Your Kingdom Come
Focus: Timor-Leste MMS ministry in Timor-Leste l 卫宣 在东帝汶的事工
How Far Would You Be Willing To Walk? l 你愿意走 多远的路?
Train A Child In The Way He Should Go l 教养 孩童,使他走当行 的道!
Take My Healing to the Nation l 把医疗关怀带入 这国度
Contents Your Kingdom Come
Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10 (NKJV)
Cristo Rei of Dili atop a summit overlooking the capitol of Timor-Leste.
01EDITORIAL • The more the merrier
• MMS ministry in Timor-Leste
• MMS Missions Rally • MMS Photo Contest #2 • Mission Trips • Opportunities to Serve
• Do You Know… Timor-Leste Ministry
• Give Me Your Heart • Shineforth Methodist TIMOR-LESTE Church celebrated her 10th Anniversary • How Far Would You Be Willing To Walk? • Find Us Faithful • Train A Child In The Way He Should Go • Take My Healing to the Nation • HOPE for Youth and Children • MMS Family • There is HOPE
• Love East Timor – Village by Village! • Life inside the COCOON: From glory to glory • Profile of MMS Missionaries in Timor-Leste • For Such A Time As This
• Memorandum of Understanding
• MMS Training Committee
Launch 40Book
• Story of MMS now told in Blessed to be a blessing
• The Truth Will Set You Free
CLOSING 46 ATHOUGHT • Is This The Work of God?
• Volunteers’ Appreciation Tea cum Book Launch • Dialogue Sessions with ETAC, CAC and TRAC • Visitation by Minister of Education of Timor-Leste
• We Can Do It Too Artwork on Back Page by Asher Kam, Charis Methodist Church
If you have a testimony or a lesson learnt regarding missions, why not send it to us so that we can share it in the Harvest Force. We welcome your letters, photos, news of mission-related events, testimonies, comments, feedback and suggestion. Please email or send them to 70 Barker Road #06-01 The Methodist Centre Singapore 309936, together with your name, church name, email address and contact number. To share your mission trip experiences in Harvest Force, just use this simple approach – Less Words, More Photos. For more details, please email Please note that your articles may be edited for length, style and clarity. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16 Due to unforeseen circumstances, we are delaying the printing of the last two parts of the essay “Exploring Innovations, Impacts, and Implications of New Communications and Media Development” by Dr Calvin Chong. It will be continued in a future issue of HF. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.
The more the merrier My wife Sharon loves to take photographs. It is her best way of preserving fond memories. She has always been the one behind the camera to capture great moments for our family and friends. Eventually, she came to realise that her face was not in most of our family photo albums. Then, there was like a light-bulb moment when she discovered selfies! And recently, she saw a new gadget – the ultimate monopod that extends its arm and holds her smartphone at the other end. Yes, it is the selfie stick! With this, she can now fit more people in her pictures. The more the merrier! Praying for the kingdom of God has a way of tuning us The kingdom of God is like that too. We want
into the mission of God on this earth. As we pray for the
to extend our reach and come together in
kingdom of God, He will show us where He is at work,
unity so that more people will hear about and
where He wants to be at work, and how He desires to work
know Jesus Christ. The more the merrier!
through us to accomplish His purposes.
Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray: “Your
In this issue of HF, we are highlighting Timor-Leste. It is
kingdom come. Your will be done on earth
interesting to note how the combined work of all partners
as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10, NKJV) The
of Transformation Alliance (TA) is helping the Timorese to
word “kingdom” means “reign”. It is a prayer
become part of God’s kingdom on earth. You can read
that God may “reign” everywhere so that the
about our ministries and outreaches (from page 10). Learn
good news may be advanced everywhere
about TA on page 20, and our Missionaries on page 24.
until the whole world is filled with His glory. May all nations enthrone Him as King. May
We want God to bring more and more people to hear,
everyone on earth know Him and do His will!
believe and obey His gospel. The more the merrier!
JULY 2014
Methodist Missions Society (MMS) is the mission agency
Rev Philip Lim
Kam Leong Heng
Goh Tuan Gee
Carina Kong, Kawai Loh, Leidia Tan, Licia Yeo, Ng Hsu-Fen
Wendy Tan
Asnah Huang, Chua Hock Lin, David Chan, Jeremy Choo, John Thirawat, Loong Aphichai, Maria Marivana Neryceka, Mitchell Tan, Sharon Goh, Susan Eng, Teresa Wilborn, Wong Li Shan, Violet Khor
Eileen Lim, Helen Tan, Nancy Tay & Volunteers
SNAP! Creative Pte Ltd
Print & Print Pte Ltd
Rev Philip Lim 70 Barker Road #06-01, The Methodist Centre Singapore 309936 Tel: 6478 4818 • Fax: 6478 4817 Email: Website:
of The Methodist Church in Singapore. In 1997, MMS was given the mandate to establish indigenous churches supported by mission endeavours in communities across this region where there is no Methodist presence. Harvest Force is published three times annually and distributed free. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. All information published is correct at time of writing and may subject to change.
MMS ministry in Timor-Leste On an exploratory trip to Ermera, Timor-Leste a few years ago, it was observed that high school students had to trek for two hours just to get to school. Most of the time, they walk under the scorching sun. When it rains, they have to walk on muddy and slippery slopes on mountainous tracks. After school, it is another two hours of trekking to get home. It is such a laborious way to and from school because there is only one high school serving the ten sucos (or villages) in the whole of Ermera District.
“Timor-Leste is a young nation, and its needs are immense.”
This situation prompted MMS’ decision to start a hostel for these students. We reckoned that we could meet their needs on the one hand, and that there is potential for discipleship to take place on the other hand. This fits in nicely with our two-pronged strategy of Church Planting and Community
As our work in Timor-Leste gathers speed,
Development. Hence, plans are
it is timely to take stock and see how it all
underway to start a hostel by the
started. Based on our records, the beginnings
middle of next year. We hope to begin a kindergarten in
of our work in Timor-Leste can be traced
Dili next year. You can read about it in this issue of
back to 2002 when Bishop Emeritus Dr Robert
Harvest Force.
Solomon, then Bishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore, made a recommendation for
Timor-Leste is a young nation, and its needs are immense.
MMS to consider Timor-Leste as a possible
Yet, MMS alone cannot do all the work. Thus, from the
mission field. Soon after, MMS accepted the
start, MMS decided to be an active District Anchor (DA)
invitation of Singapore Red Cross Society to
of the Transformation Alliance (TA) in Timor-Leste. TA’s role
participate in a humanitarian project there.
is to facilitate and be a resource to the DAs. Indeed it is to be celebrated that there is a sustained spiritual alliance of
A year later, a team comprising the pastor
churches and mission organisations from a cross-section
and members of Living Hope Methodist
of denominations and traditions in Singapore seeking to
Church made an exploratory mission trip to
bring transformation to Timor-Leste. Leveraging on this
Timor-Leste from 10 to 14 March 2003. Led by
alliance, the leadership at TA has decided to accelerate
Rev Dr Lorna Khoo, the team of 4 members
our outreach to the different sectors of the population.
visited the ministries and works operated and
宣在东帝汶 卫 的事工 数年前一次到东帝汶埃尔梅拉县考察,中学生往返校园的艰辛情景深烙在我 心中久久不能抚平。埃尔梅拉县有十个村庄,却只有一所中学。为了求学,这 些孩子需要摸黑起身,徒步二小时上学;在艳阳高照的午后,再顶着烈日徒步 回家。雨天,孩子们更要在泥泞滑溜的陡峭山路上小心翼翼行走。 卫宣深谙社区关怀需要切合环境的需要和需求,若在埃尔梅拉县设立一座宿 舍,为中学生提供住宿的同时也能装备他们成为门徒,这些都符合卫宣的策 略。若是一切顺利,预计明年中旬,您就可以从《禾丰》中读到有关埃尔梅拉 中学生宿舍的消息。卫宣也希望在东帝汶首都帝力开办幼稚园的计划能在明 年落实。 东帝汶属于发展中的年轻国家,因此需求偏大,卫宣绝对没能力承担所有的 需要。因此,打从一开始卫宣就通过东帝汶转化联盟机构,定锚在当中一个 县内。联盟机构扮演着促进社区转化和资源援助的角色。能够促进新加坡 不同宗派,不同传统的教会和宣教机构为了改造东帝汶而团结是一件可喜的 事。通过这种关系,我们得以加速扩展外展事工到不同领域的人群中。
supported by Victory Family Centre, Touch Community Services and Red Cross. Upon their return, Rev Khoo was appointed Project Coordinator for Timor-Leste. Under her leadership, a project proposal was established, and till today, this strategic plan continues to chart the way we conduct our mission work in this country. Please join with us in reaching out to TimorLeste. And may the Lord give us His wisdom to do so. Rev Philip Lim MMS Executive Director
卫宣在东帝汶的事工发展迅速。回顾2002年,苏诺铭荣誉会督时任新加坡卫 理公会会督,推荐卫宣考虑东帝汶为下一个宣教目标禾场。不久后,卫宣接受 新加坡红十字会的邀请参与一项当地的人道援助计划。 2003年3月10至14日,活盼堂主理邱乐娜牧师带领堂会一支宣教考察团到东 帝汶,四名成员参观了胜利家庭中心,触爱社区服务和红十字会在当地的事 工,了解这些机构的运作。 回国后,邱牧师被委派担任东帝汶项目协调员。在她的带领下,卫宣拟下完整 的事工发展计划。直到今日,这些策略性的计划仍然让在东帝汶执行的同工 受益匪浅。 为着东帝汶许多未得的人民,请您和我们一同参与关怀东帝汶。祈愿上帝赐 给我们上头来的智慧,带领我们行走这段服侍的道路。 林建隆牧师
MMS Missions Rally For more information, please scan the QR code on the poster, or visit our website
WATZ UP! | 5
MMS Photo Contest #2 MMS is organising a second Photo Contest. Send in your photos and stand a chance to win cash prizes. The theme is “Youth in Mission”. Email to by 31 July 2014. Check out MMS website and Facebook page for more information. Also, do keep a lookout for MMS Photo Contest #3.
MISSION Trips If you are interested to organise or join a mission trip, or simply to find out more, please email to the respective Country Coordinating Officers at these email addresses: Cambodia East Asia Nepal Thailand Timor-Leste Vietnam Laos
Opportunities to SERVE IN THE FIELD The fields are ready for harvesting
between two weeks to six months
missionaries are supported
at their own expenses helping
by the combined efforts of
– but there are so few labourers. In
one of our missionaries.
multiple Methodist Churches
all seven countries that MMS has
and Agencies.
chosen, our missionaries in the
Our last request is to raise
field are asking for assistance.
passionate prayer partners to be
Our first request is for more full-
part of our prayer team.
• An ordained pastor to mentor
time missionaries to join them!
and to provide pastoral care,
They are asking the Lord to send
What to do if you sense the LORD
support and leadership to the
pastors, church planters, school
calling you into His mission field:
Cambodian pastors, ministry
principals, administrators and
1. Tell your pastor and ask him/her
works and missionaries serving
English language teachers.
to help check your calling to missions.
Our second prayer is for business
2. If your church pastor and
in Cambodia. • A married couple or mature female missionary to support
people and professional who are
leaders affirm your calling and
willing to leave the comforts of
are prepared to provide full
Singapore and base themselves in
financial support – praise the
three months, six months or one
the region. We would like to train
Lord! Call MMS straight away.
year, and work alongside the
you to coach national pastors
3. If your church pastor and
the COSI Children’s Village. • Volunteers to teach English for
Khmer English teachers in the
leaders affirm you your calling
Methodist School of Cambodia
but are unable to provide full
(Phnom Penh) and Agape
Our third request is for short term
financial support for you – call
School (Siem Reap).
workers who are willing to spend
MMS anyway! Some of our
and co-workers in the market place.
Continue next page...
• Full-time missionaries or
missionary couples to
teach English classes, and organise English
support disciple training and
• Be an English-Chinese translator.
camps in Nanchang.
community development.
• Be a photographer.
• Qualified English teacher to conduct and
• Church leaders and trainers to train and equip National Workers on church planting and discipleship training in Henan, Fujian, Shanghai, Nanchang and Xiamen training centres. • A full-time missionary to help out in conducting English classes in Stamford Consultancy. • A local church to partner and support the newly established preaching points. NEPAL • A missionary pastor to serve as Country Director and teaching staff at Caleb Bible Institute in East Nepal and equipping ministry for National leaders and workers. • Full time missionaries to support the church
AT HOME You can also come alongside as Mission Partners and Volunteers (MPV) at home to encourage and empower God’s work and workers to incarnate the love of Jesus Christ to make a difference in the mission fields. PRAYER COMMITTEE • Be our MMS Prayer Country Coordinator, intercessors and supporter to intercede for missionaries and mission work in various fields. Logistics
planting and community development
Help to prepare the logistics for
work and assist in administration and
training courses: audio-visual
finance matters in the field office.
aids, course notes, registration,
• Ministry staff to serve as spiritual counsellors
and light refreshments. Venue
and trainers for Sophia’s Home on short
is The Methodist Centre. Please
field assignments.
email shuitkuin.lee@methodist. to indicate if you can help
in one or more of these dates:
• Full-time teachers with teaching degree
• 31 Jan 2015 (Sat):
or diploma who are interested in teaching
9.30am – 4.30pm
Mandarin at Vineyard Methodist School.
• 21 Mar 2015 (Sat):
• A school principal to oversee the staffing
9.00am – 12.00nn
needs, proficiency, curriculum and development at Vineyard Methodist School. • A local church to partner and support new MOT candidates and newly established preaching points in Central Thailand. VIETNAM • Mission teams to visit the Sunlight Shelter and Sunrise Shelter. LAOS • Two experienced teachers to serve as missionaries in Singapore Mission School. • Volunteer architect to supervise the school building project. TIMOR-LESTE • Medical teams to support ministry in Ermera District, especially to provide training seminars for Timorese doctors.
• 17 Apr 2015 (Fri): 7.15pm – 9.45pm • 18 Apr 2015 (Sat): 2.00pm – 5.30pm • 24 Apr 2015 (Fri): 7.15pm – 9.45pm • 25 Apr 2015 (Sat): 2.00pm – 5.30pm • 16 May 2015 (Sat): 9.00am – 12.00nn
• Help to set up MMS mission exhibition booth. OFFICE ASSISTANCE • Be our MMS Trainer and Event Coordinator. MISSION-TRIP COORDINATOR • Be a Mission-Trip Coordinator to assist in briefing and debriefing the mission teams to achieve optimal preparations and mission fulfilment and benefits. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE • Be a sponsor through the Student Sponsorship Schemes. Please refer to page 41.
For more information about all these opportunities, kindly email Be in prayer with us as we seek God’s direction to challenge and mobilise Methodist people to serve with MMS.
Do You Know… Timor-Leste Ministry The Vision of MMS-TL (MMS in Timor-Leste) is to witness to the love of Jesus through Community Development. As part of the Transformation Alliance, MMS has anchored the Ermera District by adopting a holistic approach to help relieve poverty and hardship, and to build capacity for livelihood – along with the preaching of the gospel, disciple making and church planting. Our current ministries are: • Health Care Ministry in Ermera District • Proposed Methodist School in Dili • Proposed Hostel for High School Students in Gleno • Fellowship at Hope Familia Orphanage in Gleno At the moment, we have four Missionaries: Dr Asnah Huang, Susanto Yap, Joseph Mannar and Grace Mannar.
Summary of Timor-Leste Ministry Health Care Ministry
To partner and help the government in training
(Ermera) the medical teams, and provide basic health care in Gleno and two remote villages. Methodist School (Dili) To provide formal education with Christian morals and principles for children from remote villages. Hostel (Gleno) To provide a place for poor and needy children from remote villages to continue their High School education in Gleno, and be exposed to a Christian environment. Hope Familia Orphanage To reach out and have fellowship with the (Gleno) orphans whose parents were either murdered during militia violence or had died from disease.
A government building located in Gleno that was destroyed during the conflict.
Timor-Leste at a glance • Language: Portuguese; Tetum (16 dialects); Bahasa Indonesian; English • Population: +1.1 million; • Median age: 22.8 • Religion: 98% Roman Catholic; 1% Muslim; 1% Protestant • Economy: Subsistence agriculture; coffee; oil • Restored Independence: 20 May 2002 • Health: Chronic malnutrition; High infant mortality • Education: High illiteracy (40%); High unemployment (50%) • Timor-Leste (also known as East Timor) is geographically located on the island of Timor along with Indonesia West Timor, approximately 640km NW of Darwin. It was colonised in the 16th Century by the Portuguese, and is predominantly Roman Catholic. • Immediately following independence from Portugal in 1975, Timor-Leste was invaded by Indonesian government troops. 24 years of armed occupation followed, resulting in massive deforestation and destruction of infrastructure. The Timorese resisted, and
I will change into a land, a country where you and your
hundreds of thousands of people died or were forcibly
descendants will live on my own substance.”
displaced. Countless children were orphaned.
• Timor-Leste, which means “east east” is the Portuguese
• Global attention was drawn to the plight of Timor-
name for East Timor, and was chosen in recognition
Leste following the massacre of hundreds of unarmed
of Portugal’s long occupation of Timor-Leste and its
civilians in 1991. In 1996, Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes
contribution to the advent of independence.
Belo and José Ramos-Horta, two leading Timorese
• The visit in October 1989 by Pope John Paul II exposed
activists for peace and independence, received the
the occupied territory’s situation to world media and
Nobel Peace Prize.
provided a catalyst for independence activists to seek
• Indonesian troops finally withdrew in 1999, and the United Nations assumed military command. Timor-Leste
global support. • The star on the Timor-Leste flag means “the light that
became an independent, sovereign nation in 2002,
guides” and is white to represent peace. The black
and Xanana Gusmão was elected the country’s
triangle represents “the obscurantism that needs to be
first President.
overcome”. The yellow triangle represents “the traces
• After 13 years, the last remaining UN peacekeepers
of colonialism in East Timor’s history”. The red base
withdrew from Timor-Leste. Parliamentary elections
represents “the struggle for national liberation”. The flag
were held in 2012 with Taur Matan Ruak, a former
was first raised on 20 May 2002 after the United Nations
guerrilla fighter, elected President and Gusmão elected
flag was lowered.
Prime Minister. Unique Fun Facts about Timor-Leste • An old legend has it that the island of Timor was formed
Pray with us for… • Wisdom for Government Leaders • Religious harmony (Catholics and Protestants)
from the fossilised body of a huge crocodile. A very
• Missionaries & Local Workers
long time ago, a young boy saw a baby crocodile
• Jobs and Investment
drying itself in the sun. As it was too weak to return to the ocean, the boy, feeling sorry for the crocodile, picked it up and carried it to the sea. A strong bond was born between them even though the desire for human flesh sometimes crossed the reptile’s mind. The young boy and the crocodile made several trips together till the crocodile reached an advanced age. One day, when it sensed death approaching, it told the boy: “Friend, a long time ago you saved my life, and there is no way I can repay you enough for your good deed. When I die,
If you are planning to visit Timor-Leste… • Air Timor: Direct flights to and fro Dili on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday (est. US$900). • Local Transport: SUV rental (est. US$100/day). • Tourist Visa of US$30 to be purchased at the airport upon arrival. • Exit Tax of US$10 to be purchased at the airport before departure. • Any US$ Notes dated before 2006 will not be accepted.
How Far Would You Be Willing – Hostel in Gleno
“By God’s grace, these students will have a safe and clean home that will enable them to complete high school and even go on to university.” Students in Singapore can
have no fixed schedule and the cost
comfortably reach their schools
is beyond the budget of most villagers.
by walking a few blocks or
Students living outside of Gleno walk up to
hopping on to buses or trains.
4 hours each day for the privilege of
Some travel in air-conditioned
attending school. It is hardly surprising that
comfort in their parents’ cars.
many never graduate.
How do East Timorese students
Lack of access to education is only one
reach school? They walk for a
challenge facing Timor-Leste. Although the
long time and they walk very far.
economy has grown in recent years, high unemployment and poverty are persistent.
Ermera, the second most
Human and food security remain fragile.
populous district in Timor-Leste,
Malnutrition and poor health are widespread
spans a mountainous area of 748
and continue to hamper people’s efforts to
sq km. This is 32 sq km larger than
lead lives of dignity and purpose.
Singapore, yet they have only one high school located in the
MMS aims to address some of these
capital of Gleno (see map on
challenges through our hostel ministry. By
page 9).
mid next year, we plan to construct a hostel to accommodate 40 students on a property
Private transport is rare and
located 1 km from the high school in Gleno.
public transport, as we know it in Singapore, does not exist. Private
MMS missionaries, who will be the
minivans ferry passengers up and
houseparents, will provide overall care for the
down mountain roads, but they
students, as well as disciple and equip them
To Walk? through daily devotions and Bible study. The missionaries will also teach English and conduct
愿意走多 你 远的路? – 格莱诺学生宿舍
tuition classes. By God’s grace, these students will have a safe and clean home that will enable them
对新加坡学生来说,从住家到学校的行程非常方便,或穿越几 座祖屋,或乘搭巴士、地铁便能抵达学校。有些则以车代步;舒 适地由父母载送上学。
to complete high school and even go on to university. More importantly, they will have the opportunity to come to know Jesus Christ as their
居住在东帝汶的学生又是如何抵达学校呢?相比之下,他们要 走的路可是又长又远。
Lord and Saviour. You can sponsor a Timorese youth under the MMS Student Sponsorship Scheme for S$90 per
埃尓梅拉县是东帝汶众地区中人口第二多的地区。周围群山环 抱,面积748平方公里。这面积虽大过新加坡32平方公里,但全 区就仅有一所位于首府格莱诺的中学。
month. 100% of your contribution will go towards the student’s food, clothing, medical care, and living expenses. If you are interesting in knowing more, please contact Noel Tam at noel.tam@
私营的交通服务非常罕见,公共交通服务更是缺乏。私人小型 货车虽提供上下山路的载送服务,但他们没有固定的时间表,而 且车资昂贵,并非一般村民负担得起。住在格莱诺以外的学生 为了有机会上学,不惜每天花上四小时来回上课。在这样的情况 下,许多学生无法毕业也不足为奇。
Rev Teresa Wilborn Timor-Leste Country Coordinator
Ground Blessing 5 May 2014! What a blessed day! Bishop Dr Wee conducted a Ground Blessing Ceremony for the proposed Student Hostel at Gleno, Ermera District, Timor-Leste. Those present included Mr Chou Fang Soong, MMS Chairman and his wife Deborah, Col (Ret) Quek Koh Eng, MMS Area and Operations Director, and our missionaries Joseph, Grace, Asnah and Susanto. There were also representatives from the local village leadership and friends in Gleno. The Lord blessed us with a wonderful weather as we prayed over the land. The event culminated with a lunch at HOPE Familia Orphanage where our missionaries are ministering to the children through bible study and music classes. The construction will be commencing soon and we plan to have the hostel operational by early 2015. Noel Tam Timor-Leste Country Coordinating Officer
教育设备的不足只是东帝汶所面对的其中一个挑战。近年来, 东帝汶在经济方面虽有增长但是失业率以及贫穷率仍居高不 下。人民的身心灵长期处于疲弱的状态。广泛的营养不良及健 康问题大大地影响人民的生活素质,令他们无法活得有尊严, 有目旳。 卫理宣教会的宗旨就是要透过学生宿舍事工来应对其中一些挑 战。卫宣计划明年中旬,在离格莱诺中学一公里以外的土地上 盖一所能容纳四十名学生的宿舍。 卫理宣教会的宣教士将负起宿舍家长的责任,除了照顾住在宿 舍里的学生之外,也会透过每日灵修以及查经来牧养他们。宣教 士也会教导英文和开办补习班。 因着上帝的恩典,这群学生将会在一个安全干净的家舍完成初 中,高中课程,有些甚至能升上大学。更重要的是,他们会有机 会认识并接受耶稣基督为他们的救赎主,生命之主。 您可通过卫理宣教会所设立的学生赞助计划,每月以新币90元 赞助一名东帝汶的青少年。您的捐献将全数用于学生的衣食住 行和医药保健。若您想进一步了解,请电邮Noel Tam:noel. 特丽莎牧师
Train A Child In The Way He Should Go! – Methodist School in Dili “The past decade has witnessed progress, but more schools are needed to support younger generations.”
In answer to God’s call, MMS now seeks to build a Methodist School in Timor-Leste, one of the youngest and poorest nations in the world. Ravaged by war, disease and unemployment, the literacy rate in this country is only 58.3, ranking 134 out of 186 nations.3 When the conflict ended in 2002, few teachers were left and the infrastructure was in ruins. The past decade has witnessed progress, but more schools are needed to support younger generations (51% of the
Proverbs 22:6 teaches us to “train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (NKJV) In pondering this passage, John Wesley asks two practical questions: what is the way a child should go? And, how should a child be trained? Wesley provided the answer in his sermon entitled, “On The Education of Children”, declaring that “Christian education should have no other end but to teach children how to think, and judge, and act according to the strictest rules of Christianity.” 1 Methodists recognise that safeguarding the rights of children is our social responsibility, and one of these fundamental rights is that “children should not be deprived of education.”2 We have acted on this responsibility by providing access to quality education for students around the world. More than 125 years ago, missionaries to Singapore started schools so that all children, regardless of economic status, race or gender, would have access to education. MMS has continued this legacy by planting schools overseas in Cambodia and Thailand. In addition to offering superior academic education, our mission schools offer instruction in the teachings of Christ.
population is under age 18). Help is needed to strengthen the curriculum, build teacher capacity, and teach character development. The Methodist School in Dili will be built in phases, with the ultimate goal of providing education at grades 1 – 12. Boarding facilities will enable children from remote villages to attend. The school will be located on 5
Children loitering around ins
hectares of land set aside for community development and donated by Pelican Paradise Holdings in Timor-Leste. The magnitude of this project will require significant financial and human resources from the Methodist Churches throughout Singapore. In the near term, volunteers based in Singapore with technical and contractual skills are needed to support both pre-construction and construction phases. Longer-term missionaries are needed as teachers and key staff. Most importantly, please pray for this ministry! If you feel called by God to volunteer or to
Pelican Resort Masterplan
make a donation, contact Rev Teresa Wilborn at or Noel Tam at Rev Teresa Wilborn Timor-Leste Country Coordinator
Sermon 95, written in 1783.
The Book of Discipline of The Methodist Church in Singapore
Source: Asia Foundation, Silent Crisis in Timor-Leste’s Development Trajectory, 4 Sep 2013.
Artist’s impression of school
stead of going to school.
养孩童,使他 教 走当行的道! – 帝力县的卫理学校 圣经旧约箴言 22:6 教导我们: “教养孩童,使他走当行的道,就是到老他也不偏离”。当卫 斯理约翰在琢磨这段经文时,他想到两个很实际的问题:何谓孩童当行的道?该如何教养 孩童? 卫斯理约翰后来在他的证道“关于孩童的教育”中,声称: “基督教教育就是教导孩童如
何严格依据基督教教义来思考、判断和行动外。” 卫理教会认同保护孩童权益是我们的社会责任,而其中一个基本权益就是“孩童的教育 不可被剥夺”。我们已竭力在世界各地为孩童提供优质教育。 基督教传教士早于125年前便来到新加坡创办学校,让所有孩童不论经济状况、种族或性 别都有受教育的机会。卫理宣教会继承了这种办学精神,并在柬埔寨和泰国创办学校。卫 理学校不但提供优质的学术教育,同时也传讲主耶稣的教导。 回应神的召唤,卫理宣教会目前正探求在东帝汶创办一所卫理学校。东帝汶是世界上最年 轻又最贫穷的国家之一。由于长期受到战争、疾病和高失业率的蹂躏,东帝汶人民的识字 率仅有百分之58.3,在186个国家中排名第134。国内抗争在2002年结束后,东帝汶的基础 设施已毁坏不堪,也没多少教师留下来。过去十年,虽然看到有一些进展,但这个国家还需 要更多学校来教育年轻一代(百分之50的人口年龄在18岁以下)。这方面的需要尚包括加 强课程规划、扩大教师阵容和品格的塑造。 东帝汶帝力县的卫理教会学校将会分阶段建造。最终的目标是为孩童提供1至12年级的教 育。学校将建有学生宿舍,以方便住在偏远乡村的孩童来上学。卫理学校将建立在一片已 规划为社会发展用途的土地上。这片5公顷的土地是由东帝汶的鹈鹕天堂控股公司所捐 赠。 建校项目的规模庞大,因此需要新加坡所有卫理教会的财力与人力支持。短期内,拥有相 关技术或建设技巧的本地志愿者可在国内为建筑筹划与建筑工程提供支援。此外,还需要 征募长期宣教士成为教师和行政人员。 最重要的是,请为这个事工祷告!若上帝感动您,呼召您到禾场服侍,或您乐意慷慨捐献, 请联络特丽莎牧师Rev Teresa Wilborn:;或谭先生Noel Tam:。 特丽莎牧师
“过去十年,我们虽然看到了一些进展,但这个国 家还需要更多学校来教育年轻一代。”
Take My Healing to the Nation – Health Care Ministry in Timor-Leste
“As a developing country, health care is one of the main concerns in Timor-Leste.” Timor-Leste is a developing country, which
together with the officials and staff. At the two health
gained its independence quite recently in
posts, we plan to provide dental care, treatment of skin
2002. As a developing country, health care is
diseases, women’s health (maternity and immunisation),
one of the main concerns in Timor-Leste.
and family planning. Besides treatment and training at the health posts, MMS-TL will provide some medicine, supplies
MMS in Timor-Leste (MMS-TL) has a vision for
and transportation in order to support the government
Health Care Ministry in Timor-Leste. We desire
programme there.
to be a partner with the Timorese government in health care. For a start, the Health Care
Thank God that our one-year work plan has been
Ministry focuses on Ermera District, which is the
approved after we have fulfilled all the requirements to be
second most populous district in Timor-Leste.
a partner with the government. Currently, we are waiting for the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to be
MMS-TL plans to have three areas of health
signed by the Ministry of Health.
care in Ermera District: (1) Community Health Centre (CHC) in
Please pray that the MOU will be signed in God’s time so
Gleno, capital of Ermera District.
that we can start the Health Care Ministry immediately.
(2) Two Health Posts in the remote villages:
(a) Raeraga Coliete Health Post
(Hatulia sub-district)
Dr Asnah Huang MMS Missionary in Timor-Leste
(b) Fatubolu Health Post (Ermera sub-district).
CHC in Gleno is the referral clinic in Ermera District. It has medical doctors and nurses. MMS-TL would like to help them with training their medical teams. There is no doctor or nurse at the two health posts. They have only one mid-wife at each health post. There is also no water supply. Their locations are about two hours by car from Gleno. They are in remote places, especially Raeraga Coliete village, and the roads are very bad and narrow. It is not easy to reach them by car. Recently, Raeraga Coliete village has experienced an increase in leprosy cases. Currently, there are 10 leprosy patients. MMS-TL hopes to introduce a one-year work plan at these places. At CHC in Gleno, we plan to train the medical team and work
Community Health Centre in Gleno
医疗关怀 把 带入这国度 – 东帝汶的医疗卫生事工 东帝汶是一个刚在2002年恢复独立的发展中国家。作为一个发 展中国家,医疗卫生是东帝汶最关注的课题之一。 卫理宣教会对东帝汶的医疗卫生事工有特别的负担,希望能和 东帝汶政府在医疗卫生领域里结成合作伙伴。这事工先专注于 东帝汶人口稠密度排名第二埃尔梅拉县。
Health Superintendent Office
卫宣计划在埃尔梅拉区设立三个卫生设施: (1)在埃尔梅拉县首府,格莱诺开设社区医疗卫生中心 (2)在偏远村庄建立两个卫生站: (a)Raeraga Coliete卫生站(哈土力亚小区) (b)Fatubolu卫生站(埃尔梅拉小区) 格莱诺的社区医疗卫生中心是埃尔梅拉县的转介诊所。中心内 有医生和护士。卫宣的东帝汶团队计划在这里训练当地的医疗 队。 另外两个卫生站就仅有助产士各一名,并无任何医生或护士,那 里也缺乏水供。卫生站离格莱诺需约两小时的车程,所处的位 置偏僻,尤其是Raeraga Coliete村庄,道路更是非常崎岖狭 小,即使乘车也不容易到达。最近村里的麻风病例增加,至今已 有10名麻疯病人。
Ministry of Health
卫宣东帝汶团队希望在这些地方推介一项为期一年的工作计 划:在格莱诺的社区医疗卫生中心与当地职员紧密合作推展事 工,培训当地的医疗团队。在两个卫生站提供牙科护理,皮肤病 治疗,妇女保健(孕产妇和免疫)及生育计划。除了在卫生站提 供治疗与培训,也会配合当地政府的医疗项目提供药剂、物资与 运输的支援。 我们提呈了与政府结成合作伙伴所需的申请资料。感谢主,经 过审核后,我们的一年工作计划已获得批准。目前正在等待与当 地的卫生部签署谅解备忘录(MOU)。 请您为谅解备忘录的签署能在神的带领下完成祷告,让我们已 筹划的医疗卫生事工可以立即开启。 黄医生
HOPE for Youth and Children – Hope Familia Orphanage Ministry
“Nurturing the youth in the orphanage is not just teaching Bible knowledge, but also showing God’s love through our deeds.”
I have been serving in Hope Familia Orphanage for about a year. I started teaching music theory and playing the keyboard there because I noticed that Timorese love music, and singing and playing musical instruments. The youth in the orphanage welcome this and it has become a way to build relationships with them and a chance to touch their spiritual lives. One day, after teaching music and singing with the youth, I asked if they wanted to have a Bible quiz. Apparently, God has opened their hearts and they had the desire to listen God’s Word. Since that day, I started to have fellowship with them. The youth in the orphanage need people who can really love, understand and encourage them, and be role models for them as they go through lives. After building up a relationship with them, I work on their spiritual formation. For instance, I encourage the youth to read the Bible and pray regularly, and also to read Christian books. During our fellowship, I nurture them with Bible knowledge through various methods. The youth love drama, games and entertainment. For example, last Christmas (December 2013), the youth did a skit about the story of the birth of Jesus. During Christmas, most Timorese have mangers in front
Youth in the orphanage.
of their houses. It is a Timorese custom to celebrate Christmas. There are many ways to approach their spiritual lives. Sometimes, we can touch their spiritual lives through their culture. For example, on Christmas Day, the youth had a competition on drawing a manger. God is blessing our ministry. Recently, God also called the children who are living nearby to join our fellowship at the orphanage. There are about 10 children who come, with ages between five and ten. So currently, besides reaching out to the youth, I minister to the neighbouring children. The children love to play and learn. I teach them Basic English and they are learning to sing in three languages, – English, Tetum and Bahasa Indonesian. Thank God that the children come by themselves, of their own initiative,
Children who live near the orphanage.
Encouraging the youth to read the Bible and pray regularly.
The manger at the orphanage was decorated by the youth. How creative they are!
without their parents’ accompanying them. This shows that it is
How joyful the youths were when acting out their roles!
God, and not man, who calls them to join the fellowship. Nurturing the youth in the orphanage is not just teaching Bible knowledge, but also showing God’s love through our deeds. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. (1 Corinthians 13:1, NKJV) Dr Asnah Huang MMS Missionary in Timor-Leste
Hope Familia Orphanage.
There is HOPE “Go, love the children.” With this command, I led a team in December 2005 to Hope Familia Orphanage in Timor-Leste. It was a country I had not heard about and this was a group of children I had not met. But because Jesus asked me to love the children, I obeyed and the result was amazing. From that first trip onwards, the children in Hope Familia Orphanage called me “Mummy”. What an honour and privilege to be their “mummy”! From then on, I have been leading youth on exposure trips to the orphanage twice a year. The vision of Hope Familia Orphanage is “Love God, Love Themselves, Love Others”. I believe there is no better way for the children at Hope Familia Orphanage to really experience God’s love until they know there are people who will respond to the call of Jesus to go and love them. In 2001, Isa and Ina Bradridge responded to the plea of then Parish Priest of Ermera to establish an independent orphanage in Ermera, as none existed. Most of the children were personally selected by them and they wanted to create a home for these children whose parents were either murdered during militia violence or had died from common diseases. Hope Familia Orphanage was opened in April 2004, after an old Portuguese school was converted, and now is home for more than 30 children. “Would you ever consider bringing the kids over to Singapore?” Isa asked me. “Would I? Is it possible? Are the kids ready to see and experience the world out there?” I wondered. To be honest, I was not sure. I knew there would be many challenges and it would require me to take a leap of faith as I have never done anything like this before. Finally, three years later, in 2011, two of the boys, Chody (16) and Ernesto (19), came to Singapore for three months and they lived with my family and I. They were home schooled and studied the English language intensively. Also with the help of the other churches who had done mission work at Hope Familia Orphanage, they were able to experience many new things for the first time in their lives. I had the privilege of discipling them in prayer, devotion, and bible reading daily. In 2012, by God’s providence through Rotary-Dili, Chody was offered a scholarship at Kormilda College in Darwin and is now in Year 11. The College has described him as “one in a million with his inspiring work ethic and humanity which has touched everyone and influenced a change in the whole boarding house.”
Orphans with founder Isa Bradridge.
“Nobody should die of hunger or malnutrition because God has given this country so many rich resources.” Where is God leading me in my involvement with Timor-Leste? Last year, I went to Kenya to do a five-month course on sustainable organic farming. I wanted to learn a skill that would be relevant to Timor-Leste as it is an agricultural environment. So I went on this sharp learning curve and I found how to be a good steward of the God’s creation. “Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.” (Genesis 2:15, NKJV) I hope to bring my learning to Timor as I see the great potential to inspire and encourage the young and old people to work on the land that God has given to this land-rich country. Nobody should die of hunger or malnutrition because God has given this country so many rich resources. It is now time for the local people to look at the great opportunities they have in cultivating their lands and to develop it themselves to alleviate poverty. In April 2014, I went to conduct the first organic farming teaching at Hope Familia Orphanage. With God’s help and favour, I am planning to start the first community garden in Gleno, Ermera. Prayerfully, in time to come, we will be able to see it developing in the other villages and districts. There will be many opportunities to collaborate on this work with all who are interested. Susan Eng All Saints Presbyterian Church
Love East Timor – Village by Village! – Transformation Alliance “There is a growing spirit of alliance among the partners in the Love East Timor vision. This pleases God.” Genesis of the vision Love East Timor started with a prophetic word Pastor Rick Seaward received in May 2004. He was then Chairman of LoveSingapore. The word was for churches and mission organisations in Singapore to go to East Timor (aka TimorLeste) and help bring holistic transformation. They were also to sound “a trumpet call” to other nations to bless East Sam & Lorna Cockett
Timor in tangible and practical ways. At the LoveSingapore Leadership Advance (aka Retreat) in July 2004, Pastor Rick shared the vision with the committee pastors. Amazingly, there was immediate and
Visit to Alola Foundation’s Mother Support Group, with the First Lady in the foreground.
unanimous agreement that this was a word from the Lord. Thus was born the Love East Timor vision. First vision trip Selvam & Evelyn Muttu
In September 2004, the LoveSingapore leadership team made their first vision trip to East Timor. One of the touching moments of our visit was the meeting
Editor’s Note: As part
with then President Xanana Gusmão. We asked him what
of the Transformation
we could do for East Timor. Without hesitation, he said, “Do
Alliance, MMS has
something for the widows and the orphans.” It was a need
anchored the Ermera
we felt was at the heart of the word the Lord had given
District by adopting
to us. On the same trip, we visited a “Mothers’ Support
a holistic approach
Group”, an initiative of the First Lady, Kirsty Gusmão.
to help relieve poverty, hardship and build capacity for livelihood – along with the preaching of the gospel, making
District Anchors To facilitate village adoption, District Anchors (DAs) were appointed for each district. The work of the DAs is to recruit partner churches and ensure that every suco (village) in their district is adopted.
disciples and church planting. Currently,
Response to the vision
MMS has a health
Since the first trip made by the LoveSingapore leadership
care ministry and
in 2004, hundreds of short-term volunteers have gone to
a ministry with an
bless East Timor through youth ministry, medical missions,
orphanage, and is
English language and computer training, upgrading
setting up a hostel
of school facilities, community health projects and
and a school.
equipping of leadership skills. Dozens more have given
years to serve and are still serving in Dili and in the districts of East Timor. “The Lord gave the word; Great was the company of those who proclaimed it.” (Psalm 68:11, NKJV) 10th Anniversary 2014 marks the 10th Anniversary of the Love East Timor vision. At a recent lunch Pastor Rick had with the DAs, it was announced that the LoveSingapore leadership team will hold their Annual Advance in Dili. We will celebrate what has been accomplished. We will evaluate and grapple with lessons learnt from the first decade. We will discern the way forward. New appointments At the lunch, Pastor Rick also announced the appointment of Sam Cockett as Field Director for East Timor. Sam is from Hawaii
Young Timorese students – leaders of the future.
Pastor Bob Houlihan (International Chairman of TA) Joseph and Grace Mannar with Acy, Aminah, Pedro and with COCOON children and COCOON staff, Siew Lee, Justin Xavier (TA’s Accountant visiting from Singapore). Li Shan and Dawn.
Pastor Rick with District Anchor Representatives (13 February 2014).
Audience with President Xanana Gusmao (September 2004).
and has served in Luro, Lautem
Our partners have put in much
Lord Jesus in the power of the Spirit. They are
district with his wife Lorna as
to provide English language
seeing many come to faith in Christ.
missionaries from First Assembly of
training and IT/computer skills.
God, Honolulu since 2007. Serving
These are beginning to bear fruit.
Most of all, there is a growing spirit of alliance
with Sam in TA’s Dili office are
There is a growing momentum
among the partners in the Love East Timor
Acy Lodja (Office Administrator),
to build youth hostels like the
vision. This pleases God. He will open the
Pedro Fernandez (Custodian
one MMS is planning for Gleno,
heavens over East Timor. We will see the
and Driver) and Aminah
Ermera. This will meet an urgent
supernatural intervention of the Lord in the
need to house students coming
land. We will witness the nation transformed,
into major towns to continue
and may “Your Kingdom come, Your will be
Selvam Muttu from Victory Family
their high school studies. At the
done” in East Timor as it is in heaven.
Centre has also been appointed
same time, doors are opening to
as National Director for TA
plant schools to prepare a new
We thank God for the important part MMS
Singapore as of 1 January 2014.
generation of Timorese youth in
is playing in the Love East Timor vision. With
your exemplary leadership, other Methodist churches will hear and answer the call to be a
With these appointments, we now have a dedicated team ready to
We rejoice to learn of the plans
part of this vision, both to transform East Timor
serve all our partners in Singapore
MMS has to build an education
and to see Singapore take another step to
and in East Timor.
centre in Dili including a world-
fulfil her call to be the Antioch of Asia.
class international school. A new season of harvest
To God be the glory!
Over the last 10 years, we have
While these are going on, we
sown much in East Timor. We
are seeing a move of the Spirit
Chua Hock Lin
believe this is a season of harvest.
among Timorese disciples raised
Executive Director
“Those who sow in tears shall reap
by partner churches. They are
Transformation Alliance
in joy.” (Psalm 126:5, NKJV)
going from village to village to share the good news of the
Life inside the COCOON: From glory to glory “Together, we can nurture the next generation of emerging leaders with godly values.”
I once read that the only vision worth living for, is one that is so big that it cannot be fulfilled in your lifetime. As I mark the 7th anniversary of my time in Timor-Leste, these words resonate more deeply than ever in my heart. There is much to celebrate as I look back. Cocoon had very humble beginnings. The first English classes were offered in 2007, in a dilapidated primary school located in a neighbourhood that was a hotspot for ethnic and gang violence. Two years later, Cocoon found a new home and began operating a library and language centre. Local youth started to know God, and came on board as staff. Together with the Singaporean team, these Timorese youth began teaching children together with us. Today, we run English classes for young children from 4 years old to early teens. We invest heavily in developing the local people, by giving teenagers bursaries, and sending our staff to university. Cocoon is about transformation. We tell and re-tell the life cycle of the butterfly to curious children and even parents. We remind our staffdisciples of how much they have changed and grown every time we celebrate someone’s birthday. We believe that the best is truly yet to be. And like Jesus’ first miracle in John 2, in which the waters of legalism was transformed into the sweet wine of glory, we believe that a far greater hope still awaits Timor-Leste. And that often requires a radical paradigm shift on our part.
leaders with godly values and give them the best education possible. In a country with a population of just over 1 million people, the Singapore alliance of educators could very well educate every member who sits on the Timor-Leste cabinet in 2050. Cocoon Staff and Board at the Bursary Awards 2013.
All things are possible.
There comes a time in the life cycle of a ministry when you
Ting Siew Lee
are faced with two options – play it safe, repeat what has
Executive Director
been successful and continue to win the approval of your
supporters. Or break out of the current tried-and-tested model to truly birth the next new thing that is needed to step into a new dimension of breakthrough. This is
For more on Cocoon’s journey of
why Cocoon is starting a kindergarten, so we can serve
transformation, go to http://www.
and influence young children more intentionally. We will, or connect
demolish our current premises and build a three-storey kindergarten cum language centre very soon.
via Facebook at Cocoon Dili to see latest photos and updates.
I believe the Cocoon kindergarten is but a small piece of the puzzle in the grand scheme of all that is on God’s heart. Imagine a grand coalition of committed educators and school-planters working together in Timor-Leste, to build more kindergartens, primary schools, postsecondary schools and higher institutes of learning. Together, we can nurture the next generation of emerging
Profiles of MMS Missionaries in Dr Asnah Huang
Pray for our upcoming health care ministry at three Which church are you from? I am from Hakka Methodist Church.
places. One of them is in Gleno (Capital of Ermera District) and the other two are in the remote villages. Currently, the approval of the Memorandum of Understanding
What is your favourite verse?
with the Ministry of Health is still pending. Please pray for
And we know that all things work
their approval soon so that we can start the health care
together for good to those who
love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
What is one thing our readers should know about missions?
(Romans 8:28, NKJV)
When serving the Lord, we cannot rely on our own strength but must rely on God’s guidance and power. Having
What is your Love Language? How can we encourage you? Acts of Service.
God’s love in our hearts, we show it by our deeds. Susanto Yap
How many years have you been serving in Timor-Leste?
Which church are you from?
I have been serving for three years.
I am from Hakka Methodist Church.
Were you previously a missionary in another country?
What is your favourite verse?
Yes, I was a missionary in Indonesia (Nias Island).
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that
What is your area of ministry in Timor-Leste?
whoever believes in Him should
Health Care.
not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16, NKJV)
What kind of challenges do you face? Living in an unhygienic environment and dealing with
What is your Love Language? How can we encourage you?
difficult people.
Words of Affirmation.
How do you recharge?
How many years have you been serving in Timor-Leste?
I meditate every day and ensure I consume sufficient
I have been serving for three years.
good nutrition. Were you previously a missionary in another country? How can our readers support you and pray with you?
Yes, I was a missionary in Indonesia.
Please pray for the Youth Ministry at Hope Familia Orphanage. The young people (between 13-18 years old)
What is your area of ministry in Timor-Leste?
at the orphanage need affirmation and a foundation of
Health Care.
faith. May God use me to meet their spiritual needs so that they may grow in faith.
What kind of challenges do you face? Cross-Cultural issues.
Pray also for the children (about 5-10 years old) living near the orphanage. They participate in our fellowship at the
How do you recharge?
orphanage to learn basic English. May they grow in faith
Devotion and watching the natural scenery.
as well. Hopefully, through these children’s faith, we can also reach their parents. Recently, God called the children
How can our readers support you and pray with you?
to join our fellowship at the orphanage. There are about
Pray that God will grant me wisdom on how to be a good
10 children. We nurture their spiritual lives and at the same
partner in ministry.
time, educate them with basic English. We understand that it is important to sow the seed of God’s Word in the
What is one thing our readers should know about missions?
children when they are young.
Missions is to show our faith to the people by deeds.
Timor-Leste Joseph Mannar Which church are you from? I am from Bedok
Missionaries with Rev Teresa Wilborn, Timor-Leste Country Coordinator.
Methodist Church. In Timor-Leste, we go to Victory Family Centre
How do you recharge?
in Dili and Lutheran
Daily devotion is an absolute. In addition, our house
Evangelical Church in
faces a beautiful mountain and river. We enjoy nature
and worship God for His creation. The village we live in is cold and we enjoy the mist. We are reminded of God’s
What is your favourite verse?
goodness and His grace to us though we see poverty
Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching
among the locals.
in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the
How can our readers support you and pray with you?
people. (Matthew 9:35, NKJV)
Pray that God will give us two faithful men and women so that we can disciple them. Pray that we will be able
What is your Love Language?
to speak the language fluently to relate better with the
How can we encourage you?
locals. Pray that, in spite of the challenges, we will be
Words of Affirmation, and Receiving Gifts.
consistently reminded of God’s love and grace.
How many years have you been serving in Timor-Leste?
What is one thing our readers should know about missions?
About nine months.
Everyone is involved in missions weather at home or in the field, because our God is a mission-minded God. To those
Were you previously a missionary in another country? If not what were you doing previously?
who are at home, their neighbour is their mission.
I worked in Bedok Methodist Church for three years as Lay
Grace Mannar
Executive Staff, helping in Missions, Care Groups and the
Which church are you from?
Prison Ministry.
I am from Bedok Methodist Church. In Timor-Leste, we go to Victory Family Centre Dili and Lutheran Evangelical
What is your area of ministry in Timor-Leste?
Church in Gleno.
We are awaiting the Hostel project in Gleno to commence. My wife, Grace, and I will be the house
What is your favourite verse?
parents for about 40 children between 13 and 15 years
You shall not be terrified of them; for the Lord your
old. In the meantime, we are building relationships with
God, the great and awesome God, is among you.
the neighbourhood children and adults. The children
(Deuteronomy 7:21, NKJV) This is my favourite verse in
come to our house to play games and interact twice a
Timor-Leste, because God reminds me that He is bigger
week and we learn the local language from them.
than all my fears and the problems that I face or am going to face in the future.
What kind of challenges do you face? Day to day life is a challenge by itself. Living next to a pig
What is your Love Language?
sty, we have flies by day and insects, mosquitoes and
How can we encourage you?
frogs by night. Occasionally we experience the electricity
My Love Language is Words of Affirmation. When I receive
and water being cut off. The variety of food is very very
emails from family or friends and they quote verses to me, I
limited. It takes a lot of patience and understanding for us
know that God is ministering to me and I feel uplifted.
to love these people who have different mannerisms and behaviour.
How many years have you been serving in Timor-Leste? About nine months.
Continued next page...
... continued from previous page.
For such A Tim Were you previously a missionary in another country? If not what were you doing previously? This is the first time that I am involved in missionary work. Previously, I was a kindergarten teacher and then a home maker for two years before coming to Timor-Leste. I was involved in cell group ministry in Bedok Methodist Church, and led a cell group of migrant workers who were Filipino and Indonesian maids.
“The trip made me realise how hungry and thirsty for righteousness the Timorese are.”
What is your area of ministry in Timor-Leste? Together with my husband, we will be house parents in the Gleno Hostel for children age 13-15 years. While waiting for the hostel to be built, we invite children to come and play at our house twice a week. We interact with them in Tetum, teach them English, and tell them bible stories. What kind of challenges do you face? My main challenge is understanding and loving the Timorese people. The people do not show appreciation with words like please, thank you and sorry. They do not keep promises and they do not mean what they say. They spit a lot all over the place (young or old) and have no regard for you. This may be their upbringing. They will use your things as they like and at the end, they will ask to have it for themselves. I am comforted at the thought of Jesus, Son of God and perfect Man, who had to put up with weak and imperfect disciples. How do you recharge? I go for walks in the morning three times a week, and sit by the river to talk to God. How can our readers support you and pray with you? Pray that I will be able to share the gospel in Tetum. Pray for God to give me two faithful women to disciple. Pray for good health and protection from mosquito and insect bites. What is one thing our readers should know about missions? Our God is mission-minded. He loved the world and sent Jesus to us. (John 3:16) As God’s children, at home or in the field, we must be like-minded to share the good news and make disciples.
“Seek justice, rebuke the oppressor; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.” (Isaiah 1:17, NKJV) was the mandate from God to take the leap of faith to leave my teaching profession at the end of January 2013. Followed by a period of monotony, seclusion and uncertainty, God began to unfold His sovereign plan to uproot my family from Singapore to Timor-Leste. At the same time, God also opened the doors for the MMS to plant the first Methodist school in Timor-Leste. Born in Penang and educated in Singapore since the age of nine, I strongly believe that God was preparing me in the past 30 years in Singapore, which included my 14 years of working experience in the Ministry of Education, for such a time as this – to support MMS in starting a Methodist school in Timor-Leste. In September 2013, one week before my inaugural trip to Timor-Leste, the Word of the Lord came to me through Jeremiah 6:16a: This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” (NIV) I began to ask the Lord to show me the ancient paths during the trip so that I would know where the good way is and walk in it; and help the Timorese find rest for their souls. Guess what? He did! The trip made me realise how hungry and thirsty for righteousness the Timorese are. And we need to embrace
me as This…
the Kingdom mind-set in meeting their “hunger” and “thirst”. We need to follow the ancient ways of how the disciples were spreading the Gospel in the Book of Acts: Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the disciples pursued social holiness and because they were letting their light so shine before man, many people could see their good deeds and put their faith in God. The inaugural trip to Timor-Leste confirmed God’s call to spend the next phase of my life with my family in TimorLeste, and showed me how He will use “this polished arrow to display His splendour” and how I will “be a light for the Gentiles that I may bring salvation to the ends of the earth”. (Isaiah 49:1-6) For such a time as this, may we be found faithful to the end! David Chan Wan Keat Aldersgate Methodist Church Children’s Ministry Staff
Editor’s Note: David is planning to be an MMS Missionary to go to Timor-Leste in 2015 and will be involved in the school ministry.
We Can Do It Too – Developing Student Leadership in MSC “It is good to see the students develop greater ownership of what they do…”
assistant chairperson. The rest are group members. They have colourful names: Outreach, SSS (Student Struggle for Success), Holy and WWTH (We Want To Help). Two groups combined and organised a successful Talent Show to showcase the talents of the students and to develop their
Youth are the future leaders of a country.
confidence. Nareth, the chairperson, said,
They have so much untapped potential,
“I learnt about teamwork and that leading
energy and creativity. These strengths are
a group is not that easy after all.” Another
to be nurtured to enhance self-discovery,
team member said, “It was fun to have a
confidence, creativity and team-work. Here
chance to plan something ourselves.” The
are some ways the Methodist School of
school leadership also discovered previously
Cambodia (MSC) nurtures and enhances
unknown talents such as a violinist, a
student leadership.
magician and students who play well on the keyboard.
School Prefects
Talent show
There is one batch of prefects for the primary
They helped to raise funds to help flood
section, and another for the secondary
victims in a village. With about US$360
and high school. They are put into groups in
collected, the school bought sacks of rice
charge of different areas of duties in various
and sardines for distribution. Students from the
locations. For instance, there are groups in
class with the largest collection represented
charge of motor-bikes and bicycles to ensure
the school to distribute the food.
that these are parked in orderly rows. They also helped their teachers to beautify Once a week, a prefect leads the school in
their classrooms for Christmas. Each classroom
prayer. The prefects meet once a month for
was creatively decorated. One even had a
a time of prayer and praise, devotion and
winter theme with beautiful snowflakes on the
sharing of practices. They plan, budget and
window panes.
organise their annual outing and present it to the school leadership for approval. National meets
Leadership training
Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Brigade All secondary students are in the Boys’
Revo Groups
Brigade and Girls’ Brigade. This participation
Four Revo Groups were formed after a Youth
reinforces the character building and
Revival Conference conducted by Rev
leadership development efforts by the school.
Barnabas Chong from Singapore. The main
Once every two months, these boys and girls
purpose was to give students opportunities
perform community service, like cleaning up
to initiate projects to improve the school
in the community around the school. Pastor
or student life. Each group of about seven
Vuthy thinks that this is good because we can
students elected its own chairperson and
show our love for the country.
National Meets
Students were also invited to share their testimonies at
Developing leadership can also be done in a fun way!
special services. I remember that one of the students
In the past two years, we have enrolled our students
told me that she has never done it before. She was a little
to compete in the National Meets organised by the
unsettled at first but at the end of it all, she gave a truly
Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. Our students’
God-glorifying testimony.
performance has improved over the two years. It was gratifying for me to see the pride in their eyes when they
Leadership Training
were congratulated during school assembly. It was not
In addition to the training provided by the school, we
so much the awards they received that mattered but
are blessed to have partners from Singapore like Anglo-
the lessons they imbibed such as inculcating the spirit of
Chinese School, Fairfield Methodist School, Paya Lebar
perseverance and excellence, and having a focus
Methodist Girls’ School, Ang Mio Kio Methodist Church
and aim.
and Bedok Methodist Church. They took time, effort and money to conduct leadership training for our students.
Student Participation at Chapel and Special Services Groups of students can take turns to lead during praise-
The students look forward to such training. They enjoyed
and-worship time, and to say the opening prayer at
the creative problem–solving activities. Sonich said, “It
Chapel services. Song choices are approved by the
was great to plan together how to build the strongest and
Christian Education teachers.
highest tower. We had to try many times.” The students who were trained would have to conduct training for the
A group of 5 students from Grade 8B even composed
next echelon of leaders.
a song entitled, “My Commitment” after a Christian Education lesson on Obedience. It was indeed a
touching, meaningful and beautiful song. When asked
It is good to see the students develop greater ownership
how they came up with the song, the team leaders,
of what they do, enjoy school more, develop greater
Theoung Siev Mey and Leng Siv Ming, said that they felt
confidence to present their projects, and are more
the inspiration and worked well together.
respectful of others and the environment. Violet Khor Principal Methodist School of Cambodia
Revo group planning
National meets
Give Me Your Heart – Youth C “Everyone was simply dwelling in God’s presence and no one wanted to leave the hall.”
Worship and ministry time was different too. Everyone was not wary of who was beside whom. Instead, they were focused on God, and worshipped and danced like how young people would. There was a time of ministry after our guest
As I prayed and sought God for a theme for the Youth
speaker shared the message. As I looked
Camp to be held in the Central and Northeast Region,
around the hall, I could see the youth kneeling
God spoke to me through the book of Proverbs. The phrase
and even breaking down in tears. The
“Give Me Your Heart” was deeply impressed in my spirit.
atmosphere was just indescribable. There was
God wanted these youth to give their hearts back to Him.
nothing but God’s very presence felt across the whole room. It was as if God’s very hand
Little did I know this camp theme had been used before.
came to touch and embrace our youth. God
But God made this camp different and imprinted a
was breaking and moulding us, painful yet so
different message on the hearts of the campers even
reassuring, so that we will be even greater for
though it was a same theme.
our sake and His plans.
We had our ups and downs during the camp. But God
Everyone was simply dwelling in God’s
reminded all of us as pastors and leaders that if we as
presence and no one wanted to leave the
pastors and leaders do not give our hearts to God, how
hall. So we proceeded with another time of
can we expect such a change in our sheep? As much as
worship before forcing everyone to go back to
this camp was for the youth, God too wanted to minister to
their rooms because we had overstayed the
the shepherds.
time given to us to use the hall.
The first day and night was a little awkward for the youth
We really thank God for His presence and for
as they did not know the youth from the other churches.
making this camp possible for us.
It required a lot of ice-breaking games and time of familiarisation. However, they got closer on the second day,
Loong Aphichai Chenrungrostakun
and were able to joke and play among themselves.
MMS Missionary in Thailand
amp Testimonies from the campers Liew, a youth from Payakapum MC: I had an intimate encounter with God on the second night. I was very touched by God’s love in my life and I felt His presence. He reminded me that He is my help and refuge. That was an assurance for me to trust and offer my life to Him. On this second night, He showed me His love and forgiveness. Subsequently, I reconciled with a sister-in-Christ after 10 years of misunderstanding. Only God could have made this possible. I thank the camp speaker and our pastors who made this camp happen. I have built relationships with many brothers and sisters -in-Christ though the first day was uneasy for us, having to adjust to one another as we did not know one another yet. But His love bound us together through activities and our working together. We had come to know to know one another. Thank God for His love that makes us brothers and sisters-in-Christ. I would like to thank the camp committee for organise such a camp for us. I hope we will have such a good camp next year again! Palm, a youth from Rangsit MC: This youth camp has made me want to know Him more. I found strength and peace when God spoke to me through the worship, workshops and sermons. I have problems and am tired. But knowing His love and that He is always with me and will never leave me nor forsake me has changed everything. I have surrendered my heart to Him. I have repented and started a new journey with God. I will share His love to those around me and I shall live in His love daily. “Thank You God for this camp that I could praise You
Liew, the boy.
and know You more, and most importantly, that I could surrender to You my heart.” Tar, a youth from Rangsit MC: God reminded me that He is always with me, no matter how bad situations may be. Knowing this truth makes me feel intimate with Him. Since I offered my heart to Him, I want to change my habits, serve others and forgive those who have wronged me. Palm is third from right.
Tar is the one who is wearing yellow T-shirt.
Shineforth Methodist Church celebrated her 10th Anniversary “The name “Shineforth” was proposed by Rev Malcolm Tan to cement the relationship between SMC and BRMC.” On 20 March 2014, Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup of The Methodist Church in Singapore presided over the 10th Anniversary Celebration of Shineforth Methodist Church (SMC) in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Also present was Rev Malcolm Tan, Pastor-in-charge of Barker Road Methodist Church (BRMC). BRMC has been partnering SMC since the beginning. Attended by over 300 guests including the Chairman of the Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand, Northern District, Rev Kiat Laksanasakulchai, the celebration was followed by a 10-course dinner with some lively entertainment from SMC members. SMS started off in August 2003 as an outpost The ceremony to commemorate the commencing of the construction of the new initially-called “Maeyoi Centre” on 8 November 2003.
of Sanphranet Methodist Church about five kilometres south of the community. It had an after-school-care programme operated by Ms Manita Boonvijit, who is the younger sister of Mrs Sungwan Yeo.
Pray alongside SMC: • Pray for the Sansainoi Community where the church is located. Many of the residents have yet to respond to the call of Christ. • Pray for the vision and goal of SMC. • Pray for the SMS leadership and members.
A month later, MMS decided to purchase a piece of land near this new outpost to build some facilities to house a church, a hostel, a kindergarten as well as the Methodist Headquarters. During the construction, BRMC decided to adopt this new church and paid a sum of about S$75,000 for the construction of the church building cum the Methodist Headquarters. Upon completion of the church building in June 2004, Ms Seeda Santichaichan was appointed as the church’s ministry staff and a team of youths from BRMC came to assist her in launching the church as well as in ministering to the first batch of students at Mettakij Hostel. The name “Shineforth” was proposed by Rev Malcolm Tan to cement the relationship between SMC and BRMC. It also acknowledged the youth who had come to help launch the church. Shinefroth is the name of the youth congregation at BRMC, where the youth team was from. Mr Surapan Phumphoung was appointed as the Pastor-in-charge and the inaugural worship service was held on 3 October 2004. Rev Chinnakorn was appointed as Pastor-in-charge in 2007. And SMC grew from a small congregation of about 10 members to slightly over 100. The vision of SMC is to fulfil the Great Commission of Jesus in the Sansainoi Community and beyond as the Lord shall lead. Its goal is to plant one new church every year and for each member to bring in two new believers every year. Currently, SMC has four new preaching points. Rev Henry Yeo Thailand Deputy Country Director
The youth from BRMC’s Shineforth youth congregation helping with The first Sunday worship service on 3 October 2004. the first children’s ministry at SMC in June 2004. This is now called the “Little Lambs Club”.
Find Us Faithful “His legacy will not be forgotten in our generation.”
Dontanin Preaching Point is a church located in Nakorn Ratchisama Province in Isaan, Northeast Thailand. Its partner church is Faith Methodist Church, Singapore. There are many stories of faithful men and women in Thailand. Here is a story that will warm your heart. John grew up in the church. Phor On Si was one of the early members of the church. His life and service affected John greatly. This is John’s story: “Since I was a child, I remember that I liked to play at an old wooden house which was then the church. Every time I played there, I always saw an elderly man. He came to clean the place and I wondered why he did that when he did not live there. “I accepted Christ when I was 14 years old and came to know that this elderly man was a church member. Then I understood and saw his love for God through his acts of love by keeping the church clean all these
years. “I am 21 years old now. From then till now, I have grown and so did this elderly man with his weakening health as he aged. Nevertheless, Phor On Si, the elderly man, never failed to keep the church clean and cherish the people of Dontanin. From the old and rundown wooden hut church to the new and beautiful concrete walled church now, much credit for this growth goes to Phor On Si’s faith. He never doubted God’s blessing and had faith that God would bless Dontanin with a beautiful church. Whether it is the old or new church, he was always there, caring for it.
Phor On Sri wearing white shirt.
Ps Mook started to serve with church at the old building 7 years ago.
Dontanin old building
Ps Mook preaching in current church building.
“Phor On Si has now passed on. He had completed his race on earth and is now with our Heavenly Father. He had left behind memories of what he did for the church. His legacy will not be forgotten in our generation. His life had shown us that even if we have faith like mustard seeds, that does not stop God’s faithfulness in answering our prayers. “Rest in peace, Phor On Si. Do not worry about Dontanin Church. We, the next generation, will take care of our church just as you did throughout your life. Dontanin is not just a church building, it is a place we call home, a place where family love is felt.” Translated by Loong Aphichai and Edited by Jimmy Tay
Phor On Sri
Ps Mook was preaching current church building.
MMS Family We welcome our new Home Office staff, Jeremy Choo. He is the Missions Executive who is responsible for Personnel matters and Donor Management. Jeremy worships at Hope Church Singapore and serves in the Worship and Music Ministry. Before joining us, Jeremy served as a Missionary in Hanoi.
Memorandum of Understanding • On 27 February 2014, an MOU was renewed with
• MMS entered into an MOU with the Women’s Charity
Toa Payoh MC in support of Term Fun Home in Chiang
Association of Ho Chi Minh City in support of Sunlight
Mai, Thailand for another two years with effect from
Shelter in Vietnam for a year with effect from 1 April 2014.
1 October 2013 to 30 September 2015. • Aldersgate MC signed an MOU with MMS to support • An MOU was signed with Foochow MC in support of COSY Hostel in Cambodia from 1 February 2014 to
the work of Hope House in Cambodia for two years with effect from 1 May 2014.
31 July 2016.
Volunteers’ Appreciation Tea cum Book Launch On 15 February 2014, we had a delightful time meeting with our volunteers. After a time of worship led by Jack Ngee and Steven from Charis Methodist Church, Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup shared an exhortation on “Our Reasonable Worship” taken from Romans 12:1-8. This was followed by the
launch of our MMS history book, “Blessed to be a Blessing: The Methodist Missions Society Singapore”. In his address, the author Dr Robbie Goh said, “Writing this book is a labour of love.” After the presentation of the book, MMS Executive Director Rev Philip Lim gave some updates on the latest happenings in MMS and some of the new projects we hope to do in the year. After praying in groups, the event ended with a sumptuous tea. What an afternoon well spent! A big thank you to all who came. Your presence encouraged us.
Dialogue Sessions with ETAC, CAC and TRAC MMS organised inaugural Dialogue Sessions on 25 April and 13 June 2014 at The Methodist Centre with ETAC (Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference), CAC (Chinese Annual Conference) and TRAC (Trinity Annual Conference) Pastors, LCEC’s, Lay Leaders and Missions Chairpersons. The aim was to provide an avenue for our Methodist churches and
addressed MMS Corporate and Mission Strategy; MMS Missionary Support structure
communities to exchange ideas
and Member Care policy; and Opportunities for field partnership. We are thankful
and develop closer bonds in
for all the churches that support us so that we can be a more responsive mission
missions and missionary care. We
partner in fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission.
Visitation by Minister of Education of Timor-Leste The Timor-Leste Minister of Education, RDTL, S. E. Bendito Dos Santos Freitas, came to Singapore on a private visit from 2 to 4 April 2014. Bishop hosted the Minister and his delegation including the Chef D’ Affairs, Mr Savior, for breakfast, and MMS Chairman, Mr Chou Fang Soong hosted them for lunch at Fairfield Methodist School (Primary). The Singapore Ambassador to TL, Mr Lee Chiong Giam, also attended the lunch meeting. The Minister visited Fairfield Methodist School (Secondary), Fairfield Methodist School (Primary) and Anglo Chinese School (Independent). The principals of these schools provided a brief on the history of each school and its programme for the holistic development of the students. He was also introduced to the hostel and boarding facilities in ACS(I) which provide the platform to develop the students’ character and responsibility as well as a strong family-orientated philosophy. He was very impressed with the various programmes especially in the area of inculcating character development in the schools, to enrich and develop the students’ character and core values. This visit was part of our preparation to start a school in Dili. It has given the Minister a better understanding of our vision and ethos.
MMS Training Committee
Inaugural Training Committee meeting on 6 March 2014.
A new MMS Training Committee was established in
The course outline includes:
February 2014. Rev Lee Shuit Kuin was appointed in
• Introduction to the Mission of the Church / Global
January 2014 as the Training Director. The chairperson is
Overview of Missions
Juliette Arulrajah and the members are Dr Stanley Ling,
• Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Missions
Rev Jeyapaul, Rev Erick Tan, Dr Ashok Kumar and Rev Tan-
• Contemporary Issues in Missions
Yeo Lay Suan. The committee will plan and implement
• Indigenous Church Planting
training strategies, processes and curriculum, as well as
• Intercultural and Interpersonal Intelligence
evaluate and review them later. The goal is to prepare
• Personal Development in Cross-cultural Situations
and equip our Missionaries (existing and potential) and
• Bi-vocational Missionary Preparation and Deployment
National Workers (pastors, preachers, full time workers
• Practical Ministry Skills I: Worship, Sacraments, Prayer,
and lay leaders) to be effective church planters. In the
Discipleship, Cell Group, Visitation, Evangelism and
pipeline are plans for the committee to help train our
Community Outreach
mission teams.
• Practical Ministry Skills II: Holistic Counselling • Missionary as Preacher-Teacher
An inaugural two-month training will be launched in July
• Leadership Development in Cross-cultural Situations
for new missionaries who have little or no prior training
• Methodist Essentials
before going out to the field. The purpose of this course
Please contact us to find out more.
is to enable, equip and empower all potential and new MMS missionaries and field workers to have fruitful and fulfilling cross-cultural field ministries. This is part of our endeavour to further enhance, strengthen and multiply our work in the harvest fields.
Story of MMS now told in BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING “The book charts the journey of MMS through the years as it went about its main business.” The Methodist Church in Singapore has had a long history of missions and is itself the product of missions. It has received abundant blessings, and for close to 130 years, has forged a rich spiritual, educational and social heritage. It was on the foundations of this very heritage that the Methodist Missions Society (MMS) was established in 1991, led by the Rev Dr Clarence Lim. The story of how it developed as the first home-grown denomination-based sending mission organisation in Singapore and its integral role in Singapore’s calling as the Antioch of Asia is now told in a new book, “Blessed to be a Blessing”. The book is authored by Dr Robbie Goh, a professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at the National University of Singapore and a member of Cairnhill Methodist Church. Dr Goh said writing the book was a “labour of love” and was important to him in human terms. It was something special since he loved doing missions and it took him out of his comfort zone. He paid tribute to Juliette Arulrajah who “did a lot of work” in helping him to complete his latest book. In the book, Dr Goh writes on page 28: “To see what Antioch might mean to some of the evangelical churches in Singapore, let us look at a 2008 article for an evangelical newsletter, where Edward Pousson points to Singapore’s demographic qualifications as Antioch: a link
between East and West, a multiracial, multi-cultural urban centre, a thriving, growing, missionarysending church.” Indeed, the book charts the journey of MMS through the years as it went about its main business – that of spreading the Gospel in countries across Asia: from Thailand to Indonesia, to Vietnam, Cambodia, Nepal, Laos and East Asia. Much of this business was about strengthening horizontal and vertical connections, so that the “business” belonged properly to the entire community of believers, all participating in various roles. The MMS has approached each of the different mission fields strategically, in order to deliver relevant benefits to each of the respective communities. Far from taking a cookie-cutter approach, MMS sensitively customised the message of the Gospel with considerable social investment, finances, expertise and manpower while leveraging on Singapore’s resource deployment, professional expertise and the benefit of Asian cultural insights in relatively unreached areas. “Blessed to be a Blessing” was launched at an Appreciation Tea which MMS hosted for its volunteers on 15 February 2014. It was an apt occasion as MMS honoured more than 80 volunteers who have served in
various capacities and have contributed much to what MMS is today – a catalyst for lifetransforming change through the Gospel. In his meditation, Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup reminded all present: “This is a good time to check our motivation as volunteers, lest we slip into an entitlement mode.” Taking off from the exhortation in Romans 12:1-8, he added: “We need to examine ourselves, whether our motivation has changed over time. Our attitudes may change and may no longer be what they were before.” A timely reminder, and well encapsulated in the slogan put up as part of the Appreciation Tea: “Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to God.” Christina Stanley Editor of Methodist Message
Editor’s Note: This article was first published in the April 2014 issue of Methodist Message. It was written with input from Juliette Arulrajah and KC Yuen. The book is available for purchase at S$10 a copy. To order, please email or refer to page 43 to send in your order form.
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OUR GIFTS FOR MISSIONS We would like to support MMS so that the Good News of Jesus Christ can be proclaimed to the ethnic Cambodians, Chinese, Lahus, Laotian, Nepalese, Thais, Timorese and Vietnamese, by giving to:
Gift Details General Donation (where it is most needed)
Student Sponsorship Scheme (Non-Residential)*
Nepal Mission
@ S$30 per month (minimum commitment of 12 months) – Cambodia/Nepal/Thailand/Laos
Student Sponsorship Scheme (Residential)*
Income Generating Project Fund
Caleb Bible Institute Trainee Sponsorship @ S$80 per month
Church Ministry Support
Youth Ministry / Hub
@ S$90 per month (minimum commitment of 12 months) [ [ [ [ [ [
Timor-Leste Mission
] COSI (Cambodia) ] Emmaus Women’s Centre (Cambodia) ] Sophia’s Home (Nepal) ] Mettakij Hostel (Thailand) ] Term Fun Home (Thailand) ] Taiping Children’s Home (East Asia)
$ $
Vietnam Mission
Vietnam Children’s Fund
Training of Pastors and National Workers
Cambodia Mission
Emmaus Women’s Centre – operational expenses
Church Ministry Support
Post COSI Integration Programme
Laos Mission
Staff & Ministry Support
Singapore Mission School Building Project
Printing And Postage Cost
East Asia Mission
Please apply glue here
Student Hostel Project (Gleno) Medical Ministry at Ermera District
Church Ministry Support
Nanchang Stamford Consultancy Centre
National Workers Fund
Children’s Home / Ministry
Others (please specify):
Income Generating Project Fund
Church Ministry Support
In the event that a donation cannot be applied as you have designated, MMS may exercise the discretion to redirect it to where it is most needed. If you need more details, please call 6478 4818. *For more information on the Student Sponsorship Scheme, please logon to
Thailand Mission
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The Truth Will Set You Free Thailand was in a state of civil unrest. In December 2013, I was with my parents at the government district in Bangkok and a road to the Ministry of Interior was blocked with barbed wire. Those seeking to cause further unrest had resorted to weapons and blood was shed. The situation in Bangkok had since calmed down. But a recent grenade blast in Chiang Mai reminded me that this conflicted and complicated country is the one where I was on a mission trip. Throughout its history, bloodshed has happened again and again in this country. An outreach by my church mission team to a
US Air Force Maj (Ret) Uk Chong teaching at the police station.
neighbouring village was cancelled because the village headman was killed in some fight over drugs. The Bible speaks prophetically of bloodshed as well, where nation will fight against nation, and man killing man. I sat and watched Rev Pisut explaining the Holy Communion to villagers at Payakondee Methodist Church. And I was reminded of the blood of Christ which has lifted the curse. Every month, I travelled with Rev Pisut to villages where church members gather to receive the body and blood of Christ. It was a sign of God’s love, and that thought
Road blocked with barbed wire in Bangkok December 2013.
warmed me. Pray alongside us: What made me so satisfied with life there is the fellowship I have with people. I worked, spoke and lived with them. At the start of the year, we witnessed the baptism of a Karen man, Jabouy, and his wife from a village in Lamphun. There was no pool or anything like that. So they just decided to make themselves a pool. We had to walk half
• Pray for the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts of the policemen at Sansai Police District, that they may be open to hearing and receiving the gospel. • Pray for growth and maturity in the local Methodist churches as they continue to become better disciples of Christ and spread His word to the communities around them. • Pray for Vineyard Methodist School that God will
an hour across a mountain road to the water
continue to open opportunities for the Christian staff
source. Just watching them so enthusiastically
to build deep friendships with the non-Christian staff
heaping mud to make a ‘dam’ for the water
and students, and to share the Word on a personal
was quite interesting and meaningful.
“Showing love to them is the start of bringing Christ into their lives.” The Thai children gave me so much joy because I learned to delight in the things they do. Shouting at the top of their voices for their friends at sports day (and everyday), my students at Vineyard Methodist School have never failed to put a smile on my face, even on the most trying of days. On one Saturday a church which was started a while ago by Rev Prasarn and his wife Ti, their daughter Kadia danced happily to a song about Adam and Eve dancing in the perfect garden of Eden. Karen man Jabouy and his wife getting baptised.
The work of a missionary is about investing time and energy in the lives of people, even in people whom we know may not be ready to hear the gospel. On Fridays, I run a course to teach policemen conversational English. These policemen were not Christian nor were they anywhere near willing to receive Christ. But by being with them and teaching them, it gave me great joy and was quite fun at times. Showing love to them is the start of bringing Christ into their lives. In a world where conflict and bloodshed still reign, we live to carry the powerful truth that Christ died so that we may live and love. When we love, we challenge the hatred, chaos and conflict that drives bloodshed in the world. And so, I tell you, in the mission field, at home, or anywhere, “the greatest of these is Love.” Rev Pisut serving holy communion at Phayakongdi.
About Mitchell I am a MITE participant based in Chiang Mai, Thailand for six months from December 2013. It has been exhausting and tiring, but fulfilling, fun and so satisfying all at the same time. Though I am conversant in Thai, which has certainly helped me a lot, I know that I have not even begun to understand the Thai people and their culture. Part of the reason I was there is to get a glimpse of that, and to explore what God feels and what God’s plans are for His people in Thailand. If you are looking for something similar, this is something that you may want to consider. You can work with the missionary in the field for one to three months, or even longer. Mitchell Tan Kampong Kapor Methodist Church
Kadia dancing with Rev Prasarn playing guitar.
One of my students with a loudhailer at sports day.
Is This the Work of God? “The mission of God is centred on the person of Jesus Christ.” When God wants something done on earth, He looks for a man or a woman to execute it. He had entrusted the authority to run this planet He created into the hands of the human beings. “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth” (Genesis 1:28, ESV). God’s work on earth is done through human agents to whom He specifically imparts His plans, purposes and power into their hearts. Our challenge is to discern whether what is in the heart of that person is really of God, or simply a personal – though not obviously selfish – passion. We have to start by really knowing what is in the heart of God Himself with regard to mission. The first important element in that discernment process is that the mission of God is centred on the person of Jesus Christ and for His glory. In his masterpiece of a declaration of the supremacy of Christ, Paul wrote that all things were created for Him, by Him and through Him (Colossians 1:15-20). It will be very obvious soon enough if this is not the case in a mission enterprise: attention and praise will be directed towards the efforts of the pioneer leader or some great philanthropist. In today’s market-driven economy, ‘marketing’ the product is the way to draw support. In order to garner financial contributions, the publicity brochure or ‘sales pitch’ at presentations of reports will focus on the numerical results, and the tremendous untapped opportunities still out there. Sympathy-inducing testimonies will be shared to tug at the emotions. It is so easy to slip into promoting the organisation, or its leaders, with Christ somewhere on the sidelines. There is a fine line to be drawn between telling the truth in our reports, and marketing our organisation. It has little to do with how we operate publicly. It is all to do with what motivates us privately. We can do all the things mentioned in the previous paragraph and they glorify Christ instead, when that is what prompts us in the first place and is our focus as we carry them out.
How can we know whether a mission that
two of them, Peter and James, before he
started is of God or not? When the fruits of
embarked on his preaching of the gospel in
that ministry give glory to Christ, and
Syria and Cilicia. I believe he met the apostles
Christ alone.
to inform them about what God had called him to, and not to seek their permission. But
Another indicator to look at is that the
that he did fellowship with them, and later
individual who claims to be called by God to
that his peers in Antioch were ready to send
launch a new mission enterprise, is willing to
him out, indicates that he was a known factor
submit himself or herself to be accountable. In
in the mission of the church at that time. They
the early stages of the enterprise, it is probably
knew him and trusted him. This took a period
a solo operation. However, even then the
of a few years.
point to observe is whether that individual is accountable to a spiritual authority of a
Our inner alarm bells should ring when
local church, the denomination, or a group
persons appear out of the blue to tell us that
of committed godly men and women. Where
they have been called by God to initiate a
no such arrangement exists, it is important
new mission work. Due diligence should be
to discern whether he or she is willing to
exercised to see whether there are others
be so accountable, that is, as this would
who are able to attest to and affirm his or
demonstrate that there is a spirit of humility.
her calling. While God will call on individuals to send them on mission, very few would be
In Acts 13, as a group of prophets and
qualified to do, as mission is still a community
teachers were praying with Barnabas and
enterprise. It would be unfair to call on the
Saul (later named Paul), they heard a call by
church community for support later when
the Holy Spirit to send the two of them for a
they had not been clearly informed at the
special task. The church continued to pray for
them before sending them out. Paul made it a point to report what he and his team were
There is a certain kind of attractiveness about
doing to the other apostles.
Christian mission that stirs up a romance some may have with it. But is it really of God, or just a
Having said that, it is necessary to point out
temporary feeling? This is not just a matter for
that often pioneers are called to go against
church leaders to discern. Many disciples of
the grain. Paul revealed in Galatians 1:15–17
Christ will from time to time come across those
(ESV): But when he who had set me apart
who will turn to them for support. It is therefore
before I was born, and who called me by his
beholden upon all such leaders and disciples
grace, was pleased to reveal his Son to me,
to exercise love, grace and wisdom in the
in order that I might preach him among the
matter. Ultimately, if it is of God, He will move
Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with
many genuine supporters for the work.
anyone; nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me, but I went
Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup
away into Arabia, and returned again
Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore
to Damascus. Paul took a few years to be in Arabia before returning to Damascus, and then a few more years before he actually met up with the apostles in Jerusalem. There he only met
真是神要成就的 这 工吗? 当上帝要在世上成就某些事工,祂总会寻找愿意跟祂配搭的人去执行。其实在创世的时候,掌管世界的 权柄早已经赐给了世人。 “神就赐福给他们,又对他们说:要生养众多,遍满地面,治理这地,也要管理 海里的鱼,空中的鸟,和地上各样行动的活物。” (创1:28)。上帝透过人类成就祂的事工,也把祂的心 意,计划,和大能埋在人心中。 我们的挑战就是去区别那心中的意念是否来自上帝或来自我们自己的私欲。为了得到答案,我们需要摸 清上帝对宣教的心意。 首先要辨别宣教的中心是否环绕于耶稣基督和祂的荣耀。保罗在描述基督的至高全能时,曾宣告说万有 都是靠祂造的,也是藉着祂,又是为祂而造(歌1:15-20)。倘若宣教是为了高举某些先驱或慈善家,那 中心绝不是基督。 现今的社会趋势着重于销售手段,不同的销售技巧可带来不同的效果。若要吸引财务投资,销售法会环 绕着数字上的成就,或者潜在未被发现的商机。若要博取同情,销售法就当拥有一些个人的见证,把情 感的层面展现出来。推广教会宣教事工时,我们常常也会采取这种社会的销售手段,把基督推到宣教的 边缘,把组织或领袖放在灯光下。 报告里展现的到底是反映了真实的现状或者在宣传机构,这也只是一线之差。这种报告包含的并不是公 开运作的细节,乃是藏在我们内心深处的触动。我们若有正确的动机,推崇的将会是基督耶稣,那挑旺 我们最初热忱的神。 我们可以从宣教的果子看得出这事工是否以基督耶稣为中心,是否高举基督为主。 另外一个衡量指标就是被呼召的这人在启始新事工时愿不愿意顺服接受问责。事工启动初期,很多时 候都是单独负责运作,在单独行动的过程中,他是否愿意降服在属灵的权柄下,接受差派他的教会,机 构,或者一组敬虔信徒的问责。有一个问责的安排非常重要,能够辨别得出一个人是否有谦卑的心。
在使徒行传13章里,当一群先知和教师在为巴拿巴和扫罗(后名保罗)祷告时,他们听到圣灵对他们说 话,要差派他们俩去作一些特定的工作。教会就继续为他们祷告,才差派他们出去。保罗也有按时的把 进展汇报给其他使徒。 事工的先驱常常需要忍受时间的考验。保罗在加拉太书1:15-17提到:然而,那把我从母腹里分别出来、 又施恩召我的神,既然乐意将他儿子启示在我心里 ,叫我把他传在外邦人中,我就没有与属血气的人商 量,也没有上耶路撒冷去见那些比我先作使徒的,惟独往亚拉伯去,後又回到大马色。 保罗在回大马色前曾经花了几年在亚拉伯传福音,几年后,他在耶路撒冷跟其他的使徒会面。这次的会 面,保罗只见到彼得和雅各,之后又往叙利亚、基利家布道去了。我相信保罗跟使徒会面时是为了通知他 们上帝对他的呼招,而不是寻求他们的同意。保罗和使徒会面团契后,他在安提阿被其他使徒差派,这 过程告诉我们保罗当时在执行宣教事工上已经有了一定的基础,人人都认同他,也相信他。经过数年时 间的考验,才能让大家对他建立信任。 当我们看到一个人贸贸然地出来,说上帝呼召他发起一项新的宣教事工,就更应该谨慎地了解其他人是 否能够应证他的呼召。上帝呼召个人投入宣教事工是很罕见的,因为宣教是群体的工作,而不是靠个体 就能执行的。吁请一个没有得到清晰应证,认同呼召的教会社体去支持他的宣教工作是不公平的。 宣教事工具有一种特殊的吸引力,但教会领袖需要谨慎辨别这是否真的出自上帝的心意,或者只是个人 暂时的感动。信徒常会遇到一些人向他们征询支持,而做领袖的必须以相爱,恩慈和智慧的灵对待这类 的事件。毕竟,若是上帝的心意,祂必感动很多真诚的支持者。 黄文合牧师(博士)