Harvest Force 2023 issue 1

Page 18

2023 ISSUE 1




He is not here, for he has risen.

Easter is a day Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on the third day after His crucifixion. It represents Jesus’s victory over death and our blessed hope of eternal life. The resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead propels us into bold missions to the ends of the earth. We have a duty to proclaim to everyone around the world the Good News of Jesus. He is risen; He is alive!

Easter is not just a day; it is the foundation of our faith and the reason for missions.

Although not as widely celebrated in the world as Christmas, Easter is nonetheless a very important day for Christians. In various parts of the world, there are many different ways of celebrating and commemorating Easter. Likewise, in our mission fields, we have different ways of celebrating Easter besides having Good Friday and Easter worship services. Read about these from page 6. In Cambodia, there are the washing of feet, painting of Easter eggs, and re-enacting of scenes from the first Holy Week. In Nepal, there are the matching rally and the donating of blood. In Thailand, there are the Easter egg hunt, Sunrise service, and food distribution to communities. In Timor-Leste, there are dance and drama by the children, and a communal potluck meal. In Vietnam, there is the tradition of baptism.

Bishop Dr Gordon Wong writes on page 32 that Easter is about the incredible transformation from darkness and death to light and life. We are encouraged to bring the message of Easter to everyone and everywhere in word and works. On page 2, Rev Derrick Lau exhorts us to Recap occasions when we were faced with situations that required divine intervention, and when God was faithful, just, and loving, and was always near to listen to our cries. And after we Receive God’s grace, comfort, and strength, we shall Rejoice in Christ.

May this Easter be a time of personal encounter with the resurrection power so that we will be galvanised to tell people around the world that Jesus is risen; He is alive!

Hello! Have a story to share? Email mms@methodist.org.sg Your article may be edited for length, style, and clarity. Let us know! If you need the magazine to be printed in larger font size, please let us know by emailing to mms@methodist.org.sg

Methodist Missions Society (MMS) is the missions agency of The Methodist Church in Singapore. MMS is given the mandate to establish indigenous churches supported by mission endeavours in communities across this region where there is no Methodist presence. Harvest Force is published three times annually and distributed free. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. Work in Creative Access Nations is not published; please email mms@methodist.org.sg for more information and engagement. All information published is correct at time of writing and may be subject to change. All Scripture quoted is based on the English Standard Version, unless otherwise stated.

PERMIT NUMBER MCI (P) 020/01/2023


Rev Derrick Lau




Wendy Tan


Goh Tuan Gee


Henry Wang, Thng Pheng Soon


Carol Loh, Cheryl Chen, Dorothy Lee, Henry Yeo, Jessie Chan, Karen Liew, Leslie Lim, Lyndon Gan, Rupa Magar


Eileen Lim, Helen Tan, Tan Poh Ling & Volunteers


5Stones Pte Ltd


Print & Print Pte Ltd


Rev Derrick Lau

70 Barker Road #06-01, The Methodist Centre Singapore 309936

Tel: 6478 4818


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COVER “But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds we are healed.”




g Recap Receive Rejoice




g Country Information

g Opportunities to Serve



g Easter in Cambodia

g Celebrating Good Friday and Easter in Nepal

g Easter in Thailand

g Easter and my Faith: A Timorese student’s perspective

g Easter in Vietnam


Our Gifts For Missions



g MMS Family

g MMS Leaders’ Summit 2022

g MMS Missionary Retreat 2022



g Towards being the Agency of Choice

g What do heroes look like?



g Children’s Easter Bible Trivia Questions



g The Message and Mission of Easter

Digital Illustration. Richard Soh ISSUE 01



Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, (Luke 24:46)

and I encourage you to read the testimonies of lives transformed by Christ (www.mms.org.sg/ projectmetamorphosis).

Pastor Derrick is officially retired as at end 2022, having served 38 years in pastoral ministry. From the new year 2023, he was re-engaged on an annual basis. He is honoured and privileged to continue the ministry of preaching the Word and administering the Holy Sacraments, as well as mobilising the church to reach the nations.

As we celebrate Easter 2023, let us RECAP the scene where Mary and some ladies were standing outside the tomb where Jesus was buried. They were grieved at the crucifixion and death of Jesus whom they had come to love and cherish. They were ministered by Him particularly in their struggle with life’s situations such as sickness, pain, and death of their loved ones. They had witnessed and experienced for themselves the power and presence of God through the ministry of Jesus, and hence were understandably devastated by His death.

Similarly, many of us have had experienced the reality of God’s love through the Word of God, and the ministry and mission of the church. We recap occasions when we were faced with situations that required divine intervention, and when God was faithful, just, and loving, and was always near to listen to our cries.

While the ladies stood outside the tomb, they had an incredible encounter that profoundly transformed their lives. An angel informed them that Jesus was no longer in the tomb, but instead, that He had risen from the dead! (Mark 16:6) At that moment, they would invariably recall the conversations that they had with Jesus concerning his death and resurrection. Their spirits were transformed from fear and discouragement to faith and courage in the Risen Christ! We praise God that MMS reaches out to 7 countries in our region,

Let us then RECEIVE the promises of God as revealed in the Holy Scriptures as well as from those who had witnessed and shared the power of Christ’s resurrection. In Romans 5:17, Paul tells us, “For if, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ.” May we then receive through the Risen Christ, the abundance of God’s grace and that in our grief, may Christ comfort our hearts, strengthen us in our weakness, and encourage us as we serve His Holy mission.

This Easter, I pray that we shall also REJOICE in the Risen Christ for through His resurrection, He has overcome the sting of death!

(1 Corinthians 15:56,57) We shall live triumphantly and serve as Christ ambassadors, sharing this awesome message of hope to the nations!

As the travel corridors are opened globally, there will be opportunities to share His love, especially with those who are burdened with sin and darkness, conflict and war.

Together with my Staff, ExCo members, and our families, we wish you a Blessed Easter 2023!

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

(1 Corinthians 15:56-57)

As the travel corridors are opened globally, there will be opportunities to share His love.

回顾 领受 欢欣

照经上所写的,基督必受害,第三日从死里复活 (路加福音 24:46)

在我们庆祝2023年复活节的同时,让我们回顾当年玛利亚 和几个妇女站在主耶稣墓穴外的情景。她们从耶稣的身上学会 爱人及珍惜善待身边的人,为耶稣的受难舍命感到悲痛。在她

们面对生命里种种困境,与病痛挣扎、肉体的痛楚、亲人的死亡 时,主都在当中服事她们。从耶稣的服事中她们见证并经历了 上帝的大能和同在,因此,对基督的死感到悲慨是可以理解的!

同样的,我们当中许多人都曾经在神的话语、教会的服侍 中,切身经历过神的大爱。回顾我们身陷困境求神开恩的时候, 上帝的信实、公正、慈悲和怜悯总是不离不弃,祂总是时刻在倾 听我们的呼求。

出现妇人眼前的那一幕,彻底扭转了她们的生命:有天使 对她们说:“耶稣不在这里,祂已经复活了。”(马可福音16:6

)那一刻,她们想起主耶稣向她们提及自己将受死并从死里 复活,于是她们的心境就从恐惧灰心转变为对耶稣的复活充 满信心和振奋。感谢赞美主,卫理宣教会在本区域七个国家 开展事工,触及当地人的生命。我鼓励您浏览以下网页,阅读 在这些国家中被主转变生命的见证。(www.mms.org.sg/ projectmetamorphosis)。

让我们领受圣经中上帝的应许都得到应验,以及见证人分 享基督复活大能的确据。正如罗马书

又蒙所赐之义的,岂不更要因耶稣基督一人在他们生命中掌权 吗?”愿我们都领受复活的主带给我们的丰盛恩典,在我们悲痛 之余,愿基督安抚我们的心灵、坚固我们的软弱,激励我们坚持完 成祂的大使命。

今年的复活节,我祝祷大家都会为主基督的复活欢欣,因为祂 已经战胜死的毒钩(哥林多前书 15:56-57)。因此,我们当活在基 督得胜的欢欣中,作基督福音的使者,与万国万民分享带给我们 永生盼望的信息。

随着国际旅游通道的开放,我们将有更多机会分享主的大爱, 尤其是向被罪恶和黑暗势力辖制的人民,在冲突中和漫天烽火中 等待黎明的黎民。

我连同卫宣同工,执行委员会成员和我们的家人,祝大家2023 年复活节蒙恩纳福!

死的毒钩就是罪,罪的权势就是律法。感谢神,使我们借着我 们的主耶稣基督得胜!(哥林多前书15:56-57)

5:17所说,“若因一人的过犯,死就 因这一人掌权,那些受洪恩



The fields are ready for harvesting – but there are so few labourers. In the seven countries that MMS serves, we continue to be in need of the following:

• Full-time missionaries. We are asking the Lord to send pastors, church planters, ministry workers, mentors, and teachers.

• Short-term workers who are able to spend between two weeks and six months there to help our missionaries. They would need to raise their own financial support.

• Prayer partners to pray for our ministries and missionaries.

What to do if you sense the LORD calling you into His mission field:

• Speak with your pastor and ask him/her to help examine your calling to missions.

• If your church pastor and leaders affirm your calling and are prepared to support you – praise the Lord! Call MMS straight away at 64784818.

• If your church pastor and leaders affirm your calling but are unable to provide full financial support for you – call MMS anyway! Some of our missionaries are supported by the combined efforts of multiple Methodist churches, agencies, and individuals.


You can also come alongside us as Mission Partners and Volunteers (MPV) at home, to encourage and empower God’s work and workers to incarnate the love of Jesus Christ and to make a difference in the mission fields.

Communications & Publications

• English-Chinese Translator

• Photographer or Videographer

• Graphic Designer

• Web Designer


Office Assistance

• MMS Events Coordinator

• Member of Fund Raising Team

• Member of Fellowship Mailer Team


To find out more about the different fields, please email these persons at their respective email addresses:

Cambodia mms@methodist.org.sg

East Asia mms@methodist.org.sg

Laos mms@methodist.org.sg

Nepal noel.tam@methodist.org.sg

Thailand jeremy.choo@methodist.org.sg

Timor-Leste cheryl.chen@methodist.org.sg

Vietnam noel.tam@methodist.org.sg

Financial Assistance

• Give towards Student Sponsorship Scheme. Please refer to page 19.

g Personnel needed (whatever talents, skills, experience, age, etc.) to empower local Cambodians especially children, youth, young adults in varied ways including disciple-making in our different ministries (COSI, COSY, Hope House, different Hostels, etc.)

g Secondary and primary school teachers to teach as well as empower teachers at the Methodist School of Cambodia especially in English, IT, Science, Mathematics, etc.

g Financial Support for more than 200 underprivileged children (about a quarter of enrolment) studying at the Methodist School of Cambodia through the SSS programme.

For more information about these opportunities, kindly contact us via email at mms@methodist.org.sg. Be in prayer with us as we seek God’s direction to challenge and mobilise our Methodist community to serve Christ.


g Online ministries to teach, befriend and empower local Cambodians

g Prayer and financial supporters for pastors of the Methodist Church of Cambodia, whose income is below the national minimum wage.

East Asia

g A missionary with a passion and commitment to serve in our Diaspora Missions (DM) to reach out to Chinese tertiary students (华侨 & 华裔) on campuses. One who loves the Lord and has a passion to engage tertiary students and initiate outreach activities to bring them the good news and to disciple believers. The missionary will be based in Bangkok, Thailand.

g Trainers to conduct leadership development and counselling courses.

g Church teams to engage communities through medical services, community services, and development projects.

g A volunteer to serve at MMS to support East Asia missions and projects.


g Experienced current or former Singapore Principal, Vice-Principal, or Head of Department to serve as Principal of the Singapore Mission School from third quarter of 2023.

g Fulltime personnel to serve in Singapore Mission School (SMS) and develop partnerships.

g Kindergarten and Primary teachers familiar with the Singapore curriculum to teach at SMS. Teachers can opt to serve a one-year term or longer.


g Donors and sponsors for the Sophia’s Home girls who are continuing their studies in the various disciplines in the local university in Kathmandu. This enables them to complete their professional studies, be financially independent, serve their communities and MCN, and be a blessing to many.

g Trainers to conduct online training on Discipleship, Financial Stewardships and Spiritual Leadership.

g A missionary to serve in Nepal.


g Short-term helpers to organise programmes and activities for BB, GB and Children’s ministry at Rangsit Methodist Church, Shineforth Methodist Church, and Song-Roi Phee tuition centre.

g Qualified Kindergarten and Primary level teachers to conduct teachers’ training at Vineyard Methodist School and Little Candles school. Focus areas are English and Mathematics.

g Mission teams to conduct evangelistic events, community services, etc with our Methodist churches.


g St Paul Methodist School (SPMS): Short-term missioners to run BB/GB camps, and skills and enrichment training programme (eg IT, art, study skills, etc). Volunteers willing to teach in SPMS for a month to a year; experienced teachers to mentor local teachers in basic curriculum design and instructional strategies for at least a month.

g SPMS Digital Tuition: Teach Secondary level English and Mathematics once a week over Zoom from March/April to October 2023.

g Sundermeier Home: Short-term missioners to provide English, Science, or Mathematics coaching for Grade 1012 hostelites.

g Dunamis House: Volunteers skilled in business management, supply chain, logistics, or other business expertise to offer training courses, coaching, or mentoring to tertiary/vocational students over Zoom.

g Seeking volunteers to serve as house parents for Sundermeier Home and Dunamis House for a year or more. Retired couples willing to be “re-fired” to serve God in the mission field are welcome!


g A tentmaker (with at least a Diploma in Bible and Christian Ministries) to be a pastoral assistant or a small group leader. Or a tentmaker (without theological training) to lead a small group. A business entrepreneur, social entrepreneur, qualified TEFL/TESOL teachers, or someone with a willing heart to learn and understudy at International Christian Fellowship and MMS-International NGO.

g Volunteers to provide short-term relief teaching or organise learning camps for private school and home for children (kindergarten/primary level). A team to consist no more than four people.

g Teach English at Sunrise Girls Shelter and Sunlight Boys Shelter.

g Urgently looking for business-minded Christians to set up businesses like tuition centre, Christian crematorium, etc. and bring in ministry staff under their umbrella.

Exploration of New Geographical Missions Partnerships (NewGMP)

g MMS is exploring collaborative partnerships with local Methodist churches in countries such as Indonesia and Myanmar.

g If the Lord is leading you to serve in places beyond the seven countries where MMS has some form of ministry, please get in touch with us.



In the Christian calendar, Easter is an important event that follows after the commemoration of Good Friday. In most parts of the world, the church places equal emphasis on Easter and Christmas. In some places, Easter is given more emphasis as this is the hope for all Christians to eternal reconciliation with God. As Paul puts it so emphatically, - without the resurrection of the Lord Jesus our faith would be in vain (1 Corinthians 15:17).

However, as the church In Cambodia is relatively young, Christmas is much more celebrated than Easter. Also, Easter usually falls in April which is about the same time as the Khmer New Year. As such, for some years in COSI, the children did not get to celebrate Easter as they were home for the Khmer New Year. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, they were unable to go home and so we were able to celebrate Easter together. The events leading to Easter include Palm Sunday and Good Friday. On Palm Sunday, the children waved palm leaves as they sang songs of praise. The children spent the Holy Week going through the last week of the life of Jesus on earth. During vespers, they acted out the different scenes culminating in the final foot-washing, denial of Jesus, and the crucifixion. They also made crosses to symbolise Jesus’ love and sacrifice. On Easter morning, they listened to the Easter message during the worship service. And they ended the service with activities like the drawing out the scene of the resurrection and the painting of Easter eggs.

Last Easter, Glory Trinity Methodist Church members offered food and packed them as gifts to donate to the poor and needy in the community. The Prek Ompel Methodist Church commemorated Good Friday with foot-washing and an Easter service of praise and worship. At The Third Place at Odem and Antioch Methodist Church, the church members gave out Easter eggs beautifullypainted by the youth and children to passers-by after the Easter service. They took the opportunity to share the message of Easter with them.

Carol Loh MMS Country Director of Cambodia.
To destress, she shops at the supermarket.
The yearly commemoration of Good Friday and celebration of Easter is a reminder of God’s love and hope for humanity.
Good Friday foot-washing at Prek Ompel Methodist Church. Easter eggs.

Most churches took the time to fellowship over an Easter meal after the worship services.

Last year, at the Methodist School of Cambodia, the students were taught about Good Friday and Easter during the Christian Education classes. Throughout the week, the Chaplain shared Holy Week stories during the morning School Assembly. The students celebrated Easter by singing praise songs and the Chaplain shared the message on the Risen Lord. In the past, before the pandemic, special programmes with sights and sounds were used to help the students have an indelible impression on the events leading to Good Friday and Easter. For example, when the story on the betrayal of Judas was told, the sound of the counting of coins was used. When the story of Mary anointing the feet of Jesus was told, the room was sprayed with perfume. Ropes were used to show how Jesus was tied to the cross. And on the final crucifixion day, a big cross

was placed in the room for the students to write the bad things they did and to stick them onto the cross as a way of confession. Then, they would move to another room where candles were lighted up and they would kneel to reflect on what the Lord Jesus had done on the cross. Then they would say a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the forgiveness of their sins. Upon coming out of the room, an ‘angel’ would proclaim to them that the Lord Jesus had risen as they were ushered to an empty room signifying the resurrection of the Lord. They would rejoice and march on to the church sanctuary in the school where an Easter service would be held with the singing of hymns and songs of praises, and a message given by the Chaplain.

In Phnom Penh, concerts were organised by Christian organisations to celebrate Easter. In one of the concerts organised by the Evangelical Fellowship of Cambodia and the Far East Broadcasting

Corporation, about 800 people attended the three-hour long Easter celebration. It was said that some churches which had not celebrated Easter before started to do so for the first time with the awareness of Easter after such concerts.

The death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus is the foundation of the Christian faith to an eternal relationship with Him. The yearly commemoration of Good Friday and the celebration of Easter is a reminder of God’s love and hope for people everywhere who would believe and accept this truth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May the light of the resurrected Lord be the shining ray of eternal hope for the Cambodians.

“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die.” (John 11:25,26)

Easter celebrations at Prek Ompel Methodist Church.
Easter blessings at Glory Trinity Methodist Church.


Rupa graduated from Sophia’s Home and she is now serving in Wesley Bardan Methodist Church. She is also the Deputy Editor of MCN Herald and will be completing her tertiary studies in Journalism this year.

Singing and music fill the air long before a train of Christians is seen at one corner of the road. Some holding banners, some playing the guitar, tambourine, or madal (a Nepalese folk musical instrument), and some dancing. All of them joyfully singing hymns with their loudest voices in praise and worship. Spectators at first guess it to be part of the usual ethnic festivals but wonder at the different songs being sung and the banners displaying messages that are not normally seen. This leads them to ask questions as they all want to know what is going on. This then provides a divine opportunity for us to share His message - that this event is a display of the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, our Lord. It is a celebration where we Christians aim to spread the joy of experiencing the love of Jesus and to touch hearts with the gospel of love. This is what our annual national Easter Rally is all about!

The season of Lent in Nepal, for those who wish to be a part of it, begins with fasting and praying for 40 days. Churches all over Kathmandu valley follow a prayer guide for daily prayers. The Holy Week preceding Good Friday and Easter is filled with evening services and sermons on the events leading to Jesus’s crucifixion.

On Good Friday, the evening service starts with people mostly wearing black attire. It is not a rule but a show of respect. The sermon message is different on Good Friday as seven different speakers share briefly on the topic with different highlights regarding Christ’s crucifixion. After the series of sermons, the movie “The Passion of Christ” is shown or the clips of it leading to the crucifixion of Jesus. It heartbreakingly reminds us of God’s love and sacrifice for us. The service then ends in prayer and gratefully-shed tears.

Easter is a hugely anticipated day for Nepali

Easter is a hugely anticipated day for Nepali Christians mostly because of the rally. That said, rising early for the morning sunrise service and for baptism in the afternoon is a huge part of the day too. Celebrations start with the sunrise service which includes praise and worship, sermon, and prayer. They begin setting out for the rally after breaking fast.

The journey starts with a single church group walking, singing, and dancing. Along the rally route, the other churches join in. And eventually, a long train of people forms. Each church sings different hymns and dances to its own beat. Each proclaims Christ’s resurrection to the world.

The rally is a programme for all the churches in Kathmandu valley to gather and celebrate Easter. It is a time when worship, dances, sermons, songs, and blood donations are conducted at an open ground for about three hours. However, this programme was not conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic period as Easter was celebrated online. This year, we look forward to having it once again in the streets of Kathmandu.

The celebration continues with baptism services that takes place in the afternoon at the churches. Those who are baptised are being prayed for, blessed, and congratulated. The

afternoon baptism feast is a joyous one with church members sharing their own baptism experiences and joys, and praising God for the newlysaved souls. The blessed day ends with prayer for souls that are yet to be saved, to be ready for harvest.

We are thankful to God for being able to share the Good News in such a vibrant and meaningful way to the people in Kathmandu, and by all the believers from all the different churches in Kathmandu.

To God be the Glory!



Unlike Christmas, when most churches will conduct indoor and outdoor evangelistic events, Easter is a celebrated on a much smaller scale and within the walls of the church.

Generally, the celebration starts with a Good Friday service in the evening of the Friday before Easter.

Easter Sunday in Thailand normally begins with a sunrise service. Some churches will congregate at a park or a quiet place before sunrise.

The other classic activity is the so-called Easter-egg hunt which is held right after sunrise services on Easter Sunday. For the bigger churches, it is more challenging to conduct the egg hunt so they will just hand out the eggs to church members.

He is an avid runner who runs 10km regularly.

At Nong Bua Lumphu Methodist Church, Easter is a time to share the love of Christ by giving out cooked meals to some of the poorer villagers.

At the Rangsit Methodist Church, the Easter Sunday service comes with a simple skit re-enacting the first Easter.

Easter is a time to share the love of Christ.
For Little Candles Methodist Church, Easter Sunrise service in a member’s home in Phrao.
Giving out cooked meals at Nong Bua Lumphu Methodist Church. Hunting for Easter eggs. Sunrise service at Shineforth Methodist Church. Good Friday-cum-Holy Communion service at Shineforth Methodist Church. Re-enacting the resurrection scene at Rangsit Methodist Church.
Song-Roi Phee Methodist Church giving away daily necessities to the poor.


I am a volunteer with the St Paul Methodist School (SPMS) Digital Tuition programme. And as Easter is around the corner, I gave my student this writing assignment. May you be blessed by Pedriana’s personal reflection on Easter.

Hi, my name is Pedriana. I’m 13 years old. I study at SPMS. My Daddy is a pastor and my Mom is a teacher. I have two siblings, Joshua and Joel. Joshua is 11 years old and Joel is a 1-year-old baby. We live in Dili, the Capital of Timor-Leste.

How do you know Jesus?

Karen Liew

Karen works in an IT company and worships at Wesley Methodist Church with her husband, Tzin Yih, and their 17-year-old son, Matthew. She loves to read, normally two at the same time (one in Chinese and one in English). She is also mum to three large black cats. Just one cat short of being a crazy cat lady.

I was born into a Christian family and my father is a pastor. So I grow up learning and knowing about Jesus through the preaching and devotion that we do every day. I read the Bible at home and I also join in the church’s activities and fellowship. In my school, we learn God’s word every day as we do devotions before we start the day and end the day with prayer. Every week, we have a new bible verse to study. Every Friday, we have praise and worship time and our principal, or sometimes other people, will share God’s word with us. We also have other activities like Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade where we go camping. Through all these, I get to know more and more about God every day.

Why do Christians celebrate Good Friday and Easter?

Christians celebrate Good Friday and Easter because we want to give thanks and to remember what Jesus has done for us. It is all about how Jesus sacrificed Himself and replaced us in dying on the cross for our sin and to give us freedom. Man sinned against God and gave away

the authority to rule over the world to Satan in the Garden of Eden. But because God loves the world so much, He gave Jesus to die on the cross for us. The Bible also says that the wages of sin is death, so Jesus came back as man and as God to die on the Cross. He has taken that authority from Satan and now He rules over the heavens and the earth. And He has overcome the power of death so now we are free.

That’s why Christians celebrate the death and the resurrection of Christ because it means a lot to us. If Jesus didn’t die on the cross and rise up from the dead, we would not know the truth and we will die because of our sins. So, we want to give thanks and worship Him because He deserves it.

To me, Easter is a day of victory because Jesus rose up from death.

How do Christians celebrate Easter in Timor-Leste?

In Timor-Leste, different churches celebrate Easter in different ways. In our church, we gather together with our Christian family to worship and praise God. We can also bring our new friends or family to church to know the truth about Jesus. The pastor will share the Gospel and sometimes the kids will perform a dance or a drama. Each family will cook some food and bring it to the church, and we will eat together to celebrate Easter.

Easter is a victory day because Jesus rose up from death.

This Easter, I invite you to consider how you can be involved in serving the nations. I first heard the term “Digital Missions” from an article similar to this that was published in the Methodist Message. After reading about the home-based tutoring programme with SPMS in Timor-Leste, I felt that it was something I could do.

When I attended the first briefing for volunteers in 2022, I had some doubts as many of the volunteers were current or retired educators, and I was one of the few non-teachers in the group, with zero experience in teaching. But I prayed and asked God to lead me, guide me and enable me despite my inexperience and lack of qualifications.

I was assigned to tutor two sweet 13-year-old girls in English. I found them to be more mature than most 13-year-olds I know and it was a great pleasure to interact with them. I am no teacher and have no “syllabus” to follow so I had to pray and seek God’s help to show me what to do each week.

So, what did we do? We read books – both fiction and non-fiction, and discussed the characters and the plots. “My girls” are interested in Science-related topics so we explored the solar system, marine biology, space travel, women scientists, and sharks. For some reason, all three of us love reading and learning about sharks!

We read passages from the Bible and we prayed together. We had great fun playing online word games. We talked about life in Timor-Leste, life in Singapore and in essence, established a relationship. I believe they were able to trust me enough to share their concerns so I could pray for

them, their families, and even their pets!

Did they learn something from me during these months? I certainly hope so, but I was also greatly blessed by them. During these weekly sessions, I learnt so much from them, not just about Timor-Leste but also their perspective of the world and not to take simple things like internet connectivity for granted. They taught me about hard work, perseverance, patience, and creativity.

Every week, I would have an interesting or funny story to share with my Small Group (SG) in church about the latest session with “my girls”. This eventually led to our SG sponsoring one non-residential and eight residential students in TimorLeste. Our SG is no stranger to the Student Sponsorship Scheme (www.

mms.org.sg/sss) in MMS as we have been sponsoring 16-17 students from the Methodist School of Cambodia since 2000. Most of the children were in primary school when we started the sponsorship, and we have seen them grow up over the years. Two of the little boys are now young men in University!

We are so proud and privileged to be able to journey together with the children as they mature and grow in wisdom and stature. And I am glad to have the opportunity to be more involved in missions through tutoring “my girls” in Timor-Leste! May you find your own way to bless the nations with all that God has blessed you with!

Children enjoying outreach programmes.
Zoom sessions with the girls.


Once upon a time in the Western Christianised countries, Easter was when Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, on the third day after His death. The tradition of gifting eggs symbolises “new beginnings”. They may no longer celebrate Easter for that reason. Yet to others in different countries where Christianity is not a major religion, Easter is not a public celebration at all. Amusingly, Easter may just be for them buying coloured eggs in decorated boxes and learning to appreciate hot cross buns!

This Easter season offers International Christian Fellowship (ICF) an opportunity to reflect on and renew our faith. Therefore, in our own tradition, we have baptism on Easter Service. It is a very suitable time for our new believers to identify with the death of their old self to sin and to rise up to a new life of faith in Christ Jesus.

He is excited to welcome all the COVID-19 kids – those physically conceived and spiritually born again during the pandemic.

Easter is a time of renewal and new beginnings. It is not about eggs nor hot cross buns. The celebration of Easter is about the Christ who died but resurrected from the dead. He is alive forever more! He has triumphed over death, the greatest enemy of mankind. Death is not the end of our existence. Those who believe in Christ as their risen Saviour will be spending eternity with Him. That is our blessed hope.

What a wonderful Easter gift - the gift of new beginnings!

May you be renewed by the power of the Holy Spirit that raises Jesus from the dead and be filled with the glorious hope for the Lord Jesus to return.

Easter is a time of renewal and new beginnings.
2022 Easter baptism of Jorlan who is from the Philippines. 2021 Easter baptism of baby Jordan who is a miracle son for his parents from the United States. 2022 Easter baptism of a member from Australia who received Christ during the COVID-19 lockdown. 2021 Easter baptism of baby Joe who survived COVID-19. 2021 Easter baptism of Trina Sipetu and baby Tiffany. Trina and her husband are from Indonesia.
Baptised members of ICF are from near and far including countries like Australia and Philippines.


MMS celebrated her 30th Anniversary in 2022 and it was opportune for MMS to hold a Leaders’ Summit to review and renew MMS’ vision. 44 key mission leaders including MMS ExCo members, Area and Country Directors, School Board Chairpersons, Finance, Personnel, Training and Education Committee members, and key missionaries from Cambodia, East Asia, Laos, Nepal, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam gathered for a 3-day dialogue held at Changi Cove from 18 to 20 August. Taken from Leviticus 6:12-13, the submit theme was ‘Keep the Fire Burning’.

A novel feature of this summit is that it was conducted in a hybrid mode. Proceedings were screened live via Zoom to six overseas participants in Nepal, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam who could not fly into Singapore due to the high travel cost at that time. They also joined in the breakout room (BOR) discussions with the onsite participants. A scribe was assigned to each BOR session and it was indeed a learning experience for the organisers, facilitators, and scribes to handle the mixed dynamics and technicalities involved in this hybrid format.

Changi Cove’s Incubator Conference Centre at the third level served our purposes well for it was spacious. The different tables that needed to be on Zoom during the BOR sessions could be spaced apart to avoid digital interference.

Rev Dr Andrew Peh, a lecturer in mission at Trinity Theological College, was the Leaders’ Summit keynote speaker. He set our sights forward in his address “Looking Ahead – Global Mission Trends”, pointing out 21 key trends,

Woo Li Chun MMS volunteer since 2018. She is currently the Country Coordinating Officer for Laos. On the side, Li Chun is also a food rescuer with a volunteer group “Divert for 2nd Life”.
Day 1 group photo with Bishop Dr Gordon Wong (seated centre).

emphasising that missions must be integral, including the renewal of all things and healing of the brokenness and alienation of all things in heaven and earth. He stressed that the future of missions will be indigenous and polycentric. Though we embrace the use of technology to WIT-ness, it must go hand-in-hand with WITH-ness.

Mr Alvin Tan, Chairman of MMS ExCo, spoke on the challenges associated with presenting MMS as an Agency of Choice to the local churches. (Read more about this topic of Agency of Choice on page 25.) He highlighted the value of partnership, collaboration, sharing of resources, and addressing issues such as governance, accountability, and sustainability.

Both Dr Stanley Ling, Advisor to SIM East Asia, and Rev Benjamin Lee, Pastor-in-charge of Toa Payoh Methodist Church, spoke on the challenges and opportunities for Singapore-based churches to reach out in partnership, recruiting missionaries, as well as motivating and equipping National Leaders to

take on greater ownership and driving roles.

A lively panel discussion moderated by Rev Derrick Lau with Dr Ling and Rev Lee, Mr Tan Hua Joo, Chinese Annual Conference Board of Missions Chair, and Col (Ret) Quek Koh Eng, MMS Field Director, gave the audience much food for thought and discussion during the BORs.

Over the three days, overviews of the key challenges in the areas of Training, Education, Finance, and Personnel were given by various MMS and guest speakers. Dr Richard Seow, Mr Eddie Liew, and Mr Michael Khor are our long-serving volunteers in MMS’ Education, Finance, and Personnel Committees respectively.

Active participation in the BORs ensued as participants dwelt into the key challenges and opportunities faced by MMS’ twin-pronged strategy of Church Planting and Community Development. Discussions on issues with regard to growth, sustainability, and capacity building in the fields elicited many suggestions and ideas.

Dr Cheah emphasised the importance of engagement with clear communication and sustainability of ministry multiplication, mobilising of manpower and member care, means and resources.
Day 3 group photo.

Indeed, nurturing and developing National Leaders, and ensuring financial and operational sustainability are keys towards achieving self-sustainability. The aim is to progress MMS’ ministries from the Pioneering stage to the Parenting stage, to the Partnership stage, and finally to the Participation stage (ref. the 4P’s growth strategy) as MMS hands over the ministries to national leaders or partners.

Establishing Methodist mission schools has long been a legacy and heritage spearheaded by the Methodist Church in Singapore. Participants had a wonderful opportunity to hear first-hand from three MMS School Board (SB) Chairpersons in a panel discussion moderated by Col (Ret) Quek on their experiences. Dr Eileen Aw (Singapore Mission School in Laos), Mr Ong Teong Hoon (Methodist School of Cambodia), and Dr Lionel Lee (Vineyard and Little Candles School in Thailand) gave insightful views on balancing selfsustainability with the mission of reaching out with education to the needy and marginalised. The schools need to fulfil their professional obligation of giving a good education and nurturing upright citizens. However, the greater challenge is to establish the Christian identity of the school (mission-centredness of the school) and to encourage her students to be witnesses and beacons of generosity to the community.

In his daily consolidation of key points for the Summit, Dr Christopher Cheah, Chairman of the 30th Anniversary Organising Committee, said he could “feel the fire burning!” and emphasised the importance of engagement with clear communication and

sustainability of ministry multiplication, mobilising of manpower and member care, means and resources.

In his summary address, Rev Derrick Lau, MMS Executive Director, exhorted that MMS together with all her partners will continue ‘BURNING’ for missions:

BURNING AS COALS, TOGETHER: Coals must burn continually, together (Leviticus 6:13).


Be mindful that it is God who builds.

REDISCOVER OUR WESLEYAN HERITAGE: Personal & social holiness.


Collaborative partnerships, strategies, governance, communication.

INDIGENOUS NATURE OF MMS MISSION: Need to be culturally sensitive and relevant.



Making disciples of all nations, moving the 4 Ps, care for missionaries.

After the three-day summit, MMS had an intensive period of reviewing the key themes highlighted. These were encapsulated into MMS’ Strategic Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Action Plans which will form the basis for the MMS roadmap over the next three to five years, together with an organisational restructure.

(Clockwise from left) MMS Chairman, Alvin Tan; Chairman of MMS 30th Anniversary Celebrations, Dr Christopher Cheah; MMS Executive Director, Rev Derrick Lau; Chairman of Leaders’ Summit, Col (Ret) Quek Koh Eng
One of the many breakout rooms which included online participants via Zoom.


We would like to support MMS so that the Good News of Jesus Christ can be proclaimed to the ethnic Cambodians, Lahus, Laotians, Nepalese, Thais, Timorese and Vietnamese, by giving to:

General Donation (where it is most needed)

Crisis Relief Fund (General)

Rev Dr Clarence Lim Missionary Development Fund

Student Sponsorship Scheme (Non-Residential)* General @ S$45 per month

Cambodia / Laos / Nepal / Thailand / Timor-Leste

Student Sponsorship Scheme (Residential)* General @ S$110 per month

[ ] COSI (Cambodia)

[ ] COSY (Cambodia)

[ ] Sophia’s Home (Nepal)

[ ] Mettakij Hostel (Thailand)

[ ] Term Fun Home (Thailand)

[ ] Sundermeier Home (Timor-Leste)

Cambodia Church Planting Ministry

Staff & Ministry Support

Methodist School of Cambodia COSI

Post COSI Integration Programme National Pastors


East Asia Ministry Support


Staff & Ministry Support

Community Development


Community Development Staff & Ministry Support

Sponsorship and donations of tertiary studies for:

- Sophia’s Home girls

- Pastors’ children

Thailand Staff & Ministry Support

Little Candles School Building Fund

Students Bursary Fund for VMS & LCS

Ministry Vehicle for Payakapum Methodist Church


Staff & Ministry Support

St Paul Methodist School Building Fund


Vietnam Children’s Fund

Community Support Fund

Printing And Postage Cost

Harvest Force, PrayerConnect, etc.

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*For more information on the Student Sponsorship Scheme, please login to http://www.mms.org. sg/sss


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the LORD
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We welcome our latest Missionary, Dorothy Lee. She is appointed to Thailand with effect from 1 January 2023. She is teaching at Little Candles School and serving at the Little Candles Methodist Church in Phrao.


Greetings in the mighty name of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. I am Dorothy Lee, a member at Charis Methodist Church. I’ll be heading out to Phrao, Thailand, God-willing, in the near future. Being a trained English teacher with many years of TOEFL under my belt, I hope to render my services at the Little Candles Methodist Primary School when it begins in May 2023. Currently, I am learning the Thai language and culture so as to hit the ground running (hopefully!).

Dear Lord, we commit Dorothy to You as she serves You and the Thai people. We pray for Your anointing and protection as she goes about her ministry. May Your manifold grace and love cover her. May she experience favour from You and the people around her. Amen.



Finally, we can travel! MMS Missionaries and their families from across the MMS mission fields, representatives from the Personnel Committee, MMS Team, and guest speakers gathered at Pattaya Park Beach Resort, Thailand, from 23 to 25 August 2022 for our once-everytwo-years MMS Missionary Retreat.

The MMS Missionary Retreat 2022 Committee organised a three-day event, focusing on the theme of ONE-derful which acronym meant:

Oasis - feel rested

She worships at Grace Assembly of God. She is a foodie and enjoys travelling.

Navigate - movement and alignment towards a unified direction

Empower - serving together

The theme verse was from John 17:22b:

“The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one”

This Retreat was a precious gathering for us because it was difficult for anyone to travel during the last couple of years due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions. We had the opportunity to connect, learn, and relax. We were moved by the sharing of personal testimonies, ministry successes, and challenges. The group encouraged and upheld one another in prayer.

We had a wonderful time learning

from the theme speaker, Rev Dr David Lim, who has been in ministry for 57 years, including 15 years in theological education and 42 years as a pastor. He was also at Grace Assembly of God for 23 years, 20 years of which as Senior Pastor. Rev Dr Niam Kai Huey, District Superintendent of the Chinese Annual Conference and the Pastor-in-Charge of Sengkang Methodist Church, led us through a refreshing 3sessions in Spiritual Formation. Our local Thailand Little Candles School Staff led the children’s programme and availed themselves in the teaching of the children.

Some say time flies when you’re having fun! Joy and laughter could be heard during meals and over heartfelt conversations. Children’s chuckles were amplified as they went to the play pools. We praise God for the opportunity to refresh our missionaries and their families through this retreat.

What a blessing! We thank God for the faithful service of our Missionaries and their families who took up God’s call to be in the mission fields. I invite you to join MMS in upholding them in your prayers.

Lastly, we sincerely appreciate the efforts of the organising team who has made this retreat possible. Read on to hear from our missionaries on this retreat!

Children’s programme for the MKs while the parents attended the retreat.

We praise God for the opportunity to refresh our missionaries and their families through this retreat.
Missionaries in Timor-Leste gathered together to attend the retreat.

If I could use one word to describe the retreat, it would be the word “encouraging”. The theme talks by Rev Dr David Lim helped reaffirm the value of our often silent and behind-thescenes work for the good of the larger church, and reminded us that the results are really in God’s hands though we may hardly see it now. The Spiritual Formation sessions by Rev Dr Niam Kai Huey helped us be still and surrender our cares oneby-one to God. The stories of other missionaries that we got to hear either as part of the programme or from casual interactions encouraged us that God is still very much at work in and through us despite the obstacles. The meal fellowships were invaluable in helping us get to know one another better, especially those from the Home Team. Personnel Committee members, Jimmy Tay and Deborah Lie, were there in-person to find out how we were doing and how we could be further supported. The MMS Home Team and volunteers were constantly at work to ensure that online participants were as connected to the programme as in-person ones. And last, but not least, we are truly thankful for Katherine and the Children’s Team for making the retreat meaningful for our children as well. The lives of all who put this retreat together are in themselves an inspiring testimony of God’s love. Thank you, MMS, and thank you Lord for loving us while we love others!

Rev Clarence Lee, Missionary in Thailand: Live online sessions by Rev Dr David Lim. 23
Missionary Retreat 2022 group photo.

“Phra Cao Sandi… Phra Cao Sandi… Phra Cao Sandi.. Song Sandi Tor Chan…” Singing ‘God Is So Good’ in Thai with fellow missionaries in Thailand was a beautiful moment during the Missionary Retreat. The time of worship showed us a glimpse of what it would be like in heaven where we would join with every tribe to worship our Almighty God in every tongue. Maybe we would be fluent in Thai and all languages then! It was wonderful to meet up in person with the missionaries who serve in Thailand, to get to know and catch up on life and ministry. A highlight of the time of bonding was an afternoon where we went to the Water Park with the missionary families, and had a splashing good time with the children! We had a ONE-derful retreat with the larger MMS family!

Art-Jamming uses visual art-making, drama, dance, and movement to improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It works with individuals or groups using art processes such as painting to create meaning, rather than focussing on the end product.

The retreat theme was ONE-derful and we hope to be ONE as a family. So, the committee brought our Missionary Kids (MKs) together to go through an Art Experiential Journey. The Art session did not focus on how well one can draw; it was a channel of expressing our emotional and mental well-being. It was designed for our pre-teens and teenagers who are serving alongside with their parents in the various mission fields. As they face different challenges and pressures of growing up, we encouraged them to express their thoughts and feelings.

As a parent myself, I tend to react in heated moments which did not help to solve anything, instead of responding to my children differently. We learnt to express ourselves through Art without hurting our loved ones. We could express and draw our emotions and feelings on a piece of paper. We were able to bring our anger and frustrations to a place of peace and joy. Thank God for technology, as the children could Zoom in from various countries. And we had a good time of getting to know the children and praying for them too.

Rudy and Cheryl Wong Home-based Missionaries:
Gloria Khoo, Home-based Missionary, who organised the children’s programme:

Agency of Choice Towards being the

As a denominational missions agency, the sustainability of the Methodist Missions Society’s ministries, and the rationale for our very existence, depend on how deeply the Singapore Methodist churches and community are invested in what we do. The key distinction between us and an interdenominational agency is the deliberate choice of a narrow but potentially more accessible denominational support base. For a denominational agency like us to remain viable, however, we must be seen as relevant and integral to achieving the missions objectives of our support base.

Editor’s Note: This article was first published in the December 2022 issue of Methodist Message.

Alvin Tan MMS Chairman. He worships at Grace Methodist Church.
For us to do so requires not only a disciplined strategic approach, but sustained partnerships and support across all levels of our Methodist denomination.

We may be positioned as the missions arm of The Methodist Church in Singapore but we do not take our denominational support for granted. We need to earn that support, which requires good engagement with our stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations and conversely, for them to understand our mission and objectives. It goes without saying that we should display good governance, stewardship and accountability.

We have been around for more than 30 years and partnered some 21 (out of 46) Singapore Methodist churches. We have left and continue to leave footprints of ministry in seven countries. It is now time for us to re-evaluate our role. How may we become the missions agency of choice for the Methodist churches in Singapore? Should our key approach remain that of having a strong top-down leadership to spearhead and establish our ministries while rallying the support of the Methodist community and churches? How can we reach the goal of being in partnership with all Singapore Methodist churches in missions, recognising that vibrancy in missions often resides at the local church and annual conference levels?

Having accumulated many useful experiences and practices, perhaps it is time for us to go beyond spearheading field initiatives, defining strategy, and

developing missions roadmaps. Rather, we should additionally leverage our resources to promote a healthy and robust missions culture in our Methodist churches. It is not realistic to expect all of them to focus only on our MMS ministries. In fact, the more established Methodist churches have been involved with other agencies for longer than we have been in existence, and in fields where we are not present.

Therefore, for us to thrive, our challenge is to communicate our vision, mission and culture to the local churches to align our missions objectives, and to support and facilitate missions initiatives within the churches and annual conferences.

In fields where there is the potential, our emphasis is to play a significant role in the passing down of the Methodist legacy, with institutions such as churches, schools, charitable foundations, Bible schools, church governing bodies etc. For us to do so requires not only a disciplined strategic approach, but sustained partnerships and support across all levels of our Methodist denomination.

It is crucial for our existence that we actively strive to become the missions agency of choice to the Singapore Methodist community.

TRACers Timor-Leste Mission Team. GraceMC Cambodia Mission Team.


作为一个宗派属下的宣教机构,“卫理宣教会”的事工是否 能持续,乃取决于新加坡卫理公会各堂会及其社体对我们所 做事工有多大的投入。卫宣与跨宗派机构之间的主要区别是, 我们有意识地选择一个相对狭窄,但较方便让宗派支持的做 法。然而,为了让我们这样的宗派机构能保持活力,卫宣必须 被认定为成就各支援堂会宣教使命的一个相关、且不可或缺的 部分。


不应该认为来自宗派的支持是理所当然的。反之,我们需要去 赢得支持,这就需要与利益相关者进行良好的互动与沟通,以 了解他们的需求和期望。另一方面,也让他们了解卫宣的使命 和目标。当然,我们得做出行之有效的监管、管理和问责制。

30 多年来,卫宣已与新加坡卫理宗大约21 间(全数 46 间) 堂会合作。我们经已、也将持续在7个国家留下事工的足迹。现 在是重新评估我们的角色的时候了,我们当如何成为新加坡卫 理教会的首选宣教机构呢?在争取各堂会及社体的支持作为 主要途径的同时,一个强大的、自上而下的领导层是否应该持 续沿袭,以领导和建立我们的事工?基于宣教的动力往往蕴藏 在地方教会和年会层面,我们当如何达到与新加坡众卫理教会 结成宣教伙伴的目标?

在历经实践并积累了许多宝贵的经验之后,或许是超越向来 带头倡议宣教工场、定义战略,乃至协助开拓宣教路线的时候了, 今后应当进一步善用资源,到堂会中去推进强而有力的宣教文 化。期望所有人都专注于卫理宣教会的事工是不实际的。事实 上,较成熟的卫理堂会与其他机构合作的历史远比我们运作的日 子还久,而且他们是在我们所缺席的领域服侍!

因此,为了明日的茁壮成长,今天卫宣的挑战是将我们的愿 景、使命和文化传达给本地教会,以调整既定的使命目标,同时支 持和促进各堂会和各年会层的宣教倡议。

在蕴含潜力的领域,卫宣的重点是通过教会、学校、慈善基金 会、圣经学校、教会监管肢体等组织,在卫理公会遗产的传承中发 挥重要作用。因此,我们不仅需要一个严谨的战略,还需要卫理堂 会在各层面给予持续的伙伴性支援。

我们务必积极致力于成为新加坡卫理公会社体的首选宣教机 构,这对于我们的长久运作至关重要。

陈义生 卫理宣教会主席

TACMC Cambodia COSI Mission Team.
CCMC Nepal Medical Mission Team.

What do HEROES look like?


Director for Timor-Leste and Cambodia. She is now the Consultant for Timor-Leste. She is from Aldersgate Methodist Church.

As Christians, we honour many heroes of the Bible: Noah, Moses, Esther, Rahab, Peter, Mary Magdalene and Paul. We also cherish modern heroes of the faith like Hudson Taylor, William Carey and Corrie ten Boom.

These people became heroes by the paths they chose, not by talents they were born with or skills they developed. They were ordinary men and women who chose to obey God’s call regardless of the sacrifice required.

John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, is certainly a great hero of the faith.

Son of an Anglican clergyman, Wesley was a godly man who became an ordained Anglican minister himself. Yet, he was plagued for many years by doubts about the genuineness of his faith.

Wesley made only one missionary trip overseas, intending to convert native American Indians. That trip did not work out as planned and he was forced to leave Georgia after two years.

Instead, God led Wesley to share the gospel of salvation with thousands of men, women and children working in factories and coal mines scattered throughout Great Britain. Although only 5 foot 3 inches tall and weighing 128 pounds, Wesley commanded the attention of hundreds who gathered to hear what he had to say. Some mocked and ridiculed him, but many others committed themselves to Christ.

Wesley preached the love of God far and wide and personally showed love for others through his actions. He established orphanages and set up funds to aid widows, orphans and the poor. He founded schools to give access to quality Christian education to all children, regardless of ethnicity, gender or socio-economic status.

He eventually married but differences in temperament and lengthy periods apart because of his constant travel led to the marriage ending in permanent separation.

Wesley was certainly not a man of great physical stature. Nor was he always easy-going and agreeable. His failed marriage is a reminder that even spiritual heroes are far from perfect.

These people became heroes by the paths they chose, not by talents they were born with or skills they developed.

Today, the missionaries of MMS carry on John Wesley’s legacy.

These ordinary men and women courageously leave families, friends and careers to answer God’s call to expand his kingdom throughout Asia. They make sacrifices, endure hardship, and suffer rejection with humility and perseverance. They perform daily acts of heroism that rarely attract any notice.

They toil selflessly to share God’s love by teaching in Methodist schools, discipling students in Methodist residential homes and providing aid to communities in need. They share the message of God’s mercy and grace by planting churches and equipping locals to become faithful followers of Christ. They demonstrate concern for others through prayer, acts of kindness and outreach programmes that help transform lives.

There are many ways to define or describe a hero. However, as one writer observes, great heroes have certain traits in common, including courage, selflessness, humility, patience, and caring. (https://www. inc.com/bill-murphy-jr/5-qualities-ofincredibly-heroic-leaders.html)

It is no exaggeration to say that our MMS missionaries share these traits!

Yet, it is important to remember that like John Wesley, missionaries are human. They are not impervious to daily frustrations and setbacks. They suffer from periods of doubt, depression and sadness.

Missionaries need your prayers. Prayer is the greatest gift you can give them.

Please continue to hold them close in your hearts as heroes of the faith and join me in a prayer for each and every one of our missionaries!

Loving Father, thank you for the men and women who serve you in mission fields. Bless them as they reach out to people and cities for your glory. We ask that you take the seeds they plant and bring them to the fruition you desire. Open the hearts of the people in their areas to your truth. We pray especially for your covering over their physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being. Bring them encouragement when they feel despair, resources when they feel exhausted, and strength when they feel weak. Be their shield, Lord; guard and protect them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Editor’s Note: : This article was first published in the February 2023 issue of Methodist Message.


Hey there! This is a new segment to connect with our children and engage them in missions. We hope that the parents and teachers amongst us will find the materials useful. If you have other helpful resources to share, please let us know.

The Easter story is often re-told at Sunday School classes during the Holy Week. Here is some Bible trivia to see if you have been paying attention in class! Let’s see if you can get all the answers correct. Have fun!

1) How did Jesus enter Jerusalem?


Riding in a litter

Riding a donkey

Riding a horse

2) Who took Jesus prisoner?

The Prussians

The Gauls

The Egyptians

The Romans

3) How was Jesus killed?





4) What do people call the meal Jesus and his followers shared before his arrest?

The Last Lunch

The Final Meal

The Last Supper

The Final Breakfast

5) Including Jesus, how many people were at the last supper?

13 25

6 9

6) What is the word used to describe the men at the table with Jesus?






7) What did Jesus and his friends drink during their last meal?

Wine Mead Coffee Tea

8) On which day of the week was Jesus killed?

Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

9) On which day was Jesus first discovered not to be in the tomb?

Sunday Friday Wednesday Tuesday

10) Which man told the Romans where to find Jesus?

Judas Noah Herod Barabbas


1) C - The Bible states ‘When he had found a young ass, he sat thereon.’

2) D - The Romans did not like what Jesus was telling the common people.

3) A - The Romans nailed Jesus to a cross.

4) C - This was the last meal that Jesus would share with his friends before his death.

5) A - Twelve of Jesus’ followers sat down with him at this historic meal.

11) What happened to Jesus after he died on the cross?

He was buried in the ground

His body was left in the desert

He was placed in a cave

The Romans burned his body

12) After Jesus had risen, he and his followers shared a meal of?

Chicken Fish Beef Goat

13) How many days was Jesus dead? 6 9 15 3

14) When Jesus’ friends went to the grave, who did they see?

A Priest

An angel

The Emperor

A Roman guard

6) D - There were 12 disciples.

7) A - They drank wine and shared bread.

8) A - Jesus died on a Friday. This day is often called Good Friday or Holy Friday.

9) A - The Bible says that Mary went to the gravesite on the first day of the week.

10) A - Judas was one of Jesus’ followers.

11) C - When the body was in the cave, a rock was rolled across the entrance.

12) B - Jesus met the disciples on the shore and told them where to cast their nets.

13) D - There were three days between the day that Jesus died and the day he was resurrected.

14) B - The angel told them that Jesus was alive.

(Source: www.TriviaChamp.com )



Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

The transition from the end of Isaiah 10 to the start of Isaiah 11 mirrors the message and mission of Easter.

Rev Dr Gordon Wong

Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore.

He taught at Trinity Theological College for 17 years in subjects such as Old Testament, Hebrew and Homiletics (methodology of preaching and writing sermons), where he was the Bishop William F Oldham Professor of Old Testament.

See, the Lord, the LORD Almighty, will lop off the boughs with great power. The lofty trees will be felled, the tall ones will be brought low. He will cut down the forest thickets with an axe; Lebanon will fall before the Mighty One. (Isaiah 10:33-34, NIV)

These last two verses of Isaiah 10 paint a picture of tall trees chopped to the ground: “lofty trees will be felled… tall ones will be brought low.”

God sometimes allows the trees of human kingdoms and human lives to be chopped down and humbled. And when we are chopped down and humbled, it often feels as if our life is over. Our leaves and branches have been cut off, and the very trunk of our life has been chopped down. Nothing is left except the small, bare stump of our life tree. Darkness and despair leave us depressed and seemingly dead.

But this depressing picture of fallen trees at the end of Isaiah 10 transitions surprisingly into the promise and hope of Isaiah 11:1

There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit. (ESV)

Here we have a promise of new leaves, a new shoot growing out of a tree stump. Not just a tree in winter that has lost all its leaves. We have a tree that has been chopped down completely – no branches, no tree trunk, only the stump or the roots of the tree are left. And yet, from this chopped down tree trunk springs the promise of new life.

It seems impossible, but this is the incredible proclamation of God in Isaiah 11. A wonderful new season of life out of a tree that has been reduced to a stump. This is also the message of Easter. The Jesus who died and was buried has conquered death and is alive once more! Out of darkness and death springs the promise of light and life!

This message of Easter is also the mission entrusted to all who believe in the God of Easter. We live in a world where there is much darkness, despair and death. War, disease, famine, flood, greed, exploitation, discrimination… many agents of darkness come upon us.

The mission of Easter is to bring the message of Easter – not just in words, but with works of love and actions –to people and places that suffer at the hands of agents of darkness and death.

Let us encourage one another to heed the message and mission of Easter.

(黄昌荣牧师(博士) 新加坡卫理公会会督 )
Out of darkness and death springs the promise of light and life!

复活节 的信息及使命



以赛亚书第十章结尾到以赛亚书第十一章一节,带出复活 节的信息和使命。

看啊,主 — 万军之耶和华要以大能削去树枝。高大的树必 被斩断,挺拔的大树必被砍倒,茂密的树林必被铁斧砍掉,连 黎巴嫩的大树也要倒在全能的上帝面前。(以赛亚书10:33-34,


以赛亚书第十章最后两节经文描绘了一幅高大的树木被 砍倒在地面的画面。”高大的树必被斩断,...... 挺拔的大树必 被砍倒”。

若把人比喻成一棵树,上帝有时会允许树木被砍倒,允许人 类的生命被鞭策,为了使人更谦卑。当我们被鞭策到不再狂妄 自大的时候,往往会感觉自己的生命近乎结束了。我们的叶子 和树枝都被砍掉了,生命的主干也被砍倒。除了小小一块、光秃 秃的树墩之外,什么都没有留下,在黑暗和绝望的笼罩下万分 沮丧,似乎已经没了生气。

但以赛亚书第十章结尾处所描绘的这幅树木倒塌的凄凉情 景,却在以赛亚书第十一章第一节换景,带出神的承诺,充满了 盼望。从耶西的残干必长出嫩枝,他的根所抽的枝子必结果实。

( 和合修订本)

我们看到树墩上长出嫩枝和新叶生长的承诺。这不仅像一棵 在冬天失去所有树叶的树,而是一棵几乎被完全砍光的树-没有 树枝,没有树干,只剩下树墩或树根。然而,神却承诺从这棵被砍 倒的树干中必孕育出新生命。

这看起来似乎不可能,但这是神在以赛亚书第十一章中令人 难以置信的宣告。从一棵被砍伐残留的树墩中,一个新生命即将 发芽、成长,开启新生命的旅程。这也是复活节的信息。耶稣受死、 埋葬,战胜死亡,最后复活了,从黑暗和死亡中涌现出光明和生 命的承诺!

复活节的信息也托付给所有相信耶稣是复活的主的信徒。我 们生活在一个遍布邪恶、绝望和死亡的世界。战争、疾病、饥荒、 洪水、贪婪、剥削、歧视......许多黑暗邪恶势力就潜藏在我们身边 蠢蠢欲动。

我们需要承接主给我们的使命,将复活节的信息--不仅仅是在 语言上,而是以爱的语言和行动,触及被黑暗及死亡权势辖制的 人群和地方。



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