Suggested marketing roadmap
Before you are able to conquer your marketing goals, you will need to build a foundation Starting with picking your target audience and defining what is the best way to get to them and finishing with executing and budgeting out your year to reach your marketing match.
Ex NortonCommons,St Matthews,Shelbyville,etc
Updateyourdatabase -Googlesheets -ActivePipe -Xpressdocs
Defineyourcommunicationchannels -SocialMedia(photoandvideo) -ActivePipeEmail -Postcards
-PrintAdvertising -SocialActivities
Definewhereyouwouldlikeyourclientstoland -Aparticularpropertyaddress
-Yourpersonalsocialmediapages -TheLSIRwebsite -Personalwebsite
Curateyourcontentbasedontheabovetasksandwhatisrelevantduringthattimeofyear -Lifestyle -Luxury -AgentResume/Bragging -SpecificProperty
Print Marketing
Brag Sheet/ Agent Booklet
Digital Marketing
Social Media Images
Social Media Videos
Digital Marketing Ads
Active Pipe Email Newsletters
Unique Marketing
Closing Gifts
Client Appreciation Gifts
Client Appreciation Events
What Now?
Ideal Yearly Plan
Marketing Checklist
Marketing Match
KIT Cards are meant to keep your client base engaged with your status as a realtor and provide useful and interesting content to share in the form of a postcard.
A way to give your client base and farming neighborhoods updates on your activity over the years. Can be in Postcard size or a full page mailer
An automated way to keep neighborhoods up to date with your activity near them and urge them to contact you if they are in need of real estate assistance.
Large Postcard - $0.85/card
XL Postcard - $0 96/ card
Destination postcards, brand distinction postcards, or Buyer in your area postcards.
2 Page Brochure
A simple and inexpensive way to show 2-7 highlight photos and a brief description of your property.
$2 08 per brochure (25 minimum)
4 Page Brochure
A more luxurious way to show off your property by showing off 6-9 photos and a more detailed description and highlights of the property
$4.09 per brochure (25 minimum)
A front and back flyer to give to clients at listing presentations to showcase yourself in a luxurious way and all that you can bring to them with the help of the brand. Includes Significant sales and notable statistics that differentiate you from other realtors.
2-Sided Flyer - $0 30/each
Another way to market yourself and all that you and the Sotheby's brand can offer to your clients. Includes significant sales, testimonials, and information about yourself.
Complimentary posts that will survive the entirety of your listing. Show your followers your new listings, Open House times, and how to take a Virtual Tour of your property!
These posts are complimentary to you and already properly sized for your social media accounts.
Another way to showcase your listings is through Instagram Reels. Take video walking through your newest listing and talk about some features of the home or just add some catchy and trending music to the background to instantly drive up views and your marketing on a property.
Only mobile (phone or iPad) viewing of Business first but a great way to get your ty in front of a large audience. Able to be purchased and changed out monthly.
$3,524 per month
Desktop viewing and mobile viewing. Able to be purchased by the Agent and created by Marketing. These ads can be changed out and purchased on a monthly basis and will run for the entire month.
XL Banner - 75,000 Impressions $3,810 per month
Afternoon or morning newsletters that run for an entire week. Ads will be created by the marketing department but purchased by the agent. Afternoon or Morning
Email that is sent out daily (or more) with updates about local businesses in Louisville.
3 Month Package ............
6 Month Package
$13,300 ($4,433 per month)
$24,000 ($4,000 per month)
12 Month Package $44,000 ($3,366 per month)
A digital copy of the relocation guide with customized ads and featured listings
12 month commitment
Pro (6 pages of custom content)
$165 per month
Expert (10 pages of custom content) ......... $249 per month
Email newsletters can be sent out monthly with content provided by the Marketing department, market or neighborhood updates, and featured properties
Send out emails to your clients showcasing new listings and recently closed properties.
Sponsor Neighborhood auctions, charity events, or neighborhood events to get specific areas engaged.
Bring Closing Gifts to your clients Gifts can be unique to your clients or you can check out the Swag SIRcle store to find some unique branded gifts to bring your clients.
Deliver cookies, offer pies to your neighborhood, or send out birthday gifts to your clients to let them know you appreciate them and are thinking of them!
Sponsor events for your clients to show them your appreciation! Neighborhood block parties, family photoshoots, or coffee and conversations!
Year in Review KIT Card
ActivePipe Email Newsletter
Derby KIT Card
Mid-Year Market Update
Football KIT Card
Monthly Newsletter
Neighborhood farming newsletter
General Farming Postcard
Sponsor an event or send client gift
October Farming Postcard
End-of-year market report email
Client gifts or Christmas/Holiday cards
To do all year...
Social Media
Update client databases
Ad spots (digital or print)
Update Brag Sheet/Booklet yearly
Assess this ideal marketing checklist and aim to match
Print Marketing
Brag Sheet/Agent Bookelt
Digital Marketing
Social Media Images
Social Media Videos
Digital Marketing Ads
Active Pipe Email Newsletters
Unique Marketing
Closing Gifts
Client Appreciation Gifts
Client Appreciation Events Every
With our newly improved, marketing match program, see what kind of marketing will count towards your match that you can use on any marketing of your choice in the future
Reminder - you must give the Marketing Department receipts from your approved spendings and we will cover the invoice, we will not reimburse.
Full color ads in local media (SL, BF, Tops, Voice) or national media
Full color ads in church bulletins, school programs, social & philanthropic organization
newspapers (at least 1/2 a page)
Farming, KIT (Keep in Touch), new listing, and additional sold postcards
Website subscriptions (Luxury Presence)
Printed newsletters, market stats, etc
Agent promotional branding (Events, Sponsorships, Brag book, promotional videos, etc )
Social functions specifically promoting neighborhood and reinforcing LSIR's brand image
Personal photography (lifestyle photoshoots)
Boosting social media posts & digital advertising
Advertising in publications featuring political or social editorials
B&W church bulletins
B&W school programs where ad is smaller than 1/2 a page
Business cards
Property brochures
LSIR branded signs or merchandise
Lead generation software or websites (CRM's)
Subscriptions or Consulting Fees
Open House expenses
3rd party board meetings
Closing gifts
Here is a rough estimate of a way to reach $12,000 in spending. This can be pieced together in many ways, this is just an example.
New Agent Brag Book $140
BF Ad $1700
Louisville Life Custom Digital $165
Monthly Email Newsletter
Farming Postcards $255
Louisville Life Custom Digital $165
Monthly Email Newsletter
Derby KIT Card $170
BF Ad $1700
Louisville Life Custom Digital $165
Monthly Email Newsletter
BF Ad $1700
New Headshots $600
Louisville Life Custom Digital $165
Monthly Email Newsletter
Football KIT Card $170
Louisville Life Custom Digital $165
Monthly Email Newsletter
BF Ad $1700
Louisville Life Custom Digital $165
Monthly Email Newsletter
Farming postcard (300 addresses) $255
Louisville Life Custom Digital $165
Monthly Email Newsletter
KIT Postcard to Sphere $170
BF Ad $1700
Louisville Life Custom Digital $165
Monthly Email Newsletter
Farming Postcards $255
Sponsor an Event $1000
Louisville Life Custom Digital $165
Monthly Email Newsletter
Farming Postcard $255
Louisville Life Custom Digital $165
Monthly Email Newsletter
BF Ad $1700
Louisville Life Custom Digital $165
Monthly Email Newsletter
Holiday cards $170
Louisville Life Custom Digital $165
Monthly Email Newsletter
As with any new program, there are lots of unanticipated questions Below are a few that we would like to address
Marketing meetings to plan for the following year will begin in October We will sit down and plan out the following year's marketing budget You will need to finalize this plan no later than March 1 of the following year to be eligible for levels 2, 3, and 4
If you do not commit to your budget by March 1, you will still be able to redeem $1,080 throughout the end of the year
Your marketing plan will need to be finalized by March 1 and discussed with the marketing department if you plan to fall in levels 2, 3 and 4
We will honor our spend $1,500, get $1,500 plan through the end of 2023 This plan will no longer be in effect beginning January 1, 2024
Until you reach the next level, you will receive the lower of the 2 For example, if you spend $11,000, you will only receive $1,080
No, all other matching programs including the Charitable Donation Match and Event Match will no longer be in effect beginning January 1, 2024