5 minute read
from Harvest Force 2022 issue 2
by MMS1
Carol Ong, MMS Missionary in Cambodia
Juliette Arulrajah, Area Director of Cambodia
The Community Outreach Services – Immanuel Children’s Village (also known as COSI) started operations in 2001 to receive orphans and underprivileged children, to give them an opportunity to have a better life. Since then, there have been about 350 children and youth who have passed through our doors. In May 2021, amidst the pandemic, COSI celebrated its 20th anniversary. This was a testament to the amazing love and faithfulness of our God whose heart is always for the orphans and widows.
Today, COSI continues to take in orphans and underprivileged children who stay with us from ages 6 to 12, until they reach the age of 18 or have completed their Grade 9 education at which point they move on to vocational training or high school whilst staying at COSY Hostel. COSI’s objective is that each child be given an opportunity to grow physically, spiritually, emotionally, in wisdom and stature before God and man, and attain his/her highest God-given potential. We hope that they will become useful citizens of the Kingdom of Cambodia and the Kingdom of God, shining His light wherever He plants them.

Currently, due to Cambodian government policies which advocate fostering of children in families instead of institutions, there are 50 children at COSI with 14 full time staff (mainly house parents who double up in various roles of manager, finance & admin staff, cook, etc.). Notwithstanding these policies, the government recognises that orphanages will still be needed for at least the next 10-15 years. They have given very positive feedback about COSI and send children to us to nurture and care for.

The COSI family
During the pandemic last year, the children and youth studied online in-house on COSI premises as government schools were closed. The local staff and missionaries provided the teaching, guidance and enrichment sessions as they oversaw the academic progress of the children and youth whilst creatively keeping them away from boredom and mischief.

Clearing land and farming
Where extra-curriculum activities were concerned, computer classes were revived with the purchase of 17 new computers from donations we received. The computers not only facilitated online classes but also the acquisition of computer literacy skills for children from Grades 4 to 9.

Enjoying the fruit of their labour
Spiritually, the children continued to have daily doses of vesper time altogether as well as in their family groups, weekly Bible study and prayer times, and corporate worship on Sundays.

Vesper & prayer time
To help the children expend energy, they were all put to work in the garden and farm, clearing the backyard, and growing beautiful flowering plants as well as edible fruits and vegetables which supplemented their daily food. Besides engaging the children constructively, these farming activities cultivated skills for those who are interested or have a flair for farming and are called to be involved in farming in the future.
Mission teams are a vital part in the life of COSI as they provide much input and learning opportunities, enlarging the worldview for the children and youth. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has prevented mission teams from coming on-site. Notwithstanding this interruption, God enabled digital missions to become the launching pad for e-missions, which equipped the staff and students through creative ways of teaching. A team of four Singaporean psychologists trained the house parents over four weeks in early 2021 on how to emotionally engage and empower youth and children. Two Singapore churches (Bedok Methodist Church and Queenstown Chinese Methodist Church) trained COSI residents on “Responsible Decision-Making”, “Healthy and Pure Boy-Girl Relationships”, and “Handling Emotions” over several sessions in the latter half of 2021.
There was a mini ‘crisis’ at COSI earlier in 2022 as 52 of the 65 residents (manager, house parents, staff, youth, and children) were progressively infected with COVID-19 in February. Despite having all safety measures in place, the children caught the virus in school. Our COSI alumni student doctor (who happened to be visiting) together with the manager and our two missionaries managed the situation wisely. They tested the affected ones, brought them food and medicines, and encouraged them. They also ensured that there were safety measures and care for the unaffected. Only one primary level boy was taken to the government treatment centre for 48 hours as he had severe difficulty breathing but was soon sent back to us to recover after he showed signs of improvement.
Partner With COSI
Reach out to the children and youth in creative and loving ways.
Root them in God’s Word as we disciple them.
Raise them with godly values as we nurture them for daily life.
Release them to be godly men and women in the marketplace in the future.
Now that travel restrictions are easing, we invite you to come and play a vital part in building up the young lives at COSI. Come and be a mentor, a big brother or sister to them. Share your life experiences and help them to see that they have God-given potential and that He has a wonderful plan for their lives.