Oh, Taste and See
Focus: Thailand MMS Ministry in Thailand l 回溯卫 宣在泰国的事工发 展
Holy Club l 圣洁 会
Here I Am, Send Me l 请差遣我,我 在这里
Incarnational Mission l 道成肉身 的宣教
Contents Oh, Taste and See Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalm 34:8 (NKJV)
Fruits commonly found in Thailand
• Gaga over Candy Crush Saga
• MMS ministry in Thailand
• Brief History Vineyard Methodist School in Chiang Mai • Hostels for Poor and Needy Children • Reaching out to the Shan people • The Holy Club • Youth Ministry in Thailand • My Call to Rangsit and Beyond • Impact of Short Term Mission Trips • Here I Am, Send Me • A Mission Trip for All Ages • Profile of MMS Missionaries in Thailand • Eulogy for a Former Missionary in Thailand
CAMBODIA • Brand New Chress Methodist Church
• Testimonies of Transformation
EAST ASIA • Faith Farm Going Forward
NEPAL • Groundbreaking!
VIETNAM • Love Medical Mission
• We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations – Teach to Reach in Sarawak
FEATURE 56 SPECIAL • Mission in An Age of Clobalisation
• MMS Family • Mission Awareness • MMS Missionary Prayer Night • MMS Missionary Retreat • Memorandum of Understanding • Teach to Reach Course – Teaching with a Mission • MMS “My Father’s Business” Banquet – The Business of Transforming Lives
• Incarnational Mission
• MMS Photo Contest • Mission Trips • Opportunities to Serve
• Do You Know... Thailand Ministry
If you have a testimony or a lesson learnt regarding missions, why not send it to us so that we can share it in the Harvest Force. We welcome your letters, photos, news of mission-related events, testimonies, comments, feedback and suggestion. Please email or send them to 70 Barker Road #06-01 The Methodist Centre Singapore 309936, together with your name, church name, email address and contact number. To share your mission trip experiences in Harvest Force, just use this simple approach – Less Words, More Photos. For more details, please email Please note that your articles may be edited for length, style and clarity. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16
aga over Candy G Crush Saga Out of curiosity, I started playing Candy Crush. This silly but addictive online game soon worn me out because I was constantly being consumed by the sadistic chocolate. However, Asher took over the game and became an expert. He would jump with joy and exclaim “I did it!” whenever he cleared a difficult level. As I watched him play, I could think of some lessons for missions from my Candy Crush experience. 1. Play it anywhere You can play it on your phone on a bus, or on your desktop at home, or even on your tablet in a queue. It remembers where you stopped the game so that you can continue anywhere. Similarly, you can pray for missions when you are commuting, working or waiting. Anyone can do it throughout the day, even while reading this magazine.
2. Friends are important When you are out of lives or need a ticket to go to a next level, friends are important. You can enlist help from friends. You can also pay it forward by helping someone else.
4. Challenges ahead On each level, you are presented with different challenges. You need to strategise the best move to create special candies to perform special effects, or just keep your eyes open for opportunities. It is incredibly powerful when you combine those special candies.
Missions is not a one-man’s job. It is a partnership through which God’s work is fulfilled. Everyone can participate by being a volunteer, mobiliser, sponsor, donor, prayer warrior, missiontripper or missionary. You never lose out by giving.
In some mission fields, we need to be creative with our approaches. Occasionally, all the planning in the world may not help unless you look for opportunity and act on it when you see it. To help in the church planting movement, MMS engages Education, Healthcare, Training and Livelihood projects, and reaches out to the people exponentially.
3. The unknown levels As you progress to a new level, you are placed on the ‘journey’ board where you can see all your friends on the board. Some friends are way ahead of you on some mysterious unknown levels. Your missionary friends have gone ahead into a foreign land. And you may not get to see them very frequently. But one thing is for sure, we are all on this journey of missions together.
The focus of this issue of Harvest Force is Thailand. As you flip through the magazine, come alongside us to pray and be our friends because we are all on this journey together. Let us also remember our Missionaries in Thailand (page 30). Although the work in Thailand may be full of challenges, it can also be sweet and colourful. Especially when we see God’s hand working among the Thais. Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. (Psalm 34:8, NKJV)
Rev Philip Lim
Kam Leong Heng
Goh Tuan Gee
Leidia Tan, Ng Hsu-Fen, Tan Wee Chee, Thng Pheng Soon
Wendy Tan
Angela Sng, CAC Office, Christabel Goh, Chen Chen Yu, Grace Hsu, Henry Yeo, Jo-ann Tan, John Lim, Khemrin Chhang, Ko Khai Liat, LHC, Loong, KQ, Mildred Goh, Patricia Chiaranussati, Sabashtain Lepcha, Sandra Kumarasamy, Sharon Goh, Thomas Ho, Violet Khor, and Yeo Hwee Lan
Eileen Lim, Helen Tan, John Seet & Volunteers
free. The views and opinions expressed are those of the
SNAP! Creative Pte Ltd
authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the
Print & Print Pte Ltd
Rev Philip Lim 70 Barker Road #06-01, The Methodist Centre Singapore 309936 Tel: 6478 4818 • Fax: 6478 4817 Email:
Methodist Missions Society (MMS) is the mission agency of The Methodist Church in Singapore. In 1997, MMS was given the mandate to establish indigenous churches supported by mission endeavours in communities across this region where there is no Methodist presence. Harvest Force is published three times annually and distributed
publisher. All information published is correct at time of writing and may subject to change.
MMS ministry in Thailand “Our ministry in Thailand is a testimony provision and quiet guidance.� In this issue of Harvest
Today, under the capable leadership of
Force, we want to
Rev Prasert Pornkiratikul, who is also the
introduce our work
Country Director, Rangsit Methodist Church
in Thailand. To begin
has relocated to another property further
with, it would be
away. The ministry had developed to include
appropriate to recap
a Youth Ministry, Bible Study in English, and
how our work started
Crematorium Services to serve the needs
some 20 years ago.
of the Christian community in Bangkok and its environs. Rev Prasert was ordained as
Our ministry in
an Elder on March 2007 and is the District
Thailand began with
Superintendent of the Central and North-
an exploratory visit
Eastern District.
by Rev Dr Clarence Lim, then Chairman of the Council of Missions,
Our work in Northern Thailand began on 1
and others in December 1992. Later, the late
September 1996 with the establishment of the
Rev Lim Chong Heng, was commissioned as
Methodist Mission Centre in Chiang Mai. That
the first MMS missionary to serve as a Supply
year, Rev Tan-Yeo Lay Suan was appointed as
Pastor in Thailand in January 1993. Soon after,
the Country Coordinator for Thailand and she
the local committee for The Methodist Mission
chaired the Thailand Strategic Coordination
in Thailand was inaugurated during the historic
Team with Mr Lyndon Gan as Secretary. Later,
visit by the Presidents of the three Conferences
a pioneer Methodist Church was established in
on 14 December 1994.
Chiang Mai.
In 1995, the Thailand Mission Strategic
The work in the north accelerated when Mr
Coordinator was formed with Rev Khoo Cheng
and Mrs Henry Yeo started as MMS missionaries
Hoot as the Chairman. The same year, a three-
to Thailand in 1998. Under their leadership,
storey shophouse along Rangsit Road was
new churches, such as Sanphranet Methodist
leased to serve as mission centre and church.
Church, Genesis Methodist Church, Santi
The first Methodist Worship Service was held in
Methodist Church and others, were started.
this place. It was conducted in Thai by the late
The Methodist Churches in Singapore adopted
Rev Lim on 4 June and 10 people attended
these churches as their partner churches and
the worship.
rendered support to them. Over time, several more churches were planted which included
Two years later, baptism was conducted for
amongst them the Lahu ministry. Rev Henry
two babies, 21 youths and adults as well as
Yeo was ordained an Elder on March 2008 and
the reception of 14 new adults by transfer from
is the District Superintendent of the Northern
other denominations. Bishop Wong Kiam Thau
presided over this event on 16 February 1997. This congregation went on to become Rangsit
While serving in the north, the demand for a
Methodist Church.
good quality child-care programmes became
of God’s faithful evident. Hence, a nursery was started by Mrs Sungwan Yeo in 2004. The next year, the nursery became a full-fledged kindergarten which Bishop Dr Robert Solomon officially opened and dedicated. It was named Sansainoi Vineyard Kindergarten. The Governor of Chiang Mai was in attendance as Guest-ofHonour. The kindergarten grew and a primary school started. In 2012, it was renamed Vineyard Methodist School. Under the principalship of Mrs Yeo, the Vineyard Methodist School has been providing a well-rounded education to students. The school has won numerous awards at district and provincial levels. Indeed, our ministry in Thailand is a testimony of God’s faithful provision and quiet guidance. To God be the Glory! Rev Philip Lim MMS Executive Director
溯卫宣在泰国 回 的事工发展 我要藉这一辑的禾丰向大家介绍卫理宣教会在泰国的事工。让我们来一起回顾20余年前泰 国事工的起源与发展。 1992年12月,当时的宣教理事会主席林金成牧师及其他成员到泰国考察。1993年1月,已故 林忠兴牧师成为卫宣首位泰国宣教士,受差遣到泰国担任代理牧师。 1994年12月14日,卫理公会三个年议会会长历史性的探访促成了泰国卫理宣教会当地委员 会的成立。 1995年,以邱仁发牧师为主席的泰国宣教事工策略委员会成立的。同一年,卫理宣教会租 赁了兰细路一间三层楼店屋为宣教中心及聚会场所。1995年6月4日,林忠兴牧师在这里开 始了卫理公会在泰国的首个泰语崇拜,当时有十名信徒参加聚会。 两年后的1997年2月16日,王聪光会督在这里为2名婴孩,21名青成施洗,同时也接受14名 从其他宗派转会的成年信徒为会友。这群会众后来开始了兰细卫理公会。 通过国家主任Prasert Pornkiratikul牧师能干的带领,兰细卫理公会已经搬离当初的店屋, 觅地建立教会,事工扩展,设有青年事工,英文查经班,以及为切合曼谷及邻近基督徒社体 需要的殡葬服务。Prasert牧师在2007年三月被按立为长牧,他也是教区长。 1996年9月1日,我们在清迈设立了卫理宣教中心,开始开拓泰北的宣教事工。陈杨丽旋牧 师被委派为泰国协调员。她也是泰国宣教策略协调组的主席,颜苑秀是秘书。不久,泰北首 间卫理堂会在清迈设立了。 泰北的事工在杨添丁夫妇于1988年成为卫宣的宣教士后发展迅速。在杨添丁夫妇的领导 下,杉凡楠堂,创世纪堂和杉迪堂一一建立。新加坡的一些堂会也和这些堂会建立起关 系,成为支持他们的伙伴堂会,接着,更多的教会继续在泰北建立,当中还包括拉胡事工。 杨添丁牧师在2008年3月被按立为长牧,他目前也是泰北的教区长。 在泰北服侍期间,发现当地对高素质托幼、育幼教育的需求,因此,杨珊婉在2004年设立 幼儿事工,次年,发展成体系完善的葡萄园幼稚园,并由苏诺铭会督主持开幕及奉献礼。当 天,清迈省的省长也受邀成为座上嘉宾。随着教育的需要与延伸,2012年开始了小学教育, 葡萄园幼稚园也更名为葡萄园卫理学校。在杨珊婉校长的领导下,学校为学生提供全面的 教育,也数度在该区及省份赢得不少奖状。 泰国的事工发展,见证了上帝信实的供应和眷顾。荣耀归于真神!
MMS Photo Contest Calling all avid
The only criterion is that your
So, what are you waiting for? Go
photos have to be taken during
on a mission trip and snap your
MMS is
your mission trips at one of MMS’
way to taking the MMS photo of
organising an
ministries in the seven mission
the year!
MMS photo
fields. Submit your photos,
contest. Your
indicating where and when the
For more information, please refer
most creative
photos were taken, to mms@
to MMS website.
and attractive with the subject
photos of your mission trips stand
title “MMS Photo Contest” by 31
a chance to win our top 3 cash
Jan 2014.
prizes worth S$100 each.
MISSION Trips If you are interested to organise or join a mission trip, or simply to find out more, please email to the respective Country Coordinating Officers at these email addresses: Cambodia East Asia Nepal Thailand Timor-Leste Vietnam Laos
Opportunities to SERVE IN THE FIELD The fields are ready for harvesting
you to coach national pastors and co-workers in the market place.
– but there are so few labourers.
1. Tell your pastor and ask him/her to help check your calling to missions.
In all six countries that MMS has
Our third request is for short term
chosen, our missionaries in the
workers who are willing to spend
leaders affirm your calling and
field are asking for assistance.
between two weeks to six months
are prepared to provide full
Our first request is for more full-
at their own expenses helping
financial support – praise the
time missionaries to join them!
one of our missionaries.
2. If your church pastor and
Lord! Call MMS straight away. 3. If your church pastor and
They are asking the Lord to send pastors, church planters, school
Our last request is to raise
leaders affirm you your calling
principals, administrators and
passionate volunteers to be
but are unable to provide full
English language teachers.
part of our training team to be
financial support for you – call
equipped as trainers for church-
MMS anyway! Some of our
planting and disciple-making.
missionaries are supported
Our second prayer is for business
by the combined efforts of
people and professional who are willing to leave the comforts of
What to do if you sense the LORD
multiple Methodist Churches
Singapore and base themselves in
calling you into His mission field:
and Agencies.
the region. We would like to train Continue next page...
WATZ UP! | 5
• An ordained pastor to mentor
• Full-time teachers with
• Assist to plan and lead in prayer session in various Country Prayer & Praise Nights.
and to provide pastoral care,
teaching degree or diploma
support and leadership to the
who are interested in teaching
Cambodian pastors, ministry
Mandarin at Vineyard
Methodist School.
works and missionaries serving in Cambodia. • A married couple or mature female missionary to support the COSI Children’s Village. • Volunteers to teach English for
• A school principal to oversee
• Be an English-Chinese translator.
the staffing needs, proficiency,
• Be a photographer.
curriculum and development
• Help to set up MMS mission
at Vineyard Methodist School.
exhibition booth.
• A local church to partner and
three months, six months or
support new MOT candidates
one year, and work alongside
and newly established
• Be our MMS Trainer and
the Khmer English teachers
preaching points in
in the Methodist School of
Cambodia. VIETNAM EAST ASIA • Qualified English teacher to conduct and teach English
• Mission teams to visit the
camps in Nanchang.
the mission teams to achieve optimal preparations and mission fulfilment and benefits.
LAOS • Two experienced teachers to serve as missionaries in
Workers on church planting and
Singapore Mission School.
Fujian, Shanghai, Nanchang
• Volunteer architect to supervise
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE • Be a sponsor through the Student Sponsorship Schemes. Please refer to page 51.
the school building project. For more information about all
and Xiamen training centres. • A full-time missionary to
assist in briefing and debriefing
Sunrise Shelter.
train and equip National discipleship training in Henan,
• Be a Mission-Trip Coordinator to
Sunlight Shelter and
classes, and organise English • Church leaders and trainers to
Event Coordinator.
these opportunities, kindly email
• Medical teams to support Be in
English classes in Stamford
ministry in Ermera District,
prayer with us as we seek God’s
especially to provide training
direction to challenge and
seminars for Timorese doctors.
mobilise Methodist people to
help out in conducting
• A local church to partner and support the newly established preaching points.
• Full-time missionaries or missionary couples to support disciple training and
community development.
• A missionary pastor to serve as Country Director and teaching
staff at Caleb Bible Institute
You can also come alongside as
in East Nepal and equipping
Mission Partners and Volunteers
ministry for National leaders
(MPV) at home to encourage
and workers.
and empower God’s work and
• Full time missionaries to support
workers to incarnate the love of
the church planting and
Jesus Christ to make a difference
community development work
in the mission fields.
and assist in administration and finance matters in the
field office.
• Be our MMS Prayer Country
• Ministry staff to serve as spiritual
Coordinator, intercessors and
counsellors and trainers for
supporter to intercede for
Sophia’s Home on short field
missionaries and mission work in
various fields.
serve with MMS.
Do You Know‌ Thailand Min Mission and Goal The Mission of Mettakij Church Association (MCA) is to fulfil the Great Commission of Jesus Christ in Thailand through the planting of indigenous, disciple-making churches. The Goal is to plant 100 indigenous churches in Thailand by the year 2020. The Annual Goal of each of our churches is to plant at least one new church a year from 2013 onward. Mettakij Church Association and Muangthai Mettakij Foundation Mettakij Church Association (MCA) in Thailand was formally established by Methodist Missions Society (MMS) in May 2004, although MMS started working in Thailand since 1995, with the goal of planting indigenous churches supported by mission endeavours in communities across Thailand where there is no Methodist presence. Currently, MCA has 11 Churches and 12 Preaching Points. Muangthai Mettakij Foundation, the welfare arm of MCA, seeks to establish services in and through the churches we have established. We have a school, a kindergarten, a crematorium, and three homes.
nistry Summary of Thailand Ministry Planting of Churches
To reach out to the villages in and
Preaching Points various parts of Thailand by establishing indigenous churches with local pastors. Vineyard Methodist
To provide formal education with
Christian moral principles from
Kindergarten to Secondary
3 children.
Vineyard Childcare
To provide care for pre-kindergarten
Rangsit Crematorium
To serve Christians, including
foreigners living in Thailand, by providing cremation services. Registered under MMF, this is the one and only Christian crematorium in the whole of Thailand. It is located on the premises of Rangsit Methodist Church. Mettakij Hostel and
To provide a place for poor
Huey Paraai Hostel and needy children from remote villages to continue their school education and be exposed to a Christian environment. Term Fun Home To provide for the basic welfare needs for the poor and needy children from the Northern Provinces of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Mae Hong Son. Crisis Relief Assistance To assist villagers affected by cold weather and flood.
Overview of MCN Churches
North Region (DS – Rev Henry Yeo)
Central and Northeast Region (DS – Rev Prasert Pornkiratikul)
Genesis Methodist Church Partnering Church - Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church - ceased in 2013
Rangsit Methodist Church Partnering Church - Paya Lebar Methodist Church Average attendance 100
Baptised members
Nong Bua Lamphu Methodist Church Partnering Church - Wesley Methodist Church Average attendance 20
Baptised members 40
Payakapum Methodist Church Partnering Church - Bukit Panjang Methodist Church Average attendance 50
Baptised members 50
Grace of God Methodist Church Average attendance 30
Baptised members 15
Baptised members 10
Roi-et Preaching Point
Average attendance 30
Baptised members 15
Baptised members 12
Nong Gothong Preaching Point Average attendance 15
Baptised members 0
Nong Satit Preaching Point Average attendance 12
Baptised members 0
Baptised members 2
Wang Nam Keow Preaching Point Average attendance 15
Average attendance 48
Baptised members 34
Sanphranet Methodist Church Partnering Church - Charis Methodist Church Average attendance 53
Baptised members 61
Santi Methodist Church Partnering Church - Kampong Kapor Methodist Church Average attendance 38
Baptised members 36
Shineforth Methodist Church Partnering Church - Barker Road Methodist Church Average attendance 95
Baptised members 76
Water of Life Methodist Church Average attendance 49
Baptised members 39
Pangbok Methodist Church Partnering Church - Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church - ceased in 2013 Average attendance 20
Baptised members 31
Baan Hong Preaching Point
Udon Thani Preaching Point Average attendance 10
Baptised members
Payakondee Methodist Church Partnering Church - Kampong Kapor Methodist Church
Sup-Charoen Preaching Point Average attendance 20
Dontanin Preaching Point Average attendance 20
Average attendance 60
Baptised members 0
Average attendance No believers yet Baptised members 0
Maetalak Preaching Point Average attendance No believers yet Baptised members 0
Maesaluang Preaching Point Average attendance No believers yet Baptised members 0
Pangtong Preaching Point Average attendance No believers yet Baptised members 0
Tung Yeow Preaching Point Average attendance No believers yet Baptised members 0
UNIQUE FUN FACTS about Thailand Thailand’s name in the Thai language is Prathet Thai, which means “Land of the Free.” It is the only country in Southeast Asia that was never colonised by a European nation. The longest place name in the world is the full name of Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand: Krungthepmahanakhon Amonrattanakosin Mahintharayutthaya Mahadilokphop Noppharatratchathaniburirom Udomratchaniwetmahasathan Amonphimanawatansathit Sakkathattiyawitsanukamprasit. It means “City of Angels, Great City of Immortals, Magnificent City of the Nine Gems, Seat of the King, City of Royal Palaces, Home of Gods Incarnate, Erected by Visvakarman at Indra’s Behest.” Thais love their king. The nation’s veneration for him is particularly apparent in Bangkok where pictures and posters of the royal monarch can be found in almost every other street. Take note that it is also illegal under Thai law to say anything defamatory about the king or to even laugh at a picture of him. In the cinemas, a short tribute clip to the king is played before a movie starts and everyone is expected to stand up and to pay his respects. The Thai greeting referred to as the wai consists of a slight bow, with the palms pressed together. The higher the hands are held in relation to the face and the lower the bow, the more respect or reverence the giver of the wai is showing. In Thailand, the head is the most important part of the body. Consequently, no one must ever touch another person, even a child, on the head. Thais always try to keep their heads lower than the head of any person who is older or more important, to show respect. Conversely, feet are considered lowly because they symbolize an attachment to the ground, which is a cause for human suffering. As such, a person must never sit with their feet pointing to a statue in a temple or at some other person. Feet must always be tucked underneath the body. Editor’s Note: Thailand has a population of about 68 million. The Gospel has been in Thailand for more than 200 years. The current Christian population hovers around 1%. The ground has been very hard. Please pray for Thailand. And if the Lord speaks to you about Thailand or if your heart is tugged whenever Thailand is mentioned, please talk about it with your pastor or call MMS. We know that the harvest is ready, but we also know that the labourers are few. Will you be obedient and answer the call of Jesus?
Pray for our Missionaries and National Leaders
Brief History of Vineyard Methodist School in Chiang Mai 1994 Methodist Missions Society (MMS), under the leadership of Bishop Wong Kiam Thau, came to Thailand in the Province of Pathum Thani. The purpose was for MMS to bring in the Good News of the Gospel of Christ, and to do mission in the area of social concerns. One of the aims was to establish a mission school. 1997 MMS expanded its works to the North of Thailand in Chiang Mai Province by establishing a mission centre. 2000 Sanphranet Methodist Church and Childcare Centre were established in the Sanphranet, Sansai, Chiang Mai. The childcare centre was to cater to the needs of working parents with young children living near the vicinity of the Sanphranet community. 2003 Muangthai Mettakij Foundation (MMF) was registered with Mr Suchad Chiaranussati being the Chairman and Rev Prasert Pornkiratikul as the Executive Director. 2004 As the demands increased along with the aim of reaching out to the community, a nursery was established. Together with Vineyard Nursery, Sanphranet Methodist Church established a daughter church, Shineforth Methodist Church, in the location of the imminent Vineyard Methodist School building. 2005 The nursery was expanded to become a kindergarten to meet the needs of parents who opted not to relocate their children after they had outgrown the nursery. Vineyard Kindergarten was established by MMF on 19 March, and it was official dedicated to the Glory of God by Bishop Dr Robert Solomon, with the Governor of Chiang Mai, Mr Suwat Tantiphat as the Guest-of-Honour. Vineyard
Kindergarten was a concrete building with
Primary 5. The Vineyard Kindergarten has 167
steel reinforcement, with six classrooms. It
children while the Vineyard Nursery has 45.
strived to excel in academic, language,
Mrs Sungwan Yeo remains as the Principal
sports, music and technology. It cultivated
and Executive Director of the School with 40
good reading habits, and taught and
teachers and staff members working with her.
equipped the students and staff with a high standard of morality and ethical behaviours in
line with Christian principles.
Our current two-fold needs are funds and manpower. The second building block
extension is underway. We need more English
After reviewing the frequent requests from the
and Chinese teachers. Do consider joining us
parents of the kindergarten children, MMF
for short-term teaching assignments.
started to build a new 4-storey building. It was built to accommodate the expansion of
The long-term goal of the school is to offer a
the kindergarten into a Primary School. The
full English-medium curriculum. It also hopes
licence to operate was issued in 2010. The
to offer other language studies like Chinese
building was completed in April 2011. It was
and Japanese. Collaborations with other
renamed Vineyard School of Chiang Mai.
Methodist schools in Singapore to facilitate students and staff exchange programmes
will also add value to elevate the school’s
The new building was declared officially
standard and reputation.
opened by the Governor of Chiang Mai, M.L. Panadda Diskul and was dedicated to the
The future plan is to pace the school growth
glory of God by Bishop Dr Robert Solomon
to offer Secondary level education. If God is
in February 2012. The school again changed
willing, we may even consider expanding it to
its name to the Vineyard Methodist School
an equivalent of Junior College in Singapore.
of Chiang Mai. The Thai name is: “Rongrian Suanagun Chiangmai”. It is located at Chiang Mai-Sansai Road, 460, Mu 9, Tambon
Rev Henry Yeo
Sansainoi, Amphur Sansai, Chiang Mai
Deputy Country Director
Province. It was officially established on 17 January 2004. 2013 Currently, the school is registered to operate from Kindergarten 1 to Primary 6. The Primary School has a total of 158 students, up to
Mother’s Day Celebration in school. Interestingly, Mother’s Day in Thailand is celebrated on the Queen’s birthday on 12 August, while Father’s Day on the King’s birthday on 5 December.
Hostels for Poor and Needy Children “A conducive environment for motivating and inspiring students to do well in their studies as well as developing Christ-like character.� Each year, hundreds of children from remote mountain villages make their journey to nearby cities, living by the fences of schools or deserted forest clearings in makeshift shelters in order to go to school. These children are from remote tribal villages where there are no schools within walking distance from their villages. They are unable to take any other form of transport because the terrain is too rugged. Parents who want to send their children to school will need to find a village where there is school and then find families who are willing to house their children. Some of these children had to stay at temples for free while others had to try to find families kind enough to host them for a small token. Several more are unable to find shelter so some Christian pastors on their own accord try to seek the assistance of the local government to provide them denuded forest lands for them to build temporary shelters for these children. These make-shift shelters are usually very unsafe, lacking utilities and proper sanitation, and do not protect the children from the elements. MMS is supporting two Hostels in Chiang Mai which provide proper shelter for some of these poor and needy children. Mettakij Hostel Mettakij Hostel was established by the Muangthai Mettakij Foundation in May 2004. It seeks to provide a shelter for poor and needy students from the remote villages. These students are unable to attend secondary school due to poverty or the lack of a secondary school within walking distance. Apart from being a home to enable students to go to a nearby secondary school, the ultimate goal of this hostel is to provide a conducive environment for motivating and inspiring students to do well in their studies as well as for developing Christ-like characters.
There are many challenges
go to school. It was so tough that
The hostel employed two couples to take
in parenting more than 20
his brother eventually ran back
care of the children. There is also a Selection
teenagers who are from
home after less than a year,
Committee comprising one representative
different tribes, languages,
leaving Rev Somphan to fend
from each of the tribes that the children
cultures, traditions and family
for himself.
were from.
by the grace of God, we not
In 2003, a year after taking
There were still several smaller hostels run by
only have a small drop-out rate
over as pastor of GMC from his
the other pastors using make-shift shelters
but also see most of the students
father, Rev Somphan saw the
sitting on temporary plots of land donated by
improving their in studies and
plight of these poor children and
the government. The condition of their hostels
growing in Christ-like character.
remembered the hardships he
remained bad. Nonetheless, they were still
Those who came in as non-
himself had to endure in order to
playing a critical role in providing temporary
Christians have all accepted Christ.
attend school. He decided that
shelters because the Huey Paraai Hostel
backgrounds. In spite of these,
he had to do something about
could only take in 80 children. In December
As of May 2013, the hostel has 25
it. He tried to help the pastors,
2008, an American philanthropist, Mr Edward
students. Some of them are still
who were providing run-down
Wayne, through his own charity, Bridges of
awaiting the Student Sponsorship
temporary shelters, by looking for
Life, tore down the make-shift structures and
Scheme (SSS) sponsorship. You
permanent locations for them to
built a new hostel that is sturdier and more
can sponsor a student at S$90
build their shelters. They had to
conducive for the children. He also added in
a month. Please contact MMS is
relocate several times and rebuild
a library and a computer room with 10 brand-
you are keen to be a sponsor or
their make-shift shelters.
new computers.
find out more about SSS. In 2008, his effort paid off when
Today, the children in Huey Paraai Hostel
Huey Paraai Hostel
a Christian organisation helped
enjoy safe and conducive living conditions
Rev Somphan Saenkhen, Pastor-
him to purchase a piece of land
with electricity and well water. However,
in-charge of Genesis Methodist
about the size of a football field.
every day, they are still wondering where the
Church (GMC) was one of those
Unfortunately, all the pastors
money will come from for their next meal and
students sent by their parents to
were not able to work together in
other necessities to continue to go to school.
the town of Phrao District many
unity and that was when GMC,
years ago. Together with his older
under Rev Somphan’s leadership,
You can participate by donating S$50 a
brother, they had to depend on
decided to take full ownership of
month to help to pay for the food, lodging
the mercy of the town people to
the project. Rev Somphan formed
and material for each child to stay at the
give them a place to stay. They
a committee with representatives
hostel and go to school. This amount also
had to build their own shelter
of all the 13 villages where the
covers the salary for the two couples caring
made from recycled construction
children were originally from.
for them.
materials and, for several years,
Each village sent a representative
had to endure all kinds of
to be a member of the working
Rev Henry Yeo
hardship just so that they could
committee to oversee the hostel.
Deputy Country Director
Reaching out to the Shan people “I looked at your family and thought
that it wasn’t so bad to be a Christian.” I first met Thin when John and I brought our five boys back to visit John’s grandmother in Mae Hong Son. He stood shyly with the other children in the village as we drove in. Visitors are not very common. They acted as a welcome entourage. But I noticed this skinny little boy as he has such a sweet smile. My second encounter with him came when his mother approached us to ask if she can put him with us at Term Fun Home. Term Fun Home is a children’s home especially for the Shan. The Shan people are one of the unreached people groups of the world. Thin was hiding behind his mother, but was soon drawn to my circle of boys playing noisily in the yard. He blended in well with them, and soon, I could hear his clear laughter amidst the noise. This is his story…
Thin is seven years old and has an older
to many temples and shrines
since I believed in Him, I am
brother aged nine. His brother is a sickly little
to offer to the gods. I faithfully
happy. I eat well and sleep well.
boy and needs regular treatment at the
went through the daily rituals. It
My health has improved. Even
hospital. Mum confided that she has to bring
was tiring, and I find no peace. I
my older son needs not travel
him to the government hospital in Chiang
lived in fear of the spirits. All this
to Chiang Mai anymore as his
Mai as his case is beyond treatment by the
travelling also made me sick
condition has improved.” Thin’s
hospital in Mae Hong Son. Treating his son has
physically. Then, I looked at your
mother attended a Lahu church
reduced the family into poverty. Thin’s father
family and thought that it wasn’t
nearby even though she doesn’t
earns about 100 Thai Baht (about S$4) per
so bad to be a Christian. No need
understand the language. But
day. So Thin joined our big family. Thankfully,
to be so tired, and there’s no
she faithfully goes weekly.
it was an easy transition for him because he
need to be afraid of spirits. When
knew the boys already.
I came back home, I discussed
Please continue to pray with us
with my husband and told him I
that she will stand firm in her faith
decided to be a Christian.”
and that Thin’s father will also
One month after he came in, we received
come to Christ one day. Please
a call from his mother. “I have decided to receive Christ. I am going to church in a
She is the second believer in this
keep Thin in your prayers too. We
nearby village and I am going to be baptised
Shan village which is steeped in
received the first semester test
soon!” It was a very pleasant surprise to us.
their Buddhist animistic beliefs.
results, and he failed in every
It was not easy for her. Many
subject. The jump in standard
“When I brought Thin to Term Fun Home, I
in the village reprimanded her
from an isolated village school to
noticed over the few days how happy Pastor
for abandoning the Shan way.
a city school has been a struggle
John and wife are. I feel so peaceful at your
She was ostracised too. But yet
for him.
house. It must be this God that you have
she proclaimed, “Until the day I
been talking about. As a Buddhist, I went
die, I will not give up Christ. Ever
Angela Sng MMS Missionary in Thailand
The Holy Club “We are not alone. We belong to Christ. We are a family.” I was inspired by John and Charles Wesley in the forming of “The Holy Club”. The Holy Club is a gathering within which a set of questions are being asked of the group, and is a time of examining oneself and the motives of one’s heart. It is basically is an accountability group. John and Charles Wesley formed The Holy Club while they were students at Oxford University. The Holy Club was a spiritual
I thank God for the first meeting we had on 29 and 30
formation group that used a series of
July 2013. We had a good time of sharing God’s word,
questions for personal reflection and mutual
and sharing and praying for our personal and ministry
struggles. The wives of the Pastors came together too for the same purpose. Though it was quite a short meeting,
In Thailand, I find this practice very much
I felt it was a good start.
lacking especially when one becomes a pastor. Partly because of Thai culture
On the last day before checking out, during the devotion,
and how one is of a position of authority is
we were reminded repeatedly that, “We are not alone.
regarded, that is, no one at a lower position
We belong to Christ. We are a family.” I felt that at this
is to question the one who is of a higher
first gathering, God was reminding all of us that though
position. I believe that is also a foothold the
we are far apart in various locations and facing different
evil one has always exploited to target the
challenges in ministry, we are not alone. Rather, we have
pastors and their families. When the shepherd
our brothers and sisters-in-Christ to support one another.
of the church falls, the sheep go astray and are lost. This is very common in Thailand.
After the meeting, the group gave feedback that they felt they had not been forgotten and now they have a
“Therefore let anyone who thinks that he
support group to pray together.
stands take heed lest he fall.” 1 Corinthians 10:12 (ESV)
There are seven pastors and four pastor’s wives in this current group. I plan to have this gathering meet four to
Personally, I felt the burden to start “The Holy
six times a year. Please continue to pray for this group
Club” for our Pastors in the Central Region.
of pastors as we come together. Pray for open hearts to
And also for myself, as I need a group of men
share and to check on one another’s lives regularly.
that I can be accountable to in my life. It was
Pray for the wisdom of God as I plan for each meeting.
timely. One of the Pastors was sharing with me that a few of the other Pastors would like to
Loong Apichai Chenrungrostakun
meet up regularly as well.
MMS Missionary in Thailand
我们并不孤单。我们是属基督的。 我们是一个大家庭。 我被卫斯理约翰和查理兄弟创立圣洁会的目的所激励。圣洁会 聚集时,设定一系列的问题让成员回答,这时刻也是他们自我鉴 察内心的时候,基本上这是一个问责的小组。 卫斯理约翰和查理兄弟在牛津大学求学时成立圣洁会。圣洁会 是一个灵命塑造小组,以一系列问题引发个人自省及在属灵追求 上相互问责。 我发觉泰国的教会,尤其是传道人成为牧者后,在个人自省及属 灵追求的相互问责上非常缺乏。部分原因与泰国的文化有密切 的关系。在泰国,下属不能越权质疑上司。我相信恶者就利用这 这个破口把目标放在牧者及他们的家属身上。当教会的牧羊人跌 倒后,羊群就迷失,偏离正道。这种现象在泰国的确很普遍。 “ 所以,那自以为站得住的,应该当心,免得跌倒。” 哥林多前书10:12 我个人的负担是在泰国中区为教牧成立圣洁会。当然这也对我 自己有好处,我需要一个男同工小组来帮助我省察自己生命。恰 好有一位牧者向我分享同样的需要,而且已有几位牧者希望能 定期聚集。这样的聚会来得正是时候。 感谢上帝,我们在2013年7月29日和30日举行了第一次的聚集。 我们分享上帝的话语,分享个人及事工的挣扎并相互代祷。同工 的太太也怀着同样的目的来聚集。虽然聚集的时间不长,但是 我个人觉得这是一个好的开始。 结束前,我们在灵修时一再被提醒:“我们并不孤单。我们是属 基督的。我们是一个大家庭。”我觉得在这次的聚会里,神时时 提醒我们,虽然大家相隔遥远,也在事工中都面临不同的挑战, 但我们并不孤单。相反,我们有主内的兄弟姐妹相互扶持。 小组成员都对这次的聚会有很正面的回应,他们感觉自己没有 被遗忘,因为这个小组提供一个平台让大家一起以祷告互相支 持。 目前这个小组有7名牧者和4名师母。我计划让这个小组每年聚 集四到七次。请为我们能持续这样的聚会代祷。纪念我们在聚 集时能坦诚分享并定时省察彼此的生命。也祈求上帝赐予智慧 策划每次的聚会。
Loong Apichai Chenrungrostakun
Youth Ministry in Thailand
Youth helping to prepare food • Youth practicing guitar before the event
“Young people are a crucial group because they are our next generation of leaders - both for the country and for the church.”
The majority of us may remember our youth quite clearly: The decisions we made, the paths we decide for the future, the people who influenced us, and the people we hang out with frequently, etc. A survey was done and the result showed that believers, who are converted during their youth, have experienced a greater impact in their lives. They have either continued to be a part of the church or have come back to the church after having backslidden. I was one of them. Though I grew up knowing of God when I was a child, Christ was never really real to me until I started searching when I was a teen. At one of the Youth Camps held in my home town, I was touched after someone shared. And I could sense that God was indeed real and I decided to make a decision that very day. Then I was given an opportunity to serve in church. There, I found my love for serving. And my heart was also ignited to not only serve God full time but to have a heart for the youth. Even during my university days, I joined the Christian Club. I had seniors who would spend time to be my friends and mentors. As I looked back, if not for the people who were interested in my life spiritually and physically, I doubt I will be where I am today. I too want to influence youth to know God in a deeper level and to journey together with them in their faith. My heart is for the youth. As I look around at the youth in Thailand, many have gotten themselves into vices like drugs, alcohol, gender identity crises, prostitution
etc. Young people are a crucial group because
One of the strategies to find potential youth leaders
they are our next generation of leaders - both for
in the churches is to meet up regularly. Before
the country and for the church. They have so much
identifying them, youth camps can be a great
potential in them but they each need someone
opportunity to build relationships with the youth
who will believe in them and can point them in the
camp planning committee and to get to know
right direction in life.
the various youth from the different churches. In April next year, we plan to have a youth camp. So
We can create an environment where they are
by October this year, we should have formed our
being heard, accepted and loved. Youth tend to
planning committee. Please pray for a good team
face a lot of peer pressure and when a group of
to work together.
them gather together, and they can influence one another either positively or negatively. We should
Loong Apichai Chenrungrostakun
groom each youth to become someone with
MMS Missionary in Thailand
integrity, who is committed to Christ, is motivated by God’s Word and acts upon God’s word daily.
Youth gathering around in a circle to worship and play games
y Call to Rangsit and M Beyond “My base is Rangist Methodist Church and I am kept busy travelling all over Thailand.”
Since early 1980, I served in Paya Lebar Methodist Church (PLMC) as the Local Church Executive Committee (LCEC) Chairman and a Lay Leader. In October 2002 at an LCEC meeting, PLMC was considering partnership with Rangsit Methodist Church (RMC) in Thailand. I volunteered to make a trip to RMC in November 2002 to evaluate this partnership proposal. On my second day there, the Pastor-in-charge of RMC, Pastor Chanum, brought me to a village called Bang Pa In. The moment I got down from the truck, Matthew 9:35-37 came to mind and reminded me of what Jesus was doing in His time and that we should continue to follow Him. Most villages in Thailand are protected by a shrine or altar at the road entrance. God’s people are boundby ungodly spirits and we must do something to set them free. They were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. My heart sank as Matthew 9:35-37 became so real to me. That was my call to serve Him and since then, I have not turned back. My vision and goal was for every child in Thailand to receive the good news. How and what could I do to reach out to the remaining 67 million pre-believers? This was my cry. I started to come to RMC monthly after 2002 and went to the nearby villages to evangelise through children’s ministry and during Christmas and Easter. Subsequently, the breakthrough came in 2006 when I was asked by Rev Dr Isaac Lim, the past President of TRAC (Trinity Annual Conference), to attend a conference in Kenya. It was an International Conference organised and sponsored by the International Leadership Institute (ILI) based in Carrollton, Georgia, USA. In 2006 and 2007, after returning home from the conference equipped, on fire and passionately desiring to bring the leadership training to Thailand, I started to mobilise a team to help me. We started our first conference in 2008. The materials were translated and today the work of multiplication has spread to many parts of Thailand and crossed borders into Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar. Alumni in the North eastern region have donated land parcels for the purpose of church planting. Today four village churches have come under the umbrella of MMS. There are numerous cells and village churches planted under other denominations by the Alumni.
Using these materials, a team of committed lay personnel has to date trained some 2000 disciples who are all over Thailand, - in districts, towns, and villages including the nine refugee camps on Western border of Thailand.
What have been the results? Only God knows as the
those active in various ministries. Our disciples are
disciples remain committed to go back to the area
all over Thailand and even at Patong Beach, Phuket
they represent and to make disciples or reach out
where there is a Church attended by tourists from all
within their communities.
over the world.
Recently, I brought the Senior Director of ILI, Dr Al
I am thankful to God for providing me with this tool
Vom Steeg, to the village church and he admitted
to fulfil this vision and I continue to strive to reach
that when he came in 2008 to teach in our first
this goal. My current goal is to plant at least a
conference, he did not understand why I was
Christian family or a cell or a church in every village
bringing farmers to attend the conference. Today,
in Thailand. If you are interested to join me in this
as he visited the Churches, he understood what
disciple-making ministry, you can contact me at
these faithful men of God can do and have done.
email or mms@methodist.
Jesus called fishermen to be His disciples and He led
me to call farmers. Both are as effective for His glory! To God Be The Glory! My base is Rangist Methodist Church and I am kept busy travelling all over Thailand conducting this
John Lim
disciple-making conference, visiting alumni in their
Supply Missionary Pastor in Thailand
villages, and encouraging and mentoring existing
Christmas at Sakeo 2007
In the Prison during Christmas
Rev Tay Kay Leong and Rev Peter Koh baptising new coverts in a pond behind the Subcharoen Church in Chaiyaphum
Impact of Short Term Mission Trips
“The fantastic thing about such short-term mission trips is that it will open the hearts and eyes of Christians from different nations and places - to join hands to serve the One True God together.” Do you know that even a short-term mission trip would still have its impact on many of us – both in the mission field and in Singapore? In Payakapum, where I am serving, there will be always lots of excitement when it is made known that a Singapore mission team is coming. In the schools where the team is teaching, the children will be waiting impatiently for them to come. Rarely do they experience such love and kindness from those around them. The Payakapum Methodist Church members will in turn prepare souvenirs for the team. They are grateful for these Christian brothers and sisters from Singapore who are so willing to support their little church in Northeast Thailand. They are encouraged by how much God still cares about them that He sends Christians from a church in another nation to come and evangelise in their villages. Both the Christians and non-Christians in Payakapum can feel the love and acceptance of Jesus when they see foreigners trying to eat their spicy North-eastern food and attempting to converse in basic Thai learnt before the mission trip. After the mission team leaves, it will be the responsibility of
Mission team learning how to make thai dessert from church members • Playing with children in school
the local Thai pastor and his church members to follow-up in a village. Their faith grows as they continue to share the Good News with their neighbours and friends who have received the gospel. Back in Singapore, there is likewise great anticipation as the mission team will meet weekly for the two months leading up to a trip. Even before the trip, there will be a
crossing of cultures as new friendships are forged among the church members. In a trip, members of different age groups will come together to serve the same God. This is the result of having mission teams that comprise youth and adults from the two English and two Mandarin congregations of Bukit Panjang Methodist Church. A lot of time will also be spent on praying for the team’s various programmes, for God to prepare opportunities to share the gospel, and for the workers in the field. The mission trippers will learn the importance of prayer while others back home in Singapore will be mobilised to pray alongside the team. When the team faces difficulties or problems, which they bring to God in prayer, God’s power and provision will be shown.
Some mission trippers will return to Singapore and be challenged to take up Thai language lessons to be better equipped for subsequent mission trips. And others, who are unable to make subsequent trips, will continue to pray for the work in the field. More people will be moved to give towards mission work. Lastly, and best of all, individuals, who are moved to answer God’s call, will come forward
to serve as short-term mission trip leaders, short-termers or full-time missionaries. Short-term mission trips may be brief and we cannot expect salvation instantly. But the fantastic thing about such short-term mission trips is that it will open the hearts and eyes of Christians from different nations and places to join hands to serve the One True God together. Mildred Goh MMS Missionary in Thailand
1 Prayer • 2 Evangelistic program in church • 3 Jesus loves you • 4 Gospel sharing
English teaching
Here I Am, Send Me “It definitely opened my eyes to the needs of the mission field.” A student leader, Sheryl, once shared why she frequently
3. Love and joyfulness
went on mission trips to Payakapum. Her answer was
What warms my heart time and again, even
simple: “Why not?” For her, having the time and
after going back to Payakapum for the
availability was a good enough reason to go and do
second time, is the abundance of joyfulness
His work. After all, in Matthew 28:19, Jesus calls us to
that the villagers possess. Their hospitality
obedience, making disciples of all nations. Whatever she
toward us, ability to find pleasure in the
said really stayed with me. And I soon signed up to go to
simplest of things, and acceptance for one
Payakapum without any hesitation.
another were important attitudes that now, thinking back, I continue to need to learn
Through this trip, I learnt several important lessons that I
from them.
pray will not fade in time, but instead become ingrained in my memory and heart.
Another thing that struck me about the villagers is their unprejudiced love for one
1. Importance of prayer
another. In a class I taught, there were two
God revealed Himself to us in so many ways through our
students with special needs. Despite their
prayer before and during the trip. In one instance, He
problems in communication or slow learning
granted us excellent weather every day, allowing our
pace, their classmates were very accepting
planned activities to be carried out. There would be rain
and inclusive, and remained patient even
on some nights, but by morning, the sky would always be
when they took longer to understand things.
clear again.
Watching them was humbling, as I rarely see such simple, genuine love among peers
2. Humility
in Singapore.
With the mission trip team consisting of members from both the English and Chinese congregations from the
4. We plant the seed, but God makes it grow
church, there were bound to be many differences among
Someone shared at the end of the trip that
us. We got along well as a team on the whole, but what
even if a non-believer does not respond now,
truly unified us was humility. For me, humility allowed me to
we would not know if somewhere down the
put aside my pride to keep on talking to the others in the
road the person might turn back to the time
team, even if I was speaking in Mandarin, a language I
when a group of mission trippers first told
was not fluent in.
him about Christ, and eventually believe. It is things like these that I have to place into
Also, when I first went to Payakapum, I was only a
God’s hands, knowing full well that He is in
teaching assistant. This time, however, I was a teacher,
control and knows better than I ever will.
and the thought of this alone was enough to freak me out, as I dislike teaching. Yet God enabled me to teach with a
Going to Payakapum for the second
confidence that I usually lack. It was something I definitely
time may not have been a life-changing
could not have done had I not humbly surrendered my
experience, but it definitely opened my eyes
abilities to God.
to the needs of the mission field in a foreign
请差遣我,我在这里 有一次学生领袖Sheryl分享为何她频繁到Payakapum宣教服侍。其实她的 答案很简单:"为什么不?" 对她来说,只要有闲暇时间就有足够的理由去为主 做工。毕竟,在马太福音 28: 19,耶稣已要求我们顺服使命, 去使万民作祂的 门徒。她的分享大大地激励我,毫不迟豫报名去Payakapum短宣。 通过这次旅行,我学了许多功课, 并祈愿能永远铭记于心,不会随时间的流逝 而减退。 1. 祷告的重要性
上帝大大向我们显示祂 的同在。行程前及行程中多次迫切的祷告, 都蒙上 帝的垂听。祂赐给我们美好的天气, 让我们能按计划进行活动。即使夜里会 下雨,但到了早上,又是晴空万里。 2. 谦卑
团队的成员来自中英崇拜,文化的差异,表达方式和处理事情的方式肯定有 很大的差异 。整体而言, 我们相处融洽, 但真正让我们能成为一体的原因是 谦卑。对我来说,谦卑让我放下自尊,敢于用不是很流利的华语跟其他团员 交谈。 第一次去 Payakapum 时,我是助教。因为我不喜欢教学, 想到这一次要亲 自教学,就让我惶恐不安。然而,上帝赋予我平时缺乏的信心去执行任务。如 果不是谦卑地向神摆上,以我卑微的能力是绝对办不到的。 3. 关爱和欢乐
Payakapum村民的怡然欣乐和热情, 再次温暖我的心。 他们的热情款待, 从最简单的事物中找到乐趣和彼此接纳的态度, 都值得我学习。 村民间相互的关爱也深深打动我的心。在我教的当中一班,有两名有特殊需 要的学生。尽管他们在沟通或学习上缓慢, 同学都接纳和包容他们。在新加坡 的同侪中, 很少看到这种单纯的关爱。他们让我感到汗颜。 land. For one thing, with a relatively small number of missionaries who have devoted all of their time fully to spreading His Word in a land that is not their home country, it can be very discouraging and draining when the demands of the church outweigh their resources and manpower. As such, I would greatly encourage everyone, no matter where they are in their spiritual walk, to go for a mission trip. God asks for neither our ability nor spiritual maturity; He simply asks us for our availability, to willingly walk in obedience and
4. 我们撒种,上帝让它成长
有团员在旅程尾声分享:即使非信徒没有即时作出回应,有可能某天他会回 想起第一次听短宣队向他分享基督福音的情景而回归接受主。我深信上帝掌 管一切,只要我将一切完全交托给祂,祂的意念高过我们的意念,祂 晓得如 何为这些人开路。 再次去 Payakapum,或许不是一个改变人生的经历,但它肯定让我对禾场 的需要大开眼界。当教会的需求远超越有限的人力和资源时, 对委身异地传 扬福音的全职宣教士而言, 必须穷尽精力应对,很容易感到沮丧。为此,我鼓 励每个人,无论灵命光景如何, 都应该走一趟宣教旅程。上帝不问我们的能力 或属灵有多成熟: 祂只要我们乐意付出,心甘情愿地服从,荣耀祂的名。
seek to glorify His name.
A Mission Trip for All Ages “No one is too young or old to do missions work.”
Suchad and Pat Chiaranussati went on a mission trip, organised by The Prayer and Praise Team of the Wesley Methodist Church, to Isaan from 7 to 12 July 2013. Kristen, their 10-yearold daughter and Thanin, Suchad’s 17-year-old nephew, also went along on the trip as did Suchad’s mother Laorthip, 80 years old, and Gof, Suchad’s cousin, who was a translator during the trip and works as a volunteer in Shineforth Methodist Church and Vineyard Methodist School in Chiang Mai. Some of their reflections are reproduced below. Kristen I thought that the trip was a great learning experience for me as I got to witness many things that I have not seen before. Some of the children’s socks were well-worn and even had holes in them. Some people did not have enough money to see a doctor to get their illnesses treated, and their housing conditions were basic. It made me feel thankful for all the things I have and take for granted at home. I also found that even though most of them did not have cars, they still bothered to come to the church, and to attend the carnival we held and the special services we set up in the villages.
1 Paper plate painting at the carnival • 2 & 3 Hand and face painting at the carnival • 4 Skit presentation in church • 5 & 6 English camp at school • 7 Cooking demo at carnival • 8 & 9 A glimpse of the Nong Bua Lamphu Church
My favourite part of the trip was
God showed His presence by
will carry us through and bless us
the English Camp as we got to
causing lightning to strike at that
many times over in what we learn
teach English to some of the
right moment!
and experience from the trip and long after.
school children as well as values such as loyalty and wisdom. I
The mission trip inspired
enjoyed playing with the school
me through the hard work,
Pat Chiaranussati
children. And even though
dedication and kindness of
Wesley Methodist Church
we could not speak the same
the team members, as well as
language, we still managed to
educated me on the healing,
become friends.
kindness and graciousness of the Lord and what it means to
dedicate oneself to the Lord. This
Over the course of the 6-day trip,
was the second time I had been
I met many inspiring individuals,
on the Isaan mission trip to Nong
and was shown the love and
Bua Lamphu, and I definitely
grace of the Lord. The trip allowed
learnt a lot more this time around,
me to witness the kindness and
both about kindness and about
devotion of the other trippers to
the love of God.
the people of Nong Bua Lamphu. Suchad and Pat During the day, the mission team
This was our seventh trip to Isaan
would organise clinic sessions
over the last eight years and we
at the village, schools and the
can truly say that that God has
church. I saw the three doctors,
been faithful on every one of our
who accompanied us on the trip,
trips, and we have learnt that
showing extraordinary care and
He only requires a willing heart
concern for their patients - even
to do His work and that He will
though they did not speak the
do the rest. On previous trips, our
same language. The translators,
two older daughters were able
who formed the link between
to come along but they were
us and the locals, showed
overseas this time.
perseverance and patience in translating complicated
We were continuously uplifted
sentences for long periods of time
by how everyone willingly
throughout the trip.
contributes his/her talents
Our mode of transport in Isaan
and skills to make these trips In the evenings, the team would
meaningful, and how we draw
return to the venues of the clinics
closer to God as a result of being
and organise an evangelistic
together with one mission in mind.
night event. I learned a lot from
We function as a whole to bring
the evangelistic nights, from
glory to God. No one is too young
the skits showing scenes from
or old to do missions work - from
the bible and listening in on
my daughter and her friend at
the testimonials given by team
10 years old, to Suchad’s mother
members. At the church, the skit
who is at 80 years old. We just
was performed, and just as Eve
need to take that step of faith
was tempted by the snake,
to volunteer and God’s grace
Preparation for the art & craft activities for the carnival held at church
Profiles of MMS Missionaries in Thirawat Preedakasemrung (aka John) Which is your church in Singapore? I am not officially member of any church, but I preach at both San Phranet and Shineforth Methodist Church in Thailand. What is your favourite verse? “He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.” (1 Thessalonians 5:24) What is your Love Language? How can we encourage you? Words of Affirmation and Encouragement. How many years have you been serving in Thailand? I have been serving for four years. Were you previously a missionary in another country? No. What is your area of ministry in Thailand? Term Fun Home. It is a children’s home
John & Angela Sng
especially for Shan children. The objective is to reach out to the Shan community in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Mae Hong Son. We create a home away from home for these eight Shan children who are either orphaned or come from broken and poor families. The Home is a platform to share the gospel of Christ and build disciples of Christ. How can our readers support you and pray Loong & Gloria Khoo
with you? Please pray for safety and journey’s mercy when sending the children to and fro from school every day. Pray for the Shan cell group that every one of them will continue to grow in the Lord. (Attached is a photo of the cell group)
Thailand Angela Sng
What is your favourite verse? “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,
Which is your church in Singapore?
plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and
Toa Payoh Methodist Church
a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11, ESV)
What is your favourite verse?
What is your Love Language? How can we encourage
“He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.” (1
Thessalonians 5:24)
Receiving Gifts, and Words of Affirmation.
What is your Love Language? How can we encourage
How many years have you been serving in Thailand?
Since November 2012.
Quality Time, and Receiving Gifts. Were you previously a missionary in another country? How many years have you been serving in Thailand?
I was in Nepal for five years.
I have been serving for four years. What is your area of ministry in Thailand? Were you previously a missionary in another country?
I am in the Youth Ministry and I help to coordinate the
mission trips.
What is your area of ministry in Thailand?
How can our readers support you and pray with you?
Term Fun Home. It is a children’s home especially for
You can come and visit our ministry. Pray for our safety
Shan children. The objective is to reach out to the Shan
since we often travel to visit various churches in the
community in Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and Mae Hong
Northeast region of Thailand.
Son. We create a home away from home for these eight Shan children who are either orphaned or come from
Gloria Khoo
broken and poor families. The Home is a platform to share the gospel of Christ and build disciples of Christ.
Which is your church in Singapore? Charis Methodist Church
How can our readers support you and pray with you? We hope more you can come and visit us and spend
What is your favourite verse?
some time with the children, especially during the school
“And the Lord shall guide you continually and satisfy you
holidays in April and October. You can bring the boys to
in drought and in dry places and make strong your bones.
outings, teach them English/Chinese, teach them to play
And you shall be like a watered garden and like a spring
the guitar, or simply play soccer with them.
of water whose waters fail not.” (Isaiah 58:11, AMP)
Please pray that these boys will excel in their studies. Pray
What is your Love Language? How can can encourage
that they will grow up in stature and in wisdom, and in
favour with God and men. Pray for love and patience as
Quality Time, and Physical Touch. Visit, send mail or phone
John and Angela nurture these boys. Pray that the boys’
call me. We can also meet up casually whenever in I am
families will come to Christ through them.
back in Singapore.
Aphichai Chenrungrotsakun (aka Loong)
How many years have you been serving in Thailand? Since November 2012.
Which is your church in Singapore? Charis Methodist Church
Were you previously a missionary in another country? I was in Nepal for five years.
What is your area of ministry in Thailand? I support the pastors’ wives within an accountability group. Currently, I am undergoing language and cultural learning. How can our readers support you and pray with you? Pray for good time management especially when I am looking after my one and a half year old child, Jayden. Pray for wisdom to learn the spoken and written Thai Language. Pray for a good 1-to-1 tutor. Pray for wisdom and creative ways to be a parent to Jayden. Drop us a mail to find out how we are doing in ministry. It is nice to know that someone back home remembers us in the field. Visiting us in the field will be great too. Cassandra Lee Boon Eng Which is your church in Singapore? Grace Methodist Church What is your favourite verse? “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10, NIV) What is your Love Language?
Cassandra Lee Boon Eng
How can we encourage you? Words of Affirmation, and Acts of Service. How many years have you been serving in Thailand? I have been serving for two years. Were you previously a missionary in another Top Mildred Goh Ti Jing • Bottom John Lim T W
country? I served in China for a year before serving in Thailand. What is your area of ministry in Thailand? My ministry is mainly in teaching and reaching out to children.
How can our readers support you and pray with you?
What is your area of ministry in Thailand?
Please support the Thailand ministries in the following
My area of ministry involves reaching out to the children
and youth, as well as supporting short-term mission teams from my
a. Experienced Pastors or lay leaders who are good in
home church.
pastoral care and evangelism to teach the Thai Pastors (and me) how to be effective pastors and evangelists.
How can our readers support you and pray with you? Pray for my husband, Pastor Ping, and I as we serve
b. Volunteers to help to teach English to the children
alongside each other. May God strengthen and equip
during the summer months of mid-Mar to end-April as
us, and give us joy. Pray for God to equip me with the
this is a very effective evangelistic tool to reach out to
necessary language skills as I teach Sunday School in Thai
the children.
each week.
c. Volunteers to help to teach conversational English to the
John Lim T W
Police Officers for a month or two. Which is your church in Singapore? d. Lay persons who are gifted in evangelism to share their
Paya Lebar Methodist Church
experience of outreach to the community. What is your favourite verse? Mildred Goh Ti Jing
“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the
Which is your church in Singapore?
kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease
Bukit Panjang Methodist Church
among the people.” (Matthew 9:35, NKJV)
What is your favourite verse?
What is your Love Language? How can we encourage
“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever
things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things
Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality
are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are
Time, and Physical Touch.
of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.” (Philippians 4:8,
How many years have you been serving in Thailand?
11 years as a Supply Missionary Pastor to Rangsit Methodist Church, Thailand.
What is your Love Language? How can we encourage you?
Were you previously a missionary in another country?
Words of Affirmation
How many years have you been serving in Thailand?
What is your area of ministry in Thailand?
It has been about nine years. I was going on a six-
My ministry is evangelising, making disciples, and planting
monthly short-term mission trips to Payakapum, Northeast
churches. In short, it is to extend His Kingdom in every
Thailand since December 2004. I was then serving in my
church as the Missions Ministry Worker from 2008 to 2012, mainly taking care of the mission work in Payakapum.
How can our readers support you and pray with you?
In November 2012, I started my mission internship in
Pray for the growth of disciples that they will continue to
Payakapum and have stayed till now.
multiply and keep the faith from generation to generation.
Were you previously a missionary in another country? No.
Eulogy for a Former Missio Rev Lim Chong Heng was born in Singapore on 30 May 1955 to Mr Lim Xiang Rong and Mdm Liu Mei Lan of the Shanshui clan from China. He was the second child among seven siblings. He studied at Siglap Primary School and at Tanjong Katong Technical Secondary School where he graduated in 1971. When he answered God’s call to full-time ministry, he enrolled to study in Trinity Theological College in 1988. Rev Lim graduated on 16 June 1992 with a Bachelor of Divinity, and his ministry upon his graduation might be divided into the following three phases. Missionary Upon completion of his theological studies, Rev Lim was determined to serve the Lord as a missionary. In July 1992, he was sent to Betong, Southern Thailand, as a missionary intern. He was subsequently sent to Bangkok in January 1993 for ten months of language study. According to the 1993 report of the Board of Missions, Rev Lim became the first missionary to be sent from Methodist Missions Society (MMS). He was also the first missionary sent from the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC). His obedience to God’s call became an important milestone in the mission history of CAC. In his first missionary report from Thailand, he mentioned that despite his tight language learning schedule at Union Language School, he was nonetheless enthusiastic in personal evangelism, even as he put into practice the vocabulary he was learning at that time. When Rev Lim passed his 6th Grade Thailand Examination in 1994, he began to teach two English classes and a Thai class. And not long after, in March 1995, he made use of a rented shop-house in Rangsit as an evangelistic point, and in June, he began his first worship service there. In 1996, Rev Lim returned to Singapore to enrol in a short intensive course at Asian Cross Cultural Training Institute, and was concurrently appointed to serve at Gloria Methodist Church. Pastor While at Gloria Methodist Church, Rev Lim was ordained as a Deacon in 1997, and was subsequently appointed to Bukit Panjang Methodist
nary in Thailand Church as an Assistant Pastor from 1998 to 1999. In 2000, he returned to serve at Gloria Methodist Church, before his appointment in 2001 to take charge of the English work at Seng Kang Methodist Church. At the close of 2001, during the 26th CAC session, Rev Lim was ordained as an Elder. He was appointed as an Associate Pastor at Paya Lebar Chinese Methodist Church in 2002. In that same year, Rev Lim re-applied to MMS to serve as missionary as his burden for the work in Thailand was renewed. In the Lunar New Year of 2003, he was sent to Chiang Mai to take charge of the pastoral ministry of the Ahka Gospel Training Centre where he also oversaw the teaching English at a local secondary school as part of his ministry. Rev Lim’s stint in Thailand was shortly curtailed when he was diagnosed with brain tumour in November 2003 and returned to Singapore for surgery and treatment. Life of Service Though Rev Lim was unable to be active in pastoral ministry or mission work throughout the period of surgery and recuperation, he still made every effort to participate in certain Conference activities and events, as and when he was physically able. His presence at these Conference events was a great encouragement to many fellow pastors and co-workers. Through this period of physical deterioration, Rev Lim held fast to his faith. His life was one given to the service of the Lord and he continued to do so wholeheartedly. He had already given a good part of his life to the service of the Lord as a missionary. And he had been a vanguard for all who would go on to serve the Lord as a missionary from CAC, in obedience to God’s call to “Go into the entire world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved…” (Mark 16:15-16). While he served as a missionary in Thailand, Rev Lim met Puking Ngem Pranee, and they married in 31 December 1996. In 1997, their first child, Benedict Lim, was born, and their daughter, Belinda Lim, was born in 2000. After a long struggle with physical ailments, Rev Lim had fought a good fight and was called to glory on 17 June 2013. He was a faithful pastor serving in CAC, and the memory of him continues to be an encouragement and an inspiration to those he left behind. We thank the Lord for his life and his ministry. And we also continue to uphold his wife Pranee and their children, Benedict and Belinda, asking for the comfort of our Lord to be with them, and His peace, presence and protection to be upon them. Rev Joshua Tan Vice Chairman, Board of Communications, Chinese Annual Conference Editor’s Note: This article was first published in CAC News - 07.2013
Brand New Chress Methodist Church DEDICATION SERVICE In the morning of 7 September 2013, our Partner Church in Cambodia, Chress Methodist Church (CMC), previously called Chrass Methodist Church, had the honour of having our Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup to officiate the opening and dedication of the new church building. Covenant Community Methodist Church (CCMC) pastors, Rev John Foo and Rev Khoo Kay Huat, and church leaders, together with other church members, were invited to participate in this joyous occasion. A team of 15 mission trippers was there to assist in hosting this dedication service as well. Several local senior pastors from the Methodist Church in Cambodia (MCC) also took part in the dedication service, and in administering the Holy Communion together with our pastors. It was a very special occasion as two different groups of Church leaders and members could come together to partake of the Holy Communion. We are all children of God regardless of the different backgrounds we come from. To God be the Glory! Rev Hongly, the District Superintendent of MCC Phnom Penh, expressed her gratitude and sincere appreciation to CCMC for helping with the church building and for the ministry of CMC. She was very touched by our love and generosity for her country.
“It is a great joy to see many smiles on the faces of the newcomers.�
The next day, on 8 September 2013, CMC held a carnival
On 9 to 11 September 2013, CCMC sent a
comprising food, drinks, games and gift stalls, at the
team of 14 mission trippers to help run a youth
church. 300 invitation cards were given out to the people
camp for CMC. The camp was held in the
in the neighbourhood to come to the carnival which
new building that was dedicated earlier on
served to publicise the presence of the church in
7 September. The camp theme was “Jesus
the locale.
my Friend”, and the objective was to teach the youth about relationships. It was also
One of the church youths, Touy Ay, shared, “I am very
an opportunity for the CMC youth to bring
happy to see my neighbour coming to the church.” Her
their friends to the camp and share to them
sister, Touy Euy added, “I am also very happy because we
about Jesus being their friends. 28 youth,
very seldom have the chance to go to a carnival like this.”
ranging from 13 to 23 years of age, attended the camp, which was packed with fun-filled
Regina Wong, a CCMC mission tripper, commented,
programme and meaningful workshops. And
“The carnival is a success! We managed to attract more
the youth took home many precious lessons
adults and families to come into the church compound as
especially about their relationship with Jesus
compared to the past. They all seem very happy to come
and their friends.
to the carnival.” Yeo Hwee Lan Tan Li Diang, an MMS Missionary,
Covenant Community Methodist Church
also shared, “This carnival provides a wonderful opportunity to invite the neighbourhood residents to step into the church compound, and at the same
Time Line 26 to 30 June 2008 – CCMC’s first trip to explore a
time to feel the warmth and
possible mission opportunity with CMC, a fledgling
love that the Singapore team is
church in a village about 5km North West of Phnom Penh.
bringing them. It is a good followup after the dedication service. It is a great joy to see many smiles on the faces of the newcomers as they leave with bags filled with gifts and food. It is my prayer that many will return to the church to know of God’s saving grace.”
30 July to 1 August 2010 – CCMC leadership team made a trip to better understand the mission, vision and needs of CMC, and the scope of collaboration with MMS. 21 November 2010 – A Memorandum of Understanding was made between CCMC and MMS for five years. March to May 2011 – CCMC with MMS proceeded to purchase an identified plot of land. 4 September 2011 – Ground Breaking ceremony was conducted by Rev Dr Peter Wong of CCMC and Pastor Rath Phirun of CMC. Mid-November 2011 – Tender for the new church building was called. 21 March 2012 – Official construction agreement was signed with the building contractor. 7 September 2013 – CMC officially opened and dedicated by Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup.
Testimonies of Transformation
“It was the most amazing thing that had happened to me until then. My view of life changed.” awakened by what I had heard because I had not believed from my heart yet. At that moment, I knelt down and asked for forgiveness from God, and I made a personal decision, from my heart, to accept God. I made the commitment that even if all my family members were to stop believing in God, I would never forsake Him. Even if others discourage or ban me from believing in Christ, I would still continue in my faith.
“So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord…”
At the age of 15, I was baptised by my father
2 Timothy 1:8
who is a pastor. Since then, there were many miracles in my life. I used to be very shy and
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not
lack courage. I would also get angry easily
believed in? And how can they believe in the one of
and find it hard to forgive others. But God
whom they have not heard?” Romans 10:14
changed me and gave me courage so that I could teach the children in the villages with
The following testimonies were shared by three teachers
my father every Sunday. Moreover, I become
from Methodist School of Cambodia during their Morning
very patient and I no longer get angry easily.
Devotion for teachers on Mondays, Wednesdays and
I am also now able to forgive others
more easily.
Ouk Srey Neth
I deeply thank Jesus who changed my life, to
My name is Ouk Srey Neth. I am the
become a new person. Through this change,
third daughter of a Christian family.
I have a better life. After everything that God
Even though I grew up in a Christian
has done for me, I am able to thank Him
family, I only believed that there is a
saying: “With Jesus, I have everything I need
person called Jesus Christ as a result
and my life is meaningful.”
of my mother’s faith. I did not make a personal decision to believe in Christ.
Sokny My name is Sokny. I would
One night, when I was 13 years old, while singing to
like to share about the
my younger sister to sleep, I was listening to a sermon
changes in my life after
by Rev Taing Vekhoung. Then I heard him say this: “by
knowing God.
accepting Jesus with just a desire, we will be able to go to heaven. But if you just say we believe but not from
I was not sure whether I
the heart, we cannot not go to heaven.” I was suddenly
was a real Christian or not
because I had not been baptised or offered my life to Him.
There was an old man named Sae. He was about 60 years
But later, when I heard the Word of God, I applied it in my
old. He always travelled to the other provinces to preach
daily living, and found comfort and strength.
the good news even during times of storm and rain. Once his motor cycle skidded off the road but he still kept
I always think of God especially when I have struggles or
going on. I asked him, “Why do you do all these things?”
face loneliness. When I am hurting the most, I can feel Him
He gave me a short and simple answer, “Because Jesus
the most. I know that He is beside me and comforting me
saved me from my sins and now I want others to be saved
by saying, “That’s ok.” And He says it many times. I will feel
like me as well.” He inspired me. At that point of time, I
better and my hurts released. I also try to tell myself, “That
considered my life seriously, and I made a decision to
is enough and stop it, because He needs to help others
open up my heart to accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour.
as well.” My time with Him helps to shorten my anger and pain. The verse Ecclesiastes 7:14 always encourages me,
It was the most amazing thing that had happened to me
“When times are good, be happy; but when times are
until then. My view of life and my conduct changed after
bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the
I accepted Him. I also decided to serve Him in His ministry
other. Therefore, a man cannot discover anything about
like Uncle Sae. So I changed my intention from learning
his future”.
English and computer studies, to studying at the Bible College. After making the decision, I started to help teach
He is my Great Comfort and I put my trust in Jesus’
children in Puk Reusey commune, Mok Kompul district,
name. Amen.
Kandal province. These were the places that Uncle Sae used to teach. I also taught the Sunday School children Smong Lay
in Phnom Penh church as well. Since that time, I started
My name is Smong Lay. I would like to
to study in the Bible College and have served God up to
share my testimony about how I came
now. I have never regretted my decision.
to put my trust in Jesus Christ. I had been hearing the good news since 1995 through my uncle – my mother’s elder brother- who is a Christian. He preached the good news to all my family members, and distributed Bibles, song books and brochures.
New Mission Superintendent for the Methodist Church in Cambodia The Methodist Church in Cambodia (MCC)
When I was a child, I had not known about Jesus Christ at
held its Annual
all. At the end of 2004, I furthered my education in Phnom
Mission Conference
Penh and I stayed at my cousin’s house, which is also a
on 5 September 2013
church. My first intention in coming to study in Phnom Penh
at the Cambodian
was to improve my English and computer skills. I had to
Methodist Bible
join the evening devotions every day and Sunday services
School. This was a
every week. At first, I did not open up my heart to receive
historic moment because Rev Soksovandy, a National
Jesus Christ. I joined them because I was staying in the
Pastor, has taken over the baton as the Mission
house and they required me to join them.
Superintendent of MCC. This is a first time a National Pastor has assumed this role. Rev Soksovandy was
I joined them in all the activities. I also learned to read
ordained as Elder in 2006. He is the Pastor of Phum
the bible and heard explanation on the gospel from my
Phov Methodist Church at Svay Rieng Province. He
pastor. He also taught me how to pray. I therefore always
used to attend Faith Methodist Church during his one
prayed for wisdom, strength and good health. Every week,
year in Trinity Theological College. Please pray for Rev
I always observed that all the young people and my
Soksovandy and MCC. May God protect and guide
church members showed care and love to me. I also saw
him. May God use him to further His Kingdom.
that they liked serving others and I had never seen such a thing before.
Faith Farm Going Forward
Bukit Panjang Methodist Church team’s visit to Baisha Rehab Centre
“The 10-year journey with the Rehabilitation Centre leaves us marvelling at the work of God.”
In the last issue of Harvest Force, we introduced the Faith Farm Drug Rehabilitation Centre and its beginnings. In this issue, we will unfold some problems we are facing as well as our future plans. Please pray alongside us. The work in the Rehabilitation Centre is gradually progressing. There are many areas of work we can develop. Presently, the premises of the Rehabilitation Centre are borrowed. Please pray with us that God will provide us a rented office to serve as a station for gospel. Those who have successfully graduated from the drug rehabilitation programme find it difficult to get a job. We are cooperating with a local restaurant which was opened by an ex-addict. We meet every week to discuss how we could help those who have graduated from the programme. As I recall my past experiences and face the new work I am doing, I am filled with unspeakable gratitude. When my family came to Fuzhou, we had nothing but a dilapidated leprosarium. Today, it is a Christian Drug Rehabilitation Centre with a training base. Also, our five local volunteers have become our co-workers. We used to have
Ex-addicts’ family care group
Sharing in a local church during an evangelistic meeting
Rev Philip Lim’s visit to Baisha Rehab Centre
Speaking in Fuzhou University Ted Programme
a handful of participants. Today, there are more than 20 of them. We have also managed to establish a small office, which is run by a retired teacher and a community volunteer. Even the Red Cross Society has high hopes for our work. The 10-year journey with the Rehabilitation Centre leaves us marvelling at the work of God. From the beginning, we see the hand of God changing lives. Facilities of the Faith Farm were improved to train of local co-workers. And we are improving our programme all this time. It is amazing to witness how these graduates responded to God’s calling to serve Him. Some even stayed on in the centre to serve together with us. This year, we plan to expand our services to the community. In addition, we hope to strengthen the anti-drug education and drug rehabilitation follow-up services. We plan to reach out to young people and set up care groups. We may also start a restaurant that is run by people who have successfully overcame drug addiction. And we hope to develop a group of volunteers. As we expand our services in response to the needs of the local community, we pray that the love of God can reach out to different people. KQ
Groundbreaking! It was a beautiful day on 15 July 2013! Thank God for a cool day without rain. This was a special day as we witnessed another milestone for Methodist Church in Nepal (MCN) – the Groundbreaking and Dedication Service of The Methodist Centre and Wesley Methodist Church building project at Sobhahiti, Lalitpur. Thank God for His servant Rev Dr Mangalman Maharjan of Koinonia Patan Church who prayed and dedicated the project after laying down the foundation stone. The General Secretary of National Churches Fellowship of Nepal (NCFN) and the MCN church members were also present for the occasion. Please pray for the construction and safety of all involved. Pray for God’s wisdom and provision to the project team members. Pray that the project will be completed in time for His glory with His resources. This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Love Medical Mission “Thank God for bringing the different organisations together.”
My phone rang at 5.30am on 27 July 2013. And within 20 minutes, a mini-van was already waiting at the driveway. Simon Lim, a fellow International Christian Fellowship (ICF) member and I were ready for the long anticipated Medical Mission to the villages in Phu Dong and Dai Phuoc.
An hour’s journey, including a ferry ride across Dong Nai River, took us to Nhon Trach Hospital at 7am. Dr Loan, the Medical Director of Nhon Trach Hospital, was already waiting there to welcome us with open arms. After a short introduction and briefing, followed by a photo taking session, we proceeded straight to our mission field. With a convoy of two mini-buses of 20 excited volunteers, two small trucks with medicine and food supplies, Dr Loan proudly led the way in her hospital Volkswagen ambulance to our destination. Within 20 minutes, we reached Dai Phuoc Clinic. We were impressed with the efficiency and care of a group of doctors and medical staff who had gone ahead of us to prepare the medical site, which was operationally ready when we arrived. Moreover, there were already a group of elderly folks waiting in the queue to see the doctors!
Hyphens, a pharmaceutical company, was the main
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Their Human Resource and
sponsor of this mission project. The staff members quickly
Administration Manager, Jen, was introduced to MMS
unpacked their medical supplies to be dispensed on
with the intention of working through and with us towards
some long tables. Volunteers from Vietnam Methodist
achieving their CSR goals. By God’s grace, our objective
Church (VMC) filled up bags with staples of sugar,
and mission gelled from the start and together with VMC,
noodles, cooking oil and biscuits, donated by ICF. These
we swung into action, searching for an outreach group.
bags were to be given away to the patients. In the midst
Almost immediately, Pastor Loc of VMC told me of Nhon
of this hustle and bustle of activities, the medical team
Trach hospital’s interest in blessing their needy villagers,
proceeded quietly to attend to the steady stream of
and the rest is simply history.
elderly patients who continued to come in bicycles and on motorcycles.
Medical Mission is one of the most difficult missions to organise in Vietnam, due to the strict checks and
Lunch was a short and simple affair of economical rice
processes by the authorities. We thank God for Pastor
with fruits for all doctors, nurses and volunteers. By 1pm, we
Loc’s good relationship with Dr Loan, so that we were able
reached our next destination, Phu Dong Clinic. We were
to carry out this project. In a short span of only 28 days,
ready for the second-half of our programme that was
the ad hoc committee worked through many emails and
similar to the first. Despite a short spell of rain we were not
meetings towards the execution of this mission. Praise
hampered as we soldiered on to see to our last patient at
God for all the donors and volunteers from Hyphens,
about 3.30pm.
VMC and ICF who worked very hard for the successful and smooth operation of the mission. Thank God for
The People’s Committee of both villages also did a
bringing the different organisations together, especially
marvellous job by formally inviting the elderly folks
the government hospital, the People’s Committee of Nhon
beforehand for this free medical check-up. A total of
Trach, Hyphens and MMS for this project.
245 needy villagers benefitted from this meaningful programme, which included free medical consultation,
Feeling satisfied and blessed, everyone in the team is
medicine and a gift package of food stuff. All remaining
confident as they look forward for the next mission. Pray
medicine was donated to the hospital, and the vitamins
that we will continue to harness the good friendships and
and supplements were given to VMC for their upcoming
Christian witness we have built with these communities.
Children’s camp. Absolutely nothing went to waste!
This little light of Jesus Christ, we’ve got to let it shine!
Earlier, Hyphens was seeking for partnerships to perform
its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programmes in
International Christian Fellowship
MMS Family HM was commissioned on 11 August 2013 by Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup at Bedok Methodist Church. May God grant her strength and protection as she continues her journey as a missionary. Congratulations to Pastor Ling Kin Yew who has graduated from Trinity Theological College (TTC) with a Master of Divinity on 18 May 2013. He was serving in MMS before he went to TTC. He is currently a MOT (Member on Trial) serving in Covenant Community Methodist Church. May God bless his journey of faith and service. Chen Qiu Luan, MMS Missionary in Cambodia, was engaged to Wee Teck on 14 June 2013. Both Wee Teck and Qiu Luan are from the Aldersgate Methodist Church. May God bless their relationship to grow from strength to strength. Recently, three new Missionary Intern couples joined MMS. Johnson and Josephine of Bedok Methodist Church left for Cambodia in June, TKL and YT left for East Asia in June, and Joseph and Grace of Bedok Methodist Church left for Timor-Leste in October. Pray for quick settling down and for God’s empowerment to do His work in these varies areas.
Mission Awareness MMS was invited to the Alpha Conference on 31 May and 1 June 2013; Wesley Methodist Church on 14 July and 24 August 2013; Geylang Chinese Methodist Church on 19 July 2013; Toa Payoh Methodist Church and Hakka Methodist Church on 21 July 2013; MC of Incarnation on 18 August 2013; and Kampong Kapor Methodist Church on 8 September 2013 to set up a mission booth. Contact MMS if you want us to set up a booth in your church.
MMS Missionary Prayer Night About 45 MMS staff, missionaries and volunteers came together on 27 August 2013 to pray. Richard Chong and his team led in worship. The entire group was later subdivided into five smaller groups.
MMS Missionary Retreat implementing T-net in their locations, and other administrative and personnel matters. Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup, our MMS Exco, Finance Committee and Personnel Committee members were there. Even Danny and Julie, our regular psychologists, came to spend a day with us. All of them had taken the trouble to drive from Singapore to JB to be with us. It showed that they really care for MMS staff, missionaries and volunteers had a 3-day
the ministry. The Missionaries did many things together too.
Missionary Retreat in Johor Bahru, Malaysia from 28 to 30
We enjoyed the scavenger hunt and had a great time of
August 2013. During the retreat, we had many discussions
learning, interacting and praying with one another.
on issues pertaining to working in a cross-cultural situation,
Memorandum of Understanding On 5 March 2013, an MOU was signed with Women’s
Foochow Methodist
Charity Association of Ho Chi Minh City (WOCA) to
Church signed an MOU
support Sunlight Shelter in Vietnam from April 2013 to
with MMS to support the
March 2014.
work in Joy Methodist Hostel in Cambodia, for
On 28 April 2013, MMS entered into an MOU with Holy
a year from 1 September
Covenant Methodist Church to assist in training and
2013, to provide a safe,
equipping national leaders in Nanle Church and its
clean and Christian
ministries, for five years.
environment for university students in Phnom Penh.
An MOU was made on 24 August 2013 to partner with
An MOU was made on 16 September 2013 between MMS
Singapore Mission School in Laos for a period of six to
and WOCA to support Sunrise Shelter in Vietnam for a year
eight years.
from November 2013.
Teach to Reach Course – Teaching with a Mission! “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are
It is an undeniable fact that education is one of the most
ripe for harvest.” (John 4:35b, NIV)
powerful tools in the kit-bag of any missions endeavour. It appears that the Methodist Missions Society is the
The challenge that our Lord proclaimed two thousand
only Christian organisation in Singapore that is visionary
years ago rings true and comes with a far greater urgency
enough to offer a unique Course to equip mission-minded
now when we take into account the present day topsy-
believers with the knowledge and skills to teach English as
turvy world we are living in.
a Foreign Language (EFL) in the mission field.
This writer has taken the liberty of partial quotes from
Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam since
the preamble of the Course material to explain the
2011. However, the Teach to Reach Course has definitely
above statement.
provided much valuable knowledge and skills in Mission (English) Education and also opened up more ways to
“The Methodist Missions Society Education Missions is one
teach EFL courses professionally outside the mission field.
of the mission endeavours that MMS affirms as a creative channel in accessing countries closed to Christianity as
The English Teachers’ Resource Book that is used
education holds the key to a better future to all regardless
comprises eight exciting chapters packed with useful
of age.
information and application activities. The commonplace heading of each Chapter belies the richness of the
Why is this Course necessary for Education Missions?
content. A few examples will help to see this.
….. Because education is one of the mission endeavours
Chapter 1 is simply headed “Introduction”, but, on the
that can pave the way for evangelism and witnessing
very first page, an important fact is touched upon with
particularly in countries closed to Christianity;
quotations from linguistic authorities:
….. Because the English language is considered a precious
“… an important issue … concerns the learning behaviour
commodity, and you can use your God-given gift or
of your students.”
acquired skill in English Teaching for Missions as a means of connecting with non-Christians.
The author goes on to explain the function of the composite of two Chinese characters ‘xue xi’ which
….. Because your faith in the mandate for mission constrains
define learning (a combination for ‘study’ and ‘practice’),
you to extend your territory to be equipped in order to bless
and then quotes that “the teaching process refers to the
techniques and methods used to facilitate learning .... the learning process means the production of a relatively
The name of the Course is Teach to Reach Course and
permanent change in a learner’s capacity as a result of
is taught over a period of seven weeks with a 2½ hour
reinforced practice”.
lesson per week. Participants will receive a Certificate of Achievement for successfully completing this English
A very useful section in the same chapter gives pointers on
Teaching Course. This Certificate is recognised as a
“How to Motivate Language Learners.”
qualification for teachers going on education mission trips of up to three months, even in China. The textbook used
Chapters 2 to 6 deal with how to teach the four language
is called English Teachers’ Resource Book, authored by Dr
skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, Chapter
Grace Hsu Oon Bee. Dr Hsu has been an educator for over
7 discusses “Teaching vocabulary”, and Chapter 8 has
50 years and who, at age 85, still goes out on Education
many resource items.
Mission trips to train EFL teachers all over Asia with a dedication to and zeal for education that is very difficult
This Course does not require participants to possess any
to match.
formal English Language Teaching qualifications or even teaching experience. All that is needed is the desire to
There are many flavours of TESOL (Teaching English to
be a necessary part of the thrilling journey towards the
Speakers of Other Languages) Certificate, Diploma and
fulfilment of the Great Commission. Though the majority of
even Graduate courses available to us in Singapore. While
the Course participants belong to the Methodist Church,
these courses qualify participants to teach EFL and ESL
participants from other churches are always warmly
classes worldwide, only the MMS Teach to Reach Course
welcomed. This writer, who is blessed to be a member of
equips one to teach the English language with a missional
the Church of Singapore (Marine Parade), experienced
objective. This writer is a qualified TESOL teacher who has
this welcome personally during the Course that was run
been teaching EFL to foreign migrant workers in a local
from 17 April to 29 May 2013.
church since 2007 and also to Senior Government Officers and Diplomats in the four ‘CLMV’ countries comprising
Unless one joins any one of the future Teach to Reach Course runs, one will never know just how much one would have missed by not having joined. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8, NIV) Ernest Michael Church of Singapore (Marine Parade)
Editor’s Note: Should there be any interest in the Teach to Reach Course, it may resume with a new team of trainers from the Education Missions Committee as Dr Grace Hsu goes on a sabbatical leave.
MMS “My Father’s Business” Banquet – The Business of Transforming Lives Christina Stanley Editor of Methodist Message Rev Sabashtain Lepcha and his wife Grace, house-parents of Sophia’s Home, explained: “In Nepal, girls are not given priority. Usually by 14 or 15 they are married and they become mothers. Education helps them to have a better future.” The story of Rojina is just one of thousands of lives transformed as MMS goes about “our Father’s business” based on its Vision 2020, adopted in 2003, to plant 800 indigenous disciple-making churches by the year 2020. More than 400 specially invited guests at the Methodist Mission Society’s (MMS) “My Father’s Business” Banquet
In his message, Guest-of-Honour Bishop Dr Wee Boon
on August 25 sat riveted as they watched the telling of a
Hup focused on El Shaddai, which has different shades
transformed life in the mountainous country of Nepal.
of meaning. Usually translated as “the Almighty God”, it presents God as the “breasted” One, or the one who
Rojina was a street kid, roaming the streets of Kathmandu
nourishes, the “all-sufficient one”.
and moving from house to house. Her mother had committed suicide, and her father was a metal worker,
Drawing from Genesis 17:1-14, Bishop explained that God
and was half blind. She was just nine years old when her
provided all and more than Abraham needed, to be the
aunt, a butcher, met Shanti, previously our MMS missionary
one to father many nations. What was so special about
in Nepal.
Abraham was that he was chosen to participate in God’s plan in this everlasting covenant.
Through this, Rojina joined Sophia’s Home together with her younger sister, Rojita. They both cried for two months as
In 2009, there were only 24 churches planted. This number
they found it very difficult to adjust. Today, at 21 years old,
has now grown to 265 as of 2012. As such, another 535
Rojina has finished college and is a pre-school teacher.
churches will need to be planted in the next seven years.
She is also now engaged to a youth worker.
A four-step plan will be in place to achieve this: win the lost, build the believer, train the workers to be church planters and multipliers, and mentor the leaders.
for Wesley Methodist Church and to establish a Methodist Centre, which will serve as the headquarters to train and equip national pastors for the growth of God’s Kingdom in Nepal. Huang shan, China: Children’s Home cum Training Centre This is a partnership project with the Geng Cheng Three Self Church in Tai Ping, Huangshan to accommodate up The goal is to double the number of churches every two
to 30 orphans or children from broken or dysfunctional
years. MMS, in partnership with many local Methodist
families. This will include a guest house that will be used
churches in Singapore, has already reached out to
by MMS to accommodate students from Zhangzhou Bible
Cambodia, East Asia, Nepal, Thailand, Timor-Leste,
Training Centre, and to conduct discipleship training for
Vietnam and Laos.
national co-workers in the Anhui province. The Children’s Home will be a two-storey building with dormitories for girls
In his appeal to church leaders, corporate sponsors,
and boys, and communal amenities.
donors and entrepreneurs, MMS Executive Director Rev Philip Lim said: “We have a two-pronged strategy for
Both award-winning guest singers who performed on the
mission work in these seven countries – one is church
evening of the banquet set the ball rolling, by donating
planting, and the other is community development.
a portion of their CD album sales proceeds to MMS.
We need the help of every Methodist, local church
Vocal coach, recording artiste and song-writer, Mr
and Annual Conference to help us achieve our goal of
Matthew Quek, performed three songs related to his life
planting 800 churches by 2020. Please pray with us. Be
experiences and how God’s love has seen him through.
involved. Give where it is most needed. Together, we can fulfil Christ’s Great Commission.”
One of Malaysia’s top recording artistes, Ms Juwita Suwito, then performed songs from her latest album, “The HeART
The banquet was generously sponsored by Far East
of Hymns”, including “Holy, Holy, Holy” as she found it
Organisation and The Fullerton Hotel. Besides the following
interesting that an English clergyman with a heart for
projects that were highlighted at the Banquet, MMS
missions, Reginald Heber, had penned the lyrics and later
will need to raise S$1.8 million to cover the cost of field
served as Bishop of Calcutta.
operations and the FY13/14 programmes budget. The music continued to play with two solo renditions by Chiang Mai, Thailand: Phase Two of Vineyard
saxophonist Samuel Cheah, a member of the “Burnt
Methodist School
Offering” worship team from Pentecost Methodist Church.
Vineyard started as a humble childcare centre in 2000 to meet the needs of working parents with young children
The call is clear. Are you ready to fulfil God’s Great
living in the vicinity. This later expanded into a nursery, then
Commission through MMS? You can donate to support,
a kindergarten, and in 2011, was renamed the Vineyard
making your cheques out to “The Methodist Church in
Methodist School. The long-term goal of the school is to
Singapore (MMS)”. Call 64784818 for more details. You can
provide a well-rounded primary education, including a
pray for more to come forward as full-time missionaries,
full English-medium curriculum for nationals. To cater to
volunteers and workers to help build the Kingdom. Pray
the rapidly growing needs, English and Chinese language
for God’s Holy Spirit to come upon all MMS missionaries,
teachers will need to be recruited, and an extension will
national workers and evangelists that they will continue
have to be built.
to have the energy, stamina, courage and wisdom to do His will.
Kathmandu, Nepal: Methodist Centre and Wesley Methodist Church
Editor’s Note: This article was first published in the September
Since The Methodist Church in Nepal was instituted
2013 issue of Methodist Message. With thanksgiving to God,
in October 2008, there are now six churches and five
we received S$1.04 million from donations and pledges. This
preaching points, supported by a faithful group of
is the first time we have not only achieved our working goal
national pastors and evangelists, as well as cross-cultural
of S$750,000, we have also surpassed our faith goal of
evangelists. It is now timely to build a permanent home
S$1 million.
mission Our Mission is to fulfil Christ’s Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. vision 2020 Our Vision is to unite the Methodist Community in Singapore to plant 800 new, indigenous, financially self-supporting, disciple-making and multiplying churches by 2020. our core values Accountability, Integrity, Compassion, Perseverance, Cultural Sensitivity, Unity and Excellence.
Supporters MMS enlists, encourages, engages and empowers Methodists to serve in missions, by praying for, participating in and giving financially to reach those whom Jesus died to redeem. Team Together with our Partner Churches, Volunteers, Mobilisers, Donors, Prayer Partners, Mission Teams and Missionaries, we form the team involving in Church Planting, Discipling,Teaching, Evangelising, Healthcare, Education, Sponsorship and Livelihood Projects.
our main strategies Church Planting and Community Development
Missions is not a one-man or one-organisation’s job. It is a partnership through which God’s work is fulfilled and His glory shown.
Photo © Scott Pehrson | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images
Ministries MMS is dedicated to addressing the real-life needs of the communities and churches, so as to rebuild, restore and reconcile people and communities back to Him.
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OUR GIFTS FOR MISSIONS We would like to support MMS so that the Good News of Jesus Christ can be proclaimed to the ethnic Cambodians, Chinese, Lahus, Laotian, Nepalese, Thais, Timorese and Vietnamese, by giving to:
Gift Details General Donation (where it is most needed)
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Nepal Mission
@ S$30 per month (minimum commitment of 12 months) – Cambodia/Nepal/Thailand
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These DVDs present an overview of MMS work and ministries. Get your free copies now.
MMS DVD – Simple Faith Amazing Grace (2005 @ Cambodia)
MMS DVD – Of Miracles and Grace (2007 @ Nepal)
MMS DVD – Choose to Help a Few (2009 @ Thailand)
MMS DVD – MMS 20th Anniversary Videos (2011 @ China and Nepal)
MMS DVD – SSS Videos (2012)
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We’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations - Teach to Reach in Sarawak “Our hearts were filled with joy as we were inspired by our participants.”
Our team left Singapore on 27 June 2013 for Kuching, feeling happy that we had left the haze behind. Little did we know that we were to encounter another manmade inconvenience. That evening, there was a massive power failure in the entire state of Sarawak. The streets were dark, the shops were closed, and there was only a hint of light in the darkened homes. This was a timely reminder for all of us, of the dreadful and darkened life without our Saviour Jesus. Though disturbed by the physical darkness, spiritually we were lit up for it has been our belief that “Teach to Reach” has a part to play in the story that we want to tell to the nations. “For the darkness shall turn to dawning, And the dawning to noonday bright; And Christ’s great kingdom shall come on earth, The kingdom of love and light.” Sarawak Chinese Annual Conference, through Rev Lenita Tiong, had requested MMS Education Committee to conduct training sessions so that their members could go out on more education missions, and complement the medical missions that they had already established. Our team was led by Dr Grace Hsu and comprised Heng-Lim Gaik Kee, Cecilia Lim, Sandra Kumarasamy and Magdalene Kooi. We conducted 13 hours of training spread over five sessions during the two weekends at Kuching and Bintulu. The Kuching workshop, which ran from 28 to 30 June, was attended by 19 members from Trinity Methodist Church, the hosting church, 11 from Faith Methodist Church, one from Matang Methodist Church and four from Mt Hope. The Bintulu workshop was from 5 to 7 July. The participants included Bintulu residents; 25 from Emmanuel Methodist Church, which was the host, and one from Life Church. Some came from afar. Eight came from Sibu; seven from Wesley Church and one from Xin Fu Yuan Church. From Grace Methodist Church in Miri, we had two participants. And what enthusiastic students they were! When the sessions dragged in to the night, or when we failed to adjust the visualizer to its best, there was not an unhappy face. This what our participants said of their experience. A Kuching participant wrote, “Thank you for the three days of imparting and sharing your valuable experience in teaching English in a fun way. It’s an eye opener for me. This workshop helps me with ideas of how to ‘teach to reach’, when I go for mission trips in future.” A Bintulu participant remarked, “I had wanted to know more about teaching English to the longhouse children, but I did not have any guidelines. The activities
and knowledge has benefitted me a lot. I am able
with electricity and water; though the latter facilities
and ready to go to the longhouse and teach English
are not fully operational yet.
during our bi-monthly mission trips.” We saw, tasted and felt Sarawakian hospitality at its Motivated by the enthusiasm of our participants,
best. The host churches had taken a lot of care to
we had the energy to do some sightseeing in
make our stay was as comfortable as possible. For
Sarawak. Also, as the workshops were conducted
us, this was a treat. The Hakka and Foochow dishes
over two weekends, we were free during the
were delightful experiences. So was our first try of
weekdays. We had a glimpse of the multi-faceted
traditional tribal food; meat stuffed in bamboo and
culture of Sarawak, particularly of the tribes. While
cooked over glowing coals. As we prepared to go
at Bintulu, we joined in the outreach programme
home, we lightened our luggage by giving away
run by Emmanuel Methodist Church in a “modern
all the extra notes, but in exchange we had happily
longhouse”. This community of Ibans have yet to
accepted additional weight in calories. More so, our
accept Christ, but it was heartwarming to see a
hearts were filled with joy as we were inspired by our
cross standing majestically in front of every doorway
participants. Indeed, we give all glory to God.
leading to the rooms. Their original wooden longhouse built on stilts was burned down and they
Sandra Kumarasamy
now live on the ground level in a concrete structure,
MMS Education Committee
Mission in An Age of Globalisation This is the third part of an essay by Rev Dr Andrew Peh, who is a lecturer in Trinity Theological College.
“In the midst of globalisation and modernity, the Church has to continually look to the lessons of the past, the achievements of the present and to the challenges of the future.” In the first two articles, I presented a simple introduction to globalisation and discussed briefly how globalisation has affected Christian witness, discipleship and mission. It is true that globalisation has made the world a much smaller place and has afforded convenience, connectivity and greater consumption to many. Yet it has persisted in marginalising others, widening the gap between the haves and the have-nots, and adding to the host of attendant global issues. Evidently, there are both the advocates as well as detractors of globalisation. Yet, in these times, the Church must be at the forefront to affirm our humanity, our identity as God’s creation and also to affirm our identity as a Kingdom community. Amidst a culture of consumption, the church must teach contentment and show compassion. Through the members of the church community, the virtue of sacrifice and servanthood must be our hallmark, just as Jesus Christ in the incarnation took on the form of a servant and gave Himself for us. The Church must also be both the hospital as well as the pharmacy where the medication it gives to a hurting and suffering world is God’s life-giving grace. And above all, in a world that relativises the truth, the church must stand as a beacon of light and point people to Jesus, the true Light. He is the Lumen Gentium, the Light
of the World, and in living out our Christian calling we bring His light into all the world which is consumed by darkness. Tom Sine in his book, Mustard Seed versus McWorld provides examples of how some churches are taking globalisation seriously and making some important changes so that they can impact the world for Jesus. Consider these following examples: Example 1: Spreydon Baptist Church in Christchurch, New Zealand is a church that places the biblical call to God’s mission at the centre of the congregational life of the church, rather than at the periphery. Sixty percent of the church’s total budget is invested in mission work locally as well as overseas. It sponsors twenty five thriving ministries to single moms, unemployed young people, and those on welfare in Christchurch. Not only do they contribute in financial means, a high percentage of its eight hundred members are involved in these ministries on a weekly basis. One of the most creative ministries is called the Kingdom Trust. It operates like a credit union in which those on the margins are given small loans so they can start small businesses and become self-reliant. Spreydon Baptist does not merely provide the loans but also makes available free business consultation as a practical means of aid and has thus been successful in helping many around the community to be self-supporting.1 Example 2: Some Christian educators in Brazil have created a new low cost approach to theological education that cost students only thirty eight dollars a month in tuition. The Seminario Teologico Sul Americano makes every effort to keep costs at a minimum by using church building throughout the country for classes and finding professors who are willing to donate their time to help raise a new generation of leaders who are free to serve God without the burden of a school debt.2
Example 3: Luther Place is a largely white congregation in Washington DC that found itself in an increasingly non-white and needy community. Like many white congregations in that situation, the members took a vote as to whether to move their church to the white suburbs or stay put. To their surprise, the vote was to stay put. In the decision to stay, the church felt that they needed a clear sense of biblical purpose. The members became involved in a serious study of the Scriptures and received what they believed was God’s call on their congregation: “As God is hospitality to us in the bread and the wine of the Eucharist, we feel called to be the hospitality of Christ in this needy community.” And so they scrapped some of their random activities and created a range of new ministries in urban housing and tutoring that enabled them to reach out to their community. 3 These stories and many more similar ones inspire us on how we can be the church that bring light to the world. Amidst the deafening cacophony of background noises of a world so caught up in material wants and instant gratification, it is imperative that the Church does not take her eyes off Jesus, because “Jesus is the key to the future, the only door to eternal life and the answer to the struggle for the world’s soul.” 4 In his book, On Not Knowing How to Live, Allen Wheelis, a practicing psychoanalyst, talked about developing a philosophy of life, employing the ‘big top’ of the circus as an analogy: Stay with the main show, do not be drawn off into sideshows, diversions, entertainments. Do only what you are most solemnly charged to do… There, in the big top, a man is hanging by his teeth, twisting, spinning, spotlights playing over him, the drums
beginning to roll… Any turning away to watch the dancing bears is betrayal of the dangling man… Hold fast, stay with him. 5
levels. No entity except the Church can bring together on a theological, moral and spiritual basis those who shape and those who are shaped by these developments. 6
He likens life today as though it is a circus act where there are many things to be seen. If we do not focus on the important act and allow our attention to be distracted, we often miss the main act of the day!
There is no doubt that globalisation and modernity which accompanies it “provides both the single greatest opportunity the church has ever faced and its single greatest challenge.” 7 The opportunity exists because “more people in more societies are more open to the Gospel in the modern world than in any previous era in history” 8; but the challenge is that it becomes increasingly easy to lose our way amidst the different competing demands on the Christian and on the Church. In the struggle to balance the struggle between the technology and tradition, between “the Lexus and the Olive Tree”, the Church must lead the way in not negating one in favour of the other, in not emphasizing one over the other but in subjecting both to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, who constantly seeks to get draw all in as the redeemed community of His kingdom. In the midst of globalisation and modernity, the Church has to continually look to the lessons of the past, the achievements of the present and to the challenges of the future. But amidst all these competing demands, the Church would do well not to forget that the way home is through the “lowly, the unassuming, and the imperceptible” 9, the mustard seed faith in Jesus Christ.
By that same token, the Church’s mission is not to be dazzled by the mesmerizing sights and sounds of McWorld but to tenaciously focus on Jesus for He brings order to a world that is increasingly chaotic, surprise to a world that stands in need of a miracle, and beauty in a world that has been too long been dominated by ugly human depravity. Surely, the message contained in Luke 9:25 is urgent for us today, “For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses or forfeits himself?” The Church’s role amidst all these competing noises is to continuously be attuned to the still small voice of the Author and Perfecter of our faith. Amidst the competing demands which globalisation brings, we, the Church, must firstly relearn the lesson to “be still and know that I am God.” Only when the Church is able to distinguish the voice amidst the noise, can she become that voice, the conscience, the soul, that will cast a light and be the salt that will shape the future society. In that regard, Max Stackhouse noted that: No civilization has ever endured without a religious core that shapes all aspects of its ethos, and no ethos has ever become a blessing to humanity without dedicated and well-equipped leaders who are willing to shape both civil society and the habits of the heart at the deepest
And the Church would do well, never to forget to, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of the earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace” 10 Rev Dr Andrew Peh Lecturer at Trinity Theological College
Tom Sine, Mustard Seed Versus McWorld, (IL: Baker Books, 1999) 220-221.
Ibid, 235
Ibid, 226-227.
Howard Synder, Earth Currents: The Struggle for the World’s Soul (TN: Abingdon Press, 1995) 303.
As quoted by Mark Trotter, Grace All the Way Home (Nashville, TN: The Upper Room, 1982) 15.
As quoted by Donald Lewis, Globalization: The Problem of Definition and Future Areas of Historical inquiry, in A Global Faith, eds: Mark Hutchinson and Ogbu Kalu (Sydney: Centre for the Study of Australian Christianity, 1998) 38.
Ola Tulluan, “The Impact of Modernity on the Mission of the Church”, in Ministry in Modern Singapore - The Effects of Modernity on the Church, Eds: Wong Chan Kok and Chuck Lowe, (Singapore: Singapore Bible College, 1987) 152.
Os Guiness & John Seel, No God but God - Breaking with the Idols of our Age, (Chicago, IL: Moody, 1992) 161.
Tom Sine, Mustard Seed Versus McWorld, (IL: Baker Books, 1999) 173.
Helen Lemmel, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (UMH 349), in The United Methodist Hymnal, (Nashville, TN: The UM Publishing House, 1989)
Incarnational Mission “Whoever is in mission (cross cultural – global or local) must cross over into a world that is unfamiliar.”
Jesus was willing to confront what was evil in their society, in particular their religious life. He challenged the hypocrisy, and spiritual blindness of the religious leaders. He spoke in their faces about their shortcomings, and their sins. In short, He did not conform to the seedier side of Jewish religious life but instead attempted to bring it to light. He came to seek and to save those who were lost (Luke 19:10).
Incarnate. That word is not found in the bible.
He declared that He did not come to call
The concept, however, is derived from John
the righteous but sinners to repentance (Luke
1:14 “And the Word became flesh and dwelt
among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace
The person who chooses to do cross-cultural
and truth.” The Word, who was God, become
missions follows in these footsteps of our Lord
flesh: that is incarnation. Incarnational mission
Jesus Christ. John Stott, who mooted the term
has become a model for many agencies
incarnational mission, had this to say:
around the world. The Son of God did not stay in the safe Just as God entered the human world and
immunity of his heaven, remote from human
became one of us, the missionary is sent
sin and tragedy. He actually entered our
to enter a different culture (“world”) and
world. … Now he sends us into the world, as
become one with those he or she is reaching
the Father sent him into the world. In other
out to. This is more than just merely engaging
words, our mission is to be modelled on his.
with the culture; we can do that from afar. It
Indeed, all authentic mission is incarnational
is a process of immersion, by being physically
mission. It demands identification without loss
present in that world, experiencing all that it
of identity. It means entering other people’s
throws up. Yet, the missionary is not tainted by
worlds, as he entered ours, though without
the evil that exists in that world.
compromising our Christian convictions, values or standards. [John Stott, Authentic
Jesus, the Word of God, entered the world
Christianity (IVP, 1995), p. 324]
as a Jew, was raised and died as one. He was in all ways human, a Jew, a descendent
Incarnational mission is not so much a
of Abraham and David. He went to their
concept, nor a model, or a strategy to be
weddings, sat and ate with those whom
followed. It is a personal way of life amongst
Jewish society would consider as outcasts.
people we are reaching out to. So it does not
He touched and healed those who were
just apply in a faraway country. It is something
condemned to live in solitary confinement
applicable to us right where we live.
because of their leprous condition. He also ate with the well-to-do, attending functions
In our own pluralistic society of Singapore, we
where He would rub shoulders with the snobs.
have learned to be tolerant of other faiths.
He was totally immersed in Jewish life. But in all
We accept it when others practice their own
of these (in fact, in His whole earthly life), He
faith that we know outrightly contradicts ours.
was without sin (Hebrews 4:15).
We do not openly rubbish what they believe and practice. But we seek to demonstrate by
will receive and believe. Sometimes, what they see does not make sense, and they need someone to speak to them to explain the truth on which the light has shone. Make no mistake about it: we have to preach and proclaim the gospel. We cannot say that mission is all about good works and proclamation is unnecessary. We still preach the gospel. But after we have preached, then what? We cannot pack our bags and go. We are here (or there) to stay. The veracity of what we have preached comes through the good works that follow. Yet there are times when we begin by doing good, like in community development projects. However, one does not believe, or come to faith, by the good works. Belief must be in a Person, the Word (of God), or through the words that direct us to the Word. All this has to be proclaimed, that is, spoken. What matters in the end is that whoever is in mission (cross works, and not just words, that God lives in our
cultural – global or local), must cross over into a world
communities through us.
that is unfamiliar. That in itself is a great challenge. We may have to recalibrate, or even abandon, all that we
We read in Acts 10:38, “how God anointed
held dear once and factor in what we might once have
Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and
reviled. It calls for something beyond us. We have to turn to
with power. He went about doing good and
the One whose life was the Incarnate Word.
healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” Jesus did not just
Paul sums up the heart of incarnational mission when
preach the gospel; He went about doing
He wrote:
good, healing included. Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of himself. It is important to note that when Jesus spoke
He had equal status with God but didn’t think so much
out against the religious, it was to His own –
of himself that he had to cling to the advantages of that
the scribes, the Pharisees, the priests. If there
status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came,
is ever any religious criticism that we have
he set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status
to level at someone, it should be to our own
of a slave, became human! Having become human, he
believers, for failing to keep in line with the
stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process.
Word of God. We judge ourselves.
He didn’t claim special privileges. Instead, he lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient
But to the world that is fallen, we live amongst
death—and the worst kind of death at that—a crucifixion.
them as lights. We read that in the Incarnate
(Philippians 2:5-8, The Message).
Word “was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the
Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup
darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:4-5)
Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore
When light shines, those who have eyes to see
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道成肉身的宣教 你们当以基督耶稣的心为心。 他 本有神的形象,不以自己与神同 等为强夺的, 反倒虚己,取了奴 仆的形象,成为人的样式; 既有 人的样子,就自己卑微,存心顺 服以至于死,且死在十字架上。
我们在英文圣经里找不到Incarnate(“成肉身”) 这个词汇;这个概念是出自约翰福音1:14 “道成 了肉身,住在我们中间,充充满满地有恩典有真 理。我们也见过他的荣光,正是父独生子的荣光。” 这成了肉身的道就是上帝,也就是说,上帝以肉身 来到世上世。从此,道成肉身的传道事工也成为了 全世界传教模式的典范。
上帝降生人间成为我们中间的一份子,同样的,宣 教士也被差派进入不同文化(“世界”)——成为 当地所接触社体的一份子。这不单单是文化上的 交流,如果是这样的话,我们透过远程运作也可以收到一样的果效。宣教士亲身融入那里的世界,还得 经历日后突发的种种状况,然而他们却不被那个世界充斥的罪恶所玷污。 上帝的真道——主耶稣,以犹太人的身份降生、成长、受死;在各个方面,祂是人,是道道地地的犹太 人,也是亚伯拉罕和大卫的后代。耶稣出席了他们的婚宴,和那些被犹太社会摒弃的人同席吃饭,祂还 触摸并且治好那些因患上大麻疯被逼隔离的人。祂又和富人同席,出现在上流社会,和权贵们周旋。耶 稣全身全心融入犹太人的生活当中。然而,在这些活动里,祂没有犯罪(希伯来书 4:15)——其实祂在 人世间的整段日子里也是没有犯罪。 主耶稣敢于正视社会里的种种罪恶,尤其是这些人的宗教生活。祂也敢向这些宗教领袖的假冒伪善、属 灵盲瞎提出挑战。祂更是当面痛责他们的短处和罪行。总之,耶稣不遵循犹太人的这些宗教行为,还进 一步将这些揭露出来,说“人子来,为要寻找、拯救失丧的人” (路加福音19:10),又说“我来本不是召 义人悔改,乃是召罪人悔改。” (路加福音5:32)
选择跨文化宣教的人,跟随主耶稣的脚踪。提出“道成肉身宣教”一词的英国传教士司徒德 (John Stott) 这样说,
上帝的独生子并没有自己稳稳当当留在天堂,远离人间罪恶和悲剧,反而确实降临人世……如今,祂也 差派我们进入世界,就如当年天父差派祂进入世界一样。换一句话说,我们的传教工作应当效法祂的典 范。实际上,一切真诚的传教工作都是投身入世的传道事工,要求与当地人没有不同,这意味着进入别人 的世界里,正如祂进入我们的世界里,却不放松或者放弃我们的基督教信仰、价值观或标准一样。(司徒
德,《真正的基督教》IVP 1995. 第324页)
道成肉身的宣教并不完全是一个概念、一个模式、或是某种策略;说得更正确些,它是我们在所接触 社体中的个人生活方式,从这一点来看,它不仅是应用在一个遥远的地区,而是应该体现在我们的所居 地。
我们岛国是一个多元化的社会,需要学习如何与其他信仰和谐相处。我们应当接受周围的人在信仰上有 可能和我们发生矛盾的事实。对他们的一些信仰和做法,我们不公开嗤之以鼻。我们不是单单依靠宣 讲,更重要的是要让人们从自己的身上,认识到上帝活在我们的社群中。 使徒行传10:38 说,“神怎样以圣灵和能力膏拿撒勒人耶稣,这都是你们知道的。他周游四方,行善事, 医好凡被魔鬼压制的人,因为神与他同在。”主耶稣并不是单单传福音而已,祂还周游四方,行善事,医 病人。 我们看到很重要的一点,就是耶稣提出相反的宗教观点,都是针对己方的文士、法利赛人和祭师。如果 说我们有需要向任何宗教发出严厉的批评的话,那应该是指出己方哪些信徒在言行方面没有好好贯彻 上帝的话语。就让我们自我批评。自我检讨吧。 对于已经腐败的世界,我们应该扮演光的角色。约翰一:4-5说,“生命在他里头,这生命就是人的光。 光照在黑暗里,黑暗却不接受光。”当光照耀时,凡是有眼睛看的,都会接受和相信。有时候,他们对所 见的并不了解,需要有人向他们讲解这光照耀世界的事实。 要绝对清楚的是,我们需要传扬和宣告福音。我们不能够说,宣教只是在行善事,没有必要宣道。我们 还得传福音。但是,传了福音之后,下一步又该怎样呢?我们不可以就此收拾行囊回家。我们要留下来, 透过我们的善行跟进,才能彰显所宣扬真理的真实性。 有时候我们是以行善如参与社区发展项目做开端。 然而,一个人是不会单凭我们的善行而信靠上帝的, 一个人之所以会信靠上帝,认识真道,乃是通过我们的见证和上帝话语的分享,去引导他认识上帝并信 靠祂的话语。总之,我们必须用言语去分享和传扬福音。 说到底,任何人参与宣教(跨文化-无论在海外活本地),都必须跨入一个完全陌生的世界。这是一项大 挑战。我们或许要调整自己的心态,重新审度生命中事物的轻重缓急、取舍爱恶。这一切都超越我们的 能力,依靠自己是办不得到的;必须转向那位生命道成肉身的真神。 保罗在腓力比书2:5-8里,对道成肉身的宣教作出了极为精辟的总结:
你们当以基督耶稣的心为心。 他本有神的形象,不以自己与神同等为强夺的,反倒虚己,取了奴仆的形 象,成为人的样式; 既有人的样子,就自己卑微,存心顺服以至于死,且死在十字架上。 黄文合牧师(博士)