Dutch detection dogs help in the fight against jaguar poachers —
Jaguars, the largest felines in the Americas, play a crucial role
As part of Operation Jaguar, detection dogs have been
in the ecosystem by maintaining biodiversity and a balance
trained to use their superb sense of smell to help track
in the food web. Although they are a protected species,
down jaguar parts and ultimately disrupt wildlife trafficking.
the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) has seen
IFAW enlisted the help of Wesley Visscher of Scent Imprint
increasing incidents of jaguars being poached for their skin,
Conservation Dogs, who trained his dogs Bruce, a Labrador
fangs, and other body parts. Trafficked across borders, these
retriever, and Boris, a Patterdale terrier, specifically in
body parts are then primarily sold to make jewellery and
detecting jaguar parts.
traditional “medicine”.
IUCN NL then arranged support from ARTIS Zoo in
In recent years, investors in many South American countries
Amsterdam, which has a jaguar enclosure and allowed the
have set up huge projects for agriculture, mining, highway
dogs to meet the jaguars from a safe distance. The zoo team
construction, and other infrastructure. These developments
also provided samples of jaguar teeth and urine to familiarise
give poachers easier access to previously isolated jaguar
the dogs with the scent.
habitats, leading to an increase in jaguar deaths.
During their training, Bruce and Boris were placed in different
Operation Jaguar is a joint project of a consortium led by
environments where they tracked jaguar scents from boxes,
IUCN NL, IFAW and Earth League International and is made
packages, cars and containers.
possible by the Dutch Postcode Lottery. The goal is to put an end to poaching and the illegal trade in jaguar parts so this apex predator can continue to fulfil its vital role in the ecosystem.
32 | leonardjoel.com.au
“Since dogs are fond of playing, the scent sample is sometimes also applied to a toy. This way, the dog thinks that he is looking for his toy and will be extra motivated to find it,” says Wesley.
TOP: Detection dog Boris is searching
cargo from a ship © Scent Imprint Conservation Dogs BELOW: Jaguar canines made into
jewellery © IUCN