4 minute read
Gunsmithing Curriculum
The Gunsmithing curriculum is designed to provide the student with the required skills needed to refurbish metal and wood as applicable to firearms, to diagnose malfunctions for repair, and to accomplish more complex custom gunsmithing tasks. Course work includes manufacturing of tools used in the gunsmithing trade, restoration of firearms, stock making, barrel work, repair work, and custom work.
Salary per year
Job Outlook
There are many opportunities for gunsmiths including work in sporting goods stores, firearm manufacturers, and custom gunsmithing shops
Current Class Schedule: https://lenoircc-register.fundfive.com
Most adults are caught up in obligations, so they neglect to take time for their own needs. Personal enrichment in the form of art classes, craft classes, cooking classes, dance classes, and foreign language classes contribute to a community’s cultural, civic, and intellectual growth.
It is time to put yourself first. Check out the classes available at our campuses.

Prudencio Martinez
(252) 527-6223, ext. 714 pmartinezmengel76@lenoircc.edu
Reid Taylor
(252) 527-6223, ext. 613 drtaylor03@lenoircc.edu
Public Safety
Lenoir Community College Public Safety Education Programs offer a variety of classes via the internet and the traditional classroom setting. Our programs are geared for the individual as well as hospital, EMS, fire, or law enforcement personnel who are interested in expanding their knowledge.
The Workforce Development and Continuing Education based EMS programs at Lenoir Community College do not currently offer advanced placement options. These programs include EMT, AEMT, and Paramedic. Students in these programs are currently not allowed to transfer clinical hours or skills from other programs and must complete the required minimum clinical hours, field hours, and skills assessments to complete the program and be eligible for NCOEMS and NREMT testing.

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Contact Us!
Darla Boseman
(252) 527-6223, ext. 149 dwboseman07@lenoircc.edu
“We are excited to offer a continuing education EMT course that is designed to prepare students for a career in Emergency Medical Services or further their careers in public safety. It is our mission to provide affordable, innovative, high-quality, and state-of-the art educational opportunities to meet the needs of the EMS workforce and prepare students to be job ready .”
In addition to online didactic course work, the EMT course includes 15 onsite lab skill sessions and a minimum of 48 hours clinical education. The course is scheduled over a 16-week period. The onsite lab skill sessions are held from 0900-1600 on prescheduled dates for each course.
Darla Boseman | (252) 527-6223, ext. 149 | dwboseman07@lenoircc.edu
Transitional And Career Studies
Current Class Schedule: https://lenoircc-register.fundfive.com
This includes HSE/GED, Adult Basic Education, Adult High School, Digital Literacy, English as a Second Language, Placement Testing, and Transition Math and English.
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Adult Basic Education
This program of instruction is designed for adults who lack competence in reading, writing, speaking, problem solving, or computation at a level necessary to function in society, on a job, or in a family.
High School Equivalency Diploma (HSE Diploma)

This program of instruction is designed to prepare adult students to pass the high school equivalency tests that lead to a high school equivalency diploma.
English Language Acqusition (ELA)
This program of instruction is designed for adults who lack competence in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing academic English.
Adult High School (AHS)
This program of instruction is offered cooperatively with local public school systems to help adults earn an Adult High School Diploma.
G.O.A.L.S Program (Gaining Occupational & Life Skills)
The G.O.A.L.S Program provides students with a successful transition to employment through engaging instruction, project-based learning, and the development of workplace skills necessary for employment. The program was developed in partnership with Lenoir Community College, Lenoir County Public Schools, and Vocational Rehabilitation.
Nc Edge Customized Training
https://www.lenoircc.edu/workforcedevelopment/customizedtraining/ Find your edge in North Carolina. The first state training program of its kind, we partner with the North Carolina Community College System to provide the customized training you need to achieve your business goals. Our long tradition of collaborative partnerships and deep bench of resources can help you usher in your next phase of growth.
To access NC Edge Customized Training Incentives, your company must:
1. Belong to one of the following industries: Manufacturing • Information Technology • Life Sciences • Regional or National Warehousing / Distribution Center • Customer Support Center • Air Courier Services • National Headquarters.

2. Companies must meet two or more of the following criteria: Make an appreciable capital investment • Deploy new technology • Create new jobs • Expand an existing workforce • Enhance the productivity and profitability of operations within North Carolina • Enhance the skills of workers.
You may qualify for a workforce development/continuing education scholarship from one of our sponsors:
• Golden Leaf
• NCCCS -Short-Term Workforce Development
Students must be a resident of North Carolina or a tobacco-dependent county in North Carolina and enrolled in a short-term workforce development course that leads to Essential and Career credentials listed on the NC Career Workforce Credentials list here: https://nccareers.org/credentials/credentials-list
Scan QR code to apply: https://www.lenoircc.edu/workforcedevelopment/scholarships/ Contact

Ncworks Career Center


We provide FREE assistance to the general public as well as assist students with Job Search, Resume Preparation, and Interviewing Skills!
Representing the area’s major workforce agencies, NCWorks Career Centers in Greene, Jones, and Lenoir Counties provide comprehensive employment and training services for job seekers, training seekers, and employers in a convenient, one-stop career center. Local NCWorks partners include representatives from Lenoir Community College, Division of Workforce Solutions, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Vocational Rehabilitation, Greene Lamp, Telamon, Job Corps, Department of Social Services, Coastal Women’s Shelter, Kinston Housing Authority, NC Division of Services for the Blind, Two Hawks Workforce Services, and Coastal Community Action. NCWorks Career Centers provide employers a single place to address their employment and training needs.
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Apprenticeship Program

Apprenticeship is an employer-based program that helps workers learn specialized skills needed in today’s work environment, combining on-the-job learning with related classroom instruction. Students earn nationally recognized credentials, while employers develop a talented team and close the skills gap. While many people start apprenticeships immediately after graduating from high school, they may also work well for veterans leaving active-duty military service, those looking to change careers, or people whose jobs are being replaced by technology. Here at Lenoir Community College, our goal is to help connect and support employers and apprentices.
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Contact Us!
Dawn Kantz
(252) 233-6835 dkkantz79@lenoircc.edu
Small Business Center
The Small Business Center Network, comprised of 58 Small Business Centers throughout North Carolina, supports the development of new businesses and the growth of existing businesses by being a community-based provider of training, counseling, and resource information. The Small Business Center is located in the Kinston Enterprise Center, 327 N. Queen St. Parking is provided behind the Kinston Enterprise Center. Turn on Blount Street and take the first right (alley). There are no charges for the use of the Small Business Center’s resources or to engage its business consulting services.
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