2022 ISSUE 1

Hey, thanks for picking up and reading Harvest Force (HF). We have revamped the layout and we hope that you will enjoy it. Please let us know how you feel; we love to have your feedback and comments.
Have a story to share?
In the previous issue of HF, we focused on Church Planting. Now, let us focus on the other key strategy of MMS, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. It is a platform that meets the needs of the communities through projects to touch and transform lives. This in turn provides the outreach opportunities to make Christ known. As the believers become disciples in the course of the church planting process, they will reach out and serve the community. So, this twin-pronged approach is a positive cycle that keeps on going.

Email mms@methodist.org.sg
Your article may be edited for length, style, and clarity.
In broad strokes, as we preach the gospel, MMS reaches out to care for the poor by establishing homes and hostels; provides good quality education by setting up schools; conducts medical missions; and organises crisis relief.
will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let
As there are many Community Development projects in our mission fields, we have decided to split this theme into two issues of HF. In this issue of HF, we will look at some Community Development projects in Nepal, Thailand, and Timor-Leste. You may read about these Community Development projects from pages 6 to 23.
On page 2, Rev Derrick Lau points out that the goal of Community Development is to witness the transformation of lives to fulfil the biblical mandate based on Isaiah 6:1-4. Read Bishop Dr Gordon Wong’s reflection on page 40, where he highlights three important priorities in the development of any community.
Galatians 6:9-10, MSG
Let us know!
If you need the magazine to be printed in larger font size, please let us know by emailing to mms@methodist.org.sg.
Let us not be tired of doing good to everyone when we have the opportunity.
We hope that more churches and individuals will come forward to partner with us in developing the communities, thereby deepening the spread of the Good News of salvation. Email mms@methodist.org.sg to indicate your interest or to find out more.
We apologise for an error on page 18 of HF 2021 issue 3. The Partner Church of Payakaphumpisai MC is Bukit Panjang MC (BPMC). In fact, BPMC has been the Partner Church since 2008! Thank you, BPMC, for your continued and faithful support and love. We really appreciate you!
let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we
us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.
Methodist Missions Society (MMS) is the missions agency of The Methodist Church in Singapore. MMS is given the mandate to establish indigenous churches supported by mission endeavours in communities across this region where there is no Methodist presence. Harvest Force is published three times annually and distributed free. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. Work in Creative Access Nations is not published; please email mms@methodist.org.sg for more information and engagement. All information published is correct at time of writing and may be subject to change. All Scripture quoted is based on the English Standard Version, unless otherwise stated.
PERMIT NUMBER MCI (P) 029/01/2022
ADVISOR MAR 2022 Rev Derrick Lau
TRANSLATORS Henry Wang, Thng Pheng Soon
PHOTO CREDITS: Alice Goh, Cheryl Chen, Clarence Lee, Daniel Loo, David Chan, Henry Yeo, Joe Ling, Joseph Mannar, Joshua Khoo, Lim-Teo Suat Khoh, Noel Tam, Ong Tham Kwee, Pradip Kumar Limbu, Sabashtain Lepcha, See Swee Fang, Sharon Goh
Eileen Lim, Helen Tan, Tan Poh Ling & Volunteers
DESIGNER 5stones Pte Ltd PRINTER Print & Print Pte Ltd
Rev Derrick Lau 70 Barker Road #06-01, The Methodist Centre Singapore 309936 Tel: 6478 4818

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COVER Come partner with us in developing the communities.
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The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn; to grant to those who mourn in Zion—to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified. They shall build up the ancient ruins; they shall raise up the former devastations; they shall repair the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations.
Isaiah 61:1-4 ESV Rev Derrick Lau 刘作丰牧师 Executive Director of MMS.
Over the past three decades, MMS has operated on a twin pronged mission strategy of Church Planting and Community Development. In the recent issues of Harvest Force, articles were written on the planting of indigenous churches in the mission fields. Concrete examples of Church Planting efforts are the development of preaching points and local churches together with the enlistment and equipping of national leaders to serve as pastors, small group leaders, and administrators. MMS missionaries often play a secondary supportive role in terms of encouraging, mentoring, and coaching the local leaders; supporting their
endeavours in nurturing; and growing disciples of Christ in the respective local entities.
The other key mission strategy is Community Development. It is a ministry developed by the professionals and laity to bless the people whom the Lord has called us to minister. Its goal is to witness the transformation of lives in fulfilling the biblical mandate… “to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, etc.” Specifically, MMS set up educational institutions such as schools to provide high quality Christocentric curriculum to improve the educational standards of the students while at the same time, introduce the message of Christ to them. The educational goal is to teach, train, and nurture the local boys and girls, generally from the poorer communities. We develop capacity for learning and academic development and at the same time, inculcate Christian values where appropriate. The years of exposure to the school environment will, with much prayer, impact their lives and motivate and inspire them to develop an insatiable thirst for learning even after their

He enjoys telling stories and interacting with communities.
MMS’s goal is to witness the transformation of lives in fulfilling the biblical mandate.
主耶和华的灵在我身上;因为耶和华用膏膏我,叫我传好信息给谦卑的人(或译:传福音给贫穷的人),差遣我医好伤 心的人,报告被掳的得释放,被囚的出监牢;报告耶和华的恩年,和我们神报仇的日子;安慰一切悲哀的人,赐华冠与 锡安悲哀的人,代替灰尘;喜乐油代替悲哀;赞美衣代替忧伤之灵;使他们称为公义树,是耶和华所栽的,叫他得荣耀。
在过去的30年间,卫理宣教会一直采用双管齐下的宣教策略,即 植立教会和社区发展。在最近几期的《禾丰》中,也刊登了有关宣 教禾场植立本土教会的文章。植堂涵盖开发布道所和本土教会, 同时也招募和装备当地教会领袖成为牧者、小组领袖和行政人 员。卫宣的宣教士在当中经常以配角的身份从旁辅助及鼓励、督 导和训练当地领袖,并支援他们在个别本土单位中培育门徒、帮 助门徒成长。
侍的人民,见证生命的转变......“医好伤心的人,报告被掳的得释 放,被囚的出监牢。”
formal education has ended. All the while, the seeds of the Gospel are sown directly and indirectly via accessible means such as chapel services, Christian fellowship, and the observance of Christian festivals such as Good Friday, Easter, and Christmas.
Other community projects include the setting up of and/or supporting Children’s Homes, Student Hostels, and Income Generating Projects. The first two community projects seek to address the educational and social development needs of children (as their schools are typically located far away from their homes) and the third focuses on the equipping of skills and the provision of seed monies to assist in the development of financial self-sustainability in the fields.
In the next issue, we shall explore some key ingredients that set community development apart from other forms of social and/or political development.
具体来说,卫宣设立教育机构比如学校,主要在于提供以基督为 中心的高素质教育,提高学生的教育水平,同时向他们宣讲基督 的福音。教育的目标是教导、训练当地较贫穷社区中男女学生的 阅读和书写能力,培养他们在学术上发展,与此同时灌输适宜的 基督教价值观。期望多年来在学校环境的熏陶下,他们的生命受 影响,也被激励在完成正规教育后,继续渴求掌握知识。与此同 时,福音的种子也能通过直接或间接的适宜渠道,如学校中的崇

The fields are ready for harvesting – but there are so few labourers. In the seven countries that MMS serves, we continue to be in need of the following:
• Full-time missionaries. We are asking the Lord to send pastors, church planters, ministry workers, mentors, and teachers.
• Short-term workers who are able to spend between two weeks and six months there to help our missionaries. They would need to raise their own financial support.
• Prayer partners to pray for our ministries and missionaries.
What to do if you sense the LORD calling you into His mission field:

• Speak with your pastor and ask him/her to help examine your calling to missions.
• If your church pastor and leaders affirm your calling and are prepared to support you – praise the Lord! Call MMS straight away.
• If your church pastor and leaders affirm your calling but are unable to provide full financial support for you – call MMS anyway! Some of our missionaries are supported by the combined efforts of multiple Methodist churches, agencies, and individuals.

You can also come alongside us as Mission Partners and Volunteers (MPV) at home, to encourage and empower God’s work and workers to incarnate the love of Jesus Christ and to make a difference in the mission fields.
& Publications
• Be an English-Chinese translator.
• Be a photographer or videographer.
• Be a graphic designer.
• Be a web designer.
Office Assistance
• Be our MMS Events Coordinator.
• Be part of our Fund Raising Team.
• Be our Fellowship Mailer Team.
Financial Assistance

• Be a sponsor through the Student Sponsorship Scheme. Please refer to page 33.
For more information about these opportunities, kindly contact us via email at mms@methodist.org.sg. Be in prayer with us as we seek God’s direction to challenge and mobilise our Methodist community to serve Christ.
g Missionaries needed (whatever talents, skills, experience, age, etc.) to empower local Cambodians especially children, youth, young adults in varied ways including disciple-making in our different ministries (COSI, COSY, Hope House, different Hostels, etc.)
g Secondary and primary school teachers to teach as well as empower teachers at the Methodist School of Cambodia especially in English, IT, Science, Mathematics, etc.
g Financial Support for more than 200 underprivileged children (about a quarter of enrolment) studying at the Methodist School of Cambodia through the SSS programme.
g Online ministries to teach, befriend and empower local Cambodians
g Prayer and financial supporters for pastors of the Methodist Church of Cambodia, whose income is below the national minimum wage.
East Asia
g Trainers to conduct enrichment, leadership development, and young adult counselling courses.
g Partners to support social services, especially medical services, and community development projects.
g Fulltime personnel to serve in Singapore Mission School (SMS) and develop partnerships.
g Kindergarten and Primary teachers familiar with the Singapore curriculum to teach at SMS. Teachers can opt to serve a one-year term or longer.
g Donors and sponsors for the Sophia’s Home girls who are continuing their studies in the various disciplines in the local university in Kathmandu. This enables them to complete their professional studies, be financially independent, serve their communities and MCN, and be blessings to many.
g Trainers to conduct online training on Discipleship, Financial Stewardships and Spiritual Leadership.
g A missionary to serve in Nepal.
g Short-term helpers to organise programmes and activities for BB, GB, and Children’s Ministry at Rangsit and Song-Roi Phee tuition centres.
g Qualified Kindergarten and Primary levels teachers to conduct teachers’ training at Vineyard Methodist School and Little Candles School.
g Mission teams to conduct evangelistic events, community services, etc at our Methodist churches.
g Teachers to volunteer for one year to provide instruction for students in Grades 7 to 12 at the St Paul Methodist School (SPMS), or to mentor local teachers in basic curriculum design and instructional strategies for at least a month.
g Short-term volunteers to provide English, Science or Mathematics tuition for Grade 10-12 students in the Sundermeier Home.
g More sponsors are needed for students enrolled at SPMS and high school residents at Sundermeier Home. Please support the MMS Student Sponsorship Scheme (SSS) for children and youth from poor families.
g Volunteers skilled in business management, supply chain, logistics, or other business expertise to offer training courses, coaching or mentoring to tertiary/ vocational students in Dunamis House.
g An Assistant Pastor (with theological qualifications, with at least a Diploma in Bible and Christian Ministries); Pastoral Assistant; and Ministry Staff (experienced Bible Study group leader without theological qualifications) with a willing heart to learn and understudy to serve in International Christian Fellowship (ICF) and MMS-International NGO.
g Tentmakers; Business People; Social Entrepreneurs; English and/or Chinese Language Teachers qualified to teach TEFL/TESOL; and Professionals to conduct worship and serve in ICF while working in HCMC.
Exploration of New Geographical Missions Partnerships (NewGMP)
g MMS is exploring collaborative partnership with local Methodist churches in countries such as Indonesia and Myanmar.
g If the Lord is leading you to serve in places beyond the seven countries where MMS has some form of ministry, please get in touch with us.
Caleb Bible Institute (CBI) was established under the auspices of the Methodist Church in Nepal (MCN) in 1999 in East Nepal. It was formed to equip men and women who had decided to pursue the call of God to be pastors, church leaders, and church planters starting new churches and preaching points in the different regions of Nepal to achieve MCN’s vision of Redeeming Nepal for Christ.
CBI started with non-residential basic theological training and subsequently moved to residential training. The institute serves the needs of both MCN and other denominational churches in the region, to fulfil the vision of our churches in Nepal: “To Redeem Nepal for Christ!”

For MCN, this course provided a valuable resource for pastors and leaders. Amongst its distinguished graduates is Rev Chandra Bomjan, an MCN Elder and the PIC of Vijayee Methodist Church, who graduated from its first course. Many graduates are now serving as evangelists, church planters, and church ministry leaders in MCN and other Nepali churches.

He is also the MCN Training Director
(right, and opposite page)
Different batches of CBI students.
The vision of CBI is “Equipping of the Saints for God’s Service” for the edification of the body of Christ, and to be obedient to the Great Commission as given in Matthew 28:18-20.
Since its establishment, CBI has conducted 34 Bible Training Centre for Pastors (BTCP) courses with over 400 graduates. In 2017, a review of the BTCP training

programme was conducted to make it more relevant to the needs of MCN. A new Basic Leaders and Pastors Training (BLPT) syllabus was used. It encompassed most of the content for BTCP and included new subjects such as Methodism. To date, we have conducted six BLPT courses. Of the 81 graduates, 26 were from MCN.

Over the last two years, our CBI courses had to be deferred due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. During this period, CBI started to convert its residential courses to online courses. The CBI staff members have been preparing the conversion of training materials so that online training can be conducted effectively. To further ensure its reach, MCN
has established four decentralised training centres to conduct BLPT and other online courses. MCN is in the process of equipping these training centres. Plans are being made to conduct the first online course in May 2022 as part of its digitalisation initiative. This will remain a challenge for CBI as we prepare our staff and students to embrace online learning as the new norm.
MCN is confident that with the new changes and the plans to go online, CBI will be able to extend its reach as online learning will negate the need for travel as well as provide accessibility to its learning programmes.
The vision of CBI is “Equipping of the Saints for God’s Service”.

GROWING IN ...grow to become responsible daughters and women in the

community and the Church.
He oversees the ministry and work of Sophia’s Home together with his wife Grace.
Sophia’s Home (SH) celebrated her 20th Anniversary in March 2021. It all began with the heart-warming vision of two compassionate women, Grace and Shanti, the wives of Rev Sabashtain Lepcha and Rev Erick Tan. They were moved to provide for the vulnerable and disadvantaged girls that they met in the villages during their ministry in the community. From humble beginnings, they brought in five young girls, caring and providing for their physical and educational needs in the comfort of their own homes.
Today, SH is one of the important pillars for the Methodist Church in Nepal (MCN). Culturally, girls in Nepal are marginalised when compared with boys in the family. They are not accorded the same privilege in education and other opportunities, especially in families experiencing financial difficulties. To compound the problem, family life amongst the poor and needy is dismal with a very high
rate of broken parental relationships and sometimes family abuse.

Amid these challenges, SH was officially established in 2001 with the objective to provide these girls with a safe and enabling environment for their holistic development. More importantly, it is a place to share God’s love and to nurture them in the knowledge of the gospel. Currently, there are 17 girls residing in the Home. They are being cared for and provided with the much-needed love to enable them grow to become responsible daughters and women in the community and the Church. SH takes in girls between the ages of four and six, and they stay in the Home until they are 18 years old or have completed their Class 12 education.
By God’s grace and faithfulness, SH receives financial support and other resources from our Methodist community in Singapore. Over the last 20 years, 25 girls have graduated
Wesley Bardan Methodist Church and District Superintendent for Central Region.from the Home and are now with their families or have their own families. They are also serving in their respective churches. We have been blessed as some of our girls are pursuing their tertiary and professional courses to better equip them to serve and contribute to the community and the Church. We now have three trained nurses and a dentistry student who will graduate in 2023. Others are pursuing various disciplines in the universities. These are possible because of the generous support from our sponsors in Singapore. MCN now has a greater resource of female leaders to serve in our ministries as part of our capacity building.
SH is strictly governed by Nepali rules and legislation, and it is becoming a yearly challenge for the renewal of the license to operate the Home. Our leaders have learned to place their trust in God’s faithfulness and provision. And we continue to solicit your prayers and financial support for our girls, our staff and our leaders. Much has been achieved but much more needs to be done as more of our girls seek to pursue tertiary studies when they leave the Home.

We believe that with God, all things are possible. And in Him, His work will be done. To God be the Glory!

I was brought to Sophia’s Home (SH) when I was two years old. I am very fortunate to have stayed in SH for 16 years. At that point of time, I was physically very small and suffered from a lack of proper nutrition. The care, love, and support over the years in SH gave me hope and a new life. I have learnt to live in a social environment with the other girls and shared many happy times with them during play time and study. More importantly, I learnt about God’s love for each and every one of us, regardless of the background that we come from. I am so happy to attend church and to learn more about Jesus Christ. As a youth, I am glad that I am able to serve in the church worship team and the children’s ministry. I am blessed to bless the other children.

I have completed my Class 12 studies and have done well. And I am so blessed that I have someone from Singapore who cares and loves me so much and is now sponsoring my studies in Hotel Management. Someone, whom I have never met, sponsored my stay whilst I was in SH and is now sponsoring my studies. God is so good, all the time. I have much to be thankful to God and will continue to serve Him wherever He sends me.

She is also a VMS School Board member and VMS Finance Committee Chairperson.

Vineyard Methodist School has its humble beginning as a childcare centre in year 2000. The founder of the school, Sungwan Yeo (affectionally known as Tuk), started the childcare centre at Sanphranet to cater to the needs of working parents with young children. In July 2004, the Vineyard Nursery was established at Sansainoi subdistrict in Chiang Mai, near to where the then newly completed Shineforth Methodist Church building is located.

The nursery was later expanded into a kindergarten, which was officially opened and dedicated to God in March 2005 by Bishop Dr Robert Solomon with the Governor of Chiang Mai as the Guest of Honour. Five years later, in May 2010, Vineyard Primary School was officially launched after frequent requests were made by parents of the kindergarten students. The school was re-named Vineyard Methodist School, Chiang Mai (or VMS for short) in May 2011.
The plan for the school’s future is to pace its growth to offer Secondary level education. If it is the Lord’s will, we may consider expanding the school to the equivalent to that of a junior college in Singapore.

The vision of VMS is to develop life-long learners and God-fearing citizens, while its mission is to create an innovative community with strong Christian principles.
In this academic year 2021/22, VMS has a student enrolment of 304 students (both kindergarten and primary levels). Since its formation, the school has achieved good results for the Onet examination, which is a national level examination for primary six students. The Onet results for the school have always been much higher than the national average for all primary school subjects. In view of its good academic performance, the school has achieved a silver medal from the Office of Private Education in Chiang Mai for the last two years.
Rev Cassandra Lee MMS Missionary in Chiang Mai, Thailand.Many parents
Every year, many of the primary six students in VMS were able to gain entry into famous schools in Chiang Mai, such as Yupparat School (the best government school in Chiang Mai), Wattano Payap School, and Prince Royal School. Many parents are confident of the school’s academic performance, care, and moral education.

One of the greater challenges faced by VMS is student enrolment as there are many well-established private schools besides VMS that are competing for the dwindling school-going population. VMS, being a relatively newcomer, will have to develop its own unique

characteristics, strengths, and robust curriculum in order to stand out among the older and betterestablished private schools. Another challenge faced by the school is the recruitment and retention of quality teachers and staff as this will have a direct impact on the quality of education being provided. Many teachers and staff in the private sector aspire to join the government schools as the Thai government schools provide lighter workload, attractive pay, and pension benefits which the private schools are unable to match.
With the current COVID-19 pandemic and its ensuing economic woes, the challenge of getting higher student enrolment is made even more difficult as some parents have had to transfer their children from a private school to a government school as they could no longer afford to pay private school fees due to a drop in incomes or loss of jobs. School income is thus directly affected due to a drop in student enrolment as well as some parents becoming unable to pay the school fees in full. Lessons have often had to be taught online for several months in a row, instead of on-site, due to government restrictions and the fear of the spread of COVID-19.
This inevitably affected the quality of education given. Even with the opening of the school, lessons have had to be taught in dual modes (both on-site and online), so as to cater to the needs of those parents who are concerned about COVID-19 infection. This has caused additional burden and stress on the teachers.
Despite the challenges faced by VMS, we praise God that He has enabled the school to overcome many of these challenges, and that the school is able to sustain its operations with minimal financial loss thus far. In the coming years, more emphasis will be given by the school on Christian outreach amongst the students, parents, teachers and staff in the school, and people in nearby community, with the greater involvement of Shineforth Methodist Church’s pastors and staff in the school’s outreach efforts. Also, more financial resources from Singapore will be given to provide bursaries for poor families who want to send their children to study in VMS, and to help the parents of existing students who are struggling to pay school fees. We pray that more educational professionals from Singapore will come on board to help VMS establish a more robust school curriculum and management system.
are confident of the school’s academic performance, care, and moral education.VMS Graduation in 2020.

Christmas presentation in 2019.

Play group in October 2008. Mother’s Day in 2015.
Little Candles School (LCS) stems from a vision to bring the Gospel to the Thai people in the sub-district of Phrao, Chiang Mai. When my wife, Sharon, and I arrived in Phrao as missionaries in 2008 with a heart for church planting, we quickly discovered a means of connecting with the local people through the universal desire for education; we found that many non-Christian Thais readily embraced the idea of Christian education, even though they were hesitant to join a church.
Going by faith, we started a three half-days a week child-care programme in a rental apartment with six students (which included two of our own) and two staff. This quickly expanded into a full-time registered nursery of 80 students and six staff within two years. At that point, it became clear that new facilities were needed to accommodate the growing ministry, so we registered the Smart Kids Foundation in 2010 in order to purchase land and build the Little Candles Kindergarten, which commenced operations in 2012.
As of 2021, LCS had reached an enrolment of 168 students at kindergarten level and 30 students at nursery level, giving it the highest enrolment of all kindergartens in Phrao.

TODaniel Loo MMS Missionary since 2016 and Pastor-in-Charge of Little Candles Methodist Church, Phrao.
It will not only serve the spiritual needs of the Christian community, but it will also provide quality education to the wider public while introducing them to the Christian message.
LCS has provided a platform for ministry to the students, staff, parents, and community over the years. This has included Christian teaching to the students through weekly Bible activities, daily praise and worship, and prayers before meals. The staff participate in Bible Study lessons once a week, and join the Little Candles Methodist Church Sunday worship service at least once a month.
The school reaches out to the community through holiday events such as Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and graduation where the children often do Christian presentations tied to the preaching of the Gospel message.
The success of the school through its awards has been recognised by the Ministry of Education, and the achievements of its students have also made a positive impact on the community; all these have enhanced the image of the church in Phrao.

In 2020, after several years of discussion and planning, Sharon and I oversaw the transfer of land and facilities of the Kindergarten from the Smart Kids Foundation to the Muangthai Mettakij Foundation (a subsidiary of MMS) in Thailand. It was to ensure the long-term oversight of LCS under the accountability and support of MMS, and to expand the school to primary level education. Construction of the new facilities began in November 2021 and is expected to be completed for Primary 1 intake from May 2023 (Phase 1), with the final building complete by 2024 (Phase 2). However, challenges are being faced in the light of COVID-19 restrictions, rising steel prices and labour shortages.
Nevertheless, with no other Christian schools in Phrao, we envision that LCS will play a vital role. It will not only serve the spiritual needs of the Christian community, but it will also provide quality education to the wider public while introducing

them to the Christian message. The presence of LCS will influence the receptivity of future generations of community leaders to the Christian Mission.
Funds are still required to reach the target of S$1.3M required for the construction budget, and a further S$136,000 for the furnishings. Will you help to give the children of Phrao the opportunity for a future?

In the early days of ministry in Thailand, we planted a few churches up in the mountains where the Lahu tribes were. As we ministered to them, we found out that many of the young people marry at very early age. One of the reasons was that they were unable to continue their education beyond primary school because most of the villages did not have schools beyond that. Most of them did not even have proper primary education.

Some parents sent their children to nearby towns to receive secondary education but this was very costly for them. Additional expenses such as accommodation and food would not have been incurred if they had remain in the village instead. One of our pastors recounted how much he suffered when still a youth after he left his village to pursue his education. He had to sleep
When I was younger, I did not know where to go for my secondary education and prayed for God’s best plan for me. Later, Ps Theerasorn Sangskawrat linked me to Mettakij Hostel, a good Christian dormitory in Chiang Mai where I could learn more about God and have opportunities to serve Him.

Mr Prachuap Aksorncharoensakul, the former house parent of Mettakij Hostel invited me to stay. And I made many friends from different tribes and languages so I could practise speaking Thai, a common language at the hostel. I met Ps Seeda Saenkasa and Ps Chinnakorn Saenkasa at Shineforth Methodist Church and had the opportunity to serve in the Children’s Ministry and Worship Team.
Mettakij Hostel was like my second home, a conducive shelter with warm, meaningful fellowship and good food. Mr Prachuap and his family were like a second set of parents who raised me up. I stayed there for three years until I completed high school.
I continued to serve in the church even after I left the hostel. I graduated with a major in English at the Faculty of Arts of Chiang Mai Rajabhat University. After serving at Lanna Bible College for three months, I became a teacher under the Border Patrol Force to teach in a school in the mountains.
I thank God for everything in my life. Because of His great grace and mercy, He has led me every step of the way and continues to prepare the best way for me. I’m thankful to everyone who has played a part in my life, including Ps Henry, Ps Chinnakorn, Ps Seeda, and Mr Prachuap and his wife.
Wanida Somjitkaew, a Mettakij Hostel graduate
Apart from academic achievement, our goal is for these students to become not only good Christian disciples but also leaders in our churches.
in temples and makeshift shelters made from discarded cardboard. He also had to beg for food.
Following consultation with MMS, I started a small home to house the students from our village churches who intended to continue their education beyond primary school. They were in the residential programme of our Students Scholarship Scheme.
Mettakij Hostel was established in 2004 at the same premises as our Vineyard Methodist School and Shineforth Methodist Church. These students were encouraged to serve in the church and help out at the school.

At the hostel, we provided for almost everything from school expenses, food, and even small amounts of pocket money. The parents are requested to make token contribution either in cash (about S$200 a year) or in kind like rice and crops from their farms. The students must attend one of the two secondary schools identified by us as being closest to the hostel.

One of the challenges has been to find suitable house parents who love young people and are able to inspire and motivate them in their study as well as to nurture them to be disciples of Christ. It is also very challenging for the house parents to nurture 30 youths (now reduced to 20 due to budgeting). Of course, apart from academic achievement, our goal is for these students to become not only good Christian disciples but also leaders in our churches.


A ministry to the grieving A prominent landmark

From the start, the Rangsit Crematorium and Columbarium has been regarded as a ministry to the grieving, and not just a business project. It opens doors for those, who would usually not enter a church, to come and hear the gospel. It also offers those who grieve over the loss of loved ones, whether it be Thais or foreigners who reside here, a chance to hear of the hope we have in Christ. Thus, the funeral team at Rangsit is committed to comfort and provide good closure for families when death occurs. This means going the extra mile regardless of whether our physical facilities are needed. Hence, besides cremation, we also serve with land burials, sea burials, and funerals at other sites (such as temples) as well. These have all become a part of our regular routine.
After 10 years in this ministry, we realise that the premises and the church have become a prominent landmark to the community and beyond. For instance, when we went into some of the villages to invite children to join the Boys Brigade activities at our church, many villagers immediately knew where we were when we mentioned “crematorium”. When we were looking for a possible swimming pool to do baptisms in, we met up with a manager of a nearby condominium. When we mentioned “crematorium”, he immediately knew what church we were referring to. “I’ve been there too,” he added, “when my friend passed away.” When a sister-in-Christ in Bangkok lost a loved one recently, and her pastor was unable to refer her to a Christian crematorium, it was

the medical worker at the hospital who told her about our place. That brought her great relief.
An unexpected blessing
This same sister-in-Christ was so grateful to God to have found our place, that she asked if she could donate a new signboard for us. She had keenly observed that our single, weather-beaten, vinyl banner indicating the church and crematorium at the entrance, is much too unbefitting of the beauty and services provided within. I explained to her that we initially had another metal-plated signboard, but it was recently stolen. It puzzled us how much the thief could get by selling that metal plate. But as we all know, these are tough times for everyone. Hence, when she brought up the
proposal, I exclaimed that it would be a timely blessing indeed.
The services of the crematorium and columbarium also allow the church and her various ministries to be financially self-sustainable. Income from our bereavement services provides for 10 staff members and their families, including the local pastor. It also supports a member, who is currently undergoing theological education, and his family as well. Together with funds collected from our members’ tithes and offerings, the church is able to finance all of her ministry programmes, and also give out relief packages to members affected by the recent COVID-19 crisis.

Looking forward, we anticipate the setting up of a nanophonics entity at the premises, so that the church and crematorium can continue to be a blessing to the wider Methodist church here in Thailand. To God be all glory!

It opens the doors for those, who would usually not enter a church, to come and hear the gospel.A ministry to the grieving. Entrance to the columbarium. Our wonderful funeral worship team. Caring for the corpse. Conducting a wake at the temple.

“Yet THIS I call to mind and therefore I have HOPE.” (Lamentations 3:21, NIV)
The LOVE of God (Lamentations 3:22a)

I call to mind the Love of God that compelled MMS to start St Paul Methodist School (SPMS) in Timor-Leste in 2016. In a country where its people are predominantly Catholics and where its future hinges very much on the quality of its education, MMS sees TimorLeste as an opportunity to do good (Galatians 6:10) by starting an English-medium school and bringing holistic education to the children and youth of Timor-Leste. With a humble beginning of only 18 Grade 7 (aka Secondary 1) students, today, by His grace, SPMS stands at an enrolment of 500 students (Grade 1 to 12) and staff.

Minds Renewed. Therefore, I have HOPE that God will use SPMS to renew the minds of the students with the mind of Christ. Why? Because the steadfast love of God never ceases and His love will continue to establish work of SPMS in Timor-Leste.

In the final week of school in 2021, the different grades gathered to fellowship for the first time in many months.

The dwelling presence and glory of God within SPMS will transform the lives of all students whom He calls to have their minds renewed and hearts awakened through SPMS education.Artist impression of new school. Praise Time at the weekly Boys’ Brigade meeting. Daily devotion.
The COMPASSION of God (Lamentations 3:22b)
I call to mind the Compassion of God that draws the Timorese children and youth to experience the Father Heart of God through SPMS. Through the school daily devotions, Christian-based curriculum, and weekly Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Brigade (BBGB) programmes, God’s compassion for His people has indeed caused hearts to be awakened, as their minds are renewed.
John (not his real name) joined SPMS in Grade 7 and was known to be disruptive in school. He challenged authority and would do whatever he deemed right in his mind at that moment. Teachers and classmates would avoid confrontations with him if possible and would let him have his way.
John’s learning attitude had often gotten him into troubles and was surfaced to my attention. However, every time I rebuked and corrected him, I saw a broken spirit within him crying out: “Help me! Show me! Love me for who I am.” As I meted out punishments to him, I would see a young man longing for a father to believe in him and to discipline him to walk in the path of righteousness.
I am thankful I can carry the compassion of God the Father into his life. One day, after I had punished him, he turned to say, “I have never felt my parents care for me like you do. I know you care, that is why you punish me.” That brought tears to my heart and I praised God for awakening his heart to see His compassion and love.
Hearts Awakened. Therefore, I have HOPE that God will use SPMS to open the eyes of the heart of every student to see Him. Why? Because God’s compassions never fail. They are new every morning.
The FAITHFULNESS of God (Lamentations 3:23)
I call to mind the Faithfulness of God that never fails to meet every need of the school. With the exponential increase in the school enrolment each year, God provided SPMS to date two temporary physical locations and seven buses so that we are able to provide education to all the 475 students (of which 200 are new students for the year). Though the school “walls” are bursting at the seams because of the great number of students, God promised that He Himself will be the wall of fire around it. (Zechariah 2:4-5)
The faithfulness of God is further seen when He has finally given MMS a piece of 3-hectare land in Metinaro, Dili to build SPMS this year. The acquisition of land took 3 years. With the completion of SPMS building project in 2023, I believe the dwelling presence and glory of God within SPMS will transform the lives of all students whom He calls to have their minds renewed and hearts awakened through SPMS education.
Life transformed. Therefore, I have HOPE that God will use SPMS to transform the lives of the students to serve His purpose in each generation in Timor-Leste and the nations beyond. Why? Because great is the faithfulness of God. He will establish SPMS forever for his faithfulness endures to all generations.

As you call THIS to mind, may you abound in H.O.P.E. together with us by….
elping to share the goodness of God in SPMS with others.
ffering your God-given gifts and talents to support the work of SPMS.
raying for SPMS.
ncouraging the students to have an education in SPMS through your financial support.


Sundermeier Home (SH) is a student hostel in Gleno, which is a mountainous region in the district of Ermera in Timor-Leste, about an hour’s drive away from the nation’s capital of Dili. The idea of having a hostel was conceived in 2012 when MMS leaders observed that many students had to walk two to three hours each way to attend school as the only High School in the Ermera district is in Gleno. To meet this need, SH was established in 2016 to provide a Christian environment for poor and needy children from remote villages to continue their High School education in Gleno. The hostel has the capacity to house 20 boys and 20 girls.
SH is a place where these hostelites have the opportunity to grow in their faith and develop Christian values. Daily worship and devotion sessions enable them to learn about God, and living together in community provides students with opportunities to practice Biblical living and loving their neighbours. The hostel aims to be a blessing to all the hostelites and their respective families by providing a safe and nurturing environment for their holistic development during their three-year stay. Daily routines of different chores around the hostel expose the hostelites to practical life skills and teach them to grow in values such as responsibility and diligence.
A light to the villagers

Together with my wife, Grace, we are MMS missionaries who have been serving as house parents since the hostel’s first intake of students in 2016. Treating all the hostelites fairly and maintaining my own spiritual life in the day-to-day running of the hostel is my Christian witness to the students and their families. Grace and I firmly believe that the Biblical model for the hostel can be found in Matthew 5:16 “Inthesameway,let yourlightshinebeforeothers,sothat theymayseeyourgoodworksand giveglorytoyourFatherwhoisin heaven.” Hence, as house parents, we work constantly with our hostelites to develop good rapport with their neighbours and community leaders to draw man to Christ.

In a recent appreciation service organised by the first batch of hostelites who had graduated in 2019, the hostelites’ family members were invited to the service and to renew their faith in Jesus. The warmth and openness in the hostel, as well as the hostelites’ deep appreciation for us, whom they affectionately address as “Papa” and “Mama”, demonstrated the tangible love of Christ found in SH, which extended to the community.

Making a long-lasting impact

SH aims to inculcate Christian values and help hostelites to develop learning skills, so they will be able to contribute to the community and to the nation. We pray that our hostelites will grow to become mature and responsible citizens and leaders, serving their community and nation.
Although three years is a short time of discipleship, we pray that God will water and grow the seeds planted in our hostelites’ hearts. As house parents, a big challenge we face is the lack of time for deep discipleship on top of running the daily administrative and logistics duties in the hostel.

Pray with us that our hostelites will be able to find opportunities for future studies and jobs after they graduate from High School and SH. Pray that we will be able to raise young leaders who will serve and lead in the hostel and give back to their community.

Pray with us for more Christian workers to disciple the hostelites. We invite you to visit us to conduct training workshops or Bible Study programmes that increase our students’ exposure to and deepen their understanding of God’s word. A short-term stay of one to three months can give our hostelites another role model to learn from and help our hostelites to practice their conversational English skills. Even if you feel you have no specific skills to offer, God can use your willing heart in a special way! Your prayer and presence matters!
Celebrating Christmas 2021.
Rev See (extreme right), Grace (next to Rev See) with hostelites’ family attending the appreciation service.We pray that our hostelites will grow to become mature and responsible citizens and leaders, serving their community and nation.

Dunamis House (DH) is MMS’ most recent community development in TimorLeste. Established in September 2019 in Dili, the capital city in Timor-Leste, DH is a continuation of the ministry to hostelites from Sundermeier Home (SH). This ministry started because the hostelites who came from their villages in the mountainous district of Ermera to pursue their tertiary studies and who graduated from SH, could not afford to pay for rent for housing in Dili. DH seeks to continue giving these students a Christian nurturing environment and to continue their discipleship journey as they seek further education.
Community Outreach

As all the hostelites come from families that struggle to send them money regularly, their stay at DH includes a community outreach programme that instils in hostelites the importance of hard work. While pursuing their education in local universities or vocational institutions, the hostelites receive a stipend for their efforts to give free tuition to the kids in the community. They teach students from primary one to six. This programme is a way for them to experience how they can bless, encourage, and empower the children who come for free tuition while they receive support for their stay in DH.
The free tuition for the children serves an urgent and immediate need in the community as children only get to attend school on alternate weeks because of limited classrooms and the requirement for safe-distancing. Children are frequently left playing on the streets on their own as parents

struggle to place food on the table. Hence, the tuition programme gives our hostelites the opportunity to minister to the children and promote their welfare both academically and spiritually.

Transforming Villages, Empowering Lives
Another community development programme entitled “Transforming Villages and Empowering Lives” (TVEL) is in the pipeline. God willing, we will launch it in the near future. The Lord has given DH this vision for TVEL to help villages break out of poverty by empowering the people to improve farming practices and produce sales, which can create more jobs in the villages. To empower those living in the villages, there is also the need to include educating the villagers on how to strengthen their relationships, especially in marriage and family life. This is an important aspect of community development needed in the villages.
Small group teaching. Hostelites giving tuition. Impacting the next generation. Individualised coaching. Rev See Swee Fang MMS Missionary in Timor-Leste and House Parent of Dunamis House, Dili.The tuition programme gives our hostelites the opportunity to minister to the children and promote their welfare both academically and spiritually.
Although many young people leave their villages to come to the capital Dili in search of a livelihood, coming to the city does not guarantee securing a job even after they graduate with a degree. Most jobs, especially those for the government sectors, require networking with someone already in an existing position to make a recommendation on behalf of the applicant. Other employment opportunities are mostly those in manual labour, sales, or services sectors. The harsh reality is that the demand for jobs is greater than supply unless TimorLeste develops further in areas such as tourism. Hence, working on the land, the greatest resource available in Timor-Leste, is a viable way for young people to be gainfully employed, improve the livelihood opportunities in their villages, and produce more food in the nation.
Our hostelites believe in this vision and about 90% have indicated that they want to join this initiative to serve their villages after they complete their education. Three of our hostelites were intended to start internships as TVEL pioneers in January 2021. However, due to the sporadic lockdowns in Dili, their training has been delayed and will
start in 2022 instead. To keep the vision burning despite the delay, the hostelites have started doing research on community development, and having discussion sessions to understand more about the various types of farming practices in the villages and brainstorm possible ways to improve current practice, as all their families are involved in farming. I have also organised inhouse sessions on the “empowering lives” component of TVEL to raise awareness of choices that are made as the hostelites learn more about raising children in a family.
In 2022, three interns will go for a one-year training at Loes Training Centre (in another district). Loes Training Centre is an established Christian organisation started and funded by Singapore Care Channels Training Centre. There will be theory and practical sessions on farming, and is a holistic programme that encompasses Christian discipleship, animal husbandry, and natural farming. This will form part of the equipping process in preparation for the TVEL to be launched. While the course fees are fully sponsored, participants are required to pay US$30 per head per month, for lodging and training.
Pray for an individual, group, or organisation who will journey with us to start a company or social enterprise that can chart and sustain the TVEL vision. We need help to develop the TVEL programme with the graduates from the Loes Traning Centre and local universities, so that the locals can spearhead the transformation they wish to see in their villages.
Pray for continued donations and financial support for the TVEL interns and the stipend given to hostelites for giving free tuition to the children in their community.

If you would like to partner with us and offer your expertise and time, please contact MMS for more details!

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Methodist Church in Nepal (MCN) celebrated the many blessed years of God’s faithfulness during the 13th Session of the Nepal Annual Meeting. These many years have demonstrated the resilience and perseverance of the Nepali people—that in adversity, they have found time and purpose to focus on the goodness, grace, and love of our heavenly Father. The meeting was held on 4 October 2021 and presided over by Bishop Dr Gordon Wong.

and ever willing to enthusiastically embrace this new experience. As a result, this is the second year that the Annual Meeting has been successfully conducted via Zoom.
Joe Ling
MMS Affiliate Missionary serving in Nepal.
He is from the Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference and has been with MMS since February 2019.

This article was first published in the December 2021 issue of Methodist Message.

The pandemic has brought out the best in our MCN leaders and believers. They are now leveraging on digital platforms to ensure ministry continuity while waiting for the opportunity when worship services and meetings can be conducted physically in a safe manner. Platforms such as Zoom and Facebook have brought them together to worship and conduct ministry events. They are adapting well to this new norm, undaunted by the need to optimise their personal devices for worship
The Annual Meeting was attended by pastors, leaders, and delegates from MCN’s seven churches, five preaching points, and eight outreach points. The Singapore participants included: Bishop Dr Gordon Wong, the Presiding Bishop of MCN; Rev Derrick Lau, the Mission Superintendent; and Noel Tam, MMS Area Director for Nepal. MCN was also privileged to have in attendance Issac Asirvathum and friends from our partner church, Living Waters Methodist Church. The highlight of the Annual Meeting was the ordination of Rev Pradip Kumar Limbu as an Elder Elect and Ps Dil Kumar Magar as a Deacon Elect. Two pastors were appointed as MembersOn-Trial and 21 were provided with the Local Preachers Licence.

As the reports were presented, it was evident that God has been working in MCN during such a challenging time. The completion of three new church building projects is a testimony to God’s provision. The training and equipping of leaders are on track with 13 members now attending theological courses. MCN has been actively serving the community through the COVID-19 Crisis Relief initiative with 372 families receiving food and other essential aid. For all these, we give thanks to God.

The exhortation by Bishop based on Romans 8:22–28 was a timely reminder and encouragement to all of us. Bishop shared that Creation groans (v. 22), we groan (v. 23) and the Spirit groans (v. 26). In the midst of our groans, we have hope (v. 24), And finally, God works with us to create good out of the many bad things that make our world groan (v. 28). Our MCN leaders and members are reminded once again that our hope is in God and working with Him, we can and will bring good to those in need in our community.
The 13th Session of the Nepal Annual Meeting may have adjourned, but the ministry continues with greater fervour and commitment, knowing and believing that our God is faithful and loves each one of us. I share this wonderful promise of God to our brothers and sisters in MCN: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “planstoprosper youandnottoharmyou,planstogive youhopeandafuture.” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV)

Our MCN leaders and members are reminded once again that our hope is in God and working with Him, we can and will bring good to those in need in our community.Delegates of the 13th Session of the Methodist Church in Nepal. Rev Pradip Kumar Limbu and his family. Ps Dil Kumar Magar and his wife. Emmanuel Methodist Church. Phulbari Methodist Church. Samdan Preaching Point.

It is amazing how God’s plan works in His infinite wisdom and perfect timing. When we were younger adults, my husband, Teck Seng, and I served actively in various capacities in our church and were also busy bringing up our family of five children. Other than a few short mission trips, our contributions to missions were limited.
It was only in 2018, four years into retirement and in our mid-sixties, that God called us to serve in Timor-Leste, through three messages to me and twice through scriptures to Teck Seng.
She worships at Paya Lebar Chinese Methodist
Serving in Timor-Leste
After a one-week exploratory trip in November 2018, we firmed up plans to serve for three months at St Paul Methodist School (SPMS). From August to November 2019, we lived with missionary David Chan and his family, and were totally immersed in school life at SPMS. David’s house also functions as the school office cum teacher centre where teachers gather on weekday mornings for devotions, staff meetings, and lesson preparation, and for weekly evening bible study sessions.
My main work was in teacher training and in teaching. I conducted once-aweek training sessions for the local teachers and provided ad hoc individual guidance in lesson preparation. Every afternoon, I taught mathematics to Grades 7 and 8, with the teachers sitting in to watch and learn teaching strategies. Teck Seng co-taught a basic word processing course (Grade 10 students) and assisted in mathematics coaching for the lower secondary students during and outside lessons.

Being used to the comforts of Singapore, we encountered some challenges living in Timor-Leste. While part and parcel of life for the missionaries and locals, living conditions were not so easy for us. Professionally, I encountered effectiveness issues because of the

By the grace of God, we are not limited by age nor physical/ health conditions to serve in the mission field.Teck Seng conducting computer class Dr Lim-Teo Suat Khoh Mathematics teacher educator, retired from NIE, Singapore. Church. Suat Khoh conducting teacher training
educational backgrounds of local teachers and students. Learning not to depend on my own decades of knowledge and experience, and through much prayer, I relied on God for desired outcomes and He taught us to trust and depend on Him for strength.
Like many others who have gone on missions, we were touched, humbled, and inspired by firstly, the sacrificial lives of the various missionaries and secondly, by local Christians, including our students. Without worldly comforts, they remain content, joyful and loving, ever praising God. In addition, two Singaporean senior couples, the Sees and the Wongs, who lived at David’s house while we were there, showed us that age was no barrier to active work and service. The total age for the six of us exceeded 380 years!
Missions: Regardless of age or location

As I reflect on our continuing journey with SPMS, I am filled with gratitude to God for His wonderful timing and providence. While none of us envisaged that COVID-19 would close borders and impose school lockdowns in 2020, God in His omniscience sent us there in the second half of 2019. This timing enabled me to continue serving in the first quarter of 2020 after returning home, preparing supplementary teaching notes and worksheets and emailing them to SPMS.
Later on, we were invited to join Holland Village MC’s digital mission to continue serving. We are currently coaching two SPMS girls, meeting on Zoom once to twice weekly.
By the grace of God, we are not limited by age nor physical/health conditions to serve in the mission field. I can testify that, as long as we are obedient to His calling, God uses us, drawing on talents and experience He has blessed us with and sustaining, supplying and strengthening us for whatever else is needed. We are never too old!

St Paul Methodist School (SPMS) provides formal education with Christian morals and principles for children from remote villages. For more information about SPMS, please visit www. spmstl.org. If you sense the Lord is calling you to support the MMS school ministry, please email mms@methodist.org.sg or call 6478-4818.
g Pray for the SPMS students who are in the digital tuition programme. May they continue to be keen in their learning.

g Pray for the volunteers to persevere on in the good works. Pray for more volunteer tutors.
g Pray for God to provide the resources for this digital tuition programme.

Methodist Missions Society (MMS) was established on 30 September 1991 as the missions agency of The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS). As part of the 30th Anniversary Celebration, and in place of a banquet in view of COVID-19 restrictions, a Thanksgiving Service was held at Faith Methodist Church on first Sunday of Advent, 28 November 2021, to celebrate God’s faithfulness to MMS over the past 30 years.
MMS Executive Director, Rev Derrick Lau, and Field & Church Engagement Director, Col (Ret) Quek Koh Eng, warmly welcomed about 100 guests who gathered on site and another 100 more online. There were almost 500 online views even after the ‘live’ broadcast of the service. Thereafter,

the talented Awaken Generation team ushered us into God’s presence with melodious voices and spirit-led worship.
Presidents and representatives from the three MCS Annual Conferences then led us in the Litany of Mission and Prayers of Thanksgiving for God’s goodness and faithfulness to MMS over the years. After MMS Chairman, Alvin Tan, read the Scripture passage from Matthew 9:31-38, Bishop Dr Gordon Wong, in his usual eloquence and yet down-to-earth manner, gave an inspiring sermon entitled “Spreading the News?” on how we need to learn to spread the Good News of the Gospel ‘silently’ as taught by our Lord Jesus, without losing its impact and importance.
Dr Christopher Cheah MMS Exco Member and Chairman, MMS 30th Anniversary Taskforce. Worship led by Awaken Generation. Worshipping and giving thanks to God. Welcome and Opening Prayer.We were touched by the video on the Little Candles Methodist School in Thailand and saw how despite limited resources, the teachers managed to touch the lives of the many children there. In his address, Rev Lau used the video and other examples to relate how MMS has made an impact on the lives of many in Cambodia, East Asia, Laos, Nepal, Thailand, TimorLeste, and Vietnam. He praised God for mobilising our local Methodist Churches to pray, give, and send missionaries and volunteers to these peoples and nations, and encouraged us to continue to partner MMS in the years to come.
Pastor-in-Charge of Faith Methodist Church, Rev Reuben Ng, encouraged us to give generously to the Little Candles Methodist School project and MMS General Fund during the offering time, while Daniel and Peixin from Grace Methodist Church rendered a Special Anthem in music and song, before Bishop gave the Benediction at the close of the Service.
COVID-19 restrictions may have limited the number of people allowed to celebrate with us on site, but has not stopped many who tuned in online, including the President of The Methodist Church in Cambodia Rev Lun Sophy, and many missionaries, national pastors, and leaders on the field.

The 30th Anniversary of MMS serves as an occasion for us to reflect on God’s faithfulness and blessings over the past 30 years. It also calls us to focus on His Spirit at work among us today and gives us an opportunity to look to Him to lead and direct us in the years to come.

My deepest appreciation goes to all our speakers, distinguished guests, pastors, leaders, volunteers, intercessors, past and present MMS Executive Committee and Sub-Committee Members, staff, missionaries, friends, and family for joining us on this momentous occasion.
My heartfelt gratitude also goes to the MMS Team and the Organising Team under Ms Grace Chung who worked tirelessly yet joyfully to put together a meaningful and memorable Thanksgiving Service. To God be the Glory!
The 30th Anniversary of MMS serves as an occasion for us to reflect on God’s faithfulness and blessings over the past 30 years.Worship led by Awaken Generation. Rev Philip Abraham leading in the Litany for the Mission of the Church. Bishop Dr Gordon Wong sharing his sermon. Dr Christopher Cheah sharing the acknowledgements.

We welcome Johnson and Josephine Lim who re-joined MMS as Missionaries in Cambodia from June 2021. They are from Bedok Methodist Church and no strangers to many of us as well as the people in Cambodia. They are currently serving at the Community Outreach Services - Immanuel (COSI) Children’s Village.

We also pleased to announce that Dennis Lee (from Kum Yan Methodist Church) has officially joined us full-time as the Area Director (Timor-Leste & CAN) with effect from November 2021. He is married to Clarice and they have three grown-up children. He enjoys competitive sports like rugby and he has 25 years of management and academic experiences in Asia Pacific region.
We thank May Lan who has completed her service with MMS in October 2021. We are appreciative of her hard work and dedication. And we thank God for her faithful ministry of touching many lives.
Dear Lord, we thank You for bringing Johnson, Josephine, and Dennis into the MMS Family. We ask for Your blessings and protection over them and their families. May they draw closer to You as they serve You and Your people. May Your grace and favour be upon them. May they be salt and light to spread the Good News. We also pray for Your blessings on May Lan in the next chapter of her life. May You remind her of warm happy memories and inspire her with thoughts of future joyful times. May Your grace and presence be with her and her family. Amen.

A missions training workshop was organised by the General Conference Women’s Society of Christian Service (GC WSCS) on 30 Oct 2021. The purpose was to create awareness and highlight the importance of mission work. All believers are to go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit as commanded by Jesus in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).
A) God as the Foundation

The missions philosophy framework illustrates the importance of missions, where God is the strong foundation. The four pillars intertwine and lead us to the overarching goal of restoring God’s image and reconciling people into God’s Kingdom. Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone (Isaiah 28:16, Ephesians 2:20) and we are the living stones (1 Peter 2:4-6). Our strength is not of ourselves but is built upon God. The reason for reaching out to others comes from the love of God because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). He has saved us through the finished work of Jesus that none should perish but come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9).

B) The Missions Pillars
1 Body of Christ
We are all gifted in different ways to edify the body of Christ. As we reach out to pre-believers, we are also called to edify each other, spur one another towards love and good works (Hebrews 10:24-25). We are more effective if we do missions in pairs or in multiples. We remember that Jesus sent out the 70 disciples ahead of him two by two to the cities and towns that He would be going to (Luke 10:1-2).
2 Prayer
Prayer is the primary means of communication that binds us to God. Through prayers and His Words, God communicates His heartbeat for the lost. We pray for
Alice Goh and Ong Tham KweeGeneral Conference Women’s Society of Christian Service Missions Coordinators (2020 to 2024).
God’s guidance and discernment as we seek to do His will. We pray for the people we reach out to. Jesus told His disciples, “to watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation” (Matthew 26:41). Prayer is thus a necessity before carrying out our mission, and during and after the daily mission activities. We pray for God’s protection over our missionaries.
3 Ministry / Work
This pillar comprises how we minister to others. We need to see that people are made in the image of God. We are to follow the example of Jesus Christ. We are to show to them what God’s Kingdom looks like in our outreach mission activities. Our love for God is expressed in our actions to one another.
4 Equipping and Training
Equipping and training are the core of mission. While some of these take on an informal basis, others are done through formal courses, learning the functions of teamwork, cross-culture knowledge, and hands-on
skills. By doing so, we will be able to achieve our goal of making disciples. We also need to study God’s Word to equip and strengthen ourselves to withstand the wiles of the devil in the mission field. (Ephesians 6:11).

C) To Restore God’s Image
The overarching goal is to restore the image of God. We do it because we have been called to “make disciples” (Matthew 28:19-20). Making disciples happens on two fronts:

a) As we engage in the mission work, we as disciples are training ourselves to submit to the will of God, eventually transforming more and more into the likeness of Christ.
b) At the same time, we seek to make disciples of those we reach out to and bringing them into God’s Kingdom.
In summary, we need to build a strong foundation on God, Christ as the cornerstone and ourselves as the living stones. Thus, with the knowledge that Christ is head of the body, we use all our gifts to edify each other towards love and good works, praying for God’s direction and training to explore ways to reach new frontiers and to make disciples as commanded in the Great Commission.

The four pillars intertwine and lead us to the overarching goal of restoring God’s image and reconciling people into God’s Kingdom.

MMS Field & Church Engagement Director.
He served as the Area Director of Nepal from 2008 to 2019.

Time” experience
Although there are many significant events during my many years of ministry with MMS, I can only describe them as my “One Moment in Time” experiences. Humbly, I acknowledge the hand of God working to shape my ministry as I am privileged to work together with groups of faithful men and women who have committed their lives to serving our Lord. These were indeed journeys of extraordinary, supernatural experiences and close encounters with God.
The ancient Greek word for such a defining moment is Kairos, meaning the opportune or critical moment. In the New Testament, Kairos is used to describe the appointed time or the God-ordained time.
I am glad to have had this special “One Moment in
in my
with MCN.
Food relief aid for the 2015 earthquake victims

Koh Eng with some pioneer leaders in Nepal
“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.” Romans 5:6, NIV
“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1:15, NIV
Indeed, there are God-given moments such as the time when Jesus walked this earth. For many Christians, there is not one moment in time that can be compared to the time when we received salvation and confessed Jesus as our Saviour and Lord. We need to recognise the God-appointed times when His times intersect with ours. That will always be our most memorable “One Moment in Time”.
During my time in MMS, I have been blessed with opportunities to serve in all our mission fields. I especially remember the initial years of establishing our Nepal ministry,
and seeing it grew from strength to strength. 13 years of great personal experiences and defining moments that I describe as “One Moment in Time”.
Our Nepal ministry started when Rev Erick Tan and his wife Shanti heeded the call of God to be missionaries in Nepal after graduating from Trinity Theological College.

By faith, they ventured into East Nepal and struggled for three years before starting their first ministry in Kathmandu. God provided two anointed servants (a pastor from India and a Nepali Campus Crusade for Christ-trained pastor from East Nepal) to work with MMS. After three barren years, the ministry of Nepal was birthed.

My first trip to Nepal in 2006 was very significant. Together with MMS leadership, Rev Dr Norman Wong and Andrew Tay, we visited East Nepal, Kathmandu, and Phulbari in Kavre

District. Seeing the needs for our ministry, we purchased the land next to Mahimit Methodist Church where a temporary bamboo shed was used as a Bible school. Later on, a new building was built for Caleb Bible Institute (CBI). Over the years, CBI has trained and graduated over 150 pastors and local church leaders for the Methodist Church in Nepal (MCN) and other Nepali churches.
Whilst worshipping in a mud house church in Phulbari with a group of 15 believers, God released a word to my inner spirit that He would build His church at this exact site. Immediately after the service, Andrew announced that his church would sponsor the building of Phulbari church. Later, the church has been rebuilt as the 2015 earthquake affected the building. The steadfast love of God never ceases as Phulbari Methodist Church grew in maturity and strength. Today, it has over 80 regular worshippers. To God be the glory.
Annual Meeting and Ordination in 2010We then focused on training our pastors and church planters to grow multiplying and disciplemaking churches. We prepared our national pastors and leaders through discipleship and equipping training, including Growing Healthy Church (GHC), Equipping The Saints (ETS), and T-NET. These training programmes provided a strong foundation, aligning Methodist teachings and disciplines with the Church Planting (CP) movement. Today, CP has grown and matured with the increasing participation of youths and women. With the foundation established, our Nepal ministry was officially recognised as the Nepal Annual Meeting of the Mission in 2008.
I was fortunate to work with a very dedicated and committed team of missionaries in Nepal who contributed immensely to the growth and development of MCN. Together with them, we experienced faith, perseverance, and providence.

Today, MCN has seven Churches, five Preaching Points, and eight Outreach Points, including CBI and Sophia’s Home ministry.

MCN’s ministry has been through periods of national crises. In 2015, the devastating earthquake resulted in the loss of more than 8000 lives and massive destruction of homes and properties. Together with MCN, MMS responded and provided funds to rebuild the homes of our members and the community, and to repair our churches and Sophia’s Home. Food and other essentials were also provided to the affected families. In early 2020, disaster struck again with the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. Again, we were able to respond promptly by providing relief packages to 372 families and sharing God’s love with the community. By God’s grace and providence, MCN will tide over this pandemic and any other crisis. Our Lord assures us:
“For I know the plans I have for you. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11, NLT
I am glad to have had this special “One Moment in Time” experience in my ministry with MCN. It was a God-given privilege to work with the national pastors, leaders, and missionaries. It was a humbling and learning journey to witness God’s faithfulness to MCN and her leaders. I am confident that they too will experience their “One Moment in Time” personal encounters with God. I firmly believe that with a strong spiritual foundation, MCN leadership are not only people of hope but of victorious faith. I pray that as Methodists in Nepal, they will show perseverance, faithfulness, and tenacity in their journey towards Redeeming Nepal for Christ.
Hey there!
We are planning for a new segment to connect with our children and engage them in missions. We hope that our parents and teachers will find the materials useful. If you have other helpful resources to share, please let us know.
Are you trying to get your children involved in missions? Here are some ways to help you get started.

(A) Pray
When your children say their prayers, encourage them to pray for people who do not know Jesus. To help them get started, they can use these simple prayers to pray for the world in the next five days:
Day 1: Dear God, please help all the people that don’t know You, learn that they are made by You and created to love You. Help me show my friends that they are made by You and that You love them. Amen.
Day 2: Dear God, thank You for always being for me. That means You always do what’s best for me, even when life is sad. Please be with all the people who have never heard about You. Help them hear how You are for them! Amen.
Day 3: Dear God, thank You for always being with me. Please be with people in the world who don’t know You. Please help them know that You are with them always! Amen.
Day 4: Dear God, thank You that Your plan was always for Jesus to rise again so You could draw everyone to Yourself. Please be with all the people in the world that don’t know about Jesus. Please help them hear about You! Please help me tell my friends about You too. Amen.
Day 5: Dear God, thank You for making me with a purpose a mind. Help me use my talents and gifts to praise You and let other people know about You. Amen.
(B) Teach
You can teach your children that there are many people who have not heard the Gospel. Jesus wants His followers to tell other people about Him.
You can tell the stories of missionaries in the New Testament, like Philip (Acts 8), Paul (Acts 13), and Aquila and Priscilla (Acts 18).
You can also share about how Jesus cared for people in physical need as well, by healing them, providing food and commanding His followers to take care of the poor.
(C) Suggest
Let your children suggest ideas to help missionaries or to help the people whom missionaries serve. And, as much as possible, respond positively to their thoughts. Some possible ideas are:
- Raising funds by selling handicraft or snacks, and donating the money.
- Giving a toy to a new friend who has just moved to the neighbourhood.
- Writing letters to a missionary kid, and let him/her know that we are praying for him/her.
(D) Do
Make missions tangible by putting faces to names. Here are some ways you can make it tangible for your children and give them the opportunity to participate in missions:
- Pray for missionaries and their families by name.
- Sponsor a child as a family or class.
- Write letters to a missionary family.
- Make a care package for a missionary kid.
- Save money to donate to missions.
- Volunteer at a local food pantry, or visit a local nursing home.
When faced with the reality that there are people in need in the world, it is comforting to know there is something we can do about it, no matter our age. Teaching our children about the needs of the world, and their ability to help, helps them grow up with an awareness of God’s command to share the Gospel and serve those in need.
(Source: https://team.org/blog/kids-involved-in-missions)
This issue of Harvest Force highlights the theme of “Community Development”.

Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore.
He likes Wesley, his daughter’s cute cat.

The Bible book Ezra-Nehemiah describes three priorities in the development of the community in Jerusalem after the ravages of war with Babylon had left the city in ruins for 70 years. I refer to Ezra-Nehemiah as a single book, following the custom of the Hebrew Bible (unlike the Christian tradition which counts Ezra and Nehemiah as two separate books). The ancient Hebrew scribes (scholars call them Masoretes) included notes at the end of every Bible book, summarizing the total number of verses in every book and indicating which verse marked the book’s mid-point. These notes are found at the end of Nehemiah (but not at the end of Ezra), and the mid-point of the book is indicated as Nehemiah 3:32, which would be accurate only if one regards EzraNehemiah together as one book.
Taking Ezra-Nehemiah together, we can see three major themes: the re-

May God help MMS
building of the Temple in Jerusalem (Ezra 1-6); the teaching of God’s Torah (instructions) (Ezra 7-10); the rebuilding of the walls around Jerusalem (Nehemiah 1-7).
From a chronological perspective, these three events occurred over approximately seventy years, the temple being rebuilt during Haggai’s time (around 516 BC), and the restoration of the city walls being completed during Nehemiah’s time (around 445 BC), with Ezra arriving in Jerusalem to teach the Torah about 13 years earlier (458 BC).
But by highlighting these three major themes together in one book, the inspired writer suggests to us three priorities in the development of the community in Jerusalem after the war had left it in ruins: the rebuilding of the temple for communal Worship, the teaching of God’s Word, and the restoration of the Walls for the protection and Welfare of the people.
These are still the three important priorities in the development of any community: community Worship of God (the spirit), education in God’s Wisdom for life (the mind), and concern for the Welfare of people’s physical needs (the body).
May God help MMS remain faithful in promoting the community development of spirit, mind and body: places of worship for the spirit, schools and wisdom for the mind, and hostels and homes which provide welfare for the body.
remain faithful in promoting the community development of spirit, mind and body
尼希米记放在一起,我们可以看到三大主题:重建耶路撒冷的 圣殿(以斯拉1-6);妥拉的教导;重建耶路撒冷周围的城墙(尼 希米1-7)。从时间角度来看,这三件事前后大约历经七十年。 圣殿是在哈该的时代(约公元前516年)重建,修复的城墙是