between survival and destruction. And just as some people have become bastions of heroism and compassion, others have manifested themselves into human nightmares - just like in the super heroes and their adversaries.

▼ As the story goes, he was raised by Jonathan and Martha Kent of Smallville, Kansas. Young Kal-El, or Clark Kent, was raised with some good old-fashioned Midwest morality while coming of age on their farm. The most important lesson imparted to him was the understanding of his power, and how to properly wield it for the greater good. Superman is and will always remain a symbol for character and an uncompromising moral code.

▼ After all, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. For better or worse, we wage war between the conflicting forces ingrained in us. So again, what makes a hero? ▼ To answer this question, I find that it helps to consider a resource of childlike obsession: the comic book. I have

▼ Take Superman, who is the subject of the introductory quote above. He is a being of immense power and ability. The last son of Krypton, he was sent to Earth as a symbol of hope, a figurehead to show that humanity could one day reach such heights.

▼ However, he lacks one key characteristic. He is not human. ▼ Some of the greatest characters in comicdom are personified by those individuals lacking superpowers: Sup-


man’s greatest adversary Lex Luther, The Joker, Green Lantern, and Tony Stark (Ironman). They manage to make a great social impact, be it good or bad, without being abnormally gifted. ▼ Green Lantern is a being that, no matter what sector of the universe he hails from, is chosen because of his ability to overcome great fear; his power is derived and exhibited only through his willpower. The Joker, who was twisted by a freak accident and motivated by the death of his family, dedicates his life to proving that, whether we are “good” or “bad”, it only takes “one bad day” to become aware of life’s cruel and twisted punchline. Lex Luther, a man whose brilliance is overshadowed by a thirst for unconquerable power, strives to prove the superiority of the mind and human potential. Tony Stark is a genius who builds a suit of armor that allows him to transcend his shell and make right the evils of his lecherous trust fund lifestyle. ▼ All of these individuals have a huge effect on their community, be it positive or negative, but only one truly personifies the staggering ability of mankind and the overwhelming potential of the gentleman’s code: The Batman. ▼ Bruce Wayne is, in terms of the comics, the perfect Renaissance Man. His physique is that of an Olympiclevel athlete, he is a master in all forms of the martial arts, and is one of the three smartest individuals on the planet. After facing incredible hardship at a very early age, Bruce Wayne constructs himself as the greatest human superhero possible. He devoted his life to studying and training; for over 14 years, young Bruce worked with the world’s greatest fighters, scholars, and even criminals. ▼ By day he became the CEO and President of Wayne Enterprises, and by night the dark savior of Gotham City. He has tangled with psychopaths, monsters, extraterrestrials, heroes, and any sort of being with immense powers above those of himself. And he has continuously bested them using only his wits, sheer force of will, and a couple nifty gadgets.

man superheroes, relate to the everyday gentleman? The characters of Bruce Wayne and his alter-ego Batman represent the absolute potential of man. The character, as with many real-life individuals, was presented with great tragedy and, instead of allowing the pain and horror to crush him, turned his grief into his greatest motivator. ▼ There are tragedies occurring throughout the world, and constantly. We know we do not have a gaggle of caped crusaders ready to swoop down and save us. It is a very cruel and dangerous world, but these recent tragedies did highlight something much greater: the indomitable power of the human spirit. ▼ The actions of numerous individuals during and after the events of 9/11 showed that when it is needed, many of us have what it takes to be a hero. And after the earthquake and resulting tsunami in Japan, thousands of Japanese senior citizens put their lives in jeopardy by going into the radioactive Fukushima power plant. They only had 15 or so years left, they said, and the cancer would probably take 20 to kill them, so why not save some people in the process? ▼ These truly telling moments proved our greatest strength, as humans, is our capacity for good and our unconquerable will power and heart. Everyone has them - everyone has what it takes to be a superhero. When needed we are, each of us, more powerful than what we are facing. ▼ Batman’s grief was his motivator and his greatest strength, and helped foster his heart, will, and wit. It does not take the ability to leap tall buildings, outrun locomotives, or shoot lasers from your ears to make you a hero, only the ability to rise to the challenge of our greatest obstacles without shying away from them. ▼ It’s the challenges that personify the hero, not the other way around. Your limitations may seem unconquerable, but be strong and they will mold you into the mightiest of heroes: SuperYou. A hero is simply a man, or better, a Gentleman. ▼ Stay mighty, you League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, stay mighty. 

▼ How do these fictionalized characters, these hu-




for centuries, and immortalized in art: the great Edward Degas felt that even the simple act of a “Woman Drying Her Neck” was important enough to sketch. This intimate area, when touched or kissed, can be a source of laughter if she is ticklish, or a sensual hot spot. (In either case, this contact should be well timed, and by invitation only.)

WOMAN By AG S taff

Next, we must recognize her hands - her gentle, soft hands. The touch of a woman’s hands is often the first physical stimulation she offers, and it can often set the tone for everything else that might be on her mind. A woman communicates so much with her body language, and the clearest messages she can send comes from her hands. Knowing this, it is important for men to return the communication. For many young men, holding the hand of a girl they care about and feeling their warm, feminine grip (and occasional delightful squeeze!) is more than enough to rile the spirits.

The classic lines, the curves, the ins and the outs of a woman’s body will always be captivating to men. For every body part, every cheekbone and toenail, elbow and ear lobe, there have been scores of men who dedicate their time and infatuations to it. Think about the classical statues and paintings. Every part of a woman has been obsessed over and dissected a million ways. So which is the sexiest? This seems to be a great debate amongst men. Many men will give the simple answers, “posterior and carriage,” let’s say...which is, of course, the staple of mass media. You’ll also find a cluster of men infatuated in places on a woman’s body that are rarely considered “sexy.” Inner thighs, backs of knees, or maybe their belly buttons. The good news is, if you like it, she has it, and you’re not alone in idolizing and adoring it.

The accent to every feminine frame, many men are enamored with a woman’s hair. When a woman finds her right locks and curls, she becomes ten times sexier to a man. Literally, a woman could be dressed down in a tank top and flip-flops and still be captivating with the right head of hair. Long, thick, wavy, flowing hair is extremely hot and attractive, but equally sexy is a woman who can rock a Halle Berry cut (or a flash of color) while maintaining her femininity.

Last and certainly not least, is the power in a woman’s eyes. The ability to pierce with scorn or to stoke passion’s fire, there is no more fascinating venture than gazing deep into a woman’s eyes and finding yourself enraptured in her innermost intimate thoughts. They hold intelligence, wit, humor, and can challenge you completely. If sexiness is held in a girl’s confidence, her eyes deliver the message most clearly.

And then there are the calves. The seductive, lengthy curvature of a woman’s calf extending from the back of her knee to the top of her ankle is so delicately exquisite it rivals the calculated elegance of a Constantin Brâncuşi sculpture. Calves are visions of perfection when framed between a long, knee length skirt and a pair of great stilettos. No matter what type of man you are, there is an understanding - a unified, universal agreement among men that the sleek contour of a woman’s lower leg greatly accentuates her overall sex appeal.

As for the particulars of a woman, we are partial to a woman’s neck. Though we will resist referencing “Twilight,” men (and vampires) gravitate to the neck because of its frailty and delicate nature. The beauty and elegance of a woman’s neck has been recognized by men


We now come to a feature that has mesmerized men virtually from the beginning of time: her lips. You don’t have to be Mick Jagger to understand the powerful, knee-weakening effect of the lips. Such a dramatic and sensual inlet right in the middle of her’s the reason ancient Egyptian women wore lipstick. What man could stand a chance against the enhanced beauty of a woman’s face? When appropriately painted with the right lip-gloss or lipstick, they can make a man’s imagination run wild.


We cannot speak for all gentlemen, but we love women with confidence. Sexy starts with that state of mind. We are talking about the moment when a woman’s undeniable sultriness leaves you unable to do anything but stare with your mouth hanging open, because her energy and attitude just screams: “I AM SEXY!” And this will flow into all physical aspects of her.

Another one of our cherished locations on the female anatomy is the lower back. Rubbing your hand against the small of a woman’s back brings an instant and intoxicating sensation. Feeling those dimples is an ecstatic prelude of joy that just builds with anticipation—and is there anything sexier than that? For her, placing your hand on her lower back while leading her through a doorway puts you in control, and lets her know that she is taken care of.

These are just a few of the many wonders the female form has to offer. There are also many other facets and aspects of a woman’s body to be celebrated. Take the time to explore the canvas and feel her lines, her curves, and her specialties. And she will return the favor by letting you know just what she likes.

So what is the sexiest part? Well, they all are, aren’t they? 


Model: Anna Knight Photography: Marc LittleJohn



“We are shaped and fashioned by what we love. We are the heroes of our time.” K.E.P.

Follow your heart












There are so many reasons to lament the decline of the record store. From the promise of a vinyl album in your hands, to the cast of characters working the counter the gatekeepers to new and exciting finds - there was something special about walking into that musty music shrine. Streaming music on Pandora or hitting shuffle on an iPod diminishes the personal, tangible relationship we have with an album. But all is not lost. Technology may have altered the music business forever, but it also ushered in a new age of unlimited choices. As I type this, my Spotify app is allowing me to jump between several million tracks with a single mouse click. That’s a far cr y from my teenage years spent sitting in front of the radio with my finger on the record button in hopes of capturing the latest Madonna song on a Maxell cassette tape! In 2012, anyone with a MacBook and an empty bedroom can record an album and send it out into the digital universe. After countless hours exploring that universe, here are four albums that will outlast the buzz of what’s popular this week and prove worthy additions to any record collection.

367 North Robertson Blvd • West Hollywood CA 90048 • 424-777-0709 • ■


C o nt inued o n pg 2 4 ■


Continued f ro m pg 2 3

The Joy Formidable – The Big Roar (2011)

Gin Wigmore – Holy Smoke (2010)

Raphael Saadiq – Stone Rollin’ (2011)

Say hello to the sexiest voice in music.

Duran Duran – All You Need Is Now (2011)

One of R&B’s biggest stars in the 1990s with

Modern rock outfits with the chops to

Imagine Amy Winehouse trading her cocktail

the group Tony! Toni! Toné!, Saadiq’s latest solo al-

fill stadiums are getting harder and harder to find

dresses for jeans and a tank top, and you have New

bum is a modern soul masterpiece. Reaching back to

ran Duran in the 29 years since they released their

these days. The Joy Formidable moved from buzz-

Zealand’s Gin Wigmore.

the guitar tones of Ike Turner and Chuck Berry, Saa-

best album Rio. The road that led to 2011’s All You

The soulful rasp is certain to draw compar-

diq simply rocks the party on songs like “Radio” and

Need Is Now was bumpy and misguided at times

isons to the likes of the late Winehouse and Duffy,

“Heart Attack” until everyone on the dance floor is

with nothing approaching the style or energy of

but Wigmore adds more grit to the equation. “I’ve

drenched in sweat.

their first two records.

loud dynamics of The Pixies. Best of all, the al-

been beaten at the game of love” she declares on

bum captures the raw energy of their monumen-

the rocking opener “Oh My”, and proceeds to bare

the difference between retro kitsch and truly classic.

Mark Ronson (Adele, Amy Winehouse) who leads

tal live performances. (Check out the rapid fire

her soul evenly over the next nine tracks.

On Stone Rollin’, the music is entrenched in the latter.

the band back to their new wave roots. The chorus

drumming on the extended coda of “Whirring”

Accompanied by The Cardinals (Ryan Ad-

The energy of Stevie Wonder serves as an appropri-

of the title track references those youthful years, but

that turns a tight alternative rock track into a sym-

ams’ stellar backing band), Holy Smoke moves ef-

ate reference point on many of these tracks, but the

the postmodern sound throughout never feels like a

phony of noise.)

fortlessly through soulful pop and rock. Wigmore’s

arrangements are steeped in modern flourishes. “Just

band mining their past for cheap thrills. “Girl Pan-

powerhouse voice paired with such a versatile band

Don’t” features Yukimi Nagano (of indie stalwarts

ic!” blends the band’s love of ‘70s funk with synth-

gives it an unfair advantage over most artists. The

Little Dragon) who adds a swirling atmosphere to the

pop hooks to die for.

undeniable ‘60s pop of “Don’t Stop” might sound

mix and creates a new musical landscape where indie

Everyone from Elastica to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs

familiar since it’s currently featured in a Target

and soul mingle.

about the critical disdain that chasing models

have tried their hand at mixing the ingredients

commercial - an unusual place to stumble upon

As undeniable as the upbeat rocker songs are,

around the Caribbean on a yacht generated and it’s

heard on this album, but The Joy Formidable have

such a gem.

the slow moving “Good Man” steals the show with a

refreshing to see that spirit again. Sexy pop music

an alchemy all their own.

While most of the tracks sound readymade

tale of love gone wrong, and earns bonus points for

never goes out of style, and Duran Duran are back

for smoke-filled bars and bottles of fine whiskey,

featuring Chad Coleman (Cutty from The Wire) in

to teach young bands like The Killers how it should

Wigmore needs little more than a ukulele on the

the video.

be done. Immaculately produced, every song is built

sunny “I Do”. The album never settles into one

to jump from the high-end sound system of a Jaguar

mood, and each song reveals a different piece of

or in the hours after when only one woman remains

ing Glass” distills the music down to a singular

the woman who wrote them. And like that fine

in the living room, Stone Rollin’ should never be far

blast of passion that is gone almost as soon as it

whiskey, her underlying complexity makes every

from your stereo.

arrives. If you’re thinking that sounds more than

sip of Holy Smoke better than the last.

bin darlings in England with a promising EP to touring with the Foo Fighters in under two years.

The debut album blows open the roof on

stadiums with gigantic guitar hooks and the soft/

Drummer Matt Thomas threatens to steal

the show at every turn with an unrelenting attack, but singer-guitarist Ritzy Bryan soars above the din with a charming voice and a razor tight guitar.

Standout tracks like “A Heavy Abacus”

and “I Don’t Want To See You Like This” demand your attention and then set about pushing your speakers to their sonic limits. Barely reaching two minutes, the straightforward punk of “A Magnify-

It doesn’t take a sophisticated ear to notice

Versatile enough to work at your next party

Duran Duran never once seemed to care

Welcome back, lads. 

not alone. Rock ‘n’ roll needs The Joy Formidable.


Enter producer and life long Duran fan,

racing home from a late night cocktail party.

a little like Nirvana’s impact 20 years ago, you are

You are forgiven if you lost touch with Du-



With all the new styles and looks for summer, we at American Gentleman think this year will be about each gentleman

You m a y h a v e go n e s h o p p in g for y ou r n ew s u m m er wa rdrob e recen t-

choosing what suits his taste and style best. It is time to quit

ly. If so , y o u m a y h a v e re ali zed tha t b lu e jea n s a n d T- s hi r ts wi th

being so droll about our cloth-

p l a i n col o r s o f b l u e , b l a c k , a n d whi te a ren’ t b ei n g of fered a s the y

ing this summer. We should reflect that we are an individual

h a v e i n t h e l a s t f e w y e a r s. The des i gn for s u m m er i s a wa s h wi th col -

by choosing the color or print that is right for us. 

or s a nd p r in t s a c ro s s t h e b o a rd, u s her i n g i n tren ds from the p a s t. If you coul d o n ly s e e wh a t s o me of thos e old p i ctu res from y ou r gra n d-

A gentlem a n c a n wea r c olor c onfi dently.

p a re nt s l o o k e d l ik e in c o l o r i n s tea d of b la ck a n d whi te. They wore l o t s o f p r i n ts a n d color s .

This summer, the runways were

Le t tha t b e the new c ool.

KEP Shirt - $138, KEP Jeans $168, DePio socks $24, Retro Specs Late Modern sunglasses $434

filled with linen and cotton sand-hued relaxed beach wear with a Mediterranean flair. Tailored cotton suits are coming in

Join the ranks of the stylish out there like Jay-Z, David Beckham and Sean John (who all own a pair of the Global Hi’s) by giving him his own pair of Recon sneakers. Recon’s Global Hi – Artists Series was created in collaboration with renowned graffiti artists Stash, Wane & Futura. The sneakers are available exclusively at Finish Line and retails for $79.99.

pastels from blue, orange, red, and even green with bold printed shirt underneath. Going with the laid back feeling of summer, some designers created unlined lightweight blazers in plaids and checks from long to short in

KEP Shirt - $138, KEP Jeans $168, DePio $24, Retro Specs Vintage $1495

length. ■


Dress Dalia MacPhee $390, shoes Guess $125, Jessica Elliott Ring $125 ■ PAGE 27

B e it a cl assic styl e w i th o l d - s chool f l air... dr es s up a t ni g ht or to b e c omfor ta b le i n t he day...

KEP Three Piece Suit $1295, KEP Tie $138, KEP Shirt $138, Pocket Square $55, American Vintage wingtip shoes $168

KEP Shirt $138, KEP Vest $225 KEP Jeans $168, John Lennon Navy Blue half boot $168, DePio Socks $24, Retro Specs Early modern Museum Sunglasses $1495

...just m ake sure you’re always representi ng like a Gentlem an.

. . . or m o de r n c olo rs a n d a c c e n t s. . .

KEP Jeans $138, KEP Shirt $138, DePio socks $24, KEP Tie $138 KEP Navy Double breasted Blazer $798 American Vintage Wingtip Brown Shoes $168, Retro Specs Early modern Museum Sunglasses $1495

RetroSpecs Early Modern Museum Sunglasses $1495, American Vintage Brown wingtip Shoes $168, Biltmore Hat $138, DePio socks $24, KEP Red Blazer $1298 ■









ACCESSORIES By Derek Sheri dan If you take a look around, you’ll probably notice that men are not only paying more attention to their clothes and how they present themselves, but also to their fashion accessories. You might additionally notice that it all seems a bit chaotic, as if there are no rules whatsoever concerning what pairs well with what. Let’s not call them rules because nobody wants to follow anyone’s rules, but there are definite do’s and don’ts when it comes to choosing the correct accessory to accent your outfit. Being that there are many different guidelines for particular styles and outfits, let’s concentrate on when it comes to picking the right accessories to use when wearing a suit. Whether you only have one suit or one for every day of the year, it’s the accessories that really make you stand out in a crowd. (Unless, of course, you go with fluorescent colored suits. And if so, more power to you.) I’m not taking anything away from an amazing suit which can stand on its own, but guys like to dress up and look sharp. So, the correct accessory is what brings out your individualism and shows your personality. Here are some that can help you look your sharpest: UNDERSHIRTS: Counterintuitive to its name, you can still wear a T-shirt with a suit. Keep it white, clean, a crewneck or V-neck, and the fit should be form-fitting but not too tight. You want to be comfortable but still look good, in case you have to rip off your shirt like Superman and jump into action. (There must be a reason all branches of the military wear standard white crewnecks.) A tank top undershirt doesn’t really work with a suit, since it is used mainly to separate you from the dress shirt, especially if you’re warm and sweating. Plus, there’s a reason it’s referred to as a “wife-beater” and often showcased on the show “COPS”. DRESS SHIRTS: For starters, every man should own at least one white dress shirt. No matter what suit, tie, or pocket square you wear, a white shirt will always ■

work. If you want to dress up or accentuate a little, a more patterned shirt can look great as long as you don’t overdo it. Striped shirts go well with solid textured ties, and checkered shirts with solid color ties (or perhaps a patterned, a plaid shirt with a thick stripped tie) and any solid color shirt should be highlighted with anything other than a plain solid color tie. Matching your shirt, tie, pocket square, and all your accessories is not a good look...and grounds for a slap to the face with a white glove. TIES: I never receive more compliments as I do when I rock a bow tie. Neckties come in all colors, patterns, and widths, so follow the guidelines for dress shirts and choose the thickness and width to match the size of your jacket’s lapels. The newer style of narrow ties look a little “off ” if your lapels are a larger size. The current style of lapels seems to be getting thinner to match with the narrow ties. Silk is the old go-to fabric for neckties, so you can’t go wrong there, but never limit your selection when there are interesting things happening with textiles in ties. Have fun with it, but make sure it complements the outfit. POCKET SQUARES: These should work harmoniously with your tie, but should never match exactly. You can have highlights of the same color as a shirt or tie with patterns, but never, ever match with solid colors! Materials can include silk (no folding necessary), cotton, or linen - since these are thicker you should fold and either use a straight fold or with corners. WATCHES: A watch is also a status symbol among gentlemen. When wearing a suit, the same basic guideline for all accessories apply: leave the sportswear at home. If you only have a bright yellow plastic watch, it’s better to go without. Also, be sure to leave the giant diamond monstrosity for the pimp awards. Stainless steel or any precious metal watches are usually for more casual attire, so leather straps are better for more formal events. However, the right stainless steel watch


can really look amazing and tasteful with a suit. (It’s best if the leather strap matches your belt.) SCARVES: Sometime in 2004 I saw a group of 17 or 18 year old guys walking around at an event sporting matching scarves around their necks. When I asked one of them about it, he said it was because he was an anarchist (with no sarcastic tone). I can only guess that to him being an anarchist meant not listening to his parents anymore or limiting the amount of hair product he used. Looking back now I see that as a poignant moment when men’s style began its way toward anarchy. Since then I’ve watched the scarf grow in popularity and I’ve hesitated to accept it, just as I did to using Twitter. However, it seems like it’s a serious accessory now. That being said, I’m still not sure it has a place with a suit. SUNGLASSES:. Have you ever seen someone wearing sunglasses at night or inside and thought, “Wow, he’s cool”? Neither have I. These are for outdoor use, and only when it’s actually sunny. Make sure they’re UV protected, otherwise there’s really no point. Remember, if you’re going to be taking them off a lot or for an extended period of time, they’re a hassle to carry around with you. BELTS: Always leather, always black or matching with the shoes. The buckle should be stainless steel or metal, and not something you’d wear in Texas...unless you are in fact in Texas. The simpler the better when picking a belt, and there is a new style of suit that does away with the belt altogether. But you’d better make sure it’s supposed to be worn that way. SOCKS: Most of the time just go with black, but there is an opportunity to add some color and style here as well. Usually, you should keep within the color scheme of everything else you’re wearing, but if you wish to add a flash of color, make sure that it is a welcome contrast to your suit. SHOES: For the most part, men’s shoes should be black or brown. Purchase a nice pair of shoes and take care of them. Get some shoe trees made of cedar, clean any strange liquids they may have acquired during your night, and put them away and they can last you a long time. You can survive just fine with two or three pairs of nice shoes. (If you only have one pair of nice shoes, you can use different color shoelaces to change up the look and style.) Recently I’ve seen a lot of people sporting a “multiple patterns” look even when wearing a suit. A basic guideline is this: if you are going to clash stripes and patterns, it has to be at least in groups of three. The shirt, tie, and perhaps a vest can all be different patterns. Anything less looks like you just don’t know what you’re doing. If the suit itself is a pattern, you can also clash with the shirt and tie, but try to use the same highlights of color. Honestly, it’s a pretty tough look to pull off and look good. Make the wrong choices and you can end up looking like a circus clown... a sad, sad clown. What’s the old adage, sometimes less is more? When it comes to wearing a suit, that’s solid advice.  It’s all about the f it. Your clothes should snap to your body like a custom-molded suit of armor. ■


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