世界遗产 世界文化遗产和自然遗产是人类祖先和大自然的杰作,是全人类共同的物质财 富和精神财富,有效保护世界文化遗产和自然遗产,就是保护人类文明和人类赖以生存的 环境。世界遗产是指被联合国教科文组织和世界遗产委员会确认的人类罕见的、目前无法 替代的财富,是全人类公认的具有突出意义和普遍价值的文物古迹及自然景观。一般说来, 世界遗产包括“世界文化遗产”、“世界自然遗产”、“世界文化与自然遗产”和“文化 景观”4 类。截至 2010 年 8 月,已收录于《世界遗产名录》的全球世界遗产总数已增至 911 项。其中,704 项世界文化遗产(含文化景观遗产),180 项世界自然遗产,27 项 世界文化与自然双遗产。至 2011 年 6 月,中国已有 41 处自然文化遗址和自然景观列入《世 界遗产名录》,其中文化遗产 26 项,自然遗产 8 项,文化和自然双重遗产 4 项,文化景 观 3 项。仅次于意大利和西班牙。
World Heritage World Cultural and Natural Heritage sites are masterpieces created by both human ancestors and Mother Nature and priceless assets for the whole mankind. In fact, an effective protection of the cultural and natural heritage is to conserve human civilization and the natural environment on which human beings subsist. World Heritage refers to any human priceless and irreplaceable asset nominated by the UNESCO and the World Heritage Committee, including cultural relics and natural sights of outstanding universal value for the whole mankind. Generally, the World Heritage sites are divided into four categories: cultural, natural and mixed properties, and cultural landscapes. As of August 2010, 911 properties around the globe had been inscribed into the World Heritage List, including 704 cultural heritage sites (or cultural landscapes), 180 natural heritage sites, and 27 mixed heritage sites. By June 2011, a total of 40 natural and cultural properties in China had been inscribed into the World Heritage List, including 26 cultural heritage sites, eight natural heritage sites, four mixed heritage sites, and three cultural landscapes. Presently, China is ranked third around the world in the number of World Heritage sites, only behind Italy and Spain.
53 52 54 56 60 64 66 68 70 72 74 75 76 78 80 84 85 86 88 90
大足石刻 武夷山
西递和宏村 皖南古村落 — 明清皇家陵寝 龙门石窟 青城山和都江堰 云冈石窟 三江并流保护区
高句丽王城、王陵及贵族墓葬 澳门历史城区 殷墟 四川大熊猫栖息地 中国南方喀斯特 开平碉楼与村落 福建土楼 三清山国家公园 五台山
登封『天地之中』历史建筑群 中国丹霞 杭州西湖
长城 明清皇宮
乐山大佛风景区 峨眉山 —
8 12
10 14 16 20 24 22 26 28 32 36 38 40 42 44 48 50
零壹 长城
THE GREAT WALL 北京怀柔明长城 The Ming Great Wall,Huairou.Beijing
长城 THE GREAT WALL 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1987 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
长城 是中国古代为抵御外族侵略而修筑的规模浩大的军事工程的统称。现存长城遗址一般指明长城,西起甘肃嘉峪关,东 至辽宁山海关,绵延上万华里,故称万里长城。作为世界遗产,辽宁九门口的水上长城也在其中。长城不仅是中国最重要的 历史文物、世界建筑史上的奇迹,更是中华民族坚强意志和不屈精神的象征。美国前总统尼克松曾感叹:“只有一个伟大的 民族,才能造得出这样一座伟大的长城。”
The Great Wall The Great Wall is a series of impressive military fortifications built originally to protect the northern borders of China against intrusions from nomadic tribes. The majority of the existing Great Wall was constructed during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), which stretches from Jiayuguan in the western province of Gansu to Shanhaiguan in the eastern province of Liaoning. Totally, it runs more than 10,000 li (a unit of length equal to 0.5 kilometers), hence its nickname the Long Wall of Ten Thousand Li. The Jiumenkou section on the water in Liaoning Province is also part of the World Heritage site. An important historic heritage of China and an architectural wonder around the world, the Great Wall is considered a symbol of the persistent and fortitudinous spirit of the Chinese nation. Former US President Richard Nixon ever praised that “Only a great nation can build such a magnificent Great Wall.”
零壹 长城 2
金山岭长城敌楼 Watchtower at the Jinshanling Great Wall
列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1987 年北京故宫,2004 年沈阳故宫 遗产种类:文化遗产
明清皇宫 包括北京故宫和沈阳故宫。北京故宫,明清时称紫禁城,位于北京市。始建于 15 世纪,600 年间,曾先后有 24 位帝王生活在这里。1925 年始称故宫,如今为馆藏珍贵文物百余万件的故宫博物院。皇宫占地面积 72 万平方米,拥有建 筑 980 余座,房屋 8700 余间,其中以太和殿、乾清宫、养心殿、御花园为代表,黄瓦红墙,金扉朱楹,白玉雕栏,宫阙重叠 , 巍峨壮观。 既是中国古代建筑的杰作, 也是全世界规模最大、 建筑最雄伟、 保存最完好的古代皇宫建筑群。 沈阳故宫为清初皇宫, 位于辽宁省沈阳市,在建筑艺术上承袭了中国古代建筑的传统,集汉、满、蒙族建筑艺术为一体,具有很高的历史和艺术价值, 是明清皇宫文化遗产的一部分。
Imperial Palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang The Imperial Palace in Beijing, known as the Forbidden City in the Ming and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, was first built in the 15th century. Over more than 600 years, it served as a dwelling place for 24 emperors. In 1925, it was converted into the Palace Museum, which now houses more than a million priceless cultural relics. Covering an area of 720,000 square meters, the Imperial Palace in Beijing consists of 980 buildings, with more than 8,700 rooms. The most representative and impressive structures include the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and the Imperial Garden, which feature yellow-glazed tiles, red walls, gilded doors, and marble balustrades. An architectural masterpiece of ancient China, it is now considered the largest, grandest and best-preserved ancient royal building complex across the world. As part of the Imperial Palaces of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Imperial Palace in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, inherit the traditional Chinese architectural techniques while integrating the architectural styles of the Han, Manchu, and Mongolian ethnic groups, and feature high historic and artistic value.
太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony(Taihedian)
太和殿内景 Interior of the Hall of Supreme Harmony
崇政殿内景 Hall of Exalted Government(Chongzhengdian)
紫禁城角楼 Watchtower of the Forbidden City
紫禁城 Forbidden City
列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1987 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
铜车马 Bronze Chariot
二号坑彩绘跪射俑 Kneeling Terracotta Soldier,Pit 2
秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑 位于陕西临潼,是秦始皇嬴政的皇陵。陵园占地近 8 平方公里,分内、外城,封土呈四方锥形,顶部略平, 高近百米,不仅是中国历史上第一座皇帝陵,也是最大的皇帝陵。陵墓四周有陪葬坑和墓葬 400 多个,范围广及 56.25 平 方公里。主要陪葬坑有铜车马坑、珍禽异兽坑、以及兵马俑坑等。1974 年以来,在陵园东 1.5 公里处发现的从葬兵马俑坑
代高超的雕塑技艺水平 , 引起全世界的震惊和关注,被誉为“20 世纪考古史上最伟大的发现之一”。
Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor Situated in Lintong, Shaanxi Province, it is the royal mausoleum of Ying Zheng, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty (221-207BC). The entire mausoleum covers nearly eight square kilometers and consists of an interior city and an exterior city. The tomb in the center resembles a tetragonal pyramid with a flat top and is nearly 100 meters high. It is the earliest and largest imperial mausoleum in China. Around the mausoleum are more than 400 auxiliary burial pits and tombs, which are distributed in the nearby area of 56.25 square kilometers. The major auxiliary pits include the Bronze Chariot Pits, the Horse Pits, the Rare Bird and Beast Pits, and the Terracotta Warrior and Horse Pits. Since 1974, three pits of terracotta warriors and horses have been
三处,出土陶俑 8000 件、战车百乘以及数万件实物兵器等文物,陶俑身材高大,一般在 1.8 米左右,形态各异,体现了秦
discovered 1.5 kilometers east to the mausoleum, from which 8,000 terracotta figures, 100 chariots, and tens of thousands of weapons were unearthed. Those terracotta figures, each being about 1.8 meters in height, vary in postures and facial expressions, and bear testimony of the superb sculpture techniques of the Qin Dynasty. Their discovery stirred up considerable concern from around the world and is reputed as “one of the greatest archeological findings of the 20th century.”
兵马俑一号坑 Pit 1 of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses
列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1987 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
莫高窟 俗称千佛洞,位于甘肃敦煌市东南 25 公里的鸣沙山东麓崖壁上,是敦煌石窟的代表。莫高窟上下 5 层,南北长约 1600 米。始凿于公元 366 年,后经历代营造与重建,形成一座内容丰富、规模宏大的石窟群。现存洞窟 492 个,唐宋木 结构建筑 5 座 , 壁画 45000 平方米,彩塑 2400 余身,飞天 4000 余身。莫高窟与云冈石窟、龙门石窟并称为“中国三大石窟” ; 它既是一座集建筑、绘画、雕塑于一身博大精深的综合艺术殿堂,也是世界上现存规模最宏大、保存最完好的佛教艺术宝库。
Mogao Caves The Mogao Caves, popularly known as the Thousand-Buddha Caves, lie on cliffs at the east foot of the Echoing-Sand Mountain, 25 kilometers southeast of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province. As outstanding representatives of the Dunhuang grotto art, the Mogao Caves consist of five stories and stretch about 1,600 meters from south to north. First constructed in 366, the caves underwent constant reconstructions and expansions over centuries, and have formed a diverse, impressive system of grottoes. Currently, there are preserved 492 grottoes and five wooden-structured buildings dating back to the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties, as well as 45,000 square meters of murals, 2,400 colored sculptures, and 4,000 flying Apsaras (Buddhist fairies). The Mogao Caves, together with the Yungang Grottoes and the Longmen Grottoes, are known as one of the three major grotto clusters in China. The Mogao Caves are not only a comprehensive cultural heritage integrating architecture, painting, and sculpture, but also the largest and best-preserved treasure house of Buddhist art in the world.
敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Caves,Dunhuang
第 428 窟 Cave 428
第 158 窟释迦牟尼涅槃像 The Nirvana of Sakyamuni ,Cave 158
列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1987 年 遗产种类:文化与自然双重遗产
泰山 古称岱山,又名岱宗,春秋时始称泰山,位于山东省中部。泰山以其雄伟壮丽著称,历史悠久,地层古老,风光秀丽, 气象万千,堪称中国山水名胜的集大成者,有“五岳之首”、“天下第一山”之誉。泰山人文历史悠久,文化遗存丰富。现 存各种碑碣石刻 2000 余处,山脚下的岱庙天贶殿,与北京太和殿、曲阜大成殿并称为中国三大宫殿。中国人自古崇拜泰山, 秦皇汉武、唐宗宋祖,或封禅,或祭祀,建庙塑神,绵延不断;孔子孟轲、李白杜甫,或敬山,或游历,刻石题字,写诗记文, 千百年来,络绎不绝。
Mount Taishan Initially called Daishan or Daizong, Mount Taishan in the middle of Shandong Province got its current name during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC). It is noted for magnificent landscapes and profound history, as well as antiquated geological formations, picturesque scenery, ancient buildings, and changing weathers. An aggregation of all sorts of scenic spots, Mount Taishan is dubbed the head of the Five Sacred Mountains and the No.1 Mountain under Heaven. Due to its long history and profound culture, the mountain boasts abundant cultural relics. Currently, there are preserved more than 2,000 stone steles and carvings. The Tiankuang Hall in the Dai Temple at the foot of the mountain is ranked among China’s three grandest halls, together with the Hall of Supreme Harmony in Beijing and the Dacheng Hall in Qufu. Since remote antiquity, Mount Taishan has received great pilgrimages. Many monarchs, including the First Qin Emperor, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty (202BC-220), Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, and Emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty, ever came to worship the mountain and construct temples. Over centuries, such scholars and poets as Confucius, Meng Ke, Li Bai, and Du Fu also came to worship and travel around the mountain, who left behind numerous stone carvings, poems and essays.
灵岩寺 Lingyan Temple
MOUNT TAISHAN 泰山十八盘 Eighteen Bends
零陆 周口店北京人遗址 北京猿人头盖骨 Skull Cap of Peking Man
猿人洞中挖掘出土的动物牙齿化石 Animal tooth fossil unearthed from the Ape-Man Cave
北京猿人使用过的石器 Stone tools used by Peking Ape Man
山顶洞人的装饰品 Ornaments used by the Upper Cave Man
周口店北京人遗址 PEKING MAN SITE AT ZHOUKOUDIAN 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1987 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
周口店北京人遗址 位于北京市房山区周口店龙骨山。继 1929 年在此发现原始人类牙齿、骨骼和一块完整的头盖骨,并找 到了“北京人”生活、狩猎及使用火的遗迹后,又陆续在龙骨山上发现古人类化石及其使用的石器和用火遗址;在山顶洞中 出土了中国最早的墓葬和装饰品。周口店北京人遗址是世界上人类化石材料最丰富、最生动,动物化石门类最齐全,研究最 深入的古人类遗址之一。
Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian Located on the Longgu Hill at Zhoukoudian, Beijing’s Fangshan District, it was first discovered in 1929, when archeologists found some teeth, bones, and a skull of Homo sapiens that were later named “Peking Man.” There were also excavated various objects that Peking Men used in daily life and hunting, as well as remains of fire use. Consecutively, many specimens of Homo sapiens, stone utensils and fire-using remains were unearthed at the site. Moreover, in the caves on the hill were discovered China’s oldest burial and ornamental objects. The Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian is one of the world’s most comprehensive and systemic Paleolithic sites with the richest human fossils and animal specimens.
PEKING MAN SITE AT ZHOUKOUDIAN 周口店北京人遗址 Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian
零柒 黄山 石猴观海 Stone Monkey Viewing the Sea
黄山 MOUNT HUANGSHAN 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1990 年 遗产种类:文化与自然双重遗产
MOUNT HUANGSHAN 西海之夏 Summer of Xihai Scenie Zone
黄山 位于安徽省南部。黄山以重峦叠嶂、雄奇险峻,植被茂盛,古树繁多,烟云变幻,气象万千,共同构成奇、伟、幻、 险的奇观。主峰莲花峰,海拔 1864 米,自然景点多达 400 余处。奇松、怪石、云海、温泉“四绝”,名闻中外,号称“天 下第一奇山”。黄山历史文化沉积丰厚,历代遗留的寺庙、亭阁、古道、古桥和摩崖石刻共计 200 多处,散布在名峰秀水之间, 平添了不少古雅意趣。
Mount Huangshan Located in southern Anhui Province, Mount Huangshan is famous for spectacular and marvelous scenery comprised of rolling hills, dense forests, perilous peaks, ancient trees, and drifting mists. Its main peak, Lotus Peak, rises 1,864 meters above sea level and boasts more than 400 scenic spots. Dubbed the “No.1 Marvelous Mountain under Heaven,” Mount Huangshan is particularly noted both at home and abroad for its four wonders: odd-shaped pines, grotesque rocks, hot springs, and sea of clouds. It also boasts rich historic and cultural accumulations. Currently, more than 200 ancient temples, pavilions, paths, bridges, and stone carvings are scattered amidst picturesque peaks and rivers, adding an elegant ambience to the mountain.
列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1992 年 遗产种类:自然遗产
黄龙风景名胜区 位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州。海拔在 3000 米以上,是我国最高的风景名胜区之一。景区主要由 黄龙沟、牟尼沟、丹云峡、雪山梁等组成,以彩池、雪山、峡谷、森林“四绝”著称于世,尤其是巨型地表钙华坡谷, 如一条金色巨龙,蜿蜒于原始林海和石山冰峰之间,构成奇、峻、雄、野的环境特色,享有“世界奇观”、“人间瑶池” 之誉,被称为“中国一绝”。
Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area Located in the Aba Tibetan and Qing Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, the Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area is one of the highest scenic resorts in China, with an average altitude of 3,000 meters. It mainly consists of Huanglong Valley, Muni Valley, Danyun Valley, and Xueshan Range and is noted for such four wonders as colored lakes, snow-capped mountains, valleys, and forests. Particularly, a calcified valley resembles a golden dragon winding its way through virgin forests and glaciers. Due to its distinctive, perilous, magnificent and wild landscapes, Huanglong is dubbed a “world wonder” and an “immortal abode on earth” in China.
钙化彩池 Calcareous Ponds
五彩池山景 Mountain View,Wucai Ponds
雪宝顶 Xuebaoding(Snow Mountain Peak)
牟尼沟钙化瀑布 Calcareous Waterfall Muni Valley
零捌 黄龙风景名胜区 18
五彩池冬韵 Winter Charm of View,Wucai(Five-Color) Ponds
零玖 九寨沟风景名胜区 诺日朗瀑布 Nuorilang Waterfall
九寨沟风景名胜区 JIUZHAIGOU VALLEY SCENIC AND HISTORIC INTEREST AREA 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1992 年 遗产种类:自然遗产
九寨沟风景名胜区 位于四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州,是一条约 50 余公里的山沟谷地,因有 9 个藏族村寨坐落沟中而得名。 九寨沟以高原钙华湖群、 钙华瀑群和钙华滩流等水景最为奇特, 堪称中国胜水之冠, 有所谓 “黄山归来不看云, 九寨归来不看水” 之说。九寨沟地僻人稀,景物特异,植被茂盛、动物繁多,富于原始自然风貌,兼有湖泊、瀑布、雪山、森林之美,以翠海、 叠瀑、彩林、雪峰、藏情这五绝而驰名中外,是东方人梦中的“人间仙境”,西方人眼里的“童话世界”。
Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area Located in the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province, Jiuzhaigou (literally “Nine-Village Valley”) is a 50-kilometer-long valley, which derived its name from the nine Tibetan villages in the valley. Jiuzhaigou is noted for water views comprised of highland calcified lakes, waterfalls, and streams. A prevalent saying goes that “All other cloud views are nothing if one ever visited that of Mount Huangshan, and all other water views are nothing if one ever saw that of Jiuzhaigou.” Occupying a remote land that is rarely touched by humans, Jiuzhaigou features unique landscapes, thriving wildlife, and primitive scenery comprised of lakes, waterfalls, forests, and snow-capped mountains. It is particularly famous for “five wonders,” including emerald lakes, tiered waterfalls, colorful forests, snow-covered peaks, and Tibetan customs. Thus, Jiuzhaigou is considered a “fairyland on earth” by Easterners and a “fairytale world” by Westerners.
双龙海 Shuanglonghai(Double Dragon Lake)
九寨红叶 Red Leaves
壹零 武陵源风景名胜区 22
武陵源风景名胜区 WULINGYUAN SCENIC AND HISTORIC INTEREST AREA 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1992 年 遗产种类:自然遗产
天子山 Tianzi Mountain
金鞭溪 Jinbian(Golden Whip)Stream
武陵源风景名胜区 位于湖南省西北部,由张家界、天子山、索 溪峪、杨家界四大各具特色的风景区组成。武陵源集“山峻、 峰奇、水秀、峡幽、洞美”于一体,主要景观为石英砂岩峰林 地貌,成为它奇绝超群的胜景。境内奇峰,姿态万千,蔚为壮观, 多达 3000 余座;沟壑纵横,溪涧密布,森林茂密,森林覆盖 率达 92%,被誉为“自然博物馆”和“天然植物园”。 Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area Located in northwestern Hunan Province, the Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area consist of four distinctive scenic resorts: Zhangjiajie, Tianzhi Mountain, Suoxi Valley, and Yangjiajie. Wulingyuan integrates steep mountains, grotesque peaks, picturesque rivers, secluded valleys, and beautiful caves, and is particularly noted for more than 3,000 quartzite sandstone pillars in various shapes, which compose a spectacular view. The area features crisscrossing ravines and dense vegetations, with 92 percent of its total area covered with forests, hence its reputations as a “Natural Museum” and a “Natural Botanic Park.”
壹壹 曲阜孔庙孔林孔府 大成殿 Dacheng(Great Achievements) Hall
大成殿内景 Interors,Dacheng Hall
大成殿雕龙柱 Dragon-Relief Columns,Dacheng Hall
孔子墓前甬道 Path Leading to The Confucius Tomb
曲阜孔庙孔林孔府 孔子是中国儒家学派的创始人,人类杰出的哲学家。历代帝王为表示尊孔崇儒,先后在其故乡曲阜修 建了规模宏大的孔庙、孔林、孔府,世称“三孔。”孔庙位于曲阜城内,雄伟壮丽、金碧辉煌,为中国最大的祭孔要地。 大成殿前廊下以深浮雕手法雕成的双龙对舞的 10 根石柱,是罕见的艺术瑰宝。孔林位于曲阜城北,是孔子及其家族的 专用墓地,2000 余年来,孔林已有坟冢 10 万座,古树万余株,是目前世界上延时最久、保存最完整的家族墓地。孔府 位于孔庙东,是孔子嫡长孙世袭“衍圣公”的衙署和住所。
Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu The founder of the Confucianism in China, Confucius was an eminent philosopher of the whole mankind. To worship the great thinker, emperors of the past dynasties built magnificent temple, cemetery and mansion for Confucius in his hometown, Qufu, which are collectively known as “Three Confucian Sites.” The resplendent and magnificent Confucian Temple in Qufu is the largest venue for Confucius worship in China. Ten stone pillars embossed with twin dragons stand in the front corridor of the temple’s Dacheng Hall, which are priceless sculpture masterpieces. Located in the north of Qufu, the Confucian Cemetery served as the family graveyard for Confucius and his descendants. Over more than 2,000 years of evolution, the cemetery now contains 100,000 tombs and graves that are scattered amidst more than 10,000 ancient trees. So far, it is the oldest and best-preserved family cemetery around the world. Lying east to the Confucian Temple, the Kong Family Mansion previously served as the office and residence for Yansheng Duke (or Duke Continuing the Line of the Sage), a hereditary title inherited by the oldest son of each generation of the Kong family.
壹贰 武当山古建筑群 紫宵殿 Purple Heaven Hall
武当山古建筑群 ANCIENT BUILDING COMPLEX IN THE WUDANG MOUNTAINS 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1994 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
武当武术 Wudang Martial Arts
武当山古建筑群 武当山位于湖北省西北部丹江口市,又名太和山,是真武大帝 的道场,有所谓“非真武不足以当之”的说法。明初,永乐皇帝曾敕令在此大 兴土木,形成所谓 9 观、36 安堂、72 岩庙的皇家道教建筑群。现存太和宫、 南岩宫、紫霄宫、玉虚宫等 200 多栋寺观,坐落青山绿水之间,千奇百绝,出 神入化,堪称中国现存最完整、规模最大、等级最高的道教古建筑群。 Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains Located in Dangjiangkou City in northwestern Hubei Province, the Wudang Mountains, also known as Taihe Mountains, are a shrine used to worship King Zhenwu, a Taoist god. The name “Wudang” means “No one except Zhenwu deserves the greatness as that of the imposing mountain range.” Early in the Ming Dynasty, Emperor Yongle ordered to construct temples on the mountains, forming an imperial Taoist architectural complex comprising nine Taoist palaces, 36 halls, and 72 temples. Currently, more than 200 temples, including Taihe Palace, Nanyan Palace, Zixiao Palace, and Yuxu Palace, are scattered amidst forested peaks there, which together constitute China’s largest, grandest, and best-preserved ancient Taoist building complex.
壹叁 拉萨布达拉宫历史建筑群 28
弥勒菩萨像 Statue of Bodhisattva Maitreya
拉萨布达拉宫历史建筑群 HISTORIC ENSEMBLE OF THE POTALA PALACE, LHASA 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1994 年布达拉宫,2000 年大昭寺,2001 年罗布林卡 遗产种类:文化遗产
远眺布达拉宫 A Panoramic View Of Potala Palace
拉萨布达拉宫历史建筑群 包括布达拉宫,大昭寺和罗布林卡。布达拉宫位于西藏拉萨市海拔 3700 多米的 红山上,始建于公元 7 世纪,是历代达赖喇嘛的冬宫,也是过去西藏地方统治者政教合一的统治中心。布 达拉宫是著名的宫堡式建筑群,主要由红宫和白宫组成,宫内保存有林林总总的灵塔、佛殿、经堂,以及 数不胜数的雕塑、唐卡和壁画,被誉为“世界屋脊的明珠”。大昭寺位于拉萨市中心,是松赞干布为文成 公主入藏而建,更是西藏现存最古老的吐蕃时期的建筑,主殿中供奉有文成公主从长安带来的释迦牟尼 12 岁等身镀金铜像。 罗布林卡位于布达拉宫西侧的拉萨河畔,为历代达赖喇嘛的夏宫,园内树木茂盛,花卉 繁多,宫殿金顶石墙,巍峨壮观,更有亭台池榭,林竹山石,点缀其间,是西藏人造园林中的璀璨瑰宝。
Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace, Lhasa Nestling on Red Mountain that is 3,700 meters above sea level in Lhasa, Tibet, the Potala Palace was first built in the 7th century and served as the winter palace for Dalai Lama over the previous dynasties. It was also a political and religious center of old Tibet. A castle-like building complex, it mainly consists of the Red Palace and the White Palace. Dubbed a “gem on the roof of the world,” the palace houses many pagodas, halls, and sutra libraries, as well as numerous sculptures, thangka paintings, and murals. Located in the heart of Lhasa, the Jokhang Monastery was constructed in commemoration of the marriage of Tang Princess Wencheng to King Songsten Gampo. The monastery is the oldest among all existing structures dating back to the Tubo Kingdom. Currently, in its main hall is still enshrined a gilded bronze statue of the 12-year-old Sakyamuni that was brought by Princess Wencheng from Chang’an, capital of the Tang Dynasty. On the banks of the Lhasa River to the west of the Potala Palace stands Norbulingka, the former summer palace for Dalai Lama, which is considered a masterpiece of Tibetan gardening art. It features thriving trees, various flowers, and magnificent palaces with golden roofs and stone walls, which are dotted by pavilions, terraces, ponds, bamboo, and rockworks.
壹叁 拉萨布达拉宫历史建筑群 大昭寺金顶 Gilded Roof of Jokhang Monastery
列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1994 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙 位于河北省承德市。避暑山庄又名热河行宫,始 建于康熙朝,是清代皇帝夏天避暑和处理政务的场所,也是中国现存最大 的皇家宫苑。避暑山庄分宫殿、湖泊、平原、山峦四区,东南多水,西北 多山,形成中国自然地貌的缩影。殿宇和围墙多采用青砖灰瓦、原木本色, 淡雅庄重,简朴适度,与京城皇宫的黄瓦红墙、金碧辉煌相比,风格迥异。 避暑山庄的建筑既具有南方园林的风格,又承袭北方常用的手法,成为南 北建筑艺术完美结合的典范。在避暑山庄东北面山麓,分布着溥仁寺等宏 伟壮观的寺庙群,呈众星拱月之势,即外八庙;外八庙以汉式宫殿建筑为 基调,吸收了蒙古、藏、维吾尔等民族建筑艺术特征,创造了中国多样统 一的寺庙建筑风格。
Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples, Chengde Located in Chengde City, Hebei Province, the Mountain Resort, also called Rehe Temporary Palace, was built during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and served as a place for Qing emperors to escape summer heat and handle political affairs. It is also known as the largest imperial garden preserved in China. The Mountain Resort is divided into four parts: Palace Area, Lake Area, Plain Area, and Mountain Area, with its southeast section characterized by abundant water and its northwest section by mountains. Such a terrain just coincides with China’s natural topography. Most buildings and walls are laid with wood and black bricks. Compared with resplendent structures with yellow tiles and red walls in the Forbidden City, they are characterized by unique elegance and simplicity. The buildings in the Mountain Resort combine architectural styles of both North and South China. To the northeast of the Mountain Resort are scattered such grand temples as the Puren Temple, which are collectively called the Eight Outlying Temples. Those temples have Han architectural genre as the main tone while absorbing architectural styles of such ethnic groups as the Mongolians, the Tibetan, and the Ugyur, thus creating a unique, diverse style of temple architecture.
MOUNTAIN RESORT AND ITS OUTLYING TEMPLES, CHENGDE 须弥福寿之庙 Xumi Fushou(Supreme Happiness and Longevity )Temple
壹肆 承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙 34
避暑山庄全图 Map of the Mountain Resort
壹伍 庐山国家公园 庐山国家公园 LUSHAN NATIONAL PARK 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1996 年 遗产种类:文化景观
庐山国家公园 位于江西省,雄峙江南岸,濒临鄱阳湖,素有“匡庐奇秀甲天下”的美誉。庐山多地貌,有独特的第四纪冰 川遗迹,有河流、湖泊、坡地、山峰,还有岩洞、瀑布和温泉;庐山多云雾,有“绝壁、瀑布、云海”号称三绝;庐山多植被, 有高等植被 3000 余种,昆虫 2000 余种;庐山多人文,有理学家朱熹扩充的白鹿洞书院,居中国古代四大书院之首,还有 古今 1500 多位诗人骚客留下的 4000 余首华彩诗赋;庐山多宗教,寺庙、道观、教堂、礼拜堂,五大宗教,应有尽有,一 山兼五教,和平共处,绝无仅有;庐山多别墅,至今保留有 18 个国家的 600 余栋多种别墅,堪称“世界村”。 Lushan National Park Situated in Jiangxi Province, Mount Lushan towers on the south bank of the Yangtze River and is adjacent to Poyang Lake. It has long been reputed as a mountain with beauty unrivaled by any other place. The mountain features diverse landforms, including unique remains of Quaternary glaciers, rivers, lakes, hills, peaks, caves, waterfalls, and hot springs. Often shrouded by clouds and mist, Mount Lushan is noted for three wonders: precipitous cliffs, waterfalls, and sea of clouds. Also, it is home to over 3,000 species of vascular plants and 2,000 species of insects. The mountain boasts profound culture. The White Deer Cave Academy that was reconstructed by Chinese philosopher Zhu Xi tops China’s four most famous classical academies. Throughout history, more than 1,500 scholars and poets left behind some 4,000 poems and essays in the mountain. Moreover, Mount Lushan is the only mountain with the existence of five major religious schools, namely Buddhism, Islamism, Catholicism, Christianity, and Taoism, and there are still preserved numerous Buddhist and Taoist temples, churches, and mosques. The mountain also abounds in villas. Currently, there are preserved more than 600 villas with origins of 18 countries, turning the mountain into a “global village.”
含鄱口 Hanpo Pass
东林寺 Donglin Temple
庐山剪刀峡瀑布云 Waterfall Cloud at Scissors Gorge
白鹿洞书院 Bailudong(White Deer Gave)Aeademy
壹陆 峨眉山 — 乐山大佛风景区 乐山大佛 Leshan Giant Buddha
峨眉山─乐山大佛风景区 峨眉山位于四川省峨眉山市,海拔 3099 米,最高峰万佛顶。峨眉山素有“雄、秀、神、奇”的特色,和云海、 日出、佛光、圣灯的“四大奇观”,独领“峨眉天下秀”的美誉。峨
山、普陀山、九华山并称为中国佛教的“四大名山”。乐山大佛位于 峨眉山以东,始凿于唐初,历 90 年终成。大佛头与山齐,足踏大江, 双手抚膝,体态匀称,神势肃穆,临江危坐,竟有 71 米高,脚面可 围坐百人以上,堪称世界上最高的弥勒佛摩崖石刻造像,有“山是一 尊佛,佛是一座山”之称。
Mount Emei Scenic Area, including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area Located in Emeishan City, Sichuan Province, Mount Emei rises 3,099 meters above sea level, and its highest peak is called 10,000-Buddha Summit. The mountain has long been noted for its magnificent, picturesque, and marvelous landscapes, as well as such four wonders as sea of clouds, sunrise, the light of Buddha, and sacred lantern. Mount Emei is also a famous Buddhist shrine. It is said that Samantabhadra Bodhisattva once preached there. The mountain, along with Mount Wutai, Mount Putuo, and Mount Jiuhua, is one of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains in China.
Situated east to Mount Emei, the Leshan Giant Buddha was first sculpted in the early Tang Dynasty, and its construction lasted for 90 years. The Buddha’s head is as tall as the mountain, and his feet reach the river. Erecting for 71 meters by the river, he features a graceful physique and solemn facial expression, his hands placed on the knees and his feet able to accommodate more than 100 persons. So far, it is the tallest stone statue of Maitreya Buddha across the world. As a local saying goes, “the mountain is a Buddha, and the Buddha is a mountain.”
万佛阁日出 Sunrise at Wanfo Tower
壹柒 平遥古城 明清商业街 Commercial Street of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
平遥古城 ANCIENT CITY OF PINGYAO 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1997 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
平遥古城 平遥古城位于山西省中部,始建于周宣王时期,距今已有 2700 余年的历史。现存的古城,是明初扩建后的遗迹。 古城城墙呈平面方形,形如龟状,讲究方正,对称布局,城池以市楼为中心,由 4 大街、8 小街、72 条小巷组成。传说, 城墙共建有观敌楼 72 座,垛口 3000 个,为取孔子“三千弟子、七十二贤人”之意。全城现存四合院民居 3797 处,其中 有 400 余处保存相当完好。平遥古城不仅是中国营造规制最为典型、保存最为完整的古县城,在晚清,还曾经作为中国金 融业的中心而享誉中外。 Ancient City of Pingyao Nestling in the heart of Shanxi Province, the Ancient City of Pingyao can trace back to the time of King Xuan of the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256BC) and has now had a history of more than 2,700 years. The existing ancient city is remains of the Ming Dynasty. With a symmetrical, tortoise-shaped layout, it consists of four main streets, eight smaller streets, and 72 lanes, with the Shilou Tower as the center. It is said that on its city walls were constructed 72 watchtowers and 3,000 battlements, symbolizing that Confucius had “3,000 disciples, among whom 72 were sages.” Presently, there are preserved 3,797 traditional quadrangle residences, of which 400 are well preserved. The ancient city is the most typical and best-preserved county seat in China. Late in the Qing Dynasty, Pingyao was once known both at home and abroad as the banking center of China.
市搂 City Tower
列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1997 年拙政园、留园和网师园、环秀山庄;2000 年沧浪亭、狮子林、艺圃、耦园、退思园 遗产种类:文化遗产
狮子林 Lion Grove
拙政园十八曼陀螺花馆 Hall of Eighteen Camellia Flowers,Humble Administrator'sGarden
环秀山庄 Mountain Villa with Embracing Beauty
苏州古典园林 集中于江苏省苏州市 , 建园历史悠久 , 可上溯于公元前 6 世纪的吴王山水苑囿。时至明清,造园之风尤盛, 名园跌出,清末时城内外尚存园林约 200 处。现存名园十余处,闻名遐迩的有沧浪亭、狮子林、拙政园、留园、网师园、 怡园、耦园、退思园等。苏州古典园林以小巧、自由、精致、淡雅、写意见长,被称为是“无声的诗,立体的画”;追求取 法自然而超越自然的意境,代表了中国私家园林的最高水准,素有“江南园林甲天下,苏州园林甲江南”的美誉。
Classical Gardens of Suzhou Located in Jiangsu Province, Suzhou boasts a long history in the construction of classical gardens. The oldest local gardens can trace back to the reign of King Wu of the 6th century BC. The construction of classical gardens reached its heyday during the Ming and Qing dynasties. By the end of the Qing Dynasty, some 200 gardens were scattered in the urban and suburban areas of Suzhou. Currently, there are still preserved more than 10 renowned gardens, including Great Wave Pavilion, Lion Grove Garden, Humble Administrator’s Garden, Lingering Garden, Master-of-Net’s Garden, Joyous Garden, Couple’s Garden, and Retreat and Reflection Garden. Classical gardens in Suzhou are noted for their exquisiteness, elegance, and unrestricted styles, thus winning the reputations as “silent poems and three-dimensional paintings.” They draw inspiration from nature but surpass any natural scenery, and represent the highest level of Chinese private gardens. An old saying goes that “Gardens in South China surpass all of their counterparts elsewhere, while Suzhou gardens surpass all of their counterparts in South China.”
CLASSICAL GARDENS OF SUZHOU 留园拼花石径 Stone-paved Path,Lingering Garden
壹玖 丽江古城 丽江古城俯瞰 A Panoramic View of the Old Town of Lijiang
丽江古城 OLD TOWN OF LIJIANG 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1997 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
丽江古城 位于云南省纳西族自治县,地处云南金沙江上游,历史悠久,风光秀美,古朴自然,是纳西族的故乡。古城布局 错落有致,既具有山城风貌,又尽显水乡韵味,“城依水存,水随城在”,“家家入泉,户户垂柳”成为这里的民居特色。 丽江古城,既无高大围城,也无轩敞大道,但它古朴如画,处处透出自然和谐。古城中木府为历代纳西族首领木氏的府邸, 是一座辉煌的建筑艺术之苑,其中既保留了明代中原的建筑风格 , 又融入了纳西、白族多种地方工艺,府内名木繁多、奇花 异草,落英缤纷,园林景致 , 美不胜收。流行于丽江的形文字“东巴文”,是纳西族先民用来记录东巴教经文的独特文字, 也是世界上唯一活着的图画象形文。
OLD TOWN OF LIJIANG Old Town of Lijiang Located in the Naxi Autonomous County, on the upper reaches of the Jinsha River in Yunnan Province, Lijiang features a long history, picturesque landscapes, and primitive folk customs. It is considered hometown by Naxi people. With an orderly layout, the old town combines the magnificence of mountain cities and the elegance of water towns. As a local saying goes, “the town lies by rivers, and rivers embrace the town.” Almost every local household has a natural spring and plant weeping willows in the courtyard. Although it has no lofty encirclements and wide thoroughfares, the Old Town of Lijiang is noted for primitive but picturesque scenery and unsophisticated but harmonious lifestyles. The Mu’s Mansion serves as the residence for the Mu family, a hereditary chieftain of the Naxi people. A brilliant aggregation of architectural art, the mansion retains the Han architectural style of the Ming Dynasty while combining unique architectural techniques of such indigenous ethnic groups as the Naxi and the Bai. A variety of rare plants grow in the garden of the mansion, composing an enchanting picture. The Dongba Script that prevails in Lijiang is a unique written language used by Naxi ancestors to record Dongba sutras, as well as the world’s only living pictographic script system.
壹玖 丽江古城 黑龙潭 Black Dragon Pool
四方街 Sifangjie(Square Street)
光义街 Guangyi Street
纳西古乐 Naxi Ancient Mousic
贰零 颐和园 西提 West Causeway
颐和园 SUMMER PALACE 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1998 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
玉带桥雪景 Snowfall at Jade Belt Bridge
自佛香阁俯瞰昆明湖 Kunming Lake,Viewed from Foxiang(Buddhist Incense)Pavilion
颐和园 坐落于北京西郊,原名清漪园,晚清重建时更名为颐和园,是慈禧太后的夏宫。1860 年和 1900 年两次毁于西方 列强入侵,后又重建。颐和园总面积 2.97 万平方公里,主体结构由万寿山、昆明湖组成,水面约占 3/4,环绕山、湖间是 一组组精美的建筑物,多达百余处景观。颐和园的建筑风格吸收了中国各地建筑的精华,41 米高的佛香阁是颐和园的象征; 东部的宫殿区和内廷区,是典型的北方四合院风格,一个一个的封闭院落由游廊连通;南部的湖泊区是典型杭州西湖风格, 一道“苏堤”把湖泊一分为二,十足的江南格调;万寿山的北面,是典型的西藏喇嘛庙宇风格,有白塔,有碉堡式建筑;北 部的苏州街,店铺林立,水道纵横,又是典型的水乡风格。颐和园是中国古典皇家园林的代表作,堪称园林建筑博物馆。
Summer Palace Situated on the western outskirt of Beijing, the Summer Palace was initially called the Garden of Clear Ripples, and got its current name when it was reconstructed in the late Qing Dynasty. It once served as a summer resort for Empress Dowager Cixi. Historically, the Summer Palace was destroyed twice by foreign intruders in 1860 and 1900, respectively. Later, it was restored. The Summer Palace covers an area of 2.97 square kilometers, of which three fourths are water surface, and mainly consists of Longevity Hill and Kunming Lake. Around the hill and lake are numerous exquisite buildings, composing more than 100 scenic spots. The buildings represent the essential architectural styles of various parts of China. The 41-meter-tall Pavilion of Buddhist Incense is an icon of the Summer Palace. The Palace Zone and Inner Court Zone in the east part display the typical style of quadrangle residences in North China, and feature one and another compounds connected together by corridors. The Lake Area in the south models after West Lake in Hangzhou. The Su Dyke separates the lake into two sections, adding an elegant ambience of South China architecture. On the north slope of Longevity Hill are lamaseries, white pagodas, and castle-like structures of Tibetan architectural style. The Suzhou Street in the north part features countless shops and crisscrossing watercourses, creating an atmosphere of typical water regions. A masterpiece of imperial gardens in ancient China, the Summer Palace is dubbed a “museum of gardening architecture.”
贰壹 天坛 从圜丘坛望皇穹宇 Imperial Vault of Heaven,Viewed from Circular Mound Altar
天坛 TEMPLE OF HEAVEN 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1998 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
圜丘坛 Circular Mound Altar
天坛 位于北京城南,坐落在 3000 余株苍松古柏之间。始建于明永乐年间,阔建于清乾隆年间,是明清两代皇帝祭祀天地 之神和祈祷五谷丰收的场所。天坛建筑布局严谨,建筑结构奇特,建筑装饰华丽,既反映出中国古人的天地宇宙观,也荟萃 了中国古代文化的精华。天坛包括祈谷和圜丘二坛,围墙分内外两层,呈回字形。北围墙为弧圆形,南围墙为方形,象征“天
三层汉白玉石台上,给人以高耸云端的巍峨气势。大殿结构独特,不用大梁和长檩,中央的四根立柱代表一年中的四季,外 围两排各有 12 根柱子,分别代表十二月和十二时辰。圜丘坛构造神奇,在高三层的石阶正中是一块圆形的“天心石”,而 地面所铺的扇形石板、望柱、拦板都是 9 或 9 的倍数,象征天数。天坛既是中国古建筑中的明珠,也是世界建筑史上的瑰宝。
圆地方”。主体建筑是祈年殿,呈圆形,直径 32 米,高 38 米,是三重檐亭式圆殿,宝顶镏金,碧蓝琉璃瓦盖顶,稳坐于
Temple of Heaven Nestling amidst 3,000 ancient cypress and pine trees in the south part of Beijing, the Temple of Heaven was first built during the reign of Emperor Yongle of the Ming Dynasty and then reconstructed in the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty. It served as a venue for the Ming and Qing emperors to worship the gods of heaven and earth and pray for good harvest. The Temple of Heaven features a strict layout and uniquely-structured and gorgeously-decorated buildings, which not only reflect ancient Chinese people’s views of heaven, earth, and the universe, but also concentrate the essence of traditional Chinese culture. The Temple of Heaven mainly consists of the Altar of Prayer for Grain and the Circular Mound Altar, which are encircled by two layers of walls. The north wall forms a semi-round arc, while the south wall is square-shaped, which symbolize the traditional belief that “Heaven is round, and earth is square.” The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest, the main structure of the Temple of Heaven, is a ternary-eave round pavilion with a gilded top and a blue-glazed tile roof that measures 32 meters in diameter and 38 meters in height. Sitting atop a three-tier marble terrace, the skyscraping hall appears particularly magnificent. The hall features a unique structure and has no girders and beams. The four pillars in the central part of the hall represent the four seasons. On each side are 12 pillars that symbolize the 12 months of the year and the 12 twohour periods of the day, respectively. The Circular Mound Altar features a distinctive layout. In the middle of its threetier platform is a round stone named “Heaven’s Heart.” More interestingly, the numbers of fan-shaped bricks paved on the ground, pillars, and balustrades are nine or multiples of nine, symbolizing the number of heaven. The Temple of Heaven is a shining pearl in the architecture history of China and even the world.
祈年殿 Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest
贰贰 大足石刻
DAZU ROCK CARVINGS 柳本尊行化图宝顶山大佛湾第 20 号(南宋) Enlightenment of Master Liu,No.20 Dafowan,Mount Baoding(Southern Song)
大足石刻 DAZU ROCK CARVINGS 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1999 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
大足石刻 位于重庆市大足县。大足石刻始凿于唐,历经五代、两宋,形成大足石刻群,共有石窟 70 余处、造像 5 万余尊, 以北山、宝顶山、南山、石篆山、石门山五处摩崖造像最为著名,是中国晚期石窟造像艺术的典范。北山石窟历史悠久,窟 中观音造像众多,精美典雅,被誉为“观音造像陈列馆”。宝顶山石窟以大、小佛湾为主体,造像万余尊,世界最大的千手 观音和中国最大的半身卧佛均列于此。大足石刻以佛教造像为主,儒、道教造像并陈,而且“三教”、“两教”合一的雕刻 也很多,体现了中国人对于宗教兼容并蓄的包容态度;在艺术上追求“神的人化与人的神化”,达到了高度统一。
Dazu Rock Carvings Located in Dazu County, Chongqing Municipality, the Dazu Rock Carvings were first sculpted in the Tang Dynasty. Throughout the Five Dynasties (907-960) and the Song Dynasty, more sculptures were added. Currently, the area still preserves more than 70 grottoes and 50,000 statues, of which the most famous are located on the cliffs of Mount Beishan, Mount Baoding, Mount Nanshan, Mount Shizhuan, and Mount Shimen. The rock carvings represent the highest level of grotto sculpture in later period of ancient China. Particularly, the grottos in Mount Beishan feature many elegant, exquisite statues of Kwan-yin, hence the reputation “Exhibition Hall of Kwan-yin Statues.” The grottoes in Mount Baoding is highlighted with the greater and lesser Buddhist Bays, where are preserved more than 10,000 statues, including the world’s biggest statue of 1,000-Hand Kwan-yin and China’s biggest half-scaled reclining Buddha. The majority of the Dazu Rock Carvings are Buddhist statues, and there are also some Confucian and Taoist sculptures. Some even integrate artistic styles of two or three religious genres, displaying Chinese people’s inclusiveness for different religions. Those sculptures boast a high artistic value and pursue a harmony between anthropopathy and apotheosis.
列入《世界遗产名录》时间:1999. 年 遗产种类:文化与自然双重遗产
植物生长栖息于此。武夷山自然风光独树一帜,尤以丹霞地貌著名。有 " 三三秀水清如玉 " 的九曲溪,更有 " 六六奇峰翠
武夷山 地处福建省武夷山市,是中国东南部最具盛名的生物保护区,其间峰峦林立,原始森林茂密,大量古老的珍稀动
插天 " 的三十六峰、九十九岩的绝妙结合,虽为自然山水,却恰似天然山水园林,古来即有“奇秀甲东南”的美誉。武 夷山历史文化丰厚,南宋理学家朱熹在此结庐讲学,著书立说 40 载,被誉为“道南理窟”。而古越人的架壑船棺、汉 代的古城遗迹、宋代的古瓷窑遗址和元代的御茶园等,使武夷山更成为人们访古探奇,寻幽览胜之地。
Mount Wuyi Located in Wuyishan City, Fujian Province, Mount Wuyi is the most famous biological reserve in southeastern China. Living in its rolling hills and dense primitive forests are numerous rare plants and animals. The mountain features distinctive landscapes and is particularly noted for Danxia landform. The highlighted scenic spots include the Nine-Bend Stream, 36 peaks, and 99 rocks. Despite a heaven-given scenic resort, the mountain appears like a gigantic, well-designed garden. Since ancient times, its natural scenery has been reputed to be “unrivaled in southeastern China.” Moreover, the mountain boasts profound history and culture. Zhu Xi, an eminent scholar of the Neo-Confucianism in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), ever spent 40 years giving lectures and writing books in the mountain, hence its nickname “Daonan Cave of Neo-Confucianism.” In addition, the boat coffins of the ancient Yue people, old towns of the Han Dynasty, ancient porcelain kilns of the Song Dynasty, and imperial tea gardens of the Yuan Dynasty make Mount Wuyi an ideal place for visitors to explore historic mysteries and secluded scenic spots.
武夷风光 Wuyi Landscapes
贰肆 皖南古村落 — 西递和宏村 西递村远眺 Xidi Village
皖南古村落—西递和宏村 ANCIENT VILLAGES IN SOUTHERN ANHUI-XIDI AND HONGCUN 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2000 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
皖南古村落——西递和宏村 位于安徽省南部,境内山势险要,群峰连绵,与外界交往古来不便,因而造就了“世外桃源” 般的生态环境。至今仍保存有古民居 3000 余幢,为皖南之首,以西递、宏村为典型代表。古村落布局严谨,工艺精湛,蕴 藏着极其丰富的文化内涵。西递距县城 7 公里,村落呈船形,四面环山,两边临水。祠堂、牌楼、民居依山伴水,星罗棋布; 各色宅院中石雕、砖雕、木雕俯拾皆是,古有“桃花源里人家”之称,堪称徽派古民居建筑艺术之典范。宏村地处城北,始 建于北宋,已历千年。整个村落呈“牛”形结构布局,尤以人工水系的设计独具匠心,使得“古代自来水”于 400 年前即 已贯穿家家户户,有利于生产,方便了生活,美化了环境,并成为“建筑史上一大奇观”。
胡文光刺史牌坊 Memorial Archway of Provincial Governor Hu Wenguang
宏村月沼 Moon Pond,Hongcun Village
Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties Located in southern Anhui Province, Yixian County features a perilous, secluded geographic location. Since ancient times, it has been separated from the outside world by rolling mountains. However, such a location turns the county into a tranquil Xanadu. So far, the county still retains more than 3,000 traditional residences, a number surpassing that of any other county in southern Anhui. Among the bestpreserved ancient villages are Xidi and Hongcun, which feature strict layouts, exquisite architecture, and profound culture. Lying seven kilometers away from the county seat, Xidi is encircled by mountains in four directions and flanked by rivers on both sides, which thus looks like a gigantic boat. Scattered in the village are countless ancestral halls, memorial archways, and traditional residences. One can find exquisite stone, brick and wooden carvings in every local residence. Known as households in Xanadu, those buildings are the finest examples of ancient residential architecture with Anhui style. Located in the north of Yixian County, Hongcun dates back 1,000 years to the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127). The entire village is particularly noted for its uniquely-designed man-made water supply system. Four centuries ago, the system already provided tap water for local households, which not only facilitated agricultural production and daily life, but also beautified local environment. The ancient village is thus considered a “wonder in the history of architecture.”
贰伍 明清皇家陵寝
明清皇家陵寝 IMPERIAL TOMBS OF THE MING AND QING DYNASTIES 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2000 年明显陵、清东陵、清西陵、明孝陵;2003 年明十三陵;2004 年清水陵、福陵、昭陵 遗产种类:文化遗产
明清皇家陵寝 自 2000 年至 2004 年,先后有多处明清皇帝的陵寝入选世界遗产名录。其中包括明孝陵、明显陵以及明十三陵; 盛京三陵、清东陵和清西陵。明孝陵,位于南京市东郊,是明朝开国皇帝朱元璋夫妇的陵墓。规模宏大,气宇非凡,是中国 现存古代最大的帝王陵墓之一。明十三陵,位于北京市昌平,东、西、北三面环山,是世界上保存较为完整和埋藏皇帝最多 的墓葬群,群山之中,松柏茂盛,各陵寝均依山面水而建,布局庄重和谐。自明成祖始,这里长眠着明代 13 位皇帝。明显陵, 位于湖北省钟祥市,是嘉靖皇帝父母的合葬墓,墓主人生前并未做过皇帝,死后却享有了帝王陵寝的殊荣。盛京三陵,位于 辽宁省,包括清入主中原前的祖陵和清帝国的奠基人努尔哈赤、皇太极父子的诏陵和福陵。清东陵,位于河北省遵化市马兰峪, 是清入主中原后营建的第一处大型皇家陵墓群,葬有 5 位皇帝及其亲属 161 人,康熙、乾隆、慈禧太后均葬于此。清西陵, 位于河北省易县,是清帝另一处陵寝,葬有 4 位皇帝及其亲属 76 人。光绪皇帝夫妇作为中国最后一座帝陵的主人就葬于此。
Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties From 2000 to 2004, many imperial tombs of the Ming and Qing dynasties were consecutively inscribed into the World Heritage List, including the Xiaoling and Xianling Tombs of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Tombs in Beijing, the Three Imperial Tombs of the Qing Dynasty in Liaoning Province, the Eastern Qing Tombs, and the Western Qing Tombs. Lying in the east suburb of Nanjing, the magnificent Xiaoling Tomb was where Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, and his empress were buried. Currently, it is one of the largest imperial tombs preserved across China. Located in Changping District, the Ming Tombs in Beijing are embraced by mountains in east, west and north directions, which are known as one of the world’s best-preserved imperial mausoleum complex where the biggest amount of emperors rested forever. Embraced by mountains and hidden amidst cypress and pine trees, those tombs feature solemn, harmonious layouts. Starting from Emperor Chengzu, a total of 13 Ming emperors were buried here. Situated in Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province, the Xianling Tomb was where Emperor Jiaqing’s parents were buried. Although its owners never took the throne, the tomb was still constructed as grand as an emperor’s mausoleum. The Three Imperial Tombs of the Qing Dynasty in Liaoning Province include the ancestral tomb of the Qing rulers before they took control of central China, as well as the Zhaoling and Fuling Tombs for Nurhachi and his son, Huang Taichi, both being founders of the Qing Empire. Nestling in Malan Valley in Zunhua City, Hebei Province, the Eastern Qing Tombs were the first imperial mausoleum complex built by the Qing rulers after they took over central China. Entombed here are five emperors and 161 royal relatives, including Emperors Kangxi and Qianlong and Empress Dowager Cixi. Located in Yixian County, Hebei Province, the Western Qing Tombs serve as the burial place for four emperors and 76 royal relatives. China’s last imperial tomb, which belonged to Emperor Guangxu and his empress, is also located here.
清关外三陵之永陵 Yongling Tomb,One of three Qing Imperial Tombs in Liaoning
清东陵 孝陵神功圣德碑 Merits and Virtue Stele,Xiaoling,Eastern Qing Tombs
贰伍 明清皇家陵寝 58
俯瞰孝陵神道 Xiaoling Tomb,Eastern Qing Tombs
明十三陵神道文臣与将军像 Martial General and Cultural Official on the Sacred Way,Thirteen Ming Tombs
贰陆 龙门石窟
龙门石窟 LONGMEN GROTTOES 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2000 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
龙门石窟 位于洛阳市南,是同云冈石窟、敦煌莫高窟齐名,号称中国三大石窟。始凿于北魏, 经数代帝王,历 400 余年,才得以完成。龙门石窟南北长达 1 公里,共有窟龛 2300 余个, 雕像近 10 万尊,题记和碑刻 3600 余品,佛塔 80 余座。其中最大的佛像高达 17.14 米, 最小的仅有 2 厘米。不仅佛像雕刻技艺精湛,而且石窟中造像题记也不乏艺术精品,其中保 留着大量的宗教、美术、书法、音乐、服饰、医药、建筑和中外交通等方面的实物史料。龙 门石窟以古阳洞、宾阳中洞、万佛洞和奉先寺最为知名。
Longmen Grottoes Situated in the south of Luoyang City, the Longmen Grottoes are ranked among China’s three most famous grotto clusters, together with the Yungang Grottoes in Datong and the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang. The construction of the Longmen Grottoes commenced during the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) and lasted for more than 400 years. The grottoes are scattered around a strip of area extending one kilometer from south to north. Totally, there are more than 2,300 caves and shrines, nearly 100,000 statues, 3,600 stone steles and inscriptions, and 80 pagodas. The biggest statue measures 17.14 meters in height, and the smallest is only two centimeters tall. In addition to exquisite Buddhist statues, there are also many state-of-the-art steles that bear precious historical records about religion, fine arts, calligraphy, music, clothes, medicine, architecture, and Sino-foreign exchange. The most renowned grottoes in Longmen include Guyang Cave, Binyang Middle Cave, 10,000-Buddha Cave, and Fengxian Temple.
奉先寺天王及力士像 Heavenly King and Powerful Lord,Fengxian Temple
古阳洞窟顶 Dome of Guyang Cave
宾阳中洞南壁 Southern Wall,Central Binyang Grotto
贰陆 龙门石窟 奉先寺 Fengxian Temple
贰柒 青城山和都江堰 青城山 Mount Qingcheng
都江堰分水鱼嘴 Fish Mouth Water-Division Dam,Dujiangyan Irrigation System
青城山和都江堰 位于四川省都江堰市。青城山诸峰环峙,山林青翠,景色清幽,状若城郭,故有青城之名。山分前后,前 山景色优美,文物古迹众多;后山自然景物神秘绮丽,宛如世外桃源。青城山属道教名山,是张道陵所创天师道的祖山、祖庭, 现存道观 11 处,以建福宫、天师洞、上清宫最为著名。都江堰建于公元前 3 世纪,是秦国蜀守李冰率众修建的一座大型水 利工程。工程由鱼嘴分水堤、宝瓶口引水口和飞沙堰溢洪道组成,巧妙利用了当地的地形水势,因势利导,无坝引水,自流 灌溉,起到了既分洪减压,又引水灌田的作用,收到了“行水灌田,防洪抗灾”的功效。都江堰是全世界至今为止,年代最久、 唯一留存并使用的宏大水利工程,是人类水利史上的奇观。
Mount Qingcheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System Mount Qingcheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System are both situated in Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province. Mount Qingcheng features rolling peaks, green forests, and tranquil landscapes, and resembles a huge ancient castle, hence its name Qingcheng (literally “Green Castle”). The front part of the mountain boasts picturesque landscapes and plentiful cultural relics, while the rear part looks like a mysterious utopia due to its unmatched tranquility. A famous Taoist holy land, Mount Qingcheng is recognized as the ancestral mountain of Zhao Daoling, the founder of the Tianshi Sect of the Taoism. Currently, there are still preserved 11 Taoist temples, of which the most famous are the Jianfu Palace, the Tianshi Cave, and the Shangqing Palace. The Dujiangyan Irrigation System is a large water conservation project built by Li Bing, governor of the Shu Prefecture of the Qin Dynasty, in the 3rd century BC. The irrigation system consists of Yuzui Diversion Channel, Baopingkou Water Inlet, and Feishayan Spillway. Taking advantage of natural terrains, it can draw water to irrigate croplands while resisting floods. A wonder of human history of water conservancy, the Dujiangyan Irrigation System is the world’s oldest water conservation project that remains in use.
贰捌 云冈石窟
YUNGANG GROTTOES 第 20 窟释迦牟尼坐像 Sitting Statue of Sakyamuni,Cave 20
云冈石窟 YUNGANG GROTTOES 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2001 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
云冈石窟 位于山西省大同市,石窟依山而凿,东西绵亘约 1 公里。始于北魏,由佛教高僧昙曜奉旨开凿,大部分完成于北 魏迁都洛阳之前。现存主要洞窟 45 个,大小窟龛 252 个,石雕造像 51000 余尊,最大者达 17 米,最小者仅几厘米。云 冈石窟的造像气势宏伟,内容丰富多彩,除了佛像、菩萨外,还有众多人物造型,奇花异兽,林林总总,堪称中国石窟艺术
Yungang Grottoes Situated in Datong City, Shanxi Province, the Yungang Grottoes lie on mountain cliffs and stretch for one kilometer from east to west. In the Northern Wei Dynasty, a famous monk named Tanyao presided over the construction of the Yungang Grottoes upon the emperor’s decree, and most of the grottoes were
史上第一次造像高峰时期的经典之作,特别是第 20 窟露天大佛,朴拙浑厚,高大雄伟,气势磅礴,成为云冈石窟的象征。
completed before the dynasty relocated its capital to Luoyang. Currently, there are preserved 45 caves, 252 niches, and 51,000 stone statues, of which the largest measures 17 meters in height and the smallest is only several centimeters tall. The statues in the grottoes are magnificent and diverse. In addition to the statues of the Buddha and bodhisattvas, there are also many sculpted figures, flowers, and beasts, which represent the outstanding achievement of the first heyday of Buddhist cave art in Chinese history. The giant statue of the Buddha in the No.20 Grotto is particularly magnificent and imposing, which has become an iconic symbol of the Yungang Grottoes.
第 12 窟前室东壁细部 Eastern Wall(Detail)of Front Chamber,Cave 12
第 5 窟佛像 Cave 5 Buddha
第 18 窟菩萨及弟子造像 Attending Bodhisattvas and Disciple,Cave 18
贰玖 三江并流保护区 澜沧江大峡谷 The Lancang River Cangon
三江并流保护区 THREE PARALLEL RIVERS OF YUNNAN PROTECTED AREAS 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2003 年 遗产种类:自然遗产
三江并流保护区 该地区位于我国云南省西北,金沙江、澜沧江、怒江在横断山脉的深山峡谷中自北向南,奔腾并行 170 多 公里,从而形成这一地区“四山并立”、“三江并流”独一无二的自然景观。三江并流是世界生物多样性最丰富的地区之一, 这里集中了北半球南亚热带、中亚热带、北亚热带、暖温带、温带、寒温带、温带、寒带的多种气候和生物群落,是地球 最直观的体温表和中国珍稀濒危动植物的最后故乡。该地区仅占国土面积的不足 0.4%,却容纳了中国 20% 的高等植物和 25% 的动物种数。滇金丝猴、羚羊、雪豹、孟加拉虎等 77 种濒危动物;秃杉、红豆杉、沙椤等 34 种濒危植物仍生活在这 片最后的乐土之上。
Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas The Jinsha, Lancang, and Nu rivers run in parallel for 170 kilometers through deep valleys of the Hengduan Mountains in northwestern Yunnan Province, thus forming a unique natural scene featuring “four towering mountains and three parallel rivers.” As one of the world’s regions with the richest biodiversity, the area concentrate biological communities of various climate zones ranging from south subtropical, middle subtropical, north subtropical, warm temperate, temperate, frigid-temperate to frigid. For this reason, it is dubbed a “thermometer of the earth” and the “last shelter for endangered wildlife in China.” The area occupies less than 0.4 percent of China’s territory, but is home to 20 percent of the country’s vascular plant species and 25 percent of the country’s animal species. There are living 77 endangered animal species including Yunnan snub-nosed monkey, antelope, snow leopard, and Bengal tiger, as well as 34 endangered plant species such as Chinese fir, yew, and tree fern.
虎跳峡 Hutiao(Tiger Leaping)Gorge
叁零 高句丽王城、王陵及贵族墓葬 洞沟贵族墓葬群 Donggou Tomb Complex
高句丽王城、王陵及贵族墓葬 CAPITAL CITIES AND TOMBS OF THE ANCIENT KOGURYO KINGDOM 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2004 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
高句丽王城、王陵及贵族墓葬 高句丽是中国历史上一个少数民族,汉唐时其势力所及辽宁、吉林部分地区和朝鲜半岛北部, 存续了数百年,曾创造灿烂的古代文明,后为唐和朝鲜半岛的新罗联合所灭。今辽宁桓仁和吉林集安成为保留高句丽历史遗 迹和文物最为集中的地区之一。高句丽文化遗迹由五女山城、国内城、丸都山城,以及十多座王陵和近万座古墓共同构成。
Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom An ancient ethnic minority in China, the Koguryo controlled some areas in Liaoning and Jilin provinces, as well as the north part of the Korean Peninsula from the Han to the Tang Dynasty. Over centuries of its history, the Koguryo Kingdom developed splendid civilization until it was overthrown by the allied forces of the Tang Dynasty and the Silla Kingdom, an ancient state on the Korean Peninsula. Currently, Huangren in Liaoning Province and Ji’an in Jilin Province retain the richest historic remains of the Koguryo Kingdom, including Wunü Mountain City, Guonei City, Wandu Mountain City, a dozen royal mausoleums and nearly 10,000 ancient tombs. The imperial city and mountain cities feature exquisite buildings that represent the highest level of architectural techniques at that time. The murals unearthed in ancient tombs are also of superb artistic value and display the unique civilization of the Koguryo Kingdom.
舞踊墓朱雀图 Red Bird Painting,Wuyong Tomb
叁壹 澳门历史城区
澳门历史城区 HISTORIC CENTRE OF MACAO 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2005 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
澳门历史城区 澳门位于珠江三角洲,毗邻香港。所谓历史城区,就是以澳门旧城区为核心的一片历史街区。东起东望洋山, 西至新马路靠内港码头,南起妈阁山,北至白鸽巢公园,包括了妈祖阁、议政厅、关帝庙、大三巴牌坊、旧城墙遗址、东望 洋山炮台等 20 余处知名历史建筑,是中国境内现存最古老、规模最大、保存最完整、最集中的中西建筑交相辉映、携手共 存的历史城区,是 400 多年来中西文化交流的见证。
Historic Centre of Macao Macao lies at the Pearl River Delta and is adjacent to Hong Kong. The Historic Centre of Macao refers to a series of historic blocks with Macao’s old district as the core, which extends from the Guia Hill in the east to the Inner Harbor in the west and from Colina da Barra in the south to the Camoes Garden in the north. The area concentrates more than 20 renowned historic sites, including A-Ma Temple, Leal Senado Building, Guandi Temple, Ruins of St. Paul’s Church, Old City Walls, and Guia Fortress, which witnessed the unique assimilation and co-existence of Chinese and Western architecture and culture.
市政厅前地 Senado Square
大炮台 Mount Fortress
妈祖阁 A-Ma Temple
大三巴牌坊 Ruins of St.Paul's
叁贰 殷墟
YIN XU 殷墟 Yin Xu
妇好墓 Fuhao Tomb
殷墟车马坑 Carriage-and-Horse Pits
殷墟出土甲骨 Unearthed Animal Bones and Tortoise Shells
殷墟 YIN XU 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2006 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
殷墟 指商代后期都城遗址,位于河南省安阳市区西北小屯村一带,总面积有 24 平方公里以上。殷墟的总体布局以小屯 宫殿宗庙区为中心,沿洹河两岸呈环形放射状分布,是一座开放形制的古代都城,距今已有 3300 多年历史。百年来, 在殷墟先后出土发现了 110 多座的商代宫殿宗庙建筑基址、13 座王陵大墓、洹北商城遗址、2500 多座祭祀坑和众多的 家族墓地群、手工业作坊遗址、甲骨窖穴等。出土的甲骨多达 15 万片,包含单字约 4500 个,其中约有 1500 个单字已 被释读。还出土了大量青铜器、玉器、陶器、骨器等精美文物,其中尤以司母戊鼎为最,堪称绝世国宝。殷墟是中国历 史上有文献可考、并为甲骨文和考古发掘所证实的最早的古代都城遗址,在考古史上占有极重要地位。
Yin Xu Located in Xiaotun Village, northwest to urban Anyang, Henan Province, Yin Xu is the ruins of the last capital of the late Shang Dynasty (1300-1046BC) and covers an area of 24 square kilometers. With the Xiaotun palace and ancestral temple area as the center, other historic remains of Yin Xu radiate along the Huan River, forming an open ancient capital that dates back more than 3,300 years. Over the past century, there were unearthed the foundations of more than 110 Shang palaces and ancestral temples, 13 royal mausoleums, the Site of Huanbei Shang City, and 2,500 burial pits, as well as numerous aristocratic tombs, handicraft workshops, and caves contains bones and shells with inscriptions. There have also been excavated many exquisite objects made of bronze, jade, pottery, and bone, of which the bronze Simuwu Cooking Vessel is considered a priceless national treasure. Yin Xu is mentioned in ancient historical records. In the meantime, shells and bones with inscriptions and other archeological findings testify that it is the oldest capital ever found in China, which thus occupies an important position in the history of archeology.
四川大熊猫栖息地 位于四川省中部,包括卧龙、四姑娘山、夹金山脉,南北长 180 公里,东西宽 40—70 公里,面积约 9000 多平方公里,涵盖成都、阿坝、雅安、甘孜4个市州12个县。这里生活着全世界30%以上的野生大熊猫,是全球 最大最完整的大熊猫栖息地,也是全球除热带雨林以外植物种类最丰富的区域之一。
列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2006 年 遗产种类:自然遗产
Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries Located in the central part of Sichuan Province, the Giant Panda Sanctuaries kilometers from east to west. With a total space of 9,000 square kilometers, the area spans 12 counties in such four cities and prefectures as Chengdu, Aba, Ya’an, and Garze. More than 30 percent of wild giant pandas around the globe live in the area, making it the world’s largest and most completed giant panda habitat. Except for tropical rainforests, the area surpasses most other places in the number of plant species.
include Wolong, Mt Siguniang and Jiajin Mountains, extending 180 kilometers from south to north and 40-70
卧龙大熊猫 Giant Pandas at wolong
卧龙沟秋色 Antumn Charm of Wolong Gully
邛来山 Qionglai Mountains
四姑娘山 Mount Siguniang
叁肆 中国南方喀斯特 荔波六十八级跌水瀑布 68-Terrace Waterfall,Libo
云南石林彝族自治县石林 Stone Forest,Shilin Yi Autonomous County,Yunnan
中国南方喀斯特 SOUTH CHINA KARST 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2007 年 遗产种类:自然遗产
中国南方喀斯特 喀斯特即岩溶地貌,形成于 50 万年至 3 亿年间。中国的喀斯特面积广大,仅南方即占有 55%。中国南方 喀斯特由云南石林的剑状、柱状和塔状喀斯特,贵州荔波的森林喀斯特、重庆以武隆天生桥、地缝、天洞为代表的立体喀斯 特共同组成,总面积达 1460 平方公里,这一区域集中了中国最具代表性的喀斯特地形地貌,其中不乏享誉国内外的精品景 点。云南石林,位于云南省昆明,其喀斯特景观以“雄、奇、险、秀、幽、奥、旷”著称,被称为“世界喀斯特的精华”; 贵州荔波位于贵州省荔波县,其原始森林、水上森林和“漏斗”森林,合称“荔波卡斯特三绝”,曾入选“中国最美十大森林”; 重庆武隆地处重庆市东南, 其天下第一洞芙蓉洞、 亚洲最大的天生桥群、 全世界罕见而稀有的后坪天坑尽显立体喀斯特的雄姿。
South China Karst Karst is geologic formation shaped by the dissolving action of water on carbonate bedrock during the period from 300,000,000-500,000 years ago. China boasts vast distributions of karst landscapes, of which 55 percent are situated in its south part. The South China Karst spans an area of 1,460 square kilometers and consists of karst formations in the shapes of swords, pillars, and pagodas in the Yunnan Stone Forest, forest karst landscapes in Libo County, Guizhou Province, and solid karst represented by the natural bridges, sinkholes, and dolines in Wulong County, Chongqing Municipality. The region concentrates the country’s most representative karst landscapes, some of which have become renowned scenic spots both at home and abroad. Located in Kunming City, the Yunnan Stone Forest is noted for its magnificent and mysterious karst landscapes, hence its reputation the “karst essence of the world.” The county of Libo in Guizhou Province is famous for virgin forests, forests on the water, and doline forests, which are collectively known as the “three karst wonders in Libo” and ranked among “the ten most beautiful forests in China.” Situated in the southeast of Chongqing Municipality, Wulong County is particularly renowned for the Furong Cave, dubbed the No.1 Cave under Heaven, Asia’s largest natural bridge cluster, and the Houping Giant Doline, a rare solid karst formation across the world.
重庆武隆喀斯特 Chongqing Wulong Karst
叁伍 开平碉楼与村落
开平碉楼与村落 KAIPING DIAOLOU AND VILLAGES 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2007 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
开平碉楼与村落 位于广东省开平市,是一种集防卫、抗洪、居住于一体的多层塔楼式建筑,代表着中国乡土建筑的一个特 殊类型。最早出现在明晚期,兴盛于 19 世纪末 20 世纪初。从水口到百合,从塘口到赤水,碉楼星罗棋布,城镇农村,举 目皆是,多者一村十几座,少者一村两三座,纵横数十公里连绵不断,蔚为大观。开平碉楼,可分为石楼、夯土楼、砖楼和 混凝土楼,林林总总,据说鼎盛时期竟达 3000 多座,现存 1833 座。开平碉楼风格属中西合璧,建筑之精美,风格之多样, 盛况空前,堪称西方建筑理念在中国农村融合、应用的杰作;同时也是现存生动鲜活的近代建筑博物馆,别具特色的艺术长廊。
Kaiping Diaolou and Villages Located in Kaiping City, Guangdong Province, the Diaolou are a kind of multi-storied residential towers integrating defensive and anti-flood functions, which display a unique form of village houses in China. The construction of Diaolou began in the late Ming Dynasty, and reached the zenith at the end of the 19th century and the early 20th century. Countless Diaolou span dozens of square kilometers across such towns as Shuikou, Baihe, Tangkou, and Chishui. Each local village has up to a dozen Diaolou, and even in the smallest village one can find at least two such towers. Kaiping Diaolou are categorized into stone towers, earthen towers, brick towers, and concrete towers. At their heyday, Kaiping had more than 3,000 Diaolou, of which 1,833 remain today. The Diaolou demonstrate a fusion between Chinese and Western architectural styles and are considered the finest examples of the application and integration of Western architecture concepts in Chinese rural areas. Kaiping is thus dubbed a living museum of contemporary architecture and a unique art gallery.
锦江里碉楼群 Diaolou Group in Jinjiangli
乡间别墅 Countryside Villas
有楼主人照片的铭石楼一层大厅 Lobby of MIngshi Building,decorated with photos of the building's owner
叁陆 福建土楼 80
福建土楼 FUJIAN TULOU 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2008 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
南靖县田螺坑土楼群 Tianluokeng Tulou Complex,Nanjing County
福建土楼 分布在福建西南部的崇山峻岭之中,始于宋元,成熟于明清,并一直延续至今。福建土楼是世界上独一无二的山 区大型夯土民居建筑,以生土作为主要建筑材料,掺上细沙、石灰、糯米饭、红糖、竹片、木条等,经过反复揉、舂、压 建造而成。楼顶覆以火烧瓦盖,经久不损。土楼的样式,林林总总,除最常见的圆形外,还包括了方形、五凤形、凹字形、
便成坚不可摧的堡垒。土楼高可达四五层,供三代或四代人同楼聚居。被列入《世界遗产名录》的 46 座土楼由所谓“六群 四楼”组成,即高北、洪坑、初溪、田螺坑河坑、大地、武夷山土楼群,以及衍香楼、振福楼,和贵楼、怀远楼。被誉为“东 方古城堡”和“世界建筑奇葩”。
半圆形、伞形、扇形、八卦形等。土楼多具备完善的防御功能,其外墙厚 1 至 2 米,一二层不开窗,仅有的坚固大门一关,
Fujian Tulou Scattered across the mountainous areas in southwestern Fujian Province are many tulou (literally, “Earthen Towers”). Tulou originated in the Song and Yuan (1271-1368) dynasties and matured during the Ming and Qing dynasties. The construction of Tulou continues till today. Fujian tulou are a kind of unique mountainous residential structures formed by rammed earth, mixed with sand, lime, sticky rice, brown sugar, bamboo chips, and wooden chips. Their roofs are typically covered with endurable pottery tiles. There are various shapes of tulou. Besides the commonest round shape, there are also square, five-phoenix-shaped, U-shaped, semi-round, umbrella-shaped, fan-shaped, Eight-Diagrams-shaped, etc. Most tulou boast defensive function, with their outer walls measuring 1-2 meters in thickness. The first and second stories are equipped no windows. With its gate closed, a tulou will become an impregnable fortress. The highest tulou has four to five stories and can allow three or four generations to dwell together. The 46 tulou inscribed in the World Heritage List include “six tulou clusters and four individual tulou,” namely Gaobei, Hongkeng, Chuxi, Tianluokeng, Hekeng, Dadi, and Wuyishan tulou clusters, Yanxianglou, Zhenfulou, Heguilou, and Huaiyuanlou. Fujian tulou are dubbed “ancient castles of the East” and “architectural gems of the world.”
Kitchen of an average household,Tianluokeng Tulou Complex
叁陆 福建土楼 82
始建于元代中期的裕昌楼 Yuchang Building,mid-yuan Dynasty
叁柒 三清山国家公园
MOUNT SANQINGSHAN NATIONAL PARK 南清园,三青山最迷人的自然景区 Nanqing Garden,the most apppealing scenic zone Mount Sanqingshan
三清山国家公园 MOUNT SANQINGSHAN NATIONAL PARK 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2008 年 遗产种类:自然遗产
三清山国家公园 位于江西上饶市。因玉京、玉虚、玉华三峰峻拔、如三清列坐峰巅而得其名。山体由花岗岩构成,石峰 千姿百态,景观类似黄山;又四季多雾,千山万壑,浓妆淡抹、变幻莫测;更有“ 司春女神”、“巨蟒出山”、“观音 赏曲”等十大名景,惟妙惟肖。三清山东险西奇、北秀南绝,四季景色绮丽秀美,被誉为“云雾的家乡,松石的画廊”。 自东晋葛洪“结庐练丹”于此,三清山历来是道教圣地,道教建筑遍布全山,三清宫等道教建筑依山水走向,顺八卦方位, 将自然景观与道家理念合一,方圆数十里,道风浓郁,有天下第一露天道教博物馆之称。
Mount Sanqingshan National Park Located in Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province, Mount Sanqingshan, literally “Mountain of Taoist Trinity,” is made up of three main peaks: Yujing, Yuxu, and Yuhua, which resemble the Taoist Trinity sitting atop the mountain, hence its name. The mountain features odd-shaped granite rocks, and its landscape look similar to that of Mount Huangshan. The mountain is often shrouded by mist all year round, thus creating a mysterious ambience. Grotesque rocks form the mountain’s ten most famous sights, including the Oriental Goddess, the Python Coming Out of the Mountain, and the Goddess of Mercy Listening to the Music. The mountain boasts picturesque landscapes all year round, and is dubbed the “home of haze and clouds” and the “gallery of pine trees and rocks.” In the Eastern Jin Dynasty (316-420), Ge Hong, a noted Taoist, built a cottage in the mountain, where he practiced Taoism and produced elixir pills. Since then, Mount Sanqingshan has become a sacred land for Taoists. There are still preserved many Taoist buildings. Constructed in light of natural terrains, the Sanqing Palace in the shape of the Eight Diagrams combines natural scenery and Taoist philosophy. The mountain is thus dubbed a “natural Taoism museum.”
列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2009 年 遗产种类:文化遗产
五台山 位于山西省五台县,方圆约 300 公里,台顶雄旷,层峦叠嶂,峰岭交错,挺拔壮丽,因五峰如五根擎天大柱,拔地崛起,
乃文殊菩萨的道场,名列佛教四大名山之首,还是当今中国唯一兼有汉地佛教和藏传佛教的佛教道场,在海内外享有盛名。 五台山的佛教寺庙建筑始于东汉,历经修造,鳞次栉比,佛塔摩天,殿宇巍峨,金碧辉煌。目前台内外尚有寺庙 47 座,其
叁捌 五台山
中佛光寺和南禅寺是中国现存最早的两座木结构建筑;显通寺 ( 灵鷲寺 )、塔院寺、菩萨顶、殊像寺、罗睺寺被列为“五台 山五大禅处”。台怀镇是寺庙集中分布的地方,是五台山佛事活动和经济生活的中心。
Mount Wutai Located in Wutai County, Shanxi Province, Mount Wutai, literally “Five-Terrace Mountain,” features rolling hills and peaks extending for more than 300 kilometers. Its five main peaks erect skywards, and their flat tops look like terraces, hence the mountain’s name. Due to its high altitude, the weather is pleasantly cool even in midsummer. For this reason, the mountain is alternatively named Clear Cool Mountain. Known as the home of Manjusri Bodhisattva, Mount Wutai is a well-known Buddhist holy land both at home and abroad and tops the Four Sacred Mountains in Chinese Buddhism. It is also known across the world as China’s only shrine combining the Han and Tibetan Buddhism. The construction of local Buddhist structures began in the Eastern Han Dynasty (25220). Over the centuries, countless resplendent and magnificent Buddhist temples, pagodas, and halls were built across the mountain. Presently, there are still preserved 47 temples, of which the Foguang Temple and the Nanchan Temple are the oldest wooden structures in today’s China, and the Xiantong Temple (also called Lingjiu Temple), the Tayuan Temple, the Bodhisattva Summit, the Shuxiang Temple, and the Luohou Temple are ranked the “five major Buddhist sites in Mount Wutai.” Huaitai Town concentrates many temples and serves as the religious and economic center of Mount Wutai.
远眺台怀佛寺 The Huaifo Temple viewed from the distance
叁玖 登封『天地之中』历史建筑群 塔林 Pagoda Forest
登封『天地之中』历史建筑群 HISTORIC MONUMENTS OF DENGFENG IN “THE CENTRE OF HEAVEN AND EARTH” 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2010 年 遗产种类:文化遗产 Category : Cultural heritage
登封『天地之中』历史建筑群 位于河南省嵩山地区,包括登封观星台、嵩岳寺塔、汉三阙、中岳庙、 嵩阳书院、会善寺、少林寺建筑群等 8 处 11 项优秀历史建筑。其中,中岳庙,始建于汉武帝时, 现存建筑多复建于明清,是国内现存规模最大、规格最高、保存最完整的一组道教古建筑群。 汉三阙,包括太室阙、少室阙、启母阙,始建于东汉,是中国仅存的时代最早的庙阙,代表了中 国古代国家级祭祀礼制建筑的典范。嵩岳寺塔,初建于北魏,塔顶重修于唐。历经 1400 多年风 雨侵蚀,仍巍然屹立,是中国现存最早的砖塔 。登封观象台,中国现存最古老的天文观测建筑—— 登封观星台,建于元代,天文学家郭守敬以此为中心点观测并推算出了当时世界最先进的历法—— 《授时历》。嵩阳书院,创建于北魏,宋代理学的“洛学”创世人程颢、程颐兄弟都曾在嵩阳书 院讲学。少林寺, 禅宗祖庭,更是少林武术的发源地。自唐迄今,名僧辈出,威名远扬。 会善寺, 由隋文帝赐名,唐武则天巡幸此寺时,曾拜道安禅师为国师。少林寺塔林,为历代少林和尚的墓地, 占地约 21000 多平方米,现存唐以来历代古塔 230 余座,是国内最大的塔林。少林寺祖庵,初 为宋代人为纪念禅宗初祖菩提达摩而营造的建筑。
Historic Monuments of Dengfeng in “The Centre of Heaven and Earth” Near to Mount Songshan in Henan Province, the Historic Monuments of Dengfeng in “The Center of Heaven and Earth” are made up of eight famous historic sites, including Dengfeng Observatory, Songyue Temple Pagoda, Three Gates of the Han, Zhongyue Temple, Songyang Classical Academy, Huishan Temple, and Shaolin Temple. The Zhongyue Temple was built during the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and the majority of its existing buildings are remains of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is known
嵩阳书院 The Songyang Classical Academy
as the largest, grandest and best-preserved Taoist architectural complex in China. The Three Gates of the Han, including Taishi Gate, Shaoshi Gate, and Qimu Gate, were erected in the Eastern Han Dynasty. As the oldest temple gates preserved in China, they represent the state-class sacrificial rituals of ancient China. The Songyue Temple Pagoda was first built in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and its top was reconstructed during the Tang Dynasty. Despite 1,400 years of weathering, the pagoda remains intact. Currently, it is the oldest existing brick pagoda around China. Known as the oldest astronomical observation facility in today’s China, the Dengfeng Observatory can trace back to the Yuan Dynasty. Upon tireless research on the observatory, Guo Shoujing, a famous Chinese astronomer, compiled the Shoushi Calendar, the world’s most advanced calendar system at that time. The Songyang Classical Academy was established in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Cheng Hao and his brother, Cheng Yi, both being founders of the Luo School of the Neo-Confucianism n the Song Dynasty, ever gave lectures in the academy. The Shaolin Temple is the birthplace of the Zen Sect and the famous Shaolin martial arts. Since the Tang Dynasty, the temple has cultivated numerous famous Buddhist masters. The Huishan Temple got its name from Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty (581-618). During the Tang Dynasty, Empress Wu Zetian visited the temple and appointed Monk Dao’an as the “national master.” The Pagoda Forest at the Shaolin Temple serves as a cemetery for monks in the temple and covers an area of 21,000 square meters. Since the Tang Dynasty, more than 230 pagodas have been constructed here, making it the largest of its kind in China. First built in the Song Dynasty, the Ancestral Cottage of the Shaolin Temple is a structure in memory of Bodhidharma, the founder of the Zen Sect.
肆零 中国丹霞 中国丹霞 CHINA DANXIA 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2010 年 遗产种类:自然遗产
中国丹霞 由湖南崀山、广东丹霞山、福建泰宁、江西龙虎山、贵州赤水、浙江江郎山等中国南方湿润区 6 个著名的丹霞地 貌景区组成。崀山丹霞,位于湖南省新宁县,青、壮、晚年期丹霞地貌均有发育,是中国丹霞地貌峰景区中丰度和品位最具 代表性和最优美的景区,被地质专家们誉为“丹霞之魂、国之瑰宝”。丹霞山,位于湘、赣、粤三省交界处的仁化县,其山崖, 远看似红霞漫山,近看则色彩斑斓,许多悬崖峭壁,像刀削斧劈,直指蓝天,无数奇岩美洞,隐藏于山中,景色相当奇丽, 被誉为“中国红石公园”。泰宁丹霞,位于福建省泰宁县,是青年时期丹霞景观的典型代表,也是中国东南诸省中丹霞地貌 面积最大的地区之一,拥有举世罕见的“水上丹霞”、“峡谷大观园”、“洞穴博物馆”三大奇观。龙虎山,位于江西省鹰 潭市,具有典型的丹霞地貌风光,也是中国道教正一派的祖庭。赤水丹霞,位于贵州省赤水市,是青年早期丹霞地貌的代表, 是全国面积最大、发育最美丽壮观的丹霞地貌。江郎山,在浙江省江山市,聚岩、洞、云、瀑于一山,集奇、险、陡、峻于 三石,雄伟奇特,蔚为壮观,三巨石拔地冲天而起, 形似石笋天柱,人称“神州丹霞第一峰”。
丹霞美景 A beautiful Danxia landscape
China Danxia China Danxia is a serial property comprising six areas famous for Danxia landscapes in humid southern China, including Mount Liangshan in Hunan Province, Mount Danxia in Guangdong Province, Taining in Fujian Province, Mount Longhu in Jiangxi Province, Chishui in Guizhou Province, and Mount Jianglang in Zhejiang Province. Located in Xinning County, Hunan Province, the Danxia landscapes in Mount Liangshan features Danxia landforms of various ages and is known as the most representative and beautiful Danxia resorts in China. Geologists praise it the “spirit of Danxia” and a “treasure of the nation.” Situated in Renhua County on the borders of Hunan, Jiangxi, and Guangdong Province, Mount Danxia features colorful rocks that look red from distance and steep cliffs that erect skywards, as well as numerous beautiful caves, hence its reputation “China’s Red Rocks Park.” Located in Fujian Province, Taining County boasts Danxia landform in the youth era and possesses the largest reserve of Danxia landscapes in southeastern China. It is particularly noted for such three wonders as Danxia on the Water, Garden of Valleys, and Museum of Caves. Located in Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province, Mount Longhu features typical Danxia landscapes and is the birthplace of the Zhengyi sect of Taoism. Chishui City in Guizhou Province is home to the country’s most extensive and spectacular Danxia landscape, which represents the Danxia landform of the early youth age. Situated in Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province, Mount Jianglang features rocks, caves, clouds, and waterfalls. Particularly, there are three magnificent rocks erecting skywards like gigantic pillars, winning the mountain the reputation as the “No.1 Danxia Peak in China.”
肆壹 杭州西湖 西湖全景 A panoramic view of West Lake
杭州西湖 WEST LAKE CULTURAL LANDSCAPE OF HANGZHOU 列入《世界遗产名录》时间:2010 年 遗产种类:自然遗产
环山,中涵碧水,山水辉映。山分南北,声名显赫,南山一脉以龙井山、烟霞岭,南屏山而大名鼎鼎,北山一脉则以灵 隐山、北高峰、栖霞岭而独领风骚,它们像众星拱月一样,捧出西湖这颗明珠。西湖湖面水阔 6.5 平方公里,苏堤和白 堤将湖面分成里湖、外湖、岳湖、西里湖和小南湖 5 个部分。环西湖美景俯拾皆是,不胜枚举,最著名的当数南宋定名 的 " 西湖十景 " 和 1985 年评出的“新西湖十景”。在以西湖为中心的 60 平方公里的园林风景区内,分布着主要风景名 胜 40 多处,重点文物古迹 30 多处。概括起来主要是“一湖、二峰、三泉、四寺、五山、六园、七洞、八墓、九溪、十景”。
湖边雕塑 A sculpture by the lake 三潭映月 Three Ponds Mirroring the Moon
West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou Nestling in the heart of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, West Lake is noted for picturesque lake landscapes and abundant cultural relics both at home and abroad, hence its reputation “paradise on earth.” The lake and the hills that embrace the water body in three directions set off each other. The famous mountains on the south side include Longjing Hill, Yanxia Range, and Nanping Hill, while on the north side are Lingyin Hill, Beigao Peak, and Qixia Range. All of those mountains highlight the lake in the center. The water surface spans 6.5 square kilometers. The Su and Bai Causeways divide the entire lake into five sections, namely Inner Lake, Outer Lake, Yuehu Lake, West Inner Lake, and Lesser South Lake. Around the lake are numerous scenic attractions, of which the most famous are the Ten Sights of West Lake nominated in the Southern Song Dynasty and the Ten New Sights of West Lake cited in 1985. Within the area of 60 square kilometers with West Lake as the core are scattered more than 40 scenic resorts and over 30 historic and cultural sites, including “one lake, two peaks, three springs, four temples, five hills, six gardens, seven caves, eight tombs, nine streams, and ten sights.”
责任编辑:高 瑞 摄
影: 谭明
卞志武 李江
茹遂初 孙建华 孙占礼 王达军 王晓峰 吴健 夏居宪 薛尧 杨大洲 杨树田 于宁 翟东风 詹小明 张海雁 张嘉庆 张瑞生 张永富 张肇基 周梅生 责任印制:冯冬青
图书在版编目(CIP)数据 世界遗产·中国 : 汉英对照 / 中国旅游出版社编著 . -- 北京 : 中国旅游出版社 , 2011.7 ISBN 978-7-5032-3651-8 Ⅰ . ①世… Ⅱ . ①中… Ⅲ . ①名胜古迹-介绍-中国 -汉、英②自然保护区-介绍-中国-汉、英 Ⅳ . ① K928.7 ② S759.992 中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字 (2011) 第 130054 号
出版发行:中国旅游出版社 (北京建国门内大街甲 9 号 邮编:100005)
营销中心电话: 010-85166503 装帧设计:
次:2011 年 7 月第 1 版 2011 年 7 月第 1 次印刷
本:787 毫米 ×1092 毫米 1/16
价:150.00 元
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