3 minute read
from Harvest Force 2022 issue 2
by MMS1
Dy Sokly, Principal of Prek Tual Methodist Kindergarten, Cambodia.
The key goal of Prek Tual Methodist Kindergarten (PTMK) is to educate children from nursery level through to kindergarten until the child enters primary school. The school’s focus is on the growth of the child in all aspects - physical, mental, awareness, and thinking ability. Hopefully, this will translate into their actions in everyday life as they live in the broader community. Educating a child also includes sharing of the Good News of Jesus Christ not only to children but also to their parents and guardians and to society in general. All children, whether they are poor or orphans, or financially better off, are welcome to enter PTMK to receive straightforward but life-changing education.

PTMK began operations in 2008 and is situated in the compound of Prek Tual Methodist Church, next to the site of a former rubbish dump. The pastor of the church who is also PTMK’s chaplain, ministers on a regular basis to empower spiritual growth of the teachers and the children.

Currently, the kindergarten has four classes with a total enrolment of 57. All children at PTMK are cared for by six staff. The children are taught Khmer language, English, and Christian Education which includes a variety of activities, music and movement. A few months ago, a new venture of an after-school English tuition programme in the afternoons was launched for the community children and 24 children participated.

Parents and guardians of each child are also ministered to as teachers and principal make home visits or call to update them on the progress of their child, and to encourage parents to participate in their child’s learning journey. Teachers also listen to the problems or difficulties that some parents and guardians have, and find ways to help and counsel them. The kindergarten also runs programmes where the parents and guardians are invited to attend, for example during Christmas when the Good News is shared. Praise God that the parents and guardians are usually responsive and come for our programmes.

PTMK is grateful to have Barker Road Methodist Church (BRMC) as our partner in ministry and for the support given over the years, which has helped the kindergarten to grow to its current strength. BRMC’s support by way of staff, scholarships for needy children, and its physical presence in pre-COVID-19 times to bring encouragement for all to persevere, improve, and grow, has indeed been a great blessing!

We covet your prayers for guidance from the Lord as we make every effort to improve in bringing in more children, teaching and educating them, ministering to their parents and guardians, and fulfilling the task that the Lord has given to us. We believe God will bless the community in Prek Tual, to experience more growth and to see the next generation increase in knowledge as well as receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. So join your hearts with ours so that we may be a beacon for Jesus here at Prek Tual.