5 minute read
from Harvest Force 2022 issue 2
by MMS1
Carol Loh, MMS Missionary in Cambodia and Tan Li Diang, ex-MMS Missionary in Cambodia
The Post COSI Integration Programme (PCOSIIP) is a programme for children and youth who had earlier resided at COSI and COSY. It aims to help them achieve their maximum potential by going on to tertiary studies or skills training.

The very first batch of PCOSIIP youth with Mr Ong Seow Eng and Dr Tan Poh Kiang of Pentecost Methodist Church.
Since its setting up in 2009, PCOSIIP has blessed and empowered 73 poor and needy children and youths. 35 have graduated with degrees in various fields, with eight graduating with vocational training, and 30 currently undergoing their degree programmes. Six of them have returned to serve at COSI and some in other MMS Cambodia ministries. The majority are serving as God’s ambassadors in various sectors in the marketplace, as teachers, engineers, lawyers, doctors, businessmen, customs officers, administrators, finance executives, accountants, managers, agriculturalists, etc.

The early batch of PCOSIIP youth in 2012
Stringent criteria have been put in place to ensure students of good character and aptitude are selected and interviewed by a team of missionaries to participate in the programme:
- Good academic results throughout their high school and final Grade 12 national examinations, demonstrating consistent academic progress.
- Character and attitude while staying at COSY, in terms of their discipline in their studies, their attitude toward the missionary and staff in COSY, and their relationship with others at COSY.
- Calling, aptitude, and ambition

Graduation of Eang Chanthin. Chanthin was manager for COSI before she got married and moved to Australia
Each of these students are fully supported by sponsors from Singapore. Most of these sponsors have journeyed with these young adults since they were children or youth. MMS is indeed thankful to sponsors and churches who have contributed, individually and collectively, and enabled them to pursue and attain their highest academic achievement.

Graduation of Thav Veasna. Veasna was the COSI manager for two years before joining Trinity Theological College. His wife, Dina, is a COSI alumni and the present COSI manager.
Presently, the sponsored amount covers the following: school fees, living expenses, books, attire (uniform), and dental and medical fees. It has been suggested that the component for living expenses be removed from the third year of their studies. This is to give the students time to get use to the rigours of academic life and living in the city. Many students in Cambodia work part time to support their own studies. MMS wants to train the young adults under their charge to be independent and to take responsibility for their own lives.

Ream Meas (front center) at the Project Khmer Hope doing his Hotel Hospitality course
Those who have graduated and are financially independent are giving back to COSI; they either give financially, however large or small the amounts, or mentor and teach the younger COSI kids. The Alumni Committee was formed in 2018, to organise activities for the alumni who have graduated from COSI. They meet once a month to plan for gatherings like COSI anniversary celebrations and other outreach programmes to the alumni. In May 2019, the committee also organised Run4COSI, a fund-raising event, to coincide with PCOSIIP’s 10th anniversary celebrations, to further increase the financial support for this programme.

Run4COSI fund-raising event in 2019, the first was in 2009

Pov Srey Leak (extreme right standing) in Transform Cambodia
Pov Srey Leak, 29 years old, PCOSIIP graduate, shares:

Pov Srey Leak (left) assisting in baptism
All praise and glory be to God for each and every one of the COSI children whom God has raised through COSI, COSY, and PCOSIIP. Thankful for the help from all our sponsors and partners in ministry who have contributed to the lives of these potential leaders of the next generation in one way or another. Thank you for helping in the capacity building of the nation of Cambodia.

Graduation of Sun Mengtry

Graduation of Pov Srey Leak

Graduation of Kim Pholleang

Linna, our lawyer

Graduation of Chhim Neng, our IT guy

Graduation of Thet Kimthan (left) and Touch Sophorn (right), our two physiotherapists

Sreylen (fourth from left), our architect and DaraReaksmey (third from left), our accountant at the Methodist Centre