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NATURE USED FOR CAPITAL The rising interest in the Arctic and the idea of territorializing an area is closely intertwined. The Arctic is a sample model for the effects of climate change as well as for the political power of countries that claim sovereignty. Today, within the legislative framework, we see nature as a national resource. In contrast, the effects of the arising events in the environment are not limited to national borders. They extend and have implications on the global processes of our Earth.XXXII As such, greenhouse gas emission and pollution from activities around the world have an impact on the temperatures within the Arctic. Consequently, changes produced by this rise in temperature will, in their turn, affect the world again through, for example, an increase in sea levels.XXXIII So, this introduces the concept of globalization processes which can be political and environmental; processes where a local phenomenon has an impact on the global climate condition. The globalization processes came into view during neo-capitalist society. These processes exceed the national bounds of the nation-state. Since several nations claim and export the resources within the Arctic seafloor to the whole world, these resources transformed from being national to simultaneously being global. This transformation of a national resource used on a worldwide market changed the power relation between nature and society. Consequently, globalization influences the conservation of nature, since states start to influence regions that lay beyond their territories. Neil Brenner, in this sense, called for a rejection of the spatial fetishisms. This term is associated with the narrow, territorially conceived notions of state space. By reframing our notion of state space, he asked for greater attention to be given to the integrals space of the state. This integral space is described as: ‘the territory-, place-, and scale-specific ways in which state institurions are mobilised to regulate social relations and to influence their locational geographies.’XXXIV This concept of integral space is moving away from fixed borderlines. It brings the idea of fluid spaces, in which depending on the viewpoint connection between various nations, come into the picture.XXXV


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