Harvest Force 2013 issue 2

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ISSUE TWO 2013 l MCI(P) 156/11/2012 HARVEST FORCE CONNECTS YOU WITH THE METHODIST MISSIONS SOCIETY www.mms.org.sg l www.facebook.com/mms.org.sg l www.twitter.com/MMS_Tweets

Jesus saw their faith

Focus: Volunteers Loyal Yokefellow l 同负一轭的忠实 伙伴

Be Part of God’s Plan l 成为神计划 中的一份子

Translating Small Contribution to Expand God’s Kingdom l 以微薄 的贡献参与上帝国 度的扩展

Difference between Volunteer and Servant l 义工与 仆人


Contents Jesus saw their faith When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” Luke 5:19-20 (NIV) A group of young people from Barker Road Methodist Church helping to paint a mural in Nepal.


01EDITORIAL • Jesus saw their Faith



• All in the Family • Rejoicing with Joy Methodist Hostel • Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom • Prefecting the Prefects • MSC Alumni • Let us go over to the other side

East Asia • Faith Farm Drug Rehabilitation Centre

• Loyal Yokefellow



• Three Licensed Women Preachers • Victory in The Lord • Rush Hour

• Training to Teach English • MMS Banquet 2013 • MMS Retreat 2013 • Country Prayer Meetings • Mission Trips • Opportunities to Serve

THAILAND • Dedication of Sanphranet Methodist Church • Would you consider Rangsit? • Youth Volunteer


• Manpower Movement • East Asia Prayer Meeting

FEATURES 36 SPECIAL • Volunteers

• Mission in An Age of Globalisation (Part 2)

CLOSING 67 ATHOUGHT • Difference between Volunteer and Servant

If you have a testimony or a lesson learnt regarding missions, why not send it to us so that we can share it in the Harvest Force. We welcome your letters, photos, news of mission-related events, testimonies, comments, feedback and suggestion. Please email or send them to 70 Barker Road #06-01 The Methodist Centre Singapore 309936, together with your name, church name, email address and contact number. To share your mission trip experiences in Harvest Force, just use this simple approach – Less Words, More Photos. For more details, please email mms@methodist.org.sg. Please note that your articles may be edited for length, style and clarity. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16

Oops! We sincerely apologise for some errors in the last issue of HF. The revised layouts can be found on MMS website www.mms.org.sg. Page 12: The pull quote does not belong to the article. It should be removed.

Page 24: There was an error in the layout on the first two paragraphs. The actual article begins with “Together with my family and six other…” which can be found in the middle of the second paragraph. Page 42: The date of Mildred’s ROM was 30 October 2012. And both she and Ps Piti are in Northeast Thailand.


Jesus saw their faith VOLUNTEERS! They are just like friends who come

MMS is largely dependent on volunteers as

alongside to give us a helping hand or an encouraging

we have only a small pool of office staff.

word in our time of need.

We are especially thankful for our faithful volunteers to bring the Good News to many

At home, I have a couple of great little helpers. My two

unreached people and so fulfil the Great

sons, especially the younger one, Tadd, are very keen

Commission. Some may not even go to the

to help out in the house and not afraid of getting their

mission fields; they have volunteered from

hands dirty. Maybe they think it is fun and get a kick out

right where they are. They help to make us

of vacuuming or sweeping the floor, wiping up spills with

“make a difference” in the lives we have

tissue paper, and even washing the toilet. I hope they will

touched. I am moved by their commitment,

continue to volunteer their help when they grow up.

compassion, and reliability. No service is too small in the Kingdom of God.

Volunteerism can also be seen in the friends recorded in Luke 5:17-20, who did

And in this issue of Harvest Force, we are

whatever was necessary to get

featuring some of our volunteers (page 36

their paralysed friend to Jesus.

to 61). We recognise that a lot of hard work

What great friends they were!

has been done and many sacrifices had

Everyone loves to have the kind

been made. They get their hands dirty. These

of friend who takes great risks

volunteers are aptly described as “loyal

because of love. Can we be

yokefellows” (page 2) and “servants”

that kind of friend who is full

(page 67).

of faith? Can we be that kind of friend who gets our hands

If you are not yet an MMS volunteer, do

dirty digging through the

consider how you can encourage and

roof so that someone can

empower God’s work and workers to

meet Jesus?

incarnate the love of Jesus to make a difference in the mission fields. Come and join us to dig through the roof, so that someone in the mission field can meet Jesus.


Rev Philip Lim


Kam Leong Heng


Goh Tuan Gee


Koh Deng Khin, Ng Hsu-Fen, Tan Wee Chee, Thng Pheng Soon


Wendy Tan


Andrew Chong, Andrew Loh, Chen Qiuluan, Goh Teck Pek, Jimmy Tang, Jimmy Tay, Johnson Tan, KQ, Liza Khew, Mason Tan, Pauline Shan, Richard Seow, Sharon Goh, Sufen Ng, Tan Yung Yih, Violet Khor and Mission Teams from Agape MC, Faith MC, and Grace MC


Eileen Lim, Helen Tan, John Seet & Volunteers

free. The views and opinions expressed are those of the


SNAP! Creative Pte Ltd

authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the


Print & Print Pte Ltd


Methodist Missions Society (MMS) is the mission agency of The Methodist Church in Singapore. In 1997, MMS was given the mandate to establish indigenous churches supported by mission endeavours in communities across this region where there is no Methodist presence. Harvest Force is published three times annually and distributed

publisher. All information published is correct at time of writing and may subject to change.

Rev Philip Lim 70 Barker Road #06-01, The Methodist Centre Singapore 309936 Tel: 6478 4818 • Fax: 6478 4817 Email: mms@methodist.org.sg www.mms.org.sg


Loyal Yokefellow “At MMS, we are blessed with a pool of very faithful supporters and volunteers.”

Paul’s passion for missions was unmistakeable. He made numerous missionary journeys to different parts of Asia and planted many churches along the way. However, Paul’s success as a missionary could not be achieved by him alone. There were many people who coworked with him in his mission endeavours. People such as Tychicus, Secundus and Apphia, just to name a few, were with Paul in his mission work. While they were lesser known characters in the New Testament, they played important roles. In fact, we may never have known of these people if Paul had not mentioned them in his letters. Still, Paul was very appreciative of them. Here, we get a glimpse of how they helped Paul. Tychicus was closed to Paul. He often had the latest news about him and could be a courier for Paul. In Colossians 4:7, Paul called him a “beloved brother, a faithful minister and fellow servant of the Lord”. Similarly, Secundus was Paul’s travelling companion (Acts 20:4) and was a great help to him in his work. On the other hand, Apphia (Philemon 2) worked quietly from behind the scenes. There were others whom Paul called each a “loyal yokefellow” (Philippians 4:3). At MMS, we are blessed with a pool of very faithful supporters and volunteers. They work alongside our missionaries and play important roles in our two-pronged strategy of Church Planting and Community Development. For some, their work is more visible while others play more low key roles. Nonetheless, they contribute to MMS and help our missionaries a lot. You can read about what they do in this issue. I am very appreciative of all our volunteers who gave of their time, talents and resources. They are blessed because that is their spiritual worship to God. Rev Philip Lim MMS Executive Director


同负一轭的忠实伙伴 保罗队对传福音的热情是无可否认的。他到亚洲各国去宣教,在漫长的宣教旅程中设 立了很多教会。 保罗能成为一位成功的宣教士不是单凭靠自己的能力与委身,而是他 身边有很多同工与他配搭,一起完成宣教使命。 在保罗众多同工中,就有推基古,西公都和亚腓亚跟他一起做宣教的工作。 虽然在新 约中比较少提到这些人的名字,但他们在保罗的宣教中扮演很重要的角色。如果保罗 没有在他的书信中提到这些同工的名字,我们可能永远不知道有他们的存在。可见保 罗确实很感激有他们与他配搭。 从保罗的书信可以窥见这些同工如何扶持保罗的事奉。推基古和保罗的关系很密切, 知道保罗的动态,也被保罗差派去传信。在歌罗西书4:7,保罗称推基古为“我亲爱的 兄弟, 忠心的执事,和主的仆人” 西公都也是保罗的旅程伙伴(使徒行传20:4),而且是保罗在宣教中的好助手;亚腓 亚(腓利门书2)则在幕后默默支持保罗。此外,还有很多被保罗称为“真实同负一轭 的同伴” (腓立比4:3)都协助他一起竭力完成使命 卫理宣教会蒙神的祝福,拥有一群忠实的支持者和义工。他们与我们的宣教士协力同 心同工,也在我们植堂与社区发展的双向策略中扮演很重要的角色。有些支持者和义 工的服侍显而易见,另一群则在幕后默默帮忙。无论他们站在哪个岗位服侍,每个人 对卫宣都有很大的贡献, 给予我们的宣教士很大的支援。您可以透过在这一期的“ 禾丰”, 了解他们所参与的服侍领域。 林建隆牧师 卫宣执行主任

感激一切献上他们的时间,恩赐和资源的义 工。他们是蒙福的一群,因为他们的献上是 对上帝属灵的敬拜 。


TEACHING ENGLISH as a Foreign Language

– A Guide for Training Teacher

The next training session is planned for 13 July 2013

registration fee. The amount will offset the purchase

(Sat) at 1.30pm at William Oldham Meeting Room,

of the book (S$25). Sign up now by emailing mms@

The Methodist Centre. We are requesting S$10


MMS “MY FATHER’S BUSINESS” Banquet 2013 MMS is having our biennial fund-

to be filled up by business people

from of your labour and

raising “My Father’s Business”

and professional who will be

contribution, and are transformed

Banquet on 25 August 2013

presented with our needs in the

and now giving back to the

at The Fullerton Hotel. Bishop Dr

fields. A video will be screened to

church and community. Please

Wee Boon Hup is our Guest-of-

show the fruits in the harvest fields.

keep this banquet in prayer.

Honour. 40 tables are expected

Many lives, who have benefitted

MMS Missionary Retreat 2013 Every two years, our Missionaries will come back

staff as we spent some time to be refreshed, trained

home to attend a retreat. This year, the retreat is on

and re-aligned in our goals.

28 to 30 August 2013. Pray for the Missionaries and

Country Prayer Meetings We are reviving our Prayer Meetings in 2013! Jesus says, “If two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:19-20). We believe in the mighty name of Jesus and we are expecting great things from God for the mission fields. Please mark these dates so that we can come and

31 August (Sat)

pray together as a body of Christ for these various

12 October (Sat) – Thailand


7 December (Sat) – Vietnam and Timor-Leste

– All Countries

MISSION Trips If you are interested to organise or join a mission trip, or simply to find out more, please email to the respective Country Coordinating Officers at these email addresses:

Cambodia teresa.wilborn@gmail.com East Asia


Nepal nochary@gmail.com Thailand david.khew@methodist.org.sg Timor-Leste


Vietnam teresa.wilborn@gmail.com Laos


Opportunities to SERVE IN THE FIELD The fields are ready for harvesting

In all six countries that MMS has

Our first request is for more full-

chosen, our missionaries in the

time missionaries to join them!

– but there are so few labourers.

field are asking for assistance. Continue next page...

WATZ UP! | 5

They are asking the Lord to send pastors, church planters, school principals, administrators and English language teachers.

and organise English camps in



• Medical teams to support ministry

• Church leaders and trainers to train and equip National Workers

in Ermera District. • Full-time missionaries or missionary

on church planting and discipleship

couples to support disciple training

Our second prayer is for business

training in Henan, Fujian, Shanghai,

and community development.

people and professional who are

Nanchang and Xiamen training

willing to leave the comforts of Singapore and base themselves in the

centres. • A full-time missionary to help out

AT HOME You can also come alongside as

region. We would like to train you to

in conducting English classes in

Mission Partners and Volunteers (MPV)

coach national pastors.

Stamford Consultancy.

at home to encourage and empower

• A local church to partner and

God’s work and workers to incarnate

Our third request is for short term

support the newly established

the love of Jesus Christ to make a

workers who are willing to spend

preaching points.

difference in the mission fields.

between two weeks to six months at their own expenses helping one of our




• A missionary pastor to serve as

• Be our MMS Prayer Country

Country Director and teaching

Coordinator, intercessors and

What to do if you sense the LORD

staff at Caleb Bible Institute in East

supporter to intercede for

calling you into His mission field:

Nepal and equipping ministry for

missionaries and mission work in

1. Tell your pastor and ask him/her to

National leaders and workers.

help check your calling to missions.

• Full time missionaries to support the

various fields. • Assist to plan and lead in prayer

church planting and community

session in various Country Prayer &

affirm your calling and are

development work and assist in

Praise Nights.

prepared to provide full financial

administration and finance matters

support – praise the Lord! Call MMS

in the field office.

2. If your church pastor and leaders

straight away. 3. If your church pastor and leaders affirm you your calling but are

• Ministry staff to serve as spiritual


counsellors and trainers for Sophia’s

• Be an English-Chinese translator.

Home on short field assignments.

• Be a photographer.

unable to provide full financial

• Help to set up MMS mission

support for you – call MMS anyway!


Some of our missionaries are

• Full-time teachers with teaching

exhibition booth.

supported by the combined efforts

degree or diploma who are


of multiple Methodist Churches and

interested in teaching Mandarin at

• Be our MMS Trainer and


Vineyard Methodist School.

Event Coordinator.

• A school principal to oversee CAMBODIA

the staffing needs, proficiency,


• An ordained pastor to mentor and

curriculum and development at

• Be a Mission-Trip Coordinator to

to provide pastoral care, support and leadership to the Cambodian

Vineyard Methodist School. • A local church to partner and

assist in briefing and debriefing the mission teams to achieve optimal

pastors, ministry works and

support the newly established

preparations and mission fulfilment

missionaries serving in Cambodia.

preaching points.

and benefits.

• A married couple or mature female missionary to support the COSI



Children’s Village.

• Mission teams to visit the Sunlight

• Be a sponsor through the Student

• Volunteers to teach English for three

Shelter and Sunrise Shelter.

months, six months or one year, and

to page 65.

work alongside the Khmer English


teachers in the Methodist School of

• Two experienced teachers to serve

Cambodia. EAST ASIA • Qualified English teacher to conduct and teach English classes,

Sponsorship Schemes. Please refer

For more information about all these

as missionaries in Singapore Mission

opportunities, kindly email mms@


methodist.org.sg. Be in prayer with

• Volunteer architect to supervise the school building project.

us as we seek God’s direction to challenge and mobilise Methodist people to serve with MMS.


All in the Family “He has reminded us that no matter how small a task we have done for God, it is never done in vain.”

GRACE STAR CHILDREN Ethan Tan – When I was in Cambodia, I saw that the living conditions of the people were terrible, but they were not complaining. Some of them even had smiles on their faces. The children were happy even though they slept in rags. There were flies everywhere and the place was dirty. But none of them was complaining. Then, I compared that to my life and realised that

Eight families from Grace Methodist Church

they are more thankful for what they have than I, even though

went on a “Vacation with a Difference” to

they could only dream of having what I have. This was a wake-up

Cambodia from 14 to 19 December 2012.

call and reminded me to be thankful for what I have, and to not

There were ten children, five youth and 19

complain because I do not have things others may have.

adults. The oldest team member, Lim Choon Kiang, was 85 years old while the youngest,

I also saw that there are lots of temples in Cambodia, and

Andre Emmanuel Tan, was only a two-year-

very few churches. So I hope that the COSI children will spread

old toddler!

the good news to others when they grow up. This trip was very enlightening, and I want to go back to Cambodia to spread the

We conducted English classes, Bible lessons,

good news even more!

craft and game sessions on top of the Children’s programme and Evangelistic Christmas Activities at these seven locations: COSI Children’s Village (COSI), Emmaus


Women’s Centre, COSI-Youth Hostel, Beung

William Tay – I have learnt that we should be

Trea Village, Antioch Village, Kampong

appreciative of what we have. To have been able

Chnnang, and Emergency Fund for Miserable

to be born in Singapore has been by the grace of

Children Centre.

God. Thus, we are to use our blessings to help those in need. Furthermore, many Cambodian children

Our ‘chefs’ in the team cooked up a storm

are very poor, especially those in the village. We

and provided a delicious dinner for the COSI

have to reach out to them and try what we can to

children. If you are contemplating to go on a

help them. Also, COSI has been doing a great job

mission trip, please consider COSI Children’s

in caring for God’s children. I am most impressed

Village because it is a good stepping stone

with the youths returning and serving in COSI. For

for first-timers and families with children and

example, our tour guide and driver, Rain, who grew


up in COSI, has progressed well. He told us that he would be going to Africa to learn more about

Here are some reflections by our team

bee farming so that he can start a similar project

members from the each of the different age

in Cambodia. In the same way, we should always


try to give back to the community so that we can reach out to more people who need God.

Liza Khew Children Ministry Staff, Grace Methodist Church

GMC Mission Team with COSI children


A group of kids playing a game of red seeds provided by Aunty Liza • Three siblings in COSI


them new worship songs; and you

I often take for granted, things that

could tell that the children too felt so

I seem to be in constant supply of. It

Natalie Tan – I went on the Grace

blessed, just by our presence. As we

was then that I truly realised how very

Star mission trip to Phnom Penn with

went out to the villages to conduct

blessed I was in my own life, and how I

little expectations of the trip. Although I

Christmas programmes for the villagers,

should learn to appreciate more and

knew God was going to work wonders

I was struck by how well behaved

more the things that I do. That lesson

through us, and allow us to bless the

all the children were, sitting there in

was probably the most striking lesson

children and families in the places that

anticipation, waiting for our arrival.

that I learnt on my trip to Cambodia.

we visited, I nevertheless went not really

They were excited to hear about God’s

Not only did God use me to bless others

expecting much.

word, see the message of Christmas

during the mission trip, but I was also

acted out by local church youths, and

blessed by Him, learning to appreciate

On our arrival at COSI, we were met

they were most excited of course about

even more all the things that He has

with such warm happy faces! They

receiving the Christmas presents we

given me in my life, and to count the

were so ready to welcome us into

had prepared for them. The gifts were

blessings that I have received because

their home! (We stayed in the COSI

simple: a backpack, a toothbrush, a

they are indeed plentiful.

orphanage.) It was such a blessing

tube of toothpaste, and a soap of bar,

for us to be able to interact with the

but the children were so appreciative

children, worship with them and teach

of them! These gifts were things that


YOUNG ADULT FELLOWSHIP Amos Lim – I have always believed in helping those who are less fortunate than I. Signing up for this mission trip was a great way to express this conviction in an overseas setting. This was my first time to Cambodia, and I was not disappointed. I realised that it is not the infrastructure that makes a city, but the people living in it. Though lacking in so many resources, the people still greeted us with their friendliest smiles. It was a welcoming sight. When we first arrived at COSI, the kids greeted us again with a love and happiness that is rarely seen within the hustle and bustle of Singapore. I spent a lot of time with the COSI kids. And through them, I learnt so much about sharing and caring, and taking care of a fellow brother or sister. It was akin to Christ showering his love upon us. Though we spent less than a week there, the experience had left an indelible mark in my heart. And I want to go back there.

Two sisters who came to COSI six months ago




Lydia Tay – “Auntie, I remember you. You cook[ed] for us

Say Mui & John Tan – We thank our merciful and

last year.” said a boy from COSI when our team arrived there

loving Father for His divine healing grace upon us. Both

on our first day. This really caught me by surprise as I thought

of us underwent lung surgeries in 2012 but we emerged

I must have been one of the many faces that the COSI

none the worse from the experience. The 6cm tumour

kids have seen as so many churches visit them every year.

(John’s) and 7-9mm nodule (Say’s) that were removed

However, God encouraged me greatly through this incident

from our right lungs were of the non-cancerous nature.

as He has reminded me that no matter how small a task we

Praise God! He granted us our wish to visit COSI with our

have done for God, it is never done in vain. The short time

son, Gerald, and his family.

that we have invested in teaching English, bible lessons and playing games with the kids in COSI, has definitely

It was a long-awaited trip for us! The participants were

made some difference in their lives. This was clearly seen in

assigned various roles and duties. We were privileged

the ex-COSI kids returning to serve and work at COSI. One

to be on the “chef” team with Sharon, Soo Yuen and

of the house parents who grew up as an orphan in COSI

Mr Lim (Clinton’s father), to churn out a simple meal

herself, related how she has been given a chance to get

for close to 200 young people on the second day

her education and most importantly become a child of

of the trip. The visit to the crowded and dusty rural

GOD. She is very thankful for what GOD has blessed her

marketplace to buy the necessary ingredients turned

with and she is back to help the kids at COSI. We have also

out to be quite a memorable one.

seen how the COSI youth are able to lead worship and even share the Christmas message with other youths at

Dinner was prepared with the help of the house mother,

the Antioch Methodist Church near COSI.

the kitchen cooks and a few COSI youths. It was indeed

GOD has indeed blessed the children

a great joy to see everyone tucking heartily into their

and youth ministry in COSI. These young

meal. The kids we met at COSI Children’s Village and

Cambodians who have experienced

Emergency Fund for Miserable Children Centre left a

God’s grace and love, will be the most

deep and lasting impression on us. Despite their plight,

effective agents to bring more of their

they abounded in vigour and high spirits, and they were

own friends and families into His

warm, friendly and polite. They glowed with God’s love.


We hope to visit them again.

Four kids with Amos Lim after a game


Rejoicing with Joy Methodist Hostel “The joy of the Lord is your strength” On 5 January 2013 (Saturday), friends, families and leaders from the Methodist Church in Cambodia (MCC) gathered to celebrate the dedication of our newest hostel for university students in Phnom Penh. Joy Methodist Hostel is located near several universities, including the Royal University of Law and Economics. It can accommodate

MCC Missions Superintendent, Rev Song Jin Sup

24 students. Houseparents Sreng and Thida, both graduates of Cambodia Methodist Bible School, provide spiritual guidance and supervision for the students. The hostelites regularly attend worship services and youth activities at the nearby Holy Mountain Methodist Church (HMMC).

The hostelites

A constant reminder of “the joy of the Lord is your strength” is hang on the wall

Pastor of Holy Mountain Methodist Church, Rev Yim Chhoeung


The three students who shared their testimonies

MCC Missions Superintendent, Rev Song Jin Sup, led the dedication service, supported by Rev Yim Chhoeung, Pastor of HMMC. Special guests from Singapore included Mrs Lucy Yeo from Foochow Methodist Church and Dr Seet Ai Mee from Aldersgate Methodist Church. Three students shared how they came to know and accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour after coming to live in Joy Hostel. A banner hoisted high on the walls was a wonderful reminder to all present that “the joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10b). It was truly a time of joyfulness and thanksgiving! We praise God and give thanks to Foochow Methodist Church for its support (Seated Left to Right) Rev Yim Chhoeung, Rev Teresa Wilborn, Mrs Lucy Yeo and Dr Seet Ai Mee

of the hostel ministry in Cambodia. Rev Teresa Wilborn MMS Assistant Director of Community Development (Standing Left to Right) Landry and Mrs Lucy Yeo (Seated left to Right) Mr & Mrs Oliver Yeo

The houseparents Sreng and Thida


Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom “He is real and active in this Kingdom on earth…” “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” Matthew 6:10 A frenzy of 195 youths from various churches and ministries gathered together in the compounds of the Methodist School of Cambodia for one purpose: to have an encounter with God. Pastor Barnabas Chong from Cairnhill Methodist Church was the guest speaker for this Youth Revival Meeting from 5 to 7 January 2013 themed “Sons and Daughters of the Kingdom”. As the revival meeting started, there was a sense of anticipation among the youths as they praised and worshiped God in Khmer with all their heart. God

brought a powerful word that He is still active in this world. Pastor Barnabas shared his near death experience two years ago. He spoke of God’s power that frees us from illnesses and sin daily. The Holy Spirit prompted


the hearts of individuals as we

groups to ‘Pray’

prayed to trust him for physical

and ‘Listen’. We

healing as well as spiritual.

sought for “God

God came and brought the

ideas” and not just

restoration in both aspects.

good ideas. God worked in the hearts of

On day two, Pastor Barnabas

The night session focused on

many, showing us that He is real

challenged the youths to look

being filled with the Holy Spirit.

and active in this Kingdom on

at ways where they can live

Pastor Barnabas expounded on

earth as He is active and real

out their faith in practical ways.

how the disciples waited for the

in heaven. We learnt, laughed

He shared about Revolution

baptism of the Holy Spirit. After

and re-committed our lives to

Groups, otherwise better known

Pentecost happened, they were

the Lord.

as “Revo Groups”; and how they

led by the power of the Holy

have been changing the way

Spirit to be fearless witnesses

Commit us in your prayers,

Christians students in Malaysia

for Christ. The Holy Spirit came

that we may know in a greater

have been living out their faith

and released words to the

measure our Heavenly Father,

in school. Revo groups gather

participants as each of them

who supplies power and strength,

to do three things: Pray, Listen

walked through a human tunnel

as we live like Sons and Daughters

and Obey. They ask God to

made up of team members and

of the Kingdom here

tell them how they can show

missionaries. Time stood still as

in Cambodia.

love to their schools. And upon

every student came forward to

hearing, the students act upon

be prayed for and the Holy Spirit

Chen Qiuluan

it. We broke into smaller groups

ministered to everyone.

MMS Missionary in Cambodia

to allow our youths to gather into


Perfecting the Prefects “To be a good prefect, we must be boys and girls with good foundation.” The Methodist School of Cambodia (MSC) had a Prefects Training Camp from 30 November to 1 December 2012. Through the six workshops, we learnt different skills: Getting to Know You, Self-Awareness,

Communication, Collaboration, Shared Vision, and Traits of a Leader. After each workshop, we had an activity or a game that helped us understand the skills better. For example, after the first workshop, we played the “Bingo Game” to get to know each other. The winner was the person who could get all the required information. Another game we played after the second workshop was the “Hula Hoop Game”. Everyone held hands to form a circle and we had to pass a hula hoop around without

Pray for these student leaders that they may become excellent leaders in Cambodia. May they be used mightily by God to cause a spiritual awakening in the country. If you want to know more about the school, please visit the website: www. methschcam.edu.kh.

breaking the hold of our hands. We were also to be mute and no talking was allowed as to how to do this. This game taught us the importance of Unity, and Awareness of self and others without the use of words. Another activity that we enjoyed was “Tallest Tower”. It was conducted after the third and fourth workshops. We all had to build the “Tallest Tower” out of straws, chopsticks, scotch tape and rubber bands. The towers were not only be the tallest, but must be able to remain tall and strong.

Chey Banabas is standing on the extreme right. Tech Chansonich is seated third from the left – she has 2 thumbs up


This game helped us to put into practice what we have

• We learnt about unity. Unity is important so that the group

learnt about Communication, Unity and Collaboration.

can solve a problem or continue to get the hula hoop passed on in the circle. If a person breaks his or her hold,

5 Lessons Learnt

the hula hoop will fall. If someone always disagrees with the group, it takes a longer time to build the tower.

• We learnt to solve problems. We cannot solve any matter just from what we see or hear. We need to think through carefully and consider the main point of the problem. After

• We learnt that as prefects we need to set good examples for the other students to follow.

knowing that, we can go on to try and solve the problem.

The camp was very useful to us as prefects and we learnt • We learnt that it is important to build a strong foundation.

a lot. We also enjoyed ourselves. We want to thank the four

Some towers did not have strong foundations and they

trainers from Anglo-Chinese School (Primary): Mrs Christine

were not able to stand straight. To be a good prefect, we

Ho, Mrs Christina Khoo, Mr Seow Kian Yong and Mr Samuel

must be boys and girls with good foundation. Then, the

Lee for conducting the camp. We wish they will come

other students will respect us and we will not be afraid

back again the next year. Thanks also to the Principal,

when the other students make trouble for us. If we do not

Mr Richard Lim, for supporting the trainers. May God bless

solve a problem well, the result will not be good and it may

you all.

cause us more trouble in future. • We learnt how to work as a group. Every one in the group can help to make the group work well together.

Chey Banabas and Tech Chansonich Prefects, Methodist School of Cambodia

Editor’s Note: We featured the trainers’ perspective of the leadership workshop for the prefects in our last issue of Harvest Force. This time, we show you the reflections of those who attended this workshop.


MSC Alumni

President ChanSocheata Poum

Vice-President Live Makara

Treasurer Srey Noch Oen

Secretary Khuntea Thith

The Methodist School of Cambodia (MSC) was established in 1998 to provide Christian education to Khmer students from kindergarten through to high school levels. In 2012, the first batch of 12th Graders successfully graduated from MSC and are Editor Marina Ham

“She was very happy to come back together to meet up her friends whom she had not met for months.”

Media Philemon Pen

Media Chhuen Khanna

now at various universities. Though we are no longer students of MSC, some of us

would still gather in the school once in a while because we miss the school. We were glad when the principal told us to form the Alumni. On 8 March 2013, we had our first meeting. We discussed the purpose of the Alumni and we formed an Executive Committee with some of us volunteering for the various positions. After a long discussion on various names suggested, we finally came up with a name for our group: “MSC ALUMNI”. The first purpose of MSC ALUMNI is to gather the former students who have graduated from MSC, to have us show gratitude and loyalty to the school. The second is to continue our relationship with the school. The third purpose is to support the school. We also discussed the activities the Alumni should plan for its members. There are three main types of activities that we would like to do: • Social Outings – eating, watching movies, picnic, playing games, swimming, etc • Seminars or Workshops – cooking, baking, making ice-cream, leadership training, etc • Charity or Outreach Events – donating either money, old clothes, time or old books to those who are in need.


At the end of the meeting, we

who graduate from MSC. We

The first programme we have

shared our feelings about the

will be happy to have more

planned for is an outreach

first meeting. Like the rest, Srey

graduates each year to come

event in August 2013. We will be

Noch said she was very happy

and join us. To be a member of

spreading the Good News to a

to come back together to meet

the group, a graduate needs

school in a nearby province.

up her friends whom she had

only to register and pay $2 per

not met for months. Everyone

month. The Principal has granted

Marina Ham

hoped to gather together more

us a start-up fund of $200, which

MSC Alumni Committee Member

often so that our relationship and

can be used for social outings,

friendship would not fade away.

workshops or charity events. We

On top of that, we could share

are also grateful to the generous

our knowledge and experiences

donors who gave towards the

with one another.

Alumni so that we can organise

To find out more about the school,

our programmes; after all, we are

please visit the school website

MSC ALUMNI was formed not

still undergrads who need money

www.methschcam.edu.kh or

only for the first batch of Grade

to pay for our studies.

email methschcam@yahoo.com.

12 graduates but for all students

Committee Members group photo


A reflection on my journey

Let us go over to the other side My Invitation

has cropped up now and then

“Let’s go on a journey!” How

and made me guilty. I thought

would you respond to such an

that if I did a longer stint, I would

invitation? I was surprised and

have done my part in missions.

asked, “Why me? Where would

But in the second month, I felt

I be going? For how long? How

a need to go for a longer term.

much would it cost me?” These

After much prayer, I informed

were the feelings and questions I

my pastor and Rev Philip Lim

had when I received the invitation

of my desire. I applied to be a missionary in Cambodia and also

to go to Cambodia. we have met, he would ask

graduated with the Certificate in

But upon reflection, a seed of

when I would come back to

Missions Course.

the invitation had already been

Cambodia. Although I stopped

planted within me some years

going on mission trips after a few

God Speaks Through His Word

ago. When I was about 12 years

subsequent trips, missions has a

Mark 4:35-40 has a special

old, my two sisters and I were

special place in my heart and

place in the preparation for my

imagining what we would like to

tugs at my heartstring.

missionary journey. I reflected on this passage in one of the

be when we grew up. I told them that I would like to be a missionary

While packing to go on my

devotions during the Certificate

doctor as I was inspired by the

journey to Cambodia in 2011,

in Missions Course led by

stories of David Livingstone, his

I came across the Reflection

Mrs Hazra. The Lord assured

courage and his works and good

Sheets of these early mission trips.

me that He was extending the

deeds. When I grew older, I tried

In one of them, I wrote, “Lord, are

invitation to me and the desire

to enter medical school but did

You calling me to Cambodia?”

to go to Cambodia was not of

not gain a place there. I became

I was reassured after reading it.

my own fleshly desire. I went with

an educator instead.

God has His plan and will work

God’s assurance and blessings.

it out in His time. Although I had

Lord, You have to go with me.

Years later in the early 1990s, I

forgotten the question, God

was involved in mission trips to

has not forgotten it. He knew my

The following phrases from the

Cambodia organised by my

anxieties and brought me back

passage spoke to me:

church. My church had signed

to that question. He answered it

“Let us go over to the other side”

an MOU with the then Takhmau

at the appropriate time. What a

assured me that Jesus has invited

Methodist Church (renamed

caring and compassionate God

me to Cambodia, like how He

Glory Methodist Church in 2012).

we serve!

had invited His disciples to make the journey with Him.

I remembered visiting Toul Sleng Museum and came out of the

After I retired from the education

place in tears and with a heavy

service, I heard about the needs

“Leaving the crowd behind”

heart. Norman Teece, founder of

in Cambodia and my heart was

reminded me to step out of

Care for Cambodia, prayed for

stirred. I decided that I should go

my comfort zone and make

us and commented that I would

for a three-month stint to fulfil this

adjustments to leave behind the

come back to Cambodia one

desire for missions within me that

day. Since then, whenever


comforts of home, friends, my

throughout the journey and He

I can say that the journey is not

favourite hobby and some jobs

does not leave the boat.

only about service but also about personal transformation into

that I am involved in. “He got up, rebuked the wind

Christ-likeness and the need to

“There were other boats with Him”

and said to the waves, ‘Quiet!

remain continually renewed and

prepared me that there are other

Be still!’” assured me that Jesus

refreshed during the journey.

missionaries whom I have to meet

knows our frailties and will not put

and work with.

us through a test beyond what we

The journey has been enriching,

can bear.

fulfilling and life transforming

“A furious squall came up,

although it has not been without

and the waves broke over

“Why are you so afraid? Do you

the “oops” and “aahs” now and

the boat, so that it was nearly

still have no faith?” rebuked me

again. But God has been faithful

swamped” reminded me that

to trust in Him in all circumstances

and His promises never fail. I thank

there will be difficulties, problems,

of life because He is very much

Rev Dianna Khoo, the missions

misunderstandings and anything

aware of all that is happening

committee, my LCEC and friends

else that you could think of that

and He cares.

of Trinity Methodist Church for their faith in me and for supporting

will cause disunity and friction in the body of Christ. I am also

To some extent, the passage

me in my journey. I thank MMS

reminded of God’s faithfulness.

adequately prepared me. I was

for facilitating my journey into

Those He called, He will ensure,

thankful for the confirmation of

Cambodia and allowing me

enable and protect.

the call to go to Cambodia. I

to serve through the Methodist

am learning to grow in His grace,

School of Cambodia.

“Jesus was in the stern, sleeping

compassion, composure and

on a cushion” showed a picture

wisdom. Having been in the

Violet Khor

of peace and rest. Jesus is here

mission field for about two years,

MMS Missionary in Cambodia

“Jesus is here throughout the journey and He does not leave the boat.”

© Aniramus | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images


Faith Farm Drug Rehabilitation Centre In the beginning of 2003, I brought my wife and daughter to FZ on an invitation from Dr L. We started a community health service centre to provide free counselling for ex-drug addicts. In time, I became

Residents learning about the hope and liberation in the gospel message

aware of the gravity of the drug problem. I felt a deep burden for these brothers trapped in drug

creaked and crack lines could be seen on the walls.

addiction. We began to pray to God to prepare

Around the vicinity, farmers from other provinces

a place we could use to help the drug addicts.

made squatter homes. The local village secretary

God mysteriously led us up a rugged road to a

was willing to let us use this place without any rent.

mountaintop where a former leprosarium was

However, I officially signed an agreement to have

situated. The wooden gate had collapsed, the floors

use of the place for 30 years. We started simple

The two-storey building housing Faith Farm. It was formerly used

as a leprosarium


“The leprosy of addiction will disappear, the sinful heart will be transformed and the man will be set free.” Rehabilitated former residents of Faith Farm opened a restaurant in town where they continue to have weekly devotions

repairs and disinfected the place. We acquired some

churches and pastors who share the same burdens, the

essential items and started a Drug Rehabilitation Centre

work is more structured. Currently, we have 20 residents

called the Faith Farm.

and staff at Faith Farm. This has become a place where residents can experience the grace of God and have

The Faith Farm Drug Rehabilitation Centre is located

hope in life.

40 kilometres west of FZ, and occupies an area of 1,760 square metres with an enclosed courtyard and a two-

When this building was used as leprosarium, there

storey building made of brick and wood. The building

was no sound of singing. However, as a Gospel Drug

was constructed in the early 1950’s and used as a leprosy

Rehabilitation Centre, there is not only daily singing heard,

hospital. The building has a floor space of approximately

but also of songs of praise to God. The songs are filled with

380 square metres. In East Asia, leprosy sufferers had

hope and life because the people who are singing know

carried a severe social stigma. After leprosy had been

the power of the Gospel to cleanse their past of a leprosy-

eradicated, the old building was abandoned and fell into

like addiction.

disrepair. Yet today, this old building has been revitalised. It is used to help another group of social outcasts — drug

Our Lord Jesus Christ is active in Faith Farm, calling His

addicts. This building has become a base for Gospel Drug

workers to accomplish His work. Faith Farm was once

Rehabilitation Treatment. Every day, the ‘old gospel story’

a leprosarium but is now a place where the hopeless,

is preached from this building.

rejected drugs addicts can be cleansed. Just as Jesus healed the leper in the bible, we can say that what we do

Initially we recruited residents from GD, GX and HB. We

at Faith Farm every day fulfils Mark 1:40-42. A person living

provided free Gospel Drug Rehabilitation Treatment.

in the bondage of drugs for many years can come to the

Through scriptural teaching and life skills training, we help

Faith Farm, kneel before Jesus and say, “If you are willing,

the residents to reconcile with God and rebuild their lives.

you can heal me and make me clean [from addiction].”

It is through the love of God that they would be liberated

As long as the person is willing and believes in his heart,

from the bondage of drugs. Owing to limited funds and

Jesus will be moved with compassion, put forth His hand

manpower shortages, I had to personally attend to

to touch him and say, “I am willing, be healed.” And like

almost everything. I met with many difficulties. However

the leper in Mark’s gospel, the leprosy of addiction will

those hard times made me learn to trust and depend on

disappear, the sinful heart will be transformed and the

God. Through many years of effort, we were delighted

man will be set free.

to see some successful residents who went on to study biblical theology and get training to serve in Gospel Drug


Rehabilitation work. Today, with the help of the local

Editor’s Note: The article was first published in Dec 2012–Feb 2013 issue of KK Focus.


“So we pray that our Christian community can give hope and dignity to the lives of these women in Nepal.”

Maya (ABOVE centre) • Asha (BELOW LEFT) • Pradipa with daughter and husband (BELOW RIGHT)

We thank the Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference (ETAC) for the last few years of partnership in ministry with the Methodist Church in Nepal (MCN). Many mission teams and Background photo © Musseln9 | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images

ETAC members have come to serve the Lord in Nepal. In one of the GC-WSCS (General Conference Women’s Society of Christian Service) mission trips, I had the privilege of meeting up with Ms Vijayarani* and the others.


At the last Annual Meeting held in October

Please pray that the Women’s Ministry will

2012, the team also witnessed a significant

be refreshed so that many more faithful and

event of MCN. Three women (Maya, Pradipa

strong women can rise up to expand the

and Asha) were given their Preacher’s

kingdom of God in the lives of many other

Licenses to preach in our churches in Nepal.

women. In Nepalese culture, women are

In general, womenfolk in Nepal are not given

oppresses in many ways. So we pray that

the recognition to preach in churches.

our Christian community can give hope and dignity to the lives of these women in Nepal.

Maya is the wife of our deacon Rev Chandra. She is a very godly and prayerful woman.

We believe that the Great Commission in

Rev Chandra has to travel to other preaching

Nepal can be finished when we invest our

points. In his absence, Maya is the main

time and resources toward making disciples

person leading Victorious Methodist Church in

among our believers. The harvest in Nepal is

Ilam District. Pradipa is the wife of our MCN’s

indeed plentiful but the workers are few. Pray

Mission Secretary, Kul. She is the Women’s lay

with us that God will empower our workers as

Leader of Wesley Methodist Church (Central

they serve in His harvest field.

Region). And Asha is the Women’s Lay Leader of Mahimit Methodist Church (East Region).

Thank you for your partnership with us.

They are key to the church leadership as well as the spiritual growth of our women in MCN.

GS Deputy Country Director

The presentation of their Preacher’s Licenses encouraged them to serve the Lord in this capacity as they teach and preach

*Editor’s Note: Please also read about Ms Vijayarani’s idea of volunteerism on page 61.

God’s word.

Background photo © Paulprescott | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images


Reflections from TRACkers

Victory in The Lord As part of TRACkers, a three-month discipleship

perspective to Romans 1:20. “For since the creation

course organised by Truthmin (Trinity Annual

of the world God’s invisible qualities — his eternal

Conference Youth Ministry), our team comprising

power and divine nature — have been clearly seen,

seven participants and two group mentors

being understood from what has been made, so

embarked on a mission trip to Nepal from 18

that people are without excuse.”

February to 1 March 2013. God showed us a beautiful rainbow as we Below are some of the reflections from our final

approached the bottom of the hill in Phulbari. He

debrief at Nargarkot, Nepal.

had a purpose for the rain!


The importance of being effective, versus being

Experiencing the majesty of God’s creation through

efficient. We learnt this in our interaction with

the snow-capped Himalayan ranges and the

different pastors and missionaries as they shared

plummeting valleys found in Nepal, brought new

with us the struggles they faced, alongside juggling


responsibilities as God’s servants

Biggest take-away

vehicles were on the road.

and parents.

Better understanding of the

However, we took this change

challenges that the missionaries

of plans as an opportunity to

The unity of our team, although

and local pastors in Nepal face.

observe Nepali life by going for a

many of us come from different

The time we spent with these

prayer walk through the streets.

churches, and had different

missionaries and local pastors, as

working styles, personalities

well as their families, allowed our

Lessons learnt from the trip

and spiritual gifts. We were very

team to see how they lived out

Better understanding of what

empowered by Ps SL, one of the

their faith in a country like Nepal,

missions means and the role of

District Superintendents, who

where the political atmosphere is

the missionaries in Nepal, as we

affirmed our unity of spirit.

unstable and poverty is pervasive.

observe them serving the Lord

A constant awareness of God’s

Our plan to travel to Phulbari on

presence, through consciously

the second day of the mission trip

doing daily devotions and

was disrupted by a strike that very

Greater awareness of how culture

debriefings at night.

morning. All shops in Kathmandu

affects church practices. For

were closed and hardly any

example, Holy Communion was

and acting as catalysts for God’s work there.

“We observe them serving the Lord and acting as catalysts for God’s work there.”


administered only to those who have been baptised even though Methodists usually practise the open table. Instead of greeting with the word “Namaste” which means “greeting the god in you” in Nepali, Nepali Christians say “Jaimasi” which means “Victory in The Lord”. In this way, we would immediately know that that person is a fellow believer. A Memorable Experience We can confidently say that each of us in the team has learnt much from this trip. We will remember experiences such as helping to lay the foundation for the church annex in Phulbari for the first week. We also prepared an evangelistic event reaching out to the Nepali youths through songs and games in the second week, where 30 out of the 70 youths that attended were pre-believers. Now that we are back in Singapore, we hope that God will continue to do His will and work in the lives of the pastors, missionaries and locals in Nepal. “Jaimasi!” Benjamin Lau and Nicholas Hui Wesley Methodist Church and Barker Road Methodist Church

Pray for Nepal ss Pray for God to stir the hearts of Phulbari church members to fulfil the Great Commission in Kavre. ss Pray for God’s favour on the children’s ministry as they use the new church annex at Phulbari for their programmes.

Editor’s Note: This article was earlier published in the May 2013 issue of Methodist Message.

ss Pray for God to grant strength and wisdom for our missionaries in Nepal, and that His love and grace will be reflected through their lives and ministry.


Rush Hour

“On days when I have nothing to do, there is this sense of guilt that I am not being “productive”.” Ever since my service to the nation ended, I was greatly blessed by being able to travel to four cities where God opened my eyes. One of these places was Kathmandu, where I went to on a mission trip with my church. Coming from a fast-paced and task-oriented Singapore, being in Kathmandu was a breath of dusty air. Though I lost my watch-wearing habit in the middle of my time in the army, my life was still organised around the clock. There are always schedules to meet, even on a simple day. I even put down casual appointments for coffee and meals. On days when I have nothing to do, there is this sense of guilt that I am not being “productive”.

In Kathmandu, there is no such obsession with time. To begin with, there was no clock in Phulbari Methodist Church, which was on a mountain. Even if there was, it was not placed in a prominent place for all to see and no one paid much regard to the length of service.


The absence of obsession with time carried through into a different situation we encountered in Nepal. Painting a wall for Jars of Clay Café (see sidebar), we began in an obvious way by purchasing paint of primary colours to execute our colourful task. However, we faced a minor hitch when five Singaporeans failed to pry open the lid of a seemingly stubborn pail of red paint. Amused at our attempts yet never in a hurry, two clearly sincere Nepalese men stopped by and watched us for a few minutes. They tried to communicate to us in sign language by gesturing to us in a circular motion repeatedly. Unfortunately, sign language had not been taught in school and we were clueless. Soon, the two men stepped in and ripped out the circular seal which kept the lid on. Thank God for their patience and genuine willingness to help a bunch of foreign strangers on the street. How many of us would have stopped to help in such a situation in Singapore? I figured I probably may not have. It may cross my mind that someone may need help, but any action will be easily reasoned away with excuses or by my next appointment that I would probably be rushing to. It hit me that the issue is not

As Christians, we trust in God’s

our minute-limited actions

merely a Singaporean thing,

timing. Yet, it will be superficial

inconsequential, for He is also

even though at first glance it

for me to merely say that as

precise down to the last second

masks itself very well as unique or

Singaporeans we need to slow

when His Spirit prompts action.

vaguely unique to our busy island

down and do things in a more

nation. “He has made everything

relaxed manner. Our God sees

What then is the biggest problem

beautiful in its time. He has also

time as a long sheet from the

in this great rush? We miss God

set eternity in the hearts of men;

outside of it and He surveys the

amidst it all. We liken time to be

yet they cannot fathom what

ages with a flick of his fingers

a golden calf and efficiency a

God has done from beginning to

(touch-screen if you will). Yet, it

tall statue of stone, offering it

end.” Ecclesiastes 3:11.

does not mean His timing renders

our pitiful and inconsequential


worship. Making slowing down the final goal is

Jars of Clay Café is a restaurant set

deceptive as it has its downsides and counts

up in Kathmandu as a ministry to the urban youth.

for nothing if we do not keep our eyes set

It is a place of outreach to young people through

on Christ. Slowing down a speeding train to

the offering of guitar lessons. It is also a place for

catch sight of the scenery is a moot point if

bonding among family members as they play

our eyes are too fixated on our iPhones inside

board games and other activities together. For

the train. It can be crawling slowly but we will

many residents in Lalitpur, it represents a child-

catch nothing by looking the wrong way.

friendly place. We hope that Jars of Clay Café will slowly evolve to become a youth hub where there

So the next time we “slow down” and rid

are more activities for the youth and children.

ourselves of this spirit of rushing and busy unsettledness, may we hear what Jesus calls

Churches and mission teams can be a huge part

us to do. Be it a simple chat with our parents,

of this ministry by conducting guitar appreciation

sending a text of encouragement we were

classes, dance classes, business English classes

previously too busy to construct, or simply

and many more. Feel free to contact MMS for more

helping a bunch of foreigners on the road

information. By the way, many customers have

with their bucket of paint.

commended Jars of Clay Café for serving the best smoothie in Lalitpur!

Justin Low Barker Road Methodist Church

Come visit us if you do not believe us!


Dedication of Sanphranet Methodist Church We were lost! The driver took a

also graced the occasion. More

wrong turn. After a phone call,

than 130 members, friends and

we were back on track. Then

invited guests were also present.

we arrived. There in the cool morning air, the church stood tall,

The Dedication Service of

towering over the rice fields and

Sanphranet Methodist Church

surrounding houses. Our anxiety

(SMC) began with a welcome

from getting lost soon dissipated

by Rev Henry Yeo, the Deputy

when we were greeted by

Country Director. This was

warm smiles and graceful wais

followed by the hymn “How

(a Thai greeting). The gentle

Great Thou Art” which was

tinkling of traditional Thai

so appropriate! After the

musical instruments completed

Thanksgiving prayers were

the picture of simple joy and

offered, six Sanphranet young

celebration as members and

girls performed a celebration

friends mingled.

Thai dance. Their gentle swaying

ribbon. A loud applause rang

was mesmerising. The Service

out. Broad smiles beamed from

Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup,

ended with the act of dedication

the faces of all who were present.

Mrs Wee and leaders of Charis

and a prayer, conducted by

Later, a tour of the church was

Methodist Church were present,


conducted for the VIPs and

The participants of the 8th Thai Annual Meeting

guests. Thereafter, a simple but

including their pastor, Rev Helen Hoe. The Chief Officer of Chiang

The VIPs went on

sumptuous lunch was served.

Mai City District, Mr Utai Luechai

stage and

More importantly, we could feel

and the Chairman of the

cut the

the genuine warmth and joy

Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand, Northern Region,

of all as we shared the meal together.

Rev Kiat Laksanasakulchai

A towering Sanphranet Methodist Church building standing in the midst of surrounding rice fields

“Today the church is a witness to God’s goodness and love.”


SMC was one of the first churches planted by MMS and it was founded by Rev Henry Yeo and his wife Mrs Sungwan Yeo (Tuk). In November 1998, Charis Methodist Church (CMC) adopted the church and the work, including the funding of the present church building. After more than ten years of renting, the church has finally moved into its own property. The faithful and loving support of CMC has undergirded the growth of the church. Slowly SMC members responded and today the church is a witness to God’s goodness and love. A kindergarten operated at another site provides the needed child and educational care of children for a number of families. A school aftercare service is also offered. Every year since 2001, an average of 40 scholarships for children amounting to THB150,000 (about S$6,300) has been given. Donations have been given to community projects and even a Sanphranet Hospital. Members participated actively in these projects. Truly SMC is continuing to heed the call of the Great Commission to make disciples. Let us continue to pray for the leaders and members of SMC to be candles in the dark for God. Pray that they will press on to bring in the lost. Jimmy Tay

TOP DOWN Rev Chinnakorn Saenkasaas being ordained as an Elder • Ribbon cutting ceremony Left to right: Rev Philip Lim, Rev Kiat Laksanasakulchai, Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup, Mr Utai Luechai, Rev Henry Yeo, Rev Helen Hoe and Mr Suchad Chiaranussati • A celebration Thai dance by six young ladies from Sanphranet Methodist Church

Chairman of Thailand Executive Committee Editor’s Note: In the same trip, Jimmy also attended the 8th Thai Annual Meeting in Shineforth Methodist Church. And he witnessed the ordination of Rev Chinnakorn Saenkasaas as an Elder by Bishop.


Would you consider Rangsit? It is so convenient to be a

theologically trained preacher

this exploratory trip in early

Christian in most parts of

who can deliver a sound sermon.

December 2012, we visited

Singapore. Just down the road

Alternatively, we can access

Rangsit Methodist Church.

from each of our houses, we can

our favourite preacher’s website

We were right that not many

easily find a good church with a

within minutes and devour many

churches were visiting Rangsit as

hours of free Bible teachings and

we were the only second mission

sermons. We also can have many

team to visit them in 2012.

different versions of English Bible – either by reading, listening or

The Country Director, Rev

watching. I think you get my drift.

Prasert Pornkiratikul, wanted us to appreciate Rangsit, which is

However, we have realised that

strategically situated along the

one simply cannot find a good

highway to the Isaan Region,

church within every kilometre at

and is the gateway to North-East

Rangsit - a remote place where

of Thailand. There are so many

a team from Agape Methodist

opportunities to reach out and

Church went. I brought along

minister in Rangsit. Discipleship

Stanley Seah (Agape Lay

training, Bible classes, prayer

Executive Staff - Missions), Emily

retreats, tuition classes, English

Ong, and her daughter, Sarah

conversation days, local schools

Ng, and youth leaders, Yvonne

visits, Boys Brigade training,

Lee Yi Ling and Tabitha Tan. We

teaching English, sharing our

knew the Chiang Mai churches

Singaporean experiences,

would be busy receiving many

youth camps, children’s camps,

teams from Singapore during

Christmas outreaches, carolling,

our holiday period. Hence,

and distributing food to poor

we decided to take up the

families are some examples.

challenge to explore mission

And there is no competition with

opportunities in Rangsit instead.

other churches, especially during school holiday periods.

It was the team’s first time in Rangsit, which is an hour’s

On this trip, our schedule was

ride north of Bangkok. In

simple. We did a Prayer Walk


in the village the day before an

very touched by how God is moving

We sat down with and learnt from

evangelistic Christmas party at a

among the Thais although Christians

a local church leader about how

community centre. We enjoyed a

are the minority.

she came to the Lord and was wonderfully transformed. She is only

day together by wrapping door gifts for the Christmas gatherings in

“I was really very encouraged by the

one of the many people who came

the various villages. We attended

Prayer Walk. I felt God’s presence with

to learn about Jesus. There are so

a couple of Christmas parties held

the Thais even though they had many

many people with names out there in

at the villages. We also shared the

idols around their houses. I was really

Isaan whom we have yet to befriend

Word at a prayer meeting. The youths

blessed during this trip and grateful

and they have all kinds of needs.

played with and taught the children

for this opportunity to be open with

But, most of all, they need Jesus to

in the Children’s Ministry. And we

myself in this trip. It was a great time

be their Saviour. Their needs may be

presented a song item, shared a

getting to know the hearts of the Thais

overwhelming but our God is greater!

testimony and preached at a Sunday

and what they needed.

If we can go out to preach the Good News of Jesus to the people in Rangsit

Worship Service. “Thanks Pastor Leslie! Hope to go

and its neighbouring districts, we

Tabitha shared what God had

for more mission trips through MMS

will begin to see many lives beings

impressed upon her heart:

with you!”

transformed by His power.

exploration in Rangsit, I managed

In this region of Thailand, Christians

I recall E M Bounds once put it this

to catch a glimpse of what God is

only account for about 0.01% of the

way, “PEOPLE are God’s method. The

doing with the people of Thailand. I

population. It contrasts sharply with

Church is looking for better methods;

think what impressed upon my heart

the rich opportunities a Christian

God is looking for better AVAILABLE

the most was God’s love among the

in Singapore can experience. This

PEOPLE.” (paraphrased)

people in Rangsit Methodist Church!

statistical information should give us

Their love for God and one another

a fair idea on how we, as mission-

Come on, get into gear and get

was really very strong, and I was

minded churches, can put more

going! Give God something to work

blessed by their relationship with one

effort to reach out to the “so-near-



yet-so-far-not-yet-reached” people

“Through this short 5-day trip of

in this region of Thailand. We need “God showed me that even though

not look too far away, nor restrict

Thailand’s main religion is not

ourselves to any narrow definition of

Christianity, He is still the God of this

unreached people groups.

country! God is with them and I am

Rev Leslie Lim Fairfield Methodist Church (Former Missions Pastor of Agape Methodist Church)

“PEOPLE are God’s method.”


Youth Volunteer

May keeping the children and youth occupied while the adults are having their Sunday prayer meeting

May is a youth volunteer in

the youth Sunday School while

In our group of ten regular

Payakapum Methodist Church.

I taught the children. I rejoiced

Sunday School students, I see

He is 18 years old and attends the

in my heart as I never thought to

that there are others who have

Sunday School for both children

ask him if he would help to teach

the potential to lead their peers

and youth. On Sundays, May

since he was already helping out

in the near future. However, it is

helps Pastor Ping ferry some of

in other ways in church.

not up to me to persuade them. But with constant nurture and

the church members to and back from church. He also helps with

Although he has only taught

care, one day God will spur them

the PowerPoint slides for Sunday

once so far, he remains a

on to serve Him just as He has

worship services.

constant help to me at Sunday

called May.

School. As I speak using Central As I spoke to May about the

Thai, May is my interpreter,

Let us continue to pray for more

difficulties I was facing in

reiterating what I say in the

such volunteers to rise up in the

reaching out to both the youth

Isaan (Northeastern) dialect.


and children in Payakapum

The youth and children are thus

Methodist Church, little did I know

able to hear the gospel in their

that God was speaking to him

heart language. May is able

too. The following week when

to communicate to them at a

we met, he volunteered to lead

deeper level than I can.

Mildred Goh MMS Missionary Intern at Northeast Thailand, Payakapum

“One day God will spur them on to serve Him…”


Manpower Movement Shanti Merry joined the MMS Home Office as our Personnel Executive on a 1-year service contract. With evolving needs and the increasing number of missionaries, she will be kept very busy. Shanti is well suited for this task having been a missionary herself. She served with her husband, Rev Erick Tan, in Nepal for over eight years. MMS welcomed a new staff member, See Toh Kwee Li, on 1 April 2013. She worships at Lighthouse Evangelism Church (Woodlands). And she is appreciative to God for allowing her to serve Him in her area of training. See Toh is our new Finance Manager who has replaced Wong Jia Niang. Wong Jia Niang left MMS at the end of April. She joined us in February 2009 and implemented many positive changes to improve our accounting systems, including bringing the MYOB accounting software to Nepal and Cambodia. She is volunteering to follow-up on the MYOB implementation in these two countries. Faith Methodist Church has organised a Thanksgiving and Retirement Service for Doris Chan on 21 April 2013 for her many years of faithful service as a missionary. To her, this is more of a “re-tyre-ment” service as she is now back in Cambodia to teach in Cambodian Methodist Bible School and do outreach work at The Upper Room. She believes that God has given her “new tyres” to run further and press on. Pray for her to be sensitive to God’s leading as she hopes to set up another Outreach Centre with two new workers. Pray that they will be willing and available to be trained to manage the new centre. Pray for the location too.

East Asia Prayer Meeting The East Asia Prayer Meeting was held in Geylang Chinese Methodist Church on 6 April 2013. About 10 people came for prayer. The next prayer meeting is on 31st August and the focus is on all our mission fields. Do make an effort to join us in prayer for Cambodia, East Asia, Laos, Nepal, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam.


There are many volunteers in MMS. With many diverse giftings and capabilities to serve Him, every volunteer is unique and different. The following pages showcase glimpses of a cross-section of our volunteers who are helping to bring the Good News to many unreached peoples and fulfil the Great Commission. Do share your volunteer experiences with others too.

Be part of God’s Plan Chou Fang Soong

Executive Committee

Bedok Methodist Church

“It is an awesome privilege to be able to serve with the Lord and be part of His plan.” Area of Involvement in MMS

What spurred you to become a

To me, it is an awesome privilege

I am currently serving my

volunteer with MMS?

to be able to serve with the Lord

second four-year term as the

I often joked that I was

and be part of His plan.

Chairman of MMS. However, my

volunteered by our Lord. But I

involvement started as early as

am thankful that He has been

What are the challenges that you

1997, as the Missions Chairman

faithfully leading and showing

face as a volunteer?

of my church to partner MMS

me where He wants me to serve

In a typical private corporation,

for Cambodia missions work -

including with MMS. And it has

they can operate efficiently

including the setting-up of COSI

strengthened my faith over the

because people are selected

Children’s Village. I have since

years when I have learnt to trust

for and paid to do a job, for

served in various capacities

Him fully to help me to do tasks

which they are trained. In MMS,

at MMS, - from being a part of

that can be challenging and

which has a lean HQ staff with

the fund-raising committee,

daunting. But what spurred me on

a big volunteer network, our

community development project

is to be able to catch a glimpse

ability to organise and mobilise

team, and strategic planning

of the grand vision of what the

can often be challenging and

team to serving as member and

Lord is doing globally to mobilise

difficult. We have learnt not to be

Vice-Chairman of the Executive

His people to finish the task of

discouraged but to manage with


reaching all peoples and nations.

the uneven level of commitment,


| 37

varied quality of work and often the lack of the right

How do you sustain the passion?

resources in the right places. Our faith is often tested

Only the Lord can sustain our passion for His work.

when we have to trust our Lord to bring together

I am thankful that through all my years, the Lord

the right people at the right time, mostly in the nick

had led me to serve in missions both at church, in

of time to get the job done. This is why our network

the marketplace and at MMS. I get to see the Lord

of volunteers becomes an integral part of MMS

at work all the time and appreciate the sustaining

operations. We are thankful for them and their

power of His presence and its impact on lives. There

faithful service.

will always be challenges and disappointments, but focusing on Christ and what He is doing in our

My personal challenge is to be able to balance my

midst will help us to overcome and keep our passion

time at work, with family, and my commitment to


serve at church, at MMS and other parallel church ministries.

How would you encourage more people to volunteer?

What is the most rewarding thing about being a

God has gifted all of us with the resources of


mind and spirit to be involved in His mission. MMS

The most rewarding part is to know that we are

is uniquely set up to assist fellow Methodists to

able to serve together in the body of Christ despite

see the opportunities that exist, to use their skills,

facing many challenges in working things out

experiences and talents to reach out and bless

among fellow Methodists from different churches

some of the poorest and most needy people in the

and backgrounds. Only then we realised that this

region around us: people who need, above all, to

is only possible with the Lord’s presence, when we

know Jesus. It is encouraging that our community

see Him at work. At MMS, our joy is to see many

of volunteers had grown steadily over the years in

lives touched and transformed across the various

tandem with the expansion of MMS in the region,

mission fields, and our inspiration is to see the next

and it is an opportunity to serve with the Lord that is

generation of new believers growing.

not to be missed.


成为神计划中的一份子 周方松



“我能成为神计划中的一份子是一个非常大的荣幸。” 在卫理宣教会参与的事工 我是卫理宣教会的主席,目前进入第 二个四年任期的第二年。早在1997年, 我就参与卫宣的服侍。当时我担任教 会宣教委员会主席,勿洛堂是卫理宣 教会的伙伴教会,携手开发柬埔寨的宣 教事工,包括以马内利儿童村的建筑工 程。从那时起,我就在卫理宣教会各个 领域服事,从筹款委员会、社区发展小 组、策略与计划小组的委员,一直到成 为执行委员会副主席。
























往受到考验;然而主总是在最关键的时 刻成就一切。由此可见,义工网络是卫





资源,好让我们能参与祂的工作。卫理 宣教会的成立就是为了协助卫理公会


工服侍祂的。话虽如此,我感谢上帝信 实的指引, 让我清楚知道祂要把我放 在那个工场(包括在卫理宣教会)事奉 他。这些年来我在面对艰巨的挑战时学 会完全信靠主的帮助,这使我的信心更 加坚强。不过我的主要动力其实是来自 能够看见大异象,即是神在全球动员祂 的子民去完成将福音传给万国万民的 使命。对我来说,能够服事神并成为他 计划中的一份子,是无比荣幸的。









里服事,这就是我们最大的满足感。我 们也从中领略到,若非主的同在和主动 工,这其实是不可能的。看到卫理宣教 会各个禾场上有许多生命被触动和转 化会使我们万分欣喜,新一代信徒的成 长也会让我们受到很大的激励。

身为一名义工,你面对什么挑战? 一个典型的私人机构之所以能够有效







| 39

Joy in Service Eddie Liew

Finance Committee

Bedok Methodist Church

“As we volunteer with the right attitude, we ourselves grow, bear fruit and become a better person while bringing joy and blessings to others.” Area of Involvement in MMS

time and

I am the Chairperson of the MMS Finance

priorities well.

Committee and I work closely with the committee,

To handle the

staff, management, volunteers and Executive Board


to ensure that the financial processes are robust and

effectively, I

adhered to in planning and day-to-day operations,

really need to

with a clear focus on stewardship, accountability,

rely on God’s

governance and best practices.

wisdom and grace.

What spurred you to become a volunteer with MMS? By God’s grace, in 2011, I was invited to join the

What is the most rewarding thing about being a

Finance Committee which comprises hugely-


dedicated volunteers and full time staff. I accepted

Armed with the right motivations and heart attitude,

the invitation because it is a privilege to serve

I believe there are many joys in serving as a

in God’s ministry and it is in an area that I am

volunteer. An obvious one for me is the satisfaction

interested in. In 2013, I assumed the Chairperson

and fulfilment of knowing that I am serving my God

role trusting that God had equipped me for this

and doing the work that He has called me to and

assignment as I was also previously serving in a

utilising the gifts and talents the Lord has granted

similar capacity in my church. After serving four

me, to contribute to His Kingdom’s work. In reality,

years as the Finance Chairman of Bedok Methodist

God does not need us as He has plenty of options

Church, God called me to the MMS assignment and

to carry out His plans, but He chooses to give us

I was glad to accept as my ministry interests are in

the opportunity to come alongside Him and do

missions and outreach.

His work. As we volunteer with the right attitude, we ourselves grow, bear fruit and become better

What are the challenges that you face as a

persons while bringing joy and blessings to others.

volunteer? In any ministry finance and stewardship role, an

How do you sustain the passion?

interesting challenge would be working with the

I do struggle and feel weary at times. And when

team on a balanced approach to continuously

that happens, I need to remind myself that it is a

enhance financial discipline and accountability

privilege to serve God and that He is using me in

while recognising that God’s work is about PEOPLE

ways He knows best even though I do not sense or

and must be done right and in His ways. Another

see it. God is gracious and He reassures me that

key challenge which I believe every volunteer faces

nothing I do for Him is ever useless.

in the midst of juggling many things, is in managing


How would you encourage more people to

way. Our faith grows when we take action. While


volunteer work can be challenging, it is also fulfilling

When an opportunity for ministry service arise,

and rewarding as one is learning and growing as

many may say, “Let me pray about it!”, and so they

one is serving God and His people. As long as we

should, to earnestly seek God’s confirmation. Once

are willing, God will use us and expand the small

they have a sense of God’s peace, it is good not to

efforts on our part to help bring about positive

hesitate but to just go ahead and let God lead the

changes in things and in fulfilling His plans.

Finding Joy and Satisfaction in Serving Jimmy Tay

Personnel Committee

Christ Methodist Church

“Want to live a life of significance? Do God’s work.” Area of Involvement in MMS I am the Chairman of the Personnel Committee as well as the Chairman of the Thailand Executive Committee. What spurred you to become a volunteer with MMS? When I was a young Christian, I read quite a number of missionary stories and always wanted to be involved in reaching out to another race or culture. What are the challenges that you face as a

How do you sustain the passion?


It is quite difficult to keep going. So who keeps me

The challenges are basically the same as in any job

going? God! If I do not find time to meet with Him,

or work. However in MMS, many people are involved

forget about my work. When I

and thus it is more complex. It is also very rewarding

meet Him, I am reminded of what He has called me

since I find many who share the same passion and

to do!

love for missions and missionaries. How would you encourage more people to What is the most rewarding thing about being a



Want to live a life of significance? Do God’s work.

The happy interaction with others in Singapore and

Missons is one very important area. After all, our God

overseas. It is so good to feel I belong to a bigger

is a missionary God. Personally, I find lots of joy and

family that is cross cultural and international.

satisfaction in serving in missions.


| 41

Reflecting God’s Love and Truth Grace Hsu Oon Bee

Education Missions Committee

Wesley Methodist Church

“As a volunteer, you can be His hands and feet, His “living epistle” in word and action to bloom where you are planted.” Area of Involvement in MMS

In the early years, most of the

I have been on the MMS

trippers without any teaching

Education Missions Committee

background expressed the need

since 2001 and was the chairman

for some training in the teaching

from 2003 till I stepped down

of English for missions. Then the

on January 2013. The Education

Lord impressed on me to offer

Missions is one of the mission

the Teach-to-Reach course as

endeavours that MMS affirms as

a means to empower mission-

a creative channel in education

minded Christians to serve and

in accessing the mission fields

share the gospel through English

got us started in teacher-training

for evangelism and witnessing,

teaching in MMS targeted mission

missions for the teachers of English

particularly in countries closed

fields. That happened in 2003

in their schools. The committee

to Christianity. The whole area

and the April-May class this year

members and I have made

of education is regarded

was the final course. Initially, the

annual trips to these two schools

as foundational as well as a

course was conducted once a

to cater to their specific areas of

platform to facilitate community

year but with increasing interest



and demand, and with the help of Dorothy Cheong (Education

My new book, “Teaching English

Conducting a teacher seminar

Missions Committee member) we

as a Foreign Language: A

and workshops with Dr Mary Tay

have offered the course two or

Guide for Training Teachers”

at the Ho Chi Minh University in

three times a year over the past

was launched in November

2000 was my first involvement with

four years. Praise the Lord, - about

2011 and is a resource book with

MMS. Since then, I have led many

400 believers (Methodist church

instructional materials for training

different teams in education

members and quite a number

teachers of English. To date, nine

missions to six MMS mission fields

from other denominational

complimentary training sessions

(except Nepal). The main thrust

churches) have participated

have been offered to provide

for all the mission trips is to use the

and benefited from this course to

help for the participants in the

teaching of English as a platform

serve in mission work.

effective use of the book which is available for purchase at these

for opening doors for the gospel and to reach out to connect with

Requests from Methodist School

sessions. All the proceeds from

believers and pre-believers in the

of Cambodia and Vineyard

the sale of the book goes to MMS.

mission fields.

Methodist School in Chiang Mai


What spurred you to become a volunteer with

What is the most rewarding thing about being


a volunteer?

I had no inkling of MMS work when I first came

By trusting and obeying His mandate of the

to Singapore in 1998. In 2001, I was invited

Great Commission, the Lord helps me to

to join the education missions committee

accomplish all that He asks me to do, using

and became a volunteer from then. My

my gifting to bless others here in Singapore

professional background is in education,

and in the mission fields and be blessed. I

in the areas of curriculum and instruction.

firmly believe Romans 11:29: “For the gifts and

Having gone through the ranks of the school

the calling of God are irrevocable.”

system, and having thereafter been led by the Lord into the fields of teaching of

How do you sustain the passion?

English as a Second Language and English

To me, teaching is my calling, teaching is my

as a Foreign language in the US and Taiwan

passion, teaching is my gifting and, teaching

respectively, I feel blessed to be able to share

is an act of worship and praise.

my vast experience and gifting in teaching to reflect the love and truth of Christ in missions

I have been so blessed and I want to make

ministry. Also, the 5Es mission of the MMS

disciples and bless those whom the Lord is

Education Missions Committee - namely,

calling into the education missions ministry. I

Enhance, Equip, Empower, Extend and

know the Lord is blessed when in His name I

Evangelise - fit hand in glove with my high

go forth empowered to touch lives through

calling of service in our Father’s Business.

sharing my teaching experience, in my witnessing of the love and truth of God, and in

What are the challenges that you face as a

serving Him with gladness.

volunteer? Preparing teacher-training programmes

The Bible tells us that he who receives much

to cater to the specific needs required

is expected to give and bless others in good

by each different educational institution


(from preschool to university) and each of the target groups can be taxing and time-

How would you encourage more people to

consuming. Factors to be considered are


the teachers’ English proficiency levels and

Each one of us has potential and abilities.

the class /grade levels they teach; sourcing

For pre-believers to come to Christ, they must

appropriate teaching materials to engage

see His love in action. As a volunteer, you can

trainees in an active teaching-active, learning

be His hands and feet, His “living epistle” in

process; inviting like-minded team members

word and action to bloom where you are

for each specified education mission trip; and

planted, to be a blessing to those who need

finding time to meet with them for four to five

the Lord and those who need the help you

sessions before a mission trip. In essence, each

can give. You will be blessed as lives are

training programme is unique and specific.

touched through your sharing and witness as you commit your ability, time and energy for

Praise the Lord for empowering me time and

His glory.

again to experience His grace, wisdom and understanding with patience and creative

In Hebrews 13:16, Paul exhorts us: “Do not

ideas to tackle these challenges.

neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” I encourage you to take heed of this exhortation.


Making a Difference in Missionary’s Work Richard Seow

Education Missions Committee

Aldersgate Methodist Church

“It is not what you have that counts but what God would do with it…” Area of Involvement in MMS

for opportunities to be involved in English

Chairman of Education Missions Committee.

language teaching work in China, and

We coordinate efforts for volunteers to go

somehow I was led to this committee.

into MMS fields to help our missionaries when education support is needed, especially in

What are the challenges that you face as a

English Language Teachers’ training, and


when English language camps for various

I have not encountered any major challenges

levels from primary all the way to university

so far. The committee is a really fun lot to

are held. We also help with curriculum

work with, and God brings the right people

development in pioneering situations. At

together. The trips I have taken have all gone

home, we run the Teach-to-Reach course

well and the work we do in the MMS fields has

to provide basic equipping for volunteers

been enjoyable.

who have no previous training in language teaching.

What is the most rewarding thing about being a volunteer?

What spurred you to become a volunteer with

When I know that our trip has made a


difference in the resident missionary’s work.

Teaching is a calling, and I have taught all my working life. God also gave me

How do you sustain the passion?

an opportunity to teach in China for two

God provides the passion that keeps me

years. When I came back, it was quite


natural I would want to continue to look How would you encourage more people to volunteer? You have to step out in faith. It is not what you have that counts but what God would do with it, and you must not underestimate your God.

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Time, Talents and Treasures to Help Community Mason Tan

Business-As-Mission Committee

Covenant Community Methodist Church

“We must learn to put our time, talents and treasures to good use for His Kingdom...” Area of Involvement in MMS

What is the most rewarding thing about being

As a member of the Business-As-Mission (BAM)

a volunteer?

Committee of MMS, we meet regularly to

To be chosen as His vessel to share and

see how we can use our business gifts and

spread His faith, love and hope to others. It is a

spiritual gifts to impact the lives of the poor

privilege to serve.

and needy in the seven countries covered under MMS. We are putting our time, talents

How do you sustain the passion?

and treasures together to build sustainable

By constantly reminding myself that God can

local business enterprises to create jobs for

use anyone of us here to make an impact to

the local community so they can learn to be

transform at least one person, provided we

independent, and to instil dignity and self-

are willing to be used by God.

respect in their lives. How would you encourage more people to What spurred you to become a volunteer with



The marketplace is my ministry. Matthew

As Jesus’ disciples, we must learn to put our

25:34-36: “Then the King will say to those

time, talents and treasures to good use for His

on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by

kingdom, not just at home, at church, but in

my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom

the marketplace as well.

prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me

What are the challenges that you face as a

something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave


me something to drink, I was a stranger and

The availability of time and energy to

you invited me in, I needed clothes

follow up on commitments, especially in a

and you clothed me, I was sick and you

fast-paced society like Singapore where

looked after me, I was in prison and you came

‘busyness’ is a norm.

to visit me.’”


Expression of God’s Love Andrew Loh

Building Project Team

Charis Methodist Church

“We are made to love God and others.” Area of Involve-ment in MMS

What spurred you to become a volunteer with

I volunteer as an architectural and design


consultant for MMS facilities and land. I

The opportunity to help people and to

also sponsor a child under the SSS (Student

express God’s love to them.

Sponsorship Scheme) programme. Occasionally, I initiate or lead programmes

What are the challenges that you face as a

and mission teams to the various mission



The time and resource allocation to each mission involvement can pose as a challenge. Therefore I will assess the needs and the area that I can serve most effectively. What is the most rewarding thing about being a volunteer? It is rewarding to see how people’s hearts are turned to God. I am blessed to see their growth and transformation. How do you sustain the passion? I keep close to God who is our mission leader, and seek to understand His immense love. How would you encourage more people to volunteer? In helping in whatever capacity, we are joining our Lord who is already there in the mission field and doing what we are made for, that is to love God and others. Editor’s Note: Andrew helped to design Vineyard Methodist School and the newly constructed Sanphranet Methodist Church in Thailand (Read about the dedication of Sanphranet Methodist Church on page 30.) If you want to sponsor a child under the SSS programme, please contact us immediately by emailing us at mms@methodist.org.sg.

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Building up the Kingdom of God Robert Chew

Building Project Team

Living Waters Methodist Church

“We are one body with many parts. Each part has its own skill and strength.” Area of Involvement in MMS

lives and also in those

Cambodia, Thailand, Nepal and Timor-Leste.

of their families. Most of them are still walking

What spurred you to become a volunteer with

with the Lord.

MMS? The Lord called me and I made my first trip to

How do you sustain the

Cambodia where I saw the devastation in the


land. It hit me that perhaps education was

The Lord is always

one way to help the people. Later, I heard

walking ahead of me. He has blessed and

that MMS was starting a school in Cambodia.

provided for my family and my business, and

So I called to ask how I could help. I was

His business.

with Barker Road Methodist Church then. An architect, Luke Goh, and a few other

How would you encourage more people to

members helped out and are instrumental in


building the Methodist School of Cambodia.

We are one body with many parts. Each part has its own skill and strength. I see that

What are the challenges that you face as a

our front line missionaries have many things


to do: scriptural work, administrative work,

We need the support from our families. We

management work etc. So, as a “busybody”, I

also need the blood of the Lamb to cover

like asking them if there is any particular need

over us.

in the field, and I will do my best to help them with it. That is how it all started. Here I am Lord.

What is the most rewarding thing about being a volunteer? I was also involved in the building of COSI Children’s Village in Cambodia. It is very rewarding to see the kids growing up into the fine young men and women they are today. Some are doing their higher studies, others are working. COSI has caused a change in their

If you like to help in doing projects, let me know immediately. You can send an email to mms@methodist.org.sg to say that you would like to help in doing projects. You do not need to be a preacher to go to the mission fields. The Lord has given you the skills that can be used in the fields.


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Giving What We Cannot Keep. Gaining What We Cannot Lose Victor Seow

Events Organising Team

Charis Methodist Church

“We need to overcome the inertia of taking the very first step that would lead to a giant leap in our lives in our service to God.” Area of Involvement in MMS

hands at the plough and multiplied the work of

I normally help out in the

our mission field.

technical aspects of MMS’ fund-raising projects.

How do you sustain the passion? I developed my passion for volunteer work during

What spurred you to become

my previous stint at the National Volunteer &

a volunteer with MMS?

Philanthropy Centre and it has carried on into

It is our calling to be involved

MMS. So far, it has been enjoyable for me and I am

in the Great Commission. And

just blessed that I am allowed to serve in an area

MMS provides the platform for

and capacity where my skills and interests can be

me to do that.

put to good use for our Lord.

What are the challenges that

How would you encourage more people to

you face as a volunteer?


I suppose it would be the

I believe most people do want to be involved in

usual time poverty issues. I

some kind of charitable or pro bono work that

do have a full-time job and other volunteering

is meaningful to them. The problem, perhaps,

commitments outside MMS. Sometimes, changing

could be attributed to the fear of rejection and

expectations and the scope of responsibilities add

commitment. Just as we learned to ride a bicycle

more complexity to our tasks.

or to swim, we need to overcome the inertia of taking the very first step that would lead to a giant

What is the most rewarding thing about being a

leap in our lives in our service to God. Jim Elliot,


in his journal, reminded us that we are no fools

My service as a volunteer is only a small part.

who give what we cannot keep to gain what we

The greater joy comes from the sum of parts and

cannot lose.

that is in seeing how God has joined together the


Sounds like Fun Kenny Tan

Events Organising Team

Paya Lebar Chinese Methodist Church

“Let us have fun together.” Area of Involvement in MMS

What is the most rewarding thing

Soundman for banquets.

about being a volunteer? It is satisfying when our

What spurred you to become a

programmes are successfully

volunteer with MMS?

carried out.

I volunteer because it allows me to be a part of missions.

How do you sustain the passion? I enjoy doing it.

What are the challenges that you face as a volunteer?

How would you encourage more

There is a need to balance my

people to volunteer?

involvement between MMS and

Just do it. Let us have fun



Privilege to serve and be part of His big plan Dr Yeo Chor Tzien

Medical Mission Team

Barker Road Methodist Church

“I often feel so blessed by Him... I just have to give back!” Area of Involvement in MMS

that all of us have a part to play. I am just playing

Medical Mission Team

my part.

What spurred you to become a volunteer with

He had miraculously guided me into Medical


School. I believed at the time that my GCE ‘A’ level

It is not the organisation that I yield myself to. Rather,

results were nothing extraordinary. I would not have

it would have to be Him. As a medical student, I

been admitted then if compared to the standards

had been impressed upon by the Holy Spirit that my

today. He also guided me through Medical School.

calling as a doctor is not one that is “coincidental”.

I got to know Jesus, and was groomed and

In fact, as a Christian, I do not believe anything to

followed-up by Campus Crusade for Christ. I

be coincidental. God directs and He leads. I believe

eventually learned to lead others to Christ, and the


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Great Commission is very much ingrained in me. In

What is the most rewarding thing?

fact, I had a vision of myself in the missionary field.

My answer would simply be: It is

That was scary especially when I was really poor

a privilege to serve Him and be part of His big plan.

then, and had a family to help uplift from poverty.

I am very blessed. I get to encounter God at first hand in the mission fields. And I get to pulsate with

I got involved in Medical Missions in 1999. I enrolled

God’s heart beat!

in my church’s Basic Missions Training, and served in Cambodia over 10 years on short term medical

How do you sustain the passion?

missions. The call to Nepal was a specific direction

I often feel so blessed by Him, in everything, be

from the Lord, with many subsequent affirmations.

it material or spiritual. I just have to give back! Keeping a close walk with the Lord, and knowing His

What are the challenges?

Word, His Will and His Heartbeat is most important.

The challenge for me is to be in the world and yet, knowing that I am set aside, that I should not be

Most of all, that I be open to His leading. He will

part of this world. It is a constant struggle, one many

definitely not fail me.

Christians would face. I had to constantly reflect on how good the Lord has been. I have often reflected

How would you encourage more people to

on the miracles or affirmations by the Lord while


serving in Nepal. These reflections put things in

The harvest is plentiful and yet the workers are

perspective for me.

few. We got to keep impressing this on everyone! Talk about the works, tell and testify whenever the

Of course, as we serve the Lord, there will be spiritual battles too. And oftentimes, these battles are discouraging. But I know now that the tougher these battles are, the more significant the work will be!

opportunity arises.


Smile a Little Smile for Me Dr Jimmy Tang

Dental Mission Team

Barker Road Methodist Church

“It is something that money cannot replace – no matter how much.” Area of Involvement in MMS

Business” Banquet six years ago. My brother-in-

I am a Dental Surgeon involved in the Medical

Christ, Dr Yeo Chor Tzien, who was also at the

and Dental Mission in Nepal.

banquet had the same calling. We decided to rope in Dr Ong Eng Keow and formed a

What spurred you to become a volunteer with

core team of doctors which by the grace of


God has led 11 mission teams until this day.

I had a calling from God to serve in Nepal right after a video presentation of Shanti and

What are the challenges that you face as a

the Sophia’s Home girls in a MMS “My Father’s

volunteer? Language. I am still learning some basic Nepalese words. What is the most rewarding thing about being a volunteer? It is worthwhile whenever I see them smile, young and old, in appreciation for their dental treatment. It is something that money cannot replace - no matter how much. How do you sustain the passion? Simple. It is a covenant that I intend to keep till God says otherwise. How would you encourage more people to volunteer? Come and join us or any team that goes to the seven countries that MMS is involved. Feel the ground and let the Holy Spirit lead.


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Come and See Dr Ong Eng Keow Photography and Medical Mission Team Living Waters Methodist Church

“Come and see, see how God can use anyone for His purpose.” Area of Involvement in MMS

Thanksgiving Tea Reception, and

us has different training and

I have been involved with

Missions Conference. I always

experience on doing things. I feel

MMS through medical missions

believe in giving back to God

that when we let God move and

since 2007. I first attended a

what He has blessed me with,

we do not rely on our experience

medical mission camp in Prek

and in this case, my camera

and training, we will have less

Tual, Cambodia with a group

equipment and my knowledge of

problems and communications

of doctors and volunteers from

how to take good pictures.

will be better.

the following year, we embarked

What spurred you to become a

What is the most rewarding thing

on a new country focus – Nepal.

volunteer with MMS?

about being a volunteer?

And my wife and I have been

God just led me here. There was

It was great to see how others

there eight times since 2008. On

a need and I was available. He

were blessed of course. Also, it

the first trip, we were there with

called and I raised my hands and

was wonderful to see how God

my son and his IB friends. We

said, “Use me.”

opened the way and everything

Barker Road Methodist Church. In

ended up just the way it should

were totally awed by the work the Lord has started there and the

What are the challenges that you

be, especially when I knew that it

miracles that happened each

face as a volunteer?

was not due to my abilities.

time we were there. Together

Time management is a challenge.

with the other doctors, we ran

There are lots of needs out there.

How do you sustain the passion?

medical clinics, attended to the

One can get exhausted if we

Prayer and my constant help

sick and gave some advice on

respond to every single call. One

and encourager – my wife.

healthy living. I was given the task

has to be discerning and know

She has been my sustainer,

of leading on some of the mission

how to respond to His call and not

giving good advice and

trips, which I carried out albeit

man’s call. I feel that I am a man

encouragement throughout

quite reluctantly. But God was

on the ground. I do it physically. I

my role as an MMS volunteer.

good and led me slowly but surely,

am not one who plans and thinks.

giving me confidence in Him as he

That was why I did not take on

How would you encourage more

led the team and me. It was quite

the post of Missions Chairman

people to volunteer?

like Moses and the Israelites.

and be on the LCEC (Local

“Come and see.” Just as how

Conference Executive

Philip calls Nathaniel to come and

Additionally, I helped out with

Committee). Well, at least, this is

see, I ask all those who love God

photography and the recording

my calling at the moment – to

and are willing to use their hands

of the trips, as this is my hobby.

do the work on the ground.

for Him, “Come and see, see how God can use anyone for

I have also been involved in taking photos for MMS events like

Another challenge will be

“My Father’s Business” Banquet,

working with others. Each of

His purpose.”


God’s Gift to Serve Andrew Chong


Trinity Methodist Church

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” Area of Involvement in MMS

What spurred you to become a volunteer with


MMS? I am grateful to be able to use the gifts that God has blessed me with. I want to support the church and give back by being a blessing. What are the challenges that you face as a volunteer? There are not enough fellow volunteers! It can sometimes be tough if there is only a small group of volunteers in rotation. What is the most rewarding thing about being a volunteer? I am able to bless other people and the church with my contribution. How do you sustain the passion? I ask God continuously for His strength. I know that what I do can and will continue to be a blessing to the church. How would you encourage more people to volunteer? 1 Peter 4:10 (ESV): “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”

Editor’s Note: If you can help out in this area of photography too, please contact us immediately by emailing mms@methodist.org.sg. We need photographers to take photos of the few MMS events during the year. No service is too small in the Kingdom of God.


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Seeing the Fruits of our Work Isaac Tan

Video Production

Grace Methodist Church

“The more you volunteer in the mission field, the more you realise that God’s work is not just contained within our own comfort zones.” Area of Involvement in MMS

definitely very rewarding to do these meaningful

My partner, Willie Lee, and I formed a video


production company called Big 3 Productions a few years back. Today, we volunteer to produce

What is the most rewarding thing about being a

two to three productions a year for the various


organisations under the Methodist Church in

When we do the MMS documentaries in Cambodia,

Singapore - making short videos, documentaries

Nepal and China, we really get the opportunity to

and motion graphics for MMS, MWS (Methodist

visit the missionaries and find out more about God’s

Welfare Services) and MCS.

work in these places. We get to make many new friends and contribute our services in other ways.

What spurred you to become a volunteer with MMS?

How do you sustain the passion?

As a company, our vision was to devote at least

Passion to volunteer for us comes from seeing the

10% of our resources either in time, manpower,

fruits of our work. It is very encouraging to see many

expertise or financial resources to do God’s work.

people appreciating the videos that we create.

After working with MCS four years ago, we gradually decided to sponsor the cost of production and

How would you encourage more people to

become volunteers instead of vendors.

volunteer? The more you volunteer in the mission field, the more

What are the challenges that you face as a

you realise that God’s work is not just contained


within our own comfort zones. The more you see

The greatest challenge is to balance priorities

that, the more excited you will become to go out

between producing paid work and our pro bono

and serve in the various mission fields!

work. It is tough to take on extra projects, but it is


Rewarding and Soul Nourishing Tan Yung Yih

Mobile Application

New Creation Church

“I am doing my small portion for the kingdom.” Area of Involvement in MMS Working on the MMS mobile app to help missionaries and people in ministry share their updates and allow people in the church to interact and provide support to these ministries. What spurred you to become a volunteer with MMS? I am doing my small portion for the kingdom. What are the challenges that you face as a volunteer? The challenge is to be able to prioritise work and volunteer work. What is the most rewarding thing about being a volunteer? It is great to feel that I am part of a larger body of Christ. How do you sustain the passion? God will sustain! How would you encourage more people to volunteer? It is good to get involved in something rewarding and soul nourishing.

Editor’s Note: MMS has some volunteers who are not Methodist. But that has not stopped them from coming forward to serve and making a difference.


God’s Call to do Good Work Chew Peck Yee


Grace Methodist Church

“When we response to God’s calling, we can do good works for His kingdom.” Area of Involvement in MMS

How do you sustain the passion?

Administrative works like preparing letters to

I enjoy the good relationship with the MMS

be sent out to donors.

home office staff members who are always encouraging.

What spurred you to become a volunteer with MMS?

How would you encourage more people to

It is enriching as it lets me keep in touch with


the mission work in the various countries

It is when we response to God’s calling, that

served by MMS. In the office, I also get to

we can do good works for His kingdom.

meet the missionaries who are back from their overseas assignments. Editor’s Note: If you can help out in this area What are the challenges that you face as a

of administration too, please contact us


immediately by emailing mms@methodist.org.

After so many years, I do not think there are

sg. No service is too small in the Kingdom of



What is the most rewarding thing about being a volunteer? I am glad that I can help the office staff by doing some routine work. This will free them up to work on more urgent tasks.

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Giving Back to God Emma Wong

Mailing Team

Bedok Methodist Church

“It is not self-seeking but giving out of a heart of love for the Lord.” Area of Involvement in MMS

my fellow brothers and sisters-

How do you sustain the passion?

I have the opportunity to work

in-Christ, to serve together and

I sustain the passion by loving

with those that have been sent

fellowship with them.

the Lord and remembering how

out to spread the Good News

much Christ has loved us. I thank

that Christ loves us and died for

What are the challenges that you

Him for all the blessings I have

us. I do mailing work, pasting

face as a volunteer?

received. His grace is always

addresses on magazines, sealing

As a volunteer, I learn to be meek,

sufficient for me.

them up and packing them into

humble and patient with others. I

bags to be posted out.

always pray for good health and

How would you encourage more

strength and journey mercies as I

people to volunteer?

What spurred you to become a

travel the distance to MMS’ office

I tell them that this is the work

volunteer with MMS?

by public transport.

through which you will receive

As a volunteer, I can come into contact with and meet with

blessings from God. Volunteering What is the most rewarding thing

is giving of ourselves and of love;

about being a volunteer?

it is not self-seeking but giving out

The most rewarding thing about

of a heart of love for the Lord.

being a volunteer is that I have

God is love. God is worthy. He has

peace and joy in my heart. I

blessed my life in many ways.

thank Him for the good health that allows me to be a part of spreading His word.

Editor’s Note: Emma is 86 years old, and still active in volunteering. We are encouraged and inspired by her passion. If you can help out in this area of mailing too, please contact us immediately by emailing mms@methodist.org. sg. No service is too small in the Kingdom of God.


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Translating Small Contribution to Expand God’s Kingdom Ng Hsu-Fen

Translation and Proofreading Team

Living Waters Methodist Church

“God can use your skill set to further the cause of missions in more ways than you can imagine.” only natural to volunteer as a

How would you encourage more

volunteer with MMS. I wanted to

people to volunteer?

use the skills that I have to serve

Not everybody is at the stage in

God in missions.

life when they can go out into the mission field to serve God,

What are the challenges that you

and there is much that can be

face as a volunteer?

done on the home-front to further

Finding the right words and

the cause of missions. Praying

phrasing to use in translating the

regularly for the MMS missions

article can be a challenge.

fields, doing translation work for Harvest force and contributing

What is the most rewarding thing

financially towards the cause of

about being a volunteer?

missions are just some of the ways

It is rewarding to complete the

that you can volunteer. God can

translation for an article and see

use your skill set to further the

it in print.

cause of missions in more ways

Area of Involvement in MMS

than you can imagine.

Chinese translation work for

How do you sustain the passion?

Harvest Force magazine.

I remind myself that every small thing that I do contributes to the

Editor’s Note: If you can help

What spurred you to become a

expansion of God’s kingdom on

out in this area of translation too,

volunteer with MMS?

earth. In my case, it is through

please contact us immediately

God has placed in me a heart

helping those who are Chinese

by emailing mms@methodist.org.

for missions since my university

speaking to know more about the

sg. No service is too small in the

days. And having grown up in

work that MMS is doing.

Kingdom of God.

the Methodist tradition, it was

MMS is very blessed to have a team of English-Chinese translators to translate some articles for our Chinese readers. Also, we have two faithful English and Chinese proofreaders who help to check the grammar and accuracy of the articles. Most of them are too shy to be interviewed but MMS is very appreciative of their help and contribution.


以微薄的贡献参与上帝国度 的扩展 黄素芬



卫理宣教会蒙上帝祝福,拥有一群中英兼通的义工,翻译一篇 篇的文章以飨中文读者。此外,我们还有两位忠心的对稿员, 协助校对中英文稿件及文法。许多义工都很低调,但是卫理宣 教会珍惜、赏识他们的同工,也肯定他们在卫宣的贡献。 是什么促使你成为卫理宣教会的义 工? 在就读大学时, 上帝就感动我,让 我心系宣教。在卫理宗的传统中成 长,成为卫宣的义工更是自然不过 了。我想用我的技能在宣教上服事 上帝。 身为一名义工,你面对什么挑战?

翻译文章时找到合适的文字和措辞 是一项挑战。




不是每个人都处于能够上禾场服侍 上帝的阶段;在国内其实也能参与 很多和宣教相关的事工。比如定期 为卫宣的禾场祈祷,为禾丰杂志翻 译和资助宣教。上帝可以使用你的 技能去拓展宣教、成就的事工是远 超过你所能想象的。


我提醒自己所做的每一件小事,都 有助于扩展上帝的国度。对我而 言,通过帮助受华文教育的信徒更 了解卫宣的事工是我保持热忱的动 力。

主编注:我们挚诚邀请您加入禾丰的翻译行列,请立即电邮至mms@methodist. org.sg。在上帝国度的服侍,没有大小之分。

Power of Teamwork Deborah Chou

Character Formation Team

Bedok Methodist Church

“As a team, each of us does our part, in the way God has gifted and called us to contribute.” Area of Involvement in MMS

children, aged three to 16 years

The programme covered the

I am the coordinator of the

old, and then the CF Programme

teaching of character values

Character Formation (CF) Team,

has expanded and it was at

like attentiveness, obedience,

which is involved in writing lesson

one time used at the Methodist

responsibility, truthfulness, self-

plans and training the coaches. It

School of Cambodia (MSC).

control, gratefulness, diligence,

began as lessons for COSI

punctuality, enthusiasm,


| 59

What are the challenges that you face as a volunteer? The challenges are time and team. The CF team is blessed to gather together with one common vision: that the children in COSI and MSC may grow in godly character. With working persons, retirees and “refired” persons in the team, it can be a challenge to set aside time to write, prepare materials and make trips to train the coaches. Thanks to the flexibility of the COSI managers and the past MSC principal, we were able to meet the challenges of coordinating translation schedules, and everyone’s availability for training and teaching. What is the most rewarding thing about being a volunteer? On our very first attempt, when we taught lessons availability and virtue. These are character values

on truthfulness to the COSI children, a girl confessed

identified in the life of Jesus as He lived amongst us.

to stealing after one evening lesson and returned

Values are taught as modules, each over eight to 12

what she had taken. She had chosen to confess

lessons. Persons and events in the Bible are used to

and tell the truth. It is rewarding to see the children

teach children the character value, as it would look

practising what they are taught. As believers,

like in practice, for them to make the right choices

this work is not ours alone, but the Holy Spirit’s

and apply the specific quality to their everyday lives

Who is working in the children as well. We have

using “I Will” statements.

experienced God’s enabling power at work. We have the hope and confidence that it is God Who

The CF team in my church writes the lesson plans,

will ultimately do the work.

prepares the materials, and trains the COSI houseparents as coaches. As house-parents, they have

How do you sustain the passion?

the advantage not only to teach, but also to

I am encouraged and edified by the power of

observe and encourage the children to put the

being in a team. We have been meeting monthly

values into practice.

to share and pray for almost nine years! When someone is discouraged or frustrated, the other

What spurred you to become a volunteer with

team members will stand in the gap for that person.

MMS? I have seen how the COSI children experienced

How would you encourage more people to

the love of God through being loved and cared


for by the missionaries and house-parents, and

Volunteering is like putting that one starfish back

how they learned of Jesus’ love and life. There is a

into the ocean. It may not seem significant, yet

need to prepare them to live life as Jesus did - both

each life counts. As a team, each of us does our

in the present and in the future. This is intentionally

part, in the way God has gifted and called us to

taught and modelled. Having the children in their

contribute. Even if the result is not immediately

formative years, we are privileged to be in a place

evident, it provides someone else to build upon

to provide them with good ‘beginnings’ to build

the work. When I contribute, someone else can be

their characters.

blessed and enriched. There is no need to thank the volunteers because volunteering is a thanksgiving to God.

Editor’s Note: Deborah is also involved in the MMS Personnel Committee.


Be His Hands and Feet for the Nations Pauline Shan

Children’s Ministry

Faith Methodist Church

“God’s love compels me.” home, my first desire was to

indeed a living testimony as one

discern His direction and purpose

body of Christ that is willing to be

as to where He wants for me to

His hands and feet for the nations.

serve for short term missions. I was led to Thailand by another

How do you sustain the passion?

volunteer leader from MMS. I

Not by my own strength but God’s

have personally witnessed how

grace and sustenance. I think

our missionaries give their lives to

focusing on God and not the

serve God and it has spurred me

work helps me to listen and stay in

to intercede for them in my daily

tune with His heartbeat. Hence,


maintaining a close and loving relationship with God, knowing

Area of Involvement in MMS Since 2007, I have led mission teams to Don Tanin, North Eastern Thailand to conduct the Teachto-Reach programme at local primary schools, which includes running English camps, village walks, evangelistic events and ministry at Don Tanin church. Also, in October and November 2012, I provided assistance to Stamford Consultancy by conducting English club activities for their students, and provided free English lessons for campus ministry in NC.

What spurred you to become a volunteer with MMS? God’s love compels me. He had given me the sense of mission and compassion for the lost during the time my family resided in Indonesia. Upon returning

What are the challenges that you

Him more and more, having

face as a volunteer?

a clear vision and focus, and

Personally, I have encountered

believing in the leading of the

many who see short term trips

Holy Spirit, all help me to press on.

as a one-off thing to promote awareness. As a short term trip

How would you encourage more

team leader, the main challenge

people to volunteer?

is helping team members to

I think it is indeed a privilege to

understand how short term trips

serve as a volunteer with MMS.

can strategically contribute to

Through this humble journey, God

long term goals in the mission

has taught me many precious life

field, encourage them to focus

lessons which I would not trade

on the needs of the mission field,

in for the world. God is really

and be committed to finishing the

gracious by revealing Himself

tasks for the Kingdom’s sake.

as a faithful and caring God throughout every mission trip. He

What is the most rewarding thing

encourages me through fellow

about being a volunteer?

volunteers. He moves my heart to

It is rewarding to see God’s

pray for our missionary. And He

hands at work in bringing His

gives me the hope, knowing that

people to be His witnesses and to

the harvest is His.

serve together. Also to see how precious lives have been touched and transformed by Him through His people who have willingly volunteered to be a part of the team. The team’s unity in spirit is


| 61

Opportunities to Serve God Vijayarani Adisayam

Women’s Ministry

Seletar Tamil Methodist Church

“I really did not know that going for mission trip will automatically enrol me as a volunteer with MMS.” Area of Involvement in MMS

What is the most rewarding thing about being a

A trip to Nepal in October 2012 was organised


by GC-WSCS. Our main aim was to educate the

I am happy and privileged that God also uses me

women in Nepal to be vibrant in their ministry in

for His business.

their respective churches or places. I was tasked to prepare for the children’s ministry, as well as to

How do you sustain the passion?

teach and engage some fellowship activities for

I sustain the passion by praying for Nepal. I also

the women. This was to help the women to open up

try to re-capture the moments that I have spent in

and reach out easily.

Nepal by looking at the photos. Besides, I read more about the ministry.

What spurred you to become a volunteer with MMS?

How would you encourage more people to

I really did not know that going for mission trip to


Nepal will automatically enrol me with MMS as a

Always look for opportunities to serve God because

volunteer. <Laughing>

time does not wait for anyone. So, be a worker in God’s field.

What are the challenges that you face as a volunteer? I do not know the language the Nepalese speak. And a lot of women do not know English. We need a translator most of the time. Vijay is seated holding a child in Sophia’s Home


Mission in An Age of Globalis This is the second part of an essay by Rev Dr Andrew Peh, who is a lecturer in Trinity Theological College.

“… globalisation brings with it many challenges, many conveniences and many changes.”

How has globalisation affected

of pragmatic solutions to

attendant notion that is well

Christian witness, discipleship and

church life and personal piety

articulated by post modernity’s

mission? How has globalisation

to the exclusion of the God’s

emphasis on multiple truths.

inspired or impeded Christian

supernatural interventions.

Berger pointed to the fact that

mission? These were the two big

Or simply put, secularism has

pluralism and the globalised

questions that were asked in the

stealthily taken root when

world fundamentally changed

last paragraph of the introductory

perfunctory planning takes pre-

how the individual experiences

article. It seems an impossible

eminence and precedence over

faith, replacing the communal

task to fully map the effects of

persevering prayer in the life of

character of religion by an

globalisation on Christianity

the church and/or the individual.

individual’s search for a personal religious preference.

but perhaps standing upon the Globalisation has also ushered

Josh Yates rightly noted that,

Max Stackhouse and a few other

in a policy of privatisation, both

“far on the “pluralism” end of

thinkers, we may have sketch out

in the economic as well as

the fundamentalism/pluralism

the contours that can give us a

in social sense. It is seen as a

continuum, Christianity in

clearer approximation.

movement from the public to the

Western societies faces profound

shoulders of such as Peter Berger,

private. And yet again the subtle

challenges surrounding questions

Globalisation not only scattered

danger rears its ugly head in our

of its authority claims, about its

the seeds of technological

everyday lives when the “I” takes

ecclesiastical and institutional

change but also fertilised

precedence over the “us” or the

structures, and about its symbolic

the budding and fruition of

“we”. We are bombarded daily

relevance to daily life.”3

secularism. Among his many

with images and advertisements

significant works, sociologist

that highlights the individual “I”

These three attendant

Peter Berger, in The Sacred

in such products popularised by

movements of secularisation,

Canopy, uncovers a process of

a certain brand, named after

privatisation and pluralisation

secularisation; which he defined

a fruit, which in Latin (malum) is

have affected the mission of the

as “the process by which sectors

synonymous with the word for

Church in more ways than we

of society and culture are

evil. I am not suggesting boycotts

have or dare imagined. And this

removed from the dominion of

of any sort but am concerned

may be a good place for us to

religious institution and symbols.”1

instead with the inversion of

initiate some contemplation and

This secularisation is what Bishop

priorities, and the subverting of

conversations within our local

Emeritus Dr Robert Solomon

the command of Jesus from ‘love

churches in order that we may

referred to as “a movement

God and love others’ to wanton

critically assess globalisation’s

from the supernatural to the

and self-indulgent narcissism.


A third movement of globalisation

We live in a world that is

empiricism (the ‘knowable’) is

which affects Christianity is

constantly changing - in the 17th

valued. The subtlety of secularism

pluralisation ; which is a move

century, it took the Jesuits more

is evidenced in the emphasis

from unity to diversity, with the

than eight months to travel from

natural”2 , where the divine (the ‘unknowable’) is sidelined and



Spain to Kyushu. Today, I presume it

are determined by the need for

further in the concluding article

would not take more than a day for

‘sustenance and sense of identity and

but for now, let’s consider Sine’s

someone to fly from Barcelona to

community’, the origins of which can


Kagoshima today. Just seven years

be traced back to the Genesis. For

“Economic globalisation is being

ago, there were no iPhones nor

him, the Lexus represents the ‘global

advanced by powerful financiers,

were there iPads, but consider how

markets, financial institutions and

influential CEOs of transnational

technology had reshaped our lives

computer technologies with which

corporations and international

today. My brother reminded me that

we pursue higher living standards

political brokers. The mustard seed


only seven years ago, tweets were

today’ while the olive tree symbolises

agenda for globalization, on the

the sound that real birds made and

“whom we belong to – linguistically,

other hand, is led by one who comes

Angry Birds only existed in real life

geographically and historically.”

on a donkey’s back. The architects of

when you attempted to steal the

Hence he views that the challenge

McWorld define the ultimate in terms

eggs from their nests. Seven years

and future of humanity will depend

of economic growth and economic

ago there was no Lady Gaga nor was

on a delicate balance between the

efficiency and would have us believe

there Justin Bieber (well, he was not

process of economic development

that ultimate satisfaction will come

even a teenager!). It seems that just

and the preservation of individual,

from our increasing consumption of

in this short span of time, the world

community and national identities;

things. The mustard seed movement

as we know it today has undergone

this delicate balance between

defines the ultimate in terms of God’s

tremendous change. And the truth of

technology and tradition. I think it is

kingdom breaking into the world

the matter is that whether you like it or

a good book to read for those of us

to redeem a new community from

not, globalisation brings with it many

who may be interested in this topic of

every tongue, tribe and nation. And

challenges, many conveniences


Jesus tells us that we have to find our


ultimate satisfaction not in seeking life

and many changes. Life is at once

but in losing it in service of others.”6

intriguing as well as intimidating. And

But I think a better book is Tom Sine’s

you probably have heard this said

Mustard Seed versus McWorld, where

before; that change seems to be the

Tom Sine incisively addresses the

Rev Dr Andrew Peh

only constant. Let me emphasize:

manner we are to navigate these

Lecturer at Trinity Theological College

Change SEEMS to be the only

uncertain waters. We will explore this

constant. I believe that God is the only constant!

Peter Berger, The Sacred Canopy (New York; Anchor Books, 1990) 107.

Bishop Emeritus Dr Robert Solomon, Globalisation and the Church: Dealing with the Ideologies and Idols of our Age. (Singapore: St Andrew’s Cathedral CE Programme, 2006) disc 2.

Josh Yates, Lausanne occasional paper No. 30: Globalisation and the Gospel: Rethinking Mission in the Contemporary World. (Pattaya, Thailand: Lausanne Conference 2004) 31.

Apple’s first generation IPhone was launched on June 29, 2007.

Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey in March 2006 and the social networking site was launched in the July of that year.


How are we then to navigate these


waters of change? In his book, The Lexus and the Olive Tree, Thomas Friedman gives us a glimpse of the challenges and threats that globalisation brings. Friedman optimistically perceives that the functioning and conflicts of the world


4 5


Tom Sine, Mustard Seed Vs McWorld: ReInventing Life and Faith for the Future (MI: Baker Books, 1999) 22.

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Difference between Volunteer and Servant

A servant on the other hand performs a task at the instruction of the master. The objective is not to advance the cause of the servant but that of the

“There are persons out there who are really willing to meet the terms of a servant as I have described, but consider themselves volunteers, maybe because they have not bothered to make such distinctions. But they serve like servants do, not taking into account their own convenience and comfort.�

master. Often the servant is asked to do things that under normal circumstances would be considered objectionable. But the servant does not think of himself or herself. The primary function is to obey, serve and please the master. If therefore a person offers to serve under such conditions, then he or she should be rightly considered a steward, There is a difference between

or a servant, rather than just a

the volunteer and the servant.

volunteer. This is because there

In particular, by servant, in our

are persons out there who are

context, I mean one who serves

really willing to meet the terms of

as to the Lord Jesus Christ.

a servant as I have described, but consider themselves volunteers,

By definition, a volunteer is a

maybe because they have

person who offers to take part

not bothered to make such

in an activity or task for an

distinctions. But they serve like

organisation without being

servants do, not taking into

paid. There is something noble

account their own convenience

about doing something for

and comfort. They just follow the

nothing, at least on the surface.

call to meet the needs of others

A servant also offers the same,

at their own expense (and I do

but much more.

not just mean financially here), as they believe God is leading them

There are subtle differences

to do.

between the two. The distinctions have to do with

Distinctions are about Motives,

the motivation and purpose

Not Class

behind why the person offers to

Is it fair to categorise people

take either action.

as such? It sounds like we are making some class distinctions

A contemporary example is

here, i.e. the volunteer is a class

that of parents who volunteer to

below the servant. This article is

serve in the school so that when

not an attempt at labelling, but

they register their children for

simply to help us to clarify our

enrolment into the school, they

motives. Indeed, to push the

will have priority. They are seeking

point further might only

to serve their own needs, under

discourage some from even

the pretext of their children’s.

taking the first step.


We do not all start with pure

There is a recent development

freedom and equality, which the world values

motives, and certainly we also

in missions that places those

today, ‘servant’ is a word that does not sit

might not end purer than at

involved in a somewhat ‘no man’s

comfortably with many. In the bible, there is a

the beginning. We are all on a

land’ between the volunteer and

word that might seem even more degrading.

journey of allowing God to form

the servant. With the shortage of

It is the word bondslave.

our character and service by our

funds as being a common bane

experiences in different situations.

of missions, there are those who

Under Mosaic law, when a Jew bought a

might see their contribution not

slave, the time limit of service was six years.

“Missions” lends itself to an air

so much in the field of people

On the seventh year, that slave could go free,

of romance that easily attracts

ministry, but more in terms of

paying nothing. “But if the slave plainly says, ‘I

Christians to get involved. There is

financial administration and

love my master, my wife, and my children; I will

a sense of adventure in that term,

support. A way to do this is to

not go out free,’ then his master shall bring him

reaching across cultures, travel

start up indigenous businesses,

to God, and he shall bring him to the door or

and discovery. Nowadays, we

whether micro or regular

the doorpost. And his master shall bore his ear

can add in a couple of rounds

commercial set-ups, in order that

with an awl, and he shall be his slave forever.”

of golf, shopping, trekking, spa

the profits made from these can

(Exodus 21:1-6). At that point, he becomes

treatments, and other exotica.

be ploughed back to finance

a slave bonded to his master for life. There

missions. Those involved in such

would be a brand-mark on the slave’s body to

The servant in missions, on the

efforts would not fall neatly into

indicate his relationship to his master.

other hand, is one who is willing

either category of volunteers

not just to endure the hardier

or servants.

side of travel, ministry, and the

From Volunteer to Slave

We all get involved initially as volunteers.

like, but to do this repeatedly.

Again, the basis of considering

That term will probably continue to be used

The dirtier aspects of the trips,

mobilising people for missions is

to refer to all who give their time and other

like working with street kids and

not so much about what they do.

resources. Changing the terminology to a

slum dwellers, do not deter a long

It is about their motives as well. Is

missions “servant” will not attract more

term commitment to serve them.

their purpose to serve the target

people to come forward, and indeed in

Servants live in spartan conditions

people group or is it simply profit

some circumstances might draw in the

as compared to vacation-as-

making? What percentage of

wrong kind of persons. It might even be

missions in quality hotels.

the profits is ploughed back into

confusing for some.

the mission? What priority does There is no need to justify

meeting the needs of the people

The above definitions and distinctions are

attempts at trying to make the

have in the business plans? Are

not for the purpose of changing the terms

mission trippers’ experience

the local situations taken into

we have been using. Rather, our discussion

comfortable, especially where

consideration when starting up

has been purely for the purpose of clarifying

they rest at night. A comfortable,

the business as opposed to simply

the forward journey we all need to make in

good night’s rest makes for a

transplanting a successful model

our service to God. In the end, it is a matter

better experience the following

from elsewhere? Is the trigger to

of the heart, something only known between

day. But there is wisdom in

launch such enterprises to serve

our Lord and us. Enduring missions succeed

not letting the disparity in our

the people, or is it just to fulfil

on the back of those who respond to God’s

accommodation from those

some romantic or theoretical

call and willingly “enslave” themselves to their

of the locals be too wide.

ambition about mission?

Lord to do His will.

incarnational among those we

Slave, Not Servant

Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup

are reaching out to.

The term that has been used so

Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore

Missions is after all about being

far is servant. In the context of

义工与仆人 义工与仆人,两者之间是有差别的。本文里所指的 仆人,专指事奉耶稣基督的人 。 从定义上来看,义工在某个组织或参与活动,或 负责任务,没有薪酬;至少从表面看是不求回 报, 让人肃然起敬。而仆人也提供同样的服务, 但却超出这个范围。 义工与仆人之间的差别是微妙的,关键在于做事 的人是带着怎样的动机和目的。 先谈谈大家熟悉的例子: 许多为人父母者为学校 当义工,无非是为了将来子女报读该校能取得优 先权。说穿了,这样的做法,与其说为了符合孩子 的需要,不如说满足自己的需求更加到位。 相对来说,仆人就不一样了,仆人遵照主人的命令 来做事,所做所为,不是出于一己之需,而是完成 主人的意愿。仆人经常被要求做的许多事,一般都 不是赏心乐事。然而,仆人并不在意自己。他最基 本的职务是服从主人、服务主人、取悦主人。 如此说来,在这样情况下参与服侍的,应该是称为 管家或是仆人,而不能单被视为义工了。有这么一 些人,就如前面所描述的完全符合当仆人的条件, 但自认为义工,这也许因为他们并不在乎其中的 差别。然而,就他们在事奉上,不计较自己的方便 和舒适,和仆人就没有两样。他们只管顺从呼召, 按照需要作出回应,他们的付出包括经济及其他 方面的支援,因为他们相信上帝的带领。 差别不在等级,在于动机 把人这样归类,公平吗?咋听之下,我们仿佛把这 些人划分了等级——义工比起仆人更低一级。然 而,我的出发点不是在给他们贴上什么标签,仅仅 是让大家看清自己动机所在。说实在的,再推论 下去,可能会造成有些人连跨出第一步都会感到 有点气馁。 如果我们一开始就不存有单纯的动机,做到最 后,动机不见得会比当初来得单纯。在我们事奉的 道路上,我们敞开自己,让上帝透过各式各样的环 境和经历,来塑造我们和造就事工。 “宣教”似乎带有几许旖旎浪漫,很容易吸引信徒 参与。过程中似乎含有探险的韵味,跨越文化界

线、旅游、探索……。在今天,还可 以在行程中打 几回合高尔夫球,逛 商场,郊野远足、温泉水疗、以及其 他寻幽探秘的活动。

是奴仆,不是仆人 到目前为止我们还是在使用“仆人” 这个词汇。当今世界,讲求自由平 等,许多人对这个字眼感到浑身不自 在。圣经中有一个用词看起来更带 着贬义——奴仆。

反观投入宣教的仆人,他们心甘情愿 地一次次面对舟车颠簸等交通的不 适、事工开发与关顾的难题。到环境 根据摩西律法,犹太人出钱所买得 恶劣的贫民窟,在邋遢的街童当中工 奴仆,服务期限规定六年。到了第七 作,污秽落后制止不了他们长期深 年,这个奴仆得以恢复完全的自由。 入弱势社群的决心。与一般度假式 “倘或奴仆明说: ‘我爱我的主人和 访宣者住宿的舒适旅店比较,这些 我的妻子儿女 ,不愿意自由出去 。 仆人的居住环境也显得简陋多了。 他的主人就要带他到神那里 , 又要 带他到门前,靠近门框,用锥子穿他 的耳朵,他就永远服事主人 。” (出 让访宣团员住得舒适点其实也无可 埃及记 21:5 -6)。从此以后,这人 厚非。晚上睡得好,得到充分的休 就成为主人的终身奴隶,并且在身 息,第二天做起事来就能够事半功 体打上了印记,表明和主人之间的奴 倍。但是比较有智慧的做法,是不和 当地人的住宿环境有太大的差距。 主关系。 毕竟,宣教工作的首要是认同与本色 化,拉近与所接触群体的距离。 从义工到奴仆 我们都是以义工的身份进入服侍。 这个称谓也许会继续用在那些付出 近日在义工与仆人间的界限模糊化 时间以及其他资源的人。放弃使用 又有新的发展。一般上,宣教的预算 总是比较拮据,于是有些人认为,与 “义工”这个称谓,改用“短宣仆人” 是不会吸引更多的人加入团队,壮大 其捐助禾场的工人,倒不如把自己 队伍的,在某种情况底下,可能还会 的贡献放在经济管理和支援方面, 引进错误的对象呢!也可能在一些人 这样会来得更加恰当。其中一个方 当中造成困惑也说不定。 法就是协助当地人建立企业,可以 是小型的,也可以是比较正式的商业 机构,再把这些企业利润所得,用来 这里探讨了一些定义和差别,本意不 支援宣教。这些人既不是义工,也不 是在于更改一路来使用某些词汇,主 是仆人。 要的目的纯粹式要大家在继续前面 的服侍道路时,有更清楚的认识。说 到底,这关系到心系何处——一个只 话说回来,动员会友投入宣教, 其 有上帝和我们之间才清楚的问题。只 中“为了什么”是比 “做些什么”来 的重要。是把目标放在服侍的对象, 有那些回应上帝的呼召、甘愿献身成 为祂奴仆,遵行祂的旨意者才能承担 还是纯粹赚取盈利?要拨出几成的 得起宣教的重任,事工才能持久。 盈利用在宣教事工呢?筹备企业大 计时,在满足人的需要的课题上,要 如何制定优先次序呢?企业的启动, 黄文合牧师(博士) 是否有认真考虑当地的具体状况, 新加坡卫理公会会督 还是把外地的成功经营模式原封不 动搬移过来呢?企业的开发是为了服 侍,造福当地人,还是为了满足某些 旖旎的宣教理念呢?

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