2 minute read
I hope you will take a moment to look through the 2023 edition of the Lenoir Community College Fall Workforce Development Course Schedule and see just some of the educational opportunities and career pathways the College has for everyone. Whether you are looking for short-term workforce training, basic skills or personal enrichment classes, Lenoir Community College is where hope and opportunity connect.
Our faculty and staff have always been committed to providing the best instruction and services to our students, and to the citizens that we serve in Lenoir, Greene, and Jones Counties. We are reimagining the student experience by engaging our students, each other, and our community partners; investing in our students, employees, and facilities and achieving student success by creating a quality student experience. So again, please take time to discover within these pages the many opportunities that are waiting for you.
My door is always open to you.
Rusty Hunt, Ed.D. President

Course scheduling is subject to change, but updated information can always be found at: https://conedregistration.lenoircc.edu/


1. Go to https://conedregistration.lenoircc.edu/
2. Click the looking glass next to ‘Register’
3. Check the box next to your desired class.
4. Click ‘Apply’
General Information
Lenoir Community College offers a comprehensive program based on the needs and interests of adults in Lenoir, Greene, and Jones Counties. Programs are designed to provide:
• basic skills education for adults
• opportunities to achieve Adult High School diploma or High School Equivalency diploma/GED
• cultural and community service programs
• technical and vocational courses designed to prepare students for new jobs or allow them to perform better in their present job
Contact Us
Dr. John Paul Black
Senior Vice President of Workforce Development and Student Services
(252) 527-6223, ext. 344 jpblack73@lenoircc.edu
Dr. Justin Tilghman
Dean of Workforce Development and Public Safety
(252) 527-6223, ext. 730 jgtilghman38@lenoircc.edu
Aerospace & Advanced Manufacturing Center
3800 Hwy 58 North, Kinston, NC 28504
(252) 233-6835
Dawn Kantz, Associate Dean of the AAMC and Workforce Development dkkantz79@lenoircc.edu
Greene County Center
818 Hwy 91 N., Snow Hill, NC 28580 (252) 747-3434
Jason Miller, Associate Dean of Greene County Centers jrmiller61@lenoircc.edu
Jones County Center
509 Hwy 58 N., Trenton, NC 28585
(252) 448-5021
Maria Robles, Associate Dean of Jones County Center mtrobles91@lenoircc.edu
Kinston Campus
231 Hwy 58 S., Kinston, NC 28502-0188
PO Box 188
(252) 527-6223
La Grange Center
112 E. Railroad St., La Grange, NC 28551 (252) 233-6838 — (252) 527-6223, ext. 765
Gary Tilghman, Director of Workforce Development & La Grange Centers gltilghman41@lenoircc.edu
Pink Hill Wellness & Education Center
301 S. Pine St., Pink Hill, NC 28572 (252) 527-6223, ext. 613
Reid Taylor, Director of Continuing Education Special Programs drtaylor03@lenoircc.edu
Small Business Center
327 N. Queen St., Kinston, NC 28501 (252) 522-8021
Greg Hannibal, Director of Small Business Center/Microenterprise Loan Program Agent gjhannibal18@lenoircc.edu
Workforce Development Center
602 West Harper St., Snow Hill, NC 28575 (252) 527-6223, ext. 765/744
Gary Tilghman, Director of Workforce Development & La Grange Centers gltilghman41@lenoircc.edu
Current Class Schedule: https://lenoircc-register.fundfive.com
Includes the following classes: Taxidermy, Wastewater Collections, and Certified Veterinary Assistant. Contact
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Enroll now in our award-winning Taxidermy program!

The program provides extensive training for taxidermists to fine-tune their skills in the preparation of deer, waterfowl, fish, and small mammals. Our students participate every year in various conventions and competitions, organized by the North Carolina Taxidermist Association, as well as the Virginia and South Carolina Taxidermist Associations.
For more information, contact: 252.527.6223, ext. 714 | pmartinezmengel76@lenoircc.edu Register at: https://conedregistration.lenoircc.edu
Current Class Schedule: https://lenoircc-register.fundfive.com
Includes the following classes: Commercial Refrigeration, Electrical Contractor, Commercial and Residential Electricity, HVAC, NATE, Welding, and Energy Distribution.
Scan Here for more class info