#onthephone mariabondoc.ro
Jovial and visionary, ‘On the phone’ is a photographic project designed to transfigure your usual self into a movie hero. No matter what you chose, the good cop or the bad cp, your action is going to be related with a phone conversation. More precisely, I would like to create an ongoing series that will portray different fiction characters speaking on the phone. It is an open challenge between me, as a photographer and you as a model. Each photo will have it’s own concept based on a cinematographic iconic image.
@Julia Fullerton-Batten
So, what movie do you want to play in? Is it an Almodovar colourful chain drama or a bloody epic Tarantino? In any case, the final photography, will depict your very best expression, the most real smile or the finest tear.
@Requiem for a dream @The Great Gatsby @Lucy
@Amélie @Heist @It’s a wonderful life
#onthephone 072 203 741
Who, What, Why, When, Where? These are five questions kids use when learning. It covers the basics and helps you understand a situation and context. ‘Who?’ is your character (name, age, background, education, profession); ‘What?’ is the emotional status (What matters to you? What motivates you? Frightens you? What makes you happy or sad?) ‘Why?’ links your actions (Why are you happy? Sad? Angry? Why are you laughing? Crying?) ‘When? & Where’ is the set-up, that will empower your authenticity (costumes, make up, hair, props, lights) ‘Zed’s dead, baby. Zed’s dead’ Pulp Fiction
@Romina Ressia
#onthephone mariabondoc.ro
CAREER artist scientist lawyer detective secretary pilot house-keeper mobster archeologists carpenter doctor hair-dresser statistician journalist engineer librarian psychologist
action fantasy drama horror romance film-noir sci-fi western period biography adventure crime thriller mystery
via _ COS x HAY
@Romina Ressia
happy tender impulsive heartbroken anxious joyous surprised delighted jubilant enthusiastic miserable aggressive jealous irritated anguish disappointed nervous @ James Tolich
get inspierd #onthephone
@Peaky Blinders @Mulholland Drive
@Steven Meisel @David Lynch|music video via _ Tumblr
@Alphaville @Wes Anderson for H&M @Peter Lindbergh
BUSTED #onthephone
featuring_ Leonard Zarnescu Maria Bondoc
It’s a strange world, isn’t it? Blue Velvet by David Lynch
#onthephone 072 203 741 mariabondoc.ro